#like you could just say that in the universe that the mechs live in physics doesnt work the same and energy isnt needed
majorshatterandhare · 9 months
I’m thinking about how the Mechs use energy, because they do things and live and therefore they *must* use energy, that’s how physics (and biology) work.
I had the idea that they are always absolutely frigid to the touch because they suck in heat from the environment like an endothermic chemical reaction.
#the mechanisms#another crack idea#it would make the most sense for them to be able to run on multiple kinds of energy#and yes i know the actual answer is that they just do. its magic basically. but thats not fun for me.#what is fun is trying to figure this shit out#and if you disagree. thats fine. disregard my musings. but like. idk what to tell you. im autistic.#of course the way i enjoy the media is different than most people#i dont think its surprisjng that the way my autistic ass likes to interact with the mechs is to disect every little bit and try to fill-#holes in ways that make sense in our understanding of the universe and their world#like you could just say that in the universe that the mechs live in physics doesnt work the same and energy isnt needed#which is fucking insane#but you could. my question would then be how the physics does work and trying to figure that out.#i just wanna stick my fingies in the holes in the story like its a crochet blanket and make flex them around#thats whats fun for me. which means that its super frustrating when i pose these questions looking for people to play in thd space with me-#and they just get shut down with answer like ‘whatever serves the narrative’ or ‘the mechs are unreliable narrators’ or ‘jonny lies’#tbc unreliable narrators can be very fun. but its not fun when it stops the possibilities or the conversation.#its not fun when ‘unreliable narrator’ is the end.#i think other people may enjoy the freedom of just doing anything that that gives them (or ‘whatever serves the narrative’ does)#but i dont because im a scientist which means i want to figure things out which means there must be a framework#if anything could happen at any time then you can’t make a cohesive story.#and i coukd argue we know thats not the case since ivy predicts stuff based on likelihood#anyway i managed to go down a rabbit hole tangent of why apes and roundworms hybridizing is the most ridiculous ‘scientific’ answer ive-#seen in scifi. so if you’re interested in that. hmu
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blinkpen · 1 year
wait do Colin and Zoe have to get their dumb ass mech parts body augments bolted back onto them everytime they respawn
As a general rule, no, they don't! Although for Zoetrope, it's a little more complicated. More on that in a bit.
Setting up how to explain this got a little long so I've put it, along with some more accompanying drawings/doodles, under a cut! But first, a fancy Lamarr (this is actually 100% relevant)
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Respawn is used primarily to reconstruct living (or rather, once-living) matter; it actually takes more effort on Necrin's part to reconstruct inanimate things and objects, including clothing and personal affects. Once you have a sort of 'default' look about you, that's how you will respawn, and respawning that outfit's "free" as it were.
Now, even if they are constantly kept on your person, there are some things you have to jump through some hoops to ensure they respawn with you such as magical items or exceptionally unique pieces of tech. This is to prevent dangerous or valuable objects from being wrecklessly duplicated. In the event there is a respawn-induced duplication of a magical item, let's say a magical necklace, for example, one is instantly rendered a dud in terms of its magical properties. You can only guarantee the dud will be the one left behind on your corpse and the one on your respawned body has all its intended properties if you jump through the aforementioned hoops. If you don't, you better haul ass to where your body dropped and hope it hasn't been scavenged or disposed of with your corpse yet.
(On the topic of scavenging, the fact you never know if someone's magical item is 'attached' to them and that's now a dud or still the real deal if they bite it has its own bundle of consequences and plays a big role in the black market of the world. Respawn-induced duds that are then enchanted to briefly fool potential buyers are rampant)
You can 'update' your 'default' look, but doing this costs a not insignificant amount of money, on top of the money you already had to spend to just physically acquire/purchase the clothes in the first place. The only people who can gussy themselves up, and then not constantly be on edge about the risk of losing all that effort, or even the clothing itself, are people who have the kind of money and connections for Necrin to be regularly up to date on what fit to respawn them in every time they change clothes.
Your only other alternative really is to be enough of a badass you can dodge all danger and make it to whatever situation your special outfit is for without dying or the outfit itself taking any damage. But even badasses get unlucky.
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Yeah, so I accidentally made an in-universe reason why the cartoon characters tend to wear the same clothes all the time except when it's particularly relevant to the story at hand, but I actually hadn't planned on it serving that purpose… Weird coiny dink.
I used a date as an example here, but in the nature of the beast/the themes of the work, you might imagine, hey, this could effect all kinds of things, like appointments, jobs where you have to wear a uniform or special gear, job interviews, etc, and it does, and that's explored i the story (as is the fact status can affect respawn speed as well, only further exacerbating the issue)
Now back to Collin and Zoetrope specifically, the entire original point of this ask, whoopsie doodle!
Collin sometimes likes to have his 'default' be cyborg arms, and sometimes he doesn't, so he updates it accordingly. He doesn't need to re-do the entire surgical process when he does this; he implanted a sort of 'middle man' cybornetic that the arms can be attached or detached from, which takes some time and precision from someone other than himself, but is obviously much less of an ordeal than putting ALL that tech back in. The 'middle man' cybernetics are there regardless, and sometimes he will pop the arms on and off without updating because of how minimal an inconvenience it is with how rarely he actually dies.
Now for Zoe, the control nodes/parts of the wheel directly attached to him/his body will respawn with him when he does, but the wheel itself, and its free floating node, will not. This is because the wheel was a personal affect (or potentially a body part, given the alien nature of the being) scavenged from an Agent monster, which, unlike lifeforms native to the core, do not respawn when slain/destroyed,. While the wheel is nigh-indestructible and can survive situations Zoe himself wouldn't, it has to be physically retrieved in the event Zoe is temporarily slain, or he's royally boned until they get it back.
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yeah this is what i was talking about earlier i'm really mad how this pre-peeled zoe came out i keep playing with fire
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lostonehero · 3 months
Ok fuck cannon for both series mech tma au
Also mech Martin as a treat
"W-wait." Jonny stopped holding up his hand before Nastya could set the dimension hop.
"The great Jonny d'Ville stuttering? Never thought I would see the day." Nastya rolls her eyes. "What's wrong? You want to get Martin, right?"
"I..." Jonny sighs and looks at Tim and then back to the rest of the crew and eventually Nastya. He fishes out a pair of glasses from his pocket.
"Smarts Jonny." Ivy raised her brow.
Jonny sighs and crosses his arms. "Tim and I have other versions of ourselves in that universe."
"So?" Raphaella quirks her brow. "Extra parts to experiment with."
"Not exactly." Jonny takes a breath. "Any universe or reality doesn't like copies and to remedy that well... we won't be able to stay here." He starts to motion his hands as his tail starts to lash back and forth. "The reality has a way to correct this, and that is to physically fuse myself with my alter, and the same will happen to Tim. I literally have no idea what that will even do."
Brian tilts his head. "So what you're saying that that there is a chance you'll both dissapear?"
"Not exactly, but kind of." Jonny shrugs, removing his glasses. "Eh, it's whatever just wanted to warn you fucks. Tim and I agreed to go through it. We all were already fucked around with the promise of actual death and waking up before, and who knows Martin's world goes through a literal apocalypse so that will be fun."
Tim nods. "We both have bets going on about how it works. I also get to go to a less advanced version of where I'm from. I really want to see what's that like. Also, I saved Bertie, and he got a long life, so I'm honestly fine with a true death."
Raphaella looks at both of them. "If both of you truly die, can I do an autopsy of your bodies to see what came over?"
"Why the fuck not? I don't give a shit I'll be dead." Jonny hums and raises a brow at Ashes. "What?"
"You'll be human." Ashes motions vaguely to his obvious status as not human.
"Huh." Jonny scratches his stubble. "I'll miss my tail if I remember any of it."
Tim snickers. "I'll be fine."
Ivy smirks. "What if your alternate has short hair?" She pauses. "Also, I want earth books."
"I have a new fear." Tim sighs.
Nastya pauses. "Are you sure?"
TS smiles. "I Think They Already Agreed. Bring Me Back A Earth Cat."
"You heard them let's fucking go." Jonny reached out and grabs Tim's hand. "I ain't living for the rest of time without Blackwood."
"Neither I am." Tim nods. "All speed ahead."
Nastya sighs. "This is a terrible idea, but if both of you still remain, I suppose stopping the apocalypse would please Aurora..... oh hmmmm." She puts the ship full throttle, and in an instant, Jonny and Tim vanish.
Martin woke up on his back, which honestly is the weirdest way he could wake up second to the alarm on his... he knew the word for the thing, but he couldn't recall it. He barely fumbled to turn off that obnoxious noise. What was a much more pressing manner was the fact his body was wrong, well correct but that was wrong. He can't recall when he had normal legs and feet... he could, but he would much rather forget the time before the good doctor got her hands on him. He was abnormal for a mechanism since his mechanism was organic in nature his lower half was that of a spider. Of course, he didn't hate it he wanted something different after that.
Ok, at the time, he thought himself a monster and tried to kill himself a multitude of times. He grew out of it. Obviously, it would have been a bleak eternity otherwise. He had a vague feeling of where he was, but the word peaches and worms came to mind. He kind of knew what that meant, but he was more so annoyed that this afterlife was basically before he became a mech. He had to figure out what he was doing.
Maybe if he went too... uh oh right the Magnus Institute, that's when he worked a normal job on earth. This was earth he hoped it wasn't in his head that this was some elaborate death dream because that would be a first. He should try to recall more of this if he is ever going to get through this weird afterlife. He hoped it was an afterlife because if not it meant that he wasn't dead, and he didn't want to do that without Jonny and Gunpowder Tim, and of course, the rest of the crew.
He got showered after figuring out the old-fashioned shower and got dressed in familiar clothes he didn't want to remember. He knew he had to remember, but he really didn't want to. He knew how this world worked. Public transport was easy, and soon, he arrived at the very institute that set everything in motion. What's that saying like a hover bike? Or a bicycle? He will remember what to do and go through the motions.
"You're late." A pretentious pompous voice sneered at Martin.
Martin paused, staring at the man studying him, and he reminded him of Jonny, and a name spilled from his lips. "Jon?"
"Did you hit your head on your way here? Of course I'm Jon." The short man shoved a stack of papers in his arms. "Get through these and try not to fall behind."
Martin frowns and takes the stack of statements. He knew they were statements. Some real some fake, and he had an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach that this wasn't the afterlife. He sat at his desk and stared at a computer, which he didn't recall the password for, and just started to read. He couldn't think about who he saw by him.
"Geez Marto, you ok?" That was Tim, not gunpowder, but Stoker. He was rubbing his eyes, but it was still him.
Martin knew the moment he saw her not corrupted by a thing that wore her skin poorly he might add he knew he wasn't in the afterlife and his death was a fucking lie. He wanted his final death with the rest of them. Did they also wake up before they became? Before the doctor got a hold of them? He takes a breath and sighs. "I'm fine." He forced himself to say. He noticed Tim was bleeding around his eyes. He chose to get up and wet some napkins to help.
"Tim, you really should see a doctor for that." Sasha frowns.
"I'm fine it's probably from my contacts. I'll wear my glasses, and the problem should clear up." Tim gives finger guns as his eyes water.
Martin sighs. "Tim, you're crying."
"Not emotionally." Tim snickers at his joke. "I'm fine. I probably just need rest and to get new contacts." His eyes stop watering after a moment, but it doesn't stop him from rubbing them like they ached.
Martin wasn't convinced, but he knew better than to push it normally got him shot or someone crying in his arms. He knew that didn't matter here. This place wasn't.... he wasn't home. "I'll make some tea for everyone."
"Thank you, Martin." Tim smiles as he rubs his eyes.
"Amazing as always." Sasha smiles.
Martin nodded and distracted himself with making tea. It didn't last long enough as he gave out the tea. He stepped into Jon's office, and he raised a brow at the scene he walked into. Jon was sitting on his knees in a chair not built for that position. "I made you some tea."
Jon nods, rubbing at his chest. "Right."
Martin paused and decided to push his luck. "Why are you sitting like that?"
Jon scowls and takes his mug of tea, and takes a sip. "My lower back aches, and it is worse if I sit normally. My painkillers haven't kicked in."
"Ah, alright, just be careful, alright." Martin smiles, hoping he was acting enough like he did before.
Tim groans as he stares at the bottle of eye drops the doctor gave him. It did literally nothing. His eyes ached and burned, and no matter what he did, the pain wouldn't go away. It's been two weeks, and it's only gotten worse, and he hasn't been able to do anything to relieve it.
He used the heels of his hand and pressed them into his eyes for any sort of relief that wouldn't come. Doctors couldn't find anything wrong and called him basically crazy because there was nothing wrong with his eyes. He knew something was wrong. He knew something was happening.
Tim was desperate. If the eye pain wasn't enough, he was starting to have weird dreams of a man with mechanical eyes. They would talk, and Gunpowder, the other guy picked that name. Don't ask him why it suited him. The memories... no dreams, he keeps having to correct himself. The dreams Gunpowder tells him are his memories, and he apologizes for them all the time. At one point, these memories became his own, but the only thing it did was make Gunpowder more solid in his mind.
Tim liked Gunpowder he was kind and a bit odd, but he didn't feel alone. He hasn't felt seen or known since his brother. Fuck he really missed Danny.
"You have his memories."
Tim nearly fell backward. That was Gunpowder, but he was awake if the pain was anything to say about that. His eyes scanned the small bathroom, searching for the source of the voice, but he didn't see anything. Maybe he was hearing things. The statements were probably getting to him.
Tim sighs and shuts the lights off, and heads to the couch. He just needed to sleep, that's all. Sleep came quickly these days, and he woke up not in Gunpowder's memories but to a futuristic bedroom. He knew this place from some more steamy memories from Gunpowder. Speaking of him, he was lounging in the bed holding a bottle that no longer had labels.
Gunpowder flicked his mechanical eyes to glance at Tim. His long hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and a pair of goggles was around his neck. He held up the bottle. "Shit doesn't do much in here but wants some?"
Tim shook his head as he approached and sat on the edge of the bed. "Did you say something?"
"When you started to spiral? Yeah." Gunpowder sits up, putting the bottle aside. "I'm not as well versed in this theoretical nonesense as Jonny is, but I think it's almost complete." He reached his hand out, and Tim allowed him to grab it. "Soon we'll be together awake and asleep, probably when my eyes finally form. Again, sorry about the pain."
"I don't think I'm able to believe you." Tim had that sinking feeling of dread that he knew Gunpowder was right. "Why?"
"We wanted to save our third to complete us." Gunpowder pulls his hand away. "Eternity isn't great when you're missing someone that helps complete you. We were also promised an apocalypse, and that did sound fun."
"Love is a good reason." Tim wanted to reach out again but refrained. "So would you be able to take over like a ghost?"
Gunpowder laughs. "I ain't no ghost, but maybe again, Jonny knows more about this bullshit than I do."
Tim nods and gets up approaching the door.
"Are you sure?"
"If what you say is true, I might as well know more about you." Tim opened the door and vanished into memories that weren't his own.
Gunpowder picked the bottle up again and sighed. "I wonder if Jonny is having a good time."
Jon felt even worse, he however did not go to the doctor even at Martin insistent, he was acting odd more so than normal, and it made his work even worse. He stripped off his shirt and pants, then finally his binder and groans. The red spot on his lower back right on his tailbone he could pass off as bug bite, now ballooned into a throbbing red mass that was completely solid to the touch.
He really wanted to keep ignoring it, but he felt something move under his skin, and it scared him half to death. Every part of him felt wrong, to his privates they were extra sensitive more so then when he started T to his ears that were bright red and painful, to his head that he can feel growing bumps on his head. The worst of it was his chest, his heart was constantly beating erratically, and he could swear he heard a ticking like a metronome in his chest. Everything was wrong, and yet he just crawled into his bed.
No to Jon, the worst part were these dreams that were nothing but fiction, and this Jonny character was a idiot, a violent obnoxious idiot. Jonny talked to him. He purposely argued with him and teased him. That ass was crude and didn't have a fucking care in the world the complete opposite of himself. He was some vile creature that probably spawned from the statements he read.
Jon bit down on his pillow, he moved wrong, and his sensitive privates sent nerves and sparks through his body. He was asexual he shouldn't have these desires, and he shouldn't be thinking about his coworkers in this matter. Why the fuck was Martin a spider creature it scared him but also thrilled him and he hated these thoughts. Tim was mostly the same, but his hair was long, and his eyes were machines. He blamed Jonny for all of this. But he wasn't real his mind just wanted someone to blame.
That obnoxious crazed laughter rang in Jon's ears. He groaned, spitting out his pillow. "Leave me alone, you annoying hallucination." That only earned him harder laughter. He gave a frustrated yell into his pillow. He refused to listen to the just jerk off from Jonny and grabbed sleeping pills from his draw, and hoped for a dreamless sleep, which he knew was futile. He kept seeing memories that weren't his of some nonesense syfy fan wet dream. Jonny wasn't real, and what he saw wasn't real either.
Sasha moved closer to Tim. "Eyes still bothering you?" She motions to his the dark sunglasses you couldn't see his eyes through.
Tim nods. "Yeah, doctors aren't helping. They feel like they're going to pop." He sighs. "Do you know what's up with boss man?"
Sasha shrugs. "I was going to ask about Martin. He seems more lost than normal, and he seems less jumpy but even more depressed? I don't know he keeps avoiding me every time I try to press."
"I can talk to him if you talk to Jon about his attitude. I watched him yell at Martin first 10 minutes, and Martin just took it with a smile like he didn't care." Tim frowns, rubbing his eyes his vision was getting blurry, and he could feel something wet drip down from his face.
"Eye drops first, you're crying again, and it's not clear." Sasha hands him a tissue. "I'll go talk to Jon."
"You're the best, Sasha." Tim smiles and rushes off to the bathroom. He barely makes it inside when his vision goes dark. He can only whimper in shock as fresh pain blooms where his eyes should be. A wet substance drips down his cheeks, and he barely registers hands on his shoulder, guiding him to sit on the ground.
Soft hands carefully remove the black glasses and a soft curse on his lips from a voice Tim knows, but he can't focus or see who said that. He could feel a wet cloth wipe whatever was on his face.
"Tim, you gotta breathe." That was Gunpowder. He sounded so clear, like he was right next to him. "I know it hurts, but you have to let the machines build themselves. It's actually really neat to watch."
The soft hands were done cleaning his face as he let out a sigh at the loss of touch. And a flash of light burned, and then he heard a soft click like that of a camera and a softer moving of machines like a soft roll. His vision came back way too fast, and suddenly, it was too perfect, and he saw too much. He saw a familiar sweater connected to a man leaning over him. "M-martin?" Of course it was Martin his hands were soft... he didn't know why he thought of them like a cat's paw.
"Blackwood!" Gunpowder gasps.
Martin takes the spoiled hand towel and puts it in his back pocket. "Tim, can you focus on me?"
The soft whirl of machines and Tim was looking at Martin. "What happened?" He could see the hand towel and had a few theories on what the stains were.
Martin smiles softly, and Tim feels calmer.
"Feels safe into the den of the spider." Gunpowder hums. "Do you mind if I just uh..."
Tim barely registered what happened until he was in the spot where Gunpowder was. He saw his body move without him, and he just watched unable to process until it clicked what had happened. "Oh." He watches Martin tilt his head as Gunpowder looks up at him, then he feels a stinging pain as Martin hits them.
Gunpowder holds his cheek and looks to Tim, realizing they both felt it.
Martin takes a breath. "You didn't heed any of my warnings."
Gunpowder smiles staring up at Martin.
Martin falters, and he moves and sits down next to him on the bathroom floor. "Is...?"
"Yeah, Tim's here." Gunpowder hums. "Don't think he made the connection yet."
"That is a given." Martin pulls his knees up. "I haven't.... yaknow, and I'm worried when I do..."
"You won't be able to hide." Gunpowder nods and reaches out to Martin. "Aha, he made the connection."
Martin smiles softly, interlocking his fingers with Tim. "Yeah, a lot of shit happened. Welcome to the madness of it."
"Oh, we're well past madness and circled back round to sanity." Gunpowder chuckles, taking the glasses back. "Talk later?"
Martin nods and watches Tim return to his body. "Are you ok?"
Tim blinks. Well, he thinks he blinks, but he's pretty sure he doesn't have eyelids anymore. "I uh... I think so." He paused. "So where's the spider parts? Don't tell me my shared memories and adult fantasies are a lie."
Martin chuckles. "Oh, you're both horrible. Ask Gunpowder, you ass." He gets up and holds out his hand. "Come on, we have to get back to work before Jon throws another fit."
Tim nods, getting up with Martin's help. "Seriously though, where are the spider bits?"
"I don't actually know, and I don't want to test dying to see if they come back." Martin sighs.
"Ah, fair enough." Tim continues to hold Martin's hand. "I uh...you know what happens..."
Martin frowns. "Tim, for me, it's been well over a few thousand years. My memory isn't perfect. I remember what my mind thinks are the important bits, but I've really tried to forget this happened. The ending isn't a good one." He sighs. "We can talk after work, in the tunnels."
"Tunnels?" Tim raised his brow following Martin, never unlocking their hands.
Martin pulled Tim back as emts rushed out with a stretcher. "Who got hurt?"
Sasha rushed over. "I went to check on Jon, and he... he was bleeding, and he was barely breathing. I called the ambulance, and they rushed him to the hospital."
Tim frowns. "Is he ok?"
"I don't know." Sasha gives a soft gasp as Martin pulls her into a hug.
"Hey, you did the right thing. Jon will be fine." Martin smiles softly. "We can visit him after our shift. I'm sure he wouldn't mind visitors."
Sasha hugs him back. "You're right. You're right. He probably knew something was wrong and refused to see a doctor."
Tim sighs. "That does sound like Jon." He paused for a moment. "I, uh yeah, back to work."
Sasha nods, wiping her eyes and pulling away from Martin. "I'm sure he'll appreciate a cleaner archive when he gets back."
Martin nods. "Of course, that sounds great." He grabs Tim's arm. "Tim and I can grab some boxies and start moving things around."
"Oh, that's great." Sasha smiles, watching them leave.
"Why did you grab me?" Tim raised his brow.
"So I think I know what happened to Jon." Martin frowns.
Tim paused, and his demeanor changed, and he sags his shoulders. "Oh, this is not going to be good."
"No, it's not." Martin sighs. "Fuck everything has changed now."
"So, did we do it?" Gunpowder raised his brow.
Martin snickers. "Yeah, not even close. We both know that gods won't take this lying down even if it's Jonny."
"Eh, worth a shot." Gunpowder shrugs. "Blackwood has told me enough to know what Jon ends up as I'll explain later."
Elias adjusts his tie and smiles, looking over his archivist. The unfortunate nature of the Flesh and Stranger working together does have this outcome. Of course, he can pull all the strings needed to have this little incident swept under the rug and tied in a neat bow. He smiles softly, watching him wake up. "Are you alright, Jonathan? You've given us all quite the scare." He stops seeing a scowl that isn't Jon's normal one on his lips.
Jonny's mouth felt like it was full of cotton, and his head was fuzzy, and Jon's nagging didn't exactly help him either. His gaze moved up to the man in a suit. He looked like a prick, an obnoxious wealthy prick. Jon was yelling at him that's his boss and don't fuck this up. Of course he wouldn't fuck this up he knew how to act proper and can copy Jon's boring ass. If he could just focus.
"Jonathan, are you alright? You may have hit your head on the way down. You're on some painkillers." Elias smiles, leaning over him.
Jonny furrows his brows. He hated painkillers and always took the fun out of pain and violence. "...fuzzy..." He managed to mumble. His tolerance to painkillers was null and void due to his affection for actual pain. Couldn't he just get Jon's tolerance and not just the fun new parts to explore. He scowls again at the man above his bed, he wanted to rip that smile off his face.
Elias chuckles softly. "Painkillers will do that, and you're not even on that heavy of a dose. I'm sure your coworkers will be visiting you soon. Hopefully, you'll feel better by then."
Jonny grits his teeth. He had a few choice words for that pompous ass.
"You can't kill him." Jon looked drowsy floating next to him.
At least Jonny wasn't the only one suffering in this cushioned hell. He huffs and turns his head.
Jon chuckles. "Don't be mad. You've got control." He was very out of it. He felt the same effects Jonny was. "What's.... what is uh...." He blinks, unable to form a coherent thought.
Jonny huffs and can't fight the feeling of sleep overtaking him.
"So Gunpowder Tim cut a bloody path...." Jonny stops, noticing that his head finally felt clear enough and reciting old ballads of his friends wasn't needed. He looked down at Jon, who was staring at him. He floated down to lay next to Jon. "What's with that look? I already explained our situation to you at nauseum."
Jon scowls, looking away. He then makes a vague motion, unable to explain why he suddenly felt wrong.
Jonny raised his brow. "You've got my dick. Ain't you special."
Jon scoffs, but his face is turning red because he feels that is true. "No..." He huffs.
Jonny paused, watching Jon get frustrated. He didn't feel like sharing in that. He learned early in that they shared emotions, and he had to get used to feeling things that weren't his own. It was honestly worse than Nastya, making him feel Aurora emotions. "I can tell you."
Jon felt himself be pushed out from his body as Jonny took control. He scowls but sighs, watching and feeling Jonny's own emotions. "So? What's wrong with m- us?"
Jonny scowls. "They cut off my fucking tail! It's a fucking bitch to grow that back." He raised his ands and feels around his forehead. "Good, they didn't cut them too short. Actually, I like them short, so this isn't an issue... I'm narrating for you Jon be grateful."
Jon raised his brow. "You can't hear my thoughts?"
"Can you hear mine?" Jonny spits back.
"Fair point." Jon sighs. "Are we ok?"
"Fuck if I know. Everything is new, raw, and sensitive. My dicks never been this fucked before." Jonny growls as he is forced back out by Jon.
"D-Dont do that." Jon pulls the blanket over his body.
Jonny shrugs, not understanding Jon. "Whatever, we just have to adjust." He pauses for a moment, pointing at Jon. "This is earth, right?"
"Yes?" Jon raised his brow.
"Tim and Blackwood always referred to me as a cowboy. What's a cow? I don't think I've ever seen an earth cow."
Jon blinks. "But you have parts like a bull."
"Wait, I thought it was called cows." Jonny returned a confused look.
Jon shakes his head. "Alien, right, you're an alien. You don't know human er earth animals. Cows don't have sharp teeth like you, but uh, bulls are basically male cows, but cows are the general term used."
"Can I see what they look like?" Jonny floated to lay next to Jon.
"Yeah, when I get my phone." Jon paused. "Are you upset I wasn't born a man?"
"Why would I care? You've got my dick now, and I have a new hole to play with. This is a win for me." Jonny shrugs and raised his brow feeling relief pour from Jon.
"Thank you." Jon says quietly.
"Ok?" Jonny shrugs floating to look around the hospital room.
Sasha slams on the breaks. "Tim what the fuck."
Tim's eyes clicked and whirled. He was told only he could hear this by Gunpowder. Well, both can hear since they share a body. He reaches for his glasses and realizes he took them off because his ears were bothering him. He could feel the look from Gunpowder and Martin on him. "It's a long story."
Sasha rocketed to a spot to park, and she twisted her body to the back seat. "Tim explain now!"
Martin bites his lip and blurts out. "It's my fault. I'm supposed to be dead, both me and Gunpowder. Promised an end to eternity, and it was a farce and I'm back here like this, and I really tried to forget about this part of my life. I mean for fucks sake you die and get replaced Sasha and none of us notice for a year because of how it worked. Tim dies in an explosion, destroying the circus, and that isn't to mention the fucked up paranoia from Jon and extreme levels of fucked up creatures that I mean now I can look back at and laugh but you can't you're mortal. I mean, these are fear gods, so I mean they will get to you eventually."
Gunpowder grabs Martin's hand. "Martin, that's enough. The only reason Jonny knew about my past was because he was playing soldier and was with me. You don't have to..." He stops as Martin waves him off.
"No, it's fine. Tim and Sasha deserve to know." Martin sighs. "I'll tell you what I can remember it has been a few thousand years since I've been through this."
Sasha swallows. "I believe you."
Martin blinks. "Why?"
"I've had a bad feeling, and I knew Gertrude didn't just go missing." Sasha then points to Tim. "Also look at his fucking eyes Martin that's pretty good evidence."
Gunpowder nods.
Martin gives a nervous smile. "I'm sorry I've gotten used to things over the years. I like Tim's eyes."
"Yeah, yeah, don't boast his ego." Sasha puts her seat belt back on. "So keep your glasses on Tim. We're going to visit Jon if the same thing happened to him like you."
"It's equally as possible. Jon worked himself into a delusional state and just hurt himself." Martin shrugs.
Tim blinks back in control. "That's really dark."
"No, no, Martin has a point." Sasha starts the car again. "Remember that incident in research."
"I tried to forget, but I see your point." Tim sighs, putting his glasses back on.
Martin sighs. "Hopefully that isn't the case."
Jon shifted uncomfortably as he sat up. Jonny wasn't lying. The tail thing was incredibly uncomfortable and annoying. He stared at the hospital food in front of him and was told he couldn't leave till tomorrow. He hated hospital food, and he hated hospitals.
"Stop pouting." Jonny rolls his eyes. "I can feel your emotions and pouting won't get you nowhere."
"Oh, then what can I do? Please enlighten me." Jon scowls taking a bite of his peas.
"For one, actually eat. How the fuck are you in such shit condition? Do you even know what fun is?" Jonny shook his head. "You can't do shit without meat on your bones, and you look half starved. You're a fucking disaster."
Jon continues to scowl, not saying a word.
The door opens to his room.
"Blackwood!" Jonny floats through him, trying to tackle him. "Fuck."
Martin smiles softly as Tim and Sasha follow behind him. "We wanted to make sure you're ok."
"You gave me a scare, Jon." Sasha crosses her arms. "You need to learn how to take a break, or at least see a doctor."
Tim was odd wearing sunglasses that completely hid his eyes, but he knew Tim was having trouble with his eyes. "You look awful."
Jon can't help but give a soft smile. "Just wasn't paying attention and hit my head." He motions to the bandages around his head and ears.
"Don't lie to Blackwood. That man can see through any lie you spit." Jonny crosses his arms. "Besides, I bet you control of my choosing that Gunpowder is in your Tim."
Jon ignores him. "Ah you didn't have to bring me anything."
Martin smiles softly as he pulls out a chocolate slice of cake. "It's just some chocolate cake. I mean, you don't have to have it..." He stops as Jon's demeanor changes in an instant as he pushes his food aside.
Jon was forced out and watched Jonny make grabby hands.
"Give it here, Blackwood." Jonny huffs. "Don't you fucking tempt me."
Martin's expression changed, and Jon could feel a shiver down his back. "You and your sweet tooth." He tisks, placing the slice down.
Jonny grabs the container. "Fuck you." He huffs and has enough decency to use a fork. "Your fucking lucky I have to fix this body or I would end you."
Jon watches Tim snicker. "You lost height!" His snickers turn to giggles.
"Piss off." Jonny scoffs.
Sasha raised her brow. "How did you know the cake would work?"
"d'Ville only has one craving he can't quit, and it ain't cigarettes." Gunpowder smirks, taking off his glasses, revealing his mechanical eyes.
Jonny scowls. "Oh fuck you. I don't deny myself pleasures like you."
"I have manners you lack." Tim spits back.
Martin chuckles and has a glint in his eyes and a sinister smile that again Jon can't tear his eyes from. "Now, both of you, that's enough." He moves closer and leans over Jonny. "How about you behave and finish all of your food, and maybe I'll convince the doctors to let you leave early?"
Jon can feel the tug, no the crashing wave of desire, and just pure love spill from Jonny, and if they had his tail, it would be wagging like a dog.
Jonny, for his part, nods eagerly. "It would be faster if you fed me." He purrs back.
Martin steps back. "Don't push your luck. I'm mad at you."
In a split second, that emotion was gone, replaced with annoyance. Jon had to shake his head from the whiplash.
"We agreed!" Jonny huffs stuffing his face with food. "It's not like you were there with your bleeding heart. You weren't there, I woke up after that bar in that... look, I'm not having this conversation."
Jon could feel a bubble of an emotion, one that he knew should leave unspoken. He remains quiet watching Martin.
Martin gaze didn't break, let alone change. He crosses his arms. "Did you do the same?"
Jonny swallows his final bite. "I can't say I wanted to change it, so I didn't."
Martin's gaze seems to finally soften. "Good, he didn't deserve forgiveness." He reached out and pat Jonny's shoulder. "That's my cowboy." He pauses. "What's with the frown?"
"They cut off my tail." Jonny sounded honest and small.
Jon was taken aback.
"I never said humanity was a kind species." Martin brushes a stray piece of hair out of Jonny's face. "It will grow back."
"Not the point." Jonny sighs. "How's your former mortal." His gaze shifted to Tim.
"Probably better than yours with the adjustment." Gunpowder slides his glasses back on. "You look like shit."
"Not my fault." Jonny mutters.
"Never said it was." Gunpowder muses. "Maybe you shouldn't have asked Martin for his story."
Martin rolls his eyes. "Just because you're bitter doesn't mean you get to drag me into this argument again." He walks by Sasha, grabbing her arm. "Would you like to hear more while they complain?"
Sasha nods. "Sure, why not." She follows Martin out of the room as he shuts the door behind him.
Gunpowder frowns. "Don't give me that look. I already got an earful from him, and to be fair, he warned both of us to wait. Now, why do you think this didn't happen the first time?"
"Aren't you just full of dumb questions." Jonny adjusts his glasses. "They were already dead and gone by the time we crossed the first time. This place was fine. I dunno Blackwood said it's been. I dunno fifty years since it ended and started again." He raised his brow at something Tim couldn't see. "You do know what apocalypse means, right? Right well that happened, and you died before I came here the first time."
Gunpowder waves his hand. "Jonny, stop, we both know what happened in the end. They don't know the full truth yet, neither of them."
Jonny frowns and stares at Tim. "How long do you think it will take till being the good guy gets old?"
"Who knows? We've never tried it." Gunpowder shrugs. "You should hold off on being honest about this world, as much as I know you like your stories and songs. Unless you want to deal with Jon."
Jonny waves him off. "Whatever, it doesn't matter now he'll learn as I will annoyingly to see his memories. Just let me figure this out, and as much as I hate to see you two on good terms compared to my situation. Just wait."
For what, Jon had no idea, but this Gunpodwer did, who nodded.
"Seriously though, figure something out with this Jon. You seriously look worse than when we were starving, as a competition." Gunpowder sighs. "Blackwood..." He looks through the door. "Yeah, he already convinced the doctors and nurses to let you go, and they are on their way. Enjoy your new home, alone." He smirks as he leaves.
Jon was flung back into his body, feeling Jonny fuming, but the other man was uncharacteristic silent. He had to think this over and what this actually meant. So he died the first time, but when and how? Before or after the apocalypse?
He wasn't truly alone, not anymore. Jon sunk into his bed and opened his phone. "How did Martin even convince them to let me leave?"
"He's got a way of trapping people making them do what he wants." Jonny hums. "Now, show me a picture of a cow."
Jon wanted to press, but he quickly learned pleasing Jonny was the best way to get answers. He pulled up a picture of a cow and a bull and held it up.
Jonny was quiet studying the creatures he saw. He broke into a wide grin. "They look cute, don't they. Good cows."
Jon hums and sighs. "You said Martin told you what happens to this world. What happens? Why did he become one of you? What are you guys?"
Jonny frowns. "I rather not feel your stupid emotions." He scratches behind his ear. "You won't let this go. However, Blackwood warned me you were insistent, so I might as well spin you a tale." Suddenly, a harmonica appeared in his hands. "A tragic fate of star-crossed lovers doomed by forces beyond their control, and a man turned to a monster that was left in the ruins."
Jon listened to the haunting story on a soft melody. He learned how his coworkers, no his friends, died. How he roamed the wastelands the fears as the apocalypse he caused reigned, how Martin stayed by his side even though he caused this by being tricked. The story ended in a sharp blade.
Jonny stopped. "And you were no more as the pancoption crumbled the archive now, just a man taking his final breath. An ending driven by a man afraid of death and so willing to please a god who didn't care for him as nothing more than a tool. Blackwood crushed but was not dead. A familiar doctor just happened to be passing by the rubble. She wanted to try something new, just not machines anymore, something animalistic, something new. And so Blackwood became a monster a first of his kind." He stretches. "Immortality such a boring goal, isn't it? You would think you would want something more interesting."
Jon was speechless he couldn't string together thoughts.
Jonny frowns, feeling the rush of emotions. "Look..." He swallows and feels tears drip down his face. He was frustrated that he couldn't stop this. He hated emotions, and he hated being honest to himself, but Jon still viewed himself as mortal, and he won't be raw without his partners. He floated down beside Jon and let him cry. He couldn't stop it. The rush of emotions overwhelmed him.
Jon finally spoke. "How do I stop it?"
"Fuck if I know. I wasn't here. I heard the story from Blackwood." Jonny was purposely looking away from him. "You have to ask him, but we promised to play the good guys this time around, or well, until it gets boring."
"We're going to stop this." Jon tried to muster confidence he didn't have.
Jonny just sighs. "Go to bed. Watch some of my memories. If you don't start trying to fix your body, I will do it by force."
Jon pulls his blanket up and frowns. He falls into an unsteady sleep.
Elias raised his brow, watching his archivist return to work. "Jonathan, I did tell you to take time to rest after yesterday." He had a smile and a silver tongue.
Jonny scoffs. "He's worse sober."
Jon smiles nervously. "I'm fine, Elias." He adjusts his hat covering his new sensitive ears. His tail had already started to grow back, and Jonny said it's a side effect of immortality, which Jon didn't believe in. It's supposed to be much longer than a cow's tail and semi prehensile. He wanted to test it but knew better than to try anything in public.
Elias frowns. "Now, Jon, I don't need you working yourself sick again." He knew the effects of the stranger and the flesh it probably hasn't hit the man yet, and he didn't want him breaking down having him explain the truth.
Jon frowns. "I'm fine, Elias. I know how to take care of myself. I'm going to get back to work."
Elias frowns, crossing his arms and watching Jon rush off to the archives . He raises his brow, and seeing the start of a tail, he is informed that it is cut off. It shouldn't be growing back this fast. He had a few connections to pull to get more information. He had no desire to pick another archivist nor start again.
"We should kill him." Jonny floats next to Jon, his tail lazily flicking behind him.
"Elias is my boss. I'm not going to kill him." Jon scowls as he hears Tim snickers. "Tim, that's enough."
Tim hums, Jon can see his hair is curling and is getting lighter than the black he has. "I don't think so, bossman. We think it's quite hilarious Jonny's on a leash."
Jon was pushed out as Jonny took control. "Oh go fuck yourself you fucking cunt." Jonny stomps off to Jon's office making it a point to slam the door.
Martin snickers from the entrance and refrains from explaining Elias can see them. Oh, that would be hilarious. Does he know Jon and Jonny are sharing a body, or does he think that the fears changed Jon? Either way, things have changed, and he wants to see Elias... no Jonah squirm with the unpredictability. Martin will force him to realize immortality is not worth it, and death is a gift. He silently walks to his desk and takes a seat.
"Enjoying the show?" Tim smirks. "We are."
"Oh, I'm enjoying something else." Martin smiles back.
"Already knitting a web, I see." Gunpowder nods. "I always enjoy the finished project."
Martin taps his fingers against his desk. "You know I think it's not a Web I rather not get mixed up with that particular fear I think I can recall the avatar is kind of a right bitch."
"Really? You have to explain the fear thing better because some of them just sound fun or fun to kill." Gunpowder smirks.
"Later, and Sasha already made a list." Martin points to Sasha sipping her coffee.
"You two share a body. Did you not pay attention when Tim was reading it?" Sasha raised her brow.
Tim huffs. "I couldn't figure out how to turn off the Xray vision on these damn eyes until like an hour before I slept." He had a slight blush on his cheeks. "Then the damn things wouldn't stop focusing on objects miles away."
Gunpowder took back control. "To be fair, I still have trouble controlling them. Human biology and mechanical parts tend to fight until they get into a rhythm. Also, I have like a million years of experience, and Tim does not."
Sasha frowns. "That sounds actually awful. Does Jonny have these problems?"
Gunpowder shrugs. "He never complains, and if he dislikes something, he's quite vocal. I think he uses the ticking as a metronome."
Martin nods. "As boney as he is, he's very nice to sleep too. The ticking is quite soothing." He sighs. "Granted, I won't be able to enjoy any of that for a long while, I reckon."
"Shit, I remembered that this isn't a desert planet." Gunpowder pauses. "Jonnys going to be a little bitch."
"Why?" Sasha raised her brow.
"Jonny's originally from a mostly desert planet, so his tail ears and horns were basically made to keep him cool. Even the nights were hot, so he doesn't exactly have any defenses against the cold, and he makes his complaints known as Gunpowder said." Martin hums. "Although he loves the snow and rain."
"We never said the man made sense." Gunpowder shrugs, letting Tim back in control.
Sasha tilts her head. "What was the planet like that you're from?"
"Gunpowder is from the earth of a different dimension." Tim taps his pen against his desk and adjusts his glasses. "He did however blow up the moon."
"Now you're just fucking with me." Sasha rolls her eyes and heads back to her desk.
Martin chuckles. "Don't feel bad about it. In this time, we've barely had any people on the moon."
"See, I told you!" Tim huffs. "He wouldn't listen to me or the facts I provided."
"Tim, you have to understand where we're coming from. We lived on a spaceship." Martin hums heading to his desk to start working.
Tim sighs. "Still annoying."
Martin stares at the bloody fingernails in the sink. He knew his luck was running out. His body wasn't going to wait till his first death. He could feel how tight his skin felt and how it was hard to walk to breathe. He wasn't scared to become what he was supposed to be, but it would make this so much harder. He flexed his hand, seeing the black claw nails start to poke through his flesh. He doesn't truly care he made peace ages ago with what the doctor made him.
Elias watched Martin with a curious gaze. He can feel the Beholder use his eyes to watch intently. He had a feeling in his gut something changed something twisted in the mere fabric of reality. He hasn't even checked on Jon since he arrived this morning, and the Beholder agreed that something more interesting was happening. Martin was unassuming and predictable, but this was new, and he wanted to know why. He wasn't an avatar, and that also fueled his curiosity. How is he changing without one of the fears?
Martin rubbed his eyes and sighed. He had time, and he had time to prepare. He wanted Jonny. He just wanted that soft ticking, Gunpowder could soothe his anxieties, but Jonny was a comfort. Sure, the man was brash rude and a devil, but he was his, and that was enough. Gunpowder wouldn't touch him till Tim was fully on board with him, and Martin respected that. Hell he was fucking happy with that. Jonny, however, was a mystery, Jon was tighter lipped, and he knew how long it took for Jon to even understand his emotions, let alone actually relie on others.
Martin gathered his fingernails from the sink and threw them out with a sigh. Maybe he could go to artifact storage to slow things. Well, that has just a likely chance to kill him. He doesn't care. Maybe he could convince Gunpowder and Tim to head to the tunnels properly. He finished washing his hands, not even flinching at the exposed nerves.
Elias's gaze intensified as he watched Tim enter the bathroom. More importantly, he removed his sunglasses, revealing new eyes. When did he get surgery? More importantly, how can he still see? He shut his eyes, and he was seeing from Tim's eyes.
Tim scratched his chin. "Martin, you alright?"
Elias saw a man in the mirror that wasn't Tim.
Martin sighs. "I'm fine." He stretches. "Just a bit achey, what about you?"
"I'm fine." Tim crosses his arms. "Ok, maybe not entirely fine, but I'm getting used to it."
The man in the mirror that wasn't Tim spoke and Elias could hear him.
"I know my scars aren't pretty, and I'm sorry." The not Tim sighs.
Tim shook his head. "Dude, I said it's fine." He turns back to Martin. "I'm more peeved about the hair than I am about the scars, and I still haven't agreed to grow it out."
Not Tim huffs.
Martin chuckles. "The two colors look good together, and if you don't grow it out, what else am I supposed to grab?"
Tim swallows, and Elias sees him in the mirror, and he figured it out that this not Tim was in control.
"Oh, don't tease the man. He doesn't understand the fun a simple act can do. Let alone one with those..." Not Tim stops staring at Martin's hand. "When?"
Martin huffs. "Gunpowder, it's fine. You know how you can't hide what the good doctor does to you. I'm fine. I just feel a bit stiff and uncomfortable, but it will pass."
Not Tim or Gunpowder, ridiculous name if you asked Elias. He smiles softly.
"Fuck the waiting, from what I've seen its going to be brutal and he shouldn't be alone..." Tim was speaking out loud now. "He shouldn't have to go through this by him....self... ah, you ass."
Martin raised his brow with a soft smile. "I appreciate the offer, Tim, but you're not exactly desensitized enough for my liking."
Tim huffs. "Then Gunpowder will watch and be out. You don't deserve to be alone through this. I know you have an issue with that, I uh well, Gunpowder knows, and I saw the memory."
"Fine, if you insist." Martin paused, and Elias shivers with that look. "I've shared things with Gunpowder in secret. I don't want you to share with anyone." He grabs Tim's shirt. "Understand?"
Tim swallows and nods.
Martin smiles again as his features soften. "Good, I'll come by your flat tonight."
Tim watches Martin leave with a shudder. Elias doesn't leave yet.
"I warned you about being caught in Blackwood's web. You're not close enough with him to get comfortable." Gunpowder clicks his tongue. "He's not the man you knew, so please don't underestimate him. I would rather not die before Jonny does. We've got a bet going on."
Tim swallows and slides the dark sunglasses back on, and Elias is shocked to see his vision didn't change in the slightest. "He's still a good person."
"That's... well, none of us are good." Gunpowder responds dryly. "It comes with the territory."
Tim didn't like that answer, but he remained quiet as Elias came back to himself. He had a lot to think about.
"At least you know how to tell a story." Jonny responds with a bored tone. "These statements still suck, I still suggest we burn the entire place down."
Jon scowls. "No." He stretches and pulls out the used tape. "Can you think of anything that doesn't involve violence.... or sex." He gives a glare.
"Now you're just plain boring." Jonny raised his brow. "Being serious all the time must be fucking exhausting."
Jon sputters. "Just because I'm not some guy who thinks he's immortal and some sex pest doesn't mean anything."
"I don't care what you think of me." Jonny stares directly at Jon. "We are stuck together for the rest of time, and whatever comes after."
Jon scowls. "I won't devolve to be on your level."
Jonny rolls his eyes. "I don't care."
Jon huffs and leaves his office.
"Jon, you ok?" Sasha smiles softly.
Jon stops and sighs. "I'm fine, just getting used to an unfortunate roommate."
"That's one way to call it." Tim mutters.
"You two should try getting along." Sasha hums. "You'll be stuck together forever, I guess. I think it would suck if you two were stuck together fighting for all of that."
Jon scowls. "Oh, he's a right ass only cares about violence and sex. He's nothing but a pest, and I abhor the fact that I have to share my own body with him."
"Oh piss off." Jonny huffs.
Gunpowder sighs. "His attitude comes with his age. He is the oldest of us besides the doctor, but we don't know about her, though, really." He kicks his feet up. "Jonny, I know you're listening. You should be cautious he's going to see memories that you've forgotten. Funny how the mind works even if we forget they still exist in there, just waiting for a trigger to pull them free."
Jon expected Jonny to kick him out and take control, but he felt fear grip his heart that no longer beat. He swallows the dread that wasn't his and doesn't look at Jonny. "I will keep that in mind for when I sleep."
The conversation dies as Jon leaves as the day has ended, and he doesn't want to linger.
The rusty hinges creaked on the old shack the teen called a home. He made sure he tipped off his shoes before entering, and he saw his father passed out in a drunken stupor. He carefully made his way to the small kitchen connected to the living room. If you would call it, that and stumbled upon a note.
"Jonny boy, I've left to clean up after your father. He pissed off some old doctor at the edge of town. I've left old Bessie for you to make sure she's in better condition when I get back, boy. Now, if I don't come back, I know you won't end up like your father. You're too smart for that. Use your ears to find a target to shoot. We both know your eyes aren't the best use that good hearing of yours. Don't file your horns too short boy they grow for a reason, and I love you forever and always."
Wrapped in leather by the note was a familair old looking revolver, the name Bessie was carved crudely into the handle. The weight would become familair in the teen's hands. He took the note scowled at his father and then headed off to hunt for dinner since that lazy piece of shit won't do anything but gamble.
Jon woke up with a start. He could feel a rush of emotions that weren't his. "I..."
"Don't say a fucking word." Jonny scowls. "Don't go telling nobody about that."
Jon nodded he paused, squinting at the clock that glowed, showing it was 3am. He sighs. "I don't remember my mother, or my father, with died at different times, but I was too young to remember them. My grandmother raised me, bitter she had to raise another child. Never told me that directly, however."
Jonny braces himself and grits his teeth. "I don't remember what my mom looks like either."
"Then we have that in common. Maybe the next dream will be my memory, and you can pick apart that." Jon sighs and curls under his blanket.
Jonny nods. "Just go back to sleep."
Martin grits his teeth and groans in pure agony. He could barely register the hand going through his red curls. His legs hurt, and he couldn't move them. His skin felt like it was on fire, and he didn't particularly like burning to death. He was stripped down to his birthday suit, and it didn't help with the fact that he was in pure agony.
Gunpowder continues to run his hands through Martin's hair. "It's alright, you're ok. It will be over soon."
"Just fucking kill me." Martin groans.
"We both know that won't help." Gunpowder sighs. "Would you like to hear my story?"
Martin takes a deep breath. "Please distract me."
Gunpowder nods and begins to narrate his origins.
An obnoxious alarm pulled Tim from sleep on the floor. He was laying in something wet and the smell of iron... no blood filled his nose, which caused him to panic and flail completely awake. His eyes lock onto a large spider, half then blood, then flesh and bone. Gunpowder takes over before he can throw up.
"Yikes, I thought the shared emotions wouldn't be this strong. Man, you are super depressed." Gunpowder gets up, smearing the blood off from his body. "You're going to need a stronger stomach." He looked over Martin, who was out cold. "See, he's breathing.... please stop screaming. " he covers his mouth, feeling his stomach sour from the sheer fear and disgust from Tim. He swallows the bile rising in his throat, turns away from the scene, and heads to the bathroom.
Gunpowder barely makes it to the toilet to empty the contents of his stomach. He continues to dry heave for a moment before turning to face Tim. "Are you done?"
Tim was pale, and he finally caught his breath. He was still radiating fear and disgust, but he was stable enough to talk. "Is he still alive?"
Gunpowder wipes his mouth. "Of course he is. What part of we can't die, don't you understand?" He frowns, pulling back his frustration. "Sorry you can't control how you react yet. I didn't realize how much I would share when we feel strong emotions." He sits on his knees and sighs. "I'll clean up, just try not to get sick again, please."
Tim nods and shudders. "I.... I'm not desensitized to this stuff. I'm sorry."
Gunpowder gets up, feeling the soft twists of sadness and self-doubt. "Tim, it's not a bad thing, means you're still human. Don't be too hard on yourself." He pulls out some cleaning supplies from the bathroom cabinet. "Tell me about Danny."
Tim frowns and nods slightly. "He was my younger brother...."
Martin wakes up to someone touching his hand. He furrows his brow, pulling his hand back, and skitters up to be his full height, staring down at Tim. He hissed and then blushed, finally realizing that Tim was, in fact, there, and he wasn't a threat. He covers his face and groans, playing out his legs to be shorter. "I didn't mean to hiss at you."
Tim looked over to Gunpowder giggling, and he felt a laugh bubble in his own throat, and wow, no wonder he got frustrated. He didn't exactly know how he felt about feeling someone else's emotions. He gave a soft smile and reached out again to hold Martin's hand. "Your hands are really like a cat's paw."
Martin smiles and lets Tim take his hand. "Spiders have padded limbs and toe beans if you actually look at them."
"That's actually really cute." Tim blushes slightly. "Oh shit how are we going to get to work?"
Martin shrugs. "Might as well scare Elias first."
"Really?" Tim snickers. "What is he scared of spiders?"
"No, he's scared of what they represent." Martin hums. "We're going to be late, and I need a shirt."
"Right, you brought a spare one, right?" Tim paused and rushed over to a bag Martin brought. "Also, you're going to have to talk to my neighbors because of all the stuff we threw out, and they probably think I'm a serial killer."
Martin snickers. "I think I'll scare them into silence."
"Man, I've seen too much of Gunpowder, and Jonny and you having fun together to remember that I'm supposed to be scared of you because you're a spider centaur." Tim tosses over a sweater.
"I suppose I don't find myself scary either. Honestly, the fear left pretty quickly once I realized how my new body worked." Martin smiles. "This will be obnoxious getting to work. I don't mind walking. You live much closer than I do, but being stared at isn't ideal."
"Maybe a blanket?" Tim stops and covers his face. "That wouldn't work."
Martin chuckles. "I appreciate the concept idea, but Jonny tried that once."
"Wait really?" Tim raised his brow.
"Yeah, ended up in a bar fight." Martin snickers. "Although it was fucking hilarious."
"Huh." Tim crosses his arms. "Just bite the bullet and head out?"
"After you." Martin hums and smiles.
Elias blinks, and the scene doesn't change. What confounds him the most is the fact that this has nothing to do with the web. The Beholder is taking it all in, and he can feel actual confusion from his patron. He clears his throat and approaches. "Martin, I don't believe it's near Halloween unless you've got an event planned."
Martin hums impressed at how well Elias can mask his true emotions. "I don't think a costume would be strong enough to carry someone on." He motions to Tim who waves.
"He insisted that he carry me." Tim smiles.
"Well, yes, but I hope I don't cause you too much trouble." Martin smiles. "Why the surprise this is your institute, and shouldn't you expect the supernatural?" He has a smirk as he walks past a stunned Elias.
Elias doesn't have a response to that. His mind was completely blank, and the Beholder was eerily silent.
Tim was snickering. "Double boss man seems quite stunned."
Martin chuckles. "Oh, this is quite fun."
That thought came crashing down with a terrified scream and wide eyed stares.
Martin felt exposed, and he couldn't remember the last time he felt bad about his body until this moment. He knows Tim can feel him tense. "I..."
"Jon, seriously?" Tim huffs sliding off Martin's back. "It's not his fault he's like this."
Jon was trying really hard to keep his panic and fear in check, and he felt a growing bubble of white hot rage directed at him and feeling it. The feedback loop was really confusing. "I uh..." He was forced out by Jonny.
"Fuck off." Jonny took back control his tail was lashing and puffed out at the end. His ears were pinned back, and the hair on top of his head was puffing out. "Seriously fuck off I don't judge you for who you carnally desire. Blackwood is mine, and you have absolutely no right." He goes o continue his rant, but a tooth falls out. He blinks as confusion fills his features, and he crouched down to poke it.
Martin opens his mouth and closes it. "You know I remember now what he was missing, the teeth."
"The teeth." Gunpowder repeats with a nod.
"I'm sorry Martin, are you ok?" Sasha vaguely motions.
"I mean, it was painful, but it doesn't hurt now." Martin pauses. "I have to figure out how to use my desk."
Tim is getting back control, pulling his eyes away from Jonny, now messing with his teeth. "I mean, you can get rid of the chair and move from there."
"That could work." Martin hums and looks over to Jonny. "Are you ok?"
Jonny holds a handful of his teeth. "What do you think?" He scowls. "Well fuck you too. No, I'm mad at you. That's a stupid fucking question, I don't care about spiders let alone being scared of them."
Three pairs of eyes watch the one sided argument.
A fog seemed to roll into Elias's office out of nowhere, and a tall, muscular man in a captains attire steps inside. The man stops and stares at Elias, who had his head down on his desk. "Elias?"
Elias groans. "Peter."
"Shouldn't you be enjoying your new archivist floundering?" Peter raised his brow.
Elias takes a breath. "Peter, I have called every avatar I ever had contact with to ask if they knew what was going on with my archivist and his assistants. I have no leads, and the Beholder is clueless."
Peter opens his mouth then shuts it with a click.
"Do you have any idea what's happening? Because I don't have a singlaur clue." Elias throws his hands up. "One of the archivist assistants is a half spider centaur, and he's not even aligned with the web. The other has mechanical eyes that still work as eyes. That technology doesn't exist, and the Flesh doesn't bother with machines."
Peter reaches out. "I think you need a vacation."
Elias slams his hands against his desk. "Peter, I'm serious!" He gets up and grabs Peter's arm, and drags him to the archives.
Peter stared stunned.
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thisblogisblank · 1 year
I will warn you this is just. A giant fuckin wall of text so if you don't wanna read that I don't blame you lmao
    In the beginning, the monster world was completely empty, and then, through a sort of cosmic big bang, the Celestials were born, with the ability to create life through “Celestial Energy”, which is. Essentially the Spark Of Life in this AU. And so, they all went off and created islands, and monsters, and critters, and everything else under the sun; the strongest of whom was Galvana, who created the 5 natural islands and all of the monsters on them. And for many, many years, they all lived in harmony in the Celestial Lair, their castle far above the monster world. That was, until the tragic death, or, at the very least, disappearance of the Celestial of Mech, Vhamp. 
    After the death(?) of Vhamp, Galvana (who was his partner), kinda uh. Went batshit insane?? She became incredibly aggressive and lashed out at the other Celestials, arguing for the sake of arguing and even getting into physical confrontations with them. Eventually this became too much for everyone else, and they kicked her out of the Lair, hoping that some time alone would let her blow off some steam. 
    Unfortunately, this decision was poorly timed, because directly after she was kicked out, monster history was changed forever; a team of human researchers found out how to enter their universe, and Galavana, acting purely out of selfishness and spite, decided to take advantage of their naivety. She formulated a plan to go to war with the humans and usurp their planet for herself, so that she could continue expanding the monster population. But first and foremost, she’d befriend them, so she could learn everything about them. 
    This is where the Wubboxes came in. 
    The first two Wubboxes, Common and Rare, were designed to be walking tanks, essentially. Imbued with insane amounts of the element of electricity, they were insanely powerful, but were relatively fragile compared to their younger epic brethren (who I’ll get to later lmao). They were sent out as carrier pigeons for Galvana, learning everything they could about the humans, and then bringing the info back to her, all while keeping up their friendly appearances. Unfortunately for Galvana, however, one of them actually got attached to the humans. 
    Rare was, and still is, an extremely empathetic creature, getting attached to anything and everything that gave him the time of day. And so, with the researchers being extremely nice to both him and his brother, he was.. A little more than hesitant about Galvana’s plan, and when it finally came to fruition and the “war” (it was really just a couple military units, small-scale but tragic nonetheless) began, he fought back, arguing that she shouldn’t be doing it for.. Obvious reasons. Galavana, afraid that one of her creations fighting against her would not only cause other monsters to dissent, but that he could be a force to be reckoned with on the humans’ side, she decided to just straight up murder him right there. In front of his brother, Common. 
    That went about as well as you’d expect. 
    So Common fuckin murders Galvana, Rare just barely survives by the skin of his teeth (but is left permanently damaged as a result), the monsters find out about Galvana’s plan (she lied to them about the war, saying that the humans had instigated it when they hadn’t), and the humans retreat back to their universe, completely cutting ties with the monsters, but not carrying things further, luckily. 
    Word eventually carries to the Celestials, who were completely oblivious to the literal mass murder happening on the Natural Islands, and they helped rebuild their society. Shortly, everything was like it was before, like nothing ever happened. 
    Several years later, the first ever monster handler by the name of Professor Wardin E. Spurrit rediscovered the monster world, and left behind many journals documenting his journeys and discoveries. He later disappeared, and was presumed dead, his final words being a cryptic message, telling any readers not to eat the food or drink the water, because “it’s not for us”.. Creepy. 
    However, his discoveries kicked off a love for the monster world, and made monster handling its own branch of science, however small it was. In the modern day, two new handlers embarked on their own adventure into the monster world - Monster Handler Todd and Monster Handler Estelle, respectively - in order to finish what Professor Spurrit began. 
    And that’s where we are now!!! If you have any questions for me please don’t hesitate to ask! Call me Matt because I would love to give you extremely long, tedious, and verbose answers on anything and everything lmao. Introductions to the Wubboxes should be coming soon, I’ve just gotta finish designing them all and writing down their descriptions, and after them should be the Celestials!!!!! Enjoy this for now tho, lol. 
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spreadwardiard · 11 months
5, 6, 12, 14, and 30 please! I would love to hear what you have to say in response to those questions :)
What do you wish someone would ask you about Crossing the Line? Answer it now! I wish someone would ask about Megatronus' and Orion's flirting ohhh my goodness. It is one of my favorite aspects of that AU I haven't really gotten to write much about yet. Their primary means of flirting with one another is a silly game between them that starts after A New Kind of Word Sparring. It becomes like a game for them and many of their debates past this point devolve into a contest to see who can get the other's fans blowing first. Megatronus is surprised that Orion wins about half the time.
What’s one fact about the universe of Naught But a Ghost that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
I never got a chance to mention Megatron and Orion Pax's friendship with Soundwave, and I haven't really had a chance to explore that yet in the follow up pieces either. Soundwave is Megatron's amica and also a good friend of Orion's. I wanted to explore that in that fic but just could not make it fit right. which segues into another fact about Soundwave in that universe: he is the one who guides Orion on Kaoni courtship traditions and pushes Megatronus into accepting Orion's clumsy attempts at pursuing him romantically. two for one! Another thing though I never mentioned in that fic is that Orion actually cares a great deal for the whole of the Decepticon army as well as their sympathizers. He is their leader's Conjunx after all, and even after Megatron renounces that role at the end of the war, Orion never stops seeing the Decepticons as his people.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
This kinda depends how we are defining 'tropes'. If we go with the defintion : "something such as an idea, phrase, or image that is often used in a particular artist's work, in a particular type of art, in the media, etc." then the answer is mechpreg. When i first started reading Transformers fic I did not care for it at all, I was hypercritical of it because it felt too organic for me, but it kept showing up in fics I was reading and i enjoy it now as much as I enjoy the more asexual methods of mech reproduction. (Like, i know my first 2 fics mention it, but thats because this trope change happened BEFORE I started writing for Transformers. though... I started reading Transformers fics like... the week before I started writing for it so this change happened pretty quickly, but its the biggest trope I can think of really that I can think of that my mind changed on.)
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
XDXD Yes. And it's actually YOU, my friend, who writes it! In The Many Lives of Optimus Prime one of the major tropes is reincarnation, and I am really uninterested in reading other's takes on this trope to be honest. (sorry everyone else, I am only being honest 😅😅😅)
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
YES. Pretty much all of 2 Sides to a Coin is somewhat outside my comfort zone! The biggest thing is that I have almost always been an exclusively NSFW writer and this AU is SFW, This made me have to really think about other ways to express intimacy, emotional bonds and physical closeness, which has made my ability to write romance in general much better than it was before.
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alkamata · 6 months
in-universe tumblr simulator because i'm normal about my own shit (it's a worldbuilding exercise)
🍄 machinesentinel Follow
🪑 washingmachine44 Follow
yeahhhhhh didn't wanna tell ya but that's the whole reason they're a thing. just to trans anyone's gender, whoever steps into them
🍄 machinesentinel Follow
horn guy transed my gender??? (°▽°) free of charge???
🪻 dr-algraya Follow
🩻 bonewrangler Follow
bitch in this economy??? don’t tell me what to do
30,382 notes
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👤 63242a5835b9b4 Follow
Who am I?
👤 63242a5835b9b4 Follow
What am I?
👤 63242a5835b9b4 Follow
I have learnt I am inhuman. Okay.
👤 63242a5835b9b4 Follow
I have also learnt my purpose…
I am not a fan.
👤 63242a5835b9b4 Follow
Very much not a fan.
🦐 LordTheesleyTheThreest Follow
erm. what’d you find out?
👤 63242a5835b9b4 Follow
Because I have been instructed to lie on the internet, I will tell you I found out I was constructed for the purposes of being a retail worker.
🦐 LordTheesleyTheThreest Follow
…that- ???huh???
rest in peace either way :(
👤 63242a5835b9b4 Follow
Your sympathy is Appreciated
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🐝 whyamihere Follow
🤖 clear-carapace Follow
on what fucking planet is it a war crime to write about wanting to fuck a mech?
🐝 whyamihere Follow
🤖 clear-carapace Follow
sweaty i've studied those guidelines in class, and they say jack shit about wanting to fuck automata
i'm in the green here
🐝 whyamihere Follow
🤖 clear-carapace Follow
have you seen how sleek some of anfang's new designs are??? don't blame me, blame the engineers. i'm naught but a slave to the smooth beauty of the metal 🤷‍♀️🤷🤷‍♂️
🌐 imaa-official Follow
User @clear-carapace is correct, there is no such regulation that states it is illegal to depict such things. This may be a misinterpretation of a usage rule as introduced in the International Piloting Guidelines III.
And to reiterate this guideline, it is strongly urged that one restrains themself from performing any such actions so as to prevent oneself from physical harm.
The IMAA is not responsible for any physical trauma sustained through such actions.
🤖 clear-carapace Follow
man i just wanna read about getting tenderly held in the cold metal arms of a GEN-dSaV 20 footer after making passionate love with it, lemme live 😩😩😩
🐝 whyamihere Follow
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🦚 wanderlxst00 Follow
i wonder if rick astley got rickrolled when he had his versig read
🫧 bloodied-hands Follow
they actually got a recording of what his versig sounds like!
🦚 wanderlxst00 Follow
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🦚 wanderlxst00 Follow
all of you fuck off
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🌿 notagraverobber Follow
honestly, just don't send it to me or write about anyone else in anfang and it's fine.
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⚙️ sock-chewer Follow
holy shit, you'll never believe what happened to me today 💀💀💀💀💀
so i was just walking home from work, and then there’s a really small distortion event in the middle of the park i’m walking past? all things considered it was pretty benign. no large images that could hurt me or anything, since i was the only one visibly around
but it still spawned a horn guy
except he just looked… normal?
now ofc i tried to run since i didn’t have my pum or anything, but the debris kept me from going anywhere. i was scared shitless cuz the fucking horn guy was approaching me???? tho he was literally just walking. no weapons or anything bared which was SO STRANGE!!
i was cornered and terrified for my life as he just kept getting closer til he was finally cornering me in and then formed a face??? and spoke!!!
he made a strange face and said that no one would ever believe me if i ever told them this happened.
i did manage to get this image here but the distortion spike kinda fucked it up...
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🐲 explosionwizard32 Follow
♊️ central-image-facts Follow
This story’s rating is: False!
The Central Image does not possess a human face, despite the humanoid appearance. This is simply impossible.
The closest it has ever come to having a face is one that closely resembles that of mechs commonly found today. A theorized reason for this is thought to be because it is adapting to its environment, but based on the ruins of ancient mechs repeatedly being dug up, and the fact they possess faces stylistically similar to that which is seen on Central Images, there is some debate that the chronology might be backwards.
⚙️ sock-chewer Follow
doesn't change what i saw thouguh 😢
79 notes
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🌌 dailyspacebites Follow
Did you know, 4 years after versig-reading technology was first developed in 2014, NASA decided to do a reading of Earth's rings, and the results were said to be haunting.
What came out is said to have sounded like the broken bass layers of a symphonic dirge. One researcher on the project even said they swore they heard the echoes of soft cries.
Find out more here!
🪼 huhhazahhhs Follow
Man, I followed this account cuz I wanted to learn more space facts, not borderline depressing shit..
🌌 dailyspacebites Follow
I'm sorry to hear about that...
If there's any further feedback you'd like to give, please let me know in this form. Thank you :)
5,071 notes
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🌸 stxllaris-fxrtuna Follow
•°. *࿐ ただいま〜
𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚔!𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍!𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚊𝚎𝚜 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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  |★彡 rin comes home to his darling after a long day of work, just wanting to flop into their arms ★彡
             Keep Reading
☠️ telemetrics Follow
hey um maybe don't post fanfiction of real people??
especially when they’re on the fuckin’ website???
🌸 stxllaris-fxrtuna Follow
🌿 notagraverobber Follow
ah, so this is what the kids are up to these days.
btw i would not say half of the stuff in that, sorry
🌸 stxllaris-fxrtuna Follow
6,328 notes
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🗿 escaping-nibiru Follow
brahh i swear there have been like.
genuine gibberish posts turning up on my dash or smth.
completely unknown language but multiple people are speaking it?
🉑 seventhstring Follow
you couldn't even bother just googling some of the words they were saying? smells like a blatant lack of respect. do better.
🗿 escaping-nibiru Follow
dawg i did
nothing came up
🔆 yurakkir-val10n Follow
noranaen. noraluen.
halea, kaaz xhalkie.
biden baelfrit
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🗿 escaping-nibiru Follow
🉑 seventhstring Follow
...right, nevermind, i couldn't find anything either.
🗿 escaping-nibiru Follow
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the simulation's over now, you can wake up again.
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dumb-but-also-red · 3 years
Headcanon time baby: The first time Optimus hugs the team Prime members because in my opinion he's a cuddlebug and loves physical affection.
Ratchet: he was startled for sure, but there is only one thing that annoys him about Optimus' hugs, and that is their height difference. Optimus can easily bend down a bit to hug him, but Ratchet has to reach up and stand on the tips of his pedes to hug Optimus properly. So usually he just kinda holds Optimus' waist.
Arcee: her small size made her an easy target for hugs, but she wasn't exactly complaining. She did enjoy the feeling of being held so gently, and awkwardly returned the gesture. Optimus happily lets her relax against his much larger frame every now and then.
Bulkhead: it happened so quickly, the wrecker didn't have enough time to process what was going on. They were just standing by the ground bridge, waiting for the others to return from a mission, and Optimus just touched his shoulder. Very gently. Bulkhead could see how stressed Optimus was, and he kinda understood the anxious feeling, wrapped his arms around Optimus, letting his positive emotions into his EM field. Optimus instantly melted and hugged the wrecker.
Bumblebee: the scout was surprised, and panicked a little because he thought Optimus had collapsed against him, he told Optimus to rest when he felt tired countless times, but relaxed once he realized what the Prime was doing he buzzed and beeped while fitting his frame into Optimus' arms. Bumblebee enjoys physical affection as much as Optimus if not more.
Wheeljack: he thought Optimus was trying to shield him from something, and was surprised. He asked what the Prime was doing since he wasn't so used to this kind of affection, and decided he liked it after he got an answer.
Ultra Magnus: this man was shook to the point his processor rebooted twice. He wasn't expecting his leader to have such weird habits. Maybe staying on earth with humans made him like this? He didn't know, but the way Optimus held him felt quite comfortable. He isn't sure what to think of it.
Smokescreen: babyboy had an instant response. He wrapped his entire frame around Optimus and giggled like a sparkling. Unlike the others, Smokescreen is very easygoing and experimental when it comes to trying new things, especially if the humans are doing it. Even though he wasn't sure if he should do that with a superior officer, he pushed those thoughts away quickly. Optimus was startled when Smokescreen almost climbed on him, and having the weight of another frame made the larger mech stumble a bit, but he loved how the kid was so excited for just a hug.
(Before you say this is too ooc, I know, and I honestly don't care. This kid needs more love. And I love him so much to the point I'm willing to make an interdimensional portal to go to the TFP universe.)
Megatron: it happened back on Cybertron, before the war, and Optimus Prime was still Orion Pax at that time. The gladiator was waiting for the librarian near the arena, and was surprised when a pair of red arms appeared on his waist, holding him. When he looked back, a pair of bright blue optics looked up to him innocently. He still remembers that day and thinks about how cute the Prime is when he isnt threatening Megatron's life.
Starscream: He was truly afraid for his life when Optimus walked up to him with a straight face and casually wrapped his large arms around Starscream's much thinner frame, the only person who ever touched him so easily like this was Megatron, and every time the warlord laid his claws on the seeker, he ended up on the medical berth. The seeker knew the autobots were weird, but after defecting from decepticons, he kind of liked how touchy-feely they were with each other. But he especially liked Optimus' cuddles. He loved the way the Prime caressed his wings as if they were made of glass.
Knockout: the medic was busy buffing his armor, so he didn't really pay attention to his surroundings. When he felt someone creeping up to him he only saw red before his face got pressed against a very sad looking Optimus' chassis. He asked if the larger mech wanted to talk, and they chatted for hours while painting and buffing each other's scarred and scratched armor. (I'm like 200% sure Optimus has the juiciest gossip material that he doesn't share. Knockout has his ways to get the word out of him.)
Breakdown: he walked in on Knockout and Optimus casually cuddling after a battle. Being the soft idiot he is, he just joined in. Optimus accepted the mech's invitation for a hug very happily. Breakdown is a very physical bot in general, so cuddles are definitely a great way to cheer him up.
Yes, Breakdown lives. Yes, him, Knockout, and Starscream are autobots in my AU. Also Magnus is confused because he isn't used to physical affection since almost all he's known is war. Or maybe he just doesn't understand the concept.
I just want Smokescreen to have a good life okay don't yell at me. He's baby.
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I'm glad you agree with Dani having wind powers. I have been thinking about the other halfa's and their powers and why they have them. Vlad is fire, which is volatile and hurts others but it can also keep people warm (perhaps there is hope for him in another universe) and is something often used in human invention and Vlad is very smart. Danny is his opposite, Ice. Unlike fire, ice could be used to subdue his enemies without hurting them (1/2)
(2/2) However Ice is also be sharp and dangerous (he can be mean sometimes) and it is cold, which could maybe represent how alone he feels. It could also be tied into his love for space as space is cold. If Jazz was a ghost, I think she would have water powers, since it's like a melted version of her brothers ice (lol). She is cool and collected and prefers to talk things out and understand rather than fight. She can also be rather overbearing sometimes, like an ocean. Sorry if this is long.
~ ~ ~
it’s interesting to think what the various halfa’s elements would be. makes me think of the into the spiderverse au. i like the idea that jazz would be water. it suits her. cool and collected, even sometimes associated with healing. but equally capable of devastation if used for violence. since psychology is her thing, i’d also draw a comparison to that. it’s used to help and heal, but when used by people like spectra it can be the most damaging attack possible. it can destroy people on a level deeper than physical. i’d likewise suggest that jazz would be the one to figure out bloodbending as a concept for this world, but would proceed to avoid using it. if she ever has a dark dan version of herself, i could see Black Jasmine being far more terrifying than him. when jazz goes bad, she’d go really bad
though in terms of what would push her to that point, it think it’d probably be more difficult and less difficult than what happened to danny. she is all about control and discipline. she’d use denial and psychology to manage for as long as possible. that is if it’s something that no one could have predicted or stopped. an accident. but if say it was a failure on the school or societies part... if say a case of bullying landed danny trapped in a locker during a ghost attack, unable to escape, and he died because of an attack that she was involved in. if he died with her not even aware that he was feet from her and in danger...
well i could see her losing herself in her guilt and anger at the world. he could have been saved. if he wasn’t being bullied, if the teachers had done something, if the ghost hadn’t attacked, if she had known he was there. like i said dark jazz is scary.
that aside, i also want all potential halfas to have elements associated with them now. we’re all pretty much agreed that tucker is electric type, due to his love of technology, but also his impulsiveness. electricity can do a lot of damage when not controlled properly and we’ve seen tucker on more than one occasion struggle with control. he’s overconfident and surprisingly reckless at times. when he’s in his element he’s fantastic but he’s been known to abuse power when he has it. i think that would be his main conflict as tucker ghouly, controlling his powers and using them responsibly.
sam would be representative of the element wood. which is associated with flexibility, durability, and strong emotions. because she’s our resident plant girl. she is willful and passionate but also stubborn and demanding. she demands the most of herself but also others, she wants everyone to thrive but sometimes forgets what’s best for her isn’t what’s best for other. her conflict might end up being empathy, because while she has it in spades, she doesn’t always know how to use it, if that makes sense. she tends to take things as a personal attack on her and her veiws when people disagree with her, which can be pretty dangerous, especially when people absolutely have reasons for their own opinions. she needs to learn to listen to others, if she’s going to be a proper hero
that would leave the final element, metal to val. metal is the most stubborn and inflexible of the elements. she’s strong and disciplined, unyielding in her attacks and views. but as we know that’s for better or worse. she really difficult to convince she’s wrong. she’d probably end up being one of the strongest out of them, she’d figure out the most ways to use her powers and how to shape metal to her advantage. i’m actually struck by the fun idea of val using her metal powers to make jewelry and running a small business selling it. this val would still manage to create a body armor and probably be better at maintaining anonymity with her ghost activity. though i also see her as overworking herself. she tries to do everything and ends up failing classes, alienating her friends, and too exhausted to think straight..she became a ghost before she was friends with danny, so i like the idea of them ending up friends, probably during the flour baby episode, and danny being the one to finally convince her to chill out and manage her health better. full human danny, is still all about helping people and is probably more stable and viably smart when he has time to do his homework. he’d probably offer to help her study and manage her business when too busy, and just having someone to lean on means everything to val.
until of course, plasimius kills jack fenton, and danny goes down the path of seeking vengeance and fighting ghosts. i actually don’t thing they’d know each others hunter identities at first, so they’d initially be fighting for real. danny is almost as stubborn as val. (ice is also inflexable until given the time to melt. and cold and harsh and deadly when angry). i see the green hunter being the most dangerous thing val has faced so far because danny is unrelenting. once she figures out who she’s fighting (i see her giving fenton a necklace of a star when he’s human and hunter losing the necklace during a fight and val discovering it and initially thinking it was stolen but figuring out the truth throughout the episode) fighting someone innocent, who’s justified, but still wrong, she’d be forced to learn to be more flexible and understanding, just to convince danny to stop. because let’s be real, she agrees with danny. plasmius killed his father, if she were in his shoes, he’d do the same thing, but she needs him to understand that she’s not the bad guy. not all ghosts are bad.
she’d also need to learn to be more flexible just to fight vlad/plasmius. because he is manipulative and her straight foward way of thinking and fighting would get her in trouble with him. i could see him framing her for a lot. he’d also be hanging around danny as vlad and manipulating danny that way. she’d essentially be fighting 2 different people who turn out to be the same person. vlad, the billionaire friend of the fentons who’s inserting himself into the grieving family’s lives and encouraging danny to fight vigilante justice. and plasmiaus the op ghost who literally murders people who get in his way. vlad would absolutely do everything he can to keep up the facade of innocent human. leaving all the damage to his ghost half. and val would struggle to prove that he’s evil.
that was a bit of a tangent, anyway. all of the halfa’s having elements associated with them and eventually having an ultimate team up in a universe that brings them together to fight something or another. a team up of the elements. vlad being there and joining the team up as still a villain who the team is suspicious of, but who they need to win. perhaps pariah dark escapes again but this time the mech isn’t available. and danny isn’t strong enough to face him alone. so parallel dimension team up. actually maybe not main danny’s universe. maybe it’s one of the other universes that can’t manage pariah dark on their own. possibly val’s again? if jack’s dead they don’t have a mech. might even be able to incorporate maddie inventing parallel-dimensional summoning in her attempts to bring jack back. bonus points if it’s vlad who’s funding this, knowing full well anyone summon would be unstable and turn to goo soon after arriving.
can you tell i love the into the dannyverse au? this was fun - Hestia
@nastyburger @guardianrex @five-rivers @ibelieveinahappilyeverafter @enigmaris
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Could you do the oxygen loss prompt with Cygate, but instead of the human being their S/O it’s their adopted human child? Sorry if that’s weird but I crave space dad content with every fiber of my being
There is nothing weird about space dad content, it's good and pure and the world needs more of it, thus I am happy to provide.
Here's links to other posts of this prompt!
Part One: Here!
Part Two: Here!
Part Three: Here!
Part Four: Here!
Part Five: Here!
Part Six: Here!
Part Seven: Here!
Part Eight: Here!
Part Nine: You're Here!
Part Ten: Here!
Part Eleven: Here!
Part Twelve: Here!
Adopted Human Reader
·Tailgate was the primary driving force behind your adoption, but Cyclonus was in no way opposed, merely more reserved as you were welcomed into their lives through an unexpected but life-changing adoption. Though somewhat new to being a couple and quite new to parenthood, they've done an excellent job getting you set up for your shared life together as a family. You even have your own room right across from there's! Today though you're chilling with them in preparation for a movie night, sitting atop a table as snacks are decided on and the list of potential films is narrowed. Cyclonus is mostly content to let the two of you pick what you want, though he does try to encourage the entertainment selection to be more... educational and the snacks a modicum healthier.
·Your greatest struggle is choosing the final winner from your options left, until of course, the electricity begins to cut out and the three of you are left momentarily in the dark. This alone would have been nothing but an inconvenience, though the seismic shake that hits the ship afterwards is far more dangerous. Nothing but a blur of metal in the dark fills your vision as the tremor sends each of you tumbling. When you finally orient yourself and the world stops moving, you realize you're being cradled in a panicked minibot's arms, and a blue visor glowing in frenzy is above you. Tailgate is checking you over like a concerned mother hen, and you're so overwhelmed by his fussing it takes you a moment to realize that he's also being held, and that you're between two pairs of optics overflowing with care.
·Cyclonus gently puts an end to his mate's impromptu medical examination by pointing out the more immediate issue; something dangerous is undoubtedly inbound. Tailgate may not have the same level of experience, but he's been on enough ships to know what an anchoring feels like, and regardless of the enemy in question things are about to get unpleasant. In unison they both agree to get you somewhere safe. Gently as can be, Tailgate reassures you that everything will be okay while stroking a little hand down your back. He promises that much, and Cyclonus firmly echoes the sentiment.
·Quite aware of how tiny you are, particularly in regards to Cybertronian combat, you put up no resistance to their plan. So long as everyone gets out safe, you insist. In a well rehearsed battle strategy, Cyclonus stands just behind Tailgate, but he's hardly the only one who will be protecting you. Your other adoptive parent has you in his arms and, with his smaller frame, is set up to shield you quickly from the front while Cyclonus handles any potential assaults from behind with his solid back armor. It's a routine they established just to keep you safe. Right now it is helping you feel like you're in a kind of moving fortress, and to be fair with these two that comparison isn't far off. Unicron himself would have a hard time breaking through their collective front.
·Perhaps tempted by your metaphorical thoughts, the universe answers with a challenge in the form of an entire squadron of enemy combatants, though your guardians are quite prepared. Before the attacking aliens can even charge, the two of them are moving in a kind of wordless sync, one that an outsider might think was the result of peerless calm. You know better when Tailgate rolls to slip you into a well defended little cove though, as you catch what's in both of their optics; fear. Tucking down as small as you can, you watch them attack with a kind of rage that juxtaposes almost fantastically with the tender kindness they raise you with. Few would probably blame you for having a hard time believing the same Cyclonus cleaving an enemy in half right now also sings softly when you have trouble sleeping... The same could be said for Tailgate, who fusses over you every time he feels you may be too hot or cold but is now pummeling an alien's legs so his mate can finish them off. Knowing that it's all to protect you is somewhat awe inspiring.
·No sooner has the last enemy fallen then the two are back where they left you, though this time Tailgate isn't alone as he checks you over whilst they walk, with Cyclonus inserting a quick request for confirmation that you are indeed uninjured. Admittedly a little dizzy from the rush, you smile and assure them both you're unhurt. At that they continue on the way to the well defended medical bay. You are actually far more sluggish than you think you should be, but it's hard to care about that in the face of everything else, and you don't really have to worry with these two protecting you... How lucky you are, to have been adopted by such a loving pair of parents. Being quite the unusual couple just makes your little family more unique in your mind. At such happy thoughts you can't help but smile, though it's weak and visibly hindered by how groggy you are.
·Tailgate takes notice of that sleepiness first as you become less upright in his arms. Giving you a little bounce, he starts to walk faster as the requests regarding your condition start anew, his visor growing worried as he sees your tiny frame failing to perk up. Cyclonus follows in his worry, especially when you prove physically incapable of lifting yourself up completely. They know something must be terribly wrong. Uncertain why they're so upset, you try to reassure your parents that you're simply a little tired. The rush of the fight probably drained you more than expected, you explain. Hearing how breathless you are in the explanation only solidifies their fear that something is wrong. Not knowing what it could be, they make the difficult decision to forgo stealth for the sake of speed; you need to get to the medical bay.
·Rushing air flows past as they move at speeds impossible for humans, drawing your gaze upwards as Tailgate reassures you everything will be alright despite your total lack of concern. Though you can see the fear in his face, you still appreciate how brave he's being for your sake. Having parents who prioritize your health as well as your feelings is a dream come true. Cyclonus is mostly silent, his optics on the horizon, but you know he's also concerned to an incredible degree. It's obvious in his optics every time they glance down at you so full of worry. Despite his usually reserved exterior, the big bot loves you just as much as his mate, and you've more or less had him wrapped around your finger from day one. You can still recall how they would lovingly ensure your comfort every time you went to bed in your new home...
·Both mechs can see you're drifting off faster with every passing minute. Tailgate tries harder to keep you awake as he watches your eyelids grow heavier, but his efforts prove to be in vain despite how badly he wants you to be okay, and his spark twists with anxiety. Cyclonus is the same, as both have no real idea as to what is wrong, and thus no real way to help you. Doubts that plagued them from the day they considered making you their own child return to haunt them in full force. They loved you so much, but there was so much they just didn't understand about your species, and what if that made them unfit to care for you? Would another human have figured this out by now? Surely you wouldn't be in this situation if you weren't with them...
·Cyclonus takes matters into his own hands, rather literally, when he scoops up his tiny mate to run at his fullest speed. Tailgate barely notices the action in his increasing panic. He can feel you growing weaker in his arms, but why? Attempts to comm Ratchet or anyone who might have a clue as to what's going on prove fruitless, and the two parents are left to flounder in their fear, the worst possibilities barreling through their minds in unison. You feel bad that they seem so scared, but can't bring yourself to stay awake as they request, the grogginess pulling you down in your parent's arms as it has under less dire circumstances in the past. The desire to sleep is simply too great. Isn't it ironic, how these bots are usually the ones pushing for you to go to bed, and now they want you to stay up? It's enough to make you smile as warm blackness finally claims you...
·Tailgate is beside himself when you drift off, and Cyclonus isn't any better, his legs giving out as he cradles you both. It's only by happenstance that a team of bots comes by at that moment, doing emergency rounds to gather the crew and clear out hostiles, and stumbles upon the terrified parents. By the grace of good fortune Ratchet is among them, and the medic is able to quickly put together what's going on due to his intel. Between the bursts of begging from Tailgate and Cyclonus, he's able to just break through and inform them of the full situation; oxygen has been compromised due to the attack. Before they can ask further questions, he explains that you need medical attention, but the ship is still under threat. It's somewhat obvious even in their cloud of grief and fear what he is going to say next.
·To secure the Lost Light, and by extension you, they wordlessly agree to accompany the group to the medical bay... at which point they'll leave you there to join the defense. Being by your side will do no one any good if the ship is taken. It hurts more than anything ever has, but they turn their mutual rage and pain towards the threat. All the while you remain in the medical bay, being stabilized by the medical staff who provide the care and oxygen you need to recover, their incredible skills ensuring you'll make a full recovery in due time. It's a prognosis that gives your parents relief but no peace when the battle is won. Seeing you in such a state still hurts in ways they can't begin to process, and thus they're left to wait in silent pain for you to awaken, holding each other as Tailgate weeps openly and Cyclonus internally.
·When you do wake up, it's beneath your favorite blankets, which were tucked about you just how you liked. A gentle but very concerned flurry of activity welcomed you back to the living world, and before you knew it your parents were on either side of the medical slab you found yourself upon, their worry obvious in every word and every inch of their expressions. Confused, especially by the oxygen mask on your face, you ask what happened to you. Worry turns to guilt in an instant. Tailgate starts with an explanation about what you do remember, gently asking about your recollection of the moments leading up to where your memories end. Cyclonus takes over for his mate when it proves too much, laying out the full scope of the alien attack and the atmospheric failure which nearly killed you. The brush with death catches you quite off guard.
·Unable to hold back tears, Tailgate bursts out in an apology for their failure to protect you, particularly in regards to not even knowing what was hurting you at first. Cyclonus gently shushes him, but doesn't correct the sentiment. Instead, he shares it, expressing his understanding if you have any newfound reservations regarding their parenting. Such a thought is so unfounded it strikes you silent. Why would this hamper your relationship in any way? These two had saved you! Their lack of human anatomy had spared them, and by extension you, from meeting an untimely fate in the suffocating attack. Letting them know as much, you can't help but feel a pang of your own fear when they appear unconvinced. If they're the ones changing their minds-
·Both Tailgate and Cyclonus react in a unified rush when you let that thought slip; they will never leave you, both promise at once. Tailgate assures you he loves you far too much and Cyclonus promises no challenge could ever make him leave you. It's enough to make the three of you cry. Clearly there are still challenges for your unique family dynamic, but none of you will ever give up. The challenges will just have to be faced together. Before you can thank them for everything they did your parents start fussing over you once again, encouraging you to rest while they adjust the room to your liking and promise that whatever food or entertainment you want will be there when you wake up.
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Just... I don't think that I can express how happy Alex Hirsch saying that in the Gravity Falls universe that Fiddleford McGucket becomes the 45th US president makes me. Like it's dumb, probably just a joke, and won't stick... BUT BOY HOWDY DO I WANT IT TO STICK! This is MY kind of garbage! Fiddleford is my favorite. Politics is a thing that I know things about. My presidential history isn't exactly the most comprehensive, but it's probably better than most. SO I LOVE THIS GARBAGE!
In any case, here are some dumb headcanons about Fiddleford being president:
He ran as a third party candidate (or as an independent). Ford REALLY hoped this would kill his chances of being elected. But as it turns out, 100 foot spider robots is something that everyone, no matter their political leanings, agreed that they would LOVE to have.
I have no idea which party he would be a part of, but it has to be something completely absurd like, "The Rent is too Damn High Party."
You probably wouldn't expect McGucket to be very good in a debate. But here's the thing. When you show up in a 20 foot tall mech taken straight out of some anime, you've kinda already won. At everything. Including life.
I can totally see McGucket pulling an Andrew Jackson, and on the day of his inauguration, throwing a MASSIVE party on the White House lawn that goes full crazy and lasts for the greater part of a week!
Once in office, he would let raccoons run amok in the White House. Guy just seems to have always liked raccoons.
He would make the White House cow a thing again.
He would NOT pardon the turkey! That turkey said some really nasty things and doesn't deserve a pardon!
Speaking of pardons, he would probably give Stan and Ford presidential pardons (you can't say that they don't deserve it, let’s be honest here), but immediately after recieving the pardon, Stan would then break a LOT of laws again. Why? Because he thinks that McGucket will just give him infinite pardons! Of course Fiddleford's not an idiot, so Stan does not receive any further pardons.
Here! Have a fun fact! He would be the first president from Tennessee! (Also I learned that Al Gore is also from Tennessee... I feel like they’d know each other... Also, just imagine Fiddleford solving the whole Global Warming thing just to stick it to Al.)
He would also be the first single divorcee to be elected into office! You know... Unless...
He would also be the second president to have ever been divorced!
I feel like he would get along GREAT with Jimmy Carter! Obviously, I don't think that he would particularly be on bad terms with any single one of the former US presidents, but I can see Fiddleford getting along famously with Jimmy.
I can't say for certain that Jimmy did any of the manual labor on his family's peanut farm, but considering Carter's philanthropy and how he was indeed on the ground, putting up buildings and doing physical labor, it does sound like something he would do. Therefore Jimmy and Fiddleford like talking about life back on the farm to one another.
While Bush Jr. has a ranch down in Texas and therefore could also talk country farming life with Fiddleford, they don't stand particularly eye to eye in their political beliefs. Still, Fiddleford remains completely civil and friendly towards both of the Bushes, and they get along perfectly fine. Of course this would demonstrated during George Bush Senior's funeral.
Fiddleford's politics and policy would probably swing pretty darn progressive. He did spend 30 years homeless so he knows what it's like to be at the bottom of society, poor, and of not particularly good physical or mental health... And how terrible the United States is at actually helping its people, after all. He would probably fight to end homelessness and I would love to see him establishing a system in which everyone at least has their most basic needs met.
Obviously Fiddleford would support the Black Lives Matter movement. Because cops are assholes and he’s probably experienced how shitty they are first hand. (Even if he likes Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland just okay... But probably the best thing they ever did for Gravity Falls was be terrible at their jobs.)
It would be incredible if he could break down how divided this country has become and how the parties almost always tend vote as a block, regardless of personal beliefs. Especially if he does it by just... Befriending... Everyone. And being his usual kind self. Like, he can get bipartisan support on stuff because... Just... “Why did I vote for this bill that he wanted to pass in spite of past objections to such policy? Well... A lot of it is because I owed him a favor. Have you met the guy? He’s just SO nice! And he really helped me out a lot a few months ago. It’s really the least I could do. Also he has made a lot of good points on why this legislation should be passed.”
Just imagine him being like... A REALLY nice Lyndon Johnson, but who’s also a scientific supergenius.
Also he would absolutely not be above punching some politician for being completely unreasonable for petty reasons!
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tell me more about lancer!! (I’ve heard of it but never played)
“It is 5016u, and the galaxy is home to trillions. At the core of humanity’s territory there is a golden age, but outside of this newly won utopia the revolutionary project continues... Your character in the world of Lancer is a mechanized cavalry pilot of particular note – a lancer. Whatever the mission, whatever the terrain, whatever the enemy, your character is the one who is called in to break the siege or hold the line. When the drop klaxons sound, it’s up to them to save the day. “ - Introduction, Lancer core rules (pp 10-11)
Lancer is a very good role-playing game about piloting giant robots and using them to make Utopia happen. I’m going to organize this into mechanical things that are Very Good about Lancer and lore things that are Very Good. Here are 12 things I like Very Much about Lancer. 
2. In addition to a primary system of regular old weapons n attacks n hitpoints, there is an entire other system of technological attacks and “heat” hitpoints to represent hacking enemy robots to increasingly bizarre effect. Making regular physical attacks is tied to physical weapon “mounts” on your mech, and these mounts may be destroyed over the course of a fight, so the technology attack system gives players who might otherwise be neutralized something to do the whole time. 
3. So much player choice: There are 29 mechs in the core rulebook, another 5 in the first rules supplement, another 3 freely available on the publisher itch.io, then various others in the nooks and crannies of the Lancer discord. Do not be daunted, however!  i. In a source like COMPCON above, all the mechs are organized by manufacturer and role. Each in-universe manufacturer matches one of the 4 fundamental mech stats so if you know you’re aiming for a mech that especially interacts with a particular part of the mechanics you’ve already selected out 75% of the choices.  a. The matches go like this: Harrison Armory matches to the “Engineering” stat and so their mechs deal with the Heat mechanics in interesting ways, HORUS matches to the “Systems” stat and so they specialize in hacking other mechs and other technological attacks, Interplanetary Shipping-Northstar matches to “Hull” and so builds tanks and tough guys, and Smith-Shimano matches to “Agility” and so builds the sexy ones the ones that have interesting ways of avoiding getting hit. b. Roles are relatively straightforward too! Striker mechs are the close-quarters fighters, artillery are... artillery- long range fighters, controllers do big Areas of Effect or impose conditions or alter character movement, defenders have big shields or are mobile bunkers or are just so darn big they protect those behind them, and support is... support- they share bonuses like repairs with their allies.  ii. Take this all together and finding the mech that best suits you is actually real easy despite the long long lists. And if you ever get locked into a build you grow to dislike? At every level up, you can completely replace and overhaul the mech licenses (which represent your ability to use the relevant equipment and frame associated with a given robot) you have so you can try other robots. 
4. The NPC system: There are 33 NPC statblocks, organized by the kind of role they have in a potential fight. In addition, there are 12 templates you could potentially apply to an NPC. Both statblocks and templates are defined by “systems”- just little traits and qualities and there are often many optional systems you can slap on for an extra level of customization. Therefore, you can tailor hundreds if not thousands of NPCs out of a seemingly-limited stock.  i. The template system means any potential moveset or archetype can be made into a miniboss or boss ii. The template system means you can flavorfully telegraph how an encounter can go- telling the players they are fighting a group of pirates prepares them for coreworm rockets and grapple leashes (hallmarks of the pirate template) regardless of the actual statblock in use. iii. Each statblock is effectively 3 statblocks in one, set to different tiers to match and scale to the level of the players throughout the game (so oops I guess there are 99 NPCs by default) iv. Monstrosity- it’s for Kaiju! it’s also one of the most modular statblocks for all the little tweaks you need for Big Monster v. Squad- for footsoldiers! 
5. There is no class system (mechanically speaking, in the lore Union is working on it). Character creation functions through selecting Skill Triggers for situations outside your mech and Talents for situations inside your mech, and mech licenses themselves. Even Backgrounds are mostly just lists of questions in order to prompt character introspection. 
6. I put this last down here because it’s kind of at the intersection of the mechanics and the lore, but Lancer has some good random tables for generating things like planets, space stations, people on space stations, Pirate crews, and big Enterprise companies. It’s just good clean fun. 
I also created this google doc for totally unrelated reasons
1. The naming convention of the rings of Union and the Blinkgates- Blinkgates are Lancer’s mechanism of faster-than-light travel. They are Big installations and passing through one can take you to any other instantly. They’re organized into “rings” of the stations that are physically closest to one another, emanating out from Earth. Each ring is named after a mountain range on Earth (now called Cradle because of course) and each gate is named after a peak in that range. This is a real small detail in the grand scheme of things but I adore it because this naming convention is a clear reflection of the priorities and values of the people who did the naming. Every gate by definition is situated in places that humans have already settled, but they’re not named according to local convention. Just so, every gate is situated somewhere in Cradle’s night sky, but they’re not named for things like constellations. Each blinkgate is named after a feature on Cradle because the blinkgates were named by the Second Committee of Union, who had a driving philosophy of Anthrochauvinism (a manifest destiny attitude towards humanity on the galactic stage, with a heavy bias towards humanity as it is on Cradle) and so of course blinkgates are named as a projection of life on Earth onto space without regard for the actual space they occupy. 
2. On a related note, according to the starship-battle spinoff Battlegroup, Union names its largest starships- its battleships- after environmentalists. That just warmed my little Environmental Scientist heart, and also is a clear reflection of the Third Committee’s values and priorities (Union rose from the ashes of an environmental disaster on Earth, and the Union Navy under the Third Committee has a general mandate of acting protectively and defensively, so Union has effectively named one set of their people’s protectors after another set of protectors). 
3. The fact that every faction is simultaneously in a state of escalating tension. "The Good War" is this inevitable conflict that everyone constantly expects, but it is constantly not here, which just increases the tension further. This makes for good adventure fodder.  i. KTB and HA are about to have the Second Interest War in the Dawnline Shore,  ii. Union and the Aun are about to have the Second Distal War in Boundary Garden, and SSC is gonna wade into it because geneticists gotta get their samples I guess,  iii. IPS-N is about to fall apart from infighting,  iv. In the Long Rim HORUS is closing in on Horizon, finding the Fourth Metavault is around the corner
4. Utopia is a verb. Corollary: Union are the enemy you want. Or: Life is good, but it can be better. All this to say, Union is presented as an unambiguous force for good, but the game and the creators make no bones about how Union can be made better (and thus directly put improving the world in the players’ court!). 
5. Many Factions are defined by a fundamental expectation-subverting "What If?"  i. Union- what if the big bad hegemony that rules over everything was (at least trying to be) the good guys?  ii. The Aun- what if the mysterious and mystical theocracy explicitly and literally had the support of a god and thus could back up their claims of manifest destiny?  iii. The Corpros- what if all of these awful organizations actually did materially improve people’s lives, instead of that just being a propaganda line they throw out to justify themselves?
6. NHPs- Explaining what’s up with NHPs in full would be a whole Thing, so for now I’ll just share my favorite thing about them: they’re like droids in Star Wars, except the creators actually acknowledge the immorality of the situation and thus generate and encourage discussion about it in the playerbase, rather than just let it be taken for granted (and thus directly put improving the world in the players’ court!). 
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whatudottu · 3 years
Okay here’s part 2 of my colour scheme/altmode ramblings, now featuring the Decepticons. Since I am generally vehicle illiterate (ESPECIALLY jet illiterate) I consulted my jet nerd friends to identify what aircraft each of the Decepticons are (and I suppose what armoured truck Breaky is) to help find some colours.
The Autobots
The Decepticons Part 1 (you are here)
The Decepticons Part 2
Once again in order of notes, we start off with Starscream. I’m not entirely sure what to do with this boy, in canon and most of what I’ve seen he’s a very contradictory character (not to say it’s a bad thing, it’s actually quite nice) so I don’t know which parts to shatter and to keep the same. Perhaps in the same vein that SG!Ratchet is now super ‘happy’ but really spiteful, Starscream could be normally scared or nervous, but under pressure he toughens up and regains his confidence. Crouching moron, hidden badass kind of vibe but... well... more like balled-up coward in this case.
I like to think that Starscream defaults to using titles and formalities, in rather stark contrast to canon (i.e. Doctor Knock Out, Lieutenant Dreadwing yada yada). He may have accidentally slipped up and called Megatron ‘lord’ or ‘master’ or any close relative of those and he immediately stopped at the reaction, definitely realising that something was wrong.
For his colours, ironically it comes from this remote controlled F-16 (maybe he got caught on camera randomly and that was just some quick excuse haha) and I think it’s pretty nice.
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Second to Starscream, as he seems to always be rank wise, is Soundwave. Of course I’m going to go the radio route for this mech a la movieverse Bumblebee, and despite this, he is quite the chatter. Even when he’s not talking, he ‘mumbles’ with incomprehensible beeps and blips (not actual binary, con nor bot) and frequently places human radio, just so long as it doesn’t inhibit productivity.
As for his stance on Megatron? Though they both had to crawl to where they are today, Soundwave constantly challenges his leader’s commands... in a good way I promise. It’s no longer blind loyalty this mech holds on to, and he isn’t afraid to go against Megatron’s wishes to get his desired information (sending Makeshift to hide within the Autotroopers was one such plan, and oh how it backfired BAD). Speaking of, Soundwave is the only mech to have ‘physical’ records of Makeshift as a reassurance to both that he wouldn’t be at risk of discovery via attack on the Decepticon records.
Because MQ-9 Reapers don’t come in fancy transformers colours, I cheesed the search a little by using the lighting effects as colours. This is clearly approaching dusk but, these colours look really sweet. Also, not that you could see, but his optics would probably be yellow.
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Next on my secret list (that I am slowly revealing) is... Shockwave? Sure, why not. Once this thought entered my head it never could leave me and I lived in constant fear and pain. What if Shockwave is gremlin?
Hear me out! What I’m thinking is, though he still preaches the word of logic as if it were a fabled legend, he snarls, he growls and he’s overall more feral than logically dictates this blank canvas. This Peridot from Steven Universe if you will, because I’m insane and have something wrong with me (okay maybe I’m taking this too far). So anyway, I just love the idea that Shockwave acts more like an animal than ANY of the predacons (I’ll get to them, don’t worry).
As for alt, I’m thinking he undergoes a reformat because his arm gets torn off (he still makes the dinobots because, idk unethical senator/blackmailing counsel wanting powerful tools kinda stuff) and he’s probably not interested in getting a gun arm as a less... outright violent kind of mech? So instead of a Cybertronian tank, he can have an alt that’s similar, if not directly, a Tucker Sno-Cat (often used by researchers in Antarctica see how that fits hahaha).
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And finally, after 3 Decpticons, it’s Megatron’s time to shine. Let’s see, he’s a passionate leader and listens to the vehicons... it’s a little easier presently now that many of the numbers have dwindled, but he still attempts to put a face... or perhaps a paint job to the mech.
Though he can loudly broadcast a speech barely practiced and hardly written to a sea of strangers, he’s a little awkward in day to day conversation. You know what, it’s sorta like TFA Optimus if you think long and hard about it, but I suppose his speeches can get rather grave if he’s not in the right mindset. Remember when I said that Megatron had a bad reaction to being called ‘lord’ or ‘master’? Well, he doesn’t beat Starscream over it, just feels really icky when those titles are directed to him. If you MUST call him something, Commander or General is fine, but please, call him Megatron.
Not say he’s taken up a human altmode (I’d think it’d be a cool contrast to canon megan) but I found this image of a SU-47 Berkut that would help this Megatron uh... put real meaning in ‘robots in disguise’.
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Though I’ll be moving onto the twins, I’ll start off with Skyquake because, while they do have the same altmode, I thought it’d be fun to have different origins.
We all know canon Dreadwing to be the stoic and maybe elegant type, if Wheeljack complimenting his bomb-work as artisan says anything. Skyquake, being his brother, has fanonically been quite the opposite, which I absolutely love. So, with that being said, I’m just going to go all out and make Skyke a child at spark and generally a rather positive mech in this shattered reality. Sure, there’s a time and a place for everything, that’s what carries over from the original (I mean I think, it’s not like he lived past his first episode) but he’s always got the crew’s morale in mind. Also he definitely hangs out (messes) with the Vehicons a lot.
In order to reflect this characterisation, I wanted to go with a Thunderbirds aesthetic with his F-35 alt, with the black wing designs included. I’d think it’d be fitting to have this brother based off of an airshow jet so, there.
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In contrast to his loud and sometimes (often) immature brother, Dreadwing is still rather quiet, but less of the strict kind. Sure, he’s hardened after spending so much time of his recent time in the war without his brother, Drwing has that tiny bit of shyness.
Of course, when it comes to fighting he’s not afraid. Maybe cautious about the situation around him, but he’s not going to go into a panic unless something REALLY goes wrong. But he doesn’t particularly find it all to easy to speak to his fellow mechs, probably because he really only really relied on his brother for so long. Don’t worry, he’s gotten better at speaking, but aside from the off-comment remark that he’s relieved that Skyquake is okay (Dreadwing ever the protective older twin) he’s not one for opening up. Too bad that leaves him vulnerable to Skyke’s teasing but whatever, he missed that too.
With that, I think it’d be interesting if I gave him a more militaristic paint job, and this image I found works both because it’s, colour scheme wise, quite the opposite to Skyquake and isn’t just plain old black so we got a little bit of an accent colour going on.
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Oh joy an image limit. It seems I might need to reconsider how to balance the two teams out...
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simpatico week day 2 - time travel
because we all need a little brainstorm whump in our lives :,)  @simpaticoweek​
read it here on ao3!
Perceptor wasn’t sure what prompted him to sit with Brainstorm. Hell, he wasn’t sure what prompted him to enter Swerve’s in the first place. Perhaps he’d had enough of the solitude the lab provided. That must be it. His processor needed stimulation, and a loud, busy environment was an obvious solution. Only, he hadn’t expected it to lead to him sitting down across from a morose looking Brainstorm and awkwardly making stilted attempts at conversations.
He said, ‘attempts.’ In reality, he hadn’t tried, too concerned about saying the wrong thing. Brainstorm has been giving him weird looks since he’d sat down with his drink and sipped at it in complete silence, but he hadn’t gotten up and left yet. So... perhaps that was a good sign. Or maybe Brainstorm felt obligated to stay here since Perceptor had sat down. He couldn’t be sure. Social cues didn’t come naturally to him.
Finally, Brainstorm let out a heavy vent, took off his blast mask, and sighed, “What do you want, Perceptor.”
Perceptor tensed. “You looked like you needed some company,” he said stiffly. This was true enough. Everyone kept a wide berth from Brainstorm these days as if his EM field could emit the same poison he’d used on them all those weeks ago. Even now, the nearby tables surrounding where Brainstorm and Perceptor were noticeably empty.
But if Brainstorm was aware of this, he did not seem all that bothered by it. In fact, he didn’t seem aware Perceptor had said anything at all. His optics were unfocused, glazing off to stare at something to the right of Perceptor’s shoulder. Perceptor followed his gaze. Unsurprisingly, it led to where Chromedome and Rewind were curled around each other in a booth. Their drinks were untouched, each of them content to drink in the sight of the other instead.
“You’re thinking about Rewind,” Perceptor quietly guessed.
“Ding, ding, ding,” Brainstorm said. His voice was flat, lifeless without his usual chirpy enthusiasm. “We have a winner.”
Perceptor spent a second too long trying to formulate a response. A brittle smile spread across Brainstorm’s face. “It’s fine,” he said. “You don’t have to pretend to care. You didn’t before, and I don’t know why you’re bothering now.”
Perceptor shuttered his optic. “I’m not pretending,” he said, faintly hurt, but he knew his hurt was unwarranted; he understood the doubtful reaction and couldn’t blame Brainstorm for having it. It wasn’t as though they’d had many positive interactions in the past to say otherwise.
“Hm.” Brainstorm’s mouth twisted in a way that told Perceptor he didn’t believe him, but he wasn’t willing to pursue the topic. “Sure.”
Perceptor resisted fidgeting with his monocle in the awkward wake of silence that followed. Instead, he tentatively asked, “May I ask what it is about Rewind you’re thinking about?”
Brainstorm shot him an unamused look that positively screamed, Seriously? Perceptor’s frame heated up a bit; he’s never been a fantastic conversationalist, but he refused to let it be for lack of trying. So he tilted his helm with a slight flush to his face and waited until Brainstorm sighed and fell back against his seat, helm tipping up to stare listlessly at the ceiling. “What everyone else is thinking about,” he said dully. “The fact that he’s back. His second life. And just… Hah. What’re the chances of that?”
“Almost incalculably small,” Perceptor said quietly. “It’s really quite the marvel.” Brainstorm’s optics dimmed. Perceptor wanted to smack himself. “My apologies. I didn’t mean to aggravate you. I thought I should ask because you seemed upset, is all.”
“I am,” Brainstorm said simply. Perceptor blinked; he’d been expecting another non-answer. But Brainstorm, evidently mistaking his surprise to be towards something else, grimaced. “Well, no. I’m not upset about Rewind coming back. God, no, I’m—I’m glad he’s alive, and I’m glad that Chromedome got a good twist to his story for once. Mech’s had a sad life.” Perceptor did not know much about Chromedome’s past aside from his work with Prowl, so he merely nodded. Brainstorm made a frustrated sound. “This is making me look like a complete aft. Why are you even asking? You don’t care.”
Perceptor’s scope dipped thoughtfully. After a moment, he finally said, “That’s not necessarily true. You are hurting. It’s only right someone should at least ask how you’re doing.”
Brainstorm gave him a long, considering look. Like he was searching for something—No, testing Perceptor for something. Perceptor remained silent, patiently waiting as the orange light of Brainstorm’s optics washed over him.
He seemed to find whatever answer he was looking for, because finally, he warily asked, “You want the short answer or the long answer?”
“Whichever suits you best.”
“Short it is. How am I doing? Fragging terrible. Thanks for asking.” Brainstorm flapped his servo at him. “You can go now.”
Perceptor hummed, but he did not move. “That is to be expected. But I’m afraid I do not know what exactly this has to do with Rewind.”
Rewind’s lively, bright bout of laughter cut across the bar chatter as Chromedome murmured something in his audial. Brainstorm fixed Perceptor with a piercing stare.
“Have you ever loved someone to the point of invention, Perceptor?” he suddenly asked, deadly serious.
Perceptor shook his helm. “No.”
Oh, he loved to invent. That certainly couldn’t be denied. But that wasn’t what Brainstorm asked. He’d asked if Perceptor had created something that had never before existed in the whole grand vastness of the universe, all in the name of love, and for that, Perceptor could not say he had.
“Mm. I don’t blame you.” His wings drooped even further, making him look impossibly small as he fixed his gaze on some unseeable spot on the table. “Did I ever tell you about why I made that briefcase?”
Again, Perceptor said, “No.”
Brainstorm’s face smoothed over into a pensive wistfulness. “All I ever wanted was for Quark to be safe. I loved him, you know. I loved him with everything I had, and I gave everything I had to get that silly old sod back. I was ready to erase the entire concept of my existence so he—and everyone else, I guess, but it started with him—could live. I invented a way, possibly the only way, to inconsequentially time-travel so he could live. Well,” he said, shooting Perceptor a faintly amused glance, “it would’ve been inconsequential.”
“Your work is incredible,” Perceptor blurted. “The designs behind your briefcases are nothing short of ingenious, as are your proofs for the paradox locks, and—” He stopped when he noticed Brainstorm raising an optical ridge at him. This time, Perceptor really did flush shamefully. “I—I apologize. I don’t know what came over me. That was highly inappropriate. Please. Continue.”
Brainstorm gave him a careful look. Then, he chuckled bitterly. “It was incredible,” he corrected. “You and Rodimus destroyed all of it.”
Perceptor cringed. “I… yes, I suppose that is deserved. If it means anything to you, I didn’t particularly want to do it.”
That, at the very least, he could say was true. He couldn’t stand destroying Brainstorm’s beautiful feats of engineering. It’d almost physically hurt, watching the dying sparks the electronics in the briefcases coughed up as the flame fused the lot of it into a twisted, blackened mess. They weren’t just extraordinary pieces of technology he’d destroyed; they were answers to questions he’d had for millennia. They were the definition of a new future of possibilities. And now they were gone.
Guilt twisted around Perceptor’s spark like a tangled net free-floating in an ocean, suffocating and cutting. He should’ve at least tried to argue that it was in their best interest to spare one of them for the sake of science. Rodimus could be reasoned with when it came to these kinds of things. Instead, he’d stood by and watched it all burn, compliant to the end.
“We could build them again,” said Perceptor.
“They wouldn’t like that,” said Brainstorm.
“I know.”
“So why do it? There’s no point in you of all mechs going down with me.”
Perceptor didn’t know.
Brainstorm sighed. “It doesn’t really matter. The point is, it wasn’t enough. I don’t think there ever could have been ‘enough.’ It was bound to happen anyway.” He tipped his helm towards Chromedome and Rewind with age-old yearning burning away at his smile. “I made up a whole new rulebook for the universe to abide by, and it wasn’t enough to get him back. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered. I gave Quark everything I had to offer. And now? I’ve got nothing. I’m not allowed in my own lab. Nautica hates me. No one trusts me, and I can’t blame them. My life’s work is a pile of melted circuits. Quark’s still gone, and it was Chromedome who got his conjunx back from the dead.” Brainstorm’s laugh was this horrible, weak little thing that tugged at Perceptor’s spark. “I sometimes wish I’d been left in the past. At least I had something worth living for there.”
Perceptor once believed he knew failure. It’d taken more from him than he thought possible. His friends, his home, his faith. But he’d never seen it take everything but life from someone, scraping out every last thing they had inside them until they were a hollow, bleeding vessel for defeat.
He looked at Brainstorm. Really looked at him. There was something tired worn into his frame, an exhaustion that ran so deep, there was no other way Brainstorm could be perceived. Gone was the puff-chested, bravado-filled Brainstorm Perceptor had somehow managed to convince himself into believing to be callous, distant, and cowardly. He couldn’t believe it to be the same Brainstorm before him. This one, who was once filled with so much devotion and passion, it hurt him to hold it all.
Never, in all of his functioning, had Perceptor been so wholly wrong.
“I’m sorry,” said Perceptor.
“It’s not like it’s your fault,” said Brainstorm.
“No,” said Perceptor. He reached out and grasped Brainstorm’s servo with his own, squeezing it tight. “I’m simply… sorry.”
Brainstorm stared at their linked servos. Then, tentatively, hesitantly, like he’s afraid he’d lose this too, he squeezed back.
“Yeah,” he finally said. “Me, too.”
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thebigladjake · 4 years
AX3001: Oddyssey - TV Show Research and Development: Giygas and the Intrigue of having an unexplainable villain
When it came to making a TV Show, I always had an idea for an Earthbound spiritual successor since 2018 and over this last Summer when we were briefed to make three TV Shows. I had to really think about what ideas I wanted to do. However, during my downtime, I suddenly remembered one specific thing about my Earthbound experience...
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The Embodiment of Evil, the Universal Cosmic Destroyer or the Almighty Idiot according to who you ask, Giygas is the main antagonist of Earthbound and appropriately serves as the game’s final boss before your adventure comes to a close. Granted, him being the very last thing you fight leads to you leaving with that boss fresh on your mind. But, I hadn’t played Earthbound for a few years... And Giygas just suddenly popped into my head. And a lot of the questions were “Why is he like this? This cute and friendly game has a boss that looks like a nightmare?” I was absolutely fascinated by this boss and it led to my second playthrough of the game.
Onett, the start of the Adventure
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This is the hometown of our main character, Ness and effectively our window into the world of this game. We see the town he lives in, it’s so bright and colourful with all the town essentials! A burger shop, a town hall, an arcade, hospital, police station and library, it’s familiar to us as our hometowns most likely have similar locations. The vibrant colours of all the buildings is eye-catching and welcoming! 
The music is also worth noting as it’s very peppy and upbeat, it feels like the theme of a small town with a nice community. Most of the music follows this formula.
Most of the towns in the game follow this design and it does feel like you’re exploring more and more of the world, like you’ve ventured further than you have ever gone before and you’re not going to stop because this world is so interesting and welcoming!
Some towns deviate from the formula, but the good people in the towns help to established the same welcoming energy that we’re used to.
Now, let’s take a look at the final map before Giygas’ lair...
The Cave of the Past, the end of the Adventure
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Complete contrast to what has been established this entire game. There are absolutely no colours, there are no buildings, no operations of Giygas’ in the background. It’s just a path to the end of the journey and it’s so simple... But, it’s super effective! The lack of colour helps to make it feel otherworldly, makes it feel alien to the world that you’re used to and that’s exactly what Giygas is, he’s not from the world. 
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Even our main cast of heroes could not be transported back in time without being transferred into robot bodies, all of their colour is gone too. All except Ness’ hat, showing a small bit of colour almost as if it’s that one bit of hope of beating Giygas.
At the end of games, usually going to the final boss’ lair will be some huge event where you see all of their plans, what they’ve built over time and will be accompanied by some epic score. Earthbound does things differently.
Just give that a listen, it’s a eerie, droning piece that doesn’t sound like a great confrontation theme. It sounds like ambience more than a score to me and I think that makes it scarier, like you are in the positions of the kids who are probably incredibly scared of what they are going to have to face once inside that cave. It’s so incredible and it’s a sample of the Beach Boys song, ‘Deirdre’.
It’s the opening note and I find it amazing how a single sample can do so much! There is another Earthbound track that I will link here which features a sample of the trumpet in the intro of the Beatles song, ‘All you need is Love’ and again, it sets up so much with just a tiny little sample.
This is used just before going to the Cave of the Past, instead being the Cave of the Present. It’s technically just two notes with a reverb, but the sample adds so much and it just feels uncomfortable. However, we don’t need to talk about this for long, let’s go right to Giygas’ lair!
Giygas Lair, the true contrast to Earthbound’s style!
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I apologise for the size of the image, but it’s pretty much a straight path but LOOK AT THIS! A trail of organs and entrails twisting and turning through this dark void until you find this uncanny monstrosity of a machine made of the same organic material you were walking on. This. This is what made me come back, it’s such a disturbing idea. 
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This is open to interpretation, but the way caves are represented in Earthbound is to only make sprites of the ground and walls. All the stuff you can’t see is black, just like how a cave should be. Giygas’ lair has this same motif, but there doesn’t really appear to be any walls around. So depending on your view, they’re either walking through a tunnel or entrails or walking through the void as previously stated. Personally, I think both are terrifically terrifying but I definitely see the void more.
The organs pulse as you walk up them, the only noise complimenting the atmosphere is the clanking of robo-feet and the breathing of Giygas which is what I feel gives it the whole void feeling. It’s so unnerving that this is the final confrontation, but the fact that it is actually puts us in Ness and his friends shoes.
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Getting to the Machine causes everything to stop, the ambience vanishes. Giygas’ intro music plays as the Machine changes to show the robots a picture of Ness’ face. Ness was prophesied to be the one who brings down Giygas and the first thing we see from the Machine is Ness, already suggesting to us that Giygas knows that we’re here...
Pokey, Ness’ childhood friend and eventual enemy over the course of the game, descends in a Spider Mech and just like that the Final Battle is about to begin!
The Final Fight
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Of course, the final boss begins with Pokey standing before you with Giygas’ number one thought right now... Ness is here and he’s come to defeat me. This is a pretty standard affair for a boss, only Pokey can be harmed and he is much more a threat in this Spider Mech than he was previously in battle. 
Giygas has a shield that is impervious to any kind of physical or psychic attacks and cannot be destroyed or disabled. He attacks using the special power that only Ness knows ‘PSI Rockin’’. His shield will always reflect your shots back at the character who attacks him and even when they have shield themselves, they will get hit regardless. The Machine is what keeps Giygas stable and alive, making him completely invincible...
However... He has one big idiot on his side...
Pokey can be damaged and the strategy of the fight is to focus on him and avoid any attacks that hit the both of them. Pokey, like the main cast, is a kid and he’s incredibly immature. So as soon as his mech is defeated, he taunts the main gang and turns off the Devil’s Machine... The one thing preventing Giygas’ defeat...
Giygas Released
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Once released, Pokey explains that Giygas isn’t even himself anymore. He became so powerful that his body was destroyed and had to be contained into a machine in order to maintain some sort of grasp on his thoughts. Without that machine, the four heroes are taken into a dimension of Giygas’ thoughts and since we play as Ness we hear his thoughts directed towards us the player.
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He reaches out with such thoughts as repeating Ness’ (The player’s) name, saying “I feel... Sad.” or “It feels good.” and added upon these thoughts Giygas’ attacks cannot be comprehended by our characters. It really helps to add a sense of hopelessness because we have no idea what is truly going on and we can’t fight what we don’t know. 
An Unconventional Resolution
Attacks don’t work, defending won’t work either, you can’t heal or save yourself. All hopes seem lost until you notice a certain act that Paula can do. Pray.
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When Paula prays, she reaches out to the world she left behind and the folks that are waiting for their return get the feeling that something bad is happening. So, they too pray from the bottom of their hearts...
If you watch the small clip above, once he feels the support from the Earth. The sound cue to signify that Giygas has been damaged and that Giygas is not okay.
Onward to his next form.
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Now I would like you to take a close look at this image, I’ve asked a few people about this and sometimes they get it without me saying anything and others don’t. So, just take a moment to find an image amongst the Giygas’.
Got it or have you given up? In the realm of Giygas, here in the black void is a pretty damn distinct shape of a baby. And this is what fascinated me about Giygas, there is a theory that this is symbolism for abortion as you go back in time to kill Giygas but that theory has been disproven by Shigesato Itoi, the game’s creator. There’s evidence that goes against this theory anyway, but this fetus imagery always stuck out to me. 
It’s said to be a coincidence that the Super Nintendo generated these sprites and in this pattern. But, it’s such a definite shape of a baby and I find it absolutely mental that it’s just a coincidence. And that curiosity is what brought me back to Earthbound, just this happy go lucky game where you make friends with a little monkey that chews bubblegum, make friends with a man who converts himself into a huge dungeon man and at the very end, you’re faced with this. 
It’s not only impactful imagewise, but storywise it’s just as impactful for the opposite reasons. As Giygas can now be damaged by feeling the love and support coming from the friends Ness has made across the world. Each time Giygas is hit, it gets worse, but the moment he really breaks down is when Ness’ Mother wakes up in the middle of the night and rushes downstairs with Ness’ little sister and their dog. They all feel uneasy and begin to pray for the safety of Ness and his friends.
This is the moment Giygas truly breaks down, feeling the support of a loving Mother looking out for her son is a feeling he had long since buried. It’s about time I talk about the backstory of Giygas, while it’s not touched upon in Earthbound/Mother 2, in Earthbound Beginnings/Mother we see Giygas as an alien and we learn about how he came to be.
Giygas and Trauma
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Giygas was an alien that was raised by Maria and George, a couple that was abducted by the other members of Giygas’ race. Maria adopted Giygas and looked after him while George studied their powers without their approval and eventually escaped with this knowledge, never being seen again. Once Giygas grows up, he was instructed to ensure that no human is capable of using PSI powers and not wanting to betray the people who raised him, he forcefully detached himself from Maria to prepare for the invasion.
Maria was sent back to Earth, but with amnesia and once the Eight Melodies are obtained, she regains her memory and explains that it was a song she used to sing to Giygas when he was young. This is very important.
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Giygas’ first attempt to take over the world. He comes down, looking upon the gang and the battle begins. Starting the trend of Mother/Earthbound games having a unusual way of defeating the final boss. This time, the group begins to sing the Eight Melodies which brings up emotions in Giygas that he thought he had long since repressed or even got over. Giygas has a complete mental breakdown and recalls his forces, swearing revenge on the planet and that he will return.
In Earthbound, Giygas has worked on himself and made sure that what brought him down before cannot bring him down again. However, he didn’t do enough since the feeling of a loving Mother reaching out to her son in his time of need still hurts him severely and it’s at this point where Giygas can hardly do anything. His sprite starts contorting, the colours shift and the audio turns into a droning whirring noise.
Ness’ Mothers love is one thing, but it’s not enough. Giygas is wounded, but he is still fighting. Paula keeps praying for one more person and with a few more attempts, that person is you. There’s a moment in the game where the fourth wall is broken and asks you to enter your name. It can even be your full name, my name is pretty long and my name fits into it perfectly. It’s emotionally engaging since it includes you and you feel like in a way you are defeating him rather than Giygas being defeated by the world of the game. 
After this Giygas loses control, the whirring increases, his sprite distorts further to the point where he is unrecognisable, the visuals cutting in with static occassionally. Static that appears at the very beginning of the game, suggesting the approach of Giygas and showing pictures of the invasion, and at the end of the game it suggest that he’s retreating, he’s getting out of reach and eventually he is gone.
And after all of that craziness, the robots are outside of Giygas’ lair. Everything is quiet, “The War against Giygas is over.”
What was Shigesato Itoi thinking?
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Shigesato Itoi drew inspiration from an event of his childhood, where he had walked into the wrong screen at the theatre. He walked in on a murder scene which as a kid he mistook for a rape scene which had such a potent effect on him. He drew inspiration from it for Giygas’ final battle and some of the things Giygas says. 
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In an interview, Itoi claims that there was a scene where a guy grabbed a woman’s breast which distorted it into a ball shape. He said “It all hit me really hard. It was a direct attack on my brain.” despite the fact that this doesn’t actually happen in the movie, which Itoi admits that his memories are a little fuzzy. It’s probably because it all happened so fast and his child brain may have created false memories or just failed to understand it. Itoi also goes onto say, "this sense of terror having atrocity and eroticism side-by-side, and that’s what Giygas's lines at the end are. During the end, he says, “It hurts,” right? That's... her breast. It’s like, how do I put it, a “living-being” sensation." and the purpose of the scene is to get the player’s mind working.
Another interesting part of this interview is when Itoi talks about typical villains and says this, “Well, you know, having a villain there who simply goes, “Wahahaha!” and the like would clearly be bad. But, actually, when I think about it, having villains go, “Wahahaha!” is a really intriguing pattern. But there’s no point in wondering all by yourself for days on end what it means for a bad guy to go, “Wahahaha!” at the climax of a game, you know? I get the feeling that there aren’t many people in the game industry who would do that sort of thing, though.” Which is something important to consider, Earthbound is such a colourful game bursting with personality, so having it end with just a standard final boss affair probably wouldn’t feel satisfying.
What the Earthbound/Mother series taught me about final confrontations?
Giygas’ character and what it taught me that even “Universal Cosmic Destroyers” can have trauma that they are trying to avoid and bury. It humanises them in a way and it can make the final confrontation that more powerful as it’s a problem we can all relate to. They’re not all evil for the sake of being evil, sometimes they don’t have a choice. 
I think this is a good thing to take on board and I have already begun planning on my main antagonist’s motivations on Oddyssey. It might be changed since it’s a sensitive topic for me right now, but these motivations won’t be brought up in Season 1 anyway
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libermachinae · 5 years
Spark Light
Sequel to “Logic Circuit”
This fic is also available on AO3!
Summary:  Prowl is as comforting as Earth’s new black hole and Bumblebee has turned avoiding grief into a sound career option. After the end of the world, though, certain allowances can be made.
⭐ 🐝 ⭐ 🐝 ⭐ 🐝 ⭐
Bumblebee was dancing when Prowl found him. Music eked out the speakers of a transport shuttle, biolights blended and churned together, and several hundred mechs celebrated their continued existence in the universe by pushing their worn-out frames to just the point of breaking. It was a final farewell to the Cybertronian empire, a blending of Eukarian, Devisen, Velocitronian, Camian, Cybertronian sound and life in a way that many had suspected would never come to pass. Under constellations that even those whose species had lived under would have to reacquaint themselves with, dented, scratched, mangled, torn, forgotten bodies danced until overshot joints gave out, weakened armor buckled, frayed wires snapped, and in so doing they made their grief physical and gave it life.
It was the wrong place to seek out new friends. Bumblebee, every eager, ever lively, persevered for as long as he could, until a familiar voice pushed his designation into the space between songs and his optics threatened to flicker out entirely.
“Well, buddy,” he said, putting on his characteristic grin, “it’s been a while.”
Prowl had led him away from the party, up a slope and into the woods surrounding the refugee city. The low hum of thousands of voices carried through the trees, and between the gaps it was still possible to see the lines stretching outside of the Cybertronian aid stations, where volunteers had been working for hours to find solutions for every problem brought forth, from missing limbs to missing friends. Bumblebee had been with them for a couple hours before his human supervisor realized that he’d been one of the mechs directly involved in the battle. He was issued a firm command to take the rest of the night to recuperate, even though he pointed out that the war had prepared him for campaigns much longer and more grueling than this one had been.
Walking away while people still needed help had been one of the most frustrating parts of this long, terrible day, but at least from up here he could see the lines and knew they were moving. Even just a few hours out, progress was being made.
“It has,” Prowl said, glancing back to Bumblebee after letting himself observe the proceedings below. “Is your new body handling well?”
“It’s Wheeljack’s work, what do you think?” He proudly tapped his knuckles against the Autobrand on his chassis. “Getting back into the fight, it was like no time had passed at all. For I could tell, I’d just onlined from a really long recharge cycle.”
“But that wasn’t the case.” Though it wasn’t phrased like a question, the inquiry was there, and both knew Bumblebee was too good at picking up cues to miss it.
“No,” he said, dropping his hand, “I was aware for most of the last few years. Believe me, there were times I would have done anything to drop into defrag for a few hours, but I guess when you’re only kind of alive-ish your processor doesn’t work exactly the same way. I was pretty limited in what I could do.”
An unspoken answer to an unasked question. He’d worked with Prowl for long enough to be sensitive to the subtleties of such a trade of information, though he would always prefer to be forthright.
“How did you find me?” he asked. Even if he didn’t like the game, he knew how to play it, and that sometimes a risky move like a diversion was necessary to get ahead.
“Windblade noticed you while doing a sweep of the area,” Prowl said, accepting Bumblebee’s lead. “She was concerned but felt it would be out of line for her to interfere.”
“And she knew you wouldn’t be bothered by that ‘procedural nonsense.’” Bumblebee regretted the words as his vocalizer was synthesizing them. No matter how he smiled or the cute way his helm tilted to one side, there was no way to turn them into the casual quip he’d intended. Time had not yet healed that old wound, and all he’d done was exposed the damaged protomesh under the plating.
It wasn’t like he was seeking treatment for it, either. Left untended for so long, the frayed circuits and warped edges had become as familiar to him as any other part of his psyche, the way the war had shaped him to the point that he could not remove its influence and still remain Bumblebee of Iacon. He was his failures, and the last thing he wanted was for those who had pointed them out to think he resented them for doing so. Criticism meant people were paying attention. It was a reminder that his leadership had not existed in a vacuum, that there were reasons more than just personal shame to keep trying to be better. His one relief was in knowing that he’d revealed this vulnerability to the mech he knew wouldn’t try to take any of it back. He’d known Prowl to feel regret on only a handful of occasions, and never once bore witness to him expressing it openly.
“We each found the manner in which events played out on Cybertron to be disagreeable, for our own reasons,” Prowl said now, the burn of his optic as steady as his voice. “It might be inappropriate after all that we have done, and all that we allowed to happen, but I do still consider you my best friend. I wanted to check on you myself.”
The declaration surprised Bumblebee. Not being called Prowl’s best friend, which he’d known for some time and been unable to reciprocate for reasons they were both familiar with, but hearing that the sentiment remained even with the intervening years and numerous mistakes stretching out the space between them.
“And what’s the prognosis?” he asked, doing them both the favor of putting off that conversation for another day.
Prowl stared at Bumblebee; his lip twitched.
“Oh, come on, really?” Bumblebee said, waving a hand. “I’m fine—well, I will be. If almost surviving the war taught me anything, it’s that there’s always a way to bounce back. And anyway, right now, I can’t really say that I’m feeling any worse than everybody else. There are some mechs down there who lost way more than I did.”
He stopped himself before he could go too far down that road, realizing that he was starting to quantify lives in the same way that had gotten Prowl is so much trouble towards the end. Their dynamic only worked so long as he was the subjective one, the one who processed individuals instead of numbers, who couldn’t say how many Autobots were stationed at a given base but could tell you half the staff’s favorite energon supplements.
“Here,” he said, brushing away the carpet of needles and pinecones before settling himself onto the dirt. “We worked so hard to save these stars, why not take some time to enjoy them?” Whatever grit got into their joints and seams now would be a negligible addition to the filth caked to their plating. Dust and mud had combined with congealed energon to leave ugly streaks across most Cybertronians’ frames, paint dulled or rubbed off entirely in patterns that probably could have retold the story of the battle if observed carefully enough. Everyone was walking around with a narrative of what they’d been doing when the world nearly ended, and although Bumblebee would be glad to rinse himself of it once the washrack stations were operational, the sense of solidarity provided him with another reminder of why they’d put their bodies through such torment in the first place.
Prowl sat, leaving space enough between them that a third mech could have joined them comfortably. Gaze angled up,  to the galaxy that somehow felt just as far away now as his home world, Bumblebee allowed himself to sink back into the feeling he had enveloped himself in at the party: spark spinning in its chamber, fuel pump beating against his lines, gyros calibrating, optics sensing, vents whispering. His body was alive, working, its systems operating in tandem to keep each other functioning. For the first time in years, he could not only see the world, but touch it, grasp it, and the burden of that responsibility was one he accepted with gratitude.
Responsibility under the scrutiny of others was much easier to manage than one taken on with no supervision. Managing Starscream had been a challenge not just for the logistical work involved, but because Bumblebee had never had anyone to assure him that it was the right thing to do, especially given his own track record in leadership. At the same time, there were elements of his self-appointed position that his processor longed to dwell on a little longer, memory files initiating playback without his consent and being halted just as quickly.
Late nights spent pouring over datapads, exhaustive lists of information on—stop.
Unshared cubes of celebratory engex after Starscream’s—stop.
Arguments with Starscream of completely forgettable—stop.
Starscream flying low over the rooftops of New—stop.
Starscream sentencing a mech to—stop.
Starscream standing at the podi—stop.
Queue for deletion.
Bumblebee’s sparked jumped and he immediately unqueued the file, holding it at the forefront of his processor to watch the playback: Starscream spinning on a heelstrut and pushing off his balcony with his thrusters, transforming midair and blasting off across the city. It was Starscream’s usual routine and Bumblebee likely had identical copies for every morning he’d spent in that self-indulgence of a penthouse, but he played it through several more times before returning it to his archives, processor finally sated.
Memories were all that remained of Starscream now, and that made them precious: impossible, irresponsible to discard.
His spark was spinning too fast. Silence wasn’t working; he needed to think about anything else.
“Are you okay?” he ventured.
Physical evidence of the battle was ubiquitous to the point that Bumblebee had stopped noticing its presence, but he hardly had to search for it once he started paying attention again. Like everyone else, Prowl’s finish was dusty and dull, paint rubbed off and armor dented in varying patterns across his frame. He was also littered in surface-level scratches, each of them glinting with jagged bits of shrapnel, and his shoulder betrayed the efficiency of some Maximal’s claws. It was all surface-level damage, which meant he wouldn’t be seen until the next round of medical exams took place, but it was still an interruption of the body and its normal functioning. The shadow occupying one side of his face was as loud and present as it would remain unmentioned, too like the new spaces between the stars.
And yet, his remaining optic burned like all the stars still clinging to life, refusing to be extinguished by this or any other darkness.
“I realized some things, about myself and my work, that I’d never had an opportunity to give voice to before today,” Prowl said. He let his singular gaze drift back to the masses of Cybertronians making their way through what could, for now, be considered their home. “For the first time since our return to Cybertron, maybe even since the start of the war, I feel like what I need to do and what everyone else needs from me actually align.” His lips quirked. It wasn’t a smile, but Bumblebee was under the impression that it was all Prowl was capable of now. “How I feel about such a revelation doesn’t matter; I’m going to do what’s necessary regardless. But I have to say, it’s pleasant.”
“It’s the first time in your life the choice doesn’t have to be a hard one,” Bumblebee said, “that’s probably why it feels good. It’s a relief.”
Prowl had his specialties, each of debatable merit and value, but this was Bumblebee’s: listening, filling in the gaps, forming the words that the speakers themselves couldn’t say but needed to be heard. People talked to Bumblebee because they knew he listened, and not in the way Prowl did, cataloguing information and storing it for later use, usually to the detriment of the subject. Bumblebee listened to understand. Though he struggled at times with sympathy, he still often found himself caring about those who opened up to him, causing him to wonder at times the motivations for even some of the most despicable acts performed in the war, regardless of faction origins. He’d stagnated some during his disastrous attempts at leadership, both for the Autobots and Cybertron as a whole, but the talent had remained, and in the years since he’d had nothing but time to practice and hone it.
Conveniently, it also made it easy for him to set aside his own, far less optimistic self-realizations.
“I’m happy for you,” he said, and though it was sincere, it was also inadequate. On all the planets Cybertron’s war had brought him to, not one had a word that would be able to encompass everything he was feeling in that moment, on that day.
“Thank you, Bumblebee.”
They grew silent and settled, trading glances between the cold stars above their heads and the living ones milling around the valley’s basin. It struck Bumblebee that his earlier search for company had been misguided in the same way his attempts at leading had been. He had a reputation for getting along with everyone, but experience by now had taught him that it only applied in one-on-one scenarios. On the dancefloor, surrounded by mechs eager to grab a drink and dance with the first bot to reach out to them, the energy had been right, but there’d been nowhere for it to go. Passed from dancer to dancer, he hadn’t worried about anyone looking too closely at him, accidentally peeling away the palatable upper layers and revealing that which he himself wasn’t ready to look at too closely. He was hurting, that much was obvious, but so was everyone else, and he’d thought that if he’d reached out to enough hurting mechs then maybe it would meet that need he had to connect and understand the internal structure of others.
He didn’t know how the night would have ended if Prowl hadn’t found him. Most likely, it wouldn’t have; he would have stayed on until the last dancers wandered off with the rising of the sun, and then returned to the aid stations to demand they let him help. As things stood now, he doubted he was going to be able to recharge with all the thoughts spinning through his processor, but better to spend these unintended waking hours with someone who he knew, to whom this day and its repercussions would mean the same as they did to Bumblebee.
“Without knowing what you do now,” Prowl said, “would you have tried to stop Optimus from annexing the Earth?”
The question was unexpected, the curiosity backing it a facet of Prowl that Bumblebee was not familiar with. He turned to look at his companion but received no responding glance.
“You mean, if we hadn’t known it would be our last salvation?”
“Yes. Obviously, it turned out to be in the benefit of our species in the end, but on principle, would you have stood against Optimus Prime?”
Bumblebee leaned back, letting his optics slide over the dance of the cosmos.
“It’s not like I could never disagree with Optimus, we argued plenty of times,” he said. “Pretty much every opportunity he took to leave the Autobots, I pointed out what a terrible idea it was, and I was right!”
“So, you’re saying the annexation was a similarly poor maneuver.”
Bumblebee wilted. He’d started to think that this conversation might avoid turning into an interrogation.
“No,” he said.
“It was a good decision?”
Bumblebee ran a hand down his faceplate, ignoring the bits of dirt that came with it.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t even here for most of it. Can you—Primus, can you not ask me that question?”
“What should I ask you, then?”
Prowl finally twisted to look at him, not just his face, but his whole chassis turning to face Bumblebee, who was inadvertently reminded of how much smaller he was than most of the other Autobots.
“You clearly have something on your mind, Bumblebee,” he said. “What’s the question you want me to be asking?”
It took Bumblebee’s processor a moment to understand what was happening. Like he had done for so many other mechs, Prowl was now trying to reach across that void, to help light that space where the self grew thin and words couldn’t reach, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to do it on his own and asking for help to finish. It was a ridiculous request, and unselfish in a way that Prowl alone could achieve.
“What I told you earlier,” he said, words coming in such a rush they nearly scrambled, “ask me why.” He had no doubt Prowl would know what he was talking about. It was the only thing he’d managed to say that night of any substance, and Prowl’s constantly running battle computer would have picked it out and categorized it as such.
Prowl’s optic flashed.
“Why were you limited?” he asked. “Why didn’t you stop Starscream?”
There it was. The question that had been following Bumblebee for years, the one he could never close despite his spark’s aching need for resolution. His fans clicked on as his struggling processor started to heat his core, digging and calculating for the answer that had always eluded him.
“He’s tricky,” Bumblebee said, tracking the distances between stars with his optics, “and not just in the way he lies constantly, although that doesn’t make talking to him any easier, for sure. It’s more like his processor is constantly at war with itself. He’s scared of everything, but also entirely overconfident in his ability to defend himself. He doesn’t believe in anything, but still sees himself as destined for some greater purpose. Every time you think you’ve started to figure him out, there’s a contradiction, or he just sabotages himself to keep from being too predictable, and you can never be sure which way it’s going to go.” He meant it literally. Prowl’s battle plans had frequently been sidetracked by Starscream doing something unexpected, though there was no need to open those old wounds by pointing it out explicitly. “His processor works in layers, and they go so deep I don’t think even he knows what the core really looks like.”
It felt good to say it all out loud, to know that at least one other person might now understand the psychological labyrinth he’d been working through over the past few years, even if it brought Bumblebee no closer to understanding how Starscream functioned.
Had functioned. He realized belatedly that he’d said his whole piece as though Starscream were somewhere down in the valley, barking orders at the rest of the refugees.
“It’s a decent analysis, but it doesn’t answer the question,” Prowl said. “Anyone could tell you that Starscream is a difficult mech to work with. Why is it that your approach failed to yield results?”
Bumblebee frowned.
“I already said what I wanted to.”
“And I’m sure that was very individually gratifying for you, Bee, but you told me the question to ask and now I expect you to answer it.” Prowl’s expression was stern, and Bumblebee realized he was no longer talking to his old friend Prowl, whom he had accompanied on his first trip to a nightclub and had gotten flustered when a certain rookie grounder so much as entered the room. This was Commander Prowl, leader of the soldiers posted on Ark-19, greatest tactician of the Autobot army, and ruthless pragmatist.
He had half a mind to leave right then. He always knew it was possible for conversations with Prowl to take a turn like this, and normally he would find some way to laugh it off and change the subject, but he’d done that so many times that day he knew his defensive optimism was already spent. His tactile sensors were prickling from the extra energy being processed to match his frustration, and he could feel a familiar scowl starting to settle on his faceplate, one he’d hoped would go away once the main threat had been disposed of. It was only by the weight of loss that he stayed down, the knowledge that his spark wasn’t ready to handle another goodbye, especially one done out of anger. The crease remained between his optic ridges, but he did not move away from his spot on the ground.
“I wasn’t good enough,” he ground out.
“Even if that were true, I would expect you to be more specific.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say!” he spat. His anger was being fuel by a tangible, uncomfortable heat emanating from his overclocked processor, and he had to vent out a few cycles of hot air before he could trust himself to say more than static. “At first, I figured it was all just a game to him, so I tried to use logic. Find the moves that help him win and give Cybertron a better future, seemed simple. Except, he always found something wrong with it. Either this person didn’t trust him, or that idea had too many contingencies. I could never solve all the problems to make him confident in anything I had to say.
“So, I changed tactics. If he was going to push against concrete solutions, then I could just work him through theoretical frameworks, explain why certain things were wrong and let him make the logical steps to make the right choices. I know it sounds ridiculous, but he wanted to stay in power, and even he realized he would have to be a decent ruler in order to make that happen. It seemed like a good plan, and sometimes it even seemed to work. But then something minor would happen, one of the delegates would spook him or a disaster outside anyone’s control would cause some civil unrest, and he would go straight back to his old habits. I could never figure out what he needed from me.”
“You didn’t know what someone needed to hear? That’s hard to believe.”
“Well, like I said, he was a challenging mech to understand.”
“You made the galaxy’s foremost war criminal switch sides after a few minutes alone together, yet your years spent with Starscream offered no insights at all into his inner workings?”
Prowl was right: Bumblebee was making excuses again. He leaned forward and touched his face, remembering the unfeeling sensation of the battlemask, how it had acted as a buffer between him and Megatron right up until that last critical minute. Being around Starscream had always left him feeling exposed. Even if the other mech didn’t dig in the way Bumblebee had, he always knew how to push back, peeling away the layers of Bumblebee’s arguments and finding the hidden agendas Bumblebee hadn’t even realized he’d been hiding. Though he never felt the need to question his own intentions, the incronguity between method and motivation had given him pause on numerous occasions.
“I tried to be a political advisor, and then some sort of morality coach, and I was always doomed to fail on both accounts because Starscream already had mechs who could function in either capacity. What he needed, and what I failed to provide for him, was a friend.”
It had been no mere accident, either. Trapped in infraspace, kept apart from his friends and forced to watch as they scattered themselves across the galaxy without him, he’d been in just as desperate need for connection as Starscream. Aware of that desperation, though, and the effect Starscream had already proven to have over mechs much less easily swayed than Bumblebee himself, he had recognized the inherent danger in opening himself up to Starscream in any way that mattered. Even if infraspace had been his eternity and he’d never had to face the Autobots again, even more reason not to let himself be shaped into someone he could no longer recognize. So, with political rhetoric and claims for the common good and one-sided efforts to learn how Starscream’s processor operated, he had held intimacy at bay.
And still despite that, he had come to care for the other mech. He knew he was not alone in that: numerous others who’d been swept up in Starscream’s political dealings had ended up with some stake in their leader’s wellbeing, to variable degrees, but he knew there to be more to the connection than the keeping of Cybertron’s population. That had been the start, and remained the basis for some time, but the moment Starscream stepped into his cell, Bumblebee knew he could not leave the fallen titan to his fate. Had Shockwave never returned, he would have stayed for the entirety of the life sentence, acting as companion to the one person in the universe who needed one even more than him.
A part of his processor kept carefully encrypted finally released, and he wondered if Starscream would have opened the Talisman if he’d known there was someone who would miss him.
His vocalizer was working before his processor had decided how to communicate the thought.
“But something must have gotten through to him. I don’t know if it was actually anything I did, but he sacrificed himself to bring down Unicron. He died a hero.”
“Hm.” Prowl was staring at him, analyzing and cataloguing, calculating future outcomes. Bumblebee could almost see the process at work behind his optic, and he wondered if he’d picked the wrong mech to share all this with.
“I’m sure you mean that sincerely,” he said, “but I do feel it my obligation to remind you that this is the same Starscream who proposed to have Metroplex space bridge to Earth while more than half the population was still trapped on Cybertron.”
“I know, Prowl.”
“I’m just saying.”
“I know, I know.” Bumblebee drew his fingers through the dry upper layer of the soil, relishing the feeling after spending too long dwelling on the time in his life when he’d had no body to do it with. “Somehow, despite that, he ended up a true hero. I just wanted one other person to know.”
That felt like the closest he’d come to saying something true all night. Sure, he’d meant everything he’d said to Prowl, and in a certain context and for practical purposes it was true. All of it, though, was part of the system of layers of his and Starscream’s own making, and no matter what degree his honesty took, he always felt that there was something buried deeper, a further truth, like crystals buried in the roots of ore deposits. The desire to not be alone with his knowledge, though, that was pure. Even if Prowl didn’t share his view, took Bumblebee’s faith as a judgement on his character and nothing more: better that than to live alone with his belief for the rest of his life.
A streak of light flashed across the sky, its beauty reabsorbed before it could even be appreciated, and with a wrench of his spark Bumblebee realized that this was his final farewell to Starscream. The other departed would get funerals, boisterous reminiscences shared over pints of engex, teary quiet moments of remembrance, but there was no one with whom he could share this grief, no one who would understand what they’d been through, the intense bond that had been somehow formed from a conjunxing of desperation, loneliness, and a shared hope for Cybertron’s future. In the coming days he would lack the time to give adequate thought to the questions he still had, and as the present stretched gradually away from the past, memories would become unreliable, recollections of certain events contested until all that remained was a winged silhouette and a feeling of ever more unachievable ambition. Starscream’s eulogy had been written in words only ever spoken aloud, his legacy unforgettable and yet perpetually unclaimed.
“Establishing Starscream’s role in our history is going to be an essential if divisive task in the years to come,” Prowl said, once more reeling Bumblebee back in. “You will likely not find companions to agree with you in equal measure to those who oppose your viewpoint, but I would advise against rising to their challenges. Your skills would be better served elsewhere.” He made to stand, brushing off dust as he righted himself. “From what I’ve heard, an old colleague of mine has taken an interest in the new protoforms developing within Trypticon. She’s hoping to assist in their education and development, give them an opportunity to live lives free of the choices we were forced to make. It’s something to consider.”
“What, becoming a teacher?” The suggestion so surprised Bumblebee that he didn’t think to stand as well.
“Yes. You’re one of the few mechs I would trust with such a responsibility, Bumblebee.”
Prowl’s sincerity gave weight to the air, and for one brief moment, it was like the last several years hadn’t happened, and they were once more brothers in arms, fighting the oppression of the Decepticons and defending innocent life wherever it needed them. Bumblebee could never miss the war, but the links he had formed with his fellow Autobots were such that could only be sustained through a cocktail of mutual need for survival and crushing belief that the cause they fought for was the right one. Despite every well-meaning promise between veteran comrades to keep in touch after the fighting was over, there were some connections that could never be revived back to what they were when life and death were commodities in a galaxy-spanning trade.
The spinning of Bumblebee’s spark slowed, its chamber aching.
“I’ll think about it,” he said.
“Good.” Prowl crossed his arms in front of his chassis, his weight shifting in the direction of the tree line. The moment was over; there would not be another.
“I’m going underground in the morning,” he said, voice still steady. “I’ve picked up some fragile cargo that will need to be stored in a more secure location.”
“Oh. Are you coming back?”
“Most likely, once I feel security is up to my specifications.”
“Well, I’ll be here,” Bumblebee assured, easing back again. “And hey, if the Lost Light’s back by then, maybe we can grab Hound and Ratchet and go out for a drink. You know, almost like pulling the old Iacon crew back together.”
“We’ll see if the timing actually works out so well,” Prowl allowed. It wasn’t a flat rejection, though he did turn to leave. “I suspect you’ll be busy soon enough.”
“We’ll see,” Bumblebee echoed. He liked the thought of being busy, of having a role to play in this fledgling society, but he wasn’t sure what it was supposed to be yet. For a couple hours, he’d thought that maybe morale boosting could be his duty to the survivors, but this conversation had him thinking differently. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to be known as the passive listener anymore, even if the alternative terrified him, memories of looking down on his Autobots plaguing his processor.
It would be different this time, he told himself. He would make it so. And if he was really serious about making changes from his earlier tactics, he knew one obvious place to start.
“I’m sorry for what happened to you on Cybertron,” he said. The words came naturally, like they’d been sitting in his processor for some time, waiting for him to discover them. “I was so wrapped up in everything else going on that I didn’t notice, but I should have, and I’m really sorry.”
Prowl paused, back to Bumblebee, the whir of normal systems working louder than anything else in the night.
“I heard you, Bee. I… I heard you. Have a pleasant night.”
It was simple, a clean cut. Prowl’s form disappeared into the darkness and Bumblebee couldn’t say for sure if he would ever see it again. He suspected he would; though Prowl liked to disappear from time to time, he never trusted the rest of them to be completely left to their own devices and would inevitably slip back into the command structure to keep things operational. Though everything was different now, it was comforting to think that some of their bad habits might stay just the same.
He looked up to the night sky, wondering if it would always feel incomplete, and tried to guess if his emotions were those that one was supposed to feel in such a moment.
“Finally. I was starting to think you might’ve already found my replacement.”
Bumblebee whirled around.
The glow was the first thing he noticed, light bleeding off Starscream’s immaculate frame while illuminating nothing around him, neither the branches his armor rippled around as he moved, nor Bumblebee’s own plating as he turned himself fully, optics wide and flickering rapidly. He was smirking, of course, lit red optics piercing through the night like beacons calling a ship home.
“Oh, don’t give me that look,” he chided as he strode forward, grace betraying none of his years spent in military service. “You didn’t really think I was just going to leave you to manage my legacy on your own, did you?”
He was smiling, not smirking, Bumblebee realized, smiling and radiant and gorgeous, and in that moment, he knew he’d been lying to himself every time he said he was afraid of becoming Starscream’s friend. He’d befriended questionable characters before, offered a listening ear to those who had nothing to offer but hateful rhetoric and come away from it stronger in his convictions and his loyalty to the Autobot cause. The wariness that had plagued him in infraspace, that had him turning his newly-built back on Starscream the first moment he could, was forged from the knowledge that his feelings for Starscream had the potential to run much deeper than any of the thousands of friendships he’d formed in his several million years online.
When Starscream came striding through the trees that night, frame glowing like he’d taken the light of Primus with him when he’d slipped out the doors of death, Bumblebee realized, without needing to say it out loud, that to offer his spark to Starscream would mean never getting it back. Starscream could reject him, belittle him, take off into the cosmos and never return to Bumblebee’s side in whatever years they had left, and still Bumblebee would feel the slow-burning jagged wonderful ache, this new desire to be known in a way that had never been of interest to him before. Though he believed (hoped) Starscream was desperate enough for company that he would not betray Bumblebee for this unfortunate truth, the thought of another mech having that much power over him was terrifying, and he was grateful that it seemed they would now have plenty years ahead to let those feelings develop before a time came for critical decisions to be made.
Worries for the future, then. On that day, with the sky twice as dark as it had once been and the shadows of their past lives draped overhead, mechs of all backgrounds were dancing together, celebrating those stars they had managed to save in time with their mourning for those they did not. Bumblebee and Starscream met in the middle, both talking too fast to understand what the other was saying, their shared lights more than enough to illuminate their new world.
23 notes · View notes
tired-fandom-ndn · 5 years
Since the SU fandom is claiming that fusion is “inherently sexual” yet again, let’s go over every single fusion who has appeared in the show.
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1) Opal
Gems: Pearl and Amethyst
Appearances: Giant Woman, The Return, Log Date 7 15 2, Together Alone, Steven Universe: The Movie
Is she a sexual fusion? No. In all but one of her appearances in the show, she’s formed to serve a purpose, usually involving a battle. In Steven Universe: The Movie, she’s formed by Amethyst and Pearl to celebrate Pearl regaining her memories. Her Gems are not in a relationship with each other, and her design is not sexualized. She’s a functional, non-sexual fusion.
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2) Sugilite
Gems: Amethyst and Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire)
Appearances: Coach Steven, Cry for Help
Is she a sexual fusion? No. In her only actual appearance in the show, she’s formed to destroy the Gem Communication Hub. While her fusion dance could be perceived as sexual, it was brief and not the focus of her or the dance. Her second appearance was minor and just a brief clip of her first one. Two of the Gems who form her are in a relationship with each other, but don’t form her as part of that relationship. Her design is not sexualized. She’s a functional, non-sexual fusion.
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3) Alexandrite
Gems: Amethyst, Pearl, and Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire)
Appearances: Fusion Cuisine, Super Watermelon Island, I Am My Mom, Reunited, Steven Universe: The Movie
Is she a sexual fusion? No. In every appaearance, her formation had a purpose. In Fusion Cuisine, she was formed to pose as Steven’s mom. In I Am My Mom and the movie, she was formed to help save people in danger. In her other appearances, she was formed to fight in a battle. Two of the Gems who form her are in a relationship, but they don’t form her as part of that relationship. Her design is not sexualized. She is a functional, non-sexual fusion.
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4) Stevonnie
Gems: Steven and Connie (human)
Appearances: Alone Together, We Need to Talk, Beach City Drift, Crack the Whip, Mindful Education, Lars of the Stars, Jungle Moon, Together Alone, Escapism
Are they a sexual fusion? No. Stevonnie is the physical embodiment of the love and trust Steven and Connie share. In their appearances, they’re always formed either for a battle or other purpose, or as a casual way to feel closer. While this fusion is definitely intimate, it’s in no way sexual and isn’t implied to be at all. The people who form Stevonnie are not in a canon relationship (though they may have crushes on each other) and Stevonnie’s design is only sexualized if you think a crop top and shorts are sexual. They are a functional, intimate, non-sexual fusion.
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5) Garnet
Gems: Ruby and Sapphire
Appearances: pretty much every single episode
Is she a sexual fusion? No. Garnet was formed pre-canon on accident, and then Ruby and Sapphire decided that they wanted to spend their lives together in that form. She is absolutely a romantic and intimate fusion, but she’s about as sexual as marriage is. She is, as she says, “a conversation”. Her design is also not sexual. She is an intimate, romantic, non-sexual fusion.
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6) Malachite
Gems: Lapis Lazuli and Jasper
Appearances: Jail Break, Chille Tid, Super Watermelon Island
Is she a sexual fusion? No. Malachite was fused once under coercive circumstances, and her existence was strictly for fighting. While many people say that she’s supposed to be a matephor for rape, I personally see her as more of a toxic relationship, an ongoing and constant push and pull between two people. While she’s used as a metaphor for toxic relationships, neither of the Gems forming her are in a romantic relationship and her design is not sexualized. She’s a functional, though unstable, non-sexual fusion.
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7) Rainbow Quartz
Gems: Rose Quartz and Pearl
Appearances: We Need to Talk, Now We’re Only Falling Apart
Is she a sexual fusion? No. She’s a romantic fusion, but nothing about her is sexual. In her only major appearance, she was formed when Pearl, jealously, used her to prove to Greg that he couldn’t be as close to Rose as she could. It was a display of a different kind of relationship, not sex. In her second appearance, she was only briefly hinted at, a half-formed and failed fusion inspired by seeing Ruby and Sapphire fuse for the first time. While this attempt was likely birthed out of buried romantic feelings, it was not sexual. Both of the Gems forming her were in a romantic relationship and formed her as part of that relationship, but only as a sign of closeness and intimacy, not for sex. Her appearance is not sexualized. She’s an intimate, romantic, non-sexual fusion.
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8) Sardonyx
Gems: Pearl and Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire)
Appearances: Cry for Help, Friend Ship, Back to the Moon, Know Your Fusion
Is she a sexual fusion? No. All of her appearances so far have served a purpose. In Cry for Help, she was used to destroy the Gem Communication Hub. In Friend Ship, she was formed to escape from a trap. In Back to the Moon, she was formed to attack the Ruby fusion and force her to unfuse. In Know Your Mind, she was formed to calm down Smoky Quartz, remove them from the house, and get to know them. None of her fusions have been sexual or romantic, and while there’s been implications of coercion, that situation is closer to starting a relationship under false circumstances. Two of the Gems that form her are in a relationship, but they don’t form her as part of their relationship. Her design is not sexualized. She’s a functional, casual, non-sexual fusion.
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9) Smoky Quartz
Gems: Steven and Amethyst
Appearances: Earthlings, Know Your Fusion, Back to the Kindergarten, Change Your Mind
Are they a sexual fusion? No. Their initial formation was because of Steven and Amethyst feeling closer to each other and trusting each other to fuse accidentally. Their other appearances were either to show off (Know Your Fusion), fight a battle (Back to the Kindergarten), or serve a different purpose (Change Your Mind). Neither of the Gems that form them are in a romantic relationship with each other and their design isn’t sexualized. They’re an intimate, non-sexual fusion.
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10) Rainbow Quartz 2.0
Gems: Steven and Pearl
Appearances: Change Your Mind
Is he a sexual fusion? No. Rainbow Quartz 2.0 was formed purely to force Pearl out of her gem. He unfused quizkly and has had no other appearances so far. Neither of the Gems that form him are in a relationship with each other, and his design is not sezualized. He’s a functional, non-sexual fusion.
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11) Sunstone
Gems: Steven and Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire)
Appearances: Change Your Mind
Is she a sexual fusion? No. She was formed purely to force Ruby and Sapphire out of their gems and she went on to protect the other Gems and attempt to climb the Diamond Mech. She unfused quickly, and has not had any other appearances so far. Two of the gems that form her are in a relationship with each other, but don’t fuse into Sunstone as part of their relationship. Her design is not sexualized. She’s a functional, non-sexual fusion.
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12) Obsidian
Gems: Amethyst, Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Pearl, and Steven OR Rose Quartz
Appearances: Change Your Mind
Are they a sexual fusion? No. They’re formed to battle the Diamond Mech and climb it. They unfuse quickly, and have no other appearances in the show so far. Two of the Gems that form them are in a relationship (two couples when formed with Rose), but they don’t fuse into Obsidian as part of their relationship. Their design is not sexualized. They’re a functional, non-sexual fusion.
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13) Steg
Gems: Steven and Greg (human)
Appearances: Steven Universe: The Movie
Is he a sexual fusion? No. He’s formed to remind Pearl of Rose Quartz in a successful attempt to help her regain her memories. While he seems to flirt with Pearl, his design is based on kitschy rock and roll stars such as Elvis, who were known for their stage performances and insincere flirting with fans. He’s not sexual unless you consider wearing a crop top and shorts while being muscular to be inherenly sexual. Neither of the people who form him are in a romantic relationship with each other. He’s a functional, intimate, non-sexual fusion.
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14) Rhodonite
Gems: Unknown Ruby and Unknown Pearl
Appearances: Off Colors, Lars’ Head, Lars of the Stars, Change Your Mind
Is she a sexual fusion? No. Like Garnet, Rhodonite is a permanent fusion who were likely formed by two Gems who fell in love, though this hasn’t been explicitly stated in the show. Her existence, like Garnet, is closer to marriage than to sex. Her design is not sexualized. She’s a romantic and possibly intimate, non-sexual fusion.
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15) Fluorite
Gems: Six unknown Gems
Appearances:  Off Colors, Lars’ Head, Lars of the Stars, Your Mother and Mine, Change Your Mind
Is she a sexual fusion? No. She’s a permanent fusion between 6 Gems who are in a romantic polyamorous relationship. Her existence is no more inherently sexual than any other form of polyamory. Her design is also not sexualized. She’s a romantic, intimate, non-sexual fusion.
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16) Ruby Fusion
Gems: Homeworld Ruby Squad (Eyeball, Navy, Doc, Army, and Leggy)
Appearances: Hit the Diamond, Back to the Moon
Is she a sexual fusion? No. She’s only been formed to battle. None of the Gems that form her are in a canon relationship and her design is not sexualized. She’s a functional, non-sexual fusion.
The only other fusions in the show are background characters.
Literally no fusion in the show is sexual. Not a single damn one. Claiming otherwise is absurd.
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