#lilly medical travel
medicaltravelbe · 10 months
Dentagram Istanbul
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Dentagram Istanbul
De kliniek Dentagram in Istanbul van tandarts Özgür Balaban heeft moderne behandelkamers en er werken verschillende specialisten.  Waaronder een kaakchirurg, een endontist, een orthodontist, een parodontoloog en een mondhygiënist. Je kunt o.a. voor een volledige gebitsrenovatie, kronen, implantaten, klikgebit E-max facings en laser bleaching in de kliniek in Istanbul terecht. Er is tijdens lange behandelingen voldoende tijd om te pauzeren.  De combinatie van persoonlijke aandacht en de tijd die voor de behandeling wordt genomen maakt dat je de zorg als uitstekend zal ervaren
Meer info? www.dentagram.be - www.dentagram.nl -> www.medicaltravel.be
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bonesart · 1 year
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My pieces for Dimension Disability, a zine I organized for this year’s @d20zinejam
Imagine the respite of being able to sigh in relief and not be charged for the breath. To weep with joy and know that your tears cost you nothing.
When Elaine Lee created the world of Starstruck she asked us to imagine a world where humanity has achieved faster than light spaceflight space travel, invented cybernetic consciousness, and found sapient alien species, but is still ruled by a crypto-fascist hyper-capitalist corporate plutocracy. It’s really not all that hard to imagine really.
For people like me, who live with disabilities in a nation that neglects to give us free healthcare, or even universal insurance, Gunnie’s opening vignette rang a little too true. We know what it’s like to hate our bodies for how costly they are, to be haunted by the debts they accrue.
I’m not paraplegic, and I’m fortunate enough to have been raised in a household that never went uninsured. But I find myself resonating with Gunnie far more than any other disabled D20 character. He is emblematic of many of the truisms of the Disability Rights Movement: Anyone can become disabled at any time, and it is one of the only minority identities that you can gain at any point in your life. One second Gunnie was able bodied, one second he was not. His life was forever changed by an accident. None of us are immune from these catastrophes.
But he also lives in a world of medical miracles. If it weren’t for the cost of his cybernetic body, if it weren’t for the systems that imposed his debts upon him, would we still consider him disabled? Personally, yes. I think a life that requires accommodation is a disabled life. But I also recognize that the medical model of disability is flawed. There are many social forces that disable Gunnie, that disable me. If the two of us didn’t live in capitalist hell worlds, we’d be able to do many things we currently are not. Not to mention the culpability of capitalism in creating dangerous situations that lead to naive navigators being ejected into space without protective gear, or medical systems that leave chronic pain undiagnosed and untreated for over a decade (eh-hem). Gunnie’s story tells us that disability rights won’t be achieved until we shrug off the repressive systems that demand that profits come before people. But it also tells us that we need to be willing and able to care for each other and accommodate many needs even after we ritually sacrifice the execs of Eli Lilly to the Night Yorb, condemn Bezos to a life of sharing a bunk bed with Bazathrax and the Jersey Devil, and nail Elon Musk to a giant metal X before demolishing it with a classic Operation Slippery Puppet.
And Gunnie’s story tells me one more thing. There is joy to be found in a disabled life. Maria Town, president of the American Association of People with Disabilities, once said, “Everyone will become disabled if they are lucky enough…Disability is not necessarily a sign of weakness or a sign of a lack of competence. It is instead a sign of survival and resilience and strength.” There are things Gunnie only does because of his experiences with disability, only because he lives in a disabled body. He counts cards, he ejects his torso from his legs in a wild gambit to get to the ship in time, he longs to free the universe of debt. I think if nothing else, my disabilities have given me determination - to fight invisible oppression, to advocate for my disabled siblings, to make it another day because fuck you migraine, fuck you OCD, you aren’t my mom- and compassion - to love everyone even, the people with minds I don’t understand, to find community with those very different from me, to help where I can.
This has been a long rambling rant (maybe my roommates’ suspicions I have AuDHD and not just the ‘tism have merit), but I hope to leave readers with the inspiration to persevere and to research and fight for disability rights. In the United States, a growing fascist movement seeks to rob us of our rights and it is suspected that the Americans with Disabilities Act is the next target. Non-Americans should also be wary of increasing encroachment of capitalism into your medical system. We all deserve an All Debts Cleared moment. Fight the good fight; the ball is not rolling up, WE ARE THE BALL!
[ID: A digital painting of Gunnie, shown from the shoulders up in profile. He is a bald, Black man with a gold and bronze cybernetic body, and a gold and bronze ring around his forehead. He is smiling, covering his mouth with one hand in disbelief, and crying out of his visible eye. A screen on his neck reads "c-0" in small green analog text. Behind him is a star-scape of indigo and magenta. Above his head, a blue panel bordered by green reads "All Debts Cleared" in green, analog, capitalized text.]
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swampythesweetsketch · 8 months
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Info about the tiny person
Her full name is Madeline "Maddie" Briar-Lilly
Cole found her in a thrift shop dumpster while looking for free clothes.
He panicked and felt too responsible for her, so he raised her instead of turning her over to the cops/social services.
Jumpstarted DILF Cole from SoG wayyyyyyy before the Pilot even happened.
Helped him calm waayyyyyy down.
Her age is around 3-4 at the start, 15-16 by Dragons Rising S1
Met Jay first, called him Booby. Did not stop until Jay paid her 20 bucks. She started again when he stole her juice box a month later.
Lloyd is her big bother (yes Cole adopted him too)
Pixal (Auntie Pixie) and her are besties
Pixal got her a savings account and 35K in Borg Industry investments
Kai and Jay owe this little child about 5K in borrowed cash (no I'm not kidding)
Does not help that Vania quickly got befriended by Maddie and becomes her 2nd rich aunt
Now Madeline and Cole are technically royals via Vania
Weapon of choice is a spatula, later a pizza paddle
No elemental power, but she does dabble in the magic tea Wu restricts from the other Ninja
He just allows her because she buys him new tea in exchange to mess with the fun stuff
In DR, she uses her tea knowledge to be a passive medic/emergency travel contact for any groups away from the Monastery
Age timeline -3 (Pre-Pilots/Pilots/S1/S2) -4 (S3) -5 (S4 and S5) -6 (S6 and S7) -7 (S8, S9, and S10) -9 (S11) -10 (S12, S13, and S14) -11 (S15)
Dragons Rising, fanon years determined 5~ years pass, making Maddie 15-16.
If you're reading this, you're gay
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doppel-doodles · 11 months
My Lmk oc's: The Gāuguí brothers
Gāuguí Ming
Spirit of the wandering doctor
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A young boy born in seventh century china from a white lilly that also met an unfortunate demise, travelling the lands with his brother he was known as a doctor with impressive medical knowledge despite his tender age, having the hornour to care for the great monk and accompany him on his pilgrimage together with his brother. His soul haunts his own grave till this day spending his time watching it decay as nobody comes to care for it.
Gāuguí Baì
The demon child
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Born in the time of the great pilgrimage the former protector of the great tang monk managed to survive through a deal with the Lady bone demon, not aging a day physically as well as mentally, his current guardian is her loyal lapdog. Born from a lotus flower he received the gift of strength at birth, rumoured to be capable to take on armies with ease and all with a chilling smile. Mortals came to fear him back in the day.
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disturbingstar · 9 hours
TV/Comic Death Comparisons
• In “Save the Last One” Otis is left to be devoured by walkers after being shot in the leg by Shane Walsh.
• In the comics, Otis is devoured by walkers in the Prison. He is put down by Rick Grimes after reanimation.
Sophia Peletier
• In “Pretty Much Dead Already”, Sophia is revealed to have been bitten by a zombie and reanimated, and is later shot in the head by Rick Grimes after reanimation.
• In the comics, Sophia is still alive.
Dale Horvath
• In “Judge, Jury, Executioner”, Dale is disemboweled by a walker on Hershel's farm and mercifully shot in the head by Daryl Dixon.
• In the comics, Dale dies much later during the group's conflict with the Hunters, after being sustaining a bite from a walker. He is shot in the head by Andrea before reanimation. His death is similar to that of Bob Stookey from the TV Series.
Shane Walsh
• In “Better Angels”, Shane is stabbed to death by Rick Grimes, and is shot in the head by Carl Grimes after he reanimates.
• In the comics, Shane's death happens much sooner, roughly a day after the attack on the Atlanta camp. Instead of being premeditated like in the show, Shane's attempt on Rick's life is a “spur of the moment” event, brought on by Shane losing his mind due to several factors. Unlike the show, Shane is shot in the neck by Carl Grimes. After discovering that people reanimate regardless of the circumstances of their deaths, Rick travels to the Atlanta campsite to put Shane down, shooting him in the head.
Lori Grimes
• In “Killer Within”, Lori dies during a C-Section giving birth to Judith Grimes. She is shot by Carl Grimes before reanimation.
• In the comics, Lori survives giving birth to Judith, and isn't killed until the Governor's second assault on the prison, when she is shot and killed by Lilly Caul. This also results in the death of Judith, who is crushed by Lori's corpse, unlike the show where Judith is still alive.
Andrea Harrison
• In “Welcome to the Tombs”, Andrea is bitten by an undead Milton Mamet, whom Philip Blake stabbed and left in a room with a tied-up Andrea. Rather than die from infection, Andrea chooses to take her own life by shooting herself in the head.
• In the comics, Andrea dies much later during the war with the Whisperers. While leading a giant heard away from Alexandria, she is bitten on the neck while saving Eugene. She eventually dies from infection and is stabbed in the head by Rick Grimes after she reanimates.
Hershel Greene
• In “Too Far Gone”, Hershel is decapitated by Philip Blake after Rick refuses to vacate the prison. In “After”, he is put down by Michonne, who stabs him in the head.
• In the comics, Hershel gives up on life after his son Billy is killed during the second prison assault. He is executed by Brian Blake, who shoots him in the head.
Philip Blake
• In “Too Far Gone”, Philip is stabbed through the back by Michonne Hawthorne, and is later shot in the head by Lilly Chambler as he lay dying.
• In the comics, Brian Blake is killed by Lilly Caul, who shoots him in the head and kicks his body into a group of zombies.
• In “Four Walls and a Roof”, Gareth is hacked to death by Rick Grimes.
• In the comics Chris, Gareth's comic counterpart, is brutally slaughtered by Rick Grimes, Andrea, Abraham Ford, and Michonne Hawthorne.
Bob Stookey
• In “Strangers”, Bob is bitten on the shoulder by a walker. To spare Sasha from watching his slowly die, he decides to walk out into the woods, where he is knocked out by one of the Terminus remnants. He wakes up, only to discover his leg has been eaten by the Termites. When Bob reveals he's been bitten, Gareth decides to return him to the church. He eventually succumbs to infection in “Four Walls and a Roof”, and is put down by Tyreese Williams before reanimation.
• In the comics, Bob is a former army medic living in Woodbury, who patched up the Governor after the latter endured brutal torture at the hands of Michonne Hawthorne. In the novel series, Bob continues to serve as the town's doctor following the second prison assault until his death of a heart attack. He is then put down by Lilly Caul before reanimation.
Tyreese Williams
• In “What Happened and What's Going On”, Tyreese is bitten on the arm by Noah's zombified brother. His arm is sliced off by Michonne to stop the infection from spreading, but Tyreese dies due to blood loss anyway. He is stabbed in the head by Michonne before reanimation.
• In the comics, Tyreese dies sooner, during the second prison assault. He is decapitated by Brian Blake after Rick refuses to vacate the prison. His zombified head is later stabbed by Michonne Hawthorne. His death is similar to that of Hershel Greene from the TV Series.
Ron Anderson
• In “No Way Out”, Ron holds Rick at gunpoint after witnessing Rick hack off Jessie's hand to save Carl. He is stabbed through the chest by Michonne, which causes him to reflexively fire his gun and shoot Carl's eye out.
• In the comics, Ron is devoured by zombies when he starts panicking and making too much noise. Carl's eye is accidentally shot out by Douglas instead. His death is similar to that of Sam Anderson.
Abraham Ford
• In “Last Day on Earth”, Abraham is picked by Negan Smith to be executed. Negan smashes Abraham's head with his baseball bat, Lucille, off-screen.
• In the comics, Abraham is shot in the back of the head and through the eye with a crossbow bolt fired by Dwight. His death is similar to that of Denise Cloyd.
Glenn Rhee
• In “The Day Will Come When You Won't Be”, Negan Smith smashes Glenn's head with Lucille after Daryl attacks him.
• In the comics, Glenn's death is similar, but happens under slightly different circumstances, as Glenn is the one who is chosen by Negan to be executed.
• In “Hearts Still Beating”, Olivia is shot in the face by Arat as retribution for Rosita trying to kill Negan.
• In the comics, Olivia dies much later during the conflict with the Whisperers, when she is decapitated by Alpha.
Carl Grimes
• In “The King, the Widow, and Rick”, Carl is bitten by a walker while taking Siddiq back to Alexandria. In “Honour,” Carl shoots himself in the head after saying goodbye to his friends and family.
• In the comics, Carl survives the entire duration of the series.
Paul “Jesus” Rovia
• In “Evolution”, Paul is stabbed through the heart by an unnamed Whisperer.
• In the comics, Paul Monroe is still alive.
• In “Walk With Us”, Alpha has her throat slit by Negan, who then decapitates her and brings her head to Carol. Her head is later recovered and put down by Beta.
• In the comics, Alpha's death is pretty much identical, although the circumstances of her death are slightly different. Negan doesn't lure Alpha away by claiming to have captured Lydia, but she instead approaches him after banishing him to sleep outside the Whisperers' camp. He also brings Alpha's head to Rick instead of Carol. In addition, Alpha's head is not known to have been put down afterwards.
Rosita Espinosa
• In “Rest in Peace”, Rosita is bitten on the shoulder and succumbs to the infection. She is then put down by Eugene before reanimation.
• In the comics, Rosita is one of the pike victims.
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scarlet-moonlight · 1 month
I'm carrying this over from a community post but here is a reworked Seol and her complete lore
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A bryni healer who traveled across Ionia to escape Noxian soldiers invading her homeland. After years of being on the run, she found herself in Sett's pit as a medic and became friends with him, however, after realizing how dangerous Ionia was becoming for her, he helped her leave Ionia to Targon thanks to his friend Soraka, who offerred her a house to live in the middle of the forest. She met Aphelios after he stumbled onto her home injured and escaping from Solari. She took him in, and even though it took a while for her to trust him, she grew fond of him and even grew a relationship with him. Anytime he comes back from a Lunari mission, she's there to take care of him. She's mostly very sweet but can get very spunky and blunt, especially when it comes to Aphelios getting hurt she's an aggressive bunny :3
Her powers revolve around healing the spirit, soul magic that takes the form of spider lillies that can grow around her or on her allies.
She's still friends with Sett and Soraka and even sees them as an older brother figure and sister figure respectively. Though she can't see Alune inside Aphelios' head, she knows when she can talk to him, and they all care about her a lot.
And also skin designs! These were all designs I had in the past just reworked (Removed Battle Bunny entirely because it’s too similar to Aurora and instead put her in Steel Valkyries aka Gun Goddess Miss Fortune and Bullet Angel Kaisa’s skinline)
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(Star Guardian was the one I colored because bias reasons lol)
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mariacallous · 2 years
The pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly was one of the most vocal opponents of a sweeping anti-abortion law that passed in its home state of Indiana, last August, saying that the measure would make it hard to attract talent and would force it to look outside the state for growth.
But in the weeks and months that followed, Lilly continued to financially support Republican candidates and politicians who support bans on abortion across the country, including many who celebrated the reversal of Roe v Wade.
It was not alone.
A Guardian analysis of other major US companies’ political donations shows that those who suggested they would help female employees skirt statewide abortion bans, by offering to pay for out-of-state medical costs for those seeking abortions in states where the option was illegal, continued to financially back candidates who have called for abortion bans. They include Meta, the company that owns Facebook, Comcast, Citigroup, AT&T, and Amazon.
The analysis suggests that while some of America’s largest employers want to be seen as supporting reproductive health for their female workers and their families, the abortion issue has not affected their financial support for Republican candidates who have promised to further erode those workers’ reproductive rights.
Lilly made financial contributions to Texas state senators anti-choice Republicans Charles Schwertner and Charles Perry, and Texas state speaker Dade Phelan, who has said he does not see any need to change Texas’s current law, which forces women who have been raped to carry their pregnancies to term.
Since Roe was overturned, Lilly has also given financial donations to US senators Rand Paul, Oklahoma’s James Lankford, and Mike Crapo, among others who supported overturning abortion rights. The company did not respond to a request for comment.
Amazon, the second-largest private employer in the US, said it would cover out-of-state abortion travel for employees on its health care plan, but not contractors who make up most of its workforce.
But even as it vowed to help some of its female workers get access to abortion care, it continued to support Republican candidates like Bruce Westerman of Arkansas, who wrote in an op-ed for the Arkansas Democrat Gazette that the fight against abortion was “really just beginning”.
“We will always stand for the rights of the unborn until abortion is not only illegal in all 50 states, but unconscionable,” he wrote.
Amazon’s political action committee also gave donations to David Valadao, a California Republican who co-sponsored a “life at conception” act, which states that it would guarantee a right to life at the “moment of fertilization”, and Tony Gonzales, who has an A+ rating from anti-choice group Susan B Anthony List. Amazon did not respond to a request for comment.
AT&T, the US telecommunications company, has said it would cover the cost of travel for medical procedures within 100 miles of an employee’s home address because it values the health of its employees to make sure they can access “a full range of health care benefits when they need them”.
But the company has also supported dozens of Republican candidates since the 24 June decision to overrule Roe, including Texas’s Jodey Arrington, who has called abortion “a moral stain on the fabric of America” and supports a federal ban on abortion. It has also donated to Greg Steube, a Florida Republican who has said that, with Roe overturned “no misguided judicial decision can block states from applying murder and assault statutes to protect the unborn from abortion”. In Georgia, it supported Republican Andrew Clyde, who has said abortion should be “abolished entirely” except if the mother’s life is at risk, and Barry Loudermilk, who has tweeted the work of the pro-life community was “just beginning” after the Dobbs decision that overturned a federal right to abortion. In Maryland, AT&T supported Republican congressman Andy Harris, who said Dobbs had not created a crisis in healthcare, and Jack Bergman of Michigan who supports a federal ban on abortion.
An AT&T spokesperson said the company’s political action committee has “never based contribution decisions on a legislator’s position on abortion”.
The spokesperson added: “Our employee PACs contribute to candidates in both parties and focus on policies and regulations that are important to investing in broadband networks and hiring, developing and retaining a skilled workforce with competitive wages and benefits. It is inaccurate to assert that contributions to elected officials equate to supporting all of their policy positions.”
In the aftermath of Dobbs, Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta said it would reimburse travel expenses “to the extent permitted by law” for those who need to access out-of-state healthcare and reproductive services. But it also supported – among others – candidates like Don Bacon of Nebraska and Bob Latta of Ohio who co-sponsored a bill to ban abortions federally. A Meta spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.
Citibank has said post-Dobbs that it would provide travel benefits to employees who need “access to adequate resources” but continued to support Republican candidates who support a national ban on abortion, like John Hoeven of North Dakota. It also donated to Jerry Moran of Kansas, who has said life begins at conception and “supports legislation protecting life at its earliest stages and in all conditions”.
Kara Findlay, head of corporate communications at Citi, declined to comment.
Comcast, the parent company of NBC Universal, has said it would support thousands of dollars of medically necessary travel expenses after Roe was overturned, but continued to make political donations to Republicans who support abortion bans, like Benjamin Cline of Virginia, who once proposed legislation that would mark the anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision as the “Day of Tears”, which would commemorate “59 million lives lost” due to abortion services being protected.
The company did not respond to a request for comment.
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rubbarband · 9 months
🎁any muse
Send me 🎁 (or "present") for a holiday gift from my muse!
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Des got the twins a boflex, so they can work out at their own leisure and even help each other on things. But that's not all, Des would get them both motorbikes to travel, frankly all four would get bikes, with a attachable trolley for the felines.
Loden would get a kindle that would have all medical and scientific discoveries on Desmond's world, including the flying giant fire breathing ants.
Desmond was planning for this anyway, But he'd hand over the Tiger family to Tourmaline, so they can start new lives, restless and bored, they wished to hunt and prowl, and now they can fight monsters and hunt together.
Desmond would also give them communicators, since at this point Kal-li would of been able to mess with the other transmitter, she can connect through that. So they can talk to Des and his crew and Kal-li as well.
The biggest gift would be however is connecting both worlds so they can help each other and visit as well. Desmond even offered for them to stay with him if they like, Lilly and the pups enjoy the company as well.
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miras-ash · 1 year
Chapter 4 of "Just as the stars love the night"
Ash's pov
I don't know how long I was already here. The first days I tried to keep track of how often I slept, how often I got something to eat. So I managed to count up to about day 23, in that time nothing really exciting happened except that it felt much longer. The pain, the hunger and the ever increasing worries made it much more worse. As much as I tried, I got scared. I was slowly losing my mind and also a little bit of hope. Again and again it crept into my head that they would not look for me at all, that they had perhaps even written me down completely but again and again I reminded me that it all belonged only to his trick, he tried to break me by leaving me here completely alone to my thoughts.
There was one thing I could count on and that was the fact that Elena would never give up on me, she had certainly already initiated everything to find me and get me out of here.
Elena. I missed her so much. I just wanted to go home again, to her.
Some time after I lost track of the days, something strange happened. I was moved from my small cell to a real room. A couple of guards had handcuffed me and led me through many long corridors and down stairs to deliver me to my new room. They pushed me inside and locked the massive wooden door.
From what I saw, I realized I was on a ship and a look out my small window confirmed my suspicions. We were in the middle of the ocean.
I decided to scout out my new quarters, maybe there was something useful, anything that would help me escape but I found nothing. Apart from a large bed, a couch and a table there was not much, at least nothing useful.
Suddenly the door opened again and a man I had never seen before came in. He was tall, had dark hair and even darker eyes, he wore everyday clothes and carried a large travel bag. He locked the door again and entered the room, he put the bag on the table and stood in front of me. He reached out his hand and introduced himself "Hello Ash, or should I say Eliza. I'm Deimos, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself to you last time and I'm sorry about that. I know things didn't go as planned but I hope I can make it up to you."
I recognized his voice immediately, it was the asshole with the mask only this time he wasn't wearing one, his bad luck. I lashed out and punched him in the face as hard as I could and was about to jump down his throat, but probably because of my injuries I failed to cause any real harm. He grabbed me by the arms and held me back. I expected him to hurt me again like last time, but he did not. Still with a firm grip, he steered me towards the couch and pushed me onto the bench so that I had no choice but to sit and look at him.
"Listen, I know you may think I'm pure evil, but I'm not. I had my reasons for attacking you, maybe one day I'll tell you about it but for now let me explain."
While he was talking, he let go of me and started to rummage in the bag. Cautiously I followed every of his moves. What was going on here, what kind of movie had I suddenly landed in? I understood that it was probably another trick and I wouldn't be surprised. If there was one thing I had learned in my career in the military and the FBI, it was that sometimes you had to play along to get answers, so I held back and listened.
Deimos had now spread almost the entire contents of the bag on the table, including medical utensils, clothes and some food. He grabbed a tube of the burn ointment I already knew and began to gently spread it on my still-burned skin and then bandage it. I felt gross. His hands on me felt so wrong but I tried to keep a straight face.
"You know, I really wanted to kill you, you and all your little Rainbow friends but I have another target by now... You."
I didn't understand what that meant but he continued, "What I'm telling you now I've never told anyone else. Many years ago when I was still working at Rainbow myself, I had a wife. Her name was Lilly and she had a great resemblance to you and not only externally. Except for the red hair and the green-grey eyes, she was just as stubborn, sharp-witted, intelligent and rebellious as you, only that unlike you she didn't stand a chance against the really vicious people out there. She was killed because of me, because they wanted to blackmail me. I had lost her until I met you. When I saw you in the burning building I saw my Lilly and I couldn't leave you there to die."
Horrified, I looked at him, was he serious? I was here in captivity, his scourge because I reminded him of his dead wife? If it was even all true and not just a stupid lie.
"I know how this sounds and I can understand if you think I'm crazy, but I just know you're the only one who could even begin to hold a candle to her. I'm begging you, give me a chance, after all I've given up killing your friends and colleagues at Rainbow."
There it was, the price I had to pay. If I stayed here with him my colleagues and friends were safe. Unfortunately he had me in the palm of his hand. I didn't want that, I didn't want to play his little surrogate wife, nor be his prisoner but what else could I do?
But I would not make it quite easy for him.
"That's it? If I open up to you and we get to know each other better and would accept the place at your side as your wife and in return you leave the others alone?"
He nodded.
"That's how it looks and hey once you get to know me properly, maybe you'll forget about your little girlfriend Mira and let me into your heart instead."
He knew about me and Elena? How the hell could he know that? We kept our relationship a secret as much as possible. Only our families and our colleagues knew about it and they also kept the whole thing under wraps.
I had no chance to get out of this for now. I had to play this part for M own safety and the safety of everyone else. Never would I forget Elena, let alone leave her for that bastard, I just had to keep up appearances in front of him.
"Alright, I'll give you a chance but I don't know if I'm ready for it right now."
These words felt so wrong.
"Of course, I didn't expect anything else. I'll leave you to yourself here for now. I've got a lot to do anyway, I'll just drop in at lunchtime and occasionally in the evening. Settle in here until then, beautiful."
He took a step towards me, looked at me with a disgusting smug smile and kissed me on the cheek, then turned and left the room.
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lunellum · 2 years
Right, gotta write this dream down before I forget
There's this quiet town in the mountains, a fair bit away from anything interesting. Even the highway stops short of it. The only thing they've got going for it is the hydro power plant and the adjacent community center slash experimental medical center. Which is not a weird combination. For some reason.
Every weekend, the majority of the town's kids flock to the community center. There are arcade machines, projector setups playing the latest shows and of course the kids who are in fulltime medical treatment. They make fast friends with the kids from town.
Em has had a best friend for years now and every time she comes over she runs straight to Cecilia, who always looks small and sickly next to the town's kids. She doesn't know what it is that Cecilia has but whatever it is, it can't be so bad she has to stay here all her life. Em promises her that when they're both 18, she'll get Cecilia out of here and they'll get married and travel the world for as long as they can. Cecilia gives her an odd look at that but Em promises she's serious.
So one day when they're both 17, she gives Cecilia a ring. Cecilia's eyes flood with tears but she pulls Em into a tight hug. Em whispers into her ear: I'll come break you out, tonight.
That night, things go wrong. Em makes her way through the woods and into the building easily enough but at night, the community center slash medical facility looks different. The hallways are lit only by green glowing strips along the bottom of the walls. The sound of the hydro plant seems louder, pressing against her. She walks and walks but she can't find any bedroom, or dorms, or anywhere a 17 year old girl might sleep.
She finds an open door at the end of one of the hallways. On the other side is a round pool, water glittering and opaque and slightly green, like the vats of acid from Lilly's comics. She steps to the edge and she feels the hands against her back.
Well then, she thinks as the surface of the water rushes up towards her. I guess this was it.
But when she submerges, she doesn't drown. Her eyes are open and she sees, floating silently and with their eyes open like corpses in aspic, the kids from the medical facility. They look like their batteries have run out. They look dead. Cecilia is among them and Em doesn't know what this means. She can't breathe. Maybe she's hallucinating.
Then Cecilia's eyes meet her. They widen and the deadened stare turns to something more alert, more familiar.
Cecilia rushes up to her and she moves like the water is solid, grabbing it and pulling herself forward. She clamps her mouth on Em's and it's not quite a kiss. She's wearing the ring Em gave her. Em draws in Cecilia's breath and she doesn't drown. It tastes like carbonated water that fizzes up into her brain. She sees things. She sees a lone car, upended on the side of the road. She sees her and Cecilia, alone and falling. She sees dirt paths with nothing at the end but men with guns. She sees the facility director, looking as tall as the hydro plant. She sees Cecilia and she understands that she's always been dead, that she's never aged. Em doesn't care.
She drags the two of them above water and whoever pushed her is gone. It's hours later. It's light outside. It's a Saturday and buoyed by the things she saw, Em has a plan.
It's no use waiting. If this place has cameras, someone will already have seen her come up for air. She stands, unhurried, and pauses only when the surface of the pool behind her ripples. Familiar faces emerge one by one. The dead eyes of the children she used to play with animate as they climb over the edge. They file out of the room, heading towards the community center. Hand in hand, Em and Cecilia join them.
Once they reach the community center lobby, someone has spotted her. There is concerned whispering among the staff. People keep glancing at her. Em catches the eyes of her town-side friends one by one and they take in her soaked clothing, the fact that she's still here. One by one, they come up to her.
We're ready, she tells Cecilia, but Cecilia shakes her head. There's one more thing she has to do. She saw it too, the car, the dirt roads, the director. She slips away from Em for an agonising ten, fifteen minutes. The community center staff circles Em like wolves but her friends surround her, chatting like everything's normal. No one wants to make the first move. No one wants to make a scene.
When Cecilia comes running into the lobby and there's something red on her face, there's a moment of collective shock before chaos breaks loose. Em and her friends move first and bolt towards the doors. They run for the cars parked in a neat line in the parking lot inside the fence. (Not that car, not that particular car. Not the black one with the muddy tires that isn't spinning out yet but will.)
Those of them who can drive start pulling open doors and looking for keys. No one locks their car here. It's a safe town. By the time someone thinks to close the gate in the fence, most of them are already through. Em and Cecilia are through. Em is driving the first car, choosing which way to go. (Not that dirt road. Not that one.) It occurs to her this she doesn't know which way is out, away from their remote valley. By trial and error, by avoiding the roads they know won't end well, by shedding friends like confusing confetti whenever a car from the facility catches up, Em and Cecilia and three friends from town and two friends who are not find the highway and turn north, to where it's colder.
There is one last thing that worries Em. She turns to Cecilia and asks: the director? Cecilia smiles. She takes Em's hand. There is red on her teeth. Her hand is cold. Don't worry, she says.
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bradleycgeiger · 2 months
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grtgryyy · 6 months
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Craziest Scientific Discoveries in 2023
The year 2023 saw a flurry of scientific advances that stretched the boundaries of human understanding across a wide range of sectors. Among the numerous academic papers and studies, certain discoveries stood out for their significant ramifications and unexpected results. Let's look at some of the most exciting scientific breakthroughs of 2023:
Advances in Alzheimer's Disease Treatment
Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative ailment, has long perplexed experts with its intricate pathology and devastating consequences on cognitive function. However, 2023 marked a watershed moment in Alzheimer's research with the approval of new medications aimed at addressing the disease's core causes.
Lech Hammerbab Approval In January 2023, the U.S. Food and medicine Administration (FDA) approved Lech Hammerbab, a medicine designed to target amyloid plaques in the brain, which are a characteristic of Alzheimer's pathogenesis. While not a cure, this approval represented a significant step forward in Alzheimer's treatment.
Dynamabab by Eli Lilly Later that year, Eli Lilly introduced Dynamabab, another drug that targets amyloid plaques. Clinical trials yielded encouraging findings, with some patients experiencing a significant reduction in cognitive decline.
Octopus Intelligence and Nightmares
Octopuses, famed for their incredible intelligence and problem-solving ability, shocked experts once more in 2023. A study found intriguing insights into the cognitive skills of these cephalopods, implying that they may have dreams.
Trauma-induced Nightmares Researchers discovered that an octopus named Costello exhibited nightmare-like behaviors after suffering trauma in the wild. These findings raise questions regarding the nature of
Animal consciousness and cognitive processes.
Plant Communication Using Ultrasonic Signals
Scientists discovered that when plants are stressed, such as from dehydration or physical harm, they generate ultrasonic clicks, which violates common wisdom. This behavior shows that plants communicate, which has consequences for agriculture and ecology.
Stress-induced Ultrasonic Clicks Tel Aviv University found that stressed plants, such as tomatoes and tobacco, release different ultrasonic signals. These signals could be used as indicators of plant health and stress levels.
GLP1 Therapies: Breakthrough of the Year.
Additional Health Benefits GLP1 treatments, which have been shown to be effective in the treatment of diabetes and obesity, were named Breakthrough of the Year by Science magazine. Clinical investigations conducted in 2023 indicated that these
Drugs provide extra health benefits beyond their core indications, bringing up new paths for research and therapy.
Exoscale supercomputers
Frontier Supercomputer Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Frontier computer, which can do one quintillion mathematical operations per second, heralded a new era of computational capability. Researchers used Frontier to solve hard scientific challenges ranging from forecasting electron behavior to improving climate predictions.
Human Footprints in the Americas
Revised Arrival Date Research in White Sands National Park found significant evidence to support earlier estimates of human arrival in the Americas, defying previous skepticism. This discovery shows that humans may have traveled to the Americas at the height of the last ice age, altering our view of ancient human history.
Natural Hydrogen: A Clean Energy Source
potential energy Solution**: Despite previous ideas that hydrogen was scarce in the Earth's crust, research revealed the presence of significant natural hydrogen resources. This discovery has prompted interest in using hydrogen as a clean and abundant energy source, with implications for meeting global energy demands.
Progress in Malaria Vaccines
Safe and Effective vaccinations Large-scale evaluations of malaria vaccinations revealed their safety and efficacy, providing promise for lowering severe cases and fatalities from the disease. While not a cure, these vaccines are a huge step forward in the fight against malaria worldwide.
Changes in Global Ocean Circulation
decreasing Circulation Research has found disturbing patterns in decreasing global overturning circulation in the oceans, which has ramifications for climate and ecological dynamics. Researchers emphasized the need for additional inquiry.
Collaborative Action in academia
Advocacy for Improved Conditions Early-career scientists fought for increased compensation and better working conditions, resulting in significant improvements at academic institutions. The rise of collective action emphasizes the significance of addressing labor issues within the scientific community.
Pulsar Timing Arrays for Black Hole Detection
Merger of Supermassive Black Holes Astronomers discovered compelling evidence of two supermassive black holes merging while monitoring pulsars, providing insights into the universe's dynamics. Pulsar timing arrays offer a promising opportunity to observe cosmic occurrences on a large scale.
Advances in Alzheimer's Disease Treatment
Lanat Approval Lanat, a medicine used to delay cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease, has been granted regulatory approval. While offering hope for patients, these treatments have potential.
dangers, and continued study is required to maximize their effectiveness.
AI Weather Forecasting Models.
AI-driven Forecasting Technology companies have successfully developed AI models for weather forecasting, which provide faster and more accurate predictions. These AI-powered models represent a paradigm shift in meteorology, with potential for increasing weather forecasting capabilities.
Conclusion Looking ahead to 2024.
As we ponder on the remarkable findings of 2023, excitement grows for what the future holds for scientific study. In 2024, there will be new planetary missions, continuous study into El Niño, and innovative approaches to addressing global concerns, making it an exciting time for scientific discovery. Stay tuned for additional scientific updates and breakthroughs!
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Mark Bear wins Society for Neuroscience Julius Axelrod Prize
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mark-bear-wins-society-for-neuroscience-julius-axelrod-prize/
Mark Bear wins Society for Neuroscience Julius Axelrod Prize
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Recognizing his research advancing understanding of how the brain changes with experience by altering the strength of connections among neurons, a phenomenon called “synaptic plasticity,” the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) recently named Mark Bear, Picower Professor at MIT, a co-recipient of the 2023 Julius Axelrod Prize.
The prize honors scientists with distinguished achievements in the broad field of neuropharmacology or a related area and exemplary efforts in mentoring young scientists. Endowed by the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, it includes a $30,000 prize and travel to this week’s SfN’s annual meeting in Washington, where Bear and co-recipient Raymond Dingledine of Emory University received the awards. Recipients are invited to give the keynote address at a National Institutes of Health symposium next spring.
In its announcement, SfN wrote: “Bear fundamentally advanced our understanding of experience‐dependent plasticity in the mammalian brain. He and his students showed that NMDA receptors trigger long‐term depression (LTD) as well as long‐term potentiation (LTP) in the cortex, that the properties of LTD and LTP are themselves ‘metaplastic’ and depend on the recent history of cortical activity, and that these bidirectional synaptic modifications and metaplasticity are essential for development of the visual cortex. His lab’s demonstration of LTD in the hippocampus was paradigm‐shifting, opening the door to numerous studies of the fundamental molecular mechanisms of synaptic modification. Their finding that LTD is impacted in several developmental disorders led to the insight that excess protein synthesis downstream of the glutamate receptor mGlu5 is a core driver of the synaptic, circuit, and behavioral dysfunction seen in Fragile X Syndrome, the most common form of inherited intellectual disability and a leading monogenic cause of autism. This work ushered in a sea change in how this and other developmental brain disorders are viewed medically and has led to numerous clinical trials in both Fragile X and autism.
“Additionally, Bear is an extraordinary mentor, with 18 of his 35 former postdoctoral researchers and 11 of his former PhD students now in tenure track positions. He is known for his positivity, optimism, and steadfast enthusiasm for science — even in the face of the challenges that research and funding present — and through his mentorship he passes these essential traits on to the next generation of scientists.”
Bear says he is delighted and honored to receive this award.
“Recognition for mentorship is particularly meaningful,” Bear says. “The greatest satisfaction of my career has been to help my undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs mature into the fantastic scientists they are today. I am proud of their many accomplishments, and very grateful for their key contributions to our studies of brain plasticity.
“It is also very meaningful to receive an award that commemorates Julius Axelrod,” Bear continues. “Dr. Axelrod received the 1970 Nobel Prize for his studies of neurotransmitters called catecholamines. His discoveries influenced my own, as my first studies as a graduate student focused on the involvement of catecholamines in the regulation of plasticity of visual cortex.”
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pinerbikes · 2 years
Blue caboodle
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medicaltravelbe · 3 years
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dreamrecorder · 4 years
Unique Strength
Genshin men with an amputee significant other who uses their vision as a prosthetic!!
Includes: Venti | Diluc | Kaeya | Albedo | Zhongli | Xiao | Baizhu | Childe
Reader can either be geo, cryo, or dendro- it' up to you- but why these three??? I just have an hc in my head that with solid geo or cryo you can control that stuff as artificial limb- and so can dendro!!! Althouuugh dendro is a bit of a special case- dendro, like you have to apply branches on your limb and those branches will grow and get their nourishment from your blood BUT ITS ALL FLUFF DONT WORRY
The moment he saw you play your string instrument- he fell in love
But when he saw your hands made of branches and littered with leaves- he fell for you even more so!!
Venti just loves how youre so dedicated to your craft- to the point of using your vision for artificial limbs!!!
When the two of you perform- he always makes sure that you get the spotlight bcos---
HelllllOoooO that's his s/o over there overcoming a disability!!!!!!!!!!
He may be lowkey but Diluc worries for you Every Second-
Even if he knows you're not fragile- he cant help but worry
Whenever youre around in the mansion he will always make sure to have the fireplace out or else your cryo prosthetic might melt
Out for a stroll? Begone!!! Pyro slimes and those pyro flowers!! (I forgot the names of those flowers lmao)
In a battle? Diluc makes sure to end the battle swiftly without the use of his flames
Out on an adventure with the Traveler? He ABSOLUTELY forbids you taking any commissions relating to pyro
Please please just beat up the cryo regisvine and not the pyro one or else diluc will have a heart attack
This man will always always! Brag about you!!!
Because who would have thought that a disabled person like you will make it to Cavalry Captain?!?!
Whenever he sees you teaching the recruits- his heart swells with pride
He can also tell how you also inspire those recruits bcos heck
The way they look at you with awe and respect
And when training is done- expect him to be at your side to check if any of your muscles are straining
And then and then he will give you a kiss to the forehead and say how amazing you are~
Being an alchemist, of course he's familiar with the human anatomy and medications
But never once he encountered a person using their own vision for a prosthetic
Medicine!!! Orthotics!!!
This man will always look out for you partly bcos he wants to research about this too
He's not subtle about it- but you appreciate it nonetheless
Albedo will always remind you to put your padding before putting on your prosthetic
He will always be by your side whenever you're about to stand up just to make sure you dont fall
Then at the end of the day- when your prosthetic's off
He will always massage your amputated limb to make sure your blood flows well <3 also expect a small kiss on the limb after the massage <3
Mortals never fail to surprise me, Zhongli mused
He was just visiting Qingce village when he met you the first time
When he was given tea, he cant help but relish how soothing it is against his taste buds
It was perfectly brewed and he asked who was behind this masterful brew
You were then brought to him and his eyes instantly laid on your arms made out of geo
When introductions were done- the two of you went into smooth conversation about tea- and of course he does not miss to compliment your brew
When evening came- you told him it was time for you tend to the glaze lillies and this piques his curiosity all the more
Geo- it was a rough and sturdy element
But the way you handled that most fragile of flowers proved him wrong
He observed and admired how you caress the flowers so gently
You were so oblivious that your Archon fell in love with you that night <3
Deep inside xiao is awed and inspired by your strength
Even if fate decided to have your limb cut off- you just flipped off destiny away and made your own prosthetic
You were just a mortal- but you denied your disability to control your life!!!
From his balcony- he can see you work fluidly through the customers of the inn-as if you're not disabled in the first place
With his keen sense of hearing, he can hear the awe and praise offered to your way about how you overcame your disability
In his heart- a small bud of pride blooms
That's my s/o
He didn't like the look in your face whenever you gaze sadly at the people walking freely in the harbor
At first he was hesitant, but if it will make you smile, he would do it
So- he did some research about prosthetics- even as far as requesting medical information from all over Teyvat
He did his research day and night he was so determined to have you smile again
The day came he told you his plans for your prosthetic
Oh how your smile returned to you melted his heart
He cannot fail this operation and failure is NOT an option
Operation SUCCESS!!!
The braches he made from his vision are now your prosthetics!!
Come rehabilitation- he will never fail you to give words of encouragement as you learned to walk each day
And Archons
Each day, your smile kept growing and growing until finally- you are walking
Similarly to the cryo husbando--
Childe will also !brag! about you!!!
The two of you know that you dont want to be pitied for your missing limb
And guess what did the recruits of the fatui do???
They snickered mocked pitied and laughed at you
Deep inside- Childe was seething
But!! He let you be with those fools
Hoo boy those recruits dont know whats coming
You offered them a battle, hand to hand combat, all against one
Next thing those newbies knew they were beaten thoroughly to a pulp by yours truly- you made sure to utilize your vision plus prosthetic against them thoroughly
Oh how Childe's also itching for a fight but your health comes first
As he observes for any muscle strain- Childe will not fail to give you words of praise bcos heck u deserve them
A/N: this prosthetic made from vision idea was bothering me for days now i had to write smth about it lmao
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