#lmk jin headcanons
gh0st-t0wn3 · 1 year
Lmk ss edits + headcanons, Part 4 (Jin & Yin, Ao Lie, Tripitaka, Bai He)
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- He/Him, He/They
- Pansexual, Bisexual
- They both have chronic separation anxiety, its why they're never apart; Yin tends to go non-verbal and more withdrawn without Jin, and Jin gets really agressive and paranoid without Yin. 
-  Yin can't sleep if he has nerves, Jin can do nothing BUT sleep if he has nerves
- Jin always forgets something at home, Yin reminded him a hundred times before they left
- Yin doodles on the corner of their blueprint papers whenever they're making something new, Jin cuts them out later and glues them into a sketchbook so they don't get lost
- Jin's hips are constantly covered in bruises because he's always bumping into shit (has NO spacial awareness whatsoever)
- Yin listens to rock music, Jin doesn't have a specific genre
- Somehow are simultaneously the most innocent and dirty minded people, you'll never know what you're gonna get at any given moment
- Yin always finds a way to drown in inch deep water (really bad at swimming)
- ^^^Jin laughs at him
- After they found out Mei and MK didn't like eachother as anything more than friends, they tried to trap him in the calabash again but used Redson to try and seduce him instead, MK immediately knew it was them
- Jin was talking really fast cause he was panicking once and called the Demon accountant "Semon accountant" and has still not recovered
- Yin laughed his ass off when it happened and constantly reminds him of it
- Jin likes his pillow warm (he's insane)
- They both occasionally become self aware and wind up having a weird crisis trying to figure out whether their horns are a part of their skull or something else
- Both are cat people, they're terrified of dogs, being trapped in a room with one is one of their worst nightmares
- Neither of them has clean hair, it is a fucking rock you will not be able to comb that shit out
- Jin rants about new ideas, Yin writes/draws them down
- Yin will bite you if you get near him while he's eating, bro's feral
- Jin stubs his toe atleast three times a day and screams in agony every. Single. Time. Eventually Yin just stopped running to check on him, it's happened so many times that he can distinguish what Jin's scream sounds like specifically when he stubs his toe
- Yin spent several months slowly moving everything in their house slightly to the right everyday, Jin cried cause he thought he was going insane
- Jin smells like cinnamon, Yin smells like caramel (I'm delusional, they both reek)
- Jin's love language is words of affirmation, Yin's love language is quality time
- Yin is terrified of cockroaches, Jin keeps some as pets
- Jin tried to dox Mei during one of her streams, Mei showed up at their house instead, it was terrifying
- The Demon accountant has to use a pressure hose to wash them
- They were banned from the arcade but they kept showing up begging to be unbanned, the staff eventually started feeling bad and let them back in
- Yin always throws out his drawings if they don't turn out how he wanted them to, Jin fishes them out of the trash when Yin isn't looking and keeps them in a sketchbook under his bed
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- He/Him
- ??? Bisexual, probably
- Favourite animal is a leaf slug, it just feels right
- Mei's number one supporter
- Ate a strawberry once and found a worm inside, never ate strawberries again
- Constantly bothered Zhu Bajie during their Journey to the west, he thought it was funny seeing him get upset
- "I swear to buddha, if you ask me 'why' one more time" " Why?"
- Wukong pulled a bug out of his hair once and he freaked out and made Tripitaka go through his hair for him
- Heaviest sleeper of the group, when he falls asleep he is OUT,
- Has horrible bed head and his hair takes forever to comb out
- Really bad at math
- Wakes Tripitaka up in the middle of the night to ask the dumbest questions
- Refuses to wear shoes, he's in his horse form for most of their Journey anyway so he doesn't see the point in having any at all
- Would absolutely down a container of melatonin gummies if he had the opportunity
- Had to comfort Wukong while he puked after chugging a gallon of salt water once
- Mei gets her ':3' face from him
- Trips over his hair as much as his sleeves, no matter how much of his hair he ties up somehow it always ends up in his face or under his foot and he's down
- Follow up on the last headcanon, he's tried to cut his hair before to stop this from happening, it did not work, his hair grew back really fast
- He's like a cat, if you tell him not to push something over, he'll push it over
- Favourite colour is actually rose gold, but green is a very close second
- DBK let him hold Redson after the Samadhi removal ritual was over and Ao Lie immediately dropped him (DBK caught him before he hit the ground, but Ao Lie was banned from holding him again)
- Can eat an entire buffet and not gain a single pound
- Smells like Mint
- Love language is physical touch
- Chews on his sleeves when he's bored
- Gets along surprisingly well with Nezha despite Nezha's and Ao Bing's history
- Really good at singing
- Since he's a water Demon, he gets overheated really easily in the sun so whenever they come across any kind of water (river, pond, puddle, etc) he'll just flop sideways and lay there for like 20 minutes to cool down
- Actually thought Mei was his sister for a minute until he realized it wasn't her when they first met
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- He/Him
- AroAce
- Sometimes gets visons and dreams of his life as the Golden Cicada
- Tripitaka, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujin can see what their descendants/reincarnations are up to
- He cried on Freenoodles wedding day... it was not of joy, Zhu Bajie also threw up several times
- Once joked about having to shave all of Wukongs fur off now that he's a Monk and Wukong cried
- Absolutely HATES when people enter a room before knocking
- Would probably be scared of popping candy if he ever heard them (bubblegum, pop rocks, etc)
- Hates when people fold the corner of a page as a bookmark
- Constantly corrects people's spelling; "it's 'you're' not 'your' "
- Can't stand the sound of people chewing with their mouths open
- Has naturally long lashes
- Weak ass ankles
- Tried to teach Wukong how to read and gave up in a few hours because he refused to pay attention
- Cries whenever someone brings up his and Zhu Bajie's pregnancy, it's what keeps him up at 3am (if you haven't read JTTW, I'm sorry that this is how you found out)
- Surprisingly has a really good singing voice
- Always writes in cursive and no one can read it
- Understands cicadas
- In JTTW (chapter 39, i think) Tripitaka encountered a demon who impersonated him so well that even with his golden vision Wukong couldn't tell them apart and mistakingly attacked the real one, Tripitaka still gets nightmares about Wukong almost killing him
- Favourite colour is yellow
- Smells like oranges
- Love language is words of affirmation
- Has little freckles
- Extremely texture picky
- Vegetarian
- Has almost lost his hat (???) multiple times due to being kidnapped so often, it's a miracle he hasn't lost it yet
- Loves watching the sunset
- VERY light sleeper
- Smiled at Redson once, who immediately burst into tears (He could see that Tripitaka was the golden cicada and got scared), Tripitaka freaked out and also started crying while trying to calm him down
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- She/Her
- Ally
- Has stretch marks as a result of her bones and skin being stretched out while she was possessed by the Lady Bone Demon
- White streaks in her hair from the possession
- Even after being freed from the Lady Bone Demon, her skin was never quite right, always too pale or too cold, with little snowflake markings here and there just barely visible
- Always cold, she has to wear multiple layers of clothing to help deal with it, doesn't matter how hot it is outside, she's always wearing something warm
- Has eyebags because she gets recurring nightmares about the Lady Bone Demon and hardly gets any sleep anymore
- Has very faint freckles
- Definitely believes/believed in those "spells to turn you into a mermaid/fairy/vampire" YouTube videos
- Made potions as a kid (it's windex, food dye, and glitter mixed together)
- Probably collects rocks
- Mei and Macaque taught her how to scam other kids in roblox
- Used to believe that if you ate a seed it'd grow in your stomach and had a meltdown when she accidentally swallowed watermelon seeds
- "Guys, stop swearing!" Whenever someone says "Frick", "Heck", "Dang"
- Cut her own hair once when she was really little, it was a disaster
- Eats whatever anyone gives her
- LOVES kumara
- Always eats lucky charms for breakfast but she'll pick out all the actual cereal so she just has milk and marshmallows
- Her dad is Pigsy's boar rival from across the street
- Loves street food, especially tanghulu and cheese tea
- Chews on her sleeves
- Smells like vanilla
- Love language is quality time
- OBSESSED with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and watches it on repeat (she once compared MK to Donnie because they both fight with staffs)
- Has a charm bracelet with personalized charms she made for everyone she likes/loves
- Loves orbeez and has a heart shaped orbeez lamp that she uses as a night light (I had one as a kid, it was awesome and I miss it very much)
- Dyes the white streaks in her hair pink, but they fade pretty quick so they have to be re-dyed frequently
- Has a tooth gap
- Her favourite flowers are chrysanthemums
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
YELLOW1!!1 it's been a hot minute since I sent in an ask!
Since pokemon has really come to bite my butt, I wonder what kinda pokemon Mei and Macaque would have! (I'd guess Mei would have a gyrados for some reason, but it makes sense to me and that's good enough!)
the LMK storyboard director (Ashe Jacobson) actually made pokemon cards for the LMK gang based on her hcs of them! Although they were made during S1/2 and likely don't reflect current ideas or fanon (also too many legendaries for my taste). Also no Sandy card :(
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Things I do love about each though:
He/They pronoun MK. MK having bunch of little monkey pokemon. Plus a Krabby for some reason. Also Age: Unknown foreshadowing... instead of the legendaries I could see him having a Ground type like a Gligar (cheeky bat pokemon based on a tyoe of Japanese yokai) or a Swinub (snow boar piglet).
Red Son out here with all the pronouns and a bunch of poor Bug/Steel types about to get melted XD. Honestly surprised that he doesn't have a Tauros. The Houndoom seems like an Erlang pokemon though, Red Son seems more of a Torchic kinda guy. I could also give him a legednary like Chi-Yu; a little piece of primordial fire based on the Chinese Great Peril of Hundun/Confusion.
Mei def deserves a Gyardos - no fault to Rayquaza but no legendaries allowed. Rapidash is perfect for her, but perhaps a shiny to fit her theme a little more + she def would be a Shiny hunter. Sceptile is a more subtle choice since it's a lizard pokemon with one of the highest base speed stats (450) and has sword-like leafy protrusions. I've seen ideas for her having a Blitzle (electric zebra pokemon) as well since it just seems like a Her pokemon to have.
I just love Tang having Shedinja (the cicada husk pokemon) partially because it falls into a little theory I have of him >:3 + Golden Cicada connection. Chimecho is also based on a type of shinto warding bell used to scare off spirits - a useful pokemon for a priest/superstitious nerd to have. The Hoothoot is adorable, he's just here cus of nerdiest. Spoink is based on a bible verse about casting wisdom to those who won't appriciate it (pearls before swine) so thats pretty Tang-coded. The Shuckle makes me think of Noodles and the infamous "don't fuckle with the Shuckle"-meme because of it's ability to become the most lethal attack pokemon under the right circumstances. Tang deserves another non-legendary tho so lets give him an artifact pokemon like a Golett or Baltoy for him to nerd about (and struggle to carry).
Pigsy has pigs. You know if Gen IX was out he'd have a LeChonk no question about it. The Munchlax is super adorable since is a hungry baby pokemon (reminds him of MK?), and the Clefable could be a hint at his amazing singing voice. Blipbug is a ladybird larva aka a "bookworm" pokemon - you know he got that one cus of Tang. The Ambipom is interesting tho - extra hands in the kitchen obvs, but maybe hinting at his incarnation's connection to SWK. I could def see him having "food"-type pokemon around too like Smoliv, Milcery, and/or Tatsugiri.
+Tang and Pigsy both have a pokemon that reminds them of eachother omg; Spoink and Blipbug. Perhaps the Spoink is (Pigsy's) Grumpig's baby?
Wukong using his flattering game art for his ID is very in-character of him XD. Most of his pokemon are really on the nose too - Infernape is legit based on him after all. I excuse the use of legendary pokemon (esp Landorus since it's a earth/cloud god pokemon) for him too since thats what he is. The most recent legendary pokemon is uber-Wukong coded tho - Pecharunt, based on the Peaches of Immortality combined with the japanese folktale of Momotaro + japanese death mythology. I could see Wukong also walking around with a bunch of horse (Mudsdale) and fruit pokemon (Boundsweet, Cherubi) as well. Maybe even having a team thats made of up pokemon that remind him of his old friends.
Macaque having a Zoroark and Zarude is super genius. Zoroark is a mimicry pokemon (based on kitsunes/huli-jings) and that checks out with what Macaque tried doing in the novel - also reminds me of my hc that Jiuweihuli took him under her wing. Zarude is a spooky legendary monkey pokemon obvs, but it's introduced in it's debut movie as "Dada" by the human it raised - sorta foreshadowing how the FFM baby monkeys really love Macaque. Gengar and Marshadow are great choices for his shadow powers ofc - with Marshow having a "lantern" kind vibe to it. Grimmsnarl I think was choosen based on it's Gigantamax form - it looks a lot like Macaque's Smoke Monster form. I could also see Macaque having a few Sneasels - little dark types based on a wind Yokai. I think that while he'd like sound/music-focused Pokemon, his ears are too sensitive to be around the moves - he'd start running the second he sees a Whimsur.
+Macaque and Wukong have Eevee-lutions that evolve based on high affection depending on time of day. Like the Sun and the Moon everybody. Oddly enough in the pokemon "I Choose You!" movie, Marshadow is considered a "guide" for those chosen by Ho-Oh (which Wukong has), early foreshadowing how Macaque becomes a legit mentor to MK.
Jin and Yin just have duo pokemon that work best together. These two def would buy both versions of a pokemon game so that they could play and trade together. The two NInetails is a cute reference to their mom - the OG Nine-Tailed Vixen. They need a Gourgeist for their Calabash tho.
This is the best i can do rn for poor Sandy; I used a mix of microsoft office word shapes, Imgflip, and the Pokecharms Trainer Id generator (I couldn't figure out how to change the trainer to a custom image).
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I gave him Mantine and Lapras cus they're gentle "Ride" pokemon who like carrying people across water. Polteageist cus Tea and secrets. Smergle cus of art. Vivillion cus of the blue butterfly in "To Catch a Leaf" and the Dewpider cus Huntsman. Some more ideas include Dhelmise (the seaweed anchor pokemon), Misdreavus (cus of his necklace), and/or Machamp (wrestling theme in the Scroll of Memory). Lots of cat pokemon too - him and Nanu would get along. He's not a fighter at all - and neither are his pokemon. Don't underestimate them tho - they hit hard.
Additionally; Nezha has all snake pokemon + I can see him having a Charcadet. He's got a Phantump and a Dratini too but don't ask about them.
PIF has a swarm of Castform following her since they can't be blown away by her winds (she treats them like baby wind spirits). DBK has like fifty Tauros of different breeds' and a few Miltanks + a Scovillain who provides him with peppers.
Erlang has a Houndoom and nothing else... except maybe a Lotad who reminds him of his greatest regrets.
Chang'e owes a few bunny pokemon (Scorbunny, Buneary, Azumarill, Bunnelby etc) and an Alcremie, plus a bunch of stray Clefairy-line pokemon (moon origins) and Minior (meterorite/star candy pokemon). She also has a little Rowlet plush that she hugs tightly whenever she goes to sleep (Hou Yi's starter).
I feel like animal demons dont really "own" pokemon cus they see them as fellow demons/monster species. Wukong is an except since his are probably old friends/decended from pokemon he knew back on FFM.
this got a little away from me sorry - I love pokemon too <3
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crypticjackal13 · 1 year
Can I request Yin and Jin crushing super hard on Shy!Younger sister of Mk, they're both trying constantly to get her attention and win her over, and the gang is not happy about it (especially Mk)
Assistant Demon: What are doing, you oafs?
Yin and Jin: She's pretty~
Assistant Demon: And you're ugly now get back to work
Lol thank you for this, also it turned out way longer than I thought it would
Yin & Jin x MK's Shy Younger Sister Reader Headcanons!
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stupid lovesick fools --is how the assistant demon describes these two when she first finds out about their crushes on you. she is the backbone of their group and she does not understand why they can't JUST FOCUS ON TRYING TO WREAK SOME CHAOS
I imagine they came across you on accident. you were just there with Mei and MK, probably getting some food and TRYING to have a chill day with your bro, but then they came along like "HAHA FIGHT US MONKIE KID--oh hello who's this??" and they instantly tried to poke their noses into your business.
obviously MK whooped their asses for even going near you(he is very protective of you dammit)
Mei is also upset(bc if MK gets upset so does she) and she will whoop their asses too
The assistant demon shows up to collect the boys and instead of the two of them being upset they lost as usual they're instead........rambling and gushing about this cute girl they saw??? she doesn't understand.
Yin and Jin become a real thorn in MK's side for the next few WEEKS because they've learned where he is, you aren't far behind
you're freaking out bc why are these demons so interested in you?? but they're like being super obvious about their crushes--they ABSOLUTELY sat outside your house with a boombox and some flowers and "whatever else human girls are into these days"
Pigsy and MK scared them off because it was 3 in the morning
eventually the two of them caught you alone, and very quickly tried to explain why they were there--trying to make it brief just in case MK might be lurking somewhere
they're very sweet about it, they politely ask you out, and you do your best to explain to MK and Pigsy and Tang that you've simply caught the boys' fancy and you're gonna go on a date with them to give them a chance!!
everything goes smoothly(about as smoothly as it can with those two), but expect to see three poorly-disguised men following along at a distance. it's just MK, Mei, and Pigsy in trenchcoats, sunglasses, hats, and fake moustaches--don't be alarmed
.....yeah, it's gonna be a little awkward having Yin and Jin over for dinner
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kidron · 1 year
X reader Character list
|Rise of The teenage mutant ninja turtles : every single character + Yuich Usagi (crossover)
|Bungou stray dogs (manga) : Atsushi, Kenji, Kyouka, Ranpo, Yosano, Kunikida, Lucy, Odasaku, Kyusaku, Karma, Poe, Karl, Mushitaro, Yokomizo, Tetcho, Aya, Bram, Lovercraft.
|Tokyo revengers ( manga + anime ) : Mikey / Manjiro, Hinata, Baji, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Ryusei, Kojiro, Peke-J, Souya / Angry, Nahoya / Smiley, Hakkai, Yuzuha, Terano South, Mochi, Mucho, Wakasa, Benkei, Senju.
|Lego Monkie kid : Sun wukong | Monkie king, six eared Macaque, Mk, Red son, Mei, Sandy, Mohawk ( Sandy's cat ) Jin, Yin, Bai Hee.
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hc that ne zha watches my hero academia. that is all.
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ceciliaisconcealed · 2 years
More headcanons
— Yin and Jin styles each other's own hair, or try to style each others hair
— The spider gang can swim BUT Syntax is kinda another story- before he was turned/mutated into a spider he can swim and all of that but when he turned into one, he feared that the spider bot thing that's latched onto his back might malfunction and might break and possibly get electrocuted if he did because of the spider bot on his back
— Mei was homeschooled by her parents
— The Gold and Silver Twin Demons and Red Son meet up with each other and talk about what kind of machine they should make next (Reference to the last post of mine)
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willowshimmer · 2 years
- Huntsman was the second spider to get infected from the venom (just so you know Goliath was first, Huntsman was second and Syntax was last)
- Huntsman has a bet with Syntax that he is the Spider Queens favorite
- Huntsman loves going on dates with Sandy they're always better then the last
- Whenever Sandy and Huntsman go to the store Sandy always loses Huntsman cause he probably got distracted by a piece of clothing or fruit or anything that catches his eye
- Huntsman's bisexual and trans, Goliath is trans and aroace, Syntax is gay and a demiboy and Spider Queen is lesbian
- Huntsman, Syntax and Spider Queen argue who has the better partner like Huntsman argues that Sandy is the best boyfriend cause he's kind sweet and funny, Syntax argues that Mayor is the best cause he's supportive, kind, makes sure Syntax is comfortable and helps him if he needs help and Spider Queen argues that Scorpion Deamoness is the best cause she's sweet, kind, funny, makes sure she doesn't feel alone and has two kids(Jin and Yin) meanwhile Goliath in the background like "uh I got cookies?"
- Sandy loves to braid Huntsman's hair and Sandy cats play with the braid with Huntsman's braid that Sandy made
- Huntsman has anger issues
- Huntsman is ALWAYS the victim of Jin and Yins shenanigans
- Huntsman doesn't like to admit he needs help
- Sandy sneaks into the spiders lair just to his Boyfriend Huntsman
- When Huntsman first met Sandy he felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside of him and he was embarrassing about how he developed feelings for the Blue Giant
- Huntsman's favorite fruit are kiwis
This took a long time but it was worth it 🥰
I hope you all are having a good day bye❤️
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beauleifu · 2 years
I have an idea for a prompt: Yin & Jin introducing Y/N to Scorpion Queen after work.
okay so imagine Y/N only knew about SQ by way of Jin and Yin mentioning her a few times. So their grasp on the deadly desert demon is thin and based on cryptic discussions Jin and Yin have.
The only way those two buggers would ever introduce Y/N to SQ is with their permission. If they knew that Y/N was eager to meet the scorpion demon (they're constantly making sure they have your consent for pretty much everything, anyways).
So imagine the surprise on their faces when you came up to them, requesting to visit their friend.
"Blimey, I must got somethin' in my ear," Jin says, aghast.
Yin's eyes never leave your face; he leans forward earnestly. "(Y/N), you 'ave no idea how long we've wanted to hear ya say that."
You cock a brow. "Uh. Why's that?"
"SQ's gotta be the number one demon all humans avoid at all costs!" Jin says, walking around to the closet and flinging it open. Hands on hips, he continues pompously; "The big scary scorpion of the desert. No one visits her an' no one seems to like her much, either."
Looking between your partners, you fiddle the hem of your sleeve.
"I think she sounds pretty cool. From what you guys say about her, of course," you add hastily. The rumors have not gone unnoticed by you.
Yin shrugs. "What we say an' who she really is are gonna be two different things, mate. Almost done, Jin?"
"Maybe if you'd help me. . . ." Is Jin's irritated reply.
You glance over your shoulder, realization dawning at exactly what the Golden Demon is doing. Three duffle bags lay unzipped on the table behind you, halfway full of clothes and toiletries and waterbottles. For the desert, of course.
Wait what are you THINKING?
"What are you doing-"
"Packing your bag, whaddya think?" Jin snorts, dropping the last pile of clothes into the bag and zipping it shut.
You jump off the stool. "Now? We're leaving now??"
"It's the perfect time!"
No, no it's not. You whip around to face Yin, searching for the voice of reason that will be your aid in defeating your chaotic partner. But the Silver Demon merely grins stupidly at you, eyes glittering with excitement. Yeah, you forgot the only voice of reason is yourself.
"Guys, c'mon. We need time to plan this stuff! How are we gonna get to the desert anyways it's literally like, miles away," you say, gesturing all about.
Yin looks incredibly smug. "Jin?" He drawls.
Said brother straightens, three duffle bags slopped over one shoulder.
"Our glider?"
"Hell yeah our glider."
You blink stupidly. Of course the two idiots spent their free time tinkering away on a project unbeknownst to you - perhaps for this very occasion. A glider? To sail the desert sands? No way in hell do you want to risk your life for that.
Huffing, you shake your head firmly. "Nuh-uh. There is no way I am stepping foot out of this vicinity."
"Is tha' a challenge?" Yin pipes up.
Jin cracks his knuckles.
Your partners can be very persuasive when they want to be.
Hence why you're on the glider.
Holding in a scream.
Sure, you have the Golden and Silver Demons holding you safely within their strong, burly arms, but it doesn't stop your heart from hammering as you use the mechanical glider to sail across the desert. You don't ask how the feat is accomplished. All you're aware of for approximately half an hour is the smell of your demon companions, their reassuring/teasing/mocking voices in your ears (sometimes they can't decide whether to comfort or make fun of you. Most of the time it's a chaotic mixture of both), and the wind in your face.
The three of you make it to SQ's lair in no time at all, for a hopefully welcome visit. You're shaking, partly from the adrenaline from riding the skies with your life on the line, and partly from the nerves.
Yin and Jin are friends with the Scorpion Queen.
Unfortunately, most demons have a taste for human flesh, and you have yet to befriend your unsuspecting host.
Yin and Jin seem to deter the truth from your expression before they walk inside. The entrance is musty and laced with spiderwebs and torn tapestries. Sand cakes the walls and fills every crevice, paired with the dust covering every structure.
"Awe, someone's a wee nervous," says Jin, grinning.
"Jin! (Y/N) should be scared, this is the Scorpion Queen we talkin' about," Yin grunts, patting your back rather roughly. "Don't worry, mate. She'll love ya."
You bite your lip. "Uh-huh."
Jin offers you a slightly less mocking smile before parading through the entrance, ducking under the torn and dirty sheets waving in the wind.
"Yo! Anyone home!"
The three of you enter as casually as possible, but it's hard when you're gripping Yin like a lifeline. He bears it dutifully, though, but the likelihood of getting a bruise from your grip is a grantee.
And then you find her.
The Scorpion Queen had been doing whatever when Jin suddenly burst into the room, striking a pose, and announcing your arrival in a loud voice. Funny, in a few seconds you know the reason why your partners and this infamous demon click so well. It's because the Scorpion Queen can match their chaotic energy and double it. Triple it, even.
As you peek past the filthy tapestries, you catch her break into a wide, shark-toothed smile, in all her demon glory. She jumps forward and almost crushes Jin under her demon form, but your idiot dodges easily.
You know in an instant that she'd be down to take over the world, if only someone would ask.
Your introduction is sloppy and awkward (on your part, at least. You can't stop gripping Yin tightly and averting eye contact). But the Scorpion Queen is ecstatic to have company, and pushes aside her surprise regarding the unexpected visit to favor your company. It seems that she has no interest whatsoever in eating you. Literally, what a champ.
She's friendly, funny, loud, and obnoxious. A perfect match for your partners, who are so excited to introduce you to their friend. You're like a prize they're presenting to their parents, their demeanor all puffed-up chests and sparkling eyes.
You don't know how long you stay there. Thankfully, you don't have work. The day passes quite slowly, but the four of you have a ton of fun goofing around.
"Ugh. Monopoly is so harddddd," the Scorpion Queen groans, hands dragging down her face.
Yin siezes claim to half her money, her having landed on his hotel.
"Sorry, there can only be one winner."
"You just wait until I pass Go and get enough money for my hotel," the demon seethes, hoarding what little money she has like a hound would its bone. "Oh ho ho, then you'll feel real pain."
Monopoly was what you suggested. Now it was their turn, and the three of them wanted to play something demons do, and it involved lots of weapons and clothes catching on fire or getting torn in various places. At one point you had scrambled to the peak of one of the crusting pillars and refused to come down unless everyone stopped trying to kill you.
"It's just a game!" They all complained.
All of them.
You got down, eventually. Demon tag is something you can cross off your bucket list, now.
By the time everything is done and over, Jin had been caught dozing off in your arms and the Scorpion Queen is begging you to visit sometime again soon.
You agree wholeheartedly, nerves gone.
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ladybugmonkey13 · 29 days
LMK Pokémon Trainer ID’s!
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Ta-da! An Updated Version Of The LMK Trainer ID’s!
As Of (8/24/2024)... And as I mentioned in my original post, I usually fall behind on “updates” or simply keeping up with the current going ons with fandoms and in general, stuff. So if this becomes inaccurate (as in more Trainer ID’s for the LMK cast of characters are posted), please let me know so I can update!
And I thought I’d take up less room on your screen and make the cards share spots with each other. Besides our favorite (but very traumatized>﹏<) main character. So, to get a better view of them, just click on 'em! If this is an issue for anyone, just let me know and I can just stack them all on top of each other.
These, of course, are all created by Ashe Jacobson, a storyboard director for our beloved show, Lego Monkie Kid! And from the post that I saw that alerted me to the new ID cards, I should state that these ID’s aren’t exactly canon, likely being headcanons made by Jacobson. But even so, I think most of the fandom agrees to what’s described/shown on these ID’s. Additionally, as long as you're respectful, who cares about canon! You can make whatever you want in the sandbox!
My Original Post Of The Trainer ID’s: OUTDATED!
The Post That Alerted Me To The (Two) New ID Cards: CREDIT!
({Edit (8/24/2024 - Later That Day ( ̄▽ ̄)") I personally tried the link for the 'Post That Aleted...' and it didn't work, sooo, hopefully now either way works correctly!})
Links To All Of The Orignal Twitter/“X” Posts:
Ashe Jacobson’s Account: Ashe Jacobson (@OffBrandLink) / X
Mei & Red Son: CLICK ME!
Tang & Pigsy: CLICK ME!
Monkey King & (Six Eared) Macaque: CLICK ME!
Yin & Jin: CLICK ME!
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acoraxia · 8 months
i would LOVE to hear more about your interpretations of Rumble and Savage
So... ever since I learned Sun Wukong could, in a way, revive people by gripping their souls and shoving them back into their bodies I started thinking about Flower Fruit Mountain and how Erlang burned it down and it killed hundreds upon thousands of monkeys and other yao that resided there..
And then Rumble and Savage were revealed and my dumb little monkey brain went, HA! I can't believe Sun Wukong revived two of the mountain monkeys!
Sun Wukong is typically volcanic-stone-fire-air-nature themed so when I saw their reds and blacks my brain went to just.... volcanic rock monkeys that Sun Wukong revived. And they are vessels, not really clones—he didn't make them either. They're revived souls that were shaped and trained by SWK before the LMK timeline. They don't have much interactions with the gang since they don't really do anything other than standing guard during Wukong's absence at the temple and stuff
(I will be renaming them btw)
Rumble is the one who speaks for the two of them the most. Very blunt and straight to the point. Essentially the "youngest" of the two even if they seem as though they're in charge. Yin and Jin send Rumble to report to Sun Wukong of anything important (such as SQ's death, city attacks, Xiaotian getting into trouble with certain yao, etc.)
Savage is the quiet one. Also the one who hits hardest. They seem soft-spoken and usually stand in the back, often with their arms crossed and eyes closed. However they're the first to strike. They're fast and a tank, very much a hard hitter when it comes to fighting. They're sent to help the twins if they ever get in trouble and to help yao that reside in the temple living grounds.
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
In honor of Halloween, which character(s) of LMK gets super extra about Halloween? Like the go all out, which decorations, elaborate costumes, and the like? Also, if a character would dress up for Halloween what they dress up as? I feel for some reason that Mei, or Red Son or both, would legitimately prank houses that don't give out candy, or give something dumb like toothbrushes, and go all out like their live or family honor depended on it.
Oh gosh both of the Monkey dads are terrible influences. Wukong hears "free candy" and he's pretending to be a child in a costume. Even worse in the Au since he demands "dad tax" for chaperone the kids, or might just pull a "dad outfit" for his own snacks. Probably the only one who actually likes getting fruit.
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Macaque is super into the costume aspect, so he's up all night making custom outfits for the kiddos to wear. Stuff with practical effects that leave all the other kid's costumes in the dust. Bai He asked once for help choosing a witches' outfit, and Mac had to be talked down from giving her an actual enchanted broomstick.
MK is a sweet-fiend all throughout the halloween season. Gets really sad when all the halloween stock gets cleared out for xmas stuff. Was ok to stop trick-or-treating around the time he was old enough to chaperone the Eclipse Twins - still gets given candy sometimes by people who think he's just a tall teenager.
Mei and Red have a battle strategy for each place they hit up. A pre-game map of each available door since its harder to trick or treat in high-density areas. They negoiate homes that give out "bad candy" with good faith (dentists or old people) vs homes that are clearly just not in the spirit. Red misunderstands the level of "trick" at times, so Mei has to reel him back from breaking windows. Their "calling card" trick is a little graffiti of a dragon done in sugar syrup on the "bad houses" doors and/or walls. Their family honor is on the line if they dont' at least send a message.
Pigsy probably would close the shop for the night if not for little kids and their parents dropping by the shop for treats/dinner. He's gotten "too old" for the holiday and candy, but he still his a trick left up his sleeve. Probably helped Mei and red organise their first Big Prank.
Tang is deep into the horror media and telling the kids all the spookiest folklore stories. Probably even does a special reading corner event at the library to get his crypt-keeper vibe going.
Sandy loves the childhood aspect of halloween, but the gory stuff makes him quesy. And loud poppers/fireworks scares his cats. He'd probably stay indoors most of the time, but is happy to give out candy - most likely saltwater taffy.
The spider gang and the gold-silver twins, as you can imagine, are all running about having a terrific night of mischief and partying. Halloween is a BIG event in the demon world despite it's foreign influence. It's a night for cutting loose and letting your more trickster side out.
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Can I request a mk, red son, macaque, monkie king x reader Who is a jin and yin's older sister (bronze demon?)(it can be a gender netural)(for the character they might be like jin and yin but more clever or you can choose) I would be thankful if do my request ❤️
Aw yess I think Yin and Jin are underrated being their sibling would be so fun!! Enjoy!!
MK, Redson, Macaque, and SWK x Bronze Demon!GN!Reader Headcanons!
MK - ooo ok so I think maybe upon meeting you he’d be worried he’d get sucked into the Calabash again, but when you reassure him those were just your brothers and you’re not here to bug him, then he’s chill. The thing is you’re still gonna prank him, because you can and it’s funny, but the only difference is that you refuse to let your brothers mess this up for you…okay fine they can help you prank MK once in a while. But as your friendship develops with him they back off to let you have your fun. You keep MK on his toes, and honestly, it’s really fun to him!
Redson - at first they’re like “oh ok a new demon friend?” And then you have to warn them like “yeah we’re a package deal…Don’t worry though they have those leash backpacks” and there are Yin and Jin. Leash kids. Anyways, Red would probably want you to join them in causing some chaos for MK and Co.. Likes your energy, and how clever you can be. But when it’s boiled down, Redson is the voice of reason out of you two. Yin and Jin are just happy to meet another cool demon!
SWK - Ah shoot. Here he goes again. Not gonna lie you two would probably meet because Yin and Jin did something to mess with MK and then Wukong showed up too to beat them up. You’d step in and be like “oh gosh, sorry for them, they’re idiots, I’ll deal with them” and from there Wukong is like “nah don’t worry I got a problem child too” and gestures(caringly) to MK. He hangs out with you from time to time specifically to see what kind of trouble you two can get into. Other than that he just likes your vibes :)
Macaque - you two probably met when he’s lurking around the shadows and you’re also lurking around but just so you can find your brothers. You two chat, and then go on your way. Later on he shows up again and you two just kinda bond from there! He tells you stories, shows you the artifacts he’s gotten, and you make him laugh and have witty remarks that keep him going. Finding someone clever and demonic like him is ideal!
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timbertumbr · 2 years
Heyy can I request some LMK stuff..? If so can I get a headcanon with MK, Mei, Red, Wukong, Macaque, and the demon twins reacting to them coming home late at night only to come into the room and see their S/O's eyes shine like an animal with light flashed in their eyes and surrounded by snacks. Thank you and don't forget to drink water. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Oh, deer… (LMK X Reader)
You got it! Oh dear lord, the tags are going to be a pain- Either way, enjoy the very short and very memey headcanons. And thank you for the reminder. :)
If I don't do the writing challenge today, I'll write up another request :)
-”Hey I’m ho-”
-You just stare at him while slowly munching on your snacks.
-He stares back before backing away and calling Piggsy because he’s terrified.
-”WHOOO! I just got back from the CRAZIEST party and- Hey, you had a snack party without me?!”
-Not phased at all, not in the slightest. She does the same thing sometimes.
-You bite into your snack and slowly nod, patting the empty space next to you.
“Aw, sweet! Perfect party recharge! Thanks!”
-You both scare the bejebus out of MK.
Red son-
“Ugh, finally home. I encountered noodle boy and-”
-Kinda pauses and stares at you.
-”. . . I’m not even going to ask,” He comments before sitting next to you and talking about his day while you snaked and listened.
Sun Wukong-
-”Hey sunshine! You won’t believe what MK, DID YOU STEAL MY PEACH CHIPS?!”
-You did, you don’t regret it. He’s a little disappointed but mainly amused.
-”Fiiiine, I guess you can have this bag, but only if I can have some of yours,”
-You slowly nod and hand him one of your snacks, he gladly accepts it and talks about his training with MK.
-”Glad to be home, had a tough crowd at the theater today, oh hey, you’re the snack monster now, huh?”
-Very amused, and most likely taught you how to do it.
-You nod and offer him one of his favorite snacks.
-”Thanks moonlight, can I practice my shadow plays with you?”
-You nod and you enjoy the show he gives.
-Yin and Jin were probably talking about plans to frighten MK and friends when they stumbled upon you.
-They kinda freaked out.
-You just kinda stare at them before throwing snacks at them to calm them down, realizing it’s their favorite.
“Jin, I think it’s Y/N, only they know we like this, well, besides each other,”
-You pat the empty space next to you and the brothers sit, apologizing and talking about their plans.
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ceciliaisconcealed · 2 years
Some headcanons of some of the LMK cast
— Jin and Yin are both forgetful to the point they would forget about what they were supposed to do, including some of their plans
— Despite Syntax turning into a spider, it probably would've made his sight better which it kinda did but his eyesight was still blurry so he's still wearing glasses. Though sometimes he doesn't wear glasses and wears contacts
— MK is a college dropout
— Mei is basically a working influencer at this point while fighting evil (which she probably is HAHA)
— Golliath is usually the one who styles Huntsman hair, sometimes even Syntax if he ever lets him that is
— Sometimes Syntax has some backpain after the whole transformation thing (I mean i could imagine it still being pretty painful and uncomfortable come on-)
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willowshimmer · 2 years
*Grabs megaphone*
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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glitchyko · 7 months
Hello, I'm a LMK fandom newbie, as in I stayed up until 5am binge-watching the show and hopped onto tumblr and ao3 for the fanart and fics before I finished S4 and got jumpscared by what I thought was spoilers only to proceed finishing the show and discovering those ideas are way too prevalent for them to end up...not in the show at all. So I'm wondering if there's like, some extra material I missed asides from the four seasons and specials, like. I would presume Macaque and Sun Wukong's backstory comes from The Actual Journey to the West the fandom decided to use because ain't nobody killing anybody here, JJK round two there for a minute and I was baffled...but I'm wondering where the other stuff comes from, there's so many characters I don't see in the show, I paused typing this for a minute to look up the origin of the Bai He stuff so I know that now lmao, but Princess Iron Fan and Macaque being siblings?? Ello? And I paused again while typing this because I was still baffled by the varying different "why did SWK kill MQ" takes that ain't no way that's all coming from a single story and apparently it was implied in S3 helloooooo 😭 fandom phenomenon of fanworks going so hard for no reason the expectations I built up on the final episode going "okay this is it, then I sleep, this has to be the one with the full flashback right...right?!" I think that's what fandom might've done with the side characters too lol.
Alright, so there’s a number of things to address here, but I will do my best to try and explain everything to the best of my ability-
So firstly, yes in JTTW, Sun Wukong kills Macaque, they weren’t sworn brothers or anything like that, they didn’t have any sort of relationship, Macaque swooped in, pretended to be Sun Wukong, fought Wukong a lot while literally everyone is trying to figure out who is the real one, but eventually Buddha exposes Macaque, and Wukong kills him. There is evidence to support that Wukong did kill Macaque in LMK as well, since in season 3 LBD says she brought Macaque back to the mortal realm, and Wukong and Macaque are shown to have fought, with Wukong coming out victorious, so it’s safe to assume yes, Wukong did kill Macaque in lmk as well, the reason behind why he did so is unknown currently, some people think it’s because Macaque attacked the gang in an attempt to save Wukong, but we don’t have a reason for it in the show, but I do hope we get one.
Regarding Princess Iron Fan and Macaque being siblings, that is just a headcanon the fandom made, at this point there’s nothing even implying such a thing in the show as far as I’m aware, I understand why you’d think that’s canon because when I first got into lmk, I thought that was true too. The lmk fandom does like to use characters that aren’t in show, but do appear in lmk Lego sets, such as Rumble and Savage, or characters from jttw, like Wukong’s four generals, Marshals Ma, Beng, Ba and Liu, for lmk fanfiction and au’s. Ultimately it does take some research to figure out what is actually canon, and what is just a fandom headcanon, a lot of side characters in lmk, like Jin and Yin, sadly don’t have a lot of chances to shine or do anything really noteworthy more than maybe once or twice, so we don’t get to really know too much about them, so we take what we can and add more to it, make our own interpretation and put our own spin on things.
I hope I was able to help clear up any confusion you might have, I’m sorry if I didn’t really help that much or if I missed anything or got something wrong, this is my first time being asked about something like this, but I hope that this helped, even just a little bit!
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