#like it hinted towards shit and we knew it was coming but like forgot about it and didn't expect THAT
mushtoons · 9 months
tfw ur watching a really good horror movie but it gets real triggering real fast
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choiwonder · 1 year
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tw/cw ༝ 0.8k wc, ummm a little tiny bit suggestive, hints of pining, teasing, making out, my little interpretation of college/frat boy jisung, i am actually going over shakespeare and hamlet in class so i’m lowkey projecting, hyunjin is a cockblocker!!!!
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“hey,” han steps aside as he opened the door.
you look around the house, not surprised by the amount of drinks, trash bags and food surrounding the kitchen. being a close friend of hyunjin would initially lead to you being constantly invited to his parties, “hey, where’s hyunjin?”
“he just went out to buy snacks for you guys.”
“oh, okay,” you nod, setting your bag down on the couch. you place your notebook, papers and laptop to prepare for tonight.
“what’re you guys going over tonight?” jisung asks, taking a seat and looking over what you set down on the table.
“shakespearean drama and the tragedy of hamlet,” you sigh, eyes lifting away from your phone and over to his, “we need to discuss the theme, its significance and the relationship of hamlet and horatio.”
han shook his head, leaning back, “so glad i don’t have to deal with that shit anymore. my classes are way better this year.”
“oh, yeah,” you smile, copying the way jisung leaned back on the couch and moved a few inches closer, “i forgot you switched majors… what’re you doing now?”
impressed by his response, your eyebrows raise. han’s lips stretch at your reaction, his body impulsively turning to face you.
he feigns offence, “why? what’d you expect?”
“maybe rap or producing,” you laugh as if it was obvious.
while hyunjin always invited you out, jisung was also there and you couldn’t help but admire him from afar. though you knew he was a good dancer, you also took notice at how good he was at rapping, singing and producing music. you were astonished and respected him for being hardworking and remaining humble.
“i know it’s something you’re good at… plus,” you voice drops down to a whisper and your hand aims for him to come closer as if someone was listening to this conversation. han leans over, fulfilling your request when his ear is next to your lips, “you’d look really hot working in a studio.”
jisung leans back, just enough for your faces to be inches apart. he could only smile at your comment, his pearly whites peeking through. his deep brown eyes flicker across the features of your face, solely focusing on the canvas of your lips.
han sucks in a breath, his hand carefully placed on your knee, itching to caress the palette of your thigh, “… do you think hyunjin would care if i kissed you right now?”
“mmmmm…. maybe,” you shrug with a small smile. if hyunjin were to find his two best friends kissing each other he’d likely throw a fit about how weird it is; but that was the least of your concerns, this conversation with jisung was far more important.
jisung falsely pouts, lightly squeezing your cheek, “well that’s too bad,” he pulls away with a sigh, all the warmness drafting from his skin vanished all too soon.
“such a tease,” you huff, rolling your eyes. you knew he wanted you to plead and beg for something as simple as a kiss but your stubbornness was stronger than his desire to see you compliant, “i have homework to do, go away.”
“aw, don’t be like that,” jisung laughs, “here, come, i’ll give you a kiss.”
you roll your eyes again, pushing him away as he tugs on your arm, but he doesn’t budge, his strength completely pulling you towards him. like mere seconds ago, han places his hand on your knee, leaning in close enough his mouth hovers centimeters above yours.
his free hand cups your cheek and you wait for him to make the first move but he does nothing except lean you back against the couch.
you heart thumped out your chest, yearning for this exact moment. you caved just as jisung hoped you would, but he only pulls back by a centimeter to watch you continuously feen for a kiss.
of course, knowing you’d push him away with no qualms of forgiveness, he finally fills the gap that settled between you. is this a dream? you think, feeling and adoring the way he drops his body weight, his knee resting idly between your legs. jisung hums, his hand moving up your thigh and under your shirt.
you quickly grip the back of his head, holding him close to you as he dares to pull away. from what was initially a simple first kiss turned into a mini makeout session. han could only chuckle, his breath intake reaching its limit, “you know i would love to continue but hyunjin’s here…”
a sigh of disappointment left the traces of your lips, you kiss han once more before moving away from him. he smiles, squeezing your cheek, ready to report back to his room, “don’t miss me too much, alright?”
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taglist: @luvrhyune @ttyunz @uno7
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© choiwonder ༝ do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work on any platform, or claim it as your own.
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spooky-bunnys · 9 months
This is a birthday request by my friend @caffine-goth-moth Happy Birthday Mothy!
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It was the day Tenjiku had been looking forward to. (Name)'s birthday. Which has sent Tenjiku into an uproar. Especially since (Name) has become an important member of Tenjiku. He also became someone important to the main Tenjiku members as well.
(Name) smiled as he twirled around. He was currently at his favorite park spending time with his closest friends. (Name) heard yelling and stopped twirling. He sweat-dropped. He forgot his brother came along.
(Name) sighed and turned towards the yelling. He saw his brother and his friend Hanma fighting. Well more like Hanma annoying his brother while trying to flirt with him. (Name) groaned and turned to his other friend Kisaki. "Saki what did I do to deserve this." He asked pouting.
Kisaki sighed. He himself wonder whay the two have done to be stuck with the two childish males. Before he could answer he was cut off by the two said males yelling for (Name). (Name) ignored them and asked Kisaki which book he was reading. The two males yelled for (Name) again. They were still ignored.
Back at the hideout the a team made up of the gang was trying to decorate. The hint word of "trying". To be honest there was more fighting then actual decorating. They had set up a plan to throw a surprise birthday party for (Name). There was 3 teams.
Team A was the distraction. Which was of Hanma, Kisaki, and unfortunately Shion. They were tasked to keep (Name) distracted while they set everything up.
Team B was on decorating duty. Which was of Ran, Kakucho, and Izana. They were tasked to set up the tables, music, food, and the actual decorations. Which wasn't going too well.
Team C was getting the gifts and birthday cake. Rindou, Mochi, and Muto were tasked with this. Since they knew (Name) very well and could use a car.
Kokonoi had personal matters to attend to so he was sadly missing the party. Although he had wished the male a happy birthday and sent him money as a gift. Saying he would need it after today.
Poor Kakucho was stuck with his King and Ran constantly fighting and aruging on what went where. It was getting to the poin where he was ready to snap and just sit them into corners like children. Well he knew his King would kill him for that. But in his opinion they were acting worse then toddlers.
He sighed as he watched Ran and Izana fight over which balloon color would (Name) would like better. Ran was saying Purple while Izana was aruging Red. Kakucho rubbed his temple groaning. Gaining their attention.
"Kakucho which do you think (Name) would prefer?!" Ran angrily asked him. Izana quickly fired back. "He obviously agrees with me!" Kakucho wished the others where back from getting the cakes and gifts. "Neither. (Name)'s favorite color is (color)."
Mochi chimed in. Coming into the hideout with multiple gifts wrapped. Rindou walked in after him holding the cake. Finally Muto joined them pushing in a bike. Kakucho's shoulders sagged in relief. He couldn’t handle another argument between them. They set everything onto the tables.
Izana and Ran huffed and grabbed the balloons in (color). "Thank you. They've been fighting over this so much. It was starting to get to me." Muto chuckled and patted Kakucho's shoulder. "We get it. Just imagine if Shion was here as well." Kakucho didn't want to imagine that. Just thinking of that made his head hurt.
(Name)'s head felt like it was going to explode. They were now in an arcade. Hanma was still annoying Shion and the arguing was getting worse. (Name) was ready to kill his brother and friend. He groaned throwing his head back. Catching the trio's attention.
"Can you two please cut that shit out!? You've been aruging all fucking day! Its starting to literally kill me! I'm ready to call it a day guys. I don't think I can do this anymore." (Name) looked so tired and stressed. Hanma looked worried for a moment. "What about the party-" Kisaki and Shion quickly covered his mouth.
Well Kisaki covered his mouth while Shion punched him in the stomach. (Name)'s head turned. Confused. "What about what? I didn't hear that last part." Kisaki and Shion let out a silent sigh of relief. Shion quickly answers. "Movies. What about the movies? We were thinking about going." (Name) hums softly and stands there thinking.
(Name) slowly plays with his hair still in thought. While he was distracted the others were quietly discussing what to do next. They knew the party had to be set up by now. They were just waiting for a call from one of the guys. As they were discussing (Name)'s phone started ringing.
Everything fell slient as (Name) answered the call. "Hello? What? Is everyone okay?! I'm on my way!" (Name) quickly hung up and made his way to the entrance. The other three not knowing exactly whats going on. All they know is that (Name) was in a hurry and was leaving them behind.
At the hideout Ran has just hung the phone up and smiles at the others. Kakucho has his head in his hands groaning. While the others just stare at Ran like he was an idiot. Ran looks confused before tilting his head to the side. Silently asking the others why they're looking at him like that.
"Are you stupid?! Why did you say that!?" Izana snapped at him. Ran shrugged. "You said to get him here quickly." Izana follows Kakucho's example by covering his face with his hand groaning loudly. Muto, Mochi, and even Rindou are staring at Ran like he had just kicked a puppy.
"Your going to get your ass beat so bad when he gets here. You literally told (Name) that we were jumped and Kakucho is extremely injured." Rindou deadpanned. The others knew (Name) was ferociously protective over the youngest member. Knowing (Name) saw him as a younger brother.
So for Ran to say Kakucho was injured would get (Name) to hurry. But the way he had explain how Kakucho was practically near deaths door. Is way beyond over kill. Rindou wasn't going to save his brother this time. He was getting tired of always involved when (Name) was also involved. He knew how violent the male could be.
He wasn't Tenjiku's Golden Knight for no reason. Hell he could rival against Izana! Which is kinda scary if Rindou thought hard enough about it. So an angry (Name) coming for his brother? Well Rindou will plan a somewhat good funeral for him. He wasn't getting in the middle of that. He tried it once and it didn't end well on his side.
(Name) quickly made his way towards the hideout. Nothing on his mind except on how his baby brother and his boyfriend could be greatly injured. Whatever gang had jumped them he was gonna rain down hell on them. Nobody messed with them and hets away with it!
(Name) threw the door opening quickly entering the hideout. He didn't pay attention to what was around him. He only cared about how Kakucho and-"Kakucho!" (Name) immediately threw him at the youngest member amd began crying. Tryig to find how injured he was but upon noticing he was fine he stopped.
(Name) completely checked him and then checked the others before snapping his head towards Ran. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDNG ME?!" (Name)'s anger could be felt from the other members who shivered from the feeling. (Name) stomped up to Ran. Grabbing his shirt collar and yanking the taller down to his eye level.
Shion went to reassure (Name) but was stopped by Izana. Who hadn't removed his eyes from the duo. Izana knows he should put a stop to the fight. But where's the enjoyment in that? Hanma was greatly confused. Kisaki was as well but wasn't as open about as Hanma. Muto had explained what Ran had told (Name) over the phone.
"He said you guys were jumped and Kakucho was injured the most and was practically dieing? How stupid can he be?" Kisaki nodded agreeing with his taller companion. Even he knew not to use Kakucho against (Name). The ohers watched as (Name) brutally kicked Ran who had fallen after getting punched in the face.
Izana then motioned Mochi towards the duo. The taller male nodded and quickly made his way over. Softly wrapping his arms around (Name) and lifting him up. Leaving (Name) stunned. Ran quietly thanked Mochi. "I didn't do it for you. I just don't want (Name) to go to jail for your murder." Ran didn't say anything as Mochi carried (Name) back to the others.
As he was set down (Name) finally looked around. Noticing the decorations and how there was a huge pile of gifts and a birthday cake. He smiled softly. "Aww you guys set up a surprise party? Thank you." The way he smiled made the former aura disappear. It made the other members smile. Glad that he liked it. Since it took a while and a lot of work if they were being honest.
After an hour of listening to music and them goofing around it was time for cake and gifts. Obviously Izana went first. He passed (Name) a long thin box. Confused he opened it before he grinned widely. He pulled out a gold (dark yellow) Tenjiku uniform. He giggled and started twirling again. Extremely happy with the gift.
"Thank you Izana or should I say My King." Izana frown and blushed. Brushing what (Name) said off. "Yeah well since your our Golden Knight I figured you should dress like it." (Name) smiled again thanking the male.
Then Rindou passed (Name) a small box. When opened (Name) saw a disc and was confused. "I made you a new mix of songs. I know you said you liked how I did music." (Name) smiled hugging the male. Who froze before slowly patting (Name)'s back. (Name) thanked him. Then Rindou passed him a large box. "This is from Ran. I honestly don't know whats in it."
(Name) curiously opened the box before he blushed deeply. Slamming the box shut and covered his face. The others now curious opened the box. "OI!" Shion immediately started kicking the male that was still on the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING GIVING MY BROTHER THAT TYPE OF CLOTHING!" Rindou cursed his brother before him and the others joined in on the kick fest.
Beside Mochi who quietly made his way over to (Name). While (Name) was distracted Mochi placed a necklace around (Name)'s neck. (Name) was confused at first before softly touching the necklace. Remembering almost immediately what this necklace was. He gasped gathering the others attention.
(Name) smiled tearfully before throwing himself into Mochi's arms. Thaning him over and over for it. (Name) pulled back and carefully placed his hands on Mochi's face. "Are you sure you want to give me this? I know how special it is to you." Mochi answered back witout hesitantion. "You're special to me too (Name). I can't get you a promise ring right now. But this is my form of promising myself to you."
Shion practically shook with anger at the site. He knew his gang members had different feelings for his brother. But why did (Name) have to choose Mochi of all of them. Hell he would've rather (Name) had gone for Hanma or even Ran! Shion stomped up towards the happy couple.
"Out of all the Tenjiku members you could've choosen from...you chose THE STUPID FUCKING APE!" (Name) snapped his head to his brother and frowned. "What do you mean? Aniki I thought you'd be happy for me no matter who I chose." Shion shook his head and shoved them apart. Throwing a punch towards Mochi who dodged. Before he could throw another punch, another fist was seen hitting Shion. Knocking him down.
(Name) panted in anger above him. (Name) immediately threw another punch. Landing it and practically trapping his brother on the floor. After a few more punches were thrown (Name) stopped. Shion grimaced as tears hit his face. His eyes widened upon seeing (Name) cry. It had been what felt like a long time to see him like this.
"I'm so fucking tired of this. You treat me like shit and expect me to always forgive you and to always do what you say." (Name) slowly stood up and put his foot on his brothers chest. "I will only say this once. So listen good and well." Everything was silent besides (Name)'s heavy breathing. "I'm your brother. Not your servant. Not our mother. Not your wife. Your BROTHER!"
Everyone watched not knowing what to do. "I always cooked and cleaned after you. I patched you up after fights. I practically raised you. You said you'd change after last time. But I guess you lied and you of all people know how much I hate liars." (Name) glared angrily at Shion. "Either get your shit together or get out of my life. I'm your younger brother. I grew up faster then you did. Now for once I'm actually happy. So if you can't accept that. Then I don't need you."
(Name) removed his foot before going outside. Nobody moved. Not until Mochi quickly made his way to follow (Name) did the others (beside Ran) start moving. Rindou squated above Shion. The others surrounded the male. They all had disappointed looks on their faces. "Get your shit fixed or get out of Tenjiku." Izana spat before they moved to clean up.
(Name) sat outside trying to calm himself down. He didn't mean to snap like that. He was just tired of the way he was treated. He was always the outlet of his brother anger. Not physically but mentally and verbally. He brother ignored him until he was needed. But around others he'd act like he cared and would throw on the over protective brother act.
(Name) didn't move. He just sat there knees to his chest. His head in his knees. He couldn’t stop crying. He's trying to calm down but he's just getting more and more angry. He heard footsteps approach him but didn't move. Not caring who was there. He felt something being draped over him. Then an arm wrapping around him.
(Name) slowly pulled his head up sniffing. He turned and saw the sad look on his boyfriend face. (Name) just burrowed his head against Mochi's chest without saying anything. Mochi just pulled him as close as he could and held him. Not saying anything knowing nothing he'd say could help. He just wanted (Name) to remember he was there for it.
The next day was awkward in the Tenjiku hideout. (Name) was smiling and talking like nothing happened. Mochi who always had an arm wrapped around him just smiled tenderly at him. Nobody had seen Shion yet. When asked (Name) explained he doesn't know where he is, since he had stayed at Mochi's the night before after falling asleep on the male outside last night.
Shion finally came in sometime after 3 in the afternoon. He was red in the face and stomped towards (Name). (Name) confused and slightly worried for the male goes to ask him whats wrong before he's cut off. He quickly dodged the punch aimed at him and quickly rolls away. Missing the kick the was sent his way.
Everyone immediately jumped up and grabbed the angry Shion. Quickly subduing him. (Name) looks at him absolutely confused. Before he could ask him what was going on. He was once again cut off. "I JUST GOT THAT BIKE AND YOU FUCKING DESTORY IT!?" (Name) was now more confused. Upon seeing his confusion Shion slightly faltered.
"You did destroy my bike again didn't you?" (Name) quickly shook his head. "No I didn't even come home last night! I fell asleep against Mochi last night and as soon as I woke up w came here." Shion then slowly turned to the said male who was grinning proudly at him. Shion once again was extremely angry. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Mochi chuckled and shook his head. "Brother fucker actually." Everyone froze and (Name) blushed so badly.
Lets just say Tenjiku was slowly going back to its old chaotic ways.
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bookofmirth · 5 months
On every character sarah writes having the same personality: why does every main girl have to be this big planner who has multiple plans on backup and never tells people, only to surprise everyone when everything goes right at the end with no prior explanation... idk if I'm putting this right, but it just made me very... annoyed
Like yeah, that worked great with Aelin, sure, but for me it just doesn't fit with Bryce? Especially on how she was just thrown at this and suddenly figured out she was The Chosen One(tm). It really bugged me, idk
Fair warning, this post rips Bryce a new asshole - not as a person, but as a character that sjm created. So I'm putting it under the cut.
Just to start, in context I said that all the hofas characters ended up having the same personality - though you can make a case for her reusing a lot of the same descriptions and such for all of them. ANYWAY...
To me, the issue is not just that Bryce keeps doing things behind the scenes that we never get any hint of, it's a bigger issue that we never get a hint that she even gives a shit.
With Aelin, at least we already knew what she was working towards and why. We already knew what she cared about and how far she was willing to go to get it. Aelin caring about Terrasen and her court and saving the people she loved was never in question. Her trauma from finding her parents dead, her fear at losing the rest of the people she loved, the weight of responsibility that she felt, we knew all of those things pretty much from the get-go. Her tendency to shut people out could be considered a flaw because she didn't trust other people to help her. We don't know about Terrasen right away, and tbh I don't remember what history we get instead and so I need to reread, but I can point to very specific values, goals, and motivations that make Aelin act the way that she does.
But Bryce - the central problem with her as a character is that Bryce doesn't care about anything, and sjm never figured out what she cares about, either.
Characters need to have central things that they care about, that drive them, motivations, things that they fear and things they would go to great lengths to protect. They need flaws, and clear relationships to the world around them. I could make a list of those things for a lot of her characters. Not all, but most.
With Bryce, I have NO IDEA what those things are. That makes it so that when she randomly find Emile, it just seems like she did it to come across like a nice person. She doesn't care about what humans are experiencing, she shits on Vanir/fae all the time, she treats Hunt pretty poorly, she isn't close to Juniper or Fury (see: their near disappearance from hofas), Danika kept so many secrets from her that I seriously doubt the depth of their relationship. Bryce was working in that library museum thing for Jesiba (I'm already erasing the series from my memory oh my god) and going out and partying and that was all well and good, but... was she going to do those things when she's 200, too? I'm not even saying that she needs to like, go get married or whatever, but she literally has no goals in life!
SJM saying that Bryce is the fun, cute party girl who also has a deep, intellectual side, a pretty woman who can also kick ass, okay, but she needs a reason to kick ass. SJM completely forgot to include the second half of that equation, which is ironic since that was a big point of her character - to prove that women can be feminine and strong, wear high heels and be smart. She failed miserably in my opinion, if that really was the goal of Bryce's character.
When Aelin is snarky to people, I know why. When Bryce is a bitch, it comes out of nowhere and is often turned on people who actually deserve her time and attention and empathy (e.g. Sathia). Aelin is an asshole to that one dude whose name starts with a D because he's a man who is underestimating her and wants to refuse to let her lead because he assumes she will be bad at it. When Bryce is an asshole to Sathia, WHY. I mean really, I wanted to throw my book across the fucking page!!!! Because that's a perfect example of how, if Bryce was guided by a set of values (feminism, I guess?) then she would have responded very differently to Sathia, who has experienced literally the exact same thing Bryce has (being betrothed to someone against her will). Instead, Bryce throws that line back in her face about "well I never let that stop me" as if what Sathia has experienced is her own fault for... not trying enough??? PLEASE. ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW.
The whole "girlboss" thing needs.... something driving it. You can't just bulldoze people and call it being empowered. And I think that sjm has really, really simplified gender and sexuality in CC to the point that that's really the only distinction that matters. That's maybe another issue. I just have a lot of thoughts about these things lol.
Anyway. This is what happens when you write a character built on aesthetic and #girlpower, rather than making them a complete person with fears and values and joys and goals and motivations and flaws.
Okay one more point, this is NOT beyond sjm's capabilities. She obviously is much better at writing characters than this. I just think that sometimes, something suffers when you try new things. In CC, sjm was giving actual world building and magic systems a go. And the characters, really, REALLY fucking suffered for it.
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ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
ghost x reader x soap [smut]
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A/N - not my best work. was clearing out a draft i forgot about.
cw - degradation, p in v sex, oral (m receiving), it is all consensual even if it is not explicitly stated, they are in an established relationship, orgasm denial
minors, fuck off, do not interact ! 18+ only!!
nsfw under the cut
You were finally off, and able to change out of your dirty uniform and shower. Glad to be done with the last mission, which was harder than it had to be thanks to some new recruits, you were so excited to see your boyfriends again. You knew they were busy, like always, but you just had to see them. You always did, not caring if they got mad. They'd get over it.
They were working on important paperwork, warning you not to distract them even though you always did - or at least attempted to. You skipped your way to the computer room, peeking in through the window to find the two sat faced away from each other working on their own things. Watching Soap's face scrunched in confusion, agitation, and Ghost sigh heavily as he flipped page after page. You stayed there for a while, stalking them, contemplating if distracting them would be worth the punishment you may endure. 
Fuck it, I miss them, and I'll take what I can get, you thought to yourself. They were together all the time meanwhile you were usually placed on missions away from them, and you yearned for them - their touch often, hungrily. You knew they missed you too, but jealousy was the devil, and you were frustrated that they get to spend time together on most, if not every, mission. 
You crack open the door and they both almost shot daggers through your soul, although Ghost seemed angrier than Soap. 
"Heyyy, handsomes," you greeted coyly. 
"Didn't we tell you not to fuck about right now, yeah?" Ghost asked you in a menacing tone. Soap cleared his throat as he looked at you with love-filled eyes, then at his boyfriend.
"I missed you! Wha- it's not fair!" you complained. "You and Johnny get to be together all the time! Is it so bad for me to want to spend time with my lovers?"
"No, but it's bad that you can't obey a simple order of leaving us to do our work. We were going to come to get you later, but since you're already here..." he huffed.
You rolled your eyes, scoffing as you sat next to Johnny, wrapping your arms around him, smiling innocently at him.
"Hey, bonnie, missed ya," he kissed your cheek before looking behind him to see Simon turned around with his arms crossed. Soap couldn't help it; he fucking loved you. He worshipped the ground you walked on and was much gentler than Ghost. Whenever you walked in the room, his heart skipped 1,000 beats and felt like it was about to burst. That doesn't mean that Ghost didn't love you, because he did, so fucking much. He'd kill for you; he'd die for you. But God was he a proper dick sometimes. 
You smiled as Soap's lips touched your cheek, but looked back at him, too. You gulped, a hint of regret flooding your brain. Meeting Simon's dark eyes - you knew what that meant.
"Don't listen for shit, do you?" he spoke down to you. "Now we're going to be late on our paperwork because of you, you little brat."
"Y-you can keep working on them, I just wanted to be-"
"Na-uh. We can't focus when you're in here. You know..." Ghost shook his head, looking at Soap. "You enable her, Johnny. You let her prance on in 'ere, able to distract you from your work. Didn't sit down but for a second and you're already up on 'er."
Soap tried to defend himself, blinking rapidly between the both of you, "Aye... Look at her, L.T... I cannae help it..."
"We can't afford distractions. Yet here we are," he clicked his tongue, sighing as he got up, walking towards you, eyes boring into your own. "You don't obey. Punishment doesn't do any good, does it? Stubborn little brat we have, hm, Johnny?"
"Ourstubborn lil' princess," Johnny teased, chuckling in agreement as he rubbed the back of your neck.
You blushed looking towards the ground. 
Ghost's hand brushed the side of your face, making you look up into his dark, squinted eyes. "We'll just have to teach her a lesson, yeah?" 
Usually, Soap did most of the talking, but Ghost must have already had a bad day as he didn't stop degrading you, and making sure you knew he was frustrated with you. Johnny watched with awe the effect Simon had on you, regardless of your sass, and your attitude. When Simon gave you that look, you knew better. 
"Up," he ordered, watching as you obeyed sheepishly. "Sit on Johnny's lap."
Johnny's hand grabbed your hips before greedily groping up your body before settling at your plush breasts, pushing his lips to your ear, kissing up your neck, "Bonnie~, you know we missed you..."
"I missed you guys, too..." you purred, tilting your head back at him. "So much."
"Yeah, I can tell, sweetheart," Ghost said. "My apologies to interrupt, have you forgotten you've pissed me off?"
"N-no sir..." you mumbled.
He stepped towards you, reaching up to your face with his hand. You knowingly leaned into his touch, and he rubbed your cheek before sliding his thumb into your mouth, which you sucked on instantly. Soap ground into you from underneath, earning a whimper muffled by Ghost's thumb. Ghost's hand slid down your lips, rubbing over your bottom lip before he grabbed your jaw with slight force, pulling you down on your knees in front of him. Soap bit his lip as he palmed himself through his trousers, watching his boyfriend take control of you. 
"Keep your mouth open," Ghost hummed as he fiddled with his belt. You blinked slowly as you opened your mouth, holding your tongue out. "Gonna use this fuckin' mouth. Shut you the fuck up. Don't wanna hear you whine and bitch. Just be a good cock sleeve for me, yeah?"
You nodded, his hand still gripped at your jaw, his thumb swiping against your wet tongue here and there - his pants fell to the floor with a soft thump as he wrestled his cock out of his boxers. Johnny has already freed himself of his tactical pants, fucking into his fist as he watched you be dominated by Simon. 
He teased the slit of his cock on your tongue, letting you taste the salty-sweet bead of precum formed at the tip. You moaned against him as he slid his length slowly into the base of your throat. A long groan fell against the walls, on Johnny's ears as his eyes rolled back. 
"Good fuckin' girl," Simon praised, holding a tight grasp on your head as he guided you back and forth impatiently, chasing his own high.
"L.T..." Johnny mewled, the squelch of his cock fucking into his fist with his own expense also urging you on, fueling your desire. "May I touch her?"
Simon's gaze raised to his boyfriend's, his eyebrows furrowed as he stutters. "Shit, y-yeah, don't let her cum..."
Johnny grabbed ahold of your hips as soon as he got permission. He swiftly pulled your pants down along with your underwear. He groaned as he spread your ass cheeks, gawking at your puffy cunt that was already sopping wet. "Pretty fuckin' pussy, lass. So wet."
Soap's hand slid in between your folds, working the slick all over, rubbing your clit tauntingly before pressing up against your entrance, working one finger in. You moaned on Ghost's cock, which furthered his pleasure. His cock was nearly bulging out of your throat as it thrusted in and out, barely allowing you to breathe. Soap reached a hand around your throat to feel Ghost's length rut in and out as he finger fucked you sweetly. 
"Listen at how fuckin' wet you sound, you little slag," Ghost degraded you as he held a makeshift ponytail in your hair. "Is that how worked up y' get when my dick is stuffed down your throat?"
You tried to nod, but couldn't seeing how you were held still by both of your lovers. They both chuckled darkly for a moment as Soap leaned up for a moment to lift Ghost's mask and kiss him before returning to his fingers' assault on your pussy. He pistoned in and out harshly, drawing out those lewd muffled whimpers against Ghost's cock. He sighed out as he positioned himself before your ass, rubbing it and grabbing at the fat of it before pushing his length in. Your eyes squeezed shut and your body tensed at the pleasure.
Ghost laughed. "Oh, you're not going anywhere, babe. You're our fucktoy and we're gonna use you until we're through with you, got that?"
Again, your attempt to nod was pitiful. Tears that fell from your eyes as you blinked twice as a 'yes' spurred them on. They continued their moments in tandem, as Soap thrusted, Ghost reached farther in your throat. Slobber had pooled in the floor, how pathetic. You thought you were reaching your euphoria, but as you clenched on Soap's cock, he stopped, pulling out of you.
"Didn't Simon say you can't cum, babe?" he teased. "Keep being a good little toy~.."
You grew needier and needier, wanting to release but knowing you wouldn't be able to, it made you feel just like a pathetic toy for them.
For what felt like hours, Ghost had finally filled your throat full of his cum, white thick ropes spilling inside of you, pooling up in your mouth, some even dripped onto the floor. As he finally pulled out of your mouth, you gasped in greedily taking in all the air before it was followed by sinful moans as Soap rammed into you with no relent. 
He didn't take long to finish either as he slammed in harshly, bottoming out as he spilled his seed into your velvety walls, groaning loudly at his release, his grip on your hips tight enough to leave bruises.
He lets go, pulling out of you swiftly. You fall to the ground as your body tried to heal, your mind coming back to you slowly.
After recovering, to your surprise, Ghost is the one gently rubbing your face, making sure you were okay. 
"'M sorry... Shit, we may have got too carried away with you, luv..." he softly chuckled. "Let's go get you cleaned up."
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slafkovskys · 2 years
"No, no, please don't look sad. I can't handle that." With holtzy please 🤍
warnings: hints to pregnancy
“i’m hungry,” you announce, breaking the quiet that had settled at your table. you had been staring at your computer screen for too long and started to focus on the dull ache in your stomach instead. “i want cheese crackers.”
“well go get some cheese crackers,” mackie huffs as he clicks his pen. he reaches for his backpack and pulls out his wallet, fishing for a wad of bills, “grab me some chips while you’re there too.”
you pout, “i don’t want to go by myself, though.”
you look around the table, waiting for someone to stand up and finally mark does with a sigh, “i’m not going to be on the receiving end of holtzy’s wrath. not again.”
“smart boy. come,” you lead the way to where your favorite vending machine was and start straightening out mackie’s dollars on the side, “shit, i forgot my card. could you go and grab it for me please?”
he stares at you for a second, before sighing and turning on his heel, muttering something under his breath. you grin, turning your focus back to the vending machine and the money that you did have in hand. you bite your lip, the crackers you were about to lose your mind over and mackie’s chips were the same price so it’s not like he would be able to tell the difference…
you wage the silent war in your head before punching in the number to your cheese crackers, watching the coil turn and turn and turn until
it just stops.
your crackers are just teetering on the brink and you shake your head, “no, no, no.”
you give it a second thinking that maybe they will fall on their own and everything will be fine, but they didn’t and everything was not fine. mark decides to return, waving your card in his hand and looking annoyed that he was tasked to go back to retrieve it which did not help the overall situation whatsoever, “here you- what happened?”
“they-” you take a shaky breath as a tear slides down your cheek. you shake your head, wiping away the few more that fall with your sleeve. you know you couldn’t really explain why it was so important without revealing the secret you had been keeping for the last several weeks, but you try your best, “i used mackie’s- my crackers- they’re stuck!”
your best friend wraps his arms around you, eyes looking bewildered at your major reaction to such an otherwise minor situation as he tries to comfort you, “it’s okay, y/n. we’ll get you some-”
“what the fuck did you do to her, estapa?” you hear the familiar voice of your boyfriend call, disturbing the otherwise quiet peace of the library. you look up to find him quickly making his way through the tables and toward you. he bends down and grabs your arms that were hiding your face, “baby, what happened?”
“i-” just thinking about explaining what had happened made your eyes well up with another round of tears because you knew how ridiculous it was.
but it wasn’t your fault.
“no, no, please don’t look sad. i can’t handle it,” he sighs, pulling you forward and tucking your head into his neck. “explain quickly.”
“i don’t know, dude! i was gone for two minutes because she forgot her card and when i got back she was saying something about crackers and they were stuck. i said that we could just go up to the second floor and get them, but she said that it had to be from this machine,” mark, bless his heart, sounded stressed and if you were dealing with steve in this state you would be too.
steve takes a breath and lets out a chuckle, pressing his lips to your temple, “you had a craving, babe?”
you nod your head, curling your fingers in the fabric of his jacket, looking for something to bring you back down. you sniffle, “the ones from the other vending machines don’t taste as good as these do…”
“i know they don’t,” he doesn’t, but for your sake, he pretends that he does. “c’mere. i don’t want you to get hurt.”
he pulls you up and out of the way, gesturing for mark to help him. they give the machine a couple of shoves and you watch as not one, but two packs of your prized crackers fall from the slot. steve pushes open the thing and hands them both to you, a beaming smile on your tear-stained face.
you pull open the pouch and take on out, nodding your head, “amazing.”
“can someone please explain,” mark says, “just a little clarification?”
steve looks at you and you look at steve, shrugging your shoulders, “he’s going to find out eventually.”
steve takes a deep breath and pulls mark close, whispering the news into his ear. you watch as he goes through a whirlwind of emotions before he finally settles on announcing, “i knew it! ports owes me twenty-”
“you tell anyone before we do and i can guarantee you won’t know a moment of peace for the rest of the season.”
requests are closed!
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ma3mae · 1 year
How much do you want to bet that Tecchou has a god damn bug collection and he just shows it off to you proudly😭 "Babe come look it's my favourite beetle boogahooga" I JUST KNOW HE GIVES EITHER THE MOST BASIC NAMES OR LIKE "MEGA BLENDER X300 MAX"
Also I love your writing so much omfg😔🩷🩷
Don't be so antsy!
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Summary: It's been a few months since Tetchou declared his love for you and he couldn't be happier, especially after finally showing you his treasured collection! But how will you react?
Genre: FEAR 🤡 because insects... Also cracky and a bit of fluff bc i just love him so much 💕😭 slight suggestive hint at the end 🤓
A/N: FOAMING AT MY MOUTH FROM EXCITEMENT!!!! still cant believe that u love my writing 😭😩fangirling so hard rn, time to print, frame and hang this onto my wall. No one can stop me 😤😤😤
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Suehiro Tetchou
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You knew about his adoration for bugs even before the both of you got together
It wasnt smth he'd be talking about for HOURS bc its just a topic never really spoken about
all the other hunting dogs know about it but... they wanted to spare u LMAO 😭
like u accompany him to his work place and his colleagues r outside of the dooe, waiting for him so they can leave
u r like waving at them and teruko waves back but yall r just caught off guard when jouno YELLs out of nowhere "MOVE YOUR DUMB ASS ALREADY OVER HERE 💀💀"
Like was he yelling at u??? Yall we dont know who he lookin at bc HOW 😭😭😭😩 srynotsry
But u realised who he meant when u looked behind u and tf 🤨🤨🤨
Tetchou just EMERGES out of a fking bush and 🤨🤨 is that 🤨🤨 a random ass bug in his hand 🤨🤨🤨 he got KIDNAPPED
"But I found this cool grasshopper... His name's Bush."
Jouno is just seconds away from beating the shit out of him bc
"WHERE'D HE GET THAT JAR FROM???" "Teruko, that's not important. Make him HURRY UP ALREADY"
"Can we take Leaf with us?"Jouno is already taking his sword out to kill that thing 💀💀
"PUT IT BACK AND LETS MOVE YOU FUCKER" "No, I won't let you hurt Omega 300 GT 5" "Wait I thought his name wa-UGH IDC ILL KILL THAT THING FFS"
tachihara just turns away with "k, think im walking home already BYE"
teruko just yanks him back and the other boys too so that they can finally leave
"Can I take him wit-" "No. I know you like these kinds of things but no. Also if you want that thing to actually LIVE then put it back bc u know who will exterminate the shit out of it." "Hm. 😐"
He just walks up to u and goes "can u take this. please"
U cant say no to his puppy eyes 👁️👁️
You're just so confused but maybe its also cute??? U just thought that its a little interest in him but BOY
It wasnt so little as u thought 🤓 LOL i gotta get my head out of the gutter
Holding hands while going on a stroll was something you'd often find yourself doing during your free time together, especially when the sun was shining so brightly while a fresh spring breeze would occasionally sweep through the air.
Humming a random tune while you lightly swayed your joined hands back and forth.
Tetchou couldn't help but let a soft smile grace his lips at the slightly childish action.
No words could describe how much he enjoyed your leisurely strolls together. It would be seen as a nearly generic thing to do together as a couple but for him it was a time to be treated as sacred. Where else could he tuck your hair behind your ears when the wind would blow through it? Or where else could he see the sunlight make you shine impossibly brighter in his eyes, almost blindingly so?
But what really excited him were the "little" discoveries you'd make on your way.
And oh wait? What's tha-
Hearing your name made you about to turn your face towards him yet there was no need!
Since your boyfriend forgot how strong he was...
Yanking a bit too hard on your arm made you hit his chest with your back, a small "oof" slipping past your lips.
"OUCH, Tetchou??? What in the-"
You let your gaze follow the direction his outstretched arm, finally stopping at what he was pointing at with his index finger.
To your not so much surprise it was a-
"It's a colony of ants. Look at how hard they're working, Y/N."
Before you could even think of stopping him, he had already moved towards them, crouching down to get a closer look.
You let out a sigh yet couldn't help smiling at his endearing but also random antics.
No matter how many times it would help, it never managed to not be funny. The Hunting Dogs were known for how powerful yet also how "eccentric" the members were, yet witnessing it for the first time and continuing to live with it never failed to bring a smile on your face.
Especially with just how cute your boyfriend looked right now! The way his eyes would twinkle at the mention of insects was something you personally could only understand but never relate to.
As much as you would love to go along and try to enjoy it with him, you kinda wanted to continue on your walk.
Because when he's focused on something then it would be a real nuisance to get him away from it.
But that's not a problem for the love of his life, right?
Jokes on you, it actually was 💀
Like u got a hunch hes doing it on purpose when he pulls his puppy eyes and that barely but noticeable enough atleast for you pout on u when u said
"I love you, but i kinda wanna yk walk?"
"But Y/N 😟. *points at the ants* only for a minute, please 🥺"
Your legs gonna start cramping from watching these fuckers crawl around??? Nah no one CARES 😤😤 jk jk
our cutie tetchouie would NEVER ignore his partners needs okur okur
Like hes already whipped from how we r atleast TRYING to enjoy what hes enjoying
He knows how unlikeable these little crawlers i hate bugs can be but his s/o is trying so hard and he just 🥺🥺🥺 looks at u wirh heart eyes
dw if u cant walk, he'll give u either a piggyback ride yall being cute 😤💕 or the classic bridal style 😩
And dw if he finds another interesting bug but his hands r occupied? Nah, he gon GET THAT ANYWAY
"Bless you."
"Thanks." You told him as you lightly rubbed your nose with the back of your hand. You loved his hair but it would often tickle your nose whenever you'd try to look over his shoulder as he was carrying you on his back.
It was one of the small ways of him apologizing to you and enduring his antics.
His heart would nearly suffocate him from how much it would swell whenever you'd just reassure him that it was totally okay for you. If he loved ants then it's just what he loved and as his partner, you'd be open for everything that makes him happy.
Yet he still tried to keep it down around you so he was often a bit torn between.
"Ah. Wait is that...?"
Oh no.
You knew it.
You knew what was about to happen next.
Before you could stop him, he was already walking off of the path and into the field.
A whine got past your lips yet he seemed too caught up in his fascination of...?
"A horned beetle!"
Some meters above you, sat a beetle on a branch, seemingly undisturbed by the both of you and yet in Tetchou's eyes, it equaled a sacred national treasure.
A treasure that he wanted to get his hands on.
"Hold tight, Y/N."
"WAIT N-!"
Hooking your arm and legs tightly like a koala around his body, he made a leap for it. You didn't know HOW he managed to do it every time but there he was.
Jumping onto the tree and quickly pulling a tiny jar out of a pocket in his blazer (you don't even know how he even hid that...) and-
"I got it!" He exclaimed in happiness as he jumped down, holding his hand onto the open jar. Screwing a lid onto it, he gave it a quick glance before putting it back into his pocket.
Noticing that you were slowly losing your grip on him, he hooked his arms under your legs, hoisting you up again before almost nonchalantly continuing your walk as if he hadn't just jumped up a tree for a beetle...
"Uhm, you don't wanna stare at it or something?" You asked, genuinely surprised yet almost regretting the question since it could change his mind.
"No, I can do that at home. Your legs are hurting after all."
A smile spread onto your lips at his kind words, only spreading further after hearing a slight hitch in his breathing as you let your lips graze his neck before planting a kiss on it.
"Anything for my love, you know? By the way, have you thought of a name yet for your new little friend?"
"I have but-"
You felt him tighten his grip around your legs before he suddenly began to pick up his pace, walking in long and fast strides.
"Want to be home as fast as possible, so we can you know..."
He peeked over his shoulder to see your slightly reddened face before looking forward, strongly focused on one thing.
"continue what you've started."
A small laugh slipped out of him, your nose tickling his neck as you hid your face in it, immediately knowing what he was implying and well...
You weren't complaining.
No one would have expected it but... our boy's pretty easy to rile up 😤😩
yall think he cute and innocent?? Nah nah he wanna get into that shi* too like hes a whipped and legit down bad man for his love rightfully so ✋✋
dw after yall r done, he'll def bring back the topic of "naming his friend/-s" and welp
u better be ready to spend ur weekend on that kinda thing 💀💀💀 and yall gonna settle on the either cutest or most ridiculous shit...
Its either "Groundbreaker 500, The Nightmare of All" or "sugarberry twinkle star" 🤓🤓 if he wants to honor the place he found it (like in the beginning ^), uhhhhhh 🤨
This btch's name is gonna be "leftover bread" or smth bc it was on it when he found that thing💀
yall cant convince me otherwise BYE 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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LOL, this got way too long and i kinda got carried away but that always happens with him 😩😩😩 maybe rushed at the end but i hope u r happy with this @soysaucefu 💅💕💕
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mrsmiagreer · 11 months
I like all my kisses french
Warnings: A little cussing, kissing (Duhh😋), a little suggestive
Characters: Teen!Bestie (GN) × Teen!Blake
“Okay we can try again”
The giggles echoed in the room, two teens sitting on a bed. Bestie’s mom stepped out for just a little while, said she was heading up the street, back to the store, because she forgot an ingredient for the dinner she was making. Gave Bestie and their very trusted best friend Blake alone time in the former’s bedroom.
They’ve known eachother since 3rd grade, and have been inseparable since. Now, having just ended their junior year, they’re continuing to be inseparable. Just, in a more creative way.
Blake nodded and waited for Bestie to make the call on when they try again. For him, everything was at their pace, he had a lot of patience. He wasn’t fully paying attention by the time they were ready, he was too busy staring at their features.
“Everything about them is perfect” He thought
They soon gave him a small smile and wrapped their arms around his neck, knocking him out of his trance.
“Okay remember. Don’t fully lick, just press your tongue against mine. Got it?”
He nodded again before letting them come to him, placing his hand on their cheek as their lips enveloped each other. The kiss was slow at first, but quickly picked up the pace as Bestie opened their mouth a little wider, causing Blake to open his wider. Now it was less of a kiss and more of a make out session.
Blake so badly wanted to show Bestie that he was desperate and craving their touch all the time, but now wasn’t the moment. He had to be sure that they were sure. And he knew that day would come in a near future, so he wouldn’t rush it.
He followed their direction and gently poked his tongue out at their lip, hinting that he was ready for more. They obliged, and slipped their tongue into his mouth.
Their tongues moved gracefully against eachother. Blake’s hand moved from their cheek to their waist, pulling them a little closer to him, eliciting a moan from them. Their hand that was previously loosely draped around his neck moved up to his nape, holding the back of his head to press their lips closer together. The two were lightly moaning and cursing into each other’s mouths and gripping onto anything they could touch, seconds away from ripping one another’s clothes off and going all the way.
They were so deep into this kiss that they didn’t hear Bestie’s mom come back home. And they didn’t notice she was back home until they heard the click clack of her heels coming up the stairs.
“Oh fuck she’s back” Bestie whispered as they turned towards the closed door. They swung their legs out of Blake’s lap and threw their arms off of his neck, repositioning themselves to an appropriate pose. Blake brushed his half raised shirt down and quickly grabbed a pillow that Bestie kept around to cover his slowly growing bulge. They both pulled out their phones and pretended to do something on them before she came in.
“Hey you two, Dinner’s almost ready! Whatcha in here up to?”
“Oh nothing mom just playing a game”
“Not much really just texting my friends back”
The responses confused the mom a bit from trying to hear two people speak at once, but she smiled and turned around. Leaving the door open. Like any mom would.
“Shit that was close” They both thought, before laughing.
“Sooo…..How’d I do this time professor?” Blake asked, flirty and cocky smile on his face and leaning closer to them.
“Hmm…I’d give you a C- this time. Could’ve been better.”
“Looks like you’ll have to come back to retake your test huh?” Bestie teased
Blake blushed a little, understanding their message, and sitting up straight and looking them in their eyes.
A/N: Heyyy! Niyah again. So, nobody asked for this one but I’m literally in love with Blake, so i decided to write a little about him. Btw: I have no idea how well proofread this is, so i’m sorry if there’s any mistakes.
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lushta1es0nm3 · 1 year
When your ex tries to get back with you (kinky version)
So I started emptying out my stash. Better late than never, I was going to wait but considering the situations, I said fuck it, post that shit and try not to regret anything.
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You looked at your phone after receiving a notification from Snapchat. You only used the app for its filters, you never posted on it because what was point of that when you can just put it on Instagram? An ex that couldn’t seem to take a hint messaged inboxed you on snap. You replied that you were in a relationship and this guy took that as an opportunity to flirt when you legit told him off.
Throwing your phone down on the couch you stood up with a sigh “I’m gonna go get pizza you want some baby?” You announced to Seungwoo, he was in the bathroom cleaning makeup off his face, but he answered with a cute little “yes please.” You grabbed your purse and keys left, forgetting to grab your phone. You realized it when you stopped to get something to drink, so you grabbed whatever soda you remembered him liking and headed back home.
“Hey,” you announced walking into your apartment, “I forgot my phone,” you went about explaining as you placed everything down in the kitchen, “but I picked up some soda and snacks on the way back……” your words trailed off when you turned round and looked at Seungwoo standing on the kitchen doorway. He wasn’t saying anything. He was just staring at you and the look in his fox-like eyes said you were in trouble.
You stared at back at him and then your eyes followed his hand movements as he held up his right hand showing you your phone screen with a message displayed on it:
“We were amazing together, the sex was good and the love was real. I can still treat you like a queen, no more of the childish nonsense. I really do miss you. Ditch him and come hangout with me, I promise you won’t regret it.”
“Babe,” he started slowly, “who is this?” He asked as he started walking towards you.
“An ex from years ago,” you quickly blurted out the truth, “he’s been bugging me for a week, all because of one picture I posted on accident,” he kept walking and you began backing up until you reached the counter, “I’ve told over and over again that I don’t even like him even in the slightest way,” Seungwoo had you caged in now, his tall figure looming over you, “I even told him I had a whole hot ass, fine ass boyfriend,” he smirked down at you and you fell silent.
Shit, you thought, I fucked up, I should’ve just blocked his ass.
“I read all the messages,” Seungwoo stated, making you look away from him, “does he really think he can beat me up and take you from me?” He giggled, “and he called me little. I’m not little.” You did your best to not look at him but whichever way your head turned he followed.
It was quiet for only a few seconds, making your knees feel weak. Ah shit, I’m in some deep shit, was all you could think. You didn’t even realize that he, Seungwoo, had taken off his shirt or the fact that he had turned on your Snapchat camera. He gently pulled you into a kiss and just as you felt his tongue in your mouth, you heard the shutter sound from your phone. You pulled away from him and reached for your phone, but he had other plans. Him being taller than you he held your phone up in the air and you watched as he sent the picture to your ex.
You sighed and before you could say anything about anything, Seungwoo had left you up onto the countertop and ripped your shirt off. The normally gentle Seungwoo had become someone else, “what the he-” your words failed and a moan escaped your lips when he placed an open mouth kiss onto the base of your neck.
Your head fell back and he smirked against your skin, he had you open. He knew your weak spot and you never thought he’d ever use it like this. You mumbled his name and let out a sharp breath, he was placing a huge passion mark on the spot. He suckled on the spot, all the while taking pictures of how open you were to him and how you belonged to him. He let go of the spot, his hot breath fanning your neck and just when you thought he would stop, he picked another spot and went to town.
Just this alone could make you orgasm. You were so wet and needy now, your arms went around his waist instinctively, trying to pull him closer. He was now doing a damn good job of placing yet another huge hickey below your collarbone. Shit, that was it, your legs went around him bringing him even closer to your needy core. You felt him smirk and pull away, he looked down at you, he had a glint in his eyes you’d never seen before.
Seungwoo grabbed your chin and turned your face towards the camera, he timed it just right. Just as he started marking up the other side of your neck, he took another picture of how needy and fucked up you were, “Seun-” you couldn’t get his name out, you yelped, he had taken a bite of your neck. It was the last straw for you because you creamed all over yourself. And trust me, he knew it, he licked and sucked at the spot a little more before pulling away completely.
You stayed on the countertop, and watched as he leaned against it beside you. You could only stare at him, unable to fully fathom the fact that he made you cream from just hickies. Son of a frappe, you thought looking at Seungwoo, who was busy typing away on your phone.
“That was hot.” You remarked after a few seconds had passed. It was the only thing you could think to say. Seungwoo looked at you and smirked, with one eyebrow raised, knowing exactly what he had done.
He handed you your phone and pecked you cheek, “You might wanna wear sweaters for a while,” He started to walk away, “next time, don’t respond to guys like that.”
And as if a switch had turned back on in your head, you remembered why this all happened in the first place. Looking at your phone, you saw all the pictures AND a video of you creaming yourself at the end. Followed by a final message:
“She’s mine, leave her be. I’m more obsessive and shameless than you can believe. Go play somewhere else or find something safe to do.”
Your mouth hung open in disbelief, this man was a real piece of work, you thought. Just as he called out from the living room “What movie do you wanna watch?” As is nothing ever happened.
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“I’m just saying,” your ex tried to reason, “we could hang out sometimes, it would be so lit.” He looked you up and down and you rolled your eyes doing everything in your power to not throw your drink in his face. This guy really, at a very important event, at a company you used to work for, with your husband a few feet away talking to some big name people, who’s name you forgot.
Sighing inwardly, you took a small sip from the glass of wine you held before speaking, “That’s real cute and all, but I think you forgot,” you said coldly, “I’m married and my Seungsik is coming this way. That and the fact that I think you’ve forgotten about my temper.”
Once Seungsik had finally reached you, he smiled and tilted his head a little as if he was asking what’s going on. Your ex frowned at the loving look you gave Seungsik as you ignored his presence and asked Seungsik how his conversation went.
“Wow,” your ex started, trying to pick a fight, right in front of Seungsik, “is that all you two talk about, business and work. It makes it seem like you married each other for convenience.”
“I know the fuck he just didn’t?” You mumbled only enough for the three of you to hear, you took a step forward and Seungsik knew what you were about to do, so he took the wine glass from you and passed it off to a server walking by, “listen you simple mined fuck,” you started, Seungsik was holding you back, “you’re an ex, get over it you pathetic little bitch.”
“You weren’t saying that when I used to break your back in.” He remarked, now getting a rise out of your beloved husband.
The hold you didn’t know you had on Seungsik’s arm became tighter, “don’t play yourself like that, you need to pick yourself up off that small ass ego you just tripped on. Honestly, your dick game is trash,” a few people standing nearby had heard you because you had raised your voice an octave, “I suggest you find something safe to do before I hurt your little feelings.”
Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it really was your temper getting the best of you. Most of the time you kept it in check but the wine just loosened it up a little. Seungsik grabbed your hand and began to lead out of the event hall. You knew he was upset but, you didn’t give a shit at the moment the only thing you could think about was socking your ex in the face.
After a few twists and turns you realized that Seungsik had dragged you a good distance away and into a empty room, he turned and looked at you, his hand on his hips, you watched as he took a deep breathe, “Sweetheart,” he called you lovingly, “I want to knock him out too,” he looked you over, “but can you blame him when you look so hot in that dress,” he paused for a second before continuing, “I told you not to wear it. But you did anyway and you caused a scene-“
“Hold up,” you cut him off, “baby, you know I wear what I want. And,” you rolled your neck a little, ignoring the look Seungsik was giving you, “I wish you would’ve let me get one swing in,” you continued, going on about how your ex cheated on you in the past and you even let it slip out that said ex had been bothering you since forever ago. That, my dear, was all it took for Seungsik to grab hold of you and push you up against the door. Your words got caught in your throat and your eyes widened at the sudden action.
“My love,” Seungsik started pinning both your hands over your head, “stop it,” his voice was low and his face was inches away from yours, “I’ve told you, multiple times, I don’t like it. And now you’re telling me that he has been bothering you,” he paused and looked you over slowly, as if he was about to eat you, “that bastard even bragged about breaking your back in. You,” he spoke slowly, “are mine.”
Your chest rose and fell, and your breath caught in your throat when you felt Seungsik’s free hand going up your leg and under your dress. Your face flushed red, as lowered your eyes, but you didn’t miss the smirk on his face. Yes, he indeed moved your panties to the side and was now playing with your inner folds. Enjoying your expressions, he knew what you liked and how you liked it. But that was beside the point, what he wanted to do was mark you like he did when you first got together.
He let go of your hands and you instinctively wrapped them around his neck. He lifted you up and sat down in a nearby chair, he stopped torturing your folds and sat you on his lap, you started kissing his neck feverishly. Your ears fell dead to the sound of the door opening but Seungsik’s didn’t, he looked up at the intruder, who was none other than your ex. He locked eyes with him and smirked, mocking him for what he lost and could never have.
Seungsik enjoyed the look of shock and devastation that crossed over the man's face as he took in the sight before him. Yeah, serves him right, he should’ve stayed in his lane. The man closed the door and Seungsik pulled away from you. He kissed your lips gently, his hands were feeling up your ass the whole time. He placed a finger on your chin and stared into your lust filled eyes as he spoke.
“We should head home and finish this,” he rested his forehead against yours and placed a hand behind your head, and continued, “I don’t want anyone else catching us.”
It took a moment for his words to register in your mind, when they did, you pulled back and stared at him in confusion, “Don’t worry about it,” he added standing you both up, he took your underwear and shoved them in his pocket after looking at them for a second, “let’s go, I need that as bad as you do right now.”
You blinked still confused, but nonetheless you fixed your dress and followed him out of the room, stepping into the hallway, you nearly tripped when you saw your ex standing with his back to you. Seungsik grabbed your hand and smirked “You should mind the business that pays you.” Seungsik remarked to your ex as he pulled you along as he walked away with you in tow. You glanced back and caught ex’s expression, why is he sad, you thought but brushed it off immediately when you felt Seungsik’s eyes on you. You looked up at your better half and smiled, no one can drive you crazy like this man.
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Setting across the table from you, Chan stared at you. He wasn’t talkative like his normal self, he was quiet and expressionless. You huffed and leaned back in your chair folding your arms. It wasn’t that serious, was it? It couldn’t be, I mean all you did was go up to the counter and order your iced coffee and his boba tea, how the hell were you supposed to know your ex worked here? All you did was give the man a fake smile as you shot him down when he asked you out.
“Chan,” you called his name with a sigh, “it’s not that serious.” he bit his lip and looked off for a second before looking back at you, “come on,” you whined a little and he looked off again, “we’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves, forget about him.”
Chan finally looked back at you, but something wasn’t right. You ignored that though, when he finally smiled at you, making you think he got over it. Ha, yeah right, homie had other plans. He could see your ex looking at you, your back was to the counter. So you didn’t know. He stood up and sat beside you, placing an arm around you, you smiled and kissed his cheek.
You both started talking about everything under the sun, but only you seemed to forget about your ex watching your every move from across the room. The drinks you ordered were ready and none other than your ex was bringing them over to you. Chan saw him and decided it would be the perfect time to whisper something dirty in your ear. He started snickering when you looked at him in shock and pushed him away playfully.
“One melon boba tea and vanilla iced coffee add cream and three sugars, with light ice.” Your ex called out your order without blinking.
You looked up at him and smiled a fake smile “Thanks,” Chan spoke for you both before looking back at you, “come on,” he started again, ignoring the man standing in front of you both, “you know you’d like it.” Chan whispered, his lips brushing your ear, making your face turn red, “I could lick it off.” He stated loud enough for your ex to hear
“Chan stop,” you giggled out a little when he wrapped his arms around your waist, “you play too much.”
“Who says I’m playing?” He quizzed looking dead at you. Your ex had finally dismissed himself because he couldn’t take watching you both flirt and because he knew Chan was playing dirty and it worked. But it wasn’t just Chan, you, yourself couldn’t look at anybody else but the person you're with. And right now, you were in a relationship with Chan, so you couldn’t help but to only look at him. Your ex knew that but he nonetheless still tried anyway and failed of course.
“Chan,” you looked at him with a small smile playing on your lips, you poked his dimpled cheek, “that’s sound like fun but not right now.”
You picked up your phone and started showing Chan a picture of a jacket you were planning on ordering offline. Meanwhile he had looked over his shoulder at your ex and smirked, waving at him as if he were making fun of him. The man frowned, he was getting angry, so he began walking forwards to your table.
Chan had looked back down at your phone, as if he didn’t just provoke your ex, “that’s cute babe,” Chan remarked, “I’m not gonna lie, I’m actually thinking about how good you’d look covered in chocolate syrup.”
You spit your drink out, some of it coming out of your nose, you coughed as Chan patted your back and handed you paper towels. Your ex was standing right behind you and he had frozen in place, he heard every word.
“Wow,” you choked out, “damn,” you tried to clear your throat, “you win, let’s go home.”
I mean sis, honestly, this man may like to talk but his head game was on point, A mutherfucking one. He knew that it, and he also knew that was what could drive you over the edge but he only gave it when he felt like teasing and torturing you. He enjoyed watching you squirm and beg more than fucking your brains out.
Chan started laughing under his breath as he glanced at your ex and then back to you, “I didn’t think that’d make you choke. Slow down baby.” He sounded so concerned as he helped wipe up the mess. He kissed you and apologized, watching as your ex made a final retreat back to the counter.
You stood up, “Chan,” you ordered, “get your ass up, we're going home. You started this, now finish it.” You were unknowingly loud enough for other people to hear, but you didn’t give a damn, who says no to something like that? Grabbing Chan’s hand, you started pulling him along, making him laugh even more. But he had other ideas, this man somehow ended up pulling you back to the table. He legit waited until no one was looking and snuck you into the bathroom. Where he licked and ate until he got his fill and you did everything in your power to hold back every moan almost failing. And best believe he made sure your ex could hear every last bit of it.
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Sitting on the couch watching Sejun laughing it up with one of his friends, you shook your head a little at the sight. He was having hella fun at this party, you almost didn’t come. But just watching him being happy made you happy, you smiled and just as you did, your phone began ringing. You looked down at it, an unknown number, you disregarded it and looked back at Sejun, who was now walking towards you. He plopped down on the couch next to you and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“Having fun,” you questioned with your head tilted to the side a little.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing,” he smiled back, he sighed a little and looked at his watch, checking the time, “ready to go home, cause I am.”
You nodded and he stood up, he reached his hand out towards you to help you up. Lacing your fingers with his, you both made your way to the door. Your phone began ringing, just as you both made it into the hallway.
Frowning as you looked at your phone, that same unknown number flashed across the screen. You stopped walking unknowingly and decided to answer it after whoever it was hung up and called again.
“Y/N, I’ve been trying to reach you, how have you been?” It was none other than your ex and he was drunk as fuck.
You stood there, your frown growing deeper, Sejun was now beside you looking very concerned, “What’s the matter?” He asked you searching your face.
You looked at him finally and shook your head, “nothing.” You hung up the phone and grabbed hold of Sejun’s arm and proceeded to head home.
Two weeks later……
“Stop,” you hollered out at Sejun laughing, “my stomach hurts. I quit, you win!”
He stopped a look of victory all over his face, his dimple showing. Which was the whole reason you both started wrestling in the first place. You stood up from the floor and he looked at you with curiosity. Smiling down at him, you poked his dimple again and took off running, knowing he was going to chase you.
No one was in the practice room, so you both were free to play around as you please. The other members had disappeared as soon as you arrived, but that was cool, more time to play like children.
You didn’t make it far before Sejun had grabbed you yet again, this time he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You cried out laughing, begging to be put down, he did, but after spinning you around and scaring you a little. He sat up down on top of the table next to your bag and grinned down at you.
“I’m glad you came,” he whispered out, smiling like a child, “I’ve been kinda down for the last two days.”
You cupped his face in your hands and made a pouty face, “I missed you too darling,” You stated, he went to kiss you, but your phone began to ring, cutting into the mood. Rolling your eyes, you blindly reached over and answered your phone “Hello.” You sighed.
“Y/N, it’s me,” it was your ex again, “I know I fucked up, but can I please have another chance.” He begged, “I promise, I’ll do better this time.”
Sejun heard every word and before you could hang up, he snatched your phone out of your hand “Who is this?” He questioned the man.
Your ex ignored the question and demanded you to be back on the phone. Sejun was getting angry and you could see it, so you went to jump off the table. But Sejun blocked you from moving, “Why are you calling my girlfriend,” Sejun frowned, “she’s not interested, if she was she’d be with you!”
“Jun-ah,” you called his name and tried to take your phone from him but he pushed your hands away, “please stop, hang up the phone.”
“Look dude, put her back on the phone,” your ex yelled out, when you had tried again to reach for the phone, you accidentally hit the speaker button, “I don’t give a damn who you are, I made her the way she is, she’s mine!”
Now it was your turn to get angry, “Hey,” you yelled out loud, your voice echoed across the room, “I don’t belong to anyone. You didn’t make anything you pompous asshole,” Sejun stared at you as you spoke, a deep frown on his face, “we dated two years ago, are you fucking kidding me!”
“Y/N,” your ex called your name twice, “please, listen to me, I’m sorry, I love yo-”
Sejun had hung up the phone and was now glaring at you as if he could bite your head off. You folded your arms and looked away, because you knew you needed to explain. After taking a deep breath, you pushed your hair back and looked back at him.
“So,” he started, “who the fuck was that?”
“My ex,” you answered with a huff, it was a long time ago,”
“Is he the one that called you that night at the party?” He questioned, now leaning towards you. Yes, sis, he was all up in your grill, leaving you no other choice than to answer him, he had you caged in between his arms, “why didn’t you tell me, I could’ve told him off then,” he paused for only a second, “has he been calling you since then?”
“Yes,” you sighed out, annoyed because your happy mood was now ruined, “I haven’t answered since that night,” you further explained, “I was planning on blocking him but I’ve been busy with work.”
“Why didn’t you tell me back then,” he asked, “is he the same one that caused you all that pain?”
Your face changed from annoyed to hurt at the simple thought of what your ex had done to you. You looked away but Sejun grabbed your chin, making you look at him. You took a deep breath, the tears you were holding back fell, as you looked him in the eyes. Sejun’s expression became soft, he took it upon himself to kiss your tears away.
“It’s okay,” he whispered between kisses, “I’m here with you now, I’ll never hurt you like he did.” He assured you, making you wrap your arms around him to bring him close. It was true, your ex hurt you in more ways than one, that man ripped you into complete shit. It took some time and just when you thought you were ready, you met Sejun. He made you feel whole and he loved you despite your flaws, why would you risk losing someone like him.
Unbeknownst to you, Sejun’s kisses had become more eager and you, my dear, were adding more heat to the fire. Shit, you couldn’t breathe, so you pulled away, you could feel Sejun’s bulge on your inner thigh, his face was buried in your neck “Not here,” you whispered softly, your hands had found their way under his shirt, “someone might see.”
He looked up, just as the lights in the practice room had gone off, “I think everyone’s gone home now,” He whispered back, running his hand through your hair, “but we don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
You kissed his lips gently and pulled away, you low key wanted to feel him inside you but you didn’t want to get caught. Sejun grinned, his mischievous manners were showing up now. He pulled you closer until his bulge was right up against your clothed folds. He kissed you deeper and held you tightly against and he grinned into you, you took it upon yourself to break the kiss, hoping he wouldn’t stop because it felt so damn good.
“You play so mu-” your words caught in your throat when he grinded into you harder, ���Sejun,” you moaned out his name, “just fuck me already.”
He smirked, “I’ll do more than just fuck you.” He promised as he freed himself and lifted up your skirt. He pushed your panties to the side and just as he kissed you, he put his full length into you, “let me fill you with my love,” with every word he spoke; he thrusted in and out gently, “and give you more, I’ll make love to you.”
Shit, he kissed you and fucked you deeper. You couldn’t breathe but your heart felt full, he was doing it how you liked, nothing could interrupt this moment. It felt too good, not even your phone ringing could make you stop. Sejun had left both your legs up, making you hold yourself up, your hand had brushed your phone, but you were too wrapped up in getting the best dick in your life to care. You had accidentally answered the phone, just as a moan escaped your lips. Your ex was on the line, he called your name but it fell on death ears. He was instead greeted by the sound of lust filled love and heavy breathing.
“I love you baby.” Sejun whispered out, he as nearing his end and so where you.
Looking in his eyes with parted lips you went to reply, but he had placed a hand around your neck and rammed into you deeply making you cream so hard, you cried out his name as your body shook, he followed shortly after, cumming deep into your folds. He held you close. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you, past or present.” He kissed your lips gently and you nodded, whispering back about how much you loved him. He glanced over at your phone and smirked when he saw that your ex was on the phone listening. He played it off and discreetly hung up the phone, knowing he didn’t have to worry about that asshole very again.
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The room was quiet but the only sound that could be heard was your heavy breathing, while you sat on top of Hanse staring down at him. You both were tired but neither of you would fold, this was a fight for dominance and you were getting your ass handed to you.
Hanse was looking up at you with a smirk, he knew was winning. So, he was gonna take the time to provoke you until the very end. What was crazy was that it started because your ex thought it would be a good idea to show up to your apartment unannounced. And Hanse was the one to open the door, he looked scary to others but not to you. So when he came face to face with your ex, the man froze in place before asking where you were and if it was the right apartment.
You ended up coming to the door to see what was going on, yeah, sis, you were only wearing a shirt you stole from Hanse. That and the fact that you wrapped your arms around him from the back before looking over his shoulder to see who it was. You sighed, the smile on your face almost vanishing.
“Why on earth are you here,” you asked your ex coldly, “I thought I told you to get lost and never come back.”
Hanse looked at you then back at him, “You know him?” He questioned putting his hands in his pocket.
You looked off and ran your hands through your hair, “I used to know him,” you stated coldly, leaning on to Hanse to add emphasis to that you were happy.
“You moved on pretty fast.” Your ex remarked, sounding hurt, but what was he to expect. You broke up well over a year ago, or rather it was more like, you had an argument about him cheating and then ghosting you, not even bothering to actually cut it off. So you being the bad bitch you are, you shot him a text saying never to show his face around you again after a little over a month after he disappeared.
You met Hanse a few months after, you were in the middle of a rush at the cafe you work at, no manager was on duty and everyone else seemed clueless as to what to do. So you stepped up and started giving orders, making everything run smoothly. Hanse was sitting at a table alone, he was watching the entire thing go down. You could feel his sharp catlike eyes on you, so you glanced in his direction. You ended up locking eyes with him and he smirked, making you look away. Damn, he got you good, because you almost fucked up and gave someone the wrong order. After that moment you felt like he could see through you almost, but that’s what made him seem sexy to you. So you brought him his drink and asked him out at the same time.
A small laugh escaped Hanse’s lips as he looked back at your ex, before slamming the door in his face. Somehow, Hanse managed to drag you to your bedroom and strip you completely naked, I mean, you guys were already in the middle of something before your ex knocked on the door. This just added to pile of things that was making him want to fuck your lights out.
So, here you were in a heated battle with a man who was normally warm. He flipped you over in one swift motion and stared down at you, you couldn’t help but to look at his lip piercing, you thought it was so sexy. Especially when he smirked, shit, fuck it, you thought, I’m not gonna win this one, I quit, I fold.
It was as if he could read your mind, Hanse let out a small laugh and got closer to your face. You were basically breathing each other’s breathe, he was now taunting you by not kissing you so you could feel the coldness of his piercing.
“You don’t play far.” You remarked with a small frown.
“All of far in love and war.” was his response,he buried his face in your neck and nipped at your skin. You let out a breathy sigh, arching your back into him. You both were sweaty but honestly sis, who gives a damn. Hanse was enjoying how you squirmed around under him begging for him to fuck you even more.
But sis, just when you thought you’d get to ride the pounding you needed, someone thought it would be a wonderful idea to come home on time. Whom you may ask, none other than your roommate, and ole girl was loud as fuck for no reason today.
Hanse let you go and you huffed as you sat up, “This bitch has some superb timing.” You grumbled saracastly as you climbed out of bed and started putting on clothes.
Your roommate knocked on the door, “Y/N,” she called out, it sounded like she was crying “I need some company, I just caught my boyfriend cheating with my best friend.”
“Oh fuck.” You sighed as you watched Hanse finish getting dressed.
“We can finish this some other time,” he promised, kissing your forehead, “I’m far from finished.” He remarked as he grabbed and squeezed a helping handful of your ass. He let go and smacked it, liking how it jiggled, “I’ll see you later babe.” He whispered opening the door and walking out of your room.
You followed behind him, biting your lip, you liked jealous Hanse. He it made him dangerous and you licked it. Exiting your room behind him, you ran dead into your roommate, who by the smell was drunk. You knew how you’d spend your night, and it wasn’t how you wanted.
A month later………
“Why are you here?” You frowned at your ex. You were at work, doing your job as usual, it was almost time to get off. Thus, the day was going good until he showed up. The man was persistent and wouldn’t take no for an answer, but what you both didn’t know, was Hanse was there watching the whole thing play out.
Sis, your man had came in right behind your ex, he would’ve intervened. But he wanted to see how you would handle it, because I mean, you are a big girl, you take care of yourself, right?
“Please just hear me out,” your ex pleaded, good thing it was slow and he was the only one in line, “I was wrong and selfish and I’m sorry.”
You blinked at this man with a straight face, before replying. You folded your arms and took a deep breathe, “Look man,” you finally started, “get over it. You disappeared after I caught you cheating. I’m in a relationship,” you pointed your finger at him, “and don’t start talking about how you’ve changed. I accept your apology, but I’m not getting back with you. And ex is an example of what not to do again. So, do me a favor and get over it.”
He went to speak, but a hand on his shoulder caused him to stop and look. At some point, Hanse had made his way over, “how pathetic.” Hanse remarked with a small shake of his head, he looked over at you, “ready to go babe.”
The grim look you once had was replaced by a soft smile as you nodded “let me clock out, I didn’t know you were picking me up today.” Your tone was excited, he was just the person you wanted to see.
Now sis, when you took off to he back, Hanse took the opportunity to be very clear with your ex. He wasn’t about to spare any feelings.
“Look dude, she’s happy, why are you being a parasite and trying to fuck that up,” Hanse sighed and sized him up really quick, “I’ve been nice about it, especially when you showed up at her house, slamming the door was a small part of what I want to do to you,” He had placed a hand on the mans shoulder and spoke lowly into his ear, “I want to break your face in, for the shit you did to her. Right now I want to break your damned legs. You are a pathetic little piece of shit, you didn’t deserve her, she’s too good for you. If I see or hear about you bugging her again, you’ll have to deal with me,” Hanse stepped back when he saw you coming back, “do me that one favor while I’m being polite.”
Your ex was a mix between scared and angry, you walked up to Hanse who was smirking slightly at the man. Daring him to try it, whatever it was. But the man never moved. You on the other hand ignored your ex and grabbed Hanse’s hand, pulling him along because you were so ready to go.
Now, sis, let’s just say, you guys picked up where you left off. I mean, shit happened really fast when you got home, considering you guys stopped at a few places. But nonetheless, girl, you were right back in the same position, naked, sweaty and heated. But this time, neither of you held back. Getting fucked with those kinds of emotions does something to you. The pressure behind each thrust and thoughtless minds mixed with feelings of the heart, while getting dicked down made you climax in no time. But so what if you were going to be sore for a few days, no fucks were given.
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The night was young, but the breeze was cold, which was okay with you. You were headed home anyway, sleep was calling your name in all capital letters. Sighing you rounded the corner that lead to your house, you froze when your eyes landed on your ex standing on your door step holding flowers.
What the fuck is he doing here, you thought. Like seriously, you haven’t seen the man in months. Last time you checked he said you were too boring and easy to read for him. The day you broke up played in your mind like a broken record.
It was sunny out, you woke up that day feeling good but something was off. He texted you and asked to meet up at a cafe, so you did. You dressed up and headed out. Sitting in the cafe, he stared at you with a cold expression, before telling you it was over and blaming you for not being exciting enough. Well shit, that stung like a bitch. You put your all into the relationship, you were together so long but what really hurt was he fact the he didn’t realize he didn’t put any effort into it. You almost cried, but you held back and stood up from the table, snatching the necklace he had bought you off and throwing it at him. You left without a word, I’m your mind you said fuck it and let it go.
So, why was he standing in front of your house, holding flowers. You sighed and walked up to him, your hands in your jacket pocket, you looked him up and down as he turned towards you. He smiled at you a held the flowers out for you to take, but you didn’t make a move to grab them.
“Y/N,” he started, “I’m sorry, I was wrong. It wasn’t your fault, it was mine. I should’ve treated you better-.”
You sighed loudly, cutting him off, “Thanks,” you rolled your eyes, “but you're late, I moved on already. But even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t come back to you.”
He dropped the flowers, he face was a mix between sad and upset. He sighed about to say something when a very familiar laugh reached your ears. You looked behind you, ByungChan was walking towards you, his nose was red and his eyes were watering. He was still sick, but why on earth did he come out, when you just left his house after putting him to sleep, or you thought.
“Byung-ah,” you called his name worriedly, “why are you here, I thought I left you at home asleep.”
He coughed a little and threw an arm around you, “I couldn’t let you walk home alone,” he replied sounding as stop up as ever, “I followed you,” he sneezed and sniffled.
You pushed him off and glared at him, “Dude, seriously, you sneezed in my hair.”
He laughed at you and looked at your ex, “Who is this guy?” He asked ignoring your protest, he was still trying lean on you.
“You’re sick and you’re asking me about him,” you shoved him off one last time and reached into your purse pulling out a small pack of Kleenex. You grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled his face to your level so you could clean his nose.
“I’m sorry, babe, but some random dude is trying to give you flowers, I don’t like that.” ByungChan explained still standing eye level with you.
“Look Bunnie,” you called his pet name, and touched his forehead, “you’re still sick! Go home!” You yelled, he was about to become childish, you could feel it.
“You're right,” he smiled, “I’m sick, sick on your love.” He looked over at your ex and smirked before he sneezed again, “she is so loving isn’t she,” he kept laughing and teasing, “too bad you let her go.”
You sighed, you knew he was playing stupid and he was aiming to provoke your ex, it was working. You didn’t want to see a fight or an argument between the two men, so you decided to cut that shit short.
“Choi ByungChan,” you called his entire name, “just get in the house,” you started pushing him towards the front door, you glanced at your ex, “as you can see, I’m busy taking care of my sick boyfriend,” ByungChan was about to say something but he couldn’t because he started coughing, “goodbye and take care of yourself.”
You had managed to unlock the door and shove ByungChan in. You closed the door and looked at your beloved boyfriend about to start nagging, but froze in place when you saw his expression. His face was completely blank, something you only saw once, right before he lost his cool.
Huffing, you folded your arms and started talking again after swallowing, “Have you lost your mind,” you said, “you can become sicker if you go outside like that, it’s cold out,” you looked him over, “you didn’t even put on a jacket or proper shoes.”
“Has he come here before?” ByungChan asked, ignoring all your concerns for his health.
You huffed and looked off then back at him, “Forget about him, he’s not important!” You yelled
“He is if he comes to your house,” he yelled back, “what if he had tried something!”
“Are you hearing yourself,” you were getting angry, because he wasn’t taking his sickness seriously, “I don’t care about him, you're standing in front of me, your nose is running and your temp is high. I don’t give a fuck about that guy!”
“He came to your house unannounced, at night, he could’ve been drunk or something. He could’ve tried to kidnap you!”
You sighed, he wasn’t hearing you but you were hearing him, so you blurted out what the problem was. It had been going on for a while, he just wouldn’t say it, so you just blurted it out, “You keep thinking I’m going to leave you for someone else!”
He fell silent, you had the courage to say it out loud and that hurt. Adding that to the fact that he tried to hide it from you, but you knew anyway, he low key wondered when you figured it out. His mind as running but no words could come out.
“I figured it out a month and a half ago,” you explained, “when that guy asked for my number as if you weren’t standing there. I found out then.”
ByungChan dropped his head, he had been feeling so insecure since before then. He saw how the good the other men looked and he couldn’t help but compare. You took a step towards him and he took one back, you went to call his name but he shook his head and walked out of the door. He was holding back tears, and he did his best to not show them, but you saw them and went behind him, calling his name at the top of your lungs.
You ex was still lingering outside, he tried to stop and talk to you, but you shoved him off “Get the fuck out of my face!” You yelled, you noticed ByungChan stop to look back. You ex had kept grabbing you and you kept pushing his hand away, your were becoming frustrated. How could such a good day go down the drain all because this piece of shit showed up?
A firm hand pulled you completely away from your ex, followed by a fist flying straight at his faces. Shit, ByungChan had punched your ex in the nose. Blood was dripping, you were shocked as you watched your stumble while covering his leaking nose.
“Get lost, don’t show your face around here again,” ByungChan wasn’t like this, so you were very much shocked, “if I see you again, I’ll fucking rip your face off, how dare you touch her like that! Have you lost your mind!”
Surprisingly, your ex left after apologizing, ByungChan had turned back towards you, he looked you over and just as he was about to say something. He started coughing up a storm, bringing you back from the cloud you had landed on. This side of him was way too sexy for you at the moment, but you weren’t going to say it.
Instead, you started nagging him a little and ushered him back inside. Where you made him lay in your bed while you made some honey lemon tea. You freshened up quickly while the tea was brewing, listening to him sneeze and cough made you move faster. You quickly made the tea and brought it to him.
Walking into your bedroom, you could’ve sworn he was asleep, so you sat the cup down on the nightstand, beside the bed and sat down next to him. Placing a hand on your forehead and the other in his, you sighed. He was burning up, a hand on top of yours made you look at him. He didn’t say a word, but you knew what he was thinking. So you expressed yourself clearly, without yelling.
“I would never leave you for some other guy,” you started, he looked away from you and huffed, but you kept going, “I don’t know where you got that stupid idea, but forget it. It’s me and you together forever, reminder? Cause I do,” emotions started coming out with each word you spoke, “you picked up a random weed as a joke and gave it to me, to make me laugh,” you started listing the senseless sweet things he had done, “you wrote that I was pretty on a napkin you used. You always show up when I start feeling like shit about myself. You fucking idiot, you almost had a heart attack because I got bit by a misquote,” you were on the verge of tears now but you kept going, “we even played in the park because I was drunk and didn’t want to go home,” a tear fell and his heart dropped, the last thing he wanted was to hurt you.
He placed a hand on your cheek and sat up in bed, he hugged you. But you pushed him a little “You're sick and you’re worried about some loser taking me from you, ByungChan, you fucking idiot!” You were crying, but you had to get it off your chest now, it was the best to do it now, “why would I drop and my ace for a joker, I’m not stupid!”
“I’m sorryY/N,” he whispered, “I didn’t know you felt that way. I thought you would’ve liked someone who’s the opposite of me, I shouldn’t have thought that way.”
“My eyes are only on you, don’t forget that.” You mumbled looking up at him, “now your sick, you need to-,” your complaints were cut short by a gently kiss.
You went to pull away but he wasn’t having that, he pulled you closer and needless to say before you knew it, you were naked and he was on top of you. Fucking you deep and slow, you forgot about him being sick and so did he.
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“That’s cheating,” you frowned at Subin pouting at the screen in front of you. He smirked and looked off as if he didn’t just blow air on your neck to distract you from winning, “you know what,” you suggested, “I bet I can beat you in basketball.” You challenged him with a smirk of your own.
He rolled his eyes, but you both stood up anyway and headed to the court outside of your apartment. The game was going good, you were kicking his butt, but he didn’t mind because he was having fun. The sound of loud laughter hit both of your ears causing you to stop and look up. A group of familiar faces was walking towards you, you sighed inwardly. It was your ex and his friends.
“Y/N,” your ex called your name, and stood in front of you , “it’s been a while, I see you’re still hopping and still with this kid. How cute.”
His tone got under your skin but you let it slide, “I see you’re still the same,” you replied, “all talk and no play.”
He went to say something, Subin cut him off, “I’m going to get something to drink, what would you like?” He wasn’t fazed by your ex because he knew you could handle it on your own, no need for him to back you up.
You looked at Subin and smiled at him adorably before answering, “Yes, babe, I’ll take a flavored water.” You always looked at Subin admiration, he was the only guy that could make you swoon. Something that pissed off your ex every time he saw you and him together, “I’ll just sit over there and wait for you to come back, my love.” You added swaying back and forth a little, still holding the ball.
You ex scoffed, but you ignored him until Subin walked away and he did it again, “What,” you sighed out, “can I help you with something?”
Your ex smirked, “let’s play, one on one.” He dared, “I bet I could beat you.”
Shaking your head, you watched Subin leave the court and head for the store, you were going to ignore your ex, but he said something that made you want to prove him wrong. Alas a game started between you and your ex, you were kicking his butt. Leaving him feeling saltier than his sweat.
You shot a three point and watched as the ball went into the net with no problem. Subin was coming back up, he had been gone for about twenty minutes, he wasn’t surprised to see you kicking your ex’s ass. He smiled to himself, you were so cute to him. His smile dropped when he saw your ex smack your ass right when you threw the ball up, the ball missed and you spun around and pushed your ex as hard as you could.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” You yelled in his face, “have you lost your mind!”
Your ex smirked, acting all cocky because his friends were in the background cheering him on, “It’s still as soft as I remember.” He stated with a smirk, “I can still take you from that kid, he’s a nobody.”
This was you broke up with him I’m the first place, he was so full of himself. He talked a lot of shit but couldn’t fuck for shit. He was good at sports but that was about it. He was a complete asshole, who did anything to make others feel small and you hated it. Your breaking point was when he was picking at some random guy for no reason, he poured water on the guy and acted as if it was an accident. You cursed him out that day and then told him it was over.
“You little bitch,” you started but your ex had forcefully kissed you, shoving his tongue in your mouth. You bit his lip just as you felt him being snatched off of you. Subin eyes were set in a straight line, he was pissed to say the least, your ex stared back at him in a daring manner.
“What are you gonna do, you little punk bitch?” He started antagonizing him, “your a weak little kid, she needs a grown man.”
“Dude-” Your words fell short when you saw Subin land a punch in your ex’s mouth.
“Don’t ever touch her again,” Subin was beyond angry, he had had enough of your ex’s shit for the day.
Your ex wanted to act like a tough guy and swung a punch at Subin, he landed it but Subin swung and landed yet another punch to his jaw. You started to try and break it up, but it was little too late for that. You thanked you stars that your ex’s friend weren’t trying to see a fight, they helped pull them apart.
Subin’s lip was bleeding but you ex was looking wrecked. Why, because he couldn’t fight for shit. You was so overly concerned about Subin lip, that you didn’t see how hurt your ex was. Not like you cared though, serves him right, he fucked up and he knew it. He lost a good woman all because of his cockiness.
“You’ve crossed the line,” Subin yelled trying to go at your ex again, “she’s my girl, how dare you put your disgusting lips on her, you have any idea how long it’s going to take to wipe that off.”
“Let’s go, Subin!” You yelled at him to get his attention. He looked down at you and grabbed your hand aggressively and angrily pulled you along with him. You mind was still on the fact that Subin was bleeding, even though it wasn’t much, just a little but that hurt your heart. No one wants to see someone they love hurt. You were brought back from your running thoughts when you heard your apartment door shut behind you.
Just as you looked up at Subin, he basically tossed you onto the couch, “Subi-,” you stopped talking when he took off his shirt and threw it to the side somewhere.
Your eyes widened when he got on top of you, caging you in. He somehow managed to snatch your shirt off in one motion, you clenched your legs together, but to no avail. Subin was already between your legs, no escape. He went for your sweet spot and you folded, but he was so rough and aggressive. Not that you’d complain. He placed hickies from your neck to your stomach, he then ripped your shorts off, well they were his but who gives a damn, they were gone along with your panties. The cold air was replaced by his hot lips on your folds, he’d never gone down on you before.
You were trying to protest, but he wasn’t having it. He pinned your legs wide open, this was new to you. So it was no surprise as to how your body would react, he ignored how your legs shook and trembled. Where did he learn this from, your hands were in his hair, pulling at the strands, trying to get him to stop, but your grip loosened when you felt yourself about to cream. He stopped and licked his way back to your neck, you opened your eyes and stared directly into his, just as you felt him enter you roughly with no warning. He started pounding into you, not giving anytime to breathe or think.
Again, you tried to stop him but he had you pinned wide open, “I let it slide one two many times,” he stated as he pounded into you deeper and harder, “I can’t believe he touched you,” he rammed into you balls and layed flush against your chest, Subin grabbed your jaw squeezing it. You opened your mouth and he spit in it before kissing you roughly.
Subin pulled away and slammed into you a few times, “This pussy is mines, say it.” He ordered, but you were too far gone to speak, he did it again, harshly pounding into you with no mercy, until you said it.
When you finally said it, he placed two fingers on your clit and rubbed it to the rhythm of each thrust. Until you creamed, your hips shot up and your legs shook, but Subin paid no mind as he continued, reaching his peak, he came. And as he did, his kissed you yet again roughly, covering up your whimpers and moans.
A little after Midnight……..
You lay there on your bed, still naked from earlier, Subin lay beside you, in the same condition, asleep, you assumed. You sat up and looked over at his sleeping form, wondering what had gotten into him. That was so unlike him, but you low key liked it.
Sighing, you climbed out of bed and grabbed your phone and left your apartment to get some air. You were sore down there, but you need the air to help clear your thoughts. You made it to a an empty bench and sat down, looking at the time on your phone, you decided to stay out for only thirty minutes and then head back in. The sound of footsteps coming towards you caused you to look up into none other than your ex’s face.
You sighed and rolled your eyes, so much for getting some air, you thought about to stand up. He stopped you holding out his hands, showing he meant no offense, “Y/N,” he started, “I’m sorry.” He apologized, taking you by surprise. He never apologized for anything. So this was very new to you.
Sighing yet again, you rolled your eyes, “I’m being serious,” he said, making you look up at him, he pointed to the empty spot beside you, “can I sit down, I promise I won’t try anything.”
You stared at him for a few seconds before nodding your head, your ex sat down at the other end of the bench before he started talking again, “I’m really sorry,” he began again, you picked up on how sincere he was by the time of his voice, “I shouldn’t have kissed you or touched you in that manner,” he took a deep breath before continuing, “I just couldn’t believe I lost you to someone else. I really do love you, I’m being shameless, but I have to be honest with you and myself,” at this point, neither of you saw Subin standing within listening distance.
He had woken up, wondering where you were, he came outside in hopes of finding you. He did, but before he made his presence known, he wanted to hear what you would say when he wasn’t around, he was beyond curious, despite the fact that he was deep down scared of how you’d reply.
“You were the best thing to happen to me,” your ex continued, “I fucked up bad. All because I wanted to look like a cool tough guy in front of you. I feel so stupid for treating you like I did, please forgive me,” he paused for a second before he continued, “I’m being self right now, but, please give me one more chance, I promise I’ll be different, I’ll treat you so much better.”
“Wow,” you started, “that’s real sweet,” Subins heart dropped a little at your first few words, “but, I can’t,” you said honestly, “I’m happy, I love Subin, he’s my world,” you sighed, swooning over him, “you messed up, that’s on you,” unknowingly Subin had started walking towards you, “But,” you continued, “I’m glad you saw your flaws, hopefully you fix them. I accept your apology and I hope you find happiness with some other girl who’d be happy to be with you, but it’s not me.”
Subin was now standing beside you, causing you to look up, you smiled unknowingly at him. Your eyes told your emotions, anybody could see that you were in love. Subin smiled back and reached his hand out to you and you grabbed it.
You went to stand up but faltered a little, Subin laughed a little and turned around “Come on,” he pointed to his back and you hoped on, like a happy child, “why didn’t you wake me?” He quizzed as he began walking, leaving your ex sitting there.
“Because,” you answered, laying your head on his back, “you were asleep, I just came out to get some air.”
“Ah, is that so,” he said with a smile of his own, “I was worried for nothing.”
“You worried, does that make any sense,” you playfully responded, “what is this world coming too to make you worry.”
He didn’t respond for a few seconds, he hoisted you up onto his back higher, you were sliding down, he laced his fingers together under your legs to make sure you wouldn’t fall, “Y/N,” he called your name sweetly, “I love you.”
You looked up grinning from ear to ear, “I love you too.” You responded. You could tell he was blushing, so you took that opportunity to blow your breathe on the back of his neck. He panicked and almost fell.
“Hey, be careful,” he scolded you, “what if I drop you.”
You giggled and did it again, this time placing a quick hiss on his cheek when he turned his head to scold you again. He put you down and turned towards you and you playfully ran off. You both ended up playing, despite your ex sitting there watching it all go down. He stood up and smiled accepting his loss but happy to see you smile so brightly. He left without a word.
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winderlylandchime · 5 months
Btw, dad’s reports to the chosen episodes are in and unfortunately (actually scratch that, fortunately) his reactions are way more calmer. We finished with our watch because my brother made us sit and watch the episodes all day. Not that I’m complaining but also I swear this is the most I’ve watched qaf in years. So the reports are in: 2x04: he absolutely loved the pride episode. He really loved the ending. He thought that this is where it starts to show even more that Brian cares about him a lot (keep in mind we skipped the 3rd ep so he didnt see the ‘you love him’ scene bc my brother has some flaws).
2x09: my dad was LIVID almost the whole episode. He almost died of second hand embarrassment because of Mikey. He loves Emmett even more. He fucking hated Brian’s mom. Did i mention he was livid? His only comment about the episode was ‘oh this explains a shit ton about Brian’ Highlight tho: the date night opening happens and my brother goes ‘oh…yeah this is sort of awkward for a family night’ for some reason neither of us thought this through. But the best part was my dad going ‘hey, dudes be fuckin’ while doing a shrug towards my brother.
3x08: he was very confused why we skipped so much, he was also confused about them breaking up. He absolutely loved that Justin decided to be a stalker but at least got a little better since the pilot. He really liked their reunion. And then after it was done, my brother went ‘okay now you gotta watch it again so it hits harder’ and then replayed the reunion scene.
3x09: his only reaction was ‘yeah it fucking is’ when Ben called it the most historic reunification since Germany. He is absolutely tired of Mikey though. And he really liked how in the end they have this open relationship that clearly both are aware of how it goes. If only he knew..
3x10: he is very confused over who stockwell is. My brother gave him zero hints cause ‘maybe if you picked up my calls last year, youd know.’ He likes that at the end when they put posters up together, you can tell that Brian has been a big influence on Justin as in he goes for what he wants but Justin is a huge influence on Brian as in ‘he helps him figure out how to get his head out of his ass’
3x11: he really fucking lived that scene in the GLC and he just went ‘oh they planned this shit together.’ He loved the scene with Debbie and Brian but he was also a bit upset about it cause he’s still mad at her from the beginning of S2. And he was absolutely obsessed with the scene where Stockwell finds them with the posters.
3x12: only takeaway: he really enjoyed the scenes with Justin, Brian and Hunter. He likes how Britin has their own little banter and inside jokes that in his opinion Brian doesn’t have with anyone else. When they had that hustler/100$ bit going on, he went ‘Michael would hate this cause he wouldn’t be able to join in on the joke’
3x13: he was so fucking delighted with that scene where Hunter asks Brian if he has a boyfriend. And the you fucked a murderer scene was again a big hit. And his love for Brian grows every episode.
3x14: Brian is now his favorite person alongside Justin. The last scene made my dad cry and my brother cried as well. My dad turned to him teary eyed and went ‘fuck’ and my brother went ‘i know right?’ And he loves Britin more and more.
4x07: he is completely heartbroken over Vic. He’s really sad about Brian’s cancer diagnosis. And he is absolutely horrified with Justin’s haircut. He was so fucking confused when he popped up on screen that he actually screamed. And my brother went ‘oh yeah i forgot, he got a haircut..rude, right?’ When that little office scene where Brian loses it and then comes back to hug Justin came up my dad declared that Brian is deep deep in love.
4x08: completely heartbroken over seen Brian is such a bad shape. He thought it was cute how Brian took him to school cause he missed him even tho he felt like shit. He thinks this is where Brian started to reconsider some stuff cause of cancer. And once again LIVID with Michael.
4x13: confused because where the fuck did Rage the movie come from. Annoyed because Brian and Justin could have little bike trip together. He really likes Brian being a stubborn little shit tho
4x14: he is absolutely obsessed with Brian. He loved that moment where Brian explains why the bike race is important to him and he cheered him on like he was watching a soccer game. And the last moment with Britin made him absolutely love them both so much. He was smiling the whole time and then went ‘it’s nice that he got his head out of his ass and finally allowed himself to be happy and in love’
And then after the episode ended, my brother turned off the tv and went ‘doesn’t it end nicely?’ And my dad goes ‘isnt there some proposal and another season’ and before he could even finish his question, my brother goes ‘absolutely not. It got canceled after season 4 so i guess we’ll never know how they wanted to end it. Sad.’ And then he just left the room. And my dad stared at me and went ‘but your mom said that the finale was’ and he couldn’t even finish before my brother yelled from the bedroom ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’
I AM DYING at your dad’s reactions to the episodes. I adore that he loves Brian just as much as we all do.
“Dudes be fucking” is going to be my response to any pearl clutching about drag, queers, transes, etc that I see this year.
The Michael would hate this (everyone being in on the joke) observation is so right. Poor Mikey. But not really. Get a sense of humor that isn’t TUMS spelled backwards.
I am also glad that he appropriately appreciated the “fucked a murderer” scene.
He correctly dislikes the Pink Posse haircut. And realizes that Brian is in deep.
ALSO thank you. Someone should believe that the series ends at the end of S4. Brian asks Justin to move in. Period. End of show. “It’s nice he got his head out of his ass and finally allowed himself to be happy and in love” is correct. HAPPY ENDING. Done. Sorted.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Devilish invention : Morpheus x OC
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meme by Aria Zimin, found on Pinterest, all credits go to the author.
Request by @cupcake-de-abacaxi : Morpheus finding out about the Internet for the first time.
I was going for something comedy-like. Wait till the end.
Warning: a bit of swearing.
“I’m working, Matthew. What is it now?” the truth was it was my day off. However, since we were undergoing a lot of changes in the company I was hired, my alleged holiday consisted of me being caught up in paperwork and excel spreadsheets.
“Weren’t you supposed to relax today?” the Raven cawed and titled head
“Matthew….” Why was this one so immune to hints “you do not want to make me angry, trust me.” I turned towards the monitor and this gesture couldn’t be more suggestive as I clenched my teeth in annoyance.
“Sorry, sorry. Don’t shoot the bird. I’m just the messenger here, you know.”
“The messenger?” I frowned. “What do you….? Oh, no. No.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Well you can go ahead and tell your boss that I’m not interested in educating him on human life.”
“I’m serious Matthew. I already have too much on my plate. Adding Dream to the list of task would be …. masochistic, to say the least.”
“Well, he’s not going to be happy about it. You haven’t been in the dreaming for a while…..”
“Like he’s worried!” I scoffed “we both know he only cares about his duties and that is why he’s concerned about my presence.”
“You are a dreamer after all and he lacks ideas. If he were human I would say he might be depressed”
“He’s always depressed! I would be worried if he became cheerful all of  a sudden. Besides, that was bold to say out loud, wasn’t it? Do you think he did not hear you?”
“I worry he might. Please, can you just spare some time for boss?”
“Maybe, and that is a big maybe, later on. But for now…..” I motioned towards the computer. During our little exchange of words my mailbox was already filled with another 5 messages “I need to deal with this shit.”
“Fine.” He cawed “don’t hold me responsible for what is coming next
5 hours later I was utterly worn out. It seemed like every little detail needed my opinion and decision and I felt like I was working in kindergarten. I mean, couldn’t my coworkers decide on background color of the presentation themselves? It was nice to be involved, but my work life was slowly drifting into the area of “this meeting could have been an e-mail”. And then, there was Morpheus. An endless. An anthropomorphic personification of human subconscious. Lord of Dreams. Ruler of the nightmare realms….. Mother of dragons….. Ups, sorry, wrong reference, I guess. My point is, since he was the king of human sleep he needed someone to be his guinea pig and sometimes test his theories. Of course, he did not came up with that idea by himself. Honestly, if it wasn’t for  his sister, Death and his librarian, Lucienne he would be lost like a kid in the toy shop. Upon some persuasion I was chosen to be a test drive to all Dream’s ideas. It was fun at first, but quickly turned into being called to Dreaming upon his every request, against my own free will. Maybe the creator forgot to mention to him that human actually have one! What was even worst, I did not have any means to object unless I wanted to be thrown into eternal darkness. Spoiler alert, I did not.
So now, as I was almost done with everything I was just sitting in the darkness, too tired to reach for the lamp switch –key. The sun was slowly setting, leaving lights and gleams on the walls and this last minutes of warmth and peacefulness were about be replaced by darkness and quietness of the night. It was time and I knew it well enough as my eyes slowly started to close and my head fell on the bedrest….
Of course I woke up in the Dreaming. Unusually cloudy and dark tonight. Matthew was right, the King was in a bad mood. Hopefully just brooding and not mad, since the latter was rather hard to deal with. I sighed deeply and started to walk towards the palace carefully watching my every step since I could never be sure whether the ground would crack and swallow me whole.
“Lucienne? Matthew? Merv?” surprisingly, the chambers were empty and this was not a good sign. “Hello? Is anyone home?” my best effort to cover the nervousness were futile as I could not shake the feeling Dream was making a real-life horror show just for me.                         
“Um….Dream?” I stuttered as the darkness started to creep out closet to me “you can come out now…..”
“Remember your place, dreamer. You forgot your duties of late.”
“Trust me, I did not.” I snorted “if I ever wanted to, I have too many people to remind me of that”
“Hold your tongue!” he took a step closer “or I will make sure you do not speak a word to me like that again.”
“Sorry, Dream. This was not against you. I’m just tired and stressed and I feel like nothing really matters and my work is pointless….” hopefully, hitting  such tone will make him draw horns. As a matter of fact he went silent and familiar pout showed on his face. Bull’s-eye!
“I see.”
“So….. did you wanted to see me?”
“I did.”
I swear sometimes it is so hard to communicate with him and his manner of using limited amount of words. Ok, fine. Two can play the game. I decided I will not take it further unless he himself spoke to me.
“I need…. Ideas” he finally mumbled
“I see.” tiling head was the only sign of my interest and the awkward silence felt between us. “I know where you can find some inspiration….” Another eternity of quietness. I guess I know now why Matthew could never get a hint – he was clearly inspired by his boss attitude.
“Have you ever heard about the Internet?” I could not stop the grinning. “Of course you did not. How about I show you all the perks coming with it? But you will have to get us to the Waking.”
“I don’t have to anything.”
“Of course not, but …..” I started, but Dream being himself already reached for his sand transporting us back into my apartment.
“This” I pointed at the device on the desk “is a computer.”
“Will you move to the point?”
“Nope. I need to educate you like a kid. One step at a time.” He glared at me, but here, I could not be intimidated. “Relax, will get there. Here’s the power button and when I press it…. Tada! It works.”
“Stop it.”
“Ok, now we get to the more difficult thing. That” I pointed at the monitor “is the Internet Icon. Chrome to be exact, since using Internet Explorer is pretty much like learning about the winner of 2012 euro in 2022…..” I blabbered and almost laughed at Morpheus’ confused expression.
“Are you making fun out of me?” he pouted again
“I would not dare. Sorry. It’s just…. You know, human inside joke. Never mind. Now, to the good part. In the Internet you can find pretty much everything. It’s a whole new world so you might want to take it slow to avoid getting addicted.”
“I am an Endless. I do not get addicted to mortals inventions”
“Mhm, everyone says so” I bit my lip “oh, come on, Morpheus, if you want to see this properly you need to move a bit closer. Here.” As I patted the spot next to me he hesitantly shifted. Can’t lie, the sight of him in his ridiculous coat sitting in front of the computer slouching slightly was a view for sore eyes. “Like I said, you can find everything here. What is the first thing that comes to your mind?”
“What are you trying to do now? I do not share my thoughts and ….”
“Cats!” I interrupted him nervously “everybody loves cats! There are so many videos with fluffy cats in funny situations…”
“Are there?” bad idea! Bad idea!  I completely forgot the meowpheus thing. Abort the mission!
“Yes. But ..... but maybe we will leave it for some other time” preferably never “how about some memes instead?”
“Yes, those are some hilarious pictures, sometimes with comments of words that refer to current situations and events
“Yes, well, um…” I guess exhilarating was also not an option in this particular case. Shit! I can’t believe it. In the whole, vast, global village there must be something to show him. “There are still sites about depression, anxiety, dark and gloom. Do you think I could maybe interest you with emo style?”
“Here.” I quickly typed the words into the search bar and showed him some pictures observing Morpheus’ reaction. This was not what I expected. By all appearances nothing changed but being observant I noticed the slight glint in his eyes and a brief thill that made him shudder.
“This is….. appalling. “he finally said “no style at all. Just a complete mess and lack of dignity.”
“Oh….” My face dropped “I though you would like it, given your taste in dark clothes and gloom and …..sorry” I raised my hands in surrender before he turned me into dust “let’s try again, shall we? How about music?”
“You know, that thing that people create with some instruments and sometimes their voices. I bet you heard some music during your centuries – long life.”
“Stop it. I know what music is.”
“Of course you do” I muttered. “But you should know that XV century classics were a bit different from the modern one.” I started my Spotify playlist forgetting it was on the shuffle and all of the sudden the night was torn with The Score blasting from the speakers.
“Lock away my demons,
Chains off and now I’m dreaming!”
 “Fuck!” I hissed stopping it “Sorry, that was an accident.” I turned towards my companion who now seemed invested “Dream? Hello? Are you all right there?” fuck, did I break him?
“What was that?”
“Um, a song?”
“Play it.”
“Seriously?” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t tell me we have the same taste in music. We were supposed to learn about human. The score is not really on top charts, so how about I educate you on Taylor Swift. How about Anti-hero. It’s really good.”
“Play that song. Now.”
“Fine. Fine. Whatever you want.” Who would have thought that 3 minutes and 18 seconds could be sooo long. I was really worried Dream might get emotional upon hearing the words but when it ended he was still normal. “Did you like it?”
“farewell to my darkest days?” he asked
“you got good memory, don’t you?”
“this was …. Interesting.”
“So you did like it?” I insisted on getting the answer
“It was bearable.”
“Bearable!” I spring out of the couch “That is my favorite song, Dream!”
“It suits you.”
“Was that a compliment or an insult?”
“Show me more of this internet of yours. Perhaps it might be worthy after all.”
 A week later
“What are you doing here?!” believe me, the sight of the Dream Lord in my apartment in the middle of the night (In my defense – I was going to the bathroom) is not something you wish for. Sleep paralysis demon would run and hide upon that.
“I need some answers from you”
“Now?! It’s 3 am in the morning!” Of course he did not care and continued
“I came upon something in a dream of a mortal”
“Yeah, you don’t say….” I crossed my arms knowing he would not let go until getting what he wanted “what was it?”
“ some sexual references.”
“I…. What?” given Morpheus love stories and his approach to this matters I should not have been surprised. I really should have not. I mean, this guy made people dream of his lover when he got laid! (once again – in my defense - Dream’s sister once spilled the secret out). But it was just too much and now I was dreading what he might ask me for.
“I wanted to check on the internet some further details about it.”
“No. Mhm. I draw a line here. You do not want to.”
“You do not tell me what I’m allowed to do. I command you.”
“Dream…. Please, do not make me do this….. “ I begged, redness creeping onto my face.
“Show me. Now.”
“Are you sure?” I tried once again
“Now!” he demanded in the darkest tone I’ve ever heard from him
I shudder and walked towards my laptop, being absolutely sure that after this, no nightmare will ever be able to scare me again. They would not stand a chance against this dreadful and embarrassing memory of watching carnal content. With King of Dreams. On the internet. God, help me……
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zaynmirrors · 2 years
Fire on Fire: Part 18 (10k)
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Pairings: 10k and mom!reader.
A/N: Hey! I know it’s really been a hot minute, I’ve had like no time to post the next couple chapters with fancy vet school and working full time. Hopefully you all can forgive me especially since the next few chapters are rough. Again, I’m sooooo sorry. :( If i managed to find some extra time would you be interested in a different 10k story line?
                                              Chapter 18
We stayed a few days, making sure doc was good to travel. Emma kept her distance from him, unsure of the new temporary member. 
She cried when I left, I heard her from outside the house. Begging for me to come back, it took everything in me to not turn around to say fuck you im not going. Doc tried to comfort me but it only turned the tears into anger. 
The first time I smelled the forgotten smell of rotten flesh I threw up. “Damn kid, you alright?” Doc asked as he held my hair. 
“Funnily enough I forgot how bad they smell” I weakly chuckled. He looked at me concerned. “What?”
“Are you-“ he hesitated for a moment, “any chance you’re pregnant?”
“Absolutely not, it’s been too long” at least I thought anyways. I’d have to try and worry about that math later. I was decently sure. 
Doc thought for a moment, his face softened “you’re right, it’s been a bit”
It took us two weeks to make it back to their camp, addy was the first one to notice. “Holy shit” she ran over and wrapped me in her arms squeezing me tight. 
I returned the gesture, watching over Addys shoulder as Vasquez and Warren turned to look. Warren let a small smile adorn her face. We took our time catching up before the plan went into action. 
I kept the hood over my head, waiting in line as Murphy bit people ahead of me. 
Did I know what waited for me? No I didn’t. Though I think I’d rather have death than being bit by him. 
“Take off that hood” one of his lackeys shouted at me. I pretending I didn’t hear him. “Yo, take it off” that earned me a shove. 
Back before the world went to shit, Angel had a friend who was deaf. He taught me some sign though I was surely rusty, I signed the best my memory could allow. The lackey was perplexed. 
“Hey they’re deaf, asshole. Leave them alone” Murphy stated, I watched as his feet made their way towards me. I swallowed down my anxiety. 
Looking up I managed to keep the hood covering the majority of my face. Murphy offered his hand and I took it. I’d been careful to remove anything he would’ve remembered was mine. He led the way inside the compound leaving the line of sick people fussing and whining. 
“Excuse me” the voice made my heart clench, one I couldn’t forget. Keeping my head bowed I watched hidden under the hood as his booted feet clunked away from us down the stairs. We came to a stop after many twists and turns. As much as I wanted to look up I didn’t. I watched his feet as he paced across the room we were in.
I heard scribbling And then nothing. A yellow note pad came into view. Written on the page was “take off the hood Y/N”. My Stomach fell, of course he knew. Carefully I pulled the hood off from over my head, light flooding my Vision. Murphy stood in front of me, blue tinged skin and his face holding a wolfish grin. 
“I really do admire your determination” the smugness exuded from him. “I knew you’d eventually come for him” 
I swallowed down “I’m here for you” he shook his head in refusal. 
“I have my own empire here, one you’re welcome to stay in” he offered, lurching closer, face looming over mine. “You’d have him, and be immune, what more could you want” his warm breath wafted on my face, the faintest hint of cinnamon scented it. 
I rolled my eyes, “I just want to go back to my daughter, I can’t do that unless I get you to come with me” 
“Why would I do that?” He had a point, I had nothing to offer and by the looks of it he really did have his own empire. “Cat got your tongue” he purrs, going to cup my cheek, I coil at the touch.“Mm how about, I send you and your lover on your merry way?” 
“What’s in it for you?” I questioned, it wasn’t like him to give up this offer. Especially if 10k was pissed at me. That was something I didn’t know, and something I probably shouldn’t chance.  
Murphy looks at his nails in contemplation, picking at them. “Without him, what leverage do they have? Why else would you have come?” He had a point, but I also promised Doc I’d return Murphy to them. “Your story could be over, I could make him forget you ever left. Send him home with you to make more little monsters” The offer was almost too good. I just couldn’t bring myself to take it. I shook my head and he smirked. “Have it your way”
He gestured to the door in a nice way of saying fuck off. I didn’t budge, I stood there holding my ground as if I wasn’t on “enemy” territory. His eyes bore into mine as if searching my soul. “I really like you kid” he spoke truth, baring his soul to me. It wasn’t a confession of anything but admiration. “If i decide to leave with you, would you be willing to make a deal?” 
“What kind of deal?” I asked, unsure of what he could possibly be proposing. He just smiled as a stinging sensation erupted at the base of my neck. I hissed, trying to step forward but swayed as the room began to spin. Opening my mouth to say something but unsure if anything fell out as my eyelids became too heavy to keep apart. Darkness swallowed me. 
God my head was pounding. What the hell happened. Can I even open my eyes. It feels like I’m trying to, maybe it’s just dark. Why did it smell like bleach. I’m gonna kill murphy, my new personal goal. 
“Hey, I think she’s awake” A unfamiliar voice sounded to the left of me. I couldn’t move, what the fuck. The little light that shown threw my lashes were enough to make me close them again. There was heels clicking on some type of flooring. 
“Group welcome our newest patient, Y/N” 
Part 19
@whenmypartysover @multifandomlesbianic @isimpfordanielpark @ophelia-nightt @peezbabey @lizzardgreene @lizx13 @nohemi2500 @missricecrispy
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chanfictions · 3 years
Shadow Clones
Part 1 - Chidori
Kakashi x Reader
Here by popular request is the sequel to Chidori.
18+ Content! Minors, DNI!
All of the fun you might imagine one would have in the bedroom with shadow clones. No spoilers this time 🙃.
"Let's play a little game. Can you figure out which of us is the real one?"
With a yawning sigh, you stretched exaggeratedly, popping your tired back in a few places as you meandered down the hallway leading to your favorite person's apartment. After a long week of back to back missions, you were ready for some leisurely downtime and some much needed stress relief. Prior to your last mission, you had made plans to have dinner with Kakashi at his place tonight. He sounded quite excited about the idea and went on about how he was going to whip up something very special for you. Despite your best attempts at twisting the information out of him with your sexiest interrogation methods, he remained tight-lipped about it, only smirking from behind that damn mask with a coy hint of, "It's a surprise."
You finally reached his door with a wide grin spreading across your face as you flipped his key into your hand and let yourself in. Tucking the little ninja-hound keychain away in your pocket, you pulled the door shut behind you with a solid click. "Kakashi? I'm back!" You called out into the seemingly empty apartment. Confusion washed over you, as there was no delightful scent of dinner brewing in the kitchen, nor was there any sign that he was even home. Wondering if he had been sent on a last minute mission, you kicked off your shoes at the door and took a peek around the eerily quiet apartment. Your heart dropped for a moment, thinking that maybe he just forgot.
As you peered around the frame of the hallway, you yelped in surprise as a pair of arms coiled around your waist, and a familiar voice hummed in your ear, and familiar lips planted a kiss on your temple. "Hi, kitten."
Squeaking still from the shock of being startled, you whirled around and gave him a playful thump to the chest with a half closed fist as a laugh bubbled from your mouth. "Damnit, Kakashi! One of these days you're going to sneak up on me when I'm tired and you're going to end up stabbed."
He smirked down at you, taking hold of your wrist and giving your knuckles a light kiss. "It's cute that you think you're faster than I am," he teased.
"It's cute that you think I'm so delicate that I couldn't take you in a fight," you taunted back playfully, sticking your tongue out at him.
"Are you sure about that?" Kakashi’s voice chirped from behind you, breath fanning your neck as he placed a kiss just below your jaw.
For half a second, you let out a happy little sigh and melted into the touch. He knew what a sucker you were for that. Then your eyes snapped open, staring up at the far-too-smug-looking Kakashi in front of you. Your overly tired brain entirely malfunctioned. That was impossible, because he was behind you. Who was behind you?? With a high squeak, you spun around again, your back pressing firmly against Kakashi’s chest as you jumped back in surprise. It was still Kakashi’s smug mug staring back at you.
"Hi, kitten," the second said with a cool smirk.
Your eyes widened as it dawned on you that your drunken conversation with Jiraiya was about to come back and bite you for a second time. Oh, shit. He didn't forget about that. After your Chidori-fueled night of fun last week, Kakashi hadn't brought up your steamy little comment to that raunchy old smut machine regarding what else could be done with shadow clones outside the field of battle.
The Kakashi behind you curled his arms around your waist, leaning down to nibble at your neck just as the other one had. "Something the matter?" His inquiry floated so casually into your ear as those lips left nips and bites along your neck.
Caught between a nervous squeak and a moan, your brain was struggling to process that he was both kissing and staring smugly at you right now. "Uh, babe? You know I'm not a sensory type," you bit your lip to contain a breathy gasp as the one behind you ran a hand up your torso.
"Your point?" The one in front of you stepped forward, tipping your chin up to kiss you with the same lips you felt on your neck.
Your cheeks burned with a rush of heat over the embarrassing confusion surrounding your current predicament. A fluttering sensation replaced your heart beat, and a needy heat began to soak your panties. This was insane. "I, um, c-caan't -- teh-heelll which of y-you is the clone," you stammered weakly as the one in front of you grazed your inner thigh with his fingers. Hands were everywhere. It was a struggle to discern who they were attached to without looking. From what you could tell, the one kissing your neck slid warm palms up into your shirt while the other casually popped a button on the front of your pants.
"Let's play a little game, then. If you can figure out which of us is the real one, we'll give you a prize," he murmured from behind you as his rough palms slid under your bra.
"--but, there's a little catch. You see, if you can't figure it out, well, we're just going to have to punish you. That shouldn't be a problem, though. Surely a skilled shinobi like you can figure out who your boyfriend is, right?" The one standing in front of you grasped your chin softly, pointing your flushed gaze up at the tilted lips and coolly amused eyes staring back at you.
He planned this, that foxy jerk. You swallowed hard as a confused wave of arousal crashed over your body. Being the center of a Kakashi sandwich left you struggling to gather the words tangled upon your tongue. Your clothes were falling off at an alarming rate and you found yourself slowly being walked into his bedroom between the two of them. As the one behind you left you gasping with playful pulls and pinches of your nipples, the other was making swift work of the various fasteners on your clothes. "Mmm, define… punish," you breathed, biting your lip while running your hands up the solid chest in front of you, nearly losing your train of thought as a hand slid up your thigh, teasing you through your soaked panties. You felt someone's arousal pressing firmly against your ass. They were both solid. Figuring out who was who seemed impossible.
"Hmmm… maybe we won't tell you and that can be a surprise as well," the one in front of you mused, ghosting your throbbing clit through fabric.
"Who knows? It might end up being fun," the other teased, leaving hot kisses along your jaw.
A needy whine escaped your parted lips as you arched your hips into the hand teasing you through that silky material while working on undressing the Kakashi in front of you, tossing things aside as you went. Their combined efforts left you extremely distracted. Two identical pairs of hands roamed your body, caressing every inch of your skin. A little moan hissed through your teeth as one left biting brands on your neck and kneaded your breasts while the other swallowed your breathy sounds in hungry kisses while teasing you mercilessly through your silk panties, leaving your body pulsing with a lusty ache. Their respective arousals jabbed into either side of you, leaving you wiggling your hips suggestively against them to get them to elicit echoing groans. Hearing Kakashi hum in stereo like that was oddly satisfying.
You squeaked in surprise when you suddenly found yourself falling backwards, as the Kakashi behind you had maneuvered you towards the bed while they distracted you with the panty soaking flurry of hands covering your body. Still with that smug smirk plastered to his face, the one in front of you made swift work of the last article of clothing you had left. Shirts flew casually across the room, and you were flipped over to face one of the two smug, foxy bastards. Biting your lip, you slid one hand up his chest while unbuttoning his pants with the other, giving your hips a playful waggle at the Kakashi that was still on his feet.
A chuckle hummed behind you as that Kakashi shed the last of his clothes, pressing a palm on your lower back and sliding fingers through your slick folds. "Did you want something, kitten?" He inquired coolly, a smile curling at the corner of his lips.
A flush crept across your cheeks as the arousal in front of you sprung free from its cloth confines, in disbelief that you were doing something like this. "I--"
He didn't give you a chance to fully answer that and just slid two fingers into your soaking core, leaving you gasping and grinding yourself into his touch while his counterpart took a fistful of your hair, taking control of your head. "Have you figured it out yet?"
Your back arched, and you mewled as the fingers working your throbbing clit brought you ever closer to the edge. The hot knot of light in your core intensified, stealing your ability to concentrate enough to form words. "Nnnnn," you buzzed, trying to collect yourself and failing miserably.
"I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that," the voice behind you hummed, now masterfully strumming your clit to a beat that left you gasping for air, stealing your words from you. The only sound you could produce was a quivering whine as his skillful fingertips let up enough just in time to leave you hanging.
With a pathetic whimper, you rolled your hips back into him. "Nnneed more data," you choked out, licking your lips while wrapping your hand around the delicious cock staring you in the face. You swirled your tongue around the tip. Even the taste was real.
They chuckled in unison before delving into your eager body - from behind, sliding achingly slowly into your throbbing core, stretching your walls around a delicious girth, and from the front, pressing your hungry lips down around the meaty arousal that had been twitching in wait by the grip one had on your hair. You groaned loudly around the thickness competing for space in your throat with air as he simultaneously rutted into you from behind. A chorus of contented sounds chimed from all three of you. "Come on, kitten. Surely you have a guess by now," the one behind you murmured huskily as the sound of chirping birds began to echo through the room.
You squealed around the obstruction in your mouth, struggling against the hand pressing your head down as little bolts of lightning struck in thousands of hot, tiny points around your clit, putting a wild arch in your back. You fell down on one elbow, letting out a cry of ecstasy as the surprise onslaught hurled you into oblivion. Your walls clenched and fluttered around the nigh perfect cock railing you from behind. Choking and sputtering, the hand in your hair pulled you up with a lewd pop as the wails of a soul crushing orgasm rang from your chest. A thumb smeared drool across your cheek with quiet laughter vibrating through his body into yours. "Well?"
"Fuuu-huuuck, K-kakaaa-haashiiii!" All you could do was let loose your pleasure-drunk cry into the ceiling as your legs trembled uncontrollably under the electric ministrations that set every nerve in your body ablaze. Muscles contracted involuntarily, leaving you strangling the cock stuffing your soaked pussy with an impossibly tight grip. With a guttural groan, the one behind you dug fingers into your hips roughly, fucking you hard through your unintelligible screaming before abruptly sliding out of you to ease you forward into the waiting grasp of his double like a twisted game of hot potato. You were impaled again, this time by the one beneath you who stifled your surprised moan by pressing your face into his neck. You gasped and stammered at the army of hands moving across your body, still fluttering wildly from that first charged orgasm.
"Do you remember exactly what you told Jiraiya the night you spilled all of your dirty little secrets?" One of them whispered in your ear, though it was difficult to discern the source over your panting.
"Oh, fuck," you whined into the solid chest below you. Of course, you remembered what you told that pervy traitor.
"Say it," they goaded, hands exploring every inch of you while never ceasing the pounding that was sending you into orbit.
You mewled softly, biting your lip to stifle your embarrassment. Heat flushed your cheeks and melded with the broiling sweat that began to slick your body. You wanted to feel both of them inside of your little vice of a pussy. That's what they wanted to hear. They wanted you to tell them that you loved his cock so much that you wanted to be stuffed with it twice. Your face flamed as you struggled to arrange a sentence in your head, but the little tag team duo was making that task incredibly difficult. Hands climbed your front and back, grasping your ass and tangling in your hair. Mouths on your neck, their breathing echoed in surround sound. The cock buried within you left you hungry for more, though you could hardly wrap your preoccupied mind around the logistics. "Please," you breathed against his neck, grinding your hips against his. "I… I want you both -- n-need you both," you whimpered pathetically.
The movements slowed to a halt, leaving you aching for friction as a quiet complaint breezed from your lips. "Such a good girl for us," a voice hummed from behind as you felt another tip sliding through your folds, teasing your already stuffed pussy. The skin strained against the second dribbling tip that was slowly making room for itself as you let out a pained little cry into the solid chest below you. They crooned to and praised you in unison as the second cock slowly worked its way into you. A rush of comforting hands moved across your neck, cradling and kissing your face. Another warm body pressed against you from behind. The beating of their hearts through their chests almost seemed synchronized as the second fully sheathed himself, leaving you moaning and clawing at the chest beneath you, overwhelmed and speechless at the absolute feeling of fullness that was the center of your existence.
"Please," you begged desperately, rolling your hips and hissing a lewd groan into their ears, nipping and biting the shoulder below you, urging them into action. A hand from behind you smothered your own, lacing his fingers around yours as the roller coaster ride of your life began that left you screaming into the abyss.
Two cocks. Two Kakashis. You could barely handle one of him. Seeing double left you drunk on your own cries of ecstasy as they pounded your sopping pussy, threatening to make the bed punch holes in the wall behind the headboard, leaving the frame groaning in protest under the songs of your wails. Your ears rang as the world around you vanished, leaving just you with your game of Guess Who: Kakashi Edition. You had all but thrown that idea out the window as you were now convinced that there had been two of him all along and this was just an elaborate setup. Teeth gnashing, you tangled your fingers into tufts of thick, silver hair as your body shuddered in time with their thrusts. A heat unlike you had ever felt before mounted rapidly in your core, leaving your jaw trembling and toes curling as a raspy hellcry readied itself in your chest. Your walls clenched almost painfully around the pair of cocks fucking the sense out of you. Your clit throbbed. Your thighs ached. That boiling heat built until you unleashed a banshee wail that had to be stifled by one of the four hands climbing your body to spare the neighborhood of the details. You creamed on their cocks, soaking them in your essence as your eyes rolled back into your head, as if your soul just left your body.
"Fuck--" they growled in unison, their grips on your sweat-soaked body tightening as your wrecked little pussy pulsed around them in intense waves. One stifled the chaotic sounds of your release, pressing your face into the neck of his counterpart.
Overstimulated and gasping for air, your hips bucked between them, almost unable to handle the onslaught of pleasure tearing you apart. Your face tingled as every muscle in your body contracted in sync with their motion, leaving you breathless and teetering on the edge of passing out. The sounds of their groaning and hissing your name in stereo filled your head. Lips and teeth grazed your neck as the frenzied pace quickened. You were deaf to the sounds of your own screaming as you flew off into space with them. Two final, wild thrusts tossed your body about like you were nothing but a doll. The moaning cry of overwhelming pleasure that escaped your throat came in unison with the intense heat that filled you as they delved into you to a seemingly impossible depth and painted your insides white.
Time slowed as you struggled to make sense of what your name even was as they rolled to the side with you, murmuring soft hums of praise as they slid carefully from your spent pussy and their collective essence seeped from you. Arms encircled you from both sides, pressing your incredible fatigued body between theirs in a mirrored tangle of limbs as you fought to catch your breath. The panting devolved into little bouts of giggling as you nestled yourself firmly into the delightful embrace of your Kakashi sandwich.
"Well?" They hummed in unison, smirking at you while brushing sweaty hair from your face and rubbing soothing lines up your arms.
"I have noooo idea," you giggled in tired defeat, rolling back slightly to gaze between their mirrored, amused expressions.
A voice from the door cut through the sounds of your panting and giggling gasps of fatigue. "Hi, kitten."
You squeaked in surprise, sitting up abruptly from in between the pair lounging smugly on either side of you. "B-babe?"
With a sly smirk, he unfolded his arms and strode into the room. "So, you started without me, I see."
Your eyes widened and your voice rapidly climbed into a shrill new register. "S-started?" You stammered, eyes rapidly darting between the three of them.
Chuckling in that soft, cool tone, his eyes locked onto yours as he casually unbuttoned his shirt and walked toward you. "That is what I said. You still haven't figured out which of us is the real one, am I correct?"
With wide eyes and another squeaky whine, you swallowed hard and bit your lip in excitement.
You were in for a long night.
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katsuhera · 3 years
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader tw/warnings: nsfw (18+), dumbification, alcohol, some choking, some degradation, some cockwarming, canon au but not relevant to story, aged up characters (18) wc: 4k
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“paranoia, anyone?” kaminari asked, wriggling his eyebrows at the group. tonight was a chill drinking night, celebrating the start to summer vacation.
“ooh! i’m down,” mina exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands together. you sat in the corner, just blissfully happy and quiet. you hadn’t drunk too much yet, but you could undoubtedly feel a light buzzing coursing throughout your veins, enough to make you just want to sit and recalibrate as everyone else moved animatedly around you.
“what’s that again?” kirishima asked, sipping his drink. “i forgot how to play, i think.”
“okay, okay, wait, let’s all sit in a circle,” kaminari started, waving his hands around. “it’ll be easier that way.”
“tch,” bakugou scoffed, a surly look on his face as kirishima forced him to scoot closer to the rest of the group. “do we have to? this is probably a shitty game.”
“relax, it’s fun, i swear,” mina assured him, her gentle hand on your shoulder encouraging you to scoot in closer as well. “one of my favorite drunk games! i promise.”
“okay, so here’s how we play,” kaminari said. “we go in a circle, like clockwise or counter-clockwise, whatever, and each person whispers a question to whoever’s next to them, and the answer has to be the name of someone in this room.”
“it sounds kind of complicated but you’ll understand once we play,” mina said. “so, for example, i’m sitting next to kirishima – i will ask him a question that only he can hear, like, ‘who has the coolest quirk?’ and he’ll say like ‘todoroki,’ or something, out loud for everyone to hear. and if todoroki wants to know what the question was, he has to take a shot, and then kirishima will expose the question.”
kaminari nodded, adding on: “it goes like that, but usually the questions get… spicy.” he smiled toothily, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint to them. “all questions are fair game! let’s not be mean, though.”
“let me grab some drinks, but you guys can get started!” mina said, getting up and heading off to the kitchen.
you glanced around the circle, giggling inwardly at how dazed iida and some of your other classmates seemed. iida in particular never really got around to drinking much, but when he did, he was predictably a lightweight.
everyone else seemed to be fine and vibing, and you curled your knees into your chest as you got comfortable, waiting for the game to start. drinking games were always fun with your class, especially when mina and the rest of their squad took control.
“who wants to go first?” kaminari asked, looking around.
“i can,” todoroki volunteered quietly, surprising everyone else.
“oh? bet, then go ahead and ask bakugo a question. we’ll go counter-clockwise, then,” kaminari piped up, getting up a little to help mina set the bottles of alcohol and plastic shot glasses down in the middle.
a hushed silence fell over the group as todoroki sat pensively, thinking of a question, before leaning in to bakugou’s grimacing face.
“what a stupid question,” bakugou snickered, and answered without missing a beat. “deku.”
everyone nearly snapped their necks to turn around and look at midoriya.
“do you want to know what the question was?” mina asked.
midoriya shook his head violently. “i think i’m good.”
bakugou sneered before cracking his neck and pausing to think of a question for kirishima.
“hurry up, bro,” kirishima teased, earning a scowl from bakugou.
“shut the fuck up,” he growled, leaning in to whisper his question.
you loved watching their best friend dynamic. bakugou was normally on everyone’s bad side, his antagonizing manner turning most people who met him off from interacting with him ever again. but with the way he interacted with kirishima, you knew that he probably had a softer side that he was either too embarrassed of or insecure to let on.
you felt your cheeks flush as you lost yourself in thought, staring at the redhead and the blonde – well, mostly the blonde, and the way his triceps flexed smoothly as bakugou leaned on his arm to get closer to kirishima.
“what are you staring at?” mina whispered excitedly in your ear. startled, you snapped your head to the side to look at her.
“nothing, nothing,” you murmured, embarrassed. if mina knew, you’d never hear the end of it.
“um...,” kirishima started, his pale cheeks flushed crimson as he prefaced his response to bakugou’s question. his eyes darted worriedly around the circle, lingering for a bit on jirou. “jirou… i think.”
jirou’s head immediately shot up from its cozy spot on kaminari’s shoulder, narrowing her eyes as she looked at kirishima. “shot,” she demanded, eliciting laughs from the group. mina poured one out for her and handed it over, giggling as jirou downed it easily, not even a hint of a wince on her face.
“what was the question?” she asked, looking straight at kirishima, making him blush even further.
“who here is…” his voice trailed off meekly.
“who here’s most likely to have a daddy kink,” bakugou grinned, his vermillion eyes glinting with amusement. “interesting… jirou, hah? i can see it.”
you smiled as you watched their interaction spiral – you’d never seen jirou more embarrassed in her life. kaminari watched on in mild amusement, though you could tell that the tips of his ears were also red.
interesting, maybe it is true, you mused to yourself. can’t blame her, though.
“my turn! ask me a question, kiri,” mina said, clapping her hands and sipping her drink.
kirishima paused in thought before covering his lips and her ear with his hand.
“stop!” mina laughed, gently slapping his shoulder. “you really asked me this knowing who i’d say?”
“yeah,” kirishima chuckled. “go on, say it.”
“mr. bakugou katsuki,” mina said, rolling her eyes. “you want a shot, right?”
“tch,” he responded, grabbing the bottle. “tell me the damn question.”
mina waited for the alcohol to make its way down his throat before she exposed herself.
“‘who here do i think will get married last?’”
“and you said me?” he asked, indignant. “oi, raccoon eyes–”
“oh my god, relax,” she replied offhandedly. “clearly it’s because you’re going to be the number one hero or whatever and you won’t have time for marriage. anyway, i get to ask y/n next!”
bakugou growled, but left it alone, choosing to sit and glower at her instead.
“i’ve got a good one,” mina smirked, and immediately you knew that you were in for a tricky question.
“who here would you fuck?” she whispered, giggling as she pulled away and watched for your reaction.
you knew it was coming. not necessarily to you, but you knew that question was coming. it’s always asked. you sighed, regretting not sitting next to deku or momo who probably would have gone easy on you with the questions.
good lord mina, you thought frustratedly, putting your palm to your forehead.
“i hate you,” you said, monotoned, much to mina’s glee. “i need a shot before i answer.”
“here you go, bestie!” she replied, immediately pouring one out for you.
everyone else looked on eagerly, murmuring as you downed the shot, making a face as the alcohol burned its way down your throat.
“damn, what kind of question needs a shot before getting answered?” kaminari asked aloud, watching you with wide eyes.
you took a deep breath, looking around the group and trying to decide on who to choose. but your actions were futile; for you, there was only one answer – and there had only ever been one answer, really.
“... bakugou,” you said finally, hesitating to make eye contact with him.
“oh?” he said, cocking an eyebrow. “shot, raccoon eyes.”
“i already poured one for you!” she said happily, handing it to him. within a second, his cup was empty.
“so? spit it out, y/n,” he grinned.
“who here… would i fuck,” you said the last word with finality, anticipating the hoots and chuckles you’d get from the group.
“this is such a lewd conversation,” iida interjected abruptly, waving his hands towards the middle of the circle. “we shouldn’t–”
“you’d fuck bakugou?” kaminari asked you, his eyes wide with shock. “why?”
“what do you mean?” you felt blood rush to your face, engulfing you in slight embarrassment as you actively tried to avoid the gleaming crimson eyes that were boring holes into the side of your skull.
“i can see it, i think,” momo said, smiling at you. you were sure that what she said was meant to be reassuring, but you weren’t so sure of how helpful it was at the moment.
“so, bakugou, got anything to say?” kirishima asked with a wink, slapping his friend’s shoulder.
he was uncharacteristically silent as the rest of your peers held their breath, waiting for his response.
“tch,” he started, eyes darting to yours. “just that i’m not surprised.”
you held his gaze somewhat defiantly, thanks to the alcohol. sober you would have cast your eyes down immediately, praying for the moment to be over.
“okay, okay! next, next – gotta keep the game moving,” mina said, not wanting you to have to stay in the spotlight for too long. “y/n, ask kaminari something.”
your mind was undeniably foggy with the way you could feel bakugou’s eyes burning into your head, and you weren’t even sure how you were able to come up with a question on the spot. you muttered something stupid about who would be most likely to get robbed, and thankfully, his answer and the following questions kept the game moving along smoothly.
as the night progressed, everyone found themselves drunker and more comfortable with each other, though the questions had definitely gotten spicier. as uraraka rested her head on midoriya’s lap and jirou found herself leaning into kaminari’s arm, you couldn’t help but smile at how cute they looked. your class had come a long way since your first year together.
“i’m going to pee,” you announced, getting up and wobbling as the alcohol rushed to your head.
“oh shit, are you good?” mina asked, getting up to try and stabilize you, despite not being too stable herself.
“yeah, yeah, i’m fine,” you said, waving her off. “bathroom’s right there, i’ll be good.”
you stumbled your way over, stepping delicately over kirishima’s legs as you cut through the circle.
you used your time in the bathroom alone to try and sober yourself up. the sensation of the running cold water on your skin seemed to wake you up, and you examined yourself in the mirror.
fuck… i’m drunk, you thought after a couple of moments, giggling at the realization. disheveled strands of hair framed your face, and your eyes stayed unfocused no matter how hard you tried to get them to focus. you sighed, thinking that that was the best it was going to get, accepting your probable future hangover.
you opened the door, wringing your hands dry when an unfamiliar hand grabbed at your wrist, swallowing it in its large palm.
“bakugou?” you gasped, startled. “what…? is something wrong?”
he continued to stare at you, his large figure slowly backing you up into the wall, his body encaging you.
“did you mean it?” he asked lowly.
“don’t be stupid,” he said impatiently. “your answer to raccoon eyes’ question.”
“i…,” you spoke hesitantly. how the fuck were you even supposed to answer that? “yeah, i guess.”
“you ‘guess’? is that a yes or a no?” he stepped in closer, backing you impossibly closer into the wall. you cowered from his stare, his body suddenly seeming much larger than you’d ever noticed before.
“i mean, yeah, i would,” your voice came out small, despite all of the mock defiance you held in your stare just an hour prior. “happy?”
he paused, holding his breath and searching your face intently. his expression was unreadable; normally, his lips were pulled into a grimace – but now, they sat in a neutral position. his eyes were the only elements of his face that gave away some semblance of emotion.
“... yeah,” he replied finally. “you could say that.”
“huh?” you asked, confused.
“come,” bakugou replied simply, tugging at your wrist and heading for the bedrooms upstairs.
“what? where are we going?” you could barely keep up with his strides. “bakugou, they’ll notice if we’re gone–”
“let them,” he sneered. “everyone’s pretty much knocked out, anyway.”
your heart throbbed in your chest as you followed him up the stairs, still slightly shell-shocked by his actions.
there’s no way this is happening right now, you thought incredulously, the only thing grounding you being the feeling of his hand on your wrist. well, i guess i didn’t lie – i would fuck him, you thought, observing the way his back muscles rippled through his black tank top. you weren’t lying – you just never thought he’d take you up on it.
you rounded the corner, realizing suddenly that he was taking you to his room – his private, secluded room that no one in the class had so far had the privilege of seeing.
“your room, bakugou? what an honor,” you giggled teasingly.
“shut it,” he growled, but you knew that he was all bark and no bite at this point.
his pace was fast and before you knew it, you were already in his room, pushed up against his door with your wrists pinned against it as he towered over you.
“you should have said something earlier, princess, maybe this would have happened a long time ago,” he said, his breath hot on your neck.
you opened your mouth to respond, but were interrupted by his lips on yours, urgent and passionate.
his tongue danced with yours as your teeth gnashed slightly; the both of you were drunk and sloppy, falling into each other as you let your thoughts swirl into nothingness.
he pressed his hips forward into yours, and you gasped slightly at the feeling of his cock stiffening behind his sweats. automatically, you rolled your hips into his, eliciting a low groan from him.
“not gonna last very long if you keep doing that, princess,” he murmured against your lips.
“huh? aiming to be a pro hero and you can’t handle that?” you teased, but were swiftly cut off as his right hand circled your neck, his left finding purchase against the small of your back as he swiveled you around to toss you on his bed.
“oi, don’t test me,” bakugou said, immediately hovering over you, supporting himself with both hands on each side of you and his knee in between your thighs.
he leaned in to suck at your neck, his hand sliding under your shirt to grasp at your breast, rolling your pebbled nipple between his fingers.
a dull ache started to pulse in your core, and you could feel yourself getting wetter, soaking the thin panties you wore. it didn’t help that with his ministrations, bakugou pressed his knee harder into you, as if knowing that you were desperate for some friction.
you arched your back into his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck and trying to bring him closer to you.
“desperate slut,” he chuckled darkly, nipping at your neck. “you’re lucky i wanted this, too.”
“oh? is that a confession, bakugou?” you asked smugly.
“you wish,” he replied snarkily, fisting your shirt and tugging it up, exposing your breasts. he moved his head down, planting wet kisses across your chest while pulling your bra down, the soft flesh spilling out of the restraining fabric.
a light buzzing filled your body – anticipation mixed with alcohol, and your mind was blurry, unable to focus on a single thought at a time. you laced your fingers into his hair, tugging softly at the blonde locks as his tongue lapped gentle circles over your nipple.
he brought his other hand down to pull at the waistband of your sleep shorts, and you lifted your hips, making it easier for him. as his fingers met your clothed cunt, he laughed darkly, sending a shiver down your spine.
“this wet for me, princess?”
you inadvertently tried to close your thighs, an attempt to hide the unmistakable dark spot that had formed at the crotch of your panties.
“no no, don’t hide,” he crooned, dipping his finger below the waistband of the lace cloth. “where’s all the brattiness from earlier, hmm?”
“tch,” you scoffed, tugging harder at his hair as you were at a loss of words.
smoothly, he pulled the fabric down, a low moan falling from his throat as he watched the string of slick that connected you to your panties.
slowly, he glided a finger up your entrance, gathering your arousal on it before shoving it into your mouth, forcing you to clean it off. he watched each and every one of your movements – like a hawk watching its prey.
not wanting to be the only one exposed, you moved your hand down to tug gently at his sweats, silently asking him to take them off. he listened, removing them easily and throwing his sweats and boxers across the room.
“you look so fucking pretty under me, you know that?” he asked, enamored by the way your cheeks hollowed out as you sucked his finger clean. “wish we could have done this earlier.”
he slapped his cock on your cunt teasingly before sliding the swollen head up and down your entrance, eliciting small whines from you. you’d never felt more needy in your life – just the mere feeling of his cock near your pussy drove you nearly insane with want, the desire to be filled up.
without warning, he pushed the head in, grinning at the gasp you emitted.
“fuck!” you breathed, eyebrows furrowed as you felt yourself already having to stretch to accommodate him.
“i’ve barely even done anything,” he responded, his grin growing even cockier. slowly, he pushed further inside you, holding back his own moans as he felt your fleshy walls clench around him. “fuck, you’re fucking tight though, princess.”
it burned for a second before the pain dissipated, and you found yourself craving more. you rolled your hips into his again, needing movement.
“tch,” he said, feeling your hips grind into his. “so needy.”
he pulled out slowly before thrusting into you again, hard and fast, ignoring the mewls and whines that had started to bubble up your throat.
you couldn’t even bring yourself to speak, so preoccupied were you with the sensation of being so, so full that you couldn’t form coherent thoughts.
with each thrust of his hips, your breasts bounced enticingly, causing bakugou to chew the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from showing any sign of vulnerability. but it was too difficult – you were just so pretty, a fucked-out mess underneath him.
the sound of skin slapping skin filled the air, to the point where you were sure that if any of your friends on the floor below listened closely enough, they could figure out what was happening.
“baku-gou, too l-loud,” you gasped, trying to choke out the words despite the pace at which he was going.
“so? they’re just extras, let them hear,” he growled, pounding into you particularly hard for good measure.
you couldn’t hold back your moans any longer, all of them spilling out at once, falling upon his ears like music.
“god- fuck, bakugou,” you panted, your nails leaving angry red marks on his back.
wordlessly, he moved a finger to your clit, rubbing small circles into it, sending jolts of pleasure through you.
your legs spasmed around him, and you wrapped them tightly around his hips, slowing his movements but unable to fully stop them. you were dangerously approaching your orgasm, and you could feel your vision start to glaze over – the only thing you could make out was the image of his eyes, red and shining, staring at you, as if willing you to cum.
your nails dug crescent-shaped marks into his flesh as you approached the edge. “‘m gonna c-cum,” you managed, creasing your forehead in concentration.
he pressed his finger harder into your puffy clit, his strokes becoming longer and more deliberate.
“yeah? then go ahead and cum, princess.”
waves of hot ecstasy rolled over you, pure bliss washing your mind blank of any thoughts. bakugou’s own hips stuttered as you clenched around him, convulsing as you rode out your orgasm.
“christ, y/n, feels so fucking good,” he muttered, letting you ride it out for a bit longer before he flipped you onto your stomach, fisting your hair.
“ah!” you cried out, your walls still fluttering around him despite the pain you felt from your scalp.
he pressed a palm into your lower back, forcing you into a deeper arch as he started to pound into you again, his head lolling back in pleasure.
bakugou couldn’t get enough of the way your ass bounced with each thrust, and he grabbed onto your left hip for support, starting to quicken his pace.
“mmnh–, more, bakugou,” you pleaded, your eyes rolling back as your tongue peeked through your parted lips. you gave up on trying to think – you gave in entirely to him.
“more? fucking slut,” he said, but in truth, your mewls and moans went straight to his dick, forcing him closer and closer to his own threatening climax.
you’d started to back your ass into him, too, matching his pace, and it was nearly too much for him to bear.
“shit,” he hissed. “‘m gonna cum, princess.”
“inside, please–!” you gasped, desperate to feel yourself filled to the brim with his cum.
that was enough for him, and he let go, shooting white hot spurts of cum into you, painting your walls white with his seed.
he cursed, feeling his cock twitch inside of you as it softened, despite the way you continued to clench around him, sucking up all of his cum and refusing to let go.
you whined as he pulled out, the sensation of cool air suddenly surrounding your pussy making you sensitive. bakugou watched, entranced, as trickles of cum oozed out from your entrance before he stuffed some back in with his finger.
gently, he helped you onto your back and flopped to your side, quiet, pensive. you lay catching your breath, but suddenly felt the urge to cover yourself up.
as if he could read your mind, he got up and got dressed, leaving the room.
is that… it? you thought, suddenly apprehensive. you, too, wanted to get dressed, but the trickle of cum making its way down your legs was too uncomfortable.
within seconds, bakugou re-entered the room, a wet rag in hand.
“you’re back?” you asked, wide-eyed.
“what? yeah, i left to get this,” he responded, confused and holding up the rag. “did you think i’d leave you like this?”
“... dunno,” you responded, a little taken aback.
he knelt by the bed, cleaning you up gently and sliding your panties back up your legs.
you’d started to become more clearheaded, despite the alcohol still buzzing throughout your system.
“i didn’t know you wanted this, too,” you said quietly, after a few pauses of silence. briefly, you wondered if you would have had the courage to be so honest if not for the alcohol.
“... i always did,” he responded, averting his gaze and instead shifting his attention to finding your shorts.
your heart beat wildly in your chest as you watched his face, pale with a rosy tint to his cheeks, his handsome features illuminated by the moonlight that peeked through his curtains.
“yes, shitty woman,” he grunted, evoking a little giggle from you as he finally seemed back to his usual, grumpy self. “‘cause i fucking like you, y/n. got it?”
he what?
did you hear him correctly? you blinked rapidly, your breath hitching in your throat as he made eye contact with you, his stare intense and piercing.
when you didn’t respond, he looked down, embarrassed.
“you don’t have t–”
“i like you, too,” you responded quickly, hoping that he’d look at you again. “for a while, actually.”
bakugou hesitated before getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed. he reached his hand out, stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb, leaning in to press a light kiss to your forehead.
“sleep here tonight?”
you smiled, butterflies fluttering about in your stomach.
“of course.”
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can’t buy me ~ jimmy smith jr.;8 mile
word count: 1577
request?: yes!
@girl-toxxic "reader and Jimmy are in a relationship not long ago but Jimmy was always in love and they both live in the same place, ok but let's say that reader meets a new friend at work (she is a waitress or can be a babysitter for a rich girl) and this new friend has a lot of money and is very interested in reader and the reader get along well and this makes Jimmy insecure, since reader's friend gives him small gifts and helps him a lot. But you can add something that is more interesting as the boy confesses his feelings to the reader and she rejects him since Jimmy is her great love and he tells her how can she go out with that poor devil ... or something else interesting what occurs to you. And that this ends in a lot of love and smut, bah if you feel comfortable🤗💕💕"
description: in which her new friend keeps trying to make advances through gifts, but her heart belongs to one man
pairing: jimmy smith jr. x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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I walked through the door and made a beeline for the kitchen to throw away yet another gift from my not so secret admirer. The last thing I needed was for Jimmy to see what Mark had give me and to get upset about it.
I worked as a waitress at a bar and grill down the road from mine and Jimmy’s house. The hours were only okay, but the tips more than made up for it, especially after our newest regular, Mark, started dining there and specifically asked to have me as his server whenever he was in.
Mark was in his late 30s, handsome, worked a good job that paid good money. He came in one night after he had a particularly hard shift. He sat at the bar, and it was the night I was working it, so I talked him through his rough day. Next thing I knew, he was coming back and asking for me again. We became friendly, but it took me a little too long to realize he wanted to be more than friends.
I turned the corner and yelped as I realized I wasn’t alone. Jimmy was leaning against the counter, almost like he was waiting for me.
“Hey babe,” I said. “I thought you were at the Shelter with Future tonight.”
His eyes flickered to the gift bag in my hand. “He wanted me to come home. We haven’t had a night together in months.”
“Doesn’t help that we both work late night jobs,” I tried to joke. The bag felt heavy in my hand as Jimmy kept looking at it.
“That rick prick buy you more useless shit?” he asked.
“Jimmy,” I sighed.
“Sorry, I forgot it was okay for some rich jackass to buy my girlfriend expensive gifts.”
He wouldn’t meet my eye. He kept glancing around the kitchen, every so often looking down at the bag in my hand. I dropped everything I was holding onto the floor, including that stupid gift, and raced over to hug him.
“Hey,” I said, softly, resting my head on his chest. “Hey, you know there’s nothing to this. It’s just a guy who doesn’t understand I’m not interested.”
“It’s a guy who has money.”
I lighted my head to look at him. “What does that have to do with anything?”
Jimmy shook his head. “Nothing, never mind.”
I pulled away from him. “No, tell me.” When he didn’t speak, I took his chin in my hand and forced him to look at me. “Jimmy, do you think I’d leave you for someone who makes more money?”
“He’d be able to give you what you deserve,” he responded. “A house, a car, expensive gifts - ”
“We have a house,” I cut him off. “You have a car, and I don’t want expensive gifts. I don’t want materialistic things, I want happiness and love, and that’s what I get with you. You really have nothing to worry about in regards to Mark. You’re the one I’ll always want.”
Jimmy sighed and pulled me close. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’ll give you that reassurance any day.”
I leaned up to kiss him. He relaxed into the kiss and I leaned into him more.
When he pulled away, Jimmy turned to look at the forgotten present on the floor. “What did that asshole get you this time anyways?”
I picked up the bag and pulled out the box that was inside. Jimmy opened the box to reveal the gold necklace Mark had given me. The pendant was gold to match, and it was my initial.
“I was gonna chuck it when I got home,” I told him. It’s way too flashy for me, it wouldn’t match anything I own.”
“Don’t throw it out. This is, like, real gold. We can sell it for a good chunk of money.”
I smiled. “I like the way you think, Rabbit.”
The next day, Jimmy had the night off from the Shelter so he drove me to work. He followed me into the bar and grill with the intentions of sitting at the bar for an hour or two before going home. One of my co-workers spotted us as we walked in and gave me a panicked look. I immediately knew what she was trying to tell me.
I saw Mark sat at the bar before he saw me. I was about to turn to Jimmy to warn him when Mark spotted me and rose from his seat. He had a wide smile on his face, until he saw Jimmy behind me.
“Two nights in a row, Mark?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood. “Those wings and nachos are gonna start getting to you.”
“I went to the gym this morning, so it cancels out,” he responded. “Who’s this with you?”
“This is my boyfriend, Jimmy. I told you about him, remember?”
“Oh yeah, the...rapper,” Mark said. I didn’t miss the way he sneered the word “rapper”, and Jimmy didn’t either.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Mark shrugged. “Nothing. Just stating a fact that (Y/N) told me. Although, rapping at that rundown warehouse probably doesn’t pay as much as a real job would.”
Jimmy stepped towards Mark, but I grabbed his arm to stop him. “Hey, he’s not worth it. Just go home. Thank you for the ride.”
Jimmy glared at Mark before turning to walk away. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that the situation seemed to defuse easily.
And then Matt spoke again, “Yeah, go back to the trailer park, white trash.”
Jimmy snapped and charged at Mark before I could stop him. He knocked Mark to the ground and reared up to hit him. I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled as hard as I could until Jimmy was off of Mark.
“Get out before security gets called,” I told him.
He got to his feet and walked out the door before anything else could happen. Mark was getting to his feet and adjusting his clothes. I was trying to calm myself down as I regarded him.
“Please leave, Mark.”
“Seriously? Your trailer trash boyfriend attacked me, but you’re kicking me out?”
“You provoked him.”
“I wasn’t saying anything he hasn’t heard before, or anything that wasn’t true.”
“Fuck off!” I snapped, my anger finally bubbling over. “You are fucking insufferable! I’ve told you on multiple occasions that I have a boyfriend, that I’m not interested. Most people would take the fucking hint and move on. The way you’ve been acting, especially tonight, is way out of line. I want you to get the fuck out and if I ever see you here again I will contact the authorities and have you charged for harassment.”
Mark blinked, realized I was being serious, and finally left. He muttered some less than ideal names towards me as he walked out the door. I sighed and buried my head in my hands. I was grateful that there wasn’t many customers in the area as all of this went down.
“Hey.” I looked up at my co-worker, who was now in front of me. “Go check on your man.”
I thanked her and quickly walked out the door. I didn’t expect him to still be outside, so I was surprised to see him stood by his car, almost like he was waiting for me to come out.
“Did I get you in trouble?”
I gave him a small smile and shook my head. “No. If anything, you did me a favor. When it became evident that Mark wasn’t taking no for an answer, all of us wanted to ban him from the place entirely, but we weren’t allowed unless he really caused trouble. I think it’s safe to say starting a fight is more than probable cause to make sure he never comes back.”
Jimmy was nodding and rubbing the back of his head. “I probably could’ve handled that better though.”
“I didn’t expect you to handle it any other way,” I said. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Are you okay?”
Jimmy chuckled slightly. “Cocksucker didn’t even try to hit me. Did you see his face when I tackled him? He looked like he shit himself.”
I giggled. “Yeah, he’s definitely not a fighter. He’s too much like a high school mean girl for someone who works an office job and makes as much money as he does.”
Jimmy wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him, resting his chin on top of my head. “I’m glad you stopped me. I wouldn’t beat the shit out of him if you didn’t.”
“I would’ve liked to see that.”
We both stood in silence for a while. I buried my nose in Jimmy’s sweater, taking in the familiar scent of his cologne. It made a warm feeling swell inside of me, like a safe feeling. It reminded me of how I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than in Jimmy’s arms, or with anyone else besides Jimmy. No amounts of money, or people like Mark could ever change my mind about that.
“I should actually go to work,” I said, reluctantly untangling myself from Jimmy’s arms. “I’ll see you when I get off?”
“Of course, I’ll come pick you up.”
I smiled and kissed his cheek. I started back towards the restaurant, but paused to turn back to Jimmy. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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Portrait of a Dangerous Man🎨2
Warnings: (series) non-consent sex and rape; slow creep; cucking; (this chapter) nothing as yet.
This is dark!mob!Clark Kent x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: Your dream of having your work hung in an art show comes true but your first buyer is not all he seems to be.
Note: Thank you for your positive response to this one! I hope you enjoy what I have in store.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Your Spotify list of redundant tracks flowed through the apartment as you sat typing at your small desk in the corner of the front room. The boxy space was as oppressive as any office space, another reason for your voluntary work at the gallery. Vanessa let you in the studio to paint. Without the privilege, you wouldn’t have the space for your easel.
You stretched your fingers and rubbed your eyes. You felt dizzy from staring at the screen, even with night mode on. The work was monotonous and made you restless. You wanted a pencil or brush in hand, a canvas before you, not this blaring laptop. You yawned and took a sip of your lukewarm water.
Your phone vibrated from across the room and you checked the time. Your lunch started soon but no one was really keeping track. As long as you got your assignments done, it didn’t matter when you chewed on toast and disassociated.
You got up and grabbed your phone from the corner table and leaned against the arm of the couch. You remembered how Marcus woke up there and grumbled as he lifted his head in pain. You couldn’t really feel bad for him going into work hungover. He embarrassed you and it didn’t quite sink in until after Clark left you to stare down at your drunk boyfriend.
An unknown number showed on your screen and you answered tentatively, ready to hang up at the first sales pitch. Your name came from the speaker and you recognized the deep voice in an instant. It took you back to the night before and the canvas hung on the wall.
“I hope I’m not disturbing you,” Clark said, “I only just had the paintings hung and I thought… well, I thought you might like to come see them in their new home.”
“Um…” you chewed your thumb, uncertain how to respond.
“Sorry, I know I can be a bit… to the point,” he laughed at himself, “how are you?”
“I’m good, just… taking a break.”
“You working?”
“Yeah, but I work from home,” you said as you touched the side of your neck, “I could… I could come see them but it might be a while before--”
“When are you finished work?” he asked bluntly.
“Four but I… maybe another day.”
“I don’t mean to be pushy but I did have something else to speak with you about,” he said, “a commission, like I mentioned.”
“I kinda wanna get it started sooner than later, it will probably be pretty time-consuming,” he explained and you heard a clink and a soft sip, “I don’t wanna get into details on the phone but I promise, you will be compensated nicely.”
“You can’t wait until tomorrow?” you wondered.
“I suppose I can but it’d have to be during the day,” he responded, “why don’t you take some time to figure it out and get back to me by two? You can text me through this number.”
“Erm, sure,” you said uneasily, “I’m sorry, it’s just… very sudden, I don’t--”
“You can bring the boyfriend,” he said casually, “if you like.”
“He won’t be… home,” you said carefully, “I’ll let you know. Thank you.”
“I look forward to hearing from you,” he replied, “have a good day.”
“You, too,” you said and the line died.
You put your phone down and took a moment. Good things rarely happened to you. You struggled so long it was hard to think that might change. The skeptic in you told you there was something behind it all. That it couldn’t possibly be your art.
You went back to your computer and sighed as you waved away the screensaver with your mouse. The blinking cursor made you want to believe it was your big break.
You texted Clark at one and at four, you were in an Uber. Marcus drove his car to work and you stuck to buses and the underground when you could. The address was at least an hour out, the house among those estates on the edge of the city reserved for the upper echelon. You’d only ever seen the sprawling yards on your way to the next town.
When the car finally turned up the drive and you passed beyond a low brick wall, you felt entirely out of your depth. You tipped the Uber but didn’t feel too bad with the check from Vanessa sitting soundly in your account. You clutched the strap of your bag and walked along the curve of the brick work towards the stairs.
“Hey,” you stopped as Clark called to you, your ankle still tender from the night before.
You glanced over as he came out of the large garage and peeled off a pair of leather gloves. He smiled as he tucked them into his jacket pocket. You watched him and played with the clasp on your bag.
“Just got back from a drive,” he said, “I almost got carried away. I’m glad you made it.”
“Yeah, no problem,” you replied.
“Well, come on, let me show you around,” he waved behind you towards the front doors, “we’ll go on a tour and then we can talk details.”
“Wow,” you uttered mindlessly as you climbed the stairs to the door but kept the weight on your uninjured ankle, “this place is huge.”
“My contractor went a little crazy,” he scoffed, “but I can’t complain.”
He led you through the doors and directed you to the left. In the front room, your work was hung along the opposite wall, arranged in a way that drew the eye to them. You stepped closer and peered up at your work with a hint of awe. They looked even better in a place like that.
“I had my interior designer make the final call on where to hang them,” he explained, “I hope you don’t mind, I gave her your details. She said she had clients who might be interested in your work.”
“Really?” you breathed, “that’s… too nice.”
“Oh yeah? One day, you’ll be sick of rich pricks like me,” he grinned, “I’ll show you the pool, that’s usually the main attraction.”
“Sounds good,” you said as you followed but he paused and watched your stunted gait.
“I forgot, we can go slow,” he offered, “how’s the ankle?”
“I’ll make do,” you affirmed as you neared him, “just need to get my steps in.”
As you finished the tour of the second floor, you slowed along the long hall and admired the work of artists you only ever saw in museums. You couldn’t help but be enamoured by the historic blots of paint. You almost forgot where you were as you leaned in to read the initials beneath the pastel flowers.
“So,” Clark’s voice brought you back, you almost blanked him out entirely in your mind, “I think you might have noticed the empty space above the fireplace in the front room. I was hoping you could fill it.”
“Oh?” you looked at him and smiled nervously, “did you have something in mind? A landscape or--”
“Well, your portraits are great. I like the old world style. I was hoping you might do one of… me,” he suggested, “I know, it’s vain but why not?”
“I mean, yeah, I could do that,” you said.
“I’ll pay hourly plus materials,” he continued, “three hundred an hour.”
You almost choked at the number. You blinked and swallowed through your surprise.
“Even a small portrait would take at least twelve hours,” you warned, “are you sure?”
“I know it’s a lot of time for you, so… I was thinking, if you have to miss work, I’ll factor it into your rate. I would really like to get the project started as soon as we can,” he put his hand on his hip as he looked down at you, “the only thing I need from you is a list of materials. I’ll have them waiting for you here.”
“Well, yeah, I figure it makes most sense,” he turned his palm out.
“Hmm, sure, I prefer my own brushes but… you know I can just buy the stuff myself--”
“Ah, no, I want it to be perfect. You send me a list and I’ll have my assistant go out and get it all ready,” he assured, “How does Sunday sound?”
“Sunday?” you blanched. That was two days away.
“Like I said, Marcus is more than welcome to come with you,” he offered, “I’d hate to keep you from him too long.”
“I guess Sunday works,” you squeaked, “I’ll talk to Marcus.”
“Great,” he said coolly, “well, that’s business. How about a drink to seal the deal?”
“I don’t know, I should probably get back,” you fiddled with your bag against your hip.
“One drink won’t hurt,” he said, “go on, call the boyfriend and let him know you won’t be much longer.”
“I… thanks,” you murmured.
“You’re humble for an artist,” he joked as he sidled by you, “once you grow an ego, you’ll be unstoppable.” He neared the stairs as you turned to watch him, “I’ll be at the bar, waiting. You like gin?”
“Sure,” you answered as you pulled out your phone, “I’ll see you down there.”
When you told Marcus about your new side gig, he was even more excited than you. You were anxious and slightly hesitant. You hated to jump in feet first and risk losing more than a few tubes of paint. What if the work wasn’t good enough?
Marcus was more than willing to come with you when you told him about the size of the place. He knew by the area that it was extravagant. You sat in the passenger seat with the most expensive bottle of wine you’d ever bought cradled between your legs. You hated to show up empty handed after all of Clark’s generosity.
Marcus got lost and went down the wrong driveway before you righted your course. As you drove up, you were once more overcome from the rich rosebuds and sparkling fountain at the centre of the mosaic. You gripped the neck of the bottle and got out as Marcus whistled in awe.
“You weren’t kidding. This place is fucking nuts,” he swore, “I should’ve worn the tux from my brother’s wedding.”
“Please, Marcus,” you rolled your eyes, “let’s both try not to break anything.”
“You’re the clumsy one,” he chirped, “shit, you’re so lucky. You get to hang out here and paint all day? God, I wish I had an ounce of artistic talent. I’d trade it for code in a minute.”
You climbed the steps and clanged the large knocker on the right door. You waited a moment before an answer came and Clark appeared on the other side and beckoned you inside. He smiled as he shook Marcus’ hand.
“Thanks for joining us,” he said, “I would’ve felt awful stealing your girlfriend on the weekend like this.”
“Are you kidding me? She said you had a pool and I snuck the swim shorts into the backseat,” Marcus chuckled and you nudged him with your elbow.
“See?” Clark arched a brow, “the pool is always the seller.”
“Here,” you said as you held out the bottle of red, “for everything you’ve done and welcoming us into your home.”
“Ohhh,” he took the bottle and looked over the label, “I got a spot for this right behind the bar. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, I brought my brushes,” you patted the canvas bag on your shoulder.
“Mmm, yeah, well, I’ll just put this away and we’ll give Marcus the grand tour. Then I’ll get you situated,” he assured and rushed off.
He returned and pointed Marcus through to the front room, “you’ll see, just over here,” he directed him to your paintings.
“Oh, wow, babe,” Marcus marveled at the hung portraits, “you really did it.”
You smiled bashfully and Clark peeked over at you and winked. You squirmed as your cheeks burned and you turned away as he beckoned Marcus past the mantle.
“It’s a big place,” Clark said, “I’d like to get you started before noon.”
Clark led you along the same path as days before and slowed as you came back to the top of the stairs. He turned back and clapped his hands together.
“Marcus, if you wanna hop in the pool, we’re gonna start just in there,” he pointed to the one door you hadn’t looked through, “that’s the studio.”
“What about you?” Marcus asked.
“Well, I’ll be a part of the process so I’m afraid I will be just as busy but if you need anything, Nina, she has a crooked nose and mean mouth but don’t let her fool you, she’ll get you whatever you need,” he said, “just don’t track in water from the pool or she’ll string you up.”
“Oh, well, that doesn’t sound too bad. Some alone time in the sun and a pool,” Marcus grinned, “I really couldn’t ask for anything else… except you, babe.”
“Sure,” you scoffed, “go, have fun.”
Marcus kissed you quickly and thanked Clark again before he excitedly barreled down the steps. You scratched your neck as you looked back to your host, and you guessed, your new boss.
“I’m sorry about him. He can be such a kid sometimes,” you said.
“Nah, it’s fine,” he waved it off, “so, you ready to see your workspace? I kinda wanted it to be a surprise. Also, a bit last minute so it’s not perfect… yet.”
“Uh, yeah,” you answered, “can’t wait.”
He motioned you over to the tall dusty rose doors and hooked his fingers in the slotted handles. He slid them open and revealed an airy room with a tall ceiling and long windows. An easel stood facing the sun streaked glass, an immense canvas bigger than yourself, bigger than him, propped up on it. There was a ladder nearby and the table was set with a rainbow of paints and a large pallet.
Your lips parted as you neared the easel and stared up at the canvas, “you were right, it’s gonna be a lot of work.”
“I hope it’s not too much,” he said, “but you name your price. We’ll make it work.”
“No, no, I think for what you’re paying, I’ll do just fine,” you put your bag down daintily on the table, “so, uh, a portrait, I guess that means…”
Your voice trailed off as he went to the upholstered chair across the room, at an angle so you could see him from your vantage. Behind it, hung a velvet curtain to add to the scene and a bust on a pedestal. It felt surreal, like a dream.
You turned and pulled out the brushes, “I think you’ll get more tired than me, just sitting there.”
“I’ll make it through,” he assured as he sat, “is there anyway you’d like me to sit? Chin up, or…”
“Hmmm,” you turned to look at him, “I think… if you just put your shoulders back and… did you want a profile or--”
“I was thinking front-facing,” he stared at you steadily, unflinching as his eyes stuck to you, “just like this.”
“Perfect,” you said nervously and looked back to the table. 
There was water to rinse your brushes, rags, pencils, blending sticks; everything you needed and more. You took a pencil from the bunch and pulled over the ladder. You climbed up and looked over at Clark as he sat stoic and still. He looked picturesque in real life, you expected paint would only lend to his figure.
His eyes met yours and you turned to start tracing the basic shapes onto the canvas. You had to stop and steady your hand as you did. His gaze made it hard not to tremble.
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