#literally i was thinking about it for days and could not stop until i drew them out like AAAAAA amazing SO AMAZING
nibbelraz · 1 year
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Fanart of @piojooojo's Idol Binghe AU
I can't stop thinking about how insane Shen Yuan would've been after the fact and I just loved Idol Binghe's outfit 😭💕
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noparadiseinthis · 15 days
English is not my first language. Bear with me, Grammarly helps, but it doesn't work miracles
I've never got past that part
Spencer Reid/fem!Reader
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Warnings: Literally none, just cuteness - if you ignore Spencer's slight insecurity.
Summary: Morgan encourages Spencer to ask out the barista at the nearby BAU coffee shop. Already expecting a rejection, he is surprised by the result. (I like to imagine Reid from the first season here, the one who had never asked anyone)
"Come on, handsome. You'll never know unless you ask her." Morgan said, adopting a big-brother demeanor with Spencer as he slipped one of his arms around the boy's neck. "First time for everything, huh?"
Spencer cursed the day he let Morgan know that he never asked anyone for a date. Since then, the man seemed to be on a mission to set him up on a date and as soon as he saw the red cheeks and wandering eyes the young doctor had for you, he knew immediately.
"You clearly have a crush on her."
"No, I don't." Spencer hissed, trying to get out of Morgan's grip. "And keep your voice down." He whispered gruffly, glancing quickly at you to make sure you hadn't heard anything.
Derek rolled his eyes, puffing out his chest to start a motivational speech, or his version of it, at least. "Look, I don't want to spend the rest of my life making fun of you for not going on a date. Stop wasting opportunities."
Spencer looked up at his friend, looking a little wary and shy as he asked, "Opportunities?".
"For a genius, you can be pretty oblivious. The girl has a crush on you too."
Reid's eyes widened, although he tried not to show too much reaction. Was it possible? That you look at him the way he looks at you. "You think?"
When Spencer met you, he was sure he was screwed, completely paralyzed by your appearance, and he embarrassed himself by spending long minutes in silence until he pulled himself together and made his request. With his increasingly frequent visits - and the extra coffees he brought for the team members in the morning, which no one complained about - he saw beyond your beauty, and what he saw only made his crush grow stronger. He had already decided, however, to ignore it completely and let nature take its course and put an end to his feelings for you. But what if he didn't have to do that? What if it could be more?
"I'm sure."
The heart eyes, the excited smile you opened when you saw Spencer walk through the door and the way you blushed and fiddled with your hair while he ordered didn't lie. Reid may have missed those signs, but Derek didn't.
You watched the scene with more curiosity and amusement than you probably should have. In the corner of the café, the two men stood with their backs to you, Derek - the one you met today - cradling Spencer in one of his arms while they seemed to be having a serious discussion. You weren't the nosy type, but you'd give anything to know what they were talking about.
Spencer was a regular customer, as were several other FBI agents, but there was something special about the young genius who could recite complete passages of foreign poetry in their original language and still blush every time you drew a heart next to his name on the glass.
You liked to think that you put a dose of affection into every drink you made, but with his, you certainly took twice as much care, never failing to laugh at the huge amounts of sugar that were needed. You finished the two coffees, wrote the names on the cups even though you didn't need to at that point, and called out loudly. "Spencer and Derek."
Spencer was startled to hear his name called and Derek smiled at seeing his friend so affected. "Go on, tiger." He said with a laugh, pushing Spencer towards the counter and giving him an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
Spencer preferred to think that he didn't approach the counter as slowly as it seemed in his head. Thousands of phrases came to mind, but none of them seemed right. When he only took the coffee with a quick "thank you," turning to leave, Derek regretted it internally. No, kid, he thought with agony.
One step away from you and Reid reconsidered, taking a deep breath so as not to chicken out before turning back to you, who stared at his departure with the feeling that you had done something wrong since he hadn't stopped to have his usual conversation, which would normally last until work dragged him down or your manager started looking at you with something akin to anger
"I was thinking..." He began, but stopped midway, looking into your anxious eyes.
God, was that really happening? Was it what you imagined?
"Do you want to do something? One day when you're free." He said, scratching the back of his head.
It was what you had imagined. Your heart raced as you jumped inside. "Like a date?" You asked, just to make sure you hadn't taken it the wrong way.
And before he could turn around again, you gave your answer. "I'd love to!"
"Yeah, like a date." He replied, interpreting your question as surprise and refusal. "But it's not necessary, you know? Just... forget I said that."
That's it, kid! Derek smiled proudly, watching the two of you with total indiscretion.
Spencer's eyes widened, taking a few seconds to process the fact that you had accepted! It was real. Maybe Elle was right.
"That's... great." He said, a small, shy smile appearing as he looked away.
"And where are you taking me?" You asked, flirting with him a little.
That's when Spencer realized. "I don't know," he admitted embarrassedly, "I've never got past that part."
You laughed, but you didn't seem to be mocking him, you seemed to be laughing with him. "You're cute," you murmured, making him blush a little. You looked around, and when you saw that your manager wasn't around, you pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, wrote quickly, and handed it to him. "Tell you what, you decide where we're going and let me know, OK?"
He took your number as if it were some kind of treasure, his eyes a little delighted, and almost forgot to answer. "Of course! Yeah... I'll see you later."
"Bye, come again!" You exclaimed happily, returning to your dedicated barista facade.
As they left the establishment, Derek's huge smile returned, as did his arm around Spencer's neck. "I said, congratulations, big boy. You're a man now."
Spencer hardly minded the teasing this time, thinking about your smile and asking Gideon for the address of that restaurant he had praised.
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thebirdsandthebats · 1 year
Tim’s family thinks he can cook really well.
He didn’t mean for this to go so far. It had been a misunderstanding by a well-meaning Dick the last time he was in Gotham and stopped by the boat to visit. Tim had reheated some leftovers in his fridge from the night before, and Dick’s eyes lit up the moment Tim set the plates down.
“Wow, that looks amazing,” he’d commented. Tim, exhausted from a long patrol and preoccupied with dread of having to wake up early, had merely agreed. Of course Bernard’s cooking looked amazing. He was almost as big on presentation as he was on flavor.
“Yeah. Tastes even better.”
What he didn’t realize was that Dick had assumed he made the food. Which wouldn’t have been a problem if not for the fact that Dick loved to brag on his siblings. The next week, Stephanie stopped by unannounced to visit.
“I can’t believe how much you like it here. In a good way, obviously,” she’d grinned while Tim heated up some of the french onion soup that his boyfriend had made him. Tim laughed as he used a terry cloth to handle the hot bowl, placing it down in front of Steph.
He sat next to her with his own bowl. The random visits were odd. But on the bright side, the need to be a good host was kind of forcing him to eat on a more normal schedule. Two birds, one stone he guessed.
“Yeah. I like the marina a lot,” he blew lightly on his spoonful, the soup still steaming hot. “The atmosphere is so different from anywhere I’ve lived. I think being around the marina folk has been good for me—”
Tim looked over, startled by the outburst. Steph was staring at her soup with wide eyes. Her hand covered her mouth. Tim’s brows drew close together in confusion. “Are you okay? Did you burn your tongue?”
Steph grabbed his shoulder in a firm grip. “You’ve been holding out on us!” She accused.
“You’ve been sticking to easy foods when you cook at the manor, but here you have the good stuff!” Tim frowned at her words. The realization was beginning to sink in. Did she think he made the soup? He knew how to cook, but he was nowhere near his boyfriend’s level. Bernard was literally in school to be a chef. He liked to practice his assignments at Tim’s boat, suffering through using his poor excuse for a kitchen all so he could leave Tim with the food when it was finished.
Tim opened his mouth to break the news to Steph, but their phones rang out with the high pitched drone that meant someone needed backup. Stephanie sighed. She lifted the bowl and downed all she could in a few swallows before leaping to her feet. “Job never ends, huh?” She offered Tim a hand up, and he took it without hesitation.
“Nope. Let’s suit up.”
After that night, Tim forgot to correct her. He was busy, and his family getting the wrong idea about his cooking abilities just didn’t make the top of his priority list. Bernard kept cooking when he spent nights over, and family kept dropping by on other nights, somehow never crossing paths. Tim’s neighbors seemed perplexed on how he’d gone from only ever letting his boyfriend in to having company every other night. And Tim just…couldn’t find the right moment to set the record straight.
Everything came to a head in the summer, not too long after Tim’s birthday. He was sprawled out on his couch, head resting in Bernard’s lap as the blonde’s fingers scratched lightly at his scalp. It was the lazy kind of day they didn’t often get to spend together, and Tim was feeling warm and drowsy. That was, until his phone dinged with several text notifications, and he dug it out with a grumble to see who needed him.
stop spamming the gc
Dick: it’s august .. here we go
Steph: birthday month babey!!
Duke: my wallet…
Cass: Dami, Jason, Steph, and Duke all get the bday cake in their contact names :)
Steph: Tim I know you’re lurking. for the birthday month we all want you to bring GOOD FOOD TO THE FUNCTION PLS AND TY
Damian: do not forget my dietary restrictions if you do so.
Steph: you text like you’re 84
Tim groaned and let his phone clatter to the floor. Bernard’s fingers paused in his hair. “Bad news?” He asked, concern painting his voice.
Tim shook his head and scrubbed at his face with his hands. “Not really. It’s just—um. You know how you always leave food here for me?” He tilted his head back to look Bernard in the face, and his breath caught for a moment when he saw that his boyfriend was already looking down at him.
He snickered at Tim’s expression. “Yeah? Do you need more?” He asked. Tim was baffled by the question. His fridge hadn’t been empty in ages, and even with his frequent guests, Bernard made such large portions that it took him days to finish a dish. He had more than enough.
“No, it isn’t that. My family…” he hesitated, wondering how dumb this was going to sound. But Bernard was waiting, watching him expectantly, and these days he’d started filling in the gaps himself whenever Tim’s words trailed off thoughtfully. If he didn’t finish speaking quickly, Bernard would have an entirely new problem invented.
“…um, they think I can cook.”
Bernard burst out laughing.
Tim’s face burned pink. “Wh—hey,” he complained at the reaction. “I know how to cook, why are you laughing?”
Bernard wiped the corner of his eye, giggling like a maniac. “Sorry, sorry! You said that like you were coming out to me, and also I’ve seen you sauté,” he managed, and Tim rolled his eyes at the memory. He had sautéed just fine…mostly.
When Bernard was finished laughing at him and had caught his breath again, Tim explained his situation and showed him the texts. He raised an eyebrow. “Jeez. Four August birthdays? And they expect you to cook for all of them?”
Tim sighed. “Yeah. I could just tell them they’ve got the wrong guy, but now it’s birthday month and we’ve gotta plan quick.” It was actually a very rare occurrence that they got together for every birthday in August. Their schedules were so unpredictable. But all 4 was the goal.
Bernard chewed his lip in consideration. “Okay. What if…you give me a list of each of their favorite foods and any restrictions, and I’ll make the food.” He proposed. Tim sat up, turning to face the blonde fully now.
That was way too much work for somebody already cooking for assignments. Plus, Tim didn’t want to pretend he was the one cooking anymore. He said as much to Bernard, who refused to look fazed.
“First off, I can cook 4 meals in my free time. Easy. And second off, I guess you’ll just have to bring me with you to clear up any misunderstandings,” he grinned.
Tim perked up instantly. That was…a perfect solution, actually. Everything would be cleared up, he wouldn’t have to show up without what was expected of him, and the best part, he’d get to bring Bernard with him. He’d been itching to start working his boyfriend into more of his family’s meetups because it was looking like their relationship was pretty serious. He wanted to be able to bring him to their holidays, parties, and dinners. This was a perfect opportunity to start.
He leaned in and kissed Bernard’s cheek. It would never cease to amuse him how a real kiss on the lips was nothing to his boyfriend, but Tim kissing his face always had him turning red.
“Oh.” Bernard touched his face. “You have a crush on me or something?” He teased weakly, and Tim laughed as he settled back down on the couch, his head resting in Bernard’s lap as his fingers found his hair again.
A week later, Tim showed up to the manor with Bernard following close behind, a pan of vegan chili noodles in his arms. Dick opened the door. He beamed once he saw Tim.
“Hey! C’mon, everyone is already inside, so if you brought the food you can…” he trailed off as he finally spotted Bernard behind Tim, who was fighting to keep a straight face. He blinked. “Oh, is this…?”
Bernard carefully balanced the dish in one hand and stretched out the other in greeting. “I’m the chef.” He said with barely contained glee.
The realization seemed to hit Dick all once. His mouth parted in surprise. He glanced back and forth between Tim and Bernard. Finally, he shook his head in disbelief. “You know, this actually makes…so much more sense. Sorry, Tim.”
“Wh—excuse me, what’s that supposed to mean?”
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stxrrynightskies · 6 months
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✩°。⋆ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: m. fushiguro x reader
⋆。° ✮ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: you pull megumi out on a particularly rainy day, and end up soaked
‧₊˚✩ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒: canon universe but isn’t related to the plot, fluff, a little kissy kiss, dancing in the rain, established relationship, megumi being a sweetheart, cuddling, megumi’s divine dogs are just really cuddly puppies
ೃ༄ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1.5k
⋆ ˚。⋆ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: i wish i lived somewhere where it rains more frequently so i could dance in the rain with someone (oh and my requests are open)
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You look out of the classroom window and notice the rain pouring down on the street. The class seems to be going very slowly and Gojo is rambling on and on about something. Everyone is on the verge of falling asleep, especially Itadori and Kugisaki. You glance at Megumi to see that he is already fast asleep with his head down.
“You’re all free to go.” Gojo swung his legs off of the table and simply walked out of the class, completely disregarding the four of you.
“Finally.” Kugisaki followed closely behind, most likely heading towards her dorm.
You watched as Itadori did the same, stretching his arms and waving goodbye to you as he left the room, leaving you alone with Megumi, who was still sleeping.
“Megumi.” You poked. “Come on, class is over.”
All you got in response was a soft hum as Megumi shifted slightly, turning his head to face the other direction, a low grumble escaping as he did so.
“Five more minutes…” He waved you away.
“Fine, I’ll just leave you here then.” You shrugged, standing up and slowly making your way towards the exit.
Before you could fully make it out of the room, Megumi was right beside you. His looming figure staring down at you with a hint of annoyance.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He scoffed.
“Anywhere that’s not in there.” You shrugged. “Class is over and I’d rather not spend the rest of my day in the classroom.”
You began walking in silence down the hall, occasionally sneaking glances at each other and linking fingers as you went. As you got closer to the front of the school, you were suddenly reminded of the fact that it was raining outside. The sound of the rain hitting the ground drew you in as you stopped to look outside.
Megumi stopped as well, his eyes switching from you to the weather outside. His eyes narrowed as if he knew what you were thinking. And he was right. You turned to look at him with wide, mischievous eyes.
“No.” The boy stopped you before you could suggest some stupid idea.
“But.” You pout.
“Absolutely not.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, looking up at Megumi with pleading eyes. He already knew what you wanted to do without the need to say anything.
But when he looked away with a stern resolve, your fake sadness started turning into disappointment.
“Alright…” You feigned innocence before stripping off your jacket and shoes.
If he wasn’t going to join you, you might as well have a little fun yourself. You toss your jacket to Megumi and kick your shoes to the side.
“What are you doing?” The boy eyes you.
“Enjoying the weather!” You yell as you rush through the door into the courtyard, quite literally soaking up the rain.
Megumi just watched as you began splashing around the puddles, a small smile ghosting his lips. You were in your element, happily spinning around and the rain as it dotted your face.
As your excitement began to fade into something more serene, you thought it would be a good idea to lay down, looking up at the sky and the rain continued to pour, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. You stared up, admiring the clouds that filled the sky before eventually closing your eyes to focus solely on the feeling of the water.
It wasn’t until you felt a presence approaching that you opened your eyes to see a pair of dark eyes staring down at you.
“I thought you weren’t coming.” Your face splits into a grin.
“Shut up.” He mumbled, helping you stand up.
You take his hand, pulling him to a large puddle forming in the middle of the courtyard, jumping straight in without a second thought. And because you were holding onto his hand, he had no choice but to follow.
Despite his dislike for the rain, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort wash over him as he watched you smile, drenched hair clinging to your face. He was absolutely smitten with you, even if he would never admit it to anyone.
His thoughts were abruptly stopped when you took his hand with yours, placing your other on his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” He looks down as your feet start to move, guiding him back and forth.
“Dance with me!” You continue to move, pushing him back and pulling him forward as you smile.
Megumi couldn’t help but return your expression. Your smile was just so contagious. His body moved on its own, leading you, spinning you, smiling when you would step on his toes. He completely ignored the dizziness that followed once you stopped moving.
You stared into his eyes, taking in his soaked form. Hair sticking flat on his face, clothes dripping with water. His gaze flicked from your eyes to your lips, a certain look on his face. A begging look. For permission to kiss you. Not because he’s afraid you’ll reject his affections, but because he wants to make sure you want it too.
His silent question was answered when you leaned in, pressing your lips together. He was quick to wrap one hand around the back of your neck, the other finding its way to your waist, pulling you closer. Once you pull away, you notice he was shivering. Which also led you to start shivering.
Megumi was quick to notice your body shaking as he started pulling you back towards the school entrance. “Come on, you’ll catch a cold.”
“‘Kay.” You follow him.
When you walk in, you’re immediately greeted by Megumi’s divine dogs, quietly watching over your belongings. Once they spot you, they immediately abandon their sitting position and run over to the two of you, tackling you.
“Hello, my little cuties! Did you miss me?” You happily begin playing with the pair. Megumi usually doesn’t call upon them unless they’re necessary when fighting curses, but sometimes, you get lucky and he summons them for you.
As you continue showering them with affection, you can hear Megumi grumble from beside you. Even after the past few months of dating, he still can’t believe that his divine dogs always choose you over him.
“Don’t be jealous, Megs. I’m just that lovable.” You flash a sly smile.
“‘m not jealous.” He quickly refutes.
“Sure you’re not.”
With a quick roll of his eyes, Megumi retrieves your belongings and starts walking back to your dorm rooms, already knowing you’d follow. You get up and trail just behind him, his divine dogs on either side of you.
Once you finally arrived in front of Megumi’s dorm, you stopped, fully prepared to say goodbye and walk back to your own room. But Megumi had other ideas.
“Aren’t you coming in?” He asked once he noticed your figure standing outside the door.
“Huh? Oh- I was just gonna go back to my room-” You started.
“Just come in.” The boy was quick to cut you off, gesturing you inside.
Before you can protest, you feel one head nudge you into the room, while the other closes the door behind you. Megumi sets all of your stuff down by his bed and gestures to the shower.
“You shower first.” He points.
“Shouldn’t you shower first? It’s your room.”
“Not the point. I don’t want you getting sick.” You hear a slight grumble in his voice.
Megumi didn’t look like he was going to give it up, leaving you no choice but to step into the washroom and shower.
Once the two of you finally warmed up thanks to the shower (and an oversized sweater that Megumi so graciously threw at your face to wear), you settled on his bed, wrapped up in his blanket, his divine dogs nestled on top of you.
“I like this.” You smile.
“You like my dogs.” The dark-haired boy rolls his eyes. “You always beg to see them.”
“They’re adorable! Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because they’re meant for combat against cursed spirits? And besides, you should be wanting to see me more than them.”
The last part of his statement made you laugh. Though it came out as more of a mumble, you were still able to hear it quite clearly.
“I knew it! You are jealous of them.” You poke the boy’s cheek.
“Am not.” He swats your hand away.
“Are too!”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Your playful banter continued going back and forth until Megumi finally decided he had enough, grabbing your face with both hands and placing a firm kiss on your lips. One that you happily reciprocated.
He pulls away, a triumphant look on his face. “There.”
If the flush on your face wasn’t a telltale sign of defeat, your reaction was. You buried yourself under the covers with an audible grumble. A small “I hate you,” to be exact.
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too.” He said softly.
You couldn’t help but appreciate moments like these. Where it was just the two of you, loving each other without others watching. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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michibap · 2 months
jschlatt and a chronically offline gf
-i do not give a Fuck about where u guys meet
-all i know is that you two are introduced when he fails to stop himself from Actually laughing out lout when he sees you whip out a cracked to shit iphone 5c
-and while it's a bit of a rocky start, bc youre like 'WHO is this hairy motherfucker and WHY is he laughing at me',
-you two find you actually have quite a bit of common ground
-the conversation flows fairly well, with the two of you sharing similarly dry senses of humor and a mutual appreciation for retro technology
-you listen to him ramble on about some game you've never heard of and he listens to you talk about a cool book you're reading that has a similar plot
-he notices you kinda just smile and nod when he makes some pop culture references that would usually get him some laughs, but he brushes it off
-maybe the two of you get separated at some point, with promises to pick up later
-but he doesn't see you again
-so he takes to the internet and tries to find your social media
-he kind of feels like a freak seeking you out like this, but something about you just drew him in
-what's the worst that could happen from him just looking up your name on a few social media platforms?
-and i'll tell you.
-coming up with fucking NOTHING
-and he feels fucking crazy because there's NO WAY that he can't find you any where
-he’s been making the internet his bitch since he learned to read
-if anyone should be able to find somebody on socials, it would be him
-but after tabbing through the search bar on five platforms, his goal shifts from finding your profile and shooting you a quick dm
-to proving that you exist
-and he’s not spiraling into schizophrenic mania
-he's checked instagram, twitter, snapchat, reddit, facebook, fucking myspace
-an hour later, he found himself scrolling through linked in and decided to put it to rest
-the only evidence that you're an actual human who exists is some article that you were in from when you were in high school, and you being in the profile picture of your mother's private facebook account
-and part of him feels a little bit like a creep after scouring the internet to find anything he can about the girl he talked to literally ONCE
-he decides to give up, resigning himself to the fact that if he was meant to find you, he would have by now
-so he lets it go, and goes about life as usual
-until around three days later, when he catches a vaguely familiar face in the crowd
-and he sees you see him too, looking a little confused, but nonetheless pleased to see him
-he forces himself to BUCK THE FUCK UP and ask for your number
-apologizes for seeming forward and sheepishly admits to not being able to find your socials
-gives you a confused look when you laugh,
“That tracks, I'm not into social media like that."
-you exchange phones to type in your respective numbers
-rolling your eyes when he makes fun of your home button
okay cutie headcanons NEOW
-your first date is obvi at an arcade
-and it smells like feet and there are offputting teenagers at every turn, but you two have a blast playing games together and trying to sabotage one another
-him choosing the stupidly huge stuffed gorilla off the prize wall and turning to you with a cheesy grin
"I don't know what you think this is, but I am not taking that fuckin' thing home."
-he shrugs, handing it off to you
-smile growing larger when you accept it with open arms despite your frown, struggling to hug it to your chest due to it's absurd size
"You hafta."
"Where am I supposed to put it?"
-another shrug,
"I dunno, 's why I'm giving it to you."
-him laughing and struggling to push the plush away as you shove it in his face, attempting to force him to take it back,
"No, I will NOT allow this creature to fuck with my feng shui."
-he finds out you carry a digital camera on you bc your phone will actually explode if you try to take a picture with it
-and he just KNOWS he's finally found someone to match his freak
-cutie disposable camera pics :(((
-u letting him go through your photo albums and he's cheesing, picking up the pictures with such care, not wanting to ruin them but wanting to get a closer look
-forcing him to get out of the house by noon and touch grass
-and he'll groan and grumble as you drag his ass out of bed
-but some of his favorite moments with you are in an ambient cafe or at the park, people watching, getting some work done, or just enjoying one another's presence
-reading to him 🤭 and him giving commentary on whatever you read
-"Have you heard about-"
"Probably not."
-him dragging you kicking and screaming back onto the internet (you don't actually mind)
-just bc the content is so good
-making you sit beside him while he scrolls through his reddit or tiktok submissions
-and when you're inevitably confused and a little disturbed he'll go on a tangent to explain why what he's showing you is funny
-multiple viral clips of him explaining internet lore to you
"This one goes all the way back to vine-"
"Oh, I remember vine!"
"Pause, you were on vine?"
-chat's only real access to you is through him, not even the sleuthiest internet stalkers are able to find you
-so ofc they're all vying for your attention on the occasion that you appear on stream
-you stop in to drop off a snack or water or sth and he's like
"Wait stay 🥺"
and you're like
-so the internet watches him wrangle you into a bean bag chair and just chill there for the rest of the stream
-sometimes you'll interact and give input, most of the time it's not too dissimilar from having one of the cats in the background
-with you just chilling doing your own thing in the background, often with one of the said cats curled in your lap
-the internet screaming and crying and shitting its pants because they KNOW there's untapped jambo and [redacted] content on your phone that they'll never get to see
-i feel like the disconnect between his work and his personal life (you) could kind of be a double edged sword
-bc on one end, when he's with you he gets to completely remove himself from anything work related and really unwind
-on the other, sometimes the two of you will struggle to relate to one another bc of how differently your work and social lives operate
-chatting on stream and he has to scramble to clap a hand over your mouth bc you still don't quite have the "influencer" rules down, like not providing any real names or locations or anything like that
-there being a certain subsection of viewers who are dedicated to finding out everything they can abt u which is kinda freaky
-but it makes casually dropping lore sososo fun
-him ranting about twitch/youtube beef or whatever and he's using people's usernames instead of real names out of habit
-there's a break in his tirade and he turns to where you're sitting at the counter, listening very intently and nodding
"Right, right... and these are people we're talking about?"
-traveling with him 😭
-he was completely prepared to be leading you around japan
-but you've been without iphone for so long that you still have the lost skill of rawdogging the world
-he gets the two of you lost by getting on the wrong train, because some app something or other was lagging
-the train dropping you off at some fuckass station in rural Japan and he's panicking but you BOSS that shit
-him being nervy about you meeting his friends because he KNOWS they might seem a little odd to any other traditionally adjusted adult
-nd you having to be like "I put up with your shit all the time."
-and of COURSE it goes well because why wouldn't it
- “who put this regular-ass cat in the zoo”
-he thinks it was a success
-until you call him a rizzler in the car on the way home
-him freezing and turning in his seat to stare at you for a beat
"... Who taught you that?"
"I've been sworn to secrecy."
-coming to your apartment the first time and being a little appalled at the fact that you still watch cable television
"I don't know how you fuckin' live with these ads every three seconds..."
"The TV is usually only on when you're here, my love."
-you have a really old pc set in your house for when you have to answer emails at home
-im talking like iMac G3
-he's figuring out how to stream on that shit, he doesn't care if it KILLS HIM
-i think chronically offline gf would be his PEACE
-no sigma, no rizz, no skibbidi toilet
-bringing in a sense of normalcy that grounds him in a way he didn't even know he needed
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cal-flakes · 1 year
i am completely obsessed with this whole soft dom dealer rafe, and i was wondering if you could just make a head canon of how he’s an asshole to everyone but her
the comfort in realising others think the same as me is amazing AHHHHH
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╰┈➤ dealer!rafe hc’s
warnings: swearing, slightly nsfw, mentions of drugs and weapons.
: ̗̀➛ rafe cameron was an asshole, everyone in the outerbanks knew it very well.
: ̗̀➛ most people avoided him, whether that was down to him just being a complete dick, or the lifestyle he got himself mixed up in.
: ̗̀➛ he wasn’t a huge people person, and he certainly didn’t trust easily.
: ̗̀➛ he spent most of his time with barry, cutting deals and selling drugs together.
: ̗̀➛ that was until she came along.
: ̗̀➛ she, with the most contagious smile, who demanded his attention without even realising it.
: ̗̀➛ she was a sweet girl, too kind for her own good.
: ̗̀➛ she was the exact opposite of rafe cameron.
: ̗̀➛ but that was what drew him to her.
: ̗̀➛ he’d turn up at the wreck, where she worked, almost everyday and offer her a ride home.
: ̗̀➛ she always turned it down, hesitant to get mixed up with the man she’d heard so many bad things about.
: ̗̀➛ but he wasn’t like that with her, not at all.
: ̗̀➛ he was ecstatic the day she agreed.
: ̗̀➛ it became a routine from then on, he’d go about his shady business during the day, drive over to the wreck and wait for her shift to finish.
: ̗̀➛ they’d sit there for an hour or so, talking about anything and everything.
: ̗̀➛ once a relationship was established between the two, he was down bad.
: ̗̀➛ and when his friends mentioned it? oh he hated that shit.
: ̗̀➛ “man, you’ve snatched up a hidden gem country club!”
: ̗̀➛ “shut up barry”
: ̗̀➛ “hey top, you think rafe’s boned her yet? i heard y/n’s a prude, never lets up..”
: ̗̀➛ “keep her fucking name out of your mouth”
: ̗̀➛ little did they know, she was bending to his will every night, literally.
: ̗̀➛ he adored the way she was everything he wasn’t, that was what made them such a good pair.
: ̗̀➛ she was a sworn rafe cameron sympathiser, she knew he could be mean, she knew he could be violent, but she also knew why.
: ̗̀➛ he kept her away from his family the best he could, not wanting them to taint her anymore than he already had.
: ̗̀➛ he struggled when it came to his sisters however, y/n got along so well with them. and though he’d never admit it, it warmed his heart.
: ̗̀➛ “hey, where you going princess?”
: ̗̀➛ “oh, wheezie said she needed help with something..”
: ̗̀➛ “hm..she never asked me..”
: ̗̀➛ “maybe she just prefers a happy soul? someone who lightens the mood?”
: ̗̀➛ “oh shut up, im not that bad”
: ̗̀➛ “oh yes you are, you big grump”
: ̗̀➛ the doors to an insiders take on his lifestyle we’re double locked, for her at least.
: ̗̀➛ the last thing he wanted was for her to end up hurt, in anyway.
: ̗̀➛ and keeping her away from that, staying quiet about the soft girlfriend he had back at home, was his best bet.
: ̗̀➛ but when his worst nightmare came true? when she was nabbed by some nasty people before she arrived at work, he couldn’t think straight.
: ̗̀➛ if anything he himself got meaner, more volatile.
: ̗̀➛ he stopped at nothing to make sure he got her home safely, he and barry stocked up on firearms before storming the house she was being kept in for ransom.
: ̗̀➛ his heart almost broke in half when he saw her frail, broken state.
: ̗̀➛ “i’ve got you angel, i’ve got you..”
: ̗̀➛ where he could help it, he swore to never let her out of his sight again.
: ̗̀➛ from then, he was always a few week behind her, scanning the areas they frequented for threats.
: ̗̀➛ wherever she went, rafe cameron was never far behind.
: ̗̀➛ she had him wrapped around her little finger.
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
bf!hoshi scenarios <3
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happy hoshi day <3 here are a few little bf!hoshi scenarios for his bday <3
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bf!hoshi who you remember was so nervous on his first date with you. he fumbled with his words and was a nervous wreck. but you just look so pretty?? he lost all his train of thought the moment he saw you. he bought you flowers on your first date and you're trying not to burst into a smile because this is the first some a guy has brought you flowers and you're heart is squealing with happiness. but hoshi thinks that maybe you don't like the flowers, and he tries to rectify the situation. "oh did you not like them- i didn't know which ones you'd like- i'm sorry i should have-", only for you to cut him off by saying that you loved them and you beam up at him. he laughs nervously and rubs the back of his neck and he's relieved you liked them. he really wanted to make a good first impression on you ><
bf!hoshi who would absolutely and completely be WHIPPED for you. his heart would be filled with so much love for you <3 and he's such a passionate lover. he's always finding some way to make you smile, whether it be telling a lame joke or complimenting you until you're a shy mess. your laugh is music to his ears and he absolutely adores it. sometimes he'll sit thinking about you with a goofy smile on his face. you are quite literally his world, you meant so much to him, and is just so so grateful to have you in his life. he'd be protective of you but only because he loved you so much - you meant the world to him and he hated seeing you go through pain. his heart would break if you cried. he loves you so passionately, so wholly, he's not afraid to show his love for you.
bf!hoshi who would follow you around like a lost puppy on mornings when you had to go to work early but he didn't want you to leave yet, so he'd always walk you to the bus stop no matter how many times you told him you could go alone. so you'd walk hand in hand as you'd go to the bus stop together and he'd wave you goodbye as the bus left, horanghaeing with the sweetest smile as he waves buy to you.
bf!hoshi who would know if you were upset or sad, understanding rippling through his eyes, coming to comfort you immediately. he'd give you the sweetest cuddles as he asked you if anything was wrong and if you wanted to talk about anything, he was here. he never forced you to talk if you didn't want to, respecting your boundaries. if you were having a bad day, he'd be able to tell immediately because you don't greet him like you usually do and his smile slowly drops from his face. he glances over at you, thinking maybe you didn't hear him but you're lost in your own world, buried under the sheets on the couch, trying to read a book to get mind off things but it doesn't seem to be working. he gently comes over to you, a small frown on his face as he sits on the empty part of the couch as pokes your leg gently, making you finally look up at him. he won't ask any questions as you adjust your position and end up snuggling in his arms, burying your face in his chest as he pulls you closer. he kisses your forehead and asks you what you've been up to all day and if you were okay.
bf!hoshi who would come to bother you for attention. if he was feeling tired or just meh or bored, he'd waddle over to wherever you were. he doesn't even say anything as he scoops you in his arms and sits beside you, holding you close, or comes and lies on with his head on your lap as he looks up at you with a goofy smile that has you smiling as well. he'd love when you play with his hair and he'd eventually fall asleep sometimes. you love squishing his cheeks and maybe once when he fell asleep on your lap while you were studying, you took a pen and drew whiskers on his face while he slept soundly, completely oblivious. you sneak in a few pictures too and when he stirs awake, he asks you why you're smiling so much.
bf!hoshi who is just wholly and completely in love with you. he'd love holding your hand, whether it be walking together, or a reassuring squeeze of you were nervous and anxious. he'd always make sure you knew how much he cared and loved you and would never ever want you to doubt his love for you. he'd love to tell you super funny and cheesy pickup lines even if you can complete half of them before gets to and is all pouty is disheartened because "i spent the entire day searching those up and you knew every single one of them and also would be like, "how do you even know all of those, have guys flirted with you alot 🤨"
bf!hoshi who gets jealous a little too easily and ends up being clingy. you think it's because he just wants attention but you soon realize it's because he'd jealous and you find it so cute. he'd holding your hand and pulling you closer to him as you talk to this guy, who was clearly trying to flirt with you. finally pulls you away and kisses your cheek, making sure the guy sees you so he knows you're taken. is mumbling about how you're too pretty and that you should do at-home dates instead (as a joke). he'd love to take you out to new cafes and restaurants and explore new places with you, trying new food and giving food reviews to each other, it would be so wholesome <3
bf!hoshi who would have the most squishable cheeks ever. like he could be talking to you about something and you just grab his cheeks and squish them, giggling out loud when you see his confused expression. "y/n!", he drawls out, his cheeks still squished, his lips puckered and you peck his lips before crashing into his arms for a hug. "you're so cute", you say, pulling back as you look at him and he grins widely. "i'm cool, not cute", he corrects. "you're cool and cute", you tell and he just gives you a look and pecks your cheek.
bf!hoshi whose pout is so freaking adorable. when he's confused or just blank he goes pout and it makes you :( every time. (his pout is so cute i'll cry)
bf!hoshi would kinda panic and be a little clumsy and clueless if you were sick or weren't feeling too good. he'd just frown when you refuse to eat anything he presents to you, saying you're not hungry. but he's not having it. he will then finally make you some chicken soup or porridge and feed you telling you he made it with love as he holds the spoon to your mouth with a pout, waiting for you to take a bite. "it's dripping with love, babe please try it, one bite :( ", he coaxes and you do. it's surprisingly not so bad and you gobble up the rest because it turns out you were hungry. he'll clean up the kitchen (which was a...mess) but then he's coming over to cuddle with you only for you to push him away. "no we can't cuddle you'll catch my cold!", you exclaim and he just steps back with a pout and decides to sit by the edge of the bed like an abandoned puppy who's not getting attention. "i won't catch your cold hm", he says looking at you but you shake your head. "nope, you're sleeping in the other room tonight hoshi im sorry", you say as you blow your nose. he'd so dejected and now he wants nothing more than to cuddle you. but when you wake up with a coughing fit in the night, you don't even know when hoshi came but you feel his hands on your back as he gently rubs your back, trying to help ease you. he's coming back with some warm water and you're too tired to complain about how he's scooping you in his arms and settling next to you. only managing to mumble out a "you'll catch my cold". he shushes you telling you not to worry about that.
bf!hoshi who would want to slow dance with you in the living room because your date night got canceled since the rain decided to crash your plans. so here you were, in the dim light slow dancing with hoshi. you're shy smile softly as you try to sway and not step on his feet in the process. the patter of the rain blends in perfectly with the slow, soft music playing, and hoshi looks down at you with the fondest smile, so entranced by you in that moment. it's like he's fallen in love with you all over again.
happy hoshi day <3
taglist: @joshuaahong @naaaaafla @slytherinshua @daisycheols @rubywonu @fairyhaos @wheeboo @icysungho @nyang3racha @wqnwoos
reblogs/feedback is appreciated!
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ateotd-izzy · 10 months
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anti-hero | joel dawson x fem!reader
“i wake up screaming from dreaming one day i’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all its meaning”
after everything that had happened to you over the last 7 years in the literal apocalypse, you’ve developed some serious issues with trust.
“it’s me, hi, i’m the problem, it’s me”
and maybe a few insecurities too. but that could just be your fault.
“at tea time everybody agrees”
so when you and your boyfriend joel go out to the surface to find his ex-girlfriend aimee, the only person left from his old life, you start feeling like, well, a problem.
“i’ll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror”
warnings: insecure reader?? idk none really
“it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
you followed behind joel as he walked ahead, looking down at the map your colony had given the two of you.
he was so dead-set on going to find aimee and her colony that you only went with him because you knew there was a chance that if you didn’t, you would never see him again.
but there he was, happy and oblivious as he walked down the overgrown street.
what if he didn’t want you there? what if he just wanted to go alone to get away from you? what if he wanted to leave you behind? what if he still liked aimee? what if-
you looked up to see joel staring back at you expectantly. he had stopped walking and was now looking back at you.
“i asked if you’re okay.” he repeated, taking a few steps over to you. “are you?”
“yeah, joel, i’m fine.” you smile at him and he smiles back.
“you sure?” he asked, pushing a bit of hair away from your eyes.
“yes, i’m sure.”
“good.” he pecked your lips before taking your hand in his. “come on.”
he seemed like he still loved you, but what if he was just pretending because you were there and he didn’t want to hurt your feelings? what if he’s just a really good actor?
you tried to push those thoughts from your head. at least for the time being.
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the more your trip had gone on, the worse you felt.
you had major anxiety over the entire situation, and you felt horrible because the closer you got to the beach meant the closer you were to aimee.
and you could not stop thinking about how either of you could die at any moment, even with the help of two strangers you had met.
joel seemed over the moon the closer you got to the beach and he would keep on talking about aimee as you walked.
“you know, she actually got me these pencils.” joel told you as he drew the large frog-like creature the two of you had encountered just a few days earlier into his book.
the dog you had found, boy, was curled up by your leg as you ate.
clyde and minnow, the two strangers who had been helping the two of you survive for the last day or so, were sat on the opposite side of the fire.
“yeah, you mentioned that already, kid.” clyde mumbled, his mouth full of the beans he was eating. “i think your girlfriend’s getting sick of it.”
your head shot up, scaring boy for a moment, while joel’s turned to look at you.
“i’m fine. i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you shrugged it off, even if it were true.
you didn’t need joel to know about your worries or insecurities when it came to aimee.
he just seemed so excited and you felt like maybe you were the one thing that was stopping him from feeling happy.
so instead you focused on the dog in your lap, stroking and playing with boy until your small group had to leave.
as clyde and minnow led, boy running circles around the young girl, joel fell back to walk beside you.
“what’s going on with you?” he asked softly. “you okay?”
you nodded and joel gave you a look.
“i’m fine.” you insisted.
“you know you can talk to me… right?”
his words sounded genuine, and his facial expression was easily readable. he looked concerned.
“yeah, of course.” you put on a smile. “don’t worry, joel.”
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you were no longer with clyde and minnow when you and joel reached the old broken down motel you decided to stay at for the night.
it was storming outside as you, your boyfriend, and your dog ran for shelter.
joel had been extra happy since he had killed one of the monsters and saved boy.
“wow.” joel breathed out, looking at the rain, and you tore your eyes away from him to look out at the sky.
rain was something you had missed from the outside world.
“you know, i haven’t felt the rain in seven years.” joel said to boy and you just kept watching the storm. “pretty cool. pretty cool.”
joel then wrapped his arms around your body and sat his chin on your shoulder. he pressed a short kiss to your neck, and you didn’t move.
your attention was entirely focused on the rain. you had forgotten how much you had loved it.
back when you were a teenager, you used to sit by your window whenever it would storm and just watch the rain, soft music playing from your headphones.
it was your favorite weather.
“how’re you doing?” joel asked quietly and you turned your head a little.
“i’m fine.” you responded, ignoring the few tears that had pricked in your eyes due to all the emotions you had been feeling.
“hello.” a sudden robotic voice spoke from behind you and joel spun around, letting his arms fall from your waist.
joel started walking inside, towards the voice, and you sat down, watching the rain fall.
you could hear some kind of electronic whirring, but didn’t turn your head.
“holy shit. you’re alive.” joel’s voice came from behind you. “i mean… you’re on.”
“i have 51 minutes of power left. what is your name?”
“uh, i’m joel. my name is joel.”
after he introduced himself, you turned your head. boy came and curled himself up on your lap, letting you pet him.
you didn’t listen to what was going on behind you until joel called your name.
“y/n, you gotta come in here.” he chuckled. “it’s… it’s a real mav1s.”
you stood up, being careful not to hurt boy as you did so, and walked inside, sitting beside joel on the springy mattress.
“mav1s, this is my girlfriend, y/n.” joel introduced with a smile.
“hello, y/n.”
“hi.” you mumbled.
“joel, besides conversing with me, for which i am eternally grateful, may i ask what you are doing outside of your colony?”
“yeah, um…”
“did you steal food?” the mav1s’s eyes narrowed.
“no. no, i didn’t steal any food.” joel responded and you couldn’t help but snicker at his tone.
joel looked at you, noticing the fact that he hadn’t heard you laugh in quite a while.
he then looked back at the mav1s. “y/n and i are actually… on a quest. to find a girl. um, an old friend of mine, actually.”
“how lovely! what is her name?”
“uh, aimee. with one i and two e’s.”
you kissed joel’s cheek and walked outside again. you sat on the ground, right on the edge of the concrete so the rain would fall against your head.
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you hadn’t realized just how long you had zoned out for until you heard joel bringing mav1s outside and sitting her on the couch.
“i, uh, i need to pee.” joel picked up his crossbow and started walking away. “i’ll be back.”
was he leaving? oh, my god, was he ditching you?
“is something troubling you, y/n?” mav1s asked as you watched joel walk inside. “you can tell me anything, as i am an empathetic listener.”
you stood up as the rain slowed down and sat beside the mav1s on the old couch.
“also, my memory banks will be permanently erased in 14 minutes.”
you sat quietly for a moment before looking at the robot.
“did joel talk to you about aimee much?”
“only for a moment. he talked to her on his radio. why do you ask?”
“do you think he… likes her?” you asked.
“yes, i do think he likes his friend, as he-”
“no, no. no, mav1s, i meant, like… do you think he has, like, romantic feelings for her?”
“what makes you ask that?”
“before everything that happened, and before he met me in our colony, joel and aimee were together. aimee was his girlfriend before i was.” you sighed and leaned back in your seat. “i just… do you think he’s gonna leave me for her?”
“while he was talking to aimee on his radio, joel spoke very fondly of you.”
“am i crazy to be totally freaking out that joel’s gonna leave me forever?”
“what?” joel asked as he approached you again. you hadn’t even noticed him appear.
you went quiet. “nothing. it doesn’t matter.”
he sat himself beside you. “y/n, i’m never gonna leave you. why would you even think that?”
you looked down at your lap and shrugged. he crouched in front of you to meet your eyes.
you sighed at the confused look on his face. joel was always so clueless.
“aimee.” you answered.
“do you still have feelings for her?”
joel was silent for a moment, staring into your eyes. worry took over your features as you searched his face for some kind of answer to your question.
then a smile grew on joel’s face, which turned into a chuckle.
“what?” you asked and joel shook his head.
“nothing, you’re just funny.”
“joel, i’m being serious. why are you coming all this way for her? do you still have feelings for her?” you stared down at him and he rested his hands on your shoulders.
“y/n, i only have feelings for you. i swear.” his smile had softened as he spoke. “aimee’s someone from my past. yes, i dated her when i was 17, but that’s different now. i only want you. not aimee, not anybody.”
“then why..?”
“she’s my friend, and it’s been like 7 years. i just wanted to see what it’s like out here, and i haven’t seen anyone i knew before all this in over half a decade.”
joel frowned and put a hand on your cheek.
“i guess i just got excited. i forgot to ask if you were even okay with all this.”
a smile tugged on your lips. “it’s fine, joel.”
“i love you, okay?” he told you, his voice honest. “i love you.”
“i love you too.” you whispered out and leant forward to wrap your arms around his neck.
he hugged you tight and pulled you to your feet.
as he held you, he slowly rocked the two of you back and forth.
music slowly started to play, coming from mav1s, and joel smiled before spinning you around.
it was raining more, and joel pulled you out from under the shelter and into the rain.
his hair stuck to his face as he smiled, leaning forward and pecking you on the lips.
“you’re the only one for me, okay? don’t you ever doubt that for a second.” he mumbled into your ear as the two of you danced. “you’re my girl.”
you smiled and lifted your hand from his shoulder to push his hair from his eyes.
the two of you danced in the rain until mav1s’ power ran out and the music abruptly stopped.
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: how has this been in my drafts since june…
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n6ptunova · 10 months
need friends w benefits headcanons with chris pls (and him being crazy in love)
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friends with benefits • chris sturniolo
a/n: STOP YOU GET ITT thank uu for the request🫶 also idk if this counts as a headcanon i kinda got carried away mb😭
warnings: nsfw obv, some fluff, not proofread
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- you and chris hung around similar friend groups in la and you knew of the triplets, even had a lil crush on chris, but he didn’t know who you were till one day at a party he saw you talking to vinnie, a mutual friend.
- chris didn’t really mess around with la girls, partly bc he’s not looking for anything serious due to his commitment issues, and partly bc la is full of clout chasing influencers who talk.
- but when he saw you, the pretty girl with his vinnie’s arm resting around her shoulder? he wasted no time grabbing his brothers’ arms mumbling something about, “let’s go say hi.”
- the moment you met you got along like a house on fire, laughing at jokes only you two found funny, bouncing off each other the whole night and when you two were left alone, a few flirty remarks slipped here and there.
- you exchanged phone numbers that night and things quickly escalated, flirting intensified and after a few weeks you found yourself in his bed.
- you initially thought this would be a one time thing and so did he. neither of you wanted to risk the friendship you’ve built so far and have this be messy. but for some reason this felt…different.
- yes, it was your first time hooking up but he was already pussy-whipped. he couldn’t, for the life of him, stop fucking you.
- as shitty as this sounds, he usually preferred doggy style on one night stands so he wouldn’t have to see the girl’s face (plus he’s an ass guy wbk) but with you, it’s the first time he’s felt inclined to do missionary and he just couldn’t get enough.
- he’s already filled up the condom two rounds ago yet he’s still balls deep entranced by the euphoric feeling of being inside you. he only snaps out of it when your nails dig down his back and you manage to breathe out, “c-chris, too much.”
- “you can handle it for me, can’t you?” the way you tightened around him and arched your back gave him his answer.
- chris never hooks up with the same girl twice. he knows it’s a bad idea. so why was he calling you the next day to come over. and the day after that…and the day after th- you get the point.
- each time he said to himself it’ll be the last time, but he couldn’t help it. what was it about you that drew him in so much? you were the best he’s ever had. so he suggested the idea of friends with benefits, no strings attached and you agreed because he too, was the best you’ve ever had.
- you had no rules about fucking other people, but it’s not like he could anyway. every time he tried getting intimate with another girl, the only thing on his mind would be you, you’re what gets him going at this point. one time he couldn’t even get it up for another girl, it was the most embarrassing moment of his life.
- he thought it’s just a phase and over time he’ll get over it once fucking you gets repetitive. only, it never did. each time you did it was better than the last. he was convinced you had some sort of spell on him.
- you were the only girl he’s ever made love to. the only girl he ever enjoyed kissing while being inside of. the only girl that made him crave cuddling and aftercare so much he’d literally get withdrawals and be whiny if you weren’t in his arms after sex or vice versa. omg when did he get this soft??
- i don’t think he would tell anyone, even his brothers, that he has a fwb so you two would sneak around a lot in the beginning, until the others see you hanging out alone often, eating together, going to the arcades, bowling, the movies, everyone just assumed you’ve become best friends so no one questions it when you spend time in each other’s rooms (though nick and matt can tell you like each other but they don’t mention it)
- you only call him ‘chris’ when you’re hooking up, but when you’re hanging out or around people you refer to him as you do everyone else ‘bro,’ ‘dude,’ ‘dumbass,’ etc. so he associated you saying his name to sexual activities without even realizing.
- you called him by his name in a public setting once and he immedietly got a flashback of you moaning his name and became a flustered stuttering mess.
- he’d have little moments of confusion like when his heart skips a beat everytime he heard you laugh, and the overwhelming urge to make you do it again. and why did he want to be around you 24/7? inviting you everywhere him and his brothers go. making excuses to touch you in any way like having your knees touch sitting next to each other, or placing his hand on your waist to get past you.
- he didn’t understand what any of it meant but he convinced himself that’s probably how best friends are, i mean look at nick and madi, it’s the same thing, right?….right?
- i don’t think he really realizes he’s in love with you until one day he texted you he’s coming over and you told him you’re not home. that’s weird, where would you be at 2 am? “i’m at vinnie’s place”
- oh. why did that hurt? why does he care? it’s not like you had a rule about seeing other people, except he wasn’t seeing other people. he couldn’t see other people. and he kinda didn’t want you to either. that’s when it clicked. he loves you.
- he replied coldly and waited for the next time you see each other, he asked if you slept with vinnie and you said yes. from your pov, you were running away from your feelings for chris. you knew he doesn’t want a relationship and so to not get too attached you tried sleeping with someone else. but it didn’t work.
- you weren’t gonna tell him that but you sensed he was a bit jealous, you liked it. it ended up with you having angry jealous sex that night, but even though chris was roughly hammering you, the way he kissed your lips down to your neck was so soft and gentle, full of love.
- chris was so engulfed in the feeling that as he was reaching his high he ended up confessing, “fuck, i love you.” you were so fucked out that you didn’t even register what he just said until he dropped his body weight onto you, both of you catching your breath.
- “wait what did you say?” you’re both alert now, “oh- i said um…listen, i really don’t want you seeing other guys.”
- you smiled up at him, “then, i won’t.”
- “i also don’t want us to stay friends…i kind of wanna be more than that.”
- “and that would be?” you were teasing him at this point but you wanted to hear him say it.
- “i want to take you out on a date, and have you be my girlfriend. but if you don’t feel the same there’s no pressure-“
- “i’d love to be your girlfriend.” you cut him off, to his relief. he grinned and leaned down to kiss you, both of you smiling into it. after you pull away he rests his head on you while you play with his hair.
- “oh and chris,” he hummed in response, too tired to say anything, “i love you too.”
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romanarose · 1 year
Honest Mistake (Cowritten with @missdictatorme)
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Santiago "Pope" Garcia X Fem!Reader
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Birthday fic for me and Dolli! Her's was the 18th, mine is the 20th (TOMORROW AT LEAST IN THE US!!!) so we whipped this bad boy up together! It was a lot of fun, we worked well together and have similar humors. I think some parts you'll be able to tell who wrote what, but others it could honestly be either. I hope you enjoy, bc I think this is pretty stellar!
5k words
Summary: Santi goes into a panic one morning when he realizes it's your birthday, the first since you and him got together at Will's engagement party... and he forgot. In a hurry, he calls on his team to pull off a special day in order to make it seem as if he this all planned out ahead of time.
Warnings: some smut (fingering, oral), uuuhhh that's it? Content warning implied/referenced Nicolas Cage.
“God baby, you just woke up this soaked?”
“It’s doesn’t help you’ve been grinding your morning wood into my ass the last hour.”
Santi had his finger down your Star Wars pj pants as the two of you laid in bed on this sleepy sunday morning, Santiago spooning you. Santi loved how you looked like this. Don’t get him wrong, he loved how you looked in business casual for work, he loved how you looked when he took you out on a fancy date and you got all dressed up, but something about this drove him crazy. Maybe it’s because only he got to see you like this, or maybe it’s because he got to see this so often instead of the one night stands he was used to. There was something so fucking intimate about it.
And it just turned him on like crazy.
“Not my fault you look this goddamn good”
“I literally have drool dried to my cheeks right n- oh” There it was. Santi curled his fingers and hit that perfect spot inside your gushing core.
“Only way I can get you to shut the fuck up, huh? Make you moan like a little whore?”
“Hmmmm I think you should be just a little bit nicer to me considering it’s my birthday.”
It took all his will power for Santi to not stop finger fucking you right then and there, his face hidden behind you hiding the horror at himself. BIRTHDAY?!?! It can’t be your birthday. That was tomorrow, wasn’t it? No, no it was a Sunday… next Sunday? No, next Sunday was Will’s wedding- oh fuck it’s your birthday.
“Sure is, hermosa” Santi mumbled into your neck. “And I have a great day planned for you, starting with…” Flinging the blankets off the bed, Santi scrambled his way down your body, sliding off the pants and diving in, large nose and all, into your cunt. Santi put every goddamn ounce of energy he had into making you scream, licking and sucking away, only breaking away to nibble on your thighs for a breath while he finger fucked you, never once letting up on the sensations he was giving. 
“Fuck! Fucking hell Santiago, what’s- uuugghh, fuck, what’s gotten into you today?”
“Just trying to give my girl the best birthday ever!” He said, perhaps too enthusiastically. Only Ben get’s that fucking excited. Still you didn’t seem to find it odd because you were moaning his name as you came on his face, Santi lapping up every drop until he drew a second, smaller orgasm out of you. “Just lay here, princesa.” Still in a panic (and fucking hard, on top of it all) Santi went and drew you a bath. The perfect excuse to leave you alone with a towel, face mask, candle, and music going so you didn’t have to hear him hyperventilating.
How could he do this? How could he forget your birthday, his perfect fucking girlfriend who remembers every date from his birthday, to Frankie’s daughter Yasmine’s recitals to the anniversary of Tom’s death. And he couldn’t remember this? It’s a week on the dot before Will and Lana’s wedding, how could he forget! Between the wedding, the bachelor party, groomsmen duties and not to mention last month he signed Yaz up for a soccer camp which meant committing to picking her up from daycare for a few hours every day for the last week and of course he had to take her out for McDonalds after like the good uncle he was… you had just gotten lost in the flood.
This would not stand. He’d give you the best birthday he could pull together last minute or so help him god! He just needs a few reinforcements.
Benny’s Boys 😎
Pope: I fucked up.
Ironhead: You forgot her birthday, didn’t you. 
🐟: How the fuck do you remember, Will
No Call Sign: Will drinks respect women juice for breakfast 
Ironhead: It’s a week before my wedding. How did you forget?
Pope: I don’t know! But I need your help to fix this!
No Call Sign: Have you tried eating her out? That usually fixes things when May is mad
Ironhead: Jesus Christ Benjamin. Have some class.
Ironhead: Have you, though?
Pope: GUYS
Pope: Also, yes.
🐟: What do you need, Pope.
After a four way call on the balcony and planning that rivaled what it took to almost pull off Colombia (Why does Will have a white board and a corkboard with pictures of them all, you, Yazmine, Lana and red strig just ready to go?), a preliminary plan was made. Santi would start by taking you to brunch where Will would just have enough time to bring over a bouquet of flowers and put their names in for a table without being seen. Meanwhile, Frankie and Yaz were going to be working on a cake and Benny called up everyone you both knew (why does he have everyone’s numbers?). Lana was their man on the ground, updating the boards in an organized fashion she knew Will loved and keeping everyone on track. One task each would not be enough to get this done, they’d have to hussle the whole day to pull off what the 4 men had planned in an effort to make it seem like Santi scheduled this out ahead of time.
When Santi finished the calls and the grand plan was made, he walked back to the bedroom, just in time to see the bathroom door open. He quickly dove onto the bed, landing on top of the covers and he propped himself up on one elbow, acting relaxed.
"Enjoyed your bath, mi vida?"
You lifted an amused eyebrow, seeing that he bounced a little on the mattress and looked a bit out of breath, but you nodded.
"Yes, baby, it was perfect, thank you." - you blew him a kiss and walked to your closet to dress up.
He had a big house, much bigger and much nicer than your flat, but last night was spent at yours. When you two first dated, Santi set the rules by saying that he wants to keep things slow and casual (like with all of the women he had in the past, he loved fucking them, he respected them, but he wasn't the type to spend most of his free time with them). 
You agreed, not wanting to complicate things. The sex was great and he was fun to hang out with, and because of that you didn't want to rush things in case you get bored with each other too soon.
This plan flew right out the window when both of you spent your nights in separate beds, thinking about the other, missing the other.
The next time you had sex, Santi pulled you closer when you wanted to get up, get dressed and leave, asking you to stay the night, kissing your neck. You melted in his arms and cuddled close to him, and after having the best sleep of your life next to each other, it was almost impossible for both of you to let go of the other from then on.
Santi was surprised you and him were still together. Not because you two together weren't perfect. He just… never met someone who made him feel this… happy. Now he felt even worse for forgetting your birthday.
He watched you dress up with a soft smile, loving the way your body looked. When you were done he got up too, lifted your face up with one of his fingers and kissed your lips sweetly.
"How about I'll take you to that restaurant you eye fuck everytime we pass it? For brunch?"
Your eyes widened. That restaurant was… expensive.
You opened your mouth to protest and Santi smiled wider, putting his forefinger against your lips.
"Not that you get any say in the matter, I'm gonna spoil my perfect little princess on her birthday and you can't do anything to stop me."
You mock pouted and bit his finger making him laugh, then you hugged his neck and kissed his lips.
"Okay, Mr. Kidnapper, I sure as hell don't wanna go to that restaurant I've been dying to try since I first saw it. And just for your information, I'm gonna be all grumpy and shit the whole time while we're there!" - you said as you turned to walk out the door and Santi's heart fluttered at seeing the excited bounce in your steps as he followed you.
You kissed his cheek when he opened the car door for you, making him grin widely; you were so sweet, so good to him. Just when you were driving near Santi’s house to get to the resteraunt, you spotted a car similar to Benny's as it turned in the street.
"Isn't that Be…?"
"So are you excited to try this restaurant?" - Santi asked all too eagerly.
"I think that was Be…"
"You must be so curious what I brought for you as a present, carino. I can't wait to give it to you."
You frowned a little then started talking about the reviews you read on the restaurant and started listing him the stuff you'd be happy to get as a present.
When you were looking out the window while you were rambling on and on, Santi quickly reached for his phone and started a voice recording. He sent it to William so he'll know what to buy.
As Santi took you into the restaurant, he got nervous since it was packed. How was he supposed to make it look like he had made a reservation? “Sit here, amor.” Santi directed you to an open chair and went to talk to a host. As he walked away, he heard you call his name, and when he turned around, he saw you in your pretty white dress making a heart with your hands. Santi made his best attempt at a heart back (it looked terrible.) and went on. You were so perfect, so pretty… how was he supposed to give you the day you deserved?
“Hi, uuhhhhhh call ahead for Santiago Garcia? Or maybe it’s under William-”
“Yes! Mr. Garcia! Your friend put your name in. Luckily we just had a bunch of tables get up, so as soon as they get bussed off, we’ll seat you. Maybe 10-15 minutes?”
Santi breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, that’s perfect.” He turned to go back to you when he realized a weak link in this plan. The hostess. This was not a military operation and he couldn’t ‘take care of it’ the way they used to… lucky for the hostess. “Hey uh… can you maybe not mention my friend to my girlfriend? Or that this was a call ahead instead of a reservation?”
She smiled knowingly. “Of course, Mr. Garcia.”
When he got back to you, he told you the wait time. “Sorry baby, they said they had some tables stay longer than expected.”
“Oh that’s okay!” You assured. You used to work in a restaurant and know how it goes. When the hostess came to seat you, she made sure to tell Santi his “reservation” was ready.
Brunch was… expensive. But it didn’t matter, you were worth it, and you smiled so brightly at every bite and every sip, he wanted to take you here more just to see you so happy. Just when he thought Will couldn’t swing the flowers, the hostess brought up a bouquet and Santi watched in delight as you beam at him. 
Next on the agenda was a picnic. Driving home, Santi prayed for the first time in half a decade that the Millers had gotten their next part done. Ben came over to start decorating and prepping the picnic basket. Will had to bring the physical basket and blanket… and glasses that aren't plastic. 
“Relax!” The younger man shouted back as Santi entered the apartment. “We’re way ahead of schedule” Ben had stopped at the store to get a cheese and meat platter and was adding the finishing touches. Will had already left for his next part; buying a gift in which Santi would venmo the cost back. He didn’t care how much, just make it good. 
“Tio!!!” A little brunette ran up and hugged her uncle, covered in flour.
“Mija, what are you doing here?” He asked as he greeted his goddaughter.
Frankie round the corner from the kitchen. “Yasmine, you just got him dirty!” He scolded. Santi assured him it was fine and wiped off the flour, and Frankie explained. “We figured we’d make the cake here instead of risking transportation.”
With hugs and thank you’s all around, Santi grabbed the finished basket and dashed out the door.
When he got back in the car, you looked at him curiously. “Is that Frankie’s car down the street?”
Santi gives a noncommittal answer and mutters something about Frankie having ladies in every zip code, then drives away, quickly changing the subject to the new Barbie movie you wanted to see so badly as he took you out to the park for a picnic. 
Santi found a nice spot under a tree where the shadow was big enough to cover the big blanket from the heat of the sun. He made you sit down and you watched with a smile as he pulled everything out of the box. While he did that, you decided to pull off your sandals and removed Santi's shoes and socks too, making the man chuckle.
He opened the bottle of wine while you picked some cheese on your plate and you beamed up at him.
"Today is going great Santi. Thank you for this."
Santi smiled back at you and leaned over to kiss your cheek.
"You deserve the best, baby."
You shook your head, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Still… No one put this much effort into making me feel special, like… ever."
Santi's smile faltered a little and you thought it was because of sympathy. But he felt shame envelope him. He shouldn't have forgotten your birthday. If he would've remembered he would've made you take a week off from work and would have taken you to somewhere nice. To Spain maybe, or Guatemala or Italy, maybe Greece. To somewhere beautiful where you always wanted to go. To make you feel like the most special girl in the world. Because you were the most special! At least for him. What would you think of him if you knew his friends were helping him, because he forgot your birthday? Did he really deserve you?
You pulled him out of his thoughts when you leaned your head on his shoulder as you were watching the lake where ducks and swans were swimming peacefully.
"You always make me feel special though. Everyday. Sometimes I feel like I don't thank you enough." - you said quietly.
Santi looked down and kissed your head several times, until you chuckled.
"Don't be silly, baby. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. There are times when I just look at you and wonder how you ended up being in my life."
You grinned.
"It was one of Benny's parties where you were drunk as hell, grabbed his guitar and started to serenade me, singing about how I am the most beautiful woman you've ever seen."
Santi started to laugh.
"Well, you are!"
"I just finished throwing up, and was trying to wipe my makeup off with little success."
"Still. I was watching you since you entered the house and was drinking cause I was trying to get enough courage to go over to you."
"This is such bullshit!" - you said, looking at him.
"Benny told me you are the biggest womanizer he ever met, why did you need courage?"
"Because…" - he started as he booped your nose with his fingertip gently as he leaned closer. - "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I didn't want to fuck it up." - he said and kissed your lips softly.
You snorted and kissed him back.
"So your grand plan was to get shitfaced and serenade me with silly lyrics you made up on the spot."
"Well, I didn't mean to drink that much, but Will just told us he got engaged and we had to celebrate." - he kissed your cheek again, then your neck. - "Besides… it worked." - he grinned.
"It did." - you laughed and kissed him again. 
Benny’s Boys 😎
🐟: Booked you a couples massage. Consider it your birthday gift. And christmas. Y Dia De San Jose.
Pope: I cannot say thank you enough, you guys
No Call Sign: Once would be great.
Pope: Hey! I said thank you!
Ironhead: Quit texting your boyfriend and woo your girlfriend. If you want her to be your wife you can’t let her think you’re going to ditch her for some blonde bimbo
No Call Sign: Wait. Am I the blonde bimbo?
🐟: Hey! He’s my blonde bimbo
No Call Sign: Thanks baby 😘
This was proceeded by Ben and Frankie ‘homie flirting’ as Ben called it, before Will reminded them Benny has a girlfriend and Frankie still needed to text Santi the details of the massage.
He took his time with you at the picnic, plopping little bits of meat and cheese and berries in your mouth, continuing to woo you with everything he had. He would make you feel like the most special girl on the planet if it was the last thing he did.
“You’re the most perfect boyfriend in the world“ You praised as you laid on this lap as he sat back against the tree. Santi dangled grapes over your mouth, feeding them to you as he fanned you (Will had a fan in his picnic kit? No wonder that man got engaged so damn fast). 
“Hopefully I’ll be the most perfect husband not long from now.”
The way you beamed up at him, eyes sparkling, made every worry he had disappear. “You mean that, Santi?” With bated breath, you await his answer. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been serious… but the line between meeting at Will and Lana’s engagement party where Benny brought you along to, where you had both said to stay ‘casual’ to where you were now, with you as Santi’s official plus one to Will’s wedding, spending nearly every night together… you hadn’t really talked about the future. You knew he was serious. He wouldn’t lead you along like this if he just wanted to casually date, and Benny would kick his ass if he thought Santi was being a dick to you (and threatened to do as much when you first told him about his two best friends dating), but you hadn’t really talked about it.
“I mean it, carino.” Assuringly, Santi caressed your cheek. “I know we’ve been moving a little slow, and I appreciate you meeting me at my pace. I know maybe it seems like I’m just messing around-”
“It doesn’t.”
“-but I promise you, I am very serious. And I’d like to take the next step.” He goes in for a kiss, pecking your lips and tasting the fruit on them.
“And what’s the next step, baby?”
“You’ll see when we get back to the apartment.” He did have one gift ready, something he had planned for weeks ahead of time to give today. It wasn’t that he forgot your birthday completely… he knew what day it was, he knew it was coming… it just got lost in the chaos. So yeah, he needed his 3 best friends, one’s fiance and his goddaughter to assist him. “But up next, a couples massage.”
Santiago did not mean to moan. He really didn’t. But between the stress of the wedding and this whole day, he was tense, and the massage therapist was good. Lucky for him, both his and your massage therapist were cool about it, and you burst into giggles, proceeding to tell his masseuse “I never get him to moan like that.”
He’d be humiliated if it was anyone else but you. You made everything so easy. You also mimicked his moan the whole car ride to his apartment as Santi prayed to god Benny had decorated and gathered enough people together to constitute a surprise party. It was definitely a perk that your friend was good friends with your girlfriend; they knew a lot of the same people. Okay, so maybe Santi thought Ben was competition at first! So maybe Santi kinda wanted to steal you from Ben! So maybe the reason Santi brought out the guitar is because Benny had previously played it and was singing ‘baby lock them doors and turn the light down loooowwww’ and Santi wouldn’t be upstaged! So sue him!
As he unlocked the door, he spoke REALLY LOUDLY in hopes they’d here and get into place. It worked. It definitely worked. Until Yaz shouted “DON’T SHUSH ME DADDY” and it was all over.
You looked at Santi suspiciously.
"You are either hiding your side-chick or… IT'S MY FAVOURITE LITTLE GIRL IN THE WORLD!"
In three seconds you two spotted Yazmine sprinting down the stairs and into your arms, giggling.
"No, Yaz, abort mission, I repeat ABORT MISSION!" - you heard Frankie yell after her, still in his hiding spot while Santi facepalmed himself.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" - she shouted excited as you picked her up and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you, honey! So tell me…" 
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" - suddenly dozens of people jumped out from behind different furnitures and you jumped back scared, but then laughed when you recognized the faces.
"Oh my god, guys, thank you!" - you laughed as you put Yasmine down and hugged everyone who came up to you.
Santi quickly searched for his friends to thank them all the effort they put into to make this day special for you. The decoration was done and it seemed like you loved it, if the way your eyes sparkled when you spotted another balloon or a birthday poster was any indication. 
You loved the restaurant, the picnic basket Will and Benny put together was fucking delicious, the massage was heavenly and now all of your friends were here to celebrate you.
"Guys, seriously, thank you." - Santi said as he hugged them.
"You better marry this woman one day, since we did all this for you two." - Will winked.
Santi looked over at you with a soft smile on his face. 
"Maybe I will."
Frankie, Will and Benny's eyes widened and they grinned, pulling Santi into another group hug. They've never seen their friend this happy and it was easy to tell that it was because of you.
You had a suspicion that it wasn't all Santi. You're not saying he wasn't capable to pull all of this off, but he looked a bit on edge the whole day and he was on the phone a lot more than he used to.
When Santi appeared in front of you with a big gift box, you grinned widely, taking it from him.
“Baby it’s huge!!!” You squeal as you both sit down to tear it open; right away you knew he had sent Will to get it. When you had listed off things you guessed he might have gotten you in the car this morning, you had named several items. A pandora’s charm bracelet, the giant blanket off redbubble with Nicolas Cage’s face all over it, that rose shaped sex toy you were curious about, a new hair dryer since yours had broken, and it was, in fact, the last one. This had Will written all over it. It wasn’t that Will couldn't be romantic; he was, from what Lana had told you and what you had seen, very romantic. However, out of the four, Will was more practical, and absolutely went for the hair dryer. Santi was more fancy jewelry, Frankie would go for the sex toy, and Benny…
The hair dryer was nice, though, very, very nice. It came with several attachments, and Will even managed to put in different hair masks and deep conditioners in there. It was perfect, and you would absolutely be using it on you and May to get ready for Will and Lana’s wedding. 
“THANK YOU BABY THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!” Jumping up, you tackle him onto the carpet and pepper his scruffy face with kisses as you both giggled.
The night went swimmingly, a fun weekend but nothing crazy since most had work the next day and the real party would be next weekend, but you had such a great time, Santi serenading you with a cover of You and Me by Lifehouse. Benny somehow read your mind and got you that god awful Nicolas Cage blanket you wanted, and Santi he was never staying the night again.
When the crowd cleared out, leaving you and Santi alone, you took both of his hands in yours. “Thank you for today, Santiago. I had an amazing time”
Santi smiled at you, adoration and love spreading across his face. “I’m so glad, mi vida. It took a lot of effort” Now he could honestly say that wasn’t a lie.
Looking around, you compliment his work. “The decorations look great” You nod to the streamers that were so high up. “You use a step stool?”
Fake glaring, Santi furrowed his eyebrows. “Oh you’re gonna be a brat now, are you?”
Pulling your boyfriend closer, you look his dead in the eye but keep a light smile to make sure he knows you aren’t upset. “You forgot my birthday, didn’t you?”
His eyes go wide, and immediately he starts stammering. “No! No- why would you- baby I would never- your birthday of all days!”
You cock and eyebrow at him. “Santiago Garcia.”
He sighs. “Fine! So I forgot it was today, but I knew it was coming! I just got so… I don’t have an excuse, baby, I’m sorry.” He genuinely looked so sad, so disappointed in himself. 
“Oh Santi.” You lean in to kiss him, caressing his face tenderly. “It’s okay, you made me feel so, so special, so loved, not just by you but by your family, and that means a lot to me. Knowing that they care about me too. So thank you today was perfect.”
His face softens, smiling lightly. “Okay, so I had a lot of help. But!” He departs from you, walking into his bedroom and coming out with a small box. “This is something I made up weeks ago. I didn’t completely forget about your birthday.” He hands it to you.
“Santi, you shouldn’t have! You’ve already gotten me so much!” 
“Well, this one cost me like. Three dollars.”
When you open it, you see a small key from those kiosks at walmart that even had a Star Wars design on it. “Santi” You gasp. “Is this-”
“A key to my house, yeah.” Santi stuffed his hands into the pockets of his dark pants, shuffling nervously. “Well, we’ve been dating for a while, and you practically live here anyway” He teases. “I want you to just… make yourself at home. And when your lease is up… and if you feel ready… I was thinking…” The hopeful look on his high-strung face after everything he did to put today together at the last minute… you fell more in love with him every day.
“SANTIAREYOUASKINGMETOMOVEIN?!” You blurt out, practically jumping.
“If you want-”
Kisses. Nothing but kisses and I love you’s and you jumped and squealed in excitement. 
When you had settled and confirmed yes, you’d move in when your lease was up in a few short months, Santi took your mouth in his for a more passionate kiss, and a handful of ass in his hand for a squeeze. Sloppily, you two made out on your slow trek back to what would soon be your bedroom (Where the Nicolas Cage blanket was awaiting him, little did he know) he asked you.
“How did you know I forgot?”
“Weeeelllllll”  you draw it out as you go for his neck. “There were a few signs.”
He mumbles a few swears. “Was it Benny and Frankie’s car’s?”
“Well, yeah. But there was the fact, and baby I love you very much, but that level of decoration requires Benny’s enthusiasm.”
“Okay, yeah, well-”
“The gift screamed Will, and the massage had to be one of their ideas at the very least because you would never willingly strip for a woman you weren’t sleeping with.”
“The cake had a chunk of missing frosting that was suspiciously Yasmine sized”
“She takes after her uncle Ben-”
“There was a fan in the picnic basket”
“Okay so?”
“And baby…” You stop right outside the bedroom door, both of you panting and eager for each other. “You never eat me out like that unless you are trying to make up for something.”
His stupidly sharp jaw drops. “Are you saying I’m not a pussy eating champion?”
“Hey!” You raise your arms in defense. “All I’m saying is if Lana and May are correct, you could take some tips from the Miller- AH!” Santi scooped you up, slinging you over his shoulder.
Despite his words, he was clearly smiling, his shoulders shaking in laughter. “I don’t need jack shit from the Millers!” 
“Except this party”
“Except this party! Now, let me show you a little hint of what my wifey will get.” With that, he carried you into the bedroom, promptly greeted by a giant blanket collage of Nicolas Cage.
“Babe. What the FUCK!”
Hope y'all liked!!!!
Dolli I hope you had a great birthday!
Tomorrow I'm decorating my classroom with baby yoda decorations, giving my day care class party favors, and bringing them cookies.
then this weekend thank GOD i have friday off and im going camping
@eyelessfaces @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @my-secret-shame @whatthefishh @miraclesabound @littlenosoul @fandxmslxt69 @campingwiththecharmings @melodygatesauthor @moonknightly @ahookedheroespureheart @jake-g-lockley @kittyofalltrades @milkymoon2483
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So. It's kinda random but what if Platonic Yandere! Strawhats with Y/n who is an artist? And maybe one day they saw how Y/n drew one of them but doesn't want to show any?
Let me see!
Yandere Straw Hats x GN!Reader
1.4k words
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It was rare to get any time to yourself around here. Ever since you got mixed in with the Strawhat Crew, you felt like you always had someone attached to your hip or hovering over your shoulder. This made indulging in your personal hobbies difficult. Granted, it’s not like any of them would stop you from doing it, but you wanted to keep at least one thing for yourself.
Today was one of those instances where you were actually being left alone. You’re not sure how it happened this time. Maybe they all thought you were already spending time with someone else. Whatever, you’re not about to waste these precious moments pondering it.
Quietly slipping into your room, you pull your sketchbook and utensils out of their hiding spot. You curled up in your bed and flipped through the book until you found a blank page. Twirling the pencil between your fingers, you contemplate what to draw.
Despite your.. Complicated relationship with the crew, you couldn’t help but be inspired by them. Well, artistically speaking at least. They were constantly doing all these incredible feats and looking cool as hell while doing it. That, and it’s not like you saw much else besides them anyways.
After mulling it over, you start sketching, having decided on drawing Luffy today. He was an incredibly fun person to draw, what with his admittedly adorable baby face and his cartoonish anatomy. 
It didn’t take long for you to really get into the zone and be only focused on putting new lines onto the sheet of paper. You’re so focused that you don’t hear the door to your room open, nor the sound of sandals slapping across the floor until it’s too late.
“(Y/N)! Why are you hiding in here, I’ve been looking for you!” Luffy giddily rushed towards your bed and threw himself onto it, and subsequently you.
Frantically, you try to hide the sketch book under the covers, but he already saw it. Perking up, he tries snatching it out of your hand, “C’mon, why are you reading a book when you could be playing with me?!” 
Yes! You might be able to get out of this yet. If he thinks it’s a book, he definitely won’t try to read it and discover what it really is. “I like reading, Luffy. I just want to curl up with a good book once in a while,” as you’re saying this, you narrowly avoid letting it fall into his grabby hands, and slip it underneath yourself to sit on it.
He pouts and rests his face on his hands, still focused on the book, “Is it really that good that you want to read it more than hang out with me?”
You cringe a bit at how pointed the question was. There was no good answer here. Either you say no and he’ll immediately drag you off, or you say yes and run the risk of hurting his feelings. Then you’ll have to deal with a temper tantrum from him, and being admonished by the rest of the crew for being mean. “It’s not about it being better than hanging out with you, I can like doing more things you know.”
Luffy huffs at your indirect answer and begins tugging on the book again, “What’s it’s even about then?”
Oh shit. Um. Hm. Now you need to improvise. “It’s about,” you dart your eyes around looking for any inspiration to help you out. You’re in a plain room on a boat in the middle of the ocean, and of course the plot of literally every book you’ve ever read has completely vacated your brain.
You were apparently taking too long to tell him, so he just ripped it out from under you to investigate himself. “It can’t be that good if it’s that hard to explain. Why would you-” Luffy’s sentence died on his tongue as he opens it, right onto a picture of himself.
Panicking, you launch yourself onto his back in a desperate attempt to confiscate it, but he simply stretches his arms to keep it out of reach.
“This is awesome! Why didn’t you tell me you could draw so good?” Much to your chagrin, he starts flipping through it, now seeing sketches of the other members, too.
“Luffy! Give that back! I didn’t say you could look at that!” Blood rushed to your face from the embarrassment of being caught.
He peers over his shoulder at you, looking bewildered at your statement, “What’s the big deal? Don’t you want to share your talent?”
“No, I don’t! Just give it back and don’t tell anyone about it! Please!” You scrambled off the bed and leapt for the book, but he just snapped his arms back and continued the game of keep away.
You could see the gears turning in his head, trying to make sense of your words and actions. His eyes suddenly widened and he grinned as something clicked for him, “Oh I get it! You don’t know how good these are! You just need some help realizing it!” With that, he took off out of your room, sketchbook in hand.
“Get back here!” You sprinted after him, hoping you could get it back before he showed everyone, but deep down you knew it was already too late.
You were at a massive disadvantage here. Luffy was fast, especially when he had something he wasn’t supposed to. By the time you make it onto the deck, you’re horrified to see he’s already acquired an audience. Nami and Robin were seated at the table, with Sanji serving them some tea and snacks (which were currently being inhaled by Luffy while they were distracted by the book).
“You aren’t supposed to see that!” You hope that you’ll be able to get it out of Robin’s hands, but Luffy wraps one of his arms around you, leaving you immobilized at his side. Before you could beg them to please put it down, Luffy shoves a tiny cake into your mouth to keep you quiet.
“Go back a page, I think I saw one of me!” Nami was pestering Robin and trying to get it to herself, but any attempts at grabbing it were thwarted by an arm sprouting from the table and swatting her hands away. 
“In a minute, Nami, I’ll let you see when I’m finished,” Robin was entirely unbothered by her pleas (and yours), choosing to casually flip through each and every page with a small smile on her face.
Sanji was looking over them, smiling at the artwork, and was the first to acknowledge that you were standing right there. “These are incredible, though I’m not surprised that you would be so talented~!”
The sweet and genuine compliment almost made you cave in to accepting the situation, but you dismissed it. Swallowing the cake, you can finally speak again, “Please stop looking at that, I don’t like people looking at my sketchbook!” Especially not when the people in question kidnapped you and are actively holding you hostage.
“Oh? Are you shy about it? How cute,” Robin teased.
“It’s not-” you were once again cut off by another cake being stuffed into your mouth.
“What are you guys all looking at?” Chopper was now approaching with Usopp not far behind. Great. Why not just let everyone see it! 
Robin flipped to a page with Chopper on it and showed it to him, “(Y/N), took the time to draw all of us, it seems.”
Chopper’s eyes sparkled at the drawing, and against all logic he was somehow blushing??? “Oh I don’t look all cutesy like that, you jerk!” His dopey smile easily contradicted his words.
“I didn’t know you were also an artist. You should have told me sooner, I could’ve been teaching you! I’ll have you know I’ve tutored many famous artists! In fact, this reminds me- You drew me too?!” Usopp’s tale is cut short when Robin shows him a sketch of himself. 
You finally stop struggling, instead choosing to flop against Luffy in defeat. What’s the point? Damn near everyone has already seen it, you’re sure Zoro will wander on over here soon enough anyways. 
Upon feeling you give up, Luffy lets go and looks very pleased with himself. He unceremoniously shoves the little remaining food into his mouth and runs off calling for Zoro while Sanji gives chase, scolding him for eating all the food.
You just stood there, not knowing what else you could do. With Luffy gone, everyone else was crowding around you, lavishing you with compliments and asking questions all at once. You couldn’t even bring yourself to answer, all you could do was sulk as the last thing that you had just to yourself was taken away and thrown out into the open.
It was bound to happen eventually, you suppose.
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ghostchems · 1 year
baptized in blood - mary goore x f!reader
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a/n: here is the surprised! based on a dream i had. culty end of the world vibes here. there is smut and violence and drama and mary bein a little bit bloody because that's who they are. dipping my toe into goore-land. about 3.6k words. ao3 link!
You will never forget the day Mary Goore rolled into town. It was two months to the day that the virus spread and the world went to shit. You were taking a walk down Main Street to get some fresh air after spending most of the morning collecting eggs from the hen house. Everyone in town did their part on the farm — it was how they had lasted this long with enough food to go around. The air was cool and brisk but the sun was shining, warming your skin as you walked leisurely. You weren’t thinking of anything in particular when your eyes settled on his figure in the distance.
The first thing you saw was the blood. His face was covered in it, starting from the top of his head and running down past his chin and neck. Messy black hair spilled into his forehead. Despite what initially appeared to be a wound, he was walking with such purpose and power. His outfit looked just as unkempt as his appearance: muddy black boots, ripped black skinny jeans and a stained T-shirt with the sleeves torn off. He looked like he was on a mission. They walked down the center of the street while you were off on the sidewalk, your eyes glued to him.
You were the only two on the street that day at that moment. Deep, green eyes flitted to bite into yours, almost as if he was looking inside you. His lips curled into a sinister smirk before his eyes wandered your figure. You stopped in your tracks, your breath catching in your throat as you watched him go on by. He was heading for Town Hall which was the largest building at the end of the street and also was where the mayor and his wife had taken up residence since the surge. 
News spread quickly over the next few days that Mary had taken control of the town. No other details were provided but rumors ran wild. One of them was that he was the mayor’s disgraced son who returned for his revenge. Another was that he was sent by the devil himself to spread uncertainty and chaos in these hellish times. Pretty typical of gossip and rumors spread in a small southern town. You didn’t believe either of the rumors to be true but you still managed to keep your distance from him and the more wild behavior he inspired.
That was your typical strategy when it came to survival. You were a transplant from the north, having moved here to become a representative for Farm Aid, so you already felt like an outsider to the small town. Then, everything went to shit but you did your best to contribute just the same as everyone else but you did keep your distance. You cleaned the coop, picked produce and helped milk the cows, literally anything that you could contribute to you did but you always went back to your studio apartment above the pharmacy. 
You drew the line at participating in the new activities that have become popular since Mary’s arrival, besides at least showing your face at them. The town now had ritualistic burnings for those that passed, piling their bodies up and burning them in a field far enough away from the crops. More and more townspeople began to don the skull paint as well but none dared to replicate Mary’s signature blood spilling from his head down his neck. Bones started to appear along Main Street, sometimes configured in curious arrangements. You were curious but you decided it would be in your best interest to ignore and continue on with your usual tasks. 
Mary started to watch you, though. He seemed to always be around when you were working and you could feel those dark green eyes on you at all times. He made you feel on edge and you refused to meet his eyes. You managed to avoid him for some time until there was a mandatory town “get together” to help smooth over the tensions that were rising due to the new leadership. You stayed as long as you possibly had to before slipping out the back of the cafeteria during a spirited discussion about planning for the upcoming dry season.
“Walk ya home?” His voice caught you by surprise. You thought you were home free but there he was, muddy boots and all. That night he had the signature blood from his forehead down to his neck but he also paired it with corpse paint. You blinked at him a few times, having never been this close to him before.
“Sure.” You couldn’t tell him no, being the man who decided who eats and who doesn’t and all but you were anxious. It was a short walk from the cafeteria to your studio, basically straight down the street until reaching the pharmacy. The two of you walked in silence with the street being illuminated by gas lights lined along it and the dim light of the moon. Your eyes darted around the street, realizing that once again, it was just the two of you like it had been the day he arrived. 
“You’re a hard worker, y’know?” His gravelly voice cut through your thoughts again. When you turn to look at him, his eyes look softer than you’ve ever seen them before. 
“I try.” You offered a sheepish smile. “Not much else to do these days, is there?” 
“Mmm, yeah, but you could’ve just given up. Loads of people have. Just decided to curl up and die.” Mary leaned his arm against yours, brushing against the sleeve of your sweater. You felt a warm blush spread across your cheeks. 
“I mean, I definitely stayed inside in bed for the first couple of weeks of this thing.” You shifted your gaze back to the street in front of you. “But then it didn’t go away.” 
Your words hung in the air for the rest of the walk. Mary was silent but stayed close to you, his side pressed against yours. Your feet came to a slow stop as you reached the door to the stairs that led up to your studio. 
“This is me.” You turn around to face them, your arms crossed over your chest. Mary’s eyes drifted over your figure and he took a step closer to you. You instinctively took a step away from him, your back hitting the door. 
“You’re like me, y’know.” Their voice dropped deeper as he closed in on you further. “You’re an outsider to these people, baby.  You’re not about their bullshit.” He leaned in so close to you, his hands resting on the door beside your body. You knew he was right. You knew the second he saw you on the street that day he knew. You swallowed thickly, your gaze falling to his plump lips that were curled into a grin. This is why you stayed away from him. You were afraid of being seen as what you are but he saw you. And now, you were trapped by him.
Mary leaned in, their lips coming incredibly close to yours before he tilted his head to just miss giving you a kiss. Instead, his mouth found your neck, nibbling and kissing it sloppily as his arms curled around you. You gave a surprised groan, your hands immediately snapping up to grasp at his shirt. His kisses trailed up from your neck to your jaw before he settled just by your lips. Again, you stared into those deep, green eyes and you knew that he saw you for what you really were. 
A growl ripped from his throat as your lips connected and his hand snaked up from your hip to tangle into your hair. The kiss was desperate and deep, all tongue and teeth. You could taste the saltiness of the blood on his lips as his tongue pushed into your mouth. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this fire inside you, the burning desire that only continued to spread between your legs. The kiss ended abruptly, the both of you panting and pressing against each other needily, until you came to your senses.
You spun around and pulled the door to the stairs open before booking it to your apartment. Mary was close behind you, his boney fingers hooked on to the back of your jeans. You fiddled with your keys as you reached the door to your apartment, your hands shaking from the excitement. They are right behind you, his chest pressing firmly into your back and his crotch rutting into your ass. You couldn’t help but whine, feeling how hard he already was through his jeans.
The door finally popped open and before you had time to react, he grabbed you by the waist and scooped you up only to toss you onto your bed. He had you pinned so quickly, his hips desperately grinding into you. 
“Fuck!” You cried out as their hands worked to tear your sweater off of you. Once it was off, his lips parted and he growled deeply, looking down at your exposed chest. His arms curled around your back and he lifted you up to him, his mouth connecting with your collarbone. He was like a wild animal, his teeth biting and sucking at your delicate skin. Heat spread beneath it and your head fell back on your shoulders as he dipped down lower to flick his tongue against your nipple.
They latched their mouth onto your breast, his tongue licking across the nipple as his other hand groped at the other. Your mouth hung open and a deep moan bubbled up from your chest, your fingers tangling in his hair and pushing him even further into your chest. He grunted against you, happily burying his face between your breasts upon your direction. 
“You are so fuckin’ beautiful, sugar.” Mary praised as he lifted his head from your chest, his eyelids heavy and the blood and paint on his face smudged. He looked completely wrecked and he hadn’t even fucked you yet. You tugged him further on top of you and grabbed at his studded belt. They took the hint and started to pull your pants and underwear down your legs. He whined at the sight of you and he swiped his finger along your drench cunt, then bringing it up to his lips to taste you. “Fuckin’ hell, you taste so good.” 
All you could offer was an exasperated whine, his belt proving to be a bit too complicated for how impatient you were. The way he smiled at you – you’ll never forget it, somehow being equal parts sweet and slimy. He somehow freed himself with ease, his pretty cock falling from his jeans, precum already collecting at the tip. Mary spat on the head of his cock then stroked himself to spread his spit. You wrapped your legs around him as you watched him touch himself, almost succumbing to reaching between the two of you and offering yourself some relief before he shoved you back onto the bed, his cock pressed against your entrance.
Your breath caught in your throat as he hovered above you, your cheeks flushed and your eyes wide. He pushed in carefully, stretching you wide and feeling how he deliciously filled you. They held themselves there for a moment before he fucked into you relentlessly, his thrusts deep and hungry. You pulled him down even further, forcing his forehead against yours so you could watch him. He bit down hard on his lip, hard enough to draw blood as his throat filled with husky growls. 
You were so far gone. He fucked you hard and fast, exactly how you liked it. You felt your muscles tense and the fire in your abdomen was getting so close to bursting. Mary’s own moans filled your ears along with the sound of smacking flesh. You needed this. You didn’t realize how badly you did. But he knew. The feeling overtook you, your walls fluttering around his cock as your gut tightened and your back arched. You screamed his name in a shattered breath.
You were almost embarrassed by how quickly you came if not for Mary being right behind you. Maybe it had been sometime for him as well. His nails dug into your hips as his thrusts became more stuttered and erratic, his wild eyes boring into yours. Groans caught in his throat and he quickly pulled out, his hand working to take him all the way. He emptied himself on your stomach with raspy gasps.
You looked at him with hazy eyes, your body limp on the bed as you watched him pull his pants back up. His expression was positively devious and the paint and blood on his face were smeared all across his lips. 
“See ya around, sweetheart.” He offered you a wink and then sauntered out of your studio apartment, leaving you there with his seed on your stomach. 
That was the start of it.
Now, the two of you cannot get enough of each other. He is always there, watching you clean the coops and work on the farm but now his very presence makes your cheeks burn and your thighs ache. You are sneaky about your rendezvous, not wanting to cause unnecessary gossip or issues arise among the townspeople. There is a storm shelter entrance to the basement of town hall, which is where Mary has set up shop as him and is also where you enter to see him, avoiding coming in the front and running the risk of being seen. And you can’t help but enjoy the secrecy – it makes it all the more exciting.
You are sure that he loves you. The way his face lights up when he sees you, the way he can’t keep his hands off of you… he has to keep you close whenever you are near. You originally weren’t sure a man like him was capable of love but it is clear to you now. 
You think you might love him too.
Today, you are in his lap and his cock is buried deep inside you, seed spilling out from you and onto his bed. He lazily strokes at your clit with his pointer finger, up and down as your head falls to his shoulder and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
“So good for me, huh, baby?” Mary purrs into your ear and nips at your earlobe playfully. “One of these days I’m going to put a baby in ya, I think.” He licks at the spot just below your ear and you give a shuddered whine. Doesn’t he have such a way with words? “One more time for daddy.” They hum and start to rub at your clit more roughly than before. 
Your back arches against his chest and your fingers dig into his hairy things while strangled moans spilled from your lips. He uses one of his hands to push your legs open even further and his other hand works diligently against your swollen clit, tracing harsh circles along it.
“Atta girl.” They coo in your ear. You can tell he is smiling from how his mouth feels on you, his own heavy breaths filling yours. “So perfect for daddy.” He presses down on your clit and you scream out his name, your vision blurring and your body convulsing. Mary murmurs more soft praises in your ear as your chest heaves and you collapse against him. They have you snuggled up in their arms, their face nuzzled in your neck. 
There is a loud noise from upstairs that knocks you both from your blissed out haze. You spin your head to catch a glimpse of Mary who is already slipping out from you and throwing his jeans on. You start to collect your clothes from the bed and the floor, your throat starting to become dry from the increasing noise coming from just above you. Mary is already angrily running up the stairs while you manage to get your clothes on.
There’s yelling and more clattering and then a scream. You can’t stop yourself from shooting to your feet and scurrying up the stairs. You stop short of the door, knowing that if you step through the jig could be up. Another scream rings out and you push the door open, stumbling out into the assembly room. 
Mary is standing over Bubba, the town drunk. How he has been able to find booze during these times, no one knows, but he manages to stay slippery all day every day. He is on the ground giggling like an idiot. Mary seems exasperated. Bubba slowly realizes that you are there and he explodes into more laughter.
“O’course you’d be all about them weird girls, wouldn’t ya, Mary?” He manages between laughter. “Gotta use ‘em for somethin, right?”
You feel rage you haven’t quite felt in a long time but it is quickly quelled once Mary lands a harsh kick to Bubba’s head. He looks to you, his eyebrows knit together but his teeth are barred and his lips are stretched into an angry scowl. You don’t want to be around for whatever is going to happen next so you turn on your heel and leave just as the sounds of beating pick up again. 
You wish that what Bubba had said didn’t affect you but it did. Did everyone think you are just a “weird girl”? You put as much effort into keeping things going and running smoothly as the next person, if not more. It cuts you deep, even if you don’t want to admit it. The walk back to your apartment takes no time at all and you figure that a nice, cold shower and a nap would help soothe your thoughts and feelings. You don’t even put clothes on once you are out of the shower, opting to rest for “just a moment” in your towel before zonking.
You end up napping for longer than you anticipated, only to be woken up by screams coming from outside of your window. Confusion sets in as you blink your eyes open and the smell of smoke fills your nostrils. You shoot up out of bed and gaze out the window, only to see fire. Lots of fire.
The crops. 
You quickly throw a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt on before taking off out of your apartment. The street is filled with people, more so than you’ve ever seen it. Some are wailing, some are silent. Most don’t even notice you as you run by them, heading straight for town hall. You’re sure Mary already knows but you couldn’t stop yourself from running to him. There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach. Maybe something happened while you were asleep. An uprising? A fight? 
By the time you make it to town hall, you are out of breath. You push the doors open, probably the first time you’ve ever walked in through the main entrance on your own. You gasp sharply as your eyes focus on what is in front of you. A trail of blood covers the floor, leading your gaze to Bubba.
He is crucified on the wall, right on top of a map of the town. Knives are buried deep in his palms and ankles. His head is hung low, his throat slit and blood spilling down his chest. You don’t know how to react. You think you should at least scream but you’re frozen, unable to tear your eyes away from Bubba.
“There ya are, baby!” 
Your head wrenches to the sound of his voice. Mary is covered in blood, more so than usual. His face is completely covered and his hands and arms up to his elbows are stained red. He is twirling a knife in his hand as he walks over to you at a leisurely pace.
“The… the crops.” That's all you can manage to say. You point in the vague direction of them. He is smiling at you, his bright white teeth a deep contrast to the dark red of the blood covering his lips.
“They needed to be punished, darlin’.” He sets the knife down on one of the meeting tables before he reaches you. 
“B-but the food supply--”
“You will be fed.” Mary’s voice drops to a dangerous level, his eyes shining with madness you’ve never seen before. “You’re my baby, baby. I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. They need to be punished.” A blooded hand reaches out for you and rests on your cheek. “After what they said about you… they are going to learn a lil’ lesson. People will die, sure… but I got you, baby.” His other hand rests on your other cheek and he strokes them with his bloody fingers. 
Mary did this for you. You don’t know what to say; your mind is blank and words are catching in your throat. But you can’t help but… lean into his gentle touch. He is smearing blood all along your cheeks but you don’t mind. The look in his eyes tells you all you need to know.
Unwavering loyalty and love.
You kiss him. You kiss him and you melt into him, throwing your arms around his shoulders. He is your and you are his.
And they will be punished.
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starry-night-author · 4 months
June of Doom Day #10
"Can you hear me?" | Fear | Phone Call |
June Of Doom Prompt List @juneofdoom
Villain rolled their eyes at Supervillain's monologuing, going on and on about how they would get Villain back for betraying them. Leaned back at the desk in the hotel room they were staying at, they watched out the window at the building across the street.
Supervillain was holed up there, and was now threatening to blow the place up. There was a crowd of heroes outside, trying to stop the villain before it was too late.
"Can you hear me?!" Supervillain was demanding over the phone. "Do you understand? I have your precious little Hero here with me, the one you left me for, and they're going to be the thing the bomb incinerates first!"
Supervillain had been going on about this for about a full minute now, and Villain had their eyebrows raised skeptically, eyes flicking over to their beloved who sat on the other side of the room. Hero had been inured in a previous fight and wasn't allowed to help with this current situation. They were staying across the street to still watch.
"Oh shut up, Supervillain!" Villain shouted over the new rant. "You're bluffing."
"You think I would bluff about this?"
"Absolutely. Now stop it and surrender yourself, this is getting tiresome."
"Ohhh I'm sorry you're getting tired. I'll just have to tell that to Hero here, who is desperately depending on-"
"Would you stop with that?! I'm literally sitting across from Hero! Your bluffing doesn't work!"
"Wait, what?" Supervillain drew up short. "Sitting across from them?"
"Hey, Supervillain!" Hero called, loud enough that the phone could pick it up. "Sorry your bluff didn't work!"
"Hero?" Supervillain sounded flabbergasted. "If you're there, then who is this I have tied up?"
"Wait-" Villain's heart dropped. "You actually have someone?!"
"Yes, and I'm rather annoyed they're not who I wanted, hold on-" there came the sound of a muffled shout. "Excuse me- but who the fuck are you?!"
A pause. "Well," Supervillain said back into the receiver, "I can't hear them through the gag, but you still have about ten seconds until my bomb goes off to save whoever this is- for their sake I really hope your hero team is getting here fast enough."
Villain stood. "Supervillain, hold on, you can't just-"
"I can do whatever I want. Now hold on a moment-" another muffled shout to their captive. "Sounds like no one's coming! Have fun exploding!"
"Supervillain!" Villain shouted. "Wait just a second-"
They were cut off by an earsplitting boom, and an explosion that rocked even Villain's hotel room across the street.
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v3nusxsky · 6 months
Hello! I love your writing, and I have a request;
Larissa x teacher,fem!reader and they’ve been together for a few years and then Wednesday arrives to Nevermore and things start going downhill, the murders start and all that, so just about Larissa being overly overprotective over reader when those things happen, not letting reader out of her sight and constantly having to know where reader is because she doesn’t want reader in danger/to lose her. Reader is a bit stubborn and too independent and sometimes (for example) goes for a walk in the woods where the hyde is even though larissa told her not to bc its dangerous.
Basically fluff, larissa being overprotective, and possibly angst too!
You don’t have to write this if you don’t like the idea, also take your time!
Thank you <3
Temptations and Confessions
*Authors note~ the first instalment of my you are my world (YAMW) series and I must say I adore my Larissa Weems. Some themes may be a bit tricky so always read the warnings and check the rating love yall. Sorry to the anon for changing a few details to fit in with the series I hope that’s okay*
Trigger warnings~ Nevermore supernatural usual drama overprotective Larissa due to past trauma
Prompt~ see ask^^^
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Empathy. Often as children, we get told to have more empathy for others. But for you that’s not the case. No. You were labelled the overly sensitive child. The one who seemed to be nicknamed the cry baby. It wasn’t your fault really. Being born into two Normie parents who didn’t understand you wasn’t going to help your situation. I’m fact your ability became a curse rather quickly. It became a weakness. Others could now use this against you and it resulted in you curling in on yourself, speaking less and less, isolating yourself completely and building walls so high that they would rival the Eiffel Tower. All until you stumbled into Nevermore. Literally.
Feeling your own emotions deeply was manageable but feeling others on top of your own made everything ten times harder than it should’ve been. Your own nerves bubbled in your lower stomach uncontrollably as you made your way to the gates of Nevermore. That’s why you didn’t see it. Overwhelmed with not only your emotions but those of the whole school as well made your head spin, eyes blurring round the corners causing you to trip over a obnoxiously large stone and fall face first down to the ground. What a great impression that is.
That day led you to the current moment in time, you’ve been teaching at Nevermore for a year now, dating Larissa for a few months. Larissa’s aura immediately drew you in, a stunning mixture of gold, pink, green and light blue and slight speckles of red all swirling together in a pattern that is so uniquely hers. You adore how each colour simply is woven into each other yet still remaining visible to your eye. It is nothing short of gorgeous and even now you know you’ll never stop being stunned by the woman.
Over the past two weeks your girlfriend has had exhaustion and irritation rolling off her aura in brutal waves due to the newest student of Nevermore. In fact, you felt like you’d hardly seen her since Wednesday had arrived at Nevermore. And whenever you did, she was drained. Wherever an Addams goes, trouble and darkness will always follow, a rumour you’d heard but not had evidence of till now. The young Addams radiates black and indigo in her aura, it’s practically dripping like blood as her emotions of disinterest and annoyance seeped through. Despite not seeing the principal, you’d received many texts apologising for her lack of presence these days, reminding you she cares for you and to stay safe. Things would settle down soon. You both hoped for that. But a niggly feeling deep in your soul told you that that was simply wishful thinking.
Emotions constantly consumed you, the fear of the students impact your ability to remain neutral, to the point you were having near consistent headaches. New rules being implemented for staff and students due to what some believe is bears. Bears in the woods were believable but perhaps it was paranoia of the students effecting you or Wednesdays constant insistence over there being a monster In the woods killing people. Whatever the reason was you couldn’t do the constant headaches, anxiety hitting you like tidal waves every time you left your room, even altering your dreams now. This couldn’t go on much longer, it’s draining everyone, especially the poor Principal. Truthfully you weren’t sure what emotions were your own these day.
Shooting a quick text off to Larissa you found your shoes and jacket and got ready to leave the grounds in search of a break. Only to be stopped by a frantic round of knocks on the door of your private chambers spooked you. Instantly tapping into your ability, you knew your girlfriend was stood on the other side of the door riddled with panic causing you to make quick work of letting the woman in.
“Isa?” You puzzled, stepping back away from her slightly as the full force of her emotions hit you. “Darling! You shouldn’t leave the grounds. I can’t protect you there my love! Please don’t risk your health. I can’t imagine what would happen if-“ her own sobs choked the final words of her pleas. Tears forming in her cyan blue eyes, “I don’t like this darling girl” you couldn’t help but mumbled sadly “I need a break Isa. It’s too painful. Maybe if I can prove there’s nothing abnormal the students won’t be so paranoid. I have to try Larissa! Please for my sake let me go” you stated with the stubbornness she knew you held. Especially when it involved someone you care for. “I- I don’t like it” she whispered as her emotions clouded every word. As much as she didn’t like this, she doesn’t want you in pain either.
Warm slender fingers came to cradle your cheek as she attempted to persuade you otherwise. The blondes heart clenching with fear as you squared your jaw and pushed calming emotions into her. “I’ll be fine Isa. I promise. Just need fifteen minutes to myself away from all the madness. Larissa you must know I respect you but I need this. I’ll be back soon love” you stated before slipping under the shifters form that was blocking the doorway. You didn’t dare look back, knowing your heart would shatter into millions of tiny pieces at the hurt and anguish she was being drowned in.
One thing about Larissa Weems is she protects those within Nevermore and those who she holds dear with every fibre of her being. To see you go into the unknown alone most definitely shouldn’t be happening on her watch. But, she’d the let fear of losing you paralyse her, moments trapped in her own mind as it drew up the worst case scenarios.
The ticking sound escaping the grandfather clock seemed to be only adding to the blondes fears. You’d said fifteen minutes, by minute three she had moved back to her office and began rapidly passing the floor. A desperate attempt to calm herself was failing as she glanced again at the clock for at least the hundredth time. By minute eight, every emotion was clawing its way through the shifter inhibiting her from forming a plan. To save you from the unknown.
By minute fifteen, tears caressed pale cheeks as her chest heaved in attempt of getting enough air to fill them. You’d left. And she’d let you. Failing you in the first few months of your blossoming relationship wouldn’t booded well with her desire to love and protect you till her last breath. A lapse in her judgment that wouldn’t happen again.
As you made your way back to the grounds, shaken and sore you were immediately hit with your lovers emotions. Self hatred, solitude, love, panic, confusion and an overwhelming sadness were swirling inside of her like a mini tornado. So much so it practically made you feel more nauseous than you previously did. As you crawled into Nevermore the only thought you had was that she was right. If only you’d listened to her.
Not even bothering to knock you let yourself into the office panting slightly through the pain which caught her attention. “Are you hurt? Darling? Let me see. Are you okay? Gods don’t ever do that again! I could’ve lost you. Do you know how incredibly dangerous that is. Is that blood?” She rambled as her eyes frantically ran over your from. She immediately noted that you seemed to hold your right heel off the floor and a deep crimson stained your cheeks and left arm. Almost as if you’d been scratched by something.
“Isa” you groaned, “yes. I’m sorry. You were right” you mumbled as you tried to focus on anything but the swirling emotions that were brewing inside of you. “Stay” was all she offered as she let her long beautiful legs carry her to fetch what could only be a medical kit. Sure enough that’s exactly what she was clinging to as she moved to kneel by your saw body. “I’m sorry darling. I need to clean this up love” she murmured softly to you as she set to work on her task. A peace offering of painkillers and some bottled water to help with the physical pain. Praise flowing as she carfully cleaned and patch up the deep cuts before wrapping your ankle to help with the pain.
“Feel sick” you whimpered as she cleaned off the blood staining your cheeks. “I’ll just” she trailed off as you cut her off with a desperate plea to stay. “Please! Isa I need you here! Don’t leave me! I’m sorry, don’t go” only to be hushed and gently scooped into her arms and carried to her private quarters. From there she joined you on the bed, extra cautious of your sore body. “Okay.”
Okay. You were okay. But hurt. Alive. She reminded her self as you clung to her. She had no clue what had happened and it wasn’t her right to pry, you’d speak when you felt ready. In an effort to help with your nausea she tried to pour all her love and calming energy into you as silent tears rolled down her cheeks. You could’ve died. Left. Gone. She wouldn’t have been able to tell you she loved you. Although you knew that, she wanted the first time admitting it out loud to be perfect.
“I’ll never let anyone hurt you again” she mumbled dropping a sweet kiss to your head. You’d been silent for a while, chest rising and falling slowly with your eyes screwed shut as you hid yourself into her. Only natural she thought you’d been asleep. “I’m sorry I’ve let you down my darling. I can’t lose you. From here and now I’m going to make sure that you are safe. Better protection for you from emotions. Anything to keep you safe and happy. I- i- oh heavens how will I tell you when you are awake if i can’t say it now?’ I love you sweet girl. Always will.” She managed to stumble out before dropping another round of sweet kisses to the crown of your head. No verbal answer was given, but the onslaught of love forcing its way into her body was all that she needed to know.
You’d get through this together. She hadn’t lost you. And wouldn’t ever again. Stubbornly, you mumbled telling her she was protective of you. Only to be reminded that to Larissa Weems you are her whole world. Nothing is more important than your safety and happiness. Nothing. She’d deal with your stubbornness if you accepted her need to protect someone as precious as yourself from such a cruel world. Her love. Her life. Hopefully her wife. One day.
Word count ~ 2005
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honeybeefae · 1 year
oooo forbidden love with eris or azriel? maybe even a triangle 👀
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Out of the Woods (Eris Vanserra x Reader)
(I ended up going with Eris bc this idea literally is so much fun plus I’ve got so many Azriel requests! This request didn’t specify if it was NSFW or SFW so I just went for SFW! This literally came to life as I was writing it and I want to continue it SO bad so pls let me know if you guys would be interested lmao)
WARNINGS: Fighting, talks of death, a little gore in terms of blood
You had been coming to these woods ever since you had first seen him chasing after your assailants. What he was doing in the mortal realm you didn’t know nor care but you were grateful he was there that day. He had seen them drag you into the woods, ready to do unspeakable things, until each one of them suddenly burst into flames redder than you had ever seen.
One by one they dropped dead and you stood there, terrified, as the red hair fae emerged from the shadows. He was the most beautiful man you had ever seen and while you should have run or screamed or even fought, you just gazed at him.
He stopped a few feet away from you, his amber eyes focused on your breathing as you opened your mouth and whispered, “Thank you.”
It was the last thing he had expected you to say and it took him a minute to recover, a small smile turning his lips despite the image he was trying to portray. You drew in a sharp breath when he stepped into your personal space, bending down until he was at eye level.
The single word made your heart jump and instinct took over, breaking you from the spell as you turned on your heel and ran back to your village. You kept glancing over your shoulder, making sure he wasn’t following and didn’t stop until you were in your bedroom with the door closed. It felt like your heart was about to burst from your chest as you scurried under the covers like a child. 
As the adrenaline wore off and the night grew darker you started to drift off to sleep despite yourself, your eyes slowly closing until you dreamed about the man in the forest. You could’ve sworn you felt something touch your cheek that night, the smell of embers and pine wrapping around you like a blanket.
You didn’t go into the forest for several days, feigning sickness or pain whenever your father would ask you to go forage before the winter. The excuses worked for a while until he put his foot down, yelling at you that you needed to go out or risk starvation. 
This time you wore a cloak and had a dagger sheathed in your belt, the empty basket swaying from side to side as you went to the small berry patch close to the thickets and river. You felt tense the entire time, constantly looking over your shoulder, and just as you felt you could relax as you stood you felt eyes on you.
He was staring at you from the other side of the river, taking in your shocked expression before vanishing into thin air. You didn’t stick around to see where he went, turning to run back home only to smack into something solid.
Not something…someone.
“What are you doing in the forest again by yourself?” The man asked, his voice low as he captured your wrist in his hand when you tried to run. “I thought I told you to run.”
Your mouth was dry as you opened and closed it, your pulse fluttering under his fingertips as you struggled briefly to break away. His touch was warm, warmer than the average human, and it made your skin tingle in a weird way. 
“Answer me, human.” He sneered, lacking the patience that a man his age probably should have. You knew the fae were practically immortal and given how he looked a few years older than you, he had to have been around for a while.
“I-I had to come to get food for my family.” You stutter, clearing your throat from how hoarse it sounded. “Why are you here? What do you want?”
“I don’t think you’re in the position to be asking those questions.” He responded while glancing at your wrist in his hand. “This forest is too dangerous for someone like you to be in. There are wolves and foxes and evil men waiting to snatch you up.”
“Lucky you killed one of those three for me then, isn’t it?” You said boldly, your eyes widening when you realized you hadn’t filtered that thought from coming out of your mouth. Immediately your cheeks heated and you looked away, pulling once more.
He let you go, smirking when you stumbled back and fell on your ass. You scurried back a few paces when he crouched down to watch you more closely.
“Don’t come into these woods again, do you understand? It is not safe and I’m not going to go out of my way to save you.” He stated, offering his hand for you to take. You glanced at it and then his face, your eyes narrowing in suspicion before he grew tired of your antics and pulled you up himself.
He looked you over one more time, catching the dagger on your hips as it caught the afternoon sun. “And make sure you know how to use that or you might as well beat someone off with a stick.”
As he turned to go back from wherever he came from you found yourself calling for him, voice tight as you asked, “What is your name?”
The fae man stopped but didn’t turn around, debating on what he should say before he turned his head to the left slightly. You could make out his profile, the bridge of his nose, and his pointed ear as he said, “Eris.”
You watched as he disappeared once again, your heart thrumming as you stood there for a moment digesting what had just happened. Eris. His name was Eris. The name sounded weird in your head and yet it was all you could think about on your walk home, testing it on your tongue until you arrived at your doorstep.
Night quickly fell as you washed the fruit and finished your daily chores, bidding your family goodnight and making your way back to your bed. The smell from your dreams was still present, especially by your bed, and you fell asleep once more to the face of the fae, of Eris. 
Only this time you dreamt of him in a forest of red and yellow.
The next time you went into the woods was when your village was under attack by the soldiers of Hybern. They were ransacking every home, every family, and taking whatever they wanted. You had heard the screams of women, men, and children as great fires suddenly lit up the sky.
Your family was trying to gather their most precious belongings but by the time they were ready to run it was too late. Three large men burst inside, their entire aura reeking of evil as they took in your small abode. Without warning you saw your father grab his sword off the wall and hurl it at the tallest soldier blocking the door, watching as it sank into his arm.
He let out a roar of rage and your father screamed at you all to run, his stance brave. You and your mother and brother took the opportunity and sprinted out into the street, feeling the other soldiers hot on your heels. You decided to turn the opposite way and head towards the forest, your head screaming at you as both men followed you. 
You were breathing hard as you tried your best to see in the dark, crying out as branches and thorns scraped across your skin. Blood was running down your arms by the time you got to the river and when you turned to look behind you, you realized they were no longer there.
Badum. Badum. Badum.
Seconds were passing by agonizingly slow as you waited with bated breath, sweat making your skin sticky as your head whipped around furiously for any sign of them. A twig snapped behind you and you didn’t have time to brace yourself as a heavy body slammed into you, knocking you onto the forest floor and stealing the very breath from your lungs.
“Stupid bitch thinks she can outrun us.” The soldier laughed, pinning your arms above your head as he glared at you with hatred. “Let’s see how far you can run when I’ve got my c-”
Before he can finish the sentence a ring of fire wraps around his throat and squeezes until his head is severed from his body. Warm blood covers your nightgown as you stare in terror, your vocal cords unable to move as the other Hybern soldier meets the same fate.
Soft footsteps head in your direction and you close your eyes tightly, not wanting to see whoever was going to kill you until you felt the familiar tingle of Eris’s hands wrapping around your body. He lifts you into his arms without a word and looks around, making sure no one is left before vanishing with you held tightly against him.
You felt like you were falling as he appeared in front of a cabin, a small candle lit in the window as he walked through the front door and shut it behind him. He wordlessly walked over to the bathroom and turned on the tap, setting you gingerly on the floor.
He tested the water with his rest and when satisfied, poured some soap into it until bubbles started to appear. You had your knees drawn up to your chest, watching him while he strode over to you and picked you up again. Eris made easy work of your nightgown, ripping it down the middle with just a few fingers and putting you into the water.
Both of your hands came up to cover your chest as he submerged you in warmth, looking at your nightgown with disgust before burning it in his grasp. You blinked rapidly, watching the ash fall to the floor, before turning your eyes to his.
“You came for me.” You whispered hoarsely. “You killed those men…for me.”
“I told you to stay out of the forest.” He snapped, a deep frown settled on his face. “I told you the dangers but you didn’t listen, you refused to listen. Do you know what could have happened to you if I wasn’t there?”
You did know. You wouldn’t be here with a strange fae man named Eris. You wouldn’t be in a warm bath in a grand cabin. You would probably be dead, along with the rest of your family and your village. 
The thought of your family had tears falling down your cheeks and into the bath, tiny ripples disturbing the water under the bubbles. You hoped they had escaped, found somewhere to hide, and your father…
A soft sob had your shoulders shaking as you turned your back to Eris, bringing your knees in once more and resting your face between them. Everything you knew, everyone you knew, it was all up in flames. Literally.
Minutes passed by without a word spoken and you had thought he had left you alone until you heard him shuffle behind you and sigh. “I’m sorry for snapping at you. It’s not what you need right now. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“Why do you care so much?” You mumbled, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hand. “You barely know me. You’re a fae, I’m a human. What game are you playing here?”
“I’m not playing a game.” Eris defended, watching as you angle your head to look at him. “I swear.”
“Then why save me? Why bring me here? I thought you hated our kind.” You were misdirecting your anger at the man who saved your life but you couldn’t help it, you wanted something to make sense in your life. “Am I a servant to you? Are you going to keep me trapped here for the rest of my life?”
“If I wanted a servant I could have easily found anyone so watch your tone.” Eris suddenly stood, his eyes hot with anger. “Is this how you are thanking me for saving your life? By questioning my decisions? Would you rather I take you back to those terrible men, to that terrible life?”
“I just want an answer!” You scream back, standing up and staring him down. You didn’t care that you were naked, you didn’t care that this man could kill you with a snap of his fingers. He owed you a damn explanation. “Just tell me why!”
Eris’s jaw twitched while his nostrils flared, his fists curling at his side briefly before relaxing. He took a deep breath and turned around and grabbed a towel, tossing it in your direction. 
“I don’t have to explain myself to a human.” He said, pausing in the doorframe. “Dry off, get dressed, and come out here when you’re done.”
He shut the door before you could respond but you still let out a scream of frustration, stomping your foot like a child as you gripped the towel firmly. You stared at where he had just been, willing him to come back, before letting your shoulders sag in defeat.
Whatever he was going to do, whatever compelled him to save you, you obviously weren’t going to find out tonight. This communication between the two of you shouldn’t have even started in the first place, it was forbidden and yet here you were. 
Stuck in a cabin with Eris…your new home for the time being. 
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Can I request fem!reader heading with her comrades to Marley after receiving Eren’s letters and when she got there, her and Reiner finally met after 3 years. When Porco was facing against reader and was about to attack her and when reader was about to attack back, Reiner stopped him immediately to protect her and when he saw reader, he was surprised to see her and to see how beautiful she is still.
Thanks!!! :))))
cw: angst, heavy content (mentions of death, war, killing, etc.), mostly canon-compliant (I hope haha)
Author’s Note: Sorry this took FOREVER to get out, I took a break for working on requests, so thank you for your patience! I had a lot of fun with this one, it’s such an interesting prompt, so thanks so much for requesting this! I hope you like it! I left it open-ended, so the rest is up to your imagination. 😉
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You and Reiner met in the Cadet Corps, part of the same graduating class. He helped you adjust to your ODM gear when you were having difficulty finding balance. Offered to spend extra time after dismissal just to catch up to the rest of your peers. His confident demeanor and encouraging attitude immediately drew you to him. When he was ranked second in your division, your admiration for him only grew stronger. And from there, it was inevitable: you feel in love with him.
It took you a while to realize it; you were hesitant to admit it because you weren’t sure he held the same feelings for you. In fact, you were certain he didn’t. He made it obvious how attracted he was to the adorable Christa Lenz, constantly fawning about her angelic expression and shiny, blonde hair. But at the end of the day, it was you he confided in about his inner turmoil, not her. He trusted you. 
He couldn’t explain to you exactly why he was struggling. All you knew is that he was conflicted, battling different sides of himself to a point where he wasn’t sure what he truly wanted to do. He found solace in your soothing words, assuring him that everything will be okay, even when you weren’t sure yourself. But how bad could it be? All of you were born to this same world, forced to bear the burden of Titans destroying homes, ruining lives. What kind of strife was Reiner experiencing that differed from yours?
It was the year 850 when the truth was revealed. It was also the last time you saw Reiner in his human form, the one you grew to love with every fiber of your being. 
You were gathered with the other Scouts, who seemed to be suspicious of Reiner and Bertolt all day. In a literal flash and a bang, electricity striking inches away, you were swept, hanging onto to one another for dear life. Suddenly, the Colossal and Armored Titans appeared, in the exact spot where Bertolt and Reiner were standing. 
It couldn’t be. There’s no way. 
It took you days, maybe even weeks, to come to terms with it. The person you trusted the most was your sworn enemy this whole time. Lying to you day after day, pretending to be your friend. Just like that, he was traitor.
Still, years later, as you prepare for this fateful mission to retrieve Eren Jaeger from Marley, you haven’t forgotten about Reiner Braun. It’s only recently he’s resurfaced in your memories. Maybe because there’s a chance you’ll reunite with him on this visit to his homeland. A home that has you and all your other friends pegged as devils, sworn to eliminate your island. How can you feel anything but hatred for the man that tricked you into thinking he was the same as you? You fight with yourself to suppress the precious memories you share together. Late night talks, laying side-by-side in bed. His arm brushing yours, you cherishing the warm feeling like an ember on a cold night. Being with him made you feel safe. What would it make you feel now?
The attack on Marley happens on a chilly night. It’s nothing short of chaotic, many of your comrades shot down by the advanced weapons of their army. It’s only a miracle that you manage to survive with just a few scrapes. That is, until you’re faced with the Jaw Titan. 
All nineteen years of your life flashes before your eyes like a movie playing in fast forward. You were always prepared to die in the mouth of a Titan. You were surrounded by it growing up, then sworn to fight against it when you joined the Scouts. You’re willing to sacrifice yourself if it means it’s for the greater good of humanity. Your ODM gear is out of gas, and you’ve exhausted every weapon in your arsenal. In the quick seconds before you’re chomped by the terrifying giant, you make peace with your fate. And for some reason, it’s Reiner’s voice that echoes in your mind, amidst the sound of destruction.
When you open your eyes, waiting for death, you realize the voice is not a figment of your imagination. Worst of all, the image you see before you is very much real. The Armored Titan is kneeling before you, shielding you from the Jaw, who trashes at his back. Eventually, he retreats, growing tired of it, leaving you with Reiner in this form. You hear the distinct sounds of air compressing; he’s removing himself from the nape, eyes stained with the undeniable red streaks. The first thing he yells out is your name, and it’s like a stab in the chest. It’s the same way he’s said it all those years ago. And in this moment, with pandemonium surrounding you, it’s as if you’re in a bubble with him, guarded from the madness of this useless war. You and him, together at last. 
He stares at you with tired eyes, face covered in stubble that ages him. He’s grown quite a bit, but you can tell from the gaunt demeanor that’s he’s lost weight. Have the expectations of war affected him this much? He repeats your name again, then says, “You’re here,” grasping your hand between his. You try to recoil from him, but you don’t, relishing the way he holds you. It’s what you always wanted, but not like this. Still, it lights a fire in you that you can’t ignore. 
Before you know it, he’s leading you somewhere, maneuvering through the rubble expertly, until you’re hidden away in some bunker, far enough that the chaos is subdued in the background. It’s only now that you’re truly alone with him that you come to your senses. You flinch, shoving him away, guarding yourself. “Get away from me!”
“You have every right to be mad,” he says, backing off.
“Mad? Mad?! You’ve been trying to kill us this whole time! You’re a traitor.”
He points to the walls, yelling, “I protected you out there! Porco was going to kill you and I begged him not to!”
“Why? You should have just let me die. That’s the whole point, right? We’re devils, we don’t deserve to live.” You voice trembles with anger, body quivering with adrenaline.  
“I couldn’t stand there and watch you die.”
“You’re suddenly feeling remorseful? After already taking so many lives? Do you want me to thank you?”
He steps towards you, intensity in his expression. “You think I like being this way? I was raised to be a warrior. This is the only thing I know how to do.”
You shove past him, heading to the doorway. “I can’t believe I even let you drag me all the way out there! I’d rather die in the battlefield than talk to you!”
He grabs your wrist, keeping you in place. “You don’t mean that.”
“Don’t tell me what I don’t mean. We’re enemies, Reiner.” You don’t pull away from him. His fingers are warm around you. 
“You think it’s that easy? After everything we’ve been though?”
“It’s fact.”
“I hate myself for betraying you, but I had no other choice. Just like you had no other choice but to come here and destroy my home.”
“So, what? Are you asking for a peace treaty? Sorry, but we both know that you nor I have enough power to establish that.”
He leans closer, squeezing your hand between his. “I’m asking you to forgive me. For lying to you, for hurting you. For betraying you.”
You glare at him, determined to keep up this act. Deep down, you’re desperate for more of his touch. Because in this fleeting moment, with gunfire and explosions blasting in the distance, his it’s all you need to feel safe. “What makes you think that I’ll forgive you?”
“I don’t expect it, but it’s worth a shot. Especially with the end of the world coming.”
You roll your eyes at him. “Paradis is trying to stop the war. All we want is peace on our island.”
“There will never be peace in this messed up world. That’s the truth. And since this is probably the last you’ll see of me, I’m going to continue being honest. You’re beautiful. More beautiful than I ever imagined you’d be after all these years.”
It catches you off guard, enough to relax the tension in your brows to stare at him, dumfounded. 
He continues. “I think about you constantly. I always wonder what could have been. Maybe if I made my own decisions back then, our lives would be different.”
“Who’s to say I would have accepted?” 
“Come on. I knew you were in love with me. It was obvious.”
Heat rushes into your cheeks, embarrassed like the teenaged girl you were all those years ago. “You knew?”
“Of course I did.” He smirks at you, instantly returning the boyish youth to his face. 
Your resolve is cracking under his charm; you gravitate towards him. Cupping his cheek, running your fingers through his scraggly beard. “What happened to you, Reiner? How did it turn out this way?” 
He surrounds your hand with his, leaning into your touch. “Stay with me a while, and I can tell you all about it.”
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