#lesbian master doc
marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
what are your thoughts on the lesbian master doc?
sorry if you’ve already talked about it! <3
The what? Hold for googling.
...upon googling, this seems well-intentioned but needlessly complicated and prescriptive. I get that Words Have Meanings and Lesbian Has A Definition, but the phrasing of "lesbians are allowed" to feel this or "you can be a lesbian if" that just turns me off in a big way.
To me, the term lesbian can apply to you if you:
are somewhere on the vague Woman side of the gender spectrum (not necessarily she/her or calling yourself 100% A WomanTM)
are attracted to people on that same side of the spectrum. the term usually applies an exclusivity of attraction to women/woman-aligned people nowadays, but there's historical precedent for "lesbian" just meaning "woman who likes other women regardless of other attraction," so...that's complicated
the rest of it boils down to "what am I, a cop?" for me
"but this male fictional character-"
"what am I, a cop?"
"but in the past I had boyfriends-"
"what am I, a cop?" [I had boyfriends as a teen actually. for me, that turned out to not be real attraction. for some people, it might have been! not a cop!]
Again, I think whoever wrote it was trying to help questioning or confused people in good faith. But any attempt to make something so complex and personal, simple and universal, is inevitably going to fail
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kenobicoffee · 11 months
As a bisexual woman myself whomst found bisexual men MASSIVELY attractive before I came to terms with my own sexuality, it is EXHAUSTING how many of my male friends have upped their romantic attraction to me the more androgynously and gayly I start to present and act.
I cannot escape from male objectification EVEN when I am actively trying to express ONLY wlw attraction.
Don’t get me wrong, if I can help aid a Straight™️ friends’ descent into gayness, I’ll gladly do so. But it’s NEVER that, it’s always just them falling in love with me BECAUSE I represent the part of themselves they can’t access, and then the friendship’s fucked up.
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schizononagesimus · 8 days
since i just mentioned it, here's the thing that made me realize properly that im a lesbian: the lesbian master doc. i haven't seen the link posted around here in a hot minute so here you all go<33
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ecstacymeloncoly · 2 months
The famous lesbian master doc
Summery: in 2018 author Angeli Luz would post on her now deactivated account at the age of 15 a Google doc of roughly 30 pages unpacking her personal experience and the common consensus of others people experience around lesbianism.
What it's not: the lesbian master doc isn't a one stop pit stop or sole understanding of what being a lesbian is. It's sources are other tumber blogs and others people's experiences from 2018. Like most papers, it's very dated due to the ever evolving understanding and meaning of what a lesbian is. It truly was a product of it's time.
Context: in 2018, the big mainstream understanding of what a lesbian means was a woman who loves a woman, for a lesbian was defined as "a woman who is sexually or romantically attracted to other women", esbian. (2024). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lesbian
But the epidemic of queer people not knowing queer history or having the resources to seek such information was and still is common to this day. For the 1990's had a less cut throat definitions of what is a lesbian.
"Nonpolitical definitions included four subgroups; those who defined lesbianism as sex/love with women, lesbianism as a true essence, just happening to love a woman and lesbianism as only one small aspect of the person..", Eliason, M.J., Morgan, K.S. Lesbians Define Themselves: Diversity in Lesbian Identification. International J ournal of Sexuality and Gender Studies 3, 47–63 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026204208243
Books such as
"Lesbianism and the Women's Movement" by Nancy Myron & Charlotte Bunch published in 1975 examins Lesbian identity and its linkages with feminist philosophy.
"The Gendered Society" by Michael Kimmel published in 2000s provides a comprehensive examination of gender, incorporating lesbian viewpoints into the larger conversation about gender and sexuality.
"Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community" by Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy and Madeline D. Davis published in 1992 examines the experiences and lives of lesbian women in Buffalo, New York, between the 1930s and the 1980s. The book offers an in-depth analysis of lesbian activism, social networks, and communal life, providing insightful information about the struggles and triumphs faced by lesbian communities throughout many years.
"Sapphistries: A Global History of Love between Women" by Joan Nestle published in 2002 is the examination of lesbian relationships and love in various historical eras and civilizations. broad examination of the ways in which women have shown their love for one another throughout history, questioning established myths and offering a viewpoint on lesbian experiences from a worldwide perspective. In Nestle's work, historical analysis and first-hand accounts are combined.
Have existed but been hidden away due to the refusal to teach queer history and make it widely known to the massive. <had I not taken that lesbian course in college I wouldn't have known the existence of these books>
Too a certain degree these definitions and ideas from 1999s still hold up to today's understanding of what a lesbian is. Had we had these types of information readily available it wouldn't have taken as long to reach today's current understanding.
Mainly the growing understanding of the difference in Gender identity and Sexuality. How a nonbinary could be a lesbian. <had you told 13yrd me that back in 2018 my head would have exploded for I thought I couldn't be both nonbinary and a lesbian>
Misinformation & credit able sources: it a given when writing an essay and papers one must cite its sources and understanding what type of source is being cited. The lesbian master doc cites fellow tumber blogs which is considered "unreliable scholarly sources because many are strongly opinionated and can lack the professionalism expected in a scholarly source", Paperpile. (n.d.). Can a blog be a credible source? [Update 2024]. https://paperpile.com/g/blog-credible-source/#:~:text=Frequently%20Asked%20Questions%20about%20blogs%20as%20unreliable%20sources,-%F0%9F%99%86%E2%80%8D%E2%99%82%EF%B8%8F&text=In%20general%2C%20blogs%20are%20considered,expected%20in%20a%20scholarly%20source.
The lesbian master doc isn't a scholarly document but rather a document of Anecdotal evidence which is defined as information based on personal experience or observation that is collected in a casual or non-systematic manner.
Misconception: many people claim the author of the lesbian master doc later came out as a bisexual as a way to "discredit" it. I've done my diligence in finding any information about this. I've learned 2 things, Angeli Luz is a hard person to find any information about and the only information about her is from a 2020 vice interview.
"Luz, now 21, told VICE via email that the “Am I a Lesbian?” document emerged from her own journey of self-discovery. “I realized I loved women when I was a teenager, but I never quite knew if my attraction for men was real or a social construct I took in as a facet of my identity,” she said", King-Miller, L. (2020, June 25). How Tumblr’s “Am I a Lesbian?” Google Doc became internet canon. VICE. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dzd3k/am-i-a-lesbian-tumblr-google-doc-internet-canon
Public information about the creator of the lesbian master doc, Angeli Luz is close to nonexistent. There's no definitive statement from her as of 2024 saying she's a bisexual or a lesbian.
Conclusion: The lesbian master doc is an impressive document composed by a 15yrd Angeli Luz that has served as a helpful tool for self-reflection for many people. The purpose of this document was to never be a set rule of only one right experience for everyone but a personal reflection that hoped to aid others on their own personal journey. Everything is always subjective to change for time is ever forthcoming. No one has all the answers and our understanding of things is ever evolving. One thing is for sure, may Angeli Luz be living her best life.
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plzandspanku · 5 months
got to see the last dinner party live tonight it's was amazing but i did leave the venue and immediately looks up shot hair cuts and finally pulled up the lesbian master doc to read so...
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l-e-s-b-o-t · 1 year
Is there an aroace master doc? Like the lesbian master doc but for asexuality and or aromanticism.
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festeringfae · 1 year
I feel like a lot of framing things from the perspective of "does your presumed cishet partner/relationship belong in The Community TM" stems from the false belief that the term "compulsory heterosexuality" only refers to reasons why its hard to recognize a lack of attraction to a different gender. In reality, it refers to how society is set up to make alternatives to heterosexuality impossible to recognize, let alone participate in.
The amount of time it takes for people to recognize themselves, have confidence in that recognition, and their path to that recognition, is all so varied, that it's very easy to see why people would first doubt their queerness based on their lack of confidence compared to others, and then blame other queer people for their lack of earlier recognition rather than their cishet oppressors. Because like! Straight is the default! Of course you're going to default to empathizing with straight people, which will in turn enforce the idea that you must be straight, since queer people are less relatable! But queer people only become more relatable when you're more exposed to them! But during initial exposure to them, if they don't relate to straight people anymore, of course you won't find them relatable, and of course that feels like you must not "really" be queer, or aren't queer "enough"!
But none of that is true, and none of it is the fault of queer people! It's just that you thought that you were the same as most other people, and no one wants to take on the horrific pain of realizing actually, you are oppressed and alienated by people who you love and who love you, who you've sympathized with your whole life. It makes complete sense to assign the blame for that feeling of alienation on the subculture created in contrast to the culture you're used to! Of course you ask "why didn't the queer community make me feel more represented and welcome " rather than "why did my current community make me feel like I had to find a separate one in order to validate my identity." But the fact of the matter is, it is the fault of cishet people if you don't feel queer enough for the queer community-- no matter what your perception of "queer enough" is.
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gaaaaaaaayypr · 8 months
The lesbians master doc is a crock of bullshit. You don't need to bang men for years to realize you exclusively like women. Do you need to date a person for a yr to realize they are not attractive??
Ignoring that fact is saying that gayness is socially constructed just as much as you are saying its socially constructed to like men. It is disgusting homophobia agaisnt bis and lesbians. It implies that you weren't born gay and didn't know it your whole life until later. Which is a load of bullshit. Just admit that you are in denial and allowed yourself to be smashed like a sack of potatoes by a dude in starfish position lol. I'm sure he appreciated dating a manipulating psychopath. You are the type of woman who ruins marriages.
Anyone putting up with men in a relationship for that long and is actually a lesbian is a mouth breathing trogdolyte who needs to do some soul searching before they start fucking things.
You are not only playing your "boyfriend", society, bisexuals and lesbians...but guess what. You are playing yourself.
It sounds like internalized biphobia masked as lesbianism to me. It's gross. You just like the word "lesbian" because you feel like we are more accepted with minorities. Guess what? we're NOT. Welcome to the party of everyone trying to erase us from existence. Including YOU. you self hating bis.
Either admit that you were in denial or say that you are bi. You can't play both sides and be 100% gay. You are most likely a homoromantic bi who hates herself for liking men sexually and now wants to bat for our team.
I refuse to let the lesbian label get watered down by self hating, Coward posers.
And my heart goes out to all the ex boyfriends of these so called " lesbians" who are going to be accused of r4pe. Goodluck.
Please soul search before you enter a relationship. Who gives a fuck what society thinks? No lesbian would ever allow herself to be in a long-term relationship or multiple relationships with men.
Speaking for all OG lesbians out there!
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Lmao your lil freaks in the notes of both of my asks calling me "transphobic" or "*insert sexuality/gender identity here*-exclusionary" gives me life. Do you not realize you're literally harming trans people with that rhetoric? I wasn't going to insert my own identity into this but I'm a demi-girl and people like you make us (and gnc people) look fucking ridiculous. Read the lesbian masterdoc <3
oh this just keeps getting better and better
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akkpipitphattana · 6 months
also guys just side note. i mayhaps am a lesbian
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kissingagrumpygiant · 5 months
We have to blow up tiktok
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gayafsowhat · 1 month
Starting to wonder if the reason I was so against dating for so long was bc I was fuckin gay this whole time so ofc boys had 0 temptation to me
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pervstash · 2 months
Idk what it is about reading horny wlw posts on here but the last few times I’ve sat down to go through them and try to get off I end up falling into the most peaceful sleep of my life
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mizusstrap · 9 months
modern!au mizu struggling with attraction and internalized homophobia and gender fluidity and and
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ninyard · 6 months
kevin day number 11
11. Would you date this character?
How do I put this?
Kevin Day could take one look at me with those stupid green eyes and I’d be on my knees before he blinked. He could click his fingers and id be there. He could spit in my mouth if he wanted to. Id peg him if he asked.
The things I would do to Kevin Day and the things he could do to me are too explicit for the average persons ears. If I said it out loud your head would explode.
I’m a lesbian also. To be clear.
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tw1stedthicket · 9 months
i think i might be a lesbian
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