#lesso Angst
Hi i’m not sure if u write male reader and its okay if not but i was wondering if you could write one where m!student reader and platonic lesso like he’s making a song in a music room and its something like ‘boys don’t cry or boys will be bugs and lesso hears and he breaks down or smt and fluff but again its totally fine if not x
Hiiiii anon! Thank you for your request!! I wont write AMAB!Male, but I will write AFAB!Male. Hope you Enjoy ♥️
Can’t Pretend It Doesn’t Bother Me ~Soft!Leonora Lesso xAFAB Trans!Male!Reader
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Mommy… Masterlist
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: age gap (All legal), angst, fluffy fluff, implied anxiety, implied anxiety attack, crying, comforting, hugging, physical comforting, etc.
Enjoy (:
You had found yourself in the music room. And you had sat down in defeat next to a harp.
Before you knew it, your hands were stringing the instrument and making beautiful sounds. Along with those beautiful notes, came your voice, getting more and more hoarse.
I’m a dumb teen boy
I eat sticks and rocks and mud
I don’t care about the government
The words and notes just flowed together. And so did your tears. More and more, the waterworks flowed down your face.
And I really need a hug
I feel stupid (stupid), ugly (ugly)
Pretend it doesn’t bother me
Lesso was walking down the corridor, after reprimanding one of her more rebellious students. Her cane halted as she heard a faint melody coming from the music room.
I’m not very strong, but I’ll fuck you up if you’re mean to bugs
She could hear the harp being played and a choked voice singing along with the notes being played.
It’s getting cold down here underneath the weather
I skipped class to sit with you
I really like your sporty sweater
If ladybugs are girls How do you make kids together?
What’s it like in a female world?
I bet it’s just so much—
You heard the door creak open, and you immediately stopped playing. You frantically wiped the many many tears away from your face. But you couldn’t make the tears stop.
You looked up and saw the one and only dean of evil, Lady Lesso, standing across the music room. You gulped. She stared at you, not saying a word.
“I’m sorry… I’ll go…” you muttered.
“No!” Lesso exclaimed.
You looked up puzzled and a little afraid.
Lesso relaxed her face and spoke softer, “Please, continue.”
You gulped and nodded, moving your hands back to the instrument. You began to pluck the notes once more and accompany the melody with your hoarse voice.
I just turned 14
And I think this year I’m gonna be mean
Don’t mess with me, I’m a big boy now, and I’m very scary
I punch my walls, stay out at night, and I do karate
Don’t message me ‘cause I won’t reply, I wanna make you cry
Ain’t that how it’s s’posed to be?
Though it… it isn’t me…
B-Boys will… be b-bugs… right…?
By the last few lines, you and your voice was falling apart. Your hands dropped from the harp and your head fell in your hands as you sobbed.
Lesso froze for a minute as you combusted in the music chair in which you were sitting. Her instincts were conflicted…
On one hand, she had the urge to smack you and tell you to get it together.
On the other hand, her heart cracked at your position, and she wanted to come over and comfort you forever.
Lesso knew that you had troubles. Troubles with friends. Trouble at home. Troubles mentally. Knowing this only made the redhead feel for you even more.
She cautiously approached the crying student in front of her, stretching her arm out to rub your back lightly.
You jumped slightly as you felt the deans hand on your back. But you were quick to get used to the touch, and you even leaned in for more. You whimpered slightly as her hand eventually retracted. But then you saw that the woman was getting a chair and pulling it up next your yours.
Lesso sat down next to you and put her hand on your back once more. Her touch seemed to relax you, she noted.
“Take deep breaths.” She instructed.
The red head hummed in satisfaction when her instructions were followed. She placed her other hand on your outer thigh, rubbing circle patterns on it. She noticed that you were getting your breathing under better control.
“Thank you…” you hesitantly whispered.
You half expected the dean to just leave as you uttered those words, but she didn’t.
“Anytime, sweet boy.” The woman comforted.
Her hand then moved from your thigh to your chin, and it swiveled your head to meet her gaze.
“It’s okay to cry, you know that right?”
Your lip quivered and you nodded shakily, before more tears erupted. You instinctually put your head into the deans shoulder.
Lesso hummed as your head found comfort in her shoulder.
“But don’t you ever tell anyone I told you that…” she teasingly warned, causing you to chuckle lightly.
Lady Lesso Masterlist
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
Could I please request a lady lesso X reader. R is hired as an English teacher cause after the merge they realised they should probably start teaching their students core subjects.
R is a complete nerd and will go on rants for hours about literature and their favourite books/poems however r has a very insecure side that nobody gets to see which has caused r to develop an eating disorder which has gone unchecked.
I'll let you have full creative freedom to figure out a romance plot for it so please feel free to absolutely destroy me emotionally with angst or make it as fluffy and soft to your hearts content :)
Hello my lovely anon. I hope this is okay for you and I apologise for the angst I broke my own heart writing this but it was a great release of a bad day <3
Words between the Pages
*Authors note~ I know I say this a lot here but I love this prompt, I feel like I really relate to R here. Also going to formally apologise here for what I'm about to do *
Trigger warnings ~ eating disorder relapsing not knowing what's happening to them angst angst character (hurt possible death ;)
Prompt~ see the ask^^^^
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It had been a few years now, you had taken up the new English position at the school for good and evil. Since the merger they had decided it was time to introduce some core subjects that would benefit the students no matter what realm they entered. English was one of those. And you had a natural affinity for that.  Your favourite part of the subject was anything related to literature. Novels and poems were your source of comfort on those hard days. For you, they numbed the pain like alcohol or drugs for others. You even wrote some of your own work, to express anything that was chipping away at your fragile heart.
After a year at the school, you began to realise you had feelings for the fiery dean. Not something you had planned on, and you knew you'd have no hope. She alluded a sexy confidence in her every move. You, remained shy and introverted, preferring the company of books to other people. You weren't even sure she would've noticed you. But she had. She loved how you'd get flustered in her presence and forgot your train of thought. It wasn't an uncommon reaction in her presence but with you it was different. You were enticing and addicting without even trying.
You began to write poems of your thoughts and feelings on the women, in a little black note pad that seemed to be glued to your hand. Where ever you went so did the book. It was your most prized possession and something you truly didn't want anyone else to read, personal thoughts and feelings lay bare in the book. So that's why you panicked when you couldn't find the book. All your secrets, littered through the pages hidden by words there. All it would take is a sharp mind to read between the lines and your heart would be exposed. You had to find that book.
Unfortunately for you, one of the Never students had found it and brought it to their Dean. The one mind you knew was more than capable of understanding the meanings. But one good thing came out of it, the first poem was based on your feelings for Leonora Lesso, which stunned the women and prevented her reading any further. Actually that one poem is what began your relationship.
You'd been together for two years now, most of your secrets were out in the open air, but one remained. The deepest and darkest locked away safely in your heart. Lesso knew you were extremely insecure about your body, it was obvious to everyone really, the way you dressed, the way you stood or sat and even the nervous flash in your eyes as food was mentioned. But Lesso knew more than others, it had taken so long for you to be comfortable showing her your body, and the night you did you broke down in tears. That hurt her heart truly, you seemed so small and broken and all she could do is wonder what caused such a reaction from you and how she'd kill them. No one would get away with making her girl feel like her own body wasn't anywhere near perfection. You were. True perfection, if only you could see yourself through her eyes then maybe this could've all been prevented.
It was one fatal accident that exposed you. During archery classes a arrow came hurling in your direction, seemingly from absolutely no where. You weren't able to react quick enough due to the weakened state of your body, not eating well the past few months was seriously affecting you, only now would you truly know just how much damage you'd done.  The arrow hit a centre meter away from your right lung. The pain causing you to collapse on the hard surface below your feet. The fall and blood spilling from your body causing you to lose consciousness.
The pain was constant, unlike something you'd never felt before. You were in and out of consciousness due to the weakened state of your body and now the blood you were losing, you knew this wouldn't be good. The students around you panicking not knowing what to do, not wanting to touch you and make it worse. The fear of touching the Deans girlfriend battling the fear of not helping you. One of them must have ran to grab your girlfriend, as you came back around once more you felt her hand in your hair and her words being whispered in your ear. She was here.
"Dove, what on earth were you doing out here? We have a medic coming hold on for me. Don't leave me love. Open those pretty eyes for me, that's it good girl" she whispered the tears soaking her words as much as they were staining her cheeks. The drops were falling from her face onto your sunken in cheeks. "N-ora I, I'm sorry. I love you" you whispered out in broken sobs as you bled out through her hands that were tightly pressed over the wound. When had they taken the arrow out? You could feel the life slowly leaving your exhausted body.
"Dove, hold on please, you have the strength I know you do. Please! You can do this." She pleaded with you watching as your eyelids were fluttering shut "keep those pretty eyes on me love. Please. I love you don't leave me!" Her cries were breaking your heart. But in that shattering heart you knew this was not going to get any better, you were dying. Lesso screaming for medics as she felt your heart rate decrease dramatically. The beats dangerously spread apart now. You were dying. She was losing you. You both knew it too. The students seemingly turned to shield you from prying eyes, out of respect or fear you weren't quite sure but it gave you the chance for one last wish.
"Kiss me" you spluttered gasping for air, and she complied instantly. Your lips met hers as she poured every ounce of love she had in the kiss, tears spilling onto your closed eyes as more tears leaked from your eyes. Lesso pulled back for air noticing you weren't kissing her back any more and let out a gut wrenching scream. Her love, her life and future wife was gone.
Word count 1227
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Show Me Off- Lady Lesso x EverTeacherReader!
Synopsis: You just wanted to dance.
Warnings: Angst but I make it better, whore is used but not in a good way, nothing really too bad. But lmk if I missed any!
Word Count: 3k
A/n: I LOVE THE NICKNAME I PUT IN THIS SO PLEASE ENJOY. okay I really wanted to get something else out for you guys, and I wanted it to be smut but I don’t have the motivation for smut unfortunately 😩. But I hope you guys enjoy this one! Reblogs, likes, and comments are all welcomed!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
You were making your finishing touches on your gown in the mirror, making sure every detail was perfect and every thread was in the right place.
You were so focused on the task at hand that you didn't even notice Lesso watching you, admiring you in the mirror. She adored you, and you looked stunning in the dress you chose.
She came up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist, "You look ravishing tonight, darling." She planted a kiss on your neck.
You turned in her arms, it was your turn to admire her. The fitted suit she chose was one of your favorites, the all-black three-piece suit looked so good on her.
"Thank you, love. You look as exquisite as ever." You gave her a quick peck on the lips, to not ruin your lipstick or transfer it to her.
"Are you nearly ready? We don't want to be late, we are chaperones after all." Though she was a little bit excited for this ball, well, excited to go with you, she still hated the objective of being a chaperone.
"I'm ready, there's nothing else I need but you." She smiled and placed another kiss on your lips.
You wrapped your hands around her arm as you left her quarters towards the event, you could barely contain your excitement. You thought that this was finally your time to show her off, to finally say that you're with the one and only Dean of Evil.
But you had thought wrong.
You could hear the start of the orchestra as you turned down the ballroom corridor when Lesso shrugged you off her. Confusion instantly overtook you.
"What-" Your confusion increased tenfold when her steps increased in pace. "What are you doing?"
Lesso turned back with a look that said it was clearly obvious, "You know we can't be seen that closely." The way she said that so nonchalantly brought you many feelings, and none of them were good.
"But I thought," Tears begin filling your eyes, but you can't cry. You can't ruin your makeup, so you shook your head to shun them away. "I thought tonight was when we could finally come clean and be seen together in public." It came out much more questioning than you intended.
"Please, you know it's strictly forbidden for us to be close in public." She turned back around and continued on.
There's no way that this was that easy for her. That she can say that and not feel even the slightest tinge of guilt.
"Fine." Strictly forbidden, what foolishness. She acts as if she's not the one to create these rules.
Your heart felt heavy and your bottom lip quivered slightly, knowing you'd have to enter the ballroom alone. You didn't even want to be there anymore, not after that. You contemplated turning back to your quarters for a solid minute.
But you had already put so much time into your look, plus you were expected to be a chaperone.
So, after watching your love walk away from you, she didn't even wait for you to be a little bit behind her. You continued on with your soul weighing on you like stone.
You just couldn't understand it, the way her demeanor entirely flipped threw you off. You wrapped your arms around you to ease the coldness you suddenly felt.
As you entered the elegantly decorated ballroom, themed perfectly for the celebration of the summer solstice, the doing of Dovey no doubt, you couldn't help but look around.
Each of the decorations were catching your eye, especially the colorful flowers she has expertly spaced around the room. But something dark caught your eye, like it did every time.
Lesso was standing off in the corner, her soft features nowhere to be found, with a drink in hand. You desperately wanted to walk over to her and have her wrap her arms around you or pull you on the dance floor, but you couldn't.
Lesso had finally spotted you, sending you a smile that only you would ever be able to detect. Lesso became confused herself when you didn't even attempt to return the smile, your smile was one of her favorite things.
You looked away from her and continued on, your arms falling to your side as you made your way to Professor Dovey and Professor Anemone. If she was going to barricade herself in her Never space, then you're left to be in your Ever space.
Right away, Anemone could tell something was off with you. She was your greatest friend, so of course she could clearly tell that there was something wrong when your excitement was nowhere to be found, especially when you've been excited for this ball for weeks.
"Dear, what's the matter?" She placed her hand on your elbow as she guided you away from Dovey.
"Nothing," You attempted to pass off the lie while trying so hard to not glance in Lesso's direction. "Everything is alright."
"Okay, well, I know that's not true so let's try that one more time." Yeah, she knew you well.
Everything about you deflated, your smile and posture but especially your tone, "I don't really wanna talk about it, okay? So, can we drop it and focus on the kids?" Whatever was bothering you was bad enough that you didn't open up about it, so she knew it wasn't good.
"Would you like to dance? I know I'm not your 'secret girlfriend' but maybe it'll cheer you up?" It was a lie, she knew who your secret girlfriend was.
She wasn't thick, after all, and once that sentence escaped her she realized what was going on. Anemone saw how you hadn't even looked at Lesso yet so she knew that must be at least a part of the reason.
A small smile came to your face, "Sure, why not." You said as you grabbed onto her now extended hand.
The timing couldn't have been more right as a new song had just begun when you both made it to the center of the ballroom.
All the students cleared some space as they saw you two coming. You ignored the feeling of all the eyes on you as you began dancing with her, and you could tell that there wasn't one person not watching.
You focused on each of the movements and the sound of each instrument as you both gracefully moved across the room. Both of your semi-puffy dresses move elegantly with you. The breeze increased as you both twirled and spun around the ballroom floor.
As the song came to an end, another one was soon to play, and you slowed to a small shuffle. You rested your face on her shoulder, facing away from her but in a way to speak so only she could hear, "Thank you for this, Emma."
Just as you finished your sentence and before Emma even had a chance to respond, an exasperated-looking Lesso came storming towards you both.
She didn't slow but she grabbed your arm and pulled you from Anemone in a swift move, causing you to move with her.
Lesso kept moving, walking you towards the terrace, "What are you doing?!" You tried pulling your arm from her, but you didn't try hard enough.
"I don't appreciate you being all over Emma, acting like some common whore."
You instantly stopped moving once you heard her words and crossed onto the outside terrace, a scoff escaped you, one of disbelief and disrespect, and you ripped your arm back, "I beg your pardon?!"
"There's no need for you to be all over that woman when you're simply dancing with her." She crossed her arms.
She really doesn't get it, does she?
"Emma is my friend! And we were only dancing! Where'd you get the audacity-" Your sadness began to shift to anger.
She cut you off, "Oh, please! You-"
You cut her off this time, not willing to feed her delusion, "If the image of me dancing with another is so unbearable, then you gain the courage to do so instead!"
"You know we can't do that!"
"No, we can! You just don't want to! Your reputation is far more important to you than I!"
Lesso couldn't believe a statement like that came from you, sure that kind of thing would've been expected by anyone else once they heard she was in a relationship, but not you, "That is not true."
"Really? Because, I have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise," Your tears returned. "You- you. You play into my desire of finally being able to be seen with you, only for you to tear it apart and quite literally throw me aside. Just so you can keep your spotless Never appearance." The tears finally escaped, falling effortlessly down your face and effectively ruining your makeup.
"That's, not what I meant to do," Lesso hasn't realized how much she had fucked up until this moment.
A humorless scoff came from you once more, "That's all you have to say for yourself? Not even an apology? Wow." You started turning back into the ballroom.
She stopped you with a hand on your arm, "No, darling, wait!"
You stopped, but not in the way she hoped, "No! You simply can't fix this with an 'I'm sorry', okay? Figure this out on your own." You pulled your arm back again and continued onto the ballroom.
You entered again but had no intentions of staying.
Everyone kind of paused when they saw you re-enter with tears streaming down your face, a stunned Lesso standing in her spot on the Terrace. Of course, they had all witnessed her pulling you away and watched on curiously, but they hadn't expected you to return in tears. Especially Anemone and Dovey, the two being the most stunned as their eyes followed you out of the ballroom and then redirected to Lesso.
Lesso was used to having all eyes on her, but not like this. As she walked back to the corner she was previously perched in, everyone eyed her down. It only lasted a second before she made it clear that she was still the Dean of Evil, and everyone realized that now may not be a good time to piss her off.
Dovey gave her a pointed look, one that clearly says there will be a discussion about what occurred, but Lesso couldn't bring herself to care. Not when she was too preoccupied with wondering how and what you were doing.
The answer? Not good and currently staring at the wall with dried tears on your face.
You knew you shouldn't be reacting in such a way, but you also couldn't help it. The way Leo just threw you off her and walked away without as much as looking at you, how she called you a whore for dancing with your friend. The worst part was this was entirely avoidable.
You didn't want to dance with Emma, you wanted to dance with her. You didn't want to be in the middle of the room with all eyes on you, you wanted to be in the privacy of her quarters while laying in her arms.
Eventually, after who knows how long, you got tired of sulking. You brought yourself to get changed into your pajamas and wash your face from your mess of what was once makeup. You just wanted this day to be over with.
Time crept on for the both of you, you thought sleep may help and attempted it, but failed. And Lesso tried slipping out the side of the ballroom but got caught by various people.
For every toss and turn you made in your bed, was one meter closer Lesso got to the door. She was getting close to hexing the entire ballroom before she just started shoving people out of her way with her cane to leave.
Lesso had no idea how it got so out of hand. Of course, she didn't realize just how much she was hurting you by keeping the both of you a secret, though it wasn't much of a secret. Not after tonight at least.
She continued on to your quarters, she knew you'd be nowhere else. The only annoying part about that is your quarters are on the opposite end of the school than hers is, so she had a whole journey to herself. One that allowed to realize just what she's done.
By this time, you had already shoved your face into the pillow from frustration. It was undoubtedly due to many things but you liked to blame it only on your difficulty sleeping.
Just as you sat up to get a glass of water, there was a knock at your door. You didn't have to open it to know who was standing on the other side, the pattern of the sound telling you exactly who it was.
A part of you was thrilled that she came back, back to you. But the other part wanted her to stay away.
"Go away." You spoke out, not making any attempts to move in any way.
"Starlight, it's me." You nearly burst into tears at the nickname.
She thought it fit you perfectly, not only because of your love for the stars and all things space, but because your Leo always said, 'Your eyes sparkle more than the stars, my little Starlight.'
"I know it is." Your heart kept screaming at you to at least see her.
"I came to apologize. I understand you're upset with me, and you don't have to forgive me, but can I at least look at you when I do?" For the first time tonight, you heard genuine emotion from her.
You couldn't hold back anymore, your heart won out. What an Ever thing to do.
You stayed silent as you walked to your door and opened it. The once put-together Dean was now standing in front of you, hair disheveled and emotions coating her face.
Lesso was taken aback by your appearance, not that it was bad, just not what she was expecting. She thought you'd still be all dressed up, not ready for bed with a tear-stained face. She messed up big time.
"Well?" Your voice snapped her back into the situation.
"Star, I'm sorry. I really am," She snuck past you and into your quarters, and if you had any energy, you would've attempted to stop her. "You were right about me wanting to maintain my reputation, but you were wrong that it's more important than you." You silently shut your door and turned to meet her in the middle of your room.
And for a moment, neither of you spoke. Just the looks being shared. You just looked at her, feeling many things.
She placed her hand on your cheek as your lip quivered, "My beautiful Starlight," Her thumb started brushing against your cheek. "I am sorry."
Your heart screamed for you to forgive her, but your mind told you to say what you want to say. And you decided on that.
"I guess you don't get it then?" She gave you a questioning look. "The way you just toss me aside made me feel utterly useless. And then, you call me a whore and you expect me to just pass over that? I get you're sorry, and you should be, but I'm not going to forgive you just because you say that."
You can tell by the look on her face, she finally gets it.
"My darling girl, words can't even begin to explain how sorry I am. I fucked up, I know. I want to take it back but I can't. But what I can do is, from now on no more hiding. No more sneaking or lies. I'm done with that."
Your eyes filled with hope, "You promise?"
"I promise you, darling. From this moment on, no more hiding. Just us against the world, together." She pushed some of your hair back behind your ear.
A small smile came to your face, "Thank you, and I'm sorry I reacted so strongly. I was just really looking forward to tonight."
"You have nothing to apologize for, Star. You were simply reacting. What were you looking forward to, darling? Chaperoning?" Lesso knew you liked your job, but she didn't think you liked it that much.
"No, I, I just wanted to dance with you." The way that sentence escaped your lips, so soft and broken, made Lesso's heart lurch, she couldn't believe it.
She made her beautiful and fragile flower wilt, and she knew it was all because of her.
She reached her hand out towards you, and you looked at it curiously before looking back at her, "What-"
She didn't let you finish, "Let's dance, Starlight."
"But I'm not-"
"Right here, right now, just us. No need for fancy clothes or anyone watching."
The sweet, soft, and warm smile that Lesso has come to know and love, finally came to your face. The very one she's been wanting to see all night.
You finally accepted her hand, and when you did she stepped closer to you and placed her other hand on your waist.
You followed each step she made, soft grins spread across both of your faces as you easily moved around your quarters.
"There's no music," You pointed out.
"That is true. But who said you must have music to dance?" She rhetorically asked as she pulled your arm above your head and began to spin you.
The silence that filled the space was a comfortable one. Once you came back around again, you looked between her eyes. It was plain as day, the admiration she had for you. Whether you saw it or not was entirely different.
"Thank you for this, Leo." You moved to rest your head on her shoulder, your steps never ceasing, with your face nuzzled into her neck.
"Anything for my Starlight."
This. This is all you wanted.
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes @bigolgay @darkth1ngs @sgelessoanddoveykissing @scream-queenlover @hxzxrdous (I think that’s all of you lovelies).
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annie-creates · 8 months
Bundle of joy
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst and fluff I guess?
Words: 1300
Note: I'm back! Honestly I didn't think this story would give me such a block for almost a year, as I had no idea what to do with it, but here we are! Here's a continuation of The evil witch. Thank you so much to everyone for sending your requests in in the meantime and I'll write them all I swear! I'm so sorry it took me so long.
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Sleepless nights and dark days became Leonora’s new norm. Anywhere she went she could hear your happy laughter and the excited mumbling of your child. Her child. Was it even her child? Biologically sure, there was no denying that now. But would you ever let her near you and your little bundle of sunshine again? Close enough to be your family? However powerful she wanted to feel months ago, she’d trade it for your presence in a heartbeat. That’s why she tried to catch one of the infrequent moments you wondered around the castle without the insufferable princess by your side.
“So are you gonna pretend I don’t exist for the rest of your life?” she didn’t want to have attitude with you from the start but couldn’t stop the snarky tone in her voice.
However startled you were, you kept your composure intact. “Excuse you? Who do you think you’re talking to!?”
“The mother of my child? That is my baby, you can’t deny that.” She was mad and a little hurt you’d keep her from her own baby.
“I’m sorry was it not you who called me a sleep-around whore a year ago and told me to never disturb you again!?” Long gone were the days you let her manipulate and use you.
“Well maybe I got a little carried away…” Leonora admits, turning her voice down. “But you can’t keep me from my own child.”
“Nu-uh, it’s too late for that. I don’t care what wicked plan you have in your head, but my child is never gonna know you as her mother.” you emphasize, leaving her stunned in place as you forcefully pace away from her.
You couldn’t believe the audacity of that woman. Wo did she think she is? Hurting you in your most vulnerable moment, shaming your pregnancy, and then trying to crawl back in the picture almost a year after your child was born? There was no way you were gonna let her waltz back into your life when you had Lonnie by your side, a lady who supported you from day one without even knowing you properly. Yet it didn’t leave your mind that maybe, she deserves to have some, little and unimportant role, in your daughter’s life. She is also her child after all. And your partner was observant to all your worries.
“Is something tormenting your mind, love?” Lonnie asked getting in her side of the bed at night.
You didn’t want to relay your problems on other people, but she proved time and time again she can share your mantle. “It’s Lesso. She demanded access to my daughter…”
“Well, we expected that, didn’t we? She is her biological mother after all.” Lonnie warmly smiles at you.
“Yeah, I guess, but… I don’t know. I don’t want her to hurt Y/d/n like she did to me, or corrupt her for evil, or anything… and I don’t want her filling her head with nonsense, I just don’t know. Can I ever trust her?” you weighted.
“I guess we’ll have to try and see. It could be good for Y/d/n to have her in her life. If you can negotiate some general rules with Lesso.” your girlfriend suggested, giving you the effortless advice as always.
You’ve spent that night dreamless and restless, and many after that. Could you ever forgive the woman you once loved so hard and who betrayed you so viciously? When it was for the benefit of your daughter? You wanted Y/d/n to have everything in the world, but was this too much to ask of you? You decided you’ll try your best to find a way to include Lesso in Y/d/n’s life, even if it meant you’ll have to overcome the fear and wariness. That’s why after a week of careful thinking and options considering, you and Lonnie visited Lesso’s office together.
“To what do I owe the pleasure..?” Leonora had no idea why the two goodies decided to randomly visit her tower but did everything she could to appear like she didn’t really care.
“I have decided you can be in Y/d/n’s life.” you announced matter of factly.
“You don’t say.” she almost mocked you but a spark in her eye seemed genuine.
“Leonora, I don’t know if you have any real grasp of the full extend of the hurt and betrayal you did to me. That is unforgiveable. In fact, I probably shouldn’t even be considering letting my child or myself anywhere need you.” you lecture her.
“I’m sorry, I was just…” Lesso tried to reason with you but you didn’t let her finish.
“You weren’t there for all my morning sickness, growing stretch marks and swollen ankles. You weren’t holding my hand when I was giving all my life into giving birth to my beautiful daughter. So no, she’s not your daughter, and she never will be. But you are related, so if you can keep on good behavior, maybe you can be her fun aunt or something.” maybe it didn’t sound fair but that was all you were willing to give her. She needed to realize she was lucky to be allowed to even see your daughter. “And when she’s older, I’ll of course tell her how she was born, but that’s a talk between me and her.”
“But you’re gonna let this princess parent my child? That’s obscure!” Leonora protested.
“Hey!” Lonnie scolded her but she knew you didn’t need saving from her anymore.
“Lonnie was here for me in the darkest moments, she held my hand through doubts and supported me in moments of weakness. She’s the only reason me and my daughter are still alive.” you give Lesso a fast reality check. “So yes, as long as she’s my partner and friend, she’ll be more important to Y/d/n than you could ever hope to be. If you’re unhappy with that, I’m okay with moving away and never showing up here again.”
“Ugh, fine, I’ll figure. I just wanna see my daughter.” you were surprised how obedient Leonora suddenly was when it came to contact with her child.
“Great, we’ll set up a play date.” you concluded and left her office as fast as you came, releasing a deep breath outside. You partly expected a disaster to strike.
Your worries turned out to be unnecessary as you prepared for a coloring activity with your daughter, Lonnie and Lesso. Leonora seemingly accepted her role as a friend rather than a parent and Y/d/n absolutely adored her. She found every gruesome detail of her stories interesting and each one of her torture techniques fun. She was there for every new milestone or sick fever, telling bedtime stories until the late hours of night. One birthday celebration came after another as your toddler grew into a beautiful confident child with a curiosity as no other.
She’d never believe it was possible for a spawn of evil like herself to create something so good and pure. She had no doubt your daughter would grow up into a beautiful princess like her other mother. Leonora enjoyed every little moment she spent with her daughter as if it was the last minute she had with her, aware that she’ll be grown before she knows it and possibly will not want to have anything to do with her anymore. After all good and evil didn’t blend together well. The last thing she needed was to get back her burning love, the woman she’d burn in eternal hell for. But, after months and years, your love for the princess knight didn’t dissipate and as stealthy as she tried to be about winning you back, she had no luck so far. Five years turned out to be enough for you to say yes to marrying the new woman in your life.
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acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
“So deep in my heart that you’re really a part of me”
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Lady Lesso x Ever Reader
cw : soulmate au // blood and injury // angst and hurt comfort // fluff // bffs lesso x dovey // age gap // older woman x younger woman
wc : 5500 ish
ao3 — https://archiveofourown.org/works/42983871
I love the fact that we are all collectively simping for Lady Lesso. Everywhere I go, I see her. Also, is it just me or does it make you incredibly happy when someone you’ve followed for some other women you love began posting contents of this new woman that you’ve just fallen for? No? Just me? Ok.
Fyi, the title is from Ben L’Oncle Soul version of Frank Sinatra’s I’ve got you under my skin
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You have always deemed your parents the quintessence of the vows “in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health”.
There has been a period of time where your jovially energetic mother has peculiarly lost her enthusiasm.
One of the first few signs is exhaustion. The woman who used to be on her feet all day with gusto, executing a whirlwind of tasks about the house, would become short of breath with only a handful of movements.
Then, comes heart palpitations, which eventually lead her to collapse in bed. When it happens, your father has been there for her, taking the houseworks upon himself on top of his own workload. Along with you, your father would take your mother to see a physician before he would, then, have to continue on to his job.
He has to burn the candle at both ends, juggling between his work and taking care of his wife. You help as much as you can, but still, bigger responsibilities fall on your father’s shoulders. Tirelessly, he works day in and day out, never complaining one bit.
The silver lining to it all is that your mother’s case is not so much a decline in health than an ailment, so after a few days of taking prescribed medicines coupled with bed rest, the jovially energetic woman makes her spirited return.
As it so happens, your father comes home one day with a flu, and despite exercising social distancing amongst the three of you, the whole family unfortunately falls prey to the disease.
Whilst recovering however, in the death of one night, the town officials appear on your doorstep, taking your father away on the grounds that he has to be interrogated for an alleged crime.
In the morning, he does not return home. Nor does he within the next day. Eventually, a day melts into two, three. Then, days grow into a week. A week becomes weeks.
Your mother has not been sitting idly by during all that time; she contacts her husband’s friends, does everything within her capability to get even a trace of his news.
Your father is a real people person. If there is one thing he has in abundance, it is friends, and they are good friends, offering to help in any way they can, and indeed, consistently helping your mother in pursuing news of your father’s whereabouts.
The painstaking efforts have had no luck so far, until after having no traces whatsoever of him for a whole month, you and your mother are finally informed of the news that he will be put on trial.
As it turns out, your father has been unfairly accused of a crime that he has not committed, and subsequently detained for it.
You and your mother have gone to meet him a couple of times already, and the both of you are pleased and relieved to find that he is doing well, cheeks getting chubbier and appearing as radiant as ever.
You find the whole ordeal but a testament to their unyielding love for each other.
There have been inevitable arguments between the two of them. But, it is, you suppose, what makes their connection, all the more admirable. Getting to grips with disagreements and surmounting obstacles hand in hand, they nurture their imperfectly perfect tale with conflicts and reconciliations, cries and apologies, curses and sweet nothings.
“After all, what is love without a little pain?”
Your mother has said to you one evening, sitting on the porch and knitting a hat for her dearest husband.
“Your father, he is my one true. People usually say that you will see it. But, my darling girl, mama has to disagree. When you find them, you will feel it.” Her palm rests on your chest. She smiles, drops her voice to a whisper as if what she is about to say is confidential. “In here.”
And indeed, feel you do as soon as your eyes behold her.
Funnily enough, the fated encounter comes as a by product of chasing after your cat, Eclipse for she has midnight sky for fur. After running after her all over the Great Lawn like a headless chicken, you find her sitting curiously at the feet of someone.
Up until this point, you have been in a single-minded pursuit of your cat that everything else has been a blur. Yet, by the time you stand up after gathering your beloved furball in your arms, you are enthralled by the vision before you, so enthralled in fact that you do not realise the proximity of your bodies.
How curious, you muse, that you are bombarded with a queer indecipherable feeling, as if a piece of you, that you do not realise has been missing, has returned to you at long last.
“Get that repulsive thing away from me.”
A voice, rich and smokey, jostles you out of your musings, a tip of a cane landing atop your chest to push you away.
Her lips are pulled tight into a scowl, you notice, and the only thought whirling around your empty head is that this woman is absofuckinglutely captivating, very much the epitome of handsome and gorgeous combined.
And then, before you can formulate a response, she is gone, dark stilettos drumming against the floor with every elegant footfalls of those impressively long legs.
Only then do you see it, a red silky thread coiled around her pinky, stretching across the distance between the two of you, then twining itself round yours.
And just like that, you have found your one true.
Finally being made aware that the fairytales you have grown up loving after all this time, are real does not make you as happy as it is supposed to.
Instead, you are busy envying the nevers who get to interact with the dean of the school for evil on a daily basis, and it does not help either that the woman seems to be deliberately avoiding you like you are the very plague.
Every time she sees so much as a shadow of you, she flees the room. When you try approaching her in front of other people, she disregards your existence altogether.
Fed up to the back teeth with her unreasonable behaviour, you foolishly decide the best course of action would be to confront her, and thus, you find yourself standing in the middle of her study one afternoon.
“Do you plan on keep ignoring me, Lady Lesso?”
“Who says you could come as you please into my study?”
“Why do you keep turning a blind eye to me?”
“Riddle me this ever, what obligation have I to take notice of you?”
Her aloofness stings as well as irritates you, and exasperated, you thrust your arm out, as if it isn’t the elephant in the room.
“Isn’t this reason enough?”
“It is but a worthless string.”
“It’s a string that ties us together. Does it mean absolutely nothing to you?”
A nonchalant hum.
A beat. A painful throb of your heart.
“Lady Lesso, why do you dislike me so?”
“Now, don’t be presumptuous, little girl. Aside from disinterest, I harbour not an ounce of feeling towards you. Your significance to me is as existential to me as my love for cats.”
“But I thought you hated Eclipse?”
“How mean of you.”
“I’m the dean of the school for evil. Does that suggest anything to you?”
“And I am your soulmate. Does that suggest anything to you?”
“Soulmate this. Soulmate that. How utterly risible! It is sheer folly that leads you to believe that two literal strangers can magically, readily feel something deep and profound for each other. I don’t give a flying fuck who my soulmate is. Your existence matters not to me. In fact, it in itself is a downright insult to my face. An ever, a student and a reader at that? I simply do not care.”
Tears of frustration have been pooling in your eyes, but those that finally cascade down your cheeks are tears of dejection.
“Ever since you’ve appeared in front of me, you’ve been nothing but a thorn in my flesh. So, yes, it does suggest to me that you are a pesky little vermin.”
“All it takes is a flick of my finger,-” Suddenly, the tip of her forefinger starts glowing, and before you know it, you watch, crestfallen, as the little red thread is instantly reduced to dust. “-and there, this “our tie” that you’re so annoyingly fixated on is no more. Now, leave me alone. I certainly have far more important things to attend to than deal with this tomfoolery.”
You return to your dormitory a snivelling mess.
You have half a mind to believe that it is heartbreak that has you descending into an awful illness come morning.
After you have run out of her study, Leonora has been left transfixed by the staggering pain that has marred your features, unable to do anything productive for the rest of the evening.
She has thought that without those annoyingly captivating eyes perusing her every move, her heart would not feel as jittery. She has been certain that she would get satisfaction out of her little display of cruelty, and she has, if only for a while, but now, her mind is relentlessly plagued by the images of you. As soon as she has hit you with those words, it is like a dam has been broken behind those big wounded eyes.
It happens three days ago, and she has not seen you ever since. As much as she loathes to admit it, lately, all she can think of is you. In classrooms amidst teaching, at night as she lies awake in bed, it is always your agonised little face sullied with tears that makes a repeated appearance.
You have cried as if physically harmed.
She almost feels bad then, and now, she does.
Regret always comes too late, does it not?
“Why, pray tell, is the dean of the school for evil skulking about the corridors of the school for good?”
She doe not even realise that she has mindlessly wandered off to your school until a sickeningly sweet voice reaches her ears.
Slowly, she swivels on her heels, signature cane in one hand, an equally sickeningly sweet smile plastered on her face.
Her lips have just moved to utter something when she is rudely interrupted by an ever.
“Lady Dovey, I’ve searched the whole perimeter but there’ve been no signs of her.”
It is none of her concern and yet, oddly, she is inclined to ask. “No signs of who?”
And, to her dismay, it is your name that falls out of the other dean’s lips.
After impatiently listening to the detailed recount of your last known whereabouts, subsequently learning that you have been sick in bed, she storms out of the school for good, intent on conducting a surreptitious search of her own.
On her way back to her school, coincidentally, she happens upon a group of nevers. She sees them talking animatedly and hears them all collectively laughing over the story of hexing an ever.
Neither is it strange nor wrong to have nevers and evers going against each other’s throats, but there is something particularly strange about this conversation that is rubbing her up the wrong way.
Soon, she understands why, and simultaneously, her anger is justified once they mention your name.
Your wounds sting, your body aches and your head throbs, contrapuntal with the relentless pounding of your haywire heart. Around you, the naked branches creak, crows cackle, stymphs squeal and various other inhabitants of the forest sneer.
Emitting a cacophony of condescending noises, the woods itself seems to be making a mockery of your misery. Even the moon, in her full golden glory, appears to be looking down on your sorry state from her majestic onyx throne.
Should you were within the comfort of your dormitory, the occasional zephyr would have been a soothing, charming embrace, but currently as you are with nothing more than a flimsy silk on your frame, it is anything but charming.
You are not sure whether it is the spiricks’ venomous bites finally rearing their ugly heads or the weather being particularly unforgiving tonight as the chilliness seeps into your bones, and seems to swell from deep within. In the end, you conclude that it must be a combination of both taking a toll on you, for there is a profound aching agony blooming from beneath the area where their fangs have sunk into your flesh. It does not help either that some of the deeper cuts you have sustained continue to ooze blood, liquid crimson making a macabre artwork of the blank canvas that is your nightdress.
Unconsciousness sounds like a rather enticing idea right about now, but the wicked woodland does not appear too keen on giving you even a semblance of reprieve. No sooner have you entertained the thought than come the rustling noises from the inky thickets adjacent the tree under which you are taking sanctuary.
Scrambling to your feet is instantly proved a careless mistake when, under the influence of a woozy mind and on your wobbly legs that appear to have suddenly lost their purpose, you topple over. Along with a pained little grunt, you lean against the thick mossy trunk, bracing yourself for what you believe to be the imminent danger.
However, all the fear and trepidation that have taken hostage of your mind ebb away once an impeccably dressed woman enters your vision. Her arrestingly gorgeous red curls backdropped by the golden glow of the moon serves as a halo befitting a dark goddess.
If you didn’t know any better, you might have found it puzzling: the fact that her presence alone has the effect of a calming salve on your mayhem of a mind. It swaddles your whole body in an invisible cloak, soothing stings and healing wounds, suffusing warmth and supplying solace.
All this time, your subconscious mind has been desperately craving her, you realise with a start at the lack of surprise and abundance of relief upon seeing her. During the last few days, it has gone as far as daring to harbour the flimsiest of hopes that she will find you while the more logical part of your mind keeps reminding you that she has made it abundantly clear that she wants nothing, absolutely nothing in fact, to do with you. Your last interaction itself is proof enough of that claim, and your wishful thinking regardless of what she has said to your face, is certainly proof enough of your, as she likes to put it, folly.
Then, as a gust of wind plucks sickly leaves out of fragile branches, forcing you to shake on your feet in a similar fashion, a coat suddenly lands on your shoulders, shielding your trembling frame from the assault of the freezing air.
The residual heat from her body seeps into your skin. The familiar fragrance of the dean, dark, rich and dangerous with wonderful woodsy notes, leaves a trail of blood red roses in its wake. Your arms lock themselves around your body, savouring each whiff and soaking every droplet. The combined senses warm you to the core.
On the other hand, you muse with bittersweet fondness that perchance, this is as close to being cocooned in her arms as you will ever come. The sad reality instantly drenches you in thick melancholy.
When your eyes meet the dean’s, dewy though they are with unshed tears, they lack the shine of which she has always been rather fond, she has now just realised, and the realisation hits her like a ton of bricks.
Drowning in your wounded eyes while being well aware that she is unequivocally the culprit, it is well-nigh torture for her not to engulf your dainty frame in her arms. The apparent fragility of its current state is the only reason behind her hesitation to do so.
However, when you stagger on your feet like a newborn fawn, as if possessing a mind of their own, her hands move to hold you on your delicate waist. Immediately, your fingers, lovely and lithe, find home on her forearms, maintaining a determined grip. If she has oh so foolishly thought that this little electrifying contact is going to be the death of her, imagine her absolute bewilderment once your forehead falls onto her chest, dainty digits digging into the fabric of her waistcoat.
An aggressive exhale through her nose is a poor attempt to prevent herself from gasping audibly, a not so flawless facade masking her crumbling resolve.
A muffled little whimper that subsequently drizzles out of your lips is as much a candy to her ears as it is toxin to her mind.
The string that ties the two of you together is now but a flickering red. This usually is a sign of one’s soulmate being in a potentially life threatening condition. She has said such bitter, hatful words to your lovely little face, intentionally injected poison into your veins, simultaneously making you believe that you are absolutely unwanted by the one true who is meant only for you.
Instead of making her feel liberated as she has stubbornly believed, it has weighted heavily on her heart ever since those words, acidic in nature, have left her nefarious lips, and now throbs a pang of guilt, unforgiving and relentless, as your eyes, as shimmery as a moon reflected in a pond, seek her face once more.
“Y- you came.”
Your voice is worryingly feeble, breath ragged, tapering to a choked sob, crumbling into sporadic wheezes.
“Shhh, I’ve got you now.”
A gentle thumb traces a tear as it trickles down your cheek, plucking the blossoming droplets out of your lashes before they burgeon and burst.
A breath catches in her throat when you nuzzle your peachy soft cheek into her palm like a sweet, affectionate kitten.
However, the swaying of your body coupled with the crimson cuts on your once faultless skin reminds her once more of the alarming state you are in.
Hooking an arm under your knees and twining the other round your back, you are effortlessly lifted into her arms, cradled close to her chest. Cheek pressed against her bosom, one of your arms wind up around her elegant neck while your fingers seize her collar in a white-knuckled grip, as if letting her go would colour you crazed.
“Let’s get you out of this godforsaken woods.”
Her voice is the last thing you hear before consciousness slips into oblivion, with the last thing on your mind being if it meant being alone with her, then you wouldn’t mind staying trapped inside the endless woods even if indefinitely. Deem you selfish or even mad for thinking so but as long as you get to be in the receiving end of her concern, you consider a couple of nasty wounds but a small price to pay.
With a broken little darling bird tightly secured in her arms, the dean of the school for evil makes a hasty return.
No sooner has she taken a step into the school grounds than out strolls the dean of the school for good, frazzled and clearly vexed.
“Where in the great lawn have you-” Upon seeing not one but two people, one of which has been declared missing for the past couple of days, she cuts herself off with a gasp, “Where did you find her?” , inching closer to examine the queer little bundle in her evil counterpart’s arms.
When her queries aren’t answered, she knows better than to press, understanding immediately that there is more to it than meets the eyes. Even when she notices that they are not heading towards the school on the right, but the left, piqued though her curiosity is, she asks no questions until someone else does it for her.
“The school for good is this way. Where are you taking her?”
She recalls this lad as a prince endeavouring fruitless attempts at wooing you. Sighing internally, she muses, distracted by her recollections, Just how clueless can he get! You are clearly not interested.
“She’s been lost for days. She must be terribly malnourished, to say nothing of the state she’s in. We need to get her immediate medical attention.”
She wants to feel sorry for her student when he moves to arrogantly pry you out of firmly fixed arms, but she is more intrigued by her friend’s reaction to pay him any mind.
“Touch her if you dare and bid your hands farewell.”
One glance at the red head is enough for Clarissa Dovey to see her true emotions. On the front, her friend’s mien betrays nothing, quintessence of cool and collected. It may work in fooling other people but Clarissa Dovey is not just other people. They go way back and, albeit unintentionally, she has mastered the art of fathoming this intricacy of a person.
She sees it all in those foxy eyes; behind their frosty aloofness lies a brewing storm of anger, desperation and anxiety, sprinkled with just a touch of possessiveness.
“I must tend to her myself. I can’t even for a fraction of a second let her out of my sight.”
Clarissa Dovey knows that the declaration is directed at her, an almost imperceptible crack in her facade as her voice wavers, but she has noticed it all the same.
And, as she watches her friend swiftly disappear into the school for evil with one of her ever students cradled close to her chest, “Don’t.” , she shakes her head at the puzzled lad whose eyes seem to be overflowing with incredulity. “Let them be.”
She thinks she has deciphered the gist of her friend’s odd behaviour.
With every bit of skin that is revealed to Leonora’s intense scrutiny, too, comes a new wound to add to the gradually increasing collection.
The bite on the left side of your chest is arguably the most dreadful of them all. She has magically extracted as much venom from your system as she can manage, being extra careful to instantly heal most of the superficial cuts closed while giving ample attention to the more serious injuries that necessitate organic healing.
Gingerly, she cleans the wounds, stitches them extremely cautiously if stitches are warranted. Once she is satisfied with her work, she dresses them with pristine white linens, and you, in one of her dress shirts.
The sight of you in nothing but her white shirt is a rather dangerous vision, she decides as she tucks you under the covers, and flees the room under the guise of putting the soiled linens away. The pull between the two of you has suddenly become overwhelmingly powerful that she fears it will stoke the flame within her lest she puts some distance.
As long as you are under the same roof as her, she will be fine, she reasons.
“How is she?”
The voice that soon greets her is her friend’s.
“Still unconscious but thankfully, out of the woods. Venom has been extracted and I’ve dressed her wounds. Well, some of it at least.”
The blonde has joined her by her side as she rummages in her potions cabinet for something equivalent of multivitamin supplements to give you. So, she stops, turns to face her best friend, her only confidante.
“Dovey, I said some hateful things to her. I treated her quite horribly. I don’t know if she’s ever going to forgive me for it.”
Resuming her search, she utters her terrible confession.
“It was I who pushed her away, and yet, being away from her, truly away from her, it was awfully unbearable, as if, as if a piece of my heart is being ripped away.“
A hand lands on her shoulder.
“That’s even more reason for you to make it up to her. She needs you as much as you need her.”
The eyes that greet her upon making contact are kind, gentle, and full of wisdom, not anything near the usual Dovey who revels in throwing merciless quips at her with a fiery passion. There however is a hint of reproach in her voice as she adds, eyes hardening for just a fraction.
“Trying to deny the connection will only continue to hurt the both of you. If you are clever enough to understand the importance of it, you would do well to fix your mistakes.��
It is during times like these that she is infinitely grateful for having a friend like Dovey. More often than not, they will be seen partaking in almost ruthlessly aggressive banter, making them come across as nemeses who despise one another to those around them, but Dovey, to Lesso, is a port in the storm: someone, no the only one she can turn to.
Suddenly, following her friend’s much needed advice, even being under the same roof becomes painfully insufferable. Her heart demands that she returns to your side, and thus, after shocking Dovey with a rare moment of expressing gratitude, grabbing the bottle in hand, she walks briskly back towards her chamber.
By the time you wake up, there significantly is less soreness overall. Cocooned in satiny softness, you feel infinitely better, up until the last couple of hours gain on your foggy mind. It is too beautiful of a memory to be real, and you wonder if you have just made it all up when a delightful whiff of a familiar fragrance teases your nose.
Tracing the scent leads you to the conclusion that not only are you in the dean’s chamber, you are buried under her feather-soft duvet, sinking into her pillowy bed. Upon peeling the satin sheet off your body, you find yourself in Lady Lesso’s pristine white shirt.
Your cheeks are painted sunset pink, jolly little hummingbird causing mayhem inside its bony cage, but then, rears the ugly head of reality, crushing the delicate buds of hope beneath its foul boots.
You are inside her room, enveloped in her scent, and surrounded by her things, and yet, it is such a depressing disappointment that the woman herself is nowhere to be found.
She has been adamant that she doesn’t wanted you then.
What are the chances that she will want you now?
Your tie has meant nothing to her after all. Is there even any reason for you to keep pestering her now that what little connection you have to her is no more, due to her own doing no less.
With thoughts running rampant, your bare feet have just barely touched the fluffy carpet when the click-clack of heels notify you of her impending arrival.
Panicked and emotionally unprepared to force back into the bitter reality, you dive back under the covers, pretending as though sleep has yet to release you from its grip.
There is silence for a few minutes.
And then, “If you’re awake, let’s get some elixir in you. It’ll help you heal better.”
You comply, peeking one eye open first before moving to sit on the bed.
Trying your damndest not to unabashedly stare at her is proven to be a rather challenging affair as your eyes are keep being drawn to her tantalisingly dishevelled state. Her sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, displaying her surprisingly strong arms; you can see her veins, emerald green and amethyst purple, under her skin like milky porcelain.
Then, a bottle is handed to you. Your eyes are busy admiring her beautifully long fingers with their stylishly painted nails, sharp as talons, to give any mind to the peculiar looking colour and consistency of the contents of the bottle.
When it comes to most potions, the first droplet is always the most unpleasant, and then, you somehow get used to the taste, and watery as they usually are, the rest of the liquid goes easily in. However, with this one, the taste is unrivalled, in that it does not go down easily, the thick consistency of the liquid making it terribly unpleasant for you to swallow.
You almost end up giving up halfway, and you certainly would have if it wasn’t for her hand holding your jaw, fingers caressing your cheek, while the other is clasped over yours around the bottle, urging you on.
The roundness of the bottle is soon replaced with the thinness of the glass when a glass of water is put in your hand.
“Good girl.”
The lowly husked praise has come out of the blue that you very nearly choke to death amidst mouthfuls of water.
Silence reigns for some time afterwards before it is dethroned once more by her voice, “If you would give me another chance,” soothingly tender and conveying genuine repentance. “I would like to give this, us a proper chance.”
The sincerity of her words stuns you for a moment.
“Would you?”
You choose your words carefully. She has finally warmed up to the idea of you and her, and you do not wish to scare her away.
Still, you must state what you must.
“I won’t lie and say that you didn’t hurt me, Lady Lesso because you did, possibly even more than you’ve intended.”
At this, to your genuine shock, she wilts, the prim and proper Lady Lesso with her shoulders slumped and brows furrowed.
“I took you for granted. Of course, you would want nothing to do with me anymore. I understand. If I were you, I’d hate me, too.”
“Regrettably, even if I want to hate you, I am unable to. Not that I want to in the first place.”
Your hand finds hers on her lap, gingerly brushing a thumb against her warm skin, and when she stares intently at it, stupefied and breath caught in her slender throat, you smile to yourself.
“As foolish as it sounds, I have wanted nothing but you ever since you’ve entered my vision. I think you would have enamoured me all the same even without this string binding us together.”
“So, yes. Yes, I would.”
Her eyes are a mesmerising green as they seek yours. Now it is her doing what she does best, exercising the art of taking one’s breath away.
“No darling,-” A shadow of a smile makes its breathtaking appearance on her lovely lips. “-not only have I been a fool but I have also been a coward. It is an age-old belief that villains are never granted a happily ever after, and I-” Her hand engulfs yours, mirroring your ministrations from earlier. “-I resorted to subjecting you to my wrath before, as my irrational fear had made a foolish presumption, you would, one day, make a fool out of me. Ironically, I ended up making a fool of myself.”
Emboldened by the revelation, you intertwine your fingers with hers. “I know that our case is unique, possibly even unheard of from what I’ve gathered thus far, but Lady Lesso-” Squeezing her hand reassuringly, you make your unfaltering confession. “-even while being well aware that our path will not always be all sunshine and rainbows, I will unequivocally choose to walk the arduous path as long as I can have you.”
A beat.
Your heart thrums anxiously beneath your ribcage.
Have you divulged too much?
And then, she cracks the most fabulous smile, “Be careful darling. Flattery will get you everywhere.”
The warm, pulsating sound of it is the loveliest melody to your ears.
The tip of your ears burning, you move to hide from her mischievous gaze, but as if reading your mind, her fingers slide along your jaw, gingerly running a thumb across your raspberry suffused cheek.
“Verily, you have the purest heart.”
She muses more to herself than talk to you, only after some time, aiming utterances to you.
“Very well then, we have all the time in the world to tackle our situation. Now, rest, for it is your utmost priority. These past few days have been terribly unkind to you after all.”
“Mmhm, but Lady Lesso?”
“I thought you had severed our ties. Why is it still intact?”
“Because I didn’t.”
“It was only a mirage then?”
“And, Lady Lesso?”
“Stay with me?” You ask meekly, then add. “That is, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course. I couldn’t wish for anything less.”
Your belly butterflies rejoice when after tucking you back into her bed, “Sleep tight, my sweet little songbird.” , you feel the warm press of her lips on yours. It is but a fleeting touch. But, when they descend upon your cheek next, they linger, brushing against your skin in the softest, most delicate caress.
“I’ll be here when you wake up.”
That night, you fall asleep with the goofiest of smiles on your face.
Tied around your pinkies, and cascading into a stream amongst the creamy sheets, the string of fate that binds your souls together burns the brightest red.
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dolphinavip · 1 year
Secrets- Chapter 1
Warnings: None
Pairing: lady Lesso x fem reader
Word count: 1732
Hello everyone! This is my first story and I hope you enjoy it!!
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You had join the school for good and evil quite some time back yet not so long ago that most professors still considered you as new. You had began teaching only at the school for good for not too long before the two schools had merged together. Before the merge you didn't quite interact with your evil counterparts as much, only the quick glances during dinner, or in the corridors but after the merge meetings with the two sides were much more frequent.
Due to this a very unlikely friendship had sparked between you and the red head. It began with her looking at you during meeting yet ended up with late nights being spent in each others private chambers just chatting away or small walks around the gardens at night.
You sat in your office finally finishing up grading the last few papers. Long ago had night fallen yet there had been so much work to do that you didn't want to leave it till tomorrow. The clock finally struck 9 as you put away the last sheet of homework.
Dovey had asked you to discuss with Lesso about some lesson plans and her opinion about them yet you hadn't found time at all to visit Lesso. Glancing at the clock it wasn't too late and it wasn't going ti take long. Plus the lesson plan was for tomorrow and you didn't want to deal with an angry Lesso.
You knocked on the large oak doors of her office, with the light from the room peaking out. A audible groan came from the room before a voice came.
"Enter" she said sharply.
As you entered the room was in pristine condition, not what you had been expecting. Looking over at the Dean she was still busy at grading papers not even bothering to look up as you entered.
"Got lost Princess. Surely you need your beauty sleep?" She smirked briefly looking up from her papers amused at realising it was you at the door, putting down her guard.
You just scoffed making your way into her office "Dovey asked me to discuss the lesson plans with you"
"And can't you see I'm busy" she interrupted still refusing to look up as she carried writing away.
Mumbling something under your breath you stood up ready to leave which did catch Lesso's attention.
"Alright fine go on, don't go sulking" she glanced up gesturing back to the seat as she saw the annoyed look on your face.
After an hour or so of discussion a yawn escaped your lips.
"I think we should continue this in the morning" Lesso said abruptly as she looked towards the cloak, even she was exhausted from the long day.
As you got up a chess box caught your eye.
"You play chess?" You smiled raising an eyebrow.
"Have enough time to join me in one game?" She questioned, picking up the set "I think beating a princess would be quite enjoyable"
You scoffed "i want to see you try"
After a couple of games, Lesso groaned as you pushed her king from the board.
"And check again" you smiled winking as Lesso composed herself.
"That was just luck and it's just again" she acted as if she didn't care she had been beaten yet looked extremely annoyed.
"Well I should get going, it is extremely late and I do suppose you need to recover from loosing this many times" you smiled again as you began to leave the room.
"I-" Lesso began before backtracking in her thoughts.
"Hmm?" You questioned as she stopped in her thoughts.
"Nothing" she replied quickly returning to her cold demeanour and nodded as you began to leave the room. 
"Same time again tomorrow?" She asked more gently as you waved good night "of course" you smiled back closing the door behind.
Secretly Lesso enjoyed the late meetings at nights even the late night walks in the garden. Although it was always cold spending some time with you seemed to make up for it.
In the morning during breakfast you sat at your normal seat as Dovey and Emma sat beside you. Busy in their talks you noticed Lesso enter the room, her hair was more of a mess than usual and she looked like she hadn't got even an hour of sleep. Lesso couldn't hide her discomfort with her leg pain flaring up, her face contorting  in pain as she accidentally put too much pressure onto her leg. She looked up to meet your eyes which looked on with concern before quickly glancing away, returning to her cold demeanour.
Even her mood was as bad as you saw her growl towards some Nevers you came in her way pushing the roughly aside with her cane hitting them in the shin much to their displeasure. She glanced between you and the spare chair next to Dovey. Honestly she didn't want to put up with her smiles and rainbows but just wanted to sit down.
"You look even worse than normal Lesso" Emma smirked glancing over.
"Thank you for that Emma," Lesso scoffed rolling her eyes.
"You sure your okay?" Dovey asked gently clearly concerned for her counter part.
Lesso just nodded before a group of Evers had came and interrupted. Before you could even talk to Lesso classes had already begun so you had to make your way to your room.
You hadn’t seen Lesso all day, she hadn’t shown up to any meeting throughout the day nor came to your office for your regular walks in the garden.
You looked at the clock as it ticked past 8 then 9. Lesso was meant to be here an hour ago and for her to be this late was unheard of.
You had checked her office first to see if she was there. Although she wasn't you were met with a huge mess with papers all scattered across her desk, with the pot of pens and pencils spilt next to the desk. The lamp beside her desk still switched on. The room was completely a mess, a total opposite of what I was like just the day before.
Quickly switching off the light you head towards her private chambers which happened to be on the other side of the campus much to your displeasure.
"Lesso?" You asked ear against the door as you knocked on it.
Your face scrunched as you received no response from inside. Knocking again you listened impatiently from any noise from inside the room.
A loud thump brought you from your thoughts as something hit the door with quite some force.
"Nora it's me" you said more gently slightly pushing the door open.
Even though you could only peek into the room the scene in front was even worse than her office. You pushed open the doors completely searching for Lesso in the room.
"I said go away" Lesso commanded turning her back to face away from you not allowing you to see in her in this state.
Only then did you see her sitting on the floor to the side of her bed, leaned up against the frame. Her cane which she had probably thrown at the door lay beside your feet.
"Lesso..." you said barely audible reaching down for the cane.
"I do not require anyone's help" she hissed as she saw you approaching navigating round the mess of her room.
Lesso sat up straight, quickly wiping any tears threatening to fall and got up from the floor.
You looked at the state of the dean. Never even once had you seen her such in a weakened state, always being used to the cold and distant behaviour. Lesso frowned at the sight of you having pity on her- The Dean of the school of Evil. Yet here she was.
"I said I don't need anyone's help, especially from an Ever like you" she hissed once again, a tone of anger hinting behind her voice as she stood sharply.
"But..." you began
"Leave me alone" she cut you off gesturing to the the door, yet she still refused to look at you.
You paused, unsure of what to do before leaving the room and closing the door gently behind.
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Everything I’ve written for Lady Lesso
so, i’ve been writing for leo these past couples of days more than i’ve written for anyone else in my entire life, and since they’re no longer appearing in tags because my main blog is shadowbanned, i decided to make a list here as well (ง'̀-'́)ง
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So deep in my heart that you’re really a part of me — red string of fate soulmates. angst. hurt-comfort. fluff
“Ever since you’ve appeared in front of me, you’ve been nothing but a thorn in my flesh. So, yes, it does suggest to me that you are a pesky little vermin.”
R. — jealous-protective-possessive leo. angst. hurt-comfort. fluff
“This Princess, my Princess, right here is strictly off limits.”
Sleep tight, sweet delight — fluffy fluff
“Come, darling, lie with me for a while.”
Die a little death — smut
“You are mine, and you would do well to remember that.”
Kiss me better — fluffy fluff
“I’m your cinnamon roll. Otherwise, I’m pure dark chocolate. Bitter. Unpalatable.”
Told by the stars — artsy smut (is that a thing?). bottom leo
“Diable! Begging was the last thing on my mind when you told me you wanted to take care of me.”
Make me proud — fluffy fluff. motherly teacher leo
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to listen, would I?”
Love thrives on coffee, dark and creamy — fluffy fluff. hurt-comfort
“I accidentally spilled cream into my coffee. You can have it.”
Lost heart, unreturned — angst. leo playing cello
“You have been laughing, wearing the most dazzling of smiles that will put even the stars to shame, encircled in the arms of someone who is not me.”
Unequivocally, irrevocably — fluffy fluff
“Come now sweetheart,the only golden retriever I’ll willingly, gladly keep by my side is you.”
Home is found within her arms — fluffy fluff
“Your terrible mood. How can I remedy that?”
Say yes to heaven, say yes to me — christmassy fluff
“Do I seem the type to ask someone for compensation through coffee dates had I not been interested in them in the first place?”
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missvifdor · 2 years
Lady Lesso x Reader Angst/Fluff/Smut Idea of fic:
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Listen.  And if... Reader, who is a woman, an Ever and the sister of Guenevere, therefore the aunt of Tedros.  And when Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and after Arthur died, Reader had taken care of Tedros by raising him.  Time passes and Tedros begins his first year at school while Reader becomes a faculty member of the School of Good (Obviously, the same events as in the movies happen with some small modifications that I will explain). 
Reader is a princess but she never entered the stereotypes dictated to be that, she's not the type to sit there looking pretty and waiting to be rescued, she doesn't have the patience or the inclination  this side.  Reader was also a bookworm and wasn't as popular as Guinevere in their youth and that suited her just fine. 
She knows how to fight with two swords simultaneously with as much strength and precision as any Everboy and even much better, she is courageous, determined and above all she really cares about the happiness of the people in whom she cares (and not only  because it was destined to go on the side of Good).  And here is her story with our Dean of Evil.  She went to School for Good and Evil and studied there at the same time as Leonora.  And here's the thing, Tedros wasn't the only one in the family who wanted to fight to love a Never (guess it runs in the family). 
During her years at school, Reader fell in love with Leonora of Galvadon from the School of Evil.  Their relationship was secret but Reader was ready to go public and fight for the right to love Lenora, his True Love.  However, nothing went as she hoped and she ended up heartbroken. 
Leonora broke up with Reader suddenly and very coldly before they could make their relationship public, then they both went their separate ways until graduation.  The truth is that Leonora didn't want to break up, not for a second, but she found herself trapped and manipulated by Rafal into his grand plan and she didn't want Reader to get hurt through her fault. 
In short, a few years later, here they are both teachers in their respective schools and in a way work colleagues who are obliged to interact at meetings and lunches, Leonora and Reader are torn between having their hearts broken and being  happy to interact even if it's cold or awkward.  And since Leonora is Reader's True Love, she couldn't move on after breaking up with another Prince or Princess. 
Throughout the events until Tedros makes his circus to have the right to be with Sophie, when Leonora says that "Ever and Never together is repulsive" breaks Reader's heart harder and she can't really hide the hurt glint in his eyes. 
Leonora sees it though and she blames herself.  After the meeting, Leonora tries to catch up with Reader to talk to her but it turns into an argument with Reader saying "But you didn't have to come and get me anymore to explain your own word or action! I'm sorry to have you so disgusted that you feel compelled to say this so directly in front of everyone! I don't know what to say to you, Lesso. It was you who broke up with me when I was ready to fight for you! God, I was even ready to face the judgment of my own family and friends for you! So don't act like you care about my feelings and leave me alone!"  Leonora is left to fend for herself and Reader runs away crying. 
The events of the film pass, the school and the students are in danger because of Rafal.  Reader protects as many students as she can with her magic and swords but ends up injured in the process. 
When the schools have merged and Rafal is defeated, Leonora comes to Reader's bedside and confesses everything to her.  They share a passionate and intense kiss.  Reader saying "I'm all yours Leonora. Every breath, every kiss, they've always been yours and yours alone" and then it goes to with Leonora saying "Let me adore you like I should have for too long". 
Long, detailed and intense smut with Leonora at the controls to end in style.
The end. 
If there are people interested in writing it in the format they want, you can use this idea as many times as you want, I would be super interested in reading it!  Don't forget to tag me!
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my-blind-album · 2 years
Lady Lesso x Female Reader- Do you wanna build a Snowman?
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Requests; OPEN! {female characters only}
Pairing; Lady Leonora Lesso x Female Reader
Teen!AU - Adult!AU
POV; Since the day that the two best friends Leonora and Y/n were taken from their home in Gavaldon and sent to the school for good and evil. Leonora was sent to the school for evil and Y/n to the school for good. Ever since then Leonora has been distancing herself from Y/n and Y/n tries to get closer to her but is always neglected till the day comes were Y/n gets rejected by Leonora and she finally decides to stop chasing after the redhead but Leo is now left all alone and without anyone knowing of her tormenting dean of evil.
Warning(s); Fluff, Angst, Mentions of abandonment and neglect, death mentions, hints of rape, hints of paedophilia, sad ending
16 Years Old
Watching outside the window struggling to sleep, Y/n notices tiny white flakes falling from the sky, which can only meaning one thing...it's snowing.
Carefully and quietly making her way out of the dorm rooms and the good school as she sneaks past the fairies towards the school for evil. Luckily for her it was a full moon as well meaning the wolf guards were probably out howling. Creeping through the halls and steps she finally makes it towards a room with a label...
'Leonora Lesso'
Taking deep breaths she slowly reaches her fist for the door before knocking it five times.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Knock. Knock.
"Leo?" Y/n calls out to be met with a simple hum from the other side of the room indicating that Leonora was awake and very much aware of her best friends presence.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?" no response. "Come on, let's go and play!" Y/n suggests as Leonora continues to keep her silence not responding to her friend's tactics. But unfortunately for her, Y/n was not willing to give up on her best friend.
"I never see you anymore, come out the door it's like you've away!" Y/n stops listening in but still no response. "We used to be best buddies, but now we're not, I wish you would tell me why!" Kneeling herself to the level of the doorknob she pokes her eye to try and peak inside but it's impossible for her to see through the small space. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" she places her mouth on the key space. "It doesn't have to be a snowman!" Y/n says cheekily even-though Leonora knew was talking about snow angels. Leonora finally reached her limited and decided to chase her friend away. "Go away Y/n!" although Leonora didn't know it or saw it behind her doors was sad girl who reluctantly walked away holding back the tears and making her way back to her own school and dorm room.
17 Years Old
It's Christmas Eve and everyone's in bed already but unlike everyone else, Y/n stands in the school for good's lovely garden consisting of each and every flower you could think of. Sitting on a nearby bench is Y/n who admires the moon's reflection on the river as she embraces the wonderful silence that fills her soul and mentality. Being a quiet bookworm she never enjoyed socializing or just the site of people drives her insane. But she will never forget the day she met Leonora.
Turning the page to the next chapter of her book, Y/n looks up from her reading due to the sound of footsteps which confused her, it's 7pm in the evening why would someone be out here, in the forest, apart from her since she was a lover of the night and it's beautiful features. "Hello?" she calls out to the source of the steps and sooner a redhead pops up from the bushes and is shocked to spot someone else in this late evening. "AH!" the redhead screamed and Y/n screamed back in fear. "What are you doing here?!" she speaks out. "I could ask you the same thing, redhead!" the girl before Y/n relaxes a bit as seeing that she won't be attacked. "Just came out for some fresh air, I always to that when I'm stressed" Y/n raises her eyebrow "So basically 24/7?" the redhead pauses before continuing. "Yeah really" she laughs. "What's your name?" "Lesso, Leonora Lesso" she extends her hand for Y/n to take and she hesitates for a bit before placing her hand on the redhead's or Leonora's. "And yours?" "Bell, Y/n Bell" they shake hands as Leonora sits next to Y/n and they continue to talk about their lives and problem and realized they were both going through the same issues and they're bond grew closer than ever.
Y/n slowly regains consciousness once feels something fall on her nose and moves her hands to touch it something fell on her hand. A snowflake. Looking up Y/n notice that it's snowing and she gets up from her seat twirling around with the biggest smile on her face. A thought pops in her mind, one that shouldn't have in the first place, before she can even think about her chances of success this time she finds herself already in front of Lenora's dorm room using her teleportation abilities. She's about to knock till she notices something different about the door and spots 3 names number Leonora's meaning this time she had roommates. To say she was surprised was an understatement, she was flabbergasted to say the least. Leonora was as worse as Y/n was when it came to socializing and she was sure that while they were back at Gavaldon she was Leo's only friend, so why would she have friends now? Is cause she feels like she belongs with them cause they're her people as well? Or did she replace after all the years we spent together?
Knocking on the door five times, she called out for her supposedly friend. "Leo?! It's Y/n!" and as the last time she received a simple hum from her friend on the other side of the room. "Do you wanna build a snowman?!" she pauses till she hears no response so she continues. "Or ride a bike around halls!?" no response "I think some company is overdue! I started to the pictures on walls!" Y/n stops smiling at the time she talked to a painting on the wall who goes by the name Joan and he was very friendly and wise and whenever Y/n needed the advice he was more than happy to prove one for her. "It gets a little lonely, all these empty halls just watching the hours tick by" now that Y/n realized it, she had no other friends she had apart from except the librarian who would always recommend a good book to her, Joan the talking painting and a girl called Clarissa Dovey who was the daughter of the fairy godmother and was Y/n's only student of good friend. Hoping and anticipating for a response better than her last only to get the same thing. Nothing. Sighing in defeat she walks away from the door not bothering to use her teleportation skills.
But on the other side of the door was a wounded Leonora who wasn't just heart in the inside but out as well. Being that Rafal had thought that he finally found he's first evil victim who will bring victor for evil but all Leonora ever wanted was Y/n, her best friend or was she really her best friend any more? "I hope your not thinking about that ratchet ever girl you call your 'friend' " Rafal spat to the redhead who was leaning against her door with her knees brought up to her chest and her eyes red from all the crying. "You know I love you, right Leo?" she nods her head. "Use your words sweetheart" "Ye-s-s" Rafal raised his eyebrow at her as if to continue her sentence. "Yes-s M-master Rafal" Rafal smirks at her placing his hand under her chin lifting her head up to him as he stares at her in cold lust. He slowly makes his way to her ear before huskily whispering, "Good Girl~" he rubs his thumb across Leonora's bottom lip as she quivers in fear and Rafal chuckles at the sight. "Now be a good student and spread open your legs for Master~"
18 Years Old
The year came whereby all the students of both and evil will pursue their careers and follow their fantasies for those who were chosen by the Storian. Was Y/n nervous? Quite frankly I believe there are no more words that could describe how she was feeling. She was ambivalent towards the thought of leaving Leonora if their stories don't include each other in them. So she decided that today was the today that she'd confess her feelings, not knowing that someone was already one step ahead of her scheme.
Once again, it was late at night Y/n stood in front of Leonora's door, and like always it was snowing, although she could have confessed during the day, there was one problem and that was Leonora was absent the entire day, no ne had word on her whereabouts so she figured that night time would be the perfect time, at least if she got rejected no one would be able to notice the tears escaping from her eyes and her lack of breathing.
She knocked on the door three times instead of the times she'd knock on the door numerous times till she would open the door to scold her away. "Leonora?" Y/n whispered yet in a way that she knew she wasn't alone and didn't want her accomplice to hear her. This time instead of a hum there was no response, but Y/n knew Leonora and she knew was in that room so decided to continue. "I know you're in there, people are asking we you've been" feeling her breathing becoming unsteady she continues. "They say, 'Have courage' and I'm trying to. I'm right here for you, just let me in" placing her hand on the door gently before she rests her forehead on the door as well not even caring for the tears anymore and letting them shower down her cheeks before softly hitting the ground. "We only have each other, just you and me, what are we gonna do?" she says before making her last comment. "Y/n please just leave me alone" "Why?" "I-I...don't feel the same way for you, I love someone else" "It's Rafal isn't?" Leonora goes quiet and Y/n laughs while rolling her eyes in disbelief knowing she's correct. "Bloody Bastard" Y/n mumbles under her breathe before completely backup from the door. "Well I wish you good luck, Leonora" "Goodbye Y/n" "Goodbye, Leonora Lesso" and with that she teleports back to her dorm leaving a broken hearted redhead stuck alone in a room with a man who will torture her for the rest of her life.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?"
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Lady Leonora Lesso Masterlist
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Mommy…Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
Games w/ Sex Pollen Part 1*
Part 2*
Drunk on You Part 1
Part 2*, Part 3*& Part 4**
Anytime Soon… Part 1
Part 2*
You’ll Pay, Pet Part 1*
Part 2*
Unexpected Desires ~Dom!lesso xDom!Anemone xSub!Dovey xSub!Reader Part 1
Part 2**, Part 3
Extra Credit ~Dovesso xReader Part 1*
Part 2*
My Project ~Dovesso xFem Reader Part 1*
Part 2
One Shots
What’s My Name*
Fortunate Circumstances ~top!dovesso x reader*
My Mess*
Rescue Each Other
I’m Here for You ~motherly!lesso
Goddamnit, I like You
Now and Forever ~dovesso
Black Knickers*
Our Little Secret*
Red Fever*
Her Softening Heart ~soft!lesso*
A Very Pressing Matter*
Mommy & Wifey Cure Panic ~dovesso xreader*
It’s Mommy, Baby*
My Sweet Sub*
Beautifully Enough ~Soft!Lesso
Call Her Daddy*
Would You Look at That ~Sub!Lesso xDom!Anemone xDom!Reader*
Can’t Get Enough of You*
Who’s in Charge…*
Blazing Care in Your Eyes ~Soft!Lesso*
Takes One to Know One ~Lesso xLarissa Weems**
Careful What You Wish For*
Hold Me Tight Imagines ~Soft!Lesso xgn!Reader
Come Let Me Eat You Up*
Picnics, Need, & Care*
I’ll Rock Your World ~Top!Lesso*
Call Yourself Mine ~GN!Reader*
Happy Reunions ~Dovesso xWife Reader*
Too Much ~Soft!Lesso
Can’t Pretend It Doesn’t Bother Me ~Soft!Lesso xAFAB Trans!Male!Reader
Birthday Comfort ~Soft!Lesso
Begging for You*
Begging Kink w/ Lesso ~Kinktober*
Rope Uncut
Venus’ Seduction ~Sub!Lesso
It’s Okay to Be Not Okay ~Motherly!Lesso
Sadism with Lady Lesso*
Holiday Shopping Fun*
You Misunderstand Me, Baby*
Enchanted Choices with Unforeseen Consequences*
Oh You Are In For It…**
Stress Relief ~Daddy!Lesso x Emma Anemone*
You Make Submitting So Easy ~Dom!Lady Lesso xFem MascPresenting!Bottom!Sub!Lesbian!Reader
Sneering at Daddy ~Sub!Bratty!Lesso xFem Dom!Daddy!Reader
Caugh In Your Web ~Younger!Leonora Lesso xFem Dominatrix!Reader ~College Au
My Good Little Sluts ~Sub!Lady Lesso xSub!Larissa Weems xFem Dom!Reader**
Strip Me of My Power ~Dom!Larissa Weems x Sub!Bratty!Lady Lesso**
No One Cares About Logistics ~Dom!Cipher xSwitch!Lady Lesso xFem Sub!Reader**
Stay Away From Him
Oh and I take Requests, so hit me up with your ideas 😉 Requests & Prompt-List
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v3nusxsky · 3 months
Picking up the pieces
*Authors note~ just trying to get back into the swing of things now University is over for the summer. And of course sinful souls is long overdue an update. Queue the angsty chapter *
Trigger warnings~ very toxic lesso, lesso left after sex, abandonment issues (R), aftercare mentioned, heartbreak, depression, panic attack, bad memories, sub space (R) , lesso has a lot of self hate and a rough background
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Each sob that forced its way from your exhausted frame broke the blonde principals heart. Leonora leaving would’ve hurt you no matter what, that she knew, but adding in the vulnerability you’d shown before she left meant you were near enough inconsolable. All Larissa could do was administer aftercare and gather you in her arms as your mind and body struggle to catch up. Your cries becoming more frequent as you mumbled phrases like, “why did she go?” “Was I bad mommy?” “I’m sorry” over and over, only worsening your emotional state to the point it was a struggle to force air into your lungs.
Small breaths clawed their way out of your throat as your emotions overflowed into pure panic. Instinctively, you began to panic more, pleading for the other woman to help you, needing more than what you could ever explain in this moment. They say people can die from heartbreak, and this right here would sum that up perfectly. You didn’t want to die, not really, but it seemed that the hold on your lungs just got tighter and tighter until your whole body flopped forward, eyes fluttering to a close, shutting your body down instantly to the soundtrack of Larissa’s terror soaked scream.
Never in her life and all her years at Nevermore had Larissa Weems seen someone in such a state as you were. The extreme emotional stress took a toll on your vulnerable state causing your blood pressure to drop drastically. Instinctively her training kicked in and she moved you gently into the recovery position and made sure to check the time and observe your condition. The longest couple of minutes of the blondes life would forever engrave themselves into her brain and heart.
Incoherent mumbles filled the room allowing the principal to release a breath she wasn’t aware of holding. You’d be okay. She was here for you no matter what. Haphazardly, you threw your hand out in search of the older woman, seeking her warmth and comfort as you roused back to consciousness. “I’m here baby. I’m right here. You’re okay” she reassured as your beautiful dark eyelashes fluttered before revealing your stunning eyes. “You stayed” came your sad little whimper, your eyes darting around the room, “she left didn’t she?”
No response would heal the damage this night caused but Larissa opted to redirect your focus on to her. She was here. Always would be. Leonora walked out yes, but the blonde couldn’t shake that she would be back. Maybe not now, maybe not next week, but she’d come back. You all needed one another in ways neither of you realised. Fate is a tricky beast, one that’s so intricate and beautiful yet holds a price. All you both could do was trust fate would work this situation out for the better. Using the hotel to spend a night away, soaking in eachothers comforting embrace and trying to understand what will happen now.
Everything was blank, until the memory of the door slamming triggering the club owner to break down into an onslaught of angry tears. How could she respond with such anger to you. Clearly red mist clouded her rational thinking and she reacted in such a manner. Yet she had no true memory of what occurred, obscured by blind rage. The rhythmic thumping of the bass vibrating the club seemed to get louder with every silent tear Lesso shred. As it came back in glimpses and flashbacks of how she’d treated the two women who clearly cared for her. Looking at Leonora you wouldn’t think she has ever been through anything rough in life. However, that’s completely far from the truth, underneath that hard shell is the small girl who was abandoned and shunned by the small village she lived in.
A glass of neat whiskey was cradled in her hand as the moment she left the hotel room replayed over and over. Each time something new came to her attention and allowed the self hatred to grow. She was truly evil. How could she? How dare she? She had to make it right if you or Larissa would ever look at her in that way again. Finally being done taking out her personal issues on others and pushing away probably the only good things in her life. She’d never be happy if she couldn’t accept the good in life. That simple realisation resulted in her whiskey being thrown against the door in frustration. How could she be so blind?
Larissa Weems is use to sleeping lightly, it comes with years of being on call for Nevermore students. So it was unsurprising she couldn’t sleep through the constant buzzing coming from your phone, then hers. Only then to be met with what was clearly a drunk Leonora showing remorse and begging for both the women to forgive her. Desperate for another chance. Only half the texts happened to be incoherent. Deciding she didn’t want you wake up yet she shot a text to your group chat stating one simple thing. “Drunk words are sober thoughts my dear”
A reply. She replied. Wait who? Larissa. Immediately Leonora began fumbling to press the call button and after two rings the blonde principal answered. From here she listened as the raven haired woman ranted and rambled out slurred apologise and promises to be better, ending the call with a promise to all talk tomorrow. For now sleep and a glass of water was in order.
Your feelings on the matter were definitely muddled when Larissa approached the subject. Yet with a phone call to lesso of your own you agreed to meet up as long as you had some proof the woman wouldn’t hurt either of you again, a goal to work too allowing you all to sort out your emotions and ideas of where to go from here.
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I’m Yours!- Lady Lesso X EverTeacherFemReader!
Synopsis: You couldn’t hide anymore, you never wanted to hide to begin with.
Warnings: It’s a song fic (sorry?) but adjusted to fit, angst (with a happy ending of course), let me know if I missed any. Not proof read so I apologize for any errors.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/n: YAY! I’m so glad I finished this. This is shorter than I wanted it but I got it longer than I had it! Song is ‘Secret Love Song’ by Little Mix, and I used a sentence from ‘Secret Love Song pt.2’. I have a few more Lesso fic ideas, one in the works but I work full time AND I’m currently moving so, as of now there’s not a time guarantee for release.
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly welcomed!
During the meeting about the joining of the schools, there was only one thing you could pay attention to. Only one person. And that was the Dean, not the Dean of your school though. No, there was something that only you and the Dean Of Evil knew. You and her knew that it wasn't allowed, that no one would approve, but that is what made the desire for each other even stronger than it was already.
You and Lady Lesso were together, or at least you thought you were. The way she would entirely disregard you when any one else was around had you wondering if the fact that you were an Ever professor was the reason, or something else. Sure, you knew that you couldn't be seen together in the way you want, you couldn't hold her the way you yearned to when you were outside of her quarters, but that didn't make it any easier.
Everybody was dismissed from the meeting, and you would've known that if you were paying literally any attention. You were so consumed with your thoughts that you hadn't even realized that you were the only one left in the room, everyone besides Dovey.
You heard some shuffling, "Y/n, what is going on? Something's been off with you."
You looked up from that, seemingly, interesting spot on the table to see that everyone else in the room had left. How had you not heard her cane or her heels as she left? Did Lesso even spare you a glance?
You didn't want to tell Dovey what was actually going on, you knew she wouldn't possibly understand, "Nothing, I'm fine."
"Come on, you can talk to me."
You sighed and the tears were instantly welling up in your eyes, "We keep behind closed doors and every time I see her, I die a little more."
Dovey's face shifted, no longer hiding the worry she had for you, "What are you-"
"The stolen moments that we steal will never be enough. Every second, every thought, we're in so deep but we'll never show it on our faces." You wiped the stray tear from your cheek.
"I don't, I don't understand..." You knew it.
You stood from your seat, just wanting this conversation to be over, "I know you don't, and you probably never will. I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down, she and I will have to hide on the outside, where I can't be hers and she can't be mine."
"Y/n, who? Who is this woman? I'm sure it's not truly like this." Dovey spoke softly, as if her sweet smile and wave of her hand would make it all better.
That. That is why you didn't want to talk with Clarissa about this. After all, she is practically the sole reason you have to hide your relationship. She’s the reason you can’t brag about your girlfriend, why you can’t show off your perfect Leo.
"We've got a love that is hopeless, and we both know that. Why can't she hold me in the corridors? Why can't I kiss her on the dance floor?" You remembered back to the spring ball, when Lesso explicitly said that any physical closeness wasn’t allowed in public.
A distinctive voice sounded from behind you, a voice you know well, "I wish it could be like that."
You turned around to be faced with the owner of the voice. Lady Lesso was standing just a few feet behind you in the doorway. Her face stoic, you saw through her though. You knew there was something deep within her that she wasn't ready to reveal.
Agitation joined your sadness when you wiped another tear, "Why can't we be like that? ‘Cause, I'm yours! I’m, yours…"
Lesso took a deep breath as she began walking towards you. Dovey became invisible the moment you two locked eyes, neither of you could care less if she witnesses this interaction, whatever this may turn out be. As she got closer to you, you saw the way she was truly feeling hidden deep within her eyes. You could see the longing in them, this was destroying her as much as it was you.
She reached out as if she wanted to touch you, but she stopped just shy of the skin on your upper arm, "I'm living for the day-"
A scoff escaped your lips before you could even think about stopping it, "Someday, right?"
"It's... Lady Lesso? That's who you were talking about?" You closed your eyes with a light groan, not bothering to turn towards the Dean Of Good.
"Yes, I was talking about my Leo." You opened yours eyes again, instantly entranced with the small smile Lesso had at the sound of her nickname on your tongue.
Dovey abruptly spoke up, "But- Nevers and Evers don't date! It's the biggest rule!"
"FUCK YOUR RULES!" You snapped as you turned back to face Dovey, you could tell your little outburst surprised both her and Lesso
"Why can't I say that I'm in love?! I wanna shout it from the rooftops!" You weren't sure what you were feeling. "I am so tired of hiding, I'm done with it. I won't hide us anymore. And I don't care what you say or what anyone else has to say."
You turned back to Lesso, letting yourself free of the binds that were constricting you both.
You placed your hand on Lesso's cheek, "It's obvious you're meant for me. Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly."
Something new glinted in her eyes and she didn’t waste any more time. One of her hands went to your waist and the other to your neck, pulling you into a kiss.
A kiss that shared all the emotions you two had felt. The longing, the anticipation, the love, the fear, all of it, you could feel it all.
You couldn’t help but pull her into you, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her impossibly close. Everything but her left your mind, where you were, who all was there, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because you had your Leo.
Your lungs were burning with the need for air, only then did the two of you pull back from one another. Your foreheads rested together and you subtly began toying with the baby hairs on the back of Lesso’s neck. The moment was great and all-consuming, until it was forcefully broken.
Dovey had yet to wrap her head around this. One of her lovely Ever teachers and the Dean Of Evil? Together?
You should’ve expected this reaction, but it’s not the reaction you wanted.
“You two- for how long?” Lesso moved to face Dovey, unconsciously pulling you slightly behind her.
You weren’t sure why, but you liked how her protecting you became second nature to her. You both knew you could take care of yourself, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t like to be taken care of every once in a while.
“For about a year.” Lesso replied nearly stone cold, she already knew the kind of things Dovey had to say and she wasn’t having any part of that.
“That’s, that’s great!”
“What?” Both you and Lesso questioned simultaneously, not quite sure if you heard what you actually had.
“I said it’s great! This is perfect for the unification!” She clasped her hands together in front of her with delight.
Both you and Lesso kind of froze for a moment, before ultimately realizing that this just means you won’t have to deal with Dovey being down your throats, and maybe that you could start showing each other off more, well, just start.
Lesso leaned towards you just slightly, “I’m not even going to question it, let’s take it as our leave and go.”
You silently nodded in agreement. Just as Dovey opened her mouth to speak again, you and Lesso swiftly turned out of the room.
Your hand joined with hers as you walked the corridors, matching smiles on your faces, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tag List: @v3nusxsky @littledollll I’m sorry if I annoy you guys with tagging, it’s just that you two are 1) My favorite writing blogs and 2) My mutuals! I kind of just want you guys to have first dibs at reading :)
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annie-creates · 7 months
I hear the wedding bells
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1500
Note: This is the last part of The evil witch and Bundle of sunshine. It may not be what some of you hoped for but it's how the story ends.
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Snow white dress, curled hair and a long veil, you felt like a princess. Like a real fairytale of your life. You couldn’t wait to marry the love of your life, one you never thought you’ll be able to find again. But she showed you over and over that you can count on her and she’ll stand by your side no matter what. She’d never let any harm go your way and she loved your daughter beyond measure.
“You’ll be the most beautiful bride.” Anemone tutted over you as she and Clarissa watched you trying on your dress.
“You already are beautiful.” Dovey clarified.
“Thank you. I’d never imagine I’d be here one day. I couldn’t do this without you.” You thanked them both, hardly being able to wait to see them standing by your side as your maids of honor.
The wedding was scheduled for the next month, a perfect time in the summer for the gardens to show their best bloom. But you’d get married in the darkest of dungeons if it meant spending the rest of your life with your beloved partner. She and your daughter were having a fund day outside with ice cream and playing by the pond, having chosen their suits and dresses days prior. Lately you felt like floating on cloud nine, everything in your life felt right. That’s what you thought until you saw the look on Lesso’s face as she waited for you propped up on a pillar.
“I don’t like that look…” you started uncertainly.
“I just need to have a talk with you.” Her efforts to calm you down were of no help.
“Well then talk, no need to be so theatrical about it.” You hoped for just a few weeks of peace and ease.
“I know I haven’t been the best in going about this in the past years, but I need to say this before you get married to the wrong person.” That put an immediate frown on your face. “I love you. You might not believe it, or try to deny it, but it’s the rightest truth there is. I am utterly and wholeheartedly in love with you.”
“Lesso stop. You can’t say things like this.” You were getting frustrated with her advances.
“It’s the truth! I don’t want you to get married without knowing it. I know you love me too.” At least she hoped so.
“I did! I did love you. Not anymore. you ruined me. You ruined my life and my happiness. I thought you’re gonna be it. My happy ending, my destiny, my fairytale. Now I see I was wrong. Someone who loved would never be able to do the things you did to me.” You took a deep breath to keep your composure. “I forgave you. For the sake of our child, for her happiness, I forgave you. But it can never be forgotten.”
“I know I hurt you, but if you’d just give me a chance to make things right…” she pleaded.
“You can’t make this right! I don’t want your apologies and courtship. I love Lonnie, alright? She’s the love of my life, my future, my sun, moon and stars, the reason I get up every day. She loves me more than anything in this world and I love her more than you could ever love me.” You almost felt like recitating your prepared wedding wows. “If you’d actually love me you’d let me go and be happy.”
“I want to fight for you, even if it’s the last thing I do.” Leonora didn’t want to give up on the family she could have had that easily.
“There was no fight to begin with! If you can’t be happy for me and wish me the best with the woman of my heart, maybe you should leave. That used to be you, but not anymore. And nothing would ever convince me to love you again. So please, for the sake of our family, let me go.” you didn’t want to lose her entirely from your life, more specifically from your daughter’s life, but if it has to be, you’ll manage.
“Could you really be happy with her? More than you were with me?” Maybe she really has to let you go and be happy with someone else, but the thought was crashing her small black heart.
“I already do. Oh my god, I love her so much it hurts sometimes. Harvesting all the stars in the bright night sky for her would never be enough.” You tried to show Leonora that she had no chance winning you over no matter how hard she tried. “We are over Leonora. You need to get over it. Love our daughter, live your own life like you always wanted to, find a hobby if you have to. Focus on yourself and let me do the same.”
You left her standing there not caring if she turns into a salt column anymore. You had your family, your life, and after a long time you were finally happy without feeling any guilt of what had to happen for you to get there. And if Leonora couldn’t do the same for herself, that’s her own problem to deal with. She doesn’t have to come to your wedding or wish you luck. But you sure hoped that for the benefit of your daughter she will.
The wedding day came before you knew it, Clarissa and Anemone helping you into your dress, standing by your side as you walked down the aisle towards your future wife sporting a beautiful white suit. Your daughter toddled in front of you. You read the most heartfelt wedding wows and cried over them even though you promised yourself not to. You left the flower arch as wife and wife. Saying your “I do” fluttered the most amazing butterflies in your stomach. You danced, sang, ate and laughed and you knew this is going to be a day you’ll remember forever.
“Congratulations.” Lesso came up to the pair of you. “I hope you’ll take a good care of her.”
“I will.” Lonnie assured, puffing her chest in pride. “The best care in the world.” She promised you with heart eyes.
The next weeks, months and years felt like a dream. Your daughter grew up to be the most beautiful princess, your wife showered you every day with love and Leonora found her own ways to occupy herself. As the time neared for your daughter to go study in the School for good and evil herself however, she became a little restless and worried. You could see she didn’t pay as much attention to other things as she used to.
“Mom, what if there’s a mistake and they send me in the Evil school?” She asked you worriedly.
“Honey, you don’t have to worry.” You sat down with her. “The school is just to give you the best chances to improve your talents. It doesn’t make you good of bad. You know, auntie Leonora is from the school of evil and she’d never let any harm go your way. She’s part of the reason you were born.”
“What?” Y/d/n asked confused.
“A long long time ago, me and auntie Lesso were in love. And from that love, we got you.” You tried to explain as gently as possible, she didn’t need to be burdened with your traumas.
“But don’t you love mommy..?” Your daughter couldn’t imagine you with anybody else.
“Of course I do! I love you and mommy more than anything. It was a very long time ago, and me and auntie Lesso don’t love each other anymore. She loves you of course, more than anything. Ans so do I and mommy.” You assured her.
“So I have like three moms? That’s so cool!” She jumped up excitedly, not worrying about the school she’ll get dropped at anymore.
You were absolutely certain Lesso won’t let a hair on her head get crooked. And it proved to be right, as your daughter became her student. You weren’t exactly pleased, but it was the fate and who were you to question it. Y/d/n and Leonora became much closer in the next few years and your daughter grew up to be one the most powerful witches in her school. Graduating at the top of her class and going off on her own adventure, she used ever princessy, knightly and witchery skill her mothers taught her, returning with a big victory for the school of evil.
Your once innocent little toddler grew up to be the most amazing young woman you could have ever imagined. Even tho she didn’t need your protection anymore, you were always there. Her three moms who she could come to with anything and everything on her mind and in her life. You couldn’t be prouder of your journey and all the healing you were able to do to get to this happy ending. Now you were certain this was your happily ever after.
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acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
“Lost heart, unreturned”
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angst 😗 my two moods as i wrote this 😇😈
she’s playing Ludovico Einaudi’s Experience
this is where i took reference from
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The opening notes begin andante, sprinkled with a pinch of melancholy. Dexterous digits and a bow; together, they perform a wonderful dance of woe, giving birth to a soulful tune that, after a while, notably starts to crescendo.
The two of us have gotten into a fight. The reason of the fight itself has been paltry at best, nonsensical at worst, or so I have believed, and therefore, I have said so with a wry chuckle. You, on the other hand, think otherwise.
What follow thereupon are sharp-edged words and cutting retorts, juggled recklessly and thrown carelessly around. Now, I admit that some truths have been said, but back then, amidst the argument while caught up in the heat of the moment, my rationality has been clouded by misplaced anger.
Seldom sweet though truths are, they have not been too bitter to burn my throat. So understandably, or rather naively, I have brushed it aside. After all, it would not be our first disagreement. As far as discords are concerned, sooner or later, one of us would relent, and then, the two of us would wound up entwined in each other’s arms. So far, whatever damage has been left by our conflicts has never been something that a few kisses and reassurances cannot remedy.
Has it been so wrong of me to expect this time to be no different?
Suffice to say, the product of the fight has not been palatable. Our love has not been able to come out unscathed. Our love for each other, the one thing that is supposed to fix, not break, has sadly gone awry.
One little fall out. One tiny little fall out is what has brought about a colossal rift between the two of us.
It has been but a gentle flap of a dainty little butterfly’s wings, yet a storm has been set in motion.
You have left the house, our house.
“We can’t go on like this, Leonora. I think it’s best that we take some time apart to figure things out.”
Such have been your parting words, and incensed, I have dismissed you as though unruffled, “Whatever tickles your fancy.” and subsequently you walking out as your little act of petulance.
In my mind, it has been a given that your delicate body will be nestled against my side come morning, and the rest will be water under the bridge.
I should have known as soon as my full name has spilled forth your lips.
But alas, it is only when a week has gone by with no signs of your returning that the gravity of the situation truly starts settling in.
The damage has been done, and by the time a week melts into two, I realise rather alarmingly that there is a high chance of it being irreparable.
I have, of course, searched for you.
I do find you, but you, my darling, seems to have had a change of heart.
“I’m not going with you.”
And just like that, my heart, too, is crushed into smithereens.
Emotions fuelled by evocations, determined digits dance in a fantastic frenzy, playing the most arrestingly powerful part of the piece agitato. It perfectly matches the one emotion that has been burning the hottest red. Agitation.
“I didn’t know you cared.”
The music comes not only from the instrument. It is born of her whole body; her head dances to the tune her hands create, hair a flurry of fiery red, as she loses herself altogether.
“I don’t think I can do this anymore, Leo. I don’t think I want to.”
Under the guidance of her hand, the bow moves frantically against the strings. Bottled up feelings that are seething just below the cap, words that she has been too big of a coward to say. Leonora has never been someone to wear her heart on her sleeve. And yet, presently, the exhaustion and agony is vividly discernible on the darkness beneath her eyes, the glistening rivulets trickling down her cheeks.
“I didn’t miss you as much as I thought I would.”
The raging tempest within her is channeled into the chords as the melody is released appassionato, intense emotions and feelings seeping into hollow crevices of her dark, lonely dwelling, as well as resonating down the bottomless abyss of her equally empty heart.
I have seen you with another.
The music concludes rallentando, a slow descent, that then kick-starts allegretto, sharper this time, more powerful. She continues to play the chords as loud and fierce as she can because she is in dire need of a reprieve from the voices inside her head. Day in, day out, she is forced into an endless circle of suffering by her very mind causing an absolute mayhem.
You have been laughing, wearing the most dazzling of smiles that will put even the stars to shame, encircled in the arms of someone who is not me.
The sound that the cello releases is wild, untamed, jumbled, messy, erratic, unpredictable, a howling hurricane of desperation and frustration, regret and remorse, as it is what she is going through.
I would have been doing myself a favour by trusting that you have not noticed me. It definitely would have been a more merciful torture to subject myself to. But alas, the fact that your eyes have not come towards my direction amid wandering around, not even once, not even accidentally, has been proof enough that you have, in fact, been actively neglecting me.
And oh, what a heart-wrenchingly splendid job you do.
The song cannot have come to an end, for the strings snap.
Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter.
Tears and blood fall to the floor.
The snapping of the strings has nipped her fingers.
The thick crimson liquid oozes out freely, unrestrained.
The salty droplets, too, are beyond her control.
They fall as they please, and she does not prevent them.
When the bow slips from within its home between her fingers, she lets it clatter to the floor.
Likewise, the cello that is cradled between her thighs, once freed from her grip, collapses.
Soon, she, too, joins her instrument.
Tears continue to slip down her nose, and through a haze, she sees the love of her life. But, it cannot be. Her foolishness has chased you away. Alas, even in her waking moments, she is being haunted by what could have been.
“You deserve it.”
She hears herself say, feeling herself slip and allowing it regardless, for what is there to lose anymore anyway now that she has experienced the greatest lost.
You, her very heart itself.
Lost. Unreturned.
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dovessoiscanon · 2 years
Me: threatens to end my fic on a tragic and very much non-fluffy note with Lesso dead and Dovey living with the knowledge that they were both in love but were too scared to confess
Me after reading the comments:
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xx-state-of-mind-xx · 2 years
She Wore A Thousand Faces All to Hide Her Own
Lesso opens up to Dovey about why she has her cane
*TW* Panic attack*
Dovey’s POV
I knock softly on the Evil Dean’s door. A strip of yellow light shines through the crack between the floor so I know she’s in. Normally I wouldn’t disturb her this late at night and in her rooms at that but this is urgent – some Never broke into my office and stole the plans for the Unity Ball right off my desk.
“Hey, Lesso?” I call out. “Can I come in?” I knock again louder this time and I’m starting to get worried. Taking a breath, I push the door open. The Evil Dean’s room is a mess as usual with books and clothes spread over every visible surface. It’s even worse than the last time I set foot in here with a candle dripping wax onto an open book and the bedclothes in a tangled mess at the foot of her magnificent four-poster.
“Leo, you in?” The bathroom door is shut, and I have to wade through several layers of God knows what just to reach it. I knock once again and pause for a long moment. The realization of how stupid I’m being hits me – what a fool I am, practically hunting down my partner, she’s probably in her office. I scoff and turn to go, trying to smooth over the uneasiness I feel in my stomach. All of a sudden, I freeze. That was definitely the sound of something smashing. I turn back to the door and call out her name.
“Leo? Is everything all right in there?” I press my ear to the door and hear a sound of scrabbling from within.
“Yes, I’m fine, everything’s fine! Can’t we talk later?” Lesso’s tone is sharp as usual, but her voice is unusually high-pitched and sounds slightly muffled. I raise my eyes to the heavens and gather up my skirts.
“Ok, well, I’m coming in.” I unlock the door with my fingerglow. At first, the spacious room appears empty, and I am faced with walls of black marble, lined with flickering candles and my own face blinking back at me from an enormous ornate mirror hanging above the sink. Finally, I spot a few red curls sticking up from between the vanity and bath. I walk slowly toward Lesso and crouch down in front of her, careful not to make any sudden movements. The other woman is wedged in the gap in her underwear, knees pulled up to her chin, shoulders rising and falling rapidly.
“Oh, Lesso,” I whisper. Even though we’ve been together for a few months now, I am still so unused to seeing the figure I’ve come to associate with everything strength and elegance showing weakness so crippling it reduces her to a quivering heap.
“Hey, can you come out of there for me?” I grip her arm softly and am suddenly struck by how small and frail she looks in that moment, like a small bird with a broken wing. I help her coordinate her long limbs enough to scoot forward and lean against a cabinet. The silence is only broken by Lesso’s rapid breaths and the periodic drip of a tap.
“Please just leave me alone,” she whispers and buries her face in her arms. Frustration mingles with the sadness that swirls in my stomach.
“No.” I reply softly, “I’m not going anywhere.” I place a hand on her back, feeling her heart beating erratically. “I’m not going to leave.” The taller woman leans into my side, and I breathe slowly and deliberately and Lesso copies. After a few minutes, she finally looks up and lifts a gentle hand to my face. “I trust you more than anyone else, you know that, right?” I nod and press a kiss to her temple. “Thank you for staying. You make everything a little easier.”
I smile, rocking her from side to side in my arms and rest my head on her shoulder.
“What happened just now?” I ask softly. Lesso sighs.
“I don’t know, it just came on. I was about to take a bath when I got so dizzy, it just happened. No trigger.”
“Just one of those days, huh,” I sigh.
“Just one of those days,” Lesso agrees. We sit in silence for a few more minutes until the Evil Dean’s breathing finally slows and she’s able to take a deep, clean breath. I smile into her neck before sitting up. She barely seems to register the movement and is staring unblinkingly at something only her eyes can see. The smile fades from my lips as I watch her for a few moments before nudging her softly in the ribs. Fear flashes across her face and she jumps at my touch but soon settles back into her usual sharp expression bar the softness that creeps into her eyes when she is with me.
“Did you want to have your bath?” I ask, pretending not to have noticed her lost in thought.
“Ah, any excuse to see me naked huh, Dove?” Lesso teases, a smirk playing across her face. I laugh. “But no, thank you. Maybe tomorrow.” I nod in understanding, and we fall back into a comfortable silence before the Evil Dean reaches behind her and grips the cabinet. “Let’s get out of here.” I get to my feet, watching as Lesso struggles to pull herself up.
“You could’ve just asked for help you know,” I say, frowning.
“Now where’s the fun in that?” She replies dryly, shooting me a pained smile. I roll my eyes and I can’t stop myself from peering at her leg. It always strikes me as odd that there are no visible marks or scars on Lesso’s bad leg – or any other part of her body for that matter.
“Now, I know it’s part of the great mystery of Lady Lesso, but what did happen to your leg?” I ask lightly. She opens her mouth to respond but I raise a hand to stop her. “And no lies.”
Lesso’s shoulders slump and she casts her eyes to the side. “Ok,” she says finally. “But you can’t be angry.”
I frown. “Never.”
The Evil Dean closes her eyes and shakes her head impatiently. “No.” She takes a breath. “I’m going to show you something, something I should’ve shown you a long time ago. But you can’t be angry, understand? Promise me, Dovey.” Lesso fixes me with a purple gaze so fierce I am powerless to do anything but nod. “Ok.” She takes a few steps back, bare feet slapping on the marble. I take in her body, scantily clad in a simple black bra and underpants, more toned than more than a few Ever boys. Yes, Lesso has lost weight. She’s so thin, I could count all of her ribs if I wanted to. The Never brushes a few stray curls out of her face and I resist the urge to go over and tie them back for her. I watch as she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. A shudder passes over her and her pale, smooth skin seems to bubble and melt before glowing almost translucent and fading away. I can’t stop the gasp that escapes my lips. What was once flawless alabaster is now littered with scars and a light dusting of pale freckles.
Most of the scars are old and long healed, but there are a few fresh ones as well. But one draws my attention the most: an angry blood-red mark stains her leg starting just below her knee and curling inwards at her hip. Strange swirling pink markings cover it like a strange, twisted tattoo. A sob rises in my throat, and I press my fingers to my lips.
“Why?” I whisper.
Lesso laughs bitterly. “Don’t worry, most are just souvenirs from my travels. Like this one,” she points to a deep red line extending from the base of her ribcage to her naval. “That was from a wolf a couple of years ago in an inn in Bloodbrook, just a case of mistaken identity.” She grins manically at me and turns around revealing dozens of thin white stripes crisscrossing her back. “But these? Let’s just say I was… well acquainted with the Doom Room.” The Evil Dean laughs again but I see the pain in her expression. I pick up her thin arm and trace over the grooves of scars clearly self-inflicted. Finally, I look up into her face. She’s staring at the floor with all the air of a bad puppy awaiting punishment.
“Hey,” I say softly, my voice hoarse from the effort of holding back tears. “Look at me, my love. Please.” She inhales shakily and shifts her purple eyes to my own. I search her face, the shame and self-disgust evident in the crease of her brow and her bloodless lips, for once devoid of makeup. “You’re still beautiful. You’re still beautiful to me.” I press my lips gently to hers before pulling her into my body, cradling her in my arms as she clings to me as if she would never let go. A ragged sound unlike any I’ve heard before tears up Lesso’s throat, a sound of pure agony that goes straight to my soul. I hug her tighter.
“You’re a fool, Leo,” I whisper into her shoulder. “A fool.” A single tear slides down my cheek and drips onto her bare shoulder.
“‘m sorry, Dove. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” Leo murmurs.
I let out a choked laugh. “Oh, my dear, if I had a dollar every time I cried for you, I’d be a rich woman.” I pull out of the embrace and hold the other woman at arm’s length and look into her glistening eyes. “You know this doesn’t change anything, right? I wish you had told me sooner and I wish you don’t feel as though you have to hide away or pretend to be fine – because this is not fine, but I still love you. No matter what.”
Lesso smiles at me then, a soft smile. No more than a slight quirk of the lips but it was filled with such love, such gratitude, that it was like the sun itself beaming down on me.
“Blood Magic,” she says suddenly.
“Sorry?” I reply frowning.
“Blood Magic. My leg. It was blood magic that did it.” I stare at her incredulously. I know what blood magic is of course, after the whole debacle with Sophie, but I can’t comprehend how on earth the Evil Dean could’ve been injured by it.
“Sorry, that wasn’t very clear.” Lesso takes a moment to collect her thoughts, twirling a lock of hair in her fingers absently. I back up a little and perch on the edge of the bath. It’s full of water, long gone cold, with no soap, and no bubbles.
“You know the consequences of Blood Magic, what it does to the user, how it eats away at their soul.” I nod in assent, and she starts pacing back and forth. “Well, it turns out that if Blood Magic is used on a person consistently over a long period of time, it gets too much. The body and soul are too weak to hold such power and so it has to manifest somewhere. It starts as a small mark but spreads like oil on the surface of a pool.” Lesso gestures to her leg. “It’s rotten. All the way through. Blood Magic was not made for this world and certainly not for the likes of us to use.”
I nod slowly, taking in her story. “Rafal did this, didn’t he?”
She stops pacing. “Yes, he did do it, he didn’t know though. He didn’t know it would create lasting marks. He was mad when he found out about my leg, especially when I was too weak to even walk on my own.”
“What did- what spells did he use on you?” I ask carefully. Lesso’s shoulders tense and her fists clench tightly before she takes a deep breath and forces herself to relax.
“He practised the spells he invented as well as ones from a book he found on me. Some were tolerable but others were awful. There was one he favoured the most, one of his own invention, that one was absolute torture, I can’t even describe the pain – it was like, it was like a thousand knives stabbing me from the inside, turning my skin inside out but a deep bone-crushing ache at the same time.” By the shake in her hands and the way her feet are planted, I can tell she’s starting to crumble again and so I change the subject quickly.
“What are all the patterns on it?”
“Oh, I have no idea.” Lesso traces a particularly intricate swirl on her thigh. “I suppose it’s just part of the magic. It moves, though, on a bad day it’s like there are snakes under my skin and I can feel them crawling and squirming, changing the pattern.” She sighs and resumes her restless pacing.
“Does anything help it?” I ask, trying to keep the horror out of my voice.
“Usually just rest, although the cane helps a lot. I’ve tried to heal it, but magic just aggravates it and… and I’m too afraid to ask a Healer.” She spits out the last part like acid.
"And why... why the glamours?"
The Evil Dean shakes her head, red curls bobbing like flames. "I couldn't stand seeing myself like this, I was ashamed and disgusted. I hated everything that makes me human, that makes me weak. I can't risk anyone seeing me for what I am." We sit in contemplative silence until Lesso stands up and regards me warily before offering me an arm.
I take it and look her square in the eyes. “Thank you for telling me this, I know it was hard. Thank you for trusting me.” Lesso gives me a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes and tugs me gently towards the door. She pulls it open for me and does a small bow that is still far more elegant than many of the Ever boys could manage. I bob a curtsey back and step daintily out of the room.
“My god, Lesso, your room is a pigsty. It looks like a small bomb exploded,” I stare around the room that’s every bit as messy as it was when I came in. I guess miracles only happen in fairy tales after all. The Never just rolls her eyes.
“I’ll fix it in the morning. Stay with me?”
“Of course,” I reply. I magic my gold gown into a comfortable silk slip and make the bed quickly with my finger glow. Lesso slides between the luxurious black sheets in her underwear and motions for me to come. I climb in with her and survey the wreckage that is my counterpart’s room, a vast contrast to the neatly made bed.
“Look at this,” I muse. “Our own little island amidst a sea of chaos.”
“Enough poetry,” the other woman yawns, pulling me down to lie next to her. I settle down in her strong arms and it is mere minutes until she’s asleep.
I gaze down at her face, more peaceful than I’ve ever seen her before and it occurs to me that I don’t know her age. In this moment, Lesso looks almost girlish, an expression of serenity on her unpainted, freckled face. Without all her layers of clothing and makeup, the Dean for Evil is far from the formidable force that terrorises the corridors, here she is laid bare to me and I see a glimpse of all she has been. Here she is humanized – beautiful and broken but so wonderfully, terribly mine. I press a kiss to her temple and find it wet with tears. I stroke her soft hair tenderly and whisper into the velvety darkness of night.
“You are an enigma, my love. A mystery…”
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