#legend of Zelda demise
The artist and the king pt:3
Ganondorf x reader
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Warning ⚠️ : none except for angst
They wiped away their tears and looked at ganondorf with a small smile "thank you for being there for me", ganondorf give them a smile in return, he gently put his forehead on their's and spoke "I would destroy hyrule for you". This surprised them but they shaked off the feeling he's just saying it metamorphicly right?.....right??
He helped them up
"okay, let's go patch you up"
He led them through the halls of the temple, the temple was decorated in beautiful embroidered silks and carvings on the wall depicteding battle that they have won. He stopped at a well furnished room "this is where you will stay at, I don't trust you going back to those... things". They could practically feel the rage in his tone it looks like he still is pissed off at what happened still, and by the look of things... he isn't going to give it up any time soon...
"I'll be back with some medical supplies to help mend those wounds" and he left only his footsteps could be heard walking away. They looked around at the gorgeous room, they were really starting to wish that their art supplies weren't broken. They sighed looking at their torn up leather bag, it looks like they were going to have to buy at the marketplace tomorrow. They looked at the mirror in the room.
They looked awful "wow who knew a bunch of farmers can do all this..." they said to them selves. A knock on the door could be heard, and ganondorf was back with medical supplies and new clothes
"am back and I got you some new clothes,
since yours is a bit worse for wear. Who knew farmers could do all that".
"That's what I said! " They both chuckled lightly, and the room was silent. It was hard for them both to just ignore the gravity of the situation. "Alright, let's get you patched up.." he spoked softly like if he was too loud everything could break everything. He wrapped the last bandages on their their arm "that should do it" he smiled. "Thank you for helping me out" they smiled back at him. "It's nothing, you are my love, and I would do anything for you" he moved some hair from their face, "and plus you we were going to live together eventually so might as well now" he tried to lighten the mood . They laid together in the bed looking at the ceiling.
"What is it (y/n)?"
"Do you think a war will break out?"
Ganondorfs face gets very serious as he hears their question.. this is a very grim topic, a very serious topic.. it's a heavy question..
He seems to be carefully weighing his answer before he speaks
"... I do.. I feel like the lands are very much at risk.."
Ganondorfs eyes look over they sadly, a genuine sadness in them.. and then he sighs, before speaking again..
"... How about you? Do you feel like we are on the brink of war?"
They looked sadly looked at the ceiling. They sighed while their fingers combed their hair. " I feel like something horrible is coming but I don't know what it is..". Ganondorfs golden eyes glow as he stares off into the distance, his eyes full of sadness as he thinks about what they said.. he lets out another sigh
"... You're right.. I feel it too.. there's something coming.. I feel it in the wind.. I have no idea where it will come from, or what form it will take.. but I know it will come.."
He speaks very seriously the entire time
"... I just hope it won't devour us whole"
They got closer to him and hold his hand "listen if anything where to happen, I will give everything to keep you and these lands safe". Ganondorfs face lights up with kindness, as if this brings him a great hope.. he looks over at them and offers you a gentle smile.. his face seems incredibly sincere
"... Thank you.. you have no idea how much that means to me.."
Ganondorfs golden eyes shine bright, his face seems genuinely full of gratitude for what they said.. it seems that is a very heartfelt statement for him, and he can't help but offer a gentle smile in respect for what it means to him..
"... I.. I promise, I will never let you down"
They hugged each other, and both drifted off to sleep, knowing the comfort and safety in each other's arms. The artist woke up in a darkness only seeing embers of flames. They walked in the darkness, the ground felt like needles, and the atmosphere was heavy. Smoke of fire filled the air.. they could feel eye's watching them...
"I know you're watching me, show your self! I can see you...."
Out of the shadows... a muscler man walk out with his eyes and firey hair, darkness pulses through his body...it was demise.
"How can you see through my spell?" He seems just a bit surprised
"HAHAHA! I was lying and you fell for my bluff" they answered with a smirked.
Demise was amused by their response, "well done, enlighten me...what is your name"
"You first and maybe I'll do the same" even though they know this wasn't to fuck around with. But They talked like if they already knew him.
"Do you know who I am?", he seemed to be getting annoyed by their calmness to the situation.
"I won't lie, I do, but very little thanks to my culture always erasing all the negative stuff... but am an artist and like studying every type of art, including hieroglyphics.. You're demise... the true king of the demons..." they spoked in a serious tone.
Demise laughed coldly, "what the hell is a 'artist' doing in my prison?" Demise snarled.
They seemed to be taken aback, "wait...I thought this a dream.." Now it seemed to be taking it seriously.
"Well this is about to be a nightmare real soon" he charged toward them with his flaming blade in hand but before he could land a blow. They waked up...
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taterdraws · 1 year
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broke the master sword? no worries! find its evil version instead!
as ganondorf broke the master sword i think it'd be very fair if link could get Demise's Sword. as a treat. (because stealing his horse isn't enough.)
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inkeyjay · 1 year
The Rise of Power 🩸
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The Triforce is finally complete :D (u can get prints over in my INPRNT)
Happy 20 days until Tears of the Kingdom!
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People like to romanticize the relationship between Zelda and Link in a whole “destined reincarnated soulmates” kind of way, but am I the only one who thinks it would be more interesting if Link didn’t love Zelda?
Like, think of it. Hylia is a Goddess, basically Hylian Jesus, and she loves this mortal man. A hero who stepped forward to defeat a Devil in the world’s hour of greatest need. But, he didn’t do it for her, he did it for the World. Even when he binds his soul to the Triforce, locking himself in an endless pattern of reincarnation with her against the Devil Demise, it’s not because he loves her. He loves Hyrule and its people.
But that’s okay, maybe in the next life they can be?
But it isn’t. Over and over, Hylia becoming Zelda, Link doesn’t love her. He loves Hyrule. He loves to dance to its music and ride its fields and wants to preserve it against the threat of Demise. He loves different women each time, and sometimes it is Hylia’s reincarnation, but they’re never the core of his heart.
It’s always Hyrule that he loves. From it’s savage and arid deserts to the cold and harsh tundra, he loves it, and steps forward to save it each time.
Duty, he calls it. Responsibility and Purpose, but Hylia/Zelda knows the truth. He’ll never love her the way she wants him to.
Hyrule will always be Link’s first and greatest love.
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demiboydemon · 1 year
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good-advice-ganondorf · 4 months
Aight this time I do need advice lmao if that's what you do if not I understand but I sorta want to take a small break after I graduate school however my mother and my guidance counselor just tried rail roading me on to going to collage this year in autum and i was planning on going next year what do
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the-nothing-maker · 1 year
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When will gods let you rest
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prankprincess123 · 10 months
Having the Triforce on your hand is kinda like those soulmate fics where you have names on each wrist identifying your true love and arch enemy, except if you have the Triforce of Power you get two enemies because you literally cursed yourself to watch their awkward teenage romance and get beaten up by them repeatedly for eternity.
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noraiir-arts · 10 months
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So close!! That is a shape 💕
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greenokapi · 7 months
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Found this old meme I made back in 2021
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luna-loveboop · 9 days
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... smoll art?
I have a lot of feelings on the boys who wield the master sword. They seem to have a lot of issues with blame. Legend has his head on straight. Personally I blame Ghirahim for everything ever.
Blame the blade for the killing?
Or blame the one who died
Blame the one who caused it!
Or blame your own pride?
Or is it the fault
Of those who started it all
Who tore peace from the sky
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appeypie · 1 year
Demise and ghirahim remind me of rose quartz and pearl from Steven universe
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beesandhoney1219 · 3 months
I think the linked universe fandom needs to use all the other villains in fics and not just Ganon.
Vaati, Cia, Ghirahim, Zant, Khoga, all of them. Even Astor.
I may just be a sucker for villains but I feel like these can all lead to very interesting fics. Like Warriors’ war and the fact he faced multiple of these villains, or how Astor is from a completely different timeline where the Calamity is stopped.
And don’t even get me started on Vaati. He’s my favorite villain fr
I don’t know who Legend, Wind and Hyrule’s villains would be though…since I haven’t played their games.
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yandereunsolved · 5 months
Legend of Zelda Villain(s) text posts | Part 1
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cathianemelian · 1 year
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Witness a King's return
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demiboydemon · 3 months
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