#like he said he was going to send the link closer to the time
jolynesmom · 3 days
I hate to share this but I don't have anyone to talk. It's been so long I've discovered about void and since then I've always wanted to manifest "family Change " in the void cause my mother. I don't want to make her the villian in my life but I can't help she literally abuse me everytime and says the filthiest, dirtiest things which I swear no parents says to their children and even my dad doesn't stop her . Everyday I having a mental breakdown and I go to bed with the hope that I will enter the void and I don't have to face the same day tomorrow again. To be honest I don't know how can I enter void at this low . I've been literally loosing hope. I feel like the void actually a void which will never come to me
hey I’m so sorry to hear that :(( my heart breaks every time someone comes to me saying they’re abused by their family. it’s such a disgusting thing and I’ll never wrap my head around on how someone can do this to their child
I really wish I could do something for your situation, but all I can do is give you a few words of advice
before anything I want to let you know that you shouldn’t feel guilty for villainizing your parents. such things are not normal and should not be excused. your parents should be thankful that the only thing you want from them is a healthy relationship after what they’ve put you through
let’s address the first issue. you’re not motivated to enter the void because you’re brought down by your circumstances. a lot of you seem to forget that the law of assumption exists and you can use it to successfully change your circumstances instantly without entering the void state. hell, you can use law of assumption to enter the void!! use the law of assumption to make your parents leave you alone or to even do a 180° in their behavior
I was actually in a similar position before entering the void where I was demotivated to even try because of my dad’s behavior towards me, so I used the law of assumption to make his stop being so harsh towards me. not only did he start to be nicer to me, but he even moved back to our home country due to some circumstances while I stayed in the uk, since then I’ve only known peace
if you don’t want to use loa to change your circumstances (which you should) then use the negativity in your life to fuel your motivation to enter the void. like ‘everyone treats me so bad, let’s see their reaction after I fulfill my desires and they’ll remain miserable here’
I feel like a broken record because I’ve said it so many times, but entering the void is embarrassingly easy. like I mean it, it’s so easy once I almost tapped into it while I laid down for 3 minutes waiting for my food to heat in the oven. and the great part about the void is that you don’t need a great mindset or to be overly motivated to try a complex method that will take you 3 hours to finish, you can just say ‘I want to enter the void’, fall asleep and wake up there
this is why I don’t like those challenges people do to change their mindset, affirm 100k times per day, listen to subs 25/8, do complicated meditations, vaunt or whatever. if you want to do them and feel like they’ll take you closer to the void, by all means go off, but you absolutely do not need them lol
when I entered the void for the first time I didn’t do anything special, I actually didn’t even think it’s possible to do it without yoga nidra then I tapped into it instantly when I was in a state between asleep and awake and said to myself that I want to enter the void asap
so yeah, use loa, treat everything with indifference and persist even if your circumstances are unfavorable
I’ll link some posts below that will hopefully give you some direction and motivation to persist
sending you lots of love and positive energy 🤍
🫐jani’s law of assumption guide
🍓 manifestation/loa is your bff
🥝psa: you can manifest anything
🍊 manifestation in 3 steps
🍑 doubting the void?
🍒 lullaby method to enter the void (personal favorite)
🥥distraction method to enter the void state
🍇 arlinski void state method
I also suggest you to check out @/tia-222 on tumblr because they have amazing posts which helped me master the void state in less than 3 weeks
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When your anxiety is so bad because you don’t have a zoom link yet for your interview that’s at 8 am tomorrow but you also really don’t want to call and ask when they’re going to send the zoom link because you don’t want to seem desperate for the job so you’re just like...guess I’ll just sit here feeling nauseous
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rafecameronssl4t · 6 days
Night out || Drew Starkey x fem!reader
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Summary: A night out with your boyfriend and Madelyn and waking up to pictures of you and Drew circulating around social media.
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 1,591
A/n: Send me drew starkey requests pleaseeeeeee
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Divider by @yoonitos
“Look at you,” Drew says with a playful grin, his eyes tracing every detail of your outfit with admiration. You giggle, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks as you catch your reflection in the mirror, pleased with your appearance. “What time are we meeting up with Mads again?” you ask, tearing your gaze away from the mirror to glance at Drew as he checks his phone.
“Uh, like right now,” he says sheepishly. Your eyes widen in surprise. “Drew!” you exclaim, a mixture of amusement and exasperation in your voice. Without wasting a moment, you grab your perfume, quickly spritzing it on as you rush to the other room to retrieve your Sambas.
“I feel so bad for making her wait,” you mutter to yourself, hastily tying up your shoes. “It’s fine, babe. The drive is only like five minutes,” Drew reassures you, the keys jingling in his hand. You shoot him a playful glare, your bottom lip jutting out in a slight pout.
“Still!” you retort, a hint of mock annoyance in your voice. With a quick glance in the mirror to ensure everything is in place, you grab your bag and hurry out of your cozy Charleston home, Drew following closely behind.
In the car, you carefully apply a layer of lip gloss, glancing at yourself in the visor mirror. Drew’s hand rests warmly on your thigh as he admires you, his eyes filled with affection. Feeling his gaze linger, you turn to him with a smile. “What?” you ask playfully, catching his eye.
Drew grins, his thumb gently rubbing circles on your inner thigh. “You’re just so pretty,” he gushes, his voice full of admiration. You giggle, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks. “Thanks, babe,” you reply, your heart fluttering.
“I’m so sorry we’re late,” you apologize as you and Madelyn go in for a hug, embracing each other warmly. “No, it’s okay. I was sorta late too,” Madelyn chuckles, pulling away from the hug with an understanding smile. Drew joins in, pulling Madelyn into a hug as well. “Hey Mads,” he greets, smiling down at her. “Hey Drew,” Madelyn replies, pulling away from the hug and smiling up at him.
You three catch up, ordering drinks and food, simply enjoying each other’s company. As the night rolled on, the three of you decided you wanted to walk down the street to your guys’ favourite bar.
It was around 11 at night, and the streets of Charleston were still bustling with a few people. “Wait, I’ll just go to the bathroom,” Madelyn says just as you step outside. “Want me to come?” you offer, concerned. “No, it’s okay, I’ll be quick!” she assures you with a smile as you nod in understanding.
Drew pulls you close to him, his arm wrapping around your waist protectively as you wait for Madelyn to return. “Do we have any choc chips in the fridge?” you randomly ask, looking up at Drew.
“I doubt it, why?” He chuckles as you couldn’t help but smile, “I wanted to make choc chip pancakes in the morning,” You say, “I’ll just buy them tomorrow,” He wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you even closer. “Thank you,” You smile, going up on your tippy toes to place a kiss on his lips.
“You lovebirds ready?” Madelyn calls out. You and Drew turn your heads toward her, both smiling. A playful grin spreads across your face as you step away from Drew, immediately missing the warmth of Drew. Linking arms with Madelyn, you share a glance. She sticks her tongue out at Drew, who feigns offense, placing a hand dramatically over his heart.
Drew walks behind the two of you as you giggle about something Madelyn said. The sight is pretty amusing—how small the two of you look next to him, with Drew towering behind like a protective shadow. It’s almost as if he’s your loyal Doberman, following closely and keeping an eye on his favourite people.
The three of you arrived at the bar and immediately ordered drinks, though Drew opted for just iced water since he was the designated driver. The atmosphere was relaxed and cozy, with only a few people scattered around. After about an hour, Madelyn decided to head out, mentioning her early start the next day.
The bar was nearly empty, the clock inching past midnight, but you and Drew decided to stay. The two of you continued to chat, enjoying the quiet intimacy and the time together. His hand rested on your thigh as you talk about something, his eyes watching your side profile in awe at how lucky he was.
“We ready?” Drew asks, downing the last of his water. You hum in agreement, getting up and thanking the bartender, who returns your smile warmly. With a final glance around the nearly empty bar, you head out into the night with Drew by your side.
Waking up, your hand moves across to Drew’s side of the bed, only to find it empty. Lifting your head from the pillow, you catch the faint sound of music coming from the kitchen. Curiosity piqued, you slide out of bed, your feet hitting the cool floor. As you leave the bedroom, Bella, your cocker spaniel, trots up to you, her tail wagging enthusiastically.
You crouch down, scooping her up into your arms, her soft fur warm against your skin. With Bella nestled comfortably, you head towards the kitchen.
Rounding the corner, you spot Drew at the counter, mixing something in a bowl with his back turned to you. “Morning,” you say softly, catching his attention. He turns around, a warm smile spreading across his face. “Mornin’, baby,” he greets, his voice filled with affection. You walk up beside him, and he instinctively wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close. Curious, you peer into the bowl.
“You’re making pancakes?” you ask with a smile, looking up at him. Drew grins down at you. “Mhmm, I got the choc chips in the fridge. Could you grab ’em for me?” he asks. You put down Bella, who trots off happily, and head to the fridge to fetch the chocolate chips, feeling a surge of affection for Drew and his sweet gesture.
“I didn’t start them too long ago, so sit down,” Drew says, giving your ass a light pat as you pass by. You lean up to kiss his cheek, “Thank you,” you say warmly before heading to the other side of the kitchen to make your coffee. The aroma of freshly ground beans fills the air as you start the coffee maker, glancing back at Drew, who’s humming along to the music, focused on making the pancakes.
You settle down on one of the kitchen stools, enjoying the comforting warmth of your coffee as you watch Drew mixing the batter . Scrolling through your phone, you’re suddenly interrupted by a FaceTime call from Madelyn.
“Mads is calling,” you inform Drew before answering the call. Maddy’s cheerful face fills the screen as you prop your phone up on the counter. “Hey!” You greet her as she does replies in the same cheerful tone.
“I’m getting my hair and makeup done right now, and I got bored, so I called,” Maddy explains, chuckling as she looks up to let the makeup artist do her eyeliner. “Hey Maddy!” Drew calls out.
“Hey Drew!” she greets back, her voice bright. “What are you doing?” Madelyn questions Drew as you flip the camera around to focus on him. He’s in the middle of flipping a pancake, his expression concentrated yet relaxed. “Making pancakes,” he replies with a smile “Stoppp, you’re making me hungry. I haven’t had breakfast yet,” she groans, letting out a loud sigh.
“Where in Charleston are you? We can drop some off if you want?” you offer, genuine concern in your voice. Maddy smiles gratefully at your kindness. “You’re too sweet, y/n. Thank you, but I feel bad making you drive out to me. I’ll just ask my manager to get an açai bowl or something,” she replies, her gratitude evident. You hum understandingly, appreciating her consideration.
After about ten minutes of casual conversation, Maddy brings up something that makes both you and Drew pause mid-chew. "What are you talking about?" you ask as Drew pulls out his phone.
"Are you guys living under a rock? It's all over social media right now. I thought you would've found out last night or at least this morning," Maddy says, sounding surprised.
"No, we haven't been on social media at all since we left the house yesterday afternoon," you explain while Drew opens Instagram and heads to the explore page. Almost instantly, you spot what she's talking about. "Oh, I see it," you say, leaning closer to get a better look at the post.
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Drew and his partner y/n spotted out in Charleston tonight!!
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"Aww, these picture is really cute," you smile, swiping through the images as Drew chuckles beside you. "Oh, and one of the workers at the bar made a TikTok about seeing us there. They even took a photo of you guys from the CCTV camera," Maddy adds, "I'll send you the TikTok too."
(the pic)
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With Drew being a well-known celebrity, you're used to pictures of you both popping up on social media. Still, you always enjoy looking at them, finding them wholesome and cute.
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makelemonade · 6 months
Warnings; NSFW, (18+), Female Reader, implied to have a big chest (not crazy big like be realistic) and a GYATT (sorry), p in v sex, seductiveness, implied squiring, a little sprinkle of degradation (use of the word “slut”), Semi-Public, unwanted pics (He wanted them), mentions of jerking off/masturbation, sinful thoughts of your best friend, raw sex, idk tell me if I missed anything, HORRIBLY WRITTEN SMUT. ITS SO BAD.
Notes; I was supposed to write this for Thoma originally so if this name is somewhere in here…ignore it. If you like this, support me on kofi! Link in masterlist!
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You’ve been his best friend since secondary school, and you couldn’t deny the feelings you had for him within high school.
You always denied it though, because you just couldn’t ruin the friendship. But, now you’re both in university, stuff changes and you definitely grew some stuff..
Your feelings for him turn into sexual desires when you realize it’s been a long time since you’ve done anything. You’ve been so occupied with university that you couldn’t even spend some time on yourself…
What sets everything off is when he invites you to his house in the spring to swim. Seeing those abs and the water dripping off his chest…holy shit. Is it bad you wanted to lick all that water off or?
You bring up the topic of friends with benefits, but not between you two (yet), just what he thinks of it.
When he isn’t opposed to one with a friend, that’s what changes your mindset completely. You knew he wasn’t the best at making those type of moves, but with your assets…
It starts a week later when you ask to sleepover at his house after a party. He agrees.
This is gonna sound crazy, but you purposely puked over yourself by drinking too much so he could give you his shirt. You decided, that not wearing any shorts was now your way of sleeping!
So, here you were in his room, in his shirt, black underwear that was hardly covered, and a bed for the both of you to share.
He gulped, lingering for a while but said nothing and just got into bed. He was gonna think about your ass for a while.
You got in beside him, and maybe an hour later if he’s asleep and you’re not, you’ll secretly inch yourself closer to him, so when he wakes up and finds your hardly covered ass rubbing against him, he’ll have to go to the bathroom.
What sets him off completely is in the morning when you stretch, your arms going up and exposing your bare legs and stomach. He couldn’t stop staring.
The next step isn’t too far away; Maybe 2 weeks later. He invited you to come for a swim again, and this one was a hard decision between a bikini or a horribly fabricated shirt that exposed everything.
You decided to go for a bikini that didn’t have the best fabric, so when it got wet…
“A bikini?” He spoke. “What happened to your shorts and shirts?” You usually never went with bikinis, if it wasn’t obvious already.
You shrugged. “Change of habit.”
The cold water made your nipples pop, going through the fabric completely. Did I mention the bikini was also white?
This, is what gets him thinking about you a lot from now on.
Later in the week you’re FaceTiming him, and he noticed the change in clothes. You’re wearing a dress from HIGH SCHOOL. It was so small that the side of your breasts were out.
He had no shame in hiding the fact he was staring at them the entire FaceTime.
In the middle of taking, you pretended to drop your phone by your leg, but he didn’t expect that when you’d pick it up, he’d catch a glimpse of his favourite colour as your tight panties before you quickly moved the phone back up.
He has to hang up 5 minutes later.
Now, your next idea is gonna sound absolutely horrible.
You took pictures of yourself, none of you naked but had a sexy lingerie set in his favourite colour and sent them to him on Messages
And 2 seconds later you’re spamming him on Snapchat,
Now, he’s curious, so of course he tells you he won’t look and says he’ll delete the chat.
But really he’ll save them to his phone and definitely jerk off to them.
Now, the next step is the final step, and takes the most courage.
You invite him out to the club, wearing a sexy right black dress that showed your curves perfectly.
Since this was gonna take up a lot of courage, you took maximum 2 shots to get your mindset a little changed for this.
He takes the same amount you do, and you’ve both been to multiple parties where you’ve gotten blackout drunk; 2 shots would make sure you’d remember everything.
When the both of you make your way to the dance floor, you’re shaking, but you keep telling yourself you can do this.
The next song plays and you’re both dancing together,
And the next thing he knew, you’ve turned around and you’re grinding your ass right on his pelvis. He freezes for a bit, and you’re scared; Have you gone too far?
But suddenly, his hands are on your hips and he’s moving the two of you to the rhythm, keeping your ass pressed against him.
You dance like this for another minute or 2 and then he moves his arms up around your waist, pulling your back against his chest as he starts to kiss your neck, sucking on it.
You let out moans, wishing he could hear them.
One hand makes its way up to grope your tit, he could already feel your nipple with how tight your dress was. “No bra?” He spoke into your ear so seductively, making you whimper.
He then grab your arms, dragging you to the washroom.
The small washroom mirror is steamed as your pressed against it, sat atop the sink, the both of you sloppily making out as his dick pushed in and out of of your cunt, your fluids dripping all over your thighs.
“Fucking slut,” He grunted, throwing his head back at the pure bliss. “You knew what you’ve been doing, haven’t you? All those, fuck, pictures? The bikini?”
You just grinned, tongue lolling out as your eyes rolled back into your head. “Nghh- fuck!”
He slapped the side of your ass, “Tell me how much of a slut you are, since you wanna be treated like one”
“Mmm- FUCK! I’m a slut, I’m your fucking slut, nghh~!”
“Good girl,” He panted, fucking into you harder. “I dreamed of this.” He groaned, laughing. “Fucking this tight pussy. It-fuck! Belongs to me now.”
Somehow, his thrusts became even harder, making you scream as you clawed at this back, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist. “Don’t stop!”
“Scream louder, maybe you’ll beat the music,” He snorted, and you wanted to slap the grin off his face, but you’re met with pure bliss as you meet your high.
“I’m cumming!Imcummingimcumming!”
You screamed as your fluids gushed all over his pelvis and he kept fucking into you. Maybe you beat the music.
It didn’t take long until he came into you. Ropes of his warm seed plastering your insides. He panted, resting his head on your shoulder.
You both stayed like that for a few minutes, the both of you too overstimulated to move.
At some point he pulled out, making you whine. His cum was starting to spill out and he shook his head, shoving 2 fingers in.
“Let’s go back to my place, I’m not done with you yet.”
-THOMA, ITTO, ALHAITHAM, KAVEH, AYATO, Tighnari, Albedo, CYNO, CHILDE, Pantalone, DILUC, Kaeya, ZHONGLI, Xiao, NEUVILLETTE, Wriothesly
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jjsfavgirl · 30 days
Calm down party girl
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JJ Maybank x partygirl!reader
Summary: JJ taking care of his girlfriend after a long night of partying.
I’m going to a party on Saturday and couldn’t stop picturing this hope you enjoy! :)
Warnings:alcohol, underage drinking, nudity, suggestive content( just reader being a horny drunk)
“Jay! Jay! Did you get my drink?” I smiled, stumbling into my blonde boyfriend as he caught me by my elbows and stabilising me. Chuckling at my drunken state, he knew that now was the time to cut off my tab and send me home.
“Calm down party girl.” He began, pulling my closer to him as to avoid shouting over the noise of drunk teens and the 2000s mix blasting over the stereo as cheers filled the room. “Let’s get you home, princess.” He smiled at me.
“Nooo.” I groaned, pouting out my bottom lip, praying it would convince him to let me stay.
“You can’t even stand without falling over, hun.” He chuckled.
“But-“ I began speaking.
“Nuh uh. No buts let’s go.” He spoke, not hesitating to take his hands off my arms and scoop me up bridal style, his arms setting under my neck and legs like they were sculpted for his touch.
Not wanting to argue with him, I allowed him to carry me to the porch of the house. As he set me down on the wood, my heels clicked and my head spun from the sudden position change.
“Can you make it to the car?” He quizzed, taking my pink purse off my shoulder and stuff both our phones into his pocket as he fished out the keys to the Twinkie.
“Yep.” I giggled, my drunken state driving my emotions hire wire.
Shuffling my way through the car park, my eyes glowing up at my handsome boyfriend who was looking back every so often to make sure I was still following him.
He smiled at me brightly, interlocking our hands together and helping guide me as he spotted the Twinkie behind a black Maserati.
My bottom lip poured out once more as the pain of my pink heels dug deeper into my ankles, my feet dragging even more.
JJ took notice to my struggle and immediately stopped walking to check on me.
“Put one foot on mine so you can take of your heel.” He ordered, knowing exactly what was hurting me.
We had both seen this before, partying every weekend then ending in me getting a foot massage from JJ after wearing my iconic pink heels that were one size too small for the long hours of the night.
“No, I’ll hurt you.” I spoke, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.
“I don’t care, you’re in enough pain as it is.” He said.
I obliged with him, doing as he said and placing my skinny heel on his foot as I removed my right heel then did the same with my left.
Groaning slightly as my bare feet tingled from the cold, sharp gravel beneath them, JJ turned around, placing both hands behind his back and motioning for me to hop on.
“I’m not a little kid jay.” I laughed at his movements, placing my hands on his shoulders as I hopped on.
“What ever do you mean? This is a very serious piggy back.” He chuckled, turning his head slightly to flash his pearly white while both his hands linked under my calves once more.
He carefully placed me down in the passenger seat of the Twinkie, tucking my legs under the dash as he placed my pink heels in my lap.
Joining me in the car, he started up the engine and we headed back to the Château.
Arriving at the Château, we spotted John B and Sarah laying with legs intertwined on the hammock outside.
“I swear she went out yesterday?” John B laughed, noticing my skimpy clothes and drunken state.
“You are one crazy lady y/n” Sarah laughed.
“You know it!” I cheered, throwing my hands in the hair as my strapped heels swinged around my bracelet covered wrists.
“Come on, party girl, let’s get to bed.” JJ ushered me inside the Château, guiding me by my bare waist.
I giggled, turning around to my boyfriend and placing a sloppy kiss on his lips then trailing them down to his tan neck.
“Nuh uh.” JJ pulled my wrists away from his chest, forcing my lips to retract from his body.
“Whyyy.” I groaned, pouting like a spoilt little kid once again.
“Bedtime.” He smiled, spinning me back around and leading me into the spare bedroom we called our own.
Plopping myself down onto the bed, savouring the smell of JJ (weed, sweat and cheep booze) JJ searched through his drawers and pulled out a baggy shirt of his and black biker shorts of mine.
“Arms up.” He spoke as he approached me, fingers motioning me to put my arms up.
A bright smile covering my whole face from eyes to mouth, I obliged as my arms swung in the air and JJ began to strip off my small “shirt”.
He did the same action with the mini skirt I had on, immediately sliding on my shorts and carefully shimmying his shirt over my long locks.
We both lay down together, his arms immediately wrapping around my frame as I played with our matching bracelets which lay so perfectly on his tan wrist.
“Did you have fun tonight?” He smiled down at me, his smile growing even wider than what seemed possible as I grinned up at the surfer.
“Yeah, I broke the record for most shots taken.” I smirked back, very proud of my accomplishment.
“That’s my girl.” He laughed heartily, placing a warm kiss on my forehead.
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tojisun · 5 months
since we’re sending p links now…
bimo reader and simon.
!! nsfw - minors dni
p link! 14 MINS? (idk why the duration shocked me the most). n no yea it is them!!
thigh slaps while missionary fucking is smthn i didnt know to be so… hot omfg
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god. thinking about the way simon’s staring down at bimbo!reader while fucking her in missionary. how his eyes don’t even know where to rove – to her pussy, greedy as it clings to his cock? or to her tits as they bounce up-and-down with every thrust that simon makes? or to her collar, in-tuned jingles mixing in with her breathy moans?
simon doesn’t know where to begin; he is so hopelessly greedy in the way he fucks you. how can anyone blame him? you’re just so beautiful spread out for him; so darling as you mewl and moan, digging your acrylics at simon’s thighs or forearms in your pleasure.
you couldn’t even say anything other than his name. can you believe that? simon’s sweet girl, fucked into razing pleasure that all you could remember is him.
simon’s heart swells before he begins to fuck you harder, the pace going sharper. you squeal – “simmy!” – and simon knows he will fight the whole world if it meant more time with you like this. if it meant he could have more moments with you like this.
“so good to me, petal,” simon moans, reverence wounding his words. “so fuckin’ beautiful. so perfect.”
simon presses his face on the crook of your neck to stifle his sob, feeling so overwhelmed with pleasure and his lapping emotions that he doesn’t know how to tether himself back. your wobbly arms take him in just as greedily, just as protectively, snaking them around his body to pull him closer into your embrace even when you are drunk in your own euphoria.
christ. see? you truly are his princess. his most precious.
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bimbo!reader x simon always ALWAYS gotta turn into something soft n mushy bc i said so <33
(tbh i dont see bimbo!reader being into that like catgirls or smthn aesthetic. ive been envisioning her as having this hot pink, semi-trashy aesthetic, mixed with soft girl aesthetic, yk? like pink suede juicy couture track suit, but also rocking silk dresses and those baby doll platforms. does this make sense 😭 anyway!! other than the cat ears that kept fucking distracting me, no yea this is absolutely bimbo reader n simon hdhehdh)
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zaldritzosrose · 2 months
Make Me Want To Sin (Aegon x Betrothed!Reader)
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Summary: He'd heard it so often, it must be true. "It's still innocent if our clothes stay on". And Aegon has every intention of living by that, especially with a betrothed as beautiful as you.
(Thank you to @lynnbeth5172 for sending me the most Aegon coded tweet ever!)
TW: She/Her pronouns, afab reader, dry humping, fingering, mentions of loss of virginity, innuendo, profanity, Aegon being himself.
Words: 1743
No beta because I like living on the edge!
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Aegon counted himself lucky. Not only had his betrothed been chosen for him, but marriage had also never been something he’d sought out himself. But his mother had chosen someone beautiful. One of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, he’d wager, and Aegon had see a lot of women.
You were a lady of a Great House, as expected. His marriage was never going to be one of love and romance, Aegon knew that. He was a prince after all. Though romance wasn’t really his forte, he had to admit it.
Pleasure. That’s where his expertise lay, in his own opinion. And you were sweet and chaste. A follower of the Faith, nothing more could be expected from someone chosen for him by his mother. Of course, she’d want someone like that.
Aegon, however, found every excuse to tease and tempt you.
“Come now, my dear, I have heard it said time and time again,” Aegon cooed, his fingers linking with yours as you walked the gardens, “As long as we remain clothed, it is all innocent.”
This wasn’t the first time he’d tried this. Stolen kisses in secluded hallways were one thing, but you’d had it ingrained into you that you needed to remain pure for your wedding. Meaning, of course, no intimacy. But Aegon was determined. He knew, from the way you’d sigh his name whenever he’d touch you a little more intimately or kiss you a little harder, that you wished for it as much as he did.
But you were a far less sinful person than he was.
“And I have told you, it is tradition for a betrothed couple to wait until their wedding night.” You answered, not hiding the roll of your eyes.
Four months you had been betrothed and Aegon was insatiable. But never forceful. Something that had surprised you, based on the stories you’d heard. And maybe, that was what slowly broke your resolve. Not that he knew it was breaking.
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Two week until your wedding, that was all that remained. But Aegon seemed even more impatient. You took it as a compliment, of course. Or at least, he would tell you that you should. That he was so hopelessly attracted to you that he couldn’t wait a moment longer to have you.
Each compliment, each lingering touch, each flirtatious whisper in your ear at dinner, was breaking down your wall more and more. And Aegon knew it.
When you didn’t chastise him for the way his hand now rested on your silk covered thigh at dinner, he knew he was getting closer to his goal. He wanted you to want him as he did you.
His fingers squeezed at your flesh ever so slightly, watching as the pink flush crept up your chest and higher to your cheeks. But you didn’t ask him to stop, as you usually did. Aegon took a little confidence in that, slowly drifting his hand higher until he stopped short of the apex of your thighs. Inches from where he wanted to be the most.
“Aegon…” you warned, and he simply flashed you that smile you had grown to love.
His hand remained where it was for the rest of the dinner, but he knew he could get a little further next time.
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It was a week until your wedding now and your willpower was almost at its end. It seemed like now, everything Aegon did in your presence was arousing. And he could see it. How your eyes would linger on his hands when they held his wine cup, or on his lips when he spoke. He had you, almost.
Aegon was sat in the library with Aemond, though the younger prince was the only one reading. Aegon came here because you enjoyed it and spending time with you was what he enjoyed. The corner you had chosen was quiet and as Aemond wandered away in search of something else to read, Aegon saw his opportunity.
With a gentle pull, he tugged you from your chair to his lap, revelling in the small squeak of surprise you let out.
“Aemond could return any moment...” you whispered, trying desperately to ignore Aegon’s hand on your shin, trailing a path beneath the fabric of your gown.
Aegon only hummed in response. He couldn’t care less if Aemond returned, his only focus was you. Knowing he wouldn’t let you go anytime soon, you tried to return to your book. But the words were nonsense as Aegon’s hand dipped between your thighs, toying with the fabric of your smallclothes.
“Aegon, here? Really?” you asked, your voice cracking slightly as his fingertips dipped beneath the undergarment.
Again, you only got a hummed response, as Aegon’s lips found the sliver of exposed skin at your shoulder. As if on instinct, your head tilted, giving him more access to your body. You could feel him beneath you, the hard length of him pressing against your backside. You knew you shouldn’t, but it was getting more of a challenge to resist.
“Do I make you want to sin, my lady?” Aegon whispered, his voice taking on the low tone that always had you shivering.
His words sent a rush of heat down your spine, pooling between your legs. And you knew he could feel it, his fingers slipping your smallclothes aside.
“If our clothes stay on, it is innocent, that is what you said?” you asked, repeating the words he’d said time and time again.
Aegon grinned into your neck. He had you and the time he’d waited now was worth it.
“Yes, my sweet girl, that is how it works.” His voice was soft in your ear, but his words had you whimpering, combined with the slow movements of his fingers against your pearl.
Aegon wanted to feel you, just a little something to sate him before your wedding night. Something to tempt you, prepare you for what was to come.
His hand delved deeper, a single digit slipping between your folds now. The groan he let out as your heat enveloped his finger was near sinful. He’d pictured this, time and time again alone in his room. But nothing would compare to actually feeling you. The slick heat of your arousal that was already dripping onto his skin. His own cock pulsed against your backside, and he couldn’t help but grind his hips up into you. He needed more.
“Oh…Aegon..” your voice was like music to his ears. The library was quiet at this time, but he captured your lips and swallowed your moans. Just in case. He couldn’t afford to be caught now.
He sped up, slipping another finger inside and rolling his thumb against your pearl. Your head falling to his shoulder, burying your face in the crook of his neck as you felt a tight knot in your stomach. Aegon could feel it, you were so very close, and he wanted to see you come apart for him.
And it didn’t take long. He curled his fingers inside you, chewing on his lip as he felt your muscles clench and hold him inside. And only seconds later, the most delicious moan of his name fell from your lips, thighs closing around his wrist as you peaked.
“That’s it. You are so very beautiful when you come, my lady…” Aegon purred, slowing his movements until he stopped.
Your head rested against his shoulder, your breath coming out as pants as you came down from your high. You’d never felt anything quite like it, but the way Aegon’s hand continued to squeeze at your body, you knew he wasn’t done with you.
With practised moves, he maneuvered you to straddle him, bunching your gown just high enough to expose the flesh of your thighs. The new position sent a shot of pleasure up your spine and you instinctively rolled your hips against him.
“You are insatiable, my prince,” you mused, Aegon’s hands now rested on your waist, urging you to move again.
Aegon only chuckled, the feel of your body against his knocking all thoughts from his head. This was what he’d imagined, what he’d wanted. And now he had it, he didn’t know where to begin. Something about the way you looked at him now, chest still heaving ever so slightly. Skin flushed from your peak. You had never looked more beautiful.
“Still innocent…” he mumbled, bucking his hips up against you as he helped you roll your hips.
His lips found yours, hands slipping from your waist to your backside. You could tell by the way he held you tight, kiss messy and rough, that he was close to his own end. And you’d be damned if you didn’t please him as he had you.
You braced yourself against the back of the armchair, trying to keep your movements as fluid as possible. And the groans that left Aegon’s lips told you were doing something right. The feel of his cock pulsing and twitching under his breeches felt better than you could ever imagined. It wasn’t long before his grip became bruising, slamming his hips up into you, chasing the friction despite the clothing between you.
His face glistened a little from the exertion, hair sticking to his skin. Your lips found his jaw, as they had many times when your past kisses had got heated. But this time was different. Your teeth nipped his skin as the rut of his hips hit your core in just the right rhythm to have you peaking again.
“Yes, fuck…” Aegon was lost to pleasure now and feeling you peak again was enough to have him following with his own. With the last few ruts of his hips, his head fell back against the chair and his eyes closed.
Both of you sat quietly. You’d expected to feel ashamed, like you’d done something you shouldn’t have. And yet looking at your betrothed, cheeks flushed, lips swollen from your kisses, you felt both satisfied and proud.
The silence was only broken when Aegon chuckled, a deep sound that had your head tilting in confusion.
“I knew I would tempt you,” he smiled, pulling you down for any other kiss.
You smiled into it, relishing the slight hiss he gave when your hips pushed down against his. Your thoughts wandering to exactly how your upcoming wedding night would be.
“You were right,” you whispered, lips brushing against his.
“You do make me want to sin.”
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Taglist: @valeskafics @nyrasproblm @alexagirlie @targaryen-dynasty
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starzblvd · 11 months
Sleepover w/ college!Ellie before + after dating hc’s<3
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「˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚。」 fluff with slight smut at the end
꒰ა☆໒꒱ would beg for Joel to let you stay a night or two over the summer and wouldn’t drop it until he says yes, then when he does she’d excitedly be texting you “yeah he’s chill with it”
꒰ა☆໒꒱ spends an hour searching up “things to do at sleepovers” so she can map out everything in her head, making up little scenarios of how’d you act with each activity saying she’d definitely love this out loud every once in a while
baking heart shaped cookies? She’ll like this
having a meal based off a movie we watch? She’s going to be so happy
Making face masks and applying it on each other? I’ll get to be close to her face
꒰ა☆໒꒱ So nervous when she actually hears your car pull up the drive way and takes a breathe before opening the door for you but she’s so nervous having you to herself at her house she just awkwardly smiles for a couple of seconds staring at you until Joel introduces himself and breaks the moment
꒰ა☆໒꒱ She didn’t tell Joel she had a thing for you but it was so obvious to everyone besides you, Ellie’s eyes lingered on your face and body with how painfully your shorts and low the cut of your top was. Joel would leave the two you be but would get second hand embarrassment if he stayed any longer to watch how Ellie would be so plainly into you, smiling and nodding along with everything that came out the lips she wished she’d one day be able to know the feeling of, or when she’d get a little red when you even slightly touch her arm
꒰ა☆໒꒱ Not even watching the movie and just looks at you majority of the movie, even if she insisted on playing her favorite movie when you said you haven’t seen it yet, but immediately looks away towards the screen if you shift a little in case you’d look over so she doesn’t get caught
꒰ა☆໒꒱ When it’s time to sleep she didn’t want you to sleep on her floor so she offered her bed but was so flustered when you just suggested sharing a bed and how it wouldn’t be much of a deal, for you anyways
Ellie’a staring straight at the ceiling while you made yourself comfortable on her mattress, having the feeling of your weight besides eased her a bit after a bit with the smell of your shampoo reaching her nose with how close you were
still she wouldn’t be able to sleep until you fell asleep first, then she’d roll on her side to admire you in the dim lighting of her room with only the light coming in through the gap of her curtains landing perfectly on you, after a few minutes she’d lull herself to sleep
꒰ა☆໒꒱ when you woke up you noticed Ellie’s leg was laying onto of your hip and her face was even closer than when you initially were awake, so close you feel the slow steady breathes from nose. You knew she tends to wake up later than you and it was nearly 8am at best, but before you could completely fall into another deep sleep Ellie’s breathing hitches while slowly removing her leg off from you. Opening your eyes a small quarter Ellie’s eyes were wide with a soft pink blush contrasting her freckles, she didn’t notice because she was too focused on repositioning herself like she wasn’t clinging to you all night
꒰ა☆໒꒱ doesn’t even ask to have you over and just gives Joel a heads up since she frequently takes you to her house when she can, you even have your own toothbrush next to hers
꒰ა☆໒꒱ You were over so often but Ellie would prefer to actually live with you, she’d even send you a link to join a collab pintrest board to make an imaginary apartment subtly but not really subtly trying to get you on board with the idea of moving in with her
꒰ა☆໒꒱ Washes the blankets you like most of hers for you to use, maybe if she makes you comfortable enough you’ll stay even longer is her mentality when prepping for your arrival
꒰ა☆໒꒱ Cradling you from the back not letting you escape her arms, laying her head on your shoulder smelling the perfume you use that’s Ellie’s favorite, having to pry her off when you need to go to the bathroom
“Ellieee, i got to go cmon”
She groans “just a minute more” before squeezing you but it only makes your need to go worse
꒰ა☆໒꒱ Let’s you borrow any of her clothes and insists that you do, she loves seeing how her clothes look on you, in a way to her it reminds her how you’re hers and hers only and leaves your smell on the fabric when she gets it back
꒰ა☆໒꒱ when Joel leaves you alone Ellie’s quick to get touchy, first she’s sweet picking you up and giving you a small twirl around kissing your nape all over then she smudges whatever lipgloss you put on when she kisses you in the needy hasty way she does, she loved the way the softness of your lips feel on hers, you let her tongue slide in when you felt her soft lick on your lower lip. It was all getting pretty hot until Joel casually slams the door open
“Got another space magazine for, you” he scanned Ellie’s face pretending he’d walked in you two playing uno or something instead
She’d quickly push you off of her that makes you stumble a bit while fixing the two strands adorning her face, flushed but trying to act nonchalantly to deescalate the situation but she wishes she could burry herself into the walls
꒰ა☆໒꒱ Any shyness she harbored prior to dating was long gone with wanting to shower with you, get dressed with you, and sleep within your embrace, being able to have any touch of you sent her into a calm happy bliss so she never misses the opportunity to slip her hands under every article of clothing you wore, sometimes she’d pinch you lightly to tease you because it was so funny to her how you pouted and swat away her hand all frantically
꒰ა☆໒꒱ Nights where you couldn’t sleep Ellie would suggest an idea that worked every time to knock you out, that idea was her slipping her hand under your shorts into the warm wet space of your underwear letting her fingers do all the work smiling all cocky when you had to shove your face into the pillow to keep quiet
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nateezfics · 3 months
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♔ PAIRING — san x reader
♔ GENRE — smut, sugar daddy au, ceo au, sugar daddy!san, ceo!san, aged up!san, fem!reader, dom!san, sub!reader
♔ WARNINGS — smut, public sex (in an office/workplace), oral (f receiving), use of pet names (sweetheart/good girl), daddy/sir kink, sexual language
♔ WORD COUNT — 1.9k
♔ SUMMARY — “you have the sweetest taste. i’m addicted to it.”
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your heels clacked rhythmically on the marble floor. the sound was hallow and echoed against the walls as you made your way through the hall. your vision was focused straight ahead, the few people that were around mere silhouettes in your periphery. you were steadfast, drawing closer to the all too familiar double doors you walked in and out of every day.
your grip tightened around the warm cup of coffee when you were only a few strides away from the double doors. you straightened your posture and inhaled. this was all routine. you did this every morning — deliver your boss’ coffee to him. just one of your many tasks as his secretary. you stopped just outside the doors and looked over the coffee cup, recounting in your head his exact order. he was very particular about how his coffee was prepared, and every morning you always felt a little nervous that something might be wrong or out of place. he was a man who knew what a liked and what he didn’t, and you were always eager to please.
your knuckles tapped against one of the doors to alert the man on the other side of your presence before you allowed yourself in. you were met with the usual sight of his grand office, with him dutifully working away at his desk in the center. as you approached, his head lifted to acknowledge you. on the outside you were every bit the collected secretary, but on the inside your heart was skipping at the sight of a small smile breaking across his face.
“ah, ms. y/l/n, you’ve arrived right on time.” san’s polite welcome made you smile as you neared his desk. he watched you as you placed his coffee in front of him, and smiled up at you with a nod. “as reliable as ever, ms. y/l/n.”
“of course, sir,” you responded gratefully. you took a few steps back to put some appropriate space between yourself and his desk before linking your hands behind your back. “is there anything else i can do for you, mr. choi?”
he reached for his coffee as he shook his head. “no, you’re good to go. i’ll send for you as needed, of course.” you nodded once just as he brought the cup to his lips, turning towards the doorway to make your exit. you were only a few strides away before your name was called.
“ms. y/l/n, how exactly did you order my coffee this morning?” you turned to see him eyeing his coffee with furrowed brows.
your heart fluttered. “i ordered it as i always do, sir. i even made sure to ask for extra sugar, just the way you like.”
san frowned at his cup of coffee as he placed it on his desk. he pushed it further away from him like it disgusted him to even look at it. “it wasn’t nearly sweet enough. much too bitter for my liking. certainly someone forgot the extra sugar.”
“perhaps i can revisit the cafe, and get you a new coffee —”
he waved dismissively. “don’t worry about it.” he sighed and stood from his chair. he stepped around the desk, drawing closer to you while you remained in place. with every step closer, the air inside the office changed. you weren’t sure when or why it had happened, but a switch had been flipped. the man before you morphed from your boss to something way less professional, something you typically only saw after office hours.
your breath caught in your throat when his hands grazed your sides, his fingers running along the dip of your waist. you were overwhelmed by his proximity and the scent of his cologne. you met his gaze which had grown much darker now, much more dangerous. you opened your mouth to speak, but he quieted you with a thumb to your lips.
“i think i have a much better idea to make up for the lack of sugar,” san said, voice low and sultry. he smirked, and you felt butterflies erupt in the pit of your stomach. “bend over my desk, and take off your panties.”
your face was hot from his words. “wait, are you sure —”
“yes, now do as i say, sweetheart.”
sweetheart. when he called you that, you always did as you were told. your dynamic with him went beyond that of a ceo and his secretary. he showered you with riches, and you gave him your body. it was a win-win situation for you, though you never imagined he’d ever attempt to explore this part of your relationship in his own office during hours. your front met the edge of his desk, and after pushing away some of the paperwork, you leaned forward until you were pressed flat over it.
“panties. off.” his voice was firm. you hiked your dress up over your hips, exposing yourself to his view. you pulled at the lace fabric of your panties, slipping them down your thighs until they fell on their own to the floor around your ankles. you kicked them to side, and now you were fully bare for the man just behind you. you heard his shoes against the floor as he closed the distance between you.
you sighed when his clothed erection pressed into you. you moaned at the hardness of him, skin erupting in goosebumps when his hands palmed your ass.
“that’s a good girl,” he praised, and though you couldn’t see it, he smirked at the sight of you beneath him, bent over his desk. “now, stay just like this for me. you can keep quiet, can’t you?”
before you could answer, two of his fingers rubbed at your clit. you bit your lip hard, and nodded at him. you feared that if you tried to speak, moans would spill out. you remained mostly silent while his fingers toyed with your sex, but nothing could’ve prepared you for what he did next.
san was on his knees, your pussy right in his face. he was so quick you almost didn’t even register that he’d moved until you felt the press of his tongue against your clit. his tongue licked a long stripe over your folds, collecting your wetness. he groaned just as your back arched.
“san!” his name escaped your lips at the jolt of pleasure. just the mere press of his tongue against you had you arching over his desk. his hands gripped your thighs tightly.
san pulled his tongue away from you at the sound of his own name. “i’m sorry, what was that, sweetheart?”
you realized your mistake. “daddy,” you amended. you felt him kiss your sex and mewled at the contact.
“that’s better. now,” san sucked on your clit, “be quiet. wouldn’t want the others in the office to hear me make a mess of you, would we?”
you responded with a simple nod, though you weren’t sure he could even see it from his place on the floor. you relaxed over the desk just as he resumed his feasting, face pressing into the cool, wooden surface. you felt immensely exposed like this, dress hiked up your body and lower half bare, san beneath you with his face full of your cunt. from this angle, anyone could’ve walked in and had a direct view of the debauchery unfolding here. the doors were not locked, and as ceo, san was certainly a popular man amongst the office. the threat of being caught didn’t seem to bother him, and to be honest, you felt excitement when you should’ve felt nervous. there wasn’t much room to think of anything other than his tongue and the pleasure it provided.
san’s tongue lapped at your cunt like it was the most delectable meal he’d ever tasted, like it was some sweet treat he’d been craving. he inhaled your scent and savored the flavor of you. there was something intoxicating about your pussy, something so addicting. san definitely had a sweet tooth, and you were the perfect indulgence. he found himself unable to pull away, not even caring for the need to breathe. he sucked on your clit and released it with a pop! “you have the sweetest taste. i’m addicted to it.”
you couldn’t respond, not when it was taking everything in your power not to dissolve into a moaning mess on his desk. you lifted your head to gaze outside the large window, watching the concrete jungle outside. the city was bustling and busy as usual, all the people within the buildings nearby unaware of the sin happening within this office. you hoped the city view would offer some sort of a distraction, but san’s tongue plunging into your hole took up every single one of your senses and flooded them with pleasure. you covered your mouth with your hand when a moan came dangerously close to slipping out.
“you’re sweeter than sugar, sweetheart. and i’d be happy to let my teeth rot if it meant i could have you on my tongue forever.” san’s words were whispered against your sex like a reverent promise. his lips moved over you while his spoke, only pushing you closer to the edge. “doing so good for me, so so good.”
his praise offered some encouragement as you began to grow insane from the pleasure. you were biting your hand now just to keep quiet. you needed to cum soon or else you’d end up disobeying him. your hips began to move, grinding your sex against his face in desperation.
san laughed, grip on your thighs tightening to keep your hips still. “is my sweetheart desperate to cum, huh?” when you didn’t respond verbally, he patted your thigh. “use your words, sweetheart.”
you exhaled shakily, releasing your hand from your mouth. “yes, daddy. i need to cum so bad…”
he hummed, using his thumbs to spread your pussy open. you were absolutely soaked, slick glistening over your folds. he almost came in his pants from the sight. “okay, sweetheart. cum for me like the good little girl you are.”
he fucked you with his tongue until stars exploded in your vision. you came on his tongue in a rush, pleasure surging through your veins. you shook over his desk, crumbling under the weight of the euphoria. san lapped and sucked until you began to come down from the high. you felt him trail kisses on your thighs before he got up from his knees.
san pulled your dress down to cover you. “you did so well for me.” his gaze shifted to the long forgotten cup of coffee sitting on his desk not too far from you. “and you were better than any sweetener.”
with his help, you lifted from his desk to stand. your legs were wobbly in your post orgasm state, and you wished you hadn’t decided to wear heels. your eyes found san’s before dropping to his still hardened cock. “daddy, what about you?”
san chuckled as he looked down. he was throbbing in his pants, cock feeling more than a little neglected. “we’ll worry about that later, sweetheart. i need you to go back to work now.”
you watched him reach down to retrieve your panties. heat rose to your cheeks. when you reached to take them, he jerked them just out of your grasp. you looked at him with confusion.
he smirked, stuffing the panties into his suit pocket. “i didn’t say you’d be getting these back. we are far from finished, sweetheart.” he leaned forward to graze his lips across your ear. “i will see you again after hours like usual. now, go back to work, ms. y/l/n.”
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AUTHOR’S NOTES — this has taken me so long to upload simply because i kept erasing it all and rewriting it :’)
i am slowly but surely getting closer to finishing this spoiled series! it started out as a 3k follower milestone celebration, but now i’ve recently reached 6k followers. to say i’m thankful would be an understatement. the support is mind-blowing, i am beyond surprised at how much my blog has flourished over the years. thank you for every follow, every reblog, every fic rec mention, and for every nice comment left on my fics or in my askbox. it means a lot to me, though i may not always take the time to say it. thank you, thank you, thank you!!
please, if you enjoyed this, make sure to reblog it and leave some feedback!! 💞
TAG LIST — @abiaswreck @jungkookieprincess @lilie-dctl @mjyungi @marievllr-abg @mylovelymito @nebulousbookshelf @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @staytinyinmybpack @thesafecafe (if you’d like to be on my tag list, find the tag list form link on the pinned post on my blog!)
NETWORKS — @kflixnet @wonderlandnet
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bluesidez · 28 days
GymRat!Miguel Part 9.2 | full chapter without breaks on AO3
content warning: more fluff, more laughs, a little bit of insecurity from Miguel and reader, underage drinking (all of the characters are aged 18-20 so by USA standards, that's underaged. but college kids will be college kids. and so will high school graduates.), a mention of an edible like once, Hobie is here! (fr this time), Pavitr too, even more jealous Miguel, 18+ so MNDI, wet wet relations, fellatio, cunnilingus, Miguel is a munch (his fantasies are unraveling finally), cum play if you squint, partially public indecency???, I think that's it
word count: 9.3k, halfway proofread (I split it really weirdly so I apologize for that lol)
Some of the links used in this part are just to give you an idea of what's going on! Enjoy! 🩵
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GymRat!Miguel who texts Tyler while you’re in the shower. 
“She really loved it. Thank you so much for helping me out with this, Dad.”
“Any time, son! I’m glad everything went well! I can have my people send over the video form of the animation if you would like.”
“Sure, I can have it on hand.”
“And I take it, you like the yacht?”
“It’s extremely nice! Captain Barrett is pretty cool.”
“Don’t tell him you said that or it’ll go to that funny mustache.”
“Ok 😭”
“I did have a question though.”
“Ask away.”
“What did Kron do to his other boat?”
“What didn’t he do to that boat? He had too many friends on that thing all with a mix of substances I could never dream of combining. Their parents had to come drag them out lest the police get involved. I’ve never helped Kron with any event or party since then. He hasn’t earned it and he embarrassed me greatly.”
“Would you be more comfortable if we held off on the drinks?”
“See son, the difference between you and Kron is that you understand the legal ramifications of doing something so idiotic as having illegal items on a property that isn’t yours as a minor. You also have integrity and respect, something that Kron has lost sight of. I trust that neither you nor your friends will do anything too drastic.”
“Yeah, there’s no crazy stuff happening this weekend.”
“I believe it.”
“Get back to your girlfriend now. Thank you for checking up on your old man. Tell her I said hello.”
“For sure. Good night.”
“Good night!”
GymRat!Miguel who opens his arms up to you as you come out of the bathroom. You hurried to lay in his arms, skin warm from your shower. 
You snuggle up under his chin, “Today was really fun.”
“Yeah?” he rubs your head slowly. 
“Mm hm. Now, we should sleep.”
A yawn racks through Miguel’s body, the day of driving settling in his bones. 
You keep your ear on his chest. The steady tempo of his heart and his breaths lulling you to sleep. 
GymRat!Miguel who is still asleep by the time you wake up. You both ended up at opposite ends of the giant bed with just your legs intertwining. 
You look over to Miguel and watch his chest rise and fall, his snores crescendoing at each breath. 
You lay your head back on the pillow, eyes tracing the shape of his face in this morning light. The water was calm, giving the boat a slight rock. Some seagulls flew by, their sounds fading in and out. 
You scoot closer to get a better look, your hand lightly following the line of his face. 
His eyes flutter open at your touch, a brown sea welcoming you. 
“G’morning,” his voice is terribly deep like this. The timbre shoots straight to your core. 
“Morning. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you whisper. 
Miguel moves to lay his head on your chest, taking a deep breath. “It’s fine. The sight made me feel like I went to heaven.”
He pulled you closer by the waist, “Ten more minutes?”
“Rest up all you need, bear-bear.”
GymRat!Miguel who is just as excited as Gabriel when he gets to the deck that morning. The agenda was swimming with the dolphins before everyone else got here.
Miguel and Gabriel were practically buzzing in their matching wetsuits. Dana snuck in a video laughing at the twin looks on their faces. 
GymRat!Miguel who sneaks glances at your form on the way to the dolphin center. You’re leaning over the edge of the smaller boat, the wind against your face. The wetsuit was doing wonders for the curve of your figure. 
GymRat!Miguel who ends up going into a nerd session about dolphins with Gabriel. Both of them are spitting out dolphin facts at the speed of light. 
 “I just think that if you were to be any dolphin, it’s so obvious that you would be an orca.” 
“But why, though? Because I’m big? That’s a new low, even for you, Gabri.”
“No, it’s because you’re mixed, obviously. Killer whale aka orca aka dolphin. Duh, Miguelito.”
“Don’t ‘duh’ me because that doesn’t even make sense. Orcas are still classified as dolphins even though they look like whales.”
“Just like you-”
“I’m going to smack you off the side of this boat if you finish that sentence.”
“Resulting to violence just like a killer whale, what a shame.”
“You’re so annoying. Orcas are smart, they speak different languages based on their pod, and the name was actually ‘whale killers,’ not ‘killer whales.’ That would make me an orca, but I would not be one because I would never take care of my family but abandon my children.”
“A lot of male dolphins abandon their families. A lot of them hang out with the bros and come back.”
“Female dolphins can do the hard work of carrying babies from ten to eighteen months, so enlighten me, Gabri. What are the male dolphins doing with the bros?”
Gabriel squinted his eyes and put his finger up weakly, “This is a trick question.”
“No it’s not! Don’t you know the answer?” Miguel put his hands out, as if waiting for a physical object to be presented. 
“I do know the answer, which is why I don’t want to give you the satisfaction.”
“Well, now I want to know because you two nerds wouldn’t shut up about bottlenose dolphins just five minutes ago,” Dana scoffs as she takes off her shades, the morning sun too much for her. 
“That’s not the same energy you had last night when I-”
“No one wants to hear that.”
“Shut up, Miguel,” Gabriel snaps back. “They take care of other dolphin babies. And sometimes become friends with benefits with their homies.”
Dana makes a disgusted face, “And you’re defending that? Wow. So when I have your kid you’re going to leave me and go do fuck all with Pavitr?”
“No, Dana, I would never do that! We discussed this! Miguel is going to study seahorses, make me a safe mutation, and I’ll carry them for you!”
“I don’t even study genetics so I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“So you wouldn’t carry her babies?” Gabriel gestures towards you in a panic. 
Miguel looks towards you at the front of the boat, watching the water go by. 
He thought of you as a mom, carrying his kid, holding their hand in the park, picking decor for the nursery. 
He thought of you under him, taking everything he could give you and more. You screaming his name as the bed creaks loud enough to fill the hallway. 
“I would, but that’s not the question right now.”
“Why did it take you so long to answer that?” Gabriel’s tone was high. 
“Oh my god, he was thinking of getting her pregnant,” Dana says in horror. 
“Oh, so I have to listen to your escapades, but I can’t even daydream in silence?”
GymRat!Miguel who listens intently to the staff. No harm shall come to any dolphin on his behalf.  
GymRat!Miguel who makes friends with one of the cute dolphins. Her name is Dotty because of the few spots she has on her body. 
She immediately gravitates towards Miguel. Her blowhole squeals constantly whenever Miguel talks to her. 
“Well I think Dotty is in love!” the instructor yells from across the enclosed water. 
GymRat!Miguel who laughs at Dana who keeps getting splashed on by the baby dolphins. 
GymRat!Miguel who looks so cute with his nose touching Dotty’s rostrum. They’re spinning in circles with Dotty clicking away like a cat purring. 
GymRat!Miguel who watches you interact with one of the bigger dolphins whose name is Mon. 
“Mon and Dotty are a couple, but he’s a little sad today because Dotty isn't giving him any attention,” the instructor says with a giant pout on her face. 
Even Mon’s clicks sounded sad and Miguel didn’t know how that was possible. 
Mon places his chin on your shoulder and you’re immediately in love, rubbing his body and consoling him and his broken heart. 
“It’s ok, Mon. You can hang out with me,” you say in a sweet voice. Mon’s fins squeezed you even tighter. 
A sweater, some random guys, Dana, Blake, and now a dolphin. Miguel can’t win. 
GymRat!Miguel who watches Mon click and spin happily when you feed him fish for doing a trick. 
“That was so good, Monie!” you pat his head, and he leans into your hands. 
GymRat!Miguel who thinks Dotty and Mon are a bit like you and him. They’re twirling in the water together, rubbing their bodies close. 
GymRat!Miguel who sits with you on the boat ride back, watching the dolphins race with the boat halfway to the yacht.
GymRat!Miguel whose eyebrows raise when he sees one of your friends as you guys step off the boat. 
“Hobie!” you squeal, running to hug the lanky figure. 
“My girl! How have you been, love?” he asks, a deep London accent lining his words. 
“I’m so happy you made it! How’s the apprenticeship? Any new techniques to share?”
“A lot more than techniques, if you know what I mean?” Hobie leaned on you as he snickered away. 
Miguel might pop a fuse. 
GymRat!Miguel who lingers by as you chat away with Hobie. The two of you are catching up for a while and Miguel wants to walk back to the room with you so you can help him take off this tight wetsuit. 
He’s lightly kicking at a puddle with his arms crossed when you call his name. 
“This is my boyfriend, Miguel,” you say, coming up to him and wrapping an arm around his.
“He’s a big one, innit?” Hobie says, holding his hand out. “Hobie Brown.”
Miguel shook it with a sturdy hand, “Miguel O’Hara. Nice to meet you.”
“How long have you known this firecracker for?” Hobie gestured to you with a smile.
“It’ll be a year once August hits. The best ten months of my life, honestly,” Miguel says, leaning down to kiss your temple. 
“She’s got you wrapped ‘round her finger, yeah?” Hobie smirked at the love drunk look on Miguel’s face. “Yeah, you’re a goner. That’s just how she is. One encounter and it’s hard to let go.”
Hobie went to pick up his one backpack, a master at light travel from how much he’s moving. 
“Don’t let me stop yous two from partying. See ya in an hour, love,” Hobie said walking away. 
You look up at Miguel, “The best ten months?”
“Yep. Love?”
“It’s a British thing. He’s friendly!”
“And definitely demisexual.”
“You’re very territorial.”
“For good reason.”
GymRat!Miguel who makes it to the boardwalk after he’s changed to greet their friends and guide them to the yacht. 
There’s a lot of you, especially from Gabriel and Dana’s graduating class. Miguel greets everyone warmly. 
It feels good to unite his old friends and newer friends together.
GymRat!Miguel who makes a plan to be the best at every activity on the agenda today. Yeah, he wanted to have fun, but for some reason, he felt like he had something to prove.
He walks back out to the top deck to see Hobie laying out on the flat slats under the shade. His arms are crossed and his shades are hiding his full expression. 
From here, Miguel can hear Blake chatting it up with some of the girls that are hanging out near the on-deck pool. He looks over the edge and sees him grinning from ear to ear as the girls giggle. He clicks his teeth at the scene. 
“Big Migs, c’mere for a sec, will ya?” Hobie said.
“He’s a bit chatty, that one. An overachiever if I’ve ever seen it.”
On second thought, Miguel might like Hobie a lot.
“All morning, he’s been spitting nothing but rubbish. Going on and on about the boat and the city and his socials. Nothing of substance, just straight air.”
Miguel snickered, “It feels like that’s all he’s got going for himself. His daddy’s boat, his daddy’s money, and his face.”
Miguel recounts the events from last afternoon. How he lacked respect for not only him but for you and your personal space. 
“Not gonna lie, I’d smash his head in,” Hobie replied calmly.
Miguel let out a hearty laugh, “I wanted to and honestly, I could, but there are several circumstances stopping me. Such as the fact that we’re on his dad’s property.”
“But deep it, when’s the next time you’ll need to be on this thing?”
Miguel is about to respond in agreement when you round the corner from the stairs. 
“There you two are!”
You smile at the two of them, “Are you guys getting along? Has Hobie convinced you to join him on some scheme across the country?”
Miguel took a deep breath before responding. He knew what outfits you brought with you, a lot of them matched his own, but it was still like new whenever you put them on. 
He didn’t have enough time in the world to cherish your beauty. 
“They’re not schemes, baby, they’re elaborate plans,” Miguel responds.
“Man like, Migs!” Hobie hops up and drags his arm around Miguel’s shoulders. 
You shake your head with a warm smile on your face, laughing at Hobie’s antics.
“And you look stunning. Though, I’m not too sure if it’s fit for hoverboarding.”
“That’s because I’m jet skiing and shaking ass, Hobie. You guys can have fun flipping in the air.”
“Right on, then. Migs and I have important business to attend to.”
Miguel nods, “Extremely important.”
You eyed them both, “Uh huh.” They left in a controlled frenzy, Hobie pulling his wicks up with a giant band and Miguel cracking his neck.
You didn’t even want to know. 
GymRat!Miguel who is a bit peeved that Blake has to give the water hoverboard demonstration. He’s staying up there longer than necessary, grabbing girls to balance them in the middle of his board while he flips them around.
You’re standing next to Miguel during it all, waiting for Miguel’s turn so you can get a video.
“Hey!” Blake yells out in your direction. “Wanna take it for a spin?”
You shake your head and yell back, “No, I’m good!”
“Just three minutes! Don’t be scared! I won’t drop you.”
“No thanks,” you bite back, voice irritated. 
Blake smiles with a hand on his hip, ready to convince you, when Hobie pipes up, “The lady said no. Can we move on?”
Blake’s face cracked a bit as he told one of the crew members to kill the power in the waterboard. 
“What is up with him?” you mumble to yourself. 
“I think he likes you,” Pavitr remarked. “He wouldn’t stop asking Gabriel questions about you.”
“He’s really pushing it,” Miguel scoffed. Not only was he being overly flirty to every girl on board, he was adamant about getting your attention. “No wonder he gets along with Kron.”
You sported a twisted lip as you watched him strap up one of Gabriel’s friends. “I don’t know. Even if I was single, he’s a bit too…tiny. Communal.”
The laugh that left Miguel wiped the scowl right off of his face.
GymRat!Miguel who gets the hang of the hoverboard after one try. You’re recording him with a big smile on your face as he tries to spell “love” in the air. 
GymRat!Miguel who dies laughing at Gabriel’s horrible attempts at staying in the air. His body keeps shaking like a baby deer and he’s steady yelling in garbled Spanish. 
By the time his turn is over, Miguel is laid out on the boardwalk with tears down his face.
“This isn’t fucking funny, Miguel,” Gabriel cries out.
Miguel just rolls and laughs some more. 
GymRat!Miguel who watches you expertly drive a jet ski from the edge of the yacht. You’re shouting with one arm in the air as you race Dana and some of her friends. 
Miguel leans his head on his hand as he watches you zoom across the ocean. Your skin is glowing, your smile is sparkling, and your laugh is bright. 
GymRat!Miguel whose bubble of thoughts involving you, him, the water, some fruit, and a floatie is popped when Blake’s voice pierces through. 
“She’s pretty good at that.”
“Yep.” Maybe if Miguel ignored him enough, he’d go away.
“Looks like a dream, too.”
“Are you dumb or something?” Miguel turns his body, gripping the rail to not get in Blake’s face, but extending his height to cower over him.
“Woah,” Blake holds his hands up. “It was a compliment, dude, chill out. You’re not mad at me for finding her beautiful, are you?”
“That’s not what the fuck you’re doing and you know it.”
Blake makes a confused face, laughing off Miguel’s statement, “Kron said you guys were open.”
“Does it look like we’re fucking open?”
“Well, at first-”
“Keep talking and you’ll end up just like him. Knocked out. Do you want that?” Miguel edged closer to him. “Huh?”
Blake bristles, ready to defend himself when his head is knocked to the side. 
He looks next to him to see a gaggle of girls all with waterballoons and nerf guns. They yell at him to come on and pick a side. 
Blake scrambles to join them.
Miguel is about to follow when Hobie sweeps in front of him, “Cool it.”
GymRat!Miguel who almost takes an edible from Hobie but decides against it. 
“The offer is open all weekend.”
GymRat!Miguel who gets roped into playing some games to start off the night, one of which is Never Have I Ever with shots. 
It started off innocently with things like peeing in a pool and cheating on a test to which everyone looked in shock at Miguel when he put a finger down. 
“I’m smart but if there’s a group effort to get the right answers, I’m not going to say no.”
Then it went left field and personal with things like threesomes, drunkenly fighting with others, and streaking. 
“Never have I ever…received head from a partner!”
A few of the guys put a finger down, groaning out and snickering as they had to take another shot. 
Miguel was trying not to dwell on how many experiences he lacked compared to the group, a lot of them younger than him. 
He rubbed his tongue across his teeth. He didn’t want to show his irritation on his face. 
Looking across the circle, he could see Gabriel’s eyes get wide, staring off beside you. 
Miguel followed his line of sight landing on you with a finger down and a shot in your hand. 
What the fuck. 
Who the fuck beat him to it? Where the fuck did it happen? When the fuck did it happen? How the fuck did he not know?
He’s ready for the game to be over. 
“Miguel is putting in work!” one guy pushes his elbow against Miguel’s side, laughing and patting his shoulders. 
Well, if people think he did it, it’s not so bad. 
“Oh my god, girl, how was it?” Dana’s friend asked you. 
Miguel tried his best not to scream bloody murder. 
“It was,” you pause, looking up to ponder. “It was something! Not particularly fun or good. My ex wasn’t the best at listening so he just poked at me. I faked everything that night.”
Miguel smirked. There were no big shoes to fill because they were never taken out of the box. Or even out of the store. 
“That sucks. I bet he thought you were in heaven.”
You laugh with the girls, joking in a way similar to the women that flooded Miguel’s for-you page. 
Miguel stepped away to get a breather. If he stayed any longer, he might do something drastic. 
GymRat!Miguel who is leaning on the boat when Gabriel comes to check up on him. 
“You ok, Miguelito?”
“Yeah, I’m alright. A little overwhelmed so I need to reset,” Miguel wrung his wrists while he let the sea breeze cool him down. 
“Is it the game? Don’t feel so bad,” Gabriel leans closer to Miguel and speaks in a stage whisper. “Some of them are a little too fast for their own good.”
Miguel snickered. Gabriel was definitely tipsy. 
“Thanks, Gabri.”
“Anytime. Don’t let them bring you down. You’re my perfect Miguelito. My pure baby!” Gabriel kissed him on the cheek.
“Ugh,” Miguel laughed and wiped at his wet cheek.
“Don’t wipe away at my love, broski.”
GymRat!Miguel who is guided by you in a dance. You’re a little tipsy and giggly, holding onto him as you dance to the music. 
Miguel just holds onto your hips and smiles with you. 
GymRat!Miguel who is locked in on your body as you grind against him. You’re arching your back and looking at him with a sparkle in your eye and Miguel feels like a wild animal.
When you lean back against him, he whispers in your ear about a private party just for the two of you. You bite your lip and turn to look at him. His eyes are tracing your lips and his hands are groping you. 
GymRat!Miguel who laughs at you as you wish everyone a good night quickly.
“I’ll see you guys in the morning!” you shout to your friends as you pull Miguel behind you to the room.
GymRat!Miguel who waits for you on the bed while you use the bathroom. 
He’s excited for an intimate night with just you. Parties were fun but it really couldn’t beat the serenity of smaller groups. It especially couldn’t beat talking all night with you. 
Everyone else was chilling out in other parts of the yacht, back in their hotel rooms, or night paddle boarding. 
You’re in the bathroom staring at the thin fabric in your hand. 
Miguel told you that there was a pool involved. 
You bought a micro bikini during a surge of confidence. It looked so cute on the model and you wanted to feel the same way. 
Now you’re standing in the bathroom freaking out, worried to death over the flimsy material. You were excited about Miguel seeing it, but you couldn’t shake your own nerves about how everything would play out. 
A knock at the door makes you jump.
You crack the door and peer up at Miguel. 
“You ok in there?” he asked, eyebrows pinched. 
“Yeah, I’m ok! I’ll be out in just a sec!”
You bite the bullet and place the bikini on. 
You didn’t account for your areolas to poke out beyond the triangles. You bit your lip as you turned to check out your backside.
At least your ass looked great. 
In a nervous motion, you pull your coverup over you and pull your hair up so that it doesn’t get too ruined by the water. It was now or never. 
GymRat!Miguel who holds your hand as he guides you to the private area. You’re squeezing his hand so tight. 
One of the stewardesses smiles as she sees you two coming. She stands next to a rope cutting off the area. 
“Good evening to you both! I hope you’ve been enjoying your stay so far,” her voice is polite and even. “Tonight, it’ll be just you two enjoying the Galaxy. If you need anything, just press the call button on the wall and I’ll be right down.”
She unlatches the rope and holds her arm out in the direction of the stairs.
You both slowly descend, careful not to slip on the trippy-looking wood. 
Taking a step into the room, Miguel stares in awe at the glowing pool. 
There’s petals fluttering about, small fairy lights surround the corners to add extra light. Looking up, you both can see the night sky with the stars adorning it. 
“This is beautiful,” you say, the lights surrounding you glittering in your eyes. 
You were staring at the stars and the lights but Miguel couldn’t help but to think that you were the most beautiful part of the room. 
He said this much to you, watching as you bent your head down hiding the smile on your face. Miguel lifted it back up and kissed you under the light of the stars. 
“Yeah, let me just go take this off.” 
You walk towards a chair with folded towels placed on it. 
“Miguel, these have our names on them!” you say with shock, running your fingers over the embroidered letters. Hearts surrounded the names and you felt fuzzy from the implication of the stewardess preparing this. 
“Yeah, I heard it was a part of the couple’s bundle,” he shouts from the pool. It wasn’t really a part of the bundle, but Miguel suggested it way before the trip. 
His back was turned to you, trying to set up a speaker by the pool. 
The moment was perfect, so you opened a champagne bottle and poured two glasses. You took a huge gulp of one and removed your slip. 
GymRat!Miguel who hears you entering the water, so he hurries to pick out a song. 
The mood needs to be right. 
He turns to you and nearly drowns at the sight. (Art is not affiliated with this fic, but I couldn't find any plus-size women in real life on Pinterest with this type of bikini! Please give this artist some love, I love their art!)
You’re coming down the stairs with two glasses in your hand and your skin on full display. The strings are digging tight into your skin and your breasts are practically spilling out from every side. 
Miguel is stunned.
“Come grab your drink, Miguel,” your voice is like butter in his ears. 
His eyes don’t leave you as he swims across the pool. The only sounds that could be heard are the water moving around him and the music playing. When he gets closer, he stands up, water dripping down his body. He’s breathing hard and is laser-focused on your frame. 
You feel an array of emotions. You feel like running, jumping, maybe hiding. His gaze is too heavy and he hasn’t spoken a word yet. 
You don’t know how long you two stare at each other before Miguel breaks the tension, “You’re going to be the death of me.”
He takes the glasses from your hand with one hand and picks you up in the other. You cling to him as he goes to the edge of the pool, places one glass down and chugs the other. 
In a flash, you’re sitting on the edge and he’s holding his body out of the water in order to kiss you. 
He pushes your mouth open, pulling at your lip with his teeth. He was desperate, wanting more. 
Your hands find your way to his hair, the tips wet from his swim. You card your fingers through his locks, opening your mouth wider as Miguel groans onto your tongue. 
He can’t stop, body moving forward the deeper the kisses get. Your legs open wider and your hands fall down Miguel’s back. You go lower than usual, pushing your hands under his swimsuit, fingertips grazing over the skin of his ass. 
Miguel parts, spit-ridden mouth red and messy. 
“You’re making this so hard for me,” he says against your lips. You’re both panting into each other’s mouths. 
Your body feels like jelly. The way that he’s looking at you fills you with desire, “Making what hard?” You’re quivering and clenching as his eyes seem to get darker. 
“Baby,” Miguel kisses the corner of your lips then your jaw. He moves to where your jaw and neck connect, licking  “Amor. I can’t.”
You move your head, encouraging him to continue, “You can if you want to.”
“No, I’m supposed to take this slow,” his mouth moved to your collarbone, sucking at the skin as you squeezed your thighs around him. “I need to take this slow.”
He gets to your breasts, pressing your nipples through the material and watching as your areolas poked out more. “Mierda.”
You try to talk as Miguel takes one breast into his mouth, “It’s ok to want more. I want, ugh, I want you to take more.” He pulls at your nipple, watching as it rises more through the fabric. His thumb traces it, causing you to twitch in his hold. 
He continues to rub over the fabric as he kisses down your stomach. The string is wrapping around your stomach like a gift just for him. 
“Tomorrow, baby,” he says into your skin. “I’ll take more tomorrow.”
He needed to stop before he broke the promise he made to himself. 
He hears you whine as he gets eerily close to your sex before jerking his body straight. 
“Why?” you sound so needy and broken. 
“Because,” he kisses your pout away. “Tomorrow, I’m going to take all I need. You just need to trust me. Please.”
You nod your head, heart pounding with his words. 
GymRat!Miguel who lets you persuade him into swapping places. All it took was a few blinks of your eyes and Miguel was swooning.
“I saw you walk away during the game today. I wanted to make sure that the next time you play, you’re able to put a finger down.”
That’s what you told him with a sweet smile on your face.
Now you’re rubbing up his thighs and Miguel is about to pass out from the view of you peering up at him. Your eyes were foggy and the slope of your neck to your chest was glistening. From this angle, Miguel could see the curve of your ass with the bikini barely covering it.
You run your hands down his chest, fingers dancing along the slopes and planes, leaving a wet trail in your wake. Miguel’s stomach tightens as you make it below his belly button, the sensation of your fingertips across his happy trail building a fury in his core.
You kiss him through his swimsuit causing him to jump.
You hold his thighs and tilt your head to lean on one, “Are you nervous, Miggy?” Your knuckles rake against his groin, lingering in spots that made his inner thighs clench the most.
“I,” Miguel is trembling like a leaf. He can barely get the words out from how much energy he's using to hold himself up. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” You lift your body from the water a little, pressing your tits closer to his clothed sex. “Baby, I need you to know. I can’t go further without your permission.”
Miguel feels like he could cum right now.
“I’m really nervous, but I want to experience this.”
You hum as you start to pull at his waistband. His eyes scrunch closed as his dick springs up. 
You’re met with a sight you had missed. The size is still as intimidating as the last time. 
You rub his thighs and give yourself a quiet pep talk. You were determined to make your boyfriend feel good. 
Miguel looks back down at you and swallows dryly, anxious at the look in your eyes and your silence, “If it’s too much, w-we can stop here-”
The first lick of his tip has Miguel rising off of the pool edge, pre-cum escaping him.
He whines, embarrassed at his lack of control, but his dick is twitching from the sensation.
“Miguel,” your hands are back on his hips at a flimsy attempt to hold him down. “You need to be careful, baby.”
“Don’t call me baby right now.” Miguel’s voice is winded like he’s been running a marathon.
You look up at him. His mouth is twisted up and his eyebrows are furrowed. His stomach keeps shaking and his elbows don’t know if they want to bend or extend. When he looks down at you, he lets out a whimper, dick jerking against his will.
You hold your lips right above the head, the heat of it making you excited, “Baby.”
Miguel jerks again as you take his tip into your mouth, more of his pre-cum slipping out. His body is wound tight and he’s losing sense of it. Your mouth is so warm and he’s crying out from just you suckling along the head. He would be grateful with just this alone.
You push yourself lower, mouth adjusting to the widening girth. You don’t know if it’s the champagne combined with the other drinks you’ve had today, but the taste is making your mind fuzzy. 
You hum as you move your tongue along the underside of his length, his essence melting into your mouth. Miguel continues to twitch against your lips. 
You look up and he just groans when his eyes connect with yours. 
“P-pretty,” he stutters out, brain-to-mouth filter completely disintegrating. One of his arms covers his mouth as he fights to quiet down. There’s no telling what the stewardess could hear from above. 
You decided to go deeper, wanting to hear him some more. You make it halfway down before you grip his shaft and give it a few semi-dry pumps. 
Miguel just about shouts at the sensation, legs jerking enough to splash the water around you. 
Satisfied with the reaction, you release him with a pop and slide your tongue down to the base, trying to get him as wet as possible for what you’re about to attempt to do. You pucker your lips to leave wet kisses all over his shaft, sucking occasionally. 
All Miguel can do is whimper and shake. 
You hold him, sliding your hand up and down, applying pressure whenever you glide over the top, “You can hold on to me.”
Miguel shakes his head and releases his bottom lip from his teeth to speak, but his words are jumbled up in a heated mess. 
“Say it again, Miguel. I don’t understand,” you bring your mouth to the head again, this time, cupping his balls as you slide back down. 
Early spurts of cum land in your mouth as Miguel uselessly grips at the flat ground. He’s moaning out your name and if you weren’t sliding him down your throat, you would think he’s crying for you. 
“I-I don’t wanna hurt you,” Miguel takes heavy breaths in the middle of his sentence. 
Even like this he was oh so sweet. You don’t push it and continue on. 
As you reach the hilt, you force yourself to relax, thumb pressed against your fisted palm. He was heavy on your tongue and you needed to find the right pace. 
You slowly move your head up and down, lips wet with spit and slick. You build a steady tempo that has Miguel involuntarily moving his hips and moaning in a senseless manner. 
He was conflicted, core heated at the sound of your throat barely taking him, but wanting to pull you off so you don’t choke all because of him. Hot tears ran down his face as you didn’t let up. 
He chooses the latter, foggy mind coming to a decision. His shaky hands reach towards your face, your cheeks hallowed and eyes closed. His hands make it to your cheeks when you reach the hilt again and swallow around his head. 
Miguel scares himself with the moan he lets out. 
You panic as you swallow his load, mouth completely full. 
Miguel hurries to pull you off, “Shit! Baby, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s ok,” you cough as you try to catch your breath. Drips of him that you didn’t swallow falling to your chest. “I wish you would have told me you were about cum, though.”
“I didn’t know!” he’s red in the face. “God, I’m so sorry!”
“Was it good, though?” You look up at him with lips and sparkling eyes. You’re holding your tits up so that his cum wouldn’t get in the pool. 
Miguel’s dick twitches like it’s trying to wake back up again. You notice it and a grin plants itself right onto your face. 
“Do you really have to ask me that?”
“Yes, Miggy.”
“I think my embarrassing finish was enough but yes, you made me feel good. It was way more than good. Now come out of the pool before you get any more ideas.”
“It wasn’t embarrassing!” you reply as Miguel picks you up from the water and on his stomach while lays back. “‘Was kinda hot. You felt so good that you couldn’t wait.”
You slide your finger over your cleavage to pick up the leftover essence and plop right in your mouth. 
Miguel grips your thighs as he looks up at you, “No, stop that, you vixen.”
You’re going to be the death of him for sure. 
GymRat!Miguel whose legs are like jelly when you help him up from the ground. His thighs haven’t shaken this much since his first leg day almost five years ago. 
“Do you need to lie down on the beach chair for a minute?” you ask with genuine concern. 
“Yeah, I think I need a second,” Miguel says, trying his best not to put his entire weight onto you. 
GymRat!Miguel who watches you watch him from the pool. You’re at the edge, leaning over and smiling at him while you let your body float. 
“Next time, I want to get, like, really hoarse. We should work on your resistance and my tolerance. Oh! And maybe we can do that thing where I hold your-”
“Amor, please. Let’s talk about this when I’m not halfway dying,” Miguel groans, dick half hard. “How are you so good at this anyway?”
“Practice! With my ex and like one other fling. They weren’t nearly as responsive as you, though.”
Miguel squints at your figure. 
“Or fun. Or satisfying. Or tasty. Or big. Can I do it one more time, Miggy?”
Miguel stares at you for a minute or two then groans, “Come on.”
You leave the water and walk over to him with glee. 
GymRat!Miguel who grabs lightly onto your head this time, fingers twitching occasionally. His legs are parted and you’re laid out on the horizontal part of the beach chair. Miguel is constantly looking from your face to your ass, experiencing a sensation overload. You take it easy on him this time, saving some of your tricks and things you wanted to try for a later date. 
The room is filled once again with Miguel’s grunts and whimpers plus your mouth and throat molding unto him. 
GymRat!Miguel who warns you this time. You let go with a pop and let him paint your open mouth. He shudders as you look at him through it all, pumping him slowly until he can't take anymore. A lonely tear escaped him, eyes heavy and chest heaving. 
GymRat!Miguel who barely makes it back up the stairs. He gives the stewardess a polite smile but you can barely look at her for longer than a second. 
“It was really lovely,” you say leaning into Miguel’s side, voice a little gone. 
“Yeah, amazing,” Miguel snickers. You nudge him at the back of his leg causing him to stagger a bit. 
The stewardess just laughs and wishes you both a good night. 
GymRat!Miguel who sleeps like a log that night. His soul needed to rejuvenate. 
GymRat!Miguel who wakes up a new man. He feels like he can conquer the world. As of now, the world is a new set of water activities with their friends. 
He kisses you on the cheek in your sleeping state makes his way out to the deck, wanting to do some morning stretches and yoga if he could fit it in. 
He walked out to see Dana talking to Blake, an indifferent look on her face.
“I just can’t believe he would lie to me like that, you know? Like that’s fucked up. Here I was, ready to get something and he set me up.” 
“Yeah, no. That really sucks,” Dana replies with a big yawn.
“I mean, I thought we were bros. I thought-”
“Miguel! My knight in shining armor,” Dana practically screams when she spots Miguel.
Blake tenses up so that if he mimics a timid raccoon. 
“Morning,” Miguel walks up to them.
Blake breaks out into a sweat, “Hey man, I’m sorry about last night. I would have never done that stuff if I knew. I don’t know why Kron told me you guys were open.”
“I think you need some new friends and better social cues,” Miguel brushed Blake off and walked with Dana onto the boardwalk. 
“Thank god you got here. That was his fourth iteration of ‘bro code should be respected.’ I was going to start screaming if he kept talking.”
GymRat!Miguel who lets Dana guide him in a mini yoga class on the beach. It’s pretty nice with the waves crashing and the birds squawking occasionally.
GymRat!Miguel whose downward dog pose is almost disrupted by you whistling from a spot in the sand. 
You and Gabriel had snuck up on Miguel and Dana, cackling like hyenas.
“Baby, I think you can go deeper,” you shout over the waves, encouraging Miguel to stretch.
“Gross,” Gabriel shudders. 
GymRat!Miguel who wants to use you for a flying pose but you refuse. 
“I’m not walking back with sand up my back.”
“Can we try it later, though?” Miguel pouted. 
“On safe carpet, yes.”
GymRat!Miguel who settles for a forward fold with you. You stretch your body across his back as he reaches down to touch his toes. 
It’s nice until you both switch positions. 
“I think I’m dying,” you gasp out. You sound like an old man on his last breath. 
“No, you’re not. You just need more practice,” Miguel chides from above. 
“When will I ever need this pose in life?”
“Flexibility is good for you!” Miguel replies after a while. 
“Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“I didn’t do anything!”
GymRat!Miguel who tilts his head at your breakfast plate piled with pineapples. 
“You don’t want an omelet?”
“Maybe later.”
GymRat!Miguel who joined any group activity he could. 
From the inflatable water obstacle course,  
which Gabriel cheated on by the way,
To the boat tour, he got so many pictures for you for his rotating home screen,
To the banana boat rides that he almost lost his life on. It took you, Gabriel, and Dana to hold onto him. 
GymRat!Miguel who surprises you with a “rooftop” dinner on the horizon on the highest part of the yacht. You’re wearing that same green dress that made him go crazy in the dressing room. 
“This is so gorgeous, Miguel,” you sigh as you take in the small scene. 
From up here, you could see the breathtaking view of the ocean and the city. The sun was close to setting, people were out and about, and the group was partaking in last-minute activities like parasailing and water walking with bubble balls but you could only focus on the glow around Miguel. 
“Did you enjoy this weekend?”
You nod your head, shy with attention, “I really did. I had so much fun.”
“Even with boys that don’t understand the word ‘no’?”
“When I have my strong boyfriend there to defend me, what is there to be afraid of?” you smile at him. 
Miguel sits up straighter at that, chest puffing out.
You laugh at his state, “Seriously, though. This was one of the best summers ever. I’m really glad Mr. Stone arranged this and I’m even more glad that you brought me along.”
“Of course I did. You’re my girl. Mi amor, mi luz,” Miguel reached out to run your hand. “I’m not letting you go anytime soon.”
Like a flower unfurled, your heart took in his words. You leaned across the table until you could brush your lips with his, only the sun peeking through the two of you. 
You let go and lean back a little. “I’m not letting go of you either. I want you by my side,” you say, eyes panning back and forth between his.
“And that’s where I’ll stay.”
GymRat!Miguel who covers your eyes on the way back to the room.
You’re whining because you don’t have nearly as much planned for him as he always does for you. 
“Amor, you could just text me an emoji and I would be happy. You deserve good things. Don’t worry about me.”
GymRat!Miguel who wraps his arm around you as you open your eyes to the room. 
It’s lit with soft lights, decorated lightly with rose petals in the shape of a heart on the ground, and a banner full of pictures with the two of you. Pictures from outside of lab, pictures of you with oil paint on your face, pictures of him piled with notes in the study lab. 
Pictures of you both on your early dates, pictures of you looking at him in the car, pictures where he’s kissing your face off. 
You gasp at the scene, feet stuck in the entryway.
“Surprise,” Miguel says into your ear, kissing the top of it.
“I don’t think I have any tears left,” your voice is watery enough to dispute that lie.
GymRat!Miguel who kisses you deeply in the middle of the rose heart. You’re cradling his face with one hand and rubbing your thumb across his sideburn with another.
You’re so wrapped up in his arms and his presence that you miss his question.
“Can you do what?”
Miguel’s hands find their way to your ass, pulling you even closer, “Can I please eat you out?”
When you stare at him with your eyebrows raised, it only pushes him to continue.
“I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. I’ve dreamed about it, researched how to do it, studied it, daydreamed about it. I need to do it before I go crazy.”
He bent down to get on his knees, hands never letting go of your body.
“Please, baby. If you’ll allow me, I really want to make you feel good.”
At first, all you could think was that Dana was right and definitely a girl’s girl. Then, you looked down at Miguel whose head was pressed up against your torso, eyes pleading with you. 
You ran your hand through his hair, “You need to do it?”
“Uh huh,” he nodded, nuzzling into your body through your dress. 
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to fake my reactions for you.” You didn’t have the heart to lie to him like that, especially when he’s looking at you like that. 
“You won’t have to,” Miguel mumbles into your skin. “I’m confident, but if something is weird, stop me immediately.”
GymRat!Miguel who doesn’t give you time to think when you whisper out an “ok.” He’s picking you up by the legs and plopping you on the bed.
Like a switch, he’s kissing down your body, pulling at the stretchy green fabric to expose your skin. He’s crowding your space in the most desired way possible, a fire building within him.
“Miguel, the dress isn’t going to come off like that,” you say, internally laughing at Miguel tugging to no avail. 
He starts to pull so hard that you can hear threads ripping. Before you can stop him, there’s a makeshift slit up your thigh. 
You lean up on your elbows and give Miguel a look. He just stares sheepishly and lets you stand up to pull the dress off. 
“You gotta be more patient baby,” you purred, bending down to kiss his lips. 
When you lean back, you move backwards to sit on the bed. It’s just you, your black panties, and a hungry Miguel at your feet.
The further you inch up the bed, the more Miguel crawls to be closer to you. 
“Can I kiss you?” he breathes into your mouth, eyes never leaving yours.
Miguel melts into your skin, mouth molding to a familiar shape. His breaths are heavy and sporadic, too excited to finally know what you feel like on his tongue.
You reach to pull his shirt off, wanting to feel his chest against yours, wanting to feel the expanse of his back while he pressed up against you. Miguel follows your movements without letting up.
He sighed into your lips with pleasure as he let his hand flow down your body, grabbing a breast to massage. You hummed into his mouth, legs parting to bring him closer. Eager to please, Miguel slipped his shorts below his bulged, grinding against you.
You start to wrap your legs around his waist before Miguel interrupts you with a sturdy hand under your knee, and a promise to devour you to your neck.
GymRat!Miguel who groans when he slides your panties down your legs. The slope of your thick thighs to your ass has Miguel ready to burst. 
He gets on his knees to maneuver your legs up into your arms. You peek up at him over your knees, your wet cunt kissing the air. 
He licks his lips at the sight, taking a tentative touch at your wet lips. 
You jump at the sensation, the feeling of Miguel seeing you this vulnerable new. 
He bends down to kiss them, hands on the back of your thighs for extra support. Your core flutters as he takes a few more kisses to your sex, tongue reaching out to trace from the bottom to the top. At the first taste, Miguel is groaning into you, sending vibrations through your body. 
You sigh out in bliss as your grip loosens on your legs. Miguel flattens his body on the bed and spreads your legs wide, tongue continuing to savor the taste of you. 
At this angle, Miguel pushes his tongue in between your folds, feeling your warmth around him. He laps at your entrance slowly causing you to flutter around him and reach for his hair.
He slurps up the juices that try to escape him causing you to moan out his name. He just hums in response, breaching further inside. The more noises he makes, the wetter you get. The room is full of the sound of him lapping everything he gave you and your quiet moans.
“Miguel,” your breath hitched as he swiped over a particular spot. You look down at Miguel whose eyes are closed and hands are tight on your thighs. You feel a building heat seeing how much of a trance he’s in. 
Just when you feel a bud sprouting within you, he directs his attention towards your clit, searching until he finds it. At the first skim across it, your hips are bucking up off the bed. Miguel is quick to hold you down, placing his weight on your thighs and lapping continuously at the pearl. 
“Fuck!” you shout, hitting the mattress. You’re writhing beneath him, unable to control your body. “Don’t stop, Miguel, please.”
Miguel groans through it all, lapping up every drop. 
“Baby, I’m gonna-” a scream pushes through you as your body shakes with pleasure. Miguel takes it like a champ, slurping like you were his last meal.
As you twitch with aftershocks, Miguel barely gives you time to recover before he’s diving back into your entrance. You let out a sob, still sensitive and quivering as your legs move too close before Miguel growls and wraps his arms around your thighs to keep them open. 
He’s sinking into you, moving his tongue at a steady pace and sucking in between. Your moans were a pool of words from his name to begging to profanities crescendoing across the air.
Miguel would rarely part for air, adamant on bringing you to the hilt again. Your thighs were tensing up as Miguel kept going, fire building as you grabbed his hair and jerked your hips in time with his movements. 
Your climax comes in waves, your hands tighter in his hair and an arch in your back. When you clench over his tongue and your release hits his mouth, Miguel’s eyes start to roll and he’s rubbing his nose against your clit. You yell even louder as Miguel pushes his face incredibly deep into your pussy. He’s rutting into the bed at the sound of your voice, moaning with you. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
The captain swore that the VIP suite was soundproof, but your voice was practically carrying across the yacht. 
“She’s getting it good! Just like I promised,” Dana smiles to herself. 
“What did you promise? I was the one that gave Miguel tips.” Gabriel moved his headphones aside. 
“Oh yeah? And what tips did you give him?” She had her eyebrow raised and a silly smirk on her face. 
There was a pause of silence between them, only your voice filling up the space occasionally. Gabriel stared at Dana with a goofy grin.
He reached over and connected his phone to his speaker, putting on his special playlist. “Want to find out?”
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
GymRat!Miguel who has to be pulled off your sex with both of your hands. His eyes are glazed over and his chin is soaked. Every chance you came after the first two times, your body would move up the bed and Miguel was sure to follow. 
“Ok, ok, baby,” you heave. Your legs are spasming, a result of the position and Miguel’s willingness to have you cum over and over again.
You were tapping out, body sore and tired. 
Miguel left a final long kiss to your clit, a trail of essence following his lips. He kissed up one of your thighs with a hungry look still in his eyes.
“¿Lo hice bien, cariño?” (Did I do it well, baby/darling?)
You trembled at his touch, limbs still heavy and mind in the clouds. 
Still, this was the best you’ve felt in a while.
You open your mouth to whisper, “Lo hiciste muy bien.” (You did so good.)
GymRat!Miguel who has to calm down internally at your answer. You don’t talk to him in Spanish often, but when you do, he’s over the moon. 
GymRat!Miguel who carries you to the bathroom to clean you off.
“Baby, I can’t walk. You’ll have to carry me for the rest of your life.”
“I’m totally fine with that.”
GymRat!Miguel who shocks you when he says that you don’t need to worry about bringing him relief. 
“Amor, I came when you came. After that, it was really all about you.”
GymRat!Miguel who pats his past self on the back for asking the crew for extra sheets. He had no clue how the evening would go, but something in him told him to be overprepared. 
Those old sheets were beyond ruined. 
GymRat!Miguel who rubs your legs and stomach with aloe vera lotion after the shower. Not only did he stretch you a little further than you’re used to, but his bite marks left a big impression. 
GymRat!Miguel who cuddles you to sleep. If you wore him out the other night, he definitely put you through the ringer. You were gone after three rubs to your back. 
GymRat!Miguel who wakes up early with you to send off all of your friends. You’re yawning constantly, tears sticking to the corners of your eyes.
“Someone had a time last night,” Hobie snickers as he walks past with his backpack. 
“Shut up, Hobie,” you say, already flustered. 
“What? It’s true! If I didn’t know Migs' name before, I sure do now.”
“I’m going to backflip off of this boat.”
GymRat!Miguel who grants Captain Barrett a goodbye, thanking him for letting them use his boat.
“It was a pleasure to host you, Miguel. If you and your girlfriend ever need to, my superyacht is available for any future formal events!” he elbows Miguel with a giant grin, curled mustache moving like it was paid to do so. 
“I’ll keep that in mind, Cap.”
For Miguel, the man with the plan, he would grant Mission A: Eat You Out, a huge success and the start of the summer one to remember.
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divider by: @iwonbin 🩵
Part 9.1 here!
a/n: And with that, the yacht chapter is finished! I hope you guys enjoyed it and got your life. 🤭 It was both challenging and rewarding to write this GIANT chapter. I hope that you guys have fun with it like I did! I have no idea how the next chapter OR Miguel's Mission B: Virgin No More plan will go, but!!! Hopefully, it will be pleasant regardless! 🤠
ALSO! I have decided to give this drabble that's basically a fic a proper name (mostly for AO3). Do you all have any suggestions?
As always, like, comment, and reblog. Let me know how you feel! 🩵
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K follow me Astarion just sees tav like loving on children wherever they go and hes like?????
And tavs like ive always wanted my own child but i didn't wabt to ask you with every
This sends poor starion into a crisis does he was children how many
I think I have followed you. Let's see!
So for this one we got a lil time jump, ambiguous and vague setting and timelines with game spoilers present. M/F pairing because that is my go to and pregnancy is mentioned. Vampiric pregnancy also so there is some weirdness there (i made it up no idea if it's dnd accurate). Vague Tav backstory of a wonderful mother and going off to become a cleric.
Astarion was well used to your antics by this point. You had a severe lack of instincts linked to self-preservation, which led to a consistent pattern of doing, frankly, stupid shit. Stupid, but kind. Nothing that Astarion hadn't adapted to, after nearly two years of being attached at the hip you became pretty attuned to your lover's personality.
He could even go as far as to say that he had grown to love your annoying predilection for pious morality. Perhaps he loved talking you out of certain virtuous dangers more, but still. He appreciated who you were, he adored who you were. But Astarion was no saint, despite his insistence on attaching himself to one.
Which is exactly why he was far from amused when you signed him up to babysit a couple of brats. All for acquittances he barely cared about.
But you at least had the good grace to look guilty, "I didn't mean to! But she looked so tired and she said their anniversary was coming up and it's not like we got anything for their wedding-"
That was a nice try, one that Astarion wasn't falling for, "We didn't know of their existence when they got married darling. Just because I can't remember their names doesn't mean you can trick me."
"I'm not trying to trick you!" You whined, arms crossed as you pouted. It sure felt like a trick, especially when Astarion knew that you were well-aware how easily he fell for your sulking. Adorable little monster that you were, "It's only three kids and a baby for one night, it won't be that bad! You don't even have to help-"
Astarion rolled his eyes as he sat next to you on the bed, "I didn't say I wouldn't help."
That seemed to do the trick to get the pout off of your face. You perked up immediately, looking at him like you couldn't quite believe it, "Really?"
"Yes, really," Astarion sighed as you tugged you closer. Sure he liked to bitch, but he really would do anything for you. Even extremely annoying things like this, "I'm not going to sit back and feed you to the wolves."
"They're not wolves! The oldest is barely five," You laughed as you let him manhandle you, settling you into his lap, "And I am sorry, I really wasn't thinking. I promise it won't happen again."
Astarion doubted that, not when he was well-versed of your weak spot for children. No matter where you went you couldn't help but fawn over them, not to mention the insane lengths you would go to keep any child safe. It was a complete and utter blind spot, your kindness extending to them all, even the little scam artists and hellions.
It was sweet, if not extremely worrying at first. Astarion had been terrified of you finding out his past. The things that he had been forced to do, the innocents whose lives he had destroyed. But not only did you find out, you were forced to see it. Both of you were, and it had been worse than anything Astarion could have imagined. He had always found a slight comfort knowing that those he captured would at least die quickly, that at the very least they wouldn't suffer the same agonizing fate as he, just an agonizing death. But no, even that small comfort had been a lie. The horror of finding them all down there has yet to be matched. He had never felt more self-loathing, more pure disgust than the moment he had found those children, tortured and pale, all because of him.
How you didn't see him for the wretched thing he was after all that, Astarion wasn't sure. But he was grateful. You were too good for him. A fact that he was devastatingly aware of, but that wasn't going to stop him from keeping you.
He still thinks about it on occasion, despite the fact that he had done all he could to right his wrongs. They all at least had a chance now to have a life worth living, Astarion could only hope that it would be used. Their future was out of his hands now, a small comfort.
But despite his complicated feelings towards children, he was more than capable of handling them for one evening. And in all honesty, he truly didn't have to do much. He was on self-mandated baby duty, because of course you had to help out the infant that would scream bloody murder unless it was being held. Keeping her tucked against him was a move of self-preservation, if he ever wanted to retain his hearing.
Most of the night was spent amused as he watched you entertain a gaggle of toddlers. You were so... creative with the ways you could defuse their antics. It came to you so naturally, nearly like you were a born mother yourself. It wasn't exactly surprising that you were fantastic with children, he had seen it time and time again. Arabella, Mol, Yenna, all of which still wrote you letters, visited occasionally. Staying forever attached, even from a distance.
Now that Astarion thought about it, it was odd that you weren't a mother. Odder still that you hadn't never even brought up the possibility of having children together. You were usually so open with your wants and always encouraging the same from him. Just one more thing he loved about you. But... why hadn't it been mentioned? Astarion had always assumed it was because you didn't truly want any of your own, that you enjoyed their fun innocence while avoiding the more laborious responsibility of raising them.
Though watching you take care of them all, changing diapers and negotiating silly arguments with a soft smile of your face had him rethinking his assumption.
"You're good with them," Astarion said eventually after you had successfully set the older three down for the night, the baby still stubbornly clinging to him, "I don't think there's a child we've met that doesn't adore you."
You laughed quietly, walking over to kiss him softly on the cheek. Your eyes wandered to the sleeping infant in his arms, still holding a piece of his shirt in it's little fist, "You don't seem to be too bad with them either."
"Newborns don't know any better," Astarion dismissed as he tried to put her down in their borrowed crib. Tried and failed, considering how the thing immediately started to whine the second he attempted to pry it's little hand away.
Oh for fuck's sake. Astarion wasn't even going to try and argue. Instead he unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall into the crib with her, seemingly doing the trick of stopping her from waking completely.
When he turned back you were staring at him with soft eyes, looking lovestruck at the simple act of him laying a child down, "Looks like she has pretty good taste to me."
"I don't think your judgment should be trusted," Astarion huffed as he walked over to you, grabbing your hand to drag you to the bedroom. He glanced back at you, his heart nearly skipping a beat from the sweet way you kept looking at him. It had his mind wandering again, those questions still nagging him.
Questions that he didn't have the courage to ask until dead of night, when he had you half asleep against his bare chest, "Have you ever thought of having children?"
He hadn't meant to blurt that out in the middle of the night, but Astarion apparently had a knack for starting important conversations at inconvenient times. Not that you minded.
You just cuddled into him closer, nodding against him with a sigh, "I've always wanted my own children. My own mother, Gods bless her soul, made it all sound so magical. Pregnancy, the early years, puberty, all of it. She loved it all. And I guess it rubbed off on me. It used to be all I could think about, before real life got in the way."
Astarion listened, a little annoyed at himself for not putting the pieces together sooner. You had talked so lovingly about your late parents, how you always wanted to be like your mother. Of course you would want children. How had he not connected the dots?
"But then I went off to the temple," You continued, "I completed my training, went off into the world to do good, blah, blah, blah. You know the story."
"So you grew out of the idea?" Astarion asked.
"Not exactly," You admitted, sounding a little guilty, "But I would never ask that of you love, it's not something you have to worry about."
Astarion stared down at you, brow furrowed, "What do you mean?"
"I mean I know that the topic of children is... difficult for you. Considering everything you've been through-"
"I think you mean to say everything I've inflicted on others," Astarion interrupted, unwilling to allow himself grace. Especially when it came to the children of the Gur, "It was much worse for them than me."
You nodded, knowing better than to try and fight him on that particular topic, "I understand, but my point is that I can live without them. You're all I need."
It was comforting to hear, an immediate balm to a brand new set of insecurities that Astarion hadn't been prepared for. But even so... he hated the idea of you sacrificing even more for him. It felt wrong, "But-"
"But nothing," You interrupted softly, setting a quick kiss to his mouth, I'm serious Astarion, you don't need to worry. I'm happy, I love you, and everything is fine."
"I love you too," Astarion murmured, at a loss to say anything else. But the conversation didn't end there.
Astarion couldn't stop thinking about it, even long after the temporary children were sent back home. ou seemed so... sure that he didn't want children, and a week ago he probably would have agreed. But that was back before he knew that he was actively keeping you away from something you wanted. Something you had dreamed about since you were a child. And it felt wrong to be the reason for that, so, so wrong.
He didn't even know if his true feelings on the matter were real. He didn't want children for many of the same reasons he never wanted a partner. The attachment to another was dangerous, he was beyond unequipped to deal with others, let alone care for them, and the entire ideology behind love was ripe for manipulation and heart break. But then he met you and everything changed. Suddenly, caring for another didn't feel like a weakness, it felt like the strongest aspect of his entire self. Taking care of you wasn't an unwanted duty, it was intimacy. Something that he now craved. If all of those steadfast ideals could fall apart simply through meeting you, whose to say he could even trust himself when it came the thoughts around having a child?
Would having one truly be so bad? A little piece of the two of you, alive in the world? And perhaps children were annoying but... Astarion would be lying if he said he didn't have a soft spot for them. He had kept his distance before, but now he was fully confident that he wasn't a danger, no with Cazador burned to nothing bus ash and his own bloodlust well controlled. And it's not as if he was incapable of being a father, worse men than him did it everyday.
It was a confusing place to be, this tightwire of indecisiveness. Confusing enough for him to start a bit of research. He was vaguely aware that it was possible for his kind to breed, but finding out the details was disheartening, to say the least. First he had to parse out the different horror stories of babes eating their way out of their mother's wombs with actual facts, which wasn't exactly pleasant. But the truth was that it was more than possible for the two of you to have child together. It had the potential to either be as noneventful as any pregnancy, with the cavate that the babe coming out looking slightly... dead wouldn't be a permanent state of being. Or it could be as risky as carrying a child could be, with pains and complications galore, even legitimate worries of internal bleeding from the wretched thing prematurely growing claws. Not to mention the occasional, intense blood lust that could occur, an experience that Astarion would prefer you didn't have to go to.
Looking into the reality of the choice didn't help as much as he had assumed it would. If anything it just made the whole situation more real. Even if he wasn't a vampiric spawn, childbirth was risky. Maybe not as risky for you considering how Astarion would move the heavens and hells to get you the best care possible, but still. The thought of you passing, leaving him alone with the child you wanted and would never see, would destroy him. Completely and utterly.
But then again... there was the magical alternative of everything working out just fine. The two of you were both beyond lucky in that regard, considering how you'd overcome mind flayer parasites and fought and won against a near god. It was more than possible that everything would be fine, that you would have a beautiful pregnancy that would end in an even more amazing child. Then two would become three, a family of his very own.
That... didn't sound too bad. Astarion was torn. On one hand, he was almost certain that he was willing to go through with it. Not just because he loved you and wanted you to be happy, though it was the main reason. But also because... he could be a part in making something good. A child that would never suffer the way he did, the way countless others had. One who would be loved, who would have the help they needed for their inevitable unholy hungers. Someone precious for the two of you to fret over, to adore and care for. He... wanted that. Or at least he would if you still did. Now if he could just figure out how to bring it up, maybe something could actually happen.
But luckily enough for him, you did the job for him. He had been pouring over another book dedicated to recording the births of Dhampirs in the area, only to be distracted by you loudly sighing behind him.
"What's wrong love?" Astarion asked, his eyes still scanning the page in front of him.
"Oh I don't know," You sighed, rounding the corner to sit on the edge of his desk, "I just can't help but wonder when you're going to explain why you've suddenly become obsessed with parenting books. And..."
You trailed off, ignoring his surprised expression to read the cover of what was in front of him, "'Vampiric and Mortal Love & The Spawn They Create'. It's not exactly your usual reading material."
Part of Astarion wanted to be surprised that you had already figured him out. He had at least been trying to hide things from you slightly, not that it mattered when you could read him like a book. And he supposed that blatantly reading things like this in front of you would eventually have an effect, even if he tried to obscure the titles.
But that didn't stop him from stuttering through a response, "Well-I, okay. I've just been thinking about options lately. Which you can't really do if you don't understand what they are. Hence the books."
You frowned at him, one leg crossed over the other, "Star, I already told you that you don't need to worry-"
"But I want to worry," Astarion interrupted, deciding that ripping the band-aid off would be the best course of action, "And if there is something I can be doing to make you happier than I should at least consider it."
"I'm not going to force you into this for that," You said softly, reaching out to twine his fingers against yours, "This isn't the kind of thing you do just for someone else."
Astarion was aware of that, there was an important truth to your words. But... "What if it wasn't just for you?"
You paused, your brow furrowed as you stared at him, "What do you mean?"
"I mean what if, and consider this purely hypothetical, what if I wanted one as well. What then?" It was as far from hypothetical as Astarion could get, but by the look on your face it didn't seemed like that needed to be clarified.
You swallowed, looking just shy of hopeful as you played with his hand, "I... well. I guess in that case we would have a lot to talk about."
That wasn't quite the answer he was looking for. He pressed on, "So if in theory, I did want one. Would... you still be interested in having one?"
With me?
He left that part unsaid as he waited for an answer, uncharacteristically nervous as you mulled it over. But you were smiling, bright and wide, giving his hand a little squeeze as you spoke, "I think that would be the only scenario where I would want it. If that's something you wanted."
"I think it is," Astarion answered honestly, done with being coy, "I don't know how, I... I'm not quite sure how I feel about you carrying something that could be dangerous. But... in general yes. I think I want this. I do want this. With you and only you. Whenever your ready."
The next part Astarion did see coming, his arms already open by the time you launched yourself at him. You straddled his lap, kissing every part of his face as you babbled, "We can wait! It doesn't need to be now but-I just-yes! Adoption, childbirth, I don't care. All I need is to have them with you. That's all I want."
"And that I can give," Astarion laughed, delighted at your reaction. He still had concerns, plenty of them in fact, but they were hard to consider when the woman he adored was so ecstatic.
He gripped your chin, chuckling at the whine you let out for him interrupting your onslaught of affection. You didn't have to wait long, not when he directed your mouth against his, kissing you deeply as a new wave of exciting, and slightly nauseating feelings worked through him.
He didn't know exactly what was going to happen in the future. He had no idea if he would be a good father, but he knew that he would try his damndest. He didn't know how the two of you would even procure a child, but he did no one thing.
With you by his side, it would work out. All of it, no matter how hard the road turned out to be. And that was all that mattered.
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kestisvrse · 7 months
bad for business
pairing ⋆ anthony lockwood x gn!reader. fluff with a bit of angst. fake dating.
synopsis ⋆ the three times you found yourself fake dating anthony lockwood.
warnings ⋆ swearing, reader is implied to be shorter than lockwood, being followed, kissing (written by someone without their first kiss send help). | wc: 1.4k
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♫ - bad for business by sabrina carpenter
1. a walk home
“ladies first.” you snort at lockwoods comment as he holds the door for you to exit arif’s, a box of donuts secured in your hands.
“wow what a gentleman.” you joke making lockwood laugh a little as you begin your walk towards home, a comfortable silence falling between you two, a minute or so passes.
“someone’s following us.” lockwood says nonchalantly, you furrow your eyebrows looking at him, “he was standing outside arif’s when we went in, he was staring at you the whole time and now he is getting closer.” lockwood says looking over his shoulder, shuffling slightly closer towards you.
“well what do we do?” you ask slightly panicked.
“hold my hand.”
“i’m sorry?” you say, he failed to answer as he grabs the box of donuts out of your hands, using his free hand to intertwine your fingers.
“just trust me okay? maybe if he thinks we are together he will leave us alone.” lockwood clarified.
“o-okay, i guess” you mutter, a light blush painting your cheeks at the feeling of his thumb lightly rubbing your hand.
you were nearing portland row, you and lockwood standing closer together, you freeze up as he places a kiss on the top of your head to nonchalantly glance behind you two, “i see him, he is walking away. just… keeping holding on until we get home… just incase.” you nod, silently agreeing with him.
he didn’t let go of your hand until he placed the box of donuts on the kitchen table.
2. too close for comfort
lockwood had convinced you, lucy and george to go to this ‘ball’, you honestly didn’t know what to call it. it was a fancy building filled with agents dressed up and the adults that exploit their talents for money, celebrating nothing in particular and somehow, lockwood and co. got invites.
lockwood looked like he was at home, while george uncomfortably tugged at the collar of his button up and wandered off with lucy, leaving you and lockwood, standing in the middle of the ballroom.
“why are we here, lockwood?” you pried.
“why not? every agent in london is here.” he responds.
“that doesn’t mean we have to be.” you shot back, annoyed by a man who pushed past you, causing you to knock shoulders with anthony.
“it’s a good opportunity, to meet new people and get our name out there.”
“with our competition? yeah alright. i need something to drink.” you wandered off.
some time had passed, it included you leaning against the wall observing everyone that passed by, you had found george and lucy at one point where george had gave up and went home while lucy decided to investigate around for god knows what. you decided it was time to find lockwood again.
wandering around aimlessly you spotted him in the sea of tuxes, talking to a blonde girl, in a blue 90s like prom dress, inching closer and closer to lockwood.
you rolled your eyes at the sight, lockwoods charming smile seemingly working again, but it didn’t look like he used it on purpose this time.
“there you are, i’ve been looking for you everywhere!” you smoothly entered the conversation, linking your arm with his and his whole face seemed to light up.
“oh.” the blonde commented, squinting her eyes, “who’s this?”
“i’m-“ he cut you off, taking the lead.
“this is my partner.” lockwood replied, you smiled at the girl as she realized she misread the situation, quickly saying goodbyes and walking off.
“i couldn’t tell if you needed saving or not.” you explained, a hidden apology heard beneath your words just incase he was enjoying the girls company.
“no i did, thank you.” he said, making eye contact, “maybe we should head home now?”
“let’s find lucy first.” you suggested, and he sent you a grin.
that damn grin.
3. distraction
you had warned him.
you had told him there had to be a better way to get information that didn’t involve breaking and entering. but as per usual he used his charisma and webbed you into the whole plan.
and now, you two were running down alleyways, after being caught. ‘i told you so’ repeating over and over again in your head as you focused on running, and of course you reached another problem.
“shit!” you whispered, lockwood dragging you back behind a wall, your only escape had multiple body guards roaming the area.
“how the hell did they even get there.” lockwood said to himself.
“what do we do?? there are two other body guards about to block off the way we came from!” you panted out, catching your breath from running.
“i have a crazy idea.” lockwood made eye contact with you, he seemed nervous as he ran his hand through his hair.
“all your ideas are crazy, anthony.” you countered.
“just listen okay?” he whispers, you slowly nod, “if we can make it seem like, we have no idea what’s going on around us and that we accidentally stumbled up here maybe they won’t think it’s us.” you gave him a blank stare.
“what are you even suggesting right now lockwood?!” you grumbled, faintly you heard footsteps approaching.
“we do not have time for this, do you trust me?”
“do i have a choice?” you quipped, but suddenly the conversation was over as he cupped your cheeks and suddenly his lips were on yours. you froze up, you expected his plan to be anything but this, but then you heard the footsteps turn the corner and you needed to act just like him, quickly kissing back.
his lips were chapped, rough against your soft ones. as you brought your hands up to his face, his hands moved down to your waist, pulling you closer. it felt eager, like you had been waiting to do this forever, and it felt right.
“HEY!” you two snapped apart from the loud yell, breathless as you stare at the taller man infront of you “this is private property, you kids can’t be here.” his tone was threatening, making you tense up.
“we are so sorry sir.” you replied sweetly, “we didn’t know, we will leave right away!” you grab lockwood’s hand and hurried towards the exit before the man could question you anymore.
you held hands all the way home, but didn’t mutter a word to each other.
4. overdue confession
it had been around a week since lockwood had kissed you. you hadn’t spoken. the house having an awkward atmosphere as you avoided lockwood like the plague.
you couldn’t avoid the knock on your door, unfortunately.
“come in.” you called out from your spot on the bed, expecting lucy to walk in but were met with lockwood.
he was wearing his usual suit but he looked disheveled, his tie loose, his hair slightly messy and he looked so tired, even more tired than usual, he was a mess.
“hey.” he spoke just above a whisper, scared any louder you would run away from him again.
“oh. hi.” you sat up in your bed, suddenly looking anywhere but him, fiddling with your hands.
“i want to apologize, i shouldn’t have kissed yo-“ he began.
“we wouldn’t have gotten out of there if you hadn’t, it’s okay.” you stated, sniffling slightly. your bed dipped as he sat down.
“then why won’t you talk to me?” you looked up to his eyes, “please talk to me.” he begged, you looked into each others eyes for a moment.
“i was avoiding you because of the fact that i.. i didn’t want the kiss to end.” you confessed, “i like you, lockwood, and i didn’t want to ruin anything so i thought avoiding you would be better..” you trailed off, the air was tense as he stared at you.
“oh thank god.” he laughed out.
“what?” your anxiety kicked in, as you stared at him.
“i was scared to confess, i’m glad you did first.” your eyebrows furrow at his response, “i really like you, i have since i met you. i didn’t want the kiss to end either.”
your eyes widened slightly, studying his voice for any sound of sarcasm.
“can i kiss you again?” he whispered, scared of your rejection, you just slowly nodded looking down at his lips, he lent in.
his lips weren’t chapped this time, they were soft and you took notice of just how well they fit against yours. this kiss was softer than the first, it washed your anxiety away, and the tense air disappeared. he pulled away and laid his forehead against yours.
“i thought i was being dreadfully obvious about my feelings.”
“you were not.” you laughed at him
“oh no i was, you are just oblivious.” he responded
“shut up.” you said, and he did as his lips met yours yet again.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 7 months
Green Eyed Monster (Melissa Schemmenti x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Melissa doesn't like your new friendship with Ashley
Words: 5.4k
Warnings: smut, jealousy, praise kink, marking, possessive behaviour, swearing
Melissa clenched her jaw, eyes trained on you. You laughed, your shoulder bumping against Ashley’s as she showed you something on her phone. That laugh was Melissa’s, the one that always made her stomach swoop. Delighted and giggly, teeth sunk into your lip as if you were trying to stifle it. She never wanted you to stifle it.
You lent closer to Ashley, whispering something. She’d never seen her aide so quiet, not shouting or talking over someone or singing some song with stupid lyrics. She strained her ears, trying to hear what you were saying but Janine was rambling about something and she missed whatever it was. She stabbed at her salad over and over again.
“Send me the link,” you said, standing from the couch.
“You know I will,” Ashley said before tapping something into her phone.
You slid into your usual seat at Melissa’s table, looking down at your phone. You shot a smile at Ashley before tapping on something. Melissa was staring at you, trying to see your phone screen as something bubbled in her chest. Something dark and dangerous and familiar.
“Didn’t realise you were friends,” she spat across the table at you.
You looked up, eyes widening at whatever expression was on her face. You glanced to Barbara then back to her.
“Uh, yeah, I guess,” you said, and she didn’t like the uncertainty in your voice.
“Since when?” she asked.
“Since I wasn’t the one who had to work with her,” you replied slowly, “why? Am I not allowed to be?”
“No, no, it’s fine.” She crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back in her seat, “do what you want.”
“Alright,” you replied, “well, right now what I want to do is go prep in my classroom so I’m going to go.”
And just like that you were out of your seat and walking out of the room, leaving an empty feeling in Melissa’s chest. She watched you, pressing her lips together to keep from shouting something after you. She’d lost that one, she knew it.
“Are you gonna tell that young lady how you feel or we going to have to sit in suspense for another semester?” Barbra asked.
“What?” She turned to look at her friend.
“You clearly like that girl. You should just tell her,” she said.
“I do not,” she said, “I just don’t like her being friends with Ashley.”
“Yeah and next you’ll be saying the sky isn’t blue,” Jacob said, laughing as he nudged Janine.
She turned to look at him over her shoulder, glaring at him so hard her recoiled. Without Janine catching him he would have fallen from his seat which did help settle the feeling in her chest.
“I say tell her,” Janine said, “love is great. More people should be in love.”
“There’s nothing to tell,” she snapped.
Only later, at the end of the day, you stopped by her room to talk to Ashley and not her. You were standing at the back of her classroom, whispering over a phone while she watched on from her desk. That same bubbling feeling was growing in her chest, the plastic of the pen in her hand beginning to creak threateningly.
You looked up from the phone, smiling at Ashley, your hand resting on her forearm. She knew what that felt like, the feeling of your fingers lingering long after you’d left. There was no possible universe where Ashley would appreciate that feeling. And that smile. Bright and happy and like Ashley had done something spectacular for you. That was her smile when she brought you donuts in the morning or shared her baked ziti with you.
You tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and she watched your fingers. She must have seen you do that exact move thousands of times before but now it made her grind her teeth as you looked up from under your eyelashes as you did it. Only you were looking at the wrong person. And that giggle again.
The pen in her hand snapped.
Your eyes shot up to her, finally looking at her for the fist time since entering the room. Your mouth fell opened and she saw you take a startled breath in. She had no idea what her face was doing but a look of concern flashed over your face and you took a hesitant step forward. She ignored it, looking back down at her marking, refusing to acknowledge you.
She heard your goodbye to Ashley, heels clicking as you walked out the door. It was the longest she’d seen Ashley stay after school the entire time she’d been her aide. Which only made her glare at the young woman.
The next morning, at the copier getting ready for the spelling test she had to give that day, she saw you walk in, making a beeline right for Ashley. Your smile was excited, as if you’d been waiting all morning to see her.
“Hey,” you said, “look.”
You passed your phone over to her, heads bent together. You giggled at whatever she whispered to you, your eyes darting up, finding her staring at you. Your smile dimmed and she felt her stomach drop. That was never a look that was meant to be pointed in her direction. Turning your attention back down to your phone, you whispered something else to Ashley before turning on your heels and walking away, not sparing a backwards glance at her.
She thumped the side of the copier, trying to hurry it up.
“Girl, you got some tension you need to work out,” Ava said, sweeping past her.
She growled, thumping the copier again.
She didn’t see you again until lunch where you’d managed to peel yourself from your new shadow. You were sitting in your seat, the one at her table, looking as of you belonged there. You looked up from your phone, offering her a small smile, like you were worried about your reception. She snorted, sitting in her own seat.
“Hey, is everything okay?” you asked, leaning towards her.
The scent of your perfume brushed against her and she could feel the warmth of your body. She hadn’t realised how much she’d missed it, craved the way it made her feel when you looked at her with that burning intensity. How you were so good at making her feel as if no one else had your attention but her.
But now that was all for someone else’s benefit.
“Fine,” she huffed.
Your smile dimmed again and you lent back. The weight of your gaze was heavy on her, making her skin feel too tight. She looked away from you, not able to handle seeing the hurt she’d caught a glimpse of swimming in your eyes.
“Have I done something?” you asked.
“What makes you think that?” she asked, pulling out her lunch, as casual as possible.
“You’re being… you know what, it doesn’t matter,” you said, “I’m going to go eat somewhere else.”
You stood and her entire body froze. Hesitating a moment, you waited as her eyes dragged up to you. With one hand splayed on the top of the table, you lent towards her until you were invading her personal space.
“I know when I’m not wanted,” you said.
Her stare was hard as she watched you walk from the room. She stabbed at her food but her appetite had left her. She flung the container back on the table, glaring at it as if it had personally offended her.
“You handled that one perfectly.”
She shot a glare over her shoulder at Jacob. His face bled of what little colour there had been and his gaze snapped down to the sad sandwich he was eating. She waited a moment, making sure he didn’t think he was able to comment on her personal life.
“What did you say to that girl?” Barbra asked, sliding into her seat.
“Nothing,” she said, “there’s nothing to say to her.”
“Someone must have said something to her because she’s looking mighty upset,” she said.
“Fuck,” she muttered to herself.
Slamming her hands on the table, she stood and stalked out of the room. She wasn’t going to sit there and listen to how upset she’d made you. Not if she wanted to be calm enough to teach children how to tell the time.
Not if she wanted to be able to look herself in the eye ever again.
She paused outside your classroom door, taking a moment to steel herself. If she was going to apologise she had to be in the right state of mind. And that state of mind usually included more alcohol than she was allowed at school. Her hand landed on the door handle, peeking through the small window inside.
You were perched on one of the desks, arms curled around your body, staring down at your feet. Her heart constricted when she saw you reach up and brush a tear from your cheek. She’d done that. That was her fault.
“Maybe I was stupid,” she heard you say, and the sight of Ashley spinning in your chair caught her eye, “I just don’t know.”
“She never lets me sit in spinny chairs,” she said instead of answering you.
“Of course she doesn’t,” you said, “am I crazy?”
“Nah, she was sending vibes,” she replied.
“You are so much easier to understand,” you said, brushing away another tear.
“Thanks.” Ashley grinned at you and you gave her a reluctant watery smile in return.
Melissa pursed her lips, turning and walking down the hall to her own classroom. Clearly she wasn’t needed. You had someone else to comfort you. You didn’t need her.
She kept her distance for the rest of the week.
Friday night should have been her time to drown in a bottle of wine and then watch a fight in the parking lot of the closest Arby’s. Instead, she found herself standing in Jacob’s apartment, holding a glass of the second cheapest wine Jacob could find, pretending to listen to Zach talk about sneakers. She should have kicked Janine with her puppy dog eyes but she’d been promised booze and there were all kinds of emotions bubbling in her she wanted to tamp down.
She ignored the sound of the buzz, assuming it would be Barb. Downing the rest of her glass of wine, she turned away from Zach and disappeared into the kitchen for a refill. This time she went for something more in line with her feelings, finding a beer in the fridge.
The sound of your voice filtered into the kitchen. She froze, inhaling sharply, wondering how she hadn’t thought of this possibility. Slipping into the living room, she found you sliding out of your coat. She choked on the sip of beer she’d been about to drink.
Short skirt, low neckline, tight in all the right places, your dress was hot. You were hot in it. She bet you’d be hot out of it too.
Your eyes met hers and she saw you freeze for a moment before Jacob stole your attention to show you his ethically sourced furniture. She took another slug from the bottle. You glanced over your shoulder at her, lower lip caught between your teeth. What she wouldn’t give to sink her own teeth into that lip.
Ashley probably did it all the time.
Her eyes slid down your body without her permission. The way that dress hugged your ass had her clenching her fingers around the neck of her bottle. Obviously you’d dressed for someone. If Ashley showed up, she’d be leaving to keep from seeing how she appreciated you in that dress.
“Wow, that’s a nice dress,” Janine said, sliding up to her. She grumbled something, taking another swig of beer, “I wonder where she got it from. She looks amazing. Just wow. Really… great.”
“Whaddaya want, Janine?” she asked.
“Don’t you think she looks nice?” she asked.
“Hot woman in a hot dress. What’s not to like?” She shrugged.
You did that little fake laugh of yours, tucking some hair behind your ear. Jacob laughed along with you, clearly missing the way your nose scrunched up, telling her all she needed to know. Zach passed you a glass of red wine. You took a slow sip, your eyes finding hers again. Your tongue darted out, dragging along your lower lip and she felt heat rush over her skin.
She finished off her beer and shoved past Janine, returning to the kitchen for another. She pressed it to the skin of her neck, the cold glass a relief. The image of you still hovered in her mind, her breathing growing unsteady. Someone as hot as you should not be with someone as annoying as Ashley.
“Are you going to keep ignoring me?”
Your hip was resting on the doorframe, arms crossed, pushing up your chest in a way she was finding distracting. You weren’t smiling at her, eyes serious, the wine glass dangling from your fingers.
She noticed the way you zeroed in on the way she opened the bottle, tipping it back as she drank from it. There was a slight flush on your cheeks and your eyes were smouldering. It was an addictive look on you.
“I don’t know what I’ve done,” you said, taking a step into the room, hips swaying, “but you’ve been an absolute bitch all week. You’ve been fighting with me and you’ve been ignoring me the last few days. I just want to know where I should set my expectations tonight.”
“I’m sure once Ashely is here you won’t even notice what I choose to do,” she replied, taking another drag from the bottle.
“Ashley isn’t coming tonight,” you said, “at least, I hope she isn’t. Please tell me Jacob didn’t invite her. I know they have that whole cup song thing but he wouldn’t do that to us, would he?”
“How should I know? She’s your girlfriend,” she snapped.
“I’m offended. I can do better than Ashley.” Your nose wrinkled, “she talks like a teenager.”
“Yeah, so? You’ve been off whispering in corners with her all week,” she said.
You paused, eyebrows drawing together before a slow smile began to creep over your face. You placed your glass of wine down on the counter, sauntering towards her. Your fingers brushed against the back of her hand, looking at her as if you found something incredibly amusing. She bristled, stepping back from you.
“Would you prefer I was whispering in corners with you?” you asked, taking another step towards her.
“No,” she scoffed taking another step back.
Her back hit the fridge. Your lips curled up, your hand landing beside her, caging her in. Her eyes flicked down your body, barely brushing against hers, then back to your face. Your tongue ran along your wine stained lips as you considered her.
“Do you know what we were whispering about?” you asked.
“I don’t care,” she growled.
“I was asking her for a recommendation. See, she knows where to buy hot clothes at a bargain and you know what our pay checks are like. And I knew Jacob was hosting this little soiree tonight. I wanted to find something a bit sexy to wear,” you said, drawing impossibly closer to her.
Your perfume was wrapping around her and your fingers were brushing over the skin of her wrist. The way you were looking at her was making her head spin.
“You trying to seduce someone?” she spat out, hoping to get you away from her.
If not Ashley, she didn’t want to watch you seducing one of the other teachers. Who could it possibly be? No one would be insane enough to be interested in Janine and Gregory was boring.
“Yes,” you said before she could consider it more, “you.”
Her mouth fell open. Your gaze dipped down to her lips and heat filled her veins once again. Your fingers were gentle as they plucked the bottle from her, leaning over to put it on the bench. Your breath ghosted over the skin of her neck and she shivered, fingers itching to touch you.
“I thought if I was lucky, you’d show up tonight and I’d be here in a sexy little number and you’d see me as more than just a teacher you know from school,” you said, “only I didn’t account for your jealousy.”
“What jealousy?” she managed to say.
“Just admit it. You wanted to be the one I’m off whispering in corners with. You hated me being nice to Ashley,” you said.
“You were ignoring me to talk to her,” burst from her chest.
“Mel, you were ignoring me. And when you weren’t ignoring me you were being mean,” you said and there was a stab of shame in her gut, “I thought you were mad at me so I was giving you space.”
“And yet you still wore the hot dress,” she said.
“You think the dress is hot?” You were smiling at her now and she’d missed being on the receiving end it.
“Course it’s hot. You’re hot in it. No one’s gonna argue about that,” she said.
“And do you like the colour of it?” you asked, stepping back so she could see it properly.
“Yeah it’s red. Red is good,” she said, eyes sweeping over your body.
“You don’t think it’s too short?” you asked.
Her eyes dipped down to your legs, lingering longer than was appropriate.
“No,” she replied, eyes snapping up again. Her brain was full of the image of running her hands up those legs, pushing past the hemline of your dress, watching them fall open so she could disappear between them.
“Can I tell you a secret?” you asked, drawing closer to her again.
“Sure,” she said.
“When I was getting dressed for tonight, all I could think about was you taking it off me later,” you murmured, lips ghosting over the shell of her ear.
You drew back.
“Of course, if you’d rather I just go show Ashley then I’m sure I can find her location from her instagram story,” you said.
“The fuck you will.”
Her hand shot out, wrapping around your wrist. She tugged you forward, stumbling against her body already leaning on the fridge. Her other hand came up, tangling in the hair at the nape of your neck. Her lips captured yours in a searing kiss. Your tongue was in her mouth and your hands had found their way under her leather jacket, pinning her hips to the fridge. You moaned into her mouth, bodies pressing together and she realised she couldn’t get enough of you.
Her hand grasped your ass, so beautifully displayed by the stupid dress you’d bought to impress her. One of her legs pressed between yours, thigh tensing as you groaned again. Your hands slipped under her shirt, seeking out skin. She arched into your touch, teeth sinking into your lower lip finally. The little whine sound that came from you made the wait worth it.
“Are you two done fighting now? Only we’re out of-“
You turned, pulling away from her lips. She glanced over your shoulder, finding Janine in the doorway, eyes wide and mouth open, and empty chip bowl in her hand.
“Oh my gosh,” she said.
“Do you want to get out of here?” you asked, turning back to her.
She grabbed your hand, marching you past Janine, through the living room and out the door, refusing to say anything to any of her colleagues. You threaded your fingers through hers.
“We’re going back to your place, right?” you asked.
“Would you rather we go to yours?” she asked.
“No, my neighbours shout,” you replied, with a small shake of your head.
The way you were looking at her was full of promises she was hoping to cash in on. She held the door open for the passenger seat of her car. You reached up, pinching her chin between thumb and forefinger. You kissed her, slow and lingering over the top of the door, leaving her breathless and desperate for you. The smile you gave her as you slid into the car was just like the one you used to give her when she shared her lunch with you. The one that made her feel besotted with you.
Her hand was on your thigh the entire drive home. She took speed limits as suggestions and red lights as challengea. The soft skin of your thigh was so tempting beneath her fingertips. You were watching her the entire drive, those eyes of yours practically devouring her.
“I can’t believe you thought I was interested in Ashley,” you said, “who could be when you’re there?”
“She’s closer to your age than me,” she said.
“First day, you walked past and said you didn’t care who I was and I knew I’d do anything to make you look twice at me,” you said.
“That’s bull,” she laughed.
“You were wearing those leather pants and that pink top of yours. You looked me over head to foot and it was the sexiest thing. Who cares about Ashley? You’re the only one I’ve seen since meeting you.”
“Hon.” Her fingers tightened on your thigh, “if you keep talking like that I’ll have to pull this car over and we do it in the backseat.”
“No one comes even close to comparing to you, Mel,” you said.
“Sweetheart,” she warned. She felt the way your thighs pressed together.
You chuckled, leaning across the console to press a lingering kiss to her cheek. The car screeched to a halt as she braked hard. She was reaching across to you without thought, grabbing your face to kiss you like she hungered for you. You moaned into her mouth, fingers burying themselves in her hair, making her need you more than she needed air.
The hand on your thigh slipped further up, pressing against your underwear covered core. You gasped, hips bucking against her fingers. She pressed more insistently, finding your clit, wanting to hear you moaning her name. She chuckled against your mouth, drawing back to watch your face as she circled a finger over your bundle of nerves. You were the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen when you were desperate for her.
“Mel,” you whined.
“I warned you, hon,” she said.
You tugged on the hair tangled in your fingers until she was determined to claim you in every way possible.
“Get out of the car,” she commanded.
“What?” you whimpered as she took her hands from your body.
She undid her seatbelt, climbing from the car. She listened as you fumbled with the car door, rushing to meet her. Catching you around the waist, she pressed you to the car door, kissing you until she left you breathless.
“Come on.”
She laced her fingers through yours, tugging you forward. Your eyes widened as you looked up at her house. She shoved her door open, practically throwing you through it. The door slammed closed and the way you were looking at her made her blood thrum in her veins. She stalked towards you, reaching out.
Her hands landed on your ass, palming it as she pulled you closer. You wound your arms around her neck, kissing her slowly as if she wasn’t burning up with need. She pulled you closer, kissing you deeper until she felt you melt against her. The way you whined into her mouth went right between her legs.
Her lips trailed down, nipping at your earlobe before she found your pulse point. Your head fell back as she began to suck, one of her legs slotting between yours again. The breathy moan that fell from your lips made her press more insistently against you, wanting to hear it again. The flush of pride from the way your hips pressed down against her thigh made her nip at your skin.
“Fuck, Mel,” you groaned, “want you so bad.”
“I know you do, baby.”
She kissed you again, hauling you up into her arms. Your legs wrapped around her waist, kissing her deeper, longer, as if you’d never get enough of her. She hummed, slowly ascending the stairs. You were whimpering, tongue mapping your mouth.
Lowering you onto her mattress, she sunk her teeth into your lower lip again, certain she’d never grow tired of the way you arched towards her when she did. Your fingers buried themselves in her hair, tugging in a way that set the fire flaming high within her.
“Please, Mel,” you moaned as her hands skimmed up your body.
She cupped your breasts, leaning back to watch the way your eyes glazed over when her thumbs found your hardening nipples through the soft fabric. Your hands found her hips, fingers digging in, pulling until she landed on the bed, knees landing either side of your lap.
“I hope you know,” she murmured, pinching at one nipple, “I’m planning on fucking you in this dress.”
“I was hoping you would,” you said.
“And then I’m gonna undress you and fuck you on every surface in my house,” she said, watching the way your mouth fell open.
Your hands slid up her spine, pressing her forward as you surged up to kiss her. She nipped at your bottom lip, beginning to slowly roll your nipple, listening to your small sigh. You were arching into her touch and she smiled against your lips.
“Need you,” you groaned as she sucked your earlobe into her mouth.
Her teeth scraped over it as she moved one hand down, finding the hemline of your skirt again. She skimmed her fingertips up your inner thigh. They parted under her touch. She lifted herself off your lap, just enough to push your legs further apart, hand cupping over your heat. Pushing your underwear aside, she stroked her finger through your folds, enjoying what she found there.
“Is this all for me, baby?” she asked.
“Yes,” you hissed, “all yours. Please. Mel, please.”
The sound of you begging was music to her ears. She slowly began to circle your clit, watching as your face contorted in pleasure, hands squeezing her hips.
“Or maybe instead of fucking you right now, I should just keep touching you like this. Keeping you right on the edge,” she said, finger ghosting against you instead of giving you what you wanted, “showing up in this dress, trying to get me worked up, making me jealous. Maybe you don’t deserve to cum.”
“No,” you whined, “just wanted to be pretty for you.”
“Just for me?” she asked.
“Only for you,” you gasped, hips shifting to try and get her to touch you more.
“And who’s are you?” she asked.
“Yours,” you groaned as she touched you more insistently, “only yours.”
“Good girl.”
The way your mouth fell open again, a breathy moan and hips jumped towards her touch had her very interested. Something to file away to explore later. You pulled her into another kiss as her finger found your entrance. Your hips bucked up. She sucked your bottom lip into her mouth, finger pressing into you.
Your head fell back, your strangled groan like music to her ears. The column of your neck on full display was more than she could resist, lips pressing to it, running along it, tasting your skin. She slowly began to pump her finger, quick to add a second when you begged her for more. Her thumb found your clit again.
“Oh god,” you moaned.
She curled her fingers, her name falling from your lips like a prayer. She would worship your body to hear you just like that over and over again.
“Being so good for me, baby,” she said.
You whined, internal muscles fluttering around her fingers.
“Look at you,” she continued, “so beautiful, so gorgeous, all mine.”
Her teeth sunk in where your shoulder met your neck. Your strangled gasp was loud in her ears. She wanted to leave her marks littering every inch of your body. She wanted to see where she’d been later. She wanted you to know who owned your body when you looked in the mirror.
“Come on, baby,” she murmured, “tell me what you want.”
“You,” you gasped out, “just you.”
The palm of her hand ground against your bundle of nerves, fingers slamming into you. You were a moaning mess under her touch, begging her, words turning incomprehensible. She drew back, watching you, wanting to have this moment burned into her brain forever. There was nothing so beautiful as you desperate for her. No one was ever going to touch you like this again.
“Cum for me,” she whispered.
You cried out her name, muscles clamping down on her fingers. She worked you through it, drinking in every single moment. There was no part of you she didn’t want, no part of you that wasn’t beautiful. The blissed out smile on your face only made her want you more.
You reached for her, drawing her into another kiss, slow and steady. Her fingers were still buried in you and her thumb brushed against your clit. You made a small noise, muffled by her mouth and she did it again, feeling the flutter of internal muscles again.
“Mel,” you mumbled against her lips.
“Yes, hon?” she asked, drawing back.
You were looking at her like she’d hung the stars for you and like you wanted to devour her. She pressed another lingering kiss to your lips.
“What is it, sweetheart?” she coaxed, thumb brushing your clit again.
You inhaled sharply, eyes falling closed as your hips bucked up.
“Tell me,” she murmured, lips finding the soft spot behind your jaw.
“Wanna taste you,” you mumbled.
She pulled her hand from your underwear, sucking her fingers into her mouth. Her tongue swirled over her skin, tasting you. She groaned, wanting to drink right from the source.
“Mel,” you whined.
“In a moment, hon,” she said.
Tugging your ruined underwear from your body, she knelt between your thighs. Tongue swiping through your folds, she groaned. Your fingers tangled in her hair, pressing you closer as she feasted on you.
You were a babbling mess above her, thighs squeezing either side of her head. She moaned against your hot cunt, not able to stop herself. Your hips jumped up towards her, fingers tightening. Swirling over your bundle of nerves and dipping into your entrance, you writhed above her, her name nothing but a chant as you pressed her closer.
Your taste was driving her crazy. She could spend hours between your thighs, making you cum over and over again. She’d never wanted someone so much, never wanted anyone so badly.
You stiffened above her, fingers pulling on her hair. She lapped at you, cleaning you up, before she sat back on her heels, smirking up at you. With the back of her hand, she wiped your arousal from her chin, the flush of pride racing through her veins.
You tugged on her hair again, trying to kiss her. Her knees creaked but she let you drag her back onto the bed. Your kiss was needy, sloppy, warm, and she wanted every second of it.
“Still wanna taste you,” you mumbled against her lips.
“In a bit, sweetheart,” she said, “I think you need to catch your breath first.”
She tugged you further up the bed, settling down against the pillows. You curled against her side, and even with a need thrumming between her legs, just having you pressed to her side was a thrill. Your head rested on her shoulder, arm curling around her waist as you pressed closer.
“You still haven’t undressed me,” you murmured, lips brushing against her neck.
“We’ll work our way up to that,” she replied.
You looked up at her, hair in disarray and eyes bright. You blinked and she realised she’d been staring at you.
“Yes, hon?” She brushed some of the hair away from your face.
“Were you really that jealous?” you asked.
“Yeah, hon,” she said, “I really was.”
You gave a self satisfied smile, snuggling against her again. Her hand slowly swept along your spine, enjoying the way you wiggled closer to her. Her lips pressed to the top of your head and you sighed.
“I’m not going home this weekend, am I?” you asked.
“No chance,” she replied.
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jimmyneutron877 · 1 month
"Keep Dancing With Me"
• Pre War Cooper Howard x Reader! Fluff!
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(Cooper and you dance together 🥺)
“C’mon Coop! Please just teach me even a little step, pleeeeease”
You and Cooper Howard have been together for a while now, since after he and Barb got divorced, and you had been begging Cooper to teach you the Western line dancing he claims to know.
“No- c’mon- its embarrassin’ please-” He refused you every time saying he was embarrassed, he was “too busy” or he “wasn't in the mood”, but he wouldn't get away with it this time, you wouldn't have it.
You left the couch with a Hm, and disappeared into the bedroom, this was automatically suspicious for Cooper as you’d always persist and plead, and then he heard it… Johnny Cash. He got up from the couch, put his paper down and started for the bedroom, but not before you appeared in the doorway, you gestured for him to come closer with your finger, and when he moved forward you did too, until you both met halfway.
“Cooper Howard, you are going to teach me a dance, or I'll make you” Your voice got low and serious as you looked into his eyes.
He let out a sigh, defeated, “Fine, gimme your hand, put the other on my shoulder” he took your hand with his and guided his other hand down to your waist and gripped it firmly.
You always loved his hands, they were strong and big, and you almost fit into them completely, your hand disappeared into his, like his hands were made for you, and he loved that too.
He showed you the footwork to one he called “Lori's Cha-Cha”, and the beginning was easy, however, you kind of bombed out anything after that, so you two just stuck to the beginning part. It was nice, energetic and intimate at the same time, you were both laughing for the first time in a long time. Johnny Cash was definitely the best pick for this dancing.
“Havin’ fun?” He teased with a smirk, flashing his teeth.
“Yes, I can definitely see you are, you've loosened up, your shoulders aren't as tense” You noted, sending a cheeky smile to him.
“Yeah yeah, whatever” Cooper rolled his eyes.
“Why didn't you ever want to show me before?”
“I don't know, I never thought you'd be so interested in it, I always thought it was a cheesy thing we always had ta learn in school” he spun you around gently and his hand left your waist for a split second before you came back around.
“Aw Coop, you don't have to be embarrassed about it, I love it, I'm always interested in you..I find it really charming, and what better way to woo someone than with your line dancing?” you teased the last part and he scoffed but he knows you meant the beginning.
“I’m sorry for always shovin’ you off before, I also thought you were kinda just teasin’ me ‘bout it” he said that and stopped for a moment, “Actually I'm sorry for not really payin’ attention to you much at all lately, things have been…stressful, and painful, but you didn't deserve the distance, I'm sorry” he looked down and the dancing slowed.
You watched and listened to this, it made your heart ache thinking of everything that's happened to him. You loved him more than anything, more than life itself, but most people took him for granted, and that hurt.
“Coop, look at me” you took your hands and held the sides of his face to make him look down at you again, “It’s okay, I know what you've been through, I know it's been so stressful and you've been hurting, but I'll always be here for you, I love you so much, more than words, and I'll stand by you for the rest of our life together, I love you”
You pulled him down and his lips met yours, he melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your whole body, keeping your warmth against him. Letting out an exasperated breath, he relaxed and leant into you and your arms linked around his neck to further deepen the kiss.
When the kiss ended you two just looked into each other's eyes. His amber eyes radiated with the orange sky setting through the window, the green hints flickered like filtered leaves.
“You're beautiful you know that Y/N…” he said dreamily after a while of him studying your face too, “How did I ever deserve you?”
You smiled at his sweet words and gave him another kiss.
“I love you so so much Coop, now please keep dancing with me…”
A/N: Thank you for reading! It's been a while, but I absolutely love Cooper Howard/The Ghoul and the Fallout series, so here I am 😍
Do not borrow/translate/steal
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please don't kill me mr ghostface (part 1)
(AO3 Mirror), (Main Masterlist), (Kinktober '23 Masterlist)
(Part 2 - coming soon!)
pairing: stalker!Miguel x f!reader, slight yandere undertones. (he's a murderer lowkey but very gentle and sweet and scary hot that's all guys I promise.)
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summary: murders on campus. the odd toothbrush goes missing. what's new, honestly. life keeps ticking and you end up at a Halloween party somewhere you shouldn't. there, you meet a gorgeous man in a strange mask. he seems sweet, and all you're looking for is a bit of fun. what could go wrong?
warnings: 18+ , fingering, anal play (mig eats ass, send tweet!) , rimming, p in v, soft dom mig, some switchy + needy behaviour, mild threat of violence (not by mig), alcohol consumption. Minors DNI
a/n: 5k words of ignoring red flags. girl get a grip!
wc: 5.2k
You look too good to feel this shitty. 
That's the thought you're left with, picking at flimsy spiderwebs draped on a sofa. Sandwiched between two couples making out like their life depends on it, of course, but that's beside the point. 
“Someone said there's CCTV of a guy walking out the building at 3am… seems a little convenient, if you ask me…”
There's a TV on in the background, barely cutting through the dense chatter. By this point, your eyes have glazed over, trying not to let them rattle around in your skull. Drunken conversation around you, and it's the same thing as always; long, winding tales of a campus killer - the kind out of a cheesy slasher. What the news says, officially, is that there weren't any links between those 3 bodies that turned up out on the playing field, an empty dorm, a supply closet; but it hasn't stopped people from indulging in wild speculation. 
“No, no, she just didn't turn up to my Econ class….I swear–” 
Stay in pairs. Don't walk alone at night. Whilst you think it's all tangential at best, you're not one to tempt fate. The gossip, you could do without. But it doesn't hurt to keep yourself safe, pepper spray nestled in your usual bag. 
Tonight, however, you've left it at home, thinking the friends you came with would be enough. Somewhere, somehow, they're off chugging shit beer and you're milling about the place and sinking into couch cushions. There's something sticky by the seat, and there's a crackle as you're jostled - the sharp edge of a stray elbow almost knocks your drink away. 
For one night only, you're a cheerleader. A short, short skirt and little top; it has you feeling overdressed. Even though you've left the pompoms at home, next to your taser; seemingly, you've read the mood wrong - stupidly assuming people would dress up for a Halloween party. As you make your way to the kitchen, tugging down your skirt here and there, that's all you can see; half-hearted costumes - cat ears, white sheets and flimsy masks. It feels like you stick out in comparison. You've gone all out, with nothing but the threat of a beer sodden lap for your trouble. 
It's a big house. Alpha-delta-phi, kappa-something-or-the-other; a frat with too much money and too much time on their hands. With all the doors you walk past, shallow thuds and thumping ringing out behind them, you're as good as lost. The best ragers this side of campus - as raved about by one of your friends. It feels like bucketfuls of horseshit right now, wandering around packed halls - and oh. Is that the same staircase? 
“ Fuck, watch it!” You clatter into the side of an arm, a t-shirt with a superman symbol emblazoned at the chest. He's pretty, but his features curl into a sudden sneer. 
" Sorry –" You start but he doesn't let you finish, wagging a thick finger in your face. 
There's a girl draped on his arm, merely watching as he shouts; loud over pumping music from the next room over. 
"Hey, dipshit , you gonna keep staring? Mouth open like a fucking fish– do you know how much this shit costs?" Your eyes are wide, as he gets closer - stinking of alcohol and pot and God knows what else. You're not drunk enough to entertain this, shirking away from confrontation. The room is hot, his breath is sticky , and–
He grabs your arm. Immediately you're trying to wrench yourself away, not daring to look into blown pupils. Clammy, his grip tightens on bare skin and your stomach churns. He's solid, bigger than you and unable to keep the anger out of his voice…. and fuck. You're scared. 
Fear, rising like bile at the back of your throat. Bitter and sharp, fear at the fact that there isn't anyone to help; that everyone else looks away and pretends that this isn't happening. Fear at the spittle that sprays from his mouth like poison, stinging skin. You screw your eyes shut, expecting a slap, a blow, or something worse and then… 
Thud. The hand around your wrist is no more, replaced by a gentle pat on your shoulder. Nothing lingering, just a light touch to get you to open your eyes; to see that guy on the floor, clutching at a swollen jaw and split lip. 
"You okay? " 
It's deep, muffled by a mask, and the figure in front of you has to crouch to be heard over incessant chatter. 
You're nodding, sheepishly, not trusting yourself to keep that edge out of your voice. 
Ghostface, the masked man, the only other person at this party properly dressed up; he only cocks his head in a gesture that says a thousand words. His robe pools around his wrists, thick fabric that you grab onto without thinking, grip just as tight as your would-be assailant. You don't even want to think about it, what could've happened if someone hadn't stepped in. It has you biting back tears, more shaken than you'd like to admit. 
"H-Hey, hey, easy…" He's rubbing little circles into your shoulder, hesitant. Your lip wobbles, ever so slightly, but he catches it, gently pulling you aside. 
There isn't a crowd. The stragglers, those that saw the display, barely look at the guy on the floor, scrambling to his feet and far away. In the meantime, you fight off tears and force yourself to flash a shaky smile. 
"Good. " You croak, taking his hands off your shoulders. "F-Fuck , I mean… I'm good. Thank you."
He doesn't quite budge, giving you that strange look again. At least, you think so, rearing up to his full height to cross his arms. Quiet incredulity, almost cartoonish, and it almost makes you laugh. Almost. 
"Let me get you a drink… some water, or something." He says, stretching out a gloved hand. Sensing your hesitance, he quickly adds, "... Please ."
Chewing your lip, you only have to think for a second before taking it, and you're led out through double doors. Your masked man is big; broad shouldered and hulking, cutting through the writhing mass with ease. It's just as well, you think, unable to sort through the tangle of things that rattle around in your head. You hate this fucking school, sometimes. Boys will be boys. Wear more appropriate clothing. Well, wasn't she just asking for it?  A culture of inaction; of hand-wringing and hand-waving… passing on the blame until three dead bodies show up on campus. 
That's one thing you have to thank the so-called serial killer for, at least. At least something might actually change around here. 
Empty, the kitchen is a mess, but nothing you wouldn't expect. Drink long gone; a distant memory spilled on a carpet, somewhere; you perch awkwardly around a counter, not knowing where to put your hands. Rattled, you've resorted to a glassy stare; stewing and festering and thinking so intensely it might frighten off your masked man. 
It doesn't. He merely taps you, a gentle elbow to your side and he offers you a glass of water. Weakly, you give him a smile, gulping up the liquid. 
"You here by yourself ?" He asks, muffled by plastic. 
You can't help it, eyes wide at the implication - a masked man, a killer on campus - and he must realise the way it sounds. 
In no time at all, he clarifies, "I just mean… fuck … is there someone I can call? So you're not alone."
It's a kind gesture. Kinder than you'd expect from a stranger. Slowly, you shake your head. 
"They ditched me about an hour ago." You give a bitter laugh. "Just me and you, Mr Ghostface."
And with that he laughs; deep and sonorous, causing heat to bloom at your chest. Despite yourself, you smile, and you swear you see a glint of something behind the mask. 
It has you itching for a drink. All of a sudden you make your way across the room, swiping at empty beer bottles and cans, rummaging around for some hard liquor. When you find it - a half empty bottle of something that smells like carpet cleaner and acetone - you're taking a swig, and offering it to the man across from you. It's sneaky, but you don't think he clocks your paltry attempt to see what he looks like under that mask. 
He shakes his head, hands up in defeat. 
"You sure?" Your voice is lilting, hazy around the edges. Creeping up closer, you press your body to his, taking another unceremonious gulp. Under that cloak - heavy, somewhat well made - you can feel him, lean and cut muscle that tenses as you get closer. 
Batting your eyelashes, you make full use of the cheerleader get-up, snaking a dainty hand to his side, and then up to the counter. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was ogling you, chest taught and tight at the way you feel against him. 
Or maybe, he's bored as shit. You wouldn't know - with the mask, and all. 
Wobbly, you clamber up onto the counter, helped up by a gentle hand at the small of your back… and oh. You like that: big, thick fingers that press into you, carefully tracing your waist… and why won't they go down a little further? Grab handfuls of the flesh at your thighs, your ass, everything in between? 
He's too conservative for that, you think. Nervous, too. Nevertheless, he slots between your thighs, big palms flat next to your ass. 
"I… I don't mind watching." He says, voice low. 
It makes you giggle as you drink, sweet and soft, and liquid dribbles past your lips, down to collarbone. Mr Ghostface is gentle, tracing a finger across the juncture of your neck, light pressure on the vein that sits nice and pretty at its side. 
It goes to your head. The alcohol, the large man of few words with a hand on your neck. When he finishes swiping at the liquid and pulls his hand away, you curl your hand around his, bringing it to your lips. Pert lips wrap around his finger, tongue swiping over leather, and you swear you can hear his breath hitch - heart clearly skipping a beat. 
"Careful…" You say, leaning forward to press your tits against him, brushing away imaginary fluff from his shoulders. "I really like this costume."
"I like it too." He clears his throat. "You look nice."
"Nice? Is that all I get, Mr Ghostface?" You're teasing, tracing up his broad chest to his neck and then just under his chin. Carefully, you hook a finger under the thin strap of his mask, tugging ever-so gently. 
Quickly, he stops you. 
"Not yet, sweetheart."
You pout, flashing him a frustrated look - and God , does he want to kiss it off of you. 
"But soon?" 
"If you're good." You swear you can hear him smile, hands wrapping around your waist. 
You get a bit bolder, hand tracing up his sleeve, clutching at thick, corded forearm. Watching intently as he keens, pushing you to the edge of the kitchen counter with only one hand at your back. This close, you even like the way he smells, like rust and oil and earth, the way he feels around you; strong arms caging you in, protecting you. You feel safe, for some reason. 
When he sighs into you, exposing a sliver of tan neck, you feel your knees go weak - unable to stop yourself from mouthing at it, pressing little kisses into the skin. He seems so sensitive, rocking into the counter for some pressure already, clutching you closer and closer until there's a hickey blooming just under sharp jawline. 
"Fuck- " He hisses, pawing at your waist a little more desperately. 
Suddenly self conscious, you separate with a wet smack, and inspect your handiwork. 
"Shit." Eyes wide, you press a finger into the flesh. Your masked man winces. "M'sorry. Got carried away."
He heaves, placing his head on your shoulder for a moment, trying to catch his breath. 
"It's fine," He strains. "Don't worry… s'fine."
Admittedly, he doesn't seem too fine, adjusting what feels like a painful hard-on beneath a loose cloak. 
Cradling his head so he can look at you, you whisper something bold, even for someone who's downed more than a couple shots worth of cheap liquor. 
"I know somewhere… I-I think … that we could go if you wanted to…" His head lolls, and you hear him swallow roughly. "Somewhere quiet . We'd be alone. Just us."
A beat passes and you think you might've read this wrong, much too forward for your own good. It’s why he surprises you by nodding - slowly, at first, and then with more conviction. Taking your hand, he snakes it under his mask, and you almost gasp when you feel soft, plump lips at your knuckles and palm, pressing shaky kisses to the skin.
“I need to do something first.” He says it so quietly, you almost miss it under the mask. “Where can I meet you?”
You don’t ask questions. 
“Pool house.” You nod towards the windows, overlooking a sizable pool. People mill about its edges, but you know the little house is off-limits for the night. “Side entrance. They… leave it unlocked, sometimes.”
He doesn’t ask questions. 
Before he goes, he snakes a hand under your skirt, giving your ass a sizable squeeze - leaving you breathless. 
You don’t feel the cold as you slip out, playing with a loose thread at the hem of your skirt. The side entrance is stiff but unlocked, and you duck past a screen, head on a swivel. Like a good girl, you sit on plush cushions, thighs pressed together to relieve a pressure that has been building since you met your masked man. And you want to touch yourself; to circle that little bud with clumsy fingers, imagining it was him.
You wait. And you wait. You settle between the cushions, adjust your skirt, look at your hair through a makeshift mirror - the glossy surface of windows overlooking the pool. Not wanting to risk turning on the lights, you wander past what little streams in from across the pool; flashing and pounding with the heady bass of music. You can't help but wonder where he's gone, if he's even coming, and what he had to do so desperately that he'd leave you wanting more. 
At this point, you don't even care if he takes off his mask. You don't want to know a name, or see the real man underneath the costume. You just want him; writhing underneath as you bounce on his fat cock. 
That voice makes you jump, swiveling to face him. How did he get in without you noticing? He was so quiet, so–
"Missed you." He says it so soft, it makes you melt, walking slowly towards him. Shrouded in shadow, as you get closer you notice he's shed his cloak, donned in a white t-shirt and straight leg jeans. Big boots, thick with fresh mud, thud onto the tile. When you meet, two figures cut by bright light, you almost gasp. He's taken off the mask. Instead of Mr Ghostface, you're met with a man - and he is so, so beautiful . 
Tan skin. High cheekbones, a jaw that could cut glass. His hair is haphazardly slicked back, fluffy and curly in all the right places. But it's his eyes: mischievous and glinting and serious all at the same time - absolutely gorgeous. You could look at him like this forever; chest heaving, messy, out of breath. 
Your hand comes to his chest. He’s hot to the touch, clasping his great big hand atop yours. Squeezing, he pulls you closer, other hand creeping up bare thigh, before hooking under your ass in a move that makes you squeal.
From this close, his lashes look so pretty; wispy and romantic and yearning.
"You look beautiful.”  He doesn’t kiss you, not yet, content with only watching - studying you with sharp eyes. “Always do."
All you hear are the compliments, too tipsy to notice what the stranger implies. You're not usually one for a one night stand, but he is intoxicating - intense in a way that's hard to explain. 
Carding one hand through the curls at the nape of his neck, you press your lips to his in a kiss that starts off sweet and quickly deepens. He is hungry and devouring; licking up your moans with plump lips. 
You lead him to the sofa, only separating for fleeting breaths. Eyes low, illuminated by a flash of light here and there; you force yourself to concentrate on him , shuddering breaths and all. He’s hard, rocking into your lower half splayed out beneath him and arms caged around your head. It’s sly, but you snake a hand past his t-shirt, across his back and then fumble with the belt. It makes him smile, soft laughter spilling into your parted lips; before he sits up above you.
“You want it that bad, huh?” Windswept, he croons, batting away your hands to unbuckle the clasp himself.
You groan, shifting upwards. You don’t notice the way his eyes dart down, eying up the peek of thigh that spills out of little shorts. 
“Say it f’me, sweetheart.” He hikes up your skirt, exposing your covered cunt. He’s gentle, pawing at the flesh, pressing the heel of his palm right above your clit.
“F-Fuck!” The pressure is delicious, and you roll your hips up, up, up; chasing some semblance of relief. When he stops, you whine - clutching at his forearm, frustrated. “Want it, please .”
“Want what?” He prompts, lifting his shirt over his head in one quick movement. You’re met with the wide span of his chest, muscle taut and tight above you.
“Want you in me. I want… I want you to fuck me ‘til I break, pound my fucking hole so hard I can feel it in the morning. I want– ”
You’re babbling, now, spurred on by the way he tugs off black shorts, lifting up your legs to slip them off. He’s too slow, clearly enjoying watching you squirm and writhe. 
“You can have it, sweetheart.” He coos, before capturing you into another kiss. This time, he separates and you follow him up; finally parting with a wet smack. “I’ll give you whatever you want, however you want it… but you gotta do something first.”
“ Anything .” You breathe.
“Fuck yourself, for me. I…I–”
“You like to watch.” You finish it for him, breathless.
“Please.” His head dips low; big, red-brown eyes never leaving yours. 
The way he says it leaves you panting, hung off of every word. And you croon, leaning back into couch cushions, already hot at the way he kneads his thumbs to the flesh near your pussy. This close, he can see the way your cunt pulses, eating up a tiny thong between glistening lips. He’s kneeling on the floor, now, snaking his body around to get a perfect view, flashing looks between both your pretty lips. 
More than willing to oblige, you pat at your clit, sending sweet pleasure coursing through your lower half. Even though your legs tremble, he holds you down, placing gentle kisses to your inner thighs. Slipping your thong to the side, you dip two fingers past your slit, gathering up slick to press carefully into your hole.
“So… so pretty. ” He sighs, not daring to close his eyes despite the pleasure he feels. When you notice how his other hand is buried in his pants; jerking up and down to match your pace. You start slow, for now, pumping two fingers in and out, heel of your palm snug against your clit. The sounds are obscene, the wet schlick-schlick ringing out in the quiet room. 
“Prettiest fucking thing I’ve ever s-seen.” Your stranger moans, slathering over your thighs with sloppy kisses, occasionally swiping at your knuckles. Lower and lower, as you get faster and faster, his tongue makes you feel amazing. You’re close - entranced by your spot in the limelight and the sharp eyes that watch every ministration. 
It’s only when you’re knuckle deep, well and truly fucking yourself ; chasing something just out of reach with his help; when two things happen, catching you by surprise. The first, the one that sends electricity down your spine, that makes you jolt and shiver and almost cum right then and there…
…is a wet kiss pressed to your asshole. He slathers and slobbers and licks large stripes up and down; ripping a great moan out from you. He doesn’t stop there, spreading the globes of your ass to delve deeper, tongue-fucking you as your hand stills - unable to concentrate on anything else. Pornographic, he humps his lower half to the same pace, sealing his mouth over your hole. With the vibrations of his moans sending pleasure straight to your clit, you finally cum - a rolling, bubbling orgasm that ends just as intensely. 
The second thing that happens, just as you fall off the edge, is that you’re plunged into darkness. The lights from across the pool, once bright and flashing; are cut off. The music stops, and chatter dies down. Your stranger holds you through it, licking up cum from your neglected cunt, whispering sweet things into the skin.
“There it is, baby. Nice n’ slow.” He soothes as you whimper, hand tight in his hair. 
In the dark, you’re heaving, feeling him slow down as your cunt clenches around nothing, empty. Shaky, you sit up on your haunches as he follows you up.
“Is everything…? What happened?” You’re a little panicked, shaken up from your orgasm. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay. ” He rubs little circles into bare skin. “Too much?”
You shake your head, nuzzling into him. He gives your forehead a kiss, and you feel warmth bloom across your chest.
He shifts. “Just give it a…”
As if on cue, a generator whirs to life, flooding the little room in red light. Something similar seems to happen across the pool, as you take a quick glance to the window.
Your head is a little fuzzy. It aches as you catch his eye, looking at you intently.  
“Do you want to stop? We don’t have to–”
“No.” You say it resolutely, with so much force it even catches you off guard. “I want to.”
“Fuck.” He mutters, brows pressed together imperceptibly. 
For someone you’ve just met, he still looks at you like ice about to melt, like he’s bearing witness to the last breaths of a dying star. He looks at you like he knows you; like he knows how many half-truths and one-night stands you’ve had to endure. It makes you shiver; here, bathed in crimson light, pressed against one another.
He starts with your lips, a gentle thumb pressed flat, and then deeper, deeper, deeper. It’s like before, you realise, the taste of liquor and leather long gone. He keeps his eyes on you, careful as he pops the thumb out, groaning at the length of spit that comes with a flash of your pink tongue. You splay yourself out underneath him, drinking in the sight above; your stranger, your masked man once upon a time, shirtless and breathless and rock hard against your cunt. Now, he tugs down black boxers, its band cut across his torso just so. Thick hair; dark, curly, neatly trimmed; and you reach to trace down his happy trail, to get a hand on his pretty cock.
He just watches , eyes dark, leaning forward to rock into your soft palm and put his mouth on the skin that pillows out from a tight crop top. To give him more access, you tug it down, exposing sensitive nipple. And then that tongue; searching, inquisitive, precise; wraps itself around the flesh. You keen - a pretty moan that has his heart fluttering and eyes clasped shut.
“Inside.” At first, it’s a whisper, said in the throes of deep pleasure. You repeat it, slowing your hand at his cock. 
When he doesn’t answer; still slathering at your tits, pawing the flesh that spills out from your costume; you tug, a sharp thing that has him moaning and sitting up on  his haunches.
“Said I wanted you inside, baby.” You say - and his breaths are deep, his eyes are wild. “Do you want it? Do you want me?”
“A-Always….course I— ” He stops himself, chewing at the inside of his cheek. Finally, he nods and you continue, satisfied.
“Watch.” You titter, reaching down to line him up; carefully gathering slick up at the head of his cock. His tip weeps; shuddering like your stranger does above, getting close and hitching up you up to stay flush against you. His eyes stay trained downward. Inside, he mouths at your neck, groaning once his cock sinks into your fluttering hole.
There’s a tightening grip at your hips, big hands bunching up the skirt to keep you close, with a careful pressure at your clit. That sends heat coursing through your veins, tasting deep crimson in the air. He fucks; up close and humping like he wants to crawl into your skin, with a fervour you’ve never encountered before. It has you hot and sticky, desperate for that biting edge that keeps slipping from dainty fingers. You start to put a hand at your clit, tracing between your bodies when a strong hand pulls it away. Firm.
“No, no, no…” He whispers it, putting your wandering hand to his face, kissing the palm.
“Please. ” You whine. “M’close. So close.”
You feel him twitch inside, hips stuttering at your tone.
“No.” He says it again, resolute. “I’m going to make you cum. Gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart… just… just be patient. Please. For me .”
You’re reaching up for a kiss, of which he obliges. This time, it stays sweet; pink tongues swiped over lips.
“Look at me.” His hips shift, changing angles to hit that sweet spot like you’ve been moulded to his dick - like he knows just where to touch you to make you fall apart. “Look at me, hermosa. Ohh f-fuck, you take me so well… so pretty. You gonna milk my cock? Feels so good around me, sweetheart, like you were made for me. Like we’re ... L-Like–”
You groan, unable to tear yourself away from his writhing form: strong, lean muscles, tensing in the red light. And oh, isn’t he pretty, mere moments away from release, from spilling thick cum inside you.
“I know, I know, hermosa. ” You like the way he says it, rolling off his tongue like honey; treacled and sweet. “Cum f’me, sweetheart. Want to feel you clamp around my cock. Cum for me. ”
And just like that, you’re gone; nails digging into his back as you careen off a steep cliff’s edge. Your stranger quickly follows, pulling out to wrap a tight hand around the base of his cock, spilling onto your stomach as you clench around nothing.
You’re whining, getting ready to complain; why hasn’t he come inside? why doesn’t he want to stay?; when he stills, settling by your side. Propped up by one arm, he crouches down to stroke at your cheek, to touch your jaw, moving your head this way and that - as if he’s looking for something hidden behind bright eyes.
In the red of the emergency lights, you suppose you’re looking for something too. A beat passes, and then another. The generator splutters, whirring and coughing. The lights turn off; replaced by the noise and white lights from across the pool.
So lost in one another, you hadn’t quite noticed; everything else falling away. 
He clears his throat, clambering off of the sofa and tugging up his trousers. Quickly, he returns, a bundle of towels draped across his bare shoulders, and then he wipes off the cum - gently, separating sweaty limbs. Your costume is more or less intact, but you’re unable to do more than just lay there. He’s diligent and patient, not in any sort of rush. When you sit up, he pulls on a shirt, kneeling by your legs to play with a loose thread at your skirt. Too intimate, you suppose. With his head on your lap, you don’t think you care. 
“We should leave.” You say it first, what’s been left in the air for someone else to pick apart. 
“We should.” 
“Can’t leave together.” You say simply, curling a hand in his hair. 
Humming, he looks up lazily, with a hint of a smile. “You go first.”
Neither of you make a move to get up.
“Mr Ghostface,” You start, giggling. “What happened to your mask?”
“Lost it.” He’s cryptic. Finally, he stands. 
Your stranger stretches out a rough palm, and you take it, getting up on shaky legs. You almost collapse onto his chest, but he’s there; solid, stoic. Looking up, and it catches you off guard: the intensity of his stare, how he watches in a way that makes you feel stripped bare. 
“You first.” He repeats, still holding on.
He’s pretty. Of course he is, but the shadow and light makes his features even more pronounced. In the quiet, you take the opportunity to catch him off guard; standing on tip-toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek. Jaw tight, he doesn’t react the way you want him to: ever-still, passive. Fuck. You’ve read it wrong: not used to the intensity of this kind of foray. After all: a one night stand seems too reductive, doesn’t quite span the depths and furrows of how your stranger has taken you apart. Finally, you leave the strange man still standing in the pool house. You don’t dare to look, but you can feel him; the weight of his stare at your back.
You can feel his hands, too; the ghost of his touch lingering as you make your way back to the house, mingling with the crowd.
You don’t tell your friends. You make your back home after the party, bundled into a taxi with a hand tight around your own wrist. It doesn’t feel like his hand on yours - not even close.
“I didn’t actually fuck him yesterday!” Your friend tugs on your sleeve, giggling into your shoulder as she recounts her night. A debrief with the girls turns into hungover breakfast-bleeding-into-lunch at your dorm. They’re bundled onto the sheets, some eating greasy takeout and others nursing bludgeoning headaches. 
You’re fine, mostly. A little bit of liquid courage, but your hangover pales in comparison to some - catatonic on your rug and scrolling through their phone in a limbo-like state.
“You didn’t fuck him, but you wanted to.” Someone pipes up, and the conversation devolves into raucous laughter.
You laugh, tucked into yourself. The wonders of a half-dozen sophomores during Halloween - able to grin despite the shit storm that’s been mounting. Campus killers notwithstanding - they make you smile, at least.
“Were you there towards the end?” Someone asks, poking an elbow at your side. “When there was that blackout?”
You nod, simply - not trusting yourself to say more.
“I-I mean…” Her voice is suddenly shaky, thrusting a phone into your unsuspecting hands. “Well… they’re saying it must have happened then, or around that time.”
You squint, confused.
“And it could’ve been anyone, I suppose. There were like, what, a hundred people there? More? ”
“A body. They found a body - by the pool house, or something…”
Miguel taglist: @d1lf-loverrr, @afro-hispwriter @ilovemiguelohara @weedxgirlx420 @ladydovahkiin180 @aaliyuh3 @sweetanimebakery @vvitcxen @rosecoloredlenses708 @daikondal @magikmina @impettywhenyouare @alonelygirlsuicidenote @plushyplants @javi0ca @rheeves @starrfruit @nikirikii @marsbars09 @foxglove-grove @mimooyi @crosshairclown @dead-by-light @kynamitedessert @naarra @wanderlustingcastaway @sagejin @cookielovesbook-akie @tangerineloverrr @gobblegluckgluckgod @wolfiepirate @jxxey3 @ebrysteria @elliemm @manchuria @youngghostpeachslime @weasleybuns
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A Perfect Score - Chapter 9 - Thawed Out | FigureSkating!AU
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Summary: The finals loom, and you and Aemond have to navigate and come to terms with what the future might look like after | Word Count: 7.9k~ | Warnings under the cut~
Series Masterlist | Links to my Taglists: General Taglist | Aemond Targaryen Taglist
Warnings: *deep breath* swearing, innuendo, teasing, trauma from a past relationship, dom/sub dynamics, daddy kink, dirty talk, pussy slapping, fingering, degradation, praise, orgasm denial, cum play, doggy style, choking, spit kink, aftercare
A/N: I don't want to let go of my babies and I can't believe this is the penultimate chapter😭
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Sleeping on a bed with no bed sheets felt incredibly silly.
So instead Aemond had dragged his feet to the sofa, where the long-forgotten blanket was and cocooned you both into it on the bed.
Unlike the hotel, where you and Aemond were up all night, not able to keep your hands off each other. Here, in the dim light of your apartment, quiet, with rain tapping at the window, you both basked in the afterglow of the intimacy you gained from just having sex once.
The sex that consummated this relationship.
Which was still something you needed to ask him about.
Helaena had told you as much, he wasn't one for relationships after Alys.
But he told you he loved you.
Surely that was different.
You were both so exhausted, each of you fell asleep in the position Aemond tucked you in as. His arm slung over your waist to your middle, his palm holding one of your breasts in such an overtly non-sexual way, and just as a means of holding.
And like that you stayed, pressed together.
Fucking spooning. Something you never would have imagined you and Aemond doing a few months before.
You almost jumped out of your skin when in the early morning your phone buzzed under the bare pillow, sounding so much louder than usual.
"Seven fucking Hells, that scared the shit out of me"
You heard Aemond rumble low in his chest behind you. His voice was thick with grogginess, but it was clear he'd been awake some time, as his finger continued to trace the skin of your arm like he'd been doing it for hours. Now in an awake state, your skin ripples with goosebumps.
You huff a laugh at him, rub your eyes and pull your phone out, greeted with a text, or rather a whole wall of them, from El. Asking if you're okay given you tried to call her about four or five times in one go.
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You smile at the messages, quickly typing a reply and sending it off, the limbs that are exposed to the air prickling with a chill.
"Your mattress…" Aemond starts, his forearm over his eyes when you turn to him, "...is so fucking uncomfortable"
In good comedic timing when you shuffle closer to him you're greeted with a spring in your side and a loud squeak.
"Missing your memory foam, king-size goodness?" You prod, pressing a kiss to his jaw before resting your head on his shoulder.
"Hm" he smiles, all in good fun, tugging you closer with an arm around your waist.
"Hope you don't mind me sleeping over"
You look up at him through your lashes, lips pulling up at the sides at the sight of him, still half naked, hair tousled in loose waves.
"And what was I going to do? Cast you back out onto the streets as soon as you said I love you?"
"Alright, alright. No need to be sarky about it" he smiles, thumbing some hair from your face and behind your ear.
"As if you're not sarky all the time" you smile back.
It feels so nice, beyond actual words, to be with him intimately like this. Just cuddling. Unabashedly together.
Which reminds you to bring it up before you leave for the day.
"How did you know where I live?" You ask.
Aemond flushes a bit, piquing your curiosity as you sit up, pulling the blanket to your chest to cover your nudity.
"Um, I didn't?" He replies, slightly embarrassed, "not specifically anyway"
You cock your head, "you didn't? So how-"
You grin widely, mischief glimmering in your eyes as you see how embarrassed he is.
"Did you knock on stranger's doors? Trying to find me?"
"Shut up" he groans, the flush on his cheeks extending to the tips of his ears as he turns away.
"Aw, Aemond!"
"Don't. It was so fucking embarrassing"
"Don't be embarrassed, it's cute!"
He looks at you again, still flushed but with an unamused expression.
"I'm not cute"
You press your lips together, trying not to smile or laugh.
It almost makes you forget about what happened. Especially when his face softens like that, his eyes half shut looking at you in a way that makes your insides flutter.
Aemond inhales sharply.
"Are you going to tell Rhaenys?" He asks.
He doesn't specify what. But both of you know.
You bite your lip in thought. In truth, you'd been wondering all night if you should.
"No" you say quietly with a slight shake of your head, "No, I…checked the terms of my contract and as much as I hate to say it, Otto is right…
"I have to complete my contract. If I want to get paid and signed again anyway"
Aemond sighs, playing with the ends of your hair.
"Doesn't mean you can't tell her"
"I know but, I just don't see the point" you say, shivering when his touch bristles against your skin, "Truthfully I was even torn about going to anyone with the proof…because I know it wouldn't just hurt Otto, it would-"
You pause, looking down into your lap.
It would hurt Aemond. His siblings. And Alicent as well.
"Hey" he whispers, taking your chin softly in his grasp and turning you to meet his gaze, "We'll be alright"
His concerned look. Softened voice.
You swallow thickly.
Even if you did go to the press. Aemond wouldn't hate you for it.
For some reason that stings a bit more than the other way around.
Still. You can't bring yourself to bring any kind of distress to him or his family, just because of what Otto did.
Even though it has bruised your confidence.
"Come here"
You force a tiny smile to your face, going to lay next to him as his arm lays outstretched. Aemond snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you on top of him, one hand stroking your hair in a motion of tenderness that makes your heart ache.
“Do you really want to quit skating?” you ask carefully.
Aemond sighs, thoughtfully, “I think so. I want to do something different with my life. Go to King's Landing Uni or something...and off my own back as well not just because I'm some bigwig's son”
You can imagine that.
A smile makes its way to your face, imagining Aemond in his classes, perhaps with some reading glasses on, frantically taking notes.
“Why, will you miss me?” he asks, and you can hear the smirk in his tone, without looking at him.
“Maybe” you reply, with the same playful inflection, “I like skating with you”
Aemonds hands drop to cup your waist, just above the curve of your hips. It makes you realise, that both of you are just completely bare, unabashedly, together.
He laughs, “I can still throw you around if you like”
You raise your head, pulling a face at the horrendous joke with eyebrows furrowed. You’re greeted pleasantly though, with the image of Aemond’s eyes crinkling up as he laughs.
Playfully swatting his chest, “You’re foul”
Pulling the sheets around your sides, you pull yourself up to straddle him, hands running over his taut stomach, feeling the familiar pull of lust inside that Aemond seems to feel as well.
With his hands still on your hips, his gaze glances over you, taking in every little bit of skin.
Until he looks down, looking all small again.
“What’s wrong?” you ask carefully, one hand on the side of his face.
He covers yours with his, taking it away from his face to his chest.
“Sorry, it’s just…” he starts, swallowing in between nervously, like he’s having a hard time expressing exactly what he wants to say. You just sit, listening intently. Waiting for him to be ready.
“She was always…you know…on top”
Your lips part in shock, wanting to say something but not knowing what on earth to even pull together in response.
The only thing you can do, is apologise and get off him.
For reminding him how it feels to be small…and manipulated.
“Aemond, I-fuck, I’m sorry-”
He keeps you there, his fingers curling over your flesh, tugging your core to his length, but his gaze is concentrated on your face, not on any other part of you.
“Stay like this, please…” he says, his voice barely above a whisper, and his Adam's apple bobbing as he tries to swallow over the lump that forms.
“But, Aemond-”
“She’d never let me” he mutters, blinking up at you, “I think it was one of her ways of controlling me…” he glances over your skin reverently, his thumbs tracing your torso, the sensation of his hands gliding over you making you shiver.
“It’s different with you” warmth blooms as he says that, “It could never feel that way with you”
It feels like you’re teetering over the edge when he says that. Tummy fluttering, with adrenaline burning through your veins.
Your eyes drop to your hand that’s flat over his heart, able to feel the thrum of it beating beneath your touch. Gently, as if any sudden movement will startle him, your fingers run down his torso, watching his muscles clench and flex beneath his pale skin.
He doesn’t stop you.
He hardens underneath you, hissing with pleasure when your hand wraps around his cock, pumping him slowly, his neck contracts as desperate whines slip from his mouth.
“Please - don’t tease me, Princess”
You look at him with a mischievous glimmer, his tone igniting something buried deep. Something barely exposed. Fingers tighten around his rapidly hardening length, achingly ready. Shuddered, frantic little breaths spill from his lips.
The amount of trust he is affording you right now, does not go unnoticed.
And as much as you want to tease him though, you cannot find it in yourself to, when he’s being so vulnerable with you.
Later maybe.
“Alright” you smile, now having stroked him to full hardness, his length swollen, aching for fulfillment.
“But only because you asked so nicely”
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It was easy to get dressed and get everything together, except for Aemond. Once the morning had passed, your old bedroom hot and humid with sex, Aemond was reduced to wearing his dried and musty smelling clothes he’d been sodden in the previous day.
It was still drizzly outside as you pulled the door shut, having left a note inside for El when she inevitably got back from her Dad’s. But luckily, Aemond had parked his car down the street, so there was no need to walk.
You smile somewhat at the notion that Aemond only had an idea of where you lived. Hastily parked his car and knocked on every single door, just to find your apartment.
There's those flutters again.
Not unlike Aemond, his car is pristine. Spotless inside and out. Not that you expected any less.
If it was any other day, it'd be a normal drive.
But your nerves were higher than they'd ever been before. And Aemond had noticed the incessant bouncing of your leg.
The hand that was previously on the gear stick shifts to your knee, squeezing gently.
"I called Mum. Otto isn't there. And he won't come back, okay?"
You look over, seeing his gaze solely on the road, but his thumb circling the inner part of your leg.
"You sure?..."
He nods, "Course. It's Mum's house, not his"
Point taken.
Your thumbs overlap one another repeatedly, nerves still nibbling at your insides.
“Sorry” you mutter under your breath, “I just don’t want to see him”
Aemond laughs, “You think any of us do?” his hand briefly leaves your knee to change gears, slowing down as the security gate to his house opens with a click.
Seeing the house again, and you hate to say it, but it sets you on edge. It was only yesterday you left, but it seems like a lifetime. And after what happened, it’s like returning to something that won’t be the same, and you won’t know until you’re inside if that’s a good thing or not.
Your phone vibrates in your lap.
Was the information suitable? - L.S
Aemond looks over briefly, having heard your phone go off, but his gaze doesn’t linger, letting you tell him if you want to in your own time.
You sigh, thumbs hovering over the screen.
“It’s Larys…” you mumble, swallowing over the lump that forms.
It’s Aemond turn to sigh as he pulls in and pulls up the handbrake.
“Probably wondering why it’s not hit the press yet” he muses, fingers tapping on the steering wheel.
“Why doesn’t he just leak it to the press?” you ask, eyebrows furrowed at Aemond, who returns your question with a shrug.
“I imagine it’s more newsworthy if it doesn’t come from him” he replies, rubbing his temple on the marred side with his fingers, like he has a headache, “It’d cause quite the stir. One of Otto’s employees exposing his wrongdoings…”
Aemond always knows everyone’s ulterior motive, it seems.
You can’t tell if that’s a skill, or a curse. Knowing what everyone is thinking. Being able to guess why a person finds you useful.
You swipe the message away, planning on simply ignoring him.
“You’re not going to reply?” he asks.
“No” you shake your head, “No, I won’t”
Even though Aemond had prepared you in the car, that Otto would most certainly not be inside, nor would ever return, it was still nerve-wracking to step through the doors again and back into the almost clinical feeling of the Targaryen home.
To your surprise though, when you stepped across the threshold, without any screams or cries of relief from Aemond’s family, you felt somewhat calm. You imagine Aemond had pre-warned them to not make such a big deal out of it, and for that, you were extremely grateful.
There were various murmurs from the kitchen, speaking in low voices and obviously unaware of your arrival.
Aemond’s hand on your arm made you jump, you were so distant, the trauma of the day’s past, and what it had all meant, flashed quickly past your eyes.
“We don’t have to practice today, okay?” he said quietly, “do you want a drink?”
You nodded, following him to the kitchen, “I’d also like to talk to your Mum…about everything, if that’s okay”
He seemed confused, but nodded anyway, wondering what it might be you’d want to speak to his Mum about without him.
But he didn’t prod for more information.
In the kitchen, all the children that were home were gathered at the breakfast table, speaking to Alicent in a hushed manner, both Helaena and Aegon’s brows were furrowed. Aegon’s in anger, and Helaena’s with worry. But both softened when their violet, sharp eyes clapped on you in the doorway.
“Gods - you’re back -” Helaena nearly tripped over herself sliding off her stool and making for you, throwing her arms around your neck like she thought you were really, truly gone. It briefly knocks the air out of you, hands hanging in the air. Aemond can’t help but press his lips together, trying not to laugh.
“We missed you” Helaena says with a relieved smile once she pulls away.
“Some of us” Aegon jokes, a smirk pulling at his lips, not revealing his teeth.
You scrunch your nose at him, pulling a face, knowing it’s all in good fun.
Alicent’s sad brown eyes don’t change, as she forces a reassuring smile to her face, “Are you alright?”
You feel Aemond’s hand on the small of your back. Reassuring but at the same time, lighting a fire in your belly.
How does his mere touch do that?
“I’m fine” you say quickly, “I was wondering if we could speak…”
Alicent nods, leaning against the kitchen island.
“...in private”
Quietly, the Targaryen siblings begin to vacate the kitchen. Aemond throws you a small smile, to let you know he is not far if you need him, before being practically dragged out by Helaena, who doesn’t do a very good job of whispering too quietly, ‘did you tell her, did you tell her?’. Only for Aemond to sigh and grumble, ‘Yes, leave me alone’.
Once alone, Alicent slides a mug of tea across the counter to you, which you accept, holding your hands around it, with a smile, looking down at the way the steam ribbons up from the scalding liquid.
“I believe you are owed an apology” Alicent starts.
Shaking your head, “It’s not you who needs to apologise. Not in the slightest”
“In any case” she smiles, like a mother would do, “I apologise”
Alicent inhales deeply, “It is not the first time my father has exercised his power over women” she muses, a mug of coffee in one of her slender fingers, “but I dare say I hope it is the last”
Your fingernails tap on the mug.
“It troubles me, what has been done done to Floris” you start, broaching the subject as carefully as you can, “since I am close to her family I…feel somewhat responsible”
Alicent listens, tucking a stray wavy lock behind her ear, pink lips pressed together.
“Please don’t misunderstand me, I don’t ask this of you, it’s directed at him, but-” you sigh, realising you’re rambling, “-I’d like for him to pay for her medical expenses associated with the accident”
You don’t dare look up at Alicent, knowing how soft, gentle and kind she is, but also fearing she may see you differently.
“In my view, it’s the least he can do, for what happened to her”
“I completely agree” Alicent says quickly, immediately trying to quell any fear of repercussions for asking what you have.
She smiles warmly when you lock eyes, “I do” she reassures once again, her well-manicured nails tapping against her mug, “I’ll call my father tonight. Give him the terms”
You nod, sparing Alicent a small smile, a grateful one.
“Thank you”
After a moment, Alicent sighs sitting down on the stool her daughter was previously propped upon.
“Aemond has expressed he wishes to leave the industry, after the championship” Alicent says, with a layer of sadness to her tone, her deep brown eyes staring as a blank part of the room. As if she is trying, with all her will, not to fall apart.
“I must say I cannot blame him, given all that has happened” she adds, “a small part of me feels terrible, that I might have forced him subconsciously or not into skating, just for him to…come to hate it”
You look down at your mug, knowing she’d see right through you if you lied and said he did enjoy it. Especially when he’d expressed as such in confidence, that he didn’t.
“He’s told me he wants to go to University” Alicent continues.
You breathe relief, that she already knows. That Aemond had already broached this subject.
“Yes, he told me as well”
Alicent smiles at you, warmly.
“I can see you both like each other very much”
Understatement of the year, you think, with a flushed smile.
“Whatever he wants to do, I’ll support” you say, with conviction in your words.
And all his mother has to say in reply is, “thank you”.
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The next few days at the Targaryen household were nothing short of strange, in the best way possible.
Without Otto's looming and domineering presence, they seemed much more like the family you saw that evening after the semi-finals. A well-rounded unit.
Aegon socialised in the living spaces a lot more, and sometimes watched you and Aemond practise. Though most of the time he'd crinkle his nose at how affectionate his younger brother was being, pretending to gag.
Helaena's relationship with Alicent, previously a little strained, had even improved.
You'd often see them in the kitchen, flicking through the magazine for skating outfits, as Helaena had expressed wanting to enter the Singles competition next year.
It made you happy to see them thrive.
Aegon distancing himself from skating, working on which of his side-hustles he could turn into a proper career.
Helaena pursuing Singles.
And Aemond, though he'd expressed a desire to leave the industry after the final, with the way he approached training now, you'd be mistaken for thinking he loved it.
Larys had tried to email a few more times, wondering why the truth hadn't yet hit the press.
So you blocked him.
And Otto as well. Not like he'd ever try and reach out.
Evenings in the Targaryen household without him were pleasant, almost unbearably so.
Eating at the table was enjoyable.
No tension.
Just laughter and smiles, and Aemond's large hand wrapped over your leg, just above your knee, in a way that never failed to make you squeeze them together.
You'd never wanted someone so incessantly this bad before.
Truthfully, that part sort of daunted you.
To be so overtly, unapologetically sexual with someone, was very new for you. Despite having had conquests, even boyfriends, in the past, nothing felt quite as good as laying down the borders, and unleashing this newly discovered part of you.
Not like Aemomd minded either.
In fact, he certainly didn't.
In the nights since your return, you'd barely stayed in the guest room Alicent originally gave you. Instead, Aemond had invited you into his.
It was largely how you'd imagined it.
Spotless, well-dusted, with various books stacked up, all neat with the spines bended perfectly and uncracked. Noticeably, ordered alphabetically. With various subjects. Philosophy. History. Something he'd expressed interest in when he'd searched King's Landing Uni's Prospectus.
His room felt warm, with earthy tones, and pops of black, much like his clothing.
He explained that although there was a dog bed in his room, Vhagar never came up here anymore.
"Dumb thing can't get up the marble stairs"
Which you'd laughed at.
And then called him 'cute' again when he confessed that sometimes he would carry her, as large and awkward as she was to hold, all the way up to his room when she'd start whining at the bottom of the stairs.
He didn't like being called 'cute'.
But tolerated it.
After training tired you both out, learning the difficult routine for the final, you and Aemond had climbed the staircase groggily and spent more than a few moments in his en-suite.
It felt wholly intimate, freshly showered, laying in his bed and wearing one of his shirts, which seemed to envelop your body in its entirety to your mid thigh.
Felt nice.
Like a relationship.
It was a bit daunting, in the best way possible.
His bed smelled just like him. His sandalwood aftershave that you were able to catch a whiff of whenever you practised together.
With his pillow tucked under your chin, you smiled at your phone as the messages from El were piling in.
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Your eyes flit over to where Aemond is. Standing in front of the mirror in the en-suite. He's pressing a cold cloth to the marred side of his face, where he still sometimes feels a small bit of pain, despite having had his glycerol injections not that long ago.
Before the tour.
He never spoke about his pain. Which was very 'Aemond' of him, you thought.
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Fucking bitch. Using that against you.
Your face heats instantly.
"What you smiling about?" Aemond asks, padding over in just his sweatpants, tied at the front, and absolutely nothing else. He slides into his bed next to you with a satisfied groan, hand around your middle to pull you onto your side.
You smile, shooting off a quick message along the lines of 'shut your whore mouth' to El, before turning your head to Aemond, tucking your hips back against his.
"Just talking to El"
His hand squeezes your hip, "Stop. That" he warns, with a deadpan expression.
"What?" You ask innocently, through your eyelashes, trying to bite back a smile.
"Don't you 'what' me. You know exactly what you're doing"
"I have no idea what you're talking about" you smirk, resting your head on the pillow facing the TV.
"Hm" he clicks his tongue in false-annoyance, grabbing the remote. Netflix floods the screen, auto-playing the first thing that comes on, which happens to be Mean Girls. He simply wrinkles his brows and states he's never seen it, trying to ignore the way he's gained a semi-erection merely from the movement of your ass against him.
As the movie progresses, your interest is quickly redirected to your phone, followed by a yawn.
"Am I that boring?" He smirks, his face propped on his palm.
You show him the screen, "been watching some of your Mum's old performances"
He raises an eyebrow, "oh yeah?"
You nod, scrubbing to a particular video, "This one is my favourite. The one where she competed at Highgarden, and she wore green. Pissed the Tyrells right off" you snicker.
Aemond fights the urge to roll his eye, "The Tyrells are a delicate bunch" he muses.
You watch the video of Alicent while Aemond's head moves back to the movie. She was much younger, gracefully owning the ice in her dark green outfit. Looking so happy, so proud of herself.
And it was her last performance.
She was already pregnant by then.
You're struck then with the notion of how similar Alicent and Aegon actually look, with the exception of the colouring, their features are dead on.
Aemond on the other hand, has much sharper features. And a part of you wonders where he gets that from.
Perhaps this elusive sister?
"That is so dumb" Aemond muses.
"What is?"
He scoffs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Netflix recommended this one first cos it's got a scene in it where the main character says 'it's October 3rd'"
You furrow your brows, "And that's dumb why?.."
He gives you an unamused look, clicking on the lock screen of his phone and showing you today's date.
His smirk quirks when he sees how you dissolve into a fit of laughter though. Something in his gaze as he looks down at you, makes you feel as if you're entirely on show, in the nicest possible way.
"What?" You smile with a flushed expression, noticing how he's not looked away.
"Nothing" he shakes his head, "just nice seeing you in my bed"
You tease him, wrinkling your nose, "Don't be so soft, doesn't suit you"
"Oh yeah? What would you prefer then?" He asks, face lighting up into his slightly arrogant, cocky little smirk, his arm tightening over your waist, "for me to be rough?"
You press your lips together and also, unconsciously, your thighs, feeling heat rise from your belly.
But you jut out your chin, trying to hide how warm you suddenly feel.
"I don't think you've got it in you"
His expression manages to change. Instantly from cocky to stoic, serious. His lips flat into a line, eyelids hooded and utterly humourless.
How he usually looked when you first knew him.
You shiver as his hand drops, deft fingers clutching the hem of his own shirt at your thighs and tugs it up until he reaches the hem of your underwear.
He never drops his expression.
He looks almost annoyed. Angry.
So much so you fear that you've actually said something wrong.
"Shh.." he interrupts, his other hand hooked around and resting around your neck, pressing the sides, "I'm not in the mood for words"
You gasp as he practically rips your underwear down your legs, not waiting for you to assist him in lifting your hips, he just pulls forcefully until he shucks them off the bed.
The previous prodding warmth in your belly is stoked to a full roaring flame as he reaches up again, dipping between your thighs to cup your pussy in his palm, swiping two digits against your wetness.
It almost makes you jump, pressing your lips together to stifle a moan and your eyes slipping shut as he teases your sensitive bud.
"I'm going to make you regret saying that" he mused, his breath hot against your neck as he continues to tease you, never really dipping beneath your folds to really touch you. Much to your annoyance.
The sound of your slick moving against his fingers has an embarrassed heat rising to your face.
"You see, Princess? How wet you are for me already?" He mutters deeply, "that's your body talking, not your mouth. Just as it should be"
It's so lewd and domineering, the way he speaks, and how easily he can go from 'watching a movie innocent and cuddling in bed' to 'you don't speak until I give you permission'.
You don't know if you've ever been so turned on in your life.
"I don't want to hear a fucking sound from you. Understood?"
Your tummy flutters with anticipation. Like he's dragging you to a place you've never been before.
You nod, no words leaving your lips.
"That's what I fucking thought" your body jolts properly this time, having to sink your teeth into your lip to contain a whine as he gives a firm, hard slap directly to your core.
"Slut" he whispers, "Are you my little slut?"
Your head is empty. Swirling with desire like being in a sauna. All you have the capacity to do is nod to the best of your ability.
"Good girl" he praises, making your stomach roll and breathing hasten.
You desperately tried not to make a single sound as Aemond's digits sank to the hilt inside you, cooking upwards at a new angle with your back against his chest like this. And yet a tiny, miniscule gasp still managed its way past your lips.
If he noticed it, he didn't say anything.
He just started to fuck you with his fingers, quickly, his other fingers tightening around your neck, to watch the hedonistic look on your face.
It was hard to keep quiet.
He dragged his nose over your cheek, making you shiver, "This is mine" he said gruffly, increasing the pace of him pistoning in and out of you.
Not you are mine.
This is mine.
The lewd sounds of your wetness coating his fingers and hand were the only thing you could hear, bar the soft pants of his breath in your ear.
It felt nice to hand over some semblance of control once in a while.
You feel your climax approach embarrassingly quickly, his hand making contact with your clit with every sharp push inside you.
"I can feel you squeezing my fingers - you're going to cum, aren't you -"
Your chest heaves, pleasured tears pricking at your eyes, nodding quickly as he has made it clear that he will not accept a single word or sound from you.
With a displeased grimace, you whine at the loss of contact as he pulls out quickly, robbing you of the impending orgasm loosening the tension in your gut.
"Fucking slut" he grunts, another harsh slap to your pussy jolts you again, sparking pleasured pain through your bud to your core.
You're barely able to bring yourself up from that lull before your body is dragged further down the bed with Aemond's hips on yours. A bolt of arousal burns through you quickly looking up at him on your back, seeing the determined and fixed expression on his face.
"If it gets too much, tell me"
It's brief, his caring nature, but said through such a stoic look still manages to make the ache in your core even stronger.
You nod.
Before anything else, your breath is caught in your chest as his large hands easily wrap around your wrists and push them down to the mattress, either side of your head.
"Keep them there, where I can see them. Don't move"
Completely lost in the feeling of him looming over you like this, his broad shoulders making him from this angle making him feel larger, his muscles hands holding yours down like it's the easiest thing in the world, you completely forget to reply.
"Understood?" He prods, with a low, warning tone.
You nod a few times, swallowing loudly.
His hands slide down, taking note that you're doing as he says and keeping your hands beside your head. You hold back a whimper when his large palms cup your breasts, his fingers tugging near-painfully at the flesh, in an action that only makes your nipples harden to his touch.
Your eyes rake over him, now glazed with lust, pupils blown wide. His form is an absolute marvel to look at, lithe, slender at his middle and a soft sheen on his pecs as he moves in the low light. His bedroom only lit by one warm bedside lamp.
He looks so good.
And your tummy flutters with delight, that's he's all yours.
And you're all his.
In this light, the scar that runs down the side of his left side is even softer, calm and flattened since he'd taken care to ease the redness of it beforehand.
He only has a small smattering of hair on his chest, the rest of it underneath his naval, leading temptingly down past the waistline of his sweatpants, darker than the rest of his hair only slightly.
It makes your mouth water.
He doesn't take his shirt off you.
And there's something so dirty and possessive about him fucking you only wearing his shirt.
Like he wants to see you fall apart with nothing but him around you.
Your heartbeat hums through you. Your core aching with desperation for his attention, clit now feeling utterly abandoned, you can't help but move your hips for any contact, even if it doesn't do anything to quell the need.
His hands come to his sweatpants, thumbing them over his hips, "I want to hear you, princess"
Eyes wide with panic, you look over at the closed door just to check.
Aemond beats you to it.
"Door's locked. Hel and Mum are out. Aeg is downstairs"
You're not sure if that relieves you or not.
"I want this to last. And if you do, then you'll do what I say" he nods, one eyebrow raised, questioning you.
So you nod, a blush creeping up to your cheeks from your neck. All prickly and hot, making your skin all over feel sensitive.
You don't know if you'll ever get over the feeling that overcomes you when you see Aemond naked. You'd seen him entirely naked for the first time at the hotel, where you were forced to share a room.
You remember thinking then that it's a crime he has to wear clothes. He looks so good with them off. He is almost statuesque, as if carved from stone with wiry muscle lingering beneath his pale skin.
Now seeing him, your heart flutters faster seeing where the trail of his darkened hair now leads to. Framing the base of his cock, where his thick and long length, hardened and swollen after teasing you, stands proudly with the tip nearly prodding at his navel.
If you'd been allowed to speak, you still would have been speechless.
His knee knocks against yours softly, wordlessly demanding your legs to widen, so he can see your dripping pussy presented before him.
You almost whine in impatience when Aemond strokes himself, not needing to, but smirking down at you and watching the way your eyes never leave him.
Teasing you on purpose.
It makes you want to touch him, knowing you can't.
"You gonna be good for me?" He asks, his voice dropping an octave lower.
Sucking in a breath, you nod, blinking up at him.
Hands finding your bare hips, he chuckles darkly, gaze trained down on you, "you just want me to use you, don't you, princess?"
You observe the way his eye almost glimmers when he says that. The air becomes thick the closer his naked body gets to yours, it's almost suffocating.
"Go on. Say it"
You swallow, suddenly thinking you don't know how to speak. And your voice comes out shaky.
"Yes - yes, I want you to use me -"
You feel a bit embarrassed saying it, but when he taps his swollen cockhead, leaking with arousal against your slick pussy, it's the last thing on your mind.
Your eyes flit down to where he's holding his length, the veins that lay thick on his skin leading from his wrist up to his forearm-
"Yes, what"
Meeting his smug gaze, he can see the shocked expression on your face. Your heart hammers so quickly in your chest, it's like he can hear it.
He'd seen El's message.
There's no inhibitions, just him.
"Yes - daddy - I want you to use me -"
If Aemond could cum from those words alone, he would.
But for the sake of not feeling cruel, and robbing you of an orgasm, he holds back and simply smirks. Not able to hide the ego boost it gives him, with the tip of one side of his lips.
Without another word, he teases his cockhead through your folds only once, not even giving you time to contemplate he might tease you even more, before leaning forward and spearing you onto his cock, sinking fully inside you in one, surprisingly quick motion.
It catches you off guard, the sudden stretch, the sensation of being filled so quickly. Aemond's fingers dig into your hips, as if for dear life, and pulls you to him, as if there's any way you could be closer.
Aemond simply grunts, " - fuck, baby, you're so tight around my cock - you like being filled like that? - open your eyes for me -"
You do, with effort, as he says, rewarded by the way he looks so happy with himself, sank to the hilt inside of you like that.
“Keep them on me, princess. I don’t like asking twice”
Excitement has you tightening around him again, a fire burning bright in your belly at this dynamic. Sure, there’d been previous partners. They’d done similar things, talked dirty, tried to be overtly dominant in bed. But it always felt forced. And yes, you played it up, tried to take some enjoyment out of it.
But this was completely natural. And it was thrilling.
Barely giving you enough time to adjust to his size, making good on his word, Aemond pulls all the way out, his gaze looking between you to watch how you coat his dick in arousal and pushes all the way back in with a harsh smack. And then another.
Your moans come out almost strained at the pace Aemond sets, each one punctuated with a low grunt, the large expanse of his hands grasping tightly at your hips for leverage to fuck himself into you quickly.
It makes your head feel like it’s full of water, unable to think.
The sensation of his thick length stretching your walls makes you briefly forget, and your hands drag up his forearms and grip tightly.
“No” Aemond grunts, his hands leaving your hips to pin your wrists back to the bed, pressing hard as he continues the relentless snapping of his hips, “Don’t touch - I’m the one who gets to you touch you - that’s it -”
You don’t mean to.
You really don’t mean to.
But you whine at the demand, wanting nothing more than to touch him, feel him.
And there’s that expression again.
"Fucking brat - rolling your eyes at me -" he gruffs, pulling out of you swiftly and flipping you over onto your front, barely giving you time to think. Pain blooms on your ass as Aemond's palm makes contact with it, your core throbbing with want again now that he's not inside you anymore.
"Did I say you could talk?" He barks back in a commanding voice, making your lips press together again. You feel his cock heavy on the curve of your ass as he leans over you, one hand under you to prop you up onto your knees with your legs still squeezed together.
"Forgetful as well?" He asks, his other hand snaking around your neck to lift your face to him, "I don't think that's what you called me earlier, was it? - Open -"
His fingers grip your face hard, prompting you, and with a flushed face you obey, parting your lips and moaning low when you feel him spit directly onto your waiting tongue. It sends a bolt of humiliation through you that throbs right where you need him most, where he's so close.
You swallow without being prompted.
"See, so you can be good for me" he muses, a smirk playing on his lips as he shoves your head down into the pillows, leaning back to admire the colour he's made on your ass cheeks in the shape of his hand.
You're thankful for the pillows as he plunges back into you again, muffling your choked moan into the fabric, the angle making it all feel so much deeper than before. Sure, he'd fucked you in the dressing room bent over the vanity. But with your legs pressed together and your spine curved upwards, Aemond hits that sweet spot inside you with infuriating accuracy.
"Fuck - can't believe we've not fucked in my bed before - I'm tempted to keep you here, just like this -"
You can't help but moan at his words, as loud as you will allow yourself to with Aegon still lurking somewhere in the house. You have to admit, the memory foam comes in handy, you can barely hear anything but the slap of moist skin hitting each other and Aemond's low groans of pleasure.
Your gut tightens dramatically, ready to burst at any time. Pressing your lips together, with hands fisting the bedsheets, you try to move your hips in accordance with his, craving extra friction where you can.
"Such a needy slut - making such a mess on me -" his gaze is trapped to when you are joined, his hips making your ass ripple with every harsh thrust. Watching in pure adoration as your arousal makes a creamy ring at the base of his cock.
"Just my little fucktoy aren't you, princess - fuck - I can feel you squeezing me, baby -" he speaks like he's struggling to hold breath, constantly using his energy to push back inside you over and over.
"Say it, baby - come on -"
" - mm, fuck I'm gonna cum - please, daddy, I need it -"
It falls from your lips so naturally, not able to handle another denial to hit your peak, mind clouded with desire and need the more his fat cockhead bullies your g-spot.
Aemond's hips become sloppy, clearly arriving at the precipice himself, though he'd hate to see how badly he's losing control right now.
" - ah, fuck - princess -"
You swear your vision blurs for a good few seconds as your orgasm harder than you swear you have in your life, warmth flooding your lips, sending shockwaves straight to your bud. It's so intense, you're not even able to make a sound, just completely overwhelmed as Aemond continues to pound into you.
" fuck-"
You gasp at the loss of him, moaning breathily when you feel warm ropes of cum on your backside, painting your skin with his creamy spend.
The only sound he makes, is a strained whine that lasts a few seconds, but it's the prettiest sound you've ever heard.
Your body feels almost oversensitive, as Aemond drags his cock back down over your ass, painting a line with what remains and slowly pushes one more time into you with a lewd, wet sound, smearing his cum over your bud before he does. He's softened slightly since, but the stretch still makes you whimper, your core feeling utterly used and overstimulated.
He regains his breath for a moment once he pulls out, the mattress rising as he gets off it. Your eyelashes flutter against the pillow, trying to calm the rapid beating of your heart and the trembling aftershocks of your orgasm still ringing through you.
So it makes you jolt when you feel a warm washcloth on you.
"Sorry.." he whispers in a softened voice, continuing until he feels you are entirely clean, before sinking beneath the bedsheets and covering you with them.
Aemond quickly falls back into his normal self, the usual caring, soft and loving person you’ve grown to love. Your heavy eyes open to look up at him, laying beside you in bed, his hand stroking your hair and tucking a wayward strand behind your ear.
You smile at the flush on his pale cheeks.
“Too much?” he asks, a flash of insecurity passing his face.
You shake your head quickly, “No, not at all” you answer softly, pressing a kiss to the cleft of his nose to reassure him, “If it was I would have said”
Feeling a little better, he spares an embarrassed smile that warms your heart, looking down at your intertwined fingers.
“So” he speaks after a beat, biting back a grin when your eyes meet again, “daddy, huh?”
You screw up your face, “Shut up” your voice muffled by your hand over your face, trying to hide your burning cheeks. Aemond simply laughs, pressing a surprisingly chaste kiss to your forehead.
He teases you about it for the rest of the evening.
That is until you clamber atop him later on, and show him that two can play at that game.
He can’t deny it though, he loves that too.
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Shockingly, you and Aemond manage to part from his bed every now and then to actually practise the routine.
The routine was perfected, and you’d begrudgingly received the agenda from Otto’s email address about what your outfits would be.
Aemond, as usual, was going to wear black.
You expected to wear white, as you always had. But for some reason, black had also been chosen for you as well. You recall Aemond raising his eyebrow at it, thinking it odd.
Your nose wrinkles with disgust at the thought of wearing something Otto has told you to wear.
But you supposed you had no choice.
For the past few days, in between practice, you’d spend the majority of time in Helaena’s room, making good use of her sewing machine. With the finals looming, your heart barely slowed down, your leg barely unable to cease its twitching with the nerves. Fixing the hems of the garments so they fell in the right spot was a good way to distract yourself, you mused.
You look up over the machine. Aegon leans against the doorway, a toothy grin on his face as his eyes flit down to the fabric you have on your lap, raising an amused eyebrow.
“Extremely” you reply, pressing on the pedal again.
“Didn’t know you were so skilled at sewing” he says teasingly, taking a few steps into the room.
“I have many talents, Aegon”
“So I’ve heard. Multiple times”
Your cheeks burn, averting your eyes to the project laid in front of you.
Aegon chuckles, “It’s alright. I was worse with the girls I had over. Only fair that my little bro has a turn”
You shook Aegon a warning glance, biting back a smile.
“You know it was pretty gratifying, seeing Otto get knocked down a few pegs” he mutters, “funny as well”
Laughing through your nose, you snip the fabric with some scissors.
“Thank you”
Now that’s the last thing you thought you’d hear from Aegon.
“For what?”
He shrugs, seemingly embarrassed by how vulnerable he’s being. So Aemond and Aegon do share traits.
“Sticking up for Mum” he continues, “and all of us”
This time, it’s impossible to hold back the smile, “The best is yet to come in regards to that”
Aegon narrows his eyes, suspiciously, but smirking at the same time. Amused.
“I’m glad you and Aemond are doing what you want” you add, “and Hel. But that’s your guys’ achievements, not mine”
Aegon rolls his eyes, faking a gag, “Fucking softie”
But he does give you one last, grateful smile as he leaves, his eyes once again dropping to the fabric in your lap, eyes glimmering with mischief.
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And you know then you’ve made the right choice.
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General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard | @bellstwd | @blairfox04 | @hb8301 | @jamespotterismydaddy | @mochi-rose | @nenelysian | @natty2017 | @randomdragonfires | @risefallrise | @theoneeyedprince | @thelittleswanao3 | @tsujifreya | @urmomsgirlfriend1 | @valeskafics | @watercolorskyy
Aemond Taglist (1): @asp3nxx | @avidreader73 | @bellaisasleep | @boofy1998
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