#like i get the point you are trying to make about skinny shaming not being as bad as fat shaming (and I agree)
prisonpodcast · 5 months
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lesenbyan · 5 months
you know, I might be Stepping In It, but I really hate people's tendency to "you're lucky" when finding out someone's naturally skinny really piss me off.
I'm not saying there's not privilege to being skinny, there absolutely is in this fatphobic world. But as someone who has spent literally over half my life wishing I could gain any fucking weight ever it makes me so fucking mad. I've tried working out, I've had physically demanding jobs, I've tried, back when i could afford it, eating as much as I could handle. I have literal dysphoria about being skinny.
and then when I Go Off at a coworker for being the second person in a week to tell me I'm lucky- while wearing braces digging into my joints bc I am physically too small to wear them right but they don't get smaller- I'm told "oh but you have to realize we never considered the other side" sure! but I'm still allowed to get pissed! you would be too!
#personal;#i get it i GET IT we're not allowed to talk about skinny shaming.#I know this is nothing compared to what fat people have to go through#I know. I get it. I know.#but it's also so fucking invalidating to have to caveat my every complaint with 'other people have it worse'#like fuck maybe no one should be shamed for their bodies#maybe no one should be making off hand comments and assumptions about weight high OR low#like yeah the movement's not about me and i hate when ableds point out how accessibility can help THEM TOO so like#i get what I sound like#but I'm SO tired. I'm 29 and I've been trying to gain weight since i was like 13-15#I've never even managed to hit 130#I got close and then all my disabilities kept getting worse so then i couldn't work as much#and thus I can't afford food#so what i had built has been burnt#and I'm back to 120 and clinging with both hands to the hope I don't end up back at /115/ (I am 5'7". you can see my ribs)#like. I am NOT lucky. I can't sit or lay on a hard surface bc it hurts my bones#I can't cuddle well when I DO want to bc i'm just sharp bits#my proportions are so fucked that it's hard to find clothes that actually fit#like#I get it#I get what you're trying to say#but it hits trauma (ignored (JOKED ABOUT) eating disorder bc I'm skinny so it's Fine; repeated skinny shaming; etc)#and it's so exhausting not being allowed to be mad about it#If i had three wishes with no downsides the first would be to gain 50-100lbs and i've been saying that for over a decade#I'll probably regret posting this#ask to tag;
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overtake · 10 days
I’m sorry we need about 5k more words of mechanic Daniel driver max pls and ty!!!
Part One
I’m actually so shocked (but pleasantly surprised and honored!) by people enjoying this verse because I almost deleted it without posting. I don’t have 5k more, but I can offer 1.2k!
I still lowkey hate this - and you can definitely tell I have no vision for where this story would go, hence why it’s just harping on the same 3 details we already knew - but it’s all yours and I hope you have a good time reading it anyway :)
Five minutes into pretending to examine an engine instead of obsess over what Max said, Daniel breaks.
“Did you mention me to Max?” he asks Cyril, trying to come across casual.
Cyril looks at him disbelievingly. “Max Verstappen is in our garage and you think I talked about you at all?”
Daniel lifts a hand to his chest and feigns being shot. “People love me, you know. Guys are all over this.”
Cyril heaves out a long-suffering sigh. “Get to work, Daniel.”
Daniel’s lucky, given his condition, that everything is relatively routine today. He does three oil changes, and he could kiss those people’s feet for it.
He’s mentally preparing himself to slide under a car, wincing at much more congested he’ll be once he emerges again, when Max suddenly appears in the corner of the garage.
“Hello,” he says. He does a cute little half-wave to get Daniel’s attention.
“Hey,” Daniel says, straightening and rubbing his grimy hands on his thighs. “Cyril’s working on your car, so he’ll have any updates you need.”
“It’s not my car, just a rental,” Max dismisses. “No, I just have …” He cuts himself off, turns a sweet pink on the apples of his cheeks. “You sounded sick earlier and looked really pale. I brought you soup.”
He lifts a takeaway bag from the cafe down the street, which usually specializes in ten dollar lattes and sandwiches with names so cutesy, you have to practice five times to order without shame.
Daniel smiles at the idea of Max Verstappen, world champion, saying one of those horrible names for Daniel’s benefit. “You didn’t have to do that. Thank you. Let me pay you back.”
Max shakes his head. “It’s my thanks for fixing the car.”
Daniel raises his eyebrows. “So what soup did you get Cyril, who’s actually doing that?”
Max scrunches his nose in disgust. “You cannot expect me to say the name Noodle Nest Paradise more than one time.”
“How many times did you laugh trying to get that out?”
Max shudders. “I pretended to speak really bad English and just pointed at the menu.”
“So you could’ve ordered multiple,” Daniel points out. Max very blatantly pretends not to hear. He focuses instead on pulling a little bag from the order and holding it up proudly, smiling a crinkly-eyed smile.
“I got you crackers!”
Eating soup with Max Verstappen is an out of body experience.
Daniel’s been eating his soup over the coffee table in the office because it felt wrong to make Max sit at the grimy, wobbly table in the closet-sized corner of the garage where Daniel and Cyril usually change and scarf down meals. This, however, means they’re stuck together on the loveseat. Max’s expensive skinny jeans knock knees with Daniel’s greasy coveralls when they get too into the conversation.
Daniel knows he’s being a terrible conversationalist, especially at first. His normal easy charisma is buried somewhere in the pile of tissues he’s burning through. He’s basically just answering Max’s rapid-fire questions about his life, his job, his family, his non-existent partner (“do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend or anything?” Max had asked, and looked remarkably pleased by Daniel’s answer of no).
Daniel’s about 87% sure he’s being hit on right now. It’s a nice confidence booster given how much of a mess he looks, but it’s not like it matters. Max is Max, and Max is F1, and Max doesn’t live here.
He likes Max, though, the longer they talk. He likes his eagerness, his down-to-earth nature, his total lack of interest in discussing racing. Max delights in all Daniel’s behaviours that usually make people roll their eyes and wait for him to be done, whereas Max leans into Daniel’s dumb songs or drawn out jokes. He likes the long lashes that frame Max’s bright, happy eyes, and soft double chin he gets when he ducks his head into his laugh.
Daniel’s not sure how much time passes before Cyril comes in, but he knows his voice has faded to practically nothing, and he’s having to constantly turn to avoid coughing on Max.
Cyril’s timing is rather unfortunate, entering just as Daniel breaks into a particularly rough wheeze. Max is patting his back gently, which Cyril will definitely have words about later. Presently, however, he seems too concerned about Daniel’s wellbeing to lecture him about appropriate contact with famous customers.
“Daniel. Go home,” he orders, voice kind but firm. His tone leaves no room for argument, not that Daniel really wants to fight him on it. He’s enjoying this, but his brain and body feel as if they’re wading through a pool of thick custard.
“Are you okay to drive?” Max checks. His eyebrows are knitted in sweet concern, like Daniel actually might keel over and die in the ten-minute ride home.
“All good,” Daniel promises. He stands, then promptly has to collapse back onto the couch when black spots dot his vision.
“I’m driving you,” Cyril says firmly.
“I just stood up too fast.” Sure, he’s a little woozier than expected, but he could do this drive blindfolded and half-dead.
“I’ll drive you,” Max says. “I mean, Cyril has work to do, but I’m just sitting here.”
“How do I know you won’t kidnap me or steal my car?” Daniel rasps.
“He’s not worth kidnapping, and selling his car probably couldn’t cover an oil change for the kinds of cars you drive,” Cyril informs Max. He ignores Daniel’s protests, then pushes Daniel back down to the couch when he half-rises from it.
“Stay. I will get your keys and bag.”
The second Daniel’s brain understands that he’s off-duty, that it’s no longer expected to carry him through the day, it mostly blacks out, and everything is a blur from there.
He’s pretty confident Cyril steals his phone to call his mum, which is vaguely embarrassing but perhaps necessary given his current state. He knows Cyril gives Max directions to Daniel’s parents’ place instead of his own. He feels Max’s hands help him into the passenger seat, and he definitely mutters some fever-addled sentences on the drive. That’s about all he remembers until he wakes up in his childhood bed, shivering and sweating while his mum runs a hand through his hair and forces medicine down his throat, before he falls back asleep again.
When he finally comes to enough to make his way downstairs, he finds his parents seated at the kitchen table. His mum jumps up, forces him into a chair and fusses over him while simultaneously lecturing him about going to work sick. His dad just sits there, eyebrows half-raised, until Daniel is settled with food and water.
“So. You had an exciting day at work.”
He slides a piece of scrap paper across the table. There, under some advertisement for gardening services, is a scrawled message in red pen:
It was lovely to meet you (again). I hope the terribly named soup made you feel better! :)
- Max
Under his name, Max has scrawled a phone number.
Daniel runs his finger over the lines, feeling the imprint of each number that Max etched into the paper. It’s neatly written, far more cautious and intentional than the rest of the words, as if to ensure that no digit could be misread or smudged.
Daniel pauses, processes the full note, and double backs to the word ‘again.’
“Yeah,” Daniel croaks through the stabbing pains in his throat. He stares at the word harder, like it might reveal what the fuck Max means by again. “I guess today was pretty interesting.”
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realcube · 3 months
WRATH & LUST . t.kei / y.tadashi
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synopsis ✧ you hate tsukishima kei. you do everything in your power to make his life miserable but nothing works. now you have no choice but to fuck his best friend
cws/tags ✧ college au , enemies to enemies who screw, cursing, slut-shaming (both ways)
parts ✧ i. ii. iii. iv.
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your friends call it 'inexplicable hatred', 'misdirected anger' and 'envy' but they couldn't be more wrong.
your feelings towards tsukishima kei were completely rational in your mind. he carried himself as though he was better than everyone and treated those around him like filth, yet he's still tolerated and his shitty attitude is even deemed charming by some self-loathing girls at your college.
it irritates you to no end how he behaves. too cocksure and too sassy; no dignified man should never act in such a manner, you believe. you could go on about other reasons you dislike him — his style atrocities and his punchable face, to name a couple — but you shan't.
you intended on going about your life, simply hating him from afar as you didn't see the need to stir up petty drama. but he made it impossible for you to do so.
one day he was sat behind you in a maths lecture. the seats are tiered so he is slightly higher up than you are. while making notes, his pen slips out of his hand and tumbles forward, landing somewhere under your desk.
you do the polite thing by making an attempt to search for it, but it is dark under the table you can't seem to find it.
a couple moments pass, and he remarks lowly, "are you just going to stare it?"
white hot rage courses through you at his comment. what ever happened to 'please'? to 'would you mind'? you were about to do him a favour by fetching his pencil and he still has the audacity to be snarky.
fuck that, he can pick up his own damn pen. you leave it alone and try to focus on the lecture.
you make it through the whole thing without him bothering you again, probably using a spare or borrowed pen. once the class has been dismissed, you gather your things and wait for the people in your row to start filtering out so you can leave, that is when you feel a gentle tap on the shoulder.
you turn around and lock eyes with a tan, freckled boy with mousy brown hair, he wears an awkward smile and point to your desk, "excuse me, my friend dropped his pencil and i think it landed under your desk. could you get it, please?"
his voice is meek and demeanour similar to that of a shy puppy, which is why it almost pained you to scoff at him and say, "tell your friend to stop being such a cunt, then maybe."
you rush out of the door, keen to get as far away from those two boys as you can. yet as you leave you hear the blonde's voice mutter in your wake, "what a moron."
after marinating on the situation during the retelling to your friend group, and a group vote, you came to the conclusion that perhaps your response to yamaguchi — you learned his name from one your friends — might have been a bit severe. but in your defence, you were peeved by the comment tsukishima had made prior.
it's as though manners and etiquette are totally lost on him.
two weeks passed since your last little altercation with tsukishima, and you were proud to say you haven't been involved in any conflict with him since then. mostly making snide remarks in passing or exchanging dirty looks in the hall.
however, that all changed when your professor was late to one of your classes. they expressed in the past that they prefer students to wait outside the lecture theatre when they aren't present, so naturally this caused many people to be clogging the hallways.
there was a long queue of people waiting to enter, you stood far away from the door, while tsukishima and yamaguchi happened to be standing opposite. you couldn't help but notice the outfit tsukishima had on: skinny light brown trousers with a black belt, and a pressed short-sleeve white shirt, that was a bit see-through.
you didn't know much about this guy but from his slightly toned figure, which was made apparent by his choice in clothes, you could tell he does some sort of sport. probably basketball, considering how tall he is, but maybe golf. he acts like a golf player.
lost in thought for too long, your finally yanked out of your own internal monologue by a familiar voice snapping, "what are you staring at?"
you blink, and before you even have time to process what he just accused you of, you blurt out, "has anyone told you that you're dressed like a slut today?"
yamaguchi must slap a hand over his mouth to suppress his burgeoning laughter. tsukishima's eyes narrow at his friend's offensive display, before they snap back to you and he argues, "really? me? i'm dressed appropriately. take a look at what you're wearing."
he motions to your outfit: jorts and a tank top. maybe not the most stylish choice but definitely not as whorish as his attire. "it might be more revealing but still not as slutty as you."
he rolls his eyes like what you said was contradictory, wearing smug smile. he wants you to believe what you said is nonsensical and 'proved his point' but all it does it anger you to no end.
not fond of his facial expressions, you retort, "don't pull stupid faces and play dumb. you're already dumb enough as is, so it isn't a very becoming look on you."
with furrowed brows, he opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off, "and i can see your chest through your shirt. no one wants to see that!"
"you say that while your tits are out, have some self-respect."
"at least i have tits. you're wearing a short sleeve to show off the muscles you don't even have!"
yamaguchi is thoroughly entertained by this squabble, which is why it pains him to chime in, "uh, tsukki. the lecturer is here, let's go."
as much as he wanted to get the last word in, tsukishima glances between tadashi and the empty halls before he decides his education is actually kinda important and begins to make his way inside the theatre. it was good timing because he didn't have a witty response anyway.
your heart is beating rapidly, though you're unsure why. you gaze at the empty walls for a minute to collect yourself before heading into class as well. you totally won that fight, is what you tell yourself.
ever since the disagreement you had with tsukishima in hallways of the maths building, what was once comments and glares has escalated to threats and insults being made boldly in each other's face.
despite the fact you ate him up the first time, you've been on a losing streak since then. you feel as though nothing you say gets under his skin anymore.
you've tried belittling his face, his smarts, his personality, his mother but nothing seems to work. you even tried to ridicule his glasses but that didn't work either!
"hey, four eyes!"
"hey, five guys."
what the fuck? you weren't sure if that was a dig at your diet, your weight or your quantity of sexual partners but regardless, you could not let that slide.
verbal abuse wasn't working so naturally the next option was physical. you attempted to trip him in the halls but his legs were so long he stepped over you without even noticing. you attempted to pour milk over him but tadashi noticed and pulled him out of the way. you considered pushing his knees while he was standing in front of you but you realised that if he fell backwards his weight would crush you and you'd probably die.
all of that was so elementary and childish though; high school bullying at best. you need college level bullying. you thought about planting weed in his bag and calling the campus police on him but your friends said that was 'too far'. you thought about leaking his nudes but firstly you don't have them and secondly, he's already walking around college half naked anyway so he likely wouldn't be phased by it.
the hard thing about trying to torture a boy like tsukishima is you don't know enough about him to know what will truly drive him insane. you know he cares about his grades but sabotaging his test scores is beyond your means. he doesn't have any dignity so you can't humiliate him. even if you tried, his little gremlin of a best friend would probably catch onto you anyway.
that green haired boy was just as bad as his handler. always gawking at you to make sure you don't try anything; literally glued to tsukishima's ass at all times — it's so gross. and it gave you the most disgustingly perfect idea.
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boydepartment · 8 months
can i request a comfort fic? i jus got bodyshamed cuz like im kinda skinny and im not in the best mood. Ni-Ki from enhypen pls :((
cold- nishimura riki x reader
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a/n: usually i am not this specific with comfort fics however, i have experience going through this and i can write this properly. since i know how this feels first hand i can write this confidently. with comfort fics i really try my hardest to bring comfort and sometimes specific scenarios like this can get a little sticky. i really hope this helps you and i hope you’re okay. ive been body shamed many times throughout my life for being too big and too small, so i understand. lmk if you need anything anon my inbox is always open to you <3
warnings- angst to comfort, reader being body shamed, talk about difficultly to gain weight, talk about mental health, riki being kind. skinny reader.
wc- 300-500
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your body laid curled up in your blankets, and tangled in your layered clothing. it was colder weather and to everyone else doing this would be pretty standard practice given the circumstances.
regardless of that fact, your main reason to bundle up was not due to the cold.
you were always cold, that was something you could put up with.
what you couldn’t put up with was the sly comments people would make about you unprovoked. even if provoked the comments that were made about you previously were extremely messed up and damaging.
you felt yourself sigh, you knew it was okay to be sensitive to this, it was human. but it really did hurt, there was no reason for anyone to comment on anyone’s body for ANY reason. however people thought they could with you. your friends thought they could with you.
you flipped over not hearing your boyfriend arrive at your home, he was supposed to come over today but you had texted him to cancel because you ‘weren’t feeling well.’ anymore. you didn’t think he would be coming over.
“you cold my love?” you heard a chuckle and you just hummed back. not in the mood for his games. and not in the mood to even become startled that he was in your home.
“i’m sorry were you asleep?” riki’s voice was soft as he walked over to the couch and laid down next to you. your body tensed up and he noticed this.
it made him scared he did something wrong.
“are you okay?” he asked, wanting to put his hand on your head and gently pat. but opting not to, not wanting to make you more uncomfortable than what he was reading from your face.
“i texted you saying i wasn’t feeling well…” you mumbled behind your blanket.
riki frowned, “i’m sorry… do you want or need anything? i didn’t see my texts otherwise i would’ve stopped by and picked you up something warm to drink.” you felt him get under the blanket, you felt yourself become nervous.
quickly you flipped over, your back facing him and you curled up a bit. taking some of the blanket with you.
he went to snake his hands around your waist as he was used to do but you panicked and moved his hands away, “don’t, please…”
the comments about you being too thin were getting to you and you didn’t want riki to even touch your body. the fear setting in that he was going to feel a rough edge or a part of your body where you were more bony than not. you were scared it was going to disgust him or freak him out. your friends were hard to believe that your boyfriend genuinely liked holding you. you could still hear their comments.
riki felt his mouth open a bit in shock, “did i do something?”
this hurt you more, he didn’t do anything, you felt like you did something wrong.
“no… i just- i don’t feel well.” your voice was wavering and it was making you stressed, if you even thought to rub your eyes you’d have to see your hands. you didn’t want to see any part of your body right now. you felt trapped, almost like you wanted to rip your skin off and just start over.
“what’s wrong… y/n please… communication is really important especially since we’re young… i don’t want to fuck this up please…” at this point riki was begging you to say something. he was stressed that he did something to you that he didn’t mean. riki couldn’t recall anything that he did. i mean he accidentally ripped your favorite pillow while you two were play fighting last week but you were laughing when the stuffing started going everywhere.
you flipped over, not wanting to torture him, “you didn’t do anything. i just went back to visit some friends and they made comments about my body.” your voice was shaky, almost panicking. because this is where a lot of people would say-
‘you’re thin why would it matter?’
‘people wish they had your body.’
‘you should be thankful that’s what they’re saying.’
you had experience of people saying that to you when you felt insecure of the bonier parts of your body. you learned quickly to suck it up, but it still hurt. and you constantly tried to gain weight. it was a difficult battle, you want to do it healthily however it’s a slow process that’s not even promised.
you couldn’t help your body and it was too taboo to share your insecurities. that’s what you learned that’s what you became accustomed to. it stung even more that people commented on your body now even without you saying something first. you felt violated.
riki felt his brows contort, he was rightfully pissed, “what were they saying?” he tried to find your hands under the blanket and did. for the first time in awhile, they were warm. you let him hold a small part of you and that relaxed him.
“i don’t want to talk about it anymore…” you mumbled more into the blanket, scared of what he was going to say. scared that if you opened up more, he’d try to hold you. that he was going to hate holding you, or finding it a chore.
“no one should be making comments on your body like that. whatever they said- clearly it effected you… and no one has the right to comment on your body. was what they were saying unprompted?” his voice was soft but firm. wanting to listen to what happened. wanting to comfort you properly.
“yes… it was unprompted and i froze up… i didn’t know how to respond to what they were saying.”
because genuinely how the fuck were you supposed to respond?
riki breathed in angrily, he was trying to properly calculate the situation and how to answer. he didn’t want to mess up or accidentally say something that could hurt you more, “i would take a break from them for a bit… maybe if you’re comfortable communicate how-“
“NO.” you practically jumped up, “they’re just going to tell me i shouldn’t be complaining and they’re totally gonna blow me off like my feelings don’t matter!”
riki’s eyes widened as he watched you settle back down, his hand rubbing yours gently, like you’d break, “okay my love… then you don’t have to… then i would just give myself a break from them okay? i’m not trying to sound like i’m isolating you either but you know your feelings matter to me. you matter to me. i will always listen…”
you nodded, he felt his heart breaking a bit when he saw a tear fall from your face. riki quickly used one of his hands to wipe your tears. you put your face more into his palm.
“when you hold me… does it bother you?” your voice was quiet, “like do i hurt you or do you feel uncomfortable?”
what the fuck did they say to you? that was the only thing that was going through riki’s head but he was smart enough to pick out the hints and signs. that was enough for him.
your friends must’ve pointed out how thin you are, he remembered you trying to gain weight and struggling to. he remembered that specific mental breakdown you had and felt so mad that your friends would just say things without thinking.
“you never bother me…” carefully he finally pulled you closer to him and held you, “my favorite thing to do is be around you and hold you… that’s not going to change okay? no matter what.”
you nodded, “i’m sorry… i didn’t mean to shut you out i was just scared… and i didn’t want you to think i was weird for getting upset about this.”
riki shook his head no, “don’t be scared to talk to me especially about stuff like this, i understand everything okay? so please don’t be scared. i know how it feels and im always going to be here to help you.”
“thank you…” you held him closer to you, riki’s hand going to your head and patting softly. his embrace was warm and you were comfortably wrapped in the blankets together. the cold weather long forgotten, the cold, harsh words that were said to you were slowly being healed, and you were starting to feel content. riki felt you relax and finally relaxed himself. he was always going to be here to help, because he loves you. those cold words people said to you weren’t going to change anything, whether you told him the specific words or not.
he loves you.
“i love you… thank you again…” your breathing was starting to slow, you were starting to fall asleep now that the war in your head was starting to die down.
“i love you more…”
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genderqueerdykes · 10 days
Hello, I’ve got a long winded request for advise that I’d like to ask from you (if you’ll give me a year in advance to ramble lol).
Would just like to state first off that this was something I spent half an hour on cycling between the thoughts of “this is horribly offensive” and “who better to ask” due to some of your posts and because I commonly enjoy and trust your opinions to be at least honest. I know you aren’t obligated to answer this ask but I’d really appreciate it even if it’s simply just a “AITA?” “YTH” situation.
I’ve had an issue recently where I am being ridiculed for making choices for my body and its appearance. The choice is losing weight. I’ve lived my entire life so far as a fat person, for the last 13 or so years I was well above the “class 3 obesity” threshold, right now I’m sitting in the low end of the first class. I don’t really like it, but when I was in the overweight category (I haven’t been an average weight since I was 5, a little more on that later) I got told that by losing weight I was being inherently fatphobic and making other fat people uncomfortable.
I know dieting and the likes can be an uncomfortable topic in general but I never brought it up except for rare mentions of my weight loss, mostly because I was proud of my progress. I’m not wanting to be “thin, “skinny,” whatever etc etc, I would just like to be in the middle of the average category with some visible muscle mass. I was shamed so much that I put myself back up into the obese category, and I’m all for body positivity but it’s not working for me when I know what I want my body to look like. I’m neutral on my body and its functions in general but I’m uncomfortable with the gain I didn’t want and the knowledge that I was on my way to a point of comfort.
As I said before, I haven’t been an average weight since I was 5. That’s because I developed severe binge eating disorder due to trauma. My weight gain was uncontrollable and made me uncomfortable for over a decade. Now that I have some control and a sense of body neutrality, I would like to lose what I gained from my disorder. Not all of it ofc, I’m an adult now and I want a healthy adult body, but I want to be able to make the choices and changes to put my body back into the average weight that I feel was “stolen” from me.
I suppose those thoughts could be considered fatphobic from a certain viewpoint but to me my binge eating disorder and obesity are/were things that I feel the need to heal from. I don’t have these thoughts about anyone else. I don’t want anyone to lose weight if they don’t want to. I love fat bodies. I just want to have the choice to lose weight myself without being considered a bad person.
Do these thoughts and feelings make me a bad/fatphobic person? Does losing weight make me a bad/fatphobic person? I genuinely just want what I believe is best for my body.
Thank you for your time. Stay well.
i have a lot of feelings on this sort of topic, so i appreciate you sending an ask like this, because it's one of the most nuanced, complicated discussions i've tried to have with people recently and a lot of people do not understand the distinction. i'm going to try to break this down to have it make sense to as many people as possible
first of all, people have the right to choose what weight they want their body to be at, so long as it's not causing genuine harm, especially permanent harm. losing weight is not inherently evil, the thing is, a lot of people either need to lose weight or choose to do so for good reasons. i was very heavy at one point, 360 lbs, and i was starting to get new pain i hadn't experienced before. it was hard to stand for any period of time. i couldn't walk much.
after i started walking around the neighborhood and losing that extra weight, that pain went away. i feel a lot better having less of that weight on me. i gained weight in a very unhealthy manner during this time, mostly by not eating well for my dietary needs, sleeping excessively, no exercise, and so on. the thing is that we have to take care of our total health and not everyone who is fat is unhealthy, but some people can and do put on weight that impairs their functioning or health and it's not good to ignore that this is a thing that can and does happen
you're allowed to decide what you feel your body should look like especially if you are not taking this to extremes. i like to keep my weight below a certain range, myself. i keep a close eye on it. fortunately it's easy to stay around a certain healthy range for my body because i cook a lot of meals at home and i mostly eat vegetarian food and fish due to allergies and digestive issues. i'm still about 311 lbs but it's in a much healthier configuration for my body
weight is a complex conversation. both thin and fat bodies are stigmatized. we need to drop our obsession with body image and let people be the arbiters of their own weight, at least, letting people express what they want and helping them reduce harm and find ways to achieve that goal realistically in a healthy manner. shaming people doesn't work. we've proven this decade after decade. shaming skinny people doesn't work. shaming fat people doesn't work. shaming anyone doesn't work
dieting is a very specific thing. everyone's diet is 100% unique to their body. your digestive system works different than the person next to you's. you may not metabolize nutrients as well as someone else. you may process fats and proteins differently. you may need a lot of electrolytes. you may not be able to digest fiber. you may struggle with fructose, glucose and other sugars. you may not be able to eat any meats at all. you may need lots of fruits. it will depend greatly on who you are
it's best to work with your body than against it. you are allowed to decide what weight range you want to be within. best thing you can do is attempt an elimination diet to see if there are foods that just don't do your body any favors, these can and should be done very slowly with one food at a time. but i'm not a health professional, so that's just a suggestion.
either way good luck, i don't like when people try to boil this down to "this is good" or "This is bad". there are good and bad things to all of this. it's worth discussing both sides of that. i hope this helped you in any way
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dedfly · 5 months
Possible redo? Sounds like fun! I'd love to see that! Also gonna admit this now...I liked the mocked motherly tone and the whole 'put you in your crib and rock you to sleep' because that sounds so like him lol...his lover acts like an energetic child high on sugar, they get treated like one lmao!
Shadow Milk x energized reader
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"NO, NO AND NO I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED THE NIGHT HAS JUST STARTED" you pointed at your watch. It's already about one o'clock in the morning and Shadow Milk is already making a bed for you. Literally "digging up your bed", creating a nest. Not unusual behavior for him to get comfortable in some places. But you already catches his "evil plan" as soon as he invited you to cuddle with him. No, for you the night has just begun and doesn’t want to end because your boyfriend is here and you can’t afford the possibility not to spend time with him while you are awake.
“You wouldn't dare make me go to bed” You continued to drone on, becoming more and more active from the adrenaline. Shadow Milk, in turn, pursed his lips and looked at you with his rarely appearing, unreadable face yet irritated face.
“But my dear,” he said with emphasis, “Are you really rejecting the opportunity to spend this evening with me in an embrace? You, me, blanket, pillows. Oh, I even removed all my puppets just for this.” He pointed to the “nest” he had built from pillows and other stuff.
You grimaced your face, knowing full well that his signature “I’m poor and miserable, I’m trying so hard for you.” More often than not it was something playful, but now he is literally trying to lure you closer in every possible way. Well, no, it’s not your fault that it’s so much fun to spend time with him.
"STOP THIS INSTANT!" But it was already too late as you simply jumped out of your seat, running into another room away from him. It would be scary if he pursued you seriously, but from his whining that “his concern for you is being ignored” and the fact that “No one appreciates his colossal work and efforts” it was clear that he was giving you a head start in this moment. You were about to relax, only for his skinny hand jump out of the shadows, grabbing you by the collar like a misbehaving kitten.
“I won,” Shadow purred. Well, it appear he played seriously. "Oh, what a shame, now you're coming with me. To jail."
Despite your attempts to escape, he unceremoniously dragged you to your bed, placing you on top of it like a sack of potatoes.
“Oh, my poor, unfortunate bead, you’re completely tired.” He continued to fuss, despite your angry look, he looked after you like a mother hen, first straightening your pajamas and then covering you with a blanket.
“Oh, it’s so nice to sleep in the same bed with your loved one,” he sang, his arms and legs wrapped around you, not giving you the slightest loophole to escape. Making you snort and accept defeat.
I just wanted to add more dialogue to this version, yes, but I ended up rewriting everything.
Dialogues are my pain, but the pain is necessary and useful
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sillyromance · 5 months
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I feel you heart pounding heavily against your ribs as you lie in my arms, looking me right in the eyes. My stomach rumbles beside you, politely announcing of its emptiness, but don't get tricked. It's almost painful, evil sensation which clenched my insides firmly like vice, turning them inside out while they are struggling with hunger. However, I just smile. You're here not to satisfy me, but yourself. You're small, and sad, and scared. That's OK. There is no shame in that...
I bring you up closer to my face - your skin gets pale as instinctive fear kicks in your veins. I don't hurry; your tiny palms run over my cheeks and lips; I force back the wish to taste your adorable little fingers - they have such a good smell... I ask if you still want me to send you there. After a moment, you nod, still worried but sure about your decision. I smile gently and rub your head in attempt to comfort you, although I know it's not enough. I'm a switch after all; no need to tell me how hard it is to go through this for the first time.
Finally, I open my mouth wide and lift you up to put your feet right on my awaiting tongue. The flavour is... Beautiful; I can't help but exhale with pleasure savouring your skinny, cool ankles. Meanwhile, you're trembling. God, I feel so pity for you! My mind is spinning of misunderstanding, trying to process this controversial information of joy and grief combined together. Regardless, it doesn't take long for me to focus. I lock my attentive gaze on your figure; icy sweat covers your hot, pulsing neck, you're staring down at me with mix of doubt and terror. However, you don't ask me to stop. I play with your legs a little bit more, giving you a chance to get used to the situation, then go for the next level, pushing you in just slightly and making you knees disappear in my maw. You gasp as my teeth accidentally touch your vulnerable skin; I rapidly part them to ease the tension. Your toes wiggle in my pharynx, I have to grant you a pleading look to say it disturbs me, so you hold still. I feel bad for making barriers everywhere for you; I'm aware of horror growing in your chest with every passing moment, but it will be better for both of us if you don't squirm. I promise, I won't hurt you. It'll be over soon.
Well, the point of no return is near. I push you just a bit deeper, like this... Yeah. Now I can catch your limbs with my throat muscles. My grip weakens; I swallow. You faintly shriek. I fondle your back, relaxing your body which has suddenly become hard and solid like a rock, being paralysed with shock. I wait; after some seconds your powerless hand pat on my upper lip, permitting me to continue. Oh, you can't imagine how difficult it is to breathe in this position, to hold my instincts sleeping while even so miserable part of you has been already embraced by my throat... No. Don't think about it. It's fine. I swallow once more, your hips and belly entering my esophagus. My neck pleasantly stretches; my mouth shamelessly waters as I get more of your spicy taste, invisible molecules bursting soundlessly on the surface of my craving tongue. You sense this and shiver, your poor clothes getting instantly soaked in my sticky saliva. But I won't make you uncomfortable for long; glancing at your pretty muzzle one last time, I title my head back and let you simply slide inside, contracting my throat again, tracing you slowly passing every centimetre of it: down, down, down...
At last, I can gift my chest with fresh air. You slipped inside so smoothly that it startles me...
My waist is heavy; cute little lumps are walking around underneath my clothes. You're in my stomach now.
The organ whines with pleasure as abundant meal comes in. You are moving around, trying to find a suitable position in the limited space. I sigh, forgetting about the pangs of starvation at last - the fact I haven't eaten since morning to do this to you is nothing comparing to the heavenly sensation of you being inside my core. Now I'm shaking too. It's impossible to stay straight; I lie down cautiously, putting my hands on the expanded middle, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
You. Are. In. There.
I devoured an alive person. It's so good that it hurts...
You are still nervous; I murmur kind, calming words and caress you within my full belly gurgling gladly at your presence. It's safe within me. I won't digest you. Just look around and see that there is no acid to burn you. You won't get suffocated 'cause you're breathing with me. I won't jostle you with harsh movements. I won't laugh at your helplessness. I'm here to hold you, to listen to your cries, to fight your demons with you side by side.
It's so good that you hear me and settle in. Your warm weight feels unreal and... Perfect. I don't let my arms go away from my abdomen, making them cover the bulge you have created as if I have committed a crime which I should hide now.
You don't need to feel anxious anymore. I have you.
I love you.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Alright I feel like I've done the other Creed Readers, so here is my interpretation of Smilodon Reader.
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I like to imagine them doing their best to separate themselves from their "relatives" by cutting and styling their hair to be as unfluffy as possible...but keep failing due to pure fluff genes. Went with more of a punkish style because like...they want people (both mutant and human) to leave them alone so they want to be intimidating but also try to be different. 100% unentertained with the way people see them. They're a lil on the skinny side rn, but they also don't really feed themself the best or have the best food supply. They'd be bulkier if they weren't just doing their best to survive and avoid the judgement of the other mutants.
(At this point I'm just keeping the cardboard cut-out of Victor around for height comparisons. I like to imagine everyone being little uncomfortable around it and shoving it into the closet when reference pictures are done lol. They def use it to prank other readers.)
They look stunning! Their scowl, their pinkish scars, their short hair that is still floofing a little (hard to get rid of the floof!), their reddish-amber eyes, their red tank top and darker gray jacket, their cargo pants and boots-!
They're trying so, so hard not to look like their dad, or uncle, or whoever or whatever else is in their family. They just want to be Reader, not Sabretooth's h*llspawn, not Logan's vicious nibling, not the disappointment, or the runt, or the one to abandon.
They definitely have a melt down about it-
"Do you KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO BE ME?! Every day, EVERY F*CKIN' DAY, you BRATS compare me and make fun of me and USE ME, never seeing me as a PERSON. I'm always "Sabretooth's runt" or "Logan's evil nibling", never Reader or a KID! Want to know something?! I NEVER ASKED TO EXIST!!! I try SO HARD, so F*CKING HARD, to be good! To be nice! To be worth it or acceptable or just lovable... but I'm not... No one cares... No one cares if I live or die or if I disappeared... So maybe I should just go..."
Yeah... The teens were not expecting that... amd now feel the beginning of guilt and shame, for how they've been acting towards Reader...
What do you think, @vivid-bun ? Want to cook on this? (Is that how y'all say it?) Did you like it? And please, please know you're art is so freaking awesome. It's amazing. Look at them. Look at what you made. Eat a cookie. Eat two cookies. You did amazing.
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Hi love! Can I request headcanons with Ryan!Ken x a chubby reader?
Oh? I think this is my second request for a Barbie thing, which is weird, since they were so popular. Though, the Barbie hype is probably over, huh?
I'll Never Stop Loving You
Yandere! Ryan! Ken x Cubby! Fem! Reader Tw: Yandere Themes, Problematic Doll Idea Mentioned, ED mentioned, slight! Fatphobia !!YANDERE THEMES! READ AT OWN RISK!!
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He doesn't care about your weight
Genuinely not even something he noticed
The only way your weight would be a problem is if you were a Feed/Starve This Barbie! because it's problematic as hell and no one would dare comment on it [You're the only version of you, because you were discontinued, because it was problematic]
^ In reality you probably aren't even that chubby, they just over-exaggerate it, because Mattel big corporations sucks
They see you as exotic, which is weird thing to say, but you look so different from them
They all have muscles, abs, skinny waist, etc. You're so different and that's what makes you special
Anything different in Barbieland stands out and you stand out
Everyone likes you, because you're different [Like that one cliche where everyone is the same and they fall in love with the protagonist because she's not anything like them] (Does that make sense)
Let's be honest, Ken is stupid, but even though he knows you're chubby, it's never bothered him [Though it's never bothered anyone]
He's always trying to impress you
Though when he comes back from the real world, he does shame you
If you don't like him, he'll make you hate yourself
"I'm so out of your league," He'll lean over you like a tiger with it's prey, while you scrunch up in your chair, "So what makes you," He points at you, "Think you can reject me?" He points to himself, "You should be grateful"
He'll brainwash you by fatshaming you, even though he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He doesn't believe anything coming out of his mouth, but he wants to bring you down to his level, so he's not alone
If you don't love him, he'll make sure you don't love yourself
It's a shitty thing to do, but you end up falling for the Stockholm Syndrome and he stops
^Because like I said, he doesn't actually believe you're fat, he thinks you're gorgeous, but he sees your insecurity and he uses it against you
You may not even be insecure about your weight, it may be about being different
^ Doesn't matter, he'll sniff it out like a dog
Though, when you do begin to like him back, the relationship takes a 180
^He does everything for you [Though behind closes doors] and he tells you how incredible you are and such
He really wants you to dance for him
He loves watching your body move
God, he just loves everything about you
He goes so giddy with you, like a school girl
Don't mention it though, or he'll get mad
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fanfic-recs-01 · 1 year
Sterek Fics
This is just a list of all the Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale fics I like on AO3, if you have any recs for me feel free to send me some!
Updated 6/15/24
Divided We Stand by KouriArashi
~Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....~
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm
~There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog.~
Lap Magnet by Prairie_Grass
~Five times Derek and Stiles didn’t notice how close they were (literally) and then a whole bunch of times when they did...~
Bonds of Blood, Bonds of Family, Bonds of Love by TyReed
~After being beaten up by a door, werewolf Stiles Stilinksi finds himself bonded to Derek Hale, of the Hale Noble Bloodline. For a scrawny, wimpy, Tainted Bloodline werewolf, Stiles runs away, embarrassed and humiliated as he worries about bringing shame to the Hale Family, and even more shame to himself. Because the Nobles and Tainted just don't mix, never have, never will.~
here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain
~“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”~
So Shed Your Skin and Lets Get Started by halfhardtorock
~He's sixteen and in the woods on the wrong side of the town-line and he's so fucking fucked.~
Important Things by suzvoy
~Stiles learns that even with werewolves, giant lizards and psychopathic hunters on the loose, life can still find other ways to screw with you. Case in point: everyone keeps assuming he and Derek are a couple. What the hell?~
Waiting by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
~Not wanting to think on it too much, Stiles took a step forward and passed his hand between the bars, moving the bleeding side closer to Derek’s mouth.
“Not too close, he bites.”
Stiles snatched his hand away just as Derek had been about to lick at it. The snarl he got in response was not comforting.~
The Darkness Inside by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
~The sheriff watched him for a moment, then he sighed and turned slightly. He reached out to open a cabinet door beside him, and pulled out a shelf. It was on a track, so it rolled out of the cabinet fairly easily, and held a small CCTV. Derek frowned and inched his chair to the side a little bit so he could get a better angle.~
The Basement by My_Write_Life
~Stiles doubles back to the Argent’s house to free Erica and Boyd before making it back home. In which Stiles, not forgetting all about Erica and Boyd very much remaining in the basement saves them, Derek and Peter killing Jackson does make him go through the process of rebirth but he is brought back human and not a werewolf. Allison and her family go through the very legal repercussions of abducting three teenagers and Scott and Stiles friendship is put on hold because of that. Derek’s still the alpha.~
gave your smile to me by Sarageek16
~In which Stiles is a hooker (but not really), Derek wants to feed his skinny little body, and there is soup. Not necessarily in that order.~
spark a fire, burn the stars by graveltotempo for EvanesDustFandoms
~Stiles accidentally wills a hunter dead while trying to save Erica and Boyd from the basement, unthreading a tapestry of magic, betrayal, power, lies, love and secrets woven all around Beacon Hills.~
Stiles is supernatural crack by Violin715
~Stiles reached for his bat. He screamed in pain at the stretch or his damaged muscles. He couldn’t reach it. He hurt. It hurt so bad. His arm felt like it would rip off if he stretched anymore. he had to. He had to make it. His fingers brushed the Nemeton and he lost his breath. It was like being lit on fire. It was white hot as it burned through his body. Stiles screamed in pain. Stiles’ eyes roll into the back of his head and he fell limp.~
hope is the thing with feathers by ShanaStoryteller
~Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely.~
Play It Again by metisket
~In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.~
Running Up That Hill by maypoison
~“Even before the pack joined together, Scott was trying to protect you. And he still is trying to protect you, even if it means leaving you out of all this.”Stiles does roll his eyes at that. “Yeah, but it didn’t work did it. I was still involved, and so was my Dad. We were nearly killed by Matt, and then Gerard.”~
Hear The Wheels As They Roll by crossroadswrite 
~“You can’t be here. This is private property,” someone calls out and for some reason that voice sounds painfully familiar.
When it hits him why, Stiles almost chokes with the realization, “Derek Hale,” he says, unbelievably happy because he remembers Derek when they were young.~
One More Again by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere
~When a strange man appears in the Hale Pack territory with an unusual proposition for Stiles and Lydia, Stiles is unable to resist going back in time to stop the Hale House fire.~
We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink) by notthequiettype 
~As his eyes slip shut, the last thing he thinks is, "This is going to kill my dad."~
The Road Less Traveled by gryvon
~Stiles doesn't want to die in a basement. No one is going to die in the Argent's basement, not if he can help it.~
Fancy Seeing You Here by Anxiety_Baker02
~Stiles lets himself get captured by an enemy and ends up locked in a weird-ass basement. He expected the rough treatment and the cage- what he didn't expect was to find two very familiar faces down there with him.~
Softly by IntoTheAbyssWeGo
~What's Stiles supposed to do when he hears someone crying in the bathroom stall? Comfort them, of course! Too bad he never found out who they were. On a completely unrelated note, why is Derek Hale staring at him? No matter what Scott says, Stiles is sure he didn't do anything to piss the most popular boy at school off!.... At least he's pretty sure...~
Hold The Day by Daisyapples
~Derek froze, fear and anger battling inside of him.
“Personally, I’m very protective of the things I love,” Argent continued. “But that’s something I learned from my family. And you don’t have much of that these days. Do you?”
“Wow, man.” Stiles suddenly rounded the petrol pumps and put himself between Argent and Derek. “Low blow.”~
Hurt and Alone by Baby_Sweetpea
~The one where everyone lives, Stiles thinks no one loves him, nearly dies and no one cares about the villain of the week.~
What It Takes To Not Be Broken by Whispering_Samir for Littleredridinghunter
~[Or: The one where Stiles is kidnapped and tortured by Gerard, and his injuries lead to a complete loss of hearing, among other things.]~
Birds Eye View by HappyJuicyfruit
~Derek’s eyes widened, and his first instinct was to look towards Scott, but he already knew what he was searching for wouldn’t be there. Hadn’t been there this whole time.
Stiles was missing.
Derek growled and turned to Scott, “what did you do?”~
You Can Hear It In The Silence (Or Not) by MaximumMarygold
~5 Times The Sheriff Noticed His Son Calling Derek Something Other Than His Name (And The One Time Derek Did It Back)~
Go Away, Scott by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere
~After the incident at the warehouse, Stiles is fed up with Scott. He finds himself drawn into Derek’s pack and in the process, drawn to Derek himself.
With the Alpha Pack closing in, Derek needs to learn how to trust his pack and those around him. And who better to help him than Stiles?~
Don't Speak by fatale
~The Alpha pack has systematically attacked Stiles and his friends for months, testing their strengths and weaknesses. When one of the Alphas goes after Stiles, he awakens in the hospital and realizes that something's wrong. Very wrong. All sounds seem to hurt him, he can't understand what anyone is saying, and when he tries to speak, it's gibberish. How is he supposed to deal with the fact that he's lost the ability to communicate with his dad and his friends?~
Now as Ever (All That Is and Has Been) by venis_envy   *New
~Stiles can't remember what happened to rearrange the time-space continuum, or how he ended up being pulled into the past. All he knows is that he's there now, in 2003 Beacon Hills, with a teenage werewolf and a possibly-crazy veterinarian as his only allies.~
Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds. by TheBeastsWrite (orphan_account)
~Stiles always knew finding a mate would be hard for him. He's not bright and beautiful like Lydia, or stong like Danny or adorable like Scott.He was just Stiles, fox kid with ADHD who loved to draw.Derek Hale was everything, popular, strong, smart and gorgeous.They get put together on an English assignment and it doesn't go at all like Stiles expects.~
Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf
~“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.~
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sea-salted-wolverine · 2 months
Had a weird nightmare about a cult
It was in a church, just an average protestant midsized church, you would expect boy scout meetings in the backroom kind of a place. I was there with some anonymous friend/ acquaintance, the pretty older girl from high-school who was popular and yet genuinely nice, her mom is friends with your mom, her family is well known and well liked, offending her would be social suicide not because of anything she would do but because everyone you know would take her side and grant her victim status because she's just so nice.
She had invited me to some function and I was going out of curiosity and obligation, which is the only reason I'm ever in a church anyways. I was guaranteed to know people there, in the same roundabout, you-know-people-I-know kinda way.
Because its about to be relevant, I'm wearing skinny jeans and a sort of blousey black tank top. I've also got black nail polish and thats a fully normal irl outfit for me. Maybe a bit casual for a Sunday-best style church function, but I was not under the impression that's what I was going to.
I show up and am promptly ushered into the coat closet because what I am wearing is completely unacceptable. (I'm calling it a coat closet because that's what it is, but the churches in my area all have a full sized room set aside for outerwear storage because for half the year everyone shows up in a full down parka and that takes up a ton of space)
Anyway, I'm like, "oh shit I didn't realize this was formal, I can run home and change if its okay that I'm a few minutes late, or if someone has a spare dress I'll wear that" which is also something I have done irl. No one ever tells me anything but I'm small and can cinch down big waistlines and make it look intentional that I'm wearing wildly misfit clothing. So like, the dream is getting weird but in the same way that my real actual life gets wierd.
So then she hands me what is fundamental the same thing I'm already wearing, a pair of slightly darker wash skinny jeans that are slightly higher waisted and with more spandex and buttons, and a black polyester/lycra cropped tank top, which is a shirt I've been looking for irl. And she's apologetic about it, as in, "sorry 😞, hope these fit, 😔 might be a little small"
It's a transparent body shaming attempt, because everything is a xs or a size zero, and meant to make you feel uncomfortable and ungainly in too small clothes, but its so badly executed that I just kinda roll with it, like, okay 🤨. Also I like the tank top.
So I change, and she's finding me a bag to stash my clothes in, and some dude sticks his head in the coat closet as I've got one leg in the new pants. And the whole thing feels so very staged, like I'm supposed to be embarrassed about squeezing into too tight pants in front of some acquaintances hot older brother. Either that or my brain is trying to set up some bad porno wet dream and none of the options are working.
Because the pants fit fine and if you have somehow reached adulthood and are scandalized by the sight of a thigh you're the wierd one for being raised under a rock by blind snakes. So I'm figuring out how to fit my phone and wallet into my waistband because these pants don't have pockets and trying to remember whats-his-faces name, I'm almost certain it starts with a j and I've definitely heard it before but I can probably get away with claiming I mixed him up with someone else and not be considered rude, Jacob? Jason? Jeremy? Jed? Oh wait, is he somebody's boyfriend rather than somebody's brother?
But now he's holding my hand and tut-tuting over my nails because I absolutely cannot have black nails, and wouldn't I prefer a nice dusty pink?
At which point I think I kinda woke myself up because the no rice on Tuesdays tactic of high control groups popped into my head, by name, as that specific phrase, and I went "hmm, yep, this is weird, gimme my shit I'm leaving"
But that only conjured up the first girls mom, complete with a really nice travel duffle with my clothes in it. So I'm yanking my clothes out of the bag, because if I take the bag and leave they're going to want it back and that gives them another opening for things they think you owe them. Anyways shes dissapointed in me, in that performative manipulation kinda way. She says something like if I wanted her daughters shirt I can just have it, heavily implying that I'm causing a scene and being an unreasonable bitch, at which point it occurs to me that it's fucking wierd that they have clothes this small at all because everyone in the building is at least 6 inches taller than I am.
Whats-his-face is still hovering and now he's got a hand on my shoulder thats meant to be reassurance and all I can think is wow you guys are really bad at this. I can hear people in the next room and I know they're people like, my grandparents friends and prospective employers and other important social connections and I need to get out of here without making a scene, which isn't gonna happen.
At some point I said Jesus Christ in the context of a frustrated curse word, which they all jumped on and said I needed to let the lord into my heart or some shit. To which sleepytime subconscious responded to with CAUSE A SCENE AND CONTROL THE NARRATIVE!!!
So I raised my voice loud enough to be heard in the other room and told the guy to get his hands off me or I would punch him in the dick. And because no one believes you when you tell them you're going to punch them in the dick he did not take his hands off me and was calmly and rationally requesting that I calm down and be civil so I followed through and punched him in the dick.
Committing physical violence in a dream always wakes me up, pretty much immediately, but I did get a few glimpses of storming out through a crowd, yelling about entitled pricks in closets and if anyone ever felt like leaving the cult I would give them a hand.
So yeah. What's your religious trauma look like?
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thebutchtheory · 6 months
while i do think that discussions of transmisogyny surrounding concepts of who is inherently TME and TMA and discussions surrounding the AMAB/AFAB binary do tend to get extremely, well, binary and unnuanced in the face of people's real life experiences with it, (take a look at butches [AFAB] and their experiences with what is objectively transmisogyny, despite being able to perpetuate it), i don't think the solution to this discussion is saying that anyone who uses terms like TME/TMA doesn't know what they're talking about, and saying that 'nobody is exempt from transmisogyny' because white people can experience isolated incidences of misdirected racism or because skinny people can be fat-shamed by their skinny peers actually proves anything, and it especially doesn't prove that you know what you're talking about irt transgender theory or theories of oppression.
yes, transphobia and transmisogyny are systems of oppression, just like misogyny and racism and classism. nobody is exempt from experiencing any of these things by technicality, but what posts like that fail to understand is the difference between a person who is not part of xyz minority being shamed or made fun of for having a trait similar to said minority vs. being shamed or made fun of for actually being said minority.
the POINT of systems of oppression is that they effect everyone, NOT that they affect only a particular group of people. the point is to isolate a minority by shaming and excluding them, then to shame and exclude (or threaten to) people who associate with them or who may have traits similar to them.
when a skinny person is jokingly shamed by their friends for being fat, yes they are technically experiencing fatphobia because the nature of the joke is inherently fatphobic. but they're not experiencing this because they're fat, they're experiencing this because they are doing something or have a trait similar to/associated with fat people, generally a stereotype, (i.e. eating a lot of food, especially unhealthy or sugary food), and they are trying to continue perpetuating the concept that being fat is bad, and are trying to keep themselves as skinny people separated from the fat people by making this joke.
when a skinny person has a joke made about them, shaming them for being fat/for having 'fat habits' so to speak, it's not making a joke that's necessarily at the skinny person's expense, it's being made at the expense of fat people as a whole by shaming the concept of fatness. when a skinny person becomes negatively mentally affected by the joke for being perceived as fat or perceived as doing something associated with fat people, it's because of their own fatphobia. they don't want to be associated with fat people, which is why the joke harms them.
this is a portion of what fuels the dieting industry and anorexia/bulemia and other eating disorders focused on body image: keeping a person (or oneself) "in line" and away from being fat. the joke isn't to shame a skinny person for being fat, the joke is to display to the skinny person that being fat is a bad thing, to shame them and keep them in line. to keep them from getting fat. NOT because they are fat, or because they're experiencing direct fatphobia.
systems of oppression affect EVERYONE, but HOW they affect everyone is very different. for the minority, it's about shaming and excluding them, and for the majority, it's about keeping them in line and away from (being) the minority.
trans discourse bloggers PLEASE learn the difference.
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bravo4iscool · 10 months
nahhh, but the guy does have a point. hot men aren't into fat women, and you probably really want to believe that to feel better. I mean, the argument about not getting laid kinda sucks, 'cause the easiest thing for a guy is to get is sex. he just needs to hit on desperate women like you who would say yes due to the lack of it in your life.
and like… being fat doesn’t mean you have curves? it’s really just fat. there are fat women with no tits, no ass, and skinny girls with a lot of curves.
the good thing is: you could just lock your mouth and go to the gym. now, i know, you’re gonna quote (if you’re not flabbergasted or ashamed enough to make this public) and try to shame me out, but in reality? we all know you cry yourself to sleep because of your weight and forced celibacy. because i’m gonna tell you, I saw a photo of you and… like, you’re not even a cute chubby girl. you’re ugly as fuck, girl. and you’re white, which is even worse, 'cause it’s so easy for white girls to fit the standard…
and don’t even try to turn this on me, yes, I’m using anon, 'cause it’s waaaaay easier and I don’t really have to prove you anything, that’s just dumb. but don’t worry, I AM PRETTY, and HOT, and I do get laid. believe me if I was anything but, I wouldn’t be here. I'd be supporting you, trying to feel better about myself too, after all, fat ugly girls stick together, right? so why am I here? because I saw your profile. and it’s fucking hilarious, and sometimes I like giving reality checks to people like you. cheap psychology won’t work here.
that being said, have a good morning/night 💞
this is getting HILARIOUS LMAO.
there are a bunch of “hot guys” or “fit guys”, what ever you wanna call ’em who are into “fat woman”. there are actually people who are attracted to the character of a person and not their looks. seems like you’re anything but familiar with that.
and i’m not desperate for sex💀 i can live amazingly without it lol. but congrats to you, yk. must be great jumping from ons to ons.
also, since you apparently know me so well and even saw a picture of me (which doesn’t really make sense) you’d actually know that i have a medical condition that is responsible for me being overweight but hey, shaming and insulting random people anonymously on the internet is more fun, no?
it’s physically painful for me to do sports and it won’t change anything about my weight. so no, it’s not easy for me to fit into the “standards”😘.
and insulting me as white? that very very low. i expected better from you ngl. my heritage is anything but “white”, but okay. you sound like a fucking us-american omg💀.
also, you’re giving me a “reality check”? this really is pathetic LMAO. i’m perfectly fine, never been better. there’s this thing called ✨fiction✨ but i don’t think you’re familiar with that.
idk why you seek validation through insulting and talking other people down💀
get some hobbies fr. i did nothing to you lmao. i posted a random headcanon and you felt attacked. i’m not the one needing a reality check💀
ps: if you hate my profile so much, just leave. no one’s forcing you to stay😍. just leave me alone atp💀.
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unpopularbunny · 2 years
This lowkey been a long time coming if I’m being honest. I am also a massive fucking hypocrite because I will avoid Baku/kiri/reader fics but this??? This right here??? 🙇‍♀️ I’m on the floor baby. (Ngl this has like a pinch of body shaming in it, just wanna preface by saying I do not hate any specific group of people based on any physical trait they may have. I just want more love for big girlies.)
Pairing: chifuyu/reader/baji
You already know: reader is a fat girl!!!!! everyone’s an adult, no set timeline, fuck it we ball 🏀, paranormal slutivity, your fave mans is a whore, public shenanigans, reader lowkey under the influence but there’s no dub/noncon, no beta reader again so if u point out any flaws ur being mean to me and if ur mean to me I’ll die, reblogs make u SO big brained 🗿🗿
Minors: ur mama know what you doin? I’m telling 💥
A/n: I’ll add a readmore when i get home and can make sure tumblr wont eat my post when I do.
you just wanted to be different for once. To ignore years of mass media telling you how to dress, to feel wild and FREE. you wanted tight revealing clothes and makeup all over your face, you wanted men to jaw drop and double take at the sight of your hips swaying.
This fantasy never got far and you never predicted you’d end up between two friends who always shared in the name of brotherly camaraderie.
Leeeets take it back about a week.
You weren’t by any means conservative in your day by day fashion, you just didn’t dress how you truly wanted to. You were always worried about the stares you’d get, stares that dared to ask ‘does she know she’s embarrassing herself?’. As time went on the urge to free yourself from the confines of stretchy jeans and sweaters was too much to ignore any longer. All it took was one night of drinking at home for you to blow nearly half a paycheck on clothes that were one inch away from getting you in legal trouble. You felt justified in this, it was your turn damnit!!! You were tired of hours doom scrolling on your phone and watching all the pretty skinny girls be drowned in affection, you wanted to make people notice you. You wanted to make men think about you as you walked passed, you deserved attention and people to fawn over you.
Needless to say, the next day you realized how fucking delusional your thinking was the night before.
You nursed a headache all through the day and when you got home you were greeted by your roommate in the livingroom looking like the cat that caught the mouse. Next to her on the couch was a plastic package, she shook it at you wiggling her eyebrows and you snatched it from her before she could even ask and shuffled to your room. You could hear her cackling. It’s not like you had any kind of bad blood with your roommate, you two were actually childhood friends, you just didn’t want anyone to see your secrets.
You showered and stood in your room, staring at the package on your bed before deciding fuck it and ripping it open. You couldn’t even remember what all you ordered anyway. Most of the articles of clothing were black, save for some racy sets of underwear you thought looked cute. You refused to believe any of it could fit you, it seemed so….small. There was no way in hell you were going to give up now though, you spent all that fucking money so there was no reason not to try the clothes on.
A mistake really.
They fit you far too good.
Sure, it was tight, but not uncomfortably so, in fact the tightness felt comforting in a way? The tops hugged your curves and even though your tummy peaked out at the bottom, you thought it looked cute in a way. The skirts wouldn’t stay down, rolling up your ass when you paced your room, you’d definitely have to wear a jacket with those. The pants needed belts, your waist to hip ratio was too different for them to stay up. They felt tigh and constricting on your hips and thighs, but there was plenty of waist room. After posing a bit in your mirror you sort of lost yourself for a bit. Falling in love with your curves and admiring how your body had so many wonderful attributes.
You almost screamed when someone’s knocked on the door.
You failed to lock it and it was your downfall.
Your roommate was all gasps and awes’ at your state. She paced around you like a tiger and assaulted you with compliments, no matter how you tried to shush her and make excuses, she wouldn’t hear it. She made you re-try on all the clothes so she could see them all. It felt like you were back to school shopping with your mom, except this time she wasn’t forcing you into bullshit khakis and polos. It actually turned into a bunch of fun as she gave you tips for accessorizing and hair styling.
When all was calmed down and you two were on the couch she took your weakness and vulnerability as a chance to strike like the snake she is.
She insisted you two go out this weekend!
You couldn’t even shoot her down, she had just spent the last hour boosting your ego and self esteem that you mumbled out a small ‘I guess’. She clapped her hands in glee and started firing off names of bars and clubs and she got the same responses from you every time ‘you pick’ and ‘I’ve never been there before.’ The most you told her is that you wanted to go somewhere you wouldn’t be recognized by coworkers or other friends and colleagues.
She just threw her head back and laughed, saying that you wouldn’t be recognizable with those clothes on anyway.
You couldn’t help but feel a little paranoid about what she had in store for you.
🌹 🌷 🌹
The week went by too fast for your liking and every time you tried to back out of the plans you were strongarmed by your roommate. She wasn’t going to let you go that easy. When Saturday arrived you tried avoiding her, but she was more determined than you’ve ever seen her.
You gave in and let her do with you as she pleased.
She picked out your outfit from the new clothes you bought and dug around your closet for some platforms you’d bought years ago but never worn (amazingly they still fit regardless of your calves.). She styled your hair and even did your makeup (you still got to pick the colors (: ), you felt like a sacrifice being painted up before the ritual.
How close to this assumption you were.
The club she dragged you two was some hole in the wall in shibuya with low lights and loud music. You were sweating before you even went in and it was only hotter once you two were inside. You could feel the bass shoot through your entire body and you felt so nervous and couldn’t look anywhere but the floor. Your friend ordered you both a few drinks, or rather ‘liquid courage’ she dubbed it. You were thankful for it, seeing as after a few drinks you felt much more comfortable in your skin than before. Your friend excused herself to the bathroom and you smiled and waved her off as she went, taking a few more sips of whatever new fruit concoction was in front of you.
After a few moments you were occupied on both sides by two new people. You glanced to your right and had to look up to see the man, Jesus Christ, even with platforms on he still had a few inches on you. He had long silky black hair, brown eyes, and a smile so sinister you would normally feel scared. You smiled right back and when you glanced to your left you were a few inches taller than other man. This man had short cut black hair, the cutest green eyes you’d ever seen, and ear piercings. Speaking of ears, the tips of his seemed to be tinted a little….pink?
You weren’t sure what to do now that men approached you first so you went back to looking down at your drink and sipping at it. You were a little hunched over and caught bits and pieces of the men having a conversation over your head. ‘You like this one?’ ‘Baji don’t objectify women like that, its kinda gross.’ ‘I’m just trying to help is all’ His laugh caught you off guard and you jumped.
“Eh? What’s wrong girlie? Did we scare you?” You glanced to your right and..baji? Was leaning down into your personal space. When you leaned back you were leaning into his friend, who didn’t exactly seem to hate your body pressing into his.
“No- you’re just a little…close is all” you were surprised anyone could hear you over the music.
“C’mon baji let’s le-“ baji waved his hand and chifuyu stopped.
“Wanna dance with us?” He was pressing himself against your side, his hand gliding up your thigh towards your hips. He laughed at the confused face you responded with, “yeah girlie, both of us, unless that ain’t your type thing. I just assumed on account of how you dressin and all.” You couldn’t tell if your face was hot from being drunk or the embarrassment.
You should feel outraged at the fact that he assumed you were a loose woman but…..was that such a bad thing? You wanted to feel desired, you wanted to be lusted after, and it was happening. He wasn’t using force, in fact his hand was merely resting at the small of your back rubbing small circles. You were still in a public place so it’s not as if he could do anything to you, you didn’t dress up to weigh the pros and cons. You downed the rest of your fruity drink and nodded, relinquishing yourself to whatever ungodly fate awaited you.
“Atta girl,” He took one hand while his friend took your other and gently led you away from the bar, “we’re gonna have so much fun with you tonight sweetie.” It was like micro-dosing danger. Every smile and laugh having some sinister undertone.
But god was it fun.
🌹 🌷 🌹
You got the hang of dancing in clubs a few years ago, it wasn’t hard, it didn’t take any special skill. You just needed to know what to do with your hips and hands.
Which you were currently struggling to do.
You’d danced with other men before, but mostly one at a time, never quite….like this.
You had your back against baji, his hands were on your hips to guide you. He was guiding you to sway against him, every so often pressing his hardon against your ass. one of your arms were up and behind you, wrapped around his neck to keep him close. Your other arm was front of you, draped over the shoulder of his more reserved friend (who you still had to get a name from), whom was doing things that contradicted the cool demeanor he gave off. He was pressed as close as he could be, his pelvis pushed against yours so you got a good idea of the fun he was having. Even if he didn’t do the best job of showing it. He was so close his nose would brush yours every so often and you expected him to kiss, but he didn’t. His hands were at your waist, holding a little tighter than expected, as if he were giving your exposed flesh squeezes here and there.
Something about this felt so shamelessly erotic.
You were so wrapped up that you didn’t give a thought to your friend who had gone to the bathroom, she probably had seen you by now and didn’t want to interrupt. You felt so transfixed on the green eyes infront of you and the hands sliding down your waist to your thighs and pulling up the edges of your skirt-
“Shhh don’t make a scene-“ you had seized up but Baji’s guiding hands kept you moving, “you like this don’t you?” It was his friend, his voice was much firmer, “That’s why you’re here, like this, between us. You want it.” His hand was under your skirt and sliding up up up. So fucking slow that you shifted just to get his hand between your legs faster. Just as his fingers brushed the forming wet spot on your panties, you could hear baji laugh against your neck on the other side of you.
“How the fuck are you so good at spotting the good ones chifuyu” was that his name? A man had his fingers pressed against your clit and you’re just now learning his name?
“Eh? What do you mean so good?” He shot back, his hand was in your panties, rubbing and petting at your clit while having a normal conversation as if you weren’t between them.
“Look at her!” You moaned and grinded against chifuyus hand, doing your best to make them focus on you again, “Perfect size to split between us and such a cute cheeks!” One of baji’s hands came up and pinched your cheek for emphasis.
“Do you honestly believe that every decision i make is backed by some deep analysis?” He laughed, “I guessed!” You arched as two fingers slid inside of you and curled, any noise you made was cut off by chifuyu kissing you. His kiss was desperate. The fingers inside you moved, slowly and carefully- god his tongue was inside your mouth now and you were suffocating but your head was absolutely floating. It was just so hard to keep focus on your surroundings. So many sensations- you could feel slick beginning to coat your thighs as his hand moved faster and you got sloppier. When he pulled away your lipstick was smeared on his mouth and there was a hazy look in his eyes. He buried his face against your neck on one side and baji was on the other. Chifuyu hand was between your legs and one of bajis hands had found it’s way under your shirt and was giving your nipple an unforgiving pull and twist. You three were pressed so close together that no one could really figure out what was happening, not that anyone was going to stop it.
They owned the bar after all.
Chifuyu tilted his hand and when his thumb brushed your clit your legs wobbled and baji had to focus on keeping you upright against him. Chifuyu smiled and laughed, the first you’d seen tonight, and you felt embarassed all over again.
“Hey! Don’t go falling apart on us sweet heart, we aren’t even close to being done with you yet.” Baji was encouraging you and the whine you let out only encouraged him tenfold.
Rather than fight against the waves and risk drowning, you went with the flow and closed your eyes and relaxed into them. You’d never had such a lavish experience of having two pretty boys give you attention like this. It was way past overstimulating but not in a bad way, you’d worry about that in the morning. Right now you your moans were escalating with the music. When said music began to dip but your voice didn’t follow suit, one of bajis hands wrapped tightly around your mouth while chifuyu increased pace.
“Thaaats it,” chifuyu whispered into your neck, “Make a mess for me.”
“You might wanna hold on tight girlie,” Baji mocked, “He overachieves.” You moved your arms so both of them were wrapped around chifuyu.
You had never been more thankful for loud ass music more than now. Had it not been for whatever club mix was on, everyone would hear the sloppy wet lewd noises of the three fingers that were buried inside of you. Any words or pleas you voiced were muffled and baji took on the sole responsibility of holding you up while chifuyu gladly drove you to climax.
They were both so goddamn obscene in their own right. Not only did they casually whisper conversation to eachother about all the wonderful things you three could get up to together, but they each had individual plans for you. Baji wanted to try having you all to himself for a day to see what other kinds of clothes he could put you in and then rip off of you. Chifuyu mentioned something about ‘giving support’ under his desk while he had stressful days at work. Baji definitely agreed with that and had the fucking drive to ask what you felt like inside.
“Inside? Like heaven.” Chifuyu made it sound like a sin, “She’s so slippery and soft.” Stop stop stop! “What about her mouth?” As if on unspoken command, baji shoved two fingers right into your mouth and pet at your tongue. You drooled so easily and licked without hesitation.
“She’s already drooling,” He shoved his fingers deeper, he did it so fast you gaged and coughed, “Gag reflex? We can fix that sweetheart.” Danger alarms began to fire off in your head, unfortunately they went ignored in lieu of the heat in your lower stomach. You were so close and desperate you just let them carry on, anything to keep the fingers inside of you.
Your whole body seized up when you came and you were truly astonished you didn’t blackout completely. They laughed in amazement at the sight of your eyes rolling back and the way you arched. You were putty in their hands, laying limp back against baji but still holding onto chifuyu.
Maybe going out wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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pompeiisystem · 1 month
Friend: "I like em thick!"
Me: "bet."
Friend: *proceeds to show me a scantily clad woman with her ribs, hip ones, and clavicle showing*
Me: "...Dawg..."
So anyways I had this long ass discussion about how fatphobia and modern expectations of beauty make people brainwashed to think a body like 2015 Nikki Minaj is the 'thick'/'chubby' body type
That that's the acceptable fat/lean ratio to find attractive
And *NO* I'm not shaming thin people! I love my cute twiggy fellows that I can manhandle and give piggy back rides to!!
I'm specifically shaming people who allow themselves, or push others, to follow or believe in modern beauty norms!!!
Yes, you may be 100 pounds but you're gorgeous! I'm giving you all sorts of affection and flowers!
Same with my bigger peeps!
Yeah, you're 300 pounds, but you're so fucking warm and soft and I know you get a lot of shit for being thick, but FUCK THEM.
I cast Fire Ants in the Urethra upon them/gen
Nobody should police what is beautiful because beauty is in every fucking single thing, person, plant, animal, atom, etc!!!
Big nose? Hot
Far set eyes? Cute
Thin lips? Sending you smooches rn
Im so dead serious when I say that if you cannot find a single beautiful thing in life, and the reason is not depression, the fault lies within you, nobody else.
Literally every day I make it a mission to fight the sad, nihilistic thoughts by pointing out and complementing people and things. (Yes you can compliment the sky and thank them for the pretty clouds today, or the grass for being that specific shade of green)
See anything you like in a person at the store? Go out of your way to compliment them on it!
Never a day goes by where I don't walk outside and pet my farm animals or domestic pets or feel appreciative of how the natural world works and how it affects me positively.
You're never too old, too tired, too sick, too sad, too anything to appreciate beauty in whatever form you'd prefer. Just don't let Taylor Swift, Channing Tatum, or Megan The Stallion be your Adonis, alright?
Those people are literally denied jobs and tours of they don't keep a certain weight, muscle mass, or physical 'attractiveness' up to the standards of media.
You shouldn't hold yourself to those stands because they're ridiculous!!
Be fat! Be skinny! Be hairy! Wear those round glasses! Don't wear concealer! Don't conform to someones standards who never cared about you in the first place!!
Be you, whatever that is!
I guarantee you are 1,000,000 more confident once you get used to living in your own skin, not the designer shit they try to sell!
-written by a fat, trans masc with crooked teeth and a happy heart
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