#laughing Jack imagines
the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Laughing Jack resting his head on your lap
Guys can you tell this is my go to prompt when I dont know what else to write LMAO at this rate I may as well make full cast posts for each fandom with this idea
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Okay get ready to have a huge clown on your lap. The man is 8 feet tall, and hes not exactly thin either. On top of that he has a lot of poofy hair, so it's going to get in your face, more than likely. Runs your fingers through his hair, he might just purr! He can do that, me thinks..
He wraps his arms around you while he lays down, twisting them all around your waist effectively binding you to him until hes satisfied. This sort of thing becomes a common occurrence if you dont fight back, essentially enabling him
He might get a little whiny if you have to get up to do something and he might put up a bit of a fight before relenting.. pleas give him a kiss on the cheek before go, he'll brighten right up!
Hes even more likely to do this if he hasn't seen you for a while, because you've been at work or hanging out with other people.. he missed you! He feels neglected, too, so hes going to be fighting extra hard for your attention
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Hello, I came because I was looking for things about creepypasta, it's been so long that I really think it's already a little dead- and I saw your writing about them so I came to ask something about that if you still write for them well am I lucky? Anyway, here I go…
slenderman with someone who hangs on him like a koala-
you can include his reaction when it first happened if you want
Slenderman, Jason The Toy Maker, Laughing Jack and Splendorman with S/O who Hangs On Them Like a Koala
A/N: Thank you Anon for requesting this HCS! I'm sorry for the long update, it has been such a hectic day because of college and research. I hope you understand! Also, this is one of the funniest requests I have received and this makes my day. Thank you for requesting.
Gender: Neutral
Warning: None except profanities
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It is canon that Slenderman is very tall, above than ten feet tall so it was no wonder many people are scared of this faceless creature and no one has a gut to mess with him.
So it is no surprise that you are imagining yourself hanging onto your romantic partner like a monkey that is hanging onto a tree, it is quite an amusing sight.
Because of these thoughts, you finally have the courage to do it just to see your boyfriend's reaction if you are hanging onto him and latching him like a koala would.
Slenderman's first-time reaction when you hung onto his arm like a koala, he was not only surprised but he was also quite confused about why are you hanging onto his arms.
"Darling, why are you hanging into my arms like this. Do you realize that...I am not a tree?" He raised his unexistent eyebrows in confusion.
The second time you are latching up to him and hanging onto his arms like a koala. He is not as much as surprised as before but he was still confused like the first time you were hanging onto his arm before.
"Why do you hang onto his arms like that? Is there any purpose? Or are you just bored and want to entertain yourself by clinging to my arm?" That is mostly what would Slenderman ask himself when looking at you while you are still hanging onto him.
As time goes by and you're always latching up to his arms like a koala would, he would just gonna let you be even though it would annoy him sometimes when he is busy.
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Having Slenderman as your romantic partner has its own perks, especially if you are a book and literature lover because your boyfriend does collect some fiction books with great plot stories and characters. You have free access to your boyfriend's private library and his office room without getting killed in the place.
However, that does not mean you can be fully entertained even if you have this access and you need more than just Reading books to make yourself not get bored. The poor (Y/N) NEED more, it could be going outside and wandering around in the forest, interacting with the other proxies, or anything that just can kill your boredom.
The grandpa clock on the wall still ticking painfully and Slenderman is busy reading the books that he got from stealing other creatures' libraries, for what? Who knows, you never understand your boyfriend's mindset and goal.
Not wanting to die out of boredom, an idea popped and crossed into your mind and the corner of your lips tugged upwards but it was stopped immediately by Slenderman's words."(Y/N) darling, please don't even think like that. I am busy reading this book and don't bother me." But that did not stop the (Y/N) (L/N). Walking very slowly towards your tall faceless boyfriend, there was a buzzing noise in (Y/N)'s head but she/he/they decide to ignore the sound as it gets louder and louder whereas you were getting closer to the faceless giant in front of you. Without any second thought, you leapt into the air as the calves of your legs used as a spring.
"(Y/N)-!" Slenderman accidentally threw his book away seeing you suddenly tackling him. Both of your arms were tightly wrapped around his torso as well as both of your legs. An innocent smile adorned across of your face with a twinkle in both of your eyes that shows 'mischief." He was standing there, frozen in surprise seeing you acting like this but it did not last long before Slenderman takes a deep breath.
"Fine....just don't bother me while I'm reading," Slenderman mutters.
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Now Splendorman may be as tall as his older but he was a little bit shorter than his faceless stuck-up brother so it also means you can hang onto your boyfriend, Splendorman.
Unlike his brother, Splendorman has also more patience than his brother so it was no surprise that you didn't get unpunished by his reaction when you were hanging onto his arms.
There would be even a time he is encouraging you to climb him and then hanging onto his arms like a koala, then. He would laugh because he thinks it was rather funny.
The first time this happens, Splendorman was very surprised by you climbing and hanging onto his arms like a koala. He did not expect it but he did not mind it instead, he find this sight amusing.
He could not help but let out some small giggles here and there while watching you do that. he thinks you look adorable like this and even sometimes even offers you some candy while you are climbing his arms.
Not only he does gives candy to you to make you happy but he also swings his arms gently to rock you if you are getting bored and need some kind of challenge, he wong swings too hard to make you fall off.
He won't get annoyed like Slenderman does if you keep swinging or climbing him like a Koala every day, he just genuinely thinks you are bored and need entertainment or be affectionate.
Thus, if you want to cling to someone like a koala? It is better having him as the 'tree'. He genuinely thinks you look cute doing this to him.
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Lights are everywhere inside the carnival as well as sounds of people chattering around despite the sound was not from a real human. Those loud and lingering sounds actually came from the radio and the speaker just to make the carnival less lonely. A certain peculiar person with (H/C) hair colour and (E/C) eye colour had a date with a certain smiling man.
The two of you hold hands together with a blush adorning both of your cheeks, smiling happily and walking with the certain giant with a polka dot suit. He has been spoiling you since Valentine's day and today he brought you to his personal carnival which is less creepy than Laughing Jack's carnival.
"(Y/N) Sweetiepie. I have a surprise for you but you need to close your eyes and follow me," Splendorman's grin widened.
"What kind of surprise?" You ask him.
"Oh honey, it's a surprise. If I tell you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore," he puffs both of his cheeks playfully, making himself look like a squirrel.
"Alright, fine. Just don't give me a poisonous candy like that jerk, Laughing Jack," you told him
"I promise I won't," he gently put the blindfold over of your eyes before tying the end of the cloth.
His large and cold hands gently held both of your smaller hands before gently pulling you, "Follow me..." he whispers. Believing your boyfriend, you began stepping forward and following his voice as well as his lead, wondering what kind of surprise he is going to give you.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
It was quite a long walk and (Y/N) could feel both of their/her/his feet began aching in pain after a long stroll together with Splendorman. His voice reaches out to your ears once the two of you stop together, "Now, you can open the blindfold." Your heart began beating like crazy as if it was just gonna pop out of nowhere but you knew Splendorman will never endanger you in any way.
Lowering the blindfold carefully, both of your eyes widen in surprise to see several boxes laid on top of the tables with a pair of chairs facing each other. Of course near the table, there is an enormous teddy bear holding a red heart with a written 'I love you.'
(Y/N) could not help but the smile across your face brightens seeing all of the surprises that Splendorman gave you before you jump up to your boyfriend, squealing in happiness and wrapping your arms around his torso, nuzzling your head on the crook of his neck and hugging him as if he was a soft teddy bear.
The smiling man could not help but he was utterly surprised seeing your reaction but it did not last long as a chuckle escapes from his throat, wrapping his tendrils and arms around you and hugging you closer before his lips placed on top of the crown of your head, "I'm glad you like it, (Y/N)."
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Laughing Jack
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Laughing Jack might be one of the tallest proxies in the mansion among the killers after Splendorman and Slenderman but he's also a little bit shorter than them.
Thus, he is also can be climbed like a tree and hugging him like a koala when you are getting bored. Unlike Slenderman, he did not find this strange.
He also did not find it annoying either. Just like Splendorman, he thinks this sight might be really amusing because he did not think you are going to pull this kind of stunt.
However, he is not as nice as Splendorman who he just gonna let you be hanging onto him like a koala peacefully. Nope, Laughing Jack can be a little bit of an ass.
The reason I am saying this is because he will in fact gonna swing your pretty hard just to scare you off and pretend he will gonna drop you just for shit giggles.
Oh, you are still not getting scared by that prank that he just pull out on you? he will do so much worse than just swinging you hard. Laughing Jack would even try to tickle you out of nowhere until you laugh your ass off and let him go.
He's not going to be ass forever though so don't worry about him keep being an annoying piece of shit. WHen he was nice, he would offer you a candy that is not poisonous and save for you to eat.
Sometimes would let you hang onto him while he is watching his favorite shows and would be sweet enough for cuddling you closer to his arms
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it was never a boring day having Laughing Jack as your boyfriend, he always had a bright idea to make the day more fun and enjoyable despite it can be sometimes really chaotic and could make Slenderman angry because of the mess. But it did not last long until recently.
Today there's supposed to be a mission given by the faceless man to you and your boyfriend by killing people who found out about their secret but those people already got handled by Jeff and Eyeless Jack on the day beforehand so the two of you had a free time after all of those dramas.
(Y/N) and Laughing Jack currently sitting on the couch together with the middle of the sofa are a bowl of wrapped hard candies that Laughing Jack had made for you and himself while watching whatever in front of the TV.
Both of the lids of (Y/N) eyes were getting heavy and heavier with each second, the boredom slowly going to kill them/her/him and going to make (Y/N) fall asleep at any second whereas the certain clown enjoys the horror show about a clown dismembering children. It's not really a TV show, it was a recorded video of him torturing children.
But it did not last long as your eyes opened once again and both of (E/C) eye colours landed on the monochrome clown who keeps giggling like a madman and an idea popped across your mind. The clown did not notice that you were moving very slowly, getting closer to him with each second.
Laughing Jack yelped and then his eyes shited at the certain (H/C) hair-coloured killer who already tackling him down. Both of her/his/their arms wrapped around the monochrome clown torso and a smile danced across of (Y/N)'s face. Instead of getting angry, Laughing Jack laughed out loud, seeing what (Y/N)'s just did was hella hilarious.
"I'm aware of that," you retaliate, popping the tongue out from your mouth.
"Hehehe, were you bored? I'm sorry my little kitten getting bored," he said before one of his fingers took one of the candies and put the sweet inside of your mouth. Accepting his gesture, your lips parted away and let the sweet glide inside of your mouth with a lemon-like flavour covered your whole mouth.
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Jason the Toymaker
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Just like Laughing Jack, Jason the Toymaker might be a little bit calmer than Laughing Jack but that doesn't mean he hates physical touch, especially by you.
He might be not as tall as Slenderman and Splendorman but his height is almost the same as Laughing Jack (Which means, he is quite really tall).
So seeing you hanging onto him and cuddling him like a a koala latching on the tree makes his cold heart box melt seeing you like this.
Although he does finds it a little bit weird you're doing this because just like 'Am I really climbable? Why is (Y/N) clinging to my arms like a koala?'
Cuz he never sees adults doing this, he only sees kids doing this and his ex-friend too but that girl was when she was still a kid too although he did not mind it in the end.
He's less of a jerk like Laughing Jack because he's not going to scare you off on purpose just for shit and giggles but he does find it annoying if you do this when he is trying to make a doll.
Just don't hang onto him like a koala when he's working or he will give the scariest glare at you before he kicks you out of his room for distracting him from his job.
Overall, just like a Splendorman and Laughing Jack but much calmer than the two of them. Loves you when you're clingy like this, especially when the two of you hanging out together.
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Tonight was the day after all of the children he had brought turned into a doll and the certain doll maker finally had free time to hang out together with his S/O. Sweats have been trickling down from the scalp of his forehead and those dolls got sent away. Jason the Toymaker is definitely tired after all of the missions that Slenderman has given to him.
He could not wait to just hang out with you and spend the rest of the time together doing something relaxing or maybe going out to ease his upcoming headache. The certain red-haired killer trudges slowly from the abandoned hallway and leaves the dark hallway before he went to the closest room which is the living room.
Inside the living room, he can see the certain killer with (H/C) hair colour with a (H/L) Hair length, the particular person also has a pair of (E/C) eye colours as well as (S/C) skin colour on the screen in front of them/her/him. (Y/N) could not help but yawn as their/her/his finger keeps pressing on the button of the remote TV, keep changing the channels to find an interesting show but none of them made you get excited enough.
Jason could not help but silently chuckles as he sees your condition, he found it was a little bit funny but also a little bit sad that you're bored out of your mind. Even the news that shows the recent kill that proxies had done did not make (Y/N) giddy at all. Instead, it makes (Y/N) yawn harder than before.
Jason slowly approaches you as your ears pick up the sound of his footsteps getting closer to you and your eyes shifted to the certain toymaker. Despite he was grinning creepily, it was just his happy smile as he sees you, "Are you bored, darling?" Jason the Toymaker asks.
You did not say anything to him but to answer his question, you gave him a brief nod before you shifted your butt away from the couch, letting your boyfriend sit next to you. But your next action made the poor red-haired killer startled a little bit. Both of your arms wrapped around his shoulder with legs also wrapped around his waist, gently placing your head on his cold shoulder and nuzzling your head on the crook of his neck.
"Uhh..darling? What are you doing??" he asks, raising his eyebrows a little bit but also smiling a little bit, finding this scene to be amusing.
"Hanging to you like a koala...now shut up," you mumble.
Hearing your answer, Jason could not help but rolls his green eyes playfully at you before he places his long slender fingers on top of your hand, gently giving a soothing rub on the back of your head. He's glad that you're acting a little bit clingy today despite you look like a koala hanging onto him.
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alcinaslittlemaid · 3 months
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That one meme but the hottest horror clowns of tumblr
Art by me! Tag me if you reblog please!
The fact this drawing took over almost two weeks is astonishing😭🙏
Kudos if you know the meme
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scary-lasagna · 5 months
Hello, I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if it was okay if to request LJ, Bloody Painter, and Hoodie (separately) with a siren reader? Reader, in her human form, is slightly stronger, durable, and faster. However, in their siren form (which happens when they get submerged underwater) they have the typical powers of a siren, but they also have limit consciousness. What I mean by that is that they are a lot more feral in this form, and doesn’t really recognize anyone in that form, but like, around their partners, they’d sort of feel familiar to them, so reader in their siren form won’t attack them or anything. Hope this makes sense!
In my AU sirens can also transform into bird-like creatures! They have power over the sea and the air :] I decided to implement that as well.
Laughing Jack
Jack, as you know, runs an old, worn-down circus.
There are no more acts of beasts, or rare animals from the human realm, but more so of a retirement place for the creatures.
He basically bought you off of the black market, watching the algae float around the the cramped tank they kept you in.
There was no way he'd be able to sleep at night, knowing he could prevent another lonely night for you.
You got a lovely spot next to Snowflake, his prized albino Tiger, which Jack thought was so funny, because of the cat and fish dynamic.
But after research and asking around after taking care of you for a month, he concluded to take you out of the water.
He enjoyed that month of bonding and feeding you, and even reading you stories whenever you seemed bored with any enrichment toys and food he gave you. He wondered if you would even remember him.
But you did, and you thanked him profusely for rescuing you, even if he had no idea how much it cost or energy it took to rehabilitate a siren-like yourself.
And Jack was always willing to learn whatever you told him, even bringing up stories from your culture about how the sea will reach toward the moon in an attempt to reach its lover that flew too high.
And it took am embarrassingly long amount of time to realize that Jack's feathers were fake, simply a silly decoration he enjoyed.
But over time, you two grew close, and now you have a rather large tank full of a small reef and a complete array of fish to keep you happy whenever you decide to dip your toes.
Oh, Helen is just head over heels for you.
He thinks you're the most beautiful muse he's ever come across, and every time you step foot in the water you two fall in love all over again.
You actually almost killed him the first time you met. Both of you thought you were alone, and quickly realized the presence of the other.
He managed to squeeze you into his painting of the sunset, but before leaving, he gathered seashells into the tide.
You almost bit his arm off, and ended up getting a face full of oil paint. It tasted lovely, as you can imagine, (it tasted like you gulped down an oil spill).
As while busy gagging and attempting to wash your mouth out, and drink the sea water, which would make even the best of sirens sea-sick, Helen took charge and dragged you out of the water to help you.
And you hit it off since, and many of his paints of you have gained quite the popularity.
Not gonna lie, he thinks you are pretty terrifying.
The first time you went to the beach, Brian expected something like Ariel, or even the mermaids from Pirates of the Caribbean.
He was not expecting your true form in the slightest.
Your jaw unhinged and ripped your cheeks clean in half to reveal not one, but multiple rows of sharp teeth.
And he's seen many things and creatures in his career as a proxy, but a siren had not been one of them. Slender had mentioned staying away from them, especially as humans, you can be lured whenever they decide to be bored of you, and then drag you to the sea floor.
Or maybe they'll grab you up in their talons leading to sculpted human legs and drop you in a vat of bubbling acid.
Whatever the case was, it seemed as if it went into one ear and out with other with Brian, because he fell in love.
But damn, in the water you were hella creepy. And of course, you thought it was a game to scare this familiar stranger shitless since he seemed so keen on staying around you.
He managed to lure you out from the water with a little jar of "siren-bait" from one of the seaside shops. It didn't work as expected, but you really just wanted to see if it contained any edible food.
But he liked pruning your wings and picking off the casing of new feathers whenever they came in, and if he wasn't feeling too tired, he would give you a small massage to your shoulders after holding up your wings for so long.
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cry1ngchild · 1 year
Laughing Jack: We’re not just sure, we’re HIV positive :)
Jason: Will you stop it with that?!! What part of this is funny to you!
Laughing Jack: Jason we need-
Jason: WHAT PART of being infected with a DEADLY DISEASE!! is funny to you?!?
Laughing Jack: I don’t think it’s funny Jason
Jason: Then stop saying that ‘you’re not just sure that your HIV postitive’!!
Laughing Jack: 👀
Jason: This isn’t funny! Dying isn’t funny!! So just SHUT THE F*bleep*K UP!!!
Laughing Jack: Look. If you just wanna be so… HIV negative all the time-
Laughing Jack: … are you sure?
Jason: YES
Laughing Jack: are you… HIV positive-?
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Goldilocks and the Creeps
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Fandom: Creepypasta, specifically the old x reader interpretations.
Tendency to write one of these for random fandoms when I have trouble napping
You need a place to sleep, here's a pros and cons list you're tried.
Masky: Has no problem with you sleeping in his bed -he's the problem. Too tired to care about getting changed he flops into bed, on top of his covers still dressed in his jeans and doesn't even bother to kick off his boots. Asleep in minutes and sounds like he's sawing logs. You take his extra pillow to sandwich out the sound.
Bloody Painter: His room retains the coppery scent from old paintings hung on his walls, but his otherwise tidy and welcoming, not a big cuddler and might take the opportunity to paint you after you've gotten comfortable and fallen asleep. Not a bad choice.
Liu/Sully: Liu is wonderful, very respectful and a little shy if you want to snuggle. Quiet and sleeps on his side, has a cozy comforter. Sully just wants to fuck and will wake you up to ask once Liu's asleep.
Eyeless Jack: Seems great, comfy enough bed, doesn't snore, will keep to himself or hold you if you prefer. You can easily ignore that deep intake of breath when his nose is at your nape. All's good until you wake up to him licking you like he's taste-testing if you're done.
Hoodie: Sure you can sleep in his room, but it's so sparsely decorated like a cheap motel room and he sits on the edge of his dresser filming you. He's not being particularly weird about it, normal and chill if you talk to him.
Sally: Offers to share her bed when she hears you need somewhere to sleep! An offer too sweet to turn down, but her pink princess children's bed is too small for you both and you end up the rest of the night on the couch, but thank her with pancakes in the morning.
Dr. Smiley: You were exhausted of everyone else and went down to sleep on his vacant operating table, dragging your pillow and fuzzy blanket along. All was well until he arrives home with a new victim screaming in tow.
Puppeteer: Not the most welcoming but you push past him and flop onto his bed. Will trace little lines down your shoulders and arms while you sleep trying not to wake you, may subtle turn you towards him with his strings to see if you'll cuddle him.
Laughing Jack: Super cuddly and comfy! wraps his arms around you multiple times and just envelops you in warmth and he's soft like felt, great night until you get really fucked up dreams. Can't untangle yourself then either.
Jason the Toymaker: His bed is covered in stuffed toys he has made and he is very comfy to hold/be held by. Doesn't sleep much so if you wake up his bright green eyes illuminate looking down at you, but that doesn't disturb your sleep. Similar freaky dreams again though.
Ticci Toby: Great cuddle buddy, little spoon, cozy to snuggle against. Until you wake up with a bloody nose from his elbow and he's still snoring away.
Slenderman: Does he sleep? Might just 'stare' at you for asking if you can sleep in his bed, without an answer you're not sure if he's mocking you or bewildered by the question, too tired you just try the next one. Maybe Smile Dog's bed is empty.
BEN DROWNED: Very high on the list, just take an eye mask and noise canceling headphones, have his bed to yourself while he games. Plus if you sleep-grab him to cuddle he'll just freeze up at let you. No body heat tho and his room smells like doritos and moutain dew.
Jeff the Killer: Sleeps like he is dead, does not move a muscle, such quiet breathing, not bad if you don't mind the feeling there's a corpse next to you. But if he forgets to put his eye-mask on you turn over and see his eyes flickering back and forth at crazy speeds.
Jane the Killer: She prefers her space but might let you out of pity seeing those eye bags and hearing your issues. Gives you a face mask before bed and it's a proper sleepover until you pass out. Wants to talk pros and cons (you're giving her this list) of everyone later.
Kagekao: 10/10, finally no issues. You two get drunk and chat before bed and you peacefully pass out in a good mood. Lets you sleep in his bed whenever.
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hotspace39 · 2 months
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m0ldymushr00mz · 1 year
I don’t care what anyways says Jeff def isn’t anything like a lot of the fanfics. He wouldn’t care if he was hurting you, everything he does his for his pleasure you’re lucky if you even cum, and he definitely wouldn’t be loyal at all. I think the only pro would be you’re not dead he most likely kills all the other girls/guys he fucks.
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Corpse au case fic where the trio decided to try cracking a murder mystery, except instead of angst it's a comedy of errors where they make everything worse.
Like. Danny comes out of a portal dead and translucent and glowing, and there's charred remains of a human body on the floor. So now all three of them are freaking out, and instead of asking for help, or finding an adult, or telling literally ANYONE, they decide to just. Get rid of the body. As one does.
So that's what they do: they break out Tucker's nice shovels (because god forbid Sam's family owned something as pheasant as a shovel, and Danny's too afraid of touching their family's Patented Fenton ShovelsTM for... reasons), they find a nice desolate clearing in the woods, and then they bury Danny's body like one would a very unfortunate hamster who met their demise too soon under very suspicious circumstances. They even stay at the new "grave" in silence for a minute or five in respect and DEFINITELY nothing else, you know. And so, they bury the body, and then they (try to) forget the experience as some horrific nightmare.
And then, a year later, there's an uproar: the Amity Park's police department found the child's remains in the woods! And you see, Amity Park is not THAT big of a town, and the police estimated that the body belonged to a 14-15 year old child, and, look, there's only so many schools in a small town, alright. Obviously, the rumours start very soon in Casper High: about how the kid could've gone to their school, about how they could've died, about whether or not anybody was missing them, about their identity, and some definitely-truthworthy-would-I-lie-to-you-bro-come-on sources insist that the kid was murdered around a year ago, around the time ghosts started showing up. And these rumours obviously reach the ears of Sam, Danny and Tucker.
Now, you would've thought that their first thought would be something like "oh no, they found Danny's body", or "oh no, they know", or even simply "we're sooo fucked". Except. You see, the night they buried the body? It was really cloudy. And dark. And, y'know, it's very easy to get lost in a forest. And they were too high-strung, you see, they completely forgot to leave some sort of a marker or anything. And also like, it was so long ago, you know? A lot have happened, they were sooo busy and the likes, you can't really blame them for forgetting some things.
And here's lies the problem: all three of them just fucking forgot that there was a body left to bury at all.
And then it gets out that the police can't even conduct any sort of DNA test because it became corrupted to the point of being absolutely unrecognisable due to exposure to a large amount of ecto-energy.
It's now looks like a bad set up for a joke: an identifiable body of a child, cause of death unknown; the probable involvement of ghosts or at the very least a very large quantity of ecto-energy; a probable murderer on the loose, which naturally breeds suspicion and speculation; a town full of all kinds of rumours; and a trio of absolute dumbasses, who after hearing that ghosts were involved immediately went to stick their noses where they don't belong.
Rejoice, Amity Park! Sam, Danny and Tucker are now on the case! Except they are all teenagers, and nobody in their right mind will allow teenagers to solve a murder case. Plus, them poking around would be highly suspicious, but Phantom, on the other hand?
(people seeing Phantom helping solve this case and coming to the conclusion that the ghosts were definitely involved was not on their bingo card, but oh well)
They don't go to the cops, obviously: Danny at least in part because he's worried they will call GIW on his ass or try to arrest him, and Sam and Tucker simply because fuck the cops (one because the police is involved in a militaristic, capitalistic corrupted system that breeds injustice and furthers the divide between average people and the wealthy, and the other because cops suck and will probably call GIW on his friend's ass). They also can't go to any other authorities: cops are out of the question, as is the mayor; laboratory personnel will most likely just throw them out; and there're no witnesses or known relatives, so they're stuck.
Therefore they decide that desperate times need desperate measures, and so they enlist all of their ghost allies on a quest, hoping to find the ghost of the kid. Considering the amount of ecto-energy they were subjected to, they MUST have formed a ghost, they only need to find them.
Except. The Ghost Zone is a big place, and they only have so many allies, even if some of them are a queen and a god. So Danny bites the bullet and does the most stupid (debatable) thing he has ever done: he goes to his enemies for help. They're surprisingly understanding and willing to help, even if some of their reasons are a little... strange (Skulker and Johnny entered some sort of competition on who finds the ghost first, Box Ghost starts to seek out coffins (??) and Youngblood is not above to start torturing people to finally have a friend that is not either an adult or a complete stick in the mud). And even then they still can't find the ghost.
In the end Danny goes to Clockwork in a desperate hope that he will be able to glimpse at least a little of what had transpired on the night of the murder, and to Danny's annoyance Clockwork laughs so hard he almost pops a ghost equivalent of a blood vessel.
A few weeks down the line Sam hesitantly brings up Danny's buried corpse ("MY WHAT" "Your corpse which we buried in the woods, Danny, don't you remember?" "Yeah, bro, I think you dissociated the whole time we were digging the hole and carrying your dead body" "WE DID WHAT-"), reasonably saying that, you know, they ALSO technically buried a body in the woods. On that Tucker just shrugs because obviously it was not Danny's body, the place of the burial was way off, he remembers that there was a really big stone to the left of the grave (he doesn't and there wasn't), so they are in the clear. During that exchange Danny's sitting on the floor and having a panic attack, because he really did dissociate the whole time and afterwards legitimately forgot that there was a body to bury at all.
After that conversation all three of them leave with a certainty that Danny's body is still there where they left it, whenever it was. And so the shenanigans continue.
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reallapiscake12 · 1 month
im just really curious cause this comic was a big part of my time in fandom as a kid but im not sure how many people also know about it
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ask-darling-xoxo · 2 years
Thinking about the creepypasta characters taking a liking to you and deciding that you’re their new favorite obsession other than killing, that they find themselves wanting to court you.
They love to take time out of their schedules and just watch you go about your day, watching closely and seeing the way you act and behave. They study you closely, wanting to know any and everything about you. When you’re gone for hours at a time from home, they easily break in, wanting to see the inside of your home. Each time they learn something new about you, their obsession with you just grows and they find themselves becoming awfully attached but they can’t help themselves. You’re unaware of their presence, innocently going about your life and it makes them hunger for your attention but not just yet! They need to make sure no one else is in the way, gotta get rid of any competition that may become a potential threat or already is a threat. But don’t worry, some of them understand the basic human necessities of needing companions but only after they’ve reviewed over your close friends. Any of them they find unfit for you, you’ll find yourself growing distant from them but it’s all for you! Everything they’re doing is for you. They’re even kind enough to watch over you as you sleep, softly whispering compliments and praises in your ear, worshipping your body, their hands softly caressing your skin. Some of them may be bold enough to leave a small mark on your skin, they know you won’t ever find out. You’ll never find out until they WANT you to find out. It isn’t until you do find out that starts to get just a bit confusing for them. Why are you panicking? Why did you just crumple their love letter/confession to you? Why are you double locking your doors and windows? Aren’t you thankful to have someone so dangerous on your side? They love you! So why are you trying to hide from them. All they want is to love you, and if you won’t let them then they have no choice but to take you.
Don’t worry, they’ll show you that they love you! Maybe you were just confused! They’ll give you time to stop crying and maybe if you’re good enough they’ll even untie you and take the gag out! Don’t run from them though, they aren’t fans of it. They’ll just sigh and take you back to your new home, having to go back to first base and start all over again. It’s better if you just accept,—I mean, “understand” that everything they’re doing is for you. It’s a dangerous world out there darlings. They’re just trying to protect you and keep you to themselves! They love you so much, don’t you feel lucky? You charmed them!~
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
I'm on my creepypasta bullshit again [currently creepypast and some animes I use to watch as a kid are hitting my brain full force again, lmao!!! For the millionth time, who would have guessed it] perhaps laughing jack x reader who struggles with migraines? Lately my memory has been getting bad, as my girlfriend has noticed, and pointed out that it might be due to stress and the amount of migraines I've been getting. I'm curious how jack would react to a reader whose going through the same?
Take your time getting to this! Get some water and food and have a break ^^ writing is hard, truly! Even coming up with headcanons because my head is empty, and if it isn't I'm stressing myself the fuck out lmao [like rn YIPPEE] anyhow, have the best of best days! Thank you for taking the time to even read over this.
Laughing Jack x reader who has migraines!
Aw man I'm so so sorry to hear you're going through all that man :( I hope things let up soon, make sure to rest and drink plenty of water!!
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He would notice something is wrong with you; any irritability, struggling with words and memory, and generally being a little... ueuegg..
But I'm not quite sure that he would immediately know what's happening to you, hes a clown not a doctor! So theres a chance you may need to explain to him what's going on and what a migraine is
Because he sure as hell doesnt have internet access..... I mean unless he snaps your phone but he might scratch up the screen with his claws and no one wants that..
I think he would have a very
Interesting way to help you with migraines!
Stressed out? Hes going to be blunt and literally ban you from doing anything around the house. Let Jack take care of you! Sure he doesnt know how to cook and his cleaning habits are questionable ... but it's the thought that counts! Try to do work on your computer or phone? Hes gonna drag you to bed and trap you in his long arms!
Oooo hes warm, too, so that may help ease any pains as well...
He literally shoves his (warm) face into the back of your neck^
Makes sure the lights stay dim, curtains closed, ect. If he were more naive, he would yell at the sun to go away.... actually he might do that, in hopes that the goofiness would cheer you up just a little bit
That said hes going to be very pushy about your fluids, you're not going to be dehydrated on his watch! This man will march up to you with a water bottle and demand you drink. And you can bet hes going to perch himself at the foot of your bed to make sure you do just that
Gently massages the.. palm..? Heel..? The bit where the palm and wrist connect.. he massages that into any areas/pressure points to try to relieve any aches and tension. Very careful about his claws
He can purr, I think, so he might pull you into his chest and just. Let it rip
Let's you fall asleep on him as well, I think he would be the best snuggle buddy. Hes big, soft, warm, and he can easily snake his arms around you a few times since they can stretch and are boneless. Easily beats any weighted blanket, I think
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tinyfantasminha · 10 months
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Black butler AU where everything is the same but Sebastian has chronic acid reflux.
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seward looking over at van helsing during lucy's funeral - right when arthur is giving a harrowing euology - and silently begging Dr. VH with his eyes Do. Not. Laugh!
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eyelessjacksmask · 6 months
now taking request!
hi friends, i decided to make a blog and start taking request for hc's, and imagines! this will mainly be a creepypasta bIog, but i'm open to possibly writing for other fandoms as well in the future. you can find who i write for and my rules on this post!
Who I Write For:
Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Homicidal Liu, The Bloody Painter
Be specific! I don't mind long request, and it will help me write better.
I will write pretty much anything, including dark topics (such as noncon, selfharm, and eating disorders) If you aren't sure, just ask! Most likely I'll be okay with it and if not I'll let you know.
Going off of number 2, I will not write graphic noncon, nor will I write the character harming the reader. I just prefer to have the character comfort the reader (or go out and end the person who hurt them because they 100% would)
If you want a character that isn't on my list, please request them! The ones listed are the ones I have the most knowledge about and the ones I most enjoy writing for, but have no issue writing for others.
The reader will always be gender neutral, but if it is smut I will go for AFAB since that is what I am used to writing.
Other than that, please request as much as you want and more so whatever you want. I'll do my best to get the request done as fast as possible but I do have a full time job and am in college so it might take a day or two!
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