#lets kill jugde
henrioo · 1 year
My dream is to write a big story changing the events of Whole Cake
With the right to the reader confessing to Sanji in front of everyone
Reader attacking the Vinsmoke brothers because they deserve it
Sanji assuming that the only person who wants to get married is the reader
Everything like a beautiful fairy tale
Why don't I do this? Simple to answer
I have a lot of ANGER, every time I think about writing I can't concentrate and make a serious, dramatic and suffering story
All I can think of is a thousand ways to torture the Vinsmokes and especially Judge for messing with my love
And then I just become obsessed and look like those teenagers who pretend to be psychopaths and love serial killers
I simply can't control the anger I feel at how much Sanji suffered in this arc
That's why I can't write a change to the cannon in this specific arc
But I accept reading anyone who has managed it hehehehe
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Today without a cat, today I'm going to use this feral dog that matches my mood about this arc
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leggerefiore · 7 months
About that part where Lennie sneaks out and sees the alternate universe Cyrus and her mom in Alola, is there another Lennie for them?
Yes, but she's probably off somewhere playing while her parents have a moment that the other Cyllene sees. Maybe she even sees the alternate version of herself running up to them excitedly and gets to see how happy and peaceful they are. Her distress only increases since it puts everything she knows into perspective.
Poor RR Cyrus is about to have a sad little girl come back to him and just wish his perfect world was one where they were happy together as a family. (Granted, his intentions are not to cause pain – only get rid of emotion and spirit. Though... judging by his dialogue in from that time, it seems Giratina was about to Get him before Giovanni pulled him to Alola, so his plans were always destined to get blocked by Giratina even without a protag.)
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gabrielapazlima · 1 year
i hate how twitter is starting to hate on glamrock bonnie,ofc we don't know a lot of things abt hin except by the fact that he was possibly killed by monty/vanny of idk who else and he seems to had an close relationships with freddy- but that doesnt means that he is boring and theres nothing to work abt him,plz let the chatacters had time to shine before jugde them... bonnie's subplot while could be more expanded it brings cool things and deep abt freddy/monty's characters,thats why ppl like and want to do thing with him.
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polifandom · 8 months
hot take, but i guess becoming so obsessed with scream and all that it entails, including but not limited to: very crazy relationship arrangments, stabbing is sexy, blood is even sexier, killing someone? that's foreplay, and much much more; its made me more receptive towards a ship i always found sus: that being wincest.
i mean, if fictional murder psychopats that stab each other and are deeply disturbed is MY cup of tea, who really am i to jugde people who like shipping two tender fictional brothers?
they are, at the end of the day, fucking fictional.
back when i watched spn, i really liked their dynamic (it being the main driving force for me to keep watching the show). at the time, i never had the lens to see them any other way, and i still dont think i really would, but i can see where the ones that do are coming from.
and yes, i do no condone incest. not in real life. but this is fanfic, yk? the rules are different.
its different from things like collen hoover books because they reinforce an aggresive and abusive pattern on man that is, as of today, still very much passable in our society. not only that, but she takes those man and puts them in a narrative that tells the reader theyre supposed to fall in love with those behaviors, because her main character does.
wincest i think plays by a very different set of rules, in which not only does it not reinforce societal patterns (because incest is already frowned up), but also it doesn't utilize a power inbalance inside the relationship (as we'd see with most incest content online – as in porn – where it's usually older uncle/brother/father x underage/incredibly innocent familiar, usually a girl).
i guess main takeaway for me is: let the wincest thruters knock themselves out, and, if we really have to critize any fandom or fanfic, lets criticize racist, homophobic, sexist and trans exclusive content, pls :)
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the-0th3r-side · 2 years
The Cultivation World's Fundamentally Corrupt Society in MDZS
One of the best things of MDZS, which demonstrate really well the central themes of the novel, is that while the cultivators used false morality and hypocritical justice as a shield to justify practicing so much dehumanization and tyranny, Wei Wuxian was the only one who actually exercised that justice and followed the concept of what a cultivator should be for real.
It's funny because they accused Wei Wuxian of all sorts of things when he was literally just doing his job as a cultivator - protecting the innocent and fighting against evil – It’s quite the irony seeing Wei Wuxian being condemned for doing what already is, or should’ve been, the very ultimate goal of cultivation – apart from imortality – in the first place. To me, just the fact that the Clans did function based on an aristocratic system immediately points to the idea that the purpose of cultivation, in the MDZS universe, is a simple sham for nobles to maintain their privilege and monopolize the power.
“Those who oppress others and do evil while relying on the power of their Clan should be killed. Moreover, they should publically beheaded in front of tens of thousands of people so that nobody repeats their mistake – Wen Mao, founder of the Wen Clan”
By this, it’s clear that they strayed so drastically from their original intente to use power to help, to actively oppress. The Jiang who used to be a care free sect., turned to be a clan “you could never, in any way, offend”, the Lans, whose motto is “Be Righteous”, and have a whole wall of rules that says, “do not jugde others”, “be kind”, “do not bully the weak”, “do not make assumptions about other” etc, turned to be a sect where what matters the most is to “look rigtheous” and “prioritize not troubling the powerful”. 
MDZS universe is ruled by a fundamentally corrupt society, where the sect leaders congratulate each other on maintaining this facade of civilization and morality, which consist of purposefully ignoring the rot that takes place out of sight and is sometimes even publicly acknowledged, but fully accepted. Because no one cares about injustice, corruption, tyranny, as long as it doesn't affect them directly or their peers ( not even of the smaller clans, only the great sects) and most importantly, it can be easily excused and brushed off if it is caused by a clan leader, an heir or descendant of the main line.
For example, the complete extermination of the Tingshan He Clan, which had no objection. The fact that no one did anything when LanlingJin refused to execute Xue Yang after Nie Mingjue's death, even though he was responsible for the annihilation of an entire clan and was recreating the Yin Tiger Tally, a weapon of mass destruction. Or the matter of Jiang Cheng torturing and killing "demonic cultivators" being something know even by disciples of Gusu Lan and this is never treated seriously because these people were not importante enough to make a fuss, and let's not even talk about the Nie cultivation method, because it's a bottomless pit of hypocrisy.
It’s clear that, for the cultivation world, the only objectionable thing is the voice that differs from this dirty dishonesty, who identifies the farce for what it is and refuses to be part of the "brainwashing", or rather, the legitimate alienation. It is only reprehensible those who do not accept the veiled injustice that the Clans propagate in the name of unfounded reasons and who, in order to blame this system, goes against the meticulous facade of “honor and morals” created by the cultivation world, the facade that normalized, for the sake of 'good diplomacy’, the act of turning a blind eye to the cruelty, classism, oppression and authoritarianism of the Clans.
Logically, to be able to keep this arbitrary system working, it was necessary the fabrication of a new villain, “ The Great Evil" in common, hated by all and capable of taking the blame for everything and be used to justify all sorts of brutal and inhuman behavior. It was essential to use the villain's performative defeat to create a false, but allowable, sense of collective peace, sustained by innocent lives, that permit them to keep the face of righteous in the social circle of 'important people', while not forcing them to actually do something against the real problem, because all the bad things that happened were the ‘scapegoat's fault’. And this was not something fated to happen only with Wei Wuxian or the Wen Remnants, it was an an act bound to always happen in an infinite cycle, because inevitably one of the Clans would do some shit that would need someone to be criminalized and used as a guinea pig in order to hide their own corruption.
Basically, it's an entire society that hides behind "justice" in a reality where the very concept of that justice in question can only be judged by the Clans, predominantly from their own personal interests and not for what is really right or wrong. That is, justice is only right when it is theirs, outside of that, it becomes arrogance, madness, heregy. The real truth is unimportant in this scenario, much less innocence.
[...] “Don’t you understand? When you're standing on their side, you're the bizarre genius, the miraculous hero, the force of the rebellion, the flower that blooms alone. But the second your voice differs from theirs, you’ve lost your mind, you’ve ignored morality, you’ve walked the crooked path” [...]
For the ones at the top of the social hierarchy, nothing they do is criminal as long as it does not oppose the tyranny and the ‘absolute truth’ of the Clans. But anyone who doesn't have a noble lineage is worth absolutely nothing and has no right even to their own life, the people deemed as "below them" only serve as an tool to the powerful to use, to shut up when faced with offenses and to bow their heads in obedience, and that’s why Wei Wuxian died, he was a servant that did not know his place and tried to rise above his station.
Even in a narrative of Individual . Vs Society, there is no way one individual could defeat this problem, the actions of Wei Wuxian, Xiao Xingchen, MianMian and even Lan Wangji to some extent, were doomed to fail in the face of an evil as rooted as the evil that is the corrupt society. And MXTX was brillant demonstrating this.
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mepomene · 3 years
maybe im a bitch for it, but im tired of reading fics where jason gets back within the batfamily, besides damian and tim, who i think are the only ones he could have any kind of relationship with (with being a robin, being replaced, traumatic childhoods, the league of assassins, never being good enough for bruce, or rather batman, only being accepted if they submit for someone else's moral code), since i always feel his position within the bats is so precarious, suffocating, hypocritical, and conditional, it drives me more insane than the pit
jason shouldn't submit to no one. he should follow no one's moral code besides his own. he deserves so much better!! they make so many assumptions about him, they are so fucking ignorant about him, they hardly make efforts when it comes to him. like for fucks sake, this boy was a street rat from fucking ghotam, he was accused and declared guilt for a crime that wasn't investigated or judged by the legal system, a crime that (yes he thinks where deserved) he didn't commit. bruce is such a fucking bastard: he says that jason doensn't have the right to be jugde and executioner, but he didn't hesitate to say that jason killed gazorras or whatever that is.
they don't even know the real circumstances about his fucking death, how he woke up in his own coffin, how he had to craw himself out from six feet under. they don't know that his sheila (who was supposedly his birth mother - still think he is shiva's son) fucking sold him out to the joker, she fucking smoked a cigarette while he was being tortured, and even than he still wasted time trying to save her with how starved and desperate for family he was. everyone is always like you have no idea how bruce, dick, alfred suffered with your death - excuse me?? what about how he suffered with his own violent and torturous death?? which he still remembers?? with the crazy fuck who fucking killed and torture him still strolling through the streets after his holydays at arkham??
they disrespect and disturb who jason was with how they regard his death, how they have half assed case files and investigations, with the joker free, with the fucking "a good soldier" - is that how you regard a child who had a premature, violent and tragic end?? saying he is nothing more than a title, than a position, nothing more than a replaceable pawn, just another cannon fodder??
they are constantly regarding jason as a warning, a boogeyman's tale - follow my orders, my morals, act like i do or else you will end up like him. they disregard this survivor, this street rat that survived ghotam's streets and it's dangers on his own. who took care of his mother, who was always giving and giving to crime alley and gotham, batman when all they did was take, take, and take. even when he wasn't gotham's scum he only gave more and more, because he wouldn't wish his own misery at anyone, even his worst enemy
saying that he came back wrong, that that isn't the real jason is such a coward thing to say. it only shows that they disregard his suffering, his torture, his death. putting the blame on the pit is so easy, because it implies that jason doesn't have anything to be mad about. jason is the only one that seems to understand ghotam for what the city really is. not with bruce wayne's possessiveness and ignorance as multibillionare wayne heir (which kinda of goes for tim as well or outsides (dick, damian and cass)
kinda of got lost in what i wanted to say, will come with more, just let jason alone, doing his outlaw business, with his lethal justice
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
It’s not everyday you see the female lead shooting arrows at her male lead’s head, so that’s why this was my fave scene of the ep:
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He’s crazy. I mean I knew she wasn’t gonna hurt him, but he didn’t know that and jugding by how many people were worried and scared, a lot of them believed the prince was really gonna harm him but nobody was gonna stop it. What on earth happens in this palace?? They were gonna let their Crown Prince kill someone in broad daylight?
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At least with this bet she was able to finally hear his thoughts about what his father does for her grandfather and how much he isn’t okay with it and they finally started being friendly with each other (soon they will be too friendly if you know what I mean HAHAHA). Now they know that the other knows those two people aren’t to be trusted or taken lightly, and I feel like that will make them closer. 
I also liked this little glimpse inside Jiwoon’s fears about becoming like his father and passing to the dark side because it’s part of the family business. He has his doubts and this vulnerability that I enjoyed seeing, he doesn’t hide his emotions like our female lead. And I respect him for the way in which he showed the Crown Prince and others that he’s not his father’s puppet (and by extension evil minister’s puppet).
I admire his character and I like all the sides they’ve shown of him. The Crown Prince on the other hand, is like an onion that has a hundred layers and has a wall around her that no one can get past. And I love it, because it makes so much sense she’s that way, even with the people who seem to support her but don’t know she’s a woman. Because she knows everything would change if they knew the truth. She knows they would kill her because duh, they’ve tried before.
So when Jiwoon dared to fail THE Crown Prince in that exam in front of the King, the ministers and the scholars, he made the biggest statement that he’s not a tool from the baddies, he’s not there to pamper his highness and compromise who he is and what he believes in. And he’s there, in the palace, a place he very much didn’t want to be in, because he wishes to save his friends’ lives.
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bl597 · 4 years
Hi, can you do a imagine, where the reader is Draco's twin sister, who is also a Slytherin, and she has a secret relationship with Harry or George (I can't choose so you can do which one you think is best), and the friends of both find out about it. Can the reader's friends be blaise, pansy and draco, with a cute ending? and also sorry for the bad english, that’s not my first language.
hello, sweets! of course!! i'm sorry you had to wait for so long, hope you enjoy it!! also your english is amazing, honey 💞💞
warnings: a few curse words yay, Slytherin!Malfoy!reader, fem!reader but the fem pronouns briefly appear on it, it's kinda shot I'm sorry :(, english is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes! requests are open, guys! 💗
my masterlist ♡
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You and Harry have been secretly dating for over a year now and it was amazing to spend time just goofing around with him, but it would be way much better if a) his and your friends knew about it and b) Draco, your twin brother, accepted it. Being a Slytherin – just as your whole family – made you be by Draco's side almost all the time, which made it hard for you to sneaker and hang out with your boyfriend. Also, the fact that Harry seems to have a weird obsession with constantly getting himself in situations he could literally die didn't really collaborate with your secret little dates.
It was kind of hard to always find new excuses to spend time with your boyfriend, especially when your friends were starting to suspect your constant study dates with a second year Hufflepuff you were never seen with or you constantly disappearing for hours and then coming back and acting like nothing happened.
The same happened with Harry; Ron and Hermione were finding it really weird when Harry suddenly decided he wanted to go for a walk and then he would come back to the Gryffindor common room hours later with a goofy smile in his face, blushing and stuttering quite a lot when they asked him where he was.
You two even talked about introducing each other to your friends, but that would go terribly wrong. Hermione and Ron hated the Malfoy's (you included, probably) and Draco, Pansy and Blaise weren't very fond of Gryffindors, especially the Golden trio. That would be a total disaster, so you just kept it as a secret and waited for the right moment to tell them. Well, you weren't really expecting this moment to be right now.
Harry had a tough day because professor Snape wouldn't let the boy breathe without talking shit about his potion, so he said he wanted cuddles and here you were now, cuddling your boyfriend and whispering sweet nothings on his ear.
“I love you” he whispered, holding you closer to him.
“I love you too, sweetie” you smiled, sweetly kissing the top of his head.
It would be a very lovely moment if you hadn't heard gasps from behind you and had to pull apart from your boyfriend's warm arms to see who had interrupted you two. Your eyes widened when you noticed the five people you were trying to hide it from: your best friends. Almost immediately they started speaking at the same time, making it all sound like incoherent sounds.
“What the-”
“Oh my God-”
“How did-”
You opened your mouth to say something, but the words never left it. Harry was blushing like crazy while trying to explain to his friends what they just saw, emphasis on trying to. Blaise then started laughing loudly, nudging Draco with his elbow, which made you frown.
“I told you so, mate” he smirked when he saw your twin's annoyed expression.
“I think you two owe us an explanation” Hermione said, crossing her arms over her chest and arching her brows at you and Harry.
“Isn't that obvious? They're dating” Draco replied coldly, annoyance still present on his voice. He rolled his eyes and gave you a disappointed look before turning to leave.
“Oh, come on” you groaned, turning back to your friends with a half smile “I'll be right back”
You then started running after Draco and soon you saw the familiar, tall, white haired boy heading to the dungeons. “Draco Lucius Malfoy!” you yelled and he immediately stopped walking but didn't turn around, and you rolled your eyes at his childishness before stepping closer to your brother. “Can we talk?”
“You should go back to your little boyfriend.” he harshly said, still not looking at you.
“Yeah, but I want to talk to my stupid little brother, can't I?” you snapped, raising a brow at him.
“I'm not your little brother, you're just a few minutes older than me” he smiled for a brief moment, his eyes now finally meeting yours “Why didn't you tell me?”
You sighed, taking his hand and leading him to the Slytherin common room – which was gladly empty –. Then you sat down on one of the couches and he did the same, looking at you as if telling you to hurry up. “I was going to tell you, Dray, really. But I was just scared you would react like you're doing right now.”
His eyes softened at your quiet voice, his heart clenching at your words. “I'm sorry, (Y/n/n).” he quietly spoke “It's just that... You're my only sister, and knowing that you don't tell me about your life anymore like we used to do makes me sort of upset. I never wanted you to feel like I would jugde you for any of your choices, I don't want you to see me as a mini version of father.”
“Hell, don't say something like that” you both laughed quietly, the tension between you two now flying away “I'm sorry for keeping it a secret, I knew you wouldn't be very nice about, especially since you hate Harry.”
“There are hundreds of students here and yet you decided to fall for Potter, huh?” he snorted, but you could see he was joking so you just smiled in return.
“I just want you to be happy for me, Dray.”
“And I am, (Y/n/n).” he replied, a small smile on his face as he opened his arms “Come here.”
Draco wasn't really a fan of hugs or anything like that, so there were a very few moments of affection between you two. Him offering a hug right now showed that he was happy for you, and you couldn't ask for something better than your brother supporting you.
With a smirk you tightly wrapped your arms around his slim form, hugging him. “I love you, dipshit” you whispered, just enjoying your twin's warmth.
“I love you too, little shit” he chuckled softly before slowly pulling apart from the hug to look at you “Now, I think you should introduce me to your boyfriend. I want to see if the idiot is good for my sister.”
“Of course, sir” you replied in a mocking tone, laughing. “We should head back, his friends might have tried to killed him by now”
“I wouldn't really mind it”
taglist ♡
@witchorical @fific7 @iamak20 @msmimimerton @grierpilots @idontknowwhatthisisfam @imseeinggred
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yellowbluemoonshine · 4 years
There is always the idea that villains need to be punished for what they did but... when you see someone like Shigaraki, what could be more of a punishment than what he suffered? And more than that, how could the society jugde him when they are for a big part responsable of what he has become? When Shigaraki says that he can't forgive anyone, I can't help but agree: how could he forgive when nobody recognise they have wronged him, when they don't admit he is THEIR victim?
Definitely agreed, anon.
First, this role is literally forced on him by people around him.
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Even when he was 5 years old, he wasnt allowed to be the person he wants to be. He wanted to be a hero but his father punished him for it.
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After his family’s tragic death, he became a tool of manipulative, selfish man. AFO literally groomed him to be force of destruction, he made him believe that this is the only way for him.
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AFO literally punished Shigaraki when he cried and hold his feelings (calling him pathetic to make him feel guilty for being a disappointing is also punihsment too) and praised him when he killed people.
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Then, every hero and villain he met dehumanized him again and again. For everyone, Shigaraki is someone who enjoys from destruction, empty, cruel guy, he is not even a person. Again and again, Shigaraki is not allowed to be his own person.
Heroes dont listen to him cause Shigaraki has to be bad guy so that heroes can be good guys. If Shigaraki is monster, they can justify their violence. This is how villains are treated in society. And Shigaraki is one of the biggest examples of it. Even though, heroes have many proofs to believe that Shigaraki is victim.
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Everyone around Shigaraki already decided the role Shigaraki play for him, his life, his narrative is always controlled by others. He himself even believes that he is monster cause everyone around him says so.
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Not only this role forced on him but also his biggest motivation and desire literally relate to what happened to him.
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Shigaraki’s biggest motivation is comes from his pain, death of his family, like how he will never feel okay. This is why he is doing what he is doing cause he literally have no idea how to handle his pain.
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Shigaraki’s life is full of pain. He was traumatized againd and again. He was groomed in very unstable and dangerous environment. Treated as monster that needs to be destroyed. When he finally a little far away from his abuser AFO, he still did what he wants him to do and eventually came back to him to surgery, he almost loose his humanity and his will.
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And Shigaraki’s biggest desire is freedom cause his life and his choices taken away from him. Shigaraki again and again chose freedom cause he doesnt want the role everyone forced on him. He feels trapped and full of anger cause he is completely not okay with his current life.
Shigaraki is trapped in cycle of abuse.
Step 1;
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He holds his negative feelings inside of him, until he reaches his breaking point. He hold himself cause he hasnt taught how to handle those emotions healthy way.
Step 2;
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He reaches his breaking point and lashing his feeling out to other people. Killing them, harming them, destroy things etc. He is lashing out cause thats how he has been taught. After lashing out, he somehow reliefs a little and feel empty.
Step 3;
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After remember what he did to others, he feels exteremely guilty and starts punishing himself. He is harming himself, thats the way of Shigaraki punishing himself. Punishment is always part of Shigaraki’s character.
Step 4;
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Harming himself eventually led him to feel unfair and he starts to feel angry again, he hold those feelings so basically we returned back to step 1, again.
Shigaraki is literally trapped with this cycle and cant get rid of it. This is why he almost always contracting with himself.
First, someone/something hurts him and Shigaraki fights back,
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he fights back to get rid of this cycle cause he wants this pain to be over. He wants freedom thats why he rejects giving his will to AFO, this is why he get rid of hands.
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But eventually, he still thanking AFO, doing what he wants
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and taking hands with him again cause he doesnt believe he deserves freedom.
Basically, Shigaraki wants freedom, he wants to be saved but he cant fight for his freedom cause he himself believes he doesnt deserves to be saved, to feel okay. This is the biggest proof of that he feels exteremly guilty from what he did/does.
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He literally escapes from cage to another cage, in this picture.
Shigaraki is trying to escape from his cage but he doesnt believe he deserves to feel good, this is why he turns back to the cage. Thats the reason he accept the surgery of Ujiko. So basically, his mindset is already like a prison and it harms him a lot. And as long as he believes he doesnt deserve anytihng good, he cant get out that prison. But Shigaraki feels guilty, this is why he believes that. Shigaraki doesnt even see himself as victim cause noone else does.
This is why Shigaraki cant get out of this cycle, this prison and this is why it so important that someone reaching out to him. He is a victim, a person and he needs to be seen as like that by someone.
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And Shigaraki’s story is all about how different his life would be, if only someone reach out to him. Again and again, theme of his story is there were people who could’ve helped him but they still didnt do anything for him. Shigaraki can be saved but everyone already believes that he is irredemable, they wont even try to reach out to him.
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How can Shigaraki forgive those people when they constantly turned a blind eye to him?
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Even when Shigaraki show his true face to them, trying to talk and reach out to them, they still ignored him. Shigaraki is trying to explain himself to heroes cause he still waits for heroes to save him in his deep.
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The biggest proof of that there is a hope for Shigaraki is that despite his background, the way he treats league and he tries to break this cycle. The way Shigaraki treats his comprades literally turned league to found family for people like them. Shigaraki was raised to destroy but he is the reason that people in league are slowly healing from their trauma. He also fight against the unfair society that let them fall at first place.
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Shigaraki is blowback of society. Though, AFO would kidnap Shigaraki anyway but he is still failure of heroes. If Allmight didnt make society ignorance, people wouldnt ignore Shigaraki. If society was designed to rehabilite villains, then they would understand his victim and try to reach out to him. They could’ve do that easily in USJ arc. If Nana never abandoned his son or Gran Torino and Allmight tried to check him out, AFO wouldnt capture Tenko. etc etc etc. Society and heroes failed Shigaraki and let him fall from the cracks of society
 If Shigaraki is victim of society, heroes, then, society,heroes should take responsibilty for the victims, not just destroying them.
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And Shigaraki isnt just blowback of society, his actions also waking people up. Story made it clear, society is not good the way it is and heroes dont even try to change it. Yeah, destruction isnt really solution and murder is bad but at least, Shigaraki’s actions will change things. Society wil start to change for better cause Shigaraki, the shadow of society is calling them out.
And again;
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if society is the one who is responsible for Shigaraki became who he is, then how they can have a right to not forgive him?
(Though, Deku doesnt really know things here but hope, he will eventually understand.)
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The one who made a choice wasnt really Shigaraki, it was people around him. First, he was outcasted and became their victim. Then, they forced a role for him. When he played his role, they punished him for it. Shigaraki was put in an impossible sitution and he was expected to handle that sitution. Who is the one really at fault here?
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Everyone blames Shigaraki cause thats easiest way. Even though, Shigaraki didnt have much choices in his life but somehow its still his fault and the ones who could’ve helped him, the one who can help him chose to not help have a right to not forgive him.
So basically;
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Society and heroes already failed Shigaraki and directly responsible from his fall. There is something they could do, there is something they still can do about Shigaraki but they constantly choosing to dehumanize him.
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Shigaraki constantly fights against the people who dehumanize him for his humanity. At least, he is doing his best cause he doesnt want to stay like this.
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He is trying to change things to break this broken cycle, both for himself and in his deep, society can be better place for people like him, victims, outcasts.
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There is no point of killing Shigaraki since society creates its own villains, then they would create another Shigaraki anyway.
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Shigaraki already feels exteremely guilty from what he does. (This is the reason he is so suicidal cause he sees no worth about his life.)
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Shigaraki’ s life is full of pain and trauma. He is already treated as monster in his current sitution.
So whats the point of killing him or sending him the place like Tartarus? When society is the one responsible for him the way he is? When he already feels guilty? When he already live his life like a prisoner? When he already have a life full of pain and treated as thing? There is literally no point here.
So what i am hoping is in the end;
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He should live cause he deserves to healing and living his life as an invidual. He should be in a place more like mental hospital cause he has severe mental illness and he definitely needs help. He also needs/deserves to live in healthy environment so he can finally heal. Even in the end, if he stays in prison, prison should be pretty human place. It would be better, if he is with with league cause those people are healing when they are together.
Though, i still hate the idea of him being in prison, even though he killed many people cause his life is already like a prison but i dont know author would do that.
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Also, i also believe that more than Shigaraki, society is the one that owes him apology, not really other way around. Since he is their victim. Though he is really kind and forgiving person in deep, he might forgive them but i dont want what happenned to him to be ignored so i truly hope heroes, society, story pays him well cause its just so sad and unfair. He deserves better.
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Also, i truly believe Shigaraki can help Deku and heroes a lot about outcasts since he can reach out to people who wasnt saved by heroes. So if they work together, Deku can be a hero who saves everyone and Shigaraki’s dream of becoming hero can happen since he is helping outcasts. Also this can be another a way of paying his crimes too.
Shigaraki would willing to do this cause all he wants is better society, just like Deku, in his deep. And also his biggest desire is to be an invidual. To be the person who he wants to be. He still wants to be a hero cause in his deep, he cares about greater good too.
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Shigaraki is always a character who is meant to be saved and there is a reason that he is parallel with Deku. I hope he also gets the happy ending he truly deserves. We will see. It kinda became messy post cause i am kinda tired. Well, just my opinions, :))).
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smtlaw · 4 years
The logic behind Desu's Kingdom of saints route(Part 2)
Hello,I made this post in order to explain how the angels judge people on Desu and to give a better explanation of how the brand of death works, the logic behind Amane’s route and the difference it has with Keisuke way of thinking when he summoned Yama and how its world will look like in its future.
Also i had posted this on reddit but saw it got too big so i decided to separete into parts, this is part 2, and its centered around Keisuke and the difference and similarities he has with Law
Warning: spoilers for several routes of Desu and some minor spoilers from IV and SMT 1
the difference between Keisuke(and Yama) and the angels way of thinking, most people associate him with Law because he summons Yama and starts killing people whom he deems evil, at first glance this does resemble what the angels were doing in their route, but one must remember one thing, Yama Was associated with Chaos in smt 1, this showed that even Chaos had their own ethics and so judgment based in their ethics was still necessary, so while it is true that Keisuke summuning a jugde figure gives Law vibes but the fact that it is specifically a Chaos judge gives this scene new context.
One thing that is worthwhile to notice is that Chaos characters tend to judge situacions with their impulse, cause Chaos is all about letting your emotions out, IV shows this with Demonized issachar, the Law option is to spare him because at this point from the point of view of Flynn and Jonathan this is still a new disease, one their people haven't see it, so from their point of view there might be hope for a cure, this is altruism in a normal way, if they had the knowledge of how "knowledge" can completely demonize their fellow human then the Law option would probably be to kill him, since there is no cure, the way Walter just choose to kill him without knowing anything about how "knowledge" works is the chaos option because he is following impulse, he would kill issachar because their impulse makes them think this is worst than death without considering the option that there might have been a cure for this.
This relates to both Keisuke and Yama duo to the way they judge people, when a person committed a crime in front of them their reaction wasn't to judge them but rather kill said person, because their impulse and emotions told them that person was most likely evil, their judgment is based on emotion that they felt at the moment, this stands in contrast to the angels way of judging people as they judge people after seeing the brand of death, which shows the person has been consumed by egoism, however they welcome the idea that there is a chance for people consumed by egoism to repent(in the form of the Messiah) once they see you make the brand disappear from 2 bandits.
Does all this mean Keisuke is Chaos-aligned? , nope, because his endgoal still is a Dark-Law society, because he wanted for the judge to always be there even without erasing egoism, naturally such a society would fall to stagnation as the people wouldn't be able to meet his standards, so its hard to pinpoint his alignment as he has both lawful and chaotic traits.
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kitten-mafiagang · 4 years
♤Queen of hearts ♤
<●○● CHAPTER 1●○●>
《Reader's pov》
I woke up under a tree with confusion.'where am i..?' i thought until one caught my attention i was wearing a redstone heart shaoed necklase then i suddenly remembered i was in my bed before in my own house and before i drift to sleep i remembered following a butterfly and i remembered a mirror then i sleep..?
i pinched my cheek aa i thought i was dreaming "ouch" i held my cheek where the part i pinched. 'do it wasnt a dream' i thougt.I began to walkat the path.it was silent until i heard something fromthe bush.I was scared at first until i felt someone smack me at the back and put me into a sack and that everything went black.
《lev's pov》
"Were back!!!" I greeted when i see kuroo-san at the gates."what's with the sack..?" He ask "Oh this we catched one of the queen's spys!!" I shouted. "kay lets go meet the prince he'll jugde that 'spy' you were talking about.." I nodded and hold the sack again to meet the prince....
《Reader's pov》
Once i regain my conciusness i saw a man neeled infront of me i realized both of my hand were tied at the back."where am iwhat do you want why are you doing this!?!?" I shouted. "hey calm down Chibiii-chaaaan~" the bedheaded guy answered me,he has a bedheaded hair,intimidating eyes,cat tail and cat ears..? oonh i get it hes a neko i guess and those smirk of his i found somehow attractive.. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING (Y/N) YOU ONLY MET THE GUY! i scream at my head and i realized i was staring at him at the whole time.
Then the door at my left opened,there was a boy he was kinda short with gold crown with red jewels on it,it reminds me the necklase that i have but mines more redder."greetings my prince.." The bedheaded guy greet the guy who was named as 'prince' "greetings kuroo-san and what do we have here.."he phase my direction and looking at me with those sharp gaze like a cat."we just found her at the forest wondering arround near at the caslte so i guessed shes the queen's spy who was sent to kill you..!!" A silver haired male shouted he was quite tall and wait.. 'spy...kill...queen..?'
"Excused me for your information i just woke up under a tree and walk around the forest i dint even know who the heck are you or the queen you saying and im not a spy..!" i shouted as defense" "so your saying you just woke up and not having an idea where you are..?" The bedheaded male ask me."Y E S !" I shouted again."so you just brought a random innocent girl here to protest that she is the queen's spy" a short browned hair ask."yea-yeah" he stutted "lev..." the short male called.. then he punched the guy straight in his face..! "aanhh yakuu-sann im sorry im sorrt u sweaaaaar!" he shouted."even your still a trainee i can sense trouble in youu!!" he shouted.aww poor guy so.. i stand up infront of the silver male and said "its ok i understand its mistundsrstanding.." i said. "lucky you lev shes here if doest" he cracked his knuckles and me and the silver haired male sweatdropped.
The prince sign and oredered "yaku-san lev-kun set aside for a moment" both of the male bowed. "greetings let me introduce myself im prince kenma kozume,prince of cats in nekoma kingdomn one of the 7 kingdomns." "i see.." i answered
i decuded to bow and introduced myself."im (first name) (last name) and i have no idea how did i get here and why.." i said he stared at me for a moment.. "well then let me guid you at the wonderland and please beware for the queen of heart.." he said "queen of heart..?" i ask he answered "yes the queen of hearts the wonderland main ruler of all kingdomns and the whole wonderland the last queen as very kind and gracefull until the new queen was shown the wonderland broke and all kingdomn connection was broken amd we are being ruled by the arrogant queen.." he sign "there was 7 stones that was in the celestial castle were the queen goes she deatroid the redstone and thrown away in order to keep all us under her once the redstone brought to the celetial castle the black magic will be broken and its enough to replace the queen but we lost the redstone and we are still finding it.." i sweatdropped...
"well what if i say i had the stone" i showed him and everyone in e room was suprised.. "wgere did you get that..?" he ask "i dont know when i woke up i had ut in my neck.." he smiled "will you help us to bring back peace..?"
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midorithegreen · 5 years
BTS reaction to s/o having and unicque way to reach climax
Author's note: why I started it half past midnight? Idk nan molla, but I'm crazy for myself. Then when I ended at two am, my friend cheering for me sent me a video of guy breaking egg with his hard dick - what. I'm not the only crazy one it seems...
You never told him you only can come from specific kind of stimulation. Afraid of having to fake your orgasm and destroy his ego, you start to work magic on yourself while he thrusts into you.
He noticed what you were doing and if his eyes could only eat you.
After you both finish he finally asks you how did it feel.
"Honestly never felt that good. Well, until now I only came playing with myself afraid to be jugded" time to be honest, right?
"You shouldn't ever be ashamed of THAT, baby. You're entire worlwide sexy to my worldwide handsome" he kissed your hand and gave you cocky smile "I feel honored to be the first to see you to actually cum. Next time I WILL make you. Get ready"
"I..." you stuttered "have a special way to..."
"Come on, baby girl. Just sit on my face" he whined. Impatient. Needy. Horny. That's how he felt. He wanted to make up for nights at studio, for senseless arguments, for every tear you cried. And wanted to do it by his favourite thing.
"Oh?" he was surprised "teach me"
"No, no, it's nasty-" you tried stopping him.
"That wasn't any question, baby doll"
Seems like you're the best teacher?
You were more than surprised. Other boys just wanted you to put a show for them, not actually feel good. But your thoughts couldn't stop your need to finally get your climax.
"Go on, cupcake. Do it how you like"
Slowly getting there you warned and he kissed your shoulder, then collarbones, making path of dark hickeys. Your orgasm maybe surprised him, but he was watching you too closely to miss your shaking thighs and squeezed eyes.
"Wow!" he nearly screamed or maybe it only seemed like that now that there was no moans "you can't fake something like that, love"
"Wanna watch whatever you have to give me" he kissed your lips again "remember, doll, that you are my good girl and they always follow orders"
You started putting show for him. Taking off underwear. On his thigh. Then bent over the table.
"Sir, please, help me" you needed his dick to make it more intense and you didn't gave any aspiration to be good girl. You wanted to be the best ever.
He stuffed you with his cock and you came much faster than you expected.
"Hottest shit ever. Now let me paint your ass white, hmm?"
Bath was good. Bath with your love praising you was better though.
"Baby, that was so unexpected. You're litterally the best"
His hands washing your hair were easing all your pains. This was your first time to come this hard and to get overstimulated.
"And when you did those little clenches. Almost killed me there"
"Thank you, baby. You amaze me all over again with every thing you do"
He was watching. His eyes never left yours. But you couldn't just come like that. You had to do it your way.
That felt just so good. Your eyes were nearly closing from intense pleasure.
Cheeks rosy from embarassment. And stomach tightening.
"Look at me, pet" you felt a pull around your neck. Collar.
After you came you your senses you got pulled again to sit upright.
"Good pet. Wanna have your snack?"
If you had a tail you would be waving it like crazy. His cum was to drink from a cup.
He knew about your perfect way to be stimulated and he always knew when to use it.
Edging treatment he was giving you now was unbearable.
"You're so cruel, Kookie!" you whined "the seventh time"
"Don't hear you begging though"
"Pretty please, daddy make me come" you mocked.
"Beg nicely." his teeth were clenched. Woo, getting angry. Cute.
He didn't leave you without punishment. You came more than you can remember and surely take.
'You overdid yourself, baby"
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gabrielapazlima · 1 year
i hate how twitter is starting to hate on glamrock bonnie,ofc we don't know a lot of things abt hin except by the fact that he was possibly killed by monty/vanny of idk who else and he seems to had an close relationships with freddy- but that doesnt means that he is boring and theres nothing to work abt him,plz let the chatacters had time to shine before jugde them... bonnie's subplot while could be more expanded it brings cool things and deep abt freddy/monty's characters,thats why ppl like and want to do thing with him.
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"Let's not jugde every single person by the mistakes of their ancestors. " Her ancestors? Dua Lipa is supporting terrorists right now. This is the "her people" that the other anon was talking about. Maybe you know a lot about USA political issues and the SWJ chants serve you for make you feel better, but you have no idea about what is happening in East Europa.Her people want to kill all Serbian in Kosovo, her people is destroying Christian churches.
I'm just going to hit post on all of these because I don't want to discuss world politics. Especially when I dont know crap.
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alpaca-obsession · 7 years
Scars And Trust
Warning: None? Maybe talk of being stabbed? Idk Fluff?
Word Count: 1,525 
Paring: Gendrya (Gendry x Arya) 
A/N: Leave some feedback. My first try on some fluff. Also @burnedblueblossom hope you like it :3 (Also Tagging @delicatechaosdelusion because I can, and she wanted to know when it’s on)
Arya was done. Done for the day at least. She didn't have to put up with any people today, so she just wandered around the castle.
She hadn't been in Winterfell in a long time. But even though she hadn't seen any of it in that long time, she remembered it good. She still remembered how she used to shoot arrows, when Bran was training. How she threw stones at Sansa. Or how she once almost beat Jon at some swords fighting.
It were the good old times. The times when everything was fine. When her mother and father were still alive. When Robb and Rickon were still with them. When Bran was able to walk on his own. When there was no war.
She remembered her last day in Winterfell. The day her father became hand of the king. She hated Kings Landing all along. Hated how her sister loved that bastard Joffrey. And how she so stupidly did everything he wanted.
Arya remembered Syrio. How he sacrificed himself. She remembered how her father was beheaded. How she wanted to kill Joffrey in that moment. How much pain she felt, when Yoren pressed her to his chest.
She kind of missed the time when she was on her way to the wall. When she met Gendry. She really missed him. And now she didn't even know if he was still alive, or if he was dead, like so many other people Arya had loved and admired.
Arya felt the hot burning tears form behind her eyes, while she thought of all the nice times. Of the nice things she had had. Of the times when everything was fine.
"There is a horse coming!", screamed one of the man at the gate. Arya guessed that he was the man on watch this evening. But then she wondered. Who could possibly be mad enough to ride north? Ride to Winterfell?
Another man went to get Sansa out of the castle, before they would even think about letting the stranger in. Arya was faster than them. She stood on top of the wall in no time, to see who the stranger was.
When she looked down, she saw a man with a black hood over his head, sitting on a grey horse.
"Show yourself, and tell us what you want stranger!", said one of the man next to Arya.
"I'm looking for a place to sleep. And this was the first place I came across. Would you let me in?", asked the stranger.
Arya had a weird feeling in her stomach. She knew that voice, she just didn't know where to put that voice.
"Show yourself", commanded Sansa who just arrived. "If you do, we might let you in."
The man slowly lifted his hands to his hood and took it off.
Arya gasped. Now it clicked into place. The voice was so familiar to her, because she knew the man standing before their gate. She knew him fairly well.
"Let him in!", Arya ordered. The guards looked over at Sansa, to see if she had other orders.
"Didn't you hear my sister? Let him in", said Sansa.
One of the guards yelled something, so another one would open the gate. As soon as they started opening it, Arya ran down to be there, when the gate was open.
She still couldn't believe it. In front of her stood Gendry. He looked different, but so did Arya.
First Gendry didn't recognise her. But when he realized it was her, he couldn't belive his eyes. She looked older. More mature. He wondered what had happened when he was gone. Where she had been.
But that was a question for another time. For now Arya threw her arms around him and just pulled him close. When Gendry wrapped his arms around her, the world around them seemed to disappear. Unfortunately the moment didn't last long.
Behind the both of them stood Sansa, clearing her throat. After that sound. Arya let go of Gendry and just awkwardly stood there.
Sansa now looked at Gendry. "Can you work?", she wanted to know.
"Work? Of course I can work. I was a smith in Kings Landing", said Gendry.
"Are you a good smith?"
Gendry nodded.
"Great. You'll be of great use for us. Arya, show him the forge. He can start working right now."
Before anyone could protest, Sansa left. Arya just rolled her eyes. But she did as she was told. She showed Gendry his new work place, and introduced him to some people. But after he had some time to look at everything that the forge had to offer, she took him by the hand and lead him to her room.
As soon as they entered her room, she threw her arms around him again.
"I thought you were dead", Arya whispered.
"I thought the same about you", said Gendry.
They stood there for a long time. Just wrapped up in each others arms. Just enjoying each others warmth and the closeness.
"Shouldn't I be out there and work?", asked Gendry.
"No. You probably had a long way, so for now, you're going to enjoy a hot bath and some fresh clothes. And I'll get you some dinner. Don't worry. I'll take care of everything!" After that Arya already left the room.
She came across a maid, and told her to get a bath ready for Gendry. Then she went to Jons room, to steal some of his clothes. His clothes would probably fit the best. After that she went to the kitchen and got some of the bread.
When she returned to her room, the maid was done preparing the bath for Gendry, and was free to leave.
"Gendry?", Arya called. "I have some clothes. I will put them on the chair!"
Gendry replied something through the door and Arya decided to light up some candles and get something other than just boring bread. Arya got some cheese and some water to drink.
Arya returned with the stuff she got and found Gendry standing in her room. Shirtless.
"The shirt doesn't fit", said Gendry and scratched the back of his neck.
Arya was speechless. Of course she had seen Gendry without his shirt a few times on their journey. But now it was different. Gendry had weird markings on his chest. Arya didn't know where to put them. They didn't look like scars from when one is stabbed.
"What are those?", she finally asked.
Gendry sighed. "Those are from leeches."
"Leeches? What leeches? Who in the seven hell's did that to you?"
"Stannis. But that doesn't matter."
Arya was shocked. How could he say, that it didn't matter? It mattered to her! If Stannis wasn't dead already, Arya would've killed him herself. No one would ever hurt Gendry again, Arya would make sure of that.
"Of course it matters! You matter to me! If Stannis wasn't dead already, I'd kill him!", Arya al,ost yelled.
"Arya, it's okay, I promise. Now calm down", Gendry tried to soothe her.
"How can you say that? They hurt you! They can't-", she was interupted by Gendry grabbing her face and kissing her.
At first she struggled a bit, but then she slowly melted into the kiss. She gently put her hands on his chest, and felt the scars beneath her fingertips.
They're kiss got a little more heated throughout time. But when Gendrys hand wandered underneath her tunic, her breath hitched. She suddenly got nervous. What if he felt them? What if Gendry felt her scars? How would he react? Would he react the same way she did?
It was then, that Gendry broke the kiss. He broke the kiss and looked Arya in the eye. He had felt them. The scars.
Arya felt shy. She wasn't ashamed of the scars. She survived them after all. But it was the first time that she thought about her time in Braavos again. The first time someone was going to hear that story.
"Are those scars?", Gendry asked, a little out of breath.
Arya couldn't force any words out of her mouth, so she just nodded.
Gendry didn't know how to feel. He was confused. Shocked. And he couldn't think of how she got them.
"What happened? And don't say that it's a long story, because we got time." Gendry then took her hand and lead her to her bed. They sat down and Arya took a deep breath.
"I was stabbed", she finally said. It was the first time, that she actualy talked anout it. The first time these words left her lips.
She then explained to Gendry, how it happened. He couldn't believe what he heard. He couldn't believe what she went through in Braavos. But he was glad, that she survived. He was glad to have her back. To be with her again.
After Arya finished her story, there was silence. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was like they knew that neither of them would jugde the other. They both felt safe.
And then they spend the rest of the night, laying in her bed, cuddling, kissing and feeling safe.
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@realdonaldtrump this whole state need to be monitored they have currupt jugdes who target black Americans for insurance money 💰 an putting complete strangers beneficiary over people family members so they can make money off them. Mr president I’m trying my best not to just go out killing all these evil souls. I’m really getting to my breaking point all these currupt people in the government needs to be dealt with everybody keep talking about going about the right way. What’s the right way putting them in jail for life or taking there life? Because I’m not about to continue to sit around an just watch all these crimes being committed against my people without taking matters in my own hands they say let GOD do it who do you think is bringing all this to my attention GOD an he is in me. GOD destroyed all who sinned against him an his people an he did not change so all that let GOD handle stuff sounds like a riddle to me. Sounds more like just turn a blind eye an I will not turn a blind eye 👁 we need true justice and liberty no matter the cost an by all means these things in Michigan must be stopped. I’m tired of seeing currupt police thinking they can harass me without any consequences I’ve had enough we the people have had enough there should be a purge in America against all curruption to make the world a better place. The world would be a amazing place without curruption I can see it now but we have to do what we have to do to stop 🛑 it no matter what the cost https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Wi_IcF3mu/?igshid=1nbhgx1x3l1jr
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