#like i’m sure that adapting to any new series is tough
suzuki-ecstar · 11 months
find it genuinely mystifying how superbike champions, endurance winners, etc come to motogp and are consistently at the back of the pack
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ronwestbreeze · 10 months
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take a bow
pairing: geto suguru x non-sorcerer!reader warnings: gore and maybe a little bit of angst summary: you smell like coffee...and geto can't seem to shake it. word count: 6.7k author's note: hiiii ;) as you can tell there will be about five parts to this mini series. nothing more and nothing less. i'm kind of excited for this and i've been really wanting to write for my husband so, i hope ya'll enjoy it! and i will not be doing a taglist for this one. sorry guys!
part 2 | read on AO3
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There was a cute customer today.
And you were also sure you hadn’t seen him around before. Then again, you moved to this village two weeks ago, and you weren’t too familiar with the regulars yet. Perhaps he was just one you hadn’t seen until now.
You leaned over the front counter a bit, trying to get a better look at him as he moved down one of the aisles to the far left of the store.
He wore what looked like a school uniform, his dark hair tied up with a few strands framing one side of his face. Even though he was further away from you, you could see he was on the younger side, maybe around your age. Possibly older.
You hadn’t met many boys in your life—attractive ones especially—mostly because you were sheltered for half of your childhood and didn’t go outside. So when you did happen to stumble upon a few of them, you were left wondering what to do or say around them. They were almost alien to you.
It was the same with people in general your age. While you weren’t bad at socializing, you still adapted the best way you knew how.
“You’re being creepy.” Your co-worker, Tohru, said passively while scrolling through her phone. A very busy activity she had been at for an hour now.
“I’m not.” You cleared your throat, quickly looking away from the otherwise oblivious customer. “But you can’t deny that he’s pretty cute.”
Tohru drew her eyes from her phone and glanced toward the newcomer who was now in the snack section. Now it was her turn to lean over the counter, a look of interest inching onto her usual bored mask.
“Told ya.”
“He’s definitely new. No guy that fine lives in a boring ass town like this.”
You hummed, “I wouldn’t exactly call this town boring—but you’ve been here longer than me so I suppose you have the better judgment over that.” Carefully, you snuck another peek at the customer who was studying the back of a bag of chips. “And if he’s that fine, no doubt someone already bagged him.”
“Ugh,” Tohru grumbled with a defeated expression on her face, “you’re probably right. The hotter ones are always taken.”
“Or they end up being a douchebag.” You added with a snort as you organized the stack of gums on the counter.
“Amen to that.”
You jumped with a yelp at the loud voice filling the otherwise quiet store. Glancing over your shoulder, you found your manager, a very old and impatient man, stomping over with a toothpick dangling from his mouth, “Are you pullin’ one on me, kid?!”
After getting over your short shock, you furrow your brows, “Um, pulling what, sir?”
“Where the hell is the leftover food from last week?! I told you to save it in the back storage!”
You gave a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of your neck, “Oh yeah, some of it went bad so I had to throw it out.”
“We don’t even do anything with them anyway,” Tohru grumbled under her breath which you tried not to acknowledge.
He eats all the leftovers. Despite his shop advertisement promising to send any leftover food to orphanages and charities.
“Look, newbie, I’ve been real lenient because you’re new. And I get it, you're in a tough spot but I ain’t pityin’ you no more! I have no problem tossin’ you the curb, you hear me?”
Your face burned in embarrassment, especially when his loud ass voice carried throughout the store. No doubt the hot guy heard every word by now. “Yessir.”
The old man huffed, “Good. Now stop messin’ around and help the damn customer! Poor boy’s been waiting for you to notice him!”
God, please don’t be him. Please let it be another boy who's been waiting for a while.
You chanced a glance over your shoulder, only to shrivel up when you found the hot customer standing at the counter, watching your interaction with a small absent frown.
“Someone’s gonna be on dishes tonight.” Tohru sang with a snicker as she disappeared in the back along with your manager.
With your face on fire, you went toward the cash register. You cleared your throat and gestured to the pack of cigarettes and the bag of chips, “Will that be all for you today?”
He seemed to have been lost in thought as it took a beat for him to reply, “Sorry, yes, that’s it.”
You nodded, trying not to look him in the eyes. God, even his voice was attractive.
After giving him the price, you began bagging his items while he fished into his pockets to grab his wallet.
You still had yet to look at him.
The last thing you wanted was to get chewed out by your bum boss in front of a guy that you’d possibly never see again. Before you had been dying to have a quick conversation with him, just to keep looking at him for a little longer. Now all you wanted to do was get him out of the store as soon as possible and hide away in a hole, never to be found again.
“Is he always like that?”
You placed his cigarettes in the bag before you realized he was talking to you. Which only made your cheeks even hotter.
“Uh, yeah, he’s usually getting high in the back, or napping.” You shrugged, glancing up at him every now and then, only to find him directly staring at you. Fuck, you were awful at this. “Only ever out front when the shop closes. He’s always the first out the door before anyone else.”
“Mmm,” By then you looked up to find him not too happy about that piece of information. “And he gives you a hard time to add onto that. Don’t you want to quit?”
At that, you smile, “It would be easy, wouldn’t it? I don’t know if you already heard—probably the whole block had heard him—but I’m not really in the best situation to be quitting a job just cuz I hate my bum ass boss.”
This time he looked sheepish, “Yeah, I wanted to pretend that I didn’t hear him, but I guess there’s no point in that. Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” You chuckled before handing him his bag. “It’s life, you know? I just have to brave it out until I have a stable income of money. Then maybe I can consider the option of kicking myself to the curb from this trash can of a place.”
The male stared at you curiously, the disinterest that he had worn before was now long gone. He searched your face—for what, you didn’t know.
And then he smiled, “You seem to have it all figured out.”
It was infectious, his smile. Even though it didn’t reach his eyes.
“I wouldn’t say all that.” You returned the smile, anyway, hoping it appeared real enough for the both of you. “But I think it’s going to work out for me in the long run. That I can say.”
The male chuckled as he walked toward the store entrance, “I wish you luck then.”
He waved with another smile which took you off guard a bit. You didn’t have much of a chance to respond back to his wave, nor tell him to enjoy his time in town before he was already long gone.
It was now just you and your blushing face.
The back door opened, “Aw, you didn’t even get his number, did you?”
You glanced over your shoulder to find Tohru pouting at you. You grinned sheepishly, “Oops, guess I didn’t.”
“Tsk, tsk,” Tohru sighed, “You really need to learn how to flirt.”
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Regulars came and went. Your manager was passed out in the back. Tohru’s shift ended sometime before you and booked it out the front door before you had the chance to say goodbye.
Essentially, you had the shop all to yourself. And it was unfortunately horribly boring.
Later in the day is when fewer and fewer customers start coming in. Apparently, many of the people in the village were too cautious about going out once the sun started setting. There were a few rumors here and there, about mysterious deaths all over the village. You weren’t exactly sure how much truth there was to those rumors, all you could do was clock in and clock out and go straight home.
Just because you doubted the stories didn’t mean you weren’t going to be stupid.
You wondered if that hot guy knew about the rumors. It probably would’ve been neighborly to try and warn him.
The sky was filled with oranges and purples as the sun was slinking behind one of the mountains. The evening glow made the shop look almost ominous, especially with the indoor lights off.
You should probably turn those on by now. They would’ve been on throughout the whole day like regular shops but your boss was such a cheap stake with the light bill you had to keep it off until evening fell and you practically couldn’t see in the dark.
Just as you stepped away to turn the shop lights on, the bell above the door rang. You glanced toward the clock and grinned.
You moved back to the front counter and grinned at the familiar newcomers. Two young girls, who looked no older than five, stood at the entrance. “Right on time! Looks like someone’s excited for today’s batch.”
The brown-haired girl—you knew as Mimiko—with the stuffed doll approached the counter first. Standing on her tippy toes enough for her chin to rest on top of the counter, “Do you have any more rice balls?”
“You bet.” You gestured toward the two chairs next to the counter. “Why don’t you guys take a seat over there and I’ll go get the food. It’s a real treat this time.”
“Okay.” Mimiko nodded before grabbing her sister’s hand to drag her over toward the chairs.
“Thank you!” The blonde-haired, Nanako, called.
You sent her an adoring smile, “Of course, hon!”
You moved to the back, passing your knocked-out manager, as you grabbed the box of food in your locker and brought it back to the front counter. Mimiko and Nanako got up from their chairs and bounced over to get a better look, “I actually got these rice balls from this place in the city during the weekend. It’s way better than the crap here.”
“Really?” Nanako looked into the box, her eyes widening, “Wow! Those look really good!”
“Anything for my best customers.” You winked and allowed them to grab what they wanted from the box.
Both girls giggled as they grabbed rice balls and ramen from the box. You smiled and patted both their heads before allowing them to sit back down in the chairs and eat.
You hadn’t known the twins for very long. Actually, you met them on your first day at the store two weeks ago. They had been attempting to steal a few snacks when you discovered them. You couldn’t shake the way they were looking at you when you found them. Scared yet desperate for some food. Mimiko had been clutching her stuffed doll tightly in her hands as if she were about to tear its head off at that moment.
They were expecting you to berate them and kick them out of the store. Maybe your manager or Tohru would’ve done that, but you just couldn’t find it in you to turn them away. They were obviously hungry, so what else could you do but feed them?
So you took the leftover food from the storage and gave it to them. They were pretty tight-lipped about their home situation so you didn’t push. But it was pretty clear that they didn’t have a lot to eat, wherever they lived.
“Let’s make a deal.” You had said to them that day. “You guys come back at around five o’clock every day and I will feed you some stuff we don’t need. Hell, I’ll probably even cook and bring it over every now and then. As long as the two of you eat.”
They looked hesitant. The brown-haired girl—she told you her name was Mimiko—spoke first, “Will you really do that for us?”
You smiled softly at her, “Of course. You guys are hungry, right? Why wouldn’t I want to feed you?”
Her twin, Nanako spoke next, eyes cast down, “Most of the people here are scared of us. Because we’re different. So they ignore us whenever we do ask for food.”
You frowned, your heart breaking at the time. Of course, you had some questions about why a bunch of adults would turn a blind eye to two little girls who looked no older than five. You seethed at the thought that the only one willing to help them was a barely surviving sixteen-year-old, who couldn’t even make minimum wage.
Instead of crying for them—which you were definitely close to doing—you patted their heads, “Well, I’m not scared of you. And I don’t care if you’re different. Come back tomorrow and there will be food for you guys. Okay?”
The two girls were stunned at your kindness like it was foreign to them. But they both nodded, hints of a smile making its way to their lips. “Okay!”
“But you also have to promise not to steal anymore so you don’t get in trouble.” Mimiko pouted but you attempted a stern look. “I’m serious, girls. And we’re going to pinky promise on it.”
You held out your pinky. Reluctantly, the two girls took it. Giggling when they fought to cover your own pinky with their little ones.
After your pinky promise, Nanako’s nose scrunched, “You smell like coffee.”
You laughed and cleaned up the trash from their meal, “I get that a lot.”
And since then, the twins have kept coming back every day, after five o’clock. Sometimes you wonder where they went before that. Did they go to school? Did they have any parents taking care of them? Did they even have a home?
You supposed none of that was any of your business in the end. But sometimes you couldn’t help but worry.
If you had a big enough space that wasn’t one small box, then you’d take the girls home with you in a heartbeat.
Once Mimiko was finished with her rice ball, she walked over to you as you were counting through the cash in the register from today’s productivity. “Can I help?”
“Sure,” You hummed trying to find something for her to do. “Do you think you could stack those new packets of gum for me and place them in this small box?” You handed the little box which she took instantly. “Go get your sister to help if she wants, okay?”
Mimiko nodded and took the gum packets and the box back to her sister who was just finishing up her rice ball. You made a mental note to buy some coloring books for them in case they got bored. Sometimes they like to stay a little bit longer after they finish eating, to keep you company. And you enjoyed their presence. It was better than staring at the ceiling for hours on end, waiting for a customer to enter even though you knew they wouldn’t come. And then got done with their little task quite fast. Yeah, you definitely need to get those coloring books.
Thankfully, just in time as you heard your manager shift in the back, the two girls made their leave. Waving goodbye to you with the promise of returning tomorrow.
Sometime later your manager came from the back and left the shop, grumbling about you closing up.
And another hour after that, you leave the shop. Hoping to see the twins again. And maybe—even though it was probably impossible—you hoped to see that hot customer again.
It was delusional, you knew this.
But it didn’t hurt to hope.
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“Ugh, why are you eating that shit?” Tohru made a look of disgust at your bag of coffee beans. “Now the whole place is gonna smell.”
That was what you were greeted with upon entering the shop the next morning, “Good morning to you too, Ru. And don’t you think it’s a lot better than cigarettes and booze?”
Surprisingly, it was pretty crowded which was a first for you ever since you started working at the shop. Of course, it was a bunch of older people—middle-aged to elderly—but it was busy, nonetheless.
You went around the counter as an older woman locked Tohru into a conversation, “Did you hear what happened to that little boy? Oh, what an awful thing, I can only imagine what his parents must be feeling right now.”
“It’s that demon terrorizing our home again.” An elderly woman standing in line shivered
A man huffed, “I tell you exactly what’s causing all of this. Those no good—”
You didn’t bother to stay and hear the rest as you made your way to the back to throw your bag into one of the lockers. It was the same old thing. A horrible incident happens at night—a few people die—and people are going on and on about the town being haunted. Something about some demon going on a killing spree in the dead of night. To be honest, you thought it was some sick weirdo having the time of his life and the people haven’t realized it yet.
“Gotta buy some new locks.” You mumbled to yourself as you shrugged off your jacket.
“How was your night?” You glanced over your shoulder to find your manager sitting in the office, the door wide open as he smoked.
“Good, sir!” You offered a friendly smile as you closed your locker. “My mattress was uncomfortable but all in all, I can’t necessarily complain! And what about you, sir? How was your night?”
He grunted but never gave a response, which wasn’t unusual. He never offered to talk about himself, even on his good days.
You nodded, took your bag of coffee beans, and joined Tohru back at the front.
“—This is the fifth incident this week! When will enough be enough?!” This was an older man scowling this time. Next to him was a woman—whom you had to guess was his wife—trying to push him out of the shop as he began his rant. “We need to hunt those monsters down! How many more have to die?!”
You watched the couple leave with a small frown, “Wow, it’s never been this bad before.”
Tohru sighed tiredly, “Yeah, they’re pretty fired up this time around. I wonder how much of this is gonna mess with my precious sleep schedule.”
You hummed, noticing the usual dark bags under her eyes.
A bag of chips was placed on the counter. Both you and Tohru looked up to find the hot customer from yesterday standing at the counter with a friendly smile sent your way.
Your face both burned with being taken off guard and the fact that he was addressing you directly, “Oh—Hi! Welcome back!” Quickly, you manned the second register while Tohru sent you a side glare. You returned his smile, “To be honest, I didn’t think you were still here.”
“Really?” He raised a brow as you checked his item out. “How come?”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the town’s kind of haunted.” You chuckled as you stuffed his chips into a grocery bag, giving him a sheepish smile, “Scares the tourists away. I should’ve probably warned you about it yesterday, sorry about that.”
He chuckled as you handed him his bag. This time he wasn’t wearing the black top he had on yesterday. The baggy pants were the same, just this time around he wore a white button-up. “Fortunately, I’m not afraid of many scary stories, but I appreciate the warning.”
“How brave of you.” You chuckled, ignoring the subtle glances Tohru kept sending you while attending to her own customer. “I can’t necessarily say the same for myself.”
“Don’t you live here?” His eyes twinkled as he tilted his head, “I’d say you’re a lot braver than me, you know. Tonight’s my last night here.”
You shook your head, ignoring how your chest fell slightly in disappointment at the new piece of information, “Then many would say you’re one of the lucky ones.”
“Oh yeah?” He hummed, his eyes never wavering from yours. Wow, he really loved making eye contact. You couldn’t figure out if that made him even hotter or a bit intimidating. And he was so nonchalant about it too, hand in pocket, stance somewhat relaxed. “What would you say? You count yourself unlucky then?”
The bell above the door rang, “Welcome in!” You called the new customer before replying to him. “Well, to be honest with you, I feel like I’m the luckiest girl alive. It’s not so bad here, you know, despite the obvious flaws of the shop and this town. I’m just grateful to at least have a job and a roof over my head. It’s not perfect but it’s everything I need right now.”
He was observing you again. Tohru was far too distracted with the other customers to notice and make fun of your bashful facial expressions. Or how you were practically malfunctioning on the spot from the way he kept looking at you.
“You know,” He leaned on the counter with a smile turning into somewhat of a smirk, “I’ve never met someone as optimistic as you. I almost think you’re unreal.”
“Don’t we all,” Tohru commented as she made her way to the back. “Your turn to man the front counter, newbie. The last customer nearly made me pop a vein.”
“Sure thing, Ru!” You called, trying to ignore how hot your face was at the moment.
Of course, the hot customer saw this and gave a soft laugh, “I didn’t mean to sound like I’m making fun of you, I promise. It’s endearing. You wouldn’t have a hard time finding someone to marry, that’s for sure.”
Steam was probably coming out of your ears at this point.
“I-I-uh, thanks?” You searched the store to try and distract yourself and prevent further embarrassment. Only when you didn’t find anything, you smile sheepishly, “I-uh, I think it’s a little too soon to be thinking about marriage—uh but thanks for the compliment?”
You watched as his nose twitched, raising a brow, “You smell like coffee. Like a lot.”
“Yeah,” You gulped with a nervous smile, “I get that a lot.”
Another laugh left his lips. He was far too amused now. Meanie. “I’ll see you around.”
With that, he left the store. The bell rang in his wake. You watched him go through the window. He waved to you as he passed. And you waved back.
Once he was finally out of your sight and you out of his, you groaned and dropped your head onto the counter, “I’m such a loser.”
The back door opened and Tohru poked her head out, shaking her head disapprovingly, “Yeah, you can’t handle all that man.”
“Shut up, Ru.”
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You were the exception, not the rule, Geto Suguru realized a block away from the store.
He’d never really met anyone like you. It was so rare. Pure. So unheard of in this world.
But it didn’t change how the world was. A bright light like that would be snuffed, almost instantly. You would become exhausted at some point, smiling so genuinely like that.
It would make your fall much harder. Much, much worse.
More curses wreaking havoc through villages. More curses to swallow down, leaving the bitter taste of vomit in his wake.
You, Geto decided, were just like everyone else in the end.
He wondered if he would ever stop hearing them clap.
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Around the late afternoon, your manager sent you out to pick up a delivery of chips that apparently couldn’t make it. Something about a mix-up with the trucks—you weren’t entirely clear on the details. But your boss was pissed about it and you were left with driving to the city to retrieve the box of chips. The only thing you didn’t like about it was the fact that the drive to the city took almost two hours.
You just hoped you’d make it back in time to meet up with the twins.
So half your day was spent rushing through the city, trying to track down that missing shipment of chips, bringing it back to your car which was almost towed because you happened to park in the wrong place, and then driving back to the village while the sun was beginning to set.
The drive back wasn’t as bad as the drive to the city. But you arrived back at the shop twenty minutes past five. Which wasn’t too bad but you were still late, nonetheless.
“Sorry, I’m late!” You called as you entered the store from the back with the box still in your hands. “I got coloring books this time, hope you guys like to draw!” You brought the box to the front, expecting to find the twins.
Only you stop and find Tohru and your manager there instead. Tohru stared at you in confusion, “Who are you talking to?”
You blushed in embarrassment, “Um, sorry, I thought you were…” Quickly, your mind raced. “Did you guys happen to see two girls walk in at around five—that’s what the coloring books were for, yeah, yeah, that makes sense.”
“Two girls?” Tohru frowned, appearing even more confused. “Did you hit your head or something?”
Just as you were about to quickly explain what you meant, your manager blew out another puff of smoke, “She means those unlucky twins.” At this, you furrowed your brows, opening your mouth to ask what he meant, only for him to continue as if you had already asked the question. “Those two have been poisoning our town ever since they killed their parents. It’s about time they get what they deserve.”
Your eyes widened, heart, falling to your feet, “W-What does…what happened to them? What do you mean get what they deserve?”
“Oh yeah,” Tohru said while hoisting herself up to sit on the counter, “now that you mention it, there were two girls that came in here. They didn’t stay for long, some of the villagers barged in and took them. I think they mentioned taking her to the old temple or something like that, I don’t know, I had a headache and they were all being annoying. They went on about them being the cause of all the deaths happening in town—whatever that meant—”
The box fell from your hands onto the floor, spilling the bag of chips. Your heart thundered with panic and disbelief, “You…You just let them take them?” Surprisingly, your voice wasn’t quivering like the rest of your body. Instead, it was full and firm with distraught. “They didn’t even do anything! They’re children! They’re—oh my god, they’re just babies!”
Tohru rolled her eyes as if you were the one being dramatic and unreasonable, “Dude, relax, they’re probably not going to do anything that bad to them. Maybe send them off to another village. Look, who cares? At least there won’t be any more deaths—hey, where are you going?”
You ignored her, threw off your work apron, and jumped over the counter. “This isn’t right! None of this is fucking right!”
“Hey, you still need to clean your mess up—hey!” Tohru’s voice became further and further away as you bolted out of the shop and ran through the street, heading further into the village.
Tohru had mentioned something about an old temple. You quickly searched your mind until you remembered there was a temple on one of the hills. You always passed it whenever you went jogging on your days off. Yes, you knew exactly where they were.
Running wouldn’t get you there fast enough, you soon realized. So you thought quickly. In front of a flower shop, you spotted a bicycle sitting at the front. Quietly apologizing to whomever this belonged to, you took the bike, got on, and pedaled your way up the hill.
In your haste, the world was silent to you.
All you could think about was those poor girls. All you were worried about was saving them before the townsfolk did something that no one could possibly come back from.
The world was silent to you.
You didn’t see the people running by in terror, even when you nearly ran into an older man who had dashed out into the street in a fit of panic. You didn’t see the smoke in the part of the village you biked through. You didn’t see the blue flames consuming the houses and the people around you until there was nothing but burnt ash left.
This chaos was nothing but white noise.
The world was silent to you.
You ignored the large shape flying over you, spewing the blue flames onto another part of the village.
All you cared about were those girls. Mimiko and Nanako.
You should’ve brought them back to your home. You should’ve taken them in. You should’ve pressed for more information about them. You should’ve known that they didn’t have anyone taking care of them.
You should’ve known. You should’ve done more.
“My god,” You gasped, fear tearing at your heart as the temple finally came into view. “have I failed them?” There were no flames consuming the temple. Strangely enough, it was the only place that wasn’t on fire.
When you were close enough, you jumped off the bike and dashed for the entrance. You slammed into the double doors, attempting to pull it open. Only they were locked and wouldn’t budge.
You backed up, not willing to give up. Not willing to let those two die for this fucked up town. And with all your might, you kicked the doors open, causing them to slam against the walls inside the temple.
“Mimiko! Nanako!” You called as you entered, searching around for the two girls.
Smoke filled your nose and caused you to cough just as small voices responded back to you. Calling your name with childlike desperation. It sounded like it was coming from above you. Like there was a second floor.
The stairs were on your right. You dashed for them, skipping two steps at a time until you made it to the second floor. Until you made it into the first room you spotted. Until you found them both locked in a cage together. Beaten and bruised and scared out of their minds. Until you found the two bodies lying in a puddle of scarlet right in front of the cage.
You didn’t rush toward the cage right away. Struck frozen at the sight of the blood. At the sight of the two bodies. It made the once quiet world around suddenly become loud.
There were screams outside of the temple. There was smoke, so much smoke.
Then there was the blood.
There was a small call of your name, snapping you out of your frozen shock. The two girls were pressed against the cages, Nanako reaching through the bars for you…
“I’m coming, it’s okay.” You said, finally snapping out of your shock before rushing over toward the cage. You ignored how your shoes were stained with scarlet as you walked through the puddle.
You tried at the cage for a bit until you roughly yanked it open, breaking the lock that kept it closed. Both girls ran out of the cage and hugged your waist, nearly knocking you over. Their sniffles were muffled in your sweater as you ran your hand through their hair in an attempt to comfort them.
“It’s okay, I’m gonna get you out of here.” You promised while glancing over your shoulder at the bodies. “Nanako. Mimiko. What happened to them?”
Mimiko buried her face further into your waist while Nanako spoke, “Everyone thought we were the ones behind the deaths so they took us and tried to make the man kill us. But he didn’t, he saved us!”
You nodded as you both listened and led them out of the horrific room. The three of you went down the steps. Just from looking through the wide open doorway of the temple, you saw the flames hitting the village had gotten so much worse. What had caused this, you had no clue, nor did you have time to stop and wonder where it all had come from.
Mimiko tightened her hold on your hand, forcing you to stop, dozens of steps away from the front door, “The man told us to stay put and that he would take us away from here.”
On your right, Nanako nodded, “He said the curses won’t hurt us and that we’re special.”
You let go of their hands and turned to face them, your back to the entrance. Carefully you knelt down in front of them, “Okay, slow down. Before I even think about touching the curses part, I just need to know what man are you guys talking about. There wasn’t a third body in that room.”
“They mean me.”
At the sudden voice, you spun around to find standing at the entrance a male. A familiar one at that.
The same male who had bought chips from your store. The same male who had that gentle smile on his face—similar to the one he wore now but colder. The same male who had laughed at your fumbling and embarrassment just a few hours earlier.
“You.” Was the whisper that fell from your lips.
He stepped forward and instinctively pushed the girls behind you protectively. His brows raised at this and he chuckled.
“Mimiko. Nanako.” His voice was slow, silky, and calculated. “It’s time to go. Those people won’t hurt you anymore. Just as I promised.”
You watched him warily but the girls after a beat started toward him, surprising you. Mimiko was the one who stopped while Nanako went to the male’s side and grabbed his hand. She looked at you and then the male. She then grabbed your hand and tried tugging you forward, “Can’t she come with us?”
Something flickered across his face and instantly disappeared in the next second as he smiled, “Why don’t you two wait for me while I talk to the nice lady?”
You didn’t let go of her hand right away, “Mimiko.”
She looked at you and smiled reassuringly despite one of her eyes being swollen shut, “It’s okay. He’s a nice man. He saved us, remember?”
With that, she followed her sister out of the temple. The male didn’t move from the doorway. The blue flames were menacing in the night, his shadow tall. The heat was just as overwhelming as the smoke.
“Who the hell are you?” You finally muttered.
He started walking toward in slow leisurely steps, “A sorcerer.”
Instinctively, you wanted to back away as he got closer. But you stood firm, “And you were the one that killed those two people upstairs?”
“Yes.” He was now in front of you with very little space left between the two of you. The obvious question was at the tip of your tongue but you never voiced it. Yet he replied anyway, “I’ve decided it’s time I’ve stopped serving non-sorcerers. All they’ve done is create more problems for people like me. I figured I cut the problem down from the roots. For all of us.”
There was no smile on his face now. No traces of the friendly face, of the sheepish boy you met back at the shop. Just someone else entirely.
He leaned forward, staring at you with that same look he had back at the shop. Like he was trying to see right through you. Accusatory. Blame.
“What good are you to me?”
You glared now, clenching your hands into tight fists, “It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind. I don’t see a point in proving a damn thing to you.”
He stared at you for a moment longer and then smirked. “Too bad you’re human.” He turned and walked back to the entrance. “I would’ve liked you a lot. I do like you a lot. But if my new world is going to be without non-sorcerers…”
The curse flew past Geto and into the temple. It was large enough to cause irreparable damage to the temple. It was deadly enough to crush any target in sight. Even your screams were swallowed whole in seconds. That’s how efficient it was. That’s how easy it all became.
Geto didn’t look back at your body. Nor did he watch you get killed by his curse. Instead, he continued out of the temple with a few more curses following him at his tail.
“There are no exceptions.” He muttered to himself.
He wondered if he would ever forget that coffee smell.
Hours later, once the flames had long settled, you sat up in the rubble. Some of the most severe wounds were nearly done healing. But the only pain you felt was the tight twists in your stomach.
You were starving.
Your sweater had been burned off and your skirt was ripped as you dragged yourself away from the ruins of the temple. Saliva dripping from your mouth that you tried to ignore.
For a while, you kept going. Pushing yourself through what used to be a lively village. But now it was filled with ruins and dead bodies alike.
You kept your composure thought. Especially when you pass fallen body parts, scattered along the streets.
Eventually, you made it to the store, just on the outskirts of the village. The same one you worked at. The one place that had your coffee beans.
The bell above your head rang as you lugged your way over to the aisle where you knew the coffee beans were. Ignoring the calls of your name—which was just background noise to you.
You were hungry. Really, really hungry.
Just as you found the coffee beans, you grabbed one of the bags and tore it open.
“You know you’ve been fired, right?”
For some reason, your hand never reached into the bag to grab a mouthful of beans and tossed it in your mouth. Instead, you just stared down into it, saliva dripping from your mouth as Tohru continued her taunt.
“Boss’ pretty pissed with you taking off like that. And now I’ve gotta miss my concert because of you.” In the corner of your eye, she sneered, “I hope it was all worth it.”
“Risking your job for a bunch of girls you don’t even know. What did you even try to do?”
“Hmm, judging how quiet everything is, my guess is they probably finished the job.” Tohru sighed and leaned against the shelf, “Well, at least I can get better sleep.”
The bag of coffee beans fell from your grasp and spilled onto the floor.
Tohru gasped, looking down at the mess, “Hey! You fucking idiot! How many more messes are you going to leave for me to clean?! Ugh, you’re such a brat—hey, what the hell is wrong with your eyes?”
Fuck it.
The next morning, the shopkeeper was found dead in his office. Half of his face was gone, along with a gaping hole in his chest, where his heart should’ve been.
The girl was behind the front counter. Missing a leg, her organs spilling out of her abdomen. Blood everywhere.
It was a horrid sight.
At least, that’s what you heard.
You wiped the blood from your mouth.
“I’m done lying to myself.” You mumbled. A giggle left your lips. “What the hell is the point?”
With that, you took your final bow.
“Things will be different this time.”
338 notes · View notes
saintslewis · 10 months
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc
summary: truly, nothing can break Nadia’s soul.
warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, slight angst, typos, it’s a long one 😭 click on the links, i’m watching you 🤨
wc: 6.4k
saint’s team radio 🎀: don’t beat me up y’all! this took more than forever and i am really sorry. hopefully this chapter brings you guys joy 🤭 thank you so much for all the love on renaissance so far! 🥹 i also want y’all to know that Nadia is a thick babe, when she wears shorts or mini skirts/dresses, it’s mini!!! just wanted to remind y’all!!!!
pls like, comment and reblog! 🫶🏽
renaissance: the series masterlist • general masterlist
The thin white thread from the duvet cover couldn't be any longer as Nadia continued to pull on it, clicking her nails together in the process. Her buzzing phone sat on the bed in front of her with the voice of her mother pressing her about the past week.
"I'm sure it wasn't easy being the trophy wife this weekend, people were going crazy this side." Her mother chuckled from the other end.
"Ma, you haven't spoken to me since I signed on that dotted line, you haven't checked up on me yet this is what you have to say to me after nearly 3 weeks without contact?" Nadia said with a strain in her voice.
"Oh come on. I was just giving you time to adjust to that fame you've always wanted and for the love of all that is good, cover up more. Do not need to see more than what I've already seen." Thembi said, not understanding how much she was hurting her daughter.
Quietly wiping her tears with her wrist, she thought back to how much peace she had before she called her mother.
The journey from South Africa to the uk had been a tough one when Nadia was much younger. Although the mother daughter pair had gone through hardships, they were as close as they could be. Residing in South London at the time had been a rollercoaster, from trying to fit in with the other kids to adapting to the new culture around her, it became easier thanks to friends she made along the way.
Within a year and a half of moving countries, Thembi announced to her daughter that they would be moving in with a new man, her 'friend' for the time being all the way in Stevenage. Nadia saw her mother's entire personality change the second the last box was dropped off by the movers, a new demeanour being shown off to the neighbours and a less kind version of her was shown to Nadia.
Conversations were barely there, hugs were rarely given and reassurance was never enough as opposed to the affection she would previously receive from before the move. Wanting to keep the positives on the surface, Nadia decided to distract herself from her feelings and continued to go to school with her old friends even if it meant travelling distances just to get away from her mother.
As Nadia grew older, so did the sudden change of attitude from her mother, finding the need to comment on everything she found wrong with Nadia. In rebellion, the girl would wear whatever would make her happy, get the tattoos she felt she needed and not spending as much time with her mother as she did before. When university opened, she hurried to move out, already planning her life out and visited her home country to find comfort in her family back home, her cousin Rea becoming a younger sister to her.
However after uni, Thembi seeked therapy to better her relationship with her daughter. Happy to go back to the way it was before, their relationship became healthier and happier after years. What changed?
Sighing out, Nadia ignored her mother's harsh words. "When is Rea going to get there? You've cancelled her flight three times already."
"Only next week Thursday. Ooh tell me, has he bought you anything fancy yet?" Anyone could imagine the smug look on her mother's face as she asked the question.
"Bye mom. Greet James." Rolling her eyes, Nadia hung up and gently rubbed her eyes, getting rid of the tears with her knuckles. Texting Rea that she should rather move in with her, she let out a sigh at the thought of her mother's sudden phone call the day after the race.
Walking into the en-suite bathroom, she fixed up her light makeup with music playing from her phone. Lewis had texted her earlier that he would be going on a run, not too sure what Nadia would want to do during the day before their trip to Malibu. She blinked the tears back whilst tilting her head backward to avoid them falling once again.
The cold tiles of the bathroom were cooling off the high temperature of her body, mainly from all the emotions and the overall heat in Miami. All she wanted to do was leave Miami and curl up in her bed - her old bed. The one she would lay on after an incredibly long day of teaching high schoolers. The one that had her plushies that she was gifted by her students. The one where she could be lying in at that very moment but she decided to drive to her mom's house that fateful day.
Deactivating her social media accounts was a no go as instructed by Tia, saying the engagement was good and for her to keep it up, the public unfamiliar with the concept of a WAG speaking to people as if they've been friends for decades. Having not gone too far into the mean and hateful comments, Nadia gets chills just thinking about it. How she's perceived by the world now with her newfound fame. One she did not ask for but she was willing to help her new friend.
That's all he was. A friend. Right?
Not realising she had zoned out and begun picking on her old acne scars, she hadn't heard her hotel room door open, a slightly breathless Lewis stood in the bathroom doorframe watching her pick at her skin whilst looking at a specific tile.
"Nads?" He called out but the girl still hadn't heard anything. Wiggling his neon sneakers on his feet within her vision, she snapped out of it, her eyes widening at the sight of him there. "Oh, hi." She greeted, voice as soft as silk as she looked at the man once then back to the mirror to avoid eye contact. "Everything okay?" He asked, wiping his forehead for any sweat left.
Nadia nodded, packing up her mini makeup bag from the marble counter, jewellery jangling as she zipped it up. "Just woke up a little weird and hungry, that's all. Are you good?" She responded, giving a half smile and she finally maintained eye contact with him.
"Yeah. Yeah, the run was good and ready for the day." He answered, feeling her energy yet just not sure where to put it between sadness or anger. "Still very proud of P2 yesterday, it was insane to see that live." She added, the gold grills matching her jewellery perfectly. Very casually dressed with a tired look in her eyes.
"Nads, are you sure you're good? Have you had breakfast?" He moved to the side as he watched her leave the bathroom with heavy footsteps. "The heat is killing me, not used to such and I was going to wait til the plane for something. Got too nervous to order room service." She slightly chuckled to herself, feeling a slight twist in her stomach.
Not wanting to upset her, he just gave her a look with his eyebrows a little raised and that made her crack. "Oh my days, don't look at me like that. We can go for lunch or something, I don't know." She suggested, looking away from Lewis to avoid looking into his eyes.
"What if I was going to compliment your hair?" He joked and crossed his arms with a slight chuckle.
"Please, I know that look from anywhere. I give it to my kids all the time." Nadia said while rolling her eyes, a soft smile on display. "Now let me change. The room's got stuffy air so we need to take a step outside." She shooed him away as she walked into the bathroom once again and closed the door with a huge smile.
Left standing in awe of her, Lewis shook his head as he headed out of her hotel room to change up for their outing.
The cold granadilla slushy had been freezing up Nadia's hand but she couldn't care less, the heat in Miami unbearable to no end. The pair sat in the back of the Escalade on the way to any mall nearby where Nadia could get some sandals, her feet suffocated by her sneakers.
Tia had advised them to travel by their allocated security cars because the streets of Miami were still buzzing with F1 fans, hungover or sober, hunting around for any f1 drivers that were around.
"Not that it isn't weird, it is, but I have to live with the fact that the women I have dreamed of styling one day know I exist and Pharrell too! Like my colleagues are blowing up my phone like crazy." Nadia emphasised, the slushy swishing around in her hand as she was talking.
Lewis could watch her talk for hours, even more when she was excited about something. He had thought that this weekend would be too much for Nadia with all the attention on her much more than the Grand Prix itself but the way she handled everything from the instagram posts to the multitude of introductions was incredible to watch.
She was graceful but with a spunk to her, expressing her personality to the friend group but not yet to the f1 media, wanting to get a bit more comfortable in that vicinity with Lewis by her side. Already seeing how she could get when someone were to wrong Lewis, the man was certain that they will get through this fake marriage with ease and fun, gaining a friendship within it.
"So what's your biggest goal with being a stylist? I haven't seen your work yet but I feel like it's phenomenal." He asked, smiling once he saw her roll her eyes at him.
"Phenomenal is a stretch but I'm trying to get like Law Roach or even work with a fashion house to be honest. I always wanted a way to show my work but I just never knew how to." She shrugged, taking a sip of the slushy.
"How about you style me for a few events and for a race or two?" He suggested.
"And take Eric's job? Are you crazy?" She stared at him with widened eyes and furrowed eyebrows but all he did was chuckle. "It'll be fun plus Eric knows already, he's more than excited for it." Lewis continued smiling, Nadia stared at him before releasing a sigh.
"When do I start?" She shook her head in disbelief, not believing what just happened. "Friday but the main brief is that we're sitting courtside." And like clockwork, he gave her a smile that she couldn't resist.
"You're just so full of surprises, aren't you? Let me find out there's more events you're hiding from me." Nadia said squinting her eyes at him, his cheeks eventually hurting from smiling at her.
"A magician never tells his tricks."
"Yeah yeah, Hamilton." Nadia replied, shaking her head once more as she got her purse ready, seeing the Miami Fashion District come into her view.
Pulling the bottom of her dress down constantly, she looked around at all the luxury stores that were never ending.
This wasn't the norm for her, she was hoping to see a much cheaper alternative than what was in front of her but she had to remember who she was in that very moment. She felt safe with two security detail walking stealthily behind them, her hands staying at the hem of her sundress.
"Your dress is okay, don't have to worry." Lewis leaned a little closer to her shoulder to whisper, sending back a reassuring smile. All she responded with was to hold his ring-clad hand in sign of appreciation.
Reaching Gucci, Nadia's first thought were those platform sandals she had seen on social media and in that exact moment, her mind went to the comfort she had been wanting since she hadn't packed any open shoes. Pulling him towards the store, everything in that store went quiet.
Sale associates just stopped and stared whilst costumers began whispering and muttering to themselves. Immediately spotting the sandals from afar, they walked slowly towards the shoe section of Gucci, trying to ignore all the eyes on them. From her peripheral vision, she could see someone speed walking towards them, fixing her uniform and her appearance once she reached the couple.
"Hello, welcome to Gucci. I'm Roni and I'll be your sales associate today." The woman introduced herself, looking straight at Lewis as she did.
"Nice to meet you, Roni. I'm Nadia and really we just came for a quick visit, hopefully get a few things whilst we're here." Nadia had on a bright smile as she spoke, the worker's smile fading as she looked at Nadia.
"Of course," Roni said, licking her teeth. "Where would you like to start? Perhaps dresses. It is a hot day in Miami." Looking at Nadia up and down with the slightest hint of disgust shown on her face, the woman continued to smile in her face.
Taken aback by the tone of her voice, Nadia just smiled and averted her gaze back to the shoe section. "It truly is but I have to pass. I'm much more interested in the shoes right now." She said, still holding onto Lewis' arm, who was enjoying every moment of this. "Alright, let me go get some champagne for you guys, racing must be tough in this heat." Roni smiled, turning around to walk in a different direction.
As soon as she was out of earshot, Nadia sighed out as they sat on the large velvet green couch. "Is this the crap i have to deal with? Her eyes said it all." She complained, rolling her eyes and placing her purse down. Following suit, he sat next to her and did not keep a friendly distance between them, relaxing his arm behind her.
"Don't worry about her or anyone else for that matter. People will purposefully piss you off for their enjoyment so let's just have a good time and we'll get ice cream later." He advised, not bothering to look around the shop but had focused all his attention on Nadia.
"Stand on your promise, Hamilton. I don't play about my ice cream." She joked, both chuckling after a beat of silence. Eyeing the store, she saw a few pieces that she knew would look good on Lewis and a few on herself. This one particular top was screaming her name, the Gucci monogram sticking out but it had a level of class to it, already imagining outfits with it on.
"The top is quite nice, I don't know what you could match it with to make it work but it seems cool." Lewis said, staring at the same top, unaware that their heads were tilted the same way. "You think so?" Nadia pondered. "Well you can't not be stylish around me so." He shrugged jokingly, earning another laugh from her. "Okay whatever you say, pookie bear." She patted his knee, watching a completely different sales associate head their way with a tray of champagne.
"Hi, I'm Tracey, my colleague Roni just decided to not help a couple because she didn't like the wife. Crazy I think she's talking about the Hamiltons because they came in here the same time." The new associate rambled off, placing the tray onto the small table next to them.
Finally looking up, Tracey's breath hitched. "Oh shit, that's you guys. Oh god, I'm sorry for my words." The younger girl apologised, eyes widened at the couple who just smiled at her.
"It's okay, lovely to meet you Tracey." Nadia smiled, amused at her actions. "What can I do for you today?" Tracey asked.
After a rather pleasant sales interaction with Tracey voicing how much she loved the both of them as a couple and as individuals, there they stood at the counter waiting for their items to be fully scanned. Lewis was very content with the pieces that Nadia had picked out for him, confident that every single one was going to look tailor made. When it came down to payment, Lewis had no problem in swiping his card as Nadia dug through her purse to find hers.
"Thank you for spending your time with us here at Gucci, Mr and Mrs Hamilton." The lady at the till said, handing the the large green bags that felt so good in Nadia's hands.
"It was really fun and tell Roni we said goodbye." Nadia smiled wickedly as she waved and walked out of the store with Lewis laughing at her words right behind her. "Damn that felt good. Gotta keep it cute and classy until it's not." She smiles as they walk to a different shop.
"I swear, the powder I used for my under eyes is just super cakey." Natalia complained as she walked down the plane stairs onto the asphalt, Nadia following close behind with her carry on bag on her shoulder.
The Californianian air was different from that of Miami, less humid but a little hotter. It was late in the afternoon when the group landed, greeted by a beautiful sunset behind the Los Angeles skyline. After the impromptu shopping session, the plane was already for takeoff so everyone had hurried to be in the air by lunchtime.
Taking the time to catch up with everyone, the group shared laughs and their stories from Miami although it was less than a week that they had spent in the eccentric city. There was a gnawing feeling in the pit of Nadia's stomach, unable to get the guilt of spending Lewis' money as if it was hers. Although he reassured her multiple times that he was more than okay getting her whatever she wanted, she still felt uneasy about it all.
The all too familiar Escalades were parked on the ground, Lewis waiting patiently for Nadia to get down so that they could go to their destination. Seeing her confused face as Natalia, Miles and Daniel waved goodbye to them as everyone went to their respective cars, Lewis then spoke up. "Everyone's going their places, we're going to our house."
Snapping her head to look at him in bewilderment, she almost stopped in her tracks just to recall what he had said. "Another one?!" She whisper yelled, not wanting anyone near them to hear. He nodded with a closed smile as they reached their car with all their luggage inside, all similar to when they landed in Miami.
The morning came quite quick as the rest of the day ended with Nadia yet again exploring a new home, almost screaming when she saw the garage full of cars she only wished she could drive and you can imagine the shock when Lewis told her that in hindsight, they're her cars. In his words, "I don't really like to drive as much so you can use them as freely as you want."
Climbing out of the huge bed of the even larger guest bedroom, Nadia was careful to not wipe her eyes too much because of her extensions. Stretching every limb on her body, she walked towards the bathroom to splash water on her face to fully wake her up. The birds were still chirping from beyond the closed curtains and the sun was shining through the slivers of the curtain, creating a peaceful aura throughout the room.
Her bonnet luckily stayed on through the night, grabbing her glasses from the night stand along with her phone, she walked out of the room with her fluffy slippers on her feet. The trip downstairs was quiet and the aroma of something sweet wafted through the air, making her wonder where Lewis was.
Reaching the last step, she saw something move in the corner of her eye. Rather small, the thing moved towards her with its feet patting against the floor. Looking in its direction, the first thing she saw was the droopy mouth belonging to the short dog and her heart almost stopped, the fear running through her body as she continued to stare at the dog.
"Oh my god, please don't come close." She whispered out loud, hoping the dog would listen. Nadia was frozen in her place and she was too afraid to look anywhere else in case the dog moved towards her. "I see you've met Roscoe. Hope he's been kind." Lewis' voice spoke from behind her, crouching down to pet the dog lovingly. The silence from Nadia was odd, he turned his head to see her frightened state as she didn't move her gaze from Roscoe.
"Nads? Nads? Okay, let's get Roscoe out of here." He called out then whispered to himself, carrying the dog out of the living room then hurrying back to Nadia.
"Well that was my dog, Roscoe. I'm sorry he scared you." With a worried expression on his face, Lewis placed his hands on her arms to snap her out of her frozen state. Finally making eye contact with him through her glass lenses, she spoke up. "I-it's okay. Just have to get used to seeing him." She nodded, wanting to end the awkwardness right there.
"Anyway, good morning. Did you eat yet?" She said, slightly smiling and making her way towards the marble kitchen island, the two plates on top of it were filled with stacks of waffles with a side of fruit next to it. "Uh no, waited for you to wake up so I just took a run in the meantime." He mentioned, following behind her and took his seat across from her.
In that very moment, her heart fluttered at his words. It was so simple yet so sweet of a gesture to do for her. "Thank you for that, Lew. Let's eat up then." She replied, a shy smile on her face as she felt his eyes on her. The two dug in to their breakfast that Lewis had made for them earlier in the morning, wanting the logistics of their relationship.
"So, I need to know how you feel about pda and how much you're willing to show to the public. We have to make this look real." Nadia said, biting down on a slice of apple. "I don't have an issue with it, just as you're comfortable with it." He responded. Just nodding along, she continued to eat the fruit.
"This is just so weird to me. Three weeks ago I would've been in my apartment trying to think how i'm gonna get groceries for the month and now i'm in Los fucking Angeles eating fruit with 5 cars sitting in the garage. It's crazy." She blurted out, everything now properly dawning on her as they sat down in peace.
"Life works in mysterious ways for sure, never thought I would be sitting in my kitchen with my wife on a Wednesday morning." He said, the smallest of chuckles escaping him. "You are very good with your words, sir. A lil too good." She joked, pointing the fork at him.
"What's the plan today? I don't think I can handle anything hectic." She asked, her accent changing when she said 'hectic' . Giving her a cocked eyebrow at the sudden change of accent, Nadia looked smug.
"A little history on me. I moved to the uk at 8 years old and this south african accent stuck with me for a while until I reached high school. By then my mother decided to send me back home with my aunt and cousin to complete high school that side then year 12, I went back for university. The slang and accent never left me along with the 6 languages I know." She explained, almost bursting into laughter after seeing his face morph from curiosity to shock.
"Six?!" He vocalised. "And counting, my kids don't call me Superwoman for nothing." Biting into another piece, she smiled as her phone vibrated multiple times. Looking at the name across the screen, she immediately sighed and got up off her seat and signalled that she would be back.
The school's name flashed across her screen as she walked into the familiar hallway towards the guest bedroom.
"Hello Ms Brown! I hope this doesn't disturb your holiday." Lisa, the headmaster of the school, greeted with such enthusiasm.
"Well, it slightly is but what does that matter. Anything you need? Has the parents evening been postponed?" She scratched her head as she held the phone up to her ear.
"Uh, no. There's something I wanted to discuss with you and I thought it would be great for a one on one. We as the school has noticed you are quite the star these days, bringing much more traction than what you get from school already." Lisa chuckled at the last sentence, seeming to quiet down when she realised Nadia wasn't laughing.
"Oh, yes Ms Crawford. This was a subject I had wanted to discuss with the rest of the staff when we get back from the holidays. Of course this isn't something minuscule, all the media attention has been quite intense." Nadia responded, watching as Roscoe walked closer to her and sat by her feet.
There was a beat of silence from the other end of the phone call. "That was what I wanted to actually talk to you about, Ms Brown-"
"Its Mrs Hamilton." Nadia corrected.
"Ah yes, my apologies Mrs Hamilton. As much as we do appreciate your ways of teaching here at our school, we as the board have been thinking of releasing you from your position as the history teacher. Now I know it's all sudden but we feel it's good for our school." Lisa announced, voice filled with pity.
"Now excuse my manners, Ms Crawford, but I would like to know who all decided to quote on quote, fire me. Furthermore, when signing the work contract, you personally had assured me that you would stand behind your teachers through it all. Am I correct?" She started, standing up straight with Roscoe following suit.
"You are correct however this would ruin the reputation of the school and our relationships with other schools in the district. It truly pains us to do so." With the same false pity tone, Lisa spoke.
"I hope you do realise that we are about to start the second term of the school year after these two weeks and I do not appreciate the current dismissal you are going through with just solely because I married a prominent figure. Neither do I wish to leave my flourishing students because the board does not agree with my marriage." Nadia indicated.
"Not to mention prior to this conversation, no one had contacted me in regards to a possible sacking. So I would like for you and the rest of the board to rethink your approach on this matter. I do not accept this and this issue can be taken to court if you prefer to continue with this. And through a phone call? Really?" With that, Nadia knew she had won upon hearing the sigh on the other side of the phone.
With a few moments passing by, Lisa sighed out. "You are correct about this, I do apologise. See you after the holidays then, Mrs Hamilton." And with that, the headmaster said her goodbyes in defeat.
Crouching down to pet Roscoe, she held his face in her hands. "We fucking did that, boy. Thanks for being there, you not so bad after all." She smiled at the happy dog, standing up straight to back downstairs to finish her breakfast.
"And? What was that?" Lewis spoke up, putting his phone down next to his fruit bowl.
"These bitches tried to fire me so I said no. Can't get rid of their only history teacher." She wiggled her shoulders with the biggest smile on her face, biting down on the remaining fruits.
"And your dog's cool. Sat with me the whole time."
"Damn. Remind me to never get on your bad side. Let's get celebratory croissants?" Lewis giggled, taking both of their plates to wash them off.
"You read my mind, Sir!"
Standing in front of the open garage door, Nadia stared at the two cars in front of her. The sun in the courtyard was hitting her back but she didn't mind, as long as she continued to look at the cars.
Lewis' words rang in her head, unable to shake off the fact that technically, these were her cars as well. The Urus was very tempting to drive but she knew she didn't trust herself with that type of speed yet. The Mercedes GLE however, looked so classy and seemed like a joy to drive.
The decision took so long that she didn't notice that Lewis was taking pictures of the scene in front of him, his wife stuck between choosing cars to drive on the sunny streets of LA. "Can I drive today?" She asked once realising that he was next to her, wearing a comfortable outfit.
"You can drive whenever you want." He smiled, handing her the keys of the suv he knew she was going to pick. "Okay, cute. You'll be my passenger prince." She smiled, pinching his cheek then happily walked towards the driver's side.
Just sighing in content, he walked to the passenger's side, hopping in to see Nadia exploring the interior of the car, matching that of the black exterior. "This shit is huge." She muttered to herself as she leaned over to look at the backseats and all its intricate details.
"And before you say anything pookie bear, Tia made me do an international license when we didn't see each other. So you're safe driving with me." She reassured, putting her now blonde hair behind her ears.
"I think i like this passenger prince business." He expressed, already making himself in the seat, pushing it back and relaxing.
"Let me search up a bakery and we'll be on our way." Nadia started the car up and was geeked by the roar of the car.
And on their way they were. Blasting Beyoncé as Lewis suggested they go to a vegan bakery in Malibu, the two sang both old and new songs during the drive. Barely through her hip hop playlist, she found parking in front of the surprisingly popular bakery.
"Now you know I don't play about Beyoncé. I did not expect this place to be busy right now." Nadia pointed out, fixing the sunglasses on her head. "You'd be shocked at the amount of vegan people in Malibu alone. If you want, I can go in by myself and get the treats." He offered, unbuckling his seatbelt and holding his phone in his hand.
"We're going in together, I do not look this cute to sit in the car." She flipped her hair, dramatically exiting the car, making him laugh quite loud at her antics. Holding his hand out, Lewis connected his with Nadia's, feeling a chill when he felt her ring touch his skin. He led the way into the bakery, the sweet smell of the treats was a bit of a treat in itself.
Gasping at the baked goods on display, she didn't hesitate to greet and place an order, mouth salivating at the sight of the treats. Once Lewis also made his order, Nadia brought out her card to pay, wanting to test that it actually worked and it definitely did.
Enjoying the chocolate doughnuts in the bakery, the two laughed at the whole ordeal of the phone call this morning. "I've never had a good relationship with this new headmaster at all. She has been on my case since she joined two years ago." Nadia informed, drinking a bit of her pink lemonade.
"The courage of just saying no is so endearing to hear. Can't believe she wanted to sack you in the middle of a term. Again, the courage is so cool, Nads." He complimented her and he watched as her shoulders started to rise as a way of blushing.
"Thanks, pookie bear. Means a lot. So where to from here?" She asked, ignoring his gaze on her the whole time.
"We've got lunch with friends of mine, then home time." He said so calmly, not noticing Nadia's eyes widening at the information.
"I'm not dressed for lunch with your friends, Lew! Could've warned a girl first." She stressed, looking down at her outfit. "Wanted you to be comfortable the whole day hence I didn't tell you our plans today." He showed his full smile, wanting so badly to laugh at her facial expression.
"You are so lucky you're sitting across me right now or else I would've bitten you." She rolled her eyes at his giggles. 
Within a matter of time, the Mercedes suv entered through the high black gates of their destination with a press of a button on the intercom outside. Nadia drove in the driveway quite slowly, unfamiliar with her surroundings as she saw a cars parked in the courtyard. The sound of the waves crashing could be heard when stepping out of the car.
"Damn your friend's got bank." She commented, opening the backseat door to get her purse. "And by the sea too? I just know it's a different world here." She added, closing her door and locked the car when she saw Lewis walk closer to her with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah, Bey and Jay wanted serenity next to the sea." He said, looking back at Nadia who was frozen in her tracks.
"Did you just fucking say Bey and Jay?!" She whisper yelled as she pulled Lewis closer to her. He nodded with the same expression he had from before. "Are you fucking crazy? I can't meet Beyoncé, Lewis! I'm not ready!" Nadia's stress levels were sky high as she held onto his arm tighter, standing by the car.
"Wanted to tell you earlier but when you started playing her music in the car, just knew I had to surprise you." He smiled. "Look, if it makes it any better, she's excited to meet you as well." Lewis told her and if her eyes couldn't get any wider, she looked behind her husband's broad arm to see the woman of the hour walk towards them.
"There you two are! We were scared y'all weren't coming no more!" The happy southern voice rang through the courtyard and Nadia was scared shitless. "My goodness, Lewis! She's a beauty. Hi, I'm Beyoncé." The woman introduced herself to Nadia and she quickly snapped out of it once she realised her favourite artist was speaking directly to her.
"Hello, I'm Nadia." She managed to speak up as Beyoncé extended her hand out to shake hers. Surprisingly enough, Nadia's hands weren't sweaty neither did she stutter over her words like she thought she would. The woman went on to greet Lewis with a side hug then invited them inside.
"It was so lovely meeting you guys, a full circle moment on my end." Nadia smiled, holding onto her purse and onto Rumi's hand, the little girl so interested in everything that has to do with Nadia. "No, it was our pleasure to host you guys. My God, a couple I never saw coming. Y'all welcome back here anytime." Beyoncé said, the group of 4 walking towards the front door and into the courtyard once again.
"We'll definitely take you up on that offer, thank you for inviting us into your lovely home. Better get home before it gets too dark." Nadia replied, leaning into the hug between her and Bey whilst looking at the sunset over the horizon.
"We'll catch y'all in Paris." Jay Z smiled with a toothpick in his mouth. He dapped Lewis up as everyone said their goodbyes after a successful lunch. Now sitting in the passenger seat, Nadia held her head in her hands as he swiftly drove out the long driveway.
"I just met Beyoncé, I don't think you understand the damage you just did." She turned to Lewis, who kept the same smile as before. "And that is?" "I'm never going to stop talking about it."
"I'm glad you're happy. Saw an opportunity and I ran for it." He voiced, patting her thigh before putting his hand back on the steering wheel. "Remind me to give you the biggest hug when we get home." She smiled, becoming comfortable in the seat, not knowing how much Lewis' heart raced after hearing her refer to the house as home.
"Stay still! I need my vision to come to life." Nadia ordered, holding his face in her hands. There were two different earrings on his ears and she was trying to decide which better suited the outfit. "Okay, wear the first pair then go to the mirror and tell me what you think." She requested, standing back to let him look at his outfit.
"Oh this is really good. Ooh, this outfit is good." He admired his outfit in the mirror, impressed by her styling and how she kept it simple yet so him.
"Glad you love it. Let me go get changed so that we won't be late." She rushed, almost running out of his room to hers, luckily her hair and makeup was done. Nadia quickly put on her outfit and made sure to take pictures in the big mirror in the closet.
Soothing over her top, she then places her sunglasses on her head and spritz her perfume for the last time before stepping out the room. At the same time, Lewis stepped out of his room and glanced at her outfit before doing a double take.
Everything sat so perfectly, the outfit had really simple colours that weren’t too loud but her silhouette accentuated it all. Both outfits complimented each other greatly whilst showing their own style individually. “Wow.” He blurted out, hoping that she didn’t hear that.
“Damn I did good.” She muttered to herself as she looked at him as well, very proud of her styling.
“You ready to go?” Lewis asked, finally focusing on her face and fidgeting with his rings. “Yeah, yeah.” She said in a light voice, carefully walking towards the stairs then feeling his hand slip into hers to help her downstairs.
“Remember, this isn’t real,Nadia.”
“Remember, this isn’t real, Lewis.”
nadiahamilton • 15 min ago “great day to be a lakers fan”
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dividers by: @cafekitsune
nadia’s faceclaim: @/unclewaffles on ig!
all pictures are from ig and pinterest!
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lucky-fy · 1 year
~ mutuals I want to know better ~
That was quite the surprise @easy-revenge ! Thanks for the tag!
Last song I listened to: Breezeblocks by alt-j and the whole time, I was thinking about Falin and Marcille from Dungeon Meshi… I mean… “Please don’t go, I’ll eat you whole, I love you so […]”
Fav colour: hmm, tough choice. I’m more of colour-hater than a colour lover (I don’t like purple, even if I use it all the time for shading, lol). I guess I do like brown a lot, when accompanied with blue. Nice combo, no matter the shade. I like brown tabby cats best (I’m more of a blue eyes lover, though)
Currently watching: some seasonal anime, like Mushoku Tensei season II.
Currently reading: I’m giving Dungeon Meshi a re-read, with the official French translation this time around. I’m taking notes for fanfic writing. Otherwise, Brave New World is waiting on the nightstand.
Sweet/savoury /spicy: never heard of savoury as a flavour, aha. Is it umami? Probably is. In any case, I’m not picky and I like them all. What I’ll eat will depend on my mood.
Relationship status: single and not really looking for a partner. I’d prefer to be well on HRT before trying to find someone, if I ever bother to go looking. I’m more of a “ride or die” type of person, so casual stuff is out the window in any case, lol.
Current obsessions: *looks at my blog* Dungeon Meshi, ahaha. I can’t wait for the anime, I’m sure Trigger will do well. Kinda hoping for a full-series adaptation! Otherwise, Chainsaw Man is still on my mind, always. I have a bunch of CSM Beastars!AU WIP, fanart wise.
Last thing I googled: “Akita Inu”, as I was talking with a relative and they said they saw a tall Japanese-type dog. I showed them pictures, to which they said “yes, that’s the dog I saw!”
Currently working on: many things… Completing my current sketchbook for student credits, writing a “scientific Pokédex” for student credits (an excuse to look into many animal species and expand my own knowledge for work later on, all while having fun with speculative biology), re-reading Dungeon Meshi, analyse the characters and write fanfic for them (starting with a Laios and Lycion thing… I haven’t decided what yet), learn basic video editing so I can make the Dungeon Meshi edits I want to see (Talk by Hozier with the Winged Lion *cough*), write for my OC on Master Poké (RP forum, there’s a summer writing event going on). I've also had this idea for a Skyrim fanfic, featuring a werewolf Khajiit who has lived a big part of their life in Falkreath. Shit happens. Anyway… I won't be able to complete all of this before classes start again *sigh*
tagging: @catcrow236 @rachaeltad @brn-t if you want, of course. No pressure! :D
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barthelsea · 2 years
My Idol-Tom Hiddleston
TW: I do not own any copyrights of the interview, this post is merely for school homework
Tom Hiddleston, 41, became a household name as part of the Marvel universe, playing the god of mischief, Loki. Alongside many high-profile film roles, his TV credits include The Hollow Crown and The Night Manager, for which he received two Emmy nominations. In 2021, he began starring in the Disney+ spin-off series Loki.
What was it like to make the transition from the big screen to the small screen in your first Marvel spin-off? I was just really honoured to be asked. We all wanted to retain the integrity of the character – I wanted to make sure we didn’t lose the bits that people loved, while doing something new. I also hope Loki coming out as bisexual was meaningful to people who spotted it. It was a small step, and there’s further to go. But it was definitely important to all of us.
What would you be doing if you weren’t an actor? I think there would be something very rewarding about teaching. I would teach drama or Shakespeare.
Have you ever been mistaken for anybody else? I was mistaken for Michael Fassbender once in New York. The guy who stopped me was really disappointed – it was just so awkward and embarrassing. I said: “I’m sorry to let you down, let’s just both pretend this never happened.” I didn’t tell him I was an actor.
What is your TV guilty pleasure? Blackadder. I watched it when I had my tonsils(1) out when I was about 12 or 13 and it really cheered me up. Going back to it now, there’s that nostalgic(4) quality.
What do you eat in front of the TV? I don’t eat in front of the TV a lot. But a chocolate digestive with a cup of tea is a winner, especially in the winter.
If your life were a TV show, what would the title be? Keep Calm and Carry On [laughs]. Bouncing From Here to There. Or Just Keep Swimming … that's a line from Finding Nemo, isn’t it?
What makes you reach for the remote (to turn the TV off)? Sometimes you just need to ration(2) your news intake. Which isn’t to say that we don’t need to know what’s going on, but you have to have a boundary.
Who is the most famous person in your phone contacts? The Avengers. I think they're pretty well known?
Are you Succession’s Team Shiv or Team Tom? I find that relationship excruciatingly(3) painful. It’s a tough call. Do I have to choose one of them? Shiv could have been more considerate and generous to Tom, but you see how brutality is baked into the experience of that family.
Interview adapted from TheGuardian.com- Tom Hiddleston’s year in TV: ‘I hope Loki coming out as bisexual was meaningful to people who spotted it' by Hannah J Davies
(1) tonsils 扁條線
(2) ration 定量分配
(3) excruciatingly 極端地
(4) nostalgic 懷舊的
It’s a tough call. = It's a difficult decision to make
  Tom Hiddleston is a famous English actor, he gained fame after his role as Loki in Thor. What makes people fall for his charms?
  There are several reasons why people love him. From the outside, the Greek god-like face of his is a gift from the god. When you meet his eyes, you will often find yourself lost in those forest green eyes, and when you look closely into them, you will find a river of stars in the shade of blue and eventually get lost in. His glazes are always non-judgmental, but amicable and genuine caring. Moving on, the beautiful body figure of his is another reason worth appreciating, not too masculine and not too thin, especially when the three-piece suit brings out his well-shape body. On the inside, he is a fine man, he is always kind but also gentle to everyone. For example, there was once he was taking photos with Emma Watson in GQ's affair. He purposely bent his thumb away from her waist so that he won't touch her skin inappropriately even though she was wearing a crop top. Another fun little fact is that there was another time when he brought soup for the reporter who tagged him on Twitter, jokingly requesting Tom bring some soup to him at the affair later that night due to the cold weather. Finally, he is a fountain of wisdom. Of course, many actors are intelligent and bright. However, the word he spoke brings delight and reassurance, to tell you though the cruelty in this world, choose to believe in the bright side of it. Because they will give you courage to overcome the hardships in life. Tom Hiddleston’s words had supported and inspired thousands of people, including me. I appreciate the courage he gave me to put myself together and face negative emotions.
 As warm and soft as the sun in the winter, he had brought hope to many who are confronting fierce. To sum up, Tom Hiddleston is a person who has a kind heart and is intelligent, these traits make him more adorable and admirable than just looking at his gorgeous appearance. I believe that if we could learn these wonderful characteristics from him, our life will be more elegant and graceful.
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greenhappyseed · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're having a nice day.
I'm curious about the Singularity. I wonder if it will be solved or if the characters will ignore it. It seems relevant in the wellbeing of the future generations.
If New Order still exists, I think it could serve as a solution since it can do anything, apparently. My idea is that the quirks cease to exist but I'm not sure if it's a good one. Like, the pros and contras for the story and its themes, the characters' arcs.
I would like to know your thoughts on this. If you have blogs talking about things related, I would like to read them too.
And I have another questions:
Do you think both AFO quirk and OFA will dessappear?
Is Shigaraki's adaptation to AFO artificial?
Hi @alchemist-fantasy! I hope you’re having a good day too. Sorry for taking a bit to answer your ask; you had tough q’s and I want to make sure I answer as best I can!
1. Will the Singularity be solved?
I think the Quirk Singularity will be addressed, but not solved or cured. Figuring out how society should handle the Singularity is an enormous global threat, much like climate change is for us. Unless there’s a big magical event that strips all quirks from the DNA of every human (and animal!) on the planet, the world will need to plan for the Singularity. I don’t think even New Order could do that because of the touch + say its name activation requirements.
I also don’t think Horikoshi will go for the magic option because another solution — collective action that reaches deep for the humanity within a superhuman — is much more aligned with the themes of the manga. In other words, MHA currently has a society that suppresses quirks and doesn’t teach people how to control them or live with them (oh, and society unleashes superpowered “heroes” on anyone who uses their quirk in public for any purpose, accidental or not). Vigilantes goes into this in more detail, as does Team Up Missions Ch. 1, where a man’s quirk built up poison gas in his body and he didn’t know how to regulate it or release it safely (and he got arrested for, uh, leaking in public).
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But what if society collectively invested in letting people use their quirks for the purpose of learning their limits? So they could control those quirks? What if Dr. Ujiko is wrong, and the secret to stopping the Singularity isn’t upgrading the “hardware” at all? What if school taught unbelievably powerful kids how to regulate their emotions, use their quirks safely, and take care of the people around them? What if quirk counseling and safety resources were available to everyone, even adults, so there’s no risk of falling through the cracks?
This is the lesson of Eri, of course, but it’s also present in this final battle with Shigaraki. If the heroes can demonstrate that saving Tenko is the key to helping Shigaraki control the strongest body in the world — a body that can withstand the Singularity; a body that can shapeshift to meet fleeting desires for violence — doesn’t that prove emotional regulation is the key to keeping humans in control of quirks?
I’m guessing the series will likely end with the characters and governments working together on a plan to modernize and adapt society to the looming challenge of the Singularity.
2. Does New Order still exist?
No, I’m pretty certain it’s gone. Not only did Star herself say this, but it would be weird for New Order, which was never mentioned before Star, to suddenly roar to life and save the day. As you pointed out, New Order could be used to do ANYTHING, which I personally find narratively unsatisfying compared to themes that have been built up over 360+ chapters.
I think New Order is more likely a clue for how to defeat AFO — that is, we already knew quirk factors could be fatigued, but Star proved that quirk factors can deal damage to other quirk factors AND can be extinguished. AFO cannot get rid of quirks; he can only take from someone or bestow to someone. Otherwise he relies on the power of his quirk to keep the vestiges within it under his control. I think AFO eating the rebellious vestige in Ch. 356 might be an example of this control (or else it’s him learning to break a basic rule of his own quirk, which surely has some other downside?).
3. Will AFO and/or OFA disappear?
I suspect AFO and OFA will disappear if the story needs them to. Not to be cynical, but if there’s a sequel or second spin-off heading our way, Horikoshi has laid the groundwork for more copies of AFO to be hanging around out there. And where there’s AFO, well….
That said, I have a sneaking suspicion that Tenko will hold OFA, at least for some period of time. Aside from the “ten” in “Tenko,” he has a body that can hold a post-Singularity quirk…which is what OFA is now. Tenko is the only quirked person capable of holding OFA. Otherwise it has to be someone quirkless, and the next generation (1) isn’t likely to have many quirkless people; and (2) the quirkless people that ARE born would break their bones worse than Izuku if they tried to wield OFA.
4. Is Shigaraki’s adaptation to AFO artificial?
Sort of. Shigaraki underwent a physical “remodeling” procedure that was four months of “hellish agony” in order to have a body strong enough to hold the AFO quirk and its stockpile of stolen quirks. Then he had the AFO quirk itself implanted, which involved some way of ingesting foreign DNA/cells. After all, AFO couldn’t pluck a hair from his head and say, “EAT THIS!”
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But is that remodeling procedure “artificial”? Maybe it is in the same way that any transplant, implant, body modification, or cosmetic surgery is superficially “artificial” because someone’s body wasn’t “born that way.” However, it’s not “artificial” in the sense that these procedures can heal people or affirm who someone truly is. (I’m trying to be super clear here that I don’t agree with or condone TERF nonsense.) I think there’s some in-universe truth to the “healing” power of the procedure for Shigaraki too. He thought he needed more physical power to live out his dream of destruction. Think about how he is smiling, serene and gleeful, in the moments after he awakens in the war. Shigaraki believed his family was holding him back, rejecting who he truly was, and with his new body he was free.
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Until AFO takes over, Shigaraki is confused; he thought he’d feel “satisfied” upon waking up reborn with the AFO quirk. He doesn’t understand why he has such a strong desire for OFA, or why his body turns out to have some vulnerabilities. Shigaraki is chasing the feeling of freedom, like he can take on the world with nothing to stop him, and his choice to change his body is an inherent part of that.
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Request: How the Demon Brothers React to a Very Competent Caretaker MC
The prompt: MC has to take care of lots of siblings back in the human world. Not, like, 6 or 7 siblings, but TWENTY-FOUR!! MC can multitask like no one’s business and can easily take care of any problem that might arise with their siblings. MC is great at taking care of others and enjoys it. The hang-up is that when they come to Devildom, they suddenly find themselves with a lot of free time and aren’t really sure how to fill in those gaps since they were always dedicating themselves to others.
Anon! Your message was so sweet but I was having technical difficulties writing the post as an answer so I decided to just make a separate text post. Btw, your great-grandmother sounds like a total badass, what an inspiration! I hope you don’t mind my work around for the technical issues and I hope this lives up to what you were looking for!
Edit: I wrote this for the formerly Undateables as well, check it out here.
As the youngest he doesn’t completely understand but he does love his family (even if he doesn’t always show it).
He is kind of amazed with how competent MC is and how easily adaptable to the needs of him and his brothers.
He’s kind of selfish so oftentimes he abuses your nurturing nature.
After the events in the attic, Belphie does worry you’ll hold it against him, even subconsciously. You cut the tension one night by saying, "You can't kill me, I've survived my little sibling trying to play violin with a chainsaw!" The mental image makes him laugh.
Belphie would be the best brother to consult with if you want to learn to be a little selfish yourself. It doesn’t have to be a complete personality overhaul but there is value in knowing what you want and making those wants known to others.
While taking care of so many siblings, you never had the opportunity to take naps and he is offended! But secretly loves that he gets to show you the joys of a nap.
Beel loves taking care of others, just a very loving boy. The two of you get along like peas in a pod. 
It’s very easy to fall into old habits around him because he has a personality that makes you want to care for him.
Since he’s so strong, he does fear hurting you by accident. You let him know, “I don't fear pain, I do my school homework upside-down while on a ladder changing the lamp." While it doesn’t totally extinguish his fears, the thought of that total body workout intrigues him enough to distract him.
If you want to fill some time, he would love to have you join him at the gym or come see his games.
Physical fitness and nutrition are fundamental to taking care of yourself and Beel would be the demon to go to to learn more if you’re interested. 
Also, I’m sure you would agree but cooking is a form of love so if you enjoy spending your free time baking and cooking, Beel will follow you around (for the treats lol). He’s said it before, if you know how to cook then he wants you to stay by his side.
“Treat yo self” is his guiding principle. He is your demon to teach self-care.
If you’re looking for something to do, part of your time can be filled with his routines for skin care, hair care and mental health checks.
Casually you mentioned one day, “"Me, go to sleep? I'm the oldest sibling, I don't sleep, I worry with my eyes closed!"
“MC! You need to get your beauty rest!” He countered. I can imagine that he basically drags you to Belphie to figure out how to sleep better.
Although he has a lot of knowledge to offer, you are quick to pick it up and help him in braiding his hair out of his face or gently applying a face mask.
The fun part of learning from Asmo is that there’s always some new beauty product to try and he loves having a buddy to try it with. 
He’s amazed with everything you can do. He asks you to teach him how to do things he watches you do flawlessly.
He’s definitely curious to hear about what it’s like living with so many siblings, 6 seems like too many sometimes so 4 times that is completely unknown to him.
Satan was helping with some homework and suggested tackling an easier assignment first, you challenged him with, "Don't underestimate me, I managed to make a toddler spell pneumoultramicroscopicssilicovulcanoconiosis!"
He laughs as he confirms he wasn’t underestimating you, just trying to offer some guidance for efficiency.
You need something to pass time? Satan has enough books in his room to literally last your lifetime.
He can help you find any kind of book, simply let him know what you would be interested in and he probably has a suggestion.
He’s drawn to you and at first he doesn’t know why. Later he realizes it’s because you’re so good at listening where his brothers usually just ignore him.
Games and anime are a great time filler if you’re interested, he’s got all the best recommendations.
It might be tough to get into first if you’re not used to binge watching a series or gaming for hours on end.
When he apologizes for possibly annoying you with his rants you assure, "You can't annoy me, I've endured eight rebellious teenagers!"
I could imagine that you’d resonate with slice of life animes as an introduction to the genre and possibly adventure games with a good story would catch your attention.
Even if you’re not totally invested, he enjoys your presence since you’re not dismissing his interest.
Listen, he’s a good older brother! Some of his personal decisions are questionable but he’s dependable when needed.
Definitely king of random interests so your well-rounded abilities are actually well suited to keeping up with whatever past time has piqued his interest this week.
Mammon would probably be confused when you see something during one of his shopping trips that you clearly want but refuse to buy. Eventually he builds it up enough (like the demon on your shoulder whispering in your ear lol) that you do end up getting it.
What you had first dismissed as Mammon being materialistic, you slowly come to realize because of him that you can surround yourself with things that bring you joy and so your days are filled with happiness.
He can get reckless so he appreciates your protection from Lucifer’s punishments and hides behind you like some of your siblings did at home.
He protects you too though! He stands up for you and points out things that are unfair to make you aware. 
Oldest sibling comradery from the get-go.
You’re both very responsible individuals and when you join forces, it’s like nothing is impossible.
He’s the one you go to the first couple weeks when you find yourself with free time. He’s sure to have something to be done to help fill the newfound free time.
Over time he comes to rely on you but he’s worried he’s overworking you with the tougher assignments. You made sure to remind him, "I have no difficulty with this task, I'm the oldest of twenty-four siblings!"
Lucifer recognizes your competence and he excels at boosting confidence and pride so don’t think you are not immune to that.
The more time you spend with him, the more you develop a stronger sense of self-worth and self-determination. He practically gushes pride at the sight of you defending yourself and claiming the value of your time near the end of the exchange program.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 2 years
Hi!! I'm new to the fandom (I started reading the books because of the AMC show) and I just finished Queen of the Damned. I've seen a lot of fans say that you should stop there because it gets a lot worse. I saw what people were saying about what's in them and :/ Can you recommend any fanfictions set after the third book so I have something to read in the meantime before the show premiers?
Hello and welcome to the fandom! See, I had a feeling that the AMC show would do this, like any other adaptation, draw new ppl in who find their way to the books!  ✨✨✨ 
It’ll be interesting to see how fic writers write fic set in the AMC verse, whether they’ll choose to pull anything from canon, still, or if they’ll situate fully in the AMC characterizations and plot points.
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So yes, there are fans who call books 1-3 “the trilogy," and it's up to you whether you want to continue. I always recommend continuing and reading all of canon if you can, and just skip over scenes or books that don't work for you. I think of canon as a buffet, take something from this hot plate, skip over that weird-looking vegetable dish, have an upside down meal with dessert first, etc.!
It depends what you’re enjoying about the books, really. Which characters you want more of? Bc Anne did write the books in a way that explores their stories individually and as an ensemble.
One of my friends adores Daniel, ships Daniel/Armand, and didn't read Pandora, skipped over it, and kept going into the series after Pandora looking for more of Armand and Daniel. Now, it could give you more insight about Armand to read Pandora, because of her relationship with Marius, which had an impact on Marius' relationship with Armand. But it’s not necessary. 
As far as fanfictions set after the third book... that's tough, bc tbh, ppl don't always say in their description when the fic takes place, I skimmed my works and even I didn’t always do that 😬, but there are also lots of fics set within books 1-3, which you might want to stick to to avoid books 4+ content. 
There are fics set in modern times long after books 1-3, in which you might get the canon references to things happening in any of the books, which it seems like you may be trying to avoid? So I would recommend you read fics that are either books 1-3, or AUs, because AU fics may have spoilers about books 4+, but you won’t understand the references to canon events if you haven't read the books? Idk this is a tough one!
I can shamelessly promote my VC coffeeshop AU fic that I co-wrote with @wicked-felina, Signature Blend, here. I’m 99% sure that the only thing in it that’s a spoiler for books outside 1-3 would be the presence of Mojo the dog, from Tale of the Body Thief (book 4), but he’s a pure cinnamon roll, and you could treat him like he was in canon - just a dog we all love!
There will also be fics set in the AMC verse, I'm sure of that, so you could wait a bit and read those ;-D
People are welcome to comment/reblog this with their own fics, or other ppl’s fic recs for Anon! I would prefer not to add more recs myself, only because I know I'm interested in fic from anywhere and everywhere in canon, and I don't want to play favorites (other than my one moment of shameless self-promotion) on this response.
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TMNT in Japanese #3
If any of you have read my previous posts on the Japanese version of the various Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tv series, then you may remember I briefly mentioned that there are three separate dubbed versions for the 1987 series in Japan. If you haven’t read them then I suggest you check them out before reading this, especially part 2! [Links to Part 1, Part 2]
The first dubbed version was broadcast on NHK BS2 from May 6 to July 15, 1991, under the title 「アイドル忍者タートルズ」or Idol Ninja Turtles in English. Then, from 1991 to 1992, Towa Video released a dubbed version with a completely different cast for VHS, but kept the title used by NHK BS2. Then, from October 6, 1993 to September 27, 1995, the show was broadcast on TV Tokyo with a another all new cast and crew, and was re-titled 「ミュータントタートルズ」or Mutant Turtles in English. (Source: Wikipedia)
The crew behind each of the dubs took differing approaches on how to best adapt the turtles for a Japanese audience. NHK BS2 specifically, took great creative license in portraying two of the turtles, Donatello and Raphael, that may or may not surprise a western audience.
Like I mentioned in my post about Japanese sentence endings that TMNT characters used, the way a character talks tells the audience a lot about who that character is, their background, and personality. In this post I’m going to talk about 口調 (kuchou) which refers to the way someone talks, or their tone of voice. Again, this language feature also relies heavily on stereotyping, and as it was the late eighties and early nineties when these decisions were made, much of what you’re about to read wouldn’t really fly today, so keep that in mind.
First up is Donatello who, according to Wikipedia, has a 「ワイルドな口調」or literally a wild manner of talking, meaning that he has a very direct, rough, manly way of talking. It’s difficult to say exactly what about his style of talking is “wild” as there are many ways this can be established, and without watching even a clip of this version of Donatello in action, I can’t say exactly what it is about his way of speech. It could mean talking fast, and aggressively like a tough-guy, or it could mean using crass and direct words, or even both. Off the top of my head the only example I can think of for this style of talking is Renji Abarai from Bleach, and the like. To give some kind of relatable context, this style of speech is closest to 2003 Raphael in English. He cuts to the point, and doesn’t tip-toe around sensitive stuff, and often comes off sounding harsh. I’m not sure why they choose to go in this direction with 1987 Donnie, but if I had to guess, it’s to do with the fact he’s a mechanic and engineer, seen as a ‘manly’ job that gets your hands dirty and what not.
The more interesting change of speaking style is for Raphael who, again according to the Wikipedia page, speaks with a「オカマ口調」, which is basically means he talks like a stereotypical gay Japanese man, or trans Japanese woman. Now, the word オカマ (Okama) can mean a number of things such as, gay man, crossdresser, trans woman. However, in anime and Japanese video games it often refers to very stereotypical, big, muscly-looking men who wear women’s clothes and speak in an effeminate manner. The word is often used negatively in derogatory way and may cause offense to some, but it is often used positively, too. Thus, 「オカマ口調」refers to the way an Okama speaks. Having said that, I believe these days オネエ言葉 (Onee-kotoba) is the preferred term to refer to how they speak but the word Onee can also be offensive to some, however the word Okama itself is still used frequently even in media today. The most famous “Okama” on Japanese TV today is Matsuko Deluxe who is EXTREMELY popular.
Some of you may think this was an out-there decision on the part of the Japanese staff involved with the show, but it kind of makes sense for 1987 Raphael’s character and role in the show as the sarcastic comic-relief character, with his sassy comebacks and fourth-wall breaking. Okama characters were very popular in Japan at the time as comic-relief characters, and most likely in an effort to make the American show more palatable to the Japanese audience, those involved added characteristics more familiar to the Japanese to make the turtles more relatable.
If you are interested in learning more about LGBTQ language and identities in Japanese, check out this article from Tofugu, and please read their disclaimer before proceeding.
If you’re curious about translation and want to see some examples of how the word Okama is handled by translators and localizers, then check out this article from Legends of Localization (Content Warning: this article contains all possible translations of Okama in English, including slurs.).
If you are curious about how Okama characters are portrayed in anime then you can find out more on Japanese with Anime (Content Warning: this article contains all possible translations of Okama in English, including slurs.). 
This post is extremely long, so I’m going to stop it here. I hope I explained it at least half-decently and respectfully, but I’ll admit this is not my area of expertise. I wish there were more information to go off of on the Japanese TMNT Wikipedia page other than just the words in question. If anyone out there has any links or other useful information about the Japanese version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987, please share!
NOTE: As per usual, I just want to say that I haven’t watched the 1987 show in Japanese as TMNT content in general is difficult to find here, and the show was released long before the internet was a thing so I haven’t been able to find any clips online either. I was really hesitant to even post this because of the lack of information compared to previous posts in the series, but ultimately thought there might be some interest and educational value in it. Anyway, most of this post was explaining the brief description provided on the Wikipedia page, with explanation based on my own experience and research. So, take what you read here with a pinch of salt.
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Kaoru & Toshiya Rolling Stone Japan 18th May 2021
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DIR EN GREY talks about the current unique expression method and fun.
DIR EN GREY has postponed their concert scheduled to be held at Tokyo Garden Theater on May 6th. However, if you read this interview that took place two days before the decision to postpone the live, it's easy to imagine that the band will continue to move forward no matter what.
Using the single "Oboro" released on April 28 as the reason for this interview , we asked leader Kaoru (Gt) and Toshiya (Ba),who makes his first appearance in Rolling Stone Japan, about the current state of the band.
Feel free to correct me if you spot any mistakes or any confusing parts. Links or credits to this post when the content is reposted or captured in other SNS is appreciated : ------------- Original interview: Rolling Stone Japan (includes pictures)
Text: Joe Yokomizo -First of all, please tell us the details of releasing this single at this timing. Kaoru: We've been talking about releasing a single around this time for a long time. But, we were asked by the company to release it sooner (laughs).  They told us “Can’t you release it around February?”. But we said we couldn’t record it in such a hurry and pushed the release back (laughs). So, the release was decided  at the time it was originally scheduled.
-Is it a song you wrote recently?
Kaoru: We chose it from the ones we had in stock.
-How do you choose a song? Like, is there a discussion among the members? Kaoru: We had a talk about if it’d be good to release a ballad or a melodious song this time. Then, we chose it from the songs we had at that time. Toshiya: That's right. We thought  a melodious song or a mellow song would be good, so we chose it from the songs we had in stock. As a result of the discussions we had, we came to the conclusion that “Oboro” was the best choice. I personally thought this song might be able to become a single, but I also thought that it could be a good idea to save it for the album.  I thought it could become a song  that would be the core of the album even if it was just included in the album. Kaoru: We haven’t released any ballad as a single recently. We did it quite a while ago so we felt like it would be good if we tried it.
-It's true that a ballad as a single is quite fresh for DIR EN GREY, and the arrangements are ... Kaoru: Simple. Pretty simple, but it took us a while to get there. -Do you want to increase the number of notes that are being played at the same time? Kaoru: No. Rather than messing with that, it felt like the notes were gradually confronting each other. There wasn’t a big change, but it took us some time to decide the overall flow, how to do it and the final result. -DIR EN GREY has a strong image as a band that is playing lives often. Until now, you released something and toured, released something, and toured. All over again. The releases haven’t stopped yet but the tours and therefore the lives themselves have stopped because of Corona. How do you feel about the state of the band? Toshiya: Since we couldn’t play lives, I think the part of exploring as a band is big.  But personally, at some point, I got over that. The band wants to move, but it’s hard to do it. Even if we think about it, we can’t do anything about the situation so, we haven’t stopped thinking about it, but I think we got over it at some point. Rather, we had no choice but to get over it. -Even if you keep thinking about it, nothing will happen.
Toshiya: That’s right. Even if we just write songs and do the pre-production all the time, if that’s all we are doing, it feels like a pie in the sky all the time. It’s a strange feeling, isn’t it? We didn’t get another answer before but, the process of getting that answer has changed. There was a series of routines like making an album, playing lives, making an album, and doing live performances after that but wasn’t that cut off entirely? Then, we are doing it as usual, but something has changed at some point.  And it may just be that kind of era from now on. I think we have no choice but to adapt to this. However, even I think about how it was before, I’m starting to think that it won’t be like that again, and we may just get over it. -Did the production itself change due to the lack of lives? It is often said that a song evolves when it is being playing live, but if you make a song in a situation where it is difficult to imagine playing it live, will the image of the song, how to make it, and the depth of making it change? Kaoru:  Even if we are making songs, it feels different from usual. To put it the other way around,  as the situation is unique now, maybe it’s a song that can only be done at this moment. But it’s like…. wouldn't it be nice if we could create something interesting? I don't know if we are even thinking about it. I think that the fact that there was always a tour up until now had a big influence. As we always had a tour, until then we’ve limited production time. That's why there was a switch, because now we have infinite time. To be honest, if you take it easy, you’ll space out. After all, it was great to be pushed, force myself into doing it  and work hard (laughs). -About making it “the right time” by themselves -Regarding the unlimited production time, how was it for you, Toshiya? Toshiya: I think I'm grateful. However, I want to use it as much as I have. As there were moments I got distracted/ was being lazy, I feel that there are good points and bad points, to be honest. -What's the good thing about this recording? Have you tried something new? Toshiya: After all, in the end time is chasing me (laughs). But this time, I felt that I had a little leeway in my heart. That's why I thought about the single in various ways.Then I wondered if I could release this or that and people would listen to it. It’s common to say this but, when you start thinking about figures, I've even thought about if it's good or bad to release something at this timing. I wondered if it’d be better when this corona situation has settled down a bit more. But well, even if you wait for that time to come, then I would wonder about when that time would come, so in the end, I thought it was unavoidable to think about it. If the right time doesn't come, I think we should make it become the “right time”. Rather than worrying about it, I thought that if such a song was completed and it felt good, we should release it. -It's certainly important to create the right timing. Toshiya: People all over the world are dealing with it now, or more like, we are waiting forever, aren’t we? Personally, I don’t think the situation will return to normal even if we wait. I think it’s more useful to think about how to proceed in a situation like this. I personally came this conclusion, or at least, I’m trying to. -Listening to what you are saying, I remembered Samuel Beckett's play "Waiting for Godot." The two main characters are waiting for Godot, but in fact, no one knows who Mr. Godot is, and I don't know if Godot actually exists. But they are waiting, believing that he will eventually come. Toshiya: Everyone, including myself, is waiting now. But what on earth are you waiting for? If you think about it, it’s like we're just waiting for "that moment”, right? But honestly, I don't think “that” will be back. I think it has changed. Then we have to move towards it. I'm a bit scared to stop waiting any longer, but I think we have to take a step forward. Kaoru: I agree with you. -DIR EN GREY Unique ideas -By the way, the new song "Oboro" is said to be a sequel to a previous song. The lyrics are done by vocalist Kyo but for you two, is it a sequel? Kaoru: I was told that but I wasn’t particularly drawn (by that song). The beats and tempo of the original song of "Oboro" are similar to that song. So maybe he was drawn by that and made the lyrics like this. After hearing that the lyrics would be like that, I've never been aware of it. Toshiya: I wasn't even aware of it at all either. I thought “is this it?”.
-By the way, in Toshiya's words, "Oboro" is a song that can be the core of the next album ... Toshiya: It’s just a song. The talks about the album are making rapid progress but now there are endless possibilities, including how to play the songs live. So, I think it's okay if there are songs that exist just as part of the album, and conversely, there may be songs that are only for playing them live. In other words, from here on, how to add value will become even more important than ever. Kaoru: It's nice to have songs that you can only play live. Toshiya: About that, if you might do that at that time, you might want to play it live? I’m thinking about how to add that value to the song. I want to do a live concert, but we can't, moreover if you even do a concert normally, I’m sure it won’t be interesting. -It looks like broadcasting a regular live is difficult, right? Kaoru: A live that it’s going to be only broadcasted is a bit tough. In that sense, hearing what Toshiya said about songs that only can be played at lives are, in other words, songs that won’t become part of an album are really interesting. Toshiya: I don’t know. I was thinking it to myself and I just said it (laughs). Kaoru: There may be quite a few….songs that are like, “Which one is this?". Moreover, no one mentions those songs in an interview (laughs). Toshiya: Ahahaha. Kaoru: Even among the fans, sometimes it’s like “which song is that one?”, and don’t even know the title. The set list doesn't  even have the title of the song. Toshiya: I think it doesn't have to be just the song , but the production. I recently thought about it. In the past there used to be a lot of  imaginativeness/ playfulness on the DIR EN GREY’s cds. Recently, I remembered that was pretty normal. But from now on, if we are going to put out the record ourselves,  I want to make something that can be enjoyable. On the old DIR EN GREY cds, I remember I was asked to find out where the lyrics were written. When I think about it now, it's quite a prank, but that prank was surprisingly interesting. -How about the leader (laughs)? Kaoru: I put a lot of things into the sound (laughs). -The  particularity/commitment in “Oboro” -The “mischievous and eccentric” idea that Toshiya mentioned is swallowed normally before one knows. I think expression itself is a struggle, but in the age of the Internet, the speed at which it is swallowed is accelerating. That’s why,  even if that happens, I think it is important to keep fighting, recognizing that "I am not just like this". Kaoru: That's exactly what I do. Because I never thought I have a good taste. Even though I can’t make a song, it feels like I'm doing it just because I have a competitive spirit. -Like you don’t want to be taken into ordinary things,  or do you want to do something that has never been seen before? Kaoru: I want to do that, but it takes time. Speaking of gimmicks, in “Oboro” there are a lot of them. -What kind of “gimmicks” are there? Please tell me some. Kaoru: It's not interesting if I told them (laughs). There are many sounds that you can't hear. There are lots of sounds that you can feel.  I thought it would be great if you could feel it. And I'm thinking about putting a lot of that into the next album. -There is something I would like to ask about lives. I think we are in a situation where values are conflicting. If you play a live, even among fans there’ll be the conflict of the “Don’t play a live in these circumstances”  versus the  “Thank you for playing a concert in these circumstances”  position. Kaoru: It's difficult, isn't it? Neither of these positions are wrong. However, as a band, we won’t stop. So, if the conditions allow it, the live will go on. I think there are a lot of people who says “"Oh, I'm going to live at a time like this. These people’s views have changed”. But well, I think this is happening in other bands as well. -That’s right.  In any band, there is a faction that says to play lives and a faction that wants to stop. How should they come to terms with each other? Kaoru: I don’t think normal life will be back for a while here. If someone says “Yes, it’s nothing in the end”, it may change, but it’s that going to happen? The point is, I think it will be difficult unless the number of infected people goes down. Because Taiwan, where the number of infected people has decreased, there are even festivals taking place. Toshiya: We are choosing a method (against Corona  virus)  that doesn't work right now, but as it is the government who is doing it, isn’t the situation delicate? I think so. When it comes to what is driving people, I think it’s the number of people getting infected, as Kaoru said. The only way to reduce that number may simply cause damage. If you lock down hard like in the UK, you will suffer tremendous financial damage. I think that's why everyone can get lost on the way. However, although it is extreme, unless you have such a strong will, you will continue to do it subtlety and the number will drop again,  “Oh, now it’s ok because the numbers have dropped a little” and then after a while they will surely increase again, won’t them? And then repeat the same process. If that happens, I’m worried the same process will be repeated again and again if you don’t cut it off at some point. Kaoru: Tokyo is under the state of emergency for the third time, but I would like them to stop doing lockdown so suddenly. It’s so hard if there is no warm-up/grace period.
Toshiya: Regarding this state of emergency, I will obey what they say, because I have to obey. But in order to do it, I want something that gives me hope. I feel like suddenly, time was taken from me. -Before the light can be seen, “Oboro” -I want hope. That being said, DIR EN GREY's music always sees light at the end. But in the current situation, we can't see that light. I don't think you can understand the meaning of the lyrics unless you're Kyo, but I'm wondering what "Oboro" means. Like, in this era everything is obscure in an ambiguous sense? Or is it a night with a hazy moon but, you can see the light even faintly because it’s hazy? How do you two interpret it?
*Joe is making a reference to the song title,   朧 (Oboro) means hazy,dim,faint.* Toshiya: If possible, I think I want it to be hazy before you are able to see the light. Before people lose the courage to do their best, being surrounded by fog all the time. - It's true that humans aren't that strong. If there is hope, what is it? What kind of hope are you seeing now? Toshiya: That would be ……the best would be that the Corona situation comes to an end. But before that, I'd like  "Oboro" to be released properly. Some CD shops are closed due to a state of emergency, so even if you made a reservation, some people may not be able to get it on the release date. So, I hope that "Oboro" will reach everyone who made a reservation. -Which is Kaoru’s Oboro? Kaoru: I think either of them are interesting. In any situation as well, it’s something that it’s only now. It’s also an expression method that can only be done now. Of course, the band will continue, and I will be writing songs, but I think it would be great if we could express something that can only be done now, or something that is interesting. -Anyway, "Oboro" is an excellent title. Toshiya: When you think about it now, that’s right. It can be interpreted as this uncertain situation, and it can also be interpreted as a situation where a faint light is visible. Kaoru: I want you to listen to it and feel it.
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firewoodfigs · 3 years
Hi!! Could you do "It was a hospital bed, and A slipped in carefully to lie beside B all night" for a Royai fic from that prompt list? Thank you!! ❤️❤️
hello anon!! thanks for the prompt aaaah I had a lot of fun toying with it in between work and the other shenanigans that have been cropping up this week <3 I hope you don't mind the somewhat unusual ending ahaha I dimly recall writing a few other fics indirectly responding to this prompt (here and here!) so I wanted to try something slightly different from my usual fare 👉🏻👈🏻 part of this was also originally from a two-shot I'm working on, tweaked to fit the prompt hehe. I hope you enjoy!!! 🥰
Riza can think of a million reasons why hospitals are awful.
First, the food. She’s not sure if it’s as nutritious as they make it out to be; there are times when she wonders if it’s even edible. She’s had worse, of course - hospital food isn’t as bad as ration bars - but she’s quickly getting tired of eating plain yoghurt and bland porridge every day, for every single meal.
Second, the stench. Riza hates that every inch of the place smells like a victim of obsessive cleanliness; she has to resist the urge to upchuck every time the door opens and the smell of chemicals and antiseptic filters in like an unwanted guest.
Third, the fact that she’s sharing a room with a man who, at this point, is behaving more like a cat on hot bricks than a disciplined soldier is quickly driving her insane. She’d readily agreed to be his caretaker, of course; Riza doubts there’s anyone else capable of dealing with his antics and ever-growing anxiety. But after hearing him sigh and toss and turn in his bed for the fifty-eighth time that night (she’d counted, because she was bored out of her wits, and there was nothing else she could do other than sleep or stare at the ceiling, per doctor’s orders), Riza decides she’s just about had enough.
She looks at him from her bed. He’s presently engaged with twiddling his thumbs, thinking out loud.
Riza sighs and rises from her bed quietly. She brings the IV stand along with her - an unnecessary inconvenience - and carefully slips into his bed once she’s made sure that the tubes and wires connected to them are tangle-free.
“I never pegged you as an opportunist, Lieutenant,” he murmurs, despite her best efforts to be discreet. “Sleeping with your commanding officer while he’s blind?”
“You could always court martial me later, sir,” Riza deadpans. “Now scoot over.”
Luckily, he obliges without much retort. 
“Your wish is my command.”
Riza huffs. She adjusts the thin, scraggly piece of linen that the hospital justifies as a blanket - another downside of this shitty place - and makes sure he’s probably covered, warm.
“Three words,” she mutters.
“Eight letters?”
“Twelve, actually.”
Roy raises a brow. “What could it be?”
“Would you like to wager a guess, sir?”
“Not really.”
“You’re an idiot,” she says. Roy laughs, and it’s a tiny little sound that is so discordant with his current mood, but it’s at least genuine. “Now go to sleep.”
“Alright, alright.”
He stops fidgeting, for a while. Riza closes her eyes and attempts to fall asleep - and she actually does, for a while - at least until she hears the sheets rustling again, the movement and tension coming from beside her. She groans softly.
“You should sleep, sir.”
She feels him stiffen. Roy smiles sheepishly, looking right through her like she’s not there. It still unnerves her how this is probably going to be their new normal: him without his sight. Her as his eyes.
Riza frowns. An apology is not the answer she wants. What she wants is for him - or them both, actually - to sleep and rest and properly recuperate so that they can have a speedy recovery, so that they can get out of here as soon as possible.
“Bad dreams?” she asks, because it’s the exact same thing that’s been haunting her. (She’s lucky her throat makes it impossible for her to scream or kick up a fuss; she’d hate for Roy to stumble blindly through the room in what he probably thinks is an act of chivalry and/or heroism.)
He shrugs.
“Then and now,” he offers. His smile fades, and he lapses into an unexpected moment of vulnerability. “Hard to differentiate between day and night nowadays, too.”
And because Riza doesn’t know what to say, she simply brushes her knuckles against his.
Roy returns the gesture, drawing indiscernible patterns on the back of her hand with his bandaged one.
“Well, it’s almost midnight now, sir.”
He lets out a small laugh, but it’s painfully hollow.
Riza shifts slightly. It’s a bit of a tight squeeze - hospital beds are clearly not meant for two persons (or anything inappropriate) - but it doesn’t bother her all that much. She just wishes there’s more she can do, to comfort him. Make him feel a little less gloomy.
“It feels like I’ve been sleeping for years.”
“If it helps reduce the incidents of you falling asleep during office hours, then you should get more sleep now, while you can.”
Roy turns, like he’s searching for her, even though there’s not much closer she can be at this point. He exhales shakily. She feels his hand trembling against hers, and responds with a gentle caress. (She knows he’s still feeling guilty, probably berating himself internally about their predicament, about what transpired beforehand. And to be fair, there’s a part of her that’s still angry about all that's happened underground. They’ll probably have to talk about it, at some point, but probably not now — not when they’re both still drugged up and only half-lucid.)
“Humour me, Lieutenant.”
“I can’t sleep,” he confesses. Dimly, Riza notes that his voice has taken on a somewhat petulant edge — like a child complaining about their bedtime, but she doesn’t comment on it. Being nearly bedridden for a week is enough to drive her nuts, too. “I’ve tried counting sheep and all that shit, and it’s just — it’s not working.”
Riza sighs. She’s tired, yes, but she’s also aware that she’s probably not going to get any sleep at this rate. She tries to think of ways to stave off his restlessness. Reading is one — she can probably bore him into sleep with a Xingese recitation (she’s gotten pretty good at that lately), but she’s technically not supposed to be talking much. Alcohol is another, but neither of them are supposed to be drinking (and besides, the only form of alcohol available in hospitals isn’t meant for human consumption). Maybe chess, then. She’s not particularly keen on playing a game of chess, now (because she just wants to sleep), but she thinks it’ll help exhaust some of his boundless energy.
“We could play a game of chess, if you want. Breda was kind enough to drop a vinyl board here in the afternoon.”
“I can’t see —“
“I’ll tell you where I move my pieces.”
He frowns, clearly not liking the idea. “You’re not supposed to be talking much, Lieutenant.”
“I’m fine,” she insists, turning to pour a cup of water for herself before continuing. “I won’t have to speak much — unless you’re being a nuisance or a cheat or a fraud.”
He laughs. “I’ll be none of those things, Lieutenant.”
She sets up the board on his bed and helps him sit up. Riza lets him play white.
“It’s your move, sir.”
“You’ve made yours?”
“No. You’re playing white.”
“Tough. It’ll be more embarrassing if I end up losing.”
Riza smiles. “Well, we don’t know that yet, sir.”
He opens with pawn to e4. She helps him move his pieces and parrots her movements back to him. Pawn to e4, too. Pawn to d4. Same here. A closed game, not quite like his usual aggressive style of playing.
Riza watches as he frowns with intensity. It’s probably more a test of memory than strategy for him at this point. She wonders if there’s a way he can adapt to chess, to the military’s utilitarian (and frankly unsympathetic) demands now that his sight’s impaired.
(Life is so unlike chess, Riza thinks, in spite of Roy’s silly metaphors that postulate otherwise. The rules are never fixed, and the universe is always rife with uncertainty. It’s not like chess, where you can predict your opponents’ moves if you get good enough. Neither of them had expected that he’d be here right now, losing sleep and contemplating life over a chessboard while blind.)
He clucks his tongue, reciting a series of movements from memory. The Blackmar-Diemer. Riza smiles indulgently.
Still as aggressive as ever, sir.
Of course.
The game quickly becomes a round of blitz, and though he manages to open his lines and mount a rather decent attack, it’s clear that he has trouble recalling after the eighteenth move. It's still an impressive feat, though. Better than the average layperson.
“Check,” Riza announces, conversationally. Technically, she’d had the advantage, both on the board (and in real life). It shouldn’t really count, and besides, checkmate isn’t her objective — it’s to get her commanding office to sleep.
“Well-played,” Roy hums. He’s strangely still in his bed as he closes his eyes, rubbing at his temples — presumably to ease off an oncoming migraine. It happens a lot, when he’s in deep thought, when he’s over thinking. Thinking too much for his own good. “I need to work on my recall, I think.”
“I think so too, sir.”
He laughs, but the sound is again empty, foreign. It is so at odds with his usual smirks and unbridled laughter (when he’s laughing at someone else, or a joke made at somebody’s expense), like there’s an ache beneath the surface that she cannot reach.
Roy turns slightly, bumping into his dethroned king as he adjusts himself on the bed.
She blames the sudden, uncharacteristic urge to cry on her drugged-up system.
(Riza doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to how uncommunicative his eyes are. He’s always regarded each and every one of his subordinates with respect and meaning and gratitude, but he’d simply looked over the unit as if taking inventory when they had come by earlier.
But she’ll make do, Riza thinks. She has to. She’s always known him in a way nobody else has, in a deeply intimate way, like a book she’s memorised by heart.)
They fall silent for a few minutes. His lips part a little - she knows  he’s about to say something - but it snaps shut again, like he can’t bring himself to say the words.
Riza simply waits for him, like she always has; holding onto his held breath like it's the last thread of hope. She leans into his touch a little closer than necessary.
I’m right here, even if you can’t see me.
Roy smiles.
“I hope I won’t forget your face, Riza.”
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koelns · 3 years
book challenge !!
found this though @hklnvgl and absolutely loved this so i thought i’d give it a try!
favorite book from this year: so far- a house of sky and breath.
ebooks, audio books or prints? in the past i was always one hundred percent prints because of literally a plethora of things. the smell of a new book, turning the pages, being able to decorate bookshelves, having another excuse to go to barnes and nobles... now though, i think i’m leaning more towards ebooks because they’re so much more convenient easier to keep with you. paper books get really difficult to lug around during moves and with ebooks you can adjust the page color, font size, and other things to make it really personalized. 
top five of all times:
oh my goodness what? okay so this is illegal to ask of a book reader but if i had to say, my top fives would be.
we are liars by e. lockeart
house of earth and blood by sarah j. maas
fallen by lauren kate
savvy by ingrid law
matched by ally condie
faves for:
sci-fi: the lunar chronicles by marissa meyer most definitleyyy
contemporary/romance: it ends with us by colleen hoover
historical fiction: a night divided by jennifer a. nielsen
fantasy: lore olympus by rachel smythe
queer: a song of achilles by madeline miller
top 3 book couples: 
this is also illegal to ask a book reader?!?! so many tricky questions gah-  okay, so there they are:
percy and anabeth from percy jackson and the olympians
noah and allie from the notebook
abigail and preston from collared
top 3 book characters:
okay. so this is going to be a tough one... first my baby cameron briel from the series fallen. though not a main character he went through so much development and i’m so proud of him. next is the one and only, lilah from lilah. she’s so incredibly spunky and bull headed like me. her story and development all while figuring out her love life? chefs kiss. last but certainly not least is ivy from kissed by an angel. she goes through loss and supernatural occurrences and just her emotional journey and everything tied with the plot- love her.
book(s) with potential that didn’t quite pull it off: yeah yeah i know that there’s a netflix adaption and it’s really neat and all but i could not get behind six of crows and or shadow and bone. it felt like every other fantasy story with certain bloodlines having magic some elemental and some solar. it was like a newer mix of a court of thorns and roses with throne of glass.
book(s) that got you through something: most definitely the percy jackson and the olympians series. i read that series while my home life wasn’t the best growing up and i still own all of uncle rick’s books. well- maybe not the demigod files but all of heroes of olympus, percy jackson and the olympians, the kane chronicles, and the magnus chase series.
book(s) you’d recommend: omg so i know everyone knows about a court of thorns and roses and throne of glass but sarah surely hit the ball out of the park with house of earth and blood aka crescent city. it’s such good world building and without a doubt one of the most beautifully intricate books i have ever read. she ties in murder mystery, romance, fantasy, action, and so many other genres it’s crazy. i’ll recommend this series any day. i just actually bought the sequel!
a genre you want a book recommended from: honestly anything and everything! feel free to dm me with books you feel passionate about or want to share. muah.
alright! that just about wraps this up. i’ve linked the books with links to their barnes and noble or amazon pages so feel free to check these out! 
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mylifeincinema · 3 years
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My Best of 2021: Non-2021 Films
My Best of 2021 is a series of annual lists in which I pick the best of the best from 2021, all leading up to my official picks for My Top 10 Films of 2021.
I saw a lot fewer new non-2021 films as I would have liked. Less than 15, I think. So it was tough making this list, but only because several on here don’t really belong on any ‘best of’ lists. Oh, well... here they are.
1. A Mighty Wind (Chistopher Guest, 2003)
A hilarious mockumentary about folk music that dismantles and pokes fun at the genre and the artists therein without ever becoming callous. And the original songs are fantastic.
2. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (Powell & Pressburger, 1943)
Powell & Pressburger really could direct a movie, couldn’t they? Some of the narrative stuff doesn’t quite work for me, but the character work is phenomenal, and the performances behind them are so full of heart and dedication and loyalty that they fill in the parts that didn’t work and help create a whole that packs a punch.
3. Another Round (Thomas Vinterberg, 2020)
A film about alcohol… both its positives and its negatives. How it brings out the best in us and how it brings out the worst in us. This is a fascinating film about four friends stuck in a painfully boring rut who bust out of it in gloriously drunken fashion; a study of walking a line and finding that said line is quickly beginning to blur. Mads is a powerhouse, here. And that ending is every bit as wonderful as you’ve heard.
4. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (Joseph Sargent, 1974)
Matthau and Shaw are incredible, here. Just so pitch-perfect.
I love how bare-bones it all is. Just a simple heist/hostage film that doesn’t feel the need to overwrite its characters.
This is so, so much more effective than the remake, overall. And I actually really like the remake, too.
5. Best in Show (Christopher Guest, 2000)
It’s really funny. Guest and gang know what they’re doing, they know how to do it, and they milk it for every single available laugh.
6. Let Him Go (Thomas Bezucha, 2020)
This is NOT the film I thought it was going to be. Wow. This is such an effective slow burn of a film, with great performances from both Lane and Costner, a thematically rich, emotionally resonant screenplay and an explosive third act.
7. The War of the Worlds (Byron Haskin, 1953)
I loved the design of the Martians, and the VFX in general is just a ton of fun. There’s some really creative shit going on, here. Yeah, the ending is painfully anti-climactic. And sure, it’s Wells’ fault. But I’m still surprised no adaptation has managed to make it even a little more exciting/thrilling/interesting... and that’s a shame.
8. Greenland (Rick Roman Wuagh, 2020)
Significantly better than expected.
Butler puts a lot of his goofy machismo aside to accentuate his character’s desperation, here, and it pays off. They opt to tell this story with a greater focus on the human angle than the always crowd-pleasing ‘disaster porn’ angle, and that also pays off.
Also, most of this plays out very similar to Spielberg’s War of the Worlds without the aliens. That’s a compliment.
9. The Hunger (Tony Scott, 1983)
Not Scott’s best, but it does manage to captivate occasionally. Bowie is phenomenal in an all-too-small role. And Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon’s chemistry is equally natural and completely intoxicating.
10. Honest Thief (Mark Williams, 2020)
It’s at the lower end of the Liam Neeson action vehicles, but even that still makes for an entertaining ride. Neeson’s fantastic in this type of role, and it’s very hard not to cheer for him. The writing and directing here could have been better, but they do their job well enough for the type of film it is.
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
Next Up: Assorted (Animated Feature, Foreign Film, Editing, Screenplay, Etc.)
More of My Best of 2021...  
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pochiperpe90 · 4 years
Beware of the thief
How do you become the longest-lived criminal in the history of Italian comics? For LUCA MARINELLI it all started as a child, at the zoo. Before the eyes of a panther
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«The cold determination of a panther that silently approaches its prey: this is the expression I tried to instill in our Diabolik's gaze». When Luca Marinelli frowns and lights up the panther's eyes - the writer has had the opportunity to get a taste of it during the interview - the first instinct is to flee that look: too intense. It will be him, armed with a dagger and dressed in the famous tight black jumpsuit, with a hood that leaves only the icy eyes uncovered, to interpret the anti-hero born from the imagination of Angela and Luciana Giussani - the two sisters of Milan well known in history as the Queens of Terror - in the awaited cinematic adaptation of the comic directed by the Manetti Bros. (Ammore e malavita), in cinemas from December 31st.
«Fifty years in the homes of Italians. 150 million copies sold. Impressive numbers. Diabolik is an icon, it belongs to the IMAGINARY of hundreds of thousands of people"
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During a walk along the Kreuzberg canal in Berlin, his adopted city since 2012, the Roman actor explains that the choice to be inspired by the feline for the interpretation of the character is not accidental. «Fans will know that Diabolik takes his name from a panther. Their meeting, which lasts a few moments, is significant: after a high-tension face-to-face, the feline decides to spare the boy, almost as if he had smelled a fellow in him. The panther was one of my favorite animals as a child. I remember like it was yesterday the day my parents took me to see it at the zoo, and my amazement in front of that creature, that night-black mantle, shiny and iridescent, with bluish reflections, and that deep, rhythmic breathing. Finally, particularly indelible in my mind is the feeling of sovereign calm that emanated from the animal». “From the beginning, I had a good feeling about this film,” continues the actor. «The first meeting with the Manettis, which I have been following with interest since the time of Zora the Vampire, took place in Rome, in the neighborhood where both Antonio and Marco and I grew up. They explained to me that they had a very specific vision of the character's personality, but that they would like to see what I could offer them. We auditioned together, which was very useful in igniting the spark of collaboration. I have a clear memory of that day and the subsequent exchange of emotions and thoughts. When I later found out that I was chosen for the part, I was very happy».
Luca Marinelli is certainly not new to acting challenges. From the dazed Mattia in ‘The solitude of prime numbers’ (2010), the character with whom he conquers notoriety, over the years he engages in roles that are not very easy, very different from each other ("The only thing they have in common is my nose", ironically, pointing to his face), showing great versatility and an extraordinary capacity for psychological identification. Among his most convincing interpretations, that of the Zingaro in ‘They call me Jeeg’ and that of Martin Eden in the homonymous film by Pietro Marcello, with which he won, respectively, the Silver Ribbon and a David di Donatello as best supporting actor and the Coppa Volpi as best actor. But dealing with a myth like Diabolik, the object of an almost sacred cult, is a new challenge.
«Fifty years in the homes of Italians. 150 million copies sold. Impressive numbers. Diabolik is an icon, and for this reason it belongs to the imagination of hundreds of thousands of people. If you think you can satisfy them all, you start off on the wrong foot: you risk that the final result is not what you really want to stage, but I'm sure the public will not be disappointed, or at least I hope. You will see how much love and respect there was in implementing this transposition", explains the actor, who speaks with full knowledge of the challenge of interpreting an icon: in 2018 he plays a true sacred monster, Fabrizio De André, in ‘Principe Libero’ by Luca Facchini. A friend told him: you're crazy to take this part. But he, careless, immerses himself in the biography of the singer-songwriter, ventures like a shrink into the maze of his psyche, and he returns to the man of that icon, receiving critical acclaim for that insidious role. The only flaw, some malevolent purists observe, is his Roman accent.
Despite being a comic book hero, to face Diabolik, the actor «decided to avoid any comic characterization of the character, trying to give a convincing representation from a human, psychological point of view. Who is this mysterious man, who with his criminal findings terrorizes the rich city of Clerville? What vicissitudes lead him to become a king of crime? Questions that have become the starting point of my research. For months and months, my flat was flooded with comics, scattered all over the place. And for every hundred I read, the Manettis - who I suspect know all the 800 and more numbers in the series - were ready to lend me as many». Day after day, Marinelli has thus sneaked into the lair of the King of Terror: he spied on his objects, opened his wardrobe, rummaged in his drawers. “I fell in love with him, unconditionally, without giving in to the temptation to express a condemnation or an acquittal. It is a precious lesson, which was passed on to me in the Academy: never judge your character. You risk that a distance will form between you and him which, I play hard, is negatively reflected in the quality of the interpretation».
The result is a film that is radically different from the first film adaptation, directed by Mario Bava, in 1968. "Among its strengths, there is a fascinating 1960s aesthetic, made up of machines, costumes, places and a thousand technological inventions of our Diabolik», he says. “To my great pleasure, I was involved in the discussion of the character's look right from the start. Particularly difficult was the development of the mask and the legendary black suit, designed by Diabolik himself and equipped with fantastic characteristics, not repeatable in reality. An almost impossible mission, but after weeks of attempts, thanks to the collaboration of all departments, we arrived at a result that was very satisfied: we did it by working together. I want to emphasize the all together. When you work with the Manetti Bros., this aspect is deeply tangible: everything takes place in an atmosphere of great exchange and collaboration. Many have known each other within the crew for years, and one almost has the impression of having been adopted by a large family, rather than working on a normal set ».
“Who is this mysterious man who terrorizes the rich city of Clerville? What led him to become what he is? For months these questions have been my RESEARCH"
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The film - which the Manettis defined as "darkly romantic" - will also tell, to the delight of fans, the prodromes of the love story between Diabolik and his partner in crime, Eva Kant (Miriam Leone). "Two special, different people who first sniff each other with suspicion, only to recognize each other as soul mates," he explains. “I really like their level of complicity. Diabolik, however, is a very tough and reserved character, who rarely shows a feeling: this is certainly one of the differences, perhaps the clearest, between him and me. I am his opposite: as a good romantic and empathetic, I confess, I often cry. I think that doing so can be an important moment of openness, growth and awareness, which we should learn to actively seek. Are you feeling down? Play the saddest song you know and give yourself a treat: enjoy your tears, a friend once told me. Holy words: woe to keep everything inside. You run the risk of walling yourself up alive behind a senseless wall of hardness».
Although "very interesting", the actor prefers to gloss over future film projects out of luck. "At the moment my wife and I (the German actress Alissa Jung) are very busy with our association: we are about to open the headquarters of PenPaper-Peace in Italy, the association founded by Alissa in Germany, with which we built two schools in Haiti after the disastrous earthquake of 2010». As the actor launches into the memories of his first trip to the Caribbean island, the weeping willows of the Kreuzberg canal that framed the interview mentally give way, for a moment, to the lush vegetation of the Caribbean. «Indelible memories. Two years after the disastrous earthquake, I found a country on its knees, surrounded by rubble, pain and despair, but also many smiles and a contagious desire to live", he says. As the name of our association suggests, all you need is a sheet of paper and a pen, and you can give a child education, and with it a possibility, a future. And this not only in Haiti, but all over the world. At the moment we are focusing on a project in Italy that will support the boys and girls who are going through this difficult period of the pandemic».
GQ Italia
Just wanted to translate this interview for the non-italian’s fans ^^ (sorry for my English)  
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skouwty · 4 years
A little bit gay (Damon Salvatore x Male!reader)
Pairing: Damon Salvatore x male!reader
Warnings: internalised homophobia and homophobia in general
Word count: 1073
Summary: One of Y/N’s classmates make a scene at the grill, Damon steps in to clean things up.
Notes: I might make this into a series if people are actually interested?
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The gay friend. That’s what Y/N was always considered. Never the best friend or the oldest friend. Just the gay one, the only invited to sleepovers because of his ‘mad manicure skills’. That was Y/N’s life, and boy did it suck. 
It was in seventh grade that everything changed. Y/N left Mystic Falls, moving to live with his father in New York - rather than with his mother. A few years passed, and he moved back home to Mystic Falls. It was fair to say he had… glowed up, and learned to hide his effeminate side. His father made sure of that. So, upon returning home, it was like a whole new Y/N. A straight, woman loving, version of himself - or so he would seem to someone not in the know.
He found himself at the Mystic Grill after the first week of school came to a close. Someone was holding a welcome back to school party, and he found himself mingling with some of his old classmates. They seemed to like the tough-guy version of himself a lot more than his… real self. That hurt, naturally, but you have to adapt to survive, right? Unlike most of his friends, he was in the last year of high school, and he had only returned to Mystic Falls for just that. His final year of school - for nostalgia’s sake. That meant he looked old enough to drink, and that meant he quickly found himself at the bar ordering himself something… strong. Sure he had made friends, but that week had been hell on earth - he’d been lying about himself the whole time. Pretending to like… sports and other things he found utterly drab. Pretending to be someone he wasn’t. It stung worse than vervain on a vampire.
Next to Y/N, sat a dark-haired man - he looked as though he had only just graduated by a year or so. He ordered a bourbon, neat. Then, he turned to Y/N with a smirk - one anyone who knew him could call his ‘iconic look’. “Aren’t you a little young to be drinking?” He asked with a raise of his eyebrows. In response, Y/N deadpanned at the attractive stranger and stook a long sip of his drink, not even flinching as the fiery liquid chased down his throat. 
“You were saying?”
“Woah, he’s a feisty one.” Damon knitted his eyebrows once more, as though he hadn’t expected that from the man beside him. “Anyway, what brings you to drink away your sorrows? Isn’t it a little early in the party for that?” He asked, gesturing back to where Elena - a childhood friend of Y/N’s - and a handful of her friends were standing around a pool table. Of course, there were others from school there, but Y/N hardly recognised them for the most part.
Y/N tapped the side of his nose, “Exactly that, it’s a party, and let me let you into a little secret - none of them like me, at least the real me… But that is a story for another time, and for someone who isn’t you.” Y/N laughed softly, “No offence, but you’re a stranger, Mr.”
“It’s Damon, and now I’m intrigued.” He leaned over, facing Y/N completely in preparation to compel him. “What’s your story?”
Y/N looked surprised at first, but suddenly he felt like he had melted into his chair, mind sort of… stopping to listen to whatever Damon was talking about. “I… I… they don’t know the real me. I’m pretending to be someone I’m not so I’ll finally fit in.”
“Oh that’s… sad, and a lot less juicy than I expected. Shame.” Damon looked dissatisfied with what he had learned, taking a sip of his bourbon and savouring the burn. Y/N seemed somewhat confused for a brief second, but the haze quickly passed and he found himself looking back to the group. There was a new guy there getting friendly with Elena. Y/N recognised him as the new kid at school, but something was… off about him. “Who is that?” He mumbled under his breath, thinking out loud. 
Damon somehow had heard Y/N and replaced his focus to the group. “That, getting cosy with Elena, is my dear little brother-”
“Your brother is cute.” Y/N froze, realising what he had said. How could he slip up so easily? “I mean- oh shit-”
Damon remarked, hardly phased by the comment, to Y/N’s delight. “Oh please, I’m obviously the attractive sibling.” 
“Well, I won’t lie, you’re not too bad yourself.” Y/N whispered, far too quietly for any normal human to hear. Of course, Damon was no human, so the comment reached his ear easily. He smirked, not giving any other tell.
“Look at you, little queer Y/N’s all grown up.”
“Beat it, Johnson, no one cares.” Y/N hissed at the larger male approaching him from the party.
The supposed Johnson mocked: “Awh is the widdle gay boy getting upset? Is he gonna cry like he used to?” In response, the far smaller frame of Y/N stood and shoved the jerk by his shoulders, sending him a few steps back.
The brute laughed, before sending his hand slamming into Y/N face, busting his nose and standing a rain of blood dripping down towards his mouth. Surprisingly Y/N was only shortly taken aback, squaring up quickly again, clenched fists ahead of him ready to fight. However, before any other punches could get thrown, Damon was at his feet and stepping between the two ‘punks’.
He stared directly into the assailant’s eyes, compelling him: “Dick move, buddy. Step away from the fight and go back to flirting with girls who have no interest in you.” So Johnson did… he just blanked and walked back to the party, as if nothing had happened. Damon turned away, walking back to his seat and collecting his drink up to his lips. He sipped, then spoke up once more. “I really hate playing the hero, so don’t-”
“Why did you- no… what did you just do? How did you get that jerk to just walk away?”
Damon tapped the side of his nose just as Y/N  had done minutes before, “That is a story for another time, and for someone who isn’t you.” He laughed softly, “No offence, but you’re a stranger, Mr.”
“The name’s Y/N.”
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Jan/Feb 2021 Picks
HELLO! It’s been a while, but I’M BACK!! Life has gotten a lot busier as I started Grad School this January. So, I feel it may be tough being on time with future Monthly Wraps like I’ve done in the past with working on my MFA, and my job. I’m going to probably do more seasonal wrap ups when I get the time. I also think I’ll be posting more individual posts as I watch an episode. Because even with a busier schedule, there is always time for TV and there’s so much I want to talk about!
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You know the drill. Spoilers are coming.....
You’ve been warned :)
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I want to start off by mentioning that I have not watched this week’s episode yet. So the last one I saw was EPISODE  6 with Halloween in the late 90s/early 2000s.
I didn’t know what I was signing up for when I watched the first episode and I have been blown away. It is such a cool concept and I love the fact that everyone who watches it is confused. There have been so many interesting theories out there and I am so curious what is going to wind up being true. I love all the nods to old sitcoms and TV shows as well as all the MCU Easter Eggs. (I mean they got X-men’s Quicksilver-like WOW.) It feels really Black Mirror at times with the breaking of the fourth wall. I will never be able to shake the feeling I got in Episode 3, when Vision reversed. (And then I saw a bunch of videos with him looking at the camera as Wanda looks at the TV. Eww I don’t like it, but it’s such a good move on their point.) I love the outside plot as well and the characters who were previously side characters in other MARVEL movies. The love for Jimmy Woo is astounding and I’m here for it. I’m glad it’s Friday, so I can watch the next episode. I’m just upset that we’re so close to the show ending. The next Disney Plus Marvel shows better be just as good. Wandavision set the bar high.  
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If you’ve visited this page recently, you know I have a very strong love for this show. It is the only one I am still watching religiously on the CW and I am tuning in the night it airs. (That is HUGE for me.) IT IS JUST SO GOOD AND I DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START....
2x05 just aired, which would have been the season 1 finale before COVID and I have it saved on my DVR to watch again. There’s just so much I want to relive and catch that I missed the first watch through. It would have been SUCH A GOOD FINALE, but I’m happy that we can continue with new episodes starting next week. And with the way it ended...there’s so much I need to know!! I’m just curious how fast they’re going to develop certain plots. I love the Drew Crew and how they are a family. Each character is so well developed and their chemistry is great. I love learning more about each of them and watching them develop. My favorite character is definitely Ace. I love all his witty lines and how he is opening up more to the group as well as to us, the audience, as we get more of a look into his personal life. I enjoy all of his scenes with his dad and specifically liked when they were celebrating Shabbat. (I am also here for the Nancy and Ace content. I gush more about this on my other blog: lydia-whogowith-stiles. Check it out if you want to hear more.)
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When I watched the Christmas special (or was it New Years? and why does that feel so long ago) of Doctor Who, BBC America kept advertising a new show called the Watch. Due to the extensive amount of commercials, I decided to tape the first two episodes (which premiered back to back) to see what it was all about. I was unaware that this series is based on the book series created by Terry Pratchett. When I came to see if people were talking about it on Tumblr, I saw that a lot of people didn’t like it because of how drastically different it was. As I was unfamiliar with the original, I can’t compare. The TV show was eight episodes and I just watched the last one that aired this past Sunday. I definitely liked the first half of the season more (I noticed my mind start to drift as I watched later ones), but thought the finale was good. I really enjoyed how they incorporated the theme song. I didn’t realize the connection earlier and now can’t stop humming it. (I don’t know if there will be another season or not.) I enjoyed the characters and how it was like nothing I’ve seen on TV before. It got me thinking a lot about blending genres. I would still recommend checking it out.  
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I was VERY excited for this show to come back. I loved the first season so much. It’s just such a heartfelt show and it helped me survive the early parts of quarantine. So far, this season I am noticing how detailed the musical performances are. Mandy Moore is doing an AMAZING job. The choreography is *chefs kiss* I also feel like the song choices have been great and not always the ones I think that would be picked. We are getting to learn more about each character and watch Zoey and her family as they continue life after losing Mitch. I am here for Mo and Max’s restaurant. I think the concept would be so cool in real life. Who knows maybe we’ll see one now. (Max’s rendition of ‘Numb’ was amazing. I’ve never heard the song like that and I think it might be one of my favorites of the season so far.) I hope Max and Zoey get back together by the end of the season. It did feel fast, so I do understand why they had to break up, but it still makes me sad that we watched them get together and then it was taken away from us. The last episode before the break was so powerful and I think the show did an amazing job applying real world issues into their plot. It did not feel forced at all and brought so much awareness. Upset we have to wait so long for a new episode. 
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Are you looking for a good mystery, but don’t think Disney Channel can provide it? Think again. I have to say, when I started watching I was not expecting this show to be a part of my monthly picks. It pleasantly surprised me. The show involves the mystery of a young girl, Savannah, who went mysteriously missing at camp back in the 90s. Apparently, her ghost still haunts the hotel that was on the camp grounds to this day. Then Griffin and his family buy the hotel with intent of fixing it up and reopening it after all these years. The people in the town think they’re crazy because of its past. But there’s something more going on with Griffin’s dad as well as some of the other adults in the town. They know something about Savannah’s disappearance, but aren’t saying anything about it. While this is a kid’s show (and only half hour episodes) it has been interesting to see where the story will go. I’m sure I am imagining much more intense things for her disappearance than what actually happened. It’s also not super cheesy or have bad acting, which is refreshing. (I really feel Disney Channel has gone down.) Either way, I don’t know how many episodes are left to air, but I think we’re pretty close to the end. If you’re looking for a quick, entertaining mystery I would highly recommend.  
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And here come my period pieces (ironically both from Masterpiece/PBS this time). I know last year I felt like I watched a lot of historical watches at the beginning of the year. We’ll see if that continues to happen this year too. It does serve as a nice escape. Plus, these are some really good stories. 
Miss Scarlet and the Duke is a part of Masterpiece Mystery on PBS, although it aired on a different network in the UK. It is (another) mystery series (shocking I know with that title!) It follows Eliza Scarlet who has a nose for mystery, but as a woman living in the Victorian era does not have any rights except for being a wife and mother (two things she would rather not be). When her father dies (apparently from a heart attack...emphasis on apparently), she takes over his Private Investigator business. Much to the dismay of long time family friend William “The Duke” who is a Detective Inspector for Scotland Yard. Eliza is often in his office as she gets arrested for being places she shouldn’t or trying to get information out of him. This element of Eliza having to work in a very male dominated Victorian society is one that I feel I haven’t really seen on a TV show. I really like her dynamic with William. There’s always that feeling of “will they won’t they,” but I don’t feel the show just focuses on that. The mystery is the heart of it all. This last week’s episode was REALLY GOOD. As we got to find out more regarding her father’s death. I hear a lot of people want a season 2 and I am right there with them. This show deserves it. 
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Another PBS Masterpiece watch. I love this show, so much more than I was anticipating. It is so heartfelt and makes me so happy and in a good mood after watching it. It follows James Herriot who has recently graduated from veterinary school, but is struggling finding a job. Then he gets a call from Siegfried Farnon’s veterinary practice in Yorkshire. Siegfried is known for having a harsh demeanor and temper, so the assistants he hires don’t often last long. Spoiler alert, that should be pretty obvious, James does. The cast of characters are so lovely and I like all their relationships with one another. The show takes places in the 1930s and I realized I don’t often watch things in this era, so that has been fun to explore. The sets and locations are BEAUTIFUL. In the episodes, we often get these amazing shots that sweep over the exterior and I want to travel to Yorkshire like tomorrow. (See more escapism, it’s great.) The main plot follows everyone interact in the town and watching James become a more confident and experienced veterinarian (which I decided I could never do after watching). I heard that it has been renewed for a second season so that is so fantastic. 
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The first things I heard about this show was how disappointed everyone was in how they decided to adapt the Winx Club show from their childhood. On this I can agree, but I decided to watch the show anyway. I pretended that it was something new entirely and I have to say I enjoyed it. Of course, there were parts that bothered me and then I had to remember it was a teen show, so angst would be annoying. I think overall it was too short (and should have at least 8 or 10 episodes), but I’m happy that they were able to conclude the main plot well. (Although we did get that cliffhanger, but it is exciting that it was released the show just got renewed for a second season the other day.) I really liked Silva-mainly because it was great seeing Thomas from Downton Abbey in something else. I also enjoyed seeing Jacob Duchman in more things. It was a surprise to see him in Medici and I am just happy he is adding more to his IMDB. 
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Quick and addicting watch. Add it to your queue. Just forget it’s supposed to be based on something else. 
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Continuing with the Netflix picks, one of my FAVORITE picks from 2020 got a season 2 and it is already on Netflix! That’s right Blown Away season 2 is now available. I seriously loved the first season of this show SO MUCH! Glass blowing is such a magical process and I am mesmerized every time I watch it. It felt weird starting this show with all new contestants, but then Alex came back as a guest judge and I was so happy. It is just as addicting and I cannot wait to see who wins this season. I am just trying not to rush the episodes. 
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I know you were all dying to know...
After taking a hiatus from watching during the holidays, I have gotten back into watching the Disney Channel telenovela on Disney Plus. I am now on episode 68. Things are really starting to happen and I am finding myself getting sucked in again, which makes me happy. Episode 60 (pictured above) had A LOT happen and really was a turning point for the second half of the show. Can’t wait to keep watching. Some really awesome songs from these last set of episodes. 
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This third season has really disappointed me so far. As I’ve previously discussed on this page, it feels like they are just reusing previous plots from the last two seasons when there is so much more they can do. There was so much promise for this show and I loved the Vampire Diaries and Originals so much, that it’s sad to see Legacies miss the mark. I wish they gave Hope more storylines that didn’t revolve around Landon. She is such a strong character and is SO POWERFUL. This is something we rarely see and it shouldn’t only be shown to save a guy (multiple times). Their couple plot is continually doing the same thing. I want to see a lot more development with this show over this season to keep me watching. I am actually happy that there isn’t a new episode until March 11th. (That’s saying something...) 
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