#lime tree seeds
wherekizzialives · 8 months
The Small Things Spreading Joy in September 2023
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closenotenough · 1 year
genuinely having a good time rn. gotta make sure I remember that
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jpitha · 3 months
Between the Black and Gray 18
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Fen spent her time exploring the ship - she was aboard The Dreams of Hyacinth - talking with people and learning as much as she could.
At first, she was viewed with skepticism. Who is this person who speaks with an odd accent wandering around asking operational questions, but soon after the captain let everyone know that Fen was their guest and allowed to ask questions, most everyone opened up. She wasn't allowed to view the reactors, the weapons, or navigation, but she was allowed to check out just about everywhere else.
Fen was constantly surprised at how many humans there were. In hindsight it was silly, it was a Human Empire ship, but she had grown up on a Gren station among just as many K'laxi as humans as well as all the other different sapients that came and went, so it was odd for her surroundings to be so homogenous. She mentioned it to Kel, one of her new friends. Kel was the type of person who adopted people and would show her around and answer her questions. She was a biologist and the head of gardening. Kel was showing Fen the greenhouse. "I can see why you'd think it's odd Fen, but all Imperial ships are like this. Sometimes we get K'laxi exchange personnel, and sometimes one of us will spend a tour with them, but it would be odd for there to be more than humans on a human ship... wouldn't it?"
Fen was astonished. There was a whole gardening department! There was row after row after row of vegetables and fruits all growing under strong lights. The greenhouse smelled of soil and was warm and moist and utterly fascinating. She had never spent time around plants. These days, they reminded her of Ma-ren and their 'visits.' She was following Kel around and grilling her about what she was growing. "The cilantro is ready to harvest. We'll keep some back to let it bolt for coriander - that's the seed - but the rest we'll eat."
"Cilantro? What's that?"
"It's this one, see?" Kel gestured to a low, bushy plant, deep green. Fen leaned down and brushed against it and it released oils giving a burst of a spicy smell. "It's an herb, it's popular with lime-" she gestured to some small trees along a back wall "-and protein.
"Huh. I'd like to try it sometime."
Kel glanced down at her pad. "Today is Taco Tuesday! You can try it at lunch today."
"Taco?" Fen felt the odd word as she said it slowly.
"You'll love them, I promise" Kel smiled.
After the garden tour finished, Kel took Fen to the canteen and she tried her first taco. Watching Kel with skepticism, she picked up the folded, fried tortilla and turned her head and bit into it like she was shown. The flavors were unlike anything she had ever tasted. The onion, the lime, the highly spiced protein - she didn't think to ask what it was - and yes, the cilantro danced and pranced in her mouth as she chewed. It was an experience.
"Kel, this is amazing!" Fen tore into the taco with gusto and devoured both of them. Kel ate hers slightly slower, but still they were both done quickly. Kel went back up to get a few more.
"So Fen, what was it like, growing up on a Gren station?" Kel placed another taco down on Fen's plate.
"I mean, I didn't know anything else, so it was pretty normal for me?" Fen talked around her taco, then swallowed, and continued. "My parents were gone early, and I was taken in by the Gen'mil familial line."
"Familial line? That's K'laxi isn't it?"
Fen nodded. "That's right. They brought me up. I can speak K'inmar as well as Colonic, That's where I got these earrings." Fen turned her head and her piercings flashed. "My wife was K'laxi."
"And the tattoos?" Kel was wearing a shirt that covered them, but had clearly been watching Fen before. Fen raised an eyebrow.
"They're K'laxi yes, but I got them after I left, it's a memorial."
"I see. For your wife" Fen nodded quietly. "I'm sorry, my condolences."
"It's all right." Fen looked up at the buffet. "Any chance we can get more of those Tacos?"
Before Kel could get up to get more tacos, a shadow appeared behind Fen. "Who is your friend Kel? Is this that trash that was dumped from that old bot-jumper that we pinged?" She was a women a little shorter than Fen, wider, more voluptuous, with closely cropped blond hair. She was wearing a sneer as she looked upon Fen.
"Hello Ellen, this is Fen." Kel's voice was venomous.
Ellen scoffed. "Oh, my mistake. I didn't realize that the bots named their pets too." Ellen crossed her arms. "Fen, is it? What's with the cat earrings?"
Fen didn't say anything. Her eyes flicked up to Kel who tried to apologize with her eyes.
"Cat got your tongue?" Ellen's laugh was harsh and deep. She bent down and put her face even with Fen's. "Maybe you just don't understand human speech. Maybe this will help." She started meowing and hissing, like a housecat.
Fen reacted faster than Kel thought possible. Grabbing a fisfull of short hair, she grabbed the back of Ellen's head and slammed it against the table. The noise of Ellen's head striking the table caused all the conversation and noises of cutlery in the canteen to cease. Dazed, Ellen mumbled a swear, but before she could do anything else Fen rose out of her chair, grabbed her wrist, and spun her around in one motion, lifting her arm up to her skull. Ever time Ellen squirmed, Fen lifted the arm higher, until Ellen was standing on her toes.
"I speak Colonic just fine." She hissed. "I also speak Lemilar and K'inmar. I even know a little Innari. My parents died when I was young and I was taken in by a K'laxi familial group. My wife - who is dead, by the way, shot by gangsters - was K'laxi." Ellen tried to turn her head and Fen lifted the arm even higher. The blood ran out of Ellen's face and her eyes widened. "I was raised on a Gren station, do you know the Gren? I assume not. I understand that most of the Empire never ventures beyond their own corner of the galaxy." She lifted Ellen's arm up another millimeter. She whimpered. "The thing is, The Gren are taller than us, about equally muscled, and have thick hides that can nearly turn a knife. They have those reverse articulated legs though, you know them? I'm sure you have, you've probably at least seen a photo of one. Those legs means their hips are exceedingly complex and fragile. It's rather easy to dislocate a Gren's leg from their hips. Painful too. I've used it to my advantage more than once when one of them gave me shit about how I was raised, or who my partners were."
Fen took a moment to look around. She had the whole canteen's attention. Kel was looking at her with a combination of fear and admiration. Nobody seemed to be coming to Ellen's defense. In the back in the door was Captain Cooper who stood there with her arms crossed, watching impassively. Fen turned back to Ellen.
"The thing is, Ellen, humans shoulders are unique in the galaxy. They're complex things. We can throw better than just about anyone else we've seen, but that comes at a cost. Just like the Gren, we can dislocate easily." Fen lifted Ellen's arm up higher and Ellen let loose a whimpered scream.
Ellen tried to rise even taller. "Don't." She panted. "Please."
Fen leaned in even closer to Ellen's ear. "Don't what?" Her lips were almost touching Ellen's ear.
Ellen was on the tips of her toes, trying her hardest to not hang from her arm. "Don't... dislocate my... arm."
"Lieutenant Ellen Hannaford." Captain Cooper's voice was clear in the canteen. "What are you doing?"
"C-Captain, she... she's gonna" Ellen could only pant and gasp around the pain.
"I expected more... eloquence from my officers." Captain Cooper raised an eyebrow. "Ms. Whitehorse?"
Fen lowered Ellen a millimeter, but still held firm. "Ellen had decided to insult my heritage as well as the ship and AI who brought me here. I'm... sensitive to my heritage. Who I am is important to me, and someone who I've never met does not get to come up to me and start flinging slurs."
"Indeed." Captain Cooper's face was impassive. "Is anyone here willing to corroborate Ms. Whitehorse's story?"
Kel stood to attention. "Captain, I concur with our guest's description of events."
Captain Cooper eyed Kel, and turned to the rest of the canteen. "Does anyone wish to come to Lieutenant Hannaford's defense?"
No takers. Fen had a hunch that Ellen had pulled a stunt like this before.
"Well then." Captain Cooper turned back to Fen and Ellen. "Ms. Whitehorse, please continue your demonstration. Show the canteen how easy it is to dislocate a shoulder."
Fen looked Captain Cooper in the eyes. She saw no trick, no hint of anything other than her making a statement. She held the captain's gaze as she lifted Ellen's arm sharply.
Elen's eyes went even wider. "What? No! No nonononono" The pop was sickening. A millisecond before the screaming, Fen could hear the groan of sympathetic pain of the rest of the canteen. Fen released her and Ellen crumpled to the ground, moaning.
Captain Cooper turned to the crowd. "There are multiple lessons to be learned here. One, we always treat our guests with respect. We are to learn from them and they us. The things that Ms. Whitehorse has learned from us today will serve her well further into human space. Two, always evaluate your opponent before you instigate something. Don't start something you can't finish. And Three, Ms. Whitehorse is correct! Our shoulders are easy to dislocate in comparison to other sapients in the galaxy. We will conduct two weeks of remedial xenobiology for all crew. Cohorts will be drawn up and classes conducted - with exams at the end." The crowd groaned and sat back down to finish their lunch. Ellen laid on the floor, sniffling. Captain Cooper stood over her. "Lieutenant, pull yourself together. Get yourself to medical and get that dislocation treated." She turned on her heel and walked out of the canteen.
Fen sat back in her seat and took a sip of water, trying not to shake. That hadn't gone like she expected, the captain told her to dislocate the bully's arm. Kel's eyes shone. "That was amazing Fen! I had no idea you knew how to fight so well!"
"It's not exactly something that one tends to advertise Kel. In my line of work, it pays to be underestimated."
"Your line of work? What do you do?"
Fen stopped. Just what does she do? Telling Kel that she was a trader didn't seem that exciting, and Gord did say that she was good enough to sign on with a Mercenary group.
"I'm a mercenary." She lied.
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angelnumber27 · 3 months
my mom’s bf keeps the seeds from the fruit he eats and grows them into plants :) he has a key lime tree and orange plant a grapefruit plant a lemon tree etc it’s so cool their house is full of plants and I love it
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texture32 · 2 months
Some things, insight.. full of love… it seems.. but what is true of what is happening. To some joy is a pity.. almost lost in the dust of the ashes, burned cashes and stashes for the sake of what we feel is a better future.. the past is always new.. remember that.
Love found again, is like brand new.. swaying the mind in to the beuatiful blue is nothing new.. but that magic can break hearts.. like lost joy. Real joy
That is what some search. I researched as a past time. Some would pay a dime for that, in other places and other times.
And like lemons, same with limes. I dont spit bars, i make lines. For myself.. sad as it seems, blue was always a hint of the dream.. in all senses..
Romanticism is often plagued by the word love. But like a virus.. if true, only corrupts the bad in us… So keeping the dark hidden and what not, i feel i have a step towards true thought.
Purified, process or not, direct indirect, both, indirect direction and vice versa.. my boredum may be a sign to myself that i should do something. I dont know what ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ weakness like luck? Hard to care.. when all is confusion to one. Understanding what pain is.. something ive pondered if i should have knowledge of. Something ive.. thought to sought from time.
Path of pain.. suffering understanding how not to blame…
Stay ignorant. Or not. Enlightenment has a dark or.. soft spot. But like a compass without gauss to gauge and navigate the seas, lost adrift, maybe to find a new breeze. A new scent from shrubs and foliage and trees. Blue fruit.. blue weeds..
They say the Dao flows to the lowest place.. im quite simple.. but i know that means searching low is where you find peace. Be that it, i search deep. Desires euphoria is not what i thought it was. Glad to know. Never knew magic existed. Now i must play the true fool, and be caring of the seeds i sow.. and when they grow.. not take them for granted. Thats human to understand.. but what would an inscect think of such a thing.
Humanity brings forth good things. Maybe i should stay in the know. But keep my darkness for those who need it most. Doping the brain with drugs.. id rather not, however im stuck in this rut. Humanity brings good things. Nature and its creator mapped out something… im just a screw lose. Its somewhere out there stranded. I can hold myself together. But i actually feel unhinged, windows got no outside pane, no ledge.
Of itself.. can you go below the Dao.. maybe the blueprint of life is being rebuilt to something high.
Natural true joy and bliss, no needs to be met.. thats the paradise i imagine in my head. But never a memory to forget.. only grateful we met the goals end and start. Maybe build higher things, dream new dreams. Find a higher place in harmonious strings…. Ionic bonds and spag being old things, i cherish the old teachings, taking them literally.
Intelligence… ive always loved.. but my heart is upside down. And the higher parts not so well. Confusion alone isnt so swell. So i keep to myself. Compassion turning on itself.. purify the truth within..
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thesarahshay · 10 months
Welcome to Bixby's Lounge
The Case of the Greater Gatsby is coming in just a few days — a 1940s film noir radio play parody coming to you from Shipwrecked Comedy, as a sequel to their short film The Case of the Gilded Lily. I came up with a few special cocktails for us to drink while enjoying the show, and figured some of you might like to drink along! See below the fold for mocktail versions and syrup recipes.
Fig Wineshine 1 oz brandy 1 oz. fig simple syrup Seltzer Squeeze of lemon
Add brandy and syrup to a highball or rocks glass with ice. Top with soda, add lemon, and stir. Serve with cookies.
Shirley Themple 1 oz. gin 3/4 oz. grenadine (see recipe below) Seltzer Wedge of lime
Put gin, two ice cubes, and lime wedge in a shaker and shake like you’re trying to get information out of it. Strain gin into a highball glass, add grenadine, and top with seltzer. Stir, then spend the rest of the evening attempting to smoke the spoon.
Ford Phillips 2 fingers of scotch
Pour scotch into a rocks glass. Serve with limited eye contact.
Mocktails Fig Temperanceshine 1 oz. fig simple syrup Ginger ale Squeeze of lemon Optional: Dash of orange bitters
The Original Shirley Temple 3/4 oz. grenadine Seltzer (Willie’s recipe) or ginger ale (original recipe) Optional: Squeeze of lime, maraschino cherry garnish
Note: If using ginger ale, I recommend going with a spicier variety to balance against the sweetness of the syrup (we used Fever Tree).
Did you know: Grenadine was originally made from pomegranate, hence the name! To taste a Shirley T(h)emple as Bixby would have made it, follow the recipe below to make your own.
Homemade Grenadine 1 cup pomegranate juice 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice Optional: Dash of orange blossom water
Combine juice and sugar in a small saucepan. Heat on medium high until bubbles form, but before it fully boils. Remove from heat and let cool. Add orange blossom water if using, then pour into a well-sealed glass container. Keeps in the fridge 1-2 months.
Fig Simple Syrup 9 oz. fig jam 1 cup water OR 1 cup water 1 cup sugar 2 cups chopped fresh figs or 1 cup dried figs
Heat water in a small saucepan on medium high until steaming. Add jam (or sugar) and whisk gently to mix. If using fresh or dried fruit, add now. When the mixture begins to boil, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, stirring occasionally, until it reduces by between 1/4 and 1/2 (you can taste a spoonful to check — if it’s doesn’t seem flavorful enough, keep reducing). Remove from stove and allow to cool. If using dried fruit, allow it to steep for an hour. Strain to remove seeds and store in a well-sealed glass container. Keeps in the fridge 1-2 months.
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THEME: System-Neutral Settings (Fantasy Edition)
Sometimes what you need, rather than a new ruleset, is a setting that makes your system sing. These are a series of system-neutral settings that you can pick up, borrow from, or use wholesale in a game of your choice! 
All of these settings would work very well in fantasy or fantasy-like games.
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Into the Riverlands, by Ostrichmonkey Games.
The Riverlands rests at the heart of the world. A great current of life and movement that winds and weaves its way through the mountains and valleys of the central continent. The Riverlands stretch from the south to the far north, acting as the lifeblood of continental travel and trade.
The Riverlands are a region of vibrancy and mystery. A colorful mosaic of peoples that call it home, and the strange twilight forest that surrounds it. Explore the bustling and vibrant City of Bridges, the mysterious and primeval Forest, the distant and crumbling Empire, and even further afield.
The backgrounds of The Riverlands have interesting themes, from the mercurial Trickster-Poet to the strange Forest Dweller, to the patient Marsh Apiarist. Picking up a game that is very light on rules, such as Tunnel Goons or Into the Odd, would allow you to slot in a character that fits inside the Riverlands without having to carry as much of the dungeon-delving as traditional OSR games. 
Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City, by WTF Studio.
The Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City is a tabletop role-playing game book, half setting, half adventure, and half epic trip; inspired by psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre, and classic Oregon Trail games. It leads a group of ‘heroes’ into the depths of a vast and mythic steppe filled with the detritus of time and space and fuzzy riffs.
This game is designed with a d20 game in mind but much of the setting feels very fitting for an OSR-style regardless of the dice you use. There are 200 pages of interesting locations with encounter tables and plot seeds. Some of the locations in this city include The Porcelain Citadel, The Steppe of the Lime Nomads, The Glass Bridge and The Forest of Meat. The world is weird and resists the tones of high fantasy by populating the world with insectoids, fungal colonies, strange drugs and ancient machines. If you want acid fantasy that mixes the in a bit of weird science or post-apocalypse, this is the setting for you. The designer of this setting also has a free player guide, as well as a creature generator supplement. 
Into the Wyrd and Wild, by Feral Indie Studio.
Beyond the reach of roads, past the scope of mortals there is a darkened place. A shadowed tree-line where no-one dares cross and whose boundaries go undisturbed.
This is not the woods of peaceful fey and beast, but the dark and twisted children’s tale that kept you full of terror. It is a world of fear, madness, and bloodshed; ruled over by the uncaring watch of ancient trees. There is no bargaining with the primal forces that rule the uncivilized world, as you have nothing they could ever want.
The woods do not care for you. Never forget that.
Another dark fantasy setting, Into the Wyrd and Wild includes more than a list of beasts and NPCs for the characters to encounter. It includes a way to think about money in the setting, how to emphasize exhaustion, and various other rules that demonstrate the danger and violence to be found inside the Wilds. One of my favourite sections of the book is about the Court of Broken Branches, a faction built out of abandoned children, stitched up with silver stitches and led by a magical Queen. An incredibly evocative setting and a top-tier piece of work in terms of design.
Guidebook to the Viridian Maw, by Orbis Tertius Press.
This 24-page PDF of the digest-sized zine contains fodder for a wilderness sandbox campaign in the Viridian Maw: an overgrown meteor crater, mutated and reshaped by fungal influence. To get a sense of it, check out the free download for the one-page version of the setting.
Everything is system neutral & stats agnostic, though the material is written with genre assumptions leaning toward D&D/OSR games (but usable for games like Apocalypse World or Dungeon World, too).
If you want a game that sinks your players deep into a thick, dangerous forest, this is a great option for you. There are tons of great descriptions of beasts and plants that your characters can encounter, including Driftnettle, a floating kelp-like creature that prey on the unaware and asleep, and the Sporehorn elk, a symbiotic partnership between an elk and a colony of fungi. Much of the encounters you’ll find in this zine will prompt changes to characters that make them weirder, so it might be a good idea to let your players know about that before playing in this setting.
This game works for dark fantasy, but I’ve also used it as inspiration for a Changeling: the Lost game as well!
Into the Sea Woods, by Diwata Ng Manila. 
The Sea-Woods is the way it has always been: just beyond the village, across a wall that bars the rest of the roots from coming forward. No one ever knew why that wall was built. Was it meant to keep the Woods out or keep the Village in? One thing's for sure, things changed when a tree stood up from its spot and punched a part of the wall until it collapsed. It then promptly walked deeper into the woods, clearing through a small path.
Never heard of a tree walking before? Ah, then you really must be new here, aren't you?
This is a small collection of micro-settings that are whimsical and evocative. This is more of a friendly forest than a scary one - great for setting a Studio-Ghibli kind of tone. There’s a bit of a formatting issue with the current version, but the ideas present in each setting give a great amount of inspiration for making locations that feel safe and yet unique for your play group. My favourite is the Cabin, a house that always has a warm cup of tea and a freshly made bed, despite having no visible caretaker. Rumour has it the Keeper only appears at night, and if she does, she’ll bet her heart on a game of poker. I've also used inspiration from this setting in a Changeling game before, to great success!
The Gardens of Ynn, by Dying Stylishly Games.
The Gardens of Ynn is a point-crawl adventure set in an ever-shifting extradimensional garden. Each expodition generates its route as it explores, resulting in new vistas being unlocked with every visit. It's a big garden full of whimsy and delight and surreal perils. 
The Gardens of Ynn are a constantly re-arranging set of gardens that act as a magical maze. As a point-crawl adventure, this is a great option for a point-crawl game, but it might also be an interesting piece of inspiration for a horror game of some kind. This book begins with some basic lore about the Gardens themselves, followed by a d20 table that adds how deep you are in the Gardens to determine which area you happen upon next. Each area has a description, and many areas have additional roll tables to determine what can be found, or what kinds of encounters you might find within.
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mindful-hempress · 7 months
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If the darkness initiates the thrill to feel the end to autumn's breeze, shea butter laced with purple haze trees, hypnotic daze branding carpet-burnt knees, then allow our tongues to dribble lamentations, trickle upon timid lips, swallow lime’s salty brim_
as dream invocations bargains with concoctions, distilling dripped lingo tripped wire emotion, slipping down pure chopped lines of devotion while tequila chimes awaken lucid rhymes_
bleeding out ballads from a dying moon; drunken words gurgled by a lovesick loon, lost inside the confines of a chilled mythical night, closing off worlds between warm lyrical thighs as penetrative eyes bend the will to slide in, peaking a sacrificial clockwork spin, spilling seeds sifting satin skin, but I must set to drift away before a new day begins.
Walata M.
Artwork Source - Flickr ~ Lime Green
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At a societal level, most people grasp the importance of plants to their lives and the ecosystems they inhabit. The success of humans as a species is inextricably interwoven with the success of plant life on Earth. Without the growth of ancient forests, the biosphere in which we live would not have enough oxygen-rich air for humans to have evolved. Without the cultivation of plants for food, humans could not have settled, built shelters and developed rich and diverse cultures. In practical terms, too, building with plants makes a lot of sense. They grow back and are relatively easy to cultivate, harvest and process into useful materials. Their inherent fibrous structures give our buildings integrity. Trees, processed into timber, work extremely well in both compression and tension. Hollow straws and grasses hold air within them, making them great insulators. The lignin in many different plants can act as a natural binder when heated, meaning that you can essentially squash them, heat them and they stick together into useful sheet materials. Mixed with different binders like clay and lime, they can be given resistance to fire, insects and mould. Bio-based materials are also hygroscopic – meaning that they hold and release moisture. The fact that they can absorb humidity from a room helps to regulate damp and prevent mould from growing. That they are moisture permeable means that water vapour trapped in walls, from rain ingress or generated through leaks, always has somewhere to go. Contemporary buildings, on the other hand, are essentially wrapped in plastic sheets, trapping in moisture and resulting in poor indoor air quality.
Some of the best examples of bio-based buildings are hiding in plain sight in villages, towns and cities across the globe, having withstood decades, sometimes centuries of wear and tear. Timber-framed barns, reinforced with hazel wattle and clay daub can be found dotted across the British countryside. The technique of cob building, using loadbearing clay and straw, was very commonly used in the south-west of England in the 19th century, and many of those cob buildings still stand in Devon and Cornwall today. They are finished in a lime render and look from the outside like any other stone or brick building.
That these techniques have not become more widespread is, at first glance, surprising. The local materials and skills used to build with them were relatively low cost, and when well maintained, extremely durable. The critical thing about these materials, however, is how they were intrinsically linked to land, and specific geographies or bioregions. Industrialisation brought with it a change in agricultural practices and land ownership. Bio-based materials were conventionally derived from agricultural waste; long wheat straw was for example used for thatching, until modern chemical fertilisers that help the wheat grow more quickly weakened the structure of the straw, making it too brittle. Water reed, also used in thatching and as a render substrate, was once abundant in wetlands, but these were drained over the course of the 19th century to develop more arable farmland, cutting by approximately 90 per cent the amount of land on which the reed could grow.
Industrialisation also brought about the development of contemporary insulations, designed initially to prevent energy loss from high-energy machinery and factory spaces. Materials such as concrete and steel, which enabled the quick assembly of spaces of production, ultimately sought markets in domestic construction too. These materials were produced at an unprecedented scale and advertised as technologically advanced, in need of little or no maintenance: symbols of a bright future in which being cold, damp and living with fire risk were a thing of the past. And as these materials became more and more popular, regulatory frameworks began to be designed around them, with lawmakers falling victim to aggressive lobbying and marketing campaigns. Today, testing and certification, mortgages and insurances in the UK and beyond are generally designed around contemporary building systems, and materials which have proven their efficacy over decades of service are considered risky, fringe and ultimately more costly.
The petrochemical and mineral materials we have been building with since the Industrial Revolution require an enormous amount of energy to be extracted and processed. The cement industry, for example, is responsible for about eight per cent of planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions – far more than global carbon emissions from aviation. We cannot continue to build using materials that generate enormous outflows of emissions and have to be shipped across great distances. We need to use materials that are lower in embodied carbon: bio-based materials, derived from plants which can regenerate sustainably and sequester carbon into our buildings.
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Hey, Hazel!
I have a question for you. My lime tree started growing lemons about three years back. I didn't mind too much at first, but about a year after, I started getting oranges, too. I was alright with that, but last year, it started growing kumquats, of all things. I hate kumquats! And to make it worse, just a few days ago, I found what I -thought- was a lime with really rough, knobby skin. Weirdly enough, it smelled like a lemon. But when I cut it open, there wasn't any juice at all, just bitter pith and tons of seeds. I did some research, and it turns out it was a "Papeda". Worst thing my tree's grown yet!
I've hardly got any limes left, now, and now I have to check for these awful things, too! How can I get my lime tree to behave, and start growing limes again???
Oh! Can you send a request back in with an address? I'd love to send a colleague out if you're okay with that to grab some samples. That could be a huge help for my project in creating the All Fruit Tree! Otherwise, you'll just have to pull all of the fruit off of the tree that you don't want, like cut the branch about 2 inches above the pedicle and then smear it with the fruit you want it to grow, so in your case I would grind up some limes and smear it on cut bits. It'll take a little bit of time, but it -should- go back to growing just limes. Alternatively, if you're noticing that it's only certain branches that are growing the citrus you don't want, you could just cut the full branch off and see where that takes you, making sure you smear your lime mixture across the cut mark. I'd probably bury some fresh limes near the rootstem just to be sure it understands what its supposed to grow!
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placeofwonder · 5 months
new year, let's go! not resolutions so much as lists.
walk up all 7 of my town's hills
make progress on my big cross stitch of a lighthouse
write a few stories without trying to make them good
pasta quest (8)
finish Howards End
The Hidden Life of Trees
re-read the Inkworld trilogy and then read the new sequel
start the Rivers of London series over from the beginning
at least one David Almond novel
at least one Discworld novel
asparagus and chilli linguine (from Cook As You Are)
soba noodles with lime, cardamom and avocado (from my recipe binder)
sweet potatoes with caramelised onions (from Small Victories)
dill-pickled cherry tomatoes (from Cook As You Are)
spam musubi (from this recipe maybe?)
halloumi and pomegranate salad (from Comfort & Spice)
watercress with smoked almond goat cheese scoops & grapes in red wine syrup (from Home Made Winter)
goat's cheese puffs with salsa (from Midnight Chicken)
okonomiyaki (from my recipe binder)
chickpea soup with sweet potato and feta crackers (from Home Made Winter)
bánh xèo (from this recipe maybe?)
beef burrito with harissa (from Cookery Course)
chicken rice (from The Year of Miracles)
grilled shrimp with feta and tomatoes (from Small Victories)
maple soy glazed salmon (from Flavour)
grilled chicken (from Small Victories)
miso chicken milanese with soba noodles (from Comfort)
ginger beer chicken (from Midnight Chicken)
chicken and leeks (from Small Victories)
roast chicken (from Midnight Chicken)
chicken stew with dumplings (from Heroes' Feast)
salami and fig pizza (from Cookery Course)
spicy pepperoni quiche (from How Baking Works)
caramelised onion pissaladière (from GBBO Everyday)
raspberry ginger cream pancakes (from Real Food Real Fast)
crêpes with roasted cherries (from Gatherings)
baking & drinks:
chocolate chip cookies (from Midnight Chicken)
marzipan, sour cherries and chocolate chip cookies (from The Year of Miracles)
rye and orange cookies (from Scandinavian Baking)
zimtsterne (from Heimwehküche Backen)
black sesame and matcha sandwich biscuits (from Flavour)
scones (from Comfort)
lemon & poppy seed muffins (from How Baking Works)
ginger & lemon muffins (from my recipe binder)
gingerbread muffins (from How Baking Works)
"black moss" cupcakes (from Exquisite Exandria)
coconut drizzle cake (from Studentenküche)
olive oil and orange cake (from Small Victories)
blackberry and marzipan apple pie (from Flavour)
maple apple puffs (GBBO Everyday)
franzbrötchen (from Heimwehküche Backen)
start working my way through Brilliant Bread (first up: basic white bread)
poppy seed bread rolls (from Heimwehküche Backen)
crunchy bacon soda bread (from GBBO Everyday)
focaccia (from The Year of Miracles)
basil lemonade (from my recipe binder)
spiced hot chocolate (from Gatherings and/or Flavour)
white chocolate coffee (from Home Made Winter)
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Chakras Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. Location: Base of spine in tailbone area. Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food. Location: behind the sacrum bone (here is where the kundalini resides) Color: red Musical note: C Function: vitality to the physical body (life force) Gemstones and Crystals: Smoky quartz, garnet, alexandrite, ruby, agate, bloodstone, onyx, tiger’s eye, rose quartz, hematite (magnet) Physical body affects: adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones Aspects: survival instincts, good self-image, and our ability to ground ourselves in the physical world, material success, stability, individuality, courage and patience; main aspect is innocence, this innocence gives us dignity, balance, a tremendous sense of direction and purpose in life. Blockages: paranoia, insecurity, and a feeling of being out of touch with gravity Too Open: dishonest, bullying, hyperactive, defensiveness Essential oils: (those coming from the root or trunk): juniper, frankincense, sandalwood, cedar wood, vetiver, tea tree, rosewood Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. Color: red-orange Musical note: D Function: birth, assimilation of food, sexuality Physical body affects: ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, spleen, womb, bladder. Attributes: relates to our sexual and reproductive capacity, vitality and sexuality, emotions, desires, pleasure, change, health, family, tolerance, surrender Gemstones and Crystals: Amber, citrine, topaz, aventurine, moonstone, jasper Blockages: emotional problems, sexual guilt, lust and base emotions, when this center is drained of energy (out of balance) it allows diseases like diabetes or blood cancer to occur. Too Open: Sexual addictive, manipulative and excessive behavior Essential Oils: (those that come from seeds): spices and herbs such as cumin, fennel, coriander, sage, clary sage, marjoram Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives. Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area. Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem. Color: yellow Musical note: E Physical Body Affects: pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, muscles Gemstones and Crystals: Yellow Citrine, apatite, calcite, kunzite, rose quartz, iron pyrites, topaz, malachite Attributes: give us our sense of personal power (will power); destiny, autonomy, determination, assertion, personal power, purpose and sight, self-control, humor, laughter; keeping this center in balance helps you to get rid of habits of laziness, gross attachments, and anything that enslaves us. Blockages: sense of victimization, inability to manifest, over emotional and attached love, afraid of being alone Too Open: judgmental, workaholic, lack of humor, anger, addictive behavior Essential Oils: (those coming from fruits): orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, lavender, chamomile Heart Chakra - Our ability to love. Location: Center of chest just above heart. Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace. Color: Bright Green Musical note: F Physical body affects: heart, thymus gland, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs Gemstones and Crystals: Emerald, Green Calcite, Amber, Azurite, Chrysoberyl, jade, rose and watermelon tourmalines Attributes: ability to express love for self and others, compassion and intuitiveness, unconditional love, balance, acceptance, contentment, oneness with life; when in balance all our worries, doubts, and fears are destroyed Blockages: immune system or heart problems, lack of compassion, suppression of love emotions towards others and even self, or if felt, only for a short time before it is withdrawn; fear and rage, feeling stuck and afraid to let new things manifest; feeling unworthy, self-pitying and fearing rejection Too Open: an over stimulated heart chakra can result in a ‘bleeding heart’ and possessiveness. Essential Oils: (those that come from leaves) peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, pettigrain, lavender Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate. Location: Throat. Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth. Color: sky blue Musical note: D Physical Body Affects: thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, mouth Gemstones and Crystals: Lapis, Lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire Attributes: directly tied to creativity, communication, sound, logic and reason, truth, gentleness, kindness, reliability. When balance the heart is then aligned with what is in your head Blockages: laryngitis or sore throats, creative blocks or general problems communicating with others; rigidity, prejudice, and an inability to accept other people’s views Too Open: Over-talkative, arrogant, self-righteous Essential Oils: geranium, frankincense, cypress, tea tree, and lavender Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra) Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. Color: Indigo (deep purple) Musical note: A Physical Body Affects: pituitary gland, pineal gland, left eye, nose, ears Gemstones: amethyst, purple Apatite, Azurite, Calcite, pearl, sapphire, blue and white flourite Attributes: seat of intuition, awareness, and inner wisdom, clairvoyance, imagination, ability to perceive truth in the world, analyze, think, and reason; peace of mind, forgiveness Blockages: can manifest as sinus and eye problems, wish to control others, egotistical Too open: Impatience and authoritarian Essential oils: lavender, vanilla, chamomile, neroli, ylang ylang (alcohol and tobacco will impair this chakra) Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Location: The very top of the head. Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss. Color: White Musical note: B Physical Body Affects: vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum) Gemstones: diamond, white tourmaline, white jade, snowy quartz, and Celestite Attributes: highest spiritual consciousness, personal expression, connection to the source of love, to God, divine wisdom and understanding, gives us direct and absolute perception of reality on our central nervous system. Blockages: can manifest as emotional problems, feelings of alienation and condemnation Too open: psychotic or manic depressive, frustrated. Essential Oils: rose, jasmine
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hersurvival · 2 months
White-rot on birch,
Lilac-grey dust that smells oddly
Of almonds?
Peach pits..
Cherry seeds!
The breeze carries the spores
Now that Spring is here,
We forage amidst the decaying trees
We posthole in the snow,
Still deep under the shade
Of rippling greenery,
A canopy of fresh, lime colored leaves
Hoping for just one basket
Of oyster mushrooms, hiratake,
For the recipe my grandmother gave
@nosebleedclub April 14th - Oyster Mushroom
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Flora of Thedas Master List
Master list of all the flora in Thedas, mentioned or seen.
Additional notes on certain items will be listed at the bottom, for items marked with asterisks, see the key below for a brief explanation and the Game assets and Additional Notes and Trivia section at the bottom. Sources are listed at the very end and this time linked.
For other lists here are posts for: Real Plants in Thedas
Key: * - Name comes from the asset file name ** - Name not provided but identified based on the textures used on the asset. *** - See Additional Notes and Trivia.
General Flora: Flowers and Foliage
Acacia*: Black Wood*
Andraste's Grace
Ardent Blossom
Banyan Tree*
Beech Tree
Birch: White Birch*
Cactus: Pear Cactus*
Cedar: Red Cedar
Clover: Forest Clover*
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress*, Topiary Cypress*
Daisy: Marguerite
Elephant Ear*
Fade Berry*
Felicidus Aria
Fern: Red Fern*, Sword Fern*
Harlot's Blush
Hero Tree*
Lichen: Glowing Lichen
Lily: Calla Lily**, Water Lily
Moss: Oakmoss, Redmoss, Tree-Moss
Northern Prickleweed
Oak: Serault Oak
Palm Tree: Curly Palm*, Fan Palm*
Pine: Chir Pine*, Stone Pine
Ponga Tree*
Rose: Climbing Rose
Sugar Cane
Walnut: Black Walnut
Wilds Flower
Apple: Applewood Apple, Green Apple, Golden Apple, Red Apple
Berries: Blackberry, Blueberry, Bramble Berry, Cranberry, Elderberry, Raspberry, Strawberry
Coco, Chocolate
Currants: Black Currant
Nuts: Almonds, Chestnut, Hognut, Peanuts
Orange: Sweet Orange
Palm Fruit: Date
Passion Fruit
Pear: Bradford Pear*
Beans: Bush Bean, Green Bean, Pale Bean, White Bean
Bell Peppers: Red Bell Peppers
Daikon Radish*
Onion: Red Onion, Sweet Onion, White Onion
Peppers: Antivan Pepper, Green Pepper, Hot Pepper, Hot Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper
Squash: Baby Pumpkin, Marrow Squash, Pumpkin, String Squash
Fungus of Thedas
Deep Mushrooms
Bleeding Russula
Blighted Morel
Brimstone Mushroom
Deep Mushroom
Destroying Spirit
Ghoul's Mushroom
Unnamed Mushroom Ortan Thaig
Surface Mushrooms
Beetle Spore
Field Mushroom
Sponge Root***
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom***
Unnamed Mushroom***
Antivan Cord-Seed
Cumin, Cumin Seed
Dill, Dill Seed
Pepper: Black Pepper
Peppercorn: Black Peppercorn
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Herbs of Thedas
Herbs count as anything that Dragon Age has classified as an herb (whether technically correct or not), plants that are used as herbs in real life. These do not include mushrooms, fungi, or deep mushrooms simply for ease of organization.
Amrita Vein
Andraste's Mantle
Arbor Blessing
Crystal Grace
Deathroot: Arcanist Deathroot, Lunatic's Deathroot
Elfroot/Canavaris: Bitter Elfroot, Gossamer Elfroot, Royal Elfroot
Embrium: Dark Embrium, Salubrious Embrium
Ghoul's Beard
Lotus: Black Lotus, Blood Lotus, Dawn Lotus
Mint: Anderfel's Mint, Foxmint, Peppermint
Mintroot - Not a true mint based on its description and the fact that it grows on trees.
Prophet's Laurel
Rashvine Nettle
Spindleweed: Verdant Spindleweed
Vandal Aria
Star Anise
Game Assets Notes
These are plants shown in Dragon Age but aren't named in universe, just in their model files or through identification of the textures. Since most filler plant textures are just that of real world plants.
**NOTE:** When I mention they are not the known name of any plant, this comes with the caveat of being popular common names. Common names are highly variable and inconsistent. They depend on regional knowledge and association. Some travel farther than others. Common names are also not reliable identifiers.
Acacia: Black Wood ~ Note: Black Wood is a type of acacia. Both acacia and black wood are named assets.
Artichoke ~ Note: Identification comes from asset name, the artichoke flower is used as ornamentation of a box.
Banyan Tree
Boxwood ~ A type of shrub, identification comes from asset name.
Bradford Pear ~ Their fruits are edible, however their flowers are known to emit a smell akin to rotting meat. Identification comes from asset name.
Calla Lily ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters.
Cattail ~ Note: Seen through out DAO and DAI, identification comes from asset name.
Coleus ~ Note: Not named but identified by the texture used. It is seen in Val Royeaux planters and in the Frostback Basin.
Crape Myrtle
Cypress: Italian Cypress, Topiary Cypress ~ Note: In terms of the Italian Cypress, in world it wouldl likely be called the "Antivan Cypress" given that Antiva is pulling from Italian culture, food, environments, and other inspirational elements. Cypress is a plant that is named in canon.
Daikon Radish ~ Note: Found on Dennet's farm, identification comes from asset name.
Elephant Ear ~ Note: Foliage found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from asset name.
Fade Berry
Fern: Red Fern, Sword Fern ~ Note: The red fern isn't a real plant and therefore can be considered unique to Thedas. In contrast the sword fern is a real plant. Identification comes from the asset name for both of these ferns.
Forest Clover
Foxleaf ~ Note: This is another plant that is not real, no plant has this common name as far as I could find.
Gasbloom ~ Note: Seen in the Arbor Wilds, the Frostback Basin some elven ruins, and the elven ruins of multiplayer levels. Their identification comes from the asset name. There are two versions of the texture the "fixed" version is used in JoH dlc and thus explains the difference in appearance. This is not the name of a known mushroom.
Hero Tree
Palm: Curly Palm, Fan Palm ~ Note: Both palms are seen in the Frostback Basin, both are identified by their named assets.
Pear Cactus ~ Note: Found in the Frostback Basin, identification comes from the asset name.
Pine: Chir Pine
Ponga Tree ~ Note: Also known as the 'Tree Fern'. This is the tree you see in Val Royeaux garden as coming from Par Vollen, and throughout the Arbor Wilds.
Redwood ~ Note: Identified by the name of the file asset. Found in the Winter Palace, Exalted Plains, and on multiplayer maps.
Waterweed ~ Note: In real life this is an entire genus not one particular plant. Though the six plants in this genus do share the common name of waterweed.
White Birch
Additional Notes and Trivia
Ironwood - Unclear if this is an alternative name, the actual name of the plant, or both.
Morel - This mushroom is inferred due to the existence of Blighted Morel. However it is not explicitly specified there is a non-blighted morel.
Sponge Root - Though canonical as it is mentioned and shown in World of Thedas vol. 2 on pg. 138 with a collection of deep mushroom and surface mushroom illustrations. This mushroom was cut twice from Inquisition. It was cut from the base game as a craftable, it had a much different appearance from its final design, and then it was cut again from Trespasser. It does however still make an appearance in Inquisition as the inventory icon for Crystal Grace.
Unnamed Glowing Mushroom Is mentioned in multiplayer when there are two Lukas playing.
Unnamed Mushroom These brown mushrooms are seen in the Fallow Mire and the Frostback Basin. They are shown in two different sizes ranging from shorter than a dwarf to taller than one.
There is one unlisted mushroom, its assets is named "red mushroom" and thus is identified by textures. These is not a canon name but is included for completeness. Amanita Muscaria: More commonly know as fly agaric or fly amanita, the red top with white spots is an iconic in its imagery. You will find large swaths of these mushrooms in the Frostback Basin. Their assets is named "Red Mushroom".
Winterberry is a real plant. However, from what we see in DA2, it does not the same as the plant we have in the real world, just a shared common name.
Wormroot is another real plant name. However, due to the description in The Calling, it does not seem to be the same plant. In The Calling it is used to treat the venom of a giant spider. The real world plant is used to treat parasites in the gut and does not seem to hold any shared uses in folk lore, folk medicine, or western medicine practices.
Dragon Age Origins + DLCs Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Last Court Dragon Age Inquisition + DLCs Dragon Age TTRPG Core Rulebook Dragon Age TTRPG Blood of Ferelden Dragon Age TTRPG: Creatures of Thedas: Wyvern
World of Thedas Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights Short Story: Paying the Ferryman Short Story: Riddle in the Truth Short Story: The Wake
Origins Andraste's Grace Codex: The Bercillian Forest Codex: Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, the Guide Codex: Feast Day Fish Codex: The History of Soldier's Peak: Chapter 3 Codex: Ironbark Codex: A Note from the Honnleath Village Council Codex: Sylaise: The Hearthkeeper Codex: Sylvan Codex: A Tattered Shopping List Item: Concentrator Agent Item: Deep Mushroom Item: Figurine Item: Madcap Bulb Item: Rare Antivan Brandy Item: Rashvine Nettle Item: Spirit Charm Item: Spirit Cord Item: Sugar Cake Item: Swift Salve Item: West Hill Brandy Item: Wilds Flower
DA 2 Ambrosia Bianca (Crossbow) Ironwood Clearing Codex: Deathroot Codex: Deep Mushroom Codex: Embrium Codex: Felandaris Codex: The Hedge Witch Codex: Spindleweed Item: Carved Ironwood Buttons Item: Harlot's Blush Quest: Hard to Stomach Quest: The Long Road Quest: Tranquility Weapon: The Celebrant Weapon: Ironwood Shield Weapon: Ironwood Warblade
Inquisition Codex: Amrita Vein Codex: Arbor Blessing Codex: Avvar Cuisine Codex: Black Lotus Codex: Blood Lotus Codex: Bottles of Thedas Codex: Crystal Grace Codex: Elfroot Codex: Ghoul's Beard Codex: The Girl in Red Crossing Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 7 Codex: Hard in Hightown Chapter 10 Codex: Mediations and Odes to Bees Codex: Notes on Palace Guests Codex: The Orlesian Civil War Codex: Prophet's Laurel Codex: Rashvine Codex: Rashvine Nettle Codex: Vandal Aria Codex: Vivienne's Alchemy Notes Codex: Waterlogged Diary Codex: Witherstalk Note: Betta's Traveling Journal Note: Carta Note on Security Note: Field Notes Note: The Gilded Horn's Drink List Note: Knight-Captain's Orders Note: Love Letter Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens Note: A Note from Skyhold's Kitchens, Again War Table: The Dance with the Dowager: The Allemande Item: Ardent Blossom
Last Court The Abbess' Road The Anchoress Arrival of the Divine The Feast is Ending Fires Flames of Freedom Good Neighbors Heartwood Feast The Hounds The Lord of the Wood Comes a-Calling The Purveyor of Teas Road and River A Swift Stream Thieves! Unofficial Meeting
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violettadecalda · 1 year
Elements: Air Edition
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About the air element: The air element is linked to things such as divination, concentration, visualization, and prophecy. Air teaches us how to hone our scattered energy and focus it toward what we want. It teaches us to use our intention. Air can be a big cleanser and also a big charger. Just stand outside for a few momenrs on a windy day, letting it blow around you and play through your hair, and you will feel renewed.
Air in magic: The air element is often used in combination with smoke, feathers, trees, flowers, and plants. It is common to use the air element in both spells that require letting go, and in spells that bring you new information. After all, rumors can travel on the wind. Aromatherapy, hanging objects up, playing the flute or other woodwind instruments, and tossing things to the wind are all examples of using the air element in magic.
Forms of air include: wind, still air, breath, vibrations
Some air spirits include: Sylphs, zephyrs, faeries
Color: Yellow
Direction: East
Tools: Censer, athame, sword, wand
Tarot suit: Swords
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
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Air in daily life: The most obvious form of air in our daily lives is the air that we breathe. Everyone does it, everyone needs it. Speaking requires the element of air as well, as it carries the vibrations of our voices. We use air to cool off, and every time we look up at the clouds in the sky, we are interacting with the air element.
Air in the home: Similarly to how fire is used to keep our homes warm, air is used to keep them cool. Whether you are opening a window, turning on a fan, using an air conditioner, or fanning yourself with the playbill for your little brother's school performance of Legally Blonde in the stuffy auditorium, you are using air to cool yourself down. Air can also be very healing. How many times have you stepped outside to get some fresh air and take in the breeze while you were feeling sick?
Air in the kitchen: Though it may not be obvious at first, there are some cooking methods that utilize the air element. Perhaps the most common is drying, whether you are drying meat for jerkey or herbs for tea. Then there is cooking with convection heat, which is growing more popular, or cooking with microwaves. Also popular, as seen by the amount of fizzy beverages and whipped toppings available, is carbonation and aeration. There are several foods and ingredients associated with the air element, including~
Almond, anise, bamboo, brazil nut, caraway, chicory, dandelion, endive, hazel, hops, lavender, lime, mace, maple, marjoram, mint, mulberry, parsley, pecan, sage, acorn squash, artichoke, bitter melon, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, fennel, okra, rhubarb, spaghetti squash, alfalfa, cannelini beans, lima beans, mung beans, celery seed, chamomile, rosemary, scallions, amaranth, puffed rice, rye, apple, apricot, blackberry, currants, lingonberry, pear, pineapple, tamarind, pomegranate, black tea, chocolate, coffee, white vinegar, cabbage, celery, grape leaves, mustard greens, daikon, sunchoke, parsnip, hibiscus, macadamia nuts, walnuts, stevia
Herbs associated with air: Frankincense*, myrrh*, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow, dill, clove, acacia, aspen, beech, benzoin*, bodhi, bracken, bromeliad, clover, fern, goldenrod, horehound, houseleek, mistletoe*, papyrus, pine, slippery elm, tobacco, rose petals
Stones associated with air: Fluorite, moonstone, turquoise, amethyst, rhodochrosite, topaz, pumice, alexandrite
Animals associated with air: Doves, hawks, eagles, foxes, turtles, ravens, spiders
Incense: Lavender, lemon balm, linden, frankincense, myrrh, violet, anise, chicory, mace, pine
Air on the altar ideas: yellow feathers, feathers in general, bird imagery, incense, censer, bells, flute, objects hanging above the altar
Divination with the air element: Nephomancy, austromancy, alveromancy, feather divination
Air work for spoonies:
Open up the window to watch the sky
Collect feathers or scatter them to the breeze
Keep a handheld fan nearby for when you need to create a breeze of your own
If you dont have your own windchimes, ring bells or listen to recordings of chimes on your phone
Use yellow pillowcases, blankets, sheets, curtains, or wall decorations
Hang beads or ribbons in your window
*Some herbs are unsafe or even deadly to ingest and can be dangerous to use. ALWAYS do research.
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rederiswrites · 1 year
I did plant seeds yesterday. One small triumph for life persevering. Tomatoes--one variety for snacking, one for drying, one for slicing, and one for canning--paprika peppers, artichokes because hey I had the seeds, tomatillos--never grown those before either--and ground cherries, a North American relative of the tomato and tomatillo that grows a delightful little red "berry" inside a papery husk which tastes sweet and, to my mind, a little hazelnutty. I got ground cherries once from a CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) subscription, and didn't see them for sale for many years, so we grow them. I have in fact seen some in Wegmans since, though they're some big commercial variety with less complex flavor.
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(Ground cherries. Honestly they're like nothing you've tasted and if you have space for a couple plants I love them.)
Today, I'll fill up another planting flat, and seed some of the slow-growing herbs and flowers. Trumpet vine, a rather spectacular lime and pink coloration of coneflower, anise hyssop, sweet wormwood, gomphrena, bergamot...
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(Gomphrena. Comes in many colors and blooms for months. Truly a workhorse flower.)
I've got to expand the flower beds and somehow smother all the weeds and grass in the vegetable gardens. There are two areas set aside for food garden, but both are still covered in weeds and grass despite a lot of work. One is right off the back porch--the "kitchen garden", for things that require frequent maintenance or harvest--tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, green beans, cooking greens, etc. The other, larger garden is along the edge of the near field, and intended for low-maintenance and expansive crops. Potatoes, dry beans, winter squash, field peas, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, garlic, and so on.
I never worry about growing "too much" any more. Yes, you have to account for the very real work of harvesting, which can consume an hour and more a day by itself even without incorporating things like fruit trees or berry canes, but you can always invite friends out to help themselves, and anything I and my friends and neighbors can't use can be frozen, canned, pickled, or taken to the food pantry. So now I just grow as much as I can.
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Someday soon, I hope my counter will look like this again.
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