#like I know most people hated his demon appearance at the beginning was child demon mika
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Demon Mika
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lilyevanstan1325 · 7 months
❤️ Built For This World ❤️
Chapter 12
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The sun slowly lowers behind the hills, painting the sky in shades of gold and orange.
After Rick's heartbreaking words for Amy, I took refuge in a corner of the farm, away from curious eyes and the dangers that lurk outside.
My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, and the setting sun only seems to amplify them.
Amy's death.
The memory of the young girl, with her wide eyes and pale face, haunts me.
She has seen too much, she has experienced too little.
I continually wonder what could have happened, what brought that walker so close to all of us.
And now I only feel fear, a fear that tightens my heart.
The fear of protecting.
It's a mixed feeling.
On one hand, I want to keep the people I love safe, but on the other, I know that every protective gesture carries a risk.
Amy's death is proof of this.
We tried to protect ourselves, all of us, relentlessly.
And then there's him in my thoughts.
As much as I want to ignore it, he is there.
The man I loved and hated equally.
Before the apocalypse, he had been a different man.
He was good, sweet.
Now, he isn't anymore.
His soul has become darker, wilder.
I often wonder if deep down in his heart he is still him, if that sweet and altruistic man still exists, or if the horror of the world has simply transformed him.
Or maybe it transformed us both.
And then there was the pain.
The pain is always there.
The pain is linked to his name.
The pain is linked to his scent.
The pain is linked to his raspy voice.
The pain of having to run away from him, leaving him behind.
I had hoped that time and distance would dull that pain, but every night when I close my eyes, I still feel it.
I hear his voice.
I feel his caresses.
I still feel my love for him.
Every time it's like a fucking knife in my heart.
I hug my knees to my chest, looking blankly at the foliage of the trees moved by the wind, I watch the sun disappear completely behind the hills.
I know I still have a lot to face, but right now, I just want to let go of sadness and nostalgia.
The world has changed, and I with it.
I don't know if it's good or bad but I know I'm no longer the person I was.
Everything has changed in me, even the way I perceive the world.
I can no longer see its beauty.
Now every corner is covered in dark shadows, shadows that hide threats.
Nothing seems purer to me.
I would just like to go back and see the beauty.
That's all I ask.
Light footsteps behind me distract me from my thoughts.
I look over my shoulder and with his head down I see Carl come towards me.
“Hey, buddy.What's up?What are you doing, wandering around by yourself?It's starting to get dark, it's not safe” I ask trying to hide the tremor in my voice.
I lower my legs, crossing them and tapping my hand on the ground next to me, I invite the boy to keep me company.
Carl sits next to me and we are silent for a few minutes.
Small points of light begin to appear in the sky.
Another night in this broken world.
Carl sighs as he hugs his knees to his chest.
I give him a slight shove trying to catch his gaze with mine.
“Hey!You know you can talk to me” I whisper, focusing my attention on his small sad face.
I saw how he cried during Amy's funeral, he must be really upset.
His young mind, still too immature, is finding itself fighting against demons bigger than him.
No human being, let alone a child, should ever find themselves entangled in this shit.
“If… if I told you a secret could you promise not to tell my parents?”
Instinctively I would like to accept his plea but I know I can't.
His eyes, blue as the sea, focus on mine and he already knows that I won't be able to keep this promise.
The boy immediately lowers his gaze.
I dig in my mind looking for the most suitable words.
I raise my hand, bringing it to his head and taking off his father's hat.
I turning it between my fingers for a few seconds and then placing it on my head.
Carl looks at me and lets out a soft laugh.
I smile with him.
“I can't promise you but I can promise I'll help you, okay?”
My compromise seems to convince him.
He puts his hand in his pocket and after a few moments he takes out a gun which he hands to me with a trembling hand.
“I took it from Daryl's motorcycle.If he found out I took it, he'll kill me”
I turn the gun in my hands, returning my gaze to the boy.
“What are you doing with this?” I ask him trying to keep a calm tone.
I don't want to scare him or even scold him.
I just want to understand why he did it.
His behavior has been strange lately.
I saw very little of the sweet and kind little boy I was told about.
Instead, I saw a boy incite his father to kill another human being.
A boy who stole a gun for what reason only God knows.
“Amy” he whispers looking straight ahead, “It's my fault that she died”
For a moment I don't know what to answer.
Thousands of thoughts and scenarios chase each other in my mind but none of them guide me towards a plausible solution.
“Carl” I murmur, squeezing his shoulder with my hand, “Why would you say that, buddy.She got bit by a walker.Why you say…”
“I saw that walker” he interrupts me.
His eyes clouded by tears move from his hands towards the sky.
A single tear rolls down his face.
My heart breaks at his pain.
“I was gonna shoot it.It was stuck in the mud.I was…I was throwing rocks at it and stuff ” the boy sniffs, his eyes still turned to the sky, “But I was gonna do it…shoot it right in the head.And it…it got free, came after me and…I ran away” Carl sobs.
A little sob that rumbles in my head like thunder.
I wrap my arm around his slender shoulders, pressing my lips to the top of his head.
“If I had killed it, Amy would still be here” he adds, burying his face in the crook of my neck.
I drop the gun onto the grass next to me so I can hold this little man against my chest.
His tears wet my shirt but I couldn't care less.
Now my priority is his well-being.
“Carl, stop that.Please.This ain't your fault, okay?”
His arms close delicately around my hips while his back shakes with small jolts.
My right hand presses the back of his neck while the other slides delicately along his back, small caresses in an attempt to soothe his pain.
I let him vent everything he's been holding painfully inside trying to make him understand that I'm here for him.
I move away from the hug just enough to be able to look him in the eyes.
I hold his face between my hands and with the tips of my thumbs I dry the tears that continue to flow relentlessly from his sweet red eyes.
“Listen to me Carl.As long as I'm around, I always protect you.Me, your father, your mother and everyone else will always protect you.What happened is not your fault.It could have happened to anyone and I swear to you, I swear to God, that I would have given my soul to be in your place, to not see you like this now”
His lower lip trembles and new tears slide down his face, still so young and innocent.
I stand up offering him a hand inviting him to stand up too.
He gets up hesitantly.
His eyes full of remorse and fear watch me as I bend down to pick up Daryl's gun and tuck it into the waistband of my jeans.
“I'll take care of this” I reassure him, giving him back his father's hat, “Don't worry about Daryl, I promise he won't tell you anything”
Carl smiles shyly but his smile fades as soon as he notices my serious look.
“And...I won't say anything to your mom but I will talk to Rick.Maybe I could convince him to teach you how to use it so that you can protect yourself if you were in danger and none of us were there with you”
At my words Carl takes a few steps back.
He shakes his head violently from side to side.
“I will never touch a gun again”
“You know this is not possible.As much as we all want to, we can't do it.We can't hide forever, Carl.We have to fight.You have to learn to fight.The world has changed and if we don't change with it...”
But the boy seems determined and, shaking his head again, he turns his back on me and walks away, leaving me perplexed.
I don't even try to stop him.
At this moment a storm beyond my understanding is stirring in his heart and it is not up to me to help him so with a heart full of worries I go in search of Rick.
Along my way, however, I spot Daryl.
He is sitting in front of a small fire, near what has now become our tent, while he smokes a cigarette.
I approach coming up behind him, surprised that he didn't hear me.
His hunter's hearing is always alert but at this moment his mind seems not to be there.
The surprise in my eyes is replaced by horror as I see him press the flaming tip of his cigarette into the flesh of his hand.
A barely audible hiss escapes his lips.
My eyes immediately fill with tears as my hand in a completely automatic gesture moves up my thigh, caressing the flesh through the hard fabric of my jeans.
I know what he's doing.
I know what he's feeling.
With extreme delicacy I place a hand on his shoulder.
The archer flinches violently.
The now consumed cigarette slips from his fingers.
Without speaking I stand in front of him and offer him my hand.
The man observes it for a few moments then his eyes lift up to find mine only for a moment then his gaze shift to the fire and in their reflection I can read the shame he feels at having been caught in a moment of weakness.
I try to impress in my gaze all the tenderness and all the understanding that I can find in my torn heart.
Daryl looks up again.
“I don't wan’ yer pity” he spits between his teeth.
I smile sadly.
It's not my pity I'm offering him and I want him to understand that.
“Take my hand, big boy” I murmur softly.
The tremble in my voice makes him look at my hand that is still outstretched and motionless in front of him.
After moments in which he doesn't stop studying my gaze he grabs my hand and lets himself be dragged away from the fire.
In the silence of the evening I drag him towards the tent, inviting him with my gaze to enter.
“Sit down, please”
The man obeys me as if in this moment he was devoid of any will.
Trusting me blindly.
And this does nothing but fill my heart with a sweet, almost forgotten feeling.
Trying to tame the nervousness that grips my guts, I grab the lamp and lit it on, positioning it near my feet so that it can illuminate my figure well.
I feel sweat beading on my forehead and with trembling hands I reach for the button on my jeans, open it and pull down the zip.
Daryl looks at me with panic in his eyes.
His pupils move quickly from one side of the tent to the other as he slides away from me, pressing his back against the wall of the tent behind him.
I sigh deeply, gathering all the courage I have and with a fluid and decisive movement I lower my jeans to my ankles.
The archer, taken aback by my gesture, turns his head to the side, bringing a hand in front of his face.
I can see the blush spreading from his neck.
“Wha’ the hell are ya doing, woman?” he hisses through his teeth.
His tense shoulders tell me that the man is very uncomfortable but that can't stop me.
It can't stop me.
He must know.
He has to understand that I can understand him.
That I know what he was doing and why.
“Daryl” I call him softly, “Please look at me”
My plea veiled with barely held back tears makes him move his large hand from his face.
His embarrassed cheeks are a stab to my heart.
Behind his tough exterior there is a shy man full of insecurities.
Slowly the archer's eyes reopen and with equally exhausting slowness they rest on my face.
“Look at me” I repeat, lowering my hand towards my thighs.
The tip of my finger instantly feels the unevenness of the skin beneath it sending a jolt of pain to my heart.
The memory is alive again.
His gaze follows my hand and the moment his eyes fall on my bare legs his expression changes.
Now he knows.
And I have never felt so naked in my life.
But this isn't physical nudity…
Daryl is seeing my soul.
My true soul.
He is seeing a part of me that no one knows.
His uncertain and cautious hand rests on my thigh.
His calloused fingers move feather-light over the old scars.
Lots of little cuts that adorn my skin like stars adorn the night sky.
I stare at the tent ceiling unable to hold his gaze as the words float painfully from my lips.
“I had no other way to vent my pain.I didn't want others to see my pain.This was the only part of my body that no one could ever see”
When the nights at the Sanctuary seemed endless and the pain was too excruciating, it seemed like the only possible solution.
Sitting on my bed, with my father's knife in my hands, I cut into the flesh of my thighs.
Every cut eased the pressure on my heart.
Every cut expanded my lungs as I felt suffocated.
Every cut made me feel alive.
Every cut silenced the voices screaming in my head.
The man's strong hands grip the flesh behind my thighs, just under the curve of my ass, his face buried between them.
But as intimate as it may seem, there is nothing sexual in his gesture.
Only sweetness and pain.
His lips touch every little scar starting from my knee to my right hip, near the elastic of my underwear.
I dig my hands into his hair, in that portion of skin the contact of his lips makes me hiss in pain.
The skin is still red there.
“This is the last one.I did it after I have killed that man down town” I admit, full of shame.
It had been a while since the last time.
But the desperation for my action brought me back to falling into my old and unhealthy habits.
Daryl grabs my jeans and gently lifts them up by buttoning them and zipping them up, then standing up he crushes me in his arms.
I bury my face in his chest cradling myself in his strong grip.
His scent soothing my soul.
“I know what you're feeling.I won't pretend to believe that thanks to me you won't do it again...but...but...I want you to know that I'm here with you.I'm here for you.I always have your back, big boy”
He hugs me even more forcefully.
His face is pressed against my neck, my hair is a dark curtain in which he hides his gaze which I know for a fact is as anguished as mine the moment I saw that cigarette sizzle against the flesh of his hand.
With a disarming delicacy his hands wrap themselves in a strong but gentle grip around my cheeks and immediately my lips are on his.
I don't know if it's the right thing to do but I know for a fact that words would be superfluous at this moment.
Gently we slide towards the ground.
His lips kiss every part of my face.
Reserving reverential attention to my lips.
His tongue slides velvety between my lips, colliding with mine, intertwining in a sensual dance, which smells of tobacco, which in its silence keeps solemn promises.
I am here.
You are here.
I'm your.
I'm yours.
Together we can.
My hands move to the back of his neck, scratching his skin.
His bold fingers grip the flesh of my hips, inviting me, with the weight of his powerful body, to lie beneath him.
In its will, my legs widen, allowing his narrow and sensual hips to find space between them and then wrap around his waist, pressing my ankles against his buttocks and involuntarily pushing him towards my pulsating core.
The contact of his bulge against my most sensitive part makes me pant in ecstasy and the man full of new audacity pushes his hips against mine again, earning another obscene moan from me.
His warm, sinful lips slide towards my collarbone as he tries to move the fabric covering my breasts with his hungry teeth.
His greed makes me chuckle and, helping him in his intent, I grab the hem of my shirt, pulling it off my head, remaining in front of his eyes with only a simple black bra.
The worn fabric makes me blush thinking about how I am not such a sensual sight in the end but his words erase all my worries.
“So beautiful, ’ma sunshine” burying his face in the hollow between my breasts, his words sound almost like a growl.
He peppers my skin with sloppy kisses while his fingers creep under my back, arched with pleasure, searching for the hook of my bra.
As soon as he finds it he tugs on it trying to unhook it and when he succeeds a guttural sound scrapes his throat making me roll my eyes in ecstasy.
Always with the help of his teeth he lowers one strap and then the other without ever stopping kissing every new corner of exposed skin.
With a trembling hand, between anxiety and pleasure, I grab the bra and throw it behind me.
The look of wonder in Daryl's eyes sets me on fire.
And I swear I could cum here and now just because of the way his gaze burns on my skin.
I lift my hips looking for friction that will give me relief, trembling at the moment of the contact.
He envelops a breast in his large rough hand, massaging it delicately while he welcomes the turgid nipple between his wet and lustful lips.
His tongue swirls around it sending jolts of pure pleasure through every nerve endings in my body.
The moans rolling from my lips are now uncontrollable.
My hands move aimlessly as they wander along his broad back, curious fingers exploring unfamiliar skin that slowly find their way beneath the shirt that envelops that solid yet supple body.
Insecure but eager, I push the vest off his shoulders which slowly sags over my shirt which lies next to us.
But I feel like it's still not enough.
I want to feel the sensation of my skin against his.
With inexperienced fingers I undo the first button which slips unhindered from his buttonhole.
And I continue until my fingers graze the metal of his buckle's belt.
Daryl's mouth releases my nipple with a loud, wet pop, a long string of saliva stretching until it slides down his chin.
Raising my shoulders I push my face towards him, licking his neck, starting from the Adam's apple that bobs up and down as I pass, until I reach his chin, collecting the saliva that lies on it with a moan of sweet appreciation.
Daryl's lips capture mine again in a panting, lust-filled kiss.
Stroking the skin of his neck I can feel every vein under my fingers, veins where the blood pumps furiously.
My hands continue their way until they reach his shoulders.
When I try to slide his shirt along them the man stiffens, breaking the kiss.
His pupils are so dilated with pleasure that they almost completely swallow the blue but in all that chaos I can sense his panic.
“Hey” I whisper bringing my hands to his face again, gently caressing his tense features, “We can stop whenever you want” I whisper trying to regulate my breathing.
The archer seems conflicted.
In his eyes, in the hard lines of his jaw, something stirs.
“No.No.I just…” he murmurs almost embarrassed, “I want to take it” he whispers, shrugging his shoulders and putting the shirt back to cover them.
His request, which sounds like a small plea, shocks me but I accept it knowing that I could never do anything that could embarrass him.
I want Daryl to feel comfortable with me and I would never force him to do anything that would disturb his precarious balance.
“Alright.That's ok, babe” I smile sweetly kissing his forehead as I close a couple of buttons on his shirt covering his body.
Daryl nods once and then he kisses me again.
This time his lips are more delicate.
After exploring every cavity of my mouth he continues his way along the line of my jaw, moving down towards my neck and sucking forcefully on the delicate skin behind my ear.
“Daryl” I gasp, burying my hands in his hair.
In response he continues his sensual descent, kissing the incandescent skin of my body, in a long trail of lust that reaches my navel with unnerving slowness.
One last delicate kiss and then his eyes are back in mine, silently asking me for permission to go further.
And I cannot deny him that permission.
I nod, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip and lifting my hips to facilitate his movements.
Daryl, with a concentrated look, unbutton my jeans, sliding them down my legs.
His lips touch every millimeter of exposed skin.
His gestures are shy, full of exasperating sweetness.
I clumsily kick off my boots so he can completely slide off the jeans.
My chest rises and falls furiously as Daryl remains kneeling by my feet, completely still, staring at me.
I feel like my heart might explode in my chest.
The man I have in front of my eyes seems like a god painted by the most skilled of artists.
The dim light of the lamp creates seductive shadows on his face.
A few small scars cross it but my gaze is drawn inexorably towards the bulge in his pants.
His shaft presses angrily against the fabric of his jeans and my mouth salivates at the thought of having it inside me.
To be able to feel him.
Daryl reaching down grabs my ankle, lifting it and bringing it to his lips, leaving a delicate kiss on it.
His lips greedily travel up the calf until they reach the thigh where he dedicates all his attention to kissing every single scar.
His tongue explores everything that can be explored.
He lowers himself onto my body again, accompanying my leg with his hand and wrapping it around his hips.
And I let myself be manhandled.
His elbows rest on either side of my face as he nuzzles the tip of his nose against mine and then kisses my forehead.
“I have no idea wha’ the hell I'm doing, sunshine” he whispers, his embarrassed eyes in mine.
His hands gently move a few strands of hair away from my face.
And despite the excitement of the moment I can't help but smile sweetly at the man in front of me.
A man so strong and brave yet so lost.
“You're perfect, Daryl” I whisper, kissing him again.
With much more audacity I grab one of his hands, kissing the tip of each fingertips and then capture two of them between my lips, swirling my tongue around them.
He moans, a hollow, guttural sound rising from deep in his chest, his hips pressing into me again.
A shiver shakes him.
Now, free from my jeans, the friction of his shaft on my fold, still covered by the now soaked fabric of my panties is even more real.
Through his jeans I can perceive all of him…
And damn!
He looks so big.
With my eyes and mind in ecstasy I release his fingers from my lips and decisively guide his hand lower and lower, beyond the hem of my panties.
His hand is so warm...and so big that his palm can wrap my entire mound.
His digit slides along my wet fold and then it splits me open wetting in my arousals.
I cry out his name.
He grunts and slowly sinks his finger into me.
Moving slowly, almost fearfully, his thumb finds my clit and begins to caress it with small circular movements.
In response my hips lift to meet his too gentle movements, seeking something more.
Daryl grunts again, taking hold of my mouth and kissing me like his life depends on it.
“More, babe.Please more” I whine against his lips, rocking my hips.
The archer adds another finger, digging them both to the knuckles.
This time with more force.
His thumb moves more firmly against my little bundle of nerves, making me see little stars of white light behind my closed eyelids.
Daryl buries his face in the crook of my neck, almost roaring as his fingers pound into me forcefully, curving up and touching that magical spongy spot that can make my toes curl.
The leg around his waist tightens its grip, pressing the heel forcefully against his lower back while the other, which until a few seconds ago was resting on the hard ground, now lifts slightly in a spasm of pleasure.
I plant the sole of my foot on the ground to find a foothold to meet the almost furious push of the man's fingers which now work with precision and lust.
My fingers wrap around the wild, messy strands of his hair, pulling them forcefully from the root, his teeth sinking into the delicate skin of my neck.
Daryl is marking my skin mercilessly and the thought of the others seeing how much I belong to him pushes me even further towards the edge.
I try to stifle the scream of pleasure that erupts from my lips by burying my face in his hair.
“Please don't stop.Please.Right there, Daryl”
He lifts up, his stormy gaze passes along my face now distorted by pleasure, then moving to my breasts which continue to bounce with each thrust of his fingers and then finally stopping on my pussy.
His dilated pupils move quickly following the movement of his hand, watching as his fingers disappear inside me with each thrust, stealing one moan at a time until my throat is parched.
A pleasant sensation spreads in my lower abdomen, clouding all my logical thoughts.
My eyes roll inside my skull, closing again in a fog of pure enjoyment.
“Look at me, sunshine”
In that thick fog his voice brings me back to the surface and my eyes slowly open on his powerful figure.
The muscles of his abdomen contract as if spasms of pleasure were tearing at his very body.
His biceps swell with every movement as he furiously pumps his fingers into me.
A spark shines in his gaze and after a few moments his broad shoulders lower towards my core.
A light-as-air hand moves my panties to the side and the rustic, calloused touch of his thumb on my clit is replaced by something warmer.
More delicate.
His tongue.
The scream that rolls off my lips is impossible to stop.
“Oh fuck, babe” I moan loudly, digging my fingers into the sleeping bag beneath my body.
The archer's tongue moves divinely as if this man had done nothing else all his life.
Delicate and moist caresses that take me over the edge.
His velvety muscle moves on my clit as if he were writing his name adorning it with lustful squiggles.
And suddenly it's all too much.
His face buried between my thighs.
His fingers moving mercilessly inside me, pushing and arching, splitting me open.
Daryl eats me out like I'm the last meal of his life.
He is hungry.
Hot, fucking hot.
My nails digging into the back of his neck pushing his face against my cunt, his skull crushed between the sweaty flesh of my thighs.
“Ya taste so fuckin’ good, sunshine”
His grunt reverberates through my body, plunging me into the abyss of pleasure.
A white heat explodes before my eyes...and the most overwhelming orgasm of my life envelops my body making me moan loudly, so loudly that Daryl lifts himself from the center of my thighs to calm my moans with his own lips.
His tongue deep in my mouth, making me savor my own pleasure, thus prolonging the last spasms of my climax and accompanying my trembling body back to reality.
Still panting and shocked, I find the strength to reopen my eyes, observing the statuesque body of the archer rise from his position only to lie down on my sweaty body.
His lips rest lightly on my breast, moving up my neck and then taking possession of my lips again.
I can feel his excitement.
A single thought echoes in my mind.
It's not enough, I want more.
The kiss becomes more and more heated.
My hands slide down his sides and then grip the buckle of his belt tightly.
“I need you” I pant against his jugular.
He groans in my hear, giving me goosebumps.
His hands reach mine, helping me to free him from the last obstacle that now separates our bodies.
Daryl puts the weight of his body on his arm so he can use his free hand to take off his jeans completely and I take the opportunity to take off my panties.
His lips find my neck, sucking on the skin and leaving yet another hickey.
The only sound in the tent is our strangled breathing.
Another moan slips from my lips as the archer positions his now naked body on top of mine.
His thick cock caresses my inner thighs and my body vibrates in anticipation.
Daryl hums against my skin.
I wrap my legs in a chokehold around his waist, my hands gripping his back finding purchase in his shirt.
I crush it between my fingers as yet another plea rolls from my lips.
“I want you, Daryl.I need you” I cry, my body shaking with pleasure.
He lets one arm slide under my head, like a pillow, while the other slides under my back, lifting me slightly.
Now the tip of his cock touches my labia and his hips slowly push towards mine.
Inches after inches his fat cock slips inside my cunt, the stretching is painfully pleasurable.
I moan, closing my eyes and pushing my head back against his hand.
He is so big I can feel my walls molding around him.
His breathing intensifies as he pushes towards me and when he bottoms out his body lowers, lying completely on mine.
I spread my legs even further to make room for him, the pain between them is palpable but the desire I have for this man manages to make me concentrate on other feelings.
The feeling of being split open by the man I love erases any pain, any discomfort.
The feeling of his heat on my bare skin.
The feeling of his warm breath on my neck.
Feeling him immersed in my body, fused together, makes my heartbeat faster between my legs.
Daryl remains still, his face buried in my neck and his shaky breath crashing against my ear.
I push my hips forward eager for him to start moving but Daryl remains still.
He seems almost paralyzed.
His back tense, the muscles in his arms contracted tightly.
Instantly all the neurons in my brain go on alert trying to figure out what's wrong.
The man's breathing becomes increasingly heavier while small spasms shake his back.
“Daryl?Everything is fine?" I breathe close to his ear.
In response he nods his head but continues to remain perfectly still.
I squirm beneath him, trying as hard as I can to catch his gaze but immediately after the hand that wraps around my back squeezes my flesh tightly.
Almost painfully.
“Could ya…could ya please stay still?” he exhales between clenched teeth.
Immediately my body freezes, my mind working quickly to make sense of his request.
“’M fuckin’ trying to not cum like a fuckin’ teen” he interrupts me, lifting his head and pointing his wonderful blue eyes into mine.
His wild and disheveled hair, from how many times I've run my hands through it, falls messy and disheveled onto his face.
And I know I shouldn't, that I might offend him, but the laughter ringing in my chest leaves my lips before I can do anything to stop it.
My legs slip from his waist and wrap around his muscular thighs.
And no matter how hard Daryl tries to sulk, I see a little of that worry slipping from his eyes as one corner of his lips lifts, giving me that little amused grin that can make my heart stop.
With our bodies still intertwined and his masculinity buried in my body we find ourselves laughing.
Daryl brings both arms to the sides of my head, leaning on his elbows so his hands are free to caress my face.
My arms remain wrapped around his neck, my fingertips lazily stroking the hair that brushes the back of his neck.
And it is at this moment, in this very moment that everything makes sense.
The pain.
The fear.
The tears.
In the enveloping warmth of his embrace I feel the world slow down.
My hands tightening around my most precious treasure, every inch of skin against skin is a step towards a better life.
A life with fewer fears but many more hopes.
There is no need for words, my heart in sync with his speaks an older and deeper language.
It's as if time stands still, and all that matters is this moment.
My mind free from worries.
The outside world and its problems vanish.
He is my refuge, the safe harbor in which I can anchor myself.
The safe harbor that I am sure will protect me from every storm.
The peace I feel is like the silence of a windless night.
There are no storms, only calm and fears dissolve, and breathing becomes regular.
He is my shield against the chaos of the world out there.
The protection he offers me is like an impassable wall.
There is nothing that can hurt me while I am in his arms.
He is my warrior, ready to defend me from any threat.
He was built for this world.
And the joy?
Oh man, the joy.
It's like a love song in my chest.
Every heartbeat is a melody, and he is the only one who can play it.
I know this is my place, my destiny.
At this moment everything is perfect.
So, without the need for words, he holds me close to him.
And in his embrace, I find everything I have always looked for...deep love, without boundaries, without end.
The love that now shines in my eyes and presses against my lips, the words prisoner in my head...words too mature for a love that is still so immature.
Words too strong for a man still too weak for this too strong, devastating feeling of mine.
Deafening words that scream in my head, words that I swallow and put them in the depths of my soul.
Words that perhaps will never see the light of day but those words will always be intrinsic in my every gesture, in every caress, in every kiss.
In every embrace.
“That's ok, big boy.Take your time” I whisper against his lips curved in a sweet smile.
Smile that I treasure.
Smile that fills me with pride because I'm the only one who can have it.
A smile that I will jealously guard in my heart, imprinting it in the eyes of my memory.
Daryl kisses me and his hips move.
By now the light in the lamp has stopped burning and the tent is shrouded in darkness, only the moonlight entering through the small cracks illuminates our bodies with silvery light.
The breaths intertwine, and my heart beats like the wings of a frightened bird.
There are just the two of us, two souls who have come closer with fear and desire.
His skin against mine is like silk, and every caress is a kiss without lips.
I feel the heat of his body burning against mine, his breathing deepening.
With each thrust the sweet melody of his breath crashes deliciously on my sweaty skin.
With each moan it is as if time expands, and each second lasts an eternity.
It's like opening a mysterious book, page after page.
I don't know what to expect, but I know that he is the key to that secret.
“Sunshine, ya're so tight.Shit!” breathes the archer with his lips pressed to my forehead.
As filthy as his words are, the sweetness and reverence with which he whispers them fills my heart with sweet devotion.
His every movement is a gift, every kiss a poem.
Daryl is capable of making me feel fragile and strong at the same time.
It's as if my body opened like a flower at the first ray of sunlight.
And he is the sun.
Confidence grows within me.
There are no more fears, just total abandonment.
When our bodies joined, it was like a love song.
There are no words, just moans and sighs.
A love song produced by our bodies.
I feel his heart beat in unison with mine through his chest pressed against mine.
Every thrust is a promise.
Daryl leverages his arms, lifting himself off my body.
His head falls forward, his chin almost touching his chest and a strangled moan between his parted lips.
Wonder pervades me.
It's like discovering a new universe.
Every sensation is amplified, every touch a miracle.
I close my eyes, digging my fingers into the firm flesh of his ass and let myself be carried away, like a leaf drifting on a river.
The archer's thrusts intensify, the sound of skin against skin echoes in my ears along with the blood rushing furiously beneath the surface.
My body is filled with tension while a sweet knot in my stomach prepares to spring.
Groaning, I raise myself on my elbows to look at the point where our bodies join.
Daryl's big, veiny cock sinks forcefully as his fingers dig into the flesh, leaving their imprint.
A couple more thrusts and I cum so hard that the scream gets stuck in my throat making me drown in my own pleasure.
My walls clenching rhythmically around him, milking him and making him suffocate in his own moans.
The archer, face flushed and his breathing ragged, pulls out in one sweet motion and grabbing his cock he strokes it a couple of times and then he cums.
Hot white ropes land on my stomach and breasts.
I fall back onto the sleeping bag in a daze without being able to take my eyes off the man kneeling between my thighs.
His muscular chest rises and falls furiously while his eyes remain glued to my body, observing me as a proud painter would observe his latest canvas.
Without speaking he runs a hand over his face, wiping the sweat with the back of his hand and then hovering over me he grabs one of his t-shirts using it to clean me up.
His hand moves with care and precision and once finished he lies down next to me, caging me in his arms.
In the silence of the night his hand lazily caresses my back, each caress leaving a trail of shivers behind it.
“Are ya cold?” he asks in a whisper, placing his lips on my forehead.
“A little bit” I reply pressing myself against his chest, breathing in the spicy scent of his skin.
Daryl grabs one of his shirts, placing it over our still naked bodies.
With my mind finally light and emptied, for the first time in time immemorial, I feel complete.
It's as if the world has found its balance.
My world has found its balance.
I found Daryl.
“Ya good?”
“Daryl, stop!” I giggle, propping myself up on one elbow and meeting his gaze, “You were perfect.Everything was perfect”
My smile seems to reassure him.
His blue eyes are two pools of serenity.
I scratch at his chest with my nails playing with the buttons on his shirt.
“Anyway…I came here for another reason although I'm not complaining about how things went” I chuckle making him chuckle too.
“Oh, really?” he teases me by pinching my side and making me laugh.
I fall back onto my back turning my head to the side.
Daryl lifts his arms to cross them behind his head, his relaxed gaze locked on mine.
“I have something for you” so I say, I turn my back on him and sit down to rummage through the pile of my clothes.
“Here” I say handing him his gun.
At first his confused gaze wanders between my face and the gun held in my hands, only a moment of confusion after which the man realizes.
“’S ’ma gun?”
I nod.
He sits down and grabs the weapon, in the meantime I take the opportunity to put on one of his t-shirts.
“Why do ya have it?”
“Now you have to promise me one thing”
His eyebrows raise suspiciously.
“Why?” he asks sceptically.
“Just promise me”
“Alrigh’, alrigh’!” he huffs in exasperation even though his lips are curled upwards.
I grab his brief from the floor and hand them to him and after he puts them on I sit on his lap.
His arms wrap around my hips and I kiss the tip of his nose.
“Carl took it.He asked me to give it back to you because he is afraid of you.So you won't tell him anything, okay?”
Daryl watches me curiously, I can hear the gears turning quickly in his head.
I sigh worried about that little guy.
“He's confused.He's just a scared little boy who wishes he were a man”
“And that's why he stole ’ma gun?”
I shake my head worriedly thinking back to the discussion I had with Carl shortly before.
“He feels guilty.Carl saw the walker who killed Amy”
Just saying the poor girl's name makes my throat tighten.
Daryl tightens his grip around my body, waiting patiently for me to pull me back together so I can tell him what happened.
“He says he saw it stuck in the mud.He wanted to shoot it but it freed itself and he, scared, ran away.Now he believes it's all his fault and that if he had shot it Amy would still be alive”
It's not his fault but ultimately I can understand him.
I would have thought the same thing too.
I would feel responsible too.
And I feel somehow responsible for all these people.
I feel compelled to protect the people who welcomed me with arms wide open.
I feel compelled to protect them not only from the outside world but also from their own pain.
It's all a fucking vicious circle of regret and guilt.
“Hey, listen ta me, ’ma little sunshine” whispers the archer, gently caressing my bare thigh, “None of us are to blame.The world has changed and the only thing we can really do is stay together.Help each other.Defend ourselves.Nothin’ more.Wha’ happened to Amy was inevitable.We can't change things.Ya can't protect everyone, Summer”
I know.
I am aware that I cannot protect everyone and yet I feel obliged to do so.
I can't fix everything but that will never stop me from trying even if it hurts me.
I sigh heartbrokenly as I rest my head against his chest, the slow, steady beat of his heart ringing in my ear like the sweetest of melodies.
His lips graze the crown of my head.
“Ya're too good for this world, sunshine”
I smile against the fabric of his shirt.
“Do you really think that?”
“Damn sure!”
I look up in search of his eyes, in search of the pity but that's not what I find.
In his gaze there is only sweetness, respect.
I grab one of his hands in mine, studying every curve, every little mark.
“You know” I murmur in a whisper, “Despite everything I do, I feel weak.I just wish I was stronger.More brave”
Daryl lets me vent by carefully observing my hands which with devotion continue to caress and venerate his large one.
“Ya're not weak.Ya already know wha’ I think ’bout ya”
I nod shyly raising my gaze, looking at this wonderful man from under my eyelashes.
His gaze is clear, relaxed and sincere.
All his defenses are down.
All his feelings exposed to me.
A shiver runs down my spine as his hand slowly moves down until it rests on my bare ass.
This time a mischievous smile curves his lips.
“No panties?”
I laugh throwing my head back
“Don't get any strange ideas, big boy.I'm just passing through” I announce, getting up from his lap and starting to pick up all my clothes scattered on the floor.
The archer's gaze doesn't let go of me even for a moment as I try to get dressed and not keep thinking about what just happened.
I sit next to him putting my boots on.
“I need to find Rick.I have to talk to him about Carl.I don't...”
“’M not screwing around with ya.Ya know, righ’?”
His words take me by surprise as I lace up my boots.
When I look for his gaze I find him intently staring straight ahead while nervously chewing on the corner of his thumb.
It is a tender and poignant scene at the same time.
The weight of his past has made him so vulnerable and so scared.
My soft big boy.
Life has not been kind to him, painful memories and invisible scars.
A pure heart that has learned to fear love.
A scared heart that is afraid to open up, to confide, to let someone enter his shattered world.
It's as if his heart were a wounded bird, unable to fly towards love.
His face is marked by the weight of a painful past, his eyes as deep as abysses hide secrets that only the night wind knows.
Words will never be enough so I make my decision.
I smile, even though he can't see me, and slowly get rid of my clothes again, the rustle of my clothes catches his attention and his eyes are finally on me again.
Soft and confused.
Left alone with his t-shirt on, I sit back on his lap, wrapping around his broad chest and burying my face in the crook of his neck.
His heart raging against mine, beating in unison.
“Do you know what?Rick can wait” I breathe against his throat, a light kiss where his Adam's apple bobs up and down.
“Here with you is where I want to be” I whisper, hugging him, “There is no other place in the world where I want to be”
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bhawk-goose · 10 months
I've just started watching the Pokemon anime from the beginning for some reason and I already have some thoughts. I'm just using this post as a journal.
Firstly, Professor Oak is a cruel man, he knew all the pokemon other than Pikachu were taken and still made Ash go through the process of picking up each.
Also, this show is like 30 years old so you'd think comedy would be different, but for some reason Pikachu playing baseball with is pokeball is the funniest shit ever to me.
Pikachu has already shown it is far too powerful. I get that pokemon are generally more powerful than humans, there's a reason trainers have their pokemon beat the shit out of wild pokemon on their behalf instead of just doing it themselves, but god. Pikachu knocked out twelve people, most of which were probably adults. AND Ash is also godlike, he was the closest to Pikachu. He was the one that the electric current went through to knock out the twelve people in the crowd, but he was fucking FINE. Just some scorch marks, that's it. This is a ten year old child, with that level of current he should be dead. He should be just a charred skeleton.
Has Ash done no research or is only being able to say their name specific to Pikachu? It's an animal, what the fuck did he expect? Does he also expect a response when he asks a dog who the goodest boy is?
Next, Pikachu hates being confined, so removing the waist-leash made sense, but why the gloves? They weren't even touching Pikachu, they were on his hands.
why is there boss music playing when Pidgey appears and Ash thinks he's gonna fight it? He's specifically fighting it because it's easy. Also I'm putting it on the same line cuz it's the same scene basically, what kind of yawn was that? Pikachu's "cha" was clearly supposed to be a yawn, but that did not sound tired at all. That is what yawns would sound like if we did them when we had too much energy.
remember when I said trainers have their pokemon beat the shit out of wild ones on their behalf? Apparently not Ash. I'm convinced that Ash is from our world, but doesn't know much about Pokemon, so he's just heard of it in passing and knows nothing. And when he was in our world he never encountered any non-human life.
"enjoy your last moments of freedom"? Ash isn't even trying to be a caring pokemon master, he is just straight up has no sympathy for them. I'm glad this kid never met an animal in the real world, at least pokemon can fight back a lot better.
What was that laugh at Ash's failure? That was far too human. I hate that. Pikachu is a straight up demon. New theory, ontop of Ash being from our world, there are demons(or some kind of demon equivalent) in the pokemon world. Pikachu is one of them, and pokeballs are like holy water to them. That's why Pikachu doesn't want to be in the pokeball.
I know this is pokemon, and there are tank turtles with no clear sign(to my knowledge) of how they get the water they shoot, and rats with unlimited supplies of electricity, and sentient magnets, but Pidgey is none of those. Pidgey is a normal fucking bird, nothing special about it. Where the fuck did it get that sand from??
the pokedex is fucking amazing. Earlier I thought it was just coincidental that it was a bit late, but no. That thing is alive, and it fucking HATES Ash.
why the hell do wild pokemon get jealous of trained pokemon? Just get in the ball and you'll be a trained pokemon. And trainers openly do not care about the pokemon they catch, Ash already showed that.
the way it cut straight from Ash and Pikachu passing a Magikarp in the river to a gyarados makes it look like that thing just evolved on the spot.
Misty not caring about Ash at all is completely fair. I don't care if she doesn't have any context to know what happenned, there is a hurt animal.
"Pikachu, this can't... happen" he's not wrong, it can't, it's only the first episode of the show and Pikachu's a main character.
"the town of pallet" sounds completely different from "pallet town", and why does Ash think he's a noble defender, he's ten, and he's defending a rat that kocked out twelve people.
Pikachu just created a giant sky beam. That was not a lightning strike, it was like a mile thick. Pikachu is not a demon, it's far too powerful, it is satan himself.
anyway, those were my thoughts on the first episode of the pokemon anime. It was like 11 minutes long, but I took like 30 to write about it. If I get any likes on this I'll keep posting my thoughts as I watch it.
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gildeddlily · 2 years
finally reading Fifteen and not only analysis ab it on tumblr
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alr, I watched those episodes a million time but a lot of things weren't clear and I don't trust bones with their light novel's adaptations. it was... the fight against Rimbaud was like longest than everything, and they cut off a lot of parts of it, but also of the interactions between skk. I understand it but it's a pity alr?
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i love him. no fr dark era dazai pisses me off (try to ask me why idk, I just do), agency dazai is alright, but fifteen Dazai is my heart and soul and I love him with all my heart. stormbringer Dazai too, I just love so much how he is...
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...alr I already knew like everything that was ab to happen in this, cause I watched the anime and read analysis ab the light novel on tumblr and other social, but to see it written down like this hurts. I just love the way Asagiri writes, it's so forward and simple but so enjoyable and sad I'm gonna spend all my money on his light novels
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CHUUYA IS HERE CHUUYA IS HERE MY DARLING IS HERE btw Chuuya is perfect in every single era. In every panel he's in, in every light novel he's even slightly nominated, in everything. even when he has his little twenty seconds appearance, I just can't help myself. "-a person that had personality"... good luck bby
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are they flirting? Yes? No? yes they are shut up (I can hear chuuya's voice actor saying that, and that intonation is like the "aww poor baby want me to pick up where he left" IT IS DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF) and reading fifteen was so beautiful cause it clashes so much with innocent/sweet potato!chuuya that a lot of people seems to love. he's just menacing and hurting and killing people every two sentences
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the anime really isn't enough (here he's talking about Mori after he admits he has killed the former boss: Mori's always referred as a demon, shinigami, the evil itself- and a non-human who act as such and knows it, and the connection to what Dazai thinks about himself is making me cry)
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HE JUST DIDN'T yeah he thinks shit like "he's the most vicious thing on heart" and then calls him a timid street doctor
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...he didn't just him a fairy did he?
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yeah bud he kinda is a child. like, you're one too, so admit it and go on with your life. I just have to hug that chaotic energy chuuya has.
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it's a pity it was cut, cause it would have been hilarious. and scary but still hilarious (chuuya's so dramatic and for good reasons) (dazai wants to go home) (no alr he wants to die but wait a little cm)
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...what is this kafka love
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It's so sad, and kinda beautiful too, the way he acts so freely when he's fighting anyone, and when he's with dazai. He's known him for like a day and already is more honest with him than his so called family. (chuuya beliefs about what his role is are heart shattering, and I'm gonna found another shirase hate club. he pissed me off a lot when I read stormbringer but now he really is making me rip off my hair)
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dazai was manipulating all of them from the beginning, and in this scene he's also doing everything only to make the Sheeps betray Chuuya, but I don't think this was necessary (the "is that not enough/he's your friend"). he definitely knew that they wouldn't have understood and ignore that and straight up leave Chuuya behind, but he said that for a reason, like he was testing them- and chuuya. he said it was fun to mess up with him- and chuuya sees his family refusing to trust him and a guy he hates understanding him better than them, and I guess it doesn't feel good
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he's actually being genuine!? he already is a bastard manipulator, but I like to think that 15!dazai was more honest and childish. not really was, more act, tried to impersonate that part of him.
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this is Dazai, at the idea of pranking Chuuya by making him fall in a pool of mud and pour flour over him
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that's dazai right after he killed the GSS man from the oh so famous clip where he shoot him like five times. and this is dazai around chuuya, in the like two days the got to know each other. is the opposite thing. he laughs, he smiles, he fucking flushes at the idea of making fun of him.
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this is hilarious. asagiri actually is a comedy master. I laughed. and I'm not ashamed.
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gay behaviour. homosexual tendencies. romantic tension. he had to fight himself not to blush (not really but inwardly awkward 15!dazai is my life)
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"do you trust me?" it's their line, and theirs only. like even if you don't want to see them as a romantic couple, the trust they have in each other is so beautiful. everybody always talks about chuuya trusting dazai with corruption, but dazai's survival in dead apple was assured by chuuya himself, so our guy just put (another time, remember the hostage situations) his life in chuuya's hands trusting him? trust is their thing, and you people saying that it wasnt the same after dazai's deflection, fuck no. they were the same, with the rich-girl-act that really was the "are we alright?" silent question, and the we-are-partners-even-tho-i-said-ex
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CHUUYA'S LAUGHING AT DAZAI'S DOG JOKE CAUSE HE ALSO ADMITS THAT HE WANTS TO LIVE he's so precious and even tho I'm the number one fan of dazai-fell-first-and-harder I love Chuuya starting to care, starting to get used to dazai.
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and more of this. asagiri is screaming at us that chuuya basically saved dazai. or at least, he made the life mori constricted him to carry on more enjoyable (in the anime they switched the sentences, chuuya saying "don't tell me what to do" but this is actually better)
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I love rimbaud, my bby is doing all of this to know what happened to verlaine and it's so cute (the fact that they completely cut off verlain's name and just left the "I killed him with my own hands" says a lot ab bones future plans ab stormbringer and asagiri introducing him in the central plot. it's not gonna happen guys or the anime only are gonna get their brains blown up)
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chuuya struggling with his humanity since he was able to understand the concept itself is canon, and I wanna die
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"if they were with eachother they didn't have anything to fear" and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. verlaine and rimbaud were the original soukoku. fuck zskk, we hate mori and we love the cold man and his made-in-a-laboratory boyfriend (they had a (fr terrible) relationship in real life, so asagiri is telling us something. that they're just canon)
now, to end this, just more screens of chuuya surprising dazai (with official illustration too), the most canon and pretty thing of this light novel after the love confession ab rimbaud and verlaine
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im done
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cafe-smut · 7 months
Fics I Could Write But Haven't Yet
Dragon Shifter Hua Cheng being captured and used to create more of her kind. Escapes and reunited with her Queen, but later ends up tracking down the child she was forced to have with a rogue cultivator that was captured. The child is an orphan and severely traumatized, but his prospects of survival to adulthood due to the dragon parts of him are slim.
Wei Wuxian dies one day on the Burial Mounds and wakes up like, a day later as an uber powerful ghost, completely confused. Hua Cheng and He Xuan find him, planning to get to the bottom of the sudden appearance of this wrathish/calamity level ghost, only to be surprised someone newly dead and just trying to keep the people he cares about safe. By unspoken mutual agreement (and seeing themselves in the young man) they help him learn to wield his powers and set up the Mounds to better support human life.
The 5 Calamities, 2 being Wrath ghosts on the level of the Calamities. Those two outliers in the group being Green Touring Night Lantern and the other the Silver Ghost Controlling Flute, who is Crimson Rain's right hand and the Young Mistress of Ghost City. One day, unknown and unexpectedly, she disappears, only to begin to remerge nearly a decade later, Chenching's eery tone reverberating through the realm of the undead once more.
Wei Ying is saved from certain death by both winter and dog alike by the wolves in the forest surrounding Yiling. They follow her as a whole pack even when she goes to Lotus Pier. Dogs are not Wolves, dogs are vicious and cruel, but wolves don't know such things. She's terrified of dogs, but a wolf is her most welcome companion and savior. To harm a Yiling Wolf is to ask for death from the Yiling Laozu. So what happens to them when their Lady is dead?
Xie Lian gets the cat she adopted with her ex Jun Wu stolen by him, but can't prove it. Ranting online about it while depressed, someone she doesn't know tags her and says she used to hook up with him and she can go see if her cat is there. A fee days later she opens her door to the woman standing there with her Ruoye. They take a selfie and post it with the caption 'my cat loves my new girlfriend!' That very day when they start dating.
Lou Binghe is extremely confused that her old middle school teacher is not only now her college professor, but as much as she hated her in her youth, doesn't even seem to remember her? And is super nice, just in general? But, did she just never notice how beautiful her shizun was before, or-?
Xie Lian returns to college after trying to get her life together, and is warned immediately by her old friends of the Three Demons of the school. Her new friend Shi Qingxuan laughs and tells her they're not so bad. Are they in the mafia? No! She's engaged to one of their friends and hangs out with them regularly. She should just get to know them herself! Xie Lian does, and finds Luo Binghe, Wei Ying, and Hua Cheng are- quite nice, actually!
After some guidance and exploring, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan come across a cave and a giant coffin in it. It turns out to be a 3 layered coffin with the oddest dead person inside it Wei Ying's ever seen. Taking the person back to the Cloud Recesses, he starts to wake up and they slowly, slowly, nurse him back to heath. As time goes on, Wei Ying thinks to reach out to someone he knew while dead, the ruler of the ghost city he'd called home for 13 years, about who their visitor with little to no memory might be.
Modern Hualian where painter Hua Cheng, a college student, is looking to have a more live model than the sculptures she sometimes does. Enter Xie Lian, childhood crush that never.faded, doing some shibari photography with her coworker and primary photographer Wei Ying. Some extra pay and Hua Cheng and Xie Lian quickly become known as a famous duo for the works of art displayed on Xie Lian's body with paint, ever changing but ever beautiful and inspired.
Xie Lian wakes from the 3 layered coffin, only to find himself in the care of 2 old friends. After being healed, with nothing left for him in China, he goes with them and chages his form to a woman. Several centuries later, she returns with a mask, the name Liene, and at the side of her goddess as the Liutenant of Artemis. And it seems her silence and changed looks have kept anyone from recognizing her during the meetings between the gods, with the singular exception of a ghost she never knew, a Ghost King of incredible power and looks who seems to be called Hua Cheng, but keeps telling Xie Lian to call her San Niang.
Basically it's just SVSSS but with the magic mechanics and the like of Fairy Tail. Also I'll probably make it lesbians because Women. So the guild Cang Qiong Mountain is so large and because of where its based, its got several Secondary Guild Masters with Heavenly Body User Yue Qingyuan being the main one. Theres the God/dess of War, Requip mage Liu Qingge, Water Body mage Shang Qinghua, Sky Dragon Shen Qingqiu, and so on and so forth.
Danmei mega crossover, but it's also ancient Chinese Hunters of Artemis. Xie Lian, ages after accidentally consuming a flower that turns you into a woman of the Land Of The Tender, accidentally ascends as a goddess of archery and the hunt after having to recultivate with an entirely different base. Cue her gathering her hunters, saving them from other doom with the exception that they are either a woman or eat the same flower and turn into one.
Modern 21st century witch Wei Wuxian gets summons back by the sect leaders of ancient China, attempting to bring someone to help them stop Wen Rohan from starting a war they're quite sure they can't win. She confuses the fuck out of them but to their shock, she looks just like someone of their generation who went missing years ago during a night hunt.
Modern Bingqiu where they're dating and Shen Qingqiu puts on Binghe's fur coat cause they're going out and he's cold and holy shit it's so nice. Binghe's all flustered by him wearing his coat. SQQ is entirely unaware that Binghe is a selkie and that's his Pelt and that- that looks- yeah, um. Uh. Yeah. He needs to wear that more. Undecided if Binghe would be a proper seal selkie or something different like a wolf.
Princess Leona Kingscholar who's known for being mega lazy and a great partier with a huge alcohol tolerance. Who's never been taken seriously by her older brother of the court. Who is Hella smart but rarely shows her hand, one of those times being when she saved some random person she's too drunk to remember. Who gets a notice to return from school because she's relieved a marriage proposal. From the dragonic princess of Briar Valley (whos been stalking her since the beginning.)
If you could vote for your favorite one or ask questions in the comments or revlogs, that would be great. I can only work on so much at once and it would be helpful.
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garnet-cow · 17 days
Pov : You were supposed to advance your project of Oc on Rise of the Guardian which you have been working on for a year but you find yourself with a new hyperfixation on another show and created yet another OC.
So meet Li Wěi.
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( second and third pictures come from Picrew )
Alright, so before speaking about her, we need to speak about her dad (because every good Lego monkie kid Character need a good daddy issue). So her dad is the result of an illegal experimentation from a god (I didn't find a name for him so we're gonna call him God A) which was meant to be able to compete the 4 spiritual primates. But that experience was a failure and her father appears without any magical potential.
Her father was called Wei The tailed shepherd simian, he had an extremely strong and long Tail, able to break walls and lift up enormous thing. 
When the gods of the celestial realm find his existence and the experiment off god A, they decided to imprison God A and assign Wei as the shepherd of a Mystic antelopes herd owned by another God (God B (didn't find a name either)).
God B was a complicated character, he was extremely bipolar.
Time passes, and Wei begin to feel lonely and dreamt of having someone like him, someone that he could take Care off. So one day he asked to the God B who possessed the herd, a child like him. God B accept to speak about his request to Nuwa.
And so, because he takes really good care of the herd, Li Wěi was created.
She grew up in the palace of God B, with her father and the god servants. She passed most of her days alone in the palace waiting for her dad to come back from the hills with the antelopes. She suffered from loneliness and mischievous action from God B who host them. When her father didn't see it the god harmed her and tell her not to relate anyone.
In her heart grown a feeling of injustice and anger directed to the god, her father and the palace. She didn't understand why she had to live this life if it was to be imprisoned in a palace with only fear and disgust.
One day that anger created a fight between her and her father, where both of them said bad things. She and her father run away from each other, she runs to hide herself in the forest while her father goes to the hill guarding the antelope. But all of this fight torments her father's mind and he let a group of antelope died during the day. Which leads the god who had these antelopes to enter in a gigantic rage. The god decides to punish him. The demonic god decided to punish Wei by directing him to choose someone to curse, as he couldn't choose himself. The god uses his power to read Wei's mind. Her father reflexively thought of Li Wěi first, wanting to protect her from that curse. The god smirk and decide to put the curse on Li-Wei, causing her to die when the god will like.
That spell cursed her to die by the hand of the god any moment he will. He could speak with her head and even control her when he's full of rage. He condemned her to a death she will never choose, and by the same occasion a life completely uncertain. He could ask for her death tomorrow or in 10 000 years if he will.
She couldn't die because of that.
She became the puppet of that god that day.
Her father died of sadness months later that event.
Today she's 4000 years old and she's the shepherd of the sacred herd off antelopes from this same god. He let her travel around the world with these antelopes.
She met a lot of people during her journey and became friends with a lot of them. She became wise and strong, by protecting her herd from dangerous demon all over the world.
Even if there's a bloody scar all over her right arms who reminds her what's her destiny.
She has accepted her destiny and knows that one day she will have to return to this palace which she hates to accomplish what she's meant to do.
She is practically deprived of magic. Instead, she has a really big strength, her fantastic long and strong tail, and her spear. But ( because there's a but ), She is capable of having glamour and a Kaiju form, that is completely smaller than a macaque, MK, or wukong, but still a Kaiju form. However, this form takes up most of her energy. That transformation takes a light and dark blue with a little bit of gold and green.
By the way, she has a good resistance to magic, sometime spells can't affect her. Because of the curse she has.
Since She lived many Years and Travel a lot, she has seen, lived and done plenty of things. She experiments pride, anger, shame, injustice, love, physical love, madness, happiness, euphoria, sweetness, dépression, treason, pain, physical and mental pain. ....... Li Wěi is aware of her flaw and mistakes and her limits. But She also knows that sometimes you have to go beyond it.
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Her appearance might change in time.
sorry for the bad resolution.
Hope you like the telling of her story.
English isn't my first language so please don't hesitate to correct me if I write something wrong / something who don't make any sens.
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yumi-tamura-fan · 2 years
My top 3 90's shojo manga reccomendations (I'll try to keep them spoiler free as possible)
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1.Basara by Yumi Tamura (27 volumes)
Synopsis from Viz: Basara is a post-apocalyptic fantasy adventure series and one of the most popular shôjo manga of the 90s in Japan. It is the story of how a young girl becomes "the child of destiny" and finds the strength to free her people and seek revenge for the death of her brother.
Basara is a story that can't be classified into just one genre. It's a romance of course, but it could fit also fit into other genres such as fantasy or adventure, as well as tragedy. There's bloody battles throughout the manga, as well as political corruption and even pirate fights! It might sound like a shonen manga but we also get romance, forbidden romance at that. Think Romeo and Juliet. We get to see star crossed lovers fight for what they think is right all the while not knowing each others identities. Everyone in the series is fleshed out, with motivations, wants and needs. By the time you reach the end of the series, even the smallest characters will have you feeling for them.
The only criticism I can give is the art at the beginning of the series is subpar, but the quality of it picks up quickly and by the end of the series the author's art is undeniably gorgeous. My all time favorite shojo manga and whether you can hunt down all the out of print series like me (it took forever) or read the scans online, I think almost anyone would be drawn in to this series.
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Red River by Chie Shinohara (28 volumes)
Synopsis from Viz: Yuri, a pretty Japanese girl, is ecstatic after passing her college entrance exam and having her first kiss with her childhood friend-turned boyfriend. However, her luck soon changes. She starts to notice that water becomes agitated whenever she goes near it. One night, hands appear out of a puddle on the street and drag her into the water! Transported to an ancient village in the Middle East, she is then captured by armed troops and taken to the Queen's palace for a human sacrifice. Adventure and good-looking boys fill this great first volume!
I've always been fascinated by Ancient Egypt so this manga was right up my ally. It has beautiful art, an intriguing story, and unique side characters. I also didn't hate the fact that the author dropped details and facts about history into the manga.
Overall it's an amazing historal manga, with just enough action as there is romance. I would encourage anyone who enjoys history to check out this title (most likely through online scans as it is out of print).
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Angel Sanctuary by Kaori Yuki (20 volumes)
Synopsis from Viz: Why is Setsuna so mixed up? Despite his attempts to be noble, he'll fight anyone anytime; he ignores all authority; and he harbors feelings for his sister that can only be described as "incestuous." Why is he such a mess? The reason may be found with two demons from the underworld and their enemy, an insane angel who is distributing an insidious computer game called Angel Sanctuary.
Angel Sanctuary is about a female angel who rebelled against God, and in turn had her soul separated from her body, and sent to earth to endure tragic human lives until the end of time. The female angel currently inhabits the body of a teenage boy who is troubled by the love he has for his sister. Like Flowers in the Attic, incest is a common theme throughout it, however, it is never fetishized nor glamorized, and we don't see that much of the physical side of it (just go with it and it will all make sense in the end). The sinful love isn't the only focus, as there are also demons, sword battles, even angels with guns, as well as plenty of interesting side characters that add to the story.
I will say that the first few volumes are slightly mediocre, but Kaori Yuki quickly picks up in the later volumes, and by the time I finished the series, I could say it was one of the best ones I've ever read. I've never read a 20 volume manga series as fast as I have this one.
I wouldn't recommend Angel Sanctuary to everyone, since it has a warped view on religion, as well as incest, drugs, murder and genocide. But all in all, it's a excellent series for those with an open mind who enjoy beautifully drawn series with a complicated plot.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Any recs where the heroine where reviewers on GR are like “god I couldn’t stand her she was a bitch”?
I'm pretty selective about reading GR reviews (because they annoy me... so much) but I think these have those comments for sure:
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole. Always and forever The Example. And like, does Sabine deceive and sexually torture Rydstrom? Yes. But her behavior does not top Lothaire's, and Lothaire is like, one of the most popular heroes in the series. She's also like, very confident about her appearance, and spoiled, and I imagine that affects things.
Neomi from Dark Needs at Night's Edge gets shit from IAD fans too. She's one of my favorite heroines ever; I have to think that a lot of the hate comes from her being a massive flirt who loves sex and is actually motivated to get out of the house she's trapped, tbh. Like, oh no!!! A woman being mildly self-centered!
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean. I personally find Mara sympathetic (she fucks up, don't get me wrong, but I get why everything that happened... happened). But she's definitely MacLean's most hated heroine, mostly because she makes controversial decisions.
Melanthe from Laura Kinsale's For My Lady's Heart gets a lot of shit from readers for being cold and unfeeling... And it's like lmao dude she was given to an old guy in marriage as an actual child and targeted by a predator since then. She's political as hell and put walls up emotionally because she is so hurt. But yeah sure, I guess she's just a bitch.
I've been thinking about this book a lot lately, but Priest by Sierra Simone. I see Poppy, the heroine, being dragged down as like "shallow"--and the vast majority of the book is from the hero's POV, so that might affect things. But if you pay any attention to Poppy at all, she's got an internal life that's just as complex as Tyler's in many ways. She's also very conventionally hot, unabashedly sexual (flirts shamelessly with a Catholic priest even before he reciprocates lol), and was a stripper and didn't feel all this natural shame over it. Poppy owning her sexuality is a huge issue for readers, imo.
Similarly, a lot of readers of New Camelot are very dismissive of Greer and try to paint her as two-dimensional and whiny... compared to her two male lovers, of course, who are so deep and MUST truly just love each other, not Greer... It's both misogyny and a discomfort with the fact that a poly romance is in fact about a polyamorous triad, lol. And what I love about Greer is that she is a little frosty and removed, but her vulnerability is really revealed when she's alone with Ash and/or Embry. Like Poppy, she's very naturally sexual (and submissive) and she's not ashamed of it; she's very carnal. And she's also like, so good about expressing her emotion through sex? (The "IS HER PUSSY SWEETER THAN MINE???" rant at Embry is one of my favorite "oh wow they are really doing this" moments in a romance novel.)
I see a lot of people hating on Olivia from Olivia and the Masked Duke by Grace Callaway. Again, it's less her being a bitch and more her being a young woman who loves sex. I see a lot of "Oh, how could she be turned on by seeing the man she's into fucking another woman (before he even knows Livvy is an option for him)". Idk, because it's hot? There is soooo much kink-shaming in certain subsets of romance readership, gotta say. If it's not perfectly vanilla, they don't see it as "loving" lol.
Lol everyone hates on basically everyone outside of Valentine, the more strait-laced of the two heroes, in Alexis Hall's Something Fabulous. I think it's honestly such bullshit--like, yeah Valentine is not a bad man, but he is very closed off and self-centered in the novel's beginning. Also, it's an Alexis Hall romcom, everything is heightened and that means he has to go throoough it. Bonny is another hero, not a heroine; but he is very femme-coded in a way a lot of heroes in m/m books aren't, and it doesn't miss me that his more "straight-coded" counterpart gets a break where he doesn't. People get very uncomfortable with a lot of queer heroes in m/m romances who don't present as super masculine, or as fetishized hypertwinks. Bonny is lovely and funny and frivolous and flamboyant but he's also kinda bratty and not at all simpering.
People either act like the heroine of Sherry Thomas's Private Arrangements is a total cunt or an innocent totally wronged by her evil husband. There is no middle ground. When I'd argue that a point of the book is... middle ground.
Most Scarlett Peckham heroines get shit from readers, but especially the heroine of The Rakess (sex positive lady who has a fling with a kind single father widower architect) and The Earl I Ruined (flighty gossip who ruins the life of uptight dom earl, then decides to try to fix it).
People haaaate the heroines of Ruby Dixon's Sworn to the Shadow God (crime: being a kind of ditzy gamer girl who doesn't adjust to a parallel universe easily) and Wed to the Wild God (crime: is practical when the hero is a hedonistic airhead who needs her to think for him).
What a Rogue Desires by Caroline Linden has a heroine who grew up poor and has become a conwoman. Naturally, when she cons the rakish hero who was a total dick in the previous book, she is totally evil, I guess.
Roxanne from Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopex. Oh shit, she does all the stuff billionaire heroes do... Horrible...
Lol Florence from The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe gets so much shit because she wants to run a casino and doesn't want to have babies. She's a total anachronism, apparently, all women wanted to stay home and have babies in the Gilded Age, nobody wanted otherwise.
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gamma-squad · 3 years
The Ultimate Gamma Squad Fic Rec List
From Angst to Fluff to Reveals, fanfiction will make you cry :D
Double Blind Date -  Alya knows Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, and now that they're finally in the same city at the same time, she is determined to get them to meet.
The Bravery of Adrien Agreste -  adrien ends up living on the streets for a while, it's extremely well written and has also adrien marrying marinette to emancipate from his father.  There's also a sequel, the Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, which the author is currently writing. 
Lovelace -  Convinced that he's unlovable, Adrien is quickly thrown for a loop when Marinette confesses her love for him out of the blue. An akumatization and reveal later, he changes his mind about being unlovable.
The Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng -  After the defeat of Hawkmoth, Adrien and Marinette are strangers to each other, but somehow… married? - Sequel to The Bravery of Adrien Agreste
Soulmate Survey -  A brand new dating app hits the scene, giving you a percentage of how well you match with someone else. And it is taking the world, and certain teenagers, by storm.
Cats are Colorblind! - Reverse Crush AU - Ladynoir/Adrinette - Adrien is blind but he can... feel Marinette’s features? Which happen to be the same ones as Ladybugs (Reveal)
have the stars blotted out in a brilliant morse code - Fluffy Adrinette moments and reveal? beautiful
Strength - Crack/Fluff oneshot with a reveal
Marry That Girl -  Adrien finds Marinette’s plans for their wedding and just falls
League of Losers - Slightly Different Superhero AU with crack angst and fluff
You, Me & A Little Bit of the Future - future ladynoir asks adrinette to babysit and everythings cute
Practice Makes Purr-fect - Adrinette/Ladynoir + Reveal and kisses (all you need in life <3)
wish you were here - demon au, adrien is just really confused
The Moving Statue - AKDJSSD - Adrinette + Reveal
Operation Mega-Sleepover - Adrinette Sleepover Shenanigans
Butt Dial - Marinette butt dials Adrien and all his plans for a normal afternoon jumped out the window (Reveal)
The Wedding Plans of Marinette Dupain-Cheng - Adrien finds Marinette’s wedding guest list for their future wedding and he’s like ‘WHERE AM I?’ (boy you’re the groom)
Plagg Meets Marinette
i hope that fate will forgive us (for tempting the sea) - mermaid royalty au and arranged marriages - Felix x Bridgette and Adrinette - also the author is v nice <33
The Player and the Princess - Childhood friends turned enemies turned lovers <3
take me back- By marvelousmsmol
By Design - By marvelousmsmol (Still going!)
Graine de toi - By komorebirei (Still going? I’m not sure)
Smoulder - By midnightstarlightwrites (this is adorable and full of ships! Also, finished 36/36).
Lucky Us - By PrincessKitty1 (Sigh, it’s too cute! Finished 30/30).
Facades -   AU with dark!Adrien. Has even a short sequel (lovesquare but mainly centered around the two main ships)
 Kiss shy - By emsylcatac (This is a great one-shot!)
i don't have a latte but give me a shot - By marvelousmsmol (The one-shot, i wish was a series).
 Under Lock and Key - By EdenDaphne, Maerynn (the antics! Finish 10/10)
The Woman With Blue Eyes - By ghostgirl19 (One-shot!)
 Friends By Day, Enemies By Night - By Dristi5683 (This is 49/49, there’s also marichat and angst ladynoir)
A Bride for the Prince - by ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky) and TheNovelArtist
Penumbra - Adrienette hurt comfort, rated M for serious topics like implied noncon as a minor
keep me in your thoughts - adrienette soulmate au
Passionfruit- Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
a chat in disneyland - pretty self explanatory, chat noir antics and slightly traumatized workers, everythings great
Finding Diamonds in the Rough -  A prince escaping the confines of his castle. A girl who saves a naive visitor. The connection built between these two of different worlds. Welcome to another Arabian night.
Out of Your Hair -  Adrien wants to support Kitty Section during their first large concert in the park, but dad says no. So of course there’s only one way this can go
Infatuation - Adrinette childhood enemies to ‘I hate you but i seriously want to kiss you’
Blindsided - Adrinette/Ladynoir - Ladybug gets hit by an akuma and goes blind but hey! Adrien/Chat Noir is literally the most amazing person ever and that helps (Reveal)
Just a Friendly Game Night -  The four teenagers arrange a game night at Marinette’s house. What could go wrong
Just Best Friends -  The sequel to ‘Just a Friendly Game Night’ where the teenagers deal with what went wrong
We’ve Got It Covered -  Marinette needs to create a concept album cover design for Jagged Stone, but when she can’t get anything, the stress builds…
Le Prix du Silence -   this is in French, by Etoile-lead-Sama, but it's so worth google translating! Especially her inverted umbrella scene where Marinette gives the umbrella back to Adrien because she wants to rid her feelings for him and in that moment he realises that he's in love with her…  *heartbreak* but it's all wonderful and her slow burn is exceptional
Shop, Bake, Eat... - Crack, mature humor and content
Having a Ball - Adrien and Marinette attend a Victorian ball without recognizing each other.
In Which Adrien Agreste Butt Dials Ladybug - Based on NY Special, what if Adrien kept the remote to the cat toy in his back pocket?
The Jacket - Marinette gives a black jacket to Adrien and he thinks she's figured him out. 
Stuck In A Bakery (With You) -  during the pandemic, Adrien gets stuck in the bakery with Marinette and family. 
Chat Got Your Back - Lila I don’t like you and neither does Chat
Burgundy and Blush -  Marinette needs a date for the dance, and Chat Noir is happy to help. But can the two teens in denial make it through the night without catching feelings?
The Trouble With Kissing Boys -  When an akuma handcuffs Chat Noir and Marinette together, true feelings are revealed… but only to get the cuffs off. Really
double jeu -  An injured Chat Noir leads to a frantic Marinette and frequent midnight visits neither of them had expected to get used to.
Lace or Leather - Sequel to Burgundy and Blush
Stand-In Journalist - MariChat being besties
spark - marichat dating app shenanigans
Forget-Me-Not  -  Marinette looses her memories a little bit (unfinished)
Jealousy - Onesided reveal and then it turns into a love confession and a reveal
When Duty and Desire Meet - By EdenDaphne, midnightstarlightwrites. (Still going! Its so romantic, the yellow rose hits me the most)
Selfless - By ghostgirl19 ( I wish this fic was still going but it’s not! It’s discontinued!! T~T)
The Cat, the Bell, and the Wardrobe (Malfunction) - ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky), Eizabet, KryallaOrchid, Maerynn, midnightstarlightwrites. (I know the embracement... It’s also a one-shot!)
The Wingman Visits - By NiuNiu. (This is completed with 16/16 and rated mature!).
I Won’t Hold You Back - THE BEST PROM FIC YOU’LL EVER READ. Adrien invites Mari to prom. In which Adrien Awkward Awkward Awkward Athanase  Agreste makes an appearance. 
A Gamer’s Pride - No miraculous but they’re video game partners and they hate each other but they like each other and HHHHHHHH
Diamonds never leave you... men do! - Marinette the cop and Chat Noir the criminal (they’re dating <3)
Kiss and Dash -  It starts of when Marinette kisses Adrien on a dare and runs off but it really spirals out of control when Chat Noir takes revenge with his own kiss and dash. Do all people kiss the same way? Adrienette/Marichat/Ladynoir/Ladrien. - I THINK I ASCENDED WHILE READING THE FIRST CHAPTER
No Longer Running From -  After an Akuma attack, Marinette runs off in order to avoid Chat Noir, but she didn’t count on him being so willing to come after her.
Chat Blanc - Chat Blanc fights with reveals and Adrien being a good person even when akumatized
Worries - Chat is very concerned for the well-being of Marinette who he has noticed, decides to run into akuma battles in a very much not safe way
Rooftop Tears and Gentle Hugs [Vent] -  Marinette goes mute for a week, and everybody is worried. It seems only a concerned Chat is the one to finally reach her.
Tendencies - (series) lots of good writing starting out as marichat and then a reveal
Just Chatting -  Chat crashes onto Marinette's balcony and continues to visit. Marinette finds herself impulsively getting closer to him, and then everything goes to shit.
Physical Touch - Chat Noir, my amazing child, is touch starved. Marinette is happy to help with some cuddles
It’s Okay to Cry - THE SUMMARY ALONE GOT ME FEELING SOME STUFF LET MARINETTE SHOW EMOTION -  Marinette feels the burden of not letting her negative emotions show, since Ladybug cannot let herself be akumatized, no matter what. A cat is there to let her vent.
heartstrings - HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - they frggin kiss and its dramatic and teenage drama and romace 
Crushed - Stuck under a collapsed building together, Chat Noir and Marinette have a heart to heart.  (Reveal)
Every Heartbeat: A Marichat May 2021 Story:  -   Reeling from a brutally difficult day, Marinette finds her life becomes amazingly complicated after impulsively inviting Chat Noir to spend the evening with her. But when the suave feline begins to weave his way into her heart, she realizes rather quickly just how conflicted her feelings for her partner truly are.
A Roll of the Dice - AVERT YOUR EYES INNOCENT CHILDREN - mature (obviously) Alya gives Marinette an adult dice set and at night time, Chat Noir dares her to use it. 
tell me something i don’t know - the infamous marichat soulmate au by the beloved carpisuns
Trading (Momentary) Burdens - UM. YOU HAD ON RIGHT?? I AM SAD??- Ladybug gets hurt mid-fight and Chat has to turn into Misterbug to save her
Miraculous Dupont -  Marinette finds herself attacked by Chat Blanc, an akuma at the orders of Hawkmoth. But before the akuma can do any damage, she's saved by Chat Noir, a superhero who is fighting the akumas. Chat Noir senses something in her and takes her to the magical school he attends, Miraculous Dupont, where Master Fu, the head teacher, agrees that she has potential to be a Miraculous holder. So Marinette is thrown into a world of hidden identities, akuma fights and mysteries and ends up by discovering that this whole world wasn't that unknown to her to start with, that the boy behind the mask, of whom she desperately falls in love, wasn't a stranger from her too, and it's all connected to two lucky charms, a seal and a mysterious magical potion she (and her friends) should never have been exposed to...
Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright -  chat noir gives the tiger miraculous to marinette. I love her concept of the tiger miraculous, so cool!
Terror on La Seine - Villains weren't supposed to help when there are others in need. But can Hawk Moth truly stand aside and do nothing? Especially when a young woman he knows personally is in danger? TW: implied trafficking
Madness Within -  If you want slowburn, feral Chat Noir and dark themes this is a great place to start and I’m super excited for what’s to come. Very highly recommend
you came to me with gold and i mended the pieces -  Adrien gets into a really ugly argument with his father, and as a result the poor boy gets a slap right across the face. In a daze, he runs away from home, transforms, and decides to seek comfort in a really close friend of his.
I’ll Be Your (Wing)Man -  When Chat Noir finds Marinette sighing over her failed love life, he decides to help her get the boy of her dreams. Nothing can go wrong here. Absolutely nothing.
The Tendencies Series -  HIGHLY RECOMMEND and will sure to keep you busy for a while
A Summer Treat - LadyNoir Icecream date in Shanghai and lovestruck adrien
TKO - LadyNoir workouts and they KISS
Doctor, Doctor, Give me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) -   Plagg’s sick, Adrien’s in love, Shit Happens™ 
 Of Yellows, Pinks and Blues - New York Special LadyNoir but with ROSES 
Long Live - LadyNoir based on the song <3
Letters of Lovers - LadyNoir writing down all their feelings on letters BUT THEN AT THE END THEY READ IT + Reveal
A Bad Dream - Ladybug tells Chat about a ‘dream’ where he was Chat Blanc (spoiler alert: it wasn’t a dream)
The Bug and Cat Show - ADKLJSASD READ THIS
You’re My Sight - Adrien is blind but with the miraculous, he can see and this is very much a wonderful thing to happen to him. One day he tells Ladybug.
United - OMFG - ladynoir established relationship (+Reveal)
a nine-year-old - i havent met anyone that hasn’t read this fic but still (im still sorry emsy, i believed you were 9 with my entire heart 😭)
Death By Ladybug - Flirty Ladybug and Flustered Chat Noir
Chat Noir’s White French Man Hitlist For Feminist Purposes - (THIS HAS A PODFIC NOW)
Liquid Luck - LadyNoir Banter + Reveal
Symphony - Adrinette/LadyNoir + Reveal (with the best ending ever omg)
 The Miraculous Tweets of @luckylady and @chatnoir - Internet Shenanigans
Problems - ladynoir fluff
Only a beat a cat can hear - Ladybug tells Chat when he finds out about her blindness that she scared about him leaving her. He’s having none of this self deprecating stuff and reassures her that he loves her a lot and nothing changes that. 
It was just a cheek kiss! - Ladybug slowly falling for Chat and them finally getting together (my friends thought I was getting murdered when I readthis. So many screams)
Discordant Sonata - EdenDaphne (Still going!)
like poles of a magnet - By maketea (8/8! It's finished!)
From the Ashes - By MiniMinou (Finish! Btw this is angst and mature rated)
Ladybug and Chat Noir's Guide to the Rooftops of Paris - PipTheMagnificent (One-shot!)
 in the dead of night, your eyes so green - this ones by miraculouslycool so you know its good 
 Day 7: Interview - Chat Noir being cute with kids
Misunderstanding - LadyNoir Identity Shenanigans <3
Not Kitten Around, Badylug - the road to reveal, integrating parts of S4, all in mobile texts. Sweet, funny. The kind of pick-me up you need after an angsty ep.
Two Seconds -  perfect for a light morning read.
i think it’s time i told you (im a fan of your universe) - LadyNoir (AND THEY GET MARRIED)
It’s Not PDA If You’re Just Friends - They’re just friends! Friends can kiss each others shoulders and spin each other around, right?
I Guess That Makes Us Even - Chat Noir dying = REALLY SAD LADYBUG AND COMFORT - its by buggchat so you already know its simply superior
Red Strings and Markers - Soulmate AU my beloved
little kitty on the rood, wearing his lady’s boxers - Adrien in Ladybug boxers, Marinette in the pool with her pjamas, Adrien uses his one braincell and realizes some pretty shocking things (Reveal)
dont let me die alone - okay so you may get a lil sad but you know
Return to Base - LadyNoir laser tag baby, Adrienette laser tag with LadyNoir dynamic, reveal
The Ladyblog Comment Section - they like to annoy alya in the comments. and flirt. but they dont realize the last part yet
Irreplaceable -  Adrien is insecure. Marinette doesn't let anyone talk bad about her partner.
Where are you Chat Noir? -  As the final battle unfolds to their defeat, Hawkmoth and Mayura use plan b and withdraw in a 'Sentiworld', a parallel reality created with an Amok. What's worse, they drag Chat Noir with them. What's even worse, Ladybug can't say goodbye, or I love you. Guilty and desperate, what will she be ready to sacrifice to get her partner back? (Rated R for mature content)
Kitty Chat Kisses -  Give Chat more kisses please, this was so sweet and cute and sad and just...someone give Chat some hugs and kisses and tell him he did a good job
i’ll marry you - Chat Noir talks to his sleepy girlfriend about their future.
Upon the Eiffel Tower, They Reveal it All. -  Chat Noir spots Ladybug heading towards the Eiffel tower without telling him, and when he checks on her, finds out more than he thought he would.
Two Hundred and Fifty Four -  aspik angst :’)
bang bang - KISSES
whose woods these are (I think I know) - FIRST OF ALL, its a cinderella au and its MAGNIFICENT - Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
The Tell-Tale Kiss - Adrien gets discouraged when Ladybug turns down Paris’ favorite cat every time. But what if Paris’ favorite model asks her?
The Cat and His Daffodils -  I adore Hanahaki AU’s and this was one was really good and wonderfully angsty.
Post/One Sided Reveal: 
Serendipitous Fate -  With Hawkmoth growing stronger, Chat Noir and Ladybug need to practice. And get teammates. And grow stronger together. Which means learning each other’s identity, no matter the risks. Unfinished, but worth it. Also, there is some smut near the end, but the author warns the reader on the exact chapter and it is very skippable
switch it up - Adrien uses the Ladybug miraculous and everyone simps even harder
Remember That Time When... - Marinette is ready to enjoy her wedding anniversary with her wondrful husband. Except when she wakes up, she’s not going to be able to celebrate her anniversary. In fact, she’s seventeen again.
Divide By Infinity - Post-Reveal Adrinette being adorable and looking at LadyNoir moments
Bad Day - Adrien finds out Marinette’s Ladybug on the toilet and everything just does downhill from there
Get Agrekt - Post Reveal + Drunk Adrien my beloved
Under The Stars - PROPOSAL
Do You Hear That, Love? - Post-Reveal angst and babies
Side Effects of Paw-esome Merch: Model Chokes on Air - Post Reveal Marinette making my poor boy adrien consciously try not to die by wearing Chat Noir merch
When the Wedding Bells Toll - Post Reveal Adrinette pretend to date to get free food at a wedding (ha ha guess who fell in love againnnn)
All You Had to Do Was Stay - first of all, OOF - Marinette and Adrien reveal their identities and he panics and Marinette, three years later, sees him again for Alya’s wedding with the urge to both kiss him and punch him in the face
Adrinette April Day 23: Sunset - CUTE FLUFFY PEOPLE (its by sketchy-panda)
Forget-Me-Not - written way before oblivio but basically, oblivio
The Wall Between Us -  Lukanette, Adrigami, Alya finding out, lovesquare reveal, Adrien finding out Gabe is Hawkmoth, then theres Adrinette being in love and MarcNath walking in them making out. Its a whole vibe. Two Seconds was written in response to this :D
Trolling Alya -  After Adrien and Marinette reveal their identities to each other, instead of going right into dating, they agree to just be friends and take their time. Alya is not having it.
The Biological Imperative - excellent explicit story with an interesting concept about tikki being able to freeze the power of all miraculouses in her box in case of marinette's pregnancy. Adrienette of course. 
The Closest Thing to Love - god i love a good fake dating story - post reveal Aged Up - adrien decides that the best way to gain independence from his dad was to get married. To who you ask? Of course its his lady, Marinette Dupain Cheng. Nothing could go wrong! They’re just friends after all.
Not A Ship But Hella good Stories
Papa Bear -  In which Tom is the one to figure out Adrien’s home life is putting him in danger and helps Adrien escape.
Nooroo Uses a Swear Word -  He really, really does. But he has a very good reason, so... let's hear him out, shall we? Crackfic, one-shot.
Move to Safety - Sort of a longer take on the ‘ Adrien runs away and seeks shelter with the Dupain-Chengs’. Involves the final battle and Adrien knowing Gabe is Hawkmoth. 
I Know, Kid - Plagg has a very important conversation with his holder when they return home after defeating Guiltrip.
Chat Noir is My Science Teacher - When Mattheu Magan witnesses his chemistry teacher, Adrien Dupain-Cheng, transform into his favorite superhero Chat Noir, he becomes the Monkey Miraculous holder Monkid, going on adventures and learning what it means to be a hero alongside under his new meow-ntor. (OC, Adventure, Aged-up - Yall ive only known Mattheu for like, a month BUT I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART)
Won’t Tell a Soul - Nino finds out that Marinette is Ladybug and keeps the secret. Kind of. 
Motherfucking Superheroes - Directly following the events of the season 3 finale, Alya Cesaire decides to create a groupchat with all the known Miraculous holders, which sets off an investigation into Ladybug’s identity. (Crack, Groupchat/Text fic)
My Boy - Gabriel creates a sentimonster copy of himself to free himself from unimportant matters, but he didn’t expect it to become more human than himself. (Angst, Mentions of torture)
The Malicious Pavilin - Evil gay Emilie is a whole ass mood
Never Sing At Home - Based on that ‘hey, bad news and good news. Bad news, Hawkmoth knows my identity, good news, I know his!’ prompt on tumblr
Bite off more than you can chew and you’ll choke - Lila gets exposed fics my beloved
ouef, ouch, owie - Chat and Rena plan some Aspik-related shenanigans to cover up Chat’s secret identity when Ladybug decides to have all the Miraculous heroes train together. (Crack)
What the Cat Dragged In - MCU Crossover
the last day on earth - Chat Blanc angst is top-tier
Air Miraculous - Miraculous but with Basketball and Shoes
how the strings intertwine - MDC Fic - UNFINISHED BUT AMAZING
Nine Lives - Hurt/Comfort, Adrien Centric
In Good Hands -  in which Ladybug tells Chat Noir about her new confidant and Chat chooses his own.
How Nino Waged War with Gabriel Agreste - By ChocolateXMyMouth (Still going!)
The Inappropriate Touching Talk -  this is another pure crack. Gabriel finds out that Adrien "touches inappropriately" Marinette and decides to have "the talk" (or rather have someone else have the talk with him)
Broken - Cop AU with lots of angst :D
Informant - miracuclass group chat au with identity shenanigans 
Lucky Fox Paradox - Marinette gives succeeds in giving Alya the ladybug miraculous. And regrets it. Enter, the fox miraculous.
“I have plan” - based on the ‘Ladybug joins the fight as multimous and she and rena rouge won’t let adrien leave to transform and its just crack’
Sting -  Chat Noir mysteriously vanished, and as much as Ladybug hates it, she can’t do her job alone. Which is why she decides to give Adrien to bee miraculous until her partner returns!
Accidental Dates - The four friends make a group chat to plan game nights. Some people tend to take it further
Leave for Mendeleiev -  Marinette is in Mendeleiev’s class instead of Bustier’s, meaning new friends and different relationships
Ridiculous, Utterly Ridiculous - rejected one time too many, Chat Noir ends in tears on someone's balcony. No, not Marinette's. Chloé's. And no, it doesn't end with an adrikloe (or how it's called). Chloé actually ends up being a good friend (*insert ohhhh of surprise*)
I’ll Handle This - Adrien accepts a deal with Plagg for the black kwami to resolve his problems. And Plagg succeeds. 
let’s get covered in flames and play some games with the smoke -  1920s enemies to lovers soulmates au that makes me want to jump off a building in a good way
Ruffled -  Harry Potter AU
Passionfruit -  Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
Repetition -  One day adrien stumbles upon hawkmoth’s lair. In response, Gabe wipes his memory and is done with it. until it happens again, and again, and again…
Bite Me. -  Vampire!Alya one-shot. Really good world-building in this one chapter alone!
“I have a plan.” -  Really funny one-shot where Marinette’s idea of going in as Multimouse doesn’t exactly pan out how she wanted it to.
Back to Us -  After a reveal so shocking it rocks the core of Paris itself, the villain Hawk Moth is finally defeated...at a great personal cost to heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir. With the city safe, they go their separate ways, returning to the lives they were forced to put on hold since receiving their Miraculous.
Free Falling - Fantastic story with amazing and well written themes that I really just adored reading. Beautifully written and wonderful plot/story
Other Ships (outside of Love Square):
The Worst and Best Thing - GabeNath, drama and angst with a happy ending
Operation Lovebirds -  DJWifi - Alya and Nino try and get Adrien and Marinette together, and get more than they thought they would
Phase Eight - Sequel to Operaton Lovebirds -  Three years after the failure of Operation Lovebirds, Alya and Nino’s relationship is tested when Alya comes across a startling secret.
Cola Date - DJWifi -  When Alya finds herself on a date with the wrong guy she searches for unconventional help to get her out of this. Luckily, the cute waiter doesn't mind to help her out with a favor.
Soundless - Lukadrien - Luka has the Ladybug Miraculous and can pretty much tell who’s Chat Noir
Hotdogs and Icecream - Lukagami - Luka and Kagami hanging out while Adrinette are being in love during the NY Special
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Hades
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades
Well… this is awkward…
He’s actually met Hades multiple times for business reasons (Underworld-Devildom relations are amiable if not a little odd. Hades was something of an uncle figure to Diavolo as a wee demon lad, which should speak for itself really). He’s a gloomy fellow and not much for chit-chat, but he never thought they’d end up taking one of his kids by accident…
He had to send a formal apology letter to the Lord of the Underworld immediately, but thankfully he didn’t seem very concerned for his offspring - if anything he appeared to think the Devildom would suit them nicely which was… concerning.
And he was not wrong. The darkness, demons, ghouls, and frights of the Devildom hardly seemed to faze the MC, if anything they fit right in. He’d dare say they were thriving if not for one thing…
They were So. Damn. Bleak.
Getting a smile out of this one AT ALL was rare. For once he felt the need to check up on someone constantly just to be sure they were alright... They’d keep assuring the House that they’re not actually as sad as they look but it’s hard not to assume…
He was a little mortified at first when they first met Cerberus cause… well they called him “Cerbi” and the massive demonic guard dog rolled over for them like a Golden Retriever! 
Apparently he and the Cerberus that they knew are from the same litter and they must have smelt familiar... He would have probably limited their interactions just to keep his dog on his side but after seeing the MC smile for once while they played with the big oaf well…
Cerberus got a new playmate and the MC got a massive, three-headed therapy animal. Win-win. 😌
Do ya really gotta be such a downer all the time, MC…? 😔
He thinks they’re nice, like really nice. They’re always super concerned when his brothers attack him or when he gets injured, but he’s pretty sure it’s because they’ve seen people die before so…
At first, he had no idea why he had to be saddled with this depressing wisp of mortal but over time he started to understand that they weren’t all that sad. They had… Resting Gloom Face? Is that a thing? 
They also had a different way of seeing things. He could win the lottery and they’d tell him to stay inside so he wouldn’t get hit by lightning or if he pissed off the wrong people, they’d joke about him keeping his fingers and toes. Dark stuff, but not intended to be so… well morbid.
However, what he eventually found out that the REAL advantage to having a Hades kid in the Devildom was that nothing scared them. Literally nothing. Not even the ghosts - which to reiterate, are terrifying!
Cue Mammon getting dragged to horror movies nights with his brothers and pulling the MC along to be his personal security blanket. He’ll hold onto them for dear life as they just pat his head or something, watching and not even flinching at the jumpscares.
The first time the House had an unexpected power outage he clung onto the back of their shirt like a lost child while they calmly looked for the circuit-breaker...
If he could jump into their arms every time something scary happened like Scooby-Doo, he absolutely would. His brothers make fun of him, but after seeing the MC handle Cerberus like a puppy any time something frightens them they hide behind the mortal as well…
In some ways, he totally relates to their moodiness but come on! Who can still look so sad when watching The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl?? Ruri-chan can make anyone smile! 😠
When he first met the MC, he was a little confused about why they didn't find him intimidating at all. He even reverted to his demon form and showed his fangs but no dice! All they said was, "I've walked along the edge of Tartarus. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, buddy…" 
That was probably his first sign that the "human" wasn't normal…
After Mammon told him who their Dad was, things made a lot more sense. A child of Hades in the Devildom? That's ironic enough to be its own anime plot!! They certainly felt like an angsty protagonist at times. 🤷‍♀️
Truth be told, they could relate to each other in a lot of ways. You wouldn't think that an offspring of the Underworld and a demonic shut-in would have much in common but the one thing they share between them is that sense of never really fitting in.
Turns out that Hades kids are black sheep, even among other demigods, and Levi? Well, he's had trouble relating to others since his angel days. He and the mortal were like off-beat kindred spirits!
Which, I mean, you wouldn't get just by looking at them together. Levi being the impassioned super-otaku rambling their ear off while his somber companion would just go along with him quietly, but hey, there's more beneath the surface. Probably. 
Now if he could just get them to cosplay as the Lord of Emptiness with him… They'd be perfect! Perfect he says!!
Highly considered drugging their food with antidepressants for a while… 
This was before getting to know them better, of course, but for the first couple months he honestly couldn't shake the feeling that the mortal looked miserable! 
Now, he's one to particularly care for the comfort of strangers, but just looking at them like that every day would sour his own mood quite considerably. It was very irritating...
It was only on closer inspection that he realized there was something else at play, though.
The mortal was different - even for a demigod he imagined. They took to the Devildom easily and the realm almost accepted them right back!
The flora looked better in their presence, the hellish beasts that roamed the wilds would roll over for them, and they even seemed to be welcomed in by the never-ending shadows… 
It was fascinating. Like the effects of the Underworld were baked into their DNA and mingled with the environment around them… Two layers of darkness coexisting within one person.
I mean, what other creature - other than Lucifer - could ride Cerberus around like a pony??
Had they not been so kind, they'd probably scare him shit-less... Their potential power was too great to ignore. But after getting used to their gloom, at least they made for pleasant company. 🤷‍♀️
Satan likes them well enough, but even still he has to wonder just what they were capable of… you know?
Oh. My. WORD. What a buzzkill!!!
Really, the new mortal was no good at parties or pictures for that matter!
Not because they looked bad, or even because he couldn't get them to smile, but because GHOSTS would always photobomb any pictures they were in!! 😫
One time he got a selfie with them on the couch and a creepy ghost child could be seen hiding behind the cushions so NOPE. No more photos with the mortal around!!
Aside from that, he couldn't say the mortal was all bad or anything…They were pretty friendly, despite their general look and feel. 
Though, personally, he thought they wore far too much black... Even in the Devildom, there's normally a pop of color, you know? Was that just the Hades dress code?
And you want to know the weirdest thing? Despite everything about them screaming "Doom and Gloom," they're straaaangely popular among the RAD dating scene…
Like. Not as some heartthrob, "Love'em and Leave'em"-type, but he's found that there's a LOT of his demonic classmates who think they're cute or have a crush on them in some way…
Naturally, he can see the appeal of the mysterious, moody demigod with a dark, troubled past. It's just the demigod in question is completely oblivious to it! 🤷‍♀️
He tried to give them dating tips or play matchmaker from time to time but eventually gave up when it was clear they weren't interested. Alas, students of RAD, this is one forbidden fruit that refuses to be shared…! Such a tragedy… 😔
They remind him of Belphie… like. A lot.
The similarities were obvious. They had a similar feel, made similar jokes, and even the same somewhat dreary attitude about them...
If he were being honest, at the beginning there were times when he'd open up to them a lot more than he intended because he'd forget that he wasn't actually talking to Belphie…
Thankfully, he knew better than to try and treat them like his replacement or anything. They were two different people after all. But it didn't stop him from feeling extra protective around them for a while.
Besides, there was ONE thing that set them leagues apart from Belphie and that was the fact they were a shit cook. Not quite as bad as Solomon but uh… Actually no, that's a closer call than it has any right to be...
Apparently, Hades kids don't need to eat as much and when you hang out with shades and skeletons for most of your life, you don’t really worry about making food that's any better than… "Well, technically it's edible." 🤷‍♀️
Their food won't kill a person like Solomon's, but you WILL start seeing stuff you probably shouldn't. He tried their "soup" once and swore he saw the ghost of his mother… and he doesn't even have a mother!!!
He swears that if he ever sees the MC and Solomon working together in the same kitchen he's skipping town… Whatever culinary abomination the two of them could create would probably gain sentience and eat HIM instead. He's always figured he'd go out with Death by Food, but not like that!! 😫
Ever meet someone who’s like looking in a mirror? Yeah, he’s getting those vibes…
He never expected the "human" to be so similar to him, it was kind of uncanny.
Upon first laying eyes on each other there was a pause… then a squint… and then… a nod.
Honestly, their combined dry wit, dark humor, and pessimistic outlook played off of each other surprisingly well. Too well for him to hate, really.
Not that it mattered because they didn’t believe him for a second when he tried to trick them (they had dealt with loads of lying monsters before). He hated to admit it, but they had a good head on their shoulders and knew better than to trust a locked up demon…
And yet, they seemed to stick around with him anyway. Because of the good conversation or just empathizing with his loneliness was anyone's guess. 🤷‍♀️
Sometimes they'd come up and sit outside the door in comfortable silence… Or they'd talk about whatever:
MC: *sitting out by the attic with their back against the door* So what happens to demons when they die…?
Belphie: *laying on the floor on the other side, staring at the ceiling* Depends on the kind. If I die, I'll just reform later.
MC: Like a reincarnation?
Belphie: Eh. *shrugs* Maybe. Haven't died yet.
MC: You could die in there, you know.
Belphie: *throws a side glare* Well thanks for bringing that up…
MC: *shrugs* What? It's true. But don't worry, I won't let you. *small-ish smile*
Belphie: *stares at them wide-eyed and pink-cheeked before turning on his side quickly* Ugh… whatever…
They did their word, somehow. They eventually got the door open and let him out, but by that time the anger was gone and he was just happy to finally talk to them face-to-face...
And good thing too, because apparently it's not smart to fight a death-child in what is essentially their element - as he saw when they summoned an army of skeletons to kick Levi's ass when he cheated them in Devil Cart...
He would not have lasted in that fight... Dodged a bullet there. 
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Beelzebub's Very Bad No Good Day
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***So this is the new format in which I'll be answering requests. In my experience, actual posts get spread further than asks do, so this will hopefully help with that. ANYWAY, I am crazy excited about this request as a major Beel simp and YES I will proudly do this request! Thank you @sinnoman for blessing me with it. -B*** Summary: Beel doesn't get anything to eat one day, and it doesn't go well for anybody.
From the moment Beelzebub woke up, he knew that today was going to be a terrible day. For starters, he had apparently raided the fridge in his sleep the night before, so there was not a crumb left in the house for anyone to make breakfast with. Most of the others had gone and grabbed something from Hell's Kitchen on their way to class, but poor Beel had slept through his alarm due to the food coma his nighttime snack had put him in and had to rush to RAD. The entire school was talking about the monster that they believed had awoken beneath the school. Teachers were on edge ready to evacuate the premises for the earthquake they believed to be happening. Beel avoided eye contact, blushing as his empty stomach continued to rumble and roar throughout the day. He ended up eating a few pencils just to get it to quiet down and even that didn't have much effect. The Avatar of Gluttony nearly cried tears of relief when the lunch bell rang. But it seemed that fate was not his friend that day. He was going to order a gargantuan-sized Little Devil mango slushy, a side of Hellfire curry rice, fried shadow bat, and 108 seed salad and the main course of at least twenty shadow hog burgers with three servings of caramel shadow tart for dessert. Beel was drooling at just the thought of it. He was almost at the ordering station when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Beel growled and turned around, baring his teeth at whoever dared to disturb him.
Belphegor narrowed his eyebrows in concern. "Woah. Beel, relax. It's just me. We've got a student council meeting, and Lucifer has threatened to take away supper from whoever skips out." Beelzebub scoffed as the air around him darkened at the mention of someone taking food away from him. "I'd like to see him try." Belphie raised an eyebrow at his twin's uncharacteristically grumpy behaviour. "Are you alright, Beel?" As though to answer his question, Beel's stomach let out another loud roar, causing several students to flinch and Beel to scowl in frustration. "I'm hungry." Belphie's frown deepened. Beel was always hungry, but he didn't usually let it get to him like this. The younger twin rifled through his own bag before pulling out an obviously full paper bag. "You can have my lunch if you want. I ate a little bit of it during class and swiped a bagel from Mammon during the first period, so I'm not all that-" Before he could finish Beel ripped the bag out of Belphie's hands and devoured it, bag and all. Belphie blinked at his now empty hand and chuckled as Beel chewed. "Man, you must be starving huh?"
Beelzebub merely grunted and continued to chew before swallowing down the small meal. He glanced back at the lineup in the cafeteria and put a hand on his stomach as he thought about the lunch he should be enjoying. Belphie nudged him. "Come on, big guy. We got to get to that meeting. The sooner we get it over with, the more likely it is that we'll end early and you might be able to grab something before class starts again." Only the meeting was not short and quick like Belphie had said it might be. Diavolo wanted everyone to come up with an idea for a school fundraiser, and Lucifer was arguing with Asmodeus on what was and was not appropriate. To make matters worse, you were unable to attend as, according to Mammon, your charms professor had asked you to stay behind afterwards to discuss your progress in the class. The bickering on top of the lack of food in his stomach was giving Beel a migraine and the longer he sat there, the more irritable he had become. Eventually, it became too much and he snapped. "ENOUGH!" he bellowed, flipping the table as he stood. "No one cares about the stupid fundraiser anyway and you're just wasting all of our time arguing over something that will inevitably fall apart and cause an even bigger mess, just like it always does!" "Beelzebub! Watch your tone in front of-" "Shut it, Lucifer!" his brother's gaped at him in shock as he snarled at their elder. "I am sick and tired of you pushing us all around and punishing us when the slightest thing goes wrong just because you-" Beel poked Lucifer's chest hard enough to make him take a step back, "won't take responsibility for your own mistakes!" "Oh shit," Mammon whispered under his breath, as Lucifer's eyes narrowed and his body tensed in defence. The second-born quickly squeezed his way between the two of them and spread his arms to try and create some distance. "Okay! Tensions are high. People are upset. But this is not the place to brawl it out." he glanced over at Lucifer who looked like he was a second away from stringing him up to the ceiling. "Might I remind ya Lord Diavolo is still in the room?" Lucifer looked over at Diavolo, who appeared to be both hurt and concerned by Beelzebub's words, before sighing and fixing his composure. He gave Beel a hard look. "Obviously something is upsetting you, but we can discuss this at home. For the time being, I recommend you work on calming yourself and clearing your head." Beel just growled at him before stomping out of the student council room. He had been about to re-enter the cafeteria again when the bell rang signalling the end of lunch hour. Beelzebub felt his eye twitch before his demon form burst into existence. He let out a deafening scream as he grabbed a table and threw it across the room (students still seated on it, included). Students were yelling and scrambling like mice as the large demon rampaged through the halls. He tore the locked grate off of the serving station and grabbed the nearest server by the scruff of the collar, causing them to squeak in fear. "I'm hungry," Beel rumbled lowly as the demon trembled in his hands. "Get me something to eat now or I will not hesitate to eat you." "R-R-Right away, Beelzeb-b-bub." Beel carelessly dropped the demon, who scattered off to gather as much food as they could. He began pacing like a caged animal. Having been alerted by all the noise, his brothers and Diavolo rushed into the nearly destroyed cafeteria. Diavolo's jaw dropped. "Beelzebub, what's the meaning of all this?" Beel's famished brain didn't acknowledge Diavolo as an authority at the moment. Instead, he was yet another person trying to keep him from eating. "I need food. NOW!" Lucifer's eyes widened in realization as he whispered something to Diavolo. The prince nodded and took a step back. "I'm sure the cooks are doing all they can to get you food right away. But I need you to control yourself before I am forced to take action." Satan had his phone out and was urgently texting someone, as Belphie moved forward.
"You'll get your food shortly Beel. You just need to wai-" "I don't want to wait!!" There was a part of Beelzebub's brain that was aware he was acting like a child. But his stomach physically hurt from how empty it was. He was tired. He was starving. He didn't have the patience for pleasantries. "I've barely eaten anything all day, and people keep staring and talking about me because my stomach just will not stop growling and I'm so hungry that I can barely think straight! I hate it! But I know it won't go away unless I eat, so I NEED TO EAT!" The brothers looked at Beel in shock. They knew that he ate a lot, but they always passed it off as just another quirk that made him Beel. They didn't know it bothered him like this. They thought back on all the instances where Beel had stated that he was hungry out of nowhere, always with a distressed look on his face. Every single time they had brushed him off. Before any of them could respond, you casually walked into the war zone that was the cafeteria. "Alright Satan, what's so urgent that you needed me so badly?" The room fell quiet as everyone's attention snapped over to you and you took in the situation. It didn't take long for you to connect the dots.
You immediately began to rush over to Beelzebub; Mammon stepped forward to stop you. "Woah, MC! I don't think that's a good idea right now!"
You ignored him and continued to make your way to Beel. Seeing you, the small human that you were, made Beel realize just how reckless he had been acting. He held out his hands to stop you and took a step away. "You should listen to Mammon, MC. I-I haven't eaten all day and I-" "You haven't eaten all day?! Oh god, this is worst than I thought." Beel watched as you slid the oversized backpack that he had seen you carry around RAD with you every day off your back and begin to dump out the contents. In a second, dozens of bags of chips, candy, fruits, and other snacks spilled across the floor in front of the two of you. Beel didn't waste a single moment. He instantly began consuming the snacks, causing you to smile happily. "Wha-What?! MC?! Why the hell do you have that much food on ya?!" Mammon sputtered as he cautiously began to approach you. You shrugged. "Beel gets upset when he's hungry, and I don't like it when he's upset. So I stocked up on some of his favourite snacks a while back and always keep them on me just in case," Beel paused his eating to look up at you in awe, "He can't help that he's always hungry. It's not like he asked to be the Avatar of Gluttony." Suddenly there were a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Lucifer, Levi, and Mammon called out your name as Beel pulled you tightly against his chest. You just grinned and hugged the friendly giant back. "Thank you," he whispered softly into your hair, his arms tightening around you just a little more. "There's nothing to thank me for." As Beel finally began to calm down, the cooks came out with platters of food and shakily laid them out around you and Beel before taking cover back into the kitchen. Seeing that the threat had passed, the other brothers began to approach as well. "You know Beel, I didn't know you had that much pent-up anger inside of you. It was terrifying!" Asmodeus chirped as he plopped down beside the two of you.
"Yeah! You were just like the antagonist in My Boyfriend Turned Into a Cannabilistic Rage Monster, And Now I Have to Stop Him From Devouring The Whole City!!!" Levi began to ramble about specific scenes from the show that matched perfectly with Beel's rampage, causing Beel to blush as he munched on a burger. Belphie sighed and elbowed Beel as he took his seat at his side. "We'll have to make sure that MC's always around you. Just in case you know?" he smiled softly, before looking at his twin with a more serious expression. "You should've told me about all that stuff you said earlier. I had no idea you felt that away about your appetite." Beel looked away uncomfortably as he took another bite of his food and avoided the question. You snuggled closer to him, to provide him with some comfort. Satan tapped his chin as he watched the group. "I'm sure we could talk with Barbatos and come up with some sort of high-protein shake or bar that would better satisfy you. That way you wouldn't have to eat as much." Lucifer glanced over at Diavolo, silently asking if it was a possibility. The prince smiled warmly. "I'll have Barabatos begin working on something right away." Forgetting all about class and the anger that had previously consumed him, Beel looked around at his family. A warm feeling blossomed in his stomach as he felt content with the rare care and affection that they were openly showing. Maybe it had something to do with the thirty burgers he had already ate, but for just a second, Beel didn't feel so hungry anymore. ***Boy that got a little angsty there for a second, but I hope this was to your liking @sinnoman! I definitely enjoyed writing this one, and I think it made me fall in love with my boy Beel even more 🥰*** TAGLIST: @vampwiire @bunna-does-stuff
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bakugouisabitch · 3 years
Ziggy, why are you so sure about TKB being right all the time and that his people were demonized by the “classist royalty”? I haven’t read the manga, but as I’ve seen, we seem to have no clue about Bakura being right and the Kul Elna people being demonized due to being low class. Who knows, maybe they were truly evil and deserved it? Can you please explain? 😕
Sorry for replying this late. I’m gonna add some manga panels (read right to left) to explain better.
tw: slaughtering ? 
The answer is simple: because no one is just evil.
Let’s start by saying first and foremost: massacring an entire village, whether it’s mainly composed of criminals or not, is always wrong and unjustifiable. Period.
This is also the reason why Atem is so shocked when he finds out about it and why Akhenaden (and also his Pharaoh brother Akhenamkhanen) kept it a secret in the first place. Cause it’s bad. Period.
Now let’s go back to the narrative:
Forget everything you ever saw in the anime (both sub and dub) because Memory World/Season 5 just doesn’t make sense there - and most events were changed/removed from how they were in the manga to make the “good guys” appear better (to name a few examples: the soldiers sent by Akhenaden being somehow brainwashed to do the massacre, Diabound being sealed in some random hidden tablet underground and not coming directly from TKB’s soul, the golden duel disks you have to wear to summon the KAs instead of just using the Items, Thief King being the whole time possessed by Yami Bakura that in the anime is literally just Zorc so he doesn’t care abt his revenge, Atem saying a bunch of few more sympathetic lines he never said in canon, all if not most lines from TKB being completely removed, etc.) All these things don’t make sense if you follow the manga narrative and in fact, they don’t happen.
Akhenden does the massacre because in order to create the Millennium Items 99 human sacrifices were required. He could have chosen anyone. Volunteers, some form of “martyrs” ready to die to protect their Pharaoh, the fuck do I know... but what he did was a clear massacre aimed at a poor village “of thieves” that the palace people always despised because of their history: 
Kul Elna.
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Akhenaden: “Hear Me! We ride for the village of Kul Elna in the Valley of The Kings!”
Soldier 1: “Kul Elna Village...?! The place called the ‘‘Village of Thieves’’?”
Solder 2: “There’s nothing there but grave robbers! They were descended from the Royal tomb builders, but they went bad. Why are we going there...?”
The village of Kul Elna seems to be based on the real-life ancient city “Deir el-Medina” since it was a city of “grave robbers descended from Royal tomb builders”, just like Kul Elna.
It’s even mentioned in the wiki:
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Here is an interesting article about grave robbers in Deir el-Medina, and it’s said that the city was literally called, like, “a city of robbers” for how organised and common it was for them to rob the royal graves in the Valley of the Kings. It was a city that has been originally created by the Royals to house the artisans and tomb builders that laboured for the Royals near the Valley of the Kings. It also makes sense (and it’s also written in the article) how these thieves knew best how to rob the tombs because they build them themselves.
Extracts from the article:
“Tomb Robbers were usually the very workers who constructed them were able to plan their thefts so as to bypass the main security features to gain access to the tomb itself.”
“...inflation and delay of rations made it extremely harder for the villagers to live, leaving them to rob the tombs they once built to keep themselves and their family alive.”
Akhenaden targeted that village on purpose. He specifically targeted Kul Elna BECAUSE THEY WERE GRAVE ROBBERS and it was convenient to kill them. They were “just grave robbers” and were thereby not loyal to the Pharaoh. If you think about the fact that robbing a Royal tomb used to be one of the biggest capital crimes back then, it also explains it. So Akhenaden’s thoughts on the matter were practically “killing two birds with one stone”.
In the anime the guards/soldiers were in someway “hypnotised” to follow Akhenaden’s order which is bullshit and how the hell can he perform such magic all of a sudden duh? . In the manga they enjoyed doing the massacre completely lucid:
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Soldier: “Heh heh... you thieves... As punishment for robbing graves... you bastards will become a part of the treasure!”
99 people were sacrificed and used in the ritual (as seen above in the panel: they’ve been melted with gold), but many more were killed and left to die.
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As you can see, bodies were left to rot among the ruins, even if they weren’t used for the sacrifice. Akhenaden made sure to exterminate any living proof of the village - also to keep it a secret and let it be forgotten in history.
But one kid survived:
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Whether it’s cause he hid well, or maybe his mother made sure that he was well protected, or maybe he happened to have been in the right place at the right time - we don’t know. But destiny wanted him to be alive. To live and tell the tale and to finally take his well-deserved revenge.
Everyone else but him died. Other kids, just like him, died too. How in the world were they all “just evil”???How could an innocent kid like him even be evil, to begin with??? And Bakura is the only character through the whole story that speaks out about it:
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Transcript: “Out of lust for power, your Royal Family used Shadow Alchemy to create the seven Millennium Items! There was only a small price... the lives of every man, woman and child in this village!”
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Transcript: “That’s what I want! To get revenge for the dark past you tried to hide... the birth of the Millennium Items!!”
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Transcript: “‘‘Freedom? Peace?’’ Don’t make me laugh... The Millennium Items are made of good and evil... they’re like a double-edged sword.”
Of course, he believes in the good of the items as well, considering they are literally made out of his innocent people.
Through his whole journey, he grew stronger and he informed himself. He knew what he was talking about. And they removed EVERYTHING he says in the manga from the anime because....... honestly I don’t know why ?? but I believe it’s cause he just slapped too hard with his statements and would have made everyone understand that the villain of the story turns out to be the actual victim of the situation.
But ig that’s too deep for Konami standards  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Transcript: “The rich and powerful love to talk about “justice!” The right to punish those you fear... to kill those you hate... and call it execution, not murder! Is that really justice? Or is it evil? What you really fear is your enemy’s idea of justice!”
I say Bakura was right because there is nothing that can excuse such an atrocious act. There’s no justice in seeing the slaughter of everything you ever knew and all the people you ever loved for the sake of creating weapons used against people like that and just sit back and do nothing about it. 
Bakura was alive for a reason. He stayed alive for a very long time. Even after his death as Thief King Bakura, his soul clung to stay alive as Yami Bakura, at the cost of fusing with a demon, for over 3000 years. And he made sure to give them hell. :))
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casuallivi · 3 years
Hold up bestie, your bullshit is showing. A small rant about hypocrisy, Elain and the Elriel agenda.
You and I are not the same.
Here’s thing is: I love Elain (gosh, how I love this woman) and I love Az and right now they have the hoots for each other. And that’s a happy thing for me, who ship them 🤗🤗🤗
You can ship whoever you want, you can theorize whatever you want. You bought that book girl, make your imagination count! Not even the sky is a limit here, we have wings and winnowing! But do not dismiss the fact that they are in most likelly in love at this point like each other! Don’t patronize them, they are adults that liked different people before. They know what they are feeling.
That been said, if tomorrow they are like “Yeah, all this love game was fun, but I want someone else now.” 😊 and then Elain is like “Yeah, also, I don’t like the NC very much. I think I’ll travel a bit or move to __ Court.” And then Az is like “Yeah, also, I realize that I have all this respect for Illyria and I want to shake the mountain a little bit.”
I’ll be like: “Huh? Oh... Okay. I did not see that coming. I’m surprised but let’s go queen/king, I’m game.” And that’s it. If I’m still in love with them as a couple I’ll keep shipping, looking at fanart, reading/writing fiction, interacting with other fans, and this will be my crack ship and I’ll make jokes and memes.
Because I don’t know if you guys know this, but you can ship a couple without demonizing other characters for it to be possible. You can ship a couple without stripping other characters from their essence and twisting their actions and feelings. Hell, people ship Mor and Emerie just because Emerie said Mor was pretty and blushed! AND THAT OKAY! Give me all the ships!
But you don’t do that. You destroy everyone and everything to keep you boat afloat.
You claim Elain is boring when she hasn’t even had a proper POV. You hate on a woman that was barely flashed through the series and still managed to have powerful interaction with the plot and other characters. Without Elain there would be no exchange of letters with the human queens, therefore there would be no oops-the-book-was-accidentally-forgetten-here-what-are-the-odds. She survived the cauldron, she suggested a safe haven to humans, she faced a faerie hating family, she displayed her love even when the odds were against her, she told visions that happened, she hammered a knife into a king’s throat, she protected her sister and more. Again, barely flashed, appearing in others POV.
But all you chose to focus is that she didn’t plant some goddamn veggies. All you chose to focus is her “unworthiness” of a man because she allegedly can’t give him children OR whish for her to have said child just to die during childbirth. Because she can’t handle/fix said man. Because she is a replacement. Because she is nothing but a 3º sister. Because she is a sex-toy. Because she should go berserk to be interesting. Because she doesn’t belong in a court where she “squared her shoulders and declared that she was a part of”(book quote). A court where she made a new life and friends. A court that she is willing to protect and “would do whatever was needed.” (book quote) 
An Az… where do I even begin?... You demonize Az for having the same  thoughts that other MC expressed about the woman they love. I dare you to show me one thing Az thought that Rhys or Cass haven’t. You say that he is too broken to be in a relation and need therapy (because Madja isn’t even a decent healer, but as a therapist she would rock it!). Say that he is a possessive beast as if Az isn’t one of the gentler characters thought the series (in spite of his horrible upbringing and his torturing side hustle). That boy drinks his respect-women-juice daily. But Mother forbids him to sincerely like Elain!
🧐 He can’t actualy like Elain, right?🧐 Because that would mean he likes someone that APARENTLY is boring, hate his scars, scare his shadows, isn’t strong, isn’t a warrior, can’t save herself, doesn’t accept all his sides, haven’t seen his worst, doesn’t know he sings, doesn’t let him sleep and make him unhappy. 🤨🤨🤨
You know, because all of these things just resemble Elain so much, right? RIGHT?
If Elriel doesn’t solidify further in the books I won’t demonize whichever partner Elain/Az chose to be with or wish for them to die. 
“I don’t like this character” is not the same as “this character is a piece of shit because of the reasons that I made up in my head.”
you 🤺stay🤺back🤺
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gif by @honeysuckell​ 
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notsogoodangel · 3 years
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Finally done: Children of Dead AU AKA an SBI Royal/Antarctic Empire AU which actually includes both Fundy and Kristin. More info under the cut
also ignore typos in the drawing, I did the text at like 2 am
The Antarctic Empire seemed to pop out of nowhere, and just as fast as it appear, it became among the most prosperous and wealthiest (and most dangerous) kingdoms in the world. The world was in shock figuring out how an adventurer, who first came into view from a pathetic death, became the ruler of such a prosperous empire. Although once meeting the royal family, one begins to understand. Emperor Philza, also known as the Angel of Death, a man later became known for his wisdom and bravery. He will always raising to the occasion, of course, if he believe in it, and destroy anything that stands in his path. The empress is Death herself, always kind to everyone who doesn’t run from her and her touch and to be feared if you ever go against her. They formed a family that almost seems too perfect for running the place the call home. The oldest son is almost perfect soldier, seemingly never loosing a battle and always knowing how to plan to their next expansion of their territory. The crown prince has a way with words that makes everyone listen, always trying to get the upper hand and his pride always seeking what’s the most optimal outcome during a meeting. The youngest of the emperor and empress children is a loud young man that is never afraid to speak his mind, fight for any occasion to protect the empire and his family, trying to improve any injustice that may ever plague the kingdom. The crown prince’s son is focused on making the empire structurally stable, always focusing on the infrastructure and improving the technology.
Secondary characters
He was taken in by Phil when he was 15, but he really seems to be adopted by Techno than by him.
Not an official prince, but under the protection of the royal family.
Still half enderman and half something else.
He is the same age as Tommy, and they get along well-enough.
He is not adopted by the royal family, but might as well be.
Even though he is a citizen of Manberg, he spends most of his time in the empire, specially hanging out with Tommy, Ranboo, and Purpled.
Son of Captain Sparklez, his uncle is Schlatt and Puffy, and Dream is his cousin.
Half goat and half sheep (that’s the couple horn).
An ex-child soldier, rescued and taken in by Ponk and Punz (his biological-older brother).
He was REALLY good at his job, and still continues the mercenary work, but he actually makes money out of it.
He is an alien hybrid, which is among the rarest hybrids, and has very little drawbacks.
He hangs out in the castle because he can and nobody can stop him.
A prince with so many brothers that is near impossible for him to become a king, so he moved to the empire and helps in the building of it with the help of Foolish.
A raccoon-creeper hybrid, and connected to Tommy very fast because of it.
He is in a relationship with Ponk, and lives with him, Purpled and Punz.
He can explode, and tries his best to control his angel... and he is scared of cats, which works out because Ponk is allergic to them.
Phil’s old adventure buddy (look, I love their Hexxit series, fight me)
President of Manberg, although not for long because he dies near the end of his first term. After that he haunts, Quackity, Tubbo and Phil, although mostly Quackity. 
He has the Revive Book, because his family is cursed and all males died young and he is looking for a way to stop it or extended the dying.
He is Sparklez’s and Puffy’s cousin, although he did help raise Tubbo since they travel a lot.
Fundy’s childhood friend (and later boyfriend)
He is a nature spirit, specifically a radish. All nature spirits are connected to a plant, and this helps him to stay connect to this realm because again, he is a spirit. 
He tries to spend as much time in the empire with Fundy but the weather is hard on him, and staying in another realm can be hard.
Minor characters
Sally: A fish-hybrid that comes to the empire when the water is not frozen solid, and despite that, she is married to Wilbur and gave birth to Fundy, making her the princess of the empire.
Squid kid: A squid-hybrids that comes to the empire year-round and helps Techno keep his crops when he knows he is going away for a battle for an extended period of time. Techno only does this because he hates machines, and prefers manual labor. 
Ponk: A dreamon-hybrid (hides it) mercenary and doctor who keeps an eye in Punz and specially Purpled. Usually the middle man between any hits someone may request.
Punz: A alien-hybrid (recessive) mercenary and ex-child soldier. While he lives under Ponk and Sam’s roof, he doesn’t really listen to them as he is only there because he cares about Purpled... also he doesn’t listen to anyone unless you pay him.
Extra info: 
Tubbo, Dream, Puffy, Sparklez and Schlatt are all biologically connected. The “C” on Tubbo and Schlatt’s name stand for Captain, which is the family name. Don’t ask why is in the beginning of their names, they don’t know either. Their curse consist in that all males in the family will die young, usually tragically (Sparklez drowns in one of his travels and Schlatt dies alone from a heart attack). While the females will start to forget things if they are not consistent, for example, they will remember how to garden if they are a farmer, but they will forget they have a child if they live alone for an extended period of time.
Dream is the rules of the Greater SMP, although he hates the idea of being the face of the country since he hates people being up in his personal business, doesn’t like attention, he has personal beef with Techno and Tommy and that is not good for public relations when you hate two of the princes of one of the most powerful empires in the world; and his uncle runs a country that is not connected to his at all (aside from being to war in the past, but Schlatt wasn’t president then). So he still rules, but put Eret as a figure head as he has good personal relations with Wilbur and they actually like the attention.
There’s a small secret revolution against Wilbur going on the Antarctic Empire run by Blop and Oreli and many other of the people Wilbur used as experiment and torture during his “rebellious” phase. They mostly just want to torture and no-canonically kill him.
Hannah and George are also nature spirits. George is a mushroom spirit and Hannah is a rose one. George lives in Kinoko Kingdom with Karl (not a hybrid, but just a straight up an interdimensional being) and Sapnap, a fire-demon hybrid, and they are visited by Dream, who’s a sheep-dreamon hybrid, Quackity (a duck hybrid) and BBH (straight up demon and Sapnap’s dad). Hannah, on the other hand, lives on the Empire in a green rose, and works as a mercenary with Purpled. They sometimes work together, but most of the time they just train together.
Quackity is the vice-president during Schlatt presidency, and takes the mantle of presidency when he dies. He wants to run, but he after entering in a relationship with Karl and Sapnap he stops and moves to Kinoko. 
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
Happy Prompt (if you feel like it): WWX being the genius/ex first disciple of great scet that he is realizes they can't sustain the Burial Mounds. So he comes up with a Plan to make them all dissappear. Knowing how important lineage is so them, he asks them to give up the Wen name and take up Wei. (The wens are mostly common folk who just want to live so they agree). He the proceeds to hide them among other clans. People who have met and remember all the good young master Wie always did. He hides them among the Jiang and Nie. (I always head cannon that part of WWX'S flirty reputation comes from him helping women who are in bad situations/ NHS somehow finds out/knows and begins to help him. I figure theyhad to get several Lan women out. Mama Lans ghost helps?). JC knows but ignores it, they aren't WENS anymore, so his pride can leave it be. I'm not sure if A'yuan would still end up with Lan Zhan? But then WWX, WN, and WQ all fake thier deaths and go travel as rogue cultivators. But now WWX has all these living and dead people praying to/for him as the patron Saint of lost causes? And he accidentally becomes an immortal without realizing it? To the absolute fond disgust of WQ, of course. Anyway, I figure old Jin perv still pulls his bullshit at a discussion conference and between NHS, JYL, and LWJ? They somehow clear everyone's nsme. And then newly immortal WWX rocks up in there (to the horror of the Lan Elders who now have to face thier own bullshit/ hypocrisy) and lives happily ever after.
I think I read a prompt or a fic somewhere with the concept of the Wens hiding in plain sight.
The thought came to him out of nowhere. 
It had been a peaceful day with the Wens as he farmed, invented and tinkered with various incomplete contraptions when Wei Wuxian was struck with a thought: they could not continue like this.
Wei Wuxian wasn’t an idiot. He knew that they couldn’t sustain themselves in the Burial Mounds. Their crops hardly prospered, one by one the more elderly individuals of the Wens got sick and died, the resentful energy messed with everyone’s temperament, the cultivators never stopped trying to break his wards.....the list went on and on.
He had to come up with a plan. He thought they could live here for a time, but that was just wishful thinking. 
With this in mind, he takes the next few days to come up with a concrete plan.
The first task, and perhaps the most important one, is to ask the Wens to give up the Wen name. It would be easier from then on.
As he presented this suggestion, he was surprised by how readily they agreed. He knew how important lineage was to them, so the rapidness of them giving up their name was shocking. 
“Would you......take up my name?” Wei Wuxian asked quietly. 
The Wens were silent before cheering. Wei Wuxian didn’t know how to react to this. The Wens told him that they were more than happy to accept his name since they were his family. 
Wei Wuxian held back the tears and laughed happily instead as he went on to tell him the next plan of action: hiding them in plan sight.
Various people from various clans owed him favors and remembered the good in him, as they were more than happy to take on the refugees he hid away now that they were no longer Wens.
They had to do this quietly and slowly though. It would be suspicious if a large group of people suddenly left Yiling all at once. So Wei Wuxian took each of them to different places. Some of them went back to their original homes, some went to the Nie, some to the Yao, some to the Ouyang clan. 
He even sends some to the small village of women who he helped run away from their horrible home situations.
It was a little tricky with Nie, but Nie Huaisang pulls through and Nie Mingjue suspects nothing.
He sends some to the Jiang and Jiang Cheng grudgingly accepts them, knowing that they are no longer Wen. 
And for A’ Yuan.......He sends A’ Yuan to Lan Zhan, who is familiar with A’ Yuan. Wei Wuxian sends a letter to Lan Zhan asking him to meet and instead of appearing, A’ Yuan is there in his stead. The letter to Lan Zhan details what to do with A’ Yuan and to hide his identity.
Wei Wuxian trusts that Lan Zhan would take his suggestion and tell his brother and uncle that A’ Yuan was a child that Lan Zhan was asked to take care of by a dying mother.
Wei Wuxian watches from afar as Lan Zhan takes A’ Yuan away and takes the last step in ensuring that the cultivation world forgets him: He fakes his, Wen Qing’s and Wen Ning’s deaths. There’s enough corpses in the Burial Mounds and ones with their physique to replace the Wens and him. He gossips to the town that he’s going to destroy his weapon, the Seal, and subsequently fakes an explosion of resentment, quickly disappearing with the Wen siblings to a random direction. 
He always thought how nice it would be to be like his parents and be rogue cultivators. He guesses that he’ll find out now.
Years pass and Wei Wuxian makes decent salary by taking care of monsters in the area. Wen Qing is a doctor, of course, and Wen Ning becomes her assistant.  
They move to a little village near Dongying and settle down there. The people there a little more open to demonic cultivation and dark arts and don’t bat an eye at Wei Wuxian using such means. 
Wei Wuxian invents more contraptions, selling them under a false name in towns far away from Dongying.
One day, on a chance night hunt near Yunmeng, Wei Wuxian hears whispers and gossip about Nie Huaisang, Lan Wangji and Jiang Yanli clearing his name and capturing the actual people responsible. 
He’s happy to hear this. Overjoyed. But that doesn’t mean he’ll gladly return to the cultivation world. He’s had enough of that life. 
He walks around town for a bit longer, catching bits of gossip here and there. As explores the town, wine jug in hand, he nearly chokes around a mouthful of wine as he sees a small shrine encasing a statue of his likeness. What.....the hell??
He quickly asks around and finds out that people are praying to him for protection. Wei Wuxian squirms a little at this, glad he’s wearing a weimao to cover his face. 
All of this...praying makes him uncomfortable. Not long ago, people were spitting on his name and now he’s suddenly become some sort of Patron for protection? The change is remarkable and cements Wei Wuxian’s decision to firmly stay out of the cultivation world. 
People’s opinions change like a tide and Wei Wuxian doesn’t want to stick around long enough for them to switch back. He sighs, disposing of his empty jug, and leaves the town.
Surprisingly, that’s not the end of the changes. 
He got careless on a night hunt and ends up with the claw of a yaoguai piercing him all the way through his stomach. When the yaoguai pulled out its claw, though......Wei Wuxian healed quickly. Too quickly.
He recovers from the shock at this and finishes off the yao.
What just happened?
A quick trip to Wen Qing answered everything.
“Congratulations.” Wen Qing says dryly. “You’re an immortal.”
Wen Qing sighs, “From what you told me, you healed unnaturally quickly, right?”
Wei Wuxian nods. 
“There have only been records of immortals recovering that quickly. Even Wen Ruohan healed slower than you did.”
“But I don’t have a core???”
“You do. Sort of.” Wen Qing replies. “I’m actually surprised you haven’t you felt it.”
“.....” I mean, I did think it was odd that I didn’t freeze to death in the winter or die of hunger when money became tight over these years, but I thought those were side effects of demonic cultivation! Wei Wuxian quickly goes through the motions of feeling for his core, willing the surge of hope he felt down. 
And he......didn’t feel a core. He felt more of a large mass of energy congregated in his dantian.
Wei Wuxian is glad that he is sitting down right now because he feels very faint.  “But.....this......how?” 
“Hmm. Well, from what I’ve been hearing, you’ve become some sort of Patron Saint?” Wei Wuxian nods. “It’s rare, but cultivators can gain power from prayers. Take Wen Ruohan for example.”
“He became powerful through the same means?”
“Yes. Well, his people believed him to be all powerful, not so much as what people are praying to you. As the Sunshot alliance chipped down on his people, so too did they chip down on Wen Ruohan’s power.”
“So if people stop praying to me, I’ll stop being immortal.”
“Yes and no. Right now, there’s just a mass of energy concentrated there. It’s basically unrefined energy. All you have to do is refine that power into a core and cultivate normally. Otherwise, yes. You will lose this power as soon as people stop praying to you.”
“I see.......”
Wen Qing raises an eyebrow and brandishes her needles. “What are you doing just sitting here? Go and cultivate!”
“Aiya, Qing-jie! I’m in shock here, give me a moment to absorb this all!”
“I have patients to see! Get your ass to your room and cultivate!”
“Are you my mom or something?”
Wen Qing’s expression turns thunderous.
Wei Wuxian didn’t want to provoke her any further despite wanting to banter more and left to his room.
“You should visit your siblings.” Wen Qing says one day. “And Hanguang-Jun. I want to hear about how A’ Yuan is doing.”
“Where did this come from?”
“Wei Wuxian.” Wen Qing says patiently. “It’s been over a decade. Your name and our name has long since been cleared. People no longer hate you. And.....they miss you. Your siblings have commemorated the day you “died” and go into mourning for that day. Hanguang-Jun is a little subtler but he wears a mourning sash now.”
“They’ll be better off without me.”
“Says who?”
“The rest of the world.” Wei Wuxian says weakly.
“And why should you care for their opinion? You never seemed to mind it.”
“Ummm.....Lan Zhan hates me? Jiang Cheng might resent me? And Shij---Jiang-guniang---the Young Madam Jin has a life already.”
“First, if Hanguang-Jun hates you, why would he frequently glare at people who badmouthed you?”
“Because he’s a good person. How do you know this anyway?”
“I have friends. Try again. Hanguang-Jun is a famously reticent person. Would he do this for every person?”
“.........I don’t know.”
“The answer is no.”
Wei Wuxian pouts.
Wen Qing then begins to tell him how Jiang Cheng frequently takes demonic cultivators back with him in hopes that one of them would be Wei Wuxian and even added Wei Wuxian back to the Jiang sect register. Jiang Yanli smiles while ruthlessly talking people into apologizing every time she hears something bad said about Wei Wuxian.
She even lectures him on his feelings towards Lan Wangji, that he would entrust A’ Yuan to him.
Wen Qing closes off her speech with threats of her needles if Wei Wuxian doesn’t get his ass over there.
“There’s a Discussion Conference at Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian, wait till they’re done and go meet them.”
Wei Wuxian, sufficiently threatened, hightails it back to what was his home.
Wei Wuxian also decidedly forgets that he was supposed to wait for the Conference to end. Well, he had assumed that they would be done considering the empty state of the area in front of the conference room and stupidly bursts through the door to a room full of people.
Wei Wuxian blinks, “Uhh......”
“Wei Wuxian?!”
“Wei Ying?!”
“A’ Xian?!”
Wei Wuxian tittered from side to side, “Hello, all! I bet you thought I was dead! Well, you guessed wrong! Hahaha......”
Lan Wangji did not know what this time’s discussion conference would be like. He expected Jin Guangshan to try and subtly slander Wei Ying. He expected Jiang Yanli, Jiang Wanyin and himself to stand up for Wei Ying, as he was unable to do before Wei Ying died.
But he certainly didn’t expect Wei Ying, who he thought was dead, burst into the room.
Everyone was silent as soon as they heard Wei Ying speak, but soon burst into a cacophony of noise.
Continuing the Discussion Conference was futile after that and it was quickly closed. Lan Wangji watched Wei Ying be surrounded by many people, some crying, some happily angry, some exasperated and he couldn’t help his reaction after seeing him once again.
He rushes forward and hugs him.
“Wha--Lan Zhan?”
“You’re alive.” Lan Wangji breathes, voice full of wonder. “You’re alive.”
Wei Ying’s arms come up around him and Lan Wangji feels the strong heart beat through their robes. His elders yell at him for his shamelessness and he comes back to himself, embarrassed at his lack of control.
“Aww, Lan Zhan! I’m so glad you missed me!”
“Mn. Missed Wei Ying a lot.”
A slight blush rose to Wei Ying’s cheeks and he laughed, a little shy. Lan Wangji couldn’t help his response to hearing his laugh again after so, so long. He kissed him.
The crowd gasped around them and Lan Wangji pulled back quickly, wanting the ground to swallow him up. But then......Wei Ying kissed him back.
“Aiya, Lan Zhan. How bold of you! To steal a kiss from me in public!” He giggles, not seeming mad at all and even pressing forward, tangling his fingers in his forehead ribbon.
Lan Wangji’s breath stutters at the gesture.
“You’d better take responsibility!”
Is Wei Ying asking what I think he’s asking? “Responsibility?”
“Yes! You took a kiss from me in public! It looks like I can’t marry anymore.”
“Will marry Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji replies, voice hoarse, ignoring the cries of outrage from his elders, the angry shouts from Jiang Wanyin, and the smirks from Jiang Yanli and his brother. “Will take responsibility.”
“I hope that isn’t the only reason.”
This is his chance to come clean. Lan Wangji already told himself that he wouldn’t hold himself back if he met Wei Ying again. “Like Wei Ying. Love Wei Ying.”
Wei Ying laughs brightly. “I like Lan Zhan too. Now, you’ll finally admit we’re close?”
Lan Wangji ignores everyone, eyes only on Wei Ying as they should have always been, “Mn. Let’s get married.”
I feel like Lan Wangji may be a bit OOC......hmm. Well, whatever. I finally got this done and with that, I think I’ve cleared all the prompts I haven’t answered, so asks will open up again!
Hope you all enjoyed this!
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Analyzing Killua Zoldyck's Character
Illumi Analysis| Hisoka Analysis| Chrollo Anaysis|
What’s up y’all?! I’ve had at least 2 cups of coffee this morning and I am ready to write my butt off! This post will be about Killua Zoldyck, my second favorite character and you will know why by the end. If you’d like me to write about your favorite character, Be sure to send me a message and I will get on it ASAP.
Here we go!
I saw Killua for the first time on Tumblr. Someone created various icons for several anime characters and edited them. They were all aesthetically pleasing but for some reason, his picture stood out. Now that I look harder, it is because he was holding a Pepsi can instead of the off-brand one they drew for him in the cartoon. I noticed everyone on TikTok and Twitter had the very same icon as their profile picture (usually those that like to troll and say racist things to others). Once I started watching Hunter x Hunter, I realized the character immediately. Thank you for your edits!
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Killua Zoldyck is the youngest child in the family and is the only child that developed a mind for his own.
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Instead of taking the pleasure of killing, he runs/avoids and achieves this by becoming friends with Gon. It’s interesting to think that no one in the Zoldyck family wants to kill for fun except for Illumi.
I remember Zeno telling Chrollo: “Do you think I enjoy killing?”.
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This makes me think that the family’s job is to destroy enemies that are a threat to society. Are the Zoldyck’s taking on the role of cops or an extension of such? If that statement is true why does Illumi take pleasure in abusing his power when his own grandfather only does it when criminals are involved? Granted, Silva and Zeno’s reasoning for brutally fighting criminals isn’t legal, and (to me) are considered to be vigilantes, at least they don’t go around doing the horrible things like how Illumi and Hisoka do.
This very reason why Killua ran away from home. He decided to rebel against his mother and implied: “Fuck you. I’m going to do what I want.” Killua and his siblings are victims of child abuse and show that they deal with that abuse in different ways. Killua masks his abilities in public and tries to keep them under control, Kalluto seems to be very quiet and obedient, Milluki is just as abusive as Illumi, and we already know about Illumi. Milluki is physically abusive; this can be seen when he is whipping Killua for running away and threatens to destroy Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio while Illumi plays mind games on Killua and uses his Nen to do the trick.
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Killua’s character is very special and in a way takes the lead as the main character instead of Gon. I don’t know if that was intentional or not. Killua is a 12-year-old boy who leaves home to escape his abusive home and see the world for his own. During phase 1 of Hunter’s Exam, he instantly clicks with Gon; probably because he’s the only 12-year-old there. They constantly challenge each other to see who will win and who will buy dinner or some other reward. Because of his abusive home, Killua often masks his feelings. This is noticeable every time Gon talks about him being his best friend and he always reacts as if he’s embarrassed by it.
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Gon is his shield from going bat-shit crazy like his family. They both have faced opponents (like Hisoka and others) where Killua could have unleashed his assassin abilities but didn’t. Yes, some of the opponents are stronger than him, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
Killua is the best friend Gon could ever have. Since he knows about aura and any supernatural abilities, this is why he stops Gon and even insults him for pushing himself too far. Killua stopped Gon from using too much aura in the past especially once Kite’s arm was cut off by Pitou. Because Killua wasn’t there to stop him when fighting Pitou, this resulted in Gon’s downfall. Did Killua believe it was his fault that Gon almost died? He isn’t responsible for Gon’s actions but he focused so much on running away from his “demons” and masking his temper by maintaining his friendship that he wasn’t paying attention to Gon’s noticeable and developing temper.
Killua Zoldyck is a child that suffered from abuse and to escape that reality, he runs away, takes Hunter’s Exam only to match with his brother, chooses defeat, and then kills an opponent, not of his own free will.
But wait, there’s more.
After being rescued from his prison of a home, he goes to Heaven’s Arena, met Zushi and his teacher, develop Nen, follows the Phantom Troupe around and somehow managed to survive that, meet Bisky, join a game to get closer to Ging, witnesses Gon disappearing, trying to form a relationship with Alluka, and then tries to heal Gon with a quickness.
Whew, chile!
At the beginning of the show, it appeared as if Killua was taking on too much and only did so to keep his mind off what he escaped from.
One thing to point out is Killua’s motivation to heal Gon no matter what. It is implied that he doesn’t care what will happen to him or anyone else as long as Gon can live again.
Isn’t that along the lines of what Gon said about getting revenge for Kite? He didn’t care about what happened to him? Hmmmm. I guess they’re very similar after all!
Killua and Gon are BFFs and will do anything for each other. Friendships in real life should be this way; let’s follow his fictional example.
Killua’s face is the typical shape for someone his age. His eyes are wide, as blue as the morning sky, and honestly, I wish he’d smile more. Even though he is 12 years old, he still has a babyface.
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Killua’s hair color is very similar to Princess Allura’s and Lotor’s. According to verywellmind.com, the color white represents innocence and purity. Ironically, Lotor and Killua are the opposite of that while Allura has maintained her innocence. Killua’s unique hair color and hairstyle are amazing! I love how it stays in shape while he is fighting or running.
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Regarding clothes, he is JUST like his brother. Again, Illumi irks me, but they both have a great taste in fashion. Through the show, Killua changes his clothes more than Gon, which is funny. I guess if Gon changed his clothes too much it would take away from his character. Killua’s default style contains a sleeveless white shirt with a purple one underneath, basketball shorts, and gym shoes. Just look at these outfit changes! This is why Killua is my 2nd favorite character in this show.
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As stated before, Killua cares more about others. This is ironic because the Zoldyck family only cares about themselves or their family while Killua feels the complete opposite. It’s almost as if he trusts strangers more than his own family. A common phrase: “She/He turned to the streets” that I’ve heard in my hometown can be applied here. Killua probably hates his family and turned to strangers to find love and comfort since they neglected that. He is also the only one that tries to develop a relationship with Alluka. At first, I thought “Wow he’s only developing a relationship with her to heal Gon” but then I realized it was bigger than that. Alluka has been separated from her family because of her dangerous abilities. She will demand something and if that person doesn’t fulfill her demands, they will suffer horribly. Killua learns that Alluka has a healing ability and while Illumi complains that Killua was hiding rules from him, he never took the chance to talk to him about it and continued to threaten Alluka. The family “banished” her to a confined room for who knows how long because, apparently, she had been possessed by a demon from the Dark Continent and they do not know when it happened. Despite knowing that Killua could parish with the rest, he still develops a relationship with her. He is the true example of excepting someone for who they are. As far as I’m concerned, running away was the best decision he made. It saved his life and in return, he’s going to save another. I do find it ironic that something considered to be so dark has the power to bring something back to life when usually it’s something bright like a light...interesting. You all know what I’m saying. Most television shows only portray angles to heal others while demons only seek to destroy. The Zoldyck family is wrong for pushing Alluka away. How could you do that to your own kid? Shit, you should be blaming yourself for not watching her and allowing the demon to posses her.
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In conclusion, Killua is my second favorite character. He is bold, loves his friends, and isn’t afraid (anymore) to step up to people he may not win against. His character has blossomed from a young boy afraid to step up to his brother to a boy who isn’t afraid to do so. He has learned about Nen and has gone through many trials and tribulations just to say he is much stronger than before. What characters would you like to hear about next? Send me a DM!
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