#like cake is so witchy and perfect now!!!
arborescreens-a · 1 year
krem made 3 outfits for cake. Claire made an outfit for sie. I'm being absolutely abnormal right now I want to draw them SO BAD
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
Here is a Christmas themed one 🫶🏼 I'm imagining u wrapped in a lil blanket munching on gingerbread cookies and watching ur fave Christmas movie 🥹
This one was so so much fun like you wouldn’t believe it I love it sm
1. It was kinda hard picking cause all the houses look so pretty but the last one looks kinda pink also it looks like it has tons of rooms to read and snuggle in which is perfect for christmas and just general meb activities
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2. I’m actually allergic to raw bananas so I’d swap them out for something else like mango. During Christmas my breakfast looks a lot like that, pancakes, muffins, tea, fruits, sausages, eggs. Best time ever
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3. I’m actually into very “spooky” vibe kinda settings. Like if you watched the chilling tales of Sabrina? Or halloweentown but darker. Those vibes with the spooky music and the slighlty witchy off vibe are just so chefs kiss to me. I’d probably be super stressed if I lived there irl but oh my gosh I can look at the aesthetic. Anyways the last two were very much giving magical bath where I read my book but I’m very clumsy and I will drop it in so option two is better cause I have somewhere to put my book, also, CANDLES🕯️
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4. The boots and jacket I chose are so cute I wish I actually had them. If it’s cold enough, I’d probably layer a hoodie under the jacket for extra warmth. Probably a white one
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5. The earmuffs!?? I want them so bad now! They’re so pretty. Also the heart brown scarf is the one I’d probably buy but for the sake of the outfit, gotta go with the white scarf which I also think looks super cute/chic
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6. Although I’d love to go ice skating, I’d probably fall soooo many times and not get to skate very much. Plus building a snow,an would be so fun. I’ve never seen snow before so we’d have so much fun customizing it
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7. I am suuuuch a baker during Christmas. All out. Cake, cookies, muffins, tart, etc. so I couldn’t pick just one option. I have a butter biscuit recipe which I only use exclusively on Christmas and gosh they’re so good
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8. I’ve actually only watched frozen 2 and the home alone movies from this list. And now I barely even remember the home alone movies just vague parts so really it’s just frozen. But polar express has been on my watch list for a while now so either that or how the grinch stole Christmas (which I half watched half asleep when I was like 8)
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Anyway this was so cute oh my gosh! Thanks for the ask Val! I hope you’re having a great day bby🫂💕
Also…only if you want though👉👈 you wanna climb under my blanket and eat cookies with me?
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Autumn Emoji Asks ✨
🍂: Make a simple autumn moodboard to show us your vibes this season! (or simply name the things you would put on such a moodboard)
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👻: What is something in an animated movie or cartoon that scared you as a kid? 
Woody the Woodpecker lol
🎃: What are some good memories you have of celebrating Halloween? And do you have any plans for this year?  
Last year I spent Halloween at a rave, that was pretty spectacular. Halloween as a kid was always awesome also :) I don't have any plans this year yet but I think I just want to make spooky baskets with my partner and have a spooky movie night
🥧: Regardless of skill, if you could bake anything right now (pie, cake, muffin, brownie etc.) what would you like to make? 
Pumpkin Bread
🌧️: Time for a movie marathon on a rainy day. Pick your top 5 movies to watch!
Practical Magic
Any of the Twilight movies
Pan's Labyrinth
Queen of the Damned
🍊: What is your favorite scent? 
Rainy Cedar or Pumpkin Vanilla Campfire
📺: Do you watch horror movies? If yes, which are your favorite? 
Not really, but Midsommer was very visually stunning
🍄: Write a short essay about your thoughts and opinions on mushrooms.
Mushrooms are wonderful wonderful things, I love them. They're cute in art, they're great in food, they're the beauties of nature, they expand the mind, they HEAL! And when I say they heal I mean in more than just the psychotropic ways. They can communicate under the earth. There's so many of them and they can thrive through so much that other plants cannot. I love mushrooms, I wish I could be a mushroom. Mushrooms have taught me about myself and others. Mushrooms changed my life.
🤖: If you were a video game NPC, what would be your catchphrase? 
"Sweet strawberries, oh my!"
🍪: Favorite kind of cookie? 
Turtle Pecan
📢: Shout any random thing that your followers really need to know.
@zepheriasimmer is my sims 4 cc account :)
💁‍♀️: What are items you definitely don’t need but tend to keep and collect anyway?
cool tags from clothes/other products
tiny boxes
🧡: Which 3 songs remind you instantly of autumn and why? 
the obvious sweater weather, im not explaining lol
Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - it just gives me big singing to your love drunk by a bonfire vibes, coziness
Boy with a Coin by Iron and Wine - this one gives me witchy tambourine around a bonfire vibes
📆: Is there any event or upcoming activity you look forward to? 
🎲: Which kind of board games do you like to play? 
I haven't played a board game in a very long time, maybe I should change that. I like dnd though :)
🛏️: Describe 3 specific items that are in your room.
I have a fabric rainbow woven basket full of incense and I just adore it so much
My partner built me a desk shelf and its just absolutely perfect, if I was at home I'd share a photo of it but its just a lil mini table thing with two shelves on it. I put all kinds of cute little figures and plushes on it, figures from naruto, avatar (aang and toph), a lil cubone dude and other desky things haha
My dnd dice are purple with a pink to gold shift sparkle and they have witchy looking numbers that are gold
👹: Favorite fictional monster or villain?
Beetlejuice obviously
😿: Describe any scene in a movie/series/book that never fails to make you cry.
Really any Studio Ghibli movies, rewatching them as an adult you just see all these themes you never understood before and it just really touches me.
📚: What are your favorite book? 
Circe by Madeline Miller
💀: Do you have any fears/phobias? 
🎪: If you could go see any broadway show or theater play right now, what would you like to see?
Oh I have no idea I'll be honest, I don't know much about theatre.
🤡: What is the dumbest way you have been hurt or injured? 
Pulling something slipping and giving myself a black eye haha
🍵: Top 3 favorite tea flavors?
Sweet (I'm from Texas lol)
💻: To feel nostalgic; what are some old games/websites you spent lots of time on when you were young?
The Sims, Animal Crossing, Online Dress Up Games
🧛: Did you ever dress up for a costume party, or maybe cosplay for a convention? If yes, which character? 
I did Velma for Halloween at Six Flags one year
🍯: If you could choose any three-course menu, what would be your ideal starter, main and dessert? 
Crab Ragoons, Some kind of spicy crunchy sushi, Ice Cream Cake
🍬: All-time favorite candy? 
Sour Belt Candy
🏡: You can make it as crazy and silly as possible; what would be some must-have features of your ideal dream house?
Oh an art studio/craft room with all the organization things installed but also a free wall to put tons of inspiration, an indoor heated pool in a glass room, a glass sunroom period, plants growing all over the outside (stone house), fruit garden, pole room with also room to just dance and be about, trip/mediation/spiritual/witchy room with big ass windows, just lots of windows, lots of natural light, canopy bed, butterflies come and visit, in the wood lots of wildlife, a pond, big full trees you can sit under, gaming room :)
🎮: Whether you’re waiting for its release or just until you can buy and/or play it; are there any video games you are looking forward to? 
The Hogwarts game!!
🍁: A new website, fandom, video, song, fun fact or anything, name a recent discovery you would like to share with your followers.
Trees with Human Skin by Head Empty - I promise you it's beautiful and angelic you will not regret giving it a listen!!
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can we get some more brother!harry?
I really enjoyed your piece where he caught her smoking ❤️
of course you can!! (rip if your name is natalia) hope this is what you wanted;
Beautiful name to juxtapose a horrible excuse of a human being.
Harry was never that great when it came to choosing his girlfriends, but this one was by far the worst. Bekka had been bad, because she had been cheating on Harry with her best friends dad. India was just so toxic, to the point where she’d ask Harry why he wasn’t mad with her over the most trivial things as if she wanted him to be mad. Daya was ok, but she wanted different things to what Harry wanted and so they ended up in a massive argument and ending things quicker than they started. Natalia though, wow. She was something else and that wasn’t a compliment.
You don’t know whether it was just because she targeted you especially, but she was just a downright cruel person. You could easily tell her intentions with your brother were not good. She was a plain ol’ gold digger, evident from the credit card that Harry leant her and she spent so much on it the bank had to call Harry to ask him to authorise that he was aware of the amount of money being spent. She bought a car with his card. A fucking car. Harry was too blinded by her beauty and her experience that he was oblivious to her witchy behaviour towards you. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried to tell him either, it was more that he didn’t care enough.
“No Harry. No.” You argued with him, standing in the middle of the kitchen as he was busy washing the rest of the dishes in the sink. It was just the two of you home at the moment, because Gemma and Anne were spending the weekend at an exclusive spa in Cheshire, so you didn’t understand how there were so many dishes.
“Y/N, it’s not an option. You’re not staying at home by yourself.” Harry spoke sternly back to you, letting out his frustration by vigorously scrubbing the dishes.
“I’m literally 17 - 18 in like 3 weeks. I’m more than capable of staying home.” You stomped your foot to the ground like a child.
“And I don’t care. You’re coming to lunch whether you want to or not.” Harry finished the last plate and dries his hands on the towel next to the sink, before throwing it over to you.
“But she’ll be there.”
“She’s my girlfriend, so you’ll nice to her.”
“If she’s nice to me, then yeah.” You rolled your eyes and walked over to the sink to start drying the dishes that Harry just cleaned.
“ Y/N, I swear to God.” Harry groaned in frustration, tugging a stressful hand through his hair. “Can you at least pretend to be happy for me for once?”
“Gee Harry, i’m just so happy to be going out to lunch with you and your girlfriend!” You put on the biggest grin as your sarcasm practically dripped from your tongue.
“Stop being a spoilt little shit and finish those dishes. We’re leaving in 20.” Harry spoke harshly, before leaving the room with a heavy strop to his step. It left you to blink back the tears that you couldn’t help that Natalia was ruining your whole relationship with your brother.
You and Harry used to be so tight nit, now it would be a miracle if he spent a day with you per month. Natalia had come along 5 months ago and she had completely turned Harry’s life around for the worst, only Harry was too ignorant to see that. Anne had come home multiple times to find you crying because Harry had cancelled on you, again, or Natalia had said something that had really hurt. Normally you were okay with taking hate, but Natalia made it somehow worse than that. Even if Anne or Gemma tried to talk Harry about the damage all this was causing you it would always be the same response;
“She just wants attention.”
The restaurant was very pretty.
It was one that you and Harry used to go to all the time, when there was no girlfriend around. It sold the best pastries and life-changing eggs on toast. The food was always delicious and the staff were so completely lovely. You were glad to be coming here, making you feel more comfortable than you would if you went to a expensive fancy restaurant instead. This little restaurant, named ‘Lemon Puffs’ after their infamous lemon, cream and pastry puffs, made you feel safe and happy.
“Remember to just be nice.” Harry spoke as you both approached the table that Natalia was already sat at. She was too busy on her phone to realise you were even here.
“If she plays nice then yeah.” You bit back.
“Y/N just stop being petty, y’pissing me off now.” Harry argued. “Whine like a bitch later. I don’t need it today.”
You stopped talking after that, not having anything else to say to him. He’d made it very clear that you were only here because he didn’t trust you at home by yourself, but by the same token wanted you quiet because he didn’t trust you enough to speak nicely. Harry hugged and kissed Natalia like he hadn’t just seen her last night and then sat down opposite to her, leaving you to sit next to Harry because you sure as hell weren’t sitting next to her. Natalia didn’t even make the effort to hug you or shake hands, in fact you barely got a simple hello.
“You alright, baby?” Natalia asked, twirling her hand into Harry’s from across the table. Disgusting.
“Yeah i’m good. This one’s a pain in my arse, as always.” Even with his joking tone, you knew he was being somewhat serious and that really messed with you.
“Typical.” Natalia rolled her eyes and tutted her tongue, not hesitating to use the opportunity to be mean to you. Harry thought she was merely playing along with his words, but you new otherwise.
“You know what you want yet?” Harry asked as he pulled his own attention towards the menu. You didn’t need to look at the menu, as being here so many times has allowed you to discover the perfect order.
“I think i’m just going to get the salad, but without the chicken, cheese or cucumber.” She answered, sipping on the water she must’ve already ordered whilst waiting for you both.
“So just lettuce?” You asked, not meaning for it to be a condescending question and yet she took it that way anyways.
“Is there something wrong with that, Y/N?” She asked, being really harsh in the way she spoke your name - as if the syllables actually caused her pain to speak.
“N-no I was just—”
“Didn’t think so.” She snapped and turned away from you to look back towards Harry, with her shit-eating grin that didn’t fool you. Harry kicked you leg under the table too, not appreciating the way you were speaking to Natalia. He didn’t even think about the way his girlfriend was speaking to you though. As usual.
“I’ll probably get the salad too.” Harry nodded his head and you shook your head as he spoke. Harry would never normally get a salad. Like, that’s so Kardashian of him. Harry, whenever he came here with you, always ordered a cheese and pickle panini, with extra crunchy pickles, a portion of chips and some halloumi fries too. Oh and then a cake for pudding. He wouldn’t have gone for a boring salad. Fucking Natalia was ruining him and you hated to have a front row seat of it.
“Not the usual then?” You tried to joke with him, but he was clearly still pissed off with you for being… you.
“Why, are you?” He asked quizzically.
“Obviously.” You smiled, which made Harry smile for a split second before Natalia pulled him away from you. Your smile disappeared and a frown settled in, knowing it would stay there for a long time.
“Babe, I am here too you know?” Natalia joked, bur you could see the anger and jealousy behind her eyes. If looked could kill you’d be ten feet under, twenty times over by now.
“Sorry, yeah.” Harry cleared his throat and paid closer attention to her.
Lunch went by slowly.
Natalia scoffed when she heard your order; poached eggs on toast with three pieces of crispy bacon on the side, a portion of chips and a mint iced tea. Oh and a cake for pudding, but you’d come to that later. Natalia ate her lettuce as Harry eat his salad as you ate your eggs on toast with bacon and chips. You loved the food, hated the company and couldn’t make up your mind whether you loved or hated being here. Natalia and Harry talked throughout lunch, leaving you out of all their conversations. The only time Harry spoke to you was when he asked whether your food was okay, eyeing it up as if he wanted to make love to it and send his salad to the nearest dumpster.
“Was everything alright for you?” Paul, the owner of the business and dude in charge of the eggs asked you when all your plates were empty as Harry’s growling stomach.
“Lovely, thank you.” Harry responded gratefully.
“Perfect.” You smiled as you handed your dirty plate to Paul.
“It was a bit plain.” Natalia moved her plate away from her in disgust and Paul put on his best customer smile, apologising for that before leaving to go and ring up the bill.
“Okay i’m just going to go for a quick wee before I pay.” Harry announced, getting up from the table to go to the loo.
“Okay babe. Don’t be too long.” She called out and then it was left just you and her.
“Well this was nice.” You tried to be nice, as Harry told you to, and start a meant conversation with your arch enemy. Kill ‘em with kindness - that was Harry’s slogan wasn’t it?
“If you hadn’t have been here then yeah.” She turned her nose up at you.
“Look,” you began, wanting her to understand something, “whatever i’ve done to upset you and make you hate me, i’m sorry. Just, I don’t want you to dislike me and I know that Harry really likes you so I want us to be able to get along.”
“Listen, Y/N,” there it was again - your name spoken with dripping venom, “I don’t want to get along with you. You make me sick. You are such a baby to Harry and you’re needy, which means I don’t get to spend time with my boyfriend—”
“Don’t get to spend time with him?” You had to laugh at that. Apart from today, you’d seen Harry maybe a total of 2 hours this whole week and it was Saturday. “You’re practically attached at the hip.”
“Not enough. Harry needs to keep away from you, you only bring him trouble.”
“I’m his fucking sister.” You shouted quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace for the rest of the customers.
“Not an excuse. Look Y/N, I understand that you are quite lonely and don’t have many friends? Maybe you should consider that’s for a very good reason?” She rhetorically asked you and that made you sit back a bit. She was pulling apart your insecurities now and exposing them to find the most painful parts, so she could watch you suffer with only the curse of her words.
“It’s not like that.” You tried to convince yourself more than her, tears in your eyes over something so hurtful to you.
“No? ‘Cause I think that you aren’t the kind of person anyone wants around, including Harry.” She stood up dusted herself off as he noticed Harry walk back over to the table, smiling as if she hadn’t just shot his sister in the heart.
Her words stung more than a scorpions tale, and yes unfortunately you knew what that felt like. Natalia was right. You were alone, friendless and just trouble. There was a reason that you were all of this and Natalia had hit the nail right on the head with the reason why. You thought of your friends, his they always disappeared and left you and now you sit in the canteen alone or hang out only with yourself on the weekends. You think to Gemma and Anne going away for the weekend, not inviting you because it was age restrictive but you still couldn’t help but think there was a more pressing reason than that. Then you think of Harry and how he was fed up of you. He couldn’t be more resentful of you if he tried. You wanted to be a good friend, a good daughter and most importantly a good sister, but it was so blindingly obvious that you weren’t. You were never going to be.
You stood up from the table too, quickly wiping away a tear from your face before anyone could notice but you didn’t care to see if anyone was actually watching. Harry kissed Natalia and then walked over to the cashier to pay the bill. You noticed Paul and Harry talking and so you walked out of the restaurant and towards the car, still tears in your eyes. You needed to be strong for yourself though, especially because nobody else was going to be.
You stood with you handle to the door of the car waited for Harry to come and unlock it. You heard high heels before the car was unlocked, unfortunately.
“Excuse me, but I ride front.” Natalia spat at you, removing your hand from the door and chivvying you to the back of the car instead.
“You’re coming with us?” You asked, your heart aching that little bit more. You didn’t want to spend another minute in her presence and yet she would now probably spend the rest of the week until your mum and sister came back.
“No she’s not.” Harry walked out of the restaurant and over to the car, standing in between the both of you but a little more towards you.
“Babe? What do you mean?” Natalia asked, a little bit shocked at his tone with her.
“Firstly dont babe me. Secondly, get your hand off my car. Thirdly, don’t ever come near me or my sister ever again.” Harry ordered angrily. You’d never seen him this angry before. You stood behind him, afraid of what was about to go down.
“What has she said to you, because—”
“She’s my sister and she’s got a name. Y/N didn’t tell me anything. Lemon Puffs, however, has eyes and ears everywhere and it’s amazing the stories you hear when you’re stood at the cashier or next to someone at the urinals.” Harry accused Natalia and she went hot red in the face, embarrassed that this conversation was actually happening.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No? Maybe this will jog your memory. ‘I think you aren’t the kind of person anyone wants around, including Harry.’” Harry raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest confrontationally. Guarding and protecting you. You felt safe.
“Wha— You think I would say that?” Natalia asked, pretending to be offended by the accusation.
“I don’t know, let’s ask Y/N shall we? Y/N, did Natalia say that to you?” Harry asked, turning to look at you with hope in his eyes, but also sorriness for everything that’s happened. You could see it all behind his eyes and you wanted to squeeze him tight to accept his apology, because you loved him and you needed him.
“Y-yes.” You answered, looking down so you didn’t have to make eye contact with Natalia.
“Harry you can’t possibly believe her.” Natalia laughed, but there was heavy insecurity in her tone.
“I trust her more than anyone. More than you. I trust Y/N with my life.” Harry back answered, taking no more bullshit from his ex-girlfriend. “We’re done Natalia. Okay? I don’t want to see you ever again. What you’ve said and done to my sister is unforgivable and I don’t want someone like you in my life.”
“You were a dick too.” You added quietly behind him and he just turned round to smile and wink at you.
“So what? That’s it?” Natalia asked, dumbfounded.
“Bye Natalia.” Harry walked around to the drivers seat and you to the passenger side. He stopped before opening the door though, wanting to say one last thing. “The bill was split in half by the way. Paul’s just inside waiting for you to pay.”
With that, you both got in the car, laughing at Natalia’s reaction and just everything. Apologises were made and promises of no relationships until you two had built back up yours were sworn. It would take time, but Harry was willing to prove that he was a good brother and you were always going to be someone he wanted around.
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The red widow 
15 years. 15 long years waiting for infamous black widow to come back for you and yet, she never did, well, she'll pay for never coming back for you, and you'll make sure to corrupt that witch too, just as the icing on the cake.
Prologue: Meeting The Scarlet Witch
Seeing a portal appear in your apartment would've been a lot worse if you were a normal person but being a widow and part super solider you couldn't sweat the small stuff anymore, turns out this "Scarlet Witch" as you come to know her is about to make your life a bit more interesting
Chapter 1: A witchy hookup
You didn't expect to find Wanda Maximoff doing body shots in the bar across from your apartment but you weren't about to complain when she looked so damn good!
Chapter 2: Tony's daughter is ours now
Could you really take advantage of Tony Stark's innocent and trusting daughter after her argument? Of course you could! She'd be a perfect addition for you and Scarlet Witch, now you just needed to convince her to come home with you. You couldn't wait for Tony to find out what's happening to his daughter
all of these chapters will come out soon but yeah I hope you'll all enjoy this little AU I made up! :D
Feel free to send me any ideas or things you'd like to see in this AU. Always up for ideas!
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phandomreversebang · 3 years
Phandom Reverse Bang 2021 Masterlist!
Hi guys! We want to thank everyone who took the time to join the event and make it super fun as always. This is the masterlist of all the amazing fics and art pieces created for the event. Don't forget to share share share!
Sparks Fly by @counting2fifteen: Dan and Phil’s vacation after Vidcon is going well, until a mistake from Phil sets the whole thing up in flames. Beta: @catboydan. ART by @schnaphan
Raise the Woof by @paradisobound: Dan started his own dog bakery after a trip through Pinterest gave him the idea of baking a cake for his family dog Colin. The bakery is a success and Dan loves the fact that he gets regular customers coming in all the time to order cupcakes. One customer, in particular, comes in every day and goes by the name of Phil. But Phil never brings a dog with him…Why? Phil is a werewolf and likes eating the cupcakes himself. Beta: @through-this-night. ART by @effingmeteors
Opposites Attract by @succubusphan: Phil comes home and finds a letter. Beta: @effingmeteors. ART by @schnaphan
Youth -Season 2- by @r3ad3r1: Dan and Phil are both young actors at the beginning of their careers: after being minor characters in the TV series “Youth” they are going to be the focus of season 2. They come from different backgrounds: Dan has a family involved in the business, Phil does not. They have different attitudes: Dan stays with producers and directors, Phil hangs out with the other actors. Let’s see if being boyfriends on-screen will affect them in real life. Beta: @catboydan. ART by @anironsidh
I'm happy at home (happy at home) You're my best friend by @anironsidh. Phil decides to go back to university for his PhD in English while Dan works on writing his book, but they must find a way to stay close while it feels like their lives are going in separate directions. Beta: @indistinct-echo. ART by @isthisadrawingiseebeforeme
blind date gone wrong?! (not clickbait!) by @overmayhead: When Phil gets stood up at a blind date his colleague Bryony arranged for him, he certainly doesn’t expect the evening to end with a kiss in the pouring rain in front of a load of supermarket bins after almost sneezing his brains out. Beta: @microoowave. ART by @hiwatari-art
Forever Home by @possumdnp: Phil’s wanted a dog for as long as he can remember, and now that he and Dan are moving into their new house, it’s the perfect opportunity. But there’s just one problem. Phil’s allergic to dogs. Beta: @microoowave. ART by @unicornosaur
something so magic about you by @silentdescant: Under the full moon isn’t the only time Dan and Phil do business in the forest, but it is certainly the time of month they do the most business. Phil thinks it’s because that’s when all of the supernaturally-inclined creatures come out to play, but Dan’s cynicism bleeds through whenever he argues that it’s just because the full moon “seems witchy” and that it’s akin to a tourist trap. Phil rolls his eyes, every time.
or: Dan believes that magic exists; he sees evidence of it every day with Phil. He just doesn’t believe he has any magic of his own. Beta: @stefycubi94. ART by @sevensforasecret
With enchantment on your side by @jestbee: Dan finds photos, and then he finds the person in them. Beta: Lackless. ART by @jorzuela.
Somebody find me, find me love by @anironsidh: Phil Lester likes working at the little cafe he's been at for awhile. It's nice, calm, and he feels accepted for being gay there unlike what he knew before. When the cafe's owners bring in a new piano player to entertain on Friday nights, Phil finds his world thrown upside down by the stranger who's captured his attention (and who the owners think he has a crush on, which he does not thank you very much). Beta: @paradisobound. ART by @marranje.
won’t let you pass me by by @glowingatmosphere: When Phil walks into work that Thursday evening, there’s someone new sitting in Cornelia’s place at the piano. Beta: @irrationalqueer. ART by @marranje
Ride Into The Setting Sun Tonight by @succubusphan and @icequeenjules26: The start of a new season gives Dan the opportunity to finally win the world championship but his animosity with Lester and his reckless behaviour could ruin it all. Art by @toffeelemon.
Reasons why (Dan and Phil’s vacation) are a fail by @kneebleed: A series of a few unfortunate events that occurred to (kind of) rich people during their vacation. Beta: @indistinct-echo. ART by @paradisobound
off the record by @fictropes: His entire life is just going round and round in really fast circles, at least that’s what he tells interviewers when they try and pry a little too much. Beta: @sierraadeux. ART by @toffeelemon
Wouldn't it Be Nice by @succubusphan: Dab’s life is in shambles, his most precious friendship is in danger, but maybe a change of scenery could help. Beta: @through-this-night. ART by @polar-bears-making-pancakes
As Fate (or a really weird guy named David) Would Have It by @husbants: Phil has been stood up. Just as he’s leaving, a frantic (and absolutely handsome) guy rushes in the restaurant, looking for his own first date. Maybe tonight won’t be as bad as it once seemed it would. Beta: @paradisobound. ART: @hiwatari-art
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astriiformes · 3 years
Hey Nate! Now that my group is playing dnd in person again, we are thinking of ways to incorporate dnd themed food into game days, because we usually play through a mealtime. As a forager and local cool ingredient expert, do you have any thoughts on non traditional foods or ingredients that can be fun to include? (i am willing to forage but i know. nothing. so maybe easy mode for those suggestions haha)
Hm! Well one of my first suggestions would have been spruce tips, since forest vibes are often good for D&D, they are very accessible and easy to safely identify even if you don't know much about plants, and you can do quite a few things with them (tea, syrups, even just eating as is). Tragically they're just out of season, though, so maybe next spring! The same goes for fiddleheads, which are only tricky in that you need to make sure you are gathering ostrich ferns specifically, but are also one of those things that look so whimsical many people are surprised to learn they're real.
Things that might be more in season right now:
Foraged mushrooms, definitely, some of which are actually pretty beginner friendly. Chanterelles seem like one that have a bit of a fantasy feel, and aren't too hard to learn how to ID safely.
As summer goes on you could also do some berry-picking, which is about as safe as foraging gets if you're gathering something distinctive like blackberries or raspberries, and while they may not be non-traditional, foraged ones are often much more flavorful (plus you get that special satisfaction that you picked them yourself -- maybe even with the friends you game with!).
Elderflower/elderberries are also somewhat entrenched as fantasy staples (thinking about the elderflower cordial that cropped up a lot in the Redwall books), and eminently foragable
Wild roses and rose hips are probably just about in season as well -- rosewater was a common ingredient in many medieval recipes, so it would be perfect for trying in D&D-inspired dishes as well!
Juniper "berries" are a little more of a toss-up, but something you might consider. They've traditionally been used as a cooking spice of sorts and are another one that feels right to me for some fantasy foods
Lastly, if you're interested in making some teas to drink while you play, I have found that ground ivy (also known as "Creeping Charlie," which is what most folks I know have called it) makes for a very forest-y brew. I don't like it as much on its own, but paired with mint or spruce flavors it starts to taste like the closest thing I've ever had to an Entdraught
Also, as the year goes on and we creep into fall/winter: Acorns take a fair bit of prep on the cooking end, but are obviously very beginner friendly in terms of IDing them, feel extremely fantasy, and have a fantastic flavor. My acorn birthday cake last year had almost a gingerbread-y flavor, entirely thanks to the nuts! You also find black walnuts by the dozens here in Minnesota (and nuts are one of the things that are almost always fair game to take in the public lands that allow foraging here). Black trumpets are also very distinctive, beginner friendly muchrooms that grow later in the season here, and make a fun, deep black broth with a sort of magic/witchy feel. And in fall and into the winter, I highly recommend looking for chaga -- it's a weird mushroom that grows on birch trees that is often ground up and prepped as a tea or a cocoa additive (and thus the most Caduceus Clay thing in existence).
Lastly, you also might consider having a look at The Wondersmith's blog! She's a favorite source of mine for fun foraged recipe inspiration, and leans extremely fantasy-oriented. Worth noting that she's in the PNW, not the Midwest, but there's still a fair bit of crossover when it comes to some of the foraged ingredients she uses, and her ideas are all inspired. I highly recommend scrolling through her blog sometime.
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pink-imagines · 4 years
hand print
request: i just had an idea lmao so i read your bakugou x baker! s/o hcs and i can totally see him smacking your ass and leaving a flour handprint 😭you don't know its thwre  (continuation): oops lol i sent that before i finished it lol but imagine him not telling you its there and everyone sees it and they're like 👁👄👁
click here to read the head canons i made that inspired this
a/n: i am so rusty at writing so this turned out... well weird.
warnings: ass grabbing
requesting rules
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You hadn’t gotten a chance to bake in a while. Work always got in the way and your free time was spent relaxing from the amount of work you had. So you had done it. You had worked day in, day out to get an entire week off. Not only that, you had planned to meet up with your old school friends in the middle of that week.  Up to that day you had been making small muffins and even bread, since everyone was coming over to your place. Of course, it wasn’t only your place - you were currently living with your long time partner, Katsuki. The two of you had been a bit on and off since UA, but had finally moved in together after so long. One thing had never changed during all those years, he still loved to tease you when you baked. Baking had been your hobby since you were a kid and, instead of putting his amazing cooking skills to use and help you, he opted for standing beside you and doing everything he could to distract you. Though many would find this act annoying, you found it quite endearing. He wasn’t being mean to you, on the contrary actually. Katsuki tried to do everything he could to make you flustered, just to see how much you could take before you were bound to mess something up. This “distracting” could be anything from suddenly really wanting to dance with you to having to kiss every inch of your body for some unknown reason.
It was the day when everyone was supposed to come over and you were of course planning on making your famous macaroons. To do that you decided to get up early, since your guests would be coming over around four. This idea wasn’t something that Katsuki enjoyed. Not only did he have to spend time with a bunch of people when he could’ve just spent the day off he took with his significant other. He also had to wake up to an empty bed that morning, which according to him was entirely unacceptale. Katsuki decided what he was going to do as soon as his eyes opened to see you walk out the bedroom door what he was going to do.
“You’re wearing jeans at home?”, he questioned as soon as he walked out of the bedroom and saw you in the kitchen. “It’s just so that I don’t have to change later.”, you looked down at your black jeans, “They look okay right?” “You look great, babe... but why jeans.”, he sighed and wrapped his arms loosely around your frame. “It’s not that uncomfortable you know.”, you said and kept mixing your batter that you had prepared the night before. Katsuki’s arms stayed wrapped around you as his chest pressed up against your back. His chin later found your shoulder and placed itself there. “You didn’t have to get up now too, you took the day off.”, you smiled slightly at the memory of you having to beg him to take the day off for today. “... the bed gets too cold without you.”, he muttered. “Are you kidding me? You’re like a personal heater! How can my lack of presence make it cold?”, you chuckled, “If you mean that you missed me you could’ve just said that.” “Well, I didn’t mean that.”, he huffed and took a step away from you. “Lies.”, you teased and pointed your finger at him, “... I missed you too, either way.” You enjoyed seeing the way that his ears went slightly red at your comment. He could easily hide his facial expressions and even the blush on his cheeks, but his ears always went red when he was flustered. “It’s nice to have a week off so that I can spend all the time I can with you.”, you admitted and went back to your baking.
When you had almost finished the macaroons the guests were supposed to arrive in half an hour. Katsuki had been cleaning around the house, all whilst insisting that he really didn’t care if the guests found the apartment messy. However, when you were putting together the finishing the last few heartshaped macaroons before you could put them in the oven he had just gotten out of the shower.  “Katsuki, could you help me put some powdered sugar on the cake I made yesterday?”, you asked him. “You know, you really do too much sometimes.”, he commented whilst getting the powdered sugar out of the cupboard. “I like baking, otherwise I wouldn’t do this.”, you explained. “Jeez this shit really sticks to you easily.”, he said as he opened the packet. “Yeah, be careful you won’t ever get it off that t-shirt - especially since it’s a dark color.” If you had turned around at that moment you would’ve seen the gears in Katsuki’s head turning as you said that - but alas, you were left unaware of his newly found idea. Once he had finished decorating the cake he set the plan into work. “Hey baby...”, he said sweetly and wrapped his arms around you from behind once again, “... you know they won’t be here for a while...” “No, Katsuki.”, you said sternly. “Please, baby?”, he asked and placed a few soft kisses against your neck. “... I know what you-... don’t try me, Bakugo Katsuki.”, you stammered out as your face started getting more and more red. “You’re really cute when you get so flustered over the smallest things.”, he smiled and pressed a kiss to your cheek. As he walked away from you he smacked your ass and you let out a yelp in surprise. “Hey! You ruined this one!”, you pointed to the now ruined macaroon. “All the other ones are perfect, honey.”, he assured you with a grin. You huffed and returned to your baking, unaware of the powdered sugar print, in the form of a hand, on your pants.
When the first guests arrived you were still finishing up putting your pastries on plates, so you asked Katsuki to welcome them. Once you were finished with the last plate you carried them out to the kitchen table where some people were already seated, talking, while a few others were walking around, looking at your decour. “That looks amazing, Y/N!”, Uraraka complimented as she sat down. “Thank you, I haven’t been out of the kitchen since my break started.”, you smiled, “It’s nice to bake stuff again.” “Do you need any help taking out the rest of the plates?”, Katsuki asked, already walking past you towards the kitchen. “Yeah sure there are a few left.”, you turned around and were about to start walking when someone gasped. “Is that a handprint?”, Mina asked and hurridely walked towards you. “Huh?”, you tried turning to her but she kept you still. “That’s way to big to be your hand...”, she commented. “I don’t see the big deal...”, Shoto said from across the room. “Clearly, Mina is insinuating that someone grabbed Y/N’s bottom.”, Iida explained. “Don’t say bottom, Iida.”, Kaminari groaned. “I’m putting my detective spectacles on!”, Mina pretended to put on glasses, as Katsuki walked back into the room.  You were stood there, frozen, while looking at your boyfriend with an angry look. Of course he would do such a thing! While everyone looked at Katsuki putting down the plates, Mina had little to no patience. As soon as the plates were on the table she grabbed Katsuki’s arm. “Oi! Watch it, pinky!”, he exclaimed. “Just lemme borrow your hand real quick!”, she argued back. An annoyed sigh escaped your lips but before you could speak you felt a hand carress your ass, again. Mina had pressed Katsuki’s hand on the handprint to see if it would match. And of course it matched! It was his! As if the man you had decided to live with couldn’t annoy you more he decided to gently squeeze. “Hey!”, you yelped and turned around. “It was him!”, Mina revelled in her findings. “Yeah, who else would it even be dumbass?”, Katsuki scoffed and went to sit down when someone grabbed his arm again, “What?!” “... Katsuki...”, your grip tightened around his bicep, “You did this?” He gulped.
Let’s just say... he might be one of the best heroes in the country, but he’ll never stop being scared of you when you’re angry.
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc | @crystal-lilac | @brithedemonspawn​ | 
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mcfreakin-bxtch · 4 years
Cockwarming with Bucky 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
I hope you enjoy! (and whoops i added a daddy kink don’t mind me)
It’s too hot. 
Waaay too fucking hot. But that’s what you get for hugging a super soldier—more like clinging to his equally slick and scorching skin—while he’s balls deep inside your weeping pussy. 
While it is good being close to him like this, it’s been nothing but coiled torture for you, teasing you until you can’t take any more. What’s worse is that it’s only been ten minutes of Bucky sitting in his office chair, going over reports for the mission debrief he has to present in the morning, and you’re already a panting, pathetic mess. Can you really be blamed, though, when you can feel every vein and ridge of his cock as he sits comfortably inside you, so deep that you can practically feel him bulging in your stomach. When you’ve been waiting for him to come home for weeks now, not touching yourself under his orders and promises of fucking your brains out until you can no longer stand. When every stretch of his muscles brushes against yours and you swear to fucking hell that if he moves one more time you’re going to scream. 
“Bucky,” you whimper. “Please, I ne—mhgm.” He cuts you off with a slap to your sore ass. 
“What was that, doll?” He raises an eyebrow, eyes stern and swirling with dark lust; your pussy clenches around his thick member, and a tick in his jaw is the only sign you get that lets you know it affected him. 
“I’m sorry daddy.” You whine. 
“I know,” he coos. “I just need you to wait just a little bit longer. Can you do that for me, baby?”
You bite your lip to hold back the protest rising in your chest and nod your head, clutching him closer to you to bury your face in his neck as you adjust your legs to get more comfortable. He plants a kiss on the side of your neck and goes back to typing.
Okay. Okay you can do this. Just breathe and ignore the fact that you’re sitting on top of him and you feel like you’re going to implode by the agonizing clicking on the keyboard and the painful, electric fluttering of your velvety walls as you fight the instinct to move. Just ignore all of that and you can make it through this. 
Barely a minute goes by and you’re back to fidgeting on his lap, grumbling and whimpering at every little scratch of his cock against your sensitive walls. 
“Darling,” he warns, not even turning away from his work. 
“‘M sorry,” you’re quick to apologize. “I can’t just sit here with your dick in me and not fucking move.”
Your heart skips and your eyes widen as soon as you register your outburst. You wait with baited breath for your punishment—you hope that whatever it is, it gives you that delectable friction you’ve been begging for—but when you feel his shoulders and stomach trembling with gruff laughter, you lift your head away from his neck and muster the best pout you can make with the curve of your lips.
“Aww,” Bucky drawls mockingly. “Is my babygirl upset?” You shake your head. “Too fucking cockhungry for your own good, hm?” You nod, which makes him chuckle again; you can’t help but join in with your own. “I gotta do these reports baby, you know that. Why don’t you just go on your phone while I finish up?”
“It’s on the bed,” you sigh. 
Bucky leans up and meets your lips with a sweet kiss that makes you moan, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You run your fingers through his soft hair and tug; the harsh bite on your bottom lip is a reminder of what’s to come, enlightening a delicious shiver through your core.
He wraps his arm around your waist, the cold metal digging into your feverish skin, and uses his legs to push the office chair back until your phone is at arms reach. 
“Here,” he starts to hand it to you, but the stretch of his neck as he grabs it is too alluring to ignore and you dive in with sloppy kisses to the exposed flesh. He grunts and shifts, a flash of searing pleasure shooting from your cunt all throughout the rest of your body; you’re too wired to stop, adding teeth among the trails your tongue leaves and slowly, ever so carefully, start grinding against him so that the curls of his hair that trails down brushes against your pulsing clit. 
“Oh you wanna play like that, huh?” He tsks, but try as he might to sound stern, the waver in his voice gets you to grin and, with a much harder and clearer thrust that earns you a warning squeeze against your thigh as your phone drops back on the bed with a bounce, you lean down to whisper hotly in his ear, 
“Well, do your worst, daddy.”
Tags: @scarlett-berserker, @justlovetoreadfics, @lil-baby27, @mando-vibes, @beepbeepyabitch, @that-void-witch, @im-the-music-whore, @certifiedhunter,  @domino-oh-damn, @okaydacre, @lemongrove, @appreciating-chase-brody, @iwontforgettheapplepie, @mybabyboytony, @olyamoriarty, @pcrushinnerd, @elusive-ivory, @dizzydazed, @bluejeancntrygrl, @dadzawas-eyebags, @moonstruck-witchy @our-mrlangdon, @parody-the-emi, @evalynanne, @purplewaterbird, @vikingqueen28, @tedpicklez, @blunt-cake-yes, @agoldin, @lustriix, @readsalot73, @kateb013, @eupphoriaaa, @imalovernotahater, @everything-lost-and-unsaid, @dlmafa1, @hoodedbirdie, @drunkenliterary, @fioccodineveautunnale, @fangirlfree, @mrsparknuts, @amarvelousmandalorian, @ironheart-hanako, @sando-rann,  @elena-myth, @adikaofmandalore, @cahooter, @charliepeaceout, @dreamgirl-67, @phoenixhalliwell, @acrylics-and-sunshine, @sunkissed-winter
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witchyjeanne · 4 years
oh, wow. it was still samhain like...three posts ago! i'm really looking forward to imbolc, though. every year imbolc marks the beginning of a (slightly) less stressful time, for me. because in the weeks before imbolc is examseason at my university.
imbolc was the first (non christian) holiday that i ever celebrated. probably because it marks the beginning of better times, mental health wise. i just need something to pull me out of the stress enduced darkness, that my brain is dunked into. at this point of the year my world feels blurry. almost like it's not there at all. now, actively celebrating something -anything- is like actively fishing for light and warmth and flowers and cakes. which makes things better. for me imbolc is right at that breaking point. i just needed it. and imbolc ,to me, is the perfect holiday. it happens to take place right when i need it the most. and it's symbological meaning really speaks to me (that is, how i interpret it). Nature around me is turning towards sunnier times. And so am i.
also snowdrops and birdsong! oh man, and lemoncake!
up until now, i never realised that i am actually very in tune with the seasons. lately i've been observing myself more and realising, that certain moods occur again and again, at about the same time each year. which is weird, maybe a little scary but also comforting. because i now know, that better times are eventually going to come.
anyways, enough about me! what was your first witchy celebration? do you observe the wheel of the year? favourite holiday? tell me something :-)
lots of love ,keep going
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chinatea · 4 years
BG/SG/DI, two twin witches + one bear cub.
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Diminie -> Jisoo.
Baby G -> Jiyeon. 
Seagull -> Jungkook (goes nameless in Part 1).
(This fic is like a feel good pill for me. Hope you’ll enjoy it as well.) 
<<<<Part 1 >>>>
Jisoo likes waking up early.
He also likes staying nestled under the quilted blankets for a hot minute as the ambiance of their room whispers in the quiet, punctuated by the cute little noises his brother makes in his sleep.
Jiyeon is not an early riser, but once he’s awake, he doesn’t stay in bed much longer - up and running for his big mug of coffee to jumpstart his day full of bustling activity.
With a self-indulgent yawn, Jisoo props himself up on one elbow, peeking behind the curtain where the outside world greets him with the promise of a fine day. And Jisoo believes that any day can be a fine day as long as one welcomes it with an open heart. 
He lets the curtain fall back and rolls onto his other side to press a soft kiss to the crown of Jiyeon’s head. His brother whimpers, wiggling deeper under the covers and making Jisoo giggle fondly at his cuteness - Jiyeon would be the first to complain if Jisoo didn’t kiss him first thing in the morning.
Next, he gingerly crawls over Jiyeon’s sleeping form to get off their bed. As his feet touch the floor, his toes immediately curl into the fluffy carpet that purrs in response like a house cat, shooting a boost of energy up his feet.
The sleeping area is separated from the rest of the bedroom by a night veil. Delicate as a gossamer and with a dark blue shimmer to it, it muffles all noises and dims all lights, keeping even the nasty nightmares at bay. Jisoo slips right through, barely disturbing it, as he steps into the other half of the room bathed in the vibrancy of the morning light. 
Their house is an enchanted place, ever changing, molding itself constantly to meet the needs of its two owners. Sometimes it can be a touch unpredictable even, Jisoo thinks as he patters his way through the open inner court that somehow became bestrewn with evergreen pines just overnight. The mist is rolling gently over the needle-littered floor while a bird warbles among the branches up above and perhaps that’s not the worst thing to encounter on one’s way to the washroom.
Albeit it wouldn’t be accurate to call it a wash-room, per se. Not anymore. Not since Jiyeon decided that he likes taking long baths while enjoying the unobstructed view of Mother Nature. So, their wash-room is an honest-to-gods hot spring now.
And Jisoo remains largely un-sold on the idea, but at least now it’s close to the kitchen, so when he is done splashing spring-fresh water onto his face, he heads there for breakfast.
As usual, plates are crowding every single surface in sight, carrying too much food for both of them to finish in a month. Their house spirit has yet to warm up to the idea of moderation, always going the whole hog. Yet, there is a lot of freedom in the way the spirit runs their household and Jisoo would be loath to take that away - it’s simply the spirit’s way of taking care of them and that goes both ways. Besides, he gets to try something new almost every day and the foodie in him can’t say no to a scrumptious meal.
“It’d be nice to have breakfast outside today. Maybe under the pergola?” Jisoo says, popping a plump raspberry into his mouth.
“Oh, and leave a basin with spring water for Jiyeon in the bedroom. Room temperature. Generously sprinkled with lavender petals, please. He likes the scent.”
Before he makes his way outside, he lingers in front of a bookcase, running his fingers over the colorful book spines. He likes reading in the morning when it’s quiet and cozy, although he’s not good at keeping track of the books he's been reading - they always tend to vanish from wherever he’d left them, so he picks something new pretty much every morning. He is not too fussy about what to read as long as it’s about romance. Or gardening. Or both. 
A book pokes out, practically jumping into his hands, courtesy of the house spirit, and with a quiet ‘Thank you’, Jisoo makes for the door leading into the garden - his absolute favorite place to dally.
The garden is still very much work in progress as Jisoo likes working on it with his own two hands, mostly magic-free. Which baffles Jiyeon to no end. Ideally one would employ the services of a garden spirit who would do an outstanding job. And Jisoo agrees - that would have been so much easier. Kicking back and letting the professional do the work. Yet, he likes pottering about their plot, despite the many mishaps and frustrations that come with it. Maybe he is just being weird. Jiyeon certainly thinks so. 
Still there’s something extremely satisfying about lolling around in the dappled light from the pergola, gazing over at the fruits of his labor - lavender, pot marigolds and coneflowers, all thriving in perfect union. Pretty as they can be.
Jisoo expects nothing out of the ordinary when he settles down with his tea, a buttery toast and the book - “Friendly Spirits of the Forest and Where to Find Them”. He will read until Jiyeon sashays out of the house and demands Jisoo make him a toast. And as he nibbles on his toast, they take the time to catch up on their correspondence as well as the latest witchy gossip from town. 
The serenity of the morning is shuttered, however, by the clutter of plates. Nose tucked into his book, Jisoo startles, eyes darting to the cloth-draped summer table by the rose bushes. For a moment, he sees nothing that could have caused the ruckus until a little paw sneaks its way from under the table to snatch a heapful of fluffy pancakes from a plate.
Jisoo is gobsmacked for a moment, at a loss for what to do. It seems impossible that someone would be able to slink in without alerting them in one way or another. Either the house spirit must have let the intruder in or...something else entirely. And even if the creature has no ill intent (aside from nicking a few pancakes), he finds the very thought troubling indeed. 
This is supposed to be their little haven, his and Jiyeon’s, away from everybody else.
With the book still pressed to his chest, Jisoo tiptoes around the table, wanting to take a good look at their guest before anything else.
He finds them easily, under the table, as the creature looks up at him, mid-munch, with a mouth full of pancake. Jisoo recognizes them as a wood spirit, still in his cubhood. The poor thing looks tiny and unkempt, perhaps stumbling upon their place in search of food. 
For a moment, they simply stare at each other in mutual appraisal until the spirit seems to lose any interest in Jisoo, reaching out for a raisin pound cake from the food pile between his legs and stuffing it into their mouth, none-too-graceful. Jisoo takes it as his cue to approach him, crouching down to inspect his features in detail. 
The book pokes him, stealing his attention momentarily, before opening up in a wild swirl of pages.
Bear spirit, the page reads. 
There is a whimsical drawing of a bear napping under a berry bush and Jisoo inspects it for a moment before allowing his gaze to flit back to the spirit at hand. He certainly looks more like a human than a bear, although their facial features are definitely straddling that line. Is that a nose or an animal snout? That has yet to be decided.
Curious, Jisoo thinks. Could it be because this one is just a cub?
“Hello,” he says gently, addressing the spirit for the first time. “You’ve got a bit of jam there, little one, let me get it for you.”
Jisoo whips out his pristine handkerchief to reach out and dab around the cub’s mouth. When he doesn’t pounce or growl or show any signs of hostility, Jisoo takes his paw into his hand and beckons him from under the table. Obediently, the spirit toddles along, fingers stuck in his mouth, sucking the last of the sweetness off it.
Jiyeon glides into the room in his usual fluttery fashion, his trip to the coffee pot running smoothly even after he spots the cub poking a plant in the corner. 
Few things can interrupt him on his way to coffee and seeing a new face in their cozy kitchen is not one of them, it seems.
“And here I thought we had a no-pet policy,” he remarks, however, after a careful sip.
Jisoo spreads apricot jam on a toast before handing it to Jiyeon. 
“That’s a spirit, actually,” Jisoo chirps, plopping the book in front of Jiyeon. “Look.”
“A bear spirit?” Jiyeon peeks over his cup. “Oh dear. Aren’t they supposed to be asleep this time of year?”
“It’s the middle of the summer, Mimi,” Jisoo says. “Don’t be silly. Besides, it’s a bear spirit not a bear, they’re not the same, I don’t think.” 
“Whatever,” Jiyeon pouts, biting into his toast.
The bear spirit in question ambles closer, reaching on his tippy toes to hook his chin over the table edge. Jisoo props up the book to let them see the drawing. 
“Hadly a spitting image,” Jiyeon comments sourly. “Are you sure that’s what it is?”
Jisoo sighs - he has no idea. Neither of them have met a spirit like this before. Most of them dwell deeper in the woods, wary of any contact with people. 
The spirit inches towards Jiyeon, eyes like two dark chocolate candies trained on his toast. The sneaky invasion doesn’t escape Jiyeon’s attention as he squints at the cub skeptically, his upper lip raised to show a sliver of teeth, before offering him the crust of his toast.
The cub sniffs at it. Then, curiously licks Jiyeon’s finger instead. His brother squeaks.
“He licked me!”
“You had jam smeared on it,” Jisoo says. “He seems to like sweet things.”
“Oh, I know I’m a sweet thing, but you better keep it in your mouth, mister,” Jiyeon complains with a wiggle of his finger - the cub pouts, slipping under the table with a grumpy babble.
“Touchy,” Jiyeon tsks, smiling impishly.
Jisoo masks his giggle with a cough, settling into a chair to dig deeper into the book for answers.
“You know,” he speaks up, some time later. “I think he’s been here all along. That’s why the house spirit never alerted us about the intruder.”
“Excuse me?” Jiyeon looks up from his morning newspaper, perfect eyebrows drawn in frown.
“Well, it says here they adapt to mimic the creatures in their surroundings. And we’re the only ones here. I mean, there must be a reason he looks so human, right?”
“Well now. That’s unsettling,” Jiyeon huffs, legs crossed, his slipper balancing on his toe. 
“What, is he like a chameleon or something? Just wait until he starts matching the color of our hideous couch pillows, and we’ll never find the wretched thing. He already thinks he owns the Undertable.”
As if on cue, the cub sneaks from the Undertable to smack the slipper off Jiyeon’s foot, lobbing the fluffy thing high in the air.
Jiyeon shrieks and curses up a storm and Jisoo thinks his face might start hurting by the end of today from too much laughter.
The water in the bathtub has to be changed three times before it stops turning the color of dirt. To think that all of it came off the tiny cub is kind of gross, or so Jiyeon dramatically claims before being chased in circles around the tub by the said cub, squeaky clean now and naked as the day he was born.
Jiyeon is shrieking at the top of his lungs. In other words, he’s enjoying himself. 
Jisoo steps in-between the two, catching the cub into a fluffy towel and swaddling him into a pancake. The cub does not protest, peacefully handing himself over to Jisoo’s care - he seems to be more willing to behave around Jisoo compared to his brother. He wonders if the cub is more wary of him as he combs through the mop of the thick dark hair with two bear-like ears unfurling their way to freedom.
Jiyeon coos and calls them “little saucers”, playfully flicking one and then the other. The cub butts him lightly, nuzzling into his tummy with a series of warbling noises.
It’s like he is getting cuter by the moment.
Later, Jisoo fetches a plate with crispy waffles with a sludge of raspberry syrup poured on top. The cub sniffs at it, nose twitching, before snagging a few in one bite. He barely chews. The glitter of buttons on Jiyeon’s gown pulls at his attention and he plays with them for a while, the witch giggling and booping his big nose. 
“He’s kinda cute though,” he says. “I suppose we could spare a bathroom mat for him to sleep on.”
Jisoo gives him a look.
“What?” Jiyeon asks innocently. “It’s extra fluffy. I’ll even lend him your old baby blanket. Don’t say I’m not a giver.”
“He’ll easily fit between us, Mimi,” Jisoo coos. “Won’t you, baby cub?”
“Absolutely not,” Jiyeon protests, long earrings tinkling. “I like my space. I like to sleep spreadeagled, you know that.”
“You never do that, Mimi.”
“But I could!”
“You curl into a ball like a little kitten and then complain until I spoon you from behind.”
Jiyeon harrumphs, objections put on hold for now, as he gets busy arranging hair clips into the cub’s hair. 
End of part 1.
In Part 2, JK is going to get a bit older and we’ll learn more about the twin’s daily routine.
(The romantic stuff will kick off in part 3, I think.)
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andyet-here-we-are · 5 years
Jaskier, Yennefer, and Ciri find out Geralt has never had a birthday party so they go out of their way to have steamers and balloons and game night, all the while Geralt is just emotionally constipated because he doesn't know what the fuck is going on.
(Also can be read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22742986 )
"Keep him busy, and don't be here before the evening!" Jaskier says to Yennefer.
"How the hell am I supposed to keep him busy all day?!"
"You're a mage," the bard reasons and pushes her out of the door, "I'm sure you can find a way! Put a spell on him which will make him want to explore aaaall the pretty flowers and trees in nature till evening or something, I don't know! I know I'm the brain of this lovely team, and you all depend on me for every little thing, but even this extremely handsome and intelligent bard can't think of everything all the damn time!"
"... do you even hear yourself?" Yennefer rolls her eyes. "You're not the brain of this group. If anything, I'm not even sure if you have one."
"Rude. Oh wait a second, you didn't deny that I'm extremely-"
"Anyway! Less talk, more work. Out out out!"
Jaskier ends up making a birthday cake with Ciri. Okay okay, that's a lie, because it's more like Ciri just tells him to stay out of it, so he starts decorating the cottage while Ciri makes the cake –he nails it, thank you very much.- He gives her some ideas about the topping though, so he thinks he deserves some credit anyway.
Hours pass, and right when Jaskier thinks that Yennefer might have put his spell suggestion into practice–not that he is sure that it actually exists- they hear the sound of the key turning the lock, and he can’t help but swear. Because damn it, they were supposed to knock the door to give them some more time! But what they do instead? They step into the cottage like god damn savages.
Jaskier definitely doesn’t panic and nearly falls face-first on the ground while he runs to the basket which was filled with flowers, while Ciri manages to keep her chill.
“Happy birthday!” they cheer, and Geralt can’t fathom what is happening for a moment, even though it's pretty clear.
He is awestruck by the way the cottage is decorated: colorful streamers hanging everywhere, balloons covering the floor, various food dishes, and baked goods waiting for them on the table. Where did they even found streamers?
The Witcher doesn’t even know how to react.
It feels just so strange to him. All of it.
He is familiar with kikimoras, ghouls, basilisks and much more, he knows how to react when he sees one.
He knows what to do then.
But as he stands there while delicate flowers kept thrown over his head by the delicate hands of the most precious ones in his life, he just can’t react.
"What do you mean you never had a birthday party?!" he remembers Jaskier asking him nearly two months ago when he accidentally let it slip when his birthday was "...at all?" The bard’s face was coated in sadness.
"We don't have time for a birthday party. And it's irrelevant."
"Irrelevant, he says! YOU are irrelevant! We’re sooo gonna celebrate it!"
“Jaskier, no. We’re not going to do that.”
“Jaskier, yes! Just you wait, my dear Witcher.”
He had forgotten about it.
But apparently, Jaskier hadn’t.
Geralt isn’t the only one who is surprised. Because not only Jaskier and Ciri throw flowers over their heads while singing a Happy Birthday song, there is a banner that reads “Happy Birthday, Geralt and Yennefer!”
“It’s not even my birthday.” Yennefer states with a hard to read expression on her face. “I think I get it now.” She then looks at Ciri questioningly. “It was your idea, right?”
To her surprise, Ciri shakes her head and points the bard with her head.
“Let's just pretend it is!” Jaskier says. “I wasn't sure if you ever had a birthday party either, well, maybe you have, I don’t know. But!” he holds up his index finger, “ I’m sure it wasn’t anything as splendid as this since I wasn’t the one who-”
Ciri coughs, and Jaskier immediately corrects “We! I mean we, as in, me and my excellent, one and only dear assistant Ciri, weren’t the ones who organized that party. So I just thought... It seemed unfair that- not that I care or something, but-”
As much as is amusing to see the bard –who normally has his way with words- stumbling over his words- Yennefer prefers him to just shut his mouth at that moment.
So she does the only logical thing and gives him a very brief hug as a silent, but sincere thank you. She can swear that there’s the smallest hint of pink covering his cheeks afterward.
“I promise to you that your real, true-to-its- date birthday will be as good as this one. Happy birthday!” Jaskier says while Ciri is busy with giving Geralt a hug and wishing him a happy birthday.
As if he is saving hugging Geralt for later, Jaskier makes a beeline for his lute after telling them to have a seat. “Or don’t,” he adds “if you prefer to dance. Which I’m sure you will. So, I’ll start with the song I wrote for the confused mage over there.”
Jaskier’s song starts with “Once, lived a mage” which makes Yennefer frown.
"Once? Lived? I'm still here, you arsehole."
And includes lines such as:
"but don't make her upset!
Or else, you will, oooh, so regret
Yennefer of Vengerberg
is here with all the souls she has collected!"
“Only you could manage to warn people about not to make someone upset, and upset the said person the very next moment,” Yennefer rolls his eyes at the bard, who seems pretty proud of how his song turned out.
“What can I say? I'm a man of many talents.”
“Since when talking non-stop and giving people, hell, even monsters a headache count as a talent? For your information, I don't collect souls. What do you take me for? A demon?”
“Oh no honey, how can I? You’re worse than a demon. Demons are much easier to deal with. I’m sure that Geralt agrees with me. Right, Geralt?”
“I’d shut up if I were you, Jaskier.”
“Okay, maybe not so sure anymore. Yeah, of course you would shut up. That’s like, one of your personal traits. Not talking, as if someone made you take a vow of silence.”
“See? That’s exactly what I’m talking about.”
“No song for me?” Geralt wonders.
"Well, I've written enough songs for you. I thought it was time for a little change."
"Hmm. Fair enough.”
Geralt nods like he was completely expecting that to happen, and even the idea of Geralt thinking Jaskier would stop writing songs about him eventually, breaks Jaskier's heart.
He set his lute aside, and walks behind his chair. "I could travel the whole world to find the gift you deserve, the perfect gift,” he says softly as he leans over the chair, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
“But what you deserve is the world we travel in, its better, flawless version where everything is beautiful, where minacious creatures that you have to deal with don't exist.”
Jaskier is almost sure that Geralt will tell him to shut up, but instead, what he does is putting one hand on his, and listening to him.
 So he keeps talking: “A world where the sun always shines and warms upon your face every morning, where flowers never wilt, and moon always sings its sweet lullaby to you every night.
You say I am the crazy one, yet you must be crazy to think that I'd ever stop composing songs for you and sing them. Of course I wrote a song for you. But the thing is...”
The bard leans in even closer, and the rest is whispered in a tone oh so sweet that honey would be ashamed of letting people call it sweet.
 “-it's only for your ears to hear. And my other, dare I say, gift is, only for your eyes to see. Anything you wish tonight, shall be yours. All yours. Happy birthday, my love."
Geralt can’t help but shiver ever so slightly.
“You know we can still hear you, right? There are children here.” Yennefer remarks a moment later –which Jaskier responds with: “Hush, jelly Witchy, you got your song!”
“I hope you're not referring to me. I'm not a child,” Ciri says with a little smirk. “Let my dads have their moment.”
“Yeah! Let her dads-”
Jaskier starts, but then almost chokes on his own spit in surprise once he realizes what Ciri had just said.
They all, even Geralt, laugh at his reaction.
Their evening goes absolutely perfectly; Jaskier plays his lute and sings the most lively, cheerful songs for them. Sometimes he sings them alone, sometimes Ciri sings along. And sometimes just Ciri sings as he strums his lute, making up notes and melodies on the spot.
They even play games, but then Jaskier gets on Yennefer’s nerves as usual while playing -she nearly starts a cake fight with him, fortunately, Ciri and Geralt prevent it- they eventually stop playing games.
Even though Geralt can’t say that he really understands why they care about his birthday that much –he just got one year older, so what? It’s not worth celebrating- he still appreciates everything they do.
“My sun already shines every morning. Actually... He even shines in the darkest nights.”
Geralt says after he covers Jaskier’s naked body with the blanket so he doesn’t get cold.
It has been a hot night, and also very sweet.
“And my little flower,” he whispers sweetly as he watches how Jaskier’s chest rises and falls with each breath he takes, running his fingers through his silky, and messy hair “he never wilts, no matter how harsh the winter is. No matter how mean and inconsiderate the stupid winter can be towards him sometimes.”
The peaceful expression on his bard’s face as he curls even closer into Geralt’s embrace makes the Witcher smile fondly.
 “And my moon,” he buries his nose in his boyfriend’s hair, breathing in his very unique, familiar and heavenly scent “already sings sweet lullabies to me every day. ”
He then lets out a content sigh, and closes his eyes after brushing his lips against Jaskier’s sweet lips, stealing a soft kiss from them.
Not aware of the now blushing cheeks of his bard.
“Sleep tight, little hummingbird of mine. Thank you for everything."
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willow-salix · 4 years
Little something that wanted to come out for the Sensory Sunday prompt of "Smell" by @gumnut-logic
Witches rely on their senses more than anything else. Witches see the world differently to other people, they see, they feel on a different level. They feel, they notice, they pay attention. A big part of their gifts, the magic that they weave is linked to their senses, it’s linked to the conjuring up of energy which they shape, they mould to push out towards their goal. The real power lies within the heart of the witch, not in the tools, not in the elaborate rituals, not in the clothes or the magic words, but in their very essence.
For Selene her sense of smell is second to none, as finely tuned as a bloodhound's. She could identify herbs in a jar by smell while blindfolded, she was more likely to be roused from sleep by the scent of coffee than an alarm call.
Scents can be pleasant, energising, calming, comforting, arousing, alluring, insulting, horrendous, vile and nauseatingly horrible. They are many and varied but each and every one serves a purpose to her.
To her everything had a smell that was unique to it, things, people, places, they all had a scent she associated with them and they could affect her mood and her energy in both positive and negative ways.
She loved the smell of old books, they relaxed her, calmed her as she flicked through the dusty pages and felt the paper crinkle beneath her fingers. Incense was something she used every morning and evening, setting the tone for the day or helping her wind down after a hard night, lavender, rosemary, sage, nag champa, patchouli, fruits and herbs, she loved them all. The smell of baking cakes and bubbling soups could invoke calming memories of her Grandparents, the smell of the sea made her senses tingle, energising and empowering her. She was ruled by her nose as much as Scott was ruled by his stomach.
One of the first things she had noticed about her John, apart from that voice that just rubbed against her senses like a purring cat, was how he smelt. He smelt like the night, like the sky, like stardust and moonlight, all combined with a soft, calming scent of some kind of aftershave or shower gel that she couldn't identify but immediately wanted to buy shares in. She’d buried her nose in that little dip just below his ear and breathed him in, her eyes closing in pure bliss. That scent conjured up memories of late nights in quiet woodlands or on a solitary hilltop, the full moon shining in the sky. 
Whenever she inhaled that scent she imagined that if she tipped her head back she’d see a blanket of stars twinkling up high, pinpricks of light in the darkness, as sure and everlasting as the earth itself. That was where she was most happy, soaking up the energy, soaking up the magic that danced in the air and he was the human embodiment of that. 
She’d known from that first moment that he would be important to her, that he was destined to be in her life and to make it so much better.
She’d sat in the back of a massive craft, overwhelmed, dizzy and weak, she was shaking from adrenaline and fatigue, the gorgeous spaceman that smelt of everything that was good in the world wasn’t there anymore and for the first time in a very long time she felt vulnerable and just wanted to be at home.
She'd closed her eyes, forcing herself to take a few deep breaths in an effort to calm down and stave off the panic attack that had been threatening since she had been thrown into that blasted tree. The big machine smelt like any other mechanical device, like hot metal, grease and for some strange reason, undertones of cheeseburger. But then, mixed in amongst those nose offending scents had been the boys, comforting and friendly to her nose.
Gordon always smelt like chlorine and saltwater, which was hardly surprising given that it was him, but he also carried the warmth of sunshine on him like it was ingrained in his skin along with something tropical, almost coconutty. He gave off a happy, buzzing energy that you just couldn’t help but be drawn to, cheering you up in your darkest moments.
Virgil was a contradiction of smells wrapped up in a big, cuddly bear package. He smelt like engine oil, turpentine, paint and all sorts of manly smells, but he too had undertones of something more. He smelt of woodland forest and the earth after it rains, something fresh and natural that soothed her soul. She could imagine that he would be the very best person to send to anyone that was panicked and scared, anyone that was in need of calmness and comfort.
He’d spoken to her so kindly, had made sure she was OK and had been respectful of her tools even though he probably thought she was crazy. He looked like he should be gulping beer and watching football but had settled in his seat and lifted the big machine into the air with the bare minimum of effort. He’d checked on her one more time and then politely inquired if she minded them listening to some music. Of course she’d said no, thinking that music might be a nice distraction for her. She’d expected something with a hard beat, or energetic workout music because no one got those size shoulders without hitting some serious weights. The last thing she’d ever thought to hear oozing out of the hidden speakers of his console was the soft strains of Vivaldi. 
It was Virgil and Gordon that knew her secret and had been sworn to secrecy, it was them that knew the big, tough witchy had one very real fear, a fear that could paralyse her and turn her into a blubbing, sobbing, shaking wreck. She was terrified of needles. It was Gordon and Virgil that she had grabbed hold of at the hospital for her tetanus shot and refused to let go of, it was them that had stayed with her the entire time. It was Gordon that had distracted her with an endless stream of stupid jokes as the doctor had readied the syringe and it was Virgil that had wrapped his arms around her and tucked her head in against his chest telling her not to look and that it would be over in just two seconds. Virgil that smelt like comfort and kindness, Gordon that smelt like warmth and cheer. They had navigated her fears, calmed her hysterics and not held it against her when she had sworn at them more times than she could count.
Scott had two layers to his own unique scent. He had the freshly washed, impeccably groomed, shower gel, antiperspirant, spicy cologne and hair gel of first thing in the morning and by evening, after a rescue he’d have the chemical tang of jetpack fuel, and his skin smells slightly of the material used in their uniforms with just a hint of sweat that the material hadn’t managed to soak up.
She remembered the first time she had caught a wiff of that unique Scott smell and had an inkling as to the man that was standing before her. He’d been watching out for her all night, joking and being the perfect companion but the second he’d gotten her alone had been the moment he’d made his stance perfectly clear, hurt my brother and you’ll have to deal with me. She wouldn’t say he’d radiated hostility, more of a warning, letting her know that family was everything to him. Luckily she’d passed the Scott test.
Scott had quickly become one of the most important people in her life, one that she was closest to. He was an immovable force of nature, a solid, dependable, strong presence in her life that she couldn’t do without now. Scott was strength, Scott was the protector, the one that everyone deferred to to fix everything, even when it seemed impossible. Scott gave off an aura of carefully controlled energy but with an edge of hardness that he never showed to his family only to the people that really pissed him off.
Kayo smelt almost the same as Scott in that high octane way, she didn’t wear perfume, she didn’t bother with fancy hair products or highly fragranced antiperspirants, she was a simple one, a wash and go type. Her hair always smelt of shampoo, her skin often had the same residue of jet fuel and uniform material and she had the same idiot repelling energy as Scott though she was harder to get close enough to to feel it.
Then there was Alan, gods she adored that boy more than life. She remembered the first time she’d hugged him, having known him less than four hours, having watched him fear for his brother's life but still be so brave about it. He smelt soft and warm, with a sweetness like a hint of chocolate under the usual teenager smell. He smelt faintly of soap, but it had faded over the course of the day, maybe two, since he’d showered. He had the same sunny warmth that Gordon had, with a buzzing energy of pure happiness. He was adorable and she just wanted to keep hugging him, like he made the world better just by being in it.
Everywhere she had walked in the Villa had held faint traces of their unique scents apart from John’s unless you were in his room or he’d recently vacated the couch. But it had smelt homely, welcoming, comforting, that was until Grandma started cooking and the smell of burning spices permeated the air. 
Grandma smelt comforting, like flowers and cookies even though her baking could count as a nuclear disaster. Her ever present leisure suits smelt like washing powder and fresh air as she often insisted on drying clothes outside after she blew up a dryer. Her hair smelt of the same hairspray that Selene's own grandmother had used and the same lily of the valley perfume was liberally spritzed about her person. In short she smelt like love in a way that only Grandmas could.
The air of the island itself was unique, it mixed the fresh ocean air with the damp coolness of jungle plants, along with the earthy, ashy smell of the volcanic rocks. It was a smell that was hard to describe but even harder to forget once you knew it.
For her there was nothing better than walking into a room and catching the scent of moonlight and stardust in the air, that tingling of energy that signaled her love was home. 
She was now used to there being an unlimited supply of hugs, warm bodies to relax against, heavy arms slung around her shoulders and the comforting scents of the people she loved more than anything. Any time she needed strength, energy, happiness, calming or love she'd focus on them, she'd smell them on the air, she'd breathe them deep into her lungs and she'd hold them close to her heart, weaving that love into her own unique magical essence to conjure up the most powerful of magic. 
To Selene home had always smelt like the lingering scent of incense, coffee, warm candle wax and burning sage. She was a witch, it came with the territory, but now the thought of home was mixed in with the island and all the family that came with it.
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melyaliz · 4 years
Past loves and future babies pt. 6
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Fandom: Marvel MCU 
Summary: Moopy moods, trash books, and good advice. Also know as: Dixie and Steve try and find some common ground. 
Pairing: Steve Rogers 
Notes: The book Dixie found is a reference to my really good friend’s novel Close Quarters. While not a Trashy book I am obsessed with the cover. Also I highly recommend checking out her work, her newest book Shard of Glass I may or may not have helped story edit. (Once it’s published I will make a longer post about it) 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
There was just 
Who knew that the American beefcake could just be so moody.
More like American drama.  
Dixie went to bed alone that night and didn’t see Steve the next morning. 
Part of her was grateful for it. 
Part of her just wanted to leave. 
Although she was starting to get attached to this bedroom and apartment. It just had so many amenities. Just this morning she had even found a cabinet that had extra pillows and blankets of all sizes and textures so she could choose the perfect ones for her mopey mood. 
Or her dealing with mopey mood.
What a pair they were. A pair of mopes. Too bad they couldn’t mope together. They were, after all, in this situation together. 
But Dixie wasn’t one to stay mopy for too long. Life was too short and this place was way too cool. (Plus it didn’t look good on her and causes wrinkles) So after having a nice breakfast on the balcony the young woman decided to forget Steve’s drama and explore. After all. She wasn’t a prisoner here. She was a guest. 
What is the worst that could happen? 
Dixie was lost.
This place was too big and she didn't have Mac’s voice in her ear telling her where to go. It was insane to her how much she acted like this tough chick yet it was becoming more and more clear that she was basically (literally and figuratively) lost without her brother. 
“Are you lost?” 
The sound that came out of Dixie was something she never hoped to make again. It was like something between a squeak and a scream by a deaf 80yearold man. The young woman who had spoken stared at her with a look of amusement fighting on her round face. Dressed in a flowing back dress her soft red hair was pulled in a messy bun. 
“I… sheesh you scared me.”
“Sorry, I’m light on my feet.” Wanda said, “I didn’t mean to scare you but you also seemed pretty caught up in your own thoughts.” 
“Yeah happens, I’m prone to daydreaming and getting lost in long hallways..” 
“Were you looking for someone?” 
Steve, she meant steve. Because who else would Dixie be looking for? And the bitter bitch answer was no. She didn’t want to see that man right now. She was being a self martyr the moment and over their fight. 
“No, I was just bored.” shoving her thumbs into the belt loops of her jeans Dixie looked around. Trying to find a reason to excuse herself. 
“Well, you could join me in the library if you want,” Wanda offered. Dixie fought back a smile, then again it may be nice to get to know her… she wouldn’t call them roommates… more like compound mates?   
“Please tell me it’s like something out of Beauty and the Beast.” 
Wanda chuckled “Sort of,” 
It was... sort of. 
Like if Beast was inspired by an apple store. All white and clean. Large windows like the rest of the compound gave beautiful views and natural light. That illuminated rows and rows of books. 
“So what have you been reading?” Dixie asked, looking around feeling a little lost. A feeling she was starting to get used to. But contrary to popular believe this ditsy looking woman knew how to think of her feet and fit into most settings. She was, after all, a resilient survivor.  
Alice held up a Virginia Wolf book for her to see. “What kind of books do you normally read?” 
“Do be honest…” Dixie looked around, “I’m more of a Netflix and Chill kind of gal, but who knows maybe I can learn a new skill.” 
“Reading?” it came out more as a laugh than judgement. Dixie knew in that moment she had won over the witch. After all nothing says female bonding like a little light sarcasm. 
Dixie flashed her a wide smile, “I know we just met but… I’m very dumb.”  
With that Dixie slowly she made her way through the shelves. Just taking it all in. While yes, she wasn’t much of a reader there was just something… relaxing about a room filled with books. It was like the ocean or a rainy day. 
Soon she came upon a small collection of what looked like some trashy novels that had been shamefully hidden in the corner. She chose one that looked like a pirate romance, a strong opened shirt man holding a beautiful maiden on the cover. She honestly wasn’t even sure if she was going to read it but the fact that all those books looked so out of place she figured she mined as well give them some attention. 
They were like her. Trashy and slightly out of place in this beautiful white world. 
“So…” Dixie said, making her way back to the large sofas in the middle of the room, “How long have you known the team.? 
“A few years now, Although Tony and Natasha not as much as Steve.” Wanda said glancing up from her book. Her pretty eyes studied Dixie. While Dixie wasn’t sure the extend of her witchy powers she had a feeling Wanda knew… like she could read Dixie’s very soul. 
Then again it wasn’t a secret why Dixie was here. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
Sitting down across from Wanda, Dixie folded her arms over her chest, “What happened to him?” 
“Honestly, I’m not the best person to ask,” Wanda said. 
“What happened to you?” Sam asked, glancing at Steve who had been sleeping on his couch since last night. Sam knew that Steve wouldn’t go to Bucky because Steve’s “best” friend would kick him out and make him face his problems. 
While Sam was less likely to make him do the mature thing. 
“I need to go talk to her,” Steve sighed, rubbing his temples trying to loosen the headache that had been lodged there since last night. Tension that didn’t seem to want to leave. It had probably been building since the beginning of this week finally complaining into the blazing pain it was now. 
“Did you guys fight?” 
“Sort of.” Steve sighed leaning forward. “I don’t know.” 
“You know if you fought?” Sam asked, handing Steve some coffee before sitting next to him. 
“She just, sort of kept pushing stuff I didn’t want to talk about. And then I snapped at her.” 
“I find that hard to believe.” Sam muttered, “The you snapping part. Her pushing… Well I don’t really know her but she definitely didn’t seem like the shy sweet demeanor kind of girl.” 
That last comment made Steve want to defend her. Yes, Dixie had a pretty loud personality. Quick witted and a bit brash. But she was sweet. And even she had admitted she had been pushing him out of love. As a way to try and get to know him. 
If anything she was focused. Focused on this mission. Focused on that task at hand. 
Something Steve sure as hell wasn’t. 
Ever since he had come back he had felt lost. Unsure what to do and how to act. It was as if he was living in limbo. Finished with one mission but without the next one anywhere close. 
Or at least a mission he was comfortable with. 
“I mean I’m probably not the right person to talk to in the romance department.” Sam’s voice cut through Steve’s deep brooding, “Maybe Wanda or Clint? They have had… pretty stable relationships.” Sam sighed while taking a long sip of his coffee, “But what I use to tell people who were struggling with survivor's guilt was that it’s ok to move on. To find happiness.”
“I don’t have survivor's guilt…. I have: I can’t do what I think is right for her guilt.” 
“Why don’t you talk to her about it? Or don’t. Honestly I think this whole thing is kind of fucked.” Sam shrugged, “What kind of person requires two people to have a kid to save the world. I mean I know we have been through some crazy shit but… man this has got to take the cake.”  
“Yo Soldier boy wait up!” 
Bucky froze turning to see Dixie running toward him. Big smile on her face as she waved her hand trying to flag him down. “Hey” 
“I was told you were the man to talk to about my moody baby daddy.”
“You’re baby daddy?” 
“Ok well more like future baby daddy, but I digress.” waving away her words Dixie took a few gulps of breath. She needed to get into better shape if she was going to be around all these hunky heroes. He had been barely jogging and trying to catch up with him made her feel like her lungs were about to shrivel up and die. 
“I’m assuming last night didn’t go well?”
“He left to get milk and never came back.”
“What?” Bucky wasn’t sure if she was joking or serious. To be honest, half the things she was saying to him didn’t make sense. Like he understood the words but he had a feeling the meanings were a bit beyond his scope. 
“Sorry, I tend to make jokes when I’m nervous…” Dixie sighed, kicking the toe of her shoe against the concrete. “What I mean is, like, what happened to him?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Something happened during the battle, or maybe it was before? But he told me he wasn’t supposed to be here. What happened?” 
Bucky sighed, he could picture the conversation. Steve’s guilt for not being able to instantly love this woman he didn't know. Steve fighting with a heartbreak to the woman he had been in love with forever. This poor woman had walked into way more than she meant to and he honestly was slightly impressed she was still going. obviously trying to fix something that was way out of her league. 
“He told you that?” 
“Yeah. And I tried to ask him why but.” Dixie sighed looking away for a moment, trying to gather her words, “Look, normally I wouldn’t go behind someone’s back. I’m more of a head on kind of gal. But I’m desperate and I keep doing the wrong thing.” 
“It’s not you.” 
“Yeah I keep hearing that. But I’m the one stuck with the problem” 
“It’s not really my place but, give it time. Steve wants to do the right thing but sometimes, his head gets in the way.”
“Yeah I think I may have the opposite problem.” Dixie laughed, “I’m more just hit it until it starts working than turning it off and on again.”
“You keep saying english but I have no idea what you mean.” Bucky said trying to understand what ‘turn it off and on again’ meant. Was it a sex thing? 
“Oh sorry, I keep forgetting you aren’t from this time.  It’s kind of a computer reference,” 
“Ah,” Bucky nodded, looking the woman over. She wasn’t the type of girl he would have chosen for Steve. But then again he hadn’t really thought Peggy was Steve’s kind of girl either. Not that Dixie was much like Peggy. Sure they were both kind of hard headed but Dixie seemed to hide behind a thick layer of jokes while Peggy was honest and upfront. 
To be honest, Bucky had no idea how this would end. Besides the obvious kid. But a relationship between these two… it was anyone’s guess. 
And speaking of the other half of this unlikely couple. Steve was just slowly walking up to them. 
“Well look who it is.” Bucky said nodding toward his best friend. 
Dixie turns to see the tall blonde walking up. Dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Something she didn’t know a super soldier could have, but I guess they are still human. If not a little less human. 
“Hey, Wanda said you would be out here.” 
Dixie smiled thinking about the small witch pushing Steve outside. She was more crafty then she was letting on. Dixie had a feeling they were going to be good friends. 
 “Can we talk?” he asked, glancing from Dixie to Bucky. His blue eyes lingers on Bucky for a moment. A silent question that Bucky only responded with a simple shrug. 
“I’m always here to talk.” Dixie said studying him. She seemed to be holding something back. But Steve was sure he would find out eventually. 
With a simple nod to Bucky they both walked back toward the compound. Before they entered Steve steered Dixie toward the large lake that their apartment overlooked. Slowly the two of them followed a path around the sparkling blue water. A few ducks playing in it’s refreshing embrace. 
They walked in silence for a few more moments. Steve is clearly struggling with what to say. So Dixie decided to speak first. 
“I just want to rush this and that’s not fair to you.”
“Is there someone you are going back to?” Steve paused, studying her. Trying to understand why she would want to rush this. Why she had been rushing everything.  
“No” it was a lie but… it also wasn’t the someone he was talking about. She didn’t feel guilty about it, but it also made her feel lonely. It reminded her -once again- that she was the one who was alone here. “I just… don’t belong here”
“You do…” he started to protest, his words dying moments after leaving his mouth. She held up a hand to stop him from trying to make her feel better. She didn’t belong here and that was fine. Her life was all about survival. His was all about helping others survive. She was under no pretense that this would ever be long term. 
She had just hoped it would be shorter term than it was turning out to be. 
“Dixie… It’s just that.” Steve sighed looking over at the small family of ducks that were swimming circles around the pond. All of them playing with each other just enjoying the sunshine. “I have always taken any problem I have faced head on. I am used to punching those in my way. Taking the problem and literally beating it away. I’m just not used to…”
“Making love to your problems.” 
That earned her a smile. A genuine smile. Dixie loved that smile. It reached his blue eyes and they would sparkle. There was compassion there and something deep inside that she loved creating. 
“In a way I guess so.” 
Dixie knew she was putting just as much pressure on Steve as he was putting on himself. She knew that in a way they were both pushing at something that couldn’t be pushed. One out of fear and one out of pain. 
But why were they pushing? 
“I guess they didn’t really give us a timeline, how about this. We just live together. Sleep together, like side by side no sex. Give it a month. And if it doesn’t come naturally after that we will re-evaluate what we need to do.” holding out her hand Dixie gave him a wide smile, “Deal?” 
Steve took her hand in his large rough one. As his thumb brushed against the top of her hand he noticed a long white scar. Maybe there was more to this woman than he realized. Maybe he just needed time to get to know her. To learn about her stories and scars. Just like she needed to learn about his. 
Maybe all they really needed was some time. 
 Forever tag:  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​​ @coffee-randomness​​​ @0hmydeku​ @xx3fsxx​ @daisyboobear​​​  @jason-redhood​​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr​  @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8​
Future Baby Tag
@itsmeeluciie​ @thefemalethatwrites​
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x11 - Jukebox Feels (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to - 2018 prison world, the Salvatore mansion. Katherine walks through the front door, dazed and confused. She must be having a nightmare, she thinks to herself; this can’t be happening, she can’t possibly be where she thinks she is. Although her intuition tells her the contrary, she gives it a shot, on the slim chance it might not be true…
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KATHERINE: Hello? Anyone there? (She searches the house; as expected, it’s empty. She tries different techniques to escape the situation. Pinches herself to wake up, nothing. Taps her feet together, and with her eyes closed whispers: There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home… doesn’t work either). Maybe if I go to sleep, I’ll wake up and everything will be back to normal… Yes, I need to sleep (she goes into Stefan’s room, puts on one of his pajamas and lies in his bed. Not even a minute in, and she’s off dreaming of sheep.
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Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. After a beautiful moonlight dinner, Damon and Bonnie sit on the beach, admiring the full moon’s glow, and some real good tequila.
 DAMON: (Randomly) Truth or dare…
BONNIE: (Laughs) Are you serious?
DAMON: I’m dead serious, come on, scaredy-cat!
BONNIE: Please! I just don’t want to humiliate you, cry-baby!
DAMON: Oh, it’s on! Brace yourself for defeat!
BONNIE: Bring it!
DAMON: One rule, no magic or psychy stuff!
BONNIE: Fine, no vamp tricks.
DAMON: Deal. Truth or dare?
DAMON: I’ll start easy, (smirks) don’t want you loosing so fast. I dare you to take a shot of tequila while doing a handstand.
BONNIE: Piece of cake! (Delivers to perfection) My turn, truth or dare?
DAMON: Truth.
BONNIE: Okay, let’s settle this once and for all; do you steal from the bank when we play monopoly?
DAMON: (Grins) Not every time…
BONNIE: (Whacks him with her elbow) I knew it!
DAMON: What can I say, Bon, too much temptation. Okay, truth or dare?
DAMON: I’m sensing a pattern here, but suit yourself. I dare you to go up to one of the people at the bar and tell them, in a very low and creepy voice, I see dead people…
BONNIE: I’m gonna get you back for this one! (Although hesitant, she delivers; freaking the hell out of the poor soul unfortunate to be approached by her. They go back to their spot) Okay, Mr. smarty pants. My turn, truth or dare… and you better choose dare!
DAMON: Dare… I say truth!
BONNIE: I’ll break you, eventually. What is the most embarrassing thing in your room?
DAMON: Oh, you’re going there! You already know the answer…
BONNIE: I do, but I want to hear you say it.
DAMON: Fine, my unicorn onesies.
BONNIE: With a butt crack… can’t forget the butt crack (she laughs)!
DAMON: They’re cozy! Okay, missy, shit just got real! Truth or dare…
BONNIE: I’m going with truth; just cause I know you’ll make me do some crazy shit after that one.  
DAMON: (With a wicked grin, rubbing his hands) Excellent…  What is your guilty pleasure?
BONNIE: Oh, come on! You know that…
DAMON: I do, but I also want to hear you say it, so, go on…
BONNIE: Fine… occasionally I like to dress up like Whitney Houston in the Queen of the Night video from the Bodyguard, and perform in front of the mirror…
DAMON: Occasionally? More like every other Sunday... and it’s HOT AF!  
BONNIE: Can’t believe you caught me doing that!
DAMON: One of my fondest prison world memories! I have to hand it to you, Bon, you really got creative with the costume.
BONNIE: I’ve perfected it since then… Well, there, I said it! Happy now?
DAMON: Never been happier… (leans in to kiss her) and you are, beyond a doubt, the queen of the night…
BONNIE: Don’t think for a second that’s gonna get you out of what’s coming…Truth or dare?
DAMON: I’m a mix it up and go with dare.
BONNIE: (With a wicked grin, rubbing her hands) Been waiting for that since we started.
DAMON: I’m instantly regretting my decision.
BONNIE: (Laughs) Oh, and you should! You’re in trouble now… Mr. Damon Salvatore, your mission, which you have no choice but to accept, is to (she opens a portal to their room, goes and comes back).
DAMON: Hey, we said no tricks!
BONNIE: You said no magic, no psychic stuff, but you never mentioned teleporting, so suck it! Here (hands him one of her outfits and her make-up kit) Put this on, make-up and all. Once you are ready, and looking gorge, you are going to perform Queen of the Night to the guests at the beach bar. Good luck, doll! (Laughs hysterically).
DAMON: Oh, Bon-Bon… when you least expected, I’ll get you back.
BONNIE: (Mocking) I’m sure you will; but for now, come on, dancing queen, your audience awaits. (Damon performs, surprisingly well, or at least good enough to receive and applause from his audience, who, although very confused, found the show quite entertaining. They go back to their spot). You did great, almost nailed the choreography.
DAMON: Well, I learned from the best.
BONNIE: I think it’s safe to say I won this little game.
DAMON: This time around… 
BONNIE: How bout you get out of those clothes, I get out of mine, and we go for a night swim?
DAMON: Don’t have to ask me twice! (As he is taking the high heels off) How do you guys walk in these things??
BONNIE: You get used to it, (teasing) just don’t get too used to it... Ready, my night queen?
DAMON: (Carries her) Let’s go, witchy! (They swim under the moonlight; then make love till sunrise).
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Cut to - The secret facility, Edward’s cell. He has been sleeping for quite some time. He slowly begins to wake; as he opens his eyes, he sees someone lying on the floor under a pool of blood, right next to his bed. He jumps up in a scare.
 AUGUSTUS: Oh, don’t be alarmed, son, it’s not me, I’m doing just fine. Meet your uncle Pete; granted it might not be the best introduction, but hey, you wanted to meet your family… well, there you go.
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EDWARD: (Disgusted and in shock) What is this!!??  
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AUGUSTUS: It’s a dead body, son. And, from what I hear they start to smell pretty bad once they decompose; so, I suggest you move fast and bring your cousin Matty back. Feel free to use our tech if it helps, Eddie here (points to the strange man that has been standing outside his cell everyday) is more than happy to help.
EDWARD: (Crying in despair, looking at the corpse) Oh god, oh, god!!! (To his father) You are fucking insane!!!
AUGUSTUS: Language, boy! I taught you better manners than that… guess I should have never left you in Tamara’s care; what a waste of an ivy-league education. My fault for bringing in the trash. Oh, well… time is ticking, and that body is stinking… Ha, that rhymed, maybe I should pick up poetry? I always did love Literature… Anyway, (belittling) Mayor Powell, let’s see just how smart and powerful you really are. Rest assured, if you get the job done, I promise I will make it worth your while (he leaves; Edward can’t stop crying, imagining Matt’s pain).
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Cut to - Munich, Germany. Sam, Elena, Sage, and Alex, are having some drinks, after their first days of the program.
SAGE: I knew this program was going to be out of the ordinary, but it’s totally blowing my mind!  
ELENA: I agree, it’s amazing! The equipment we have access to is unbelievable! Never knew those types of tools and tech even existed.
SAM: (Putting his drink up for a cheer) Here’s to an unorthodox quality education, and to new awakenings!
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ALL: Cheers! (They drink, share some laughs and anecdotes; at some point, the boys get into their own conversation in another area of the bar. Elena and Sage have no option but to interact more closely).
ELENA: Listen, I’m sorry for calling you a bitch.
SAGE: I’m sorry for being one. (Holds her hand out for a handshake) Do-over?
ELENA: Do-over (shakes her hand). So, tell me, why are you so obsessed with Pietro? Not judging, just curious.
SAGE: I know a lot of people think he is just an entitled jerk, but he is so far from that. I mean, yes, he is arrogant and pretentious, but when you’ve accomplished what he has, you kind of earn the right to be.
ELENA: Still don’t get it, what has he accomplished? He’s not even a Doctor…
SAGE: He owns the world’s most groundbreaking technology companies. Ai, IoT, nanotech, you name it, he is behind it. He might not be the science side of the operation, but he is the business side that makes it possible. Just between us, I’m pretty sure he is a vampire. Get this, while I was doing research on his background, I stumbled upon some pretty crazy documentation that dates his birth back to 1865. It’s either that, or he stole some real old dead guy’s identity.
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ELENA: That is definitely not a coincidence… Do the names Stefan and Damon Salvatore ring a bell?
SAGE: Never heard of them, who are they?
ELENA: Besides my ex-boyfriends, I think they might be Pietro’s half-brothers.
SAGE: (Laughs) That’s impossible…
ELENA: Put two and two together…
SAGE: Oh, they’re also…? OMG! So, you slept with two vampires, and they were brothers??!! I totally miss read you, you’re a badass!! I love it!! (Holds her drink up) Cheers for that!
ELENA: Well, the brothers thing is something I’m really not proud of. I was young and gave in to my darkest desires; but I guess karma got me served, because they both fell in love with my best friends; so…
SAGE: Hey, nothing to be ashamed of; more power to you! I mean, it’s okay when men do it, but as woman we get shamed for it… Fuck that shit!
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ELENA: Good point... (holds her glass up for a cheer) Here’s to woman equality!
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SAGE: Fuck yeah! So, tell me, how did you end up getting involved with vampires?
ELENA: It’s a long and complicated story… Let’s just say I look exactly like someone they were once very obsessed with, and it grew from there.
SAGE: Who did you go out with first?
ELENA: Stefan… my first true love; but then I fell for the bad boy, who just happened to be his brother. Like I said, not proud, but that’s how it went down.
SAGE: Was it serious?
ELENA: Very. With Stefan I could see my entire future; it was like a fairytale love. With Damon, I lived for the moment and was consumed with passion.  
SAGE: Sounds like you were quite in a predicament.
ELENA: I was, for a while; but I ended up choosing Damon.
SAGE: So, what happened? Why did you two split?
ELENA: There were many reasons, but every time I go back to it, I think it’s because we got off to a wrong start. When I became a vampire, I was sired to him… not the best way to start a relationship.
SAGE: Wait, you are a vampire!!? Are you kidding me?!! This story keeps getting better and better!
ELENA: No, no! I’m not one anymore, but I was.
SAGE: Oh, okay, you freaked me out there for a sec! Anyway, then, what happened? Spill!!
ELENA: Well, a whole bunch of crazy stuff... then I took a cure, became human again, only to be put into a three-year sleeping spell, then I woke up. At first it was bliss, but then, once we moved in together our deeper problems began to surface…
SAGE: Did those problems have to do with him falling for one of your best friends?
ELENA: Not expressively… but in part, yes. I knew he was in love with her, and that there was nothing I could do to change that.
SAGE: Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.
ELENA: I mean, he never cheated or anything like that, they didn’t even get together until recently, but just knowing he would never love me like her, hurt for a while… then I met Sam…
SAGE: Wow, that’s quite a story!
ELENA: Straight out of a supernatural YA book, am I right?
SAGE: I’m a big fan of YA drama, and supernatural lure, so, right up my alley! Okay, let me ask you one last question. If you could go back, would you make the same choice?
ELENA: What do you mean?
SAGE: Stefan or Damon? Who would you choose?
ELENA: (Laughs) Uhm, okay, that’s a weird question…
SAGE: Oh, come on, just for fun, and keeping with the YA context.
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ELENA: I’d say as a human, I would choose Stefan; as a vampire, Damon. But I guess it wouldn’t matter who I would choose, since they wouldn’t choose me a second time around, that’s for sure.
SAGE: (Teasing) Well, good news for Sam.
ELENA: Okay, I shared my stories; now it’s your turn.
SAGE: Well my stories are quite boring compared to that!
ELENA: Still, spill! It’s only fair, you have leverage on me, I should have some on you.
SAGE: Fair enough. What do you want to know?
ELENA: You and Alex, what’s the story there?
SAGE: Oh god, no! Nothing like that, he’s like a brother to me.
ELENA: Aw, that’s too bad, you two are cute together. How about you and Sam, anything ever happen between you two?
SAGE: This conversation is getting dangerous...
ELENA: Oh, come on, what’s in the past is in the past; there’s nothing dangerous about that.
SAGE: Fine, you asked for it. Long time ago, one crazy drunken night; that’s all.
ELENA: I know, he told me; just wanted to check if you would be honest with me.
SAGE: (Teasing) Now who’s the bitch!
ELENA: Sorry, trust issues. Now, for real, any past epic loves?
SAGE: Uhm, not really… I mean, I’ve had many relationships but nothing serious. I’m not the deep connection type; I just like to have fun, and I don’t like to put in the time, so short and sweet works out perfectly for me.
ELENA: Crazy hookups?
SAGE: Now that is my area of expertise! Wow, where do I start… I’ve done all the clichés, mile high club being my favorite one. But I have to say, the craziest has been with someone you actually know, (mocking) the renowned city Mayor of Mystic Falls.
ELENA: (Spits out her drink) Are you serious? You had a thing with Edward Powell? How do you even know him?!
SAGE: From NYC, our hometown. We were both part of the upper east side elite; a real Gossip Girl type thing. And let me tell you, he might seem like a Nate on the outside, but inside, he is a full-on Chuck Bass. Anyway, we went to this masquerade ball at an exclusive mansion outside the city. Long story short, we ended up covering for a murder which turned out to be anything but that; it was just a really drunk-ass Wall-Street magnate, that passed out in a tub filled with red wine. Good thing he woke up before we finished filling the whole… and that he didn’t see us having sex next to what we thought was his corpse. In our defense, we were also really drunk, and high as fuck.
ELENA: Holy shit! And you call your stories boring? Wonder what the exciting ones are like!
SAGE: (Laughs; then sees that Alex and Sam are heading back to their table) Well, that’s a conversation for another night… this has been fun, but I think our girl time is over; I’m glad we had a chance to talk like this.
ELENA: Me too, and I’m sorry I was so quick to judge you.
SAGE: Dido. Friends?
ELENA: Friends.
Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Bonnie, Damon, Stefan and Caroline are having a nice beachfront brunch.
 CAROLINE: I can’t believe this is our last day! Time went by way too fast!
BONNIE: I know, seems like we just got here.
STEFAN: How about we make a deal, right here, the four of us.
DAMON: (Teasing) Bro, we are not even done with brunch; plus, it would be way too weird…
STEFAN: Of course your mind would go there… Anyway, no, Damon, that’s not what I want to propose. How do you guys feel about spending some money and investing on a property down here? That way we can come back whenever we want.
CAROLINE: I love it, yes!!!!
BONNIE: I’m in!
STEFAN: Damon?
DAMON: Just tell me where to sign!
BONNIE: La Bruja is coming over for dinner tonight, maybe she can give us some tips on property here.
STEFAN: That be great. I’m thinking nothing too fancy, but definitely beachfront.
BONNIE: And secluded.
CAROLINE: 2 master bedrooms, 1 kids room, and two or three guestrooms for when Ty, Lexi, Matt and Alaric come visit.
DAMON: So much for “not too fancy” …
CAROLINE: I’m not saying it needs to be fancy, just spacious, there are way too many of us.
BONNIE: We’ll also need a garden, good footprint area so we can grow our own food.
CAROLINE: And a pool of course, for the girls.
STEFAN: And I think we can all agree, we need a big bar.
DAMON: And a wine cellar.
STEFAN: Maybe we’re gonna have to build it from scratch, I’m pretty sure we won’t be able to find a place that checks all of our boxes.
BONNIE: If we have someone design it for us, I’m pretty sure La Bruja and I can pull it off.
DAMON: It’s settled then, we’ll brief La Bruja over dinner and start to plan our perfect Belvafore hide-away!
STEFAN: Belvafore?
DAMON: Yes; Bennett, Salvatore, and Forbes… Belvafore!
BONNIE: (To Stefan, mocking Damon) I’m telling you, not even with his vamp back on…
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CAROLINE: I like it! It’s like Steroline and Bamon!
BONNIE: Steroline and Bamon?
CAROLINE: Yes, Bamon, aka, Bonnie and Damon; isn’t it perfect?! Stefan came up with it.
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STEFAN: Sorry, Bon, just a fan.
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BONNIE: (Laughing) Oh, Stefan, didn’t see that one coming... And Steroline, is Stefan and Caroline...
CAROLINE: You got it! (With pride) I came up with that one!
BONNIE: (With a y’all crazy look) Okay...
DAMON: Oh, come on, Bon-Bon; Bamon, gotta love it!
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BONNIE: Fine, I’ll admit it... y’all crazy but I love it!
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CAROLINE: (Holds her mimosa glass up for a cheer) To Belvafore and building new traditions!
ALL: Cheers!
Cut to – The Salvatore school, Alaric’s study. Alaric, and Radka, are trying to figure out their next steps.
ALARIC: How could I have been so reckless and stupid…
RADKA: It was an honest mistake, Ric. How were you supposed to know what would happen?
ALARIC: I know how dangerous that little gadget is, it was my responsibility to keep it under lock and key. Now, thanks to me, Katherine is probably being hunted down by a psychopath.
RADKA: Katherine is strong and witty, if anyone, Kai is the one that needs to worry. I’m sure she’ll be fine; we just need to figure out how to bring her back.
ALARIC: The only one that can help with that is Bonnie, and I’m not letting her go near Kai. We need to figure out a way to do this without the need for Bennett blood.
RADKA: How about 2 werewolves, 2 vampires and a hunter… think we could pull it off?
ALARIC: The problem is not getting in, but out… there’s no way out without the right ingredients.
RADKA: Okay, I might be thinking crazy here, but we need to think outside the box. What if we ask Margo to summon a Bennett witch, she can open a temporary spirit realm and do an incarnation spell so she can be materialized; then, we go to this prison world, get Katherine and use the blood of that Bennett witch to come back…
ALARIC: That sounds insane… but it might actually work. Isn’t Margo still on sick leave?
RADKA: She’s better now, called me up this morning to let me know she’d be back tomorrow.
ALARIC: Do you think she would be up for it?
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RADKA: Not sure, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
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Cut to – 2018 prison world, Stefan’s room. Katherine wakes up to find herself tied up with her mouth covered. Kai is sitting on a chair, reading. He looks quite different than expected; very clean cut and intellectual, glasses and all.
KAI: I’m sorry I had to tie you up, but I do not appreciate intruders. God, these new generations have completely lost their manners. Sneaking into other people’s homes, putting on their nightclothes, sleeping in their beds… The audacity!
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(Kai gets up, walks towards one of the many jukeboxes he has installed around the house, and plays a song...)
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TVD 9x11 (part 2), coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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coralcottage · 5 years
🍄🌱 A Cottage Core Tag!  🍓🌿
🌿 Coffee or Tea? Coffee
🌿 Pie or Cake? PIE (but cake too)
🌿 Rainy or Sunny? Sunny  
🌿 Describe your dream cottage. It’s close to the sea. I have a lot of fruit trees and a veggie garden. 60 Cats live there. It’s painted white and there’s a lot of yellow decor 💛 
🌿 Do you believe in faries and goblins? In a way, I do. 
🌿 Mushrooms. Y/N? YESSS. To eat and to appreciate. 
🌿 Perfect afternoon snack? Tomato and cheese puffs.
🌿 One of the books you can always find in your dream cottage. The Ladie’s Guide to perfect Gentility by Emily Thrornwell.
🌿 Frogs? Are beautiful and full of personality. 
🌿 Dream Morning routine. It’s 4:30 am. I get dressed and go outside. I visit my chickens, feed the animals and sit outside for a little bit. I can have breakfast without a worry in the world. The cats are there and so is my BF. He takes care of the sheep (he really likes sheep). 
🌿 Future Goals. I really want to have a cottage when I’m older, but for now, my goals are to finish Postgrad and get a normal house where I can have cats, doggies, and spend my weekends cooking and reading C:
🌿 Which other cores/ aesthetics represent you/your blog? Mainly studyspo and some witchy stuff. 
I was tagged by: me 
🍄 Tag some friends!  🍄
  @lavndertwn @chenmadreams @438am @fairie-fawn  @carottards  @bastardiel  @lambwife  @hunnyvoiced and literally anyone else that wants to do this Tag!! I tagged you. If you want to do this tag, you don’t need to answer everything btw. This is a happy free cottage, you can do whatever you want!
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