#listen i know it looks like shit but i will redo it properly once we get the bluray
bonkscanopy · 2 years
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aestheticaltcow · 3 months
The Social Media Manager: The Series (Part 2)
Another installment of the social media manager series
Another shout out to @thebearsoc for the inspiration!
The Moodboard/OG blurb
Part 1 Introductions and Donuts
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Meetings, Meetings, Meetings
“Wait, wait, wait-” Richie started rubbing a hand against the back of his head, “You’re tellin’ me, Marcus’s party girl 20-somethin’ year old friend is getting access to our social media? That’s bull, and you know it, Natalie.”  
Natalie rolled her eyes and glanced in Marcus’s direction, “Marcus, Rusty has done this before, right?”  he nodded before explaining, “Nat, Richie, I’m tellin’ ya’, Rusty is really good at this shit. Just give her a shot.” 
Carmy entered the sitting area of The Bear and sat next to Natalie without saying anything, “I don’t think we can afford this, Marcus. I’m sure Rusty is a wonderful social media manager, but the budgets tight.” Natalie sighed, staring at her computer screen.
 “That's the thing- you guys have a hookup.” Marcus grinned, hoping that this would be enough of a selling point. “Rusty owes me one. She’d probably do the setup for free, and I can do all the posting. She helped me redo my account when I came back from Cophegan- I went from like 100 followers to like 1,000 in a month.” 
Carmy looked around the group before nodding in Marcus’s direction, “Call her.”
Carmy stood up and walked out of the dining area through the kitchen and into the office, where his phone had been plugged in to charge. He quickly opened his phone, went to the seldomly used Instagram app, typed in your handle, and smiled as your account came up. He’d been Instagram stalking you since he’d heard Marcus giving Syd your handle. She’d laughed about it being a reference to a K-pop group he’d never heard of; granted, he’d never really listened to any of those groups. So far, he’d learned that you have an eclectic taste in music, an affinity for putting googly eyes on potted plants, a love for fancy coffees with overpriced pastries, and had, in fact, known Marcus since high school. He liked your style. There was something free about it; he admired your creativity. Carmy took notes about you through the account. Your highlight reels being indicative of your personality, the ‘Rusty cooking??’ highlight reel was particularly traumatizing. He wondered how you’d gotten into your 20s without knowing how to actually chop an onion, but he could show you how to do it properly; just the idea of that made his heart flutter. Carmy was incredibly attracted to you, but when you’d posted a boomerang of you kissing a guy’s cheek and tagged the guy’s account with a heart emoji, he was worried this would be another unrequited crush. 
When you walked into The Bear the next day in a pair of trousers with your hair up and a pair of glasses perched on your nose, Carmy felt like his heart was going to explode. He beelined for the bathroom to make sure he didn’t have anything in his teeth and washed his hands in an attempt to get the smell of cigarettes off his hands before going to talk to you. 
“So that’s what I would recommend doing for TikTok. The algorithm is tricky, but once you get on its good side, it can be really great publicity.” Carmy swallowed as he listened to you explain your strategy to Natalie and Richie. Natalie seemed impressed, while Richie seemed wary. “This is all really great Rusty. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.” Natalie smiled as she shuffled a pile of documents into a yellow folder. You shrugged and responded with a playful laugh before explaining that work had been slow at the moment, so you had some extra free time to take a peak at the analytics you could see without access to the account details. 
After Richie and Natalie said their goodbyes, Richie was still seemingly cold toward hiring a social media manager and you in general. The two of them discussed it as they walked toward the kitchen. Carmy waited until they had walked through the kitchen door before approaching you. If he struck out with you he’d prefer not to do it within earshot of his sister and Richie; he’d never live it down. “Hey.” Carmy greeted awkwardly, rocking on his heels.
You smiled back, “Hey you. Long time no see.” Carmy blushed at your flirtatious tone. “How you doin’ Carmy? Spendin’ a lot of time on Instagram, huh?” 
Carmy needed some clarification on the comment. You noticed and giggled before explaining, “You liked a picture on my account from like two years ago.” Carmy tightly grinned out of embarrassment. He hesitantly nodded, “Uh yeah—Marcus recommended you do our social media stuff… I just wanted to check out what you post.” 
He hoped he saved himself, but self-doubt was taking over. He watched as you began twirling a strand of hair on your index finger. “It’s okay, Carmy. I think you’re cute, and I’m going out on Friday with a couple of friends… if you happen to show up at this bar across town called The White Rabbit, I might let you buy me a drink.” 
Carmy was speechless. He was by no means an experienced dater, and within that limited experience, he’d never had a girl come onto him like this. You noticed his awkwardness and found it endearing. “No pressure. You can also just call me sometime.”
 You pulled a Sharpie out of your bag and grabbed Carmy’s wrist to write your number across his forearm, “Bye, Carmy.” you winked before walking past him, making sure he’d get a whiff of your perfume. 
“B-bye Rus-sty.” Carmy managed to stutter out as he watched you walk out of the front entrance. He pushed the heel of his hand against his jaw. You were different, and it scared him, but also found it enchanting.
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bungou-stray-dingus · 4 years
ooh i have another one, could you do one for dazai and chuuya where their s/o has a young face, like they're 20 but look like they're 16, what would they think of it. and when people give them weird looks because they think s/o is not legal yet. how would they handle the situation? thank you luvv p.s write this only if ur comfortable 💕💕
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Whenever he remembered the first time he actually talked to you, he can’t help but laugh. You had started working at the Agency, and he could feel you staring at him the entire time, obviously his good looks had charmed you, who wouldn’t be absolutely stunned by his beautiful face.
“H-Hello, my name is-“ You had started, holding out your hand to shake his. Your nervousness was absolutely precious, he wanted to just pinch your cheeks.
“Sorry, but you’re too young for me. Maybe you should try talking to Kenji... or Kyōka.” He tried to brush you off, swiveling around in his chair to turn back to his desk.
“Excuse me?” You said, spinning his chair around to face you again. You placed your hands on the armrests of his chair, leaning closer to get in his face. “First, I was coming over to say hi to you. Second, I’m twenty one, so don’t pull that shit with me.” You stood back up, turning to walk away. Then you stopped, turning to look at him over your shoulder. “Oh, and third, you’re an asshole.” You shot him a smile before walking over to where Ranpo, Yosano, and Tanizaki were huddling around Ranpo’s desk. It was in that moment when he knew he wanted you, and he would have you at any cost, he would make you his.
“Dazai, it’s time to wake up.” You said, standing over him as he laid in bed, wrapped up in the blankets. He opened one eye to look at you and immediately started laughing.
“Did you miss the bus again?” He teased and you groaned, throwing your hands up in the air. He pulled you down on top of him, covering your face with sloppy morning kisses as you weakly fought back. “Aww, don’t hate me. I can’t help but tease you.” His wide grin softened into your favorite smile. “I’m sorry.” He said, pulling your face to his so he could kiss you.
He followed you out into the kitchen and you handed him a cup of coffee as he sat down at the table. “So... did you... do your homework?” He said, sending himself into another fit of laughter.
“Will you shut up. I don’t even look that young!” You said, rolling your eyes as he doubled over. “I don’t!” You said louder, trying to talk over the sound of his laugh.
“I mean... you do. But it’s cute, and I love it. I know you’re a big girl now.” He said, and even when he was trying to be serious he made it seem like a joke. You sighed in defeat as you slipped on your coat and headed for the door.
“Are you coming into work today, or do you want me to tell Kunikida that you’re sick again?” You asked and he scratched his head, thinking for a bit about what he should do. As he looked you over, he came to the conclusion that he couldn’t just let you leave the house looking as gorgeous as you do in your cute little skirt and button up shirt that you left unbuttoned at the top.... nope, he’s going to work today.
“I’m coming, wait for me though.” He said, finishing the rest of his coffee and hopping out of his chair to run into the bedroom to get dressed.
“Dazai, hurry up, we’re gonna miss the bus!” You called back to him. You only had ten minutes before the bus would get there, then you’d have to wait another thirty minutes for the next one to come through.
“HA!” You heard him bust out laughing again. You had dug yourself into that one, so you couldn’t even complain.
It was one thing for him to tease you about your younger features, you knew that he was just joking. He adored you, he thought you were absolutely precious, especially when you would get that adorable little scowl whenever he teased you. He would pinch your cheeks and rub his nose against yours as he “awwww’d” at how cute you were.
It was completely different when he and you were out on dates, or just casually strolling down the street, hand in hand, or his arm protectively wrapped around your waist. Stares from passerby when they saw how young you looked, they would grimace and mumble under their breath about how wrong it was for the two of you to be together. Dazai would usually just shake his head, planting a kiss to your forehead as he pulled you closer to him. They didn’t know your age, and they could judge the two of you all they wanted, he knew how old you were, and as long as the two of you loved each other thats all that mattered to him. They could say whatever they wanted, they could think all they wanted to, it wasn’t going to make or break your relationship.
Only when someone would come up to you, asking if you were okay would Dazai finally get irritated. It was especially aggravating when they would call you little girl, or ask if you needed help. He saw how uncomfortable it made you, and he worried that maybe you’d end the relationship just so that you didn’t have to put up with those people anymore.
“The only person who needs help is you.” Dazai would say, and the concerned citizen would turn to look at him. They would begin scolding him as you fumbled to pull your ID out of your wallet to show the person that you were older than you looked.
“Oh... oh. I’m so sorry... she just....” The person would stutter, tripping over their words as they apologized profusely for intruding.
“Sure, sure. Now, may we get back to our date?” He’d say, forcing a smile as the person nods and walks away quickly. He’d put on an act that the persons words didn’t irk him, but you could see that they did. He’d be in a kind of daze for a while, staring off into the distance as you talked, knowing that he wasn’t listening, but it filled the empty air around you.
Once you’d get back home he would unwind, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you down onto the couch with him. Their words were meaningless to him when he had you close, nestling his face into the crook of your neck, whispering sweet nothings, his lips brushing against your skin.
After he got his fill of sweetness though, he’d sit straight up, pulling his arm out from underneath your head. “Oh shit... do you have homework to do?”
“Oh fuck off!”
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Chuuya was conflicted when he first saw you. You were absolutely flawless, but you were too young, he knew it. You would always flash him the sweetest smile, wiggling your fingers to wave at him as you walked past in the hallways. He’d drop his head and walk faster to hide his blushing face, completely ignoring you.
He couldn’t handle it much longer though, he had to talk to someone.
“Kouyou, I don’t know what to do... Y/N, I can’t like her. I can’t.” He groaned, it hurt him to say the words out loud.
“Oh... why not?” Kouyou asked, confused by Chuuya’s strange confession.
“She’s too young. But she’s gorgeous. I can’t even look at her, it makes me feel awful.” When Kouyou started laughing he was hurt, why would she laugh about this? He’s pouring his feelings out to her, which is a rarity for him. He trusted her to listen to him, and all she could do was laugh? “Never mind, forget about it.”
“Well, you shouldn’t feel too bad about it, considering she’s your age. Don’t worry, we all thought the same thing when she came in. She just looks young.” She smiled to him before leaving him with his newfound hope.
The next time you smiled and waved to him, he returned the gesture. You looked shocked at first, which made him feel slightly guilty. He started up conversations with you, then started asking you to go out for lunch with him. It took a while for him to finally build the courage to actually ask you out, but when he did, he felt like the luckiest man in the world when you said yes.
“Babe, you don’t need so much makeup, you’re perfect without it.” He commented, standing in the doorway of the bedroom as you applied a thick line of eyeliner. Sure, you looked stunning with makeup, but he thought you looked just the same without it.
“Thank you, but I need it. At least if I do it right I won’t look so young.” You said, eyeing him through the mirror.
“I don’t think that’s a problem. Most woman try to make themselves look younger, you were blessed with it naturally.” You watched as he made his way across the room, standing behind you as you both looked at yourself in the mirror. “But if the makeup makes you feel better, I won’t tell you to stop.” He kissed your cheek before walking out of the room.
He didn’t mind that you looked younger than you were considering the fact that he was shorter than most men his age. He never teased you for it, he knew it bothered you although he couldn’t quite understand why you acted as if it were a curse. He waited patiently for you to leave the bedroom, and couldn’t hide his smile when you came out bare faced. “Ahh, there she is. No makeup today?” He asked, and you shook your head.
“Apparently my baby face is a blessing, and I guess I should just accept it. Plus I messed up my eyeliner and I didn’t have the patience to fix it or redo it so...” You chuckled under your breath.
“Well I love your baby face, as you call it. Although, I think of it more as an angel face.” He said, pushing himself off the couch to walk over to where you were standing. He held your face in his hands, shaking his head as he stared at you way too long.
“W-what?” You asked nervously.
“You’re just.... so beautiful. I’m glad you weren’t underage.” He said and then quickly corrected himself. “Wait... like... you know... because I was worried that you weren’t an adult yet because-“
“Just... I’ll take it. Don’t explain it.” You said, kissing him lightly on the lips to keep him quiet. “Should we go now?” You asked and he nodded, wanting nothing more than to forget about the stupidity of his own words.
Sure, he was happy that you were older than eighteen, he just wasn’t very good at phrasing things properly, especially when he was looking at you, he turned into a blabber mouth, his mouth working faster than his brain.
Not many people question your relationship, mainly because the one time someone did he absolutely lost it. He had taken you out for lunch when the two of you had a break from work, a concerned man came over asking if you were alright.
“Why would she not be alright?” Chuuya snapped, and you shot him a look telling him to be quiet for a second. He groaned and folded his arms across his chest as you began talking.
“I’m absolutely fine, sir. Why do you ask?” You were polite, a drastic change from Chuuya’s brash reaction.
“Well, I just don’t want a pretty young girl like you.... to be put in any dangerous situations.... you know.” The man said, his eyes moving quickly between you and Chuuya. “I know that girls sometimes-“
“Hold the hell up. What are you talking about?” Chuuya cut the man off, and for once he looked genuinely confused. Even you weren’t quite sure what the man was talking about.
“What school do you go to? Do your parents know that you’re here?” The man ignored Chuuya’s question, still staring at you and you couldn’t help but laugh at his question.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Chuuya groaned.
“Sir, you must be confused. I’m older than you think I am.” You said and the man shook his head.
“Is he making you lie?” The man was more serious now and you looked to Chuuya from the corner of your eye. “You can come with me, I can help you.” He reached his hand out and Chuuya quickly smacked the mans hand away.
“Look buddy, she’s fine. I think the one that needs help is you. I’m gonna give you five seconds to back away from her before you regret even coming over here.” Chuuya said, standing up to face the man.
“Is this how you intimidate the young girls? Guys like you make me sick.” The man said, finally turning to look down at Chuuya. He had an obvious height advantage, but you knew Chuuya’s power could kill the man. You saw his hands twitch, his body was trembling with anger.
“Y/N, back up.” Chuuya growled, and you sighed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to stop him now. You grabbed your bag and got up from your chair, moving to the other side of the small cafe.
You were too far away to hear anymore of their talking, but it didn’t take long for Chuuya to send the man flying across the room.
He met you next to the door, wrapping his arm around your waist as you left the cafe. You were quiet for a bit, and he didn’t say much either until you got back to the tall building.
“You couldn’t have just walked away?” You asked, and he shook his head, shutting his office door after the two of you walked in.
“No, I’m not gonna let some mother fucker like that think he can just keep assuming shit like that. No. He deserved that.” He was pacing the floor of his office and you sat down in the couch that faced his desk. “Just because you look young? That’s stupid. You said you weren’t... Ugh.”
“Calm down. It’s over now anyway. We’re gonna have to find somewhere else for lunch though.” He looked over to you on the couch as you twirled a strand of your hair around your finger. “What?”
“You’re just upset that we can’t go there for lunch breaks?” He asked and you shrugged.
“It was pretty good. It was close too.” You said, shrugging again.
“Wow, you are as childish as you look.” He said as he made his way around to his desk, sitting down to start his paperwork.
“But... you’re not a child, hence why that guy went flying.” He didn’t even look up from his paperwork to see your reaction.
“Can I go back to work now?” You asked, already standing by the door, your hand on the doorknob.
“Of course. Do I get a kiss first though?” He finally looked up to see you next to the door.
“No. You get to find a new cafe for us to go to.” You winked and opened the door, blowing him a kiss which he over dramatically pretended to catch.
“I’ll see you after I’m done all this.” He waved his hands over the paperwork on his desk and you nodded before shutting the door.
No one even dared to come near you or Chuuya while you were out for lunch anymore, even at the new cafe that he found (since he was banned from ever going to the previous cafe where he destroyed many chairs and a table with another mans body). You were his ADULT girlfriend, who just so happened to have the most precious face that looked young. If someone wanted to question your relationship he wouldn’t have a problem launching someone else across a room though, he loved you, and he knew you were self conscious about how young you looked. He wasn’t just going to sit around and let people keep bringing it up because they’re trying to “help you”. He already has a list of cafe’s in the area though, just in case he gets banned again.
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The Final Day’‘
This is absolutely going to be long and rambley af so I’mma just put a cut here. This is just one massive post for the entire rest of the game.
Rindo is back in the RG somehow. Which makes less than no sense. What was that crazy beam. Shibuya is GONE there isn’t an RG to send him back to, even if someone did want to send him back?
That beam reminded me of the Jesus beams not gonna lie.
But… Fret. Presumably Nagi and Beat too. They’re. Gone. Poor Rindo… That’s the worst kind of gaslighting. Reality itself is gaslighting this poor kid. ‘Your best friend in the world is gone, so gone that no one remembers him. You don’t even get to mourn properly because there is no one TO mourn.’  I am also not okay.
I assume this random talking to us at Hachiko is the dude I saw a brief glimpse of in a screenshot from the final trailer. Hazuki Mikagi, okay. Everything about this is supremely weird. 
Leading this weirdo around and he asked how we feel about emotions? Um, what?
Was he responsible for that beam of light?
This whole thing is extremely unsettling, I don’t think I like it. The music is all… serene, this guy keeps asking existential questions, who even comes up to some kid clearly having a bad day and demands a tour of the city.
He knows Rindo’s name even though we never told him. Not sure if that was a slip or an intentional nudge that Something is going on but there we go.
‘I should take this chance to apologize for Kubo. He’s a real piece of work.’ WHAT. YOU SEND HIM TO SHINJUKU?!?! IS THIS KID GOD!? WHAT!??!
‘Exorcised’. Like a demon. Which is a psychic rank you can get in the first game, and probably this game, ergo, a thing that exists in this universe.
Okay. So this Hazuki guy is Something Else. I dunno if he’s an Angel or higher or WHAT. He’s something. And he “exorcised” what Fuckwad had Fallen to when he decided not to stop at Shinjuku and continue on to Shibuya. But he only did this after Rindo faught so hard to stop it. And then he gave Rindo what he thought Rindo wanted. And now he’s here trying to understand why Rindo is miserable. Which to us, as humans, is obvious: the people he loved, the connections and family he had made through the game are all gone and worse, no one remembers they ever existed.
And now he’s being offered the chance to try again. This feels like a double edged sword. And I don’t care.
Okay I actually kind of appreciate the thing Hazuki is pulling here. He knows what it is that Rindo wants, I’m pretty sure he’s listening to his thoughts, actually, and in order to make Rindo own up to it he’s arguing the ‘no’ position. Giving Rindo someone to argue against so he can convince himself.
Bruh some of these clips were in the announcement trailer.
(I can’t wait to read the secret reports. That’s gonna be a wild ride.)
Oooooh that’s what ‘exorcised’ means. That is hardcore. He definitely deserved it but that is uh. Slightly inconvenient.
Can we actually contact Rhyme this time PLEASE. Oooh Rindo worked out Kaie is waiting for Rhyme. :O I’M FINALLY GONNA GET MY MASSIVE COUNTER OFFENSIVE FUCK YES. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I’M PUMPED LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!
Who’s gonna protect them. Beat. Really. Just give them the damn pins at this point. They both know their ways around a fight and Kaie might need the backup. If we lose, we’re all toast regardless, and if we win everyone gets put back where they belong.
AAAAAAAAAAAH SHE’S HERE!!! RHYME!!!! Aw… She can’t see Neku and Shoka cuz they’re actually dead. That’s really depressing. Makes sense but like. Oof. Especially for Neku.
I love that Rhyme still has a saying for everything.
This timeline is going to be a mess by the time I get everything positioned correctly lmao
Beat’s ‘How do you know about my sister?! Right, future.’ is never going to NOT be funny. It’s very refreshing to have a time travel plot where people just listen when he tells them shit needs to happen.
Is it acutaly Shiki time ohh my god. I might cry. Please tell me she has a face now. If her face is still illegal I will actually scream.
I’m offended. We didn’t get to go see Shiki. The betrayal. OH but now we might be? Stop playing with me, game. GIVE. ME. SHIKI.
Rindo was freaking out that we weren’t gonna be able to get rid of all the Noise around the café and I definitely threw my hands up and yelled when I saw the word ‘zeptogram’. And I read it before he said it, cuz I read v. fast. Nice to see you again, idiot. Please don’t go berserk again.
I am. Very impressed that Minamimoto managed to work out where the Dissonance Noise are coming from, down to the exact energy source that creates them. He nailed it. Well done sir.
I think… he’s proposing we awaken the city and use the energy generated by the thoughts and emotions of the living people to neutralize some of the Dissonance Noise that are waiting in the pin. Erode some of its power.
“How about this: I’ll talk, you type.” Lmao.
I got denied Shiki again. Part of me is annoyed. The other part of me is like ‘are they saving her entrance for when she can see Neku again properly because I can live with that’.
OH the Hishima cutscene is voiced now OKAY. Guess that means this is the one. Rhyme is voiced too. This is gonna be it.
And she speaks Minamioto. Coo.
Huh. Neku’s power is to sync with people. Which he learned to do in the first game. From Mr H, with the harmonizer pin. (Twister is playing and I have Emotions help) And now he’s gonna do it on an absolutely MASSIVE scale. This is insane. I am 1,000% here for it. Sync, Dive, Remind. And if I had to guess, we’re doing this atop 104.
Alright Shiba. ‘Mere. Tsugumi’s eyes aren’t all freaky anymore yay. Oh snap. He’s gonna unleash the Plague Noise against the Dissonance ones. Nice. Turnabout is fair play. I’m kinda sad Fuckwad isn’t here to witness that.
Alright. Change. Our. Fate.
“07734.” “Ew. Hey! Don’t just spout off numbers and walk away, you jerk!” That was amazing.
FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. NO. NO WAY. I DIDN’T THINK THERE WAS ANY WAY. OH. MY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. This is the first time Neku’s seen him since Joshua failed to stop Coco from killing him. I’m. A puddle. Help. Neku looked so happy. My cat is slightly concerned haha.
Neku still holds his hands like he’s got the headphones. The same pose as in the first game when you scan. This gives me all the feels.
“They’re just mindless thoughts” Okay so I’m mentally exhausted at this point and I processed that as ‘thots’ and it was hilarious. BEGONE THOTS.
Okay this thing right here? This is a final boss. And it is cool as fuck. Too bad it’s trying to END ME. So cool. SO. COOL. Here comes phase 2 lol. I died and had to redo it. FML.
That. Was awesome. A worthy successor to the epic final strike of the first game. 999% eh?
I continue to not like Shinjuku rules. Once you’re a Reaper, leaving means you get erased once the game ends? Disrespectfully, fuck that. Oh don’t you dare, Shoka. Don’t. You. Dare.
Oh, Joshua is here. PLEASE. Lmao Shoka’s reaction. I’m sure he appreciates that, the drama queen.
*facepalms* Joshua strikes again. I’ve missed you, you little shit. You are terrible, but I missed you. Rindo, I’m pretty sure she’s fine. I think captain helpful over here reincarnated her for you. Since you saved him and his city. I guess I’ll see though.
Uzuki and Kariya continue to be adorable. I love them. And yeah, good luck calling in that debt from Minamimoto, Coco. Gooooood luck.
I’m having a lot of Joshua centered emotions right now there is too much Joshua all at once help. “I should have known I could trust you.” You are killing me dude. You really, really should have. I’m going to turn that line over in my head for way too long, I just know it, but let’s try to get through this before my brain turns off completely. “Let’s not keep her waiting.” OKAY THANKS I’M GONNA CRY AGAIN.
What Hazuki was saying about ‘purifying’ as opposed to ‘destroying’ Shinjuku makes me think that restarting it in some form was always part of the plan, so hopefully they’ll have luck with that. It’s still profoundly fucked up that any of that happened, and even more so that it was sanctioned. I’m. Going to be hung up on that for a while once it sinks in.
This poor idiot hitting on Rhyme is about to get got oh no XD
Shiki is breaking my heart. Aaaaaaaah!!! Reunioooooon.
Ooof it’s been a month since Rindo saw Shoka. Big oof. Joshuaaaaaa.
And then they almost got hit by a car lmao. OMG HE MISSED HER FRIEND REQUESTS AHAHAHAHAH YOU GOOBER. Neku really should have warned them that Joshua is Like That lol. Even when he’s being helpful it’s in the must backhanded way possible.
I would very much like to know why on earth Shinjuku needed to be obliterated though. Like. Does that… Happen often? Maybe the secret reports say.
Speaking of, time to get those, along with the rest of the trophies.
!!!! The title screen updated, NICE. Can’t let anyone who hasn’t beaten it see that but NICE.
There’s another Another Day. Oh boy. I am not ready for that madness yet.
Random thought as I was moving this from word, where I typed it: I’m really, really fucking glad they didn’t decide to deal with Mr H the way they dealt with sleezy mcfuckwad. That would have been… I don’t have a word.
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Reoccurring Nightmare- Prompt Fill
cw for exhaustion, anxiety, crying
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Send me more prompts!  (Bingo by @celosiaa​) The ones with stars are the ones I already have prompts for, the crossed out ones are the ones I have posted! Send me a character, a prompt, and tell me if you want an art or a fic!!!!!! I am captaincravatthecapricious on tumblr!
There is a knocking in his ears.  At his door.  On his person.  On the inside of his skull.  The knocking in his chest.  His heart trying to get out of him.  Anxiety?  Mirroring the knocking on his door for two weeks.  Knocking that should have been Tim or Sasha or Jon.  
Every night the same.  Every night on a passible cot.  In this cramped little room.  Variations on the same theme.  The knocking in his head… in his memory shaking him for the same dream.  Leaving him bleary and only the slightest bit alive during the day.  Turning the past… month?  Into nothing but a sleep deprived blur.  Days having no meaning when nights don’t bring rest.  When there is no daylight, and few meals.  He isn’t hungry because all he can think about is that damp, decaying smell.  Of earth and compost and rot.  Gone past the restless hunger of exhaustion, and straight into the churning nausea of trying to stay conscious.  
His handwriting is worse than it ever has been.  Nodding off at his desk.  The notes he is taking turning into cryptic squiggles as the words blur before his eyes.  
He’s been trying to listen to Jon tell him something for the past 15 minutes, but he has no idea what.  His eyes keep sliding shut and his neck is getting sore from jerking as he tries not to fall asleep.  
“Martin?”  That would be Jon, right?  Yes.  Jon is right in front of him.  It would make sense if it were Jon.  Right?  Right?  Right?  Is he even at his desk?  Is he still backed against the wall at, in his flat?  Spare cloth shoved under every crack?  Duct tape and packing tape and linens and clothes?  Keeping them out?  But the knocking continuing?  Or is that his heartbeat?  
Jon is getting a little alarmed by Martin.  Martin had looked… rough when he burst into his office, weeks ago now.  But he isn’t looking better.  Jon watches Martin repeatedly fall asleep as Jon tries to express his growing… concern about Martin’s current state.  
Jon wrings his hands nervously for a few seconds before stopping himself.  He clenches his hands into fists by his sides to stop his fidgeting.  “Martin…. Are… are you all right?”  Stupid.  Stupid.  Stupid.  Of course he isn’t.  The man is falling asleep at his desk.  He isn’t alright.  
This jerks Martin awake again.  
“Fine  I’m fine!”  Martin’s voice has jumped an octave and breaks halfway through.  
Jon clears his throat.  He really hasn’t planned out what to do next.  What did he even think he could accomplish here?  He could get Martin to the cot, but as far as Jon knows, Martin has spent a lot of time there.  Jon has been keeping later and later hours since Martin got back, and has tried to keep an eye on Martin.  
He needs to do something.  
How did he not get suspicious?  
He should have checked in on Martin.  14 nights.  14 nights he spent sleeping or... trying to sleep... or to be fair about 10 nights sleeping, and 4 nights failing to and working instead... in any case he wasn't there!  He has to do something this time.  He failed last time.  He should have been a better boss.  He should have been less of a right ass.  
"Martin, I have to request that we continue this conversation once you have gotten some rest.  Please."
Well that probably wasn't helpful.  Especially because Martin looks slightly panicked now.  
"It's fine, Jon really.  I'm fine.  I'll just... I'll just get back to this..."  Martin glances down as if checking what he is actually supposed to be working on.  "Followup.  I'll have it for you in an hour, yeah?  I'll bring you tea?"  
Jon pulls a face.  This is not what he was getting at.  "Martin I want you to get some rest so you don't collapse, you can worry about that later so I don't have to redo everything because you aren't awake enough to do it properly."  Well... he got a sentence out, but it wasn't as... kind as he had hoped it would come out.  
Martin's face falls.  "right ...yeah.  Sorry."  Martin makes no move to get up.  
Jon is half afraid that he will just give up and sleep at his desk, which Jon can reliably report is not good for the spine.  And Jon does not have the means to lift Martin, nor does he want to break the touch barrier.  He doesn't know Martin well enough for that.  It had taken him months to get there with Tim.  Maybe Tim could carry Martin... but that is all the farther he get with that thought before Martin bursts into tears.  Which Jon honestly finds even more alarming.  
Jon prefers to do his crying far far away from prying eyes.  The idea of being comforted sounds both very nice and very uncomfortable and if anyone were to catch him crying at work, he would very much prefer they simply pretended nothing was going on. 
Right.  Martin.  
Jon nudges Martin's box of tissues a little closer and just... stands there, staring off just above Martin's head.  What else is he supposed to do?  He could bring him water, but that acknowledges that Martin is crying, which Martin might not appreciate?  Then again, Jon doesn't know what Martin likes.  Would it betray his trust to go and fetch Tim?  Or Sasha?  Or hell even Rosie would be better equipped to handle this.  Jon doesn't know shit about comforting people.  He is half convinced that that is part of the reason Georgie broke up with him.  
He turns on his heal and retrieves water and some biscuits for Martin.  It isn't tea, but Jon has no clue how Martin takes his tea and doesn't want to leave for too long.  Maybe he can shield Martin from the others if they actually come back from lunch on time.  Which ....Jon doubts.  
Martin is doing his best to dry his eyes with minimal success, when Jon returns.  Jon sets the water in front of him and nudges the biscuits in line with the water.  
Jon clears his throat.  "Would you like to be left alone or would you... like a hug?'  
Martin snorts at the clear awkwardness laced in the word "hug."  It's a damp sound.  "Not if you say it like that, Jon.  I'm fine.  I'll just... wash my face and get back to work."
"Martin, please I... you need to rest.  Not just for your work, that was supposed to be a... Martin I am actually worried about you.  Please go and get some rest."
Martin whines slightly and then flushes at the idea that he made such an embarrassing sound.  At least, Jon presumes that is why he flushes.  
He is clearly embarrassed enough to give it up and go to the cot because Martin gets up and heads in that direction.  Muttering a teary, "fine," as he leaves.  
Jon is jolted out of his work by screaming.  He follows it towards Martin's room, heart hammering loud enough to make him dizzy.  "Martin!"  He bursts in without knocking.  And Martin is...
curled up on the cot... looking even more tired and embarrassed.  
"Sorry," he mumbles, having come awake with his own scream, Jon presumes.  Or perhaps when Jon entered. "Nightmares.  I'm fine.  Go back to work.  Or better yet You take a nap."  
The last part was in a sharper tone then Jon is used to from Martin.  
"I'm fine," Jon echos.  Defensive.  He is.  Mostly.  True he's been pulling some ridiculous hours, but that is for Martin.  He needs to help.  He needs to try to understand what is happening.  "Martin, is there anything I can do?"
"No.  Jon.  It's fine.  Go back to work.  I'll have a lie down and then I'll get back to work."
"Would... would company help?  I... I could take a lie down on the floor?  And then you... wouldn't be alone?"
Silence falls heavily.  Jon is worried he has overstepped.  Wouldn't that be just like him?  Make Martin feel worse.  Just like he always does.  
Adrenaline from earlier getting recycled into guilt.  His hands are prickling with anxiety.  He tries to shake them out subtly.  
Martin is staring at Jon's feet.  Or rather at the floor next to them, and has gone a bit red.  
"Look, Jon, I don't want you to sleep on the floor."
"It's fine.  Better than my desk.  It will likely be the best sleep I've gotten in a while.  Think of it as a benefit to me.  ...I... I understand not sleeping well."  Jon also stares at the floor.  He distantly wonders if they are staring at the same spot.  An indirect staring contest.  Indirect like everything Jon does.  Everything just to the left of what he means.  He scuffs his foot on the floor.  
Martin scoots until he is pressed to the wall, and pointedly doesn't look at Jon as he pats the cot next to him.  
Holding himself stiffly, Jon toes off his shoes and folds his jacket, and stretch himself next to Martin on the too-narrow cot.  
Hardly five minutes later, they are both are in an uneasy sleep.  But it is an improvement.  
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
blood on my shirt, heart in my hands
Pairing: Michael Clifford/Ashton Irwin
Rating: Teen and Up
Key Tag(s): Vampires, biting, blood
Word Count: 2912
Read on AO3
This is a sequel to my Halloween vampire Michael fic, which can be read on tumblr here or on ao3 here
Michael finally agrees to feed from Ashton
Michael has set himself up in the living room with a video game by the time Ashton wakes up and stumbles out of the bedroom.  It’s not too late, but the sun has fully risen, a few beams peaking in the windows around their blinds, paining Ashton in golden light.  His hair is messy and he’s rubbing at his eyes, wearing nothing but boxers with a trail of hickies faded against his neck and chest.
Hm.  Michael should probably redo those soon.
“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” Michael says, returning his focus to the video game.  Ashton flops onto the couch next to him, leaning heavily on his shoulder.  Michael immediately begins leaching his warmth, even through the hoodie he’s wearing.  Something great about Ashton is that he’s always willing to keep Michael warm.
“Morning,” Ashton says, voice a little gravelly.  “Did you sleep?”
“A little,” Michael says.  “I’ve been out here for a while.”
Ashton hums.  Michael turns and presses a kiss to the top of his head, breathing him in.
“Did you eat?” Ashton asks.
“Yeah.  Tastes like shit this week, though.”
“Well, you can always take a bite of me if you want,” Ashton says, heaving himself up and stretching.  Michael watches him wander to the kitchen.
Ashton has been saying stuff like that for a long time, but Michael still hasn’t taken him up on it.  He knows that Ashton wants it, and they’ve had a few more serious discussions about the prospect of Michael feeding from him, but there’s always been something holding him back.  It’s not that Michael is scared of hurting him anymore, because they’ve both done a lot of work on getting Michael to trust himself and to trust Ashton to know his own limits, but every time Michael tries to agree he feels a lump in his throat.
The last person he fed from was named Harry.  He was human and adamant about not being turned, but Michael didn’t mind.  He loved him and was fully prepared to spend the rest of Harry’s time on Earth with him, and he thought Harry was prepared for the same.
Two months after Michael fed from him the first time, Harry disappeared.  Michael freaked out thinking something awful had happened, possibly because of him, but when he managed to track down Harry he found him perfectly content with another man.  He never tried to reach out again.
He still wonders how Harry explained the two tiny scars on his neck left by Michael’s fangs.  His saliva has a healing agent that will help close the wounds, but scars from feeding never fully fade, no matter how old they are.  If Michael did the same to Ashton, he’d have that permanently on his body.
Ashton has never given him reason to believe he’ll run away, though.  If anything, it’s Ashton who keeps making the first moves towards permanency.  He had Michael meet his family.  He first brought up the subject of them living together.  Michael may be the person who wanted a dog, but Ashton is the one who actually started looking at the ones in nearby shelters, trying to find the one that will suit both of their lifestyles perfectly.  He not only has integrated himself into Michael’s life, but has integrated Michael into his.
Ashton knows that the fangs will scar, and he still asks.
“Okay,” Michael says.
“What?” Ashton calls.  “Did you say something?”  He reappears in the doorway, mug in hand.
“I said okay.  If you’re up for it today, I’d… appreciate getting to feed from you.”
The mug slackens in Ashton’s hand.  He blinks a few times, chest shuddering on his breaths.
“You really want this, don’t you?” Michael asks.  Ashton flushes and nods.  Michael smiles and drops his fangs, and Ashton almost drops the mug, fumbling for it right before it crashes to the floor.  He barely recovers.  Michael can’t stop himself from laughing at him.
“Shut up,” Ashton says, entirely red.  “Are we--now?”
“No,” Michael says, retracting his fangs so he can talk normally.  “You need to eat first and have some water.  If we’re doing this, we’re doing it right.”
“Okay, yeah.  Are you sure?  Are we really doing this?”
“Yeah,” Michael says.  The word comes out easily, the lump in his throat dissipating with Ashton’s reaction.  He’s ready for this.
Ashton crosses the room in a few long strides and kisses him firmly.
“Thank you,” he says, then kisses him again.  “Okay.  Breakfast.”
“Breakfast,” Michael confirms.  Ashton beelines back to the kitchen, renewed spring in his step, and Michael scrunches into his sweatshirt a little more, smiling as he presses play on his game again.
They ultimately decide to do it in the afternoon.  Ashton doesn’t eat much for breakfast and Michael needs to be sure that he has enough substance in him not to pass out.  Ashton assured him that he typically doesn’t even get woozy when he donates blood, which prompted an entire conversation about whether his blood has any inhuman properties, but Michael stayed firm.  Besides, he did feed from the magic store concoction earlier in the day, and while it wasn’t quite as much as usual he would’ve been too full if they tried anything before noon.
By 2:30, the thought of drinking from Ashton is making him salivate.
“Ash,” he says.  Ashton must hear something in his voice, or just know him really well, because he immediately turns off the tv and faces Michael expectantly.
“Are you ready?” Michael asks.
“Yes.”  Ashton chuckles a bit, just a small huff of a laugh.  “I’ve been ready for months.”  Michael rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, but do you feel up to it now?  You’ve eaten enough and kept hydrated?”
“Yes, Michael.  I promise I’m ready.”
Michael nods once.  This is happening.  Holy shit, this is really happening.
“Sit back and get comfortable,” he commands.  Ashton immediately complies, rolling his shoulders out and leaning into the sofa cushion.  Michael watches him take a few breaths, relaxing his muscles with every exhale, and when he seems as lax as he’s going to get Michael plops down on his lap.
“Hi,” Ashton says, hands immediately coming to his hips to hold him in place.
“Hi,” Michael says, brushing their noses together.  He kisses him long and slow, the type of kiss that implies they have all the time in the world to continue, and Ashton relaxes that last little bit under him.  Michael almost wants to keep doing this for the rest of the afternoon, but he has a chance to taste Ashton in another, better way, and that’s what finally makes him lean back and break the kiss.  When they part, he runs a hand through Ashton’s hair, then lets his thumb trail down from behind his ear to the base of his throat.  Ashton tilts his head, granting him clear access.  Michael watches his Adam's apple bob when he swallows.
“So,” Michael says.  “This is going to hurt.”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“Stop being a smartass,” Michael says, smacking his arm lightly.  “I’m literally stabbing you in the neck with two sharp points, then draining you of stuff you need to live.  We have to talk about this.”
“I know,” Ashton says soothingly, running his hands up and down Michael’s thighs.  “Thank you for being so thorough.  I’m listening, I promise.”
Michael nods once and tries to steady himself.
“I think we need a safeword.  I’m not going to take much, but if it hurts too much or you’re starting to feel faint, I need to know.”
“Okay,” Ashton says.  “What about garlic?”
“Garlic is good,” Michael says.  “You’re going to remember it?”
“Yep.  Besides, nothing will take you out of the blood sucking mood like thinking about garlic.”  He has a point.  Garlic makes Michael feel sick.  He nods.
“You can also pinch my side if you’re too woozy and can’t find words.”
“Like this?” Ashton asks right as Michael feels a sharp pain in his side.  He jolts away.
“Ow, yeah.  Exactly like that.”
“Okay,” Ashton says.  Michael nods again, staring at the part of Ashton’s neck that he’s going to bite into.  It’s smooth and tan, right next to a faded bruise low enough to be hidden by the collar of his dress shirts at work.  There are a few different arteries and veins there, and he has to be careful to get the right one and close it properly afterwards or Ashton could bleed out.  He doesn’t exactly want to test the limits of his immortality.
“Hey,” Ashton says.  “You good?”
“Yeah,” Michael nods, making himself meet Ashton’s warm hazel eyes again.  He’s gazing at Michael steadily, an easy and familiar look on his face that reminds Michael of the centuries they’ve both lived.  There’s an understanding with Ashton that he can’t find with many other people, highlighted more the longer they spend together.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Ashton says.
“I know.  It’s just… a lot.  It’s a big step.”
“I’m honored you want to take it with me,” Ashton says.  “I know it means a lot to you.”
Michael nods.  They’ve talked about the ritualistic, biological, and traditional significance of a vampire feeding directly from a live person, and Ashton knows it’s a big deal.
“Are you scared?” Ashton asks.
“You’ve got your anxiety face on,” Ashton says.  He presses his fingers against Michael’s forehead, smoothing out the wrinkles there.  Michael rolls his eyes.
“I’m not scared.  I’m a little nervous, which is different.”
“What are you nervous about?” Ashton asks, returning his hands to Michael’s hips.  It’s one of his favorite places to rest his hands, a grounding weight when Michael is standing in front of him or sitting on his lap or laying next to him in bed.
Michael tries to find a reason and comes up empty.  He knows that Ashton is aware of his limits and will tap out if he needs, and he knows that he’s not going to take more blood than Ashton can handle.  This is a step he’s prepared to take with Ashton, and more importantly he wants to do it, longs to finally know what Ashton tastes like in this way.  Ashton wants it, too.  They’ve both communicated clearly about it, and he knows they’re on the same page.  There’s nothing to be nervous about.
“I think it’s habit now,” he says.  “I’ve been so scared to do this for so long, and even though I know it’s going to be great and I want to…”
“I get it,” Ashton says.  “What do we need to do to get rid of that?”
“Just fucking do it,” Michael shrugs.
“Sweet. Be my guest.”
Ashton bares his neck again, ready and willing.  Michael brings a hand up to brace him on the other side, just so he won’t flinch away involuntarily.
“Keep still,” he says, then drops his fangs.  Ashton’s pulse jumps, blood rushing under Michael’s hand.
“Calm down, Ash.  It’s okay.”
“I know,” Ashton huffs.  “Do it.  The anticipation is killing me.”
“Pushy,” Michael mumbles.  He leans down, nosing at Ashton’s neck, tracing along the carotid artery.  He lets go of the normal restraint on his senses, hearing each thump-thump of Ashton’s heartbeat and his breaths.  Dozens of smells fill his nostrils: the blood in Ashton’s veins, the soap from his shower, the fabric softener that makes his t-shirts so soft, and that particular sweatskinAshton smell that makes Michael’s head spin.  He brushes his lips against the pulse point, relishing in the way it makes Ashton’s breath catch.  The first gentle scrape of fangs makes him shudder beneath him.
Ashton is always so sensitive around his neck.  Michael wants to play with this, to see how thoroughly he can undo him before finally taking the bite, how much he needs to tease before Ashton becomes a mess and finally swallows his pride to beg, but he can also smell the blood now and hear it pumping and he needs to bite.  He has a god at his mercy, willingly submitting to him and offering what he wants, and he’s finally going to take it.
Ashton makes a high-pitched sound in the back of his throat when the fangs break skin.  Michael feels it more than he hears it, a slight reverberation accompanying the blood dribbling from the artery.  Michael sucks on the wound, catching as much in his mouth as he can, knowing he should savor it but also needing none of it to go to waste.  This is Ashton’s blood: sweet and metallic and warm and alive and so, so precious, tasting like the good kind of late night and laughter and familiar hands resting on his hips.  It will not get spilt carelessly.
“Michael,” Ashton whines.  He hums, squeezing Ashton’s bicep to let him know he’s present.  Ashton repeats his name like a mantra, but he’s not telling him to stop or pinching his side, and it sounds like music this way.
The feeding itself lasts just under a minute, as any longer risks vergining into worrisome territory with the artery he picked.  Michael swallows what he can, then licks over the fang marks, picking up more blood and starting to seal them off.  In a few seconds, the blood stops flowing, and Michael mouths around the bite to ensure that anything smeared on Ashton’s skin gets consumed.
Ashton adjusts his grip on Michael’s hips, panting.  His heart is still beating steadily, rapid and just barely weaker than usual, and Michael presses one last kiss to the bite mark before he leans back to fully assess him.  Ashton blinks up at him a few times, shell-shocked and dazed.
“How do you feel?” Michael asks.  He cups Ashton’s jaw with both hands, maintaining eye contact.
“You have--you--”  He gestures to his lips.  Michael wipes his thumb around the corners, sucking the spare blood into his mouth, one last treat from the feeding.  Ashton stares at him the entire time.
“Ash,” he says.  “You have to tell me how you feel.”
“Fangs,” Ashton says, still staring.
“I’m not going to get them to retract for a few minutes this soon after a live feeding, big guy.  How out of it are you?”
“Not too much,” he says.  Michael isn’t convinced, but each breath Ashton takes in seems to center him more, kickstarting whatever is leftover from his godly powers to get his mind and body working properly again.
“I’m going to get you some water and a snack.  Stay here, okay?”
“Where would I go?”
Michael ignores him in favor of planting a kiss on his forehead, then heads to the kitchen.  When he returns Ashton is still boneless against the sofa, lolling his head to the side to watch him approach.
“I’m still not dizzy,” he says after he sips some water and takes a bite of the granola bar under Michael’s watchful eye.  “I’m a deity.  It takes more than that to affect me.”
“You lost a lot of blood in a short amount of time.  I’m not taking any chances.”
Ashton gives him an unimpressed look, but takes another bite of his granola bar anyway.
“How was it?” he asks, faux-casual.
“Amazing,” Michael breathes, leaning back against the cushions with the taste still on his tongue.  It’s something he won’t be forgetting within the next millennium.  “You taste so good, Ash, like… I don’t know how to describe it, except that it was both exactly what I thought and completely unexpected at the same time.  I knew it would be good, but fuck, I never imagined it could be like that.”
Ashton’s lips quirk up, and when he offers his hand Michael threads their fingers together.  Ashton brings his hand to his lips and kisses the back of it.
“You know, in my religion the act of eating was considered extremely important.  Our followers would often eat lavishly as the most important part of worship, believing it opened them further to our blessings and favor.”
“Did it?” Michael asks.  Ashton nods.
“There’s nothing more intimate than eating with someone, I think.  To be the source of food is even more so, whether you make the meal or… contribute in other ways.”
“More intimate than sex, even?”
Ashton smiles, then nods.
“Yeah, more intimate than sex.”
Michael leans forward, figuring that Ashton has recovered enough to be on the receiving end of another long, slow kiss.  When they part, Michael finally feels fully centered again and his fangs retract easily.
“I can’t feed from you again for a while, like eight weeks or something.  We need to give you time to fully recover.”
“I know,” Ashton says, pulling him closer.  Michael settles against his side, leaning down to plant a kiss on his shoulder.
“Thank you for doing this,” Ashton says, “and for taking care of me, even if I don’t need it.”
“Well, I do want to keep you around,” Michael says.  “You’re my live blood supply now.”
“And I will be as long as you want me.”
“Forever, then.”
Michael smiles and buries his face in Ashton’s shoulder.  When he glances up, he can see the scars from his fangs clear as day, angry and red.  He used to think vampire bites looked like awful, ugly things, but this one isn’t.  This one looks more like a promise, one that Michael knows they both intend to keep for the rest of eternity.
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Different Worlds (7)
Summary: You’re the youngest Winchester, a girl who needs to show her big brothers that she doesn’t need help. Then one day, on a totally normal vampire hunt that you had all under control, three meddling Avengers come barging in.
Warnings: language, violence, canon divergence, slow burn, me making stuff up
Word Count: 2234
A/N: Is it 2 am? Maybe... Am I listening to nostalgic and depressing music to make myself sad? Maybe...
Chapter Seven: Some Words Are Exchanged
“Well don’t just stand there,” Crowley said when nobody moved. You all traded glances as you tried to come up with a plan. “Come and take a seat.”
“Cut the act, Crowley,” Dean ordered. “You know why we’re here.”
“And here I thought we were friends, Squirrel.” The demon sighed and with a wave of his hand, the music stopped. “You brought me a new friend, though.” He looked at Bucky and when you moved to interrupt his gaze, Crowley smirked. “Ah, but it looks like the soldier is already taken.”
“Give me the book Fergus,” Rowena drew her son’s attention toward herself.
“Well since you asked so nicely, mother, and sat at my table and ate my food and joined me in some wonderful conversation—”
“Stop stalling,” your oldest brother nearly shouted. “Where is the book?”
“What book?”
“The Magicae Libro.”
“Ah, yes. It’s a powerful book, but why would you think I have it?”
“You stole it,” Jack answered. “After the Avengers left we discovered both you and the book missing.”
“Then let me rephrase it,” Crowley grinned while everyone else either glared or rolled their eyes at him. “It’s a powerful, very powerful book. Why would you think I still have it?”
“You gave it away?” you groaned and resisted the urge to stomp your foot like a child. Why did this have to be so fucking hard? It was starting to feel like a scavenger hunt. “Who did you give it to?”
“I didn’t ‘give it away,’” Crowley scoffed and sat in the chair at the head of the table. He motioned to the other chairs as if the action would convince your group to dine with him. “Honestly I’m hurt that you would even think that I would do something as dumb as giving the Magicae Libro away.”
“So you’re saying someone stole it from you?” Sam cocked his head.
“Stole it? From me?” You had to bite back a grin at seeing Crowley’s very offended expression. “First you think that I simply gave it away, then you think that somehow, someone came into Hell to steal it from me?” He paused for a moment. “Though I’m sure you morons would have found a way to steal it from me.”
“So where is it?”
“Where is what?”
“Crowley, I swear to fuck—”
“He’s stalling,” Bucky said to your surprise. “He told us that he wouldn’t give the book away and that it wasn’t stolen. He still has it.” He narrowed his eyes. “But not for long. He traded it for something.”
“How do you know?” You look at the blue-eyed man.
“My training,” he replied simply.
“That’s amazing.”
“Thank you, doll.”
“Okay,” Rowena snapped. “We get that (Y/N)’s boyfriend—” Both you and Bucky interrupted with a couple of half-assed denials. The red-haired witch cleared her throat and raised an eyebrow at you. “We get that (Y/N)’s boyfriend is good at whatever he’s good at, but I need the book.”
“Yeah, we need the book,” Dean said holding his knife up threateningly.
“Who are you giving it to?” Jack added.
“And where and when does the exchange take place?” Sam joined.
“Um, I’m personally more worried about what Crowley traded it for,” you point out. A small smile crept up your face when Bucky nodded his agreement with you.
“What makes you think I would tell you?” Crowley leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.
“We’ll postpone killing you,” Dean threatened.
“Would you let them kill me, mother?” the king of Hell turned his gaze on to his mother who sharply responded,
“Maybe. You are being a pain in my ass.”
Crowley opened his mouth to retaliate but before he could get anything out, you jumped in.
“What if we trade you something better than what the other party offered you?”
“You leave me alone for two years and I’ll answer your questions,” he said immediately. “That means you all let me do whatever I want for two whole years. No stopping me or my plans.”
“As long as it doesn’t endanger anyone,” Bucky negotiated.
Crowley shook his head. Superheroes, right? They never want anyone to die. There will always be casualties, but you can’t save everyone. It’s a lesson all hunters must learn early on.
“As long as it doesn’t hurt more than ten people,” Sam offered but the demon continued to shake his head.
“It doesn’t matter who he kills as long as it’s not me,” Rowena sighed.
 “Fine,” you said. “Twenty-four people. You’re limited to one every month.”
“Twenty-four?” Bucky asked as Crowley pretended to mull over the offer. “That’s a lot of people.”
“Without limitations, his body count would be in the hundreds each year.”
“I’ll take the deal.” Crowley held out his hand.
“Remember, if there’s more than one person per month, we will intervene,” Dean warned and stepped forward to shake the demon’s hand.
“Is that it?” Jack asked. “Has the deal been made?”
“What do you want a kiss?” Crowley made a face. “Anyways, my client, or clients, are the twin witches by the names of Myra and Alek.”
“Those pieces of shit,” Rowena spat. Then she turned to the rest of you. “They were, and I suppose still are, hungry for power. I heard that they were the ones Lucifer recruited to get the book in the first place.”
“Yes, I do seem to remember them saying something about their Dark Lord,” mused Crowley. “They decided to meet, well not meet per se. The book will appear in the Stull Cemetery at the witching hour at their request.”
“So they have a sense of humor,” Sam deadpanned.
“Stull Cemetery’s in Kansas,” you pointed out.
“Right, okay. Let’s get out of here and come up with a plan.”
“You’re not sticking around for dinner?” Crowley looked at the table.
In response to his question, Rowena mumbled some Latin under her breath and you all appeared in the bunker’s library in a flash of purple flames. Cas jumped up from his seat in surprise and the fire in the bowl died out. 
“Do you have the book?” He asked once you were all orientated again. 
Dean shook his head no and explained the deal you had made with Crowley. 
“So we go in and get the book before the witches,” Sam summarized. Talk about easier said than done.
“Rowena, are you in?” You looked at her. 
“I would very much enjoy obliterating those pieces of shit.”
“What about you, Bucky?”
“I think I gotta sit this one out,” he said slowly and you could feel yourself visibly deflate. “You guys sound like you’ve got this handled anyway.”
“Okay.” The room was silent. Oh, fuck. Everyone’s eyes were on you. You have to get out of here. “I’ll show you out.”
“Can I talk to you about something?” Bucky asked once you left the library.
“Uh, sure.” You had a few ideas of what was on his mind. Was it going to Hell? Was it the multiple almost-kisses? You really needed to talk about that.
“Are you sure letting Crowley kill one person every month is a good idea?”
Hmm. Not quite what you were expecting. You should have known this was coming. Definitely would have preferred the almost-kiss topic. Maybe have a redo.
“Well, to keep the book out of those twitches’ hands, we had to make a deal appealing to the King of Hell.” You led him up the stairs, getting very close to stomping. “As I said before, he would kill a lot more fucking people if we gave him even the slightest hint of…” You turned around at the door to face the superhero. “Listen. Any other scenario would definitely have a body count higher than twenty-four. In a shorter time frame than two years might I add. Trust me. I’m not exactly thrilled about this deal either, but there will always be casualties. I would think you would be one of the people to understand.”
“I do understand,” Bucky said when you finally gave him a moment to speak. “But I thought you would have tried harder.”
He opened the front door and left silently. The slam of the door behind him echoing a bit too much in the large, empty room.
Bucky wished he hadn’t left like that. In fact, he kind of wished he hadn’t left at all. The moment the door had closed, a bit too loudly in his opinion, he had regretted the goodbye. Or lack of one. As much as he wanted to go back in and set things right with (Y/N), he was never one to properly deal with his emotions.
He marched back to the small quinjet he had flown to Kansas in. The journey back was quiet, but not in Bucky’s head. The events of the day kept repeating in his mind just like a record stuck on repeat.
The day could have ended so differently. He had almost kissed her. Twice. Once even in Hell. Fuck, the fact that he had been to Hell, actual, literal Hell, made his mind spin. And he hadn’t even left the castle.
But he had almost kissed (Y/N). He wondered if she wanted to kiss him too. Would it have happened if Dean hadn’t interrupted? They had been seconds, inches away.
And now he probably fucked everything up because he had to question her. He knew that there would always be casualties. He knew she didn’t want anyone to die. But he wished that she had tried harder.
Twenty-four was a pretty large number. Twenty-four people were a lot of people. Bucky wondered if he even knew twenty-four people right now.
It was eight pm when Bucky landed in New York and his stomach was practically yelling for food. He half wished he had taken up Crowley’s offer of a feast. But then again, who knew if it was poisoned or cursed or whatever the demon King of Hell would do to food. Probably curse the consumer to be stuck in Hell like the Greek myth of Persephone and Hades.
The kitchen was empty except for… great. Bucky sighed, knowing that the two men in the kitchen serving themselves ice cream wouldn’t let him have a peaceful dinner as he had hoped. They greeted him happily when they saw him and Bucky mumbled his greeting back. He wandered over to the fridge, praying that there were some decent leftovers. He didn’t think he could eat instant ramen right now.
“Hey, Buck,” Steve called out. “Where’ve you been?”
“Yeah, man. You look like shit,” Sam joked, though Bucky was sure there was some truth to it.
He ignored Sam’s oh so important contribution to the conversation and answered Steve in one word: “Hell.”
“C’mon, it couldn’t have been that bad,” Steve prompted, eager for more details.
“No,”  Bucky corrected as he placed a bowl of spaghetti in the microwave. “I literally went to Hell with the Winchesters.”
“Oh, so you were with (Y/N),” Sam smirked.
“Why did they need to go to Hell?” Steve asked, he too ignoring the Falcon.
“Apparently Crowley stole the Magicae Libro from them the other day.”
“Did it end in a fight?” Bucky could clearly hear the concern in Steve’s voice.
“No.” This has had to be the longest microwave minute in history. One of them would come to the conclusion soon enough. Sure enough, the next words out of Sam’s mouth…
“So trouble in paradise, huh? That’s what’s gotcha so down?”
“I wouldn’t call it paradise if nothing ever happened between us.”
“But you want something to happen,” Steve confirmed the same time Sam asked what had happened.
Finally, the microwave timer went off and Bucky managed to escape answering his friends as well as the onslaught of questions that were sure to follow. He took refuge in his room and ate the spaghetti on his bed. Bucky could see (Y/N)’s file on his desk. It was pinned underneath the Supernatural book Wanda had lent him.
The specific book was titled ‘Skin’ and it was about skinwalkers. It had matched up with what (Y/N) had told Bucky about Dean’s first serious run-in with the law. Bucky kind of wanted to read more of the Supernatural books, God was actually a decent writer, but at the same time, it felt sort of like reading (Y/N)’s diary.
Shouldn’t he be learning all about her from, well, her? Bucky supposed that she could also look up his life on the internet. Although the media wasn’t always true or nice to Bucky. How true were the Supernatural books? Did he trust God, or Chuck Shurley, to know (Y/N)’s thoughts and emotions in those situations? She must have changed a lot since the books had been written.
Shit. Maybe Sam was kind of right with the whole ‘obsessed with her’ thing. It wasn’t an obsession, it was just simple curiosity. Bucky was only interested in learning more about the hunter lifestyle. Or (Y/N)’s hunting lifestyle. Or (Y/N). Damn, he really couldn’t get her out of his head.
When he finally went to bed after sluggishly completing his nightly routine and confirming to Steve that he was okay, it was twelve thirty-two. He wondered how (Y/N) and the rest of the gang were handling the witches.
Tag List (strike though means tag didn’t work):
@grav3dollie-666 @broco8
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ruewrites · 4 years
We’re Blooming Together Chapter 3: Eyes
Ships: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 3023
Warnings: None
Chapter 1-Chapter 2-Chapter 3-Chapter 4-Chapter 5-Chapter 6-Chapter 7-Chapter 8-Chapter 9-Chapter 10-Chapter 11-Chapter 12
“I thought you said you were going to focus on yourself for a while.”
“I am … But they could also be cute, you know? Now stop moving before I stab you with the pin.”
All Asmo had to do was make a few adjustments so his latest assignment actually fit Solomon before making his judgement. If it didn’t fit him just the way he wanted it to, it would look bad if not every little last detail was perfectly in place. Not to mention, the colors looked good on Solomon. Long black jacket that flared down to his knees, with dark blue snakes hiding in the fabric. They were almost invisible until the light hit the sequence just right. Underneath was a white a light grey shirt with golden trim on the collar which bled into dark grey pants. They flared out at the bottom just a bit and also had the same gold trim.  Dark and mysterious, a perfect contrast to his person. The blue of the snakes almost matched the specks of blue in his grey eyes.
“I mean note writing is a little ‘high school’ I guess, but it never happened to me before… So I think it’s kind of cute. Plus it’s very well done, much better than anything any of our old classmates could have pulled off,” Asmo sighed, adjusting the cuff of the slacks. He’d gotten a few more letters since the first, some had even included little gifts. Each one had made him bubble up with joy.
“Have you told any of your brothers?” Solomon asked, looking down at Asmodeus.
“ Hell no . While I’d love to go on and on about it, the others wouldn’t let it go , and you know how protective Luci can be.”
Lucifer had been thrown into a parental role earlier than he should have been (honestly he shouldn’t have had to do it at all), but he’d done a fairly good job from what Asmo remembered. Of course they’d had guardians, but Lucifer always tried his best for all of them. He’s also been fairly protective over all of them. Asmo could still remember how he had reacted with his first break up,or the time a group of guys had ganged up on  Mammon and Levi after school. Neither situation had ended well for their offenders. Nothing really changed much. The only difference now was that Lucifer was a big, fancy, successful lawyer. While Lucifer was smart in his own regards, it also helped that he’d just so happened to make friends with Diavolo during his studies, a man born into money and power. Diavolo adored Asmo’s dear older brother, and wanted to see him succeed in life. Despite Lucifer’s many protests, Diavolo had poured a lot into Lucifer’s law firm and helped him make Morning-Star&Dev ílle the successful and glorious firm it was today. Long story short, people used to be scared of messing with any of the younger Morning-Stars, now they were absolutely terrified .
Asmo stood and walked around Solomon once more. Everything seemed to be marked properly for him to sew later so he brought Solomon over to the mirror. He let out a low whistle.
“I like this one,” Solomon grinned, gently tugging on the long dark jacket, “And Mammon really wouldn’t model this for you?”
“Not without pay no. He doesn’t do ‘free gigs’.”
More like he didn’t have time for them. Mammon was broke every other week. Asmo didn’t really know how he could do it, so he spent most of his time in the studio to make as much as he could. Asmo had tagged along with him to the studio once, mainly so he could talk to some of the designers. However, he would say that Mammon made a pretty good model.
Even so, he liked having Solomon as his model, and he wouldn’t have to redo measurements often. Plus, Solomon looked good in everything he made. It could be because he had a tiny thing for him, or that he was his type, but whatever. He had an attractive model who he also got along with, and that was important.
“You knoooow, you could always come along with me. I’d make you my own personal model, then I could make you clothes all the time,” Asmo hummed, peaking over his shoulder, “Mr. Author and or professor Solomon would always have a snazzy new  suit for every day of the week, or outfit of your choosing. I’m not picky with what I make.”
He caught Solomon’s smirk in the mirror, damn he was attractive . He always got this little twinkle in his eyes whenever he smirked, it was so mischievous. When had he started doing that? When had that shy little boy on the playground become this man before him?
“Perhaps. I’ll think about it.”
Asmodeus hummed for a moment before pulling his bangs back slightly, there it was. That was a nice look. “Oooh you should pull your hair back when you model for my class! Or do it more anyways, that way people can see more of that handsome face of yours!” he said. Or so he could see more of that handsome face of his.
Solomon chuckled and shook his head, pulling Asmodeus’ hand away and brushed his bangs back into place. “I don’t know, I kind of like my hair the way it is. I’ll leave the fancy stuff to you Asmodeus.”
“Pulling your hair back is hardly considered fancy, dear Solomon.”
Something was still missing… Asmo circled Solomon a few more times. What was it? He stared at the breast pocket for just a moment before snapping, “Got it!” Going over to his dresser, he plucked one of the fake flowers from its place. The yellow perennial added a nice splash of color to the outfit and stood out nicely against the dark fabric and matched the golden trim, even if it hadn’t been one of the fully bloomed ones. “Now it’s perfect .”
Solomon adjusted the collar just a bit, eyes fixed on the flower in his pocket. One arm was crossed over his abdomen and the other near his chin, one finger underneath his lip. Slowly he nodded.
Why did he have to be so wonderful ?
Asmo pushed those thoughts away.
“If you think it looks good, I trust you,” Solomon smiled, “After all, you’re the designer here, not me.”
“Good! Now take it off so I can adjust it. I still need to try a few ideas for your face until I’m done with you.”
A familiar meow greeted Asmo as he entered the cafe. One of the many residents greeted him happily looking for chin scratches and other affections from him. Few people were here at this hour, and honestly that was for the best. After all, he didn’t want people to overhear his little gossip sessions with Satan. Visiting his brother on break was always fun. He’d get to hear countless stories of odd customers that came in that day and Asmo could tell him about some of the latest gossip on his campus.
“All I’m saying is this, the next kid that pulls one of my cats’ tails is gettin drop kicked out the door,” Satan growled, “I don’t care if he’s six Susan, do your fuckin job as a mom and teach him to not hurt my cats. ”
Asmo nodded along with his brother’s words as one of the tabby’s pressed her head into his palm. “ Children. Surely we weren’t bad when we were that age.”
“Lucifer might beg to differ.”
Asmo flicked the paper wrapper from his straw at him, and Satan snorted, “Well he would .”
“Hush. Luci basically raised us, you know he loves us.”
Satan mumbled a bit and rolled his eyes.
“Anyways,” Asmo continued, “Wanna know my latest thing while there’s no eavesdropping brothers?”
Satan leaned over the table to meet Asmo half way, a smirk on his face. “Any dirt on dear older brother? Or did something happen on campus? Some stupid freshie do dumb shit at the latest frat party?”
That was when Asmodeus hesitated for a moment. Should he tell him? He could always pull something else out to tell him. It wouldn’t be that hard. After all, he knew all of the latest news on campus, he could think of something he hadn’t told Satan yet. No. He could trust Satan. Satan could keep a secret. Even if he couldn’t, Lucifer would be the last person he’d tell. Lucifer was the one he was worried about finding out.  He would worry. He’d think the worst.
Not that he blamed him. Lucifer had heard more than enough horror stories from clients to last him five lifetimes over. He knew what the world could be like.  He had to face it almost every day he walked in. Asmo just preferred to ignore those parts. Worrying too much could cause wrinkles, and that was one thing that Asmo never wanted to happen to him. Besides, they’d all been fine up to this point and they would continue to be fine.
The letters spread across the table and Satan raised a brow. Asmo slowly opened them and even placed some of the tinier gifts on the table. “ Read them ,” he said, “Satan they’re so wonderful . So beautifully written! I’ve been finding them in my things. My bag, my laptop, my textbooks, my desks, my makeup bag- Oh it’s so romantic and secretive .”
Satan opened one of the letters slowly, eyes scanning over the words slowly, processing what this was. Asmo held his breath, eyes trained on his brother. Oh he could wait to hear Satan’s thoughts. Of course talking to Solomon had been fun, but Solomon was more of a listener. Solomon was a good listener. Those beautiful grey eyes trained on him, nodding to let him know he was listening. He also never interrupted, which was nice. He always listened to him, no matter what. And those eyes…
“Well, their penmanship is certainly impressive.”
“ Satan. Is that really all you have to say?” Asmo couldn’t hide the exasperation in his voice, “This is romance . You know, like you have in some of the books you have in that mountain of a bookshelf? And all you can comment on is the handwriting? ”
“Well it is rather exceptional,” Satan shrugged, “And you don’t have a clue who it could be?”
Asmo had fantasies about who it could be, but as far as clues went-
“Nope! Not in the slightest. All I know is that they say such wonderful things, and they sound like they absolutely adore me!” he sighed, “They even used my favorite color for the letter. I can only imagine how sweet they are, or how wonderful they might be.”
“Or they could be a complete psychopath.”
“ Shut up . This is my fantasy and you’re about to be uninvited.”
Concern crossed Satan’s face, and Asmo could already feel himself starting to suppress a groan. “I’m just being rational. It could happen. There’s plenty of weirdos out there who’d do anything to get what they want you know.”
Of course Asmo knew, but that wasn’t the case here. It couldn’t be the case here.
“You’re starting to sound like Lucifer.”
“Please, don’t insult me like that,” Satan let out a sigh and looked out the window of the cafe, “I don’t want that to be the case. You’ve only been getting these on campus?”
“ Yes. Unfortunately they don’t follow me wherever I go. It’s not like one’s going to magically pop up while we’re sitting here in the cafe. Besides, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself if something does happen. They probably just look at my accounts. It’s not hard to find my favorite color.”
He wasn’t helpless, and he certainly wasn’t stupid. He was allowed to enjoy this.
“Perhaps,” Satan couldn’t shake all  of the concern in his eyes, but he could get rid of most of it, “Although, I may have to have a talk with them if they ever choose to reveal themselves. While they’re writing is good , I’d love to help them work on their  descriptions.”
“It’s cute in a sense, but there are certainly more romantic things that could be said if that’s what they were going for.”
“ Satan .”
“For example, they could have put more of an emphasis on your eyes-”
Asmo groaned and slumped over onto the table, “Satan I don’t want you giving my precious Secret an entire lesson. Knowing my luck you’ll scare them away.”
He heard Satan chuckle and felt him ruffle his hair. Asmo’s eyes peaked up from his arms so he could glare at his brother, but only for a moment. “You know the rule for partners. They get brought in, we get to embarrass whoever brought them in.”
Asmo grumbled out a quiet “yeah yeah I know ” before sitting back up straight. The future for him and Secret would be unforgiving when it came to his brothers, but he didn’t have to cross that bridge yet. Maybe he’d be able to find a way to save both of them from their cruel fate, or more accurately, maybe Asmo could save himself from the cruel fate of being embarrassed in front of his precious Secret.
“You’re all so cruel. You know that right?” Asmo huffed, “Here I am, searching for the love of my life, and all any of you can think of doing is whipping out old stories or teasing me until I turn red. The nerve of you.”
“Everyone gets the same treatment Asmo.”
“I know, but still,” Asmo smoothed his hair back over and let out a sigh, “Couldn’t you let it slide just this once? Please ? They could be the one.” He put on his best puppy dog eyes and batted his lashes for extra measure. For a few moments. One. Then two. Then-
Satan burst out into laughter, “Nah. Nope. Sorry Asmo. If the rest of us have to suffer so do you. Not to mention all of your partners, in your own words, ‘could have been the one’. I’m starting to think that you say that more than you realize.”
That’s because each time he honestly believed it.
“Oh whatever. In any case, this stays between us okay? No one else knows. Especially not Lucifer.” Asmo’s voice was stern. Satan had to know he wasn’t joking around now. He knew what mode Lucifer would jump into if he figured out what was happening, and Asmo couldn’t have that. He didn’t want Secret to be scared off by him. If Secret truly did care about him like they wrote about, Asmo wanted them to stick around for a while….
Satan nodded, “Asmo, you know me. Anything spoken between our exclusive circle stays between us. Lucifer isn’t going to find out. Not until you want him to anyways.” He refolded the letters and pushed them back towards his brother. It was their little secret.
Asmo smiled and took the letters back carefully. “I have a new one to read tonight. I can tell you what it says tomorrow.”
“Oh? You didn’t bring it with you?”
“I’d like the first read through of a first letter to be reserved for my eyes only.”
It made the moment more intimate that way. It was special. Every new letter he opened felt like a warm embrace from his Secret. He bet their embrace felt even more wonderful than he imagined.
“Now, care to tell me about some more of your horror stories?”
To the keeper of my heart,
Where do I even begin when it comes to you?
Some days I fear that my words may fall short
Or that there will be no words left to describe you properly.
What will I do then?
Perhaps I would have to come out from hiding
Hold you close
Never let you go
And recite all of the wonderful mysteries about you.
I love when you get excited about your passions.
Your eyes sparkle and outshine all of the stars in the sky
Your lips curl up in the most perfect of arcs
You voice lilts and picks up ever so slightly.
I’ve never known a more passionate person than you.
Never let anyone take away the life in your eyes.
Think of Me,
Your Secret
Asmo had read the letter three times over. Each time his eyes scanned over the words his heart skipped a beat. Of course he wasn’t new to compliments, he’d received so many over the years. People stared at him, People wanted him. Sure maybe it was a little narcissistic, but why deny it if he knew it to be true? Despite all of that, people rarely went into detail about what they loved about him. He’d had partners brag about how hot or cute he was, but many had also made him feel self conscious. He still remembered the disappointment that flickered behind an old boyfriend’s eyes the one time he had decided to “dress down” one day when he stayed over. The dismissive tone in his voice… Even though Asmo thought he’d looked cute…
Things like that stick with you.
Would Secret still love him if he dropped below the bar one day?
He didn’t want to find out…
Asmo placed the letter on his nightstand, and curled up under his covers. He certainly did think of Secret every night. He tried to create a picture of them in his head. He imagined their voice, how wonderful their embrace would feel, how absolutely perfect they would be. They truly adored him. How could Asmo not think of them? As he drifted off, his mind once again wadered to Solomon. Even if it wasn’t possible, thinking about it couldn’t hurt. It wasn’t like he was going to actually start falling for his childhood crush again. He was still allowed to think he was cute. Plenty of people were cute, that didn’t mean that he’d fall for every cute person he saw.
Once again, Asmo found himself dreaming of his best friend and his beautiful eyes.
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raccoon-wizard · 4 years
It’s Okay Now
PROMPT: Bucky finds out that in the 21st century, it’s okay for men to wear makeup, nail polish,  and glitter. I saw it somewhere on Tumblr and couldn’t resist.
RATING: Everyone, with some language
NOTES/WARNINGS: You know what I always say. Love to all human beings. I will tolerate zero bullying and hatred in my comments.
Also, Grammarly keeps bullying me for ignoring commas and some prepositions, but I swear to god, I’m not stupid. It’s a part of the characters’ speech patterns. Screw you.
It was a quiet weekend. Nearly everyone was gone - some went on a holiday with families, some were gone for missions. There were two people inside the Avengers Compound - Bucky Barnes, who passed on a road trip with Sam and Steve, and Eleri Prichard, who simply didn’t feel like leaving. She sat (if that’s what her position could be called - she was sprawled in the chair perpendicularly to the way one was supposed to sit, her legs resting on the armrest of the other chair) in the cinema room, lazily browsing through Netflix, stuffing her mouth with salted caramel popcorn. 
“Mind if I join you?” asked Bucky from the door. She turned, her spine twisting unnaturally.
“Not at all, come on in,” she grinned widely. “Unless you mind me sitting like a big ol’ lesbian.”
“I sure as hell don’t,” he said and sat next to her. “What are we watching?”
“Queer Eye.”
Bucky flinched visibly. “You said queer?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Isn’t it… a bad… word?”
“Not anymore,” she told him. “We took it back from ‘em.”
He stayed silent for a while. “When?”
Eleri thought back to the extensive research she did in her teen years. “The eighties.”
They watched the show in silence, Bucky remembering all those times the word was spat into his face when he was young, along with other ones with similar weight.
“And it’s… normal for men to look like that?” he gestured towards Jonathan, who was dressed like his usual fabulous self.
“I mean, it’s not the norm, but tons of guys dress up now,” she said, pausing the show. “Why?”
“I never… when I was younger, I… I always wished…”
“Oooh,” she realised. 
“Yeah,” he mumbled, swallowing the painful lump in his throat.
With a groan, she changed her position so she was now sitting like a normal person, turning to face him. “James Buchanan Barnes, it would be an honour to give you the glamorous makeover you deserve.”
“Eleri… something…”
“Carol-Anne,” she finished for him.
“Eleri Carol-Anne Prichard,” he chuckled. “It would be an honour to have you give me a glamorous makeover.”
“That you deserve.”
“That I… deserve.”
“That’s my man, now come on,” she patted him on the shoulder and jumped up from her seat, offering him her hand. She dragged him upstairs to her room and sat him on the bed.
“You can’t ever tell anyone that you got all this from me,” Eleri told him as she pulled out a makeup bag from one of her drawers. “I have a reputation to uphold here, and if someone found out how much of this shit I have, it would shatter.”
“Roger that,” Bucky nodded with a smirk. Eleri threw the bag on the bed and sat down opposite of Bucky, crossing her legs.
“So,” she said. “Want just something small or full-on glam?”
“Uh… how about somewhere halfway?” he suggested.
“Smart move,” she agreed. “Just the basic stuff and a teeny tiny bit of glitter?”
“Sounds wonderful.”
For about twenty minutes, they were both silent as Eleri worked on glamming up Bucky’s face. With his eyes closed, he enjoyed the soft brushes sweeping around his cheeks, nose, forehead and eyes.
“Pucker up,” was the first thing Eleri said. “I’m gonna put on some lipgloss.”
Bucky complied, making Eleri burst out laughing immediately. “Not this much, genius.”
“Shut up,” he rolled his eyes.
There was another brief silence until Eleri said: “There. Done.”
Bucky tried to turn around to see himself in the big mirror on Eleri’s wardrobe, but she stopped him. “Nu-uh. Not done. We need to do your nails and pick you an outfit. Show me your nails.”
Bucky reluctantly gave her his hands. She took them into hers, bringing them close to her face. “You really need to stop biting ‘em.”
“I don’t do that.”
“Yes you do.”
“Then what’s this?” she asked, shoving his own hand right in front of his eyes. “If that’s not you biting ‘em, then who? A perverted ghost?”
“I do it in my sleep,” he mumbled. “I… have bad dreams. And then wake up with bloody fingertips.”
Eleri bit her lip. “Sorry, didn’t mean to be rude.”
“‘S okay.”
“Maybe you could… sleep with gloves on,” she suggested. “You know, like mittens.”
“Or boxing gloves,” he smirked.
“I mean, sure,” she shrugged. “I’m pretty sure not even super soldier teeth could bite through those. Come on, let’s fix these bad boys.”
It took some time and squirming and writhing, but after that, Bucky’s nails looked almost like he had always been grooming them. However, he couldn’t help but voice his disdain for the nail file.
“It just feels weird!”
“Better get used to it if you want decent looking nails.”
“I hate it.”
“Everyone does in the beginning. At least you don’t have long ones, you do not want to hear the sound that makes.”
“Shut up. And stop moving or your whole hand will be pink.”
“Why does it smell so awful?”
“‘Cause it’s nail polish. And you need to stop whining or I’ll put it somewhere you would not like it.”
“I don’t like it now anyway.”
“Shut your piehole, Barnes.”
As he waited for the colour to dry properly, Eleri went to her wardrobe to find him some clothes.
“Are you sure your stuff will fit me?” he asked doubtfully.
“Haven’t you noticed how I dress?” she scoffed. “My clothes will fit you just fine, trust me. And if not, I might have some that my exes left behind.”
“How’s your dating life anyway?”
“Ugh,” she rolled her eyes. “Everyone ends up ditching for someone normal,” she said. “What about you?”
“Like you don’t know,” he sighed. “The general public hates me and I don’t think dating on the team would be a good idea.”
“Loki has a thing for you,” she told him as she rummaged through her clothes. Bucky’s breath hitched.
“What thing?” he asked, feeling heat creep up into his cheeks.
Eleri turned around with a completely blank face. “You cannot be serious.”
“Well, I, uh-”
“He flirts with you like mad literally every time you two are in the same room!” she exclaimed. “And you flirt back, don’t argue with me.”
“I don’t f-”
“Oh my god,” she sighed dramatically. “You really are a disaster, aren’t you.”
“I thought he liked Wanda?”
“He did for a bit, but then he found out about her and Vis and decided to back off,” Eleri explained.
“Those two really love each other, don’t they?”
“Do not change the subject, James!” she scolded him. “You really haven’t noticed that Loki has a huge crush on you?”
“No, I have not.”
“You’re literally the only person that makes him blush!”
“Am I?”
Eleri groaned in frustration. “You’re the worst. What do you think about this jumper?”
Bucky, shocked by her sudden change of tone, stared at her with his eyes wide. “What?”
“Jumper. Do you like it?” she asked again.
“Why are you calling it a jumper?” he frowned.
“Because that’s what it is.”
“That’s a sweater.”
They didn’t settle on what it should be called, but they did agree that it would look nice on Bucky. Realising that his nails were still a little sticky, Eleri decided to help him put it on.
“Look at me, undressing a guy,” she laughed as she unbuttoned his shirt. “My parents would be so proud.”
Bucky chuckled. “Are they… not okay with you dating women?”
“They’re tolerating it at best,” she shrugged. “Raise your arms and press your lips together, you don’t want the lipgloss go everywhere.”
He did as he was told, allowing her to put the jumper on without major issues.
“And now for the final touch,” Eleri grinned, pulling a flower crown out of her closet.
“Are you sure?” Bucky frowned.
“Just try it on, I’m certain you’ll look cute as shit,” she insisted as she put it on his head. A few final adjustments and- “Oh my god you look gorgeous.”
“Can I look now?” he asked.
“Please do.”
She stepped out of his way so he could finally see himself in the huge mirror on her wardrobe. He took a few steps forward so he could get a better look and his jaw dropped ever so slightly.
When he wasn’t speaking for quite a long time, Eleri started to worry. “Do you… not like it? I can redo it if you’d like.”
“I love it,” he finally said.
“Really?” she asked. “Are you absolutely sure? I have plenty other colours in the-”
“Pink’s my favourite,” he smiled at her. “Always has been.”
For a few more moments, none of them said a word. “Thank you,” Bucky finally spoke up once more. “I’ve always wanted to feel like this.”
“You can borrow my stuff any time,” Eleri said. “As long as you don’t tell anyone I’m your provider.”
“May I hug you?”
“Hell yes.”
They embraced each other tightly and out of sheer joy, Eleri lifted Bucky up and spun him around, letting out a tiny gleeful squeal.
“I forgot how strong you are,” he chuckled once she put him down.
“Stupid strong, I know,” she smirked.
For the rest of the day, the two of them stayed in Eleri’s room, looking for inspiration and references for future experiments. They listened to some “aggressively gay” music, as Eleri called it, and talked about dating. They ended up in the cinema room again, watching dumb rom coms.
“Mind if I join you?” said a voice from the doors. They turned to see Loki, lazily leaning against the frame with his hands in his pockets.
“Come on in,” Eleri grinned, winking at Bucky cheekily. “I’ll go get more snacks, you can take my seat.”
Bucky glared at her, but before he could protest, she was gone, shoving Loki next to him.
“Sargeant Barnes,” Loki greeted him with a polite nod, pointing at the seat.
“Loki,” he replied and gestured for him to freely take the seat. Instead of sitting, however, Loki continued inspecting his face. Bucky wanted to ask him what he was looking at, but before he could, Loki spoke: “You look… happier, Sargeant.”
“Oh, I, uh…” Bucky stuttered. “Thank you?”
“The flowers suit you,” Loki smiled ever so slightly.
Oh God, oh shit, oh fuck, Bucky thought, feeling as if he was about to spontaneously combust. Oh for the love of Jesus, he really is flirting. Oh merciful Lord, what do I do?
Loki finally sat down, glueing his eyes to the screen. Bucky really hoped he couldn't hear his heart pounding in his chest and his stupid fast breathing. He couldn't help but glance at the man next to him every once in a while, suddenly feeling stupid about the flashy colours. He reached up and tried to take the flower crown off.
"What are you doing?" Loki frowned.
"It's, um, it's falling into my eyes," Bucky said.
"That's no reason to take it off, here," Loki shook his head and turned his whole body to face him, raising his hands up to Bucky's face. "May I?"
"Uh, sure," Bucky replied barely audibly and allowed the god to fix his hair. Damn you, Eleri, why did you have to put that on me, he thought.
"Better?" Loki asked.
"Uh-huh, yeah," Bucky nodded absent-mindedly.
"Would be a shame if you took it off, it makes you look like a faery," Loki said.
"Thanks, I... it was Eleri's idea," Bucky mumbled.
"I shall thank her for it then," Loki winked and returned to watching the film as if nothing had happened. Oh for heaven's sake.
Bucky sat silently, trying to think of a response, but his brain seemed to have stopped functioning completely. "You, um, you look great too. Green is really... your colour." Jesus fucking Christ, Barnes.
"Thank you, Sargeant," Loki said. "It is, after all, my favourite."
"That's a... great choice," Bucky said, immediately feeling the urge to kick his own butt. Just shut up already.
Loki chuckled. Bucky noticed him licking his lips and his throat tightened.
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Eleri shouted as she re-entered the room with a bowl of popcorn. "JUST FUCKING SNOG ALREADY!"
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tinypigeonlord · 5 years
Was reading about how American school systems are ridiculous and will expell you for the dumbest most unreasonable shit and that’s just how America is. But tbh it’s not just American schools which are like this? Throughout my time on a highschool in the Netherlands, I have experienced plenty of dumb shit and I have a mighty need to rant. SO! To name just a few examples:
• I once injured my right hand during school volleyball, which is my dominant hand. It was badly swollen, bruised and taped in, so I had to write with left. My handwriting was barely readable at the time, and soon enough I was approached by my teacher, who was pissed. He accused me of bullying and mocking him specifically, because he was a left-handed kid in school and had been forced to write with his right hand because at the time writing left handed was ‘wrong’, leading to a lot of bullying for him. I didn’t even know this, and had to show him my messed up hand to prevent getting expelled.
• I dealt with a lot of bullies in school, and teachers did jack shit to stop them because I had no evidence, and ‘if two people have issues, then both did something to cause it’. So basically I was accused of provoking the bullying somehow. To deal with the frustration, one day I made a crude doodle of a chimpanzee, drew an arrow to it and wrote the name of one of my bullies next to it. Said bully went through my bag at some point, stole my notebook from me and showed the teacher that doodle. I was forced to apologize to the bully and shake his hand, otherwise they had no choice but to expel me. The bully did not face any consequences for going through my belongings and stealing my stuff. Nor did he have to apologize for provoking me into drawing that doodle.
• One day my teacher caught me doodling something in a corner of my workbook while she was explaining things I already understood, and so she confiscated the workbook to make me listen. Next it was time to do homework assignments. I asked the teacher how I was supposed to do this, since she took my workbook. She kicked me out of the class for sassing her and I got detention.
• I was also kicked out of class once for being unable to find my books in time. This was at the beginning of a new year and I didn’t have a locker yet. We had 9 different subjects that day so my bag was filled to the brim with big books, and it took me a bit to find the correct book. The teacher assumed I had just forgotten the book and we have this rule here that if you forget your stuff, you get thrown out of the class. I did find the book and showed her that I had it, but by that time I was too late and had already ‘disrupted class’, which was another reason to kick me out and write me up for detention.
• One time when I was on my period, I asked to use the bathroom when class had only just started. The teacher told me to wait until class ended, and I really couldn’t wait that long, so in my frustration I said to him in a hushed voice: “Sir, I will paint this chair red with my blood if you don’t let me go...” I could go after that, but I was also told I shouldn’t come back in class and just stay out then. + Detention.
• This didn’t happen to me, but one of my teachers haaaaated one of my classmates because she argued against his opinions a lot. So he would kick her out of the class for the most unreasonable things. He caught her looking outside the window for a moment, for example, and told her that if she was not interested in his teachings she should just leave the room. When she told him he was being unreasonable and that she had been listening, he did kick her out. Another time, she opened her mouth to yawn, and the teacher immediately yelled at her to not fucking dare to argue against him again. She stood up for herself and said she only had to yawn, so he yelled at her for disrupting class.
This same teacher even kicked out our entire class once. We all got fed up with him shitting on this one classmate for BS reasons, so we opened our mouths against him as well. Everyone, even those who just glared at the teacher without saying anything, got thrown out of class and written up for detention.
• I had to write a formal apology to a teacher once. Basically, I had been sick for a while and forced to stay home, and immediately on the day I returned to school, I had to do a math test without having had the chance to prepare. I explained the situation to the teacher, who literally told me in my face: Tough luck, shouldn’t have skipped school, I’m not making exceptions for you. I replied: “we’re not done with this yet.” and he perceived it as a threat, and told the entire class what I had said to him, hoping that the class would chastise me for saying such a horrible thing. Instead the class clapped and cheered for me, and as a result I not only had to write that apology letter to him, but I also got thrown out of class for being a disruption.
This same teacher once gave me a 5.9 for a presentation. You have to realize our grades range from 1 to 10, with 6 being kinda like a C. It’s the minimum required for a passing grade. Meaning he JUST failed me. The class argued against his decision and asked him why he didn’t just give me a 6, since I didn’t really give a bad presentation, it was just a very simple/basic one. It had no real faults or wrong things in it. He said he gave me a 5.9 ‘just because he felt like it’.
• I almost got expelled once for presumably having gotten into a fight. Holy shit, Pigeon Lord getting into a fight??? Yeah no, the only fighting I did was with a skeeter. I am allergic to mosquito bites and my legs were completely covered in bruises from a particularly aggressive skeeter. My classmates had seen the bruises and reported me to our mentor. They wouldn’t believe such bruises came from a flippin insect and I needed my mom to confirm that yeah my body does NOT like mosquito saliva.
• I got in trouble for being too thin basically. People complained when I wore tight and form-fitted clothes because I looked anorexic and it made them uncomfortable. When I wore loose clothes, people complained that I looked sloppy and like a hobo and that I needed to look presentable in a school setting. I couldn’t win, and was told to not show up at school until I could dress properly.
• Same with my face. I had a teacher complain to me that I always looked tired and sick because of my dark circles and acne. ( I actually was tired and sick 90% of the time tbh) and that I needed to fix that because she hated the looks I gave her.
• Speaking of being sick! My mentor wanted to fail me for the year and make me redo it, because she thought I was fake. Like, she accused me of faking everything to gain sympathy and told me that if it was up to her, I wouldn’t pass the year, even though I scored passing grades for all my classes. She couldn’t get it done, but she made the rest of my classes she taught VERY miserable. :’D
• Meanwhile my sister was her mentor’s black sheep, and her mentor did fail my sis and made her redo the year. Not even because my sister was sick a lot, but because her mentor despised my sister’s ‘attitude’ towards her. She thankfully didn’t get away with it: my sister’s new mentor that next year overruled her old mentor along with her other teachers, and she passed after all, but not after a serious fight that lasted for 3 months.
• I in the meantime was locked out of my final exams. I had been sick during an oral test date, and the school had claimed that I didn’t call in sick for the day. Nor had I shown any initiative to apologize for not being there when I was expected. (I didn’t get a chance. The splitsecond I arrived at school after being sick, I was called into the office and yelled at with no chance to defend myself) Therefore I was not allowed a re-do, and therefore I couldn’t do my final exams, because I didn’t complete all my tests. This actually went against the law; the school can’t deny me a re-do based these things. Mom requested the data from our phone company regardless, and had evidence that I did make a phonecall to the school on the date I was sick and missed the test, and that whoever had taken the phonecalls that day was lying. But the school still would not accept it. We had to hire a lawyer who threatened to take them to court for lying because of a personal vendetta against me, not to mention disregarding the law, before they let me re-do the test and my exams.
• The school actually threatened to call the police on my sister. She presumably had written on social media that she wanted someone to burn the school down, and she’d be eternally grateful for that. The school claimed they had screenshotted the post and wanted my mom and sis to immediately make a formal apology to them. Now here’s the kicker: When my mom asked to see the screenshot, it wasn’t even a screenshot of the website. It looked like someone had literally just opened a Word document and typed my sister’s first name + that sentence of her requesting the school to be burnt down. The school then claimed that the teacher who had spotted her post had lost the screenshot, but they had no reason to not trust a teacher. Mom shut them down by telling them: “My daughter’s social media account is set to private and it��s only visible to peers in her friendlist. She doesn’t even use her real name on this website. Meaning that your teacher has either been pretending to be one of her peers to gain access to her account, or they faked this entire message. Either way, I myself will press charges if you don’t get off her case immediately.” The school then claimed that they didn’t mean to cause any misunderstandings, and they didnt mean to threaten my mom and sis, they weren’t actually gonna call the police. HAH.
There are MANY more things that happened, but these events stuck with me and I’m still bitter 7 years later. So yeah I felt the need to tell the interwebs I guess.
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messedupessy · 6 years
Mmh for the art raffle, rottenberry in A1 ? Maybe ? :o have a nice day/night, hope you're alright
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“I-I’m just s-so fucking tired of it Berry…!”
Hey look another one of these, this pic have been done for like ages now but since I ended up writing so frikking much under the cut it has taken me weeks to get this posted xD still this is one of the requests i looked the most forward to do as I immediately knew exactly what it was I wanted to draw for it!
Really happy with how this turned out, the pose was a little hard to get right but i got there eventually, really like how Scratch’s hands turned out even though you can barely see them as they are black due for his gauntlet’s, but I sketched them darker like that so that they wouldn’t melt into Berry’s vest which I think worked out, tried to like leave some white spaces which turned out really well, Scratch’s expression is not fully how I would had liked it but still turned out good, due for his mouth not showing it doesn’t show the exact emotion which i wanted him to have which was that of a bit more despair, as he is supposed to be really upset in this, the tears turned out pretty good too I actually accidentally at first drew them on the same layer as the sketch like an idiot so had to redo them, the first tears looked better but oh well that stuff happens, maybe should had made them a tiny bit more shiny and white so they would be more visible but they still looks good yeah, so all in all real happy with this one :D
And because I can so will I now give you guys some headcanons/mini story something for this ship, as I like doing that hella lot, I do actually have a bit of a story planned based on this but knowing me i will prolly never get around to actually write it properly, so instead ya all get this instead especially since I haven’t shown/talked about my take on this ship before, and the reason for the text up above will also be explained
Also the shit down below got super, duper long like crazy long as I got so frikking carried away with the whole thing just so ya know pfft
Their first ever meeting did not go so well, Berry was excited about meeting his so called double thinking up how his double would be like etc, so when he finally meet Scratch he was a tiny bit disappointed as Scratch looked nothing like he thought he would. His disappointment didn’t last for long though as he quickly noticed how damn short Scratch is, Berry is at 5′1 aka 154 cm while Scratch is at 4′8 aka 142 cm though he is wearing a pair of  ridiculously high heeled boots but it is obvious that he is really short. 
Which Berry without thinking says out loud as a greeting which makes Scratch immediately absolutely furious as he got a  extreme height complex, so Scratch lashes out with a attack and Berry easily evades it like a boss, Berry trying to apologize as he quickly realized he hit a nerve but Scratch isn’t letting him as he is too pissed off to listen, and Berry isn’t making it better by saying his apologizes like this: “I’M SORRY OTHER ME FOR CALLING YOU SHORT BUT YOU ARE REALLY SHORT AND TINY AND I CAN’T HELP BUT FIND IT REALLY CUTE!” Berry of course can’t help but to put in some flirting as well as he is one flirty boy, waggling his brows with a flirty smile while evading a still angry but now also flustered Scratch.
Berry keeps on making stuff worse as he just can’t help himself, getting completely carried away and finding the way Scratch is flustering while also been absolutely pissed adorable. Until Stretch decides to intervene as this fight/battle has been going on long enough, grabbing hold of Scratch as he is the one attacking and also you guys are ruining the furniture like not cool while saying a pun or joke of some sort. 
Berry stops moving and chuckles at his bro’s joke and then goes oh right shit forgot we were indoors, then he makes a pun which Stretch puns back at but which Scratch just screeches at, pushing Stretch away from him with a “UNHAND ME YOU FOOL!” and then stomps away fuming af with the other two looking after him, Berry after awhile saying that that guy is just really cute when he gets all pissy like that doesn’t he which Stretch agrees with, but like bro you really should apologize to him properly because that shit you said was really hella rude, like remember when you were easily offended with people commenting on your height when you were a kid and how it made you feel.
Berry makes a face and looking a tad bit guilty, he goes like fuck you’re right I didn’t think of that, I just let my first thought slip as I hadn’t expected other me to be way shorter than I am and then I got all carried away like I always do. I guess I better go and try to fix this mess I made, think I will have to wait a bit tough for him to cool down a bit, which Stretch just nods in agreement then saying another pun which Berry puns back at.
Berry then goes to visit Scratch, knocks on the door and Scratch opens it immediately, after checking who it is, asking what the fuck does he want, Berry says he is there to apologize which just makes Scratch squint at him in disbelief. Berry then apologizes but fucks up a bit as he ends up calling Scratch short again which makes Scratch pissed and he tries to slam the door on Berry but he grabs hold off it before it slams shut completely, saying sorry again that came out wrong i’m sorry let me make it up to you. 
They fight with the door for awhile Scratch schreeching at him to fuck off and Berry shouting he just wants to make it up to him until Scratch is like fine make it up to me by leaving me the fuck alone which Berry says he can’t because that won’t make up for what he said wait I know I will let you punch me! 
Both stops fighting with the door and Scratch once again just looks at Berry in disbelief, like what kind of an idiot are you kind of way, which he also voices out loud, Berry just laughs and says since calling you sho- I mean calling you that made you angry and hurt I will let you punch me properly and not evade it at all like I did before. 
Scratch is still just looking at him trying to figure out what Berry truly is after, saying Berry really is stupid, Berry replies with come on I can take it just punch me and then we will be even, you don’t have to tell me twice Scratch says and then punches Berry without warning making the other stagger back and start to bleed from his nose, but he just shakes his head saying that was a great punch, really glad I didn’t let you hit me when we fought earlier because then i would have gotten hurt even worse. 
Scratch fluster a bit at the praise, Berry then adds since we are now even and you have punched me so are we officially friends now grinning wide with Scratch going what before Berry grabs him and starts running off with him, saying come on let’s hang out now since we’re friends with Scratch schreeching we are not friends put me down but which Berry ignores as he is determined to get to know his angry counter part better 
After that whole thing the two of them start to hang out, mostly by Berry visiting Scratch against his will and then drag him off to do things together, from hanging out at Berry’s home to go out and prank people, Scratch starts to get less and less against hanging out with Berry as he finds himself having fun during their hang outs. 
He still fights it at times but Berry is very insistent, he fought against it for quiet some time especially when it came to the things Berry tried to make him join in with, like pranking people that’s childish and so are video games, building snowmen no that’s something for children! but Berry just had to say are you chicken/does that mean I win by default etc made him immediately change his mind and join in as he refused to be defeated in anything etc.
Though still a bit hesitantly as Scratch hates to appear childish in any way, which Berry have figured out and is trying to teach him it’s ok to be etc, as when Berry was younger he had kind of the same troubles, Berry still slips up at times with short/tiny jokes as he just can’t help it even though he tries which have made Scratch get really mad at him so many times, Berry also keeps on flustering Scratch by calling him cute etc out of the blue
Berry tries to get to know Scratch better, more personally etc but Scratch keeps on pushing him away in that regard, refusing to open up, so Berry keeps pushing and kinda pester as his feelings for the other have grown into a full blown crush and when he is in love he has a habit of getting blind to the person of his affections discomforts and when he is going too far, when he is too pushy and should leave them alone. 
So one day he and Scratch are hanging out, doing their usual thing when Scratch seems to be a bit more distant than usual, Berry tries to get Scratch to tell him what’s up but Scratch is not telling him anything. Berry then says if Scratch needs to talk about stuff then talk with him he will understand then he tries to put a comforting hand on Scratch’s shoulder but it is swatted away harshly by Scratch who just looks at him like he have just said the worst insult ever, saying as if Berry would ever understand what he is dealing with, and then Scratch just explodes into a screaming rant how there is no way that Berry would ever understand the shit he is going through.
Scratch keeps on shouting at Berry like that for awhile, just letting all of the things that troubles him out into the open. As the reason for why he had been more distant was because he had grown a bit jealous of Berry’s seemingly perfect life, as people weren’t belittling him or mocking him for his height etc, and how he had such a great relationship with his brother unlike himself, he shouts and screams himself hoarse until
“I’M-I’m just…-“, Scratch said mouth now quivering and his voice suddenly lowering to almost a whisper, his eye sockets barely holding back the tears that was risking of flooding out as he looked away from the other and instead looked down at his feet with an expression  that was just completely exhausted and defeated. “I’m just so tired, so fucking tired of it all…”  
Scratch tries to stop himself from crying with little success, as he is just so damn tired of all of it and been keeping shit inside for so long, Berry have just listened to it all without a word, actually a bit shocked at the sudden outburst, he then steps forward and pulls Scratch into a hug. 
Scratch immediately telling him to let him go schreeching and thrashing but Berry doesn’t let him go, after awhile of that Scratch just stops and slowly puts his arms around Berry and just starts crying fully, the line and the pic above happening, and Berry just holds him while he cries and just says over and over how he is just so tired. Berry saying he knows, he hadn’t thought Scratch had such problems or that people were treating him so damn bad etc, and how this explains so much about how Scratch has been behaving and how he himself should have like noticed that stuff a bit more but like always when he is crushing he gets really bad at noticing things he doesn’t want to notice about the person he is interested in.
He hugs the other a bit tighter while Scratch has become stiff in his arms, as Scratch is realizing what he have just done just letting all of his feelings and troubles out and he is terrified and horrified about it, Berry then decides to try to break the tension a bit by saying a joke, or kind of a joke which is “Well, I never thought our first embrace would be in a situation like this.” or something like it which Scratch doesn’t take well upon hearing it getting flustered and try to push Berry away which Berry lets him a tiny bit so they are now face to face at least, Berry saying sorry not the time to say that please calm down and let me say some things. 
Which Scratch do but his whole body is still ready to fucking bolt at a moments notice, Berry then begins to talk how yes he might not understand what Scratch is going through fully, as he himself have had troubles in the past with been taken seriously thanks to his baby face and also his own shortness, even though those troubles weren’t as bad as Scratch’s though still bad but not to that extent, he also apologies how he was so damn pushy about Scratch telling him stuff and that he should had pushed less etc alongside other things which makes Scratch relax and calm down
After the whole thing the two of them gets closer, Scratch starts to open up without having to be pushed to an outburst to do so, Berry tries his best not to push Scratch to that extent, Scratch is more relaxed around Berry now and doesn’t get upset as often about things, like they become proper friends who can talk about stuff most of the time, share their experiences and stuff with one another, they still fuck up time to time but they solve it much more calmly, mostly at least, Scratch is making sure to tell Berry off when he is uncomfortable about anything which Berry might fail to notice etc.
Now finally with Scratch actually feeling comfortable and safe around Berry, his feelings starts to change into a crush as well, Berry have never hidden the fact that he has been interested in Scratch romantically, or at least he have been flirting with him allot, and even though they still end up fighting time to time and that Berry keeps on forcing him outside his comfort zone which he doesn’t always like but is kinda what he needs at times, also helps that Berry is pretty damn good looking which Berry knows fully that he is, flexing and shit which makes Scratch’s soul flutter.
And as usual when Scratch gets a crush or anything like it he goes into tsundere mode, starts to avoid Berry and stuff even though he knows Berry is interested in him that way but then doubts starts to grow in his mind, what if Berry is just interested in him so to use him and then break his heart and stuff, what if this whole friendship was a rouse to make fun of him, like Berry gets around allot in that department he have heard, what if their friendship is fake and he will lose what he have with Berry if he admits his feelings and Berry gets what he wants etc.
Berry for once actually notices that there is something bothering Scratch almost immediately this time around, and decides to confront Scratch what’s bothering him as he does not want what happened last time to happen again, and after some careful prodding Scratch ends up confessing his feelings and his fears while been real frikking flustered, Berry is overjoyed at having his feelings returned that he immediately hugs Scratch completely missing the part about Scratch’s fears, getting his mouth covered by Scratch’s hands as he tries to kiss him in his excitement which Scratch is not ready for at all.
Berry immediately apologizes for doing so he just got so damn happy and excited which is no excuse for trying to kiss him without consent, he then asks what the rest Scratch said was can he repeat it which Scratch at first refuses to do so as he is pretty flustered, embarrassed and kind of distressed but he ends up repeating himself after a bit. 
Berry immediately assures him that that kind of thing he would never ever do, he is not the kind of guy who would play with someones feelings like that at least not intentionally, he tells Scratch when it comes to Berry getting around with different partners its something he only do when fully single or if he isn’t interested in someone special, and that ever since he ended up crushing on Scratch he haven’t been with anyone at all.
After some more reassurance, some flirting on Berry’s part and some fluster on Scratch’s, the both of them decide to give a romantic relationship a try, which ends up been pretty much just like their friendship just much more hugs and eventually kisses when Scratch ends up comfortable enough for it, they both still fuck up at times in various ways. 
Berry been too pushy and missing clear signs when Scratch doesn’t want something etc, and Scratch keeps on having troubles telling Berry the things that truly bothers him etc, they still fight time to time, though mostly just about silly things like Berry totally cheating at mario kart and shit, they way too often edge each other on to do stupid shit, but all in all they end up been pretty good for one another, Scratch telling Berry off when he is too much and Berry helping Scratch been more open and be as childish as he wants to be, the fucking end
Fuck this took forever for some reason but now it’s done hurray, not completely happy with all of it there are a bunch of parts which is a bit iffy but all in all i am kind of happy with this anyhow xD the more well written text and dialogue is from my attempt at writing this as an actual fic which I decided to include, as i like how those two parts turned out and that i will prolly never end up writing it properly and shit, anyway enjoy this wall of text yo 
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megsblackfirewrites · 6 years
Intimate: Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Jack tried to strip the button-up off as quickly as possible, but it got stuck on his elbows. He did his best not to whine as Gabriel shook with badly contained laughter. Jack slumped forward and hung his head in shame as Ana laughed.
“Okay, cut,” she called. “Why are you having so much trouble with that shirt, Jack? Is it too tight around the elbows?”
“It feels fine,” Jack said as he flipped the shirt back up onto his shoulders. “But it’s not sliding off nice.”
“Half-tempted to just rip it off of you,” Gabriel teased as he pulled his shirt back on.
Jack shot him a look, but Ana looked contemplative. She tipped her head to the side before looking at her interns. Was she actually taking Gabriel’s joke into consideration? It would probably work just fine for the movie, but still.
“That might be something we can do,” she mused. “Take five, boys. I’m going to talk with wardrobe.”
Jack smiled as he followed Gabriel over to a table. Gabriel stretched out in his chair, smirking as Jack sat down across from him. Makeup had given him a wonderful case of sexy bedhead and it was a look that worked way too well on him. Jack was a little jealous of how well Gabriel could work anything done to him.
“Were you hoping I would just rip the shirt off of you?” Gabriel teased.
“No,” Jack chuckled and propped his chin in his hand. “But I’m not opposed to the idea so long as you cop a feel at the same time.”
Gabriel turned and gave him a fond smile, reaching across the table to cup his cheek. “Mi bello sol,” he crooned. “What am I going to do with you?”
Jack smiled and leaned his face into the palm. Gabriel’s huge thumb swiped across his cheek and he continued praising him in Spanish, his dark brown eyes half-lidded. Jack closed his eyes, listening to Gabriel’s soft voice roll over him. He could spend the rest of his life just listening to Gabriel speak Spanish; it sounded so beautiful coming out of his mouth.
“Are you two done?” Ana’s voice cut through the moment. “We’ve figured out a way to get the shirt to rip cleanly so we can redo takes if they mess up.”
“Perfect,” Gabriel smirked as he got to his feet. “Coming, cariño?”
“Well, I’d hold up production if I didn’t,” Jack shook his head.
The take went much smoother once Gabriel ripped the shirt off of Jack. He did surprise everyone by tackling Jack backwards onto the bed and covering his bare chest in kisses while Jack squirmed and laughed. Jack knew the cameras were still rolling when Gabriel righted them and started covering his neck and jaw in soft kisses, but he couldn’t be assed to care. He ran his hands up Gabriel’s chest and wrapped his arms around his neck.
“Mi bello sol,” Gabriel purred against his throat. “I adore you.”
“Cut!” Ana shouted. “Well, aren’t you two comfortable with each other? Sylvain, get a new shirt for Jack. I want to do the tearing scene over again. Then we’ll get the both of you in bed with your jeans on.”
“Sounds good to me,” Gabriel grinned.
He pressed a quick kiss to Jack nose before he got to his feet. Jack followed him, blushing a little. That was the most open Gabriel had been about the relationship growing between them. Sure, Gabriel had always been flirty, but now he was being affectionate in a manner that wasn’t just to get Jack riled up. There was genuine feeling behind his actions, something Jack was certain Ana was aware of.
Jack pulled on the new shirt and tried not to laugh as Gabriel playfully groped his pecs. He gave Gabriel a hard jab in the stomach with his elbow to get him off, but accepted the playful nip to his ear as Gabriel pulled away. Ana didn’t say a thing, messing with something on her camera.
Ana called for action and Jack laughed as Gabriel ripped the shirt off of him again. Instead of tackling him, Gabriel hoisted him up on his hips and pulled him into a kiss. Jack wrapped his legs around Gabriel’s back to keep himself upright and cupped Gabriel’s face, returning the kiss eagerly.
“Cut!” Ana shouted. “Okay, boys, on the bed.”
Gabriel dropped Jack onto the bed and crawled over him, chuckling as Jack pinched his stomach. Ana explained what she wanted them to do and shouted action before Gabriel crawled over him. They smiled at each other and kissed, holding each other close. Ana made a few corrections, but she left them to their make-out session without any interference.
“I think that’s more than enough footage,” Ana said after the scene ended. “Now comes the next few months’ worth of editing to get something beautiful.”
Jack smiled at her as he pulled his shirt on over his head. “That’s great, Ana!” he said. “I’m glad to hear that you have something workable.”
“Oh, Jack, have some faith in your abilities,” Ana smirked before she waved them off. “Go on, you lovebirds. Go enjoy yourselves.”
Jack shook his head as he went for the dressing room to get changed properly. Gabriel was waiting for him when he emerged, smirking with his phone against his ear. Jack waited for him to hang up and was not surprised when Gabriel stepped forward to kiss him.
“I made us reservations at this sweet little restaurant not far from here,” Gabriel purred as he wrapped an arm around Jack’s waist. “Right in walking distance. Makes wonderful Greek food, I think you’ll enjoy it.”
Jack smiled and shook his head. “Sounds like a treat,” he said as he leaned on Gabriel’s chest.
“What the fuck is this?” Gabriel demanded as he held the datapad out to Ana.
Ana glared at the headline and rubbed at her face. “Gabe, I’m just as pissed off as you are. Still, don’t think it’s my fault. You know I don’t do shit like this,” she growled.
Gabriel dropped the datapad on the desk and growled. The headline from some trashy tabloid read “Gabriel Reyes Engaged to Small Project Co-Star”, but showed a picture of a woman he didn’t recognize instead of Jack. Someone had told a trashy tabloid that he was marrying some random woman and now it was going to run wild across every social media site. He was going to be hounded for interviews and he wasn’t ready to let the world know about his relationship with Jack yet.
He ran his hand through his hair and growled. “What do I do?” he asked.
“Talk with Jack,” Ana suggested. “Put statements out if you have to. I can deny the allegations on my end, if you’d like.”
“Thanks,” Gabriel sighed.
He left the office behind and returned to the hotel room. Jack was sitting on the bed watching television, tears in his eyes. Gabriel glanced at the screen and grimaced; it was one of those stupid, tacky tabloid shows that just spewed idiocy claiming to be the truth. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what they were talking about.
“Jack,” Gabriel murmured as he sat down beside him. “Hey, you know it’s all bullshit.”
“How many people have you been with before me?” Jack whispered.
“Does it matter?” Gabriel asked as he looked at Jack.
Jack looked up, tears streaming down his face. He swallowed thickly and let out a soft sob. It broke Gabriel’s heart to see Jack break down like that. It didn’t suit him at all; Jack’s face wasn’t made to hold such heartbreak back and every line of his face bled his agony out for Gabriel to see.
“How many people have you done this exact same thing with?” he demanded. “How many?”
“One,” Gabriel said as he cupped Jack’s cheek. “Just you. Everyone else has only been to relieve aggression or pent up sexual tension. None of them have ever stolen my heart. I keep that fucker jealously guarded. No one gets in there without trying really, really hard.”
Jack’s eyes searched his before he let a tired smile cross his face. “I had to know,” he murmured. “It would have torn me apart otherwise.”
“Ssh,” Gabriel smiled and pulled Jack into a kiss. “I know. Don’t listen to those nasty bitches. They have nothing better to do with their time than make up lies looking for drama.” He held Jack close as his partner burrowed his face into his chest. “I’m with you, Jack. I don’t want anyone else.”
“I love you,” Jack whispered. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Gabriel said as he hugged him tightly.
They had only been dating about a month and Gabriel had been hesitant to say anything about his love. He hadn’t wanted to drive Jack away out of fear. But now he believed that Jack needed to know he was serious and wasn’t just playing with him.
He reached out for the remote, pressing a kiss against Jack’s temple. He changed the channel over to whatever was playing on the local movie network and settled back against the headboard. Jack snuggled against his stomach and let out a content sigh. Gabriel ran his fingers through Jack’s soft hair and smiled.
“You’re beautiful, Jack,” he murmured.
“So are you,” Jack smiled up at him. “Especially your eyes.”
Gabriel let out a soft chuckle as he kissed his lover. “Mmm, you say the sweetest things, mi amor.”
Jack returned the kiss, purring happily against his stomach before settling down to watch the movie.
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bookishplays-blog · 7 years
this is related to the post i made abt the music association thing and the Hell Holiday is basically the reason i cant listen to mix tape anymore i swear to god this fucking holiday made me lose years off my life expectancy-
backstory: i went on a school trip to france prior to the hell holiday. i was the only responsible kid on said trip and saved all my money so when we were on the way back home i was deadass the only kid who had more than £10 left for food. anyway, this one girl who hung around with us had no money left so i bought her food and a drink and she was so grateful she told her parents who invited me to go to this adventure park place with them in the summer. me, being a broke ass bitch who, at this time, didn’t mind said girl and had ALWAYS wanted to visit said adventure park, said yes and packed to go.
from the start, it was a fucking shitshow. i stayed with this girl for approximately six days, three of which were in the adventure park, three at her house. the first day, we went to the cinema, where she proceeded to ignore me, speak over me and yell at me the whole day. her parents were strict to the point where we were sent to bed at eight o'clock. DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS. the second day went no better, with me getting my period, her being overly snide and dismissive, refusing to talk to me, taking complete control over everything, not packing for the trip and then yelling at me, confiscating MY headphones when i listened to music. but i figured, hey, she’s probably just antsy bc she’s bored.
on the car journey to the adventure park, she refused to talk to me. WE WERE IN THE CAR FOR TWO HOURS AND SHE SPOKE TO ME NOT ONCE. TO THE POINT WHERE EVEN HER PARENTS COMMENTED ON IT. and just when we FINALLY arrived, she dragged me straight off to go swimming.
as i mentioned, i was on my period. i bleed extremely heavily, and although i won’t give out my age, i’m a fairly young teen. this was the first time i’d ever used a tampon. repeat. I WAS YOUNG, ALONE, UNFAMILIAR WITH MY SURROUNDINGS AND JUST LEFT TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE A TAMPON WITH ZERO SYMPATHY AND AN ORDER TO HURRY UP. being so inexperienced, i did it wrong, so i had to leave after half an hour to redo it. except i found out they locked my back in their locker, which would’ve been fine except i was bleeding everywhere and locked in a toilet cubicle?? anyway the girl eventually found me, yelled at me, got my bag and yelled at me when i went back out to the pool.
this got no better throughout the day. we were given bikes to get around with, and her parent SPECIFICALLY ASKED ME TO LEAD HER SINCE I WAS MORE EXPERIENCED WITH ROAD CYCLING. the MOMENT this bitch’s parents were gone, she yelled at me and forced me to go behind her, which would’ve been fine except this hoe was in high school and could barely ride a bike, so we spent half an hour on a ten minute ride because of how much she stopped and started. one time, she stopped and started so rapidly that i accidentally rammed into her. she screamed at me despite me apologising profusely, checking her over and offering to go ahead so it wouldnt happen again. (spoiler; she said no)
you know how i said i was on my period? this is VERY important. i’d like to stress through the whole holiday that this girl was rude to me whenever i was in pain or tired or lethargic, all things to do with being on my period. evenings were spent with her ignoring and yelling at me, then complaining that i was too quiet and rude. she did a bunch of other nasty shit to me, which i’ll elaborate on later, including the part where she abandoned me in a forest.
now, i was visibly upset, and her parents were genuinely so sweet to me. they made an effort to include me, to buy me drinks and to hold a conversation with me. her parents were the best part of that fucking holiday, even if they did make us go to bed at eight o'clock.
the night of the first day wasnt that bad, apart from a few awkward conversations about phone charging arrangements. but overall, i woke up feeling like maybe it wouldnt be so bad. BOY WAS I WRONG. this was when i was at the peak of my instagram friendships, and i had two best friends, people i’ll call Tara and Anya (not their real names). tara and anya were the reason i survived that fucking holiday i stg when this bitch made me cry (which was often) they were always there. THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT LATER IN THIS STORY.
next day, still on my period, things went a tad better. me and the girl did archery - a disaster, by the way, with her mocking me and calling me names - and we went swimming again, which went marginally better. unfortunately, evening activities were fucking SHIT. this bitch screamed at me for having a period and taking painkillers, telling me i could just stop if i wanted to, then bagsied the first shower home despite the fact i was bleeding and had a tampon that i needed to change. our room had the only shower and there was no fucking way i was going to use her parents’ bathroom (besides, she locked me out of our room so i couldnt get fresh tampons anyway). i ended up removing my tampon very quickly (and since i actually inserted it properly this time, it hurt like a bitch and i cried).
however, wifh zero access to the room with all my period products i had to sit in a pool of my own blood, practically crying, for ten to twenty minutes while she showered. i repeat. I, A SCARED YOUNG TEEN IN AN UNFAMILIAR SETTING, HAD TO SIT IN A POOL OF MY OWN BLOOD BECAUSE THE GIRL I WAS STAYING WITH WOULDNT LET ME USE THE BATHROOM FIRST. and when i did finally get to use the bathroom, she made snarky comments when i took sanitary products with me.
evening entertainment was a shitshow. she ignored me, took my money, ignored me some more and then mocked me for calling my mum. i ended up faking sleep early just so i didnt have to listen to her. and yet that was one of the better days.
we decided to race to this beach area before meeting at the fencing complex. unfortunately, i had never been to this park before, as i said, so i got hopelessly lost. i decided to cycle to the main metro area in the park because thats where fencing was. i hoped they’d meet me there. they didn’t. i’d left my phone inside. i cycled there and back to the cabin at least four times looking for them and crying before eventually giving up and sitting outside the cabin, where a cleaner ended up taking pity on me and letting me in. i proceeded to run indoors and cry for a straight half hour, while my friends tried to console me.
i was inundated with angry texts. her only response when i told her what happened was “you wasted fencing.” as a poor girl who had always wanted to try fencing, this made me even more upset.
we did end up going to the beach place after they returned, but the girl made me row her everywhere and complained when i asked to swap. we went swimming again, and i was so cramped up that i swam for maybe half an hour before getting out and sitting on the poolside, reading and talking to my friends. this girl, whose parents had told me explicitly that i could sit by myself if i didnt want to swim, screamed at me for wasting the water. i cried again.
now we get to the part where she FUCKING ABANDONED ME IN THE WOODS.
i went back to the cabin early, and her parents decided to show us a clubhouse area. they left straight afterwards, leaving us to our own devices. we messed around a bit, and then she said to me, and i quote,“stop following me.”i didnt know the area, where to go, or what was available to do. so i sat down and texted tara and anya, who made me laugh. until this girl fucking upped and left, not before calling me slow and stupid, and left me. alone. in the woods by myself with nobody there.
luckily, my gay ass remembered the way back because there were some pretty distinctive paths and bushes on the way there, so i returned safely. her parents asked me where she was, and i lied and said we decided to split up.
she didnt come back after half an hour, so her dad borrowed mg bike and found her. she then said I left HER and then pretended to be sick and ignored me all night. (in case ur wondering how i knew her bitch ass was faking, she was perfectly fine after dinner.)
the final day, the day of leaving, we walked around a bit, and i spoke mostly to her mum. i had a pounding headache, and she took notice and dragged us inside in the shade. her parents truly were blessings, as i said. the hoe ignored me, per usual, screamed at me, per usual, and at breakfast after she made me very uncomfortable and asked very personal questions about my financial situation. when we FINALLY left, she called me ungrateful for reading on my phone and staying inside when she went to get snacks. when we got back to her place, she totally ignored me and went outside, leaving me alone to wait for my dad to pick me up.
when i left, she didnt even say goodbye, despite me getting her attention many times.
in other words, that holiday has made me distrust her completely to the point where when i was asked if i’d be okay sharing a room with her on another trip after, i flat out said no and chose the only other people (homophobes who all ignored me) to share with instead.
on the bright side, that holiday made me talk to my friends so much that i ended up becoming super close with my current squad, so theres that.
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sidekookie · 7 years
Jungkook Photographer
word count : 1890
intro // one // x // three // four
*buzz buzz*
My phone vibrates in my jeans pocket while I’m at work, so I quietly pull it out and peak at the screen to see a small yellow box telling me I’ve received a Snapchat, which also tells me who sent it without me even reading the name.
Over the past three days, since we met in the coffee shop, that’s all my phone has been doing - sending me notifications. Not that I’m complaining since every time I look at the screen I see one of three things;
JK sent you a snap!
Jungkook sent a message
Jeon Jungkook tagged you in a post/photo.
I swipe my thumb across and tap in my passcode to unlock my phone, waiting for it to load before tapping the little red box on the screen. A picture of Jungkook and another guy, who’s name I still don’t know despite him appearing in numerous snapchats before, shows up on my phone.
Tumblr media
As I’m about to reply a message drops down in a banner at the top of my screen.
I know you’re at work, it was Jimin
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I slip my phone back into my pocket before walking over to the studio lights, dimming them down before the photographer continues with the photo shoot. The place is small, only two floors with two studios, and the hours I work aren’t ideal but it gets things paid for and gets me involved with the industry I want to be part of.
“Y/n, will you grab me a red juice smoothie?” The short blonde haired girl asks me, the undertone in her voice is as if she’s talking to some body below her which is nothing new for me since as the help around here I do whatever I’m asked.
“Sure,” I smile, turning away from the studio and heading towards the refreshments station. The juices are stored in a fridge under the counter so I bend down and grab one before returning back to her and leaving it beside her on the stool.
My name is called on the walkie talkie I have hooked on my back pocket and I make my way to the back office which is out the door and just down the white hall. As I approach the door, which is open as usual, I can hear Mi-ja almost yelling down the phone so I slowly poke my head around the frame and she sees me.
“Listen, I have to go.” She tells whoever is on the other end of the line, then hangs up seconds after. “Y/n, hey. Are you still wanting to use the studio Friday night?”
“Um, yeah, if that’s not a problem.”
“No, it’s no problem, as usual I’ll leave you the keys,” She smiles brightly, standing from her desk and walking to the filing cabinet. “It’s just I’m going on a business trip Thursday and wanted to make sure you get your using time.”
After 8 hours in this place, which I love despite my complaining, I’m walking out the door and onto the not so busy street. The company I work at is only small, being made last year, but it does get busy at times and with all the diva photographers and their diva models it seems like I can never make my way up the ladder.
I pull the strap of my backpack further up onto my shoulder and start off down the road, towards my apartment which is a mere three blocks away. The weather is nice today, it’s not raining and since the sun it out there is more of a balance in temperature from the cold winds. As I walk down the street I think of what to get for dinner, there will be eight of us so I’ll have to get a lot more than usual and I’m unsure what they like. Pizza? Everybody likes pizza, right?
There is a small convenience store around the corner from my building so before I go home I pop in and pick up some Soju and other alcohol, since I assume we will all be of drinking age and wanting to have some fun. I grab some sweets too, for me, and once I’ve paid I smile at the shop worker and wave as I leave. Checking the time and seeing it is already 5:30pm, I rush up to my apartment on the third floor and unpack my things. Putting the beer in the fridge and the sweets in my room – hidden away from the boys. They should be arriving at 6pm and my home is a mess, I start cleaning up my things in the bathroom and putting away my makeup into its bag, then go back into my room and check I have all my things away in the chance that one of them walks in by accident or something.
I start to redo my hair, since it’s another twenty minutes before Jungkook said he’d come over, but a sudden knock at the door interrupts my actions and all I have the chance to do is pull the hair band out and let it fall from its pony tail. My first thought is that I have a delivery, because my past experience with guys has been that they’re never on time, but as I open the door I hear them all gabbling and Jungkook’s voice telling them to shut up.
As soon as I’m in sight I’m yelled at, each one of them shouting something different, and it just all merges into one large noise. They quieten down within a few seconds as Jungkook looks at me with an expression of hopelessness, covering it with a smile and saying hi to me himself.
“Hey, y/n,” He says, I jump forward in excitement and hug him. The fact that someone I like and know makes me happy after spending all day at work.
“Hi, come in,” I step away from Jungkook, and wave them all in. “Shoes just go there and then come on through.”
I start walking back in to the apartment, leading them to the living room and plopping myself down on the couch. They all come in and sit down, some on the couch but a couple on the floor since there is so many of us.
Everyone introduces themselves briefly; Jimin, from snapchat; Namjoon, the brains; Yoongi, the sleeper; Jin, food fanatic; Hoseok, always happy and smiling; and Taehyung, who reminds me of a child (in the best way).
“Well, I’m y/n…” I think of what else to say but Jimin cuts me off.
“Don’t worry, Jungkook told us all about you.” His smile is cheeky but gorgeous and I look at Jungkook who is sat next to me on the couch.
“Oh really?” A surprised and wide eyed expression comes on my face and I tilt my head. Jungkook turns to me and smirks,
“It’s all the complaining because you’re SO annoying,”
“Says the one who thought I couldn’t handle this lot,” I look over at them and they start defending themselves, Hoseok hitting Jungkook on the head since he’s sat beside him. I laugh and stand to go to the kitchen,
“So, I was thinking pizza? But if you guys want something else,”
“No! Pizza is perfect,” Jungkook yells from in front of me, continuing once I look down at him. “If you give them the choice we’ll have to order three different types of food…” He whispers up at me. A chuckle comes out and I shake my head as I start to walk.
“Okay…I’ll grab the menu. Does anyone want a Soju or beer?”
“I’ll come help you grab them,” Jimin jumps up from the floor and stands behind me, ready to go to the kitchen.
“Yah, Jimin, finally someone who is smaller than you!” Taehyung laughs, making everybody else do the same. As I go to turn and see the height difference Jimin puts his hands on my waist and steers me out the room, to the kitchen. His hands are soft and warm, the comforting type of warm not the sweaty kind, and it feels weird to have them directly on my skin as I’m wearing a cropped jumper.
“I am smaller than you,” I smile once we’re in the kitchen and I’ve turned around to see him properly standing. He smiles, his eyes crinkling and teeth showing, looking so angelic.
While I get the Soju, Jimin picks up the menu from the pin board and then takes three Soju bottles into the living room for each of the boys. I get the other five and take them in, handing them out and keeping one for myself before sitting in my place, almost falling over Jungkook’s legs which makes me land half on his lap.
“Shit, sorry.” I say in English and then shuffle myself off of Jungkook and pull my leg up underneath my other one, sitting comfortable. When I look back up to the guys, who are all in stunned silence and have shaken expressions on their faces, I feel very targeted.
“You speak English?” Jin asks me, still staring at me in shock. I have no idea what to say so I just nod slowly and open my bottle of Soju, the quiet tsss noise seeming like a gun going off due to the atmosphere in the room.
“You never said about that, Jungkook,” Jin says at the boy next to me, giving me the exact same look as everyone else.
“I didn’t know!” The reply is defensive and I laugh, brushing my hand through his hair and patting him on the head.
“I didn’t tell you, that’s why.”
Once they all get over the fact that I can speak English, we order three types of pizza since we couldn’t decide on just two. Whilst waiting for the food delivery, which doesn’t take more than ten minutes because this pizza place is just around the corner, I leave the boys and pop into my bedroom to finish sorting things out really quick.
A sound of a knock creates a buzz in the living room, just next to my room, and as I go to open the door with money in hand I can see Taehyung jumping on Jimin and laughing. The boy takes the money and hands me the three pizza boxes then leaves, letting me try to balance the boxes on one arm and shut the door. The weight of the boxes tilt and I nearly drop them, but I catch it with my other hand and exhale deeply while look at the floor, seeing the pile of shoes and how most are just piled up in a mess. But mine, as always, are set side by side flat on the ground and next to them, just the same, are a pair of sand coloured timberlands – no guessing whose they are.
“Y-yeah…” I shout back, tearing my eyes and mind away from the simplest thing. “I’m coming.”
I go back into the living room where all the boys are and glance at Jungkook for a few seconds before putting the food on the table, making all of them gather around closer to the table.
“I’ll get us all another drink…” I say, leaving the room again and going back to the kitchen.
{ hi, again. so i suck at updates but...hopefully you can forgive me? here’s the second part and if i can I’ll get the third up sooner than next week - C }
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So with Frankfurter in the Darling's XXX or whatever starting this season apparently I decided it was a good time to start watching the full series version of little witch academia (dubbed). mmmmmmmmmmmhit's still terrible.
everyone is still a complete cunt. akko screams at everyone even if they clearly don't want anything to do with her; she can't calm the fuck down for even a split fucking second to try and focus on actually using magic, and of course the teachers are all too fucking shit to help so she just endlessly gets fucked over and embarrassed. I almost feel sorry for her, the world is set up to just kick her in the cunt repeatedly and she's too damn retarded to do anything about it. And then she keeps dragging the other two into shit too. Just fucking stop Sushi turns other people's property into eye-gouging asshole creatures, puts people she just met into a deathtrap for her own selfish desires... just to round out the bitch factor there's those two bitches who always hang around Diana, because we need even more cunts bitching it up here. The only likeable character is maybe... Lo... Lutty... I swear, the dub changes the way her name is pronounced every episode. I feel like I'm tripping balls listening to this shit.
The setup is weird. The school accepts someone who would have no witch experience but the only way to get to the entrance ceremony is by broom... and missing that means you're..... banned forever? what? why even bother accepting her? or at least give her a heads up so she can get there some other way? i mean she'd be too fucking retarded to manage that anyway but still and then the show spends way too fucking long aaaaaaaaagonizing over the portal sequence and oh all the little things that are happening in it !!! wow the humors!! oh the pickled plums, there's salt or something, whoagh the broom is waggling around whooooooo- we get it you're doing a humor. it's dumb and get the fuck on with it It's also really weird to me that magic doesn't work outside of the school because of the battery stone or whatever. So, like, what's the point of learning magic if it only works here? It's really not clear what kind of range the thing has; one episode has the grils slipping out of the truck they hid in to get out of the school on brooms but then one scene later has them going "lol can't use the brooms lol". Wgat?
I'll give Trigger some little credit; they've improved on a few things from the original works. The seven stars of the Stick Rod are now Ursa Major (minor?), so they're actually building their own symbolism here rather than before when it was vaguely the Pleiades and I'm still pretty fucking sure they were trying to gyp recognition off of Houkago no Pleiades because they're totally Gainax guis insert whatever it was I said about this before here They're still using the four-pointed Trigger star they've used for fucking everything, but you know what, that much works. Used like this it's just their studio motif. It's fine. Akko's still a complete fucking moron who can't fucking do anything at all, but she does come in knowing like one... maybe two entire things about magic... half of which she learned from trading cards... but still, you know, like you'd expect her to have tried to learn on her own if she's so fucking enthusiastic about it. And despite most of the time her just screaming spells over and over again expecting it to magically (hah) work, she is shown at least sometimes actually trying to do things properly, even if she gets frustrated and goes back to screaming in the end.
but still it have many propblemb. To pick on one scene in particular that I think illustrates what Trigger keeps trying to do and keeps failing at... in the race episode there's a sequence once Akko gets on the superbroom where she goes through a bunch of random environments, because the broom too fast. It's supposed to be like, hey look guys my western animation-esque trope happening, just like muh old western animes
The problem is, the show as a whole is just too *grounded* for this to work. It's a major difference between anime and western animation in general, going back to the origins of the medium- there's an article out there about vintage western animators bitching about how the japs can't into stretch and squash and therefore the whole medium is bunk. I think of it as, the characters in shows like Mickey Mouse show (you know, that show) are made more of rubber, while anime characters have more of a skeleton to them- a rigidity. A lot of this comes from limited animation and general budget skimping, but it's still a difference in style and general production philosophy that I think extends in a way to other aspects of the shows of both mediums. The plots, the "logic" and just the way scenes are generally structured. There's of course variance within each medium but it's pretty broadly applicable.
And LWA is... not a show that bucks that. Not enough to pull this off, anyway.
So this scene- it's supposed to be le gag to show how crazy fast the broom's going but it comes off as if it's supposed to be literal, which... obviously doesn't work. This isn't just on the context of the rest of the show but the scene itself- for example they have this lumbering yeti fellow turn and look as Akko goes by which has its own whole separate shot and everything. Why... why put so much focus and weight on that when it's a gag shot and not literally happening? This is just... something Trigger seems to have a fundamental lack of understanding on. Luluco was full of it too and it was pretty shit but I can't really remember any specifics or if I even ever mentioned it on this shit blog. They want to have the tropes but they do not know how to do the actual thing.
So how would you make this work? The anime Panty and Stocking, made by Gainax not long before Trigger split off from them if I remember correctly, worked because the animation was completely fucking deranged and more western-like on a fundamental level. Even Trigger's first big work(?) Kill la Kill had more rubbery animation that could use these tropes effectively, cementing my belief that Trigger started off at least basically functional and went downhill from there. Like they used to be able to at least kind of look at the work as a whole, but they got lost looking at the bells and whistles and forgot about what frameowrk was needed to support it.
If you don't want to completely redo the show's visual style, just something like having one wacky gag an episode or so would help set it up as
But they just keep doing it, along with (speaking of Luluco) "hey guys did you know this thing we made that was really cool and remember it??? like kill la kill, omg the scars in kiznaiber were the motif in klk and now there in luluco????? (insert thing from gainax that was actually good but they like to pretend they made it too) (also do a self-congratulatory commemorative short series when the studio's existed for like a decade or less and made all of like what two or three original properties that're actually theirs)" circlejerking shit. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Actually, I'm half convinced the obsession with western-type wacky animation comes from trying to leech off of Panty and Stocking to begin with.
i like how akko's supposed to befriend her broom to get it to actually fly but then she just abandons it in the fucking forest. what a cunt
oh, this episode starts with loogey going "oh boi i' so accited for saturgdsay" and you just know one or the other of the absolute cunts she's saddled with are going to fuck it up for her .....is this episode about lootie sperging out about a fucking tiwlight parody. whAT THE FUCK? just kill me. kill me right now
Oh god, Frankfurter Darlings doesn't air until the 13th. Guys I'm so reverse hyped
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