#let's spread the word
aragarna · 4 months
Thank you so much for making gifsets of Zorro (2024). Please don't stop. 🖤 I loved the show!
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Thank you so much Anon! Will definitely keep going. :) And I encourage everyone to reblog and spread my gifsets as far as possible, to make sure the show is successful wherever it is available. :)
Also, if anyone has any specific request, feel free to drop an ask! :) Let's the fun begin!
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yukidragon · 2 years
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The Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack kickstarter has launched and is not only fully funded, but already reached its first stretch goal! If you’re at all interested in trying out the demo and are over 18 years of age, now is the time to do so! Click here to go to the kickstarter page!
There are links here for the current demo on Itch and Steam, as well as the classic original version.
If more people contribute to the kickstarter, we can get all sorts of fun extra features. Also, there’s a special early bird deal during the first 24 hours, and limited time goals that are already starting to disappear. Now’s the time to check it out!
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$28K (+$2000) Afterlife Mode Unlock Slice-of-Life mini episodes with each route completed and get to know your favorite characters in AfterLife Mode!
$30K (+$2000) "Softcore" Mode Replace NSFW scenes with new dialogue and SFW scenes. Ideal for streaming with friends or for NSFW players.
$40K (+$10,000) Latin Spanish Dub A full Latin Spanish dub of the game, complete with voice acting from an all-new cast of talented actors!
$45K (+$5,000) New Love Interest - Save Nick! Unlock Nick as a fourth love interest, and fall down a rabbit hole of nightmares, superstition, and terror. Can you save Nick?
$50K+ (+$10K) Additional Dubs Additional dubs with every 10K raised. (By vote, once per every 10K - Japanese, French, Protugese, Korean, Russian, Chinease/Mandarin, German.)
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chaotic-being · 5 months
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
Upcoming Strike for Palestine 02/18-02/25
There's been a twitter thread and post going around planning and organizing the next days of strike, so I wanted to pass on the message because I didn't see posts about it yet
Link to thread here
Another thread of the same strike
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As usual, please continue to boycott and strike and do what you can to spread awareness.
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Buy eSims for Gaza
Care for Gaza
Donate to UNRWA
Daily Clicks to Generate Funds for Palestine
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laweyd · 8 months
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🌟 My supernatural horror comic "IT ALL ENDS WITH ME" is now out at ShortBox Comics Fair!!
100+pages/£10 /digita
A theatrical fairytale-inspired horror story about a maid working for a mother and a daughter at an abandoned castle.
It will be available exclusively at the (free) fair throughout October!
Please enjoy and I hope you guys wil enjoy what I've been working on the past 5 ish months!! 😭
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brightokyolights · 4 months
Hello UK peeps 📢🇵🇸📢🇵🇸
Parliament is going to be voting on a ceasefire again on Wednesday 21st February 2024!
Please email your MP to ask them to join in voting for a ceasefire (template in link) and there will also be a demonstration that you should attend if you can!
More info available on the *Palestine Solidarity Campaign website.*
Keep speaking up, keep donating and keep educating yourself ❤️💚🖤🤍
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
(Pic from PSC)
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carpe-mamilia · 7 months
Ghosts’ Larry Rickard Explains Why They Chose the Captain’s First Name
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Photo: Monumental,Guido Mandozzi
It couldn’t be a joke. That was one rule laid down by the Ghosts creators when it came to choosing a first name for Willbond’s character. Until series five, the WWII ghost had been known only as The Captain – a mystery seized upon by fans of the show.
“It was the question we got asked more than anything. His name,” actor and writer Larry Rickard tells Den of Geek. “Once we got to series three, you could see that we were deliberately cutting away and deliberately avoiding it. We were fuelling the fire because we knew at some point we’d tell them.”
In “Carpe Diem”, the episode written by Rickard and Ben Willbond that finally reveals The Captain’s death story, they did tell us. After years of guessing, clue-spotting and debate, Ghosts revealed that The Captain’s first name is James. At the same time, we also learned that James’ colleague Lieutenant Havers’ first name was Anthony.
The ordinariness of those two names, says Rickard, is the point.
“The only thing we were really clear about is that we didn’t want one of those names that only exists in tellyland. It shouldn’t be ‘Cormoran’ or ‘Endeavour’. They should just be some men’s names and they’re important to them. The point was that they were everyday.”
Choosing first names for The Captain and Havers was a long process not unlike naming a baby, Rickard agrees. “It almost comes down to looking at the faces of the characters and saying, what’s right?”
“We talked for ages. For a long time I kept thinking ‘Duncan and James’, and then I was like ah no! That would have turned it into a gag and been awful!” Inescapably in the minds of a certain generation, Duncan James is a member of noughties boyband Blue. “Maybe with Anthony I was thinking of Anthony Costa!” Rickard says in mock horror, referencing another member of the band.
Lieutenant Havers wasn’t just The Captain’s second in command while stationed at Button House; he was also the man James loved. Because homosexuality was criminalised in England during James’ lifetime, he was forced to hide his feelings for Anthony from society, and to some extent even from himself.
In “Carpe Diem”, the ghosts (mistakenly) prepare for the last day of their afterlives, prompting The Captain to finally tell his story. Though not explicit about his sexual identity, the others understand and accept what he tells them – and led by Lady Button, all agree that he’s a brave man.
Getting the balance right of what The Captain does and doesn’t say was key to the episode. “It wasn’t just a personal choice of his to go ‘I’m going to remain in the closet’,” explains Rickard. “There wasn’t an option there to explore the things that either of them felt. That couldn’t be done back then – there are so many stories which have come out since the War about the dangers of doing that.
“We wanted to tell his personal story but also try to ensure that there was a level at which you understood why they couldn’t be open, that even in this moment where he’s finally telling the other ghosts his story, he never comes out and says it overtly because that would be too much for him as a character from that time.
“He says enough for them to know, and enough for him to feel unburdened but it’s in the fact that they’re using their first names which militarily they would never have done, and in the literal passing of the baton”.
The baton is a bonus reveal when fans learned that The Captain’s military stick wasn’t a memento of his career, but of Havers. As James suffers a fatal heart attack during a VE day celebration at Button House, Anthony rushes to his side and the stick passes from one to the other as they share a moment of tragic understanding.
“From really early on, we had the idea that anything you’re holding [when you die] stays with you. So it wasn’t just your clothes you were wearing, we had the stuff with Thomas’ letter reappearing in his pocket and so on. And the assumption being that it was something The Captain couldn’t put down, it felt so nice to be able to say it was something he didn’t want to put down.”
Rickard lists “Carpe Diem”, co-written with Ben Willbond, among his series five highlights. He’s pleased with the end result, praises Willbond’s performance, and loved being on set to see Button House dressed for the 1940s. He’s particularly pleased that a checklist of moments they wanted to land with the audience all managed to be included. “Normally something’s fallen by the wayside just because of the way TV’s made, it’s always imperfect or it’s slightly rushed, but it feels like it’s all there.”
Rickard and Willbond also knew by this point in the show’s lifetime, that they could trust Ghosts fans to pick up on small details. “Nothing is missed,” he says. “Early on, you’re always thinking, is that going to get across? But once we got to series five, there are little tiny things within corners of shots and you know that’s going to be spotted. Particularly in that very short exchange between Havers and the Captain. We worried less about the minutiae of it because you go, that’s going to be rewound and rewatched, nothing will be missed.”
The team were also grateful they’d resisted the temptation to tell The Captain’s story sooner. “We’d talked about it every series since series two, whether or not now was the time, but because he’s such a hard and starchy character in a lot of ways you needed the time to understand his softer side I think before you had that final honest beat from him.”
“What a ridiculously normal name to have so much weight put on it for five years,” laughs Rickard fondly. “Good old James.”
From Den of Geek
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andorerso · 2 months
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I'd made a promise to make something smutty, and I'm here to keep that promise. In the legacy of the much beloved Rebelcaptain Smut Weekend, I'm organizing a Rebelcaptain Smut Weekend Month! Since I felt like a single weekend was just not enough time for all the smutty goodness, I thought why not do four weekends instead? This gives us more to look forward to and more time to create.
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SCHEDULE: the event will run during May, every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (so that means May 3-5, 10-12, 17-19, and 24-26)
✩ the obvious ones: your creation has to be about Jyn and Cassian, and since it's a smut themed month, it should be at least a little spicy!
✩ I'll be using the tag rcsmutmonth for organization. feel free to tag your creations with it too so we can all find each other's works!
✩ no sign-ups required, anyone can participate. if you see a prompt you like, and you want to make something for it, go ahead!
✩ any type of fanwork is welcome! fanfic, fanart, gifset, graphics, rec lists... you name it.
✩ I provided nine prompts for each weekend as inspiration, but don't feel constricted if you don't like them. the point of this event is to encourage more smutty content for our beloved ship, so if you have other ideas in mind, go for it! as for the prompts, use as many as you like and mix them up if you want to.
✩ generally, I encourage you guys to post on the weekend, but don't feel bad if you can't get it done on time. this is a low-commitment, low-pressure event. we're all busy irl so if you're lagging a little behind, post it anyway! we'll be happy to see it whenever it's ready <3
✩ tag appropriately! if triggers or kinks appear in your work, don't forget to list them.
✩ any other questions, thoughts, ideas? let me know! this is my first time organizing such an event, so I'm sure I'm forgetting something
✩ May 3-5
last night on earth sex ┃ distraction ┃ "Touch me already."
sex pollen ┃ aphrodisiac ┃ "Tell me how much you want me."
"we're alive" sex ┃ birthday ┃ "I want you to take whatever you need from me."
✩ May 10-12
wet dream ┃ forbidden┃ "Want me to stop?" "Don't you dare."
hate/angry sex ┃ favor ┃ "We can wait if you want-" "We've waited long enough."
praise kink ┃ possessive ┃ "Tell me I'm the one. Tell me there's no one else."
✩ May 17-19
orgasm denial ┃ strip ┃ "Do I need to tie you up?"
snowed in ┃ undercover ┃ "Convince me this is real."
under the stars ┃ uniform ┃ "Say my name. I want to hear you say it."
✩ May 24-26
make-up sex ┃ elevator ┃ "I can’t get off unless I’m thinking about you."
accidental voyeurism ┃ sparring ┃ "Think we'll get caught?"
reunion sex ┃ honeymoon ┃ "On your knees, Captain/Sergeant."
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starkid-innit · 4 months
Starkid Innit Friendship Bracelets
A PSA to everybody going to starkid innit, after hearing people’s thoughts the consensus on dress codes seems to be wear whatever you want and cosplay is encouraged
However I've also decided I'm going to officially declare project friendship bracelet a GO
(yes we are full on stealing this from the swifties but opportunities for a big UK starkid event don't come around very often and I'm determined to make the most of it)
So hopefully we'll get lots of people making cute (or unhinged) friendship bracelets and we can all share/trade them at the concert and it will all be very cute and please can we actually make this happen?
I'm counting on people to commit to this otherwise I'm going to feel like a right idiot, but it would be fantastic if loads of people got involved!
Also if you could help me to spread the word that'd be fab. I'll do my best but I have made a grand total of 20 tweets and 0 tiktoks in my time lol
Thanks for all your support, I can't wait to see what you all make, and I leave you with this inspiring image of this afternoon's creation:
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dazesanddoodles · 6 months
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the navidson record is real in nightvale
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hollowwish · 3 months
I haven't seen much talk about it here, other than a few posts, but another victim of Wilbur's has come forward within the past day. Her name is Alice. She previously did content for kids (littlest pet shop and my little pony), and has now shifted to cosplay, and seems to be popular on Instagram and TikTok.
Her tweet detailing her experiences (images below, tw for abuse and SA)
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And here are links to support her on other platforms, all taken from her channel bio:
Alice's Twitter
Alice's TikTok and her alt
Alice's Patreon
Alice's Instagram
Alice's Ko-fi
Alice's current and old main channels (old provided for proof of her old content, that i and im sure a bunch of other people found her from, and since it links her current and all her other channels)
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cozylittleartblog · 5 months
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Saw you on twitter through your post about alixpress and wanted to support you. Super happy with the stuff. Im in love with all these freaks so I'm definitely a happy customer ❤️ (Sorry for the crummy pics my phone is 7 years old lol)
thank you so much! i remember packing this order :> i'm very happy you like all your items 💖 and you have excellent taste in robots, if i do say so myself
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omni-scient-pan-da · 2 months
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Please please please please please staff let me have access to the beta feature pretty pretty please you wanna let me be a community moderator so bad I'm just a silly goofy little guy, I've never gotten into any trouble, I've done my part in the pornbot wars let me have access to this new feature for the bit
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Guys, I really hate to be a killjoy but Fit did not call Pac "babe" in today's live.
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foolishlovers · 6 months
good omens WIPs i'm loving at the moment
i know starting unfinished fics is not everyone’s cup of tea but comments and encouragement mean so much to writers, so if you have some time to spare, why don’t you check these out
doom days by klytemnestras - 5 years have passed since aziraphale left crowley for heaven. crowley has built a new life for himself and has found some comfort in spending time with muriel & co. but then aziraphale shows up with the messiah baby, hoping for crowley to help him one last time... the found family vibes in this one are just so delightful. crowley and aziraphale have a long way to go to restore their relationship, but it surely is an intriguing one to follow 7.6k, 3/? chapters, rated T
an ineffable midsummer night's dream by the_serpent_and_the_guardian - set in 1605, aziraphale convinces crowley to save shakespeare's latest play - he reluctantly takes on the role of puck (not without some shenanigans ensuing, of course). the banter in this fic is absolutely precious, the writing is so lovely and the dynamic between our beloved almost friends demon and angel is so spot on!! 20k, 4/5 chapters, rated T
living in sin by jade_valentine offers an insight into what could have happened if aziraphale had discovered a little earlier that crowley was living in his car. yes, oh my god, they were roommates. i honestly can't wait to see how their new living arrangement will develop 2.5k, 1/? chapters, rated M
wilde flowers by rocksaltandroll is a human au! starring aziraphale as a lonely bookseller and crowley as the new, handsome florist down the street. maggie, nina and muriel are inspired to do some matchmaking, but the old men seem to be falling for each other even without their meddling... they're both nervous about starting something new, but there's so much fluff, the writing is great and frankly, all whickber street characters are such a joy to read about!! 15k, 4/? chapters, rated M
mon horrible cher by ghostrat is an enemies to friends to lovers fic that features aziraphale and crowley as teachers on a sixth form field trip to paris. they despise each other… until they don't. i have so much love for these characters, the path from annoyance to precious pining is just so good. crowley being good with kids is honestly going to break me at some point. the writing is utterly amazing, just perfect to get lost in, and there's stunning fanart included too 30k, 7/9 chapters, rated M
once upon a time by tawnyowl95 is a human au! with actors (and childhood sweethearts) aziraphale and crowley finding their way back to each other as famous comedian crowley (currently going through a rough patch) accepts aziraphale's offer for him to play the pantomime villain in his production of dick whittington. there's flashbacks to their time at high school and tons of bickering in the present time line, where crowley continues to be quite the troublemaker, keeping aziraphale and everyone else on their toes and i absolutely love it 10k, 4/15, rated E
london, libraries & love by wolftea features librarian! aziraphale and history teacher! crowley. while they're both excited to go on an excursion to london for a couple of days together, at the beginning of their acquaintance, they had quite a hard time warming up to each other.. this fic is so precious, the flashblacks to crowley's first weeks at the school are full of pranks and shenanigans between the two of them that made me laugh so very much. it's so fascinating to explore how their relationship develops over time. the pining in the present is perfectly wholesome as well!! 9k, 5/17 chapters, rated E
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ghostroachtruther · 9 months
ghostroach idiots to lovers fluff comedy slowburn 700k words except ghost and roach drag soap and gaz into it kicking and screaming
soap has to hear EVERYDAY about how impressive roach's skills are, how calming he is to be around, how trustworthy he is as a soldier — which doesnt seem like much, but coming from ghost? thats basically him getting on his knees and kissing the ground roach walks on
meanwhile gaz gets notes passed to him hourly about how the lieutenant complimented the way roach shoots earlier that day, how him and ghost shared a really meaningful little glance during their latest mission, how he noticed that ghost's posture relaxes ever-so-slightly whenever he walks in the room. gaz always has ATLEAST 3 new sticky notes on his table whenever he walks away from it for a prolonged period of time
soap and gaz complain to each other about it CONSTANTLY, they're both so sick and tired of the painfully obvious pining the two have for each other, to the point where they've asked price to step in because it was genuinely starting to bother them (price didnt step in, saying he had "better things to worry about" when in reality he just wants to see how long it would take for roach and ghost to get together on their own)
they keep trying to push them to go on a date but it never works out because ghost will say "i dont see gary that way, johnny" (yes, he does.) meanwhile roach will say "i'm probably just fooling myself, simon could never view me romantically" (yes, he can.)
at this point gaz and soap have completely given up and just listen to their assigned in-love idiot talk about the other in-love idiot with a scowl on their face
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