#like. he knows. and i know. that he loves his children and sincerely appreciates everyone around him.
bluegarners · 2 months
writing from bruce's perspective
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theredneckerchief · 10 months
In which Melrin and the Knights are sitting around the campfire and Sir Percival is in charge of the story telling...
Percival: They call him...Emrys
Lancelot: *glances at Merlin*
Merin: *chokes on his soup*
Arthur: It's alright Merlin no need to be scared, Emrys doesn't actually exist
Percival: The Druids say, he was born from mortals in the time of the great purge, from a dragonlord who saught shelter and from a woman with a heart of gold. A child born from a love that could never be. The tripple goddess took pity on her peoples and gathered the lost magic of the dead felled by the Butcher King -sorry Arthur.
Arthur: *waves his hand for him to continue*
Merlin: *trying to catch Lancelot's eye and get him to change topics*
Lancelot: *looks at Merlin and nods* What happened next Perc?
Merlin: *mouths* traitor
Percival: Well, the babe was born with the lost magic of Albion coursing through his veins. A God in his own right. He can level any kingdom with a thought, create or destroy armies with the snap of his fingers.
Arthur: See Merlin? If he existed, I doubt "The Butcher King's" kingdom would still exist. *satisfied smirk at Merlin's pale face*
Percival: Ah you see Emrys was not born without purpose Arthur. He is the guardian of the Once and Future King. A King destined to usher a golden age of prosperity and unite the land of Albion under a banner of peace.
Gwaine: Sooo how would we know who this Emrys is? What if Arthur is that King?
Arthur: Whilst I appreciate the praise Gwaine, it's a children's story meant to scare people like Merlin. It can't possibly be true.
Percival: Well there is a way to test it... it is said that Emrys will respond to any prayer spoken sincerely by the Once and Future King.
Gwaine: Go on Arthur, try it *winks*
Merlin: I really don't think this is a good idea.
Leon: I agree with Merlin here, summoning a dangerous sorcerer is a bad idea...
Gwaine: We're not summoning him, just pray for something harmless, he can't refuse it right? So why not try? Or are you worried you're not this great King? *wiggles eyebrows*
Arthur: *growls* Fine. *closes eyes* As I sit here now I pray to Emrys to...uh...give Gwaine an apple.
Merlin: *Magics an apple infront of gwaine*
Arthur: *opens eyes* What? Why's everyone looking at me like that? *sees apple*...oh
Leon: Merlin...?
Merlin: *high pitched squeek* yeh?
Percival: I saw it too.
Gwaine: And me.
Arthur: What? What is it? I command you as the King of Camelot to tell me what the bloody hell is going on.
Leon: It's Merlin sire. His eyes... They blazed gold at your prayer...
Arthur: *laughing hysterically* Good one Leon.
Arthur: You're serious? Yo- you mean Mer- *turns to Merlin, eyes fixed on his* As I sit here today, I pray to Emrys to sharpen my sword.
Merlin: *Eyes blaze gold*
*Arthur's sword unsheathes itself and starts sharpening itself mid-air*
Merlin: Um...tada? *jazz hands*
Elyan: *comes back from gathering firewood* So what was Percy's story about today?
(Inspired by this tumblr post:
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padawanlost · 4 months
just saw a text post about how leia killing a slave master when anakin was a slave himself is cool but i find it interesting how ppl can find rational things to point out for stuff like that but when its anakin disliking a sandy planet like its ridiculous thing for him to say? but made so much sense cause you know... he's been enslaved there with his mom as a kid. idk i guess im still bitter of hayden/anakins treatment of his character
I get it but I believe the key here is to understand this weird moment we are a living right now (suddenly the prequels are cool and *everyone* had always loved them) by separating the old negative crap we were used to, from the genuine takes coming from the new found love the prequels are getting.
What I’m trying to say is the people who are excited by the prequels, who are discovering the value of the movies for the first time or just rediscovering it after so long, are not necessarily the same people who trashed the movies and made fun of Anakin’s “sand issues” or Hayden’s performance. So, to me at least, there’re two different issues here:
1 – for the longest time PT fans and Anakin fans had to deal with unfair amount of criticism, hate, mockery and even attacks. These behaviors came from part of the fandom and the media because for the longest time hating on the prequels made you cool and a “real star wars fan”.
2 – we have a bunch of new fans (literal new fans but also old fans who didn’t like or didn’t want to be seen liking the prequels) who are now vocal about the PT-Era, who want to talk about it, to engage, to discuss and, you know, just share their appreciation for the movies.
I try not to mix the two, especially in this particular case. From my own experience with this fandom, the people who trashed Anakin for not liking sand didn’t understand his character enough to get the impact slavery had on the Skywalker family.
I’ve talked about the “sand issue” here before:
But, to sum it up, the meaning behind the “I hate sand” is pretty obvious once you look beyond “Anakin is whiny/The prequels suck/George Lucas ruined my life”.
“When I was in Level Three, we used to come here for school retreat,” she said. She pointed out across the way, to another island. “See that island? We used to swim there every day. I love the water.” “I do, too. I guess it comes from growing up on a desert planet.” He was staring at her again, his eyes soaking in her beauty. He could tell that Padmé sensed his stare, but she pointedly continued to look out over the water. “We used to lie on the sand and let the sun dry us … and try to guess the names of the birds singing.” “I don’t like the sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.” Padmé turned to look back at him “Not here,” Anakin went on. “It’s like that on Tatooine—everything’s like that on Tatooine. But here, everything’s soft, and smooth.” As he finished, hardly even aware of the motion, he reached out and stroked Padmé’s arm. [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
It’s about childhood trauma, privilege and systemic injustice and inequality. The sand physically represents everything Anakin loathes about his home planet, specially when compared to Padmé’s own childhood and home planet:
“This is Anakin. Anakin, this is Ryoo and Pooja!” The blush on the pair as they shyly said hello brought a burst of laughter from Padmé and a smile to Anakin’s face, though he was equally ill at ease as the two children. The girls’ shyness lasted only as long as it took for them to notice the little droid rolling behind Anakin, trying to catch up. “Artoo!” they shouted in unison. Breaking away from Padmé, they rushed to the droid, leaping upon him, hugging him cheek to dome. And R2-D2 seemed equally thrilled, beeping and whistling as happily as Anakin had ever heard. Anakin couldn’t help but be touched by the scene, a view of innocence that he had never known. Well, not never, he had to admit. There were times when Shmi had found some way to produce such moments of joy amid the drudgery that was life as a slave on Tatooine. In their own way, in that dusty, dirty, hot, and smelly place, Anakin and his mother had carved out a few instants of innocent beauty. Here, though, such moments seemed so much more the norm than the memorable exception. [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
[Ahsoka] was hyperalert again, all her instincts firing. One of these millennia she’d make a pretty good Jedi, probably. Provided he could smooth the rough edges off her. “Yes, Master,” she said. “You can trust me.” He frowned down at her. Was I ever this young? Was this how I used to look to Obi-Wan? He doubted it. Slaves lost their innocence while they were still in the cradle. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
Of course, because it became a meme used to “expose” George Lucas inability to write, direct or even understand what Star Wars is all about (eyeroll), that’s what most casual viewer think about when someone says “I hate sand”. But, on a more hopeful note, I do believe we’re doing good work claiming it back, by talking about it and even making memes about it in a way that’s not offensive to the characters, actors or fans. There are healthy, fun ways to laugh at Star wars  without diminishing the experiences and feelings of others.
Anakin represents so much different things to so many different fans it’s impossible to put everything in one single answer, but I hope you know I do understand exactly how you feel. I’m also very protective of Anakin, flaws and all. And it does annoy me to see people dismiss him and Hayden’s work in ways that can be very…cruel. But, Prequel/Anakin’s fans are awesome and now we’ve reclaimed the prequels proper place in history as peak star wars, we are unstoppable!! So let them come!
They just can’t accept how incredible Anakin’s story is, and that’s their loss.  
“Anakin had always hated sand. It was one of the many things about his Padawan that Obi-Wan understood better now that Anakin was dead. That was the horror of losing someone: Understanding came too late.” [Obi-wan Kenobi in Jude Watson’s The Last One Standing]
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
I'm not sure if you are doing request<3 but I was wondering if you can do aew stars reacting to you bring pregnant and then they tell everyone on social media 🥺❤️
AEW Stars React to: You Being Pregnant
Pairings: Darius Martin X Fem!Reader, Hook X Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks X Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston X Fem!Reader, Daniel Garcia X Fem!Reader, MJF X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 778
Supreme Speaks: thanks to anon for requesting! MY INBOX AND REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN. i hope i did this idea justice. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: not proofread sorry, self promoting takes place,
Taglist: @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @hookerforhook @triscillal @eddie-kingstons-wifey @sheinthatfandom
Darius Martin (somewhat shorten version of this...self plug)
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Almost fainted when you first told him
Ran around the hotel telling everyone and their momma about it
This man is the cutest being ever
Made t shirts for him and the lads about being a dad and uncles
Already bought a lot of baby stuff to prepare for future
Will make a long post about you and yall’s relationship
Will talk about how great of a mother you will be
“Thank you for blessing me with a child and I know you will be the best mother in the world.”
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Was in shock at first cause he was nervous about being a dad
Immediately went to his father for advice
Who just told him their is no way to prepare and to take it one day at a time
Is still very nervous about being a parent
“Yeah, I’m scared. But as long as I have you and our child, I’ll be alright.”
Made a very simple post on instagram with a black heart and your expected due date
Will post update pics every trimester and with your permission first
Eddie Kingston
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Now, this man will have a very emotional rollercoaster (but the man is overall thrilled of the news)
Ranging from happy to scared back to happy to nervous to stressed
I feel like Eddie would be worried about not raising your child properly/to the best of his capability
After reassuring him, Eddie would finally put his fears to rest (for now)
Will leave work early for you screaming; “MOVE! MY WIFE/FIANCE/SOULMATE/THE MOTHER OF MY CHILD NEEDS ME!” (He would say that in that order…fight me)
Will buy books about parenting
In terms of posting, he will post a picture dump of your ultrasounds and boxes of nursery
Will curse out anyone if they something negative about you, ya’lls child or about pregnancy in general
Ricky Starks (Honestly a short version of this post….lol self-promotion)
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Like I said in the past MAN IS EXTRA AS HELL
Will cry when you tell him that is gonna be a dad
Like Darius, he already bought a lot of baby stuff
Already set up a gender neutral nursery
Will produce a big blown out baby shower and gender reveal
Im talking waterfalls, two people wrestling to reveal the gender, no gifts are gonna be under 50 dollars, everythang
For the reveal on social media, he will post pictures of the baby shower with a nice caption
“To my future child; I love you and you got the best and most good looking parents in the world. To my future wife; I love you and I cannot wait to grow with you in this next stage. Sincerely, Stroke Daddy.”
Daniel Garcia
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Will joke around about creating a baby with you
“So was it the time I turned you-“ “Shut up you miscreant”
Will become very soft around children and seeing new parents with their kids
He’s thinking about how you guys will act with your kid(s)
Doesn’t go out anymore, rather stays inside with you
Already planned family trips and moments
Will announce it by posting your maternity pictures
“I love you and I cannot wait for my mini-me to come in the world.”
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Y’all know Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively’s PDA? Yes. That is all.
Will make jokes about you, cross your face out of pictures, talking about how HIS child is coming to the world
It’s okay cause you do the same
But behind doors, he is so hyped about having a child with you
Will request best care and materials for you during your pregnancy and when the child is born
Will ask some of his friends about how to help you during this time
His instagram post will feature a picture of you two (with him having a big ass smile and your face cropped out) with a caption
“My future child is better than you (and your below average child) and you know it.”
Will post the full picture of you guys and say “She said I had to upload the full picture or she’ll choke me with the baby’s umbilical cord.”
Max Caster is def crying and asking to be Daddy #2
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booburry · 8 months
Hey! Promise I didn't die...life was just kicking my ass for a bit.
Below is an update to Chapter 7 of Echoes in Time. The working title is "Let me wake from this slumber". Below the read more is the first entry to the chapter.
Update: I know I must feed the children, and I do sincerely apologize for the delay in dinner(read as "It's a Canadian custom to apologize even if you know everyone understands and isn't upset" 🙃). This chapter has been a struggle but I attribute it (hopefully) to the stress I have been dealing with but that cloud has finally passed and I am finding the energy to write again (yaaaaaaaay!). 🥳
Because y'all have been so pleasantly patient and sending lovely messages of support and kind words to this delay (it is honestly such a refreshing feeling, and I am so greatly appreciative to those who reached out and those who silently think the same) I have included a long snippet of the next chapter. I have about 2 to 3 other major scenes to write out before the final edit.
The time spent with Vlad on The Eye went by quickly. It was interesting to hear him talk, his Russian accent being foreign for the time she was in, but a nice and familiar sound for her. He told her, to great lengths, what he did up here, what the purpose of The Eye was, how they tracked anomalies and what they looked like.
“Captain Cora, coming in for docking. Am I clear?” Vlad chuckled at her voice while Mallory only felt more dread—was Sam really using his daughter to try and make her drop her guard?
They were looking at the chartered map to the new anomaly Vlad had found when they were hailed by The Frontier. Mallory’s stomach dropped—was Sam really here? She prayed he didn’t bring that woman with him...
Well...no matter their intent, it was inevitable their meeting.
It was also inevitable that, despite the knot in her stomach, she was excited to see Cora. However, when it was only Cora and Vasco who walked from the Frontier, she became worried, and when Cora ran towards her with tears in her eyes?
That broke her heart.
Cora crashed into Mallory, tightly wrapping her arms around her and hugging her securely. Instinctively Mallory bent down slightly to enwrap Cora with comfort, a hand smoothing the child’s hair.
“I missed you!” She said to Mallory with both pain, sadness and upset.
“I missed you too, kiddo,” Mallory admitted as she placed her nose into her hair, feeling Cora slightly relax in her arms. “It’s that bad, huh?” She asked her after a moment, feeling Cora nod against her.
“Dad has been miserable, and Mom...well it’s been nice when we are alone, but I don’t like how she talks to Dad, or how she talks about you.” Cora muttered into Mallory, her arms tightening towards the end as she processed her anger and dislike towards her mother. “And they fight every night. I think Dad tries to keep his voice down but—why did you have to leave?”
Mallory felt her body jolt as she held back a sob, hearing the pain and anger behind Cora’s words, and at the distress she felt to know how miserable it had been for Sam—she couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty about leaving him.
Cora, however, did not hold back any of her tears, as she started sobbing in Mallory’s arms.
“Let it out, kiddo, you’re allowed to be upset by it all—even me being away, alright?” She didn’t let Cora leave her embrace, deepening her hug as she felt the guilt of not being with her—of leaving her behind in that toxic environment. “I’m so sorry, Cora. I wasn’t trying to get away from you, and I am sorry I didn’t talk to you about it.” Cora nodded against her with a sniffle.
“Thank you.” She politely said, her grip on Mallory releasing as she stepped backwards. “Are you going to make me go back?” Cora asked as she rubbed her eyes. Mallory smiled, knowing that she of course would be taking her back if Sam didn’t come here first, but she also had the responsibility to protect the kid from the situation she ran from.
“If I am not mistaken, it is past your bedtime so...best you sleep here, and we take you back in the morning. Okay?” Cora instantly smiled and nodded her head in agreement. “Now, I am sure Vlad would show you a few things. Let me call your Dad so he knows where you are.”
“Oh, I left him a note! He knows.” Cora said with a chirpy tone, skipping off to Vlad, her child-like enthusiasm springing back into her step as she knew she was safe. Mallory smiled while she felt that pit grow at the idea of Cora’s notes, the words she wrote her filling her mind—completely unhelpful as Mallory was about to call her father.
As she watched Vlad and Cora mutter about something, she picked up the direct comm line to The Lodge. She waited until the connecting tone was finished—meaning someone picked up.
“Hello?” Mallory asked in a rushed tone, but when she heard nothing in return, she got a bit snippy. “Hello?!” She demanded.
“Uh, hi.” Sam slowly greeted, the demand and anger in Mallory immediately disappearing. “She’s with you, isn’t she.” Sam continued, saying it as a fact and not a question, his voice giving away how broken he was.
“Yes, she said she left you a note...” Mallory advised, feeling another rush of guilt that he wasn’t here for her to comfort. She heard him give an empty laugh.
“Yeah, I...I found it when I went to check on her. I can’t—” He stopped his speech with an exasperated sigh. “I gotta stop fucking this up.” He muttered, obviously to himself but Mallory could not unhear it and knew where those words, that thought of blame, came from.
“Is she still there?” Mallory asked slowly, and when Sam didn’t respond, she only pushed on. “I know I may be overstep—”
“No, Mallory, you aren’t.” Sam cut her off, the emptiness even more present in his voice than before. “I’m so sorry.” He added, an evident strain in his voice, a breathlessness that was only brought on through pain and guilt. “I’m, uh, I’m working on getting her to leave.” He added quietly.
All Mallory could do was take a deep, shaken, breath.
“I won’t bring her back while she is there Sam, so...just call us once she does.” She said before hanging up, knowing if she listened to his voice any longer, her walls would start to crumble again—and she couldn’t risk losing that safety.
Mallory turned to look at Cora, forcing a small smile towards her as she saw how anxious she suddenly looked. Vlad had brought her over into the living quarters to get her a space to stay.
“Your mom’s almost gone, kiddo. Just going to hang out here until your dad calls.” Mallory stood next to Cora, smoothly running a hand over her hair with nothing but affection and warmth behind the motions. Cora, naturally, fell into Mallory. “You tired?” She asked and Cora just quietly. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
Mallory slowly started walking, holding onto Cora and slowly guiding her to the closest cot.
“Would you...would you read to me?” She asked Mallory, a soft pain in her voice behind the request. “I—Dad used to read to me and make silly voices...you don’t have to—”
“I’ll try my best.” Mallory immediately reassured Cora, her heart melting that she would seek such comfort from her and also at the idea of Sam reading bedtime stories to his daughter with a multitude of voices. She tucked Cora in and grabbed one of the many books that were within the living quarters. And so, until Cora was deep into her sleep, Mallory sat and read ‘Dracula’ to her with her best, stereotypical, accent for the character—which she also had to explain to Cora was the original accent associated with the literature, immediately curious at what she thought was the ‘normal’ one. Her signal to stop was Cora’s light snoring and Vlad letting her know Sam was on the comm line for her.
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writerdream22 · 2 years
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requested by: no one, but I sincerely hope you like this anyways ✨🌻💛
pairings: Billy Hargrove x Harrington!reader, Steve Harrington x sister!reader, Dustin Henderson x Harrington!reader, Max Mayfield x Harrington!reader etc.
warnings: a few curse words and the mentioning of physical violence.
feedbacks are always appreciated!
“Steve, wait!” you exclaimed, before taking your own nailed bat in your hands. “Kids, stay here, all right? And keep away from the windows!” you whispered, to which the kids nodded. With that, you sat down and waited for your brother to walk back in the Byers house.
You were ready to defend the kids with all the strength you possessed. You loved them with all your heart. However— seeing them look through the window while you weren't checking on them made you curse out loud “For fuck's sake, you guys!”.
“Shit! Did he see us?” Dustin questioned, to which you responded “Of course he did! Now let's get to the kitchen and stay behind me, all right? I will bat the shit out of this son of a gun”.
After a few seconds, the door exploded open and Billy burst inside. He started scanning his surroundings, and you tried to keep calm as his gaze fixed onto the kids. Suddenly, Lucas put himself in front of everyone, as to protect Max and everyone else; but how could he, when he didn't have anything to defend himself with? You mentally cursed for what seemed like the thousandth time in a couple of hours.
“Well, well, well... if it isn't Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise.” Billy said, moving towards us. Then, he addressed Max by saying “I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max —”.
“Billy, go away —” the girl interjected, clearly scared by her stepbrother, who angrily stated “You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me— I break things”
Max shouted at Billy, as to try to stop him from doing the worst, and that's when I decided to step in. I dropped my bat to the ground, then walked towards him and punched him straight in the face, making him fall down.
“Don't you ever touch my children ever again.” I angrily said, bracing for the older boy's reaction “You get it, Hargrove?” he nodded, and wiped the blood of his nose. “If you take a step further, I will make your life a living hell, just like you did with Max's. I won't be as nice as I was before. Control your anger or you’ll have me to worry about.” I stated.
“Ooh, the brave y/n Harrington! You think you're so mighty, uh?” Billy said, in a scaringly joking manner “Just a few months ago, you were drooling over me just like every other girl! You think you were special? Guess what, you were not!”
“You're delusional Billy” I sighed, shaking my head “I may have liked you in the past, but not now. I have more important things to think about— and besides, you're a bad kisser”.
After I said that, he tried to punch me but I dodged him easily “Man, I'm a boxer. Don't you remember? To me, you're just a sissy who throws tantrums”. Billy tried to punch me, but to no avail, and I kicked him in the stomach.
“You're dead, Harrington!” he exclaimed, before he was taken by his shoulder by Steve, who responded “No. You are.”
That's when hell broke loose.
I couldn't separate the two, but as the two boys moved to the living room Max managed to fill up a syringe with morphine and plunged it into Billy's neck. He ripped the needle out of his neck, and stared at it in cofusion.
“... The hell is this?” he mumbled, before getting up and staggering towards Max. “You little shit—” he seethed “What did you do?? What did yo -- y -- o -- ” his words slurred as his knees visibly buckled, and he fell to the ground.
Even though Billy was obviously losing consciousness, it was clear that Max wasn't over yet.
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wildestdreamsblog · 2 years
This love is good
Pairing: Soft!dark Ari Levinson x Reader
Summary: You were just trying to escape your past, and Ari was trying to chase his future.
Warnings: Soft!Dark Ari, Swearing, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: oh dear, we made it to the end. This is filled with truth bombs 🫶🏻 Next part of this will be: This love is bad. While likes are well appreciated, kindly also support your content creators by reblogging and/or leaving comments.
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This love is good: end
He opened his door cautiously, the gun he was holding was steady in his hand. The incessant knocking on the door woke him up from his slumber. It was three in the morning, and no one should be up at this hour- except the devil. And lo and behold, it was the devil himself on the other side of the door. His boss’ eyes were cold as he looked at him.
“Lead me to her.”
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Today was the day. Today was Molly and Pablo’s wedding, and the whole town was buzzing with excitement. Almost everyone pitched in to make their day the perfect one. Everyone knew Pablo’s love for Molly was unending. He had her once, and he knew in his heart, anyone else paled in comparison to her. Perhaps, the lesson that could be found on their love that was decades in the making was that you could love someone wholeheartedly, unashamedly, courageously- and still not be the right one for someone.
But that was the thing with the universe, it falls in love with the stubborn hearts.
And in Pablo’s case, the universe smiled gently at him, and finally, it was the right time for their love. You finished frosting the cake, gently placing the decorations on top of the three-tier cake. Isaac promised to help you safely deliver the cake to the location. You didn’t want to think how it was supposed to be Ari’s job, he volunteered to help you. And now, he was gone. Molly chose the beach as the place, sharing fondly how the two of them used to play their as children, used to talk for hours there as teenagers, and that was the place that witnessed their separation. She thought it was only fitting to be restored to one another in the place that witnessed their story.
You were already dressed up when Isaac came knocking sheepishly. The color of your dress brought out your eyes- your eyes that hid misery and resignation in them. You covered your face expertly with makeup, at least now you didn’t look as half-dead as you felt. You glanced at your now bare place. You smiled, nostalgia already in your heart. Today was not only Molly’s special day. Today would also be the day you left for good.
You opened the door for Isaac, thanking him wholeheartedly for assisting you today despite the fact that he and Jess was on flowers duty. This was one of the few things you would missed in this town, the camaraderie, the willingness to go out of their way to lend a helping hand and never asking for anything in return. Isaac watched you over his lashes, and if he noted that your smile felt forced, he didn’t comment further. He knew that Ari had up and left. Despite that, something bothered him at the back of his mind ever since you showed up. Isaac, with ever the observant eyes, watched you closely from the time Jess started hanging out with you. To him, Jess was his priority and if you were going to be around them, you needed to be harmless. In fact, he labeled you as one- except that you looked like you would bolt in any given time. And now, he was certain you would run away.
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“You looked wonderful, Molly,” you admired her as you entered the room. The white dress she was wearing encompassed her personality, tucked on her right ear was her favorite flower. She told you once that that flower was the same kind that Pablo gave her when they were younger. You smiled at her sincerely, telling her how happy you were for her. Some people were lucky with love, you thought. And you weren’t one of the lucky ones.
Molly had thanked you profusely for the beautiful cake. You told her it was your pleasure and wished her the very best before leaving the room, telling her that you’d see her at the reception when suddenly, her hand shot out to grip yours. Molly’s wise eyes were understanding as you met her eyes. She smiled dolefully at you, the lines in her eyes deepened as she did so.
“It was his mother’s death anniversary the day he left,” she started, her eyes willing you to understand. “He had just turned seven when she died. A town this small, you could only imagine how slow and difficult the rescue was. When the respondents finally found them, Caroline was long gone. They said it was raining hard that time. They said Caroline lost control of the car and collided on a tree.”
Molly sighed, her eyes focused on somewhere you knew you couldn’t reached. You knew, at that moment, she was reminiscing the day Ari lost his mother. It did pain you to listen to this. It did pain you because you knew there was nothing more you could do for him. After all, there was barely anything you could do for yourself.
“It was four hours later when they found them. The poor boy-“ she paused to wipe the tear on her face, “-the poor boy, poor Ari was crying his heart out, his little arms around Caroline’s cold body. That child was alone for hours before the adults could even find them.”
You were silent for a moment, digesting the information she divulged on you. You could only imagine the boy you saw on the photograph, his mischievous smile and his missing tooth, you could only imagined him wailing for help as he clutched his mother’s body on his little one’s. You could only imagine the pain his little heart encountered.
“Did you know he didn’t speak a word for a year? He closed off completely. No one could talk to him until the day the father came to town. I didn’t know he existed, nobody in the town knew. Caroline kept quiet about who the father is. I remembered he looked stern, I was hesitant to let him talked to Ari. But what did I know? One conversation and Ari was speaking again. The next day, he left with Ari. I didn’t see him for five years.”
“W-why are you telling me this?” You finally managed to ask Molly, slowly pulling your hand away from hers. You didn’t want to hear anymore because by doing so would make it harder for you to hate him for leaving, because by hearing more would make you more vulnerable when you already were. You didn’t want to know because it would make it harder to forget him. You didn’t want to feel anything more for him.
“Because although his actions are inexcusable, I cannot find it in me let you give up on him. He’s a good person,” she replied softly as she regarded you with her eyes, “He’s a good person.” She repeated. “He’s just a little damaged.”
It was at sunset when Pablo walked down the aisle first, his face that of a blissful smile. Isaac clapped him on the back before sitting down on the piano and started playing a beautiful melody. Despite the unpunctual start of the ceremony, everyone else’s eyes started tearing up upon finally witnessing a love story as old as time, upon witnessing a love that they thought wouldn’t come into any fruition, upon witnessing a love that was so patient that time finally gave in. Molly insisted on waiting for another hour for Ari, but alas, no Ari came. When Pablo was asked about holding off the wedding by an hour, he agreed and said, ‘I already waited a lifetime for her. What more is an hour?’.
The makeshift sheer, white curtain opened and everyone stood up. You smiled as you saw Molly standing on the start of the aisle, in her hand was the flower bouquet Jess designed carefully. You brought your hand on your chest, as you saw happiness radiating off of Molly. At her age, Molly looked strong and young on this particular night. And on the day she was given a second chance at a happily ever after, you marveled at her silent beauty and the strength her heart had.
A love that was too great that even the universe yielded.
She was about to step forward when a large and handsome man gently touched her back. Your eyes lifted up slowly, his sole focus was only on you. He was wearing a crisp, white shirt, and in his hand was the suit he was guardedly wearing. You could feel your heart skipped a beat- and you hated yourself for it. You hadn’t seen him since the day morning you woke up without him. You had try to rationalize it in your brain, you really did. You told yourself it was for the best, that there was no happy ending in this.
The cool wind moved the curtain gently, hindering your view of Ari. It was only then that you noticed a man standing not too far from Ari. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants, he was looking directly at you- and in his eyes was an unbridled perplexity. Slowly, as if in slow motion, his eyes shifted to Ari who was looking at you. The wind blew the curtain again, you blinked once, and then the man disappeared.
You broke eye contact with Ari’s blue eyes.
“Ari, you made it,” Molly gasped as she looked up at Ari. She had somehow accepted he wouldn’t be back for days, and seeing him here, having him here with her made Molly’s night even more exquisite.
Ari gently took Molly’s hand and placed it on his arm. He smiled encouragingly at her, despite the fact that he felt like his world was one discovery away from crumbling. “I promised you I’d walk you down the aisle,” he whispered at her before tilting his head to the aisle. “You know I never break my promises.”
She smiled at the young man beside her, and somehow it broke her heart to see hopelessness in his eyes. “You ready?” His baritone voice asked, and with a nod, they proceeded. As they walked slowly along the aisle, her hand clutching his muscular arm, it was not lost to Molly how Ari’s eyes were absolutely fixated on you. And even when they passed you by, with you never once looking at him again, his eyes only strayed from yours when he could no longer looked.
“Remember our talk, Pablo,” he stated once they reached the end of the aisle. Before he placed Molly’s hand on Pablo, he turned and embraced her, whispering how beautiful she was, how thankful he was for her, and most importantly, how happy he was for her.
The ceremony started and ended beautifully, their I do’s meant forever as they placed rings on each other’s finger. And when they faced the crowd for the first time as husband and wife, the whole crowd cheered.
You stayed until the simple dinner, you stayed until Molly and Pablo sliced the cake, and you stayed enough to experience one last joke with Jess, one last hug with Molly. You spent the whole night absorbing every good thing in this town before leaving it for good. Moreover, you spent the entire night avoiding Ari, which proved to be a simple task considering that Jess was planting herself between you and Ari whenever he attempted to come near you. Your human barricade, her exact words.
When it was time for Ari’s toast, you wanted nothing more than to leave, except that his eyes pleaded for yours to stay. His blue eyes stayed on yours as he walked to the front, his voice strong as he greeted the group, and even as he cracked a joke, his eyes almost never strayed from yours.
“It was the great Tyler Knott Gregson who once wrote this, ‘When you swam in the sea, a lake will no longer do; everyone else was always a pond but the ocean was always you.’. That reminded me of what our dashing groom said to me when I asked why he never got married. He said that no one was Molly. He said that anyone else paled in comparison to her. He said he’d willingly wait for a lifetime if it meant he’d get to hold her hands again,” Ari paused, lifting his eyes from the paper he was holding, he looked at you. Even from across the room, he looked at you as if you were the only one there. “No one was you.”
Ari lifted the glass of champagne, “To Molly and Pablo, you deserve the love you waited a lifetime for. And to us, may we not wait a lifetime for a love such as theirs.”
And when the people all raised their glass to the newly wed couple, you knew it was time to leave.
The air was cold as you walked home. You walked and walked until you could no longer hear the soft music coming from the seashore, the place where people were happy. There was always this melancholy feeling you had whenever you left a town, but God, this was worse. You held your head high, swallowing the agony you were perceiving. And when you reached your bare and dark store, you made sure to savor every corner of it. This was the version of you that you loved the most. Here, you were free. Here, you were just a simple girl. Your bag was waiting for you on top of the counter. You made sure the old cellphone you used to communicate with Bucky was there before you grabbed your coat. And with that, you left.
Your soft footsteps and the silence of the night were somehow comforting. You stepped outside, but just as you were going to walk the other way, there he was.
There was Ari, standing so tall with his hair combed back neatly, the black suit jacket he was wearing was now on his arm, his hands resting in his pockets. His sleeves were folded neatly, baring his powerful arms to you. The street was almost pitched black, the singular street light was flickering on and off. Ari’s eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes unreadable. He stood not more than six feet from you, he stood so still as if he was waiting for you to move. And you could not do anything anymore besides moving away from him and this town.
The wind blew gently, your hair and you dress moving gently with it. You thought you couldn’t get any sadder than this, but the way Ari was looking at you, the way you thought that in another life, you would have wanted to be braver than this damaged you. You bit your trembling lips, you took a deep breath, and then your turned your back to him. You thought it would be easy for him. After all, he did that to you numerous times. Why then did you want nothing but to run into his arms where you felt safe? Why then did you want nothing but asked him how he was? Was he okay? Was he still hurting? Was he still lonely?
But you knew, there was no life that you could offer him. The decision to leave was cemented upon hearing his tragic childhood, how he told you long before that he wanted to get married and have a family of his own, how you thought he must have been so lonely when he was young…those were the things you could not give him. Not when you were living in a borrowed time.
You stopped walking so abruptly when you heard his baritone voice, one that was so calm and certain.
“You don’t have to run anymore,” he whispered, his stance relaxed for once. “You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
Turning your head slowly, you watched him as he walked near you, as his long and powerful thighs carried him to where you were. You stepped back, his outstretched hand falling. You blinked your tears away, your mind turning its gears as you processed what he said. What gives? How did he know you were running from something… or someone?
“I’m not running,” you stated strongly, as if you could hide from his wandering eyes the bag you were holding. “I-I just have a family emergency. I’d be back before you know it.”
Ari regarded you for a moment before he stepped even closer to you, so close that you could feel the warmth emitting from him, could smell the alcohol he had been drinking from the wedding, could feel your heart beating faster from his proximity.
“I think you and I deserve better than a lie, don’t you think?”
And slowly, he placed his hands on your arms, pulling you closer to him until he could wrapped his arms around you, until he could bury his head on your neck, as if to assure him that you really were there, that he got on time. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. And he meant it. He was sorry for everything. You tried removing his arms around you, you could not stay for a second more with the man you were feeling something to. But moving Ari was like moving a mountain, he was firm and strong and tall- but those things didn’t stop you from trying.
“Please don’t leave me.”
He whispered it so sad, as if he was already broken and you were the only one holding him together made you stopped resisting. God, you hated how he was becoming your weakness. Nevertheless, weakness was something that could be exploited, that could be used against you in your world. And for heaven’s sake, you wouldn’t let Ari be in the midst of your chaotic world.
“I can’t stay-“
“Just for tonight. Please. Wherever you want to go tomorrow, I’ll bring you there. Please.”
You watched him closely as he moved around the house, the darkness outside was in contrast with the way his house was filled with light, as if he was scared of being in the dark. He busied himself in the kitchen that you managed to observe him without his knowledge. Ari placed the drink in front of you before sitting beside you on the sofa.
“You look beautiful tonight, darling. You always do,” he began, his thigh was touching yours as he sat with his legs spread. “I apologize for not telling you sooner-“
“I cannot be with you.” You spurted out without thinking. You could not bear to listen to him any longer when you knew you couldn’t be with him.
Ari tilted his head to the side before taking a sip of his drink. He put it back on the table with finality. “Tell me, what are you scared of?”
You were shaking your head before he could even finished. You should not have stayed. This- everything was messier with him knowing, with feelings involved.
“Tell me who hurt you, sweetheart,” he implored, gently gathering your hands in his as he peppered kisses on them. His eyes were trained on you, sincerity pouring out on them that you knew he of all the people deserved some semblance of truth from you.
“Ari…please. Just listen to me, hmm? I can’t be with you. If my family knows of this, they would ruin you. They’ll hurt you. I can’t give you what you want-“
“I don’t care, sweetheart. You have to know this, no one will take you away from me. You have to know, darling, from now on, you have me, okay? You’ll always have me.”
“Ari, please,” you were crying now as you convinced him to let you shield him from the ugliness of your world, to let him get away unscathed. “Listen to me. You’ll find someone, okay? You’ll find someone without a baggage as big as mine-“
“I don’t want anyone else. I only want you- your baggage and all. I want you. I want us. I’ll take care of you, okay? Just let me handle everything, sweetheart.” He cut you off strongly. What should he do to make you see just how much you meant to him? What should he do to convince you that you were safe with him, that you’d never let anything happen to you?
That you were now the most important person in his life?
And for all the honesty in the world, when Ari said he did not care one bit about anything else but you, it was the most truth. He didn’t let you say another word that would convince him otherwise, Ari closed the gap between the two of you, and then he kissed you.
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Ari eyed you as you slumbered peacefully beside him, his strong arms wrapped around you, his muscular thigh on top of yours. The barely restrained dark emotion in him when he saw you leaving was almost unbearable it was a miracle that he presented himself as calmed and collected. He abhorred seeing you leave, as if you were so ready to never see him again, to walk away from what he knew was the best thing that ever happened to him. He hated it. And so, he knew he had to up his game to get you to stay with him.
Your phone lightened up. Slowly as to not wake you up, he reached for your phone on the bedside table. His eyes were alert as he watched if you would moved, and only when he was certain that the sleeping pill he put on your drink was still in effect, he dared open your ridiculous 3310 Nokia phone.
Ah, darling. You are too trusting, he thought as he accessed your phone without any passcode. His jaw clenched as he read the new text messages.
‘Princess, I’m glad you moved tonight. I just discovered your fiancé found out you lived in that town. His name is Ari Levinson.’.
‘Tell me when you are already in your new house, princess.’
Without another thought, Ari deleted the messages.
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| Next chapter
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magic-x-edits · 8 months
my friend said that I can't make a list of the reasons why season 1 is way better than season 2, so here it is. I'm not saying that season 2 is bad, it just... isn't as good.
1) The flashbacks.
Stede's and Edward's feelings were often explained with flashbacks, showing their childhood or Stede's marriage. But, unlike usual flashbacks, they were not done to show the audience the character's backstory, but to show what the character was thinking at a particular moment. The attention to detail is amazing. A grown and dangerous pirate who hides under his only friend's robe and physically flinches when he hears a knock on the door. The same pirate who builds a house out of pillows and hides there after getting his heart broken. All their story was about healing your inner child.
2) Found family.
The way the Revenge crew helped and protected each other was incredible. Stede read them bedtime stories, they slept on the deck all together, like in kindergarten. Even when they said bad things about each other, they loved each other sincerely.
3) Breaking stereotypes
A womanizer (poor choice of words) who turns out to be the most loyal and heantly partner? An ex wife who is finally not shown as a villain? Queer characters whose issues are not related to their sexuality or gender? Partners who are also best friends? Yes please.
4) Tolerance.
Every attempt at homophobia, transphobia, or racism on this show is ended in a moment. When the English officer called Frenchie a slave, Jim instantly threw a dagger into his hand. We immediately assume that none of them are cishet and we turn out to be right. None of them need to explain identity. You're not a man and not a woman? Are you sure you're not a mermaid? No? Then let's eat cake, Jim.
5) Interesting characters.
I won't even talk about how perfectly written Stede and Edward are (although I will talk about that later). What about Jim, Lucius, Izzy, Jackie (can you believe she has less than ten minutes of screen time?), Frenchie, Oluwande, Mary, Fang? I wanted to know more about everyone.
6) Characters' actions always make sense.
Each character has such a well written personality that their every action makes sense, even if it annoys us. We were all angry when Jim went for revenge and didn't return to the ship with Oluwande, when Stede returned to Mary leaving Ed on the pier, when Ed threw Lucius overboard and left the crew on an island to die, when Mary tried to kill Stede. But each of these actions fits perfectly with the characters’ personalities and you can't deny that.
7) The right kind of the unspoken.
Throughout the second season, I had the feeling that the writers thought considered us stupid and had to say everything explicitly. There was a lot that wasn't said directly in the first season. They didn't say Izzy loves Blackbeard, but it's obvious. They didn't explain why Edward tried to kill Lucius of all the people, but everyone understood it. They didn't explain why he chose to leave precisely those people on the island. They never spoke again of to the line about Jim's favorite color being tial and how they literally confessed their love when they said it.
8) Metaphors.
The great and dangerous kraken is a little boy, who is hurt by the people he loved? Stede is a lighthouse? The wooden boy? Mary's painting that Stede didn't appreciate a sign of his love for Edward? Stede's children kill him in his nightmare? Ed's red silk? Come on, this was perfect!
The only good metaphor in season two is Edward's leather.
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unpopularwriter25 · 10 days
Hello, can I ask for a kny match-up? If the commission is closed please feel free to ignore it.
I'm 20, female, and straight. I'm also introverted to the max— I don't talk much but I really appreciate good vibes (as in my friends always drags me everywhere which I'm grateful for).
Personality wise: Adores the idea of falling in love, Soft, have cold poker face but in reality 'head nothing but love for everyone', a bit of a slacker, loves to help and encourage people, yearning for freedom? 24/7 curious about humans (even tho I'm a human myself— wait that sounds like I'm an alien or something...)
Likes or Love things: Friends, Family, music, drawings, children, sweet foods, books, and the idea of love.
Dislikes or hated things: spicy foods, rude people, yellings, and bullies.
Hobbies: reading, writing, listening to people talk/play music/sing, enjoying tea/coffee in a good place, rain.
Most people that didn't know me well would think that I'm smart, cold, and loner. But in reality I'm just awkward with people considering I have no idea how to talk to others, most my friend would describe me as 'Innocent, pure, kind-hearted, otome-game-heroine (which I keep on questioning how), and childish'
Is this description enough? Because I litterly have no idea how to describe my personality, most of this are what my friends and others think of me (except for my dislikes & hobbies). Thank youuu!
Thank you for the request!! Sorry this took me a minute. I've been busy with work! I hope you enjoy!
I ship you with Tanjiro Kamado!!
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Tanjiro is known for his deep empathy and compassion towards others, traits that would resonate with your own kind-hearted nature. He would be attentive to your subtle cues and understand your need for quiet moments, yet he would always bring warmth and positivity into your interactions. His gentle demeanor would help you feel at ease and appreciated.
Both you and Tanjiro share a strong appreciation for friends, family, and the idea of love. He would admire your dedication to these values and would naturally support your desire to help and encourage others. Tanjiro's own journey emphasizes the importance of bonds and relationships, which would align perfectly with your own views on friendship and love.
Tanjiro's curiosity about demons and humans alike would match your own fascination with people. He would eagerly listen to your observations and insights, sharing his own experiences from his travels and encounters. Together, you would have deep conversations about human nature, empathy, and the complexities of emotions.
Tanjiro's role as a supportive figure would be pivotal in your growth. He would gently encourage you to step out of your comfort zone when needed, while also respecting your introverted nature. His belief in your abilities and strengths would inspire you to overcome challenges and embrace new experiences, fostering personal development and confidence.
Beyond your emotional connection, you would bond over shared interests such as music (enjoying moments where Tanjiro plays his flute), drawings (appreciating his artistic talents and eye for detail), and books (discussing stories and histories that intrigue both of you). Your mutual love for sweet foods and appreciation for quiet, rainy days would provide many cozy moments together.
Tanjiro would see through any misconceptions others might have about you being cold or distant. He would recognize the genuine innocence, kindness, and purity in your heart, appreciating the sincerity behind your interactions. His understanding nature would create a comfortable environment where you could freely express yourself without fear of judgment.
As Tanjiro values deep emotional connections and meaningful bonds, your shared yearning for love would naturally deepen your relationship. He would be respectful and patient, allowing your romantic feelings to develop at a pace that feels comfortable for you, while cherishing each moment of closeness and understanding.
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saintsenara · 1 year
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the scrunchie minor characters general | 4.5k words
the scrunchie was in padma patil’s hair the day the second war began. the ravenclaw girls were watching the third task from the back row of the stands, sipping surreptitiously from a flask of toffee-flavoured vodka morag had procured from somewhere.
they were cackling when there was a flash of blue light, and a portkey deposited two twisted figures on the ground.
that was the last moment they had before the world changed, padma realised later.
nobody would have let hermione granger borrow the scrunchie. but that's fine, because this story isn't about her at all.
this piece was written for week four of @ladiesofhpfest, which focuses on background beauties [you can find the masterlist of the week's fics here].
the theme this week allowed me to think about one of my favourite topics: what must it have been like to be peripheral to the drama which surrounded harry, but without ever knowing for certain what was going on?
author's notes under the cut
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the genre conventions of the harry potter series - whether the children’s literature of the early books or the folkloric pastiche of the later ones - requires harry to, essentially, act alone. he has a few loyal retainers, but his character archetype requires him to take huge burdens onto his shoulders. when you add in the fact that he’s not a particularly sociable teenage boy, that he’s not hugely observant of incidental detail, that he’s considered to be a celebrity, and that a huge amount of his social interaction outside of ron and hermione is with adults whose relationship with their other charges has to be more hands-off, you realise that the rest of his year must have spent their schooldays trying to work out what was happening from a whirl of gossip and rumour [and, above all, from a whirl of gossip and rumour the slytherins have a vested interest in providing].
here, we have five minor characters - lisa turpin, padma patil, parvati patil, hannah abbott, and sally-anne perks - attempting to do just that.
their perspective on harry and his exploits ended up being slightly more critical than i had initially expected. padma, for example, thinks that he’s a dick, and the ravenclaws [who do seem to be more slytherin-aligned in canon, even if this is unintentional on jkr’s part] all take a line canonically only permitted to snape: that harry likes being famous; that he is allowed to get away with breaking school rules; and that his participation in the triwizard tournament is favouritism on dumbledore’s part and completely unfair.
furthermore, from this outside perspective, i realised how sincerely unbelievable harry’s story about what happened in the triwizard maze must have sounded. padma thinks that harry killed cedric diggory - although whether by accident or not she can’t say - and even parvati is wavering.
this led to something i don’t think is appreciated enough within the canon text, owing - again - to the genre confines of the series: how many people contribute to harry’s victory, and how brave characters other than the trio-plus-neville-luna-and-ginny end up being. i liked writing padma coming to her own decision about whether to believe him or the ministry; parvati being so bolshy; susan bones fucking loathing alecto carrow; and the hufflepuff girls [who, like everyone in that house, don’t get described in exciting ways very often] being phenomenally brave as battle begins.
but, of course, these girls’ lives exist independently from harry’s. i liked looking at their concerns, from the trivial - who fancies whom [and parvati and padma’s dynamic on this topic is 100% how i was with my sisters - I'm parvati] - to the serious - how the war touches everyone’s family, how muggleborns have to lie to their parents and separate themselves from the world of their birth, how you cope with knowing everyone you love might die, and what on earth you do with your hair in a battle.
the scrunchie - a character in its own right, as is the woman who made it - has your back, babies.
[on the reference to hermione in the summary: i’m always struck in canon by the fact that hermione has no other friends besides harry and ron - even her relationship with ginny is quite tenuous, they don’t hang out in half-blood prince when hermione falls out with ron, for example. again, this is for genre reasons, but it’s also implied in the text to be because hermione - who is so extremely not-like-other-girls-coded it hurts - isn’t a particularly easy person to get along with. from the perspective of someone who was once a teen girl, i can only imagine that she was quite lonely, as the complex ecosystem of the other girls in the castle remained closed off to her.]
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thephysicsofmiracles · 4 months
This evening, I went for a stroll in an area I hadn't explored yet. The cloudy moon was ghostly and in the Celtic wisdom which my mother bestowed upon me, (though I was the only one listening!) I know it symbolises the caution to find stillness in the unknown and not make hasty decisions - wait for more information to come to light. I stumbled upon a community garden filled with flowers of strange varieties and burgeoning fruit and fat hens that stared at me obnoxiously. After wandering for a half hour or so, taking mental notes and snap shots for my own future permaculture planning that I've been envisioning for years, I was captivated by a fluttering ensemble that wafted over-shoulder so close I heard it's winged rapture reverberate in my ear, which turned out to be two butterflies in the midst of a balletic waltz, tumbling over, around and besides each other, amorously lost in a spontaneous orbit of mutual admiration. My immediate thought was: "If only I could be loved like that." Bold as they were, their time together seemed fragile, and I walked on as proscenium-arched jacarandas graciously harboured their momentary paradise. Wandering on and musing some more, I came by a tiny library the size of a doll house, the likes of which children had labouriously constructed containing an assortment of books and paraphernalia and labelled above in painted handwritten letters, "Free". I decided to peruse the generous but tatty collection, hoping for something with poems or a local guide to trees and native fauna. Immediately, I was surprised to see a copy of a recommendation from a friend from about 18 months ago, which I'd had on my "to read" list ever since: The Celestine Prophecy. I had recalled the conversation I had with her where I confided about finding someone I felt a strong, energetic pull toward and the confusion I experienced when they developed a serious connection with someone else. She recommended it for the clarity it provided around soul contracts and past lives and how the dance or "quantum entanglement" of two Souls can progress you just as powerfully and passionately in your Soul's development without an ensuing romance. It rang true because the inspiration I received from him to change my life was a profound turning point for me, one which I have only motioned forward from ever since. Something about his example, his heart’s intention to continuously evolve and self-invest in the face of the common adversities most Australian males almost never overcome for fear of social alienation from their immediate family and friends, mirrored my transformation intensely and helped me re-route toward my authentic individual purpose on Earth (outside of everyone's expectations) seriously for the first time. At that point I had only an inkling he had found a deep connection to someone; it wasn't until much later that my apprehensions were confirmed, although I was the same tangle of sadness and perplexity, missing someone I hadn't the opportunity to know but somehow felt a complete otherworldly sense of belonging to or with, or something. I don't know if I'll ever read it, to be honest, but it's message does give me the strength to let the beauty of the knowledge be mused over with sincerity and conscious appreciation for its value and fleeting cycle of life, before it passes out of view. I know my heart's song belongs to a great someone, and I am praying that his integrity and self-investment to prepare for a strong foundation for true love is as intentional and committed as mine. Though the meaningful passage of tangled magic that was this persons deep reflection has left a gentle imprint on my life that I hope will yield the same love which he discovered in a kind-natured someone, to me in due time. ~ Chantal Eva
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fatuifucker · 2 years
this is one of the only times I'm acrually awake in the morning 💀 also one of the few times a tiktok is right
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while I appreciate different interpretations of a character, I think it's pretty sad thay most of the fanbase think that Scara would abuse and mistreat his s/o and bc of that laugh at people who fantasize about being in a romantic relationship with him
he would be a difficult person to get to know sincerely since he's so snappy and all but he's only mean to people who he views as below him, and even then he still can be nice to ordinary humans like children and the elderly and even to the traveller when he didn't know about their true identity
if he is willing to open up his hardened heart to someone to accept them as a lover, he wouldn't mistreat them in fear of them leaving him like everyone else, in fact he would be sort of tsun about his affection towards them but he would show his love in subtle ways, scara would be a secret softie!!
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A matchup for @petitelepus! Thank you very much for commissioning me~ I hope you enjoy reading!
Your heart’s desire is…
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… Trey Clover!
People always talk about love at first sight, but for you, it was love at first taste. You had swung by the school bake sale, intent on nothing more than picking up a snack on your way to class. A tall boy in glasses had welcomed you with a sweet smile and even sweeter desserts. Cutely crafted cupcakes, clouds of fluffy whipped cream, and sprinkles in all colors of the rainbow. You had taken that first bite, and tasted not only the sponge and the buttercream, but your first crush: Trey Clover. “Hey, you’re staring at me,” he had joked, his eyes locked with yours. “Is there icing on my face?” There honestly wasn’t–but the two of you felt drawn to each other all the same, both in the classroom and out of it. He rolls with your childishness with such ease, though he often finds himself also having to keep a wary eye in you. Too nice for your own good, he’d describe you. Over time, you had come to learn that Trey himself was kind and a people-pleaser—a kindred spirit. Neither of you are really quite sure how the relationship descended into romance; everything seemed to fall into place and transition into it so smoothly. It wasn’t as though one of you had explicitly approached the other with that intent, it was more like everyone around you already assumed that you were just from how often you’d be seen together, just basking in one another’s company.
Trey’s patience is a virtue. He’s not one to lose his temper, and he usually just goes along with whatever it is you’re doing. Some (aka Ace) would call it enabling and spoiling, but you call it unconditional love and support! No matter what you want to do—swimming, sleeping, writing, gaming, indulging in your favorite anime and manga, whatever—he’s there to cheer for you. Trey’s also always got something sweet up his sleeve, whether it’s a corny dad joke or pun (he has a lot of them, and none of them are very good) or a literal dessert—decadent slices of chocolate cake, light-as-air meringues, toasty oatmeal cookies, and the occasional bite of salted licorice if he’s coming back from a grocery run. He learns all about your tastes over time, and takes care to adjust his recipes according to those tastes. If there’s something that Trey struggles with, it’s coming off the right way. His compliments don’t exactly land most of the time (Seriously, who unironically compares your eyes to cucumber skin and thinks that analogy is cute? Only him.) but he says them with such sincerity that you know he means it with all his heart. He’s basically half boyfriend and half embarrassing dad energy.
Your dates are nothing extravagant—they’re often just cozy little get togethers at your place or his, usually involving sharing food and drink. If you go out, Trey has a tendency to speak up for you (very “excuse me, she asked for no pickles” of him), as he knows you can get socially anxious and have a hard time talking to others yourself. The first thing you’ll do when you go over to each other’s places is wash hands. It took him some getting used to, but Trey would come to appreciate the preemptive hand washing, especially for those times when you’re cooking together. Likewise, it took you some time to get accustomed to Trey’s obsession with dental care, but, like him, you soon came to appreciate his reminders—they’re part of how he shows he cares. “Clean hands and clean teeth means a clean mind,” he’ll sometimes say. You don’t really make plans for dates; it’s more about enjoying the other’s presence and company rather than doing something specific. You could order takeout to slurp up while watching an animated children’s movie only to end up crying into your meal (you’re sensitive, and it’s way too cute for you not to), and Trey will happily let sob cry into his sleeve. When he’s had a hard day of his own, he’s fine with just sitting around and talking about his day (Ace got collared for the umpteenth time, and Trey had to smooth things over with Riddle for him) as you knead his stiff shoulders or offer to do the snack run today. You’re both pretty good at reading the other’s emotions and preparing to comfort the other with their favorite things when the chips are down.
Travel’s not really something Trey’s been too keen on; like a clover, he likes to plant his roots in one place and stick to what he is used to. However, he has a hard time saying no to your pleas to visit new places. He’s tasked with keeping your itinerary and packing (double checking to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything, especially that cute toothbrush he bought for you for last year’s anniversary). Trey makes sure to bake some snacks in advance to save on spending on the road. Perhaps the most memorable trip you’ve taken is all the way to the Rose Queendom to visit the Clovers. You still recall how Trey’s siblings swarmed you, bouncing up and down and clinging to your clothes, demanding to know how terribly sappy their eldest brother is (while his parents tried to shuffle them away). It was an oddly… endearing experience. Trey already treats you like his family, so it’s nice that they’ve also welcomed you with open arms (and lots of goodies to stuff into your luggage case home as souvenirs of Trey’s hometown).
Trey’s not really the type to cuddle or get touchy-feely; he respects your space and lets you have it. At most, he’ll maybe ruffle your hair or press a spare piece of chocolate to your lips to indulge you. If you need a shoulder to lean on or a face to rub against, Trey will accept it with an awkward chuckle. He’s not inquisitive or deeply questioning. He’ll of course intervene with just what you need to hear if he senses that you’re spiraling down a dark path (he knows all about your tendencies to worry and self-blame), but he won’t prod or press you to speak if you aren’t ready for it yet. Trey trusts you to know when you’re okay to talk with him (not to him, with him) about it. And you trust him too, don’t you?
Trey’s no poet, but he likens you to a bunny—how you nibble away at your treats, and how you shrink away from loud things and scary situations. Even your hair kind of makes you look like a rabbit, a tawny color flopping down your shoulders. “I’ll take real good care of you,” Trey promises, once again ruffling your hair—the ‘fur’—of his one and only favorite bunny.
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atopearth · 1 year
Piofiore: Episodio 1926 Part 1 - Gilbert Redford Route
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I'M SO EXCITED!!! I like to follow recommended route orders so I'll go with Gilbert first which I honestly don't mind because I love his personality and his respectful relationship with Lili, so yeah he's one of my favourites haha. Orlok is really the only one I'm iffy about but I guess we'll see. Love how the route already starts with Lili and Gil having a lovers spat in the lounge and everyone is just like .... Even Luca was there haha. Lili wanting to learn accounting to help the family is very her, so cute. Lmao when Gil wanted to show his repentance towards her by kissing her. I didn't expect to hear Yang so soon, I miss him so much🥹🥹 I'm surprised Lili isn't living with Gil already tbh haha. I love how playful he is though, I miss that. Seems like there's new characters from the Liu Huang Hui (head organisation of Lao Shu?) who are here to kill Yang so that's amusing. Loll at Lili being repeatedly hit on, she is beautiful though so what can I say🥲 Is Eugene Gil's father? Didn't expect the guy to be selling drugs even though he looked dodgy😰 Luca wanting to learn how to read so that Gil can give him instructions without personally saying it to him every time is so cute. He's such a good boy. Something I completely forgot about is that the LIs like to call Liliana Lili and it feels so weird to hear my name hahaha.
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I hope Sister Sofia isn't dead, that would be terrible. I was so relieved when Gil appeared. It just feels really reassuring to have him there even if it's after everything happened. Luca is the sweetest boy ever! I love how he came all the way to the church to check if she was okay, and he spent time with the children learning with them too, it made me so sad but happy when he was like is this what going to school feels like🥹🥹 Oliver being sincerely concerned for Lili's wellbeing was very sweet too. OMG THE CG! I LOVE IT. It was so unexpected that I had to exit the game because I was playing on the TV though lmao. But yesss, them sharing a bathtub is so hot. I loveee Gil's wet hair. Little Gil looks like Luca haha! Lili is quite bold now! She kissed Gil on the cheek to motivate him to go to work haha, that's so cute, especially since she wasn't embarrassed at all! Anyway, Yuan has a very different appearance from what I expected. He looks very elegant. Honestly, with how reckless Luca is, I get so scared that he'll get himself killed. Jack really would have killed them if Orlok didn't appear. I'm glad Oliver and them reprimanded him but made sure to convey to him that they were mainly concerned about his and Lili's safety. I'm so glad that Orlok told Lili and Gil about how Eugene was ready to sacrifice Lili and Luca to protect himself because she hasn't thought of Eugene negatively at all but really, he's a selfish ass and Lili needs to get away from him. It was so cute how the twins appreciated Gil standing up for them against Yuan when he said that they're his guests. This is the reason why I love Gil! Another reason why I love him is because of how reassuring and kind he is. Even though it's risky to take Lili out, he recognises that she can't stay cooped up inside forever. Every time he says that the safest place in Burlone for Lili to be is right next to him, I admit that I swoon because when he says it, I feel like I can really believe in his words and feel safe, so I'm sure Lili feels the same haha.
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Elena is the sweetest girl ever! I love how she made Lili realise that they won't necessarily be together forever since it's possible that she could find a husband somewhere else too and leave. Nothing is permanent, but as long as they let each other know that even if apart, they will always love and care about you, then that's enough. I can't believe Yang got injured so badly by Yuan. Why did Yuan just leave though? Suspicious.. Anyway, I can't help but feel bad for Dante... It just doesn't feel right for Dante to not have Nicola beside him. In other news, I love Jack's design, he's hot. ls Jack Gil's brother? Is that why I think he's hot?😅😅 Yuan is such a nut, can't believe he bit Lili and licked her blood to taste it, what a guy. Wow, the ruthlessness of Yuan to sever people's limbs, I feel sorry for those people.. I forgot about how Gil's father used to hit Gil and his mother. It was obvious that Eugene is a terrible father but he's even worse than I thought. I feel bad for Gil and Jack that they have such a father who doesn't care about them at all. I feel so sad that Orlok sacrificed himself to help Dante and Gil escape. Well, the ending really wasn't very compelling. It felt pretty rushed that everyone had to basically leave with Gil going Chicago and Yang very easily accepting to just go Romania. I guess I kinda feel robbed by how emotional it should be for Lili to leave her home and everything to follow Gil to Chicago but they just kinda left and it was like whatever lol. I don't even feel like the thing with Eugene was resolved all that nicely because he basically just left as if he never came, it really didn't have much effect on Gil's character imo lol. Like yeah, he was a piece of shit to the end, which I liked, but it never really felt like Gil got over it all, which I guess can be understandable in real life but it's just not very satisfying? Lili telling Gil all her feelings of loneliness and how she wants to go with Gil to Chicago at the beach was really sweet, I wouldn't have expected this to be the tragic ending at all. Honestly, Yuan dying at the sacrifice of Lili getting a concussion and losing her memories is a pretty good deal LOL, obviously there's other problems but still haha. I think the ending was quite bittersweet to have Gil stay with Lili in Burlone.
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Overall, Gil's route was okay. I don't think it had the same charm as the original but I did enjoy Lili being more comfortable with physical affection. I really enjoyed seeing Gil tease her and make her all embarrassed, and I also really liked seeing Luca have a better chance at life with the help of Gil and Oliver. I didn't mind Jack but I think his character was wasted by being the random background guy chasing after Eugene but never actually doing anything. As for Eugene, I was excited to see his clashes with Gil but I guess there wasn't much to expect from him because he was quite disappointing as a person and as the "problem" of this route. It just felt very boring with how he constantly tried to take advantage of the people around him with his dumb decisions, there's now closure for Gil but at the same time, since I thought his father was dead and non-existent, the writers just basically brought up a problem that no one really cared for imo. I think I would have enjoyed the route better if it was just fluffy romance as they thought about their future and whether Lili would go with Gil to America.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Hi <3 First of all, I want to say how much I love your stories and your writing, you’ve become my favourite one here on tumblr and I have basically memorised all of your masterlist because it’s just too good.
I just wanted to say something, and please don’t take it as an offence because it’s really not, it’s just a thought I wanted to share with you as an italian person who, unfortunately, has been a witness of the romanticisation of mafia in the last couple of years (of course I’m talking about Mine).
Mafia is not something to be proud of, and it’s definitely not like the one portrayed in books and films. It’s much worse. It’s blowing cars up, robbing innocent and honest, hardworking people and it’s about unliving people and CHILDREN in the worst ways you can think of.
I understand the charm of the bad boy who’s involved in some sketchy things and is some sort of criminal, I read stories like that all the time, but it’s a completely different thing from Mafia.
I sincerely hope I haven’t offended you, and please, feel free to completely ignore this, it will be just between the two of us.
I don’t want you to feel guilty, because I can understand how someone from an another culture doesn’t really get what it means, but as someone who has grown up hearing all kind of stories, I couldn’t stay silent.
Sorry for the rant, and again, please don’t take offence, I’m saying this with good intentions.
Trust me when I say I really like your stories, and I give you my compliments for writing so well. It’s something I truly admire. I can’t wait to read more extracts from Teach Me, my number 1 story here.
If you’ve read all of this, thank you for your time! I wish you all the best.
Hi!! First of all, thank you so much for reading and being here and being so kind 😭💞
Second, I appreciate you taking the time to tell me this!! I never want anyone to feel off-put or uncomfortable by something I've done or written!
I completely understand what you mean and where you're coming from. When I decided on this trope in particular, it was not to romanticize or play it up in any way.
Mostly, I needed a job that would explain his overprotectiveness, his demeanor, and why she would need bodyguards/would be isolated most of the time.
Honestly, this story was only ever meant to be smut, and was not meant to dive too deeply into his job and what he does. Chapter 2 does get a bit deeper into the topic but other than that, I believe most of the mafia talk is reduced to quick conversations about meetings Harry needs to be having.
I wouldn't mind changing his field at all, however Tumblr has rules about edits through reblogs and if I were to go back and change the original post, unfortunately, it wouldn't copy over to everyone else's version.
But I absolutely do not mind thinking of him as something else instead or simply having a nondescript job!
And going forward with the extras, I will make sure not to mention the mafia or dive into the details of his work!
I know that can't fix what has already been written and I'm not sure if you were asking that I stop writing it altogether. But I hope that at least by making sure not to mention the mafia in the future and keeping the field of his job vague, it can potentially make the experience for anyone else that might read a little better!
I so appreciate you telling me this and reaching out to share that you were uncomfortable. I know this is a very popular trope and I would never want to romanticize the mafia itself in any way. Again, this story was mostly just about a dominant Harry that likes when people watch him fuck HAHAHA 😭 And that was all I ever wanted it to be!
Thank you again for taking the time to educate me, to read some of the other stories, and for being so kind!! If there's anything I can do to improve or anything else you want to chat about, please let me know!! I will always be here 💞💞💞
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dailyaudiobible · 2 years
10/15/2021 DAB Transcript
Jerimiah 26:1-27:22, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalms 85:1-13, Proverbs 25:16
Today is the 15th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian and it is wonderful like every day, wonderful to be here with you as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward taking the next step together in the Scriptures, and of course in this month and this week and this year. And we’ve been reading from the Christian standard Bible this week, which is what we'll do today and picking up where we left off, Jeremiah, chapters 26 and 27 today.
Thank You, Father for Your word. Thank You for another week to spend in Your word. Thank You for all that You have revealed to us in the Scriptures. Thank You for all that You have transformed within us through the power of Your Holy Spirit. And we surrender to You. We humble ourselves before You in surrender, declaring You are the only hope, You are the only hope for us and the only hope for the children of the earth, humanity, Your creation. And, so, we need Your leadership and guidance in every way. Come Holy Spirit lead us into all truth we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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Check out the Community section. That is how to get connected on social media. That is where the Prayer Wall lives. Check out the Initiatives section that's stuff that's going on. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of resources in a number of categories that are here for the community as we journey through this grand voyage of moving through the Bible together in community in a year. And, so, check all that out.
And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly and sincerely. There is a link on the homepage dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey brothers and sisters I love you DAB this is rich in Arkansas calling in again. I have a monumental task to do before Saturday which all depends on my livelihood in this apartment. You know, I’ve struggled with things, and I've been listening to your prayers and I don't know, I just…you know…I…I recommend anyone to their favorite part. I used to go through these messages and every day just be done with the scripture and then forget about everyone else. I'm so sorry about that because you're also important to me. And I'm struggling with my apartment, and I don't know. I know God is going to take care of me I but all of you I love, you know, I can't say…reel off the names. Renzo, Victoria Soldier, my brother Tony. You know…I…over and over…I never have heard a good word in the past week and I'm still struggling. So, I would appreciate some prayer. Man, help me. Pray for me. Please. I'm kind of desperate. You know, and it's a good place to be when you're desperate and you definitely seek God. I mean you’re definitely…definitely the worst human being ever and…
Hello everyone, I've been traveling and now I have to catch up on the DAB. Catching up is OK because you get to hear the prayer requests and messages in the past. It's as if they get heard twice by the people who are caught up and by the slow boats like me. Anyway, a young man called on September 26th. He did not give his name, but he was, I'd say, really unhappy. He said that to be honest he doesn't think he's a Christian. I am 76 years old and when I was 20 or 21, I threw religion away. I was angry at God. I thought Jesus was a weakling. This went on for 43 years and yet as I look back, I realize that my faith was sleep and not dead. God was knocking on my heart in the darkness. I heard him faintly or I denied it, but it was all OK with Him. When I was faithless, He was faithful. In my 60s I picked up my courage and we talked. I emerged a Christian. My dear young man God is always there in the darkness. He stays with us all the time. I respect your struggles. Please remain attentive to His grace.
Hi this is anonymous from California. This is my first year through the Daily Audio Bible. I started in mid-January and caught up and now I'm up to date and it's…it’s a blessing daily. This is my first time calling. Asking for your prayer. Last week my wife informed me that she wanted to separate, and my heart is broken. Two months ago, was our four-year anniversary. We've been married for four years. And I'm lost. My mind is spinning. My emotions are all over the place and out of control. Despair is probably a pretty accurate word. So, I'm reaching out to ask all you guys humbly for your prayer that the Holy Spirit would grant me peace and that most of all my marriage would be reconciled, repaired, redeemed, restored. I want to have faith that it will, but I don't ultimately know what the outcome will be. And…yeah…so I'm just asking you family for your prayer for my marriage. Thank you very much.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Yolanda, longtime listener. I think it's been about nine or ten years. I’m calling for prayers for my son Al. He's called in a couple of times before asking for prayers maybe in the 6th and 7th grade for bullies and that they're hearts would be turned over Jesus. And I also called at a point when he was dealing with thoughts of harming himself, you know because of the bullies and everything. He has started the 9th grade and things haven't went so well for him. I believe that because of some issues that he had in middle school with a little girl that I think he had a crush on or had a little I guess relationship with. There were a lot of boys that didn't like him because of it. So, as a result he's gotten into fights with all of the friends, you know. One of the friends and middle school and then there was another fight where the friend of the first friend hit him in the face two times and he didn't hit back because he was afraid, he wouldn't get to play football because they're not allowed to get into fights. But most recently he was attacked in the bathroom by the…the oldest or the biggest friend who's 300 pounds 6 foot four and he was beat down until he was unconscious with twenty boys sitting around watching and recording it on their phones. They eventually made memes out of him being unconscious and also put it on Snapchat and all the social media platforms. So, please pray for my son. We’ve moved him to a new school. But please pray that he gets through this and then pray for me because it's been very very difficult. We've been crying for weeks. Thank you.
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