#little brother? more like plushie am i right
0vergrowngraveyard · 1 month
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theres a fox in there somewhere
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dabislittlemouse · 9 months
tainted angel🪽 (pt.3)
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PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 4
ෆ cw: Dabi being a flirt and a pervert, corruption kink, smut and dubcon incoming, stalking
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The dead silence of the night is always something that calms me down. When the whole city is asleep, that’s when I head out, walking on random dark alleyways and empty parks with no destination in mind, just to clear my head.
Though this time there was a destination. It had been 3 hours since the phone call with my angel, by now she should be asleep.
Unless she was lying to me. That will get her in trouble.
But no. As I reached her house and climbed on her balcony, the lights were already off. A grin forms in my face as I notice that the balcony door was open, letting the chilly breeze creep inside her room.
So inviting.
Entering inside, I can see some of the surroundings, my eyes easily adjusting in the darkness.
There she lays, in a deep sleep wearing nothing but a silky nightie, her white fluffy wings smaller and spreading on the bed. Her pretty golden hair falling on her face, her breathing is slow and soft, my hungry eyes already fixed on the movement of her chest. She has to be a real angel, cause no human out there has ever looked this mesmerising. My scarred hand reaches to remove the hair off her face, careful to not wake her up. My finger caresses her cheek softly, then it goes down to her chin, and trailing lower, reaching her chest.
I can see her nipples perking through the fabric of her nightie.
You’re a fucking tease y’know that babe? Leaving the balcony door wide open, wearing something like this. You knew I was coming didn’t cha?
I reach closer, my face mere inches away from her figure, as I take in her scent. Fuck, the same sweet intoxicating scent as before. It makes me salivate, the sight in front of me is making it harder and harder to not do anything reckless right now.
I am more than capable to fuck her just like this, or play with her lovely tits while I jerk myself off. Until she wakes up, panicking and horrified at the sight of a stranger stroking his cock to her sleeping figure. Damn that would really traumatise you angel.
I need to be patient. Can’t have her scared off, running to her brother for help, where’s the fun in that?
“Oh, I’ll make you fall f’me” I whisper, my lips press softly against her forehead. “I’ll have ya question your morals and your sanity soon enough”
I reach to the pocket of my coat, grabbing a few small blue flowers that I picked while walking earlier. Thankfully they weren’t crushed. I put them right on her bedstand, a little gift for when she wakes up in the morning.
Before I make my way to leave I notice the amount of plushies and small figurines she’s collected around.
“Cute” I mumble to myself before disappearing in the night. She’s gonna have to tell me ‘bout her collection one day.
The tomorrow’s meeting was about all the support and supplies we’d be gathering on the upcoming war against heroes once Shigaraki wakes up. A bunch of boring crap really, but as a lieutenant I had to show up and pretend that I care. Didn’t get much sleep last night, and for some reason those bastards just looove to have meetings in the morning. Helps to start the day fresh they say. Buncha’ idiots.
My mind is filled with nothing but her.
Damn it doll, y’gonna have me lose this war if you don’t leave my mind. I’ll have to punish you real bad for that.
“Hawks, what a pleasure to have you back again!” ReDestro says. I sit back on the chair, a lazy smile spreading across my face at the sight of the number two hero.
I jerked off to your sister’s voice last night, hero. And you have absolutely no idea.
I cough slightly, trying not to laugh.
After the meeting ends, I reach for Hawks, throwing an arm around him as if we’re close buddies.
“Oh hey man!” he laughs nervously.
“Such boring meeting don’t cha think?” I say, pulling a pack of cigarettes from my pocket. I offer him one but he declines.
“Yeah maybe, but every meeting has its importance.” he replies and I just roll my eyes.
I remove my arm off him, my eyes fixed on his.
“How is your sister doing?” I grin, puffing smoke out of my mouth, directly on his face, which is irritated with annoyance.
“Since when do you care about her now? I told you to not bring her up” Hawks replies sternly.
“Man you’re no fun. M’just trynna have a conversation here.” I raise both my hands, but he knows better than to believe I don’t have any sick intention behind all of this.
“I made sure to warn her that day to stay far away from you” Hawks says.
“You warned her that same day?” I raise an eyebrow.
“Yup. She has no business with you”
The same day she was warned. She ignored the warning and continued talking to me on the phone the other day, giving me the damn blue balls with her sleepy sexy voice. Angel, aren’t you naughty?
Not containing my thrill any longer, I head outside the PLF mansion, walking towards the forest. Outside it’s sunny, the brightness making me squint and almost killing my eyes.
I grab my burner phone, dialling her number. She picks up almost immediately.
You thrilled too huh?
“Rise and shine, angelface. Slept well?”
Of course you slept well. You lay there so pretty and peacefully, I saw you myself.
“Morning Dabi!” she says, excitement clear in her high pitched voice.
After a small chitchat, I decide to.. poke her a little.
“I hope you liked my gift~” I say and for a few seconds I was met with silence.
“…gift?” she mumbles in confusion, before letting out a small gasp. For sure her eyes fixed on the blue flowers that popped up out of nowhere in her nightstand.
“Stop with those jokes” she laughs nervously.
“Y’think I’m joking around? You wound me princess, after all that I went through to gather some pretty flowers just for you..”
Her breathing becomes irregular. Damn, did I scare you?
“H-How did you get them in my room?”
“How do you think?”
Poor angel, you’re stressing out.
“By the way” I interrupted, changing the topic. I decide to not answer her questions, and just leave her be with her thoughts. “Hawks told me you’re forbidden from talking to me~”
“Y-yeah but..” she swallows. “He won’t give me any reason why. And also, I don’t need guidance anymore, I am not a child..”
“Exactly” I grin. “You’re a big girl. M’sure you’re more than capable of making your own decisions, right princess?”
“Yeah.. right” she says, doubt in her voice. “But anyways, about the flowers you still didn’t-”
“Oh shit, I gotta go. Talk t’ya later” I say, before hanging up.
I have in fact nowhere to go. I just wanted to leave her drown in questions without answers, in overthinking and confused emotions. As much as I want to get her and make her mine, I decide that to have her yearning for me and her poor little heart burning for me is way better instead.
Her brother won’t give her a clear answer as to why I should not be approached. She still doesn’t know how those flowers got there, her brother’s best friend would never do anything bad right? Like, getting inside her room in the middle of the night when she’s asleep, salivating at her like a depraved man. He would never.
But you’ll see much more of me soon.
I send her a text message, I need to move things further.
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If she shows up, there’s no turning back.
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Tags: @mostlyheinous @touyalove @awalkingshame @ch3rrykoolaid @dabihawksluva @syrenkitsune
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akutasoda · 3 months
Could I request Gepard with a toymaker s/o who loves making and selling toys to little kids? I can't help but picture them gifting Geppie a plushie of himself.
Also, are you doing well?
made with love
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synopsis - the toymaker he adores gift's him a plush with a simple question
includes - gepard
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight pining, wc - 1k
a/n: i am doing well! i hope you are aswell :)
taglist - @teddirika
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you had first caught his eye when he was returning from the front lines. he had promised to swing by his sister's workshop and on his way he spotted a new stall not too far away from the florists, it had various bright colours and shapes that he could barely make out from this distance and they intrigued him. much like a child to a candy shop, he started moving toward your stall - his sister's workshop could wait.
the first thing he would notice is the large crowd of people near the stall, all children with their respective carers. the second thing he would notice is the owner of the stall. the bright smile you adorned as you crouched beside a child showing off a toy nearly distracted him from beautiful you were. he watched as you handed the toy to the child before another took intrest in another toy and you happily handed it too them.
he watched you work a bit longer than he thought before remembering he still had to see his sister and so he quickly turned heel and left. he spent some time with serval as she rambled on about her latest invention but he wasn't really listening because all he could think about was you. serval easily noticed her brother's lack of engagement and quickly shut down her rambled and asked him what was keeping him so lost in thought.
he asked her if she had seen the new stall near the florists and she explained you showed up a couple of days ago - that made sense to him as he had
been on the frontline for about a week. he then followed up by asking if she had the chance to talk to you which she obviously said no as she had been cooped up in her workshop. now he really was curious and so he quickly bid his sister farewell.
if you were being honest, you saw the captain of silvermane guards watch you earlier and it intimidated you. it made you think you did something wrong and now you could visibly see him walk towrds you again, making you panic even more. you were one hundred percent sure you had all the right paperwork and permits to be operating on the streets of belobog and you were sure you didn't commit any crimes, so why was he heading over?
gepard had noticed your stall had calmed down a bit and decided to find out who you were and why you plagued his thoughts. he approachhed you rather directly after he thanked another parent for their purchase and he could see you were visibly worried. he opened by telling you that you weren't in any trouble and he was just curious about your stall. you calmed yourself a bit before telling him about how you enjoyed making toys for children and it was a hobby that became a source of income.
he listened to you with absolute admiration. he thought it was absolutely adorable that you had such a passion for what you did and it was this that made you consume his thoughts even more. he eventually (and reluctantly) left, mainly because you had more customers and he wished you well.
eventually gepard had made a visit to your stall apart of his daily rounds - if he wasn't on the front line - and it would take you a while not to panic when he walked over. your customers would also have to get used to the captain's presence but the children never seemed to mind, if anything they proudly showed off your work to him.
one day you had an idea. gepard had become a constant in your daily life that you'd never expect but greatly appreciated and so you wanted to gift him something special, something made by you. you greeted him cheerily when he visited you the following day and immediately told him to close his eyes for a moment, he was going to question you but simply went along with whatever you had planned.
when you told him to open his eyes he was greeted by you happily presenting a handmade plush of yours. he immediately recognised it's likeness and his face exploded into red. he reached one hand out to grab it as the other covered his face and coughing out a very flustered thank you. you nagged him about how he wouldn't be able to appreciate it with his head turned away and eventually he let up.
he had to admit it was beautifully sewn and had a noticeable increase in quality compared to your regular works and that made his heart swoon. what he failed to realise at first was that the plush seemed to be holding something. he saw your smile widen as he picked it out the plushs arms and unfolded it. if his face was red before, it was even worse after reading the contents of the note.
you looked at him for a moment before prompting him for an answer. written on your note was a confession. you had to admit the captain of the silvermane guards was rather handsome and his charming but shy nature made him utterly unresistable, so you had developed a small crush. one that seemed to be reciprocated as your answer was a shy and honest yes.
your plush was a constant reminder to him about your confession, mainly because he was glad you made the leap before he did - he was so nervous that he fearred he wouldn't of done it. he kept it in tip top condition and if anything happened to it he brought it straight to you to fix. and with your new found relationship with gepard, your customers would note how he appeared at your stall more often and even helped you sell the toys sometimes.
he adored each and everyone of your works that you crafted or sewed - always complimenting your work. but truly nothing paled in comparison to the plush that he always had near him.
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raaindropps · 20 days
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Day meeting his prototype. Not a fan
[ID: A three-page comic of an OC, Day, and his previous design, Protoday. Day is smaller in stature, has short, black and white striped hair, and is chinese. Protoday is taller, has pushed back purple and yellow hair (Starting and purple and turning yellow through the comic), and is white.
The first page has warm and red tones. Day says "Hmm..." while staring at Protoday. The former is swearing profusely. Dat says "So... Yer sayin' that yer me, just... with color changing hair... white as the damn snow... an ass of the personality...". At this point Protoday thinks to himself, "How am I the asshole...?". His hair, previously entirely purple, now has hints of yellow.
Day continues, beginning to yell "And worst of all, yer like 15 manos?! Fuck is wrong wi'cha?! Sure, it ain't as tall as Yoki an' Ish, but really?! I mean, shit, I barely hit 13! And yer sayin' I coulda been 15 manos? The fuck kinda 'redesign' does that? The artist is just bein' lazy! An' the others are freakishly tall so it just makes me look shorter! What the hell?!"
In the corner of the page is text reading "1 mano = 12cm, 15 manos = 180cm, 13 manos = 156cm"
Page two begins with a simplified drawing of Protoday, now with even more yellow in his hair. Day is in the foreground still yelling, and Protoday thinks "This guy's a total cunt". Next, he looks to the side and says to Day, "But you have a brother, don't you? That's something good that you got. I'm an only child so..."
Day pauses. The colors suddenly become cool and slightly desaturated. Day looks horrified, staring at the camera and saying "What... Are you talking about?". It cuts to a fractured glass-style panel. Within the broken pieces are various images of Day's brother. It shows his hand cooking something, him looking forward, a stuffed animal plushie, him laying weakly on the ground, a zoom-in on his eye, looking scared, and finally his partiallt-decomposed body.
The third and final page has a more zoomed-out view of Day, with only his eyes drawn for facial features, staring directly at the viewer. The only colors are his skin, a bright red, and the darkness of the background. Day says "I don't have a brother". It cuts next to his eyes only, still staring.
Suddenly, Day looks normal again, saying "...ohhh, yer talkin' about Billy, ain't'cha? That lil bugger is like a little brother! He's just the sweetest, ain't he? I s'pose you really did lose out by being a lonely vagabond with no friends, didn't cha?".
The speed bubble suddenly turns black as he says "I don't even know what I'd do without him. Maybe kill myself." The last sentence is colored red.
The bunnled go back to normal as Day continues, "did I tell you about when we first met an' he asked what happened to my leg? I told him I lost it, an' he asked if I had checked under the floorboards, 'cause he always drops stuff down there. He's sweeter than the fuzz on a bee's back, I'll say. wait right there, I've got a photo of him somewhere... let's see...".
Protoday grimaces, his hair now entirely yellow, and thinks to himself "...This is who I turn into...?" /End ID]
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blackypanther9 · 3 months
Patient Alastor – Father!Human!Alastor x Son!Reader
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WARNING!: None. Just a LOOOOT of Fluff and some clingy Alastor. Just if you squint.
A/N: This is the second part of Alastor teaches M/n how to hunt. Again, DON’T YOU DARE TO MAKE ANYTHING PERVERTED ! *Holds up the rolled up newspaper, ready to smack perverted heads* (Pic belongs to rightful owner, let us pretend that blush is because he is sick, there are no sick Human!Alastor fanarts *Pout*)
TAGLIST: @l0liamk @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @moiravim @meg-giry1 @wen01203
Words: 4 043
M/n put all the bags away, took off his jacket and shoes and then went to his Father’s bedroom. Just as he opened the door, he saw his Father waking up.
“Hey, Dad. How are you feeling ?”, M/n asked gently.
He entered the room and closed the door, opening the window again.
“A slight bit...better.”, Alastor replied with a hoarse voice and a cough.
M/n hummed and sat down next to his Father, on his bed.
“Do you need anything ?”, the boy asked.
“What is it ?”
“Hug.”, Alastor replied.
M/n looked at his Dad, who lifted his blanket. M/n sighed and got under the covers and into his Father’s arms. Alastor let the blanket back down and snuggled with his Son, close to his chest, humming comfortably. He needed that comfort right now.
“Only for 30 minutes, Dad. I need to cock us some food soon.”, M/n gently told him.
“That is enough time for me, mon petit. (My little one)”, Alastor replied with a few coughs.
M/n hugged the sick Radio Host back, tightly and rubbed his back gently. It had his Father melting slightly and he relaxed into a light sleep soon after. After 25 minutes, M/n started to carefully get out of his Father’s embrace, but he tightened his grip.
“Mine.”, Alastor mumbled out.
“Dad...I have to start cooking.”
“I still have five minutes. Mine.”
“I know, but...”, M/n tried to get out of the hug.
Alastor tightened his grip even more.
“Papa, I am not a Plushie.”
“Hmmm...you are right now. MY Plushie. Now be a good Son and give me my last four minutes.”, Alastor argued back and made no move in loosening his grip.
M/n huffed and gave up, giving his Father his last four cuddle minutes. He didn’t actually hate it, but he remembered that he had to wash dishes, which will take more cooking time from him.
“Oh, by the way...”
“Hum ?”
“Tony is coming over later, for a visit.”, M/n informed.
Alastor froze.
“Tony ?”, he asked with his voice slightly higher.
“Yes. He wanted to bring over some teas. Your coworkers also wanted to give you something. I collected it already, but...you won’t let me go to get the items.”, M/n said with a slight tease.
He knew that his Dad was now curious. Alastor sighed and slumped.
“I hoped no one will see me in this state...”
“Dad, it’s okay to be sick and ask for help. Also, even though you and Tony never made anything official, you two behave like Brothers around each other. I call you both platonic Brothers. You tease each other like Brothers, you joke around like Brothers, you pull small pranks like Brothers...you two just give off the vibes.”, M/n told his Father with a gently smile.
Alastor was shocked to hear his Son say that.
“I...I never thought...about it like that...You really think so, mon petit?”, Alastor asked with a cough.
“We all think so. Tony has no problem, with me, calling you two platonic Brothers. He likes it especially when I call you his platonically little Brother. Because you are two years younger than him.”
Alastor blushed slightly at that, not in a romantic way, but in slight embarrassment. He never thought about any of that in that way. Yes, Tony and him got along just fine, they understood each other, despite their differences. He also noticed that they were quite close, even though they never said that they were friends. They were very similar and never let a good laugh escape them.
Alastor smiled a bit brighter. Yes, Tony and him can be something like Brothers. It...doesn’t sound as wrong as he would have thought. Alastor always wanted a big sibling, guess now he had an older Brother. He looked at his Son.
“And you...don’t mind it...at all ?”
The boy chuckled.
“Are you kidding, Dad ? No. I don’t mind at all. It is funny and nice to see that you found someone, who could be like a bigger sibling to you. I mean it. Now I have an Uncle.”
Alastor chuckled hoarsely. Then he opened his arms, letting M/n out of his warm embrace.
“Now you got me curious. What did my colleagues send me ?”
“Us, Dad. Wait here, sit up slowly and I will be right back.”, M/n replied and dashed off.
The sick man smiled and slowly sat up. Soon enough M/n returned with bags in his hands. Alastor’s eyes widened in shock, but his smile didn’t drop.
M/n put the bags on the bed and Alastor got to slowly unpack the first one. The little boy decided that he will give his Father Peter’s, Tony’s and Francisco’s bags last.
“In them are things for the both of us. Sweets are mostly for me, considering that you hate them most of the time.”
“I hate sweets all the time, mon ange (My Angel).”, Alastor uttered out.
‘That’s a new pet name...Not bad, even though it sounds more fitting for a girl...’
“Not all the time, you liar.”, M/n denied.
“When did I like sweets, hm ?”, Alastor asked, skeptically.
“You like Tony’s Lemon cupcakes, because they taste a lot like Lemon and barely sweet. Even the glazed sugar is sour and tastes like lemon. It is still a sweet pastry, but you like it. And let us not forget that you eat Beignets too.”, M/n called his Father out on it.
To be honest, Alastor forgot about that entirely. He made a surprised hum and then looked into the bag again.
“Fair enough. I see your point, mon petit.”
“I think you can sort everything from the bags. Most of them have a lot for you, some of it you will immediately know, is just for me. I will be making Lunch until then, any wishes ?”
Alastor looked at his Son and thought about it.
“Chicken Gumbo ?”, he asked his Son.
M/n nodded and left. He can make that. They barely had chicken Gumbo, but it seems his Father had a chicken craving right now, more than venison.
The boy entered the kitchen and sighed gently as he saw the dirty dishes he still had to wash, but he quickly got to it. He filled the sink with hot water, grabbed a sponge and some dish soap, then he went to washing the dishes.
After he was done with that, he started to get everything out, he needed, and started to prep everything for the Gumbo. He cut the vegetables, the meat and then got to making the dish itself.
-Time skip-
The Gumbo was almost done in a few minutes, as suddenly someone knocked on the front door. M/n rushed to the front door, opened it and saw Tony standing there, with a bag in his hand.
“Bonjour (Hello), M/n.”, Tony greeted.
“Bonjour, Uncle Tony.”
The man chuckled as M/n let him enter. He took off his shoes and looked at M/n, sniffing the air.
“Hmm. Smells good in here, what are you cooking ?”, he asked the boy.
“Thank you. I am cooking Chicken Gumbo. Dad asked for it.”, M/n replied.
Tony nodded and then gave the boy a concerned look.
“Where is Alastor ?”
“He is in his bedroom, looking through the gift bags. Yours, Francisco’s and Peter’s he will get at the end.”
“Ah...okay. How is he ?”
“A bit better than yesterday, I would dare to say. He didn’t throw up like yesterday...”
“He threw up ?”
“Yes, he did. I had to give him a bath after that, some of his sick was on his night shirt. He was very much against the idea at first, but we pushed through. I couldn’t let him go back to bed smelling in sweat and with the smell of his own sick.”
“Oh my...”, Tony got out softly, in worry.
“Do you want to eat some Gumbo too, or something else perhaps ?”, M/n offered.
“I will have a bowl, thank you.”
“Okay. You should probably go and say hello to ton petit Frère (your little Brother).”
“If you continue to say that I might call him that on accident.”, Tony said slightly embarrassed.
“So what ? Papa will like it. I talked to him about it today and he didn’t seem to have a problem with it. He even asked if I really don’t have a problem with it.”
“And...do you ?”
“Not at all. I am happy that he has someone who can act like an older sibling to him. He might need a bollocking from time to time.”
Tony chuckled.
“We both know that he needs one from time to time.”, the older man said.
“He sure does. But I am his Son and with that can’t always be the one to scold him.”
“Fair. I’ll take that job for you, gladly.”
“Thank you, Uncle !”
“Anytime. You need something from me, I am here to help. No matter what.”, the man promised.
M/n smiled at him and then they parted ways. Tony went up the stairs and to Alastor’s bedroom, while M/n finished cooking.
When Tony entered the bedroom, he spotted Alastor unpacking the last gift bag already. He had a giant, genuine smile on his face and he sorted everything that was for him and M/n neatly too. He had a small coughing fit and looked to his right, away from the door.
Tony gently knocked at the door frame, smile on his face, after Alastor was finished coughing. Alastor’s head swung around and he looked at the door, surprise was evident on his face and then he showed his teeth.
“Tony ! Bonjour !”, Alastor greeted with a hoarse voice.
Then a coughing fit started.
“You shouldn’t try and force your voice to be louder than needed, petit frère (little Brother).”
Alastor’s eyes widened in surprise as Tony called him his little Brother. A stupid grin formed on his face and he fell on his bed again with his back. That sounded really comforting... Yep, it is decided...Tony is, from now on, the Radio Host’s big Brother.
“Sorry, frère aîné (big Brother)...”, the sick man muttered.
Tony was surprised at his meek response and the title he got from Alastor, but smiled big anyways.
“It’s okay. Just don’t force your voice and body to do too much, you are pretty sick, after all.”, he replied and then sat next to him, while Alastor sat back up, looking at the older man.
Tony was one of the few people that knew how much Alastor hated to be touched, yes, the Radio Host didn’t let many know that, for reasons. So Tony opened his arm, inviting Alastor to come into a side hug.
The sick Radio Host smiled gently at the older male and leaned into the offered embrace. Tony wrapped his arm around him and squeezed him gently. They knew they had to keep this platonic brotherhood a secret. Otherwise Tony would never get a break from some people he was friends with.
“How are you, hmm ?”, Tony asked.
The Radio Host sighed gently.
“I’ve been better, but I think I am better than yesterday.”
“Your Son told me that you threw up yesterday. It didn’t happen today, right ?”
Alastor froze for a second and then shook his head.
“It didn’t happen today. Not yet. Let us not summon that occurrence again. The aftermath was very...nerve wrecking at the beginning.”
Alastor turned his head away and coughed into his arm, then sniffled. Tony reached out for the pack of tissues and handed Alastor one.
“Thank you.”, he said and cleaned his nose.
“You are welcome. M/n told me that he had to give you a bath. You both pulled through, I’ve heard.”
“M/n had the idea to add some bubbles into the water, so I was covered. We even made a small agreement, he washed everything above the water and I wash everything below. So no harm was done.”
Tony nodded, glad, that his little Brother was comfortable enough to talk about it.
“How are your muscles feeling ?”, Tony asked.
“Very weak, to be honest. Very sore too...”, the younger male admitted.
“Oh my... Well I brought ya som’ teas !”, Tony said happily, letting his own accent fall through a bit.
Alastor chuckled a bit and then coughed again.
“Really ? What did ya get ?”, Alastor asked with his own Creole accent.
“Som’ Hibiscus tea, Chamomile tea an’ som’ Peppermint ! They’re all supposed ta help ya get betta !”
Alastor smiled and hugged Tony tightly. The two years older male didn’t expect it, but was quick to hug him back.
“Thank you...”, the Radio Host said gently.
“No prob. Oh, and ta food shall be ready soon.”, Tony informed Alastor.
“Good ta know.”
“Did ya Son eva hear ya accent ?”
“Why nah ?”
“I was too embarrassed about it.”
“He won’ judge ya.”
“He might nat understand me.”
“Des conneries. (Bullshit)”
The Radio Host’s eyes widened at what Tony said, he just smiled at Alastor, who slowly parted from him.
“He loves ya. He is prob curious how ya accent sounds.”, Tony told Alastor.
“Ya may be right...”
“I know I’m right. He asked me quite a lot how ya sound an’ talk with ya accent.”
He looked at Tony in surprise.
“I...I neva knew...”
“’Course ya didn’t ! Ta boy neva asked ya ! He was too scared ta ask, in case he made ya uncomfortable !”
Alastor was silent at that. He had no idea that M/n wanted to hear it.
“He was always confused why everyon’ had an accent, an’ ya didn’t.”, Tony threw in.
“He doesn’t have one eitha.”
“That’s ‘cause his Family ain’t from here ! They mighta moved here.”
That explained a lot. M/n had no real accent, at least not an accent that would have said that he belonged here. Alastor never really thought about it.
Then they both heard footsteps and the stairs making noises. Soon enough they saw the 11 year old boy, with two bowls in his hands.
“Lunch is ready you two.”, he said and handed Alastor and Tony their bowls.
“Thank ya, kiddo !”, Tony said.
M/n looked at Tony in surprise, then smiled and left to get his own bowl. He turned to his little Brother.
“See ?! He was beamin’ ! He neva heard my accent eitha !”
Tony tried to encourage Alastor. The Radio Host looked at the doorway, seemingly deep in thought.
“Ya may be right...”, the younger male admitted to Tony.
They both waited for M/n to return with his own bowl. Soon enough the boy did and they started to dig in.
“This is delicious, Kid !”, Tony complimented.
“Thank you, Uncle Tony.”, M/n replied.
That shocked Alastor, but he grew a soft smile soon after, eating another spoonful of his Gumbo.
“This is amazin’, Cher.”, Alastor complimented his Son with his accent.
M/n froze and slowly looked at his Father, then at Tony.
“Did...did he really...?”, he tried to ask Tony in utter shock.
Tony chuckled.
“Yeah, he did !”
M/n looked back at his Father and then a giant smile grew on his shocked face and he started to get very bouncy.
“I heard Papa’s accent ! I heard Papa’s accent !”, he celebrated in excitement.
Tony chuckled, while Alastor’s face went from worry to shock and then to amusement. He chuckled gently and continued to eat his Gumbo, coughing and sniffing here and there.
-Time skip-
The boy was cleaning the dishes as Tony brought Peter’s, Francisco’s and his own bag to Alastor. He put them on the bed between the sick Radio Host and himself. Alastor looked at Tony, puzzled.
“Wha are these ?”
“Pete, Francis’ and my bags ! Ya boy wanted ya ta open them last !”
Alastor was stunned in shock.
“Oh.”, was all he got out.
Tony chuckled and then laughed at how stunned the younger male suddenly was.
“Shall we wait for ya boy ta arrive ?”
Alastor looked at the bags and nodded gently, while he took a sip of water. Together they waited for M/n to return. The boy did, soon after, return with a cup of tea. He handed it gently to his Father, who took the cup from him.
“Thank you, Cher.”, the Radio Host said with a slight cough.
“No problem, Papa. It is Hibiscus tea.”
Alastor nodded gently and took a gentle sip. His eyes widened and he drank more.
“This is good.”, the sick adult said with a weak smile and drank the cup empty.
Tony smiled and then looked at M/n.
“Kiddo, I think ya Pa wants ta unpack his last three bags !”, Tony chirped up.
M/n looked at Tony and nodded after he processed what his Uncle said.
“Okay then. What are we waiting for ?”, the boy said and sat down next to his Father.
Alastor smiled softly and then took Francisco’s bag first. He pulled out three packages and read the labels.
“Homemade Lemon tea, homemade Peppermint tea and homemade fennel tea.”, he read out with a smile.
Alastor put the three teas on the night table and pulled out two sheets of paper next. His smile grew as he read the bold letters in Francisco’s handwriting. Then he chuckled.
“Homemade Chicken Curry from Grandmother and homemade Venison steak, from Father.”, he read out, “He really copied the recipes from his Family just for me ?”
“He said it will also help you quickly back on your feet. The Chicken Curry is spicy and spice is supposed to help recovery faster.”, M/n said gently.
The sick Radio Host smiled at his Son.
“My, wha a smart boy ya are, Cher. Who taught ya that ?”
“You and Uncle Tony did, Pa.”
Alastor ruffled his Son’s hair gently.
“Atta boy.”, he praised and then got out some small bottles from the bag.
Alastor gleamed happily as he read the labels.
“Som’ of Fancis’ own homemade spices ? Tony, tell ‘im a big thank you from me. That is really generous of ‘im.”
“Will do.”, Tony replied with a smile.
He then pulled out a small coupon that said that 30 Dollars are on it. He looked at his Son and gave it to him.
“I have a feelin’ this was for ya, mon petit.”
M/n took the coupon and smiled at his Father.
“It was indeed, so I can buy us everything we need to get you healthy again, without me taking your money all the time. It was really nice of him to do this.”, the boy chirped happily.
Alastor chuckled and then pulled out a glass of juice. There was a label that said that it was a strong Vitamin C juice for him and his Son to share, to get their immune system stronger. A few tissues for Alastor were inside too and then he pulled out a lunch box. He opened it curiously and gave an amused smile.
It held pieces of dragon fruit in it, two oranges and three lemons, with two Kiwis. The next thing he pulled out, he immediately gave his Son. A bag of sweets, which the boy eagerly took.
“Oh ? Wha is this ?”, the Radio Host said in curiosity.
M/n looked at his Father in curiosity.
“Huh ? What is it, Papa ?”
Alastor pulled out a small Plushie of a cat. It seemed to be handmade too. Alastor looked at his Son with an amused grin.
“Looks like Fancis got ya a pal, mon petit.”, Alastor said and gave the boy the Plushie.
M/n took it gently and looked at it in awe for a while, then he hugged it tightly to his chest.
“Whiskers !”, M/n named the Plushie happily.
The Radio Host and Tony were amused. Alastor never minded that M/n still liked Plushies in his age. A small reason for that was probably because his own Father always tore apart Alastor’s Plushies and toys, when he was a kid. Then he pulled out a card, opened it and read it, smiling in earnest.
After he read the card to the end, his smile was big and his eyes held a lot of appreciation. He spotted another one, addressed to M/n. He gave his Son the card and the boy lit up more and more by what he read.
The next one was Peter’s. The first thing Alastor pulled out were two boxes of juice. One was a Vitamin C juice and the other was Blueberry juice. Then he pulled out two cards and he read his own, while M/n read the one that was addressed to him. They were both smiling brightly. The next thing Alastor pulled out was a small bag of candy. He gave it to his Son who happily took it from his Father. The last few things were two different teas. One was M/n’s favorite and the other was a chamomile tea. 
Then they went to the last and biggest bag. Tony’s.
There were two juices for each of the two of them. The two for M/n were a passion fruit juice and a peach juice, while for Alastor was a multivitamin juice inside and a cranberry one, all homemade.  Then for each of them two of their favorite teas, which were, homemade too, some sweets and snacks for M/n and Alastor were pulled out next, that Alastor quickly sorted for them both. Next the sick Radio Host pulled out of the bag some baked favorite pastries, that both of them enjoyed greatly. Two packages of Alastor’s favorite Coffee was in there too and for M/n to go food shopping, where also two 50 Dollar Coupons inside. Then Alastor’s left brow rose up in curiosity. He pulled out something fluffy and small out of the bag. As he looked at it in his hand, his eyes were wide in awe.
It was a keychain, which held a small Stag. It seemed handmade too. Alastor looked into the bag and saw another small animal, he pulled it out and it was a fawn keychain. Also handmade. He looked at Tony, who chuckled.
“My Ma helped me with ‘em ! One for each of ya !”
Alastor gave Tony a wobbly smile and then he hugged him.
“Thank you, Brotha.”
“Always, Alasta.”
M/n sat there and smiled with absolute happiness. As the two adults parted, the young Radio Host let the boy decide what keychain he wanted.
“I want the big one ! If we are ever apart, we have something with us that reminds us of the other ! A feeling that the other is with us !”, M/n chirped happily.
Alastor liked the idea and put the Stag keychain on his Son’s set of keys, while he put the fawn keychain on his own set of keys. Then they read Tony’s cards and the younger man was close to tears.
“Thank you so much, Tony. Tell the others a thank you as well, yes ?”, Alastor asked gently.
“You are welcome and I will.”, Tony replied gently.
Then the older male looked at Alastor’s Son.
“And you, take good care of him. If you need any help, just come to me. Okay, little man ?”
“Understood, Uncle !”
With that the man excused himself and left the house. Over the next few days, Alastor was sick, M/n took a lot of care of him. He looked after him, cooked for the both of them, went shopping alone, reported to Tony how he was and asked for small favors if needed and he helped Alastor into the bathroom to bathe and all the other things. The boy went above and beyond for his Papa. Alastor felt blessed to have M/n as his child and Tony was very happy and proud of the boy.
He would always help his Father.
As Alastor returned to work, all his coworkers cheered and welcomed him back happily, told him the gossip that he missed while he was sick and looked out for him a bit more than usual. M/n couldn’t be happier and nor could Tony.
Masterlist HERE !
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nocreativityfornames · 11 months
teen mc and the brothers (possibly with the side chars too?? idk u can just do the brothers if u wanr!!) going to a carnival and mc goes
"WOAHHHH THATS A BIG STUFFED TOY!!!!" and they look at it with sparkles and turns to them with a smile like :DDDDDDDDD
so i wondered how they would do to win the prize? it could be any carnival booth activity thingy
Thank you for the request! This was very fun to write! 🐢
The brothers ( + Diavolo & Barbatos ) when Teen!MC wants the big stuffed animal prize at the carnival
• He actually wanted to refuse the idea but after seeing MC's little expression he finds himself not having the heart to do it.
• You know that part of the Lantern Festival Event where Levi is struggling to win a shooting game and then we turn to see Lucifer there with the prizes already, having won the thing without no one even noticing? Same shit happens here. He wins the game so effortlessly that the stall guy is just left standing there in shock till Lucifer calls out to him and asks for the stuffed dinosaur.
• Mr.Pride here can't help but snort softly when sees MC hug the dinosaur like it's a long-lost friend, a sweet smile making an appearance on his face. "Now, would you care to tell me how exactly you're planning on carrying this thing home? Because it's almost your whole size and before you ask, no, I'm not doing it. It's yours and therefore your responsibility."
• Little MC tries to convince him otherwise but after seeing he wouldn't give in, their only option is to accept defeat and carry the big plushie themselves.
• The jerk ( affectionate ), he actually laughs seeing MC struggle to carry the dinosaur. Fine, he'll do it, but only because he doesn't wants the kid tripping on their feet for not being able to see where they're going.
• Confident as fuck, he's wearing a big grin as he brags about how he's going to win first round! It's just a little game, it'll be easy-peasy! Child's play for the Great Mammon!
• He's at his 11th attempt and still nothing… 🥲
• Man is struggling, he wants to get the damn thing for MC but he'll lose all his precious money at this rate. He can't disappoint the brat though, not when they look so excited to get the stupid duck plushie prize and he's already promised he'd get it for them!
• Finally wins but his wallet ends up dead empty. He's crying on the inside but also happy at the same time after seeing how excited MC is to hold their new duck plushie.
• If they let him name the stuffed animal to make up for all the trouble he went through to get it, his heart will melt on the spot, what a sweet kid! 😭
• "Of course the little human wants the Great Mammon's help to carry it, give it here! I'll show ya how capable I am!" He's very proud as he carries the duck the whole way home, not caring about the looks he's getting from other demons.
• Just stares blankly at the big octopus plushie and MC for a second. Really? They want HIM to play it??
• Not very enthused at first but will do it for Henry! 
• Hypes himself up beforehand: That's right, he's gotta show the kid the power of a true otaku! He'll get that thing in no time, don't worry MC!
• He fails miserably first try but is still confident, on the second try he'll get it! It's alright!
• It's his 5th attempt and he's getting anxious and losing all his energy, but MC hypes him up again and he's ready for more.
• Oof, he finally gets it! The octopus is MC's now! ( if they name it Levi or Lord of Shadow he'll be moved, much like Mammon )
• "Y-You want me to carry it??" He's embarrassed to be seen with this thing, honestly, but he will give in eventually since he can never say no to MC's adorable puppy look.
• The moment his eyes lay on the cat plush he's in, not that he wouldn't do it if it wasn't a cat, but it definitely made him agree ( much ) faster.
• Gets it first try because he's read about how the game works and knows the most effective strategies to win ( If MC says he looked cool while playing he'll get them an ice cream on the way home ).
• "Can't you carry it yourself? You're the one who wanted it, after all." He stares down at MC with a curious look.
• "You sound like Lou."
• Immediately grabs the thing and starts walking away upon hearing this outrageous offense to his name. MC better pick up the pace if they want to keep up!
• Of course he'll do it, MC doesn't even need to say a word, their expression on its own is already enough.
• He's many rounds in, but still hasn't managed to win the prize. It's making him tired and the teen can see it, so they try to convince him to give up, telling him they didn't want the bunny that badly.
• Asmo sees right through their lies and decides it's time to pull out the big guns. "Don't worry, sweetie, I still have one card up my sleeve! ♡" MC watches as Asmo shamelessly goes up to the demon at the stall, greeting the guy in an overly flirtatious tone.
• In the end MC ends up with their beloved plushie, and Asmo with a date scheduled for the weekend. It's a win-win situation, really. 🤭
• Sure, he'll play it for MC.
• Wins without much trouble on the second try, having understood what he needed to do to win the game after failing his first attempt.
• Very happy to see MC's reaction to getting the stuffed bear. "It's pretty big, do you want me to carry it for you?" He asks after the teen thanks him excitedly.
• Will keep the sweetest of smiles on his face the whole way back to the house as he hears MC rambling about all names they could give the bear.
• Happily accepts whichever one they choose. "That's a very good name, MC." He ruffles their head like any kind older brother.
• Will probably say something snarky about how childish they're being and try to dismiss MC's request at first. But! After seeing how much they want it, he'll agree to it, though he still groans while going up to the stall. He's just too lazy for this, y'know…?
• Doesn't even play the game and instead just approaches the demon there, saying something to him that MC couldn't hear since Belphie had told them to stay behind. Soon enough the avatar is coming back, yawning with boredom as he carries the big stuffed bear under his arm.
• He also dodges MC's question when they ask what he said to the guy to get handed the penguin plushie so easily without even playing the game at all. "This thing is really fluffy, I could use it as a pillow." The brother chuckles as they leave together. "Oh, maybe you could let me borrow it from time to time?"
• Yeah, he definitely threatened that guy… 😶
Bonus: Diavolo ( and Barbatos )
• Diavolo immediately accepted. Man was actually even more thrilled than MC to get this thing, he loves these types of games!
• He's very very excited while playing the round and in the moment of truth, he turns to the demon at the stall with a big grin asking if he won.
• He in fact did not win, but the poor lower demon had no choice but to say otherwise as Barbatos stood behind Diavolo and MC giving him the most ominous aura while somehow still managing to keep a smile on his face.
• Ahaha, of course Lord Diavolo won!! Here's your plushie kid!!
• *insert here Dia's loud ass laugh* "I won! MC, I won!" The prince celebrated excitedly, it was hard to tell who was the real kid, him or MC.
• Meanwhile Barbatos just stands there with a content smile as if he's suddenly standing in a field of flowers and hadn't been this close 🤏 from committing murder a second ago.
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phoenixinthefiles · 5 months
Sorry I Was Wrong
The baby Dami fic @vhstown (loveeee) gave me the prompt for
Dick is ripped out of his dream suddenly.
He turns to his nightstand and groans when he sees the time.
Why did his brain wake him up at 1:30 am?
His answer comes when he hears footsteps pad up to his door, then it creaks open to reveal Damian.
Dick remembers another time his baby brother woke him up in the middle of the night.
He was only 16 at the time, and Damian three.
Bruce was at some fancy gathering and Dick, annoyed that he wasn’t allowed to patrol by himself, had holed himself up in his room after dinner. Which meant he missed the tantrum Damian threw when their dad left.
Back then they had only just found out about Damian’s separation anxiety. He’d only needed a long hug and a few minutes in his father’s arms to calm him down.
Dick misses when Damian was three.
These days he spent majority of his mornings before work sitting on the floor, trying to console a weeping nine year-old.
And six years ago, his baby brother hadn’t lingered nervously in the doorway like he does now.
Three-year-old Damian had toddled right up to to Dick’s bed, bat plushie in hand, and given Dick his saddest pout.
Dick had still been groggy and not fully awake when Damian came up to the edge of his bed, so he only barely managed to croak out-
“What’s wrong, D?”
“Baba’s gone.”
Then Dick had sighed and lifted the toddler off the floor and into his arms. Damian hadn’t hesitated to snuggle into Dick’s chest with a sigh of his own.
His hair was baby soft as it tickled Dick’s chin.
It’s a lot stiffer now with all the gel Damian put in it to keep it straight and prickly. It’s a try testament to how much he’s changed.
Dick had rubbed Damian’s back while he thought of what to say (and while he woke up more)
Finally, he sighed again and leaned down to kiss Damian’s head.
“I know you don’t like when he leaves. And he didn’t stay long enough to put you to bed.”
“No story,” Damon agreed, “got all my kisses.”
Dick had snorted at Damian comment, though these days he wishes Damian had maintained that childish innocence.
“And when he gets you up in the morning you’ll get even more kisses and you can probably guilt him into a story.”
Damian leaned back to give Dick a big grin. Then snuggled back into his big brother’s chest with a hum.
“Love you D.”
“I love you too, little D.”
Then Damian giggled, forever amused with their little game.
He’s not so amused now as he stands in the doorway of Dick’s bedroom, lips quivering and eyes watering six years later.
“Baba’s gone,” he says. Dick feels his own eyes start to water, the recurring pain in his chest flare up too.
“I’m sorry Damian,” it’s all he can say, nothing can make this better for either of them.
“You said he was coming back,” his little brother accused softly.
In Dick’s defense, Bruce had been coming back.
He was fifteen minutes away from the manor when his car got hit. Batman, killed in a car accident, it just didn’t seem possible.
He was supposed to go out heroically in battle, or softly, surrounded by his family.
And yet he was taken from them in a crash of metal, it felt so wrong.
But here they were, a nine year old who never stopped mourning, and a twenty-two year old, racked with guilt.
Damn it Bruce.
Dick can’t put into words how sorry he is so he wordlessly opens and catches his brother when the boy barrels into him.
Damian rests his head on Dick’s chest and his hair tickles Dick’s chin like it did six years ago.
He must have left out the gel today.
It’s not as soft as it used to be, but it’s still Damian, and he’s still here.
I hope it reads well it took me so long to try to get right😭😭😭 CONSTRUCTIVE criticism appreciated
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thicctails · 6 months
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"Viva la Viva, baby!"
So guess who watched Trolls 3 today~
Ngl, based on the trailers I had really low expectations for this movie, and it was really only after watching some TikToks with the villain song in them that I decided to give it a chance, and I'm so glad I did. 3 is by far my favourite of the entire series. Was not expecting to love Viva, but she was fantastic and I wish we had more screen time with her!
While I'm not entirely sure how I will/would integrate her into the Rough and Fluff AU, I decided to make a design for her anyways, complete with some little headcanons/additions. (Click the image for better quality)
More spoilery/AU discussions and 4th movie predictions below!
Okay okay, movie discussion first:
-I fucking LOVE the Putt Putt Trolls. Its so satisfying seeing how the trauma from the bergens being more fleshed out, and it makes perfect sense that they are as fearful as they are. I'm actually surprised there wasn't more pushback when Viva stopped them from executing Bridget and Gristle.
-(How did they escape actually? The tunnels collapsed, but were there other tunnels? Or did they have a different way out? How did so many, including the eldest heir to the throne, get left behind? Why did Peppy not get BOTH his daughter's immediately?)
-On the topic of Viva; notice how her ears are lower/sharper than Poppy's? I think that's typically a more masculine trait (not 100% bc we see some male trolls with softer/rounder ears) so uh yeah MTF Viva real suck my entire nards
-Fuck King Peppy. This guy gets worse every movie. He is the Dumbledoor/Sensi Wu of Trolls. Mans cannot just give Poppy relevant information to save his LIFE. I can understand not telling Poppy immediately, the grief of loosing his eldest daughter would understandably make that hard, but its been over 20 years now, and she deserved to know.
-Also, fuck most of Branch's brothers! I'm glad JD went back eventually (when exactly he did isn't clear, but sometime between the night of the escape and the first movie) but if he assumed Branch had died, why not try and contact his other siblings to tell them? Clay I can kinda understand with him not wanting to venture out beyond the mini golf area and leave the trolls he was helping to protect, but the rest of them? Not one of them tried to go back for their baby brother? Not even Floyd? When Trollstice was a thing?? Branch shoulda thrown hands fr.
-Rhonda the armadillo bus thing was hella cute and I want a plushie.
-I. Do not really like Crimp
-Velvet and Veneer slayed sooooooo hard. I hope Veneer makes a comeback.
-I also hope we see more of the other troll tribes again.
-The music for this movie was absolutely fire and I NEED a full cover of Sweet Dreams
-I wish the Grandma's death was touched on more than once for like .5 seconds. Like, come on guys, your brother just revealed a major trauma, and that your GRANDMA died!! For christ sake, maybe go apologize for fighting?? maybe go comfort him????
Movie numero 4 predictions:
-Broppy marriage. Branch fr said "Lets get married" by accident HES THINKING ABOUT IT
-Either Poppy/Viva get their mom back, or Branch gets one/both of his parents. Dreamworks will pull some bullshit out of their ass and say that uhm actually they escaped like years before the others did and have been, idk, trapped in the shadow realm or something.
-We see Chef/Creek again. Creek redemption ark would go crazy hard IF DONE RIGHT and I want to see that fear of some monster trying to eat all your friends come back again
-Broppy kid reveal at the end of the movie. Unbelievable amounts of Plush Toy Marketing and terrible spin offs ensue.
-I just want to see more Trollstice era stuff plz dreamworks
-We get a Sound of Silence reprise
-Branch/his brothers are revealed to be a hybrid/some kind of special troll. I am TELLING YOU this guy adapted to different kinds of music like it was NOTHING, something Poppy and the others struggled with. Hes got something in him I SWEAR
-Tiny diamond is, once again, part of the main supporting characters
Au shiz:
-If Viva IS put in, its going to most likely be during the sequel. Peppy is already going to be dragged through the mud, might have him mention something about a lost sibling near the end of the OG fic, and since the Pop trolls will be looking for a new home, maybe they'll run into her
-Branch's brothers will not be making an appearance. They simply dont fit into the narrative. I may do an alternate au with them included but who knows.
-Mildly considering making Tiny Diamond a Greek kid. (Guy x Creek) would make for some interesting angst.
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mooonjin · 11 months
Hey, i see that your request are open, I could be wrong. Let me know if I am. I just wanted to tell you that I adore you writing.
Can I have a Wrecker X gn!reader on those trying times? I think it would be funny to see Wrecker TRYING to keep his relationship with his s/o a secret from his brothers. But it's Wrecker, they noticed right away.
Maybe because he suddenly doesn't have a problem going to the medic bay to treat his wounds. He starts to look for excuses to leave the ship or go alone to get the supplies. And the rest of the batch starts to get suspicious like...
Wrecker is trying to keep his armor clean now. HE looks more clean. Every time he goes to the medic bay he comes back with a stupid smile. They see him looking at the little plushies on the stores they pass by. He evens starts to ask Teach about flowers and wich ones are dangerous to humans (of course he gets bored midway).
The last straw is when one day they him trying to sneak back in the havoc with something behind his back. When they manage to get it from him they see its a packed lunch, it's so neat and sweet and they know Wrecker isn't the one who made it. So... was it?
(Sorry of its too much I got a little excited. It's my first time making a request and English is not my first language)
Stealth Wrecker, Remember?
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Notes: hi another anon!! first of all terribly sorry you had to wait for sososo long too but here it izzzzzz this is such a cute idea ihope i did it well thank you for choosing me as your first requester!!! don’t worry about language, english isnt my first language either <3
Pairing: Wrecker x gn!reader
Summary: The Batch slowly become suspicious of Wrecker's behaviour. As they uncover various hints, what they find out is not what they expected.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, no y/n mentions, pretty much lovey dove y cutesy wrecker stuff ⁠— tell me if I've missed anything!
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Clone Force 99 shared countless missions and adventures together, known for their high success rate but also reckless tactics. Each clone abiding with their own skills, making them unique.
Wrecker, the big guy. He's the boisterous and carefree member of the team, known for his extreme strength and eagerness for battle or mission. However, something had changed for him. Instead of sleeping, eating or chatting, he seemed oddly preoccupied.
Lately, he's been finding excuses to leave the shuttle alone to head to the medbay more frequently. 
"Wrecker, this is the 8th time you've had an 'injury' to deal with." Hunter's confused voice spoke. Wrecker once again blabbed an excuse for him to leave so abruptly.
"Yeah well- I get hurt a lot! Just visiting the place s'all." His excited tone of voice came through, doing his best to mask it with 'ows' or 'ouch'. You know, to fool his brothers.
Crosshair's eyebrow raised up, looking through his top eyelashes at his brother. Wrecker left hastily as if this visit to the medbay was an emergency. The group exchanged puzzled glances as they observed their brother's peculiar behavior.
Wrecker couldn't help but feel a strange flutter of anticipation in his chest as he happily skipped down the halls of the med wing. He had a secret, one that he had been keeping from the rest of the squad. He was head over heels and he couldn't wait to see you again. 
He was eager to steal a few precious moments with you, his special someone.
"Hey beautiful." Wrecker's voice was quick to fill the quiet space of the medbay, watching as you tidied equipment. He stared for a bit before walking over to peer over your shoulder. He loved watching you work. He loved watching you do anything, really.
"Got another 'injury' for me?" You chuckled, looking up at his towering figure. Wrecker gave a cheeky grin, his playful nature shining through.
"Oh absolutely." The two of you laughed and chatted, finding solace in each other's company amidst the quiet hum of medical equipment. 
Wrecker's gaze softened as he watched you talk about your day, captivated by your every word. You exchanged playful banter and shared tender moments, opening up to one another. He marveled at the shimmer in your eyes, even if it was just the reflection of the white medical lights.
He found himself wrapping his bulky arms around your waist, giving you a back hug as he gently rocked side to side whilst you fixed equipment. He followed you around like a puppy, craving attention.
He always made you smile, always made you laugh.
After a while, you had to go back to your shift to tend to other units of the GAR. As much as Wrecker despised leaving you, he'd make sure to come back again. 
Skipping back to the Marauder, he couldn't get rid of the giddy smile on his face.
"How's your injury?" Echo said, his scomp whirring under the haul of the Marauder.
Wrecker grinned, "Oh she- it! Went well." Uh oh, a slip up. Echo was quick to sus out Wrecker's mistake, brushing it off since it could really just be a mistake. It's Wrecker after all.
The first sign that something was amiss was Wrecker's sudden interest in keeping his armour clean. Gone were the smudges of dirt and battle scars that were once his signature. Now, he regularly wiped down his armor, striving to maintain a pristine appearance after every mission. 
His brothers couldn't help but raise their eyebrows at this newfound obsession with cleanliness.
His bunk, full of food scraps and his blacks hung up on the drying rack above his sheets were no longer. The burn marks and dents, fixed in a jiffy. He even repainted the prominent red stripes across his armour, the CF99 skull, and his artistic helmet.
With a grin, he proudly scrubbed down the filth that once covered his armour. 
Once again, Wrecker pops in to visit the medbay with a small smile on his face. Then he would return to the barracks with a foolish grin. Ear to ear smile with teeth which didn't go unnoticed by his sharp-eyed brother, Crosshair - as well as the others. 
Normally Wrecker would brush off minor injuries, refusing treatment since 'he was going to get hurt again anyway'. Now he was willingly seeking medical attention without complaint only because he got to see your beautiful face.
It was clear that something was lingering in the air and his brothers were determined to find out what.
"Tech, just wondering somethin'." Wrecker asked his intelligent brother.
"What is it?"
Wrecker cleared his throat, trying to sound nonchalant, "You know flowers, right? What one of those are dangerous or poisonous to people? What's the best one to keep as a house... flower?" He tried his best to cover up his eagerness about flowers.
"Well there are the simple ones. Roses, for instance, are generally safe. Their beauty lies in their petals, and they pose no direct threat. Sunflowers, with their large, cheerful heads, are harmless as well. Delicate daisies, tulips..." 
Tech's voice faded out. Wrecker daydreamed, getting bored about his brothers rant. He only considered roses since those reminded them of you. He loved your rosy blush and the pink stud earrings you wore.
He imagined how your reaction to a gift of flowers would be or your reaction a small plushie he saw in the markets on a supply run. A small blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"...but it's crucial to approach unfamiliar flowers with caution, as many contain varying levels of toxicity." Tech finished his small explanation on flowers, finding Wrecker not paying an ounce of attention. He also brushed this off, used to the boredom. But he didn't brush off the suspicion of the sudden interest in flowers.
Wrecker wouldn't even consider smelling a flower in the first place.
Because it was only Tech and himself in the barracks - everyone else went on the supply run - he decided to give you another visit. Whilst Tech was distracted, the big guy snuck off to the medical wing in hopes to see your angel face once again.
Wrecker was off to the medical wing, delighted to see you. The rest of the Batch returned with food, new blacks, and cleaning equipment. Time to address the elephant that wasn't in the room anymore.
"Tech, where's Wrecker?" Echo asked his brother, who was slouched over his desk, tinkering.
He looked up, "Huh? Oh he was just-" Tech paused as he looked around, no Wrecker in sight, "-here."
"He keeps disappearing." Hunter shook his head, placing the new supplies on the couch.
As days turned into weeks, the clues continued to pile up. Wrecker's disappearance slowly began to add up, only disappearing when it was your shift in the medical wing and when it wasn't, it would be during the Batches lunch break.
The final straw came one day when Wrecker tried to sneak back into the barracks with something hidden behind his back. The rest of the team quickly cornered him, demanding to know what he was hiding. 
With a sheepish smile, Wrecker reluctantly revealed a neatly packed lunch.
The Batch exchanged stunned looks. It was a small, pale box full of food you wouldn't find in the mess hall. The food was neatly stacked and separated into the compartments.
Wrecker was known for his appetite and love for all things hearty and messy. There was no way he had made such a thoughtful and delicate meal. Crosshair was quick to reach into the box, grabbing a small note which Wrecker attempted to retrieve.
'hey wrecker! have a lovely day biggie, enjoy the food my foodie xx'
Read the note. The realization hit them like a blaster bolt—someone else had prepared that lunch for him. The question remained: who?
Unable to contain their curiosity any longer, the batch confronted Wrecker about this mystery.
Wrecker hesitated for a moment before finally admitting the truth. He had been seeing someone, someone special who had captured his heart. You. The angel who swept him off his feet.
The news was met with a mixture of surprise, amusement, and relief. Their suspicions had been confirmed, "I knew it!" Hunter said.
"No, you didn't." Crosshair put a toothpick into his mouth.
They felt genuinely happy for their brother. Wrecker's infectious grin spread across his face, relieved none of them freaked. He was still able to see you, maybe even come introduce his brothers to you.
With the truth out in the open, the Batch embraced Wrecker's special someone with open arms. They teased him mercilessly, each offering their own unique brand of humor and advice. Wrecker beamed from ear to ear, grateful for the support.
As time passed, you would eventually become an important part of the batches lives. The clone siblings grew to appreciate the joy and warmth that you brought to their tight-knit family. 
You boasted about bagging such a hearty guy like Wrecker.
After all, what's there not to brag about?
Post Notes: WOW ALsMOT FINISheD WITH MEASteRlisT!! i hope you liked this fic :3
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icy-watch · 27 days
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^^^^ me with Geo
So so so so so sooooooooooo
You've met GEO
My reasoning for loving him so much stems from Season 2 Part 1 so I can't fully explain
I can tell you some things that they show doesn't tell (I think):
Geo says that he's a Munch with the color of a Geckle but it's not true; he's half and half
If you didn't notice but only his left ear was pierced; a sign in the Gay community to other gays that you are gay back when being public about it was frowned upon
The man who wrote the episode "Land of Lost Things" and created Geo (I think he made the character) is gay himself! So in a way, Geo is a self-insert character
I am Aromantic. I just don't feel the need or want to have a romantic relationship. And that seems to have stepped over into the media I watch. I don't ship. I'm slightly romantic repulsed. I don't actively hate it, I just don't like it. I'm fine with canon ships like Jaya or Lumity (from Owl House (plz watch it)).
But something about Geo and Cole. Something about how they interact in Season 2 that just.........AUGHAUGHGHHAHG!!!!!!! It awoken something in me. I feel warm inside!!!! I found myself grinning ear to ear.
It could just be the fantastic writing, but it's so much more. The ship for Geo and Cole is called LostShipping and/or Geode. The fanbase kind of goes back and forth. I don't mind either.
I'm still aro, and I still cringe inside at most romance. But Geode is the one exception and the whole #savemyboycole thing is really dumb
Oh look, I did explain it all without spoiling lol
And yeah......there are ppl who are NOT happy about Geo and Cole. They're not even actually together yet some ppl on Twitter are pissy. They HAAAAATE Geo! It's stupid. First off, it's a lego. Second, it's a kids show. Calm down. It's not that bad/important. Some ppl see Cole as Gay (me) and others see him as straight. Both are fine. Both are cool. He's still the same guy.
Oh, and there's no minifig for Geo. I think it's bc of his hair. They don't have like a set piece of it or something.....eh....just make a plushie of him (and of Cole plzzzzzzzzzz) I'd buy 500 if they did honestly
And now that you've met him.....I am safe to change my pfp to GEO!!!!!!!! (I also LOVE his outfit so much!!!! I want it)
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(I almost put in a pic of him in Season 2 and was like "Oops....back it up! Can't use that!")
Geo! A blorbo! He's such a bean!
I noticed something right off the bat with him looking like a Munce and a Geckle, so when he mentioned it, it kind of confirmed what I'd thought.
I totally remember the gay ear piercing thing! My cousin and uncle were double and triple checking when they got their ears pierced that they didn't get the wrong ear. And that was in the early 2000s. It's amazing what's changed in 20 years. (Note: this is not the cousin who got married in Malaysia last year. This is his older brother, the extreme goth who hosts the Halloween Birthday Party every year. The 1 where my sister pumped me up to do this.)
Oh! I love that little bit of trivia!
*gives you a virtual hug* I will always love my aro friendlies.
It's extremely rare to see a queer couple that is Comfortable and just Exists. With Geo and Cole, it feels natural and unforced. And I'm very glad for that. It's probably why shipping them feels... nice.
Idk, I'm rambling.
I'm guessing the #savemyboycole thing is connected to chriscreator0 somehow?
A characters sexuality or gender doesn't change who they are as a person, and I wish people who criticize media for including queer characters were more willing to understand that. Just bc something about them is revealed doesn't mean they still aren't the character that they liked.
Justice for Geo! We deserve an official minifig or plush of our pretty guy! I will shake my fist at LEGO until something is done for him.
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fareehaandspaniards · 5 months
I sometimes wonder how comes you ended up SO attached to Damian specifically? When you first appeared you was just one of us Micolash simps, but before I've noticed it is just Damian everywhere ggjhggkj Sorry if you've answered somewhere already, but what made you so obsessed with Damian? What was that thing that made you see his potential and appeal the way you do now?
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Well, yes, you were right to point out that when I came here, I was mostly interested only in Micolash! But gradually getting used to the character, you start to think about his surroundings! And if Edgar I liked from the first glance and he always will be my favourite nerd-accountant-church boy with issues, then Damian I just ignored at first xd And in the game did not really notice him, although he stands out among the phantoms - Loch Shield, ability to heal with choir bell, Mensis cage (AND his amazing look. Long hair and tired old face? Ooooh, I'm in). The cage in particular makes you think that he is a very difficult character which belongs to an enemy fraction and fights on your side. Well beyond that, it was worth taking a closer look at him and it all went on its own :'D
Most of the fandom sees him in a similar way - caring, selflessly giving of himself to Micolash, loyal to the core, a bit slow due to age, and cozy man. My first vision of him was also like he is an absolute angel, the purest creation in the entire game! That was second phase of my simping I think xD Granddilf with the biggest heart and purest soul, loyal servant of his beloved one - oh my god!! Makes me go crazy because I want him to be respected immediately, be loved and cherished. Maybe he is my type? I don't know. Old, really OLD man with loving heart and I-i-i-i... melting...
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One of my headcanons is that Damian can kill a human, do crimes, cruel medical experiments (he is a Mensis scholar after all) but he can never hurt a child! ^^^^ There is him with little Yurie, Micolash and Edgar, and image I drew after a cool discussion with Fantomette! We talked about possibility of Edgar being Micolash's son, which means that Damian could possibly be his godfather xd
(Also you may see a plushie bunnie in little Micolash's hands and it has much more sense that it may seem!)
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I am too lazy to explain I am sorry Dx But I wrote about bunny and little Irzhie here, in an ask game. The question was - what would be his favourite toy? >>>
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Me and my husband talked about Irzhie too much and came to many funny and creepy conclusions and ideas (Damian's obsession with his little brother, projection his brother on Micolash, insanity, necromancy and,,,, Many other things :^) , so that picture was born)
(Sorry to put it in your ask lkak.ermkeamg,g,fdmg BUT you can't shut me up when it's about Damian D: )
I mean you can put Damian in ANY headcanon and he still be kindest man ever existed.
In myvision of lore he helped Rom when she felt really bad in Byrgenwerth, was one amongst three people in the whole college who supported Caryll, he protected Micolash his whole life, he was trying to soften Micolash's deeds and didn't want him to involve innocent children in his experiments (as much as adults. But I believe that Yahar'gul people were sort of fanatics so there were many volunteers for School of Mensis medical stuff), he was the one who will always do his best to help whenever you ask.
And my poor old man is also a saddest creature, because the fact is a fact - no matter if he hates or loves Micolash or just fights against his ideas in game, Micolash is in a Nightmare and Damian is here. I shipped Damicolash and it was really bittersweet. Mico dies and what is left for Damian? Only grieve and sorrow?
Damian/Yurie - bitter end, Damian/Rom - bitter end, Damian/Micolash - bitter end, Damian/anyone else - bitter end! :^)
Anyone else except sir Gremia! (This man deserves another post he is also so complicated! My husband KNOWS how much I adore him. Many of our daily jokes include him lol) Gremia has a strong need in an "adult/mother" archetype and also in "wife/lover", he needs someone who will pat his head and whom he can protect. And Damian needs someone to take care of, to protect and to be protected by that someone (Theme for another post :Р)
Damian, who gave love but didn't receive it, who did his best for Micolash but ended up leaving the Mensis School because his beloved crossed all bounds of sanity, who believed in Kos, his goddess of mothers and children, who genuinely tried to help everyone - I wanted him to be happy.
It really concerned me and I think then started the third phase of simping, when I found out that Sir Gremia exists and Damian just can't be perfect (it's so wrong and boring. I love when a character is like alive person, so it means they are problematic! There are no "normal" people)
I have to say, as you mentioned, I have seen him as a chad, attracting everyone to him xD But right now for me he has flaws, he can be very annoying sometimes, plus overprotection of Micolash (I think Micolash even got tired of him. Sounds like an absolute Micolash plus that may be a reason he let Damian go from serving him), weaknesses and traumas, cruelty and coldness in his heart, and a strong attachment to the past. But he's the kind one. And that's what hit my heart the hardest way. He is player friendly for his own unknown reasons, but I believe his destiny and talent is to lead and protect, which is what he has been doing all his life.
I write a fic about him and Gremia right now, connected with the early Healing Church and I want to put there all my headcanons, big and small and finally finish his story and give him the end of the game that he deserves
I am sorry for the amount of text. Old man took a place in my heart, he does not only looks like an absolute perfection but also seems to be a wonderful person with lots of issues and flaws. I LOVE HIM
I need to improve my drawing skill so I will draw him better and he will become more popular :'D
Maybe I got a little off-topic? But I want you to know how I see him - it's the main point of my simping xD So hard to put all my thoughts in one text. Hope it's not hard to read. It's much easier to write a story than tell the chaos that is happening in your head with your blorbo xD
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onlinekitsune · 1 year
protective little brother
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i got this cute idea one night and i really really wanted to write it, esp since i haven’t seen much love for my little boy! i tried my best to make the grwm part very gender neutral so anyone could insert themselves in it! i apologize if it’s a bit lacking… i also kept the date vague so any of the demon boys could be your date… i hope you enjoy!! // not proofread, word count: 880
A soft knock fell upon your door, interrupting your internal battle in your head. You leave the chaotic pile of clothes on your bed and head for your door. You weren’t sure who you expected but it wasn’t Luke. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything…” he hesitated, twiddling his thumbs. “Simeon and Solomon are busy and… I didn’t want to be alone in the dorm.”
You couldn’t help but smile. Luke was such a sweet child who entirely captured your heart. You open the door wider, gesturing to him to enter. “You’re always welcome to my room! I apologize for the mess, I wasn’t expecting anyone to come over right now!” You smile, following him to your bed. You quickly moved your clothes to your table so he’d have a place to sit. He plopped himself in the middle of your bed, sitting crisscrossed.
“Are you reorganizing? I could help if you want me to!”
“Oh! No! I’m just trying to decide on what to wear for my date tonight. Thank you though!”
Luke’s face scrunched up a bit at your response. He was hesitant to reply and just grabbed a plushie from your bed, placing it onto his lap. The room fell silent for a few minutes. The only noise being your shuffling and the soft music from your phone. “Who are you going on a date with?” He finally asked, leaning on the plush.
“Who do you think?” You replied playfully, tossing your head over to him. He fell silent again for a moment, giving you time to turn back to your internal debate.
“Uhm. Well… where are you going?” There was a hint of awkwardness in his voice. You already knew his conflicted feelings about the demons, and this didn’t make it easier on him. A part of you felt bad for accidentally adding onto it.
“We’re going to Hell’s Kitchen and maybe take a walk after? I’m not entirely sure about after our dinner.”
“Hell’s Kitchen? They should be taking you to Ristorante Six, at least!” He blurted, without any hesitation. You bit your lip to hold in your laughter. But glancing over at the angel's expression was all it took for you to spill. You drop the shirt you were holding up to clench your sides. “I’m not joking! You deserve to be taken somewhere fancier!” He whined. He turned his gaze away from you and pouted.
“It was my suggestion to go somewhere more casual. Besides, that’s incredibly expensive!” You defended, heading over to the small angel. You sat beside him and ruffled his hair a bit. “I appreciate how much you care, Luke.”
“Of course I care! I care a lot about you. That’s why…” he paused, turning to face you completely. “I’m nervous about you going on this date. I… I don’t want some demon to hurt you. I know they make you happy, so I’m not… against it. I’m just worried.”
“Oh Luke…” you whispered, pulling him into a hug. A small tear stood in the corner of your eye. It was very obvious how much the two of you connected over your stay in the Devildom. He was your little brother. Your bond with him was like none other and so incredibly strong. You pulled away and grabbed onto his hands. “I love you, kiddo. I am well aware that you just want the best for me. I promise you that I’ll be just fine. I appreciate you for always looking out for me.” You added. Luke pulled away to swipe a stray tear from his face before pulling you into another hug.
“I love you too. Let me at least help you find an outfit to wear to your date.”
A few minutes pass before you two stumble across an outfit. It was in between casual and something a little fancy. The both of you had your own karaoke session while you added the final touches to your outfit. You slid on a couple of bracelets and fiddled with your hair a bit. In the middle of trying to make your hair how you wanted, a knock fell upon your door. “I can get it! Just focus on finishing up!” Luke chirped, jumping up to get the door. A smile fell upon your face, you really did love him. You quickly finished up and headed back to your room. As you expected you walked in on Luke lecturing your date.
“If you do anything to make them upset or break their heart… you’ll be hearing from me! I don’t want you to even make them a tad bit upset. If you dare make them cry or lay a finger on them, you better not even come back here. I’m serious too! Don’t try to rest me.”
“Thank you, Luke. We should be heading out now! I love you, I’ll see you tonight? You’re free to stay in my room! I won’t be out too late.” You laughed, stepping towards them. You grabbed your date's hand, ushering them towards the door. Luke glared at them out the door, before closing it behind you. He was sure to stay in your room until you came home. He couldn’t put it past him to just leave without knowing you were okay.
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duskstarshit · 8 months
The Twins doing cute stuff
(i wanted to do animatics based on 2 Bluey audios but i decided to do writting insted, enjoy!)
"Ok, Kitty," Mileena called to her sister with the most serious tone a girl of two thousand years old could muster. "This is going to take a serious please face." She smiled, her small fists clenched in front of her.
Kitana copied her older sister, although she did not show a smile. "Serious."
The eldest of the twins took two of their Uches that were on the floor of the throne room,—as princesses, they had privileges that others wished they had, like being able to play in that room—one was a small lizard, similar to the ones Mom called 'Saurians' while the other was a black and white canine, both were fluffy and with big eyes.
"Take these," Mileena handed them to her younger sister. "And I need tears." Kitana's pretty blue eyes were soon clouded by Saurian's tears. "Yay! Now let's go to Daddy." Mileena took her sister's hand and led her right to the front of the throne.
Their father, Jerrod, emperor of Outworld... Was not the busiest man, his wife was the one who ruled the entire world, but he specifically did not have much work.
That didn't mean that he didn't work, he would always help his wife in any way he could, although today Sindel just had to review some agreements, so she decided to do it alone, leaving him lying on his throne.
When he heard Mileena's small voice calling him, he opened his eyes and looked at his little ones in front of him, curled up together.
"Yes?" Jerrod asked.
"Why don't you ever play with us?" Mileena cried, her pink eyes wet, Kitana followed her sister's example, sticking out her lower lip.
"What!?" Jerrod raised his eyebrows.
"You're always working..." Kitana sobbed, holding one of the Uches against her chest, Mileena nodded, affirming her sister's words.
"I don't always work!" Jerrod tried to refute, at his side, still with her eyes on her papers, Sindel giggled.
"It's like you don't love us." Mileena bowed her head, more tears coming from her eyes.
Jerrod gaped at his daughters for a few seconds, before looking back at his wife.
"You heard them, Jerrod." Sindel smiled at him. "You wouldn't want to not love your own daughters, would you?"
Jerrod gave a long sigh, his eyes turning to his daughters for the second time. "Alright."
As if it were magic, the tears in the twins' eyes disappeared, replaced by big smiles. "Hooray!"
"Why don't you have a wife?" Mileena asked him seriously.
"Oh," Daegon looked at the twins with slightly wide eyes. "How do you know I don't?" He tried to answer.
"Do you have a wife?" Mileena raised an eyebrow at him, Daegon could see how Kitana's gaze was also on him.
"So why don't you have a wife?" By his father, children can be quite direct.
"Uhh... His turn!" Daegon pointed to his brother, Taven, who immediately began shaking his head.
"How many friends do you have?" Kitana asked, the twins' gazes now on Taven.
"I... Him?" He pointed to Daegon.
"Just your brother? That's not many." Kitana tilted her head.
"Why do you only visit us when the Tournament is?" Mileena asked Daegon.
"Because I am a warrior, I must fight for Outworld!" Daegon smiled, puffing out his chest.
"Is that why you don't have a wife?" Mileena put her hands on her waist.
Daegon's smile disappeared, earning a laugh from Taven. "I... Maybe."
(Uches are just plushies and they are like 5 on human years)
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lifessoshortandsoami · 11 months
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Home >> Member Profiles >> Luna (BTS) Facts and Profile
Luna (BTS) Facts and Profile
Luna Profile and Facts; Luna's Ideal Type
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Luna (루나) is a member of the South Korean co-ed group BTS under Big Hit Music.
Stage Name: Luna (루나)
Birth Name: Park Aera (박애라)
Birthday: February 27, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 153 (5'0)
Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)
Blood Type: AB+
Representative Emoji: 🐼
Luna's Spotify list: LUNA's comfort tracks
Instagram: luna
Luna's Facts:
- She was born in Jinhae-gu, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea
-Her family consisted of her adopted Mother and Father.
- Education: Seoul School of Performing Arts; Global Cyber University
- She attended Baek Yang Middle school.
- Luna attended Seoul performing art high school, she graduated in February 2017.
- She is the only girl in the group.
- She loves eating spicy food, sweet food basically everything.
- Her favourite colors are pastel colours. Mostly lavender.
- She speaks Korean, English and Japanese.
- She either needs to sleep on a low height bed or with someone who can hold her because she falls off bed while sleeping. (BTS Run ep. 31)
- She has Arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
-She is a lefty.
- Although she catches a cold easily, she still loves rainy or snowy weather.
- She has a dimple on her right cheek.
- Loves plushies so much that every corner of her dorm (room) and the studio has a plushie there.
-Luna is very clumsy
- She trips, falls, and bumps into things so much that the members had to put corner guards on the furnitures in their apartment. (V-Live)
- She has helped write many songs for her group. Some of them are Magic Shop, Spring Day, Pied Piper, Fake Love, Filter, Make It Right, Life Goes On, Mikrosmos, Young Forever, Serendipity, Whalien 52, 00:00 (Zero O'Clock), and many more songs.
- She knew BangChan from Stray Kids before debuting.
- She is a fan of many groups.
- She is extremely flexible due to learning contemporary dance at an early age.
- Her most comfortable sitting position is wariza or w sitting as everyone says. When the boys noticed her sitting like that they also tried to sit but everyone ended up almost breaking their legs except Hoseok. (Knowing Brother ep. 94)
- One of her favorite things is to play the piano.
- She can also play the violin and guitar very well.
- She is mostly paired with Jungkook or is on his team during Run BTS. There's just some unnatural force that pulls them together (as stated by Jin).
- Has been in many false dating rumors just because of her friendliness.
- She has PTSD and panic disorder due to her biological parents.
- She has said that because she didn't receive much love in her childhood, her members make sure that she feels loved 24/7.
- She is very innocent.
- The members have said that she smells the nicest in BTS. Jungkook even mentioned that Luna's scent is his favorite.
- She loves Taehyung's fashion sense and thinks only he can pull off the outfits he wears.
- The most popular ship in the whole KPop involves her and Jungkook.
- Luna placed 3rd on TC Candler's "The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2018", 2nd in 2019, and 1st in 2020, 2021, and 2022.
- She's very good friends with Ariana Grande.
- Her shoe size is 210 mm
- She is said to be a very skilled cook.
- She loves reading books, mostly romance novels.
- The members say that Luna smells very pleasant.
- Luna likes collecting souvenirs.
- Luna's ideal date: "Something sweet, like cooking together at home, eating then cuddles. But if he wants to go out then we could go to a cafe... or a library!"
- Some of her popular quotes are: "You got this, girl! Fighting!" and "Am I dreaming?"
Other members about Luna:
- Suga: "Luna is both just like me and opposite of me at the same. Watching her grow from a little girl to the beautiful women she has become now makes me feel like her dad. (laughs)"
- RM: "Wants to be loved. Very kind and gentle, is timid, selfless. She responds and listens well. Says she wears anything but you can see she's got style, very cute type of clothes. Is bright for everyone but dark for herself, very hardworking and self-criticising. Somehow smells pleasant all the time. Very supportive of others, will cheer for you even for the small achievements. She is a cutie."
- Jin: "I've raised her well, she is my child."
- J-Hope: "I love her personality, although I'd have to say that she is too selfless. Doesn't think about herself, her priorities are always the people she loves. She cares for everyone and makes sure that we're eating well."
- V: "She's very cute, I can never say no to her. I talk to her a lot, she is my safe place. She doesn't get angry, and if she does you don't need to fear her. I actually think she seems cuter when she is angry, and she gets angrier when I say that to her."
- Jimin: "She is too selfless, kind and caring. Very gentle, and innocent. I always talk to her about my feelings and she listens without interrupting, giving me her full attention. Very cute."
- Jungkook: "Too innocent and precious for the world. Very cute. She smells so pleasant all the time. Keeps our dorm room clean, although her plushies are everywhere. I love spending time with her. She's the closest to me, we've been best friends since debut."
- Suga about Luna entering High School: "Luna was the most beautiful one there."
- V about Luna entering High School: "She probably was the shortest, you couldn't see her. She was holding Jungkook's hand or we couldn't have found her in the crowd."
- In the dorm, she shares a room with Jungkook. (180327: BTS' JHOPE & JIMIN - MORE MAGAZINE MAY ISSUE)
- Luna's ideal type is someone who would love her unconditionally. She would like someone with tattoos and piercings. Someone who stays fit. Has a cute personality.
Do you like Luna? Do you know more facts about her? Feel free to comment below.
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vanillaxoshi · 2 months
“You look exhausted”
“Ugh! Tell me about it!”
“How did your study session go??”
Cahaya sighs at other’s question while he remembers the events of whole day
With Fang, Gopal, Petir and Tanah:-
“Gopal either study or die. Just stop whining!”
Cahaya said that to an already crying Gopal who had not stop grieving on the fact that why their teacher had to give them fifty maths questions as homework 
“Cahaya that’s rude! Don’t say like that!” scolded Tanah
“Fine” said Cahaya with an eye roll
“And I am done!” saying so Fang closed his maths notebook
“Eh! That fast!” 
“I am just that good!!” 
Cahaya takes a look at Fang’s books and then looks at him with a deadpan expression who was still speaking to Tanah
“You did exercise 4 questions in place of exercise 5”
Fang takes his books and looks at them. No sooner his face turns pale (Us Fang us 🤧 I do this mistake few times as well making me do my homework twice)
“Deh! Serves you right!” exclaimed Gopal with a smirk
“It’s ok we still have time! We can do it Fang” said Tanah in reassurance 
Cahaya shakes his head and looks at Petir who was silently struggling with a question 
“Your approach is correct but in the formula it’s minus not plus” he said while pointing at the formula
Petir nods and corrects it
“If you are having problem then tell me” 
“I don’t have any problems”
“Yeah sure! Your previous question answered a lot”
Petir ignores Cahaya’s rant and focuses on next question 
‘Just if he was not my brother I would have- ugh!!’ thought Cahaya with an imaginary cross on his head while fisting his palm to restrain his anger. Tanah pats his back to calm him down.
With Api and Air:-
“This is so tough!” exclaimed Api with a frustrated sigh
“Stop complaining and just follow the steps I told you (pointing at a calculation) see here you have done multiplication mistake” 
‘Besides it’s the easiest question’ thought Cahaya
“And Air atleast do some questions or else you will be in trouble” said Cahaya turning to Air with a sweat drop who was still sleeping over his books
Air groans a little hugging his plushie tighter while pushing his notebook forward 
“I did it already”
“That fast?!?” 
Cahaya looks at his notebook, all questions were solved correctly 
“When the hell did he do that?!!!” muttered Cahaya 
“Did you just curse” asked Api with a mischievous grin
“No I didn’t”
“I heard”
“It was you!”
“How the hell was it me!”
“Just like that!”
“Shut the f*** up!”
“Who cursed?!” Tanah asked as he entered the room with a terrifying aura
“Him” saying so both of them pointed at each other 
Tanah narrows his eyes at them
Smack! Smack!
After sometime~
“Sunshine did I do it correctly?” saying so Daun showed his answer to Cahaya who was rubbing his bump
“Yeah! That’s correct Daun! I think you should move on to next exercise”
“Okie” exclaimed Daun with a bright face, “Also why did Tanah hit you and Api OwO?”
“Not really important” 
Angin nudges Air who was lying beside them
“They both cursed, Tanah heard” 
Api had finished more than half of his homework so he went to prank Gopal with Yaya’s biscuits 
“Use this formula to get answer easily” said Cahaya pointing at summation of sequence formula 
“Ohhhh got it!!” saying so Daun starts to work on it excitedly 
“Clinging on my arm won’t make me do your homework Angin” said Cahaya trying to pull off his brother
“C’mon~ you’re my smart, handsome, amazing, baby brother~”
“You really think that’s helping?!”
“I will let you try my hoverboard~ you always wanted to fly high~”
“I can fly higher using my powers”
“That won’t give you the feeling~”
“You suck at bribing”
“C’mon~” (puppy dog eyes)
Cahaya sighs. He takes Angin’s maths textbook and hands it over to him
“Do twenty questions in next ten minutes” 
“Do it” saying so Cahaya pushes the book on Angin’s face
“That’s a lot!!”
“Time’s running! If you do it, I will finish your maths homework”
And at last, Angin was only able to do five questions, making Cahaya smirk and help him with rest of his homework
Flashback ends 
“It was….ok”
“Rough day I see”
“Anyways as per the promise, I m here to help you out with that driller of yours!”
“It’s not a driller Haya” saying so he facepalmed
“Well they look similar”
“I would suggest you to rest, you look tired. We can do this tomorrow”
“HAYA!!!” Angin smashed the automatic doors of the room at side startling both the occupants 
“Tanah called you and Nut for dinner!!!”
‘So he’s the person who broke almost all the doors at Tapops? I was blaming Admiral for nothing’ thought Nut sweat dropping at Angin 
“O-oh we’re coming!” 
“I won’t be able too, I have some work at Tempur A so I will have my dinner there itself with some old friends” 
“Have fun Nut!!”
“Thanks Angin, I bid you guys Adios” saying so Nut left leaving the brothers alone
“Woah! Nut is good with literature!!”
“Kinda I was helping him to read some Shakespeare stories he got interested in recently”
“Anyways let’s go Haya!!”
“Angin!!! Stop pulling me!”
“Not until you ask nicely”
“Urgh!! I will blast you off with my tembakan cahaya”
“That won’t scare me little brother~”
After sometime~
“Haya?” Angin whispered as he sneaked in Cahaya’s shared bedroom only to find him sleeping on his desk with a night lamp on and his brothers snoring on their respective beds. Angin giggles slightly and walks up to Cahaya, he moves his white t-shirt slightly off his shoulders and apply pain reliving ointment. Apparently he had seen him massaging his shoulders and cracking them while eating. After doing his job, Angin uses his power and makes Cahaya lie on bed and covers him with blanket. He rubs his head gently and grins slightly, “sleep well my baby brother”
Besides Xoshi Tanah took your advise into consideration :) in next one shot, he’s gonna cook with his brothers to find out where they are lacking and teach them
Cahaya's more nicer in tutoring here than other fics, but still is equally tired
Bro Tanah, everyone would swear please dont smack my boys 😔
And awwww Angin tucking him in thats so cute, and its so random he breaks automatic doors, bro doesnt know how to just step down and let the door open itself, Angin wait for a moment-
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rataticaisdreaming · 8 months
day 4 - scars @intrualityweek
Summary: Patton comes back to his room after a rough day just to find an injured duke waiting for him.
Pairing: AroAce Intruality (it/its for Remus - he/him for Patton)
Word Count: 967
Warnings: Blood / Injuries / Hurt/Comfort / Mentioned nudity
Coming back to his room after a hard day, Patton expected to breathe in the nostalgic scents, cuddle up to all of Thomas’ childhood plushies, play some soft tunes or put on a Disney movie while he played with some toys. All the comfort of his room and what he could do, look at old photos, laugh fondly at his kiddo’s old writing… Eat more than two cookies.
Patton saw all of that being thrown out of the window as soon as his eyes found a blood-clad duke sitting on his bedroom floor, lazily rocking side to side. The left side of its body was pure red, its whole self had big splatters of blood, sash ripped apart and oh…
It was missing its left arm.
The sight and the smell left Patton dizzy, so much he had to lean against the frame of his door. This was not how his day was supposed to go, he was supposed to snuggle in warm blankets and plush pillows. He was supposed to indulge in the comfort of his room to forget, distract himself from the unbearable reality that he was no longer needed, that his kiddos were not going to look up to him anymore and that-
Oh. Oh, right. There was an injured side in his room…
There was an injured kiddo in his room!
“Oh my God, Re, love, I’m here. What do you need?!” he asked, jumping right into action. “An arm?”
“Don’t joke like that!” he reprimanded, softly punching it on the shoulder. This made Remus groan, a patient smile on its face.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry! Are you in pain? Can you walk? We need to go to the bathroom now.”
The creative side got up as an answer and carefully walked its way to the bathroom, Patton right by its side in case it needed assistance.
Once Remus sat on the bathtub’s edge, Patton started to quickly gather a towel, gauze and medical tape. His partner didn’t seem to be bleeding anymore, this made him sigh in relief as this made things way less stressful and difficult for Remus. Putting everything aside, he began to undress the duke.
“I’m sorry Pat…” it said in a tiny voice.
“Don’t apologize, dear. I know it has to be fun! All those battles you have in the imagination. I’ve healed your brother before, he tends to get in these situations as well.” he remembered with a sad smile.
Suddenly, that comment made him tear up a little and pause for a second. Roman used to get in those situations. Patton had no idea when the last time he took care of a tired, injured prince happened. He remembers how Logan used to playfully roll his eyes at the creative side’s whines and complaints, how Roman would let him take care of him no matter how small the scar was, how faint the pain was…
A red blur came into his view, it softly cleaned the tears that were starting to fall. Patton blinked a couple of times before clumsily lifting his glasses, rubbing his fists against his eyes, trying to get rid of his blurry sight. He took a deep breath and looked back at his partner. Remus was looking down at him with caring and understanding eyes, too tired to speak, but never too tired to show its affection for the moral side.
It leaned down to press soft kisses on Patton’s forehead, its right and only hand petting the messy locks of his hair. They rested their heads together for a bit, until Patton slowly moved back.
“Let’s get you all cleaned up, shall we?” he said, filling up the bathtub with warm water and helping Remus in.
“I know you’re worried, I am as well, if I'm being honest” he started, taking the towel and gently pressing against wounds and rubbing against healthy skin. “Can I talk to you about something while I clean you?”
The duke nodded, relaxing under its partner’s care.
“Things are not like they used to be. That scares me so much… Seeing how distant Logan and Virgil are, how Roman is losing his trust in me. I never seem to understand Janus… Poor Thomas got caught in this mess. It all feels like it's my fault.”
“I miss the days where our issues were so simple, discussing Disney movies and pizza toppings. We were so close back then. I was needed back then” he said, finally letting his main concern into the light. “Now, I don't think they need me, not in the ways they used to, at least.”
“I was planning on having a day for myself, you know? Self-care and all of that. I think that maybe, if I let days pass by… One day I’ll wake up and it will all be like it used to be.”
“It’s a silly thought. I know that won’t happen, I need to fix things first. I’m scared I’ll end up messing everything and it will all be worse… But I’m very thankful you’re here with me.”
Remus looked at him with a small tilt of its head, the scar on its left eye looked so beautiful tonight…
“I think this is the best self-care I can do for myself. By helping you, I feel needed, I feel useful again. It makes me very happy, Remus.” A loving smile and chuckle from his partner is all Patton needs to peck it on its lips. He knew that the things that would come were too big and scary, but for now he could take it one step at a time. For now, his duke needed his care. It needed him, wanted him. That healed more scars on his heart than he could ever heal on Remus’ body.
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