#little valkyrie
greykolla-art · 6 months
Hi, hope your day's going well! I didn't realize you'd read Skulduggery Pleasant! Those books were my absolute favorite growing up, they're a major inspiration for why I became a writer! I'm so glad my favorite artist in the Hazbin fandom also loves my favorite book series!!
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Oh BABY it’s so nice to revisit them after all these years!😊💕
They are absolutely the reason I like age-gap friendships and mentors. 👏
Magical Irish disaster duo, I challenge them to go to therapy.
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riveluart · 1 year
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When they finally get out of the Ever After
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aaronwarner · 4 months
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I can't, Ruby. I'm sorry, okay? Then why are you here? Why are you even talking to me? Because I... Because... You don't know because you don't know what you want. You don't know anything!
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sexymoonmansslut · 2 months
marlene ml 🛐🛐
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i need her biblically
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chaikachi · 1 year
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there's a million ways to spill blood on the court...
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lupiinist · 3 months
i like the idea that lily is one of the smartest people in hogwarts but she's also just like
very clumsy. she drops things, she trips on air, and she's very unlucky too, gum sticks randomly on her hair (mary or marlene always cuts the tips of her hair every month or so because of that), and everytime something like that happens, she makes an odd sound as she snorts and laughs.
because yes, she's clumsy and unlucky, but she's surprisingly positive about it, she finds everything to be very funny, and mary and marlene are so used to it by now that they're always ready to hold her before she falls, take her out of the way of something that's being thrown, or just hold something she dropped before it breaks.
i like lily being a bit of a mess, let her be a bit of a failgirl as a treat, she's adorable, and she's a genius!!!!
(also, mary can't help but look so, so fond and in love with her whenever lily laughs when she trips on the hem of her robes, like she makes the entire day brighter just by smiling)
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
RWBY as Tweets: Canon Bees edition (turns out I had inspiration again)
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smallermangoes · 12 days
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I have actual freelance work to do but instead I was possessed by the devil of yaoi...
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erros429 · 1 year
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rwby textpost memes pt36 babyyyyy!!!!! sorry these are not as frequent as they were before 😔
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maddymoreau · 18 days
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Image Source: Click Here
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jayorsaiic · 3 months
How modern stories are starting to feel with either Valkyrie member + pretty 5 mention bc I'm biased
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cajunfoxnight · 2 months
Who wants chicken nuggets
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She got a bit too eager 🙃
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norry-yippee · 1 month
i need more autistic regulus headcannons <333
Yippee! Hi, lovely
So this might be long but I’ll start with he makes everyone feel like they are speaking in code, James will ask him to watch this movie with him(wanting to spend time with him) and Rgeulus while wanting to spend time with James says no bc he doesn’t want to watch the movie(etc. etc.), it makes James feel crazy at first till he learns how to communicate it properly.
He has a lot of sensory quirks; pants that are tight, shirts that go up his neck, only one hand being wet(he has to wet the other one before drying them), hair on his body especially when it runs against clothes(I have this and it SUCKS bro), and like food with slimy textures (pudding, yogurt, jello’s with other things in the to add texture).
He can make eye contact and he does but he overthinks it like crazy; which eye to look at, how long to hold it, what expressions he is make, what expressions others make and what they mean. I feel like he wouldn’t be great at reading facial expressions unless the person is like actively laughing or crying.
Everything has always felt a bit unfamiliar or foreign to him. He constantly feels out of place even when surrounded by loved ones, and while this gets better with time it never goes away.
He has very strict rules with himself; the way he does things and his routines as he moves about life, and when these routines get messed up his hole day is off because he doesn’t know how to return to his normal.
He has a lot of meltdowns, is that the right word(?), idk but that’s how I’ll phrase it. When he has these he can’t stop crying, his sensory issues skyrocket, he feels a bunch of pent up energy in his body. And shutdowns(?) where he feels tired and kinda sick and tired, especially after long social interactions.
He struggles joining in conversations. He doesn’t know what the right thing to say or the right time to join is. So he sits there with quiet words coming and stopping till someone notices him. And then when he goes home he constantly rethinks it.
And finally he is constantly talking way too loud to the point that it annoys people or way too quiet to where no one can hear him(he leans toward quiet most of the time) and he thinks over it a lot; all the times he said thank you or a compliment and the person didn’t hear him so he just seemed rude, or when he says things way too loud and ruins the vibe. He really only talks in a normal speaking voice when he is in a comfortable space.
We love you Reg 🙆‍♀️
This might not make sense or relate to a lot of other people but it does to me so I’ll leave it here
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weirdnico · 19 days
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first time i draw lily, look at her she's so so beautiful
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howlingday · 1 month
Nora: So, are we going to get the relic now?
Ruby: Nope! We're going back to the Ever After to pick up Jaune!
Ren: Why didn't he just come back with you the first time?
Ruby: I dunno. He said he wanted some time to "prep for the finale," or whatever.
Jaune: Alright, girls... It's been a while since we've done the whole adventure thing, but god dammit, it's time to show Remnant that Jaune Arc's still got it! And we're gonna prove it today... You ready?
Juniper: (Wearing cat ears)
Somewhat: (Wearing a black wig) Your crippling dementia worries me.
Jaune: SHUT THE FUCK UP, RUBY! It's time to get down to business...
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homoeroticgrappling · 2 months
Clips of Orange Cassidy & Willow Nightingale VS Mr Frog & Rachel via AdultSwim's instagram stories at SDCC on 25/07/24
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