#lizzie gives advice
labelleizzy · 9 months
Q: If you have recurring nightmares about previous abuse, how can you use those nightmares to your advantage and finally heal your emotional wounds?
A: I write. Looks like you might do too.
I take the stories from the dreams and I write other stories with those images. I sometimes rewrite the endings to be happier, or just practice imagining other paths, other stories. I picked apart the stories that gave me nightmares, a little bit at a time, till I could finally unpick the heart of the nightmare.
It takes a long time. It's a lot like finding a skin of yarn a couple of toddlers were playing with and then tidying it up again. Slow going, and a lot of work, lots of confusion, knots, and tangles.
Sometimes you can get help, sometimes you work on it all by yourself.
Accept love and help and caring from others. Don't spend much time with folks who get in the way of the unsnarling process. Don't put up with bullshit or abuse. Develop healthy personal boundaries. Feed your mind and heart in the ways you need fed, avoid media that makes you feel worse.
Therapy and movement (yoga, dance, and weights) have been Excellent for me. I tend to get stuck in my head and do better when I can spend more time embodied. Pet animals, hug friends and family (and play with kids if you're lucky to have some in your life).
Embrace joy and beauty and love. Enact small kindnesses where you have the opportunity to. Focus on good things about the world and your life, and ways that you can help others or make the world a better place.
Lastly, remember that you're not alone in having this kind of rough journey. There are doctors and therapists, support groups spiritual and secular. I started out with the local Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families chapter. My sister found Al-Anon to be useful. I also volunteered for a crisis line a few times, and for the YWCA which provides all kinds of services and help for domestic and sexual abuse and trafficking survivors. There's so many people who know about resources we DON'T, and they want to help.
All the love,
Your been there done that internet auntie
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cometblaster2070 · 11 days
genuinely just OBSESSED with this hc that apple is a complete and utter MESS when it comes to her relationship with darling.
like it's such a funny contrast for the people who know her because this is Apple White; she is calm and polite and put together, and in all the years she dated daring, she was so fucking chill about everything.
daring dating other girls? didn't give a shit. everyone's wondering why they aren't affectionate in public? well, they're just teenagers they have forever after yk. when will they go steady? they have the rest of their destinies to worry about that.
you get my drift; apple does not give a single shit when it comes to this relationship because she is so in control of it. the actual 'relationship' aspect isn't really important to her and as such she's so composed in terms of her relationship with daring.
but throw DARLING in the picture and then there's apple running around like a headless chicken, being absolutely CLUELESS about what to do now that she actually has feelings for someone.
i'd like to have an entire episode of darling and apple going out on a date where there's basically a reverse situation of the dexven date ep where raven keeps trying to hype apple up and keep her calm while thinking 'dear god was i really like this???'
meanwhile, apple's hyperventilating over here just thinking about what to wear, what jewelry will match with her dress, if she's overdoing it or not, whether she should get darling a gift or something, what if she's overdressed or underdressed, and will darling like the food where they're going, and if darling even likes her at all the way she likes darling-
in the end raven grabs dexter and she says fuck this shit you and i are going undercover and tailing them, im too worried for this lesbian disaster.
dexter agrees because he's just come from helping rosabella hide all of darling's armor and assorted weaponry and they had both enlisted the help of the wonderlandians to make sure darling didn't have a breakdown every 3 seconds every time she realized she was actually going on a date with apple.
shenanigans are ensuing and rosabella and raven are getting the worst of it by this point, but they love apple and darling too much so they put up with it.
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one of these days on a rp server lizzie should do a bit where she’s like “damn all these people are fucked in the head as opposed to me, who is completely normal. i should fix this” and open a therapy business where she spends 3 hours building an adorable little house and advertising her therapy business and then she gives absolutely awful advice and prescribes like potions of harming as antidepressants. and she charges by the minute
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blackdiamond1038 · 7 months
Secret Life Secrets
Session 6
Green- Successful
Red- Failed
Scott: There is an assassination hit out on you from a non-red. If they do at least 10 hearts of damage to you (or through another’s actions) or you die, you fail. You have one shot to guess who it is and make them fail even if they already dealt the damage. (You must still get involved in conversations.)
Pearl: You are an imposter. You must approach any or multiple reds and secretly tell them this task. They can give you any task to damage a green player. If you successfully damage 3 different green names (for any amount) from their instructions, you pass. A yellow can call you out as a traitor at any stage. 
Gem: Nothing you say can be true for 30 minutes. If you tell the truth, you must start the timer again.
Jimmy: Task 1: Replace the water under the pink diving board with blue glass. You must not be caught. You succeed if they take damage from diving off. You fail if they find it or refuse to jump. Task 2: Punch another player into lava. It can be lava you have placed. [Died before succeeding or failing]
Mumbo: You are Grian’s terrible butler. You must do anything they say, but always get some aspect of it wrong. You can tell them you are their butler, but no one else. Task 1 [as a red]: Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil. Task 2: Build a TNT cannon and successfully hit a base from at least 50 blocks. Task 3: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage. [Died before succeeding or failing]
Grian: You declared yourself incorrectly successful last session. You must re-roll for harder task. [Re-roll for harder task] Etho is going to get a warden to the surface. You must get a wither. Make them do battle. You can work together to make this battle happen. The fight must take place in a central location.
Etho: You ended up with Pearl’s book at the end of last session. You must re-roll for harder task as punishment. [Re-roll for harder task] Grian is going to get a wither. You must get a warden to the surface. Make them do battle. You can work together to make this battle happen. The fight must take place in a central location. Deep dark can be found at -671 -30 1875.
Lizzie: Task 1: Use redstone to damage a non-red player. You cannot hit them with the item, it must be a machine or trap of some kind. Task 2: Summon a mod using an egg to deal any damage to a green. [Succeeded, but died before pressing the button]
Impulse: You are in a game of chicken with Scar and Bdubs. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Bdubs: You are in a game of chicken with Scar and Impulse. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Scar: You are in a game of chicken with Bdubs and Impulse. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it’s something that will cause damage.
Skizz: You are now the therapist of the server. For the rest of the session, you must guide and give other players advice in a professional manner. The advice does not need to be good advice. You must help players to acknowledge and negative feelings. You cannot directly solve their problems, you are there only for emotional support. You fail if called out by a yellow. You can pass early if you give therapeutic advice to every other player at least once. You can only help someone if they appear down or frustrated. 
Joel: You are Scott’s assassin. You must deal a minimum of 10 hearts of damage to them to succeed. You can use other people or any means you please. But if you are called out by them as the assassin, you fail, even if you already dealt the damage. They only have one guess.
Martyn: Task 1: Hit a green name with a sword until they block you with a shield. If you kill them, you also succeed. Task 2: Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil. Task 3: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage. Task 4: Summon a mod using an egg to deal any damage to a green. [Unfinished this session]
BigB: Everytime someone takes damage, tell them much too late how it could have been avoided. If you see them about to take damage, you must also warn them too late.
Tango [Ren]: You have an imaginary friend who is exactly like Tango. Talk to Tango as if they follow you around the whole session and are part of conversations. You must interact with other players. 
Cleo: Everyone else knows what your task is. Figure it out and do it. They can’t tell you what it is but they can say warmer and colder when you attempt something. A yellow cannot call out this task as everyone already knows what it is. You cannot ask, you must attempt to do it. [At the end of all non-red player’s tasks, the rules for Cleo’s task were explained. This is what it was: Cleo’s task is: “Stand in a circle of different kinds of flowers and spin” You can’t tell her what it is, but you can say warmer and colder as she tries to figure it out. You can tell her when she’s done it. The rest of the server knows her task, she does not. She has to figure it out.]
This session was absolutely insane.
Lemme know if I missed something!
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anachronistic-cat · 2 months
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Our Lady Of Shadows, Queen of the Fae; She'll give you a life, if you give Her your name
for @sand-stinger for the @mcythorrorgiftexchange!
you asked for lizzie, you asked for eldritch horror, and it was my pleasure to deliver!
I like to think that this is in a slightly darker fantasy world, where lizzie is a powerful eldritch fae creature. i think in this world, she is much more powerful, much more terrifying, and her turning red doesn't free ren.
(tumblr killed the quality, so open image in a new tab to get a proper look)
special thanks to @bigb-enthusiast for help brainstorming bigb's design, and @puddleorganism for advice on drawing wolves
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
Please can I have a Tommy x daughter fluffy fic where as her mums died she asks him to come with her to try on ballgowns with her and he doesn’t like a few for different reasons but he gets emotional when she finds the perfect one
Hey Anon,
Hope this does it justice - this request got me in the feels. Thanks for waiting. <3
Warnings: Teen drama, mentions of funerals and death - peaky related stuff
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There were a lot of things you kept to yourself when it came to your father. Most of which Esme and Polly would wrangle out of you and give you advice for. 
You were close with each other the same way you suspected other fathers and daughters were. He was there to comfort you in his own way (mostly just holding you tightly) when you needed him, he gave you books to read and would try to remember to ask you questions about how you enjoyed them. 
He was away a lot for business but he always called you before bed to ask how your day was. Some moments when he’d drank to much you saw the pain in his eyes when he looked at you, a spitting image of your mother but with his eyes. 
You adored him, and rarely ever asked him for difficult things knowing he was always stressed. 
“Awe, you miss us, don't you? Next time we go you’ll be old enough to tag along. An extra week won't kill you darling.” Esme’s voice rang out over the phone and your stomach sank. You were in a proper situation now. You said your goodbyes but didn't tell her why her taking an extra week's vacation with Pol was a problem for you. 
You lit a cigarette and slid down the kitchen wall. They would be home the day of the big charity ball, not the type of event you could get a dress for the morning of. They must have forgotten that they’d promised to take you when they got back. You didn't blame them, this was the one time they got away from kids and the business.
You could ask… Lizzie? She hung around the family, worked for your dad, and seemed nice enough to you when you came by the office. She’d probably be able to help you.
You needed a backup plan, Linda still hadn’t forgiven you for an outburst you’d had at dinner a few weeks ago, but maybe John would help you? 
You thought about getting ready with Esme he’d always tell her what looked good. Well, mostly how he enjoyed the way it looked on her, but still Esme always looked very happy with his commentary. 
You got up and flicked your cigarette out the window before going to ask for a ride to the office.
You showed up and Lizzie greeted you with a large smile. 
“Here to see your dad are you?” 
“Well, I was actually - I -” The words got caught in your throat, she was far too pretty. Thinking of her seeing your awkward body in dresses made you shrink away. “Have you seen Uncle John?” You said quickly. 
“Should be in his office.” She gave you a look and you thanked her. You knocked on the door and his voice called out. 
“Hey kiddo,” he said looking up from a mess of papers. “Your da’s got me right tangled in this stupid paperwork. Give him a kick in the shin when you see him next will ya.” 
“Sure.” You laughed. “Guess you're pretty busy then?” 
“Be lucky if we survive another week with the hens gone.” He sighed, there was no way he’d be out of this mess any time soon, but maybe he could just tell you what to wear.
“What erm- What types of things does Esme wear that you like?” He looked confused by the question. 
“Trying to impress a lad then? Odd person to come to for advice on that.” He scratched the back of his head but before you could fix what you said he’d already carried on.
“Look if he doesn't like you as you are then there's no point in going after him. Gal’s seem to think we care about all the fuss when really - we’re going to see eve-” 
“What are you doing, love?” Your father's voice called from the doorway. Happier than ever to see him you sprang up from your seat and moved to give him a hug. Jarred by what you figured John was implying you decided to just pluck up the courage to ask him to go. 
“Get that shit done John, needs to be out by tomorrow morning,” John swore at him and you followed your father out of the room his arm steering you into his office. 
“What did you need from John?” He asked moving behind his desk. 
“Well, I didn't want to bother you.” 
“Trust me, love if it's worth asking, it’s not worthy of Johns's advice.” 
“Ah, well, I need a dress for the ball.” You stated, and he gave you a curious look. “Um, well it's my first time really going, for the dinner and dancing and everything.” You coughed awkwardly. For a moment you hoped that he would just understand where this was going and tell you he’d help you, but you looked at his face and knew he was lost as ever. 
“SO” you said a little too loudly. “I erm - need to get a proper dress, Polly and Esme said they would take me but they won't be back in time.” 
You brought your gaze from the wallpaper once more to still see him still looking confused. 
“You can have any dress you want, just give me the receipt.” He shrugged. 
‘No- I erm. I just- need someone to go with me.” You confessed sounding irritated. “I don't know what looks good - I’m not good at that type of stuff. John always tells Esme what he thinks about her dresses when we get ready so I figured he would be a good person to ask.” 
“I’ll take you.” He said uncomfortably. “We can go after-” He looked down at his schedule. “Can it wait till after dinner?” 
“Oh, yeah - thanks” 
“No problem,” He said with a nod looking only slightly put off. 
“I’ll head back to the house -” 
“I’ll grab you at 7” 
You gave him a nod and then left the office saying bye to Lizzie. 
Dinner was nice, you rarely ever went out to eat. You rambled on about a book you were reading and your dad followed along. Eventually, you started to tuck into your meal and he sighed. 
“So there's a boy then?” He asked looking pained.
“No?” You said startled with a mouth full of mashed potatoes. 
“No?” Tommy repeated looking at you with the look he gave when he felt you were lying. As a kid, you thought he had superpowers and could see in your mind. 
“No” You shook your head grabbing your glass of water. 
“John mentioned -” 
“He didn't understand what I was asking. Don't need to be interested in a boy just because I don't want to show up in front of all those people wearing something embarrassing.” You said defensively, face flushing. 
Tommy let out a hum and finished the last of his drink. Your last comment seemed to put him off even more. 
You finished up dinner and then headed to a fancy-looking shop. The sign on the door said closed but you followed behind your dad as he pushed the door open. 
The lady barely took notice of you as she shook your dad's hand, ensuring she would take care of anything he needs. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as she touched his arm. 
He turned to you “alright free rein of the place, go pick some out that you like. I’ll start on this side.” 
You almost wanted to laugh as if it was a joke but your father moved passed the woman and started on the far wall. She looked over your body and began pointing out some to try on. 
You thought about her suggestions and said you would try them to be polite. If you turned up looking like a frosted cupcake Esme would never let you hear the end of it. 
You moved to the long dresses and found a nice dark red one. It was a shimmery fabric but it was dark enough that it wouldn't bring too much attention. You had a feeling that it was the right one, but with the lower neckline you felt it might be a fight to take it home. You decided it was worth it and asked the woman to take it to the dressing room for you. 
You found another few that you liked well enough, all of them were black and made of various materials. 
You met back up with your dad in the lounge and saw him sipping another glass of amber liquid, a cigarette in his hand. He met your gaze and held his hands up in mock surrender.
“Wasnt much help out in the field but it’s only because I have faith in your abilities.” 
You gave him a smile, happy to see him in better spirits. You put the first one on and hated it immediately. It was much too tight and it would be impossible to dance in. 
“Not very practical.” You waddled out and you watched him point back to the dressing room sternly. “Alrighty then,” you murmured feeling embarrassed. 
You tried the cupcake one on next and fought to work up the courage to walk out in it. You struggled to get it through the doorway and your father actually laughed. 
A proper healthy loud laugh that was contagious. 
“I feel like Esme would take the piss for ages if I wore this.” You looked yourself over in the mirror.
“Not just Esme. Didn’t think it would be possible to make you look anything less than gorgeous. In that line of thinking it might not be so bad after all. Don’t want this mystery boy enjoying himself too much.” 
“Dad!” You snapped before fighting back into the dressing room. “There is no boy.” 
“If you say so.” 
You wore one of the black ones next. You walked out feeling comfortable, you thought the black would go with any jewelry and looked classy. 
You looked at your dad and his face twisted slightly. 
“No black.” His tone of voice took you off guard.
“Why not? You’ll be wearing black?” you asked trying not to get worked up. 
“No black.” He said firmly and you knew better than to challenge him when he sounded like that. 
You went back into the room. 
“Ah - that leaves one left.” 
“Give it a go,” he called back.  
You pulled on the red one and loved it instantly. It was grown up, hugging you in all the right spots without showing too much skin. The color made your blue eyes seem electric. 
You liked it so much you didn't want to show it. What if he hated it as much as the black dress? Or thought it was stupid like the pink one. 
You took a deep breath and called out. “Don’t be mean.” Then stepped out. 
You looked at the mirror avoiding your father. It looked even better in the lighting. Eventually, the silence was too much. 
You watched him take the dress in and thought you saw tears in his eyes. You wanted to run back and hide. Why was he being so weird? Even if there was a boy, it’s not uncommon at this age. Heck, most of Esme’s sisters were married by 16. 
“That’s the one eh?” He finally said looking at you.
“Yeah. Think I look grown up, but not to - erm-  showy” 
“Grown up, is one way to put it.” He finished his drink and smiled at you. “I think you look lovely. Your mother has a necklace that will match with the color” He said softly. “-if you want to wear it.” He added hurriedly. For a long time, he thought her things might have been cursed, until one day he came home from a very long trip and said it was him that was cursed. You shivered remembering that night. You always avoided touching her things, her room untouched but not forgotten. 
“I would really like that.” You said feeling emotional, you realized that the panic was about wanting to look nice, but some of it was anger that your mother was not there to help you. “Did she wear this color then?” 
“Always red.” He nodded. 
“Ah - well, I can see why.” You looked back in the mirror. 
“Look - I know this sort of thing would have been more fun with Pol or Esme- and you probably miss your mum a lot these days. Lots of changes and whatnot.” He waved his hand uncomfortably. “But - well, I enjoyed this. I don’t mind being around for this stuff. I wouldn't have liked you more as a boy or anything like that” He cleared his throat. 
Tears started to spill over something you hadn't even realized you were worried about. 
“I love you.” You said. Felt strange standing on a platform saying it down to him as a saleswoman was probably judging them from the shadows somewhere. 
“Love you too.” 
On the ride home you both made jokes about different things, Arthur and John weren't very good at taking over for Pol and Esme and you enjoyed your dad’s commentary about trying to keep the place running. 
When things quieted down you finally felt that you needed to end this boy nonsense. 
“Dad?” You asked wondering how he kept the car straight while fumbling with getting a cigarette out and lighting it. 
“There really isn't a boy, if there was John is the last person I would ask. One time he picked me up from school, years ago, and a boy, Tim Weatherby, had waved to me. He ran his car into the back of his parent's car three times before driving off.” 
You watched your father let out another laugh. “Always classy.” 
“I’d tell you first obviously. Esme would get too excited, and Pol would worry.” 
“And what would I do then Eh?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“Probably meet him and scare his pants off.” You answered honestly. 
“That’s a good thing then?”
“Obviously. If he comes back it's because he really likes me.” 
EXTRA - Tommy's POV 
Watching her walk out in a black dress made the fleeting moments of humor leave him. He sort of saw her in the gown but his mind flashed back to that scared little girl all dressed in black.
“No black.” He said slightly out of control of the feelings biting into him. 
“Why not? You’ll be wearing black?” He could see that you wanted to argue but he couldn't stand to see you in that dress any longer.  
“No black.” He said firmly and you looked a bit deflated before retreating back to the dressing room. His mind pulled him back to that day. You attached firmly to his side, dressed in all black. The way you tried so hard to behave, tucking your face into his neck to cry as they lit the vardo on fire. How you even tried to hit Polly when she tried to take you from him. How you would panic if he was out of your sight for more than a few minutes. 
No black. He ran his fingers through his hair. 
The next dress hurt nearly as bad. Tears he had not cried in years welled up in his eyes as he looked at you taking in your body in the mirror. 
So much like your mother, the style of the dress, the color. You were going to be an adult in a blink of an eye. Only small traces of that little girl left in your features. Now there would be boys and time left with it being just the two of you would start to slip away.  
He thought the dress was much too showy, you didn't understand that yet though. Considering you would be standing next to him the whole night he figured it would be alright. You could pair it with your mother's jewelry and he could get Pol to convince you to wear it with a shall or something.  
Eventually, your eyes looked at him for approval and he felt guilty for snapping at you. There was a very evident look of self-consciousness on your features. He wished it came more naturally to him. 
“That’s the one, eh?” He said and enjoyed the way your eyes lit up. He may not be the best dad, but he would try hard to spend the last time he had with you. Find things to do with you, before you became busy with the rest of the world.
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yelenasdiary · 9 months
hi could you maybe write something about Lizzie being pregnant? and maybe be giving birth to reader and her’s baby girl, maybe at home, (in a tub?) hehe, i dont know if its cringe😅 but kind of chaos, but also fluff😅
New Life
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Summary: Life is about to change in front of your eyes & you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Tiny Angst | Fluff | Childbirth | 1K |
AC: Thank you for sending this! I hope this was what you were looking for x, enjoy! - I kind of forgot to add the chaos omg!!
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It had been a long 9 months for both you and your wife, Lizzie. 9 months full of excitement, worry, more excitement and the normal stresses that come along with having a baby. During Lizzie's entire pregnancy she wasn't seen by the public world, a few times in the early stages of her pregnancy grabbing some groceries but when Scarlett gave her some advice on how to avoid the paparazzi, the world saw less of the actress. It wasn't a bad thing; it was something you and Lizzie both knew that it would be best that she had as much privacy as she could get during her pregnancy. 
With Lizzie's water breaking just moments before you two were going to have a shower, it was a rush to get the tub ready and luckily for you, the midwife only lived a few blocks away and was over before you knew it. You helped with work through each contraction that came in waves while the midwife checked to see how dilated Lizzie was. 
It hit you suddenly that your world was about to change in a matter of hours, of course this was what you expected but for some reason it really hit you that you were about to become a parent. 
"Something smells amazing!" you smiled as you walked into the kitchen to see Lizzie stirring something in a large pot, Lizzie looked over her shoulder and smiled, "I'm just making some pasta sauce" she replied with a chuckle as you wrapped your arms around her from behind and placed a kiss on her cheek. 
"Still, it smells great" you spoke softly. It was then that it caught your eye that Lizzie didn't have her normal glass of wine half full sitting on the countertop beside the stove. "Let me get you a glass, what are you feeling tonight? Red? White?" you asked before pulling away to get a wine class from the cupboard. 
"About that" Lizzie turned on her heals to face you, "I can't have any for a while" she added. Your eyes shot wide open; a smile tugged at your lips as you came to the realisation of what Lizzie was saying. She nodded as she watched your brain click to the news. 
"We're having a baby?!" you walked over to her and placed your hands softly on her lips, "yes" she replied softly before you crashed your lips onto hers. 
With Lizzie's hand in yours, you used your thumb to gently stroke the top of her hand to help calm her after a contraction. Her head rested against you while you sat behind her. "We forgot to pick up a few things from the baby store" your wife spoke as she looked up at you. 
"It'll be okay, I'll call them later and let them know what's happened" you couldn't help but chuckle, "I think they'd be very understanding and if not then I have no idea why they are a business" you added making Lizzie giggle.
Although Lizzie's pregnancy had its pros, it also had its cons. There were moments of worry and concern as you held her hair back while her morning sickness took its toll, draining her of the little energy she had. If it wasn't morning sickness, it was heart burn and struggling to make herself comfortable as her bump grew bigger. Family gatherings really took a toll on Lizzie, even for an actress who is used to answering the same questions over and over again, having everybody she knew and loved ask her 100 times over things about her pregnancy was different and you were quick to give her a break and answer some of those questions for yourself. 
But with all the cons, the pros always came shining through. Lizzie would boost to you that being pregnant meant she was entitled to the last snack on the plate, the last cookie? Hers. The last banana? Hers. The last slice of cake? Hers. One of her favorite things to do was baby shop, online or instore, she loved it. Although, you liked it better when it was online because she could spend as many hours as she pleased, and your legs wouldn't get sore. 
"Honey!! Look how adorable this little suit is!" Lizzie took the tiny boys suit off the rack and showed you, "it's so tiny!" she added while eyeing off the piece of clothing. Of course, she brought it just in case. You both decided to let the sex of your unborn baby be a surprise and so Lizzie was sure to buy gender neutral, girls and boys items so it wasn't a surprise that she brought the tiny suit. 
"It's adorable" you smiled softly, "it's crazy to think that somebody can be this small!" You added in amazement. 
"I wish our baby could stay tiny forever" Lizzie commented while walking away, her eyes already caught on something else.
As her contractions started to become more intense, you reminded Lizzie she was doing amazing and that was the truth. For her entire pregnancy you have watched her body and mind change and just when you thought she couldn't get any more beautiful, she did. She was truly the most beautiful woman you'd ever laid eyes on. 
"It's time" the midwife looked up at Lizzie who was more than ready to hold her baby. She took one last look at you, "are you ready?" she asked which didn't surprise you, she'd always been the one to make sure you were on top of things and doing things when you were ready, you nodded, "I've never felt more ready" you placed a soft kiss on her lips knowing that the next kiss you'd share with her, your lives would be different.
After what felt like forever, the loud cries of your baby finally entered the room. Lizzie was exhausted but still managed to have the worlds proudest smile on her lips. "Congratulations, it's a girl" the midwife smiled at the two of you before whisking your daughter to be wiped and wrapped before carefully placing her in Lizzie's arms. 
You felt a tear roll down your cheek when you laid eyes on your daughter, everything would be different now and there isn't a single bone in your body that would change that for the world. "She's perfect" you whispered before placing a kiss on Lizzie's cheek, "you're perfect" you added.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @kiwiana145 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @wackymcstupid | @mmmmokdok | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @wandsmxmff | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox |  | 
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hermitscratch · 3 months
ETHUBS + 8, you know what to do with this
Send me a pairing + a number! || Accepting
8. A kiss in grief, Bdubs/Etho, 936 words
Among the sound of breaking blocks, running water, and falling gravel, the survivors' communicators pinged in tandem. Etho dared to hope that his partner had earned his keep. Lizzie was gone, a glaring red smear in chat announcing her demise the result of fall damage, and from where Etho was, trapped in a cave system far underground, he had no way of knowing if Bdubs contributed.
He waited a moment. There'd be a sign, Etho was sure, a message, a bold confirmation that the deed was done, maybe even an echo of boisterous, proud, manic laughter. It was what Etho wanted, however impossible; Bdubs, head held high as he mined the survivors out of their cavern and proclaimed that he was one of them once more.
The communicator pinged again.
BdoubleO100 was slain by Grian
And that was that.
Ren had him by the hand as they dug their way out of the cave, Cleo at his back with fleeting, encouraging touches whenever he drifted a bit too far. They kept him moving. They kept him talking, offering condolences and advice, plans and promises. They got him above ground, cheering at the sight of the sun and heaving lungfuls of fresh air, but Etho found it no easier to breathe.
The grounding hand was back, turning him gently, stopping him before he could get any closer to where he last recalled the reds congregating.
"Where are you off to?" Cleo asked, but something in her voice sounded like she was already well aware, "The session isn't over for another hour."
Etho's mouth dried. "I, uh. I don't think this is something that can wait, Cleo." "Sure it can," Cleo said, not unkindly, but straightforward in a way that had Etho's guts in knots, "What're you going to do if you walk straight into the reds?"
"I won't," Etho reasoned, "I won't, they- there's no reason for them to double back, right?"
"Depends on where he- where the fight happened. I'm not letting you join them," The hand on Etho's shoulder squeezed, "We can't lose another, is all I'm saying. I can't."
Cleo stared, and Etho stared back until he couldn't stand the mirror he found there any longer. Her loyalties never truly faded, and if it wasn't for the need to press forward, to carry the memory of allies long since fallen and survive, she'd be as stricken as Etho.
Etho took her hand off of his shoulder and gave it a squeeze, "I'll be back," He promised, "It's only for an hour." Outside of the session, the reds couldn't touch him.
Cleo looked him up and down, as if appraising whether his word could be trusted, until finally, "I'll hold you to it." She pulled on his hand, and when he leaned in, she kissed his cheek over his mask. "Give him that for me, then?"
It was the least he could do for her.
For Bdubs, when Etho finally found him, Etho would do much more.
"Of course you had to go and die somewhere this inconvenient," He said, short of breath from scaling the mountain Bdubs had been climbing when he died, an attempt at levity that fell short.
Bdubs was curled up on his side, the jut of two fatal shots piercing the gaps in his armor. Etho eased the arrows out of Bdubs' back so his body could be laid flat, and a shuddering breath tightened his stomach as he covered Bdubs' eyes with a softly-placed hand, sliding them shut.
It didn't suit him, the image of a warrior fallen on a battlefield. "You don't wear anything this heavy back home," Etho said as he loosened buckles and untied straps until the diamond plate could be set aside. Etho paused, and after staring for a moment, he shrugged off his coat and laid it over Bdubs' chest like a blanket. "Yeah. Yeah, you look more comfortable already."
Nothing answered. The sun was setting, and with dusk would come fresh dangers, but Etho laid down beside Bdubs and watched the sky darken.
"You know," Etho mumbled into the empty air, "I meant everything I said this morning." He turned his head. Like this, it was easy to imagine Bdubs was just sleeping, that any moment he'd crack a smile and agree, be proud of himself for winning Etho's admiration, "You were the best teammate I could have asked for. And when I-" He swallowed, cleared his throat, "When I said we wouldn't be friends, I- man, I hoped- I wanted so badly for it not to be you."
Etho rolled onto his side and ignored the way it made the suspiciously warm streaks on his face change course, "And now it's my fault you're not here. Heh, can you believe that? I'm gonna be kicking myself for ages. You earned that life and I didn't pull the trigger fast enough."
Etho closed his eyes and breathed, deep and chilly, pulling his mask down on the exhale. The snow fort was always cold. Bdubs wasn't, though, the brief immersion of being home gone the moment Etho reached a shaky hand to rest across Bdubs' waist. "It's still your life, I think, I'll keep it safe. Get a win maybe, give you something to really be excited about."
Without his coat, the snow seeped into Etho's clothes, leaving him cold and wet as he sat up. The sun had set. Session hours were over.
Etho leaned down, and kissed Bdubs' cheek. Then, his lips, and if a few tears dripped onto his face in the process, at least he wasn't awake to notice.
"Goodnight... partner."
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ddejavvu · 1 year
For multiverse Monday
Doctor bradley Bradshaw dating single mom teacher reader andits being rooster first time meet her daughter being super shy and when she meets him " i wike your moustache " while hiding between readers legs maybe
sorry honey i couldn't really think of a good scenario where he would be a doctor and she would be a teacher and they'd connect while also meeting her daughter so i took out the doctor part! this isn't an au anymore, it's reader being an instructor at top gun and having a young daughter. i hope you're not too disappointed! also i know rooster would not have been in a class with the dagger squad during his time at top gun and that most of them only met for the uranium mission but fuck canon actually they're all school friends in a little group &lt;3
"For the most part, I thought your simulations were done well. Many of you made rational decisions while considering both your safety and your plane's, and it showed. Some of you-" You try not to look at Hangman even though everyone else already is, "Were more... daring in your hypothetical plans. But that's something we'll discuss privately, when I come around to work through them with you."
Jake's smirk doesn't fall despite the relentless jabs he gets from everyone sitting within his range. You avoid speaking to him first, choosing to target Fanboy instead, who performed fantastically in his work.
There isn't much to go over with him, a play-by-play of his simulation that you agree with wholeheartedly. You only give him one pointer, and it's that he could be a little less cautious if he wanted to be. But you're moving onto his seatmate next, your back turned towards Rooster as you crouch over Payback's desk.
There's similarly minimal work to be done on Payback's simulation. He'd clearly done the assignment thoughtfully, and you're sure to give him a glowing review. When you step up to the side of Rooster's desk there's a lingering smile on your face, that he glances up at and returns with one of his own.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw," You nod, your voice kind, "Your work was done well. I do have a few pointers, though, if you'd let me nitpick?"
"'Thought you would," He admits, chuckling sheepishly, "It's hard to simulate something so unpredictable."
"I know what you mean," You nod vigorously, missing the sound of the door creaking open, as well as the silence that falls around the classroom from your other students, "There weren't any major problems, I just wanted to offer you some advice. I think you could change the way that you operate here," You tap your pen against the printed frame of his simulation, showcasing a maneuver he could have taken, but didn't. The second time your pen hits the page you feel something thud against your legs, and your hands brace themselves urgently on Bradley's desk to stop yourself from falling forwards into him.
"Oh!" You crane your neck backwards to see what had rammed into you, seeing the wispy-haired, pigtailed-head of your daughter.
"Oh, Lizzie," You breathe, laughing bashfully as a few coos are heard around the room. You sneak your hands beneath her arms, hauling her up off of the ground and onto your hip, "You are not supposed to be here, you know that. What happened to your group?"
"We walked by your door." Elizabeth mumbles into your neck, her tiny voice muffled nearly silent, "And I heard you talking. And I heard Phoenix, and I wanted to say hi."
Natasha gives her a sneaky wave from her seat beside the door.
"Lizzie, you're supposed to stay with the group," You try not to chide her, keeping your voice sweet as she flops herself lifeless over your shoulder, "They're going to be worried when they can't find you."
"I'll catch 'em and let 'em know," Bob offers, rising from his seat cautiously, "Probably on their way to the rec room?"
You pinch Elizabeth's side to get her to answer; she nods once into your shoulder.
You flash Bob a thankful thumbs-up as he rushes to catch Liz's daycare group, and you make a silent promise to yourself to get her a backpack with a leash on it.
When you turn back to Rooster, he's staring at your little girl. He's got a sweet smile on his face, something that no one seems to be able to withhold when looking at her tiny face. She's peeking right back at him, and you can feel her smile against your neck when he waves.
"Lizzie," He tests her name on his tongue, then glances at you, "Short for Elizabeth?"
"No," Your little girl pipes up, ready with the joke she's been waiting on (courtesy of her wisecracking grandfather) for two years now, "Lizard."
Bradley blinks.
You can't help but laugh, stifling the sound by biting your lip. He looks bewilderedly between the two of you, two giggly girls, wondering if he's crazy for mishearing something, or if you're crazy for naming your daughter after a reptile.
"It's Elizabeth," You confirm, "Her grandpa has a flair for bad jokes."
"Oh," Rooster breathes, face crumpling into half mortification and half relief, "I see."
"She steals all of his favorite ones," You lament, setting her on the floor only for her to smush herself between your legs and keep her face hidden behind your left thigh, "I think one day she's going to tell me she's 'trying to quit' when I offer her a juice box."
He snorts, "That's a good one."
A moment of silence passes between you, but it's not awkward, it's fond. You're almost ready to get back to your review of his performance, but Lizzie ducks beneath the desk to crouch by Bradley's feet. He cranes his head down to look at her, eyes questioning but kind.
"You have a plane in your pocket," She observes, poking at his F-14 keychain, "I sawed those at the gift shop once."
His face quirks into a smile at her grammar, and he tugs the keys out of his pocket so that she can fiddle with the plane.
"My dad gave it to me when I was your age," He tells her, "That's what he flew in."
"Your dad was a pilot, too?" Lizzie squints up at him, face scrunched.
"No, he sat behind the pilot. He didn't feel like driving."
Bradley's jokes seem to go over well with Lizzie, something that makes your heart flutter. She giggles at, her toothy grin on display, "You don't drive a plane, you fly it."
He chuckles, but he doesn't have time to offer her a proper response before she speaks again, still squinting up at him.
"I like your mustache," She blurts, and you're just glad she doesn't reach up to poke it, "It looks like my grandpa's."
"Less grey, though," You reach down to ruffle her hair, giving Rooster an amused smile when he bites his tongue to stop from laughing.
"Wanna know something?" He raises his brows, leaning in like he's telling Lizzie the nuclear codes.
She leans forwards, just as eager.
"My dad gave that to me, too. He just-" Rooster reaches up to tug at one end of his mustache, "-ripped it off of his face and-" He slaps a hand over his mouth, "-put it on me."
Elizabeth roars with giggles, squealing at the image. Bradley digs in his pocket, the one that hadn't held his keys, and comes out with a creased, yellowed picture from his wallet.
"See?" He holds it out to Liz, showing off a man that's undeniably his father, and a bleach blonde child you can't believe is him, "There he is, that's before he took it off and gave it to me. Can you tell it's the same one?"
"No!" She shakes her head, wobbling to her feet and reaching out. He doesn't back away, but your stomach churns awkwardly at her naive forwardness when she pokes at his lip, "Yours is more higher."
"Lizzie," You rush to grab her arm, but Rooster shoots you a soft smile.
"It's okay," He assures you, voice calm, smooth, and adoring, something that only worsens your pounding heart, "She's fine. I think she's right," He sighs, looking back at the photo, "Maybe he shaved it down before he gave it to me."
Lizzie doesn't have time to ponder the possibilities of The Bradshaw Mustache Transfer before the door creaks open again, Bob's hand bracing it open as a caregiver peers inside cautiously.
Her shoulders slump when she sees Elizabeth and she looks equal parts horrified and delighted at the sight of the unscathed little girl, "Miss Y/L/N, I am so sorry, I didn't-"
"She's an escape artist." You wave away the woman's apologies, "Don't worry about it. Even I can't keep track of her. Go on, Lizzie," You steer her away from Rooster, and you only sigh a little bit when she skips over to hug Natasha first, "And no more running off!"
She's not the one that promises you, her caregiver is. It's not reassuring.
"Anyways, I'm sorry about that," You're not sure if you mean for the general disruption, or for your daughter sticking her fingers around Bradley's mouth, but it's curved into a grin when you turn back to him, so you're sure he doesn't mind.
"It's alright," He promises, "She's cute."
"You're good with kids," You muse offhandedly, ducking down once more to peer at his papers.
"I want a few someday," He admits, righting himself in his chair and tucking the photo of his father away, "I guess this is practice."
"You'll be a fantastic father," You gleam, trying to ignore the familiar heart-flutter when his hand brushes against yours reaching for his pen, "And I'm sure your son will love to carry on the tradition of the Mustache Transfer."
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
underrated part of the episode: all of the emperors giving oli the world's worst parenting advice. "by all rights you and joel should be terrible parents" yeah, but like, to be fair, it doesn't sound like lizzie or pix or anyone else has any idea either,
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badgebadge314 · 20 days
So, May's over huh. (happy pride month btw) And w may being over so is hermit a day may! I didn't do a full-out hermit a day may bcz I knew that if I did I wouldve died and I wouldve never finished it; so instead- I did doodles representing each hermit/prompt! Enjoy! (Some notes under cut)
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Some notes --
If you need an explanation for what smt is ask in the notes; I'll try my best to explain (my hand writing is shit so dw<3)
The last page is days 28-31 + some doodles requested by the Gem&The Scotts GC because it was wayy to empty;;
Thanx a lot to my irl friend Mikey @skoko-hasagun who drew Shrek and the moustached spoon! (Joel and mumbo) (Please note Mikey doesn't watch mcyt and has been tricked into drawing mumbo)
Also thanks to the "GEM & THE SCOTTS🚦" group chat for giving me advice on what to draw for hermits I don't watch as much and for the doodle requests!
Also this is so many ppl therefore so many tags so I couldn't tag everyone;; Martyn, Jimmy and lizzie are there too somewhere; I don't think I should tag them tho
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gayrootvegetable · 4 months
wip wednesday !!
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thank you to @littlemisskittentoes and @hgejfmw-hgejhsf for tagging me 💖
GUESS WHO'S BACK !!!! finally, after a 6 week writing drought, i have been making progress on my tumblr au! so enjoy this lil sneak peak of alex's anonymous ask and the first part of henry's response 😎
After watching two cinematic masterpieces—Shrek 1 and Shrek 2, of course—Alex feels much better. His sister always knows how to get him out of his own head. It’s 9 PM now, AKA prime tumblr-scrolling hours. This realization prompts Alex to open the tumblr app on his phone, sending a surge of nervous energy through his body. He doesn’t worry for long, though, because right at the top of his dash is H’s response. Alex slides into bed, pulling the duvet over his head to create a blanket cocoon, before beginning to read.  
Anonymous: hi i hope it’s ok that i’m sending you this. i’ve been following you for a while and your poems mean a lot to me. i thought i was straight but now i’m not so sure because surely a straight person wouldn’t connect with queer poetry, right? so i guess my question is, how did you know you were gay? and how do i know if i’m gay? (sorry feel free to not answer this i ramble when i’m nervous haha)
Hello, Anon. Firstly, thank you for this kind message. I’m glad my writing meant a lot to you. It’s nice to know that my sad gay pining isn’t completely useless. And don’t apologize, it’s okay to be nervous. I am quite the expert when it comes to being nervous, thanks to the anxiety disorder.  As for your question, I’m honoured that you trust me with giving you advice. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to definitively determine whether you’re queer or not, but I can offer you some anecdotes from my experience, and hopefully that will be helpful in some way.
i love them, your honor 😭😭😭 OH AND the tumblr work skin i've been customizing for myself looks SO GOOD i am so excited
idk who has posted for WIP wednesday yet and who hasn't but tags under the cut as always sjdfhksj🫡
@happiness-of-the-pursuit @songliili @leojfitz @rockyroadkylers @heartitinthesilence @read-and-write- @inexplicablymine @firenati0n @tinyarmedtrex @14carrotghoul @cactusdragon517 @anincompletelist @bidoofenergy @affectionatelyrs @gay-flyboys @emmalostinwonderland @rmd-writes @myheartalivewrites @xthelastknownsurvivorx @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @lizzie-bennetdarcy @ninzied @anchoredarchangel @benwvatt @magicandarchery @kiwiana-writes
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runnning-outof-time · 11 months
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Thanks for sending this in, Cia!! 🥰 I know I’m a broken record at this point, but I absolutely love getting these GIFts from you!! I hope the way I went with this one makes sense…I originally was kicking around something a bit more brash, and dare I maybe even say evil, than this….but then I decided I couldn’t be that rude to Arthur (not to say that I’m not rude here). Enjoy!
Just Another Woman
Arthur Shelby
Warnings: language, smoking, Tommy being an ass
Tommy gives some - rather terrible - advice to Arthur as the elder of the two Shelby brothers tries to get over (Y/N) leaving him.
Arthur couldn’t stay in the room any longer. He needed to get out and get some air. The outside air was practically calling his name as he stepped onto the rooftop terrace of his family’s Watery Lane home. Everything inside made him think of her, of the woman he thought he was going to be with for the rest of his life.
He tried taking some deep breaths in hopes that he’d calm down, but all they did was make his chest feel tighter. She was staring back at him every time he closed his eyes.
Footsteps were heard from behind him then. He hurried to turn around, hoping that (Y/N) would have returned; ready to tell him that she was having second thoughts, and that they should get back together. But his hopes were broken when he spun to see Tommy approaching him with deeply furrowed eyebrows. Arthur sighed inwardly. This is not what I need right now.
“Why are you out here?” Tommy asked an opening question as he came to stop a few steps in front of Arthur.
“I can’t stand to be in there anymore,” Arthur began, taking a deep breath before he continued, “everything in there makes me think of her.”
One of Tommy’s eyebrows quirked upwards when he heard what his brother had to say. “Everything?” he asked, sounding like he was checking to make sure he’d heard correctly.
“Yes. Every-fucking-thing,” Arthur answered, his words sounding more pained now than before.
“Brother…” Tommy sighed, looking past Arthur and to the houses that stood next to theirs, “you can’t be doing this, not right now.” He then brought the cigarette in his hand up and took a deep drag from it, blowing the smoke out in a huff. “She was just another woman, Arthur,” he said to him, bringing his other hand up to squeeze Arthur’s left shoulder before turning his head and looking back to the house. “Just another woman,” he repeated, removing his hand to pat the other man’s back twice, so as to say ‘get over it’.
“What?” Arthur asked, a tinge of disgust laced into the single word as he whipped around to look at his brother again, “what did you just say?”
“She’s just another woman,” Tommy repeated what he’d said without second thought, completely ignoring the wrecked expression that was present on the other man’s face, “just another woman, like Grace, and fucking Lizzie, and all of the other women in this bloody city,” he continued, his words harsh; cutting through Arthur like knives. He brought the hand he held the cigarette in up then, holding it between his thumb and middle finger so that he could point at Arthur as he spoke again, “so you need to forget about her. Forget about her and what she made you feel; close the fucking door on it so that you can get back to work. There’s business to be done.”
Arthur’s brows became deeply furrowed as he heard what his brother’s advice was. He pursed his lips together in a deep scowl as he tried to make sense of it. Shaking his head, he spoke: “no…no, I can’t. I can’t just fucking forget about her.”
“You’ve got to,” Tommy stayed persistent.
“I can’t,” Arthur didn’t budge.
“Why-fucking-not? Eh?!” Tommy snapped, his eyebrows raising as his anger followed suit. He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that his brother was so caught up on this one woman…this one woman who hadn’t even been in Arthur’s life for a year.
“Because she was everything I had!” Arthur’s tone rose to meet Tommy’s, his eyes going wide as he conveyed the significance behind the woman he’d lost.
Tommy scoffed at Arthur’s statement, shaking his head slightly as he looked away for a moment. He let the silence hang for a few beats before exhaling a breath of a chuckle that aired on the sarcastic side. “She left you because you wouldn’t change and become what she wanted you to be. She wanted you to be different; turn your back on your fucking family, and yet she was everything you had,” he delivered his message in a montone voice, although there were tinges of disbelief in his final sentence.
Arthur didn’t know how to respond. There were many things running through his mind at the moment. He wanted to stick up for his girlfriend - his ex-girlfriend - and defend the relationship that he had with her. But then he also hated that he’d made his brother disappointed, and there was a strong urge fighting within him to apologize for how he’d been acting and fall back in line. As these things were fighting in his mind, he opened and shut his mouth repeatedly, like he was hoping that some sort of sentence would come out as he did. But instead the silence persisted.
“I don’t know who you’ve become, brother,” Tommy finally broke the tension, shaking his head as he dropped his gaze to the ground. He took a step back and tossed the spent cigarette, running his hand along the back of his neck then as he made his way back into the house.
Arthur didn’t follow him. He was still trying to make sense of what was just said while combating the spiraling feeling that swelled up inside of him each time he thought of (Y/N). If she wasn’t in the forefront of his mind before, she certainly was now.
Sorry to do that to y’all 😬😬 — in the midst of writing this I came up with an idea…to write something that would give the backstory on Arthur and this woman; to show how their split occurred in more detail. But I’ll only branch off of the vague idea if there’s any interest in it — so if you’re interested, let me know!
Tagged: @the-anxious-youth @mystcldydrms @look-at-the-soul @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @shelbydelrey @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @stevie75 @dark-academia-slut @zablife @cillmequick @letal-y-poetica @depxiety @shelundeadxxxx @areyenotfondofmelobster @padfootdaredmetoo @crabat-the-queen @sebastianstangirl01 @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @just-a-blackhole @anotherblinder @christinasyellowflowers @insanitybyanothername @daisyblinder @wotcherpeak @call-sign-shark
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novalizinpeace · 2 months
Oh that sucks well. Technically, you r being productive by talking to people. Also, I'm new to writing fanfic, and I'm worried about upsetting anyone, especially onyx. As I want to ask onyx questions about lore and others about their ocs, but I don't want to bother anyone and asks get lost easily or people don't have ask open. So any advice
'm not a expert in all the social thing stuff, but i think the first right step to work with other stories/ocs is asking them directly for permmission via dm, and asking for input there.
yeah you don't want to bother anyone, but i personally believe is better ask first for permmision and ideas from the source, 'cause yeah i may give you all permmission to use Sunny and Lizzy in riders related stuff, BUT that between the lines of their characters.
Yeah you can draw/write Sunny getting shy at someone flirting with him, that in character. No, you can't draw/write Sunny flirting back/been interesed in someone, any relationship for him/with him need to be talked with me (i would gladly talk about how Sunny would interact with a new friend or even to someone having a crush on him, just ask me about it).
The same with Lizzy, 'm slowly showing her story, so there not a lot to share of her, that why i hadn't make canon all interactions of her with other ocs (the only one i had accepted is the one with Asahi, 'cause even some fanarts with North crew could fall into noncanon territory due the final 'm looking to give her). So you can use her, but most probably it going to be a non-canon interaction, since 'm trying to piece her story right.
NOW that on me! Other users could be less strict with their ocs, and others be more strict, but that why is important to ask first!
And about Onyx, they seems really nice to interact with as an audience, they probably have asks closed for the same reason i sometimes stop answer to asks: spams and uncomfortable asks tend to invade our kind of blogs. That make it hard for us to interact in a comfortable way with our audience, but that doesn't mean we don't want to interact with them! you just need to look for a right way to approach them, been by a comment in the right post, or directly send them a dm asking if you could make them some questions related to their au (this option AFTER you make sure you looked at all their posts and confirmed that the info you're looking for isn't in there, this show you already made your work into learning about the project), sure, maybe some things Onyx wouldn't be able to share 'cause it could be spoiler, and that's okay, you can work with that idea once the oficial info get out, or work with hcs (like i did with Lizzy in the beggining, were i hc that the cult used poppy flowers for the red smoke like in the original game, later Onyx confirmed that, but if they would end up denied it, i would had to change my hc, 'cause i decided to take the risk on it.)
conclution? send via dm a simple ''hello! i wanted to know something about your character/au/story, is okay for me to ask?'' or a variation of it if you want to use others's ocs for your fanfic, and if you have any doubts about how a characters is going to act in x situation, is better to directly ask the owner of the character that risk making the character OOC.
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mcyt-parodies · 1 month
could you do Sincerely, Me (from Dear Evan Hansen) as maybe Grian and Joel? :>
Here we are! I hope you enjoy! Halfway through I started thinking of a way I could add Jimmy as Connor but I couldn’t come up with a good enough scenario so what we have is Joel and Grian “corresponding” to have an alibi for a prank? I’m honestly not sure. The intent behind the letters is supposed to be Joel is worried about fitting in and Grian is talking him through it. I do hope this is what you were looking for!
Sincerely, Me (A Joel and Grian Parody)
Dear Grian MC
We’ve been way to out of touch
Things have been crazy
And it sucks that we don’t talk that much
But I should tell you that I think of you each night
I remember Bread Bridge and explosions
And start laughing in delight
[Grian, spoken]
The Bad Boys were pretty fun
[Joel, spoken]
They were, weren’t they?
[Grian, spoken]
But that’s beside the point, if we want a sound alibi for these pranks these have to be perfect. Just- I’ll do it
I’ve gotta tell you, life without you has been hard
[Joel, spoken]
[Grian, spoken]
Has been bad
[Joel, spoken]
[Grian, spoken]
Has been rough
[Joel, spoken]
And I miss talking about life and other stuff
[Joel, spoken]
Very specific
[Grian, spoken]
Shut up!
I like the hermits
[Joel, spoken]
Oh come on, give me a little more credit Grian
I love the hermits
Each day is an adventure
If I stop killing people
Then everything might be alright
[Joel, spoken]
But I like PvP!
[Grian, spoken]
Just fix it!
If I stop missing Lizzie
[Grian, spoken]
Oh Joel, Really?
(Joel gives Grian a thumbs up)
If I stop missing Lizzie
Then everything might be alright
I’ll take your advice
I’ll try to be more nice (he makes a gagging noise)
I’ll turn it around
Wait and see
'Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention
It’s easy to do if you give it your attention
All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be
Sincerely, Me
[Joel, Spoken]
Are we done yet?
[Grian, spoken]
Well we can't just give them one book. I want to show that we were actually talking and, like, being good friends, you know?
[Joel, spoken]
Oh my god.​
Dear Joel Beans,​
Yes, I also miss our talks
I’m sorry you miss your wife
Just try to take deep breaths and go on walks
[Joel, spoken]
I'm sending pictures of the most amazing trees
[Joel, spoken]
You'll be obsessed with all my landscaping expertise
[Joel, spoken]
Absolutely not.​
Dude, I'm proud of you
Just keep pushing through
You're fitting right in
I can see
You can see!
'Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention
It’s easy to do if you give it your attention
All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be
Sincerely, Me
Your brothers’ hot
[Grian, spoken]
What the hell!
[Joel, spoken]
My bad.​
Dear Grian MC,​
Thanks for every note you send
Dear Joel Beans,​
I'm just glad to be your friend
Our friendship goes beyond
Your average kind of bond
Maybe because we're gay
Maybe because we're gay
We're close, might be in that way
But still platonically
Well anyway!
You're doing better every day
I'm doing better every day
Keep doing better every day
Hey hey hey hey!
'Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention
It’s easy to do if you give it your attention
All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be
Sincerely, Me
Miss you dearly
Sincerely, Me
Sincerely, Me
Sincerely, Me
Sincerely, Me
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lady-of-the-english · 3 months
Tommy and Grace and Marriage Part 4
As his key antagonist of season 2, Campbell demonstrates how he thinks Grace is Tommy's weaknesses - a pain that he can keep poking at to distract him and make him off-kilter in their exchanges. It's a tactic Tommy uses himself, so he understands perfectly how effective it is.
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It is only this danger that forces Tommy to consider truly forgetting Grace and leaving her behind burning her letter just as the Garrison, where they fell in love, burns due to Campbell's bombing.
Most seasons of Peaky Blinders begin with visually showing the audience Tommy's status. The opening of season 2 lets us clearly understand how financially better off the Shelbys are. To do this, we have both transformed locations and new locations.
With their financial success, the need to diversify their portfolio, and hide money, Tommy buys his family homes, especially the women that he loves, Polly, Ada, and their sons - a clear parallel to how the season ends with Grace pregnant with their son and the next opens with their wedding.
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Tommy tells Polly he bought her a house to bring her family home to. Polly is haunted by the loss of Anna and Michael, and Tommy's depth of empathy comes from shared experience as he dedicates himself to finding what happened to them and if he can return them home. Like Polly, Tommy also longs for the family he dreamed of having with Grace but feeling that Grace is out of reach (married and living an ocean away), he'll give Polly and Ada what he fanatasied about providing Grace - all the warmth, comfort, security, and love a home typically symbolizes.
While season 1 showed his flashbacks of the war, season 2's are mostly centered around Grace. He tells Arthur, who is spinning out of control due to his own PTSD, to "shut the door" on the war, like he did. However, Tommy sees his own hypocrisy; neither the war nor Grace are gone from his thoughts. He just hides it better, and even that is cracking, especially in relation to Grace as both Polly and Campbell have pointed out their knowledge of how much he still loves her.
At the reopening of the Garrison, Tommy leaves his family to celebrate and retreats to the renovated snug to brood over Grace's letter that he's been carrying around in his pocket since he received it as a perfect representation of his internal struggle of wanting to hold onto her but feeling like he must let her go.
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With the Garrison physically changed, he possibly thinks that moving on from her is possible for the first time. The reminders of her physical presence have been literally burned away, and with that, maybe he won't be so haunted by the memories and how they almost had everything they wanted together. With the changes, maybe he won't look for her at the bar or in the doorway anymore.
He tries to follow his own advice to Arthur to "shut the door" on his feelings and he burns her letter without reading it. The burning is juxtaposed with their love scene as he holds it in front of himself a moment to gather his courage before lighting the match and then holds the match for another moment before taking it to the letter.
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The first visualization of Grace this season - outside of the season 1 recap at the start of 2x01 - is of Tommy remembering their love scene and especially the most intimate moments of it. Tommy remembers their gentle kisses, how they reached for each other, him burying his face in her neck, wanting to be as close to her as possible.
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He tries to burn these memories away and once again turns to sex as an escape but in a new way. He knows the controlled, dispassionate sex with Lizzie doesn't help. So this time, he parties (just as Arthur does for the rest of the season with similar failed results). The next scene is Tommy awake from his threesome which is the antithesis of the scene he remembers with Grace. He is awake, sitting up and disconnected from his partners. He is unhappy and lacking any of the peace and intimacy of his memories. Recognizing that it didn't help at all, he gets out of bed and starts working - the only escape that works at least temporarily.
This realization and the true stakes of his assassination assignment from Campbell help Tommy accept and embrace the fact that his feelings for Grace will never go away.
Tommy, in quick succession in 2x4, is told he'll receive no help from the police or intelligence agency, realizes that there are spies in Campbell's plans, and how tight the security is on his target.
And with this, Tommy starts to "prepare" and "get his affairs in order" for failure and his death and, in doing so, accepts his feelings for Grace openly, which is intertwined with commentary on marriage and family. While he buys Polly and Ada each a home to raise their sons in, Tommy recognizes his own lack of immediate family. Johnny Dogs tells Tommy, "I hate to see you not even married yet," and he has Ada sign a trust to leave everything behind to John and Ada's kids as he acknowledges that "I don't have any children."
As Tommy gives away what he has and prepares to do that fully, he buys one thing for himself - Grace's Secret. While this race horse is interwoven in his business plans (gaining him access to the owners' enclosure), it is also a deeply personal choice. Tommy's love of horses was well established in the first season and is tied to the beginning of Tommy and Grace's relationship. It is after the death of his other horse that he asks Grace to sing for him.
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Charlie connects the horse to the idea of Tommy returning to and embracing his true self. While Tommy repeatedly tells the family that cars are the future of the Shelby Company (both legitimate and illegitimate), Charlie asks him to think about when was the last time he rode a horse - when did he last choose something he truly loved and wanted? Tommy walks away without answering but the literal next shot is of a picture of Grace.
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And thus, he goes off to buy this horse, creating a concrete connection to Grace. He tells Polly it's a good "investment" and equates it to the family homes he just bought them. While he plans to buy the horse for $1,000, as May drives up the auction, he doubles it as he tells Charlie, "I'm having that horse" who he later affectionately calls "my girl." A horse he then tells May, as he hires her to train the horse for Epsom Derby, "will be called Grace's Secret."
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In the first episode of the season, both Tommy and Polly avoided speaking Grace's name when talking explicitly about her. With this choice, Tommy will confront her name continuously. There would be a decent amount of paperwork for Tommy to read and sign to officially register, train, and sign up the horse for Epsom. With each piece of paper, meeting, and visit to May, he anchors Grace into his thoughts and the thoughts of his family.
I would have loved for a scene for his brothers, Ada, or Polly to reckon with his naming and what it reveals - and doesn't. They'd probably think the "secret" is Grace's undercover work and betraying Tommy. But as we are again shown in this episode that they are still in contact two years later, it is clear that Grace's secret is Tommy himself and the love they still share.
Through this, Tommy accepts the reality of their feelings for each other and that they'll never go away even if he'd never see her again. Even in starting an affair with May, it is centered around shared grief rather than affection for each other.
May recognizes that she is a "small diversion" to Tommy, just as he is for her. As they consider him staying the night, she cries over her own lost husband, admitting, "I put all his photos in a draw and locked it. As if that was going to make a difference," just as Tommy burning Grace's letter made no difference for him. He enters this exchange, knowing neither is the person they really want to be with.
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And once he has the opportunity, he chooses Grace. By the end of the episode, he returns to the office to find a telegram from Grace, letting him know she's returned to England for the first time since she left.
While he previously burned her letter, he now reads it and willingly picks up the phone to be the one to call and reach out to her. It is presented with the same purposefulness as any choice Tommy makes. Just as he waited a moment to burn the letter, he thinks for a moment if he is willing to open himself open to Grace fully, to be truly vulnerable and have an honest emotional connection with someone else. With possibly limited time left, he aims to spend it with the person he truly loves. He is no longer hiding and repressing his feelings but embracing openly what and who he truly wants.
He reaches out to Grace and while they don't get to speak on this phone call (as Grace's husband answers the phone), we are set up perfectly for their reunion in 2x05 - a parallel to how much 1x05 was a turning point in their relationship.
And more on that in Part 5!
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