#lgbt poc blogger
candicoated · 2 years
So you are mad that Asian actors are *checks notes* are playing Asian characters because you believe that it isn't authentic and it's excluding white people more.
Would it not be authentic to have Asians play Asian people? Maybe I am missing something.
My brother in Christ, there were never any white people in Avatar. You can't exclude something that was never there. Are you this mad when white people get BIPOC roles??
Cry me a river.
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Besides if you want white people in Avatar there's always that live action movie from Shymalan
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Pablo Salvador 
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 10 September 1979
Ethnicity: Chilean
Occupation: Activist, blogger, professor, model
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parkerstream · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re my second or third.
Some people have relationships coming in and out of their lives. 
Maybe it’s been more than 3 or 5 but...
there’s always the first, second, and third love.
These loves come in no particular order.
The first love is puppy love most of us don’t even realize it was our first. 
We say it was too childish to be counted.
But it was love, it was what we knew of it. 
The second love is the hard love. 
It is the love that brings pain, mistakes, and leaves us confused. 
The love that teaches you lessons and will let you know what you want love to be.
Lastly, the third love is the love that hits us blindly. 
No chasing it and no idea it’s coming your way. 
It is everything that we needed and wanted from such an unexpected person or time. 
I can’t tell if you’re my second or third.
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hex-hop · 2 years
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nirhvahnah · 1 year
so like… i need more black and brown people to follow on here. people who actually interact and post good content.. shit to chime in on. also need more queer folks to engage with 😫
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What's scaring me as a POC is how many POC I know seem to have been alarmingly fascist all along, or fall for fascism 😔 A local East Asian food blogger whom I thought had been posting anti-vax rallies and the Freedom convoy turned out to be a supporter who's currently wining and dining with PP, and is using his huge following here to campaign for him to become PM. My Black neighbours who used to vote Liberal at least for years became PPC voters. I got stopped in the street once and got a fascist rant about how the left, LGBT community, Black Lives Matters: immigrants, homeless, etc. are ruining Canada, a land of law and order, unlike the uncivilized brown countries, and we need strong right-wing leadership and police. (This guy was Middle Eastern and an immigrant himself, and a South Asian woman who was there also backed him up on his fascist beliefs.) So many people in my own community seem to love the right bc 'they won't make us pay taxes' and 'traditional values'.
I just want to scream that they will never be accepted by white supremacists who are just using them, and would happily want us all dead or deported, but some of them really believe that aligning with whiteness will get them ahead of other POC and immigrants they see as lesser, and it's so frustrating.
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futuresafe · 1 year
im gonna be honest yall look stupid repeating the whole "tumblr needs to make money" bullshit. tumblr hasnt made money since its inception. and full offense but you shouldnt be supporting a staff that refuses to moderate fascists off this website, are openly terfs, blacklisted poc bloggers, hid lgbt tags, and deleted posts made during the fuegeson protests. you are playing right into their "hahah hellsite funny" rebrand.
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bihet-dragonize · 1 year
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I posted 18,870 times in 2022
693 posts created (4%)
18,177 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,242 of my posts in 2022
#my answers - 439 posts
#kia's answers - 439 posts
#kia's post - 271 posts
#kia's og posts - 266 posts
#art reference - 79 posts
#johnny depp tw - 47 posts
#signal boost - 43 posts
#direct action - 42 posts
#prev tags - 40 posts
#mutual aid - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
My Top Posts in 2022:
The way bi women have been talking about this for fucking years. Been yelling and screaming that we don't magically escape homophobia or misogyny just because we're dating, married to or fucking men and it was met with the vilest shit on this very fucking site. The way we provided study after fucking study. They way we said we deserve and need lgbt resources in case our cishet partners are abusive and it was treated as us being liars and invaders. The way we've spoken about how common biphobic beliefs (which inform why people refuse to even associate with the term "bisexual") has led to our high rates of ipv.
And we were ignored. People called us bihets (peep the url). People made it seem like were were just sluts that performed lesbianism for men (so much to unpack there). We were continually called liars and selfish and self centered and told that we were just trying to center our cishet relationships in lgbt spaces. People genuinely harassed bi bloggers for simply stating that bi m/f relationships were not cishet.
And now a bisexual woman who was abused for years because of her ex-husband's biphobic, misogynistic, jealousy, and she's just been told "Yes you were abused. No, you're not allowed to talk about it."
The fact that the biphobia is merely a footnote in most of the conversations surrounding the abuse (as if it can be neatly separated from JD's motivations behind his violence) is not lost on me either.
1,101 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Staff working FAST to remove those images meanwhile bloggers of color get slurs in our inboxes and calls for genocide against us, lgbt bloggers get literal harassment and graphic descriptions of violence, trans women getting just the vilest shit you could think of and its crickets. I think it's safe to say that that staff member and the rest of staff are just white supremacists. I never trusted them, but I hope for anyone that did this shows you just how ain't shit they've truly been.
1,445 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Anyways Imma complain about that author that just gets her ideas from her fucking agent like some 9th grade student.
I genuinely get so fucking annoyed with most of the booktok shit with the boring stock minimalist covers and the fucking fanfic-to-published pipeline but the idea that an author is 1. Getting their ideas from their agent in the form of like....suggested writing prompts and 2. Is being given tropes as the prompt with nothing else to consider, is mind boggling. Why do these people write? Why do these people do this if they don't want to create something as organically as possible? It's definitely a lack of respect for the craft cuz like if you respected writing and storytelling for the art that it is you wouldn't be reducing it down to tropes so you can start playing Situation Simulator 9000 with the most recent white cishet abled characters shown on your feed. It's just insane to me.
1,556 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
I think you have to be particularly ignorant to see the treatment of lgbt people (regardless of whether we're sexually explicit or not) and of sex workers, and women who are confident in their sexual interests, and poc who are simultaneously hypersexualized and desexualized by racism, and disabled/fat people who are desexualized and fetishized by virtue of ableist/fatphobic dehumanization and think that the world has a net positive view of sex.
4,065 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The fact that I reported a puppet account for saying Black people deserved slavery and was given a bullshit "that's their opinion" response yet staff has deleted 3 of my Black mutuals on the same fucking day tells my that @staff is racist and that Black Excellence banner is only for fucking show. Y'all will let Black bloggers be harassed, but God forbid one of them says fucking white women. With fucking full blown pedos and white supremacists on your fucking site too. Hope your building blows up
15,741 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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toshiirou · 2 years
funny that i mostly saw black bloggers and some other poc discuss the racism of this show, maybe for a few days, and a bunch of people complain that the lgbt rep outweighs the racism, or it's holding queer media to higher standards, or its cancel culture, or that they were staying out of the "latest discourse" and then it went quiet, and fans of it are still blogging, there's been no noticeable impact in people's engagement with the show, no long term impact on it for the (antiblack) racism, and it really feels like a cycle huh. like why do you get so vext about people point out racism knowing damn well nothing is going to change your ability to engage with whatever media next warms the cockles of your wee hairy heart anyway
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dejectedlozer524 · 1 year
I swear to fuck if t*mbler st*ff keep banning the accounts of trans sex workers, I'm gonna hunt all those nazi fucks down and skin them alive, like it's so fucking obvious that they're targeting trans sex workers specifically because you don't fucking see cis sex workers getting banned, fuck I've even seen naked pics of white cis women getting fucking BLAZED and trans people get banned for posting pictures of themselves fully clothed, like fuck even Black/PoC bloggers are getting banned for just existing and t*mbler st*ff still have the fucking audacity to say that they're the "Progressive LGBT friendly blogging website™" like go fuck yourselves for real you stupid nazi wastes of cum!
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candicoated · 1 year
White supremacists will purposefully show the worst slums of former colonized spaces and then the best part of colonial architecture and then be like.:
"See these people can't run anything on their own, they need us. If colonialism was so bad, then the nations would look better. Why does every country they touch end up worse than when we leave?"
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Bryanboy (Bryan Yambao)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 22 March 1981
Ethnicity: Filipino
Occupation: Blogger, influencer, model, socialite, reality star
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poetrih · 3 years
Dear Whoever,
I’ve randomly decided to start blogging my thoughts, feelings... ect. Poetry is normally my go to, but at this current time in my life, it’s not working out. Don’t get me wrong, it will always be my 1st love... I just want to say more... and not in a poetic manor. I also think there are a lot of other folks out here that can relate. Maybe. - So, why not sit still once or twice a week and just write... write whatever my heart feels. I could be talking to thousands of people or nobody at all, but who cares? 
Today, I want to talk about LOVE, and accountability. I know... I know, I let that same sigh out with a heavy ass eye-roll. I guess... I guess I just don’t understand at times. I LOVE love, but for the life of me I can’t seem to figure out why LOVE doesn’t love me. No...  don’t do that... don’t leave, please come back. This isn’t some depressing ass blog or a cry for help, I’m legit just spilling my thoughts. It might get sad, but I promise you there’s a silver lining. There’s always a silver lining. <3 
So, when I say “love doesn’t love me”, maybe I’m talking about the countless relationships (platonic & romantic) that didn’t work. But, I’ve learned something. I have learned that I, Alexandria has toxic ways. Now wait a damn minutes, you ain’t about to judge me, okay? I’m HEAR to say that everyone, including yourself has a little toxic in them. Just like that one saying “everyone can be a little crazy”. Now, you can be at a point in your life where you aren’t as toxic. & I greatly applaud you for that. I applaud you for growing, for healing & for understanding... cause well, that is the 1st step. Accountability. Not a lot of folks can admit when they are wrong, let alone admit when they are accountable. Trust me, I was one of them. It took me a good while before realizing - BITCH YOU REALLY NEED TO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER! 
It was a little over a year ago, when I first realized how toxic I can be. I was rolling around in the front yard of my ex’s place, tussling with her. All because she hurt me, because she cheated, because she lied & continued to fucking lie. & for the longest, I used that as an excuse to go off on her. I used it as an excuse to HURT her. I said mean things to her, things I didn’t mean & I watched my life spiral out of control. & you should NEVER allow somebody to have such an impact on how you react to things. 
We have got to start worrying about ourselves, and not others. What do I mean by this? Well, what John does... shouldn’t be any of my concern. I just need to make sure I’m doing my part and being a decent human being. I can’t blame John for being as ass, that’s him. We often blame everyone else. “Well, he cheated on me so-” so nothing. LOOK... we have got to get to a place where we cry, but we walk away. We accept & we heal. --- Our own thoughts is what causes us to react the way we do. & to be honest, it’s a lot of unhealed trauma as well. “But they didn’t have to treat me like that” - STOP! Sorry, just practicing for myself... you know, trying to knock those excuses that are not justified, out of my head. 
It’s time we really fall in love with ourselves. It’s time we HEAL from our childhood trauma. -- Hell, it’s time we heal from all trauma... cause baby, love is going to come & it’s going to be so fucking beautiful. Just trust the process. 
until next time...  LOVE & LIGHT
-Signed,  a strong black woman doing the work. <3
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hex-hop · 3 years
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aqueeriano · 3 years
Onde você procura sua representatividade?
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Não é incomum ver várias pessoas pedindo indicações de obras com representatividade, alguns encontrando o que procuram, mas outros, não. Algo que devemos nos perguntar é, (sim, o título da postagem) onde procuramos representatividade? Se procurarmos nas obras da J.K. Rowling, por exemplo, certamente não chegaremos a lugar algum, mas em Rick Riordan... também não. Okay, podemos encontrar alguma coisa, mas ainda não é 100%.
Percy Jackson foi criado com o próprio filho de Riordan, uma pessoa neurodivergente, em mente, para fazê-lo ver a si mesmo como herói em um mundo de semideuses que também são neurodivergentes, e que isso não faz deles piores. Isso é, sim, importantíssimo, e é impossível negar a importância de Nico di Angelo e Alex Fierro, os irmãos Kane, Samirah al-Abbas, entre muitos outros, mas não é a perfeição. Rick Riordan ainda é um homem branco, cis e hétero escrevendo essas narrativas e por mais que ele tente, suas obras sozinhas obviamente não vão tapar o buraco que a falta de representatividade na mídia faz em pessoas que fazem parte de comunidades marginalizadas. (Além disso, as declarações de Rick Riordan em relação ao paganismo são, no mínimo... questionáveis. Ou a falta de protagonismo sáfico em seus livros. Entre outras coisas.)
Então, se Rick Riordan não é a principal fonte de toda e qualquer representatividade... qual é? E a minha resposta, caro leitor, é literatura independente. Ninguém conseguiria escrever tão bem sobre uma experiência do que alguém que passa ou passou por ela: obras com protagonismo lésbico escrita por lésbicas terão uma conexão maior com a lesbianidade, tal qual pessoas trans são as melhores para escrever histórias com protagonismo trans e por aí vai; e como poucas dessas pessoas são privilegiadas a ponto de conseguir dinheiro para revisores, designers para uma capa chamativa, publicidade, impressão de muitos exemplares, entre outros, temos muitos que decidem por publicar de forma independente e digital na Amazon.
Agora, e depois disso? A Amazon é uma empresa enorme e global, então existem muitos livros publicados na plataforma e filtrar os que lhe interessam é uma tarefa árdua. Mas eu estou aqui para te ajudar! Meu conselho inicial é procurar autores nas redes sociais: todos divulgam seus próprios trabalhos, claro, mas como amigo e seguidor de vários escritores (eu mesmo sendo um escritor, só que não publicado), eu posso afirmar que muitas vezes, andamos em bandos. Por isso, vou deixar aqui indicações de escritores e organizações nacionais que fazem parte de comunidades marginalizadas ou que amplificam vozes de pessoas que fazem e publicam trabalhos com representatividade diversas.
A Boreal é uma associação que tem como objetivo, de acordo com os próprios, impulsionar a literatura especulativa nacional. Eles foram os responsáveis pela publicação de "Quem matou Capitão Gancho", da Anna Anchieta, livro que já foi resenhado aqui no blog, e todos os outros estão disponíveis no Kindle Unlimited.
Ariel é um escritor trans, pansexual e assexual que escreve histórias com protagonismo LGBTQ+, além de também incluir outros tipos de representatividade em suas obras, tal como representatividade racial e de PCD. Ele também usa sua conta no Twitter para dar voz a outros escritores de comunidades marginalizadas, então vale a pena acompanhar sua página e seu blog, BuscoPan, focado em literatura pansexual.
Koda é um escritor que majoritariamente escreve histórias com protagonismo trans e negro. O autor tem "Jogador número 3", um romance focado em Dani, Alina e Guto, um trisal que está junto em quarentena, como um de seus títulos.
Na autoria da escritora bissexual, está "Conectadas", o aclamado romance sáfico publicado pela editora Seguinte. Ela também publicou o livro "Princesa da magia", inspirado na personagem Megara, de "Hércules" (sim, aquela do filme da Disney que trouxe bochechas rubras e borboletas na barriga a uma geração de pequenas sáficas).
Claro que eu tinha que incluir Victoria aqui! Ela escreveu o livro "Sob o céu de vagalumes", sobre o qual também publiquei uma resenha aqui no blog. A escrita dela é absolutamente maravilhosa e envolvente, e é certamente alguém que você deveria ao menos considerar ler.
É um portal nacional de atualizações literárias. Apesar de não ser focado em nenhuma comunidade ou minoria, já conheci vários livros e autores através de divulgações pela conta no Twitter do projeto, então vale a pena citá-lo aqui.
Esse blog é redigido pela Bianca e sua esposa, Renata, e o conteúdo é majoritariamente sáfico, sendo lesbianidade um assunto bem presente lá. Eu conheci o blog no Twitter, onde a Bianca tinha falado sobre um clube do livro sáfico, que eu imediatamente decidi participar. Estamos na segunda leitura do blog e além de eu não me arrepender nada de estar lá, eu vejo de primeira mão o quão profissional ela é, então certamente é alguém que eu recomendo seguir!
A página é administrada por Pétala e Isa, duas irmãs que falam sobre representatividade de diversas formas, geralmente focando em pautas como raça, gênero e classe. Além de terem começado o projeto #LeiaRepresentatividade, elas também publicaram um conto afrofuturista no livro "Vozes Negras".
Apesar de, tal como o Sem Spoiler, essa página não ser dedicada a nenhuma minoria, ela, como o nome já implica, tem como foco a promoção da literatura nacional e independente, muitas vezes divulgando livros temporariamente gratuitos. É uma ótima forma de diversificar suas leituras de forma barata. 
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sweetsubenbie · 4 years
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It’s a cool September night, I made stew for dinner, we’ve been so excited whilst preparing for Halloween, I’ve watched a few horror movies here and there, might go to the store for a child’s costume so Dexter can dress up that night, tho we’ll be staying inside rather trick or treat. Family will be leaving soon so it’ll just be us again.
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