#literally too pure
carrythatwayt · 9 months
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Muriel: sweetest angel in the garrison.
Pt. 2
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ghostbsuter · 2 months
"What the fuck did you do!?" Sam snaps, glaring at Tucker.
"I don't know!" The man in the chair replies helplessly, fingers tapping desperately as they crash landed not even seconds ago. Quote nicely actually.
"Where are we? Is this a new dimension? Tucker! Is danny here??"
"Sam, I swear if I knew I would be telling you!"
She groans, opening the latch of the ship and storming out. It was normal, similar to their own world.
Sitting down on the gras, grasping the greens of this world, she hums at the thriving energy pulsing.
"Who are you?" A teen in clad red and black holds his bo staff threateningly at her, behind him following a guy flying and two- a girl and boy- hanging back.
"No, who are you? What's up with those costumes?"
The boy blinks, taken aback.
"That's Robin," the flying teen says with a gruff, arms crossed. "I'm super boy. We're the Young Justice, you landed in that shabby thing-" He threw a thumbs up at their ship.
"In our city."
Sam doesn't know what to make out of them.
"Okayyy, what's up with the costumes again?"
Robin pipes in. "We're heroes."
"No fucking way." Them? Heroes? What.
"Yes, way." The one boy from the back appears in milliseconds, puffing his chest with a grin.
The blond girl follows with a sigh, it's fond and not a moment later is she back in confused stance.
"I don't believe you."
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steampunkedemon · 2 years
idk but saying tyler being a manipulative serial killer means he can’t be with wednesday is genuinely so funny to me like baby this is the addams family we’re talking about. being a manipulative serial killer should put him at the top of the viable choices for wednesday list.
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thehalfbloodfreak · 1 year
Cal will be like: “We both know what happens when I stay in one place too long” Gotta keep that low profile so the Empire doesn’t find us—
Also Cal to every stranger he sees: Hi I’m Cal Kestis. Oh and this is BD-1
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hayaku14 · 7 months
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kaito buying every ticket to every soccer game available just to see that excited look on shinichi's face
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
i'm aware that due to luffy's more cheerful personality and looks, a lot of people might find it weird to picture him in sexual situations. especially since most of us see him as aroace (as if aroace people couldn't have sex or be in love but, y'know, that's for another time) and it's completely understandable to not feel comfortable around sexual stuff if you don't like it with this specific character. however, being uncomfortable around that type of content and infantilizing luffy's character to the point that you consider it problematic or wrong to put him in romantic/sexual situations is too much and you should let people enjoy characters however the fuck they want. if you don't like something just scroll and ignore it, but don't try to make everyone follow your own moral compass and likes because we're all different and luffy is just a fictional character.
people often forget he's the captain of a pirate crew. he's mature and has critical thinking and if seeing a cheerful/cute character instantly makes you assume he deserves to be "protected" from sex/romance, you are: infantilizing his personality (that may or may not be neurodivergent coded, but that's another story), villainizing sex and romance instead of just seeing those as something you don't personally enjoy but should let other people consume, and using being aroace as a shield from the real world and a stereotype instead of actually being inclusive and truly seeing him as aroaspec. friendly reminder that aroaspec people can have sex and be in romantic relationships because it's a spectrum. that's the whole thing about it. it's understandable to not be comfortable around sexual situations with a character you don't perceive as sexually active, but that doesn't mean it's wrong to write him that way. let people do whatever they want with their idea of luffy and have fun!
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beif0ngs · 1 year
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I am down to my last life. And, uh... I am afraid. I’m supposed to be a fearless hero! A legend! But without lives to spare, I am... nothing.
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clownsuu · 11 months
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strawberry on his shoes, because he walks to the strawberry.
strawberry on his phone, because he talks to the strawberry.
strawberry he sleeps on, because strawberry is always in his mind.
strawberry on his watch, because strawberry is time.
what's your opinion on this situation with strawberries man?
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓strawberries are the answer to all life’s problems🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓
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creepiefarm · 8 months
Marble Hornets is a narrative haunted by both Amy and Jessica. So much of the series revolves around the mystery of what happened to them, and how they affected the characters behind the camera.
It's Amy that first shows us Alex does care and is affected by the actions he's taken.
It's Amy that unintentionally gets Jessica involved with the Operator and the others.
It's Jessica that first directly points out how strange Jay's behavior is, and who drives Jay forward to confronting Alex.
It's Amy's mention that allows Tim to finally gain the upper hand in his fight with Alex.
It's Jessica who closes Tim's part in the story, and who carries on the narrative in the comics.
Constantly in the latter two seasons we are left wondering where they are, who knows, and whether they are alright. For characters not given a lot of screen time due to the availability of their actors, so much of the story is driven by their involvement.
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stbot · 1 year
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Jade + protecting Kit
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yonpote · 1 month
ok its honestly hilarious how #for the fandometrics is now a secondary phan tag. like noooo other fandom is being like "guys im just tagging this ship for metrics okay!!!!" even other rpf ships arent doing all that 😭 we just have such bad phan-related trauma that we constantly have to be like "no no you guys its just a bit its for metrics i dont SHIP phan guys i swear its ironic its just a joke we're doing this as a joke"
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I saw that like you were talking Clown changing his pfp to Frank and I was like oh let's see it it's probably something cute again
when I saw scared Frank I got whiplash
like I could feel something turn in my stomach
I'm not ready for this update I'm six feet under already
Everyone is like oh we'll get cute winter stuff... nahhh. this feels suspicious. something is up. they have something in store for this one and I'm scared to see what it is
anyways have a nice day sorry for going insane in your inbox ❤️❤️❤️
PEOPLE WERE THINKING WE'D GET CUTE WINTER STUFF??? i mean im sure we will but guys. fellas. we are all aware that this is a Horror Project, right-
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stinkypeanutbutter · 25 days
i feel like Aiden was such an animation meme kid
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ywpd-translations · 3 months
Ride 764: Dearest wish
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Pag 1
1: The one thing the third year Onoda Sakamichi desires is....?
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Pag 2
3: His dearest wish!!
4: Right!!
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Pag 3
1: That's definitely Onoda's dearest wish
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Pag 4
2: Do your beest
They're so fast!
They move the wind
The jerseys are so brightly colored
3: No no no no
4: That- that's not it
That's not-
Is Sohoku arguing over something!?
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Pag 5
1: That- that was just the spur of the moment
I ended up just saying anything
2: That's not my dearest wish at all....
So- uhm
3: Please forget about it, everyone!!
4: No way!!
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Pag 6
1: That must be our goal this year!! Our third victory in a row!!
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Pag 7
1: Yessir!!
2: The three day long stage is harsh and long, that's why everyone's strengths will be necessary!!
3: If we can all unite our strengths and support each other as one...
4: The I'll be able to win brilliantly!! Yeah!!
Just like I did during the prefectural qualification!!
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Pag 8
1: I'll sprint desperately, Hotshot-san will accompany me, and I'll do a grand finishing dash, just like that day!!
Okay!! You've been saying it over and over again!!
2: You're really a guy who clings to the glory of the past
The prefectural qualification is connected to the Inter High, it's not in the past!!
You're the type of guy I hate the most when you get carried away
Naruko-san was amazing, teh!!
That day, yeah!!
3: Sto-stop iit, you were both amazing that day
4: Come oon... we're in the middle of an important meeting
6: Now that I think about it
7: This is all
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Pag 9
1: Can I say one last thing?
2: I also think our goal must be a third consecutive victory
3: There's just one thing I'm curious about we still haven't asked
5: What's your goal this year?
What are you running in the Inter High for?
6: When I asked you this last year during the first years' race
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Pag 10
1: I want to report it
2: You said you wanted to report the victory to your senpai
3: And you
4: Accomplished that
5: Honestly, when I first heard that I thought “what is he talking about, that's such a small goal”
But that day, after the race, when I saw Onoda-san doing it
6: I was shaking
I thought from the bottom of my heart that it was amazing
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Pag 11
1: I thought you were super cool
5: Wh- no no
That- I was just reporting, there's nothing cool about it at all, okay
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Pag 12
1: So I want to know what your goal is this year
Please tell us what you're thinking about!!
2: Is it “I want to report to that senpai once again”!?
4: Crowning your third victory in a row as the captain!?
6: Is it the mountain's bib!? Is it winning a stage!?
Please tell us... your goal during the race...
7: or maybe for when the race is over!!
8: A.....
9: No no no
It's nothing- yes, it's nothing!!
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Pag 13
1: Onoda's goal....
2: I see, what Onoda-kun wants to do....
3: Now that I think about it....
4: What is it!? You started saying it now, “a”!!
Is it “running as an assist”!?
5: Does it mean you don't want to bear the last heavy burden!?
No no no no, that's fine, if the situation calls for it I'll do my best
6: That's enough, Issa
7: There are things Onoda-san doesn't want to say too
No, if it can become motivation for the team then he should say it
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Pag 14
1: Onoda-san's goal!!
2: But still, Issa!!
I'm telling you, anything is fine!!
Ah, uhm...
3: It's a really personal thing, so.... don't get your hopes up...
But.... that's... always been.... my dearest wish...
4: Dearest wish!!
5: If we run with all we have in this Inter High.... putting together all of our strengths and deliver our jersey to the finish line
6: If we get the best result....
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Pag 15
1: No no, I really can't say more than this
3: Say it, everything's fine. I'm curious too
4: Ah.... if we get the best results.... I....
5: I want to reserve a room somewhere...
6: A room?
8: Prepare teacakes
9: Cakes!?
10: Ask for everyone's cooperation...
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Pag 16
1: Gather five people
5: It's something I've been imagining.... since before... entering school in my first year.....
7: Even just for one day
8: Even just a few hours after school
Everyone will bring what they like
9: A.....
Oi.... don't tell me you mean.... you
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Pag 17
1: I'm thinking of reviving the anime research club!!
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Pag 18
5: No way!!
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Pag 19
1: And then, there
2: I think I could call Makishima-san, who likes figures
I feel like you've misunderstood something here
3: And Midosuji-kun who likes anime
Would you be able to hold a conversation with him!?
4: Isn't that good!! The best goal!!
5: You'll gather five people in no time!!
6: Kakaka mine will be the first name you write down
7: Amazing
From England and Kyoto....!!
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Pag 20
1: I don't really get it, but somehow that fired me up!!
2: That's Onoda-san's dearest wish!!
3: Ah
4: N-no, it's really nothing much, so I take it back...
Revive the anime club!!
Let's do it, for Onoda-san!!
I don't really know what an anime club does, but I'm in!!
Me too!!
5: Yeeah!!
Let's do it!!
Issa, calm down
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Pag 21
2: Your goal is to “revive the anime research club even for just day”?
Oi oi, that's such a small
3: but splendid goal!!
4: You managed to unite the club's intentions as one with such bizarre words!!
5: You're really are an unpredictable guy!!
The plate will soon become green
“Real start”.... the real race will start!!
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kastalani123 · 6 months
In theory, Annabeth Chase is the responsible, mostly level-headed, no-nonsense member of the Seven.
In practice, Annabeth Chase is a math-obsessed ADHD girl that's been training to fight for her life since she was seven, has fought in two (2) wars by the time she turns seventeen, and is simply Too Tired™ to care about consequences of her impulsive thoughts, if she ever did.
What I'm saying is she pitches the dumbest hypotheticals to Leo and then they hole themselves up with limited food and sleep to try the idea out, no matter how stupid. Their cabins often join, sometimes others as well. It's a bit like MythBusters but with less regard for human life and even more explosions. Chiron and Mr D know Something Is Up if they haven't seen either of the two in too long.
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adsosfraser · 1 year
Why do so many canon divergent/compliant/adjacent fics make Peeta a such a master player manwhore slut type before the games? You’re telling me he pined after katniss since they were five and fucked like five other girls already. What happened to only having eyes for katniss and knowing he’s loved her since he first saw her? Even if he didn’t have those feelings for katniss he is definitely not the type to just fling himself at people at that age either.
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