#like please I can make a whole animation and au in my brain but I'm too afraid to make it because people are going to try and copy me
imapeanut · 5 months
When you want to make stuff about dead fandoms but your work in your brain might entirely screw up the fandom and you'll get backlash for it later on so you have to hide that part of yourself deep down in order to keep that fandom stable.
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midnightechoes · 3 months
I'm not caught up on My Adventures With Superman, but I've seen enough promos posts on social media to know that they seem to be doing something with Kara and Jimmie, which, sigh. I'm sure it's done well, this show is great and it's probably handled fantastically. I can't lie though, a part of me was desperately hoping that this would be the mainstream thing that they let Kara be queer in.
A part of me knew that there wasn't any chance in hell of that happening. At this point, I don't expect anything popular and mainstream to have any queer content beyond minor stuff in the margins. (Like how MAWS let a he/him gorilla and a he/him brain in a jar be a couple in one episode)
I wanted so badly to be proven wrong. Partially because it's Kara and I've been longing so badly for the day they let her actually be queer in one of the mainstream canons and not just in AU stuff like Dark Knights of Steel and Bombshells. As a Kara and Barb shipper in my youth and a supercorp shipper now, I've always read Kara as a queer character, and I've always hoped that would be confirmed someday.
And partially because I fear we are starting to slide backwards.
(Please keep in mind that this is entirely about western animation. I'm not talking about anime or live-action stuff here)
For a moment, it felt like we were building a space for major mainstream LGBTQ+ rep, specifically sapphic rep. You know, not just some minor characters here and there, but main characters, protagonists even.
Steven Universe, Legend of Korra, and Adventure Time led into She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, which immediately led into the Owl House, Harley Quinn, and Dead End: Paranormal Park.
There is Arcane, but with the way Netflix has been recently, I wouldn't be shocked if s2 completely shied away from caitvi being a thing and just never addressed it. Again, I hope I'm wrong. And there's a pretty good chance we still have RWBY's Bumbleby for a little longer. Arcane is ending this fall, and RWBY has maybe 1 - 3 volumes left at most and is having to fight for every one.
Honestly the best thing we have going right now that seems to have a future is Hazbin Hotel, and I understand that's not for everyone.
But on the whole, it feels like the momentum we've been building over the last decade has completely stalled and crashed. Yes, this is very much a byproduct of the entire United States backsliding on the progress its made, but I'm not equipped to have that conversation.
And this has been mostly focused on sapphic representation. Even when the momentum was building, we never even got far enough with having queer men characters and trans characters.
Hopefully someday Kara Zor-El can be a main character in a mainstream thing and actually get to kiss a girl. Hopefully Lena Luthor.
I hope I'm wrong and by this time next year there's a new animated series that's the hottest thing on Max or Netflix and the protagonist is a cocky lesbian that makes out with women everywhere she goes.
I'm hoping.
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lupizora · 2 months
DCMK Empire of Corpses AU
This will be based on the 2015 anime movie Shisha no Teikoku or The Empire of Corpses. (I can't believe it's been almost ten years since it came out. The grip this movie has on me *sighs*). If you haven't watched it, I'll be dropping MAJOR SPOILERS from it for the overall development of this AU. Kind of like a speed-run of the important plot points. Also, lots of Character Death mentioned left and right. So, please consider yourselves warned 😅
The basic premise of it is that in an Alternative History Victorian era with a lot of steampunk influences, people have found the method of reanimation. Reanimated corpses don't have fully human sentience. They're more akin to zombies and can lose control just as fast, if the reanimation code is damaged in some way. Therefore, they're usually used for manual labor or in wars since they are still considered Undead.
The movie follows John Watson who reanimated his recently deceased close friend "Friday". Doing that outside of the government's control is considered illegal, so to avoid going to jail and other more personal reasons, he's roped into a mission from the government to find the notes of Victor Frankenstein, who was rumored to have produced the first Corpse that retains a soul. It has several philosophical debates about the nature of the soul which I personally found fascinating. Plus, it's gorgeously animated with how it combines the zombies/steampunk aesthetic (even if the ending leaves a lot to be desired imo. I mean we can't know if that was the author's original intent since he apparently passed away before he could finish the novel the movie was based on and someone else stepped up to finish it in his stead. But I digress since I will incorporate the movie's ending into the AU anyway lol).
Okay. Back to the AU.
Given that the characters were more or less contemporary historical figures or fictional heroes of the era, case in point John Watson, and even a cameo of dear Mr.Sherlock Holmes in the post-credits scene, my brain jumped at the opportunity of making it about DetCo.
DetCo has so many characters that could be used for this, but my first thought was focused on the Gosho Boys quartet. You can literally go for every ship variation between them, especially if you don't want to follow the movie's plot to the letter.
However, my BFF and I both agreed that the one who encompasses the headstrong, laser-focused determination Watson exhibits was Hattori Heiji. Because of course, Heiji will throw caution to the wind and go to great lengths for a friend (and/or potential lover).
If anything, this AU is so HeiShin-coded that you could more or less reenact the whole movie and not change much; even with the allusions in the credits scene that Friday turns out to maybe(?) be Moriarty when he gets his soul back. Like in my humble opinion, Shinichi and Saguru (the true Sherlockians) seem to personify different sides of Sherlock Holmes, with Shinichi being closer to (and I'm paraphrasing): "If he didn't give his brilliant mind to solving the crimes, he would be a criminal mastermind instead".
But! I never make things easier for myself that way so this turned into a HeiSagu/SaguHei AU 😂
Frankly, going for this ship angle was more compelling for me. Because Heiji's motivation behind his actions will come from a place of necessity instead of true compassion at first. Like he and Saguru were barely on civil interaction terms, maybe even academic rivals to a degree, at the point of Saguru's death. On the other hand, he couldn't let one of their generation's brilliant minds disappear like that. If Heiji got to prove his "rival's" theory wrong too in the process, no one would be any wiser.
This fictional British Government does not take lightly illegal reanimation, more so from a foreign citizen on their soil. So to avoid forced deportation and/or jail, Heiji and his "servant" (I'm not sure what sort of different name Saguru could have as a reanimated corpse. I was thinking some kind of bird of prey because of his falconry hobby) are tasked with finding the Karasuma notes. Said notes are currently rumored to be in the hands of some researchers Heiji and Saguru were having regular correspondence with. Special Agent Sera Mary and her daughter Masumi tag along as insurance so they won't run off.
The researchers are holed up at some secluded place in Siberia though, so the team ends up finding guides in the form of Kaito and Aoko. Despite Kaito's antics, the one Heiji finds odd is Aoko instead. She rarely eats, rarely sleeps, and she keeps talking in third person about herself. Heiji wonders if she's some kind of advanced corpse but Kaito dodges the question.
Before they reach their destination, they get attacked by corpses with higher mobility that usual. Then it's revealed that Aoko is a high-specs automaton Kaito had built himself when her arms change into weapons mid-fight. They are saved when another automaton, Conan, appears and fries the system running in those advanced corpses with a pulse attack. Conan explains that they were made with designs someone stole from his creators, who were trying a different approach than what the Karasuma notes were describing.
After the final stretch, they find the secluded town they were trying to reach filled with the original design of those advanced corpses and the only alive people there are Shinichi and Agasa. Nothing else seems amiss at first, even if it's creepy how life-like and not at the same time the citizens appear. The team stays there for a couple of days. Heiji is delighted to learn that Shinichi had been the one exchanging letters with him, instead of some stiff researcher like his teachers back in London. But Shinichi keeps diverting the conversation when inquired about the Karasuma notes.
It all comes to end the moment Shinichi realizes that the corpse following Heiji around is Saguru. Because all the time in the world can't prevent him from dying due to an accident or sudden illness before finishing his research. The reason the town's corpses look kind of alive is because they were created when the person was near-death. This time, in his fit of desperation, Shinichi does the procedure to a very much alive Kaito, hoping to preserve both of them for if/when proper reanimation succeeds, and follows suit in front of an appalled Heiji (this part in the movie was so unsettling, to put it mildly. I still shiver whenever I remember it. Here's even more terrifying to imagine because their appearance is so similar 😰). Shinichi does manage to tell them before he loses awareness that the previous researchers took the Karasuma notes with them to Japan.
But Heiji does not want to hear about the notes anymore or anything else really. He goes out in the cold to grieve and mope. Despite not giving him any commands, Saguru joins him. This only serves to anger Heiji because it doesn't prove that this action was made from any remnants of Saguru's "soul", and not a byproduct from the reanimation code. So Heiji lashes out, tackling him to the snow-filled ground. His fist stops midway though because he realizes that there is no point venting his frustrations on someone that will not comprehend why or even fight back.
Mary comes to remind him that he can't stop the mission whenever he wants, so they have to head out. They take Aoko and Conan with them while Agasa stays behind to take care of everyone for as long as he has left.
In Japan, they track the notes all the way to Osaka. Heiji learns that after the news of his transgression reached his father, he was disowned. Fine by him. It does not stop him from roping Kazuha and Otaki into helping him bust into the lab of the shadowy organization that seems to have the notes. And they do actually which amidst the chaos Heiji feeds them into Saguru's reanimation code to analyze them. Right about then though, the rumored successful reanimation project of Karasuma himself—Vermouth (of course it was gonna be her lol) appears, kills Mary and Otaki before she steals the notes.
The place burns down, separating Heiji and Saguru from the rest as they end up in the sewers. Since the notes were analyzed halfway and jumbled Saguru's code, he acts like a feral zombie. Heiji tries to hold his ground, but there is only so much he can do against a corpse that doesn't hold back its strength at all. Pinned against the wall by Saguru trying to choke the life out of him, Heiji ponders why he got into this mess and if dead people should stay dead and dammit he might have cared about Saguru more than he originally thought but he sure as hell won't allow him to run amok any longer. So he headbutts him, causing Saguru to drop him. While Heiji is wheezing for breath on the floor, he notices Saguru isn't moving. If anything, it looks like he calmed down. And then, a soft sound starts coming from him until it's apparent that Saguru is laughing. Heiji flashbacks to the aftermath of a fencing duel they had during their first days in the academy. For a moment, the images overlap and Heiji could believe that Saguru is still alive right before he "shuts down".
Reconnecting with the girls and Conan, they escape Japan through Kazuha's connections (she stays behind to cover their tracks). Saguru is back to being feral the next time he "wakes up", but Heiji has seen hope that he's still there (even if inevitably this is confirming Saguru's theory) so he continues to struggle to fix the scrambled reanimation code. While on Vermouth's trail, they come across the Kudous along with Nakamori Ginzo and learn that Aoko was modeled after his daughter because her body had been cremated before Kaito could even consider the thought of reanimating her. Aoko isn't interested in playing make-believe with Ginzo, even with the implanted memories Kaito had given her. Since she's just an automaton, therefore lacking a soul by conventional means, she wants to find her place in the world by herself.
Around then, Vermouth kidnaps Aoko to use as a vessel to bring back her beloved "angel" (Ran, the only human who showed her kindness) and the recently fixed Saguru because he has the missing portion of Karasuma's notes inside of him. Heiji, Conan and Masumi follow her back to a London in flames. Vermouth intents to use the Archive of the Dead that holds every reanimation code ever issued which is akin to holding humanity's collective conscious along with the notes for her plan. Although they manage to intercept her in the control room and Masumi shoots her, Vermouth's "soul" had already entered Saguru's body.
Heiji asks Conan to overload the Archive while Masumi reluctantly helps him connect himself to it through Shinichi's reanimation method. In the sea of humanity's collective conscious, Heiji finds Vermouth clinging to Saguru like a parasite because otherwise her artificial "soul" would disperse and disappear. Heiji yells at her that there is nothing artificial about someone with such a strong will to live. It's just that humans were not made to last for centuries on end and there is not much left of her anymore. Right then, someone looking like Aoko (but not really) appears and after fusing with Vermouth's remnants, disperses into their surroundings.
Saguru opens his eyes, finding himself in Heiji's embrace. Heiji offers his congratulations to him for being right about this, but the latter does not accept it. Because Heiji's recklessness to be here will make him die when he returns to his body. Their little reunion is interrupted by Kaito and Shinichi showing up, since the Archive overloading connected every Undead around the world into the sea of humanity's collective conscious. They all brainstorm together if there is a way to prevent Heiji's death or actually resurrect Saguru. Kaito proposes that before the Archive completely collapses, they could connect Heiji's living body and Saguru's reanimated one and feed the system the leftover pieces of the Karasuma notes (it's similar with how they implant memories on automaton brains). But if it works, they'll lose every memory they have of each other. While the notes work like the glue keeping their souls tethered, a certain amount of energy still needs to be spend for all this.
Heiji wakes up and tells the others of Kaito's proposal. Conan tells him that there is no guarantee that both of their objectives will become true. Heiji's final words are that he doesn't care if his soul takes all of the burden for Saguru to return to life.
***THE END?***
Quite a while later, Kazuha drops Heiji at a lodging in Tokyo.
After he returned from London still being disowned by his father, Heiji worked odd jobs here and there; relying on his employer to provide him with a place to stay. His latest job unfortunately doesn't, and even though the pay is alright, it's not enough for one person to live alone. So Kazuha had asked around and heard from Momiji that someone was looking for a roommate, before dragging him there.
Heiji is a bit hesitant about all this. The house looks kind of out of his budget, even with a roommate. His alarms go off when Kazuha vanishes while the housemaid (Keiko) had just let them in. But before he could make up an excuse to leave, the master of the house comes down the stairs.
He seems familiar; from his build to how he handles himself and the way he speaks. The only thing that strikes Heiji as odd are his eyes. For some weird reason, he was under the impression they were going to be blue and faded. They are a warm brown instead.
The man introduces himself as Hakuba Saguru.
Heiji had heard of him. Something about rebelling against his father wishes to join the military and leaving for London to pursue some kind of criminology field. Several different people had asked Heiji if he ever met him while he was still in England, and Heiji had denied it. But this familiarity, tugging him to close the distance between them, is unmistakable.
"Do I know ya?" Heiji asks.
Saguru smiles politely as if he's humoring him. "I would have certainly remembered someone rude enough not introduce themselves first."
Irritation, that comes off as borderline déjà vu, flares up in Heiji's chest as he gives back only his first name. That catches Saguru's attention as he inquires about it. Despite his reservations, Heiji admits that he isn't allowed to use his family name anymore.
"Why don't you take mine?" Saguru says.
At the shock of Keiko, more so to Heiji himself, he backtracks and goes on about housing laws and contracts being troublesome without full names from both participants. However, Heiji can somehow tell that Saguru is a bit flustered from that fumble.
"Sure," Heiji says with a chuckle. "As long as ya won't take yer word back."
Outside, in a cafe across the street, Kazuha joins the others to discuss the success of their little scheme. Conan wonders if this would be alright in the long run, because the chances of them remembering everything is close to none. Kazuha starts harping about fate and similar romantic notions, leaving him unimpressed.
Aoko stirs her teacup with a mysterious air about her. "We only helped them find each other faster. It's up to them whether they will cling to the past or set forth to make new memories."
Changing the subject, Masuki asks her if she has decided on her name yet. Aoko is conflicted since she has always been Aoko, but after what happened at the Archive, she isn't so sure about it anymore.
"Something starting with M sounds interesting though."
Around then Kazuha notices that Conan is gone. Masumi reassures her that he has been doing this kind of thing lately. Even after following him a couple of times, it didn't seem like something to worry about.
Conan enters the dilapidated warehouse he had been visiting and finds its sole occupier tinkering on his body again.
"I know I'm better at taking things apart than fixing them," he complains, "but you could have waited a bit!"
Turns out that before making Aoko, Kaito had made an unfinished automaton prototype based on himself that he hadn't told anyone about, more so Shinichi. While Conan was connected to the Archive, he saw it in his memories. Apparently, he had reactivated amidst the chaos of Vermouth's plan, fixing himself little by little and sending out some sort of signal. The first thing Conan told him when he found him was that only someone like Kaito would think to make trial runs on himself. Automaton!Kaito asked if he hadn't done the same since Conan is technically Shinichi (made from Agasa as a compromise for his parents, in case things went wrong with his research), not to mention his self-destruction in Siberia.
"Even in death, we still kept a lot of secrets from each other," Conan says with a bitter smile.
"Showing all your cards leaves you vulnerable. Isn't it in human nature to hold a part of ourselves hidden?" He pauses, thinking it over. "Although, I suppose we don't qualify as 'humans' at the moment."
Conan rolls his eyes. "It's a matter of perspective."
Kaito teases him about his optimistic outlook when they are merely shadows of the originals, stuck into artificial bodies.
"But we are still here, aren't we?"
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Alright so as far as introductions go, I guess I should probably make one before I get too far into this.
My name's Leonardo, and you can call me any version of that that you want (Leo, Leon, Leonard, Nardo[my favorite], either way, it's all the same to me.) My pronouns are He/Him. I am an artist, author, animator, and a DEDICATED CLAWCODE ENTHUSIST (Hence the name)
I am also VERY autistic and don't get tone a lot, so tone tags are very important to me, especially when there's joking or sarcasm involved.
I know the Spiderverse Fandom isn't particularly alive (SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP) but I will try to post often, even if it's just a shitpost here and there. I really want to help feed into the ClawCode brain rot since the content for these two is SEVERELY FUCKING LACKING. So. If you have requests for things, I will probably end up doing them! My asks are always open, and I'd love to hear from anybody. I don't have any friends that love them the way that I do 😔😔
I have not had Tumblr before! Which is a little insane, so I'm new to all of this and learning how everything works. Please forgive me if I don't know the proper etiquette on this app lmao. My friend has been guiding me through all of this and told me to make an About Me post, so that's what I'm doing.
Here are some tags that will frequent my posts!
Yapping Hour - Will either be used for headcanons, or short stories/ideas/other ClawCode related crap. It's just going to be a general tag that will probably go on most of my posts from here on out.
Slur Gallery - Will be of the art I post of them, be it ship art or other :3 because everybody deserves a gallery of slurs to look at. AND JUST LOOK AT THEM!
Earworm - Is the tag I'll use when there's music involved, like songs that remind me of them (and the heavy analysis that goes with it **COMING SOON**), or animatics that I'm working on, or just anything that has to do with a song. Edits, artworks, the whole shebang.
Talkaholic - This will ALSO be used for mini stories/facfics, but more often than the yapping hour. So if you wanna read my writing of them that's what you can find it under.
Offline - will be under posts like these, where it isn't directly related to anything, just random blocks of text or other art that I feel like posting.
Oil And Water - THIS tag will be about the fanfic I am currently (excruciatingly slowly) writing! It doesn't have a happy ending and is meant to be a HEAVY angst story, like hurt/no comfort or very little comfort. I have one chapter out currently but will be working on more soon (and will make a separate post about it! But I will link it here as well. MOTIVATE ME TO WRITE IT /HJ)
Prowler Party - Is what I'll put on ALL of my posts as an extra way to help find me if one so desires d=(^o^)=b
OOC - On the chance that I might make something intentionally out of character, I will put this beneath it. I know a lot of people don't like mischaracterization, or incorrect portrayal of a character, but sometimes it's really fun to write, so I will be including that was well.
I think that's all that I can think of right now (I'm running off of an hour and 40 minutes sleep), but things may change or be edited in the future. But for now, I'll be signing off.
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w1ll0zfak3 · 4 months
Call me willow!
I go by they/she
Although I am bigender I am indeed comfortable with she/her! Though I do feel more comfortable with they/them!
I am autistic and have ADHD! So keep calm and stick with me guys, I'm trying to post and make content fun and interactive as I can!
I am a DID system.This is raph!
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Can do
Blood, humans, animals, fursonas, gore, harm, LGBTQ, more then one character, silly doodles, silly couples.
Won't do
NSFW, 14+, proships, a self insert with a cartoon ship (other words, i will not draw a ship with your self insert with say a ninja turtle).
This shit is free bc my art sucks ass most the time. If you feel special, just feed my autism goblin inside of me with tmnt memes
Has yet to have an official name: burn AU
Name: taken flesh
If you like my art or my silly memes PLS FOLLOW!
Or if you just love tmnt, I'm pretty active and love when people interact with me!!
Pro shippers
No 18+ interactions
Please don't vent to me
No anon hate. (Have balls and do it to my face)
Please be kind
Do not reference any sh, sa, r words, and self offing without asking.
♡ More info if wanted ♡
Cool info!!!
I have 2 cats, my little baby's are the cutest!
I do occasionally curse/cuss/ use bad words here and there.
I dyed my hair the whole rainbow at this point, no regrets.
I am brain rot lol. Some times I feel the need to post but have no idea what to post so, random things lol-
Baby blue (<- only @goopyskele)
Starlight (<- only goopy)
FOR TUMBMER (I made it for yall who scrolled all the way down here! <3) ->
Zen so silly goob
The last pizza (updates on the last supper but tmnt)
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
Two things.
One, I love pet!au. It is fucked up in a way that makes my brain all fuzzy and mischievously giggly. I find the this version of Simon intriguing... He feels inhumane in a cathartic and poetic way. Like, his lack of empathy for others creates this duality between himself, the "human", and his perspective on others, "the animals". There's this contrast where one could argue that he himself is not human because he lacks the traditional characteristics of what philosophers would argue make someone "human" (e.i. morality, empathy, sense of individuality, emotional connection)
Two, this isn't a request to change anything. I'm just rambling. it makes me a little sad the idea that Simon wouldn't really grow attached to "Bonnie" like he does Soap. That he is just aloof and would essentially lack any love for someone when he essentially ruined their life. Like, I understand him wanting Soap to be happy. But in that situation, I think I would be distraught that Simon essentially kidnapped me and doesn't even want me, and sees me as just a nuisance. Talk about putting salt on the wound.... Unless this becomes one of those: "Dad who never wanted a cat" memes where Simon claims he doesn't want you, but the ends up cuddling and spoiling his little pet.
Anyways, please take your time, take breaks, and keep up the amazing work!
yes, the whole duality of "everyone's just an animal" and "im the only person i can trust" were the vibes i was really trying to go for! once again, we'll see sorta why he thinks this way later as i get more into things (eventually lmao) but honestly this work feels like a mental study on our crazy simon riley in this universe lmao. honestly, i'm glad people seem to be enjoying it so far!!! i wasn't sure if it would be too "weird" or anything, but i'm excited to explore the dynamics between a man who's abandoned all hope for anything, a man who is highly manipulated, and a woman who would do anything to just go the fuck home.................
as for your second paragraph, i'm sorry!!! lmao. i know it's super dark, but unfortunately, uh.... simon's stance isn't going to change much on bonnie throughout the series. i'll just say that now in case anyone is holding out hope or anything. things will change with him in a way but it's not really loving if that makes sense? fuck it's hard to explain things without spoiling them lmao. i mean, you do have someone who loves you!!!! johnny'll be there! just... not simon a;lksjdf
but once again thank you!!! forever giddy that people are taking an interest in this series even though it's been mostly mindless rambling a;ldkjf
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videoplanchette · 2 years
TLDR: This is a marketing tool to sell dolls
So, I finished the live-action Monster High Movie last night.
It was fine. Like everything it has its pros and cons which I will be covering.
And I don't know why this is the camel that's breaking my straws or whatever the hell-- but if I see one more hyperbolic clickbaity thumbnail or post describing why this is somehow the "worst" movie people have ever seen, I think I'm going be arrested. I've binged all of the monster high shorts, and 3D animated movies, and my brain is complete goddamn mush at this point. The live-action movie isn't even the worst thing associated with the monster high brand. Like to the veteran fans who have been here and are saying that this series used to be "better"-- What crack are you smoking, just curious? Like this series has been straight-up nonsense at points because it's meant to sell toys first and foremost. I want to highlight the whole nostalgia goggles we tend to wear and tell you what it actually is. It's bias. just call it what it is, it's bias.
There are a few different reasons why this claim of Gen3 or the live-action movie, in general, being toted as "the worst thing ever" gets under my skin. I'll be trying to engage with this movie as well as most of the marketing choices with this new line of dolls in good faith. Versus assuming every misstep or mistake is somehow an attack. During this long tangent of a post, I want everyone to repeat to themselves "this is a show meant to sell toys to children; I will not send death threats over this."
To immediately get this out of the way, if you're mad because they made Frankie Stein Nonbinary/Trans, or if they made Draculaura chubby? I'm sorry but you are beyond even my help-- get well soon.
I mostly want to address the criticism of the changed art style, personalities, dynamics, and interests of the characters themselves. I guess why this is exhausting for me because as a long-time fan of other franchises which has canon routinely altered to adhere to trends or the whim of new writers, this happens a lot.
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Don't even get me started on Scooby Doo.
And I've seen this trend of trying to pigeonhole each new reboot of a beloved franchise as either the "best" or "worst" thing ever. And sure enough, when a good thing like Rottmnt is there, it's canceled before anyone actually realized it was worth a second look, even though the animation and voice cast was always on point. Or in Voltron's case, while met with initial praise, it tried to please everybody, while pleasing nobody. Nobody likes change, I get it.
Personally, I wish we had fewer reboots and more of an emphasis on original projects these days, but then how would we buy dolls?
Speaking of the Monster High Dolls. One thing I find hilariously hypocritical about people criticizing the changes made to the characters complaining about "coherency" and the like-- You folks do remember that this series was made specifically to adapt horror icons from the famed Universal Monster library and Gothic Literature characters into teenagers who attend school, make out with each other and wear gaudy clothes? Like again you guys are watching a derivative of a derivative! Like Monster High is a high school AU of HG Wells, Mary Shelley, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bram Stoker, and GREEK MYTH!
I can understand the reservations to like the reboot, but I can guarantee you it's a more faithful adaptation than Winx: Fate or River Dale. It doesn't even scratch the batshit wildness that either of those series tried to pull. It's not entertainingly bad. The movie is genuinely decent. All the actors look like they wanted to be there and they all deliver their performances (especially Frankie's) with energy and charm.
Yes, the effects, costumes, and make-up are cheap, but I'd rather have cheap makeup done by unionized compensated workers with ambition than CGI everything. If anything it reminds me of my favorite made for TV Halloween movies from my childhood, like Scary Godmother or Halloweentown.
I guess what I'm trying to say, for a commercial to sell me a new line of dolls, it could have been a lot worse.
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neonscandal · 8 months
Neon, from all openings and endings songs of BNHA & JJK, which are your fav? Why?
Ooof, you're probably expecting really deep analysis to accompany these likes but my pleasure is not always that deep so please lower your expectations! I'm usually listening and looking at the animations for easter eggs and vibes, if anything, I don't religiously look up translations. Some of your questions are so funny to me, I'm sorry to disappoint if this wasn't what you were expecting!
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This is a light skinned man. IYKYK
Off the top of my head, I feel like JJK has no misses? Hitting different vibes but nothing that feels like a theme song. Don't get me wrong, I love a good "Gotta Catchem All" or Pokemon Rap, too, but I prefer songs that don't feel out of place if it just popped up on shuffle, you know?
KaiKai Kitan - THE TROLLING.
Lost in Paradise - Catchy AF. Plus, this was as close as we were getting to a filler episode. I love how "simple" the illustration style is but the animations of each character have so much personality in their movements. Plus, provided a solid cozy cosplay on the last day of cons when you want to dress up but don't want to be encumbered as you hit the dealer room and artist alley.
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Give it Back - even without the translation, this is sad. The animation is sad. The idea of this day that never happened when you think about the canon timeline is sad. It inspired a mediocre lil oneshot because why would they do this to me, specifically? This, of course, is animating something so realistic but ethereal.
Ichizu - okay, so maybe I looked up the translation to this one too and just.. SatoSugu.
Where Our Blue Is and Lantern - make me want to burst into flames? Also, I had a no-sleep-epiphany the other night where, if Geto was the last blue spring of Gojo's youth and blue is the basis of Gojo's strength then... I failed to make a sensical connection because I clearly don't rest and I'm unwell. It's currently 3:45AM. But it was something along the lines of equating that Gojo is not at full strength without Geto.
Specialz - this animation is just. 😘👌🏾 Also the breakdown at "I love you, baby". Nevermind that it is synonymous with tragedy and trauma. King Gnu clearly must have known that when signing on since a great deal of JJK songs are theirs
More Than Words - Again, simple illustration but also capturing this idea of youth for the trio which... after S2 is so *melt emoji*?? I think the theme of romanticizing life and their connection to one another while actively contrasting with murder and mayhem is so funny to me. 🥲
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God tier level looping, tbh. Ty for your service @osakaxkobe
Def more of a casual enjoyer for the music on MHA. Especially since the brain rot for this series didn't set in for a very long time so I had to go back and look up each song.
Peace Sign - my niece and nephew dance to this song dramatically and, knowing none of the words confidently, sing anyway. I think it's the instrumentals and the clapping that does it for me haha
Odd Future - lowkey meets the "appears on shuffle without being too embarrassing" requirement but, with MHA being as pervasive as it is... will not beat the weird kid allegations if this pops up because I think it's recognizable
Merry Go Round - That "Hey Brother Listen" popped off so does the crescendo.
Hitamuki - I just like the graphical switch up to the comic book style because isn't it so silly and cute just to preface some trauma??
North Wind - are you kidding me? Showing all these critical moments from Deku's first. person. perspective. to elevate how important the people shown are when we've had largely the whole story from his actual first person perspective? As he's running to catch up to everything the story has built up to like running through a museum exhibit. Inspired. Beautiful. No notes.
Sketch - for the depression. ✨
Datte Atashi no Hero - just... fantasy AU. Song I can do without but who am I to ignore the best AU illustrated and animated? A nobody, that's who.
Believe - Hawks really said "The next time the cherry blossoms fall, I hope we will all be smiling" and then everything went to shit.
Shout Baby - less song more visual commentary. Hero or villain, it all started where Class 1A is right now, some of it even sooner (like with Tenko).
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saintvainglorious · 1 year
Fics I Enjoyed in May
11 fics total. Includes fics from the following fandoms: Black Sails
ya filthy animals by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 11k | Explicit
Flint and Silver could be rulers of an illegal organization, major mob bosses, kingpins, criminal masterminds, etc. But then they could also be petty shoplifters who like to drink during the day and fool around on their houseboat.
the straight walk home by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver, Jack Rackham/Anne Bonny, Anne Bonny/Max, Billy Bones/Charles Vane | 73k | Explicit
Let me tell you a story, about a vaquero named Vasquez…
Seedlings by twofrontteethstillcrooked/@twofrontteethstillcrooked Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 23k | Explicit
"If there's anything I can help you with, or if you'd like to order flowers for an upcoming occasion--" "All right, honestly?" Handsomely disgruntled customer looked Silver dead in the eye and said, "I'm looking for a gift that says, 'You are making a dreadful mistake. Call me when you've figured out what a fucking hash of things you've made.'" He spoke the way some people chewed tinfoil. Silver felt two things: lust like a plague of locusts, and the words 'uh-oh' waft through his brain.
Roasted by robotboy/@r0b0tb0y Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 7k | Explicit | Part 1 of Butterscotch
‘Everyone ignores me! I’m a barista!’ Of John Silver, useless bisexual, and James Flint, Deaf coffee addict.
no-one by doomcountry/@doomcountry Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 2k | Teen & Up
Now, he is thinking of a name.
stealing by nysscientia/@nysscientia Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 1k | Mature
This particular approach—it’s not Flint’s first instinct. But gentling Silver when he’s like this generally yields bad results. So instead he looms, crowding into Silver under the guise of examining his papers. “What are you doing?” Silver doesn’t turn or look up, but Flint can see him shifting in response to the proximity. “Need to adjust shares now that Wallis won’t be in the boarding party.” Flint drops his hands to either arm of Silver’s chair, bracketing him in. “And why did this require my shirt?” Silver takes Flint's clothes. Flint takes a test.
Riposte by Apetslife/@corsaircourser-blog Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 3k | General Audiences
noun: riposte; plural noun: ripostes (Fencing) a quick return thrust following a parry.
say that the wind will never change on us by mapped/@reluming Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 3k | Teen & Up
Three conversations about Flint's grave.
welcome to the occupation by natlet/@natlet Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 4k | Mature | Part 1 of please do not let me go
Vulnerability, it turns out, is a blade that cuts both ways
trouble is my business by vowelinthug/@vowel-in-thug Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 13k | Explicit | Part 3 of BLACK SAILS NOIR
The brim of his hat digs into Silver’s ear for a quick second before Silver takes it off and drops it on the floor, too. Then his arms come up around him. “Hey, daddy, is that your revolver in your trousers or are you just happy to see me?” “It’s my Pocket Hammerless.” Silver tsks. “I know a fellow who came back from Verdun like that,” he says. “War is hell.” Flint manages to keep his business open for a whole four hours before it all goes to shit. Part 3, with actual plot, of the NOIR au
Part Three: The Men by Apetslife/@corsaircourser-blog Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 5k | Teen & Up | Part 3 of John Silver Can't Get There From Here
Or: Third In A Continuing List Of Insurmountable Things That Stand Between John Silver And Treasure Island. He’s always liked this ship, from the first time he’d set foot on her in Tortuga. She’s light to the wind and the rudder, and easy under his feet, no sharp movements or heavy, heaving lurches after the sails like the merchant ships where he’d begun his life at sea. Now even she feels tense, though, taut in her anchorage, stiff to the waves rolling into Chesapeake Bay off the ocean ahead of what looks like a sharp late-spring squall. He kisses his fingertips and presses them to her mainmast. “Easy, lady,” he murmurs. “We’ll bring him back, don’t you fret none.”
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
anyway i keep complaining about the killing eve inspired who's lila au living in my head rent free so i might as well. fuckin. make a post about it lmao
putting this under a cut because holy fuck this got long (and this isn't even everything, if you can fucking believe it) (also warning for some mentions of ableism, if there's anything else i need to warn for lmk)
honestly i never watched all of killing eve nor do i really remember most of the plot so i'm calling it "inspired by" rather than a fusion au or something because it's just become more and more its own thing. really this whole thing kicked off because my brain went "hrhrhghg. lila (and will by extension) wearing pretty outfits and killing people while tanya tries to figure out who the fuck she is. mommy issues. sapphic girls. send tweet" and that's the basis this thing was founded on lol. (i was correct for this btw, in case you were wondering /lh)
will and lila do share a body in this au but i'm kinda flip flopping between whether or not they're a system or if i wanna take this further away from the source material and add supernatural elements to this where lila is a tulpa/spirit/whatever tf she is that latched onto will like in their original canon. i'm kinda leaning toward the latter because i don't want this to fall into stereotypes about people with DID being scary or evil (like. lila isn't evil in this au but she does enjoy killing people which can frankly pose a Problem even if i do try to be delicate/more nuanced about it) but i feel like stereotypes can happen either way so i'm. trying to figure out what to do here ahgkldjglk. this is another reason this au was originally going to stay solely in my head but honestly i developed too much to keep it bottled up so HGDKSJFKL
either way they share a body but lila does all of the killing because will is squeamish and frankly far too sweet to be a murderer lmao. they have a way better relationship here than the one they have in canon, they're more like friends or siblings and lila goes out of her way to protect will......even if she can be a bit careless with their body sometimes. when she does get injured on assignments though she tends to get him a treat (things like clothes, food, stuffed animals, toys, books, games, etc agere stuff too because that slipped in here OOPS) to try and make up for it, though honestly, sometimes she gets him things just because. their apartment is littered with things lila bought (or stole....) for him at this point cuz it's the way she shows her love for him basically. what else is she gonna do, express it verbally? fuck that lmao
i was kinda agonizing about this choice but yu is their handler/the one who gives them their missions, and also their surrogate father figure because of course he is lmao. i was kinda worrying about this being ooc for him but then i realized like....he was part of the group that killed the rest of the lawrence fraternity, which regardless of intention is still murder ahglkdjsf. i feel like a lot of people gloss over how morally dubious that was, even if it was almost definitely his best option given the circumstances, so i'm just taking that same logic and bringing it here--lila was trained to kill by and for the lawrence fraternity in this au, and once they're gone (either by dying, arrest, or something else, maybe she just runs from them idk that could be interesting) she just continues killing because it's all she knows. since she refuses proper rehabilitation, yu here is like "look, if you want to kill, we can find some people we need you to kill as a last resort, and we'll even pay you well for it. please stop killing random people you choose to pick fights with" ahdlkjlkJFD. also, having her technically employed by him helps keep her and will close so that he can make sure they're safe because he worries about these orphaned teenagers okay :'))
tanya's role here is kinda nebulous here, originally she was going to be an agent tracking lila down like eve was but i didn't wanna bother messing with these character's ages (i ALREADY have an au where they're aged up to their mid twenties for the sake of plot so give me a break lmao) so now she's more like.....technically a witness who decides to get invested in the case despite being like 17/18 and having no expertise lmao. like in the og killing eve i was thinking maybe she meets lila in the bathroom before she kills someone and thus becomes obsessed with her when she realizes she's probably the killer? i have to work on her more idk i just want these two to be weirdly obsessed with each other and for tanya to frantically hunt her down with her limited resources before they eventually meet and KISS about it
tbh as an additional motive for tanya i have been toying with the idea of martha being the one lila kills since that's her friend and it would fit with that one who's lila scene BUT two problems: 1) i would have to come up with a reason for lila to have to kill martha and i can't. really think of a good one especially if yu is the one giving her orders, and 2) i would just feel really bad about doing that to her. hgdalksjflksadf. she might be spared solely on my guilt alone honestly, we'll see what happens.
anyway that's the basics of the au i just wanted to get this fucking word vomit out there. i may or may not post more about this later (or, god forbid, i might write an actual fic, could you fucking imagine lmao) but yeah. if you read all of this bless your soul i love you
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naughtibonbear · 2 years
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I posted 14 times in 2022
That's 14 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (43%)
8 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#namor x reader - 5 posts
#fanfic - 4 posts
#namor the sub mariner - 4 posts
#namor of talokan - 3 posts
#namor x y/n - 3 posts
#namor - 3 posts
#black panther - 3 posts
#n'amor - 2 posts
#writing - 2 posts
#namor isekai au - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 38 characters
#something is wrong with sunny day jack
My Top Posts in 2022:
14 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
As much as I want to write for N'amor of talokan, my brain is switching from him to a lot of comic!Namor, so I'mma start with comic/ animated Namor before, I work out the kinks for K'uk'ulkan fics. Especially some self/oc inserts and I might even mix the two for some fun AUs.
15 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Decided to dust this old bad boy off especially since I forgot about this account time to make use of it, heck I need to make use of my ao3. Pretty much going to use this to put out as much self indulgent stuff as I can. Here are a list of fandom's plan on writing and feel comfortable writing or making little drabbles for, I will add more later.
Star wars
Some is wrong with Sunnyday Jack
Clive barker's nightbreed
The predators series if I can
Lupin the third
Some oc × reader
17 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
I'm already working on it I'm going to toss some ideas out there working on isekai'ed as a princess to fantasy world, and wakanda's oldest princess, older sister to shuri, younger siblings to king T'Challa.
22 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Namor fantasy isekai idea
Ok here we go fantasy Isekai au, I love OI novels and comics, and this idea has not left me since.
Here we go:
You are now the oldest daughter of the former king of Wakanda, your older Brother T'challa is now king after your father has passed, and you are the middle child between you, T'challa, and Shuri. Your brother wants to try to make peace with the neighboring countries, sadly some of the other leaders don't have the same mind. With an amazing older brother as king and an intelligent younger sister, the people don't see you as much, especially since you don't have any specialties yet. (Magic is definitely on the table for abilities besides don't a lot of OI leads or princesses have magic ;3) 
The kingdom as stated before doesn't care or really think much of you. You would make a great political bride for peace among the realms. After an attack at the world leaders meeting, you lost your father the king, and "Lost" some of your memories aka when you awoke into this world. It is a world based on a fantasy series you used to read, now the princess of Wakanda you get to see the characters in a whole new light. 
Now for our male lead this isekai Namor, I want to mix both Namor of the comics and MCU Namor for this. Making his kingdom is somewhat difficult depending on which way I want to go with the kingdom, I want to keep Talokan and figure out a way to mix both kingdoms into one for the story.
This Namor will be a mixture of both the comics and MCU. As I said, he does have long hair because I won't lie, the ponytail was pretty nice. He is a king well-loved by all except for some in his kingdom, being the half-human/ Talokan mutant he isn't well-liked by those who hate the surface dwellers and bigotry is still a problem in this fantasy world.
Things are a bit tense between both of your countries. Hopefully, you can ease that tension and make peace between them. He is an excellent king, as noted from all his appearances, he puts his kingdom first. He has a commanding presence, he is in charge and everyone can tell. He is absolutely charming to those he is interested in, and if he falls in love he's going to try to go all in.
I won't lie as I am mixing the comic with the MCU Namor, he is a bit on that possessive side and obsessive, he falls in love and he is passionate about it. Is he Arrogant yes but he can hold it in for a while, his pride is one of his many traits, at the same time MCU Namor has this sweet side to him, a kindness, a playfulness, but also a ruthlessness that he always has when it comes to protecting his people. Anyway, look forward to it becoming a fanfic on here after I work out the kinks in it.
56 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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diminuel · 2 years
So I saw aus of “Sam and Dean are Michael’s sons au” and “Sam is actually Michael but Michael was a female au” and I decided to loosely combine the two. Set in S1-S2 what if Sam and Dean were actually female archangels created by Michael with the help of Chuck charged with protecting the Earth on Heaven’s word but after the whole apocalypse they took their grace out and died and Azazel thinking he would get back at Heaven turned them into human males to hide them so he and his demon buddies could roam the Earth and maybe he could throw over Lucifer and have the power of Hell for himself. But after a while Sam and Dean start to experience strange dreams and not to mention feeling like their slowly dying til they meet the angels and the demons and Lucifer eventually gets Azazel to reveal that Sam and Dean were the angels that were supposed to protect the Earth and that them in human forms will slowly kill them and Michael eventually returns them to their true forms as archangels. How would Sam and Dean try to get used to not being human in the first place? How would they now react to a female form or just being female in general? How would they have to explain they were actually female archangels all along to Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Pastor Jim and even John. (On a side not Dean would sure make a ton of Sailor Moon/Princess serenity references as I imagine she/he secretly loves that anime)
I don't understand what the connection between this scenario and the Sailor Moon is that would make Dean comment on it. (We also have to remember that Dean was born in 1979. Sailor Moon didn't air in the US until 1995, then it got cancelled after two seasons and brought back only in 1997. Now, also remember that this is the 90s, if you miss an episode you have missed it until a rerun was aired. So would he, a 18 year old tune in to watch Sailor Moon on motel TVs for a disjointed story about magical girls? Anyway, that was my little curiosity excursion into wikipedia *lol*)
And I don't know, I'm struggling a bit with the scenario because female angels Sam and Dean (especially Dean) is not exactly in my niche (I'm the girl Cas "specialist"). I feel generally a scenario that leads to Dean and Sam being angels, instead of human, does "unsettle" me to some extent unless it is temporary and they can ultimately chose to be themselves again. I think Dean and Sam would choose humanity or should choose humanity (in order to please me, personally and make the creatives wheels in my brain turn properly. I know this is your fic scenario but if you ask me to answer questions about it I will have to go on canon interpretation and personal preference *lol*)
I don't think they'd enjoy being turned or being forced to turn. It's the same old situation as in the other scenarios. It happens against their will, here it is even linked to the threat of death. And it is not only a turn from human to supernatural but also from male to female body. They're not gonna like that. It's not like they have angelic minds, like Cas for example, who can switch vessels and not think too much about it and not have it affect how he sees himself. (Well, that's also up to interpretation of course.)
And I don't know if they would have to explain much, it's not like this is their personal choice. This is something that was "done" to them, so just saying "this demon messed with us" might be enough and it would probably mobilize their families to "fix it". (Again, with the assumption that we are operating with the underlying assumption of Supernatural that humanity is the goal, that being human is superior to being supernatural. I think whether that is a truth still in this scenario or not determines how the characters would approach being turned (back) into something non human. But I would say it's how it would work for Sam and Dean. They're monster hunters, it is season 1/2. It's pretty black and white still.
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telltalerites · 1 year
Tagging System
Obsessively organizing things pleases The Autism, so I decided to prepare a bunch of personalized tags to(hopefully) make it easier for myself and others to find specific posts. These are not meant to be tags to get attention, things like genre tags or ones deliberately to get people to find my writing are not on this list. These are just to make my silly must-categorize-shit-always brain happy <3
Subject to change/additions as I figure out how I want to run this blog more!
oc: character name (ex. "oc: lorelai mara")
The tag used for each individual OC. Will primarily be the full first + last name of each character, with a few exceptions. Animal OCs will get "oc: name the animal" format(ex. "oc: mika the tanuki") instead of a lastname.
os: story title/placeholder title (ex. "os: sideshow")
The tag used for each individual story. Duology/Trilogy stories will likely all remain under the tag of the first book's title (ex. all of the Divination Trilogy will be tagged "os: entrails of the animals")
otp: ship name (ex. "otp: briona")
The tag used for writing that specifically has romantic connotations between characters. Will usually be a mix of the OC names, but occasionally may have their full names (ex. "otp: tasha/tien") or a moniker (ex. "otp: poylam pirates") for the ship
telltale original stories
The tag used to denote posts about my stories as a whole, rather than specific ones. This mostly replaces the "my original stories" tag on my mainblog and may be used infrequently.
ooc tales
Any out-of-context posts or announcements that have nothing to do with my writing.
nightly writing excerpts
When my motivation keeps me writing frequently, I save up a couple paragraphs each night to post excerpts of. These will always be of short stories and not my actual book drafts. Longest record of nightly's lasted 1yr, but lately they're usually in batches of a month at a time
random writing excerpts
Essentially the same type of excerpts as nightly's, just for when I'm not actively writing. These usually end up being like once a weekly or biweekly when motivation is low
finished short stories
The tag for, obvs, finished short stories. These are generally of scenes that can't happen in-canon for my books, or can't be from the POV of. Usually between 1k-5k words
rambles & spitballs
The tag for when I make lil posts musing on story ideas, character development or even just silly/meme-y writing for my projects.
telltale writes
A replacement for "my writing" tag, to hopefully just catch actual writing and not me saying things like "i love my writing" in the tags of non-writing posts.
telltale arts
Most of my art regarding my original stories will just be over on my artblog, but when I feel like rbing them here, this will serve as a "my art" tag
tales draft spoilers
For the very rare instances that I give small excerpts of my actual book drafts. This also serves as something you can filter, if you'd like to go in 100% blind when I eventually publish things
AUs out the wazoo
The tag for when I just wanna think about silly AUs of my original story kiddos. Maybe I wanna write about them being Pokemon, maybe I wanna explore an AU where [insert OC] didn't die, who knows! AUs I intend to revisit will get their own unique tags(ex. "au: theyre just pokeymans"), but ALL will have this overall tag
[Jump back to the Directory]
0 notes
pugwitharug · 2 years
Random Griefer Headcanons
I am filled with a sudden burst of love for the Griefers (thanks to @poisonouswritings lovely writing posts) so I will try to have this...somewhat organized. There will be no guarantees.
Balsam would love Downton Abbey. No this is not just because I'm watching it now this is because it is canon
I feel like he'd watch period dramas in general but Downton Abbey specifically he loves
You know those little hair pins Lucan has on the right side of his head? He has a bunch of pairs of those, different colors, different charms on them, you name it. Please buy him some for his birthday he will cry
Elowen in leggings................
The Griefers get lost in IKEA. I might actually make a separate post about that cuz, oh boy the shenanigans
Tulsi likes Renaissance fairs! The one closest to me has a blacksmith section and she would love to go there, ask the smiths for advice and just talk in general. I think she'd also like to dress up in a steampunk style
Elowen sits on Lucan's back while he does push-ups, reading a book and keeping count in her head. She smacks his head if he tries to skimp
Lucan would cry when he reads about King Tut and his duckie tunic
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This is Sage and Lucan when Sage finds him crying at his phone
Lucan unironically has a rubber duckie in the shower. Sage doesn't like how it stares at him so he turns it away when he's taking a shower
Tulsi has a list of home projects to do. In a modern!AU you know they all share a home but it's probably a crappy home and Tulsi doesn't wanna hire people to mess it up even more
They all get drunk/high and watch some supernatural or conspiracy theorist show. Sage and Lucan are both "THINK ABOUT IT," Balsam still retains the brain cell but is seriously considering it, Tulsi is questioning the probability of any of this even happening, Elowen is just there to watch the glowing lights
Elowen and Tulsi bond over space. They think it's cool as hell
Lucan watches Avatar: The Last Airbender and tries to imitate their fighting. Puppy wants to have cool powers
Tulsi wears Converse and only Converse
The boys in flannels.......shirtless underneath......mmmmmm
They adopt a cat! It's fat! It's orange! His name is Block! He loves to snuggle and eat!
Elowen would secretly baby talk to animals but only if no one was ever around and if anyone found out she'd kill them
I feel like Lucan has a good lullaby voice. He's good at having babies fall asleep. And he's so cute and calming and careful who wouldn't want him holding a baby?
Tulsi and Balsam are in the front row, switching between driving and passenger. Lucan is always in the middle row, and Elowen and Sage switch between middle and back. One of them always has to be behind Lucan tho cuz Elowen will mess with Sage and they will fight
Snuggle pile......it starts with just Sage in a sunny spot.......then Lucan joins...........then Elowen joins on top of Lucan.........and Balsam and Tulsi join just to chill but they're surrounded by their friends and family and it's sunny and.....their eyes start to droop..............zzzzz........
They can have my whole heart I love them so much
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shameboree · 2 years
hey kels i was scrolling through my dash and then i caught a glimpse of your new fallon drawing and i want you to know that i went absolutely buckwild and then i scrolled further to see the whole drawing and i'm pretty sure i squealed. kels ever since ive started following you and your art and fallon have slowly nestled yourself inside my brain its amazing how excited i get whenever u upload a new drawing. also ive noticed that i'm slowly but surely starting to sound more and more unhinged and wild like you. how the fuck do you have so much influence on me. 
ALSO i love the new fallon drawing!! you are so right blue gold and white are just her colours they fit her v well!! and i love how much texture you used throughout the whole drawing and her shoes are AWESOME!! also love the whole winter fairy-ish vibe <3
ALSO i was wondering if you could like sort of,, idk explain your drawing process on this drawing? like if you did the colouring first or the lineart and stuff bc i just love how it turned out and id love to try something similar!!
AW!!! i am so hype for my awful girl to be Enjoyed so much!! she is my favorite dressup doll i love to play barbies with her most of all heheh. also i am THRILLED that my Unhinged and Unwell nature have rubbed off on u. i know i am a Strong personality and it makes me V POLARIZING (i am either LOVED or LOATHED i havent met many ppl who are just like meh abt me. i am an Experience) and its always a DELIGHT when someone finds my feral animal traits endearing or positive and kind of picks up on them. i think because life is short that we should all be as bananas as we please at any point in time. PURE ID HERE BABY
AND TY TY!! my girl has a strong aesthetic and this piece kind of went a liiiiittle against some of that (its a lot of hard angles vs i normally give her a lot of ovals and rounded edges) but for the setting its appropriate bc im trying to give her a bit more of a """"harsh"""" or """"severe"""" vibe (like as harsh and severe as she can possibly look which isnt very). i LOVE to use texture brushes they are such an easy way to get out of drawing details myself because i am SO lazy!!
okay i “”answered”” this i GUESS technically because i typed words in response but its a whole lot of jack shit so like. here ya go. SORRY PAL. 
here are some more shoes as u can see i basically draw her in the same ones always except when i draw her in a plugsuit
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OKAY THE DRAW IN QUESTION i kind of cheated on bc i literally just traced over one of my older draws i did for a very obscure au i made of who made me a princess (i am always doing such ridiculously niche shit i love to sit in my little sandbox and have no one else understand my barbie rps) BUT the process is the same as basically every draw i do like this. it is very simple so dont worry (or do, maybe)
i use 1-3 layers at a time and then immediately merge when i feel like im done and LIVE W MY MISTAKES if not!! anyway prepare to be massively underwhelmed heh
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this is so funny i cant believe i literally traced my own drawing im a fuckin FRAUD im the laziest bitch i know. anyway. my sketches are way messier than this but it always starts out either scratch ass lines or color blocking w this bright ass magenta bc thats what feels right!!!!!!
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HERES THE LAYERS I USED LOL i do all textures n shit as a clipping mask so actually i used 4 layers for this bc id set down one texture or pattern that was gonna overlap on a diff layer so i wouldnt have to work harder to erase and then BLINDLY MERGED to make things more difficult if actually i fucked up before that!!! work smarter not harder except when it is absolutely braindead to do otherwise is my motto
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IF IM DOIN SMTH NICER like this then i usually make sure all my lines connect (this is also why i do a lot of angles and simple clear shapes when i draw) so i can set that layer as reference and USE THE FUCKING FILL TOOL BAYBEEEEE!!!!! this also makes it easier to fuck around with COLOR imho bc you can just rapidly swatch with zero efforts. i Love to take shortcuts. i Love to be lazy. i HIGHLY rec this, if i have colored smth that stays in the lines then its bc i connected the lineart and used the bucket fill underneath. if my lines dont connect sometimes ill make a temp line and erase after i filled. im dedicated. ALSO u can see here that my patterns layer is all overlapping and fucked up bc i didnt check and erase fully but i use p limited palettes in general so... IT DIDNT MATTER THIS TIME!!!!!!!!. 
anyway after all that i lock the lineart layer if i havent already and color some of the lines for some PIZAZZ. easy way to immediately fake effort i do love to do that
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 i do all of my fucking draws on the same canvas bc im a horrible little beast, so the only reason i didnt erase the sketch and use it for the colors layer was bc there were others on that layer already and i didnt wanna scoot them so i could cap the finished draw. i did NOT connect my lines for this one i colored like a toddler. who gives a shit we all die in the end anyway!!! 
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YOU DIDNT ASK FOR THIS BUT LINELESS MY LOVE... i just color blocked for this one alas i do not have process caps, i will do that next time i draw i guess if anyone wants that!!? i typically only use a single layer for lineless- block out the shape, alpha lock, then color and carve from there. EASY PEASY!! ive shown it before but i spent all my formative draw years on v limited feature programs (mspaint, oekaki, TEGAKI MOST OF ALL) so i dont explore tools much and do what seems easiest and most intuitive to me... im sorry i dont have any sick tricks or real process i am but a feral little clown drawing in the DIRT. also here is the tegaki overlay i use whenever i am Blocked or fatigued w procreate layout. it makes me feel NOSTALGIC and INSPIRED so i do this instead of like, actually getting on tegs2
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this ended up long as fuck and FOR WHAT?? its just 10 images and several paragraphs of “sorry im the laziest fucker ALIVE”
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
Jayyy!! Sweet, slutty in the AM.
Without giving BL spoilers, or maybe you won't? Idk 👀👀 not *cough* fishing or anything *cough*
Can I please have 💖 for Javier??? I'm curious...
Angel out-
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Javiears pregnancy headcanons? You got it, babe!
Quick and obvious disclaimer to treat all of these as if they are a Better Love AU, at least until I tell you otherwise. 😘
Any baby that these two have would be a total surprise. Ears never wanted kids, and Javi has never thought long enough about it to decide how he feels about a family. He’s always assumed that was never in the cards for him.
Once the initial shock wears off - and that’s gonna take quite a while for both of them - Javi and Ears both jump feet first into the parenting thing. They each harbor some intense opinions about what a kid should and shouldn’t have to put up with, and there are lots of deep conversations that Last into the early morning hours. They nail down the important stuff pretty early, decide that they’ll figure out the rest with time, and discover a whole lot more about one another in the process.
Ears’ body hates being pregnant. She doesn’t realize it, but she’s got her Ashkenazi ancestry to thank for this. Ears is sick as dog snot clear through her first trimester and well into her second, exhausted and achy and throwing the fuck up. She gets awful migraines, too. There are days when Javi is convinced that carrying this baby is going to kill her, and he worries a lot.
Ears handles all of this as stoically as she can. She’s miserable, but she’s not about to complain and make Javi feel even worse.
Speaking of Javi, that protective streak he’s got goes into overdrive the instant Ears tells him about the baby. Ears has got to constantly remind him that she’s pregnant, not dying, and Javi good god, please just let me do things, okay??
That being said, it takes Javi a little while to connect the idea of Ears being pregnant to Ears carrying his baby. It’s all very abstract to him, to the point that on Ears’ worst days, Javi almost feels a little resentful.
That all changes at Ears’ sixteen week appointment. She’s just starting to feel like a human again, and this time, Javi is allowed to go back with her.
Oh my god, you guys, when Javier Peña sees that blurry, black and white, tiny little baby on the ultrasound screen... yall, his entire world shifts.
Ears notices instantly. It’s kind of hard not to, given how tightly Javi is suddenly gripping her hand. He glances over at him to find his eyes glued to the screen, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. It takes her aback a little. “You okay?” she asks quietly, and Javi nods, drags his eyes away from the ultrasound screen and gives her a soft, wet smile, and something slots into place for Ears, too.
Javi quits smoking cold turkey that day. Seeing his tiny little daughter for the first time put a lot of things into perspective, and Javi decides then and there that he wants to be there for her as long as possible.
The first three weeks are miserable. Javi does his best to get out of the house when he’s feeling tetchy (which is always), and Ears does her best to be understanding, but they get into more than a few little spats.
The makeup sex is 🔥🔥🔥, though.
Ears is not a big girl. When she starts to show, she shows fast, and Javi swears he can see her body change every day. Ears is pretty indifferent. She’s not self conscious - Ears finds pregnancy to be inconvenient, more than anything.
Javier Peña has never seen anything as beautiful as Hannah Aarons carrying his child.
Javi fucking loves it. There’s something primal about running his hand over the gentle swell of Ears’ belly and knowing that it’s his daughter that’s growing there. He’s not one to talk to the bump, but Javi can hardly stop himself from touching it. All the fucking time. Ears will sometimes playfully shoo him away. “Hands to yourself, you animal. I’m trying to nap!”
Seriously, their sex life doesn’t suffer at all. It doesn’t help that Ears refuses to buy maternity clothes. She’d much rather lounge around in Javi’s t-shirts and his old sweats, something that makes Javi’s cave man brain damn near implode every single time he sees it.
Ugh, and he’s sweet to her. Observant and affectionate and accommodating of absolutely everything. Cravings? Tell me what you want, babe, I’ll get three. Foot massage? Come here, mi reina, let me make it better. Yawning through dinner? Go get in bed, Ears, I’ve got dishes tonight.
Javi starts noticing Ears’ puffy feet somewhere around the 28th week or so. Ears swears they don’t hurt, exactly, so they both write it off as one of those weird pregnancy things.
It’s not. Ears has severe pre-eclampsia. Javi only finds this out after Ears gets a migraine so bad that she can’t see straight. Javi carries her to the car and forces her to go to the hospital. They’re there for all of five minutes when the doctor on call deems Ears’ blood pressure to be high enough to constitute a medical emergency, and Javi’s world is turned upside down again when he hears the word “c-section.”
Ears is only 33 weeks pregnant.
Less than an hour later, Javi is holding his baby girl. She’s tiny, the tiniest little human that Javi has ever seen, but she’s got a hell of a set of lungs on her, and Javi has never been so relieved, so stunned, so riveted, or so enraptured by anything in his entire life.
Oh, shit, he’s crying again.
She’s absolutely perfect. Off her oxygen within two days, taking feedings like a champ, and obliterating every goal her pediatrician sets for her.
Javi is so fucking proud when his girl is discharged a full week earlier than the doctors anticipated. She’s still a little small, but growing like a weed, and Javi just knows that between her and her mom, he’s gonna have his hands full.
Ears is fine, just a little sore. There are no long term complications from pre-eclampsia, so as soon as she’s up and sort of moving, Ears in full mom mode.
Ears loves being a mom, but she and Javi are in full agreement on this - one and done.
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