#lesson 21-1
hallowxiu · 9 months
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I just don't really vibe with going to bed at a reasonable hour. She's just not my type. In fact I find her mildly repulsive.
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
also. giggled. remember how i said this time id deeeeefinitely do my schoolwork while i played my game.. lol
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lqfiles · 5 months
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after getting evicted out of your old place, you're left with no other choice but to look for a cheaper alternative. which is how you end up becoming neighbours with lee haechan, who has a passion for music and disturbing whatever peace and quiet there is.
or in which you found yourself a very nice apartment, the only issue? your neighbour is your friend's somewhat ex-situationship who won't stop playing his guitar at 2 am in the night.
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neighbour!haechan x fem!reader
genre ; enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, probably slow burn, humour, neighbours au.
extras ; haechan is kinda an asshole | boy next door + likes everyone but you trope-ish | profanity and death jokes because they’re silly! | probably romantic tension | some mark x reader here and there | renjun and jaemin having their own e2bffs moment | probably inaccurate depiction of how someone would get evicted pls don’t shoot me 😅
notes ; i love haechan i love haechan i love haechan i love haechan i love haechan i love haechan i love haechan i love haechan <333 idk i got nothing better to do now so i’ll just start this because i know i won’t be posting any of the other long fic wips any time soon 😭
PLAYLIST ; She , Tyler The Creator — For The Night , Chloe Bailey — IDK WHAT TO TELL YOU , Bktherula — Surprise , Chloe Bailey — I Wanna Be down , Brandy — Suite Life , FLO — Is It A Crime? , No Guidnce — Round&Round , NCT U .
STATUS ; ongoing and hopefully regular updates.
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profiles (1) profiles (2)
1 ) jaehyun’s trophy wife
2 ) free cookies (not really)
3 ) midnight disturbance
4 ) attempted murder?
6 ) haechan’s second identity
7 ) kiss buddies and useless complaints
8 ) critically acclaimed idgaf veteran
9 ) founders keepers..?
10 ) yangyang’s new interest (y/n)
11 ) a late welcome party
12 ) invest in a cage jaemin
13 ) cat fight (REAL)
14 ) the cure to a lack of sleep = cup pong
15 ) who said quiet guys can’t be freaky?
16 ) you got a girlfriend?
17 ) i DO have a girlfriend
18 ) this is life, i love life..
19 ) nah. they fucking.
20 ) let’s play apex?
21 ) whole house mad
22 ) drunken regrets
23 ) he’s got to be fucking with me..
24 ) a sincere apology letter (kinda)
25 ) are we cool or not?
26 ) we’re good (for real)
27 ) a personal guitar lesson
29 ) a moment of vulnerability
30 ) friendly q&a between friends
31 ) that’s strange.. that’s weird..
32 ) solution to job loss = family guy (???)
33 ) what has jaehyun done for society?
34 ) ynhae bonding activity hours
35 ) an unwanted double date with yangyang
36 ) an overwhelming realisation
37 ) the universe can kill itself
38 ) a “what are we” conversation
39 ) i got that hair too, kinda
40 ) reviewing haechan’s tweet and new issues
41 ) diagnosed with the crush disease
TBA . . .
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TBA . . .
TAGLIST is closed
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dandelionsresilience · 3 months
Good News - June 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $Kaybarr1735! And if you tip me and give me a way to contact you, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week!
1. Victory for Same-Sex Marriage in Thailand
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“Thailand’s Senate voted 130-4 today to pass a same-sex marriage bill that the lower house had approved by an overwhelming majority in March. This makes Thailand the first country in Southeast Asia, and the second in Asia, to recognize same-sex relationships. […] The Thai Marriage Equality Act […] will come into force 120 days after publication in the Royal Gazette. It will stand as an example of LGBT rights progress across the Asia-Pacific region and the world.”
2. One of world’s rarest cats no longer endangered
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“[The Iberian lynx’s] population grew from 62 mature individuals in 2001 to 648 in 2022. While young and mature lynx combined now have an estimated population of more than 2,000, the IUCN reports. The increase is largely thanks to conservation efforts that have focused on increasing the abundance of its main food source - the also endangered wild rabbit, known as European rabbit. Programmes to free hundreds of captive lynxes and restoring scrublands and forests have also played an important role in ensuring the lynx is no longer endangered.”
3. Planning parenthood for incarcerated men
“[M]any incarcerated young men missed [sex-ed] classroom lessons due to truancy or incarceration. Their lack of knowledge about sexual health puts them at a lifelong disadvantage. De La Cruz [a health educator] will guide [incarcerated youths] in lessons about anatomy and pregnancy, birth control and sexually transmitted infections. He also explores healthy relationships and the pitfalls of toxic masculinity. […] Workshops cover healthy relationships, gender and sexuality, and sex trafficking.”
4. Peru puts endemic fog oasis under protection
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“Lomas are unique ecosystems relying on marine fog that host rare and endemic plants and animal species. […] The Peruvian government has formally granted conservation status to the 6,449-hectare (16,000-acre) desert oasis site[….] The site, the first of its kind to become protected after more than 15 years of scientific and advocacy efforts, will help scientists understand climatic and marine cycles in the area[, … and] will be protected for future research and exploration for at least three decades.”
5. Religious groups are protecting Pride events — upending the LGBTQ+ vs. faith narrative
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“In some cases, de-escalation teams stand as a physical barrier between protesters and event attendees. In other instances, they try to talk with protesters. The goal is generally to keep everyone safe. Leigh was learning that sometimes this didn’t mean acting as security, but doing actual outreach. That might mean making time and space to listen to hate speech. It might mean offering food or water. […] After undergoing Zoom trainings this spring, the members of some 120 faith organizations will fan out across more than 50 Pride events in 16 states to de-escalate the actions of extremist anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups.”
6. 25 years of research shows how to restore damaged rainforest
“For the first time, results from 25 years of work to rehabilitate fire-damaged and heavily logged rainforest are now being presented. The study fills a knowledge gap about the long-term effects of restoration and may become an important guide for future efforts to restore damaged ecosystems.”
7. Audubon and Grassroots Carbon Announce First-of-its-Kind Partnership to Reward Landowners for Improving Habitats for Birds while Building Healthy Soils
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“Participating landowners can profit from additional soil carbon storage created through their regenerative land management practices. These practices restore grasslands, improve bird habits, build soil health and drive nature-based soil organic carbon drawdown through the healthy soils of farms and ranches. […] Additionally, regenerative land management practices improve habitats for birds. […] This partnership exemplifies how sustainable practices can drive positive environmental change while providing tangible economic benefits for landowners.”
8. Circular food systems found to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, require much less agricultural land
“Redesigning the European food system will reduce agricultural land by 44% while dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by 70%. This reduction is possible with the current consumption of animal protein. “Moreover, animals are recyclers in the system. They can recycle nutrients from human-inedible parts of the organic waste and by-products in the food system and convert them to valuable animal products," Simon says.”
9. Could Treating Injured Raptors Help Lift a Population? Researchers found the work of rehabbers can have long-lasting benefits
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“[“Wildlife professionals”] tend to have a dismissive attitude toward addressing individual animal welfare,” [… but f]or most raptor species, they found, birds released after rehabilitation were about as likely to survive as wild birds. Those released birds can have even broader impacts on the population. Back in the wild, the birds mate and breed, raising hatchlings that grow up to mate and breed, too. When the researchers modeled the effects, they found most species would see at least some population-level benefits from returning raptors to the wild.”
10. Indigenous people in the Amazon are helping to build bridges & save primates
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“Working together, the Reconecta Project and the Waimiri-Atroari Indigenous people build bridges that connect the forest canopy over the BR-174 road[….] In the first 10 months of monitoring, eight different species were documented — not only monkeys such as the golden-handed tamarin and the common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus), but also kinkajous (Potos flavus), mouse opossums (Marmosops sp.), and opossums (Didelphis sp.).”
Bonus: A rare maneless zebra was born in the UK
June 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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fandoms-x-reader · 12 days
Feeling Sheepish
Requested By: @deludedprime
Summary: You were a sheep for your exchange year in the Devildom (Season 1) but during your time in the human world, the spell wore off. When Solomon brings you back to the Devildom (Season 2), everyone has a different reaction to your new body. The Seven Demon Brothers & Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon Featuring Luke, Raphael, Mephisto, and Thirteen Word Count: 3,737 Characters are written in chronological order instead of the normal order! Based on Lesson 21-1 & 21-2
Being a sheep in the Devildom wasn’t as bad as it may seem at first glance.
There’s no denying that safety was an issue. After all, you were small and somewhat defenseless if a demon tried to attack you.
But, you didn’t need to use nearly as many resources to take care of yourself. And, on top of that, it was easy to make friends when you looked so adorable and approachable.
Being a sheep also took away the social construct of beauty. There was no way anyone could judge the way you dressed or did your hair because you were simply a sheep.
So, while there was a bit of an adjustment period at first, by the end of your exchange year in the Devildom, you had grown accustomed to being a small creature.
But, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and before you knew it, it was time for you to leave the Devildom.
You were heartbroken to leave your friends - but, you weren’t even sure if they could see the tears you were shedding as a sheep.
And then with a blink of an eye, you were teleported back to the human world and that was the end of it.
Luckily, the spell wore off pretty quickly when you returned to the human world and you had your normal body back.
And whether or not that was what you wanted, you knew it was probably for the best. After all, what considerations were held for you as a sheep in the Devildom, certainly wouldn’t be held in the human world.
You could be shaved bald for your wool or get put on a farm. Or worse. There were some places where sheep was a common cuisine.
Becoming a human once again required yet another adjustment period. You had to relearn how to walk on two feet instead of four. You had to make sure you were dressed properly and that your hair was neat.
Not to mention the fact that you were starving. As a sheep, you ate such small portions. Now, you felt like you had to make up for lost time. 
Everyone from the Devildom continued to stay in contact with you, of course. But, all they could hear was your voice. They couldn’t see you.
So they were none the wiser when it came to your sudden transformation. They were completely in the dark. 
At least that was the case until one day, Solomon showed up to see you.
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Solomon was planning a trip back to the Devildom and he was planning on taking you.
Truth be told, he missed it down there. The memories that he experienced were full of fun and endearing moments. And, he wanted to make some more.
You were typically at the center of those memories, and as such, he couldn’t imagine returning to the Devildom without you.
The two of you had stayed in touch, sending messages here and there and even calling when the time allowed it.
But, it was nothing like before - which is why Solomon decided to surprise you by showing up in person.
He used a tracking spell to find your location and continued to text you to keep up the ruse.
His eyes scanned the area for your little sheep form and he got a bit worried when he couldn’t find you. He was positive he had done the tracking spell right.
That’s when he noticed someone walking and texting - on a D.D.D.
It wasn’t like those were popular in the human world. You could only get them from the Devildom - which meant…
The realization dawned on Solomon that the spell that turned you into a sheep would have worn off by now, and he connected the dots.
He took a brief couple of moments to take in your new appearance. He felt privileged to be the first one to see you in your human form.
Then he approached you and he couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips when you looked into his eyes with soft familiarity in yours.
Solomon would love to whisk you away and spend the day with you. To have some alone time with you before the others stole every second of your time.
But - he was on a mission. He came to you for a reason. 
A reason that he didn’t give you much time to ponder over before teleporting the two of you back to the Devildom.
Back to your friends.
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Lucifer was stunned when he watched two humans fall through the portal that had opened up in the middle of the assembly room.
He recognized Solomon right away. He wore a smile as he landed on his feet gracefully.
The one Lucifer didn’t recognize was the human who had crash-landed on top of Satan.
From his position, Lucifer could see that they were attractive, but why had Solomon brought them there?
“Whoops. Sorry, about that Y/N. I really should’ve warned you to be careful where you land,” Solomon stated and it all became clear to Lucifer.
You were the human that had stolen all of their hearts. You were the one they had been pining over and longing for since the moment you left the Devildom.
And now you were in your true form.
And your true form seemed to have an even greater effect on the eldest.
“Y/N…?! Solomon…!” were the only two words that came out of Lucifer’s mouth as he was still trying to process everything.
He was trying to hold it together. He was doing what he could to not show any weakness.
He wanted to remain as calm and composed as he normally was, but his eyes refused to listen as they were continuously drawn to you, taking in every inch of your appearance.
And when you finally smiled at him, he knew it was over for him.
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“AAAAAH!! Wha…wha…WHA?! Is this really…are you really really…REALLY?!”
Levi was so overwhelmed by the situation that he wasn’t able to form real words.
He felt like his brain was racing at a hundred words a second.
He had just got his friend back - his true friend.
And he was so excited to see you again.
Except it wasn’t the you he had gotten to know over the past year.
Now, you were back in your human body and despite him mostly being excited, he couldn’t help but be intimidated.
Like Lucifer, Levi did his best to not trail his eyes over your new body and when he caught himself doing so, his cheeks turned a bright pink and he mentally scolded himself.
Levi could barely manage to not freak out in your presence when you were a sheep. How was he supposed to do that now that you were a human?
And not just any human, but an attractive one!
Levi’s overthinking could have given him a panic attack on the spot if it weren’t for the fact that he was in front of everyone else.
He just needed to keep reminding himself that you were the same person he had come to know and love.
Maybe then he would still be able to hang out with you despite the fact that your new form made his heart race and made his palms sweaty.
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“Y/N, it’s YOU! It’s REALLY YOU!”
Asmo’s excitement showed more than his other brothers’ as they all processed your new form in their own way.
Asmo, for one, was soo ecstatic about the new change in your appearance.
Could you blame him? He was the Avatar of Lust and you just showed up in a new body.
When you were a sheep, you had a personality that could charm anyone, anywhere.
And now you had a body that could do the same. 
Asmo’s eyes had a special glint in them as his questions filled his mind.
How smooth was your skin?
Were your lips as soft as they appeared?
Did your hair feel as healthy as it looked?
Asmo got even more excited as he realized now he would be able to do all of the beauty treatments with you and see them in full effect.
There was only so much you could do as a sheep. After all, wool was a lot different from skin.
If he’s caught staring at your new body, Asmo will be shameless about it.
It’s not like he doesn’t have a good reason to stare.
He just couldn’t wait for the student council meeting to be over so they could all take you back to the House of Lamentation.
Asmo wanted every single one of his questions answered, and he couldn’t do that in the middle of the Assembly Hall.
Well…he could, but Lucifer would probably be mad.
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Mammon went through a full mood swing. 
At first, he was confused because a random human just dropped into the middle of their meeting. 
But when Solomon said your name, everything changed for Mammon.
He hadn’t stopped blushing since he realized that the random human was - his human.
Mammon had a hard time trying not to admit his feelings for you when you were a sheep.
But now - now you were a human.
A human that he could hug, kiss, and cuddle if you let him.
He told his mind to stop thinking such thoughts but it would respond by flooding his brain with even more thoughts and images.
He wore a smile the more he looked at you. He had missed you so much.
But, in his true, tsundere fashion, he couldn’t let you catch onto how much he missed you.
“Wait, wh…huh?!...I knew you missed me and all, but THIS is just crazy!”
Mammon thought he did a good job of remaining composed.
He believed he did a good job of hiding the fact that you being there - in this form - was making his head spin and making him weak in the knees.
But when the two of you locked eyes, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep his charade up for much longer.
You were his weakness as a sheep, now you were his kryptonite.
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Satan was trying to analyze the situation. 
You fell on top of him when you came out of the portal and he was completely blindsided by the contact.
So he was trying to still gather his bearings while his brothers spoke.
When he finally did manage to get back to his feet, Satan asked, “Do you want to tell me why you just appeared out of thin air and landed on my head?”
But as Satan faced you to ask that question, he took in your appearance and a small blush coated his cheeks.
Suddenly, he was happy that you landed on him. Thankful even.
He had noticed that when you landed on him, you were definitely bigger than a little sheep.
But he didn’t expect this.
He couldn’t imagine if you would have landed on one of his other brothers, especially Lucifer.
The thought alone threatened to spark his wrath.
Satan let his eyes trail down you, studying your new body as if it were a new piece of information he was learning.
And he had never been so excited to learn.
This was a subject he would happily study in depth if you allowed him to.
For now, Satan settled on helping you to your feet, your hand feeling much softer and warmer than the hoof that he was used to feeling.
And as you stood close to him, his heart skipped a beat.
He knew that everyone was going to be in deep trouble now that you had gotten your true form back.
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“How about that! Y/N, it’s really you!!”
Diavolo had a boyish grin on his face as he spoke to you. He had missed you just as much as the brothers had, whether he showed it as much as they did or not.
He knew that the spell that turned you into a sheep must have worn off by now.
But, still, it was a surprise to see you in your human body.
He had to admit - you were quite the head-turner.
A twinge of fear set into Diavolo as he questioned how you ended up in the Devildom again.
“Wait, you didn’t perform some sort of unsavory ritual to cast your soul down here, did you?! You better not have!”
When you shook your head no, Diavolo let out a breath of relief, knowing that you were okay.
“I can’t believe you’re actually back here with us again!” he added, his smile returning.
Diavolo could see how good you were for his kingdom.
He could see the way you changed things for the better, and he could see how negative things were without you.
Your presence brought a light to their lives that he had been missing.
And that light shone even brighter in your real body. 
Diavolo would be lying if he said he didn’t find you attractive. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t been sneaking glances this entire time.
But he had to keep his composure in front of everyone.
When the two of you were alone though - and he would make sure that you had some alone time - that’s when he would let his true feelings show.
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“Yes. This really is quite the happy surprise. It’s good to see you again, Y/N.”
Barbatos was as professional as ever, but you could see his eyes sparkling just a bit more than usual and his smile reaching just a little further.
Like Diavolo, Barbatos knew that the spell would have worn off by now.
But, it wasn’t something that was talked about. 
It wasn’t a typical topic of conversation and because of that, it was easy to forget that the next time any of them would see you, you wouldn’t be a sheep.
Barbatos was pleasantly surprised.
He had seen your human form once before - the details of which he won’t disclose.
But, seeing you in your human body after he had gotten to know you was completely different.
It elevated his opinion of you and made him believe you really were the most attractive creature he had met.
No other human, demon, or angel had made his heart race the way you did.
Barbatos had taken a backseat during your first year in the Devildom.
He allowed you to make connections with the others first.
But, now, he was excited for his turn.
There were a lot more things he could teach you and bond with you over now that you had your human body back and he was going to take advantage of each of those things.
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Belphie had been doing his best to not fall asleep in the student council meeting.
The last time he did, Lucifer caught and punished him with a whole lot of work and Belphie did not want a repeat of that.
So, he was thankful when the portal opened up, providing a necessary distraction from the boring events that were taking place.
When he saw Solomon fall through the portal, Belphie perked up a bit, curious as to what the mysterious sorcerer had planned this time.
He noticed another human had fallen on top of his older brother and bit back a chuckle at the scene.
When Solomon stated your name, Belphie’s blood ran cold as he began to process the shock.
Was that really you…in that body?!
Belphie had a hundred things to say and to ask. But, he couldn’t get a word in between everyone else, so he quietly took in everything about you.
Your voice was the same and you acted the same. It really was you. 
Belphie couldn’t help but wonder if it would be more fun to cuddle you now.
He would miss the softness of your wool, but would you be warmer now? Or more comfortable to lay on top of?
Belphie was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed you being bombarded with questions of why you were there and he finally decided to speak up.
“Listen, I am curious to know why you’re here. But before we get into that, are you going to be staying for a while? Because if so, you’ll be staying at the House of Lamentation, right? Oh, but wait…I bet your room’s covered in dust…”
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“No problem, Y/N can just sleep in our room.”
Like Belphie, Beel had remained silent until then. 
He had been happily munching on a snack, paying the bare minimum of attention to Diavolo during the meeting as he ate.
But he hadn’t been able to take another bite since you and Solomon fell through the portal. 
Was that what you looked like on a normal basis? Why didn’t you tell him?
He knew that you were a human that had been placed under a sheep transformation spell, but his imagination never could have come up with the beauty you exuded.
You were on a different level than others and he couldn’t take his eyes away from you. 
He noticed his other brothers were having the same trouble looking away, and Beel suddenly felt a twinge of jealousy.
You were in your own body now and part of him wished he was the only one who was able to see it.
Well…it was okay if Belphie saw you like this too.
But, the others were looking at you with a look of lust in their eyes and Beel wanted to sweep you into his arms and keep you from them.
Which is why he jumped at the opportunity to offer his and Belphie’s room to you. 
He couldn’t imagine you staying with one of his other brothers after seeing the look in their eyes.
Surely, something would happen if you did and Beel wanted to burn that imagery out of his mind.
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Simeon had been in contact with the others in the Devildom and when he found out that you had returned, he couldn’t help but feel like he was missing out.
The demons weren’t the only ones who missed seeing you and talking to you.
He felt like he was missing out even more when they told him that you were back in your human form.
Simeon could only imagine what you looked like. What your hair color was, whether you were tall or short, and what kind of clothes you liked to wear?
That possibilities were driving Simeon crazy and before he knew it, he was finding some way to bring you to the Celestial Realm so that he could see you.
He was beyond happy and excited when you agreed to go, and he paced nervously by the gates as he waited for your arrival.
When the gates finally did open, revealing you and Solomon, Simeon felt his breath leave his body.
He always joked about you being an angel based on the things you did, but now you looked like one.
Simeon could write an entire book on how ethereal and stunning you were.
He did his best to remind himself that he was an angel and shouldn’t be entertaining any thoughts that the demons surely had.
But - you were the first human he had ever met that elicited those ideas from him.
He wasn’t sure how much time he had with you - but he knew that he had to make the most of it.
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One of the benefits of being a bit more uncultured and younger than everyone else was that someone’s form didn’t have the same implications for him.
Luke had heard from Simeon that you were in your human body, but he didn’t think too much of it.
It didn’t matter if you were a human, a sheep, or anything else. You were still the friend that he came to know and love and want to protect.
Luke had been so excited to show you around the Celestial Realm that he didn’t waste a moment on taking in your new appearance.
Raphael had caught a glimpse of you while you were in the Celestial Realm.
In fact, you would have believed he didn’t notice if it hadn’t been for the fact that you were now bigger than him and did things that you couldn’t do as a sheep.
He knew that Simeon and Luke had been excited to see you, so he didn’t dare take your time like they did.
But he saw you chasing after Luke and it made him stop in his tracks as he couldn’t help but stare at you.
He may not have understood your appeal as a sheep. But, seeing you now, he could understand why exactly you had everyone wrapped around your finger.
Mephisto was a bit slow to realize who you were.
And if he wasn’t careful he was sure that someday he may find himself in the same position as the others.
He had seen you walking around the Devildom with the others and couldn’t help but wonder who you were and why Diavolo and the others were so close to you.
He had to admit that you were rather attractive, but surely your looks couldn’t be the only reason they were drawn to you.
It wasn’t until one of them said your name while walking by Mephisto that all of the dots connected in his head.
And he wore a small blush as he realized the one he had been admiring from afar was none other than the human exchange student.
The news didn’t deter him though. Instead, it enticed him.
Your new body enticed him.
Thirteen was the last to find out about your new form.
He would have to make himself more useful to Diavolo so that he could find a way to grow closer to you.
Like Luke, your body didn’t really make much of a difference to her. After all, she was mostly interested in looking at your soul, and that didn’t change whether you were sheep or human.
But, seeing you for the first time still surprised her. You didn’t look anything like she would have expected - in a good way.
Surely, you would be more useful in helping her make traps in this form.
And she had to admit you were pleasing to look at…
Maybe this was a good thing?
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Writing Notes: Plot Method
The Save the Cat! Beat Sheet was originally developed by Blake Snyder to help screenwriters plot movies, but it works just as well with novels.
It breaks down the 3-act structure into small, specific sections (sometimes just one scene long).
Each section pushes your story forward in its own way.
The exact word count/page count of each section depends on how long your novel is and what type of story you’re telling, but you can use the colored chart below and the percentages in the instructions as a guide. 
Context Note: This method is based on the concept of the Three Act Structure, which is an inherently Western approach to plot. It can be a useful way to tell a story, but it is by no means the only one.
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Opening Image (0-1%)
Show a “before” snapshot of your protagonist and their world.
What is life like before the adventure begins?
It represents the struggle & tone of the story.
Set-up (1-10%)
Expand on the “before” snapshot.
Explore your protagonist’s life, including the internal flaws and external challenges they’ll have to overcome in order to change for the better by the end of the story.
Present the main character’s world as it is, and what is missing in their life.
Also introduce important supporting characters.
Theme Stated (happens during the Set-up)
What your story is about; the message, the truth.
Usually, it is spoken to the main character or in their presence, but they don’t understand the truth/lesson…not until later, when they have some personal experience and context to support it.
Thus, include a scene where a character says something that hints at what the protagonist’s big life lesson will be - how they’ll have to change and grow by the end of the story.
Catalyst (10%)
The moment where life as it is changes.
Examples: It is the telegram, the act of catching your loved-one cheating, allowing a monster onboard the ship, meeting the true love of your life, etc.
There’s no going back to the “before” world from here… What is the inciting incident that pushes the protagonist into the next phase of the story?
Debate (11-20%)
But change is scary and for a moment, or a brief number of moments, the main character doubts the journey they must take.
Show the protagonist questioning themselves and resisting the path ahead - wondering whether they have what it takes, or whether or they should just run home and hide under the bed.
“Should I just…?” “I really shouldn’t because…” “But what about…” Can I face this challenge? Do I have what it takes? Should I go at all?
It is the last chance for the hero to chicken out.
Break Into 2 (20%; Choosing Act Two)
The main character makes a choice and the journey begins.
We leave the “Thesis” world and enter the upside-down, opposite world of Act 2.
They make the choice to begin their adventure/transformation/journey/new thing.
Show your protagonist deciding to plunge into Act 2.
The Promise of the Premise (21-50%)
This is when the reader thinks “Ah, now we’re getting to the good stuff they hinted at on the back cover of this book!”
It’s also one of the longest sections in your book.
Show your protagonist getting used to their new world - loving it, hating it, making mistakes or doing well, meeting new people (see more below) and keeping the reader entertained.
This is when the main character explores the new world and the audience is entertained by the premise they have been promised.
B Story (happens during The Promise of the Premise)
This is when there’s a discussion about the Theme – the nugget of truth.
Usually, this discussion is between the main character and the love interest.
So, the B Story is usually called the “love story”.
Introduce a new character or characters who will eventually help the protagonist learn their life lesson.
Friends? Mentors? Love interests? Nemeses (nemesi?)? Who are they? How will they help?
Midpoint (50%)
This moment is when everything seems “great” or everything seems “awful,” depending on your story.
The main character either gets everything they think they want (“great”) or doesn’t get what they think they want at all (“awful”).
Either the Fun and Games section has lead to a false victory for your protagonist (they think they’ve been doing great so far) or a false defeat (they’ve been having a hard time so far).
What happens in this moment, halfway between beginning and end?
But not everything we think we want is what we actually need in the end.
Bad Guys Close In (51-75%)
Get ready for a bumpy ride. If your Midpoint was a false victory, now things start to go wrong for your protagonist.
If the Midpoint was a false defeat, well, things seem to be looking up, but the bad guys are getting closer and will have something to say.
Note: Bad guys can be actual physical enemies, but they can also be emotional enemies, like doubt or jealousy or fear.
Doubt, jealousy, fear, foes both physical and emotional regroup to defeat the main character’s goal, and the main character’s “great”/“awful” situation disintegrates.
Show the protagonist’s newly-built world beginning to unravel.
This will also be one of the longer sections in your novel.
All is Lost (75%)
This is when something happens to make your character hit rock bottom.
It’s the absolute lowest part of your novel.
Maybe someone or something dies (either literally or figuratively).
The initial goal now looks even more impossible than before. And here, something or someone dies.
It can be physical or emotional, but the death of something old makes way for something new to be born.
What does this moment look like for your protagonist?
Dark Night of the Soul (76-80%)
Your protagonist now has time to react to their “All is lost” moment, to mourn what they lost and wallow in hopelessness.
They’re worse off than they were at the beginning of the novel.
Show how low things have gotten.
Mourning the loss of what has “died” – the dream, the goal, the mentor character, the love of your life, etc.
But, you must fall completely before you can pick yourself back up and try again.
Break Into 3 (80%; Choosing Act Three)
The “aha!” moment; the “lift yourself up and try again” moment.
Show the protagonist realizing what they need to do in order to tackle their problems, both external and internal.
Thanks to a fresh idea, new inspiration, or last-minute Thematic advice from the B Story (usually the love interest), the main character chooses to try again.
Finale (81-99%)
The protagonist does what they decided to do in the Break Intro 3 beat, and (because of all the learning/growing they’ve done and the support or insight from the B Story), their plan works.
This time around, the main character incorporates the Theme – the nugget of truth that now makes sense to them – into their fight for the goal because they have experience from the A Story and context from the B Story.
The Bad Guys are defeated, the world is changed for the better.
What are the battles? How will the protagonist triumph (or not)?
This is another longer section, so you’ve got the space to make things dramatic and intense.
Act Three is about Synthesis.
Final Image (99-100%)
This is the opposite of the Opening Image, the “after” snapshot instead of the “before.”
Show the reader how the protagonist and their world have changed.
Sources: 1 2
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mrkified · 2 months
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na jaemin x fem!reader
— Jaemin’s crush on you wasn’t a secret — everyone seemed to know except you, who always thought of him as your nice coworker from the morning shift. As summer was about to start again, Jaemin was ready to change his relationship with you. But how could he, when you had a crush on another coworker — Sungho. Everything seemed to change when you offered Jaemin swimming lessons, giving him a chance to get closer to you.
OR where you teach jaemin how to swim
[GENRE] — surf shop au, slowburn, crack, smau, non-idol au, coworkers to lovers
[STATUS] — completed (9/24)
[WARNINGS] — jaemin almost drowns, explicit language and innuendos, inappropriate jokes, jaemin is DOWN BAD, this is a work of fiction and none of the behaviors of anyone is accurate or depicting their actual personality
[FEATURING] — jisung, jeno, mark, haechan, doyoung (nct), jaehyun, leehan, sungho (bnd), ningning, winter (aespa), sunghoon (enha), yunjin (lesrfm), sungchan (riize), hoshi (svt)
[TAGLIST] closed
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profiles 1 | profiles 2
1. welcome back party
2. oomf might have a chance
3. grown ass man btw
4. bag secured
5. jeno’s pink speedo
6. my manifesting is paying off
7. help is what you need to seek
8. :3 (with rizz)
9. you know i got the rizz…
10. i can flip a coin
12. who else abt to end they shit
13. the new jackson wang
14. stop being cryptic in my comment section
15. normal person of society
16. /pos
17. a girl can’t cook these days
18. butterflies
19. we can be crazy together
20. #requirethat
21. date with a pretty boy
22. penny for your thoughts? (written)
23. can you fight?
24. the lion’s den
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1. jeno’s aux chronicles
[dividers by cafekitsune]
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nashvillehotchicken · 2 years
the voice coach is a fantastic addition to pimsleur damn
0 notes
harmoonix · 10 months
🌆City Lights🌆
°Astrology Observations°
✮ ✮
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🌆 - Aquarius Sun/Moon/Rising can be very ambient in their moods, 1 second they're the happiest the next second they feel sad/melancolic
🌆 - Capricorn/Aries Sun/Moon/Rising/Saturn are good placements for leaders, many leaders of our world have plenty of Aries and Capricorn in their charts
🌆 - Virgo Rising/6° 18° degrees on your ascendant> Epitome of an fairy, Virgo is portrayed as a virgin holy woman with a young beauty. They can embody this beauty into themselves
🌆 - People with Sagittarius Jupiter/Jupiter in the 9th house/ Jupiter at 9°, 21° degrees are extremely lucky in life, 9th house in combination with Jupiter gives great opportunities in life and is a blessed house in the modern/vedic chart
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🌆 - Pluto in the 1st house > They need to evolve, so most natives with these placements will go through a lot of transformations/challenges and lessons but they will be all worth in the end
* I just thought about it, most people of the GenZ are born with Pluto in Sagittarius and imagine all the natives of this generation born with Sag Rising > They have Pluto in the 1st house instant, an entire generation with Pluto in the 1st house*
🌆 - Lilith/Saturn/Pluto and sometimes Neptune in the 11th house can indicate being betrayed/backstabbed by friends
🌆 - People with Cancer/Moon in the 7th house need someone who is soft with them, most people I know with these placements desire an soft/sweet/nice partner
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🌆 - Aquarius Mercury/Mercury at 11°, 23° can be the type of people who are obsessed with their phones/technology/ you can see them talking at the phone 24/7 or sending messages aswell
🌆 - Moon in the 6th house/Cancer in the 6th house natives can get affected by the Moon and that affects their moods aswell, for example when Moon is in Capricorn and Cap being Cancer's opposite, the native can feel overwhelmed, nervous etc..Your mood is affected by the signs the moon is in that actual moment
🌆 - And I also think everyone feels better when their moon sign comes back in their sign from birth chart, like for example your moon is in Leo and you may feel the best right exactly when the moon it's in Leo
🌆 - I feel like natives with an Earth sign in their 2nd house may like eating a lot, I mean they can be the type of people who are always hungry or thinking about food
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🌆 - Chiron in the 1st/2nd house and aspecting ascendant can have a fear of gaining weight, or being seen as someone who may gain a lot of weight, they don't like such things and can often overthink about it
🌆 - There is no lie that people with Lilith - Mercury/Pluto - Mercury aspects and Lilith in the 3rd house are giving the best moans when they're in bed, and its actually more fun when it comes from ✨both✨ like, honey...don't make me sing alone by myself...
🌆 - Venus - conjunct Mercury can also possess a very good voice, but theirs can actually be more sensual and more light, let me just say people get excited when they hear your ✨voice✨
🌆 - Lilith square/opposite/conjunct Jupiter > the vibe of that person who always thinks about naughty things and has magnetic sexual energy
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🌆 - Saturn in the 6th house people are very kind, I never saw one Saturn in 6H doing something wrong or bad, they respect the rules and themselves, and they also make treat people with respect
🌆 - A Fire Sign in your 3rd house can indicate that you may like driving/cars/motorcycles etc... Also if you have Mars in that house too
🌆 - Venus in Pisces/Venus in the 12th house > I imagine these natives as the people who want to cuddle all day long and staying bed while watching some Netflix
🌆 - Libra/Taurus/Venus/Moon in your 4th house give you that aesthetic eye for decoration, your home can be your temple and you can decorate it so beautifully
🌆 - Having 9th & 12th house placements in your Juno persona chart can indicate an foreign spouse. Or an relationship aboard, 2 people who can live in different countries but in a relationship
🌆 - Moon in Scorpio/Moon in the 8th house in your Juno persona chart > I can already feel the spiciness of this placement coming through, it's majestic
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🌆 - Saturn - Ascendant aspects can get tired fast, these natives really need some active life, they can get less motivated aswell or just randomly lose all their motivation for something
🌆 - Sagittarius Venus is a fierce placement for those who may like flirting/talking dirty. Because they can have succes 100% also they like it spicy
🌆 - Juno trine/sextile/conjunct Neptune> they can create an special connection in their relationships and usually this energy can be felt even if they broke up. You can be the type of person people miss after they broke up with you
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🧁 - Night can be very beautiful sometimes. Especially if your city is surrounded by beautiful lights, but always take care when you plan to go outside at night. Just as a precaution 🧁
🧁 Have a very wonderful day to all people who read my notes, take care of yourself and love yourself the most 🧁
- H a r m o o n i x
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squoxle · 3 days
🕸️KINKTOBER 🕷️ 2024🕸️
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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: This is all fiction. AKA not an accurate portrayal of the members. If certain themes are triggering for you, please avoid them AT ALL COST!!! You must be 18 or older to engage in the content below. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!! Happy Reading :)
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ᅟᅟᅟ⌕ | 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 & 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 | ⁀➴
STRAY KIDS: 「 Bangchan — Felix 」
ENHYPEN: 「 Heeseung — Jungwon 」
TOMORROW BY TOGETHER: 「 Yeonjun — Huening Kai 」
ATEEZ: 「 Yunho — Mingi 」
RIIZE: 「 Shotaro — Anton 」
ᅟᅟᅟ⌕ | 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | ⁀➴ link to main mlist
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DAYS 1 THROUGH 8… Established Relationship AU
[1] • CRAZY OVER YOU, BABY enhypen ot7 ↳ Clingy Girlfriend (anon) GENRE: fluff, suggestive, smut
[2] • MATCH MY FREAK riize ot7 ↳ RIIZE BF as Kinks GENRE: smut
[3] • TAP OUT txt ot5 ↳ Edging GENRE: smut
[4] • TTYL starring Heeseung ↳ Dirty Talking GENRE: smut
[5] • CHOKEHOLD starring Changbin ↳ Asphyxiation + Rough Sex GENRE: smut
[6] • FUCK ME LIKE YOU MAD AT ME, BABY starring Jake ↳ Impact Play (anon) GENRE: smut
[7] • TRUST ME starring Yeosang ↳ Blindfold + Sensory Deprivation GENRE: smut
[8] • QUICK FUCK starring Jake and Heeseung ↳ Car Sex (anon) GENRE: smut
DAYS 9 THROUGH 15… Friends/Strangers/Enemies to Lovers
[9] • WHY DO YOU HATE ME? starring Huening Kai ↳ Dacryphilia + Bullying GENRE: smut, crack, angst
[10] • GOOD BOY starring Wonbin ↳ Sadism + Masochism GENRE: smut
[11] • YOU'RE MINE starring Hongjoong ↳ Biting + Marking + Babytrap GENRE: smut
[12] • FUCK ME LIKE THIS starring Beomgyu ↳ Virgin + Body Worship GENRE: smut
[13] • TIMEOUT!! starring Hyunjin ↳ Bullying + Rough Sex + Secret Relationship GENRE: smut
[14] • CAN'T HELP MYSELF starring Jake ↳ Voyeurism + Somnophilia + Babytrap (anon) GENRE: smut
[15] • ZIP IT UP starring Heeseung ↳ Stimulation (anon) GENRE: smut
DAYS 15 THROUGH 21… Taboo
[16] • BF X BSF starring Felix and Bangchan ↳ Cuckholding + Double Penetration + Voyeurism GENRE: smut
[17] • LOOK, DON'T TOUCH starring Sungchan, Shotaro, Sohee ↳ Voyeurism GENRE: smut
[18] • SLEEP ON IT starring Seonghwa ↳ Somnophilia + Spectrophilia GENRE: smut, incubus, black magic
[19] • LESSON ONE starring Lee Know ↳ Corruption + Professor GENRE: smut
[20] • SUCK IT starring Sunghoon ↳ Tobusexual + CNC + Blood Play GENRE: smut
[21] • TWO FOR ONE starring San and Mingi ↳ Double Penetration + Toys + Drunk Sex GENRE: smut
[22] • PUSSY PLAY starring Yeonjun ↳ Role Play + Kitty + Oral GENRE: smut
[23] • SPIN CYCLE starring Jay and Jake ↳ Exhibitionist GENRE: smut
DAYS 22 THROUGH 31… Heavy Hitters
[24] • DIE FOR YOU starring Yunho ↳ Psycho Lover + Profession Taboo + Manipulation GENRE: smut, angst, gore (@mimikittysblog - alternative ending)
[25] • FLOWER GIRL starring Jake ↳ Yandere GENRE: smut, angst, dark themes
[26] • SHOW ME HOW TO LOVE YOU starring Han ↳ Friends with Benefits GENRE: smut, angst
[27] • PAINT ME RED starring Sunghoon ↳ Yandere + Stalker (anon) GENRE: smut, angst, gore
[28] • MAKE A WISH starring Niki ↳ Friends with Benefits GENRE: suggestive, angst
[29] • TRUTH HURTS starring ??? ↳ Friends with Benefits (anon) GENRE: smut, angst
[30] • WHEN THE WORLD FALLS APART starring Jake ↳ Purge (anon) GENRE: smut, angst
[31] • I'M SORRY, DADDY enhypen ot6 ↳ Orgy + Creampie + Squirting + Toys + Multi Penetration GENRE: smut
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Drop a comment letting me know if you want to be added to the taglist for the upcoming fics 🖤
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heartlilith · 7 months
Astrology Observations
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements - Part 5
🖤Pay attention to the degrees in your natal chart, as they influence the energy projected by a specific planet/placement. Here are some quick notes:
0° - Marks a fresh energy, beginnings, a lot of things to learn, growing into this placement, can make this placement more naive/immature.
1°/ 13° / 25°- Aries/Mars energy - Makes a placement more aggressive/brave, extroverted, and quick. Brings more of a leadership energy to the placement.
2° / 14° / 26° - Taurus/Venus energy - Can make a placement more polite, grounded, sensual, and down to Earth. This degree can also signify wealth. Makes a placement more appealing and agreeable.
3° / 15° / 27°- Gemini/Mercury energy - Placements with these degrees can be more curious, detached, less grounded, more talkative. These degrees can also signify high intellect or a duality.
4° / 16° / 28° - Cancer/Moon energy - Can make a placement more soft, adds feminine energy or placement could be highly influenced by feminine energy (MC in 4° can signify working with women or women having a big impact on your career for example), can make a placement more emotional.
5° / 17° - Leo/Sun energy - The fame degree! Makes a placement more recognizable, popular, self-centered. These degrees also add creativity, boldness, and confidence to a placement.
6° / 18° - Virgo/Mercury energy - Adds more logic/analytical energy to a placement, adds wisdom and nervous energy, makes a placement more "neat" and confined.
7° / 19° - Libra/Venus energy - Emphasizes the beauty of a placement, politeness, creativity. Can make a placement more apt to romanticize (ASC - how you see the world, Venus - how you see love, Mars - liking romantic sex more than casual sex)
8° / 20° - Scorpio/Pluto energy - Signifies a lot of transformations for a specific placement, a lot of breaking and healing in the area of this degree. Can add obsessiveness/powerfulness/mystery/depth to a placement.
9° / 21° - Sagittarius/Jupiter energy - Adds a more "happy go lucky" vibe, more free flowing, popularity, brings luck and wisdom. Jupiter is expansions it could also expand whatever placement you have this degree in (Mars - more physical energy, Sun - more egotistical, 5th house - more children, creativity).
10° / 22° - Capricorn/Saturn energy - Can slow down a placement (Venus - won't be in a relationship until later in life, Mercury - might talk in a slower pace). Brings lessons and trials to the area of this degree, maturity, ambition, seriousness.
11° / 23° - Aquarius/Uranus energy - Brings something unique to a placement, gives a placement some shock factor and flare. Can make a placement more easy going and inclusive.
12° / 24° - Pisces/Neptune energy - Makes a placement more delulu (lol). Higher octave of Venus so it adds to the beauty of a placement (Sun - adds beauty to your energy, Mercury - adds beauty to your writing/speaking abilities, Mars - adds beauty to the way you physically move (like a dancer)).
29° - Can add mastery, maturity, karmic lessons to a placement. Can signify something that is ending, lessons learned, an almost finished book.
🖤There's so much more I could say about degrees and degree theory but that would take me all day. Here is a link that goes more in depth: 360 Symbolic Degrees
🖤Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion, therefore looking at the sign and house that Jupiter is in can signify how to lean into that luck. Sign = how, house = where. For example, I have Jupiter in Gemini in the 5th house: using my writing/speaking/communication abilities (Gemini) can help me earn luck especially if it has to do with creativity, children, and romance (5th house).
🖤The sign Mercury is in can have an impact on your learning style. Water: Reading/Writing, Fire: Auditory, Air: Kinesthetic, Earth: Visual... (this is strictly opinion based)
🖤When I look at someone's chart that I'm interested in romantically, I like to make a Venn-Diagram in my head with their Venus and Mars signs (this is the most Virgo Moon shit I've ever written). For example, Sagittarius Venus + Capricorn Mars = Detached, money-minded/materalistic, likes to take things slow, hates possessiveness and feeling "anchored".
735 notes · View notes
Addendum to Hair pt 1!
I want to add something I missed in the hair lesson! As someone who's had many natural styles, I sort of assumed that people would naturally end up in the twist out space as they researched afros. That's on me, because the entire point of this blog is to direct you there! So I apologize!
Twist-Outs! (21 Twist Out styles)
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This is an example from the AMAZING link above on how twist-outs generally work. Not only does the link include options, but it also includes videos! There are so many types of twist-outs your Black character can have, and they're not all that hard to do, either! Twist-outs are often where new naturals find themselves as they learn to take care of their hair, so if your Black character is younger, or learning how to work with their hair for the first time and want to style it... why not let them give twist-outs a try?
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marlenesluv · 1 year
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♡ - fluff
☆ - smut
○ - angst
* - social media
:as time as gone on, i have started to write for a lot of different drivers, you can see below who those are. smut is a topic i am attempting to write. my goal is to be able to participate in a smutty event this christmas, so bear with me. when you request, pls tell me what type of fic (smau or one shot) and the driver (unless you want me to pick which is fine too):
(i write for: lando, charles, daniel and carlos mainly. i will also write for: pierre, max, lewis, george, and oscar per request. probably never alex albon tho: i love alex and lily, sry)
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Click Here to access my Book Lover Series❣️
Click Here to access my Lessons Series with my OC & Lando Norris ❣️
➥ Lando Norris:
❒ smau:
moments *♡ (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
part 1: landos posts on his jpg account while you guys are dating
part 2: in which you finally get a jpg account and post your boyfriend and friends
part 3: ?? its a surprise
book lover ♡: you’re a bookstagramer/booktuber and you love posting your books and your boyfriend (taylor swift lovers, same, this is for you)
book lover (part 2) ♡: this is part 2 to the smau above! more posts about books, but you posted a new video with the grid!
tokyo drift ♡: y/n is a formula drift driver, and her fans ship her with f1 driver lando norris.
❒ blurbs:
break ○: lando is on summer break with his gf, but can’t seem to stop training.
➥ Carlos Sainz:
❒ smau:
off the ice ♡: carlos meets his gf, an nhl analyst, and fans are overjoyed as y/n clicks with the grid
rule breaker ♡ (smau + dialogue): y/n leclerc has been dating carlos sainz, which her brother has one rule: to not date his teammate. what happens when she finally tells charles?
doesn’t come easy ♡: y/n is an upcoming scriptwriter for a future oscar winner, but fans don’t like her and her credit is ripped away when her film wins an oscar.
❒ blurbs:
➥ Charles Leclerc:
❒ smau:
hate doesn’t bother me ♡(rude fans): charles and y/n announce their relationship on summer vacation, but fans aren’t a fan of y/n, not that she cares.
welcome to the swamp ♡: cute posts between charles and his gators cheerleader girlfriend.
angel ♡: y/n is a victoria’s secret model dating arber xhekaj, but what happens when cheating scandals arise when she is found with charles leclerc?
nobody knows ♡: y/n is a hollywood actress from brazil, her home and love. but when she visits monaco, charles’ fans start to ship them. what they don’t know, is that their ship has already sailed.
star of the show ♡: y/n, cast member of teen wolf, starts dating charles leclerc, and fans love them together.
uni to paddock ♡: being a university student, reader isn’t able to go to a lot of her boyfriends races. but one day, she decides to go to a grand prix and shock fans.
country feels ♡: reader is a beloved country star, rumored to be dating the f1 driver, charles leclerc. what happens when someone accidentally reveals she has a boyfriend?
lovers to strangers to friends○♡: y/n and charles have been an iconic f1 paddock couple since 2019, but what happens when a rumor spreads about y/n cheating?
tease ♡: charles is away for a race, but his girlfriend misses him and does something that she knows will get his attention.
who cares? ♡: when fans find out that charles’ girlfriend is 21 and in univeristy, she gets some hate. but charles doesn’t care, so neither should his girlfriend.
❒ blurbs:
sick day ♡: you have to cancel your date with charles, but he has an idea.
➥ Daniel Ricciardo:
❒ smau:
keep it private *(suggestive content): daniel and his wife, y/n, post some non-pg things on their instagrams.
keep it private (part 2) *(suggestive content): just some more unhinged comments between you and daniel.
unexpected * ♡: daniel meets a dallas cowboy cheerleader and they become and unexpected couple to fans and friends.
paper rings ♡: reader has a job of drawing and reading, but her partime is posting her boyfriend. (just a cute little book smau lolz)
❒ blurbs:
➥ Max Verstappen:
❒ smau:
better kept secret *(mean fan comments): max meets y/n, who is a little younger, country, and both try to keep their relationship a secret until they snap, and drop a soft launch that fans are not happy about.
christmas is better with you ♡: nyc born reader takes her bf max, who isn’t a big christmas fan, to her home, new york, this christmas.
denial is a man’s bestfriend ♡: max and y/n are teammates, but they fall for each other, resulting in pressure from friends.
❒ blurbs:
puppy love ♡: daniels sister his his best friend have a secret relationship…oh, along with her many doggies.
➥ Oscar Piastri:
❒ smau:
home ♡: oscar and his gf go back to her home, paraná brazil, for summer break, posting a bit along the way.
softies ♡* (smau and fic blurbs) gn!reader: reader and oscar soft launch at the monaco gp, plus some cute oscar being supportive bf.
hard launches only ♡: oscar and his miliatary girfriend hard launch before the singapore grand prix.
teammates roommate… ♡: in which oscar falls for the roommate of lando and max. what happens when lando confront oscar about his little crush?
legos and laps ♡: oscar’s girlfriend is obsessed with legos! and of course he supports her addiction.
sly fox dumb bunny ♡: you're the mclaren admin and maybe you favor oscar a little too much.
hotty toddy♡: oscars girlfriend is a cheerleader for ole miss, and they love to support eachother.
❒ blurbs:
stress relief ☆ ♡: oscar’s qualifying doesn’t go as planned, but luckily he has you at home to help him destress.
➥ Pierre Gasly:
❒ smau:
appreciation ♡: pierre loves to post his successful gf, and she loves to post him just as much.
❒ blurbs:
➥ Ollie Bearman:
❒ smau:
going public ♡: reader is carlos sainz’s younger sister who has kept private for a while, but when she suddenly goes public on instagram, so does her relationship with ollie bearman.
➥ Logan Sargeant:
❒ smau:
bad decisions ♡: after logan’s chassis is given to alex, his girlfriend is determined to show him how much she loves him. (this got out of hand and lead to something i hope is cute?)
➥ Lewis Hamilton:
❒ smau:
i’d be blue without you ♡: lewis and his girlfriend always have a lined up schedule with his racing and her shows.
➥ Arthur Leclerc:
❒ smau:
amour ♡: pierre’s little sister and his best friends little brother have their little soft-ish launch online.
➥ Ballerina Series:
❒ This series follows Y/n Albon, Alex Albon’s younger sister, who is a ballerina. She loves posting her life and supporting her brother. But when her teammate quits, she’s left a little lonely. Luckily, Lando Norris is there to befriend her…..
❒ Here’s some little psa abt this series: this is a dialogue and smau fic. i know alex has other siblings but for the sake of this fic, he doesn’t lol. its just more to write. This is a gradual series that i will post on every once and a while, that way i can still post other fics.
part 1 : (posted on my main tumblr, oops)
part 2
part 3
part 4
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jealousmartini · 17 days
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જ⁀💌. My everyday affirm and persist routine ⊹₊ㆍ💬ಌ
   ── .✦  ┆  𖤐  ┆  ␥ 
[ 000 :: Morning hours ]
1st 2 hours of the day // 9:00 am to 11:00 am
✦ — 15 minute, gratitude + optimism vaulting
Something along the lines of... "Good morning diary, It is (whatever time it is) and I am feeling well rested and refreshed. I still am in complete awe at my room, my belongings, my appearance, my lifestyle that I have manifested for myself. I've even manifested stuff I didn't know I'd like because of how active my manifestations have been."
Or "Dear diary, Everything about my life really is perfect. I always wake up refreshed to see everything from my 4D manifested like it should. I am so grateful to know about the Law and being a master manifester. Its a relief knowing all of my efforts and discipline doing robotic affirming everyday and night would ultimately be rewarded. It's a blessing knowing I am infact immortal and i am the creator of my reality, therefore everything HAS to work in my favour."
Or "Dear diary, I can't help but feel so proud of myself whenever I look in the mirror. I seriously impress myself with my own beauty, I am so stunning I can't believe I just woke up looking this good. My skin is flawless, my body is gorgeously curvy, my face is stupidly pretty, even my bed hair looks cute. I am blessed with indescribable beauty and my beauty never peaks."
I personally believe that with power comes gratitude. I am already a very grateful person naturally, so it doesnt feel right to not speak my gratitude and appreciation towards my life, the things I have manifested and the lessons I have learned. It's like a prayer to me.
∘₊ ✧──────────────────✧₊∘
✦ — 1 hour and 45 minutes, robotic affirming
This can be of anything I am manifesting at the moment or just vague blanket affirmations like "My life is perfect" "Everything is rigged in my favour" "I am" etc.
[ 001 :: Afternoon and evening hours ]
Middle of the day // 12:00 to 21:00
✦ — 9 hours, fulfillment and persistence
I just do this whenever my desires appear in my mind. I'll persist in the fact it is mine by experiencing it in imagination or just saying it is done/it's already mine and move on with my day.
[ 003 :: Overnight hours ]
Last hours of the day // 21:30 to 3:00 am
✦ — 6 hours, overnight robotic affirmations
I know I don't have to robotically affirm for that long overnight but it is something I personally like because not only am I disciplining myself to stick to my routine, but I am reminding myself I already have my desires while I'm feeling sleepy.
I also like to incorporate emotions especially when shifting (ik shifting 🤝 manifestation just bare me) I like to feel the intention of waking up in my dr like im a night away from holiday or something. Excitement and fear are usually my emotions of intention
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nonotnolan · 9 months
Stories I Love (Part 2)
Again, nothing personal with the order listed here, it's mostly chronological. Tumblr doesn't like a ton of hyperlinks, so the list is in two parts. Here's Part 1.
Though, now is a good time to point out a few major gaps in this list. One, I don't care for celebrity, sports, or sweat/fart transformations very much, so that eliminates a few prolific authors. Two, some authors have much bigger websites elsewhere, like @2xskin or @takeovertales, and I haven't been consistent about favoriting works that could be found in two places. Three, a special shoutout to @piosantaibhseil's very long body swap series which would be tricky to link otherwise.
Also, a special shoutout-- I don't think my blog would have nearly as much of a footprint without @bodyswap-possession-shapeshift's valuable reblog contributions to this community. He remains one of the fastest and most consistent about showing support to all creators on his lists, and I hope he knows how much that support has been appreciated over the years.
By @deviantknight25 : Implanted Mutual to Cover Medal and Leaf Surfeit Changes Partner in Crime
By @transformhim : Learning His Lesson Fun with the Mimic Changing Work Roles The Devil Next Door Sauna Shenanigans
By @tfmybody : The Intern A Fortunate Theft
By @tf-lover : The Homo Bomb - Lewis Ashton 12th Hour The Way You Look Tonight
By @bodyhopper-files : Just A Dream Untitled 12/26/22 How I Transformed My Dad's Life Make Me
By @0ng0ingw0rk : Morning Adjustments Paradise
By @verus-veritas : Slipping Out The Halloween Costume Love Thy Neighbor Untitled 9/24/20 Hard Work Pays Off
By @shootingstarwritings : Beach Bummin' It Back Home Couples Therapy
By @swap-and-possessions : Passed Out Suit Cleaning Buy Low, Sell High
By @kylecrusoe-captions : Untitled 4/15/23 Untitled 10/21/22 Untitled 11/24/19
By @exploratorytfs : Power Exchange Special Weekend Swap Need to Study Free Market Series: Debts, Repossession, Ladder The Swap Booth From Twink to Daddy Swap Kink Accepted On Site Family Gatherings Join Them
By @noface-phantom7 : Possession: BEyond WILLing Bodysuit: Superior Dominic Bodyswap: It Only Feels Right Bodyswap: On Second Thought Bodysuit: Skin Salesmen Demons, Suits and Faces
By @fantasyvessels Don't Waste Your Youth Or Else Project Personal Drones III
By @joshslater : Very PT The Lost Year of Gain My Bully Manhood Exchange Foreign Exchange Another Kyle Eastern Tennessee Golden Years Untitled 6/10/19 Flesh Limited Equal Exchange Partystick Urgent Message Final Answer Wanted Crossdressing
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