#like if the bread fell off my sandwich I wouldn’t just throw it away
stuffifindoutside · 2 years
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Ah yes, some good fucking food.
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can we pleaseeee get a house or wilson taking care of a regressing reader?? idc scenarios i just neeed more of them taking care of me mngff…
Here you go :) I don't usually write reader inserts and was going back and fourth on what thing to use for the reader, whether it be Y/N or Traveller or something, which I've seen in other works. I went with They/Them Y/N in this to make it as neutral as possible!
Word Count: 1054
Summery: House and Wilson take a regressed reader to the park.
“Are you ready to go, Y/N?” Wilson asked from the kitchen where he was packing all the snacks you were going to need into the bag.
“Yep!” You called back, tugging on your velcro sneakers and fastening them tight. That way, they wouldn’t fall off when you were running around the park.
House staggered up behind you and watched you rush to get ready with a smirk. “Very excited to see the ducks, huh?”
You nodded. “Mhm! Do you think there’s gonna be any baby ones?” The baby ones were the cutest. You wished that people were allowed to pick them up and hold them, but there were a bunch of signs at the park telling everyone not to bother the birds.
Wilson came into the front hall with the packed bag and put on his shoes. “Probably! It’s right around that time, so I’m sure there’ll be some.” He turned to House, “Are you sure you’re good to come along? It’s going to be a lot of walking.”
House waved him off. “Don’t worry, I’ve already taken a bunch of, uh— candy, I’ll be fine.”
You got to your feet and bounced up and down on your heels. “Can we go now? Please?”
“You heard them, Wilson! The park awaits.”
The car ride to the park felt like it took forever. You jumped out of the car and impatiently waited for Wilson and House to get out too. “Come on! I wanna see the duckies!”
Wilson chuckled. “I know. Come hold my hand while we walk, okay?”
You whined. It was gonna be so much slower that way! You weren’t gonna run off! 
“I know, but we have to walk with House, remember?”
House scoffed. “Oh, let the kid run. Just stay where we can see you and don’t go drowning in the pond, got it?”
“Okay!” You didn’t want to leave them behind completely, so you just walked a little bit ahead of them. Besides, Wilson had the snacks for the ducks, so you were gonna have to wait for him anyway. But once you saw the pond, all of that went out the window. You could already see a family of duckies swimming in the middle of the pond, and you ran over to the shore where there were a few picnic tables shaded by the trees.
“Look!” You yelled out to your caregivers as the caught up, “Ducks!”
“Look at that! Do you want to feed them?” Wilson set the bag on the table and pulled out a container of bird seed and oats and gave it to you. “Just small handfuls at a time.”
You took the cup of seeds and tossed a handful towards the ducks, cooing with delight as they noticed the food and began eating it. You turned to Wilson, “Can we feed the duckies other stuff? Like our sandwiches? I wanna share with ‘em.”
House shook his head. “Nope. Bread isn’t good for ducks, it makes them sick. Only we get to have the fun stuff.”
“Oh. Okay.” You thought lots of people fed ducks bread, but if House said it was bad for them then he was probably right. You threw in another handful, closer this time, and the ducks followed it. An idea popped into your head. Maybe you could get them to eat out of your hands! You kept throwing food, closer and closer, until the mama duck and her babies were very close, then put a small pile of it into your hand and offered it out to one of the ducklings.
It hesitantly swam towards your outstretched hand, and just as it was about to nibble the seeds, the mama duck hissed loudly and flapped her wings at you. “Ah!” You fell backwards and shuffled away from the shore, and watched sadly as the duckies quickly swam away.
“Y/N! Are you okay?” Wilson crouched by your side and began checking over your hands, “Did the duck bite you?”
“No…” You said. The mama duck had just scared you. “Why did she get mad at me? I was just trying to feed them! I was being nice!”
Wilson sighed. “She probably didn’t know that, she just wanted to protect her babies. You probably look pretty big and scary to her.”
“Oh…” You looked out at the ducks, which had gone to the other end of the pond. “Sorry mama duck!” You apologized. Hopefully she knew you weren’t trying to hurt her babies.
“Why don’t we have our lunch now?”
You let Wilson pull you up and sat down at the picnic table where the plastic Tupperware of sandwiches and fruit were set out. House had already taken half of the ham and cheese, so you took a triangle before he could eat them all, and one butter and jelly. You ate them quickly. Wilson made the best sandwiches. You thought House’s were okay, but somehow Wilson just made them better.
“Kid, you’ve got jam on your face.” House pointed to your chin.
You used you sleeve to try to wipe it off.
“No, to the left.”
You tried again.
“Just— here.” He grabbed a napkin from the bag and reached across the table to wipe it off for you.
“Thank you!” You said politely. Sandwiches finished, Wilson began to pack up the dishes and you looked around for something fun to do next. Then, out of the corner of your eye you spotted it; the bright neon colours of an ice cream truck parked alongside the walking path. You gasped and grabbed Wilson’s sleeve. “Look! There’s an ice cream truck over there! Can we get some, pleasssee?”
House and Wilson shared a look. 
“…Well, we have ice cream at home already, so—“ Wilson started, but House quickly cut him off.
“So Wilson can have that, and we’ll go get the fun stuff. Come on.” He got up and waved for you to follow, and you eagerly did, abandoning Wilson at the picnic table.
You turned to look back hesitantly as Wilson scrambled to pack up all of your things to follow. You didn’t want to leave him behind! “Should we—“
But House just nudged you along. “He’ll catch up. He’s been practicing, he’s almost as fast as me now.” He joked, and you giggled. Sure enough, Wilson was catching up quickly. “So, what flavour are we thinking?”
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 — mason mount
summary: on Mason’s day with Sydney, you have one strict rule: no messy or sticky food. but you end up coming home to a child and kitchen covered in food.
notes: with the prompts, it’s going to have a weird timeline of ages and genders. in some prompts, the baby will be newborn, or a toddler, or even a kid. sometimes it’ll be a boy, and sometimes it’ll be a girl.
8. Little one getting food all over their face + 36. Little one leaving sticky fingerprints on everything they touch.
“Don’t let him play outside all day, it’s going to get really hot this afternoon.” You instructed, pulling your heels on as you sat on your bed. Today was one of the rare weekends you had work, and nobody else was free to cover. Which meant you’d have to sacrifice your time with your footballer husband and one-year-old. Mason hadn’t had a day yet of just him and Sydney, so you were running him through a few rules.
“I’ll be back at around 7, depending on how quickly I can get through my paperwork,” you mentioned, Mason following you downstairs like a puppy, but you quickly turned and stopped in front of him, “and for the love of God, no sticky food.”
“I’m not a sitter. I’m his dad, I think I have this.” Mason encouraged himself, but you knew how forgetful he was. He’d forget his head if it weren’t attached to him.
“I’m not doubting you, but it’s for my own sanity that you don’t give this kid honey, syrup, or anything gooey and sticky. Do you know how long I spent on my hands and knees scraping honey from the floor and highchair?” You exclaimed, rushing around the foyer to collect your things for work. Keys, bag, phone, folder.
“No,” Mason smirked, “but I can only imagine what that looked like.” His hand reached out to pull you closer, sliding down to your ass and squeezing it gently. You flicked his forehead and pulled yourself apart, rushing over to your son in the high chair.
“Goodbye, Syd.” You cooed, kissing him on the cheek a few times. “Mummy loves you, and have fun with daddy today. Look after him.” Sydney let out a few giggles, going to reach for your clean top with his banana-covered hands, but you quickly swerved out of the way.
You had gone over to the door, turning to give Mason a kiss. “If this goes well, you won’t have to imagine me on my hands and knees.” His mouth had dropped open slightly, smacking your ass on the way out and forcing you to release a squeal. “Bye, bubs.”
“Bye, have fun at work.”
Mason was having a good morning so far. You had left at 9, and he’d given Sydney breakfast, cleaned him up, got him dressed, taken him to the supermarket for some dinner ingredients, and let him have some time in the sun. But now it was getting to 3pm, and Sydney was having nothing.
“Come on, Syd.” Mason groaned, cradling his one-year-old, who had been crying ever since he came inside. “Are you hungry?” Sydney continued to cry, but this time looked up to his dad for a brief second. Mason, taking that as a yes, put his son into the high chair and scoured the kitchen for food.
“How about some jam sandwiches?” Mason suggested and turned to his son, just settling down after realising he’d be eating soon. He’d make the sandwiches, and even cut the crusts off, putting the finished product onto the tray of the high chair. “You stay here, I’m going to pick up the mess you made in the living room.”
He was shoving toys away into the corner box, his phone ringing on the coffee table behind him. It was you, you were on your second break and thought you’d check in. “Hey, bubs. How’s work?”
“Great. I might be finished earlier than 7, I’m zooming through my paperwork.” You replied, sat at your desk and scrolling through your hours worth of work.
“That’s my girl.” He added, proud of his wife who continued to prove herself every day to him, her drive was the sole reason he was attracted to her.
“How’s Syd? He’s not in the hospital being treated for severe wounds, is he?” You joked, leaning back in your uncomfortable office chair. With an office to yourself and a great view, you were aloud to freely talk to your family and friends with some privacy.
“Very funny. He’s just having a snack right now, I’m cleaning up his toys,” Mason answered, standing up and going back to the kitchen to check on his son. Only to be met with a child covered in strawberry jam. His hands, face, even his hair was covered in it. But the bread pieces were nowhere to be found. Mason thought he might have just eaten them, and made a mess of himself.
“Uh, oh.” Your son babbled, which you’d picked up on.
“Why did Syd just say ‘uh oh’, Mase?” You questioned, sitting up from your relaxed position. Mason must have done something for even Syd to realise was wrong.
“Not sure. Maybe he heard it in a song,” Mason panicked, frantically searching for the wipes. “See you soon, bubs.” Throwing his phone onto the counter, he pulled a chunk of wipes from the packet and began scrubbing his son’s hands and face. No amount of wipes would fix his hair, so he’d just have to have a bath.
“Does Syd want a bath?” Mason asked enthusiastically, holding his arms out and picking his son up. He was still sticky and reeked of strawberry jam still, he wondered if the smell would ever go away.
An hour later, Syd was finally clean and watching tv in the living room whilst Mason cleaned the kitchen. This boy had touched EVERYTHING. The countertops, the floor was covered in hardened jam, some was even flung at the fridge. Mason was on his hands and knees for almost half an hour, scrubbing the jam from the kitchen.
You hadn’t texted to say when you’d be home, so hearing the familiar tyres on the gravel was strange. He peeked through the window, spotting you getting out of your car. It was 6.50. Mason’s eyes widened, deciding to call it a day on cleaning and through any signs of jam into the bin.
“I’m home, bubs.” You called out, seeing your son comfortable on the couch. “Hello, mister. Did you and daddy have fun today?” Your son held his arms out, which you accepted and lifted him, carrying him into the kitchen with you. Mason was now chopping some ingredients, trying to act casual about having to clean jam from the kitchen and your son’s head and hands.
“Uh, oh.” Your son repeated, making you frown. What on Earth is he seeing? You looked around, putting your son down and walking slowly around the kitchen to assess any potential damage. Finally, you go to pick your son up but see him pointing at the counter, saying ‘uh oh’ once again.
And that’s why. “Bubs, where is there bread stuck the the side of the counter?” You questioned, Mason’s eyes widening as he threw the onion cuttings in the bin.
“I wouldn’t know.”
You peeled the bread off, seeing nothing other than jam on both the bread and counter. Sighing, you grabbed the sponge and anti-bac. Mason caught sight of you beginning to clean, immediately stopping you.
“No, bubs.” He grabbed the items from you, putting them above the fridge so you couldn’t get them. “I’ll do it. Go and sit down.” You just huffed, picking Sydney up and cradling him in your arms.
“What was the one thing I said, Mase?” You asked.
“No sticky foods. I know, I’m really sorry.” He replied, heart dropping at your tired face. You carried Syd to your bedroom, deciding to let him settle in there.
Half an hour later, Mason had emerged to see Sydney asleep on your chest, and you were both snuggled into his blanket. A quiet cartoon in the background. He couldn’t let that image go without snapping a picture, and then taking Sydney into his own bed. You were awake when Mason had returned, scrolling through your phone.
“Bubs,” he quietly spoke, sitting beside you. His hand was rubbing up and down your bare leg, testing the waters to see if you were actually mad at him. “I cleaned the kitchen, I made dinner. Are you okay with bolognese?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, stretching your legs and turning off the cartoon you’d listened to over and over again. “I’m sorry that I got mad, I just know what a mess Syd makes and I didn’t want to get home to it.”
Mason pulls you into him, your legs over his lap and arms tightly around his shoulders. “I know, I should’ve listened to you. But I cleaned it up, no more jam. Ever.”
“It was funny though. Before I fell asleep, I just had the image of you on your hands and knees scrubbing it.” You laughed, poking his chest, “but it’s fine. And thank you for doing everything today.” Mason grinned, lightly kissing your temple and looking down at you.
“I don’t know how you do it, honestly. Respect is due.” Mason whispered onto your lips, hovering over them every so gently. “Thank you for looking after our baby everyday, and allowing me to come home to dinner and a tidy house. You’re special.” Finally kissing you, Mason held you tight for the rest of that evening, showing you pictures of his jammy face and what they got up to throughout the day.
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Douxie moving in with the reader? Is this ok to request?
Yeah, definitely!
Sorry, my editor took a bit more time than I expected.
Hope you like it!
Beyond Any Doubt || One Shot
Bills, bills, bills.
Bills everywhere.
Douxie was on his laptop, frantically typing away how much money he owed people and how much he needed to pay for all his bills.
Douxie wasn't the type to ask for money from others, but it was an emergency. Now, everyone that he owed money too were chasing after him. And as for the bills, he couldn't pay all of them. Even though he had two jobs, it wasn't enough.
Tipping in Arcadia wasn't the best.
He tried to request the companies more time, but they all refused. If he didn't pay his bills on time, then his internet, water, electricity would all be disconnected. He couldn't afford that.
Many people tried to help him, saying that they'll give him money to pay everything and they won't ask for it back, but he denied any help. You, his girlfriend, even tried to help out but, as stubborn as he was, he just said no.
You were currently at the grocery store, buying some fruit for Douxie. As you were checking out, you noticed the Guardians of Arcadia were all goofing around outside. You smiled. They were finally having some fun after all the Arcane Order business.
Jim had pulled out Excalibur and is still the Trollhunter, Claire had gotten a lot stronger with her powers by the help of Douxie, we were able to save Toby, Archie magically appeared out of nowhere, claiming that he and his Dad had found a way out, Krel had gotten some headphones to listen to his music, since not everyone liked him blasting it out, Aja and Steve were happy with all 7 kids of theirs and Eli loved looking after them.
You walked out of the store and went over to the gang.
"Hey, gang!" you called out.
"Hi, Y/n!" they all called back.
"What are you guys doing?" you asked.
"We're all going to get ice cream," Toby replied.
"Wanna come?" Claire asked.
"Sorry guys, I can't. I need to drop these groceries off at Douxie’s. He hasn't been eating at all, lately," you shook your head.
"Do you need any help?" Jim inquired.
"Nah. I'll manage. You guys enjoy your ice cream!" you waved.
You were about to ring the doorbell, when you remembered that you had an extra key to his house. You pulled it out and opened the door.
You were greeted by silence.
Whenever you were at Douxie's place, you were usually greeted by loud music but, today was a different story.
"Douxie!" you called, placing the groceries on the kitchen counter.
You saw the bedroom door fling open, revealing a sleep deprived Douxie.
"Hey, love. What 'ya doing here?" Douxie asked, walking towards you.
"If you haven't noticed yourself, you haven't been taking care of yourself, so I came to check up on you and give you some food," you explained.
"I've been taking care of myself!" Douxie protested.
"Really?!" you crossed your arms. "Says the wizard who currently is obviously sleep deprived and probably hasn't eaten in god-knows-how-many days."
"Well, I've been busy," Douxie said.
"I know, I know. But you have to take care of yourself as well," you said.
"I just… I need to pay these bills and give people money. I just don't have time,' he sighed.
"Well, leave financial problems to the side for just half an hour," you instructed. "And eat."
"Fine," Douxie grumbled.
You unpacked the groceries and placed them all in the fridge. You tossed a banana to Douxie.
"Eat," you ordered.
He gobbled down the fruit in just a few seconds.
"Wow. I didn't realise I was so hungry," Douxie admitted.
"Okay. Now, eat this," you said, handing him a sandwich.
"You're going to just feed me food for half an hour?" Douxie asked, his mouth filled with bread.
"Of course not! After you eat that sandwich, I’m gonna make you go to sleep," you said.
"But-" Douxie started but you cut him off.
"No 'buts' or 'ifs'. You will be going to sleep, that's my order," you lightly scolded.
After Douxie finished his sandwich you pushed him to his room. You confiscated his phone and laptop and put them outside.
"Now, you, Mr. Casperan, are going to sleep," you stated, heading out of his room just before he grabbed you wrist a spun you around to face him.
He leaned down and whispered into your ear, "Not until you kiss me."
He pulled back, waiting for you. You rolled your eyes and kissed him on his cheek.
"Now can you go to sleep?" you questioned.
"I meant- You know what…" Douxie leaned down and smashed his lips onto yours.
You were taken by surprise but you quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and started to play with his hair, while he snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you close. Soon after, the two of you pulled away, keeping your foreheads touching.
"Now can you go to sleep?" you repeated.
Douxie didn't reply, he just started to walk forward, making you walk back. Your back suddenly hit a wall.
Your breath hitched as Douxie leaned in for another kiss.
Douxie found your hands behind his neck and pinned them on either side of you, interlocking your warm ones with his cold ones. Archie came strolling into the bedroom, but he quickly spun around when he saw the two of you making out. Giving the two of you privacy, he walked back outside.
Sooner then Douxie wanted, you pulled away for air.
"Now, you're going to bed," you said, pushing him away.
Douxie opened his mouth to speak but you placed a finger to his lips.
"No more excuses," you said, "Sleep."
You pushed him onto his bed and tucked him in and walked out of his room, closing the door behind you.
You plopped onto the couch and opened up Douxie's laptop. As soon as you opened it, you saw a bunch of numbers on the screen.
That's a lot of money.
"Hello, Miss Y/n," a voice spoke.
You jumped and looked towards the source. You realised it was just Archie and leaned back into the couch, while Archie flew to you and sat himself down in your lap.
"Hey, Arch. How's it going?" you asked.
"Good. I, uh… wanted to greet you earlier but you were um… preoccupied with Douxie," Archie hesitated.
You blushed and looked away, "Uh… we were just… umm… yeah."
"Anyways, about Douxie," Archie started, "I'm worried for him. I doubt he has the money to pay for everything. I've been trying to help him out by reaching out to a couple wizard friends of his, but there's only so much that I can do. Y/n, can you please help him out?"
"Of course I will, Arch. I just need to figure out how," you replied.
Archie nodded his head and sat there in silence, while you were thinking ways to help poor Douxie out. You started to absent-mindedly stroke Archie’s fur, earning a purr from him. After a couple of minutes, your eyes began to droop and you stopped stroking Archie. Soon, you fell into a deep slumber. The familiar noticed this and looked up to you, before he realised you were asleep. He carefully removed your hand off of him and he flew to get a throw blanket for you. When he returned, he heard very quiet snores from you. Archie laid the blanket on top of you and let you rest.
Half an hour later
Douxie was up and refreshed, while you were still peacefully asleep on the couch. Douxie opened up the door to see Archie playing with a ball of red yarn on a window sill. Archie noticed Douxie and stopped playing with the yarn. Douxie was about to ask where Y/n was but Archie held a finger up to his mouth and then pointed towards the couch. He walked over to the couch and saw that you were sleeping.
He smiled. You looked cute when you were asleep. Douxie quietly sat himself down next to you, planted a kiss on your temple and started to get back to his financial problem.
After 10 mins
You started to stir awake from your nap. As you opened your eyes, you felt a light tickling sensation in your hair. You saw Douxie was sitting next to you, staring at his laptop while absently ruffling your hair.
"Douxie," you whispered, instantly getting his attention.
"Hey there, love. Had a nice nap?" Douxie asked.
You only nodded your head. You tried to look what Douxie was doing on his laptop but you couldn't clearly read what was on the screen since you could only see half of it. Douxie opened up his arm and you snuggled into him. You once again saw numbers.
"Handling bills?" you guessed.
"Yeah," Douxie replied.
Suddenly, you got an idea.
"Hey, Doux," you called.
"Yes, love?" Douxie asked.
"You know how you don't have enough money to pay for the bills. What if you moved into my place instead and put this place up on the market?" you suggested (idk how housing works, just go along with it), "You wouldn't have to pay for the bills, so less money to give."
He thought about it for a minute.
"Mordrax's miracles! That's a great idea!" Douxie cheered.
"Great! We can start moving your stuff tomorrow," you said.
You looked once again at the laptop screen to check the time, 4:15 p.m.
"Do you want some tea?" Douxie asked, closing the laptop.
"Sure," you nodded.
After drinking the tea that Douxie made, the two of you decided to go out for a walk.
You and Douxie were walking down the path, hand in hand, when you spotted Toby, Claire and Jim. The trio also noticed you and Douxie, and ran up to you.
"Hey, lovebirds!" Claire giggled.
"Hey guys! What're you up to?" Douxie inquired.
"Just hanging around," Jim shrugged.
"Wait, weren't you guys with the rest of the gang?" you questioned.
"Yeah, we were but, they had other things to do. Steve, Aja and Eli had to take care of the kids. Then Krel had to adjust one of his inventions," Toby answered, "They left just before we got ice cream!"
"Yeah, T.P. here is just whining about how we couldn't get ice cream," Claire chuckled.
"I am not!"
"Well, why don't the five of us go right now?" you recommended.
"Yes! 'Mission: Get Ice Cream' is back in action!" Toby cheered, fist pumping the air.
You all made your way to an ice cream truck that was on the other side of town.
Jim and Claire were currently arguing over what ice cream flavour to get, since they wanted to share. Toby was happily enjoying his Nougat Nummy flavoured ice cream, while you and Douxie waited for Jim and Claire to decide. It was currently between chocolate and strawberry. The ice cream scooper decided to step in and suggest a whole different flavour to them. Thank the stars, they agreed. You and Douxie finally got to order. Douxie didn't minded what flavour you got, so you ordered vanilla, the classic.
Toby had already finished his ice cream, Jim and Claire were feeding each other, and you and Douxie were basically doing the same thing as the other two lovebirds.
"Sorry to interrupt your guys' little romantic session, but we should probably start heading back," Toby stated.
"Right," Jim nodded giving the last bite to Claire before he threw the little bowl away.
"Yeah, we should too," Douxie nodded, as you threw away your rubbish.
You all waved goodbye as the trio walked towards the neighbourhood, while you and Douxie made your way to your apartment.
"So, do you think Archie's gonna scratch my couch?" you asked, pointing to your newly bought furniture.
"Depends on how he's feeling," Douxie shrugged.
"Right, cause I don't want a scratched couch in just a few days. I bought that. I'll get something for him to scratch on," you concluded.
After you two had a discussion about tomorrow, Douxie headed back to his place.
Next morning, you had woken up bright and early to move Douxie's stuff to your place.
Right now you were cleaning around the apartment while your wizard was packing.
"Y/n! I'm done packing!" Douxie called.
"Bring your stuff out here!" you shouted.
Douxie came from his bedroom with a suitcase, laptop bag and a gig bag.
"You don't have much stuff," you commented.
"Nope. What are we going to do with the furniture and other stuff?" Douxie inquired.
"Well, we could put it up for sale if you don't want it. Or you can keep it," you replied.
"Nah, I don't need it. We can just put up for sale," Douxie said.
"Right. Now, let's get your stuff over to my place," you said, making a portal and gestured Douxie to go through.
He obeyed and went through the portal as you followed behind.
You were now in your living room where Archie was scratching the scratch post you bought for him.
"Hey, Arch!" you greeted.
"Hello, Miss Y/n," Archie nodded.
"Well, hello to you too Arch," Douxie grumbled as he placed down his belongings.
"Hello, Douxie," Archie added and went back to clawing the post.
You lead Douxie to your room and helped him unpack.
After unpacking his things, you started to make lunch.
You were trying to get oil from the top shelf but you couldn't quite reach it. You were going to ask Douxie, when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, bringing you back into a chest.
"Douxie, my love, I was just going to ask if you could help me get that bottle of oil down from the top," you chuckled.
"I have a better idea," he said.
You turned around to face him, to see a grin on his face. He grabbed your hand and took you out of your apartment.
You were taken all the way to Sam's.
"Douxie, you know I could've just made lunch, right?" you said.
"I know but, a date is better," Douxie grinned.
As soon as you and Douxie took a seat, a waiter came up to you two and asked for your order. Since the whole idea of coming to Sam's was Douxie's, he ordered. Not long after, the waiter came back with two burgers and two soft drinks. You thanked the waiter before digging into the food.
After lunch, the two of you hiked your way up to the Bluff.
"How… much… longer… till… we get… there?" you panted.
You seriously needed to get out more cause you were exhausted.
"Just a few more-" Douxie started but you cut him off.
"Please don't say 'minutes'!" you begged.
"I was going to say 'metres'," Douxie finished.
"Thank the stars!" you gasped and ran the rest of the way.
You came to halt as you saw the beautiful sunset in front of you.
Definitely worth hiking for.
"So, you happy you came up here?" Douxie asked.
"Beyond any doubt," you breathed.
You tore your gaze from the scene to Douxie.
"So, you happy that you moved into my place? you smirked.
"Beyond any doubt," Douxie repeated your words, stepping forward and bringing you closer to him.
You stared up into his soft, hazel eyes, while he stared into your childlike, e/c eyes. You both leaned in and closed the gap between each other.
Now that Douxie had moved into your place, he didn't have to worry about money that much.
And you? You had company as did Douxie and Archie. A win, win.
Word count: 2, 625
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shurisneakers · 3 years
shut in [9]
Summary: When your high profile mission goes terribly wrong, you’re forced to hide in a safehouse with a man you’ve never met before. With seemingly nowhere else to go, you’re forced to work together to figure out who is trying to have you assassinated before it’s too late. (Sam Wilson x Reader, Hitman AU)
Warnings: cursing, anxiety, ptsd, shooting
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: ok ok ok ok sam deserves the world and im mad that he’s not getting it
i also appreciate feedback so if you would like to, please consider dropping me an ask or comment ly guys!!
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Shut In Masterlist
He was gone.
Time had begun to slip past you. Days where you were forced to wake up at 4am were just a dreary memory you didn’t want to revisit. The rough shoves in the morning to have you awake enough to be in training by 4:30am only fell into the category of things you had forgotten over the time you had stayed here.
Maybe sleep wasn’t a luxury you weren’t allowed to afford.
By the time you step into the kitchen, the loose structure of the day you had ahead of you was forming. Maybe if you revisited the small makeshift shooting range you had set up for Sam and you to practice. A couple of old soup cans, a flat boulder for them to sit on and you were good to go. He had allowed you to use his giant board for knife throwing too, laughed when you asked for permission before saying it was for the both of you. 
You made a sandwich for yourself, forcing it down your throat with water. Bread was starting to feel like cardboard and the jam just tasted like nothing. Peanut butter was even worse.
Losing appetite wasn’t an option, even though it had eroded a while ago. The best option was to just scarf it down with water. 
Sam isn’t in the house, you had deduced. A morning run or maybe just some fresh air.
You checked for the notes he sometimes left for you when he went out. Something along the lines of when he’d be back, or why he’d left, or where you could find him. 
You looked on top of the fridge where he generally left them; someplace he knew you’d see. You didn’t find one.
You shrugged it off. 
Something felt wrong about the arrangement of the kitchen but you couldn’t place a finger on what it was. All the chairs were in its place, trash appropriately in the bin, no bowls were left from soup day in the sink to wash. 
The origami swan you had made still rested next to his paper airplane. Nothing seemed wrong or out of place. 
You pushed yourself to shake off the nerves, to get dressed instead. The shooting range was waiting for you.
When you shoot for thirty and get all thirty, it tends to get a little boring. Not that you were complaining; if even one was off you’d spend the whole day trying to make up for it.
Violent hobbies weren’t ideal. They weren’t even hobbies per se. Just skills you needed to keep sharp if you wanted to survive.
You even shot at the targets that you had hung up on the trees. Dangerous and completely Sam’s idea. Said the wind made them act like moving targets. Nevermind the possibility of a ricochet.
The target board was empty too. Admittedly, knife throwing was a little harder  to get used than shooting to but it still only took a few tries before you were hitting bullseye over and over again.
There just wasn’t anything to do. And you realised it had been this way for a while but you never noticed due to his lively chatter or how competitive it got with stupid games you were making up as you went. 
You learned against the counter as you ate, eyeing the room, trying to figure out what you had misplaced. The air was cold, even more so after the shower, so you threw on an extra t-shirt to aid you.
You made a noise of disapproval when you couldn’t find what was wrong. A quick wash of your hands before you made your way to the TV, fully intending to doze off while watching Megamind for the fourth time. 
You passed by the mini fridge on the way, noting how you needed to restock the ice cubes when you suddenly stopped in your path.
Your eyes peeled back to the small paper bowl Sam had crafted expertly that was still somehow managing to stick together. But that was what was wrong.
The keys were missing.
The fucking car keys and the pocket change you had taken from Pierce’s house were no longer there. 
Your body moved on autopilot, dragging you towards the front door. You yanked it open, door creaking under the pressure you applied on it.
Your heart sank. 
The car was gone.
You had all the possibilities listed out in front of you with the rest scratched out after you had rationalised it.
Someone had come in and taken the car, which wasn’t likely. 
Sam had stepped out but hadn’t mentioned it to you. If he did, why would he need the car?
Someone had abducted Sam, which was absurd on paper but still left a twinge of uncertainty because you couldn’t definitively rule it out. 
He had just left. Decided he was done and left. 
You stared at the last option. 
“Fuck,” you cursed.
You could feel his muscle shift as he looked at you. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You opened your mouth but shut it again. How do you explain it to him without sounding utterly ridiculous?
You wondered if it was that conversation. 
He wouldn’t leave after you told him, would he?
You hesitated before shaking your head.
He’d come back. He would.
You had added a few more possibilities to the list but discarded it almost immediately.
You now found a place in front of the TV, watching but not registering what was said. Your fingers kept itself busy by playing with the hem of your shirt. You had thrown another one on since his jacket was missing with the rest of him. It had gotten colder.
The woman droned on about how much her husband loved the recipe she was making. It was Sam’s favourite segment, not because it was particularly fantastic or anything, but because it gave him forty five minutes of free content to trash talk.
Your eyes kept glancing up at the clock. Was it broken or was time much slower than you initially thought?
You almost felt like you were in a cognitive dysfunction; you couldn’t do anything other than while away time till you figured out what had gone wrong. 
If you weren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t have heard the soft crunch of twigs. The whirring of the wheels as it turned gently only made you sit up straight, hands on the gun that rested on the couch beside you.
It came to a stop. The gun was fully in your grip now, TV turned off to determine what the noises were.
It was the most agonisingly slow minute you spent listening as the car opened and shut, muffled by the distance. You were near the door, using the adjoining wall as a hideaway. 
The doorknob shook as someone tried to push their way in. 
“Sam?” you called out cautiously against your better judgement, mentally cringing. 
It took a second for his reply to return. 
“Hey, sweetheart. Let me in, will you? Stupid door’s not opening.”
Of course it wouldn’t. It was fingerprint activated.
Relief flooded your system, letting yourself hold the gun with only one hand as you hastily made your way to open the door.
However, you paused. As much as you wanted to fling the door open blindly, you waited, hand on the knob.
“Is someone out there with you?”
“What?” he sounded confused. “No, it’s just me.”
You opened the door slightly, peeking out through the sliver of open space. 
Sure enough, it was only him. The car was returned to the same spot that it was.
“Where were you?” You yanked the door open. You sounded way more aggressive than you planned to, you were sure. It didn’t matter though.
“Went to the store,” he said nonchalantly, stepping inside, and dropping the keys back where they were.
He was so relaxed about it, like it was nothing. It only irked you further than you already were.
“Drove the car till the highway, walked into town and went to the store.” He set the bag down. “What’d you do all day?”
“You went to the town,” you emphasised. “To the fucking store.”
“Yeah, I figured you would be up by the time I came back.”
“You were gone for hours.” You crossed your arms over your chest, fighting the urge to yell. You could talk it out calmly. You didn’t have to snap
You hoped he had a good reason. You sincerely hoped, for his well being and security, that he risked his life to go to public space.
“We’re way further out than you think. Nearest dollar store’s almost the next fuckin’ state if you’re walking. Had to ditch the car because it’s a little too flashy, even for me.” He lifted up the bag next to him. “Got us some ramen. And juice. That’s all we had cash for anyway.”
You stare at him, mouth slightly agape. 
“You could have been seen, Sam,” your tone was corrosive, the next best you could do instead of yelling. “For all we know, you could have been followed.”
“No one followed me. I made sure.”
That did nothing to alleviate the anxiety that was crawling into your head. 
“You’re ridiculous,” you muttered. “Fucking ridiculous.”
“Where are you going?” You ignored him, turning on your heel and walking to the bedroom. You didn’t care if it was his day that day. He could rot in the kitchen with his stupid ramen for all you cared.
You cursed as you slammed the door behind you, launching yourself onto the bed. 
There was no denying you were relieved that he was still alive and here. But fuck him. Fucking dickhead. 
Fucking juice.
You spent the next couple of hours feeling absolutely embarrassed for yourself. Why did you spend hours worrying if he was safe when he was out there, gallivanting in public for some stupid noodles?
Both of you could have been absolutely fucked if he wasn’t careful. He may have just jeopardised your entire set up.
But deep down, no matter how much it was annoying to acknowledge, you knew he wouldn’t have. He was smart, strategic. 
Why would he do something like this?
How much you were worried scared you. There was no time where it had occurred that maybe you were in danger too. Every possibility you came up with only pushed the thought of him possibly in trouble further into your head. 
But the more you spend time overthinking, the more you realised that him being in danger wasn’t the entire cause of your worry. 
What if he didn’t come back? Why’d he come back? 
He had the means to leave, the will to and clearly was able to go undetected for a while. He didn’t need to return, but he did. 
And for what; to give you some food he bought from the dollar store. 
He seemed excited about it too, before you had closed the door on his face and decided to spend the next few hours self-destructing.
Fucking ramen.
Maybe if you could just lie there until you decomposed, then you wouldn’t have to have a conversation with him about this. That’s what you would have done a couple of months ago. 
But now the idea of communicating had been implanted and implemented several times before. It didn’t feel right to push it away, not when you’d come so far. A chance to heal.
You groaned, shoving a pillow onto your face before getting up grumpily. 
Fuck this man and his stupid, healthy methods of coping. 
You opened the door slowly, creeping into the hallway to assess what he was doing. It had been a few hours of silence in the house. He had given you space, not come knocking on the door to explain himself. 
You took note of the kitchen. The table had been laid with two bowls of noodles covered with a plate along with a glass each of juice. It was domestic. Cute.
He was watching Die Hard but the volume was turned down low. If he was anything like you, he wouldn’t have been paying too much attention.
You cleared your throat awkwardly to grab his attention.
His neck craned to look at you, surprise flashing across his face for a second before he leapt up, turning off the TV in an instant.
“Y/N,” he stated as normally as he could.
“Samuel,” your tone was steady. 
He scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Wasn’t sure if you were gonna show up.” 
“Neither was I.” You looked at the table, gesturing towards it with your shoulder. “Watchu got there, Gordon Ramsey?”
Because screw him, but the longer you stood there staring at the bowl, you were starting to understand the lengths he went to to get something other than bread, peanut butter and soup. As much as the prospect of being petty thrilled you, you had survived on nothing but them for the past few weeks.
“Got a few packs of ramen and a gallon of juice from the store. Thought you- we deserve somethin’ nice.” You noticed his quick coverup but didn’t acknowledge it. “It’s not Michelin star worthy, but it’ll do.”
You nodded, avoiding looking at him.
Both of you started at the same time, only to be cut off by the other. You mentioned for him to continue.
“Listen, I’m sorry. I should have told you before I left,” You didn’t expect the sincerity that exuded from every word he let out and you found yourself unable to look away. “I’m not used to people worrying about where I go... but things are different now. I won’t do it again.”
You weren’t used to the feeling of lightness that accompanied an apology. Relief. 
“Thank you,” you said breathily. His face noticeably brightened. “But why’d you come back?”
His small smile left as soon as it came, as his face fell into a frown. “What?”
“You could have just left. You had the car, the-” you stopped yourself from listing out reasons why he should have. “Why’d you come back?”
He looked completely confused. 
“Because I wanted to,” he voiced. “Leaving you behind was never an option. I wouldn’t-”
He trailed off, eyes never leaving yours. 
“You’re stuck with me,” he urged softly. “We’re a team.”
You lingered on him longer than you wanted to admit. He wasn’t lying, you had realised. 
“Care to join me for dinner?” he asked, extending a hand to you.
You rolled your eyes but took it, feeling the heat creep up your neck. He smirked at you and fuck, he was frustratingly cute. 
You understood. You totally understood when you nearly died at the first bite you took, vowing to never take food like this for granted again. It may have been the absolute bare minimum; just the seasoning and noodles he had cooked in the microwave, but it was the best goddamn meal you ever had.
“Good, right?” He looked about as content as he could be. 
“Best fuckin’ day of my life.”
He kidded around some more. You choked out a laugh at some, wholly ignored the others to which he took complete offence. You saw it as a way to humble him.
This was the normalcy you had crushed your craving for so long ago, accepting that it wouldn’t ever happen. A normal dinner with someone who made you smile, no impending doom lurking around the corner and maybe a shot at a glimmer of something happy. 
It was strange that you found it with another hitman in a safe house, hiding from authorities and who knows what else, with food worth a couple of cents. You wouldn’t want it any other way.
Yet there were things that had to be discussed. Conversations that needed to happen.
“Sam, we need to talk about it.” You didn’t have to explain, he knew what you were talking about.
“What’s wrong?” 
“I need to tell you something and I need you to hear me out before saying anything,” you pulled away from him, shuddering at the sudden cold that enveloped you. 
“I’m listening.”
“We do,” he agreed, and you could feel the atmosphere in the room begin to shift. “But we don’t have to do it now.”
He reached across from where he was sitting, hesitantly interlacing your fingers. The sense of fluster you experienced wasn’t healthy, you decided.
You just ducked your head, fighting against the damn smile that was trying to make its way onto your face. You didn’t pull away.
Next part
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olderthanthemorning · 4 years
gold rush (bill weasley) part 1
pairing: bill weasley x reader
summary: “everybody wonders what it would be like to love you.” bill weasley is a golden boy, but i don’t like a gold rush. (based on the song “gold rush” by taylor swift)
wc: 3.1k
warnings: none, someone walking in on someone else but nothing dirty, swearing
a/n: hello! so i didn’t mean for this to be so long lol but anyway, there will be more. once again, a song has inspired me to write. i feel like gold rush totally describes bill and so i tried to run with that. as always, i would love comments/feedback. also if you like it please reblog/follow! i want to start taking requests!
what a cliche it would be to be hopelessly in love with bill weasley. the charming gryffindor was the poster child of his house, his year, and his family. don't get it twisted, it wasn't that he didn't deserve all the praise; he was kind to younger students, witty in his classes, and bloody brilliant in your shared defense against the dark arts class. you just found it a little funny that everyone he met instantly fell in love with him. how could you take someone like that seriously?
"so you really don't think he's cute?" your friend, rose, asked you as you entered the great hall, the smell of fresh bread and pumpkin juice temporarily distracting you.
"no, that's actually not what i said. he's quite fit, it's just think people make too much of a big deal about it. sometimes i think you'll wet yourself when he looks at you in the corridor." you threw yourself down at your table and started reaching for the pile of sandwiches in the middle of the table. if you two wanted to make it to the beginning of the gryffindor vs ravenclaw game, this would have to be a quick lunch.
"well it's not everyday you see an arse like that in the corridor!" rose says. taken aback by her forward statement, you shove her shoulder, "gross, rose." after a few more minutes of conversation and inappropriate comments from rose, you down the last of your juice and pull your companion off the bench and toward the door.
you could hear cheers long before you were close to the game. after finding a spot with your house, you saw madam hooch release the snitch and the players shoot up to start following the quaffel. a flash of red hair passes in front of the stands as another weasley, charlie, flies at lightning speed.
The game was action packed, but not short. your cold muscles ached a bit as you moved them to walk into your dorm and sit on your bed. as if reading your mind, your roommates crowd into the bathroom to start the showers. you groan, knowing that at this rate, it'll be an hour before you can warm yourself with hot water. then a thought crosses your mind. the prefect bathrooms. your sister had been a prefect years before and had told you where they were, something you were silently thanking her for now. you gathered your towel and robe and slipped out of the room before anyone could ask where you were going.
The prefect bathroom was large and dimly lit, something that made it seem even colder when you walked in. on the far wall there was a myriad of knobs, all leading into a large bath that looked like it could hold your entire upper level herbology class. throwing down your stuff on a nearby bench, you rush to turn all the knobs you can, as blue, and green, and sparkling gold liquids splash into the basin along with steaming water. you slid out of your cold clothes and into the tub, hissing at the difference in temperature between your skin and the water. the water was heavenly and you sunk in until your shoulders were under the water, pulling your hair up from the nape of your neck so not to wet it. the room had filled with the scent of lavender and honeysuckle, and you closed your eyes to take it in.
suddenly there was a creak that you immediately recognized as the door opening. 'fuck, fuck, fuck,' you thought. you could chance jumping out and hoping the person didn't see you naked or you could wait to get caught. you decided that your clothes were too far, and started frantically ushering as many bubbles to you as possible, trying to cover your body. you turn your back to the entrance just as you see the shadow of someone begin to round the corner.
"oh, shit, i'm sorry i didn't realize someone was in here." you wanted to curl up into a human ball of embarrassment. not only did the voice belong to a boy, but you knew exactly which boy it belonged to, and it rhymed with will beasley. unsure of how to respond, you just let out a nervous laugh, not wanting to let your voice give you away as someone who was definitely not a prefect.
"okay, well... i'll just come back later." you waited until you could no longer hear footsteps to climb out of the tub. once dry and wrapped in your fluffy robe, you reentered the hallway, but only after sticking your head out to make sure bill wasn't waiting by the door. as you walked back to your dorm, you could only begin to imagine all the teasing rose would give you when she found out he had seen you in the bath. luckily, by the time you cocooned yourself in your comforter, she was already asleep. you would have to tell her in the morning, or maybe you wouldn't.
by breakfast the three days later, the bath incident had left your mind. after the first 24 hours, you felt sure bill hadn't suspected anything, and even if he did, there was no way he could tell who the student in the bath was. you had to pause with the spoon of porridge halfway between your bowl and your mouth, because rose's impression of flitwick had made you burst into laughter. an owl fluttered down in front of you, dropping an envelope with your mother's handwriting on the front. you ripped it open and began to read.
"Dear y/n,
Hello love, I hope you're doing well with all of your classes this term. I'm writing to tell you that we'll be spending part of the Easter holiday with one of my friends and her family. Her name is Molly and she has two sons at hogwarts. Be sure to say hello to them, Molly says they're nice boys. The three of you can leave school together to travel home for break. I miss you dearly and can't wait to hear about your term in person.
love always,
rose put her chin on my shoulder to read the letter. "i didn't know your mum was friends with the weasley's," she giggled, obviously thinking about bill. "yeah, well that makes two of us." to be honest, you never really realized your mum had close friends. there was no reason for her not to, it had just never occurred to you that your parents were people outside of being your parents.
"actually, it makes four of us," you whipped around to see bill and charlie, a letter you assumed was similar to yours grasped in bill's hand. "my mum wrote they met here as kids and ran into each other a few weeks ago in diagon alley." his easy smile was attractive and his hair fell effortlessly into place, with one soft strand too short to be pushed behind his ear. it looked almost like someone had written it in, it was so perfectly placed.
"wicked," escaped rose's lips as a strained whisper. you elbowed her, praying that she would come to her senses and start acting like a real person.
"listen, i got to run to practice, but let's meet in the main entrance tomorrow morning, yeah? 10am?" charlie butt in, reaching around his brother to grab a banana off your table and without waiting for even a nod, turned to catch up with the rest of his team at the other end of hall.
"sorry about him, he's..." bill was suddenly looking down at you with a slightly funny expression, a small grin on his face.
"preoccupied?" you finish his sentence, marking the first words you've said since he approached you.
"yeah," then, he leans down close enough that only you can hear him when he says, "next time you go for a soak, i suggest trying the orange blossom bubbles," maintaining eye contact with you the whole time.
taken aback, you feel yourself get blush and lean back, your brow furrowed, "what? how did you-"
"i didn't realize you were so interested in astronomy, y/n," he says a little louder, standing back to his tall figure and casually tapping the back of his neck.
you mimic his motion and remember the small tattoo of a moon that sat at where your neck met your shoulders. you close your eyes and cover them with one hand. maybe if you shut your eyes hard enough and clicked your heals he would disappear. or even better, you would. "i'll see you tomorrow," he sent another cheeky smile and turned to walk away, hands in his pocket, laughing quietly to himself.
"um... what the fuck," rose spoke, making you realize you were still watching his back. "what was that about? how does he know about your tattoo?"
"he might've walked in on my while i was bathing a few days ago," you said, bracing yourself for the inevitable.
"WHAT?!" it was even louder than you expected. honestly, you loved rose but bringing attention to herself, and by proxy, you, was something she had a knack for, but not in an endearing way.
"would you calm down please? everyone was taking too long in the showers so i went to the prefects' bathroom and he came in. he only saw my back so i didn't think he knew who it was, but i forgot to account for moony back there," you rolled your eyes, how could you forget about something that you had chosen to put on your body forever?
"merlin, that's so not fair, do you know what i would give to be seen naked by bill weasley?" once again, you were slightly horrified by a comment made by your best friend. this is what you didn't understand about everyone's fascination surrounding bill. even as he walked away, you had noticed a handful of other students following him with their eyes. it was a fact that bill was attractive, beautiful even, but the way people would do anything for his attention freaked you out. being treated like that had to go to someone's head eventually.
"okay, that's enough of that. i'm just glad he didn't give me detention or something," you went back to your breakfast, although you were no longer very hungry.
the journey to the weasley's cottage by the sea was uneventful. in the morning, you boarded the hogwarts express with charlie and bill. you didn't speak much, but read a book in your shared compartment while charlie talked to bill non-stop about the latest quidditch techniques. "and i've been reading about dragons, and how they fly, and i think it would be really cool to try some of their flying patterns on a broom. it would be really hard and i'd have to make a few adjustments, because obviously i'm not a huge majestic creature, but if it worked, it'd be brilliant!" you looked up to see charlie on the edge of his seat, trying to mark some of the flying patterns, and looking intently at bill, as if waiting for him to be just as excited. "that sounds great, charlie, really. how did you start on about dragons?" bill quickly caught your eye and tried to share some of the amusement his brother brought him. "hagrid gave me a book, they're really something, bill."
your party gets off at king's cross, and you followed the older boy through the station, until he stops in front of a women's toilet. "uh, i think the men's is over there," you said pointing behind you. charlie laughed. "hah," bill faked a monotone laugh, "there's a portkey inside that will take us to shell cottage. dad said it was a," he looked down at a paper in his hand, "toilet brush. lovely. right, we have three minutes until it leaves. ladies first." he gestured and you entered the room. it was somewhat cramped with the three of you and your trunks, but in the corner was a white, and thankfully clean looking, toilet brush. you grabbed it and held it out for the others to hold on too. after about 10 seconds of waiting, you felt your body being pulled up and then like you had just jumped off a high diving board at a pool. falling, but strangely still feeling like you were upright. before long, your feet hit solid ground again, well somewhat solid ground. the sand made your landing shaky, as it moved under your weight. you looked up and saw a cozy house with warm light glowing from the windows.
after lots of introductions and even more hugs, you finally settled yourself in to a guest room. the view was beautiful. the sun was just starting to set over the sea, the orange hues reflecting off the vast water. putting away the last of your things, you walked down the stairs and announced to your mum and molly that you would be going on a walk. they nodded and made you promise to be back for dinner before returning to their conversation. as soon as you got to the beach, you slipped off your shoes and feel the cool sand swallow each of your toes. it was crisp, but not too cold. you walk for a bit and then sit down on a dune, just taking in the picture the world had created for you.
you see a figure walking toward you and, as it gets closer, you notice it's bill. "mind if i join you?" he asked.
"of course not," you watched him as he sat. "it's beautiful here, your family has a really lovely house."
"thanks, mum has a talent for making any place feel like home." he looked out at the water, but for some reason you kept looking at his face, trying to find details. bill felt your gaze and his eyes met yours. normally, you would've looked away, but a new confidence allowed me to hold his eye contact. "so, tell me more about your tattoo." you chuckled, you should've known it would come up at some point or another.
"i got it with rose on holiday using fake muggle IDs," you explained.
"any special meaning behind it?" he asked, his eyes were now flickering from yours to your neck.
"nope, just liked the art," it was true, you knew you wanted to get a tattoo but didn't want something that held too much weight, so you got something that was simply beautiful.
"that's cool," he said, reaching to touch it with his index finger, "did it hurt?" you shivered at the contact and he pulled away, "sorry."
"no, that's okay," you said turning slightly away from him so he could see it better and indicating that he could touch it. he went back to tracing it with his finger, leaning in to get a closer look. "it didn't hurt as much as i thought it would. but now that you've seen it, it's only fair that you tell me if you have any secret tattoos."
you heard him laugh, "obviously, i've just got the gryffindor lion across my chest, nothing crazy," he joked. you smiled and turned back to him.
"seems very fitting for you."
"oh yeah?"
"charismatic prefect, brave older brother, top of our DADA class? if you were any more gryffindor-y you'd be called godrick," you poked fun at him and leaned back to lay down.
"merlin, you make me sound unbearable."
"well–" you start to trail off only to feel a foot hit your knee, just hard enough to show playful anger. "alright, alright, kidding!"
"do you know what you want to do after school?" he asked, also lowering himself to the ground, but staying propped up on one elbow, his body turned to you.
"not exactly, i really like herbology and history of magic, so maybe find a job where i can study how wizards lived in the past? like how they used plants and stuff" it was something you had thought a lot about, but hadn't really found an answer that fit well.
"you'd be great at that." you shot him a skeptical look. "what? it's not hard to notice you're brilliant in herbology. sprout has you practically teaching half the lessons." you felt a blush spread across your cheeks, and felt thankful that the sunlight was starting to dim. you hadn't even realized you two shared that class, you were always more occupied in the nearest plant.
"what about you?"
"something to do with defense against the dark arts, mcgonagall told me about a career in curse breaking that sounds good. i think it'd allow me to travel, which is a plus."
"that sounds amazing," you say, your mind whisking you away to all the places you wanted to see.
"you can come and visit me, wherever i am." bill chuckled, letting another heart-breaker grin fall into place on his lips.
"and what makes you think we'll keep in touch after we leave hogwarts?" the tone turning back to a lighter banter. you push yourself up onto your elbows
"well, for one thing, our mums. but i also just have a feeling." you're betrayed by your cheeks heating up again. you look into his eyes and find sincerity. they're a deep blue, almost like they've been taken from the nearby water. once again you're reminded of his handsomeness, but this time it's a little different. maybe it's because you've talked more and he's shown you the things he's taken time to notice in you. but his beauty feels warmer. like it was only for you, like it could engulf you. you can see he's started to move closer, and you start to mirror his actions. your eyes move from his to his lips and the light stubble that runs along his jaw, and back again to his eyes. "can i...?" you close your eyes and start to nod, anticipating the feeling of his lips on yours, until, "kids! dinner!" and just like that, the moment is ruined. the two of you open your eyes and put space between yourselves. you clear your throat and stand up, brushing sand off of your legs.
"we should get back," you say.
"uh, yeah, totally." he says, also standing and following you back to the house.
on the walk back, you make sure to stay a few steps ahead of bill to allow yourself some time to think. what had just happened? did you like bill? surely it was just a weird moment following a minor existential crisis about the future right? you should just forget about it and try to focus on spending time with you family the rest of the trip.
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x-woozi · 3 years
An Unwise Interest
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Part 10
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Summary: Of course you love your brother but he can be a bit overly concerned and involved in your personal life. Things only get worse when you find yourself having a little more than “friendly” feelings for one of his best friends.
A/N: I’m sorry it took so long to post life’s been a bit much lately but it’s here now! Ta-da! Love interest revealed, and surprise surprise it’s Jihoon. Im sure you saw it coming but I hope you still enjoy!
Balloons are great and all but the set up and cleaning up is a pain, especially for what you have planned. Luckily you’ll only have to worry about one of those.
Deciding to not be completely mean you planned to fill the majority of the balloons with the confetti first and only a few with glitter. You set everything out side by side on Seungcheols bedroom floor. “Okay I’ve got the balloons and confetti but where did I put- Ah the glitter!” You said aloud to yourself with an evil-like grin as you imagine the look on your brother's face when he gets home.
Rather than waiting for Jihoon to get back, you started without him knowing he’d be against taking any part in it and would have to do some convincing. You tried your best to funnel the tiny pieces of paper into as many balloons as you could before inflating them.
Rather than waiting for Jihoon to get back, you started without him knowing he’d be against taking any part in it and would have to do some convincing. You tried your best to funnel the tiny pieces of paper into as many balloons as you could before inflating them.
Once it was time to blow them up you realize where you went wrong. There’s no pump, no helium tank, nothing. You thought to yourself, this is that stupid pre-prank karma isn’t it. All you could do now was pray your lungs make it through.
10 balloons in and there are many regrets going through your mind. Tying the ends is starting to hurt your fingers, bring rubber bands or ribbon next time. Starting to feel a little lightheaded having to blow them up. Gotta remember to get a pump for these things! Some of the confetti keeps slipping out and getting in your mouth. Why does this feel so dan-
There was a loud thud that came from the other room interrupting your thoughts and making you inhale sharply with a balloon still at your lips. Going hand in hand with your last thought the timing was great because now you’re choking and there’s an intruder. Trying your best not to completely panic when you hear footsteps rushing towards you loudly coughing, you look around the room and realize you have nothing to defend yourself with. what a great way to go.
“Are you okay?!?!” Jihoon yelled as he barged into the room, “what happened!”
If you could this is where you would’ve let out a sigh of relief, but no, still choking on paper.
He practically leapt to your side and aggressively patted your back trying to help, which it did a little. When you caught your breath you quickly faced him, “what the hell, who just comes home and immediately starts slamming doors and shit?? I could have died because of you!”
“Are you being serious?” Jihoon stared at you in disbelief, “first off you’re in my home”
“It’s also my brothers.” You stated as a weak argument against him
“Still not yours. And second that wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t doing all of this” he motioned to the mess you’ve made on the floor. “So who’s really at fault here?”
“wow just blame the victim I guess” You folded your arms “I never took you for that type, I’m disappointed Ji”
His jaw dropped, “the v- you?? You're joking right? You’re the victim?” Scoffing at your claim “right and I’m in the nba”
A small laugh fell from your lips before you could catch it, you cleared your throat to hide it “anyways, were you going to help me with this or not?”
“Would I have brought these if I wasn’t?” He held up two plastic balloon pumps “I had a feeling you didn’t have one, and of course. I was right”
You rolled your eyes “yeah alright well let’s get to pumping, I’m tired of almost dying doing it the old fashioned way.”
Sitting on the floor across from you and grabbed a balloon to start with, “no one told you to take it this far, so that's on you” he shrugged
He wasn’t wrong, you were the one that wanted to do all this but it was going to be worth it in the end. At least you hoped it would be. Of course seeing his initial reaction to seeing it all would be fantastic but after that there's no telling what he’ll do.
As you both sat there with balloons starting to pile around you, you started to think about what your real plans for after college were. “Hey Ji, can I ask you a question?”
“Was that not it?” You squint your eyes back at him and he sighed, “go ahead”
“How did you know to decide on being a music major? Like I know you’re really good at all of it but how do you know that’s what you want to do forever?”
He kept his eyes on the balloon in his hand “Because it’s my outlet, my contribution to the world. It doesn’t reach many people as of right now but for those that it does reach it makes them feel something that only music can. Music is like the medicine everyone needs at some point. It makes me feel good to help people in that way and I want to be able to reach and help as many people as possible.” You had watched the way his smile grew as he spoke about his passion but quickly fell as a pink showed over his cheeks when he looked back up to see you watching his expressions.
There was a sudden pop and with that rubber and confetti was everywhere. You jumped slightly at the noise, “oh no!” You giggled “well that’s one less for him to worry about later”
“At least it wasn’t one with glitter in it” he added while dusting the pieces off of his shirt.
“Very true, that stuff never comes off” you agreed “hang on you got some in your hair”
You leaned over to pick off the few pieces that made it up there before realizing he was reaching to get those same pieces. Though instead of the paper it was your hand he grabbed.
(Que the cheesy kdrama music: Duu dudu duu dudu duu)
Your face immediately burned red as you felt a small panic rush over you. “Sorry I just-“ You laughed lightly as you pulled your hand back, “you know what, I could use a snack break” you stood up and raced to the kitchen. Oh god why am I like this? It wasn't even bad! You thought to yourself pretending to look through the cabinets. Did I make it more awkward running in here like that? Shit.
In an attempt to make it better you decided to make both of you a pb&j, but also as a thank you for helping you finish even if there wasn’t much to do. “Grape or strawberry?” You yelled with your head basically still in the fridge. There was no answer “Ji!”
“Strawberry” his response surprised you with him being much closer than you thought. He had joined you in the kitchen and was grabbing the bread from the counter behind you.
“How did you know what I was going to make?” He looked at you with a straight face. You rolled your eyes and took the bread from his hands. “Maybe I was going to use crackers, make mini pb&js.” You finished up and set them on plates at the table across from each other.
He followed behind you, sliding a glass of water to you before taking his seat. It was silent as you both sat there eating before Jihoon spoke up, “so I’m going to guess that you’re still struggling to pick your major.”
“Says who?”
“Not even 10 minutes ago you were asking how I picked mine.” He pointed out as he picked up his sandwich.
“Well what if I just wanted to get to know you better, make small talk you know?” Trying to defend yourself.
“Okay so then what did you decide on?” He questioned.
“I haven’t.” You responded sounding defeated “what if I do pick and then change my mind then I would have wasted so much time and money for nothing”
He rolled his eyes, taking another bite. “Just don’t think of it like that, think of it as broadening your horizons, explore your options. What do you enjoy doing?”
“Being with my friends? I don’t know”
“Fine, what are you good at?” He waited for an answer as you just stared back with a blank face. “Seriously? How about a planner like for parties and stuff?”
“Me? Plan things? I can’t do that” you laughed at the thought of it.
Completely at a loss for words he gets up and motions for you to follow. You do while bringing what’s left of your sandwich. He led you straight back to your brother's doorway and stood with his arms crossed. “Did you not plan this?”
“This is different. It’s a prank, not a party” you tried explaining, “this is something simple. But we should hurry and finish because he should be home soon.”
He rolled his eyes at you trying to change the subject, “yeah alright but at least think about it. It doesn’t hurt to explore all your options.” he sat on the floor and picked up another balloon. “Especially when you have no idea what you’re doing with your life.”
You scoffed and tossed a handful of deflated balloons at him “I’m sorry, is that judgement I hear?” he looked up at you with raised brows. “At least I’m trying to have fun and enjoy my life instead of staying locked away in my room.”
“I do not stay locked in my room.” He tried defending himself
“Oh my bad, locked away in the studio.” you correct yourself.
He then threw some balloons your way, “I go out and do things. I can have fun and enjoy life”
You took that as a challenge and picked up some confetti and held it in your fist, “you sure about that?”
“Y/n, what are you doing?” he put a hand up as a barrier questioning you.
“What? Are you scared?” you pulled your arm back preparing for launch.
“I just can't tell what you're throwing at me.”
“Let's find out then” as soon as you threw the paper he reached for the glitter and was ready to throw some back. “Wait wait!” you tried reaching to stop him but it was too late, it was everywhere. He was bent over with laughter as you sat there covered in glitter glaring at him. You picked up another container and sprinkled it over him, letting it fall everywhere.
His laughing slowed as he froze when he saw sparkles coming from him. He let out a short laugh before quickly grabbing your arm to keep you from dropping anymore on him. “Really?” Your first thought was to grab it with your other hand, but as you did that he caught you with a smirk
You tried pulling away but with his grip it only forced you to scoot closer to him. There was now a warmth growing on your face as you stared back at him trying to think of your next move to get out.
The smirk still on his face “now what? Are you done?”
Something dropped at the doorway forcing you to both turn to see your brother standing with his bags at his feet “what the hell is going on in here!!”
Suddenly your hands we’re free and you rushed to your feet. “Wait cheol-“
“Out of all the people and all the places! You two?! IN MY ROOM?!!!” He started towards Jihoon.
Moving yourself between them “wait wait it’s not what it looks like I swear!!”
Jihoon was up and backing away slowly “you know me.. we friends.. roomies.. just take a breath”
“Y/n go home I’ll talk to you later. You.” He point at Ji “we need to talk now.”
You grabbed your bag and basically ran out the door. it’s fine it’ll be fine I’ll check on them later. After I’m far away and he’s cooled off.
Obviously you felt bad for leaving the situation like that but what else could you do? Seungcheol was a little scary when he’s mad.
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iatethepomegranate · 3 years
A fic in which Caleb buys a house in Rexxentrum with Beau and Yasha, becomes a professor, and learns how to be a person.
Chapter Summary: The sands of time stop for no one, and the Nein eventually go back to their separate lives. Caleb grapples with the responsibilities of his new position, invents the support group, and Astrid gives him some rather unsettling news.
Notes: Caleb and Essek's scene together is a little spicy, but not explicit. Chapter title is from In the Embers by Sleeping At Last.
*** Chapter 5: Like fireworks we pull apart the dark
Caleb was smiling when he got back home. Veth aimed her crossbow at him.
“Quick! Tell me something only Caleb would say!”
Caleb sighed and held up his hands in surrender; he should have expected this. “You almost inscribed a rune upside-down today. I lent you my spellbook.”
“I don’t know, man,” said Beauregard, lounging across Yasha on the couch and completely fucking with them. “An imposter could’ve interrogated Caleb and forced him to recount his day. Caleb is pretty squishy.” Caleb almost reminded her he had been taught to withstand torture, which he’d first told explictly her while compiling his testimony for Trent’s trial, but he didn’t want to ruin her fun.
“Oh, that’s very smart,” Yasha said.
“Thanks, babe.”
“Say something else,” Veth demanded. “Something not from today. How did we meet?”
“In prison. You stole a bottle of cherry wine. I had Frumpkin retrieve a piece of wire so you could pick the lock and then I set the jail on fire and screamed for help. The guards ran away and we walked out. We have been best friends ever since. You were also a goblin at the time.”
“But wouldn’t an imposter have asked about Caleb’s known associates?” Fjord supplied.
“Fjord, I can and will burn your hair off. And, unlike Aeor, it will not grow back overnight.”
“Ha!” Veth put her crossbow away. “Welcome back. Sit down. Cad’s making tea again.” She dragged him over to the blanket nest that no one had bothered to put away, and shoved him in it.
Essek poked his head out of the kitchen. “How was your meeting?”
Caleb didn’t want to get into it. “I took the job.”
“Woo!” Jester yelled from the kitchen. She poked her head out, just next to Essek. “Did Astrid like the cookies?”
“Ja. She says thank you.” Caleb felt fine, except from the fact he was fucking exhausted. He tipped his head back, landing on Beau’s shin, and closed his eyes. “Uh, Beauregard? She says to look into Headmaster Zivan Margolin, who is also the Archmage of Conscription. He’s a link to Trent. A weak one. Apparently he has been running his mouth about how he saw my potential from the beginning. Ludinus is uncomfortable with the implication and may throw him to the wolves to save his own neck.”
“I’ll pass it onto Yudala tomorrow. Take a nap while we wait for dinner.”
“The head of your school is also in charge of conscription?” said Fjord. “Wait. You’ve said this before.”
“A long time ago, ja.”
“Look, I’m only a few months old,” said Kingsley, who had been sprawled behind the couch the whole time, apparently. “And even I know that’s kinda fucked up.”
“No shit.” Caleb was half-sleep already, eyes closed. A small body curled up against him. Veth.
“Caleb, that’s really awful,” said Jester. “I’m so sorry.”
“Jester, I appreciate that, and I love you very much, but I am exhausted and cannot talk about this anymore.”
Caduceus saved him by bringing a tea tray into the room. “Let’s all unwind for a bit. Dinner will be ready soon.”
Caleb drank half his tea and fell asleep on Beauregard, who had to kick him awake for dinner. Well had to was a strong way to put it. Regardless, he shoved some food in his face and then went to bed with Essek.
Astrid sent him tidbits of information as more details of his professorship were finalised. He would assist Professor Weber with the beginner and intermediate Transmutation classes. He would also assist Professor Winterheart with the beginner Evocation class, due to his experience. He would also be on call to assist with other classes as necessary.
What really shook Caleb, however, were Bettina’s plans for Advanced Transmutation. She told him herself over coffee in the ex-smut shop.
“Astrid has assured me of your capabilities,” she said, stirring sugar into her mug. “And she’s of the mind that the Advanced students may need your guidance the most. You may end up with a few former Volstrucker students, if we can get them back in class.”
“That is a big if.”
“Ja. Would you talk to Astrid about it? I don’t want to overstep.”
“It has been on my mind. I will talk to her.” If Caleb hadn’t been dead on his feet last time they had spoken, he probably would have brought it up. It would take time to track all of them down, and Caleb had not been in the right headspace to handle that kind of work previously. But things were more stable now, even if he cried at the drop of a hat these days.
“Danke. Now, Advanced Transmutation. The advanced students start on the third week of term, so you will have had some time to find your feet. I want you to take the lead with them.”
“Bitte?” Caleb wasn’t sure he understood what she was telling him.
“I want you to teach the advanced students,” Bettina clarified. “I will be on hand if you need, but I think you can handle it once you have a few classes under your belt.”
“Bettina, I have no experience.” Caleb was about three wrong words from hyperventilating. This was ridiculous. And irresponsible.
“I know that’s not true, Mr Widogast. Sorry, Professor Widogast.” The slip was deliberate. Bettina used his first name most of the time. She was making a point of his new title. “Astrid has spoken to your expositor friend, who said you have been teaching magic to one of your friends for over a year, and that you helped her run a summer camp for adventurers in Nicodranas. Expositor Lionett also insists you are very good with children.”
“My friend’s young son, specifically. He is not a difficult child.” Well, Luc was a handful for his parents, but Caleb didn’t have to worry about controlling him like they did. “And… advanced students are teenagers, not toddlers.”
“I understand this is a lot to ask,” Bettina said evenly. “I am asking because some of these children have been through a lot. My inaction, whatever the truth of it, will not instill confidence. You put Trent in prison. You were an adventurer. You can relate to them. Not only can you be a safe person for them, but you are interesting. Teenagers respond best to people who are genuine, and genuinely interesting. Even the children who have not been pulled into Trent’s web have just been through a war. Some of them may have lost family.”
“Bettina, I appreciate you are trying to explain your reasons, but it is not helping.”
“I will be there in class for as long as you need my help,” Bettina promised. “I will only leave when you are ready. I promise. You can ask for help at any time. I will help you with your lesson plans and give you all the advice I can. You will be fine. I would not suggest this if I thought you couldn’t handle it.”
Caleb went back home after his meeting with Bettina. He was still worried, but he was having a decent day overall, so it wasn’t overwhelming him at the moment. He stepped inside Beau and Yasha’s side of the house, the scent of freshly baked bread filling his nostrils. It was almost lunchtime.
Most of the Nein had gone home by now, except Essek and Caduceus. They were in the kitchen with Yasha, inspecting a fresh loaf of bread on the counter. The top of it was sprinkled with rolled oats.
“I think it worked,” Caduceus said. “Ah, Caleb. Rye bread? Does it look right to you?”
It smelled like the Vollkornbrot Caleb remembered from his childhood. “Ja. This looks close to what my mother used to make.”
Yasha and Caduceus high-fived over Essek’s head. Essek’s nose wrinkled a little bit in a moment of endearing, petty irritation. Yasha cut the bread into slices and constructed a sandwich to take to Beau, who was at the Archive. She buttered a slice and shoved it into her mouth before she rushed out the door.
Caleb sat with Essek and Caduceus. The latter finished serving up the bread with a generous spread of butter.
“Did you start this last night?” Caleb asked. It was chewy as intended and tasted like home, maybe a tiny bit saltier, but that was fine.
“Yeah,” replied Caduceus. “You were pretty out of it. We looped Essek in once you were out of the house this morning. This one seems doable for Yasha to make without us. You might have to help her.”
“I can do that.” He used to help his mother with the bread whenever he was home. The memories were not too painful today, just an ache.
“How was your meeting?” Essek asked. He had been hesitant to leave Rexxentrum until Caleb was a bit more settled, but the hourglass was almost drained of sand.
“Good, I think.” Caleb chewed, mulling the whole thing over. “Professor Weber is giving me her advanced transmutation students.”
“You look worried,” said Caduceus.
“I am. It’s a lot of responsibility. She thinks the older students need me the most. As a safe person. I was their age when I… when everything went to shit. She thinks we may have a few survivors of the program in the class, and other students will have lost family in the war.”
Essek’s shoulders slumped. He ate quietly.
“And the Professor doesn't think she can be that person?”
“She insists she didn’t know what Trent was doing, but she expects the survivors will only see the face of someone who didn’t help them.”
“That is very self-aware of her. Do you feel that way?”
“No. But I’m not seventeen years old.”
“True. Well, I think you have the tools to help the kids, if you feel up to it.”
“I… maybe. Bettina said she’ll help me in class until I don’t need her anymore.”
Caduceus nodded slowly, with a smile. “You’ll be great.”
Essek and Caduceus had dinner at the house, and intended to spend a few more hours there before teleporting to the Blooming Grove, where Essek would trance before heading off in the morning, only short of one big spell instead of two. Caleb almost wanted to ask him to burn a second spell to trance here instead, but he knew Essek found the Grove calming. And one of the few places he didn’t have to worry about the Dynasty or the Empire. Caleb wouldn’t take that from him.
But they had a bit of time, which Caleb and Essek spent in their room together. Caleb let a few of his dancing lights float around the space, so he could see Essek for the last time in who knew how long.
“You were better today,” Essek said softly, slowly unbuttoning Caleb’s shirt.
Caleb watched him concentrate on the buttons, memorising his tiny frown that also graced his face when focusing on intricate spellwork. “Being here is getting easier. Thank you for the bread.”
Essek chuckled softly. “I did very little.” He pushed Caleb’s shirt off his shoulders. “But I’m glad it made you happy.”
“The best bread is the kind made by someone I love.” He shivered a little in the cold. Essek pressed his lips to Caleb’s shoulder, remaining there as the seconds ticked away. Caleb got to work on Essek’s shirt, finding the strings on the back through sheer muscle memory. He picked the bow apart and slowly unravelled the lacing. He pulled Essek’s shirt over his head and kissed his collarbone.
They had a few more hours. Caleb intended to treasure every second Essek could give him.
Essek pulled Caleb’s ponytail free and ran his fingers through the braids he had made that morning until they twisted apart. He cradled Caleb’s head as they kissed. Vulnerability between them had been hard won, and now it was as easy as breathing. Easier, sometimes.
They separated, and Essek slowly dragged his thumb across Caleb’s lower lip. “I will message you every day I can.”
“You better. Or I will hunt you down.”
Essek smirked, and it did things to Caleb. “And if I misbehave? Will you give me detention, Professor?”
“Essek, I love you, but never say that again.” Caleb shut him up with another kiss. “I do not want one of my last memories of you to be… that.”
“Not so adventurous after all,” Essek teased.
“We are not bringing our professions into the bedroom. That will not go well for either of us.”
“Hmm.” Essek’s eyes were distant for a moment. “You are… not wrong. Whenever I hear the word Shadowhand, I think of my mother.”
“Could be worse,” Caleb said dryly.
Essek wrinkled his nose. “Yes. Well. That has killed the mood.”
“I can fix that. May I?”
Essek sat back on his hands, raising an eyebrow. “Do your worst.”
“Challenge accepted,” Caleb murmured. He shoved Essek onto his back, straddling his hips. Essek was a lot smaller than Caleb, though the force of his personality and his floating cantrip had once hidden that reality. Now, however… Caleb could keep Essek in place with his weight alone. And Essek liked it when he used that objective fact to their benefit.
Essek’s lips parted, and it took him ten seconds of shallow breaths to find his voice. “Challenge completed,” he said breathlessly.
“It’s one of my many skills, Liebchen.” Caleb knew his voice became extra husky when aroused, and he knew how much it broke Essek’s brain.
Essek opened his mouth again, but nothing came out except a soft, breathy laugh. He reached up and pulled Caleb’s hair until Caleb leaned down and kissed him hard. The throaty mmph noise from Essek was satisfying as fuck. It was very easy to get Essek aroused at the right moment. The harder part was finding that moment. He was sensitive to Caleb’s emotions, and it was hard for him to get in the mood if he had even the slightest inkling Caleb was not having a good day. For now, at least, it meant what sex they did have only happened under the best circumstances. It was a far cry from the last relationship Caleb had been in, where most of the sex had been after a bad day, all three of them on the brink of falling apart.
Caleb pulled back a little bit to lightly brush his fingernails across the sensitive skin of Essek’s lower abdomen, just above his remaining clothing. Essek’s breath hitched.
“Caleb. Please.” Essek was flushing red beneath the purple of his skin, turning it a lovely plum tone. Caleb kissed his stomach, and slowly undressed him like a long-anticipated present he was afraid to break. Essek squirmed beneath him, no matter how hard he tried to hold still to make the job easier.
“What do you want, Kätzchen?” Caleb said quietly, stroking the inside of Essek’s bare thigh. Caleb never used terms of endearment like this in casual conversation. He liked to save it for special moments, specifically because he knew it broke Essek’s brain very badly to be called things like kitten or sweetheart in Caleb’s own tongue.
Essek let out a shaky breath; his violet-blue eyes were half-lidded and he was out of his fucking mind. “I want… anything. Everything. You. I can’t think.”
“I know,” Caleb said, sliding off the bed, just out of Essek’s reach. “I like it that way.” He slowly unfastened his pants, watching Essek twitch in a half-aborted attempt to move closer to him. “Stay right there.” He let them drop, kicked them aside, finished undressing. He lingered out of reach until Essek bit his lip, gazing up at him with a silent plea. Only then did Caleb climb back onto the bed, settling between Essek’s shaking legs. “Let me take care of you, ja?”
Caleb caught Essek’s lips in a messy, breathless kiss as their bodies fit together at long last.
Later, they lay together under the covers. Caleb had extinguished his lights. Essek could see him perfectly well. Caleb had almost left the lights on so he could drink in Essek’s features for a little while longer, but he was sluggish and borderline mindless from his most recent orgasm. He would rather spend what little concentration he had on running his fingers across Essek’s features so he had a few more memories to keep him warm until they could meet again.
“I will stay until you fall asleep,” Essek said softly. “Then, I will message you tomorrow after I leave the Grove.”
Caleb hummed quietly, not trusting his voice beyond that. This goodbye was hard every time.
“I’m proud of you, Caleb.” Essek kissed him, and then pressed their foreheads together. “You will be an incredible teacher. You already are.” Caleb swallowed against a lump in his throat. He was not going to cry. He was not going to make this harder for Essek than it needed to be.
Somehow, he managed to find his voice. “I finally had a good example.”
Essek chuckled softly. “That may be the one thing in my life I did right.”
“It’s an important thing you did right, but not the only one.” Caleb found his hand, twining their fingers together. His grip would slacken in sleep, letting Essek extract himself without too much difficulty.
“I try to remember that. Thank you. Get some sleep.”
Caleb didn’t want to close his eyes, knowing Essek wouldn’t be there in the morning. But Essek had to leave sometime, and he was giving Caleb every moment he could spare. So Caleb closed his eyes and relaxed into the pillow.
“I love you, Essek.”
“I love you, Caleb.”
Sometimes they didn’t need to say it. It was always true, whether or not they put it into words. Tonight, however, they both felt just a little more fragile, a little more vulnerable, and the words helped.
And then Caleb slept. The last thing he remembered was Essek’s fingers dancing sweetly in his hair.
Waking alone, Caleb tried not to be too dour in the morning, but given Yasha kept trying to find things around the house to keep him busy, he was clearly not doing a good job. He had to meet with Astrid (and probably Wulf) later in the day to discuss work some more, and he needed to bring up the Volstrucker survivors. Maybe Astrid had already been working on contacting them, but it wasn’t clear. It needed to be.
For now, however, he let Yasha drag him out to the garden. He liked having his hands in the soil, coaxing life out of the earth. After dealing so much death in this world, it was nice to put life back into it. He knew Yasha felt the same. It also let him reminisce about some of his less painful memories of home. Planting green beans with his mother.
It was also a little easier to bask in the afterglow of last night out here in the sun.
“Did you have a good time last night?” Yasha asked. Caleb was glad Beauregard was already at work. She wouldn’t tease him, but he knew she would have to restrain herself.
“Ja,” Caleb said quietly.
“He’s soft with you. It’s lovely.” She watched him, and she saw a little too well. “You miss him.”
“A lot, ja.”
“You’re good for each other,” she said. “I’m glad you have him, even if it’s not all the time.”
Caleb knew his smile was incredibly sad, but it was a smile nonetheless. “Me too.”
Essek’s Sending reached him in that moment. “Hello, love. I have arrived at my destination in one piece. A little further away than intended, but unharmed. How’s your morning?” A slight pause. “I love you.” Ah, he’d realised he had three words left.
Full of warmth from the sun and Essek’s word economy, Caleb responded, “Hallo, Essek. Glad you are safe. I am gardening with Yasha.” She waved. “She says hi. We had leftover bread for breakfast. Talk soon. Love you, too.”
“That’s very sweet, Caleb.”
He chuckled, and it sounded a little more fragile than he would’ve liked. “Careful. I will start crying again.”
“Hey, that’s okay. I’ve been crying a lot, too. I think it’s a good thing.”
Maybe. Caleb found it too unsettling to have that view on it. He stood up from the ground, knees damp with morning dew, and dusted the grass off his trousers. Establishing a garden here, and actually putting his own hands in the dirt this time, felt permanent. Unless something went very wrong, they were going to be here for a long time.
Yasha hadn’t had a stable home for years, either. And she also had awful violence and loss baked into her past, and terrifying blank patches in her memory. It was easy to spend quiet time with her, because they understood each other in a way the others sometimes couldn’t.
They enjoyed a quiet cup of tea on the steps linking the back door to the garden. Yasha was partway through repairing the fence back here, and she insisted on working with it alone; magic would end the project too quickly.
The sun reflected in her whitening hair, glowing like the radiance inside her. She deserved all the gentle mornings; she wore them well. Yasha gazed out at the barest beginnings of their garden, and she smiled.
“This suits you,” Caleb said.
“I’m getting used to it,” she replied softly. “After so long, I get to just be a…” She caught herself. “Well. I’m not a wife.”
“For now.”
She chuckled. “For now. It’s nice here. I get to bake bread, and grow a little garden, and welcome the people I love when they come home. And I get to love whoever I want. That’s all I ever wanted.”
“You deserve it. You deserve peace.”
Yasha smiled into her teacup. “Beau tells me that every day. I think I’m starting to believe it. What about you?”
A short question, with a complicated answer. “Sometimes. I do not know if I will ever feel like I deserve this without reservation. It is getting easier. Having a mission helps, I think.”
“We can do this,” Yasha told him. She said it quietly, but with every ounce of determination she had. Yasha had a lot. Caleb was struck by her soft strength, as he often was. Letting oneself be gentle after years of violence and pain was one of the hardest things to do. Caleb knew that all too well.
Caleb held out his fist, and she bumped it. “Ja, we got this.”
And he actually believed it. If only a little bit.
Caleb had an easier time walking into Soltryce Academy this time. Starting from a far more energised and calm place than last time carried him through the memories. Entering Astrid’s office was still a little painful, but he was strong enough to handle it.
Astrid and Wulf were seated in armchairs in front of the fireplace, reading. There was a pile on the table between them, and evident gaps on the bookshelves. They had rarely gotten to read books from Trent’s personal collection. The silent fuck you was vindicating, even vicariously.
“The old man had some interesting material,” Astrid said in Zemnian, skipping over the pleasantries. They didn’t need them at this point. She messaged him frequently enough that it felt like they were simply picking up a briefly dropped conversation. They usually spoke Zemnian when they did not have non-speakers to contend with, and Wulf followed suit. They would occasionally borrow a word or phrase from Common if the sentiment worked better.
Wulf snorted. “Pretty dry reading. You’ll like it, Bren.”
Caleb shrugged. “Once a nerd, always a nerd.”
Wulf set the book on the table, stretching; his shirt rode up a little bit and Caleb kept his eyes on his face with a great deal of effort. “If you want more colourful reading, the smut shop you were asking about is on the north side of the market.”
“Kingsley asked me.”
“Uh-huh,” Wulf said flatly.
“Listen, you cannot flirt with all my friends and then take that tone with me.”
“Just did.”
Caleb resisted the somewhat mild urge to scream. Wulf and Astrid were both very good at putting him off-balance, in very different ways. “Whatever makes you happy, Wulf. Astrid, can we talk about Advanced Transmutation? I am going to explode if I don’t talk about this in the next ten seconds.”
Astrid had been watching his exchange with a cocked eyebrow, but she smoothed out her expression and gestured towards a third armchair, closer to the fire.
He sat down, holding one hand out towards the warmth. “Astrid, I say this with all the respect in the world: what the fuck?”
“The advanced classes are in a delicate situation,” Astrid replied. “Professor Weber and I want as many of the Volstrucker program survivors back in school as possible. You are a better person to work with them than Bettina, and with any students who lost loved ones in the war. She told you her reasons, yes?”
“Then what is the problem?”
“Aside from my lack of qualifications and the fact I never technically graduated from the Academy?”
“Bren, your practical experience outweighs all of that. Bettina will help you with the rest.”
“Astrid suggested you take the advanced students,” Wulf said casually, leafing through another tome as if he wasn’t throwing a bomb into the conversation.
Caleb felt an ache in his gut, and he had to close his eyes and compose himself. “Astrid. Why?”
“The Academy is about to throw those children into the world,” she replied quietly. “Whatever lessons you wish to impart, you have to impart them now. Not only that, but Bettina is not well-suited to teach survivors of the Volstrucker program. She has spent her entire life in the Academy. They will not take her seriously. Some may resent her for not doing something about the abuse happening right under her nose. She told you that.”
“How many survivors do you expect we will have?” asked Caleb.
“I am still trying to track them down,” Astrid replied, with an edge of frustration.
“I was meaning to talk to you about the Volstrucker.” Caleb had been racking his brain whenever he had the time and energy. There was no formal infrastructure to support the survivors of the program. If Caleb hadn’t met Veth, and then later the Nein, things could have gone very badly for him in so many different ways.
“Talk,” Astrid said.
“These people need help,” he said. “Unless we get that mental health support I asked for, we are effectively on our own. Even if the Assembly throws us crumbs, nobody can understand what it was like except others like us. We need to talk to each other. Regularly, if possible.”
Wulf’s eyes stopped scanning the page. “Do you really think Volstrucker will want to talk to each other about this shit?”
“Who else is there?” Caleb said plainly. “They--we deserve the chance to support each other. Regular meetings, if we can. A support group, I suppose. Low pressure. Just a group of people who understand each other going through yet another upheaval in a life filled with them.”
Astrid watched him closely, eyes narrowed in thought. “Interesting. I think I understand where this idea came from.”
“We got each other through a lot back in the day,” said Caleb. “But we weren’t equipped for it. There was no blueprint for what we were to each other, but we did our best. Until it wasn’t enough. And later, I had the Nein. I would not be here without them. I owe them everything. Not everyone has people like that.”
“I’ll find us a place and let you know,” Astrid said.
“Thank you.” Caleb had expected he would be a little emotional about it, so at least he was prepared to ward off tears. “Thank you so much.”
Astrid averted her eyes, gazing into the fire. “As for your job, most of the children in the program have been located. Some of their parents have pulled them out of school. I am… trying to talk them out of that. The last thing we need are traumatised, half-trained adolescents running around unchecked.”
Caleb was hung up on her wording. Most of the children had been found. “There are some unaccounted for?”
“Two. Felix and Nicolaus. They’re both seventeen.” Astrid didn’t need to point out why their age was a problem.
There was no time to panic; Caleb needed details. “What do we know about them?”
“I worked with them a little,” Astrid replied. “They are close, not unlike the three of us at their age. If we find one, we may find the other. They are from Blumenthal. The Crownsguard are keeping an eye out, but I do not trust them to handle this with the care this situation requires.”
“Both Evocation.”
Caleb didn’t need to say aloud how bad this could be. Two missing Evocation wizards, on the edge of graduating the Volstrucker program, who had possibly had their memories modified and orders distributed. It had been a few months since Trent would have last had contact with them. The worst could already have happened. Then again, Caleb had been in Blumenthal not that long ago to visit his parents, and he hadn’t heard anything that would have given him pause.
“I was in Blumenthal a few weeks ago,” Caleb said. “If they followed through on an order, it was likely after that. I’d… like to think I would have noticed otherwise. Most people seem to agree that I am rather intelligent.” The dry humour probably wasn’t appropriate in this moment, but he needed to keep himself calm and sarcasm usually worked a treat. “In more recent times, I would assume word would have gotten back to you. Maybe we are not too late.”
“Optimism is a new look for you, Bren,” said Wulf.
Caleb would never call himself an optimist, but he could see why Wulf was uncomfortable, even if he hid it behind one part sarcasm and one part a veiled flirt. “Wulf, I have seen a lot of things in this past year alone that have… changed me. There was a time, not too long ago, when I did not expect to survive the week. And… look at us now. We are sitting here in Astrid’s office, reading Trent’s old books because he is stuck in a dark hole and cannot do anything to us. I spent the morning gardening with Yasha. My friends bought me a quilt because it reminded me of my mother. Things are better for me than they have been in a very long time. So, I am trying new things, like having hope sometimes.”
“Point taken,” Wulf murmured, averting his eyes. Tense. Uncomfortable.
“I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything about the boys,” Astrid said. “Whatever happens… I think you should be there.
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Long for Who You Could Have Been.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 4, Day 19: Mistakes} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] |
| They might be monster hunters and that might mean their lives are fraught with chaos and danger. But there were moments in between the contracts and courts, fragile and wavering like the dying embers of a flame; where pasts, and hopes, and dreams were shared in the refuge of the campfire. |
| Word Count: 1,764. |
| A/N: So this is my second to last Jasonette July fic but the last to actually be posted in July since the other fic (Prompt: Loss) is taking longer than expected to write, whoops! Anyway here's a shorter Witcher au that's mostly fluff with a tinge of sadness here and there. Definitely feels weird to be using/needing so few tags for the first time in a long while! Lastly, thanks to my friend Saf whose reactions to the snippets I send her, absolutely fuel my will to write! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
The fire crackled gently, flames flickering in soft almost hypnotising patterns. The light and warmth were all that was keeping the chilling coastal mist at bay, from reaching their little makeshift camp.
Crescent moon and stars twinkled above, shining their silvery light down to mix with the ghostly mist below.
It was almost haunting, in the precious silence, punctuated only by the gentle lapping of waves against the cliff rocks not too far away. And the low hum of the local nocturnal bugs and other such creatures; the flap of bat wings, the cry of an owl, the flutter of moths and beetles, the scuttling of hedgehogs, mice, and foxes. The air was still, not even the faintest sea breeze and yet the fret rolled and crept and seeped into every nook and cranny outside of the protective glow of the campfire.
Jason sat on one side of the fire, on his bedroll and worked on cleaning his silver and steel swords with a rag, not quite humming as he quietly mouthed the words to a jaunty little tavern song, the Fishmonger's Daughter.
On the opposite side of the campfire, on her own bedroll, Marinette had a cloak splayed out across her knee with a needle and thread in hand. Tongue sticking out slightly, in concentration, carefully she darned away at the numerous little holes that had formed from walking through the thorny bush filled forest that their current contract had led them into entering.
With a huff, Jason threw the cleaning rag at the saddlebag on the ground beside him. He sheathed his swords and pulled out his favoured weapon, the crossbow with steel and silver-tipped bolts. Immediately he began checking the bolts for any potential damage and ensuring the shooting mechanism on the crossbow hadn't jammed.
“Something on your mind, Blue Jay?” Marinette asked, glancing up from her needlework for a moment.
He tipped his head back and sighed. “I've been thinking…”
“That's new.” She responded, mirth glinting obviously in her eyes and the bubble of laughter in her tone.
Jason gasped in faux offence, mindfully dropping his crossbow and scrambling for the cleaning rag just to throw it at her face.
Before it could hit her, Marinette plucked it out of the air with two fingers. She hummed mock-thoughtfully. “Your aim's off.”
“You take that back! My aim is impeccable. Alfred said so!” He argued back.
She snorted. “Alfred is biased because he's your grandfather figure. And I'll take it back next time we get through an entire contract without you missing a single shot.” To punctuate her point, she tossed the rag back at him.
He half-dived for it, grabbing it with both hands and with it safely in his grasp, placed the rag inside the saddlebag beside him. Throwing his arms up in mock-exasperation, Jason scowled playfully at her. “C'mon! That's not fair, you've never gone an entire contract without messing up or missing with your magic either!”
“Yeah,” Marinette agreed with a nod of her head and a smirk on her lips, “but I've never claimed to be perfect at magic!”
Her words caused him to falter slightly. “Right,” he swallowed a breath of air thickly, “That reminds me of what I was going to say before we got distracted.”
She frowned, furrowing her eyebrows and putting on a softer tone. “What is it? As much as we joke, I'd never actually judge you for missing shots or anything else, you know that right?”
“Yeah, I know… I just.” He huffed in frustration. Hesitantly, he held her gaze with his own but not a second later, winced and shifted his to stare down at the flickering embers of the campfire pit. Avoiding eye contact with her. He clenched his fists. “D'you ever, I don't know, feel like this was all… a mistake?”
Scrunching up her face in confusion, she squinted at Jason. “What do you mean? As-as in taking the contract?”
“No! Well, yes but no. I mean…” He waved an arm, gesturing vaguely around them, “just everything. Becoming a Witcher. Or I guess in your case, a Sorceress. Do you regret it?”
When she didn't immediately respond, Jason huffed again, hunching his shoulders up and practically bristling like a particularly grumpy and grizzling moggy. “Look, never mind. Stupid question.”
“It's not stupid!” Marinette retorted, “I just… wasn't expecting a question like that at this moment.”
He stared at her expectantly. “Well?”
Tipping her head back slightly, she fiddled with the needle still in one hand and sighed. “I suppose I do, I know I shouldn't… but I miss the easy days. Like before I knew what I was capable of. Before I knew what horrors the world could bring. Back when my only worries were getting stitches right and not messing up when dealing with expensive materials. Or maybe having to worry if the Alderman's daughter was going to harass me at some point during the day.”
Marinette tilted her head forwards again, a frown gracing her lips, and shrugged. “What brings this up?”
There's not an immediate response, as Jason casts his gaze away from the fire—towards where the sea could be heard but not seen. His fingers twitched midair, almost as though plucking the strings of an instrument. “I never wanted to be a Witcher. I was a Child Surprise, dunno who was the one that offered the Law of Surprise though.”
“Ah, I sorta get that. I'm also a Child Surprise, didn't get to choose to be a Sorcerer either.” As she spoke, she nodded in solidarity.
Jason jolted, gaze immediately snapping up to stare at her, completely taken aback. “Wait seriously? You're a Child Surprise too? How'd that happen?”
“Well, my parents' bakery was attacked and Félix, y'know my mentor, saved them. He invoked the Law of Surprise, expecting to get bread or some other baked goods.” She snorted, “he was awfully surprised to end up getting me instead. And when I accidentally cast my first ever spell trying to escape the Alderman's daughter, I ended up teleporting to Félix.”
“So, wait Félix fucking invoked the Law of Surprise to get food? And got you instead. Holy fucking shit that's hilarious!” He wheezed, doubling over in raucous laughter.
Huffing, she cast a spell, causing a vine to sprout up out of the ground beside him and slap him on the knee. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up!”
“Ouch! Hey, no fair!” Jason mock scowled, choking back any further laughter. Quickly, in retaliation, he cast a weak Aard.
The telekinetic wave knocked into Marinette, pushing her onto her back from the weakened force.
“Wha—! Oh, so the vine isn't fair but throwing me to the ground is!” She griped, crossing her arms (carefully as to not prick herself on the needle) but made no attempt to get up.
Half-shrugging and grinning smugly, he replied, “you started it!”
She made an exaggerated groaning noise in response before slowly shifting her position to push herself back up into sitting cross-legged. “Well, now you know how I became a Sorcerer. How'd being a Child Surprise tie into you ending up a Witcher, if you don't me asking?”
“I dunno,” he shrugged with both shoulders this time, “I tried to steal the infamous Bat of Gotham's horse, he asked me my name. Reluctantly and after some bribery of hot food, I told him. Didn't think to give a fake one, at the time. He made a face, invoked the Law of Surprise owed to him and dragged me back to the Bat Witcher school.”
“Huh,” Marinette responded, “so if you hadn't… what would you have done with your life?”
Jason raised an eyebrow at her. “Seriously? This is me we're talking about. I'd have gone to Bard College, obviously. I'd have written poems and shit. And books, I'd have written books.”
Scrunching up her face once more, Marinette glanced down at the needle in her hand. “We're by the coast.”
“What?” He asked incredulously, giving her a bemused and questioning look. “What does that have to do with poetry and books?”
In a rush of words, she rambled, “we could take a holiday. I could find out about the spell to disguise your eyes… and uh hair too. That way no one will know you're a Witcher. And we can go to the bard college-town that's down the coast from where we are. We can scavenge together enough gold for you to attend, and you can write your poetry and books.”
Jason stared at her in shock, tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Softly, as though anything louder than a whisper would cause the offer to shatter like his childhood dreams once had. “Oh, oh, could you really?”
As warmly as the fire between them, Marinette smiled, “of course! I'd have to ask Félix first of course. But he fell in love with Bridgette and she was a Witcher and he came up with a spell to disguise her whenever they weren't doing contracts or courtly politics. So I don't see why he wouldn't show me how to do it!”
Shakily, he wiped his eyes and smiled back. “Fuck, I'd love that!”
“Okay then! I'll contact Félix on the xenovox tomorrow.” As she spoke, a yawn slipped past her lips. “I think I'm gonna head to sleep now. I'll see you in the morning!”
“Good night, Marinette. I'm gonna stretch my legs real quick first.” He answered, hefting himself up and stretching his arms. “Sleep well, though.”
“Be careful!” Marinette yawned again and packed away her needlework for the night. She then wriggled into her bedroll. “And I'll try, g'night!”
“Night,” he whispered once more.
Quietly, so as to not disturb her, Jason slipped away from camp. Following the direction of the fret, he made his way down the safest cliff path he could find in the dark until his boots hit the sand. Step by step, he walked across the beach until the sea spray spattered against his clothes. He's close enough that the waves gently lapped at the toes of his boots.
Clutching one hand to his chest, just over where his heart was, Jason sighed and gazed longingly at the mist-shrouded sea.
“I never thought I'd get to continue my dreams after becoming a Witcher.” He whispered to the wind. “And now I can, thanks to her.”
He sighs again, heart warmed. And silently in the quietude of the beach at night, he cries alone. For his heart is too full with the kindness of another to contain the feelings any longer.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are much appreciated! |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I’ll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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itsboketto · 4 years
output - gojou x f!reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media
genre: angsty 
warnings: cussing , mentions of sex , death , Utahime mentions
disclaimer: please excuse my terrible writing state, i haven’t written in awhile so I’m just getting back into writing :) also this is in no way to shit on gojou, we all love him 🏹 and yes, i’m aware i used a different anime AMV but the song & arrangement was too good to pass off. thanks for understanding!
WC: 3231
proofreaders/editors: Amanda , Aldu , Zero , & Flora | Thank you so much for fixing my dumb mistakes 👉👈 appreciate you 4 very much!
This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. He was supposed to stay with you forever, he was supposed to go down on one knee and wrap your finger with a diamond ring, he was supposed to have a family with you and have the happiest lifetime with you. 
He was too late
A week ago
“Y/n-channn“ Gojou whined while throwing a fit on the bed you both shared. You gave a soft hum, rubbing your eyes with your hand, the flat side of your elbow slightly brushing against his soft fluffy white hair. “I want to eat breakfasttt!” he huffed, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist and pulled you into his chest kissing you on the top your head. “If you hold me like this I won’t be able to cook for you. Make up your mind babe,” you yawned, digging your face into his warm embrace. “What if I want both?” “You don’t get both.” “I’ll get both anyways!” “No you won’t.”. That’s how your everyday went.
He’d wrapped his arms around your waist as you cooked breakfast for him, propping his chin on your shoulder and humming a familiar tune. The way he always ends up making your heart skip a beat every time he looked at you with his breath-taking eyes. How he always was your first priority and always will be. He was your one and only, and you both knew that.
Nothing really concerned you when it came to Gojou. You knew he was always out trying to save others or train his municipals so you never worried about what he was doing.
Today however, he seemed a bit off. He woke up on his own, cooked his own breakfast (and yours), didn’t even try giving you the slightest attention, and just went out to work after he finished getting dressed. The only thing you got was a quick head pat and a “Have a nice day”. You knew things were getting troublesome at work and he was working really hard to train your younger brother, Itadori-kun, but it still hurt that he was giving you the cold shoulder. You ate the sandwich he left on the kitchen counter, thinking about what could've happened that made him so stressed out . You decided to wait until he got home so you can talk it out with him.
He didn’t come back home. 
It started getting pitch black as you watched as the clouds flowed with the silent night. You already tried text him, call him, you even called your younger brother Itadori-kun but he seemed to be busy. You were worried sick, not because he wasn’t home, no, but about him acting strange this morning. The last person you called was someone whom you’ve been close to since childhood, Utahime. 
“Hello?” she answered, picking up faster than you thought
“Utahime, I know it’s quite late to be calling but I need some comforting” you sighed, hoping she’ll agree to listen
“It’s okay, tell me what’s wrong” 
You ended up staying on the call until the sun rose. You apologized to her for taking up her time and suggested to buy her a cup of coffee the next time they meet and she agreed happily. You fell asleep as soon as you hung up, exhausted from the overwhelming emotion you spilled onto your best friend.
The afternoon
The sun ray peaked through the window blinds, flushing into your living room, landing right straight onto your face. You rolled over to the side to avoid the sun light but in the process you nearly fell off the couch side. “Ah!! That scared me..” you grumbled while raising yourself up, yawning and extending your arms up to stretch out the sore bones. “What time is it?” you asked, twisting your head to check the clock; 12:09pm “SHIT I’M LATE” you cussed in a panic and zoomed to your room to get your prepacked bag and went to the kitchen to grab a slice of bread. You slipped out of your slippers and grabbed the keys hanging on the right side of the door. Assuming Gojou was back, you yelled back “Okay babe, I’m leav-” the front door unlocked. It pushed wide open revealing an image you’d like to be forgotten.
Another woman was clinging onto Gojou’s arm
Not only that, but he also reeked of alcohol as well. His face was terribly red and he couldn’t stay put. “Gojou~ I thought you said no one was going to be home” the woman hummed, looking at you with a smile. “Ah? I was sureee Y/n would beee at workkk nowww~” your boyfriend whined while using the girl as support for his heavy head. What the fuck was happening? Who is this woman? Why is he bringing her to our house? Is he serious right now? Too many questions flooded your head but there was one thing clear to you: get him away from that woman. “Um Miss, would you mind letting go of him? I can handle him from here” you gave the woman a genuine smile and stood in-between them, trying your best to drive her away. “Why should I let go when he brought me here, hm?” she didn’t try letting go, her grip tightened. “I appreciate your help, Miss. But he is seeing someone right now so it’d be best to leave” you tried to emphasize your lack of patience, not waiting for her to respond you yanked his arm away from her grip and immediately shut the door after the action. You could hear the woman cuss under her breath while dragging herself away from your unit. 
You heaped Gojou onto the living room couch and removed his mask. “Gojou, what happened?” you asked, trying to sound as calm as you could. “Y-y/n? Why are you hereeee?” he asked, adverting his gaze as if he were hiding something. “Who was that woman?” you asked again but firmly this time. “W-who are you talkinggg abouttt?”. He wasn’t in the right state to answer any questions no matter how much you push him. You let out a heavy sigh and walked towards the kettle where the already boiled water was sitting. Pouring the water into his mug, you walked back to him and handed it to him. “Get some rest, we’ll talk tomorrow.” 
Gojou left.
You woke up to a cold atmosphere. The sun was up and you’re alone on the couch. It took you a few seconds to remember what happened last time. “Gojou!” you said in an instant. You panicked, hoping he didn’t leave already. The bedroom, bathroom, laundry room, closet. He was gone. You groaned in frustration as you kneaded your fingers with your hair. Why does he keep leaving? What’s going on? Is he avoiding me? The questions just won’t stop coming and it began to impact you and your mood. You knew this wasn’t good since you had shift that night. “Fuck you Gojou...” letting out one last sigh before getting dressed.
“Itadori-kun, could you do me a favour?“
After the call with your brother, you grabbed your house keys and slipped into your sneakers. If he’s going to avoid you, then you’ll just have to go find him. Itadori sent you the address of the club he was at. You weren’t the least concerned about why he was there, all you wanted to know was what was happening. You stepped on the petal and drove to the destination.
At the club
You parked your car in the parking lot at the club. The sign read Sight Eight in bright neon lights. You were unfamiliar with the place, nonetheless the surroundings. Everyone seemed to be drunk off of whatever it is they are on, your heart paced faster the more you walked into the hell hole. It was crowded, too many people made you claustrophobic and stuffy, uncomfortable to the point you wanted to throw up. That didn’t stop you though, your mission was to find Gojou and leave immediately. 
“Hey sexy, would you mind dancing with me?” “Damn, your body looks beautiful!” “Come sit beside me, you little slut.”
You couldn’t help but to feel terribly uncomfortable, the way the men stared at you, the way you were out in the open for any of them to prance on you. It was horrible. You didn’t understand why the fuck Gojou would even come close to this place, he never mentioned liking clubs at all and he knew too well that you hated clubs.
You looked everywhere, yet you didn’t spot him anywhere. He would’ve been easily seen because of his tall figure and white hair but he was no where to be seen. You cursed multiple times under your breath, why did you even come here in the first place? To suffocate yourself? You lost thought of your motive, knowing you’d need some fresh air, you walked to the back door and stepped outside.
And there he was.
There he was, devouring another woman. Not just any woman though. He was passionately kissing your best friend, Utahime.
“W-what the fuck are you doing Gojou..”
He snapped out of his actions, whipping his head to the side to see the person he hoped he wouldn’t get caught by. He saw as you also looked at Utahime with an expression he couldn’t figure out. You were tearing apart, the two most important people in your life decided to go behind your back even after all the lies they’ve told you.
“I-it’s not what you think, Y/n!” he panicked, Utahime sparing him regretful looks. You couldn’t understand what was happening. Was this a nightmare? Are you hallucinating? No. No you weren’t, in fact this is at real as it gets and that took your a few moments to take it in.
Gojou told Utahime to leave and apologize next time as he wanted to talk to you privately. “Y/n, I can explain-” he started once again. He tried to approach you, but you flinched at his step, you took a cautious step back, terrified of him as he would somehow hurt you just by walking closer to you. “I don’t want to hear your bullshit anymore, Gojou” you said quietly and ran for it. You pushed the back doors open, heart pumping from the adrenaline. You couldn’t care less about the judging eyes and nasty remarks, all you wanted to do was to get as far away from the man you used to call your one and only. 
Your eyes burned from the tears, your sight got blurry to the point you couldn’t see properly, the sounds outside were practically silent. You looked down to your phone when it gave a notification sound. It was Gojou. Your blood boiled from the sight of his name on your phone screen that you stepped on the pedal forgetting you were on a red light.
The driver in front of you tried to stop you with the sound of his car horn. Beep beep beep! You couldn’t hear anymore. Ha! You were practically hysterical at this point. You didn’t even think twice as you slammed on the pedal, your hands moved on it’s own on the hand wheel and your head not thinking straight. You drove right into the traffic pole, almost barely missing the opposite car. The last moments you remembered were hearing an annoying ringing sound in your ear and blurry figures yelling at your motionless body.
GOJOU (song link : loop it!)
He didn’t have any particular reason for doing what he did. He was terribly exhausted from work and he needed an output to excite him before going back to the draining place. He’s already slept with many different women behind your back, always feeling disgusted towards himself before and after the many times he’s had sex with others. However, he easily loses his mind once he starts. This distraction was effective for him, which made him feel that the idea wasn’t so bad after all.
All he had to do was keep it a secret from you and hope that he never gets caught, right?
That was a horrible bet. Even more, he made himself defenseless to many others. He’s been used too many times to count yet he didn’t mind it because he knew it was going to make him feel better.
That one day he drank, he didn’t intend to get drunk. Someone must’ve put a drug in his drink when he wasn’t watching. He passed out on the 3rd shot. The person whom took him to a spare room at the party most likely fucked him while he was asleep. The next morning, he knew he fucked up. Walking up to a person that isn’t you. He wanted to go back to you as soon as possible but the woman was too hard to resist as she seduced him. He ended up drinking before going back home, the woman apparently found him drinking by her door.
He knew he was indeed suspicious at that point. Trust was something very important to you yet he broke it so easily. He didn’t end there, even though he already at the questioning stage, he didn’t stop. He continued to hook up with random women, sleeping with them, and then not going home back to you.
He knew this would hurt you. He knew his actions were more than unacceptable. But his addiction was too hard to handle.
“W-what the fuck are you doing Gojou..”
That voice, that setting, and that person were all enough to make Gojou’s world go upside down. He hoped it wasn’t the person he was thinking of as he whipped his head towards the voice’s direction.
It was you.
On instinct, he tried to cover the woman he was kissing right there an then. The person you were the closest to, the person you trusted the most, the person you called a best friend was the person that was pushed behind his back in attempt to hide her from you. 
He was caught. And caught by the last person he’d like to be caught by.
He couldn’t think of any words, the only sentence that came out was  “I-it’s not what you think, Y/n!” and “Y/n I can explain-”. Really Gojou? Was that the only thing you could mutter out? That sentence obviously did no better than what she just witnessed. He tried to approach you but of course you dashed the opposite direction. He ran behind you, trying to catch up to you but you were already in your car by the time he reached the cashier counter. He exited the club and yelled your name as if it would do anything to stop you. “Y/N!”
He reached into his pocket and called you, texted you, tried anything to contact you but you didn’t answer them. He groaned in frustration, sliding his back on the glass door then sitting himself down on the ground. Look at what he’s done. What was he supposed to do now? You probably won’t even let him in the house even if he begged. It was all over now. He made the biggest mistake of his life.
He dragged himself to the street and called for a taxi home. He stared out the window, wondering what will happen now. His eyes blurred from the burning tears. Just thinking of every outcome made him realize that you were never going to forgive him.
Bringg! Bringg!
His ringtone ringed! He excitedly flipped his phone on, only to face an unknown number. His expression immediately changed, was he too hopeful? Either way, he needed to pick up that call incase it was inportant.
“Hello? Is this Mr.Satoru?“
What? “Yes, that is indeed me”
“Hello Mister, this is the JLK hospital. Miss L/n had you saved as an emergency contact, I am here to inform you that she’s in our hospital.”
What? “What do you mean in the hospital-”
“She got into a car accident, Mist-”
He hung up the phone. He couldn’t believe his ears. Y/n? In a car accident? He yelled at the driver “JLK HOSPITAL. NOW!”. He was worried enough to the point he wanted to break the land under him.
He threw the cab whatever he had in his wallet, not caring about the amount. All he was focused on was you. He pushed the front doors open, patients looking at him as if he were a mad man. He ran straight to the reception counter, panting in every word he spoke.
“Y-y/n! W-where is s-she!?”
The receptionist, frightened, tried to calm him down as he breathed in and out deeply.
“She’s in the emergency room-“
He didn’t blink for a minute, he dashed towards the emergency arrows, running through the quiet halls, only reaching the locked door at the end of the hall. He banged the doors, praying that you were fine. 
“LET ME IN! LET ME SEE Y/N!” was what he yelled continuously.
Nurses had to hold him back from disturbing the doctors and nurses trying to save your cold and still body.
He sat on the chairs right by the doors, waiting for some kind of reassurance, some kind of comfort to tell him you were still with him.
The large metal doors open from the emergency room. He beamed up, looking for a relieved or happy expression from the doctor but there was...
“I’m very sorry Mr.Satoru” the doctor said, pained to even look at you straight. “She was found with a glass barely missing her right lung, she also suffered from a major head injury caused from the accident..” they said but judging by his expression they decided to stop talking.
“C-can I go s-see her?“ he stuttered
There you were. Lifelessly lying on the hospital bed, covered up with a white cold sheet. He took a few steps into the room, only then stopping mid-way. He had no right to go near you, he had no right to mourn for you, he had no right to associate with you. He knew that, but he needed to see you one last time. Approaching you, seeing how your face paler than snow and your body just as cold as ice. 
He squeezed your hand, crying his lungs out. Screaming at you to come back to him as if that would help. He prayed for a miracle, somehow thinking you would open your eyes and wrap your arms around his broad back. Your head resting on his chest and how you nuzzled into his embrace. How you had small arguments with him and letting him win because you just loved him that much.
But that wasn’t going to happen anymore.
He didn’t even get the chance to say sorry. To tell you how much you meant to him, how much he loved you, and how much he wished he had spent more time with you. He kept regretting every decision he made, hoping you could somehow hear him begging for you to come back.
It took him hours to take in the reality. The doctors told him he had 5 more minutes before they had to take you away to the morgue. He shook your hand one last time, finally accepting the news. You were gone and he couldn’t bring you back.
“I love you, Y/n..”
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fanfics-for-you · 4 years
Jinxed // Spencer Reid x Reader
Gender Neutral!! (Spencer Reid is a bi icon and you can't tell me other wise.)
In which the Reader just wants to talk about their feelings to some of their best friends, who they think will give them the best advice. But, they can't seem to get a word out without a certain Doctor interrupting.
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It was a really long case, and honestly you'd never been more tired in your life. But, Garcia had plead that you visit her and update all about your "adventure" with the team.
See, you actually tended to stay at the BAU headquarters with her but with your odd ease with children -and knowledge about early psychology-, Hotch had you tag along.
You ended up getting the last detail needed to find the perp, and you were very proud of yourself. Other than that though, you had spent almost all your time with Reid.
Hotch, although he asked you to attend, wouldn't let you anywhere near the field because of the lack of experience. This meant you were at the local police station, as you said helping Reid with linking locations and finding out more from the Encyclopedia that is his brain.
You worked together well, which was both good and bad, depending on if factored in the raging feelings for the Doctor. It was never said out loud though, you didn't want to have the chance of the smart man listening in.
You needed to tell someone.
"Y/N!" Garcia chirped, as you waltzed out of the elevator, your body aching for sleep.
"Hey, Garcia," you muttered, trying to focus on each step in front of you, and also not be rude to your peppy pal.
"C'mon, honey-" she ushered you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you simply followed, oddly entranced by her sweet perfume, "-I'll get you some snacks. Mama Garcia's here."
You chuckled lightly, but found yourself humming, "I could marry you Garcia!"
"Oh, you wish, my darling-" she opened the door to her techie room, and she sat you in a chair, "-but I'm too good for you."
"'Course you are," you smiled, crossing your legs in the rolly chair, "-anyway, what's on the menu, G?"
She spun around in her chair, clicking her pen, "Ah, ah, ah. You spill, and you get some banana bread I made yesterday, for reasons you don't have to know."
You groaned, rubbing your temples, "What do you want to know?"
She scooted close to you, "I already know everything about the case, but I want to know the juicy stuff. Like, maybe... the fact that you were with Reid every time he called me? That's interesting, don't you think?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile echoing on your features, "Hotch didn't want me on the field, and Reid was just there too, why is that important?"
Garcia raised her eyebrows, "You know why that's important, don't try to fool me."
You rolled your eyes, hiding the growing smile on your face, as you spun in your chair to tame your laughter.
Garcia held the chair, forcing you to stay still as she spoke, "So? What happened?"
You smiled, throwing your hands up, "Fine, you got me. I think I'm in love w-"
Garcia interrupted, eyes wide and jumping up from her chair, "Shh!"
She was focused behind you, at the door, and you felt your stomach drop at the idea that he stood there-
"You're in love, Y/N?"
You cursed under your breath, and spun around to lock eyes with the familiar brown eyes.
"Reid! Hey, what- what are you doing here?"
You tried to act as normally as possible, which was a bit hard because what if he heard the whole conversation? What if he was repulsed? This would not end well-
"I-" Spencer paused, holding up two takeout bags, "-I got you some dinner, you hadn't eaten during the investigation so... I thought I'd get you something."
You smiled, standing to retrieve the food with a curious eye, "Is this...?"
"Your favorite," Spencer hummed, "-I hope so. I know you get it more frequently than your sandwiches, or salads from anywhere else. So, I assumed-"
"Thank you, Spence," you hummed, taking it from his hands with a careful smile.
The silence lasted for a breath longer than it should have, as you waited for Spencer to say anything that could mean good news. It was getting more awkward by the second-
"And," Garcia jumped up, rushing beside you in a split second, "-you don't get to know a thing about what we were referring to, Mr. Smartypants. That's patient-doctor confidentially."
Spencer scrunched his eyebrows, turning to Garcia with his eyes, "...but you're not a... doctor?"
"It's a metaphor Spence," you shook your head, hard-eyeing Garcia to the side, "-she's just saying the secret is an unspoken one."
"But-" he paused, doing that scrunch thing with his nose -like he always does when he's confused-, "-that's an actual medical practice... It's unusual to ever be used as a-"
"Reid!" Penelope groaned, "Y/N is the only person in the BAU, who trusts me with their secrets, you're not ruining that for me."
"Wait, what do you mean only one? Why-"
Spencer nodded, a shine in his eye, "Well, that's kind of a given. You statistically slip-up with secrets about... 68% more than any other BAU member."
You raised a brow, "Where are you getting those statistics?"
Spencer cleared his throat, a light flush brushing onto his cheeks, "I do my research, and just because I sit at my desk and read most of the time, doesn't mean I don't hear things, really."
You and Garcia raised your eyebrows a bit in surprise, as the boy wonder seemed to play a mastermind villain. That was new.
"So," Garcia spoke, "-what I'm hearing is that you know all about the juicy gossip in the office? Reid, why don't you tell me? It's always the one they least expect-"
"Your research?" you spoke, branching off on a completely different conversational topic, "Reid, who do you think is the safest to confide in? Scientifically, of course."
Reid paused, watching you for a second, "Well, Hotch is definitely up there, but his empathetic skills are kind of lacking. Garcia is the opposite, she has the empathetic view, but also, can't stay quiet about it for long."
Penelope rolled her eyes, "No, need to profile me, you sweet, sweet nerd."
Reid continued, placing his take out in his satchel and moving his hands to visualize it -you guessed, "Emily is a good bet, but once she's drunk, it'd be safe to assume the secret is compromised. Derek is also a good bet, but... um, I'd imagine he'd be pushy and teasing."
There was something different about that one, as he stuttered it out in a bit of frustration. He'd definitely told Morgan something and recieved the bad end of the deal.
You looked up to Garcia, and she read your eyes with a look of agreement. Pulling out her phone and wandering back, she mouthed 'On it!' as her fingers went typing away.
"JJ, well," Reid continued, unmoved by the fact that Garcia had left their conversation, "-she's probably up there as well, but if push comes to shove, she'd definitely just... motherhen you until you shared it. I would be a plenty good candidate, I don't think I've ever shared a secret within the BAU-"
"But-" you interrupted him, your eyebrows furrowed, "-you have a tell, Spence."
Spencer pursed his lips, eyes darting slightly, "I do?"
"Uh, yeah-" you muttered, falling back into the extra chair Garcia had pulled for you, "-your face is full of tells. When it's a happy secret, like... Rossi's surprise birthday party! You have to hold back a smile constantly. A secret that's got you genuinely worried about someone? You glance to them like every five minutes, and your eyebrows furrow way more than normal. A sad secret? Your eyes are just like a sad puppy's, and you allow more physical touch."
"I-" Reid opened his mouth, but you continued, not even noticing the wide flush spread across his cheeks and tips of his ears.
"When it's a really big secret? That's when nervous or odd Reid comes out. You either dart your eyes/can't make eye contact, and you clasp your hands a lot. I assume, to stroke your palm, as a sense of comfort. Or you undereact to everything surrounding that secret, which just causes more suspicion, by the way-"
You finally looked up to Spencer, who was -at this moment- looking like he was about to implode. His face was bright red, and you thought it was really cute but also, you felt terrible for putting him through that.
You stopped, pausing, "Oh God, I'm so sorry, Spence. I didn't mean to offend you-"
"What?" Spencer blinked, his eyes no longer glazed over, "-Oh! No, that was... fascinating really! You don't even necessarily have to stop, if you don't want to. Not that I like it, or anything. NoT THAT I don't like it either, it's just-"
At this point, you'd fallen victim to your own blush, as Spencer rambled over something that did seem that big but he was getting redder by the minute-
You enjoyed this a bit too much, actually.
To be your saviour once again, Garcia screamed as high-pitched as she could.
At such a noise, you almost fell out of your chair, you got up so fast, "G? Everything okay?"
Garcia looked up, "Uh, yeah. Totally, definitely. It's just ya know- a spider, yeah."
You raised an eyebrow, as Reid -who now stood beside you- spoke in a questioning tone, "On your phone?"
She bit her lip, throwing her eyes between you and Spencer, "Yeah, uh totally nothing to do with you guys. Derek sent it to me as a prank, and it doesn't have a single bit to do with the two agents right in front of me, right now."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Are you sure everything's alright?"
Garcia spun to her computer, "Oh, of course! Why wouldn't everything be alright? It's uh- Nothing's wrong, and nothing's going on. I don't know anything about the secret romance that may or may not be going on in the office. Nope, not me."
You glanced at Reid, who although he had a few of the tells you spoke of earlier, shrugged his shoulders.
"Um," he spoke, confused, "-Penelope, what are you talking about?"
She was basically sawing down on her lip now, as she opened her mouth and then shut it again, and finally closed her eyes, "OUT! Both of you out, I... I can't handle this monumental information with you both standing right in front of me. So, scram!"
You opened your mouth, "What? You wanted me in here, Penn. I don't und-"
Garcia grabbed your shoulders, "If you love me, take the beanstalk boy, and exit this room."
"But, I-"
You sighed, picking up Spencer's take out, and grabbing his satchel's strap with unhesitant ease, "Come on, Spence. We gotta go."
"O-Okay," Spencer noted, following close behind you without hesitation, you two just trusted each other. It didn't take much.
You pulled him out into the BAU hub, and finally let go of him, spinning around to talk about that odd experience.
"So, Spence-" you grabbed, a rolly chair from a random desk and sat in it, placing your food in your lap, "-what do you think that was all about?"
"Probably a secret," Reid blurted, he'd seemed a little off as he said that, doing the same as you and pulling a chair to sit.
"Oh," you pursed your lips, digging in your bag and pulling out the container, "-who do you think it's about?"
Spencer looked at you, a bit baffled, like he'd expected you to pick up on something, but you hadn't.
He shook his head, tossing his wonderous hair as he did so, "Could be anyone, I guess."
He fidgeted with his food, picking his fork into the dish and quietly muttering something you couldn't quite hear.
"Spence?" you hummed, as he looked up to you, "-everything okay with you?"
Spencer paused, blinking, "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just tired, actually."
You frowned, "Man, is there something on my face? God, everyone has been weird around me today."
Spencer perked up, "What do you mean?"
"Ever since the big break," you spoke, a little worried, "-everyone's been looking at me weird. Like they know something I don't."
"Oh," Spencer echoed, watching your face fall slightly, "-well, actually. There was an... officer in the Chicago Department. He had a crush on you, and was really obvious about it. The team thought it was funny you didn't notice."
You raised your eyebrows, as Spencer didn't make eye contact and a quiet blush swept across his cheeks, "Really? Wow. I'm not surprised, I... uh, never pick up on those cues."
"Was there-" Spencer added with a slightly hardened tone, "-Was there any cop there you were hoping it'd be? You don't have to answer, I'm honestly just curious-"
"No, uh-" your eyes flashed up to him, "-not there. All of those guys were... weird."
He laughed, eyes lightening up a bit, "So, you're picky, huh?"
You smiled, "Maybe so, Reid, maybe so."
It was early morning and you were to stay at the BAU for a case, as usual. However, this time Rossi was staying too.
Something about getting his book finished and to the publisher on time, he'd avoided the plane ride and now, sat with you gazing over the large table with case files spread hastily across it.
It was a gruesome case, one where Garcia practically gagged just presenting it to the team. You honestly couldn't think about the specifics, without doing the same.
"So, Rossi-" you spoke, eyes skimming over a victim's file, "-what do you think the symbol branded on t-"
Rossi didn't look up, as he spoke, "When are you going to tell him?"
You raised your eyes, splitting a confused smile on your lips, "I'm sorry, what?"
"Reid," he clarified, his eyes steadied on the pictures scattered across the table.
You stuttered, your face a tinge of red, "I have no clue what you're talking about."
Rossi added, finally looking up, "You know the poor boy doesn't have the guts, Y/N. You're kind of hard to read as well, so you're probably going to have to make the first move."
"I-" you muttered, low and under your breath, "I don't know how."
"For him? It's simple," Rossi addressed, his hands up as if he was selling a new invention to you, "-you just have to be honest and straightforward, little one. Tell him that-"
A voice spoke up, "Tell who what?"
Rossi stopped, his eyes darting to the new figure in the room, "I thought you got on the plane, boy wonder?"
"Yeah, Spence," you spoke, raising a brow and trying to cool your cheeks, "-what's up?"
"I uh, forgot my passport at home," he hummed, his eyes anywhere but on yours or Rossi's.
You scrunched your eyebrows at Rossi, who just like you had the same idea. There was no way that was the truth.
Rossi cleared his throat, "Uh, Y/N, we'll continue our conversation elsewhere. And Reid-"
Spencer looked up at him, with his head tilted like a little puppy. He was insanely cute, you honestly don't know how he worked himself into the FBI with how much he'd seemed so... innocent, really.
Rossi continued, "We'll talk about this later, capiche?"
Spencer nodded, eyes caught up in the evidence scattered amongst the table, "Yes, sir."
"Yeah, and then, the guy came up to me and said-" Emily narrated, each member on the edge of their seat, as she'd told her -one and only- blind date story.
"Y/N?" Hotch spoke, tapping the doorframe of his office, signaling you to come in.
Tapping Penelope's leg, you made her promise to tell you the rest of the story, if you missed it, and waltzed right up the stairs to his office.
"Hey," you smiled, a dash of concerned, "-what's going on, sir? Is everything alright?"
"I needed to run something by you," he spoke, intelligent and in no way was his voice odd so that you could dissect it, "-please, sit."
You nodded, immediately taking you're place in the seat across from his desk, "Of course! What am I looking at?"
Hotch spoke, as he carefully moved to take a file out of his desk drawer, "As one of our press/legal employees, there's been an edit to a section of our contract, and I wanted you to be one of the ones who ensures everything is correct within the document."
"Oh, it's my pleasure, sir-" you hummed, taking the file out of his hand, "-am I taking this home? Or?"
"No," his eyes flashed to the door, "-it's a pretty small edit, just read it over and let me know. You can preferably sit in here and read it."
"Oh, okay," you hummed, a little confused, but your eyes settled on the document.
'Inner Office Relationships:
Now, available if properly addressed to the supervisory agent of both parties.'
"Um, Hotch," you mumbled, eyes scanning across the full-fledged page, as only one difference stuck out to you, "-is this about...?"
"Office relationships? Yes," he confirmed, eyes lingering on you -with a slight pass to the door, "-so...?"
"So, what, sir?" you questioned, flipping the file open and closed as the awkwardness in the room peaked.
"You and Dr. Reid," he spoke, eyes telling all, "-it's been adjusted for the betterment of the BAU, specifically you two."
"I-" you blinked, unsure of what to say as you'd never seen Hotch this way.
"Listen, Y/N, just-" he paused, careful and concise, "-if it happens, please inform me for the sake of th-"
"Sir?" Reid waltzed in, a file filled with papers in his arms as his eyes stayed trained on them, "I've skimmed these documents, and the only difference I can really see between the two, is that office relationships are allowed, as long as you inform your su-"
His eyes moved up from the papers, and upon landing on you, he tripped and the file came crashing down. All the papers fluttering in the air, as he simply muttered, "Oh."
"I-I, uh, apologize, sir-" he scrambled, his ears burning a bright red, as you leaned down and picked up some of the papers with him, "-I didn't realize, you'd had company in here. I'm sorry for interrupting."
"Reid," Hotch smiled at him, "-it's fine, Y/N here, was reviewing the same document as well."
"Oh," Reid said again, ultimately trying to hide into himself, as he ashamedly picked up the fallen papers.
You paused, holding the stack you'd gathered, "Uh, actually, sir. I'm just curious, but why was that change made to the document? Do you know?"
"Actually," Hotch glanced at the other Agent in the room, "-someone sent in a request to change the document."
You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head slightly, "Oh, do you have any idea who did that?"
Reid, who had been bent slightly under the table, shot up and rammed his head into a smaller table by a couch that lined the wall.
"Ouch..." he muttered, cradling his head with hand and you immediately jumped up, concern brimming under your fingertips.
"Jeez, Spence!" you stood on your tippy-toes to get a good look, "-I don't think you're bleeding, but we'll have to get you some ice for that, just to be safe."
"Yeah," Spencer laughed nervously, his voice strained as he side-eyed Hotch, "-we should obviously go that. We can't stay in here."
In a few short minutes, Spencer was ushering you out and as you stepped out, you watched all your coworkers unabashedly act like they were not watching the whole time.
You groaned, briskly grabbing Spencer's hand, and dashing on by the the break room. You'd rather not hear anything any of them have to say at this moment, unless it was Emily's story. That was all you'd wanted to hear-
"Uh, Y/N?"
You blinked, as Reid motioned to his head, and with a swift glance to your connected hands, you blushed, "Oh, sorry, Spence. Got distracted."
He laughed, as you carefully slipped your hand out of his and scurried to get a bag, some ice, and some paper towels. Or maybe just find an ice pack in the fridge?
"So," you addressed, as you skimmed the freezer for an ice pack, "-what was that about?"
"What?" Spencer asked, until his mind clicked and he added, "Oh, I just... I don't know, I got a bit nervous, er- surprised."
You smiled into the fridge, -finding an ice pack buried under some peas, or something, you weren't sure-, "It was you who requested the change, wasn't it?"
"No," Spencer squeaked, and you could only imagine the tips of his ears getting redder.
"You can't lie to me Spence," you hummed pulling off a few paper towels, and wrapping the around the ice pack, "-remember?"
"Anyway," you continued, walking towards him, "-I don't blame you, there are some very attractive people in this BAU. I'm just curious which one you're trying to sweep off their feet Doctor Reid?"
"It's-" Reid stuttered out, gently taking the ice pack from you hands, "It's not like that."
"My money's on JJ," you spoke with a tongue of hurt in your tone, as you locked eyes with those familiar brown ones.
"What?! No," Spencer practically yelled, "-she's married!"
You shrugged, "Doesn't stop most guys."
"Pfft," he chuckled, throwing up his freehand, "-you don't think I'm one of those guys, do you? I mean, look at me!"
He motioned down to his sweater vest and perfectly placed tie, and somewhere in your head you had to disagree.
You smirked, getting up and exited the room with a shake of laughter, "It's always the ones you don't expect, Reid, it's always the ones you don't expect."
It was the team's night out, everyone was at a dimly lit, crowded karaoke bar. Although, you didn't quite prefer crowds, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Derek and Garcia were out dancing on the floor, Hotch and JJ were at home with their respective families, Rossi went home early, Reid was never one to attend these outings, and you and Prentiss sat in a booth, tired but still wanting to drink.
She sipped on her small glass, eyes locked on you with a glance you'd grown familiar to.
You smiled, a bit of a confused one as always, "What, Em?"
Prentiss raised her eyebrows, "So, I heard about the Reid thing."
You rolled your eyes, "What Reid thing?"
"Don't," Emily tipped her drink to you, with a teasing grin, "-I'm a profiler, Y/N, don't underestimate me."
You raised a brow, knowing there was no possible way that Reid would end up here, you were safe, "Fine, what do you want to know?"
"Well," Emily looked out into the crowd, and then back at you, "-why haven't you asked him out?"
"It's-" you paused, gnawing on your lip, "-complicated, Prentiss."
She opened her mouth, looking back at you, when it suddenly turned into a gasp. And you didn't even have to look back to know what was going on.
"What's complicated?"
Emily's eyes widened, "Woah, Reid! You never come to the karaoke nights with us, I'm- I'm so glad you came!"
He scoffed, obviously lying, "I go to tons of parties with you guys. All the time."
"Yeah, no, Spencer-" Emily added swirling her drink around, as she eyed the book in his hand and bottle of water, "-you don't."
You furrowed your brows, Spencer had frequented quite a few of them -in your presence at least, wait. Had he only showed up when you did?
Emily practically read your mind, as Spencer sat just beside you, "You only show up when Y/N says they're going to be there, hotshot. And I could probably get proof of that."
"I-" Spencer paused, clearing his throat, "-I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure, you don't," Emily hummed, as she stood, "-I saw a hot girl on the dancefloor, I'm going to go talk to her, lovebirds. Talk to you later!"
You shook your head, laughing, "How wasted do you think she's going to get tonight?"
Spencer paused, "Usually, I'd say 9 times out of 10, she ends up puking on the floor, or leaving with someone else."
"So, maybe the chances are in her favor with that girl, huh?" you smiled at him, for just a second and peered over the glass.
He grinned right back, a glint in his eye that you hadn't recognized, "Yeah... Maybe, just maybe he does."
You hadn't thought much of the pronoun change with the loud, boisterous music, and with your heart fluttering at the wide grin -that was just utterly contagious-, let's just say you were... a little distracted anyway.
It was the obligated BAU dinner night at Rossi's, he was talking about some sort of pasta. You could tell it looked kinda like lasagna, but you wouldn't dare say that to the older man's face.
He'd probably have you kicked out, if you did.
You wouldn't blame him, either.
"Y/N!" Rossi exclaimed, his face a wide smile, "I can trust you to know what oregano is, right?"
"Uh," you paused, trying to take a minute to think, "-yes? I think."
"Good," Rossi hummed, "-take Morgan, and go pick up some from the Deli's down the street."
You chucked, catching the keys thrown your way, "Yes, sir! But I better get the first piece of that bread, mister."
Rossi winked at you, "If you come back with oregano? Consider it done."
With a pep in your step, you waltzed to the living room where a few familiar faces sat. Derek was there, his arm slung around Penelope, and Reid was bent over in laughter.
You blinked, refocusing on the task at hand -you could stare at Reid later, "Hey, Derek?"
All three people looked up with distant smiles, Reid's eyes twinkled like they always did, as Morgan answered, "What's up, my sunshine?"
You laughed, "Rossi has assigned us to pick up some oregano, you coming?"
"Always with you," Morgan grinned, his bright, teasing grin that you'd grown familiar with.
"Alright," you rolled your eyes, "-let's go then, mister. I'm sure Reid can occupy Penelope, no?"
Reid blinked, like he was knocked out of his trace, "What?"
Derek laughed, smacking the tall man on the back, "You heard them, Reid. Keep my girl satisfied, pretty boy."
With a laugh, he pulled an arm over your shoulders and smiled, "Our chariot awaits."
You nodded, and followed Morgan out the door, you'd had about 30 minutes until the store closed anyway.
The car ride was silent, as Morgan pulled into the driverseat, his driving would get you there faster and neither of you wanted to miss such a meal.
"So," Derek hummed, hands trained on the wheel, "-do you-"
"I swear to God, if this is about Reid-" you threw your hands up, rubbing your eyes.
"What?" Derek raised his brows, "What about Reid? I was just going to ask if you'd decided on a pet to adopt, sunshine."
"Oh," you paused, a bit surprised.
"What's-" Derek grinned, his eyes obnoxiously shining, "What's going on with Reid?"
"Well, uh-" you rubbed your hands together, "-basically everyone in the BAU has tried to 'confront' me about him."
"Oh," Derek hummed, "-is it about you two being lovebirds? And that pretty boy has no way of being the one to make the first move."
You sighed, "Not you too."
Derek shrugged, "What? You guys are obviously just dancing around each other, and we're a team of profilers. It's not hard to see you two."
You pursed your lips, "If so, why can't Reid read me?"
Derek mumbled, "What do you mean?"
"If it's so obvious," you hummed, quieter than necessary, "-then why doesn't he do anything about it?"
"That's a question for Reid, sunshine," Derek hummed, "-but we all know he's not particularly good at social cues."
"So?" you hummed tapping your inner leg, "I'm surprised we haven't been interrupted yet, actually."
Derek furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"
You chuckled, shaking your head, "Uh, everytime I talk about my feelings, Reid always pops into the conversation before I can even speak."
Derek scoffed, "How many times have you tr-"
He was interrupted by his phone buzzing, and a familiar name shining onto his screen. His eyes widened, as you sighed. It happened yet again.
"Speak of the devil," Derek gasped, with a small smile and clicking on the call, "Hey, pretty boy. You're on speaker."
"Oh, hey!" Reid was scatterbrained, his words quick like when he was nervous, "Rossi wanted me to go with you guys, I was told to call you before it was too late."
"Not that I don't enjoy your company, Reid-" you spoke, carefully, "-but why would you need to be here?"
"Yeah, sunshine here-" Derek spoke, looking at you with a raised eyebrow, "-has a point boy wonder."
Spencer continued, his voice raised to a slightly higher pitch, "Uh, maybe ask Rossi?"
"Sorry, Spence," you shook your head, working it out in your head, "-we're not turning around. It really doesn't make any sense, we're almost at the store now."
Derek grinned, one you knew he wore specifically for Reid, "Yeah, and to me, it just sounds like pretty boy here has a case of jealousy. Nothing too urgent."
"I-" Reid echoed, defensive, "-uh no, that's not what's happening, Rossi did-"
You raised an eyebrow at the uncharacteristically not Spencer tone of Spencer's voice, mouthing to Derek, "What's that about?"
Derek snickered, but he didn't explain. As usual.
"Listen, Reid-" Derek added, his voice steady with an air of teasing, "-although Y/N is very irresistible, I will refrain from stealing them away from you."
"I-" Spencer's voice spoke, exhausted and a bit defensive, "-I never said Y/N was mine, Morgan. Rossi just wanted-"
"That's enough, boy wonder-" Derek hummed flipping the phone to his ear, "-you're off of speaker now."
You watched as Morgan carefully listened to the distant hum of Spencer's voice, and a giant smug grin slipped across his face. One that just screamed that he'd tease Reid later.
Derek winked at you, as he responded with a telling gleam in his eye, "So Rossi did tell you to come, but after you annoyed him in to doing so? Still sounds like jealousy, kid."
There was a loud yell on the other end, a bit of a frustrated tone, you could tell. Derek had done it once more, Reid was frustrated.
"Hey, baby girl-" Derek spoke as smooth as butter, "-I'm sorry you had to take his place, but can I politely ask you to tell pretty boy to man up?"
You snorted, confused but at this point, you'd found bliss in the unknown. With such a big secret, you'd easily began to understand that silence was key in most areas.
With a sigh, you'd turned to look out the window and your feelings mustered in your chest. Another fail.
It was an exhausting morning, although no case had spiraled into your department, everyone was busy wrapping up previous paperwork. Including those with families, which you found to be absolutely devastating.
You kept glancing up at JJ, she seemed exhausted and she had the cutest little boy at home -who not to mention was Reid’s godson. Henry was an angel in every aspect of the word with what little you’d interacted with the boy, you’d still die for him.
Plus, watching Reid interact with him? He’d be a great Dad, just based on that.
Not, not necessarily with you. 
It could be, you’d pegged Spencer as one who would adopt. His wonderful brain probably knew all the statistics of orphans and chances of mishaps in birth and percentage of abandonment in this city. You’d actually only wanted to adopt too, so maybe you were just projecting-
Okay, re-center.
You blinked, watching as JJ’s stack of papers kept growing and you kept imagining Henry getting sadder by the hour... You had known since coming back to the team, and being the lead in the communication and press department, she’d really been weighed down.
You’d had the sort of specialist as well, dabbling in the press, and you definitely didn’t have any loving husband and child at home. With a sigh, you raised up from your spinning chair, taking a longing look at your small stack and approaching JJ.
Clearing your throat, you sat in a chair by her desk with a smile, pretending to dust off the stack, “You’ve got your night made, huh?”
JJ lightly chuckled, “Yeah, all of these are for various press releases in the past few weeks. It’s really a nightmare.”
“Do you-” you pursed your lips, thumbing through the one on top, “-I know I’m not the Jennifer Jareau, but I’ve worked in press and pretty sure all of your conferences are taped somewhere... Do you think I could pick these up for you?”
JJ blinked, pausing for a second, baffled, “You’d... You’d do that for me?”
“Well,” you rolled your eyes, playfully, “-more like for Henry, but...”
JJ chuckled, “Right, of course. I’ll just... go ask Hotch? And this means so much to me, you don’t even-”
You waved her off, “No, let’s just say you owe me one? That fair? To be honest, I was just going to go home and binge a few episodes. Like the cliched unsuccessful adult. Plus, I don’t have a cute little family to go back to. So... I want to do this for you.”
JJ paused, “Okay, but I do owe you one, for real. No take-backs.”
You nodded with a smile, patiently following JJ with your eyes -you’d had a habit of ensuring everyone you’d known got to their next location safely, it came with the job. Just at the base of the stairs, JJ ran into the familiar man you just couldn’t get out of your head: Dr. Spencer Reid.
Their words were hushed, Spencer trying desperately to keep it at a low volume, and JJ seemed to be well... mother-henning him. Derek walked up beside you, just as JJ started to motion towards you -quite vividly, actually. 
She was pointing her eyes to you, you saw her mouth your name a few times, and now she was... pointing at you. It took everything in you, not to laugh actually.
You spoke to Derek, with a sarcastic tone, “You think they’re talking about me?”
Derek chuckled, “You might be confused with the potted plant, sunshine.”
You snickered, going back to look at them, and now JJ was motioning you to come to her. Like angry mother, when you’d stayed out past curfew.
Raising your eyebrows to Morgan, he muttered with a smirk, “Someone’s in trouble.”
You shoved him over, as you made your way to the perhaps frustrated woman who had been motioning to you just earlier. Spencer was still standing there, awkwardly, actually, with quite the flush to his face.
“Uh-” you spoke, locking eyes with JJ, “-what’s up? I thought I was just going to go do your files, I-”
JJ grabbed your wrist, looking at Spencer with a stern eye, “Wait here, Reid. Don’t move. Y/N, can you step into the breakroom with me?”
At this point, the entire BAU was watching the interaction. Even Garcia was poking her head out of her tech room, and the rest were huddled across the room. You glanced to Spencer for some sort of explanation, but he just blinked at you with those once loved brown eyes.
They were on thin ice right now, because JJ seemed to be offended.
“I’m confused, but-” you met JJ’s eyes, quietly, “-okay...?”
JJ wasted no time, dragging your arm away, as you frantically said goodbye to him with a small smile. You always had to smile at him, it was like on a checklist in your head. You read somewhere that it helps people fall in love, it was probably scientific.
Sliding into the breakroom, she closed the door and slid the blinds down. You chuckled lightly just at the pure frustration on her features, Spencer must’ve said something really... offensive? He didn’t seem the type.
“So,” you spoke with a raised brow, “-can I ask questions now?”
JJ paused, anger dissipating from her furrowed brow, “Uh yeah, about that...”
“Let me guess-” you hummed, tired from the day, “-you can’t answer them?”
“Yeah,” JJ responded, carefully, “-hey, are you okay?”
You paused, actually debating in your mind, “Yes, I’d say so.”
JJ stared at you, “I... I don’t think so. Is it the Reid thing?”
You chuckled, a little hopelessly, as you sat at one of the small table, “It’s jinxed to talk about it, JJ. I’d be careful.”
“Jinxed?” JJ slid into the seat across from you, with a look of concern gleaming in her eye.
You raised an eyebrow, “Everytime it happens, Spence butts in.”
She scoffed, “You know, I think those might be coincidences. There’s no way that it could- Crap.”
You smiled wide, just out of the corner of your eye, you could see brown eyes slipping through the blinds. Spencer wasn’t that sneaky.
JJ was speaking kind of out of the side of her mouth, “Y/N, act shocked. I mean, jaw dropping.”
“Jaw dropping?” you spoke, raising your eyebrows and covering your mouth with an air of urgency.
JJ lips turned up, as she bit back laughter, “Perfect.”
Uncovering your mouth, you raised a brow, asking, “What is this for?”
“It’s to make Reid think we’re talking about something in particular,” JJ responded, her face barely flinching at the mention.
“And,” you added, “-lemme guess? I can’t know what.”
“Yes, I’m sorry,” JJ began, as the brown eyes vanished from the window, “-but, on the brightside, he’s gone! And we can continue our conv-”
Suddenly, the door burst open and -who would’ve guessed- Spencer came tumbling in like the clumsy man he is.
You blinked, turning to JJ with a tired smile, “You were saying?”
Spencer grinned, sheepishly, and spoke in a lighter tone than normal, “Uh, hey, you guys! I didn’t know we were having a meeting-” he slid into the seat beside you, “-anyway, so what are we talking about?”
JJ blinked, a little astonished at the very unSpencer-like behavior, lucky for her, you’d been dealing with this for ages and came prepared.
“Henry,” you answered, with a questitive tone, “-why? Should we be talking about something else, Spencer?”
Spencer blinked, turning towards you and on cue his ears went pink, “I uh- maybe?”
You laughed, continuing despite your own cheeks burning a bit, “Oh, you mean me picking up JJ’s work? That’s also mostly for Henry... Why do you need to know, Spence?”
JJ added, “Actually, he was talking to me, earlier, as I’m sure you saw... and he wanted to help you with the work? I don’t know why he went to me, but-”
“Oh,” you spoke softly, you turned to him, “-well if you have no plans, I’d really appreciate the help.”
“Pfft, plans?” Spencer echoed, face bright red at this point, “-I don’t... I’d never-”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you raised an eyebrow, standing up from your chair with a smile, “-and JJ, thanks for the talk. I’ll just go grab those files off your desk.”
JJ smiled at you, “Again, thank you so much... I don’t know how I’ll repay you.”
“I’ll figure it out for you, Js” you laughed, slipping out of the room with a sigh of relief. Thank god you were out of that situation.
And just on the brink of peace, Derek spoke up, “What was that all about, sunshine?”
“You have to tell us!!” Garcia added, enthusiastically just like with everything else.
You groaned, playfully, “Not you two! You know my weaknesses so well.” 
They stared at you, expectantly.
“Plus, it was about nothing-” you spoke, making your way to JJ’s desk, “-now, if you’ll excuse me... I have work to do.”
Garcia pouted, skipping away to her room with a look in her eyes that implied she’d ask questions later, and Derek shrugged it off.
With your back turned, you organized the stack on JJ’s desk. Trying to break it into two different stacks, making them even -despite knowing Spencer would 100% be faster.
Adjusting your grip, you heard the door close just behind you -that was the breakroom- and prepared yourself for either of them in your company. Taking the newly organized stack, you walked to your desk with as much energy as you could at this point.
Just as you sat down and pushed a stack onto Spencer’s desk -he was helping-, Derek’s voice caught your ear. 
“Hey, you excited for your blind date tonight, pretty boy?”
You froze, looking up as Spencer looked nervously at you, “I actually promised Y/N that I’d help th-”
“Spence?” you asked, a little confused and a dash heartbroken, “-I thought you didn’t have any plans? I can pick these up on my own-”
Spencer scrambled, “Well, I actually-”
You interrupted, pulling the files back on your desk, “You just promised me Spence, go on your date. I don’t want to intrude-”
Spencer tried to speak up, “Y/N, wait-”
“Spence, come on-” you laughed, “-you can’t tell me you’d choose paperwork over a date? They could be the love of your life, Spence. Go on the d-”
“I’d rather be with you!” Spencer exclaimed, his face flushed to the max, “-I’d rather be here with you.”
“That’s my cue to leave,” Derek’s eyes widened, stepping back out of your view and you were a little speechless, honestly.
“Oh,” you laughed, pushing down any hope that may have risen in your chest, “-of course, Spencer Reid would choose paperwork over a date.”
Spencer sighed, “Oh god, how are you so oblivious and so cute doing it?”
“I uh-” you answered back, as your face fell red, “-what?”
Words began slipping past his lips, “I want to spend every waking moment with you, Y/N. Not just... not just paperwork.”
You swallowed, your mouth moving but no words coming out. The floor had literally been ripped out from under you, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“Y/N?” Spencer wandered closer to you, eyes scanning the area and seeing the crowd building in front of the elevator, “-Here, come with me.”
“O-Okay,” you laced your fingers with his, as he dragged you into the breakroom once more, where JJ left apparently.
The two of you sliding back into the chairs from before
You blinked, as Spencer let out a breath, and you sat in silence for longer than you felt was comfortable. So, you decided to do something about it.
“So every waking moment, huh?” you smirked, with a bit of timidness in your tone.
Spencer smiled, his ears turning bright red, but he was oddly the most calm you’d ever seen him -leaning back in his chair with a warm look in his eyes, “If you want too? Maybe?”
You grinned, quietly extended your hand to meet his across the table with a small smile, “How about dinner first?”
Spencer scratched the back of his neck, with a nervous grin and took your hand across the table, “Of course, yeah... Yeah.”
“Not today though, Dr. Reid-” you hummed, “-if you don’t remember, you promised a certain person some help with some paperwork?”
Spencer played along, tapping his chin, “You know what, I think I might remember...”
“Oh, come on-” you laughed, pulling him from his chair, “-you big goof...”
“At least I’m your big goof,” Spencer added, as you pulled him off his feet.
“Yeah, of course,” you smiled, stopping in your place,”-but we really need to get to work, Spence.”
He smiled, his cute cheeky smile that you loved, “You’re right, we should get going.”
“Like actually though,” you broke the mood, “-we don’t wanna stay here all night, Spencer.”
“Oh, of course, yeah!” he responded, waking up from his daze, as the two of you prepared yourself for the night.
But hey, at least you were spending it with him, and maybe... just maybe you wouldn’t mind “every waking moment” either.
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luke-o-lophus · 4 years
All That is Now
Warning: Mentions of canon typical injuries, a little. Else all fluff and hurt/comfort. Steve x Bucky x Reader
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The door swung open and Bucky stepped in. The familiar smell of ‘home’ hit your nose but went unnoticed. Your brows were stuck in a small frown as you flipped the switch on, welcome light drowning out the shadows in the room. Bucky kicked off his shoes and locked the door behind him. You wordlessly dropped your backpack and headed to your bedroom.
You two were showering together within minutes. It was warm, comforting. Maybe there was even something romantic about the way Bucky gently washed the grime from the scrape on your arm and the bruises on your torso. You returned the favour, wordlessly, not meeting his eyes. It was when you’d both dried up and he’d sat you down, kneeling before you with a first aid box in hand, that you raised your head to look at him. He looked tired, concerned, but understanding. With a sigh, you drop your head to his shoulder, your forehead resting on his skin. And even then he quietly went about with the alcohol swabs and ointments and band aids.
“Buck, does it get easy?”, you ask earnestly. His hands don’t falter, but he hums a little. Does it get easy seeing Steve get beaten up? Well, he couldn’t remember a time when Steve was not getting beaten up by someone. Sometimes, it wasn't what he could just walk off. Like, when Winter fought him on that damned helicarrier. But this was the first time since the serum that Bucky has seen Steve in a hospital. Yeah, just for a night, but still.
“No, it doesn’t”, he confessed. He felt her lips twitch against his skin, and he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to a standing position.
“He’ll be back tomorrow morning. Our boy’s strong, but he isn’t bulletproof”, he whispered to you. You whisper back,”I wish he’d remembered that today.” Today, when Steve had thrown the shield to you to block the hail of bullets from one gunman. One man that’d slipped into the scene from Bucky’s blind spot. A bullet from Buck’s sniper rifle had taken the man down in a blink. But his bullets had been faster and two had lodged themselves in Steve’s torso, inches shy of his heart.
“You can make that chicken stew he likes, he’ll be hungry”, Bucky rambled, throwing you one of Steve’s t-shirts. You smiled at the fabric in your hand and put it on. After a quick sandwich you were in bed, Bucky’s arm pulling you to himself securely, his face nestled by your neck, his nose brushing the soft shirt on you.
Steve walked out of the hospital. A little pale, strides short and calculated, but he walked out. He was all smiles, desperate to go home. His wounds would be gone in another couple of days, and a nice hot meal sounded good. Bucky shook his head muttering ‘Punk’ at his lover’s enthusiasm, and placed a fond kiss on his cheek.
“She didn’t come?”, Steve’s face fell a bit once they were out of the building. Bucky helped him get comfortable in the car.“She’s cooking that stew for you. Been out shopping for the groceries too”, he responded with a chuckle, and Steve visibly relaxed. The car smoothly sped down the road, the day’s traffic not having set in yet. “How’s she taking it?”, Steve asks after a while, and Bucky shrugs. “I’m not sure, Stevie”, he muttered. “She’s been awfully quiet so, not too well.’‘
The home today felt way warmer and brighter to Bucky as you opened the door for them. Your eyes immediately dart to Steve, again looking everywhere but his face. “Welcome home, love”, you say in a voice heavy with relief. And then you’d retreated back to the kitchen. Steve blinks and looks at Bucky in confusion, but he just purses his lips and motions him to the bedroom.
The smell that wafts into the room even before you enter has Steve drooling. Even Bucky, who was kinda wary of ‘bland’ stuff, looked eager when you entered the room with a tray on which sat two large bowls of stew. You’d have lunch in bed, obviously, and Bucky took the tray from you. “I’ll, uh, go get the bread”, you mutter, and you’re out before Steve can get a word in. His brows pinch together impatiently and he glared at his stew now, not making any sense of the silent treatment you were dishing out. And you didn’t even seem angry? It made no sense. He shrugged off Bucky’s squeeze to his arm and when you’d put down the bread basket, Steve’s hand grabbed your wrist before you could move away.
“What is going on?”, he asks earnestly. Bucky sits straight from the shift of energy in the room. They can see you swallowing, but your face is down, your expressions hidden. Bucky gets up walks out of the room to get a bowl for you, and to give you two a moment. Steve’s eyes flicker to him barely before they’re back on you. His hand gives your wrist a squeeze."Talk to me darling”, his voice is more desperate now."You’re killing me with this.”
Your head snaps up at that, your look intense. “You gave your shield, to me!”, you snapped. “Do you even get how close to reality it came....what you said right now?” Steve’s eyes widen in shock, and he lets go of your wrist to cup your face,’‘You can’t possibly think you had any fault in this?”, he pressed and sighed when you kept quiet. Bucky stood at the door, attentive. He didn’t want a fight between his lovers on top of all the stress that was already there.
“You know I heal fast”, Steve voice is louder. “And you don’t”
“But that doesn’t mean you’re bulletproof!”, you shout back. And Bucky winces sharply. That sounds make both of you stop and turn, and Bucky’s face is almost apologetic. What was he even apologizing for? For being scared of people in his immediate surrounds shouting? Your face contorts in guilt and you collapse on the bed, your feet dangling off the side. “God, this isn’t supposed to be about me”, you mutter, angry at yourself. Your face sinks to your palms and you breath heavily. “I...can’t...lose you”, you say with effort, pointedly. “That’s it, I can’t, not again.” You're looking at Bucky now, god you couldn’t lose him again. But Steve had always been there, even during the blip, and the thought that even he could be taken away....
Bucky smiles a sad little smile and comes to sit by your side, his hand giving your thigh a squeeze. Steve’s biting his lip and holding his hand out to you. You clamber to him, mindful of the bowls, and straddle his outstretched legs, careful to keep all of your weight on your knees.
“Captain America has a lot of enemies, darling, I’m sorry”, he whispers gently to you, his thumb rubbing your cheek. The comment makes you sniffle and you carefully wrap your arms around his shoulder and speak out in a pained drawl,”But for me it’s my Steve out there, my Stevie they’re trying to take out.”
“Oh doll”, you hear him whisper to your ear, his arms engulfing you in a big warm hug. “I’m not leaving you guys anytime soon, I’m not, I...I know what I’m doing, if you’d been hit, we wouldn’t be all here right now”, he said. Bucky grimaced at the very thought and moved closer, grasping Steve’s palm. Buck kissed his knuckles while you stilled at that notion. Your fear was valid, but was it selfish to wish the man you loved be safe at your cost? We don’t trade lives, Steve says, but you guessed sometimes trading injuries was their only way to get by. To stick together. You didn’t want to live without them but, of course genius, they didn’t want to live without you either. You knew it, as a fact, but the realization afresh took your breath away.
“I’m sorry..”, you whisper after a few minutes of quietness wherein Bucky had moved even closer, and you’d all be in a cuddle pile had it not been for the damn wounds. “I’m sorry to..both of you”, you added, looking towards Bucky. He just smiled and placed a chaste kiss to your lips. “It’s not all perfect but...”, Bucky starts. “...It is what is is”, you finish.
“I understood it! I mean..the reference!”, Steve chimes in. Your mouth falls open in indigation. “You two watched Sherlock without me!!” you shriek.”I was supposed to introduce Steve to Sherlock!”, you say, an accusing finger raised at Bucky. They share a look and wince. “Well...we left the series finale to watch together”, Bucky offers hopefully and your eyes go even wider. “You got Steve to season 4? And watched 2 episodes of it!” you squeal.”When did this happen? I can’t believe my boyfriend cheated on me, in my house, with my boyfriend!” you let out a huff, your lips in an angry pout.
The boys had the audacity to grin, and Bucky boops your nose and shakes his head. He gets up with the tray to reheat the food. You settle beside Steve pretending to be angry and trying your hardest to keep the smile off your face.
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Hey, can I get a Steven Hyde x Reader who’s not used to affection please? Thank ya
Cause wow - Steven Hyde X reader
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a\n: not tooooo sure this is what you wanted but there it is.
trigger warnings: weed mentioning
I was sitting in Eric’s basement with my friends. Well, i don’t know if i can call them my friends, since i’ve known them for such a short time. About a month ago I met Steven Hyde, and we clicked pretty quickly, and soon enough I was sort of a part of the gang. 
I reached my hand to the last Lay’s, hoping to successfully steal it. I hated how it got to this point, but my parents went away for work for the second time this month. Last time they were away for a whole week, and considering the fact we’re barely into the second week of the month, it says a lot - they don’t like me. They left some cash hidden around the house but it was for the house - water, electricity and barely enough for that. I mostly ate leftovers, improvised sandwiches and Petso Burger - i work there so i got a meal whenever i had a shift.
Another hand reached for the same bag of Lay’s, but I caught it first. “Hey, i was going to rightfully steal that!” the guy said. I looked at him. He had his shades on, even tho we were inside and his hair was curly. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Well, i was also going to rightfully steal it” i replied, half whispering, “so if you don’t mind…”. I started to walk away, but he was quick to follow. He grabbed my hand to slow me down and catched up quickly. “You don’t look like the type, aren’t you that goodie-two-shoes from History class?” he said, walking by me and looking around to find a snack. “Well, I don’t remember ever seeing you in history class” I said, putting the bag of chips in my bag. I still had some things I wanted to “get”. “Oh, it’s cause i never actually go. I’d walk up to the door from time to time, and then I’m like “neh” and go smoke in the Janitor’s room” He said. I didn’t have anything to say about it, so we kept 
walking in silence for a few moments. “You usually sit pretty close to the door, so i remember your face. You always read some book and everything is laid on the desk perfectly” he said, and I nodded. “Sounds like me” I said, grabbing a Milk carton. “So what brings you to, you know, commit a small crime?” he asked directly, grabbing chocolate pudding with a spoon stuck to it. He opened it right there in the middle of the store and started eating it. “I- uh, my parents are away and they didn’t leave money” i said, trying to make it far less bad, but he seemed to understand the real situation. For some reason, I feel like I can trust him with this, I mean, I can tell on him if he ever tries to use any of this against me. “Hand me everything you need, i’ll get it for you” he said. “I- what? Why would you do this? Do you just want the chips?” i asked, raising my eyebrow at him. He smiled. His smile was sweet and sincere. “No, but if you want to share it…” he said, “but it’s just that, uh, my dad left my mom and my mom left me, so i feel for you. But don’t tell anyone” he explained his act of kindness. “I have a job, i’ll return the money once i’ll have it” i promised as i handed him milk, bread, cereal, frozen hot dogs and of course the chips. “It’s okay man, my job pays real good” he said, “and come over to the Forman’s, i bet you need a proper meal and Kitty loves guests, hell, they let me live there” he laughed, grabbing a basket and putting all of my grouscaries in there. “I’m (y\n) (y\l\n)” I said, reaching my hand to shake his. “Steven Hyde” 
“Hey, (y\n), pass me the chips” Donna said, stretching her hand as far as she could to grab the Lay’s from my hands. I gave it to her. I sat next to Steven on the couch, Kelso next to me and Jackie in his lap. Fez sat on the chair next to Kelso and Donna across from him. Eric sat on the freezer, half upset (“it’s my house, why am i getting the worst seat?”), but he’ll get over it. Steven’s hand rested on the couch behind me, which was weird. We sat like that a lot, but it still made me feel weird. He was always nice to me, in his own sarcastic way. I like how he is around me, and according to his friends he is different when i’m not beside him.
“You make him better, so seriously, thank you” Donna said once. “Yeah, today i said your hot, and normally he would punch my face for talking about his girl like she’s a piece of meat but today, he punched my shoulder” Kelso contributed. “I’m not his girl” I said, grabbing a popsicle from the freezer. “Aren’t you two dating?” Donna asked, confused. “Well, in that case, hello there, (y\n)” Kelso said, running his hand through his hair. I laughed, “Kelso, the fact i’m not taken doesn’t change the fact you are” i said. “Doesn’t matter, i’m about to break up with Jackie anyways. “You said that last week” Donna said, as I sat down on the couch next to Kelso. He stretched and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t” I glared at him and he moved his hand as I moved to the other edge of the couch.
“So, are you going to the dance? I could use a girl to shop for a dress with” Jackie said. “I thought we were going together, I’m a girl” Donna said, seemingly upset. She would never admit it, but Jackie is her best friend. “Yeah, but donna, you dress like a guy. No offence” Jackie said, and turned her face back to me, “so?”. “I’m not going, it’s not really my scene, you know?” i said. “No i don’t. Dances are everybody’s scene,  Even Steven is coming. You two can come together!” JAckie replied, resting her hands on my shoulders and shaking me excitedly. “I- yeah, whatever man, if you’re going i don’t mind being your date” Steven sighed. A shocked silence fell over the room.
A week later you had a dress for the Dance (sponsored by Jackie, who was quick to help once you explained you can’t really afford the dress she thought was perfect for you), and a date. You never thought this is going to happen to you. Steven always made you feel like maybe you are not alone, and maybe you are liked, and the gang was amazing. You sat in Donna’s living room with the girls, and you were waiting for the boys to arrive. A knock on the door. Donna went to open it and let the guys in.
“Wow” Steven muttered once he laid his eyes on me. I was wearing a (f\c) dress that was tight in the chest area and flared from the waist down. The high neckline kinda chocked me, but luckily enough it belonged to the chiffon “coat” so i could take it off at any time and reveal the (not too deep) v neckline of the dress. He was wearing a button up with an abstract print on it, which you were pretty sure you’ve never seen before. He wore a dark brown flared jeans to match the shade on his shirt, along with a black belt and a dark brown blazer-type jacket. His shoes were shiney, meaning he actually cleaned up. “You don’t look that bad yourself” I replied. “Wait, Steven. Is that a new shirt?” Jackie asked, but he was quick to deny. “I stole it from my dad” he said. “You don’t have a dad, you live at my house. Did you take it from MY dad?” Eric said, confusion in his eyes since Red would never wear something like this. “No, My dad left some things at the house when he ran off, I just never wore it” Steven made-up on the spot, but the truth is he went shopping with Kitty. I knew because she mentioned it next to me.
Once you all arrived at the gym court, Steven and I went to sit on the side. He was next to you, hand on your shoulder. You flinched. “Hey, (y\n), you okay?” he asked. Touch was weird for me, I’m used to getting Zero affection. “i - yeah, I’m great” I replied. “No, you always flinch when I touch you. If it makes you uncomfortable, just say so, I wouldn’t do it” He said, a little upset. “No, it doesn’t bother me, it’s the complete opposite, it’s just that i’m not used to.. Affection” i explained, “i flinch whenever Jackie hugs me, and i Flinch when Donna’s punching my shoulder when i successfully throw a ball, and i flinch when Eric’s giving me a high five…” i start listing, but Steven is quick to cut me off with a weird question, “may i have this dance?”. “Uh, yeah, i guess” i say, and he gets up and reaches his hand out. I take it hesitantly. Just as we get to the dance floor, showing off our awful moves, the Music get slower, and it’s no other then “I Love You More Than You’ll Ever Know” by Donny Hathaway. Steven took a step closer to me. “Steven-” I started, wanting to offer we’ll leave the dance floor. Slow dancing was not my thing, and as far as i know Steven was not a fan either. I flinched once his hands took mine and placed them on his shoulders. “I’m sorry” I whispered. “Hey, it’s totally fine” he said as he wrapped his hands around my waist. It was nice, and his touch burned my body in the best way possible. “You always call me steven, why’s that?” he asked, looking into my eyes, or at least that’s what i think he was doing since his sunglasses were on, per usual. “I don’t know, i just feel weird using nicknames” i replied, “kinda weird, i know, but i was never called by any name other than mine. Well, you refer to me as ‘man’ sometimes, but that’s just how you talk” i let out an awkward laugh. I kinda hated the fact he called me “man”, that ment i’m deep in the friend zone, But it was okay once I realized he calls everyone man that time he said “Kitty, man, pass me the salt”. “Even a boyfriend?” Steven asked, his tone suggested something, but i could not tell what. “Never had one” I answered. “So what, like, you never had your first kiss?” Steven asked, an annoying smile on his face. That was a sensitive spot. I don’t think he was aware of that. “Look, Steven, can we not talk about it?” I asked. I was just starting to get used to the situation and he was ruining this. “What, you don’t expect me to believe you’ve never kissed anyone” he insisted, kind-of laughing at the idea. “Well, i haven’t, can you just let it go?”  I said. “Do you want to?” Steven asked. “I guess? I don’t know Steven, i just can’t imagine anyone wanting to kiss me” i replied, giving up. “I want to kiss you” he said. I looked at him, confused. “(y\n), would you give me the honor of being your first kiss?” he asked, pulling me closer. “Steven, you don’t have to-” “did you hear me? I said i want to” he cuts me off. “I- yeah, sure, i would like that” i said, “what do i-”. Before i got the chance to finish that sentence, his lips were on mine, and somehow I just knew what to do. My hands moved from his shoulder to his jaw line, and my lips moved against his so easily, it felt like we were made for each other, or maybe it was just me. At that point I realised that a kiss can be so amazing it’s breathtaking. we pulled away for air,  and he rested his forehead on mine. “You sure you never kissed anyone?” he said, actual suspicion in his voice, “cause wow”.
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As She’s Walking Away
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I haven’t been active much lately. Between my job and some health issues this summer was a lot and I haven’t written anything in a month or so. This is just a wee blurb, no smut but kinda angsty, just to see if I still had anything in me.
Calum thanked the bartender and lifted the bottle to his lips. He normally didn't drink American light beer, tasted like watered down piss, but it was dollar domestic night and he wasn't trying to get wasted to start the night. He'd finished his meetings earlier than expected today, and his friends wanted to meet up at Marguerite's. It was a decent enough place. Once a dingy Tex-Mex restaurant the owners gutted the interior and turned it into a pool hall. They took most of the kitchen out except a tiny space to make and press sandwiches. It was usually crawling with people, but Calum beat the crowd in, hoping to have a moment to relax before the night got started.
Outside on the terrace to his left he could see a handsome older gentleman setting up a chair, a guitar case at his feet. Javier played every weekend and the flamenco music was Calum's favorite thing about coming here. He grinned as he spotted two women lingering at separate tables watching Javi tune his guitar. Calum knew the guitarist had a way with the ladies, but he also knew from personal experience groupies could be a pain in the ass. Calum shook his head at the thought of the early tours. Intoxicated by the female attention, Calum racked up a body count, allowing him to indulge in every adolescent porn fantasy he and his friends could think of.
Between the booze, women and the grind of tour life, he'd almost flamed out. He'd found his first great love, which after two years broke his own heart when he cheated again, and she refused to give him another second chance. Since then he'd had a few relationships, nothing too serious. While most of his friends settled in relationships, a couple even had kids, he was satisfied being a single man and dog dad. He made a mental note to go to Petco tomorrow and get Duke some chicken stick treats he loved.
They propped the terrace door open with a fan, allowing the opening notes of Javier's first set to float throughout the bar as a few more people started coming in, claiming their spots at the pool tables. Calum sent out a group text telling everyone to hurry if they wanted dibs on a good table. He finished his beer and ordered another. He could smell toasted bread from the kitchen mingling with the night blooming jasmine as he listened to Javier switch to a slower song. People were steadily trickling in, but the room was still less than half full. He decided against ordering food and texted his friends again when she sat down across the bar from him.
Her silver bangles caught the light refracting off the cheesy disco ball hanging over the bar and slid across the polished wood of the bar, catching his eye. He looked up, catching sight of her as she carefully dabbed her eyes with the back of her hand. She swiped a pattern on her phone and Calum watched as the brightness of her phone lit up her face. The glow giving her skin a silver blue tint as she pursed her lips and typed out a message.
She was jiggling in her seat, annoyance or anger, possibly both radiating outwards from her reaching Calum sitting six feet away. He rolled his lips back, fighting a smile as he watched her read and reply to each message. She's cute when she's mad, he thought. His eyes taking in her large dark eyes and full lips. She wore silver hoops on her ears and left side of her nose as well as having a labret piercing peeking out under her bottom lip. He couldn't tell if her hair was short or just pulled back from this angle as she slouched over her phone. He felt like an intruder observing a private moment even though they were in public surrounded by people, but he couldn't tear his eyes away.
He racked his brain for an excuse to go up and say hello. He had enough alcohol to cloud his thinking, but not enough to lower his inhibitions so his shyness would fade. Women usually hit on him, if he was honest. When he had to chat someone up he usually led with a terrible joke, but given the way she was aggressively stabbing at her phone with her finger and muttering furiously Calum thought that approach would go nowhere. She looked up and caught him staring. Calum felt like she knocked the wind out of him when their eyes met. She looked away quickly and then stole a second glance before her attention returned to her phone.
Calum thought he saw the faintest smile before her gaze dropped back to the screen. His heart fluttered. He had to make a move. The only problem was his heart couldn't find the words he needed to say. She wiped away a tear and closed her eyes. Her chest rose and fell as she took several deep breaths. Calum wanted to get up, see if she was ok and maybe comfort her if he could.
His mind was clouded with doubt, afraid he'd look like another opportunistic jackass circling around her like a vulture. Some men were already lurking, hoping alcohol and sadness might lower her standards to look their way. Calum clenched his fist at the thought. He might not know her name, but she was definitely too good for the guy who just tried to give her an overpriced wilted rose he bought with his drink.
The bartender ran him off and switched out her drink. Calum saw a genuine smile of gratitude before her eyes flickered over to him once again. He dropped his eyes, feeling his cheeks burning. He had to say something now, or he'd look like a total loser. He received a text saying his friends would be there in ten minutes, and he knew he had to make a move before those idiots showed up. Calum took a deep breath and stood up.
He looked up and saw she was wiping away tears, but this time with a smile on her face. She was telling another woman who was scrolling on Calum's dream girl's phone while listening and nodding to the story. He stopped and watched them talking, feeling a sense of panic rising in his chest. Should he interrupt the conversation? Should he linger and hope for an opening? He couldn't let this moment pass. He had to talk to this woman. He wanted to know her name, if she had an accent, what perfume does she wear, anything and everything she wanted to tell him.
His feet moved on their own before his brain could stop him. He'd just rounded the corner of the bar when he heard a voice say, "Let's go." He watched her grab her purse and her friend grabbed her hand so they wouldn't get separated in the crowd. Calum felt like everything moved in slow motion as his mystery woman looked up at the last second. Her eyes went wide with surprise as she saw him coming towards her. She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything she was pulled into the crush of people surrounding the bar. The crowd closed in and Calum lost sight of her.
Thinking quickly, he handed the bartender a $20 to cover his $5 tab and elbowed his way to the door. He saw the top of her head heading towards the exit. He apologized to several people as he pushed past them, only to be caught just before he reached the door.
"Calum, what's the hurry, we just got here?" Luke shouted, throwing his long lanky body at Calum wrapping him up in a hug.
"Luke, I love you but let me go," Calum pushed away and Luke immediately let go. His friends stood in shock as Calum shot out into the parking lot just in time to see her get into an Uber and shut the door. His heart was pounding in his ears, but his throat was dry, his feet heavy and stuck in place. He was too late.
@sexgodashton​ @sublimehood​ @notinthesameguey​ @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995​ @rebelwith0utacause​ @maluminspace​ @mermaidcashton​ @malumsmermaid​
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reaperintheroses · 4 years
When I’m Ready part 2
 Word Count: 5217 Warnings: Angst, Fluff, mean reader, Bisexual reader A/N: Hello! So part two is finally here and I’m sorry it took so long! I ended up having to work a lot this week when I wasn’t supposed to. I was so surprised at all the love part one received and it makes me feel super happy and joyful inside that everyone liked it! I am opening requests for oneshot ideas as well as just blurds/ drabbles. Also feel free to either just pop in and say hi or ask me questions to get to know me better! Also feel free to let me know if you want to be tagged in future works about outer banks! Beta’d by the baby pogue queen @uwubonebabie​ As you all know I took some inspiration from lots of her baby pogue works. She just updated her masterlist and theres like so many more fics to read. Go check out her page. Take my word for it you won’t regret it! Part One
It had been about forty minutes before you heard two sets of footsteps barrel down the hallway and two more sets walk a little more calmly. You were still crying but at this point, you had quieted down a little. You heard someone pound on the door. Knowing that you wouldn’t be able to face any of them for a few days you decided to just let them knock and hope that they would just eventually get the message. After a few minutes, the banging still hadn’t even died down and was accompanied by your brother’s voice begging you to just talk to him. Rolling over in your bed you faced the wall. Soon JJ’s voice started to accompany John B’s. “Come on (y/n), we just wanna know your okay,” you could hear him say with desperation in his voice. You could feel your throat getting tight again. “Please just go away, John B.” You sniffled as you felt a new round of tears rise to the surface. You could hear a few small shifts in the floorboards and made a guess that they were looking at each other trying to decide what the best course of action was. Eventually, the tears fought their way through your resistance and you started to sob loudly again. Hearing the floorboards creak once more you knew that you were alone. You knew that you needed to get some Advil and water but they were probably all sitting around in the kitchen and you just couldn’t face them right now. You looked over to the framed picture on your messy bedside table of your dad, your brother, and you. You were on your dad’s back and John B. was jumping up behind you trying to photobomb. You still didn’t know what happened to him or if he was ever coming back. You grabbed the picture and studied it for a moment before clutching it to your chest. You started to cry even harder. A few moments later you fell into a restless sleep. 
When you woke up it was one in the morning. You could hear JJ’s snores and your brother’s mattress moving. Your head hurt. Like a lot. You slowly sat up from your bed and frowned when you saw that the picture had fallen onto the ground while you were asleep. Bending down to put it back up on your bedside table and then stretched. You looked around for the off chance that you still had Advil in your room from your last headache. No such luck. Grabbing your empty water bottle you threw on a pair of socks to try to stifle your footsteps. First, you opened the door and looked down the hall to see JJ sleeping on the pullout couch. John B.’s door was closed. Walking on your tiptoes you crossed the hall into the bathroom. Opening the cabinet door you grabbed the pain relief. Walking down the hall into the kitchen you filled up your water bottle. Setting the two items on the counter, you looked over at JJ’s sleeping form. Even from where you were standing you could smell the weed. Good. He wouldn’t wake up at a small noise. Opening the cabinet as softly as possible to grab the bread and then the peanut butter. Opening the fridge you grabbed the grape jelly and as an afterthought, you grabbed an apple. Making your sandwich you grabbed a plate for your food. You cut your apple and then after everything was on the plate you washed off everything and put it back in its proper place. Walking back to your room plate in one hand, Advil and water bottle in the other you tried to open your door as silently as possible without dropping anything. Setting the bottle of pills on the dresser you quietly ate and tried to have some water. You heard your phone vibrate against your bed. Looking over to the device in question that you had discarded there earlier you wondered who was texting you at this time of night. You didn’t really talk to many people regularly. You didn’t have a whole lot of friends and your brother only texted you when you weren’t going to see a lot of each other that day just so you knew where he was. It vibrated again and you reached across your bed to grab it. Giving your eyes a few minutes to adjust to the brightness you munched on your sandwich. You looked at who the sender was and you felt the downturned corners of your mouth straighten out. It was from Anna. You were surprised she was texting you already after what happened before. Then you scrolled up on the screen and saw she had replied to your earlier texts about what happened and your apology. She was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach in a few hours to watch the sunrise and talk. You texted back a yes and looked at what time you would need to leave. Grabbing your backpack that was at the foot of the bed you took out the book that you bought earlier and opened it. You allowed the fictional world to swallow you whole and wrap you in its calming embrace.
Looking over at the clock you saw that hours had passed. Throwing on a swimsuit in hopes of being able to get in the water for a few minutes, you repacked your backpack. Checking that your door was still locked you hopped that they had the decency to leave you alone at the early hours of the morning and that they would just think that you were sleeping in. Opening your window you grabbed your longboard and threw it out the window. Then you moved everything on your bedside table onto the dresser and put on your backpack before you positioned it against the window. Climbing on top of the table you grabbed the window sill. Pulling yourself up you swung one leg outside. After making sure you had a good foothold you moved the other and dropped to the ground. Grabbing your longboard you stalked off the main road trying to avoid the gravel in case someone was sleeping on the porch or JJ was already awake and moving around. Making it to the main road you set off in silence. You tried to keep your thoughts quiet. They would only make everything worse. You knew, deep down, that you needed to talk to them. Or at the very least you needed to talk to your brother. He deserved at the very least to know you were alive. It was dusk outside. You looked around as you emerged onto the heart of the cut. The only people you saw were early bird fishermen. You nodded in acknowledgment to everyone you came across. Letting yourself breathe in the smell of the ocean in the morning you looked out onto the horizon starting to see just the very top of the sun. Pushing off once more to gain some more speed you stuck up one hand to feel the wind. As you came up onto the dock from yesterday you came to a full stop. Swallowing hard you shut your eyes and let the memories from yesterday wash over you and play like a recap. You could hear Kie asking you to talk, could feel your brother’s shocked gaze. Brushing away the stray tear that had fallen you turned back.
 Pushing onward you made it to the familiar place where the pavement broke off and the sand started to replace it. Picking up the board you walked to the familiar hidden entrance. Moving the trees that covered the walkway you ducked down to avoid getting branches stuck in your hair. Emerging onto the beach you looked down to the spot from yesterday and saw Anna gazing out to the waves. “You know you should come to the boneyard sometime to go surfing.” You smiled and walked up to her blanket. She looked up at you and gave you a small grin. “That’s pogue turf, are you sure I wouldn’t get chased off the land?” She laughed quietly. “I’m sure you’d be fine if they knew you were with me,” you replied. She breathed in and smoothed down the spot next to her offering you a place to sit. Setting down your longboard you shrugged off your backpack and set it down next to the blanket. She gave you a small frown before she looked back out onto the ocean. “You know (y/n), we need to talk about what happened yesterday.” She looked back over to you to display that you had her full attention. You sucked in a breath. “If you’re not out to your family, I’m not going to pressure you to say anything to them,” She gazed down at you, “but I still want to know what that means for us.” You closed your eyes and just listened to the ocean for a few seconds before you made eye contact with her. “You’ve obviously heard the horror stories right?” You asked her. “I’ve never told them because I didn’t want it to not go well and me not have a place to go if something went wrong,” you swallowed down the thought of something like that actually being your reality when you finally got around to talking to everyone. “As for what that means for us, I’m not ashamed to be seen around you,” you swallowed and looked at her, “I just think we should lay low until I can get around to talking to them.” You finished and stared at her. “So that’s a no on changing my Facebook status to ‘Dating an awesome surfer dude-bro pouge’?” She giggled at you. “Probably not.” You laughed back. You both settled back into a calm silence and watched as the colors of the sky change from dark to light blue. You felt yourself thinking. Telling yourself that you could do it when you got home. Say to them ‘I’m bisexual, I like men and woman,’ you knew that was wishful thinking, that you could just go up to them and say it. The sky looked like a painting, you wished you could enjoy it without all this weight on your shoulders, knowing that when you go home you were going to have to make a decision.
The sun had almost fully made its appearance. Anna turned to look at you. “Would you want to grab some food with me?” She asked looking hopeful. You pulled out your wallet to see where you could go with what you brought. Your face fell. “Anna, I would love to but I don’t have enough money with me.” She looked thoughtful at you for a moment. “Don’t be serious, you’re giving me surf lessons consider it payment,” she grabbed your hand in hers, “Also this way you don’t have to go back to your house.” You considered the pros and cons for a minute and came to the conclusion that it wouldn’t hurt. Besides afterward you and Anna could spend the early afternoon in the cut because the other pogues were helping Pope deliver groceries today. They would almost definitely take out Heyward’s boat for a spin. Standing up to dust off the sand from your clothes, you offered her your hand. “Why not,” you asked, “and later we can spend the early afternoon in the cut.” Her grin twisted into a frown. “Oh I would love to but my parents need me to stay in the 8 today.” She replied looking disappointed. Damn. You thought about who Pope delivered groceries to on Wednesdays. Okay. It was all fine. The probability of them even seeing you were slim. “Okay, then I guess we’re just going to spend the day around the 8,” you replied trying to get her to lose the frown. You quickly gathered up your things and helped her fold up the blanket. Walking hand in hand you made it to the small entrance of the beach. You looked out at the sky. Inside your head, you were saying to yourself ‘please don’t let me regret this.’ You were having a great time. You and Anna went to eat breakfast at a small cafe. You felt super bad that she paid for you as well even though she spent the latter part of the meal convincing you that it was fine. You let her lead you everywhere because you had no idea what to do on that side of the island. Tugging your hand she led you inside a store with lots of surfing apparel. “I know I need more than a swimsuit most of the time, I just don’t know what I need,” she glanced around, “Will you help me pick some stuff out?” You gave her a small smile and walked over to a rack or rashguards. You had her pick out three. While she was trying everything on you grabbed a wetsuit and threw that over the door and explained what everything did. You were glad that this was something she was genuinely interested in. She came out of the dressing room with a smile on her face. While she bought everything you looked around to see if there was anything you wanted that you could save up for. You felt someone behind you. “Are you ready to go?” She held out her hand to you. Grabbing it and lacing her fingers in yours you let her guide you out of the store onto the street. You placed down your longboard and pushed off the ground lazily. She pulled you out to the docks where the kooks kept their boats. That’s when you saw it. The Heyward’s boat. Goddamnit. Why couldn’t you just enjoy yourself and act like a normal teenager? When she felt you not moving she turned to you. “Hey what’s wrong (y/n)?” She followed your line of sight and looked back at you confused. “That’s my brother's friend's boat,” you said solemnly. Realization dawned on her face. “Oh, should we just part ways right now?” She looked sad yet understanding. You knew that if you turned around right now you could hide in some boutique until the boat moved along. “I’m sorry,” you apologized, “once I can talk to them I promise things will be different.” You glanced back to the boat as if you could see them around the deck. She spread her hands as if to give you a hug. You leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She shifted everything in her arms and looked at you. “I’ll text you tonight, ya?” She asked with disappointment clear on her face. You were about to reply when you heard someone shout to you. “Hey, (y/n) I thought you were at home.” You heard your brother yell, catching the attention of some onlookers. “That sounds like my cue to leave, I’ll see you soon.” She looked over her shoulder before swerving past you. You grabbed your board and readjusted your backpack. You turned around trying to pretend that you hadn’t heard him but just as you turned to walk away you heard footsteps running towards you. John B. grabbed your shoulder to keep you from walking away any farther. “I know you heard me, (y/n), don’t act like you didn’t.” He kept his hand heavy on your shoulder. You turned around to look at him. “What, so I’m not allowed to leave the house without telling you now?” You tried to play dumb and plastered a shocked look on your face. He sighed. You looked over his shoulder to see the other pogues staring at you two. “You know for a fact that’s not what I meant,” he gazed into your eyes, “I just want to talk to you, that’s it.” You knew deep down in your mind that being mean to him wasn’t going to solve anything. It didn’t stop you though. “You know what JB, I don’t owe you jack shit,” you seethed, “ I don’t need to tell you anything so regardless of what you have buried in your thick skull that I need to tell you about what you saw yesterday it’s wrong.” You could see the hurt in his eyes. You brushed his hand off your shoulder and turned around. “I don’t care about what you want John B.” You stalked off. After you turned around the street you felt a few tears slip down your face. Brushing them away, you kept on walking. You hopped none of them would follow. You knew you had been horrible, but at the moment you didn’t care.
Opening the chateaus screen door you kicked off your shoes. Walking into your room you set down your longboard and tossed your backpack onto your bed. You walked over to your window and moved the bedside table back over to its normal spot. You moved all the little trinkets that you moved earlier back to their original spot. You shimmied out of your shorts and pulled your shirt off. Throwing them into your closet to be dealt with later. Grabbing a towel out of your closet and snatching your sunglasses off of your dresser you decided that you would go for a small swim in the marsh since you didn’t get in the water this morning. Walking out through the back door you saw that John B.’s van wasn’t in the driveway. Good. He drove and probably gave the other pogues a ride. You would be able to tell when they came home and with luck, you would be able to make yourself less noticeable. Hopping on the deck of the pogue you moved to the side to make sure that the boat was anchored. After checking that it wasn’t going to launch itself into the water after you jumped off you walked to the bow. You pencil dived off and let the water wash over you and cool you down. Climbing back on you spread out your towel on the deck and laid down on top of it. You tossed your sunglasses next to you and you shut your eyes, you felt the sun kiss your skin and calm you down. You started to feel tired and found it hard to try and open your eyes. You let unconsciousness overtake you.
You felt cold droplets of something fall on your face. Groaning you threw your hand over your eyes trying to will yourself to fall asleep again. The droplets just switched to your stomach. Moving your hand you opened your eyes ready to grab your stuff and move to the hammock so the rain would stop hitting you and you could continue your nap. Turning over ready to grab your sunglasses you were greeted by three pairs of eyes and JJ with his hand outstretched ready to flick more water onto you. Shrieking you backed away and clutched at your chest trying to get yourself to calm down. “What the hell is wrong with the three of you?” You hissed. You watched Kie’s face move from a questioning glance to an angry frown. “What the hell is wrong with us,” she asked sarcastically, “What the hell is wrong with you (y/n).” After calming your breathing you sat up and glared at her. “What are you talking about, Kie?” You asked knowing that maybe for once playing dumb would actually work in your favor. “You know exactly what we’re talking about,” Pope chimed in. “You were super mean and rude to John B. when all he wanted to do was talk to you.” Pope glared at you. Folding your arms over your chest you looked at Kie in the eyes. “I don’t know what you want from me,” you replied. Kie sucked in a breath of air and opened her mouth but JJ set an arm on her shoulder to stop her. He looked at you. “We just want you to talk to him is all, what you said really hurt him.” He looked down at you. Your thoughts were turning. All you felt was unjust rage. You tried to shut your mouth. It didn’t work. “I don’t owe him, or any of you for that matter, anything.” You looked at each of them in turn. “I don’t know what it is that you think I need to say because unfortunately, you guys make a huge deal about the smallest things that go on in my life.” Kie’s eyes softened and she seemed ready to give you a small pep talk but that just fueled your fire. “I’m so done with each and every one of you-” once the words started coming you wished you could take them back- “you can’t make me talk to him and explain what he saw yesterday, maybe if he had half a brain he could just put two and two together and we could just avoid this altogether.” You breathed out. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I was trying to sleep.”
You grabbed your towel up from the ground and moved around the helm of the boat and stepped off onto the ground. You heard someone, probably Kie, move to try and follow you. You heard the footsteps stop and then some murmuring for a few seconds. Walking over to the hammocks you jumped up into one and wrapped yourself in your towel as if it was a blanket. You looked up at the trees and watched as the sunlight that made it through the canopy of leaves danced on the ground. You thought about everything you had said that day to your brother and his friends who were basically family and cringed. Sometimes you wished you could shut your mouth before you said anything. Or better yet just never talk at all.  You heard crunches as someone approached you sat up to see who it was. When you saw JJ approaching you with a small frown on your face. You looked off to the side. He set his hand on the hammock. “Can I sit,” he asked. Opening and closing your mouth for a second you decided he would do it regardless of what you said. “Might as well,” you replied. Looking out again you felt him rub his hand over his face. “You realize that you’ve been a bitch right?” He folded his hands in his lap and stared at the side of your head. You realized that there were two routes you could go with your response. You could continue to be rude and succeed in your quest of becoming a professional jerk or you could just let go and accept that this wasn’t just some small thing that you could let go and pretend never happened. You decided that the latter would get you farther. “I know.” you looked down at the towel that had pooled around your waist. He grabbed your hand and cupped it around yours. “I understand that this is gonna be a difficult conversation for both of you but I can promise that he will be nothing but supportive.” He exhaled. “You know if he wasn’t we would kick his ass.” That got you to give him a smile. “How about this-” you turned to look up at him- “if you go talk to him we can all watch some chick flick together, you can pick.” You started to play with a loose thread at the bottom of his shirt. Deciding that it would be best to just go and apologize. “Where is he,” you asked quietly. “In his bedroom,” he glanced towards the bushes that were blocking his view to the boat, “I’ll keep them outside till you come to grab us for the movie.” You moved your hand away and pecked him on the cheek before jumping down.
Opening the back door you walked into your house. Passing the kitchen into the hallway that your brother and your bedrooms were in. Walking past his room you walked into your own and got dressed into some comfy clothes. Braiding your hair you tried to take as long as possible. When you finally finished and tied it off you decided that now was as good a time as ever. You reached for your door handle before you turned around and threw open your underwear drawer. Digging threw to the back you grabbed the small bisexual flag that Anna had given to you a few months back. Stuffing it in your pocket you shut your drawer and put your hand on the knob. Twisting you walked out and shut the door before you could stop yourself. The hallway seemed to almost double in length. You shut your eyes and walked down the hallway that you had memorized. Stopping in front of his door you raised your fist to knock. You hesitated. Maybe in the time, you had taken to change he had left to go to the store and it would be pointless to knock. Maybe he was asleep. Maybes swirled around in your head. Your hand fell. You stuffed it in your pocket and felt the fabric of your flag. You tried to control your breathing. In. Out. You knocked against the door twice before. Stepping back you leaned against the wall. You balled up the flag in your hand. You heard shuffling around before the door fell open and John B. looked at you with wide eyes. He moved aside and gestured for you to come in. Making your fist tighter you walked inside. You hovered by the door and made sure that it was cracked in case you needed to bolt. He sat down on the bed. You looked at him and felt a small frown grow on your face. “Aren’t you going to say something,” you asked already feeling a pit of dread grow in your stomach. He looked up at you and smiled. “I’m not going to say anything until it’s okay.” He gestured for you to come to sit on the bed. Walking over you sat as far away from him as possible. You were expecting the worse. You shut your eyes and gathered your thoughts. Finally, you looked over at him. “So I guess the cats already out of the bag,” you started. He made a keep going gesture with his hands. You knew it wouldn’t be that easy but you still had a very tiny sliver of hope. You were trying to think of how to best put your words together. “So the girl you saw me with, her name is Anna.” You started to play with your hands so that you wouldn’t have to look at him. “She’s my girlfriend.” You tried your hardest to keep your voice even. “I met her at school,” you were staring at the covers now trying to do anything to avoid his gaze. Looking over at the door to make sure that it was still cracked, you glanced up at him. Here came the hard part. “I’m-” you hesitated, if this went wrong that was it- “I’m bisexual, I like men and women.” He moved towards you. You tried really hard to not shy away. He pulled you into a hug. Hiding your face into his shoulder you felt a few tears start to slip down your face for the third time today. You felt something cold fall onto your forehead. Looking up from his shoulder you saw that he was crying too. You hugged for a while. “You know, if dad was here he would be really proud of you.” He peered down at you with a small smile. You leaned against him and tried to not start crying again. You cleared your throat. “You know everyone else is waiting for us to come to get them, so we should probably go do that.” He laughed. You moved away from him and heard the sheets rumple. You heard him stretch and crack his back. Picking up your gaze you saw that he was holding a hand out to you. Grabbing it and groaning you let him pull you up with little resistance. Stretching out you heard him play with his hands for a moment. “You do realize you need to apologize to everyone right,” he said with no hint of scolding. Breathing in deeply through your nose, you sighed. “I know,” you replied. You walked hand in hand to the back patio. He went first and opened the door. When you followed you saw everyone sit up a little straighter. John B. nudged you with his toe. You turned to glare at him for a second before you turned back to them. “I-” you got flashbacks from the entire day and cringed- “I’m sorry I was such a bitch today.” You tried to think of how to best phrase everything. “I shouldn’t have acted so childishly.” you started to talk with your hands. “I was upset and wasn’t thinking right.” You looked at each of them in turn. “I feel super horrible and I’m hoping you can forgive me.” You let your hands fall down to your sides. You saw them look at each other before they looked back at you. “You were forgiven the moment you walked out that door with your brother,” Kie replied giving you a tiny smile. You felt the relief flow through you. “Though I do believe I promised you a chick flick and it’s starting to get cold out here.” JJ gestured for you to lead the way inside. Opening the screen door you held it open for everyone as they all filed inside. John B. and Kie walked over to the kitchen to start making snacks. Pope and JJ started to fold away the pull out while you walked over to the small shelf of movies. Grabbing Dirty Dancing, you walked over to the small T.V. to set it up. After you popped the DVD in you stood up and brushed off your legs. Turning back around you saw a half of the blankets in the house had been pilled on the couch. Walking over to the kitchen you saw that Kie had set out the snacks on the counter and was smiling over at the setup the boys were trying to make. Smiling with her you walked over to the hallway. Reaching your room you grabbed your phone off the bedside table you texted Anna the good news. After a moment of thinking, you added that you were going to hang out with your family tomorrow. Walking back out to the living room you saw that they were all waiting for you.  Going to sit on your usual spot on the end you felt a sharp tug before you realized you had been pulled into the middle of the couch. Seeing your brother glance down at you for a second before looking back at the screen. Snuggling into him you felt JJ rest his hand on your thigh and start to rub circles into your skin. You turned and saw that the sky had turned into a nice pink. Turning back to the screen you smiled thanking all your lucky stars you got an awesome family by choice.  @beth-winchester21 @losers-club6
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fellulahh · 4 years
He finds out MC’s pregnant despite her trying to hide it
(This is a repost because I lost the original and didn’t save a link!)
A little context: in the weeks coming up to her departure from Devildom, MC finds out she’s pregnant. Being completely terrified because she’s returning to the human realm within a month, she doesn’t tell the brother because it’d make their goodbye even more difficult than it already was. This may not be the most rational solution but it’s what she feels is best. However, the brother is more observant than she thought.
How he finds out
Lucifer is the most observant demon there is. He probably knew before MC did but never said anything. He’d notice every little detail, from the lack of use of the sanitary products in the bathroom, the sudden stoppage of alcohol consumption, the sensitivity to certain foods etc
He had a hunch for a while but the pinnacle moment that confirmed his suspicions is when Mammon and Levi were play fighting one day. MC was watching them, giggling at the way they played. Lucifer on the other hand was studying her closely. If it was true that she was pregnant surely she’d either tell him soon or slip up at one point? Did she even know she was pregnant? And if she did, why hadn’t she told him?
Laughing at the fighting demons, MC wasn’t prepared for them to come tumbling toward her. Widening her eyes as they bumped into her standing body, they nearly knocked her to the floor. In a moment of panic her hand flew to her belly without thinking, shielding it from the two demons.
Lucifer prepared to launch himself forward and scold the brothers for being so careless but he stopped in his tracks and parted his lips as he watched her. Even though she quickly removed her touch just as fast as she’d placed her hand on her stomach, he knew exactly what she was doing. She was scared for the growing baby that was in her. Her one quick gesture was the final bit of evidence he needed to know the truth.
MC was pregnant with his baby.
Mammon would have taken a long time to catch on to the fact that MC was pregnant but he’d eventually realise sooner or later. Admittedly it’d probably be the day before she leaves but better late than never!
He’d probably be in their room rummaging through the drawers for something (most likely goldie) and would leave no stone unturned as he searches. As he’s going through MC’s underwear drawer he feels something hard at the back.
Immediately he gets excited, assuming it’s something naughty that she’d hidden so being the nosey demon that he is, he pulls it straight out. However, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared down at the foreign object. Narrowing his eyes, he noticed a word printed underneath his thumb. Adjusting his grip, his eyes widened completely as he read the word aloud.
Seeing the symbol beside it, his eyes then quickly flickered to the tiny little ‘screen’. Appearing quite clearly in it was a cross. The symbol that matched the one on the end of the stick.
“M—MC’s carrying my baby...” he stuttered to himself in a moment of panic as he dropped the test on the floor. “I’m gonna be a Dad!”
It was a warm evening in Devildom as MC and the brothers were at Diavolo’s palace for dinner. Thinking of a million and one places that he’d rather be, Levi spent most of the evening on his D.D.D. However, his battery soon decreased and he was left with no entertainment.
Not wanting him to sulk, MC nonchalantly passed him her D.D.D; not thinking anything of the gesture. Getting really excited by her kindness, Levi soon began logging into all of his accounts as he started searching up his different fandoms.
As he was in the middle of reading an update, a notification came through from Solomon. Moving his thumb to ping the preview away, he froze in his tracks as he read his name on the message.
‘Are you sure about not telling Levi?’
Confused, he clicked on the message wanting to know what MC was hiding from him. Immediately he began to worry - did she not love him anymore?
Reading the messages between her and Solomon, his whole face turned white.
‘I can’t tell him I’m pregnant Sol, we’re literally leaving in less than a week!’
‘Are you sure about not telling Levi?’
Breathing shakily, Levi quickly exited the messages and placed the D.D.D face down on the table. He couldn’t believe it. He’d gotten MC pregnant.
Much like Lucifer, Satan is a very observant demon. It wouldn’t take him long before he became suspicious of the subtle changes of behaviour in his human.
It would all start when MC would spend most of her mornings in the bathroom. She’d claim she just has long baths but Satan notices that the shampoo and soap don’t seem to be getting used as quickly as expected given the amount she ‘bathes’.
Next it’d be the change of diet. Often her and Satan would spend evenings sipping wine and reading drunken monologues to each other but suddenly she was ‘not in the mood’ for it anymore. Every little detail seemed to point to one thing.
Then one day he caught her in the act. Walking into their bedroom after a long day, he noticed the bathroom light was on in the next room. Stepping up to the door quietly, he peeked through the gap to see MC pacing back and forth on the phone.
“Simeon I was right - I was right about everything!” She breathed.
Listening eagerly, Satan furrowed his eyebrows. Were his suspicions about to be confirmed?
“I went to the doctor’s today and had a scan - I’m about 8 weeks along.” She sighed.
Satan’s breath hitched in his throat.
“No I can’t tell him! I’m leaving in a week - how can I break such huge news to him and then leave him straight after?!”
Hearing enough, Satan stepped away from the door. His heart was racing as he processed the confirmation of his suspicions. ‘MC’s pregnant and she’s leaving me soon...’
MC did a pretty good job of hiding her pregnancy from Asmo. She managed to always have a reason for her off behaviour. However, one thing that she wasn’t able to control was her bodily changes.
Although there wasn’t any changes to her appearance yet, parts of her had grown far more sensitive. And unfortunately for MC, it was parts of her body that Asmo was particularly fond of.
Laying in bed together one night, he snuggled up to her while his hands caressed her body. “How are you doing my sweet?” He grinned as he began kissing her neck making her giggle.
“Babe!” She grinned as his affections.
Suddenly though, as she got lost in the moment, she paid no attention to his wandering hands. As he grazed one of her breasts, she immediately winced. Feeling her body jolt at his touch, Asmo became concerned. “What’s wrong? What happened?” He asked quickly, “did I hurt you?”
“Yeah babe I’m just a bit sensitive at the moment.” She sighed, sitting up in bed.
“Period?” He asked nonchalantly.
“No.” She spoke, “I haven’t had that in ages.” She mentioned without thinking.
Realising what she’d said, she abruptly got up off the bed. “I need a drink.” She spoke quietly, rushing to the door leaving Asmo completely speechless.
Given how much he loves food, Beel and MC are constantly going out to eat. Often they will go to her favourite cafe and share a sandwich together. Without fail, MC always buys the same one every time.
One day - making the most of the very little time they had left together - Beel took her out to the cafe. Like always, they made their way inside. MC thought nothing of the experience until as soon she stepped through the door her eyes widened.
Usually she’d always welcome the smell of the meats that immediately fill your nostrils as you step into the cafe. However this time the experience was far more different. Scrunching her nose, she tried to compose herself as her and Beel stepped up to the counter. While he ordered the entire menus worth, MC asked for her usual sandwich.
A few minutes passed and as they were sat at their table in the corner, the waitress brought over their food. As soon as MC laid eyes on her sandwich she felt a familiar feeling in her stomach. Confused by her unusual stare, Beel questioned her. “What’s wrong? Did they bring you the wrong sandwich?” He asked as he lifted the slice of bread.
Just the exposure of the filling in her sandwich caused the fumes of the meat to enter her nose. Without warning, her cheeks bulged and she ran to the toilets abruptly. Beel immediately knew something was up. She’d never turn down her favourite sandwich let alone throw up at the sight/smell of it. Unless...
Putting two and two together, Beel gawped at the sandwich in shock. ‘She can’t be, can she?’
As Belphie was sat in the lounge with Levi, he had an obvious concerned look on his face. Eventually noticing how distant he seemed, Levi turned to face him. “What’s gotten into you?” He asked with a scrunched nose.
“What? Nothing.” Belphie spoke quickly. Levi didn’t looked convinced and the youngest brother saw this. Letting out a sigh, he told the truth. “It’s just MC - she’s been acting strange lately.”
“How do you mean?” Levi asked confused, setting aside his game.
“She seems to be sleeping so much nowadays, even more so than me!” Belphie furrowed his eyebrows, “its all she seems to do nowadays.”
“Maybe she’s pregnant lmao.” Levi joked before returning to his game.
Although he may not have been serious, Belphie didn’t find the comment as funny as Levi did. In fact, the thought terrified him. It all made so much sense.
Thinking in the mindset that MC was carrying his child, Belphie began trying to recollect all of the moments across the past few weeks that might have added to the idea. Loss of appetite...yes, random days where she suddenly fell ill...yes.
“Oh fuck...” he muttered quietly to himself.
Levi was right!
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