#levi buddy
vilegato · 6 months
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The dynamic between neo3 and cap
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
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funny picture allsort :^) (reference photos below)
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ayawaaan · 1 year
Sick wheels bro sorry for the mental illness tho
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
kidnapper: so i have your kid
levi, quietly readying his weapons: which one? i have like seven
kidnapper: the loud, annoying one who won't shut up
levi, sighing: again, which one? that description fits... wait, do you have my kid or do you have my wife??
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angeldmn · 7 months
Someone: what's your favorite type of couple?
me: how to explain? a blonde obsessed with his lover with black/dark hair?
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rebouks · 7 months
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Robin: [lowly] Aren’t you gonna say anything? Oscar: I haven’t decided what to say yet, pal-.. so, you better get your story straight. [Robin sighed, trudging after his father; he doubted “Levi’s a jerk n’ had it coming” was gonna cut it] Larry: Holy shit-.. tat man?! Oscar: Hey, uhm… Larry: Larry! We used t’be neighbours-.. dude, we were gutted when you moved out. Oscar: Oh, I’m sure you were. Larry: I totally didn’t reckon you were gonna make it last time I saw you-.. like I thought you were gonna be the first dead body I ever laid eyes on y’know, makin’ pals with that bathroom floor n’ all. [Oscar scoffed lightly, attempting to rid himself of Larry as quickly as possible. He couldn’t quite remember what his old neighbour was talking about, but he could guess-.. and it definitely wasn’t a conversation fit for a child’s ears] Larry: I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t remember, dude! You were pretty-… Oscar: Well, it was nice seeing you! Larry: Aye-.. hey, you still in the game by any chance..? Oscar: Bye, Larry. … Robin: Why did he say that? Oscar: Ohh, we used to play games together now n’ the-… Robin: No, the dead body thing. Oscar: I don’t know what he’s talking about, ignore him. He’s a complete moron. [Oscar silently cursed Larry as he hurried Robin along, what an idiot, bringing that up in front of a bunch of kids] Robin: Did you die?! Oscar: What, no! Robin: But it look-.. it sounded like-.. he said you d-died! Oscar: No, he didn’t! Do I look dead to you? [Oscar sighed as Robin stammered something incoherent and jammed a frayed sleeve into his teary eyes-.. stupid fucking Larry and his big stupid mouth] Oscar: Robin, buddy-.. look, I’m fine! [Oscar tugged Robin closer and squeezed his arm with reassurance, murmuring softly] Oscar: Look, it-.. it was just a tiny accident when I was younger, okay? He’s being overly dramatic about it. I wouldn’t be here if I’d actually died, would I? Hell, neither would you! He’s talking nonsense, honey. Robin: B-but… [Robin choked back a sob as he threw himself at Oscar, catching himself before exclaiming that he’d literally just seen his father’s lifeless body right in front of him-.. well, Larry had] Oscar: I think today’s been a bit too much, hasn’t it? [Robin nodded somberly against Oscar’s shoulder, glad to be given a free excuse for his ridiculous outburst] Oscar: C’mon, let’s get outta here. … [Levi stared over his shoulder as his father practically dragged him toward the car. He’d be lucky to see the light of day for the next month at least and Robin got a hug-.. how the hell was that fair?!] Keith: Do you think I’ve got nothing better to do?! Get in the damn car!
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sheepthatgobaa · 2 months
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I honestly just assumed it was Solomon's magic because of the sparkling sound effect lmao 😭 but this is funny too lol
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roseofdarknessblog · 10 months
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Okay, guess I do have a type... 🤔🙄
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neonscandal · 3 months
9 Anime to Watch to Feel Like This 👇🏾
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The alternative title/concept for this list was "Anime Featuring The Zaddiests of Daddies" but, you know. Consistency or whatever. When I saw the gif, however, I cackled so loud that I figured it still captured The Vibe ✨ (that being #fatherless) Considering this context, some recommendations are slightly longer than the usual bite size serving of 12-24 episodes but you won't regret indulging. Each show is recommended for the plot which is very evident with the teaser gifs. Happy Fathers' Day, you degenerates. And remember, you don't have to have kids to be a Daddy. 😈❤️
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Spy x Family (series) - There is something so wholesome about the fate of the world as he knows it relying on how convincingly he can portray a Good Father despite his own origin story. Loid Forger, in a mission to maintain peace, creates the perfect family through any means necessary. Doubt he realized, in doing so, he'd create a home for himself and the oddballs helping to keep up the ruze.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu
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Buddy Daddies (series) - The life of hitmen Rei Suwa and Kazuki Kurusu get a bit more messy when one of their hits leaves them with a pretty sizable loose end. Regardless of their occupation, their lives change around a little girl and trying to provide as good a home as two, single twenty-something men can. The rest, they'll figure out.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll
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My Senpai is Annoying (series) - Very capable working woman finds herself kohai to an older, overly chummy colleague who DEFINITELY does not know how to PDF documents unsupervised. This is a show about their day to day interactions. If you're wondering if Takeda is the only contender in this series, hold out for Futaba's grandfather. Just trust me.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll
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Jujutsu Kaisen (series + movie) - *Gestures vaguely to my blog* This show has plenty of compelling reasons to become obsessed. Trying to train strong child soldiers to protect the balance of humans vs curses so they don’t see a grisly demise is just one of them. Not your average shonen, not your average found families.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu
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My Hero Academia (series + movies) - Something about kids needing guidance so as not to die while in the pursuit of some great civic duty really creates an environment for some skrunkly father figures. 😘👌🏾 Never mind that the climax of this story is one that tangles generations of families as society adapts to the advent of super powers.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu, Netflix
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Fire Force (series) - in a world where humans can spontaneously combust, Shinra, who is blamed for the fire that killed his mother and younger brother, seeks to overcome the stigma of his power and joins Fire Force Company 8. In training to fight Infernals, he learns to control his pyrokineses under the guidance of many talented fighters while trying to understand the world around him and the invisible hand that manipulates everything.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu
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Attack on Titan (series) - Unpredictable violence at the vicious jaws of larger than life monsters, the last remaining humans seek refuse behind hallowed walls. Until one day, the day the first wall fell, which made what once provided security feel more like a holding pen ahead of the slaughter. As resources dwindle and the indomitable curiosity of humans persist, the brave minority pushes the boundaries of the walls that house them and seek to uncover the shroud of mystery as of how they found themselves prisoners to titans in the first place.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu, Sling TV
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Chainsaw Man (series) - Human fears strengthen devils which threaten to overrun the world. Enter the Public Safety Devil Hunters responsible for exterminating devils before they become bigger problems and keeping a bead on larger threats, namely, the Gun Devil. The titular character eventually falls under the supervision of Aki Hayakawa (and later Kishibe *swoon*) who has a strong single-dad-who-works-two-jobs-who-loves-his-kids-and-never-stops type vibe.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu
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Blue Exorcist (series + movie) - When your dad is Satan, the bar is literally in hell for the man who steps up to raise you. Even so, LOOK AT THE DRIP. There's a narrow line to walk when trying to overcome your own parentage and twin brothers, Rin and Yukio, seek to do so by following in their adoptive father, Shiro Fujimoto's, footsteps despite obvious adversity. Just remember to skip to Season 2 after episode 17 or Google the proper order to watch.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu
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yeorin08 · 7 months
why is it always the blonde x dark haired guy troop to make me forget life and invest it on them and obsess over it
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Buck: Never said I was bright, guys, just really fucking pretty.
Eddie: Stuff can be two things.
Buck: What?
Eddie: What?
Firefam: Oh, here we fucking go.
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starrylevi · 1 year
“Are you okay?” Levi asks you.
“I know, you don’t look it. What’s wrong?”
“Everything is wrong, Levi. I’m exhausted…I wonder what it’s like to have a brain that functions the way it’s supposed to.”
His eyebrows furrow slightly. “Your brain is fine.”
“But that’s the thing, it’s not!” You say exasperatingly. “It’s wired differently and so it makes everything more difficult. I switch between three modes: Not wanting to exist, Surviving, and Beyond Surviving. Guess how much time I spend in each mode?”
Levi doesn’t say anything in response. His expression shows more concern than confusion this time.
“Fine, I’ll tell you. Most of my time is spent surviving. Some of my time is spent not wanting to exist. And just a little of my time is spent beyond suriving…what kind of life is that?”
Levi’s eyes look at you with sadness. “Not much of one, to be honest…but it’s yours and you only have one.” He counters.
“Well, I don’t even know if I want it half of the time. Y’know, someone told me that life is basically climbing mountains. You climb a mountain, which represents a challenge or obstacle, once you get to the top you enjoy the view for a moment…then you climb back down and do the same thing all over again. Rinse and repeat.”
Levi seems to identify with what you’re saying and he knows you’re frustrated right now but he needs to keep you from spiraling. He’s not letting you give up. That’s not the way. “It’s what we have to do, Y/N.” He says gently.
“And what if I don’t want to do anything? What if I don’t want to climb fucking mountains? What if I don’t want to constantly be challenged and given obstacles? What if I just want to sit at the top of the mountain and just be?”
Levi knows these feelings all too well…he’s wrestled with them a few times throughout his life but he’s continued to push through because that’s what you just do. And you’re going to do the same even if he has to do the pushing for you. You snap Levi out of his thoughts with your next statement.
“It would be so much easier if I just…”
“Stop.” He repeats sternly, his steel eyes boring into yours.
You grunt angrily. “You’re not even real, Levi!” You yell out at him. You’re not angry with him. You’re angry at the world, angry for the universe and your parents for putting you in this predicament, angry for placing you into a world that doesn’t accommodate you. “You are a 2-dimensional character I use to cope. There’s no way for you to actually soothe or help me. You. Are. Fictional.”
Your words don’t seem to phase him. He shrugs. “I’m real enough.”
“What does that even mean?”
“I’m real enough to you. Y/N. You are the one who brings me to life. You are the one who decides how real I should be. What does it matter if I’m not a real person?”
“It’s silly.”
“Who says it’s silly?”
“I don’t know, a bunch of people.”
“Well, fuck all of those people then. Just fuck them.” He states as if it’s obvious.
You sigh. “It doesn’t work that way, Levi…”
“So make it work that way. No one else is keeping you alive but yourself.”
“And you…” You say softly.
Levi shakes his head. “I don’t do anything. Like I said before, you’re the one who does the all the heavy lifting. I exist because you want me to. I function the way I do because you want me to.”
“So I control you?”
Levi rolls his eyes at that. “Don’t be a brat. What I’m saying is I’m just an outlet for you.”
You pause, thinking of his words. He’s not wrong. He’s just a character but he’s also not just a character because of you. “I wish you were real.” You admit sadly.
“I wish I were real too…for you.” He sighs as he runs a hand through his raven hair. “But it doesn’t matter if I’m real or not. I still occupy your brain. I still make you happy, that’s all that matters. As long as you let me live in your mind, I’m always going to be here for you.
You nod, not saying anything further.
“Okay?” He asks.
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fruitsbasketcase · 2 years
If you can’t accept him at his worst
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You don’t deserve him at his best
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illicit-4ffairs · 2 years
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Levi Conely
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hollywoodoutbreak · 2 months
Remember the phrase "famous last words"? Hugh Jackman certainly does. After playing Wolverine nine times, culminating in 2017's Logan, he vowed never to return. However, seeing the first Deadpool film changed everything.
Jackman realized Wolverine had more life in him and saw the potential for a classic buddy movie dynamic, reminiscent of 48 Hours or The Odd Couple. During a recent press conference for Deadpool & Wolverine, Jackman shared how he initiated the process of bringing Wolverine back alongside his friend, Ryan Reynolds.
Deadpool & Wolverine is now playing in movie theaters.
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rebouks · 7 months
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[echoing laughter] Jude: Yeah, well.. at least I’m not scared of water. Levi: I’m not scared, I have a medical condition! Jude: What’s it called, little bitch-itis? [Robin shouldn’t have laughed, especially since Levi had a pretty legitimate reason for being terrified of water; but still; that was a good one] Levi: You can shut up too! Jude: Hurr say something, durr shut up-.. make your mind up. [Robin rolled his eyes and ducked underwater, kicking Jude in the ribs for good measure; they shouldn’t bother] Levi: You just wait until-… Jude: Come n’ get me now if you want-.. oh wait. Coach: Aye, keep running your mouth Moya.. I’m sure your mom won’t have ‘nowt to say about it. [Jude scowled at Levi before turning around, launching as much water as possible in his classmate’s direction] … Levi: Not so tough without your mate, are you? [Robin kicked his locker shut with force enough to rock it; he’d had enough of Levi recently] Levi: Laugh at me again, I dare yo-… [Levi didn’t quite manage to finish his sentence]
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