#like this was a joke theory that someone took too seriously
dootznbootz · 3 days
As someone who is also really uncomfortable with the Zeus/Odysseus art trend, I completely understand where your coming from!
People’s treatment of Odysseus’s assaults in general makes me really upset. Just the other day I saw a comment on a post saying that “Odysseus wasn’t loyal to his wife yet expects her to be loyal to him” and not once in the replies did I see someone mention that he was literally assaulted. It’s absolutely gross and makes me hesitant to go deeper into the fandom.
I remember being so frustrated when the snippets of “There are Other Ways” came out because so many people were making Hamilton jokes and talking about how he always talks about his wife yet cheated. When in the song it was so clear he was being coerced which is yknow, not a form of consent. I couldn’t even listen to it because it made me so uncomfortable, and even now with the full version out the fandoms reaction to it overall have soured me to it. Which sucks, because I do think it’s a great song.
Also I don’t even think Epic completely erases Calypso’s assault? At least, I think it’s left ambiguous enough during the time jump that people can come to their own conclusions. Specifically when Calypso says “Soon into bed we’ll climb and spend our time” just really gives me the impression that something else happened.
I suppose in the snippets we’ve seen of “I’m Not Sorry For Loving You” it seems like Odysseus and Calypso are on slightly friendlier terms, but I don’t think that negates the fact she could’ve assaulted him. And I’ve always took that song as pretty manipulative on Calypso’s side, with Odysseus more so trying to placate her. But that’s going into theory territory.
And even if he isn’t SA’d in Epic it’s pretty clear he doesn’t want to be there!! Same with Homer’s Odyssey. It’s so infuriating to see the cheating narrative be so widely spread when that is just not what happened.
Anyway’s sorry for the long rant, but I wanted to say that it’s nice to see you take Odysseus’s SA seriously. It’s not something the fandom does enough.
It's okay for the long rant. Sorry I took a bit to get to it but I wanted some "soft chatters" for a bit before I tackled this one :)
"Just the other day I saw a comment on a post saying that “Odysseus wasn’t loyal to his wife yet expects her to be loyal to him” and not once in the replies did I see someone mention that he was literally assaulted. It’s absolutely gross and makes me hesitant to go deeper into the fandom."
I completely understand you with this stuff. ;~; I used to go through Odyssey tags often as I LOVE possibly finding new people to follow and fun things but too many times I would see shit that pissed me off. ;~; I've honestly kind of just stuck to my mutuals that I trust tbh. And honestly, there's soooo much shit of people just straight up not understanding the context/culture/meaning/etc. of the Epics and just taking it at face value and not understanding the meanings. :/ I'm no expert, but I also have analyzed and researched quite a bit on my own to try and get the full picture. I think in order to truly enjoy the Odyssey, you need to just... really soak shit in, you know?
When Calypso, that lovely goddess,  tried                           to keep me with her in her hollow cave, longing for me to become her husband,                                  or when, in the same way, the cunning witch Aeaean Circe held me in her home filled with a keen desire I’d marry her, they never won the heart here in my chest.
(Book 9, Johnston)
Odysseus tells this to the Phaecians. They are strangers that he will likely never see again and who are isolationists. Therefore his story that he told probably won't be "spread" to others so he can probably say whatever. So he doesn't have to worry about "Penelope hearing a different story than the one he told to her" if people wanna argue about how "Oh well, he didn't tell Penelope about the 'affairs'"(He tells her everything as well btw.)
He could literally say "Oh yeah, I had the time of my life!" but he doesn't because that's not true. Odysseus has no listed concubines, I just literally don't see him as the type of guy who's really into that.
And while yes, he would be devastated if she didn't "stay loyal", he does sound like he'd be understanding. He asks his mother in the Underworld if Penelope had gotten remarried to "the finest of Achaeans". And we all know of Odysseus' words of "when Telemachus has a beard, feel free to remarry". Even when first "rejected" by Penelope in that she didn't hug him when he sat across from her, he was incredibly hurt but asked for a separate bed. He literally could have had it where Penelope takes a different bed and he takes their luxurious/fancy one because he has the rest of the household on his side.
But he DOESN'T!
Because he adores her for fuck's sake!
Funny enough? I have the weird reaction of like, weirdly searching out "Good" animatics as it was a weird reassurance of "yes, people see that it's wrong." as while holy fuck. so many stupid, awful jokes about "Say No to This" in the comments (I have learned to just stay the fuck away from youtube comments on Odysseus shit. :') ) but like, seeing and HEARING how yes, this was fucked, was weirdly really nice for me. yeah, it took a lot of digging but there's a few "There Are Other Ways" that I love. Literally, both are unfinished wips and they're still my favorites. If you can, please give these two a watch and some love for the creator.
This was back before we heard the full song and it's still very good. How he's on guard until she "magics" him and the colors change. After that he kind of moves like a "puppet" but he's still resisting as best he can.
This one is literally still sketches but it's my absolute favorite. Oh my word. The body language, PENELOPE FLASHBACKS!!! Showing cute bits of Penelope's character and how awful this is for him. (Penelope is so cute. She puffs up her cheeks to make him laugh!) How he really is scared that he'll have to go through with this in order to save his friends until all his past trauma floods back and he just can't. It's lovely.
And yeah Idk how to feel about "I'm Not Sorry For Loving You" :/ I don't know how it'll be yet, maybe there's something in another song that shows Odysseus' real feelings or whatever.
And with just the whole cheating thing, yeah, it's really upsetting to call what is blatant assault "cheating". As wild as it sounds, Odysseus' story has been more relatable for me than any other stories like this, even modern ones. I've spoken a bit about it before but yeh, victim blaming at its finest. I find him and his story and his love for Penelope slkdfj very relatable. It's honestly really nice to write about in a sense..
(I'm pasting this from an old post of mine but yeh)
I have never had a story that felt like how it actually FEELS. The "aftermath" and "regaining life". It's hopeful and feels really good. It's been years since "everything" but it just felt nice to see "Everybody has the chance to get better." Even Nestor, Helen, and Menelaus, while still dealing with their traumas, are doing a lot better now. And after literal hell, Odysseus got to be with his family and loved ones again. He can start living again. It's why I'm just...idk passionate about this? I'm not a murderer or a war veteran but I see myself in him. Hopefully, y'all see me as nicer though!😂(plus, let's be honest, the Odyssey is romantic af and OdyPen is right up my alley as well >:D )
I really hate the whole "he's a guy so therefore ____" whether it's used as a "Boys will be boys. they can't help themselves" usually aimed at female victims or a "Men always want sex. they cannot be victims.". It's fucked up and used against ALL of us. :( Doesn't matter if it was history. People, no matter the era, should never be put through "Are you Victim™ enough?". He is one.
Idk the Odyssey means a lot to me. I hope it's okay I take some liberties with my fanfics as it's nice healing through him :D I AM kind of using my own experiences and ideas and it feels nice. I don't think Homer necessarily meant for this but eh, anything that helps is good :D He's a war criminal that I relate to.
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shatcey · 26 days
My fiancé has become a child (Luke)
Luke Licht Nokto
The event contains spoilers about Luke's route. Mostly everything was sweet and fun (thanks to Clavis/Jin and … surprise-surprise Chev/Belle), but in the endings, especially the dramatic one, everything became quite sad and philosophical.
The premium ending is a continuation of the normal one. It's like the big story is divided into two parts. That's why the developers make us read it in that order.
Luke stops in the hall, watching the strange scene. Chevalier and the little girl stand and look at each other, saying nothing. Luke came closer and asked the girl (who was obviously in tears, she was standing next to Chevalier after all) why she was looking at him. The answer is obvious. A book.
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Chev just gave them the book and left without saying a word. The girl looked at the book and sadly realized that she wouldn't be able to read it. Luke thinks this is not surprising, because this is too complex book even for an adult. She asked if he would read to her. He agreed.
A fun duo appears…
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Emma asks Luke who they are. And he says they're even scarier than the blonde they've seen before. He advised her to remember how these people look at her, and the next time someone looks at her that way, she should run away. She took it very seriously. Big brother mode is on.
Clavis immediately starts joking about the fact that Luke has a child.
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Luke didn't try to explain anything, just took the girl and ran away from them to his room.
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He simplified the information so that even a child could understand. And then he stopped, Emma noticed what it's quite a difficult job to be a minister. Luke added that this is also the prince's job. Belle (no, not yet, she's still just Emma) was thrilled to realize that Luke is a prince. She looked so happy, that Luke thinks it's probably because she read the story that made such a strong impression on her.
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Hey! They're not that bad! Well… most of them.
Nokto came to remind Luke about the ball…
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Luke is surprised that there are already rumors about this. I wonder why? Clavis is known for spreading rumors. I'd like to see how he does it… really… It's not an easy task to come up with rumors that people would like to spread further…. I didn't try, I just remembered an experiment from The Big Bang Theory. I just realized I didn't finish it… I don't even remember where I left off…
Let's get back to the topic
So… Nokto remind Luke of the ball he needs to go to. Emma excitedly repeats "ball". But Luke came up why she couldn't go. She needs an invitation. And if she's a good girl and stays in his room while he's gone, he'll get her an invitation to the next ball.
Luke leaves the room, and someone with question marks exclaims that they will prove that they are reliable brothers. Indeed, who could it be?
Normal ending
On the way back from the ball, Licht stopped Luke, saying that he saw Jin and Clavis kidnap his secret child. Luke asks where they went.
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As always my baby notice everything. Good boy (pat-pat). Hey, don't flinch!
Luke ran into the kitchen and….
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Big brother mode turn on to the maximum! I won't lie, it's pretty scary.
Patting Emma soothingly on the back, he listens to the story. (pat-pat). I just like the way it sounds.
So, Emma wanted to make sweets, and who, if not Clavis, would have agreed to volunteer for this job. And Jin just followed along.
On the table were his usual ingredients with a very unique smell.
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How dare you criticize! So you know he's been putting a lot of consideration to this, and he's the perfect chef! And you… ah… this world is full of critics! It's the right food, it's the wrong food… (illegible grumbling)
So he suggests Emma cook with him. And as a result, the perfect cookies were born (in this world, where there are very strict about how food should look). I'm sad that Gilbert is not around… These are his cookies…
And the reason why Emma wanted to cook sweets
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Oh, no, it reminds me of Gilbert as well… At that moment, everything will remind me of him… I'm fine (sobbing)...
Jin tells Luke that they need to talk, but little Emma asks him not to leave her alone. And looking at that sad face, Luke just couldn't refuse her.
Emma is happy that he will stay, and Luke, looking at the smiling face, thinks that he was not interested in the lives of others before, but Emma (the big one, Belle) changed him so much…
Premium ending
Luke puts little Emma to bed. She is upset that she was a bad girl (she left the room), and now she will not go to the ball, as Luke promised. But he assures her that it's not her fault, but his older brothers.
Luke sneaked into the garden while Emma was sleeping. Where Jin was waiting for him.
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Luke agrees. And ask if it's wrong of him to forget? Like… She was the most important person in his life, but now…
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He was afraid that one day he would completely forget her…
(sudden change of scenery)
On the way back to his room, Luke sees a very familiar scene
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He looks so shocked. Like, why is she talking to Chev and not to him?
This time she is not crying and is really trying to talk to him. For example, she asks what he is doing as a prince. Emma noticed Luke and happily ran up to him.
She was looking for him and came across Chev again. This is fate! You should rethink your desire to marry Luke, girl.
Luke noticed that she wasn't crying this time. And she replied that it was because she was spending time with other princes and they weren't scary at all. But she added in a very low voice that she was a little scared.
Luke laughs at the girl's honest confession and remembers what Jin told him earlier.
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I must admit, these are very wise words. I didn't expect this from Jin.
I skipped a couple of scenes, after all, this is a summary.
For some reason, it was quite difficult for me to come up with jokes here. I have no idea why. I've been playing this game for 2 years now and I know the boys like family… but… My attempts progressed very slowly and creakily. Apologize for the result. I did my best. Maybe it's just Luke, maybe it'll be easier with other characters…
Right now, another part of this event is taking place with the Chevalier, Licht and Nokto. The description of the Chevalier's story reminds me very much of this one. I don't know if I will read it or not. Licht first, will see what's next.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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hammysamhah · 8 months
hello peoples i’m about to sound real crazy right now but hear me out cus i’ve been thinking this for awhile now while binge watching TBGO and Trollstopia and i need to know your thoughts!! and buckle up folks cus this is gonna be a LONG post
so okay basically, i think that in the shows Guy Diamond has some sort of generational trauma/ daddy issues/ faced parental neglect or however else it can be phrased.
this theory is only show specific and i don’t know if i sound crazy for thinking this AND i know i’ve made a post similarly about this except with Dareth from Ninjago but i actually have some real evidence this time to back up this theory/headcanon
look, this theory started off as kind of a joke at first after watching TBGO episode: “Trolly Tales 3” where Guy is seen telling a bunch of children a story based off of the nursery rhyme about jumping over a candlestick.
the story is seen with Guy as the main character, wanting to pursue a life of entertainment involving jumping over candlesticks. Sky Toronto, whom is Guy’s dad in this story, doesn’t agree with this lifestyle and insists he starts thinking more seriously and be part of the company. Guy rebels and pursues his dream anyway, but in the end it fails after the candlestick drops Guy and becomes a solo act. Guy, now at his lowest, goes back to his dad’s and tells him he’s ready to be serious. Sky responds to the statement that he has seen Guy’s shows and that he doesn’t want Guy calling him dad anymore, but to instead call him his #1 fan. it was a small but sweet twist there at the end where the dad accepts the son in the end.
now i didn’t really give much thought to the story until i saw the way Guy reacted when the kids didn’t like it. now i’ll make it very aware that i very much know Guy is just super dramatic (they even acknowledged that in the scene i’m mentioning rn), BUT as someone who loves to overanalyze cartoon characters and expressions, he kind of looked genuinely hurt. he was also fairly offended when poppy said his story was too dramatic.
mentioning again that i know Guy is just a drama queen but i like to overanalyze stuff like this
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now after i noticed these details, i jokingly remarked that it seemed like Guy took the dislike of his story personally, as if that was a semi-true story. like as if something like that did happen to Guy when he was younger and he twisted the story to fit the nursery rhyme. i don’t think that Sky Toronto is his actual dad, there’s too much proof that shows they don’t have any personal connection like that. but i do think that whoever his dad really was did push him the same way Sky did in the story. and that maybe Guy twisted the ending to be happy when in reality it probably didn’t have his dad accepting him and loving him for who he was.
now everything i have been talking about is all just speculation. there’s no real proof that this story isn’t anything more than just a story. BUT!!! by overanalyzing it is what made me realize that Guy being neglected in some way by his dad (or mom if he has one) would make some sense considering his personality.
Guy is very reliant on being the center of attention, he doesn’t like the idea of anyone being better than him and just has some confidence issues in general (at least in TBGO). there are many episodes centering around this. this is even stated in Guy Damond’s wiki.
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now, attention seeking is a very common occurrence in people that were neglected as a child. his attention seeking and huge ego are both things that show signs of trauma or neglect as seen below
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this is just a slice of what i have in store though because i think that this ties into the way he parents Tiny Diamond in Trollstopia.
Guy and Tiny have a few episodes centered around their relationship, they’re all pretty heartwarming and a little sad (while also being funny because the show’s a comedy). these episodes have a pretty similar moral which is “i’ll love you no matter what” and i feel like there’s a reason they all pretty much have this moral and it’s to show how Guy is growing as a character and parent.
let me just summarize these episodes i am thinking of realll quick for ya
Extra Tootering (s1 ep 12a): Tiny wants to learn how to glitter fart like his dad to impress his friends, Guy tries to teach him how but it doesn’t work. time comes where Tiny is meant to show his friends his trick and ended up faking it so no one could know he couldn’t do it. feeling guilty for his lie, he runs away and Guy finds him and tells him that whether he can glitter or not he and his friends will still love him the way he is.
Dad-urday (s2 ep 1b): Tiny thinks of his dad as his hero and Guy doesn’t wanna do ANYTHING that could ever break that image, so Guy participates in Dad-urday events that he hates just to make Tiny happy, only in the end to find out that Tiny will always view Guy as his hero even if he can’t do all the typical dad things that others can do.
Funder Construction (s7 ep 5a): Guy tells Tiny about how their family has a legacy of building extraordinaryly cool blanket forts and unintentionally pressured Tiny into feeling that he needs to make his own super impressive fort or else he won’t be considered a Diamond, Guy immediately comforted and reassured Tiny that no matter what he accomplishes in life he’ll always be a Diamond because he’s his son and that he’ll love him no matter what.
now let me break down these episodes a bit more to show you how i think it could prove Guy has parental trauma and how it plays into how he parents now.
for Extra Tootering, there’s this specific scene that spoke to me. when Tiny tells his dad that he wants to learn how to glitter like him, Guy tells him that he was also a late tooter and that Tiny should be patient, as it comes with time. but then Tiny starts saying that he’ll just hide his true self away until then. when Guy heard his son say those things, he was tearing up and even freaked out a little literally shouting a dramatic “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” and he immediately decided that he was going to help his son learn to glitter fart despite his earlier statement that Tiny should be patient.
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now i know the topic being about farting glitter makes this feel so unserious but that isn’t gonna stop me from overanalyzing it LOL
the main thing i noticed was how upset that Guy was when Tiny started talking about hiding himself from the world. Tiny was wanting to hide himself because he couldn’t glitter like Guy could. Guy didn’t wanna be the cause of his son hiding himself!! any parent would be upset in this situation. but if i consider my past point of that story Guy told back in TBGO, where the dad didn’t want his son to be himself, being a real thing that Guy could’ve gone through, Tiny wanting to hide himself could very much upset Guy!! not just for the basic reasons of wanting your child to be happy but also because he doesn’t want Tiny to go through what he went through.
later on when Guy finally finds his runaway son, this interaction plays out:
(direct quotes from the ep)
Guy: “don’t you see? i love you just the way you are! we all do!”
Tiny: “but you’re my daddy, daddy! you have to say that.”
Guy: “…you’re right, Tiny. i guess because i’m your father, in a way, i do have to say it.”
and the way Guy said that last sentence just felt interesting to me. the pause before he said it, and using the words “i guess” made it feel like he never really got that treatment from his own father ? ofc i could just be grasping at straws there a lil bit but it’s what i’m thinking.
now by the end of the episode Tiny has learned how to glitter and used it to save himself, his dad, and friends from falling to death lol— but what Guy says to Tiny afterwards was very sweet.
(direct quote from ep)
Guy: “TINYYYYY! HAHA! you did it! YOOOOU did it!!! for the record, i’d still love you if you couldn’t, but i’m glad to not be dead.”
i just like how Guy specified that he still would’ve loved Tiny either way. this doesn’t directly lead any points to my theory other than maybe Guy feels the need to make sure Tiny absolutely knows that he’ll love him no matter what. but any parent should feel that way about their child. i just really thought the moment was sweet and worth a mention.
now onto the next episode, Dad-urday, and let me tell you this episode probably spoke to me the MOST when it came to defending my theory.
for the entire episode Guy was stressing over disappointing his son. Tiny thinks of Guy as his hero, and Guy doesn’t want to do anything that could ever shatter that thought and make Tiny think less of him. so he and Tiny participate in a thing called Dad-urday, where all the dads in Trollstopia do a bunch of stereotypical dad things (like grill, play catch, fish, stuff like that). but Guy isn’t good at those things, so he goes to his friends for help and this interaction pursues.
(direct quotes from ep)
Synth: “Tiny’s gonna love dad-urday! he thinks the world of you and what-not!”
Guy: “exactly! Tiny thinks i can do anything! but tomorrow he’ll realize i can’t, and i just don’t want my little boy to lose his hero…”
Guy is seen here putting so much pressure on himself for no reason! he should know that Tiny would love him despite his lack of ‘dad’ skills, but he’s convinced himself that if he isn’t perfect and amazing at everything then his son will think less of him. this is totally rooted in Guy’s confidence issues and probable parental neglect i think.
so Guy forces himself to do typical Dad-urday things (with the help of his friends) to make sure not to disappoint his son. but things go wrong when Guy has to participate in a boating event to which he gets into a dangerous position. at this point Guy’s friends finally told Tiny the truth and Tiny immediately just wants his dad to get out of the danger he’s in leading to this interaction
(direct quotes from the ep)
Tiny: “daddy! your daddy friends already told me everything! you gotta get out of there!”
Guy: “b-but— this isn’t how i wanted this to go, Tiny! you’re my little boy! and i want you to keep on believing i can do anything! so you don’t lose your hero!”
the way that Guy sounded so panicked and upset in this scene really hurt. to me it feels like Guy is desperate to not end up being a bad dad, he wants to be someone his son can look up to and to be the first person he goes to if there’s a problem. i really think this shows that Guy never had a good role model himself, as he doesn’t understand that he doesn’t need to do all the things he’s making himself do in order to achieve this goal.
this mindset even had Guy forget that Tiny already knew he’s not perfect, as Tiny pointed out he already knew he’s not capable of everything and specified about when Guy tried to build his bike and failed, which made Guy finally remember. Tiny then proceeded to list a bunch of other things about his dad that aren’t the most charming, like his bald spot, or his fake calves lmao
anyways the next bit of dialogue here seems pretty meaningful
(direct quotes)
Tiny: “there’s only one reason you’re my hero, daddy…. *BECAUSE* you’re my daddy!”
Guy (tearfully): “…really?”
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the fact Guy was crying in this scene just showed how touched he felt that he didn’t actually have to be perfect to be a good dad. and that he already was one. the mere fact that being his dad made Tiny think of him as his hero definitely made him realize he was doing a good job. he needed to hear that after all the pressure he put on himself earlier.
now onto Funder Construction, which is a pretty big one too cus they actually talk about their family in this episode!
this could potentially put a little dent into my theory since Guy is the one who talks about them and he didn’t seem like someone who didn’t like his family. but i might just put it as he didn’t wanna have his child worry about it. i mean Guy is an actor in the show, it wouldn’t be too crazy for him to ignore his feelings for a minute and talk a little kindly about their family’s legacy to inspire Tiny, because Guy did play a fair part in it after all.
now to put it simply this episode hurt my heart so bad 😭 Guy’s parenting in this episode is so good it hurt. Tiny found an interest in making blanket forts, so Guy tells Tiny about how making blanket forts runs in the family and that they’ve all made huge creations out of them. and now Tiny wants to do the same.
Guy supports Tiny throughout the entire thing until Tiny starts rushing it and the fort becomes unstable. by then Guy is begging Tiny to stop but Tiny is consistent on getting it done. then the tower starts wobbling over with them on it and they fall off the side! luckily they were able to hold onto some loose blankets but they still were in a very unsafe position. and even then, still Tiny is consistent about finishing this fort and thus, this interaction pursues:
(direct quotes)
Tiny: “i have to build something the world has never seen before!”
Guy: “BUT WHY?!”
Tiny: “because if i don’t…i’m not a Diamond.”
Guy: “…not a Diamond..?”
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and dude. Guy’s face after Tiny said that. that brief moment of just an emotion change felt like Guy was realizing that he unintentionally pressured Tiny into thinking that if he didn’t build this fort he wouldn’t be considered part of the family. this is the exact thing Guy wanted to prevent Tiny from feeling.
so now continuing the scene, tiny is crying at this point:
(direct quotes)
Tiny: “it’s like you said, ‘every Diamond built structures that would stand until the end of time.’ so, if i don’t do that… how can i be one of them?”
Guy: “…Tiny Diamond. young man, you listen to me, and you listen good, because i have something that you need to hear. first of all, the things the Diamonds of the past did took them their entire lifetimes. if they caught one glimpse of what you’ve accomplished as a child..? it would blow the hair right off their heads!”
Tiny: [smiles and sniffs]
Guy: “and second of all, and way way more importantly, none of that matters! i don’t care if you build a thousand skyscrapers, or if you never touch another blanket again, you are always a Diamond. because you.. are my son.”
this scene is so important not just for Tiny but for Guy too. Tiny is learning once again that his dad will truly love him no matter what. and unlike last time with the glitter fart, (which Tiny was able to achieve in the end), in this episode, Tiny’s plan doesn’t work, but now he’s okay with it. because his dad made him feel less pressured and more loved. Guy Diamond truly said some powerful things to his son. this will most likely be a memory that Tiny will remember forever and that’s such a good thing.
coming back to the theory though, Guy had accidentally made his son feel how his family probably made him feel in the past. maybe not about specifically the blanket tower stuff but possibly something similar or just anything in general. pressure to live up to family values can be traumatic if your family makes you feel outcasted for not living up to it the way they want. and considering i think Guy either got disowned or ran away himself, (solely based on the story he told those children in TBGO), it obviously didn’t end very well.
the fact he made Tiny feel that pressure was probably heart breaking to Guy. and he made sure to immediately make sure Tiny knew he had no reason to feel like that. he became so serious so fast to make SURE tiny didn’t feel out of place in their family.
and that just shows Guy’s development not just from the trauma im theorizing but just in general in the show. Guy was never really the most serious character in this show. i mean, he’s a naked sparkly troll who’s main character trait half the time is farting glitter or being super dramatic in comedic ways. but seeing how serious Guy gets when it’s about his son just goes to show how seriously he cares about him. and that’s how you break generational trauma yall, Guy Diamond mastered it.
so um yeah this is pretty much all i have to say about this theory. i just wanted to show how i thought that Guy didn’t have a good childhood but made sure his son had a great one. really sweet stuff for this mostly unserious show. i know this is probably super dumb but i don’t care i just love dumb things. and if you actually read all of this thanks and here’s a cookie 🍪
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qtubbo · 7 months
Your like one of the biggest q!Tubbo fans i know here so i thought you’d be a pretty good person to ask this, but what’s going on with q!Tubbo’s lore rn??? i sadly haven’t been able to keep up much 😭😭😭😭
I’ve heard some stuff abt this “Creation” guy???
(you don’t have to explain it if you don’t want to obviously!! /nf :] )
Sure! As some character background, Tubbo’s been fairly depressed and suicidal for a while now, often joking about death and purposefully putting himself in harms way. Recently, he started talking about how he had “2 Lives left” in the same way as the eggs, noting that he wanted to give one to Empanada but was unable to. Most people assumed he was being lighthearted, and it was just a silly challenge that he set for himself because it was phrased in a ridiculous manner, a player having egg lives? He was not joking, and restated multiple times it was for real, but it wasn’t to be believed till Richas killed him.
Sunny and Chayanne took the death very seriously, treating it as if Tubbo had died for good, even with Phil saying it was okay and he’ll just come back. Sunny ended up staying with Phil for the rest of the day because Chayanne had stood still at the body for 10 minutes, which was good comfort for her. Later that day, Creation showed up here to protect Sunny since their primary protector was now missing, and also seeking to put Tubbo back together. Some background of who Creation is might be need, Niki’s stream and our theories about Sunny’s secret friend.
Firstly, Niki had a stream ages ago where she and Empanada met Creation, originally assuming it to be some messed up version of Tubbo. Creation showed it could point people away, assumably to a pocket dimension the eggs consider this like a warm nap, and that it didn’t have a lot of understanding about emotions. Being very stressed out and aggressive till Niki calmed it down, through Niki it was revealed that Creation has a ranking systems for the eggs most prioritized to least, and was designed to protect them by Tubbo and that Tubbo can not know its out. If I can find the VOD or someone sends it to me I’ll link it here, since it’s just a good watch to get context.
Second, Sunny’s secret friend, as of late Sunny’s been talking about this friend of hers that Tubbo can not know any details about. Sunny was protected by this friend on her walk “alone” to Bad’s place, Sunny needs to get a plush to keep them happy, and they live in a secret trapdoor in Sunny's room. This was heavily implied, but not confirmed, to be Creation, meaning that even after the reset that managed to get back to server its purpose protect Sunny.
Okay back to today’s stream, Tubbo’s dead and Creation just appeared to keep Sunny safe since her Primary Protector had gone missing. Creation points Sunny away brings them back and reveals that she’s Rank 1 calling her that for the rest of the night. Creation then starts talking about Tubbo and how it will bring it back, that Tubbo just needs to be pretty much reuploaded but Creation needs Tubbo’s data. BUT then Creation drops another bombshell that Tubbo can not die because he’s always been dead, meaning that Tubbo’s likely been a robot-like creature this entire time.
Once Creation gets to Tubbo’s body it declares it can’t bring Tubbo back because he’s missing data, his purpose, Creation becomes enraged by this revealing that while he wants to hurt Richas for the data, its code forbids it from hurting an Egg. Creation tells everyone that Tubbo needs this golden computer part to be brought back, which does once again state that Tubbo’s a robot-like creature, but it’s also revealed only the federation can get this item.
Tubbo’s currently still dead, and Sunny & Chayanne aren’t doing too hot both feeling terrible about it. I assume this is what you wanted not the Morning Crew stuff but I can explain that to if needed.
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the-travelling-witch · 11 months
𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐦: 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
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pairing: suna x reader
prompt: corn maze
haikyuu!! masterlist || hollysm event
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“Let’s face it: We’re lost.”
Flicking the leaf blade of a corn plant that looked exactly like every other plant around, you huffed in frustration. The falling night made it even harder to discern whether it was the same stone you had come by for the nth time already or a new one. By now you were sure, you and your boyfriend were the last idiots wandering through this corn maze.
“I’d like to remind you that this was your idea, by the way,” you grumbled, not actually all that mad. 
“And you were the one who said ‘Oh, let’s do something cute and coupley this Halloween!’, if I may remind you,” Suna retorted, throwing pieces of corn at you. He seemed far less concerned than you, as calm and collected as ever. “Plus, you agreed rather enthusiastically when I brought it up.”
“Well that was before we’ve been walking in circles for hours. It’s gonna get cold soon, too,” you defended yourself. To emphasise your point, you rubbed your hands up and down your arms.
“Here.” Suna was already shrugging off his own jacket and draping it around you, fastening it in the front. Immediately, his warmth still radiating from the material made you feel better and you sighed contently. Your boyfriend had the audacity to laugh at you, pulling a leaf out of your hair. “How lucky you are to have a boyfriend who dresses warm enough for both of you.”
“Yes yes, you’re the best or whatever,” you rolled your eyes, then sidled up to him and slipped your hand into his calloused one, blatantly ignoring his amused snort. “About getting out of here though, if you’re now also packing something like a map–”
“Yeah no, I’m not,” your boyfriend shattered your hopes. Holding up his phone to show the endlessly loading map, he added. “I also don’t have reception.”
“I can’t believe it, we’re going to die in a corn maze. That’s not how I wanted to go out,” you joked. Turning both ways again, you tried to recall if you had seen this place before. “But seriously, what are we going to do? Even you are losing in height to a stupid plant… Try jumping though?”
“Absolutely not,” Suna deadpanned. He started moving again, tugging you along. “You know, our high school volleyball team used to do this, too. Do you know how easy it is to get lost in a maze when you have the twins with you?”
“I can imagine,” you snorted, the thought of Atsumu and Osamu bickering endlessly the entire way cheering you up. “I’m sure Kita handled it though.”
“Yeah, his sense of direction is freakish,” the middle blocker said. Taking another right, you followed him. “I’m still pretty sure he’s a robot or something.”
“Can’t blame you, someone should study him,” you agreed. All the times you had met the former captain you had failed to point out a single flaw, so you supported that theory whole-heartedly. “But I don’t think anyone else could’ve handled that team. You guys always had a knack for causing trouble.”
“Hey now, don’t lump me in with the rest of them,” Suna purposefully tugged at your intertwined hands, so you’d stumble right into him, disproving the point he was trying to make. “I never was a troublemaker.”
“‘Course not. You only filmed all of it,” you shook your head at him in amusement. By now you had figured out his strategy. You had been sticking to the right side of the maze this entire time and in the distance you saw the lights of the maze’s end. 
“See, that wasn’t so hard. No need to write out your testimony,” Suna one-sidedly grinned at you. 
“If it was so easy, why didn’t you just do it sooner?” You stared back, unimpressed.
“Where would be the fun in that, babe?” By now his smirk had widened and he wrapped a strong arm around your middle to pull you flush with his chest and you let him. “Anyway, don’t you think I deserve some kind of reward for saving you from dying in a corn maze?”
“You are the worst, Suna Rintarou,” you laughed but still took his face between your hands and pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek, lingering a little longer than necessary. “There, happy now?”
“Hmmm, is that really all I get? I mean we’re talking about your life here…” Sharp olive eyes were looking at you expectantly and your heart, the traitor, melted at the sight.
“How corny,” you mused before leaning in and connecting your lips.
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
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janedoeswriting · 5 months
The Way The Wind Blows (Stiles x OC) Chapter Three
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Description: Rhiannon finds herself trapped within her guilty pleasure tv show— Teen Wolf. Now, she must choose which path to take… one that leads back home, and another that follows uncertain adventure.
Tags: extreme slow burn, frienemies to lovers, fix it fic, canon change, actions have consequences.
TW: smut??, angst, fluff, sexual harassment, anxiety, depression, obsession, domestic violence, manipulation, etc. Just please do not read if you are sensitive to difficult subjects.
(One Way Or Another by Blondie)
It wasn't unusual for Stiles to overdo things, but this was a bit much even for Scott. Second period hadn't even started yet and Stiles was borderline harassing Scott about all the theories he'd thought up during first period. The obnoxious flipping of books and whispering may have been a hindrance to other students' ability to focus, but since it was the first day of class everyone seemed to be too busy catching up with one another before class.
Apparently, Stiles never failed to find a way to create more work in Scott's life than he really needed.
"I'm telling you, she could be a lone wolf. I mean-- maybe she somehow heard about Derek becoming an alpha and came looking for a pack--," but Scott cut him of with a hand covering his mouth. Even though Stiles had been whispering, Scott didn't like running the risk of talking about the supernatural around other people.
"Stiles. Not now," he harshly whispered to his friend. Scott couldn't help but glance at Allison who had just walked into the classroom, but quickly glanced away. Stiles ripped Scott's hand off his face, but just as Stiles opened his mouth to fire off some retort the approach of Allison reigned in Scott's attention. To Scott's silent delight, Allison took the only available seat in the room-- the one right in front of his own. As Allison asked if someone sat there and Scott fumbled awkwardly with his response, Stiles' brain was running a million miles a second.
Stiles' legs tapped out of control and his hands fiddled with his pencil. Possibilities and theories flew through his mind. Scott was very obviously not taking the situation as seriously as he was, which made Stiles clench his jaw and turn away. The room erupted with the sound of cell phones buzzing and dinging. Everyone took out their phones only to read a quote. The English teacher read it allowed as she walked into the classroom.
As the teacher instructed everyone to turn off their phone, Stiles couldn't help but raise his hand. He couldn't turn off his phone--what if there was an emergency? What if his dad called him needing his help? What if Rhiannon ran away again and only Stiles could track her down?
His anxiety was senseless as he shot up his hand and asked to use the bathroom. Stiles slipped his phone into his back pocket as the teacher gave him permission to go, and was out the door faster than she could even ask for his name.
"Stiles--," Scott said to the new teacher as he turned off his phone. "That's Stiles."
The teacher nodded and smiled, checking Stiles' name off the attendance sheet. "Good to know Stiles is just as excited to be here as the rest of you." She said sarcastically and the classroom let out a half-hearted laugh at her cheesy joke.
In the bathroom, Stiles called his father. The phone rang once, twice. Finally, it went to voicemail. He tried again to no avail. Stiles couldn't take it any longer. He couldn't sit there in a classroom waiting for everything to go wrong. He'd make himself crazy wondering whether his father had indeed taken Rhiannon to Eichen House, or if she had been submitted to another hospital stay. Or worse-- if she had somehow escaped again.
He slipped through the hallways away from the prying eyes of teachers or students, and made a break for the jeep against his father's order to stay in school.
In the classroom, Scott got called out of class by his mother. He noticed Stiles' blue jeep nowhere to be found and groaned. "He's gonna be in so much trouble," Scott murmured as he put on his helmet and mounted his bike.
While Scott technically was skipping class, it was only because his mother had called him out due to an emergency. Stiles was straight up going against his dad's orders. As these thoughts ran through Scott's mind while he made way for the hospital.
However, he didn't notice the flock of crows flying directly for the school.
"What do you mean she doesn't exist?" Sheriff Stilinski said.
The absurdity of it confused him to the point of anger. "I'm saying she doesn't have a birth certificate. No record of any family or criminal history. She never had a drivers licence. No medical records except for the hospital. Just... nothing."
Sheriff Stilinski looked at the records and faxes and emails. In frustration he tossed the empty file down on the desk and walked away. The CPS worker was in his office with Rhiannon. At least she has a name, he thought.
The girl had started to talk more ever since Stiles had involved himself. Though, she wasn't talking about herself at all. Or providing any useful information. "We have to get her to speak to a psychologist. And get her checked out again at the hospital," one of the agents said. His entire office had been buzzing all day with the case of the Jane Doe, FBI agents in and out researching and calling. The manhunt that had lasted into the morning had turned into a full on investigation. "Maybe even... Eichen House should take her in." One of them said hesitantly.
"She's not crazy," the Sheriff snapped, though he wasn't quite sure. "She's just a kid. A scared kid."
Finally, the door opened and the CPS worker came out with the girl in tow. She was wearing the clothes they had gotten her after they found her earlier that morning in the forest. She had taken another shower and her cuts had been treated with basic first aid, but she still had bruises and scratches on her arms and legs.
"I've already spoken to doctors and agents and deputies. At the hospital." the girl reasoned. Sheriff Stilinski never thought he'd be so relieved to hear the sound of a teenager's annoyed protests.
Thankfully, the girl's expression looked more sober than it had before. Like she had come out of a foggy haze.
"Before you ran away?" the CPS worker asked with a raised brow. Rhiannon gave an exasperated expression and turned to the Sheriff. "Mr. Stilinski tell her I don't need a psychological evaluation, please. I'm not crazy."
She spoke as if she knew him, which was strange, but the Sheriff had to admit she didn't seem like any of the patients who stayed at Eichen. Sure, she had experienced quite a bit of trauma the past 24 hours, but it was clear that she was somewhat acting like a normal teenager.
He made a face that said, 'Welll'. Rhiannon huffed and crossed her arms. He couldn't help but smirk. "Cmon', kid. You don't remember who you are or where you came from, and you have a tendency to break hospital windows to make a break for the woods. We've got to try and make sure you're okay." He reasoned.
"How can I prove I'm not crazy?" She offered. The CPS worker inclined her head skeptically and Sheriff Stilinski pursed his lips.
"Let's start with actually answering our questions, not running away the first chance you get, and letting us help you."
Rhiannon pursed her lips and sucked in a breath. He raised an eyebrow at her and she begrudgingly nodded.
It was noon and the entire department was exhausted. There had been at least five coffee runs, six deputies came in on their days off, countless FBI agents in and out, and constant ringing of the phones.
The day finally seemed to be calming when the majority of the agents left, the calls grew scarce, and half of his department finally went home to sleep. Still, they sat in that office. Two agents, one CPS worker, a Psychologist, and a Sheriff.
Rhiannon sat for hours talking. Answering questions. She didn't remember her family. She remembers she had a dad and mom, but can't remember their names or faces or if she had siblings. She knew she wasn't from Beacon Hills, but didn't know where she came from or how she had gotten there.
She ran away from the hospital because she was scared. She'd wanted to go home. It was easy to play the amnesiac lost girl, until Sheriff Stilinski began to ask questions.
"How did you know who I was when we met?" He asked. He didn't sound like he suspected her of anything, but saying 'I don't remember' was getting repetitive.
"It says it on your nametag," she offered. He looked down and lo and behold, his name displayed on his right breast pocket. "You called Stiles and Scott by different names. Tyler and Dylan. Who did you mean?" Apparently, the Sheriff had gotten a thorough statement from the night prior. Rhiannon remained calm despite the panic tugging at her chest. Thank God there weren't any werewolves around to detect her lying heart.
She made a show of blinking in confusion. "I-I don't know. It's like waking up from a dream and remembering it all one moment, and then the next it's gone."
Every pair of eyes on her was sympathetic. Even the FBI agents bought it. Sheriff Stilinski seemed to as well... almost.
"Do you remember your birthday?" the Sheriff asked.
The words left her lips automatically.
"August 18th." She said. "And what day is today?" He asked. She hesitated. She didn't know that answer, but she recalled what day it was back when she was home. "August 3rd, I think." She said. Sheriff Stilinski's lips tightened into a flat line. The one's taking notes fervently wrote. The agents looked to each other. "What? What day is it?" She asked, wondering what secret they all knew that she didn't. Sheriff Stilinski hesitated.
"It's August 23rd," the psychologist said gently.
Rhiannon looked up to the Sheriff again. "So I turned sixteen and I don't remember it?" she asked. The silent question hung thickly in the air.
They were all thinking the same thing: Where had she been in those twenty days she'd been missing?
"Don't worry, Rhiannon. We're going to take care of you." The CPS worker assured her. Rhiannon looked down at her hands, entwined in her lap. "How do I prove I'm not crazy? I don't want to go to--," she caught herself before she said Eichen House. She had to prove she wasn't crazy. Going there was practically a death sentence in this show.
"-to an asylum." She finished.
She looked toward the psychologist. "Rhiannon, you're going to be taken care of. For now, we need to do some more in-depth assessments of both your mental and physical health at the hospital." Great. Just great. She was going to get torn apart by dread doctors or sexually harassed by creepy healthcare workers.
Still, she had no other way to prove she wasn't crazy other than going along with what they said. She turned to Sherrif Stilinski, who looked hopeful.
"I'll go. And I won't run away. If... Mr. Stilinski promises to keep me safe."
She knew he would protect her. Even if she got sent to Eichen, one word from her and he'd have her transferred somewhere better. If there was one think she knew, it was that Noah Stilinski wouldn't break a promise to someone in need.
She could use that to her advantage.
Slowly, he nodded. He was unsure of why she turned to him, or trusted him at all. Why would she ask such a request from him? But she was alone in the world, and maybe he was the most trustworthy figure she knew. The thought saddened him. The idea of his son being in Rhiannon's position caused his heart to squeeze.
"Of course, Rhiannon. I promise I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe."
Later, when Rhiannon was successfully admitted to the hospital, the Sheriff got a break down of the plan for how they would handle the girl. "She doesn't seem unstable-- just rattled. After some testing is done, we can diagnose if she just has amnesia or if theres something else at play."
"Do you think she's schizophrenic or something?" Sherrif asked. It sounded silly. The doctor shook his head. "From what I gathered, she's as sane as you or me. Just without the majority of her memory."
Sheriff nodded, relieved to hear the good news. He turned to the CPS worker. "What's the plan? Are you going to have to find her a foster home?" he asked. She nodded. "We'll have to find a temporary placing. The foster options in Beacon Hills are very limited, especially on such short notice. We might have to take her out of town. I assume she'll be in the hospital for at least a few days, if not more. I've got my work cut out for me, Sheriff. Not to mention how difficult it is to find a home that's safe. A young beautiful girl like that is a difficult placement. You never know who might have nefarious intentions."
Stilinski nodded grimly. The thought sunk into his stomach and the promise he made her hung in the air. As the CPS worker walked away, she said, "If you know anyone willing to take in a sixteen year old girl within the next week let me know."
Stiles bolted into the building. It was much quieter than it had been that morning. Everyone seemed exhausted, and Stiles scanned the room only to be stopped by a deputy at the front desk.
"Where is she?" he demanded in labored breaths.
He didn't even bat an eye at Stiles. "She was readmitted to Beacon Memorial."
"Where's my--," Stiles started.
"Your dad is at home. Sleeping. And you should be in school. Learning."
Stiles was already halfway out the door when he heard a call coming from the radios and the room suddenly bustled with energy.
He turned, but everyone was scrambling. Some ran out the door, others answered phone calls and barked orders. Stiles finally over heard it on a radio, "...animal accident at the high school..." His blood ran cold. "What kind of accident!?" he demanded from a deputy using a phone.
She ignored him and quickly barked out to other deputies, "A flock of crows flew through the windows of a classroom at Beacon Hills High. Minor injuries, but a lot of dead crows." Stiles stepped back as another officer ran by. Lights and sirens blared outside as they rushed to the scene. Stiles ran back to his jeep and reached for his phone. If there was a problem at the school, Scott would know about it, since he was still there.
"Scott!! What's goin' on at the school?" Stiles exclaimed as soon as Scott picked up his phone call. "The school? What are you talking about?" "There was an accident right? A flock of crows flew into a classroom's windows."
Stiles turned the key in the ignition and sped down the road after the cops. "I have no idea what your talking about. I'm not at the school, I'm with Derek." Scott said, sounding distressed and in a hurry.
"Derek? What the hell are you doing with--?" Stiles started, but Scott cut him off urgently. "Look-- just meet us at Derek's house, okay?"
"Us?!" Stiles asked, but Scott had hung up the phone. Stiles didn't have time for debates, and made a sharp turn in the direction of the Hale house.
Rhiannon slept for fifteen hours. She didn't even realize how exhausted she truly was until she got there.
She showered again, got another IV, ate a hearty meal of delicious hospital food, and was heavily baraded by doctor and nurse alike. Nurse McCall was nowhere to be seen thankfully-- Rhiannon didn't want to face her quite yet after freaking her out the night before.
Rhiannon remembered what she'd said to Melissa. She told her that she knew about Scott, and that she was from another world. Hopefully Melissa didn't tell any doctors that piece of information, or she'd be tossed in a loony bin in no time. Rhi was secretly hoping Melissa wouldn't tell Scott either, but she knew that was wishful thinking.
When Rhiannon awoke she didn't remember how she even fell asleep. She rang for a nurse and asked for her IV to be removed.
When she realized the time, she sighed.
"It's two in the morning," the nighttime nurse told her. "Are you hungry at all?" Rhiannon opened her mouth but her stomach spoke for her with a loud girgle. The nurse chuckled and tucked Rhiannon back into bed. "Don't run off anywhere. I'll be right back with a midnight snack." The nurse had made a joke, but Rhiannon was too groggy to laugh. She saw some male nurses congregating near a desk area outside the open door. They were talking. "Three runaway patients in a day? I mean how do you even put the wrong person on the operating table?" "I don't know, man. Apparently that kid Isaac was in a bad motorcycle accident. I saw him get brought in. There was blood everywhere. No way he didn't need to be operated on. I saw his wounds."
"Oh, bullshit," one said. "I'm serious. It was probably some other guy they wheeled in there. I'll bet the poor kid is kidnapped."
"He ran away. And he wasn't injured-- it was someone else's blood." "Rightt. Well the chick and the kid will have some fun explaining to do if they ever turn up again. Like this one," he said and gestured to the room. Rhiannon pretended not to hear them and suddenly became very interested in the plant on the side table next to her. "She'll have one hell of a bill when she gets released," he said with a chuckle. "Hey, she's got amnesia. Leave her alone." "Oh come on, you know I'm messin' around. Besides, it's only a matter of time before they ship her to Eichen house anyways."
They went silent as the female nurse returned with a tray of food and kind smile on her face. "Here we are. I got you some McDonalds. We have one inside." Rhiannon brightened at the sight. "Thank you," she said. The nurse beamed at her. "Of course! Are you in pain? Do you need anything?"
Rhiannon took a bite of a chicken nugget and shook her head. When she was finally left alone and her meal was eaten, Rhiannon ran through the possibilities of what she was to do next. She could stay there in Beacon Hills and try to work with Scott and his friends to find a way back home. But their skills had never extended to multi dimensional travel. And side characters generally ended up toast.
If she stuck around the hub of evil supernatural forces, Rhiannon was sure to die. Just an extra character laying out on the concrete after some monster rampage. No, it wouldn't be her. She would have to get out. And that meant she would have to run away again. But this time, more successfully. She couldn't be put into Eichen-- it would be impossible to escape. No, she had to convince them that she was sane, and then when they least expect it she could make a break for it on some bus and get as far east as she could. Maybe she'd eventually make it back to Florida-- where she was from. Was. Was there anyone even there? Would she return to her childhood home to find it occupied by strangers?
Rhiannon didn't want to think about it. All she wanted to do was go home. She could do that. She would do that.
Getting out of Beacon Hills sounded like a good place to start.
The next time Rhiannon woke up, it was a busy day. She did tests, scans, x-rays, answered more questions, spoke to councilors and CPS workers and psychiatric specialists. In and out. In and out. New people, new questions, new tasks.
Rhiannon was feeling like a top slowing it's spin by 2pm. Another knock on the door, and Rhiannon grimaced inwardly. She turned only to find who she least expected. Sheriff Stilinski stood in the doorway.
"Oh-- hello." Rhiannon said. He smiled at her and walked in. The sun shone through the window but the two of them looked ragged in their own ways. "Good morning, or- I guess- afternoon," he said, noticing the clock's display of 1:00pm. Rhiannon was surprised he was there given the timeline of events. In her mind, Rhiannon ran through what she believed was happening. She was in season three in one of the first episodes. She didn't know which one. The way time moved was obviously much different in real life. She was also in a hospital with no clue what events were happening around her other than Issac and Braeden being admitted and leaving. Which meant that the Alpha pack was attacking, and a dark druid in the form of a high school english teacher was at large.
"Heh. It's been pretty crazy. I don't even know what day it is because I slept so much," she said.
Mr. Stilinski smiled. "Today is Saturday. I've got some good news from the doctor-- all of your tests are looking good. They're thinking you may be able to be discharged tomorrow." Rhiannon stomach lurched. "Discharged? Not transferred to the loony bin?"
He laughed heartily. "You're mental health evaluation went well. You're perfectly sane."
Rhiannon smiled, relief blooming within her. "Thank God."
"So, what are you doing here today?" she asked the sheriff, surprised he was even there to pay a visit. In Beacon Hills, there was always something important to investigate.
"Thing's are finally seeming to calm down," he said. "It's been an eventful few days. I wanted to come check and see how you were feeling."
"I haven't remembered anything, if that's what you mean," she said. He shook his head, "No, no. I didn't mean that. It... It must be scary for you being here. I want to let you know that I'm doing the best I can to find your family and get you back home." It was so sincere that Rhiannon felt guilt tug at her heart.
He wouldn't be able to find her family-- they don't exist. Not here.
"Thank you, Sheriff Stilinski." His shoulder radio cracked to life and a voice barked coded orders. He clicked the button and responded. "10-4, on the way to you." He smiled at Rhiannon and said, "Duty calls. Let me know if you need anything. I'll be back tomorrow to help figure out the details of your discharge."
Rhiannon nodded and beamed at him. She felt both guilty and grateful in that moment. Guilty to lie to him, and grateful that he was there for her. She felt safer knowing he had her back-- even if she didn't really deserve it.
One Day Later
Stiles and Scott were in Stiles' bedroom debating on whether or not they should go out.
"Come on, it's the perfect opportunity to move on. You know... forget about Allison like you've been doing all summer." Stiles said. He laid in his bed has he tossed a lacrosse ball up in the air and caught it again.
"It's just weird you know?" Scott said.
"How is it weird?"
"Well, after the deer and the birds-- I mean, I thought you wanted to figure out what's up with that girl Rhiannon. See if she was a lone wolf, like you think? And now you want to go to a party?"
"There's time to figure it out with her. I mean, with the way things are going she'll be admitted to Eichen. We'll have plenty of time to interrogate her then." Stiles said, though thoughts of Rhiannon hadn't stopped plaguing his mind.
After the attack on Issac, and with Erica and Boyd missing, they were pretty much at a standstill. Derek had made very clear that taking on a pack of alphas was for him to deal with and that Scott and Stiles weren't welcome in his endeavors.
For once, Scott had the opportunity to take a step back and be a normal teenager. And yet Stiles suddenly dropping the subject of Rhiannon was a subject of Scott's suspicion.
"You were pretty worked up over it until everything with Isaac and Derek." "Yeah, and the alpha pack out to get us? Derek wants to handle it alone, and I'm not gonna change his mind."
Scott had to agree. It was a relief that this wasn't their problem anymore.
"Maybe a crazy girl is the least of our worries," Stiles added.
A sound at the door notified Scott that Stiles' father had arrived home.
"Your dads here." he said, since Stiles didn't have Scott's supernatural hearing.
After Stiles skipped school the other day his dad had been so swamped with work that Stiles had managed to slip under the wire. The ball Stiles had been tossing in the air missed his hand and smacked him in the face.
"Ow!" Stiles exclaimed, clutching his face. Mr. Stilinski appeared at the threshold. He looked tired, but not nearly as bad as he had been two days ago.
"Stiles," he said and then nodded to Scott. "Scott. I need to talk to you boys about something." Stiles sat up straight and his face turned pale. Great, Stiles thought, fearing the impending lecture.
"Yeah, dad? What's up?" he asked, trying to play it cool.
"You two remember that girl you found the other night? Rhiannon Watson."
Stiles' blood ran cold again but for a different reason. The boys attention piqued.
"Yeah." Stiles said. "Well, she's been discharged from the hospital today." Mr. Stilinski said. "Oh she didn't get sent to Eichen?" Stiles said, and Scott elbowed him in the ribs. Stiles held his side and shot Scott a glare that said 'what was that for?'.
"No she's perfectly fine. Your concern is touching," Mr. Stilinski said both sarcastically and sternly.
Stiles knew why Scott had elbowed him in the ribs in that moment. Because from around the corner there she stood. She wore a baggy shirt and sweatpants that looked like Stiles' old clothes that had no longer fit him. She met their shocked gazes with a chin held high, and awkwardly smiled at them. It didn't reach her eyes.
Mr. Stilinski sucked in a heavy breath and continued. "Well, she'll be staying with us for a bit while a foster family is found. CPS ran out of options, and well--...I volunteered to take her in."
Stiles mouth fell open. Scott blinked, and looked between them.
"It'll be temporary, but I hope you'll will be welcoming to her while she's with us," he said, not really knowing what to say to explain himself. He didn't mean to spring this on his son, but that morning had been a whirlwind. When he impulsively told CPS that he could take her he hadn't thought that far ahead.
A silence hung in the air. "Stiles," Mr. Stilinski said sternly to his stupefied son. "Say hello to your foster sister."
Stiles was in such shock that he remained frozen. Scott took it upon himself to break the awkwarness.
"Hello, I don't know if you remember me. I'm Scott, Stiles' friend." he said as he stood. Rhiannon held her hand out and he shook it. Scott didn't forget what his mom had told him-- that this girl knew he was a werewolf. Still, she smelled and looked human enough. Her heart was racing and in that moment Scott felt badly for Stiles' earlier accusations.
"I remember you, Scott. I-...," she looked down embarrassed. "I'm sorry about how you found me. I was, uh... I wasn't in my right mind."
Stiles blinked and shook himself out of his stunned stupor. He quickly shot to his feet and nodded. "H-hi- Hello." He wiped his hands on his pants and held it out. She looked at it and then shook his hand. He quickly withtook it and shuffled his feet.
Rhiannon looked around trying to avoid the weight of their stares on her. "Well now that we got that out of the way... I got some pizza for dinner. Rhiannon, let me show you to your room. It's just down here to the right." After Rhiannon proceeded down the hall Mr. Stilinski shot his son a look and then left the doorway. Scott and Stiles looked at each other in shock. Stiles' expression also held a little bit of panic.
Stiles mouthed 'Is she a wolf?' Scott shook his head. She smelled perfectly human.
'Sister?' Scott mouthed to Stiles teasingly. Stiles bent backward with his hands on his head and then stepped forward into the hallway. He caught a glimpse of Rhiannon and his father walking into the guest room diagonal across the hall from his own bedroom.
Scott followed, pushing Stiles down the opposite direction and into the kitchen. On the dinnertable two boxes of pizza sat.
"What-," Stiles bit out in a hushed whisper, but the sound of footsteps snapped his mouth shut. He did his best to act natural as his dad approached them.
"I expect you boys to be the most welcoming people in the world to that poor girl. She's been through a lot, you hear me?" he whispered to them, and then walked over to get some plates. Stiles and Scott sent each other looks and then sat at the table.
"Rhiannon, do you want anything to drink? We have some coke, or milk if you'd like?" Mr. Stilinski called loudly. Rhiannon appeared from the hallway.
"Um, I'll just have some water." she said, trying not to glance at the two boys gawking at her. "Thank you, Mr. Stilinski." she added.
Rhiannon fiddled with the edge of the table as she sat across from them. "So, uh, Rhiannon--," Scott started. "Rhi." she corrected.
"Right-- Rhi. How long will you be staying here?" Scott asked. Mr. Stilinski shot him a vicious look that Rhiannon didn't see and Scott gulped. "Well I don't know. As long as you'll have me, I guess." she said, looking at Stiles.
"These two go to Beacon Hills High School. If you want, you can start there whenever you feel up to it. The hospital said you can take as long of a break as you'd like until your comfortable." Mr. Stilinski said as he set the water in front of her and began making her a plate of pizza. It was cheese. They never got cheese. Only pepperoni. Stiles sucked in a breath and attempted to speak. "You got cheese?" He asked, and felt stupid for saying it. "We got both." His dad said. Scott and Stiles opened up the other box and began to serve themselves. Rhiannon did the sign of the cross and began to silently pray.
The table went quiet. She looked up in confusion at their stares. "What?" she asked. "Your... religious?" Mr. Stilinski asked. She blinked at them. "Oh. I guess, yeah." she said, feeling stupid.
"I don't really remember...But I was. I think..." and trailed off. Mr. Stilinski smiled. "It's alright. That's good. Muscle memory can help, right?" His hopefull comment brought a small smile to her face. "Right."
Mr. Stilinski bowed his head and when he noticed the boys staring dumbfounded, he gestured for them to follow. They immediately bowed their heads in prayer. "Bless us Oh Lord and these thy gifts which we are about to receive through Thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen." Mr. Stilinski said with Rhiannon. Stiles picked up on the prayer halfway through, remembering it from his childhood.
They hadn't prayed in years. Not since his mother died.
They dug in silently. Mr. Stilinski cleared his throat and picked up the conversation. He was trying his best to be welcoming and warm, which wasn't his strong suit. "So, boys--," he said. They sat ramrod straight with mouths full of pepperoni pizza. "What are you up to tonight?" Stiles chewed and swallowed quickly. "Uh, there's a party."
"A party?" "Yeah, Heather's birthday party."
"Oh Heather. How is she?"
"Good. She's good." Stiles said. In truth he hadn't caught up with her in a while and was surprised to receive an invitation to the party. Nonetheless he was still eager to go. "Good." Mr. Stilinksi said. Normally when they ate there was no pressure to make conversation. Now, a fear of silence hung in the kitchen.
"Well... why don't you go with them, Rhi?" Mr. Stilinski asked. Stiles almost spit out his gulp of soda, and Scott patted his friend on the back as Stiles coughed. "Um, it's okay-," she started.
"You were telling me in the car that you were excited to be a normal kid again, right? Why not?"
He sounded so hopeful that Rhiannon hesitated on her decline of his offer. "Stiles, you'd take her around, introduce her to some friends, right? Make her feel welcome?"
It wasn't a question but a command. Stiles nodded. "Yeah, yeah for sure. You should come," he said but didn't really mean it. "Great." Mr. Stilinski said and took a bite. Rhiannon met Stiles' eyes with a very slight wince. Stiles swallowed and nodded, fighting a grimace.
Rhiannon sat on the bed and looked at herself in the vanity mirror across from it. Her clothes were baggy, and were a combination of what Sheriff Stilinski had brought to her and stuff from charity donations. An old star wars shirt and athletic sweatpants-- both a size too large for her.
Mr. Stilinski said they would swing by the charity center in the morning to get her some new clothes, but she wished they had done that earlier.
After the excruciating dinner Stiles and Scott made a break for Stiles' bedroom. She tried to back out of the party but Mr. Stilinski looked crushed at the idea that she didn't feel welcome, and she didn't have the heart to go through with it.
Now she sat waiting for her final hour of reckoning. A knock sounded at her door. "Come in," she called, pretending to tie the laces on the battered converse that had been donated to her. "Are you ready?" Stiles said. He looked like a lamb for slaughter. "You don't have to bring me, Stiles. It's oka--," she said, but cut herself off at the sight of Mr. Stilinski standing at the edge.
"Don't worry. It'll be fun!" He didn't sound very enthusiastic.
The car ride was excruciating. Scott climbed in the back seat and Rhi had no choice but to sit shotgun. Stiles fumbled with his keys, dropped them, and then it took a few times of turning the key for the engine to start.
"Come on," he begged the car. "Come on." Finally, it burst to life.
Stiles let out a short laugh of relief. "She's a bit rusty."
Rhiannon nodded in acknowledgement, and looked out the window. The sky was colored a burnt orange as the sun set. They drove down the road. Scott lightly smacked Stiles on the shoulder and made eyes at him to say something. Stiles shrugged like he didn't know what to say until he finally gave in.
"Listen-- about the other day-," he started but Rhiannon interrupted. "Don't worry about it. Let's just forget the whole thing." She said firmly. Stiles couldn't object to that, and then Scott gestured for him to try again.
"Okay. Great. Forgotten. Already gone. All the memory just--," and then he got smacked in the shoulder by Scott and Stiles realized how insensitive he sounded to the amnesiac sitting passenger. Talking about forgotten memories maybe wasn't the best idea.
Rhiannon didn't know how to ease the tension but also didn't know if she even wanted to. Against her better judgement she spoke. "Thanks for taking me along but you guys don't have to bring me to the party."
"No!" Scott said quickly. "It'll be fun. Don't worry." But Rhiannon could feel that they knew it wouldn't be fun with her there, and were just doing what Stiles' dad told them to.
"I... Don't plan on staying here for long. In Beacon Hills." Rhiannon said.
"Why not?" Stiles asked. Rhiannon let out a short laugh. Because there are murderous supernatural creatures at every turn. And I'm a side character-- a villians main course. "I'm gonna go home." she responded. The boys were quiet for a moment. Right. That probably sounded really sad coming from a girl who had no home or family or memories of either.
"When I remember what home is." she added. Her quick mindedness was at the least a relief. The sun sank beneath the horizon and colored the clouds into beautiful purples and reds. She'd never been to California before, Rhiannon realized. It was pretty.
"Well in the meantime...," Stiles said trailing off. He didn't have much to say. Scott cut in, "You've got us."
Did they have her? They hardly even knew who she was. It sounded so surface-level that Rhiannon let a scoff slip.
"Right. Look- I don't need to be your friends. Your dad has been very kind to me. I don't know why, but he has. And I'm grateful to him. But you don't have to force yourselves to-," she said, but Stiles interrupted. "We're not! It'll be fun. New girl in town, fresh meat," Stiles said. Ironic, Rhi thought. "You'll fit right in."
As Scott sat in the back, he remembered again what his mother warned him. The memory flashed in his mind. She knows what you are.
"Soooo... What were you doin' out there? In the woods." Stiles said.
"Stiles." Scott said sternly. But Rhiannon responded matter-of-factly. "Waiting to get run over."
It was a joke, but they were so surprised they didn't laugh. Rhiannon sighed. This was going to be a long night.
Rhiannon had already thought through her plan of action during her stay in the hospital.
Plan A was to avoid any main characters and to get the hell out of Beacon Hills the first chance she got. Plan A was obviously dashed to the wind when Sheriff Stilinski volunteered to take her in and pushed her together with the main characters.
Plan B was to play dumb. To pretend like she didn't know anything. She wasn't crazy. She was just some poor, helpless girl who had nothing to do with the supernatural and nothing to do with Scott McCall.
Apparently, Scott had plans to scratch out Plan B too.
"My mom told me she met you. In the hospital." he said. Rhiannon froze up at the mention of Scotts mother. The way she had acted and things she said that night weren't fitting in with the whole 'nothing to do with Scott McCall' thing.
"Did she?" Rhiannon responded, trying to sound bored. His supernatural hearing picked up on the stutter of her heart.
"She said that you knew me."
"I do know you. You almost ran me over." she said.
"Right, but-," Scott started. "And you saw me naked." Rhiannon added, hoping that adding some discomfort would change the subject. It did somewhat. Stiles' face turned beet red and he shifted uncomfortably. Scott coughed. "Right. That too."
Much to Rhi's dismay, he continued. "She also said you knew what I am."
The atmosphere changed instantly. Rhi tried to cover it by playing dumb.
"What, a lacrosse player?"
"How do you know he plays lacrosse?" Stiles asked suspiciously. Rhi raised a brow and pointed a thumb to the lacrosse stick in the back seat next to Scott.
"Oh. That's mine." Stiles said.
"So you don't play lacrosse?" Rhi asked Scott. Scott tipped his head to the side. "Well.. I do-,"
"Great. Then it's settled. You're both lacrosse players."
Scott didn't know what to say. He believed his mother, but what if she was wrong? If this girl didn't know that he was a werewolf and he came out and said it, it wouldn't be good for him. Maybe she'd go around telling people he was a freak who thinks he's a wolf. Or maybe...
"That I'm a werewolf."
Stiles swerved and looked in the rear view mirror at his friend like he had gone mad.
"Is that an inside joke I'm supposed to know about?" She asked smoothly. Stiles subtly let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah. Yeah, sorry. It was." Scott said.
They finally reached the party. There were cars parked along the street and a house lit up with lights and people lingering outside. Stiles parked and turned off the car, eager to get out of this situation as soon as possible. "Here we are! Party time." He let out an awkward laugh.
Rhi got out and opened the seat for Scott to climb out of the car. He did smoothly and she pushed it back in and moved to climb back inside. "What are you doing?" Stiles asked. "Waiting in the car." She responded as if it were obvious.
"Yourrr not coming in?" Stiles asked.
Rhi shrugged. "I don't really want to. You guys have fun. I'll be here when you're done."
Stiles looked at Scott and begrudgingly gave in. Rhi watched as they walked down the sidewalk into the frey. She recalled the mental notes about what happened that night and knew there was nothing she could do to stop a pre-existing plot from unfolding.
As Scott and Stiles walked down the sidewalk Scott glanced at his phone. One missed call from Allison. "That was a genius move. Just go ahead and tell everyone you're a werewolf. It's a great conversation starter," Stiles said sarcastically, still reeling from his best friend's leap of faith.
Scott ignored the notification and slipped the phone back into his pocket.
"She knows." Scott said. Stiles was taken aback. "What?" he asked.
"Her heart skipped a beat. She was lying."
"Maybe she just realized you're crazy." Stiles reasoned. Scott shook his head, and knew the truth.
So Rhiannon did know.
"That means she's hiding something. Why would she lie about knowing what you are?" Stiles said. "And why is she so determined to get out of Beacon Hills?" Scott added, taking note of how strange it was that she would rather wait in the car than go with them.
Stiles took the information in, glancing back at his jeep down the road. He turned back to Scott. "Do you think we can trust her?"
"No." Scott said quickly. "Not until we know how she knows I'm a werewolf."
Stiles sucked in a breath. "Great. Just great. We've got a suspicious person who came mysteriously out of the woods living in my house."
Rhiannon wished she had a journal to write down what she knew. To put it all on paper so she didn't forget anything. She made a mental note to get her hands on a journal the first chance she got.
In the meantime, she slumped in the seat and tried to remember what happened in this episode. They went to a party. Heather tries to have sex with Stiles. She gets kidnapped and sacrificed because she's a virgin.
Rhiannon's blood ran cold as a realization hit. She was a virgin. And a side character.
What if the story could change? What if she was the next sacrifice? She certainly wasn't in a good position-- alone in a car. Defenseless.
Rhiannon opened the door and ran down the street. Scott and Stiles were approaching the house.
"Wait!" Rhiannon called. They stopped and turned around. She reached them panting.
"What? Change your mind?" Stiles asked with an edge to his voice.
"Yes.... Yes I want to go."
She was still breathing heavily but the boys looked at each other. Scott shrugged and said, "Okay. Let's go."
Rhiannon felt relief as she stepped between them and led the way into the house. Normally she would have been riddled with anxiety at the thought of entering a party sober knowing absolutely nobody. But now, she was just relieved that she wasn't in impending doom.
She just had to stay with Scott. With Scott she would be safe.
When she entered the house a blond girl looked at her in confusion. "Stiles!" She exclaimed, but slowed as he came to a stop next to Rhi. Her expression looked a bit disappointed as she appraised Rhiannon. "Whose this?" Heather asked.
Wait, wasn't she supposed to kiss him?, Rhi thought in confusion as she looked between the two. Stiles was caught off guard but quickly recovered. "Oh! This is my new foster sister."
Foster sister. It sounded silly to Rhi, but she smiled pleasantly and held out her hand to Heather. "I'm Rhi, nice to meet you... His dad uh... made him bring me." Rhi added, noticing Heathers disappointment. Who was Rhi to stand in the way of the girl's targeted conquest?
"Oh..." Heather said, taking Rhi's hand and shaking it. Rhi grabbed Scott's forearm and dragged him forward. "And Scott," Rhi added. She met Scott's gaze with a cry for help. She knew a scorned woman when she saw one. The last thing she needed was for some girl to get the wrong idea and start unnecessary drama. "Hi," Scott said. Heather smiled tightly at them. "Do you guys want a drink?" She asked with a smile.
Rhi's brows furrowed. A drink? Wasn't she supposed to take Stiles down to the cellar and proceed to get kidnapped?
"Yeah, that'd be great!" Stiles said enthusiastically. Heather smiled at him and lead them all to the kitchen.
What is happening? The plot can change?
"Here we are," she said, handing them all freshly poured jungle juice. When Heather handed the cup to Rhi she spilled it. All down Rhi's front. Stiles' old star wars shirt and sweat pants were soaked and sticky.
"Whoops," Heather said with a vicious smile. Bitch, Rhi thought.
"Woah," Stiles said, not clocking how non-accidental the accident was. He rushed to grab a towel and started drying Rhi off. Rhi stepped back and took the towel from him. Stiles realized he had overstepped a boundary and blushed. This only seemed to piss Heather off more. "I'm sooo sorry. You can borrow some of my clothes! Scott, would you take Rhi upstairs? My room is the first door on the left."
Scott looked at Heather in confusion but Rhi smiled tightly and led the way. Behind them, she heard Heather say to Stiles, "Want to come grab a bottle of wine downstairs? This stuff isn't that good."
As Scott trailed behind Rhi, he heard her grumbling angrily. "Are you okay?" he asked. Rhi turned and saw Scott's concerned expression. She sighed.
"Boys are clueless." She said. They found her room, but a random couple was making out passionately on the bed. Rhi quickly shut the door and moved on. "I'll just wipe it off in the bathroom," she reasoned.
Scott checked his phone when it buzzed again. A notification displayed 'one message from Allison'.
"Hey, is it alright if I step out for a minute?" Scott asked. Rhi looked up at him and nodded.
"Yeah. Just don't disappear. I don't really know anyone here."
Scott nodded reassuringly. "I'll be right back."
Rhi sighed. She was alone. She took off her shirt and ran the stain under the water to scrub the fabric clean and muttered to herself about people who deserved to die.
All of a sudden, Stiles himself barreled inside and shut the door behind him. When he turned he ran straight into Rhi, who couldn't catch herself in time. "Woah!" he exclaimed, catching her by the waist and arm before they toppled over.
"Shouldn't you be in the basement?" Rhi asked. Stiles looked down at her partially naked body. His hands held her warm, bare skin. He jumped back red as ever.
"You sure do blush a lot." She commented, returning to her task of scrubbing the shirt clean. "W-w-what are you- I'm sorry! I didn't know--," he stammered. "It's fine. Nothing you haven't seen before, right?" She said, which only sent him further into stuttering embarrassment.
He looked at her as she wrung the shirt out and began to put it back on.
"Did you not find her room?" he asked. He was still breathing heavily from his quest to find a condom, but being alone with Rhi wearing nothing but a bra and his sweatpants seemed to take priority in his mind.
"Nah. Aren't you looking for something?" She asked, straightening herself out. She was wet now, but at least not soaked in mysterious alcohol. Stiles' eyes lit up at the reminder of what he was there for. Rhi opened the drawer for him. There, a box of XXL condoms sat. "Stay safe," she said as she opened the bathroom door and headed down the stairs to find Scott. Stiles reached for the box and then turned. Rhi opened the front door and much to her surprise, Stiles called her name. "Hey, where are you going?" he asked. She turned to him.
"To find Scott. Where are you going?" She asked, but he seemed to be following her out the front door.
"Where did Scott--," he started, but stopped as soon as he saw Allison, Lydia, and Scott on the front lawn. The two approached the trio.
"Allison, Lydia? What are you doing here?" Stiles asked.
The two girls looked concerned and had a serious air about them. Stiles quickly shoved the condoms in his pocket before anyone saw. "What happened?" He asked Lydia. Rhiannon noticed Lydia had a bandage over her forehead.
"Whose this?" Lydia asked, aprasing Rhiannon. Allison seemed to be doing the same. "This is Rhi. My dad is fostering her." "Fostering her?" Lydia asked severely. Rhi's eyes lingered on the bandage, but met the girls' scrutinous gaze.
Stiles nodded. Rhi shifted awkwardly. "I'll leave you guys to it-," Rhi started, but Allison quickly said, "It's alright. We were just leaving."
Allison looked to Scott, who nodded at her in some mutual understanding that Rhi wasn't included in.
Scott turned to Stiles and Rhiannon as the girls walked to their car. "What's up with them?" Stiles asked him. Scott glanced at Rhi.
"I'll tell you later." he said.
Rhi didn't know why but she felt embarrassed at the subtle exclusion. She needed to cut the silence as soon as possible, so she said the first thing that came to mind. "Stiles is gonna have sex with Heather." Rhi stated. It sounded childish coming out of her mouth. Stiles turned to Stiles incredulously. "What?" Scott exclaimed, a sudden smile blooming to his lips.
"Oh shit!" Stiles was hit with a realization, and turned and bolted inside.
Scott looked to Rhi for an explanation. She smiled and said, "He came into the bathroom looking for condoms."
He laughed. "No way." he said as they walked back inside. He was clearly ecstatic for his friend.
Rhiannon smirked and rolled her eyes. As they walked back into the party, though, Heather's friend approached them. "Hey, do you know where Heather is?" She asked. Rhi's stomach dropped. For the first time, Rhi realized what was truly happening.
"No, why?" Scott asked. "We haven't seen her. Do you know where Stiles is?" She asked looking around.
"He's in the-," Scott started, but then Stiles appeared from the basement with a look of confusion on her face.
"Heather wasn't down there." He said, sounding deeply disappointed.
"She probably went to find someone else to lose her virginity to," the friend added, turning back to her friends without a care in the world. Stiles was taken aback in offense. Scott stifled a laugh.
It didn't occur to any of them to be weary. It seemed so innocent-- Heather had just gone somewhere else. At her own party. Rhi's stomach turned over and she gripped the wet spot on her shirt.
Rhi couldn't stop herself as she said, "Wait! Are you sure she's okay? I mean-..." they all looked at her, "What if she's in trouble?"
Heather's friend scoffed as if it were the silliest thing in the world. "She's fine. She barely even had anything to drink anyway. I'll find her eventually." And with that the conversation was over. But you won't. You won't find her.
Before that moment it had all seemed like she was outside her own body staring down at this world from somewhere else. Like what she did and said didn't really matter in the end. Like this plot was something she had nothing to do with and no control over.
Except, Lydia had a cut on her forehead when she saw her just moments ago. One that wasn't there in the original plot of the story. When had Lydia gotten a forehead injury?
Upon the sight of it, Rhi had realized the truth. Somehow, her actions had an impact on this story. The butterfly effect could change everything. Even her barest of interactions could have drastic effects on what she knew to be true here.
And if that were true, then it meant she had indirectly allowed Heather to die. Without stepping in and helping when she had the chance, had Rhi been compliant in her murder?
She remembered sarcastically grumbling about the Heather's mean behavior from earlier. That seemed so long ago now in the face of the truth. This wasn't just a story anymore. This was her reality. And she had the power to change it.
"I- I don't know." Rhi said quickly to Scott and Stiles. "I don't know how to explain it, but something feels off."
Scott and Stiles met eyes and then turned back to her. Stiles sighed out his disappointment at his own fumble with Heather.
"Don't worry. Just an average day for me." He said, thinking Rhi was feeling guilty for indirectly cockblocking him (even though she hadn't in the slightest. Stiles had done that to himself.) "I'm not exactly smooth with the ladies."
Scott patted his friend on the shoulder and they lead Rhiannon back outside toward the direction of the car. "Don't you think we should find her?" Rhi asked desperately as she fell behind them. "Nah. Her friends will do that just fine. Besides, I don't think we really want to." Stiles said without hiding his disappointment as he alluded to the inappropriate activities Heather was probably partaking in currently.
Rhi stopped for a moment, her mind racing. She couldn't convince them unless she told them the truth. But what then? Would they be able to help Heather, or was it too late? Would they blame her for not saying something sooner? Maybe if they knew about her situation, they could somehow get her back home. But then wouldn't she be dragging herself into a story where she didn't belong? Opening up a new conflict that they didn't have room for? If she told them the truth, she could possibly prevent them from helping those in need? What if her attempt to save one person resulted in a domino effect that hurt many more?
Even more tormenting was the thought of changing the plot enough to not know what was coming next. To alter the timeline and leave her unable to help them in the future when it really mattered. Unable to help herself. When it really mattered.
The memory of seeing Allison for the first time flashed in her mind. She was beautiful in person. Prettier than Rhi thought of herself, which was rare because Rhiannon thought herself to be quite beautiful. And if it weren't for the white bandage across Lydia's forehead, she would have been a sight for sore eyes too.
She recalled the look in Scott's eyes as he gazed longingly at Allison. It was only for moments, but Rhi felt like she knew them. She could see Scott holding Allison's lifeless body. See him blame himself for her death.
Rhi could save her. If she planned it out well enough, she could save her.
Rhi clenched her fists. In that moment she made the difficult decision. It weighed on her shoulders despite herself. She followed the boys down the sidewalk. She ignored the idea of Heather being sacrificed.
She got into the jeep without a word.
Notes: Thank you all for reading.
36 notes · View notes
mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I ain't gonna lie. JK kinda being a bit of a shit stirrer today. Why is he posting pictures adding up to 13 like he's baiting Jimin, but posting the food in the same set of dishes that Tae owns? Tae already showed that dish set in his story not long ago. Kinda like that day JK said Jimin was his, but turned around and said Tae was his. JM's in NY minding his business, while JK's kinda being messy. Well, at least both sets of shippers are happy & fighting at the same time over who JK is really posting for.
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Anon, come closer. Let me show you something.
Remember this?
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Okay. Wonderful then I'm sure you remember that atrocity they did of photoshoping V on Jimin's face. See if u can find it among all these times where they replaced Jimin with V.
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These assholes didn't even try 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ That's one of the most iconic Jikook moments of all time. If you're gonna try to copy at least put in some effort 🙄🙄
That's one.
2) Remember when Jimin said the best part that represented him was the timestamp 1:23 on the One Day MV?
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Remember how JK started recommending songs to army and pausing the songs at 1:23? He did this continuously without fail. (Manilla fight)
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Even when sometimes the part made no sense. More on this here.
When Jikookers started celebrating this guess what the vermin did? They took the 123 theory and decided to relate that to Vkook. Even though they never would have done that shit, if Jikookers didn't point it out. According to them, 123 was about Tkk because V was born on 12th December 🤦🏽‍♀️
Shouldn't it have been 1230 then?? Why did they get rid of the 0? For convenience as always. 🙄🙄 Well, joke's on them, because JK stopped doing this. This is one of the earliest moments of JK debunking Tkkrs.
3) When Jkkrs noticed the JM and started talking about it.
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The vermin said the tiger was about them. Because V's animal is a tiger.
Fuck the fact that the tiger and Korean culture go hand in hand. But guess what JK did when he met Poly C? He👏🏾covered👏🏾that👏🏾shit👏🏾up! Sure the man and the rest of BTS hated how the SK government were treating them. Sure he hates how he can't even show the world who he's in love with due to his homophobic country, so he decided the Tiger didn't mean that much to him after all. But I bet he saw a chance to kill 2 birds with one stone and he did. Fuck SK and fuck Tkkrs. Boom! Done.
4) When Karmy nick named Jikook the Sun and Moon duo because satellite Jeon is always orbiting Jimin like the moon orbits the sun, The vermin also started calling Tkk the Sun and Moon duo. Their reason? Don't ask me. Idk and idc. Too bad though, coz even BH knows who are the REAL Sun and Moon duo
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5) While we are on the "mine" topic. Karmy already explained the difference between JK saying Jimin is his Vs when he said (warning RIP your algorithm if you click on this) V is his. According to Karmy, with V it came off more like a statement. With Jimin it was possessive, AF. And I agree. Not just because I'm a Jikooker, but because you don't need to be Korean to hear the difference.
For context: An army asked JK to give Jimin to them and JK was like; he's mine. But here is what u have to keep in mind. The V one came way, way, waaaaaay later than the Jimin one. As soon as he said Jimin was his, the vermin kept pestering JK with the same thing the former Army asked about Jimin. So going by JK's tone, it seems to me like he said what he said about V, to shut them up. 🤷🏽‍♀️ The difference is in the tone, guys. U don't gotta be Korean to hear it.
These are just a few examples. And now you're telling me, even though our numbers theory makes more sense, Tkkrs are claiming what JK is doing on weverse for themselves because of a plate?? A plate? Really.
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This is just like when they decided Tkk went snowboarding because of a pair of shoes. Like no one else owns those shoes apart from JK and V 🤡 Again, someone please explain to me how people take them seriously. Please. They want what we have soooooo bad. They have always wanted what we have.
Jin can grab V's balls or whatever tf this was. Taejin what goes on??? 🧐🧐
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And the vermin did not bat an eye. Not one fucking peep from them. But in the same memories 2021, Jimin gets embarrassed and does the simple act of hiding his face in JK's neck (something he has done for years BTW)
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You cannot tell me these people don't know Jikook is real. If they didn't see what we see they wouldn't want what we have so bad. And they certainly wouldn't feel so damn threatened.
So anon, JK owning the same plate as V, cannot even be compared to JK making a post on Jimin time. It ain't and will never be the fucking same. Please.
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ryuichirou · 8 months
How do you imagine the Scott Pilgrim characters interacted with the twst characters?
Anon, this is such an interesting but complicated question, and I, as always, took it way too seriously lol Both TWST and Scott Pilgrim have so many iconic characters, but it would be impossible to talk about every possible combination. So you know what, I’ll go through the cast of Scott Pilgrim, since it’s a bit smaller… Although I did ended up missing a bunch of them anyway because I didn’t have anything to say or because I simply forgot about them lol
Also, while the image of the characters in my head is all over the place right now with 3 different versions of the story, I’m mainly thinking about the anime version.
Alright, sooo.
The easiest one to talk about is unsurprisingly Wallace lol We like to joke about him enjoying his time at the Mostro Lounge and being a regular customer there. He is loved by the staff and especially by the Tweels and Azul, because he pays well, knows a lot about cocktails, doesn’t bother anyone (he could’ve if he wanted to, but the place is chill, so he behaves even when he gets drunk… just don’t tell anyone that the Lounge has alcoholic beverages now lol). They love him so much that whenever he visits they prepare his favourite spot at the bar for him. They love him so much that they named a cocktail after him lol They also love to gossip- I mean, exchange information with him (there is a sketch on our ko-fi with Wallace at the Lounge…)
Wallace would also probably enjoy spending time with Lilia, I feel like these two are quite a dangerous mix. Are they going to tease someone together or flirt with each other aggressively and end up having sex for some reason? Both, but the order is unpredictable.
But ironically, when it comes to romance and stuff though, I feel like out of all the twst guys the one that’s closer to Wallace’s type is Trey. Trey is such a Jimmy it hurts.
Now, Scott… I look at him and my mind is blank, I feel like he would just be freaked out by everything that’s going on, because this whole thing is too harry-pottery and weird; I can���t really imagine him befriending someone or someone being interested enough in him to even hang out… but at the same time, I feel like Scott will end up fighting all the housewardens for whatever reason. He’ll have more luck with some of them (Riddle, Kalim who didn’t even want to fight) than with the others (Vil, for example), but ultimately everyone wouldn’t know why this fight is happening. Ramona certainly doesn’t know – she is too busy hanging out with the first years, asking them questions about this world. A part of me wants to say that someone would get a crush on her, but these boys are too gay for that…
Stephen would find himself in the light music club, being bullied by the club members (mostly Lilia). They tease him, they torture him by not telling if his music sucks or not… Playing with them is unusual, because his own band’s energy is quite different, but it’s fun overall. If only they didn’t bully him like that..!
Kim is at the light music club too, quietly wishing to disappear and not witness this clownery. But unfortunately for her, Kalim would try to talk to her and just wouldn’t shut up. He just feels like since she seems so quiet and upset (angry??), maybe he could cheer her up by talking about the drums and stuff. In general, he only makes it worse, but surprisingly talking to someone so genuinely good-natured would be a refreshing change.
Matthew is a theatre kid, so sticking him to the Pomefiore people sounds fair in theory (and he would’ve definitely have a delightful conversation about music theatre with either/both Rook and Vil), but I feel like Kalim would’ve invited him to hang out… which means that Matthew is Jamil’s problem now. At least Jamil expected him to be a problem, but he was actually much less obnoxious that Jamil expected him to be, so it was a nice “huh” moment.
Lucas… he is such a Savannaclaw bro, and yet for the most part I can picture him surrounded by the first years, especially Epel lol Oh how much Epel would love him. He would really want to learn some skateboard tricks, and Ace and Deuce too… But I don’t think Lucas is really interested in teaching them, he just flexes for the most part lol
Oh, Cater skateboards right?? That’s perfect, considering he would also try to hunt Lucas down to take a picture with him, but probably wouldn’t succeed for some reason: Cater isn’t really lucky. Floyd would also be around (because Azul sent him to stalk big celebrity that arrived at their school for some reason) but wouldn’t get all the hype. He would be very into the whole skateboarding thing though, he’ll absolutely try to steal Lucas’ board to try it himself. Which means they’re going to fight and Epel is going to watch in awe…
Todd and Envy would also be stalked by a) Cater (he really wants his damn picture); b) one of the tweels (it’s Jade this time). Cater wouldn’t succeed again, this poor guy, but Jade is just unnoticeable and quiet enough to hang around creepily and learn some info for Azul. He also would invite them to the lounge at some point.
I feel like the only company in the NRC that wouldn’t drive Envy insane would be Vil or Jamil, so anyone who isn’t completely obnoxious and is bitchy enough to complain about petty stuff with. And since Jamil is a bit more secretive about his pettiness, Vil probably works better. Showbiz sucks, and certain annoying people from their lives also suck, so…
Todd would have an absolute journey. He could start by hanging out with Envy and Vil, but then, despite loving him to death and all, Envy would politely ask Todd to please go hang around somewhere else for like 20 minutes. Maybe it’s because Vil wouldn’t be impressed with the vegan talk at all… if only Vil knew the science.
It’s honestly surprising just how difficult it is to think about what Todd could’ve done: Todd works in mysterious ways. He doesn’t casually flex as much as Lucas, but he still might end up having a fight with someone. And knowing Todd’s luck, he might do it with someone who is also good at teleportation, which means… Todd, please don’t be stupid, don’t fight Malleus—This is such a stupid combo but also?? Would Malleus be amused by this foolish man? He might be.
But then at some point he’ll also end up at Mostro Lounge and see Wallace… and Azul would have to think about whether he wants to kick them out (he would’ve if it was anyone other than Wallace) or offer them a nice private room at his dorm. Maybe Azul should consider this as some new business model? Because with these two it worked surprisingly well lol
(Todd would definitely miss the opportunity to show-off his bass-playing skills :( too bad, I would’ve watch him duel both Lilia and Jade)
Julie would fucking hate NRC but at the same time she would instantly figure out who the most important and influential people are in here. So, she’d skip Heartslabyul (after kind of befriending Cater for mutual beneficial reasons), skip Savanaclaw (they have a prince, but he isn’t motivated enough to be useful), befriend the Octa-trio (yay more gossip and bitchiness!), befriend Kalim and probably annoy Jamil by this ‘cause parties, she would try her best to befriend Vil, skip Ignihyde (great, more nerds and virgins) aaand she would really want to get closer to Malleus but couldn’t, but she would still manage to befriend Lilia somehow. This girls works the hardest.
Roxie has nothing to catch at the NRC but at the same time she hangs out with dumb boys with anger issues all the time so maybe this is actually quite natural to her lol but she would still hate it and complain about  this stupid place having no girlies. She’ll definitely kick a lot of ass just out of frustration, but then somehow end up befriending someone very random like Jack for example. I guess she would consider him to be the least annoying, but even then it’s not much of a friendship, they just happened to be at the same place.
Or you know what? Get her to Diasomnia, let train with Sebek and Silver. She would be so annoyed with their dynamic, it would be priceless.
The twins would just go straight to Ignihyde and hang out with Ortho. They would really want to see Idia and discuss robo-mechanics with him, but Idia refuses to go out of his room because just hearing that “there are twins who want to see you” is too terrifying...
And Gideon and Azul are almost the same person, so it they would either join forces (while also planning to backstab each other at some point) or compete with each other openly. The first option works better I think lol And unfortunately, they’ll likely learn a lot from each other.
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nonclassyparty · 2 years
[TEASER] Starring Role- ACT V (C.S; S.MG)
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title; you make me feel like i’m losin’ my virginity, the first time, every time when you’re touching me
We’ve all read about the infamous player who falls in love with the good girl that manages to make him change his ways…but what happens to the other girl? The pretty, popular one that has warmed his bed before the good girl came along and took him away.
Well, no one cares about her. After all, she’s just a side character.
It almost feels like a joke to play a part, when you are not the starring role in someone else’s heart.
pairing: choi san x reader, song mingi x reader (for now lol)
"Fuck, that was so hot." He mutters as he sloppily licks the come from his lips.
"You-..." Your words trail off as you try to catch your breath and wait for the rapid beating of your heart to slow down.
"-all red in the face. Are you feeling sick?" Your head snaps to Hongjoong, meeting his concerned gaze and it's only then that you feel the hotness of your cheeks.
"What is going on with you today? You're redder than a fire hydrant." Hongjoong comments with a frown and your cool hands reach up to cover your flaming cheeks as you shake your head. You make the cardinal mistake of glancing in Mingi's direction, just to see his gaze trained on the laptop screen but his lips pulled in a small, annoying smirk.
"Nothing." You respond, fanning your face. "Just remembered something my professor told me, so now I'm stressed out over it."
"Seriously, you need to quit worrying." Hongjoong, the ever so sweet and kind friend, continues and you don't have the heart to stop him. Especially, when he's blowing compliments up your ass. "You're too good of an artist, you won't even need all the theory behind it. I, on the other hand, should go to the third floor and cry my eyes out before this study group today."
"Joong, stop." You whine softly and don't notice the way his eyes soften at the use of the nickname. "Let's not talk about school stuff for the day."
"I agree!" He quips, "Let's talk about last Saturday!"
You stiffen at that, casting a glance towards Mingi who doesn't take his gaze away from his laptop and pretends like neither you nor Hongjoong are speaking. Did Mingi tell Hongjoong what happened? You both specifically agreed to not tell anyone-
"What about last Saturday?" You carefully ask, straightening out in your seat. A habit of yours when you're feeling nervous.
"I must've passed out in the pantry under the staircase the moment the hide and seek game began. Minho made those sangrias way too strong." Hongjoong laughs without a care in the world but from the corner of your eye, you see Mingi glance at him with a guarded expression, "Did you enjoy the party? I hope my friends weren't too much, they can be annoying when they get drunk."
Oh, you enjoyed the party alright.
"Says you." Mingi snorts, lips curled up but not taking his attention away from his work. "You were drunk before she even got there."
Warmth pools in your belly again.
"It was awhile since we had a hang-out. I needed to blow off some steam!" Hongjoong defends himself and both you and Mingi chuckle.
"I had fun." You say with a small smile, trying to seem relaxed as possible.
Your eyes dart towards Mingi for a split second and a shiver runs up your spine when you find him already looking at you. His eyes aren't as hollow as they usually are when he speaks to you, they have a glint of playfulness now. Hongjoong clears his throat and your eyes snap towards him immediately.
"Did I do anything stupid? I can't remember shit!"
"You didn't do anything stupid, Joong." It's Mingi who reassures him, probably because he noticed you were sweating bullets.
You were usually an expert of a liar, but recently, it's almost as if you were trying to be a good and honest person or something so it was getting a little bit too difficult to spew lies from the top of your head.
So here you were, blushing and sweating over a measly lie, like an amateur. How humiliating.
"Oh, good." Hongjoong nods before opening his mouth again, "So when did the party end?"
"At midnight."
"Around three."
You and Mingi lock eyes across the table as a moment of silence ensues. You almost glare at him.
"I mean, I went home around midnight because I told my parents I wouldn't be home late. We had a brunch scheduled for the next day and I couldn’t show up looking hungover." You quickly fix your previous answer and hope the mention of the brunch would steer him in a different direction so you could stop talking about the party. 
Hongjoong cocks his head to the side in thought, his books long forgotten by his side.
"Really? I swear the sound of a car going down the driveway woke me up for a second and that was at like...almost dawn. I thought it was yours since you're the only one who drove." He says and your mouth runs dry as you gulp. Mingi shuffles in his seat.
"It must've been a dream. You were pretty drunk and I left hours before dawn." You let out an awkward giggle and Hongjoong doesn't seem to buy it because even Mingi is starting to get a little restless in the seat next to him.
He glances between the two of you.
"Nothing weird happened, right?" Hongjoong questions warily to the both of you.
Your eyes lock with Mingi's.
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seikotakai · 9 months
Day 2 of Tekken 8 Demo
I just played the Tekken 8 demo again, this time mostly playing as Kazuya (as well as Jin and Nina for a bit). Kazuya has some special intros/interactions with Jun and Shaheen (Jun's determination to save Kazuya from his darkness and trauma; Shaheen wanting to avenge his friend like "you took everything from me" and kaz just looks at him like "i don't even know who tf you are"))...but why doesn't he have any special intros/outros/win poses with Nina, Asuka, Azucena, or Paul?!
>Azucena is pretty much probably his only ally (because Anna, Bruce, and Lucky Chloe are not in this game). Although Eddy Gordo was also cut from this game too, I guess Shaheen may as well be his replacement in a way (damn do e-sports players hate Eddy for losing to spam and cheese in player matches/ranked matches that much to the point where he got that joke ending in Tekken 7 and now he won't even be in Tekken 8?!).
>Paul was his OG rival back in the day before of course he keeps getting defeated by fucking Kuma (the blondie cocky extroverted rival who wants to be the best, you know like Sasuke vs Naruto or Ryu vs Ken).
>Coming to think of it, Jin Kazama also does NOT even have any special intros or win quotes with either Asuka or Nina. Like I was thinking Jin would be sad or angry about being betrayed again by someone (first Heihachi in Tekken 3, now Nina in Tekken 8...also Jin saved Nina from being brainwashed by Ogre in Tekken 3 and worked alongside him in Tekken 6, so her betrayal should sting). Also maybe Nina is perhaps actually just simply doing something similar to her role in Street Fighter X Tekken, maybe she's just secretly spying for Jin (and a special intro between her and Kaz would hint at this).
>Also once again Asuka being shafted and pushed to the side, like seriously no special intro for her with Jin or Kazuya?! It's disappointing because in her character episode with Lili, Lili mentions her being related to Jin and by extension the Mishima bloodline so she's worried that her friend (*cough* *cough* girlfriend) might get dragged into the whole Mishima conflict. So I was thinking okay surely Bandai Namco is building up to her finally being relevant in the next game right? I always had this theory in my mind that maybe perhaps why Asuka Kazama is treated like some comic relief side character ever since Tekken 6 is possibly all the backlash and hate she got from both Japanese and western Tekken fans for replacing Jun Kazama when she was introduced in Tekken 5. Same reason why Hinata Hyuga from Naruto gets so much love and favoritism from Studio Pierrot and the Naruto fandom (especially Japanese fans) over Sakura Haruno, and why Rosalina gets more attention than Daisy in the Mario Franchise lately (especially when Rosalina got into Super Smash Bros before her and Rosalina was also in Mario Strikers: Battle League at launch but not Daisy). Maybe it's because some fans strongly prefer the more feminine and introverted female characters over the confident tomboyish brash female characters. Of course these sentences are NOT meant to blame or slander Jun, Rosalina, or Hinata because I like all three of them as characters. It's just some coincidence I noticed.
>Although I do actually really like Steve's whole interaction with his mom Nina. Steve doesn't want to hurt his mom and even says that she is the last person he wants to fight, and Nina telling him to get out of here in her outro. I always thought Nina was cold to her son for similar reasons why Jin wants to live a solitary life, out of pure fear that Steve might get dragged into the either the Mishima conflict or her rivalry with Anna (ex. Anna Williams might kidnap him or something), she's just simply trying to protect her son in a way.
Anyways that's just my silly thoughts for now.
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ollieofthebeholder · 1 year
to find promise of peace (and the solace of rest): a TMA fanfic
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] || Also on AO3
Chapter 15: July 2016
They’d thrown her out of the Archives.
Sasha gnawed anxiously at her lower lip, arms folded tightly across her chest as she stood just outside the circle of flashing lights and activity. Logically, she knew why she’d been barred from returning to the building. Even if the gas was mostly gone and the worms were all dead, it was still a serious biohazard, and they had to make sure the worms were actually all dead. And the police still had to investigate what had happened, even if it was fairly straightforward.
But still…
“Anything?” The man who’d popped up to save her from…whatever was lurking in Artifact Storage emerged from the shadows at her shoulder. He looked exhausted, like he’d been sick for a long time, and he seemed chilled despite the warm July evening. His fingers twitched and flexed a lot like the way Jon’s did when he was having an anxiety spike.
“What brand do you smoke?” The question, which had no immediate relevance to the situation, slipped out without Sasha giving it conscious thought.
The man raised his eyebrows in surprise, then shrugged ruefully. “Woodbines, but I’m trying to quit. In theory. Those things will kill you, you know.”
He said it like it was some kind of dark joke. Sasha didn’t get the punchline, though. “Sorry, that was…you remind me of Jon. The fidgeting, I mean. He keeps trying to quit smoking, too, and he’ll manage for a while, but then he gets a really bad anxiety attack and sneaks a cigarette to calm himself down and then he’s off and hooked again.” She took a deep breath to stop the rambling. “And no. Nothing. I should…God, there should be something. They would have—would anyone tell me if…”
She swallowed hard against the end of the sentence. Would anyone tell me if they were dead? Bad enough to see the pair of bodies sprawled in the middle of a mass of worms, worse to know she was at least partially responsible for their state, but not knowing where the third was made things so much worse. And she wasn’t family. They could all be dead and she’d never know.
The man’s eyes went slightly unfocused as he stared at the Institute. “Only one aware enough of death to fear it died down there tonight. The worms were…ignorant. Unsatisfying.” He winced and closed his eyes, fingers curling into a fist. It was obvious he was in pain, although probably not as bad as when he’d collapsed to his knees after they’d escaped Artifact Storage, or when he’d had to stumble out of the Institute rather than venture down into the Archives with her.
“Seriously, are you okay?” Sasha decided to save the questions about the statement he’d just made for a later time. “If you’re—is it some kind of chronic pain thing or—”
“I’m fine.” The man took a deep breath and straightened. “Believe me, it’s better than the alternative.”
Sasha wasn’t so sure about that, or what the “alternative” was, but she let it pass. Although they weren’t dead, so there was that.
It belatedly occurred to her that she hadn’t actually acknowledged what had happened in Artifact Storage. “Thank you, by the way. For saving me. Whatever that…thing was, I’m pretty sure it would have killed me easily.”
“It would have,” the man replied, in the same offhand tone of voice Martin used when he rattled off some random fact without consciously being aware he was doing it. “You were Marked for Death. You’re fine now, though, so either the CO2 killed it too or it took someone else, or it’s just not looking to kill anymore. Or it was just circumstantial. I don’t know.”
“Oh. Good. Um. Thank you?” Sasha blinked at him. “What about you?”
“I’m not looking to kill you, either.”
“I mean, would it have killed you?”
A very faint blush rose in the man’s pale cheeks. “Oh. No, I don’t think it could have, but I’m not exactly keen to test that out.”
Not would, Sasha noted. Could. “All right, well, if you’re going to spout all this…my boss doesn’t like the word ‘spooky’, so let’s say ominous bullshit, that’s probably who you should talk to.”
The man gave a slightly hollow laugh. “You work for the Archives, don’t you?”
“Don’t worry. I owe the Archivist a statement anyway, and believe me, I’ll be around to pay up. But not tonight.”
Sasha didn’t point out that Jon was still in quarantine, so he’d have to stick around a while if he wanted to talk to him. “I’m pretty sure the Archives are going to be closed for a bit anyway.”
“Even if they weren’t. I have promises to keep.” Something in the man’s eyes softened, and he smiled a little, if only briefly.
Sasha was hit with the sudden, powerful memory of the four of them stepping out of the pub where they’d gone to celebrate surviving to the Christmas holidays into the clear December night, and Martin stopping, looking up at the sky, and reciting a poem in a soft, solemn voice. It sent a lance of pain through her, and she shook her head to clear it. “Well. Go keep them then. I’m going to stay here and figure out where my boys are.”
“Right. Be seeing you.” The man shrugged to settle his trench coat a little more securely and strode off.
Sasha watched him go, then turned her attention back to the Institute just in time to see the door open. She gasped in relief at the figure emerging and ran forward. “Tim!”
Tim looked up and flung out his arms, catching Sasha in a tight hug as she reached him. She clung to him just as hard, and she could feel him shaking. “Oh, thank God, I thought you were…I didn’t know what happened to you.”
“I’m okay, I—I’m okay.” Tim didn’t sound too sure of that, honestly. “I—Jon and Martin. Sash, have you seen them? Are they—we got separated, I-I lost them, and the police wouldn’t tell me anything—”
“They’re in quarantine, but they’ll be okay.” Sasha spoke forcefully. They would be okay, they had to be. She pulled back and looked Tim up and down anxiously. He didn’t look like he’d been bitten—and probably they wouldn’t have let him out if he had been—but there was a fine layer of grit clinging to him. At first she thought it was CO2 residue, but then she realized it had a more organic quality. “Where have you been?”
“Under the Institute. There are tunnels everywhere—I think it’s the remains of the old Millbank Prison complex—that’s where the worms were hiding. I found Jon and Martin huddled up in document storage, we escaped down there, and…” Tim closed his eyes, but a tear forced its way out of the corner of one and traced a path through the grime on his face. “I thought they were right behind me.”
“Oh, Tim.” Sasha hugged him again. “Did you just come up?”
Tim nodded against her cheek—he was only about three inches taller than she was and leaning on her kind of heavily. “Like two hours ago. Or maybe it just feels like two hours ago.”
Sasha’s stomach lurched. “Christ. That was—I was supervising them taking Jane Prentiss’ body off, and when I got back from that they wouldn’t let me down there…”
“Yeah, that was ‘cause of me. I’ve been going around in circles with them since I came up.” Tim took a deep breath. “Sasha…I found Gertrude Robinson’s body. She was down there. Still is, I guess. I told the police I didn’t remember where she was…which is true…and after the sixteenth time I repeated it, they finally gave in and let me go.” He pulled back, and Sasha flinched at the stark fear in his eyes. “She was murdered. Shot.”
Sasha sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh, God.”
“Yeah,” Tim said again. “We’ve got to find Jon and Martin.”
A slamming noise made both of them jump. Sasha whirled towards the source of the noise and almost gasped with relief as someone pulled aside the door to the quarantine tent, allowing a heavily-bandaged Jon to limp out. He paused, looked around him, and evidently spotted Tim and Sasha; his shoulders slumped with evident relief, and he began staggering determinedly towards them.
They met him halfway, catching him in a hug just before he fell over from overexertion. “You’re okay,” he gasped out. “I—I was so worried, I…where’s Martin? You sent him home already?”
“He’s not out yet,” Sasha told him. She tried not to hug him too hard; he was probably in pain, or masking it very well with painkillers. “We’re fine, Jon, are you…?”
“Fine.” Jon sounded about as convinced of that as Tim had a minute before. He pulled away from them, or tried to, and looked back towards the quarantine tent anxiously. A moment later, he sagged, necessitating both Tim and Sasha holding him up to keep him from falling over, as the tent opened once more and Martin came out, visibly exhausted and wrapped up like a mummy.
Tim stretched out a free arm to him; Sasha did the same. Martin managed more speed than Sasha would have expected in the shape he was in and joined another group hug. For a long moment, they just stood there, soaking in one another’s nearness and reveling in the fact that they were alive.
“Prentiss?” Jon finally asked, his voice muffled by Martin’s chest.
“Dead,” Sasha said. “I went with them to destroy her body, about an hour after…after they put you two in quarantine. She’s gone. So are the worms.”
Tim let out a soft, almost desperate-sounding laugh. “The CO2 worked. Score one for Michael, I guess. Who’d have thought?”
“I mean, most things die when you cut off their oxygen supply,” Martin mumbled. He took a deep breath and started to pull back. “We…I guess we need to talk.”
“Not here,” Tim and Sasha said in unison.
Jon took a deep breath, too, and extracted himself from the center of the hug—reluctantly, if Sasha was any judge, which was a change. He usually avoided physical contact, even if it was obvious he desperately needed it. “I’m open to suggestions. My, my flat’s kind of small and…we need somewhere safe.”
He looked up at Martin. Tim did, too. Sasha frowned at them, then turned a quizzical look on Martin, who rubbed the back of his neck, wincing as he nudged at a bandage. “I think I know a place.”
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Thoughts on Arkham City
The beginning with Catwoman was so interesting and Two Face suddenly showing up was a nice little scare
The Strange name definitely sparked interest
Lmao Bruce "Billionaire. Millionaires are so last year." was fucking brilliant.
Hugo knowing Bruce secret is honesty so good of idea
Wait, how did Wayne's destroyed Penguins family?
Two Face isn't sexist, he believes in beating ANYONE if deserved
I like Harleys new outfit
Bane wanting to help Batman is interesting concept
The fake out with Joker being dead was pretty good
Selina calling Pamela Red is so cute
Penguins museum is pretty creepy
Batman is a fucking dick for what he had done to Viktor Really Bat? You tell people enough?
Never heard of woman who knew Rā but it's cool they added Talias assassins
Not big on Talia x Bruce
Really Oracle? What if Bruce is killing them? Do they forgot Clay face exist?
It's so weird seeing Robin in costume but he's adult. It just it hits with itself so much
Don't like Talias outfit + Rā's challenge was kinda boring
Rā is an asshole
I did not expected Hush to be the face killer, I thought Black Mask or Clayface
Of course Joker took Nora, at least
Batman isn't enough of dick to leave her
Heard of Azreal before but dude is still weird
I didn't expected Hatter's to sound so cute but his scene is seriously creepy
I didn't expected Zsasz to want his parents back, that's cool motiv
When I saw Deadshot have to assassinate Bruce I was like "Oh, he will go for Hush"
Zszasz story is actually pretty good
Ok but Talia saving Bruce was nice
FINALLY we're back to Catwoman, I honesty forgot about her
Did Pamela wanted to murder Selina because she didn't watered her plants? Lmao
Very bad move with plant Catwoman
Selina not wanting to leave Batman is so sweet
Aight, nevermind then
Wait it's over?!
Nah, there's no way it's happening, it's gotta be Fear Toxin or something
Oh it was multiple choice
Of course Batman is willing to sacrifice life's for sword lady; at least he make a good choice in the end
Hugo feels like someone who sees problem and decides best resolution I'd to eliminate it
Hugo deserved that
I did not expected Rā to kill Hugo
Of course there's Protocol 11
Rā death was kinda funny
I knew Joker was dead because I watched Arkham Knight I the best wasn't expecting it to be because of Talia
I'm with Bayman on no killing but at least she took it in her own hands instead of pressuring Batman into it
Ok twist was pretty good
Might not like Talia but she's good girlfriend
Joker looks horrible; wait then who played him?
Ah Clayface; I like how he just wanted to play Joker. Wait his name is Karlo? I knew him as Matt from BTAS, I just learned few villains use the same name (it isn't going to be confusing at all)
Bat just fucking slashed him into pieces
Bruce with sword is kinda cool
Fact that Batman actually thought about not giving Joker cure but it was Joker action that lead to it being destroyed is ironic
Bat carrying Joker like Robin is nice reference
Not suprised Bat didn't anserw Gordon's question, he has the right after that whole fuckery
Cat just woke up and immediately started kicking ass like it was nothing
Oswald being afraid of Cat lol
I feel like game is going for too long with Selina trying to get her stuff back
Batman disappearing is quite interesting
Ah, so it was Tim
Harley basically went emo
Tim deserves a Thank You
No, Batman isn't alright
I think I liked it more than the first one but overall it was pretty okay game.
Tapes :
I love how defeated he was at the end
I like how they went more in depth of her character; it would be cool to see Holly
Mr Freeze
I really like his origins, him trying to freeze neighbors pets was an interesting detail
I like how they used Killing Joke as hid backstory, and theory that what he's saying is true just to fuck with Strange
He is such asshole but in unlikeother versions he's an idiot, not big of a fan
Two Face
I love the voice acting, I wish they could talk more about Bruce that would be interesting
I talked about it earlier but I love his backstrory, there is actual group of people who thinks like that and it's scary
Mad Hatter
That was both sad and terrifying, he is completely detached from reality
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
Oh I'm sorry if my reblog on your red ice post came off the wrong way /gen. I have a tendency to just reblog other people's post and add on my thoughts (sometimes a little too unrelated) to show my followers forgetting that someone has created that post and then has to see that. I did see it was a joke and I didn't mean to correct you or anything. It genuinly was unrelated to you which I guess is partly the problem. I'll stop doing that in the future 🫡 I also hope I did/do not come off as rude, I have a tendency to. Have a nice day! 🫡
No no you're totally fine! I just worried you took my post seriously LMAO I'm 100% certain it's called red ice bc of your ice theory, that definitely seems accurate. I was just being silly and referencing an old movie my dad likes. You're good!
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bestkillerin87 · 2 years
Greetings, amateur community. If you've read a chapter from the Fazbears fright series of books – "The new kid", then you've probably wondered who Kelsey is. Seriously. I think it will be difficult... Determine his identity. We're playing detective, and my task today is to find the key to solving Kelsey. Enjoy reading.
Kelsey's personality. His mind and soul.
In fact, it was easy. Yes, I was joking with you, saying that this is impossible. It wasn't difficult, and that's why I'm confident in my conclusions.
Kelsey is none other than Andrew inside.
Why did I decide that?
Well, here are two proofs:
1. It was mentioned in the chapter that Kelsey was very serious during the payback conversation:
"Payback,— Mr. Gentry repeated.
—Yes," Heather said, "it's like someone is hurting you, so you have to hurt them back."
"The word 'payback' sounds a little vague," Mr. Gentry said. - Perhaps it's too open for interpretation. What if the reckoning goes too far?
Heather shrugged her shoulders. "Accidents happen," she laughed, and the whole class laughed with her. Devon laughed the loudest.
Mick noticed that Kelsey wasn't laughing. Mick wasn't laughing either. A shiver ran down his spine."
Only a vengeful spirit takes payback seriously... William is paying the price for murder! Yes, that's right. Kelsey, aka Andrew, was killed by William and, like a vengeful spirit, was waiting for his reckoning. The author did not mention this word in vain.
2. After Kelsey's death, the body of a black-haired child appeared in the suit. It wasn't mentioned whether it was a girl or a boy, but it was Andrew's vengeful spirit. What follows from this? That Kelsey was just a shell for Andrew's spirit, and when Kelsey was killed, he disappeared.
That's enough to confirm Kelsey's identity. Kelsey is Andrew inside. But who is he outside?
Kelsey's external transformation.
The strangest thing about this story is not Kelsey's soul, but who he is on the outside.
Logically speaking, we can say that Kelsey is really material, since he got to school and studied there, that is, he had identity documents. He had fans. He had a grandfather with whom he could negotiate. You know, it's hard to be a robot if everyone likes you! He just couldn't be a robot, even though Devon thought of him as a machine.
Just remember how Andrew in the chapter "The Man in Room 1280" appeared in physical form. And I think Kelsey is also one of Andrew's transformations into a material body.
The second version is that Kelsey is some kind of person that Andrew took over. This is also true, but from the canon's side - it sounds stupid, because that's how it is... It's just illogical.
I can say once again with confidence that Kelsey is Andrew's face, but still: what are his motives?
Kelsey's motives.
I have analyzed the purpose of his actions in the past theory, and I still have not come to any conclusion.
Let's think logically again: Andrew is a vengeful spirit who does nothing but torment William in hell and on earth. And Kelsey did the opposite: he made friends with single children, in our case Devon and Mick, and then invited them to hang out somewhere. At this "party" they were in an abandoned pizzeria, where Kelsey accidentally died. But the only thing he did again after rebirth was to look for lonely children. Again.
That is, it is not known whether Kelsey wanted to go to the abandoned in advance and die there or not. He found only single children.
Now tell me what the hell Andrew wants with these kids and why he's hanging out somewhere.
Yeah, hang out! He talked about it almost the whole chapter. I do not know why Andrew needs this.
My guess: habit. When Andrew died in a Fredber suit at William's hands, his agony was left there. After the disappearance of the corpse, William was killed in this costume, from which agony remembered the actions of the killer – to find lonely children and try to kill them, as William did. As a result, many years later, Andrew became an independent vengeful soul, but his agony still remembered these actions.
Maybe it wasn't even Andrew inside Kelsey, but agony. As if apart from him.
In any case, his motives are unrealistic.
Thank you for your attention, my little souls.
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geeksauruse · 2 years
hello ! if you're still taking requests for matchups, i'd love to participate ! i'm a 5'2' stoner girlie with she/any pronouns. my personality type is infp, but i do have quite the handful of hotheaded moments. my aesthetic is a nice hybrid between pastel, y2k and alternative influences. lover of all things pop culture, true crime, and the peculiar!
  I would pair you up with our wonderful Mikey!
 Yall met in an abandoned building, you were just smoking some weed, reading up on an old article you found about Jeffery Dahmer.
All of a sudden there were several large bangs above you followed by creaking of old wooden floors, almost as if someone was jumping onto it.
You being about half in your own world and half in reality, you practically sprinted up the stairs, as quietly as you could( it wasn't very quiet)
All of a sudden you ran face first right into something hard.
Or someone
It took you a hot minute to realize that they did not look like average people, let alone people who hung out in abandoned buildings
You thought you were higher than you were because the person standing in front of you was for some reason Green,  and was BUILT.
You stumbled back right on your ass and passed out 
When you woke up in the lair you had a headache and was so confused, especially with the bright orange masked creature talking to you about how he liked your dark gray pink floyd shirt and your sleek black, 2 inch, heel boots.
And that was the beginning, of how yall started becoming close
Once things were cleared up and you agreed to keep the family's secret,  you and Mikey became practically inseparable. 
He loved how compassionate you are when it came to your interests especially when it came to true crime.
He didn't care too much for it at first but it grew on him after a while and he became the conspiracy theory master, yall would be working on unsolved crimes hours into the night   drinking orange crush and having a ball laughing at each other's bad jokes.
And he has A LOT of bad jokes.   
Ngl this man loves the way you laugh
You may hate it but he will physically adore it.
Didn't know you had a temper, until a fateful day where Raph was coming at you poking fun at your high and then you went off on him.
Swearing,cursing, you name it girl
My dude was speechless, everyone was.
Offered video games and pizza to try to chill you out.
Yall played mario kart all day nonstop( it's so common that y'all have those gaming beinges that y'all know every power move in super smash bros)
You introduced him to weed and he was pretty chill about it
Actually started doing it with you( in my opinion, he has ADHD so i think it would help him out)
You really were one of the coolest people he knew, you took him seriously when no one else did, you listened, not to mention in his eyes you were smoking hot.
Soooooooooooooooo many insecurities one he realized he liked you and yet he just decided to flirt more to see if it got across to you.
Do I look okay? Do I smell nice? Was that joke stupid? What does she think of me right now?
Dude definitely tried to teach you to skateboard(ngl he just wanted to hold your hands and be close to you)
And that's the day he accidentally told you he liked you.
You were wobbling on the skateboard and he was holding your hand just staring at it then he kinda spoke his thoughts out loud.
“You're pretty good looking on my skateboard,ya know babe?I wanna keep teaching you if it means I get to hold your hands like this forever.”
Dude died that day, thought you were going to reject him on the spot.
You didn't of course but he immediately became ecstatic when you gave him a little kiss on the cheek and hopped off to go get a drink
Just standing there beaming and in shock he brought his and to the place you kissed him, than turned around sprinting to the kitchen
“ Hey,Can I get another one of those?
 or maybe a couple more for later?”
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alicesought · 2 years
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{{ Ok, finally took the time to look at the Harley Quinn Show variant of Jervis Tetch! Not to treat my rp blog as a jervis review channel lmao, but I've gotta say he wasn't as bad as I worried he would be! This strikes me as odd! Because one of the first things you'll get looking up "Harley Quinn Show Jervis Tetch" is this article saying how they "made him creepier than ever" or something like that. Which is simply not true, I can only imagine that article writer is not familiar with comic Jervis depictions lol.
Due to the Adult Comedy~ routine of needing to always be very blunt and literal and subversive and explaining your own jokes, it seems to have retroactively stumbled into making Jervis a more tolerable depiction. ( Or maybe the writers actually just cared to dissuade his sexual predator reputation some, tbf! ) because it leads to him having the running joke of telling the audience he doesn't want to be seen as a pervert, and almost directly stating that he doesn't use his hypnosis to sexually assault people. Even if he is creepy enough to sniff hair, he's also human enough to realize how that came off, implying he's just socially awkward. That alone gives his character more depth than half his comic depictions. He's aware of his reputation and is self conscious about it. That's interesting, if anyone took the subject seriously. ( it's a comedy show but yknow, in theory-- )
Also! Massive props to the writer who took the time to actually read the original AIW books, as jervis makes a reference to Humpty Dumpty's murder joke from chapter 6 of Through The Looking Glass that is way too obscure to not have been read directly in the text.
Because he was mostly an excuse conflict to build Harley's relationship with someone, his motivation was the most standard you'd expect from Jervis, world domination with hats, and they didn't do any fun Wonderland-y things with him, but whatever it was nice to see him doing silly, borderline 60s batman style scheming.
Of course, unfortunately he dies in the same episode he's introduced and he's only on screen for a few minutes, which did make looking into his depiction easier lmao, but overall it's....... not a bad depiction! And I welcome another jervis to my collection lol. }}
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