#like meat rolls
mwydyn · 1 year
Tomorrow I should tidy the house more and over plan how to meet my boyfriend on Thursday
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redactedgoose · 1 year
Clark is aware that spying on others is more Batman's thing.
However... it's his little niece and nephew, okay? Just because they live in Illinois now (and aren't his blood relatives) doesn't mean anything. The Walker family's always been close with the Kents, even if only Grandma Walker still even lives in Smallville. So, just like he always keeps an ear out for Ma and Pa, he keeps an ear out for Alicia, Maddie, her husband Jack, and his cute niece and nephew's heartbeats.
It's easy enough and a pretty good indicator of their well-being, even beyond the obvious.
Clark really can't be held accountable for the chair that punched through the wall of the Watchtower's meeting room when he shot up out of it. He figures that he's being quite restrained, actually, since his nephew's heart literally just stopped beating.
In the time that it takes to pacify the rest of the assembled League members, though, Danny's heart starts beating again.
But it's different. Slower. Dangerously so.
He needs to get to Amity Park right now.
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timelyenigma · 5 months
im all for artistic liberties or whatever, but i saw falin and marcille drawn rail thin and i almost puked
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stainlesssteellocust · 5 months
So since the Custodes have canonical access to modern human cultural material it is in fact totally plausible for Bayezara to be playing whatever cheesy music is appropriate for riding a motorcycle down from space
Shield-Captain Valerian: So according to heretical M2 theologian Inmanuel Kant-
Valerian: In terms of the Categorical Imperative-
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sprucestairs · 5 months
so. I'm fishing on the dock near Willy's shop right? And it's roughly 6pm. And who do I see, on their merry way back home from ginger island?
All. Six. Bachelors.
Alex, Sam, Harvey, Elliott, Sebastian, Shane, and NO ONE ELSE. like... were they having a boys day? Throwing the gridball around in the sand?
...are they a polycule? Was this their whole-polycule-date?
Literally WHAT are the odds of this happening, I would love to know.
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toastcryptid · 1 year
Tumblr media
Continuation of this
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bonefall · 3 months
Heads up! There is going to be a very long and detailed post about making sausages dropping in a few hours.
It's got a big red content warning and a readmore, so nothing is going to get gruesomely dropped on you, but make sure you add "butchery" or "cw butchery" to your tag filters to be extra safe if the idea of processing animal carcasses is upsetting to you!
It also has an image of sausage casings before they're scraped. I tried to whack the post with as many CWs as I can think of but I'd recommend "cw meat" or "cw organs" if you need them.
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minophus · 5 months
( as king minos on the phone ) yes. mm. yes. that is right. yes i want you to build me a factory with no safety rails. i want grinders everywhere that anyone can fall into yes. yeppp. oh and do not forget the crushers that anyone can walk underneath by mistake. purpose? no. they serve no purpose. i like how they sound. mm. And make sure the employees have to walk about in this factory through glass tunnels. ... The elements? The harsh winds? Ha. They'll be fine. Build my factory
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aro-culture-is · 9 months
aro culture is getting so fucking tired of people using the fact that there's a queer romance in something as a reason you should watch it. like haven't allos had enough of romance? queer or otherwise? I'm not saying queer representation is bad, of course, I'm just fed up with asking what a book is about and in response all I get is "oh it has queer people in it" cool! what is it about? having queer representation is not the be all end all of media can we please have ONE thing without romance in it. please.
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purgatory2 · 27 days
"i fw fat bitches"
you drew a woman with an average sized body and weight
she is not fat
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its-sixxers · 11 months
born too late to explore the earth, born too early to explore the stars, born just in time to enjoy a wide variety of cuisines and snacks
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acids-and-basses · 3 months
Making cakes; Demeter and Persephone when their fruits are in season they get together to make different cakes and pies for everyone but to get them to everyone they have to make one of each flavor for Hermes for delivering all of them.
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stardust-sunset · 23 days
When the Curtis parents passed away, Darry had been trying and leaning how to cook his Mom’s recipes so he could make his brothers happy. (I personally think food is one of his love languages) Anyways the first or second time he tried to make a recipe the gang went over for dinner, Dally made a comment about how it wasn’t good, how it was dry, something like that. Pony and Soda froze up because they knew how hard Darry was trying to cook. Darry was pissed but also so hurt.
oh wait no :( pony had soda were so mad and soda actually snapped he was like ‘if you don’t like it then don’t eat it and get the fuck out of my house’ (like even johnny was sending him dirty looks and trust me, when johnny is giving you dirty looks you know you fucked up) and after dally left the rest of the gang continued eating it even if it was really bad just because they didn’t want darry to think he wasn’t doing it right. i feel like their mom taught him the basics but it took a lot for him to be able to cook for three teenage boys (trust me teenage boys can eat a lot) but he’s obviously not perfect at it…neither of them eat a word when it is bad though. they’ll just eat it because they don’t want to see that look of absolute hurt in darry’s eyes like they did that one night.
dally can’t talk about cooking though. he fucked up spaghetti and meatballs to the point literally everybody in the gang got food poisoning except him. pony and soda were understandable because their stomachs are sensitive as fuck but darry and johnny could digest a can if they wanted. especially johnny like i know johnny has eaten literal garbage but somehow dally’s cooking was the limit
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elevenfifths · 7 days
absolutely no idea if i’ll ever feel comfortable identifying as a system (unfortunately unless someone super pointedly gives me express validation and permission to do so [no i don’t know why…ableism maybe?][also someone in here is horrified of being ‘different’ which is just a door for rejection]) but i will say using the tools and language around internal systems sure seems to be cracking open some uhhhh idk exactly….solace? a way to talk to myself? a way to possibly understand what’s happening?
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homerjacksons · 15 days
Joining threads was the biggest tactical mistake of my life 😭
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
What's a food that you do like? /curious
uhh popcorn shrimp except that it makes me sick
hotdogs except when i don't
chicken noodle soup except when it's bad
plain bread/tortillas except when i don't like them
plain chicken and chicken strips except when they make me feel nauseous
mac and cheese except when i cant stomach it
tacos :) except when not :(
i could do this all day.
the point is generally very bland or processed things, but even they arent safe cuz i can spontaneously become disgusted by them. once made myself two hotdogs and could barely get the first one down and i felt bad wasted the second one. it happens a lot.
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