#like some of you would shit yourselves if you ever left the fan fic community
meguwumibear · 1 year
i dont mean to keep bitching about dark content haters because people are free to read/watch/interact with whatever they want to in their spare time but like genuinely what are you doing in your english literature classes ??? like do you no longer read shakespear ??? do you no longer read the great gatsby or how to kill a mockingbird or of mice and men ??? do they have you watching cocomelon instead ??? dark content has been around and enjoyed forever and some of the best known authors and directors incorporate it into their media.
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
Tumblr media
hey guys. sorry my “toxic” content is falling behind. i was getting some hate so i kinda stepped back for a lil bit, but i’ll be back soon i promise. but for now please enjoy this ransom fic to hold you over, yeah? :)
Warnings: use of the term “gay best friend”, ransom acting like a buttface
You didn’t go to parties every night. Rarely ever, at that.
Your roommate had begged you to come along with him to find people to entertain yourselves with. He claimed that the two of you were “two of the hottest people on earth and too pretty to not be looked at and admired by someone.” (He has made that big speech as you laid in your bed in sweats and a t-shirt, eating a bag of chocolate chips.)
And after him having to drag you off the bed by your foot and make you stand up, you decided you had no choice and got ready for a club. You and Cater had been roommates for about three years. He knew you best and was an expert on style. He always liked to compare himself to Tan France and said he could totally “take his place in the third generation of ‘Queer Eye’.” And you knew he was right when he made you get ready. You were getting so tired of yourself and needed someone for companionship who wasn’t Carter. It seemed he was getting a steadier stream of guys than you were anyway.
“Carter,” you called from the bathroom as you applied your eyeshadow. “Do I wear my pink dress or the black one?” you glanced out the bathroom door. You heard Carter slightly turn down the blasting music in his room.
“The black one that’s sorta sparkly?” He hollered back as he looked out his door to look at you. You nodded. “Defintely the black one. The pink one kinda makes you look desperate...” You shot him a glare. “Sorry.” He shrugged unapologetically before disappearing back into his room.
You sighed as you moved onto mascara. You probably wouldn’t get a guy tonight anyway. Most guys in L.A. weren’t worth shit anyway. They were all about the one night stand which added to their bragging rights. You scoffed as you dropped the mascara back on the sink and walked to your room to get changed, peeking in at Carter who was having a dance party while applying makeup of his own.
“Look at us!” Carter exclaimed as you finally walked out of your room and showed yourself off. You wore a fitted sparkly black dress that cut off about three inches above your knee (it was scandalous and that’s why you liked it), and a pair of lilac heels.
Carter wore his favorite navy blue romper with the white striped belt. He wore silver eyeshadow with mascara, and shiny white sneakers.
“Damn aren’t we cute,” you remarked as the two of you struck poses with each other. You smiled as grabbed your phone, leaning down to adjust your heels one last time. “Are you ready?” You asked Carter with an exhale.
“Man I wish we had, like, some theme music that played when we walked out,” Carter said longingly. You laughed as you locked your apartment door and strutted out with your best friend.
The heat that night was damn relentless.
You were lucky enough to make it over in the air conditioning of an Uber, but stepping out of that car and walking into that club was like a sauna.
You cursed under your breath as you felt your straightened hair start to get tangled from the humidity. Carter tried to fan you with his hands before you shook your head in annoyance.
“Don’t worry about it,” you grumbled slightly. The two of you walked into the large building lit up with neon signs. You could see people filtering in and out and some making out in the hallway as you passed them. The building made the outside feel cool as all the body heat engulfed your body.
You let out a whine as Carter rolled his eyes and messed with his eyelashes.
“Look (Y/N), you’re not going to get a guy if you keep acting like a drama queen. And even though I know that’s you in our friendship, tonight you gotta straighten up because I’m done dealing with your dramatic ass,” Carter lectured. You scoffed in amusement as Carter scanned the crowd.
“You have to talk to at least two guys, okay?” Carter clarified. You rolled your eyes and nodded a reluctant yes. He led you out of the hallway and into the crowded party room. The music was louder and there was a significantly greater amount of body heat. The disco lights blinded your eyes as you awkwardly trailed Carter.
“Alright Carter, I guess I’ll catch you later...” You mumbled before making your way towards the bar. Carter naturally made his way to the dance floor to submerge himself in any social situation he could.
You stalked up to the bar and threw yourself onto a barstool. “Surprise me,” you said flatly to the bartender as you slipped him a few bucks. You looked around behind you and spotted your friend having the time of his life. You sighed and turned around, nodding in thanks to the bartender.
You took a swig of what you found to be some sort of vanilla vodka and glanced around at the few guys sitting around you.
Dear God, are they even old enough to be in here, you thought to yourself as you glanced over at some of the people making out in the corner. You scoffed and redirected your attention to the men who seemed to be more your age.
While you sat in lonliness at the bar drinking, another man smoothly sat himself down in the stool next to you. You glanced at him briefly before looking back at your drink.
The man ordered a beer before turning to you and smirking slightly.
“Let me guess,” he started. “None of these west coast guys are quite what you’re looking for,” the man suggested. You laughed lightly and shrugged.
“Yeah, they’re not quite it for me,” you agreed. The man’s blue eyes sparkled in the light just as he smiled. He grabbed his beer from the bartender and took a slow drink as he quickly looked up and down your figure.
“Well at least you’re doing something with your night, coming out to a club.” The man gestured to the crowd.
“Oh, my roommate actually made me come with him,” you chuckled lightly. You pointed over in the crowd at Carter who had found himself a dance mate. “That’s him over there with the shiny makeup,” you explained. The man nodded.
“Oh, got the whole ‘gay best friend’ thing going on?” he asked in amusement. You did a small double take and glared.
“It’s not really cool to put it like that. That makes it sound like he’s just someone I’m using for aesthetic,” you snapped. The man raised an eyebrow in amusement and you huffed. “Yes he’s my best friend, but just because he’s part of the LGBTQ+ community that doesn’t make him any different from a best friend anyone else would have. No need for labels.” He was really starting to get on your nerves.
The man sighed before extending a hand. “Ransom Drysdale,” he said. You looked at him with a small glare still plastering your face and slowly shook his hand back. You had no interest in carrying a polite conversation with him after that.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” you muttered back flatly. You looked back down at your drink and stirred the tiny black straw around as an excuse not to look at Ransom. He chuckled lightly, picking up on your annoyance, and moved slightly closer.
“Look (Y/N), how about you go tell your friend you’re going with somewhere else to a place more fun,” Ransom said suggestively. You glared at him and laughed.
“You think I’m going to dis Carter for an asshole like you?” You shot back. Ransom smirked.
“Playing hard to get?” Ransom purred. You didn’t respond. Could someone please get this jackass away from you? You wished Carter would come over and help you out, but instead you left to your own devices with your blood boiling. Ransom moved even closer and you scoffed, feeling an uncomfortable shiver down your spine.
“Look babe, I’m-“
“Don’t call me ‘babe’ you perv!” You hissed and stood up. Ransom was merely smirking at you and you felt the urge to beat the crap out of him. Just then Carter waltzed up, panting lightly.
“That was really fun, you should come join-“ he stopped after he noticed Ransom was there. Carter eyed him up and down as Ransom sighed and stood up, passing you a small piece of paper.
“Call me,” he whispered with a twinkle in his blue eyes before leaving the club. You stood frozen in your spot and scoffed in disbelief, looking down at the numbers scrawled on the paper.
“(Y/N)! He was cute!” Carter whined with both hands on your shoulder. You shook your head.
“He was goddamn ignorant is what he was,” you retorted. Carter took Ransom’s spot as the two of you sat back down.
“Well if you’re not gonna use that number then I will,” Carter said before ordering a drink. You sighed and looked back at the paper. You closed your fist and finished off the last of your drink, as him calling you “babe” echoed in your ears.
You weren’t about to go out with a guy like that.
i hope you enjoyed :) please let me know if you have any questions on why the term “gay best friend” is kinda offensive, aside from how i just explained it :)
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hakaibunshi · 4 years
2020 fanwork highlights
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works! 
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Thank you so much @kuriboh-i-choose-you for tagging me??... I am not good at this, but I will try to do something positive for once, I guess, and shamefully plug my own work........................(?) °_ °’’ 
feat. puzzle - scandal - pride - wish - dragon - kingcrab but tagging others first because this is going to be too long.
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So many have already done this, but I was not able to find @pridefulrose @life-0r-death @shinayashipper @tenderwulf @the-kings-of-games if they already did this, then I am sorry, I miss a lot of stuff all the time ...
(And I am also sorry for tagging people who have never even interacted with me  人(_ _*) but I enjoyed their works so I am tagging anyway, please forgive me and ignore me if you want to)
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O P I A 
[Puzzleshipping | ~12K]
He is used to seeing the world through Yugi’s eyes and filtering each experience through his thoughts; A thing was never just a thing but whatever Yugi saw in it. But not anymore. He watches his own fingers move closer, pushing in between the other’s until they finally all lock in place. He doesn’t know what that feels like to Yugi, but he sees their hands loving each other. And has to fully acknowledge that it is wonderful.
“No.” His voice feels comfortable for the first time. Along the length of his leg, Yugi’s ankle brushes in placid motion up and down. Bashful yet intrigued, Atem pays attention to how his body reacts to all these physical breaches. He also thinks back to what had happened in the photo booth.
Overall this story has just taught me so much; it needs to take a spot here. It was the very first time I have ever participated in a fandom event. It was the first time I wrote for Puzzleshipping, my first time writing Fluff, first time writing FOR someone else.
The pressure was so real, and I struggled so much along the way, but at the same time, this was the thing that catapulted me back into the fandom for real. After this, it seemed impossible to turn away again, and I realized how much I love not just writing but putting effort into writing. Polishing it, fighting against it if needed.
Break A Heart
[KingCrabshipping | ~12K]
Jack, who stood a head taller than Yusei, leaned down, hovering his lips over the fair skin of Yusei’s neck, sending hot breath on its path. Yusei’s desire was audible through his short breaths, but he didn’t care, not that he was keeping it a secret. The image in his head was Jack biting him to pieces, and it made him shiver. “Come on then, Yusei.” Jack’s voice was heavy, even if he hummed his words. He leaned in until he could feel the buckles of Yusei’s jacket against his chest. The beast's teeth playfully caressing the shell of his ear, Yusei couldn’t hide the vibration it sent through his body. “Fight me.”
This needs to be here not because it is especially great, it really isn’t, BUT it was something I wrote for me and for me only because this is what I wanted and needed and for once I really did not care if others would like it or not. And that was kind of special for me. Also this ship. It just makes me lose my shit, I love it this much.
A Wish Granted
[Wishshipping | Dragonshipping | ongoing]
“Ain’t as bad as it looks,” he felt the need to say. “Most are older.”
Yugi turned away and reached for the towel, wringing it in his hands. Already, just the sound of it had some bizarrely calming effect. “Sorry…, I didn’t mean to stare. I didn’t think you were hurt this badly.” He spread the towel across both his hands and gestured to Katsuya to lift his hand. Some water dripped onto his thighs but it didn’t seem to bother him.
“As I said, ain’t all fresh.”
“They were fresh once.” He slowly started to rub the dirt and dry blood off the skin, evidently taking great care not to put too much pressure at first, not to cause him any pain.
“Well, they don’t hurt anymore.”
The faintest, saddest smile hushed over Yugi’s face and for a moment Katsuya thought he might start to cry. “Hm… just looking at them hurts”, he said under his breath, as if to himself.
Katsuya thought about that for a second but stopped before he, too, could feel it.
My baby. Although it is constantly taking the back seat to make space for ongoing smaller projects and fandom events, this is so close to my heart. Jounouchi’s POV because I love him and I feel way too connected to this boy.
Even tho this is getting long: Inspired by @kuriboh-i-choose-you I will also put here a special mention [Scandalship WIP haha]:
is the first thing I started writing in 2020. And until now it is the one I most want to write but also rarely find the correct headspace to do so. But I want to share a little something here then, if I might~
It is a story of Kaiba trying to travel to the afterlife, but traveling into the past instead, whoops.
[Scandalshipping | Prideshipping | WIP]
(of chapter 2)
A strange and new insecurity bewitched him. Was he meant to bow? No one ever taught him about this. But he did not feel like bowing to the other, instead, he lifted his chin ever so slightly. “I was worried not to be able to communicate.” “I wouldn’t have a language barrier get in the way of my revenge. Now, where are my clothes? Don’t make me ask again…” The audacity had Atem nearly choke on his breath. Wasn’t it too much to talk like this, no matter who he was? “It would appear the servants have taken it to clean... I will make sure it will be returned to you. You shall forgive the insolence.” He thought about calling the guards in, but didn’t want to interrupt the time between them quite yet. Once the priests found out about his awakening, they would be all over the case. “May I ask your name? I wish to at least address you properly. Forgive me for not recognizing you should there have been a way for me to kn-” “Seto Kaiba.” Seto! By Rah, if this was a joke, he wished it to come to an end already. Besides him being interrupted yet again when all he did was try to be polite, to have his dearest’s name be used atop of his shape, how much insult would he have to tolerate? “Seto….?” “It is unfortunate… I thought I should have left a lasting impression on that ghost of yours.” “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” “Yes, I’m aware. It’s rather obvious.” Searching for his composure, Atem pushed aside the blinds, pretending curiosity as to what was happening outside, where nothing was happening at all because the whole world was happening right here. He sensed it through the vibrations inside his chest. Alarmed by the sound of naked footsteps behind him, he turned just in time to hurry and push himself between the door and Seto Kaiba. “What are you doing?” “Out of my way, Pharaoh, I will find the lackeys responsible for my clothes vanishing, and I will get them, hopefully before someone dares to rub them against a stone down in the Nile.” His trembling palms raised toward Kaiba's chest, Atem managed to stop his motion, incredibly cautious not to touch him. “There is nothing wrong with the Nile, but I am trying to be understanding. However, will you please consider your appearance and withhold from exposing yourself like this to the entire court. The guards might think you a mad man. I ask you to stay here, I will get your dress back for you.” “You better be quick about it.” “Just...” Atem did not appreciate the language at all, but the worst of it was that the harsh fold between Kaiba’s brows, the disregard in the air between them and the light garment made his knees weak. “Just stay here. And stay quiet. If you cause trouble, I-” “I got it.” He turned away. “Just get on with it.”
This is so long, how awful, I apologize !!!!! but also ... greatful if anyone at all reads through this x.x’’’’’ 
ヽ(´ཀ`」∠) 彡3
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psychicnymph · 5 years
what happened to aphroditedolan?
hi everyone. i’m here to address the questions that i know many of you will ask. my sudden departure from the dolan twins fandom was not an entirely impulsive decision, so i’m here to explain.
first and foremost, i deactivated because of the sheer amount of blatant, cruel, and unacceptable disrespect i endured while writing for fun and for free. i would spend hours, upon days, upon weeks, upon months working on projects and i still got this disrespect. people were critical of my appearance, my strong-willed and passionate nature, the way i presented myself online -- but, amazingly, never of my writing. see, truth be told, arrogance in tote, my writing is phenomenal. it was rare that you’d catch a spelling or grammatical error (which is a direct result of my educational privilege, i recognize), each plot was well thought-out, each descriptor would bring the scenery, the characters, the erotic scenes to life; you name it, i took the time to near-perfect it. i wrote, edited, sometimes went as far as rewriting -- my point is, i was dedicated. 
a few weeks ago, i even took the time to completely reorganize my blog; i gathered and linked all the small concepts & blurbs i wrote and put them into a masterlist, on top of updating my fic masterlist to be more aesthetically pleasing, cleaner, and editing pictures myself to put them on both masterlists. i did this because i was excited to continue the two short series which i had started: Let Me Get That For You and A Girl is a Gun. additionally, i had ideas, WIPs, and other projects i was planning and writing for that i couldn’t wait to embark on -- and then, it was like something changed in the fandom.
well, i suppose i can’t say changed. let’s say more like... got exponentially worse.
from the very beginning, there were two types of people who i noticed in the twins’ tumblr fandom: there were those who earned their numbers, and there were those who preached ideas of entitlement. there was also a hierarchy: big blogs, and small blogs. it was like a caste system of its own kind. i’d like to discuss this for a brief moment.
when i first started writing, i was absolutely nobody in the fandom. i wasn’t on other platforms, i hadn’t been a stan for very long, i didn’t know anybody -- the tumblr fandom was where i wanted to start and, for the most part, ended up staying. i mention this because at the time of aphroditedolan’s deletion, i was considered a “big blog.” how did i go from small to big, then? if it’s a caste system, how could i have transitioned?
the answer is simple. the system you all created doesn’t exist. in this fandom, you are either entitled or you are talented, and that’s about it.
i never sat around begging people to like, reblog, or read my work, and i never pleaded for followers. i got them because i put out good, consistent, beautiful writing. i interacted with people, i wrote for prompts, i reached out and cultivated friendships, i did what i went to tumblr to do: write and be part of a community that loved the dolan twins. that’s it. the numbers came through hard work, dedication, and most of all, earning every one of them. 
no one on this earth or any other is entitled to likes, reads, reblogs, comments, kind words, attention, followers, or anything of the sort. yes, everyone deserves those things; no, you shouldn’t just get them. you should strive to earn these things. and honestly, while i think everyone is deserving of a chance, not everyone is cut out to be a writer. not everyone is made or meant for this art. because it’s an art. it’s a skill that needs to be developed and practiced. you can’t just sit down and bang out some writing. you absolutely must be dedicated and passionate about it if you ever want a taste of being successful. and that’s just it; some of you are doing this for the wrong reasons. you do it for the numbers. numbers do not fucking matter. they aren’t even real. it’s just a count of people who have physically interacted with your post, or people who actually decided to follow you.
everyone deserves to have their craft appreciated, but when you just start writing for the attention you think it’ll get you, that’s not a craft. that’s you doing the things you see others doing because you see the attention they get and you want a piece of that for yourself. it’s a shitty, horrible motive. and then, when it’s obvious that writing isn’t your strongest talent or even a genuine passion of yours, you whine about some system that isn’t fair, you create something to blame for your lack of success -- of course, it must be the bigger blogs.
i’m proof that that just isn’t true and y’all are lying to yourselves. in less than a year, i ended up with 4k followers and extremely successful pieces. again, because i earned it. through time, effort, and dedication, i earned it.
another thing that came with the culture of entitlement in the fandom was people being self-pitying in order to evoke guilt in their audience, so that people would go and tell them, no, your writing is so good, keep it up. they did it as a means of getting the attention they hadn’t earned. people got into the habit of trying to use me for more attention. they would feign friendliness, interest in my blog, etc., all to say, hey, can you check out my writing and reblog it?
i don’t fuck with that shit. it’s a huge part of why i had to turn my submissions off and my messages off from people i didn’t follow. i don’t like people who only care about numbers and want to use me for more numbers. it was beyond disrespectful that people thought i couldn’t see what they were trying to do; honey, manipulation is a skill just like any other, and i’m better at it than you are. don’t try it on me.
besides the overly-entitled, suffocating people who would shit on, criticize, and blame others for their low numbers which resulted from their sheer lack of effort and self-awareness (and by this i mean actually stopping to question 1. what is your motive here and 2. is what you’re producing actually good or is it slapped together messily?), there was also the culture of feedback to the writer from the audience. 
it was rare that i’d get any other response on my writing besides “part 2?” “more?” “part 2 plzzzz” “you need to update this” and etc.
how many times is the writing community gonna have to say that those comments aren’t helpful, kind, supportive, constructive, or ANYTHING besides annoying? they’re demanding. they push the idea that they just want more of the same ol’ shit. even after i made it blatantly clear on more than one occasion that i don’t take requests and would not be adding a part 2 to something unless it was upon my own discretion, there were still constant, never-ending, tireless requests for more, or requests in general. it was frustrating and infuriating. i was so tired of repeating myself. and when i stopped repeating myself and started linking people to asks or my FAQ where i had already answered that question, people wanted to act like i had an attitude. people gave me endless grief that i was a bitch, aggressive, had a shitty attitude; no, babe. i just wasn’t tolerant of poor treatment. you should try to start adopting this attitude for yourself. respect yourself and know your worth. it’s really as simple as that.
when the biphobic comments rolled around, i’d had enough. it’s when i decided to take my break, truly because i was furious (as i had every right to be) and because that whole situation made me not want to write at all. all my passion and motivation to finish projects i’d been so excited to do for you guys went out the window. it’s sad that y’all pushed me over the edge this way. i gave it time, i let the wounds heal, i let the anger fade, and i started an official hiatus to do this. i’m also in school again, which meant i’d be less active anyway, and it felt like a good idea to just put some distance between myself and the tumblr fandom. but the distance has only solidified the feeling that i’m just not appreciated as much as i deserve to be. and i don’t mean in numbers. i mean for the amount of effort i put in to get constant backlash on things that don’t even have to do with my writing, to work so hard only to be pissed the fuck off, to dedicate so much time and energy to a group of people only for y’all to erase my identity, send me hate, try to act big and tough and like you’re the shit behind anonymous... i’m good luv, enjoy.
there are also other factors; truths about some of the people in the fandom that are idolized, the constant plagiarism of my work, the overwhelming sense of responsibility that came with keeping up with my blog like it was a job, among other things that i don’t care to elaborate on.
so that’s it. i got tired of the same old shit and i know i deserve better. below, i’ll answer some questions that i think some people may be left with:
are you and luna still dating?
yes. for the last time, yes. we are dating. we are a couple. we love each other. we are in a long distance relationship and we are actually dating. not like two besties pretending to date because it’s quirky -- we are actually. fucking. dating. and no, nothing happened between us to make me make this decision. we are doing great.
are you gonna write ever again?
in my life? yes. for the twins, in this fandom, or on this platform? fuck no.
are you still a fan of the twins?
yes! oh my god, probably always. no matter where they go or what they pursue, i’m there with them. they have made my life better, and i have a lot to thank them for. i’ll just be enjoying their content from alllllllllll the way over here.
are you gonna be blogging about the twins?
not at all. in fact, i don’t even follow rockstardolan because i’m keeping my dash away from all of that. i’m not following any dt related blogs. i’m gonna do my thing over here, and love the twins in private, on my own terms. 
why did you delete all your writing?
in truth, after everything, i don’t even want it to remain there. i essentially wanted to erase my contribution and my footprint on this fandom. plus, having my writing just out and about, having already been plagiarized so i’m sure you can find some things in various illegal wattpad compilations, makes me worry about more people doing that. i wanted to keep that damage to a minimum. so yeah, they’re gone forever. 
what about your friends, people you interacted with, etc?
the people who matter will stay in touch. there are some people i’ve cut out from my life for good because they’re toxic and quite frankly i just don’t like them. i’m done subjecting myself to people i don’t even fucking like for the sake of keeping others happy. but, the good friends who respected me, treated me well, etc, they’ll reach out when they can. i’d say i encourage it, but i have a lot on my plate as is and have a hard enough time keeping up with things in the real world, let alone things online. there’s still love there, i’m just keeping a safe, healthy distance and doing what’s best for me. 
if you have other questions, you can feel free to ask, but i’m really not in the market for new friendships. it’s not that time in my life. i literally cannot handle more than what i’ve got on my plate, and i’m keeping my priorities in order. i don’t care if you think i’m rude, if you think i’m a bitch, if you think i’ve got a bad attitude, if you think i’m a piece of shit, if you’re angry, if you’re sad, even if you’re gonna miss me -- this is for me. i’m letting this out as a big, fat fuck you to the things and people that ruined my experience on aphroditedolan, and as an explanation for the few people who deserve it.
take care of yourselves. do the things that make you happy. don’t tolerate things that don’t make you happy. do no harm, take no shit, and most importantly,
stan the FUCKING dolan twins.
daniella/dani/aphroditedolan, however you have known me. 
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foxydivaxx · 5 years
Bad Blood Chapter 1
Originally, this was meant to be connected to Young Justice: Demigods Arising but I have decided to tweak it a bit and make it the true Demigods Arising story of sorts. This is connected to the Osiris fic and whilst it is kinda Cassie-centric, it also focuses on other characters too. 
"Any news about Cassie?"
"Nah. No one has found her yet."
Tim sighs. It has been a month since Cassie disappeared after her humiliating defeat to Vanessa for the Wonder Girl title. Part of her regrets that decision to have said duel take place. She made that decision not considering what Cassie was going through then. The poor girl lost her then boyfriend Conner Kent and later got dumped by him. Sure, Conner returned but their relationship soon turned toxic to the point where the two engaged in a physical altercation in the School Hall that caused Cassie to get suspended for two weeks. As a result of this, Diana decided to punish her not taking into consideration Cassie’s physical and mental exhaustion at that point. According to Tatiana, Cassie overtrained herself and that led to Cassie’s humiliating defeat.
And now it is too late, Cassie has gone and would never return and if she ever returns, the girl would have joined the Dark Side which should not surprise anyone given her heritage and the negative influence of people like Ares. As if that wasn't bad enough, Cassie's younger twin sister Tatiana also followed suit. 
Adding more to the Cassie mystery is that she immediately deleted all her social media accounts on the same day as her defeat. That alone alarmed everyone as it is a well-known fact that Cassie loved taking selfies and playing around on social media and often talks to fans on there. But now that her presence is no longer felt, many began to panic, feeling that the poor girl might have committed suicide. This naturally led to the #JusticeForCassie campaign and #WonderWomanCancelled movement.
Please let Cassie not be dead.
Meanwhile in her room, Barbara was going through some files that she managed to dig up about HIVE case. So far she had managed to find some leads. Heck she can even say that she is far more competent and smarter than the entire Team as they are all a bunch of little kids. What was Batman thinking of putting little kids on a superhero team? Ok they are young kids, but they still could qualify for a wannabe superhero team since they all wear stupid outlandish costumes and use silly codenames, themselves and the so-called adults that call themselves Justice League. Seriously, what the fuck is that fucked up shit? Worst of the bunch as far as she is concerned is none other than Wonder Woman's little sidekick Cassie Sandsmark better known as Wonder Girl.
That girl is such a tragic trainwreck and a bitch. What did Tim and Conner ever see in her? What really pisses her off about the brat is that the girl reminds her of the stupid alien that Dick dated years ago. What was her name again? Oh yes Starfire. More like Hofire. Both of them are disgustingly beautiful. Starfire is a bit better because at least she can kick some ass. Cassie is completely useless that one forgets that she is supposed to be a fucking demigoddess yet someone like Damian can whoop her ass. She should even be able to go toe to toe with Supergirl and give her a nasty beatdown but nope, she gets her ass handed to her. Plus she dared to steal her Dickie from her.
Where did Diana find this child again? Oh yes, Diana did not find her instead the child fucking inserted herself into the Wonder Woman narrative just like Damian forced his way into the Robin title and never once earned nor deserved a single shit till recently. When will those brats learn? No wonder some people wished for Vanessa to take over as Wonder Girl. Ironically said girl is now Wonder Girl now how hilarious.
And alas, poor Cassie has disappeared and is nowhere to be seen. Well GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE! Barbara cackles evilly as she still plays around on her system.
Meanwhile at Gateway city, Tatiana was in her room with tears in her eyes whilst Donna comforts her. Cassie disappeared immediately after that defeat. One could understand why because that sort of defeat is very humiliating especially when the very girl that caused most of the unneeded drama in your life is responsible for it.
Making matters worse is the fact that many thought that Cassie was an irresponsible person and therefore unworthy to be Wonder Girl. This has been an ongoing debate for the past couple years. Sure Cassie has a temper but she can actually control said temper for the most part. The only reason that said rage has become more pronounced is as a result of Ares’ evil manipulation of his sister; something Diana and Zeus himself warned Cassie about. 
Cassie naturally took the bait since she had lost her powers during that time, not like anyone could blame her. Still the fact that many people bashed her for this, Diana included was horrible. Now after years of hypocrisy on the side of the heroes, no one should be surprised if Cassie suddenly and openly denounces them and exposes all their secrets or even goes all Superboy Prime on them or worse commit suicide.
Donna sighed. Sure Cassie has some shortcomings but Diana herself is a hypocrite, in fact everyone has been hypocritical when it comes to Cassie. A lot of the criticism being leveled upon the girl might as well be applied to other heroes as well like Conner or Tim for instance.
Ironically said hypocrisy has been thrown at Amon aka Osiris several times which is why said boy has distanced himself from the superhero community recently. Black Adam openly lambasted the League and everyone else for that and rightfully so. 
I hope you find happiness and peace Cassie. 
Just then Donna’s phone rings. She checks the phone and discovers that it is Kori calling her. She then answers the call. “Hi Kori.”
“Donna....you have to come down here quick!!”
A couple miles in New York, Cassie is standing on top of a rooftop, preparing to throw herself down and commit suicide. Now one would find it laughable since she is meant to be a demigoddess, until they realize one disturbing detailing: Cassie lost her powers yet again during the duel and has remained powerless ever since.
The rest of the Team bursts through the door. “CASSIE DON’T!!” Conner shouts. Cassie turns around with tears in her eyes. The others begin to feel guilty for making her feel that way.
“There is nothing left for me here. You have all made it clear that I do not belong here. So why waste my time when I can just elsewhere and find peace. Heck even Hell is more peaceful than here. I cannot stay with the gods because of they are going through their own drama and are killing each other anyway.” 
She takes a couple steps back. “Cassie I understand why you are mad at us and you have every right to hate us. But I want you to know that there are people that still love you regardless.” Kori says in the most gentle way possible.
Everyone keeps quiet. Cassie clearly had been waiting for this moment and she has now gotten an audience. “Oh and speaking of failures, how many times have we been supposedly, not I used supposedly in quotation marks here because that shows how stupid you all are, were ahead of the bad guys only for them to outsmart us and somehow win?”
Dick and Kaldur exchange looks. “You know, had it not been for my father, I would have rotted in jail. Oh and special shoutout to the Black Adam family, the only family that ever truly cared about me. Plus of course Donna and Tatiana. The rest of you can go fuck yourselves and leave me be!!” She turns her back to them and ignores them as she walks over to the edge.
“Cassie wait...”
She stops and turns around as Vanessa walks in. “Cassie, listen I know you are mad. If you want to lash out. Take it out on me.” she says calmly, hands raised. Before anyone could say anything, Cassie stomps towards her so-called rival and aims a punch at Vanessa who does nothing to stop her.
Fortunately for her, Cassie stops mid-punch and drops to her knees and begins to break down in tears. Vanessa bends down and hugs her predecessor. “Listen Cass. No matter what anyone else says, you will always be Wonder Girl. In fact you are way better than I am. I do not like the great divide that Diana has created. There are other ways this could have been done.” she says. Cassie simply sobs, feeling very bad for lashing out.
“I...I’m so sorry...”
Vanessa smiles softly. “You do not have to apologise. We are both victims in this. Besides, I told Diana that I quit.” Cassie stares at her in disbelief. ”You did not have to.”
“Yet I did.”
Cassie shakes her head. “No. You remain Wonder Girl.” Cassie then smiles. “Besides, you earned it anyways.” Vanessa giggles and hugs her back. Everyone heaves a sigh of relief.
Osiris who had just arrived makes a slow descent next to them. “Cass, I understand you hate everyone and whatnot but if you throw yourself down there, chances are you might end up worse than Todd the moment they choose to bring you back from the dead. Or if you choose down a dark path now, you might end up the way Adam did years ago.”
The girl simply nods. “ I might as well go clear my mind of things for a while.”
He comes closer to her. “You know, you could have simply asked and I would gladly take you home with me so that you can get some breathing space since quite frankly, you need some of that.’ She rolls her eyes. “Fine. Let’s go.’ She wraps her arms around his neck with him wrapping his arms aorund her securely and together they fly away.
“Wait....that was it?“ says Garfield, earning a smack across the head from Raven. “Oww!!” he grumbles. Tim meanwhile stares up at the sky with jealousy in his eyes which is funny considering his relationship with Stephanie. 
So she has choosen him hm? This whole shit was a setup to make that announcement.
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