#like yeah her dating other guys between danny was good but they never went far enough
redgoldblue · 2 years
ten random lines!
rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. then tag ten people.
i was tagged by @five-wow ✨ ❤️ ✨ 
and i’ll tag... oh that is so many people i cannae tag that many people. and most of the people i’d tag have already been picked up so @faorism @gallantrejoinder @thomtrebond and that will do since it’s already taken me like five days of having this post open in a tab and occasionally dropping back into it. Seven worth of You, Yes You Reading This if you’d like to
in no particular order, semi-randomly selected from the first page of my ao3:
1. I Would Break Into Your House Just To Put Sugar In Your Tea (H50)
Steve doesn’t let go of Danny’s shoulders once they’re upright. Instead, as Eddie clacks around their feet grumbling about the foiling of his plan, he runs his hands down Danny’s bare arms. He’s looking at Danny with an oddly intense expression, and for a baffling second it seems like he’s about to hold Danny’s hands.
But he stops at his forearms, and does something far more baffling. He leans down and kisses him.
2. Writing Your Name In Indelible Pencil (S&H)
“Yeah, okay. Of course I’d noticed you. Guy who looks like he should be modelling briefs in an angel costume somewhere, and instead he was a neurotic mess hunched over in the front row chewing on a pencil.”
“I did not look like an underwear model.”
“Well, maybe that was hopes and overactive imagination, huh? I saw it clear enough in my head, full centerfold. Aw, babe, you’re blushing.”
3. Lips Like Sugarcane (H50)
“Huh,” Steve said. “You want to come swimming with me?”
“Do I- no, I do not want to come swimming with you. I’ve told you how I feel about swimming. Besides,” besides, what he definitely did not need after this morning was to see Steve half-naked in the water. “I have all these baked goods to spruce now,” he finished instead, waving around at the – somewhat meagrely filled, because he’d been expecting the lack of customers, but still filled – racks and cases.
4. i’m all yours (just show me you want me) (SPN)
“Cas, I- you- that-” Dean shuts up again and drops his head, staring down at his empty hands. He’s never even been any good at motivational speeches, let alone romantic ones. Stick to the facts. “I love you.”
5. Raspberry Sours (Leverage)
Eliot just nods, because he’s not sure he trusts himself to open his mouth without his voice cracking. Hardison murmurs, “Oh,” and opens his arms. “Hug?”
Eliot nods again, and lets himself walk into Hardison, who immediately wraps his arms around him.
6. there’s a crack in everything i hold close to my soul (H50)
“That dog has no right to be jealous of anyone when it comes to you. I actually think if someone was holding a gun to your head and telling you to choose between me or him you’d pick him.”
“You can defend yourself better,” Steve points out. “And you’d figure out a way to take down the guy with the gun.”
7. Calling The Shots (S&H)
“I got hustled.”
“Yeah. You don’t trust easy.”
The words of this conversation – more monologue than conversation – feel like they’re in a slipstream, sliding between meanings. “You gonna take your shot?”
8. Come Take The Wheel (don’t you wanna save me? don’t you wanna own me?) (S&H)
He’d been standing in front of the coffee corner for probably a full minute by now, staring blankly and thinking about dates and Hutch and Hutch-on-dates, which was all a delightfully abstract way of not dealing with his very concrete desire to kiss Hutch and hold him and buy a house and 2.5 golden retrievers with him, as well a decent variety of other less family-friendly activities, and the fact that said desire had driven him to Huggy’s at four in the afternoon to pickle himself like a sardine. Did sardines get pickled? Or was that anchovies. No, it was herring. Pickle himself like a herring.
He flipped the kettle on and went to down a glass of water while it boiled.
9. boy, it’s nights like this that I know why (NCIS: LA)
Callen watched the road in silence for a while, and was just considering the viability of trying to swing back around to the ‘oh yeah you apparently had an hour-long panic attack’ subject when Sam took the decision out of his hands by declaring, a little too harshly, “You died, you know that? In the ambulance, while I was sitting next to you, you died.”
10. Advent Calendar 2022 - the girl of the moment (many fandoms, although this happens to be the only MASH chapter)
“Who knew decorating for Chrismukkiversaries could be so exhausting?”
“Well, maybe if you hadn’t decided to name it something with so many letters,” Peg complained, gesturing at the banner over the couch that read ‘Happy Chrismukkiversary!’ inscribed in a variety of Erin’s crayons and decorated with an artful splash of glitter. 
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anders-hawke · 2 years
me last month: i guess i’m writing a west wing fic now, i’ll make sure i actually get it done
me now: oopsie, i started a dragon age fic
#rambling#but honestly the problem is that i need plausible conflict but i can’t use the stuff that’s in the show#bc that conflict led danny to literally quitting the job he loved. he just disappeared off the show#cj said “i have a problem with dating you while we have these jobs” and then he said “oh well :/ i’m not leaving”#and then left. like. lmfao AND THEN CJ IS LIKE ah yes time to move on EVEN THOUGH HE’S NOT A WHITE HOUSE REPORTER ANYMORE?????#this is what i mean when i say that we were so close to having a good romance that didn’t diss the woman with tww#this show didn’t go far enough into donna’s perspective before having her quit being josh’s secretary#there wasn’t enough pining#like she obviously didn’t quit bc he wasn’t interested in her (biggest lie he ever told himself lol)#but it definitely informed her decision. like maybe she would’ve been content if they were dating#bc in that scenario josh would’ve been capable of recognizing his feelings and treating donna w the respect she’s owed#and cj was really just tossed guys as if women in positions of power aren’t allowed to mope and pine for the guy they’re madly in love with#like yeah her dating other guys between danny was good but they never went far enough#she literally has gail on her desk and you want to tell me that she didn’t have trouble getting over him#and then reverse it & say w all evidence to the contrary that she wasn’t actually over him she just almost was#bc all the cj-centric eps weren’t allowed to mention danny. like it’s doing her a disservice to be in love with a man!#they didn’t need to write donna & cj like they did#but anyways it was a solid stepping stone to better things
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sammygvfslut · 3 years
i like you a latte | s. kiszka
Summary: Words cannot espresso how much you mean to Sammy Kiszka.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hey besties!!! this is my first ever sam fic, and i really hope you guys enjoy it! it’s super cheesy so beware of some tooth-rotting fluff ahead. any and all feedback is appreciated <3
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Loud chattering and the sounds of espresso machines hissing and whistling filled the cafe. Every few seconds or so when a new customer walked in, a soft ringing above the door rang. Glancing at the clock, you sighed as it read 7am. Way too early for your liking. You wished to be back in bed under the covers with your cat Joey snuggling. Plus, the cold weather made it even harder for you to get out of bed every morning. Damn you, winter.
“Good morning.” A voice said suddenly, startling you as you slightly jumped. “Whoops, didn’t mean to scare you there for a sec.”
Turning around at the voice, your heart fluttered and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips. “G-Good morning, Sam! Nope, didn’t scare me at all. I was just uh...focusing very hard and you caught me off guard.”
A chuckle rumbled from his chest, his own lips curving and flashing that beautiful grin. God, he made you melt. You took a quick chance to admire his appearance for the day, luscious brown locks pulled back into a low bun with a few stray pieces framing his face, and he wore a slightly oversized brown grandpa looking sweater. He exuded true fall energy today and all you wanted to do was snuggle with him watching a movie while sipping on hot chocolate. “Right. Focusing on what exactly? Staring at the register?”  
“S-Sure. Yes, the register.” Totally not him instead. “Um, I realized it turned off right now and my mind blanked to turn it back on.”
Sam placed a hand on your shoulder as he laughed, his touch leaving a wave of goosebumps to rise out of your skin. “You’re so cute. I’ll leave you to that then, but if you need help trying to get the register to turn back on again, let me know.” And with that, he sent you a wink and turned on his heel away to start on the customers orders.
Alright, alright. So maybe early shifts weren’t as bad as you thought thanks to your insanely charming co-worker. Sam and you had been working together for the past year, and almost instantly you started falling for him. He welcomed you with open arms and he was a great help when it came to your training. Your co-workers were nice too, but Sam took that extra step in making sure you were comfortable with what you were doing. If you made a mistake and were freaking out about it, he somehow knew the way to calm you down. He was too precious and good for this cruel world. And most of all, out of your league too.
With his dashing looks and amazing personality, you just knew there was no way he’d ever feel the same about you. Except, any time you’d voice that thought to any of your friends at work, they’d tell you you’re crazy and that he likes you too. Apparently they caught on to the signs more than you did, which wasn’t a shocker considering that you’d have no clue if a guy was interested in you unless he blatantly confessed. So, trying to figure out hints was completely pointless for you.
“Uh oh, she’s deep in thought,” one of your friends/co-workers, Danny, teased. He also happened to be Sam’s best friend, and current band mate since the pair are in a band with Sam’s older twin brothers. “I bet I can guess what, or who you were thinking about.”
“Don’t even say it,” you warned with a finger, “He’s literally four feet away from us—”
“So?” Danny rolled her eyes with his arms folded. “Why don’t you just tell him how you feel? Come on, it’s been almost a year now. What’s the worst that can happen if you confess?”
“He can hear me.” You stared blankly at him, shaking your head. “Absolutely not though, Danny. I will not embarrass myself from the humiliation I’d have to face from his rejection.”
Danny groaned frustratedly, placing his hands on both your shoulders and shaking them. “You’re so hopeless! Y/N, how many times do the guys and I have to tell you he likes you too!” He raised his voice a little louder than necessary which accidentally caught the attention of almost everyone in the cafe. Sam included unfortunately. Danny’s eyes widened, silently cursing under his breath. “Carry on, everyone.”
As much as you hated to admit it, Danny wasn’t lying when he mentioned about the guys agreeing that Sam likes you too. Every time you came over Josh’s apartment and Sam was there he’d find any little excuse to have his arm around you or teasing you constantly. You’d shake it off that he was just treating you like a friend would, but of course the guys would disagree with you.
“We’ll finish this conversation later,” Danny told you sternly, “But for now, and don’t make it obvious, but Sam’s looking at you.” A mischievous grin spread across his face as he winked and stepped to the next register before greeting a new customer and taking their order.
Heart pounding out of your chest, you slowly looked over your shoulder in Sam’s direction. You saw his head quickly turn and finish off the drink in front of him. Your cheeks burned at this and tried taking deep, slow breaths to calm yourself down. Didn’t work much, but as a new customer waved and told you their order, your breathing turned back to normal.
On the other end of the counter, Sam was currently freaking the hell out from what he heard a few minutes ago between you and Danny. He didn’t mean to, but he also wasn’t that far from either of you. Plus, Danny wasn’t the best at keeping his voice low. He had a strong feeling he knew you were talking about him, and for that reason alone he overflowed the cup he was pouring into and made a mess. He cursed under his breath and wiped his hands on his apron, shaking his head.
You caught sight of this and rushed to his side, grabbing a cloth from under the sink and started wiping the sticky counter. Sam was certain his cheeks were tomato red from his embarrassment, making a complete fool of himself for not paying attention to what he was doing. More so focusing on your conversation and your damn smile from earlier. You weren’t the only one here with a crush.
“T-Thanks, Y/N.” Sam chuckled nervously, throwing the cup in the trash and tossing the drink pitcher he held in the sink. “I’m normally not this much of a dumbass.”
“I’m not too sure about that one, Kiszka.” You teased lightly with a grin. “It happens, don’t worry,” you assured. “I’m just glad it was cold tea you spilled and not steaming coffee. I’d hate for you to get a third degree burn. That happened to me once, don’t recommend it.”
“Didn’t I drive you to the hospital for that?” he asked. “I think that might’ve happened a few months ago.”
Your eyes widened at the memory. “Oh shit, you’re right. God, I’m still so sorry I had to drag you into that.”
Sam shook his head, lips curving and cheeks no longer flushed. “For the hundredth time, stop apologizing about that, Y/N. You know you can count on me for anything, so of course I didn’t mind driving you to the hospital. I remember even blasting some ABBA on the way over there so you’d have something else to focus on instead of the pain you endured.”
You smiled at the memory. “Didn’t we also go out for ice cream afterwards?”
He nodded, lightly rubbing his arm. “Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I mean, I always have fun when I’m with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his last few words, blinking slowly. “O-Oh.”
Oh? That’s all you have to say? Nice one, Y/N.
Sam’s heart dropped. Fuck. Maybe you weren’t talking about him after all. Maybe it was Danny or one of his brothers that you had a crush on and he was mistaken about it. He wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him whole right about now. Being anywhere but here sounded splendid to him.
“Y-Y/N, I—“
“Ihavefunwhenimwithyoutoo,” you muttered all too quickly, and poor Sam barely even understood what you said. He didn’t have the chance to ask you to repeat yourself because you quickly walked away to the back and he was left with a tug at his chest, frowning.
Within the next few days after Sam’s tea spill, literally, things between you and him became...awkward. Something went off in him to become even more clumsy than normal and forget everything he’s ever known when you’re near him. He’d get flustered, stuttering a lot, messing up orders, dropping dishes, and nearly tripping all the time. He hated it so much and wished he could just muster up the courage and apologize for being such an idiot and confess his feelings to you. Even during your hangouts with the guys, Sam and you wouldn’t interact as much and honestly you were well aware you were being super childish and immature about the situation. Sam did too, and he needed to snap the fuck out of it.
The next few days at work Sam would ignore Danny’s little side comments about his immaturity and continued working in silence. For the rest of his shift he didn’t talk much to anyone other than the customers. He wanted to talk to you when he had the chance, but then he’d quickly back out and walk the opposite direction.
He couldn’t figure out why it was so futile for him to just grow a sack and tell you he likes you. He’d never gone through this struggle before. Then again, as cheesy as it sounded, the other girls he’d asked out in the past couldn’t compare to you. Never in a million years, and maybe he was too afraid that he didn’t deserve someone as amazing as you.
Nearing closing that same day, it was only you, Sam, and Danny. The flow of customers died down and not many people came in towards the end of the night which you were grateful for. It finally gave you the chance to relax a bit and start cleaning things up ahead of time so you wouldn’t have to stay after. Joey and a nice warm bath were waiting for you at home.
While Sam decided on working the register and you and Danny would clean, he grabbed your arm and led you into the back.
“What are you two still doing not dating each other or talking?! It’s been way too long now, Y/N. And since it’s only us three tonight, you have no other choice. Come on, I know you can’t take this any longer, and he can’t either. I can take over the register for a bit while you and him talk.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating his offering. As incredibly thankful as you were for his help, you were also scared shitless of the possible outcome. Perhaps it was finally time though that you say fuck it and say what you needed to. You couldn’t go on for any longer to keep your feelings bottled up inside. Maybe, just maybe he might feel the same way, and by God you hoped that would be the case.
Inhaling, you nodded slowly and made your way back to where you were. Your eyes searched for Sam and saw he was busy making a drink, except there was no one else here besides you, him and Danny. It could’ve been a drink for him, so you shrugged this off and went towards the sink to start washing the dishes.
A few moments later, Sam cleared his throat from behind you. “H-Hey Y/N, so um, I know the créme brûlée latte is your favorite, and I thought I’d make you one. You seemed really stressed and busy today and I wanted to try to cheer you up. I hope that’s okay.”
Your heart swelled at his generosity and your cheeks burned as you felt his gaze burning into you, his palms soaking from nervousness. “Sam, you didn’t have to do that for me.”
He shrugged casually, a small smile on his lips and his cheeks tinted a light pink. “It’s okay, I wanted to. And I uh, tried my best on the art. Hope you like it.”
Raising a brow, your gaze dropped on your cup and your eyes widened as you saw what he was referring to. A small coffee cup with the words I like you a latte around it.
“It’s true,” Sam chewed on his bottom lip while running his fingers through his hair. “I really like you Y/N, and I’m so sorry for acting like such an idiot these last few days around you. I don’t know what came over me, and I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you much either.”
Setting your cup on the counter, you took a step closer to him and cupped his cheek, rubbing your thumb softly against his soft skin. “You don’t have to apologize for anything, Sam. I’m sorry for not talking to you too, as well as for making a fool of myself. I tend to do that around someone I like.”
Finally, the realization dawned on Sam as a wide grin pulled at his lips. “Glad we’re on the same boat.”
“I-Is it alright if I kiss you?” he asked shyly, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you.
You giggled. “You don’t even have to ask, loverboy.” You playfully rolled your eyes and cupped his other cheek before connecting his lips with yours.
A smirk pulled at Danny’s lips as he glanced at the two of you, shaking his head. Josh and Jake owed him $20 now. 
It was about damn time that Sam and you finally espresso’d your love for each other. 
tagging these lovely folks bc they helped inspired me and their work is amazing <3 @godlygreta​ / @flowervanfleet​ / @dharma-divine​
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
Hi! I really like your fics! Especially 'The Conference'. I have a fic request: Ethan x MC revealed to only the gang - not the whole hospital. It's totally fine if you don't do it! Thanks for considering my request! 💞
Sorry for taking a million years to get to this. Also sorry that it’s trash ♥
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Telling Friends
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Rating: T+ Summary: It’s sometime after the toxin incident and Becca tells her roommates about her budding relationship. Though one of them has some issues with it... Trope: Fluff, People Find Out About Them; Platonic Gang 
Becca walked carefully into her apartment, immediately greeted by the sweet aroma of chocolate chip muffins and the sight of two of her roommates on their hideous, thrifted yellow couch that makes this place a home.
“Oh, good. You’re all here,” She sighed with a contented smile as she kicked off her shoes.
“Think we should be more shocked you’re here,” Jackie retorted, barely looking up from her phone.
Normally Becca would roll her eyes or respond with something snarky, but not today. Today the roommates had something to talk about; all of which revolved around why she’s barely been home lately.  
“Where’ve you been?” Elijah added, the whites of his teeth sparkling in the midday sunshine peering through the window.
“And in yesterday’s clothes,” Jackie followed up. 
“That’s what I wanted to talk about.” 
Becca dropped her bag and coat by the door before bounding across the room to take her place on the sofa between her two friends. 
“There’s something you guys should know. And I need you to keep it secret.” She glared pointedly at Jackie. 
“Did you pull a heist without us?”  
Elijah added, “Yeah because if so, no, I will never forgive you.” 
“No. I would never. It’s just…” Becca trailed, moving to settle further into the cushions. She took a deep readying breath. Exhaled. And continued; “Really sensitive and important, and I don’t want to do anything to screw it up. But I also don’t want to keep sneaking around…” 
“Are you back with Raf?” Jackie questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Since he kind of imploded his life for you?” 
After the incident, Rafael Aviero broke things off with his childhood sweetheart because of the lingering feelings he still harbored for her. Now he wasn’t moving away, he didn’t have Sora, and he didn’t have... 
“Um… no,” Becca responded, looking down at the cushion. 
Before her guilt could set in fully, the room erupted in a high-pitched, delighted squeal. 
“Oh my god!” Sienna rounded the kitchen island quickly, her battered hands clasping around the wooden spoon, “Really!?” 
“What?” Jackie asked at the same time Elijah questioned, “What’re we missing?” 
The two girls locked eyes and Becca made the slightest of confirming motions. 
Becca took a deep inhale, eyes never leaving Sienna’s. The absolute delight in her best friend’s dark eyes were giving her all the courage she needed. “I’ve been spending a lot of time at Ethan’s. We’ve been dating for a while.” 
“Since when?” 
“The memorial, basically.” 
“Shit,” Jackie lamented. “I’m happy for you, Bec. But damn” - a coy smirk appeared on her lips - “No wonder that guy’s been friendlier than usual.” 
“Finally!” Elijah exclaimed in a rush of air, like it was a breath he’s been holding in for far too long. All three pairs of eyes were on him. “Sienna and I caught Dr. Ramsey leaving the morning after her hearing.” 
Jackie’s jaw dropped past the floor and into the basement. 
The rest of the gang brought her up to speed on how that ended up happening and how no one knew Ramsey slept over, and of course the unfortunate ending to that tale.  
“How’s that going to work?” 
“Strictly professional at the hospital.” Becca affirmed the sentiment with a flippant wave of her hands and the smallest of smiles. “Nothing’s going to change.” 
“Except for how soft he is around you.” 
“He’s not soft on me. If anything he’s harsher with me because of our relationship.” 
The roommates talked more about the logistics of her relationship and how often Ethan will be staying over. Jackie set some ground rules for that, to which Becca rolled her eyes and agreed they would never ever have sex anywhere other than her bedroom when in the apartment. 
When the conversation waned Becca asked; 
“I was thinking about inviting him to Thanksgiving. Unless that’d be weird?” 
Elijah chuckled, “It’ll definitely be weird.”
Sienna waved him off and grabbed her friend’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’d be happy to have him, Becca.” 
The two girls shared a moment. It wasn’t a question that Sienna was overjoyed at Becca’s happiness - this was everything they’ve been dreaming about happening since early intern year. Though there was something quite bittersweet - Becca got a second chance with Ethan, while Sienna will never know what could have been. In their tightened grip neither could forget Danny. 
Becca’s lips parted, about to whisper condolences and affirmations that things are going to get better. But Elijah spoke first;  
“Getting to know Dr. Ramsey will be a real treat. Think he’d be down to watch the MCU in succession?”
As she turned towards him a broad smile took over Becca’s features. “As long as there’s scotch I’m sure he’ll be fine.” 
“I can’t believe you’ve been sneaking around with him.” Jackie lamented once more.  
“What’s Dr. Ramsey even like outside the hospital? He doesn’t seem like fun.” 
“Ethan’s a lot -” 
Aurora emerged, cutting Becca off with a disbelieving, “You’re dating Dr. Ramsey?”  
Something in her new friend’s tone threw Becca off kilter. So much so she threw up walls as quick and high as could be, ready to defend defend defend. She was afraid of her friends not taking to the news and Aurora’s tone really confirmed Becca’s worst fears. 
“Uh, yeah,” was all she could respond. 
“Gross. I’m happy for you but... gross. Are we forgetting he dated my aunt for years?” 
“Oh shit. Yeah,” Elijah muttered from the sidelines.  
Quickly Becca added, “They were never serious.” 
She was going to say ‘in love’ but thought better of it. She loves him dearly and knows he feels the same way, but they haven’t said it yet. The first time she uses that word next to his name it should be to him and him alone.  
The retort was swift and icy, “Are you?” 
Aurora didn’t anticipate the answer, she knew her friend and thought this was just another one of her impulses. Becca had a tendency to bounce from interest to interest, heart to heart; and after everything that’s happened recently maybe she’s just finding comfort in the man who kept her alive. 
Both sets of deep coffee-colored eyes met, both Aurora and Becca’s features schooled so stoic and unwavering in their position. A simple “Yes” dancing off Becca’s tongue. The word accompanied by the splendid thought that Ethan Ramsey was hers. 
Aurora Emery didn’t miss the tug of a smile tugging at the corners of Becca’s mouth.  
“Fine,” she conceded. “I’ll support you, but this is weird as fuck.”
Later that evening Aurora was in her room, sitting on her bed with a textbook in her lap. A knock sounded from her ajar door, and not a few seconds later Becca’s head peeked through the crack.  
“Hey, can we talk?” 
Aurora shut the book. “I think we need to.” 
She shifted on the bed to make room at the foot among all her papers. 
Once settled, sitting cross-legged, Becca broke the small flits of tension. “I’m sorry this is weird for you.” 
“Thanks.” Aurora forced a small, reassuring smile. “I’m sorry about the outburst. I don’t know enough about your relationship to comment.” 
“I don’t know enough about their relationship,” Becca admitted shyly. She fiddled with her hands in her lap. “Ethan doesn’t really talk about it. Just that he appreciates and respects the fuck out of Dr. Emery.” 
“Aunt Harper didn’t talk about it either. All I know is what I’ve overheard and saw. They go way back - I remember them together before I got into med school.” 
They let that sink in for a moment. Becca chewed on her lip as she mindfully ran through the semi-apparent timeline. “So this is weird,” she stated. 
“Really weird,” Aurora agreed with a chortle.   
Some more time passed by on a pause. The two amicably working through this oddity in their lives. Both their thoughts taking them in many directions. Though Becca’s moving further and further into territory she knew Ethan never wanted to wander back through. 
“Was he around a lot?” she finally asked in the smallest of voices. 
If Aurora picked up on her friend’s insecurity she didn’t make it apparent.  
“Sometimes,” she began. “He’d spend some holidays and milestones with the family. I don’t think he ever enjoyed it. A bunch of doctors eating and drinking all the time, everyone knows how much he hates spending time with colleagues.” Aurora tried to brush the last remark off as a joke to lighten the mood. 
She could see the ghost of a smile hanging on Becca’s lips.  
“He went for her.” It wasn’t a question  
Aurora simply nodded. 
“He’s a good guy,” Becca sighed. She looked up at Aurora with the most lovestruck look the young Emery has ever encountered. Right then and there she knew that this certainly was not one of her friend’s whims. It was, and had, the power of a whole new universe. 
“What the two of you see in him I’ll never know,” Aurora scoffed in feigned mockery. 
Becca was just about to comment - to say just how much of a different man Ethan was to Dr. Ramsey - when Aurora added; 
“But you shouldn’t worry about me, you should probably talk to Bryce.” 
Becca’s eyes went wide and her jaw stiffened. 
If anyone was going to address the other blatantly obvious elephant in the friend group, Aurora realized, it had to be her. Might as well kill two birds with one stone whilst they buried the hatchet. 
“We all know you’ve been hooking up for a while.” 
If words could kill Aurora was certain she just decapitated Becca. The poor girl went stark and ghostly. It was as if she hadn’t even considered telling her booty call she’s seeing someone else. 
Aurora trailed, “I don’t know exactly what went down but...” 
Neither wanted her to break Bryce Lahela’s heart.   
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Doppelgänger (19/19)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Identity Crisis, Part 2}
Danny melted onto Valerie’s hoverboard with a sigh as she kissed him. She was kneeling between his legs with one of her arms braced next to his head to hold her weight off him while the hand of the other snuck under his shirt to stroke his side. His own hands were occupied with holding her close and running through her long curly hair.
They were hovering high above Amity, partially hidden within some low clouds. They’d been admiring the view and taking in the afternoon sun when they’d gotten a bit distracted.
Valerie chuckled into the kiss and pulled back. She gave his limp form a pleased look then ducked down to pepper his neck with kisses.
Of course, that was when his ghost sense went off.
I’m going to kill whoever it is, Danny thought as Valerie’s scanner started ringing and she pulled away.
“There’s a ghost right beneath us,” Valerie growled, glaring at the scanner before giving Danny an apologetic look.
“Well, I guess that’s what we get for mixing dates with patrol,” he chuckled with a shrug.
She glanced down. “It should be fine to leave it to Doppelgänger.”
He sat up to look down as well, his hair hiding the red shine in his eyes. He spotted a glowing laptop flying down a road.
Ugh, who let Technus out? He reached out for his partners, but neither responded. He looked around to be sure neither of them was in sight and said, “They don’t seem to be here. Should probably make sure the ghost doesn’t cause trouble before they can get here.”
“Yeah.” She pulled up her mask and he braced himself as she brought them down. “Sorry about this.”
“It’s fine, Val. Really.” Jazz is definitely going to kick his butt if she found out about this, though.
Valerie dropped him off in an alley before shooting off after the laptop.
Who let Technus out? Danny asked again as he transformed and flew after her.
Tech-Oh shoot! Tucker hissed. He’s why my laptop was running slow! He must have been stuck in my cache. My bad!
Well, that explains why he’s flying around inside a laptop.
Want some help? Sam asked.
Valerie’s already on the scene, Danny pointed out.
Right, I forgot you guys were on a date.
Danny turned a corner to see Valerie trying to blast the laptop. We’ll try.
He tried to sneak around the fight so he could try to knock Technus out, but was distracted when Valerie got wrapped in the laptop’s cord.
“Red!” he shouted, shooting towards her to pull her free. He looked her over for injuries. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” she huffed and shoved herself out of his grip as her board swung around to catch her.
“Well now, this is interesting.”
The two turned back to Technus just as the laptop stopped glowing and fell. Danny darted over to grab it before it could hit the ground, then looked around for the ghost.
“My scanner is only picking up you,” Valerie said and Danny checked the computer.
Wireless transfer complete.
“Ugh, he sent himself somewhere else,” Danny groaned.
“Well, you’re the one with technokinesis. I’ll leave you to it.”
“What?” He looked up to see Valerie turning away. “You’re leaving? Just like that?”
“I’ve got a date.”
“Well crud,” Danny muttered. He shoved the laptop into the fold and dove into the ground, flying as fast as he could back to the alley Valerie had left him in. Good news and bad news. Good news, our laptop’s fine and Val’s leaving. Bad news, we lost Technus and Val’s leaving him to us because we’ve got tech powers and she wants to continue our date.
The irony, Sam sighed.
I can’t leave right now. Kiran and I are right in the middle of a debate on which generation of Pokémon is the best, Tucker said.
Kiran? Danny asked, popping up in the alley and transforming back just before Valerie could come around the corner.
This really really cute freshman in the computer club. They’re a gamer who’s building their own PC, they’ve got the hottest smile, and I refuse to let Technus blow this for me!
An unimpressed feeling came from Sam. I’ll take care of Technus. Clearly, your love lives are more important.
“You okay?” Danny asked Valerie. Sorry, Sam. I can tell Val I need to go.
“Yeah, it’s a tech ghost so Doppelgänger’s taking care of it.”
No, it’s fine, Sam said. You’ve ducked out of dates for us plenty of times. You deserve some alone time. It wasn’t really you I was mad at.
“If you’re sure. What do you want to do now?” Danny asked, stepping up onto Val’s board.
I think my love life deserves more consideration than his, Tucker huffed. Since, you know, I DON’T HAVE ONE!
Valerie grabbed his waist and tugged him against her. “How about we find some privacy? We can head to my house since my dad’s working until midnight. We can cuddle and watch tv. I think there’s supposed to be an animated Batman marathon on.”
Danny tuned out his partners as he nodded. He shifted behind her and braced himself as she took off towards Elmerton. She flew up to her window and opened it, letting Danny climb through before slipping carefully in. She recalled her board and pulled down her mask.
The boy didn’t have a chance to react before she was scoping him up and setting him on her dresser so she could kiss him. Her hands slipped under his shirt and he tried to bring his own up, only to knock something off her dresser.
She snorted into the kiss and he mumbled, “Sorry,” as he wrapped his arms around her neck.
The two froze.
The door opened and Damon Gray poked his head inside. “I didn’t realize you were -”
Valerie jumped away from Danny while he squeaked and worked very hard not to turn invisible.
No matter how much he wanted to.
Valerie’s father looked at Valerie, then Danny, then Valerie’s suit.
“H-hey, Daddy. I thought you were supposed to be at work,” Valerie said nervously.
“I had a break so I came to grab something I’d forgotten. Fortunately.” He gave her a sharp look. “Get changed. We’re going to have a talk before I head back. Mr. Fenton, out.”
“Yessir.” Danny gave her a quick apologetic look before following Mr. Gray into the living area.
He froze when the man grabbed his shoulder. “I like you, Fenton. You’re a smart kid and you’ve got a good heart. However, if I ever catch you in my daughter’s room without my permission again, you will be reminded in a far more painful way than I’m doing now that I carry a loaded weapon for my job and I am trained to use it. Understand?”
“Yessir. Sorry, sir. I swear, we weren’t doing anything like, you know, that. We were just -”
“Yep, right, leaving!” Danny ran for the front door.
“And Danny,” Mr. Gray called before he could close it behind him. “I suggest you go straight home. I’ll be calling your parents as soon as I talk to Valerie.”
Danny flinched and nodded. “Right.”
As soon as he made it to the alley next to Valerie’s apartment building, he slumped against the wall and screamed into his hands. Then he transformed and headed home as slow as he could.
“We’re dead. We’re so dead. We’re going to spend the next decade in the Fenton Stockades,” he groaned. “We’re so dead! We’ll never see the light of day! Hold still you stupid bucket of bolts! Goodbye cruel world! Wait, why are we transformed? Val’s father walked in on us making out. Sucks to suck. Can we get a hand?” He checked his watch and shrugged, turning towards where Sam was fighting Technus at the boardwalk. “Sure, we’re dead as soon as we get home and Mom and Dad won’t be expecting us back for another half hour since they think we’d have to take the bus. Great, because he’s getting on our nerves.”
I’m grounded for two weeks, Danny said. And I had to sit through mom giving me The Talk again.
Sounds like it sucks to be allo. Can’t relate, Sam said, setting aside the book she’d been reading and grabbing another.
And Jazz came in looking all stern to say that when she told us to spend the weekend having fun, she hadn’t meant that much fun.
Sam snorted.
We didn’t even do anything!
She looked over the passage on Chronos she’d found, but it didn’t have any new information.
Val texted to say her dad’s taking her phone. She’s grounded for a month and her dad’s taking her suit and all her gear.
Sam tossed the book aside. Wait, her dad found out?
We’d just gotten to her house so she was in her suit when he walked in.
She was in the suit when you guys were making out? Tucker interjected out of nowhere. Wait, is the suit kink a Fenton thing? Is that why -
Finish that thought and I’ll toss your laptop into the ghost zone, Danny hissed. Crud, Jazz just came in. She’s making me study with her to make sure I’m not talking to you guys. Talk later.
Bye Danny.
See you, Sam said and stood up. She grabbed the books she’d gathered and went to put them back on the shelves. So you’re done hanging out with Kiran then?
Camp’s over for the day, but we’re going to hang out again tomorrow, Tucker said. What are you up to?
Checking out the paranormal section at Skulk and Lurk. I was hoping they’d have some information on our clock ghost.
Aren’t we supposed to be avoiding ghosts?
Jazz isn’t the boss of me.
True. Want some help?
Are you dressed like your usual self?
I love you, but I will not get kicked out of my favorite bookshop because you’ve decided your aesthetic is traffic light.
Aw, I love you too! Tucker cooed.
Tuning you out now.
Okay, bye, Sammy! Love you!
Sam made a gagging sound in her head as she started looking for new books to check. “Aren’t there any books in here about real ghosts?”
“Try the historical fantasy section.”
She looked over to see Ravage reading the description of a book. “What?”
“The historical fantasy section,” he said, gesturing half-heartedly to the side. “Found a book over there the other day that was about a ghost king. Sounded just like the real dude. The author seemed to understand death and ghosts better than most. Bit too cheerful, but it was an interesting read if you can push past it.”
“Do you remember the author?” Sam asked.
“Worth, or something. The book was King’s Coffin if that helps.”
“Whatever. You coming to poetry night?”
“If I can get away from my parents.”
“Good luck.”
She went over to the section and found the book Ravage had mentioned alongside a few others written by Regsit Worth: Acropolis of Elysium, Nocturnus, Dark Winds, and Carnivorous Garden.
She pulled King’s Coffin off and glanced over the description before flipping through the book. She skimmed through it and her eyes widened at the ghost’s description and the description of his downfall. She checked the Also By section and smirked when she saw a book titled Shadows of Time. She put Pariah's book back then grabbed the garden book and headed to the counter.
“Would you be able to order a book by this author?” she asked as the cashier rang her up.
The man shrugged and switched to a different register. He asked for the title and typed it in when she answered. “Another print isn’t due for a year or so, but our sister store in San Francisco has a few copies. I can have them send one over, but you’d have to pay shipping upfront.”
“That’s fine.”
“You know, I think Jazz was onto something about having some weekends to ourselves,” Tucker said when they met up Monday morning. “I had fun at the camp and made great headway with Kiran. Trust me, we’ll be dating by Christmas.”
“Sure you will,” Sam teased. “I’ll admit, though, it wasn’t awful. I got this new book on a wicked plant monster ghost that could actually exist and I might have gotten a lead on our clock ghost. I won’t know until Thursday.”
“Glad you two had fun,” Danny pouted, his forehead pressed against his locker. “Val’s dad threatened to shoot me.”
“If it makes you feel any better, you can just phase through the bullet,” Tucker said, patting his back.
“He has ghost weapons now.”
“You right.”
“You could try not sneaking into girls’ bedrooms,” Sam suggested and Danny flushed.
“Don’t say it like that!”
“Hey, Danny.”
The trio turned to see Valerie walking up.
“Hey, Val. Sorry about Saturday.”
“Not your fault,” she sighed and hugged him. “We both didn’t think that through.”
“You didn’t get into too much trouble, right?”
“Just grounded like I said. I’m mostly just mad about my gear. Dad’s taking the suit into the lab and he’s going to give all the rest to your parents. I told him I didn’t get most of it from you, but I don’t know if he believed me.”
“Better them then Vlad,” Danny said with a shrug. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to get any of it back for you, though. They’ll probably be keeping better track of their gear after your dad talks to them.”
Which means it’s going to be hard to replace their thermoses if one gets damaged, great.
“That’s alright. My dad will be keeping an eye out now anyways.” She pulled back. “I should get going before I’m late.”
“Alright, see you at lunch.”
{The Fenton Menace}
Danny sighed as he scrubbed the lab’s counter. “Can’t I do this later?”
“It’s not as if you have anything else to do,” his mom said pointedly.
Maybe so, he thought, eyeing the gun his parents were working on. But I’d rather not get vaporized when that thing accidentally goes off.
When, not if. Danny knew his parents too well for that.
He went back to his scrubbing and his mom focused back on the gun.
A few moments later, Danny’s breath fogged in front of him and his eyes darted to the portal as a pirate kid and his skeleton parrot flew out and up through the ceiling.
Captain Kid is back, he told his partners. My parents are keeping on top of me so I can’t deal with him.
Headed your way, Tucker said.
I’ll come too. Mom’s trying to drag me to the hairdresser.
Have fun. Danny flinched as the gun went off, thankfully pointed away from him. “Can you guys work on something else while I’m down here, please?”
His dad pouted, but his mom put the gun away with a nod, frowning at the blast mark it had left.
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Twelve Days of Rarepairs: Scanny | Scott McCall x Danny Mahealani (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @childofsquidward
The collie laying on the table is patient and docile as Scott finishes slotting the cone into place around her neck. She just stares up at him with big eyes, nudging against his hand with her nose.
Laughing, Scott rubs her head. Her tail gives a little wiggle in response.
"You know, you're the only one I've seen who isn't bothered by this thing," he tells her, scratching behind her ear. 
She just gives a playful yip in response. 
The bell rings over the front door, alerting Scott to someone entering the animal clinic. Somewhat pointless considering he heard the heartbeat first. But Lola's ears immediately perk up, and her tail bangs against the table.
Scott grins at Danny when he appears in the doorway, holding two festive coffee cups.
"You've been missed," he says.
Lola's already standing on the table, barking fondly at Danny. He laughs, and moves towards her, fuelling her excitement.
"By which one of you?" Danny jokes.
Scott's eyes widen. He opens his mouth, but he falters, and Danny's already focused on Lola again anyway. Heat rushes to his face. He quickly tries to regain some composure. 
"Hey, girl! Oh, you look so good!" Danny coos. "Did Dr. McCall take good care of you?"
Scott tries to bite back a smile and fails. He's getting used to hearing his friends call him Dr. McCall, more as a joke, but something about the way Danny says it gives him this fluttering in his chest.
So, when he first saw him at the start of December, it was a surprise. He'd practically disappeared off the face of the earth for two years, and then suddenly he was back in town for the holidays, to see his family and friends. 
But not only that, Scott hadn't quite realized just how attractive Danny is. Was he always that good-looking while they were at school together? Of course he was, everyone knew it. But Scott hadn't exactly been out to himself at that point, so seeing Danny back from New Orleans, even more tanned, with even more defined muscles—yeah, Scott might get a little nervous whenever he sees him now.
And it doesn't help that they seem to be seeing more of each other now than they did while at school. They run into each other in town. When Scott went back to fill in for Coach while he was away towards the end of the year, Danny just kept showing up, saying he was visiting a teacher to discuss something (he is, after all, in computer programming now, so it makes some semblance of sense), and they'd talk out on the field. He bmped into him while bringing his mom lunch at the hospital. 
Scott even saw him while out with Lydia two weeks ago. He was catching up with Jackson, who was also back in town for the holidays, like everyone else. 
And now at work, too. The universe seems to be playing some joke on him. He doesn't mind all that much, for once. As long as this isn't going to lead to him finding out that Danny's actually been turned into a vampire, or has been possessed by some new, evil spirit.
"Thank you," Danny says, lifting his eyes to Scott. Of course, Scott's still the one looking up at him, because it would appear Danny has had another growth spurt as well as everything else. 
Scott realizes he isn't answering. Just gazing. He grins, and hastily tries to not be totally obvious.
"Just doing my job," he says with a shrug. 
Danny rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but I know for a fact that this clinic should have been shut for the rest of the holidays. So, thank you for seeing her anyway."
Scott hesitates at that. "Well… you're a friend. And I had to come in today anyway. And—" he looks down at Lola, who's settled back down on the table, and gives her head another rub "—I couldn't just leave this one stranded on Christmas Eve."
"We both thank you, then." Danny then holds out one of the coffee cups. "A gesture to prove it."
"God, thank you," Scott says, gratefully accepting the cup and taking a drink. "I haven't had anything all day. Or since last night. Including sleep. I might be running on three Mountain Dews and a kitkat."
Danny raises his eyebrows in disbelief. "That… can't be good for you."
Scott just shrugs again. He'll probably feel the effects later on today, since it's currently only one-thirty in the afternoon. As long as he makes it to four to head to the station to see Stiles, then he can head back home and have a nap. And maybe food.
"I didn't know the life of a vet was so demanding."
"It's the holidays," Scott explains, taking another drink before continuing. The gingerbread-cinnamon-whatever is in this latte is the best thing he's ever had right now. "Lots of people want their pets better before Christmas and New Year. A lot of strays get found with bad injuries. Currently I have—"
Barking starts up from the dog room in the back. Scott smiles, gesturing towards the door as Lola once again perks up.
"—them. Eight labrador puppies. They're under a year old. Deaton and I were trying to get them rehomed before the holidays, but it didn't work out. That's why I was coming in to work anyway, since Deaton's out of town."
"Never mind, your job is clearly far more demanding than I thought." Danny smiles, glances down at Lola, then pauses. "Do you need a hand with them at all? They sound pretty eager for attention."
"Yeah, I was gonna take them out for a walk once I was finished up here," Scott says.
Danny's grin widens. "You planned to walk eight hyperactive labrador puppies by yourself? In the snow?"
Scott just gives another shrug. "They're not too hard to handle once they're outside."
The look Danny is giving him only intensifies the fluttery feeling in his chest. It's like something's tickling him from the inside. He can feel the heat beneath his skin, in his cheeks.
"Guess that whole Alpha thing really does give you an advantage, huh," Danny says, a certain teasing twinkle in his eyes but his grin sincere.
Scott has barely gotten used to the idea of Danny knowing about the supernatural at all, never mind him making casual comments about it. And especially not while he's looking at him like that.
"I don't know if it's anything to do with that," Scott says, shaking his head. "But… sometimes, yeah. It comes in handy."
Danny nods. The puppies are still barking in the back, trying to get Scott's attention.
"Well, I think Lola could use a walk after being so good about this," Danny says. He looks at Scott, smiling. "Mind if we join you? I can be pretty good with dogs, might help to take a couple off your hands for an hour."
Scott's eyebrows raise in surprise, and his heartbeat raises itself as well. 
"You… but—" he frowns, his head tilting with a confused smile "—it's Christmas Eve. Don't you wanna get back to your family?"
"They won't miss me for a little while," Danny says, brushing it off. Then, because he seems to be catching on, he rolls his eyes, and says, "Please? You helped me with Lola when you clearly already had your hands full. I wanna do more than get you coffee."
Scott's heart drops into his stomach and lurches right back up. He swallows, and tries to keep his mind on one track, biting his lip. 
"Uh… yeah," he breathes out before he can think twice. "You know what? That would be great. Thank you."
"No problem," Danny says, sincerely.
They get Lola to hop off the table, and head into the back room to get the others ready. Danny just laughs when he sees the little christmas hats Scott put on the ones that were happy to wear them.
As they're getting them all on their leashes, Danny casually adds, with a glance at Scott, "And if you were up for it, I'd like to get coffee with you sometime."
Scott accidentally clips the leash to his hand instead of the collar. He winces, quickly undoing it and fixing it to its right place instead. Then he looks over at Danny and his amused grin, his heart racing.
"Like—like a date?" he asks, hardly daring to believe that's what he means. Danny was never interested in him. Was he? 
Scott's quickly going through every interaction he's ever had with him.
"Exactly a date," Danny corrects. 
Scott's eyes are wide. His mouth opens, then closes. He wasn't prepared for this. Sure, the thought of Danny liking him back crosses his mind after Stiles and Lydia both insisted that he did after he told them about running into him all those times. But that doesn't mean he was prepared for it.
"You can say no," Danny says, giving another casual shrug as clips the last lead on to the last excited puppy. "I just thought I might as well ask. Waiting three years to do it was bad enough, I didn't want to seem totally pathetic by waiting four to at least know what you'd say."
"Three—what?" Scott asks in disbelief, sure that he must have somehow misheard. "You've wanted to ask me out for… three years?" 
"Like I said, it was starting to seem pathetic." Danny looks at him, holding his stare with a soft gaze. "But, Lydia told me that you came out last year, and after seeing you, I figured I should at least ask."
"Wow. Uh…" Scott's mind is a mess, and he can't sort his thoughts out. Except for one. "I'd love to."
Danny blinks, thrown off his own guard now. Apparently even he wasn't prepared. But he quickly recovers, as does Scott, smiles forming across both their faces.
"Go on a date with you, I mean," Scott says, as if it needs further elaboration. 
"Really?" Danny asks. "Uh… today?"
Scott's breath is knocked out of him, but he's already nodding again. "Yeah, absolutely."
He didn't think anything could make the fluttery feeling in his chest worse. Turns out, Danny smiling at him like he is right now is the thing that can. 
"Okay, great," he says. "Then let's get these guys out of here."
Scott happily agrees. They head out of the back door after making sure the front is locked up. It has to be an hour or more that passes as they walk the dogs through town, taking an open path into the woods, through the snow. The whole way, Scott and Danny are talking, and laughing, catching up on the years they missed and in between. 
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter twenty-four: showtime
“Alright, gentlemen,” Sam started with a rubbing of her hands; she glanced over at the three men on either side of her as if they were her students. She was ready to head on out to the castle: the first time she would be witnessing a show near a castle.
“Alright, what?” Dan asked her as he gave his feathery hair a little toss back with a flick of his head.
“It's nearly showtime, isn't it?” she pointed out.
“Within like a couple of hours, yeah,” Charlie replied: he had just woken up from his nap. He had already put on those notorious bright red shorts for the show, but he seemed to be in no hurry whatsoever. And as far as Sam and Marla knew, he would have to take a whole series of naps on this stint of their tour. At least the two of them and Belinda were headed home after this show: she couldn't hardly think about Charlie having a difficult time just to keep his eyes open for a whole flight over to the next stop, and then the next one. Nevertheless, Sam stood there in between the beds with her hands pressed to her hips as if she meant business with them.
She glanced over to either bed, to Charlie and Dan there on her right, and to Frank on the left: Joey had gone out somewhere, and yet he left his guitar behind.
Stormtroopers of Death all over again for her, except this time around they were in a genuine hotel room rather than the front seat of Charlie and Marla's car.
“Where'd Joey go, by the way?” she asked Frank.
“He left for a few minutes to play fetch for a few minutes,” he replied with a straight face.
“For a few minutes and also for a few minutes?” she retorted back to him.
“Yeah! At least that's how he told it to me.”
“Well,” she cleared her throat, “don't you guys wanna like—go to the castle and rehearse for a bit?”
“Bon Jovi's the headliners so—not yet,” Charlie croaked out, complete with a rub of his eyes.
“Well, if they're the headliners doesn't that mean they go on last?” Sam asked him, to which he hesitated for a second and he gazed up at the pale ceiling above them.
“Yeah, they do. Fuck.”
“It's alright. Because it's a couple of hours, we can walk over there.”
“Walk or skateboard?” Frank joked.
“You can skateboard, Frankie,” Sam told him off with a straight face. “We kind of need our lead singer, though.”
“We?” Charlie tried to hold back that bout of laughter but he wound up laughing so hard regardless of that fact.
“You kind of need your lead singer,” she corrected him.
The door swung open and Joey stumbled right into the room right then. He gave his long black curls a toss back from the side of his face and the side of his neck, and he showed Sam a little smile.
“Hey! There he is!” Frank proclaimed.
“Here I is—what's happening?” He strolled over to the bed closest to the window and he picked up his guitar from the floor.
“I just suggested to the boys here that you guys ought to head on over there,” she informed him.
“It's not for a couple of hours, though,” he pointed out as he crouched down onto the floor with the guitar cradled on his lap. He then poked his head up over the edge of the bed.
“You got that little bag in your purse still?” he asked her.
“No, I took it out of there when Marla and I got home a couple of weeks ago,” she said.
“Besides, you don't need that shit, Joe,” Dan pointed out.
“It's just pot, Danny,” Joey insisted. “It ain't gonna kill me.”
“It was stinking up my purse, though,” Sam told him.
“It's good for inspiration, though,” he said.
“It's also taking a hit on your memory, too,” she added.
“Lemme play—lemme play!” he exclaimed.
“Okay, okay—don't be such a baby.”
“I ain't no baby,” he scoffed.
“I'm gonna check on Marla and Bel—and Aurora, too.”
“How's she doing by the way?” Charlie asked her.
“Who, Aurora?”
“Hung over like crazy earlier. Her and Emile both got drunk under the table last night—and I thought they were still drunk, too. Now my only hope is that they're good to go. If not, well—we'll see how things go with them and we'll see how Jon and Marsha both react to it. I'm especially worried about her because she's my best friend.”
“What about him?” Charlie tucked his hands underneath his head.
“He's my old landlord and I'm not paying him rent anymore—it's still worrying, though.” She paused for a second and then she recalled what had happened the day before.
“Does Alex know about those drawings?” she asked him in a low voice. “Like, who did them?”
Charlie lifted his head a bit and he glanced across the room to Joey crouched down on the floor. “He has seen them,” he replied, also in a low voice, “yeah he has—but I didn't see his reaction, though. The next time we see him, ask him what he thought about them. He's like me and Lars—he's really into art. I'm sure he liked all four of them.”
“You know where they're staying?” she asked him, to which he shook his head.
“Aurora probably knows but who knows how she's feeling right about now.”
“True.” Without another word, Sam left the room and headed on back across the hall: Marla ran a brush through her candy apple red hair right before the mirror on the wall. She lifted her gaze over to Sam and nodded her head at her: the light from the lamp behind her shone onto her hair so it looked as though she had a soft pink crown upon her head.
“How's Aurora doing?” Sam asked her as she stood in the doorway.
“Still out like a light,” Marla replied. “Bel's doing better, though.”
Indeed, Belinda, who had taken her spot there on the edge of the bed closest to the door, turned to Sam and showed her an exhausted smile.
“It's been a little difficult,” she confessed, “but it's been better, though.”
“Do you know where Testament is staying in?” Sam asked the two of them; Marla shook her head and Belinda shrugged.
“I only saw Alex and Greg the other night at dinner,” Belinda admitted, “haven't seen them since then.” She then smirked at her. “Why, you got a date with one of them?”
“I wanna know what Alex thought of those drawings I made for Anthrax,” Sam told her, “I also wanna know if he knows that I made them.”
“I'm sure they're around,” Marla assured her as she picked up her brush again and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Sam fetched up a sigh and turned her attention back to the corridor behind her. They had to be close by there in the hotel especially since Metallica also pitched in for dinner for them.
“God, I've never been so tired in my life,” Belinda groaned. “I'm better than I was before, but still.”
“I've been off kilter a little bit, too,” Marla consoled her. “Not as bad as that, but it's still nothing to sneeze at, though—”
Sam then doubled back into the corridor and she strode onto the front room for any signs of life. A few other guests congregated around that big heavy table but no signs of them. She headed outside to the porch and she hoped that a single walk about the place would give her a view into one of their rooms somewhere in there. But then again, the trees all along the one side of the building there kept her from doing anything more than that. She returned to the hotel and she walked past the table into that short nook back there.
A few more rooms, but each of them had their doors closed.
How five men had vanished into thin air in there in the hotel was beyond her. She stood there in the middle of the floor with one hand pressed to her hip and another hand upon brow in repose. How five men just disappeared in there.
She had no idea if they were even in those rooms; they could have been in the hotel down the street for all she knew. Thus she returned to her own room for another few moments, or at least until Belinda felt up to snuff on her part.
“No clue where those guys are,” Sam confessed to them.
“Well, shit.” Marla gave her bright red hair a little tousling over the shoulder, and then she put on some perfume in to go in junction with that black velvet camisole.
“You guys always look so rock n' roll,” Belinda groaned out from the bed. “Especially you, Sam—you got a pendant from Ronnie James Dio for god's sake. And a bracelet from Joey.”
“A bracelet Ronnie gave to Joey,” Marla corrected her.
“Hey, the very second I saw you in Bill's class I thought you were a total punk chick,” Sam assured her as Marla gave her a spritz of perfume on her wrists.
“Punk chicks come in all shapes and sizes,” Belinda pointed out. “Especially as Zelda will tell you.”
“Kudos to her, by the way,” Marla added as she put the cap back onto her perfume. “For watching Genie and the apartment.”
“And just kudos to her, too,” Sam chuckled.
A knock on the door caught their attention.
“Come on in,” Marla called out. Frank poked his head in there.
“You girls ready?”
“Born ready,” Sam told him, and Charlie laughed from right behind him. Belinda stood to her feet and the three of them headed out of the room. Frank and Charlie led them towards the front door, complete with that skateboard tucked underneath his arm.
“Joey and Danny already went over there,” the latter informed them once they stepped outside to the cool, crisp late afternoon: the overcast sky darkened into a rich royal blue with the setting sun behind them. It would be nightfall by the time Metallica and Anthrax took to the stage.
“Oh, I see—they don't want me to come along,” Sam jeered at that.
“They're guitar players,” Charlie assured her. “Joey's also the lead singer, too, so—they kinda have to be. None of us make the rules and one of us probably should've told you that but—it's water under the bridge at this point.”
Sam shook her head at that: the silver pendant Ronnie gave her clinked a bit with each and every step in the meantime. They crossed the street towards that treeline, which was then followed by the tent; beyond that stood the stage before the castle: the sounds of music caught her ear, and she wondered who had gone on right then. They reached the tent's doorway when Sam spotted Joey over in the corner where she and Ronnie had congregated the two days before.
“This way, Char—” Frank declared from behind her. A cloud of smoke emerged from that corner of the tent.
“Sounds like W.A.S.P already took to the stage?” Marla said aloud.
“No idea, to be honest,” Belinda confessed; she turned to Sam with those tired eyes. “We're gonna go check this out.”
She nodded in response and the two of them went ahead to the other side of the tent. Just so long as she got alone with Joey again.
She made her way over to him and the cloud of wispy haze that surrounded him. That rank smell coupled with something a little more fragrant. His eyes were closed part of the way all the while. He nodded at her and showed her a little smirk, but she gaped at him in concern.
“Joey, it's nearly showtime and you're baked out of your wits—”
“It's not out of my wits,” he insisted with his eyes still closed part of the way. “I just had a couple of puffs of smoke and that was it. Nuthin' more, nuthin' less than that.”
“Where did you get some?”
“Remember that lighter Frankie had?” he asked her.
“Well, apparently, he still had a good deal of juice inside of it. So I asked Lars and then he gave me a couple of puffs and then he himself had a couple.”
“Lars had some pot on him?”
“Not a lot, mind you—but still enough to loosen me up.”
She frowned at him. It wasn't a drink, but he still had a hit of marijuana so soon before showtime
“Well, I worry about you screwing up, though,” she said, concerned, “especially on your own song, for chrissake.”
“I'll be fine,” he insisted.
“Fucked up—insecure—neurotic—and enigmatic,” she stated complete with a counting on her fingers.
“You mean emotional,” he pointed out.
“Whatever—well, at least you got it right. That tells me you're lucid.”
“Lucid? Loose is more like it.”
“Loose—like a loose pair of underwear.”
“Loose like a loose cannon is more like it,” she retorted back to him. She gazed down at those dark lips as they parted a bit for her. She hesitated for a second, and then she peered up at his brown eyes, those twin gaping dark holes as they gazed back at her from the hazy darkness behind him. She had to do something, something to get him back on track, even if it was just a little hit from a joint. She had nothing else to resolve it, except for the fact she had seen him naked, twice, and he always nudged her to be on display for the world to see—
She lunged for the sides of his neck and she moved her face into her own.
“C'mere, you,” she insisted.
“Whoa, what?”
“You're not going up on stage like that—no way, no how—” She pressed her lips onto his, firm and hard as if she meant it. She held his face back from her own and he looked at her in a gaze.
“Whoa. You really wanna go there, don't ya?”
She glanced around them.
“Not in here, though,” she said in a low voice and with a scowl still plastered on her face.
“But sounds good, though.”
He slung the guitar off of his shoulder and showed her his tongue. She gripped onto his hand and led him out of there; the last thing she heard as they left the tent was W.A.S.P leaving the stage on the other side of the tent. She forgot the exact lineup that evening, but she knew Anthrax were going on after Metallica.
She had to do this quick.
They headed out to the trees right as the sky darkened some more, that time into a rich violet color: the canopy overhead only added to the impending darkness.
“Where we going?” Joey chuckled.
“Right here—” She turned around and she pressed him back to the trunk of a tree. She pressed her lips onto his once again, complete with her hands tucked behind the back of his head: all through those soft ringlets near the nape of his neck. His deep chest pressed against her own. His slim belly as soft and silken as the very tongue she caressed against.
Metallica rang out through the dense dark trees that surrounded them. Joey dropped down a little more towards the bottom of the tree trunk just so Sam could put her arms around his slender little body. Her lips locked onto his and their tongues met one another in the middle: he tasted like that burnt end of the joint coupled with a bit of coffee. At least he wasn't drinking.
Jason's bass floated through the branches and Sam closed her eyes once she recognized its grinding thunder noise under Kirk and James' guitars. Lars thumped on his kick drum and everyone in the audience clapped along with him.
“How now brown cow,” James bellowed into the microphone. “I said, I said, I said'a—how now brown cow!”
Joey ran his hands down Sam's sides and onto her hips.
“Oh, fuck—if only we had a little more time,” he pled.
“You'd fuck?” she teased him.
“Just for a li'l quickie—but Metallica only got a short set on hand this time around.”
“So you gotta be back up there?”
“Yeah.” He then stood to his feet and ran his fingers through his black curls once more.
“Alright. But afterwards, we're picking up where we left off.”
“Of course, of course.” He flashed her a wink and the two of them returned up the pathway to the tent. Sam walked on to the side of the stage as Joey fetched the guitar and doubled back into the backstage for Frank, Dan, and Charlie. She rounded a corner and she recognized those five heads there at the side; beyond them was Metallica as they wrapped up the final song of their set. She skirted along the curtain and they turned their heads to her.
“Hey, there you guys are!” she declared.
“Yeah, we never left!” Eric joked, and Greg and Louie burst out laughing at that. Before she could say anything more, the audience behind them erupted into cheers for Metallica: James' long golden blond waves floated behind his head as he waved at everyone. Kirk and Jason gave everyone the sign of the horns while Lars blew Sam a kiss.
Like clockwork, Anthrax took to the stage: Charlie had tied up his hair into a tight ponytail behind his head while Joey had taken off his shirt, thus the flood lights shone onto his bare brown skin such that he resembled to a ghost.
“Hello, Britain!” Joey announced into the microphone head. “It's been a while.” He let out a long low whistle; even though the noise died down before him, a sound barrier began to form before Sam, such that she couldn't say anything more to the five men behind her; she turned around in time as Joey picked up that white flying V guitar and slung it over his shoulder, and took his black curls out from underneath the strap. “As you can tell we are officially a four piece now—but it's alright 'cause I got this guitar here courtesy of a guy you all might know, Dave Mustaine—”
Several people before him cheered at that.
“But anyway, we ain't messing around here, though,” he pointed out. “We're gonna have some fun tonight and while we're in Europe. Some new songs, some songs you may've heard of, some old ones, too! Fuck yeah, let's do this!”
He stepped back and ran his fingers through his black curls before he held onto the guitar neck and spread his legs apart. Frank led them into it with a rising bass line. The sound of Charlie's drums resembled to that of a gunshot. Frank gave his long lush dark hair a toss back with a jerk of his body and Joey mirrored him all the while. It was so strange seeing them perform as a quartet rather than as that five piece, but Sam stood there off to the side of the stage with Marla and Belinda with her eyes keen on the stage before them.
Charlie let out a short little drum solo before Joey picked up with the singing. He stood there with one leg forward and one leg back and his body stooped forward, and the guitar down by his thighs.
They had the sound to keep them apart from Metallica and even Testament, and Joey's voice was indicative of that.
“What is it!” Frank shouted into his own microphone.
“Caught in a mosh!” Joey followed up as though they were talking over each other.
They also had that sense of humor.
Sam peered out at the audience, at the mosh pit that formed out there in front of them. It went on for the entirety of the song no less.
“This song is definitive Anthrax if you ask me,” Joey declared into the microphone head. “Off our new album Among the Living. This is called 'A Skeleton in the Closet'!”
“This is a good song,” Chuck remarked.
“For real,” Sam replied back to him with a chuckle.
“Joey's a machine!” Marla declared over the roar of Frank's bass in junction with Charlie's thundering drums. Joey turned away from the audience so he could better receive feedback from his amp. His black curls obscured his face from Sam's view; she peered over her shoulder at the sight of the vast stretch of audience beyond the edge of the stage. Most of them were there to see Bon Jovi and Cinderella, but she could tell that most of them were in fact enthralled by the sight before them. Joey with his hair down in his face as he kept up the rhythm.
He was no solo artist like Dan, but he could play those powerful, grinding riffs. She kept her eyes fixated on his fingers down over the pick guard: he played like that and with his fingers to boot. Meanwhile, Dan's feathery hair fluttered and waved about on the crown of his head against the gentle cool breeze: he kept his gaze fixated on the strings underneath him and he let the solo out of the cage.
She thought of Alex right then: he stood somewhere back there and she knew he was feeling down and out about the sight before her. She peered over her shoulder at Chuck and Eric right there, and complete with looks of awe plastered upon their faces. She only saw the back of Alex's head but she knew that he was watching with a bit of that outsider feeling.
Much like their brothers in Metallica, they only played a short set before they cut things loose for Dio and then lastly Bon Jovi.
Joey took off the guitar and gave a big wave to everyone as they all gave him cheers. They were cheering for him. Sam ran her tongue along her lips as they all backed away from the side of the stage so as to give them room. Everything was dark, and yet Joey's silhouette and that upstate accent proved to be enough for her. She followed him back towards the tent while the boys from Testament were laughing about something.
“Back here, Sam—” he coaxed her. She followed him off the stage and towards the tent, which was lit up by the mere flicker of a hurricane lantern outside of the doors.
“Wait, Joey—don't you wanna see Ronnie go on?” she called after him. Using only the ambient light from the castle and from the stage lights, she followed him towards the trees; but he never replied to her as they returned to the same exact spot there in the bushes. He then stopped and turned around, which in turn made her stop right in her tracks. They were only a few feet away from the street and the sidewalk, but that particular spot in the trees kept them away from any prying eyes in their direction.
“So, hey, you wanna do that again?” he offered her.
“Why, you think you can do that again?” she teased back at him.
“Well—'cause Cliff touched you but he never went any further than that, though,” he pointed out.
“Besides, you didn't answer my question, either,” she told him. “Don't you wanna see Ronnie and his band?”
“We can listen,” he replied as he extended his arms to her once again. He brought his chest in closer to her and he bowed his head for her again: she pressed her lips onto his. Unlike the first time, he didn't taste like a joint anymore, but rather like salt dissolved in fresh water. He hadn't broken out a sweat on his brow, but he had exorcised some of that adrenaline out through his body like the work of a wizard. He had even more adrenaline now courtesy of being up on a stage before some several thousand people all the while.
She wasn't the one performing and yet her heart hammered away inside of her chest as well.
His rough hands ran up her back towards the hooks on her bra. They were going to do it right there out in the wilderness, out in the open, out there for all the world to see. And yet they had no one else around them. Her bra loosened and the straps slid down her shoulders a bit.
She gasped at the feeling of his lips against her neck and her collar bones. She could feel his fingers wedged right in between her legs. She shuddered at the feeling, such that he stopped right in place.
“What's wrong?” he asked her in a hushed voice.
“I can't,” she confessed.
“It's okay—I got you covered. I'll walk you right through this. I promise—just follow my lead.”
She then gasped and pulled away from his lips.
“What's the matter?” he asked her.
“I just realized why my mom likes you so much,” she whispered to him.
“What's that?”
“You're like my dad,” she said, to which he stopped what he was doing to her.
“I—I am?”
“Well, you have similar traits as my dad,” she corrected herself. “Between your protection towards me and your dark hair—it makes sense. You remind her of my dad. But then again, that's just a guess. I don't know exactly why she likes you as much as she does. I have to ask her.”
“Next time you and I see her, you gotta,” he insisted.
“Well, duh.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him, and he chuckled at that. He leaned in for another kiss on the lips, one that had a little more power to it that time around. She ran her hands up his back towards the base of his head and those especially soft black ringlets under the bulk of his hair. Even if her mother had a thing for him, she had to make her claim on him. Joey was hers now, there in the trees as Ronnie crooned out to the black sky overhead.
She let go of his lips and she looked right into his serene face, and those closed eyes, now soft and smooth. His skin looked much healthier and more radiant than before. Playing guitar had saved him.
Something moved from the corner of her eye. She glanced over and she spotted Alex right there at the sidewalk with a wounded look on his face: the plume of silver over his brow shone under the ambient light from the castle. She gaped at him, but then he bowed away from there and into the darkness.
Sam returned to Joey and the placid look on his face, just in time for his eyes to open up for her once again.
“You done?” he challenged her, to which she shook her head at him. She brought her lips back for another round with him, but she couldn't hardly shake the look on his face. There was something there with Alex that he wasn't telling her. She had too many questions now as Joey kissed the side of her neck and ran his fingers through her dark hair.
“You seem uncomfortable,” he confessed right into her ear.
“I'm not,” she assured him. “I promise—I'm not.” He moved his head a bit so he could have a better look right into her face.
“You just seem a little bit more tense than normal.”
“It's okay,” she said in a broken voice, “it's okay—I'm just—not used to—doing this outside.”
“Oh, I see—it's alright. It's just us here. Although—the ground is a little bit soggy. Think sump'n bit me, too.”
“Something bit you?”
“Yeah, right on the ass.”
“Sure that was an insect and not my own fingers?” She pinched him right then which in turn made him gasp. Some voices caught her attention.
“I hear people comin', too,” he said.
“I do, too.” He pouted his bottom lip for a few seconds and then he gave his black curls a little flick back with a movement of his head.
“Let's go catch Ronnie, shall we?” he offered her.
“We shall.”
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
The Whipped Cream Incident
McDanno, 3k, A03, M
Summary:  Pretty much what it says on the tin... the story of the whipped cream incident, as referred to in Risky Business (although you don’t have to have read that story to enjoy this one).
Steve’s had just enough whiskey to feel comfortably warm, when for some inexplicable reason, he blurts it out.
 Danny’s eyes go wide, and Steve kind of forgets what he just said.  Danny’s eyes are crazy blue right now, picking up the color of his shirt.  He takes Steve’s breath away.  
 Danny moves closer to Steve, poking him with a finger until he focuses.  “Steven. What are you talking about? Slowly, this time.  Like a human.”
 Steve aims a serious look at Danny. He loves it when Danny pretends Steve is a Neanderthal.  It’s charming.  “I just said I hadn’t done it before you, that’s all.”
 Danny narrows his baby blues at Steve. “Done what?”
 “Sex with a guy.”  Steve doesn’t understand why Danny looks so surprised. He’d thought it had been pretty obvious, what with being completely closeted for so many years, and most of those in the military.
 Danny abruptly stands up.  “You maybe should have mentioned this,” he says, waving an arm around.  “We’ve been together for weeks.  Months-”
 “One month, three weeks, two days,” Steve corrects him.  “If you count from that first kiss in the hospital.  If you count from when we got to Kono’s-”
 Danny glares at him.  “You should have said something.”  
 “Why?  Does it matter?”  Steve pushes down a pang of hurt.  
 A look that Steve absolutely cannot interpret flashes across Danny’s face, and then Danny shakes his head and sighs.
 “No, of course not.  Of course not.  But we will be talking about this later.  When we are less…”  Danny waves his hand around, apparently indicating their general state of inebriation.
 Steve grins, nodding.  Fine with him.  Danny grabs Steve’s hand and pulls him upright.  Steve presses himself up against Danny’s muscled chest and is rewarded with a long, whiskey sloppy kiss.
 “Mmm,” Danny says, briefly going boneless against him.  “Let’s go upstairs and lie down before we fall down, sound good?”  
 Steve drapes an arm around Danny’s waist as they make haste towards the stairs.  “Aye aye, sir.”
In the morning, Steve wakes early and goes for a swim, as he usually does.  Unfortunately instead of clearing his mind, it gives him too much time to think.
 He doesn’t really believe Danny could be mad at him for not being experienced with guys.  But it could be something related, something about identity, and that’s always a hard subject, especially for Steve, who has avoiding thinking about it for most of his life.
 Although Danny has always played it close to the chest too.  As far as Steve knows, none of their friends or teammates knew that Danny was bi until he and Steve got together.  
 Danny has told Steve about how he dated a guy in college, and he and Danny spent one memorable evening on the beach talking about their male celebrity crushes, but Steve has never volunteered many details about his own sexual history.  There’s not much to tell, at least not where guys are concerned.
 When Steve gets back to shore Danny is there, smiling softly as he hands him the towel Steve left on the sand.
 “Morning, handsome,” Danny says, stretching up to kiss Steve’s damp face.  
 Steve feels a rush of warmth, and bumps his shoulder against Danny’s as they walk back to the house.  Danny’s not mad, of course not.  Although the fact that Danny’s already got breakfast laid out on the table on the lanai may be a signal that they’re about to have a <i>talk.</i>  Steve figures he might as well head it off, so they can get back to enjoying their weekend.
 “I’m sorry if you got the wrong idea, but it’s true.  I’ve never had sex with a guy before.”
 “Okay,” Danny says mildly, sitting down at the table and stirring some sugar into his coffee.
 “Why did you think I did?”
 Danny stretches out his feet in front of him.  “I’ve been trying to figure that out.  I think it was when we were at Kono’s, one of those first nights, sitting outside in her backyard.  Remember?”
 Steve thinks back fondly to the misty garden behind Kono’s little Seattle home.  “Yeah, I remember.”
 “We were kissing,” Danny says, “and you said you forgot the feel of it.”  Danny leans over and rubs Steve’s cheek with the back of his hand. “Stubble, you said something like you forgot what it felt like to kiss someone with stubble, but you liked it.” Danny cups his hand around Steve’s jaw and smiles.  “So we kissed some more.”
 Steve feels himself blush.  “I did like it.”  He takes a sip from coffee that Danny has left black, just as he prefers. “And I have kissed guys before. Two, actually.”
 “But you never went any further, is that it?”
 Steve nods.  “Yeah.  One was in high school – just a make-out session under the bleachers, very cliché. He wouldn’t give me the time of day the next morning in class, and then I moved to the mainland not long afterwards.”
 “And the second?”
 Steve shrugs.  “Another teams guy.  Years and years ago.  We actually probably would have gone further, we were drunk and stupid with it, but we got interrupted.”
 Danny looks concerned.  “Did you get into trouble?”
 “Nah, no one saw anything.  But it put the fear of god into me, you know? I couldn’t let DADT ruin my career.”
 “So you stuck to women.”
 “Or, you know, just doing my job.”
 Danny looks sad for a moment, and Steve braces himself for another round of <i>poor Steve, he doesn’t let anybody in, too focused on his work to find someone to love,</i> but Danny doesn’t go there.
 “But you, um, you like what we’ve been doing?”
 Steve hears it then, the slight echo of insecurity in Danny’s voice.  Danny hadn’t realized he was leading this charge, that it had been on him, to the extent such a thing was even necessary, to make sure they did things right, and now he’s worried.  Classic Danny.
 He gets up and pulls Danny out of his chair, winding his arms around Danny’s fantastic shoulders.  “I love <i>everything</i> we do together,” he says, letting his voice rumble low into Danny’s ear.  “I wouldn’t have picked anyone else to take my boy-virginity.”
 As intended, this makes Danny laugh out loud, and Steve ducks in to kiss him while his mouth is still open. Danny responds enthusiastically and starts to tug Steve inside.
 “What about the pancakes?”  Steve asks, trying to keep kissing Danny while stumbling into the house.
 “We can reheat them,” Danny says.
 “Hypocrite,” Steve gasps out, as Danny shoves Steve’s swim trunks off his hips and tosses them onto the couch. “You never want to microwave pancakes.”
 “Is that really the conversation you want to be having right now?”  Danny asks, looking up at Steve from where he’s crouched down on the floor, sliding his hands enticingly along Steve’s bare thighs.
 “Just saying,” Steve insists, even as his breath flies out of him in response to the heat of Danny’s mouth on his cock.
 Danny rolls his eyes with his mouth still busy, which is quite a sight, and Steve lets the banter go in favor of letting out a nice, long moan.  He loves when Danny sucks him off, and loves sucking Danny off.  And Danny seems to love it too, giving and receiving.  It’s a sucking off love fest.
 Afterwards, lying on the floor in the living room while the air slowly heats up with the morning sun, the rug underneath them slightly scratchy against Steve’s skin, Danny rolls towards Steve and props himself up on an elbow.
 “I have a confession to make,” Danny says.
 Steve mirrors Danny.  “Oh?”
 “I assumed, you, um, had more experience with guys than I did.”
 “Well, I don’t,” Steve says, wondering why they’re going over this again.
 “No, I mean…”  Danny flops over on his back and throws an arm over his eyes. “I honestly don’t know if I can even say this.”
 “Because words are usually so hard for you.”
 Danny kicks a foot in Steve’s direction, and Steve pins it with his leg.  He rolls over and flops on Danny’s chest, sticking his tongue out to taste the sweat trickling in between Danny’s well defined pecs.
 “Are you trying to distract me?” Danny asks.
 “Maybe you’re distracting me.”
 Danny huffs out a laugh and slides a hand up and down Steve’s back.  “Okay, whatever, just…”  Danny takes a breath and then his words come out in a rush.  “I think I was sort of waiting for you to take the lead with some stuff, even though that’s dumb, but maybe you were waiting for me to do it, and I want you to be, you know, good with stuff, with us together, and, yeah, I don’t even know.”
 Steve peels Danny’s arm off his face and looks him in the eyes.  “Danny, I am absolutely good with stuff, with us.  If you’re worried that you’ve somehow pushed me into anything-”
 “No, that’s not it.”
 “Well, you haven’t.”  Steve squints at Danny.  “Is it the opposite?  Are you bored?”  Steve has been pretty satisfied with what they do in bed – or out of it – handjobs and blowjobs and various forms of rutting up against each other.  It’s always fun, and sexy, and he has no complaints whatsoever.
 Danny barks out a cackle, and then sits up, grabbing Steve’s discarded swim trunks and throwing them at his head. “No, you crazy person, I’m not bored.”
 “But you think I’m too vanilla?” Steve asks, loving the way Danny’s face flushes pink at this.
 “No, you’re not, what does that even mean, we’re grown-ass men,” Danny protests, his blush intensifying.
 “Grown-ass men can have fun, too,” Steve says, waggling his eyebrows.
 “I love how you think that face belongs in this conversation,” Danny says, but he’s smiling happily back at Steve. “And I didn’t mean you were too vanilla, whatever hipster meaning that has, but if you want to do other stuff, you know, we could, that’s all.”  Danny’s clearly more than a little uncomfortable about this conversation, but he’s powering through.
 Steve is intrigued, and more than that, ridiculously charmed by Danny, even in the middle of what should be an awkward talk about sex.  Every day he falls further for this guy.  “Come shower with me, I’ll show you how much fun grown-ass men can have,” Steve says, getting to his feet and reaching down to pull Danny up.  It’s the weekend.  They can mess around all day, if they want.  This is his life now, and he loves it.
 “Yeah?”  Danny asks.  “Okay. But only if we can take more than three minutes.  I’m not interested in one of your ridiculous Navy showers.”
 Steve grins and gives Danny a lecherous wink.  “I’ll do my best.  Age does have its benefits.”  Steve ignores Danny’s groan in favor of pinching his naked butt as they run up the stairs.
The next morning, Steve is in the kitchen putting away groceries when Danny comes downstairs.  Danny’s just finished his shower, and he’s naked except for a towel slung low around his hips.  It’s a really good look.  
 Steve grins to himself, checking to make sure that the supplies he selected are within easy reach, and turns to Danny.
 “Morning, handsome,” Danny says, walking right into Steve’s arms for a kiss.
 “Look who’s talking,” Steve rumbles into Danny’s mouth.  Danny is warm all over from his shower, and he smells great, clean and fresh but still himself underneath.  Steve spreads his legs and leans back against the sink, pulling Danny in close.  
 “Didja miss me?”  Danny asks, resting his weight against Steve and wrapping his arms around his shoulders.  Steve can feel the moisture from Danny’s damp chest through his t-shirt.
 “Always,” Steve says.  He nips at Danny’s ear, and Danny hums, pressing his towel wrapped hips enticingly up against Steve’s body.  “Wanna take this upstairs?”
 Danny tilts his head back and gazes up at Steve.  “I’m good,” he says, humor pulling at his lips.  
 Okay then, Steve thinks, looking around his sunny kitchen as all the blood in his body rushes south.  Might work better, anyway.  He twists to the side, which brings certain very interested parts of his body into even closer contact with Danny’s.
 “I bought something,” Steve says, or tries to, his breath catching as Danny sucks a kiss into the side of his neck.
 “Yeah?” Danny asks, still concentrating on Steve’s neck, sliding lower to get to the tender skin just under his collarbone before pulling back for a moment to strip Steve’s t-shirt off.
 The pause gives Steve a chance to reach into the bag on the counter, and he pulls out a bottle of whipped cream, presenting it to Danny with a smile.
 “Oh no, you did not,” Danny says, his eyes going bright with interest.  “Is that for…?”
 “Ice cream sundaes,” Steve replies, trying not to smile.
 “Right.”  Danny slides his hands up Steve’s chest, his fingertips giving extra attention to his pecs and nipples.  “Sundaes.”  Danny flicks at a nipple, and Steve gasps as Danny quickly soothes it with his tongue.
 “Danny,” Steve breathes out, one hand sliding down Danny’s body as Danny turns his attention to his other nipple. Soon he’s sucking at one while he flicks rhythmically at the other.  Steve shudders.
 “You like this, don’t you?” Danny whispers, his breath hot on Steve’s skin.  Steve doesn’t answer, but he figures the way he’s practically panting and trying to worm his way into Danny’s skin probably does the trick.
 Steve gives in to it, head tilting back, body on fire.  He’s not sure what Danny is trying to accomplish, but he definitely likes it. He whines a little as Danny straightens back up, his mouth tracing kisses up Steve’s chest.
 “Fuck,” Steve says.  “Danny…”  The towel around Danny’s hips slips to the floor as Steve gets a grip on Danny’s ass, giving him a squeeze.
 Danny grunts his appreciation, then leans back as his hands fall to Steve’s waist.  “Let’s get rid of these.”  He tugs at the denim.  “I think they’re in the way.”
 Steve nods and Danny goes to work on Steve’s jeans, popping the button and easing the zip down until he can get his hand on Steve’s cock.  Damn, that feels good.
 “So,” Danny says, almost conversationally, as he strokes Steve, “what are your plans for the whipped cream, hm?”
 Steve has pretty much forgotten about the whipped cream bottle he’s still gripping in his right hand, and he struggles to get the top off of it as Danny continues to palm his dick and whisper low and rough into his ear.
 “Gonna spray it somewhere?” Steve sucks in a breath as Danny’s hand twists a little as he comes up over the tip.  “Gonna spray it on me, and then lick it up?” Danny growls, licking a stripe up Steve’s neck as if in anticipation.
 Steve hasn’t really thought through what, exactly, was going to happen with the whipped cream, but spraying it on Danny was the general idea.  He can’t get the right angle on the bottle, though, not while Danny is doing <i>that thing</i> to him that makes him shake, but he’s trying, holding it behind Danny’s shoulders so he can get both hands on it.
 “Or maybe I should put it on you,” Danny says, his hand slowing, just holding gently now.  Steve groans and thrusts up into Danny’s hand, not wanting him to stop.  “I could put a little dab just here,” Danny runs a finger along Steve’s length, and then suck you down-”
 Just then, three things happen in quick succession.
 An all too familiar voice shouts in surprise from the doorway.
 Danny’s hips thrust hard against Steve’s.
 And Steve sprays the kitchen, and a very shocked Junior, with whipped cream.
 By the time they regain their wits, Junior is long gone, shouting “I didn’t see anything, oh my god, sirs, I’m sorry, I saw nothing, I’m leaving!”  They hear the front door slam, and stare at each other, before breaking out into uncontrollable laughter.  Danny slides his hands out of Steve’s pants and sinks to the floor, curled up over his stomach as he gasps for air, and Steve falls down next to him.
 “You’re naked,” Steve finally says, sucking in a breath, and Danny looks down at himself, sitting on the floor starkers, and cackles.
 “I know!”
 “Junior saw you-”
 “I know!”
 “With the whipped…��
 “I know!”
 There’s a clinking sound and they see Eddie, who has cornered the bottle of whipped cream up against his water bowl and is licking it clean.  There’s whipped cream on the kitchen island, and on the floor, and a little bit in Danny’s hair.  Steve reaches out a finger and wipes it off, Danny glaring at him and then grabbing Steve’s finger and sticking it in his own mouth.
 Steve grins, and then reality sneaks back in.  His attempt at taking the lead and spicing things up between them didn’t exactly go as planned.
 “I’m sorry, Danny,” he says ruefully.
 “For what?”  Danny has found a splatter of whipped cream on Steve’s shoulder and is smearing it with his finger.
 “I’m sure you didn’t exactly want Junior to see you, all, you know…”
 “Butt naked and jerking off my boyfriend?”  Danny asks, grinning at Steve.  “It’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
 “You’re not upset?”
 “Do I seem upset?  Why should I be, ‘cause Junior saw my ass?  I have an awesome ass, and an awesome boyfriend. Junior’s gonna be jealous, but I can handle it.”
 Steve catches Danny’s gaze, and sees nothing but fond amusement and steady love.  “You’re really okay with this?”  Steve waves his hand, indicating the general state of disaster that is the morning’s attempt at sexytimes.
 “Are you kidding?  This is the most fun I’ve ever had.  And-” Danny stretches over and retrieves the can of whipped cream, “if you don’t mind a little dog spit, I’m pretty sure the can isn’t empty.”
 Steve laughs again, batting the can out of Danny’s hand, and planting a fierce kiss on his boyfriend’s lips, which taste deliciously of whipped cream.  It’s the most fun Steve’s ever had, too.  And he doesn’t think it’s anywhere near over.
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sovio-studio · 4 years
To understand a ghost kid
[Maddie decides to interrogate Phantom in a final effort to discover his ghost obsession. The conversation ends up taking a more emotional turn than she expected]
"You won't be getting out anytime soon. That's a new anti ghost-power design."
Danny struggled in the luminous green net for a few seconds more before ultimately resigning with a sigh.
"I thought things were going well! You haven't tried to capture me for months."
His mother seemed surprised at his remark. She probably hadn't thought he'd paid much attention to their truce, thanks to her prejudices about ghosts not having emotions all together. However, she composed herself quickly as usual.
"A deal is a deal, I don't plan to harm you this time."
"This time?"
She ignored him. "I need to ask you some questions?"
"Then just ask me! No need for the stupid net." He retorted, pushing against the net once more.
"The net is a precaution. I can't have you running away before you can answer."
"Geez what kinda question is this?"
"It's about your origins. How you died to be more precise"
"Oh… oh! My er-" He settled uncomfortably onto the ground in a cross legged position, despite the net. This would be interesting. "Why do you need to know about that anyway?"
"We've recently been trying to make connections between ghosts, their obsessions, and their deaths. Majority we have solid hypotheses, and a couple we've even confirmed." Now that, Danny was curious about. They actually managed to track down who some of his enemies were before death?
"Go on." She seemed surprised but excited by his will to listen.
"Ghosts come from a range of eras which comes across in their mannerisms, and their passion at time of death is their obsession, which becomes more warped overtime. Whether it be passion as in love or their career, or as in revenge or desperate wants."
Maddie paused her pacing and glanced over to see if he was still listening. He was. She continued, now stood resolutely still.
"You are one of the very few anomalies we found"
"How so?"
He could guess.
"You have no indicators of how you died. Not only do you use modern speech and even slang, you wear a modern hazmat suit, that looks strikingly like ours at that."
That's cause it is.
"So I have two questions. When did you die, and what's your obsession?"
Danny wasn't sure if she was pausing for an answer or not. It was likely her way of testing his cooperativeness, but he had a question of his own.
"I appreciate your curiosity but this doesn't seem like the kind of thing you'd go through the trouble of trapping me for. Why do you really want to know this?"
Maddie walked closer to the net, her calm pace and lack of a weapon showing the gain of trust the two had gotten over the months, even if it wasn't perfect.
"That's pretty simple: I'm a scientist. I do research. And while I can't do physical tests on you as I originally wanted, I can at least do as much research as I can into how ghosts work without that. And your obsessions are extremely important to this." She leaned down towards him as he was still on the floor and pointed a finger upwards, like a teacher telling off a preschooler. Danny bit back an amused smirk. "You seem to break the clear rules that have worked just fine so far, so what I need to know is why."
"You didn't say anything about me breaking any rules."
Maddie stood back up straight and crossed her arms, Danny carefully stood up to join her as she talked.
"You've broken a few. The main being that you seem to have no obsession. My first assumption was that your heroics where just that. It would explain your desperate need to help people and likely meant your last moments involved saving someone, or wishing to be saved yourself."
That made Danny think. Had he wished someone could save him back during the accident? It was a pretty likely reaction considering how much that amount of energy had hurt, but he'd never considered it actually altering his perception or feelings.
"But," his mother's continuation snapped him back to the present, "I ruled that out. In most cases ghosts will stop at nothing to stick to their obsessions, including contradicting other aspects of themselves, or making unlikely alliances, excetera. But while I've observed carefully, every time I've encountered you over the last three weeks, you will often go on unusual tangents."
Based on the look in the ghosts eyes he didn't know what she meant. He likely just hadn't recognised that his own behaviour was unusual. Not surprising, but she couldn't make any judgements until this mystery was resolved.
"In short, you aim to help people, but will go off elsewhere to finish a fight, or alternate between fights. You've also paused battles altogether to chat or tease your opponent. And how frequently you are late and disappear after or during fights or helping people. Whatever the reasons for that are, a ghost typically should follow their obsession no matter what, and at all times. In other words, you can get distracted which isn't right."
Not right for ghosts at least. It was definitely more of a human trait, but she left that out.
"So what's your next theory? Or do you have some explanation in mind for why I'm different?" Maddie looked intently back at Phantom to see an incredibly focused expression that was rare on the young spirit. He was strongly invested in this topic, but she couldn't tell why. Did he know something she didn't that had an impact on her theories?
"I had a couple other hypotheses for your obsession that fell through for basically the same reasons." She crouched down to unpin the net, carefully slinging it off of him. She was confident he wouldn't leave at this point. He watched it fall and smiled gratefully, but didn't try to move. "That's why I decided to ask you personally. Though I wasn't sure it'd be something you were willing to talk about."
"Why, because it supposedly involved my death?" He promotes. She hadn't expected him to be so blunt about it but,
"Yes, mostly. Do you actually have any memory of it? If you don't mind me asking?" Honestly that was the question she had wanted to start with. Phantom merely looked away in thought. Not as if he was avoiding it or recalling something, more like he was contemplating. Perhaps he was deciding how to explain.
"I… I remember having a family. And friends." He finally responded. She didn't fill the silence between his sentences hoping he'd add more detail. "I was just, erm, 14, and there was… an accident. It involved an explosion. Of sorts."
"An explosion?" That was awfully dramatic for just a child's death. He looked a little older than 14, but that part was sure believable.
"It was um, not a big one. A device in our home malfunctioned and I just happened to be around it at the time. It was a mistake." If it was an accident how could it also be a mistake? He was definitely leaving out some details but she couldn't bring herself to pry. This was clearly a touchy subject, for obvious reasons.
"So you do remember." He seemed to be startled back into reality and he looked back up at her, the energetic green glow she hadn't noticed had been gone until just now quickly coming back into his eyes.
"Yeah- sort of. It's a little fuzzy."
"Does anything about what you remember give us any clues to what your obsession is?" In other words, what he thought about right before death. That part of the question didn't need saying for him to seemingly pick up on it.
"I don't know exactly, no, sorry. I'm as curious as you are to be honest."
"What about? Your obsession or your death?"
"Both?" Phantom answered vaguely with a shrug.
Maddie had also secretly been digging for any strange circumstances around his death. If they couldn't find a plausible obsession, maybe they could find the reason he didn't have one instead. But his description sounded pretty normal. A household accident. An electrical glitch most likely. While it wasn't a common cause of death it wasn't as erratic as getting mauled while illegally hunting a rare species or burning your house down with you inside it over a guy. There was nothing to go off there, except…
Maybe she'd have to pry a little after all.
"You said it was a mistake?" Danny pouted at the tricky question.
He'd carefully spun his freak portal accident into a more believable and unrelated tale. She'd managed to catch his little slip up after he had dazed off into the memory, but at this point he'd stick to his half-truth story. He wasn't a very good liar after all.
"It was my fault really. I wanted to show my friends something cool but we shouldn't have been there at all. At least it wasn't either of them that got hurt because of me."
He could tell she was a little frustrated at how vague he was being, but any further would be too much. He stopped there.
"Maybe regret has something to do with it?" After a long moment of awkward silence Maddie eventually resigned back to her theories. "Regret that you went somewhere you shouldn't, or more likely, regret that you died young."
Danny was a little startled by her conclusion. She'd said that last couple words so clearly; she was sure of this.
Phantom's reaction only made her feel more strongly that this was the one. It actually explained so much. He acted like a teenager: he was up to date on what kids are into and how they talk, plus he acts just like a kid often. Getting distracted all the time actually complimented this obsession instead of contradicting it. His whole heroics act wasn't really that much of an act, because that was just his innocent moral compass, that he miraculously maintained in death thanks to desperately wanting to continue living out his teenage years like his friends could. It's why he seemed so human. He practically still was one because his obsession was to remain human or 'alive', and making the most of his second chance at existing. It wasn't an exact answer but it was too clear now to argue with.
Maddie turned to the ghostly teenager. She could see him in a slightly different light now that she knew his drive really wasn't secretly malicious after all. Not that she'd truly believed that recently anyway.
"You seem pretty human sometimes, Phantom" she commented, smiling.
Phantom looked up at her suddenly and his eyes widened a little. He stared at her for a long moment, seeming nervous. After a moment, he blinked and wiped the expression off his face, but his shoulders still looked tense.
"Yeah. I think that has something to do with your obsession. It's the only good explanation for your more unexplainable behaviour ironically." Maddie admitted.
“Ah.” Phantom’s tension eased and he looked down at the floor. His eyes seemed tired... He didn't look relieved, more… disheartened? Had he been expecting something else? And had he wanted to hear that or not, as neither reaction had been positive. She resorted to asking a question she never thought she'd be asking a ghost. Let alone one she spent half a year trying to catch and examine.
"Are you okay?" Danny heard Maddie ask, her strongest motherly tone coming through clearly now. He didn't look up at her yet, afraid he'd see her concerned expression and just break character completely.
"I'm alright, thanks. It's just been a slightly different conversation than I expected."
"Alright. I suppose this topic is hard on you. I know you might not think you can trust me but I'm here to talk if you need it okay?"
Danny smiled. She'd said this to him a million times before. "I know mom. Thanks."
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Curtain. (iii)
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Carol (2015) fanfiction
Pt: 1 | 2
Word Count: 1,884
"Hey, T, you alright?" Dannie said as they got back to Therese's place. He leaned against the wall as she struggled to get her keys out.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, ya seemed a bit distracted during dinner. Did something happen? Was it Richard?"
Therese hesitated in answering as her hand halted on the door knob. Sure, Richard was always a pain in her ass. Their respective jobs kept them apart, thank God, but Therese was never the keenest on keeping exes in her circle of friends. In this case she had no choice.
"Yeah, kind of. I mean, he's always been a misogynistic asshole, don't you think? I can only handle him for so long at any given time," Therese said, breezing inside with an air of nonchalance. Dannie wasn't having any of it as he followed her.
"Or was it a certain blonde boss that was keeping you from enjoying the night?" he asked as he followed her up the stairs.
"Shut up, Dannie," Therese quipped back without looking at him. "I'm stressed, alright? You might get a bit of a break now that the show's done, but I've got a new job coming up and that shit's never easy."
"Right, sorry, T, I didn't mean to upset you."
Therese sighed as they got to her door, turning to face him. "No, it's okay. I'm being weird, I know. It's just... well, sometimes I get confused, y'know? Like I just don't know what I want, and I get swept up in all these things and people around me, and I can't say no to any of it. Now what am I doing? I'm barely out, and barely paying my rent, and not doing the jobs I originally wanted to do. I never planned to be an art teacher of any kind. And it all just piles up."
She was staring at the ground, brows furrowed as she thought things through. Though she wouldn't tell Dannie the real aggressor of her overloaded thoughts was in fact the director, it was the only thing truly on her mind. She hadn't looked at anyone properly or found anyone as attractive as the blonde woman who she didn't even know the first name of. It scared her.
Two strong arms wrapped around Therese firmly and Dannie hugged her during her brief ruminating session.
"I can't imagine what it's like, T," he said, his chin on her hair. "I know it's probably tough, Phil's had a hell of a ride with figuring himself out and that took a toll on him. You've had it almost worse in my opinion, cause it took being with a shithead like Richard-"
Therese snorted.
"... to make you realize that you deserve more, and better."
"Being gay is the best thing in the world," Therese sighed. "But also the worst. No girls I look at ever know what they want. Or what they like. Or they're just experimenting. And, you know, homophobia..."
"Yeah, but girls."
"Yeah. Girls," Therese cracked a smile and Dannie did too. He bumped her arm playfully and she opened her apartment door.
"You wanna come inside for a drink?"
"Nah, I better head home. Phil's probably done his shift so I gotta make sure he eats at least something other than Redbull before he crashes on the bed."
"Let me know if you need anything, okay? I'm just a call away."
"I know, Dannie. Thank you."
"Goodnight T, have some sweet... blonde... dreams!"
Therese tried to swing her purse at him but missed as her best friend went cackling down the stairs.
September - before the first day
"Oh, Miss Belivet, is it?" asked the elderly lady at the front desk. Therese nodded, pulling at her skirt, her bag swung over her shoulder as she stood by the reception desk of the school- her new school.
She'd been working tirelessly the past week to really get herself in order. She even had a plan for the kids; themes accompanied with the crafts, and lessons in the art they were doing, not just mindless cutting and glueing. God, she definitely wasn't getting paid enough for this. Therese hoped her work would at least be appreciated.
"I was called to see the school today with Mrs... Robichek, I think it was?"
"Yes, you're right, I'll just page her down."
Therese waited by the receptionist, wandering a bit as she took in the school's architecture. Despite its clear technological advances of the relatively up-to-date phones, computers and printers, the school itself still had an old architectural feel to it, like something out of the 50s. The floors had a horrendous tiled pattern and the walls' pale green colours had faded into something ghastly.
Shuffling caught her attention and Therese turned to see a small, old lady with thick framed glasses in the doorway of the office. Though she looked just as ghastly as the school's design, she had a peppy smile on her face.
"Welcome, Theresa," she began. Therese's own smile faltered a little but she couldn't be bothered to correct her new colleague. Robichek, or Ruby as she introduced herself, gave Therese a tour of the small but well-regarded school.
"Now, you've got it easy, Theresa dear. You'll just need to be here everyday after school, no need for those 8am calls! Hah!"
Therese zoned out a bit as she watched the janitors and teachers bustle about the school, preparing for the new year and welcoming all the kids. Teachers with boxes filled with notebooks and markers. Desks being shuffled around and moved. The janitors cleaning the windows and floors thoroughly, making the tiles shine so brightly it gave Therese a headache.
"Here we are," Ruby suddenly piped up, entering a small classroom. Therese did a full turn once inside, noting the sink at the back of the room, handy, she thought. A selection of about 20 seemingly unused easels were propped up against the far wall, making Therese's hands itch with excitement.
"Now, usually this is Mr. Tucker's classroom. After 3pm, you've got it for yourself. You won't be allowed to move or touch his desk, but do whatever you like with the rest of the set up, as long as you move it back at the end of the day."
"What does Mr. Tucker teach?"
"Hm? Oh, during the school day he teaches the eighth graders, mainly. He's also coach and teaches gym, so he barely uses this room for his own things; that's what the gym office is for."
Therese wandered around the room for a bit, wondering if she was invading someone's space by being here. But no, she was only playing babysitter for kids after school. Administration insisted it still needed a curricular focus, according to Ruby, that's why they wanted an art-focused program rather than just letting kids waste their time for an hour or two.
"Between you and me, I think they're also doing it so they can cut some of the art funding during the regular day. This is technically outside of school hours so they don't have to worry about it, but they still count it as the curriculum being met," Ruby scoffed. Therese hummed in response, knowing how little arts were appreciated in schools nowadays, especially for younger years.
"Well, I think that's it, my dear! There's room in the teacher's lounge for your things once you start tomorrow. You needn't worry about taking up anyone's space, so do what you like."
"Thank you, Mrs. Robichek."
"Not a problem."
"Can I ask one question though? Where are all the art supplies?"
"Ah, that. Well. You see, I'm afraid this is as much as you're gonna get. It's an art club, Miss Belivet. The school board isn't going to be buying supplies for you."
With that, Mrs. Robichek walked out, leaving Therese to her own devices. She wandered about, checking the drawers in the cabinets and by the sink. A box of broken crayons and old Crayola markers was all she found. Some scissors, half a pack of construction paper, a couple glue sticks... The only real asset were the easels at the back of the room. Someone probably funded those with good intention, but no one seemed interested to use them properly.
As she crouched by the sink, rummaging through the last few piles of flimsy paper and boxes, the door opened. In walked a beanpole of a man- thin glasses framing his beady eyes. He was dressed in a suit that seemed to hang off of his body, old and boring in every way. He had a box in hand that he set on the desk before noticing Therese at the other end of the room.
"Who are you?" he asked immediately. This, Therese assumed, was Mr. Tucker.
"Oh, hello, Mr. Tucker. I'm Therese Belivet, I'm-,"
"The new art teacher, yes I know. I suppose we're sharing this classroom for the year, hm?"
Therese nodded bleakly as she got up, a forgotten glue stick in hand.
"I'll have you know I have a very strict way with my things, Miss Belivet. I will not allow you to move anything off of my desk. This need for art after school nonsense is ridiculous in my opinion, but I will mostly be in my separate office by the gym. Do what you like with those things,"  he nodded to the easels, "but don't make a mess of my classroom."
Therese was stumped by the man's arrogance and haughty behaviour so she clasped her hands in front of her instinctively, like she was a student back at boarding school. "Of course, sir."
He gave her a pointed look, not moving from his spot. Understanding the cue, Therese hurried out the classroom as fast as her feet would carry her.
God, what a weasel of a man, she thought, taking a breather as she headed back to the main office. She wouldn't be needed until 3pm the next day, which opened up her mornings nicely. She waved goodbye to the receptionist, who she learned was named Patricia, and walked out in the late summer evening air.
Therese hurried to get a cab, texting Dannie on her way back to her apartment.
met 3 new colleagues today. 1/3 was actually bearable
Dannie replied within a few minutes.
no shit, eh? what are they like?
receptionist is nice, does her job and didn't ask any questions. this one other lady teacher seems to be like everyone's overbearing grandma (good thing she teaches kindergarten i guess??) oh and the last guy seems like a total creep- really uptight
what does he teach?
gym. he's the coach of whatever teams they can even have here. it's such a small school.
damn, he's not ripped is he? if he creeps you again i could take him down, maybe.
lol nah he's a stick more than anything. doesn't seem to like me, or art for that matter. i have to share a classroom with him.
bummer. maybe paint the walls a sick fluorescent magenta? that might send him a message. kids would enjoy it too
Therese snorted at her phone, though the message gave her an idea. She hastily sent a reply to Dannie before directing the cab to the nearest art supply store.
A/N: Two updates in one day. I couldn’t help myself :3 Hope you like it folks. It won’t be long until our two leading ladies meet, I promise.
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Bring your family to work day, it’ll be fun they said.
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This came to me one night, have been going back and forth about posting it... youll understand when you get to the end. ;)  Warning: The rating gets hotter the longer you read. . . Shall I shamefully suggest not reading this in a public area, not that you should be out and about right now. 
. . . . 
"So how are you liking the tour so far?" You look across the lunch table at your kid sister.
"It's pretty cool, can we go to the armoury next? Or the morgue?" She jumps up and down on her seat with excitement.
You can't help but roll your eyes. For a barely teenager she is very interested in the harder more gruesome side of your job. Always asking about the dead bodies. "Mum suggested you see a therapist yet?" You laugh and she just pokes out her tongue.
"Funny! I'm just curious, that's all." She bites into her sandwich.
"Planning any murders that I should know about?" You flick through the magazine you found on the table when you sat down. Some trash mag.
"Nothing I'm going to tell you about." You look up to see her smirk and you huff out a laugh. That's when Jack walks in, you smile at each other as she walks past to the refrigerator. "You going to introduce me?"
"You going to be semi polite?" You fire back and hear Jack's laugh from behind your left shoulder. You could pick out that laugh in a crowded, loud room. It always made you smile.
"She carrying?"
"Only my whip smart personality." Jack interjects and you laugh. Your sister, Taylor, just roles her eyes. You feel Jack come up beside you before you can see her. "Agent Jacqueline Sloane and who might you be?" She places one hand on her hip and the other on the back of your chair, you can feel her body heat and it takes everything in you not to lean in closer.
"Taylor L/N, Agents Y/n sister." Talyor shoots out her hand and Jack takes it with a short, firm shake.
"Nice to meet you Taylor. Enjoying your day at NCIS?" The microwave beeps and Jack moves and you instantly miss her closeness, Taylor must notice your change in behaviour and she raises an eyebrow at you.
"Sure am, we are about to go see the armory or morgue." She grins her cheeky, I'm smarter than you are grin.
"I never confirmed that." You shoot at her and take a sip of your coffee.
"You never said no either." Her grin only getting bigger.
"She's got you there." Jack's back, this time taking a seat next to you.
"You're not meant to be helping her, Jack." It almost comes out as a growl as your squint your eyes slightly at your friend.
"Wait, you're Jack?" Taylor eyes beam and you shoot her a warning and shocked glare.
"Okay, time to go. Lunch break is over." It bursts out way to quickly and coolly. Jack looks between you both and her eyes land back on the person she knows she'll get more information out of. Taylor.
"Yes, my friends call me that. Why?" She's got her smirk on her face, the one that you usually find tantalising and sexy but right now it's going to get you killed.
"It's nothing, come on Taylor. Let's leave Agent Sloane to her lunch." You get up and tug on Taylor's shoulder a bit to roughly and she shrugs you off. If only you had your gun.
"I'll come only if we go to the armory or-"
"The morgue, fine, fine. I'll see what Jimmy's up to. Now get your arse up and mouth shut." Taylor does as she is told, almost. Jack is eyeing you suspiciously. She won;t let this go.
"She just mentioned having a huge crush on someone named Jack that she works with." Taylor shoots over her shoulder as you two are almost out of the room. You instantly freeze, not daring to look back at Jack and you look down at Taylor as she walks off.
"I may leave you with Jimmy. Forever." You grumble, still standing in the doorway to the lunch room. You dare to look back at Jack and see she has a huge, smug grin plastered on her face, her eyes dancing over your features. "Now you have nothing to say?"
"Wasn't sure you were talking to Taylor or me when you mentioned Jimmy." Her laughter laced into every word.
"Right. I better go before Taylor starts telling the whole agency about my personal life." You give Jack a small, embarrassed smile and start walking out the door again.
"Want to grab a drink later?" Jack shouts as you are about to round the corner but you don't stop. Too flustered with what's just happened and too embarrassed to check if that was to you or someone else that had just walked into the room.
You catch up with Taylor in the bullpen where she is talking with Ellie.
"So let me call Jimmy first otherwise we can check out the armory if he's got something going on." You huff and sit down at your desk, Taylor has perched herself on the front, looking across at Ellie's desk.
"Wait you're still going to take me there after I completely embarrassed you in front of Jack?" She hops up and turns around to face you, folding her arms.
"Wait what happened?" Ellie pipes up and walks over to you.
"Oh you know that thing I've kept secret for several months now. My sweet little sister here just blurted it out in front of said person in the lunch room for all to hear." You grumble dialling the phone.
"And?" Ellie's trying her best to look concerned, maybe comforting but her smile keeps growing. She;s the one person on the team you;ve confided in over the secret crush on Jack Sloane. She pointed a few things out that was your give away about the crush and you just let it all out to her one night working late on a case.
"And she never answered if she wants to have drinks with me tonight?" Jack appearred at the side of the bullpen behind Ellie. Both women, Ellie and Taylor, spin around to see Jack and just as you were about to say something Jimmy picks up.
"Thank god. Jimmy, is it alright if I bring my big mouthed, annoying sister down for you to traumatise forever?" You look from Jack, to Taylor and down to your phone.
"I mean that's one good offer there y/n so how could I refuse?"
"Thanks Jimmy, we'll be down in a few." You hang up and are confronted again by everyone looking at you. "I-" You can't find the words as you look over at Jack.
"She'd love to." Taylor pipes up and picks up you hand to drag you to the elevator.
"I swear to god." You grind your teeth and whisper so only Taylor can hear.
"You'll thank me later."
"Or kill you." You mumble and the elevator doors ding.
The rest of the afternoon tour dragged on, Jimmy kept Taylor entertained for a good hour or two while you went back up to work. Thankfully there was a tonne of paper work to get done so Ellie didn't mention anything about earlier when the boys came back in from their lunch break. Taylor, messaged you saying Kasie was taking her on a tour of her lab and she would come up when it was time to go. You finished the last report an hour early and decided to bite the bullet, you;d seen Jack walk past the bullpen twice already, knowing she wanted to ask but didn;t want to in front of everyone. Ellie smirked when you got up and you just shook you head when she was about to say something.
"What is going on?" Nick saw your interaction but you were already half way up the stairs to answer him discreetly.
"None of your business, Nick." You heard Ellie reply, thankful she's still keeping your soon to be found out secret still a secret for now. You walk down the corridor to Jack's office and knock quietly waiting for an answer.
"Come in, y/n." It's like she can ready your mind.
"I don;t even want to know how you knew it is me." You smile and close the door behind you.
"Cause the last three guesses were wrong." You both luagh and you take a seat in the chair across from her desk. "So about-"
"Yeah look, I didn't handle that well. Obviously." You sigh and look up at the ceiling. "Don't feel obligated or anything, I-"
"Have you eve known me to do something I didn't want to do?" You eyes snap back to hers and you see comfort there, maybe even nerves.
You shake your head. "No, so drinks?" a smile starts to curve your lips and your stomach feels like its full of butterflies all over again.
"Think that's what I said." Her sass is back and you can't help but laugh. "No Taylor though."
"Definitely not. I'll drop her off at home and meet you at Danny's around 1800? We can grab some dinner as well if you like?" Jack nods and you get up to leave. "This is a date right?" You turn around just as you reached the door. Jack's already up and closing the distance between you, she stops about a metre short.
"Think that's what the kids are calling it these days." She laughs and you just shake your head with a sigh.
"I need a drink." You murmur and walk out the door.
"I'll buy you a few later." Jack shouts down the hall before she closes her door.
On queue, Taylor arrives at your desk just as you're walking back down from Jack's office and she has a big grin on her face. You motion to her to keep her mouth shut and she just nods. You start packing up your desk.
"Reports done boss, alright if I take Taylor home now?" You look over to Gibbs and he nods.
"Have fun today Taylor?" Gibbs smiles over at your sister.
"A lot, thank you."
"Oh sure, be a nice polite, angel to him."
"He's actually carrying a gun, sis." Everyone laughs and you just shake your head.
"Yeah because the water pistol I just strapped to my side is just for show." You roll your eyes.
"Give it a few more years and I'll want to see an application, ok kid?" Gibbs nods at Taylor.
"Not sure about that Agent Gibbs but thank you. Watch my sisters back out there." You look at her wide eyed. It's probably the first time you've actually heard concern in her voice and her to worry about you and your job.
"Always do." He smiles and gives you a look.
"Alright. Enough emotions for today. Lets go." You wrap your arm around her shoulders and walk to the elevator. "Didn't know you were so worried about me kid?"
"Always am, but someone's gotta tell the mad guys where to shove it." You both laugh and step into the elevator. "You make a time with Jack?" She asks as the door close in front of you.
"Yep, going home to get changed and then going out for drinks and a meal at Danny's."
"Danny's? Really?" You can hear the disgust in her voice.
"Yeah it's where we usually go for work drinks, she likes it. Why?" It's the Agent's local watering hole and when you suggested it you didn't really think too much of it being an official date, date. Now that Taylor's questioning it, you think about reconsidering.
"Seems a bit, dingy for a first date but whatever you are comfortable with."
"Think I should call her and ask if she wants to go somewhere else?" Not the panic is starting to rise, dam Taylor.
"No, it's fine. Don't worry, geez. Be chill. She seems to really like you." The elevator doors open to the lobby and you walk out.
"You met her for like two seconds."
"She came down when Kasie was working on something and showing me stuff. We chatted." She laughs as your face obviously goes bright red with shock. "I only answered what she wanted to know." Taylor puts her hands up in like a surrender position as you unlock your car.
"And what did she want to know?" You mind flashes back to your interaction with Jack in her office, it must've been after she went to see Kasie. The drive home in filled with everything Taylor said to Jack and what she noticed. Thankfully nothing embarrassing was said, Jack just asking what your likes and dislikes are, Taylor giving Jack an interrogation into what her intentions are and you groaned at that.
Taylor didn't let you drop her back home first. She wanted to help you with your outfit. So you drove back to your apartment and Taylor made you feel like your wardrobe needs a massive over haul. Thankfully you eventually decided on burgondy ankle laced boots with black skinny jeans and a deep red blouse to finish. You add on your classic leather jacket and run Taylor out the door because you're running late.
"Have fun." Taylor winks as she closes the door and you watch her walk up the driveway and into the house before you drive off. The ride to Danny's is filled with nerves and they don't fade as you pull into the parking lot. Jack's car is parked further down and you feel relieved she's here first. Checking your face in the rear view mirror you hop out and head into the bar.
"Hey stranger." You smile, hopefully you aren't as flushed as you feel and Jack smiles up at you.
"Oh hey." She gets up and leans in for a hug, something you've both done numerous times before but this time is feels different. "You look very nice." You catch her eyes give you a once over before you sit down. She had picked a table towards the back of the bar, its a small four seater but instead of sitting across from her, like you probably should have, your body sits in the seat closer to her.
"Not too bad yourself." You smirk and you catch her eyebrow raise before you turn your attention to the drinks menu.
"Didn't get a chance to go home unlike you." She knocks her knee against yours.
"Oh, I noticed." You wink at her, unsure what's gotten into you in the last few minutes but you're glad your mouth is more confident that your body feels.
The drinks menu takes your full attention for the next minute before a waitress comes over, you hear her and Jack chat for a bit before you look up to order. If this wasn't a date or something of that nature you probably wouldn't have noticed the way the woman hung around Jack and kept overly smiling at her. But considering this is a date, any person that looked at Jack was going to grind on your nerves.
"How's the drink menu looking?" Jack thankfully noticed when you looked up and smiled over at you, relieving some of that growing jealousy that was brewing. What surprised you was the hand that she placed gently on your knee. Clearly she'd seen the emotions in your eyes and the waitress noticed the hand under the table.
"I'll have a (your favourite drink) thank you." You give the waitress a polite smile and look back over at Jack.
"Want to grab food yet?"
"I'm good if you are." The hint that you want to drag this on longer made Jack smile wider and you couldn't help but do the same.
"In that case I'll get another one of these." Jack  brings up her glass to her lips and nods at the waitress. She takes the hint.
"I'll be back with the drinks." You expect when the waitress walks away that Jack's hand will retreat but it doesn't at least not right away.
"How was your day with Taylor?" To your surprise the conversation is easy, you chat like when the team goes out for drinks except this time in glaringly obvious it's just you and her. You get to spend more time watching her and you expect she;s doing the same. Her hand eventually moves from your knee but then she touches your wrist, your forearm. It's like a branding iron to your skin every time she touches you but she doesn't notice, the action so simple.
The night flows on, you're a few drinks in now, your brain getting fuzzier each sip you take but the food comes out which takes a bit of the edge off. You eat in mostly silence, looking at the TV thats on above the bar and sneaking peaks at Jack who catches you on more than one occasion. Soon the food is gone and Jack's hand is back on your knee, well more like mid thigh. You hold in a groan as she moves her hand millimetres higher.
"So, do you want another drink?" She asks after a few beats of silence.
You look down at your glass, you havent touched it in a while, her hand too distracting to think or do anything else. "Sure, I'll get the next round." You give her a lazy smile that you hope came off as cute. Her hand gently squeezes your thigh before letting go and getting up.
"Deal." She winks and starts walking to the bar.
"Fuck me." You sigh, possibly a bit too loudly but don't notice the falter in Jack's step as she walks up to the bar. Your eyes are on the ceiling, trying to regain some composure as your thigh all of a sudden feels cold.
It doesn't take Jack long at the bar, it's middle of the week so only a few locals are still left. She places your new drink in front of you and sits back down. You notice a spark in her eye that wasn't there when she left. "So what was that about me fucking you?"
The drink that was in your mouth is now sprayed out across the table and thankfully Jack is laughing at your expense because your face has just gone bright red. "You weren't meant to hear that." You wipe your mouth with a serviette and want the floor to swallow you up whole.
"I hear everything, you know that." Her hand runs up your thigh again, this time sitting slightly higher and you realise for the first time tonight she is fully aware of her actions.
"I sure do. So what about those questions you asked my sister today?" You smirked when Jack's face fell and she knew you'd caught her.
"Wow, Taylor really doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut." Jack takes a swig of her drink.
"Yeah because when you first met her she displayed all the trustworthiness that you thought she'd keep your conversation a secret?" Said with a note of obvious sarcasm.
Jack laughs. "Point taken. That ok?" Her cockiness from earlier is stripped away, she's genuinely asking.
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Ok, only im allowed to answer a question with a question."
"Says who?" You get a pinch to the thigh for that but it's totally worth it.
"So you going to finish that drink anytime soon?" Jack looks at the drink you've been swirling in your hand for the past few minutes.
"Maybe, why? We going somewhere?" You smile, the spark lighting in Jack's eyes, her hand placing slightly more pressure on your thigh and you swallow.
Jack leans in slightly. "Well you did make a very good suggestion earlier." It's a whisper which makes you lean in closer.
"What-" You cut yourself short when you look into her eyes, those golden orbs that have all of a sudden gone whiskey brown. You reach down and grab Jack's hand. You both laugh as you get up and you catch the waitress's eye. "Thanks for a good night, ours is about to get a lot better." You throw a few large bills on the table that should cover the nights intake. Jack slaps you on the shoulder with her spare hand as you walk out the door.
"That was petty." There's laughter in her voice.
"Maybe but I wanted to poke her eyes out the way she was looking at you." So the alcohol had definitely gone to your head.
"Someone's possessive."
"That ok?" Jack pulls you by the hand and you tumble into her. Her hand coming up to cup your cheek while the other one is laced in yours. She doesn't say anything, just captures your lips with hers, your free hand grasping at her waist. Her tongue runs along your bottom lip and you grant her access, her tongue gliding along yours at first before she lets go of your hand and her fingers dig into your hair, she takes control, its smooth, fast and spine tingling.
"Guess it was ok." You mumble against her lips as you pull apart far enough to catch your breath.
She laughs and grabs your wrist, tugging you in the direction of a cab thats just pulled up. You slide into the seat beside her, she gives the driver your address and you don't even comment. Her hand still in yours.
"Having a good night ladies?" He looks at you both through the rearview mirror.
"Absolutely." You smile at him and then look over at Jack who is looking out the window. The street lights flying by lighting up her face. The ride to yours is quick, you think for a second that's why she's chosen your place instead of hers and hope that you're right. You quickly pay the driver before Jack reaches for her wallet and hop out the car.
"Have good night." He chuckles, obviously noticing how close you two have been.
Jack follows you up to your apartment on the second floor. You push open the door after a little struggle because she has her arms wrapped around you and it kissing the back of your neck.
"That took you a while..." She hums.
"I wonder why." You drawl and chuck your keys on the table as you walk in, shucking off your jacket and placing it on the chair by the couch, Jack does the same and then turns her attention back to you. "How drunk are you?" It had to be asked. You couldn't go any further thinking she'd sneak out of bed half way through the night and you wouldn't discuss this night ever again.
Jack closes the gap between you. "Enough to know I couldn't drive but not enough to forget about this in the morning when I wake up beside you and do it all over again." She's so smooth and you hope it isn't just the alcohol talking. "You?" Her hands snake around your middle, pulling you closer.
"Enough to question this before going through with it." You drop your lips to hers. Your hand finally getting to thread through her hair and pull her closer. She moans and it eggs you on, you slide your tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss and walking her backwards towards what you hope is your couch. Her knees bump against the couch and she falls back into it and you laugh at her giggles. You follow her down, but she quickly flips you over onto your back and you moan as she kisses down your jawline and neck. Her hands skimming under your top, your hands start roaming and find the hem of her top. She stills, breaking her kiss against your neck which you know it going to leave a mark. "Jack.." You whisper and she kisses your lips, you can tell she trying extra hard to distract your hands and it almost works. Your hands coming up to her neck and putting pressure to make her pull back. "I know."
"Then you know why I don't want to take me shirt off." Its more clipped and final than you expected. You bring her face back down to yours and kiss her forehead. This action you can tell mellows her again.
"I won't pressure you but I wouldn't be in this position right now if I didn't want all of you. Every scar, sassy comment and wrinkle." You get a smack to the shoulder for the last word and it works.
"I don't have-" You shut her up with a kiss and her body melts into yours, you slowly move your hands down her back and rest on her butt for a while before testing her shirt again. She breaks the kiss and sits up so she's straddling you. You watch as she crosses her arms and brings her blouse up and off. Your hands automatically run up her sides and back down, resting comfortably at her waist.
You sit up and she leans down to meet your lips half way, the kiss is full of all the emotion that neither of you can say. She reaches down and runs her hnads under your top, you gasp at the contact and it breaks the kiss. She tugs at the hem of your shirt and you take the hint, raising your arms above your head and she pulls the blouse over your head. "Better?" You bring your arms back down as you throws your blouse somewhere on the floor.
"Only seems fair." She smirks, the fire lighting up her eyes again. You lay back down, bringing Jack with you, she places her hands either side of your head but you pull her closer making her fall and rest her full body wait on you. "You ok?" She asks.
"Perfect. You?" You whisper against her lips, brushing yours over hers waiting for her answer.
"I will be if you kiss me." She smiles and you kiss it away, drawing a moan from deep within her. Nothing more is said, you run your hands down her back, tracing her scars but not lingering feeling her tense under your touch and you cup her ass, she bucks in at the touch and you groan. Her body weight still not enough to calm the fire that is growing between your legs. Like she's read your mind she breaks the kiss and starts a trail of wet, open mouthed kisses down your neck, to your breast, sucking your nipple between her teeth and doing the same to the other one before continuing her assault further south.
"Jack.." You try to say something but her fingers are undoing your jeans and she's peeling them off you before you can say no.
"I can stop if you want." She smirks, standing up and your flick off your jeans with your feet and she drags your panties along with them before hopping back on the couch.
"Bedroom." You breath and she nods. You take her hand and lead her down the hall, flicking on your bedside lamp before turning to find her raking over your body. "Take your clothes off now."
"So bossy." She pouts and you suck her bottom lip between yours and quickly kiss her before running your hands down her sides and stripping her pants and panties in the process. You're on your knees in front of her and you lean in. "y/n" She hisses as you kiss her pussy, running your tongue over her clit, you feel her legs shake and your hands come up behind her knees, holding the back of her thighs, stabilising her. You tongue stroking her, her moans only spurring you on. "I'm going to." You use your hands to pull her legs slightly apart to gain better access and you let one hand drop and slip a finger inside her, her muscles instantly clenching around you. "Jesus." She hisses.
You moan and it sends shock waves through her, you bite down on her clit and she comes apart around you. You moan, sucking on her clit and coaxing her through her orgasm. You feel her hand pull at your hair but you don't move. Swiping your tongue over her clit a few more times before she really tugs you up. "I-" You are cut short by Jack crushing her lips to yours and tugging you back and you fall onto your bed. You shift up the bed and watch her climb up above you.
"You enjoy yourself?" She looks down at you, her eyes still glazed with desire.
You lick your lips, the taste of her still there and her eyes dart to where your tongue just was. "I can do it again if you'd like?"
"I would but right now, I want to taste you." You groan at her sultry words and she moves back down the bed. You watch her every move, her eyes boaring wholes in yours as she leans down and licks over your centre. Your whole body bucks, her hands come up to hold your hips still and she repeats the action over and over and over. She slips two fingers inside you, slowly stroking you while her lips suck your clit and your whole body convulses. You can't help but close your eyes, her hand moves up your body to grasp your breast, flicking your nipple between her thumb and forefinger. You moan, her fingers working you closer and closer.
"Jacqueline." You breath and she picks up the pace, biting slightly at your clit and you come. "Fuck." You swear as you collapse around her, all of her strokes, touches are too much, you wanted to hold on, to savour the feeling but she's too skilled, her fingers working you through your high and her tongue stroking over your clit. Your world crashes down around you and your breathing starts to even out before she pulls herself up the bed. That smug, sexy smile planted on her face.
"Think that was successful." She bites your earlobe, her tongue running over the sentitive spot. You groan and she rises above you again with that smug lustful look.
"Shut up." You pull her down to you and kiss the smug smile off her face. Her body giving in and molding into yours. You kiss each other lazily, both exhausted and sated from sex. It feels like hours until you pull the covers up, covering you both as you feel Jack start to shiver.
"Remind me to thank Taylor the next time I see her." The mention of your sister instantly killing the growing ache between your legs again.
"Don't give her all the credit." You feel her laugh, the movement of her body against yours sending tingles up your spine. Jack kisses your neck, nuzzling into you more.
"She gets some." Her arm draped across your waist tugs slightly. You just hum in reply and wrap your arms tighter around her waist, one of your hands absentmindedly tracing her scars. "Doesn't feel painful under your touch." Your heart melts.
"I'm glad." You swallow hard and drop a kiss to her head. Sleep calling you both and you hope that the morning will just be as easy as how this feels right now.  
. . .
So yeah, I have no excuse for how this ended :D *awkwardly walks away, smirking to myself* I will be updating my other story soon. 
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fandomrewrites · 4 years
Season 1; Episode 11: Formality
Hi all! Sorry I’m posting so late! I almost forgot to update today but figured I should do it now rather than on a completely different day. Just one more chapter after this then season 1 is finished. I hope you enjoy this chapter and as always constructive criticism is appreciated.
Season 1; Episode 11: Formality
Pairings: Scott McCall x Twin Sister, Lydia Martin x Best Friend
Warnings: Just a smidge of violence 
Word Count: 2,463
Season 1 Masterlist
I was sitting in Scott’s room with Stiles as Scott ran around searching for his cell phone. His room was quickly turning into a mess as Stiles and I took turns calling his phone.
“Call it again.”
I rolled my eyes as Stiles answered, “It’s not here.” Scott continued to tear his room apart, “So you lost your phone. Get a new one.”
“I can’t afford a new one. And I can’t do this alone. We have to find Derek.”
“Hey! You are not alone! You have us.” I gestured between Stiles and myself.
Stiles started nodding his head agreeing, “And didn’t you tell us Derek walked right into gunfire?”
Scott shakes his head, “Argent’s plan was to use him to get the Alpha. They won’t kill him.”
“Then let them do what they’re planning. They use Derek to get Peter, problem solved.”
“But after they get Peter they’ll kill Derek and I am not alright with that.” I purse my lips as I look at Stiles.
“Plus Peter might be going after Allison to find Derek. I can’t protect her myself. Which means I need to find Derek first. So help me.”
Finally Stiles and I get up and start searching Scott’s room. “You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting. Remember? When he was trying to kill you? When you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here? No? Maybe it’s just me.”
Scott sighed, “He wasn’t going to kill anyone. And I’m not letting him die.”
“Could you at least think about letting him die?”
I instantly threw a pillow at the back of Stiles’ head, “Ow! What the hell (Y/N/N)?!”
“You really need to-”
“Shh, mom’s home.” Scott interrupted.
Stiles and I went quiet as Scott listened to our mom. We both keep our eyes locked on Scott, trying to read his expression. “Is she okay?” I whisper.
Scott just shakes his head. “What’s she doing now?” Stiles asks, just as quiet.
“Crying.” I immediately slump into Scott’s computer chair. Scott follows my lead and sits on his bed, his shoulders sagging.
“Scott. You can’t protect everyone.”
“But I have to.” Scott chokes out.
Lydia and I were at our lockers grabbing books for our last class. “I can’t believe you want to go to the dance by yourself. You’re hot (Y/N). There are plenty of guys at this school that would jump at the chance to take you.”
“There are plenty of guys at this school that want to get in my pants.” I reiterate.
“And? What’s wrong with having some fun? It’s not like you’re a virgin.”
I laugh and shake my head, “I love you Lyds, but I am not looking for a hookup. Nor am I ready to start dating again.”
She pursed her lips and glanced over my shoulder, “Incoming.”
I look at her then follow her eyes to lock onto Nate, heading in our direction. I roll my eyes and quickly shut my bag. Before I can slam my locker shut and walk away with Lydia, Nate reaches us.
“Hey baby. What time should I pick you up tomorrow?”
I clench my teeth and grip my locker door tight, “Never. And don’t call me baby.”
Nate sighs, “What do you mean never, (Y/N/N)? We planned this since the beginning of the school year.”
Still not looking at him, I squeezed my eyes shut and spoke, “That was before you cheated on me.”
“(Y/N) c’mon. You know that was a mistake. I miss you.”
Hearing those three words, my eyes snapped open and I finally slammed my locker shut gaining the attention of the students nearby. I turned to face him, Lydia now standing behind me.
I scoffed, “You miss me? Don’t you dare say you miss me with her spit still on your tongue.” I took a deep breath then continued, “Leave me the hell alone.”
I quickly turned around and stormed off knowing Lydia would follow.
Still in hearing range, Lydia threatens, “If you ever try to talk to her again, I will personally chop off your balls.”
Scon after she catches up and we link arms. We both exchange smiles and continue to class.
After school Lydia, Allison and I head to Macy’s to buy dresses fr the formal. We get onto the escalator, Lydia and I looking at Allison who looks like she’s worried about something.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” I finally break the silence.
She glances at me before answering, “Nothing’s wrong. I have a lot on my mind.”
“You could smile at least.” Lydia suggests, “Ever hear the saying: Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile.” Allison glares but Lydia continues, “Smile, Allison. I’m buying you a dress. And you too (Y/N/N).”
I smile knowing that she’s trying to cheer me up from my encounter with Nate earlier.
Then Allison speaks, “I’ll admit, as far as apologies go that’s more than I expected. But not as much as I’m going to ask.”
Lydia knits her eyebrows together and glances at me. I shrug and she looks back at Allison, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re going to cancel on whatever dumb jock you said yes to and go with someone else.”
“Him.” Allison points to someone standing behind us. We both turn and see Stiles standing by the perfume counter. He sprays a bottle in his face and sneezes quickly putting the bottle down.
I instantly start smiling but Lydia frowns in horror. “Don’t frown, Lydia. Someone could be falling in love with your smile.”
We turn back to look at Stiles who is now waving at us. We wave back, “Go tell him the good news, Lyds. I know you might not like him now but Stiles is amazing so you better treat him good.”
“I’m so happy that you think that. Why don’t you ask him?”
I laugh, “You know why. Now go.” I gently push her in Stiles’ direction then turn to the dresses in front of Allison and myself.
Lydia places a dress on a stack held in Stiles’ arms, “You’re going to try all of these on? Is this a 24 hour Macy’s?”
Lydia ignores him then glance at me. I hold out a black dress and she quickly makes her way to me, takes the dress out of my hands then puts it back, “What was that for?”
“Can you try to get a different color?”
I pause acting like I’m thinking about my answer, “No.”
“Please, (Y/N/N)? Just try this navy dress,” She pulls out a navy halter dress and puts it in my arms. She then drags me to another section, Stiles trailing behind, “Or maybe this army green one.”
She hands me another dress and continues to another section, “Maroon looks great on you! And maybe this purple dress.”
I roll my eyes, “I’ll try them on for you but I’m getting a black dress.”
I then pull out a few black dress and add them to the growing pile in my arms. Lydia and I make our way to the dressing rooms with Stiles once again trailing behind us.
We walk into the handicap dressing room, and let Stiles put his pile down. Once he’s out of the room and waiting for us Lydia and I get undressed and try on the dresses in our piles.
Some people may find it weird that Lydia and I share a dressing room, but this is something we have done since we were little. I guess old habit die hard.
About 40 minutes later Allison, Lydia and I all found our dresses. We paid and went our separate ways.
I sat in front of my vanity applying makeup. My dress is on and my hair straightened. I can hear my mom and Scott talking in the room next to me but I can’t make out the words.
Once I finish applying my lipstick, I reach for my heels. I slide them on and stand up, grabbing my purse and walking through the bathroom, into Scott’s room.
The two look up as I enter, “So, how do I look?”
“Beautiful,” Scott says at the same time mom says, “All grown up.”
I playfully roll my eyes at her, “Thanks guys.”
I gently tug at the black, knee length dress adjusting the way it was hugging my body. “Are you almost ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“Hold on! I want pictures,” She runs out of the room to grab her phone. Scott and I meet her in the hall and pose for a few picture before we head out the door and to the dance.
I park Lydia’s car, who graciously let me borrow it for the dance, and turned to Scott, “Do you know how you’re sneaking inside?”
He hesitantly nods, “Yeah, don’t worry about me. Just enjoy yourself.”
I nod then we both get out and part ways. I head towards the entrance and Scott goes around back.
Once inside I make my way to the punch bowl, grabbing a glass then turn to find Lydia, Allison, and Stiles. As I make my way through the crowd I accidentally bump into Nate.
“You look amazing (Y/N).” Nate breathes out.
“Obviously. Bye.” Before he can say anything else I walk away.
I quickly find Lydia and Stiles who are sitting at a table. They both look miserable and I cringe wishing that Lydia would just try to have a good time.
The minute I sit down Lydia starts talking to me. Stiles is looking out at the crowd when something catches his eye. He quickly stands up and holds out a hand for Lydia, “You want to dance?”
“Pass.” I gently push her shoulder and she glares at me.
“You sure?”
“Let me try this again.” I don’t hear the rest of Stiles’ sentence because one of my classmate walks up to me, “Hey (Y/N), would you like to dance?”
I smile, “Sure thing.” I grab his extended hand and we make our way to the crowded dance floor.
After a few minutes of dancing the music stops as everyone turns towards Coach who just yelled, “McCall, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Scott was spotted. He and Danny had their arms wrapped around each other, dancing within the crowd of high schoolers. I bit back a smile, proud of my brother’s quick thinking.
Coach said some things to Scott then nervously turned to the rest of us, “I was... I mean, I wasn’t... I’m not... You guys don’t think I’m...” I slowly cross my arms, enjoying Coach’s discomfort.
The last thing Coach does is yell, “What the hell are you looking at Greenberg?” Then he quickly walks away, embarrassed about what just happened.
The music turns back up and I continue dancing with my group of friends.
Carefully making sure I am as far away from Nate as possible.
Soon after I pull away from the group, needing a break from all the dancing.
“Hey Stiles, where did Lyd go?”
“To find Jackson.”
I frowned, “I’m sorry.”
Stiles shakes his head, “No don’t worry. I get it. It’s the same reason you decided to show up stag.”
I nodded my head agreeing. We both sat in comfortable silence for a minute before he stood up, “Let’s go try and find Jackson and Lydia.”
I nod and follow him out of the gym. We bump into Jackson almost instantly, “Where the hell have you been? Did Lydia find you?” Stiles asks, grabbing Jackson’s arm.
Jackson just shakes his head, dazed.
“What’s wrong, Jackson?” I ask, bringing his attention to me.
“I was out behind the school. I was...”
Stiles, now alarmed, quickly questions the blue eyed lacrosse star, “What happened? What did you do?”
After Jackson told us what happened Stiles and I looked at each other then quickly ran out the doors, searching for Lydia.
I was slightly behind Stiles, stupid heels, when I heard him scream, “LYDIA!”
In the distance I see her standing in the middle of the lacrosse field. She whips her head around at the sound of Stiles’ voice. “RUN, LYDIA!” Stiles and I scream together.
But before she has the chance Peter bites her. She lets out an ear piercing scream and falls to the ground. Stiles and I finally make it to her and Peter, falling beside her limp body.
I have tears in my eyes as I quickly check her pulse. I reach for my phone but remember I don’t have it, stupid dress with no pockets!
Before I can tell Stiles to call an ambulance Peter roughly pulls my arm, making me stand next to him. He wraps one arm across my chest, my back pressed against him. “Stop, don’t kill her. Don’t kill either of them.” Stiles pleads.
“Of course. Just tell me how to find Derek.”
“How the hell are we supposed to do that?” I snap.
Peter tuts, “Now, now darling. You shouldn’t be using that tone with me when you’re in this position.”
“Screw you.”
Before Peter could reply Stiles speaks up from his spot beside Lydia, “I don’t know where he is. How am I supposed to know?”
“Because you’re the smart one, aren’t you? And because I can smell it on you. Deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. So how about you tell me the truth before I rip her apart.”
“You don’t scare me Peter. So stop trying.” I say through clenched teeth.
“Funny you say that. Because I can smell fear too, and you are right, you’re not afraid.” I’m slightly surprised when he says this, I know I’m a good liar but I didn’t realize I would be able to blatantly lie to an Alpha werewolf.
Peter continues, “Which means you’ll make a great beta. I should have chosen you (Y/N). Too bad you weren’t in the woods that night.”
Peter lightly pushes my hair away from my neck, he moves so his hand is now around my throat. “So Stiles, I’ll turn (Y/N) and kill the redhead if you don’t help me.”
Stiles panics and looks quickly between Lydia and myself. He finally meets Peter’s eye and says, “Okay, okay! I think... I think he knew.”
“Knew what?”
“Derek, knew he was going to get caught by the Argent’s. When they got shot, him and Scott, I think he took Scott’s phone.”
“They all have GPS now. If Derek still has it. If it’s still on.. I can find him.”
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goodnightallwhites · 4 years
Daugherty's Daughter By BlackingPacking
Daugherty's Daughter 
By BlackingPacking 
Submitted: November 30, 2019 Updated: November 30, 2019 
Slutty white wife and mother, Charlotte Daugherty, cuckolds her husband Dan. He takes out his impotent sexual frustration on their daughter, who soon too becomes a slut for BBC 
Contains: NTR/Cuckolding, Interracial (Blacked/BBC), father-daughter incest, SPH, dubcon, very extreme 
Provided by Hentai Foundry.  
Chapter 1 - Cuckold's Frustrations 2 
Chapter 2 - Charlotte Gets What She Wants 11 
1 - Cuckold's Frustrations 
Dan Daugherty always got his wife everything she wanted. He worked for a large finance company, so he could definitely afford it. He and said wife, Charlotte, lived comfortably in their two story house with their beautiful young daughter, Phoebe. Charlotte was now nearing 40, the decade she often teased her scrawny, brown-haired husband, who was a few years older than her, for being. Still, she kept up with herself. She hadn’t worked for well over a decade, since Phoebe was born, and always spent her days at spas, salons, or get-togethers with her girlfriends. Sometimes for days on end. Dan payed for it all, of course. He was used to paying for women. 
It wasn’t only his wife. In his company, Dan was a middle ranking employee, with enough power to manage promotions that could get people higher, but he was never good enough at his job to manage much more. This meant that sometimes, timid little Dan got over his head, socially. 
This came in the form of a hot blonde girl with big dreams, big tits, a big ass, and a tiny waist. She had straight, strawberry blonde hair, and a little nametag saying Kara on her sweater. She’d work with Dan and saw how, whenever he had to talk to his wife, he never looked at ease. She took advantage of this, and eventually got him to let her suck him off. 
Under his desk, Kara put on her reddest lipstick she had on her fat, dick-sucking lips. Excited, she pulled down his pants to see... to see... 
Well, it sure was a penis. A short, needle-like one at that, nestled in some curly brown hair on his crotch, but none on his body or legs. Still, Kara wanted that raise. So she sucked him in between her lips, and not very far past, until he came in about a minute and a half. 
“What an adorable little penis,” she told him, “I’m sure your wife doesn’t give that cute dick of yours the attention it deserves. Only I see how great it is.” She’s tell him things like that all the time, making him think she was in love, until she got promoted and forgot all about him. Now Kara was his boss, and made sure to always strut in her office skirt around him. She pinched his ass and called him ‘pin dick’ at the coffee machine. She was dating some black male model now, which she never failed to flaunt. “Ever hear of BBC?” She’d ask the young office girls like she was a fucking missionary. She knew she hated missionary. “The rumors are true,” she said. He’d heard one of the office girls got a tramp stamp larger than her hand about wanting to fuck black guys. He hated Kara now, but at least he was happy with his wife. 
One weekend though, Charlotte left the house on friday and didn’t respond to her husband 
until she strutted through the front door in a new white dress with gold jewelry and her blonde hair curled beautifully. In her cream-white stilettos she was at least Dan’s height, and he wasn’t physically imposing at all either way. Besides, her little hubby couldn’t stop staring at how her bouncy tits and impossibly sexy ass looked in that dress. How could he deny her. 
The next weekend, the same thing happened. That sunday evening she returned, she wore a sky blue dress, much shorter this time, and even bigger gold jewelry. It was so short that when she walked up the stairs, he could see right between her legs and her asscrack. He stared at them like a pervy little boy. 
When he tried to fuck her that night, she said she was too tired. Still, he hadn’t got to stick Danny Jr. inside any part of Charlotte since his birthday. He had to excuse himself to the bathroom, sitting his unremarkable body on the toilet and jerking his 4 inch dick off to his own wife a few meters away until he came into the bowl. 
She promised him she’d call the next weekend. They spoke exactly once, during her lunch on Sunday, when she said she’d be coming home. 
That night, in bed, she said she wasn’t horny again. He tried to touch her pussy, but she easily swatted away his thin-wristed arms. Still, he could’ve sworn he felt her wetness. That’s when he began to think she was cheating on him. 
He wasn’t willing to confront her, of course. He hoped it was something else. That Wednesday, Charlotte brought home a shopping bag. In it was a sex toy. She said she wanted to ‘spice up’ the bedroom. That meant that she got to fuck herself with that 8 inch blue silicone bullet, while he wrapped one small hand around his cock and jerked off on his half of the bed. He thought about her cheating on him with a guy that big. A guy twice his size. Unlike last week, he came buckets. 
She felt generous then, and actually let him fuck her on Thursday. She spread her full, curvy legs for him. Her lace panties dangled from one ankle. Thrilled at finally being allowed to have sex with his own wife, he grabbed onto her, buried his face in her big, soft jugs, and fucked her as hard as he could. It lasted all of two minutes. The rest of the night, she fucked herself with the dildo again. Friday was the same. She went out, bought some new makeup, ate at some overpriced hippie cafe, and fucked herself with her new dildo that night as her hubby curled up beside her. 
Charlotte was cheating on him, of course. She met up with a black young entrepreneur, Purcell, who owned one of the African fusion restaurants she frequented. He always talked about African culture, revitalizing black youth. He had posters of Black Panther and Creed on his loft bedroom walls. Charlotte often saw them when she was riding his 12+ inch monster of a dick. She couldn’t see them so well when her back was pushed into the mattress as he drilled her deep. She always squirted on those perfect abs of his. He made her a screamer. 
The loudest she screamed though was when he put it in her asshole. For the first few times, on her nights out before that first weekend, it would hurt when he’d simply fuck her pussy. He was 3 times bigger than the dick she was used to having, after all. But soon she got stretched out and used to it. A few weekends in, that was why she bought the dildo. Dan would definitely know something was up if he tried to fuck her before. She was being generous by getting a dildo halfway between the two men in her life’s size. When Dan felt stretching, he assumed it was the toy. 
Her birthday was coming up though. The big 4 0. Purcell had promised his busty, leggy girlfriend the time of her life that weekend. But Dan also wanted to give her a real treat too. Charlotte has to do the right thing. The Friday before her birthday, she was outside Purcell’s apartment complex around 6pm right when Dan was getting home from work. She wore jean hot pants and a tight crop top t-shirt that said ‘you aren’t big enough for these.’ What a total slut. She called her husband. 
“Hey Dan, it’s Lotte,” she said boredly as he picked up. 
“Oh- um, hey baby, how’s it going? Gonna be home soon?” 
“About that, honey...” she trailed off. 
“What? Hey, I know things have been a little rough between us, but-“ 
“What? I think we haven’t been happier in years, Danny.” 
“Oh-“ he paused. 
“Do you think I’m cheating on you?” She said curtly. 
“I- buh- duh- what? No, of course I don’t think you’re cheating on me. Why would I think that. I mean, sure... my mind wandered a little wondering why you’ve been spending weekends away, but-“ he didn’t finish his thought, just running his thin fingers through his pale brown side-parted hair. God, he was dense. 
“I have been." 
“I trust you enough tha- wait, what?!” He jumped 
“I’ve been cheating on you for a month and a half now. I love you, and I want the best for our daughter, but- I also met this guy. His names Purcell, and he’s black, and he owns a restaurant, and he’s huge- well, I already said he’s black,” she giggled. Dan was speechless. “But the point is... I love him too, and I really want his birthday gift for me. Not 
that I don’t want yours but... his dick makes me feel better than your little one ever has. You just can’t make me cum, you haven’t once since college... but I promise things’ll be as wonderful as they once were if you let me do this. And I know about Kara.” She paused for effect, “so- can I?” 
“I-I-I-“ he breathed, unable to make a sound. “Yes babe, of course.” He muttered. His default response when his wife asked for something. 
“Great! Love you hun, I’ll send you pics!” She hung up just like that. 
Dan wanted to throw a hissy fit. How could he be so weak willed? How could he let his wife walk right over him like that? How long had she known about Kara? Had that been why she had to leave him- cuckold him- with a black guy? He ran into his walk in closet, expecting to cry but instead jerking off. 
He shot his load onto the carpet, and kept stroking his little dick, imagining a huge black dick pile driving his wife’s pussy. He remembered her talking about her parties in high school, how she’d always let guys fuck her before she mellowed out her senior year. Was she like this even then? How many guys in her hometown were black? 
Suddenly, Phoebe walked in, wearing short shorts and a teal tank top. “Yeah, I don’t think dad’s home. Better that way, since my door doesn’t lock, and the water’s shut off to the other upstairs bathroom.” She was on the phone. “No, I don’t wanna do it downstairs! It’s.. weird if I do it in the guest bathroom. Especially if I’m thinking about my dad!” 
What was she talking about? “You’re lucky. You got to finger yourself to your dad with your door locked.” Fingering?! “You’ve done it downstairs- wait, but I always complain that Uncle Bryce’s downstairs didn’t lock. You fucking perv!” 
Bryce... that was Charlotte's brother! You knew that Phoebe was close to her cousin Martha, but was that who was on the phone? We’re they talking about- fingering, though? And what was that about dads... 
“Yeah, talk later Martha,” that confirmed it, “have fun flicking your bean in the guest toilet to your own fuckin dad like some weirdo. I’m gonna masturbate using my dads soap and shower head, like a normal girl.” He totally ignored how much trouble he should be putting his daughter in. Dan’s little dick was hard. “Oh shut up, you jilled off to your dad first. Well I think MY dad’s hotter. Whatever, Martha. Bye, have fun!” She hung up and turned the shower on. Dan, behind her, stepped out of the closet onto the marble tiled floor of their expensive bathroom. 
“Wha- DAD?!?” Phoebe jumped, terrified as she realized what she’d been caught saying. She already had her shirt and bra off, revealing her flat, underdeveloped tits. She didn’t look 
like she would inherit her mother’s tits or ass. She looked like a girl who wasn’t old enough to be masturbating, or shouldn’t be. Her height didn’t help either. 
“D-dad,” she spoke with fear and embarrassment. He reached out and turned off the loud shower. “I-I- this-“ 
“What were you saying about me?” Asked Dan. He was ecstatic- he lost his wife, but he’d been gifted his own daughter! Phoebe was often neglected. Charlotte, that materialist bitch, preceded to hire the maid to care for her daughter. But now, Dan has a chance to prove himself as the real patriarch of this family, not some- some- some nigger who Charlotte’s big tits here were wrapped around right now... 
The thought made Dan seethe. But now, he could take out all his impotent rage on his whorish wifes own daughter. Her tiny frame would easily be overwhelmed by even his small cock. It might not have even been incest. Phoebe probably wasn’t even his. He was going to make her his though, and Charlotte would regret messing with him. 
Finally, she answered. “I- I’m turned on by you, dad... when I see mom kiss you and when you tap her ass... I wanted that too and... I’ve been thinking about it for a while... I’ve really wanted you to fuck me,” she looked up at him, suddenly terrified again, “-a-as a fantasy though! Not as an actual thing I was planning on, I swear, daddy!” 
“Oh, but,” he growled, trying and failing to sound aggressive, “I want you too,” he grabbed her thin waist and pulled her close, making her jump a little. Her flat chest barely shook. 
She looked up at him with green, pretty eyes. His were hazel. He blamed his stupid slut wife. 
“Really?” Asked Phoebe, reaching out to touch his nonexistent pectoral. 
“Yes, Phoebe baby. Your mom and I..” he grit his teeth.. “aren’t doing too well. I think I need you to make me feel better. Can you do that?” He took his hand, walking backwards towards his room. 
Daddy’s little girl, Phoebe Daugherty nodded. “Y-yes daddy. I’ll make you feel good. I’ve never done anything with a boy but I’ve seen porn. I’ll try my best.” 
“Good girl,” he said, feeling more dominant than he ever did with Charlotte. He walked out onto the carpet of the master bedroom and sat down on the large chair on the left of the bathroom doorway. Dan pushed the footrest out of the way and had his daughter kneel there instead. His rage at his own impotence and his hatred for how Charlotte was cuckolding him right now made him forget that this was even his baby girl. 
Charlotte, as Dan undid his pants again, was miles away in the stylish, urbane, gray loft 
owned by Purcell. She strutted in happily, swaying her fat white ass in the shorts that barely covered it. Purcell was on the couch in front of a table of African artifacts. He got up and welcomed her with a deep, tonguey kiss and a slap on the ass. 
“Wanna give me my present now, babe?” She breathed hotly into his wide lips. He smiled and led her into his room, where she was shocked by the presence of three more black guys. Like him, they were all over 6 feet tall and muscular. They all wore some variation of a t short and running shorts that did nothing to hide their bulges, just like Charlotte’s tiny t-shirt did nothing to hide her cleavage, or her under boob, or her hard nipples. 
“Oh- oh, my!” Charlotte’s cock-needy lips and pretty blue eyes went wide seeing the display. While her friends had introduced her to BBC porn a full year ago, she had only ever actually slept with Purcell. Now she was getting 3 new hung black guys. 
“You like my friends babe?” He asked. She nodded, pulling up her red bikini bottoms she wore under her shorts. “Glad to hear,” she bit her lip. She was getting wet just by hearing him speak. “Ever had guys run train on you?” 
“I-“ she had been in a gangbang once, as a senior in high school. Those boys were all white though, and she wasn’t the only girl there. “No,” she decided that a half dozen white guys humping her legs until their little pink dicks turned purple and shot a load like she was a Barbie doll they got to undress didn’t count. “I’ve never. But I’d love too.” 
“Hear that, boys?” Purcell slapped Charlotte on her as. Charlotte took it with a smile. They smiled back as they took off their shirts, showing the kinds of muscles that were the reason Dan never took her to the beach. She took off her wedding ring and fell into their big, strong arms, letting them kiss her and grope her. She had to look straight up to make out with the tallest one, while the one made out with her neck and another literally tore her shirt off of the swinging spheres of her tits. She liked that shitt. But she liked how they pressed their huge bulges into her sides much more. 
Meanwhile, Dan was struggling to overpower his own tiny daughter, desperate to fuck her silly. His destroyed ego demanded that Phoebe fuck him, and, although she was planning to masturbate to that very thought before he grabbed her, she was resisting. 
“Daddy- unf~ Daddy!” she pushed his arm off her nonexistent tit, while his other one was down his pants, grabbing at his dick. “This is wrong! We shouldn’t do this!” she insisted 
“Phoebe! Phoebe, please!” He yelled. He had never yelled at his daughter. His hair and eyes made him look like a mess. “D-don’t you wanna make me feel good?” 
Phoebe did want to make her dad feel good... and cum... but she wasn’t sure. Sure, he was deciding for her basically, but he never acted like this around her. He was always very 
passive, never making her do anything. Now... this? With the drip of her pussy in those short shorts she was this close to taking off, she knew she wanted it too. 
“Okay Daddy...” she breathed, hoping to not make him angry, “I’ll make you feel good.” 
“Good girl,” breathed Dan. Instead of taking his dick out though, he felt up her chest again. She was still flat as a board, but whenever he thought of his ideal tit size, all he could think of was how Charlotte probably had a huge black rod between hers. She did. He just kept massaging his daughter. Those soft, sensitive, unmanly hands of his felt her sides, her hips, and, when he bent down so far that his face was in her neck, he felt the doughy softness of her asscheeks. She turned crimson. 
He breathed heavily, overcome with perverse lust. “D-daddy’s gonna bring out his cock now, sweetie,” he told her. She simply sat on her knees with her hands on her silky thighs. He fumbled on his pant’s buttons, desperately wanting them out. Eventually he got it, and in one swift movement, he pulled his pants down to his ankles. 
Phoebe, the incestous little slut, was face-to face with her father’s own tiny, white cock. Her eyes widened, and her pussy immediately dried up. 
“W-what is that?” she asked him. 
“My dick,” said Dan, sounding nothing like her father, even though she barely knew her father. He pushed the skinny thing towards her, “Suck it.” 
“B-but why is it so small?” Phoebe really wanted to pleasure her dad, to suck him off until he shot a huge load in her face. But... this? How could she love a cock that was barely larger, in any way, than her finger? If she made a fist, it was more than twice the size of his balls. 
To her shock, the then hit her face. Not hard, he wasn’t man enough to do that. But still, a slap was a slap. 
“What did you say?” he asked her, suddenly only seeing her mother in the beautiful young girl. 
“Y-your penis isn’t that big, daddy- I-I’ve seen much bigger in porn, I’m sorry-” 
He raised his hand again, “You’ve been watching porn?!” He knew that when his wife began masturbating by herself, it was all over for him. He couldn’t believe the same was happening to his daughter. 
“N-no! I- I meant good! Your dick is sooo good, daddy! Look-” almost crying, she began to suck it. It tasted strange- plain, not at all sexy. Once, she sucked her own virgin pussy juices, 
and that got her hotter than ever before. This did one of that, even when his precum started leaking, it just tasted like water. She sucked and sucked as well as she could. Phoebe had no idea how to suck a dick, but, at the very least, her dad’s was so small that it fit right in between her little lips. He didn’t have to worry about scraping on her teeth or choking her. 
She wrapped her tongue around the quivering little white pin she desperately tried to satisfy. Dan felt great by this. He leaned his head back, and finally relaxed, as if it wasn’t clear to everyone now that he was just a pathetic, creepy white guy. His own daughter wiggled her tongue around his pencil shaft. He wasn’t even into incest, but, the quickshot that he was, once her saliva-coated tongue finsihed licking the tip of his dick inside her mouth, he started cumming. 
His orgasm was drawn out, with thin ropes of cum spraying into his daughter’s mouth slowly. It had no power or force, nothing sexy at all. She would never masturbate to her dad ever again. Instead, she just spit his cum out on his hairless thigh. 
“You’re supposed to swallow!” he yelled. Not that Charlotte had ever swallowed his cum, since he usually popped his teeny top before he even shoved it in her mouth. Phoebe just looked grossed out. His dick, as much as she wanted to love it, was now an ugly, throbbing purple. It looked like it would pop, and it wasn’t big enough to look like it should be throbbing. She said nothing 
Back in the loft, Charlotte was getting absolutely rammed. She was on the red futon, getting to experience how it really felt for BBC to run train on her. A black guy was under her, slamming his dick deep in her babymaker with his balls slapping her taint. Two more were in front of her, making her stretch her cheeks out like a chipmunk to suck both of them off at once. She was terrified of what would happen when their monster dicks, big enough to dwarf rulers, would blast their cum in her gullet. It felt so good. 
Best of all, on top of her, with hands on her shoulders and arms on the armrest, Purcell was fucking her ass, raw. No matter what the others did to her, Purcell had stayed in her asshole the entire gangbang. His 40th birthday present was a 12 and a half inches (Charlotte liked to say 13) deep of rough anal sex. His cum had been churning deep in her guts, and his thrusts now had been picking it up and making it froth out like runny butter. She felt her whole asscrack, taint, and pussy feel covered in melted fluids. If it ever got too messy, she’d just lick it up herself. She loved it. 
Her husband, meanwhile, had grabbed their little daughter and bent her over the bed, facedown, ass up, despite her protests. Without even seeing his wife lover fuck her with his massive dark fuckmeat, BBC had already totally mindbroken the timid white man. Here he was, forcing his crying daughter’s face into his and his wife’s bed’s comfoters. He spread her legs apart, staring at her beautiful, but dry pussy. 
With his pinkish red dick standing as hard as a needle, he lowered his skinny torso into her slim thighs, taking his daughter for himself. He molested her with whiny grunts, the kind that Charlotte was absolutely done with. Frustration was something that Dan had been faced with all his life, and now he was letting it all out on Phoebe. The frustration he had since the first time he first found a porno mag with huge dicks when he was fourteen, all the girls he jerked off too but wouldn’t date him, to all the porn he watched when internet porn first got big in college, even when he was dating Charlotte. All of it, all directed in his pathetic thrusts into the tiny girl. 
As he raped his virgin daughter, she felt every twitch of his dick like only a girl her size could. Even though it felt far bigger in her than her mother would’ve felt it, she didn’t enjoy it one bit. He joylessly came in her pussy, shooting his white load into her just deep enough so that its small contents couldn’t even drip out of her. He told her to get out of his room, and he slept. 
Meanwhile, Purcell had finally taken his painfully hard cock, having cum in her anus 5 or 6 times, out from between her thick asscheeks, letting her suck the soaking member clean. He and his friends gathered around Charlotte as she kneeled on the floor. They jerked off and let her jerk them off and suck them off until she looked like a bukkakke porn star. Once they all came, she was exhausted, but they wanted more. They tossed her back on the futon and had their way with her. 
Purcell came deep in her pussy enough times with enough force to not only make her squirt hotly, but to get her pregnant too. 
She would be furious with Dan when she got home, but she didn’t know that yet. Even her daughter hated Dan's small, perverted white cock more than anything. For now though, Charlotte was blissfully having the best fucking sex of her entire life. 
To be continued... 
2 - Charlotte Gets What She Wants 
“You did WHAT to her?!” screamed Charlotte. Her big slutty tits swung with every word. 
Dan, emasculates and afraid, shrunk down onto the cushions of the light gray, modern style couch. On the other side of the coffee table, Phoebe was curled up. She looked at her father with nothing but hatred. 
“I-I-“ he backed up, scared of his adulterous wife. Dan was in a t-shirt and boxer underwear, while Charlotte was in a pink sundress, and Phoebe was in a tank top and volleyball shorts. 
“You AGREED I was going to have a FUCKING MARVELOUS weekend- and it’s all ruined this morning by a call from my FUCKING DAUGHTER about her IMPOTENT BITCH OF A DAD FUCKING RAPING HER WITH HIS STUPID TINY COCK! Am I WRONG?” She slammed her fist against the couch with every word. 
Dan was, as always, too wimpy to disagree. 
“Mom- wha- what’s going on?” Asked Phoebe. 
Charlotte turned to her beloved white daughter. She walked over and knelt in front of her, saying, “Oh, sweetie, it’s mommy’s business. Grown up stuff, nothing you’d understand.” 
“Mom,” said the girl who, even though she was babies, was still old enough to regularly watch porn and masturbate her smooth little cunt. 
“What? Yes, baby, mommy’s here,” Charlotte calmed her down, “mommy’s just, um, got a new boyfriend that’s all. And sometimes mommy goes and sees him. That’s okay, right?” 
“Mom,” grumbled Phoebe, “I’m not fucking 6. I know you cheated on him!” 
Charlotte looked back. She paused. “Alright, yes- mommy cheated on daddy. I’m a fucking whore, a total fucking SLUT cockwhore bitch. But you saw him! You saw that your dad is a sick, perverted, useless, weird piece of trash, right?” 
Phoebe nodded. “He’s so gross! I’ll never think the same way of him again! I mean, I guess it’s the same for you, mom, but at least you’ve got a reason. I... I’d wanna get f-fucked by a real man too! And he’s... hes just-” 
“A little fucking L O S E R?” her mom volunteered. Phoebe nodded along. 
“H-hey,” stuttered Dan. The scrawny white man crawled up from his fetal position, “S-she was on the phone, talking about sexual things with her cousin! About having sex with me and your brother! A-and she watches porn too!” 
“Didn’t I tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP!?” screeched Charlotte. Her cuck hubby was soon put in his place. “So what? She’s young and stupid. We were too, remember? The difference is, when I had kinky fantasies, you were always too pathetic to do them! You’d fucking cum in a minute and then roll over and go to fucking sleep! If you wanted to rape someone, rape me ten years ago! Then I wouldn’t have become a fucking anal fuckslut! This is your fault!” 
With shaking arms, she turned to her daughter, “And of course I wouldn’t judge you for watching porn! That’d be such fucking hypocrisy! After all, I’m the one who had a train run on her with four fucking black cocks last night! The only problem Phoebe and her cousin has is they still think white BITCHBOYS can do it!” 
“F-four?” Dan sounded like he was tearing up. 
“Oh fuck yeah honey. My REAL man Purcell and three of his friends.” The room went quiet. “What? Oh, yeah, stay quiet. Because there’s nothing you can say about how I’m a fucking whore for biiiig, blaaack COCKS! I fucking fit four huge fucking black dicks up this asshole,” she pulled her dress up and showed her gaping anus to her husband and daughter, “They fucking shot their fucking cum all the way up my dirty fucking asshole. And it’s fucking thick too, unlike yours! I bet you fucking wish you could do that, huh? With that fucking little stupid 4 inch peice of shit! Do you wanna know how big my lovers were?” 
“H-how big?” asked Dan weakly as he was slumped on the couch. 
Charlotte noticed a tiny tent on her loser husband’s boxers. She wrinkled her nose at it, but then lunged at him. She grabbed at his underpants. Her boobs swung in his face. She easily overpowered him, throwing hus underwear on the floor. 
Exposed to his ruined family was Dan’s four inch skinny little white boy cocklet. It stood up straight and hard in the thin, soft bush that was his excuse for body hair. 
“Fucking fuck. Look at that pathetic LITTLE thing. My BULLS were fucking three times that big! The smallest was 10 inches, the biggest was fucking 13! THIRTEEN! How could your little fucking dick compare, huh? HUH?” 
She turned around. Phoebe was staring at his penis with disdain. Though neither girl thought penis was the best word. 
“Is that it, sweetie? That’s the thing that defiled you, right?” asked Charlotte. 
Phoebe nodded. “Yes, mom... it’s fucking gross. I can’t believe I had a fucking incest fetish...” 
“It’s alright baby- it’s alright. Look. Hey, BITCH!” She yelled at her husband, “I’m gonna get our fucking daughter some good porn with some good dicks so she can forget about your little loser thing, 
alright? And never touch her again, you- you- you fucking sick fucking fuck!” She punctuated her scolding with a few sharp kicks to his tiny, shaking balls. 
“AAAh! OW OW OW! H-HONEY- m- my-” 
“Your what? Your fucking little cuck balls? The ones that can’t produce enough fucking sperm to make a girl feel even fucking halfway filled! Look! Look...” she walked over to Phoebe. “Take your pants off, baby. I wanna show him how different cum can be. And how, even if this shitbag who owns our house took your virginity, your sex life can still be a fucking blast, alright baby?” She asked her daughter. Phoebe nodded and slipped off her leggings. Charlotte hiked her skirt all the way up. 
Both were smooth pussied, but Charlotte’s was shaved, with looser, darker lips, while Phoebe’s was natural. A pretty pink tight pussy. She might has well have been a virgin. 
“Now spread your legs,” instructed Charlotte. Phoebe obeyed. “Now look at the cum left over from last night.” The house’s matriarch fingered her daughter, eventually coaxing out a flow of sticky liquid which dripped onto her hand. Charlotte grabbed a china plate from the coffee table and smeared Dan’s cum on it. 
“Look at that,” whispered Charlotte mockingly, “look how thin it looks!” she was right. Dan’s shrivelled balls had given them watery, impotent cum of either a boy much younger or a man much older than him. It only even looked white when it was clumped together. 
“And now,” she said while standing up and spreading open her asscheeks right over the fancy plate, “mommy’s black boyfriend’s cum.” she pushed hard and stretched her asshole out with two fingers until eventually a big steady stream of smooth, thick, rich, creamy cum came out. All of it was plump and healthy. It landed with a splogsh and made a big, opaque puddle on the plate. It was almost yellowish it was so creamy. And it totally eclipsed Dan’s tiny load. 
“See who’s superior?” asked Charlotte. 
“T-that’s a wedding gift...” was all he could whimper about the show on the expensive plate. 
“Oh boo fucking hoo, I squirted black cum out of my ass onto our shitty wedding present,” she grabbed a matching china cup and brandished it, “What if I fucking pissed in this one and made you fucking drank it? How would you feel about that, huh?” she waved the cup around under her pale white crotch, “if you’re lucky maybe you’d fucking get to drink some of their delicious cum with my piss. How about fucking that? You should fucking respect what I do for you and listen to what I fucking say! Ungrateful little pervert piece of shit! Apologize!” 
“Yes,” he curled up again, this time closer to the edge of the couch. “I’m sorry Charlotte... I’m sorry Phoebe... for being a perverted POS.” 
“Good. Now I have an errand to run. Don’t you even dare fucking move. And don’t even FUCKING LOOK at Phoebe!” she pulled her skirt down, grabbed a coat and her purse, slipped back on her slutty high heels, and strutted out the door. 
Once she was gone, Phoebe got up. She sniffled a little. Even though her pussy’s wetness said that, like her mother, she got off on being a snowbunny dom, she was still upset at what happened to her family. 
“I hope you’re happy with mom only fucking black guys now. And never you, ever again,” she said as she took out her phone and opened it up. 
Dan sniffled too, sounding more like a bitching little dog than a man. He wasn’t the man of this house anymore. He hadn’t ever been, since Charlotte discovered black cock, but now he knew it. His head was buried in between his smooth, effeminate legs, and he was sitting on his scrawny ass and feet, with his tiny little balls poking out from his crotch. It looked like a pale hackeysack covered in thin straw. Wasn’t much bigger than one either. Over it hung the soft, impotent little worm that was his cock. Keyword was. Now it was a useless little twig of flesh. 
Dan pissed himself. His little dicklet perked up, and out of it came a steady, pale flow of piss from the organ which now was only for that. It tinkled all over his little balls. The hair got wet, but looked no thicker. Some got on his thighs, covering his pointless manhood in his cowardice. He was like a dying animal, emptying his bladder all over himself when he felt it was all over. It was, in a way, for him. He cried as he soaked the couch cushion. 
Phoebe walked over to the front entryway, on the side of which was a cushioned, round area to the left of the front door, bordered by windows. She sat down in it to talk on her phone. She’d already gone to contacts, and scrolled to the number for Kevin. 
Kevin Gold was a young white kid and a school friend of Phoebe’s. He was around her height, with light blonde hair with a touch of strawberry, smooth skin and a youthful face. He was average in body, but still rather attractive, and was madly in love with Phoebe Daugherty. Little did he know, she had a crush on him too. 
When he picked up the phone though, he answered as her best friend. 
“Hey, Phoebe. What’s up?” 
She sniffled, “I don’t know, Kev. My parents are fighting, and... I don’t know how to feel. My dad’s a piece of shit, but my mom’s... so different about it. I think I got it. But I think I’ll be fine. I just need someone to talk to. Can we talk? Not about me. About... about something else. Okay?” 
Kevin, of course, agreed. They talked for a bit, and Phoebe felt better. Kevin told her to just trust in herself. With some soul searching, Phoebe realized how different she felt. How her slutty black cock loving mom awakened something in her. Just then, Phoebe had to hang up, because her mom was back. 
She walked back into the living room. Her dad was still sitting on the couch, but not crying anymore. 
Charlotte burst through the door. Shopping bags were in her ams and a strange smile was on her face. It was a look she hadn’t had all day. From the moment she walked in and said, “Alright, my happy little white family, let’s see what the real world has for us,” both new something was up. 
Phoebe was getting excited. She was proud to be this woman’s daughter. While she had very quickly grown to despise her father, she replaced all of that with how, sexually, she admired her mom so much more. Her mother looked like a million bucks- she put some makeup on, maybe did her hair a little, but that wasn’t the point. If her hair was a rat’s nest she’d still be the same. Her sexy body filled out that lilac dress perfectly, and the way she carried herself made her tits and thighs ooze with sex appeal. She was a woman who knew and got what she wanted. Fuck whatever her disgusting, cuckold husband had to say about it. 
Charlotte looked down at Dan and saw how red his eyes were, and how the couch under him had a soaked puddle. 
Dan squeaked and got up, running to the kitchen to get paper towels and spray. 
“Good,” she hissed, “like a good little dog,” she turned to their daughter, “So, how are you feeling now?” 
Just as her mom was honest, Phoebe was too. “I like what you’re doing. Dad’s always been... a little weird. But now I realize it wasn’t the kind of weird that, um... gets me wet. But what you do, like, like, the way you take control? I like that. I wanna be like you. And this talk of black guys?” Charlotte grinned. “You like thinking of that. Those massive, throbbing, lengthy, hot black dongs? You ever seen porn with black guys?” Phoebe quickly turned beet red. Charlotte smiled, “It’s good if you have. I’m so fucking jealous that you’re already exposed to porn at your age. I didn’t even have the chance to get online porn until I was almost 20! And there wasn’t anywhere near as much Blacked stuff then.” 
Phoebe worked up the nerve to nod ‘yes’ to her mother. 
Another smile. “I’m so proud of you!” she beamed, like momma like daughter, Phoebe had more than enough for the seed of a braindead snowbunny slut to grow in her underdeveloped white little body. She might not have been as busty or curvy as her mother, but Phoebe promised there and then to be twice the alpha girl slut. 
And poor little Dan, having cleaned up his mess, tried to stand up to speak to his wife, but was soon knocked down. “NO! Me and my black bulls own this house now, not you! If you wanted to be a man, you shouldn’t have been so weak, or whiny like a baby. You should’ve been able to make me cum! But now I’ve got better men for that. And speaking of...” She took out her phone, turned on apple TV, and showed off her photo gallery. 432 pictures and videos were taken last night. A cache of amateur pornography featuring one Charlotte Daugherty and 4 black studs. 
She started playing the videos. First was one with her kissing the camera sluttily, then walking back to pose with Purcell in a wide variety of ways. The next video showed her pointing out the bulge in his 
pants, then taking his shirt off to make out with him and lick his hot black abs. He flexed a bit for the camera before going to the next vid. He took it out in that one, and Charlotte’s whole family got to see how it was as long as her arm. 
In the room, while a video of the other three guys unsheathing their meats played behind her, Charlotte stripped her dress of. Her perfectly smooth pussy and her bouncing tits were great, and she didn’t wear underwear, of course. She sung ‘happy birthday to me’, as the TV had her giving Dan the middle finger. 
“Come on!” Said today’s Charlotte, “let’s get some fun group stuff going. Family porn night! Starring mommy!” She grinned evily as she sat down next to Phoebe. She encouraged her daughter to strip. Her pants already had a dark stain. 
Dan and Phoebe began masturbating across the room to the TV showing Charlotte lick all around the heads of all their cocks. The lady of the house ran off upstairs to get her dildo. When she came back, Phoebe was lounging back, butt naked, and confidently flicking her little bean to her mom gasping at the huge loads of cum that were now getting dumped on her face. Meanwhile Dan was hunched over pathetically. He tugged his little cock hard. It’s tininess, along with his boring hairstyle and skinny bday, made him look like a child compared to his daughter. And forget his wife. 
“Oo, look at him!” Laughed Charlotte, tapping Phoebe’s shoulder to get her to look over, “little losers trying to tug that tiny thing! Isn’t that fucking pathetic? Can’t you see why I need this?” she laughed, pulling the thick dildo out of her. Phoebe laughed too. 
“But mom, you take a bigger one in the vid,” she pointed at her screen with her free hand. 
“True- this toys just to tide me over. Better than hubby, you know?” She thrusted it into her gaping pussy a few more times. Her nasty juices flew across the room with a loud shlicking sound. Phoebe’s only trickled down her taint and onto her little pink pucker butthole. Charlotte took out the plastic cock and handed it to her daughter, “wanna go?” 
Phoebe shook her head, “I can’t take that.” 
Her mom smiled, “You’d better learn soon baby girl, if you wanna get blacked.” 
She stared at the size of the thing. “Never seen one up close but... it’s scary,” she chuckled, “I’d rather just watch.” 
“Then you’ll get tons of live shows.” 
“Mmmm. I’m already loving this. Just as good as the pro stuff I watch.” Phoebe was referring to Charlotte getting her ass pounded and her blonde hair painted white by those black hunks. 
“Thats cuz they’re black,” giggled Charlotte, “white guys in porn always wear fake dicks, that shoot fake cum and all that. Interracial’s real though. No faked orgasms there.” Charlotte put her leg up on the coffee table and aggressively rubbed her clit, “and I’ll never have to again.” 
They kept watching as Charlotte deepthroated every black cock. Every vid ended with them cumming their manly loads into her throat. They led her to the bedroom, with the camera on her swaying ass, where she had a train run on each and every hole. She was made airtight, first by their huge cocks and then by their thick cum. 
They just kept going. Dan usually got petered out after he came once after a few minutes, then rolled over and slept as Charlotte uncomfortably masturbated until she fell asleep. These guys seemed to have infinitely full balls . After they made the bed dirty with spilling loads, they tossed the tired white whore onto the floor, jacking off over her. They set the foundation for a full body coat of thick black cum. 
With a pathetic groan and three fingers wrapped around his dick, Dan started cumming. Instead of shooting anything out of his needle-like pink dick, it just dribbled onto the floor. 
“Ch-Charlotte,” he groaned. 
“Shut the fuck up! Your daughter and I are trying to masturbate to PURCELL’s friends running train on me. Purcell could cum like 9 times last night without a problem. Can your stupid balls only muster one fucking load? Try and at least be man enough to make another load!” She shut him up. 
Then there were the ones on her face. Tons of cum was unloaded onto her cheeks, in her eyes, on her cleavage and hair. It just kept going, until she was barely even fucking them any more, and just being jacked off too. Soon, every inch of skin above her knees hand some sort of man juice on it. Mostly her pussy, under her ass, her tits, and her unrecognizable face. She got to the point where their fat loads of cum landing on her weak white skin made her cum. Every single time. 
“See Phoebe? That’s what real men do. Not like your dad over there, cumming into his hand.” 
Phoebe looked over. Her dad was leaking out thin white juices onto his scrawny fingers. “How’d you even get pregnant?” She asked her mom. She paused. “Is he really my dad?” 
Charlotte looked away from her husband as he collapsed exhausted on the ruined couch. “Well, I’m shocked he managed to get me pregnant even once. But you’re his alright. I’d never cheat with another white boy. But hey. You got my beautiful eyes.” 
“I kinda wish guys like, unf, unf, that,” she pointed to the TV, “were my dad.” 
To clean off, they dragged Charlotte to the shower, where she could barely stand. Instead she pumped their cocks, worshiped their balls, and even rimmed their assholes. All their cum newly clogged the drain. After, they made her dry them off, and then lick up their cum off the floor. 
At around 2 AM according to when the video was taken, she passed out when she was halfway done, facefirst into a puddle of cum. 
Phoebe came. 
“Aaah!” She yelled, thrusting her hips over the armrest of the white cushioned couch. Her orgasm squirted all over dad’s men’s health magazines that he never read. “They really did that, mom?” 
She nodded. “It’s weird telling you, sweetie, but yeah. Mommy’s a fucking abuse slut for big black cock.” 
“It’s hotter than weirder. God, that was the best I’ve ever cum.” 
“Well, that’s black guys. And now” she kept swiping through her phone, showing them photos of the bulls taking advantage of Charlotte’s unconscious body on the tv. Weird things were stuffed in her asshole, and she was fucked in multiple uncomfortable positions like a rag doll. 
“Fuck,” Charlotte bit her lip, “I didn’t know they did- did- did... did that!” Her pussy exploded with a waterfall of orgasm, even wetting the TV screen a little. 
“There it is!” She sat back and sighed, “it’s like every time I cum to black guys it’s better.” 
A bit after, she saw Dan getting up. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” She asked, less angry now. 
“C-cleaning up my mess?” 
She laughed, “your widdle loads? Barley a mess. And don’t do it with clothes on. Strip.” 
“Did I fucking stutter?” 
He frowned and stripped. He prided himself on looking youthful, but honestly he just looked pathetic. Thin, featureless white skin, and a fitting tiny, soft little penis, barely poking out of his crotch. 
She smiled as she walked over to pick up her bag, “good, baby. We’re not going to pretend you’re not pathetic and inferior anymore in this house, alright sweetie?” 
“Yes, dear,” he got on all fours to wipe up god cum. She ran her foot up and down his effeminate asscrack possesively. 
“And we won’t be bringing what you did to Phoebe to the authorities because you’re going to admit that you’re a pathetic little cuckold, and us ladies are gonna be enjoying all the black cock we want now.” 
“Yes babe. Did you think I was gonna stop cheating on you? After realizing what a freak you are, I can barely stomach you now. But I might forgive you if you let me fuck all the black guys I want, when I want, where I want, and how I want. Not for some reward, but out of the goodness of your heart. Sound good?” 
He looked down at his flaccid manhood. It was as wimpy as he was. He nodded in agreement to her terms. 
“Great! That makes me so happy Dan, you don’t even know!” She dishes through her bag and got a box out. The back was legal fine print and faced Dan, “can you say it?” She asked. 
“I- I’m a white cuckold... I’m small...” 
“And pathetic, and I barely cum and can’t make my wife cum.” 
“And I’m a perv who r-raped his own daughter because... because I’m a white loser who was so insecure,...” 
“But now...?” 
“N-now I’m happy to let you f-fuck,” he started tearing up, “all the black c-c- guys you want.” 
“Good boy. Did you enjoy your orgasm?” 
“Yeah,” sniffled her submissive hubby. 
“Good,” she turned the box around, “because it’s the last you’ll have in a while.” The box had a picture of plastic in the shape of a small penis, titled ‘THE LOCK HIM UP CHASTITY CAGE- size small.’ 
“What what? I said I’d forgive you, but you have to make it up for me. So like a good little white cuckold, you’re going to be locked away in this little chastity cage. I’ll keep the key, and you can only cum when I say so. Agreed?” 
He nodded. Totally impotent. 
“Good,” she took it out, read the instructions, and started to put it on. Phoebe came over to watch. She slipped the cock ring over his tiny worm, then putting the cage over it, screwing it on, and finally locking it all together with a little gold padlock. 
Both Phoebe and Charlotte laughed at his baby dick all locked away in his new cuckold cage. It was a clear plastic tinted pink, fitting for the little bitch it was on. It was a little heavy, and pulled down his crotch a little. 
“And this thing scared me?” Laughed Phoebe, flicking it and watching it wiggle and twitch. 
“To think I married that thing,” replied Charlotte. Dan was still speechless. 
“Let’s sample our new life, how about that?” 
“Sample?” Asked Phoebe and Dan in unison. 
“That’s right,” smiled Charlotte, showing them both her phone. On it were recent texts from contacts Darnel, Jamie, Kyan, and Purcell. “I invited the guys over. We’re having another gangbang here, in one hour.” 
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Doppelgänger (15/19)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Doctor's Disorders}
“Ugh, what is that smell?” Danny asked as he and Valerie approached Tucker.
“This,” Tucker held up a spray can. “It’s my new all-over body spray. I made it myself, I call it Foley by Tucker Foley. It combines with your natural odor to create a sweet, manly scent that smells different to everyone who sniffs it.”
Their noses scrunched up as Tucker started spraying himself.
“Tuck, you smell like a sweaty cookie.”
“By choice. The ladies will be swarming all over me.”
“Doubtful,” Valerie snorted. “You smell horrible.”
He pointed at her with the can. “You don’t count. You’re already dating Dan-”
The can slipped from his hand and clattered to the ground, spraying Valerie in the process.
She scowled as the smell of sports bra and sugar cookies washed over her. “You better hope this washes out,” she growled and shoved past him towards the locker room. Thankfully she had first period free so she could shower and drown her clothes in perfume. It didn’t completely help, but it was better. Maybe she should consider keeping a spare set of clothes in her locker. It’d help for the times she tears her clothes in a fight.
“Anyone in here?” Tetslaff called just as she finished fixing her hair.
“I’m here,” she said, tossing her mini curling iron into her locker. She grabbed her bag and walked towards the door to see Tetslaff eyeing her.
“You feeling okay, Gray? Any bug bites?”
“No. I’m fine. Why?”
“All students need to report to the gym. Anyone else here?”
She shook her head. “Bailey was in here, but she left a few minutes ago.
The PE teacher nodded and escorted her to the gym. She was surprised to see the entire student body either sitting or laying on the floor and bleachers, most of whom were glowing. The teachers were hovering over everyone as a man in a doctor’s uniform drifted through, occasionally stopping to talk to the students.
When he saw her, he came over. “And who do we have here?”
“Valerie Gray, what’s going on?”
“What symptoms is she showing?” he asked Tetslaff, ignoring Valerie’s question.
“None as far as I’ve seen,” she grunted and the doctor frowned behind his mask.
“Interesting. She’s the fourth one. Sit her with the others.” He gestured to the corner and Valerie smiled to see Danny, Sam, and Tucker waiting there.
They looked surprised when she joined them and Danny pulled her into a hug. “You okay?”
“Other than still smelling a little awful, I’m perfect. What’s going on?” she asked, pulling back but staying pressed into his side.
Sam gestured to the other students. “Some sort of ghost bug, literally. A whole swarm attacked the school and started phasing into people, resulting in that. You didn’t notice?”
“I’ve been in the showers.” She sent Tucker a look and he ducked behind Sam. “None of you got the bug?”
They shook their heads and Danny pointed off to the side, “Jazz did though.”
Valerie looked over to see Danny’s sister curled up on a mat, her body fuzzy at the edges. “Well, there goes the idea that prolonged exposure to ghost hunting equipment is what’s protecting us. Are your parents doing anything?”
Danny shrugged. “We’ve been in here the whole time. The doctor said he wanted us close since we’re the only ones showing signs of immunity. And they took our phones so I can’t call my parents.”
She smirked and took out her phone. “Looks like they forgot to take mine.”
Danny took it and the three crowded around him to keep him from sight.
“Do your parents have something that could fix this?” Sam asked as Danny dialed.
He thought about it for a second then smiled. “Mom, Dad… Yeah, I’m okay… Really? That’s weird. Why wouldn’t they tell you anything? Nevermind, I’ll explain everything, but can you guys grab the Ghost Catcher before you leave?”
“Is it just me or does Dr. Rand look really mad that his patients are being cured?” Valerie hummed.
Said doctor was currently standing off to the side as the teachers lead students through the ghost catcher, Danny’s parents sucking up the ghost bugs as they were pulled out.
Jazz took in his scowl with a frown. “Maybe it’s a pride thing? He was pretty much useless.”
“Or maybe he was part of a government conspiracy to experiment on us while we possessed ghost abilities,” Sam suggested.
“Sounds like something the Guys in White would do,” Danny muttered sleepily from his spot in Valerie’s lap.
“He’s a doctor. All doctors are evil,” Tucker agreed.
“What’s his problem?” Valerie whispered to her boyfriend.
“He’s afraid of doctors, nurses, hospitals, so on.”
“What’d you say his name was again?” Jazz asked, still staring at the man.
“Dr. Bert Rand.”
“Bertrand? Like Ms. Spectra’s gh-assistant?” Jazz stuttered.
The trio turned to her, then groaned, “Oh my god, we’re idiots.”
Valerie frowned as their voices nudged at her, but pushed it aside as Jazz asked, “What?”
“Spectra was a ghost, same for Bertrand. They must be behind the attack on the school,” Sam explained.
Valerie narrowed her eyes and moved Danny off of her. “I need to go to the bathroom.”
Jazz bit her lip as the girl left, then nudged Danny. “You three should go too. You, uh, don’t know when you might get another chance.”
They frowned, but agreed quickly and left.
Jazz smiled and leaned back. Those three could take care of the ghosts. Now she just needed an excuse for when Valerie got back.
{Pirate Radio}
Jazz sighed as she relaxed on her blanket, only to frown when someone started messing with the radio.
She sat up to glare at Tucker. “Knock it off!”
He held up his hands and backed up.
“Come on, Jazz. This music bites,” Danny said. “It’s our turn to pick something to listen to.”
“I like it. It relaxes me.”
“Well, we do outnumber you four to one,” Valerie pointed out.
Jazz grabbed the radio and held it close to her, scowling at the younger teens that she had joined on the Ops Center for stargazing.
Just then, the ground began to rumble and a pirate ship of all things burst intangibly out of the street.
Jazz jumped to her feet and gestured her brother back. “Danny, you, Sam, and Tucker need to go. Uh, go get our parents. Downstairs. Out of view.”
“R-right, we’ll go get them,” Tucker said and the trio ran off.
“I thought your parents were out,” Valerie said.
“Oops, I forgot.” Jazz turned to the girl and was surprised to see her pulling a ghost pistol out of her bag.
The girl froze. “Oh, uh, Danny gave it to me. For, you know, protection?”
As cute as it was that Danny was so worried about his girlfriend, Jazz would have to talk to him about handing out weapons of all things.
“Got anything else in there?”
Valerie tossed her a thermos just as a group of pirate ghosts landed on the Ops Center. The two girls went to work blasting and sucking up ghosts. Jazz saw a pair heading for the shield and pointed them out to Valerie, but Danny or one of his partners cut them off. She turned back to the main group of pirates and smiled when she saw the other two flying through the air.
She frowned when they seemed to fire on nothing. “What are they doing?”
Valerie looked up, then gave her an incredulous look. “Fighting the ghost captain.”
“I don’t see anything.”
“Weird,” she shot a headless pirate and Jazz sucked him in. “Can you hear him?”
“Lucky you. He’s a brat. Maybe eight or nine years… Okay, so he’s eleven. Like that makes a big difference,” she snorted. Then her eyes widened and she barrelled into Jazz.
Something exploded behind them.
“You’ve never babysat, have you? Jazz asked as they picked themselves up. “Kids don’t like to be told they’re younger than they think they are.”
“I’ve only babysat actual babies. They don’t talk back,” Valerie said.
The ghost ship flickered then disappeared.
“What happened?”
“Doppelgänger caught the brat.”
The sound of a guitar-strumming echoed around them and two of Danny’s trio slammed into the ground in front of the girls.
“Ember’s back,” they said, rubbing their heads. “You guys might want to either get inside or put on Specter Deflectors before you get hypnotized.”
“M. Bersback? The guy who gave us that awful Vapor Drone? He’s a ghost?” Valerie asked.
They stared at her blankly, then one threw their hands in the air. “Oh come on! That's not a clue. That's a billboard! We really got to start paying more attention to these things!”
{Reign Storm, Part 1}
“Did you get the book report done?” Valerie asked as she passed Danny a water bottle.
“Mm-hm.” He took the bottle and tried to drink it.
“Lid Danny,” she chuckled.
He scowled and took the lid off. “I think you beat the ghost out of me.”
“Then I did my job,” she chuckled. “Seriously though, you’re doing really good.”
“Can I have my black belt then?”
“Not quite. Now come on, we’ve still got fifteen minutes before we need to clean up.”
He groaned, but pushed himself to his feet and followed her over to the wrestling mat. Jazz had somehow talked Tobias, the wrestling coach, into letting them use it for their sparring in the morning after Tuesday’s practice in return for cleaning up after. It was a lot better than sparring at home, even if it did mean getting up way too early.
Of course, being at school meant there were sometimes distractions.
“Think fast, Fentoni!”
Danny turned just as Valerie caught the football that was headed for him.
“Unless you’re here to spar, then get lost, Dash,” she huffed, tossing the ball to Kwan.
“Spar with Fenton?” Dash laughed and Kwan joined in.
“You’d snap him in half before he could even throw his first punch!”
“I thought I said to get lost,” Valerie growled stepping between them and Danny.
Dash leered at him. “You gonna let a girl fight your battles.”
Danny raised an eyebrow as Valerie stiffened. “Now you f-ed up.”
“And what, exactly, is that supposed to mean, Baxter?” she asked, cracking her knuckles.
Kwan grabbed Dash’s shoulder and whispered something that made Dash pale.
“J-just that Fenton’s too weak to fight his own battles, he has to rely on his girlfriend to do it for him. I did-din’t mean, you know, that a girl couldn’t kick butt.”
“Nice save,” Danny said and Dash gave him a death glare.
“Leave,” Valerie said.
They did.
“I’m definitely going to pay for that later,” Danny chuckled as he got into position on the mat.
“If you’re not going to fight back then stop antagonizing him,” she said.
“I’ve considered fighting back.”
“Then why don’t you.”
Danny raised an eyebrow. “You haven’t met Sidney Poindexter, then.”
“He’s the ghost who haunts my locker. He gets huffy with me if I try to get back at Dash. I was putting my annoyingness to full use on Dash when we first met and Sidney is paranoid I’ll do it again. According to him, I’m just as much of a bully as Dash if I do and he hates bullies.”
“Need me to take care of him?”
“Nah, we’ve got a truce. He’s not too bad. I just can’t pull anything on Dash without risking a lecture from him. And he’s still learning modern slang so a lecture from him is even worse than one of Lancer’s hip and funky fresh talks.”
“Do you guys know why Nathan’s been giving me evil eyes?” Danny asked as the trio walked home.
“He’s got a crush on Valerie. He’s ticked you and her are dating,” Tucker explained.
“He came up to me the other day and tried to tell me I needed to, Get your cheating boyfriend away from my Valerie! It took me fifteen minutes to get him to back off and I think he still believes you’re two-timing Valerie and I,” Sam said.
“We’re dating? Sam, why didn't you tell me? I'd have put my book down.”
Sam shoved him towards his stoop. “I want to break up. It’s not me, it’s you.”
“Okay, but I get Tucker in the divorce.”
Tucker shook his head and linked arms with Sam. “Sorry, Danny, but you knew I was a gold digger going into this.”
Sam shoved him away as well. “You can have him.”
“Changed my mind, he’s yours now.”
“You’re both awful,” Tucker fake whined and marched off.
“See you tomorrow,” the two yelled at his retreating back.
Danny turned to Sam. “Are you going to head out for patrol or do you want a snack first?”
“Depends, what’s the likelihood your food’s contaminated?”
“My mom and dad are partway through a new invention.”
“You guys are ridiculous,” he called as she went to the nearest alleyway.
“Ectoplasm’s not a veggie,” she called back.
“Okay, fair,” he snorted and opened the door. “I’m home. Anything happen while -”
Danny cut off as he saw his family in the living room surrounding a certain fruit loop.
“Ah, hello, Daniel!”
“You!” he shouted, tossing his bag aside and marching up to the group. “What are you doing here?”
Some of his anger lifted as he saw his mom accidentally poor tea right onto Vlad’s lap. “Totally valid question.”
“Still steaming?” Vlad asked in his creepy stalker voice.
“You have no idea,” she growled.
Vlad turned his attention to Danny. “I was just, you know, passing through. And then I saw that marvelous battlesuit and thought, since I can't just destroy Jack and take it, I suppose I'll steal its secrets right out from under his nose!”
Danny’s fists clenched as Vlad met his dad’s eyes with a smile and the two started laughing.
“Oh I swear, I am such a josher,” he held his cup up to Danny’s mom. “More tea please.”
She poured it on his head.
“Not there! Ooh!”
Danny’s mom stomped off and his dad followed.
“I don't know what you're up to, Plasmius,” Danny started in a whisper, then blinked. “Actually, I do. You just told me.”
“That’s right! And say a word and I'll share your secret with your little friend.”
Danny stared at him blankly. “What friend?”
“Miss Gray.”
“How do you even -”
Danny was cut off when an alarm sounded through the house. His dad ran back into the room and hit a hidden button to bring up a radar system.
“Galloping goblets, it's the Ecto-Exodus Alarm!”
“The Ecto-whaty-what?” Jazz and Danny asked.
“The Ecto-Exodus Alarm! An alarm that only goes off when we're about to face a massive ghost invasion!”
Danny faked reaching into his pocket so he could grab the Fenton Phones out of his Space Fold. “I need to make a call!”
He felt Vlad’s eyes on his back as he ran upstairs, but ignored them.
“Sam, Tucker, please tell me one of you can hear me?” he said into the phones and through their link as he shut his door.
“What’s wrong?” Sam said.
“Ghost invasion. Big one. Coming right at us,” Danny said and transformed. “We need to get back here right now.”
Danny’s ghost sense went off.
“Too late.”
Danny flew out of the house as ghosts came pouring out of the portal and onto the street. His eyes landed on Johnny and Kitty and he flew towards them.
“Hey Thirteen, what’s going on?” he asked as he came level with the bike.
“You mean you haven’t heard?” Kitty said, turning to him. “Pariah Dark’s back.”
“If you don’t know, we’re not going to tell you,” Johnny snorted.
“Come on. We’ve been letting you mostly run wild as long as you don’t hurt anyone or destroy anything. Can’t you just tell us?”
Johnny growled and stopped the bike. “Look, we don’t know too much. He’s way, way before our time. All we know is that he’s called the King of All Ghosts and someone woke him up. Now he’s trashing the zone and looking for some ring that will give him ultimate power or something when paired with his crown. He’s powerful so everyone’s getting while the gettin’s good. Speaking of which.”
Johnny took off, but Danny didn’t bother to chase him. Instead, he turned to Sam as she joined him.
“This is bad. No kidding.”
Tucker flinched as his ghost sense went off for the fifteenth time. Where were all these ghosts coming from? He hoped he got into range of the mind link soon. Sam at least should be transformed so he should be getting close. Why did he have to choose today of all days to visit the gaming shop in Elmerton?
Someone blasted him and he groaned. He’d wanted to regroup with his partners before picking any fights. He turned to his opponent and groaned again. “What are you doing in town, fruit loop?”
“Haven’t we already been through this, Daniel?” Vlad asked flying closer and Tucker rolled his eyes.
So Danny or Sam have talked to him then. He hoped they were okay. “Refresh our memory.” Goosebumps swept over him and he gestured towards the ghost. “Are you the reason all these ghosts are around?”
“I’m flattered you think I could organize all this.”
“You’re right. We forgot you put everything into intelligence and strength. No way you could convince all these ghosts to listen with your charisma being a dump stat,” Tucker said, nodding. “Our bad.”
Vlad looked confused for a moment, then pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m not here to play games, Daniel.”
“Then you’ve got the wrong half-ghost.” If he didn’t want jokes, he should have gone with Sam.
Vlad scowled at him, then he was being grabbed from behind. He looked up to see another Vlad holding him. The older halfa pinned one of his arms behind his back and held the other out to the first Vlad.
“Let go of us, creep!”
“Calm down, Daniel. I’m not going to hurt you,” Vlad one said, flying closer and grabbing his wrist. “I simply need you to hold onto something for me.”
“And why would we ever help you?”
Vlad one disconnected his glove from the hazmat and pulled it off, revealing green skin and black nails.
Wow, Sam would like those.
“Because this is a powerful relic,” Vlad two explained as Vlad one slipped a green and black ring onto Tucker’s middle finger. “One which I’m sure you’d want to keep safe and out of the hands of dangerous ghosts.”
“Like you?”
Vlad one smirked and replaced his glove.
“If it’s so powerful, why would you give it up?” Tucker asked as the Vlads let him go and merged together.
“That is for you to discover on your own. Ta!” He teleported away.
“We need to get a restraining order or something,” Tucker muttered, rubbing his shoulder. He glanced down at his hand uncertainly. Vlad could certainly have been lying, but if he wasn’t, Tucker couldn’t just toss the ring and risk it ending up in the wrong hands.
With a sigh, he continued on his way. The trio could figure this out together. Thankfully he only had to fly for a few minutes before his mind connected to Sam and Danny.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love/3
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Part 3
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert
a tvd crossover AU story
ft. Klaroline
a/n: well, here is another fluffy fanfiction crossover story. This time all human. Since I am a huge fan of the vampire diaries - kind of always do crossovers with them.
As of recent I really started to like the character of Nick Amaro from Law&Order_svu, played by Danny Pino. I also love him as Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC… and so, in this story - paired with Elena Gilbert, of course, my favourite female character.
I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. xoxo
tag_ @miguelsbrat​
Miguel and Klaus were whisked away by their mother to greet some of their old friends.
Elena was now left with Caroline taking another cocktail.
"This is not a bad party at all!" Caroline stated. "It looks like you are rebounding fast?!"
"What do you mean?" Elena looked at her friend now.
"Oh, I saw the way you looked at Miguel - he is tall, dark and handsome! Maybe a bit stuffy, but not bad at all!!"
"Caroline, stop it. I am not interested. He is a nice guy - and we just had a polite talk."
"All right. I am not going to push it. Rebekah said that he wrapped himslef up in an untouchable cacoon. He has not dated anyone since his wife died.”
“Oh” Elena exclaimed softly looking in the direction of Miguel. But as Stefan joined them, she now turned to the man.
"You guys seen Yemaya?!" Stefan asked.
"Yeah," Elena said, "I think she went into the garden.Stefan thanked them and went to look for her.
"What shall we do?" Caroline said to her friend,"help them, not help them?"
"I think that we shouldn't meddle. I think Yemaya will realize that it would be stupid to let someone like Stefan walk." Elena replied.
"Oh, no. Damon is coming this way."
Caroline saw that he was now approaching them.
Sooner or later, Elena knew that they would have to face one another and as he came to them she kind of went the way to the garden and he followed her.
Caroline now looked for Rebekah.
"Elena, will you stop?!" Damon said grabbing her by the arm.
"What is it?" Elena’s chocolate eyes blazed at her ex.
"I want to talk to you."
"What about?"
"I made a mistake-but I love you!"
Elena inhaled deeply, annoyed."You don't love me- if you loved me you would never had slept with Krystal! And to tell you the truth - I think that you did me a favour. And - actually it made me realize that there was no real love between us anyway - it was just this toxic"
Before she managed to finish the sentence, he pulled her to him and kissed her.
Elena pulled away, sifting angrily at him,"Don''t ever do this again! Leave me alone!"
“Come on - she doesn’t mean anything to me - you know that - it was just - a stupid glitch.”
“We are over. And I don’t want to talk to you, see you or know anything about you!” Elena ripped away from Damon’s arms, trying to fight her tears, running out of the garden into the house.
“Are you all right?” Miguel asked as he nearly crashed with the brunette coming from the side room.
“Yes. Where is the bathroom, please?”
“Upstairs. Let me show you. This is a big house” Miguel led the way.
“Thank you.” Elena said, feeling much calmer already.
“There” Miguel gestured to the guest bathroom.
Elena entered and now washed her hands, and sat down on the rim of the tub.
“Are you all right?” Miguel knocked at the door. “I don’t want to bother you, but you were not looking well...and I’m a doctor - so”
Elena now opened the door. “I’m fine - I just forgot to eat today - and had the champagne and just felt a bit queasy.”
“You are a little bit pale. Let me get you a sandwich - the hors d’oeuvres are not sufficient.” Miguel offered.
“Thank you. But I think that I am going to go home. I got up at 5 as I had an order to finish and I’m really tired.” Elena said.
“All right. Shall I call you a cab?”
“Yes, please.”
A few days later
Mikaelson Mansion
"I saw you having a good time talking to Elena!?" Rebekah remarked teasing Miguel slightly.
"She is a nice person" Miguel replied.
"Ah,Elena?! Really?!" Kol said. "Isn’t she with Damon Salvatore."
"As usual you don't know anything Kol," Rebekah said, "didn't Bonnie tell you that they broke up!"
Miguel listened attentively, but kept quiet.
“I think she mentioned something. Yeah - the other night she spent hours on the phone with her.”
“It was a bad break up. Damon cheated - nothing new. She kicked him to the curb. She is the sweetest soul and deserves a good guy. Like you Miguel.”
“Here you are - blantanly matchmaking” Kol said.
“And so what? I don’t see you complaining - and Miguel also deserve a happy ever after.”
“I’m here” Miguel now said.
“Yeah - sorry. I don’t want to be insensitive - but, seriously. You seem to like her. Ask her out. Have dinner. Maybe things will happen. Maybe they don’t, but there is no harm in trying.” Rebekah said.
“You’re right,” Miguel said, “but it has been a long time since I’ve done  anything like that. And she has just broken up with her boyfriend, so I don’t think it is really appropriate to ask her out.”
Before Rebekah could continue, Esther entered the room, pulling him away.
“I would like to do something special for Cristobal’s birthday” the woman said to Miguel as they walked into the drawing room.
"Thank you, mother. That would be wonderful."
“You have both adjusted well. I am really happy that you decided to return living here.”
“Cristobal needs to have a sense of family - I should have came back years ago.” Miguel said.
“Henrik and him are getting along so well - you have done a great job with him.”
“Not without the great help of Senora Vega - she did most of the work.” Miguel pointed out.
“She is a marvelous woman. I don’t know why she declined the invitation to the party.”
“She doesn’t like big gatherings like these.”Miguel replied.
“I will invited her for tea some time. Right. I will cooridinate the birhtday party with Cristobal then - I’ve learned from Henrik, that it is not wise to take things in one’s own hands.” Esther said.
“He is very particular about what he likes and dislikes.”
“Weren’t you all?” Esther cocked an eyebrow, referring to all of her children, him included. They all were a handful, each with an ego, and very demanding personalities.
“We were” Miguel curled a smile remembering the chaos that reigned in the house when they were kids.
“Ah, I miss those days,” Esther said, “the house is too quiet now. It’s just us and Henrik. You all have moved out and - I truly wish I had more grandchildren.”
“It will come.”
“I don’t know. Same as you, Kol is too immersed in his work at the hospital, even though he is been with Bonnie for a while now. And don’t start me on Rebekah - she is like her father, dedicated to the magazine, and Klaus - you know - “
“Yes - no stabile relationship at all.”
“Exactly. But I am greateful that all of you are fine. And I hope sincerely that you will find someone, too.”
“I don’t know - no one is “
“like Emily, I know. Come on, dinner is about to be served.”
The next few days everyone was busy with their work and they mostly talking to one another over the phone.
Elena had locked herself in the bakery working from morning till evening. She was preparing herself for a cookie fair and so she concentrate on it only.The only person she would see was Caroline, who would come to the shop.They had dicussed Damon only once, and Elena didn't want to hear his name or anything about him.
"He can disappear into another dimension as far as I am cocerned!," was the last thing on that subject matter, "I got my work...and I mean it... I want to open another shop... And it will be cupcakes... I have a whole load of new recipes and designs and I want you to draw up a contract, and I want you to go with me and see some potential shops." Elena said to her friend.
"Yes. I will. I know that men are off subject-but- I am going out for dinner with Klaus!" Caroline then said.
"You really work fast!"
"It's a dinner. I just want to get to know him,"Caroline stated,"Now you kept quiet about meeting Miguel before the cocktail party?!"
"It was nothing. I guy who bought me a cup of coffee,and then it  happens to be Rebekah's brother. He is nice."
"He is nice?!" Caroline repeated,"Right- and?"
"Nothing. He is nice. I have told you. I don't want to date. And why would he asked me out- according to Rebekah, he is only about work!"
"Says she who is at work all the time," Caroline referred now to Elena, "you liked him, didn't you?!"
Elena knew that her friend was relentless.
"He is good looking. Different- but didn't you say that he is a widower."
"So what? Why does that matter?!"
"It doesn't."
"Well, he must have loved her very much cos, Rebekah said that he didn't have anyone since"
"Really?" Elena was surprised.
"It's kind of romantic," Caroline then said,"To find that one love."
"Yeah, the one that is always and forever!" Elena said dreamily and then snapped out of it, "I have a great idea for a cup cake range with that name, actually two. One can be always  and the other one forever- two of a kind!"
"Make it really tasty!" Caroline said. "I will see you later!"
The door swung open and both women now made a half sigh looking at the man that was approching them.
Miguel. Elena bit a gulp back and tried hard not to keep her calm.
Caroline looked at Elena and Miguel exchanging a small non verbal gaze. There was a spark, she could swear. “Right. I have to go. Nice seeing you again, Miguel.”
Miguel nodded a little at the blonde, who turned on her heel, nudging a smile at Elena. Girl, he is not here for the cookies. Waving a little at her friend she exited the bakery.
“This is a charming place.” Miguel complimented the place that was a cross of a modern and old, very cozy and welcoming.
“Thank you.” Elena smiled pleased.
“I would like a box of mixed cookies - a bit of everything. It is for my housekeeper.” Miguel said.
“All right. I will put something together.”
“Can I have a Latte?”
“Yes, of course. Would you like to try these new cookies?”
“Yes, I’d love to.” Miguel said and as Elena took the plate, he read the name, "Aztec fire - is there chilli inside?"
“Yes. It’s a new recipe. I always try to bring out something new. I’ve got cookies from all over the world. We alternate it. My great grandmother was from Bulgaria and I got her recipe book when I was ten. Here are some of her favourites, called Medenki. They are made with honey.”
“I’d like to try those, too.” Miguel said.
“Ok. If you’d like to sit down. I’ll bring the coffee and the cookies over to you.”
Miguel nodded and now found a table by the window.
As she served him the hot drink and the cookies, they both turned their attention to the door.
“Ah, great mind think alike.” Rebekah said as she now came up to them. “Latte for me, too. And can I have the triple chocolate cookie and Nutella to dip. I had one of those days - “
“Of course. Coming right up” Elena said, leaving them to for a moment. As she returned, Rebekah asked her to sit with them for a little while, laying out all that had happened at work and their rival magazine stealing one of the stylist and a writer.
Both Miguel and Elena tried their best to calm the fiery blonde down. But they both knew that it was the hardest job, especially when she clearly was on the warpath.
“I’m sorry, I totally ruined this -”
“No, you didn’t.” Elena reassued her friend.
“Can you pack me a few more of these cookies. I think that I will need this tonight.”
“Sure” Elena said and now went to the counter to finish Miguel’s order as well.
"Ok-tomorrow lunch and I am not taking a no for an answer!" Rebekah said  paying for the cookies and the coffees, as she felt guilty for taking up their time talking about a problem at work. Giving her friend  one of those air kisses on the cheek and was out of the door. Miguel nodded a little bye to Elena and followed his sister.
"Damon, who?!" Elena muttered looking at Miguel and Rebekah discussing something before they each went their separate ways.
Caroline wanted to dress to impress, and so she tried out tones of dresses and she wasn't happy with any of them. Then she finally chose an unusual green little number.
"It's only a dinner" the blonde muttered to herself as if it wasn't of any particular significance.
The door bell rang and she looked at the clock. It was seven and he was on time.
When she opened it, he charmingly smiled at her presenting her with an extravagant mixed ranunculus flower bouqet.
"Thank you" she took the bouquet trying not blush as he said that he wasn't really sure what her favourite flowers were but he was convinced that these were the most romantic ones.
"I -never really thought about flowers"
"Law and words are more interesting, I suppose!" Klaus said.
"I do girly stuff, too."
"Oh- I have heard of your gatherings"
"Rebekah!" Caroline exclaimed softly.
"I admit I used my sister to get a few pointers- for this evening-your favourite restaurant is Danielle's-and they serve french and creole food."
"So I guess we have a table reservations there?!" Caroline said her eyes sparkling at him.
"Indeed we have. Please" he stretched his arm out to her. She closed the door behind them and they went out into the night.
Miguel presented the box with the cookies to Senora Vega.
“What is this?”
“This is a little thank you - for everyhing you are doing for us.”
“You have just given me another raise - it is more than enough.” the housekeeper said.
“It is never enough. You gave your life to us, and I cannot repay this with anything.”
“You know that I do not care about the money. You have also given me a home and shelter and it is an absolute honor to work for you, Dr Galindo.”
Miguel patted the woman’s hands, now asking her about Cristobal.
“In his room. He said that he has to practice for the drama group.”
Miguel’s pager buzzed and he now excused himself and went to his study to reply to the call.
As he got into his study, he put the computer on.   he took now the photograph of his late wife in his hands.
"You told me not to stay alone- but -I couldn't. I never thought I would be able to feel something for someone again,” Miguel inhaled deeply, “but I do." His thought swayed to Elena. Like Rebekah had said. She was a sweet, dear person, and his heart went double beat.
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jamesashtonisbae · 5 years
Why Not Both Pt. 7
Word Count: 2740
Pairing: Bryce x MC (Bentley Rogers) and Rafael x MC (Bentley Rogers)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language, sexual content - like not safe, lemon content
Summary: Bentley cannot decide between Bryce and Rafael.  Will she have to?
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to Pixelberry studios.
Link to Masterlist
Part 7
Bentley and Bryce stumbled through the door to her apartment.  They hadn’t taken their hands off each other the whole way back.  When they pushed through the doorway completely, they ran right into Danny and Sienna, who were wrapped in each other’s arms.
Both couples jumped apart, glancing at the other pair, embarrassed at first.  Well, except for Bryce, who was never embarrassed.  Sienna’s shirt was pushed up and her midriff was bare.  Danny’s belt was unbuckled, and his pants were unbuttoned.  Bentley quickly became unembarrassed, and instead became excited for her friend.
“Oh hey, we were just coming here to change our clothes and go out to get drinks.  You two, please carry on.”
“Danny, let’s just, go to my room,” Sienna said, not making eye contact with Bentley or Bryce.
“No, no,” Bentley said, taking Bryce’s arm, “you deserve to make out in the living room.  God knows we’ve done it plenty of times.”
Bryce grinned and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to Bentley’s lips, “Yeah, you two have had to put up with us far too many times.”
Bentley’s mind flashed to Rafael and her doing the exact same thing recently as well.  Dating two guys was weighing on her, and she hoped Sienna and Danny wouldn’t mention it.  Not that Bryce would care.
Bryce took her hand and tugged her down the hall gently, “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
“Just still worrying about this whole ‘dating two guys’ thing.  I don’t know what to do to make myself stop worrying about it.  Like in that moment just now, all I could think about was the fact that the most recent guy Danny and Sienna have watched me make out with in the entryway wasn’t you.  It seems like we talk about this every time we’re together, but I’m struggling with this, so hard.  I love you, and I love him.  And this is going to sound weird, but you’re also like my best friend, so I kind of want to talk to you about how much I love him?  I want to share all of that with you, because I just want to share everything with you…”
Bryce took her hands and guided her to her bed, the pair jumping when they heard Sienna’s door slam closed.  They broke out of their serious moment and laughed together softly for a couple of seconds.  She leaned onto his chest and gazed up into his eyes.
“Bentley, you know I love you.  I want to hear about everything in your life, and that includes Rafael.  It’s not awkward for me, Bentley.  I know this will sound cocky, but I am not threatened by Rafael, because I’m confident in what I have with you.  All I’m worried about is the possibility of wanting to spend the night with you when you’re spending it with him.  And I’m worried about you getting burnt out trying to date two people.”
“Why are you always worried about me when it comes to this? You’re so selfless.  You’re far more than what I deserve.”
“Bentley, what’s it gonna take for you to believe that you deserve everything this world has to offer and more?” Bryce slipped an arm around her waist, gently pulling her in a little closer.  “I want to give you everything I have.”
Bentley leaned her head up and pressed her lips to his softly.  The kiss started tender and loving, but when Bryce laid down and tugged her on top of him, they started kissing with more and more intensity - on their way towards not making their plans to get drinks.  Her hips started moving against his involuntarily, his rising to meet hers--
“Ohhhhhhhhh, Danny…” Sienna moaned from next door.  Bentley pulled away from Bryce, her eyebrows jumping with his as they heard Sienna’s bed frame begin knocking against their wall.  She stifled a giggle as she buried her head into Bryce’s neck before letting her laughter out.  Bryce joined her laughing, quietly, before burying his face in her auburn curls and giggling too.
After a few moments of awkwardly listening to Sienna and Danny, Bentley turned to look at Bryce, “I should pack an overnight bag so we can go.”
Bryce reluctantly released her and she got up to change out of her scrubs and into a black dress and her favorite jean jacket.  She could feel Bryce’s eyes on her as she grabbed a clean pair of scrubs and some undergarments to wear the next day.  
“Bryce…” she called as she started towards the bathroom to grab her toiletries.  “Will you pick out a nightgown for me to wear tonight? Top drawer.  And if you want to push some stuff to the side, you can use it too.”
“A nightgown?” she could hear him scramble off her bed and throw open the drawer from down the hall.  She could also hear Sienna and Danny and thanked the heavens that they were finally together.  Sienna and Danny were her favorite couple on the planet.  They were so cute together, and every day she could tell that they were becoming inseparable. 
Bentley tossed her things into a small bag she could fit inside her overnight bag, then rounded the corner to her room at light speed, meeting Bryce’s wide grin as she entered.
“Hey!  You look happy…” she said a bit hesitantly.
“This is my favorite drawer, Bentley.  I tried to pick something that looked comfortable but I would love to revisit it at some point.”
“Oh no, what did you choose?”
“Just this pink satin one… do you think that’s okay?”
She laughed and took him in her arms, “Of course I do, I told you that you could pick what you wanted,” she reached around him to take the pink slip and fold it into her bag.
“I know you’ll look sexy in anything, but I’m assuming this will be for after we have sex and not before.”
“You’re right,” she said, kissing his cheek gently, then maneuvering around him.  “I need to change my underwear quick.”
She opened a drawer, simultaneously pulling off her panties and tossing them in her hamper.  Making a show of it, she pulled out a strappy garter belt and a matching thong, pulling them on and attaching them.  She felt Bryce reach out for her, but she spun away and grabbed her bag, “Okay we’re good.”
“You absolute tease…” he groaned as he followed her.
They hurried across town, dropped off her bag, and found themselves huddled in a booth in the back of some bar down the block from Bryce’s apartment.  Her legs were draped over his lap as she nursed a moscow mule Bryce had insisted she try.  He had ordered his usual, which had been nagging at Bentley a little bit.
“So… ‘the usual’? Do you come here a lot? I’ve never been here with you before…”
“Yeah, I used to,” he cleared his throat, looking away from her for a minute, “I used to bring girls here for drinks back when I first moved to Boston.”
“And, did you take them home with you too?”
He coughed again, “Sometimes.”
“I see,” she fiddled with her straw, but didn’t move out of his lap.  It didn’t bother her when she thought about how she was also seeing Rafael the whole past year, but if she hadn’t been, she would have been upset.  More of what was bugging her was the fact that she’d never really gone out on a date with Bryce, she had just gone about her life and slept with him whenever they had time.  
“What’s wrong, B?” he asked, taking her drink out of her hand and holding it in his.
“Nothing - you should have dated whoever you wanted.  I guess I just feel bad that you and I never really dated, we just kind of were around.  It was never anything really intentional.  And now I’m on a date with you and I’m complaining that we never went on a date.”
Bryce laughed, “Bentley, I intentionally spent every spare moment with you.  But I thought you had something with Dr. Ramsey, so I tried to date other girls so I would stop myself from falling too fast for you.  That’s why we didn’t date.  Because we didn’t need to.  I was just always around because even then, I knew I was hopelessly in love with you Bentley Rogers.”
Bentley kissed him softly, “You’re so damn soft for me, Bryce Lahela.”
He threw his head back in laughter before turning back to kiss her back, “What have you done to me, Rogers?”
She rested her forehead against his, gazing into his eyes, “This was my evil plan all along… get your defenses down… make you fall in love with me… spend the night at your place… and rob you blind.  It’s foolproof really.”
Bryce kissed her forehead softly, then whispered, “It’s all yours… take it all.”
They sipped their drinks a while longer, talking about their patients in common, some they didn’t have in common.  Bentley protested when Bryce tried to convince her she should be a surgeon, that way she wouldn’t have to babysit her intern Esme.  Bentley argued back that she was on the best diagnostics team in the country and babysitting an intern was worth the opportunity she had to work with Dr. Ramsey and Baz and June.
“But Bentley, you could work with Dr. Harper Emery, the premier neurosurgeon in the country!  I don’t understand why that isn’t enough of a draw to get you to switch.”
“I work with the premier diagnostician in the country, Bryce!” she exclaimed, setting her drink down and throwing her arms around his neck.  “The quality of professionals I work with matches, if not bests, the ones you work with!”
“Well, the best resident at Edenbrook is a surgeon.  You would get to work with him.”
“The best resident at Edenbrook is a junior diagnostician and you know it.”
Bryce’s grin was radiant, and Bentley knew why.  He had tried so hard to get her to believe in herself, and now she did.  It was all because of him and how much effort he put into building her up to be this confident.  She could always count on him to make her more confident.
“You’re damn right she is…” Bryce wrapped his arms around her back and tugged her up so she was straddling him in the booth.  Their mouths met in a heated kiss, and when he was sure she was anchored to him, Bryce moved his hands to her thighs, running them over her with that expert touch of his.  She groaned and he took the opportunity to meet her tongue with his.  His hands crept up her thighs until his thumbs rested lightly on her hot core.  In response to his touch she felt a gush of wetness between her legs and she pulled away.
“We gotta get out of here.  Now,” she commanded, grabbing a twenty out of her wallet and slapping it onto the table.  With equal intensity, she grabbed Bryce’s arm and pulled him out of the booth and back to his apartment.
They barely made it inside the door when Bryce tugged off her jacket and threw it into a corner somewhere.  With an unexpected reverence in the heat of the moment, he pulled off her dress as she tried kicking off her shoes.
“How are you so goddamn beautiful?” Bryce asked, sinking to his knees in front of her as she backed into his door.
“Just trying to keep up wi--” she cut herself off with a moan as she felt Bryce’s lips connect with her wet slit through her crotchless panties.  He hiked her leg up and over his shoulder, giving himself better access as he worked his tongue skillfully against her.  Their eyes met in the dark of his entryway and if she could think about anything other than his lips and teeth on her she would have wondered how he always managed to get her completely naked before he lost a single item of clothing.  Her breathing became labored as Bryce tugged at her lower lips, teasing her and getting her as wet as possible, his saliva and her own wetness mixing together, before he latched his mouth to her clit and sucked.  The door vibrated behind her as she slapped her hand against it when Bryce would not relent.  She arched her back, thrusting her hips towards his face, barely staying up with one very wobbly leg planted on the ground.  Bryce knew she was getting close, so he reached up with one hand to grip hers as he moved his other to hold her steady.  Her free hand snaked into his hair, gripping it firmly as he coaxed an orgasm from her.  She groaned loudly as Bryce kissed her lips over and over again until she was sufficiently down from her high.  In an instant, she was in his arms and he moved her to his couch.
He leaned over her, smattering kisses on her face as her breathing returned to normal.  With expert ability, she latched her leg around his and flipped him underneath her.
“Now it’s your turn to sit back and let me do my job…”
“Bentley, please, I just want to be inside you…” he groaned as she palmed him through his jeans.  In one deft move, she had unbuckled his belt, tugged it off, and pushed his jeans and boxers down.  She rose to pull off his shoes and his clothes, moving up and sliding off his sweater and the shirt he wore underneath it in one fluid motion.
Before Bryce had a chance to react, she had slung her legs over him and was grinding her still wet pussy against his very hard dick.  His eyes rolled back and he groaned at the feeling of her sliding over him.  With a tap on the chest, she drew his attention back to her and she rose slightly, taking him in one hand.  He didn’t look away when she guided him to her entrance, the warmth of her so close he could almost feel it.  She lowered herself slightly, encasing just the head inside her.  He let out a raw, guttural moan and she lowered herself all the way.
When he tried to sit up, she pushed him back gently, “Just watch.  And enjoy.”
With a wink, she tossed her head back, her auburn hair flying out behind her.  The white column of her neck was exposed, and Bryce licked his lips, hoping he would be able to lean up and place soft bites all over it, marking her as his, but he was under strict orders to lie there.  She bounced up and down on his dick, moving side to side on occasion, her breasts moving with her and drawing Bryce’s eyes down.  Once he broke out of his trance gazing at her as she rode him, he reached down and pressed two fingers to her clit.  He knew her so well, and he knew she would struggle to finish from penetration alone, no matter how good a job he did, and he wasn’t doing much of anything right now.  It was the least he could do as she gave him the ride of a lifetime.
Within seconds, they both approached their climaxes, and Bentley tugged him up so she could place her lips on his as they came together.  She held him close and kissed him desperately until he shoved her away to look into her eyes, “I love you, Bentley.”
“I love you too, Bryce,” she whispered, kissing him, then letting him lean in and rest his head on her breasts.  After a few moments, he started placing soft kisses on her bare chest, then began roaming up to where he was kissing her neck.  The kisses turned to gentle bites, and Bentley started getting wet again.  “Take me to your bed, Bryce.  Take me now.”
He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as they moved to his bed.  With great care, he set her down, then pressed his body against hers.  
It was a long time before they finally fell asleep, but with her head on his chest and their thirsts quenched, Bentley and Bryce slept like rocks their first night being fully in love.
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