#like I'm still proud of it I intend to finish it but I'm not like. asking for pity reads
emometalhead · 4 months
#having a day full of mixed feelings#I suppose this is how life goes#I'm officially done with my Bachelor's degree as of today#obviously I'm proud of myself for the accomplishment and I was excited to be celebrated today#it was a long and difficult road and there were many times where I didn't think I'd live to see it through but I made it#I'm the first person in my family to get this degree and I was really looking forward to having today be my day#I had a really lovely morning and then things kind of waned#there were a few arguments. someone I spent the day with repeatedly made negative comments about something I care about#it felt awful. I know it was intended as more of a playful jab than anything but I directly asked for the comments to stop and they didn't#it especially hurt that it was a fandom thing and the person is so invested in their own fandoms yet they felt it fair to step on mine#even though I've never done that to them#then people kept talking over me and acted like I was wrong for trying to interject to finish my own sentences#also as I said in the last post I was deeply upset by how my family members spoke of my 12 year old cousin#she's just a kid and some of our close family members have such a nasty opinion of her. she's so young and she's had a rough few years#but it seems like no one except my brother and I are willing to give her any grace#I think everyone else has forgotten what it feels like to be a kid and feel as if the world is against you#on a more positive note. I had a decadent slice of chocolate cake. it was heavenly#unfortunately I was really too in my head to fully enjoy it#literally every day for 3 weeks I've been talking about the lunch I planned to have today#I knew exactly what meal and dessert I wanted from the restaurant. it's my absolute fave and isn't available at any other local restaurant#I was totally starving by time we got to the restaurant. we were out all morning and I ate a tiny breakfast in anticipation of this meal#when we got there we found out they removed what I planned to order from the menu. I was devastated.#I know it's stupid but like this was the one part of my day that I've had planned for MONTHS and I've been thinking about it for weeks#we had a 40 minute car ride where I mentioned my excitement for the food no less than 10 times so this crushed me#also I'm just really picky in general and typically restaurants only have one or two things I'm able to eat#I offered to just eat the dessert while everyone else ordered food because they were all really hungry too but they wouldn't allow it#we left the restaurant and I still feel horrible for walking out. if I had known the item was removed we wouldn't have even gone there#it happened so recently though and I feel dumb for not even thinking to check the menu online beforehand#so we went to another restaurant and I barely ate anything and now I have no appetite for dinner and I feel bad for ruining the afternoon#even though it's my day and my celebration and I feel like I'm entitled to a slight amount of unreasonableness
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dionysus-complex · 2 years
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lavenoon · 2 years
16, 25, 27 for the fanfic writer asks! :D
16. (guilty pleasure tropes) covered here!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
I mean. GFDHSJ Y'all see the AU AU AU and alternate reveals and non canon scenarios I come up with, those definitely fall into this category! There's also that one anon asking about promotions that I simply don't want to spoil yet but it's a whole spin-off basically that I'll just drop after exploring it for a bit! I also couldn't stand the angst yesterday after all, so I came up with a little fix it scenario (because yes, I'm fixing death now, I needed them to be happy)
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I'm hoping the screenshots are easier to ignore than a whole wall of text, for anyone who does enjoy angst without any comfort! I do actually think that worst case scenario stands well on its own, it isn't supposed to be happy, but turns out death is just a bit too rough for me still and I wanted a happy ending, actually. And, not quite a side story, but no clue when I'll get to it and I am thinking about it an unreasonable amount, post-reveal when HQ finds out that they all know each other's identity, they get a shared mission that kicks off their team of three where Robin poses as someone important with Dusk/ Dawn as their bodyguard, and you just know the tension will be SO tasty. Lingering touches, teases they can't rebuke without blowing their cover, protectiveness upped to the max... For some reason, whenever I think about it, this mission happens on a cruise, but no clue if I'll actually use that FGHDJSK
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
God I am. I am such a sucker for any and all comments, especially those that mention a line I'm particularly proud of, and y'all are spoiling me with those!! Settling on one is pretty much impossible if I go with that standard - so I'm going with an entirely different fandom. I've mentioned my slow burn long fic before, which is currently on hiatus since the hyperfixation on fnaf is too strong rn for other projects, and, well, the entire niche I found myself in before just was much less interactive or even engaging. This longfic has been up almost two years - and within not even three weeks, Accidentally Undercover has gotten more views, comments, kudos, bookmarks, anything - you name it, there's more. I was really disheartened and partly stopped writing because, well, I have my outline to read, and if barely anyone (if anyone) even reads it, then why write more? But a couple months ago, I got a comment - after about a year of hiatus, someone told me they binge-read 113K words in one day, that they love my world-building and character dynamics, and that they would love it if/when I decide to write more again. It was just so nice without being pushy that I sat down and wrote 1.5K words of the next chapter right then. It's still far from done, and the fic itself is in arc 2 of 5 - but that was more than I wrote for it in months at the time! I think of that commenter fondly because for that fic, they were a rarity. For AU y'all are SO good to me, all the comments and interaction really are fueling me, and anyone who gets to listen to me yell on discord knows I'll melt at the positive attention at any given time fghjdks
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
Hi again 😊 You suggested i could send another prompt, sooo… maybe you & Jason have been together awhile, and you’re kidnapped by (choose your villain) and Jason is worried and frantic but trying to not show it of course, and negotiating for your safety? Ends up rescuing you of course, in whichever way you prefer, and then they find comfort in each-other 💗
I haven’t had time or energy to work on my WIP lately so this is very lovely and gratifying 😂👌🏻💗
aghh that's the worst! wishing you luck on your wip!! i'm glad you like these <3 requests are open for jason, dick, and MAWS!clark kent btw!
this one is very batfam focused hehehe. ft dramatic ass jason and his surprise kidnapped fiancé lol.
jason todd x gn!reader. tw: violence, kidnapped reader, reader is pushed off a building for a moment but they're okay dw <3, batfam feels, jason being a protective bf, bruce being a GOOD DAD! c:
"Actually, if we're being honest, if anyone has the most trauma in this family, it's—"
Batman grunts. "Really, Spoiler, not now."
The comm line crackles as Stephanie sniffs. "Fine. Stay in denial."
Every bat and bird in Gotham goes still.
"Hood?" Barbara asks carefully, already tracking his comm link.
"Oracle," he says, clipped. "I'm gonna get right to it: I need a favor. Can you help? Yes or no."
"Little Wing, where have you been?" Dick asks. "We've all—"
"Shut up, Nightwing," Jason growls. "Either you help me or not. Which is it?"
"We'll help you, Hood," Bruce says, voice washing over Jason like a balm.
Jason takes a deep breath. It's okay. He'll find you. Batman always beats the bad guys.
He fiddles with his jacket zipper. Moments tick by. Dick remains crouched on a rooftop. Damian is similarly poised.
"My..." Jason swallows. "My... fiancé's been taken."
The comm explodes with noise. Jason winces and digs the bud out of his ear for several seconds.
"You're getting married—"
"When was this—"
"Who are—"
"Enough," Jason growls, finally shoving the bud back into his ear. "I don't have fucking time for this. Yes, I am engaged, and they've been taken. No more questions."
"Tt. You are engaged? Impossible. Batman, clearly someone has hacked the line pretending to be Hood," Damian says, folding his arms.
Jason rolls his eyes. "Believe it or not, demon bird, I found someone crazy enough to marry me."
"Little Wing, I—I'm really proud of—"
"Shut up!" Jason pinches the bridge of his nose. This was a bad idea. You're in trouble, and Jason intends to tear Gotham apart to find you, but involving his family? Has he really stooped so low...
Deep breath. His focus is you. You're the only person that matters.
"Look, I'm telling you because Oracle's tracking me anyway, and B would snoop until he figured out who I'm really looking for, so it's easier to just tell you. But make no mistake: you aren't my family, and you won't see us again after tonight."
Bruce's throat tightens. His cape flutters in the wind.
"Very well," he says after a couple beats. "Last known location?"
"I'm sending you the address now. I've retraced my steps a hundred times though, and I can't—" Jason grits his teeth. He can't tear up or break things, not again. "Fuck. I can't fucking find them, B. I... I don't know if-if maybe I'm too late—"
"You're not," Dick says automatically. "We'll find them, Little Wing. We'll bring them home."
Your head is on fire.
It feels like there's a thousand needles pelting your skull. Whatever you were drugged with, it's hard stuff, and it hasn't worn away yet.
You look up; you're gagged and tied to some kind of support beam. As your vision clears, you see that you're in one of the new high rise-in-progress. Only the skeleton of the building has been completed because if Bruce Wayne isn't involved, construction takes forever to complete.
Faintly, you recall Jason mentioning something about a construction company leaving half finished projects across the country and using them as havens for criminal activities.
Yeah. This is not good.
"Where the fuck is he?" The voice echoes across the concrete floor foundation.
"Mike, we sent—"
"I don't give a fuck what you did; obviously, you screwed up! He's not coming!"
You close your eyes, trying not to throw up on your gag. Your head spins when you open your eyes again.
Who's not coming? Your rescuer? Or somebody worse than your kidnappers?
You try to take a deep breath, but your chest tightens instead.
"Fine," Mike barks in the adjacent room. "If that hooded psychopath doesn't show up, we'll just dump this one. That'll send a message. Prepare the explosives."
A door swings open, and you flinch. You cower, shrinking from the figure.
"You better hope he shows," the guy growls, and cocks his gun. "Your boyfriend is the only reason you're still alive. It'll be such fun to watch him fall to his death, don't you think?"
You try not to show your swelling panic. How does he know about you and Jason? And you have to warn him. Explosives. Jason's walking straight into a trap, without backup, because you know he'll be alone. He always works alone.
Mike sneers and waves the gun around.
"Oh, yeah. I know your secrets. In bed with Gotham's biggest crime lord. You must be his favorite. I can see why."
"Mike!" someone shouts. "We got company!"
Mike's eyes blaze cruelly. "Showtime. You're coming with me."
You thrash as hard as you can because if there's one thing Jason taught you, it's to always fight back.
Mike backhands you hard enough to send you sprawling. Your hands are bound, so you can't catch yourself, and you hit your head on the concrete. Blood pools in your gums.
"Try that shit again, bitch," he snarls, and hefts you up.
He drags you up a flight of stairs. Your head throbs, and now your jaw aches. You're too dizzy to try to fight back again.
You end up on the roof, which is a miasma of beams and wooden lattices. Wind cuts through your face, and you close your eyes so they don't water.
"Hood!" Mike crows. "Wonderful of you to join us!"
"Wish I could say the same," Jason says, and your heart leaps at the sound of his voice.
You start to shout through your gag because you have to warn him. It's a trap, he'll kill you both—
Mike wraps his arm around your throat and squeezes. Air stops, and you choke on your cries.
"I'll kill you," Jason snarls, and you know he wants to say more, but he's trying to protect you. "Let them go and maybe I won't break every bone in your body."
"Oh, don't worry. You two will be reunited soon. What is it they say? Love blinds you?"
"Michael Cassidy," a new voice says, deep and deadly. "Let go of the hostage. We can talk this out."
You crack open your eyes. Is that... Batman? And Robin? And... Nightwing? What—
The arm around your throat tightens and you gasp for air as you start to choke for real. Oh God. Batman's going to die because of you.
"You involved Batman?" Mike snarls, now truly irate. You feel yourself being dragged backward, toward the edge. Your stomach rolls in warning.
"Take it easy," Batman says, palms up. "We can work this out."
"You can't play fair?" Mike shouts. "Then neither will I!"
The wood beneath your feet is gone. You're falling.
But no sooner than you fall are you caught. Warm arms encircle your waist, and you're jerked to a stop before you can fall more than a few feet.
"I got you, baby, I got you."
Jason is connected to a grapple. At the roof edge is Batman, Nightwing, and Spoiler, all holding the grapple.
You shake your head, screaming against your gag. Bomb. Bomb!
"'S alright, 's alright, sweetheart, I won't drop you."
You scream urgently through your gag, butting your head against his helmet. Jason pulls your gag half free and you choke out the warning.
His grip tightens. "Shit. B, get out of here! Place is rigged to blow!"
The first explosion goes off. Jason meets your gaze. He's terrified, you can tell, but he tries to mask it.
"Let go," he says.
"He'll catch you," Jason promises. "I trust him."
And then he lets go.
Several more explosions go off. The building begins to crumble. Dust and heat sweep across your face and lodge in your already sore throat. You scream, in the air for a few more seconds.
Then you crash into gray body armor. A cowl, a cape.
"It's alright," Batman gruffly says. "Hold on tight."
Batman swings you both to safety on an adjacent rooftop. You watch him dive back into the flames. It isn't long before Jason swings out of the smoke, then the others. He pulls off his helmet and tosses it to the side, arms open.
You run and bury your face in Jason's neck, clinging to him. He hugs your tightly and rubs your back, saying over and over, I got you.
You sigh and slacken out of exhaustion.
"I've got you, baby," he says, though his voice is wet this time. "You're safe."
Jason checks over your wounds. You see the rage cross his face several times at every bruise and cut on you. He doesn't let go of you even after he's done. He's shaking too, perhaps more than you, as he cuts your binds and completely removes your gag.
The Bats land gracefully behind you. Jason stiffens as they do.
You kiss his jaw. His gaze returns to you.
"You saved me," you say.
"I always will," he says. "Always."
"Are either of you injured?"
Batman suddenly swishes to your side. You blink, startled.
"Nothing serious," you say. Jason grunts unhappily at that. You manage a smile. "Thank you. All of you. Thank you so much."
Jason nods stiffly. "Thanks, Bats."
Nightwing smiles, face soft with affection. "'Course, Hood. And, uh, Hood's fiancé. We're there any time you need us."
"That's right, chum," Batman says. The obvious care in his voice makes you ache.
Jason had called his family. His family with whom he has a plethora of problems. He'd called them for you.
"Jay," you say, voice thick with emotion. He seems to understand instantly.
"I'll always bring you home," he vows, cupping your face. "Whatever it takes."
He pulls you to him like he can't bear to be away from you any longer.
You squeeze his wrists. "I know. It's okay, Jay. I'm okay."
Out of the corner of your eye, you see that the Bats still have not dispersed. Spoiler looks like she's about to melt into a puddle. Nightwing is the same. Even Batman looks a little sentimental.
Robin is the only one scowling, tapping his foot impatiently.
"Hood, are you not going to introduce your fiance-we-just-learned-existed-tonight?" Robin asks, arms folded.
Jason huffs. "Not with those manners, demon brat."
You roll your eyes and extend your hand to Batman. You say your name, smiling.
"It's an honor to meet you, sir," you say.
Batman laughs, and it sounds a little fond. It's also kind of weird to hear Batman laugh. "No sir necessary. It's equally an honor to meet the person my son is marrying."
Jason makes a choked little noise. You beam.
"Well," Batman murmurs. "We'll let you two get home. We'll track down the rest of Michael's thugs—"
"Come to the wedding," Jason blurts.
Batman stills. "Me?" he asks carefully.
"Everybody," Jason says, tugging you into his side. "Uncle Clark, Aunt Diana, Selina, your ten thousand kids, everyone."
He turns to you. "I-I mean, as long as that's okay with you, baby."
"Oh, Jay. It's your family. Of course I want them to come." You lean in to whisper in his ear. "I'm proud of you."
"Little Wing, c'mere!"
Nightwing tackles Jason in a hug, then drags Robin, who protests loudly, in by his cape. Spoiler snaps a picture from the sideline.
"Now that's adorable," she says.
Batman looks at you. He removes his cowl, and you gasp quietly. He smiles, and it makes him look decades younger. You guess he hasn't smiled much since he lost Jason.
"Thank you," he says.
You tilt your head. "For what?"
"For bringing him back to us."
You duck your head. "Oh, Mr. Wayne, that wasn't me—"
"Bruce," he corrects gently. "And it was. You played a bigger part than you know. You saved him. Thank you."
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vettelsvee · 4 months
YOU'RE JALEOUS | Charles Leclerc
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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charles leclerc x reader
summary: charles gets jaleous of lando when he sees him talking with his girlfriend 
wordcount: 1529
a/n: it's been a long time coming but i'm finally here! i've actually had this saved on my drafts for quite a long time BUT never posted it. however, since we got charles pole today, i thought you might like this even tough is a crap (i'm so sorry, you absolutely deserve better works) :)
you can send your one shots requests here or via anon! feedback, as well as comments and reblogs, are truly appreciated!
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Charles and you decided to attend a party they had been invited by someone the driver didn’t even know, that took place at one of the most famous venues in Monaco. Although you initially felt intimidated because none of Leclerc's colleagues had appeared yet, as you drank a few drinks, the music seemed interesting enough for you to dance along with the twinkling lights.
To say that Leclerc was happy with his performance on the track that afternoon would be a li. His pride was immense because he had finally achieved the victory: winning not only for the first time in 2024 season, but also winning his very own home race for the first time ever. This had led to great acclaim not only from his fans but also from specialists, the press, the team, and even his colleagues, who were eagerly awaiting il predestinato's return to the victories.
In those moments, with his shiny black suit highlighting his appearance and, especially, his trained body, he felt unique, and even more so with you by his side. You were matching your partner perfectly with the dazzling dress you were wearing and that fit you perfectly.
As you enjoyed a drink in a quiet corner after a long time on the dance floor, Leclerc wrapped his arm around your waist, intending to bring you closer to his side. Your eyes met, somewhat mischievous, leading to a playful smile forming on your lips.
"Charles, you’ve been incredible in today's race," you exclaimed with excitement, proudly praising your boyfriend's talent. "I'm so proud of you."
Charles returned your smile, feeling filled with joy by your unconditional support.
"Thank you, darling. But what I'm proud of, and also lucky for, is having you in my life," he responded tenderly.
You continued chatting animatedly without an apparent topic of conversation, ranging from what would be your next holiday destination to the upcoming race, which would take place in Canada. However, when you started talking about a charity event that Charles would have the opportunity to lead, your gazes turned to a familiar figure approaching you: Lando Norris.
"Hey, Charles! Congratulations on that first place!" Norris exclaimed, excited to see his friend.
"Thanks, Lando!" the mentioned replied enthusiastically, patting the McLaren driver on the back. "You did great too. A sixth place is not what I expected from those cars, but it was truly impressive taking into account the strategy they had for you."
"Stop talking about McLaren when you know we can talk about Ferrari," Norris joked.
You observed the interaction between the two drivers with a mix of pride and curiosity. At first, you decide to give space to both guys, letting them freely discuss the day's events without the attentive gaze of a girl. However, when you finished checking your social media and posted a few Instagram stories with photos you took that morning, you decided to join the conversation.
"Lando, have you forgotten about me?" you teased. "I'm still in shock from today's race. It was a real spectacle."
"Thanks, Y/N!" He stopped looking at you and instead turned to his friend. "What do you think if we celebrate our incredible, but true, achievements together now? No one else is coming, and I talked to Carlos earlier!"
You looked at Charles, seeking his approval. He, a bit tipsy, nodded with a smile.
"I had other plans in mind but I think we can actually postpone them. Right, Y/N?"
With such a declaration, you three headed to the dance floor, not without first ordering something to drink to accompany you in your enjoyment full of laughter, excitement and dance moves that were surely the ones from someone who’s had enough drinks for a day.
As you moved to the rhythm of the music, Charles noticed you stepping away from his side to join some members of the Ferrari team. He decided to follow you, ready to talk to his coworkers. To his surprise, you were chatting animatedly, in the midst of the crowd, with Lando, who had excused himself to go to the bathroom minutes before.
Jealousy and anger coursed through his body in a shiver. The Monegasque felt an urgent need to intervene and mark his territory. As much as he knew you didn't depend on him, and you were both completely independent individuals sometimes, moments like this were the ones where he felt a hint of insecurity about those who, apparently, dared, even minimally, to intrude on your relationship.
Forgetting his discretion and good judgment, Charles rushed towards you and the Brit, his eyes filled with determination and a threatening look on his face, ignoring the insults he had received from those drunkards he had punched.
"What's going on here?" he demanded to know in an authoritative and tense tone.
You and Lando turned, surprised, at Charles's intrusion. You looked at him, confused by the jealousy in your boyfriend's face. You were simply discussing with Norris the idea for a special party in Monaco the following week, just before the next Gran Prix, in honor of Charles’ recent victory.
"Love, you're misinterpreting things," you said, trying to stay calm. "We were just talking as friends," you emphasized the last word.
Leclerc clenched his fists in an attempt to control his anger.
"I don't want you to keep talking to him," he communicated harshly, surprising you greatly.
Lando intervened, trying to alleviate the tension and, especially, to calm his friend's apparent sadness:
"Dude, you have no reason to make a scene in front of everyone over an insignificant bout of jealousy. We're just having a friendly conversation about something for next week, okay?"
Leclerc's expression became even tenser, and his eyes narrowed as he noticed the symbiosis that you, his girlfriend, and Lando, his friend and opponent, seemed to have in hiding something.
"I wouldn't want to ask you again, so... What were you talking about?" Charles inquired in an even sharper tone.
Feeling you boyfriend's murderous gaze, you tried your best not to burst into tears over something as stupid as Charles's insecurity.
"Seriously, believe us," Lando spoke, trying to calm the brunette down. "You have to trust us, we were just talking about something we came up for next week just before Canada!"
The Ferrari driver tried to control his anger, if it was still possible. Meanwhile, he took his time to look at you with, once again, a mix of anger and disappointment, mainly for not answering him.
"And you, why don't you answer me? Are you only interested in him now?"
You looked at him surprised by such a comment, and tried to explain quickly:
"I'll repeat it again, honey: we were just having a friendly conversation! Lando is my friend and your rival, friend, or whatever you want to say it, but there's nothing more to it!"
Out of nowhere, Charles gently took you by the wrist and led you to a place where you could talk quietly. The green-eyed, despite having a bit more alcohol in his system than he should, knew he messed up and needed to fix it somehow.
"Y/N, please be honest: what were you talking about?" Leclerc asked with a concerned expression on his face for the scene he had caused.
"About what we could do in Monaco, here, next week, alright?" you responded, trying to reassure him. "You don't have to worry about anything"
"But why are you talking to him about racing?" the Monegasque insisted again, trying to calm his tone of jealousy. "I don't understand why you have to make plans with other drivers when you're my girlfriend."
"Charles, come on, don't be jealous!" you scolded with a playful smile. "Besides, what we were planning was a surprise party in your honor because, in case you don't remember, you just won your first home race ever. I don't think that's anything bad."
Charles felt really stupid at that moment.
"Are you jealous, my dearest friend?" Lando decided to intervene, who had been attentive the whole time to the intimate scene between the couple.
"What? No!" Leclerc replied as calmly as possible, his attempt in vain.
"Well, it seems quite the opposite to me," Norris said. "You should relax a bit. There's nothing wrong with your girlfriend talking to other drivers, even more so when she's preparing a party for you."
Il predestinato realized Norris was right and decided to calm down.You really didn't deserve the jerk behavior he was displaying at you at the moment.
"I guess you're right, Lando," he turned to you, timidly reaching for her hands. "I'm really sorry, Y/N, I shouldn't have behaved like that."
"It's okay, Charles. I understand that sometimes jealousy can be hard to control, I feel the same way sometimes about your fans, but I manage, not like you just showed me tonight!" you answer with a smile, hitting him in his arm.
Charles felt relieved to see that you had no interest in Lando beyond friendship and planning a failed surprise party in the process. Therefore, he just enjoyed the rest of the night with you, with his friend, and without having to worry about anything else.
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theabysss · 1 year
pairing: sagau!Dottore x Reader
summary: When you die, the whole world collapses for Dottore, but maybe there is still hope?
warnings/tags: gn!Reader, religious + cult themes, description of the execution, description of injuries.
word count: 2.7 k~
note: I'm here again after all this time. (ーー;)ノ Brought you some Dottore, enjoy. Maybe there will be a second part, but I don't promise anything.
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Scarlet blood spurts out and a severed head rolls down. Empty eye sockets are directed to the heavens, a happy smile frozen on your face, anticipating the end of torment, now sealed on your face with an eternal mask. Dottore feels his fingertips go numb, he stares blankly at your head and hair, matted with blood. The mechanical heart, which has never failed before, either skips beats or beats quickly.
His ears feel like they are filled with cotton and he hears no sound, the emptiness fills his heart drop by drop, leaving no space for anything else. What is this feeling called? Dottore tries to distract himself from the picture before his eyes and frantically tries to remember the right word, but his thoughts move slowly like flies stuck in honey. A flash of insight and a bitter taste appears in his mouth. Despair. A drop of blood runs down his chin; he didn’t notice when he bit his lip with his teeth. It seems that only ten seconds have passed since the execution, but to Dottore they seem like an eternity.
Out of the corner of his eye, he notices tears running down the Tsaritsa’s face. There is no trace left of her usually cold personality. The harbingers look no better, for each of them there has long been no one left more important than you, and to lose you like that was terrible. More painful than the worst wound they received in life.
The one whom the archons call the Creator begins their speech with an unpleasant grin, full of self-satisfaction. They talks about the impostor and how proud they are of their dear followers for capturing you for him. He is sick of looking at the other archons; the proud appearance of Morax and the other archons makes him rage. It spreads like hot lava from the heart to the hands, convulsively clenching in impatience, the desire to strangle this ancient reptile overwhelms Dottore.
Your most loyal follower huh? The fool who fell for the fake sent by Celestia. He was the first to accept this abomination without doubting it even for a second. You were so different, your auras were completely different. A liar or a pathetic fool, whichever was true, Morax was disgusting.
When the fake finishes their incredibly pathetic speech, it will be their turn: Tsaritsa, the harbingers, the ordinary Fatui, they will all have to lose their lives.
Mentally, Dottore estimates the distance to the platform where Celestia’s puppet stands. Even though his delusion had been taken away just like the rest of the harbingers, that didn't mean he was going to give up. Dottore runs his tongue over teeth, checking their sharpness and squints with satisfaction, feeling the salty taste of blood appearing in his mouth. There is nothing worse than an animal driven into a corner, knowing that there is no chance of salvation, but still intending to resist.
When he is led past the platform to the guillotine, he will take the chance and take revenge. Although it would be more correct to call this the restoration of justice. You were innocent, You were their god.
When the fake solemnly spreads his hands and orders the executions to continue, the sky of Teyvat darkens, anyone could feel the fury of the elements. Dottore exhales in amazement, drops of your blood slowly rising into the air and changing their color from red to gold. The crackling of electricity, the smell of burning, strong gusts of wind, the temperature drops lower every second, plants are spreading across the entire area, bright and screaming about their toxicity, the earth trembles underfoot, on the horizon he can see the sea rising in waves, each of which is higher than the previous ones, threatening to flood the whole harbor.
The fake looks at what is happening in shock, but does not have time to say a single word. Lightning falls from the sky and strikes Celestia's puppet, one after the other in an endless stream, they follow each other. Dottore's heart is filled with gloomy triumph and at the same time unbearable bitterness. If Teyvat could have intervened directly, why didn’t he save you, their Creator? Why didn't the world prevent your death? Or was it your desire to reveal the truth only when nothing will it be impossible to fix it, leaving them all with eternal regret?
When the lightning stops falling from the sky, the fake turns into a smoking piece of charred flesh. The Archons look in surprise at the one they praised as the Creator, understanding slowly appears on their faces. One by one they helplessly turn their heads towards your body. Morax is the first to fall to his knees in front of your head, Dottore sees how his fingers tremble as he hesitates to touch your blood-stained cheek.
Tsaritsa looks contemptuously at each of these traitors. Dottore knows that now she would with great pleasure impale each of the archons on ice spikes if only the shackles did not block her powers.
In a half-strangled voice, Morax orders the Millelith to release all of them.
After being released, Dottore and the rest of the harbingers follow Tsaritsa as she goes to the archons and… your body. Standing next to it is unbearably painful, his eyes cling to every scratch on your face, his heart falls into a cold empty hole, now that he can clearly see your empty eye sockets.
As far as he knew, the Electro Archon was to blame for this; he would have broken every bone in her hands, and then lowered her into a vat of acid and watched as her flesh peeled off from the bones.
Tsaritsa's voice is cold and gloomy when she speaks to the rest of the archons.
"There is no punishment that can atone for your sin and death will not be your salvation. You will live the rest of your eternity in pain, I promise you all that."
A drop of your golden blood slowly moves in the air, Dottore follows their movement with his eyes. Was there a chance to save you, why did everything turn out that way? Why he, Tsaritsa and the other harbingers turned out to be so weak and useless? They too were sinners, those who did not save and they will bear this sin until the end of their lives.
Dottore could still feel the remnants of your aura, faintly, but he could, and he closed his eyes, absorbing this feeling, which was soon to dissipate. Or not? Dottore's eyes widened, an arrow of hope piercing his heart. Your spirit was still here, weak, fading, still existing, attached to drops of golden blood.
"The Creator has not left us yet, his spirit is still here."
The face of Tsaritsa and the other archons lit up with faint hope, their gazes were directed at him, all-consuming, unwavering attention emanated from them, however, such a gaze was directed at Dottore from everyone who was present in the square.
"Collect all the blood, not a single drop should be lost; the soul of the Creator is attached to it. I can try to save Their Grace, but we must act quickly before their spirit dissipates."
Dottore is determined. He will succeed, he cannot fail, he will not make mistakes, just not in such an important matter as this. Despite the mental pep talk he gave himself, Dottore's palms become treacherously cold and he begins to nervously tap a rhythm with his fingers on his thigh.
He needed a workplace, his laboratories would be ideal, but he was not sure that your spirit would survive the trip to Snezhnaya. He had to act quickly, Dottore could feel the grains of time slipping through his fingers.
When he and the clones find themselves in the silence of the temporary laboratory provided by Qixing, Dottore allows himself only one nervous sigh before taking control of his emotions. The time for all the emotions will come later, when he successfully returns life to you.
He begins to give instructions to the clones, who are preparing everything necessary for Dottore's most important work. It’s good that he managed to drive out all the traitors of the archons and other personalities who tried to be present, even Tsaritsa, nothing should distract him, the price of a mistake is too great.
The punishment of the archons was temporarily postponed, Tsaritsa said that when you become alive again, you yourself will determine the punishment for these traitors. It's when, not if. Now the whole seven had to destroy Celestia, which had committed the unforgivable.
Your headless body lying on the operating table looked foreign, wrong of all places, you should never have ended up here. You should have enjoyed the balls held in your honor, the gifts offered to you by your followers.
To begin with, it was worth understanding whether it made sense to try to restore your human shell or was it already in a completely unusable state? A severed head is a big obstacle to the restoration of your body, but Dottore had no guarantee that your soul could take root in a synthetic body, and the ability to create it in a short time, so there was only one possibility left. It was necessary to attach your head back to the body, check the body for damage to internal organs and, if there were any, heal them. Before you begin the process of returning your soul to the mortal coil.
The test results showed, although not the most comforting results, but everything was not so bad, of course, with the exception of the severed head. General severe exhaustion of the body, which will be corrected by the correct diet after your resurrection, which will definitely be successful. It couldn't fail. After all, if he failed, would there be any point in his existence, in the existence of nations, in Teyvat? Without you, nothing made sense.
Dottore shakes his head, driving away bad thoughts and returns to work. In order for the head to subsequently work as it should, each nerve and blood vessel had to be connected correctly. Painstaking work that requires a lot of patience, well, Dottore never complained about its lack.
Hour after hour, the clock ticked peacefully in the background, measuring time, while Dottore and his clones painstakingly put everything back together as it was originally. The last batch of stitches signals the end of such a complex operation. The muscles of his back ached in protest against the same position for hours. Dottore looked at his work satisfactorily, touching the stitches and then immediately pursed his lips in regret. This is not how it was supposed to be. He walked over to the table and gave himself an injection that instantly banished any fatigue and made his mind crystal clear again. In a day he will definitely feel very bad when the kickback comes, but you were definitely worth it. In fact, if he were now offered to give his life in exchange for yours, he would agree without hesitation.
It was time to start the second stage, it was necessary to do something with your eyes. Unfortunately, all he could offer you now were temporary prosthetics, not as advanced as those he and the clones used. He will definitely replace them later with better ones.
One of the many things he regretted was that he didn't get to see your eyes, they should have been gorgeous. In legends they were described as unearthly, as if entire constellations and the endless night sky were reflected in them.
As gently as possible, Dottore cleaned your eye holes from dirt and blood, carefully stretched the wires to the back lobe of the brain, to which the optic nerves are attached, and finally inserted the prostheses. Dentures you should never have. The color looked inappropriate, too artificial, alien, wrong, Dottore swallowed dryly. He sits down on a chair nearby and wearily hides his face in his hands. Fatigue, not physical, but moral, covers him in a wave and the heaviness in his chest does not allow him to breathe. He knows that it will only disappear when you take your breath and your heart beats again.
Dottore was never particularly religious in his youth, he was interested in the story of the creation of the world and definitely admired you, but there was never any real reverence in his feelings then. Everything gradually began to change when he joined Fatui. Every year he learned more and more about you and his devotion to you only grew, gradually completely capturing his heart until there was nothing left in him except you.
All the humanity that was in him, no matter how little it was, was intended only for you. All his achievements were dedicated to you. He all belonged to you, only you. And at the moment there was nothing he could want more than to see you alive. The same desire burned with a passionate flame in the eyes of his clones standing nearby.
The last stage is the most important. Dottore carefully inserts a needle into your vein and begins to pour your blood back into your body. He feels your spirit waver, as if you doesn’t want to return.
He looks over your body; bright blue veins stand out on your pale skin, there are various bruises and scratches on your body, which he, of course, treated, but to his regret the healing was not instantaneous. This picture breaks him into fragments, leaving a cold emptiness instead of his mechanical heart, his inability to correct what happened. Was there any point in all his knowledge that he had been collecting for centuries if now it was almost completely useless at the most important moment of his life. All that Dottore can do now is pray, pray to you, to the elements, to Teyvat. Please come back, please, please, please…
He knew it was a selfish desire, this world wasn't worthy of you, they weren't worthy of you, not after what happened. But hope, a feeling that had not come to him for a very long time since the time of the academy, flared up in his soul. The last drops of blood poured back into your body and deathly silence fell in the laboratory. Those few seconds when nothing happened seemed like an eternity, frightening, cold, hopeless to Dottore. The claws of the unknown tore his heart apart, did he succeed? Would you like to return?
Your trembling breath and wide-open eyes bring Dottore into a state close to euphoric. You were alive again, relief fills him and makes him dizzy with happiness. He feels something wet rolling down his cheek and wipes it away in confusion. A tear. A lot of time had passed since the last time he cried, and he had definitely never had tears of happiness until that moment. Well, you always made him feel an unusual amount of different emotions.
When you go into a coughing fit, one of the clones instantly brings you a mug of water and looks at your face with concern. You take a few greedy sips, and then turn your confused gaze on him, gradually filling with fear. Dottore's heart clenches unpleasantly, this is not how you were supposed to look at him. Not what he wants and not how it should be.
You try to say something, but again break into a cough. Dottore instantly approaches, he wants… to console you, to assure you that you are safe, but the words lie like dead weight on his tongue. He carefully reaches out to your hand, but freezes millimeters from your skin. He felt confused, useless. You will probably be uncomfortable with the touches of a sinner like him.
You carefully peer into his face, by the way your gaze moves along the features of his face, it seems to him that you are looking for an answer to some very important question for you. And after a few moments, the answer seems to satisfy you, a relieved sigh escapes your lips and you reach out with your hand to his, carefully placing your hand in his.
Dottore swallows dryly, warmth rising up his arm from where you touch.
"Everything will be fine, Your Grace. Now everything will be fine, I promise."
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Reblogs, comments, are always greatly appreciated! ヽ(o^ ^o)ノ
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lokideservesahug · 5 months
Against All Odds
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Pairing: Sergio 'Checo' Pérez x wife!reader
Warnings: Mentions of crashes, children, swearing, slightly suggestive towards the end.
Notes: I'm not the most confident with this but I really hope I did this request some justice...
Request: Could you do fic for Checo Perez with wife reader? It was when he was at Racing Point when he won his first race at the 2020 Sakhir GP. She was worried when there was a crash and he was involved. But she was quickly assured that he was fine. He wanted to win that race for his wife and their children. So, he decides to fight his way through. Just something for his first win. You decide how it goes. Thanks!! :)))
Summary: What happens after a driver crashes? They retire right? Well a certain Mexican driver may have a different agenda to the average pilot...
You had never understood people when they said that their heart stop but when you saw on the big screen the racing point car hit the wall, you sure felt it. It was an accident, sure you know that but when the Renault behind him knocks his back end, you can't help but feel a brief moment of restatement towards the Frenchman that hit your husband. Your thoughts are still working in overdrive when you hear a few mumbles about lack of response. Shit. Checo hasn't responded yet. You squeeze your sons shoulder ad he grabs your leg, clearly worried about his father.
You just stare at the screen, waiting. Hoping. Praying. You can't even feel yourself breathe until... "I'm ok" the grunt of your husband made the entire mood of the garage shifts to be slightly less sombre. You can't even focus on your surroundings but when you see your husband pull back onto the track you grow slightly confused. "He's continuing?" You turn to the nearest crew member you can find. He nods his head and says something about Checo insisting on continuing to race and you can't help but smile and be proud if the sheer drive (no pun intended) of your lover.
He makes some truly amazing overtakes after the crash. And when Checo begins to come closer and closer to George you can feel yourself become short of breath for the second time today. The 63rd lap comes and goes but on the 64th lap, he completes the most glorious overtake (at least to you) and begins to lead the race. You can't stop yourself from smiling as everyone else in the garage jumps and cheers at his current P1 standing. You all continue watching on the edges of your setas as the laps race by. 70. 75. 80. 85. And by the time it reaches the 86th lap, the atmosphere in the motor point garage is buzzing. Nothing is for certain yet and anything can happen in a sport as unpredictable as Formula 1 you all know that but with Checo strongly keeping his lead for the past 22 laps and with Estaban being quite a bit behind, you're very confident in Checo's ability to keep his lead for the last lap.
You feel like electric with how much excitement you are feeling from those around you and also from your own excitement. You can't help but wonder how your children are reacting to the current predicament. Yes they are Young but that doenst mean they aren't their father's #1 supporters. They've only just become old enough to actualy form their own opinions about F1 and you can't even begin to explain your husbands excitement when they decided to support their father (even when you gave them a choice to support any driver they wanted). You turn to look at them (your son having gone to sit down next to his sister a few laps ago) only to see your son and daughter staying staying the screen in awe, with big smiles on their faces. You take a photo to show to your husband later.
And you don't even register Sergio Cross the finish line before you are being hugged by someone and then pulled to hug another person. The excitement is overwhelming and a huge grin splits open your mouth when you relapse what has just happened. Checo has won. For the first time ever, he's come out victorious. He ended lap 1 in last place, got crashed into earlier and still managed to win. Holy shit, this is unrealistic. The somehow rowdy garage manages to silence itself when your hisbands voice filters over the team radio but as you hear your husband speak his mither tongue and request that your son is watching. You can help but tear up at the sudden reality of the situation. He's really has done it.
You run out to the pit wall with the mechanics to congratulate the race winner and when he catches sight of you, he runs towards you and pulls you into his arms. The sheer happiness radiating from every direction causes him to well up and you just look at him and can't help yourself from crying. He just continues to hold you as the mechanics surround you and continue to hug and cheer for him. Your children run out, aided by a few crew members and Checo just scoops them into his arms and holds you all closely in a large family hug. You can near a few sniffles as he places his head on your shoulder but you don't have time time comment on it before he is being taken away to go to the podium.
You're at the front of the barriers with your son on your shoulders and your daughter in her little SP11 cap and pink ear defenders (which make her way too adorable) in your arms. The applause is almost overwhelming but when Checo come sout and stands on the top step, you let a few tears fall at the same time as your husband as he looks up to the sky. The Mexican national anthem fills your ears and you can help but grip your children slightly tighter to stabilise yourself and assure both them and you that this moment is real.
Unsurprisingly, there are many post race celebrations especially for his maiden win. But when your husband returns to your hotel room and changes into his pajamas. You can't help but feel like this is one of your favourite moments of the day. Your husband sat on the bed with your two children sat next to them as he reads them a book before bed. Your daughter falls asleep with her head resting on her fathers bicep and you take a photo of the cute moment and csopp her up, putting her in the room adjacent to yours. Your son grabs his fathers hand and demands that the current champion pays him to bed which causes the both of you to smile. You gently shut the door when you turn to your husband. "Why did you do it?" "Hm?" He turns and looks at you curiously, surprised that you didn't follow him straight to the large ning sized bed. "Do what mi amor?" You settle next to him in bed and he wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you until your he'd is lying on his chest. "Retire after the crash." There's a brief moment of silence but clearly bot one of thought as he confidently replies "Because I ahd to for it for you all. I knew I could do it and I wanted to show to you, mis tres amores that you mean the world to me." You can't even begin to think of a response so yo just look u at him and softly bed your lips over his. He muemers in appreciation of your gesture but before he can deepen the kiss, you pull away. "As much as I would love to celebrate tonight, you deserve to rest Mr Champion" He grins at the title but pouts at the former words. "Not even a quick one?" You turn away from him. "No. Your rest is more important." You hear the rustling of sheets behind you and feel his arm wrap around your waist. "Are you sure I can't convince you sweetheart? Oh and who are you to deprive the champion of his reward?
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee @minkyungseokie
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fallingdownhell · 2 years
I'm in the mood for Vindictive!Reader, so here goes. Reader and Dulic are married for five years and he's been cheating on Reader with Jean for the past two and a half years. Now, Reader is no submissive housewife; she's been holding her silence and gathering evidence of the affair. She wants Jean to pay dearly for her part in the affair; she intends to not only utterly destroy Jean's spotless reputation in Mondstadt, she intends to strip the Gunnhildr Clan of their nobility status.
Sweet, Sweet Revenge
God yes, I love this idea. So initially, I wanted to wait with this and finish the Gorou ask first, since I have been working on that for the past few days, but I just couldn't hold back. And thanks to the fact that I'm currently stuck home sick with Covid, I have all the time in the world to write. So don't worry, the next one should come out the next couple of days.
Content: talk of cheating; I tried making it a genderneutral reader; petty reader who wants their revenge; ooc characters probably; not proofread yet!
So, as always, I hope you enjoy the ride!
Words: 1,2k
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Archons, it made you sick.
Looking at the man across you, who you used to view with the most loving eyes, only made you want to throw up now.
Honestly, you were surprised by the fact that he hadn't caught on to your little game by now. Guess he was just so sure of himself that he didn't consider the possibility of you finding out.
See, the issue is that Diluc, your oh so loving and caring husband of five years, has cheated on you. But not only did he do it once, he continued to do it. Even now.
He has been continuously cheating on you since your second year of your marriage with him.
And even though you did only find out through sheer "luck", you weren't as stupid as he obviously thought that you were. You knew that something had been going on with him, that he wasn't being quite honest. You just didn't think he would do something so lowly.
When you found out about his affair, you felt sick to your stomach. You actually had to hold yourself back so you wouldn't throw up on the floor. Even worse when you found out that he had been cheating on you with none other than Jean, the acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius. The one he always told you he had no feelings for anymore.
Well, wasn't that a flat out lie.
Once you had your confirmation, you were ready to pack your stuff together and leave their lives for good. Wouldn't want to intrude upon a happy relationship, right?
But as you were packing a bag with your clothings, a thought crossed your mind..
They had no problem whatsoever casually ruining your life, so... why not return that favor?
So, your petty little mind started plotting. And boy, were you proud of that plan.
The only tough part was that you had to stay with Diluc and pretend to be the clueless, dumb, idiotic little thing that stays at his mansion and gets fed there. You couldn't stand being in the same room as him, so nights spend in the same bed as him were positively torturous.
But in the end, it was worth it. You gathered up so much evidence on the two of them, it was sure to forever ruin their reputation and status within Mondstadt.
For two and a half years, you collected everything you could find, some revelations coming to you in the process of doing so.
Such as, that Jean was perfectly in the picture that you were married to Diluc, but neither of them cared about that. In fact, it was Diluc who always reassured her, that you had no idea about what they were doing. Archons, the things they would say about you sometimes would have brought you to tears if you cared about what they had to say. But they didn't matter. Not anymore.
What also shocked you was the fact that Diluc was the one who saught her out, initiated the contact all those years ago. It wasn't like he was being seduced or some shit like that. He purposefully went out of his way to do this to you and Jean just went along with it because she obviously still had feelings for Diluc.
Well, tonight... you would finally get your sweet revenge.
Diluc had left the mansion in the morning, informing you that he wouldn't be able to make it back at all today, due to "responsibilities". A lie, obviously, now that you knew about his side fling, if you could even call it that anymore.
So, you spend the entire morning gathering all of the evidence that you collected, together, while also packing up all of your stuff to get it out of the house. Thankfully, you never fully shared all of your finances with Diluc, so you still had quite a bit of Mora. You purchased a living space in Liyue from that money and you planned to live there, starting tomorrow, after you destroyed both of their lives.
You found a traveling merchant a while ago who, after you told him about your situation without too many details, was willing to help you out with the moving process. As you were moving all of your bags outside, of course the maids and other staff noticed, so Adelinde came to ask you what was going on.
Since you already planned to post all of the evidence through the entirety of Mondstadt tonight, you could tell her in advance, explaining the situation to her.
Adelinde looked positively shocked by that, but after seeing all of that proof, she had no other choice but to believe you. To your surprise, she offered her help to you, which led to you getting all of your stuff out way quicker than you would have thought.
Since you had a little bit of free time left now, you decided to spend it one last time with Adelinde and the other staff. She made a really nice dinner and you talked with them for quite some time, until it was already night and it was time for you to leave this place.
Once and for all.
You made your way towards the city one final time. By the time you arrived, it was the middle of the night and all of Mondstadt was fast asleep. So, you went around the city, posting your collection on the bulletin board, at Angel's Share, with Good Hunter, just everywhere. You made sure that by tomorrow morning, everyone would wake up to the news and not a single soul would be left out. You even went through the efforts to get a copy of it delievered to Albedo's research camp in Dragonspine.
After you were finished, you stood by the city gates, taking in the view of your hometown one last time, before you turned your back to it and left towards your new life in Liyue.
You felt kind of dissapointed that you wouldn't be there to witness their lifes crumble beneath them, but it was for the better. You could finally make peace with it and with yourself. You definitely wouldn't let them stop you from that.
Well.. you may not have been there to see the effects it had, but you were definitely caught up with it thanks to Adelinde who stayed in contact with you.
Apparently, Jean was fired from her position as acting Grandmaster after all of this came to light. But not just that. She was let go by the Knights of Favonius entirely. It was safe to say that the enitre city now hated her guts, going for a married man like that. Even her parents, who she was forced to live with now, couldn't stand looking at her.
As for Diluc, he tried to uphold his reputation, saying that he was being seduced by her, but that got shot down quickly again. After a while, he just up and dissapeared. No one has seen or heard anything from him for a few weeks now.
But that didn't bother you anymore. You had your new life, and you were only just starting to live it, so why not enjoy it for a little while, right?
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I finished this rather quick, so I'm probably gonna revisit this at some point to fix any mistakes I may have made but I really wanted to get it out there because I was totally in the mood for something like that as well!
Thanks again for requesting! Love you <3
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geeky-politics-46 · 1 year
Show Me/Her Prize
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Sinister Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: You discover Stephen's little panty stealing habit and request a demonstration of what he does with them.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - mutual masturbation, dirty talk, panty stealing, slight dom/sub, sub Sinister, slight degradation, fingering, reference to oral sex, reference to vaginal sex, pet names, language
This is a follow-up to my story "His Prize". The idea was first posited in a comment from @ppatricia34me & the mutual masturbation theme requested by @ironstrange1991. Thank you for the ideas, as I'm quite proud of this one!
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"Stephen, did I drop some laundry in the hallway? This can't be all of it." 
Your voice echoed through the Sanctum and quickly found your lover's ear. From his spot in the living room, where he had been perched with some ancient tome he was rereading, Stephen stood up and started to scan the hall you had just come from for anything you may have dropped. 
He carefully placed the book down and continued looking around the floor to no avail. There didn't appear to be anything you had dropped and left behind. He even retraced your steps, ending in the doorway of the master bedroom. Where he found you sitting on your shared bed sorting through a large load of freshly dried laundry.
"I didn't see anything in the hall, my love. Why? What's wrong?" 
By now, you had started separating the clothes into distinct piles. One for his robes, one for his casual wear and boxers, one for your daily clothes, one for your pajamas, and lastly, one for your bras and panties. The last pile was definitely the smallest and seemed to be the source of your conundrum. Without looking up from the pile, you answered. 
"It's just weird, I can only find one pair of my underwear, and there should definitely be more than that." 
Oh shit. 
He tried to keep his expression neutral as you rooted through the piles of clothes again. Checking to make sure they weren't stuck inside sleeves or pant legs. Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and slight frustration. 
He knew you weren't going to find them because he knew where they all really were. Sitting in the bottom right-hand drawer of his desk in his study. All stained with his cum. Having taken them to enjoy on his own. He didn't realize he must have pilfered quite so many. He certainly didn't intend for you to notice.
Or maybe he secretly did. Why else would he have kept doing it? Why else would he let himself take another pair without returning the last pair? It had all started with that purple lace pair he loved so much. Now, his drawer held a veritable rainbow of colors and fabrics. 
Really, it was all your fault. He had never been this way before you. Never stolen another girlfriend's panties before. Never been this insatiable before. It was just something about you that had him so obsessed and needy. He practically felt drunk every time you touched him. You just had this power over him. How could he resist taking your panties? 
He could fix this though. All he had to do was make it look like you had just missed a pile of laundry in the dryer. He would just go get your underwear out of his drawer, except maybe that favorite purple pair, use his magic to clean them and then bring them back, saying they were still in the dryer.
Yeah, that was it. That was what he would do. In the future, he would just be more careful about keeping his little collection under control because he definitely didn't intend to stop. He just had to go get them before you finished what you were doing and went to go check the dryer yourself.
"Tell you what, my love, why don't I go check to make sure you didn't miss some clothes in the dryer or drop them in the basement. You know how dark it can get down there. Don't you move a muscle." 
With that, he turned on a heel and walked out of the room in large strides that were just a bit too quick to appear innocent. You waited just a moment to follow him. Assuming that if he was up to something, you wanted to catch him red-handed. 
As soon as he was out of your view, he nearly ran to his office. Quickly unlocking the drawer with his magic and pulling all of your panties up onto his desk. Noticing just how out of control his habit had gotten, but still not wanting to give back any of them. Not when he now had such fond memories of each and every pair.
He quickly started sorting through them, trying to find the purple pair he refused to surrender, and maybe one or two others he just couldn't bear to part with. Did he want to keep the comfy cotton ones that weren't super sexy but held your scent the best? Or did he want to keep the tiny little black lace ones that hardly qualified as panties but looked so good both on you and wrapped around his cock? 
That was how you found him. Standing behind his desk with a mountain of your panties in front of him. Black lace pair in one hand and the cotton pair in the other. Eyes darting back and forth like he was dealing with a filthy Sophie's choice.
Once he realized you were standing in the doorway, he could have quite literally died of embarrassment. He wanted to crawl under the desk and pretend this was all some hormone driven nightmare. His cheeks immediately flushed bright red. Actually, they matched the really soft crimson red pair of your panties that had little penguins on them that also happened to be sitting right in front of him on his desk.
"Uhhh… don't freak out okay. This isn't what it looks like." 
That was the best response to your questioning face that he could come up with. He knew it wasn't a good response. Is it ever good when you have to use the phrases 'don't freak out' or 'this isn't what it looks like'? 
What made it even worse was that he couldn't seem to pry his fingers loose from your panties. So, instead of dropping the two the pairs he had been holding, he reflexively hid them behind his back. 
You tried as best as you could to not give away how close to falling apart with laughter you were. Of all the things you thought you might find, this was definitely not what you would have guessed. Stephen's flustered 'teenage boy caught with a Playboy' appearance made him look even more adorable and 100% guilty. 
You have never felt more confident in your entire life. The big scary sorcerer who was ready to threaten you with death when you fell into his world had not only fallen for you but also apparently had a naughty little habit of stealing your panties. By the looks of the white-ish stains streaked across each and every pair, it also appeared he quite enjoyed himself with them too.
"Well, I guess this answers my question about where all my panties have gone. Doesn't it Stephen?" 
You slowly started walking towards him with an extra sway in your hips. Your steps were slow and deliberate. Letting your fingers drag against the knick knacks around the room as you passed by them. Your body practically thrummed with energy. You felt so powerful seeing how your lover was so utterly entranced by you.
"Are you really that much of a needy boy that you resorted to stealing all my panties to jack off with? Only leaving me a single pair to wear. I guess you are a greedy boy, too. My greedy little panty thief. I can just imagine all three fun you've had with these. I can see it too."
You could see the effect your words were having on him. Somewhere between shame and arousal pooling in his eyes as he softly nodded. Adam's apple bobbing when he swallowed hard. His hands came back around to the desk. His fingers flexing and then grabbing at the pile of your soiled panties. Like a cat pawing at a scratching post. 
"My naughty boy. Tell me baby, do you like them better fresh off my pussy or after you've made them all messy by covering them with cum?"
A groan pulled from deep in his throat at both. Fuck, he didn't want to chose. He loved both. Your essence and smell was obviously why he stole them in the first place, but he kept them afterward because he loved seeing them marked with his cum. It was the same appeal of seeing you covered in his cum.
"I know you aren't shy Stephen, with all the filth you normally say when we fuck. Cat got your tongue honey? Don't worry, I'm not mad at you naughty boy. In fact, the thought of you being so needy and horny that you steal my panties is really hot. It makes me feel like the powerful one." 
By now, you had made your way over to stand next to him behind the desk. His eyes followed you the entire way even though his hands still hadn't let go of your panties. You reached up to brush a tendril of dark hair back from his face. Gently letting the back of your fingers caress his cheekbone on the way back down.
"You're so pretty, Stephen. Do you know that? I don't think I tell you that enough." 
You felt your cunt flutter at the way he keened at your praise. He was still so unused to being complimented, especially by you. He had spent years tearing himself down and you were quite enjoying building him back up. Slowly watching him become more confident in your presence and in your affections.
Reaching down, you carefully untangled his hands from the pile of your panties on his desk. Taking his hands in yours before leading him to sit down in the large armchair behind his desk. Letting your hands come to rest on his broad shoulders after leading his hands to sit on your hips. 
You were very thankful that you had neglected getting dressed that day. Still wearing the oversized t-shirt you had slept in the night before. It made the next part of your plan so easy to execute. 
"Show me, Stephen. I wanna see."
He was sure his brain had completely melted into a puddle at that point. There was no way you were actually asking what he thought you were.
"I said show me, Stephen. Show me what you do with my panties. I want to see how you play with your cock when you are in here alone. Just you and my panties that you have such a bad habit of stealing."
Without looking away from you, he started to reach back over to the desk to grab a pair of the panties that he had squirreled away. Only to stop suddenly when you tutted and shook your head no at him. Making his brow furrow in slight confusion. 
"I don't want you to use any of those panties, Stephen. I want you to use the ones I'm wearing right now. Go ahead. Take them off of me." 
He nodded gently while biting on his lower lip. Clearly fighting the urge to start disobeying your orders and throw you on the desk. He did find this dominant side of you ever so enticing though. He rarely let his more submissive side show, but this he could get used to. 
He placed his hands back on your body, this time letting them graze teasingly up the sides of your thighs. Coming to rest so his thumbs could slide under the waistband of your panties. Glancing up briefly to make sure he was doing what you wanted, the mischievous smirk on your face answering his question. A single nod falling before he started moving again.
Using the gentlest motions he could, he carefully slid your panties down your legs. Letting them pool at your feet and holding out his hand to you so you could steady yourself as you stepped out of them. 
Once you had finished, you moved to sit yourself up on the edge of Stephen's desk. Ready to enjoy the show he was about to put on for you. You signaled for him to continue.
"Go on, baby. Pick them up." 
Without taking his eyes off of you, he leaned down and delicately picked up your panties like they were a precious treasure. His long, beautiful fingers barely gripping the fabric with one hand. His other hand moved to start undoing the belts of his robes before moving to unfasten his pants. His bulge was now quite pronounced. 
You were getting more aroused by the second. You wanted to indulge your own need and slide your fingers between your legs, but you had a plan. That plan was to make him beg to touch you. You wanted to wait to touch yourself until he was on the verge of crumbling.
Even now, he looked a mess. Hair disheveled, breathing heavy. His cock already so hard and flushed. His tip was weeping precum already. His hand gripping his shaft lightly and making long languid strokes. He was clearly being very careful not to make himself cum quickly.
"You have such a pretty cock Stephen. So big and hard. Does it hurt, baby? Bet I know what would make it feel better. Why don't you go ahead and wrap my panties around that pretty cock." 
A wicked smile on your face as he did exactly as you told him. Who knew he could like being told what to do so much? Who knew your panties would look so good wrapped around his shaft? 
You watched for a moment as he stroked himself with your panties. Occasionally moving to adjust the soft fabric so he could caress his balls with it or slide it up and over his dripping slit. Creating little wet stains from his precum before sliding it back up and down his veined velvety length.
"Tell me why you like stealing my panties so much, Stephen? I think I'm starting to like it myself. It's like you're marking your cock as mine." 
He groaned at your statement and bucked his hips up. The urge to fuck his fist faster threatening to overtake him, but he was still holding out hope that he would get the chance to bury himself in your cunt before this was over. So he answered you, in as much detail as his brain would allow at the moment. All while continuing to stroke himself for your enjoyment. 
"I like it because I'm fucking addicted to you. I want to fuck you every minute of the day. This way I get the smell and feel of you without having to bother you. The best is when they are still a little wet when I get a hold of them. Like I got you riled up and wet earlier in the day, or maybe we already fucked and you were leaking a bit of my cum. Have to fight the urge to lick them clean while jerking off." 
You bit your bottom lip and moaned at his answer. It was one of the sexiest things you had ever heard him say. Any self-control you had left was quickly crumbling. Falling apart completely when he added one more sentence.
"... and this is your cock, darling. All of me belongs to you. Always will." 
Your legs started to spread on their own when he told you he belonged to you. You both knew just as well that you belonged to him just the same. Deciding to reward him, you slowly spread your legs before bringing one foot up to rest on his desk. Spreading yourself wide so you were fully exposed to him. 
"Well, this is all yours, Stephen, and I'm sure you can tell how turned on watching you has gotten me. See how wet I am just from watching you stroke your cock for me?" 
A wicked grin on your face as you brought one hand to your cunt and pulled your pussy lips open. Making sure he could see your innermost petals glistening for him. He reflexively licked his lips when he saw your slick practically dripping from your hole onto his desk. His hips now thrusting up into his hand and your panties uncontrollably.
You knew there was no way that he could hold himself back long enough to give you time to make yourself cum with him. You could still enjoy yourself and get him to finish the job after you enjoyed your show. Knowing that watching you play with yourself would help push him over the edge quicker.
So you let your fingers start rubbing at your cunt. Working to spread your wetness over your folds. Sighing at the feeling of finally getting some direct stimulation. You pulled your hand away and slapped your pussy a couple times. Groaning at the tingle it sent through you. Letting your fingers trail back up to circle your clit as you leaned on your other arm for support.
Your bottom lip had made its way between your teeth. Your eyes were hooded and just as hazed with lust as Stephen's. Both of you were completely lost in each other without even touching each other. 
You lowered your hand to slide two fingers in and out of your cunt. Knowing how much Stephen loved it when he could hear how wet you were for him. Your body did not disappoint as you started to thrust your middle and index fingers in and out of yourself. Somewhat frustrated that your fingers weren't as long and thick as Stephen's and that you couldn't quite reach your g-spot the way he could.
It still felt incredible though. Making sure to keep your palm grinding over your clit as you finger fucked yourself. A high pitched moan when you hit the perfect rhythm making Stephen start to lose his own pacing. Knowing he was about to hit his point of no return he couldn't hold back his whimpers any longer and he did something he never thought he would do. He begged.
"Oh fuck baby. I'm gonna cum so fucking hard for you. Can I cum? Please let me cum." 
Groaning at his unprompted begging, you vigorously shook your head, yes. Summoning your sweetest voice, you answered him and granted his request. 
"Cum for me Stephen. Show me how you cum all over my panties. Fill them up like a good boy."
He made sure to hold your panties so that they caught every thick warm spurt of his cum. Making sure to spread it around on the fabric, specifically aiming for the crotch of your panties. He had become well practiced at it. In a way he felt like it turned your panties into artwork. Pieces dedicated to how much he loved you. His orgasm was prolonged by having you there watching and touching yourself. Leaving the fabric somewhat soaked as he kept a hold of them. Once again, he wanted to keep them for himself. Just like all the others.
Once he had started to catch his breath and opened his eyes you pulled your fingers out of your pussy and brought your soaked fingers to his lips. Smiling when he greedily took them into his mouth and began sucking your nectar from them. Letting him enjoy a little treat before offering him a compromise to his panty stealing problem. 
"Tell you what, Stephen, I'll make you a deal. You can keep one pair of my panties for every orgasm you give me tonight. Sound like a plan?" 
You had barely finished your proposition before Stephen was shoving your hand away and pushing you to lay flat on his desk. Moving to loop his arms around your legs. Diving face first into your cunt and starting to devour you like a man starved. 
He didn't even bother tucking his cock back into his pants. He knew he would be hard again before long, and he intended to make you cum enough times he could keep his entire collection.
You might not have any panties left by the time he was done with you, but you would have a hell of a consolation prize.
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @namor-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdac @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirls @tobios-shawty @evelyn-kingsley @rmoonstoner
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aeruia · 4 months
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in which [name] can't really handle eye contact very well, can they handle scara's gaze on them? ( they can't . /j )
pairing : scaramouche x reader
warning/s : lowercase intended, not good very cringey!
word count : 714
note : not really my best work but i'm doing this for the sake of keeping this blog alive and active, i have sm pending works istg i've been trying to finish them all at once 😭
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you have a habit of staring everywhere except to whoever is talking to you. every time someone speaks with you, you're looking in the other direction and aside from that you will only look at them if necessary. several of your friends also noticed that if you're talking to others, your gaze seems to avert and look elsewhere.
they asked you about it and it appears that you're unable to hold eye contact for too long since you weren't used to making eye contact with other people and got used to working alone or with only a few people you had known like family.
by the time you have finished your work, you find yourself having a drink and a chit-chat with scara. it was only supposed to be a small chat with how your work and his work is but seems like scara has other plans. he made you his drinking buddy.
you weren't really a fan of drinking yet you accepted the offer since you don't wanna be rude and now, you're here drinking with none other than scara as you avoid looking at him as possible. everything around you now looks interesting to you. it now appears that each thing has a deep meaning that it should have. with your eyes glancing almost everywhere you still managed to catch everything he says word by word.
he notices that your eyes have been glancing everywhere but he never saw you glance at him even for a second. tilting his head to the side, his arms crossed near his chest.
“ are you listening? ” that didn't sound like a question to you yet it is a question. you're just interpreting it differently. “ huh? yes, of course. i'm listening. ” answering his question only looking at him for a few seconds and then smiled before looking away again.
the indigo haired man smiled. it wasn't visible but you can see it if you look closely. he stopped discussing things with you besides everything that was coming out from his mouth was complaining.
in exchange for the silence, his eyes linger on you, you can feel his eyes on you as if he was burning holes into your sitting figure in front of him. your [e/c] slowly side eye scara's own orbs. he was definitely just looking at you and by the looks of it he doesn't have any plans on looking away soon even if you aren't staring at him.
“ you genuinely can't keep an eye contact, huh? ” he questioned as if it wasn't obvious enough by how you tried to avoid his gaze. he knows that you aren't that used to looking at someone in the eye and also knowing that it's disrespectful to not look at the person who's talking to you.
you didn't even notice there was a lump forming at your throat if you haven't gulped. everything looks so interesting right now, you just want to run away from here and look for something that looks interesting and pretend to study it. “ i should really practice on holding eye contact.. ” you thought, you can even do it by looking at the person in front of you but that doesn't seems like a good idea.
the person in front of you is scaramouche. everything about him feels intimidating for you. building up the courage you finally give in and looked up at him. he was taken back when you looked back at him, his eyes widened for a second before he smiled smugly at you.
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that lasted you well, not that long but you're proud of yourself for that. you hear him chuckle as he uncrosses his arms as he puts his hand on the table.
“ very well then, can't really keep your pretty eyes on me for so long? ” he teased with a saddened tone when he said the words so long as your cheeks heat up.
you didn't even answer it as you just left him alone there, not wanting to embarrass yourself any further as scara just watched you walked away.
he noticed the tip of your ears were red when you stand up and he couldn't help but smile by just how adorable you are.
maybe teasing you more often, will make him see your other side?
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date posted 052024
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Could I request reader struggling with homework/being unmotivated and Remus being sweet and helping her get through it <3 thank u
You're back on tiktok. For the fifth time since you started your assignment an hour and a half ago, you're on tiktok, slouched in your chair and pointedly ignoring the work in front of you.
"Dove," Remus tuts, working diligently on his own assignment, "That's not homework."
"I know," You groan, face just a tad too close to the phone screen, "I dunno, Rem. Just can't do it."
"Well it would help if you put your phone away," He gives you a knowing look, "Give it here, angel. I'll hold it so you don't get distracted."
"No!" You whine, clutching the device to your chest, "It's mine."
"But you're not getting any work done! I'm only trying to help," He laughs at your insistence, "The only way you'll get anything done is if you put the phone away."
"I still won't want to do it," You grumble, sighing miserably into your hands, "Remus, I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm hopeless, I'll never finish my work."
"That's not true," He stands from his chair, circling your own to plant his hands firmly on your shoulders. He peers down at your work, "That's not going to take you long, darling. And when you're done, you'll feel so much better. Like you've accomplished things, like you haven't sat on your phone all day."
He plucks the device from your hands at the mention of it, and you don't make an effort to fight back. You know he's right; it's the reason you're not getting anything done, but you'd rather distract yourself than do work you don't care about.
"Come on," He pats your shoulder, sticking your phone securely in his pocket, "How about when you're done, we go out to the shops for dinner. And you can stop in that little boutique you've been wanting to look in? You can pick a treat, on me."
"Really?" Your eyes shine as you glance back at him, and he nods with a lazy grin.
"Yeah, dove." He presses a kiss to the side of your head, "Get your work finished, and when you're done, we'll head out. Deal?"
"Deal," You gush, sitting up straighter in your seat, "Thanks, Rem!"
"Mm-hmm," He hums, heading back to his own seat. He intends to get back to work himself, but he can't help staring at you, stealing glances whenever he can manage. Apparently you're just as distracting to him as your phone was to you, and he uses his own cell to snap a picture of you working. You look fantastic when you're concentrated, he loves the way your tongue pokes out from between your lips. He's always proud of you, but as he sets the photo as his home screen, he's extra proud that you'd muscled through your lack of motivation, and he's happy to offer you a treat to keep it up.
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swimmingismywholelife · 10 months
Noel (No Faith)
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Summary: You wanted more from John and he couldn't care less. So why then was he at your door on Christmas Eve?
Warnings: fwb-to-lovers!John, angst, SMUT, arguments, soft domJohn, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy!), creampie, fingering, pussy licking, playing with nipples, missionary, honestly it's all very soft sex, HAPPY ENDING
WC: 3.8K
A/N: 🎶On the second day of Ficmas my writer gave to me, some angst and smut with dear old Johnny🎶 Hi my name is Janelle and I'm ashamed to say I love John Stones 🫣. The song that inspired this fic is "Noel (No Faith)" by 7 Minutes in Heaven! This is one of, if not, my favorite Christmas song bc it's just so good and I really think you should give it a listen. And this is I think my longest fic to date so I hope you all enjoy!
Link to the Song: Noel (No Faith)
"Noel, Noel, I wish that you would come home for Christmas (for Christmas)
Don't make me wait another year
Noel, Noel, I can't be left alone
You can unwrap the truth, my dear
You're all I want for Christmas this year."
You sighed with content as you finished putting up the last of the lights on the Christmas tree. You took a step back and smiled, proud of your work. You'd spent the weekend decorating your house, trying to cope with the homesickness of your first Christmas in Manchester away from your family. The star was centered perfectly on the top of the tree, stockings hung on your fireplace (mostly for decoration), and even though it was already Christmas Eve, you were happy to see everything come together. Now you truly felt ready for Christmas.
Well, almost.
Christmas was usually your favorite time of year. But this would be the first year you would be spending it alone. And the first year spending it along with a broken heart. You still replayed the scene in your head every night since it happened. Since the night John Stones left your heart in pieces.
"I don't know why you're mad," John scoffed, rolling out of your bed. "We had an agreement."
"I mean, yeah we did," you said quietly, sitting up.
"So then what's the problem?" he asked, beginning to redress himself.
"The problem, John, is that you treat me more than this agreement was originally supposed to be!" you said exasperated. "You act jealous when I'm around other guys, you basically live with me at this point, you call me even if nothing special is going on just because you wanna hear my voice. What am I supposed to think about that?"
John pinched the bridge of his nose huffing. "Listen, things were outlined pretty clearly when we first started this. You didn't seem to have an issue then, nor last night when you were screaming my name."
"You're full of shit, John, you know that?" you said as tears began forming in the corners of your eyes. "Things can change and feelings can change. And I'm sorry I fell in love with you. I didn't intend to! It just happened and I'm being honest. You've known how I felt and you did nothing but treat me like you wanted it to!"
John sharply turned to face you. "I've been clear from the beginning that I wasn't looking to commit. I wanted some fun and that's what we got and that's all it's gonna be."
"So all of our little outings alone? All of the nights where we poured our hearts out to each other? Inviting me to all your games so I could proudly wear you jersey? That all meant nothing you to you?" you asked.
"Look, if you wanna stop just say so and be done with it," he said.
A tear fell from your eyes.
"I guess that's it then," you said quietly.
Despite the fact that this happened months ago, you couldn't find it in you to move on. John made you feel so special, so different. You knew what the boundaries were when you agreed to be friends with benefits, but you couldn't help but fall in love with him. Every day that went by, you only missed John more.
Still, John didn't have to be such a dick about the whole thing. He was the one you led you on and left that night, not once looking back. It wasn't like you ended with solely unrequited love and he let you down gently. He made you feel like shit for catching feelings, like you didn't matter to him. You felt used and it felt disgusting.
So why did you find yourself missing him more than ever? Why were you holding out hope for him? Why were you still keeping your faith in him when he had no faith in you?
"Please come home," you whispered, looking at the star on top of your tree illuminating the room. You knew your wish was futile, but maybe this year would be your year for a Christmas miracle.
As you turned back upstairs, a knocking on the door stopped you in your tracks. You cocked your head in confusion. It was Christmas Eve and everyone you knew was spending Christmas with their families. You weren't expecting anyone to come visit. You were even more confused when you opened the door to find the very man you'd been wanting to see.
"John?" you said puzzled.
"I know it's Christmas Eve and we haven't spoken in weeks, but I just really needed to talk to you. Is that okay?" he asked, the words rapidly leaving his mouth as his body shook from the cold.
"I-" You hesitated. "I'm not really sure if that's a good idea."
"Please? I just need you to know and if after that you never wanna see me again, then I'll leave you alone," he replied desperately.
Letting the spirit of Christmas overpower your overwhelming urge to kick him in the face and leave him in the cold, you opened your door wider to let him in. John quickly stepped into the warmth of your home, rubbing his hands together.
"Let me start up the kettle for some tea. You wait on the couch and I'll grab you a blanket too," you said, gesturing to the living room he was more than familiar with.
"Thank you, Y/N," he said gratefully.
You took a deep breath as you made your way into the kitchen. "Dude, I know I said I wanted a Christmas miracle, but I wasn't emotionally prepared for this," you muttered to yourself as you filled the kettle with water. Once the stove was on, you grabbed a blanket from your closet for the man sitting in your living room.
"Here," you said, handing it to him.
"You remembered," he said quietly. You almost asked what he was talking about when you saw the familiar checkered pattern on the blanket. You grabbed the first one you saw, not realizing you'd instinctually grabbed John's favorite blanket.
"Truthfully, that was an accident," you said, trying to lighten up the mood. It didn't really work as the air grew awkward and thick, neither of you really knowing what to say.
"Um, I'll be right back and get your tea," you said awkwardly, quickly getting up.
You took your time, trying to mentally prepare yourself for the conversation. Why was he here? What did he want? Why Christmas Eve? So many questions rolled into your mind as you made his tea just the way he liked.
You came back and handed him the mug, John muttering a thanks before sipping on the tea.
"John, why are you here?" you asked exasperated, finally breaking the silence.
"I…" John sighed. "I wanted to talk."
You crossed your arms. "Well, you're here now. So talk."
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the tops of his thighs, setting the mug on the table. "I know that I fucked up, really fucked up. And I left you hanging after leading you on for so long." He turned to look at you. "And I just wanted to say I'm sorry for ever treating you so horribly. You've never deserved it and you were right, you can't help how you feel about someone."
"Thank you," you said.
"I thought I'd be fine after walking out that day," he continued. "To me, it really was just a thing that we did and nothing more. But days turned into weeks turned into months and something was wrong. It didn't matter who I tried to get with. I just couldn't do it. Every single girl just reminded me of you. At first, I didn't really I was comparing everyone to you until one day when it hit me. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and how you make me feel."
"And how do I make you feel, John?" you asked, curling your legs underneath you.
"Alive. You give me that drive and passion to do what I love, to be a better man. I miss the way you pretended to be asleep just so I would kiss you awake. I miss the way you play with my hair after a long day at practice or a late night game. I miss the way you felt in my arms. I miss the way your eyes light up at the sight of the stupid festive cups at coffee shops. I miss how I didn't have to fear who I was or who I wanted to be because you always brought out the best in me. God, I just miss you so much and I can't believe how stupid I was for not seeing it until you were long gone," he said on the verge of tears.
Neither of you said anything for a while after his confession. The tension only grew thicker as John anticipated your reaction, mentally preparing himself for the worst.
"You still hurt me, John," you replied after a while. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about what you did that day. How you left me feeling used and stupid and dumb. I thought you and I were on the same page and I couldn't have been further from the truth."
John gently took both of your hands in his. You allowed him to gently lace his fingers through yours, shivers running down your spine as he thumbs stroked your hand.
"I know," he said. "I know, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I took you for granted. I'm sorry I didn't appreciate you while I had you. But if you give me a chance, I swear to you I'll make it up to you and show you how much you mean to me."
"John…." you trailed off. "I don’t know. I don't know how I can trust you again after what you did."
He tightened his grip on your hand. "You don't have to give me an answer today. You don't even have to give me an answer for the rest of the year. I'll wait as long as you need. Even if you decide no, I'll still be waiting here for you."
"Johnny, I don't want you to be waiting for me," you said softly. "That wouldn't be fair on you."
He shook his head. "No, Y/N, I'm the one who hasn't been fair to you at all. Waiting is the least I can do for you."
A silence fell, the two of you lost in your own thoughts. John was wondering if he'd been too late to fix things, if his chance was gone. Meanwhile, you were thinking if he even deserved another chance. It had taken you months to even fathom getting over him. Was this a test to see if you truly belonged together? Or was this a red flag that was being blatantly waved in front of you?
All the while, you never thought to release your hand from John's. It felt right for your hand to be there. While your head was in turmoil, it was also the calmest it had been since the day he left.
"Why did you come here tonight?" you asked, breaking the silence. "Why tonight specifically? Why didn't you come earlier or later in the year?"
"Because I know how much Christmas means to you," he replied. "I knew I was risking ruining your holiday, but I wanted to show you that I'm serious about this, more serious than anything I've ever done in my life."
"Will you stay?" you asked him with hopeful eyes, still being unsure of your feelings but not quite wanting him to leave.
"Baby, I'll stay as long as you want me here," John said, looking into your eyes. His hands moved from yours to cup your cheeks. "Would you like me to stay?"
You nodded. "You can stay in the guest room for the night so we can have some space. I'll grab you more blankets."
Too quickly for your liking, you pulled away, his hands lingering on your face just a little bit longer. While you wanted him next to you, it probably wasn't the best idea all things considered. You grabbed some spare blankets, alongside some spare clothes of his you couldn't bare to part with, handing them to him.
"I'm really surprised you still have these," John said.
You shrugged. "I still have everything you gave me quite frankly."
John's heart stopped for a moment. Maybe there was still a chance for you to have faith in him again.
"If you need me, just knock on my door, okay?" you said, leaning against the doorframe.
"I will. Good night, Y/N," he answered.
"Good night, John," you said softly.
You quickly got ready for bed, turning the light off in your room. You made yourself comfortable underneath the warmth of the blankets, but you still felt cold. How could you sleep properly knowing John was next door? Knowing that he wanted you back? You tossed and turned for a few hours, but you knew you wouldn't be getting any sleep that night, especially because you just wanted to be in the comfort of his arms.
You got out of bed to get some water, wanting to walk a bit to clear your head. You opened your door to come face to face with John, whose hand was raised indicating that he was about to knock on your door. You nearly screamed before you realized who he was.
"Jesus Christ, John! You scared the shit out of me," you said panting, putting your hand on your chest.
"Sorry," he apologized. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"That's okay, I only just lost a few years off my life," you joked. "But is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just couldn't really sleep," he answered, "and honestly I just really wanted to see you."
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, not really knowing what to say. You got lost in his eyes, that feeling you've always had with him returning.
Acting purely on instinct, both of you reached for each other, lips smashing desperately against each other. You felt like you could breathe again despite how hard the two of you were kissing. It just felt right that he was there with you. It felt right how his body was perfectly molded to yours.
John closed to door behind you, gently pushing you against it. His kisses were passionate yet still soft and gently, almost like he was afraid to hurt you. His hands were firmly around your waist as yours were around his neck, your fingers running through his hair.
"Jump," he whispered against you.
You obliged, wrapping your legs around him. He walked you to your bed, gently placing you on it as he climbed on top, your lips not parting once. He pulled away only to remove both of your shirts before returning to kiss you. His hands moved to your tits, gently squeezing them. You let out a breathy moan of his name.
"I missed his so much," he said just as breathlessly. "I missed your pretty little moans, baby." He squeezed a little harder, making your moans grow louder. "That's it, Let me hear you, Y/N."
His kisses started trailing down your jaw to your neck, his teeth nipping the skin. Little red marks were left in his wake until his mouth hovered over your nipple. He gently blew on it before taking it into his mouth, making a loud moan leave your body.
"You like that, baby?" John asked.
"Yes, John," you answered, your body squirming underneath him. "I love it so much."
John switched sides, your hands guiding his head there. He sucked harder, causing your hips to roll against his, groaning when your clothed cunt made contact with the bulge under his pants. His lips trailed down once again until he hit the band of the sweatpants you were wearing, noting that technically, they were his.
"Can I take this off, Y/N?" he asked, looking up at you.
You nodded your head frantically. "Yes, please take them off, please."
His hands grabbed the band and pulled down, moaning when he realized you weren't wearing any underwear.
"No underwear, baby? Are you trying to kill me?" he growled.
"It's comfortable, okay?" you squeaked out. "You know I've always preferred it that way."
John licked his lips as he laid his eyes on your pussy, the folds glistening with your wetness.
"Can I-" he started, but you cut him off.
"Yes, yes please!" you said desperately. "I need to feel your mouth on my pussy, John!"
He chuckled before licking your pussy, making you moan, your hands flying to grab his curls. John took his time licking from the bottom all the way to your clit. He repeated this motion several times, loving the way you tugged on him in desperation.
"Fuck!" you screamed when his lips sucked on your clit, your hips bucking into his face. "Fuck just like that!"
He sucked harder as one of his fingers teased your entrance. Your chest was up and down rapidly as your heartbeat quickened. You moaned loudly when his finger entered you, immediately hitting your g spot. He wasn't moving fast, but he was pressing deep into your pussy, making everything more intense.
"That feels so good," you said, "please don't stop. So good."
You hadn't slept with anyone since John. You couldn't possible bring yourself to. The only pleasure you'd gotten was from yourself, meaning your body more sensitive than usual. You felt your release coming fast.
"John, I think I'm gonna cum," you moaned out. In response, John picked up the pace, adding another finger. "I'm right there, baby, I just need a little bit more." John shook his head back and forth as he finger fucked you hard and fast. You screamed out, pulling his head further into your pussy as your release hit you. Your back arched against the bed, John taking one of the hands from behind his head to lace them together. You squeezed his hand as a wave of cum flooded his mouth, John happily licking all of it up.
You brought his face back up to your lips, needing to feel them against yours once again. You moaned slightly at the taste of yourself, John's hand gently cupping your cheek to kiss you deeper. He quickly took his bottoms off guiding his cock to your entrance. He tapped the head against your clit and your hips rolled.
"Is this okay?" John asked. "Are you sure you want this?"
You nodded desperately. "Please John, I need to feel you. Please."
He ran his cock through your folds before slowly pushing in, his body leaning over yours. You almost screamed at the way he was stretching your pussy.
"Fuck, baby, you're so tight," he hissed out. "When's the last time this pussy was touched by someone other than yourself?"
"Not since the day you left," you answered meekly. John's dick got even harder inside you.
"Yeah? This pussy is mine right baby?" he asked, bottoming out and stilling his hips.
"Mhm, all yours," you whined out, your body unable to stay still as he filled you.
"Are you okay?" he asked, looking deep into your eyes. "Do you need a minute?"
"Mhm," you answered. "I'm okay. Are you okay?"
"I'm more than okay, baby," he answered as he stroked your hair lightly, making your heart swell.
"John?" you asked.
"Give it to me please," you whispered. "I need it please!"
"I got you, baby," he said, kissing your forehead.
John moved his hips keeping a slow but deep pace. Your legs wrapped around him, needing to feel him pressed against you as you kissed him. John normally had you screaming at the top of your lungs, but this was different. This felt different. Nothing more was needed but breathy moans into each other's mouths, John really only picking up the pace slightly.
"It feels so good, Johnny," you moaned breathlessly. "So fucking good."
"Yeah? Feels good baby, doesn't it?" he asked. You nodded, eyes rolling back. "This pussy was made for me."
"Mhm. So big," you babbled. "Fucks me so good."
"You're taking it so well," he praised softly. "You look so fucking beautiful when you take my cock like this. Like you were meant to be here with me."
Tears started to form in your eyes, making John still.
"Baby, don't cry," he said worriedly. He wiped away the tears that were falling. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'll stop if you want me to."
You shook your head. "No, don't stop. I've just wanted you to say those words to me. Please keep going."
"Are you sure? We don't have to keep going if you wanna stop," he said unsure.
"Johnny, please," you begged. "I want this. I want you. I don't want anything but you."
"Me too, baby," John replied as he moved his hips, keeping the same deep pace as before. "And I'm sorry it took me this long to realize it." He brought his hands to yours, pressing you into the bed as your fingers intertwined. "Do you hear me? I love you, Y/N. So. Fucking. Much," he said, thrusting as hard as he could to emphasize his words. "And I'm never fucking letting you go again."
"I love you too," you moaned. "I really do."
"I'm close," he said, rubbing your clit.
"Fuck, me too," you said.
"Cum with me, baby. That's it. Cum for me."
You back arched as you had the most intense orgasm of your life, squeezing John's hands as you let out a loud moan. John groaned at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him, triggering his own release. He came deep inside you, gently thrusting to get every last bit of his cum in you.
You both laid there panting for a moment staring into each others eyes, foreheads resting against one another.
"I think that's the hardest I ever came," he chuckled. "I don't think I've ever cum that much before."
"It felt really good," you admitted, "to be filled up like that."
"I love you, Y/N," he said again.
"I love you too, John."
John rolled off of you, getting up to grab a towel to clean you up. He gently ran it over your body, not wanting to hurt you. He cleaned himself before tossing the towel into the laundry and climbing back into bed.
"God, you're beautiful," he whispered to himself in awe of you.
"Will you stay?" you asked.
"Always," he replied.
John looked over at the clock to see it was past midnight.
"Merry Christmas, baby," he said. "Thank you for being the best present I could've ever had."
"Merry Christmas, Johnny. Thank you for coming home," you said, your eyes fluttering shut.
"I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else but with you."
John held you tight that night and every night after that. And you were glad you kept your faith in him. For John Stones was your Christmas miracle and that was all you needed.
Taglist: @thoseboysinblue @neverinadream @chilwellspulisic @lizzypotter14 @pulisicsgirl @lovelynikol16 @notsoattractivearenti @nyctophilic0vitnir @shadowscorch
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nyttedryst · 5 months
The moment you stepped in a room, it's widely known you have this aura that surrounds you. Sure you're not that strict, not so serious and certainly not mean however there's just something about you that makes everyone automatically look up to you. You're just this figure of authority for everyone. You're a natural leader, someone who's always on demand...someone who dominates.
That's what Kento thought too...
The moment he transferred in the company's financial department which you run, he have already notice it, just by the way his new colleagues talk with you to how you held meetings and how you run this department with ease. It wasn't surprising you're always on top, finishing things so early and always getting things your way.
Kento couldn't help but chuckle to himself looking down at you. You're sprawled out on top of your office desk, head hanging by the edge as you tug at his arm eagerly. That mini pencil skirt you wore riding up doing nothing to hide your soaked panties including your thighs clad in a fishnet stockings. Button up shirt fully open showcasing your bra.
"please." You begged to his towering figure, eagerly opening your mouth.
"patience darling. Didn't you say patience is a virtue?" He coos, followed by a whine escaping your lips. Damn his voice and his teasing, using your own words against yourself. Damn him. Who would blame him though? Who wouldn't want to see their so perfect dominant boss who's always on top now being under...
"I can take it, I will take it. Please?"
He let out a hummed, stopping himself from palming his cock straining against his pants. You help him unbuckled his belt, your mouth salivating as he releases himself from the restraints of his underwear. His tip slapping against his stomach, standing proud.
You didn't waste time helping him, entering his length onto your mouth. He groans as your throat constricts, clamping down onto him accomodating his size. His hips stutter almost losing himself, an instinct to bury himself deeper onto your warmth.
"fuck," he cursed underneath his breath as you sloppily gagged sending a course of ecstasy through his every vein. God, you're perfect it's like your mouth was made for him.
"a little bit more yeah?" He encouraged slowly thrusting his hips until the head of his cock reach deep forming a bulge on your throat. Showings just how good and deep you are taking him.
"atta girl." He breathed out, slowly starting to move his hips. His big hands reached out, holding one of your breast "you're so good aren't you little one? So fucking good." He breathed out pausing in the middle just to relish in the feeling of how the soft walls of your throat clamped down onto him.
He threw his head back, not managing to stay still as longer as he intended. How could he possibly do so? Not when you're looking up to him with those eyes, mascara dripping down tearing up struggling from his size lipstick smudge and are all over his cock. You're so obedient, so submissive...to think that you have always been dominant to your work field but a submissive whore in bed...
"mine...you belong to me little one. Your mouth, your breasts, your cunt, those eyes and this fucking body was made for me." He mumured, bullying his way to your throat with every word. His hand squeezed your breast, the rough pad of his thumb playing with your nipples.
His statement all of it, went over your head. Too fucked up to think not when all you want is his cock drilling in your aching cunt. Your hand needily made its way to your clit, rubbing yourself which he noticed. He paused, letting out a scoff before gathering enough saliva and spitting it in your cunt as an assist to your neediness.
You muffled a whine, gagging when his pace sped up. He spat on your breast, spreading it with his hand until your chest are glistening with his essence. You're so beautiful like this...
"I'm going to come... gonna fucking fill your needy throat... you're going to take it all like the good girl you are, understand?"
You hummed to every words coming out of him, hands trying to match his rhythm to stimulate what it would be like if he's fucking your cunt. Hips bucking up in desperation, practically humping your hand.
"Take it, take me..."
His words, his hand playing with your nipples, together with his cock on your throat and your hand playing with yourself, you came. Maybe it's the inexperienced in you, maybe it's because of this new sensation you found, whatever it was it made you cum. Your toes curling as your back arched.
"hmmm, I see it is really true. You always finish early." He purred and within a few stuttering thrust he also came. Releasing all of his thick seeds onto your throat, some of it still spurting out when he pulled out, painting your face like you're his Mona Lisa.
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laiosynth · 2 years
come away, oh ghostly child... (pt 3)
(PT 2 <-) (-> PT 4)
Dick lays in bed.
Phantom is tucked into his side, snuggling into his warmth. Dick doesn't know what to do. Whenever he moves even a millimeter away from the child, Phantom whines and snuggles back in, searching for comfort.
He supposes it's his fault. He'd brought the boy home, unsure what the protocol was for a ghost child. He'd laid the boy down on his bed, getting undressed and changing into pajamas before plopping down, intending to get up after a second and find out what to do.
That was when the boy had struck. Now he's here, stuck. It's like when a cat lays on your lap. It would be sacrilege to move and disturb them.
Sighing, Dick uses the hand on his free side to grab his phone. He's lucky it's close, or he'd be fucked.
He calls Babs, linking the audio to the comm still in his ear.
"Hey Dick, what's up?"
"Babs. I have a... situation."
"A situation, huh? Would this have anything to do with the call I got from Jason laughing his ass off about you taking after Bruce?"
"Damnit, I told him about this in confidence! Asshole. And he claims he's not a gossip."
"So, you've acquired a child."
"A ghost child, who can apparently turn into an alive child. Still confused about that."
"Hold up. You never said anything about a ghost. You're telling me you have the ghost kid who's been haunting Gotham for the past 3 months?"
"That I am."
"And said ghost kid turned into a living kid and fell asleep on you."
Babs sighs over the line.
"Go to sleep, Dick, and worry about it in the morning. Usually, I'd say something different, but you sound dead tired. Get some sleep, and hopefully, the kid will, too. We'll just hope he's there in the morning."
Dick wakes up, not realizing he'd fallen asleep. A glance at the phone in his hand tells him it's 7.
When he moves, he's interrupted by Phantom snuggling into his side again, chasing after his warmth.
Dick wastes no time in scooping the boy up to hold on his hip, which seems to work fine because Phantom doesn't protest.
He doesn't bother trying to change- still in his pajamas, he heads out to his kitchen with Phantom on his hip. He rifles through his fridge, looking for anything suitable for a young child- he has some eggs that are miraculously still good, some fruit he bought the day before, a pack of bacon, and some bread. Why is his bread in the fridge? He doesn't know. Ask past Dick, who probably made this choice while sleep-deprived.
Time to find out if cold bread makes bad toast.
Dick sets about making breakfast one-handed- he starts by putting the bacon on. While that cooks, he puts the bread in the toaster, then he scrambles the eggs. The eggs are finished quickly, so as the toast finishes and the bacon sizzles, he begins to dice some fruit. As he plates the breakfast, Phantom begins to stir, probably smelling the bacon and eggs.
Just as Dick sets the breakfast on the table, Phantom wakes up with a big yawn.
"Morning, sleepyhead. I made breakfast."
Phantom, still half asleep, nods and wiggles, so Dick sets him down in the chair, pulling his own chair out to sit across from the boy.
Phantom stares blearily at his breakfast, a fork in his hand.
Then he lights up.
"The- the breakfast has a smiley face!"
"Yeah, buddy, it does," Dick smiles, just the tiniest bit proud that his idea had cheered the boy up- the breakfast was a slice of toast with bacon in the shape of a smile and two strawberry slices for eyes. The scrambled eggs and other fruit sat on opposite sides of the toast.
"That's so cool!"
Dick smiles, and motions for Phantom to eat up. The boy obliges, digging into the fruit first. Dick eats as well, somewhat thankful for having something other than cereal for the first time in what has to be a month.
"My name's Danny," Phantom- no, Danny says unprompted.
"It's nice to meet you, Danny. I'm Dick."
Danny smiles and says, "Big Brother Dick!"
Dick blinks.
"No, buddy, I'm not your big brother, just Dick."
Danny's smile falls.
"But Gotham says... she says you're my brother, she says you're safe. You're my big brother, Gotham says you're her kid same as me!"
And oh, the boy is close to tears- what is Dick supposed to do here?" Deny or play along?
"Sure then, buddy. Yeah. I can be your big brother."
And there's that smile again- oh, what has Dick just done?
tags: @basilf1res @angelheartgamer @justgray15777 @terzatheunderscorerima @phantom120 @undead-essence @crazydoughnutlady @big-flrda-kys @rangerhorsetug @shamelessstudenthideout @nonbinary-disaster @keegan-parker @i-am-the-asian-persuasion @terrasolstice @eonic @mayoota-blog1 @theonewiththegays @glitchedchaos
(hopefully i got everyone!)
bonus sketch:
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I don't like the Found Family trope.
There, did I get your attention? It's true, but the question is, why is Guardians of the Galaxy still one of my favorite stories in any medium ever?
Something really clicked for me with the ending of Vol. 3 (spoilers ahead, natch). The team broke up and that kind of development is usually heartbreaking, because we love the team, they love each other, now that they've found each other why should they ever part ways?
The answer is that they're a family, and that's what families do. Growing up means leaving the parents who raised you and finding a path of your own, maybe to someday continue the cycle with kids of your own, but never losing what you got from your first family. Those people, who you can't choose, will always be a part of you.
Each of the Guardians, aside from Drax, had their childhoods interrupted by traumatic events. They didn't get to finish growing up naturally, and that loss hounded them all their lives. When they found each other they began to heal, but here's what I didn't realize until the end of the trilogy: the family that they found with each other wasn't the kind that you make when you grow up. It's the kind that you grow out of.
From the beginning, Peter has shown signs of "Peter Pan Syndrome," acting like a little boy even though he's highly skilled, courageous, and compassionate. His maturity gradually began to show through, but one quirk that kept coming up was his refusal to return to Earth. No good reason for it except that he couldn't bear the reminder of his mother and he was ashamed to face his grandfather. He can handle it now because his life with the Guardians gave him the stability he needed to become a true adult.
Gamora's new incarnation doesn't need the Guardians because she found the Ravagers instead. We don't know much about them but I expect that what they did for Yondu, they'll do for her too. In the meantime, Nebula's had a few good years of being loved and now she can follow the footsteps of the Gamora who was lost, aside from falling for Peter, because that's unlikely to ever work again.
Groot's been the most fortunate, not having his youth cut short or taking any serious trauma since he sprouted. Eventually he may want to strike out on his own, but until then it's good that he can stick with Rocket.
Mantis seemed more aware than anyone of their internal struggles, including her own. Which is appropriate, her being an empath and all. She really made the boldest possible move, going it alone, and I'm proud of her. Hoping she'll make an appearance in The Marvels or something else before reuniting with Peter and/or the Guardians.
Drax is a special case and the one who I thought was most likely to die, since it seemed like his arc was all wrapped up: he had his childhood before we met him and it was his adulthood that was ripped away from him. Revenge was his entire deal and Ronan and Thanos are dead now, so what's left for Drax? Well, it turns out revenge doesn't have to be his entire deal and now I'm embarrassed I ever thought otherwise.
Rocket...oh, Rocket. We always knew that he was something other than what nature had intended, and that was on top of the nonstop physical and emotional abuse, but now it turns out he already lost the only three people who put anything good into his sad little life. Since there was nothing to salvage from his upbringing, he was the one who needed the Guardians the most, so he's the only founding member to stay. But no mistake, it matters that he's staying as the leader. He's not alone, but he's not under anyone's control, either. He knows who is now and he knows his worth.
The "don't call me a raccoon" running joke always bothered me a little but I never dreamed it would have a payoff like it did in Vol. 3. Rocket claiming his full name is much more than a nod to his comic origins. It's his understanding of where he began and the injustice that was done to him, his acceptance that he wasn't at fault for the deaths of his first companions and that he does deserve to be loved by the Guardians.
That's the foundation that lets everyone part ways without having to ask each other if this means their relationships are over. As far as I've seen, no other found family in fiction has reached this point - the team is generally the endgame, and if someone leaves, things will never be the same again.
In a real family, a good one, when someone leaves we celebrate. Congratulations on your first apartment. Good luck at college. Blessings on your union. Just remember, you can always come home again. Our arms are open for you.
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zyhkoo · 5 months
eye candy ♡ willy wonka 2023
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✦✦ 𓏏𓏏 ms. y/n rosewell, a famous botanist has come back from town after a year. she had returned with special flowers from her trip and famous willy wonka has caught her attention. will they get along? ♡ wattpad link part 2
"Thanks for the hand, kind gentleman! Your pay is in at the counter over there," you grinned as you placed a package on the table. It had been a year since you had traveled the world, and the town you resided in appeared more vibrant and bustling than before. Everyone in town appeared more happy and cheery than the previous time you came, which was quite the lovely sensation.
You unpacked the boxes and set some flowers on the shelf; a few boxes required strength to lift, but you were able to do it. You brought home a variety of flowers, from common to unusual, and basic to exotic. It was difficult traveling with flowers for a year; some didn't make it back to town. But that is what it is; you were just happy to bring home beautiful flowers for others to admire.
You were a well known botanist, your flowers were known well throughout the town. If a loved one received flowers from your shop, it was basically a flex. Some people recognized you on the way and were delighted to see you, while others briefly stopped to see if they can purchase a couple of flowers. But you rejected, saying you wanted to start selling when your business reopened for everyone.
Finally, after hours of effort, you placed the last flower on the shelf. You wiped your sweat and looked around. You were really proud because all of your gorgeous flowers were placed exactly where you intended them to be.
The sun was beginning to set; tomorrow would be the day you reopened your small shop.
Up your shop, there was your room. It wasn't too big nor too small, it felt just right. You didn't care about fancy things, as long as you felt happy you'll be fine. Flowers brought you joy but was that really all?
You never really had friends, only acquaintances. You were an orphan raised by a botanist who passed when you turned 16.  You had a step-sister who went missing. Who else was there for you? No one ever wanted to see you other than for your flowers. It was kind of a sad thought, maybe this year you'll find someone.
You exhaled, shaking the ideas from your brain. After you finished your bath, you put on your favorite nightgown. You peeked out the window before going to bed. The town lights were stunning; they appeared like stars emerging from the earth. The stillness soothed your senses, and you no longer felt alone; it wasn't that horrible.
It was getting late, so you blew out the candle and went to sleep.
You switched the sign in front of your door, you were now open for business. You watered and re-arranged the flowers for a bit, suddenly the wind chime jingled making it get your attention. The person in the door was Mr. Wesley, he had a box of chocolates in his hand and had a very formal appearance.
"Mr. Wesley, good to see you again." you told him with a soft smile "Its good to see you as well Ms. Rosewell! As soon as I heard you were back, I just had to come again." he told you "Oh I'm quite flattered, Flowers for your girl again?" You asked crossing your arms.
Thomas Wesley was one of your usual customers, he'd always pick a bouquet every 2 weeks for his beloved partner. He didn't have much with him, but he was willing to do whatever to make his beloved sweetheart happy. "Yes, shes now my wife." a bashful grin was written on his face. Your eyes widened in surprise "Oh really? Congratulations, I suppose shes a Mrs. Wesley now." you chuckled.
He smiled, "Yes, my brother helped me with the wedding, I couldn't done it without him. I wish you were there though, you had the finest of flowers in the town."
"Oh please, theres a lot of botanists here. But anyway, what would you like this time?" you asked him.
He looked around your shop for a bit "I need something for Valentine's day tomorrow. Maybe something big? I have 12 silver sovereigns right now, is that enough?"
Oh right, it's Valentine's day tomorrow. Valentine's Day used to be one of your busiest days; men would frequently purchase bouquets for their loved ones during the month of February. In exchange, you received a large number of sales, however working long hours exhausts you greatly.
"I can give you one of my best bouquets, I've already made a few while going back from my trip. What do you think about this one?" you asked, as you gave him a large bouquet. It had different types of pink and purple flowers and it had a gold bow wrapped around it with white accents.
"It costs 20 silver sovereigns, but since you don't have enough. You can pay me 7, oh and you can pick one of those roses over there for free. Consider it a late wedding gift." Ms. Wesley smiled "Thank you Ms. Rosewell! My, this is truly stunning. My wife will love this."
He placed the money on the counter, along with a small bar of chocolate. You looked down and stared at the bar of chocolate that he left. You called out Mr. Wesley. "Mr. Wesley, you left this?" you said, holding the bar of chocolate. "Oh, its for you! Taste it, it's the best chocolate in town." Mr. Wesley replied as he left your store.
You looked at the chocolate and flipped it over and saw the word Wonka. You blinked "Thats a silly name.." you chuckled, you unwrapped the chocolate and broke a piece. You took a tiny mouthful, and while it first tasted like regular chocolate, it soon acquired an odd tone.  It was unlike any other sweet, and it tasted fantastic.
You were more of a fan of bitter or not-too-sweet chocolate. You were unable to define this feeling, though; it seemed different. It's just really delicious.
You wanted to know more, you went outside and saw a boy selling newspapers. He waved the newspaper around while trying to get people to buy his newspapers. You approached him "Excuse me young boy, do you have anything about.. Wonka?" the boy casted a glance at you.
"Aye! Right here, I have this. All ya need to know about him is right here." you smiled "Thank you, how much is it?" The boy answered, "Just 5 silver sovereigns." yikes quite pricey. "Thank you, have an extra 5." you told him as you gave him 10 silver sovereigns.
You quickly went back to your store, it says Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. "Huh, silly name." you said. It was about a man who created the most delicious chocolates, he got rid of the candy cartel as well. You never agreed with the candy cartel, your step-sister once worked for them only to never be found.
You missed your found family, they were your big inspiration. You stopped dreaming when your sister vanished. You were so desperate to stop dreaming that you couldn't even recall what your aspirations had been. But it was time to move on, dwelling in the past was not healthy and it was time to focus on the future.
You kept the piece of newspaper under your drawer, more customers came into your store. You guided the people who had trouble picking flowers for their special someone, you wrote a few notes on the bouquets, and in the end of the day you got money.
"Thank you Ms. Rosewell!" said a girl as she waved goodbye "Excuse me miss, but what flowers do you recommend? I'm just looking for a single flower to give to my momma." a boy asked "What exactly is your mother like?" you asked "She.. shes quite classy thats for sure." he replied.
The boy's clothes were a mess, he had a few dirt on his face and wore a small beret. He looked poor, he reminds you of yourself when you were a young small child.
You handed him a flower called The Noir Love rose. You obtained these flowers from a dark cave, and they illuminated in the dark, comparable to a fairy light. Once plucked, these flowers harden and never die. However, once they are back on soil, they only have three days to live.
"Here's The Noir Love Rose. This unusual flower can only be discovered in the deepest darkest of caves; once picked, these roses harden forever." You told the boy, "However, if you plant them back in soil. They'll have three days to live."
The boys eyes twinkled "Wow, thats so interesting! Thank you, momma will love this." he grinned "How much is it?" the boy asked, ready to get his money.
You softly patted his head "Don't you worry young one, its for free. Now give it to your mother." the little boy smiled and ran off.
"How generous." you heard a young man enter your shop, "Hello Mister, what can I do for you?" You weren't looking at him, you were focused on rearranging the flowers on your shelves. The young man hummed "Interesting request, but can I buy some Burberry smite flowers?" you perked up and looked at him.
"An odd request indeed, what do you need it for?"
He had curly hair, a crane, a brown top hat, and a scarf. You attempted to find the best words to describe him, and your final impression was that he resembled a big puppy.
"For chocolate miss." he replied
You crossed your arms "I don't think Burberry smites are edible." you told him "Oh, anything is possible with me miss." he softly smiled at you "You look familiar," you said approaching him "Well, I am well known around this town." he laughed.
Curly brown hair, a top hat, a scarf and a crane and the passion for chocolate.
"Are you Willy Wonka?"
"Indeed I am!" he said, tipping down his hat. "And you're Y/N Rosewell am I right? The daring botanist who toured the world in search of lovely flowers to offer to people in love." you chuckled "Is that really what people think about me?" you said "Why of course, anyone would die to get a flower from you. I've heard a lot about you, Ms. Rosewell."
"I'd say the same Mr. Wonka, you have great talent." you praised back.
Willy chuckled "Flattering, now about the Burberry smites.." he placed a hand on the counter "How much do they cost?" you hummed "Quite a lot Mr. candy man. They're really hard to get, they're my most expensive flowers." you replied to his question.
Burberry smites were extremely difficult to get; they are located in deep underwater caverns, typically near an undersea volcano. Despite its name being akin to "blueberry," it was purple. It also had a lovely aroma, and it was thought that anyone who smelled the Burberry smite would fall in love with the next person they saw.
However, this generally occurs when the fragrance is strong and it takes time for someone to truly fall love someone.
Willy asked "So how much would it be, Ms. Rosewell."
"100 thousand sovereigns." 
For a brief moment there was silence "Quite a lot, but understandable. They are a trouble to get." Willy said "Say, are you interested to bargain with something else?" you tilted your head "What would it be Mr. Wonka?" you asked the candy man. Willy chuckled "Well you already know the only thing I have is chocolate."
"Hmm, your chocolate is quite delicious. But is it worth a flower?" you told him "Haha, well you see Ms. Rosewell. The town festival is coming soon, and I'd like to impress people by making a wonderland full of sweets." Willy told you "You're quite the dreamer Willy Wonka." you chuckled.
Right, the festival was approaching. For two weeks, the townsfolk would celebrate the town's anniversary. It was a really hectic and crowded week. So you normally close till the festival is over. Although, you loved wandering around the festival. You'd frequently go shopping while also enjoying the silly games.
It has been quite some time since you celebrated the festival.
You sat down the counter "Alright, I can agree with chocolate. What do you have for me?" you asked, resting your hands in your palms. "I'll make it special for you. How do you like it? Dark? White? Nutty? Exotic?" he said, looking at your eyes. You laughed "I usually like them bitter, not too sweet." you said, answering his question "I'm not really a fan of chocolate. Nor things that are too sweet, I feel like they're not for me." you said.
"WHAT? You don't like chocolate??"
"Ahem, my apologies Ms. Rosewell."
Willy adjusted his scarf "Don't you worry, I'll make something perfect for you. Mind if I place my suitcase on your counter?"
He opened his luggage, which resembled a little factory filled with remedies and miniature machinery. He began to prepare the chocolate; you didn't expect him to produce sweets on the spot. Looking at his expression, you could see he was proud of his craft. When you were selling flowers, he seemed to embody everything you want.
But, you weren't that proud of your work. You thought that it could be better, but you can never make anything that is up to your expectations.
"Alright, there we go, apologies, they take a long time to make." Willy rubbed his head. "That's fine, I don't mind at all," you answered, soothing him. You suddenly decided to make some small talk: "Have you always wanted to be a chocolate maker?"" you inquired. "Not at all, I wanted to be a magician." He said.
"My mother was my inspiration, when she made me chocolate I knew I wanted to do the same." he said, his eyes were twinkling. "Wheres your mother now?" you asked, "Shes gone."
He was just like you.
"I understand," you said. "We have a similar story; back then, I aspired to be an actress... or a painter." He looked at you. "I used to audition for plays all the time. And I used to create portraits of my foster family," you said. Willy looked at you, he rested his chin on his palm "How did you become a botanist then?" he asked.
"I gave up. I stopped being a dreamer," you explained, your eyes softening slightly. The both of you went silent, then Willy spoke up "Well it wont hurt to still try and chase them right?" Before you could say anything, a little ding was heard. "Oh, it's ready. Come! Take a piece of my chocolate." You rose up from your seat and approached him.
He reached out the chocolate to you, it had a dark color and held a star shape. You took the piece and ate, it tasted amazing. "This is wonderful.." you said, reminiscing. "Isn't it? Im glad." Willy grinned "What about this, I'll give you a jar every month in exchange for a Burberry smite." Willy offered, you looked at him "How many do you want exactly Mr. Wonka?"
"Oh a single flower is already a lot for me, so do we have a deal?" Willy said, reaching out his hand. "We have a deal." you said,  shaking his hand. "Do you have a name for this yet?" you asked, Willy shrugged "Not yet." he said "What if I named it after you? Its your request after all." he said "Mn, Rosewell chocolates? Interesting haha." you laughed.
"I'll get the Burberry smites. Do you prefer the big ones or the small ones?" Willy thought for a bit "I want it just right, you think you have that?" he answered your question "Of course, I have a few." you answered back.
You held the Burberry smite. Its soil was sand, it had a ceramic vase, and it required water to survive. Thus, it contains ocean water.
"Mn, smells quite lovely." you murmured, sniffing the flowers. Willy closed his eyes and took a smell, "They certainly do." you smiled at his comment "Glad you think so as well."
"Splendid, thank you, Ms. Rosewell." Willy replied. "Your welcome—oh, just a moment, I forgot something." you said, pausing him.
You took the vase from him, placed it on the counter, and wrapped a shiny brown ribbon around it. "There we go, please come again." Willy smiled broadly, "I will very surely do Ms. Rosewell." He lifted his hat, "Why don't you come and see me at my store? Or my factory?" He offered, "I will think about it! It's getting late; please be safe."
You could not help but smile as you saw him leave your business. He appeared to be a pleasant person, you imagined in your head that he was a greedy and aggressive businessman. But you were quite wrong, in fact he was quite kind, and you want to meet him soon and perhaps become friends. But there was a comfortable sensation in your chest; perhaps you yearned for more.
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hi everyone! my name is blythe, this is my first ever fic!
i fell in love with timothee's wonka so i just had to write something haha. but here are the first parts of the story, a lot of these things are made up of course like the flowers burberry smites etc..
i haven't beta read/proof read any of this, so there is a chance i will revamp some of these if i do change them, they will be changed in wattpad. i hope thats fine!
once i get enough readers in wattpad, i will make the next parts! i plan to update more there.
thank you for reading c:
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