#literally all upcoming tv shows are live action
barissoffee · 8 months
I really hope the bad batch final season isn’t the last star wars animated project we see
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dealingdreams · 1 month
The more I think about the decision to not move forward with a season two of the Acolyte the angrier I get. I truly believe this decision will bite Lucasfilm on the ass. It's an incredibly bad decision.
Cause listen it's not even entirely about the show itself. Do I in general think the show deserved a season two?? Yes, I adore the show, I adore Osha and Qimir...I'm so interested in seeing where there story goes...so for personal reasons I want a season two. However, it's not just about the show but the precedent this sets.
There is only so far nostalgia can get you. Lucasfilm can only eat it's own ass for so long before there is nothing left. Every current live action project in production or upcoming project, aside from skeleton crew, has a connection to a legacy character, has a character or characters previously established in a TV show or film, and/or has a character we've already seen die on screen. All of these projects including Skeleton Crew are set in roughly the same time period. We are talking about a galaxy far far away and we've barely been able to explore it.
Every recent project that as tried to do something new, tried to expand the universe, expand or re-canonize lore from legends, add new characters, more diversity, or give us a new perspective or point of view has been backtracked, retconed, or thrown away in the most disrespectful way possible.
I was raised with Star wars I want it to succeed but when it refused to standbye its projects, refuses to support or protect it's cast members, honestly I'll add in that they also don't protect fans trying to genuinely engage with their content in a positive way by not moderating their comment sections...what precedent does that set?
Because regardless of if this is Lucasfilms intention or not this decision feels like its catering to a rather loud horrid group of 'fans'. 'fans' who dont want star wars to succeed unless it's done in the way they want but the thing that is so batshit to me about that is obviously these people don't even fucking understand what Star Wars is about in the first place. Again got to make it clear this isn't directed at people that don't like the show and are normal about it, but directed at the people that are continuously harassing the cast but especially Amandla. People that are celebrating the cancellation. Everyone should have a story wars project that makes them feel represented. You aren't loosing anything by a show you don't like still existing it is literally as simple as not watching it.
And on a personal note...as someone who has loved this franchise, who loves the lore, and the universe what incentive to I have to continue engaging in their productions? All the stories I love are done...The Clone Wars, Rebels, Rogue One, The Last Jedi, and now The Acolyte are done...so what's left but cgi Luke Skywalker? I will be watching skeleton crew simply cause I'm concerned for those kids so would like to engage with it in an informed way but other than that me and star wars are probably gonna take another 4 year break.
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep11 "Gone Fishin'" Review and Commentary
Previous episodes linked HERE
In this episode: Marty, Jules, and Verne try to undo one of Doc's deep-seated childhood traumas, only to end up sending his life wildly off course.
I shall preface this by letting anyone reading know that Tumblr has been messing up my gifsets and pictures in my previous posts. Gifs and pics that should be side by side end up enlarged and stacked vertically when viewed on the dashboard through a desktop. I've been unable to figure out how to fix it and have no clue why it's doing this to me. It is a source of great frustration and makes me not want to do these reviews anymore. But I'm trudging along. Just wanted to let people know in case it looked wonky. It's not on purpose!
Alrighty, let's dive in.
Okay, so this episode has my favorite live-action opening segment in the series thus far. We begin with black-and-white footage of Doc, accompanied by him doing a voice-over where he explains that he was visiting the 1920s. As he's doing the voice-over, the Doc on screen is just waving at the camera the entire time, and it is delightful. He becomes increasingly frantic as the waving goes on.
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Doc goes on to explain that he'd been in the 1920s to meet Thomas Edison and get him to autograph a very large lightbulb, which we then see as we return to the "present day." Doc immediately drops and shatters it as he's showing it to us.
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Quickly moving on from the tragedy (he says he'll make a return trip to get extra bulbs autographed) Doc goes on to talk about the '20s—silent films in particular.
"I'm sure you've all heard of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton," he says, "but only the real film historians among you recall Daredevil Brown. Talk about a Hollywood success story."
Hmm...well, that's an intriguing little piece of info, isn't it? Who is this Daredevil Brown?? Doc leads us into the cartoon to hear the full story. "It all began with a fishing trip," he tells us with a haunted expression.
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We shall find out the reason for this expression shortly. Into the cartoon, we go!
While working in his lab, Doc is approached by Verne, who hands him a flyer for the upcoming "Father and Son Big Mouth Bass Off." It's apparently an annual Hill Valley event, and Verne really wants to go with his dad. Doc, however, reacts with immediate terror, crumples up the flyer, and quite literally begins convulsing as he tries to tell his son that he can't go. He then stumbles into the living room and collapses on the couch, still in an agitated state.
Jules decides to show Doc his new invention—a helmet that allows you to watch TV without disturbing others in the room with the images/sounds, and Doc figures trying it will be a good way to get his mind off of the terror he just experienced. Unfortunately, it's a rerun of The Andy Griffith Show, which, if you're familiar with it, has an opening sequence of the main character going fishing with his son. Doc rips off the device and runs straight into the wall.
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I don't know about all of you, but I think Doc might have experienced some fishing-related trauma?? I mean. Just a guess.
Also, I would like to point out that throughout much of these opening scenes, Doc's eyes randomly turn blue, which is the second instance I've noticed of a character's eye color changing mid-scene (the first was in Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Race). And I'd really like to know why this was happening. Whoever was in charge of character eye color, you dropped the ball here. You probably didn't think anyone would be scrutinizing this series closely enough to notice 30+ years later, but you were wrong.
Getting back on track here, Jules and Verne sneak into their parents' bedroom that night with a plan to figure out what's going on with their father. Jules has invented a device consisting of an in-ear piece connected to a screen that allows someone to view the wearer's thoughts. Y'all, Jules is 10-years-old, and he's incomprehensibly brilliant. He just whipped up an invention to see a person's thoughts. This is something that can be put to horrible use if it falls into the wrong hands.
As they use the device, miniature versions of Jules and Verne appear on the screen and "travel" through Doc's brain. They pass a "brainstorm," a long pathway containing his "library of knowledge," and then come to a huge wall.
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Whoever was in charge of spelling, you dropped the ball here, too. Admittance is spelled incorrectly.
I sincerely am curious as to how these mistakes slipped by and made it into the completed versions of the episodes. In a way, though, it kind of adds to the fun.
Jules gets a readout on the screen that says: "Memory block, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 5, 1926." With this information, the boys now know that something significant enough happened to their dad on this date that a gigantic wall was erected in his brain to block the whole thing out. The mini versions of Jules and Verne on the screen get out pickaxes and chip away at the block until they break through and can see the memory.
In a show so centered around time travel, I must remind myself to suspend my disbelief in these absolutely absurd and impossible moments.
Anyway, Jules and Verne access the hidden away memory and see their four-year-old father fishing. As he casts his line, he falls into the water, nearly drowns, and is terrorized by various sea creatures.
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Nobody is around to run to his aid as he splashes around and calls for help. Jules and Verne feel it's their duty to travel back to that date and stop Doc from having this terrible, scarring experience.
As they sneak the DeLorean out of the garage, they're caught by Marty, who has decided it is of the utmost importance that he make a visit to Doc's house at 11:30 at night to get his hoverboard. Jules explains their plan, to which Marty replies, "Milwaukee? That must have been when Doc stayed with his oddball Uncle Oliver." And I must say that I like that Marty knows this little bit of Doc Brown trivia and that Doc has obviously told Marty at least this one story about his childhood.
Marty agrees to not tattle on the boys if they let him tag along? He tells them he wants to travel to a time when he'll be smarter than Doc. Off they go to 1926.
"How much can a little kid know?" Marty asks as they approach Little Doc, whom I will just refer to as Emmett from here on out. Everybody look at him, please.
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As Marty immediately discovers, he is not smarter than this four-year-old version of his friend. After jokingly asking Emmett what he knows, Emmett replies, "Several languages, the Periodic Table, the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere, and the Encyclopedia from 'A' to 'Grrr.'" (He hasn't made his way through the FULL encyclopedia yet, evidently.)
While I know that this cartoon can hardly be considered canon to the world set up in the trilogy, I love that Emmett can speak multiple languages and wouldn't mind at all incorporating that into my general Doc Brown headcanons. I just wish he'd mentioned which ones he spoke. German is likely one, but I'm not sure about the others.
Emmett tells his new friends that he's waiting for his Uncle Oliver to take him fishing "like he promised" and then directs their gazes up to where Uncle Oliver is—wayyy up in the air—attempting to break the record for flagpole-sitting.
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We quickly learn that Uncle Oliver is obsessed with trying to set records, perform wild acts, and become famous. Marty tries to persuade him to take his nephew fishing, but Uncle Oliver isn't that interested in Emmett—a trait that seems to be common amongst the Brown men. I am looking at you, Erhardt! >:(
Marty, Jules, and Verne opt to just take Emmett themselves, and Jules is able to get his future father to stand in a spot where he won't fall into the water. Instead, Marty falls in, lol.
While teaching him how to properly cast, Emmett ends up getting his line hooked to the underside of a small biplane and carried away.
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The plane is part of a nearby stunt show, and Emmett gets taken along for the ride as it does loops and tricks in the air. Everyone watching from the stands is impressed by this young performer, and he quickly wins lots of adoring fans. When he's approached by a camera man who asks if he wants to be a star, Uncle Oliver's eyes turn into dollar signs, and he jumps at the chance to be Emmett's manager.
"All I wanted was to go fishing," Emmett points out. Too bad, buddy, you're about to be exploited by your uncle for fame and fortune. Uncle Oliver signs a contract with a famous producer who says he'll make Emmett a star. Marty and Verne are psyched by this development, but Jules (the only one with a brain) points out that they've seriously altered their father's life. The boys decide they have to monitor the situation closely.
From there, we go to Hollywood, where Emmett is quickly thrust into stardom. We see a clip of a silent film he's in, which includes a scene of him dangling from a very high clocktower by his suspenders, falling and bouncing around on a building's awnings, and landing in a fountain. He's dubbed "Daredevil Emmett" and quickly garners many fans.
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Little Emmett's amazing feats capture the entire country, and he's soon got his own line of comics, a drink named after him, and multiple other products. He's on the radio, in the newspapers, and is being talked about all over.
Emmett is less than enthusiastic about the whole ordeal, but Uncle Oliver doesn't see any issue with it. He's loving living vicariously through his nephew and brushes off Marty's concern that all this daredevil stuff isn't good for Emmett. We then see the very lavish life that Emmett and Uncle Oliver are living.
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...how long have Marty and the boys been in the '20s for all of this to be happening?? I mean, this all started with taking Emmett fishing, and now they're living in Hollywood; Emmett has become a movie star, has a line of products named after him, and has moved into a massive mansion with his uncle. Have they been in 1926 for months?
While Marty, Jules, and Verne are having fun in the pool, Emmett asks if he can swim with them, to which Uncle Oliver says no. He doesn't want to risk Emmett getting hurt, which would hurt his career. Emmett storms off angrily. Marty once again voices his concern for Emmett's well-being. This time, Oliver almost listens, but then he receives a phone call with an offer for Emmett to go over a waterfall while he's inside a barrel, and Oliver can't turn it down.
On the day of the stunt, Marty and the boys discover that the man behind the idea is D. W. Tannen. When Emmett expresses concern about the safety of everything, D. W. assures him he won't actually be going over the falls; a dummy will be in the barrel, and people will just think it's Emmett. Except, surprise! D. W. is lying, and he has no intention of switching a dummy into the barrel. He wants this to be real, and that means sending a four-year-old child over the edge of a waterfall. Nice guy.
Thankfully, Marty, Jules, and Verne, overhear D. W. talking, and Jules forms a plan to save his father. Marty's evidently a key part of the plan, and he and Jules have this exchange, which makes me laugh.
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Jules's plan is to have Marty serve as a tightrope walker in the opening act—complete with gum stuck to the bottom of his shoes to keep him from slipping. While the crowd is distracted by Marty, Jules will stick a mini, spare flux capacitor to the barrel (which will have Verne in it, not Emmett) and transport the barrel someplace else.
Oliver, who is not in on the plan, actually gets a chance to redeem himself as he sees the barrel start to go toward the waterfall. Thinking his nephew is actually inside, he dives into the water to try to save him, finally coming to his senses about how money-hungry he'd become. Marty pulls Oliver out of the water, the barrel goes over the falls, and it's transported out of harm's way via the flux capacitor.. Back on the dock, Oliver and Emmett are reunited, and Oliver takes his nephew fishing.
With everything set back to normal, the boys return home, where they discover that Doc is now eager to join the father-and-son fishing tournament. The end!
Back in Real Doc's lab, he teaches us about gravity.
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He also ends up dropping that bowling ball on his foot.
And that's the end of the episode. This one is a lot of fun, and I LOVED seeing the young version of Doc. He's adorable. I'm glad Uncle Oliver saw the error of his ways, but it took thinking his nephew was about to die going over a waterfall to change him. I wonder if Doc has any male family members who weren't terrible??
Anyway, good episode. Join me next time to watch Doc spiral into an existential crisis after thinking he's used up all his brainpower.
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adeptune01 · 1 year
Marauders TV Show Pitch
First of all, I don't understand why they are releasing a new Harry Potter show to HBO. I don't understand why this will exist, why people want it to exist, and why they did it this way. Second of all, if JK Rowling has anything to do with it, I will not support it or watch it.
Now that that's out of the way, this is what I would do instead.
Create a TV show following the Marauders (not necessarily a recreation of ATYD).
It would be so easy.
Each character already has their own tragic backstory:
James was raised in a wealthy home with loving parents, but is worried about living up to his family's expectations.
Sirius was also born into wealth, but into a family who value tradition and dignity above all else. He is the literal "black sheep" of the family and has to break away from their deeply ingrained bigotry.
Remus is an orphan, bitten by a werewolf when he was a child and raised in an accommodating but spartan muggle orphanage.
Peter has always been average, falling just short of his exceptional friends so he turns to darker powers, hoping to succeed where his friends dare not tread.
Besides the characters, there's also ready-made romance. James and Lily- a classic enemies to lovers tale that's already canon. And, obviously, Remus and Sirius- a beautiful friends to lovers relationship.
The show starts as the group enters year four with a lighter tone and then, as they get older and the war starts to seep into life at Hogwarts, there's a shift to a darker one- and once they graduate and join the Order of the Phoenix it gets downright tragic.
However, in the first few seasons it could do what Stranger Things did and lean into the aesthetic of the decade- the 70s. Using funky clothes, good music, and a golden filter over everything, it could build a solid vibe and attract an audience.
I even have a few episodes planned out.
Pilot: The Marauders meet to discuss their summers in a compartment of the Hogwarts Express on the way back to school. The episode features their tales boasting of summer fun juxtaposed with flashbacks showing what really happened.
Ten-Point Tosser: James becomes captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but his friends fall out of his sight as his vision narrows to winning the upcoming match against Slytherin.
Box Clever: As of late, the head-boy is a particular pest so the Marauders decide to take action. It's revealed at the end of the episode that the head-boy's father recently died in the fight against Voldemort.
Hop, Skip, and a Skive: Sirius skives off class one too many times and the rest of the Marauders are left to cover for him. Features increasingly ridiculous lies told to Professor Mcgonagall and her attempts to catch them in the act.
Annual Brilliance: It's time for the semi-official prank of the year, but the Marauders have all landed themselves in separate detentions. Throughout the episode they work under the professor's noses to pull off their biggest prank yet.
There's more I haven't mentioned (even a few full scenes planned out) but I think I've proved my point. That perfect mix of comedy, drama, and romance. The world deserves a marauders show.
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historyhermann · 2 years
The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! Review
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In recent years, demons have graced TV screens, from Vivienne Medrano’s two interrelated web series, Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel, to Castlevania on Netflix, and are set to premiere in the upcoming series Satina and Far-Fetched. One such series brings this to the fore: a funny slice-of-life Japanese anime series named The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!, which is airing on Japanese television networks and airing on the streaming service Crunchyroll.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs, my History Hermann WordPress blog on Jan. 11, 2023, and Wayback Machine. This was the fifth article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on October 13, 2021. I used some images in this article which wouldn't have been allowed on The Geekiary, like the second image specifically, as they are a bit prudish.
This anime series is based on a manga by Wakame Konbu, seven volumes of which have been published, three of which have been released in English. As a big fan of Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, RWBY (with its elements of horror), the space fantasy Final Space, or Disenchantment, which has a demon named Luci, this series, with some mature themes, drew me in from the time I watched a clip on the Crunchyroll YouTube channel. While I watched many anime before, this one seemed unique in its own way and pulled me in with its situational comedy,  which has a key role in the plot, whether from the actions taken by the protagonist or the funny situations she comes across every day.
The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! begins with Jahy, a beautiful and powerful brown-skinned demon, voiced by Naomi Ōzora, who has been thrown into the human world, stripped of her power and privilege, after the Magical Girl smashes a huge mana crystal, source of her power into thousands of pieces. Unlike in her previous world, where she was the second-in-command of the Dark Realm, with everyone at her beck and call, in the human world she is destitute. She is living in a run-down apartment, for which she refuses to pay rent, and works at a local pub, run by her the sister of her landlord, Ryou, as a waitress, as a literal wage slave. Due to her loss of power, she can only remain in her “true” adult form, wearing an outfit that makes her less than half-clothed but shows off her physical features, for a short period of time. As such, she spends most of her time in the body of a young elementary-school-age kid, only wearing a ratty white shirt. But she is not sexualized, and neither is any other character on the show’s cast unlike other anime.
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The 20-episode first season of The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! began on August 1, and it is currently more than halfway through its order. It starts with Jahy beginning her search for mana crystals, is helped by humans like the manager of the pub where she works or a young girl named Kokoro, and comes across a bigger mana crystal. Saurva, a tomboyish girl who wants to push Jahy from her role, but ends up improving her reputation instead, Jahy catches a cold, with her manager looking after her, and Ryou calls the police on the real Magical Girl, not the man who had been cosplaying as one. In following episodes, the Magical Girl snatches Jahy’s huge mana crystal resulting in Jahy getting drunk that night. Following this, Jahy gets into an exercise routine, goes to a public bath with her manager and Ryou, accidentally traps herself inside her apartment by setting traps for the Magical Girl, and Jahy learns that the Magical Girl wishes to destroy all the mana crystals so people can be saved from misfortune, a goal which horrifies Jahy.
The show excels at subverting anime tropes, like a master-servant relationship, or themes within the magical girl genre. In terms of the former, Jahy’s former lieutenant, Druj, is very successful at exploiting humans through her role as a corporate executive and lives in a high-end apartment. Embarrassed that her former subordinate is now doing better than her, she is jealous, attempting to hide her true living situation, where she is living poor and destitute. In the case of the latter, the Magical Girl appears to be a jerk at first and is shown in a negative light so the audience empathizes with Jahy, despite the terrible acts she had committed in the past. The show, similar to Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and Villainous/Villanos, encourages the audience to root for the “villain” rather than the “hero.”
Although the magical girl genre has been lampooned in series like Magical Girl Friendship Squad in the past, this is the first anime series I have seen that does the same to the genre, although not the same as the surrealist 2001 original video animation titled Puni Puni Poemy. In the case of The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!, the Magical Girl and Jahy both have their own transformation sequences of sorts, with Jahy able to transform from her childlike form into an adult form, and the Magical Girl going from her form as a high school girl named Kyouko Jingu to a magical girl, making the series, in this sense, resemble the magical girl genre.
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If The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! is renewed for a second season, it will hopefully encourage more to lampoon the magical girl genre. For one, the series could confirm that there are LGBTQ characters in the series which are in the main cast, rather than having those who appear in only one episode like Theoda and Pothina in one episode of Cleopatra in Space or the recurring character, Xochi Jalapeno, in a number of episodes of Victor and Valentino. Even if this doesn’t happen in a second season, the show still shines through with its animation, voice acting, writing, and hilarity, unlike others that are airing, especially when it comes to animation. It also shares characteristics with other series in that Jahy herself has an identity crisis, trying to discover who she is as a demon in the human world.
In the end, the series is exciting and fun to watch, especially with Jahy’s vigor and ambition. It is something that everyone should watch, despite its mature themes and very rare fan service.
The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! is available on Crunchyroll for streaming.
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© 2021-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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raenparade · 2 years
A Question of Research #1 – What in God’s name is going on.
When I applied to do my Masters, I did so with the knowledge that more would be expected of me when it came to independent research and learning. That’s fine, I thought. Until I got to my first ‘A Question of Research’ lecture. Genuinely, what in the fresh Hell was going on. I couldn’t say.
For some context, the question I have chosen is:
“In what ways can subversion develop creativity in relation to practice?”
To quote my good friend Kel: ‘My eyes literally slip right off that sentence, they slide right off it.’ And I couldn’t agree with him more. I know the questions must be left intentionally vague to include all the courses on this module AND they have to be academically charged enough to work for a Masters, but I still feel like I’m back in nursery.
Basically, I did not know what was happening and still don’t! But I am going to try and dissect everything a little bit. I tried this not long after the first lesson, and this can be seen in the notes I have posted here - but right now I am going to try and be a bit more succinct.
Despite the dictionary definition of ‘subversion’ in both English and American dictionaries, I’ve only ever heard of the term in relation to things like media consumption or creation. A lot of the media I consume is subversive but to different degrees. I really like the idea of taking pre-established conventions and adding a slight spin on them, it makes something that was previously rather samely and freshens it up a bit. I suppose it speaks to my character to rehash things I am already familiar with and try to remix it as opposed to consuming a lot of new media, which I tend to find pretty tedious at best.
I feel like in the modern, digital age subversion is really concentrated in smaller spaces and spread out a lot more across others. My perspective is from both a consumer and creator – whether it’s through social media or releases by big studios. For example, Disney, which is basically all media at this point is really good at picking an old I.P out of a hat and pouring millions of dollars into making it ‘live action’ (despite most of it being animated!) and releasing it into the masses.
I say all this with only the intention to highlight the seeming lack of originality in big releases nowadays. This isn’t limited to Disney either, earlier this year Warner Bros and Discovery merged which caused one of the biggest fumbles of any bag seen in recent memory. Whole movies were cancelled, such as the upcoming Batgirl movie and thousands of animators, showrunners and production teams found out about their redundancies mostly through reports on websites or through Twitter. Not only that, but in the age of streaming, where most shows or movies fail to see physical releases, (unless you decide to don an eyepatch and do it yourself) when a show is wiped from a platform with little to no notice it has a strong chance of becoming lost. This happened to over a dozen animated TV shows on HBO Max, with some showrunners, such as Infinity Train’s creator Owen Dennis initially encouraging those to pirate his show if they wanted to continue to enjoy it for themselves.
It really does seem like those who wish to create original concepts and are really successful at it are the ones having to pay the prices. Warner Bros reportedly took a lot of their shows away for tax cuts, which also further hurts any chance of these shows being revisited or revived in the future. It eventually had a massive blowback, which their stock tanking and them losing billions on top of trying to save what they could.
Not everything is all doom and gloom though. With the rise of social media in the last few decades fan creations are at an all-time high and don’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. We’re starting to see shows and things that were made in the early 2000’s come full circle and those who were inspired by them as kids help influence the way they resurface now. It’s not only in an entirely professional setting, either. Graphic Novels, Webcomics and the like enable a single person to broadcast their stories to thousands or millions of people. The ways people do this also have their downsides, but this blog post is already starting to turn into a small essay.
Suffice to say, I think I already have more of an idea of the direction I could take my research in and I know it’s working because I’ve ignored half the notes I made before typing this all up! I think subversion in relation to fan creations/fandom spaces and how that can influence the media it’s referencing is really interesting, good or bad.
I don’t really have a good way to end these things yet, since it’s more of a thought-dump than anything else. So I just hope this made some sense to whoever has decided to read it!
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Disney we need to talk.
I was at D23 Expo two weeks ago and I sat through two of the showcases. The second show I sat through was the Disney Television one where they discussed upcoming projects for Disney+, Disney Channel, and Disney Junior. All of their live action Disney+ series were talked about first and I was so mad.
So National Treasure is coming out with a Disney+ series that is supposed to be new stories and mostly new cast. The cast came up on the stage and talked about the details. They were talking about how it’s gonna be a new fresh take on the franchise and full of action, adventure and mystery, and that we’re gonna see familiar faces as well as a brand new cast, and how many new adventures they’re gonna go on. And then they showed the trailer and it looks good! I’m hardly familiar with that franchise but to me it looks really good for a live action series. LIKE DUDE. Put that exact same energy into PIRATES! Effing Jerry Bruckheimer is producing this so he can literally produce a POTC series with the exact same energy! They also talked about the Percy Jackson and the Olympians tv series based on the book series, which I’m sure there were already movies on them but whatever. But I’m like, goddamnit, they could’ve adapted the POTC prequels into a series or two 🥲
Like damnit Disney! Even Cars has a Disney+ series! CARS!
Anyway I’ll continue with my pitch when I get back to drawing.
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hiddleloki · 3 years
*insert Mushu “I live” gif*
Ok, so I finally watched Loki and I loved it. Loki and Quicksilver are my fav characters and I was really, really mad at Marvel for what they did to my boy Quickie, but I’m still holding out hope that they somehow fix that at some point. I mean, hello, variants? That thing officially exists now.
Luckily Loki seems to be more favored by Feige/Marvel and seems like we’re gonna see lots more of him. Season 2 and possibly even MoM. Season 2 is old news as there were already reports of it actually happening last year, and this year in January Deadline confirmed S2 of Loki with Michael Waldron returning. But I was holding out hope for Loki making an appearance in MoM (I want to see Strange interact with Loki again) and it seems like there’s a good chance of this actually happening.
Anyway, some thoughts about the show:
- I loved the show’s cinematography. It didn’t feel like a tv show at all
- Soundtrack is just *chefs kiss*
- TVA Loki my beloved. I honestly think TVA Loki might be my favorite version of Tom’s Loki so far. This show finally gave us the opportunity to really delve deeper into Loki, who he is as a person, how does he form relationships with people outside his family. It was just so fun to see different sides of him, like making a friend, falling in love? I never thought I’d ever see that. Especially not after IW
- Really liked his reaction to watching his ‘greatest hits’ and realizing his family actually loved him. Loki was always kind of a softie who genuinely cared about his family and seeing his parents’ (and his own) deaths was so emotional
- Infinity Stones being used as paperweights for the TVA will never not be funny. It broke my mind and sent me into existential crisis just as it did with Loki. 
- Loki needs to give Casey a fish at some point. Or take him to an aquarium.
- Mobius needs his jet ski in season 2. I also want to know more about Mobius and his backstory. What was his Nexus event, does he have a family, what is his real name?
- I really liked his friendship with Loki and the fact that he’s canonically Loki’s first real friend. Loki needed a friend (the W3 and Sif were never really his friends, Loki just tagged along I guess) and I’m happy he finally has one
- I need to find out more about B-15, who she was, her real name...Wunmi absolutely killed it during “I looked happy.” scene. God, that bit broke me
- Ravonna was sus to me from the start and she’s also one of the characters I want them to explore more. Especially now since Kang and his variants are also involved.
- Sylvie is probably my favorite new character introduced. I knew Sophia’s gonna play Sylvie and she’s gonna have a large role, but damn I didn’t expect to love this character as much as I do. There’s so much more left of her to be explored and I think her arc in season 2 will be amazing
- I saw that Loki/Sylvie romance coming the moment Lamentis episode ended. There were so many hints in that episode, I’m actually surprised so many people viewed them as having a sibling type of dynamic.
- I know that their love story is not a typical straightforward romance, but also serves as a metaphor for self love, but I found the idea of Loki falling in love with someone who is an au version of him, but also isn’t him both interesting and hilarious. Also, it was adorable especially that blanket scene in the void. There’s just something adorable about Loki being a complete softie for someone else. You know what, I’m rooting for them. I hope they get their happy ending, they deserve it. 
- Literally every character in this show deserves their happy ending. Like, just the idea of the variants not knowing who they are, being brainwashed and forced to work for this organisation...*happy endings for everyone please*
- Majors’ variant of Kang, aka He Who Remains was everything and is right behind Sylvie as my new favorite character. The guy absolutely killed it and I need more of him and his (many) characters/variants right now. Plus I would’t mind if we see this particular version of He Who Remains again. 
- The way they made Loki come out as bi was also so well done and I’m so happy they acknowledged that. Disney is notoriously bad with LGBT+ representation so the fact that the creators of the show managed to put that in was everything. I heard the director was fighting real hard for that to be made canon and I appreciate her effort.
- We were shown more of Loki’s abilities. It was about damn time.
- Alligator Loki is the baby Yoda of the marvel verse. I loved the theory that there’s an universe in which Alligator Loki was adopted by Crocodile Odin.
- Classic Loki.....Richard E Grant stole that episode. God, I wouldn’t mind an episode that focuses strictly on Classic Loki, he was just such a great character and he broke my heart
- I wonder if Kid Loki will travel to the main timeline and join the Young Avengers at some point
- I really liked how they established that variants are basically their own people. Their own beings, they each have their own backstories, autonomy, clear differences that make them THEM. They aren’t copies, they’re individuals. And that they aren’t genetically related, but that they share the same soul and role in their universes (basically temporal aura) because that will also clear up some confusion with upcoming multiverse movies, for example Spiderman
- I suppose Loki confirms that all Peter Parkers in NWH are basically variants of Peter Parker, but just like Lokis, they aren’t the same, which explains why they all look different and why they also have different aunts and families. It’s not DNA that makes someone a variant of a certain being, it’s a soul. A role.
- I really hope that that one rumour of various Stephens in MoM actually turns out to be true.
- Strange is gonna kill Loki and Sylvie
- Which brings me to the last take:
- Ralph is totally Peter. I am clowning yes, but lemme have this.
Overall, I really liked the show. I loved it in fact. It was really character driven and didn’t focus much on action, which is a plus for me, because I rather watch characters talk and interact with each other than action sequences. 
The bad thing is that now I’l have to wait at least 2 years to see what happens next. And I’m curious if there’ll be a bit of a time jump between both seasons.
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aj28gaming · 3 years
Nagito's diagnosis?
Okay hear me out, what if the only mental illness Nagito has is extreme paranoia or Nagito is just really paranoid about death?
Now listen
I get that this is gonna be laughed at a lot and probably treated as a joke
but hear me out
So, regarding Nagito's dementia, I already made these posts https://aj28gaming.tumblr.com/post/650577508025155585/danganronpa-messing-up-nagitos-character-cuz
But to be sure, I basically explain how and why Nagito has almost none of the symptoms of Frontotemporal Dementia, he might still have it tho, just not the symptoms
But think about this, the only time Nagito has actually acted "crazy" was when the killing game starts. Before that, all we get is a paranoid, self-deprecating boy used to trauma due to his abusive luck cycle. A boy who also has flawed beliefs in the talented and untalented due to the society of Danganronpa. A boy who fears murder and the death of others more than most.
A killing game
A game of murder and death
And what does Nagito fear the most throughout the first chapter of SDR2 and throughout Island mode? What does he keep making sure doesn't happen? What does he keep asking Usami about while being extremely scared and paranoid about it?
Now imagine having a person who hates murder, who fears the possibility of death surrounding him and is constantly paranoid about it
Now put that person in a killing game, you know, A GAME FULL OF MURDER AND DEATH
So you get someone who fears having death and murder around him, and you put him in a place that is full of that, a killing game
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See the pattern now
If you trap someone in a place full of everything they hate and fear for their entire life
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They go crazy
Now remember the links I sent at the start? In them, I explain how his extreme paranoia causes a lot of his actions to happen
One, his coping mechanism
His coping mechanism is hope
He is constantly in denial about his mental state, about the people dying around him
Not saying he doesn't believe people are dying, I mean he struggles to accept that people around him are dying
He needs to find a reason for all of this despair
For why everyone has to experience despair
Nagito is a person who finds reason for everything, basically constantly tries to find order in his chaotic world
Makes sense since literally and figuratively due to his luck cycle, Nagito lacks control in his chaotic and traumatizing life
So he tries to find a reason for everything despairful that happens to him
Basically, "There has to be a reason for my suffering, right? RIGHT?"
So what does he do? He clings to hope
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HOPE /hōp/
noun 1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. "he looked through her belongings in the hope of coming across some information" Similar: aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, plan, dream, daydream, pipe dream, longing, yearning, craving, hankering 2. a feeling of trust. "our private friendship, upon hope and affiance whereof, I presume to be your petitioner" verb want something to happen or be the case.
So this makes sense right? A person is in a stressful situation which is basically their personal hell, so they cling to hope
And we get this a lot of the time in real life and in tv shows and movies where people in stressful times cling to hope
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So it really isn't a surprise that Nagito does this
So, Nagito isn't worshipping Hope like it's a god, he is clinging to an ideology. He is clinging to positivity, a bright light amidst all the darkness
He is quite literally clinging to hope in a despairful situation, which a lot of people do and most likely the same with you and me.
And again, no, his views on hope aren't due to his own personal opinion of what hope is. The hope he believes in is the literal definition of hope.
Hope as in light amidst all the darkness
He truly does have heroic and good intentions and truly does understand the hopes and despairs of others
He knew Teruteru wanted to continue the culinary legacy and help his mom, that's his hope
He knew Imposter would want to protect everyone no matter what, that's his hope
He knew Mikan killed for Despair, that despair being Junko Enoshima
He knew Fuyuhiko's hope is Peko and that both of them care about each other very much
He knew how similar he and Hajime are and how they are both bystanders and lovers of Hope, for Hajime that Hope being Hope's Peak academy itself and/or having talent
That's why he wants to help everyone's hope. He doesn't want them to escape to "spread their hope to the world," he wants to help them because that is generally everyone's hope in the killing game, to escape and end the killing game. That's why he is also fine with helping the blackened because if he knows all the blackened wants to do is escape
All Nagito wants is for him to be the victim instead of anyone else so no one else has to die if someone must commit murder.
And tbh Nagito has only done 2 things,
One was when he orchestrated his own death so no one else dies during the first trial, but this fails due to his luck cycle
He knew someone would die eventually, and if he didn't do this then either Teruteru would've still murdered someone else or Fuyuhiko would've murdered Mahiru with Peko like in trial 2 due to the next motive
Someone would've died regardless, Nagito just wanted to be the victim to save everyone else. And he needed to make sure only HE BECOMES THE VICTIM which is why he orchestrated it
But alas, his luck screwed it up and Byakuya dies instead.
Second thing Nagito did was try to get everyone killed when he found out everyone were a bunch of terrorists and remnants of despairs. Do I seriously need to explain why anyone would've done this? Especially someone as paranoid as Nagito?
Hell, Hajime almost did way worse because he almost did the complete opposite, he almost pressed graduate so Junko can take over the dead bodies of their classmates and spread despair AGAIN
So now I explained how Nagito's paranoia of murder caused him to have a desperate belief in Hope as a coping mechanism in a very despairful situation
Now let's see how extreme his way of coping became. Seeing that he is in his actual personal hell, I would expect it to be pretty extreme.
And it is, a lot of the time.
Even to the point that he uses it to explain the deaths of his classmates and how to cope
Knowing Nagito, he has a habit of trying to find a reason for everything, like a prophecy or reason for his despair like I said before
And how exactly does he do that with the dead bodies of his classmates? He goes and treats them like stepping stones for hope
Basically saying, "Yes, our classmates are dead. But we shouldn't give up, because these deaths, this despair, it's all a stepping stone for an upcoming hope. A future good ending waiting to come, RIGHT?"
I added the right at the end because throughout the game, Nagito doesn't really seem like he only believes in hope. It's almost like he desperately needs and clings to hope.
So no matter what, he has to believe in hope
Because then, what is there left of him to believe in
He is trapped in his personal hell, forced to see classmates getting killed left and right, already experiences and fears the possibility of death and trauma on his normal day to day life, and what's worse is he constantly blames himself due to his luck cycle
He clings to hope, the possibility of a good ending happening in the end
Because what else can he believe in, what else can he live for at this point?
You seriously don't need dementia to explain his actions
All you need to do is remember that all of them are in a killing game
So of course people will go crazy
And knowing Nagito and how paranoid he gets, no wonder he reacts way worse
Nagito isn't crazy, he isn't a lunatic. He is just a paranoid kid who hates and fears murder and despair more than anyone else but is constantly forced to witness it and be subjected to it due to his luck cycle
And to be honest, anyone would've reacted the same way he does, and Hajime is proof of that
Also stop calling him the Joker wtf
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entertainment · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Tongayi Chirisa, Palm Springs
Originally from Zimbabwe, Tongayi Chirisa made a name for himself in the South African film scene before crossing into the US entertainment industry. This summer, he appears opposite Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti in the romantic comedy Palm Springs. He will also star opposite Janelle Monáe in Lionsgate’s upcoming thriller Antebellum, in which a successful author (Monáe) finds herself trapped in a horrifying reality and must uncover a mind-bending mystery before it’s too late. In TV, Tongayi recently joined season two of Netflix’s sci-fi action series Another Life. Other roles for tv include starring as Friday in NBC’s Crusoe opposite Philip Winchester and Sam Neill, as well as roles in The Jim Gaffigan Show, American Horror Story, N.C.I.S., Hawaii 5-0, The Guest List, and iZombie.
Palm Springs adds to the well-established genre of films that use a time loop as a dramatic and comedic device. If you were stuck in the same situation day in, day out, what would you do?
I think I would do everything possible on earth, literally everything!! Think about it... all I have to do is sleep and bam! I’m back at the same place?! 
Both Antebellum and Palm Springs are innovative contributions to well-known genres. What film genre would you save if all others were to disappear, never to return again? And why?  
I would save the Sci-Fi genre because it’s the only genre where you can merge all other genres, and we see that in many of the films produced in recent years.
What drew you to your role in Antebellum?
What drew me to the project was the material, and the message it was sending. I am an advocate for female empowerment, so learning Janelle Monáe was on board just made the project that much better—we all know how much of a powerhouse she is. Also working with Gerard Bush and Christopher Renz, these two dynamic visionaries. Over the course of production, I got to see why they are called film activists. They really know how to draw you into what they are saying with the mediums of sound, color, and moving picture in a way that evokes your very soul.
When you hear Black Excellence, what or who comes to mind?
Black Excellence is man/woman reaching their fullest potential and succeeding in maintaining that excellence, but also mentoring and showing the next person how it is done. You are not excellent until someone else benefits from your knowledge and experiences, i.e. mentorship. Knowledge is meant to be passed on.
You’ve been a professional actor in both South Africa and America. Can you talk a little bit about the differences between the industries, productions, audiences, and type of work you have encountered?
From a production and work ethic standpoint, nothing much varies on the day-to-day running of production. However, as an actor, I will say this: Living in Los Angeles when the work has been slow, many times, those coveted residual checks have truly been lifesavers. That is not the case in South Africa. They have a system where once they pay you, that’s all the money you are ever going to get, which puts many of the actors who are between jobs in very difficult positions. Hopefully, we can find a solution where the artist also benefits from the excessive profits producers and studios make.
Do you have any advice for young actors who are just starting out and would like to work in both countries?
Follow your heart. Only you know what it is telling you, and if you are a person of faith, believe in Yeshua, he will order your steps—I am a living testimony of that. Work hard and if this is the career you have chosen, immerse yourself in it. I would love to work in both countries continually as I have already been doing so. There is a need for my countrymen and the film industry to see one of their own in local homemade productions as well as the international blockbusters, to give them a true sense that dreams are truly possible, that you can make it from Harare to Hollywood.
Mopani Junction, a serial radio drama you were in, was taken off the air at the height of political turmoil in Zimbabwe. What role do you think film/tv/radio have and should have regarding political and social realities?
Entertainment/film/music are all reflections of society. Someone will always resonate with what you say. So with that in mind, creatives play a very significant role in shaping people’s mindsets. We have an obligation to allow everyone's voice to be heard without prejudice or discrimination. We are only as strong as the weakest among us. To disregard creatives in any nation is to disregard the true lens of society.
How do you embody the mission of #BlackExcellence365 in your everyday work?
In my preparation, in my execution and in my presentation of the character. In my decorum on and off the set, and in my desire to see every person on set win, by giving them what they need to do that.
What would be next for you if you could choose any role, any project?
Ooh…haven't really thought about that..! No, I’m lying, I dream about it all the time. I think I'd look good in a spandex superhero costume! I love the world of Sci-fi and hi-tech concept films. So anything that really pushes the narrative; I want to be a part of that, for sure.
Use one word to describe each of the following:
Who you are: beloved
what you value the most: prayer time
What you’d be if you were a food item: cantaloupe—I don’t know but I really love that fruit!
Thanks for taking the time, Tongayi! Palm Springs is now streaming on Hulu.
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fabianocolucci · 4 years
Can we have one lighthearted and optimistic show or movie for once?
Hello, I am writing this post because I have read that the CW is making a TV show about the PowerPuff Girls, except they’re going to be depicted as “20-somethings who are disillusioned after having spent their childhood fighting crime”.
Reading that angered me, I have to admit it, because this is just the latest of a never ending series of shows and movies that try to take something that is supposed to be lighthearted, funny and optimistic and turn it into something dark and edgy about how much life sucks, trying to highlight that “we live in a society” and so on.
Riverdale is the example many people come up with most of the time, and I can see why: its shared universe (which includes The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) is a textbook example of how Hollywood keeps handling these things. However, what many people fail to realize is that this trend has been going on since long before the CW took Archie Andrews and the others and tried to be as dark and edgy as they can.
When Batman Begins proved to be a huge hit, and it was followed by an even greater hit (The Dark Knight), Hollywood apparently thought that the reason of its success was that it tried to be darker and edgier. However, those things worked only because Christopher Nolan wanted to take a popular superhero and tried to depict him in a more realistic tone (after all, their movies may be even darker than what Batman is supposed to be, unless you take in consideration any Batman comic written by Frank Miller).
Since then, we’ve seen countless movies, games and shows that tried to be so dark they’ve become bleak and, honestly, even a bit bland.
On the superhero side, we’ve seen multiple depictions where, for instance, Superman has become evil and is now a force that needs to be stopped (they even made a movie about this being a possibility, as if it’s inevitable), while we’ve seen at least four live-action depictions of Batman being a killer hero who has lost his vision and hope (to the point where Batwoman casually mentioning how Batman has a no killing code was enough to make that world’s Batman a lighter version than what is the current trend). The Netflix shows about Marvel superheroes even made it look like the Avengers’ arrival caused nothing but problems for New York (admittedly, they kind of have to depict New York this way, otherwise it would feel weird how there’s so many superheroes in that city and yet crime is still a thing).
On the fantasy side, because of Game of Thrones’ success, now every fantasy TV show wants to emulate it, and as such we have bleak, humorless worlds where there’s a lot of darkness, with constant “mature” content like swearing and sex (The Witcher is a great show, but they could have toned it down a bit, in that context). It’s like even a genre whose name is literally “fantasy” can’t escape in trying to depict a more gritty and real world where everything always has to be dark.
On the science fiction side, well, we’ve seen the new Star Wars movie, which took the ending of Episode VI, which was full of optimism and hope, and basically said “nope, everything now is so dark and lonely”. I guess one of the reasons why you could pretend the sequel trilogy never happened is that, well, they end with a more positive note than whatever happened after episode IX.
On the TV side, there isn’t just Riverdale or the upcoming PowerPuff Girls show. The Winx Saga has taken away all the color of the cartoon (no, seriously: everything is so grey and soulless looking in the TV show that someone may have to tell you they’re supposed to be The Winx Club in live action). The Nancy Drew show now is a dark mystery more in line with Riverdale actually. Netflix is making an Avatar show and apparently they want to age up the characters “so that they can have sex” (which somewhat implies that there’s someone who looked at 12 year old Aang or 14 year old Katara and thought “I want to see them have sex”, which is so creepy and disturbing that I even regret pointing it out).
This would not be such a big deal if there wasn’t the fact that we’re talking about the vast majority of big movies and shows! Even something funny like Lost in Space has been turned into a dark remake.
Why is it so hard to find something in Hollywood that doesn’t try to be dark and depressing? Well, I think there are multiple reasons, which I’m going to point out:
·       There is this idea among writers that drama is the only thing that keeps the plot interesting. Characters need to have tragedies thrown at them all the time, they constantly have to fight and (usually) heavens forbid if they even try to lighten up a bit. This is, of course, wrong, as shown by how many fanfiction writers take characters who have a life made of day-by-day drama and depict them in quiet scenes like them making a meal for their beloved or just going to a vacation where they can relax. Just because depicting nothing but quiet and peaceful moments can become boring on the long run, doesn’t mean it can never happen;
·       Because we live in dark times, then everything has to be dark. It’s as if people can’t experience any sort of hopeful escapism when out there it seems like nothing but tragedies and negativity occurs outside of their windows. Illnesses, war, deaths, recessions and so on happen 24/7, so how can you showcase even a bit of positivity? Well, I have one question: what kind of escapism would constantly remind you of the very thing you are trying to temporarily escape from? If I want to forget about the World’s problems for an hour, then why on Earth are you making me think about them? Who decided that the best way of forgetting that life sucks is to have your story say “life sucks” all the time? I don’t understand;
·       Writers are probably influenced by the “loser culture” on the internet. I mean, wherever you go on social media, people seem to have a race to see who has the most miserable life. Many comic artist have their characters experience all sorts of problems and negativity, there’s a lot of memes about negative stuff (how many times have you seen a wholesome post with a reblog or a retweet adding something negative? For example, I don’t know, someone tweets “I asked my mom a puppy, she brought me five of them” and someone says “if I asked it to my mom, she’d bring five slaps to my butt”). Of course, if I, a writer, see that people can’t stop talking about how much their life suck, I would think “well, maybe that’s all they want to hear about” and make characters with miserable lives;
However, I have always noticed how there’s a medium who seems to not be easily affected by all this stuff: animation.
You want a fantasy show where everything is colorful and bright? There’s lots of cartoons for that.
You want to see superheroes doing their best to fight for the good of the World? There’s plenty of them in animation.
You want hope and positivity? Tune in on any station that airs cartoons and you will find it.
However, the problem is that this goes hand to hand with the old stigma that, well, “cartoons are for kids”, so it feels like movies and TV shows are saying “positivity and happiness are for children. Grow the hell up and see how dark and hopeless the World truly is!”.
Why is trying to be positive and optimistic something that can’t happen if you’re a mature person? Why is it so wrong to just want to see a bit of peace in these media?
I don’t know what else to say or to add, so it’s best if I finish my post right here. So, here’s my opinion:
Even though it is okay for you to tell me a story where nothing matters, where “we live in a society” and where you can’t have good things, it should be balanced with something. Have you ever seen the Yin Yang symbol? Why do you think it depicts darkness with a little bit of light? Because nothing can be completely dark. So, just try to add some good energy in your story. It won’t be an issue for anybody to just have one moment where everyone smiles.
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
Luke and Leia?
two problems: one, I think when they made the ST the writers and directors swayed closer to Mark Hamill’s and Carrie Fisher’s personalities rather than what Luke and Leia would have been like thirty years on -- for me, this is more noticeable with Leia/Carrie than Luke/Mark, and there’s some knock-on of this in the books/comics.  (This is probably true for Han and Harrison Force, too? But I feel like they were closer together originally, and then having Alden!Han balanced some of it.)  Which is not to say that there shouldn’t have been any Carrie in Leia, obviously, but for me there’s a big disconnect between EU Leia and current canon Leia, bigger than just different writers and different canons should account for.
two...these are somewhat messy feelings, and they are very, uh, I have a feeling. not that these other thing isn’t, obvs, but this is also very I Have A Bias And It’s Called Rebels.  I really am resentful of the fact that Rebels decided to sideline its main Jedi characters for whatever reason -- yeah, there’s the oft-cited “you’re the last one!” or whatever the actual line is from the OT, but that’s something that’s easy to handwave away in the ancillaries.  Even Yoda’s cameos in Rebels show him as kind of waving off Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka (god, I really hate Henry Gilroy’s take that Yoda controlled everything in the Jedi temple in Shroud of Darkness, he might be the writer but I disagree); I’ve always gotten the vibe that Yoda in this era was completely focused on the Skywalker twins as the solution to the Sith problem, and everything else was essentially extraneous.  Which, tbh, works for Yoda, because Yoda.  Obi-Wan in Twin Suns...honestly, doesn’t feel right for Obi-Wan?  And Obi-Wan comes out and goes “this is not your story!” wow, way to make the subtext text, Dave.  (He and Gilroy wrote the ep, which I just realized when I went to check the writer, and wow, that explains a lot about my problems with it.)
I think there was a chance to do something really interesting with Rebels by presenting an actual rival to Luke as ~savior of the Jedi, or ~future of the Jedi, or however you want to frame that.  And honestly, S1 seemed to be going there.  And then Rebels started leaning away from it -- slowly at first, and then faster and faster, until we get to the “we’re making the subtext text” part in Twin Suns and then straight-up killing off Kanan and flinging Ezra into space in S4, along with whatever the hell they’re doing with Ahsoka.  And I don’t necessarily mean “rival to Luke” in terms of “Ezra and Luke have to fight” (though I do genuinely believe that Ezra’s and Luke’s approaches to Jediness and how to be a Jedi are so different as to be essentially incompatible), but in terms of “is this actually Luke’s Destiny?”  Is the role that Luke played in restoring the Jedi to the galaxy (ST and whatever went down prior to that aside) actually something that only he could have done, or was he the only option?  Rather than actually deal with that question, SW went the (in my opinion) lazy route and went with “he had to do it because he was the only option.”  (And honestly, not dealing with whatever the hell Ahsoka was doing between Malachor and the Rebels epilogue and/or Mando, which is still at minimum a good ten years, actually makes this worse.)  If your means of dealing with a character’s role in a story arc is to get rid of all the rivals before they can actually be rivals (and again, I mean, like, thematically, not literally), then to me that says that role is not something that they could have been able to accomplish otherwise.  For me it really weakens Luke as a character, and that’s to the detriment of both Luke and honestly the entire saga story arc.
okay actually there’s a third thing about Luke and Leia -- I said this on Twitter before the Mando finale aired and because it was many moons ago I now can’t find it, but honestly?  Star Wars is weakening its main story line by no loner telling big name stories about the OT trio.  These are supposed to be big name famous characters who have all accomplished extraordinary things, and yet as far as Mando is concerned, they might as well not exist.  Up to the finale there was not a single piece of evidence that Luke or Leia actually existed, and even the Luke cameo...they can CGI Mark Hamill for that because it’s not going to have lasting consequences.  If it was going to have lasting consequences, they would have recast.  (I mean, if he’s got a recurring role next season we can revisit this in 2022, but until then.)  These are saga characters!  These are people who have RESHAPED THE GALAXY.  They should have an impact in Star Wars’ big name ongoing projects in one form or another!
The impression I get right now from the current slate of upcoming projects is that Star Wars is gambling that their viewership is, by and large, more interested in the greater Star Wars universe than it is in established Star Wars characters.  They may be right; Mando is certainly very successful.  The upcoming character spin-offs -- Ahsoka (yikes), Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Lando project -- those are all main characters but they’re not the main characters.  And honestly, we’ll see how this goes.  It may go well.  It may go poorly.  It may be all over the map.  (this is the most likely option.)  I did love Solo, but as far as Lucasfilm’s concerned, and a lot of the mainstream audience, it was a flop.  The post-RotJ EU and the post-RotJ new canon have varied in that the new canon has, with a few exceptions (which are not ~mainstream, with the exception of Battlefront II), mostly shied away from telling stories revolving around the OT trio.  The longer they go without doing that, without showing the impact that these people have on the galaxy, that they have right now -- the more they’re weakening the impact that Luke and Leia ought to have.  Yeah, I came in from the EU, I do think that Luke and Leia should be, to some extent, living myths.  The problem is that Lucasfilm wants to do live action TV and frankly, I think they’re wary about recasting Luke and Leia after Solo.  (Even though Alden is a great Han, imho.)  This is honestly the perfect time to do a post-RotJ animated series -- use Mark Hamill’s VA skills! he’s not going to live forever! that gets around the Carrie Fisher problem! the weird Force shit works REALLY well in animation in a way that it does not in live action, and come on, don’t Luke and Leia deserve to deal with the weird Force shit too? WOULD YOU NOT ACTUALLY LIKE TO SET UP FOR THE SEQUEL TRILOGY sorry it’s star wars dumb question
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What am I looking forward to?
I get asked what I’m looking forward to in terms of entertainment as 2021 trundles along. I thought I’d put together a list of my thoughts of the things I have marked on my calendar (or am prepared to buy, as the case may be!)
Klokkenluider, The Sandman, The War Rooms: Obviously I’d be failing at my duty to not include Jenna Coleman’s trio of upcoming projects! I have a confession - I’ve yet to watch all of The Serpent, too. Hoping for a DVD or (even better) Blu-ray release of that later in the year too. UK has one already. Netflix does release many of its shows to permanent media so hopefully The Serpent will be one of them (ditto Sandman and War Rooms down the line).
Free Guy: the much-delayed video game-based film starring Ryan Reynolds and Jodie Comer. Reminds me of Ready Player One, which was one of my favourite films of the last few years. And it’s the first leading film role for Jodie Comer from Killing Eve and it looks like she might be playing a nerdy version of Villanelle (without all the murdery sociopathic stuff; at least, I assume!). 
No Time to Die: Some aspects of the trailers have me concerned, and whenever I hear people talk about “new directions” I get antsy because that rarely ends well. But this is Bond and while there has been the occasional poor 007 film in the past (A View to a Kill and Quantum of Solace are the only Bond films I dislike and avoid; not a bad ratio out of 25) the odds of me liking it are pretty good (hell, I even consider Spectre to be one of the best Bonds ever, and I know that’s unpopular opinion). I was concerned about Phoebe Waller-Bridge being one of the writers due to my opinion that Fleabag is overrated (I know, another unpopular opinion), but that was before I saw her work on Killing Eve. If she brings some of that spirit to the film, it’ll work. Some of the things people are complaining about don’t bug me, especially regarding the 007 designation which belonged to somebody else before the events of the 2006 Casino Royale film and in all likelihood they’ll reboot continuity with whoever follows Daniel Craig anyway so none of that matters. They could kill Bond off and it wouldn’t make a difference.
Lower Decks Season 2: Speaking of unpopular opinion, Season 1 was one of the most pleasant surprises of last year. I think the backlash against Lower Decks is primarily a case that, for many fans, their dislike and disappointment of the current state of the franchise is so high that even if they do something good, it’s rejected automatically. I’ve given up on Discovery, have little interest in Picard (I had good things to say about it last year but it’s not aged well) and don’t care to see Strange New Worlds. So I was prepared to pooh-pooh on Lower Decks (I could have worded that a bit more elegantly; I dedicate that to Seth McFarlane) but, while it’s obviously a non-canon spoof, it still feels like Trek, which I cannot say for the current live-action shows. Basically that means it’s The Orville done for Star Trek. Which is fine, because it works better than Discovery’s and definitely Short Trek’s attempts at Orvilling (which in my opinion was about as entertaining as gerbilling - did I type that out loud?). And I think Beckett Mariner is the most interesting lead character of a Trek series in years. Speaking of The Orville...
The Orville Season 3: It’s in Red Dwarf territory right now in terms of it taking forever between seasons, and I am worried that being on Hulu might make it too edgy and turn away the many who latched onto it because Discovery was too edgy. But I have faith in Seth McFarlane, so eventually we’ll see it. If not, maybe I’ll give Avenue 5 a shot. Oh, and I am expecting Season 3 to be the end. It feels like getting it made - even taking C19 into account - was very difficult this time around and McFarlane sounds like he has a lot on his plate. If it does end, I hope somebody continues it in novel or comic book form (the comics have been incredible - seriously some of the best tie-ins I’ve read in years, and they’re canon too apparently thanks to being written by the show’s producer).
Magnum PI Season 4: It’s a sweet show and I watch it for the Magnum-Higgins ship (which is currently following the Clara-Danny trajectory). And I keep hoping co-star Perdita Weeks is able to recruit BFF Jenna Coleman to appear someday. So there’s that.
Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 and the conclusion of Supergirl Season 6. Another unpopular take is I happen to really like these two CW shows. Supergirl is calling it a day after 6 seasons, with the final season split into two parts, with the second half airing later this summer. Legends is still midway through S6 but has been renewed for a 7th. Both are fun, with Legends literally being the only show on TV that is legitimately unpredictable (seriously, this past week was a riff on Baby Yoda of all things - and no, Beebo was a riff on Furby. Different merch magnet, pay attention.), plus it’s most likely (IMO) the reason why John Constantine the character is unavailable for The Sandman series (which opened the door for Jenna Coleman to be cast as his ancestor Johanna, which is fine by me!).
Killing Eve Season 4: obviously. It’s only because of Jenna Coleman that you’re not getting wall-to-wall Jodie Comer on this blog. If she and Jenna are ever cast together in anything, I might need to call an ambulance.
Peter Capaldi’s debut album. It’s about time! No it’s not, that would be silly. And I don’t want to thank C19 for creating the circumstances that led to Peter doing a record. But still - a Peter Capaldi album is coming. It just better not be digital-only. I want to see him on the New Release rack at Sunrise Records.
So looks like I have a lot of stuff to occupy my time coming up!
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Introduction Post!!!
Hey everyone! I figure that now that I have a Tumblr account, I should introduce myself to my fellow Tumblr users. Because why not??
First of all, I don’t think it’s too hard to ask to not be a douchebag, so don’t be one. Plain and simple. Secondly, I am staying away from politics on this blog, because I (as well as many others) use Tumblr for escapism. I don’t want to bog Tumblr down with real life stuff. 
Okay, now the fun stuff!! :D
Reading - I've been a big reader since I was 2/3 years old. When I was younger, one of the biggest things you could do to piss me off was to not like reading (TBH, it still pisses me off a l’il if people don’t like to read, but I’ve been working on trying not to get as annoyed by it - after all, respect people’s opinions). Have a book rec for me? Want a book rec from me? Let me know! WE COULD FORM A VIRTUAL BOOK CLUB
Musical Theater - in love with Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Heathers, and Six (which is criminally underrated, BTW). I’m kinda mixed on Be More Chill. 
My friends actually deterred me from musical theater because they quoted/sung/talked about Hamilton NON-STOP (I promise I’m not this annoying) - Cut to Hamilton dropping on Disney+, and now I’m Hamiltrash
Dear Evan Hansen was the first musical I actually got obsessed with after reading the novelization.
Saw a “Candy Store” and then “Beautiful” animatic & now I’m part of the Heathers fandom
Heard Annapantsu’s cover of “All You Wanna Do,” thought Six sounded interesting, heard the Aimie Atkinson version, fell in love. Then heard “Don’t Lose Ur Head” on Spotify - Became a hardcore fan after hearing those two songs 
I wanted to like Be More Chill because out of all the musicals, the plot of BMC sounded the most interesting. I like some of the songs (mainly “Be More Chill Pt. 1,” “A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into,” “Michael in the Bathroom,” and “The Smartphone Hour [Rich Set a Fire]”), and everyone’s (both OG Cast & Broadway) vocals are great, but a lot of the songs aren’t doing it for me
Musicals to get into: Beetlejuice, Mean Girls (I enjoy “Meet the Plastics” though), Hadestown
Animation (too bad I can’t draw) - say what you want about Disney not putting in any effort with their movies anymore (live-action remakes and garbage sequels, I’m looking at you), Disney TVA is still as great as ever (and other non-Disney animated shows are obviously great as well) Animated fandoms:
Kim Possible
Phineas & Ferb
Gravity Falls
DuckTales 2017
Tangled: The Series
Mickey Mouse (2013)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Dragon Prince
The Amazing World of Gumball
Wanna get into Hilda, BoJack, She-Ra, & Amphibia
Other TV shows! - currently watching Community (which is like my comfort show) and Middleditch & Schwartz. Also started Anne with an E (it’s better than books, which I already thought were pretty awesome?? That almost never happens??). Wanna get into the Schur-verse as well (Parks & Rec, The Good Place, Brooklyn 99)
Mythology!! - gotta be honest, not a huge fan of Greek (feel like I’m overexposed to it), but Aztec mythology, Incan mythology, Norse mythology, and differing myth systems of Africa/Polynesia/Native Americans? Yes please! And since I’m Hindu, I’ve been raised on lots of Hindu epics & myths, so I’ve got kind of a bias towards Hindu mythology as well. Know any fun myths? Lemme know! Let’s chat!!
Random stuff/misc. - trivia (love Trivia Crack, part of Scholastic Bowl); recently started writing short stories (both fanfic and not fanfic); also Disney (hate the company’s policies, but I still follow literally everything regarding their upcoming projects and find easter eggs/trivia in/about each of their movies); podcasts (listening to The Darkest Timeline with Ken Jeong and Joel McHale - same with the books/myths, if y’all got any more podcast recs for me, let me know!); Among Us; chocolate
Okay, so.
I was gonna do a dislikes section, but that’s no fun. Also, this post is long enough, and it’s a quarter till eleven right now and I have to get ready early tomorrow. So, I’m just gonna post this as it is - I hope you got to know me better! Hopefully I can come back and edit it, lol, because knowing me I definitely forgot a lot of stuff
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
The Prankster Queen is dethroned; SPN & Lucifer cast x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Well this was a LOOOOOONG time request from my Wattpad account but I finally got some motivation to write and finish this fic. Now I talked with the requestor about this and some changes were made, originally this was gonna involve Criminal minds cast but I had barely watched the show at the time so I talked with them and they agreed to have this be a SPN X LUCIFER cast crossover. So I hope you all enjoy this little fic and until the next update.
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“Okay guys; here we are back at the Supernatural set ready to start filming the 2nd half of season 14. Before I get into the special prank on Alex day I want to first send a very special thanks to the Lucifans for the #SaveLucifer and thank Netflix for renewing a season 4 and 5 of Lucifer.  Yes I am a fan of that show as well. I mean I’ve got to my dad plays the famed Devil himself. No, no, no, no, no I’m joking. I watch the show because I really love what they did with it. The writing is phenomenal and the cast is super friendly. They’re like my second family next these guys here at Supernatural.”
I spoke through my Youtube channel streaming live.  I could already see comments popping up along my livestream. Comments like ‘YASS LUCIFERXSPN SUPPORT’ or Winchester sister stans Lucifer.
“Yes I do thank you. Now for the moment you’ve all waited for. I’ve got the plastic wrap, the super glue, feathers, and fan. And of course the star of this prank on Alex, my baby boy Shadow.” I then presented my black German Shepherd who was lying on Alex’s trailer couch. “You ready to prank Alex boy?” he tilted his head to the side. “You ready to prank him?” he let out a bark and I cooed. “Good boy!” I flipped my camera back around and said. “Now Jared kindly set up the camera just a bit ago so I will transition to that in just a little while. For now I’m going to set up the door so please enjoy this fast forward montage of me getting the prank set up.”
I spread the super glue all around the plastic wrapping and tapped it across Alex’s trailer door so that when he would run right into it, he would get trapped with the plastic wrapping before I would attack with the pillow filled with feathers.
“Okay everything’s all set up. Now for the final touch, c’mon boy up on the bed.” He got off the couch and into Alex’s bed and just lay there at the foot of it. “Good boy.” I opened the trailer door and waited for Alex to come around.  Once I saw him walking alongside Misha, I cried out. “ALEX! ALEX! SHADOW’S TAKING A SHIT ON YOUR BED!!”
“I’m not kidding I was walking him and he just ran in here and literally shit on your bed! Bad dog!”
“Shadow! Shadow! Damnit Shadow!” Alex then ran up and just like I hopped, he slammed right into the plastic wrap and fell right to the ground.  I then pelted him with the pillow till his entire face was covered with feathers.
“BOOM SUCKA!!! That’ll teach you to eat my big cookie.” I told him.
“Okay maybe I deserved that.”
“Wow (y/n), all this for a cookie?” Misha said as he helped Alex back up on his feet.
“Misha you don’t understand. Those cookies were my mum’s special recipe. Plus she makes them so big that you can eat it in the space of a week. I was saving the last bit of it and then this guy decides it’s a good idea to eat the last of it.” I said pointing to Alex.
“You know….one of these days. We’re gonna get you back. Everyone that you’ve pranked, we’re gonna get you.” Alex spoke as he coughed out trying to get the feathers out of his mouth.
“The day that happens is the day J2(I/l) turns on each other. And the boys and I have been doing this for a long, long time.” I sassed as I snapped my finger and Shadow hopped off Alex’s bed and we left the trailer.
Little bit about myself; the names (Y/n) Ellis, the last name sound familiar? Yep you thought right. Tom Ellis aka Lucifer Morningstar is my father.  He and I have been in the acting business together for a good amount of years.  In fact he’s helped me when it came to running lines or dealing with the pressures of the acting life, especially since I started off as a child actor at the age of 5.
I had a few small roles, but when I was just 9 years old a role on a little show called Supernatural came knocking at my door.  As a young British girl I was worried that I wouldn’t get it because this was an American tv show and I had to speak with an American accent.  But thanks to a good dialect coach, and 2 test screenings with the boys to see if we were a fit, I got to play the role of Sarah Winchester, the younger half-sister of Sam and Dean who was cursed with witch powers.
But instead of killing her, Sam and Dean actually take her in and she uses her magic for good instead of evil.  For years the Supernatural cast didn’t just become an ordinary job, it was like being home, we became a family.  Jared and Jensen were like the big brothers I never had (even though they were around my dad’s age).
When things got too tough around set, J2 always found a way to make me smile and laugh. And as the years passed, Misha came on board followed by the 2 Marks, Ruth, Brianna and Kim, Osric, Rob and Richard, and now finally Alexander Calvert.  The Supernatural family is a tight bond and we all send out a powerful message that Family don’t end in blood, and to Always Keep Fighting when things got bad.
Then when season 11 of my show was being filmed, my dad had gotten the role of Lucifer Morningstar in Fox’s new tv series “Lucifer” which was basically the story of the devil taking a vacation from Hell and he ends up working with the LAPD alongside a clever detective named Chloe Decker.
When Lucifer exploded every time I went to conventions, fans always ask me questions about potential crossovers or what I thought of the show.  And truthfully I loved it.  In fact whenever I would wrap on my time on a season, I took the hour and 45 minute drive where they filmed Lucifer and spend time with my dad and the Lucifer cast.
Lauren, Aimee and Lesley became my partners in crime when it came to the subtle pranks on the Luci cast or even my dad.  Aimee and I are always making Instagram videos of each other acting like complete nutjobs, she’s like the older sister I’ve always wanted (since I am the eldest of my three sisters).
But that’s my life, and if you were to ask me if I could trade it away for anything else, I would tell you hell no (no pun intended).
After getting Shadow back into my trailer, I decided to see if my dad was willing to talk. I grabbed my I-Pad and went over to Facetime and clicked my dad’s name (of course I added the devil emoji beside his name).  It rang about five times before I finally got an answer.
“There’s my little She-devil.” He answered with a smirk.
“Hey dad.” I said with a smile.
“Aimee saw your prank on that Alex chap.”
“She like it?”
“Mini Ellis you are a she-devil genius!” Aimee soon came into the frame. “You got to show me how that brilliant mind of yours works.”
“Guess I learned from two of the very best. I know exactly how to push buttons but not go overly extreme that it hurts someone’s soul. I’m not completely soulless like Jared is when it comes to pranks.”
“I still can’t believe he actually cut one of his credit cards. That’s super low.” She said.
“I know. I’ve been trying to get him to ease back and not go quite extreme. So far he hasn’t done it knock on wood.”
“Anyways you two, what brings on this call my dove?” my dad asked.
“Just wanted to call and see how you were doing. How’s season 4 coming along?”
“Great. Everything is great. Thanks to the Lucifans, and the Supernatural family.” My dad said.
“No sweat. You’re my dad. I’m still pissed that FOX could just cancel your show like that. And the way they would’ve ended it. God that’s literally the worst cliffhanger ever!”
“Tell me about it.” Aimee groaned.
“But it’s all fixed now. Netflix will take good care of us now. Plus we don’t have as much restrictions as FOX gave us.” My dad teased.  I then heard a knock at my trailer door which made Shadow raise his head up from his bed and his attention turned toward the door.
“Hang on dad, who is it?!”
“It’s Jared! C’mon kiddo they need us on set now.”
“Alright I’ll be there in a minute.” I turned back to my dad and Aimee and my dad said to me.
“Go on, we’ll catch up later.”
“Alright dad. Give my love to the rest of the cast.”
“You already have my love mini Ellis.” Aimee said.
“Love you Aims!”
“Alright darling love you. Stay safe and have fun filming your next season.” The two of them blew me a kiss goodbye and I waved bye to them and the Facetime shut off. I put my phone aside and quickly refilled Shadow’s water bowl before I took off and raced towards the set.
Although unbeknownst to both Jared and Jensen something was waiting for them.  As I walked in on the set I sat down at the spot where my character Sarah was to sit for this upcoming scene.
“Okay guys on cue marks. Cue lighting and roll sound.” I got into the mindset of Sarah and took the prop book in my hands as our director called out, “Okay cue Jensen and Jared. And…..action.” it was then Jensen came down the staircase while Jared came out from the back corridor.
“Hey, so any word from Jodie?” Jensen asked as Dean to Jared.
“No not yet. Hey Sar, any luck with the research?” Jared asked me as Sam.
“Not a damn thing. God even for a witch like me I still can’t figure out the spell to get us to that other place. I’m sorry guys I may be strong, but I’m not Rowena strong.”
“No, no it’s alright. It’s okay. We’ll……find another way.” Then Jared and Jensen took their seats before suddenly jolting upwards and letting out girlish screams of shock and pain.
“CUT!!!” our director called out.
“The hell was that!?!” Jensen proclaimed.
“Oh thank god I thought it was just me.” Jared sighed with relief.  I kept my poker face up as I said to them.
“What happened just now?”
“Something shocked us. I don’t know what but whatever it was, it should never have shocked me back there. My butt does not deserve that kind of treatment!” he looked around the cushioned seat until he found some sort of electronic shock pad. It was slightly smaller than the cushioned pad and as soon as Jensen took hold of it and pressed a certain button, it caused another shock to run through his arm as he swore out loud and shake his arm.
“Uhh Jensen why would you do that?” I asked him.
“I don’t know I needed to see if it was real or not don’t judge me!”
“How the hell did these even get here?” asked Jared.
“No idea.” Jensen said.  I covered my smile as I tried to act inconspicuous but that’s when the two of them looked at me. “You did this?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said as I stood up and strutted out of the room sassily to run into Misha and I told him. “Your revenge plot has been successfully played out.”
“I knew I could count on you (n/n). Thanks.”
“No problem, but just know Misha all things come at a price with me. Pranking the kings don’t come without consequence.”
“I know, I know. But still I thank you for doing this for me. That’ll teach Jared to put old cheese in my pillow.”  I patted his arm before leaving him to reset the scene again.
Weeks passed and filming continued on up until I was finally done with my scenes which meant that I was now allowed to travel on up to the Lucifer set and pop in and say hello.  After bidding everyone goodbye until July, I got into the car and my driver Tommy drove me on up towards the studio where my dad and the rest of the Lucifer family were filming.
After finally arriving on the set, I saw Lauren and Aimee out and about with a Starbucks cup in their hands.  As soon as they saw my car, they immediately waved.  I rolled down my window and said.
“What up my Luci sistas!”
“Ahhh mini-Ellis!” Aimee proclaimed.  Once the car stopped, I stepped out and I raced towards her and she met me in the middle as the two of us embraced each other tightly, rocking aggressively from side to side.  “Where’s big Shadow? You usually bring him with you whenever you’re done with shooting.”
“Well for some reason Misha wanted to keep him around set. Guess he must’ve needed the fluffy protection from Jared and Jensen after the prank I pulled on them a few weeks back.”
“What’d you do to them?” asked Lauren.
“Just put a shock pad cushion underneath their chairs. Misha told me to do it to get back at Jared for putting old cheese in his pillow.”
“Wow those guys are relentless huh?” said Aimee.
“Yep. But enough of that now, let’s get going. I wanna watch you guys film some stuff.”
“Alright! C’mon kiddo let’s go.” Lauren wrapped her arm around me before playfully giving me a noogie while guiding me onwards to the set.
I greeted my Lucifer family like D.B, Kevin, Lesley-Ann, Rachael, and of course young Scarlett (ever since the show I officially adopted her as my younger sister).
“So, have you guys seen my dad anywhere?” I asked.
“Last we saw him he was leaving his trailer for costume and makeup.” Aimee said.
“What have you got in mind she-devil?” asked Lauren with a grin.
“Ohhh not much.” I grinned as I walked towards the costume and makeup trailers.
Once I got there, I had spotted my dad just getting out from the costume trailer in the full Lucifer suit.  I grinned mischievously and slowly stalked towards him.  This was something that I used to always do to him when I was a little girl, it’s been awhile but I hope I still got it.  Like a tigress on the prowl I stalked behind my dad silent and carefully.
Whenever he turned around, I would hide behind anything I could whether it was the side of a trailer/tent, or even one of the many gold carts/motorbikes.  Then when he would resume his walk, I trailed behind him once again.  Closer and closer I got till finally I was within strike range.
The mighty huntress has cornered her prey.
I then trotted forward before leaping up but I was foiled when my dad turned around and managed to catch me and spin me around for a moment in his arms.
“Thought you’d sneak up on my again huh my little tigress? After all these years I finally caught you red handed.”
“Took you over 20 years but no time like the present eh?” my dad smirked down at me, the smirk that I had inherited from him, and said as he booped my nose.
“I just know when my daughter feels a little extra cheeky.” He bopped my nose as he said ‘cheeky’ which made me playfully stick my tongue out at him. “And put that tongue away young lady we are not a snake.”
“Wrong. Don’t you remember I got sorted into Slytherin when we went to Harry Potter world.”
“Yes I do recall that. But that’s still no excuse. Stick that tongue out at me again and I’ll give you a good whopping, do I make myself clear.”
“Yes father.” I submitted.  He pecked my forehead before releasing me.
“So, you’ve finished with your filming?”
“Yep. Managed to wrap up a little early, at least for me.”
“Now I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about you potentially branching off and getting your own spinoff series?”
“Well I don’t like to brag but it’s still a rumor. Not even I can confirm it. Besides, who knows if the CW will allow it. I mean don’t get me wrong the other two sub-series I didn’t agree with but Wayward Sisters, I would’ve LOVED to see that become something. Maybe have Sarah make a few surprise appearances.”
“Well, if the CW don’t allow it, maybe Netflix will. You never know. I could put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks dad.”
“Tom! Hey Tom! Susan needs you in makeup stat. You’re shooting in ten.” One of the make artists came racing up to us.
“Oh fu—sorry about that Johnny.” My dad wrapped an arm around my shoulders and the two of us walked towards the makeup trailer so that he could get ready.
After doing a quick touch up on my dad, the two of us left for the LAPD set and everyone was already running around getting to their marks or getting the cameras rolling.  I sat right next to the director Sherwin as he was calling for cameras to focus and start rolling.  Finally he called action and I got to sit and watch the new Netflix: Lucifer finally be filmed.
It was a long day of shooting and filming but it was a very productive day.  I even got to learn about directing since (spoiler alert! I get to direct an episode this season of Supernatural!).  I was currently right now sitting with my dad sipping a cup of tea.
“Now I know that one episode that witches have familiars. If Sarah were to have a familiar, which pet would she have and who would you want to play that familiar?” I hummed.
“Well. No offense to the women but most of the time when a new female comes on Supernatural she always ends up being a bitch. With the exception of Kim, Bri, Ruthie, Felica, and the rest of the Wayward sisters. So I’d have to say Sarah would want a male familiar. And yes while I do love dogs and would KILL to have Shadow actually be in front of the camera, I think she’d prefer a cat. Now for the actor to play him. Now don’t laugh but—this is my fantasy dream cast…..”
“Oh just get on with it will you little missy! Stop droning on!” my dad whined. I mimicked his whining before I finally admitted.
“Gwilym Lee okay!”
“The Welsh actor from that Midsomer murders series you used to watch?”
“Yeah, why not? I think he’d make a perfect cat familiar. Wise, loyal, good fighter. And—not that bad looking if I may say.”
“Alright down girl. I swear you and Aimee have been fawning over actors far too much.”
“Then you do not want to see me with the young Wayward sisters. We’re a lot worse. Plus it gets awkward when they start talking about you. Especially when it involves the Lucifer cast.”
“Oh my god.” He groaned.
“I know right!? It’s bad enough I hear from the fans about how much of a ‘thirsty dad’ you are. But now I have to hear it at work!” before my dad could say anything else, Lesley came running in with a worried look on her face. “Whoa Les, where’s the fire at?”
“You gotta call the Supernatural set (y/n).” she panted out.
“Why what’s going on?”
“I don’t know something about Shadow.” Without hesitation I took my phone out and dialed Misha’s number.  It rang and rang and as it kept ringing I grumbled.
“C’mon Misha pick up your bloody phone already!”
“Misha what’s going on!? What happened to my son!?”
‘I’m sorry (y/n) Jared was eating some M&M’s earlier and he left the table for one second and the next thing he saw was Shadow eating the M&M’s he had managed to knock down on the floor!’
‘Just come by over here, he’s been whimpering and we don’t know the contact information to the vet.’
“Okay I’ll be there as soon as I can. Try to make him as comfortable for me as possible. Okay! Tell him mummy’s on her way!”
‘Okay I will. And (y/n). Hurry!’ I hung up the phone and raced off.
“Whoa, whoa mini-Ellis where are you off too in such a hurry?” Kevin said as he and Aimee were walking back from the catering (after I had noticed the chocolate doughnut in Aimee’s hand).
“Shadow’s sick! Ate M&M’s. I gotta go!” I couldn’t even form a proper sentence as I raced outside and phoned my driver to hurry the fuck back to the set and drive me back to the Supernatural set.
Thankfully, he was right outside and the second I jumped right on in, I banged on the back window and ordered him to drive and soon he was off.  Oh Shadow baby hang in there baby boy!
Finally after what felt like an eternity (I don’t know why the driver had taken the long way around. Said it was fucking traffic or something like that). But before the car could even come to a complete stop, I jumped out of the car and raced towards the building calling out Shadow’s name.
I quickly raced into the main Supernatural set to see that it was completely empty.
“Shadow!? Shadow! Here boy!” I whistled.  Just hearing the way Misha had talked on the phone it made me really worried about my baby boy’s health.  And now just not seeing him come on command when he’s supposed to, got me really anxious.
I walked further through the main set (which was the map room of the bunker) when I felt myself slightly trip forward and I looked down to see a tripwire.  Oh shit.
SPLASH! I jumped as I let out a shriek when a small water balloon fell right at my feet.  A split second later another dropped on the other side of me but still close enough to my feet.  I jumped two more times as two more water balloons splashed right by me.
“Really guys? If you’re gonna do something like that at least have good aim.” But I was unaware of the enormous water balloon that was now starting to roll down. When I looked up, my heart sunk as I slowly let out a scream and soon I was drenched.
But it wasn’t water.  Well normal water anyway, when I had looked at myself I had seen that I was now covered head to toe in the famed fake blood the makeup artists make from corn syrup, chocolate syrup and food coloring.
My breathing sharpened and I growled out.
“J2. Are without a doubt. The lowest most vile Americans to EVER WALK THE PLANET!!!” This was my favorite shirt and now the boys ruined it.  Plus do you know how long it takes to get fake blood out of your hair? Believe me it’s not pretty. Hours upon hours of just brushing through one section of hair.
Soon enough the entire cast came out laughing and clapping but what was shocking was that the Lucifer cast also came out smiling and clapping along.
“We got you good kid!” Misha laughed.
“You—you all were……”
“About time we finally dethroned the Prank Queen. You’ve been stealing our thunder for too long kid.” Jensen said.
“And thanks to your dad and the rest of the Lucifer cast, they gave us the time to set all this up.” Jared said as he held his phone up probably recording the whole thing.  I turned to my dad and hissed.
“Et tu Papa?”
“Sorry darling. They were convincing. Plus you’ve been going a little overboard with the pranks. You even placed a dead fish in my car.” Dad said.
“Or itching powder in my underwear drawer last year during season 3.” DW added.
“And hacking my Instagram professing love for the DCEU when you know I’m a Marvel girl.” Aimee said.
“And of course you can’t forget your recent little prank. The electric cushions.” Jared said.
“So we all came together and finally got you back.” Alex said smugly.
“How’s it feel now? You just got Carrie’d!” Lauren proclaimed.
“You all are so lucky I’m not a real witch or a telepath. Cause otherwise you’d all be screwed right now!” I spat out the fake blood that was starting to seep into my mouth.  “But I’ll admit. Only I could come up with something like this. I’m impressed. Especially since it was a crossover team effort.”
Both castmates from each show came around me and that’s when all the selfies and self-promotion of dethroning the “Prank Queen” has officially happened.  Of course I couldn’t help but chase after J2 as well as my dad so that I could smear the blood on them as payback for what they did to me.
Yep the life of an actress on Supernatural who happens to be the daughter of the current ‘hot’ Lucifer Morningstar, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.  So while the entire cast and my family got their victory out of the way, I began plotting my next ultimate prank.
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watchathon · 4 years
Book 3, Chapter 17: The Ember Island Players
In case you’re finding this post just by browsing the tags I’ve used for this post, this is the Watchathon, a blog where I’m hoping to watch an episode of a TV show every weekday, with a short blog post where I write down my thoughts as I watch. Each new thought starts with a hyphen and a bolded first word.
- Like so. Now that the introductions are over with, here’s my thoughts on The Ember Island Players:
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- We are literally one episode away from the series finale and Katara in the theme song still says that Aang “has a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone.” I could’ve sworn they cut that part out by now. Not complaining, though, it’s kinda funny.
- It’s nice to see Aang and Zuko practicing Firebending. Firebending just looks awesome, even when it’s not actually a fight scene.
- Nice detail that the poster for the play is based on the box art for the Book 1 DVD.
- I never would’ve taken Zuko for the type of person who would have critiques about a specific theater group and how a play’s been “butchered.” And I’m assuming these are opinions he held when he was taken to see the Ember Island Players as a little kid, to boot.
- “This is the kind of wacky time-wasting nonsense I’ve been missing!” I like the subtle leaning on the 4th wall here, referencing how the series gradually got more and more serialized.
- Oh, I’ve got to love the absolute 180 in Katara and Sokka’s reactions just as soon as their fictional counterparts open their mouths.
- It feels kinda weird to watch this episode after having seen countless videos of the Gaang reacting to the live-action movie.
- Toph is just having a blast, ain’t she?
- I just can’t get enough of the Gaang’s reactions to their equivalents in the play.
- Now I can’t help wondering what Peter Pan’s reaction would be to the genderbent casting for him.
- Well, you know what they say, Zuko: “Art imitates life.”
- I get the feeling that the real King Bumi would have as much fun with his interpretation here as Toph is having.
- Nice detail that the Ember Island Players don’t know the Blue Spirit is Zuko. And another thing I couldn’t help but notice: Zuko here takes the place of Admiral Zhao. Zhao’s just been forgotten completely in, what, half a year? For someone as obsessed with glory and legacy as Zhao, it’s an even worse punishment than whatever the Ocean Spirit did to him.
- You can already tell the Gaang’s not gonna end up the heroes of the play when Player Katara is totally supportive of Jet wiping out that Fire Nation town.
- There’s definitely at least a bit of self-deprecation on behalf of the showrunners, with stuff like this joke on how the Great Divide was the only true filler episode.
- I like this scene of the Gaang discussing the play during the intermission.
- This play’s having a lot more luck with its rope effects than that Spider-Man musical did.
- Again, Toph is having a blast. Katara’s waiting for Toph to react the same way the rest of the Gaang did to their portrayals, but Toph is just positively delighted.
- Do you think Toph would want Dwayne Johnson to play her in the upcoming live-action reboot? ...Scratch that, of course she would.
- Added to the list of reasons to get my hands on good video editing software: replace Player Toph’s scream with the audio from the “AHHHHH” video.
- I’ve just come to a realization: this play is the theater equivalent to an abridged series.
- Seems like the audience isn’t all too enraptured by the play, or at least the drill scene.
- I get the meta gag, I think it’s hilarious, and it makes a great meme to boot, but... Jet’s death wasn’t too unclear, really. Sure, they don’t explicitly say “Jet’s dead”, but it’s so strongly implied that there’s very little room for an alternate interpretation.
- This play is hilarious, but it’s clearly bringing back some bad memories for Zuko. He almost definitely doesn’t want to be reminded of how he betrayed the best father figure he had so he could go back to the one who scarred and banished him for speaking out of turn.
- I like the bait-and-switch when Sokka asks Suki if she can get him backstage.
- It’s nice to see Toph chatting with Zuko about Iroh, complete with a callback to when she met Iroh.
- I could’ve sworn there was more mention of the scar being on the wrong side in the play before this...
- I bet Zuko wishes it had been that easy to join the Gaang.
- Y’know what, I’m just gonna say it: the ribbon-bending is also pretty cool. 
- Do you think in like, a few years, the Ember Island Players are gonna revise the play to not only depict how the war actually ended, but also depict the Gaang as definitive good guys?
- You know it was a bad ending when you completely turned around the opinion of even your strongest supporter: Toph.
- You could really just replace the word “play” with “movie” and then you get the general opinion on The Last Airbender...
- I didn’t think this episode would just end there.
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