#like this is ''tw for EVERYTHING'' stories and once you get to that realm you really understand
calmcoldevening · 8 months
More intimate than sex
Characters: Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, Jacob Goodnight
Tw: a little mention of bad childhood, cruel treatment in past
Even big boys needs some care and affection
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Jason Voorhees
• Devotion, sitting in each other's arms, weakness. He always had to be strong, because as a child, being weak, he fell victim to rude guys and became who he is now. Therefore, in adulthood, he tries to remain impartial and moderately rude. But with you, he can afford to be weak, he can cry for his mother while you gently hug and caress him. He can be himself.
• Jason has always been insecure about himself because of his face and appearance in general. Yes, he had an attractive and muscular body now, but it was just a shell for that poor, shaking boy. And you managed to get through to this boy. You gave Jason hope that he might be loved not for his looks, but for his kindness and actions. You've shone a light on his dark, raw life.
• Sleep together. Of course, he doesn't need sleep, but for Jason, it's literally a way for him to show that he appreciates you and cares about you. While you're sleeping, he's just watching you and protecting you. Jason holds you tightly in his arms, hugging you to his chest. It protects and warms you.
• Jason is not used to laughing, but it happens to you almost by itself. It's like you always know what to say to make him laugh. And your own laughter.. It's music to his ears. Jason is ready to do anything to hear it at least once more.
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Bubba Sawyer
• Face again. Bubba will need time to get used to the fact that you love him regardless of his face. Tell him more often how cute and handsome he is, and how much you love him. He is very vulnerable, so please grow this flower, and don't trample it.
• He is quite naive when it comes to some issues not related to killing people, so he is often afraid to show weakness, he does not want to seem stupid. Just be patient. Tell him if he doesn't understand something and just hug him, saying that everything will be fine and he will cope with everything. This boy is extremely introverted, so do not rush, but only carefully guide him.
• Family. Bubba loves his family very much, so things about family are already very personal to him. What could be more intimate than viewing your childhood photos and stories about the past?
• Sharing his feelings and thoughts can also be difficult, so it is very important for him that his partner understands, accepts and supports Bubba. This applies to any personal issues.
• I think Bubba is one of the supporters of platonic love, so hugging is a very intimate process for him. Not like when you just wrapped your arms around a person and stepped back, no. A long, warm and gentle hug, full of feelings and unspoken words.
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Jacob Goodnight
• Show feelings. He doesn't think he has the right to do that. And yet, it's different with you. When you're around, he wants to smile. A really kind, sincere smile. He likes your smile. A really happy one, not the one that his victims squeeze out in an attempt to delay their death. Your smile is pure, innocent. You look at Jacob with such love that it makes his heart beat much faster. Your eyes sparkle with care and tenderness. His most beloved eyes, which he wants to keep for himself forever and cherish. And yet, he wants to leave those eyes on your face. You are pure, there is no sin in you. You don't deserve to be hurt.
• Next to you, he turns from a violent man into a scared child who is looking for affection and care. His mother had been suppressing and humiliating him for years. You are his only ray of light in this dark realm, you are his world, his paradise.
• Jacob likes to lie on your chest, hugging you tightly, and there's nothing vulgar about it. You're not like the others. Pure, innocent. You really love him. You hug and gently caress his back while he lies on your smaller body and almost purrs. He feels so good in your arms.
• Jacob likes to hold you in his arms while you sit on his lap. A man shunned a woman for a long time because of the commandments of his religious mother, so it was difficult for him to get used to touching your body. But once he learns, he will hug you for a long time. Jacob was hungry for touch. He squeezes you tightly, burying his nose in your hair and inhaling your soothing scent with pleasure. You're his safe place.
• Jacob has trained his dogs to protect you. You're the only person they can't touch, except for him, of course. His pets cling to you, demanding affection and attention. Therefore, if at least one victim attacks you, the dogs will rush at the unfortunate one, while one of the animals will carefully lick your wound.
• Jacob let you treat the wound on the back of his head. It hurt, but he endured it. You treated her and bandaged her up. At least now it will heal and not continue to rot. He lets you treat all your wounds. Your touch is gentle, it calms him down. You are his personal angel, sent by God for his faithful service.
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olinblogin · 7 months
Will you write a Yandere azure lion x fem reader please?😃
Yees :3
I’ll be real I had a bit more of field day on this one making the reader fight back :3
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(TW/CWs — bad ending, reader stabs Azure in the eye, brief detailed gore, reader doesn’t reciprocate)
All was quite well in the brotherhood, banquets each night, lighthearted stories from Wukong of his endeavors in the celestial realm… it was quite nice.
Being the only woman in the brotherhood was actually a bit funny, especially when fighting. Enemies would just assume you couldn’t fight because of the sheer fact you’re a woman, and then you end up kicking their asses proper.
It was another night sat around the table, you were sat between Macaque and YellowTusk. Wukong was telling one of his stories once more, one you’ve heard dozens of times. Even if the amount of times you heard it was likely in the triple-digits, it was still enjoyable. Though you couldn’t help but zone out.
You’ve been recalling how odd Azure Lion has been acting lately.
You’d catch him staring, and he’d always turn his head away quickly.
It got to the point where tonight you made a mental note to confront him of it. Eventually dinner passed, everyone was doing their own things.
You made your way to Azure, tapping his arm. He fur on his arm immediately stood on end, head whipping around to look at you. “Oh— [Y/N]! My apologies, I didn’t see you..” he said with the underlying tremor of nervousness in his voice, ears flattening with embarrassment. “Azure, could I talk to you in private for a moment? I want to speak with you about something.” You said, not acknowledging his statement. He nodded deftly, following you as you brought him into a nearby clearing in the forest where you could speak with privacy.
“Azure, you’ve been acting odd lately. What’s going on?” You asked, crossing your arms and tucking them close to your chest. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about..” Azure would say with avoidance, playing dumb and averting his gaze.
“Don’t act so coy. You know what I’m talking about. Especially earlier… you keep looking at me strangely and you get all weird when I talk to you. What is your deal?” It’s obvious that Azure did not expect to be confronted about this at all.
His shoulders were tense and he let out a little sigh, deciding to get it over with and say what he wanted to say for the longest time.
“It’s because I.. [Y/N], I think I love you.”
There was a long silence passing by the two of you.. you truly didn’t know what to say… you’d have to let him down softly; you didn’t feel the same way.
“I’m sorry Azure but.. I really don’t feel the same way. I hope we can stay friends..?”
Azure’s ears flattened.. but instead of understanding his face twisted with anger; his muzzle wrinkling in anger at your rejection, no matter how kindly you had rejected him.
“You dare defy me..?! If you won’t accept my confession willingly, I’ll make you accept it by force.”
Azure tried to reach out and grab you, to which you acted quickly by pulling out a knife you smuggled form the dinner; plunging it deep into his eye.
Azure howled in agony as you twisted and dug the knife into his eye. You ripped it out with force. Azure stumbled back, nursing his now severely injure eye as blood and vitreous humor pouring down his face.
Eventually you got ahold of yourself, snapping out of your shock… you turned on your heels and dashed quickly into the forest, never to be seen again by the brotherhood, or anyone for that matter.
Yet Azure kept nursing his now destroyed eye, staring off in the direction you ran… he didn’t chase after you. It was futile anywho; you were one of the swiftest of them that is… he deeply regretted everything. He regretted lashing out and trying to grab you; scaring you so bad.
“I’m sorry [Y/N]. I’ll find you eventually, my dear.”
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vbecker10 · 5 months
Loki's Silent Sentry (alt. ending Part 2 - final)
Part 1
Alt. ending Part 1 is meant to be read after part 2, instead of the original parts 3 - 7
**Seriously please do not read this without reading the trigger warnings**
TW: death of a main character (if you message me I will tell you who in case that will change if you read this or not), mourning the loss of a loved one, loss of a family member, having to mourn in secret, depression, feeling alone, brief mentions of previous loss of parents, inability to move on, guilt
(Please let me know if I missed anything and I will add it)
A/N: I wrote the fluffy, happy ending for this story but I got this song (tagged below) stuck in my head and it felt like a really tragic way to end this story. The idea just kept getting more depressing and heartbreaking so I had to write it. I understand this is not for everyone, it's not even something I would usually read.
Please, please do not feel the need to read this because we are mutuals or because you read the happy ending version. I will absolutely not be offended if you skip it.
...Last chance to turn back lol 🫣
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You walk through the common room of the soldier's quarters, your head down as you desperately try to escape to your room. Several people congratulate you on receiving your award this morning and you nod vaguely to each as you pass by.
Slamming closed the door to your room, you rest your back against the wood and close your eyes as you breathe deeply. Your fists clench as your mind replays the king's words of praise. Heroic, brave, loyal, dutiful, all the things a good soldier should be you were but you were still not enough to save the one person on Asgard who mattered to you.
You reach for your chest and your fingers brush against the cold medal Odin pinned to you. Opening your eyes, you rip the medal from your uniform and throw it across your room. You pay no attention to where it lands, you want it as far from you as possible.
You pull the end of the black fabric tied around your arm and let it fall to the floor as you walk to your bed and sit down heavily. You bend down to pry off your heavy boots and when you sit up your eyes catch the painting of your parents that you keep next to your bedside.
Picking up the small frame, your fingers trace their faces slowly. Your father has been gone for nearly ten years, his life given defending the Bifrost from a Jotun attack. Your mother was killed while protecting the queen's father when you were still a child. You hold the picture tightly to your chest. Your mother and father, your grandfathers, three of your aunts, your uncle, your cousins... you slowly list the members of your family who gave their lives in service to the crown and the realm.
You slowly lower the picture to your bed as the thoughts that haunted you before you met Loki returned. You are once again completely alone in this world. No family, no true friends, no one to love and to love you in return. Loki was the only person you were able to connect with in recent years and he knew you were terrified of being alone, of being the last one left. He promised he would always be with you, that he would never leave you alone but you made him break that promise when you failed to save him.
You get up from the bed and walk angrily across the room. You swipe everything off the top of your dresser as you scream. Glass bottles shatter and items slam to the ground around you. You are not a hero, you are not brave, you did not do your duty. You move to your small bookshelf and grab the books by the handful, throwing them to the floor, crying tears of anger and regret and guilt and pain. You should have died protecting Loki, you should have died in his place. He should be alive, your mind screams as you pick up a small metal box you keep on your desk and throw it against a wall.
You stop suddenly as dozens of folded notes spill out of the broken box, walking towards the pile slowly you wipe away your tears with the back of you hand. You sit on the ground next to the pile and pick up one of the pieces of paper which fell out. The one you picked is still neatly folded, not like the others you've opened and refolded after having read them over and over. This is the note Loki passed to you shortly before his death, you have not been able to force yourself to read it. You hold it tightly to your chest and try to hear his voice but all you can hear is your own.
You lost the love of your life and you will be alone forever. Loki is gone and it is your fault.
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You stand next to Captain Skye as Commandant Thorn prepares to read the charges for Loki's former sentry. Odin sits on his throne and Thor is seated next to him, the queen is not in attendance this afternoon. Only selected council members are present and a handful of soldiers, all captain or higher except for you.
The private kneels in the center of the room, a guard from the dungeons on either side of him. His hands are bound behind his back and he hangs his head low.
You force yourself not to look at him, to keep your eyes straight ahead and your expression emotionless. Last night you visited him in the dungeon and agreed to speak on his behalf even though you know it will have no effect on the outcome. Your captain informed you that he is going to be made an example of. Regardless of his low rank and lack of experience, his one duty above all else, was to keep Loki safe and he failed to do so.
You feel a pit grow in your stomach as a member of the council motions for you to come forward. Your heart pounds as you take your place next to him, he looks up at you and you can see how lost he is. A part of you wishes you could place the blame solely on him for Loki's death. If he had done his duty, Loki would be alive but you can't. You know in your heart that he had been purposefully selected because of Loki's desire to see you.
You take a breath to steady yourself. "It is my professional opinion as a lieutenant in the royal guard that Private Rok is far too young and inexperienced to have been allowed to guard Prince Loki. There is no doubt or argument that he did not follow his training or his duty but he is only one month out of the academy. There is a reason sentries are meant to spend their first year after training shadowing more senior sentries. It is so they can understand the enormous responsibility that comes with being a sentry. Guarding a royal or council member is more than silently following them around the palace. A sentry must truly be willing to lay their life down for the person they are protecting and unfortunately Private Rok was not willing or ready to do so," you look at Odin as you speak.
Odin sits back in his throne and asks, "Who is responsible for assigning this soldier to Prince Loki so soon after completing his training?"
The room is silent until you realize he is asking you. "Prince Loki requested him," you answer but give no further explanation. The last thing you want to do is make it seem as if you are attempting to say Loki's death was his own fault.
Odin nods and is quiet for a moment, the whole room waits for him to speak again. He motions for you to return to your place next to Captain Skye then he stands. You hold your breath as he sentences the young man to fifty years in the dungeons.
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Two days later, you open your eyes to the sound of the morning bells. Loki's funeral is at sunset, you remind yourself as you sit up. You throw off your sheets but you can't find the strength to stand, you've cried it all out. Sitting motionless, you look around your room and sigh as you flex your bandaged hand. You had cleaned everything yesterday and cut yourself more than once on broken pieces of glass. The black tie and medal you "earned" sit next to the painting of your parents, waiting for you to put them back on.
Forcing yourself up, you take a few steps from the bed and go still when someone knocks on your door. You have no idea who it could be, the soldiers you live with have all giving you their condolences for the prince and congratulations on your award. There was no one left who would wish to see you.
You shake your head and decide to ignore whoever it is in the hopes that they will go away, you do not have the mental capacity for small talk today.
After a few moments there is another knock and you suddenly realize how quiet it is. The drone of constant talking and laughing that radiates from the common room is gone. Even at night, there is always chatter as the shifts vary greatly, someone is always awake.
You take a deep breath to steady your nerves and open the door. Your heart stops as you come face to face with the queen. You are so shocked you freeze, forgetting to bow or greet her or even blink it seems.
Her new sentry stands just to the side of her and says, "The queen would like to speak with you, Lieutenant Y/L/N."
Your heart aches at the thought of inviting the queen inside your private space, Loki had never been to your room before. There was never a chance for you to show him the book where you pressed the flowers he gave you or sleep with him on your bed so your sheets smelled like him. He hadn't seen the painting of your parents or your childhood stuffed animal. There were so many things you still wanted to share with him but you would never be able to now.
You shake away your thoughts and step out of the way so she can enter, her sentry remains outside. Closing the door behind her, you keep your eyes down and take a few steps away from her. You are terrified to be near her, afraid she blames you for Loki's death as much as you blame yourself.
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"Y/N," she says softly and you look up slowly to meet her eyes.
She looks as distraught as you feel and without thinking, you begin to apologize, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-."
She moves quickly and wraps you in a tight hug, cutting off your words. You break down as soon as you are in her arms, she is the first person who has hugged you since Loki passed. Unable to hold back your tears any longer, you cling to Loki's mother while you shake from the force of your sobs.
When you finally let go of her, you wipe your eyes and apologize again, "I'm sorry your highness, I-"
"Shh," she pulls you back into her arms. "You have done nothing to be sorry for," she says quietly and you nod but you don't believe her. She takes your hand and leads you back to your bed, sitting on the edge she motions for you to join her.
"This was not your fault, Y/N," she tells you as you sit close to her.
"I know but..." you want to believe her.
"I don't blame you and you know Loki doesn't either," she says and you look up at her.
"I just... I need you to know I really tried. I tried so hard but I just... I couldn't get to him fast enough. I couldn't find him. I wanted to, I needed to save him but I couldn't," you try to wipe your eyes but the tears come to quickly. "I know my duty was to protect you and everyone calls me a hero because I did but..." the thought that haunted you at night slips free. "I didn't save your son, how could I be a hero? He died because I failed."
She pulls you into her arms and rubs your back lightly. "The outcome does not make you a hero, your actions do. I have never doubted that you did everything you could to bring my son back to us," she says softly. You nod and she adds, "He would never want you to let this eat away at your beautiful spirit."
You look up at her and rub your face with the back of your hand. "I know how much Loki loved you and how happy you made each other," she says, her eyes full of tears but she smiles. "He told me so many wonderful things about you and his hopes for your future together. You truly were his whole world."
"And he was mine," you tell her, your heart aching at the knowledge that he told his mother he was planning a life with you.
You take her hand, "Loki, told me how lucky he felt to have you as his mother. He said you were always there for him." She smiles as tears roll down her cheeks. "I want you to know how much he and I appreciated all of your help after the ball. I never... I never thanked you for giving me that extra time with him on Sundays. I cherished every second we had together but I wish we had more time. I would give anything for just one more day with him."
"So would I," she agrees.
You sit together in silence for a moment then she says, "There is a reason I wanted to see you this morning." She wipes her eyes and clears her throat before giving you the best smile she can gather in the moment.
She reaches into a pocket on her black gown and takes out a small golden box with a snake etched into the top. "Loki would have wanted you to have this," she offers it to you.
You shake your head no, your heart sinking as you open the box. A thin gold band with diamonds around a large emerald sits on a dark green piece of velvet. You touch the ring slowly, running your fingers over each gem then you close the box quickly as you feel your head spinning.
You look up at her and she is holding a folded piece of parchment paper. She sighs deeply and looks at the paper without unfolding it, running her fingers along the crease, "He figured out how to bypass the marriage law..."
You look from Frigga to the box in your hands and find it hard to breathe as she talks. Your hands shake as you hold the box tighter.
"He was going to propose during the Harvest Festival next month..." she says. "He wanted to do it in front of all of Asgard so no one would ever question how in love you two were."
Your heart shatters at hearing how close you were to being Loki's. One more month and the two of you would have had your happily ever after. You open the box again slowly and take the ring out, you slip it halfway onto your finger and stop. You whisper no and you begin to take it off but Frigga puts her hand over yours.
"You should wear it," she says, "And you should be with his family tonight."
"I can't..." you look down. "I'm supposed to be on guard during the procession," you explain but she shakes her head.
"You will walk with us," she says simply. "It is what Loki would have wanted."
"But the king said I'm not to mourn him in public, it would be..." you worry about his reaction to seeing you at the funeral.
"Leave the king to me," she says in a determined voice. You can't help but smile a little when you remember Loki once telling you that Odin may rule Asgard but Frigga ruled Odin.
"You are not just a soldier. Odin and the council may try to deny it, but you were not just his sentry nor even his friend," she sighs deeply and takes your hand again. "You should have been allowed to be his wife, Y/N. It is what you both wanted and deserved. I'm sorry these idiotic political issues kept you two apart while he was alive but I refuse to let anything stand in the way of you grieving him the way you should."
You can barely believe what you are hearing and you are at a loss for words.
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Loki's body is dressed in full armor with his horned crown, his favorite daggers crossed over his chest as he rests in a wooden boat, surrounded by flowers from the garden he shared with his mother. The king and queen walk a few steps behind as the boat slowly floats towards the water. Civilians, council members and soldiers line either side of the long path, heads hung in respect and mourning. You walk next to Thor, your black gown flowing around you gently in the light breeze, your hands folded tightly together so you can feel the ring he wanted to give you. Tears stream steadily down your cheeks but you hold your head high and continue on.
The dark water ahead grows closer and when you see the mist from the falls beyond, your feet refuse to walk any further causing you to stumble. A hand reaches out and catches before you fall.
"I have you," Thor assures you, tears in his eyes as you take his arm for support.
"Thank you Thor," you look away as he fails to hold back the first of many tears. "I'm sorry you lost your brother."
He nods quietly and walks with you a few more paces before he says, "I'm sorry sister. I had not known how much you meant to Loki, I never would have treated so you poorly if I knew the truth. I only ever wanted my little brother to find peace and happiness. It seems as if he had found both with you."
You grip his arm tighter as the boat gently slips into the water, guided forward by Odin's magic. Odin halts a few feet from the edge of the water but Frigga continues to follow the boat until the hem of her dress becomes wet from the soft waves. Thor leaves you so he can stand with his father but you follow the queen. You cannot bear the thought that this is as close to Loki as you will ever be again. You want to follow him out into the water and over the falls to his life after this world.
All of Asgard watches in silence as Loki's body floats across the water in the wooden boat. Odin taps his scepter once on the sandy shore and the sound echos, somewhere behind you a single archer let's loose a flaming arrow and your heart stops. The boat catches instantly and your knees give out as he draws closer to the edge of the great falls.
You hit the ground hard and watch from your knees, tears streaming down your cheeks as the boat vanishes from view. Loki's spirit is set free, hundreds of beautiful green orbs float towards the sky above. You watch until the last light fades into the stars and cover your face with your hands to quiet your pained scream.
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A few days after Loki's funeral, you accepted the queen's request to return as her sentry. Over the last month, you have force yourself to rejoin the world around you but inside you feel as if you are still drowning in your grief.
Every second you stand alone in silence outside of the queen's office is spent reliving past conversations with Loki. Each hallway you walk down holds a memory from your time spent following him as his sentry. The winding staircases where he held your hand secretly or stole a kiss when no one was around cause your chest to ache. You can't breath inside the palace, the very air reminds you of him.
Today is Sunday, a day you used to look forward to above all others, a day where you were once able to show Loki your love for him and feel his love for you. The queen opens her door and steps out, there is no need for her to tell you where you are going. You already know the destination.
You follow Loki's mother into the garden and a wave of emotions hit you so hard you find it hard to breathe. Every Sunday since Loki passed, you have taken his place beside her although it pains you both greatly.
You walk next to her slowly as she recounts stories from her son's childhood and teen years. You can hear the heartache in her voice as she corrects herself each time she speaks about Loki as if he still here. The stories vary over time, some are funny while others are seemingly random memories with no true focal point.
You listen to each story but you are simply performing for the queen, you smile and laugh at all the right moments but you have lost your ability to feel joy. Your eyes scan the garden while she talks as if Loki might somehow appear on the path ahead. As if he could be hiding behind every tree or tall hedge even though you know you will never see him again. The garden has become one more place on Asgard where Loki haunts you.
As you leave the garden, you both pause next to a tall, full rose bush with flowers that are marbled green and white. She touches the petals gently and takes your hand.
You stand at the top of the stairs and think about the nightmare that awaits you if you return to your room. Your sleep has been stolen by a single reoccurring dream every night for the last month. Smoke and ash cloud your vision, you feel heat burning your skin as the flames surrounding you grow steadily closer. The roar of the fire drowns out your screams for Loki and you always wake up suddenly to the same sound, the cry Loki's mother let out when she found him in your arms.
"Loki would have loved these," you tell her with another practiced smile.
She conjured them in honor of Loki after she spoke to your on the morning of his funeral. She gives you a hug and tells you that your are dismissed for the night. You nod and turn, leaving her to watch the sunset alone.
My beautiful Y/N,
You had decided tonight would be different, you were not returning to your room. You turn down the long dark hallway to your left, to the office where Loki had created a duplicate of his chambers using his magic.
Lighting a single candle, you take off your armor slowly and sit on the worn out couch. The cushions are flat and the legs are uneven but you are not worried about being comfortable, not tonight. All you want is to be somewhere you used to share with Loki. His office and chambers had both been sealed upon his death but even if they were not, you doubt you could bring itself to go in either.
You close your eyes for a moment to stay yourself then take out the note he gave you just before his death. You take a deep breath and open it for the first time.
I miss you more than I can put into words, I cannot wait until I have you in my arms again. I promised you that I would find a way for you to be mine forever and I think I finally have. We will be together soon and I will never let you go. I love you more than anything in the nine realms.
Love always, Loki
You fold the note carefully and hold it to your chest as you lay down. The tears you have kept locked away all day run down your cheeks. Wiping the tears from your eyes, you catch a glimpse of the ring he would be giving you at the Harvest Festival tomorrow if he were still alive.
You close your eyes and imagine Loki down on one knee in front of all of Asgard professing his love for you. You cry with joy and jump into his waiting arms, telling him you love him as you kiss him over and over.
The images fade and you roll over to face the back of the couch. You sniffle, wiping your eyes again and decide you will soon be with Loki forever. Tomorrow, before the festival, you are going to tell the queen you are leaving Asgard. You have made the decision to be sent to the front line of the ever raging war on Jotunheim.
If the Gods are good, you will meet Loki and your family in Valhalla before long.
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This is the song that inspired me, if you listen to the end you will see why. Again... I'm sorry to everyone who reads this that I hurt you but I just needed to get this story out of my head. If you want the happy ending version please read the original part 3 (linked at the top) 💙💙
If you did like this, please like, comment and share! Thanks! 💚💚
@siconetribal @soubi001 @lulubelle814 @newtomofgods @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen
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dia-souls · 1 year
🎶 Shuyui fanfic 🎶
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Pairing: Shu and Yui
TW: Choking, Violence, Death, tragedy end
Author: Admin Irsa
Note: This fic is related to Shu Haunted Dark Bridal After Story. We repost it again because of a tiny problem.
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🌸 Forsaken love 🌸
Yui opened her eyes and saw Shu laying beside her. He was sound asleep while she was wide awake. Yui had been experiencing abnormal pains in her heart. She looked at the ceiling and was deep in thought. Why was her heart hurting so much?
Yui sat up and clutched her heart.The pain showed no signs of stopping and it was getting more painful every minute. So, she turned to Shu and decided to wake him up. But before she could do it, her whole body stopped moving. Unable to stand, she collapsed on the bed with a *thump*. This made her want to scream, but she couldn’t make a sound. Her voice was trapped in her throat. If only she could wake up Shu, then everything would be okay. Nevertheless, her body didn't allow it, and from her side she saw a women with purple hair.
No… it can't be. She should be gone now! What is she doing here? Yui felt tears in her eyes the more she looked at her. Cordelia, the purple haired woman, was now smiling at her. This made Yui feel even more pain beyond her control.
Cordelia mumbled, "The time has arrived."
Yui felt strange pains throughout her entire body. It felt as if someone was strangling her. She continued to scream, but her desperate pleas could not reach the sleeping vampire right beside her. Yui looked at Shu through her blurry vision before going to sleep.
Cordelia opened her eyes and looked down at herself. Then she got up from the bed and went towards the mirror to look at her new body.
She couldn't help but smile at her small victory. Finally, she is alive and will now be able to carry out her revenge. Looking back at the bed, she spotted the sleeping vampire. Shu was still sound asleep.
She made her way towards him and moved away the hair from his eyes. Oh! He really is handsome. Seeing that it's still night, she decided to rest. She melted into the bed and snuggled up next to Shu. Once she closed her eyes, it wasn’t long before she fell asleep too.
Shu opened his eyes to look at Yui, who was still sleeping beside him. He pulled her closer and hugged her. He never imagined that he could love someone more than himself. Love was not in the realm of possibility before he met Yui, especially because he was a vampire.
He looked at Yui’s sleeping form and kissed her forehead. She tossed and turned in his arms. But before she could adjust her body comfortably, he locked his lips with her.
Feeling someone kiss her caused Cordelia to wake up. She was speechless when Shu kissed her. With the realization that it was him, she smiled and kissed him back. So much time had passed, it’s been years since a man touched her like that. She was so desperate for touch that she started to mount him.
Shu was a little taken back by her sudden action, but he didn’t mind it. So, he reacted by grabbing her waist.
"You really are getting more desperate as the time passes. This is the first thing you want in the morning, not like I mind lewd women."
Shu gave her a lazy smirk.
"Huh…am I the one at fault, then? How am I supposed to control myself when you do such things?" She grinned at him and rocked her hips to show her desperation.
Originally, Cordelia thought that she would tell Shu that she has returned. However, in light of the present moment, Cordelia decided against it. Now that she was seeing Shu’s naughty behavior toward Yui, maybe she can have some fun with him? Besides, her revenge can be carried out without revealing her true identity…
Shu couldn’t help but raise his eyebrow at Yui’s display of dominance. How much of an effect does he have on Yui?
This thought gives him an eerie feeling. The way Yui is acting right now isn't how she normally is.
Cordelia saw his shift in demeanor. As he fell silent, she cursed at herself for her carelessness. She knows he is used to Yui’s innocent and modest behavior. A new idea sparked in her head when she looked back at his face.
Shu noticed how Yui’s expression changed. Her lips slightly quivering and eyes downturned. Why is she getting worried?
She quietly muttered, "Umm…I—"
"Is something wrong Yui?"
"Huh? Nn-no…"
Seeing her stutter and lower her voice, his doubts slightly vanished. Cordelia’s attempt to mimic Yui worked for the moment. It reassured Shu that Yui was still like her normal self.
Cordelia was relieved for now, but feels as if she needs to do better. If she doesn’t keep the act up, she might be in trouble for the long run.
Days went by like the wind. Shu couldn't help but think that something isn't right. Nowadays, Yui seems like a total stranger to him.
She isn't the type to look seductive. The way her clothing changed from modest to seductive was really unusual. It was as if she wanted attention from someone else. The way she flirted with other men by showing off her body made Shu incredibly jealous.
He didn't fall in love with this Yui.
"Yui," Shu called out.
She looked at him with the same seductive look. Oh! He missed when her eyes were full of naiveness.
"Is something wrong with you?"
"No. Why do you keep asking this question over and over again?" she said with a deep frown, making her way towards the bed where he was sitting.
“Why, you ask? It’s because you keep behaving strange...you never used to say things like that!"
"Oh really? I thought you liked me being honest, now I cant even tell you how I feel?"
"You can but that's not the point!"
"Then what do you want!?"
Shu sighed in exasperation. He was so over it. How many times has this happened? He couldn't count anymore…
Yui leaned closer to comfort him. She sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around in a tight hug.
Shu hugged her back but a bad feeling still lingered. Yui is close to him but something isn't right. To his surprise, he felt Yui kissing his neck and sucking on it.
It became a nightly routine. It started with Shu kissing her and gripping her thigh. Then he pulled her lingere off, which barely covered her to begin with.
All of this made Shu question, when did things become like this?
Even so, he continued with the activity by lifting Yui up and laying her down on the bed. He looked deep in her eyes as he climbed on top…
He answered to his own question.
The rage he felt now couldn't be controlled by anyone. He felt his blood boiling with jealousy. He couldn't imagine Yui in such a position! How could she cheat on him in his own bedroom?! In his own bed?!
Shu looked at Yui as she was laying down naked with another man on top of her. Isn't this the guy who has a crush on her and works with her in the flower shop?!
They still didn't seem to notice his presence. The man was still enjoying his Yui. Shu wanted to believe that Yui was forced, but her face and her words were saying otherwise. Instead, she was telling him to keep going.
Shu immediately made his presence known by grabbing the guy and shaking him off Yui. He threw the secret lover to the floor and beat him badly. Blood dripped from his face as Shu punched him. Ignoring his screams, he kicked him continuously on his side and in the abdomen. His overwhelming hate grew by the second as he gripped the guy’s skull with both hands. He pushed his palms inward and squeezed until an ugly sound was heard. Yet, he still wasn't satisfied. Shu wanted to make the guy regret his actions forever. No other man should touch or deflower his love, Yui. So, he continued to kick and punch the guy until every single one of his bones broke and shattered.
When he was finished, he turned to look at Yui. Shu was breathing heavily and his hands were covered with the guy’s blood. Shu resembled a beast and was ready to attack anyone else who dared to approach.
Cordelia felt genuine fear when she looked up at Shu. She didn't think what she did warranted such a violent reaction. Cordelia gulped and broke a sweat as she saw Shu coming towards her. Her fear was already heightened when she witnessed the guy’s death. Looking upon his dead body filled her with a sense of dread. Would she end up with the same fate as him? Cordelia was quickly losing control in such a weakened state. And within seconds, Yui became fully conscious and Cordelia was gone.
Yui, with full command over her body, forced herself to look at her surroundings. She widened her eyes while looking at the deadly scene in front of her. Seeing that she is naked, she hurriedly covered herself with sheet. Finally, she looked at Shu.
"Shu! I-I—"
"Hahaha! You wanted this didn't you? All this time, you were hoping that I would lose control and show how much I loved you?”
"Shu, listen! Hear me out—"
"Shut up! There is nothing left to say!" he climbed on top of her bed and gripped her chin, making her look at his icy cold eyes.
"Say...the fuck that I gave you last night wasn't good, that's why you decided to cheat?! Right?!"
"T-that’s not true! Listen Shu, please hear me out…she…Corde—!"
"I SAID SHUT UP!" he climbed on top of her and bit her neck harshly. Blood was oozing out of the wound. The remaining drops that escaped were sucked and licked up. Yui felt tears pricking her eyes, she couldn't help but groan from the pain. Her neck was also being pressed, so it was very hard for her to breathe.
Shu then ripped the sheet off her, biting down hard on her right breast. With his free hand, he squeezed her left breast to the point where Yui yelped.
“I told you to shut your mouth!” he put his hand on her mouth and looked at her. Her face was now filled with tears. For a moment, Shu felt as if Yui were truly here and the woman from before was another person. That maybe the despicable woman he caught redhanded was someone else, not Yui. But any compassion Shu once had did not last for more than a second. He cleared his thoughts as he remembered her act of betrayal.
His other hand lunged towards her neck, squeezing the life out of Yui. Still, he made heavy eye contact with her. Looking deep in her eyes, he reflected on all of their shared moments together. The memories came and went.
He shouldn't have loved her. The pain he felt in his heart, the way his heart was squeezing, and the way his blood was boiling. All the anger, jealousy, hurt, hate, and betrayal…he hated all these feelings. As much as he hated it though, it didn’t stop him from feeling every emotion all at once.
Yui’s screams were muffled because of his hand. It was hurting her heart so much, as if it was being set on fire. He pressed his hand harder into her face so that her screams could finally stop. Any tears or sadness in her eyes, Shu ignored them. Shu also ignored his own tears. The life and light in Yui was quickly fading away.
Suddenly, her eyes changed from green to pink. Shu felt as if bucket of cold water had dropped on him. He hurriedly took his hand from her neck.
He cradled her in his arms and looked at her tear-stained face. Her body was completely lifeless, past the point to resuscitate.
"WAKE UP…Yui! Y-you...can't leave...me. Not you! Please stop...open your…eyes!"
He killed her.
He killed her even though it wasn't her fault and she was a victim. If only he listened to her, he could have stopped and she would still be alive...
He cradled Yui’s lifeless body in his arms and looked down at his hands…the hands that killed her. The marks on her neck show that he gave her a painful death.
"Yui, I am sorry... We're always going to be together. Even if you say 'no' I won't let you go, because I am selfish...I will join you soon."
Shu took the knife and aimed it at his heart.
"I love you Yui."
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Celina, I had the most random thought about a yandere rottmnt isekai au.
I was rewatching some rottmnt earlier and I noticed how I barely commented on anything, aside from a smile and a small chuckle here and there. It got me thinking…
What if m/c was like that? What if m/c never really commented at all aside from a few chuckles and small comments sprinkled throughout an episode? Maybe they are a bit of an introvert too? How would yandere rottmnt turtles react to this?
I think they would go insane trying to find any information at all about m/c, and at first it isn’t even because of their yandere-ness! They just want to know who the heck is watching them!
I think that they may try to do things to make m/c speak, but they wouldn’t outright reveal themselves as able to hear m/c (let’s be real here, if you found out an entity beyond your realm was watching you, would you instantly let them know you are aware of them or would you at least try to make sure they are safe first?).
Soon, m/c’s voice becomes… addicting. The boys constantly crave m/c’s voice and comments, doing anything to know more about them and just hear them again! This is amped up if m/c gives them small compliments here and there… especially with Donnie and Leo… (The turtles would probably develop the belief that the only reason they can hear m/c and no one else from m/c’s realm is because m/c belongs in their realm…)
Then they try to break into m/c’s realm…
Donnie would most likely be able to connect with the tech first with his nimpo, then he would hack into any device near m/c. Cameras, laptops, phones, everything! It isn’t long before the turtles learn more about m/c than they would’ve ever known beforehand, maybe even more than m/c themself…
It isn’t long before Donnie hacks into m/c’s phone and establishes a connection between the turtles and m/c’s devices…
Poor m/c would have no idea who these random people who sound-er, text?- a lot like their favorite characters from ROTTMNT. I doubt the turtles would give themselves away immediately, they would most likely bide their time and gain more information on m/c (This could also be translated into your sentient AI thing you have going on).
They would only reveal themselves in person, once the portal is ready and they can take what rightfully belongs in their world. M/c wouldn’t have the chance to run before they are dragged away, kicking, screaming, and crying, out of their own reality…
“Why are you fighting us, dear? Don’t you love us? Our reality is- No, stop fighting us- our reality is much better than this bitter and cold world, you won’t have to worry about anything ever again!”
(Bonus if Donnie hacks into m/c’s friends and families phones so Dr. Delicate Touch can have a few words with them…)
(I’m sorry, It’s almost midnight for me and I HAD to share this idea with someone :,/)
Me at 3 AM 3 hours later-
Someone send help I cried because of an angst story but now I'm dehydrated but I'm too scared to go get liquid bcs I'm pretty sure someone is on the couch and I'm far too paranoid for that shit-
Tw: Raph gets a little- too dependent on MC speaking, Mikey glorifies his position, mentions of manipulation + anxiety
First of all, delicious idea you got here- as always I'll just add a little tidbit.
Imagine occasionally they accidentally whisper or mumble when they hear you speak in the rare moments that you do. Like with me, I either talk to myself about somewhat off-topic things or just say the most basic compliments that are more or less for my self-indulgence in expressing my true feelings. (We'll go with compliment bcs that makes more sense in terms of yan development)
"Donnie is so skrunkly when he's feral I love it-"
*Donnie who was just having a typical "who's better" debate with Leo* "Oh won't you look at that...I'm loved even in times of undomesticated behaviours~" *he's very smug, and definitely is bouncing with joy internally*
I think for the most part Donnie, Leo, and Raph react pretty similarly. They kinda just have an odd pull to the weird ass voice they occasionally hear sometimes, wanting to find out more about it. So they can cling to it as emotional support.
But Mikey?
He is legit going to think he's some prophet of this mysterious voice which he believes is a superior being. Like even the smallest comment will literally make him whisper to himself- "Oh my divinity, I am a follower of your every word.." Wouldn't be surprised if he has heart eyes istg-
But if his bros say they can hear it too, he will literally be so pissed. He'll accuse they're lying and basically manipulating him into thinking he's not special. I wouldn't be surprised if he busts out Dr. Delicate Touch to start accusing them of any crime that fits with the situation. And in the end, he'll always conclude with "I'm the only one who gets to be the chosen one of my divinity~ so stop lying alright?"
Also there's one thing I want to point out with Raph, I feel he would get attached to the voice so bad over time that he either A. cannot make any rational decisions without it or B. he gets super anxious if he doesn't hear it in his head 24/7. I feel he would nickname it like, "my secret voice" or "my mind plushie".
Leo and Donnie definitely fight the most about the voice, but they also plan together the most when it comes to finding out more about the owner of the voice. But their intentions with each other are never mentioned.
(this was such a half-assed rant but surely it should be a little insight on my thoughts).
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
hiii 👋 may i please request prompt 58 "forever mine" kisses (+ prompt 3 hiding face in neck, only if it's okay!!) for lucifer? thank you so much and warmest congratulations on 100 followers!! 🥺💙
❪ # x ❫ : LUCIFER. ━━ PROMPT 58 & 3
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volcanic love by the aces
🏷️ gn! reader , angst (?) / comfort , tw: spoilers for the end obey me part 3, it’s kinda bittersweet , wc: 584 , notes: thank you so much anon thats so sweet and i really enjoyed writing this request so thank you for that too, i wanted to make it sadder but i didn’t how that would turn out lol !
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Begging lord Diavolo proved to be useless.
You knew he had his reasons but the fact that all the seven demon brothers were willing to throw their pride out of the window (even the literal Avatar of Pride) to have you join the family made you a bit willing to throw hands.
They wanted you stay with them and you wanted them to stay with you.
And yet, you couldn’t. Because life is never that simple.
It hurt. It wasn’t surprising, but it hurt nevertheless. You knew you were not the only one hurting. Five of the seven brothers made that very clear on the ride home (Belphie too, but he fell asleep almost immediately).
Their drunken whining and complaining would normally make you laugh. But today it made your heart ache.
You noticed that Lucifer had been quiet the entire way home. Even when his brother cursed Diavolo’s judgment, he stayed uncharacteristically silent. He also didn’t say a word when you reached Serenity Manor and everyone excused themselves to get some sleep.
You stayed behind, expecting him to go straight to his room as well. Instead he surprised you as you watched him disappear to the backyard. Curiosity and worry got the best of you as you followed the demon.
By the time you reached outside he was already sitting on a lawn chair, his glasses in hands as he looked up at the sky. You would’ve spent more time admiring him but you had to remind yourself that that wasn’t the goal right now.
You walked up behind him, careful not to startle him on accident, even though he’d probably sensed your presence already.
“Are you disappointed?” You asked, making him turn around and face you. Demon Lord, you were going to miss those ruby eyes.
He nodded to you, acknowledging your presence as he stood up, eyes still on the night sky.
“Disappointed? Disappointed isn’t the word. I can’t say that I did not expect his answer.” He spoke, sorrow in his tone. “I’m closer to dissatisfied.”
One arm snuck around your waist as he used the other hand to hold your chin, making sure you kept looking at him only.
“I’m dissatisfied that I have to leave, I’m selfishly dissatisfied that I cannot keep you by my side forever and I’m dissatisfied with the current conditions that keep us apart.” A rare desperation sounded from his voice as he held you close.
His face neared yours when he turned your face to closer his liking. “Why did you have to make me feel this way about you Mc? I cannot imagine a life without you anymore.” He breathed on your lips and closed the gap between your two.
Lucifer was known as stoic demon with a tight grip on everything, including his own emotions.
The Lucifer in front of you was nothing like that, he reminded you of the Celestial Realm Lucifer that you heard stories about; pouring all his feelings and emotions into the passionate kiss. As you moved in sync, you felt a tear fall from his once impenetrable eyes. You felt your soul yearn for him like never before.
As you parted, slightly out of breath, your hand found the back of his head. He hid his face in your neck as you combed through his raven hair.
His arms tightened around you at the calming gesture, like you could disappear at any moment.
“I wish I could make you mine, Mc. For the rest of eternity.”
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therisingkings · 6 months
The Witness
Auguste was dead, but his spirit lived on, watching over his brother, witnessing.
Read it on Ao3
TW: Heavily implied canon pedophilia.
“Wait.” The word fizzled out into empty space. “Wait, not yet.”
He was watching the scene from outside his body—from somewhere beyond. He watched Damianos of Akielos pull the sword out of his gut, watched himself fall to the earth, watched his men come swarming in.
Auguste of Vere could do nothing but watch as he died. “This isn’t right,” he said. “This isn’t right.”
He was alone, though, nothing more than a whisper of wind, and no one could hear his pleas.
His body was brought to the royal tent and laid beside his father’s, who had fallen mere hours before.
“No,” Auguste said, and if he could have recoiled, he would have.
Laurent was brought into the room.
“There’s been a mistake. Laurent, I’m right here.” Auguste tried to reach for him, but he didn’t have a physical form in this strange in-between realm.
Laurent’s face crumpled, his knobby knees folding beneath him.
“Please,” Auguste begged anyone who could hear him. “Please, he’s just a boy. He doesn’t deserve to lose his brother. He’s just a boy.”
Laurent was alone in that tent, surrounded by the dead. His face was turned towards the ceiling, shoulders back as he sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.
“I don’t want to watch this,” Auguste said and his own heart, if he still had one, was breaking. No one had loved Laurent like Auguste did and no one ever would again.
Look, a voice whispered.
Laurent’s body shook with the force of his grief.
A figure opened the flap of the tent. It was their uncle, who, Auguste knew, would reign as Regent until Laurent was of age. Laurent, who would be king. Laurent, who would be content with a life of horses and books.
Look, the voice said.
Laurent turned on his knees, into his uncle’s embrace.
“It will be alright,” Uncle said, stroking his blond hair.
Something nasty twisted in Auguste, but he wasn’t sure where it came from.
“Please don’t leave me, Uncle,” Laurent begged, all wide blue eyes and puffy cheeks. He was barely growing out of his baby fat and into his new gangly limbs. His voice had not broken yet.
“I’ll never leave you,” Uncle promised.
Auguste tried to reach out, to scream at Laurent that he was still here, that he was not alone. “It’s all just a bad dream,” Auguste insisted to no one and nothing. “I’ll wake up and I’ll be king tomorrow.”
No, said that voice that was at once everything light and everything dark. This is not your story any longer. It is his.
Auguste wished he had a stomach if only so he could vomit.
He’d trailed Laurent like a dog as the days turned into weeks, then into months. The battle was over. Delfeur was lost. Uncle took over as Regent and set up cleaning efforts. The dead were buried. The injured were mended.
Auguste watched his own funeral. His body was wrapped in fine linen, then cast out to sea. An archer—not Huet, who Auguste would have liked to light his pyre— drew back his bow and launched a flaming arrow onto the floating stack of wood and flesh.
Auguste felt none of it. That was not him, burning in the open ocean, that was a vessel.
And now he was adrift.
Laurent was crying again, getting snot all over Uncle’s jacket.
Uncle rubbed his jeweled hand down Laurent’s back. “It is alright, my boy. Come, you do not need to be here any longer.”
Then he led Laurent to the bedroom, and Laurent was only thirteen and achingly naive and didn’t yet have an instinct for wrongness. When Uncle asked, he obediently disrobed, then knelt and did as Uncle said with a confused knit to his brow.
“Get your filthy hands off of him!” Auguste roared, over and over again. “He is a child. He is your blood.”
Uncle couldn’t hear him as he took his sick pleasure from poor, innocent Laurent. Laurent, who didn’t know better. Laurent, who had just lost his brother and would do whatever Uncle, his only remaining family, asked if he promised not to leave too.
“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!” But all Auguste was here was a voice, and not even that could be heard.
Laurent cried once it was finished, then cried each and every time it happened again, even when Uncle poured unwatered wine down his throat. Uncle made him clean up, fetch them water, telling him that he would leave if Laurent kept acting like a child.
So, slowly but surely, Laurent quieted his tears to sniffles, and he grew. His voice began to break, his jaw sharpening, and Auguste felt the first glimpses of hope. Surely, Uncle would not want him now, when he was starting to look like a man.
And he was right.
Uncle got a new pet— a boy named Nicaise with startlingly bright blue eyes.
On the night Laurent found out, he collapsed outside of Uncle’s rooms and begged him to take him back. “I’ll do whatever you want,” he sobbed. “Please, please don’t leave me.”
Inside the room, Uncle fucked Nicaise until that boy cried too.
“Laurent, he’s manipulating you,” Auguste tried to tell him. “No adult should ever ask those things of a child, especially a grieving one. That is wrong. You’re a smart boy. You don’t need him.”
And Laurent didn’t. As it turned out, Laurent didn’t need anyone.
He became as sharp and as beautiful as cut glass. At fifteen, he reformed the broken Prince’s guard and took up the starburst banner. He trained with his guard every evening, out of the prying eyes of the palace.
Auguste wanted to tell him that there was no need, that the war was over, that he’d protect him, but what a foolish hope that was.
As Laurent grew into his shoulders and wit, he also grew into his anger. Auguste could see it festering in him. Anger at Damianos, at Uncle, at the world. Auguste couldn’t blame him for one bit of it.
Gone was the bright, shy boy that Laurent had been. That boy had died at Marlas too. In his place stood a man Auguste did not know, with glaciers for eyes and a tongue as sharp as a knife. All kindness had been brutally stamped out of him by Uncle, by the court, by himself. The only person he spared was the boy, Nicaise. Not even his guards, whom he showed respect to, were beyond his ire.
Laurent was sixteen the first time Auguste watched Nicaise stumble, stiff-limbed and wincing, into the physician’s office. His lip was split, the bruise taking up too much of his small face. His eyes widened when he was Laurent, who had sprained his ankle in training and was desperately trying to hide it.
Auguste watched Nicaise’s spine lock up, his little shoulders lifting. “I-I’ll come back some other time.”
“Nonsense,” said Laurent, waving a hand. “Have a seat.”
Pascal finished wrapping his ankle before gesturing Nicaise forward.
If Auguste could have held his breath, he would have had as Laurent’s cool gaze skimmed over the boy.
“Did my Uncle do that to you?”
Nicaise flinched. “N-no.”
“If you want to stay in court, you’ll need to get better at lying.”
And so it began.
Laurent poured all of his knowledge, all of his newfound wickedness into the boy. Nicaise began to follow him around like a lost puppy, eyes huge, hanging on his every word.
Auguste ached. Laurent used to look at him like that.
But just as surely as Laurent had changed, Nicaise did too. The moment there were other people around, he became a spitfire of a boy, vicious and calculating, a mirror of Laurent in every way.
But when they were alone… Laurent let Nicaise win at chess. Laurent held Nicaise while he cried. Laurent became his brother.
Auguste’s heart hurt in a different way now. Like a scar, rather than a wound.
Then came the Akielon slaves, and with them, their Prince.
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charg3rs0ck3t · 2 years
“Just a pawn.”
Stephen strange x reader/ Bucky Barnes x reader
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Hurt / comfort
Tw: angst, emotional abuse, emotional manipulation, self deprecating, mentions of death, just strange being a flat out asshole in this to get to Christine because he is capable. Happy ending for (Name) this time though. Once again getting (Name) the therapy they need.
Strange is kind of intentionally an ass here, my bad guys, I’ll make it up in another story
Never had he thought he could lose the love of his life and his soulmate all in one day.
Stephen Strange had met you through the avengers, a newer recruit hidden from the media. He hadn’t known where you had come from or why you were there, it was just where he found you.
He could sense your power, a hidden blurb of Energy manipulation and wonder working. But he could also sense your downfalls, your side affects.
One side affect in particular drew him to you, luck of others but not of yourself. It was a realm of supernatural being he’d sure he’d never reach, but it mustn’t have been easy for you.
Imagine a child growing up in a world where in which they seem unlucky, purely as they are unwillingly gifting the others luck and success. It is a gift and a curse all in one.
But a power like that made his mind wander into places it should never go. Christine, he wondered, would he and Christine have a chance if he was graced with your luck. He shook of the thought and it’s selfish nature as he finally went to greet you.
But the thought never truly left his mind, and so he started to unconsciously formulate a plan. A plan he’s sure would demote him and discredit all he’s worked for if he was ever found out.
Stephen was more than kind to you, kinder, even, than all the others. Except from Bucky, your new room neighbour with a hardened glare but a soft demeanour. The same man who’d wish you a “good morning darling” just rough enough to make you blush every morning.
But there was something different about Stephen, he wanted you, wanted you close all of the time.
You’d catch him dragging you to fancy restaurants and small quaint coffee shops, you’d enjoy yourselves, laugh and talk for hours but you’d always leave abruptly.
It got to a point where you had to question his strange actions and how he’d always stare just beyond your face and behind you.
There was always a woman with longer brown hair and a light voice wherever you went. Of course however, so caught up in Stephens love bombing you never put two and two together, chalking it up to a coincidence, as he’d always manage to capture your attention once more.
The longer you went on with Strange and the closer the two of you became, the more Bucky would pull away.
You two took to spending more time away from the compound, as if you and Stephen spent time together within it, Bucky was sure to spare a glare at the two of you.
You didn’t understand what had happened, he was your best friend and now he seemed a bitter child. Why couldn’t he just see you were happy and be happy for you?
Why did he have to knock on your room late at night and leave cryptic warnings?
Why couldn’t everything go back to how it was?
Bucky had taken to grabbing your shoulders when you’d bump into each other alone, he’d stand there with an iron grip and stare deeply into your eyes.
His multi toned hues searching into your soul and trying to slip in answers and reasons you’d never understand. He was searching for something, and you weren’t sure why he hadn’t found it.
Bucky began to scare you with his odd ways and strange glances. He would leave deep bruising imprints of his fingertips, one’s that you decided would be best left unknown to him.
You couldn’t understand what you had done wrong.
Stephen comforted you, he was all you had, he was all you needed, and so you pushed away everyone else for him.
It was within his advice that he suggested you isolate yourself from them, that you come stay with him.
He told you he loved you and you believed him. Because somewhere you were sure you loved him too.
Living with him was a dream come true, and yes, you fell for him deeply. But he was odd, there where irrational moment where he’d drag you from your bed in the middle of the night and mutter to himself next to you, or he’d drag you outside in your pyjamas at 2 in the morning to some late night event where that woman would be again. The same brown hair, the same hazel eyes.
You thought that maybe, maybe this was how he showed love, maybe he was just trying to be spontaneous. But you knew something was wrong, deep down something was wrong.
The answer came to you one night.
Did you know that guilt can make people sleep walk, sleep talk? As in the case of lady Macbeth and her stained damned spot, Stephen began to be active in his body as he was in his dreams. As active as he was in his guilt.
He muttered her name, ‘Christine’, for nights on end, he muttered her name and you let it slide. But it only got worse
The muttering had transformed into loud chatter. He said things that his waking mind would dare not.
Then finally, he said what he had done. His dreams must have been plagued of you confronting him, and he proclaimed his apologies and then his selfish plans.
“You were a pawn” he said
“I’ve never loved you” he said
“Your power was meant to be used” he said
“I’m sorry” he began to cry
“Forgive me” he sobbed.
That night you slept on the couch.
Stephen knew you were catching on, he knew you were drifting away from him. But he also knew that he had stripped you of anywhere to run to. He was your only hope.
It hurt him to treat you how he did, but he always was brought back to the greater cause. In the end he needed Christine, he didn’t need you.
Stephen knew he was being selfish and abusive. But it was at a point where he no longer cared. He was too infatuated, too close to getting what he wanted.
Guilt followed him into his dreams, he’d wake up more tired than when he had fallen asleep. Your betrayed face plaguing his dreams.
When he woke up to you gone, he had to keep himself from going insane. For a split second he could see his world crumble around him, only to rationalise and find you downstairs asleep on the couch.
He draped a blanket over you and smiled. He thinks he could have loved you, if only Christine hadn’t stolen his heart first.
“I’m sorry (name)” he muttered under his breath. “But at least once I’m done, you can find someone who deserves you.”
But you couldn’t, he knew that, because he had taken you away from society and placed you into a fantasy land of false security and love.
For a while, you pretended everything was normal, you tried to forget what he had admitted to.
You hoped he’d fall for you if you just understood what he was going through, if you just stayed with him.
Finally, he had had his fill, finally, Christine had agreed to go on a date with him.
He abandoned you at the first hurdle to winning her back. Your luck had been used up.
“Please” you had begged, “what did I do? Why was I not worth your love?”
He had shaken his head at that point.
“Who even are you again?” He had asked mockingly. You were a stranger to him now, used and abused and thrown away. He didn’t want you anymore.
For the first time in a long while, he looked at you and your heart didn’t flutter, you gazed into each others eyes, and you felt nothing but resent, nothing but pain. Because all you were was a pawn in his game, never enough for him.
So you left, you left his home, you left his life, and you found yourself a nice corner in the hustle of New York, and that is where you laid your bed and, you hoped, your grave.
You must have fallen asleep at some point because the sun was now setting and the crowds had changed. Far less children wandered the streets and now partygoers and criminals made up the sea of faces.
You were still exactly as you where, hidden in a dark corner of New York, between a brick stairwell and a building. You were heartbroken, but not stupid enough to go down an alley.
You hoped for the world to take you away, the cold to strip your warmth and to be embraced in all those dead, all those who had left you alone in such a big cruel world.
You prayed it could happen before an avenger on their night patrol found your pitiful state, you knew how thorough they were. You knew that despite his rant about his lack of use for you, Stephen wouldn’t let you die. He would have reported your missing state to tony. You were too good of a pawn to lose. To much of an asset.
Tony wouldn’t get the full story, Stephen needed to protect his image. So Tony would get some explanation about your power causing irrational behaviour, that you ran off and want to go rogue, that you want to become a villain.
You knew Tony would be sceptical, but protocol called they drug you up and lock you away.
You couldn’t stand it, you hated it, you hated Strange. You wanted to go back to those movie nights you’d spend bundled in Bucky’s arms or laughing with Natasha, normally over Steve smashing his face into the ground after Tony tripped him up. You missed your family.
So you fell asleep, you dreamt of those warmer nights. Because your dreams were all you had anymore.
Waking up in a bed wasn’t your plan. But it was soft and smelt familiar.
You could hear water gushing into a bath from a distance. You didn’t want to open your eyes though, they stung, but everything felt so peaceful, so homely.
“Good morning darling.” You knew that voice, you knew this smell. It was him.
Bucky hadn’t known how to react when he found you asleep and shivering in a dirty corner. He almost overlooked you as a drug addict or homeless person, you had just looked so desolate and abandoned.
He only turned around once he heard a small whimper, it was you. He took a step closer and saw your form curled up, still, and yet lost among the city.
Picking you up, you felt lighter than before, he cursed Stephen in his head. He hated him.
Tony had received that message from Strange. But he had known better. He had hacked into your phone before he did anything radical, had found those rants on your notes app. The emotional manipulation he put you through, all of it, right there.
Bucky had to prevent himself from hunting the bastard down and publicly gutting him, then and there. But he reeled in his anger when he finally saw you.
He loved you. But it had taken him too long to protect you. Now you were hurt, and he blamed himself.
Living with the avengers again was strange, everything felt far too normal. It was exactly the same as when you had left. But Stephen had convinced you they had forgotten about you, that they hated you?
You were confused, but not unhappy.
You weren’t able to do any missions again unless you were brought into ‘mandatory therapy’ as Tony had put it. But it did help.
You soon got over Stephen and came to loathe how he treated you. Once again returned the soft cuddles of movie nights and the infectious chortles of home. Everything felt right again.
It took Bucky more time than he’d thought it would to admit his feelings to you though.
He had been walking through the hallways of the compound when he came across you. You gave him a smile and a wave before trying to walk away again.
It was in that moment he realised he never wanted to see you turn away from him again, not without knowing how he truly felt. So, he grabbed your shoulder, you flinched and he took a moment to reel back, softening his grasp.
“I’m sorry, I should have told you how I felt, I never wanted to hurt you.. I just couldn’t find a way to tell you his true nature, not when you seemed so happy with him. Then you moved away, and he isolated you from us and we- I- missed you. We shouldn’t have let him take you. I shouldn’t have let him hurt you- I’m sorry.” You look up into his eyes and see nothing but sorrow, adoration and genuine love. He began to tear up, taking a deep breath as you placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.
“I love you.” He whispered.
Everything wasn’t as perfect as Stephen thought, he missed you. It took him all that time of neglecting you, and now neglecting Christine to realise.
He watches ,who he considered his one true love, scream at him, tears flowing down her cheeks. She pushes him from her house, throws his bags and slams the door.
He had truly fucked up everything good in his life.
But he did love you.
And so he found himself a corner, somewhere in the streets of New York, a corner where he could sit and rot.
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romancingromanoff · 1 year
Night Terrors
Andromache the Scythian x f!reader
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I decided to create a series of loosely related one shots for Andromache (my beloved). Here’s part 1 
Summary: A revisit to your past and you learn about an old member
TW: Mentions of child abuse, torture, choking, drowning
Word count: 2,437
After a long day of training you were completely spent. Already feeling the soreness start to settle in while you ate dinner with the team, you went straight to bed after that. It hadn’t taken very long for you to drift off into the realm of dreams.
Nicky and Joe were the first to notice you thrashing in your sleep. The two were trying to inconspicuously sneak back inside the safe house late at night when they heard some concerning noises coming from the corner where your mattress was.
You took a deep gasp of air as you were pulled up to a sitting position, a firm hand supporting your upper back. Could it be her? It was too dark to register anything besides the lingering sense of danger that wafted around you.
“Stop! Don’t touch me!” Desperately trying to get away from your assailant, you threw yourself out of bed and painfully landed on your left shoulder.
“Y/N, it’s us, Nicky and Joe. You’re safe, kid. It was just a bad dream.”
Once you were able to recognize the two pairs of eyes nervously staring at you the panic began to subside. You were awake and it was only a nightmare.
“Let me help you up.” Joe reached out for your hand but both of yours immediately grabbed at your own throat. It still felt like she was suffocating you. Nicky turned the lights on causing you to shield your eyes from their brightness.
“Is everything okay?” Your head shot up right as Andy burst in on the scene, the right side of her head had a few hairs sticking up and her eyes looked slightly groggy. They seemed to widen when she caught sight of you on the floor. “Y/N! What happened?”
“Is everyone alright?” Booker nearly tripped into the room but caught himself and leaned on the back of the couch. “If it’s another spider I really don’t want to deal with it. I had to kill the last one.”
“Y/N was having a nightmare,” Joe explained and the Frenchman’s expression seemed to change.
“What did you see, kid?”
The clashing realities began to slowly fade with every breath you took. Still, the muffled voice of the strange woman rang in your ear. Andy whispered something soft and comforting in your other one. It was a language you didn’t recognize.
Andy, oh sweet Andy. Your ruthless leader. Only a few hours ago she shared a story about the time she took out a dozen assassins with just a leather belt and some duct tape. Now here she was rubbing small circles against your back and holding your hand to stop you from hurting yourself any further. You glanced at each of your other team members and noticed how silent it had become, yet none of them pushed you to talk. All they offered you was unwavering patience and understanding. Wiping the tears from your face, you eventually spoke as your grasp on reality strengthened.
“My mother. She choked me for so long once when I was seventeen that I nearly died. It felt so real though.”
There’s a shift from each of your teammates at your confession, each one slightly different with how they react. Joe shakes his head in disgust and his lips form a thin flat line. Booker’s face breaks and he gazes at you with pity. Nicky sighs deeply, you think he might try to reach out to you at that moment but he holds himself back. By now they know how easily triggered you are by touch even if you trust them.
Andy was the one to rest her hand on your shoulder. Only she was allowed right now. You could tell it was hers before she even made full contact. When you faced her, it reminded you of the first time you had met and she had promised to protect you. She looked more determined now than ever.
She squeezed your shoulder ever so gently and you knew you were safe.
“I could’ve sworn I was back there reliving that exact moment and then… it switched.”
In your dream, you began to lose consciousness as your mother continued to grip at your life force and dark patches blurred your vision. But instead of the light returning as oxygen once again filled your lungs like it had in the moment, the darkness became all encompassing. You weren’t simply imagining it was there, you could feel that nothing but pitch black blanket stretched on for miles in every direction. And though you’d never swam in the sea, you knew exactly where you were.
“I saw a woman trapped in a giant metal coffin at the bottom of the ocean. She kept drowning and coming back, drowning and coming back all alone in the darkness. It was like I could feel her anger, her rage.”
The other immortals exchanged knowing glances which made you worried. A thick silence hung in the air, allowing the nerves to creep back up your spine.
“Did I… Did I say something wrong?”
“No, of course not,” Joe assured you while Book and Nicky quickly joined in. “We’re glad you told us, Y/N.”
But Andy suddenly seemed a million miles away.
They tell you all about Quynh and the events that transpired during the witch trials, the decades they spent searching for anyone who might know where she was, only for all of their efforts to end with the same results. The mere thought of having to endure such never-ending suffering with no hope of escaping the cycle makes purgatory itself seem merciful and brief.
“It’s why we fear capture,” Nicky says. “It’s also why Andy blames herself after all of these years.”
“Why do you blame yourself?”
“I lost a soldier,” Andy’s voice pools with guilt and it stings you to see her torment herself in such a way. “My job is to protect everyone on the team and I couldn’t do that.” There’s a bitterness in her expression you tell yourself not to take personally. With everything she’s been through and all the stories she’s told, this one is laced with the most regret.
This time it’s you who reaches out and grabs her hand. “I would never presume to understand exactly how you feel but we’re immortal, Andy. That doesn’t mean we’re all-powerful or perfect. You tried harder than anyone else could have ever done.”
You don’t know if your words make any real difference but you are glad to have spoken your truth. While Andy and the three guys exchanged some short comments, you began to struggle to keep your eyes open as the realm of sleep tried to drag you back under. The Scythian cooed something in your ear, bringing you closer to her, and you quickly gave in.
Things had finally settled down as you slept soundly in Andy’s arms, a warm smile graced her face as she thoughtlessly stroked your hair. None of the guys had ever expected to see her as domestic as she looked while watching over you.
“Was I the only one that was hesitant about her at first?” Booker asked, although it was more likely he was simply thinking out loud. “I mean about her being one of us despite not being a fighter in a traditional sense?”
“I was worried too,” Joe admitted as he intertwined his fingers with Nicky’s. “I feel terrible about it now since it’s clear how much we need her in the group.”
Andy, only half paying attention to the conversation up until that point, curiously weighed the words Joe subtly tried to direct at her.
“Just don’t make her wait too long to tell her how you feel,” Joe smiled, bringing up the back of Nicky’s hand to his mouth so he could kiss it. His eyes knowingly sparkled at Andy the entire time. “I have no doubt she’s the type that’s quite perceptive until it comes to someone else having feelings for her.”
“I believe Andy should simply follow her heart. As should Y/N,” Booker chimes in. “They’ll come together at the right time if it’s meant to be.”
“That’s a rather romantic way of looking at it!” Nicky was thoroughly impressed.
Booker simply shrugged. “I may not get as much practice as you and Joe but I’d like to think I’m not as rusty as this one over here.”
All three of them turned to look at Andy as their leader tried to remain still and unbothered. She did have to admit that it was difficult for her to get angry when you were resting against her.
“Are you actually calling me old, Book?” There was an edge of warning in her voice without any actual concrete threat. She was more than aware of how long it had been since she’d had feelings for someone and it was somewhat intimidating to face. Nothing had been confessed and yet she was already terrified of losing you.
“Of course I don’t mean it like that, capitaine. But I agree with Joe. Sweet and subtle will most likely fly straight over her head.”
“Not really all that straight.” Nicky murmured under his breath before chuckling at his own joke.
“Still, you should do whatever you feel is right,” Booker continued but shot the Italian a quick glance. “Don’t do something because you think Joe, or Nicky, or even I might do it in your position. She already likes you so all you have to do is be yourself.”
It was more than just a little cliche. She hated how oftentimes the best advice usually was.
“If I say I won’t wait more than a hundred years then could we please end this discussion? She’s finally sleeping, no thanks to your conversation, and I’d like for her to get as much rest as possible.”
None of them looked fully satisfied with her answer but they could all at least agree that it was best to let you sleep.
“Whatever you say, boss.”
“Good night.”
“Sweet dreams.”
The lights were turned off and Andy carefully tried to settle down with you. She planned to stay awake, to make sure that you were properly guarded and could sleep peacefully. But the steady sounds of your breathing and beating of your heart eventually lulled her to sleep as well.
“Good morning.” You gradually opened your eyes to the sight of Andy sitting up next to you in bed. The smell of eggs wafted in the air from the next room over. “We let you sleep in for a little bit but didn’t want you to get a cold breakfast. The food should be ready soon. I trust you got some better sleep?”  
You nodded, sitting up and feeling a bit awkward that Andy was still in your bed. Had she been there the rest of the night? “Yeah, I had a nice dream actually. I was on a white sand beach that was surrounded by cliffs with all sorts of tropical flowers growing around them. Have you ever been to a place like that?” You purposefully left out the details regarding Andy kissing you as the sun set. That was one thing she didn’t need to know about.
“Yes,” she nodded as a pleasant memory appeared to pass through her mind. Still, there was also a speck of sadness that shone in her eyes. “There are some that perfectly match that description in Greece, Thailand, Brazil. I’ve visited my fair share and the views never disappoint. Add some good company and it makes the trip all the better.”
You wondered who she was thinking about; what memories they might have shared together.
“I’ve actually never seen the ocean,” you confessed. “My mother is terrified of the water because a boy she went to school with in her childhood drowned in a lake one summer. She forbade me from ever going near it, even though I’ve wanted to learn how to swim since I first learned about mermaids.”
“You would still want to go? After your nightmare and seeing what happened to Quynh you’re not feeling hesitant at all about the ocean?”
“No, I don’t think so,” you admitted and pondered at the question. “That was terrifying, don’t get me wrong, but there’s a good and bad side to everything, right? Besides, I don’t want fear to control me anymore. Not like how I was with my mother.”
Andy studied you with such intensity, giving you the perfect opportunity to get lost in her eyes once more. You knew that you could stare at her forever. But what could she possibly be thinking about while gazing at you so intently? You honestly had no clue and when you were so ordinary. The only thing you were certain of was that she looked at you like you meant something. And to mean something to her was the best feeling in the world.
She looked like she wanted to say something but ultimately decided against it.
Instead, she cleared her throat, bringing the both of you back to the moment. “Alright, it’s decided then. I’ll teach you how to swim then. It should really be a part of your training anyway and after you’ve got it down I’ll take you to the beach from your dream.”
She sounded completely serious yet it took you by surprise. “Do you mean that?”
“Of course. I promise it will have everything you imagine aside from mermaids.”
“Aw, I mean I understand but it’s still somewhat disappointing. I was really looking forward to being serenaded by a siren that may or may not try to kill me.”
The Scythian chuckled. “I can already tell you that you don’t want to hear me try to sing.”
You raised an eyebrow at that. “Actually, that only makes me more curious. After having 6,000 years to practice you cannot possibly be that bad!”
“I’m afraid I sound so bad that it makes all the dogs bark.”
“One day, I’ll get you to sing,” you shoot Andy a look showing that you’re nothing but serious. “You can’t say ‘no’ to me forever. You’ll cave in eventually, I promise.”
“Breakfast is ready!” You could hear Booker exclaim from the kitchen.
As you turned to leave and grab some food, you didn’t notice the soft pair of green eyes following you or how Andy couldn’t seem to move after hearing what you said. There had been nothing but truth to your words and she knew if you asked her to sing or throw herself off a mountain she would do either if it could make you happy.
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jailforwriter · 1 year
Hey, good lookin'!
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Greetings and salutations, fellow word-arranger! I see that you also enjoy the art of reshuffling letters until they spell out cool stuff. That sounds like a pretty solid basis for a friendship, hmm...
This is a little nook for all things writing! It covers everything from tips and book reviews to the very backbone of society (memes, duh). The aim here is to build a nice community and foster friendships and support and all of that good stuff. Writing can be pretty lonely, so let's make it a little less so!
About me
Hey, I'm Alai. I'm a queer Venezuelan girly, mid-20's, looking to become more active in the writeblr community. Some of my other interests include philosophy, Greek mythology, all sciences (I have an Honors degree in Laboratory Medicine!) and everything to do with the Classics.
My focus is on fantasy and queer romance, but I'm open to all sorts of genres and do very much read other stuff on the reg. Also really into Sci-Fi, Thrillers, Horror and Literary Fiction.
Most of my work is novel-centric, but I also love reading short stories and poetry and cannot resist a good out context quote lol.
Lover of all things character-driven and morally ambiguous, pyrrhic victories, interpersonal drama, tragic losers doomed by the narrative, and the liberal use of Catholic Guilt™️ as literary garnish.
I'm an only child who once heard that sharing is caring, so please hit me with your best WIP and let's chat about it! We can even hold each other (accountable so we can get it DONE).
The Paradox of Nonchoice (Adult Fantasy/Romance)
Summary: Nahia is an angel who, after years of studying human culture and behavior in the heavenly realm of Zion, is finally sent to Earth on her first assignment: to grant the deepest desire of the first person she meets. With the support of her mentor and sisters, along with a promise to reunite with her mother should she succeed, the stage is set for God's newest angel to carry out His word. However, when Nahia learns that her ward – a disillusioned handywoman by the name of Rory – wants something she isn't altogether prepared to give, the indentured angel must decide whose orders to follow: if God's, or her heart's. Note: there's a TON more to this plot, I promise!! But unfortunately, any particulars I may give would constitute an absolutely gargantuan spoiler lol. Tropes: soulmates, forced proximity (kinda if you squint), co-workers to lovers (squint a bit more just trust me lmao), absolutely rancid sibling dynamics, mommy issues, daddy issues, crisis of faith, Everything Is A Lie Nothing Is Sacred, loser women cringefailing, "ah, you're one of them queers", The Catholic Church. TWs: religious trauma, suicide, violence, blood, slight body horror, France (mentioned).
Will be looking for betas and feedback very soon, so please stay tuned! Updates to come on this blog. If anyone's at all interested, any sort of engagement would be very welcomed and appreciated :)
Happy writing!
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The Jasmine Throne
The Oleander Sword
Author: Tasha Suri
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Genre: fantasy
Format: novel
Serie: yes, named The Burning Kingdoms. Third and last book (The Lotus Empire) out in November.
Editions: Orbit
Romance: wlw, slow burn, no love triangle.
Other representation(s): brown-skinned characters (full cast) as the story takes place in a country inspired by India.
TW: forced captivity, non consensual drug use, feminicides, death by fire, death by various means, grief, hallucinations, fratricide, verbal et physical abuse on a child by her brother, religious fanatism, sexism, systemic homophobia, body horror, war.
Rating: 8/10
Tea association: a chai in the pure Indian tradition, the heat of the spices and the strength of the black tea, softened by the milk. Or a jasmine tea for the empress and for the the plants Priya grows.
Synopsis of The Jasmine Throne:
Author of Empire of Sand and Realm of Ash Tasha Suri's The Jasmine Throne, beginning a new trilogy set in a world inspired by the history and epics of India, in which a captive princess and a maidservant in possession of forbidden magic become unlikely allies on a dark journey to save their empire from the princess's traitor brother.
Imprisoned by her dictator brother, Malini spends her days in isolation in the Hirana: an ancient temple that was once the source of the powerful, magical deathless waters — but is now little more than a decaying ruin.
Priya is a maidservant, one among several who make the treacherous journey to the top of the Hirana every night to clean Malini’s chambers. She is happy to be an anonymous drudge, so long as it keeps anyone from guessing the dangerous secret she hides.
But when Malini accidentally bears witness to Priya’s true nature, their destinies become irrevocably tangled. One is a vengeful princess seeking to depose her brother from his throne. The other is a priestess seeking to find her family. Together, they will change the fate of an empire.
My thoughts:
Malini and Priya aren't the only characters we'll be following in this epic tapestry of a story. Bhumika, the last temple sister of Priya still alive is an important part of the story, as is Ashok, the third and last temple child alive with the other two girls. Rao often gives a different perspective and is an important support character. A handful of other characters give their point of view through out the two books. All of them combined tell us this story of war.
Because war, along with religion, is the central theme of those books. Some of the characters fight for power, other for survival. Some fight for their loved ones, other for freedom and their way of life.
The first book is about survival and escape. Getting to safety. Cutting a deal. Many deals actually. The characters want freedom and peace, but are not against fighting for it.
The second book is all about war. About the rise of an empress and the fall of an emperor, mirroring what happens in Ahiranya.
The third book will probably be about war too, but against a far greater enemy.
With all those struggles going on, there's not that much room for anything else, but it's there. Emotions. Love. Two women falling for each other in the midst of chaos. A mother cherishing her infant daughter. Friendship and brotherhood. But there's also grief, longing, hate, terror.
Faith and magic are also central themes in the books. Both always means sacrifice, but that sacrifice has to be done by a willing person. Magic comes from that willing sacrifice. However, sometimes the person seeking power doesn't know what it would cost them. Sometimes it's their life, sometimes their soul, or even their body. But it's never without a price.
As the plot unfold in front of you, you realise that not everything is morally clear cut. You realise that what you thought you knew about this or that was wrong, or wasn't as simple as you previously thought. The plot is beautifully woven, and I can't wait to finally read the last book. I feel like it's gonna be a killer!
A word about the cover art:
I'm not the biggest fan of the first book cover, which if I'm not mistaken, depicts Priya.
The second book cover is better, showing Malini with a murderous look her saber in her hand, though it's a little too green to my taste.
The last book cover though... It's stupendous! The colors, the details, the movements, the poses, everything is eye-catching. Priya in her green sari has lotus flowers growing in her hands and is surrounded by her greens. Malini in the back in her white and gold sari, the colors or Paridjat, is surrounded by fire, wielding fire. From what the ending of the Oleander Sword is hinting, that cover art seems really fitting for what's ahead!
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thecasualbookreviewer · 8 months
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Eclipse of the crown, A. K. Caggiano
Their destinies are irrevocably entangled, but will their bond be the realm’s undoing?
Damien and Amma have landed themselves in the midst of Yvlcon, the preeminent congregation of the vilest and most unscrupulous villains in existence. Once again amongst his peers, Damien’s moral growth is threatened just when he’s learning to be slightly less evil. Consequently, Amma finds her own virtue in peril when faced with so much temptation, namely in the form of a domineering blood mage she can’t—or doesn’t want—to say no to.
But a burgeoning romance is doused in the coldest of baths when the Grand Order of Dread commands Damien to once again face the swirling vortex of entropy that’s been hunting them all over the realm. The coming eclipse points to devastation and destruction, and there seems to be no avoiding annihilation, prophecy being, well, prophecy, after all.
But there’s an entire fortnight before the world is supposed to end, and surely that’s enough time to find some way around it, or to at least confess one’s devotion to the other before it all burns down around them.
This third book was somehow the perfect mix of the last two, there's a lot of more silliness and banter than in the second one, and while part of it still feels like it's a lot of side quest, everything gets wrapped up very nicely in my opinion.
All of the stakes are high, and it's time for the prophecy to come true, and Damien and Amma will do their best to walk out of it alive; the story keeps you wrapped, i think for the last 40% i was glued to my screen trying to finish it cause I needed to know who it end, around the 80% mark i started to doubt if it was going to have a satisfying ending cause it seemed like more things were being added rather than resolved, but I was pleasantly surprised in the end!
There was explicit sexual content in this book - consensual by both parts - and I gotta say it was very well written, didn't made me cringe at all.
I recommend these books if you like dark fantasy, with a side of romance and adventure that doesn't focus 100% on the main plot.
The only downside is that i read this on kindle unlimited and since I'm canceling my subscription next month I won't be able to come back to this universe until I have funds to get the physical copies.
TW for temporary main character death.
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Jane’s Pets Chapter 75: Liam
TWs in the tags
“Tell me something about yourself. A story. Something nice. If you want.”
Ray joined you and Diya on a walk today. You have to go a bit slower so that they can keep up, but you don’t mind. They’re interesting to talk to.
“Hm… I was in my middle school’s performance of High School Musical 2 Jr. I only had a couple of lines, but that didn’t make it less fun. Well, I guess I wouldn’t know if being a lead was more fun, since I never got cast as a lead… It was fun, is my point. My dad came to every performance.” You feel… you don’t know. Bittersweet. “A lot of parents got their kids flowers, but he got me cotton candy, which was my favorite food at the time. And I made a lot of friends. What about you? Both of you.”
Diya clasps Ray’s hand. “The day I met Ray. Well, they didn’t go by that, then, but that’s not important. It was the same day Jane killed Irving, actually. When Barron introduced us I totally thought they hated me at first, but they invited me to do stuff with them and talked to me a lot, and I realized that’s just how their face always is, and it doesn’t mean they don’t like me.”
Ray puffs. “I’m surprised you remember anything from that day. You were so anemic you could barely stand.”
Diya laughs. “It’s a bit fuzzy.”
“You were trying so hard to be friendly when you could barely follow a conversation. I never wondered if you didn’t like me, even when we first met.”
“Well yeah! I like everyone! Except Irving. And Jane. And Orchard…”
“I didn’t think you liked me when we first met.” You volunteer.
“That was different! And I didn’t dislike you. Ray, it’s your turn. Tell us a nice story.”
Ray hums. “Me and my sister used to…. No.” They shake their head. “I want to tell a different story. Orchard had a friend that went by Star who was very nice to me. They explained to me what being non-binary is, and they’re the one who told me that Orchard was tricking me. They would also try to get me to accept gifts from them in exchange for a ‘favor,’ but I knew better than to get into more debt. Still, they were nice. The nicest faery I met. I’m sure there are nicer faeries, though. They just weren’t friends with Orchard. Now I have friends who are actually nice, so if I met Star again I probably wouldn’t like them as much. Compared to you two, Star was a manipulative asshole.”
Diya and you both laugh. Ray doesn’t swear very often.
Diya sighs happily. “I love you so much, Ray. Well, I love both of you, but… y’know.”
The conversation trails off. It’s not an uncomfortable silence, though. Just a nice walk with two of your closest friends.
“Hey, what about you, Barron? We all shared some stuff about ourselves while we were out walking. Do you have any nice stories you want to share?”
Diya grins. “Yeah, tell us a nice story! It can be made up if you’re having a lot of trouble remembering stuff today.”
“You don’t have to share anything if you don’t want to.” Ray adds.
“Hmm… it’s always hardest to remember stuff when I’m put on the spot. I guess meeting Ray was a nice story.”
Diya giggles. “That’s a popular answer.”
“Meeting all of you was nice, of course. But it was just me and Ray in this cabin for a while. Do you remember when I got you that massive box of documentaries?”
“I do. I learned a lot from those. I would watch and rewatch them while you were at work. I wanted to understand this time. I wanted to… fit, in this time.”
“Geez, I haven’t even thought about that. What was it like, leaving the fae realm to a completely different time?” You ask.
“I was mostly focused on getting help for my sister when I first left. I figured that with all the new technology, there must be a way to save her. I was wrong. Once I was able to focus on things other than panic, everything was very strange. I always felt as though I didn’t fit in my time. Even before I went into the fae realm. I could never quite figure out what was expected of me. I don’t fit in this time either, but now I have Barron to explain things.”
You had sort of assumed that Ray expressed themself so differently because of their time in the fae realm, but it makes sense for them to have always been like this, too.
“Still, I think it’s super cool that you’ve managed to adjust so well. I… don’t think I could do that.”
“I had a lot of help.”
Diya nods. “We’ve all had a lot of help.”
You did. And now, you’re well enough that you think you can pay it forward.
You can’t wait for Kitty and Puppy to be ready. All you want to do is take care of them the way Diya, Ray, and Barron took care of you when you needed it.
You wake up terrified. This is a relatively common occurrence, but more importantly, there are names on the tip of your tongue.
You scramble off the couch to get your notebook. You haven’t used it in a while, since you’ve gotten comfortable with your name, but now…
You scribble the names down before you forget. Kit and Dollie. That’s what you used to call them. Those are the last names Jane took from you.
All the things she purposefully made you forget are back where they should be. She lost and you won.
You’re suddenly very aware of the lack of a collar around your neck, which hasn’t happened in a while. Your heart pounds and pounds. You should probably try to calm down a bit before practicing writing those names.
You briefly consider waking the others up, but decide against it. You can tell them in the morning.
You pull out the knitting project you’ve been working on. You haven’t made progress in a bit, since it hurts your head, but it should be a good distraction until you can stop thinking about your nightmare and bare neck and how badly Jane would hurt you if she knew you remembered those names-
The scarf you’re making is bright yellow. The material is soft. The room is dark, which probably will speed up the process of getting a headache and make mistakes more frequent. You get up to turn on the light and then pick up the knitting again.
The scarf is yellow. Yellow is your favorite color. The fabric is soft, the kind of soft that catches on very dry skin, though luckily your skin is fine.
You’re fine. You focus on knitting until your head hurts and your breathing is even, and then you collapse back onto the couch and pass out.
You excitedly share the news during breakfast. “I remembered Puppy and Kitty’s names last night! Sort of. It’s not their real names, but I remembered what I used to call them and wrote it down.”
“That’s great!” Diya claps eir hands. “You should feel proud of yourself.”
“Oh, I just woke up at the right time during a nightmare.”
“But that means you subconsciously felt safe to think those names! Which is because of all the hard work you’ve done.”
You’re not sure that’s exactly how it works, but you’ll take it. You have been working hard to break old associations.
“Am I forgetting something?” Barron asks. "Why did you call the different names?”
“Oh, I don’t think I’ve ever talked much about it, actually. Jane was trying to trick me into trusting her when she first took me, and calling the others animal names probably wouldn’t have helped with that. Then after I went into the basement tor the first time I kept calling them those names, and she didn’t like that, so she… she made them hard to remember, like she did with my name.”
Barron nods. “Oh, that makes sense. Yes, you should be proud of yourself.”
“Well, I don’t know how much it was just random chance that I remembered, but it does feel really good. Like… my brain is my own again.”
“That’s wonderful!” Diya says.
It really is, and you’re glad the others are as excited about it as you are. Well, Diya and Barron at least, but you’re pretty sure Ray is also excited for you.
“So… speaking of Puppy and Kitty,” you can’t quite say the names yet, only read and write them. “Have you checked on them recently, Barron?”
Barron nods. “I didn’t get a chance to speak to either of them. Things are… bad. Do you want to hear about it, or were you just wondering if they’re ready to be rescued?”
All the excitement of remembering what you used to call them drains out of you. “Tell me what’s happening to them. Please.”
Barron takes a deep breath. “Okay. ‘Puppy’ is kept in a muzzle except when she’s eating, and ‘Kitty’ is being drugged regularly.”
It’s not as bad as it could be. But it’s horrible and makes your chest hurt and makes you feel cold and you know you can’t just keep waiting for them to feel safe leaving because they won’t.
“We can’t wait any longer. We can’t. I can’t. I can’t wait any longer. This can’t keep going on like this. What do you think is the most likely to kill Jane?”
“…I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be dangerous to attack her while she has the others in her captivity?”
You clench your fists. “There’s a risk of them getting hurt as the result of us trying to hurt Jane. But every day they’re in that house they’re definitely getting hurt. It’s not fair to act like we’re protecting them by waiting, when that doesn’t make things better for them at all. You don’t have to come. I know it’s riskier than waiting for them to want to leave and it’s not fair of me to ask you to take on more risk than you already have.”
Ray doesn’t hesitate. “I’ll go with you if you decide to attack.” The others nod in agreement.
You swallow a lump in your throat. You don’t know what you did to deserve such great friends.
“Tha- uh, I appreciate that. Barron, is there any way I can use magic without being innately magical?”
“There’s magic in everything. Did I… not tell you anyone can become a mage?”
“Wha- no! I didn’t know that! In that case, I want to be a mage! Please.”
“Oh. I definitely did say all other magic is tied to species. I guess I thought that implied that being mage isn’t something genetic or innate, but yeah, I don’t know why I assumed that would be intuitive to you. I can definitely help you become a mage.”
You look at Diya and Ray. “Why haven’t you become mages? Why doesn’t everyone become a mage?”
Diya shrugs. “It’s a lot of work. Barron taught me a few things, and it’s… complicated. Magic responds strongly to intention, and I could never direct my intentions in the way mages seem to. Also, magic takes a lot of work.”
Ray nods. “There really wouldn’t be a point to learning it. I have everything I need and want. If that got taken away, doing magic would just make it easier for fae to find me.”
“As for why everyone doesn’t become a mage, well, one intention magic always responds poorly to is the intention to prove something, which makes widespread acceptance of magic impossible.” Barron says. “It’s not provable. If you show someone magic with the intention to prove it exists, it won’t work. And most people won’t believe in magic if it can’t be proven in replicable ways. I don’t often cast spells in public, but when I do people generally just look confused. ‘Magic is real’ is not most people’s immediate thought when they seem something weird, in real life or even something caught on video. The people who become mages are people who see magic, realize it is magic, and have the drive to teach themselves magic or find a mentor. And that’s not everyone.”
“I guess that makes sense…” Your stomach twists. “But… Jane showed me magic to prove that she had magic though. That’s the first thing she did when we met. I didn’t believe her, so she teleported a few feet away to prove she was magic.”
Barron’s eyes widen, but it quickly regains its composure. “That’s… not good. Are you sure that’s what happened? I believe you, but if there’s any possibility that you’re remembering wrong, or that she was teleporting for another reason, that would be good to acknowledge. Because if she isn’t bound by the rules of magic, I have no idea how we can stop her.”
“I guess I could be remembering it wrong.” You don’t want to think about the possibility that Jane doesn’t follow the rules of magic. “You will teach me, though?”
“Yeah. I mean, I have work today, but I can teach you some stuff when I get back.”
You suppose you can wait that long. Once you’ve leaned magic, you’ll go and save Puppy and Kitty. It shouldn’t take that long, right? A few weeks at most.
You don’t want Puppy and Kitty to have to wait for that long, and keep getting hurt for that long. But it won’t help them at all if you come unprepared.
You’re already liking this plan better than the old one. Instead of waiting for Puppy and Kitty to want to leave, you’ll be actively working towards a goal.
You’ll work on reading, saying, and hearing their names while Barron is at work, and then you’ll learn some magic. You’re going to save them. Everything is going to turn out okay.
“Okay, magic is actually pretty hard to learn, because magic works in annoying ways. Remember when I said magic doesn’t work if your goal is to prove something? Along with that, it also doesn’t work if your goal is to practice. In order to learn, you have to have a goal besides practice in mind for each individual spell.”
It’s starting to make more sense why Diya decided learning magic was too much work.
“That can’t be too hard to hack. The first thing I want to learn is teleporting, would that work if my goal was to get to the bathroom or something without walking?”
“If you could convince yourself that was your main goal, yes. But… teleporting spells take a while to prepare. I want to start with something easier.”
“Okay.” You will not say ‘every moment we spend here is another moment they spend suffering, so let’s prioritize accordingly,’ because that’d be rude.
Barron takes you to its room and opens one of the drawers of its dresser. It does not contain clothes. Instead, it’s filled with books, rocks, leaves, twigs, and even some jars of dirt.
“At the beginner level, magic is just a lot of memorizing. Most of what I’m going to have you do is memorize runes and what they represent, and the steps to the spells you want to learn. It’s kind of like learning music: at first, you’re just memorizing what lines and spaces are what notes, and how that matches up to your instrument, and how to play those notes. It’s only once you get good at that, and rhythms and other musical notation, that you can start the fun parts.”
Barron stops and blinks slowly, looking confused. “I’m not sure where that analogy came from. Do I know how to play an instrument?” It shakes its head. “I’ll look into that later. And I guess music really is a good analogy, because some people can compose and play beautiful music without knowing how to read sheet music. There are mages for whom magic is a more intuitive, experimental process. But that’s not how I learned, so I wouldn’t know how to teach you that way.”
It hands you a small, red rock with some squiggly lines carved into it. “We’ll do a spell before I make you start studying, though. Just to get you a taste of it. I already carved a rune into this rock, so we’ll use this one.”
It takes you back out of its room, to the kitchen. It fills a mug with water and hands it to you. “We’re going to boil some water to make tea. Repeat after me and copy my movements.”
Barron gets itself a mug, though it doesn’t fill it up. “It’ll be easier to copy me if I also have a cup. Remember, we’re making tea. Ready?”
You nod.
Barron chants something in a language you don’t know, and you do your best to imitate it. Then it uses its left hand to make some gestures at the mug, which you also copy, though it’s harder to get right because you’re holding a rock and Barron isn’t, and- oh shit!
The water in the mug is boiling. You feel warmth spreading from the tips of your fingers up through your forearms. The mug should be hot enough to burn your hands, but it’s not. Steam rises gently from the formerly cool water.
“Oh my god! That’s fucking cool!”
You just did magic. It wasn’t even hard. Once you have what those runes mean and what the motions do and what words to chant memorized, you’ll be able to cast magic without any help at all.
Barron laughs. “That’s what I was hoping you’d say. I’ll go grab some of the beginner mage books.”
Barron leaves the kitchen. You finish up making your tea. It doesn’t taste as good as when Diya makes it, but it was made with fucking magic, so you don’t mind.
Barron comes back with… a larger stack of books than you were expecting. It drops them on the table.
“Okay, so these top two ones are more about magic in general. They’ve got magic history, theories on why and how magic exists, and some of the very basic fundamentals. Then this next one focuses on what objects work best for what spells, and then the one after that is basically a dictionary of known runes and what they do. You’ll need to memorize a lot of that. Then the next one is about spell words and phrases, and the last one is about movements and magic. There are sections of those you’ll have to memorize, too.”
It’s… going to take a long time to get through all of those books, and it’ll take even longer if you stop every time you get a headache. “So I just… start reading them?”
“Whenever you want! Feel free to ask me any questions, and let me know when you feel ready to try out other spells. I’ll have you pick out the object and carve or draw the rune, next time.”
You can do this. The headaches will be worth it to prevent more pain for Puppy and Kitty, and it’s fucking magic. You think it would be very hard to make magic boring.
“That sounds good.” You pick up the first book and sit down.
When you finally tear yourself away from the book, Barron is gone, your tea is gone, and the kitchen clock says it’s three in the morning. Your head hurts so bad you can barely see, but… you want to read more. You think you’ll ask Barron if there are audiobooks for mage stuff tomorrow morning.
Magic is extremely interesting. Reading about it doesn’t feel like reading a textbook, it feels like reading a fantasy book. You always liked fantasy, before. This is going to be easier than you thought. Next time you’ll just take some ibuprofen before you start reading.
A/N: Let me know if I should tag anything else!
Tag list: @eatyourdamnpears @whump-in-the-closet @scp-1296 @fuzzybucketz
9 notes · View notes
accidental-geo-main · 2 years
Do they collect anything? // Archon edition
Do they collect anything? What do they collect?
Characters: Venti, Zhongli, Raiden, Nahida, + Bonus Scara
Tags: OOC maybe, little angsty in Scara's, GN!Traveler mentioned exactly once,
TW: None that I know of,
I haven't played Raiden's story quests Or Met Kusanali in-game yet so they are probably OOC.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this! Let me know if you have any prompts Or if there are any typos!
Word count: ~600 || Minimal editing - only spell-checked
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He collects memories. Or at least that's what he’ll tell you.
Always up for an adventure, He loves going on a trip with his friends (or strangers).
He always ends up with a new song inspired by the day
In a few days, you may even find the bard singing these new songs in the town square.
Though if one was lucky enough to travel into his realm, they may be surprised to see an assortment of items he’d been given over the years.
A giant room filled with offerings and treasures of the past.
You’ll find everything from children’s drawings, flowers, and music sheets to Relics of old battles.
If you look closely you’ll find a Jumpy Dumpty encased in an anemo forcefield, placed far away from everything else.
His prized item is a scrap of brown fabric. It's torn and ragged from how old it is. Preserved with magic older than the Knights of Favonius themselves, this seemingly unimportant piece was a part of the Unnamed Bard’s cape.
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With over 6000 years under his belt, He’s Collected a little bit of everything
He takes great pride in his collection
An assortment of Books, art, and of course, rocks line his home and teapot Realm
He also collects pressed flowers.
He’s particularly proud of how diverse his flowers are.
Ones from every nation as well as their seasonal variants. An eagle eye may be able to spot a few extinct flowers.
In his teapot, he has a beautiful pressed flower hanging in a frame above his desk. A glaze lily given to him by a late friend.
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Raiden Shogun / Ei
It’s unintentional but she does have one.
Gifts given to her by the other Archons and her old friends have accumulated over the years.
Though she doesn’t care much for physical possessions, she finds no reason, nor want to get rid of them
So, she has rooms filled with musical instruments, old wines, and poems. The shelves filled with Liyuen books and a Custom polearm forged by the Geo Archon himself displayed on the wall. Outside the window is a garden filled with plants given to her by the Dendro Archon.
Another room is dedicated to gifts from her late friends.
There is one more room, off-limits to all but her, that contains every gift her sister had ever given her.
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Nahida / Kusanali
She has a wide selection of gifts she's been given recently.
Books, Art supplies, artwork, plants, musical instruments, etc.
She’s even been given a Kamera.
Because of her…. Limited contact with the outside world, being able to have something to fiddle with is Celestia-sent.
All her gifts remind her she isn’t alone anymore.
She’s taken a liking to a Zither the Traveler gave her. She’s been practicing it every morning.
Maybe one day she can surprise her friends with a performance.
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Bonus! Scaramouche / The Balladeer / Kunikuzushi
Yes but only out of necessity.
Yes, a necessity. A collection is a sign of intelligence, culture, and wealth as far as he is concerned.
He‘s a Harbinger, a nobleman of Snezhnaya. It would be odd if he didn’t have one.
Artwork is displayed across his estate. Classics from every nation, hand-picked by the top art curators of Teyvat.
Of course, he approved every painting before it went up on the wall.
There does seem to be an unusual amount of art depicting themes of abandonment and lonesomeness. Best to ignore it though, for your own safety.
In his room, there is an enormous traditional Inazuman painting depicting a golden hour shot of a family playing in a field. The pristine golden frame stands out in his dark purple room.
Thanks for reading! I'm not very happy with Kusanali's and Raiden's. Maybe one day I'll revisit this and do them better.
If you have any suggestions for me, feel free to send them in! If you see any typos, etc. let me know!
This is my first time posting my work on Tumblr. It's not the first thing I've written for Tumblr though.
Published: 10/23/2022
30 notes · View notes
thunderousone · 11 months
Chapter 19
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Summary: The three of them sneak their way into Hino's domain to help free him, hoping to spare Lyranth from further destruction and Eirene searches for Hino.
TW: depression, profanity, graphic depictions of sex, pain kink, childhood trauma, parental trauma, chronic pain
Rating: 18+, MDNI
Status: Finished work! Chapter 19/23.5
Comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated 🤍
masterlist | read it first on ao3
Their allies weren't ready. Zelenaya, Mother Nature incarnate, had just had her son and couldn't help them. Caelum thought it unwise to interfere with others territories. Mashe dares not tread where there could be darkness as she's the Radiant One. Essentially that left her sister, Kumi. When Vír reached out for help and her mate denied them he thought all hope was lost. Until he received a secret missive from her saying that she would help in any way possible, for she felt a connection to Hino and shared in the general distaste for Ravi.  
When Kumi arrived in the manor she took a good look at Eirene for the first time since that day they all met in the very same room. She looked happy and yet sad as she watched her interact with Vír. Walking out to the field to travel to Hino's realm, she pulled Eirene back from the pack to speak with her quietly. 
"So... You've made quite the difference here, Lightningcaller," Something in her voice was so comforting to Eirene. It made her feel at peace instantly.  
Moving her braid from her shoulder to behind her back she smiled at her new friend. "So I see... But I don't think it was me. I think once you find that happiness is a choice you make every day it gets easier and easier to make that choice. I went through it too," she admitted to Kumi.  
"For years. When I lost my family, I really lost myself. I mean I was so young with no one to give me that family comfort," Kumi's eyes watched Vír move forward. Pangs of the story ringing true in her mind for him as well. Eirene continued, "It took years of me choosing to live, every day. And then finding what I call my chosen family... Even then I was just going through the motions to keep them alive. It wasn't until my sister was born that I saw... hope. And it's not that Violet was my only reason for continuing on, but she reminded me that I had a choice. Continue to trudge through every day just living or to truly be alive for her sake and mine. I can't help but see that in him," Eirene looked at Vír as he reached the middle of the field and looked back to her. Her heart leaped into her chest and she knew in this moment there is nothing she wouldn't do for him, nothing he wouldn't do for her.  
Kumi reached for Eirene's hand and turned over her palms to see where the lightning bolt tattoo begins. "You love him," she stated simply.  
"I do," There wasn't even a second of hesitation.  
"Then the Guardians will not stand in your way. If there comes a time when you need help, anything at all. Lyire will get you to me. You will always be welcome in the kingdom of stars." The approval of Kumi and the Gathering meant everything to Vír, you could see it by the beaming pride on his face. Momentarily forgetting about what was about to happen.  
The four of them left the manor to slip into Hino's territory late that very evening. The best way to sneak in unseen is by cover of darkness. That's where Kumi came in, the Moon Light. She can use her control of the moon to dim it's light, and then pull the darkness over them like a cloak. She'd only remain in the realm until they were inside Hino's manor and then she'd have to depart for fear of Caelum finding her missing.  
They walked quietly, using Lyire's control of the wind to cover any foot fall with the natural sounds around them.  
Hino's territory was quite different from Vír's. As far as Eirene knew, the territory at Vír's consisted of the mansion, a very small town, and the forest where a few free elements lived and roamed. Hino's territory was a dark city with thin cobblestone streets, his home a dark mansion rising above it, it's windows warm and red with interior fire light.  
Vibrations began in Eirene's body, a warning for her to stay away as they slipped up the stairs to the mansion silently. Every bit of magic inside her pulling her back, begging her to run. But she couldn't. If Beck hadn't helped her after her parents died, she wouldn't be here today. She had to repay that- to fight for someone that couldn't fight for themselves. 
There were guards at most every entrance, Lyire as swift as the wind came behind one of them and held their breath controlling the air around them while Eirene laid a hand on him to stun him down for the time being.  
Sliding the unconscious body inside and tucking it into a closet near the entrance, they saw their cloak of darkness fall, Kumi returning to her mate. Eirene smiled in silent thanks to her for even that small assistance. Here in the closet the three of them looked at each other through the darkness.  
"I will sneak through and try to find Hino. You two go to Ravi and distract him, try to take him down if you can," Vír insisted she wear her rubber outfit, sans gloves. But if Ravi found her at all she wanted to be a deadly weapon. She wore a tight black tank top and shorts and kept her hair in a tight braid down her back. She would be a live wire if he touched her almost anywhere. The boys needed an extra layer of protection from her, opting for rubber fighting outfits. She felt absurd but ferociously powerful.  
Vír pushed a curl that snuck free back into place. "I really must insist this is a terrible decision. Please let Lyire go with you. We don't know what Hino is playing at, he will be fine." The determined look in Eirene's eyes told him that she wasn't going to listen to his suggestion at all, even though every bit of magic in her veins wanted to go with him. 
Lyire kept his ear to the door, listening for footfalls. "I think she can do it, and I think she could fry Hino to a crisp if he tried anything. He's wrapped in metal, I mean Ravi's not an idiot..." He put his hand on his friends shoulder. "Come on, I think it's time we deal with your daddy issues once and for all, don’t you?" Vír didn't let a smile free but nodded with his friend. They opened the door quietly and watched a guard continue their walk down the hallway before slipping out the door, Vír leaving a kiss on her forehead as he did. 
In the closet here alone Eirene closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She wanted to test a theory she had. She pulled from her pocket a small pack of matches she brought from the manor. She struck the match as the small red light filled the room. She looked deeply into the fire and thought about Hino. Tried to imagine the flames becoming his hair, his eyes... In the fire she saw movement. The match was burning and the flame pulling toward the door, though no wind was there. She followed the direction the fire seemed to bend.  
Slipping outside she walked quietly down the hall, careful not to be caught. She saw a number of guards headed down the direction her love and friend went and tried to push her worry down. If he were in danger she would feel it, hear it. Of that she was sure. Her magic was so attached to him it would not let her leave him when he needed the lightning the most. 
The match began to hit her fingers and she let it burn until the very last bit, her fingers black with the ash as she rubbed it off on her thighs and continued following the path. She struck another and it blew her down another hallway. And another. And another. Until finally she reached a dark stair case with stone that she remembered from her nightmare but a few days prior. Continuing to strike matches and walk down the stairs Eirene listened carefully for any signs of life. She felt her magic try to leap out of her skin for a moment and knew that Vír was with Ravi right now. She tried to calm her magic, he'll be fine, she kept repeating. We'll free Hino and go to him. We'll be fine, she told herself.  
She was approaching the last set of stairs when she heard the rustle of chains on stone and knew she was nearing.  
The darkness gave way to a warm red light as she reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Hino's back to her, far more ravaged than before. He must have heard her footfall because he snapped around at her. The tiny flame in her hand exploded into sparks like a firework and she dropped the match on the stone, wiping the excess ash from her fingertips to her arm. His chains rattled as he lunged at her again, the large flames in the fireplace behind him growing hotter and hotter. 
"Are you really here?" He looked at her with disbelief, his voice was rough and raw. His accent clipped the end of his words. Hushing him, she simply nodded her head yes and began to look around the room for anything that could free him. "I told you to stay away" This sounded almost like a threat and Eirene tried not to be afraid. Vír refused to tell her what he'd done in his past that made him such a monster, so untrustworthy. Eirene didn't know his history, but she didn't care in this moment. He was in need and everything in her told her it was her duty to help. She tried not to focus on her magic writhing under her skin as she helped him and finally shot a look up at him.  
"I couldn't stay away-" The words felt weird coming out of her mouth. As if her lightning were trying to control her, keep the words in. But they kept spilling out. "I know what it's like to be left behind. I couldn't let that happen to you. Now freaking out for one second and let me help you." She looked around and found nothing. A stone room. Nothing but a large fireplace and the chains in the ground. Ground that could be broken.  
His eyes were wild with anger as she inspected his chains, trying not to get too close. She felt her magic cripple her and she fell to her knees. Vír. The wind was knocked out of her and she gasped for air. He was hurt. Not down- but hurt. It was like she couldn't breathe. Hino fell to his knees in front of her, his face twisted in panic, eyes flying from her to the top of the stairs, terrified someone would be coming down.    "Lightningcaller you have to get up. Please, go. Please. I didn’t want this to happen. I'm so sorry... Go," in his warm red glow she could see the silver of tears lining his eyes. Fire incarnate weeping as he pushed her away.  
"I can't," She stressed. She couldn't. Everything that was Eirene was determined to save him, everything in her that was the element was forcing her to leave, back seat driving her every thought and movement. She pushed herself back up using his shoulders to help her up. He burned hot but it didn't hurt her hands as she did so, even as her hands caressed the chains they did not burn.  
Looking at the points from which the chains came from she knew what she had to do. They came from two points. One to his left, one to his right. Those held his hands in place. Then one behind him where it held his neck and chest. Not good.  
He continued to try to free himself. His face looked angry and feral like her vision. "You have to trust me," she put her hands to his strong jaw and held his head in her hands. She felt his warmth in her hands and remembered the warm leather arms of her favorite chair back in Lyranth. It was warm and inviting and... home. It felt like home. Like the fire were always a friend there, watching her. Taking care of her. And she would do the same for it now. "Put your hands in your pockets and do not let go, it'll slow the current a little. I'm going to try to crack the chains free from the ground... But it might fry you in the process." 
He reached his hands up to her wrists as she still held his face and she felt that static go up her arms again. Her magic wanted to pull her upstairs to her love, yet here she was saving the man that sold them out. 
Eirene pulled her hands from his face as his still gripped her wrists. They stood an arm's length apart from each other and by the look in her eyes she wasn't going to leave this room without her. Dropping her wrists he slid his hands into his pockets. She didn't know what his clothes were made of but she hoped for his sake there was some wool in them to keep him from burning to a crisp. Pushing her hands out to her sides, she let the lightning travel from her shoulders, down her arms, and to her wrists. She flicked the lightning out from there to his hands first, both at the same time. She didn't dare look at him for fear her lightning would betray her aim. It struck true into the ground, at the root of the chains and she saw them snap at the base there. She pulled back and looked at him as his hands still bound in chains but free from restraint reached his neck and he pulled forward, toward her. He screamed loudly and she saw sparks forming where he was bound to the ground, the chains rubbing hard on the cement causing fire.  
"Hino! Please you're going to kill yourself, please! Let me get the last-" He flung himself forward, using his whole body weight he pulled the last few chains from the ground with brute force along. The veins in his neck, his hands and arms bulging with power. He was strong, scary strong. She'd let herself fear this later. For now, his body slammed into hers as he whipped the chains around her, pulling her into his embrace. He smelled of palo santo and cedar and not at all like someone who was just electrocuted. Someone this frightening shouldn't smell this good.  
He mumbled something to himself, Eirene's ears struggled to hear. Pulling back from the embrace he looked at her, his hands still firmly on her shoulders. Hino appeared as though he was going to say something else but as he opened his mouth Eirene screamed again, her magic ripping her apart from the inside, begging her to go help. She slumped again, this time she felt there was immediate danger. "Lightningcaller? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" 
"It's Vír..." She managed to say through choking breaths. It felt like the air was being pulled from her lungs. "Something's wrong- I have to..." She tried to stand, pulling on Hino for help.  
"No fucking way. You're in pain you are not running toward the thing that is causing you pain. Are you insane? Ravi will smother you. I can't let you go up there." 
Pushing his hands off of her shoulders she managed to stand up. Looking at him, he's been down here since the day he visited them. That, mixed with the fact that he's still dressed in long chains, she gathered she stood a good chance of outrunning him. He must have seen her calculating because he came up with the same conclusion. "Fine. Run." The clang of chains sounded as he pushed his red hair back and she went flying up the stairs, boots carrying her as fast as they could. She could hear him close behind. The sound of his chains in the stairwell like a warning bell.  
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rxttenfish · 2 years
legitimately think the state of media literacy on this website would increase if nyall actively seeked out and consumed disgusting media. the vilest media. the gross shit.
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