#like girl is a prisoner who was supposed to be locked in a room with someone with no magic
yourqueenb · 2 months
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Parts of this are really nice, but I can’t stop thinking about how the bigger issue is that Opulence would/should question how and where MC got this outfit from 😂
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songsbygumi · 1 month
Don’t sit down ‘cause I moved your chair
| Megumi x reader
Summary- "Expect the unexpected; Kugisaki and Panda are on a mission to get Megumi and you together. The two times, Nobara and Panda set you two up, and the one time they didn't need to do it."
Warnings - reader use a skirt, use of Y/N one time, poor english, one mention of the pronoun her I think its just once I can change it tho.
A/N- This is part of the universe of 'Suck It and See' inspired by Arctic Monkeys' album and Alex Turner's 'Submarine' EP.
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Panda didn’t mean to snoop on Maki. I mean, come on, he was just chilling in the classroom waiting for the class to start when Maki barged in, shouting something like, “At this point, we should lock her with Fushiguro in a closet and hope she makes a move.” It took Panda less than five seconds to figure out that the 'her' Maki was talking about was you. He watched Maki leave the room, still clueless about his presence, chatting away with who he thought was Yuta on the phone.
Panda didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but now that he knows, he has to tell Kugisaki, right?
“I think Y/n likes Fushiguro,” Kugisaki eyes widening as she connected the dots in her head. Everything suddenly made sense: how you get all flustered around him, how you always save him the last juice he loves at breakfast and give it to Inumaki to put it in Fushiguro's usual spot, how your face slightly drops when he mentions the date he had with the girl from the coffee shop, your eyes going soft when he talks, and Maki always trying to pair you two up for training. “I think they'd be a great match,” Panda adds, and they both grinned.
You have been waiting for an hour now outside the cinema. Fantastic Beasts is about to start, and Panda isn’t responding to his phone. You were supposed to meet here after spending your day at the shopping center.
“Hey Panda, I am at the entrance. The movie starts in fifteen minutes; you should hurry.” This is the fifth voice message you have left him. With a sigh, you turn your head to the street to see if you can catch him making his way to the theater, and that’s when you feel a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey,” you froze. It couldn’t be. You turned to face him. “Hi,” you blurted out, realizing Megumi Fushiguro stood before you, looking as gorgeous as always, his school uniform replaced by jeans and a hoodie. “Panda told me to let you know he couldn’t make it, but we can still go in if you want,” he offered.
You nodded following him inside, feeling like a little kid. “Ye...ah, cool, fuck Panda” you muttered behind him.
Did Panda invite him without telling you? Does Panda know about you liking him? You couldn’t say for sure.
“I didn’t know you were into Harry Potter,” he remarked, waiting for you. “Yeah... I’m kinda obsessed,” you admitted, blushing a bit, earning a chuckle from Megumi. “I'm kinda obsessed too,” he revealed, grabbing the tickets. You smiled, appreciating his easygoing vibe.
“I’m paying you, just let me know how much I owe you,” you say as the employee hands him the tickets.
“Don’t worry, Gojo sensei gave me enough to buy this whole place,” he says, brushing it off. “Do you want something to eat?”
“Yeah, uhm sure,” you said, swallowing hard, gathering the courage to keep talking.
“You like Harry Potter too, movies or books?” you wonder, not daring to look at his eyes.
His smile made your heart skip a beat. “Are you kidding? Books, of course,” he replied, and you couldn’t help but smile proudly. “Which book is your favorite?”
After a moment of thinking it, he responded, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.”
“Incorrect” you said playfully, grabbing the popcorn and moving away. “What do you mean incorrect?” he asked, looking amused. “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is right there” you argued, making him laugh.
You held the popcorn a bit too tightly, struggling to focus on the movie. You knew you were doing a bad job because by the end of it, you couldn’t remember a single thing besides Megumi's profile in the light.
As you walked back to school, chatting and feeling more comfortable, you found yourself agreeing with every single opinion of Megumi, encourage him to keep talking about it just because you didn’t have a single clue about what happened; you’ll have to see it again.
Later in your bed, you can’t help but think that maybe talking to Megumi Fushiguro wouldn’t be as difficult as you thought. Maybe you should keep doing it because talking with him was better than just staring at him from afar.
"Maybe you two should go together," Kugisaki suggested, smiling at her idea. Maki raised an eyebrow as she looked at you “It’s fine,” you said aloud. “I mean, yeah, I wouldn’t mind, of course, if you want, Fushiguro?”
Panda managed to hide a satisfied smile from you, but Maki's suspicious look caught him. “Sure thing, I’m down for it. It'd be nice not to deal with a crybaby while hunting for books." he remarked mockingly. “I’m not a cry baby!” Kugisaki protested, and you chuckled at the argument unfolding in front of you.
The library turned out to be smaller than expected, but your eyes lit up at the sight of shelves filled to the brim with books. The soft lighting and the background music of an Arctic Monkeys song made the atmosphere cozy; you could move here in a heartbeat.
“You weren’t lying when you said it was pretty,” you commented, turning to see Megumi standing casually, hands in his pockets, shrugging with a smile. He had a smile that could melt hearts. God, someone needs to make him stop smiling like that at you; he’ll kill you one of these days.
“You haven’t seen the best part” he said, taking your hand and leading you upstairs, making your heart race.
The second floor was packed with even more books, stacked everywhere, and inviting chairs that looked perfect for long reading sessions. It was like stepping into a book lover's dream. “This is amazing,” you whispered, caught up in the moment. Megumi wore a proud smile, happy to share this hidden gem with someone who appreciated it as much as he did. He kept holding your hand for a moment longer, feeling a warmth spread in his chest, before letting go, leaving the pleasant sensation behind.
“Oh my god, look at this Pride and Prejudice edition,” you said, admiring the gold engravings on the cover. “Oh, is that Heartstoppers?” you exclaimed, passing the book you previously held to Megumi.
If you asked Kugisaki or Panda, they’d say they had never seen Fushiguro smile so much before. He was admiring you from behind, helping you hold the books you picked and reaching the higher manga shelves without complaining.
"Looks like it’s going well.” Panda said a bit too loudly, breaking the calm atmosphere. Fushiguro's head turned, and they held the books they were 'reading' higher to cover their faces. “Shut up,” Kugisaki scolded him.
You didn’t notice, too busy looking at all the books, but seriously, did they think Fushiguro Megumi was that stupid to not notice Panda? Whatever they were planning, he will make them spill it, but for now, he had to hold your books.
“Look, that’s one of my favorites,” he pointed with his head at The Song of Achilles, getting into your little bubble again. You took it without questioning him or the book, adding it to the pile.
You’ve been craving Matcha for a week now, and you’ve been begging Maki to accompany you to the coffee shop for days. and still every time she answers with "Not all of us are first-grade sorcerers, and yet you still need to practice for the exchange event, which is literally tomorrow."
She’s been relentless; dragging you out for early morning runs at five in the morning so you can practice your hand-to-hand combat skills before seven, insisting, “Your curse technique outperforms at long distance, but what if they get up close? You need to be ready.”
Despite your intense training, all you wanted was a relaxed afternoon sipping on a cold Matcha. Yuta would have easily convinced Maki, you thought, missing your best friend dearly.
“What’s with the long face?” Kugisaki interjected, sitting next to you on the benches, watching Maki kick Panda's butt. “Nobody wants to get Matcha with me,” you pouted. Kugisaki’s brain starts working, but before she can offer to go with you, a male voice interrupts, “I'll go with you,” Fushiguro beats her to it.
"Really? You don't have to," you replied.
“Nonsense, we're friends, right? I enjoy spending time with you; you're better company than all these clowns,” he says, and you barely caught the rest after "friends."
Okay, that hurt a little. Your mind raced with a flurry of thoughts as you studied Megumi's expression. Of course, he doesn’t see you as more than a friend; he's so cool, and you're... well, just you. Why is he staring? Why is no one talking? Oh yeah, right, “Sorry, yes, we are. So, see you at five at the entrance?” you blurted out, snatching your backpack filled with clothes and some of Maki's weapons before rushing off, "Bye."
“What if I don’t go?” you contemplated twenty minutes before your scheduled friends date with Fushiguro.
“He didn’t do anything wrong. How is he supposed to know you want more than friendship?” Maki questioned, resting on your bed.
"Whose side are you on?" you retorted.
"Yours, but let's be real, you're being a tad irrational. Slip on the blue skirt and just go."
Megumi Fushiguro wasn't quite sure why he arrived early, but he felt an inexplicable urge to see you sooner; waiting longer was out of the question. And it was worth it, seeing you in that blue mini skirt and oversized sweater, a shy smile gracing your face as you spotted him. You looked even cuter than usual, he considered.
“Ready?" he questioned.
"Yeah, let's go," you affirmed, beginning to walk alongside him towards the coffee shop.
The café bustled with activity; it seemed like everyone had the same Matcha cravings as you did. Navigating through the crowd to reach the cashier proved challenging, but you preferred the subtle movements over pushing people or raising your voice to get through.
You were focus on not inconveniencing anyone when two hands settled comfortably on your waist, guiding you forward and providing a shield against the bustling bodies.
You held your breath; even through the layers of your sweater, you could feel the warmth emanating from Megumi’s hands. Finally reaching the cashier, he removed one hand, leaving the other on your lower back. "Hey there, what can I get you?" the cashier's words snap you back to reality.
“Uhm...” damn it, did you forget how to talk?
"One Matcha latte and one black coffee to go, please" Megumi says watching you struggling.
"Sure thing, regular milk?" you shook your head in disagreement. "Almond milk, please," you requested. The cashier nodded, and before Megumi could reach his wallet, you’ve already paid.
“That’s not fair,” he complains; you had to get your eyes checked because you thought you saw him pout.
“It’s fine, don’t worry; you always pay” you reassured him, moving towards the other end of the counter, Megumi's hand still lingering on your back.
"Hey, Megumi," a girl called out from the opposite side of the counter. She was strikingly pretty, flashing a wide smile at Megumi, her attention fully captivated by him until she noticed you a moment later. "Oh, sorry, hi," she acknowledged you, then shifted her gaze back to Megumi, noting his proximity to you, and her smile faltered slightly.
"Hey, Katsuki" he greeted back.
"You haven’t been around lately as usual" Katsuki remarked.
“Yeah, been busy with school stuff," he explained, his free hand casually brushing his neck.
"You haven’t replied to my texts either" you felt like an intruder in a conversation you shouldn’t be in.
“Sorry, it has been crazy lately,” he apologizes. Another employee calls for your names, and you swiftly grabbed your drinks, offering him his coffee.
"I'll wait outside if you need a moment," you informed him.
"No, it’s fine," he says to you, moving his hand to find yours. "Sorry, Katsuki, I swear I’ll text you back tonight. Take care," he says, guiding you through the crowd.
Outside the café, silence lingered for a moment. "A bit overwhelming with the crowd for you, huh? Feeling overstimulated?" he teases, smiling, to which you nodded. "Let’s go, I know a spot you'll love." He took your hand again, and a surge of electricity seemed to buzz between your palms. If he felt it, he didn’t mention it.
It had been week’s full of mixed emotions; you had countless questions swirling in your mind, but for now, you chose to give in the comforting and welcoming presence of Megumi Fushiguro.
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urdepressedslut · 10 months
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main masterlist
♡fluff ✦angst ❀possibly triggering ☻smut ✰series ✘dark
🔥over 1k notes to be added to a taglist
* You are responsible for your media consumption. Please do not proceed reading, if you have any kind of problem with any of the above written warnings.
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One Shots
🔥 Tickle Fights ♡☻
→ Bucky discovers you’re ticklish, leading to a tickle fight which shifts into something not so innocent. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
🔥 Just Like That ☻
→ While you two were supposed to be repairing Sam’s boat, you end up giving Bucky head instead. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
🔥 Let Me Take Care of You ♡☻✦❀
→ Bucky is no virgin, but it’s been so long since someone’s touched him the way you do. He didn’t know you could make him feel so good— he’s addicted. (Beefy!Bucky Barnes)
🔥 Lovesick ♡✦❀
→ Bucky is so in love with you it hurts, and he doesn’t know if he can keep his feelings locked away from you anymore. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
🔥 I Get Scared Too ♡✦
→ You have a close call during a mission, and back at the compound Bucky seems to be distant and cold towards you. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Feels So Right | part two ♡☻
→ You’re so sexually frustrated you end up asking your dad’s best friend for advice. He’s more than happy to help you with your little problem. (Dbf!Bucky Barnes)
Birthday Blues ♡✦❀
→ It’s your birthday, and unfortunately you seem to be going through the birthday blues. Sam and Bucky won’t let you be upset on your special day, which leads to Bucky revealing his feelings for you. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Tears of an Angel | part two ♡✦❀
→ You’ve been trapped at HYDRA for god knows how long, until the cell next to yours gets someone new. Who is this man, and why is he comforting you? He doesn’t even know you. (The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes x Prisoner!Reader)
🔥 Love Hurts ♡✦❀
→ You and Bucky get into a heated argument, things are said and done and now he won’t speak to you. You don’t think you can handle him ignoring your existence. (Beefy!Bucky Barnes)
The Collection ♡✦
→ Bucky arrives home and panics when he notices you calling for him from your room, but upon entering— he realizes what you have been getting yourself into. (tfatws!Bucky Barnes)
Tragedy ♡✦❀
→ A new shapeshifter recruit has a hard time adjusting to the team, she feels out of place. Bucky knows what it's like to be the outsider and fight to have control, so he comforts her. (Platonic!Avengers!Bucky Barnes)
Off Day ♡✦❀
→ Bucky helps comfort you after you’ve had a bad day. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Void ♡✦❀
→ Working as a nurse at HYDRA, you find yourself intervening when you catch Alexander Pierce striking The Asset. You don’t even know this man, but you can’t just stand and watch him be beat down. (The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes x Hydra!Reader)
You Could Never Hurt Me ♡✦❀
→ Bucky realizes what he’s done to you after an episode, and starts to doubt if he deserves to be with you. (cw!bucky barnes)
I Wanna Be Yours ♡✦❀
→ You were childhood friends with Steve and Bucky. You had always had a small crush on Bucky. But now as you’re older, you realize that harboring a crush on Bucky is hard. Especially watching him flirt with girls that aren’t you. (40's!bucky barnes)
More Than Friends ♡✦
→ You are eager to help Bucky prepare for a date, but he would rather stay home with you. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Protect Me ♡✦❀
→ With Zemo hanging around, you begin to feel very protective over Bucky. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Out of My Control ♡✦❀
→ You awake in the middle of the night discovering that your water broke, you realize you’re having a baby— the only issue is that it’s several months early. Your hospital room gets tense as you and Bucky come to terms with the big changes. (Mob!bucky barnes)
Cuddles ♡✦
→ Bucky comforts you when you have bad period cramps. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Beauty and the Bucky ♡✦❀ (Beauty and the Beast!Au)
→ In search of your missing Father, you discover a castle far into the untouched forest. After knocking and no answer, you find the doors unlocked and venture inside. But beware— it might not be your Father you find inside. (Beast!bucky barnes x beauty!reader)
🔥 Stray (masterlist)
→ Just hours after the events in DC, you find The Winter Soldier unconscious, leaning against a gravestone in a cemetery near your home. Being sheltered you don't recognize who he is, and you care for him. (The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes)
🔥 You're Mine, Sunshine (masterlist)
→ Bucky gets picked by a very rich and respected man to be his daughter’s personal bodyguard. The Father warns him that it won’t be an easy job, that she is a brat and difficult to deal with. But what happens when Bucky meets you and you’re the complete opposite? (Grumpy!Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Reader)
All I Know (masterlist)
→ Takes place right after the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bucky hides out in Bucharest. Without being controlled by HYDRA, he starts to receive flickers of memories. Who is this girl he keeps remembering? (cw!Bucky Barnes x OC!Fem!Reader)
The Girl and Her Golden Boys (masterlist)
→ A story of your life with your two best friends. Life was never simple for the three of you, and you didn’t care where you’d end up as long as it was together. How long can you all stay together until life will force you all apart? Will the strength of your bond be enough? (40's!Bucky Barnes/40's!Steve Rogers)
Love Me to Death (masterlist)
→ The avengers compound receives a new recruit. She’s a siren who can make anyone fall deathly in love with her with one word. Bucky immediately takes interest in her as he discovers she’s mute, for good reason of course. (Avengers!Bucky Barnes)
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unholyhelbig · 2 months
I have a request as I see they are open! I enjoyed the last Oversight AU! Could I request a one shot of Kate’s imitation / first meeting with Natasha? And maybe go into the specifics of the Eli situation? I love to see the badass protective side of Natasha!
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Title: Dig Your Own Shallow Grave [An Oversight Oneshot]
Ship: Female!Reader x Natasha Romanoff (Technically, this is one part of a bigger story)
Summary: Kate Bishop is known as the ex-heiress that was welcomed into Natasha's fold long before you. You learn pieces about her everyday, but never the full story. Not until today.
Warnings(PLEASE READ): physical violence, handcuffs, thunderstorms, threats, mentions of death, mentions of jail, incarceration, cheating, toxic relationship dynamic, gaslighting, emotional manipulation, horrible grammar
[a/n: This one is different! I don't know anything about the Elijah that's portrayed in the MCU, just the Young Avengers Eli and I can't stand the dude.]
Check out the full Oversight universe
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
The large leaden handcuffs seemed like an unnecessary and overzealous precaution to Natasha Romanoff. They rattled as if the young girl was nothing more than a ghost of Christmas past. They were sinched at her waist, both hands balled into fists until her knuckles were a sickly shade of white.
There was red around her eyes, making a charcoal gray hiss into something muddy and sad. There was a flash of confusion and then disgust that fell over her features when she caught a glimpse of herself in the large two-way mirror that stood parallel.
Natasha turned in her seat, made eye contact with the guard. They had a silent understanding. The cameras that were situated at the corners of the room had been shut off- technical difficulties, they would say.
She collapsed into the chair adjacent to Natasha, never taking her eyes away from the only other distraction in the room. The chain connecting her cuffs were bolted to a hook in the table, but her feet were left free. Unless she was an Olympic swimmer, which she wasn’t, that would be no problem.
The guard nodded before he left them in the room and locked the door behind him. The mechanism in the metal door was loud and sighed with age when turned. The light above them swung back and forth within its cage. A circle of yellow enveloped them both.
Her hair was unkempt, nearly feral. They must have kept her separate from the other prisoners but that didn’t ease her tossing and turning under the fluorescent lights. Natasha had been in holding cells, she’d been stripped of her clothes for testing, and her dignity for much less. Something inside of her broke for this girl. This heiress.
“Who are you?”
It was clear that her voice had gone unused for at least a day, maybe more. She shivered and shrunk into herself at the sound of it. Natasha’s features softened ,that break in her soul cracking just a little further. Her file said she was twenty-two, but the girl in front of her was nothing more than a scared child.
“The woman who is getting you out of here.”
“Please don’t talk in riddles,” She moved to press her fingers against her temples. Her hands were pulled back viciously by her binds. “That’s all my mother does. Did. She talks in circles until I’m too confused to find the start.”
“I suppose that’s fair. You’re Eleanors daughter. Katherine?”
“Kate, but yeah. I’m her daughter.”
It was said with so much bitterness. They weren’t being held at the same facility. Kate was in a deep blue shirt made out of something that was less like fabric and more like paper. She wore the pants to match, her clothes being tested for gunpowder residue.
Eleanor was in a large brick jail in an orange jumpsuit. Natasha had considered going to her but found much more interest in her daughter; the one brave enough to stand up against Wilson Fisk and his incredible size. Bishop took King and destroyed a good amount of property in her district in the process. She’d have to pay thousands to get the folded storefront fixed.
“My name is Natasha Romanoff.”
The sentence was simple and conjured fear. She could see the look in Kate’s face. The girl threw her back against the metal chair, and it screeched from the force. “Why are you here?”
“You smashed my window, and a few displays, and I’m pretty sure you set off an explosive.”
“I’ll pay for it.”
“With what, Kate?”
She paled at this. It was apparent that not only had her assets been frozen, but her mother’s as well. They barely had enough to cover legal fees, much less cosmetics that suffered the aftershock of the blow. She sighed and stared at the cold metal table. It was too scratched to show her reflection.
“I didn’t come here to make you feel bad, Kate. Calling law enforcement on your own mother is a ballsy thing to do. It also makes you a snitch. If you get charged, if you get locked up, it’s not something you’ll make it out of.”
“I know that.” She whipped her head up, eyes hard with anger. They softened after just a moment, to something scared. “I know.”
A silence fell over them both, one that Natasha let settle heavily on her chest. Kate was a spitfire, she was a spoiled girl who had a moment of clarity and turned her mother into law enforcement. She was regretting that now, shivering into herself, having to wait until after the holidays until anything could move from the stone it was trapped in.
Natasha had influence with the guards, and with the chief of police in this district. They had an understanding, and she fully intended to walk out of here with Kate Bishop under her wing. Not for free, of course. Natasha was charitable, but even her good deeds stretched so far.
“I’ve already paid your bail and they’re more than happy to release you into my custody.”
She scoffed “Your custody? I’m an adult.”
“You might be an adult, but you’re one without money, without a home, and I’m guessing everyone that’s still alive and free in your life isn’t too keen on taking you in.”
“Fuck you.”
“Okay,” Natasha said in a breath, staring hard at the girl across from her. She looked so washed out under the harsh lights of the room. Despite her anger, her poisonous words, she reminded Natasha of a dog that broke free from her leash and had almost too much freedom to handle.
The woman stood, her chair sliding elegantly compared to the horrid noise that Kate’s had produced. Natasha moved to pull on her coat, covering the deceivingly hard muscles in her arms. Kate had pretended not to stare; but it was fruitless. All she could think about was what those hands had done, what they could do.
Of course, she felt some veil of safety with the cameras being here. Surely, someone would come in and pull Natasha back the second she started to advance on her, if she started to advance. The distance between them was closed and she sat on the edge of the table. Kate pushed herself flat against the back of the chair.
 Natasha didn’t do well with being told ‘no’. She also didn’t do well with expletives directed towards her instead of because of her. Natasha’s slender hand wrapped around the cold chain attached to Kate’s wrists, she pulled forward and Kate’s sore ribs collided with the edge of the table. She let out a dissatisfied grunt.
She grabbed the back of Kate’s head and slammed her cheek against the cold surface with a dull thud. Natasha didn’t’ let up on her weight, instead, she held her in the perfect position to maintain control.
“Here’s how this is going to work,” Natasha knelt down, making eye contact with Kate. She pushed against the hold, but Natasha had the leverage. Kate flexed her fingers, still in chains. “You destroyed my storefront, and while I toyed with the idea of killing you for that alone, you’ve impressed me.”
“I’ve impressed you?”
Her words were smushed, drool pooling from her lips. It was almost comical, but Natasha pushed harder on the back of her neck, making her cry out. “I’m talking. When I’m talking, you’re not.”
She was met with silence and figured that was as good as she was going to get with this one. Her spit-fire reminded her a bit of Clint when he was younger. It made Natasha gravitate towards him, but this girl had a lot more to learn than her closest friend.
“You’re a spoiled little brat who crumbled one of the oldest clocktowers in the city. The habit didn’t’ seem to improve when your mother cut off your credit cards and that’s a dangerous thing. Getting the shit kicked out of you in jail might serve you well. So, by all means, you can try your luck, or you can follow me out of here so I can correct your behavior.”
Kate swallowed hard, but she didn’t’ say anything. Natasha’s first lesson seemed to be sinking in. After a few moments, she released the girl who sprang up like a jack in the box. She was giving Natasha the same look that she was used to, one of absolute fear. Her face was red and when she moved to wipe her chin of drool, she was stopped once again by her chains.
Natasha took pity on her, for just a moment, and used her thumb to ebb away the line of spit. Kate knew better than to pull back, instead she looked up at Natasha like a kicked puppy, making a small noise in the back of her throat.
“Anyone who stands up to Wilson Fisk is too valuable to kill for some property damage. But let me be clear, Kate, this is not a get-out of jail free card. You work for me. You belong to me. And we’re going to fix that attitude of yours.”
He had moved to the city during Kate’s senior year and wasn’t much for talking. Eli Bradley was as mysterious as they came. He was lanky and had deep brown eyes that were so dark they were nearly black in color. Eli wore a gold hoop in one ear, and while Kate would usually find something like that off-putting, it worked on Eli.
She played cello in the orchestra, first chair with pride, and he was modest with a viola. She made a point to make eye contact with him at least once a day, and eventually he started to return her small smiles. She thought the subtle way his lip quirked up at the corner was nothing but endearing.
In early October of that year, when the air was still crisp but not exactly cold, Kate had sat in the courtyard until the sun threatened to dip behind the horizon. She was avoiding going home to get ready for a party her mother was hosting and had worked it out so she could take the last bus uptown.
“Isn’t it a little dangerous for a pretty girl like you to be out here all alone? It’s getting dark.”
Kate frowned, but quickly retracted the expression when she made out the form of Eli Bradley and the silhouette of his viola case. It hung at his side like a briefcase filled with important papers. Instead, she hiked herself forward and leaned her elbows against her knees. He’d never spoken to her before.
“I’m a 9th degree red belt in Jiu Jitsu, and I have pepper spray. I think I’ll be fine.”
“Impressive,” Eli grinned “I guess it would be pointless to walk you home then, Kate Bishop.”
“I think I can make an exception, Eli Bradley.”
Kate did find herself making exceptions for Eli Bradley over the next few months. She would let him order for her, even if she didn’t find the dish he chose at all appetizing. She had to gently remind him that she was, in fact, allergic to shellfish and if she ate the pasta he insisted on she’d need an epi-pen.
He made up for it by being a gentleman and opening the car door for her when they pulled up to said restaurant.
Kate stepped behind Eli one winter evening when it was the type of dark outside that breeds bad behavior. A woman in a hoodie stepped out from an alleyway, twitching and with a wild look in her eyes. Kate could have easily disarmed her, could have gotten her someplace warm. Eli had delivered a hit to the stomach and pulled Kate along. It was a blur. But she’d never felt fear- just regret.
He made up for it by holding her tight that night, his warmth and sturdiness eventually lulled her to sleep and convinced her that maybe she could live with herself. Maybe she could live with Eli.
Clint Barton glowered at her over his bowl of cereal. Natasha didn’t know if it was some sort of interrogation technique, but it even made her uncomfortable. It was much too early in the morning and Kate’s wrists were still an ugly purple from how tight her cuffs had been. Natasha may have pulled a bit too hard, aggravating the already raw area.
“Your cheerios are going to get soggy,” Yelena entered the kitchen in a pair of plaid pajama bottoms, scratching the exposed skin of her stomach with a stifled yawn. She stopped for just a moment to regard Kate, who sat up with a rim-rod quickness. “You always dump them down the sink and it makes the drain smell.”
Clint looked towards Natasha for help. She shrugged, adjusting the reading glasses on the bridge of her nose. She had pulled the paper in this morning and was very careful to remove the front page story of Kate’s mother and her set trial date. She may be cruel in some aspects, but psychological torture was Yelena’s department.
“Who is this?” Yelena asked, voice muffled by the chill of the refrigerator.
“This is Kate. She’ll be here for a while, and if she behaves well enough, she’ll be here longer than that. I expect both of you to regard her well and teach her everything you know.” Natasha took a sip of her steaming black coffee. “Hand to hand combat should not be an issue, isn’t that right, Kate?”
Kate waited a moment, remembering the sting of the table against her cheek. Natasha had asked her a question so it was okay to answer, right? It must be. She had a tendency to not stop talking once she started but it was clear from the prying eyes in the room that she was expected to reply.
“Yes,” She found her voice easier than she had in the jail. “I’m advanced in Jiu Jitsu, hand-to-hand combat, fencing, sword fighting, archery, kick-boxing. Once I used a set of staves from this really nice woman named Bobbi…”
She trailed off when she realized Clint had stopped fishing for the last cheerio and Yelena had cracked open a bottle of juice like she was snapping the neck of a small animal. Her cheeks turned a bright pink, and she averted her gaze.
Natasha smiled softly and took another long sip of her drink. The blonde woman, the one with the chiseled jaw and the striking green eyes, let out a hum. Her stare raked up and down Kate’s form, even while she was shrinking into herself.
“I will train her.”
“That’s not an option, Yel. I want to utilize her, not kill her.”
Kate’s head shot up at the word. She caught Clint’s stare, and he gave her a dejected shrug before pushing the little life-raft of a cheerio under the milk once more. He had no interest in eating it, just drowning it.
Yelena was smiling wolfishly, lilting her head to the side like it was the most innocent thing in the world. “Kill her? Sister, I would never. She’s clearly an asset. If you let Clint train her then she’ll be regressing.”
Kate watched the tension bounce back and forth between the two like a sadistic game of ping-pong. Yelena had just hit the little orange ball with enough force and trajectory to burn a hole directly through Natasha’s paddle.
She’d never dream of pushing Natasha in the slightest, much-less the way that Yelena did right now. Her body language was relaxed and quiet. The two of them stared at each other, and the newspaper was folded, discarded in favor of the stand-off.
“I will not kill her,” Yelena reassured, yet somehow, Kate hadn’t been assured the first time, nor the second time. “Give me a chance.”
Susan Bishop had a harder stare than Eleanor. She had inherited it from her, Kate was sure, but knew how to work it like a double-edged blade. Rarely would she look at Kate. Even rarer so was the two of them being in the same place for more than six minutes at a time.
Kate had her eyes downcast, pretending to read the same paragraph of the same book over and over again. Once she felt the sharp stare of her older sister on the side of her face, it shown brighter than the sun above them.
She’d been stretched out on a poolside chair, just enjoying the pungent scent of chlorine and the occasional low hum of a car passing their large home. It was too chilly for her to actually swim, but she had a fuchsia bathing suit under her long-sleeve shirt and jeans nonetheless.
Susan had settled into the seat next to her and let out a deep sigh as she typed quickly on her cellphone. Kate had cast her a sidelong glance, but quickly pretended to lose interest. They were going back and forth like this for a long, pregnant moment.
Eventually, Susan sighed and softly closed the book in Kate’s hand, not regarding the page that she was on. Kate didn’t mind much. Her older sister never did anything softly. Kate’s heart thrummed in her chest when their eyes met.
“Hi?” Kate cautioned.
“Hi. We need to talk.”
“What do you want?” There wasn’t anything Kate had that Susan didn’t. Hell- she could ask Eleanor for anything and would instantly get it. There were no rules for the eldest, responsible, child. All of that strangling focus was on Kate.
“I don’t want anything. I just want to talk. Sister to sister.”
“Right… sister to sister.”
“You need to break up with Eli.”
The statement through Kate back. It was like Susan had kicked her directly in the diaphragm. The oxygen in her lungs deflated and she stared at her sister in disbelief. Then in startled rage. What did right did Susan have to meddle in her relationship like this?
Kate wanted to tell her just that, but nothing came out except for the last squeeze of air that could be interpreted as a noise of discontent, but Susan never was good at reading signals and Kate needed a fleeting second to catch her train of thought after it had been so violently derailed.
“I get the appeal of the student athlete, I’ve had plenty of them myself, but Eli is not the man for you. You can do better.”
“Seriously? Is this mom speaking or you?”
“This is all me, sweetie.” She didn’t’ say it in a condescending way. In fact- Susan actually reached out and gently touched Kate’s bare arm. She tensed under her, but the hand wasn’t removed. Not even when dark grey eyes looked at her incredulously. “I don’t like the way he changes you.”
“Changes me? You think Eli changes me?”
“I think he makes you shrink and Bishop women are never meant to shrink.”
“That’s all mom has ever done.” Kate bit back venomously.
“Wrong. Mother has full control over Father, she just makes him think that he doesn’t. She’s the decision maker and if she has to keep a hand on his shoulder to do that, then so be it. The world listens to men, and looks at women. It’s how society is. But Eli? He’s binding your hands, not taking them.”
Kate shoved Susan’s hand from her arm and placed both feet on the ground. She didn’t have to listen to this… this practical stranger. Susan didn’t’ know what she was talking about, and neither did Eleanor. They were both ignorant to the way she felt about Eli and the way Eli felt about her. He wanted to the best for her.
Sometimes- she just had to remind him that she was allergic to shellfish.
“Thank you for your concern, but I’m fine.” She gritted before standing. She disregarded her book, not that interested anyway, and began walking to the patio doors. Tears had started to sting her eyes. First out of sadness, and then maybe a mix of malice.
“He’s cheating on you.”
Susan said it so softly that could pretend she hadn’t heard it. The water filter for the pool was loud enough to drown out the statement. But she’d stopped with one foot on the bottom step of the patio and the other planted firmly on solid cement. Her nails dug stinging half-crescents into palm.
“You’re wrong.”
“Ask him.”
“I won’t,” She turned, pointing an accusatory finger at her. “Because I trust Eli. Maybe you could grant the same to me.”
Her childhood home held onto the darkness like a vice. A place that was once so maintained and bright was past falling into lawn decay. The pristine shrubbery had springing curls of foliage and the grass hadn’t been painted like her father insisted upon each year.
The structure stood strong, only a few months and some change abandoned. A small strip of tape on the mahogany door was the only indication that this had been an active crime scene at one point. The FBI had taped an order against it before they shattered the wood with a battering ram and raided the home.
Kate hadn’t been back since. She’d been living out of her Aunt Mira’s apartment and wearing her eccentric clothing. But the elder woman would be back soon and eventually she would need to get her own belongings back. If she didn’t, then squatters would when they realized just how vacant the home really was.
Yelena let out a low whistle as she peered up at the home, as if they didn’t live in one with the same amount of wealth. Even the tone she produced sent shivers down Kate’s spine. It had been four months since that day in the precinct.
Each day was spent from dawn to dusk in Yelena’s presence, and it never became easier for Kate. She was a bumbling and incompetent mess around the woman but had grown some kind of comfort in her presence. Kate no longer believed she was in danger at her hand specifically.
That didn’t’ mean that her body didn’t ache from the constant hell that Yelena had been putting her through to put her in ‘the peak performance state- Kate Bishop’. Yelena only said her first name and barked it at her if her pace lessened on one of their multiple-mile runs, or grueling weight training sessions.
Kate didn’t want to admit that she was entranced by the tone of Yelena’s muscles. She chalked it up to admiration, because that’s all it was. Admiration. And a bit of resentment. But Kate’s chest puffed out proudly when she noticed the way her own body began to change under Yelena’s tutelage. Enough that she was ready to go back to her old home for some closure, for some clothes.
Natasha shoved her keys into her pocket and fell in line on Kate’s right side. She peered up at the expertly crafted wood. It had begun to chip. Kate thought that was ironic; it had always been so pristine, but the more she thought about it, she’d often duck under a ladder to step into the foyer.
Bad luck all around, and a simple patch job that would crumble if not properly cared for.
“We can just buy you new clothes,” Natasha urged in that flittingly careful way that made Kate know she really did give a damn, but not if you asked. “You don’t have to go in there.”
“And add to the debt I already owe you for busting me out of jail?”
“I think she has to do this.” Yelena said firmly.
She was right. Kate had to do this. She was always handed everything in life so easily and it made her reckless, but far from undisciplined. It just took Natasha slamming her face against the cold metal of an unclean table for her to get some sense knocked back into her.
Kate had called the police on her mother. She’d done it after the knowledge of crimes committed festered and grew in her mind. It bred resentment in her mind until she came face to face with the fact that she wasn’t putting her mom away, she was putting a monster away.
Stepping through these doors would humanize her and it would cut Kate deep enough to draw blood. But then, she felt Yelena’s fingers on the small of her back. A light touch that was telling Kate that she wasn’t as alone as she thought she was.
The door let out a whine of protest when she pushed it open. They were met with a stale scent and a soft glow that ruminated from what Kate knew best as the living area. There was a grand piano that was mostly untouched, and large oak bookshelves that had multiple editions of old encyclopedias bound in leather.
She and Susan used to flip through them and try to pronounce the words by phonic spelling. They’d trace their little fingers over the inked illustrations and giggle if they had found something even remotely obscene. She remembers the word ‘Dam’ making them laugh until they couldn’t breathe.
Natasha’s hand darted out and pressed against Kate’s mid-section. Her other one grabbed the gun from the back of her pants. She shot the girl a sideways glance. “You left that on?” she mouthed.
Kate shook her head, her fingers itching for her own weapon. She didn’t have one. While Kate was an expert at professional archery and her aim wasn’t in question by anyone in the room- her familiarity with handguns with the serial number scratched off was minute. Yelena had pulled her own weapon, jaw firm.
Maybe squatters had broken in, and if they had, she’d gladly allow them to have the place. She just needed to stuff a duffel bag full of items and the small sentimental necklace she had gotten from her father as a child, and then she would be on her merry way.
Natasha stepped around the corner and raised her gun, screaming something that was drowned out by the startled yells of another. Kate recognized that yell, that rasp. She frowned, letting the tension in her shoulders drop before she got a good look at the living room herself.
It was incredibly lived in and lit by a single lamp that had it’s shade discarded. It was blinding and left spots in her eyes, but not enough to disregard the box of white sticky rice that had spilled all over the floor like maggots.
There was a makeshift bed on the couch and a few of those encyclopedias strewn about as if they were bedtime reading. In the center of it all; Eli Bradley with his hands up and a fork between his lips. His mouth dropped open and it fell to the floor with a dull thud.
He was shirtless, in a pair of boxers that Kate was pretty sure was her fathers. She was thankful she hadn’t eaten before this because the simple fact was enough to make her gag.
“Elijah?” She exclaimed.
“You know this guy?” Yelena asked, voice tight. She lowered her weapon, but Natasha kept hers in the same position it was before, trained right at his genitals and ready to shoot at a moments notice.
Kate wished with her entire body that she didn’t. His boxers held his athletic thighs, his deep brown eyes flashing to the guns aimed at him. Yelena was never a patient woman but somehow, in this moment, Kate knew deep down that she would be patient here. Her mouth was dry and her throat like sandpaper. It was incredibly hard to swallow.
“I’m her boyfriend.” Eli sounded out, his fingers twitching “I have a key.”
Yelena looked at Kate with pleading eyes, to which she received a nod in return. Kate supposed she hadn’t officially broken up with the man in front of her. The aimed weapons were lowered to the floor, but Natasha kept her hold. One false move and she wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet through his bare foot.
“Yel, idi soberi yey sumku.”
Kate didn’t understand a lick of Russian, but she knew that Natasha’s tone was not to be questioned. Yelena holstered her weapon and slinked up the stairs. She’d be able to guess which room was Kate’s. The trophies and medals and photos tacked up to bulletin boards. It was the only room Kate was allowed to personalize, and even then, it was meant to be spotless.
Natasha must have caught onto the tension in Kate’s stance. She shoved her hands into her pockets, shoulders hunched and eyes submissive. It wasn’t something she wanted to see in her young trainee.
It wasn’t at all the woman that sat across from her in an interrogation room. Not even with her face her neck in Natasha’s grip. Something was wrong, and it was something stronger than Kate being back in her childhood home. That warranted sadness. But compliance? Absolutely not.
“Katie, baby. Who is this?” Eli asked. “Come on, you can tell me.”
When Kate opened her mouth to speak, Natasha held up a hand, instantly silencing her. The woman lilted her head to the side, unripe eyes taking in the scene in front of her; the discarded take-out containers, the balled-up socks in the corner of the room. The rain that had begun to pound against the roof and slather itself across windowpanes.
Natasha’s voice came out as a snarl “I’d love to introduce myself, but first, could you ask your little friend to come out from behind the curtains?”
Kate’s stare hardened and she whipped her head up accusingly. Still, she didn’t say a word. The wine-red Versailles fabric shifted; the view blocked by the grand piano but not enough for Natasha to ignore. Kate’s mother had spent hours looking over Swatches that would fit the room, and eventually chose the option that brought the room into a gothic elegance.
Kate didn’t need to wait to know who it was. Cassie Lang. Best friend, confidant, and exactly who Kate caught in bed with Elijah weeks before. But this was different. This was her home. It had already been violated by law enforcement. Torn apart just for two of her friends, people she trusted and loved, to take advantage of its vacancy.
“That’s better,” Natasha purred. Cassie was shaking because of the cold, wearing only a silk robe that belonged to Kate’s sister. “Now, let’s all have a chat.”
 “Kate, Katie, it’s not what it looks like. Just… tell your friends to leave and I’ll explain everything.”
Eli attempted to step towards her, hands no longer raised in caution but reaching towards Kate. Natasha felt a surge of anger lick against her skin. She stepped between them, splaying her hand out on his chest before shoving him recklessly onto the center of the couch.
He sprung back onto his feet, voice dripping in venom “Back off lady! I’m trying to talk to my girlfriend here!”
Natasha let out a sigh and crossed her arms over her chest before turning her gaze to Kate. Something about this situation was juvenile, but so important. Though she only had the girl under her care for a few weeks now, she felt nothing but warmth towards her.
She’d mislabeled her as a rich, undisciplined trust fund baby. Natasha didn’t’ often admit her mistakes but that had been one that weighed heavily on her. Sure, Katherine Bishop had a bit of an incorrigible sass to her, but it wasn’t unwarranted. Her boasting was backed up by actions true to her words. Strong, determined, actions.
Natasha hated how she was shrinking. Hated how this man had chipped away at her until she was hugging her mid-section to stop the thrumming pain of betrayal. She couldn’t’ find the words, they were lodged in her throat. There was the strong suspicion that if she hadn’t sent Yelena away, they’d be scrubbing blood from an imported carpet.
Something tole Natasha that Kate never got a choice in this relationship, and she wasn’t about to continue the toxic pattern that had led to her demure state.
 “Ketrin,” Natasha’s voice was soaked with her native tongue “Would you like me to take care of this?”
She opened her mouth and then closed it again, almost like a fish. Words escaped her. Natasha’s soft exhale brought her back to the room. Everything was fuzzy around the edges and reminded her of the first time she had pushed herself too hard in competition. She never lost consciousness but came close to it.
Yelena had successfully pilfered a duffel bag, having removed the sabers that resided there and filled it with whatever clothes she could find. Kate felt her stomach flip at the naive idea that the Russian woman had gone through her underwear drawer.
She flicked her eyes back to Eli, his chest heaving up and down as he eyed the gun still in Natasha’s grasp. Cassie was still like a statue, rubbing her palms on the silk fabric of her robe. She had the decency to look guilty.
“Take care of it.”
The words were barely more than a hurt whisper. She didn’t trust herself right now, not with the sharp pain that coursed through her veins. Tears had stung her eyes in the back of the detective’s car, but she didn’t know if that was on account of Eli or Eleanor.
Kate silently excused herself as the silence that settled over the room became thicker, palpable. Yelena’s deep stare was on Kate in a way that made her squirm. But she remained at the head of the stairs, even stepping to the side when Kate began to trek to a room that had already been rifled through. There was an unspoken agreement. Natasha would take care of it.
 “What’s your name?” she asked, directing the question towards the girl.
“Cassie.” Elijah answered.
Natasha held her hand up to him again, fingers barely ghosting his shoulder. He shivered at the near touch but snapped his mouth shut. “I wasn’t asking you. I was asking her. Sweetie?”
“It’s Cassie… Cassie Lang.”
“Okay, Cassie.” She kept her voice soft, cajoling. “I want you to go home and get some rest. And under no circumstance are you going to call law enforcement. I’ll be informed immediately if you do so. Do you understand?”
She nodded frantically, keeping her head down as she moved to smooth past Natasha. The woman grabbed her sleeve, holding her in place for just a moment. She was so close she could smell the sex on her, see the sweat against her brow and the fear in her stare.
“Sweetheart. I suggest you learn to keep better company.”
Cassie let out a squeak that almost bled into a whine before taking advantage of Natasha’s loose hold. She darted with a quickness unseen, the door slamming behind her, the roar of the rain hissing to a muffled stop.
“And you?”
“What about me?” Elijah asked in a nauseatingly confident way.  
Natasha let out a long sigh and studied him. Everything from the way he stood to the faux dog tags that hung against his chest bled fury. This was exactly the type of man that would attract someone like Kate with a level of badger-like charm before clamping his jaw down on her throat.
Thankfully, Kate’s mother had fantastic taste in artwork. A bronze Clyde Ball piece lingered by the entryway. While he was known for his extensive statue work and abstract designs, Natasha liked that he used a heavier metal, one with a base that was easily grasped.
With a sly swing of the hand she connected the corner of the object with Eli’s temple. A flash of blood instantly stained his skin and splayed against the floor when he collapsed. Natasha dropped the artwork next to him. She let out a hum, figuring that a Clyde Ball may be worth purchasing after all.  
His truck had kicked up a rut in the normally spotless lawn. Eli had barely missed the mailbox with his erratic driving- which was bold considering the amount of unmarked and marked police vehicles that encircled Kate’s property.
Kate was sitting on the front steps, the concrete cold and unwelcome against the small of her back. They’d handcuffed her and her fingers were numb. Still, she flexed them when the commotion caught her attention. They didn’t’ bother with police tape, but a man in a wrinkled suit stopped Eli.
It took her a few long moments to realize that Cassie was in the passenger seat of the truck. She made eye contact with Kate, a look of sorrow forcing her to glance away. She was wearing Eli’s lettered jacket and naively, Kate convinced herself for a fleeting moment it had something to do with the busted heating vents in the old vehicle.
She knew better.
She’d smelled Eli’s specific spicy brand of cologne and deodorant on Cassie the last time they embraced. His lips tasted of the bubblegum ChapStick that Cassie had worn everyday since the six grade when Kate landed on her during a game of spin the bottle. Admittedly, she felt more during that kiss than anything she’d ever shared with Eli.
Kate adjusted her shoulder against the hold of the cuffs. They were uncomfortable, digging into her wrists. Even if she wanted to break out of them, she couldn’t. She was a nervous fidgeter and Elijah was using some degree of charm to weasel his way past the officer blocking him. Just as he’d weaseled his way into Cassie’s pants.
“Oh my god, Katie.” He rushed out when he got to her, kneeling down on the damp sidewalk. It was unnaturally cold and they hadn’t let Kate pull on a jacket over the tank top she wore for her morning run. His hands ran down her thighs and squeezed her knees. “Fuck, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
Kate’s stare brushed past Elijah blankly and to the fogging up window of his truck. If Cassie hadn’t already been wearing his jacket, she was sure he’d offer it to her, an offer she would vehemently deny. All of his charm, his commanding power, had been washed away with her mothers as she ducked her head and settled into the back of a squad car. One that probably had heat.
“Jesus, I heard that this place was swarming with cops. What did you do?”
“What did you?”
“I don’t… Katie, babe, come on.” He glanced back at the car and when he turned to face Kate once more, their eyes locked. He didn’t’ need to say anything and neither did she. “It’s not what it looks like.”
Kate felt the warmth of Detective Brigid O’Reilly behind her. She wasn’t a stranger to Kate, but she acted like one when she tightened the cuffs around her wrists. Temporary informant or not, Kate was still a Bishop and they weren’t trusted in this town.
“Miss Bishop. It’s time to go.”
Her forearm was gripped and she was pulled to her feet with a grunt. Her legs were numb, needles rushing through them. Part of her was grateful for being dragged away. The other part was terrified, sad, hurt and angry. They’d all betrayed her.
“Where are you taking her?”
“Fifteenth precinct. Don’t waste your breath, kid. She’ll be indisposed for a few hours. Take your little girlfriend home.”
He winced at the detective’s words and averted his stare to the ground. Kate let herself get let to the unmarked Lincoln town car. At least she’d save the humiliation as the whole lights and sirens routine.  
Most of the time, they didn’t wake up screaming, but Elijah did. His senses were overwhelmed, and his body instantly registered the cold and the slickness of muck beneath him. Even over the brutal beating of falling rain, he could hear the cars that swept past on the highway.
His head was pounding, and the headlights of vehicles passing over the highpoint of evergreens only served as something more disorienting. It was only when a crack of lightening flashed across the sky did he notice the woman standing over him, a shovel slung over her shoulder.
So, he screamed, and he swore she smiled at the sound.
He turned over on his stomach and coughed into the mud, his toes not finding purchase in the mud. Natasha’s boot came down on the center of his back and he found himself sprawling, tasting a mix of metal and dirt. He realized that he underestimated the situation Kate had gotten herself into.
“Good morning, Elijah.” She crowed, dropping the shovel next to his face, barely missing his brow. He flinched and shrunk into himself. “I have a job for you.”
She used the tip of her shoe to flip him over onto his back. The falling rain that had gotten through the pine needles above him hit his face in a cooling effect. He saw another set of headlights, eyes darting towards the road. Maybe if he yelled loud enough, all of this would be over.
“I need you to dig a hole.”
“What?” He panted out, his breath leaking out in puffs of condensation. “a hole?”
“Mm, glad I didn’t rupture an eardrum. It needs to be a big hole. How tall are you?”
“I don’t… What?”
Natasha knelt next to him, a sadistic smile falling from her lips. Instead, it was replaced with something darker. Almost as if a flip was switched. Her deep red hair was adhered to her forehead from the rain, her jaw clenched and unclenched.
“I don’t know you, Elijah. But, I know Kate and that girl has been through hell and back. She’s guarded and hides behind her humor to deflect the pain that she’s experiencing. And to me… it seems like you’re a big catalyst here.”
His breathing had become shuddered. Natasha grabbed the shovel before standing and delivering a swift kick to his side. His ribs instantly ached and a cry escaped him. She wanted him to right himself and to safe another deadly spark of pain, he complied.
She had, in fact, started a small divot where she expected him to dig. Tears were running down his face, small sobs muffled by his determination to put on a front. She didn’t’ find any admiration in his sniveling. Instead, she let him scoop out three frothy loads of dirt before she continued, circling like a lion.
His hands had started to bleed.
“She believed in you enough to trust you and you turn around and fuck her best friend?” Natasha got close, yelled over the rain. He stuttered in his movements, clenched his eyes shut. “Don’t stop digging! Was she not enough for you?”
Elijah stuck the tip of the shovel back into the soup of rainwater and mud. It was a black slush at this point, something he could drown in if he laid facedown for long enough. “She was… she was.”
“Then why did you do it, huh? You took everything she was and whittled her down to nothing before discarding her for someone else you could break. Is that it? Did that make you feel more like a man?”
He didn’t’ respond, instead, moving another round of slop to the side of a hole that was starting to look more and more like a grave. He was up to his knees in cold, unforgiving water. His toes flexed in the icy earth.
“Answer me!” She yelled with enough anger to split earth. However, Natasha didn’t give him the chance. She dug her nails into the back of his neck and shoved him forward into the muck. He could taste dirt, words bubbling.
Elijah groaned and brought himself to his knees. His ears were ringing, his heart pounding in his throat. He was crying loudly now, sitting back on his heels. Natasha was above him, standing on the edge of the grave he had just dug. Headlights flashed over her cold stare.
“If you’re feeling helpless, Elijah, so was she. Kate needed you, and you weren’t there for her. She was suffocating, and everyone could see it, but you kept her just out of reach, didn’t you?”
“Yes! Yes,” He groaned out, digging his fingers into the soft earth. “Fuck, yes. I hurt her, I know that.”
“Lay down.”
“What?” His voice broke.
“You’re going to lay here until morning.” She knelt down “You’re not going to move a muscle.”
“I’ll drown,”
“You might.” She growled, taking account of the heaviness of the rain, the way the tires of passing vehicles sloshed around in the collected puddles. “But at least you’d understand how Kate felt.”
[Taglist🕷♡: @dumbasslesbi, @lostremind, @toouncreativeforausername @autorasexy @eringranola @mikookaaaaaao @marvelwoman-simp @pacmanmiles @mostlymarvelsstuff, @mrsrushman, @milfsandtittyenthusiast, @random-raccoon4, @ravenromanova, @mysticalmoonlight7, @ahintofchaos@cowboyboots236 @lissaaaa145, @natsxwife@a-spes, @kyleeservopoulos]
132 notes · View notes
sykosugu · 2 months
on the run | four
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♤ summary: she's an infamous bank robber, and he's the only detective that's been able to get close to her. he was never apart of her plans. but he's got his clutches in her and she can't let go.a geto suguru au
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♢ warnings: this story will contain descriptions of violence, destructive behavior, toxic behavior, illegal activities, sexual content, death. use of weapons. forbidden romance
♧ aw: violence, guns used, minor character death, blood mentioned
♡ currently: completed
♤ taglist: closed
♢ wc: 1.9k (its short I know)
♧ carlile speaks: hi my babies. this one's a shortie, but the drama has come to a head. I hope you all enjoy. only one more chapter for our pair here! thank you all so much for coming along with me so far on this journey. it's been a wild ride and I can't wait to show you what else I have in store! <3 and lastly thank you to my love Nici for finding the amazing fanart up there. If anyone knows who made it pls let me know! Check out Nici’s story Symptoms & Causes!
♡: previous part | you are here | next part
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“Surprised to see me, sweetheart?” the man before you asks. Standing in an all black suit with all black accessories. Dark pink hair spiked; face and neck tattoos fully on display. 
“He’s alone. He never goes anywhere alone unless he’s dealing with a problem,” runs through your head.
“What are you doing here?” leaves your lips in a whisper. He doesn’t satisfy you with an answer, just a smile. Such a smug asshole. Always had to be the one to control everything, including conversations.
“Where were you and your new.. friend heading off to?” he finally speaks again, nodding his chin near the bags on the floor; his voice surprisingly calm compared to the look of rage behind his eyes.
“We–uh, we were actually coming to you.” you stutter a little, his questioning of Suguru throwing you off guard. “How did he know about Suguru?”
“Oh, were you now?” he asks, sauntering in a little further into the suite until he stands opposite you at the island, leaning against it with both hands.
“I–I need your help,” you admit softly, playing with your hands in your lap. He had a way of making you feel small with just a few words and a look. You were dead set on never wanting to see his face again, but he was the one to ask if you needed help disappearing. When you told him you were leaving, he’d told you that you could disappear without warning if you wanted to, you declined his offer at the time; wanting to exasperate as many banks in the area as you could; in the end, making him look foolish because his teams weren’t the ones taking the scores anymore; it was a one woman show.
“You want my help after what you did to me? You left me. You made a fool of me, and left. The king and queen are supposed to rule together, not apart,” he sneers. “You left me and made a bed with the enemy. A cop?! Are you actually that dumb?!” 
“It wasn’t like that!” you yell back at him. “Not at first. I was using him for protection. I fell for him along the way.”
“Such a stupid girl,” Sukuna growls. “You think I couldn't have protected you?” “No, you would have kept me prisoner”, you think to yourself.--”Ah, but–,”
Sukuna wanted to keep you in a cage. He knew you were great at your job; but he didn't want to chance you getting the notoriety that he had. The king and queen are supposed to rule together, but the King is supposed to do all the grunt work. In his eyes at least. He wanted to keep you locked away in the Casino Penthouse where you could have your little shopping sprees, have your airheaded friends come over; whatever you wanted. As long as it wasn’t what you actually wanted. You wanted the chaos. You thrived with a gun tucked under your belt. The thrill of it all was what you wanted.
You loved Sukuna, or at least you thought you did. Sukuna could provide the life you wanted; lavish and luxury. You wanted for nothing. Anything you mentioned wanting, it was in your room the following morning in every color possible. It was his way of keeping you occupied so you wouldn't ask about a job. You itched for a job, but the parties and your “friends” kept you at bay.
Until you heard a conversation you weren't supposed to hear. “Of course she’s more than qualified, but I don't want her anywhere near the jobs anymore. I can train anyone to be like her so she can keep my bed warm every night,” you heard sukuna roar with laughter into the phone as it lay tucked between his ear and his shoulder as he typed away on his computer.
He knew you were good but wanted you away from the jobs for what? Because you were a good fuck? That’s when your plan started. You found one job you knew would make him proud and did it yourself, without backup.
Was he proud? Absolutely. But did he show it? Absolutely not. He showed anger. Irritation. “How dare you make a fool of me, doing this without any kind of backup. Have you no mind?” He roared at you. Making you feel small. It was his specialty.
“I wanted you to see how qualified I am.” You try to protest, but you’re met with a slap across the right side of your face as you fall to the floor.
“I know how qualified you are. If I wanted you on jobs, you would be,” he offers you a hand to help you off the floor. “Now, go back to being the pretty housewife I know you can be.” 
And that’s when your plan really went into motion. The bank, done. Now you just needed the perfect moment to come clean, telling Sukuna of your plans to leave, knowing he’d hear none of it and dismiss you, just as you planned. But when he stopped you on your way out, he asked if this was what you really wanted, to leave. You said it was, so he let you go. Offering his help to make you disappear permanently but you’d declined at the time. You wanted some notoriety before you disappeared. You wanted what he kept from you. Wanted what was owed to you.
But now here you are, making beds and playing house with the actual enemy; law enforcement. He couldn’t let that slide.
–”Ah, but if you hadn’t left me in the first place, you wouldn’t have needed his protection,” sukuna says under his breath.
“What do you mean?” you ask a little too quickly, almost embarrassingly fast.
“Sweetheart, who exactly do you think is the one that’s after you right now?” Sukuna tilts his head to the side.
“Mm, not quite. How would Toji know what to tell an assailant on how to find you at the bank yesterday? Why would Toji care about your treasonous act? Toji knows of my plans, but does not exactly agree with them. But he’s sworn to secrecy. I know how.. friendly you two were.”
Toji was supposed to be your best friend. He was the only one of Sukuna’s business partners that was always nice to you. He’d been your friend long before you became the red queen; long before you’d joined Sukuna and had been operating on your own. Toji was your ally before he was Sukuna’s. So to hear of his betrayal like this has your heart in shambles even more than when you thought Toji was the one behind this.
As your thoughts begin to take you hostage, you notice the door start to creak open. Sukuna is fast on his feet, pulling his gun from the holster across his chest, quickly firing a shot into the door. The person behind the door groans, falling forward into the wood making it fly open. You meet Suguru’s eyes as he falls into the room; his eyes look panicked.
“Well, that solves one problem,” Sukuna says before pointing his gun at you now.
Satoru bursts into the room, taking Sukuna off guard. Satoru lunges towards, fighting Sukuna for his gun. You survey the scene as safe to move, so you rush to Suguru's side, making sure he’s still with you. Suguru grins at you as you look at him with sad, teary eyes. Begging him to stay with you. “Why are you laughing?” you ask him, panicked. Suguru pulls his dress shirt from its tucked position in his dress pants as he reveals the bulletproof vest he doesn't leave without these days. 
“Can never be too safe,” he whispers out.
“So you weren’t hit?” you ask, tears flowing from your eyes.
“Nah, just had the wind knocked out of me,” he forces out a laugh. 
“Stay here for just one more second,” you grab his gun from his holster, standing quickly and ducking behind the counter. You poke your head around the corner, to see Sukuna’s back towards to, and satoru in front of him, as they fight for the gun in Sukuna’s grip.
Standing up, you take aim pointing directly at Sukuna’s back, and take the shot. He howls in pain, falling to his knees on the floor. “You bitch,” he roars out. “You metaphorically stab me in the back, and now this?”
“I don’t like unfinished business,” you seethe out, shooting him again execution style; his blood splattering on your front as his body falls lifeless on the floor.. Satoru just watches with widened eyes as you drop to the floor next to Suguru as if nothing just happened.
“Swear you’re not hit?” you pull his shirt open, surveying the area.
“Promise,” he winks at you.
“I was prepared to bring you back to life just so I could kill you again.” you slap his chest, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again.” Scolding him felt right; the look in his eyes when his knees hit the floor took your breath away as much as the bullet to his chest took his away.
“Swear i won’t get shot by your psycho ex again,” he holds his right hand up as he speaks, “Mostly because you just killed him.” he attempts to chuckle, but it turns into a coughing fit.
“Sugu, he was the one after me, not Toji.” tears begin to form in your eyes as you help suguru to his feet.
“So what does this mean?” he asks, leaning his weight into the island, taking his gun back from your extended hold.
“It means our plan just changed. I want revenge.” you wipe the tears from your eyes, looking over at Sukuna’s body on the floor.
“What kind of revenge?”
Satoru clears his throat in the corner, pulling both of your attention to him in the middle of the room. “So I was right?” he smirks.
“Of course you were right. You’re always fuckin right, Satoru. Why do you think i was so pissed you were put on the case with me?” Suguru turns and faces his friend, and colleague. “You gonna turn me in now? There is a right answer by the way.” Suguru pushes you behind him as he talks to Satoru.
“Oh, Is there?” Satoru asks, reaching for his gun, leaving it in his hand at his side.
“And what would that be?”
Suguru cocks his gun in response, “I’ll let you decide that,” he raises it slowly, pointing it at the man in front of him. “You won’t take her from me.”
“You’re playing a very dangerous game here, Detective Geto,” Satoru grins, “You won’t shoot me.”
You emerge from behind Satoru, your gun pointed directly at his head. “No, but I will.” Forever the ninja.
“Woah now, let's all calm down here,” he raises both hands up slowly. “Nobody has to shoot anybody. Except that guy, you already shot that guy.” he attempts to make the situation lighter.
“Right, twice, how could I forget. I’ll help you with whatever you need, just make sure I get home to my girlfriend, Nici, afterwards, alright?”
“Right, I should believe that why?” Suguru questions.
“I did mention my girlfriend, right?”
“So, you’ll help us?” you lower your gun, still keeping it pointed in his general direction
“So long as I never see either of your faces around here again, I’ll help you.”
“Well, that’s all a part of our plan anyways.” you tuck your gun back into your waistband, taking a stand with Suguru at the island. “And now i have a new plan,”
“Well, let me hear it,” Satoru joins the two of you at the island.
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♡ tags: @celestie0 @lostfracturess @carlacujo @alwaysfreakingout @shervinss @jaelahh @gojolvrr34 @shesplendl @phoenix-eclipses @nanasukii28 @mylifetold @bakuhoethotski @4y3sh4 @whereflowerswenttodie @drakenswifeyy
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thegoblinboy · 1 year
Never Say Die [4]
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | you’re here | Part 5
Quick note, the tag list is full. So now the only way that you can get notifications about the next date is if you turn on notifications on my blog. (Which if you are hesitant about this, I don’t spam my board at most I’ll post twice a day so this can be a option for you :) though I’m not sure if there’s any other way or notifying people. If you know a way let me know!
Steve was laying in his bed, blanket pulled off from him as he stares out at the night sky. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, though he made sure to shut his door. The only thing allowed to see him this vulnerable was the full moon outside. As time slowly passes by, he feels like one of those princesses that’s stuck in the castle. He hasn’t been able to do anything yet, Hopper and Joyce were currently in the process of coming up with a backstory as to how he was alive. He misses a lot of things more now that he was home compared to when he was locked in the prison. He misses being able to be seen with Robin. He misses being able to relax in a bed. Though, no matter where he’s been he knows the one consistent thing that’ll always be there for him.
The moon.
The moon that watched him get tortured in his cell, sometimes even left outside in the freezing snow for a night for a punishment. Of course there were nights the moon wasn’t there. Especially the nights when the new moon was taking its turn on the calendar. But even that brought him comfort. In his eyes new beginnings were always over the horizon.
It was coming from his window. Before his brain can think he’s already tossed himself on the carpeted floor. Rug burn already catching to his knees as he crawls over. Careful for whatever or whoever to not see him. He was being ridiculous. He was on the second floor. There was no way anyone could see him. His breathing is loud and shaky as he keeps his arms tightly crossed around himself. He knew he could fight, but in that moment he was prepared to hide. Though in reality, if it really was something he couldn’t be getting himself killed right when everyone just got him back. That and if he was laying there bleeding out from whatever was being shot at his window, who was supposed to warn Hopper and Joyce.
Steve really needed to slow his role. Think rationally, right as another small thunk like noise comes from the glass. Closing his eyes he takes the moment to think rationally. He’s heard that noise before. When he used to sneak into girls rooms before everything. The smallest of pebbles he could find would be thrown at their windows to catch their attention. Someone was trying to get his attention. Now he needs to come up with the decision of whether or not this person knows he’s alive or not. If this went wrong the whole town would know he was alive and think he was being kidnapped. After a few more moments, he lets his deductive skills kick in. He felt like Sherlock Holmes.
There was no way someone he didn’t know would be throwing pebbles at his window. It was definitely someone he knows. Why they didn’t just go through the front door was beyond him. Or how they snuck by Hoppers senses.
He moves slowly after the third pebble hits the frame of the window, a bit louder then the others. Carefully placing his hands underneath as he lifts the window open. A silent as possible. He pokes his head out, a small pebble hitting him in the cheek right as he does. Hissing in slight pain as his hand flies up to hold the agitated skin. He glares down, trying to see who it was. But once again his vision wasn’t as good as it used to be. Nor was his hearing. He had taken his hearing aid out, so there was just a slightly muffled blob standing in his lawn.
“Hold on. I can’t see, and I can’t hear you.” Steve whisper yells. Moving and grabbing his hearing aid. Getting it situated before he’s sliding on a shirt, one that used to be to tight on him. Now it was a bit loose, from the slight weight loss from the prison. He was gaining it back with muscle, forcing Hopper to work out with him in their basement. A small corner designated to his small gym and the other side of the basement designated to DnD. “Who is it?” He hisses out. The fuzziness from his ear clearing up. Focusing on the person below instead of the crickets that surrounded them.
“It’s me.” The voice whispers back. Steve can’t help but snort a little, holding back a laugh.
“Well- me. If I could recognize you by voice I would. But I’m not hearing you that well still.”
A small groan is heard before the male, Steve was able to figure that much out. The guys voice was deep and scratchy. As if he spent a lot of time smoking.
“It’s Eddie!” Eddie says a lot louder then before. Steve frowns as he hears the other.
“Oh.” He says dumbly. “What do you want?” Steve asks. Unsure as to why his best friends other best friend was currently outside his window like some secret boyfriend. It was very strange being on the receiving end of this.
“Well- Robin was supposed to be here with me but we were going to kidnap you and take you out for the night. But her parents busted her climbing out the window.” Eddie rambles out quickly. Trying to stay as silent as possible.
Steve raises a eyebrow, something seemed off in the others statement. Though Steve wasn’t going to look to far into it as he puts a finger out telling the other to hold on. He moves to his closet, tossing on a sweater. Moving and sliding on a extra pair of shoes. His regular pair were downstairs. He moves to the window, as silent as possible. Moving to dangle out. Hearing the slight cursing of one Eddie Munson.
“Dude, you could have taken the front door.” Eddie hisses out.
“No I can’t. Hopper is like- superhuman. He can since when the force is off or some shit.” Steve hisses back. Looking down for a second before he’s swing himself over and throwing himself to the shaky pipe that went up the side of the house. Sliding down with ease. Though he wasn’t sure whether or not it would be sturdy enough for his weight to climb back up.
Steve hops down in front of Eddie, wiping his hands off on his pants as he grins jokingly. “Like a ninja.”
Causing the other boy to hold back a snort of laughter. Moving to wave Steve along to follow him. Steve does, creeping next to the house and moving his way down the path. Once or twice, Steve’s hand flies out to catch Eddie from falling on his face. But other then that they eventually make it to the guys van. Where Steve moves hopping up into the passenger side.
Nearly jumping right back out when a group of people yell “surprise!” At him. His hands shake in his lap a bit as he gathers himself. Looking confused as he looks at all of them curiously. No wonder Eddie seemed like he had been lying. Because he was.
“We wanted to surprise you.” El says with a smile. “Know its been a while since you’ve left the house, and we all know you loved swimming so we wanted to take you to the quarry.” She rambles out. Face a bit pink, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that she was the one that arranged this.
Eddies sitting in the drivers side, key in the ignition with a fond smile. Before his face contorts up and he’s turning around and yelling. “Hey shit face, yeah you Henderson. If you’re eating my last can or Pringle’s I’ll make sure to shove your head up your ass so far that no one’s going to be able to reach that far to pull you out.“ Steve’s head turns back looking at the boy who’s hand was currently stuck in the can of Pringles. Making a oopsie face.
It doesn’t take long for them to get to the lake. The kids were already in swim suits and throwing themselves in the water. Eddie is a bit hesitant, and so is Steve who doesn’t want to pull his shirt off. Though there seems to be more of a reason to Eddie who looks at the water a bit haunted. Steve recognizes that look. He looks at malls like that now.
“Hey everything okay?” He asks curiously. Moving to dip his toes in the water. Pants rolled up to his ankles.
“Yeah.. it’s just. When everything went down one of the gates was - well under the lake. Dustin called it water gate.” Eddie laughs a little towards the end. “And well… I’m not the best swimmer but I wasn’t going to force Robin or Nancy to go down there. And shit face Henderson decided he was going to force his way onto the boat. And I got tugged down. “ he explains. He doesn’t seem to really be there. His voice is off somewhere else.
Steve hesitates before he presses a hand on the others shoulder. “You don’t have to go in you know. I’m not.” He says softly.Eddies looking at him confused before Steve clarifies. “My- well my wounds haven’t fully healed. And if I let any of my stitches touch the water then I’m fucked.” He laughs.
Eddie grins as he carefully pulls up his shirt revealing a bandage around his middle. Steve could only imagine what it was hiding. Steve grins as he moves and lifts his own up. He was no longer in the bandage state, his side just had a huge gash. Eddies eyes go wide. He’s about to say something but one of the kids yell at them to join. Both declining, showing their wounds at the same time. Steve doesn’t even process that Eddie’s side was bandages heavily on the same spot as his. Just on the opposite side of his body, closer to Steve with the way he stood.
Silence falls over them again. Neither of them knowing what to say. “You know you’re nothing like how I remember you being.” Eddies voice echos through the night. Staying hushed under the kids screaming.
“Oh- yeah. When you nearly die numerous times you kind of figure that it’s time to stop being a douche.” Steve laughs gently. “And there’s more important things then social heirchy.”
“I- I wished I learned that sooner.” Eddie admits as he looks awkward again.
“What do you mean- you were like. All fuck society norms and shit.” Steve laughs gently.
“Well- doesn’t mean I still wasn’t a twat about jocks and shit.” Eddie chuckles bitterly. “You know I was at the mall the night it caught fire or whatever. I was in the movie theaters. And I seen you. Right before you died. Your face looked like it was smashed into bricks, you were laughing at whatever Doc had said. Then when you stumbled out, obviously not okay. I thought you were fine so I didn’t make a fuss out of it. But I know if you weren’t some Jock from the high-school I would have checked to make sure you were okay. ” Eddie rambles out a bit. “And god did I feel guilty when I seen your name on the list of people who died that night.” Tears are rolling down his face. Steve tries to interject but he doesn’t get a chance to as the other starts to talk again.
“You know Henderson worships the ground you walk dude? “ Eddie tilts his head to look at him. Wide eyed, as he doesn’t hide a single emotion. “And god, I just. I got so jealous that this kid. This amazing kid who reminded me of myself when I was his age. Worshiped someone who used to look down on kids like us. And I was just- an entire asshole. The poor guy was still mourning you and confiding in me about how much of a nice guy you were, and I just sat there listened, and didn’t believe a god damn word he said. Here I thought he was just coming up with stories about a dead kid. And instead I was the asshole that I declared war against in high-school. It was no is fucked up.” Eddie eyes are watering more. Hands shaking as he pulls a cig out, lighting it soon after.
Steve just stands there and listens. That’s really all he could do. He takes a shaky breath as he pauses looking out at the kids in the water. “We are all just kids you know. We aren’t… we aren’t made to to handle all of this shit normally. If there even is a normal. Just know I don’t hold it against you, neither does Dustin. If you ever need to rant more about it I’m here.” Steve smiles sincerely. Watching as Eddie nods dumbly.
“You know, you’re the first one to act like this isn’t all normal. The kids.. god the kids were great when everything was happening. Robin was freaking out but she knew what she was doing. Doing things I can’t even imagine doing. I’m sure you know how it is.” Eddie rambles out.
Steve nods his head in understanding, “trust me… none of us are normal.” He laughs gently. “You’re relatively new, you’ll catch signs of things they do when others don’t.”
“Like how you flinch whenever anyone raises their voice?” Eddie asks curiously.
“Yeah.. yeah exactly that.” Steve answers softly. Letting the silence take over the both of them. Unaware that he had been that obvious.
Oh my god, thank you to everyone who has been supporting me throughout this. Especially for the comments. Those I have found are hard to come by and every single one has been making my day. I haven’t gotten a chance to respond yet, but I love every single one. (So don’t be ashamed to freak out in the comments. The long paragraphs are amazing. I just haven’t gotten a chance to respond) I have never gotten this much support for something I’ve written ever.
Next thing, I would put this on ao3 but I kind of wrote them straight to tumblr and it would take me forever to copy and paste each individual paragraph on there. I’m already putting a lot of time writing the tag list and writing it itself so for now this Is a tumblr exclusive. (Though I know in the future I’m probably going to do a rewrite and include everything that I wanted to, but have been to exhausted to write out)
Like I can’t express how thankful I have been for the support. I’ve gained close to a hundred followers in two days and I love that but it’s crazy to me that that many people liked my work.
Though I will be lurking in the comments tonight, ;) so I’ll probably respond the best I can!
Tag list;
@totallynotagoraphobic @flustratedcas @shunna @spookednsaucy @steddie-as-they-go @estrellami-1 @xxbottlecapx @gregre369 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thing-a-ling @radioactiveartz @bestwifehaver @idkwwhatimmdoiing @goodolefashionedloverboi @bringmethelow @thescribblerdragon @starman-jpg @lilaclilyroses @resident-gay-bitch @wolfscreations @adhdsummer @victor-thee-corvid @happymediummm @decadentworld @sidebarre @foundintheshallows @jamieweasley13 @yellowdevilkitten @catlovesfandoms @gryffindorsareidiots @thephantomhood @vampireinthesun @awkwardgravity1 @itsall-taken @gezell-igg @chaoskiro @daeb820 @liketheocean @croatoan-like-its-hot @malicia62 @thebrazilianatheist @anaibis @evix-syne666 @an-deeznutz @yikes-a-bee @0o-queendean-o0 @alyelf @starlight-archer @weirdandabsurd42 @zerokrox-blog @lolawonsstuff @mightbeasleep @michael-the-angelo
(If you see your user in the tag and it didn’t tag you let me know and we can try figuring it out in the comments)
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fictionalwh0ree · 2 years
closet cravings- nicky nichols
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summary: nicky is your closest friend in prison, but everything changes when you have a one-on-one in a small janitorial closet.
word count: 915
warnings: none
days in litchfield always seemed to drag on. prison was all about control, so everyday was the same schedule with the same things happening. the only person who brought any sort of variety to your day was nicky. with her raspy voice and enticing smirk, she was hard to resist, and everyone knew it.
however, you knew she only thought of you as a friend. a partner in crime. nothing else. or so you thought,
she was throwing hints at you a couple days ago. just before you went to your bunk that night, she made a move and kissed you, on the lips. however, the next day, she acted like it hadn’t happened, continuing to act as she had before. the following days were the same. she continued to tell you about her ongoing experiences with other girls.
how could she do that to you and then act like nothing happened?
you spent hours a day thinking on that. now, you could barely stand to be around her. the sight of her tugged at your heart. you spent hours racking your brain, trying to figure out why you didn’t seem to be good enough for her. at lunch, you barely spoke. as you picked at your food mindlessly, nicky went on about some other inmate. although your eyes were glued to the slop they fed you (the one from the bag, not red’s), you could feel everyone’s eyes flipping between the two of you.
“you’re awfully quiet today, y/l/n,” red commented.
“yeah, what’s up with you, y/n?” nicky smiled, nudging you.
“nothing,” you mumbled, looking up to meet the concerned glances of red, lorna, nicky and alex.
red and alex exchanged a knowing look when they heard me silently scoff when nicky continued to talk. however, they kept their mouths shut. once lunch was over, you put threw your untouched food out and left your tray. without exchanging a word with nicky, you walked back to your bunk. the next couple hours were calm, no one bothering you as you read your book. a piece of you wished nicky had come looking, but she was probably too busy flurting with some naive inmate, you thought.
later that evening, as you walked down the hall, you heard someone call your name. her familiar raspy voice rang through the halls, but you showed no signs of hearing her.
“y/n,” nicky called again.
“hey,” she called once more, picking up her pace to catch up to you.
“no running, inmate!” a guard called.
when she finally caught up to you, she grabbed your arm.
“seriously, what’s wrong with you, y/n?” nicky asked, concern evident in her tone.
“nothing,” you lied.
“oh come on, i know you better than that. you’ve been avoiding me all day,” she coaxed.
“i’m sorry i don’t wanna listen to you talk about eating other girls pussies all day,” you said angrily.
“since when don’t you like pussy?” nicky smirked.
you rolled your eyes as you tried to keep walking, but nicky’s grip wasn’t letting up.
“hey, okay, come on,” she said, pulling you into a small janitor’s closet that was definitely supposed to be locked.
“what’s wrong?” nicky asked sincerely, a small smile on her face as she searched for some kind of answer. the tight room meant you were basically chest to chest and her brown eyes dug into yours.
“i should smack the shit out of you,” you scoffed, your arms crossed over your chest.
“is this about the other night?” she asked, brows furrowed.
“the other night where you kissed me and then pretended it didn’t happen? no, not at all. this is all because you ate one of my fucking peas,” you said sarcastically, “yes, it’s about the other night.”
“if i’d known that was gonna get you all hot and bothered, i would’ve just left you hanging,” she smiled.
you rolled your eyes at her comment and went to reach for the doorknob.
“wait, i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” she pleaded.
“why’d you do it?” you asked as you made eye contact with her. it was too late, you weren’t going to back down.
“huh?” she asked.
“why did you kiss me, nicky?” you spoke clearly.
“well, i-” she began before you cut her off.
“and why’d you pretend it didn’t happen?” you said, your voice breaking a little.
“i just, i don’t know, i guess i just thought you wouldn’t be into me like that,” she whispered.
you thought for a moment.
“would i do this if i wasn’t into you?” you asked, watching as her brows furrowed.
you moved forward and connected your lips, bringing your hands to her face to pull her closer. she made no effort to stop, but instead took control. you kissed with desperation as she pushed you up against a wall. your head hit a shelf and cleaning products fell onto the ground with a loud bang. nicky pulled away and smirked before attaching her lips to your neck. your mouth was agape and you were fighting hard to keep quiet, knowing guards could be roaming the halls. the situation began to escalate and before long, the room was humid and messy.
it was safe to say your friends all knew what you were up to that afternoon.
taglist: @esposadomd
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niragisimp · 7 months
The Pain Before (Niragi x Reader) Part 15
Part 14, Series Masterlist, Masterlist
The players ran throughout the hotel, all trying to get down to the lobby as quickly as possible. The thought ran through Niragi's mind for moments on end, but in the end, he decided against going back for you. You would be far safer in his room, tucked away where no one would dare to enter. Especially in a game such as this.
The crowd gathered around the girl crying out for her lost friend, and it only took a moment of Niragi stirring the pot for everyone to turn against each other. This was more than perfect; the prime time and conditions to finally make those pathetic excuses for "friends" that you have pay for what they put you through.
For some reason or another, Niragi couldn't help but find joy in firing off rapidly into the crowd. His laugh echoed throughout the halls, the various shots of gunfire beginning once Aguni gave the order to find the Witch. 
The thought had occurred to Niragi more than once when he began firing, what he would've done to his bully, your brother, Haru, if he had gotten the chance in Borderlands. But you took care of that all on your own, it seemed. He recalled the night he demanded you meet him on the rooftop, the night he humiliated you. He still wasn't sure why he did what he did. Maybe he wanted some form of payback for having the live through the torment of that bullying. Maybe he just wanted to see if you were anything like your brother.
But you weren't. You were just another victim all the same, just as Niragi was. But Niragi refused to be a victim any longer, and he was going to be taking you with him on that path; whether you wanted to or not. As the militants began chasing after the other players, Niragi felt a certain kind of bliss in knowing he could do as he pleased, all the while you were safe and secure. He was certain you weren't the Witch, how could you be? He had eyes on you almost every moment of the day, even if they were the eyes of a snake.
You groaned and shook in your sleep, the sweat from your brow dripping down onto the pillow as you tossed in your turmoil.
The fires raged on, the screams of your parents hollowing throughout the street as you watched on, the police holding people back as the firemen tried desperately to extinguish the flames. The fire was a lot bigger than you expected it to be, but as long as it got the job done. That man would never lay a single finger on you, ever again.
The police questioned you over and over again.
"How did the fire start," was the main concern of theirs. You could've told them the truth, but where would that have gotten you? Locked away somewhere, probably in an asylum or prison for at least the next twenty years or so. The smell of gasoline wasn't as prominent on your hands anymore, at least. Everyone in the area smelled of it, so why would it seem suspicious that it was on you?
Haru beat on your door over and over again, telling various profanities and slurs, nearly breaking the door at one point or another. You were huddled up in the closet, shaking as you held your knees to your chest. You cried silently to yourself as Haru screamed drunkenly.
Looking at your phone, you scrolled through the limited contacts that you had. Your mother, father, Haru, and a few distant relatives. You contemplated calling your aunt who housed you for a while, but you knew she was tired of dealing with a child that wasn't her own. You leaned your head back on the closet wall as you pursed your lips together, trying not to make a sound as you covered your ears, sick and tired of being harassed and violated by the one person who was supposed to protect you from harm.
The thought was a sudden one, almost like a foreign voice looming over in your mind. "Wouldn't it be nice if all this stopped?" You shook your head, trying to get rid of the voice that lingered ever persistently.
"You can make it stop. All of it."
You froze at the thought, telling yourself it wasn't a thought worth lingering. All you had to do was save up enough money to move out, and then you would be free of this, or so you had hoped. "But would that really stop that monster from finding another victim?" Your eyes opened slowly. Oddly, you never felt as calm before than in that moment. You wiped the tears from your face and simply waited for the beating outside of your door to stop.
It didn't take long for Haru to pass out drunk in his room. You grabbed the rope, tying it around the handle of the doorknob, securing it to your own. You gave it a good tug, and it didn't budge. "Good." The smell of gasoline filled your nostrils, but you knew to only do enough near the outlets for it to start and spread, the rest would surely take care of itself. Once the lighter dropped, the eruption of flames made you stumble backward, the heat blaring in your face. The heat captured your attention as you waited patiently. "But shouldn't I be panicking? Maybe even regretful?" "No."
Your eyes sprung open as you sat up hurriedly, your heart beating fast as you felt a droplet of sweat run down your neck. You glanced around the familiar room, an odd sense of calm washing over you, only to be disrupted by the sound of gunshots in the distance. Swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, you carefully made your way to the door, pressing your ear to the wood. Various screams and gunshots were all that could be heard. Out of the corner of your eyes, it called to you. Turning back, you focused in on the small television flickering on and off, your eyes going wide as the reality hit you; the Ten of Hearts had officially begun.
Pushing every anxious thought to the back of your mind, you pushed through the door leading to the hallway, leaving Niragi's room behind you. Making your way carefully through the mostly empty halls, you found yourself in the lobby, picking up a phone and letting it scan your face. You briefly glanced at the girl lying in the middle of the floor, pausing briefly at the knife in her chest. Your head whipped towards the sound of dangerously familiar laughter followed by gunshots, the sound of bodies dropping echoing through the halls. "Niragi..."
It wasn't long before you saw his face, and your eyes met almost instantly. "Y/N, there you are! I thought you'd wait in the room!" Niragi had a grin you couldn't quite place on his lips, and for the first time, you felt an odd sense of panic as you looked at him. "... Niragi... What's going on...?" You barely got the words out before his laughter erupted, making you jump slightly. 
"Isn't it great, Y/N? I never would've dreamed the Ten of Hearts would be this much fun!" You took a step back before you even realized it, but Niragi noticed plenty. He moved his gun to the side, walking towards you with a confused look on his face. "Hey, what's wrong? I'll clear the game for us, you go back to the room." You couldn't do much else but look at him, almost as if trying to recognize him.
Niragi could sense the change in your eyes when you looked at him, tilting his head a bit, "What's that look for?"
His hand gently reached out, trying to tilt your face up to look at him properly when you stepped back suddenly, and Niragi then realized where he had seen that look before. His eyes went wide a bit, "No, no, no..." Echoed through his mind as his memories came to him.
The pouring rain as you ran into him in the alley, Haru just moments behind you. The fear, the reaction, it was all the same. The sight of you on the floor in the hallway in Niragi's shirt, looking helpless and scared as he mocked you and threw you to the side. The look on your face mirrored it all. Niragi quickly reached out, his hand barely brushing against your swim cover, "Wait!"
Feeling your heart start to race, you turned and ran in the opposite direction, your feet moving before you could comprehend what Niragi was even trying to say. You bolted up the stairs, hoping the floors above would prove to be safer. After several floors, you slammed into someone rounding the corner, stumbling backward and picking yourself back up hurriedly, fists raised in defense. You paused for a moment at the white jacket, your stance softening slightly.
Chishiya couldn't believe his luck; finding you here like this so quickly. Without waiting for your response, he quickly pulled you into a tight hug, surprising you both. "... I'm glad you're okay." He swallowed the lump in his throat, his hand never leaving your arm as he pulled away, not bothering to look at the shocked look on your face. He pulled you along hurriedly, "Come on, quickly." He didn't wait for your answer as he tugged you along, keeping you close as he silently maneuvered through the halls, stepping over the littered dead bodies in his path.
Chishiya looked ahead, his eyes narrowing as he listened carefully, not realizing his hand had slid down to yours. He quickly crossed the hallway, pulling you into a room he knew hadn't been used in weeks. Closing the door firmly behind you, he finally dropped your hand and turned to you, "Are you alright?"
He tried not to let his shock show as you buried your face in his chest, hugging him tightly, your body nearly shaking. He awkwardly positioned his arms around your back, "... Stay here until I come back to find you, okay?" You forced yourself to pull away, wiping away tears you didn't realize had been falling. You nodded your head in understanding, sitting on the edge of the bed in the room.
With one last look, Chishiya turned and left the room, pulling the door firmly closed behind him. "I'll be back before you know it." He murmured to her through the door, knowing she probably couldn't hear it anyway. He pulled his hood up over his head, shoving his hands in his pockets. It was there when he felt them, nearly forgetting they were even there. Thirty-nine cards glided across his fingertips as he walked forward silently, for once having an odd sense of purpose in this excuse for a world.
The door ripped from the hinges, falling to the floor with a loud echoing thud. Niragi's eyes narrowed as he stepped in quickly, his boot overlapping his kick imprint on the wood. "Shit." You were gone. He rummaged through the room, checking the bathroom and closet, nearly screaming in anger when he couldn't find you. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He yelled, throwing the desk chair across the room. The smoke from the basement was already reaching the higher floors of the hotel through the vents, and Niragi could feel himself running out of time.
He ran his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth in his room, his gun dangling from his shoulder. "Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?!" Niragi could've sworn he saw you walk past the room, bolting out and looking both ways down the hallway, his heartbeat starting to become rampant as he found nothing, no one in sight. He paced in the hallway, cursing himself for not going after you earlier.
Niragi just watched as you gave him that look, the look that mirrored your horror when he first met you, running from your stepbrother. He couldn't move his body to go after you as you ran from him, his feet frozen in the ground before he could think to react. The only thing on his mind now was finding you, and ensuring your safety. Niragi ran through the halls, his mind trying to form some plan of action as he stepped over the various bodies that were littering the halls.
He checked your room, the cafeteria, and even Kuina and Chishiya's separate rooms. The smoke was thickening through the halls, Niragi coughing in response. He cursed to himself, running towards the fire exit. He started making his way down until he stopped, turning and bolting up the stairs. The roof. He would be able to see you from the roof if you made it outside.
Pushing the door open, he hurriedly stepped out onto the roof, ignoring the various sounds of screaming from below. He grabbed his rifle, looking down through the scope to see if you were out already. His shoulders tensed when he heard the voice he loathed the most in the world.
"Looking for someone?"
Niragi turned his head, immediately turning the safety off his rifle, holding the grip of his gun firmly in his hand. Niragi's tongue traced his teeth in irritation, barely glancing at Chishiya.
"... Where is she?"
Chishiya stood there, his hands lingering in his pockets. "Not sure who you mean."
Niragi's voice boomed, "You know damn well who I'm talking about! Where the fuck is she?!"
Chishiya merely smirked, "Oh - You mean Y/N?"
Niragi pointed his rifle at him, taking a heavy step forward, his finger resting on the trigger.
Chishiya just shrugged his shoulders, "You'll never find her if you kill me."
He scoffed, nearly rolling his eyes, "Stop acting like you're fucking better than me. Did you really think she would pick you over me?" Chishiya stood there silently for a moment, not letting anything show on his face. But the truth was, he never thought about it. He just assumed it would all go according to plan, even if he had to adjust a few things he didn't account for.
"She belongs to me." Niragi held up his gun, ignoring the sight on the scope, smirking as he saw Chishiya react for once to his words. He lowered his hood, his face a mild scowl, "She doesn't belong to anyone." Niragi smirked, proud he finally found something that would irritate Chishiya as much as Chishiya irritated him.
"Is that why she's covered in my marks? Because she doesn't belong to me?" Niragi chuckled lowly, his eyes darting to the sudden movement of Chishiya's hands in his pockets, his full attention darting up as cards rained down, a sudden heat lashing out from a plastic water gun.
You couldn't help the burning sensation in your throat, the smoke leaking out from the vents. You thought about it carefully, coughing into your elbow, your eyes mildly burning from the fumes. Leaving the room, you left a note in case Chishiya happened to come back to look for you, telling him you were leaving. The gunshots had died down severely from earlier, so you figured it would be rather easy to get to someplace safer, even if the game hadn't been cleared yet.
Your attention turned to the window in the hall, looking down at the huge bonfire that reeked of human flesh as bodies were piled on top of bodies. You shuddered at the smell and sight, hurriedly making your way downstairs. You were just above the lobby floor when you glanced down at the lobby, staying tucked away behind the corner as you watched on. There was a young man in white, yelling at Aguni with a probably broken nose.
Scanning the crowd, your eyes found Kuina, but no Chishiya or Niragi. You thought about it worriedly for a moment, wondering if either went back to look for you. Your mind wandered to Niragi, wondering if he was safe, regardless of how much he reminded you of Haru in that brief moment, part of you understood. To be the one dealing harm instead of taking it was always a thought in the back of your mind as well.
Blinking rapidly, you pulled yourself out of your thoughts as a small group of people lifted the girl who had been stabbed, carrying her body over to the large fire burning outside. Within moments, the smoke from the basement and outside seemed to spark violently, the rooms starting to burn and decay around everyone. You quickly ran down the stairs, getting out of the building as the game clear announcement echoed through the empty halls.
You looked around hurriedly, ignoring the various shoves and pushes that came as others ran past you. Your eyes searched, your heart starting to beat loudly as fewer and fewer people started emerging from the building. Just as the panic started to build, you felt a hand on your arm, tugging you forcefully away from the burning building. You looked up, to see a focused Kuina pulling you along with her.
"Chishiya, I found her!' Your eyes looked around, steadying once you found white. "Chishiya...?"
He lightly jogged up to you both, his hands tucked away in his pockets. "Glad to see you made it out," he murmured, his face hiding away his emotions.
"Where's Niragi?"
Your voice was a bit hoarse from the smoke, but you figured if anyone would know, it would be Chishiya, the man who always has an eye on one thing or another.
Kuina looked from you to Chishiya, almost like she was trying to study Chishiya for a moment before turning away, her hand still firmly on your arm, almost in a consoling way. Chishiya's lips parted for a moment as he seemed to think, "... I would figure if he isn't already out here, then..."
You felt your heart drop to your stomach, your throat going dry as your eyes went blurry. "Wh... What...?"
Kuina's hand lightly squeezed your arm, keeping herself planted by your side as she gave you a sympathetic look from the corner of her eyes. She could relate to losing a loved one, even if they were a terrible person.
The three of you watched as the Beach burned, lighting up the sky brightly. Your hand was lodged securely in Kuina's, her thumb softly stroking the backside of your hand. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the fire, looking at every discreet movement, every flame that lashed out a bit too far. The words echoing around you didn't make it to your ears, the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat and the overwhelming voice in your head asking you the same question over and over again, "Why didn't you try harder?"
As the dawn rose above the horizon, the last three standing on the hill decided to move on. Kuina kept herself at your left, with Chishiya mirroring her on the right of you. His fingers briefly brushed against yours, grabbing your attention. "... Are you ready?"
His voice was oddly soft, making Kuina's shoulders tense, sparing him a quick glance as you answered, your voice still hoarse. "Y-yeah... I'm ready..." You wiped your face, the tears streaking the ash that gently coated part of your cheeks.
Kuina couldn't help but linger for a moment on Chishiya as you and him started walking forward. She narrowed her eyes for only a second, her hand clenching into a fist briefly, angry at Chishiya but proud of herself for finally figuring out his body language. He knew where Niragi was, and if he was alive or not. 
A loud groan echoed through the rubble of the Beach, various burnt boards moving to the side as he groggily stood up, the pain shooting through every fiber of his being. His eyes opened, his vision mildly blurred by the popped blood vessels in them. He looked around, groaning with each step he took, the agony almost making him forget what he was looking for.
Niragi looked up at the rising dawn, his body burning, pain shooting across every bone and muscle. "Y/N... Y/N?!" He screamed out, his eyes casting over the rubble, looking for any sign of you. He grabbed at his side, the raw flesh stinging with every movement. "I'm coming, Y/N... I'm... coming..." He said groggily, limping out of the rubble, dragging himself forward, only one goal on his mind; to find and protect his world.
AN: Thank you so much for reading this far! I appreciate every single repost, comment and like that have kept me going this year. This is the end of "The Pain Before", which captures season one. The aftermath will follow shortly! Please continue with your support, and please look forward to "The Mending After", part two!
34 notes · View notes
acefaun · 4 months
Please write a part 2, where Lou faces the consequences of HIS ACTIONS.
His mother slaps him, in front of everyone, while his father says he is disappointed in him, because they never thought their son would do something like that. They have started considering the mc as their own daughter so they could never imagine that, a boy who would never hurt anyone would hurt the girl he claimed to love the most. His mother says she never wants to see him ever again, with tears streaming down her eyes.
The gods, looked disappointed and somewhat angry. Krioff hands were in fire, ready to get at Tauxolouve, if given the chance. Krioff had started considering mc as his sister, after all they had similarities. He was angry on himself for not being able to save mc sooner.
The King thought of the time when Tauxolouve's birth parents came to him and asked him to let Tauxolouve be adopted by their friends ( Tauxolouve's parents).
Mc was standing there see all this unfold. Was she happy maybe not, but she was certainly relieved.😌
Please write a second part these key points.
Yandere Tauxolouve II~ The Outcome
Synopsis: Facing his fate, Tauxolouve is disowned and left a broken man, stripped of all powers, dignity, and title. Looking back… he only wanted to love you… and he hated himself for it.
🩸Yandere Masterlist🩸 Female goldfish! (Primarily Lou’s POV)
A/n: I LOVE that y’all were able to feel my feelings through this! 💖💖 This is my favorite part as a writer. Sure, I love making stories out of the wazoo, But I love forcing emotions onto people!!  Not to be weird, but the way Lou was enjoying MC’s tears, I'M ENJOYING YOUR TEARS BECAUSE I’M CRYING TOO. Oh my lord, it hurt so much to write some of these lines. 🥺 (Other note: I 100% wrote all of Zyglavis’ lines in Neuvillette’s voice. It’s engrained in my head now.) 
–Word Count: 2,945–
His dull eyes stared across the barren cell, only observing the wall before him. It was blank… Much like the walls of his room before you walked into his life. It was an unavoidable fate, wasn't it? Ever since he first saw the vision of him killing you… he thought it was some form of cruel irony. He did everything in his power to stop it from becoming a reality. But… in the end… it was all inevitable.
You were the only bright spark in his life; you made him see that it was all worth living while there was still time left. Still, all the times he saw his death, it made him want to hold you all the tighter. 
Tighter. And tighter. And tighter. 
Until he had no choice but to watch you walk away in the arms of another god. His heart clenched again. You should have been his. Up until the very end of his existence, you should have been his. Even now, locked away in a cell, stripped of his powers, reflecting on how wrong it was for him to love you like this, he still wanted you. 
The other gods were right, he certainly was a pathetic god; but he was only so pathetic for you. You were the cruel one for rejecting his love. He would have done anything for you, and you turned your back on his love. Was it wrong, too, for him to think that this was all your fault? You should have picked another god to protect you from those dark gods… if this was what you were going to do to Tauxolouve.
Tauxolouve resented how things got to this point. If you had just behaved like you were supposed to—no. If you hadn’t hung all over the other gods the way you always did… Maybe then his sanity would have been salvageable. But… it was his fault too for giving into your sinful human temptations. He couldn’t help but ponder if this was why loving a human was considered a sin… 
Perhaps this was why his father was cast out of the Heavens as well. It seemed that Tauxolouve was just destined to follow in his father's footsteps. 
Footsteps echoed through the barren prison, before stopping outside the bars of Tauxolouve’s cell. Taking a glance up, Leon had come to retrieve him from his cell already. Had such time passed that they were ready to judge him? 
Leon and Tauxolouve stared at each other for a solemn moment before Leon bluntly announced, “It’s time.”
Tauxolouve didn’t respond, simply nodding his head and following Leon obediently as his cell was opened. He was being treated like a prisoner, as expected, but it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve any of this. He could admit to his faults at this point. He hated himself for everything he had and everything he lost. 
However, if there was one thing he could avoid, it would have to be facing you. He didn’t want to see you again, however strange that might have seemed for someone so obsessed with you. Despite how possessed and obsessive Tauxolouve was, he knew the carnal urge to have you was all too fresh in his soul. He loved you, and so he was a danger to you. 
It was best to get this over with, he decided as he followed Leon’s footsteps to the Department of Punishments. 
Whispers followed him. Rumors of his deeds met his ears, having spread like wildfire across the Heavens. He loathed these gossiping gods as much as he loathed himself. He loathed- No… He loved you. 
He wanted to resist looking at you, but the minute he caught sight of you across the courtroom, he flinched. Seeing you in his mother’s arms, he couldn’t help but long for it to be him comforting you. 
Leon stepped forward, blocking Tauxolouve’s view, giving a pointed look at the younger demigod. He had no sympathy as he ushered Tauxolouve in the opposite direction from you, being directed into the defendant’s stand; though, he knew there was nothing to defend against. This entire trial was just for appearances and formalities sake; Tauxolouve was unquestionably guilty. 
Zyglavis’ eyes lingered on Tauxolouve for a brief moment. There weren’t any obvious emotions on his face, as expected of an impartial judge. Still, his thoughts were none too pleasant; such was the vibe in the room. Inclining his head, he addressed the court, “Now that all parties are present and accounted for, the trial shall begin.” Assessing the room, Zyglavis noted that Tauxolouve’s gaze was focused on you. Zyglavis’ sharp eyes narrowed. “Tauxolouve, I ask that you remain focused, please.”
Regardless of Zyglavis’ sharp command, Tauxolouve hardly paid any attention as Zyglavis listed his crimes and recounted what had to have been your description of events. His eyes were locked on you the entire time, though you refused to even glance at him. He hated how you were staring at Zyglavis. The thought of you having eyes for anyone else drove him mad…
His mind was so preoccupied with thoughts of stealing you away once again, he didn’t register that he was being addressed until Zyglavis loudly interrupted his train of thought. “Tauxolouve, I will ask you again. If you have nothing truthful to add in your defense…” He paused, the tension growing in the room. “Do you plead guilty?”
The court waited with bated breath. 
After a minute of thick, suffocating silence, Tauxolouve replied, “I do.”
“Then our verdict is such…” Zyglavis announced to the court, “Tauxolouve, ex-god of Sagittarius, is guilty of all confirmed charges. As decreed by the King of the Heavens himself, Tauxolouve shall be stripped of his godhood and exiled from the Heavens. In accordance with the severity of his crimes regarding human life and death, a curse of eternity shall be placed upon him.” Inclining his head, he briskly concluded, “Court is adjourned.”
With Zyglavis as the judge, things went exceptionally smooth. Any quarrels or arguments were swiftly silenced, and the entire trial started and ended in a timely manner. Finally, after it was all said and done, it was time for the punishment to be fulfilled. The Zodiac gods and select other gods were gathered before the King’s throne. Tauxolouve was going to be dealt with at last.
While waiting on the King’s appearance, you unexpectedly approached Zyglavis and he regarded you curiously. Aside from the quiet chatter around the room, everything else was quiet. Your voice was no exception as you timidly inquired, “I’m not familiar with divine sentences… but you said he’d be exiled and cursed. What does that mean?”
Zyglavis’ eyebrows were furrowed, as if he were conflicted over something. Still, he answered, “These types of punishments were decided long ago for such sins involving humans, as well as the natural cycle of living things. The curse will allow his soul to be placed on the wheel of rebirth, forever as a human; however, he will retain his memories as a god. He will be forced to suffer with his sin for an eternity.” 
“He’ll be reincarnated on Earth…” You slowly repeated, “with his memories of me?”
“We considered that this could be a danger to you,” Zyglavis quietly agreed with your unspoken concerns. “But this is the King’s final decision, and we’re reassured that Earth is much too big a place for him to find you. But as for our negligence to your situation…” He trailed off, his hand gently landing on your head. His goal was to comfort you with this minimal affection in front of the other gods. “You will have our blessings as Zodiac Gods. Once this punishment is finally complete, there will be no further threat to your freedom or your life.”
Seeing you share hushed words with Zyglavis infuriated Tauxolouve more than he cared to imagine it would. But all he could do was watch the scene take place, his heart clenching with pain. Was watching all he could do? After all, the minute Zyglavis’ hand came into contact with your head, he lost his composure. 
Seeing that something was off, Karno called out quietly, “Lou-”
“Don’t touch her~” Tauxolouve interrupted Karno’s concerned call. In an instant, his arms were wrapped around you, pulling you away from Zyglavis before the god had a chance to move. It was almost as if Tauxolouve were trying to shield you away from the other gods, when it should have been the opposite way around. 
The gods panicked at the situation that came up so suddenly. They never should have left any open space between you and Tauxolouve. However, they were fortunate to have the right people with them to defuse the situation—or at least help out in ways the zodiac gods couldn’t.
Tears had already started to well up in your eyes, but to keep you from panicking and feeling trapped, Tauxolouve’s mother, Sofia, was holding your arms firmly. For the moment, they were all trying their best to remain calm and collected. “Louie…” She struggled to say, “Let go of her.” Tauxolouve and Sofia stared into each other’s eyes, but it was as if Tauxolouve was searching for something he’d never find. “It’s too late…” 
Tauxolouve was clutching desperately onto you. In his mind, he would rather die with you than die alone and suffer fate the way they had planned it for him. Tears welled in his eyes in sheer desperation as his nose nuzzled into your hair. “I can’t…” He admitted, his voice cracking. “I just wanted to love her… I didn’t want things to end like this. But I couldn’t stop it…”
Tauxolouve’s father, Nasir, placed a hand on his shoulder, quietly ushering, “Just let go; that’s the only way you can fix this.” They had to make Tauxolouve release you calmly, lest they put you in a worse situation. 
Your eyes were wide as you felt tears dripping above your head. Tauxolouve was already suffering for what he’d done, and he wasn’t even exiled yet… 
You hoarsely whispered, “Lou…”
Tauxolouve’s eyes widened as he loosened his grip on you. Between his parent’s gentle coaxing and your quiet plea, he was able to see the pain that surrounded him. He whispered into your ear, “I’m sorry… for everything…” 
His grip had loosened enough to where you were pulled away from him by Sofia, and Tauxolouve was again forced away from you, restrained by the other gods. 
Sofia held you against her chest like a child, caressing your head as you numbly cried without registering the tears that fell. You never expected Tauxolouve to apologize like that. For that one, brief moment, he sounded like he meant it. What was more than that, he sounded burdened by tremendous guilt—as if his actions were finally registering in his head. You couldn’t help but wonder… Was he finally hurting as much as he had hurt you?
“What were you thinking?” Sofia suddenly snapped. Finally, after having seen his seeming obsession for herself, she seemed to lose her composure. 
Seeing her reaction, Huedhaut instinctively reached out to comfort you in her place as she approached her son. After all, this was going to be their last time to speak. 
However, no one was expecting her to slap Tauxolouve…
The loud smack made everything fall silent, your sniffled the only quiet sound being made in the large throne room. 
Nasir held onto Sofia for comfort, though the two of them were both clearly torn, expressing it in different ways. “We never thought our son would do something like this,” he solemnly said. “We didn’t want to believe it, even after watching the trial. If only we didn’t have to see the evidence right in front of our eyes…” His eyebrows furrowed in frustration, yet remaining calm as he expressed himself. “We’re unfathomably disappointed in you.”
Sofia, heartbroken by Tauxolouve’s actions, shockingly announced, “No son of ours would have ever done the things you’ve done to this poor young lady. Our Louie would have never hurt anyone… especially the girl he claimed to love most.” Her eyes flickered to the ground, and it was clear that their words implied that Tauxolouve was being disowned. Tears were streaming down her delicate face as she uttered, “I never want to see you… ever again… Tauxolouve…”
These words were breaking Tauxolouve bit by bit. Hearing Sofia say his full name was so foreign to him… it didn’t sound right. None of this was right. 
He wasn’t right. 
His guilt melded into hate… hate for himself and his actions. But… he still sought your love and forgiveness, because that was all that mattered in his mind. “I’m sorry!” Despite his sudden struggling, he failed to pull out from the arms of Leon and Krioff. “(NAME)!” He wanted you to look at him. Time was running out. Why weren’t you looking at him?! “(NAME), I’m sorry!” Why? Why wouldn’t you even glance his way? He wanted to scream. 
Watching the scene empathetically, the gods were just as disappointed in Tauxolouve as Nasir and Sofia. It was clear that everyone had higher expectations for him. He shattered their reality. Seeing what he’d done to you pissed all of them off, and there was no apologizing for that. All the Zodiac gods cared for you; that was no secret. So it was fairly obvious the harsh reaction one would receive if anyone were to hurt you. Tauxolouve had irreparably hurt the one person they all agreed to protect… 
Krioff, who had much in common with you, had even started considering you as his sister. The guilt in his chest festered into a hot anger at the thought of not having been able to save you sooner. They all should have known better when you suddenly stopped making appearances in the mansion with all of them. They really failed you…
Hell, even the King of the Heavens was displeased with this turn of events—however much he knew it was inevitable to happen. He knew the dangers of allowing a demigod to join the pantheon. Tauxolouve never had the constitution of a god to avoid his sinful nature. 
Still… he had pitied Tauxolouve’s parents when they brought this demigod infant before him, pleading for his protection…
He could no longer uphold that promise. 
Revealing himself amongst the gods, his presence settled the chaos by forcing silence to fall upon everyone.
Apathetically, he looked down upon the gods gathered there, before his unforgiving gaze landed on Tauxolouve. “It is time. There is no need for you to say your farewells to the gods here, nor this human. You will live with your sins for eternity and have no solace in redemption, nor forgiveness. Therefore… I hereby cast you out.”
A bright light suddenly overtook everything in the room, and for a moment, your tears stopped overflowing. This bright light was so warm and comforting all around you. For the first time in months, you felt like it was all over. Your soul felt at peace. Maybe it was the blessings of the King and the 11 Zodiac gods present, or maybe it was just the sudden relief hitting you. 
You recalled Zyglavis’ words from earlier… You were finally free.
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dapperenby13 · 1 year
A oneshot about Yosano’s first day with Fukuzawa and Ranpo
Warnings for: mentions of m*ri, spoilers for Yosano’s backstory, all the grisly details that come with her backstory,
Let me know if I missed anything
Angels Of Death Deserve Love Too
Fukuzawa was in way over his head…. Again.
Basically adopting Ranpo (and then legally adopting him) was bad enough. He didn’t need any more children. No he had enough to deal with as it was.
But he was ultimately a weak man when it came to children in need, and once he learned about Akiko, well he had to do something. So that’s how he ended up being the guardian of two young teenagers, one who was endlessly annoying and ridiculously smart. And the other who had just been taken out of a very traumatic situation.
He really hoped this would turn out okay.
“Ranpo, I see you got young Yosano here out of harm's way, good job.” Fukuzawa gave the young boy a small smile. Ranpo beamed back at him.
He was pushing said girl in a hospital style wheelchair, from what Fukuzawa had learned she’d been locked away in solitary confinement for three years. Her muscles must have deteriorated.
Mental note: consult a physical therapist, she probably won’t want to see any doctors in person knowing her history.
“I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is Yukichi Fukuzawa, you may call me either I don’t really care.” Said man positioned himself at the side of the wheelchair and led the way out of the large building where the fight had taken place. Mori shouldn’t be bothering them anytime soon.
Yosan merely nodded, her face was wet with tear streaks, overgrown bangs clinging to the moisture. She was wearing a plain white dress, almost hospital-like in design, the fabric looked scratchy and uncomfortable. He would have to find her something else to wear soon.
Fukuzawafigured he should probably tell her what was going to happen to her. No point worrying her with a lack of information.
“Now Yosano, you have a few options from here.” The small group continued their slow crawl, “You could go into government care. You’ve officially been released from prison so you won’t go there, but you’d presumably be placed with a foster family.” Yosano clenched her fists, obviously uncomfortable with the idea.
“If you wish to join the Armed Detective Agency you could stay with Ranpo and I. I'd be your legal guardian like I am for Ranpo. Or we could try to figure out a third option. You don’t have to decide now, but it would be good if we knew where to take you first.”
“I… I want to join the detective agency.” Her voice was scratchy from little use. “Ranpo said you don’t want my ability.” She almost phrased it like a question, as if the thought of not being used for her power was unthinkable. It’s probably all she’s ever known.
Fukuzawa turned to face her as they walked, “No we don’t want your ability. You obviously care about people and are a kind kid, and that is all we ask. You deserve to be happy and safe. And I will do whatever in my power to make that happen.” And Fukuzawa meant it. Damn, I really have gone soft haven’t I?
“Then I’d like to join the Armed Detective Agency.”
Arrangements were made for Yosano to stay with Fukazawa and Ranpo, so for now Fukuzawa made up his mind to clear out the office for the young girl.
It was a good thing that he rarely used the office, preferring to work at the dining room table while Ranpo played some game craftmine? He had no clue, even though he’d sat through multiple walkthroughs of the intricate buildings and forts the fifteen year old had constructed in the game.
At that moment Ranpo was sitting on the floor babbling about his and Fukazawa’s work while Yosano sat curled up on the couch dressed in some of Ranpo’s pajamas and wrapped in a weighted blanket. He was even sharing some of his gummy worms.
At least they’re getting along. Fukuzawa thought to himself as he rolled out a futon on the office floor. The clutter had been pushed into a corner leaving enough space for the mattress and a now empty desk. This’ll have to do for now.
The older man supposed he was lucky that Ranpo had an affinity to soft blankets to the point that they had multiple extras. Which meant he could give the girl a bit of control over her new situation, something her life had obviously been lacking.
“Yosano,” he got the teen’s attention. “Do you have a preference for which blanket you want to use? We have this blue one,” He held up a large blue blanket with lighter blue stripes. “Or this one,” Fukuzawa hoisted up a fuzzy purple blanket with stylized cats.
The blue one had come from a department store, Ranpo had liked the color, while the other one had been purchased from a small thrift shop and been chosen for the texture. Fukuzawa refused to admit it but he mostly agreed to buying it because of the cats.
Yosano looked slightly taken aback at being given a choice but eventually pointed at the purple blanket, and Fukazawa gave her a nod. He was silently happy that she also liked the cat blanket.
He once again left the teens to whatever they were doing and finished making up the futon.
Akiko was confused. The entire day had been confusing. She’d been taken from her prison by the worst possible man and forced to watch more violence take place. She might have preferred to stay in that mental institute surrounded by white padded walls and floor and ceiling. Sitting in that corner staring at her hands as if they were still dripping with the blood of dying soldiers.
She’d been too weak to walk and been confined to a wheelchair that she couldn’t even push herself. He’d taken her to a rooftop landing and watched in a detached agony him fighting another man. They were arguing about humanity and something called ‘The Port Mafia’ Akiko hadn’t understood. All she knew was the endless cycle of death and life would continue once more. She’s be but a pawn in Mori’s game. A weapon of torment and war.
And she couldn’t run away, cause it would always be the same. She could never escape her special ability, her curse.
Then a boy with choppy dark hair showed up. He’d wheeled her away from the battle and she hadn’t cared. Nothing would change. But once reached a hallway he began explaining the situation. That he and his employer could get her away from him.
Akiko hadn’t thought there was anywhere in the world where she could be allowed to live, it was inevitable that she ruined lives. But the boy laughed, said that he was the smartest person in the world and he disagreed with her. He’d given her back the butterfly clip she’d lost so long ago.
He told her that the Armed Detective Agency didn’t want or need her ability, they only wanted her kindness. And Akiko had wept. Maybe, just maybe she could be allowed to live.
Soon after they were joined by the older man with grey hair who’d been fighting him. He’d introduced himself and said he would help her. And she had no one else so she agreed.
Now she sat in a comfortable living space, the stark white gown had been traded for the boy’s (who’s name she’d learned was Ranpo) pajamas. They were much softer than the clothing she’d been wearing for however long she’d been locked away. Time had bled together. Akiko didn’t even know how old she was.
Ranpo had offered her something called a weighted blanket, he’d explained it was comforting and good for grounding. He’d been right. The weight held her thoughts together and provided a cocoon in which to shield herself in.
Ranpo had even gotten out a pack of multicolored gummy worms, the same type she remembered from so long ago when she’d once worked in a small candy shop. The sugar was the best thing Akiko had tasted in years and she was happy to listen to Ranpo boast about all the cases he and Fukuzawa had solved.
She may be confused and unsure what the next day would bring. But right now she seemed to be safe. A pot of tea was on the stove and Fukuzawa was setting up a place for her to sleep.
Akiko pulled the blanket tighter around herself and let Ranpo’s words wash away her worries for now. Maybe she could be allowed to live.
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this-isajokerjoke · 1 year
dudley and his attempt at redemption
just imagine y’all
little dudley trying to play with harry and getting in trouble 
the only time he would get scolded or in trouble was when he hung out with harry and when he was angry he never got in trouble when he took it out on harry (ex yelling or punching him in the arm) as a child
so he kinda just stopped being nice to him
once, he was so angry. he got home from school and he could feel his hands shaking and the rage bubbling up his throat. he's seven. then he walks into the kitchen and he sees harry. and he lets loose. he hits harry again and again and harry is crying and he doesn't care because harry is a freak and when his mother comes in to see what all the noise was all she does is scold harry for being so loud. 
then she asks dudley if he feels better, and he does. all she says is “good im glad you got that out of your system”
so whenever he's angry he takes it out on harry. 
then his aunt comes over and, having heard the stories of harry at school, laughs when dudley shoves harry so hard he slams into his cupboard door. 
after that he hurts harry for fun. soon his friends join in. harry is a freak and he deserves everything after all he put dudley’s family through. this is harry potters punishment. 
this goes on for years
when dudley is fourteen, he starts feeling a little bad listening to harry be beat by his father or seeing him dodge a frying pan for messing up breakfast
he ignores it. his cousin is a freak. he's weird and gets in trouble and isn't liked by anyone. he deserves every bit of pain and hurt because he needs to learn to fit in and be normal. then finally, his house might be peaceful like it is at his friends houses
when he's fifteen, he reads a story in school. it's about a boy who is hurt by his parents and there's a class discussion on the short story. his classmates keep saying that “no one should be hurt by someone who's supposed to take care of them” and his teacher tells the class that if that sort of thing goes on at home, it's classified as abuse and they need to report it
dudley is confused. his situation is different, he thinks. harry is a freak. but after that, he stops hurting harry for fun. it's lost all appeal. 
he lashes out when he's upset. but he can't help but think of that dumb story. 
then, the summer before he turns 16, a new girl moves to surrey. she's pretty, dudley thinks. he meets her. she's kind and makes dudley’s heart skip beats. he goes over to her house one day, to pick her up for a date. she calls her parents by their first names, and dudley questions her. 
“oh,” she says, fidgeting a little. “my birth parents were deemed unfit to have guardianship over me. they're in prison for child abuse. so i'm being fostered.”
that explains her occasional flinches and panic attacks
it's explains why she's underweight. 
so once they began to date, he noticed more and more about her. she had panic attacks a lot, there were certain phrases that sent her into a spiral. she fell asleep on him once, during a movie. she thrashed and screamed and sobbed in her sleep, and when dudley finally woke her up, it took half an hour to coax her into calming down. 
she told him she had nightmares about her childhood. she was diagnosed with ptsd a while back. 
that was when dudley dursley decided to protect this girl with all he had. 
dudley hasnt hung out with his friends in a while. piers asks why at one point, but dudley just shrugs and avoids him more. the group stops talking to him completely when dudley punches one of them in the stomach. he’s not sure why.
so when harry came back for the summer, dudley saw the same things he saw in his girlfriend. he heard his cousin say things in his sleep, for them to stop or to “run cedric, run”
when harry was locked in his room without food or water, dudley snuck some in for him. he gave him ice packs and bandaids and tylenol when he was beat, and he didn't mention harry’s nightmares like he would have years before.
by the time the school year started, dudley knew that his parents hadn't treated harry potter right. there wasn't an excuse for him hurting harry even, and harry had been abused in the dursley home. 
dudley threw up.
when dudley dursley was 17, his cousin returned to his house in a panic. he watched as harry packed everything up and begged the his parents to understand that there was a war, they're in danger, they need to go into hiding please for their own safety
dudley dursley was 17 when he last told his girlfriend he loved her but it was for the best that they broke up. harry wouldn't lie about being in danger, and the last thing dudley wanted was the sweet girl to be hurt again
dudley dursley was 17 when he moved away from surrey. he was 17 when he asked his parents why harry wasn't coming with them and they told him harry was a waste of space. 
dudley dursley was 17 when he realized not even a part of him believed that. 
dudley dursley was 17 when he spoke to his cousin last and told him “i don't think you're a waste of space.”
harry potter is 17 when he says, “thanks big d.”
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skarlette1 · 7 months
Pearl Girls: Un-Brainwashing
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–The penultimate chapter of the Pearl Girls series.
It was nearly three in the morning when I slipped back into my dorm room. Even for a superheroine like me, today had been hard. I’d started out the day as brainwashed college coed Yvonne Yates, hopelessly devoted to Professor Patriarchy. Before the sun went down, I’d reclaimed my identity as the superheroine Sable and hauled him off to the Libido League’s special holding cells at Chastity Island Prison, a place where his stupid-yet-seductive skills of scalp massage couldn’t enslave anyone else. I’d gotten so lucky that my superheroic mentor and lover, Alexis, had been able to use a surplus Absinthe Industries necklace to break Patriarchy’s hold on my mind and deprogram me. She was always so strong, smart, and determined. Now that my brain was my own again, I hoped it wouldn’t be long before I was by her side fighting crime as Argent and Sable, and on my knees as her submissive lover.
“Yvonne! Thank goodness you’re back!” my roommate Thora Thames sat bolt upright in bed, startling me. I’d been so wrapped up in getting myself un-brainwashed from Professor Patriarchy’s control that I’d completely forgotten that he’d used me to capture poor Thora for his growing harem. The fact that she was sleeping in her makeup and wearing an old-timey negligee that the Professor made her buy made it clear that just throwing him in prison hadn’t put an end to his influence.
“Thora! You scared me! I thought you’d be asleep by now.”
“How could I sleep when the most handsome, intelligent, brave, strong, and sexiest man in the world has gone missing? Professor Patriarchy has vanished! I was supposed to go to his house to cook him dinner, but the police were there, searching through all his manly belongings. I’ve been calling and texting him for hours, with no response. When you didn’t answer my texts, Yvonne, I got so scared. Like maybe I had just learned my proper place at Patriarchy’s feet and it was going to be taken away from me.”
“I’m sorry, Thora. I’ve been really busy. I haven’t looked at my phone for hours.” I couldn’t tell her I’d spent much of that time locking the Professor where he could never control anyone again.
“What could be more important than finding Professor Patriarchy? Weren’t you supposed to meet him at Doctor Ames’s penthouse for something? I know I’m just a silly girl who doesn’t always remember details when I’m on my knees before the Professor, but I thought he said something while you were teaching me how to worship his cock. Was he at the penthouse? Did you see him? Was he okay? Did he mention anything out of the ordinary? We need to retrace his steps and go over everything you remember to search for clues!”
Even brainwashed, Thora was relentless! It’s one of the things that had made her the Libido League’s biggest fan … at least until I’d captured her for Patriarchy’s harem. “It’s the middle of the night, Thora. In the morning, maybe we can report him as a missing person.” I had to stall for time until I could get Argent to un-brainwash her.
“There’s no time to delay, Yvonne. Most people who are missing forty-eight hours are never found alive. It’s already been more than twenty hours since I felt the Professor’s perfect cock in my mouth. We need to save him right now!” Jumping out of bed, she started to pull on clothes.
“Thora, we just can’t head out into the night without a plan. We’re just two college girls. How about we wait until morning, and then contact the Libido League? I’m sure with their superpowers, they’ll be able to find the Professor.” What I was really sure of was that the League’s superpowers would be able to free Thora from the powerful brainwashing my fingers had rubbed into her scalp.
“The Libido League? Those entitled, deluded bitches don’t know the first thing about honoring their proper place at Patriarchy’s heel. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the ones who kidnapped him! They probably threw him in their illegal, black site prison!”
“Hey, there are certain security threats that require—”
Thora wasn’t listening. “Kidnapping a iconoclastic thinker is exactly the kind of thing those fascist feminists would do! I can’t believe I used to admire those wretched wenches before you taught me my proper place. I spent so many years obsessing over every detail about those harlot heroines. The only good thing from all that wasted time was learning all their weaknesses. I’ll need everything I know to take down the League and rescue Professor Patriarchy!”
“Thora, you’re getting ahead of yourself. There’s no reason to—Wait a minute! What do you mean you know the weaknesses of the entire Libido League?”
Rummaging through her desk drawer, she pulled out a well-used notebook covered with Libido League decals. “I wouldn’t have been the League’s number one fan if I hadn’t learned everything about them. Maybe not their secret identities, but everything else. When I used to think they were a force for good in the world, I thought that knowing their weaknesses would help me protect them from villains who would hurt them. Or it might be useful if one of the heroines were brainwashed into an evil version of herself. But now that they’ve kidnapped the greatest man to ever walk the planet, I will use my knowledge to destroy the Libido League, one by one.”
On the one hand, I shouldn’t be worried about an angry college girl taking down a team of superheroines. On the other hand, one of those heroines had just been turned into a puppet by a pretty pearl necklace and another had been brainwashed by a fancy scalp massage. Anything was possible. “Thora, you’re overreacting.”
“There is no overreaction where Professor Patriarchy is concerned, Yvonne. You taught me that he deserves nothing but the best, including my best efforts to rescue him and destroy the bitches who kidnapped him.”
“Thora, let’s talk about this.” Ignoring me, she headed for the door. “Thora! STOP!” I reached out to take her by the shoulder. Because she had bent over to reach for the doorknob, my hand came to rest on her head. By force of habit, my fingers pressed her scalp in the same positions I’d used so often in the last few weeks. Thora let out a small gasp as the tension and anger drained out of her body. Her hands dropped to her sides, her Libido league notebook falling to the floor.
I knew the posture all too well: The Professor’s mental focus technique. My fingers had opened her brain to accept whatever she was told. It was the foundation of Professor Patriarchy’s brainwashing. Whatever I whispered to her at this time would become a part of Thora’s world.
Could I use the Professor’s mental focus technique to un-brainwash Thora? Alexis had done something similar in using the pearl necklace to un-brainwash me. But she was always so much smarter than me and I was so out of it I didn’t really remember everything she said and only villains actually mind-controlled people and the scalp massage worked differently than the pearls and—
Stop, Yvonne, I told myself. Breathe and think. I could come up with excuses until the sun came up. I had Thora before me right now, open and receptive of my words. I wasn’t just Yvonne Yates, mediocre college student. I was Sable, youngest heroine of the Libido League. I could do this!
“Thora, can you hear me?”
“Yes, Yvonne. I can hear you,” she said in that dreamy monotone I remembered so well. Had I sounded that out-of-it when I was under Patriarchy’s control?
“Good. You need to listen to me, Thora. Professor Patriarchy is … well, he’s a bad man. Let me tell you why....��� I went and on and on, refuting every thought that the Professor had forced me to massage into Thora’s mind. His iron-clad arguments for why men were superior to women—wrong! His reasons that his ideas were always the best—wrong! His dissertation on why even the worst man was superior to the best woman—wrong! His detailed description of how we had no choice but to obey his every command—wrong! By the time I paused to catch my breath, I could only hope that it was enough to save Thora.
“I understand. I should ...” she paused as if she were frightened of the next word. “I-I should ... not obey Professor Patriarchy.”
I let out a sigh of relief. The un-brainwashing worked! I knew I’d be able to rescue her!
“Who should I obey?” Thora asked.
Uh oh. I wasn’t ready for this. “Obey? Um, you shouldn’t obey anybody. You’re not a— I mean, you should obey the law, obviously. Unless it’s an unjust law. And you need to obey your other professors so you don’t flunk out of college. But only in class. And outside of classwork related to the class. But you shouldn’t obey them about stuff that’s not about class.”
As I spoke, her face twisted into an expression of pained confusion. “I don’t understand, Yvonne. Who should I obey?” Her plaintive voice sounded nothing like the girl that was going to take down the Libido League with a notebook just a few minutes ago.
I checked my fingers to ensure they hadn’t slipped out of the proper configuration. It didn’t make any sense. Thora shouldn’t have been able to push back on my suggestions with her frontal lobe paralyzed and—
“Holy higher brain functions!” She couldn’t think for herself because I was preventing her from thinking for herself. She gazed vaguely up at me with unfocused, glassy eyes. I was way out of my depth here, but I couldn’t just leave her suspended without critical thinking. I panicked and couldn’t tell you the reason I spoke those next three words.
“Obey me, Thora.”
“Yes, ma’am!” She let out a relieved sigh as her face melted back into blissful openness. “I will obey you in all things, Mistress Yates.”
I yelped and pulled my hands back. It felt so wrong to be called “Mistress.” Somehow, I’d found a way to break my friend’s brain even more!
Freed from the grip of the mental focus technique, Thora closed her eyes and shook her head. I buried my face in my hands. I couldn’t bear the look of betrayal I knew I deserved.
“Oh my god,” Thora whispered. “You saved me! You saved me from the evil clutches of that wicked man. With a name like ‘Professor Patriarchy’ he even sounds like a supervillian. And you rescued me from him!”
“Thora, I don’t know how to tell you—“ I peeked out from between my fingers to see my roommate gazing up at me with a look of pure adoration. I’d seen her look at the heroines of the Libido League like that, but never at plain Yvonne Yates. Her eyes were so deep. And open. And beautiful. Even if I hadn’t had a tiny crush on Thora before this all started, I don’t think I could have kept from falling into those eyes.
“What do you need to tell me, Mistress Yates?”
“I, um ...”
“Do you need to tell me how I can thank you for rescuing me?” She took my hand in her nimble fingers. “I am so grateful for all you’ve done for me, Mistress Yates.” She brought my hand to her lips and kissed each fingertip. “I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” She pressed my hand to her chest. Her skin was so soft. She slid my hand inside her negligee and until it cupped her warm breast. Thora moaned, a slight smile playing across her lips.
I knew this wasn’t right. Thora wasn’t in her right mind. She hadn’t been since I first laid my fingers on her scalp. But I didn’t know how to give her right mind back to her. I only knew how good her nipple felt as it stiffened against my palm. I knew if she had to obey someone, it was better she obey someone who wouldn’t hurt her. Someone who would take care of her. Someone like me.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“If you’d like to kiss me, I’d like to kiss you.”
“Yes, ma’am!” She leaned in and pressed her beautiful lips against mine. They were so soft, so warm, and so willing. She pulled me close with one hand and and used the other to guide my fingers over her ass. I could feel more than hear a moaning, deep in her throat. She craved me, lusted after my flesh, wanted to drown herself in my touch. It was intoxicating to know how much she wanted me. That’s how I had felt with Professor Patriarchy.
Exactly how I’d felt with Professor Patriarchy. I pushed her away. “Thora, you can’t let me … It’s not right ...”
“I’m sorry I didn’t please you, Mistress Yvonne. I can do better. Just tell me what I’ve done wrong and let me worship you.”
Her lust was a side effect of the Patriarchy’s mental focus technique. When he had touched me, I would have done absolutely anything to get my lips on his skin. Any rejection had cut deep into my soul, making me more desperate to please him. I’d put Thora in the same position! As hot as she was, it was wrong to simply take advantage of her vulnerability. That’s the sort of things supervillains do.
But I couldn’t stop, either. In her current state, that sort of rejection could be traumatic. How could a simple college girl like me deal with this?
She couldn’t. She’d need the wisdom of a superhero.
“Thora, you told me once that you only wanted to have sex with the Libido League.”
“I used to fantasize about them so much, Mistress Yvonne. They are so strong and smart and beautiful and so fucking sexy.”
Perfect. “We’re going to play a game when we’re alone together. I’ll be your mistress, but we’ll pretend that I’m actually a member of the Libido League. You’ll call me ... ‘Mistress Sable.’”
If I gave Thora something that I knew she wanted before I’d messed with her mind, I was just fulfilling her fantasy—a fantasy that belonged to her true self. It wasn’t as though I were taking advantage of her because she was hot and helpless and I was horny for her—I was helping her explore her sexuality. Sable had always been the best parts of me, so just hearing the name would remind me not to abuse my power.
Her knees went wobby and she let out a squeal like only a fangirl could. “Oh my god, yes! Yes, Mistress Sable. Yes! Yes! You’ll be my mistress and I’ll be your slutty, subby sidekick, the Blonde Thora-nado!”
I laughed. “That’s perfect! Are you ready to help me with mission preparation, Blonde Thora-nado?”
She sprang to her feet and saluted. “Yes, Mistress Sable. I’ll do anything to help you save the city.”
“Many of the supervillains we face can use their powers to twist our lust against us.”
“I’ve read all about that, Mistress Sable. Villains like Mynx, the Emerald Edger, and Venus de Milo enhance their target’s innate sexual arousal.” God, how did she make nerdy enthusiasm seem so sexy?
“Right. If we happen to run into one of them, it will be best for us to be sexually satisfied. Completely and totally. They can’t use our desires against if we’ve already … y’know … fulfilled them all.”
Thora sank to her knees, a wide, sexy smile on her face. “Mistress Sable, that’s exactly the kind of mission preparation I’ve been dreaming of for years.”
As she kissed her way up my thighs, I began to feel at peace with what I’d done. Thora had nurtured a crush on Sable for years, it was obvious from the tender way she teased my pussy lips with her tongue. I would have flirted with her if I hadn’t needed to maintain my secret identity. In a twisted way, this whole ordeal with the Professor had brought us together, just the way her mouth came together with my pussy to send waves of bliss across my body. Every lick felt so good, I never wanted it to end.
Maybe we wouldn’t need to go to the League tomorrow to get their help un-brainwashing Thora. We were living her fantasy and it wouldn’t be right to un-brainwash someone out of their fantasy. Just like it wouldn’t be right to take her tongue away from clit even for a second when her movements were driving me closer to an orgasm boiling up, deep inside me.
What was so wrong with us continuing to play this game? “Ooohhh, Thora! Don’t stop!” Is this what it felt like for a domme to be worshiped by her sub? How could this be wrong? I slid my fingers over Thora’s scalp to show her the perfect pace. “Yes, Thora! Yes!” I couldn’t stop dominating her any more than I could stop cumming all over her face!
As I collapsed onto the bed, my body trembling with aftershocks, I resolved that I would dominate her for her own good! I’d be a good domme to Thora just as I was a good sub for Alexis.
What could possibly go wrong?
--To Be Concluded...
Like what you read? Will you buy me a coffee and request something rich to sink my teeth into? Or peek into the depths of my longer fiction?
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cuntasaurus-rex · 6 months
Review #1
Spoilers for an Aliens vs. Predators: Ultimate Prey story
Word Count: 500 words
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So, this story is about a girl named April. She decides to go on an Area 51 raid with a man she's never met before, a guy named Brockton. She met him online and he convinced her to come along with him.
They are there to, as you've probably guessed, look for proof that aliens are real.
They got into Area 51 pretty easily. Almost too easily, in my opinion, because as we know in real life, it's pretty much impossible to get into there. Anyways, they get in there, and they're getting kind of freaked out because it seems like the place has been deserted.
Even with the signs that something is wrong, they press onwards, because of course they do. They get inside of the building Brockton’s source said would lead them to evidence. As they are riding the elevator down, they soon encounter a scientist named Renfro.
The guy's going pretty crazy, saying everyone needs to evacuate, that no one's supposed to be there. Then he is killed right in front of April and her acquaintance by a xenomorph. It turns out that the thing escaped containment, which is why Area 51 had been locked down in the first place.
April and Brockton are understandably terrified and try to escape the creature. They're assisted by another scientist, a woman named Kupihea. She pulls them into a safe room, and explains the situation. They're trying to find a way to escape, but there aren't a lot of options, seeing as how, while the xenomorph is trapped beneath the facility, that means that they are trapped with it.
Kupihea decides first and foremost that the xenomorph has to be dealt with, in order to save the lives of the 300+ other people who raided Area 51, all of whom didn't make it downstairs (thankfully). In order to do that, she reveals the existence of another alien.
Along with the xenomorph, the scientists have captured a Yautja, who they named “Dean.” The trio manage to make it to the room he's held in, all while being chased by the xenomorph, which stops once “Dean” is released. The two fight, while the three humans just …stand there and watch?
“Dean” ends up killing the xenomorph, but suffers fatal injuries and dies as well. With the problem resolved, April and Brockton are placed in quarantine while matters are sorted out. It's revealed that Brockton never thought aliens were real in the first place, which meant that him luring April to Area 51 was for nothing. Unfortunately, the damage was done at that point. They end up never seeing each other again, and nothing is ever said about what happened to the 300 other people at the raid.
April spends some time in prison after signing a “generous” deal with the government, and is threatened by them to keep silent about what she's seen (obviously). The story ends with April reflecting on what's happened, talking about how she'd have intermittent nightmares and how she could never stop thinking about how humans aren't alone after all.
This was my first avp story I read, and overall I'd say that I liked it. It's short and to the point, and one could argue a little bland, as the characters are kind of forgettable, but I enjoyed it for what it was. The action is intense, and you can almost feel the emotions that April is experiencing throughout the story. 7/10 overall.
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shirtlesssammy · 1 year
The Winchesters 1x11: Bullet Point Rambles
Dean: What we do at the crossroads………..is make a prequel!
John shows up in dramatic fashion (Boris: idonotfeelbadforjohnwinchester idonotfeelbadforjohnwinchester) and announces his predicament
We learn that Maggie had a bracelet that makes people tell the truth. Also Maggie was MYSTERIOUS about it. At this point, we’ve mentioned Maggie so often I have to stroke my beard and contemplate what she means to the show
Today is written and directed by women! Nice.
Carlos and Lata investigate Maggie’s room and contemplate the Akrida’s master plan. They continue to be adorable besties and I love them
John and Mary pack up in DAYLIGHT BABIES PLEASE. They’re confronted by Betty who “has been following them for weeks.” Boris: Creeper
John gives himself up dramatically. Betty is probably pretty sad that she can’t haul in Mary Campbell as well. 
Lata finds the bracelet in a hidden snack hiding place. She reaches towards the bracelet and it flies up and attaches itself around her wrist. Not good! Even more NOT GOOD is when the mysterious shadows fly up and blow out the lights
Lata and Carlos try to figure out if the ghosty thing was a lurking monster or bracelet-generated
Back at the Clubhouse, Millie and Mary try to break open John’s case. Mary drowns in guilt. Wherps.
Millie wants to trust Betty with Monster Club. Boris and I both think this is a TERRIBLE IDEA. (But it would make some fun soapy drama, I suppose)
At the precinct, John gets interrogated by a chuckling cop. I tell him to get an attorney but my advice goes unheard. Chuckles the Cop reveals that he’s the Akrida WHO KILLED KYLE. *mustache twirl mustache twirl*
Mr. Akrida sets out a photo of DEAN WINCHESTER (we flail silently) and demands info in exchange for his freedom. Boris: Every time this photo shows up, my brain vibrates at a high level
(Info update: John was a PoW???)
Lata digs into the bracelet further - the shadows will consume anyone who wears the bracelet and has a dark secret. Carlos is like YOU???? just before he’s taken by the monsters! ‘FESS UP GIRL!!!
Carlos gets zapped into a creepy crypt bedroom place? Is this like a ghost bedroom? They can hear each other. Is he in a parallel dimension like that witch from the second episode?
Millie proudly shows Betty the Clubhouse. It’s time for Monster Skool! Millie tries to convince Betty that it’s all real. Come on, don’t you have some handy monsters hanging out? It goes…poorly. Mary shouts after her about the 3 marks on the back of her neck, as Betty storms off
Fake!Maggie and Lata reminisce. Maggie told her everything, and now Fake!Maggie wants Lata to tell her everything. Lata gets zapped to the cold room, and Carlos! WILL we finally learn Lata’s SECRET? Why the family estrangement, etc? Honestly, I’m surprised to learn this so soon, since I assumed Lata’s Dark Secret TM would be part of season 2
Lata lights a lantern as Carlos feels the creeping approach of DOOM. We learn that the dark room was a part of Lata’s old home
Meanwhile, Mary plans a good old fashioned jailbreak. Boris: John’s sons got out of the deepest darkest prison the Feds have to offer so…John can bust out too. Or did they get out because of their mom? Things to contemplate…
Carlos and Lata confront her dark secret. She weeps over it and Carlos begs for her to confess. Lata brings up her backstory. After a family dinner, Lata brought food to share with her family’s housekeeper Sonya. Her dad beat her housekeeper for it and Lata struck him with the lamp. 
Mary rings the Campbell residence for a little Lata/Carlos backup. Sorry, Millie! Nobody here but us shadow creatures!
Lata was shamed by both her parents for sticking up for the housekeeper. She ran away from home. In retaliation, her dad locked the housekeeper in the room and Sonya froze to death. (Boris: Seems like your asshole father’s problem, and not yours, girl.)
Guilt rises from Lata and Carlos and they find themselves back in the kitchen. “I guess the truth really does set you free,” Carlos notes. LOL. Millie runs in and seriously ruins the mood. Uh, go team!
John gets taken away. Mary and Betty confront each other. It’s a punching fight!!! Boris: TAKE HER OUT, MARY, SHE’S HALF YOUR SIZE
The team confronts Betty and Carlos “Drugs Should Be Legalized” Cervantez holds her while Lata chunks on the truth telling slap bracelet
Team Scooby Gang beat up all the cops and John runs. What’s the plan? RUN! That’s…that’s the plan. Betty’s gonna be their source on the inside. Mrow cat fight, etc.
Betty and Mary reconnoiter later. AND THEY HUG. Or…Betty apologizes. John gives Betty the plans for an Akrida-tattoo, and John and Mary head out ONCE AGAIN in broad daylight
In the clubhouse, I am desperate to own Carlo’s coat, and Lata tells Carlos that she wants to be more open with him. Her parents aren’t dead (they are just dead to HER). Aw, Carlos tells her that her parents are dead to him too! Besties! Carlos reassures her that everyone loves her because they DO
Mary and John drive and look disconsolate. They plot revenge, and plan to find DEAN WINCHESTER OUR BEST BOY
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bloodblanks · 1 year
tili tili bom [eyeless jack x reader] — chapter iii.
Y/N finds herself in a new realm which appears to be the very depths of Hell, accompanied by her new companion, the grim reaper.
co-written with the lovely dawn_citrinitas! ♡
author's note: this fanfiction will not contain much, if any, dark or explicit content, but nonetheless,
please read at your own discretion.
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<- previous chapter
“We’re going to Daemon Regnum,” the reaper explained. He crossed his arms over his chest expectantly, eyes locked on his interlocutor.
“Okay!” Y/N almost squealed with joy. At the same time, she jumped to her feet and off the bed, throwing off the blanket before putting on her favourite slippers. She began darting around the room, looking to collect the necessities for her upcoming travel.
Her eyes scanned the room, looking around it with disbelief at her current situation and childlike wonder. She carefully thought over what she would need for her upcoming travels. A concoction of anticipation and delight from the forthcoming event had her head hazy and spinning. She could barely breathe, let alone try to reason. The enthusiasm flowing from the young patient appeared to be contagious, seemingly infecting the reaper, who watched her every action with interest.
The first item was a voluminous, pink, over-the-shoulder bag from underneath the bed. Picking it up and instantly putting it on, she smiled at the knowledge that it could fit many things. Without hesitation, she took her cellular device, its accompanying power bank, and the necessary cables from the bedside table. She wondered for a split second whether she’d be able to recharge anything in this other world once the power bank went out but concluded that she likely wouldn’t. She’d have to conserve her battery.
She reached for her vape, a pack of cigarettes, and a variety of lighters, assuming that it could be challenging to find nicotine in this other world the reaper spoke of. She tossed those in the bag, too. Turning on her heels, she ran to the closet, hastily flinging it open, taking her favourite sweater from the coathanger and throwing it over her shoulders. She took a moment to assess the situation and figure out what else she needed.
Looking around the room, slower and with more care this time, she tried to ensure she wouldn’t forget anything. Her eyes caught on a plush duck lying alone on an unmade blanket. She instantly picked it up, throwing the duckling and the rest of her items into the bag.
Her sketchbook, a simple pencil, and a small eraser were the last things she retrieved. It seemed like her preparations were now finished.
Y/N turned towards her saviour from the despicable prison she was in, in anticipation of his next order.
“Just so you know, I’ve never brought someone back with me before, so I’m not sure if this is even safe,” the reaper spoke, wanting to cool the ardour of the girl beaming at him with happiness. He wasn’t exactly sure what would happen while transporting the girl to his realm. He hadn’t interacted with a mortal before, let alone bring one to Daemon Regnum. He could only hope the officials wouldn’t have his head for this. In all fairness, it wasn’t against any of the laws, but likely no such laws existed because it wouldn’t have ever been applicable, at least not until now. The only way for him to know what would happen would be to try it himself. He had never considered himself as much of an experimentalist, but he supposed there was a first time for everything.
“That’s fine,” she shook her head, waving her hand dismissively. It was better that she took some risk rather than delay her vital escape. Her departure seemed so close yet so far, just barely out of the grasp of her hand, just barely out of reach. Her burning desire to escape made the minutes drag on like an eternity, stretching out the very matter of time and causing the breathable air in the room to dissipate, oxygen no longer filling her lungs like it should. She stared at the reaper with anticipation, watching his every move.
The reaper, in turn, calmly approached the wall where he had previously left his scythe. He picked it up, raising it before approaching Y/N and stopping beside her. He took an audible breath, seemingly gathering his thoughts and tuning in to the upcoming transportation.
As the eyeless man was thinking, the young patient looked around her room again, succumbing to the obsessive worry that she had forgotten something. In an attempt to calm herself, she lowered her head, staring at the floor. At that moment, she realized the cause of her anxiety—she was still in her slippers. However, it wasn’t like she had any other options for shoes.
It looks like I’ll have to conquer Daemon Regnum while wearing fluffy slippers, she thought.
Suddenly, the reaper spoke, taking her out of her thoughts and back into the present moment.
“Ăpĕrĭo.” She didn’t have any idea what the word meant, only assuming that it had something to do with the portal that appeared out of nowhere, forming a gaping hole through space.
Her heart stopped along with her breathing as she took in the sight before her.
It stood around the same height as the ceiling, the width barely but just enough for two people to pass through simultaneously, although that part wasn’t particularly interesting to her. What did captivate her attention, however, was the surreal appearance of this portal.
Shining in all its glory, the portal had a dark, swirling centre, primarily black but with streaks of blue mixed through it. From it emitted a glow, coloured with a dark yet also bright blue, the particles of which were scattered around the ward, illuminating the previously dark room. There were no clear boundaries; instead, its edges were rippled, a much lighter, more diaphanous blue at its seams with strings of white that resembled strikes of lightning flashing through it. The portal seemed to move, its colours constantly blending with one another.
She noticed then that the entryway exuded a heat so warm that the room’s open window no longer mattered, the air instantly feeling like a hot summer day’s, clearly perceptible on her chilled skin. It was as if the tear in space—which beckoned her like a flame would a moth—was a burst of fire threatening to burn her, and for a second, she closed her eyes and imagined it as such.
“Let’s go,” the reaper said, his tone stern while draping his free hand over her shoulders and pulling her in close to him, her shoulder bumping against his arm.
His grip on her was firm as he took several steps forward, bringing the girl with him. Step by step, they finally stepped into and crossed the threshold of the portal.
Y/N squinted, the onslaught of the light almost blinding her for a second as her foot passed through and into the darkness of the portal. The blazing heat that the portal emitted felt as if it were burning her delicate skin for a second, causing her to wince in discomfort. Indeed, she would not be set ablaze, right?
The overwhelming brightness of the light faded into an ephemeral blue glow as she lifted her other foot in, her entire body illuminated with azure just before it vanished, plunging her into all-consuming darkness. She didn’t think she had seen darkness this opaque before, not even at night during the hours of the morning when there was no sun; this felt different. It was dark like she’d never seen before.
She couldn’t even make out where the reaper was, only knowing that he was right beside her when he gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, her panic receding as she figured everything was still okay. Nonetheless, she reached her hand upwards, grabbing onto the reaper’s—she just noticed—disturbingly cold hand, tightly clutching it as he lightly pushed her to take another step forward and then another.
It left as soon as it had come; the scalding warmth and all-encompassing darkness sank away into oblivion. Her sight was returned to her, and she could now move without the guidance of what she no longer felt was a hallucination. The scenery before her was not something she believed her mind was capable of conjuring.
If none of this turns out to be real, she thought, then I definitely need to change antipsychotics once it’s over.
Shaking her thoughts away, she took in her surroundings.
“Holy shit,” the words escaped her lips breathlessly, her eyes wide and jaw agape.
“Oh, you survived.” While his tone was relatively apathetic, he appeared surprised at the result of his experiment.
“It could’ve killed me?” the girl questioned in bewilderment, one of the first normal reactions she’s expressed so far. She wasn’t afraid of death, no, and nothing he could’ve said would’ve stopped her, but she felt as if she should have at least been warned or informed in some way.
“Entirely possible,” the reaper’s answer was as stoic as his previous one, and it was then she noticed that he was trying to tug his hand out of her grip.
Y/N loosened her grip, finally releasing the weary man. Instinctively, she turned behind her to see what had become of the portal, unsure how to react when she saw it wasn’t there anymore.
“The portal is gone?” she asked with evident confusion. She wasn’t sure whether it was worth worrying about, so she waited for the eyeless reaper to explain.
“Yes, it disappears once it’s been used,” the reaper muttered, his head turned towards her though his expression was masked.
“So I can’t go back?” she bluntly inquired, getting straight to the point. As much as she had wanted to escape the hospital grounds, she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of worry at this newfound situation, the leading cause being her lack of medication. She hadn’t gone long without her prescription before and wasn’t sure what would happen under those circumstances. It would be ideal for her to have a way back if she started experiencing health problems.
“I can open a new one if needed,” was his explanation, followed by a teasing remark. “Scared already?”
Y/N instantly glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Not at all,” she responded haughtily. The reaper merely chuckled.
The silence hanging between the two companions prompted the girl to take a better look around.
The sky that spread out over her head resembled a painting by a mad artist. Above her was pure ebony that slowly transformed into a deep violet colour before stretching out into a rosy crimson that illuminated the distance. The further she tried to follow the colours with her eyes, the redder she saw, from an initial ruby-like colour to a bright vermillion that hung in the distance. It made her think of a stormy sky on a warm May evening.
The sight was monotonous, the sky as clear as it could’ve been, without even a single cloud. She couldn’t tell if the vermillion hinted at the sun or if it was just another splash of colour in this surreal world.
The aforementioned sky was scratched by the tops of coal-black trees. Their thick, twisted branches created a striking pattern with purple threads sewn into them—leaves. The trees were of enormous height, standing tall and proud and shooting into the sky, their leaves merging with the violet hues of the sky above. The colossal trees, rustling with leaves of dreamlike colours, fully captured the girl’s attention.
It was almost eerie, the combination of ash-black tree bark with dark raven skies resembling something from a horror film. Yet, the majestic plum-shaded leaves against the amethyst and garnet skies possessed a beauty that no mortal realm could display.
Y/N had to forcefully tear her eyes off the enchanting forest of trees, dense and merging into one another. She instead looked towards her feet, the sight not any less beguiling than the last. The pitch-black roots of the trees ran deep into the blood-red sea of grass, wispy and tall, visibly untrimmed and tickling her calves. With the ocean of sanguine before her, she could almost think that a large-scale battle had recently occurred here, staining the entirety of the earth with the blood of the wounded and the dead.
The delight blooming in the girl’s chest took the form of a light sigh as she admired the scenery. There were not possibly enough words to describe her joy, not even if she knew all the languages in the world. Overflowing with incredible wonder, her tiny heart fluttered in her ribs like a caged bird furiously flapping its wings and trying to break free.
“It’s beautiful,” the girl whispered, unable to overcome her overwhelming emotions. If she wasn’t restraining herself, she could’ve burst into tears of happiness, not knowing how else to express the vortex of feelings raging inside her.
The reaper merely chuckled at her reactions.
“Welcome to Hell,” he declared, his voice faintly mocking; she could hear him smile behind that mask of his.
“We’re in Hell?” Y/N’s voice was quiet, still, not wanting to disturb this place’s calm yet unsettling atmosphere. Perhaps living through the lousy seventeen years of her life was worth it for her to be in this magnificent world.
“You could say that.” In the same mocking tone, but softer this time, the man dressed in black spoke, his voice lowered to match the finally hushed girl.
“Explain,” she demanded, giving in to the reaper’s teasing.
“We’re in Daemon Regnum. In your language, it would translate to ‘The Realm of Demons,’” the eyeless man clarified, regretting having said anything as he was now being badgered with questions. While he hadn’t had the chance to communicate with humans before, he was sure that most would not be as brazen as this girl. At the very least, he figured they would be less annoying, with far fewer queries. He was met with another onslaught of inquiries just as he thought that.
“What language is that? And you’re a demon? I thought you were a grim reaper.” The view appeared to be not enough to distract the girl for long as she turned to the man with wide, glimmering eyes. It seemed that she decided to project her enthusiasm onto the reaper as an avalanche of questions. However, she thought it was only fair to ask, seeing as the reaper clearly wasn’t very talkative, failing to even inform her of a potential death earlier.
“You ask a lot of questions,” the reaper hissed through his grit teeth. It was evident that the number of questions she posed was not welcome.
“I know.” Her answer was curt. She wondered if the reaper truly believed his being irritated would stop her from continuing to be infuriating.
The black-clad man sighed deeply, once again crossing his arms over his chest. It was then that his regrets were truly showing, the man now unsure why he agreed to bring along such an obnoxious person. Not once had he met someone so plainly aggravating, even within others of his kind.
“It’s Latin. And technically, I’m both.” The eyeless man spoke monotonously, clearly not wanting to answer but assuming that the quicker he responded to her exasperating questions, the quicker this entire ordeal would be over.
“That’s cool,” the girl exclaimed, a slight grin on her face. So the intriguing reaper she had been talking to this whole time was also a demon. She then considered calling him Mr. Demon but felt as if Mr. Reaper had more of a ring to it. Almost instantly, she followed up with another question, “So Daemon Regnum is Hell?”
“If we’re using your human terminology, then that would be the closest thing.” The frustrated demon spoke indifferently, trying to mask his annoyance while silently hoping she would tire of questioning everything soon. He tried to mentally imagine just how many questions she would have left.
Y/N’s hand was on the strap of her bag as she turned her whole body towards the demon, her attention completely shifted to him and the information he possessed. Information that was high of interest to her.
“Latin is a human language too,” the girl responded, unable to hide the apparent smirk from her face. At this point, she was just trying to get under his skin and further provoke him, finding undeniable amusement in his reactions. Perhaps it wasn’t the brightest idea to provoke the one person saving her from her once hopeless situation, but she didn’t feel like he would take it too badly.
“We used it first,” the eyeless reaper responded with evident displeasure. He lowered his head to look the girl in the eyes, staring straight into her to emphasize his words. As much as she was irksome, he found her to be entertaining in some strange way, not that he could explain it and not that he would ever admit it.
“Whatever you say.” The young patient shrugged.
The demon didn’t respond, which was a rather dull response in Y/N’s eyes; not that it really mattered, though. After all, there was much more enjoyment to be found in her surroundings than teasing the exasperated demon. And so, she decided to give the pestering a bit of a rest. Just a bit.
Re-examining her surroundings, Y/N observed the scarlet-toned grass that was present in every direction, gently folding under her feet with each movement. She noticed that the charcoal-coloured bark of the trees appeared as if they were made of resin, and the grape-like shades of leaves were fully opaque, with black veins running through them. It made her think of the reaper’s hand.
She was sure then that no earthly landscape could compare with what the demons’ haven consisted of.
“I didn’t think Hell would look like this,” the girl said softly, once again lost in her own things. She couldn’t help but worry that this was all a dream and she’d wake up soon on her creaky hospital bed in a cockroach-filled, nauseatingly white ward.
“Right. You mortals think it’s a world of blazing fire and eternal suffering.” She could catch the sarcasm in the reaper’s voice, turning her head back to him and seeing that he had looked away from her, his eyes staring towards the wine-stained skies.
Somewhere in his voice, she could hear the tiniest, slightest hint of sadness, perhaps a feeling of wistfulness. She wondered why that could be.
“I just didn’t think it’d be this pretty,” she stated before imitating the demon’s actions and gazing into the berry-tinted skies.
“Well, you have plenty of time to admire this place. Let’s get a move on,” the eyeless demon spoke up, not wanting to succumb to the mournful mood that was slowly overcoming him. Something about the girl—he knew what it was, but he preferred denying it—revived what was once buried feelings of forlornness and longing inside him. He didn’t understand just why his brain made that connection, but figuring it out would ignite this gnawing, pensive feeling inside him that he’d do anything to avoid. No, he wouldn’t think about it right now. It was better to let bygones be bygones.
“Where are we going?” the girl asked, hoping the conversation would distract her companion from whatever sorrow had risen in him. She had an idea of what it could be, having noticed the longing that had clearly eaten away at him with the first word he spoke upon his arrival in her hospital room. It was evident that something was tormenting him; whether he liked to admit it or not was of no matter to her; she could tell solely from the singular uttered word.
She figured the least she could do was distract him from his own demons.
“Do you have a question about everything?” the man grumbled. She couldn’t tell for sure, but it felt like he was glaring at her from behind his mask. But it seemed her plan had worked; the melancholy mood had lifted.
“Usually, yeah,” the girl chattered, making doe eyes with an innocently mischievous smile. She was happy to find that his emotions were easy to tamper with.
Only an exhausted sigh escaped the charming reaper’s lips as he finally accepted his defeat. He had made the mistake of bringing this brat with him and, by doing so, voluntarily condemned himself to endless questions and tiresome teasing.
“Daemon Regnum is essentially one big circle. It’s divided into three seconds, Adytum, Medietas, and Extremus. Adytum is the innermost circle, Medietas is the middle circle, and Extremus is the surrounding edge.” A long and measured answer poured from the lips of the demon as if it were rich syrup or honey. It was only then that Y/N had the time to truly notice just how delectably lovely her eyeless companion’s voice was. It was deep and velvety, with a hint of a rasp to it. When the girl noticed that detail, the charming reaper’s voice seemed to increase in attractiveness.
Meeting with the expectant gaze of her interlocutor, the young girl did not immediately understand with what to respond, somewhat lost in her thoughts. The demon then cocked his head inquiringly to the side, checking whether she was still listening to him. Realizing what he wanted, Y/N nodded to acknowledge what he was saying, even adding on a small ‘okay,’ letting him know she had heard him.
“Adytum is for the ruler and higher-ranking officials. It’s where all the grand palaces and castles are. Medietas is where your average daemon civilians live, and Extremus is mostly uninhabited, so it’s just nature,” the sweet-voiced demon continued his explanations after confirming that the girl was indeed listening.
“Are we in Extremus?” the girl inquired, trying to shove the intrusive thoughts she had about her companion’s voice away, instead focusing on the actual content of his speech.
“Yes,” the reaper answered curtly, hoping this would be the end of the conversation, but no such luck was to bestow him.
“Why?” Y/N’s question was simple and, for once, not for the purpose of pestering her companion. She was simply curious about the new realm she had stepped foot in, wanting to know what was happening before she could relax and enjoy the view.
“Daemon Regnum has many points of contact to Terra Mortalis,” the reaper continued, his voice blank and absent as if he was reading directly from a textbook. He sounded beyond bored having to explain the basics of his world to the overbearingly inquisitive girl.
“Terra Mortalis?” the barrage of questions didn’t end, despite her mind already feeling overwhelmed by the sudden influx of information she never thought she’d hear.
“The Land of Mortals. Your world.” His answer was brief and to the point. The man leaned his weight onto his scythe, settling there in expectation of a never-ending conversation.
“Okay.” Y/N nodded briefly to show that she was still paying attention.
“The points of contact in Extremus are rarely used, since nobody comes here. The ones in Medietas and especially Adytum are used often, which means there are many other daemons coming in and out of portals there. I don’t want you to be seen by them,” the black-clad demon’s voice was as composed as ever. Wanting to spare the demon from further questioning, the girl took it upon herself to figure out why he would need to hide her from his brethren. She came to a conclusion relatively quickly, however.
While he had unsuccessfully tried to threaten her a few times, the reaper had otherwise been nice to her. Too nice. Despite nothing preventing him from placing the blade of the scythe against her neck and forcing her to speak, he hadn’t done so. However, she wasn’t sure the same would go for the other demons in this realm.
“The downside is that it’ll take a while to get to Adytum,” the grim reaper stated.
“How long?” Y/N queried.
“We have a different perception of time than mortals,” the reaper started, “but it depends on if I carry you or if we walk.” The reaper finished his sentence before staring at Y/N, waiting for her answer.
“I want to walk,” the girl blurted out instantaneously without thinking. In the hospital’s cramped, stuffy, restrictive walls, there wasn’t anywhere to go for a pleasant walk. However, now, she had an entire realm before her eyes. If that wasn’t any reason to go for a walk, she wasn’t sure what else would be.
“Then in human time, it should feel like… a month or so?” the demon continued looking at the girl, silently hoping that she wasn’t wholly unhinged and wouldn’t try to go for a month-long walk. Especially considering that she barely had any of her stuff, he hadn’t seen her take any of her medications, not to mention she was wearing pyjamas and slippers.
“I want to walk,” the girl declared, not a single hint of hesitation in her voice. She could tell this was not the answer he so desired, but unfortunately for him, he had made the mistake of giving her a choice. She didn’t care how long it would take, be it a month or a year—although she didn’t really have a year—because she knew she wanted to walk. In her goddamn fluffy slippers or even barefoot. The sanguine grass that sank underneath her feet was nothing but pure ecstasy to the girl who had spent two months confined in the four white walls of the hospital building.
“Seriously?” the incarnation of death responded with a groan. He could only hope he had misheard her, or perhaps she’d recover from her madness and change her mind.
Sadly, his hopes crumbled to dust with her following statement.
“Yes,” Y/N said with a beaming smile.
A defeated sigh left the demon’s lips. Perhaps he will learn to parry her asinine statements one day, but it wouldn’t be today. Underneath his mask, he shut his eyes, realizing it was pointless to regret what he had done, reminding himself that soon, this girl would sink into the unrelenting jaws of oblivion, and all this insanity would come to an end.
“Alright, whatever. Let’s go.” 
next chapter ->
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centralperkspoison · 2 years
bugs. | e. munson.
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PAIRING: Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader (Enemies To Lovers)
WARNINGS: DEEP!!! makeout sesh, bullying, mentions of sex, strong language, fighting, and rushed plot.
SUMMARY: You and Eddie 'Freak' Munson are stuck together when your brother and his friends go to explore the Creel estate, and get found by Jason. Jason interrogates you, attempting to discover Eddie's whereabouts, but Eddie stops him and the two get into a fight. You tend to his wounds, and tie loose ends.
OTHERS: im so sorry this is so bad oh my god, and as always please leave requests!
YOU LOVED YOUR BROTHER. You really did, there was no doubt if you did, but man, does he get on your nerves. Forty-Eight hours ago, you were a normal senior in Hawkins Highschool. Now, Dustin is out exploring a prisoners house while you were stuck with one of your least favorite people in all of Hawkins, Indiana. Eddie “The Freak” Munson.
You two didn’t always hate each other. Matter of fact, the two of you used to be 'best friends,' or whatever that was supposed to mean from two kids in sixth and eighth grade. Neither of you two minded the age gap, the only people that did were your parents, who always thought that he was going to talk you into dating him. You two were practically connected by the waist, or inseparable if you will. Even though you had none of the same classes, you and Eddie found ways to spend most of your sixth grade year and his eighth grade year together, but after he went to high school, you had to find a new group of friends to spend the next two years with. So, there you found Chrissy. She was in the grade below you, but she was still there. There was also Dustin's friend's older sister, Nancy, who was in the grade above you, and even though you were in chorus, this one girl from band, Robin. Being friends with Chrissy eventually pulled you into the more popular crowd, which changed your personality a bit. But Eddie didn't like it. "What the hell? You're acting like a priss." Eddie said one night when the two of you were hanging out. "What's that supposed to mean?" You ask, bitterly. "You just aren't you anymore, (Y/N)." He states. "Whatever, I'm going home." You say, grabbing your stuff and standing up from the leaf covered dirt. "That's exactly what I mean! You can't even listen to what I have to say to you without getting mad anymore." He said, aggravated. "Yeah, whatever Eddie. You're just upset that you aren't the only person in my life anymore." You yell, walking off. The two of you didn't talk after that. The two of you fell out, and until recently you rarely thought of him and his short, curly, black hair, and big brown eyes. But then your mom wanted to meet Dustin's new friend over dinner.
So here you are now, locked up inside of a small boat house with your ex-bestfriend, all thanks to your little brother. Great. "So," He says, "Are we just not going to talk for the next few hours?" He asks, taking a break from his annoyingly loud game of throwing pebbles into a tin can to look at you. You scoff, and walk to the other corner of the house. Once you sit down, you pop in a mixtape you made in seventh grade. Heart of Glass plays from your headphones, and you turn up the cassette player so that you can barely hear anything that Eddie is saying.
"Blondie, huh?" He asks. "Seems like you haven't changed since the last time we spoke. Basic, Princess." He bitches from his spot across the room. He then gets a worried expression on his face and slightly hunches over so he can look out the window. "Eddie, whatever you're trying to do, isn't going to work, so cut it out." You say from your spot, annoyedly. He puts a finger up to his lips, telling you to shush, but you aren't having it. "Eddie stop, it's just annoying." You say again. He walks over to you and takes off your headphones. "There's a car. Its Jason and his friends." He says, and searches for an out. "Are you joking?" You say, walking over to the window. Once you see Jason's car, you panic. You see the boy and his friends walk inside of the main-house, while you and Eddie crouch by the window. Eddie pulls out the walkie-talkie, and starts speaking into it.
"Hey Dustin, it's Eddie. You remember me, right?" He says, then waits for a response. Nothing. "Hey, if anyone's there, I really think me and (Y/N) might be in a bit of trouble here, okay? Wheeler?" He speaks into the metal box. Once there's no response, he smacks it angrily. "Anybody?" He asks, then stands up.
After a few hours, the two of you are still crouched over in the boathouse. "Dustin, please. You there?" Eddie says, then notices a boat outside. "Never mind." He says, then walks outside. "I'm friends with him, I'll just stay here and attempt to stall him." You say looking at Eddie.
You walk out of the house, and Jason notices. He runs out to see you.
"Jason? Is that you?" You ask, looking at the blonde. "(Y/N)? What are you doing out here?" He asks. "Oh, uhm," You say, trying to figure out a good excuse, "This is my uncle's house, I felt like going for a late night swim." You say, making it sound obvious. "Why are you here?" You ask him. "Oh, we thought that freak might be here, because this is where he buys his drugs from do you have any idea where he might be?" Jason asks. "What?" You ask, wishing you were better at lying. "No," You said, but your voice cracks on the 'o'. "(Y/N), just tell me where he is." Jason said, noticing your tension and taking it as you were lying and putting his hand on your shoulder. "I don't Jay, I think you should go home and get some sleep though, you look exhausted," You say, and try to walk away but Jason's fingers dig into your shoulder. "Ah, Jason, that hurts," You say, going to move his hand, but he doesn't budge, "Jason." You say, just making him dig his fingers further in. "Jason, fucking stop." You yell, grabbing his wrist.
"You heard her," Eddie yelled, "Let go." He said. Jason finally lets go of your arm, and you walk over to Eddie, who is still walking towards Jason. You put both of your arms up on his shoulders in an attempt to push him back. "Eddie, stop." You say.
Jason gets up in Eddie's face and spits. "What happened with Chrissy?" The jock huffed, causing Eddie to tense up. "It wasn't me, man." Eddie says.
You don't remember what happened next, or who swung first, but the two started fighting. You didn't want to be cliché and break them up, but you got closer. "You guys are fucking idiots! Break it up!" You yell, attempting to break the two jocks up. Jason lands another clean punch to Eddie's jaw, and Eddie falls to the ground, and Jason ended up adjacent to him. Jason looks at you from his position on the ground and smiles, "Happy princess?" He speaks, smugly. "Get your own nickname." You say, walking over to help Eddie up. "Go get in the boat, I'll be right there." You say as you help him up. You run and grab a jerrycan of gasoline from the boathouse, a few q-tips, a bottle of vodka, and some other necessary supplies.
After filling up the tank, you pull the string on the engine of the boat and it makes a loud noise, signaling the boys that the two of you were there, but you were gone before they could find you.
"Eddie?" You call his attention, your voice somehow sounding weaker than it ever has. "Yeah?" He says, softly. "Why didn't you just leave earlier? I told you that he was my friend and that I trusted him." You ask out of pure curiosity. His face hardens immediately, not wanting to let you back in just yet, and he turns his head to look over at the water. You and him jump out once you reach land, and he leads you to a construction site to.
After stealing a walkie-talkie and finding an empty place in the woods and talkie to the boys through the walkie, he tries to walk off. You grab his arm and lightly pull him closer, while making a sound of disapproval.
"C'mere." You say, dragging him by his sleeve to a log, "What are you doing?" He asks, aggravated, "You'll see." You say, going to pull the stuff out of your bag, but you end up dropping the sealed bag of q-tips, and bottle of vodka, which luckily doesn't break. He attempts to bend over to help you pick up the runaway objects, but you yell at him. "Get your ass on that log or so help me god, Eddie." You say. If looks could kill his brain would be splattered all over the leaves on the ground right about now. By the time he finally makes it to the log, you've picked up everything. You pour vodka on the q-tip and walk towards his face which had a huge cut going from the end of his right eyebrow to the end of his right cheek, and a small cut on his lip. You stand in front of him so that you can clean his wounds.
You reach your arm out to the cut on his eyebrow and he dodges the q-tip. "Wow, where do you think you're going with that?" He asks, "I'm trying to clean your cut, Eddie." You say, trying again but he dodges your attempt. When he dodges you again, you hold the q-tip in your mouth and grab his head in your hands. "Stop," You say with the q-tip in your mouth, and use one hand to grab it and keep the other on his face. He finally stops, but every time you press the cold, q-tip to his skin he flinches. "Stay still, I'm trying to help you." You say, looking him dead in his beautiful, dark brown eyes.
You reach to clean the very top of his brow, but you lean too far and lose your balance. Eddie catches you, and helps you stand back up. "May I?" You ask, pointing at his lap. "If you wanted to fuck me, just say so, (Y/N)." He smirks. "Whatever." You say, turning to walk away. "No, I was kidding!" He says, laughing. You turn back to face him, and put your legs on either side of him, balancing yourself on his legs. You look at his cut and press the q-tip to it, but he doesn't flinch this time. "Why?" He says, looking into your eyes. "Why what?" You ask, letting a small smile creep onto your lips. "Why do you want to help me, (Y/N)?" He asks, his expression remaining unreadable. "I hate seeing you upset. These past few days have made me realize how much I missed you." You say with a sad smile on your face. You reach into your bag to grab him a Band-Aid, then take of the white covering and stick it on his forehead.
"Really? A Band-Aid? So uncool, (Y/N)." Eddie says, rolling his eyes sarcastically. "You wanna know what's not cool?" You ask, looking at him, "Staph infections." You say, and it gets an uproar of laughter out of him. "That's really all you got?" He laughs. "Shut up! I was under pressure!" You say, starting to laugh too. "I'm taking it off." He says. "Don't you dare." You say, grabbing his hand that's slowly moving towards it. "Ah," He says, "You have fallen into my trap." He says, giving you that smirk you missed. He intertwines his fingers with yours and gets close to your ear, and your heart starts to beat so fast you can hear it. He lifts one of his hands and uses it to cup your cheek. "(Y/N)," He whispers, "May I?" He asks, recalling what you said earlier. "If you really want to kiss me, just do it, Eddie." You smile, adding your own twist to what he said moments prior.
He leans back and lifts your chin up so that you're looking him in his eyes. "God, you're so beautiful." He says before he smashes his lips against your silky ones. You kiss him softly, wanting this moment to last forever, while he isn't as patient. He softly bites your lip and presses his tongue against your lips, asking for entry as you grip his hair in your soft hands. You grant his wishes, and his tongue grazes over your front teeth. He breaks apart to trail down your cheek and chin until he reaches your neck, leaving beautiful marks all over the right side of your neck. You let out a moan at the sensation of his calloused hands under your shirt, rubbing your back.
"Oh." You hear a childlike voice say. Both of you freeze. "Okay." The voice says again, which you make out to be Dustin's. Fuck. The two of you break apart and face your younger brother... and six other people. "There were a ton of bugs, we were just helping each other get them off." You say. "It sounded a lot better in my head." You finish, and got off of Eddie's lap.
"So..." Robin says, "What happened with the guys back at the house?" She finishes, changing the topic.
(A/N): sorry that this was so rushed! its definitely not my best work! im lowkey embarrassed. please leave requests!
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