#lmk what tags i should add
hogoflight · 8 months
also maybe you could make hunting gods react VERY ferally and wild animal-ly to being restrained in any way. Anything from calm, sly threats -> GRGRGGRGRGARAGARG BITES YOU!!!!!!!! SNARLING!!!!! AARAAARARRARARAGGG!!!!!! To “LET ME OUT. LET. ME. OUT.” -> straight up biting off restrained arm to get out w a very very haunting look in their eyes (looking into the eyes of a coyote.)
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labelleizzy · 1 year
Q: If you have recurring nightmares about previous abuse, how can you use those nightmares to your advantage and finally heal your emotional wounds?
A: I write. Looks like you might do too.
I take the stories from the dreams and I write other stories with those images. I sometimes rewrite the endings to be happier, or just practice imagining other paths, other stories. I picked apart the stories that gave me nightmares, a little bit at a time, till I could finally unpick the heart of the nightmare.
It takes a long time. It's a lot like finding a skin of yarn a couple of toddlers were playing with and then tidying it up again. Slow going, and a lot of work, lots of confusion, knots, and tangles.
Sometimes you can get help, sometimes you work on it all by yourself.
Accept love and help and caring from others. Don't spend much time with folks who get in the way of the unsnarling process. Don't put up with bullshit or abuse. Develop healthy personal boundaries. Feed your mind and heart in the ways you need fed, avoid media that makes you feel worse.
Therapy and movement (yoga, dance, and weights) have been Excellent for me. I tend to get stuck in my head and do better when I can spend more time embodied. Pet animals, hug friends and family (and play with kids if you're lucky to have some in your life).
Embrace joy and beauty and love. Enact small kindnesses where you have the opportunity to. Focus on good things about the world and your life, and ways that you can help others or make the world a better place.
Lastly, remember that you're not alone in having this kind of rough journey. There are doctors and therapists, support groups spiritual and secular. I started out with the local Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families chapter. My sister found Al-Anon to be useful. I also volunteered for a crisis line a few times, and for the YWCA which provides all kinds of services and help for domestic and sexual abuse and trafficking survivors. There's so many people who know about resources we DON'T, and they want to help.
All the love,
Your been there done that internet auntie
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quirkycritters · 4 months
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Being held together by the magical equivalent of duct tape is so in season ☑️
ft. new oc who surprise surprise doesnt have a name yet! who do you think i am :D
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banjjakz · 7 months
Can't stop thinking about yuuta taking an actual bite out of you, mouth covered in blood, kissing the wound as he heals it with reverse cursed technique 🩸🩸
healing it with RCT ,,, anon i think i just passed on into a different dimension
THIS is yuuta's version of valentine's day chocolate & no one can convince me otherwise. imagine working hard to find a specialty flavor of chocolate that you know he'll like -- and sure, it costs a bit more than you usually like to spend on food or novelty items, but it's for a special occasion & you're trying your best to clearly convey just how much you like this boy.
don't misunderstand -- he's immeasurably grateful to receive the gift and privilege of your presence, let alone a thoughtful, expensive gift! as soon as you present it to him, he wants to eat it right then and there, with you. it starts off innocently enough with a request for you to feed him; then, he wants to eat the chocolates off of your body; finally, he asks if he can eat some of you.
when he breaks skin and feels the tart burst of muscle and tendon exploding inside of his mouth, it reminds him too much of those delicious raspberry-filled chocolates you had so earnestly presented him with, which now lie half-opened, discarded, like a decaying corpse left to rot, as he makes a meal out of your flesh.
(the aftercare shower goes so fucking hard btw)
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At-work pride makeup day 1: original progress pride flag
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ID in alt text
Okay to reblog
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siphoklansan · 1 year
“How curious…there’s a sketchbook on the ground. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to take a look, would it?”
As you flip through the pages you notice these things:
The artist goes by the name Siphok. A peculiar name, isn’t it? Don’t you just wonder what that means?
The artist only draws Twisted Wonderland, including her OCs that are in the fandom.
The artist draws comics, plain art, or does animatics.
The artist does not draw NSFW or gore, whatsoever.
Art requests are something the artist wishes to do, and she loves drawing for her followers and mutuals.
The artist reblogs a lot of Twisted Wonderland fics, do keep in mind to block tags mentioned below if you do not wish to see it. She”s quite lazy, so she tends to not switch to her spam account.
The artist is quite friendly, feel free to leave a note or two in the back of her sketch book. (askbox)
“There are sticky notes between the pages. How strange…”
❦siphok-reblogs❦ (for reblogs of art/fan-fiction)
✰siphok-moots✰ (her mutuals, they have a special place in her heart)
༄siphok-chatters༄ (she answers whatever question thrown her way)
☂︎︎siphok-museum☂︎︎ (for her art, specifically)
☞︎siphok-spams☜︎ (she spams quite a lot, but they don’t involve in anything else.)
➪siphok-ANNOUNCING➪ (for announcements)
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“Having fun, are we?….You buffoon! She’s walking over here— you’ll get caught!”
As you hide in the bushes, you notice something about the artist.
She’s South East Asian, specifically from Thailand. English is not her first language, and the artist appreciates it greatly if you don’t judge her for her bad grammar.
The artist goes by she/her pronouns
The artist loves literature and reading, however, she does have a bad habit of buying news books despite not finishing previous ones. Crime and Punishment is one of her favorites, along with No Longer Human. (she did not finish Crime and Punishment, what a clown)
The artist loves history. You can leave notes about fun facts on history, and she’ll love it more if you share your homeland’s history, mythology, and culture. The artist’s is always open minded, and is excited to hear what you’ll leave in her sketchbook.
The artist is quite forgetful, hence why she forgot her sketchbook on the ground in the first place.
Her favorite characters are Leona Kingscholar, Riddle Rosehearts, and Jamil Viper. But she does love other characters dearly.
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“The artist is…writing a letter? Squint your eyes; maybe you’ll see who she’s writing to.”
@ceruleancattail , the talented mage next door, ready to acquire all your magical needs
@shinmon-c , the prison guard of Milgrim prison, do be careful now
@twistedchatterbox , the water nymph of Octavinelle. you may want to watch your back; or she’d pull you into the depths of the ocean. but, it seems like you don’t mind, do you?
@oepionie , the love witch. are you interested in capturing one’s heart?
@fukashiin , what a lively soul. you can feel the warm rays of sunshine beaming onto your soul just by the look of that name
@azurevi , quite the talented author they are. they have left a deep impression that the artist will never forget
@taruruchi the artist’s new acquaintance, she is excited to interact more with them
@ryuuryuuhoney , the artist doesn’t know when their wedding will be held with Trey— excuse me, Tr*ey
@the-dumber-scaramouche , a new acquaintance whom the artist simps on Leona with
@hisui-dreamer , a talented author the artist have just be acquainted with. their works are quite lovely
@the-v-lociraptor , ah finally….someone who shares the same interests with the artist
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“You idiot! You’re breathing too— loud…..”
You are caught red-handed by the artist. Perhaps some day you’ll get to see her OCs. What were their names again? Ah, yes…
Charin, the half-merman and Yaksha, and Anan..the fallen aristocrat
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performapals · 2 months
Im wafaa from Gaza ..i need your help if you can
Please donate to save my life and my family 🍉🇵🇸
My link in bio
Asking for help is not easy .l request a small donation of € 10 or €20 from each person .€10 will save my family and help me cover travel expenses and rebuild.what's left of my home
you can deliver your regards through link ( please see my bio)
i don't have a way to donate currently but i will happily post for you to share :) i hope someone is able to help you 💗
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nuclearspring · 5 months
i know there's a little bit of info on him currently included in my roster but ! i wanted to cobble together a more detailed rundown of my courier (the sixth one) + his verses. he is a bit of an unreliable narrator, so i'm leaving gaps in this - thing is he doesn't know what's up, so neither shall we.
(that said, if anyone has ncr muses who could maybe piece some things together, hit me up. he can't keep getting away with this).
rough bio under the cut. trigger warnings for death, violence, drug use, the military, addiction + memory issues.
name & aliases: sasha dubrovhsky / boris medvedev / courier six. tag skills: unarmed, survival, guns. (note: given his backstory, he's proficient in these, and in stealth). age: late twenties / early thirties during the events of fallout new vegas. moving into his late thirties if in the tv show era. sexuality: bisexual. you know, for the extra damage. alignment: chaotic something. personality types: estp. enneagram 8. physical appearance: 6'3", buzzcut, brown eyes, cheekbones, numerous tattoos. imagine a large russian man who has clearly broken his nose more than once. he is russian jewish & roma ft. general slavic aura. always clean shaven if he can help it, but stubble happens to him frequently. if in the verse in which he's courier six, he will have two scars on his forehead courtesy of benny. notable features: speaking to six, one may get the sense that english isn't his first language. he doesn't really have much of a russian accent, but his cadence (especially when he is particularly tired), as well as his word choices can sometimes give him away.
he is also autistic, and may have adhd. both are undiagnosed. the latter may have something to do with six's mentat habit.
his face is rarely shown - he tends to wear full combat armour, helmet included.
the man who eventually becomes courier six is born in ncr territory to a family who are descended from vault 13, if a tad distantly (nobody in the family can track the exact lineage, nor have they tried).
six is born alexander dubrovhsky. his branch of the family are loyal to the ncr in some ways, though their primary ideology is born not of the ncr, but of memories of their heritage. sasha receives more of an education than he feels he needs, but he is a curious soul and enjoys picking apart the way of things. devours books when he can get them. is in trouble more than once in his childhood for taking things apart to see what makes them tick.
he is not yet of age when he enlists. he's tall and broad enough to pass for it, and nobody in ncr recruitment looks too deeply into the issue. even before taking two bullets to the forehead, he is an improviser - there's no real plan tied to his enlistment. he makes it through basic easily enough - can remember that fine. can remember being passed up for first recon so as not to waste his hand to hand abilities - he is, in a word, large. can remember being filtered into the rangers instead. can remember later leaving his dog tags on a corpse about his size. tossing the tags that had originally been on the corpse in question into the colorado river.
the why of it is unclear. but he remembers the bloodless panic, and in hindsight is certain he had something to do with that death. can't say for certain whether or not this is unlike him, but the potential will keep him watching himself out of the corner of his eye, waiting for some similar slip up.
he knows he picked his new name out of the past. boris was the name of some relative, he thinks. perhaps a distant cousin, perhaps not. medvedev, on the other hand, is born of the bear tattoo adorning his ribs. (two-headed, stick and poke, slightly weathered, scar cutting through it).
recalls a time, too, when he burns his armour and weighs his options. he knows how to kill things, and is the sort of person with at least a chance at surviving the wasteland. so far so good, anyway. he passes a town with a mojave express office, and volunteers himself for a job. from that point on, he is a courier.
post gunshots to the head, he'll wonder if the memory issues are new. thinks they must be. things improve with time, but some things, he thinks, will never come back to him.
he remembers just enough to feel like helping the ncr is the most deranged thing he's ever done. he does it anyway. that said, six saunters vaguely in the direction of socialism whenever possible.
he identifies a chem habit, but can't be sure he had it before he was shot. can remember snippets of things he used to know, and understands that a great deal of the information is barred now. one hobby of his is gathering it again.
choices in game:
these will be updated in time (i'm going to play again to refresh my memory on him), but he can either pick the independent or ncr route depending. if we're writing post game, his default is independent, though that was a difficult decision for him and he still feels two ways about it. he isn't a blind ncr loyalist by any stretch, and is aware that there are some in the ncr who'd string him up if they knew he'd deserted, but he is not immune to propaganda.
alternate depictions:
i have written him before as an ncr ranger spy who is only moonlighting as a courier, never properly deserted (because the desertion catalyst wasn't there; he made it through the battle of hoover dam in 2077 just fine in this verse), and didn't end up shot in the head in goodsprings. in that verse, he can be recruited as a companion - for anyone who's into that.
this version of him isn't as fleshed out right now (read: i don't remember most of the development i did when i was writing him this way) but i'll update this later, and i'm happy to plot things out on a character by character basis. he is generally motivated to fight the legion, and will in time become somewhat disillusioned with the ncr.
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hogoflight · 9 months
actually yea I’d like to think post-Toa, if Apollo and Naomi are on good enough terms with each other (friends, basically) to counteract Apollo’s inevitable awkwardness and at least somewhat counteract being an absent father for 16 years, they absolutely collaborate to terrorise her more conservative family members but not enough that they can complain about it. Just enough that they feel deeply unsettled but still feel they can’t be rude.
Like Naomi says “whew, the only thing better than making music are MEN’S TITS” and he immediately shouts “YES!!!!!!!” And they high-five.
Naomi tells Apollo she accidentally mentioned him glowing once and he makes sure to explain in incredible detail what eating an LED lamp would hypothetically do to your body.
She’s also coming up with lyrics and asks Apollo what 4 organs you would arguably survive the longest (still conscious) with if all the others have been shut down and he starts getting really really into the hypotheticals here. Then Will joins in and no one can really stop them now. (The answer is apparently Brain, Heart, Lungs, 10% of your liver and one kidney btw.)
Her family decide to meet him in a Greek restaurant when he does The Thing and loudly, casually and very enthusiastically talks with the waiters in Greek like 60% of the time (all of the Oh, where in Greece are you from? And why did you move here? what job do you do? You can ask me for xx anytime I’ll give you a discount don’t even worry about it! etc. You know how it goes). He mentions his horses and his ranch and it feels like they’ve finally found something they can talk about but then he also mentions that his horses have burned down his house 5 times and they’re rather distraught.
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svtskneecaps · 6 months
thank you for bearing with my purgatory posting and i'm also glad to see i'm not the only one who still has this fungus eating away at my brain matter. seeing other purgatory posting in the tag makes me feel better lmfao.
i'm not done btw, posting will (probably) continue as i revisit vods. wanted to extend a thanks in the interim, since i know how contentious the event was in the moment. i kinda thought the general consensus was most people hated thinking about it, but there's been a weird amount of engagement and yknow other people talking. makes me happy to know i'm not alone here!
#qsmp#qsmp purgatory#shut up vic#block game brainrot#it also provides me the opportunity to get a new perspective on some moments as well#like watching the jaiden spawnkilling thing the first time i missed some nuance in bbh's tone when he offered to walk her to her body#rewatching i heard them :D#i'll probably rewatch his conversation with slime from the same day at some point to refresh my perspective on that#but i think i'll wait on that; that convo makes me super biased lmfao#i'm aware of my biases at least :D and dw i won't bring old discourse back#tbh i never rly posted discourse much to begin with? just that one list and analysis of time stamps LMFAO#but yea i won't be bringing that back to the tag even if it's back in my brain#i PINKY SWEAR; i'm not one to start fights on posts or blogs that aren't mine#i block and then if i REALLY have something to say i shittalk them into my bathroom mirror#bc i know neither of us are gonna snitch >:D#long tags#it's also nice to look at with the benefit of hindsight and reflection#bc i know everything that happened; i was there watching it live#bolas are unreliable narrators#i'll probably see about going through some of the other team's povs as well just to see#it's interesting is all! and i finally have the time to sink my teeth into it properly#since we aren't having to keep up with like six streams a day#it's been so long sinve this server took a proper breather i'm appreciating it for all it's worth#((yes i wish the circumstances were better but they aren't; we take what we can get lmao))#ok anyway love u byeeeeeeee purgatory posting will probably continue#i'll tag as appropriately as i can; lmk if there are further tags i should add#i prefer people don't block Me if they hate these; i'll make u a tag to block if u ask i promise <3
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sadiecoocoo · 7 months
I keep on making individual posts abt what songs I think are RnM coded… I really should just make a playlists for you guys lol
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pls stfu abt ori -sincerely, o!magicsings
Im so so fucking tired
Writing this on a better mindset than ive been recently
But i really wish i could just. Never have to hear about him again.
I dont think i can even say what he even did. As in c!Ori, the one from my canon, multiple timelines actually, including a vent au/ficlet i made once.
I just. I hate him. I hate seeing him everywhere. People left silvia and adrienss in the dust more easily, why cant it be the same with him?
Even from a fan perspective i never liked his character
But its specially hard bc of the shit he did- and what his cc! did too the other members fuckin hate the guy!
I just hate him. I dont wanna see halo boy anymore.
I hate his name, i hate his face and i hate his voice.
I hate his eyes, i hate his smile, i hate his hands.
I hate him. So fucking much.
I have a server where we rp random characters, both mc ones and from other fandoms. And i was scared this one guy was gonna claim halo boy. And low and behold he did.
Ive been told he plays him so different from canon. But i dont care.
I know if i see him in the same world as me ill start having a panic attack ooc and ic (well duh im playing myself) cause hahahah no fucking shot. I dont want him around me ever again.
I just really want him gone.
Please i dont wanna have to see him mentioned or his face around ever again.
Sigh great i thought i wasnt as affected but letting this out is saying otherwise. God.
Im so glad i have somewhere to post this now.
I really. Dont like him. I hate him actually. I hate everything about him.
Plus he was so toxic to my sister wtf!! And he would hit on her knowing she was aroace too. She thought he was just "being nice"... girl PLS WAKE UP!!! GRRR
Idfk. I just hate him sm.
Aaaaahhh ig its time to continue that vent art i cooked so hard w the other day... yuhh..
Might post it here? Still scared of other ppl finding it ghhh
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plan-3-tmars · 9 months
Intro to my blog !! :3
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~ any prns | 15 (08) | only ENG | 🇮🇪/🇵🇹 | you can call me mars or marsy! I'm bi and non-binary
~ mainly posting reblogs or talking about stuff I like, such as:
dungeon meshi
+ various different fiction podcasts!
~ Here are some things I like or things that changed my life (you're gonna have to guess which is which ^°^), aka an Interest Board:
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~ basic dni; just be nice n respectful! (also 🇵🇸🇵🇸)
~ if you wanna be mutuals feel free to DM! new friends are welcome, I mostly follow back anyway
~ my blog isn't sorted by tags, sorry, I frankly can't be bothered to keep up with something like that but I'm gonna start using #marsy lore when i share stories about me, most likely in reblogs
~ I'm buried and corruption aligned, like a worm in the dirt 🪱⚰️
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Everyone's favorite; Tee K.O.
From game night in Riftcord
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ghastspidergwen · 2 years
mcc mascot patches?
mcc mascot patches!!!!!
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close-ups and notes under the cut
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I was able to make these with only the embroidery floss I have at home, so some of the colours aren't the best, but they turned out fine. I think my favourites are the yellow yak and pink parrot
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slightly blurry photo of the patches on me, I chose to put them up the inside seam of the sleeve because 1. that was the only place where I could line them all up nicely on that sleeve, and 2. I go to a private Christian school, where 90% of the people would see the rainbow and be "are you gay? we've got a gay one over here! just be straight, etc." so it's more subtle
it was pretty hard the sew up the inside of the sleeve, so they're not sewn on super straight, but it's fine, cause I'm not super straight either
this project also took forever, just putting them on the jacket took about 2 weeks (I was only working on it for 40-80 minutes a day though). I'm super happy with how they turned out!
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"Watch the Sunrise" or maybe "Self Determination." Can't stop won't stop drawing vampires with pointy ears.
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