#like obviously not a *literal* hero
hatsunevita · 3 months
bakugou, getting down on one knee: Izuku, will you–
izuku: Omg what happened, did you trip over something? Do you need help getting up? Does your leg hurt??
bakugou, sighing and putting the ring back into his pocket: Maybe some other day.
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Au where no one knows Nightwing’s real identity and he’s dating Wally as dick grayson. But the thing is he’s also Batman at the moment so when a mission goes wrong and the cowl is ripped from dicks face Wally is absolutely floored.
His boyfriend is Batman!?
His boyfriend is Batman!?
Fuck he’s dating Batman!
Ew ew ew he’s dating Batman!
Holy fuck how is his boyfriend Batman?!?!????
WHY is his boyfriend Batman!?!?!?
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evostrashbin · 6 months
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girl help my fell dragon shrunk in the wash
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girlatrocity · 6 months
mha saying that 80% of the world population has quirks while 20% r quirkless feels so wrong to me. bc we know of like 4 BORN quirkless ppl in a huge cast of characters, like r we sure it's a grand whopping 20%. r u sure.
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theriu · 11 months
Superhero tournaments are really just wild like. You have this kid who can make things float and this kid sweating actual nitroglycerin. There are no magic invulnerability bullets here. If floating girl gets exploded, she will be exploded just like a regular person. And her opponent is very actively trying to explode her because he expects her to be able to not get exploded. It is their first year of high school they have had so little professional training. Nurse healer lady I don’t think your powers extend to raising the dead from a burnt crisp. Crowds are cheering them both on and there are no blast shields protecting the also very explodable audience members. Who on earth thought this was a good idea.
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toddtakefive · 4 months
thinking about todd and his resolve toward… not quite isolation, but being alone in a room full of people again. he goes along to the study room to sit on his own and do his homework, he sits at the poets table and follows along with what’s being said while keeping quiet, he goes to the meetings at all but doesn’t necessarily contribute (in fact, if you watch him when cameron is telling the story ‘from camp in sixth grade’, you can see that he recognizes it before any of the other poets but doesn’t voice it until they all have). he’s not alone, necessarily, if you want to get technical about it, he’s just lonely, and he’s generally okay with that. he doesn’t have friends and that’s fine, he doesn’t participate in class and that’s fine, he doesn’t have a relationship with his family and that’s fine—he could live without any real connection and he’d have been, more or less, fine.
the thing about when he says “i can take care of myself just fine!” is that he isn’t really wrong, you can infer that he’s been doing it his entire life anyway, it’s that ‘taking care of yourself’ isn’t the same thing as really living or being happy. todd’s an introvert, certainly, and even as he gets closer to the group he defaults to sitting quietly in the background, but he’s also denying himself community out of fear not introversion. todd isn’t friendless because he’s an introvert, although that definitely plays a part, he’s friendless because he pushes anyone that might want his company away. if anyone has every wanted for his attention in the first place. (neil’s unwavering interest in him is unique (even when it comes to the rest of the poets, who are fine with todd coming along and joining the group, but aren’t really hellbent on him being there in the beginning) and his refusal to accept it is a direct result of being so lonely growing up.)
there’s obviously something to be said about the implications of his parents neglect, and the more than likely fact that he grew up friendless, and how those both play a part in in him being so skilled at dodging social interaction/being so avoidant of it, but by the time we see him in the movie he’s all but accepted his fate as being alone his entire life. he’s already accepted being the family disappointment, and he’s already accepted he’ll never amount to anything, and he obviously doesn’t like it, but he’d have managed living with that knowledge without the confirmation that it was all wrong. would he have been miserable? almost certainly. but he’d have managed. he’d done it for that long already, anyhow.
#and like obviously it’s BAD in the long run and his isolation IS only making his life worse but… genuinely he’d have been alright#all things considered#it’s super interesting to me how it’s neil who starts the domino effect of todd’s life becoming Less Shit#both by beliving in him and putting faith in him that he’s never seen before and refusing to let him hide away#but it isn’t a savior moment on neil’s part#and i find it so odd when people frame it as one#todd is like… actively irritated at him in that scene 😭#neil is right that todd needs to get out of his shell and put himself out there and Believe in himself#but todd can’t accept it yet because he can’t see what neil sees in him yet and doesn’t believe it exists at all#and it frustrates him because unlike everyone else neil REFUSES to give up on him#and as far as todds concerned it’ll be for nothing#as far as todd’s concerned ​neil isn’t a savior or a hero in that scene he’s an annoyance#a necessary one in the grand scheme of things but an annoyance all the same#i think people forget that just because todd DOES want to break out of his shell (‘don’t you think you could be?’ / ‘no! i… i don’t know!’ +#‘come on you heard keating don’t you want to *do* something about it?’ / ‘*yes* but…’) doesn’t mean he knows how or believes he actually CAN#todds autonomy can be taken away from him a lot (ironic) and he can be twisted into someone with no opinions or thoughts or whims +#outside of neil but that isn’t really the case#and a part of that blame lands on the movie because todd doesn’t get explored a lot but there’s still evidence of him being his own person#he’s not a yesman and he tells neil when his ideas are stupid (keeping the audition from his father) or he just doesn’t personally agree +#(the entire ‘no’ scene) and he functions perfectly well when neil isn’t around and while they aren’t focuses +#there are short scenes where todds alone or scenes that start eith them apart that make it clear they aren’t attatched to each other +#in the way people can often write them to be (that is in the trenches if the other is missing)#this post and all these tags are my long winded way of saying FUCK the codependent anderperry thing some people subscribe to it makes me#mad#neil’s goal is to help todd grow into himself and become his own person and find his identity more than anything#and todd doesn’t need neil to hold his hand to do literally anything and everything he’s a normal guy with anxiety#come on guys#dps#dead poets society#todd anderson
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MK: "We don't have any other option! We have to trust him." Red Son: "*laughs* Great speech noodle boy! Super motivational!"
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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Red Son: "*laughs maniacally* I, Red Son, will bind the powers of the celestial artifacts with Spider Queen's own venom, save my father, and reforge the world as I see fit! *more maniacal laughter*" Mei: "Red Son that was amazing!" MK: "Such a good hero speech!" Red Son: "-Villain speech! And perhaps my best of all time!"
(2x00 Revenge of the Spider Queen)
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Lady Bone Demon: "Save your hero speech child—I've existed long enough to know when it's over. MK: "You still think that the universe really wants anything, from any of us?" Lady Bone Demon: "Don't you?"
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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Sun Wukong: “ENOUGH! I’ve never let anyone dictate my destiny in the past, and I’m not about to start now. None of us are! We can’t change who we were yesterday or in a past life, or a hundred life times ago! We live with the choices we’ve made, for what matter is the choices we make RIGHT NOW! Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have!”
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Curse MK: "Nice hero speech bud! But I know better—deep in your hearts, you don't believe a word of that."
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
Hero speech.
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valewritessss · 3 months
If I read one more “annabeth is toxic” analysis where they leave out the part where Percy laughed after the judo flip and where they subtly make Percy out to be some weak and submissive victim while they’re at it I’m going to scream
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themyscirah · 11 months
Amanda... I miss her.
But I don't trust a single person to write her other than Ostrander/Yale. Like I don't trust them to do it right. Because like it's easy to write her being shady and manipulative and involved in secret government conspiracies. That's what she does. But it feels so hollow once you've seen her character in the way Ostrander describes it. Like she is a woman who is desperate and trying to do what she thinks is right. She has found a place of power (as a fat Black woman in the 1980s) and is doing anything she can to fight and hold onto it as powerful and ambitious men try and steal it from her. So she doubles down. She doubles down on the shady deals and the broken promises and the violence and she destroys her enemies, and loses a part of her soul in the process. And then some other ambitious politician rises up and the process repeats itself over and over and over again as each time she loses more of her morality and more of her soul and more of the respect her colleagues had for her. In place of that she gains more power, she gains fear, and an even more badass reputation. Until by the end of the book the villains begin to understand/sympathize with her more than the heroes ever will. Like THAT is who Amanda Waller is. It may happen subtly, it may happen over a longer period of time but that descent is a critical part of her character! She is a tragic character! And I feel like every perception of Suicide Squad I've seen outside of the original has her as this static villainous snapshot which is just untrue to her core imo. Like she is not a hero. But she is also not JUST a villain. She is a highly flawed character who is always descending farther and farther into villainy as she is led there by what she believes is right.
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not-poignant · 4 months
That latest chapter of Palmerosa was a big one right in the feels, I'm simultaneously worried that Raphael is going to be a total shit to Astarion and also kind of hoping that he is so that the people at the Last Word can tell him off for it. Cymon is very sweet, but God do I want to punch Eurus in the face.
Aha, I'm sure Raphael will be a total shit and somehow be decent at the same time.
The thing is, I think the people at the Last Word have a very 'how they are in that relationship is between them and none of our business' - so if Raphael were to torment Astarion in order to help ground him, they'd honestly stay out of it.
Eurus definitely showed his most hostile side, but from his perspective, he's got a devil who has locked two folks he knows into contracts, and he's got a vampire spawn who literally can only exist by eating people like him and his partner, who is vulnerable and under his protection.
He has no reason at all to view Astarion from the same lens we do, and he has actually no reason at all to view Astarion as anything other than a violent and unpredictable monster which - frankly - is pretty understandable given this is actually how most vampire spawn tend to behave.
Like, even giving him a chance to talk to Cymon on his own is incredibly generous of him.
We award Astarion personhood and humanity because we've played the game. Eurus however lives in a universe where vampire spawn literally murder, kill and eat people like him so they can keep murdering, killing and eating people like him. They are an infection / parasite / curse / monster that takes over the body of whoever was there before, and uses their visage to hunt. Personhood is not something that is awarded by default to folks like that, especially when those folks are in the company of someone who already has a pretty difficult relationship with The Last Word!
This is one of those situations - that I love writing - where Eurus has his own motives, and is making his own choices. If we view his actions through our own lens of knowing Astarion very well, then he's a dickhead. If we view his actions as someone who is determined to make it clear he isn't afraid to stand up for himself or his loved one in front of two monsters who could - honestly - tear the room and everyone in it apart if they wanted to, he actually becomes someone who's behaving in a fairly heroic way to keep it together for his partner, while still allowing for some flexibility because Alectrona is there.
That whole 'everyone is the hero of their own story' applies very well to Eurus in these circumstances, tbh.
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mykingdomforasong · 11 months
At this point, nothing will get me to click out of a fic faster than bad characterization of Han Solo. You made him a deadbeat burnout alcoholic asshole? Groundbreaking. Congrats, you fell victim to his cool guy act and then made him worse!
And it's always made 10 times worse by the fact that in these fics, he's almost always still married to Leia? You think Leia Organa is marrying that guy??? You're gonna keep her married to that guy??? Be for real.
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Seeing the leaks for the end of BNHA and honestly what the fuck is that ending
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thyfggfy · 4 months
Me after creating a mental list of my favourite characters from certain medias :.... I may have a type
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Female characters that constantly have to prove themselves cuz no one believes in them and there is always someone who surpasses them get behind me.
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piper-mcqueen-ask-blog · 10 months
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The lost trio in the spider verse
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vieja-histerica · 2 years
Y’alls hatred toward Annabeth Chase is giving misogyny. SPECIALLY when it’s in favor of y’alls male favs (Nico).
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 6 months
I just rewatched a bunch of Supercorp fanvids and now my brain is rotting so hard from dormant feelings rising. I forgot how much they owned my heart. How did they inadvertently create the most heart-shattering, beautiful, romantic storyline featuring actors with the most palpable on screen chemistry I- 😭
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