#listen listen please- the choir is already so chaotic
mariipun · 1 year
Adventures of Wally & The Gang (plus their Caretaker)
Adventures of Wally and the Gang (plus their Caretaker)
Associates Meeting (one-shot)
Warnings: None. Just fluff and funsies honestly; silly antics some of the cast members get themselves into. By no means are my interpretations in relation to Clown’s work, and therefore, not canonically based. Consider this an introduction to the whimsical one-shots to come with our dear Caretaker and the gang.
Word Count: 1,970
Brief Description: Set in the modern world, the Welcome Home cast is alive and aware, living alongside humans. And you have been contracted to be their Caretaker. [you are referred to by the puppets as “Caretaker” or “Care” for short.]
Dedication: @nonomives @kandavers
 *blows kiss* Wanted to give you both this as my debut. 
[I am open to constructive criticism, feedback and ideas! Please inbox me if you have any! I’m a bit rusty with writing, so I appreciate any insight]
In a world much like the Muppets, puppets co-exist with humans. Although the colorful ensemble of characters from the beloved children’s TV show portrays themselves as sweet, educational, fun-loving personas-- when they aren’t on the air, they happen to get themselves into quite a lot of mischief. And you, the lucky individual that you are, have been contracted as their Caretaker to ensure these chaotic puppet actors stay on schedule and don’t put themselves in situations that could cause bad publicity.
You walked off set after speaking to one of the producers as the show had wrapped up earlier than expected. This made it easier to schedule the upcoming appointments you had meticulously organized around the otherwise busy puppet’s schedules. With clipboard in hand, you made your way over to the break area, where most of the cast members were chatting with stagehands, makeup artists, or lounging in their deck chairs.
“All right everyone!” You clapped your hands together to garner the attention of the cast, all eyes turning to you except for Barnaby standing over the spread table, hungrily grabbing at the box of doughnuts one of the interns had placed out. You deadpan at him before shouting his name, earning an audible hmph?! as the blue mass turned to look at you, a sprinkled doughnut hanging from his mouth, with two others in hand.
“Okaaaay—now that I have everyone’s attention, we have an early flight to catch tomorrow for our meeting with our studio associates, which will take place later in the afternoon once we’ve arrived.” You scan the break area to ensure they’re still listening, amused by Julie and Sally as they respond with shared squeals, already chatting about plans to sightsee the area and meet their adoring fans. Their bubbly response caused you to grin momentarily, before turning serious.
“That means! You all need to be awake, packed, and ready to go at 6 A.M. sharp.” You say sternly, now earning loud groans from a few of the puppets.
“Okay, okay.” You waved your hand dismissively to the choir of complaints. You didn’t know why they were complaining, considering they usually wake up this early in the morning to start the show. Rolling your eyes, you let out a breath, mentally preparing for whatever shenanigans these puppets will pull on you later. “You guys have the rest of the day to relax since it’s only 2 P.M. right now. Just remember, we need to stick to the schedule. I don’t want to have to explain myself to the Manager if things derail.”
With a resounding “All right” from everyone, you went your parting ways and continued to work out the schedule’s details. “Also! Julie, you better pack light! We are only staying for two days, so don’t bring your whole wardrobe with you—again…” You called after her, ignoring her refusal to do so.
[Next Day: 5:41 A.M.]
You grabbed your duffle bag, slinging it over your shoulder before grabbing the briefcase on your way out of your small apartment. Before descending the stairs of the apartment building, you turn back in to grab your coffee, yawning in the process. “Ugh, gonna be a long day.” You murmur to yourself, the lingering drowsiness from slumber not yet leaving your body. You check the time on your phone as you take a gentle sip. You only lived a 7-minute walk away from the set, which you were grateful for since (1) You didn’t own a car and (2) The Studio provided you with lodging once you agreed to be the cast’s Caretaker. The pay was all right considering the added bonuses of what the Studio provided for you, although, it’s probably due in part to the various applicants that had been hired and then immediately quit due to their lack of ability to actually wrangle the cast from committing any sort of war crimes. (Guess the Studio needed to give some sort of incentive for someone to fill the role). Taking on the task was daunting at first since you quickly learned how eager the members were to push boundaries. You didn’t necessarily blame them for being curious since there was still so much of the world they wanted to learn about. Of course, this made your job more difficult to handle at times.
[5:53 A.M.]
You walked through the studio’s hallways, quietly greeting good mornings to other studio employees as you passed. The meeting location for everyone was in room 2A, usually reserved for auditions, but opened for you to ensure everyone came on time. Arriving at the room, you saw that most of the members had already arrived. Poppy, sitting comically large on one of the chairs and leaning against the wall as she continued to sleep. Barnaby and Wally both lazily tapping on their phones; Frank and Eddie who were both reading; Howdy who had just strolled in with a loud yawn, and…. Julie and Sally? Who weren’t even here yet. Of course, knowing them Sally would come in ‘dramatically’ late, as per usual, and Julie would usually stroll along. You greet those who were already there good morning, earning a few mumbled good mornings in return and a quiet snore from Poppy. You leaned against the wall next to the entrance, taking out your schedule:
6 A.M. - morning roll call
6:10 A.M.- arrive to cars
6:30 A.M. - board private jet
8:30 A.M. (projected arrival time)
9:00 A.M. – early check-in
1:30 P.M. – production meeting
5:30 P.M. – dinner reservation (for self)
You nod, everything was still on track for the most part… Sally would soon come in beaming and entered the room with a loud, sing-songy “I’m here!”, followed by the same response as the heaving Julie dragged an absurdly stuffed suitcase in tow. The sudden intrusion caused Poppy to jolt awake, everyone else looking over as the pair came in. You glanced at the time, 6:12 A.M.
“You’re late…and I told you to pack light--” You comment, shaking your head gently as the two tried to begin explaining. Raising a hand to stop them, you turned to everyone with a small smile, went over the plans for travel, and ushered them all to the awaiting cars outside.
[8:32 A.M. Landing]
As the jet landed, everyone deplaned and entered the cars that would transport them to the hotel. Once you have all arrived at the hotel, you check everyone in, soon giving them each their own room keys on the same floor. You gave them all a nod of approval as you all entered the elevator and went up to the 14th floor. You all agreed to meet in the lobby after freshening up to discuss any further plans. As you waved to them, you entered your room and took in the welcoming atmosphere. Plush pillows, clean sheets, a stocked mini fridge, a desk, a great window view, and a bathroom full of high-quality amenities you would surely take back home. (No one’s going to miss a few small bottles of shampoo and conditioner anyway). You place your briefcase on the desk, plop the duffle bag on the chair, and throw yourself onto the inviting bed. With arms spread wide, you inhale sharply as you stretch, sighing in contentment for a moment. The temporary silence gave your much-needed overworked mind some peace, before going into the bathroom to get ready. You would soon greet everyone with a much chippier attitude as they had all been waiting for you in the lobby area. You took notice as more guests began to enter the hotel, some with young children excitedly pointing out Wally and the others, pleading to meet them as their tired parents tried to calm their resounding squeaks. It was times like these when you got a break, witnessing the excitement and wonder of fans felt endearing. You were with a group of celebrities after all. Trying to keep a low profile was, unfortunately, not an option in your field of work.
“So, what do you guys want to do?” Eddie inquires. Everyone began throwing out ideas, Julie insisting they go shopping; Frank, who commented on a museum exhibit; Sally wanting to check out the old (presumably haunted) theaters; Howdy and Poppy bouncing ideas about taking a tour downtown; and Barnaby mentioning an all-you-can-eat buffet. The overwhelming chatter droned out your thoughts as everyone turned to you, arguing that they “Should do this!”, “No, this—“, “Care, I want to—“. You tried hushing everyone as their voices became increasingly loud in volume, garnering more attention from the hotel guests as their rambunctious natures were disturbing the ease of the lobby.
“Hold on, hold on. We only really have three more hours before we go to the meeting, so we might not be able to do everything today—” You try to console everyone, your response not satisfying the puppets as they began bickering amongst themselves. You heard a few complaints that you were being too ‘strict’, too ‘uptight’, ‘just relax a bit will ya, we’ve got time’. You huff, knowing you needed them all together since they’d do ‘who knows what’ when apart from you. Maybe you should just ask to be promoted from Caretaker to Glorified Babysitter at this point, the title is more suitable. You attempted to hush them again, only to be met with more insistence that they do “this idea, or that”. You could barely put a word in as your eyes slowly fell on Wally, who in his usual laid-back manner, said nothing. Simply observing the conversations and locking eyes on you.
You could tell by his demeanor, mischievous grin on his face, he was brewing up a plan. Your eyes narrow, squinting at him as you both engaged in a stare-down. “Don’t—” You emphasized, everyone else taking notice and silently watching. “Wally. Do not—”
“I said-- Ah!--?!” Before you could protest, you were encased in oversized blue arms, Barnaby coming up to give you a hug from behind, his chuckles booming loudly in your ears. He picked you up slightly, your legs kicking as you tried yelling for them all to “Get back here!”. Both Sally and Julie bolted for the entrance, waving hello and goodbye to those they passed by; Howdy and Poppy scuttled away, continuing to chat; Frank and Eddie looked at each other before heading to the museum, as Wally sneakily exited stage left. You went limp in Barnaby’s arms, cheeks red with frustration as you slowly descended back onto your feet. He chuckled, patting your shoulder (insult to injury).
“You know kid, you should just take it easy. We finally have some downtime, just let ‘em go and have some fun. Same with you, see you in a bit.” He chimed, walking off to the hotel’s restaurant.
You stood there in defeat, running your hands up and down your face before pinching the bridge of your nose. As expected, it was gonna be a long day indeed.
[2:03 P.M. Associates Meeting]
“Shouldn’t they have been here already?”
“Yeah, I tried calling Care, but they hadn’t respo—”
You burst into the meeting room, hair disheveled, breathing heavy with Wally and Julie tucked under your arms while the rest of the members stood behind you with smiles and greetings. You stomped in, some of the associates just staring as you plopped the two in their seats as the others strolled in before settling down themselves. You said nothing, cheeks hot and nostrils flared before clearing your throat and smoothing your hair. You move off to the side, taking refuge in the seat placed against the wall. You finally slump, head tilted back and resting on the wall as the meeting began.
Yeah, you needed a promotion… and a raise.
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spookibird · 2 years
PLEASE tell me more about penny lamb being more like legolands penny lamb that sounds so amazing and could only lead to chaos
It would absolutely lead to chaos.
Penny in Legoland is an absolute MENACE, she argues with a lot of people in St. Cassian’s, and has been suspended at least once
And that’s not getting into the actual plot of Legoland where she travels miles, gets into a fight and gets arrested
She’s very nervous but she isn’t shy, she can and will talk for ages about stuff she's passionate about to try to conceal her nerves
This version of Penny probably joined the choir to help make friends and also because she enjoys music, maybe to help her reputation as well considering everything that happened just 2 YEARS prior
She would probably get along best with Noel actually, he would remind her of Ezra, with his flair for the dramatic, and his love for the gloomier side of life, plus I feel like they would both bond over poetry
Penny and Ricky would def be friends, she loves all his cats bc animals and also would like to listen to his stories about Zolar, furthermore, I feel like he’s one of the few who would happily listen to her ramble about animals and conservation, every time they hang out he learns a new fact about an animal
Mischa and Penny I think would be close, I feel like they would bond over having to adjust to a new society, with Mischa coming from Ukraine, and Penny coming from Elysium, they would be in similar situations
Penny would like Constance’s calm energy compared to the rest of the choir but I also think they would have similar tastes in music, tv shows and films! Constance shows her a lot of tv shows, I think they would binge watch together.
Ocean and Penny’s relationship would be tense, I feel like they would butt heads in the classroom a lot, Penny often trying to correct Ocean or vice versa, but they share a similar view on swearing and both take the choir very seriously, so they tolerate each other (I love the duo potential in RTC but Legoland Penny would absolutely hate Ocean I’m sorry)
Overall the choir would be 10x more chaotic than they already are and Penny would create problems both by accident and on purpose, most of the antics in Legoland were her ideas so that would carry over to this
She would absolutely get them in trouble on field trips by finding ways to sneak into places they shouldn’t be, Mischa absolutely encourages her, Ocean tries to stop her, she is just determined to see why they can’t go there, nothing can stop her
But once the choir finds out about the events of Legoland is when the chaos would truly start
They probably found out via someone mentioning it in the hallways or via google
Penny is extremely embarrassed
“I was 15! Young and stupid!”
“You were 15???”
She does tell them what happened in full because she trusts her friends
Mischa, Ricky, and Constance find the story hilarious, Ocean is shocked that PENNY of all people would have a criminal record before anyone else
Noel sympathises with her but also thinks it's kinda funny, he's mostly impressed they managed to pull it off
Overall they don't think any less of Penny, mostly, it's in the past and she hasn't done anything nearly as dumb as that recently and seems remorseful over it
Meeting Ezra would be a DISASTER however
Penny tries to explain to Ezra that these are her friends so he doesn’t need to worry about them
He’s protective of her tho so he’s still suspicious
He hates Ocean so much, like she walks into the room and he immediately knows he’s not going to like her, he finds her condescending, it takes months for him to be able to tolerate her (I love Ocean but the Lamb siblings would hate her)
He absolutely terrifies Constance, he doesn’t do much to scare her but he reminds her of Jane and he also spends a lot of the time just staring at her
Penny tries to explain that that’s just something he does but it doesn’t help
He is suspicious of Mischa’s bad boy persona, but trusts Penny’s judgement, he just watches him from a distance
The only two members of the choir Ezra likes are Noel and Ricky, he likes Ricky’s creativity, and Noel’s shared love of darker aspects of life
He does try to sell them drugs, they refuse, Penny has everyone leave after that
Penny still thinks it went well despite everything, most of the choir are terrified of this intense 14 year old
I just think the Legoland version of the characters would make everything 10x more chaotic and make the choir look sensible for once.
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Hello hi yes I’m not dead. Where have I been the past two ish weeks? Looking for motivation to do anything but that’s not the point of this post. The point of this post is to share some art. So
There are spoilers for the ending of Ride the Cyclone under the cut so be warned okay now onto the art
For a little background, @fitheghosty created this AU for Ride the Cyclone that’s absolutely consumed my mind. The rough concept goes that after Penny is brought back the choir is also thrown back into the living world as ghosts that only Penny can see. Penny doesn’t remember them, and vice versa, BUT in one of her posts, Fi mentioned Penny summoning the choir. I’m perfectly aware there’s probably a completely different way it went but that doesn’t stop my brain from imagining it going a little something like this…
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meenah-chan · 3 years
Brothers and a Broken Bone
An OM! GN! MC fanfiction (OM! Brothers & Now-dateables + Luke)
2.42k words
Genre: flangst probably
Trigger Warning: blood, broken bone, violence (probably) Self depreciation? Still, read at your own discretion.
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A chaotic family. A fight broke out and then... "Snap!"
They were on the way to the Demon Lord's Castle. Being like their usual selves, seven demons of varying personalities is chaotic.
"I'll definitely kill you Mammon if you're not able to get my platinum Seraphim figurine back!"
"Stop fussin' around already! It's just a figurine—"
"Just a figurine?! That's the last limited edition platinum Seraphim figurine released during the final episode of Seraphim of the End! There are only 5 of it ever produced in the whole three realms!" ...extremely chaotic.
"Shut it, you're so so damn loud."
"Loud?! Then let me rip that useless ears off you!" Whilst just a few blocks away from the castle, the purple demon suddenly transformed and spring towards his scummy brother.
"Stop it already. You're making a scene—" Before Satan could finish his sentence, the book he's holding was hit by Mammon's stray hand and flew, knocking Beelzebub's burger off his hands.
"My... Burger..." Losing concentration he lost grip of Belphegor, who is on his back.
On his fall, Belphegor squash Asmodeus to the ground, who then broke a nail.
"My book..."
"My beautiful nails..."
"Mngh... the hell..."
A burger splattered on the floor. A dented book coated with mayo and ketchup. A broken nail. An interrupted sleep.
... Extremely chaotic indeed.
Simultaneously the demon brothers transformed, ready to join the brawl.
"Stop this, you fools!" A riot is the last thing Lucifer wants a few blocks away from Diavolo's abode. Yet, his words falls on deaf ears, causing a set of horns and wings to sprout from him.
And the eldest joins the battle.
Then there's MC, a mere human. "Hey! No fighting guys!!" ...with no one who want to listen to.
"Don't hurt each other!!" Still nothing.
They move closer and took a deep breath, but this time, they're eager to use a bit of force through their pacts. "CUT IT—Aww." yet before they could, they fail miserably. Knocked by whoever the brother is, MC lost their balance.
They twist to hopefully resist their fall. Still, MC's footing failed and instead fall face first.
As if a twig cracks, Leviathan and Mammon's attention was drawn to the unsettling sound. And as if on cue— Lucifer, Beelzebub, Satan and Belphegor's eyes followed.
A few feet away from them sits MC, blood profusely dripping off their nose.
MC rose on their feet but in a second, "Ahh..." They glanced on their lower right and lift their arm, as if nothing is bleeding.
Following the human's line of vision, blood suddenly drained from everyone's face. Well, except for the human themself.
"AHHHH!!" A shriek from Mammon and Asmodeus.
"Y/N!?" A shocked yell from Lucifer, Beelzebub and Satan.
"..." And a choked silence from Leviathan and Belphegor.
"...It broke." at the end of their arm limply dangles their forearm from the elbows. MC just looked at it as if nothing's out of place. They then glance to the stiff brothers a few feet away from them. "So, y'all cool down a bit?"
The brothers are anything but cooled down. They are so terrified they couldn't even move on their s spot.
And as if to trigger the demon brothers alot more, they swish their arm a little bit, the dangling forearm swinging like pendulum.
The first one to return to his composure is Lucifer, pulling out a handkerchief to stop the bleeding of Y/N's nose.
Satan followed, removing his blue jacket and sling their right arm around their neck. "I can't find anything hard to support your arm so please make do with this for now... damn, that fucking hardbound book's useless..." He mumbled the last phrase gritting his teeth.
"... Let's head to the Demon Lord's Castle first." Lucifer may looked he is composed outside but inside, he is a total mess. Everytime he loosens the pressure of his hand on their nose, blood will come dripping off with no sign of clotting at all. Just a bit more of ant stimuli and he will certainly be panicking like his brothers.
Noticing it, MC took the handkerchief from Lucifer and hold it in place themself.
Beel on the other hand towers over them and carry them.
"Does it hurt? Am I the one who hit you?" A crying Mammon hovers over them, hesitant of touching a single strand of his human.
"O-Of course it hurts, you idiot! We just broke MC's arms!" Leviathan is also a crying mess, standing beside Mammon.
"Not really. It is throbbing but numb." They reeled their arm once more, alerting everyone.
"DON'T DO THAT!!" They all yelled in sync.
"Hahahahahaha!! Looked at that priceless faces. Are you in a choir?"
"Hey, no fooling around! You're injuries are serious!" Asmodeus snaps.
"What if you worsen it?! You want to lose your arm, huh?!" Belphegor added.
"Why would I listen to any of you?" MC raised an eyebrow.
"Stop being childish and unreasonable. We're just thinking about you."
"Ohoh~? Did I heard it right? Childish and unreasonable? Aren't you describing yourselves awhile ago before injuring me with your bickering?" Condescending laugh. They received an insulting laugh from a mere human, yet no one utter a single word for defense.
Amidst the chaos, three forms appears opposite to their destination. "Hey guys, aren't you going to the Demon Lord's Castle too? What are you doing in the middle of the road?" As Simeon, Luke and Solomon approached the frozen brothers, MC jump off Beel's grasp and went to them.
"MC, what's with that jacket?" Luke held the hem of their shirt with a concerned look.
"It's nothing, just broke my arm. Come on, let's go to Diavolo and leave that matured and reasonable bunch." MC is smiling but the three could hear the spite in their voice.
"Wait—You WHAT?!" The eyes of the three almost bulged out of their skulls in surprise.
"Don't worry, I can't feel it. Let's go before the numbness disappears."
Through Solomon's magic, they manage to stop the bleeding and hold the arm from swinging. The four arrived at the the Demon Lord's Castle safely, leaving the brothers behind.
"MC, what happened?" As soon as he sees their state, Diavolo react fast and guide them to the nearest sofa.
"It was an accident. Is it possible to fix this?" Barbatos entered the room from a door different from what they used. He is carrying with him a first aid. Their guess is either— he left the room as he saw them or, he already predicted this will happen and came prepared. Either way, he didn't questioned them and instead act calm and efficiently as ever. Though when MC look closely, they can see an ever subtle crease between his brows.
Shortly after Barbatos appeared, the seven brothers arrived to the room, silently stayed in the corner.
"Solomon, I believe you have knowledge of healing spells, don't you?" Barbatos asked, wrapping the injured arm carefully yet fast.
"Yes, but it will take a few days to completely heal a torn ligament."
"I also have some speeding-up spells under my sleeves. I think combining it will heal MC's arm by daybreak." After Barbatos patch them up, Luke approach MC, with Simeon a step behind him.
"Are you o–okay? Does it hurt?" Teary-eyed he hold their knee, looking into their eyes.
With their uninjured hand they caress Luke's cheek, wiping the tears off his eyes. "It doesn't hurt at all. I will be alright in no time. A sweet little angel is blessing me after all."
"That's right Luke. Solomon and Barbatos are also forming a spell to return MC's arm to normal."
"Now, listen everyone." Diavolo stood in the middle of the room, calling everyone's attention. "I believe MC and the brothers have something to discuss in private. While Barbatos and Solomon are constructing a spell in the next room, I hope Simeon and Luke to come with me to give them privacy."
"I bet they are the one who caused MC's injuries! I don't want to leave MC alone with them!"
"It'll be okay Luke. They will be careful and won't do it the second time. Am I right, guys?" Simeon spoke calmly to soothe Luke but a hint of distaste still managed to reach the ears of the brothers. "Now come, let's leave them for a while." A reassuring smile from MC to Luke, and a thankful nod from Lucifer, to Diavolo and Simeon are passed before the others left the room.
"MC..." Approaching them, the brothers line up in row a meter away from them, Lucifer speaking in the middle of the line. "We would like to apologize for our... foolishness. Won't you forgive us? We're ready to do anything to earn you again."
"... I'm not really angry with you guys. Just upset and disappointed, with myself. Well, maybe I'm also sad because of you."
"Quarrels are normal with siblings. But it hurts to see you guys on each other's neck, ready to kill each other any moment. I mean, we're family. I should be able to stop you guys from doing something you'll definitely regret later. Yet here I am, a mere weak human who couldn't even do anything about it."
"It was like you guys calling me a family is nothing but a title. That without the pact, I am but a useless design that would crumble at a slight flick. I'm so weak and useless it's so upsetting."
"You're not weak nor useless!!" Mammon yelled.
"Yes I am. Look at this arm that snapped like a flimsy twig." MC slightly raised the arm with broken bone, which is starting to throb in pain. Pain that will definitely cause their tears anytime soon. Yet despite the pain still not surfacing completely, a greater pain within their chest caused tears to fall anyways.
"Look at me MC," Lucifer knelt in front of them, wiping the tears away from their eyes, "You, by any means, are not a weak person."
"Staying by our side after everything that happened, shows that you're a strong person." Satan strokes their head, smiling.
"That's because I really love you all. Because I want to be with you."
"We love you too, MC." Asmodeus also knelt beside Lucifer, taking their hand to his lips for a kiss.
"You're the most precious person to us, MC. We don't want you sad so please smile."
"Y–You know you're the Henry of my life! I vow I won't cause you pain. No–I'll protect you from all the sufferings in this world the best that I can!" Standing behind Lucifer, Leviathan fist-pumped.
"You're the best cuddle partner for me. Get well soon so we can take a nap without any problems." hugged MC from behind, burrying his face on the crook of their neck.
Mammon had enough. "Let go, you pricks! No touching to my human! What if you worsen their injury, huh?!" He especially tried peeling the fifth and seventh born from their intimate touch with MC.
"You're just jealous you couldn't hug them."
"Or kiss their hand." Asmodeus planted another peck onto their palm.
"N–No, of c–course not!" Mammon blushed profusedly while he held his hands over Asmodeus to stop him the third time.
"Pfft—Hahahahahahaha!" Being able to lift the pain off themself and hearing the brothers cheer them up, MC laughed with light heart, also lifting the veil of sadness and guilt from the brothers' chests.
The room was filled with smiles and laugh, fortifying the bonds of the big family they have.
"I'm sorry for interrupting everyone,"
"GWAAAHHHH!!" Leviathan and Mammon screamed in surprise as Barbatos appeared in the room with neither warning nor sound. Not only the purple and whitehead was taken aback. Everyone went stiff for a second except MC who is facing the door directly and saw Barbatos enter.
"The spell is done in the other room. If you may allow me, I would like to take MC."
On the doorway stood Solomon, holding back his laughter from the scene, engraving the comical shocked faces of everyone to the back of his mind.
"You could've knocked before entering you know..." Satan sighed.
"Forgive me for my rudeness, but I would like to bring them as soon a possible." Barbatos slightly bowed with his usual formal smile.
"... I see. Please do." Lucifer held his temple for a second before rising on his feet and giving way to the butler. If he knew, the butler definitely did it intentionally as a payback.
"If you'll excuse me." Barbatos took MC's other hand and in a snap, sling it to his nape, carrying MC in his arms like a princess.
"Oi! Let go! I'll carry them myself!" Mammon yelled at Barbatos' action. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
"Yeah, you might drop MC from being too flustered." Asmodeus agreed, squealing at the thrilling sight before him.
"Beel, you carry MC." Belphegor nudged his twin. "Okay, I will."
"No, I don't think that's possible." Diavolo entered the room, interrupting any more attempt of the demon brothers of taking MC. Simeon is with him, while Luke made a beeline to his baking teacher and MC.
"Now that you settled everything with MC, we will now discuss your punishment for the incident."
"...What?" Belphegor and Satan raised an eyebrow from the Crown Prince's statement.
"Yes. Punishment. I entrusted MC in your care thinking you can protect them. Instead you caused them pain. I'll be lying if I said I'm not disappointed."
Although Lucifer thought of the possibility of punishment but to hear the word disappointed from Diavolo's lips, directed at him, his loyal prospect hits him hard.
"...Yes. I understand, Diavolo."
The stunned faces of the brothers, including Lucifer pulled the last string of composure within Solomon, freeing the dam of his loud laughter. Simeon also chuckled with him.
"Okay, let's start. Barbatos, Solomon, proceed to the other room to tend MC's injuries. Simeon will also help with the discussion."
"As you wish, Young Master." "Okay." Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon replied simultaneously.
"Will do. How about you, Luke?"
"I'll go with MC."
"W–Wait! Can't we just settle this without any punishment? MC did say they're fine already. Right, MC?" Mammon held Barbatos halfway to the exit.
"As much as I want that, I can't really oppose Diavolo's decision. And you did dig what you sow, so... Condolence, I guess?"
"You heard her." Diavolo added.
"B–But, BUT—"
And thus, the trial begins.
I dunno why I wrote this seriously 😂🤣 I just thought I want to write a comedy fanfic with all the characters but I just noticed my plot is a bit dark to make this a comedy at all. So I made it a fluffy angst instead sksksksk 😆😆✌️
Also posting A Smear of Blood soon after.
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twisted-crumpets · 4 years
Could i request the first kiss with fem!mc but with the vice dorm leaders, please? The other one was so good! 💕 Thankyou
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Ayyyyy of course I can and welcome.
Also thank you for the kind words I really do appreciate them. 🖤
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━━ Trey Clover ━━
Trey was always pretty observant and soon noticed how his feelings may not be as unrequited as he previously believed.
Pink blushes and eyes dreamily locked onto each other’s for too long was sort of a dead giveaway. However, Trey wished to formally explain his feelings for his S/O.
Unfortunately, an Unbirthday Party was coming up and whilst all of the treats were made, the roses were a far cry from done and Cater begged anyone who’d listen for help.
Hearing the third year’s desperate pleas, his darling decided to meet up with Trey so they could both tackle as many roses as possible.
The job wasn’t completely unpleasant, yes they both would rather be doing something perhaps a bit more enjoyable, but they both treasured each other’s company and the small talk was rather entertaining.
It wasn’t long before it finally clicked in Trey’s mind that they were alone and peered down at the girl who was honing her all into making a stubborn rose red.
“S/O, I’m sure you are well aware but I just wanted to say.. I love you.”
His darling nodded at first before taking a violent double take and glancing at Trey baffled and red at his casual confession.
“Hmm~ was it not obvious already? I would’ve thought you already knew.”
Teasingly chuckling at her, he pressed a gentle kiss against her crimson cheek, unable to hide his smirk. Cupping her warm face in his hands, he looked deep into her eyes to ask for permission before pressing his lips against hers.
The kiss was long and warm. It filled them both with a feeling of home and and comfort and neither of them wanted to leave.
Eventually, Trey pulled away, poking her still red face with his finger, unable to wipe his former smirk off of his face at her bashfulness.
The garden may not have been very finished, but they couldn’t care less when they had one another in their arms.
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━━ Ruggie Bucchi ━━
Ruggie was worried. He always knew that he wanted to eventually confess how he feels to his love, but he knew that with essentially no money, he had limited resources.
Sneaking money out of Leona’s wallet little by little, Ruggie began to feel more confident in finding the perfect inspiration or possible gift for his beloved. As he stood in Sam’s shop, he felt a deep sense of regret for not just stealing a necklace to sell instead.
Prices so high it made him dizzy in the head and weak in the knees. Despair lingering in his chest.
That is, until he saw Trey buying some eggs which caused an idea take root in his mind. Baking was something couples did often and it did sound rather romantic. Plus, who was he to deny spending time with his love and filling his stomach for delicious doughnuts?
After class, S/O was nearly tackled to the floor by the blur that was Ruggie who had a strong determined look twinkling in his eyes.
“Shishishi sorry about that... hey! Uh before you go, I’ve been asked to make some treats by Leona, but I barely know much about it. Do you mind giving me a hand?”
Tentatively, his S/O nodded her head, eyebrow raised in bewilderment before parting ways, delighted and perplexed.
Making her way to the kitchen, she began to wonder what was in store. The hyena loved to play pranks, maybe he had one in store for her?
It was however a great relief to see the cheeky student frowning at the recipe as if it was in another language.
His ears cutely twitching hearing her giggles, his head shooting up and with a grin so wide that it could’ve split his face in two adorned on his face.
Hours passed and she couldn’t deny that the evening was very gratifying, with the happy chatter and raucous laughter that filled the room. When doing a count of the doughnuts that were laid out on her tray, she soon noticed one had gone missing and quickly informed Ruggie, teasingly questioning him about its whereabouts.
“Shishishi ahhhh S/O this has been gone for ages~~ you are too easy to trick!”
Placing it back on the tray, she observed the design on the surface, eyes widening to the size of dinner plates after resist to messy “I love you” scrawled onto the surface of the small treat.
Cooing at the sweet gesture, she wrapped her arms around the trickster and softly responded to his feelings, immediately feeling him let out a gigantic sigh of relief.
Pulling away slightly, she stared at his lips entranced before finally connecting them, a cute yelp escaping from the boy.
The kiss was sugary sweet and fluffy and many more was stolen by the playful thief, accompanied by booming laughter and warm doughnuts.
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━━ Jade Leech ━━
The Monstro Lounge has always been a rather busy establishment and had many a particularly busy day. Today seemed to be one of them as the orders kept piling up and showed no signs of stopping. Tireless hours catering and cleaning, until finally the crowd has thinned until the room was empty once more and the Lounge was finally closed.
Weary and stressed, Jade decided to go to the school pool and unwind. The tranquil silence flooded the room and Jade slowly sank into the room watery depths, feeling himself becoming truly serene. Which was sadly interrupted by voices from above calling his name.
With a slightly irritated sigh, he heaved himself onto the pool’s edge, scanning his surroundings with narrowed eyes. That was until they befell onto his love and instantaneously softened.
“Oya? What are you doing here S/O? Surely it is due time for you to be back in your dorm?”
His stomach suddenly felt light and filled with his butterflies learning of his dearest’s concern for him and slowly shut his eyes, not expecting her to stay and hurried rush a variety of sentences jammed together creating one love fuelled mess.
Disheartened by the lack of reply, she went to leave, slightly embarrassed before she was stopped by a cool hand wrapped around her wrist, revealling a slightly pink Jade.
“I must inform you that your feelings are not unrequited.. I love you too, my flower.”
Tugging her wrist to kneel by the pool side, he tilted his head upwards and connected their lips, completely intoxicated by the contrast between their bodies.
Gasping for air, his darling didn’t notice the toothy smile spread across Jade’s face as he pulled her into the pool, wrapping her arms around his neck and connecting their lips once more.
Addictive kisses were stolen and exchanged and neither of them could ever wish for more as they melted into one another, hearts swelling with every touch.
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━━ Jamil Viper ━━
Jamil was ready to pass out. His usual menial chores were increased tenfold as a result of Kalim and his impulsive decision to let his wild pets roam free inside the dorm.
The chaos of the day finally reaching its end, Jamil dragged himself towards his room, ready to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Until, he set his eyes on his love sat patiently on his bed, instantly brightening and then furrowing her eyebrows in worry over the fatigue that seemed to radiate from every part of his body.
Ushering him to bed hurriedly, Jamil fought every urge to sleep as he inquired about why she waited for him at such a late hour.
When hearing her admit her worry for him, he scoffed and gently flicked her nose, thankful for the darkness of the room hiding the pink that was painted across his cheeks.
“That was rather foolish of you. This is my job and has always been, you don’t need to worry for me.”
He softened at her indignant whines of protest he brought her into a warm hug and sleepily murmured his feelings into her hair, blissfully unaware of what he just said until he felt his beloved stiffen up in his arms.
“Hmmmmm.... I love you, you know that right, Jewel?”
Calmly he apologised, unable to hide the slight disheartenment in his tone which left him as soon as he heard her shyly repeat his previous words.
Cradling her face, he pressed his lips to hers in a small tired kiss, lips moving in sync lazily. Tiredly pulling away, Jamil crawled under his covers and gestured for her to follow suite as he pressed his warm frame against hers and held her back close to his chest. His heart thumping wildly in joy, his brain still struggling to process the sheer amount of love he holds for his beloved.
“Goodnight my Jewel, I will wake you up in the morning.”
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━━ Rook Hunt ━━
Rook had been acting suspicious. He already did have a shady appeal to him, but it was even more apparent than usual.
Whenever he appeared before her, his scent began to be rather sweet and fragrant and his hands where always stained green.
It didn’t help that he kept staring intently at his love like she was the last star in the sky, and despite his usual romantic bravado, this new behaviour screamed at her that he was planning something.
During the lunch break, Rook eagerly bounced up to her, hearts almost visible in his eyes, asking if she was free after school. Taken aback by his suddenness, she stood and stared for a while trying to gather her bearings. Agreeing apprehensively, she couldn’t hide the curiousity filling her eyes.
Upon hearing her reply, he could’ve sworn he entered heaven.
He almost launched her to the botanical garden, his heart running marathons, his mind a mess of thought out poems combining into one chaotic choir of infatuation.
With happiness radiating in every step, he took her to an picturesque area where an archway of orchids greeted them.
“Dear S/O, no amount of words could possibly describe how much my heart swoons for you, my love for you is as bountiful as the sea, encasing me in your radiance. This simple archway is a humble tribute to your golden heart, which I hope to one day own.”
Going weak at the knees at such a heartfelt confession, she responded with such excitability that could have put his to shame.
A stronger sense of devotion was glowing in the hunter’s eyes as he wrapped his toned arms around his love, span her in a circle, holding her close to his heart and kissed her with immense passion.
The kiss was fiery and warm and his darling could feel themselves melt even further into him.
The kiss went deeper and deeper, drowning them both.
Pulling away, Rook panted for air and presses his forehead against her’s.
“Hehe, ma bichette, our love seems to truly be written in the stars.” *
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━━ Lilia Vanrouge ━━
Lilia was always very mysterious, but it truly did reach new levels of strange.
The mischievous fae had planned to hang out with his S/O a week in advance and seemed to be up to no good, with the telltale glint in his eyes being a dead giveaway.
Meeting up with his darling at her dormitory, he placed a hand on the small of her back, and began to lead her into the forest.
“Kufufufu I believe that in order for our small rendezvous to be truly enjoyable, one must insist for their guest to close their eyes and have faith in their partner. “
Apprehensively, she placed both hands into Lilia’s cold and calloused hands, shivering slightly at the temperature different between the two and closed her eyes, making her more aware of the sounds the dark forest created.
Sweet bird song and the light windy breeze clashed together in perfect harmony, gifting her the ability to completely relax and put her faith in the impish boy.
It felt as though they both had been walking for a millennia until she was finally stopped in her tracks, and the giggling from the man who was once before her turned silent.
Curiously, she opened her eyes and gasped in amazement. The scenery around her being nothing short of magnificent.
The moon had begun to peak out and painted the trees a beautiful silver. Small delicate beads of light flickering around, illuminating the forest gracefully.
Slowly turning around, she jumped at the sight of the usually talkative fae, quietly smiling lovingly at the innocent joy on his lover’s face.
“Sweet dove, the words I utter now are the words you are the true emotions that have taken flight within me. I love you. No, love isn’t enough, it scarcely passes as sufficient enough. There is no word that exists within any of the dictionaries in all the world that could possibly describe how much I cherish every part of you.”
Hearing her acceptance towards his feelings, he giggled so purely it reminded her of tinkling bells and elegantly dipped her, gazing at her loving expression that was aimed at no one but him and pressed his lips smoothly against hers.
He could’ve sworn that nothing fit quite so perfectly as the two of them, lips moving in sync, hearts beating a thunderous rhythm, joy and mirth beaming through their lovestruck grins.
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*my doe
Thank you for this request and sorry it took a while, I was struggling with getting some of the characters right. I tried to make each confession specially tailored to how each character would go about love.
I hope you enjoyed your meal!
324 notes · View notes
chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Jan 21st, Thursday 23:44
He felt his eyes bruning as he watched the game get closed by Lucas beside him. 
It was late and for the last hours they had been constantly talking. 
Right after dinner with Kes and Isa, to talk about the weekend and them arriving tomorrow. Lucas was already looking forward to have his friends over. They would visit Antwerp for the first time, unfortunately inmidst the pandemic, which therefore menat that they’d only get to see the trip from the station to Jens’s place. Maybe another time, it would be a little more exciting. 
Still, the sole fact that Lucas could hug his best friends tomorrow, was enough to forget about the rest.
And then at around nine the two both had bid their goodbye and switched towards the large group chat on discord, for some good ol’ Among Us.
Jens had been a bit wary as Lotte had joined them to talk to Isa, but fallen asleep halfway through the conversation. She had rested her head in his lap, as she had made herself comfortable. His blanket covered her whole and her breathing was even. He had brushed through her her for a while until he was with his friends.
Because it was loud and chaotic and constant talking and yelling over each other, especially as they were busy playing. Jens had been worried that it would wake his little sister. But she seemed to really be out of it. Hadn’t even moved, when Sander had screamed at Milan’s betrayal two games in.
Amber had voiced her adoration at the sight of the´m three huddled together on Jens’s bed. He silently had agreed to the serene bliss that showed on the little video on the screen in call.
With Lotte sleeping on one side, her head buried on his stretched out legs and Lucas to his left, pressed against Jens, it really looked domestic. The younger boy’s head fell onto his shoulder every time that Jens was taking control of the player. They were too many for the lobby anyway, so they had decided to switch back and forth between games at the start.
However, as the energy had subsideded and a pleseant weariness had made them all agree to stop for tonight, the group was still in call for a little while, just talking, checking their phones. Some already ready to go.
„Guys? Do you have like a minute left?“ Jens voiced, with Lucas turning around in curiousity. The same one that was instantly displayed by all of his friends given him their full attention. It was a bit fightening to suddenly be faced by complete silence. „I just wanted to tell you something real quick.“
Like whiplash, Jens was quickly swamped by everyone giving him words of encouragment to continue. It was hard to distinguish between the voices cracking over the speaker.
„Of course.“
„Take your time.“
„What’s up, Bro? Spill.“ That last one, definitely had been Moyo.
„So. I know that I had been really distant, especially over the last couple of weeks. And thank you so much for sticking with me. I know I can be a dick. I didn’t mean to ghost you all. I just needed time to figure myself out.“ 
Sander looked as if he wanted to say something, but Jens just went on. He couldn’t stop here, or he would decide to defer this onto some later date. But he had promised Lucas to change, and this would be one of the steps to take. 
In all honesty his friends at least deserved that.
„This really means a lot to me. Especially since I havent really talked about everything that is going on. I promise you to do that, not today though. I hope you won’t be mad. But uhm, I actually meant it in the cabin, when I said that I will raise Lotte on my own.“ Jens paused for a second, his gaze dropping to the sleeping figure in his lap. He knew he had made the right desicion back in december. „So Today I got my court date to see the judge, who will hopefully grant me the complete guardianship over her. And I‘m really nervous.“ Jens ended and exhaled. He said nervous and it was the truth. On one hadn how his friends would react and if they would accept it. 
It certainly would complicate future plans. He couldn’t just spend a couple of weeks with them on trips, or go to spontaneous parties, or stay out after school, just because he felt like it. He knew it would change their dynamic. And he was afraid that he would loose his friends along the way.
„Wait, what? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?“ Lucas asked, simultaneously confused and surprised. It took Jens a solid minute to figure out the reason. Right, he hadn’t told the younger boy about it yet. 
„Because we were busy with other stuff.“ 
He realised to late, that this could be falsely construed. The whole voice chat was already in a struggle of wheezes and laughs as Jens quickly tried to take control back. „Calm the fuck down. With dinner. Jesus. Honestly. It was dinner preperation.“
„Yea. Only work and definitely no time for dick with this one.“ Lucas added unhelpful to the situation. It was a clear reference to the song they had listened to. The one that anybody else obviously haden’t and therefore could only worsen the glee in their eyes. There were high screeches and gasping lungs fighting for dominance on speaker.
Lotte briefly shifted, but nothing else.
Jens watched and waited. He could see Amber’s and Moyo’s wide eyes, while Milan, Jana and Robbe were clutching their stomachs. Sander only shook his head in feigned dissapointment as he grinned.
„Alright. Glad you all are having a great time.“ Jens pouted, despite the amused smile that gave him away.
„Sorry.“ Milan said, the laughs finally started to abate, only the occasional giggle slipped up.
„When’s the date?“ Yasmina chimed in. An angel, if anyone would have asked Jens. Everyone’s attention swiftly back on Jens, who pulled his phone out to check the mail once more. He definitely should write it down somewhere. 
„On the nineteenth of February. So a little under a month. Alex, our lawyer, tried to get one as soon as possible, because of the urgency with my mom. But yeah. That’s not that far from now, I guess.“
„Do you know, if it will be a hard to win?“ That was Zoe , Senne next to her, both rather calm inmidst the chaos his other firends displayed. He always felt a little like talking to parents, when they looked at him like this in unison.
„I don’t think so. We had all other potential adults sign a waiver and I’m eighteen. The only uncertainty could be financials, but that is unlikely. I have the house and inheritance and my father’s allowence. Still, it could go wrong.“
That’s what caused his nervosity in the first place, the sheer possibility that something could take Lotte away from him.
„No, it will be fine. I’m pretty sure. You have always been great with Lotte.“ Robbe stated acsolutely assured of his words, while Jana nodded in agreement in the video next to him.
Jens felt his heart ease up from tension. He was so thankful for his friends. Most of all Robbe. How had he deserved to find his best friend and keep him over all these years?
Even if everyone would leave at some point, included Lucas or anyone who would follow, Jens was frighteningly sure, that Robbe and him would stick together til the end. He couldn’t even place the reason for his strong belief. His best firend has just always been there next to him. The one constant in his life, since they met in first grade. 
„I love you.“
Jens watched with great joy the face of his best friend, that brightened up into the brilliant smile that always lifted Jens up as well.
„Bro!“ Aaron declared, immediately accompanied by a stunning choir of awws and oows.
Lucas laughed next to him, his head resting again on Jens’s shoulder. He loved the weight. It meant that he wasn’t alone.
„I love you too.“ Robbe replied, still cheerful and grinning, yet certainly confused at the out-of-the-blue confession. Nonetheless both their declarations absolutely genuine in intent. Jens pondered if he ever had said these words on their own, and infront of others on top of it. But he just had felt right to say them out loud.
„Okay. Good night, everyone. Thanks for staying.“
„JENS! NO! You ca“
The audio of Luca screaming into her mic cut off, as Jens hit the red button to end the call. Quite pleased with himself. He knew that his friends weren’t satisfied with him just leaving. But it just was too funnny not to.
„So what do we do now with her?“ Jens said, pushing the laptop away, before lokking down at Lotte.
They settled on letting her sleep with them instead after Jens had suggested to carry her over. But of course Lotte had woken up from this and not the shouting voices minutes before. She had complained until Jens had told her that she could stay, to which she had asked for a goodnight kiss by both of them, before she sprawled herself across Jens’s side of the bed.
Lotte was back asleep not a minute later.
And though Jens rather would have had liked Lucas and him alone on their first night together after a week, he guessed that that would be some unfortunate part of his life now. He had said that out loud. And Lucas had only laughed on his way out to the bathroom, followed by Jens’s grumbling voice.
„Oh shut up. As if you hadn’t thought the same.“
__ __ __ tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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mdzsgildedfate · 4 years
Gilded Fate - Chapter 2
One by one, poppy seeds bloomed across a field of snow. Just a few at first, then a whole field. A field of poppy flowers springing up out of the snow, dotting the pristine blanket red. A hand reached out and plucked one of the flowers, the petals immediately turning to liquid and spilling down the wrist. All at once, the rest of the poppies turned to blood and rushed to snuff out the white snow.
Both hands came into view. Blood spattered both of them. The one on the left was mashed and broken and bruised. The pain screamed and wailed and howled. And then everything went quiet. Black. The pain disappeared. The world fell away. Turning around and round, black in every direction, until finally there stood a figure. Tall and radiant, dressed in white robes, practically blinding against the black background.
Xinyi woke with a start. His eyes flew open and looked around the room wildly, searching for… searching for… he wasn’t sure. His breathing returned to normal and he slumped back against the bed. He glanced over at the clock and let out an annoyed huff seeing that it was minutes before his alarm would go off. Summer had gone by too fast.
Thankfully, Xinyi had been able to get all of his general education credits completed, so this year would be entirely focused on his anthropology classes. The classes his parents were requiring he take just to take over the family collection. He groaned. He couldn’t understand why he had to take college courses for a collection only his family seemed to know anything about. It wasn’t like Professor Lan’s moral philosophy classes were going to teach him how to decipher the cryptic scrolls in the Wang vault.
“One more thing before you guys go-” The Professor’s voice rang out over the sound of students collecting their things to leave. “Don’t forget to put your name on the sign-up sheet for the field trip- remember, this is a very rare opportunity, these priests do not invite outsiders to visit very often, so don’t miss out on your chance by putting it off til the last minute.”
Xinyi was halfway down the stairs of the lecture hall when Chen caught up to him.
“Hey! Xinyi!” Chen threw an arm over the other man, practically toppling them both over. “You’re going, right?”
“What, hiking through the countryside to spend a week in a Taoist temple?” Xinyi asked, laughing. “Hey- you ever think about how two of our anthro teachers are both Professor Lan? Do you think they’re related?”
“Oh come on, it’s a week we don’t have to spend in class.” Chen insisted, already dragging Xinyi over to the clipboard. “And it’s a week of co-ed camping.”
Xinyi rolled his eyes, but signed the paper anyways. “Yeah, I’m sure it’s gonna get so sexy with Professor Lan watching us like a hawk.”
Chen shrugged and dragged him off, talking on as though Xinyi hadn’t just poked a hole in his plans.
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
Sizhui put his hand over Jingyi’s, patting it reassuringly. “We’re almost there.”
“I hate busses. I hate cars. I hate every form of transportation humanity has invented the past two hundred years.” Jingyi moaned, his face squashed against the window.
“I know, I’m sorry.” Sizhui gave Jingyi’s hand a squeeze. “At least we didn’t have to take a plane.”
Jingyi moaned harder, squeezing his eyes shut.
Towards the back of the bus, Xinyi stared out the window, listening to Chen chatter about the area they were in, the history of the rural villages, and so on. If he’d have known both Professor Lans were going on the field trip, he definitely would’ve stayed home. It was bad enough having one breathing down his neck, but the Moral Philosophy Lan always gave him these weird looks, as though he was expecting Xinyi to say something weird.
It was a relief for everyone on board when they finally reached the village at the edge of the mountain. The rest of the journey would be made on foot, beyond where the road ended and into the heart of the forest. Everyone poured out of the bus and the two professors led them into a drab, worn-down inn. Once inside their rooms, the professors dropped the oversized duffel bags they’d been carrying onto the floor in front of the students.
“Four at a time, come up and take out a uniform. We’ll be going down the mountain and staying at the temple in traditional robes.” Sizhui announced as Jingyi unzipped the duffel bags and started piecing the robes together.
Xinyi’s face twisted up. “Seriously? We have to wear this shit while we’re hiking?”
Chen snickered, holding one up to Xinyi. “At least it suits you, with your hair so long. The rest of us are gonna look stupid.”
Xinyi rolled his eyes and shoved the robe away. “Why are they white? We’re gonna look like we’re going to a funeral.”
Getting the robes sorted out to the twenty-odd students under the Lans’ supervision was a chaotic event. While Sizhui had significantly more patience and far better mediation skills, Jingyi was about ready to lose his mind at the utter lack of discipline. Once each of the students had been assigned their new clothes, Sizhui and Jingyi were able to change into their own before leading the convoy out of the inn.
“I can’t believe I’d ever miss Cloud Recesses this much.” Jingyi grumbled, rubbing his temples.
“It’s not all bad. Don’t you remember how excited we were when we first met disciples from other clans and saw how much more freedom they had?” Sizhui asked, stroking the hemwork of his sleeve. “This is what we must have looked like to HanGuang-Jun.”
“Hardly!” Jingyi scoffed. “We were never this bad!”
“Hey, how come you guys are wearing different robes?” One student spoke up suddenly, interrupting Jingyi’s complaints.
“Do we get headbands too?”
Jingyi made eye contact with the student for an uncomfortably long second before looking back down the path. “No.”
Sizhui laughed softly. “Our robes, and headbands included, are specific to the school Professor Lan and I studied at together.”
“Oh.” The student pouted for a moment. “What school?”
Sizhui only smiled back before facing forward again.
“Professor Lan just ignored me…”
The children following along behind Sizhui and Jingyi erupted into laughter and broke off into jokes and commentary about the journey as they began their descent down the mountain. Unlike their guides, looking positively regal and elegant in their robes, the students quickly devolved into a sweaty, trudging herd of zombies. The layers of cotton accumulated heat quickly, and the boys who were unused to wearing ‘skirts’ began the choir of complaints.
“I don’t get why we couldn’t change into these once we get to the temple.” Xinyi mumbled, using his sleeve to fan himself.
“It’s more authentic this way.” Chen responded, sounding completely unbothered.
“If you ever try to convince me to do something ‘fun’ with you ever again, I’m gonna kick your ass.”
“Come on, look-” Chen grabbed Xinyi’s shoulder and pointed to the peak of the mountains. “See how much taller they look now?”
Xinyi glowered at him.
“And see how the ground is starting to level out?” Chen smacked his back, “We’re almost there, I guarantee it.”
Xinyi rolled his eyes, but did feel a quiet relief at Chen’s observations. And just as he said, no more than thirty or forty minutes passed before the tall, wooden gate of the temple came into view. The students shed their exhaustion at once and broke out into cheers, jumping and rushing about in celebration of not having to walk anymore.
Jingyi brought them to a screeching halt and turned on them, mustering up his best impression of Lan Wangji and glared back at them.
“This is a Taoist temple. You are about to meet esteemed priests. Can you please try to show some reverence?” He said impatiently.
Sizhui gave a small nod. “Everyone. Please keep in mind what we told you in class. Our hosts have lived in seclusion for a very long time, please mind your volume and keep your manners while we’re here.”
The group quieted down to excited whispers as they passed through the gate into the temple court. Waiting inside was a ghostly pale man dressed in black robes, another man in cream coloured robes who looked somehow already annoyed at everyone’s presence, and a college-aged girl wearing matching cream robes. Sizhui and Jingyi stepped forward, bowing with hands out in front of them to the two men.
“Song Lan Daozhang, it’s an honour to meet you again after all these years.” Sizhui said, practically beaming at the older man.
“Yes, thank you so much for allowing us to visit your temple.” Jingyi hummed in agreement.
“Ah, and no greeting for your friend, whom you’ve not seen for nearly a decade?” Jin Ling huffed, tapping his foot impatiently.
Song Lan cracked a small smile, memories of the young squabbling disciples coming back to his mind. He cast his gaze away from the three as they caught up with each other and scanned over the group of students, unable to help but feel a small spark of excitement at the idea of overseeing young disciples for the first time over 8,000 years (even if they weren’t really disciples).
Once Jin Ling’s temperament had been quelled, the four cultivators took up an authoritative position at the bottom of the stares, turning to address the students. Everyone’s attention slowly fell on the men in front of them and quieted down, quicker now under the gaze Song Lan and Jin Ling.
“Welcome to the Leng Shuang WeiFeng temple.” Song Lan opened, holding his hands out and giving a small bow.
Sizhui gestured for the group to bow back and, clumsily, they followed.
“Over the next seven days, myself, your two professors, and our young master Jin will be instructing you in our etiquettes, principles, archery, sword-fighting, and other such relevant cultures.” Song Lan continued, a warm smile on his lips. “While you’re here, please treat our temple with respect, as this building is very old. Furthermore, my fellow Daozhang also resides in the eastern section of the temple. If he’s not participating in our activity, please do not disturb him.”
Sizhui gestured again for them to bow. They complied again, this time looking more uniform. Song Lan chuckled softly to himself, looking at the youthful faces with a nostalgic fondness. He cast his gaze back to Sizhui and Jingyi, giving a small nod of approval, before looking back to the group-
And froze.
Xinyi’s eyes met Song Lan’s and a strange chill ran down in his spine. With the sun beating down on the priest’s face, he looked deathly white, and the look he gave Xinyi… He couldn’t decipher it, but it made him feel a strange mix of contempt and guilt. He looked away a few times, trying to break the eye contact, but every time he looked back, Song Lan was still staring at him.
“Why is that guy staring at me like I owe him money.” Xinyi hissed, elbowing Chen in the ribs.
“Do you owe him money?” Chen asked, leaning over to get a better look at the man.
As soon as Chen had caught his gaze, Song Lan looked away, seeming to shake some thought him from his mind. He turned suddenly, pulling Jingyi and Sizhui up the stares into the outer pavilion. Jingyi waved his sleeve at Jin Ling as they were pulled away, leaving a wild, panicked look in Jin Ling’s eyes. After the disappeared, he looked back to the group of college students, feeling the pressure of their expectant gaze.
“Uh… Free time until your professors get back.” Jin Ling said, shrugging at MingYue. “Don’t set anything on fire.”
Xinyi followed Jin Ling’s eyes and felt his heart drop to his stomach as he finally got a clear look at the other figure in the court.
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
“Hm? What? What happened?” Chen looked around, trying to see what new ghostly figuring was harassing his friend for money.
“Her.” He pointed one finger out at MingYue.
“Oh yeah, what’s with that red dot on her and that guy’s foreheads?” Chen laughed. “It makes them look like dorks.”
“Not that.” Xinyi growled. “That’s my ex-girlfriend.”
Chen paused, mouth slightly agape. “Ahhh….. Rough luck buddy.”
Whisking the two younger cultivators into the privacy of the pavilion, Song Lan turned on Sizhui and Jingyi. His gaze has darkened and inky black veins had begun creeping up his neck. He squeezed his eyes shut and took in a deep breath. As it let out slowly, the veins also receded, disappearing back beneath the collar of his robe.
“Young Master Lan. Are you aware of the reincarnated soul in your midst?” Song Lan asked after a painfully long silence.
“Well, yes…” Sizhui said, biting his lower lip. “I’ve found a purpose in seeking them out, providing guidance if they’re on the verge of awakening. I’ve not been able to identify him, but he doesn’t seem in danger of recalling anything so far.”
Song Lan studied his face quietly, considering a number of thoughts before speaking. “Do you remember who else you met in Yi City?”
Sizhui exchanged a worried look with Jingyi.
“You don’t mean…” Jingyi started quietly, his voice trailing off.
“Xinyi is…” Sizhui furrowed his brow, recalling his brief encounter with the man. “Xinyi is Xue Yang?”
Song Lan nodded solemnly. “It would be impossible for me to send you all away, even more so to try to send away just him, but this puts me in an extremely difficult position. For myself, and for Xiao Xingchen.”
The two Lans hung their heads. “We understand. If there’s anything we can do to lessen the burden we’ve imposed on you, please tell us directly.”
Song Lan shook his head. “Don’t feel too responsible. It’s an unfortunate fate that keeps crossing our paths, I assume it has very little to do with either of you. Just try to help me keep him away from Xingchen.”
They nodded in agreement.
“This is a very precarious situation. Not just for you and Xiao Xingchen Daozhang, but for everyone present.” Sizhui spoke carefully. “Souls who recall their past lives too suddenly can become unstable, unhinged. I can only imagine how Xin- Xue Yang… could become dangerous if that were to happen.”
“At least he doesn’t have a sword.” Jingyi said, trying to bring some light to the situation. “That’s five immortal cultivators with swords against one unarmed Xue Yang with no spiritual powers.”
“That’s true. I’d very much like to avoid that outcome, if at all possible.” Song Lan took a couple steps over, peering out at the courtyard. “Keep an eye on him. Let me know if he shows any signs of recollection.”
Sizhui and Jingyi stepped out alongside Song Lan, their eyes falling on Xinyi, finding it hard to believe the bright, cheerful boy they’d spent all last year teaching ethics and culture and history to was the same unhinged murderer they’d met in Yi City. There was no rage behind his eyes or forked tongue behind his teeth. Xinyi had unnerved Sizhui in the past, but never to the point of fear Xue Yang had instilled in him.
Exchanging another worried look, the cultivators came out of their hiding spot and rejoined the rest of the group in the courtyard. Sizhui stepped up beside Jin Ling, leaning over and whispering their revelation into his ear. His eyes grew wide, looking back at Sizhui in disbelief. His grip on the hilt of his sword tightened, his knuckles turning white from the pressure.
Xinyi glanced over at them and they all averted their eyes, looking anywhere but at him. “What the fuck did Professor Lan just whisper to that guy?”
Chen and the two other students that’d broken off to sit with them both craned their necks to see what Xinyi was talking about.
“You guys saw that right?” Xinyi asked, looking at the three expectantly. “Chen, you saw the way that priest guy was looking at me! The professors just disappeared with him, came back, then Lan Sizhui whispered something into that guy’s ear and he looked at me like…”
“Like what?” QianHua looked back at Jin Ling. “Ooh, he’s looking at you again.”
“See! See what I mean!” Xinyi threw himself back, lying flat on the ground.
“Maybe it’s because you’re the one and only heir to the famous Wang Collection.”
Xinyi frowned and sat up. “Jealous?”
MingYue smiled. “Don’t be so mean, we haven’t seen each other in years. Didn’t you miss me?”
“Who’s fault is that?” Xinyi pulled himself to his feet, straightening up until he was a good six inches taller than the girl. “You’re the one that broke up with me by texting me that you’d already moved to the other side of the country. “
Her eyebrows turned up, pushing the vermillion mark out prominently. “I already told you I couldn’t help that, my parents-”
“You could have told me before you left.” Xinyi crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down at her. “Could’ve tried to spend time with me instead of my books.”
She frowned, letting her head hang slightly. “You’re right, of course… I thought I had more time…”
Xinyi shrugged. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Just stay away from me while we’re stuck here.”
The breath hitched in his throat, choking and gurgling through the blood spilling out of his mouth. Whole minutes passed, blinking through the dark, before Xinyi realized he was awake and there was no blood in his mouth. He took a deep breath, gulping in the air his mind had deprived him of with another dream about dying. The breath staggered out slowly as he looked at his hands, counting all ten fingers, clean and free of blood.
Xinyi wiped the sweat from his forehead and stood up, turning his phone flashlight on to lead the way out of the room and down the hall of the temple.
“This place creeps me the fuck out.” He whispered to himself, trying to remember the way out to the courtyard.
Just as he was about ready to turn around, movement caught his eye. He aimed the light down the hall, just in time to catch a flash of white disappear around the corner. The tips of his fingers turned numb instantly. After the momentary shock faded from his limbs, he urged himself forward down the hall.
“Ghosts aren’t real…. Ghosts aren’t real…. I’m a grownass man…. Just trying to get outside to take a piss…. I’m not afraid of the dark….” He muttered to himself under his breath, urging himself to move down the hall faster.
At the turn, he stretched his arm out and shined the light down the hall before peeking around the corner. At the sight of the empty hall, he let out a sigh of relief.
“Yeah, see? Nothing there.”
His shoulders relaxed and he continued down the hall, walking with a little more confidence. One more turn and one more hallway and he was finally outside, sucking in the cool night air. He hesitated for only a moment before crossing the courtyard and disappearing into a patch of trees. By the time he finished, he’d almost forgotten about whatever it was he’d seen moving in the hallway before. The dream, too, was fading from his mind as he turned around and started to walk back towards the temple.
The heartbeat in Xinyi’s chest had almost returned to normal when he noticed the figure standing in the doorway. This time, the numbness went all the way up to his knees and elbows, dropping him to the ground with a gasp.
“Do you frighten so easily now?” A soft, quiet voice came from the figure.
Xinyi shook slightly. “I-... wasn’t expecting anyone else to be out here.”
The figure descended slowly down the steps. The moonlight poured over him, revealing breathtaking features. Another soft gasp escaped his lips. The feeling returned to his limbs and he pushed himself back up to his feet. With the gap closing between them, Xinyi could tell that the man was a couple inches taller than him.
“It’s late. Shouldn’t you be in bed?” The man asked, looking him over meticulously.
“Couldn’t sleep.” He replied, awestruck by the man.
“I should have guessed.” The faintest hint of a smile flickered across his lips. “Do you know who I am?”
Xinyi blinked, confused by the question. “Uhm… You’re, uh…. Oh! You’re the other priest. I don’t think we were ever told your name though.”
His smile widened slightly, his face practically glowing in the moonlight. “Tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine.”
Xinyi’s heart skipped and fluttered in his chest. “...Wang Xinyi.”
“Wang...Xin...Yi…” He echoed the characters back slowly, contemplating each one. “How interesting.”
“Interesting?” He asked, unsure of how long he’d been holding his breath.
“Nothing.” He smiled sweetly. “My name is Xiao Xingchen.”
The smile broke out across Xinyi’s face against his will. “Xiao. Xing. Chen.”
Xingchen laughed, the sound of starlight and bells.
“Wang Xinyi. Why are you visiting my temple?”
Xinyi cocked his head slightly. “Class field trip.”
Xingchen took a step closer to him. “No. Why are you, specifically you, here? What desire in your heart urged you to come on this class field trip?”
He swallowed hard, his adam’s apple bobbing visibly. “I guess… I see temples in my family’s paintings all the time, I wanted to see one in person.”
That soft smile returned to the corners of Xingchen’s lips. “Paintings?”
Xinyi opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by someone calling his name, rather angrily, from the temple door. They both turned around to see Song Lan, looking unreasonably annoyed, standing at the top of the stairs. As the man descended towards them, Xinyi felt a strange urge to rush towards him, meet the approach head-on. But fear of the ghostly man held him in place.
“Wang Xinyi.” Song Lan repeated his name, closing the gap between them. “I believe I told each of you not to disturb my fellow Daozhang outside of group activities. It’s the middle of the night, where are you out here harassing him?”
His brow twitched angrily. “Harassing him? All we were doing was talking, and I-”
“Quiet. Return to your room.” Song Lan grabbed Xingchen’s hand, intertwining their fingers, and led him back inside without another word to Xinyi.
Xinyi scoffed indignantly, lost in disbelief at how flippantly Song Lan had just accused him of harassing Xiao Xingchen. Whatever that man had against him, it wasn’t going to dissipate over the next six days. All he could do tonight was head back to his room and try to go back to sleep, but he’d already decided- if Song Lan Daozhang didn’t want him doing something, he definitely wanted to do it, especially if that something was being around Xiao Xingchen.
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moonlightstars16 · 4 years
‘Only Hope’
Years before a certain shy book lover and friendly part-gem sweetheart met Connie Maheswaran did a lot of things her parents told her to do. One of the many activities/hobbies was singing. At first in her schools choir, then she got solos. Her vocals were beautiful and something you might a-kin to a classic musical like 'My Fair Lady' or 'The Sound Of Music'. However it wasn't something Connie felt okay doing in that particular setting. But she did so anyways with hardly any complaint. Thankfully she had her violin lessons to replace it. That was something she did find enjoyment in, but the constant mom-over-her-shoulder about practicing was getting tiresome. Until they sorted things out year later...among other things.
Besides the arts she was dedicated to her studies. At first it was difficult to keep up. Then she began to do nothing but study and practice and soon, learning all different types of things became second nature. When it came to astrology and space, she was enthralled. Even more so when Steven came into her life. He was right, being to space multiple times was not something to just gloss over. Those memories where kept close in her heart. Still space camp was something she wanted to experience as well. A part of her wanted to see the differences and similarities of all she gathered already.
One of the things she loved most about were the stars. As cliched was it sounds, Connie loved every aspect of the stars. The scientific and the more ethereal essence they each seemed to hold. One of them was a comet she had dreamed of seeming again since she was a child. It was coming around to earth that evening and, with the help of a few gem friends, they had planned to watch it together with a huge telescope and with Steven's old warp/greenhouse room roof pulled back it was going to be a perfect night. Well it would've been a perfect night.
While they had discussed things post the whole 'corruption' ordeal and his therapy visits, about their relationship. They knew they were more than just best friends. Connie felt it for a long time. But when cram school and other aspects of her life began, worry set in. Questions of 'What if's?' and others about the future flowed through her mind. Asking Garnet would be nice but unpredictabilities were possible and the future could change so she didn't feel like asking. When she realized how much Steven was holding in and going through, that's when things began to shift more clearer. Yes she had school, but she called to check up on him every single day. Yes she had other friends, but he was still on her mind whether its concern about his physical or mental health or just because he makes her smile.
Life is chaotic and odd but she knew, or rather hoped, that Steven would always be in her life in one form or another. It was increasingly obvious with each passing day that her feelings for him grew bigger and bigger. It was love. In love. Of course she wasn't going to rush things, I mean besides both being still young and neither ready for commitment like that of any kind. Well they both now know. It was the hope of someday that kept them going. Tonight was going to be the night she would finally confess all that she was holding back(because of fear and for making sure he was in a stable place to handle any sort of new emotional truth bombs). However she didn't expect things to turn out so unexpectedly.
Upon arriving at a specific time, she let herself in per Steven's request (which took a lot of convincing), and headed up to the roof. However he wasn't there. Everything was set up and ready, including hot tea, some snacks, a few blankets and pillows, the huge telescope and speakers for music. Even the telescope was set up in just the right direction. Connie sighed with a smile briefly before returning to a confused look on her face. It wasn't like him to be this late, even now. Her phone buzzed and she looked down to see a text from her best friend.
'Hey sorry I got caught up in some gem related stuff. Don't think I'll be able to make it. :'( But please enjoy the comet and your welcome to stay for however long you like. :)'
Her heart sank a bit. She understood things happened and he loved to help. Of course being careful in that area. However she desperately wished he was here with her and not anywhere else. After a thoughtful moment she decided to stay. Thinking it was best to not be rude after all he did to set things up. Pearl probably got involved with the telescope positioning but other than that Steven did go through all that trouble. Putting her bag down she pulled up her music and connected it to the speaker. Laying down as her favorite songs rang throughout the echoed walls, even though the roof was open.
It was a nice evening, many stars filled the night sky, the temperatures were great, it was a beautiful night. Still, she was lonely. Checking her phone for the time, noting how much closer the time was for seeing the comet, she wished that he was here. Hoping he would make it after all. Then it occurred to her that she didn't text back. quickly she typed up her reply.
'Aww man! Well maybe another time. :)'
It was a small reply but it was all she could say in the current moment. Afterwords she set her phone to the side and looked above at the stars. Her thoughts only around one person. Steven. He brought out a side of her that she never thought was possible at the time. Maybe she would've discovered it later in life, but he made it more special. With a hand over her heart she closed her eyes and sat up.  Listening, humming and soon singing along to her music. Specifically one certain song she adored.
There's a song that's inside of my soul It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again I'm awake in the infinite cold But you sing to me over and over and over again So I lay my head back down And I lift my hands And pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours I know now you're my only hope
Standing up she walked over to the telescope, leaning against it slightly as her eyes, glazed over with tears looked up towards the twinkling evening sky. Sing to me the song of the stars Of your galaxy dancing And laughing and laughing again When it feels like my dreams are so far Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again
Stepping away towards a bush filled with flowers, she picked one up and held it close to her heart. Glancing upwards once again. So I lay my head back down And I lift my hands and pray To be only yours I pray to be only yours I know now you're my only hope
Her skirt flowed with her slight twirl and the slight cool breeze that brushed passed her as she aimlessly walked by the table. One hand gliding across the smooth surface. I give you my destiny I'm giving you all of me I want your symphony Singing in all that I am At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back
Stepping towards the room she poured out everything she felt inside. Lifting her arms up, entwining her hands together as she hoped so desperately that he would soon know this about her. The love she felt for him. He had a symphony and she wanted to be apart of it. Apart of his life, forever. So I lay my head back down And I lift my hands and pray To be only yours I pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours I know now you're my only hope
Sitting back down she leaned forward and hunched over slightly. Clutching the sweet flower to her chest. Trying to ignore how ridiculous she was being in the moment. Still her heart felt heavy and she needed to let it out. Even if it was silly because it was just one night their will be others and she will tell him one day. But still it was hard to ignore a few tears staining her cheeks as they fell. Her breathing was deep as she tried to contain herself. Suddenly, she felt two arms wrapped around her and she gasped at the familiar sensation.
"I thought-"
"I got out of it when I realized I rather be here. Besides it turned out to be not that important anyways."
"Oh.....How much did you hear?"
"I heard it all of it. In fact I was surprised that text I sent was just given to you now and not like two hours prior." Steven slightly laughed as he breathed out air. Connie giggled under her breathe slightly, though her cheeks were probably prominently red by now. Steven reached up with one hand and gently placed it under her chin. Encouraging her to match his gaze. "Is this why you were so eager to come here tonight?"
"I-...I do want to see the comet with you of course. But...I also wanted to tell you all that I was feeling since you told me a bit ago that you felt okay for anything. I mean since you were talking with your therapist and all about it. The emotional stuff I mean." Making a mental note of her bad word choices didn't make this much easier. He sucked in her breath sharply upon hearing those words.
"How long?"
"I-....about two months...." Her face fell once more hearing herself say the timeline out loud. Perhaps this was too soon.
"Connie I-....I'm glad you finally told me."
"Inadvertently so." She mumbled as he chuckled a bit more loudly.
"Either way I'm glad you did....Because now I need to tell you this properly." Pulling back he turned to her back and draped a beautiful heart shaped locket over her neck. "I once knew this girl I was trying to impress. When really all I needed to be was myself. We became the best of friends and now I don't want to be apart from her ever. I screwed up on a certain relationship concept and my own insecurities didn't help things. But through it all she stayed and still held her feelings for me. One I want to give back properly. " Clasping the chain he turned her around, seeing one hand over the beautiful pendant as her eyes locked with his own.
"What is it?" He took both her hands in his and pulled it to his chest. Laying them both over his beating heart. Letting the position linger before letting them go and slipping his hands around her backside. Pulling her close as she leaned against him. Both sitting on their knees and not caring for the pain that they felt. A smile spread across both of them. First Steven then Connie as he told her something wonderful.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
It was a magical moment as their lips touched and the kiss grew. Later they could be found laying on the blankets, holding onto one another as her head rested against his shoulder and his arm wrapped around hers and her waist. Looking up and reminiscing everything and nothing. Including the beautiful and colorful comet.
It was a moment where their hopes finally had an answer.
They relished in it deep in their hearts.
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mistyeyedbi-archive · 4 years
Give me a bunch if you want to and make it as chaotic as you want, i love chaotic!
YEEESS! Thank you for enabling me aaah! Let's get into it!
It's starting off pretty interesting already!
Yo Girl from Heathers: The Musical
This right here is everything: Veronica’s running on, running on fumes now / Veronica’s totally fried / Veronica’s gotta be tripping on ‘schrooms now / Thinking that she can hide / Veronica’s done for, there’s no doubt now / Notify next of kin! / Veronica’s trying to keep him out now / TOO LATE! / He got in!
PLEASE! It's fast paced, showcasing Veronica’s panic (there's this animatic i saw of her running up a long staircase and it's all I can see when I hear this). The voices and the instruments constantly getting higher in pitch, reaching a crescendo when they sing TOO LATE, and lowering into nothing but the voices whispering "he got in" SHIT DUDE. And then JD says "knock knock" and there's violins playing this creepy, suspenseful sound. It's so ominous, I love it! Really helps amp up the stakes.
I'll put a read more right here because this might get long lol
Desperado by Rihanna
These lines from the chorus: There ain't nothin' here for me / There ain't nothin' here for me anymore / But I don't wanna be alone
This is going to get a bit personal, but I've always wanted to leave where I am. It's not like it's bad here, it just doesn't feel like home. But I don't know a place that would make me feel like I belong, and the loneliness would just intensify if I ended up in a foreign place alone. It doesn't necessarily match with the full context of the song, but it's a line that's always stuck with me. The whole song is such a vibe though! It's dark and intense, makes me wanna write angst!
Ain't Got Rhythm from Phineas and Ferb
And here it is! I'm not even mad at this one, its a bop! (But I won't tell you how often I listen to this cartoon's discography👀)
This line in the second verse: I have no idea what you're talking about / I've got as much rhythm as that chair
It kills me because he points at a ROCKING CHAIR. The drummer's verses kill me, he's just contradicting himself with every line💀
There's A Platypus Controlling Me from Phineas and Ferb
I learnt this entire song as soon as the episode came out! It was so hype dude! I remember rapping it in primary school while we were moving classes! We were all cramped up by the stairs trying to get to the third floor with our big ass bags; I started singing it and everybody joined in! They started hollering when I rapped all the way to the end of the scene, when Doofenshmirtz is like "She thinks I'm cool!"
Anyway, here's my favorite lines: Oh I get it, platypus is a metaphor for whatever is keeping you down. Like, corporations are a platypus / Kids: The government's a platypus / Your teacher is a platypus / Weird Kid: My teacher is a panda / Kids: Society's a platypus / My parents are a platypus / The media's a platypus / It's all just propaganda
Lmao like this man is singing about a literal platypus controlling him and the kids turn it into this deep, metaphorical thing. This is where Gen Z gets it from💀
Fairytale by Alexander Rybak
Aah I first heard this in an amv for tmnt💀 Wooow, how times have changed.
The entirety of the second verse: Every day we started fighting / Every night we fell in love / No one else could make me sadder / But no one else could lift me high above / I don't know what I was doin' / But suddenly we fell apart
This isn't even really about the lyrics, I just love the way it's sang! He's accompanied by this small choir of feminine voices and the harmonies there just really do it for me. The violin in this song is amazing! It gives me 'pirates making a stop at a rowdy bar' vibe.
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youngboy-oldmind · 4 years
Tumblr media
DAMN. contains multiple narratives and thematic elements. We get Kendrick’s opinion on Fox News and American culture, his experience seeing the “good and bad” of black culture, his upbringing due to an incident with his father, him embracing being a “chosen people” according to the biblical chapter Deuteronomy, and him suffering with trying to please God and struggling with whether God is blessing him or not. All of these topics are woven in a dual-narrative where Kendrick switches between excitement and mellowness, creating a bi-polar aura from start to finish. 
We get a glimpse of this back-and-forth right off the bat in the first few seconds of the intro track. Producer Bekon speaks in harmonized vocals “Is it wickedness? Is it weakness? You decide. Are we gonna live or die?”, setting the two-sided tone the album will carry throughout its runtime.
Next, we get a short story narrated by Kendrick. Over a very angelic instrumental and echoey voice, Kendrick talks about going on a walk. He encounters a woman who seems to need help looking for something that fell on the ground. Wanting to help, Kendrick goes over to the woman asks to be of assistance, saying “It seems you have lost something, I would like to help you find it”. The woman replies “Oh yes, you have lost something. You’ve lost...your life”. Then we hear a gunshot, Bekon restating “Is it wickedness”, and a clip of two anchors from Fox News criticizing Kendrick’s lyrics on “Alright” off To Pimp a Butterfly.
This is a very eerie, unsettling way to start an album. The first time I heard this album, I was genuinely shocked by the sudden gunshot. My first assumption was these songs are some sort of post-mortem reflection. Kendrick is dead and this album reflects on everything that got him to that point. And in some ways, you could argue that’s what this album represents.
There are some interpretations that the woman represents God and this a story of Kendrick being punished while trying to please God, a theme explored on the tracks “FEEL” and “FEAR”. I don’t take credit for that interpretation, but I think that’s also valid. That also fits the biblical themes explored throughout this project.
I think it’s interesting this story is told in the past tense: “I was taking a walk the other day.” If you’re reminiscing  on a story of you dying, you as the narrator are some sort of ghost or angel. This further is emphasized by the echoey vocals, the choir in the background, and the strings in the background getting higher and higher.
Right at the start, this track fuels a ton of theories. No matter which interpretation makes sense, or what other interpretation you come up with, this track is very unnerving.
2. DNA
DNA takes a 100% different tone, utilizing a much more aggressive delivery and instrumental. Here, Kendrick talks about the mixture of people in his DNA, from royalty to criminals and victims of poverty/violence in America. In the second half of the track, Kendrick switches to a much more gritty instrumental. In addition, he throws in overbearing vocals to layer over his words. He also adds in another FOX News clip that criticizes hip hop music for doing more damage to young African Americans than racism. The track starts off like a praise for the honorable makeup of his DNA. But the track quickly turns negative and critical as he continues, ultimately ending on “Sex, money, murder. Our DNA”. Then, just as sudden as the track began, it suddenly ends.
“BLOOD” ended with Bekon saying “Is it wickedness?” I think that was a hint of the aggressive, wicked tone this song would take. Here, Kendrick is shamelessly disappointed, aggressive, and angry, all associated with negativity and wickedness. Also, I like the contrast between the harmonic vocals on this track and the previous track. While the previous harmonies were more angelic, these were more demonic. This adds on to the wicked tone of this track.
Besides “HUMBLE”, this is likely the most popular song from the album. I first heard this track on a Madden soundtrack several years ago. Due to the bounciness of the track, I can see how a clean version of this track fits on a sports game. But thematically, it definitely feels out of place on a EA Sports video game.
It’s also important to note this song is the second in a row to talk about a Fox News clip. Its apparent that Kendrick strongly dislikes and disagrees with Fox’s interpretation of his lyrics. It’s already abysmal to suggest hip hop music is equal or worse than racism; and Kendrick being a hip hop icon, takes it to heart that he’s being noted as a cause for worsening the black community. 
I think this difficulty arises from the fact in some cases hip hop music HAS idolized depression, gang violence, and drug addiction to the point some individuals influenced by hip hop music get involved in those wrongdoings. However, hip hop is multifaceted. Not every hip hop song is related to those negative topics, and  to sum all of it up in one tone is shallow. Kendrick rejects the notion that hip hop music is bad for young African Americans.
For me, 75% of the tracks could be the best, so I can’t say this song is a Top 3. But definitely a well deserved mainstream hit.
3. YAH
After the chaotic and exciting “DNA”, “YAH” is another 180 flip. This slows all the way down, feeling like a slow motion trip. Kendrick talks his awareness of constantly being under watch, whether it be by his fans, family members, FOX News, or God. And even though he knows he’s going to be scrutinized by those who watch him, he still does negative, toxic things to satisfy his urges and wants.
I think this song utilizes the “Is it weakness” aspect of the questions pondered in the intro. Instead of expressing rejection and resentment, he comes off passive and weak-willed. He talks about the section in Deuteronomy that discusses some being “cursed”. He comes off helpless and a product of an inevitable negative situation. And since he’s cursed and going to be criticized and punished no matter what, he might as well indulge.
This is another favorite of mine on this album. It’s cool to dive into the layers of this track, or just lay back and vibe to. The psychedelic production and Kendrick’s dragged vocals make the listener feel like marijuana or LSD is kicking into their system. Definitely a top 3 track production wise.
Part II Coming Soon😁
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palenoface · 5 years
Connor Murphy Headcanons
he has two middle names : larry, after his father, and james, after his mom’s dad.
he has baby wipes and chewing gums in his nightstand for the days he’s too mentally exhausted to take a shower and brush his teeth.
he thinks he has high-functioning autism, but he has too little information and not enough fucks to give to look more deeply into this.
he ! needs ! stimulation ! he needs sound and vibrations and colors to ground him and make sure he isn’t dissociating.
on the other hand, too much stimulation makes him feel on edge and it’s always a lot of work to maintain the balance between numb and hyperaware - a work he rarely has the patience to do.
his original hair color is very close to zoe’s, but he’s a stubborn bastard who wants to make a point so he’s been dying them for the last five years.
it’s also incredibly fluffy when he has the time and energy to brush it.
he can do handstands.
he and zoe used to take gym classes together when they were younger, and while he’s too out of shape to do wheels or backflips, he can still do handstands without much effort.
he has selective memory : he can quote more than 500 vines from the top of his head, but has no idea when WWII started.
the little prince and alice in wonderland are his childhood favorite books. then he got his hands on terry pratchett and ooooh boy.
(he has a soft spot for death in discworld.)
zombies ! he like pop culture zombies. they’re trash and they’re gore and they’re his favorite creatures.
his music taste includes, but is not limited to :
barber shop quartets
ukulele covers of generic love songs
beatbox and acapella stuff (he is totally blaming evan on that one)
whatever imagine dragons think they’re doing
don’t start him on disney songs
muffled recordings of zoe training for jazz band in her room
he never was much of a gamer but ? minecraft ? that was the good shit. he’s sure he still has his very first map somewhere in his crappy laptop.
speaking of his laptop, it’s covered in sharpie drawings and half-unsticked stickers.
his weed is stashed in a cardboard box under his bed with his previous years’ notebooks, and the layer of dust is his indicator to know if anyone found it or not.
he keeps all his notebooks since... as far as he can remember. sometimes he opens one of them and laughs at the sarcastic little notes he wrote in the margins.
his favorite of all times is from 4th grade. there’s an empty page between two full of doodles, and in the middle of it, written very very tiny : bitch.
he gets very tired very quickly. it’s like his internal battery just. goes flat. as soon as he gets invested in something. brain.exe stopped working.
he has a fidget cube and a finger twister in his hoodie’s pocket.
he actually has several fidget toys hiding all over the place, but these two are the ones he keeps on him at all times.
absurd humor is his jam. he’s particularly fan of reaction pics with the caption cropped out.
he makes typos when he’s under pressure.
DO NOT get him started on political subjects unless you’re willing to sit on your ass for hours and listen to him rant about everything wrong with the american system
given enough time and fuel (granola bars usually do the trick) it will always go back to capitalism and supremacy
he is paranoid. he knows that, his parents know that, zoe knows that, hell, evan of all people knows that. it doesn’t mean he’s anywhere near able to keep it in check, though.
it always takes him way too long to calm down and look at things in perspective, and by the time he does that he’s already hurt someone.
he has a thing for spiderman. it’s everywhere in his stuff if you know where to look.
evan challenged himself to find every single spidey merch in his room, but he’s still far from finding all of it (connor is definitely not telling him about the old pair of boxers at the bottom of his drawer).
when he’s confined somewhere - school, his room - he daydreams about getting in his car and drive until everything is calmer in his head.
in the same fashion, he’ll start running out of the blue and just... go. somewhere, anywhere as long as he can stop thinking so loudly.
he has one (1) plant in his room. it’s a little ceropegia woodii that evan gave him at some point, insisting on the fact that connor really had to want it dead for it to peg out.
connor makes a point of watering it once a week. it’s, oddly enough, one of the only things he can’t seem to forget easily. plus, he likes the little chain of heart-shaped leaves on his shelf.
his top three movies of all time are hidden figures, the imitation game and bohemian rhapsody.
sometimes at night when he can’t sleep because his thoughts are too loud and his room gets too stifling, he goes to sit in the hallway and listens to the house breathing in the dark. it calms him immediately.
when it’s not enough, he goes to sit on the porch and wait for the sun to rise behind the trees and doesn’t go back inside before he’s absolutely certain another day has come.
(and it makes everything okay, somehow, because the sun will always rise, and connor feels less desperate. less like he’s about to fall and never get up.)
(connor never falls. it’s sometimes very damn close, but he holds onto the seconds and every one of his breaths, and things are okay again before he realizes it.)
he and zoe still have a chaotic relationship that involves a lot of shouting and door-slamming, but he knows they’re doing better. it’s not perfect, and it probably never will be, but they’re working hard on their communication issues and it shows.
he’s weirdly territorial when it comes to his room : its is his space, and the doorway is the limit, and you have to ask to come in, dammit. it’s not that hard, larry.
evan always knocks. connor told him he could stop, because connor has nothing to hide from him (except a pair of boxers), but evan stubbornly keeps knocking every time he comes over. he’s says it’s good education, but connor knows it’s because evan, deep down, is a bastard who doesn’t like being wrong.
he has rituals - he doesn’t want to call it superstition, because he doesn’t really believe in this kind of thing, but he feels uncomfortable if he doesn’t execute them. his most recurrent ones are :
twisting his hair tie three times around his wrist before tying his hair so it doesn’t break
walking systematically inside the patterns on the ground
drumming a beat with his foot and his fingers to make time go faster
aligning anything lingering in front of him
notching every desk he sits at to see if they’re moved around
by extension, sitting specifically at his approved desks on bad days so he doesn’t get more irritated than he already is
he is weak to sleepy evan. don’t get him wrong, he likes every version of evan - sarcastic, pleased, blushing, soft, angry, self-deprecating, laughing - but sleepy evan is just... something else entirely.
the first night evan spends at the murphy’s they watch documentaries on his laptop until late, and they’re so captivated that it takes connor’s arm growing numb for him to notice evan asleep over his shoulder.
(connor doesn’t move for another half-hour, but he eventually has to pee and the sleepy, confused face evan gives him as he get up is just too much for his heart to handle.)
(and it will take him a long time to handle, he knows, but there’s no rush.)
(the sun will still rise tomorrow.)
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spirit-of-the-void · 5 years
Ebony and Ivory (V x Reader Fanfic) Chapter 19
Author’s notes: I’m back again, sluts, with a more Dante-filled chapter. Dont worry, V will be back soon
Chapter 19
(Your POV)
Chasing after Dante was, shockingly, easier than expected.
He left a convenient trail of dead demons in his wake on top of motorcycle track marks. You were moving at high speeds now, your tendrils carrying you in a blur around broken buildings and roots. You remembered now, just how fast you truly were. The power of the Void was precise and calculated, it was like having several sets of arms and hands to stabilize you and launch your body towards your destinations.
Things were definitely more chaotic here, walls of flesh and tunnels of debris weaving between the tree’s roots. Where the hell was Dante headed? He wasn’t going directly toward the tree, but more off to the side. You wracked your brain, trying to imagine what was on this half of the craters but unsure of what he was going for.
The only thing you could imagine that way was the very same house V had pointed out to you, his childhood home. But why would Dante be going there? It didn’t really make any sense. The landscape was so trash, and you literally knew nothing about Dante to even try and discern his motives.
Still, you gave chase, keeping your eyes peeled for Griffon along the way. You had no idea how far along the bird was, but you would feel better if you at least had him near you. This area was definitely not the safest to be traveling in, not that there was a single demon to be had. Lucky for you, because you didn’t want to waste any unnecessary time. 
Other things were still rattling in your skull.
Your mind was still racing, heart hurting as you thought of V back with Trish. You had said something so deeply personally to him, then bounced before having to face his reaction. It was...both exhilarating and terrifying. You most certainly didn’t regret saying it to him...it needed to be said at some point. Nor did you blame him for not saying it back, especially since you never gave him the chance to. You were more easily attached than he, more prone to deep emotion. Mind you...V’s feelings toward you were never doubted, but he deserved time to think about it without you there clouding his thought. But his well-being never left your mind, worry clawing at you deep in your skin with each passing minute.
You prayed he would be alright. You wouldn’t be gone from him too long, that you were certain of.
It was unfortunate that you were already traveling alone for an hour, practically bouncing your way over each hurdle and area as fast as you could. Through a cavern under a statue, through areas Dante had already opened. This was getting ridiculous. Why was every path painstakingly extra? All of this foolery wasn't need at the bottom of a god damn tree, that was for sure. But it made sense that things would be far more fucked up at the Qliphoth base where it had been the longest, festering like a disease. You just didn’t have to like it, that was all.
More traveling, more panic, more worrying. But you were getting closer, you were sure. Especially so when you saw Griffon’s familiar blue feathers in the air ahead of you.
Thank god. Traveling by yourself was going to make you go absolutely insane.
“Griffon...!” You yelled, making the bird halt a bit and whip his head around to look at you. He looked shocked, his beak popping open when you extended your tendrils, gently wrapping them around him and pulling him to your chest as you leap into the air. You were faster than he was anyway.
“Toots?!” He squawked, tucked against you kind of how a child would be, “What the hell are you doing here?! Why aren’t you with Shakespeare?!”
Just the mention of it made you wince, flinching a bit as you recalled the poet left alone, his assistance cut in half now that you and Griffon were gone.
“He told me to go after Dante...!” You said in a clearly worried tone, unhappiness in your expression as you maneuvered him and yourself around more broken building pieces, “And he wouldn’t take no for an answer!”
Griffon let out an annoyed huff at that, his feathers puffing out against your chest, “What a fucking dumbass. He shouldn’t be alone right now.”
He was most certainly preaching to the choir.
“I tried to tell him...he wouldn’t listen to me,” You mumbled, pressing your chin to the top of Griffon’s head as you finally entered open air. Thank god, no more tunnels, “I didn’t want to go in the first place, I’m worried about him.”
Griffon went a bit quiet at that, which was unusual for him. You tried to steady your eyes forward, keeping track of the small amounts of energy you were exerting. Not much, nothing that impacted your ability to heal. Moving with the tendrils required practically nothing, something your body stayed accustomed to. Like riding a bike.
Though traveling without V felt...bad, lonely despite the fact that Griffon was with you. As much as you loved and adored the bird, there was a Void he couldn’t fill, so to speak. One shaped like a tall, lanky poet in sandals. You knew it sounded silly; you had been away for just an hour. But it was less of missing him and more than painful, overwhelming fear that something bad would happen to him. Your protective streak would never leave, and it was practically clinging to your back now.
You traveled a couple moments in silence still, Griffon's lack of speech only a small worry in the back of your mind.
When he spoke, it seemed heavily reluctant.
“Ahh, fuck,” He muttered, beak tilted down and talons flexing a bit as he struggled with his words, “I think I need to apologize to you, and I’m really shitty at apologies.”
You blinked in surprise at that, wrapping an arm around him to brace him as you skidding over the ground, narrowly missing some shattered trees and debris. The terrain was hard to get through here.
“For what?” You asked quietly, landing on your feet and settling on a brisk jog as you made your way up a hill.
He paused again, making confusion prickle at the back of your mind as he took another moment to gather his words.
“F...for not warning you about Shakespeare,” He mumbled, unable to meet your eyes as his feathers puffed out a bit more. Like he wanted to hide, “You didn’t deserve to find out that way, like that and shit. I knew he was going to start falling apart but I half hoped his dumb ass would make it up the tree before that.”
That made your feet falter, heart thudding painfully once it clicked what Griffon was apologizing about. You had forgotten the look Griffon had worn those few times you had spoken, that knowing expression. You realized pretty quick that he knew, so that wasn’t a shock. But...his guilt was. He sounded unhappy with himself, unhappy with his choice of omission to you. What were you supposed to say? Part of you felt like you should be upset, but...there was too much at stake, too much to worry about other than that.
“It’s...okay.” You replied hesitantly, unable to formulate your own feelings.
“The fuck it is...!” Griffon squawked angrily, whipping around to snap his beak by your ear, “You need to start standing up for yourself, girlie...! I knew how you felt but I still didn’t say shit! You should be mad about that, damn it!”
He...had a point in there, somewhere. But you had the feeling he wanted you to be mad just to help ease his guilt
“I...I know...” You mumbled, leaning your head back to avoid his angry snapping, “But you’re my friend...and I don’t like being upset with you about something that doesn’t matter, not now.”
Griffon let out a pained groan at that, leaning his head back dramatically and exposing the lighter colored feathers on his throat.
“Fuck, now I feel worse,” He hissed, sounding half way exasperated and half was frustrated, “I tell you I withheld shit from you and you say we’re friends and wanna smooch and make up...!”
That kind of made you smile, just seeing his over-dramatic display of suffering. You could tell Griffon was trying, in his own asshole-ish way. You doubted the bird had to ever apologize for anything before in his life, nor did you think he ever wanted to. It made you feel a bit better about everything, as if it somehow confirmed Griffon actually did care.
So you leaned forward, giving him a small kiss on his head and making him scrunch up a bit. Huffy as always, but you didn’t care.
“There,” You replied, starting forward again and setting his grumbling form on your shoulders, “I kissed, we made up. Deal?”
He let out another annoyed sound, but he looked secretly pleased. He was a lot easier to read than V was, that was for sure.
“Still,” He muttered, tone sounding hesitant and quiet as he continued hurriedly, “You should know toots, about Shakespeare—”
But you weren’t paying attention.
You spotted Dante’s form as soon as you crested the hill. With that silvery-white hair he was easy to see, along with his red jacket and giant god damn sword. He didn’t seem to notice you or the bird, strolling leisurely toward...the house. The one V had shown you before, his childhood home. You had been correct in your assumptions, this was indeed Dante’s destination, but...why? There of all places, a crumbling mansion now that you were seeing it up close. A portrait was hanging in the crumbling foyer still, dirtied and sullied by time.  
You could barely make out the face of a woman, who you assumed to be V’s mother. Maybe? There looked to be a man in the photo, sitting with the family but his face was blackened by a past fire. With the woman was...two children? At least what you could make out—the portrait seemed so old, especially for a day and age of photography and technology. Maybe their mother had it done custom? Or maybe the portrait wasn’t of them at all, maybe it was some random painting the family kept hanging in their foyer because it looked nice. But that didn’t feel right either, especially since both boys had white hair.  
Two boys with white hair. Did V have a brother? He never admitted it, never mentioned it. But you looked at Dante, eyeing his own white locks as about a thousand questions traveled through you. Were...Dante and V related? Hell, Nero had white hair too. And that seemed like a pretty unique genetic trait. The more you thought about it, the less it made sense. V was super young still, like around the same age as Nero, whereas Dante looked to be in his forties at most. The boys in the portrait seemed to be twins, at least they looked pretty similar in age.
Ancestors maybe? This was a mess.  
Regardless, you had something to do here.
“Dante...!” You yelled, cutting off whatever Griffon was going to say as you started running closer, “Wait...!”
The Devil hunter paused at the sound of your voice, turning slightly so side eye you and the bird as you caught up to him. He looked bemused, albeit exasperated to see you. Despite all the demons he obviously had to fight to get here, he was free of scratches or wounds of any kind. Either he was a great fighter, or he had some seriously great healing skill. Or both.  
“You just don’t give up the chase, do you?” He commented, turning and crossing his arms over his chest.
He definitely didn't seem happy that you and V were prone to not listening to him, that was for sure. It was hard for you to care in that moment, especially after following his trail for so long.
You mimicked the pose, letting out a heavy sigh as you replied, “No I don’t, not after chasing you for this damn long.”  
It was about to hit the two-hour mark, and you weren’t happy about it in the slightest bit. Giving chase definitely wasn’t your favorite thing, and it was beginning to rain again to top it all off. You were willing to drag Dante back kicking and screaming if you had to. But...your Foresight did not like that. At all.
The moment the thought entered your head, it sent a warning jolt through your body, making you grunt a bit and touch your abdomen. What the hell, you weren’t supposed to stop Dante from leaving? Then why had your Foresight not told you that before you came all the way here? It made no sense. It made no sense. You couldn’t remember a mission where the power had been this indecisive, this inconsistent.
It was starting to piss you off.
Dante’s voice jarred you from the cascading anger at your own body, the man seeming oblivious to your internal conflict.
“Why are you following me anyway?” He asked, shaking some of the water droplets from his hair and turning his gaze away. He sounded overly nonchalant, tone ever lazy and bemused, “You seemed pretty friendly with that poet back there, so why come after me?”
You let out a low sigh, feeling incredibly strung out as you replied, “Because V asked me to. You shouldn’t be going up the tree alone anyway, not with how dangerous it is.”
You were trying really hard to figure out Dante, what kind of person he was. What made him tick. He seemingly showed no reaction to your words, other than tilting his head back to look at you again. His eyes confused you—they were wise somehow, on a face that seemed anything but. You felt like the Devil hunter was searching your face, sizing you up with a single glance. It made you a bit uncomfortable, that sensation of your secrets hiding on your spine returning once more.
“Someone has to stop the kid from killing himself,” He replied simply, turning to walk forward into the derelict mansion again, “Dontcha think?”
You reached out a hand, grabbing his arm to halt him as you protested, “Yeah but these things would be easier if we all stayed together...!” You were willing to bet Dante was the reason the group split up so damn much, it was driving you up a wall. Why was it so hard for everyone to just work together to reach a common goal?
Your Foresight didn’t like you touching Dante, not one bit. Or maybe it didn’t like you stopping him? Either way, it made a jolt of pain shoot up your abdomen to your chest, making you wince. Dante seemed to not notice, either that or he didn’t show any sign of it. Instead, he sighed, looking somewhat annoyed now as he looked at you. Impertinence was there behind that smirk, his brow slightly furrowed.
“And just what do you gain out of this, Miss Priestess?” He asked, raising a brow in your direction. The name made you jolt, remembering that Dante was not as oblivious as he seemed.
He knew what you were, and that was another concern you had.
“What do you mean?” You asked warily, frowning at the overly chipper tone he used. It definitely sounded close to taunting, at least to your ears.
Dante put his hands on his hips, rain water dripping over those white locks and causing them to stick to his rugged face.  
“I know your kind,” He said simply, shrugging his shoulders and eyeing you with a bit of a smirk in his expression. That tone was condescending, taunting as he let out a light laugh, “What does the boss upstairs want out of this world? To lay a claim if everything falls apart? To snatch the fruit that tree is gonna grow?”
The boss upstairs...he must have meant the Deity. Who was less “upstairs” and more in between everything. Still, what he was saying struck a chord of annoyance with you, especially since it sounded pretty damn accusatory.
You blinked in confusion, holding up your hands as you replied indignantly, “I  don't know what you're implying, but my Deity doesn’t want anything...!”
Dante scoffed lightly at that, inclining his head as he replied, “Every ‘Deity’ wants somethin’.”
He wasn’t wrong, but he wasn’t right either. And worse, he was bringing all your doubting back, all the horrible thoughts that refused to leave you. Anxiety was bubbling up again, threatening to choke you like bile rising in your throat. Already volatile, you felt like a bomb getting ready to tick off. You definitly had your doubts about your Deity, questions that were going unanswered and no sign of your master at all to guide you. It was already maddening and breaking you down, so Dante’s implications were both unneeded and unwanted.
Griffon had been with you long enough to sense your moods, eyes darting between you and Dante as he said in a warning tone, “Dante, you’d better lay off.”
Dante turned, pointing a single, warning finger at Griffon’s avian features as he replied, "Flock off, feather face.”
You fought another sigh. Things were only getting more out of hand, but it was under your skin now. An itch you couldn’t ignore.
“You don’t know a damn thing about what my Deity wants," You told him, feeling even more unhappy that you had come to find him. What the hell was even the point, wasting time like this? "I have better things to do than sitting here arguing with you...!”
V was still alone, and he was crumbling. Your Foresight was telling you not to stop Dante, or else. So why bother staying here letting him shit talk things he didn’t understand? You half turned your body again, ready to summon your tendrils outward to bounce away. If Dante wanted to do things on his own and get himself killed, he could be stubborn all he wanted. You would focus on the people that mattered. Like V, Nero, Lady, Nico.  
But the devil hunter wasn’t done.
He let out a low hum, his tone almost pleasant and conversational as he added, “So tell me. What do you serve to gain by using Mister Poet back there?”
Your blood ran cold. Very very cold.
“...Excuse me?” You whispered, blinking in shock and not understanding exactly what he was implying as you turned back to look at his face.
He shrugged his shoulders again, crossing his arms as his blue eyes locked with yours.
“You heard me,” He replied, his expression taking on a more serious look as he continued, “You seem chummy with V, but I know your type. You’d do the same for anyone if it meant getting what your big bad God wants.”
Your mouth popped open in shock.
Indignation, anger, and pain all ripped through you. It became pretty god damn clear what he was implying, and it stung like nothing else. He thought you were using V, pretending to care about him just to succeed in your mission. You were determined to get close to people at first, but romance was never something you would fake for results. Hell, you didn’t fake liking anyone if it wasn’t genuine. To have him look you in the face and accuse you of such a thing made your blood boil and eyes burn.
You could not cry, not now.
“You don’t know a damn thing about me...!” You replied, tone low and promising violence as you balled up your fists, “I’m not using V for anything...!”
“’Ya see, that’s where I don’t believe you,” Dante clicked his tongue, turning away from you and starting for the house again, “You priestess types are all the same. Though screwing a dying man to get what you want is pretty harsh, all things considered. Gotta give him something in return for using him, right?”
You had enough.
Your tendrils whipped out in the next instant, grabbing every part of Dante you could reach and slamming him to the ground. You were shocked, he put up no resistance at all in the face of your rage. He didn’t even look surprised when you whipped him around, your own face filled with so many emotions you weren’t sure what to focus on. Anger, pain, fear, more anger.
Your day had been an avalanche of misery after a night of some of the only happiness you had tasted in such a long time. The man you cared about was dying, and you sure didn’t fucking appreciate Dante’s harsh words when things were so dire. How he even knew about you having sex with V, you didn’t know. Maybe he guessed. But his guesses were unwanted.
Your hand cracked against his face in a fluid motion, making him let out a grunt but he was still smirking lightly. It all happened so fast. Grabbing him, flipping him, hitting him. It felt less than a second. But you didn’t care.
How dare he. How dare he imply that you would give yourself to V for the sake of doing what your Deity wanted? You weren’t a whore to sell yourself to people at a God’s bidding. V was everything, and he mattered to you more than the mission itself. Hell, you didn’t know there was something wrong with him at the time, something that would mean his death. And knowing so now was agonizing, breaking you down and leaving you in a state of non-stop dread. V made you happy, and things that made you happy always ended up snatched away.
Your eyes turned black with your rage, hair raising slightly and tendrils twitching sporadically. Your Foresight was screaming at you, telling you to stop and let him go. Agonizing, making your limbs weak and tendrils uncontrollable. That tipped you off pretty fast that Dante wasn’t fighting back on purpose--he could easily escape in the state you were in right at that moment. You were fighting your own body, your own rage just to be able to make a point to the Devil Hunter.
You hated how emotional you were, but that was only par for the course as you gripped Dante’s coat and yanked him up.
“Don’t you presume to know a damn thing about me...!” You hissed, eyes burning with tears that slid down your cheeks against your will. God damn it. God damn it, “You don’t know anything about what I feel about him, or how much he means to me...!”
Dante stayed quiet, staring at you with a neutral expression as your aching hands began to shake.  
Griffon was squawking in alarm, his talons gripping your shoulders and trying to haul you back as he screeched, “Not a good idea, toots...! Back off, he isn’t worth it...!”
You didn’t care. And you wouldn’t be swayed.
“If I had my way I wouldn’t even be here talking to you...!” Your voice was growing hoarse now with your tears, panting breaths leaving you as the pain continued, “He has no one else but me in this fucking hell, no one else who cares! Yet I came after you because he asked me to and you...you...”
To disregard what you felt so heavily, what tore you up inside. Brush it off like it was dust settling on his shoulders. It stung far too much.
How were you expected to change anything when it felt like everything wanted to stop you?
“I love him.” You whispered, head slumping on your shoulders as you finally released Dante, sitting back on your legs as the pain finally subsided. You couldn’t see his expression, couldn’t see anything but rain dripping from your locks. But it didn’t matter, you didn’t feel like you were talking to him now anyway. He was of little consequence, all things considered.
“I love him and he’s dying. And that’s not fair.”
Nothing ever is. That’s why you sold your soul, isn’t it?
Dante was quiet for a couple more seconds, letting out a hefty sigh as he sat up. Your tendrils dropped away from him, returning back to your body as the Void power simmered to a dull roar. You didn’t know what to say now, what to feel after such an outburst. You weren’t used to losing your cool and lashing out like that.
Perhaps you were learning a lot of new things about yourself with everything that was going on. That feeling came back, the feeling of wanting to go home but having no home to go to. V felt like home to you, and losing him would break you more than you realized. What were you supposed to do? You could barely handle things now, when he wasn’t even gone. Holding onto hope was hard, but you were trying.
Much to your shock, you felt Dante place a hand on your hair, giving you a comforting pat on the head. You blinked, breath catching at the action. It felt like something a dad should do, something you certainly didn’t expect from the demon hunter.
“I’ve learned all I needed to know,” He said simply, rising to his feet and extending a hand to you, “Sorry about how harsh I was, but sometimes that’s the best way to learn someone’s true intentions.”
You blinked more, looking at his hand then up at him. He was smiling again, but there was a concerned look in his eyes once they met yours. You were so confused, and it definitely showed on your face.
“You...were trying to get a reaction from me?” You whispered, tone still raw and eyes going back to normal now that your power was settling, “But...why?”
Dante let out a light sigh, scratching the back of his head with his free hand.
“Some servants of higher ups can be skeevy,” He huffed, rubbing his cheek you had struck and wearing a bit of a bemused smile, “Hard to disbelieve you when you react like that. You’ve got a mean right hook on you, kid.”
So...all that was a test to see if you felt how you truly said you did? You hesitantly took his free hand, wiping your eyes with your other. You were settling down now, but you still weren’t happy with how Dante went about doing it. But...he was right to mistrust the servants of gods—you had met a few less than savory ones yourself. They tended not to like people like you, who obeyed the beings that existed in between spaces. Trickery and deceit was at its finest when it came to working alongside priests and priestesses from other pantheons, especially ones specifically aligned with the notorious “good” and “evil” gods. Such alignments were bullshit, both sides would throw you under the bus to reach their goal.
You weren’t like that.
“Sorry...” You muttered to Dante, releasing his hand once he helped you up, “But...I haven’t had the best day today, and you really didn’t help.” You weren’t having the best existence, to be honest.  
“People show their true colors when pressed to a wall,” Dante rolled his shoulders a bit, testing his muscles after you had flung him around. You knew damn well he held back on purpose. Had he actually retaliated against you when you attacked...He would have wiped the floor with you, “Consider us even now. No hard feelings.”
You nodded, but you weren’t sure how else to reply. Griffon landed on your shoulders again, letting out a relieved sigh as he looked between you and the demon hunter. You were willing to bet that little situation had certainly ruffled his feathers, that was for sure.
Dante seemed a tad bit amused by how the bird acted around you, but that amusement faded when he let out another hefty sigh.
“This isn’t your fight, kid,” Dante told you, face turning a bit serious before he went to turn away, “Go back to the poet and make sure he's alright. Shit still has time to work out—I've been surprised before.”
You blinked at that, taking a few steps after him as he entered the house. It was crumbling apart, decaying around the edges where it looked like fire struck. What the hell had happened that day, when V was a child? You could see just hints of a happy life here, beneath the soot and decay. It made you ache, seeing something so lived in now an empty husk resting on the edge of the world. Dante didn’t seem oblivious to it, staring around at the mansion's remains with something akin to wistfulness. Like he was remembering something. But...why? Especially when V had said this was his childhood home?
There were so many things you didn’t know.
“Dante...?” You said hesitantly, hanging back as he turned and gazed at the former home, “What are you going to do?”
He didn’t answer your question, turning back and looking at the portrait you saw earlier.
“A demonic power was activated in me once,” He said, pulling out what looked to be a broken sword from behind his coat. It seemed to be demonic in origin too, the blade snapped off and leaving only jagged edges behind, “When Vergil lovingly jammed this through my chest.”
Who was Vergil?
You blinked in confusion, looking at Griffon with a questioning stare. That name felt...strange. It elicited a strange twinge up your spine. Familiar, but also not. Had someone mentioned the name before this? You...couldn’t remember. You had hoped Griffon would bring some clarity. But the bird was staring at Dante, water dripping from his sapphire feathers.
“I always wondered...why did my father give me the Rebellion?” Dante muttered, his voice barely audible to you as he palmed the sword in hand.
Was it named the Rebellion...? People in this word seemed big on naming swords, and it was confusing for you to keep up with. And better yet, who was Dante’s father? It seemed heavily relevant, at least to him in his own little world.
Griffon let out a confused sound too, hopping off your shoulders so he could fly over to Dante and circle him, “Okay, what are you muttering?” He asked, eyeing the demon hunter warily. He kept further than an arms length, making sure he wasn’t grabbed again.
Dante let out a light, breathy chuckle, sounding pretty rueful as he looked at Griffon. Completely ignoring his question, mind you.
“Over the years I’ve been stabbed and jabbed by a number of things,” He commented, lifting the hilt of the broken blade and staring at it with a faraway look, “But who would have guessed...”
You were completely unprepared when he flipped it around, stabbing the remainder of the blade hard into his abdomen.
Shock and panic filled you, eyes wide as the Demon hunter stumbled back, letting out a pained grunt as some of his own blood pattered onto the wet floor. What in the world was he doing?! You couldn’t even open your mouth to ask, absolutely stunned into silence as Dante panted, obviously in pain from stabbing himself. Just when you thought you had the demon hunter figured out, he completely scrambled your opinions of him all over again. Dante was an enigma, one you were afraid had just mortally fucking wounded himself when you all needed him the most. What the hell was going on?
Things were getting way too insane.
Griffon was, luckily, more composed than you. He echoed exactly what you were thinking...with his own flare.
“Have you lost your mind?!” He shrieked, flapping wildly as he hovered around the bent-over demon hunter, “There’s a demon to destroy...! Kill yourself later—I'll help...!”
Your mouth opened as well, letting out a shocked whisper of, “Dante...!”
But something was happening.
Dante was panting, teeth grinding in agony as he lifted his head. His hands were still clutching the sword, impaled into his body like it was nothing.
“If the Yamato can separate man from devil,” He gritted out, seeming oblivious to both of you, “Then what about the Rebellion?”
He twisted the blade harder into his flesh, letting out an agonized grunt as the sword began to glow. Brighter and brighter like fire, disintegrating into his body. Absorbed into it. That fire spread out in spider-webbing energy trails over him, all the way to his back where the Devil Sword Sparda rested. You stared in shock and awe, taking a few steps back while Dante stood, panting as his energy grew and grew, until the air was crackling with it.
What the hell was happening? The Devil sword began to disintegrate too, sucked into Dante’s glowing form until it was gone completely. Your Void sense rolled and toiled in warning, signaling you to get the fuck out of the way before something bad happened.  
Signaling to you that Dante was doing something downright fucking amazing. Dangerously amazing.
But Griffon wasn’t aware, staring at Dante with the same shock and awe you felt.
“Wow...” He said in a low tone, flapping his wings to keep him hovering in air as he rasped, “You are...absorbing the Sparda...!”
You felt the energy cultivate around Dante’s form, telling you plain and clear it was time to move. Your tendrils shot out, grabbing Griffon and yanking him to your chest just as you dipped behind a wall to shield you both.  Energy crackled out in the next instant, sending out a shock wave that rumbled through the Earth and the structure still standing against the rain. The Void power spiked, hating the sensation of an opposing energy type as it practically wrapped around the entire area. You panted lightly, rain dripping down your face and hair as you held a startled bird against you, both of you peeking out to see what happened.
Boy, were you absolutely stunned.
In the place of Dante was what could only equate to a demon. Sharp claws, fire licking parts of his glowing body with spikes and horns. It looked like he was armored, any trace of the familiar demon-hunters face now gone. You blinked, staring in shock as he turned slightly to look at you, his face completely different. Sharp teeth, flaming eyes...it was terrifying and incredible, you weren’t sure what to think, what to say, what to do. Dante was a half demon, that had already been explained to you. But no one had mentioned Dante being able to take on a demonic form, not unless this was new and unique to him stabbing himself and absorbing the Devil Sword Sparda?
At least you knew not to touch Dante in this form. Your Void power was pretty firm on that, and the power of Sparda certainly didn’t like you either.
Regardless, you stared at Dante’s panting, growling for. Unable to move an inch as he turned away. He bent his knees, leathery wings stretching out in a telltale sign of him getting ready to fly. You ducked back behind the debris to avoid the shock wave from that, wood and rocks flying out when he shot off from the ground, into the sky. You gasped, stepping out with water dripping into your eyes as you stared at him spiraling up toward the top of the Qliphoth. Holy shit. There was no way you could follow that, not now after running all the way here.
But Griffon could.
You released the bird, feeling him push off against you and shoot into the sky after Dante. Slower, panting in annoyance as he did so.
“Go back to Shakespeare!” He yelled down to you, not stopping as he arced into the sky. Pretty gracefully, in your opinion, “You get his sorry ass to the tree! We’ll meet you there...!”  
You nodded once, activating your tendrils again as you yelled back at him, “Be safe, Griffon...!”
He didn’t respond, but then again you weren’t sticking around to hear it anyway.  
You had a bad feeling that shit was about to go down, energy bursting out of you as your tendrils whipped out again, bringing you in the direction of V. You activated your senses, eyes turning black to search out the whale oil you knew he had. Everything was swirling in your head now, the day’s events certainly startling and a lot to handle. But you kept moving, able to tell where V was right away and making haste to get there. He wasn’t where you left him, probably moving forward with Trish once she woke up. You hoped the poor woman could find clothes; nothing would suck more than walking around in just a blanket.
You also prayed she would be able to help V in your absence. It would take less time to get to them than it did Dante, so there was that at least. They were headed for the base of the tree, and those paths intersected at some point.  
You gritted your teeth, feeling the energy inside toil harder and faster now that you were free from having to chase Dante. You felt like you were exceeding your limits more, still growing now that things were so dire. Ready for anything, at least. You wanted to return to V, wanted to make sure he was safe and not crumbling again. Griffon was a smart bird, but you worried for him too, heading up the Qliphoth to chase after Dante. What were you supposed to feel in that moment? You didn’t want to go numb to it all, but you felt like you had no choice.
There was so much going on. So much to do. So much at stake. But still, you pressed onward, heart-pounding as you sought to be reunited with your poet once more.
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18136193/chapters/43974313
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Tagged: @nightshadow4713 @slightlylunatic @silentwhispofhope @just-call-me-no-name @efiicitia @raveninthevoid
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ineffable-snowman · 5 years
Day 7: Silent Night
Only very loosely inspired by the prompt for today, the fic grew too long and into something different than I had planned.
When Aziraphale heard Bach’s Christmas Oratory for the first time in 1734, he was almost moved to tears. The retelling of Jesus’s birth was, of course, not in strict accordance with the facts but no human had ever got it right, which was quite understandable as Aziraphale was the only being on earth who had been there. Still, he felt that Johann Sebastian Bach had come really close – his music did. The at times jubilant, at times dignified music did not exactly depict the hectic rush of that day but it reflected the meaning of Christmas.
Aziraphale could not understand how a human could come up with such heavenly music without angelic intervention. But then again, it was so much more powerful music than the celestial harmonies he had had to practice in the heavenly choir for eternities. He wouldn’t want one of the angels to interfere with Bach’s creativity. And Aziraphale himself – well, after some initial reservations he had come to enjoy human music very much and had even tried to learn the gamba for a few years but he certainly would not have been able to inspire Bach.
When Aziraphale learned that there were five more parts of the Christmas Oratory, he was utterly delighted and could not wait to come back for the next. He immediately told Crowley when they met up to share a Christmas dinner: “So, your trying to get Bach to drink too much obviously did not work. He still composes the most sublime music. You have to come and listen to the other parts of the Christmas Oratory.”
“Ha, nice try, angel. Trying to lure me into a church with promises of divine music. Not gonna happen.”
Aziraphale spluttered. “I didn’t mean to suggest – I – I didn’t think… well. I suppose…you can’t come. Pity.”
“Yeah, not really interested in church music anyway. I prefer his dances.”
Aziraphale pulled a face. Dances were always so indecent, wild and chaotic! Of course Crowley liked them, and although Aziraphale secretly enjoyed some of the slower ones, he would never admit it out loud.
The second part of Bach’s Oratory was just as good as the first. The soprano who sang Aziraphale’s role flattered him quite a bit (because this exquisite recitative was so much more dignified than his babbled words to the frightened shepherds had been). Crowley couldn’t stop laughing when Aziraphale told him and threatened to make a few suggestions to Bach on how to change the angel’s singing part. Aziraphale in turn threatened to never share a Christmas meal again if Crowley really went through with that.
The third part was just as beautiful. When Aziraphale left the church afterwards, he saw a very familiar demonic figure quickly disappear into a side street.
“What were you doing so close to the church?” he confronted Crowley later.
“No worries, no official assignment at the moment. Just thought I’d try to hear a bit of what the hustle and bustle is all about.”
Of course Crowley was curious. He always wanted to learn about all the new human things. The idea that Crowley never would get to hear Bach’s Christmas Oratory and only could lurk outside the church suddenly made Aziraphale unbearably sad. There just was no way. He briefly thought about asking the flutist, whom Aziraphale had helped when he had almost lost his youngest kid to illness, to give them a private performance but you needed a whole orchestra, a choir and soloists for that opus. You needed the sound and the atmosphere of a church to fully appreciate it.
“Don’t look so sad,” Crowley said with a sneer. “I don’t gripe when you refuse to dance.”
(It was a blatant lie because Crowley did gripe. Every time.)
Aziraphale tried to tell Crowley about the music in every detail. He even acquired a copy of the autograph so Crowley could at least study the sheet music. (Crowley told him to stick it up his xxxx, which had Aziraphale in a cranky mood for three years. He was only mollified when Crowley apologised by giving him a lovely wooden box with intricate carvings which he could use for his most treasured autographs.)
Then people forgot about Johann Sebastian Bach, to Aziraphale’s great regret.
It was only in the second half of the nineteenth century that the humans slowly rediscovered Bach’s work and fully appreciated his genius. Over the years Aziraphale went to three more performances of the Christmas Oratory in Germany and found it to be just as touching as the first time. He even tried to influence the churches in London to play it around Christmas time, and hung up posters in his shop to advertise for it. By the turn of the century, Aziraphale had been able to make it a habit to see the Christmas Oratory once a year. And the humans had invented something new, something genius: a gramophone. Aziraphale’s first thought had been that Crowley would now finally be able to listen to the music that was only played in churches.
The thing was just: They did not talk anymore. Had not, in fact, talked for decades. Of course, in the earlier days they had not seen each other for much longer periods of time but since they had both moved to London, they had seen each other at least once a year. Until that terrible day in 1862 and that stupid fight.
After two years of silence from Crowley, Aziraphale had tentatively reached out. He sent a short note, which was left unanswered. Then he sent a longer letter, in which he told Crowley about a new play he wanted to see and invited him to come along. No reply either, which was rather rude, wasn’t it? Growing impatient (and, yes, maybe also a bit worried) Aziraphale had gone to Crowley’s flat only to find that Crowley had put up wards that were meant to keep humans (and probably angels and demons, too) out, because when he approached the flat, he suddenly had so many other things on his mind that he absolutely needed to do right now. Aziraphale cleared his head. He probably could have burst through the wards with a very powerful angelic miracle but it did not seem the right thing to do if Crowley did not want him there. Crowley had never rejected him before.  It was a strange feeling. It hurt.
Aziraphale regularly (once a year) went past Crowley’s flat to check if the demonic wards were still in place. They always were. He never caught a glimpse of Crowley in London, didn’t even hear about any demonic deeds. Heaven replied to his enquiry that, yes, the demon Crowley was still stationed on earth but apparently inactive at the moment. Heaven was pleased. Aziraphale was… not. He was sometimes annoyed and sometimes hurt and therefore decided to learn the gavotte. It was one of his best decisions ever. He not only learned to dance but he also made human friends. He enjoyed himself.
But then the human friends grew old and fragile and died, the gavotte went out of style and the gramophone was invented and Aziraphale yearned to see Crowley again. He wrote a very long letter, in which he explained himself, apologised and told Crowley that he missed him. He called him “my dear friend”, even though his hands were shaking in fear when he wrote the lines.
As he could not risk the letter falling into the wrong hands, he delivered it personally. He forced his mind not to get distracted when he approached the flat. But when he was about to throw the letter into the letter box, he noticed that it was already full. With a quick miracle he opened it, and there were dozens of old letters, among them the two Aziraphale had sent years ago. Crowley had never even opened them. Aziraphale stared at the dirty windows that had not been cleaned in years. Crowley must have left London. Probably gone to America. Because America seemed a place Crowley would enjoy and fit in. Without so much as a word of farewell.
Aziraphale carefully selected the three letters he had written and took them home where he burned them. 
He considered taking up one of the new dances of the Twentieth Century but then there was a war going on, and then people had hardly recovered and there was another war, maybe even worse than the first. Crowley had always said the Fourteenth Century had been the worst but the Twentieth Century seemed to surpass it. It was unbelievable what humans were capable of doing to each other.
Fortunately, there were still some good humans. A brave woman recruited Aziraphale to help her fight against the Nazi spies in London.
But then she turned out to be a double-agent.
In all that horror and chaos it was a demon that proved that there was still good in the world.
Crowley had been so brave and brilliant and, good Lord, quite dashing with that fetching hat, but most of all he had been kind. Aziraphale followed him in a daze, through the destroyed church and to a black automobile parked in front of it. The doors opened at a gesture from Crowley, and Aziraphale gingerly climbed inside, still clutching the bag with the books.
It was surreal, speeding through the dark and empty streets of London. Sometimes they heard a bomb detonate in the distance. Crowley drove them in silence and Aziraphale was lost for words because his heart felt too full to speak.
“Here we are.” They stopped in front of the bookshop.
“Ah, lovely.” Aziraphale struggled for words. “Can I… invite you in for a drink? As a – a thank you? ”
“Probably better get into a bunker.”
“Oh, I have one just under the bookshop. For the books.”
“The books. Yeah. ’Course.”
“There’s also a nice couch.”
“Right.” Crowley finally stepped out of the car and followed Aziraphale into the bookshop. He had moved his favourite books and his most prized possessions downstairs into the bunker (which meant that half the bookshop was empty now).
He showed Crowley down and then hurried through the bookshop to get two glasses and the best wine he had. When he came downstairs, Crowley was already lounging on the couch, his legs dangling over the armrest. With a casual wave of his hand he snapped a few candles on.
“Oh. That’s – that’s lovely. Thank you.” Aziraphale poured them wine, all the while babbling about the wine, the candles, his books… Then there was another faint detonation in the distance and he winced and stopped with his inconsequential chatter. There were so many other things he wanted to say:
I don’t want another war. I want this horror to finally end. I don’t understand why Heaven doesn’t intervene.
I’m so glad you came. Where have you been all those years? I missed you so much. I love you.
He remained silent because he did not know how to say these things. He did not know if these things could even be said, probably shouldn’t even be thought. And yet – in the midst of a human war he felt save here in the bunker together with Crowley. Save from human bombs, from Hell’s wrath and Heaven’s righteous fury.
Suddenly Aziraphale had an idea on how to thank Crowley for what he had done today. Not that there was any worthy payoff but it could be at least a nice gesture, he hoped.
“I have to show you something.” Excitedly he snapped the gramophone down into the bunker. Finally, finally he could introduce Crowley to that beautiful music he had missed. It felt oddly fitting to play that music for Crowley tonight when he had walked on consecrated ground. “Now, this is a wonderful human invention, called a -”
“I know what a gramophone is,” Crowley interrupted him a bit rudely. “But I’m surprised you own one.”
“Well, they are quite useful if you don’t have the time or the energy to see a concert, or if they don’t play your favourite music – anyway, what I wanted to show you was this.” He proudly produced the record of Bach’s Christmas Oratory, put it onto the gramophone and sat down to watch Crowley closely, wanting to see every reaction when he heard the jubilant music for the first time. The timpani and trumpets of the opening chorus drowned out the distant rumble of another bomb going off.
But Crowley did not look impressed or like he enjoyed it, quite the contrary. He grimaced and chugged down another glass of the good wine that really should be savoured more.
“You – you don’t like it?” Aziraphale asked worriedly. It was disappointing. He had meant to make it something special. Crowley had so often introduced him to new things, now he had wanted to show him something new in return. That Crowley so obviously found the music that meant so much to Aziraphale distasteful (or at least boring) hurt somehow. Because it was not just a wonderful piece of music, it meant so much more: it was about Christmas, a day that had proved that God cared for the humans and wanted to live among them, and it was about what that holiday meant to the humans. 
“Not exactly up-to-date anymore,” Crowley scoffed.
Aziraphale bristled. Contrary to Heaven, Crowley had never mocked his interests. Or, well, he had, but always in a teasing, never in a condescending way. “Right. I take it you’re still angry.” In the church, it had seemed like they were still friends and everything was fine again – just like that. But obviously that had just been in the heat of the moment.
Crowley took off his glasses and squinted at Aziraphale. “What? Want me to run into a church again to prove it?”
“No, I-I-I… I mean, why – where have you been? I haven’t heard from you in years…”
“Took a nap. Bit longer than expected. Woke up during the war. The last one, I mean.” Then Crowley frowned. “It’s not like you contacted me in all those years.”
“I did,” Aziraphale said softly, desperately, “I tried.”
Crowley sighed and leant back on the couch to stare up at the low ceiling. “Listen, I am angry – at those dumb Nazi spies and that fucking consecrated ground, and my feet hurt like, well, they hurt like shit and I don’t really feel like listening to German words right now” – he gestured at the gramophone – “but we’re good, yeah?”
“Oh, oh, I’m sorry, my dear.” Aziraphale immediately made the record stop spinning. “That was really thoughtless of me. Goodness. Let me – let me have a look at your feet?”
“You know you can’t heal holy burns. You can’t heal a demon.”
“Well, we’ll see about that,” Aziraphale said darkly and rolled up his sleeves. Whoever had decided that angels couldn’t heal demons had not considered Aziraphale’s conviction.
“Please, no experiments,” Crowley groaned. “They’re bad enough as it is.”
“No, no, of course not,” Aziraphale shushed him. “I meant the human way. There’re ways to make the burns at least better.” Aziraphale filled a large bowl, that had conveniently turned up behind a stack of books, with cold water.
Crowley relented and carefully removed his shoes and socks, all the while visibly trying to suppress the hisses of pain. The record started erratically spinning again but instead of Bach’s cantatas, shrill, hectic and dissonant sounds came out of it.
“Huh,” said Aziraphale but refrained from admonishing Crowley because his feet really looked bad. They were burnt all over, blisters everywhere, even raw meat visible, and parts of the socks kept clinging to the skin. Aziraphale’s heart ached with pity and love for that stupid, brave, kind demon. He swallowed and knelt down to carefully help Crowley’s feet into the water.
Crowley hissed loudly when his feet touched the cold water but of course he played it off. “So, picking up things from the birthday boy again?”
Aziraphale humoured him. “What do you mean?”
“Jesus? Shouldn’t his birthday be around now?”
“Oh, yes, of course. But what…?”
“You know, washing the feet of sinners…”
“You are not – well. Strictly speaking you are a sinner. But…” But what? Aziraphale had been relieved when Heaven had changed their policy and granted human sinners the chance of forgiveness. One sin did not mean eternal damnation anymore. Sometimes he had wondered if that policy could be extended to demons, too. Aziraphale was not sure if Crowley deserved forgiveness and – whatever his personal feelings on the matter – it was not for him to decide. But he was certain that Crowley deserved gentleness. And at this moment, when he knelt at Crowley’s feet, Aziraphale felt like he was the sinner who was asking for forgiveness. He did so with every careful touch and with the fluffiest towel, which he miracled downstairs to dry Crowley’s feet. Crowley did not say a word, just breathed slowly. The shrill, hectic music grew quieter and slower and finally faded out.
It was completely silent in the bunker. Aziraphale looked up to see Crowley’s face in the flickering candle light look more demonic than ever before. He did not mind.
He smiled and straightened up. “Whatever did you do to my record?”
“Not sure. Might have accidentally turned it into bebop.”
“Into what now?”
“New musical style that they invented in North America.”
Aziraphale was quite sure that Crowley had just invented that word but he did not call him out on it. “Anyway, I’m sure I will be able to restore the record with a little miracle. I believe bebop is not really my style.” He went to retrieve his first-aid kit from behind another stack of books.
Crowley shrugged. “So why are you keeping that -” he indicated the first-aid kit “- here? It’s not like you need supplies to heal someone.”
“I… I used it in the war. The first one. And now unfortunately it is needed again.” Aziraphale felt all the memories of the injured humans weighing down on him, all the ones he could not help – could not help enough or not at all. Could only try to comfort and promise that they were forgiven and that God loved them. “You can probably imagine how fast it happens that one overdraws their healing quota in a war.”
Crowley silently looked at him for quite some time and then, finally, he said, “You tend to do that, yeah.”
Aziraphale shrugged apologetically but he knew that Crowley was not judging, not reprimanding him for not fulfilling his angelic duties according to heavenly quotas. He rummaged in his first-aid kit for the burn ointment.
“So you tried healing in the human way to avoid getting into trouble with the idiotic archangels?”
Aziraphale ignored the rude language (and silently maybe even agreed with Crowley). It was so good to again have someone (the only one) who understood. It had been so lonely: the exhaustion from the many healing miracles, the helpless anger when Heaven did not allow him to do more, the grief for the humans who died so unnecessarily. He wanted to share it all with Crowley again. And forever.  
“I assisted a field medic and learned from her,” Aziraphale explained.
Crowley hummed. “You know, there was talk among the soldiers about a guardian angel on the battlefield. I was wondering if it was you or if they were just making up stories to give each other hope.”
Aziraphale smiled with trembling lips. “This – this ointment-” he cleared his throat. “-it helped against the burns caused by explosions. It should help with your feet, too.” He knelt down and tentatively reached out to touch Crowley’s foot. “Will you let me?”
“Of course,” Crowley said because he always allowed Aziraphale to do good.
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mimymomo · 5 years
Starkid Shows Ranked
So I’ve seen others do it and I want to jump on the bandwagon. Plus my list so SO different than others I’ve seen so I’m either gonna interest, delight or piss people off. I love every Starkid show, I just love some more than others lol. This is just my opinion so please dont take it too seriously:
11) Me And My Dick - oh shit not Ani! My list is already starting off controversial. Yeah I’m sorry I’m just not not the biggest fan of this show. I love a few songs and every scene with Joeys Heart or the Old Snatch is genius and Sally is the sweetest bean alive. But besides that, there’s nothing else that really keeps me coming back. I usually just watch the listen to your heart, the choir room scenes and the finale and I’m good. Plus Joey (the character not the person) pisses me off half the time. Sorry...
10) Ani - originally Ani was the only Starkid show I nearly stopped watching cause I couldn’t get into it. But by the end of the first act I was starting to enjoy it more (I really liked the act 1 finale). And I actually really like Ani’s second act. The songs in this show are really good and Nick Lang as Obi Wan is everything it’s just the first act that holds this show back for me.
9) A Very Potter Sequel - yeah controversial opinion again but AVPS is my least favorite of the AVPM trilogy...please don’t kill me!! It has my least favorite of the AVPM songs (I don’t like Guys Like Potter or Harry Freaking Potter...I’m so sorry I’ll go crawl back in my hole now). But I still fucking adore it though!! Brian as Lupin and Joe as Umbridge saved my life and Days of Summer makes me weep while No Way and Stutter fill me with chaotic energy.
8) A Very Potter Musical - the show that started it all! It was my first Starkid show that I’d watched back in like 2011/12 before I’d actually finished Harry Potter (I just watched all the movies last year...don’t judge me). This show is a classic: great songs, jokes, quotes.
7) Holy Musical B@man - Im not a huge DC fan but love this show. Joe and Nick are great as Batman and Robin respectively and Brian and Jeff are stand outs as Superman and Sweet Tooth. The costumes and songs are great and casting is spot on (I saw comment online saying that the show was gray but the casting of Lauren as Comissioner Gordon was weird and someone pointed out that was the joke it made me crack up). Plus Two-Face, TGI Friday’s girl, the line about Spider-Man being agile as hell and Meredith’s chess line in American Way still crack me up every time.
6) The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals - this was the show that officially brought me into the Starkid fandom. The story, characters and atmosphere of the show is something so distinct from every other Starkid show. The whole cats is freaking fantastic especially the newbies Jon and Mariah and I look forward to seeing them and everyone else in future shows. To me the weakest part of the show was the music (sorry I know everyone loves the songs in this show). Some songs are fine but others I just skip and at this point I can’t listen to Show Stoppin Number anymore. I have this thing where if shows/songs/characters get super popular I immediately start to like it less which I think is what happened for this show and the one next on my list.
5) Twisted - okay this is probably where I lost/pissed off most of you but let me explain: when I first watched this show I actually didn’t really like it. Aladdin was never a movie I really liked so a Aladdin/ Wicked style parody was not my thing. Now however I really enjoy Twisted. It’s still not my favorite show but the music is really good and Dylan and Meredith confirmed in this show that they have amazing stage chemistry - Ja’far and Scheherazade are the second best Starkid relationship solely because how integral the relationship is to the story without being grating plus they’re super cute. This show is hilarious and heart warming and wrenching at the same time. I may not like it as much as everyone else but I will fully preach how amazing it is.
4) A Very Potter Senior Year - yep AVPSY is my favorite in the trilogy. I think it partially has to do with the fact it’s just a stage reading. There’s just something about it not being perfect with all the technical issues and character breaking that makes it feel more personal and intimate to me. AVPSY has some of my favorite scenes (the scene with Meredith and AJ is one of the best scenes in Starkid history), songs (Always Dance is in my top five favorite Starkid songs ever) and character moments. Ron is such a standout in this show and I really care about his a Hermiones relationship in this show. I could never fully be invested in them before I hated how much Ron constantly insulted her but in this show it shows just how good of a boyfriend and best friend he really is. And I know people hate how they made Harry act in this show but to me it was essential to his character that he acted this way (I could write a whole essay about Harry and his character and how his actions in senior year make sense).
3) Starship - Starship is just really good okay!! Bug is precious, Mega-girl and Tootsie are adorable, the songs are amazing and the story while predictable since it’s just the Little Mermaid in Space is still great and it’s funny as heck. What more do I have to say? And Starship Requim nearly made me cry when I heard it for the first time.
2) Firebringer - I’m gay. Okay but seriously while TGWDLM was the show that pulled me into the fandom, this was the show that truly introduced me to Starkid as a more than AVPM. I know this show has a lot of problems. But you know those things that you recognize has a lot of issues and isn’t perfect but despite all the faults you still love it to death? Yeah Firebringer is one of those things to me. I love Jemilla and Zazzalil, I love their relationship, I love that they’re played by my two favorite Starkid members: Lauren Lopez and the love of my life Meredith Stepien!! I love the music since it reminds me of Jim and the Povolos music (since Meredith and Mark wrote so it kinda is JatP music lol) and all harmonies and costumes and I think the show is hilarious (not their funniest but still funny). Again I know this show has its problems especially in the writing but after watching the behind the scenes I’ve come to really appreciate this show and understand why and where the issues came from. To me this show is just plain fun and sometimes that’s just why I need.
1) The Trail to Oregon - this show is just everything to to me. It’s so freaking funny and I love every single song in it (Lost Without You hits too hard as a girl in college who is hours away from her family). At face value it’s a road trip musical that parodies the game abut at heart is a show about a distinctions family reconnecting and dealing with life. The Dikrats family plus McDoon (and really every other role Joey plays in this) and Cletus Jones are some the funniest characters and some of my personal favorites due to how over the top but insanely real they feel. I really became attached to this family and their struggle and I just wanted them to get to Oregate in one piece. Plus this show actually has not one but two songs about dying of pooping and I love both of them!! Trail to Oregap is just so unique and I adore it.
So what did I learn making this list?? I have really weird taste and extremely different opinions on shows than everyone else. Why did I make this list?
Well I hope someone liked it and didn’t get too mad at me lol. And I hope more people who have vastly different rankings make more top list because it’s fun seeing where others place shows especially if it’s really weird placings and not just Ani at 11 and Twisted at 1 (not saying they can’t be! Absolutely no judgment on my part!!).
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twisted-crumpets · 4 years
Hey guys, I wanted to make a g/n version of the kiss headcanons, because I felt bad that some people may not feel included or couldn’t properly enjoy the meal. If there’s any headcanons that you want me to do this for, please ask me it’s perfectly fine.
Quick note: Rook’s nickname for his darling had to be changed, because it was not gender neutral. However, this one “mon petit oiseau” (my little bird), is. This was found out through research, if I am wrong, please tell me.
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━━ Trey Clover ━━
Trey was always pretty observant and soon noticed how his feelings may not be as unrequited as he previously believed.
Pink blushes and eyes dreamily locked onto each other’s for too long was sort of a dead giveaway. However, Trey wished to formally explain his feelings for his S/O.
Unfortunately, an Unbirthday Party was coming up and whilst all of the treats were made, the roses were a far cry from done and Cater begged anyone who’d listen for help.
Hearing the third year’s desperate pleas, his darling decided to meet up with Trey so they could both tackle as many roses as possible.
The job wasn’t completely unpleasant, yes they both would rather be doing something perhaps a bit more enjoyable, but they both treasured each other’s company and the small talk was rather entertaining.
It wasn’t long before it finally clicked in Trey’s mind that they were alone and peered down at his love, who was honing their all into making a stubborn rose red.
“S/O, I’m sure you are well aware but I just wanted to say.. I love you.”
His darling nodded at first before taking a violent double take and glancing at Trey, baffled and red at his casual confession.
“Hmm~ was it not obvious already? I would’ve thought you already knew.”
Teasingly chuckling at them, he pressed a gentle kiss against their crimson cheek, unable to hide his smirk. Cupping their warm face in his hands, he looked deep into their eyes to ask for permission before pressing his lips against their own.
The kiss was long and warm. It filled them both with a feeling of home and and comfort and neither of them wanted to leave.
Eventually, Trey pulled away, poking their still red face with his finger, unable to wipe his former smirk off of his face at her bashfulness.
The garden may not have been very finished, but they couldn’t care less when they had one another in their arms.
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━━ Ruggie Bucchi ━━
Ruggie was worried. He always knew that he wanted to eventually confess how he feels to his love, but he knew that with essentially no money, he had limited resources.
Sneaking money out of Leona’s wallet little by little, Ruggie began to feel more confident in finding the perfect inspiration or possible gift for his beloved. As he stood in Sam’s shop, he felt a deep sense of regret for not just stealing a necklace to sell instead.
Prices so high it made him dizzy in the head and weak in the knees. Despair lingering in his chest.
That is, until he saw Trey buying some eggs which caused an idea take root in his mind. Baking was something couples did often and it did sound rather romantic. Plus, who was he to deny spending time with his love and filling his stomach for delicious doughnuts?
After class, S/O was nearly tackled to the floor by the blur that was Ruggie who had a strong determined look twinkling in his eyes. “Shishishi sorry about that... hey! Uh before you go, I’ve been asked to make some treats by Leona, but I barely know much about it. Do you mind giving me a hand?”
Tentatively, his S/O nodded their head, eyebrow raised in bewilderment before parting ways, delighted and perplexed.
Making their way to the kitchen, they began to wonder what was in store. The hyena loved to play pranks, maybe he had one in store for them?
It was however a great relief to see the cheeky student frowning at the recipe as if it was in another language.
His ears cutely twitching hearing their giggles, his head shooting up and with a grin so wide that it could’ve split his face in two adorned on his face.
Hours passed and they couldn’t deny that the evening was very gratifying, with the happy chatter and raucous laughter that filled the room. When doing a count of the doughnuts that were laid out on their tray, they soon noticed one had gone missing and quickly informed Ruggie, teasingly questioning him about its whereabouts.
“Shishishi ahhhh S/O this has been gone for ages~~ you are too easy to trick!”
Placing it back on the tray, they observed the design on the surface, eyes widening to the size of dinner plates after resist to messy “I love you” scrawled onto the surface of the small treat.
Cooing at the sweet gesture, they wrapped their arms around the trickster and softly responded to his feelings, immediately feeling him let out a gigantic sigh of relief.
Pulling away slightly, they stared at his lips entranced before finally connecting them, a cute yelp escaping from the boy.
The kiss was sugary sweet and fluffy and many more was stolen by the playful thief, accompanied by booming laughter and warm doughnuts.
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━━ Jade Leech ━━
The Monstro Lounge has always been a rather busy establishment and had many a particularly busy day. Today seemed to be one of them as the orders kept piling up and showed no signs of stopping. Tireless hours catering and cleaning, until finally the crowd has thinned until the room was empty once more and the Lounge was finally closed.
Weary and stressed, Jade decided to go to the school pool and unwind. The tranquil silence flooded the room and Jade slowly sank into the room watery depths, feeling himself becoming truly serene. Which was sadly interrupted by voices from above calling his name.
With a slightly irritated sigh, he heaved himself onto the pool’s edge, scanning his surroundings with narrowed eyes. That was until they befell onto his love and instantaneously softened.
“Oya? What are you doing here S/O? Surely it is due time for you to be back in your dorm?”
His stomach suddenly felt light and filled with his butterflies learning of his dearest’s concern for him and slowly shut his eyes, not expecting them to stay and hurried rush a variety of sentences jammed together creating one love fuelled mess.
Disheartened by the lack of reply, they went to leave, slightly embarrassed before they were stopped by a cool hand wrapped around their wrist, revealing a slightly pink Jade.
“I must inform you that your feelings are not unrequited.. I love you too, my flower.”
Tugging their wrist to kneel by the pool side, he tilted his head upwards and connected their lips, completely intoxicated by the contrast between their bodies.
Gasping for air, his darling didn’t notice the toothy smile spread across Jade’s face as he pulled them into the pool, wrapping their arms around his neck and connecting their lips once more.
Addictive kisses were stolen and exchanged and neither of them could ever wish for more as they melted into one another, hearts swelling with every touch.
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━━ Jamil Viper ━━
Jamil was ready to pass out. His usual menial chores were increased tenfold as a result of Kalim and his impulsive decision to let his wild pets roam free inside the dorm.
The chaos of the day finally reaching its end, Jamil dragged himself towards his room, ready to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Until, he set his eyes on his love sat patiently on his bed, instantly brightening and then furrowing their eyebrows in worry over the fatigue that seemed to radiate from every part of his body.
Ushering him to bed hurriedly, Jamil fought every urge to sleep as he inquired about why they waited for him at such a late hour.
When hearing them admit their worry for him, he scoffed and gently flicked them on the nose, thankful for the darkness of the room hiding the pink that was painted across his cheeks.
“That was rather foolish of you. This is my job and has always been, you don’t need to worry for me.”
He softened at their indignant whines of protest he brought their into a warm hug and sleepily murmured his feelings into their hair, blissfully unaware of what he just said until he felt his beloved stiffen up in his arms.
“Hmmmmm.... I love you, you know that right, Jewel?”
Calmly he apologised, unable to hide the slight disheartenment in his tone which left him as soon as he heard them shyly repeat his previous words.
Cradling their face, he pressed his lips to theirs in a small tired kiss, lips moving in sync lazily. Tiredly pulling away, Jamil crawled under his covers and gestured for them to follow suite as he pressed his warm frame against theirs and held their back close to his chest. His heart thumping wildly in joy, his brain still struggling to process the sheer amount of love he holds for his beloved.
“Goodnight my Jewel, I will wake you up in the morning.”
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━━ Rook Hunt ━━
Rook had been acting suspicious. He already did have a shady appeal to him, but it was even more apparent than usual.
Whenever he appeared before them, his scent began to be rather sweet and fragrant and his hands where always stained green.
It didn’t help that he kept staring intently at his love like they was the last star in the sky, and despite his usual romantic bravado, this new behaviour screamed at them that he was planning something.
During the lunch break, Rook eagerly bounced up to them, hearts almost visible in his eyes, asking if they was free after school. Taken aback by his suddenness, they stood and stared for a while trying to gather their bearings. Agreeing apprehensively, they couldn’t hide the curiousity filling their eyes.
Upon hearing their reply, he could’ve sworn he entered heaven.
He almost launched them to the botanical garden, his heart running marathons, his mind a mess of thought out poems combining into one chaotic choir of infatuation.
With happiness radiating in every step, he took them to an picturesque area where an archway of orchids greeted them.
“Dear S/O, no amount of words could possibly describe how much my heart swoons for you, my love for you is as bountiful as the sea, encasing me in your radiance. This simple archway is a humble tribute to your golden heart, which I hope to one day own.”
Going weak at the knees at such a heartfelt confession, they responded with such excitability that could have put his to shame.
A stronger sense of devotion was glowing in the hunter’s eyes as he wrapped his toned arms around his love, span them in a circle, holding them close to his heart and kissed them with immense passion.
The kiss was fiery and warm and his darling could feel themselves melt even further into him.
The kiss went deeper and deeper, drowning them both.
Pulling away, Rook panted for air and presses his forehead against their’s.
“Hehe, mon petit oiseau, our love seems to truly be written in the stars.”
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━━ Lilia Vanrouge ━━
Lilia was always very mysterious, but it truly did reach new levels of strange.
The mischievous fae had planned to hang out with his S/O a week in advance and seemed to be up to no good, with the telltale glint in his eyes being a dead giveaway.
Meeting up with his darling at their dormitory, he placed a hand on the small of their back, and began to lead them into the forest.
“Kufufufu I believe that in order for our small rendezvous to be truly enjoyable, one must insist for their guest to close their eyes and have faith in their partner.”
Apprehensively, they placed both hands into Lilia’s cold and calloused hands, shivering slightly at the temperature different between the two and closed their eyes, making them more aware of the sounds the dark forest created.
Sweet bird song and the light windy breeze clashed together in perfect harmony, gifting them the ability to completely relax and put their faith in the impish boy.
It felt as though they both had been walking for a millennia until they were finally stopped in their tracks, and the giggling from the man who was once before them turned silent.
Curiously, they opened their eyes and gasped in amazement. The scenery around them was nothing short of magnificent.
The moon had begun to peak out and painted the trees a beautiful silver. Small delicate beads of light flickering around, illuminating the forest gracefully.
Slowly turning around, they jumped at the sight of the usually talkative fae, quietly smiling lovingly at the innocent joy on his lover’s face.
“Sweet dove, the words I utter now are the words you are the true emotions that have taken flight within me. I love you. No, love isn’t enough, it scarcely passes as sufficient enough. There is no word that exists within any of the dictionaries in all the world that could possibly describe how much I cherish every part of you.”
Hearing their acceptance towards his feelings, he giggled so purely it reminded them of tinkling bells and elegantly dipped them, gazing at their loving expression that was aimed at no one but him and pressed his lips smoothly against theirs.
He could’ve sworn that nothing fit quite so perfectly as the two of them, lips moving in sync, hearts beating a thunderous rhythm, joy and mirth beaming through their lovestruck grins.
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I hope you enjoyed your meal!
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It’s Just What I Do
Title: It’s Just What I Do
Word Count: 543
Warnings: None really! Just a (kind of) comfort fic but maybe some OOCness
Ship: The Demon and the Choir Girl (Nero x Myself)
Summary: After a rather stressful evening which brought forth some bad memories when I retreated to my room I thought I had a moment for myself finally to sort things out. Little did I know someone was listening in and I’m not the only one who’s troubled by it all.
“W-why are you crying?” 
Almond eyes frantically stared down the sight before the exhausted honeydew locked lady, meeting her love’s crystals that shimmered with streaming tears. Only a few times before had Rebecca experienced this. Each time the dread that weighed down her heart only grew, opposed to getting any easier. Despite the chaotic hammering sensation all throughout her head, an answer was quickly brought forth which granted her some clarity at least to the matter at hand.
“You heard me-” Her already soft murmur drizzled into silence while thin lips pursed themselves, all in the hopes of finding how the thought should be phrased. “...Reflecting on my memories aloud, didn’t you?”
The young man with cloudy tangles who stood before her only gave a quick nod in response. It seemed that he was too busy trying to extinguish the burning droplets that seared into his reddening cheeks to find his voice. Either that or Nero worried that if he opened his mouth too soon, he’d choke.
A breath weighted by guilt dropped out of the young woman’s mouth meanwhile chilled hands covered her eyelids to stop her own outflow of tears. When her composure returned, only enough to steady herself somewhat, Rebecca inhaled once more and continued, “Oh sweetheart, I’m so, so sorry. If I had known you were here I would’ve put it off. After the incidents with the landlords and my family this evening... I thought I had a moment to sort it out and calm myself. But please, don’t worry about me. I’m fine, I-I’m not worth it!”
With her attempt at assurance cracking, Nero managed to speak up. “How could you say that?!” His own voice shook when he spoke. Yet even in spite of that and the defensive sharpness of his tone, the concern he held shone through.
Swinging heavy legs off her bed, Rebecca stepped towards him and intertwined her soft fingers with his that were covered in scuffs, cuts, and scrapes. Even though this was a rather subtle gesture, it was all that was needed to catch Nero’s attention. When his gaze lifted from the floor to see his girlfriend’s face once more, Rebecca’s lips twisted into a small smile and her free hand, although trembling slightly, reached up and cupped his cheek to wipe away the streams from his eyes.
“Sorry, I know you don’t like when I’m so hard on myself. I’m still working on that y’ know? What I meant was that it’s not my first time that I’ve dealt with this all. I always manage somehow, it’s what I do. I feel worse about upsetting you with my own issues! If you wanna talk about something you know I’m still able to and more than happy to listen.”
“How did you end up comforting me when you needed it?” Using his other hand, Nero pressed it against the short girl’s lower back to hold her closer. “You don’t have to take everything on yourself. Not anymore.”
Squeezing her eyes shut, another sharpened inhale seeped through Rebecca’s lips. The rain behind her eyes began to pour as the two stood in the scarlet light of the setting sun which managed to seep through the clouds and window.
“It’s just what I do...” 
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