#like do you not fucking see this behaviour and not realise 'hmm maybe this is doing more harm than good?'
orikiys · 6 months
✿ ✿ 〞 comparing you to their ex
✰ pairings: ot8 skz x fem!reader
✰ genre: romance, lots of angst
✰ warnings: cussing, skz mentioning reader’s insecurities, skz being red flags, slight mentions of manipulative behaviour, hints at cheating but no cheating, mentions of breaking up ( ikk it’s a lot because i just can’t fathom the fact that it’s been nearly 3 months since i last wrote angst )
✰ word count: 2.6k+ words i will better myself
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౨₊ৎ chan
“i don’t get you these days,” you scoff over the call as you remind yourself of the main reason why you even bothered in the first place to get him a tub of ice cream in hopes that when he arrives back home he can rest and dig in.
“there’s nothing to understand babe. i told you that i can’t come home today,” the words slip out of his mouth without hesitation and the tone so casual that it makes you stare at his caller id in disbelief.
“i thought you were in the car on your way home?” you mutter nervously.
“i lied. i didn’t want to worry you plus there’s too much work baby. can you please try and understand that, hmm?”
“this won’t work on me. you lied chan! why would you lie? you could’ve just told me and i wouldn’t have wasted my time setting the couch and deciding on movies and buying you ice creams!” you sigh deeply.
“see? this is why i lied. because i knew you would scream at me when it isn’t even my fault,” you remain silent after hearing his words and there’s still evident clicking of keyboard from the other side.
“why are you trying to put the blame on me? chan it’s fucking 2 am and this is not the first time i had to stay up waiting for you to get back just for you to not come home!”
“who told you to wait? sleep for all i care! at least my ex didn’t bother me like this,” he mumbles but it’s hard not to hear him when your ears are just waiting for any sort of apology, instead they are welcomed with this.
“wow, thank you for telling me your true feelings. make sure you go back to her,” there is sarcasm in your words, but it’s only meant to hide the real fact of how bad it hurt you and maybe he knows it or maybe he doesn’t.
“baby i–” you end the call and before you know it, the tears start to flow down your cheeks.
just when did things go so wrong?
౨₊ৎ minho
he knew how easy it was for you to be overwhelmed. it was unfortunately not that easy to comfort you since nothing would make you feel better. but minho was there. always. he would sit beside you for hours and talk endlessly until a word that escaped his mouth would lift the corner of your lips.
it always felt so much better when you had someone helping you deal with your problems. it reassured you that someone truly did have your back. you couldn’t be any more thankful for having met lee minho.
it had been a few hours since you had locked yourself in your room, call it childish but being alone helped you gather your thoughts. while you sat on the floor with your head in your hands, minho kept banging on the door impatiently.
“open the door! stop being so immature and just open the door!” he yells as he starts to bang harder making you flinch at the action. with a defeated sigh, you get up and unlock the door before coming face-to-face with a flush faced sweaty minho. he stares at you angrily and grabs your wrist a bit too tightly before doing a quick scan of your body for any signs of injuries.
“do you even know how worried i was? gosh how can you even be so careless? i don’t think that i’ve ever seen my ex act that way,” the last part of the sentence is quieter as he trails off when the realisation strikes him.
“say that again,” you say, as if daring him to repeat his words. he looks away before muttering.
“i’ve heated up food for you, go eat it.”
“stop trying to change the topic! i heard you mention her loud and clear,” he groans at your words and looks back at you.
“so what if you heard me? i didn’t mean it and you know it,” he mutters and tries to grab a hold of your hand but you slap his hand before it can touch yours.
“i don’t think so i know it anymore minho. where is the guy i fell in love with? he would think at least a thousand times before saying something as hurtful as this,” you chuckle bitterly and walk past him.
maybe eternally was just a word meant for the world of fiction.
౨₊ৎ changbin
as soon as changbin’s feet crossed the line of the entrance to the apartment, his brows furrowed upon witnessing the messiest house. the smell of stale vegetables made him scrunch his nose in disgust and he covered his mouth with his hand before trying to search for you.
there you were, scrubbing the glass table vigorously and he sighed, “seriously?”
“what?” you look up at him in confusion making him look away.
taking a deep breath he looks back at you, “can i not expect the house to be in safe hands for even a day?”
“binnie it’s not like that i just—“
“i don’t want to hear your excuses anymore! we divided the chores equally then why don’t you do your part properly? i wish my ex had been here,” he spats and before you know it he bumps his shoulder against yours before walking away. not one ounce of regret.
all you wish was to turn back the time.
౨₊ৎ hyunjin
“you’re being dramatic hyunjin. i’ll be fine, besides i have my friends with me,” you try to reassure him but he wouldn’t budge even an inch from his firm decision.
“ the one who flirts with you? that friend?” he scoffs as if you just said something ridiculous.
this wasn’t the first time where hyunjin acted as if his words were meant to be obeyed. but he did very much mind the fact that you trusted some guy over him. no matter how hard you explain, he just finds one or the other way to insult your friend.
“don’t say that! you don’t know him that’s why you say it.”
“ i don’t care! i have no interest in knowing anything about him. don’t you think you’re being a little too carefree around him? i know guys like him pretty well,” he mutters while glancing up at you.
“stop behaving like you know everything!” you yell and glare at him. the remaining patience left in you had all reached the saturation point.
“stop being so damn adamant! that guy is no good! he’s trying to steer us away, if my ex was here she’d choose me over him,” he confesses and you can feel your heart drop and that feeling of suffocation begins to engulf you.
“right now i’d choose him rather than choosing you,” you spat and look away without letting him speak any other word.
perhaps even love marriage no longer reminded you of the good choices.
౨₊ৎ han
“do you think any girlfriend would trust their boyfriend around his ex?” you spoke as you followed him around the apartment as he picked up his things and placed them in his backpack.
“i think yes,” he mutters and glances at you for a second before looking away.
“well i don’t! she’s a manipulator jisung, listen to me! stop believing her lies!” you plead trying to remind him how bad she was.
“babe, you’re clearly exaggerating the situation! she’s just my client and i have to attend to her for today,” he sighs exasperated and rubs his temples in frustration.
“jisung… look i know it’s for your work but tell me how and when did she become your client? because for as long as i know your ex used to be a hairstylist,” you try to convince him to believe you but he does not even give you a glance.
he just sits on the couch with his legs crossed and his left arm rubbing his temples, his eyes are shut and his face is lowered, so you can’t predict what he’s thinking right now.
“babe, she’s my client, that's all i know and all i care. if she wasn’t my ex i’m sure she wouldn’t be that insecure in this situation,” he snapped, annoyance written bold on his forehead as he stared at you. all you could do was bite your lower lip and try not to give in to your mind telling you to cry. you couldn’t be any weaker, could you? you shouldn’t cry on these small things, you try to convince yourself but the way his expression does not falter makes your heart ache a little more.
“wow jisung, you’re so cool for using my weaknesses against me,” you mumble and stare at him blankly. your sentence was formed as if it were a joke, but there wasn’t any smile on your face. he looked up at you expectantly, that you were finally going to let him go.
so you did.
you let him go for good.
౨₊ৎ felix
“why are you doing this?” you sigh as you watch him browse through his wardrobe.
“you’re guilty and you have no right to say that,” he scoffs and continues to search for something particular in his wardrobe.
“where’s my brown hoodie?” he questions, turning around to look at you expectantly. his eyebrows are raised and there’s not the familiar expression of playfulness in his eyes anymore.
you gulp and lean against the wall, trying not to portray that the situation was that serious, “i don’t know,” you shrug and look down at your nails.
“you don’t… know? are you being for real right now?” he snaps and your gaze switches to him.
“stop yelling, i’m standing right in front of you,” you warn him with a defiant look in your eyes.
“fine, sorry. will you please tell me where all my hoodies are?”
“they’re in my wardrobe,” you mumble and watch as his gaze hardens back again, which makes you internally groan. just why were the two of you fighting over this stupid matter?
“babe please! i’ve told you a hundred times that the brown one was my favourite and i don’t like anyone wearing it. if my ex was here she wouldn’t have done this,” he ran a hand through his hair growing frustrated that you both didn’t understand each other.
“look it’s just that i don’t like it when someone does what i clearly told them not to,” he sighs and presses his face in his hands and lets out a muffled groan.
a minute of silence was all that was heard before you took your cue to speak, “it’s just a hoodie lixie, you didn’t have to take it this far,’’ the tears came as quickly as they fell. you had grabbed your coat and bag, heading for the door. you didn't think anything else could hurt you. but you were wrong.
he just stared down at the floor unmoving, he had no clue what to do anymore. all the time he spent courting you, all the flowers he brought you, were they nothing?
౨₊ৎ seungmin
“um, miss? the restaurant will be closing soon, we’re so sorry. would you like us to book you a cab?” you glance up at the waiter and shook your head with a tight smile on your face before heading out.
the night was surely chilly, but you didn’t care. at least not when you dolled up just for kim seungmin to not show up. it was supposed to be a dinner date with just the two of you as it was your third anniversary. three years of the two of you dating. three beautiful years… coming to an end?
you were tired. tired of constantly checking on seungmin just for him to hand up on you. tired of constantly worrying when he’ll come home just for him to say sorry everyday. tired of being played by his lies and broken promises. you were extremely tired and torn apart.
“babe-!” seungmin panted as he jogged up to you, the sight breaking your heart even more. it would’ve been better if he didn’t come looking for you. maybe then your heart wouldn’t hurt to say no to him next time.
“i’m sorry! i came here as soon as i got done,” he huffed and you threw him a quick glance. judging from the way he is breathing heavily he really did.
“clearly,” you mumble and look away, not giving in to him this time.
“baby, my boss held me back. you know how he acts during the end of the month, right?”
“no i don’t. and seungmin stop making excuses. if you wanted to, you could’ve told him or at least informed me? i was sitting in the restaurant for 3 hours looking like a total joke! do you enjoy this? enjoy making me suffer?” you yell and shrug his hand that was on your shoulder.
“don’t be like that, come on. i said i’m sorry. forgive me please?” he mutters and smiles a bit, in hopes you would say yes.
“i’m done with this,” you retort and begin to walk away but halt upon hearing him.
“dammit! i’m a grown ass man and i have a job that pays me! the same job that lets us eat! it’s just one date we can reschedule it next month as well! why do you have to be so stubborn all times? my ex would have more understanding in this situation,” he scoffs and you turn your head to stare at him with bloodshot red eyes.
“why did you have to make me fall in love with you?”
౨₊ৎ jeongin
there’s a soft smile plastered on your face as you knock on the door to jeongin’s dorm along with his members. the two of you had been dating for just over a year now and things were going pretty smoothly.
the door opens and you’re welcomed by felix’s wide grin as he pulls you in, “hey! you’re here!” you nod and give into his enthusiasm before looking around.
“jeongin’s inside,” felix chuckles when he notices you glance around the house, “what are you waiting for? you can go,” you smile sheepishly at his words and glance at the small bag food that you held in your hands before knocking on his door.
jeongin opens the door and you smile up at him but your smile falters when there’s no signs of happiness in his eyes. he just looks tired.
“why are you here?” he questions with eyebrows furrowed as he glances at the box in your hand and then back to you.
“i thought since you didn’t have lunch maybe we can have it together,” you mutter and lift the bag and show it to him but all he does is look at it blankly before scoffing.
“i told you i wanted to be alone!” he whisper yells and glances around the house. with a reluctant sigh he pulls you in the room and closes the door.
“jeongin… i wanted to be there for you baby,” you mumble and still try to muster a smile.
“well i didn’t want that! do you ever listen to anyone except you? i see you everyday! every single day! what else do you want from me? can’t i spend a day without you clinging around? i wish i never broke up with my ex,” he glares accusingly at you and you clutch the bag in your hands tighter as if it would decrease the pain.
“thanks for telling me i guess. at least i’ll know now whether you were faking it or not,” you head for the door before he can say anything.
“i’m sorry–” his words are cut when you leave the room and fling the door close in anger.
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The Assistant 10
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Warnings: this fic includes noncon/rape, cheating, creep behaviour.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As an assistant at the Daily Planet, you’re rarely noticed. Until you are.
Characters: Clark Kent
Note: I had to get this out of my head.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like Lord Farquaad loves unnecessary vowels. Take care. 💖
You drop your phone, shaking with panic and horror. It’s not real. It can’t be. Lois isn’t dead, it’s just an argument, just a fight. You don’t know what you saw.
You were so surprised by the call, you can’t possibly have understood what was going on. It was just so sudden. It didn’t happen.
You stand dumbfounded, unsure what to do next. There's a sickening silence filled with the echoes of Lois' struggle and the piercing timbre of Clark's wrath. You shudder and it rolls through the floor. It takes you a moment to realise that the reverberations are really. Your phone vibrates violently between your feet.
Shit! Shit! What do you do? 
You grab it out of instinct but can't bring yourself to answer the call, knowing before you look who it is. You search the room as if you might find an escape. There is none.
You rush to the bed and shut off the lamp, casting yourself in darkness. You don't think, you let your adrenaline guide you. You roll under your blankets and nestle down, clearing your throat as the call times out. Fuck.
It isn't long before the rattle begins again. You wait a few rings and answer, the small frame where you should be filled with shadow. You murmur groggily, not sure how convincing you really are.
"Hmm, what's going on?" You babble as you rustle in the bed. Clark watches you with an addled expression, his brows furrowed, his eyes almost seem to glow.
"I just called," he gristles out ans rubs the apple in his throat, "you picked up…"
"Wha–I've been sleeping," you cough, pressing yourself into the pillow as your ball your other hand. Your heartbeat hammers in your temples, "my phone was in my bed, maybe…"
"Sleeping?" He mutters as a line dips in his forehead.
"I was waiting for your call and must've fallen asleep," you utter.
"Turn your light on," he demands.
You wince, happy he can't see the fear coursing through you. Now is the real test, you have to play this right. You sit up, doing your best to mess up your appearance before you reach to the lamp. 
"I've been sick all day," you lie and lean back against the headboard, "sorry…"
He's quiet. You try not to look at your image in the corner, instead you focus on him. He's trying to figure it all out.
"Baby," you make your voice as soft as you can, "maybe it's going around. Are you feeling alright?"
He seems struck my the question. He swallows and there's a shift as he sits down, letting out a sigh. He flicks a curl away from his forehead.
"Maybe," he relents as his shoulders drop, "you miss me?"
You stare into the deep blue pools of his eyes. You don't know if he believes you. You put your hand below your throat, his gaze follows the gesture. You rub your chest and force another cough.
"Ugh, yeah," you make yourself lie, "I just feel so cruddy."
"Aw, honey, I wish I was there to take care of you. Maybe I can come home early," he offers, "things aren't going so well here. Lois… is off doing her own thing. I may as well have just stayed behind."
"Oh," you try not to react to her name, "I'm sorry–"
"Sorry…" he repeats, quiet but with a hint of resent, "she… you… you're too sweet." He moves his phone as he hangs his head, "you care so much about me, I just wish… wish it didn't have to be this way."
"Just… get some sleep," you coax, "I'm sure we'll both feel better in the morning."
"You're probably right," he croaks and sits up with a deep snort, "hard to sleep without you here."
"Yeah, I know," you eke out.
"Will you… will you stay on until I fall asleep?" He asks, almost pathetic as his tone cracks.
"Sure," you whisper, "I'll stay on."
You fight the swell of fear deep in your stomach and turn onto your side. You watch the screen as he stands and moves around slowly, almost as if he's dazed. You focus on breathing, on counting each inhale and letting it out slow. You try not to think of what he could do to you if he knew what you saw. 
You don't sleep. Not even after you end the call at Clark's rumbling snores. You just sit there and stare at the shadows cast against your wall.
You can't just wait for him to come back. This might be your only chance. Didn't this all start because you were afraid of just that, missing a once in a lifetime chance.
You get up before the sun. You don't have a plan, just a first step. One you're not even sure is a good idea.
You draft your resignation and schedule it to be sent on Monday. You pack a single bag, not much, just what you need, and leave your apartment with your phone in hand. You won't miss it, he tainted it.
You head down to the street and walk a full block before working up your courage. You don't know if you should even try. He has no obligation to you. You wouldn't blame him for laughing in your face. But… he was nice.
You hit Richard's profile and wait for the dial to pick up. It's late, or early. You lean against a building as you watch the sky change.
"Brant," he answers with his last name, voice sandy and thick.
"Hey," you squeak, second thoughts bubbling up, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't–"
"What's wrong?" He asks, his languid tone rising to urgency, "hey, what's going on?"
"I… I can't…"
You can't tell him. Even with how much you want to. You can't say the words and he wouldn't believe you. Who would? 
"It's… barely three," he yawns, "must be important, so…"
"I…" you sniffle and drag yourself away from the wall, "I need help and you're… the only person I know…"
"You know, I've had a lot of writer's ask me for favours, but they're usually a lot more to the point–"
"I need to hide," you blurt out, "please, before he gets back."
"Who?" He asks.
You're silent. You can't get your thoughts straight. You don't blame him for thinking you're crazy, you must sound it.
"Kent," he says bluntly and you quiver. "What did he do to you?"
You don't answer. He says your name. You can't. You feel like your choking.
"Where are you?" He demands and you can hear him shifting and moving around. 
"I shouldn't have–"
"Tell me," he says as fabric rustles beneath his gravelly voice. 
You whimper and look around. You're by some pawn shop. You give him the name and he sighs.
"Stay there," he orders over the jingle of keys, "please."
You're numb as you sit in the passenger seat of Richard's car. You remember the last time you were in that very spot. When he dropped you off after dinner and Clark was waiting for you. How long had he truly been waiting to strike? 
How could it have ever got to this?
Richard drives without a word. You barely recall him arriving or getting into the car. Everything around you is blurry. Your own hands feel like weights attached to your arms.
The car slows as you sink back against the seat. His window rolls down with a whir you barely hear. You don't look. He continues on, the motion soothing as you close your eyes and hiccup.
He idles again, motor humming as he daintily touches your arm.
"Got you a tea," he says gently, "hey, take a breath."
Your eyes snap open and you wipe your face, only realising then you're sobbing. You sit forward and sniff, inhaling until it hurts. He lifts a cup from the plastic holder and offers it. You accept it with a murmur and peel back the lid.
"You don't have to go into detail but I'd like to know what is going on," he says as he puts his hand back on the wheel, slowly stepping down on the gas.
You blow out a shuddery heave and gulp. You sip tenuously, wetting your throat as you try to sort through your thoughts. Where do you begin? What do you even say?
"He's scary," your voice creaks, "he's dangerous…" you shake your head and cradle the tea, trying to feel the heat of the cup, trying to cling to it. "He won't leave me alone."
"I kinda figured but Clark's just a bit strange, isn't he?" Richard says, "office flirt."
"It's more than that, he's…insane!"
"He's married, he's not going to do anything more than talk," he scoffs.
Your chest cranks and your stomach lurches. You look at him, sight pinpointing on him, "you…"
"A bit of an overreaction–"
"Why did you come if you don't believe me?"
"Believe what? I have no idea what's gone on. By the sounds of it, he's only having some fun on the side."
"Fun?! He– he is stalking me. He won't go away and now–" you stop short and huff. His chuckle makes you want to scream. He's laughing at you.
"You're laughing at me?" You reach for the door, "stop the car. Now. Let me out."
"It just seems a bit absurd, calling me at the crack of dawn because you have a horndog for a boss–"
"You're not listening to me. It's not just that," you insist, your body buzzing with anger. "Stop the car. Let me out. You–"
"Calm down. Fine, I'm all ears, did he get handsy at the water cooler?"
"Just stop the car."
"Don't be–"
"Stop!" You fling the cup at him and it lands in his lap, exploding and leaking down his pants.
He veers in surprise and the car slides sideways. Suddenly, your seat jolts as something falls onto the roof, crushing it so you're forced down in your seat. You look up and whine, fumbling to undo your seatbelt as a red glare slices through the metal.
Sparks rain down as the laser changes directions, confusion stirring your wits as you watch in dread and sink down onto the floor of the car. Richard grunts beside you and jams his fingers into the buckle of his seatbelt, swearing as it repels.
"What the fuck was that? Fucking–" he gestures to his wet pants in frustration, clueless to what's happening above him.
The metal peels back loudly as you cry out. You shield yourself and holler for Richard to watch out as you see the eerie figure floating above in the half-dim of the early morning. His eyes glow red and his veins are dark beneath his skin. Yet this is not Superman in his rippling cape but a villain in an undone button-up and slacks. It's Clark!
The vaunted caped crusader, the saviour of Metropolis and earth, the elusive good citizen. All along, he's just another twisted monster. He's a nightmare come to life. 
He tosses aside the shorn square of metal as if it's nothing. He grabs Richard and wrenches him off the seat, clutching his jaw and dangling him like a ragdoll. Richard writhes and squirms as Clark's eyes flash. Suddenly a red beam sears into Richard's skull and a rain of bone and tissue tain down around you.
You shriek in terror as blood oozes down onto the interior and Clark drops Richard's corpses into the ruin. His feet plant on the hood and he bends, reaching blindly down to grab you from beneath the dashboard. He hauls you up effortlessly by your arm, lifting you before him as his eyes continue to flare.
You grasp onto his thick forearm as you hang from his unbending grip, "you're supposed to be a hero…" you gasp in disbelief.
"And you're supposed to love me," he snarls.
You close your eyes and raise your arm, waiting for your turn. This is it. The end.
"But I love you," his voice shatters.
He snakes his arm around you and pulls you close. The world bounces and the air tunnels around you. A scream erupts from your lungs as you barrel into the void.
You bury your head in his shoulder, peeking out from the slits of your eyes to see the vast and endless sky all around you. You're flying yet you've never felt so trapped.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
May I request a platonic Lady Lesso x Student Reader? Where instead of Sophie, Rafal chose to use Reader instead. Then he decided to mind control them and Lesso tried her best to snap Reader out of it. Once Reader comes back, they feel extremely guilty because they accidentally hurt Lesso but Lesso's like "It's fine, sweetheart. I'm okay." Basically just hurt/comfort. I live for soft and motherly Lesso <333
I also just want to say that I really admire you. You're very talented and I love all your stories, they bring me so much comfort. Thank you, and I hope you're doing well!! :DD
Hello my lovely 🦝anon, I really appreciate your kind words darling.I’m so glad my work brings you comfort.
I didn't mean to
*Authors note ~ My darling anons I must say I'm loving all of your requests and hearing from you all, thank you for making my life that little bit better with all your love and support*
Trigger warning~ manipulation mind control accidental violence
Prompt ~see ask ^^^^^
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Rafal was truly a piece of work, you knew that. What you didn't know is why he wanted you. He could've picked any other Never student, yet he picked you to do his bidding. For a Never you were pretty well behaved, but ever since Rafal appeared you'd been doing things without thought, without a rhyme of reason.
At first people let it slip, maybe thinking you were just finally embracing your Never roots. But after a month or so, you began to take it too far. By now you had no control, your head hurt more often than not and you felt like another person entirely. Your heart hurt as you battled with yourself, why couldn't you feel in control of your own body and mind? Simply, it was because you were not in any form of control. Rafal had a plan and you were nothing more than a pawn to him in his very complicated chess match.
Leonora was fed up with this behaviour and she set out to put a stop to it. She had ordered you to be sent to the Doom Room, hoping she could scare you into stopping this or maybe even telling her why you were all of a sudden interested in mayhem. When she saw you strapped to the chair her heart ached, truly you were her good dove, she'd never thought you'd be here like this. "You, you, you" she purred prowling towards you. That was all it took for Rafal to enter your mind, only this time he allowed his voice to speak through you. "Leonora" he growled and she felt the colour drain from her face, "Rafal" she spat back watching as you some how managed to break through the restraints, well he did.
"Let her go Rafal, your problem is with me not her" she kept her tone harsh and firm showing she meant business yet all he did was cackle. "Your perfect soulmate hmm! Tell me why i shouldn't kill you and make her watch for fun and then kill her too." He taunted waiting for the reaction she gave instantly and instinctively coming towards your body, "fucking try me you bastard, you won't hurt her like you did me"
"Oh... but I already have" and with that your hand made contact with Leonora's face. Over and over again before tossing her body to the ground, your foot coming to press on her right knee that coincidently was injured by Rafal a few years previous. Very un Leonora like she let out a pained whimper and that seemed to awaken you from Rafal. You fought mentally to push him away and get to Lesso, after a few minutes successfully riding yourself from his clutches, his final words to Leonora being a reminder that he will be back, you'll both never be free of him.
You're head hurt, the room was spinning and your vision blurred at the corners of your eyes. What on earth had happened? You were trying to make out the blurry lump that lay on the floor in front of where you stood. When had you been let out? Your heart broke when you realised it was Lesso on the ground whimpering in pain, you quickly scanned the room realising no one else was here, you must have hurt her. But why would you do that to someone you love?
"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry Nora, I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" you apologised over and over coming to kneel down by her head. "It's fine, sweetheart. I'm okay." She all but whimpered out. "You're in pain! Because of me! I hurt you" you sobbed as the reality sunk in. "Sweetheart, listen to me. You didn't hurt me not you. You're such a good little one, it was Rafal, I'm so sorry I didn't protect you sweetheart but I promise that will change now. I'll protect you from him" at the promise you threw yourself into her arms.
You both sat on the floor, you whispering apologises and Leonora trying to tell you it wasn't your fault and Rafal was manipulating you based on the fact Leonora had feelings for you. You were are part to play in his idea of hurting her. It broke your heart and you only wished you could've been stronger. That you could've fought him harder. But here and now you had each other and you'd fight Rafal together, never leaving each others sides.
Word count ~ 900
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alwaysmicado · 4 months
so uhm, I only just now read the last part of you wanted this and what in the fucking fuck Joel.
Like, what the actual fuck??? I hate to say it but he has every right to go on a date (ugh….) but telling reader right after what they just did??? That’s so fucked up and I hope he knows he’s a huge asshole for that. He should’ve said something before so that reader could’ve decided if that’s something she still wants to do with him? Also, having sex with someone else hours before you go on a date with another person is such fuckboy behaviour lmao.
I hope his heart falls out of his ass once he sees reader again and realises she hurt herself and didn’t bother calling or telling him bc he’s an idiot!
I need to reread everything again (there’s so many fics to read and sometimes I mix things up in my head hahaha!) but also, how is this supposed to make reader feel secure with him ya know? Like we know Joel likes her a lot and probably, hopefully lmao, wants to be with her. But how is she gonna really believe that his feelings for her are legit when he fucks her and then goes on a date with someone else?
They both definitely need to have a good long think and then talk to clear things up so they both know if they want to actually work towards an actual relationship or if it’s time to move on.
Also, that scene with the bathroom mirror and Tommy kinda broke my heart :( I can relate to feeling like a fucked up burden so much, it makes me so sad for reader! I’m so glad he was there for her in that moment and that she was brave enough to ask him to stay on the phone.
Anyway! Sorry for the rant but chapter 6 was a wild ride. Hope Joel feels bad and makes things up to reader properly, with some nice grovelling hahah! I’m excited to read the next chapter!
I've kept this ask in my inbox for some time now and every time I read it it makes me soooo incredibly happy 🥹🫶 Thank you so much for reading my series and for taking the time to write all of your thoughts down and wanting to share them!! Your support means the absolute world to me and was a huge factor in me finally finishing pt. 7! 🤍🤍🤍 I can't wait to hear your thoughts about that one, I'll post it in a few minutes...👀
My thoughts on pt. 6:
what in the fucking fuck Joel
lmao this sums everything up so perfectly! 😂 what in the fucking fuck, indeed
Like, what the actual fuck??? I hate to say it but he has every right to go on a date (ugh….) but telling reader right after what they just did??? That’s so fucked up and I hope he knows he’s a huge asshole for that. He should’ve said something before so that reader could’ve decided if that’s something she still wants to do with him? Also, having sex with someone else hours before you go on a date with another person is such fuckboy behaviour lmao.
YES TO ALL OF THIS 👆👆👆 Reader's been banging randos up until a few weeks ago, so he's more than allowed to go on a date lol. BUT why didn't he just say it before 😩. He's trying to be honest and didn't wanna lie to reader when she invited him over, but still... Sir, what the fuck? And yeah, do you think his date saw his scratched up arms? 🫠
I hope his heart falls out of his ass once he sees reader again and realises she hurt herself and didn’t bother calling or telling him bc he’s an idiot! I need to reread everything again (there’s so many fics to read and sometimes I mix things up in my head hahaha!) but also, how is this supposed to make reader feel secure with him ya know? Like we know Joel likes her a lot and probably, hopefully lmao, wants to be with her. But how is she gonna really believe that his feelings for her are legit when he fucks her and then goes on a date with someone else? They both definitely need to have a good long think and then talk to clear things up so they both know if they want to actually work towards an actual relationship or if it’s time to move on.
Oh yeah. We're starting the whole "hmm maybe it's time to acknowledge that what we've been doing for the past few months isn't just fucking and we both obviously (sorry, reader, it's obvious) have feelings, so maybe we should talk about it" phase in pt. 7 👀
Also, that scene with the bathroom mirror and Tommy kinda broke my heart :( I can relate to feeling like a fucked up burden so much, it makes me so sad for reader! I’m so glad he was there for her in that moment and that she was brave enough to ask him to stay on the phone.
It hurt me, too, believe me 😭😭 but as you point out, she's very brave for asking for help and accepting it (even if it's hard)!! She and Tommy are besties and we'll learn more about why and how they met as time goes on 😊
Anyway! Sorry for the rant but chapter 6 was a wild ride. Hope Joel feels bad and makes things up to reader properly, with some nice grovelling hahah! I’m excited to read the next chapter!
🫣 (please don't hate me)
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psapphic95 · 2 years
I would love to see a little blurb of Regina telling Emma she has a foot fetish. What was that conversation like? I can only imagine Emma’s cruel jokes 😂
Ahaha yea I can imagine this conversation happening quite early on in their relationship. At a point where Emma was into Regina but still a little hesitant, and hadn’t quite gotten used to Mommy’s strange habits and kinks. 
I can imagine them on the sofa of Regina’s house in Storybrooke. They’d only been seeing each other for just over a month, Emma was still slowly recovering from that UTI she had developed (see Chapter Four of You’re Mine Now), and were watching a movie together. Pulp Fiction; since Emma had never seen it and it was one of Regina’s favourite films.  
At some point during the film, Emma changed her position from snuggling up next to her new Mommy, to laying back against the armrest of the couch, with her socked feet in Regina’s lap. It was nothing out of the ordinary when Regina scooped up the feet in her lap to stuff a cushion underneath them, Emma vaguely understood that her heels could be uncomfortably digging into Regina’s thighs. 
It wasn’t long after that Emma’s socks were carefully plucked from her feet. Indeed, she wouldn’t have noticed unless for Regina’s fingertips tickling at her sensitive soles. Her leg reflexively retracted from the stimuli but Mommy was too fast, gripping onto her baby’s feet with a needlessly tight squeeze. 
Only then did Emma react, briefly glancing down at the iron grip with which her feet were being clasped in Mommy’s hands. 
A few minutes passed of Emma’s having her metatarsals silently crushed when Regina’s grasp somehow got even tighter. Complaints were already taking shape in Emma’s mouth until she felt Mommy’s lips offer a gentle, wet kiss to the tips of her toes. 
It startled the blonde, her leg jumped up but the crushing tightness of Regina’s hands pinning her feet to the cushion beneath them stopped her from unconsciously kicking her new Mommy in the face. It didn’t seem to bother Regina, who simply dropped another kiss onto a different spot on the bony ridge of Emma’s midfoot. 
And then another. 
And another. 
This caught Emma’s attention. Her head turned slowly away from the television screen, to glance over at what Regina was doing, then back at the TV screen. And then again at Regina to make sure that her eyes and body weren’t deceiving her. 
“Um, what…” Emma cleared her throat. “What are you doing?” 
“Hmm?” Regina pressed another soft kiss over Emma’s toes, still engrossed in the onscreen action. 
“What are you doing…to my feet?” 
“Oh!” Regina sounded strangely surprised as if she didn’t realise she was close to nibbling on Emma's toes. “Your feet are just so cute, I can’t help myself.” 
The genuine smile that brightened Regina’s face was almost unnerving. 
“You have a foot fetish…” 
It wasn’t really a question, more of an observation. Emma’s mind slowly recounted all the times that Regina had sucked on her toes in the middle of sex, and the woman’s strange behaviour began to make more sense.  
 “When your little toes are so soft and painted this pretty colour, how could I not?”
The look on Emma’s face was mildly horrified but also strangely intrigued. There were so many dimensions to this strange, enigmatic woman that she was falling in love with. 
“Don’t you like it when I kiss them?” Regina finally asked when Emma didn’t lose her little scowl. 
Emma was quick to backtrack. “No, no I do, but ––––” 
“Then hush,” Regina smirked and pinched Emma’s big toe playfully between her top and bottom canines. “It’s your fault for having such cute, delicate little feet.” 
Puzzled green eyes glanced around the room, almost like they were looking for an explanation for Regina’s perpetually odd behaviour. Emma could agree that maybe her soles were soft, but no one had ever accused her size 9.5 feet of being delicate or little. 
Not only is she a pervert, but she’s got fucking micropsia too. 
“Have you ever been like…checked for a mental disorder or anything?” Emma ventured with a frown. 
Regina responded with a lighthearted chuckle. “No, baby. Do you think I should be checked?”
Emma was only mostly joking, but there was a grain of sincerity in her comment about her new Mommy not being all there upstairs. Still, Regina’s ability to take and play along with her mean quips was so attractive, and Emma loved playing the game with her. 
Emma tried to remain stony-faced, but couldn’t help but allow a small, impish smile to break across her face. 
“I’m not sure that’s enough. You need to be detained.” 
An even harder chuckle left Regina and she took the remote to pause the film. She removed Emma’s feet from the cushion and turned towards her, opening her legs so she could crawl between them. 
Settling her hips between Emma’s legs, Regina nuzzled Emma’s cheek and asked, “under what charge, officer?” 
“Criminally horny,” Emma said with a decisive nod. “You could end up hurting someone.” 
“Hmmm,” Regina hummed thoughtfully, pressing her hips further into Emma’s crotch. “I only know of one little girl whose bottom I’m interested in hurting…” 
Thanks for reading!
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omoghouls · 2 years
ok bunny buckle up i’ve got some prime wizzy hands content for you. izzy’s a proud son of a bitch so keeping his clothes dry is a top priority but you just know if push came to shove he’d make a real scene of pissing his pants.
consider that maybe he got horribly sick for a while and wet the bed a few times, he probably would’ve had ed AND stede pandering to him until he got better. he claims to hate it but he misses it like nothing else, so a few weeks after he’s recovered he has an “accident” on deck complete with a grand flop into fang’s arms. it doesn’t work, the best he gets is a “feel better, iggy dear” from stede. next up is the daybed, because he’s just so tired from working sooo hard for blackbeard. all the stress must’ve made him have an accident, whoops. better give him a cuddle until he feels better.
it goes on until ed, surprisingly, decides he’s had enough. he scolds his first mate for acting like a child instead of just being upfront about what he wants and taking his AND stede’s care for granted. the punishment he comes up with is tying izzy to a chair and just...leaving him there. there’s a towel and a few rags under the chair because he clearly can’t be trusted to keep himself dry, hmm? maybe now he’ll appreciate everything those two do for him.
another timeskip, woo. stede and ed have gone about their business, working a bit harder than they normally would since mr hands is “still recovering”. stede’s in a bit of a rush to get back to the captain’s quarters, and in his haste to hop into bed with a nice book he forgets about izzy entirely. ed almost wants to say something but he figures it’ll help the punishment settle in, so he cuddles up next to stede as if he doesn’t have a man tied to a chair not so far away.
at this point izzy’s a wreck. he can’t exactly get up to go and relieve himself, and even if there was a chamber pot around he can’t move his hands. his only choice is to let go in his pants, the very same thing that got him into this mess. the chair’s giving him awful back pain and his attempts to at least get his hands free have left him with some nasty rope burns...
he’s there until the early hours of the morning, and when ed spots him the guilt eats him alive. izzy’s slumped forward, wide awake and trying not to make a sound so ed wont have another reason to scold him. when ed tilts izzy’s head up he can see a set of fresh tear tracks lit up by the morning light. the worst part is just how quiet izzy is; he’s beyond cursing ed’s name and well beyond the point of sobbing out apologies. he’s barely whispering, not even sure what he’s apologising for. for his behaviour, for wetting on the floor again, even for being born. ed unties izzy and hoists him up, promising that he’ll burn that chair in the evening. he’s left to sit for a while as the captain shuffles about heating up water and finding stede’s nice soap. a full bath isn’t really achievable without waking stede in the process, so this will have to do.
izzy gets cleaned up and dressed into some pants that chafe his skin a lot less, and once he’s done stretching his legs he barely has time to turn in the direction of the door before edward’s wrangling him into bed, right between him and stede. when stede wakes up he’s just as apologetic as ed was, having realised what he indirectly caused. it takes about an hour of cuddles and apologies for izzy to finally ask them to shut the fuck up so he can get some sleep, and ed’s sure the rest of the crew can manage without him until the afternoon.
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Y e s holy shit??? Yes to Izzy enjoying the care but refusing to actually admit to that!! He's a ruthless pirate, he shouldn't be getting attached to gentle words and care he received during that time- a craving he hadn't realized he wanted so badly.
But oMGGG a fitting punishment but I can just imagine Stede and Ed just bustling about, walking right past Izzy so many time throughout the day- Stede or Ed sorta taking a flask to Izzy's lips so he doesn't like, get dehydrated or starve that day. But, that just makes Izzy have to pee even more :^00
That whooole day Izzy is cursing out the captains' but as the day turns to evening, catching a glimpse of Stede and Ed embraced in bed, Ed's head on Stede chest. God Izzy can't explain it but, it's sends the waterworks to finally start. Ofc he refuses to let himself make any noise, he's already soaked, a couple tears amongst the puddle won't even be noticed 🥲
Ooh but you KNOW the aftercare is very very loving and as fluffy as pirates can get! And Stede and Ed honestly love watching Izzy sleep because of just how peaceful he looks, especially when he's sandwiched between the two Captains aaaaAAAAAA
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ava-achlys · 3 years
The Boyz NSFW Scenarios
Lee Juyeon - Breaking Dawn
Frenemies! Juyeon x fem! reader
Warnings: hate-fucking, degradation, pegging, sex toys, enemies(?) with benefits, sub!Juyeon, mild dubious consent
"Breaking Dawn, more like breaking your back" -Eric Sohn, 2021. Thanks for the inspo, Eric 🤣 I hope you guys like this one, bottom Juyeon has been on my mind for a while 💕
You and Juyeon have been rivals for as long as you can remember, but he somehow always tops you, both in academics and in the bedroom. One day, your offhand comment about you being a better top than him turns into a challenge, and Juyeon and his ego won't back down.
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"Fuck you," Juyeon spits harshly, panting into the bed sheets. You smirk at him, thrusting your fingers deeper in his hole, causing him to moan lowly. "No baby, did you forget I'm the one fucking you?" Your tone is saccharine sweet, yet so sinister. Juyeon shivers, unable to hide how much he wants you, despite the venomous words and dark looks he gives you.
You pull your lube-coated fingers out of his ass and he whines, clenching around air, the cold wetness of the residual lube on the edge of his hole arousing him. You laugh and spank his ass, basking in the fact that only you get to see this side of Juyeon. He thrusts his hips back, clearly wanting more, and you debated giving it to him. Spanking him made you feel in control, but if he wanted it, then there was no point. Instead, you huffed and busied yourself with fastening the strapon to your hips, ignoring the squirming boy in front of you.
Getting annoyed, you slap his thigh instead, drawing a high pitched moan from him. "Would you stay still for once?!" You hiss and he turns to glare at you, his large hand inching towards his aching cock. "If you could just hurry up and fuck me, I wouldn't be such a brat." You scoff and roll your eyes. He had always been a brat behind closed doors, and only to you. He was always teasing and edging you, holding your orgasm out until you broke down your pride and begged him for release, which obviously fed his massive ego. Now that the tables have turned, you realise he's going to be just as difficult. The little shit would never back down from a challenge, which led the both of you into this position in the first place.
You smack his hand away from his cock and open up a condom. He looks questioningly at the foil in your hands and you can't resist the urge to piss him off, so you grab him by the chin, and his pretty eyes look up at you with nervous excitement. "Do you not want me to wear a condom? Want me to fuck you raw instead? Bet if this was a real dick you'd want me to cum inside you, fill you up and breed you like the little whore you are, don't you?" You sneer at him, and his breath hitches. You grip his jaw harder so he opens up wider, and you spit into his mouth. Juyeon's eyes roll back into his head at the taste of you, and his whole body shivers at your humiliating words.
He swallows with difficulty and tries to avoid your eyes. He never begs. He always makes you beg for his cock, that's how it's supposed to go. But he needs you now. And you know he does. "P-please," he whispers so faintly that you almost didn't catch it. You pull his jaw to make him look you in the eyes and ask him to repeat himself. "Please... fuck me," he pleads with those pretty, glittering eyes of his. You shrug and decide to oblige, since he asked so nicely for once. You shove him onto his back, spreading his long legs open and slipping the condom onto your strap-on. He's trembling as he watches you, his position making him feel so exposed and vulnerable, his leaking cock standing tall. You kneel between his legs and hitch them up onto your shoulders. You loom over him, and 6 ft tall Juyeon has never felt smaller in his life.
You ease the tip of the dildo into his hole, and he whimpers at the intrusion. You glance up at him, and he gives the subtlest nod, and you continue pressing your length into him. He grips the bedsheets in discomfort, but he soon feels the pleasurable stretch of his walls creeping up on him. You can't deny you're a tad worried, but you refuse to show your concern, so you keep an impassive mask and continue until you've fully bottomed out. You lean over him, your hand on either side of his head, and his eyes are shut tightly, getting used to the dildo inside him for the first time. He looks so pretty like this, you think. Feline eyes, sharp nose, high cheekbones, glossy red lips. You can see why everyone is head over heels for him, but your contempt for his behaviour is what drives you away from him. He's quite cute when he's not pissing you off in private or taking credit for your contributions to the club, and especially not when he's whispering filthy words in your ears in bed. But he knows exactly how to keep you coming back to him; with his hands, his mouth, and his massive dick.
"Move," he whispers hoarsely, his eyes still shut. You tap his cheeks so he looks at you, and you slowly start moving your hips, pulling out a little and pushing back into him gently. "Mmmhh, ahhh, fuck," his little noises are muffled by the arm he's thrown over his mouth, and you pull it away, wanting to hear more. You thrust into him harder and deeper this time, and he's holding the bedsheets in a death grip with the effort of concealing his moans, knuckles turning white. "Come on Juyeon, let me hear your pretty voice. Tell me how good I'm fucking you," you mock him in a singsong voice. "Shut up," he barks, still trying to remain composed. You roll your eyes and pull out almost all the way, leaving your tip inside him, and slam into him fully, and a strangled moan rips from his throat. 1 point for you, you think.
You continue to fuck him at a brutal pace, his hard cock oozing precum and bobbing from the force of your hips snapping into his. His whines turn into broken groans and eventually loud shameless moans and curses. He doesn't dare to look at you anymore, opting to face the ceiling as you pound into him, his large body sliding up the bed with your every thrust. You changed angles, unsatisfied with his reactions and hit that bundle of nerves inside him, and he cums unexpectedly, spurting ropes of creamy cum all over himself. He actually lets out a sob at the feeling of relief that his orgasm brings, but you had no plans on stopping. You pull out and Juyeon winces, only for you to flip him over, your adrenaline lending you some strength to move the much taller and heavier boy. Cumming untouched, that's 2 points for you now.
He yelps as you force him onto his hands and knees, protesting as his legs feel like jelly, but you weren't going to win so easily. You wanted him to admit that he lost. You slip your dildo back into him and fuck him again, his cum sliding off his sweaty body and dribbling pathetically from his still-hard cock onto the bedsheets. He gasps for air and pleads for you to stop, and yet he moves his hips back to meet yours every time. You spank his ass and he mewls, a tiny, pathetic sound from a large, cocky man, and you know he's going to break soon. "I can't.. I can't take much more, I think I'm gonna cum again," he whines into the pillows. "Go on, then. Cum for me. Say my name, Juyeon, tell me how I good I make you feel," you demanded as you reach down to grasp his cock.
He gasps at the oversensitivity, and the cold tone of your voice. You were barely keeping it together at this point, your pussy dripping with slick at how beautifully wrecked Juyeon looked beneath you, and his breathless chants of your name as he climaxes for the second time that night, his cock feebly spurting whatever cum was left in his balls onto your hand. He collapses onto the sheets, no longer having the strength to prop himself up. He tiredly rolls over onto his back and looks up at you, eyes glazed over. You lean over him again, your faces just a few inches apart. "Was I that good, Juyeonie?" You smirked at him. He blushes and tries to turn his face away but you hold him in place, and stick your cum-splattered fingers in his mouth, making him groan at the taste of himself. "Say it, Juyeon."
His glassy eyes shyly look up at you and he mumbles as best as he can around your fingers, "Mmfh, ffank you for f-fucking me so good." You beam at him, and pull your fingers out of his mouth. You get up off the bed, disposing of the condom and taking off your strap-on. You head into the bathroom to get a damp towel to clean him up with, trying to ignore the dull ache between your thighs as you walked. You come back and he's avoiding eye contact, wincing slightly as you wordlessly wiped him down, despite the warmth of the towel. Once you were done, you took a quick shower, deciding you'd just get off by yourself later and got dressed, Juyeon eyeing you tiredly from the bed. You're about to leave when Juyeon suddenly sits up, grimacing at the pain in his lower back. "Wait! Did you cum at all? You were so quiet but you were eating me up with your eyes the whole time," he belatedly realises.
You turn back to face him. "Does it matter?" you deadpan. "The point of this was to prove that I'm a better top than you. Some bottom you are too, couldn't even make me cum. Maybe this will take that over-inflated ego of yours down a notch, hmm?" you sneer, ignoring the crestfallen look on Juyeon's face as you walk out and slam the door shut. You let out a heavy sigh as you leave his apartment, looking out at the sky, the first rays of the morning sun breaking through the clouds. You're immersed in your thoughts as you make your way back to your place, an uncomfortable feeling in your gut to accompany the discomfort in your loins. You've never left his apartment before daybreak, the two of you always waking up on different sides of the bed and you quietly leaving with just enough time to shower and change at home before going for your classes. Even if you saw Juyeon around on campus or debate club meetings, it was all polite smiles and casual conversations, but the animosity really showed in bed. He was good in bed, you just hated how cocky he gets. Now that you flipped the switch, you think maybe you've gone too far.
3 points, you've finally won, but has victory always tasted this bittersweet?
A/N: This might have been a shit ending, but like, I dunno anymore. Sorry bout that 😅
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cherryatiny · 3 years
𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳: 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐒/𝐎 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐞 (𝐑)
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝑠𝑒𝑥 𝑡𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑠, 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘, 𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑥 𝑡𝑜𝑦𝑠
𝐺𝐼𝐹𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠
⩥ 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠
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You were sitting on Hongjoong’s lap as his tongue dipped into your mouth, hands roaming all over your body, occasionally smacking your ass and caressing your waist.
„Ah- Joongie, I-I.. can I ask you something?“
„Sure, anything baby.“
„Can we... make a sex tape? It’s completely okay if you don’t want to, I just thought that maybe it could spice things up for a bit...“
„Bring your phone then.“
Bright spark lingering in your eyes as he said that, you immediately went looking for your phone, not realising how hastened your actions were, Hongjoong could only laugh at your cuteness, seeing how much you really wanted to do this.
Coming back, you set your phone on your bed-side table, clicking on the red button to start recording. The devilish smirk on Hongjoong's face as he came closer to your figure, laying you on your back, kissing down your neck as his hand dipped into your panties, rubbing your clit in circular motions, all this captivated on the camera...
⩥ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚
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Seonghwa’s hips were slamming into your core, his pretty tip hitting your sweet spot over and over, nails digging into your hips as he fucked you from behind with a steady pace. Maybe you shouldn’t have worn those short dress, but at the same time, sex with jealous Seonghwa was really enjoyable.
„Are you close baby? Hmm, hold it in, a whore like you should wait for her daddy to tell her when to cum.“
His hand tugging at your hair to bring your head up as he bent down to kiss you hungrily and eat up all your moans. Hand going down to rub your clit to bring you closer to your high.
„Should I let you come? Were you a good girl or a dirty whore who tried to seduce my friends with that tight and short dress? Hmm, then cum for me, spasm under me and milk my dick.“
Trying to stabilise your breathing and collect yourself after your edged orgasm, you lied on your bed, Seonghwa wrapped his arm around your waist to bring your bodies closer and cuddle after your rougher session.
„Seonghwa I was thinking if maybe... we could try to make a sex tape one day?”
„Oh, princess, you can’t believe how much I’ve been thinking about this idea, round two?“
„Round two is it.“
⩥ 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨
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„Yunho, I wanted to ask you this a long time ago, what do you think of shooting sex tape? You know, it might be nice, we could then maybe watch it as a foreplay...“
„Ah, well I don’t know Y/N, you know how shy I am...“
„Aw, my big puppy is shy? Please, please, just this once, it’ll be only for us to see Yuyu, it’s not like we’re going to upload this to some porn site.“ Making your big puppy eyes on him as you pleaded on his lap.
„Okay then, you know that I can’t resist your puppy eyes, anything for you. You know how cute you’re when you’re so small sitting on my lap and pleading? But I’m sure you’d look cuter when you fuck yourself on my cock for the camera, is that what you want? To watch yourself afterwards? Watch how your pretty pussy takes my cock?“
You squirmed on his lap, as he took his phone out from the pocket of his sweatpants, placing it on the coffee table beside the couch you were on.
„Strip for the camera baby, give me a show to remember and recall when I’ll be on a tour watching the video.“
You took off your t-shirt, revealing your breasts since you weren’t wearing a bra.
„Such a dirty kitten, not wearing any bra? Tsk tsk, you'll have to fuck yourself well on my cock then, so that I don't have to punish you, for not doing your job properly.“ what a sudden change of behaviour of your puppy-like boyfriend...
⩥ 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠
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„Baby, why are you so flustered? Don't cover your face, I wanna see how good I make you feel, after all, you're the one who suggested shooting a sex tape, so why are you so shy? Don't make me tie you up so you can't cover yourself, you whore.“
Said Yeosang with a stern voice as he grazed his fingertips over a pink rabbit vibrator
„What setting should I turn it on? You wanna start with the low one? Hmm, I think you can take the highest one, right?“
The vibrator slipped into you with ease, as you were already so wet and sensitive, from Yeosang's tongue, your pussy coated with the wetness of your sweet juices.
Yeosang turned the vibrator on the highest setting, the unexpectedly strong vibrations hitting your g-spot immediately, squirming under the stimulation on your clit as well.
„Oh baby, don't tell me you're gonna cum so soon, I expected you to last longer for the camera.“
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧
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„Get undressed.”
„Don't act so surprised, I heard you on the phone with your friend. I heard how you were practically drooling over the fantasy of shooting a sex tape. I have to admit that shooting a sex tape we could watch together, so you could see how beautiful you look when I pound into you, how your tits bounce and how my balls slap against your pretty ass, sounds good to me, so get undressed angel.”
You weren't aware of the fact that San heard you when you were on phone with your friend while he was showering, embarrassment flowing through your veins.
His wet pink locks falling to his forehead, sculpted chest and abs on a display for you, since he was wearing only a towel wrapped around his thin waist, showing off more than enough for you to get aroused.
Taking off your sweatpants and tank top, San came closer, his lips attacking your neck and hand cupped your still clothed heat.
„So wet already, and I didn't even do anything. Your panties are soaked with your juices. Did you get aroused by my words... or you couldn't resist the sight of my body? Don't worry, you can enjoy the sight captured on the camera afterwards...”
⩥ 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢
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„Ah fuck, is this what you wanted? For me to fuck you from behind as you moan for the camera? Who would've thought that you're such a dirty girl, wanting to watch yourself have a dick balls-deep in you?”
Moans coming out of your mouth uncontrollably as Mingi's tip hit your sweet spot repeatedly, eyes looking straight into the red light signalising recording, mouth falling agape as the orgasm washed all over you, Mingi shooting himself into you.
His hands wrapped around your figure, laying down and bringing your close to him, listening to his calming heartbeat, his fingers brushing and playing with your hair.
„At least I will have something to watch when we are on a tour... should I run us a bath? Lavender or mint?“
„Hmm, mix of both, you prepare the bath, I'll make some drinks and snacks.“
⩥ 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠
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„Wooyoungie, baby, ...I was reading some blog and I was thinking that maybe... we could shoot a sex tape, establish the fact that you're just a whiny baby for me. You would like that right baby boy? Watch yourself as i torture that pretty dick of yours“
You said, sitting on a bed and looking at your cute boyfriend. Without giving you a response, Wooyoung was already undressing, leaving only his briefs on.
„Aww, you're such a needy baby... do you think your friends know, that you're just a subby baby boy who loves to get punished by his mommy? What would the boys say, if they knew that you aren't acting like the bossy boy with a dominant personality they know, behind closed doors? Should I show them the tape afterwards? So they can see how you start to squirm and shiver after a while, begging your mommy to let you cum?“
You could see how flushed his cheeks were, you couldn't help but smile at how cute Wooyoung was. You set your phone on a bedside table before pushing his shoulders to the mattress and laying him down, your lips attached to his nipples and licked down to his v-line, taking off his briefs with your teeth, releasing his painfully hard cock, spitting on it, you spread your spit all over his shaft, before taking him into your warm mouth and teasing him like this for hours...
⩥ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨
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„Baby, please just think about it once more, what do you know, maybe you'll like it after trying it.”
„Y/N, this is not a new ice cream flavour, which I have to try in order to find out if I like it... I just don't know.”
„And what if we just deleted the tape right afterwards? Neither of us will have it, I just thought that... having sex on a camera might be arousing...”
„Okay baby, ...let's try then.”
Your eyes lit up at Jongho's beaming smile, reassuring him that he'll like it, you both started undressing each other until you were left in your underwear.
Jongho held you by the curve of your waist and brought you closer to his broad chest, his strong arms wrapping you as his lips attacked yours.
„Now baby, since you were the one who suggested this, I want you to look at the camera as I fuck into you, reflect your face filled with pleasure into the lens, can you do that for me?”
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crazyfreckledginger · 3 years
Jason Todd x Reader - “In The Pale Moonlight”
After a one night stand, Jason doesn’t seem to be able to get his mind off you. Desperate to get you out of his head, he hesitantly agrees to go to Wayne Enterprise with his brothers for work, as a response to scrutiny from the general public. What happens when the person he was trying to erase from his memory pops right back into his life?
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Requested by anon and on Wattpad: “Can I request one where reader and one of the boys are dating but they act like they still trying to get each other so they flirt a lot and stuff even if everyone knows they’re together”/ 
“And other one where the reader is feeling herself and singing “Meet me in the pale moonlight” by Lana Del Rey in front of one of batboys and they’re like wow she cute and kiss the readeeeeeer (they’re dating and they’re teenagers)THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU 💕” /
“haha well I have another which was that the reader is harley and Bruce's kid and she meets  batboys but jason since she knew before she left  for the first time since she was away for wayne industries business meetings”
A/N: I hope you guys don’t mind that I tweaked it a little since these requests don’t have alot of depth individually!
“I’m just here for a drink.” the girl smiled politely even though she was extremely uncomfortable. 
“I am too, can I have it with you?”
“Oh for crying out loud leave her alone, don’t be such a creep.” The man at the end of the counter groaned.
“Mind your business.” the creep gritted his teeth.
“Your disgusting aura is polluting my drink so it makes it my business.” (Y/N) watched as he stood up and walked towards the pair. Now that he was closer, the woman could see how attractive he was up close, stunning eyes, sharp jaw, tall and a streak of dyed white hair, “Fuck off will you?” 
“Who do you think you are?” 
“Sorry, I forgot a world, fuck off please.” The stranger shot the man a terrifying glare and without another word, the man studded away, like a dog with its tail between his legs. 
“Thank you mister, but if he laid a hand on me I would have sucker punched him.” 
“Mister huh?” he smirked, sitting beside her. 
“Well what’s your name then?” 
“Jason, pleasure to meet you.” 
“This is your place?” she hummed, fingers running through his soft hair as his lips trailed down her neck, pulling her legs around his hips.
“Mmh hmm,” 
“You rich or something?” the woman breathed out as he sucked on her skin. 
“Something like that,” he murmured, pulling away to tease her lips with his. Jason stared deeply into her eyes.
“What are you waiting for, lover boy? You brought me here.” (Y/N)’s arms hung loosely on his shoulders, occasionally touching the back of his head.
“Yes ma’am,” he smirked, hooking his hands under her legs and carrying her to his bedroom.
Glancing at her side to the soft breathing of the naked man beside her, she shuffled, stretching and yawning. What a night, she tried moving her legs but winced, what a night indeed. 
“Good morning princess,” his morning voice was incredibly attractive as his arm slid around her waist, pulling her flush against him.
“Mmh, good morning,” the woman squirmed in his grip as he nipped at her ear teasingly with his teeth, “what time is it?”
“You have someplace to be?” he murmured, hand caressing her naked hip.
“Yeah, I have work.”
“On a Saturday?” 
“Self employed.” 
A month or so later, Jason was frustratedly sitting in the meeting room, chewing on his lip in boredom as Bruce brought all of them to a meeting at Wayne Enterprise for less scrutiny from the public eye. 
“The person we will be working on for the new design is going to arrive soon so I need you all on your best behaviour.” He glared at all the boys. 
“Yeah yeah, can we just get on with it so I can leave?” The second oldest rolled his eyes. 
“Mr Wayne?” as if on queue, the person knocked on the one-way privacy film that covered every window of the room, the blurred figure waiting patiently on the other side. 
With a last scolding glance to everyone, Bruce strutted over, opening the door and smiling.
“Good morning Mr Wayne.” the woman greeted with a polite smile.
Jason’s eyes widened, and stayed that way even when he made eye contact with the girl. She responded with the same reaction, but quickly regained her composure and greeted the other boys. 
“Oh hey (Y/N),” Dick waved to his roommate, “you look great.” He flirted.
“...Um hey,” she greeted hesitantly, feeling a little uncomfortable with his usual ways in the professional setting.
“Shall we get down to business.” Bruce glared at his eldest son.
“You don’t have to act so grumpy.” Jason rolled his eyes as they finally arrived at their hotel in Europe after an excruciatingly long flight. 
“I’m tired, I need sleep.” Not wanting to address the elephant in the room, especially when she was this exhausted, she scurried to the bathroom to slip into comfortable pyjamas and landed right into bed, “I’m having this conversation tomorrow, good night.” 
The next day came quickly and (Y/N) opened her eyes reluctantly, wanting to melt in the comfortable double bed she was in. Discreetly, she peeked at the double bed facing her diagonally. 
The woman frowned, it was empty.
“I’m right here.” the man voiced from behind her as he exited the bathroom.
“Jason!” she screeched, “what the hell! Don’t creep up on people!” 
“Well don’t try to spy on people when they are sleeping!” he threw his damp towel to her.
“Ewwwww!” she grimaced.
“Chill, I was drying my hair with that.” he walked towards his bed, and she only now noticed that he was naked -- with a towel around his waist obviously. Steam was emitting from his skin as it glistened still.
With warm ears, she pulled the covers over her face, eyes peeking out discreetly.
“We’ve seen each other completely naked, I don’t see what the problem is, if you’re going to look, be shameless,” he moved his butt from left to right teasingly, “you can see this regularly if you want,” he chuckled.
With a sigh, she buried herself under the covers. 
“I haven’t changed my mind Jason, I’m sorry, I’m not interested in commitment at the moment.” 
She felt a weight on the bed and hesitantly took a peep out. Jason was laying on her bed, shirtless but with some underwear on.
“At least give me the benefit of the doubt for this trip.” he gave her the puppy eyes. Eying him suspiciously, she sighed.
“Alright, fine, don’t disappoint.”
A few months or so later into the relationship with Jason and gotten closer to his younger brothers, (Y/N) slipped on a comfortable T-shirt, watching herself in the mirror as she tidied her hair a bit and examined the hickey on her neck.
Swaying lightly from side to side to the song that was stuck in her head, she hummed softly to herself, setting out her clothes for the day.
“You don't have to give me anything
Just put your sweet kiss kiss on my lips now baby”
Walking back to the mirror, deciding on whether or not jewelry was necessary, the woman continued.
“Think about you almost all the time, all the time and-”
 “I love you so much baby,” he breathed out from the other side of the room. 
“Hmm?” she glanced in the mirror. 
“Keep singing~” 
“No,” she stuck her tongue out playfully, “are you ready?”
“Do we have to go?” Jason whined, marching up to her, slapping her ass and squeezing it before hugging her from behind, nuzzling her hair, his warm skin against her.
“Baby of course we do, we have to hide the fact that we’re together, plus they are fun, we’re all friends here.” she rubbed her butt against his hips and he bit her ear. 
“No teasing,” he whispered in her ear, turning her around and pushing her against the dresser, “or else.” 
“Or else?” the woman chuckled, “but seriously though,” her hands cupped his cheeks as he stared at her lips, “we can’t act like a couple, it’s unprofessional,” 
“Technically I don’t work at the company,” 
“And the person I’m working with is your dad.”
“Adoptive, you have nothing to worry about.”
“Just a coffee, maybe a lunch, and then we can come straight home.” 
“Mmh, okay,” he pouted, holding her tightly as she kissed his lips and pulled away. “You sing beautifully, please do it more for me.” he pouted. She chuckled, shaking her head slightly in embarrassment.
“Put a shirt on and let’s get ready, I don’t want to be late!” (Y/N) ushered, “and the sooner you’re out of here, the less anxious I’ll be that your brother unexpectedly enters his own home and sees you in it.”
When they were ready, at a somewhat reasonable time, they drove there as quickly and responsibly as possible.
“Why is your hand still on my thigh?!” (Y/N) jumped once she realised he had discreetly snaked his hand back on her thigh when he was parking the car on the side of the road, in a surprising proximity. Slapping his hand away and giving him a look, the woman slipped out of the car and walked up the stairs, ringing on the bell.
Jason scurried up beside her, slapping her butt playfully before pushing the door open. 
“Hey guys!” she grinned, not having the time to scold her boyfriend once again as she was greeted with welcoming smiles. 
“How have you been?” Dick teased, having seen her just yesterday.
After playful banter, and not-so-playful for the brothers, over a nice hot drink, a new topic came up.
“How was the party yesterday (Y/N)?” Jason inquired, knowing fully well about it but trying to seem inconspicuous, “I hope no one stole your heart, that’s for me!” … or not.
She paused, giving him an unimpressed look, reluctant to answer “It was great, and no.” 
“No what?” he smirked. Her cheeks burned, she did not like being put on the spot to lie, especially since this was incredibly unnecessary.
“No one did anything.” 
“To who-”
“This is embarrassing, we know you two are a couple,” Damian nearly gagged. 
“Huh?” (Y/N) turned to him, feeling her soul leave her body.
“How do you know?” Jason looked at him.
“It’s been a while.” Dick chuckled.
“We been knew 💅,” Tim rolled his eyes.
“Someone left someone’s underwear in an awkwardly obvious place when I came around… and you slapped her butt before you came in here, everyone saw it.” Dick explained, watching his brother.
“I didn’t- wait, how do you know that it’s her underwear???”
The eldest’s expression fell and he blushed. 
“I might have um-” 
“He accidentally came in when I was packing my bag to leave for the business meeting in France okay?” the woman spluttered. 
“You did WHAT?”
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parkersroses · 4 years
1:32 AM | harry styles.
summary: a series of moments in yours and Harry’s life together that seemed to occur around 1:32 AM.
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
word count: 3.6k words
warning(s): nothing but fluff with a bit of husband!/dad!harry
a/n: (disclaimer: gif is not mine and belongs to @harryisart) hope y’all like this! i thought it was a cute concept. reblogs/feedbacks are very much appreciated <3
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It was half past midnight.
You couldn’t sleep and it was practically driving you insane. You blame yourself for having a last minute coffee before bed. So stupid, you thought.
You tossed and turned in bed, drank some water, even tried counting sheeps; but to no avail, you could not get a wink of sleep. You sighed, thinking of ways to get yourself to sleep; you were lucky that tomorrow - well, today - was Saturday. 
You grabbed your phone from your nightstand, groaning as the bright light from the screen hurt your eyes. You scrolled through your contacts to find the number you were looking for. Harry.
You stared at the contact photo he personally set, your thumb hovering on the call button. You remembered the day you took the picture. It was the both of you lying on the hammock he had at his house. You were all cuddled up and he thought it would make a great picture. So, he snapped a few pictures, some of them which you both pretended to be asleep for the joke of it. 
You smiled at the memory but remembered why you wanted to call him. You hit the call button and waited for his response. 
You heard the line being picked up. “Hello?” you heard Harry say, his voice hoarse and deep from the sleep he had woken up to. 
“Hi, Harry,” you said softly, a sheepish grin on your face appeared. Harry chuckled on the phone. “‘Ello, love. Any reason you woke me up at nearly one in the morning?”
You buried your face in your pillow in embarrassment, grateful how he couldn’t see you right now. “Couldn’t sleep. Was wondering if you could help tired me out or somethin’,” you said sheepishly. 
Harry laughed at this. His girlfriend, his silly, lovely, and beautiful girlfriend, waking him up just to ask for sleeping advice. If he was being honest, he actually liked the fact that she called him. It gave him the excuse to go visit and cuddle with her. At this point, he should’ve just asked her to move in with him. 
“Hmm,” he hummed as he got up to grab a shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
“Hmm?” He heard you copied back. 
“I can think of ways to tire you out, love,” he said teasingly, and he could imagine the blush on your face. “Harry,” you whined, prolonging the ‘Y’. He chuckled at her. “What? I’m just saying I got a lot of options,” he said innocently as he grabbed the keys. 
Your eyebrows furrowed at the sound of keys being picked up. “Wait, what are you doing, H?” you asked as you sat up on the bed. “On my way to tire you out, love,” he said casually as he locked his door. 
“Harry, no. You don’t have to come over. Just stay at home, and I don’t know, talk me to sleep or something?” you said questionably. You didn’t actually think he would get up and walk out the door just to visit you because you couldn’t sleep. “Where’s the fun in not visiting my girlfriend in the middle of the night? Besides, I might stopped by somewhere to buy some snacks,”
“Harry, I don’t think-,” You’re cut off by the sound of his car starting.
“Sorry, love. Engine’s too loud. See you in a bit. Bye!” he said quickly, prolonging his ‘bye’ as he hung up. You stared at your phone in disbelief, scoffing at Harry’s childish behaviour as you put your phone on the nightstand. 
You might as well wait for your loving boyfriend to come help you sleep. 
“You know you didn’t have to come over,” you said as you sat by the island, watching Harry put away the bags of snacks he managed to buy. He scoffed in response. “And what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t attend to my girlfriend’s call for help?” he said dramatically. 
He walked over and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead as he hugged you. You sighed happily into his chest as you breathed in his faint cologne. “So, what are we going to do?” You asked, your voice muffled against his shirt. 
He unwrapped his arms and proceeded to pull you with him to your room. “We’re going to watch The Notebook because you tend to fall asleep halfway through the film, nearly every time,” he said sarcastically. You were about to object that statement but realised that he did have a point. “Hmm, fair point,” you said, sitting on your bed as he set up the movie. 
“Scoot over, bubs,” he said as he walked over to the other side of your bed. You cuddle on his side as the movie started to play. 
“Harry,” you said, looking up to his face. “Hmm?” he hummed as he looked at you. 
“I love you,” you said, feeling a little blush forming on your cheeks. It was the first time you said those words to him, nevertheless, you couldn’t be more sure of loving him. Harry smiled at you, his dimple making an appearance. “I love you, too,” he said, leaning down to give you a gentle kiss. 
And he was right. Nearly halfway through the movie, you already sound asleep. He paused the movie and switched off the television as he adjusted your position on the bed. 
It was 1:32 AM when you both fell asleep together. 
You were sitting on the kitchen floor with Harry. Boxes of plates, cups and other kitchen appliances surrounded you. Some were filled with porcelain and China dishes that you might not even use and instead just put them on display.
You both finally did it. You finally moved in together. It did take a lot of Harry convincing you about it, but with his impossibly good way of charming you, you managed to give in. 
You found a moderate-sized house, nothing too big and fancy but nothing too small either. The thing that sold you the most was the amazing backyard, complete with a pool and large space for outdoor activities. It was perfect to the both of you. 
You were still in the process of putting everything in place. The bedroom was the first to get done, mainly because Harry was excited to make love to you as many times in your new home. It felt really good to call it that.
It was already late, nearly one. You were tired to say the least but you wanted to put things in their places as much as possible because you couldn’t stand to bump into another box. Harry let out a big yawn as he put away the last dishes of the current box. 
“Close your mouth, bubs,” you said, not looking up at him as you started to open another box. “Y/N, maybe we should take a break,” he said as he attempted to pull the box away from you. You pouted at him. “There’s still so many things to put away, though,” you whined a bit.
Harry chuckled as he cupped your face in his large hands, the coolness of his rings sending shivers up your spine. “And we can do them in the morning or the afternoon. We just moved here 3 days ago. We got time, there’s no rush,” he said softly. 
You sighed but you knew he was right. You were beginning to feel tired too and sleeping sounded heavenly at the moment. You glanced outside the glass sliding door and an idea popped into your head. 
“Hey, wanna go swimming?” you asked excitedly. Harry’s eyes widened at this and let out a small laugh. “Love, it’s nearly one. We should get some sleep, don’t ya think?” 
“Yeah, but I really wanna go swimming. In our pool,” you said and Harry knew he would never get tired of hearing that. Their pool, their bed, their couch; their home. 
He sighed, knowing he couldn’t just deny this innocent request of yours and smiled at you. “Fine, let’s go change,” he said. 
You smiled cheekily and stood up. “Who said anything about changing?” 
You quickly rushed out the back door, taking Harry by surprise as he hurried after you. You could imagine his shock as he saw you stripping out of your clothes, down into nothing. 
Fuck, he thought as he was entranced by your beautiful body. 
“Are you coming?” you called out to him and smirked as you jumped into the cool water. Harry broke out of his trance and quickly undressed so he could get in the pool with you. 
He quickly got in the pool and cursed as he was submerged into the freezing cold water. You giggled at him and swam gently towards him. “Feels nice, doesn’t it?” You smirked at your boyfriend. 
“Yeah, great! It’s not like my balls are freezing in ‘ere,” he said sarcastically. You hummed as you wrapped your arms around his neck, your legs around his hips. He was quick to hold you in place by your thighs. 
“You’re mean. Stripping off naked in front of me just to get me in this bloody pool. Mean, I tell ya,” he said as he pouted at you. You giggled at his silliness and pressed your forehead on his. 
“You love me, anyway,” you said teasingly. “Yeah, I might just reconsider that,” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at you. You gasped dramatically and began to pull away but he kept you stuck to him. “No, don’t go! You’re very warm, lovie,” he whined as he buried his face in your neck. 
“I do love you, darlin’” Harry said lovingly as he kissed the base of your neck, making you smile at the gesture. 
You both continued to swim around until you decided to get out of the freezing water before you turned pruny. You carefully made your way to your now shared bedroom, leaving a wet trail behind because you didn’t bother to bring out towels. 
It was 1:32 AM when you finally fell asleep in your shared bed; your shared home. 
Harry slowly parked his car in the garage, shutting off the engine. He turned to you, smiling as he saw you sleeping in the passenger seat even though you insisted on staying up to keep him company.
You had gotten back from an event that Harry had attended. It was nice to feel the glitz and glam sometimes but even Harry would agree that it would become too tiring to handle. They ended staying back quite a bit until they realised how late it was and decided to go home then.
Harry gently shook your shoulder as he tried to wake you up. “Lovie, wake up. We’re home,” he said softly. You groaned a bit as you were disturbed from your slumber. Your mind was hazy and your vision was blurry as you looked around. 
You sighed and closed your eyes for a bit. “I fell asleep, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, felt a bit lonely actually,” Harry joked. You were always the one to think that you should be awake to keep him company as he drove, that and making sure he didn’t crash. 
You smiled sleepily at him, “Sorry, bubs.” You said, kissing his knuckles.
“No worries, darlin’. Let’s go to bed now, yea?” He said, already unbuckling his seatbelt, you doing the same. 
Your mind was still hazy from your sleep so Harry had to help guide you upstairs to make sure you didn’t trip and fall. You fell on your bed on your stomach, sighing into the soft comfortable mattress. Harry chuckled at this but knew if he didn’t help you out of your dress and clean off your makeup before bed, he’d be in big trouble.
“Lovie, c’mere. Gotta clean you up,” he said gently, slowly lifting you off the bed and guided you to the bathroom. You whined in exhaustion but followed him anyway. He began removing makeup gently and making sure you washed your hands and feet. Both of you were lucky to have showered earlier before leaving. 
You sometimes felt like Harry was too good for you. But you loved how it showed how much he loved to take care of you. The simple things he did truly warmed your heart.
“Can I wear your shirt?” You asked, sitting on the bed in just your underwear. Harry was already ahead of you by lending you his white shirt. “You forgot that I know you too well,” he smirked at you as you sheepishly put on his shirt. You’ve always had a habit of sleeping in his clothes so tonight was no surprise to him.
After putting on his sweatpants, he began to tuck you in bed. He gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead before pulling away. “No, come back,” you whined as you reached out for him.
Harry chuckled as he kissed your palm. “Just gonna get some water for us, lovie. Be back soon,” he said assuredly. When he came back, he turned off the lights and quickly got in beside you. 
You cuddled with Harry, burying your nose in his neck as you soaked in as much warmth as you could. “I love you, Harry,” you said with your eyes closed already. 
Harry’s eyes wandered on your features as you began to drift off to Dreamland. He brushed off the hair that was covering your face because he loved seeing your face before drifting off to sleep. Your head leaned in a bit to his palm that was resting on your cheek. 
Harry was truly in love with you, he realised that a long while ago. And he knew you felt the same. One year down into your relationship and he had never been more sure of spending the rest of his lifetime with you. 
He closed his eyes and sighed into his pillow. “Y/N,” he whispered in the dark. He heard you hummed in response. “Will you marry me?” He asked softly. He kept his eyes closed, feeling afraid of your answer.
Harry felt your hand on his cheek and he sighed at the feeling. “Harry, look at me,” he heard you whispered. He opened his eyes, seeing you looking at him with watery eyes. “Of course I will,” you said tearfully, smiling at him.
Harry let out a breath of relief. He leaned in to give you a kiss which you quickly gave in. Breaking away, he wiped off your tears that you didn’t realise were running down your cheeks. 
“Let me get your ring, yea?” Harry said happily as he got off the bed to search for the ring he bought for you weeks ago. You giggled at him, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness and warmth.
It was 1:32AM when you slept with a ring of your finger, right next to your fiancé.
It was cold but the fireplace filled the room with a lot of warmth. Some Christmas music was playing softly in the background. 
“You look very cute, darlin’,” you heard Harry say as he sat down next to you on the couch, handing you a mug of hot chocolate. Both of you were repping your Christmas sweaters in honour of the holiday. 
“Hmm, thank you, bubs,” you said as you carefully sipped on your hot chocolate. 
Both of you had a small Christmas eve dinner together with your families. When they said it was the most magical time of the year, you couldn’t deny that statement. It was because your home was filled with joy and laughter, drinking up on some warm milk and glasses of wine.
It was already past midnight, which meant it was already Christmas morning. While you agreed to wait until the morning for opening presents, you still were tempted to give Harry one gift that you’ve been saving. 
“Hey,” you said as you looked up to him. Harry hummed in response, sipping his drink out from his pink mug. “Got a present to give ya,” you said smiling at him. You kissed his cheek and put your mint green mug down on the coffee table as you got up to get your gift for him. 
Harry whined as you left your spot from beside him. “Babe, let’s do this in the morning. Just want to cuddle with my wife,” he called out to you in a whiny voice. You giggled as you rummaged through your drawer. Grabbing the red box, you hurried down to your husband, nerves building up as you approached near him. 
You sat down again next to him and handed him the box. Harry shook the box a bit to get a hint of what was inside. “If it’s something you’re gonna wear f’me later, then I don’t want it,” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows in a teasing manner. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “Just open the damn box,” you said as you sip on your drink again. He hummed in response as he took off the lid of the box, rummaging through the paper tissues inside. 
“I’m just saying, love. If it’s lingerie, might as well put it on-,”
Harry paused on his words. His eyes were fixated on the sonogram that sat in the middle of the box. Shakingly, he lifted it up to his face, rubbing his eyes as if to see if they were tricking him. But it was there. 
Harry looked at you with wide eyes and you could see the tears starting to form in them. You smiled nervously, not knowing if his reaction was a good one. “Y-You’re pregnant?” he asked, his voice wavering as he spoke. You nodded at him, tears escaping your eyes as you put a hand on your growing stomach. “I’m pregnant,” you confirmed with your voice cracking.
It was the most heartwarming reaction you thought as Harry broke down in front of you, wrapping his arms around you as he laid his head on your stomach. You laughed tearfully at him as you held at his shaking body tightly against you. You felt him pressing kisses on your clothed stomach and you could feel your heart bursting at the gesture. 
“We’re having a baby,” he cried out.
“We’re having a baby, bubs,” you repeated his words as you rubbed his back.
Harry pulled away and cupped your face, kissing you passionately in which you returned. You could feel the tears on your faces as you kissed, giggling at how much of a mess you both were. 
“I love you,” he mumbled out into the kiss. To him, no other Christmas present would ever top this. And it truly was a merry Christmas.
“I love you, too,” you said lovingly. 
It was 1:32 AM when you both slept in each other’s arms, Harry’s hand on your stomach, where your little love was growing. 
Harry was awakened from his sleep when he heard loud crying. Sighing, he turned to see you still sleeping and huddled up in the blankets. He got out of bed, stretched his muscles a bit, and put on some sweatpants before attending the crying child. 
Parenthood was indeed a challenge to the both of you and you couldn’t deny that. It was hard at first adjusting to the new chapter of your lives, with all the sleepless nights and cleaning up baby puke, but you managed to pull through. Though it seemed like maybe this was another one of your sleepless nights. 
Harry opened the nursery door, the crying of his baby appearing louder than before. “Hi, sunflower,” he cooed as he walked over to the crib where his baby girl was writhing against the blankets. Little baby Rosie’s cries seemed to tone down after seeing her father. She lifted her chubby arms to him, implying that she wanted to be held. 
And who was Harry to deny this request to his daughter as he lifted her out of the crib. He grabbed the little pink blanket that he sewed for her - fatherhood really changed him. Harry cooed at his daughter who was staring at him with big wide eyes, the green eyes reflecting his. It was a notable inheritance, look-wise. Rosie babbled a bit to him and Harry nodded at her to make it seem like he understood. 
Rosie was gripping one the little blanket Harry gave her when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. He smiled as he felt you putting your head on his shoulder, sighing tiredly as you looked at them. He pressed a kiss on your forehead, turning his body a bit so you could see your daughter. 
“Bed’s cold,” you pouted as you stroke Rosie’s head gently. Rosie cooed at the gesture before nuzzling her head against Harry’s chest. “Sorry, lovie. Our little sunflower here wanted some company,” he said chuckling at the little baby in his arms.
You smiled as Rosie’s eyes were threatening to close. You sighed deeply as you pressed a kiss on Harry’s bare shoulder, which sent some shivers throughout his body. Harry could never get over with your every kiss and touch you laid upon him. He realised now how lucky he was to have come so far with you, despite the fights or arguments you had before. 
“C’mon. She can lay with us,” you chose to say because nothing would warm your heart more than sleeping with your husband and daughter. Harry nodded and carefully carried the nearly sleeping baby into your bedroom. He laid Rosie in the center of your bed, putting her blanket over her little body. 
As you got in your bed, Harry grabbed your arm. “Kissy?” He asked, pouting his lips at you. You giggled at your husband’s silliness and leaned forward to give him a kiss, humming at the feeling. “I love you,” you mumbled softly as you tucked yourself in next to him and Rosie.
“I love you, darlin’,” he said in return. 
And it was 1:32 AM when Harry fell asleep next to his beautiful little family, feeling grateful for everything that has happened in your life together.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Congrats on 300 followers! You really deserve it cuz you're so talented and amazing. Can I request a angst prompt 11 with dazai thank you ❤️
Hola amigo! Thanks sm :D
Here's some sad angst... n no, it doesn't have a fluffy end... :(
Osamu Dazai + “Tell me you don’t want to leave. Say I’m enough to make you stay. I know it’s not true, but please just say it.”
Warnings: Angst, strong language. || Word count: somewhere around 1600, ig..
Get Out
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You were an observant person. You were pretty sharp and thoughtful. You weren’t dumb. In fact, you were smarter than the average John or Jane Doe. You never ignored any signs or forewarnings that your brain threw at you. You always reported if something seemed fishy. You have never ignored someone’s wrong doings before.
But then again, there’s a first time for everything.
Sighing, you opened the door for your boyfriend.
You said as you turned around almost immediately, ignoring his smile. Walking inside, you sat back at your desk, resuming your work.
Dazai stepped in, confused and worried. He had a lot on his mind as of late. He had to maintain a perfect balance between home and work, and it was taking a toll on his wellbeing. He hoped it wasn’t affecting your mental state. Maybe seeing him depressed all the time was lowering your spirits? He dearly hoped that wasn’t the case, for he was trying really hard to relieve his stress before coming home. He tried his best to stay happy and come home with a smile.
He threw his coat on the couch, kicking his shoes off and getting himself a glass of water. He was tired and parched.
As he gulped down the heavenly liquid, he observed you from the corner of his eye. You were staring at the screen, hands frozen above the keyboard. You were thinking about something. It worried him. Your random zone out sessions made him question his behaviour. Was he being rude or mean to you? Was he the cause of your constant worry?
“Y/N?”, he called out to you, trying to get you to snap out of it.
You flinched slightly, peering at him through your lashes.
He walked over to hug you from behind, but you got up, effectively avoiding him.
“What’s wrong?”
He furrowed his brows, reaching out to grab onto your sleeve.
You froze at the contact.
“Why don’t you get changed? We can have dinner then.”
Dazai held onto you, determined to get an answer out of you.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Why are you ignoring me?”
“I ordered Thai food today. Its from that new restraint around the corner. Riddhi really recommends it.”
“Stop ignoring me. And who’s Riddhi?”
“My friend. You haven’t met her.”
You tried pulling out of his grasp, but he pulled you forward, holding onto both your arms, now.
“Look at me. Y/N.”
You sighed, avoiding his gaze.
“Why don’t you get changed? I’ve picked out a shirt for you. It’s on the bed.”
Dazai was fed up with your aloof behaviour. You had been acting strange and distant for weeks now. Everyday was the same. He would come home to you acting weird, you would ask him to change, and only then would you let him touch you. He was tired of this bullshit. He had tried asking you politely and patiently, but every time you evaded his questions. He was done with beating around the bush.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this? What the hell have I even done?!”
He shook you, trying to pry an answer from you.
“Answer me! Tell me! What is it? Whatever it is, I’m sure we can figure it out. But you must tell me first. You have to speak. Say something!”
You ignored him, looking down at the carpeted floor.
Dazai sighed, letting go of your arms.
“Do you even care about us?”, he asked you.
“Tell me you don’t want to leave. Say I’m enough to make you stay. I know it’s not true, but please just say it”.
You whispered.
Dazai stared at you, confused.
“Of course, you’re enough. Tell me if you care. Do you even love me?”
You stepped back, trying to control your emotions.
“You’re the one going around fucking others. Unlike you, I actually care, Dazai.”
You whispered, afraid to look him in the eye. It had been weeks since you had smelled that perfume on him. It was sweeter than his own but had a musky undertone to it. That, paired with the random marks all over his body, was enough to convince you that he was having an affair. He was smart; he had tried subduing the perfume by carrying his own cologne with him and reapplying it after the deed was done. Whoever he was with probably supported him, as they always bit near the marks you had left. Your marks and their marks coincided.
Only you knew which marks were fresh and which were old. They didn’t know this, and often nipped at partially healed skin, reviving the bruise and giving it a nasty purple hue. That was a clear indication.
What disgusted you is that the person Dazai was sleeping with knew that he was cheating on his partner, and was supporting him by playing along with his plans.
The extra hours were also a clear give away. You had even called Yosano and Kunikida to ensure that the agency had called it a day. Both of them had told you that everyone had left the office, while your boyfriend claimed to be in a client meeting with Kunikida.
It was laughable how incompetent he considered you to be. Did he really think his half assed attempts at covering up would fool you?
“What the hell are you saying-”
“Don’t act dumb. I’m not stupid, you know that.”
Dazai continued his act, hoping to prove you wrong by putting it all on you.
“I’m a loyal partner, Y/N. Just because I’ve been having more work load lately, doesn’t mean you go around assuming shit about me. I honestly thought you were better than this.”
You sighed, finally meeting his gaze.
The dead look in them proved to him that he was caught. He could not do anything to fool you. You knew.
“It started three weeks ago, on Monday. You went to work at eight, came home around eleven. Work hours end at 6. You were smelling different. It was distinct. You never wear perfumes that have a sweet undertone.”
You stared at him dead in the eye, shutting him up with your gaze. He would not dare to come up with stupid excuses. Not with you looking at him like that.
“You had a hickey on your neck, on a spot that I hadn’t covered. You tried covering it up with makeup, but it wore off pretty quick. Ever since then, you have been visiting your secret friend daily. I’m guessing you go at least three rounds, since you come home so tired.”
“That’s just disgusting!”
“I thought so too. But it does tire you, doesn’t it? That’s the reason you come home so worn out. You go around having sex, and you’ve been trying to hide it from me for three weeks now. Tell me I’m wrong.”
His lack of reaction and the look of guilt plastered all over his face was as loud as a confession.
“Whoever it is, is blonde.”
He looked at you shocked.
“I found strands all over your coat.”
He rubbed his forehead with his palm.
“You like them, don’t you? Its not just physical, is it?”
You asked with a sad smile.
“How do you know all this?”, he asked, devastated at the fact that you knew everything going on.
“I know you too well. I actually paid attention to our relationship. I cared.”
He ran a hand through his messy locks. He had been so stressed lately, he had to find an outlet. He wasn’t one to stay in any relationship for long, but he actually cared about you. He hadn’t meant to hurt you, which is why is never broke up with you. He was bored of the thing you both shared, but he knew that you cared. So, he pretended to be equally invested.
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
“Because I wanted to continue this thing for as long as I could. But not anymore. I’m done.”
He widened his eyes at you. He had not expected you to end this. He might have been bored, but he still cared for you. He loved you. He didn’t want to let go yet.
“Y/N, we can work this out. Please don’t leave.”
He begged you, trying to come closer to you. You stepped back.
“Please don’t. I can’t handle your smell. That scent repels me.”
He gasped, finally realising why you didn’t let him touch you.
“The perfume is a constant reminder of my...”
“And you tolerated all that, for so long. All for us.”
You nodded, turning away.
“But it doesn’t matter anymore. Thanks to your intense questioning, I’m finally free.”
“It doesn’t have to end, Y/N! We can work this out!”
“No, we can’t. I’m not enough for your boredom, and I’m not willing to become someone else just to please you.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, please don’t- ”
You smiled bitterly at him, before opening the door of your apartment, signalling to him.
“Get out, and only come back to get your stuff. Goodbye, Osamu.”
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This story features one of my close friends, Riddhi. I had fallen short of names to use n though why not write about an actual friend? She's not on tumblr, unfortunately. Damn I miss going out with her... anyways, hope u liked it! N sorry for the rant :p
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ncteaxhoe · 3 years
can i request smut with innocent church boy mark lee?
a/n: oomffff we all just wanna corrupt morkie don't we? lmaoooo just kidding,,,, hope you like this!!
mark lee x female reader || smut (warnings: profanities, oral sex (m), unprotected sex (this is fiction, wrap it up irl), corruption kink (i guess?), first time for morkie and his hormones out of control lol) || word count: 1.8k
church had just ended and mark was out in the parking lot with his parents, while they talked to their fellow church mates. he stood there, hands in his pockets and kicking the dust with his feet, not paying attention to the conversation going on in front of him. but his ears perked up at the mention of your name.
"oh yes y/n came home last night for the holidays." your mom said to mark's parents.
"she hadn't been home for 4 years now. just us visiting her over there everytime." your father spoke.
"yeah after school she went off straight to college right? wish we could have met her." mark's mother smiled.
"oh she should be here any minute." as soon the words left your father's mouth, you shouted from across the lot.
"mom! dad! i'm here." you waved at them enthusiastically.
you were older than mark by two years, but you had always been friends from when you were little.
mark couldn't stop staring at you. you were totally not what he had anticipated. you looked more mature than he had last seen you. you were wearing clothes which defined your curves at the right places and a bit of your skin exposed. mark gulped when you were started walking closer to them.
his gaze got fixated on your breasts. how they were perked up because of your bra and how your top just deliciously curved around them. mark couldn't help but think how it would feel to have his hands-
"hey mark." mark tore his gaze from your chest towards your face at your voice.
fuck. all the blood rushed down to mark's dick when he met your eyes.
"h-hey y/n."mark looked down, embarrassed and quickly held his hands in front of him to hide his growing boner.
"why don't you guys catch up while we adults go talk with our other friends?" your mom insisted and you waved at them bye.
you both walked a little distance to a bench on the side of the church.
"so, how have you been morkie?" you looped your arm with mark's while you walked. he blushed immensely by the use of his childhood nickname. mark failed to make eye contact with you throughout while you talked and you laughed at how innocent he still was, not to mention his erection still straining against his boxers.
that night he felt wrong but still jerked off to you, your name leaving his lips as he moaned quietly in his room.
"ugh.” mark discarded his tenth shirt for the night.
him and his family had just moved to a different house and what better occasion than a house warming to invite you for a dinner. when mark had heard your family was coming over, mark didn’t know what took over him but he had showered made efforts to look decent. 
finally settling for a black t-shirt and a maroon shirt on top of it, combined with black pants, mark tamed his hair a bit and put on some cologne.
“mark come down, they’re here!” mark’s mom called for him.
mark was nervous as he came downstairs. his eyes widened when he saw you enter behind your parents. you were wearing a dress that hugged your curves and before he knew it, mark was staring at your chest again.
this time his gaze was broken due to his mother calling him. mark had stopped midway through climbing down and started staring at you. he cursed internally and stepped down the rest of the way. never had he cursed so much in his life until he saw you a few days ago, nor had he touched himself so much before.
throughout dinner, mark had tried to not look at you but failed terribly. and it was not like you were oblivious to his stares. you just thought it was really cute and had to suppress your giggles in front of your parents.
as the adults were settling for some drinks after dinner, mark's mom suggested that mark show you around the house.
"and y/n's parents already saw it last week, so why don't you give her a tour and maybe spend some time catching up?" his dad said.
"o-okay." mark stuttered, the thought of being alone with you immediately running through his mind.
mark showed you around the ground floor and then took you upstairs. he didn't know why but he bought you to his room at the last.
you entered his room with curiosity. mark was behind you and you suddenly halted, causing mark to bump into you. specifically, mark’s crotch into your ass.
"oh sorry." you mumbled without looking back and went ahead to examine mark's bookshelf. fun fact, you knew the effect you were having on mark right now. his flustered behaviour and slightly squeaky tone gave it all. and let's just say you had a few thoughts in your mind.
the shelf was a height causing you to stretch up on your tip toes to grab a book. you dress hiked up and most of your thighs and a little bit of your ass were on display for mark. if he had tried to control himself before, right now he couldn't. he could feel himself getting a boner around you, yet again.
"fuck." mark muttered and placed his hands in front of himself, turning away from you.
"what happened mark? did you say something?" you started walking towards him.
he jolted in surprise when you placed a hand on his shoulder, turning him around to face you. the smile on your face had mark gulping and almost rubbing his crotch on his hands.
"n-no. nothing." he looked everywhere but at you.
"i think you got a problem morkie." you said in the sweetest tone causing mark to whip his head to look at you, eyes wide and mouth open. he gulped once again when he saw you looking directly at his crotch.
"uh no! it's uh- it's nothing." you just laughed at his flustered behaviour and pulled mark to sit on his bed.
"what-" you placed a finger to his lips and pushed mark's knees apart, kneeling down in between them. you gripped his hands and removed them from his crotch. you could see the obvious tent in his pants.
you looked up at mark. "now morkie, do you think i didn't notice you staring at me?" you smriked at him. he looked at you with doe eyes. how could you use his nickname so sweetly when you were sitting in between his knees, face levelled with his boner?
"i- i, i swear i didn't mean to and-" mark tried to hide his crotch again, his boner growing by the second and his face becoming hot. you gently pushed away his hands and rubbed your hands up and down his thighs, slowly creeping up towards the tent in his pants.
"do you want this mark?" you whispered at him while batting your eyelashes.
you looked so heavenly at that moment that mark could just gulp and nod his head.
"i need some words baby." mark almost came in his pants at the name you called him.
"uh- yes." he spoke in a little voice.
he sucked in a breath as your hand came in contact with his clothed dick. he let out a small moan and bucked his hips as you gripped him hard over his pants.
"you're so cute morkie." you said as you unzipped his pants and took out his cock from his boxers. you licked your lips at his size. you gave a kitten lick to his tip and mark let out a whine. you swallowed him whole and squeezed the rest of his length with your hand. mark bucked his hips yet again, not being able to control himself.
you released his cock from your mouth and spoke, " it's your first time morkie, isn't it?" you grinned at him. mark threw his head back, eyes closed and just moaned as your hands did amazing work around his cock, now fully erect.
his eyes shot wide open as you abruptly halted all your movements.
"do you wanna feel my pussy morkie?" half mesmerised by you, he could only nod. you put on a show of removing your underwear and got into the bed next to him. you turned mark around so now he was facing you. your dress bunched up at your waist, you spread you legs open in front of him. mark stared at your wet core, his cheeks feeling hot.
you grabbed his fingers and brought them to your core. mark let out a small gasp when his fingers touched your arousal. "see how wet you've made me baby?" you smirked at him, queit moans falling out of you. mark's gaze was now fixated in between your thighs as you pushed down the top of your dress, your breasts now on display for mark.
almost fascinatingly, he pushed one of his fingers inside you and you let out a moan. mark couldn't help but think how it would feel to have his inside dick inside your warm core, your soft walls encompassing him.
"can i- um, can i be inside you?" he asked tentatively.
you laughed at how innocent he sounded while asking. you nodded at him and pushed him down on the bed so that he was laid flat. you pushed down his pants more and situated yourself on top of him.
you could see mark's nervousness written all over his face as his eyes grazed your body. "mark?" you called him and he looked at you. "tell me if you don't want to do this." he immediately started denying and telling how he wanted it. before he could overthink even more, you sat down on his cock and mark let out a loud moan.
you put your hands on his chest and started moving your hips up and down. you leant down and whispered in mark's ears to be queit since your parents were still downstairs.
before he knew it, mark was thrusting upwards meeting your hips desperately at this point. you guided his hands to your hips, so he can hold you in place.
"yes mark, faster!" you encouraged him with your moans and whimpers, and within seconds mark was cumming inside you. you clenched your walls around him and a whimper left his mouth, as his seed coated your walls.
mark's eyes suddenly shot open in panic, "wait! i came inside-"
"shhh," you pressed a finger to his lips, "it's alright, i'll take a pill." mark let out a sigh of relief but he still felt like a fool for doing that.
after catching a few breaths you spoke, "not so innocent now, hmm morkie."
now realising what had happened, mark was embarrassed as hell. you made fun of him while getting dressed up and both of you made your way downstairs, mark still embarrassed behind you.
"did you guys have fun catching up? i'm sure you must have had a lot to tell each other." mark's mom pulled you into her arms in an affectionate hug.
you smiled at mark and winked at him.
"we sure did."
a/n: yikes honestly don't know how it is. lmk pls.
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moonofiron · 3 years
Ok I just wanted to write a really short and sweet smutty piece for ShikaTema. But I have failed miserably. I am too attached to Naruto-verse and all the characters in general. (Like, I'm so attached that I can't even read or watch most of NaruHina/SasuSaku smut - it feels WRONG).
There are a few after thoughts regarding this piece, too. I really enjoyed writing this. I really love ShikaTema and they were my first OTP. Hell, I didn't even know that the terms OTP or shipping existed when I started rooting for them. So, this is super close to my heart ❤️ and ✨unedited✨. I legit wrote 8.4k words on my phone and my eyes are rolling on the ground right now.
Anime: Naruto Shippuden (Set in post-Shippuden and pre-Boruto-verse.)
Characters: Shikamaru Nara x Temari Scenes with Ino, Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Sai. Passing mention of Choji.
Genre: Fluff, angst, flirting, explicit sexual content 🥵, slight voyeurism, oral, raw sex
Word Count: 8.4k (yikes!)
Synopsis: Shikamaru has finally had enough of Temari’s incessant flirting
Rating: M
Minors, dni
Friends and family from all five villages had been invited to the annual Hanami Matsuri in Konoha. Hinata had invited some of Naruto's closest to their house for a brunch party before the matsuri started full swing. Hinata had cooked everything from scratch and Sakura and Ino had helped decorate her backyard with streamers and flowers. Everything looked immaculate and lovely. The boys were all specially thrilled to be getting together after such a long time.
"What a rowdy bunch," said Ino with a wide grin, a look of pride plastered on her face. Sakura grinned, too.
"Judgemental as always, Ino, I'll be joining em soon, ya know? Do you think I'm rowdy too, love? You're breaking my heart here." Shikamaru moved uncomfortably close to Ino's ear, making her squirm under his presence. He loved to lightly flirt with Ino and see her all flustered.
"Baaka janaai no? Take your charm elsewhere. Or I'm going to get Sai to beat you up one day."
"Hai hai, Ino Sensei," he winked at her and made his way to the bar to grab a beer and light a cigarette.
Sakura, visibly shaken by Shikamaru’s loose and flirtatious behaviour, grabbed Ino’s arm.
"What the hell was that, Ino?! Do...do you think he likes you?"
"What? No way. It's just an inside joke. He was the one who helped me get together with Sai, you know?"
After a long moment of admirinng the friendship she shared with Shikamaru, Ino spoke up.
"I just wish that someday he'll do something in his own i nterests, too."
"What do you mean?"
“There's someone. Loves her like a fucking dog. Like weak-in-the-knees-slash-worship-her kinda love, you know?"
"I just can’t imagine Shikamaru in the way you're describing him."
"Yeah, I get that. He really is tough to break into. Anyway, this isn't for me to share, Sakura. Let's have some of those karaage Hinata has prepared. I can't get enough of them."
Shikamaru leaned against the bar, craving a minute to himself. He wished Choji could have been there but he was away on a mission. Everyone was at the other end of the backyard or inside the house. He looked up at the sky, admiring the clouds slowly moving towards nowhere in particular. Before he could pop open the beer bottle, he noticed Temari entering with Kankuro and Gaara.
"Tsk, mendukse," he muttered under his breath.
He wasn't expecting to see Temari today. He really wasn't in the mood to be on his best behavior. The last mission had taken away a lot from him. He hadn't slept properly and he was tired. He wanted to just have a good time with the gang, maybe play some cards and get drunk out of his mind. But there she was, bright and beautiful in her stubbornness as always, making Shikamaru's heart sink and flutter all at the same time. He felt himself tighten up when she caught him looking at her.
"Hey! Shikamaru! How've you been?" she waved and shouted from across Naruto's backyard.
He waved back and put on an awkward smile.
She was walking towards him slowly. He noticed the slightly exaggerated sway in her hips and felt himself steadily losing breath. He kept his beer bottle on the table beside him and put his hands in his pockets as he waited for her to reach him.
”Hello, Temari. Wasn't expecting to see you here."
"Oh..? Why not?"
"I don't know. I thought only Kankuro would be here for the Matsuri," he inhaled the smoke from his cigarette deeply before tapping it.
"Well, I am here. And you'll show me around, yes?"
He stayed silent for a moment too long and his eyes pierced into hers. He finally broke her gaze and moved his head to the side to blow out the smoke.
"If I'm free, I'll grab ya."
"What do you mean if you're free? Is that how you treat your guests, Shikamaru-kun?" Temari tugged at his t-shirt and teased slightly, pouting at him, never leaving his gaze. She loved to see Shikamaru get awkward around her. The green of her eyes had him weak in his knees again.
Shikamaru looked down at his t-shirt bunched up in her delicate hands. She was mindlessly moving her thumb in circles against his chest. He felt a flash of an indescribable feeling and something inside him broke loose.
He held her arm and pulled her dangerously close. Temari's eyes widened and she let out an audible gasp.
"I know how to treat a guest like you very well, Temari," he spoke in a low, hoarse voice, his lips barely inches away from hers.
"I... I ...Shikamaru... What..what are you doing Everyone... someone could be watching. What would they think?"
"Hmm ..what would they think, Temari?" Shikamaru spoke in a tone so cold that Temari felt a shiver go down her spine.
"Let me go, you idiot."
He gripped her arm harder, grit his teeth, and shoved his thigh between her legs. She let out a soft moan and he felt her back arch ever so slightly.
"Shik.." He suddenly let her go, leaving her too flustered to collect herself. He picked up his beer and grabbed another another one before walking towards everyone else.
"What's up, Kankuro?" he said loudly.
"Same old, genius," Kankuro patted him on the back as he took the beer bottle from him.
When Shikamaru reached the others gathered around the table, he noticed that Temari was still standing at the bar. Her hands were balled into tight fists, and from the rise and dip of her shoulders he could tell she was breathing deeply. He looked away and stopped paying attention to her for fear that he'll start coming to terms with what he had just done. And, he wasn't looking forward to that.
Shikamaru avoided Temari throughout the brunch but always caught her stealing glances at him. He could see the smirk on her face everytime she got a chance to be near him. He was losing his patience with the woman. She was deliberately brushing her hands against his. She was finding ways of leaning over him to grab food or drinks, brushing her hair against his face. Everytime she got up from the table they were all huddled around, playing poker, she made sure she lightly brushed his groin with her ass. Getting through the brunch proved to be frustrating at worst and left him breathless at best.
Everyone started leaving slowly, like people often do. They said their goodbyes and hugged and promised to do this again sometime soon. When Temari and her brothers left, Shikamaru let out a sigh of relief. Everyone had left except him and Sasuke.
"I see something's brewing in your pants, ahem, I mean your brain, you bastard," Naruto joked out loud.
"Hai hai, she's going to be the death of me." Shikamaru leaned his head back on the chair. His eyes followed a lone cloud.
"Well, then, you shouldn't have given her a taste of you like that at the bar, ya know?" Sasuke smirked.
"I'm sick of your eyes seeing everything everywhere. Mendukse ne. Tsk." Shikamaru let out a puff of smoke.
"Don't worry, no one noticed you both doing whatever the fuck you were doing throughout. They were all drunk, anyway."
"Yeah, not worried. Alright, gotta do some stuff before the matsuri starts, boys. Jaana!"
Shikamaru walked out of Naruto’s and clutched the green clip he'd bought for Temari long back. He carried it everywhere in order to be prepared to give it to her should the occasion arise. Perhaps it was his way of having a little control over this situation. He started to make his way to his home but thought better of it and walked towards the inn he knew Temari was staying at. She always stayed there because of how pretty and secluded it was. It gave her a chance to be away from her two brothers.
When he reached, he paced back and forth. His nerves were catching up to him.
"What if she gets angry? What if she never talks to me again?" His mind was over-flowing with questions he had no answers to. Questions he didn’t want answers to.
He got tired of thinking through the details and just went ahead, fully aware that his actions didn't align with the kind of man he was. But, over the years he'd realised that this was one matter he couldn't rationalise. He couldn't plan or predict this. He couldn't fit it into a strategy or logic. All he knew for certain was that he came undone everytime Temari so much as looked at him. He found himself perched on the balcony of her room.
She was going for a bath. Once she entered the bath, Shikamaru jumped inside the room and made himself comfortable as he leaned against the shelf on the wall infront of the washroom. He blended in with the room, completely still and quiet, as he waited for Temari to come out. He just wanted to talk. Just wanted to see her again. Be near her, again.
He waited for about 20 minutes, his mind a wilderness amd tangle of multiple ways he would explain what he was doing in her room, before she stepped out. When she did, she was naked and drenched in water, a scenario he hadn’t thought through. The water droplets made her body glitter in the soft early-evening sunlight. Shikamaru involuntarily gasped and bit his lip. Despite himself, he scanned her top to bottom as she mumbled something to herself. She looked absolutely stunning. He wanted nothing more than to love her with his entire being. Something tugged hard at his insides, he felt a drunkenness swallow him whole.
"Ugh, I don't know why I always forget to take my towel in the bath, it's so cold, fuck" mumbled Temari to herself as she looked around for the towel. She had goosebumps all over her body from the cool air. She was running late for the Matsuri, too. Her yukata was not ironed yet. Her phone kept buzzing and all of it was driving her up the wall. To top it all, she couldn't stop thinking about how Shikamaru had shoved his thigh between her legs earlier. How less it had taken for her to just yield. In the chaos, she completely missed Shikamaru, comfortable beside the shelf, quietly admiring her.
She bent down to pick up the towel on wooden stool right next to the washroom door. "I can't believe the towel was here all along, tsk. Where is my mind today?"
As she started getting up, she found herself unable to move. Terror painted her face. Back muscle? Slipped disc? A hundred explanations ran through her head before something made her unclench her hand around the towel, making it fall on the floor. A force made her sit still on the stool. It made her spread her legs and move her hands to her nipples, pulling them, all against her will. She gasped at her own touch, bewildered. She struggled to break out of whatever the fuck was happening but her limbs wouldn't listen to her.
Shikamaru quitely walked towards her and stroked her face gently. He bent down, his lips just a hair's length from Temari's ears.
"Kaagemane no jutsu, sekko," whispered Shikamaru hoarsely.
"Sh..shikamaru..wha...what's the meaning of..." she felt a darkness shove itself down her throat. Shikamaru had used his shadows to bind her throat as well as stop her from speaking.
"You're going to sit tight and do exactly what I want you to." He knew Temari was utterly baffled and terrified. Her face made it very clear.
"I won't take you to the matsuri otherwise, Temari," smirked Shikamaru.
He could feel the heat from her body. He moved back, his eyes tracing each and every part of it.
"You're gorgeous, you know?" he said as he settled in a chair in front of her. Shikamaru noticed that Temari's soft breasts perked up involuntarily at his words. He spread his legs to mirror her. He wanted to appear collected and he lit a cigarette to calm himself down. His insides felt gooey. He slowly pulled out the shadow from her mouth so she could breathe.
"Feel better?"
Temari gagged and panted and slowly nodded, her chin was covered with her own drool. She looked like a dream, she looked absolutely unreal to Shikamaru. His hands itched, his breath faltered, and he could feel the hair on his neck stand up.
Too embarrassed and shocked and scared and aroused all at once, Temari looked away from Shikamaru's piercing eyes.
"Shi...Shikamaru..ple..please. What do you think you're doing? This is..." she spoke in a strong voice but Shikamaru could hear the slight tremble.
He lost his patience and cut her off meanly.
"What do you think you were doing at the brunch? Strutting around all pretty for me like that. Hmm?"
"For you?" Temari mustered the courage to bite back, her eyebrows rose.
Temari felt a deep blush rising in her cheeks when Shikamaru didn't move or say anything. He usually couldn't bear to look at her in the eyes for more than half a minute. But today, his gaze was unwavering.
After a momemt, Shikamaru took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice, a baritone she'd never heard escape his soft lips.
"You think I'm blind? You think I wouldn't notice, hmm? All that unintentional brushing against me? All that pouting and tugging at my t-shirt? Your ass grinding my cock everytime we squeezed through that corridoor? Your tits in my fucking face infront of everyone?"
He tried to calm himself down. He was aware he was going a bit too far.
"The way you leaned into me when I grabbed your arm? The way your nipples hardened underneath your thin dress? Your little moan, the subtle arch in your back when I shoved my thigh between your legs? The way your lips parted? The way your wet tongue almost darted out?"
Temari's cheeks were a burning red now. So, clearly, he had noticed. She was never sure with him. She knew he was perceptive but she'd been hinting since years now, and he had never ever made a move. Even though she'd caught a kind of hunger in his face a million times, she always thought she was making it up in her own head. Of course, she'd never been this explicit with her hints, but she only got the courage because of the way Shikamaru had handled her at the bar. A little teasing as revenge for getting a woman like her so flustered wouldn't hurt, she'd thought.
But, she also hadn't expected this kind of a reaction from Shikamaru. She really thought he would just be his usual awkward self. Shikamaru taking charge of the situation woke in her something that she didn’t understand . She was steadily growing moist under his watch, her thighs were slippery, and she was throbbing for his touch.
Was he doing this just to get back at her for all of her friendly flirting? Or was there something else she was missing? Had she really fallen for someone she didn't know at all?
She felt her head snap in Shikamaru's direction.
"Look at me," he grit his teeth.
She felt her left hand moving to her growing wetness and her right tugging at her own nipple. Shikamaru's small smile told her he was helplessly enjoying himself. She gasped and moaned uncontrollably as he made her rub her clit against her will.
"That's it, love, let me watch you rub yourself," he bit his lip. His eyes were filled with the same hunger she'd witnessed so many times before. So it was real. It had always been real. He sucked in a breath through his teeth.
It took Shikamaru every ounce of strength and control to keep himself from just taking her right there and then. He was suppressing years of pent up frustration and desire. He was very hot and very bothered and his joggers were getting way too tight for him.
His jutsu made Temari touch herself exactly like how he'd imagined so many times before. He made her rub herself agonizingly slow, pinch her nipples hard, and then suddenly made her right hand drop to her throbbing cunt, too. He made her decrease the pressure on her clit and shove two fingers inside of herself.
Her moans filled the room and Shikamaru felt his face burn. She looked like a goddess. He wanted, so badly, to get on his knees and just lick her, feel the warmth of her thighs around his face, feel her gushing in his mouth. He wanted nothing but to love this woman with the entirety of his being. He ran his hands through his hair to focus himself and catch his breath.
Her eyes, a mixture of anger and love and arousal, hadn’t left his since he’d made her snap her head in his direction. He loved that she was standing up to him in her own way. His eyes hadn't left her body, her face, her fingers working in and around her cunt. His mouth watered and cock twitched at the sloppy noises her fingers and wetness made.
She begged for release. It took her a while but her arousal made her shed all fear or embarrassment. She'd found the comfort his presence always gave her, the usual sense of security she felt around him was back. His greed and hunger for her was painted on his face, clear as day.
"Fas...faster, ple...please Shika..I can't.." she breathed helplessly, her sentence punctuated by moans.
"Time for another finger, love," Shikamaru sucked in his lower lip as her finger moved at his will.
Temari felt a heat bloom in her core and her legs shivered from the intensity of it all.
As he made her fuck herself with three fingers, she suddenly felt her left hand move away from her clit and then come down crashing. She realised Shikamaru was making her slap her clit, not once, not twice, but repeatedly and in quick successions. She moaned out his name out of habit.
"Fuck, look at you moaning my name, you look so beautiful, Temari. My name on your lips like that, it's making me harder." He teased her in a silky voice.
Temari had lost all control by now. She was writhing as much as Shikamaru allowed her to, the stool under her was about give away, and her wrists ached from all the work Shikamaru was making her do.
"Shika...Shikamaru, I'm gonna.. I'm gonna..."
She suddenly felt her hands move away from her swollen cunt. She clenched around emptiness and throbbed for him, realising that he'd denied her any kind of release.
"Shikamaru, please, please... please..." she panted, sweaty and messy.
"Please what?"
"Pl...please let me..," she gulped. She was so embarrassed she was saying this out loud. Infront of him.
"Let you what?"
"Please, let me cum," she mumbled.
"Yeah? Look at the mess you've made, love. Do you want me to help you clean up?" His shadow made her head bend down to look at the pool she'd given birth to. Temari nodded lightly and that's all it took for Shikamaru to get on his knees and bring his mouth to her soft cunt. He kept her bound by his shadows so she couldn't move. He rested his calloused hands on her inner thighs and gave her a long lick all the way from her moist and throbbing opening to her cute little button of a clit. The voice that escaped her throat gave Shikamaru goosebumps.
"I love you," moaned Temari in a whisper.
Shikamaru's ears were now warm and beet red, his face buried harder between her thighs and his fingers dug into her skin. He loved her. God, he loved her so much. He loved every little thing she did, every noise that escaped her lips. Every time her body jerked from his touch, it sent his mind in a frenzy.
The cold metal of his earrings against her inner thighs made her shiver. His sharp hair tickled her. She moaned out his name again as he moved his tongue in and out of her quickly. He felt her clench around his tongue. He brought his thumb to her clit and rubbed it in quick and dirty circles, the metal of his rings cool and electrifying. He looked up at her face with the same hunger in his eyes that always made Temari skip a beat.
"Say, how many times have you moaned out my name like this, Temari?" he whispered and went back to giving her soft, gentle licks.
Temari blushed a beautiful pink again and bit her lip. She found it extremely hard to form a coherent sentence, the way his mouth and hands were handling her was perfect.
"I..I've ...I've lost...co..unfff..count."
He smiled against her skin and showered her wetness with kisses and nibbles. He inserted a finger as he lapped up her clit and felt her clench again, this time around his finger. He curled his finger and Temari let out a small whimper. He moved his finger in and out and slowly inserted a second and third one till she was panting, his thin and long tongue never ceasing to flutter around her clit.
"Shika...Shika I'm gonna..I'm gonna cum. Do...don't stop"
At this, Shikamaru ceased all movement. It took him immense control to leave her wanting like that, again. But, it had to be done. He didn’t understand why but he wanted her to beg, not hint anymore. He'd had enough of her innocent flirting and teasing and it was his turn to have her writhing before him.
"Are...are you serious!?" shouted Temari.
A loud gutteral sound escaped Temari's lips. She'd been edged twice in the last half an hour and she hated it. She hated that Shikamaru won't let her cum. But it felt so good. The way he looked at her, talked to her, touched her, it was all unbearable.
Shikamaru lightly traced her lips with his fingers and then shoved them in her mouth. She licked herself off his fingers hungrily and Shikamaru's cock rose, eliciting a small playful chuckle from Temari. He smiled back at her. His lips and chin glistened with Temari's slick. He licked it clean and then walked back to the chair. She throbbed for release but she could see Shikamaru had other plans.
Without further delay, Shikamaru picked up her towel and dried her hair as she sat still, bound by his jutsu. He dressed her up in her dark blue Yukata.
"Shikmaru, please, I won't be able to bear it," Temari said as Shikamaru tied her obi.
"Bear what?" he cooed in her ear and cocked his head innocently.
"You're a fucking bastard. How are you planning to do my hair? Obviously I can't step out like this." Temari fumed.
Shikamaru moved behind her as his shadows made her sit in front of the mirror. Her entire body ached from being controlled like a puppet for so long. She felt Shikamaru's fingers comb through her hair and her eyes closed.
When she opened her eyes finally, she gasped in surprise at how beautiful she looked. Shikamaru had perfectly done up her hair.
She also noticed a green clip he'd slid in one of her pony tails. It was a delicate branch of leaves, studded with small embralds. She was standing in front of him now, her body pressed against his.
"Where and when did you learn to do a girl's hair?"
"Oh, I have a few daughters spread around town. Why? Jealous?" mocked Shikamaru.
Temari glared at him.
"The clip is beautiful. Thank you."
"It suits you. Brings out your eyes." He murmured, unable to stop himself from kissing her jaw. He mentally kicked himself for saying something so cheesy instead of a simple welcome.
"Let's go, I've to show you around the Hanabi Matsuri, no?"
"B..but, Shikamaru?"
"Hmm?" he asked as he trailed his fingers along her long neck.
"My..my panties...?" Temari was blushing so hard that Shikamaru couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He loved being cocky with her.
"No panties today," he whispered and spanked her ass loudly, making her jump as much as she could while being bound with his jutsu.
Only when they reached the Matsuri did Shikamaru free her of his jutsu. Finally free of him, she could do whatever she wanted to. She wanted him right then and there. But, there were so many people around, it was as good as being tied up.
"I'll be right behind you, Temari," whispered Shikamaru as he lightly squeezed her ass in the crowd. She could feel her thighs slipping against each other as she walked uncomfortably. She was still a slobbering mess and all of this teasing wasn't helping. Shikamaru was his usual self, not a hint of discomfort in his voice.
They went from stall to stall, eating and chatting, meeting up with everyone when Shikamaru caught her looking intently at a pair of kunai. She was caressing the blades and the handle, appreciating the craft.
"I can carve your name on it, too!" said the seller.
"Oh really? That's amazing!"
"What are you looking at?" Shikamaru leaned on the table full of decorative kunai as he popped a handful of peanuts in his mouth.
"Nothing, I really love this pair. It would look spectacular in my collection. I have a decorative pair from wherever I've been. Don't have one from Konoha for some reason."
"Hmm." He frowned. After a pause he said, a bit unsure, "Will you let me get these for you?"
"What? Why? No! I can get them. It's cool."
He took her hands in his and kissed her fingers.
"Yeah, I know. But I want to get these for you."
"I really couldn't. You got me the clip, too!"
"Who said the clip is yours?"
"Uhh... why'd you put it in my hair then?" embarrassed at the assumptions she'd made.
Shikamaru burst out laughing.
"I'm messing with you. I got the clip for you long back. Just...never got a chance to give it to you." A sad smile lingered on his face for a fraction of a seocnd. Temari blushed and looked away from his piercing gaze. What the hell was it with his eyes today. They just wouldn’t let her go.
"Please, let me get the kunai for you. It would mean so much to me." Shikamaru murmured softly against her hands.
"Hmm. Alright, I guess you owe me that much," she winked and gave him a shy smile.
Shikamaru's face lit up and he smiled so brightly that Temari wanted nothing more than to smother him with kissEd. He looked like a child who had just been given a box full of candies.
"I ..want to get today's date carved on it too."
"Yeah? Why?"
"I'd like to remember today."
"Why?" a shy smile spread across Shikamaru's face.
"Stop it."
"Here you go, love." He handed her the bag.
As Temari peeked into the packet, she heard Ino, Sakura, and Hinata coming over to them. When Naruto pulled Shikamaru aside to check out another stall, Ino pounced on the chance.
"How's it going, Temari?" asked Ino.
"Great! I'm just exploring. A little tired, really."
"Hmmmmm. Tired from the journey or....?" Ino teased knowingly and Sakura and Hinata laughed.
"What..what do you mean?" Temari asked, wide-eyed.
"Oh come on! We all know what you've been up to," said Sakura and winked at her.
"I have no idea what you girls are talking about."
"Temari, the three of us had come to pick you up at the inn because you weren't picking up your phone," Hinata jumped in, failing to keep a straight face. Temari's face went pale and she looked the other way.
"We could hear some very interesting noises so we thought we'll leave you be," Sakura giggled.
"Hey, it's alright. This'll stay between us. We're just messing with you." reassured Ino.
"We're happy for you Temari. This was long due. We've been rooting for you both." chimed in Hinata.
"Girls, he's killing me," Temari finally broke down.
"Well, you've been toying with him since years. Let him have some fun."
"I haven't been toying with him. I love him. He's just dense."
"He's anything but dense," Hinata cut Temari off and all three girls looked at her, surprised. "He's..he's not dense. Just really considerate."
"Sooooo, Te-ma-ri chan, is he any good in bed?" snickered Sakura to break the awkward silence.
"We...we haven't...we haven't really done anything yet," stuttered Temari.
"What? What was all that screaming and moaning out his name for?" probed Sakura. The girls couldn't stop giggling.
"Well...we..uh...he just..."
"What are you all gossiping about? Ino, 20 bucks if I win the shooting game." challenged Sai. He was walking over to the girls with Shikamaru, Sasuke, and Naruto.
"Ohhh? Let's see who wins then." Both of them walked to the shooting stall hand in hand. Sasuke noticed Temari blushing and he glanced at Shikamaru, amused.
"Do y'all wanna have Ramen?" asked Naruto. "Sure, let's go!" "Let's wait for Ino and Sai."
Ino returned victorious, mocking Sai. The 4 couples walked towards the ramen stall, bantering and mocking each other about something or the other. The crowd was thinning steadily, the after-hours of the festival full of laughter and chatter. Temari felt Shikamaru's hand snake around her waist.
"I can't wait to take this Yukata off off you, Temari," Shikamaru whispered. They'd fallen a few steps behind.
"You look so beautiful. I bet you're still wet from earlier." He spoke in a silky voice against the sweaty skin of her neck and softly bit her ear. His hand cupped her heat and Temari slapped his hand away, making him chuckle.
Temari stayed absolutely still. When she didn't say anything, Shikamaru frowned.
"What's... what's wrong?" Shikamaru asked, concerned. Back in his senses now, he faltered and blushed at what he'd just said and done.
Temari spoke hurriedly like a quick rainstorm, "Please, can we go back to the inn? Make me yours already. I've been yearning for you since so long. And now I know you have been, too. It's plain as day that we both want eachother, why won't you just take me back? Why subject me to all this waiting? Haven't we waited for so long already? It doesn't make any sense."
Shikamaru felt his knees giving away but he steadied himself and softened his tone. He turned her around and pecked her jaw and the insides of her wrists. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he said, "Just a little bit longer, love. Let's eat with the gang first. I promise I'll make you feel so good once we get home, princess." "Shikamaru, everyone...everyone knows about us..." "So?" "So? You're okay with that?" "Why wouldn't I be? I would like to make it very clear that you're mine." "Oh..."
"Oi, you two lovebirds. Get here quick. We'll lose our spot otherwise," shouted Naruto.
Shikamru grabbed her hand and walked towards the restaurant. They all settled in on the low outdoor benches and Shikamaru made Temari sit on his thigh, his left hand wrapped around her waist. Temari felt awkward at first but she leaned into him when she saw so many couples around her.
Even Hinata, the shyest of them all, was sitting in Naruto's lap, wrapped around him like a child. She blushed when she noticed Naruto's hand stroking Hinata's waist softly. She caught him whispering sweet nothings in Hinata's ears as Hinata smiled shyly. Sakura, too, was sitting between Sasuke's legs. Sasuke was putting a flower in her hair as he spoke about some mission with all of them. Ino's legs were in Sai's lap as he drew mindless circles on her thighs with his fingers.
The atmosphere was so drunken and happy and full of love that she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. There were fairy-lights everywhere and red lanterns swayed back and forth in the gentle wind. Flower petals and leaves blew around them. The laughter and cling and clatter of the utensils made her feel alive.
When they had ordered and were mid-conversation, Temari suddenly pecked Shikamaru on his cheek, stopping him mid-sentence. He raised his eyebrows and pecked her nose and continued talking about how he beat Asuma in a training session and everyone listened to him intently. She noticed that his hands never left her. She eased in completely, never having known such familiarity in an unfamiliar place. The sake was rich, the ramen was perfect, and the company was warm.
Late at night when all of them were buzzed and tired, they said their goodbyes. The three girls winked at Temari as she felt Shikamaru squeeze her ass for the tenth time that night. //
"I can't wait for the saucy details. I'm not letting Temari go without telling us everything." Sakura spoke hurriedly to Ino and Hinata.
"Temari is the one I was talking about earlier today, Sakura! I didn't think things would happen so fast! Did you see him, he didn't let her out of his sight or hands for a single second," Ino giggled.
"He's addicted! But, you both should just leave them be now. Don't go around spying on them!" Hinata laughed and blushed at the same time.
"Oh, he's more than addicted, I'm sure of it," said Ino.
"Hina, let's go babygirl," Naruto called out in a hoarse voice. Hinata blushed a deep red, knowing the girls will tease her about her nick-name forever now.
"Haha! Go on babygirl! See you tomorrow!" Ino and Sakura teased her. The girls giggled and hugged before leaving.
Temari and Shikamaru walked towards nowhere in particular.
"So, your place or mine?" asked Shikamaru. He chuckled as he stroked her face. He wanted to kiss her lips so much.
"How about yours?" Temari was finally in her element and she fingered is t-shirt like she had at the brunch. She looked at him with her deep green eyes and Shikamaru felt himself losing control.
"God, I want you so bad, Temari. Tsk. You've no idea." He held her hands and kissed her fingers.
They walked quietly, enjoying the cool breeze.
"Shikamaru, why haven't you ever made a move? I don't think that you've only just realised how I feel about you."
Shikamaru took a deep breath but stayed quiet.
He stopped and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Temari, I am only going to say this once... All these years, I was scared that you were just playing with me. You've had several boyfriends, too. I've literally given you advice on how to make up with them. And so I never knew what to make of all your teasing and flirting. I didn't think you felt for me the way I do for you... In fact, I don't think you can ever feel for me the way I feel for you."
He paused.
"The last mission took a lot away from me, Temari. When I saw you today, toying with me again like that, something snapped in me. I acted on an impulse that I usually keep under control. But, seeing you react the way you did to me today told me more than enough." He gave her a small smile. Temari stood still, her face betrayed nothing.
"Let's go," whispered Shikamaru. "Hmm."
When they reached Shikamaru's flat, Temari spent a minute looking around. Everything was immaculate and in place. She was admiring all the photos on the wall when she felt Shikamaru quickly untie her obi. Her breath hitched in her throat and she softly moaned out his name.
"I wasn't toying with you. I never have."
He had her naked and pressed against his body in a matter of seconds. He began to untie her hair but Temari stopped him. "Leave the clip be."
He bit the insides of his cheek to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. His hands roamed around her body hungrily. He kissed and nibbled at her neck and shoulders and she kept her hands on his as he trailed them all over her breasts and stomach, halting at her inner thighs. She moved her hips slowly against him.
He drew light circles around her left nipple and greedily squeezed her right thigh. Temari gasped at the pressure and Shikamaru turned her around. He held her face tenderly, pulled her close, and finally kissed her lips. He came alive under her touch. The greed with which Temari sucked on his lips made him shiver and lose breath. He smiled against her flesh and walked her towards the sofa in his living room, kissing her all the while. He made her sit down, lightly held her chin, and made her look up at him.
"Spread your legs, Temari," his voice hoarse from desire.
He held the backrest of the sofa with his left hand, dug his right knee on the sofa, and bent over her. Temari wrapped her hand around his left hand, and her other stroked his hair. He lightly touched her moist folds with two fingers and let out a small grunt at how wet she was. He lazily rubbed her clit, his eyes never leaving hers. He took in her supple body full of scars from missions. The way she, finally, fully arched her back at his touch, offering herself to him. The way her naked nipples hardened against his moist tongue. The way goosebumps decorated her entire body. Her reaction to his touch sent his mind in a chaos. What happened in the afternoon was nothing compared to how she blossomed under him now.
As soon as she tugged at his t-shirt, he removed his clothes, just his black briefs on him. Temari took him in, he looked like a sculpture. He appeared so lean clothed but his arms were huge and his chest was stunning. The light hair sprinkled all over softened his hard chest and chiselled face. Temari couldn't take her eyes off his torso, she was practically drooling. Shikamaru felt his face heating up at her gaze. He'd never been looked at like that.
"Like what you see, princess?" he spoke when he recovered from all her oggling.
"Hmm," she smiled coyly and bit her lips.
She saw his briefs stretching, the bulge too prominent to miss. She moved her face towards his clothed cock and licked the tip eliciting a groan from him. She moved her face to the side of his waist and tongued the waistband of his briefs. She took the waistband in between her teeth and pulled his briefs down. His cock slapped his stomach as it broke free from being constrained for so long. Shikamaru stayed absolutely still, breathing heavily, his eyes never leaving hers.
Temari gave his cock a slow, wet lick from the base to the tip and he twitched, lightly slapping her cheek. She showered it with moist kisses and fluttered her tongue around his pale pink and warm head.
"Fuck..." Shikamaru suddenly grabbed Temari and flipped her around.
"On your knees, ma'am."
Before Temari could even settle in, she felt his cock rubbing against at her clit. She looked back at him as she moved with him.
"So eager, Shika..ahh fuck,"
Shikamaru thrust three fingers inside her before she could complete her sentence, taking her by surprise. His other hand bunched up her hair. He moved his fingers hard and fast. He noticed Temari's toes curling and her head digging into the backrest. He leaned over her and kissed her back and neck before he spoke.
"You're doing so well baby, let me feel you cumming around my fingers," he spoke in a soft voice.
"I...I'm gonna...cum."
Shikamaru felt his heart beating like a hummingbird as he felt Temari clench around his fingers and he felt a warmth coating his hands and his cock. She whimpered quietly, her voice lost from the powerful orgasm, at finding the release she had been denied all day. Shikamaru pulled out his fingers, positioned his cock at her cunt, and dug his hands in her waist as he slowly began to enter her.
"Shika..Shikmaru, plea.. I can't.." Temari panted, still recovering from her orgasm.
"Shhh, you're taking me so well baby, just a little bit more." He slowed down even more, giving her time to adjust. Her thighs shivered as she eased around him and took him in.
"You're easing around me just fine, princess. I promise I'm gonna be slow." murmured Shikamaru against her flesh.
He slowly started moving and increased his pace, and Temari's moans got louder with each thrust, till she was screaming out his name, till she was babbling nonsense. His hands travelled everywhere across her body hungrily. Shikamaru's face burned, his heart fluttered, and he felt like a million little butterflies had just taken birth in his belly. He never wanted to hear anything else from Temari except whatever escaped her petal-like lips as he fucked her. She held his hand tight.
"Fuck..ahh" He loved the way she cussed in a small voice before he felt her gushing around him again; the profanity morphed into something lovely coming from her wet mouth. He felt himself buckling as he thrust himself inside her hard and pulled out, eliciting an ungodly voice from Temari.
He flipped her around again, and positioned himself between her legs. He entered her again, slowly, and cupped her right breast with his hand and took her left nipple in his mouth. A sigh of relief left Temari's lips as she stroked his hair.
He moved in and out of her gently and his lips made their way up to her neck, nibibling and kissing her chest and shoulders and arms till he buried his face in her neck, settling in.
Temari's hands roamed all over his body and finally came to rest on his shoulders, her legs were hitched around his waist. She could see his back and hips flex with each thrust. It made her clench harder around him and arch her back into him. They moved together, taking each other in as much as they could, Shikamaru nibbled and sucked on her neck and she circled her tongue around his earrings.
He panted and her broken sighs followed with every thrust. They were lost in the way they both came undone with each other, the messy, sloppy sound of his cock moving in and out of her the only thing that pulled them back to reality.
"Shikamaru, I'm gonna.. gonna...unfff."
He could feel her tightening around him like never before before she suddenly loosened up. She came around his cock, growing so wet that he slipped out of her. He pushed himself back inside her, making her bite his neck, and started fucking her relentlessly. Overstimulated, Temari suddenly shivered violently and squirted.
"That's it, love. Such a good girl."
He didn't break his pace and Temari's nails dug into his back, scratching him everywhere. Shikamaru grit his teeth so he wouldn't make a sound as she used his body to calm down. After what seemed like like a blissful eternity of short and quick thrusts, Shikamaru pulled out again and sat up on the sofa, his legs spread open. He kissed the entirety of her legs, waiting for her to recover from her orgasm. When he saw she'd calmed down, he held Temari's waist and brought her on top of him.
"I want to watch you," he murmured against her breasts. The intensity with which he looked at her made Temari uncontrollably shy and she felt a raw heat taking flight in her belly and face.
"Haven't you watched me enough already?" she panted, still out of breath, hinting at what he'd done to her after brunch.
"It's never going to be enough."
She breathed heavily on his skin as she felt his cock twitching against her clit. She involuntarily moved against his hardness, making him grunt.
Shikamaru traced her outline and took her breasts in his mouth, sucking and nibbling at them, as she moved slowly. She took his cock in her hand and positioned it, and then sat on him in one go, making Shikamaru throw his head back and dig his fingers in her hips.
He recovered and watched her slowly grind against him and sucked a breath in through his gritted teeth.
"Fuck, Temari, you're dri... what the hell?" his head suddenly snapped at the windows. He looked pissed, his eyebrows suddenly sharper. Confused, Temari looked at the windows as well.
Shikamaru drew the curtains shut with his shadows. They heard giggles and quick footsteps outside until everything went quiet.
"I bet it's Sakura and Ino," giggled Temari.
He felt her tighten around him.
"Oh, you like that, huh? Being watched like that?"
"N..no! They've been after my life for ‘details’."
"Would you like to put a show on for the girls?" he asked in a small whisper. He felt her clench around him again. He twitched inside her, at the thought of everyone watching him make her his. "I think it's you who'd like to put on a show, no?" challenged Temari.
Shikamaru blushed and then came alive with a child-like laughter. He held her head and brought it to his neck. He kissed her head and then without a warning, he started fucking her hard, and faster, than before. She bit down on his neck, marking him pink and purple, as he fucked her till she lost her voice and came around him in quick successions again. Spent and tired, she clung to him like a child. Shikamaru got up and carried her upstairs to the bedroom, all the while throbbing inside her.
He laid her down on his bed and spooned her. Shikamaru was hard as a rock and ready to go but he knew Temari was too spent. He gave her small nibbles and bites as he traced her body with his hands, fingering all her scars.
"You never said anything, you know?
"What do you mean?"
"When I said I love you."
"Hmm. Should I have said something?"
"Yes," she replied curtly.
"Yeah? Like what?"
"I don't know. Anything."
"Let me say it to you in my way?" he murmured.
"And what way is that?" she turned her head to look at him, frowning.
He made her lick his hands and stroked his cock, wetting it before he entered her ever so slowly. He lifted her leg and hooked it on his arm as they both looked deep into each other's eyes. Both of them gasped as his balls kissed her clit. Temari felt fuller than before and Shikamaru's face felt hot.
"Rub yourself," Shikamaru whispered.
Temari immediately complied and he felt her ass digging into his belly. He moved inside of her in slow and hard thrusts for a while before Temari felt his pace faltering. He looked at her and raised his eyebrows in question. She bit her lip and nodded quickly.
Temari came around him again. She couldn't bear how intimate it all was. The moment she tightened around him, he grunted, hid his face in her hair, and came inside of her, his warmth spreading everywhere inside her.
They both passed out before Shikamaru had a chance to slip out of her.
Right before sunrise, Shikmaru woke up, his limp cock still buried in Temari. He pulled out slowly and Temari stirred. He covered her up with a blanket and went to the washroom to freshen up. Itching for a cigarette, he went downstairs to his balcony. He lightly pinched himself to check if he was in a dream. Then he muttered at his own stupidity. When he made his way upstairs, she was snoring lightly. He sat beside her. After an hour or so of just observing her, he felt himself getting hard. He leaned his head back on the headrest. "Mendukse onna," he muttered under his breath, genuinely tired of his own arousal for her.
He slowly moved between her legs and started to lightly nibble at her clit. He placed small kisses on her mound. When he couldn't control himself, he dove in, lapping up her pussy messily. She sighed and moaned deeply as she rose from her deep sleep. She jerked and came quickly on his tongue.
"Morning, baby," Shikamaru murmured against her spasming thighs. "Morning," Temari whispered, slightly out of breath.
He quickly came up to spoon her again and showered her neck with kisses, making her laugh. That same laugh that had made him realise he'd fallen in love with her. That same laugh that had made him realise that he didn't only appreciate her as a friend, didn't only have immense respect for her, didn't only have this need to be a better person for her, but also wanted her to be entirely his. He kissed her lips deeply, his heart beating so loudly he thought he would faint. They lay there, kissing each other for a long time.
"Shikamaru, I want...I want a life with you." "Me too, baby," he whispered against her back. "I want...I want a nice house with you, I want to take care of you, I want to go on missions with you." He stilled. After a brief pause, she mustered the courage to say something she'd only ever dreamed of. "I want... I want a child with you." His eyes widened. It took him a moment to recover but to Temari's surprise he took it quite well. "Yeah? Only if it'll have your eyes." "And your hair," she said way too quick. "But, only after some time. I want to spend time with you first. I want your undivided attention for a while."
He turned her around and kissed her deep again. He then held her waist and made her sit on his face. Temari gasped.
"I can't get enough of you Temari. Stay for a while. Please don't go back just yet." He spoke against her thighs. He lazily licked her swollen clit, taking his sweet time. She rode his face slow and then gradually increased her pace to match the messy and quick way his tongue loved her. She moaned his name hoarsely as she gushed around his mouth again. She felt him smiling against her throbbing wetness.
She moved to sit down on his groin, rubbing his cock against her wetness. Shikamaru folded his hands behind his head as he watched her sleepily. As she took him inside her, he squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip. She slowly moved on top of him, her breasts hovered over his chest and face.
"Cum for me, Shikamaru," she whispered as she increased her pace. She felt his balls harden and scrunch up against her ass and he shivered and moaned out her name. He thrusted her hard thrice and Temari felt him cumming inside her again. She lied down on top of him and he stroked her hair, her clip shone bright in the soft morning sunlight.
He kissed her forehead. "I love you."
I think the whole idea of Ino and Sakura being so nosy really fits in well with the whole dynamic. I really enjoyed crafting the dialogue. I think the slightly voyeuristic undertone to this piece has really been derived from Ino and Choji spying on ShikaTema in the anime. A lot of fanart also has Ino and Choji in the background. And so, it isn’t really kinky or dirty sex here, but more about bringing out that old-school friendship that Shikamaru shares with Ino and others.
I have deliberately removed Choji from this piece. I don’t know but I dont think I can ever write Choji well. I also feel that Shikamaru would actually share girl problems with Ino or Naruto. But for all other life stuff, he would actually talk to Choji. I also really enjoyed writing the internal struggle that Shikamaru faced. The hair clip was really only put in the story to bring out his need to plan and prepare for something that he knows is totally out of his control.
I found it tough to write Temari’s strong character at first (specially in the scene where she’s kinda tied up) but I realised that she doesn’t have to be strong with and around Shikamaru. That’s largely what draws me to them. The whole idea of both of these calm and strong characters going batshit crazy for each other is really an HC for me, haha. Both of them are so secure in and sure of each other’s strength - they really don’t have to put up a facade.
The scene where Shikamaru buys the Kunai for Temari is really a manifestation of his respectful love™ for Temari. He wants to buy her the world but he also understands that she’s fully capable of doing that herself. He understands that she has a strong sense of ‘I can get stuff done on my own’ and doesn’t want to step on it. He merely wants to feel included in her life. He wants to get her things that will remind her of him when he’s away. He wants to be in every corner of her life, as he wants her to be in every corner of his life. Idk if I am articulating this well but this is a dynamic I really fkn DIG.
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - The aloof Bombay & wounded Border Collie
Summary: They say you are what you are in the dark. So you prove just who you are when there's only you and Frederick in a dark house, with no one else around. 
TW: [Swearing], [Profanity], [Angst with a happy ending] & [Mild panic attack]
So, first thing first, a little backstory about this oneshot. I had already written out the first scene a week before Redacted announced the discontinuation of Frederick & Bright Eyes series. Although he mentioned that it’s fine to continue on writing headcanons about the two, I was hesitant to continue writing this fic. 
But I’ve been missing them terribly so I sat my ass down and finally completed it! Yay! Fred & Bright Eyes had one of the most interesting dynamics in this fandom so I wanted to give it a go based on my headcanons of them. 
There's a strange sort of energy hovering around Vincent and Sam lately. 
It's not subtle either. Its anxiety, stress and uncertainty all roll together into a heavily dense fog that makes you itches under the skin. 
This has been going on for days now. 
Vincent constantly has thick textbooks with him whenever he comes over to Sam's place. They would exchange short pleasantries before Sam hurried off to his Werewolf beau (it's sort of funny the first time Sam returns home, and you spotted courses of wolf's hair stuck onto the hem of his clothes and jeans. You figured that this man's main hobby was tussling with Wolves, but when Sam would sneak back into his own fucking house like a teenager, it wasn't hard to put two-and-two together). Vincent would then make sure that you and Frederick are fed, settled in for the night before he completely ignores the two of you in favour of his school work. 
As if the two of you are a pair to toddlers. You'd laugh if it didn't annoy you. 
Fred, ever the gentle sweetheart, attempted to make small talks at first. Tentatively asking if he's stressed out over exams and if there's anything he could do to help - the result was expected. With pen in hand, notebooks and the two hundred and one pages depicting the foundations of magical healing, Vincent rather absentmindedly shooed him away. 
Sam is arguably the worst. Ever since he stepped outside of the house during their crash course of the Empowered creatures in Dahlia to answer a phone call, he returns with lines on his forehead and shoulders tensed as hell. 
Their impromptu lesson ended just like that when another Clan member had to babysit the two of you after Sam stormed out of the house. 
You don't know whether they realise how taunt their strings have been, and you don't really care, honestly. Just curious; you're pretty confident that something big will happen soon. 
At least there's something exciting to look forward to other than Sam's disapproving frowns and Fred's frustrated attempts at making you bear your heart and guts out. 
And something big will happen soon. Apparently, there's something equivalent to a magical Olympics that occurs every year called the Elemental & Energetic Games, and this year, the local supernatural academy would be the one hosting it in Dahlia. Interesting. 
Speaking of which, you could hear Vincent talking to his lover outside your bedroom through his phone. "Sam's on the way... yeah, he just texted me." A short pause. "Yeah, I can do that. Hey, hey, Lovely - listen to me. Everything's going to be alright. You've been practising non-stop for the Games. You deserve a special night for a change. So here's what we're going to do: I'll pick up some of that blueberry pie you love so much on the way back, we'll watch some movies after dinner and then have an early night so you'll feel better tomorrow. Sounds good? Nice. Oh wait - I think I can hear Sam outside. See you in a little bit. Love you too, Lovely." 
You tune the outside world after that. It makes sense now why Vincent was stressed out; he's busy playing the good boyfriend. 
With a tired sigh, you try your best to occupy your mind. It's three hours to midnight, but to Vampires, that's practically early morning, and you're already so bored. You don't want to step out of your little sanctuary if it means having to deal with Sam, Vincent and Fred tonight. 
Or ever. Forever sounds good. 
Not knowing what else to do, you pushed yourself out of bed and padded towards the window sill. The cool night air greets you as well as the trees and shadows that stretch on for miles. Once you and Fred were officially brought under Sam's care as his Progenies, you quickly realise that his house is located on the outskirts of Dahlia. Where the forests sprawl behind the abode and the city lights are just far enough not to pollute the night sky. 
A perfect place to raise a pair of unplanned Newborn Vampires. You conclude that either Sam enjoys living by himself in a secluded property or that this house was given to him by Mr. Solaire. 
Either way, you would've love to sneak out and explore the forest if it weren't for the magical wards that Sam had warned the two of you. The moment you or Fred steps out of the immediate area, Sam would know right away that one of them disobeyed his rules. 
So despite the pleasant night air, there's a strum of anxiety and restlessness stirring within you. Is it because of Sam's recent behaviours or the upcoming Games? You can't tell, not when no one is bothered enough to tell you what's going on. 
You take a deep breath and take your sweet time to exhale the air out. There's no use in working yourself up; not when you just need to get through this Newborn phase. It's better to think of the future. 
And that bastard's mangled corpse at your feet. 
"You should've listened to your friend, little mouse." 
Ironically, the monster's voice is the only thing keeping you sane during this whole happy house facade that Sam and Frederick insist on playing. Late-night fantasies of ripping that smug's asshole to pieces are the only thing that keeps you going, sad as it is. 
It's not revenge; it's justice. It's your atonement for hurting Frederick. What good would apologies serve when you can present that monster's head to him? You're not deluded enough to play the victim; you're the reason why the two of you are the way you are now, but you'll be damn if you admit that to Sam. 
Sam's already blamed you for what happened to Fred. Even if he never says it. His lingering glances and furrowed brows are telling enough. There's no need to give him more ammunition against you. 
You breathe in and out again; willing yourself to calm down. So you start to distract yourself by planning to gather enough money and resources to leave the Clan once Mr. Solaire deems that you're safe to be on your own and to others. His kind smile and knowing eyes should've made you uncomfortable, but all you can feel is genuine compassion and understanding coming from that ancient Vampire King. 
So. Priorities: Passing the Newborn period, gather enough money, clothes and anything else that's important, thank Mr. Solaire for taking you into his Clan, and if it's not too presumptuous, ask him to continue to care for Fred. 
A knock on the door startles you from your train of thoughts, but you keep your gaze on the dark forest laid before you. 
You heard the door creak as it slowly swings open and then, "Bright Eyes? Is... Is everything ok?" 
It's Fred. Of course, it would be Fred. 
"Mm-hmm." You reply absentmindedly. You didn't even have to look at him to know that he doesn't believe your bullshit. And him being your Sire makes it impossible to lie to him, so you often gives out vague responses. 
Most of these days, your interactions with him are curt, with doubt thrown into the mix. Fred is hesitant to press you when you brush away his questions, and in return, you hide as often as possible so you wouldn't step on any emotional landmines in this house. 
"Are you sure? Because I can kind of sense that you're upset..." Fred said after a brief moment of hesitation. Ah, it's going to be one of those nights. 
The bond between a Sire and his Progeny once again proves to be a fucking nuisance. Not only could you not lie to Fred, but he could also sense phantom emotions coming from you. So much for privacy. 
"It's fine, Fred. I was just thinking." There. Not a lie but not the total truth either. 
"O-Oh." From the doorway, Fred bit his lower lip. Why is it getting harder and harder to approach Bright Eyes nowadays? He hates this distance between them. He hates how they rarely left their room. 
He hates how it feels like he's losing his friend as the days go by. 
"Do you, uh, maybe want to play a game or something? Vincent hooked up a Playstation 5 before he left. I think he also left some video games - "
"I'm not in the mood to play tonight, Fred. Maybe tomorrow." 
Fred sighs at the clear dismissal. It honestly hurt; Bright Eyes constant rebuff is getting sharper and sharper. Without another word, Fred left Bright Eyes to their thoughts. 
As usual, nothing is absolved tonight. 
It's a boring rainy Wednesday night. The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops against the shutters promises an incoming storm when you hear the sound of rumbling thunders approaching the city from a distance. 
Tonight, Vincent is too busy at D.A.M.N to babysit you and Fred. Sam already left the house an hour after the sun had set with his usual instructions not to go beyond the wards and that a Clan member would be coming over to supervise them. 
Why does this feel like you and Fred are the unwanted children from a divorced couple? Oh well, all the more reason to leave the clan ASAP. 
You plan to brood in your room as usual after draining your share of the blood bags in the fridge. However, the moment you take three steps out of the kitchen, lightning flashes across the sky. 
The power trip, hurtling the entire house into total darkness. 
"The circuit breaker," You murmur, inhumane eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness as you look around the area in 4K HD. "Did Sam ever mentioned where it was?" You tried to recall the house's layout from Sam's words alone, but you tend to tune out his voice whenever he speaks more than twenty minutes. So it looks like you better start from the basement.  
Just when you're about to head downstairs, a whimper froze you. You tilt your head towards one of the bedrooms. 
The sound is coming from Fred's. 
You stood your ground for only a few seconds of hesitation before you quietly approached his bedroom and slowly opened the door as to not startle him — concern creeping into your heart. 
Just like the rest of the house, Fred's bedroom is completely dark. Lightning flashed once more to illuminate Fred's huddled figure on the floor near the window. He's breathing very hard and rapidly with his head in between his knees. 
Your heart twisted into a knot at the sight of a frightened Fred, and you couldn't help but wonder if this is how he looked like when that monster hurt him. 
You forcefully put that thought away. You're horrible with words, but there's one way you can still comfort him. 
Fred's breath hitches when your back lean against his. "B-Bright Eyes?" He calls out with a choked sob, head slightly raised in surprise. 
When you said nothing, Fred let out a ragged sigh. "What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't stand the sight of me." 
You blink and turn your head to give him a side-eye. Say what? 
"Don't give me that l-look." Fred snaps after a sniffle. "You could hardly look at my face lately, and you only leave your bedroom whenever you have to eat. If it weren't for that, you'd happily pretend that Sam and I don't even exist." 
"That's because whenever I'm around, you keep wanting to talk about Wonderworld, and Sam keeps shooting me looks as if I'm a shitstain underneath his fucking boots." You shoot back reflexively. 
Much to the surprise of absolutely no one, your words upset Fred even further. "You can't talk about Sam like that! He's been nothing but kind to us. To you and you just - "
"He blames me for what happened to you!" Fred can't be this oblivious, can he?
Behind you, Fred went stiff.
"You're his Progeny, and I'm the deadweight that he's stuck with because you Turned me. He knows it, Vincent knows it. Fuck it, everyone in the Clan knows it! So why should I give a damn when I'm unwanted? And that's alright! That's totally alright! You want to know why that's alright, Freddy?" Lightning split the night sky. A rather powerful thunder shakes the house, but at this moment, nothing exists except for you, Fred and the tension that has been brewing between the two of you the moment your humanities were forfeit.  
"I'm not planning to stay here any longer than I have to! The moment Mr. Solaire give us the green light, I'm out of Dahlia! Buh-bye! You and Sam can do whatever the fuck you want, but I don't want to stay in this city any longer! I don't have anything left here!" 
Silence enveloped the bedroom. What are you even doing here? Why did you even think you could comfort Fred when all you've been doing is hurting him. Even now! This was a mistake. You should've - 
"I was right. I'm losing you too..." 
"Uh, what?" 
Fred tucks his head in between legs tighter as if he's trying to hide from the world. "I think I always knew that you were going to leave me when you started to pull away from everyone. That's why I wanted us to talk about that Halloween night so badly." His voice is ragged, tears stream down his face. "Y-You said that you don't have anything left in Dahlia, but... you're all that I have left and if you leave... I..." Fred sighed and quietly continued, "I thought I was your friend. I thought I meant something to you." 
"I've hurt you." You reply, just as quietly. "I've been hurting you since Wonderworld, and even tonight, I'm hurting you. I didn't listen to you that night, and because of it, we're here. You lost your family, friends and future and for that I'm... I'm so sorry, Fred. You didn't deserve anything that happened to you." 
"Thank you, Bright Eyes. I-I needed to hear that." Fred reply. When he reaches for your hand, you squeeze it back. "What happened was... fucked up, but none of us knew about that Vampire. Or that Vampires actually exist. So it's stupid of me to blame you for our d-deaths." 
"But I didn't listen - "
"Yes, you didn't listen but will you listen to what I have to say now, Bright Eyes? Please? I want us to move on from this together. I want us to be better." 
Perhaps it's how raw and near begging Fred sounds that both of your walls are down tonight. Perhaps, tonight, you finally realise that it's you that doesn't like confrontations and that despite Fred's gentle and reserved nature, he has no problem mending the wounds between the two of you with force if he has to. Huh, who could've thought? 
The two of you talk for hours in the darkness. It feels so awkward to bear your heart to Fred after everything, but to your immense surprise and relief, he listens to you patiently, and once you're done, he let you into his heart. All the fears, insecurities, regrets, shame and horror are laid between you and together, you address them one by one until the storm lets up. 
And when the silver light of the moon peeking through heavy clouds, you found yourself snuggling with Fred on his bed. Your head tucks into the crook of his neck while Fred's arm is around you. It's strange how lighter your heart is now. 
"Have you stop crying already?" You ask, wondering if you'd need to run to the kitchen to make a simple bag of ice for Fred's red, puffy eyes before they swelled. 
Fred snort. He sniffles and squeezes your body in assurance. Being slightly taller than you, it feels sort of nice to be held like this. Despite their heartfelt conversation and confessions, the trauma they both carry is still fresh, but now, it doesn't feel like an overwhelming miasma threatening to drown you in guilt and sorrow. "Yeah, yeah. I'm alright now. It feels good to finally cry after... after everything." 
"Can't relate." You bluntly interject. "I usually get pissed off after a crying session." 
"I can actually believe that." Fred giggles. "I'm beginning to understand you a lot better, Bright Eyes. Thank you for listening; I know that words are hard for you, so I'm very grateful that you want to work things out as much as I do." 
Outside, the rain has become a gentle drizzle, and the stars ushered a bright full moon. It's too lovely of a night to brood; you might as well take a nap with Fred. 
"Bright Eyes?" Fred suddenly speaks up, bringing you out of your sleepy haze. 
"Do you... I mean... are you still planning to leave Dahlia?" His voice returns to its timid and hesitant state. 
"Well... yeah. After our - urgh - mushy talk, I realise it's all the more reason I need to do it. You're the only thing I have left in this city after all." 
"You want to leave me despite just saying that all you have is me? Uh, I don't... don't get it. Can you please explain it to me, Bright Eyes?" 
You hold back a groan. It looks like Fred has discovered the magic of 'please' and your weakness to it. "I'm planning to kill the Vampire who killed us and use his skull as my apology gift to you." 
Unlike you, Fred groans in disbelieve. You yelp when he manoeuvres you so your body can lie on top of his and trap you in his arms. "No... Bright Eyes, no... no hunting that asshole, OK? You don't need to give me a skull; just stay here with me. Skulls are gross anyway." He whines like a needy toddler, which, surprisingly, makes you feel fond instead of irritated. 
So you roll your eyes and press your face into Fred's chest. Perhaps you can try to convince Fred to leave with you in the future, but for now, nothing matters but the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest and the faint scent of wet grass outside. 
They're going to be alright. 
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 3 years
Could we get some wesker x fem reader smut? It's hard to find well written wesker smut. I honestly don't have any plot ideas for it hmm maybe he accidentally took an aphrodisiac drug and is embarassed but can't help himself? Consensual of course but very funny scenario to me
It’s been a while since i wrote something, so this might not be as good.😓👉🏻👈🏻. Im sorry you had to wait so long girl 😓
Drugs (wesker x fem!reader)
Warnings: smut, drugs.
Wesker worked on this plant for a while now. Besides the plant that makes the progenitor virus, there are other plants that can make some sort of drugs, and their effects are still to be discovered by him. However, his research didn’t came to a conclusion, because the drug resulted from that plant only killed their hosts, and they wouldn’t come back to life after.
The symptoms were the same. The subject’s body would start to heat up, then he will start to walk around the room very agitated and with no specific direction, like he is looking for something. Besides an increased heart rate and heavy breaths, short memory loss can be noticed in some patients, and hallucinations. After 3 days of exhibiting this behaviour, the subject would die. It’s always like this. Wesker hit an end with this plant, and he was frustrated over the limit. Just when he was about to give up, he heard something. He couldn’t tell what was it, it seems somehow like moans. The closer the got to the source of sound, the better he could hear them. There were obviously two people, and the sounds they made were getting more clear about the action they were doing. Moans, heavy breaths and dirty words filled Wesker’s ears and he picked up his pace. Finally, he saw them. Two males, the one bend over the examination table, the other pounding hard behind him while chocking the other. They were fast and needy, and they were so preoccupied they didn’t see the scientist looking at them. They were fucking like there was no tomorrow.
At their feet, a vial of his newfound drug was emptied and broken. Wesker realised two things: that the drug is an aphrodisiac one, and that if the subject doesn’t mate it will die because of the fever. 
He regained his trust in his abilities. He experimented on animals and insects this new discovery, but no matter how much he researched this thing he couldn’t find a purpose to it. How could he use this in his advantage? With his mind somewhere else, he took a syringe and injected it in his arm.
While thinking his s/o entered the door, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“When was the last time you have seen the sunlight?”
“Right now.”
Wesker wasn’t a cheesy guy, but something about her made him soft somehow. He loved every inch of her, and even if he didn’t tell her that every day, he made sure to show her with small gestures. His s/o leaned on the desk, her lab coat carefully falling on the sides of her body, revealing her beautiful curves.
Suddenly he was nervous. He felt an imense heat taking over his body, followed by an urge to get up and to move around. Before standing up, he looked down to see if he injected the whole PG67A/W serum, but on his surprise the serum was still on the table, and the syringe from his hand contained the aphrodisiac drug.
“What did you injected there?” his s/o asked. “It’s a new PG67A/W formula?”
“No” he tried to remain calm, even if his blood was boiling and the whole body started to itch. “It’s the new aphrodisiac drug i was working on”
His s/o started to panic. 
“Why would you inject that?!”
“I wasn’t paying attention.”
She started to notice the bulge that was forming in his tight leather pants. Why they were so tight, she couldn’t tell. She sighed and almost kneeled between his legs, but Wesker stopped. 
“What are you doing?” “Im not letting you to die, you’re too precious to me. And I imagine you want to have greater death than being killed by a sex drug. Besides, it’s for science” She hardly contained her smile. From what he heard this drug made the host to lose control. She hated the fact the he was holding it in bed, said he just wanted to protect her, but she was greedy and wanted all he could offer. This was the perfect opportunity. 
She pressed her palm on the bulge. It was so hard and it looked like he could burst out of his pants any second. 
“Are you sure? I don’t think i might be able to hold it this time.”
She pressed harder and she moved up and down on his erection, feeling the hard member twitching. She didn’t break the eye contact this whole time. 
“Im sure” he unzipped his zipper and his cock bursted out, almost hitting her face. It was hard, leaking, with its veins were pulsating. She played with the hole a little, gently tapping and spreading the cum along the tip. He was leaking constantly. She grabbed the member and shove the tip in her mouth, her tongue beginning twist around it. Then, little by little, she lowered herself, sucking and licking on the way. Albert spread his legs wider and grabbed her hair. His vision went blurry, his body was getting hotter and he unzipped his shirt, letting the air cool him a little, but that wasn’t enough. He wanted more, he wanted to fuck her until he was jelly. 
Without hesitation he got up. Red eyes laid upon her as he started to fuck her throat at an inhuman speed. One wrong move of her head and he could break her jaw. It happened so fast so she didn’t had time to adjust to his whole length. Tears started to drop on her cheeks as thick drips of cum filled her throat, not allowing her to breath. A few more thrusts and Albert came in her mouth, not letting his cock out and making her shallow.
When he retreated, she started to cough and to wipe her tears and other fluids that rested on the corners of her mouth. When she looked up she trembled in excitement. Albert was hard again and was smiling at her.
“The effect should’ve disappeared by now. How are you still horny?”
“Im not human remember? Maybe it will take more than one round to finish. Wasn’t you who said that we’re doing this for science anyways?”
She couched a little before speaking again. 
“Then” she got up and headed towards the desk. “Let’s see how much it takes.” She climbed and spread her legs. 
He torn her tights and pull the panties aside revealing her wet cunt. 
“I see you liked how i fucked your mouth” he rubbed her bud roughly making her to grab his shoulders. 
"Fuck me please..” 
He put the tip at her entrance, then he thrusted hard. He lost his self control, all that remained was the pure instinct. He couldn’t hear his s/o anymore, he was driven by his own needs. She was moaning and could barely breath, she took him in raw without preparation. At first it burned and she clenched her fingers into his shoulder, but there was no way to stop him. And she didn’t want to stop him. 
Albert hips moved fast, and his fingers worked restlessly on her clit. Under them, a puddle of their cum gathered, making everything sticky, but none of them cared. He was under the effect of the drugs, and she was too weak to feel anything besides the cock that was rearranging her guts. She felt a pressure on her lower abdomen for the second time on the day, and she felt numb under the shockwave of another orgasm. He seemed to approach his climax too. Another round of thrusts and he filled her up with his load. Thick, white fluid started to drip on her folds and on the table as he removed himself. 
“Are you still horny?” she asked while he helped her clean herself and make the table decent again. 
“No, the effects disappeared.” He felt exhausted after these rounds. “Go take a shower, I’ll join you after I make some reports.” 
“I hope you inject the right stuff this time.” 
While in his euphoric state, he didn’t notice how his body began to weaken. It was when they finished that he felt like collapsing. He quickly administered his serum and sit back on his chair. Maybe he needed a new formula after all. 
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koko-bopp · 4 years
lee taeyong x male!reader
word count - 2.4K
genre - SMUT
contains - Smut, orgasm denial, riding, anal, taeyong in a skirt, handcuffs, gag, blindfolds, dirty talk, teasing, choking, unprotected sex!! bottom!taeyong but he’s in charge, top!reader but you tied to a chair lmao, mentions of aftercare
If you have a problem with feminine men or you're addicted to gender roles, I suggest you leave and never come back 😍
synopsis - Taeyong was told that you'd like to fuck him in a skirt, maybe him taking the lead this time. Taeyong's not being one to back out from a challenge. 
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"Baby? Baby, c'mon– mmhph!"
It wasn't an entirely uncomfortable situation, you're just not very patient when your wrists are handcuffed to the back of the chair, the silver bound around your wrists and made sure there was no way you could touch yourself or your boyfriend.
Your shirt is only partly off, the white dress-shirt you were wearing all day at work was definitely bothersome, wanting to take it off to wear something more comfortable all day was becoming one of your priorities; yet the clothing article was wrinkled off from the first three buttons; your chest exposed for your boyfriend to admire, the warmth of the room seeing you comfort, but the anticipation making your pecks hard.
And your pants are only unzipped. Taeyong kept you confined in your boxers, leaving a guessing element but also a wild indicator that he definitely had something dirty planned; fun, dirty, playful; it's Taeyong, you should've known better as soon as there was a blindfold over eyes; the fabric is soft satin so felt comfortable, all your senses deprived because your boyfriend wanted to watch you suffer like this; waiting desperately for him to finally do something; touch you, put his pretty lips around your cock or ride it like it's all he's going to get, or waiting patiently; wanting to kiss you soft and grind down on you until you asked him politely to do something.
It's a guessing game right now, and you're yet to start.
The first thing that had gone onto you was the blindfold. You had just entered your apartment; a long day at the office, having texted Taeyong about the incident you had with a client and the mountain of paper work you completed; you assumed your boyfriend was ready to cuddle you or something, knowing Taeyong would he home before you... but you you didn't really expect anything like this.
You had jumped at the sensation, before hearing your boyfriend whisper slowly into your ear as he made sure the blindfold was tied over your eyes securely, telling you to relax and to trust him for that moment. 
He’s your boyfriend, of course you complied. 
You noticed, from knowing the layout of your apartment, that he was guiding you to the bedroom.
And now here you were; bounded; and your boyfriend had stuffed your mouth with a lace fabric. Taeyong giggled softly at your muffled complaints, leaning forward to press his hands on your thighs carefully, pressing his fingers over the fabric of your pants hard enough for you to jolt ever so lightly at the feeling, and to seemed to immediately stop you talking.
"Mhm, baby, why so quiet all of a sudden?" He taunted.
You groaned, wanting to roll your eyes at the rhetorical question. You heard Taeyong giggle softly.
He carefully placed himself over your lap, it made your breath hitch as your boyfriend put the both his legs on either side. He wasn't wearing pants, you ruled that out when you didn't hear or feel fabric rubbing.
"I'm wearing something pretty, just for you, baby," Taeyong speaks lovingly, placing with your hair from his his arms are sitting comfortably on your shoulders. He places a kiss on the corner of your mouth, avoiding the panties that are muffling all your sounds. Your boyfriend chuckles, resuming to press kisses from the corner of your jaw, carefully peppering them down your neck, taking his sweet, sweet time to heard small noises erupting from your throat. He stopped to lean back up to your ear, and you could practically feel the prideful smirk as he spoke, "Think you can guess?"
Honestly? Probably not. Considering you could see, touch or use your tongue to feel? You whined when Taeyong rolled his hips on your crotched, a sigh leaving your lips and promoting you to answer his question, shaking your head one too many times just to avoid getting hard so quickly.
"Remember when you spoke to Ten yesterday?" He then drops his tone to a whisper, "Something about wanting me to take the lead?"
You swallowed, remembering the conversation.
"There was something else, wasn't there?" Taeyong taunts, dragging his hands down to your chest, unbuttoning the remaining buttons on your shirt, "It seemed to have slipped my mind, baby... Think you can remind me?"
Taeyong couldn't stop himself from grinding on your crotch, your shirt opened and exposing everything he loved about you from the waist up, and he knew you couldn't respond, a small and breathy laugh making it past his lips as he carefully removed the lace panties from your mouth; half the fabric coated with your saliva, a string falling from your lips, and just before you could muster a word, Taeyong captured your mouth in a hard kiss.
He hums into the kiss, content with his decision, pushing his tongue past your lips. Even with the blindfold, your eyes are closed and you head is tilted up to capture his lips properly, your boyfriend continuing his ambition by rolling his hips down, making both of you gasp and moan ever so gently. 
Taeyong’s lips taste like strawberry; they’re soft and hungry and desperate and as much as you could tell that your boyfriend was doing his best to make you wait, he was doing his best too.
He pulled away from you, tracing a finger down your jaw, "Do you remember what you said to Ten?" He asks.
You smirk in amusement, "I might need another reminder," you kid, having remembered what you said word for word.
Taeyong laughs softly, pecking your lips as a final gesture. "You said..." He trails off, shuffling a little before putting the lace panties back into your mouth; making you groan at the deprevision, "You said that you'd like to see me in a skirt."
Not that you realise as soon as he'd popped the question, but hearing him confirm it made your hips thrust a little out of reflex, however, not being able to see it made you fustrated.
You felt Taeyong move back a little, then he began creeping his hand down to where your pants were, dragging them down far down enough to feel your stomach tense underneath his touch, before pulling on the elastic of your boxers, "Ten's my best friend, baby.. surely you'd know that he'd tell me about your little fantasies.."
A muffled moan erupted as Taeyong began pressing kisses along your neck; biting, sucking, licking, one hand pushing against your your chest and the other touching the opposite side of your neck that wasn't being occupied. You leaned back, low exhales entering the air at your boyfriend's behaviour, even as he kept grinding on you.
This scenario was foreign to you, Taeyong would normally be the one lying on his stomach with his face in the pillows and his ass in the air for you; sweating, overwhelmed, prepped, needy; you almost questioned if this was your boyfriend in front of you, but then again, you two had only briefly spoken about this side of him, it would make sense for him to consider being dominant if Ten mentioned it to him. Your boyfriend doesn't back down from a challenge.
"Hmm, baby," Taeyong moans after looking at your crotch, tracing a finger over the buldge in your underwear, "Only a few kisses, and you're already hard?"
He had littered your neck in reds and purples, to be exact, and your breath was becoming more and more uneven.
Your boyfriend drops to his knees in front of you, all you need is your hearing to know that, and the feeling of him pulling the underwear down to reveal what wants. It took all of his strength not to moan, every last bit of it. Taeyong bites down on his lip then looks up to see your chest rising and falling a little faster than normal, your jaw clenched in impatience and your torso's tense. If only he could see your eyes.. but he liked the look, you want to beg, but you don’t want to look desperate either.
Taeyong chuckles, the finally flattening his tongue from the base of your cock before dragging it up to the tip, his fingers generously touching your balls as he put his mouth to work.
Oh, even with those panties serving as a gag for your sounds, moans and grunts and groans are working their way around it, it doesn’t stop you from thrusting up into your boyfriend's mouth, knowing he likes it when you play rough; a couple of handcuffs and blindfolds weren't going to make you forget what your boyfriend likes.
He can’t help but moan at the sensation, especially now that the sounds leaving your lips are louder and you had thrown your head back. Taeyong can feel your cock at the back of his neck as he bobs his head, hollowing his cheeks and licking the sides all the way up to the tip. He knows how to please you, and he knows it well, repeating the process even while you’re purposefully buck your hips up into his mouth, a silent 'you can take it' like you normally would do, just without the grip on his hair and the lustful eyes.
Taeyong gently pulls away when your breath begins to hitch, knowing you’re so damn close but depriving you of a release. You grunt at the denial, pulling on the handcuffs like you have the chance to get out of them; you bought the damn things, though, you’ve put Taeyong in them a few times, so you knew the quality of your own purchuses.
The lace panties fall out of your mouth before you actually speak, breaths becoming pants as you can now actually breathe out of your mouth, "No. Oh my god, baby, please- why did you–?" You moan when your boyfriend licks one last stride up your cock as a finale.
"My rules tonight," Taeyong exhales as he pushes himself back on your lap. There’s now a satisfied smirk playing on his lips, sections of it stained in pre-cum and spit and the strawberry gloss he wore at the beginning of these events, "Wanna see how hard you made me?"
You nod frantically, ready as ever to get this off of you so you can see your boyfriend’s face.
He laughed in amusement, his finger purpousefully tracing down your nose and pulling down on your lip gently instead of pulling down the blindfold, “Not just yet.” Taeyong shifts again on your lap, and as much as you want to argue, willing to put your pride aside to beg even, you feel your boyfriend right over your cock, which prompts you to suck in a breath as he lets out a shy moan while lowering himself carefully. 
“T-Tae, oh god—” You groan, a small chuckle leaving your lips, “You prepped before I got home, baby?” 
Taeyong gripped onto your shoulders, pushing his hands under the cotton handing on your back, the material falling to your elbows as Taeyong moaned at the pleasuring sensation, “I think... I think you would’ve died if you had to just sit and listen to me finger myself, honey,” He sighs as you groan at thrusting you in and out of himself, starting of slower but knowing he’ll be boucing on your cock in no time, “I still have to consider your sanity.”
You laugh, but the sound is immediatly replaced with a broken moan. Taeyong likes it rough, he likes it dirty and messy, his chest close to your as he continued his actions were felt, and you took the opportunity to press kisses on his neck and collar while you had the chance, moans still spewing from both of you like an overflowing dam as Taeyong began to move faster, tightening around you with every thrust on purpose just to get a reaction out of you.
“Baby—” You manage to muster, “Baby, please take the blindfold off— ah—! please, I wanna see how pretty you look for me,” You grunt as you spoke, your brows furrowing at the overwhelming feeling. 
He finally pulls it off, allowing the satin that covered your eyes to fall on the collar of your neck.
He looked beyond ravishing. 
And he was wearing a those sexy school-girl outfits you’d find at ameture sex stores. The costume tighter than you’d find at any regular store, a light grey button-up he had over his shoulders was undone and so close to falling off of him and on the floor so he was completely nude from the waist up. His collarbone was on desplay for you, the tone of his chest and the slim of the stomach; all of it was on show for you.
His cock was leaking pre-cum and falling down onto the fabric of the dark-grey cotton of his skirt, making a wet spot. The clothing was barely covering his ass from how small and tight the material was.
Taeyong’s face, though, he was flustered, his cheeks matching the colour of his hair, his mouth open with saliva threatening to fall from the center of his lips, his grip on your shoulders as he continued to thrust himself in and out. He moaned loudly, loving the way you’re admiring the way he looks now, “C-can I cum, baby?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, even while he’s in control, he certinally knows when to ask sweetly. “I’m close too, Tae. Cum if you want, but you’re gonna keep fucking yourself on my cock,” You guide, then a moan slipping from your lips just before Taeyong slams them with his own.
A messy makeout with tongue and spit exchanged just as Taeyong cums hard all over the material of his skirt and his abdomen, and he listened to your demand, he kept moving in and out until he felt you release your load in him, hot cum painting the inside of his ass, the liquid slowly dripping down as both of you try silencing moans with the other’s lips even despite the difficulty.
Taeyong, tired and pleasured, pulls out, only to drop his head on your shoulder, breathing heavily but calmly, catching his breath while you lean your head back to do the same. 
“I’m proud of you, handsome,” Taeyong smiles.
You chuckle, “You did really well too, Tae.”
Your boyfriend places a kiss on the side of your neck, leaning back up to place his hands on your cheeks, smiling down at you lovingly, “I’ll undo the cuffs, then we’ll shower and I’ll put pain-relief cream on your wrists, okay?” 
“Sounds like a plan,” You grin.
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