#loading my love & appreciation gun and shooting you all
yaut-jaknowit · 6 months
The Moon Will Shine On Us Again
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 3512
Warning: slight gore, gun shots, blood, reader is injured.
Summary: There's a knock on your door. No one should be here, let alone at your door and wanting entrance. The mother and her knew born needed to be protected. You weren't going to let them be fed to the wolves. You grab your gun and face whoever is at your door. Deadly force is needed.
Author Note: From high demand. Glad you guys are loving it! Don't worry all! Here's the second part. I might also write a third part as well. Thank you for the support as well! Greatly appreciate it.
Part 1 | Part 2 (you're here)
This had quickly become a life or death situation. On the outskirts, you didn’t know why you were willing to stick your neck out. Someone wanted the mother, wanted her either dead or alive. They had tracked her through the forest of your property and all the way up your cabin. A place deep in the forest. Not somewhere a person would just stumble across.
In its bony cage, your heart pounded, on the verge of escaping and flopping around on the ground. To steel your nerves, you clenched your teeth together and tip-toed out of the room. The door was closed behind you, to seal away what evidence you could. Anything to give the mother more time to escape… if it came down to that.
What were you doing?! You barely know how to use a gun, let alone the one in your hand! And if those people were able to down a creature of her size and threatening nature, you shuttered. What would they do to you?
Here goes your life. You pushed off of the bedroom door and walked over to the door. Every creaky floorboard you knew in the place was missed in each step. You didn’t want them to know you were coming towards them, just in case; nor let them know someone was inside. Despite your truck parked out front, maybe they’ll believe either the creature killed you or you’re off on the property.
A few steps from the door, on the edge of the living, you stood with your loaded gun. The weapon shaking in your hand.
“Open the door!” a male voice demanded from the outside and pounded on the door. A lump instantly formed in your throat. “We know its in there.” Your eyes widen, breath catching. Everything changed at the man’s words. If they knew… they also knew someone, a person, was inside too, harboring her. You forcefully swallowed the lump and flicked off the safety. Then, you readied yourself for whatever action they take next.
A muffled of exchanged words came from two people. The door groaned and rattled from a powerful strike. You stumbled back, legs hitting a chair in the living room. Another bash against the door.
Unfortunately for you, the wood that made up the door was twice as old as you. It’s seen better days, been through horrid winters and soaking summer. The third hit caused the wood to splinter and give, leaving a mess on your once clean floors. You bristled and aimed the weapon in hand at the first figure you saw through the broken door. “Leave!” you shouted at the top of your lungs, voice, thankfully, not cracking from the force.
Yet, the weapon wasn’t true in its aim. The barrel twitching from the nerves controlling your hands. “Get the fuck off of my property!” You probably weren’t the most scariest thing on the block. Just a lone person who draws for most of their free time, holding a pistol but shaking too much.
Two people stood on your red porch, each holding a rifle of their own. Other weapons that you didn’t pay attention to adorn their body. One was wearing a ski mask of sorts, reasonable for the weather. Said man raised a brow and chuckle, shaking his head. “What are you going do? Shoot us?” he scoffed, brushing off the threat of you pointing a gun at them.
The other figure, dress similar but only had a cloth covering hi nose and below laughed with his partner. Then, they stopped at the same time, becoming stern. Ski mask guy took a step into the house, head scanning around. “Nice place you have here-“ his gaze fell back onto you “-shame if anything happened to it.” You swallowed thickly at the threat.
“Now, let’s stop this boring banter. Where is it? You give it up, you’ll get a fat paycheck to stay quiet, and you won’t get a bullet to the head. Fair deal?” the man with the neck gaiter offered, voice honeyed but uncaring. It felt like it didn’t matter the option, they’ll happily put you down.
Your chest start to hurt from how hard it pounded. Is this where you died? For an unknown creature who is a mother? What has your life become? You shook your head and steeled your grasp on the weapon. “Last warning: get out of my house!” you voice nearly wavered, about to show your true emotions. Though, you could bet a hundred dollars they already knew.
One of them snorted, the other shrugged his shoulders then raised his rifle. Before he had a chance, knowing they would kill you if you didn’t shoot first, you pulled the trigger. Despite being a pistol, you weren’t prepared for any knockback it gave. Your aim definitely wasn’t true.
That didn’t stop you. Both of them ducked down, not expecting you to fire first, but you didn’t stop. Bullets flew violently through the sky, possibly hitting their marks or not. In all honesty, you shot blindly at the two.
Once the ringing in your ears stopped and the trigger just clicked, empty, you dropped your arms. Each man was collapsed on the ground. One had a large pool of blood around him, body lifeless on the stained wood floor. His other partner was shakily breathing, gasping for air.
The pistol was promptly dropped. Your hands covered your mouth as you stumbled away from the murder scene you had created. Sobs raked your fragile body. What had you just done?! Your back met some soft. The couch. You rested heavily against, blankly staring at the two men on the floor. Blood. From bullet hole you caused from shooting them, killing them. You… oh my god.
Tears poured down your face. You couldn’t believe what you had just did to two people. Yeah… they weren’t nice people, they wanted to hurt a mother… whatever she is. They had hurt her already. And they wanted to hurt you, kill you. Silence you about this situation.
The question of the year: why?
In the haze of you distraught, you held onto what sanity you had left. Your body was shaking worse than leaf in the aftermath. Either from the adrenaline… or something else.
As the powerful chemical waned, you hissed at the pain in your thigh and glanced down. A dark patch stained your pants. Blood. Your legs nearly gave out at the sight. They shot you! “Fuck!” you cursed and clutched onto the couch tighter. Your thoughts were far too wild to comprehend. What do you even do?! You sobbed harder, on the verge of a total breakdown.
Through the fog and craziness of your thoughts that drowned out nearly everything, you heard the tall tale sign of the floorboards. You spun around, ready to face your attacker. But it was just the humanoid creature. She moved softly, not as if she was scared, but mindful of her steps and movements. Or like she knew what she was doing.
All you could do was watch as she, without the green, sticky blob, stepped up to your trembling form. Her piercing, purple gaze scanned over you, from head to toe. From there, she stops on the blood coming from your thigh. The wound hurting worse over time. The mother peered past you and observed the scene behind you.
She must have deemed it safe and turned her gaze on you. As the seconds ticked by, you couldn’t handle the weight on your injured leg. The couch became your crutch. A motion she easily notice.
A hand wrapped around your wrist, easily engulfing the limb, nothing more than her holding a stick. The mother tugged you towards her before dragging you along, back towards the bedroom. Unable to think straight, you aimlessly let her take you back to the room and had you sat down on the bed. The bed, a usual comfort, did nothing to sooth you.
You began to curl up, closing yourself off, legs drawing up to your chest despite the pain. Your hands gripped at your hair and tugged on the strands. “I killed someone… I killed,” you murmured to no one in particular.
“Oh my god!” Your head whipped up and found the mother’s eyes on you. “I killed them! I-I… what have I done!” Then, you tried to get off of the bed and pace. But a sturdy hand held you back down. She grunted and squeezed your shoulder. ‘Stay.’ How could you stay?! You fought against her.
“No! No-no-no-no-no! I killed them. They’re dead. I shot them. Oh my god, oh my god.” The grip tightened but you brushed off the touch mentally. Everything in your body itched to be on your feet, moving, pacing, doing something. You had to do something. You killed people! How could you?!
A short snarl barely caught your attention long enough to shatter your world. “Quiet!” a deep, guttural voice demanded silence. Your lips sealed shut. She just spoke. This humanoid figure that wasn’t from here… spoke.
Pain raged in your leg, the first thing you noticed. You gasped and sat up too quickly. Stars danced along your vision, everything disoriented now. A groan sounded low in your throat as you tried to figure out what was what. Yet, the throbbing in your leg made it hard to think. Why was it… You gazed at your exposed legs and the white bandage snuggly secured on your thigh.
Okay, why are you not wearing pants? Why is there gauze on-you killed two people! You gasped harshly enough to make you start to cough.
A glass of water was passed to you. You mumbled your thanks and sipped from the cup. Wait! Your head snapped to gaze at the green figure standing next to you. She towered over you. More than usual. You were on the bed. You groaned and clutch at your head as all this information was far too overwhelming. That didn’t stop you from downing the water, body dehydrated.
You take a chance to glance up at the mother. In her arm was cradling the little child she had birthed earlier. Its cries have been soothed, possibly sleeping after such a harrowing event for itself today. Honestly, you were shocked she hadn’t slept after birth. From what you’ve heard, it takes a lot out of you. Makes sense when you bring new life into the world.
Nervously, you scratched the back of your neck. “Thanks… for the water,” you spoke your gratitude, knowing she wouldn’t respond. It hit you right then and there. You had no pants on, nothing! Even as it pulled at your aching leg, you snatched a blanket and covered your exposed bits to her. Thankfully, she decided to leave alone your underwear.
Everything started to come back to you in small bits before the puzzle was put back together. The two men killed by you; the bullet hole in your leg, the fact she spoke. She spoke!
The mother dipped her head minutely. “You are welcome,” she said in a low voice with a lot of timbre. It sounded like she struggled to get the words out. A person who didn’t have the vocal cords to speak the language. A short thought of what her language sounded like came mind, but you brushed it off.
Despite already hearing her speak before, your brain short circuited again. It took you a moment to shake off the shock and look the mother in the eye. “Y-you speak?” Instantly, you cringed. That sounded horrible. “Sorry,” was your next word to save your hide from her. All she did was raised the one brow with five gems studded into her skin.
“I do speak. Learning ooman is not a rarity.” The more she spoke, the more you learned her different speech pattern. It was more formal, slow and a little unclear, but like a queen talking with her subjects. Who or what was she?
But ‘ooman’? That didn’t slip past your attention. It dawned you on. Human. Strange way of saying it but you weren’t going to bring that up.
The child in her arms gave a tiny squeak and lightly shivered in her hold. Before you realized what you were doing, you were offering the nearest blanket to the mother. Said cloth had been covering your exposed legs. She looked at the fabric for a moment before taking it. Carefully but skillfully, she wrapped her newborn in the blanket and kept the child cradled close.
While she did that, you used another blanket to cover up your legs. Once the three of you were settled, you stared at one another. For what reason, you couldn’t figure out. But, deep down, you were intrigued, despite all that has happened.
What now? What happens now? You killed two people. What made the guilt inside of you twist like a rusted blade was the idea of how to get rid of the evidence. How to make it look like these men never came here, never came after her? With all the bullet holes and blood probably stain not only your wood floors but the carpet too… what are you going to do?
A might palm captured your shoulder and gave your torso a shake. “I give you gratitude, ooman. You are unlike the rest of your race.” Past experience hung heavy in her words. A chapter that didn’t need to be opened. Not now. Her hand slipped off of your shoulder.
Her words made you think. Race. That solidified the idea she wasn’t human, not at all. “What… are you?” you muttered and bowed your head. You desperately hoped your words wouldn’t offend her in anyway. A chaste chitter that reminded you of a laugh sounded from her. You took that as a good sigh and raised your head.
“I was waiting for that… question.” She paused there and slowly blinked, eyes looking down at you. She was thinking of something in her mind then relaxed slightly. You saw the slight twitch when the move pulled at her own wounds. “I cannot say much but you did protect me and my suckling. You have earned my respect. I am a Yautja. An alien.”
For some reason, your heart swelled at the knowledge of knowing you had her respect. To know that a dangerous looking alien-alien! Oh my god! An alien! You, what… Your jaw dropped but not a sound came from you. This meant, aliens were real. Completely real. And you had just helped one not only give birth but protected them. You covered your mouth and tried to reel in this new information. An earthshattering discovery.
You swallowed down the lump in your throat and took a deep, stuttering breath. “W-what’s your name?” She tilts her head, a little to the side, to look down at you with an inspecting eye. Said gaze flickered to the bundle in her arms. Her expression softened at the sight then she looked back at you, eyes narrowing slightly.
“I am called Gawtin.” You hummed thoughtfully and lightly bobbed your head. To be polite, you returned the gesture which she acted indifferently. Not that it bothered you.
Silence engulfed the two of you. Yet, the throbbing in your leg didn’t wane. It burned. You worried at your bottom lip until blood spilt. She huffed, like she could taste the blood in the air… Wait, could she? She was alien. Her physical make-up could be completely different. You just shook your head side to side and rid of those thoughts.
There were more pressing matters at hand.
Your gaze looked back up at the massive… Yautja, Gawtin before you. “What happens now?” It was a necessary question that needed to be answered or some closure. Look at where you were! Two dead people in your cabin in the middle of nowhere with an alien and her baby. There was a bullet hole in your thigh as well, an injured gained from defending not only your property but the mother.
She took a moment to carefully plan her next words. “Endless possibilities. Due to the honor code, I am bound to you until my debt is paid, but I must return to my home world with my child. I must gather all of my armor and weapons stolen from me by your ooman government.”
This was a lot of information that made your brain fuzzy to think of all the possibilities. Honor code? Home world? Retrieving her items? Your government? What does this all mean?!
“You are not safe here. You will come with me. Your ooman government will send more. I cannot allow you to get… injured-“
“What are you saying?” you interrupted her without meaning any harm. All you needed was a dumbed down version.
The Yautja gaze a shortened growl. Your lips tightened against one another. Lesson learned. “You will come with me. I must protect you until the debt is paid,” she stated gruffly, as if it a chore to keep you alive. She had mentioned an honor code, meaning she has to follow rules. Maybe that’s why she hasn’t chosen to just kill you and be on her way.
Your brows furrowed. “Go with you? But why?” you sputtered and tried to turn onto your knees and face her. But the wound on your thigh wouldn’t allow you. Shit. You weren’t in good shape.
Gawtin leaned down to get close to your face, making sure her point finally struck you. “Your society frowns upon murder, does it not? Those two s’yuit-de are dead because of you.” Your face paled at her efficient words.
Prison. Murder. She was completely right. No matter how you spun it. You had killed two people. All the evidence would show you as murderer then sent straight to prison, locked up for life.
Now, you had two choices: prison or Gawtin. Prison was a lifetime of four concrete walls and survival. Gawtin… she was an unknown but couldn’t hurt you. Wouldn’t? She couldn’t due to her ‘honor code’ but what about wouldn’t. If the debt was paid, would she slaughter you where you stood. Was that better than prison?
As you gazed upon the muscular alien who waited for you to speak next, the choice was obvious. Timidly, you nodded your head. Gawtin scoffed. “Glad you agreed willingly. I am not above dragging you though.” Just something freely she stated, as if it was normal.
She stood back up to her full height, reminding you on how big was compared to your smaller form. “Gather what you deem necessary. We need to move,” she spoke and left the bedside to exit through the door. A door she had to lean down to get through.
You listened to her words and slide off of the bed. Pain shot up your leg and almost sent you to your knees but locked a knee helped. Through the aching, you limped around the room and place clothes in a small duffle bag.
At the entrance of the bedroom door, you stopped. Off to the left was your sketchbook and pencil. An item you couldn’t leave behind. It too was placed into the duffle bag. Now, you were prepared for wherever the mother was going to take you. You walked out of the room but paused at the overwhelming smell and sight slapped you right in the face.
It took every ounce and more of your being not to bend over and puke out what was in your stomach. She, Gawtin nonchalantly stepped over the bodies and left through the front door. To save yourself the trouble, you spun on your heel and escaped through the back entrance. Anything not to come close to the… mess you created.
At the front, Gawtin waited with her child still wrapped in the blankets from before. A chill was powering over the forest air as the sun was already falling again. Damn the mountains and winter. Thankfully, a jacket was wrapped around your torso to fend off the chill.
The alien looked down at you, eyes scanning over your body before giving a minute dip of her massive head. “We shall head towards the base. I must gather my supplies back before we find my ship and leave this c’jit planet,” she snarled towards the end. You couldn’t help but feel hurt and a need to defend your planet. But with one look at her stopped you.
All you could do was nod. Even though many questions were stuck to the tip of you tongue, never leaving, never asked. In good time, they’ll be answered. With the way she spoke, like it was complete fact and part of her fate, you weren’t going to argue with that.
One last look down at you, she turned and began the trek. Her strides long, powerful. Every one was nearly three for your own. With the pain in your leg, you didn’t how long you were going to last. This was your choice to live with now.
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darling-i-read-it · 10 months
is it possible to either request a fic or hc whatever you feel like doing of trevor?
something kind of like that college request with love sick smitten nauseating trevor and his sweet little girlfriend who walks in to them planning a heist. she knows what he does but she doesn’t want a part of it and neither does trevor but she still supports him. he does anything in his power to keep her out of it. but does he get turned on seeing her hold his gun? yes. will he eventually try to get her warmed up to straddling him with a gun pointed at his neck while she rides him? absolutely.
but putting her in danger is something that makes him physically sick. maybe during the heist she somehow ends up in crosshairs, similar to what trevor did in north yankton when he put that gun to the woman’s head “if you move i’ll shoot her brains out”
but trevor just sees red like his special ability. killing anyone who angers or threatens his baby.
HI literally making me absolutely feral i hope you enjoy <3 <3 Trevor you're such a real one
tw for guns, violence, vague sexual descriptions, typical trevor stuff
Trevor fell in love with you because of your innocence. All the girls who loved him where like him, something similar in their hard gaze, the smell of alcohol on their breath. Not you. You were different.
he swore it was a good thing, he promised Ron and Wade that you were happy with him.
they never believed him. it was hard to believe Trevor on a good day
but they could see from the way you were with him that he was telling the truth. You would sit in his trailer, gently cleaning up without being invasive, laugh at his dumb jokes, call him cute. There is no one someone who didn't love Trevor would do all that
He was nauseating about you. He talked about you all the time, bragged endlessly, always had your name on the tip of his tongue.
"Yeah, I brought her out to dinner last night. She tried to drink me under the table but I had to bring her home," he would say, with heart eyes.
"She didn't make me take down my posters. Would Amanda do that for you Michael?"
"We had lots of fun yesterday. Don't worry Ron, I cleaned the couch. "
He loved that he had something in his life no one else did. You were his unicorn.
Obviously spending so much time with Trevor, it was easy to know what he did for a living. He didn't like to hide anything from you and he didn't like to hide his job in general
Trust that he would be honest about everything. Down to the last penny, he would tell you what he did and why he did it (even if his reasonings were always a little skewed)
You didn't want anything to do with it. You had no interest in going to jail and he perfectly respected and appreciated that. He liked having someone on the outside anyway
Plus, you were the person he could go to outside of all of that. He had plenty of friends in the business, he wanted something that was normal and just for him
that being said
Trevor does love a little bit of corruption. He has never said no to taking you out shooting.
"Just...like that," he muttered. He had his hands on top of yours, his body pressed against your back. You had one eye closed like it would help you aim the gun in your hand. You starred at the beer can on the stump, breathing in and out evenly, just like he had taught you. "Whenever you're ready doll."
You pulled the trigger. Your ears rang out. Trevor didn't believe in ear protection (or any protection for that matter). You missed, just barely.
"Am I getting better?" you asked, hopelessly. You had asked him to teach you to use a gun just in case someone came home while he wasn't there. He agreed. You needed to know how to defend yourself.
"Oh so good. Honestly better than most of the men I've worked with." He loved seeing a gun in your hand. He loved when you brandished it, talking like it wasn't a fully loaded weapon in your hand. He liked when it got a little close to him, making him twitch a bit.
But that's a whole different battle.
Other than that, you avoided all of his lifestyle things. No heists, no ride alongs. He wanted you as safe as humanly possible.
Naturally, if you were around, you were bound to walk into a heist planning without meaning to. You didn't recognize the concentrated look on Trevor's face as he starred at the wall, full of papers and lines and pictures. You had just been grabbing some groceries before coming back to Wade's cousins.
Michael Townley was there, his eyes trained on the wall as well.
"He's no good. We need someone who's done this before Trevor," Michael was saying. You slowly closed the door, approaching the wall. Trevor was sitting on the arm of the couch.
"And Frank is? I mean, I like the kid, don't get me wrong. But can he handle all that?" Trevor's sounded unenthused. He turned to look at Michael and saw you standing behind him, grocery bags in your hand. He stood up quickly. His sudden movements caused Michael to turn around. "Hey baby. You're back early."
"The other store I wanted to go to was closed," you explained. "What's all this?" You asked even though you knew the answer.
"Nothin'," he promised, approaching you. He grabbed a bag from your hand. "You grab beer?"
"Atta girl." He helped you put things down on the kitchen counter. Michael gave you a nod in acknowledgment. You returned it with a thin lipped smile.
"Are you guys planning a heist?"
"No need to worry about that dollface," Trevor said. "We can finish this up later." He turned to look at Michael, eyes like daggers, daring him to defy. Michael nodded once. He knew what it was like to want to keep someone out of the danger.
"Yeah, no problem."
but the information stayed up there. You could look at it while you watched the TV, making sense of the ramblings. They'd be down by the docks.
Trevor ignored any questions you asked about it. You didn't want to know, he knew that. You were just curious.
The day of, he planned a full day. Heist at 9, lunch with you at 1. You would come grab him from a safe point, he made sure of it.
Then things went array. His timing had never been great and honestly, he probably should have made sure the safe point was completely safe. It was the exit area, the place where everyone was supposed to meet up when things went well. Everyone showed, all the goods were there...
they were followed
You were already there, waiting with your car, sitting on your phone
You saw everyone rolling up, tires screeching and people running
Guns were going off. You ducked your head below your steering wheel and freaked out silently
Someone was running towards the car, grabbing your drivers door, opening it up because you didn't bother leaving it locked. You didn't even think
Someone pulled you out of the car, tossing you on the ground. You saw little to nothing for a moment, eyes blacking out as you looked around the soon to be chaos
You stood up shakily and saw the man who had pushed you down. Someone completely foreign and honestly scary looking. The second you registered his face, it had been blasted off.
You screamed, almost falling over and scampering away
Someone had grabbed your arm, keeping you up
"Right here doll."
You knew the voice well and almost melted into Trevor's touch, a heavy sigh of relief leaving your lips. Even if everyone was still shooting, you were safe with Trevor. He'd never let anything happen to you.
He dragged out of the fire and placed you carefully behind a car.
"Stay here till I get you." He gave you a gun and said nothing else until he had turned around.
You peaked over the car. There were dozens of men pointing a gun at him. He looked untouchable, guns in both hands, face hard, eyes red.
"Now who wants to fucking try it? Huh?"
You had never seem him move so efficiently. It was like he couldn't get hurt at all. His vision had slowed and everything in his way was gone.
He didn't stop until the very last man was under his boot and a gun was through their temple.
Then he ignored all of his comrades to run to you, skidding on his knees to make sure you were alright.
"You alright baby? They hurt you? I'm so sorry you had to be here."
His voice was rushed and honest. He had you in his arms, breathing harshly. You held him tightly against you, breathing in the smell of his shitty cologne. You had never been so happy to see him.
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norbagam · 2 months
The death note musical is one of the most amazing pieces of art to have ever reached my ears.
My favorite song is Kira, simply because of the ENERGY and PERSONALITY that Ryuk has. The whole thing is him having a jolly good time, shitting on Light being stupid and all, and then it ends with him cutting of going “oh look now here’s an apple! Mind if i just take a bite?” Which is the best decision they could have ever made for him. It PERFECTLY encapsulates his personality in the best way possible.
Also listening to Lawlight duets are just, magical. Phenomenal. Beautiful. Slightly homosexual, just as I would expect.
“I wonder is this guy for real?” -Stalemate
“Looking down from above I’m intrigued by their love” -They’re Only Human (+the rest of this song)
All of Kira.
“It’s just law not law and order; Not much good and seldom fair”- Where is the Justice
“You don’t load a gun, close your eyes and shoot” -There are Lines
“Elegant solution, flawless execution” -Hurricane
“I sift a thousand pixels until I chase you down at last” -The Game Begins
“What information is eluding me?” -Secrets and Lies
“Don’t you see that you will die today?” -The Way it Ends
I am in no way doing these ANY justice by typing them out they must be heard to be truly appreciated.
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That's My Kind Of Night Chapter 3 *Mature 18+*
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x (Southern!F)Reader
*Rough!Jake* *Protective!Jake* *Shower scene!Jake* *little bit fluff!Jake* just all of the Jake
Summary: Jake takes leave and goes back to Texas. His friend is now married with a woman. This woman's friend gets under his skin, and he loves it. Word count: 3,439
Warnings: cussin', flirtin', heavy banter, guns, party with alcohol, Straight Smut 18+ for sure, a different party man that is too touchy.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Southern Masterlist
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Jake looked back through the window, Blake leaned against his ax. "I think that's enough. So Jake..." He trailed. "You know my wife is trying to set you up with Honeybee."
Jake glanced back at Blake after chopping the last piece of wood. "Yeah, your old lady isn't exactly stealthy." He chuckled, leaning against his own ax.
Blake laughed, "Yeah, she's about as subtle as a frieght train."
"I've seen you two sneaking around keeping up with what we were doing." He smiled up at Blake.
"You got them trained eyes, don't you?" He chuckled nervously.
Jake nodded. "Well, yeah, when I'm in the air, I have too." He picked up his ax and put it away.
Blake smirked up at Jake. "So what do you think? Spitfire, ain't she?"
Jake chuckled, "You're scheming with your woman. You'd better be careful, Blake." He paused, shifting his eyes back to the window and then back to blake. "She's definitely a firecracker."
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The party begins, and the new and old friends are all showing up. Big boy toys are being taken off trailers and put into the water or on the muddy tracks. Four-wheelers, gators, and dirt bikes are being raced around the trails. Poles are in the water, from boats and on the dock, pulling up catfish, brim, and bass saved to be cooked in the fire later.
Jake sat on the diamond plated tailgate of his truck. Unfortunately for all the women he had threw his shirt back on when people were arriving. He raised his beer as he saw one of his buddies reel in a huge catfish. "Hell yeah, Florence. That's a nice size cat!" Florence, an old buddy waved in appreciation and held the fish up.
Jake took a sip of his beer. He looked towards the shooting range. You stood there with a double barrel shot gun laid against your shoulder lined up for the target. You had on the same muddy pants, only teasing him with holes to show your legs underneath. Your top had changed. It was a tiny black tanktop that dipped low enough it showed your lacy, black bra underneath. There was fringe that fell around your breasts. The fringe stopped where the shirt cut off just below your bra line. He watched your arms as you held the gun. Your sun-kissed skin teased him under the sinking sun. You took your shot, the knock back was there, but nothing you couldn't take. Jake had to admit. He was impressed.
You stood there reloading your weapon. You felt a hand reach to your back and down to your hips. You felt uneasy and folded the gun back together slowly, not being able to load the barrels. You could smell hard liquor on this man's breath. "You look real cute, babe. Do you want me to show you how to use this thing?"
"Get the fuck off of me." You were rough with your words. You pulled away from him and he tried once again to put his hands around you. "I said, get the fuck off of me!" You jerked away turning towards him and kicked faster then he could react due to the intoxication. Your boot connected with the bare flesh on his stomach. He was knocked back and on the ground.
He started to get back. His world spinning around, and it showed as he struggled to get back up.
"You fucking bitch." He screamed. You could see people gathering, one person walked up calmly. He made his way in front of you. You could tell by the cocky walk, the tight ass in his jeans and the bulk in his arms who it was. Jake stood tall in front of the man. "Look what we have here. Dustin Jones, as I live a breathe. Looks like you've done well for yourself. You look great man. I love the missing tooth. Was it the meth or did you just pick the wrong woman to fuck with and she knock it out for you?"
Against Dustin's better judgement, he finally made it to his feet and ripped his fist at Jake's face. Jake caught it in his palm and twisted just enough to make a statement shoving him back to the ground. "Let's face it Dustin, you weren't shit back then and you still ain't shit now." His voice held power, it was slow, deep, smooth. His voice never broke and never faltered. His voice never raised above a talking tone. "I suggest you get on outta here before you get yourself hurt." The group that brought Dustin as an acquaintance grabbed him and dragged him out of view. They were loading his flailing body into a car.
"I'm gonna whoop your ass, Jake!" His voice then got quiet, a car door shutting in his face. The crowd cheered and continued their activities from before.
"I could've handled him." You directed your attention back to the gun in your hand. You hit the release for the break action and quickly replaced two shells. With a quick flick of your wrist you folded the gun back up ready to fire. Jake watched you maneuver the gun with ease, it was hot to see you handle such a powerful weapon. "That's a strange way to say 'thank you'." He watched you shoot both targets and hand the gun back to Damien.
You started walking away from Jake. He followed behind you. "I didnt ask for your help." Jake smirked down as you both stopped.
"You don't have to." He was so reassuring. You almost felt like you could rely on him. A certain level of trust was building around the walls that guarded you. "Thanks, Jake."
You spoke softly.
Jake lifted his brow and his laugh lines lifted with a smirk. "Anytime, Honey"
"Bee." You finished. He had dropped the bee in your nickname, the sting had vanished in your tone of voice so the 'bee' should vanish for him too. "How about we get on the gator? I tell you what..." He trailed. His face softened. "You can drive." He wrapped his arm around your waist and he led you to the track.
The truth was you had decided to give him the chance you promised Vanny. As much as you hate it she was right. He needed a chance in fighting hell, and if you didn't open up at least a little then there was no way you could convince her you at least tried.
He let go of your waist walking to the other side and sitting on the passenger side. "How many times have you been here at the lake house property?" He looked over at you while you turned the key starting it up. You turned on the headlights with it being so close for the moon to start its rise.
"More then I can count in the six years Blake and Van have been together, why?" You shifted to drive, you accelerated and chose the trails at random. "Take me to your favorite place here. You have to have one. I do." He leaned back in his seat while you thought about your favorite place.
You changed course and took the trails. "Why did you join the navy?" Your genuine question took him by surprise. He was expecting your attitude to come back just as fast as it disappeared. "It's been something I wanted to do for as long as I can remember. My family has a military background, and I like the look in peoples eyes when they see me in uniform. The military has its risks, but also has its perks. What about you? Why did you want to be a stylist?"
"I like brightening someone's day. I have women and men come in, their day, week, month even year is absolute shit. They sit in my chair and walk out happier feeling more confident then they did when they walked in." Jake leaned his arm over the seat behind you.
"You've definitely got plenty of confidence to go around." He chuckled. You slapped his leg softly with one hand on the wheel. "You're one to talk." He continued while laughing. "Damn right have you seen me?" You rolled your eyes. "Yeah I have. I see a cocky, arrogant, smoking hot ken doll with a vanity problem" He flashed an award winning smile.
"You think I'm smoking hot?" You glanced at him then turned down another trail. "I'm not saying it again. Your ego is big enough with me saying it once."
"Oh come on, just say it one more time. I'll tell you what I think." You were honestly curious. You weren't insecure. You had your flaws of course, but you knew you had some features that were desired. One great thing that came out of aging is realizing that rule 34 in porn applied to people, too. Someone out there would always find you beautiful, no matter your shape or size. It saved your confidence a lot. You might not be one man's cup of sweet tea, but another would drink you to the last drop happily.
"Jake, you know that you're smoking hot, I don't need to say it." He wrapped his arm around you.
"Yeah, but it sounds so much better coming from a gorgeous woman."
Your Eyebrow raised. "Is that what you think of me, Im gorgeous?"
"Yes. I can't tell you all that I think. It's filthy in there..." You laughed, he reciprocated your laugh with his own. "The mud honey. I've only seen you covered like you just got done taking your four-wheeler out for mud bogging."
"Good thing you asked me to take you to my favorite place..." you trailed as you pulled up to the river that feeds into the lake. There was a sizable waterfall ahead.
"You can't take this one. This is my favorite place." He said, looking up at the water falling. His eyes followed the water pattern.
"Shut up and come on." He looked back at you. His eyes widened. Your shirt was already on the seat. Your lacy bra was squeezing your chest in all the right ways. You unbuttoned your pants and shaked them down your legs. Jake would pay all the money in the world for you to do that again, just this time he wanted to be behind you.
He didn't question you. He just followed your lead. "You are wild, honey bee. I'll give you that." You grabbed the eco soap from your purse.
"I always come here and take a shower in the water. I was going to do it when everyone went to bed tonight, but it's going to be a little harder sneaking out this time..." you trailed unsure if Jake knew the two of you were sharing a room in the cabin. You continued "normally, I dont have anything on but youre not getting a full show." He pulled his shirt over his head.
"You are wild." He was lost for word, speaking the same sentence again. He continued trying to find the right words to say. He loved this embodiment of pure freedom you seemed to have. He just couldn't find a way to tell you how much he liked that about you. He took off his clothes leaving his boxers. You took a heavy flashlight and set it on the hood of the gator. It shined like a spotlight on the water flowing off the mountain. You made your way to the flat rock that created a nice floor and stood under the water.
Jake stopped watching as the water flowed down your hair and skin. Each drop of water seemed to be slow motion. Your lips spilt into a gasp as the cool water teased your neck. You lifted your hair drenching it in the liquid. Jakes eyes trailed down your body. He wanted to soak up every inch in fear that it was the only time he would see it. His eyes connected to your ass as you turned your chest to the water. He realized you were wearing a g string. He couldn't stop the bulge from forming. His hands begging to give the swelling some relief. You turned back towards him. "You gettin' in or are you just gonna stand there in your boxers and watch?" The bubbles forming around your body with the soap being added.
He honestly thought about just taking the show. Jake decided a shower with a hottie in a waterfall would be some story worth telling the boys when he got back home. He walked up to the flat rock and the water cooled his skin.
You watched as the water hit his back. You traced down each muscle with your eyes. Your gaze peeked down to his boxers. You giggled. "God malibu. Your boxers are screaming 'Barbie'." He looked down while adding soap to his body. His pink boxers had palm trees speckled across them. He met your eyes.
"You checking me out?" Your eyes traveled down his strong legs. Then, back to his eyes.
"I'm just making sure you know what you're doing." You spoke softly.
He smirked. "You used that one already." He looked down at you, watching your eyes. You looked back down his body and noticed the growth in his palm trees.
"Oh, I know." You weren't focused out your words. You were focused on the sex appeal of this dream man. It had been so long since you've been touched. You could feel the warmth stirring between your legs. You wanted to hear him say your name in the dirtiest ways, forcing you into positions where you were most vulnerable, you wanted to smell his chemistry mix with yours, you could almost feel his fingers teasing your clit making you beg to cum. You broke from the daze. He was so close to you. His lips were inches from yours. You had been pulling like gravity closer to him, lost in the thought of his sex. If you just take this step. You know you won't turn back. You could feel his throbbing erection where his hand was in your daze. It had pressed perfectly against your clit. You moaned so softly. Just one step. Just one more move, and this could be it. "Jake I, I-" you shuddered as he stepped closer, his member pressing harder against your sensitivity. You wanted this so badly.
"You're driving this time, remember, you tell me where I'm going." He stated so simply.
"I'm - I'm sorry. I'm not the type to just sleep around." He stood still fighting off every nerve in his body.
"What if after tonight we go out on a date, just you and me?" You looked down at his lips looking for the lie, looking for the truth, looking for anything to tell you what his intentions were. Your hips jerked slightly as you tried to fight the urge yourself. You let out another moan as he rubbed unintentionally against your aching body.
"Then what? I move to California? Thats not realistic. I have a life here and we just met." He grabbed your hands pulling them to his chest holding them delicately.
"I have a month here, if you take a month's vacation, you can fly home with me. See how you like California. Ill pay for your expenses. You can run a business out of state. You can build a new life in California. You're free. We dont have to do anything tonight. Just say yes to a date. We can really give this an honest try." His word cut you like a knife. You were so close, your body was ready to take every piece of him. You just had to take one step. You had promised to give him a shot. Your pledge is your reason. You take the step closing the gap suddenly. The kiss is passionate and needy. He releases your hands and grips your waist firmly as if he is worried about losing you. He rocks back and forth teasing your clit with the tip of his boxer covered cock.
The cloth was giving you no protection from the teasing. "I can tell you what I think now." He mumbled into your lips. "Mmm" was all you could muster as your tongue danced with his. He picked your legs up with ease and guided your back to the smooth rock wall. You whined against his lips losing the feeling of his tip on your clit. He broke the kiss, released your legs, and rubbed his fingers up and down the folds of your warmth. "The waterfall wasn't exactly what I had in mind before now..." he trailed. "It wasn't mine either." You cried out as he rubbed softly on your clit again. "Please..." you begged bitterly.
"That was on my mind." He kissed you again and removed his hand.
"Please... Jake." you cried out again.
He rubbed again but it was so soft. You were aching for more force in his touch. "Scream my name as loud as you need to sugar, were miles away from the party. No one is going to hear you cum. I want you to beg for it. Scream my name and your pleads for what you want me to do to you."
"Jake, please touch my pussy." you screamed out as his hand added pressure to your sensitive clit. "Please Jake make me cum." He pushed your thong to the side and pressed his bare palm rubbing with intensity. "Please will you lick my pussy, I need you, Jake. I want to taste myself on your tongue." His laugh lines lifted into his signature smirk.
"You are so fucking sexy." He melted down to his knees. Wanting nothing more then to please you in whatever way you begged him to do so.
His hands pulled down the thong leaving it level to the ground. His tongue rubbed on your clit. You could feel the warmth. You screamed in pleasure as he quickened his pace.
"Please Jake, I'm so close." You could feel the rough texture of his tongue against the most delicate part of your body.
"Jake, I'm cumming!" You scream. He continues as your knees buckle beneath you. You scream in such pleasure. You feel euphoria course through your nerves. Each second feeling the sense of high reaching every possible area on your body.
Jake let you ride out the high against his tongue. He lifted to his feet and you immediately met his lips. Your tongue grazing across his. He gave you everything you asked for. The sweetness of your flavor on his lips giving you what you craved.
He grabbed a handful of hair at the base of your neck. He tilted your head back and sucked the bottom of your neck. He pulled back, letting go of your hair, and looked deep into your eyes. "Please let me make you cum, Jake." His eyes flashed with sheer pleasure. "I'm on the pill. I can take it. Please, Jake I'm begging you. I want your cum." He bit his lip and led you back to the middle of the flat rock. He laid down and you followed him. You straddled him and rocked your hips against his.
"Make... me... cum." He was direct with his order. His eyes rolled back. He could feel the warmth of your pussy rubbing against his throbbing cock. You stripped his boxers down and ripped off your bra. You slid the tip in and circled teasing him. He groaned breathing heavily.
"You're such a tease." He shoved his cock into you thrusting his hips. You screamed out in the sudden pleasure. He groaned as he could feel your walls wrap around his cock. You recovered then bounced up and down his shaft. "You're so tight" He bit his lip and groaned his lifted his hands rubbing you nipples. The cold water of the waterfall now closer, misting your hot bodies. "Jake you're going to make me cum again." Your fingers teased your clit. Your other hand was stabilizing your speed and balance.
"Cum all over me. Cum while I'm inside you. Beg me to cum inside you when hit that high." His thrusting paced matching yours.
"Jake!" You screamed as you clit tingled under your pressured fingertips.
"Please cum inside my tight pussy!" You felt the euphoria take over your body again. Jake sped up and suddenly was thrusting deeply. His eyes rolled back feeling his own high. You were riding it out together as his cum released filling you.
Chapter 4
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Go ahead and give me some feedback, please! I'm adding a chapter 4 to this series just to get the ducks in a row. 🥰 Love y'all!
No permissions to share the story as your own. Do not repost to any site. Don't steal from aspiring authors that makes you a 'C U Next Tuesday'!
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mediocrevideopodcast · 3 months
May I request Wes coming to the realization that he's caught feelings for his coworker/work partner?
A/N: Wow, I am SO sorry that this took so long to post! I'm so in love with what we've seen of Wes, and I was really digging to make sure that I portrayed him as I do in my head. I'd love to write more for him in the future, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy!
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Working under Asa Sweet has its benefits. Seemingly endless stores of money, eternal room and board, and most importantly, all the midnight lovers he could ever want. All at the price of a bit of bootlegged liquor, and the occasional firefight. 
This kind of life isn't for everyone, but it's certainly made for Wes. And you're inclined to agree with him. The adrenaline of a job well-done tastes even better than the liquor you're rewarded with at the end of the day -- maybe that's why the two of you get along so well. He can appreciate someone who can actually do their job, and do it well. No offense to Fish, of course, but it's nice to have someone… competent. And nice to look at, to boot. 
What? He's not blind -- He knows a pretty face when he sees one.  
If you weren't tangled in this life like he was, he might have tried to shoot his shot at a quick fling. But alas, working together complicates that And it's not exactly wise to play with someone when they've always got a loaded gun. He's not stupid, either. So, coworkers it is. Friends, if he's drunk enough to say it out loud.
The two of you are a deadly duo in the field. In the car it's all easy banter, a playful back-and-forth of teasing and sarcastic quips… but when you're truly working? Fish says it's scary how easily the two of you operate on the same wavelength, and you can't blame him. As a team you're able to coax deals and information from unsuspecting lips with ease; and on the rare occasion things go wrong… well, there's rarely any time to even worry. You've made it a game to see who can draw their weapon the fastest when shit hits the fan, and you're not very keen on losing.  And boy, does he like a challenge. 
Wes isn't a romantic. He thinks he is -- he thinks he's the suavest cat this side of the Mississippi. But he isn't. In truth, he is painfully inexperienced in the realm of romance, outside of one night stands. So when he's suddenly clenching his jaw whenever you pull that syrupy, borderline seductive voice on clients to get your way, of course he misattributes his feelings to lust. Because what else would it be? 
Except it doesn't get better, and no amount of liquor can soothe the tightness in his throat when he looks at you. 
No amount of bloodshed can quell his rapidly growing thoughts of domesticity. 
And there's not a single force on earth strong enough to pry the softness from his gaze. 
He hates that you're such a weak spot for him. He's always enjoyed being in your company, but now he finds himself hanging onto every word, every syllable, every breath. It's embarrassing.  
It's a bit of an awkward game of hot and cold while he tries to figure out what he wants. The most Wes really knows about romance is what he gleaned from when Fish drug him out to see Romeo and Juliet, and Lord knows how that panned out. You know him well enough to let him sort through… whatever it is he's going through. 
(You do pick up on the fact that there's a bit more intent when he smacks Fish for the "weasel" comments, though. Fish's poorly hidden laughter doesn't escape your ears either.)
But as time goes on, he settles back into his normal routine with you. Maybe his words get a bit more honeyed. Maybe he gets a bit more sarcastic, so he can feel you swat at him. Maybe he starts winning your quick draw games more often, and maybe he's formed a habit of stepping in front of you when things go south. You can't know for sure -- he dodges every attempt at questioning. 
If he shows up at your doorstep someday, with roses from your front yard… just know that he's trying. 
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nothinghere368 · 8 months
Alright I finished ofmd 2 last night. After four or five hours of sleep I still feel like a mess and cannot think straight. And here's my first reaction to the last episode.
Okay so they created one of the most attractive amazing character in season 2 (yes I mean Izzy Hands) and we can see his pain, his softness, his humanity and his struggle, but we also know he's trying to change. He's not really move on okay, drinking in the morning and lying to himself (shark did this) but clearly he's getting better, at least he knew the meaning of love and who he loves (the crew). Everything seems to be back normal and in a good way!
And then they decide to kill this character. Why the fuck are you doing this??? For the record, I can accept main character's death. I just don't understand this, all of this. I really don't think he died like a hero, more like die for nothing. Yes, he is a representative of the old way, a part of blackbeard and yes he pushed ed too hard in s1, but is that mean he has to die at this moment? Cause if I'm right, they literally spent four episodes showing us this poor suicidal man can change, can be loved and be in a super healthy relationship with EVERYONE. He finally realized he had a weird and toxic relationship with the one who never appreciated him and started to pursue his own happiness and even enjoying his little moment. So tell me, why he wants to die? what's the point to kill him like that?
One more thing, we knew Izzy is the best first mate and swordsman. You really believe he would leave a loaded gun for a hostage? And why he is the one to escort the prince? It's almost like shouting to everyone "hey look! wooden leg! I'm a pirate!" And now comes to the most heartbroken scene, that apology. Dude, you are basically a single mom who survived the domestic violence and tried your best to protect your kids from the demon, oh and you lost a leg for that and you chose to apologize to your ex husband before you die?!?! Why?! I loved Edward this character. I really did, but sorry you had no right to say the word "family". You don't treat your family like dogs or ask your ONLY family to shoot you dead even though you knew exactly he had love for you and can never do this, or maim your ONLY family.
I just feel sorry for the character, maybe a little bit furious about the script? He's not a tool or a dog, he's a real person that deserved so much more.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Death of Peace Of Mind (Streamer/Camboy AU)
Pairings: Ghost/Soap, Implied Ghost/Roach/Soap, Implied Roach/Jackson
Warnings: Smut
Description: Roach gets a new mysterious donator on his streams
Word Count: 7.8k
Actual usernames used: @missiridescent and @probablylikesixducks
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He tosses a flash into the room, waiting only a few seconds before rushing in after it. He doesn’t even have to think as his hands move, this is all muscle memory for him. His gun goes up, he shoots the disoriented enemy in the corner, making quick work of him with no shots on himself. Another door opens and one of the man’s teammates pops out. 
It’s a tough battle for several moments, bullets spraying between them. A few catch on to Roach but, in the end, he’s the better shot. His enemy goes down first and it only takes two more shots to kill him for good. Roach had checked the house beforehand, he knew that there was one other person on the bottom floor. One other person standing between him and the end of this. 
He tends to his wounds, taking ammo off the other two men’s bodies before creeping to the door. He moves slowly and carefully, and finally, he pauses at the top of the stairs. He can’t see the two men’s remaining ally, he knows he’s going to have to make a risky move to finish this. He tosses another flash first, hoping the man below him was stunned by the sudden bang and light. His grenade goes next, cooked in his hand for several moments before he finally tosses it down. It explodes within a few seconds of leaving his hands. He jumps down after the explosion, flinging himself down the stairs in a quick sprint followed by a slide.
It only takes him a second to locate the other man. Still disoriented from the flash and weak from the small explosion, it only takes a few shots to get him to the ground and another few shots to finally kill him. He pauses, a grin pulling across his face as cheering erupts in his ear. The screen flashes with news of his team’s victory. 
“Fuckin’ hell Roach that was incredible,” Jackson calls out to him over his headset, “Carrying my ass through this game.”
Roach snorted, leaning back into his gaming chair as the ending animation of their characters loading onto a plane played through, “That’s because you don’t pay attention. If you’d stop running your mouth for two seconds you wouldn’t get run up on.”
“Your viewers come to listen to me run my mouth,” his friend shot back with a tease. Roach rolled his eyes at the man, but a grin still pulled at his mouth. He turned his attention to his second monitor, his eyes scanning across the quickly scrolling words from his chat. Most of the comments were either victory emojis or just a simple “W” typed in to chat. There were a couple of longer ones, but none that particularly struck him. 
Another donation came in, “Thank you Allysourous16 for the 15! I really appreciate it!” He fixed his webcam with a bright grin. “What do you guys think? Do you guys just come here for Jackson?” He wasn’t surprised in the slightest when chat began running quickly across, many people typing out a simple “yes” or “YES” or “Jackson is actually my boyfriend” into his stream. He chuckled at a few of the responses, particularly the thirsty ones that were begging him to ask Jackson to say something with the accent he usually suppressed. 
“They love me, don’t they?” Jackson was smug, a clearly teasing tone to his voice, “I’m gonna steal your stream dude, we’ll call it the Jackson takeover.” 
Roach snorted, “I don’t think they’ll go for that, most of them are talking about how lame you are.” He turned his attention back to his game with a smile on his face. He was quickly clicking through his weapons, checking and tweaking his loadouts based on the last game that they’d played. 
“Stop projecting onto me now, Roach,” Jackson scolded him playfully, “Doing regular duos again?”
Roach hummed, “Unless you wanted to switch to DMZ or something,” he commented, “Or I guess we could go play just regular TDM.” He could practically hear Jackson’s disgusted huff and he couldn’t help but snicker. 
“You know I fucking hate TDM.”
“I do,” Roach glanced back over to his chat, “And I’ll never understand why.” His eyes scrolled the various questions that flashed across the screen and caught on to one in particular. He gave a hum, “When is your next spicy stream?” He gave a chuckle, bringing one of his feet up in his chair so that he could tuck his knee to his chest. “Tomorrow night,” he grinned at the camera, “Regular streams are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Spicy streams are Tuesdays and Saturdays. Videos drop on Thursdays and Sundays for both the channel and the website.” 
“He’s got it all scheduled out,” Jackson commented, “Follows that shit like it’s a religion.”
“It’s important to be on time,” he defended himself. He clicked back over on the game, loading their little party of two into another match, “You’re late all the time, so I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”
“Yeah, yeah, see if I revive you this next match,” he threatened playfully, “I’ll ruin your stats man, don’t test me.” 
“To revive me,” Roach started dryly, “You would have to live longer than two seconds.”
“Fuck you.” 
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“So me, you, and Logan tomorrow?” Roach nudged the door to his small home closed with his foot. He had his phone pressed between his face and his shoulder as he carried numerous bags on his arms, trying not to drop anything as he stumbled to his kitchen. 
“Yeah,” Jackson responded, “I checked with James and Frost but they’re both being lame.”
“By being lame,” Roach dumped the bags on his counter, “You mean having lives and jobs outside of streaming?”
“Hey,” Jackson shot back, “I have a job outside of streaming and I still play.”
“That’s because your job is connected to my job asshole,” Roach rolled his eyes leaning against his countertop with a grin, “Not everyone can get their best friend to hire them as their manager.”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Jackson chided, “My official job title is manager and professional best friend. Thank you very much.” Roach gave a snort, fondness flowing through his chest. Despite all his teasing, Roach was ever grateful for Jackson’s help. The man was far more knowledgeable about the ins and outs of setting up a channel, managing it, and managing the money from it than Roach was. He’d been nothing but a blessing for Roach when he’d initially started streaming and, when he’d started making his other content as well, Jackson hadn’t even blinked, simply helping him set everything up. It had been natural for Roach to hire his friend. He made enough money for it, so why not? “You prepped for your stream tonight?”
Roach gave a hum, glancing over at the various bags sitting on his counter. “Yup,” he popped the p in the word, “Actually just got back in from the store. Stocked back up on lube and all that good stuff.”
“Did the lady at the checkout look at you like you were insane again?” Jackson snickered over the phone, “Can’t imagine most people buy six bottles at a time.”
Roach felt himself flush. The lady at the store had looked at him like he was crazy. He’d only managed to get through the interaction by directing his attention elsewhere in the store, trying to avoid her gaze as his face burned red. It was the oddest thing in the world: on camera, Roach could be shameless but the second the camera wasn’t there and he was melting into the ground. “Shut up,” he muttered into the phone, “You know I go through it like crazy.”
“We should see if they sell gallons of the stuff,” Jackson teased, “That’s about a week's worth for you.”
“I hate you,” Roach groaned, burying his face into his arms, “Best friends are supposed to be nice.”
“No we aren’t,” Jackson chimed, “I’ll stop embarrassing you though, I can practically see how red you are right now.”
“You’re the worst,” Roach gave a huff. “Thanks for planning tomorrow, twitter’s been going wild about the line-up. Apparently, someone started a rumor that Allen was back for the week and would be playing with us.”
Jackson snorted, “Please, Allen’s too busy running around with his creepy Russian boyfriend, we probably won’t even get another text from him for a month or so.” 
“And it will be a response to a three-month-old meme,” Roach couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. He loved his friend, but the man was far too predictable and far too busy, his stream loved it when Allen showed up, he was like a fan-favorite special guest for the stream just because of how rarely he was there. 
Jackson gave a similar laugh in his ear. “Alright, well, do you need anything else from me for the day?”
Roach started digging through his bags on the counter, pulling out the cold items of his groceries that would need to go back up, “Not that I can think of. You gonna watch the stream tonight?”
“Was planning on it.”
“Cool, cool. Talk to you tomorrow then.” With that all handled, Roach finally set his phone down and started unloading everything he’d bought for himself, his body humming with energy as he moved around. He always got like this the day before a stream, he never wanted to sit still. He was a stickler for a schedule, but on certain days he wanted more than anything to just start his stream early and work off some of the energy that had built up under his skin. 
He had to be patient though, and being patient meant finding something to help him pass his time. That was how he ended up where he usually found himself: curled up on his couch with his tablet in his lap, paying a visit to his favorite YouTube channel to check for any new updates. 
Roach never considered himself someone who would enjoy watching a vlogging channel, much less a couple's vlogging channel. Apparently, all it took to get him watching was for both of the people who were over the channel to be ridiculously attractive. 
YourFavoriteBoyfriends were the current favorite couples channel of YouTube and, after watching the couple’s first video, he could understand why. The two men were as if a dog and cat took human form and fell in love. Their sun and moon dynamic was the constant talk in the comments of their videos. 
There was Soap, a bubbly Scottish man who’d proudly proclaimed that he’d forced his boyfriend, Ghost, to do the channel with him. During the videos, he’d constantly be giving big smiles and laughs for the camera, always high energy with one joke or another to crack. While usually, Roach would find people like that to be forcing their energy, he’d been surprised to watch Soap and come to the conclusion that the man was fairly genuine with his high energy. That was just his personality and it drew Roach, and several other viewers, in. He was an attractive man as well. Both he and his boyfriend were quite muscular, and Soap didn’t shy away from showing that off during their videos. Whether it be a check-in while the two were at the gym or a shirtless morning intro to the video. Roach wasn’t going to complain, he enjoyed the sight just as much as the men seemed to enjoy showing off. 
Then there was Soap’s boyfriend, Ghost. A bit of a mystery in the community thanks to the ever-present masks that he wore. Apparently, it was the only way that Soap could get him to agree to be on camera. If it wasn’t a skull-painted balaclava then it was a face mask and dark sunglasses. The community had never seen his face and, like many other faceless YouTubers, he’d built up a rather large community of thirsters thanks to his extremely attractive deep voice and occasional random hand pics that he would post to Twitter. He also, as Roach had learned recently, was a gamer with a stream of his own. He, Soap, and one of their friends who was a frequent guest on their channel, Gaz would typically stream together. Roach had been frequenting those streams when he could on his private account and he’d, rather embarrassingly, donated numerous times just to get up to that “hand cam” goal that Ghost had. 
As he usually did on days like this, he checked their YouTube channel first. Nothing had been recently posted and he’d already watched their latest video “Swapping Gym Routines” about six times since it had come out only three days prior. The video was definitely a thirst fest for their fans, something that both Soap and Ghost seemed to know based on their jokes throughout the video. Roach was more than a little embarrassed to note that the video had certainly been on his mind during his stream later that night. He’d been more than thankful that he hadn’t accidentally let the fantasies going through his mind slip out of his mouth during the stream. 
He clicked away from their channel and checked their friend’s next. Gaz didn’t post often, but when he did it was usually either his own vlog, a rather entertaining gaming video, or a random prank that he’d pulled on Soap and Ghost. Roach was disappointed to see that he hadn’t posted anything either. His next stop was Twitch and, as soon as he loaded in, he let out an excited yelp, quickly clicking on the stream on his front page. Luckily his tablet was already on his private account, so he didn’t have to worry about trying to hurriedly switch over just to watch Ghost’s stream. 
He was pleased to see, as the stream finally caught up, that it wasn’t just Ghost, but also Soap sitting next to him at the desk, leaning his head on his shoulder to presumably just watch as Ghost played a match of Warzone. Soap was the one talking when the audio finally started coming through, “Ghost has me on today solely so that I can’t sneak off and donate the rest of the money for the hand cam.” 
Ghost snorted, his entire focus clearly on the game as his character quickly moved around the screen, gathering loot. “The point is that it's harder for them to reach the goal today,” he rumbled out, his voice sending shivers down Roach’s spine. “But if they reach the goal, they get the hand cam for the rest of stream.”
Roach’s eyes widened and he looked immediately to the little goal meter in the corner of the stream. If they reached five thousand dollars then Ghost would turn on his hand cam for the rest of the stream. He checked the time on the stream and noted with a bit of a pout that apparently the man had been streaming for an hour. Still, despite how long they’d been going, it was still the middle of a day on a Tuesday for many of their viewers, meaning that there weren’t that many people there and weren’t that many people donating, something he assumed Ghost knew very well. The goal bar was only a little past halfway at a total amount donated of $2,700. 
Roach squinted at the little bar for a moment his hand twitching at his side. Well, tonight was one of his streams…
He jumped off the couch quickly, scrambling to his room to grab his wallet before scrambling back into the room, his hands moving quickly as he clicked around on his screen to move over to the donation page. He typed everything in as quickly as possible before hitting send, a grin crossing his face as he tabbed back over to the stream, just waiting for his donation to go through. 
It was a few minutes until the donation was finally processed, he knew very well how often it could take for larger donations to finally go through. It was between games when the sound for the donation went off, Ghost and Soap both looked to the corner at the same time and Roach couldn’t help the giggle that pulled from him when he saw both of their faces. 
LoveBug has donated $2,300: Anything for the hand cam!
“LoveBug I’m literally in love with you!” Soap jumped up from his seat excitedly, laughing like a maniac as he paced around behind Ghost who, even with the mask on, looked absolutely shell-shocked. Chat was a quick-moving mess with numerous people typing out their excitement and words along the lines of “LoveBug being iconic as usual” “I knew our lord and savior LoveBug would come through” “Common LoveBug W” and several other more excitable and thirsty comments. 
“I’m going to have to ban you from donating or something,” Ghost grumbled, clicking a few things on his keyboard. Within moments a small screen had popped up just below the face cam that he had, this one aimed at his hands as they moved the mouse and clicked various things on the keyboard. “I really thought that the larger donation would keep you from coming in to finish it off LoveBug. Thank you for the donation, but also I can’t believe you right now.” 
Roach kicked his legs out excitedly, trying not to giggle like a madman as he collapsed backward to lay across his couch, grinning up at the screen in front of him like a lovesick teenager. The fact that he’d donated so much for the hand cam so many times that both Ghost and Soap recognized him should have embarrassed him, instead, he just found himself flushing red as that buzz under his skin grew more prevalent. 
After another moment Soap returned to his seat next to Ghost on the stream, a big grin on his face. He turned to the camera and called, “LoveBug, I’m in love with you. If we ever meet I’m kissing you.” Roach didn’t think he should be responsible for the loud squeal he’d let out after he heard those words. 
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Roach smoothed out the sheets over the bed for what had to be the fifth time in only a few minutes. He’d made the unfortunate mistake of getting up to get ready for his stream too early and now, here he was, with another ten minutes to go and nothing to do to pass his time. He decided to do yet another check over of his mental list. 
His camera was all set up already, and the TV on his back wall displayed his stream so that he could read chat easily while things were going on. It had been a recommendation from Jackson after one of the streams he’d joined. Looking at a computer screen could be difficult while everything was happening, but if it was on a large TV monitor, he’d be able to see donations, chat, and make sure his camera was still working properly all at once. He checked the angle on the camera, noting with satisfaction that, as usual, it was perfectly showing the upper half of the bed he was on. 
He looked over the sheets next, making sure that the waterproof blankets he had were laid out properly. Those had been his own idea. While he didn’t sleep in his streaming room, he still had to clean up between sessions and the blankets made it so that he would only have to wash one sheet as opposed to several. He ran his hand over the blanket, giving a small sigh of satisfaction at the feel of the material on his skin. 
He had a bottle of lube for the stream propped up by the pillows for easy access and a bottle of water and a towel on a little stand-off camera for him after the more active part of the stream. He’d hesitantly pulled out one of the various toys that he owned as well, though he doubted that he would actually use it. It was there just in case chat wanted it, though, knowing his viewers, he seriously doubted they would. They tended to vote for just his hands unless he had something particularly fun to offer. 
He looked over himself next, giving himself a quick check over in the mirror. He’d already stripped himself of both his pants and underwear, it was just easier that way, and while he might usually choose to put on one of the various outfits he had for stream, he’d instead opted for one of the oversized shirts he owned. They did wonders for covering him just enough until he was ready for them to come off. This one in particular was from one of his merch drops and he was a sucker for the color of it. 
He checked his phone again and gave another deep sigh. Still eight minutes until his stream would actually start. He gave a deep huff, but went ahead and settled himself on the bed against the pillows. He pulled out his phone and shot a quick text to Jackson, jokingly asking if he could start stream early. Jackson had only responded with a simple “do it, no balls.” Roach had jokingly responded that the man was about to see them, so he knew that wasn’t true. 
He checked Twitter next, scrolling through various mentions and occasionally retweeting things, mostly fanart, that he was tagged in. Though he was still anxiously awaiting the time for his stream to start, he was able to at least somewhat distract himself until, finally, it was time for him to start. The buzzing under his skin grew, pulling a flush over his entire body. 
He tossed his phone onto his nightstand and moved himself to sit up nicely against his pillows, his legs tucked underneath him so that the bottom of his shirt fully hid everything. He gave himself one last look over before leaning over to where his computer was set up and quickly hitting the button for his beginning animation to run through before starting his camera. He watched his tv monitor as the animation began to run through, his chat already running past at an ever-quickening pace. By the time his camera finally turned on and he was finally live, he had a grin on his face. 
His chat during these streams certainly wasn’t as big as his regular chat, after all, there was no way he was going to have as many people paying to watch a stream of him fucking himself, but his viewers here made up for it with their excitement and constant flow of compliments. It hadn’t been until after his first stream that he fully realized that he might have a thing for praise. Jackson had helped him realize that he also probably had a thing for degradation as well. 
“Hey guys!” he started quickly, his voice chirpy as he smiled at the camera, “Man you guys have no idea how much I’ve been waiting for this stream.” He chuckled, his eyes scanning over the various greetings and responses he was getting in chat. His eyes caught sight of Jackson adding quick moderation messages or taking negative messages out before he could even have a chance to read the first word. His friend was unbelievably quick. “Okay so,” he leaned forward with a grin, “I have something laid out but,” he let one of his hands grip the edge of his shirt, pulling it up just slightly as he pretended to be a bit nervous. As he expected, his chat started going crazy.
He bit his lip and looked away from the camera, feeling himself flush red. He tucked his hands between his knees before speaking, “Well, I was thinking I might just use my hands today.” He squirmed in his place, feeling himself go hot all over as his chat responded excitedly, donations calling for him to use his hands and making requests of what exactly they wanted him to do with his hands rolling through. “But I don’t want to disappoint you guys,” he let a little bit of his accent shine through, knowing how often the slight Southern twang to his voice drove chat wild. Something about “innocent southern twinks.” Though he definitely didn’t consider himself to be a twink, if that was what chat wanted to call him then he would let them. 
He gave the camera a quick bat of his lashes as his hands began to run up and down his thighs, slowly exposing more and more of his skin as the fabric pressed up. “What do you guys want?” As expected, his chat responded enthusiastically in favor of him using his hands and his hands only for the stream. At their agreement, he gave the camera a beaming smile, “You guys are so good to me!” He gave a tall stretch, feeling his shirt ride up just enough for him to flash the camera, as he expected, chat was calling him a tease within only a few seconds of the action. 
“What?” he tilted his head at the camera, “What did I do? I was just stretching so I’d be ready for you guys.” With that, he began sliding a hand up his thigh, carefully avoiding his dick, before sliding the hand slowly up his chest to begin playing with one of his nipples. He gave a short sigh, tilting his head back while biting at his bottom lip. It was all a part of the show, but one that he took pleasure in. Though he couldn’t see his chat, the sound of donations increasing told him that they were quite happy with the move he’d made. Like this, he was still providing a bit of a tease with the shirt covering what his hand was doing, but his chat could see his hardening cock clearly. 
After several moments he brought his head forward again, his low eyes scanning over his chat as he brought his other hand under his shirt to begin playing with his other nipple. He waited patiently, giving only slightly dramatized gasps as he touched himself. He knew if he waited long enough, if he teased long enough, someone in his chat would break. Sure enough and moments later someone had donated the $100 dollars for a request that he take the shirt off. He gave the camera a quick pout, but didn’t make them wait any longer before he slowly stripped the shirt off, leaving him naked. 
He kept one of his hands flicking at his nipples, but he slowly lowered the other to press against his cock, pulling a low moan from his lips. He pulled his hand back with a quick look up at the camera before taking in a desperate breath and asking, “Can I touch myself?” He bit his lip as he flicked at his nipple again, letting his eyes close just briefly before adding in a whine, “Please?”
He held for several moments, keeping his face pleading as he gasped shamelessly for the camera with every tweak of his nipple. His chat was responding overwhelmingly positively, several donations rolling through begging for him to finally start touching himself properly. He was just as eager as his chat so, though he certainly could have drawn it out longer, he was quick to collapse back against his pile of pillows, propping himself up into a sitting position against them as he called out, “You guys are so sweet to me, so sweet.” 
He grabbed the bottle of lube from the pillow next to him, quickly opening it and pouring just a bit too much into his hand for simply touching himself. He knew how wild it drove stream when he had the slick substance practically dripping from him. He was quick to hold his hand out above his cock, tilting it to the side and letting some of the substance fall down onto his length. He gave a startled groan when the still-cold substance hit his heated arousal. His hips gave a brief jerk, but he was quick to follow the substance up with a hand wrapped around himself firmly. 
He tossed his head back with a whine before once again directing his attention to the camera in front of him and his chat continuously scrolling by. Slowly he started to stroke himself, tightening his grip on his cock every time he neared the base before loosening it as he reached the top. He kept his pace slow and steady, breathless moans and whines pulled from his throat at every second. Occasionally he would run his thumb over the tip of his cock, fingering his slit in a move that would have his hips jerking up and his legs shaking. 
He could feel pleasure pooling in his gut, the praise from his chat only added to the sensation of his hand slowly working him to his finish. He spread his legs out further, giving the camera a good look at him as he moaned and gasped obscenely at the sensations of his hand against his cock. Eventually, he brought his hand away from his nipples and down to his cock as well. He gave himself a quick stroke with both of his hands before lowering it further to fondle at his balls and occasionally sneak lower to tease at his hole. 
He was teasing his chat again, just circling the rim of himself as he jerked himself off. Occasionally he would let one of his fingers just tease into his hole, but he would be quick to arch his back and give a desperate moan afterward, raking his hand back up his thighs to play with his balls again instead. Of course, he would eventually fuck himself with his fingers, but he intended to make himself come from just a hand on his cock first. After that, he would make his chat beg for him to have another with his fingers. At least that had been the plan. 
Even his best-laid plan couldn’t have prepared him for the donation that he spotted flashing across his screen with a request under it. He froze in his spot when he saw it, his hand going still on his cock as he just stared with pure shock. Even his chat seemed absolutely stunned, the feed slowing for several moments before picking up quickly again with praise for whoever had donated. 
SudsNSkulls has donated $1,500: If you don’t fuck yourself with your fingers for the love of God
Then a few seconds later…
SudsNSkulls has donated $500: Sorry that came off as mean, please fuck yourself with your fingers we are desperate
Roach just stared at the screen, several different emotions crossing him at once. He’d never had someone donate so much at once on one of his streams, and certainly not back to back like that. The fact that it had been back-to-back donations told him that the large amount certainly wasn’t an accident. He’d never seen this donator before but, based on the messages, there were at least two people watching from the account. Two people who had just donated a shit ton of money. Their messages almost made him want to laugh with the nervous nature of them, but he couldn’t laugh. Not when these people had just donated 2,000 dollars to watch him fuck himself. 
After a long hesitant moment with lots of messages coming through of “I think they broke him,” “He looks so confused fuck that's adorable,” and “Doubt he’ll actually listen to the request. You just wasted 2k,” he finally moved. He removed his hand from his cock, still feeling the slick of lube on his palm, and reached out to grab the bottle of lube again. He grew more confident as he moved, he could freak out over the fact that they’d just donated so much after the stream, but for now, he would make sure they got their 2k worth. If that meant skipping ahead a little, so be it. 
He popped the cap on the lube and poured another decent amount onto his fingers. He tossed the bottle back to his bed before warming the substance up in his hand, he could do cold for the first part, but not this part. Once he was comfortable with the temperature and chat was starting to get impatient again, he slowly lowered his slick fingers down toward his hole, making sure that his legs were spread wide enough that the camera could see everything. 
At first, he just did what he had been doing previously, rubbing his fingers along his rim teasingly, occasionally poking one finger inside of himself to tease. By the time he actually pushed a finger fully inside, he was a panting mess, his chest falling up and down rapidly from the stimulation and the precious pleasure of the earlier friction on his cock. He worked his finger in and out of himself for several moments, pressing against his tight walls carefully to loosen himself up just a bit. 
The slow drag of just his one finger wasn’t enough and soon he was adding a second and working inside of himself carefully. He arched his back slightly at the feeling, moving his fingers in a scissoring motion to stretch himself out for the camera. He brought his free hand back up to his nipples, little moans escaping his mouth as pleasure shocked up his spine. Slowly he started to increase the speed with his fingers, building himself back up to that edge. He could wring multiple orgasms from himself in more than one way. 
As he brought himself closer and closer to the edge, curling his fingers inside of himself, he made sure to fix his gaze on the camera. His mouth was hooked open as noises escaped him with every move. He added a third finger to himself suddenly, giving a high keen at the stretch and jerking his hips into the movement, his cock weeping between his legs. He knew himself and he knew that he was going to need stimulation to his cock before he would cum, but he drug it out, fucking himself quickly with his fingers while whining and whimpering. 
He brought himself just to the edge, squirming at the too-much and not-enough pressure of his fingers. He kept himself there for several moments, his voice desperate and his chat going absolutely wild at the display. Another donation came through.
SudsNSkulls has donated $500: Do you need permission to cum sweet boy?
And Oh. Roach certainly didn’t expect the moan that was pulled from his throat at the question, but fuck, if that wasn’t doing it for him. He did so like it when others took charge and he could see his chat going wild with the question. Really it was because of his chat that he nodded along to it. It definitely wasn’t because of the arousal that had flooded his system.
That certainly wasn’t why he tossed his head back and whimpered out, “Yes, yes, oh fuck, yes! Please, please, please let me cum! Oh, fuck-”
He brought his eyes back to his chat as he continued pounding himself with his fingers, his legs spasming with every thrust of his fingers. He hadn’t really meant for another donation to come through, though he certainly should have known based on their previous donations. 
SudsNSkulls has donated $500: Go on then, cum for us
Roach let out another high whine but immediately moved his hands from his nipples and down to his aching cock. It only took a few pleasurable quick strokes to himself before his hips were stuttering and pleasure was piling over him in waves. He continued stroking himself through the feeling and working his fingers inside of himself. 
Even as his own cum dripped down his hand and chest, he kept working himself. He gave several loud moans as sweet overstimulation wracked his system. It was so unbelievably good, he was having a hard time paying attention to chat. He even almost missed another donation.
SudsNSkulls has donated $250: Going again? Dirty boy
He gave another long moan at those words, his face going red as he found himself nearing his end all too quickly once again. It surprised him to find himself nearing his end once again, never-ending waves of pleasure washing over him with every stroke of his cock and every thrust of his fingers inside of himself. 
“Fuck,” he whined out, “Oh fuck, please, God so,” he gasped as he ran his thumb over the head of his cock, his hips jerking wildly up into the movement, “so fucking good!” He curled his fingers inside of himself, tugging and hooking himself open for only a moment so the camera could see, his fingers moved back to quickly stroking along the inside of him, forcing needy whines from him. Another donation came through.
SudsNSkulls has donated $500: Such a good boy for us, aren’t you? Cum again for us
Roach gave a loud moan and his back arched off the bed as another orgasm was ripped from his body. 
Roach took several moments to come down from his high. He slowly moved his hands away from himself, giving a low whine at the empty feeling that came from pulling his fingers out of his clenching hole. He just laid on his bed for several moments, taking deep calming breaths as all of his faculties returned to him. That low buzz that had been under his skin was finally gone and now he felt bone tired. He still had a stream to do though. He started to push himself to tiredly sit up fully, ready to grab his bottle of water and the rag he’d set out for himself. Another donation came through. 
SudsNSkulls has donated $300: God you’re gorgeous
Despite the fact that these two random people had just instructed him to fuck himself and cum twice, the words felt somehow intimate. Like whoever they were, they meant them. It made his face glow a bright red and he was quick to dart off camera, taking several calming breaths as he wiped himself down and put back on his shirt from earlier. He grabbed his bottle of water and gave himself an extra moment before shyly climbing back onto the bed to fix the camera with an almost embarrassed smile. 
“I um,” he ran a hand over the back of his neck, “I hope that was okay for everyone.” As expected, his demure little attitude had chat losing their minds, constant praise scrolling over the screen. He slowly let himself lean back against the pillows then, taking little sips from his water bottle. Now was the part of the stream where he would just talk with his chat for a bit. He’d learned fairly quickly that sticking around to have a conversation with his chat fostered an environment where his viewers could feel closer to him. There was something he had to do first. “Um, also before I forget,” he flushed red, and this time his shy energy was real, “SudsNSkulls, thank you guys for all of the donations, though,” he tugged at his shirt nervously, “You guys certainly don’t have to donate so much. It’s only one hundred for a request and fifty for a regular message.” He tucked his knee’s up to his chest and gave a smile to the camera, “I really don’t need so much money.”
He moved to talking with his chat then, answering random questions that they gave him and telling simple stories about his day. It was as he was chatting about his plans for the next day's regular stream that another final donation came in from his new mysterious viewer.
SudsNSkulls has donated $200: What if we enjoy donating so much money to you? What if we’re trying to spoil you? If it keeps your attention on us, it’s worth it. 
Roach had gone delightfully red once again.
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“And that's yet another carried victory for one Paul Jackson,” Roach teased his friend, watching with a grin as the animation of their characters loading onto the plane played through. 
“Fuck you!” Jackson called playfully. Roach couldn’t help but laugh when, a moment later, the game labeled his character as the “survivor” of their group. “And fuck this game too!” 
“I just want to know how it's possible that you died to a guy with a starter pistol in circle four,” Logan joined in on his teasing quickly, poking fun at their mutual friend who had died a total of four times over the course of the entire match. A donation came through.
probablylikesixducks has donated $10: Jackson has a specialty guys, it’s not his fault that it happens to be dying
Roach couldn’t help but snort at the message, covering his face for several moments to laugh before reading it out to Jackson and Logan. “Hey!” Jackson called with a gasp, “Who sent that? I’m finding you and I’m blocking you on everything, I don’t care.”
“Don’t be mean to my chat, dude.”
“Me? Mean to your chat??” Jackson yelped, “I’m being actively bullied but apparently I’m the mean one?” 
“Yes,” both Roach and Logan responded at the same time, sending them both into a fit of laughter as Jackson called out how much he hated them both, though they all knew it wasn’t the truth. 
After finally getting control of his laughter again, Roach began to quickly look over and change his weapons specifics before clicking to launch them into another match. He turned his attention to his chat as they searched for a match, giving himself a few moments to just speak with his viewers. “Do I have a favorite operator?” Roach shrugged, “I like uh, the one with the mask is pretty cool, his voice is just…incredible. But like he’s tied with the Scottish one because the Scottish one is handsome and his voice is just as good in my opinion.” He turned back to his screen briefly with an embarrassed chuckle, “That’s why I swap between them, I can’t choose just one. If I could play both of them at once, I would.”
“If Roach could take both of them at once he would too.” Jackson started with a teasing lilt, “And I don’t mean in a fight.” Roach could feel his face heating up, but he only gave a nervous laugh at the man’s teasing words before continuing to look over chat. 
missiridescent has donated $10: Okay, can we talk about the dono from yesterday's stream? Moneybags much?
“Thank you for the $10 missiridescent,” he felt himself blush red at the reminder of the mystery donator from the previous stream. They hadn’t sent anything else after the one donation that had practically made him malfunction while live. He had hardly been able to speak properly during the last part of his stream and, when he’d finally signed off and called Jackson, all his friend could do was laugh at him. Even now he could hear Jackson snickering in his ear. “Yeah, they were super generous,” he gave the camera a smile, “We get lots of one-time donators on the spicy stream though, so it’s not likely we’ll see too much more of them. I doubt they’ll stick around long enough for us to justify talking about them too much.”
“How much did they donate,” Logan asked carefully, “You know I’ve got a hot boyfriend of my own so I can’t watch my friend fuck himself like Jackson can.” 
Roach gave a laugh, “Yeah, cause you’re fucking your dad’s best friend.”
“Co-worker,” Logan corrected quickly, his voice high, “And he’s like way younger than my dad, okay!”
“Not judging,” Roach held his hands up carefully, “No one’s boyfriend can be as bad as Allen’s.”
“Russian creep,” Jackson agreed quickly. “One of these days he’ll break up with him for good and we’ll never have to see the fucker again.”
Roach snorted, “Yeah, well, they’ll probably elope before that happens.” He shook his head before finally answering Logan, “In total, it was like over 4k that they donated over the course of the stream.” 
Logan let out a low whistle, “They must have really liked you then.”
Roach squirmed in his seat for a moment, guilt creeping up his spine, “I guess,” he ran a hand along his desk nervously, “It just makes me nervous when people donate so much. Like, what if they can’t afford it? What if they didn’t mean to donate all of that? What if they were drunk or something?” He gave a deep sigh, tugging at his shirt as he did. 
“You can’t control that stuff,” Logan commented easily, “If they fucked up, they fucked up. That’s their deal, not yours.” 
“Gotta agree with Logan on this one,” Jackson spoke quickly, “That’s their thing to deal with if they did that.”
Roach looked nervously at his chat to see that most of his chat was agreeing with what his friends were saying. It still didn’t make him fully relax, but it did help him to focus as another game began in front of him. He just needed to take his mind off of what happened and get himself back on track. 
“Oh shit,” Roach watched Jackson’s character go down in front of him, a sniper in another building delivering two quick shots to his friend’s character and sending him to the gulag. 
“Try to win this Gulag,” Roach teased with a laugh, “Logan and I don’t have the money to bring you back right now.”
“You think I won’t- oh.”
“You lost didn’t you?”
Roach shook his head, a fond smile on his face as his character poked out of the building that he was in fairly quickly, allowing him to spot the sniper's scope. He pulled his own sniper out, preparing himself to pull a rather risky quick scope move. He was fairly good at these types of things though, and most of the time it ended with him winning. 
Just as he started to move his character out, a donation came through. He glanced at it for only a moment before doing a double take, his eyes wide as he stared at the number that flashed across his chat screen. Chat was going crazy, and even as his character was easily killed on the screen in front of him, Roach felt frozen in place, his mouth dropped open in shock. 
SudsNSkulls has donated $4,000: We can afford it and we definitely meant to donate that much. Here is this just to prove it. Trust us, we’ll be here from here on out. 
Roach continued staring frozen at the donation, his face going bright red as his character was also easily killed in the gulag behind him. He felt like he was going to melt into his seat, heat prickling the back of his neck. Another donation came through.
SudsNSkulls has donated $500: God, you’re adorable
Roach ended his stream in a panic.
147 notes · View notes
mistresswriter19 · 4 months
His Prize Possession
Striker X Oc ( Requested By @scarlattobrightstar )
Author's Note: This is a very long delayed request I am so sorry about this one taking forever but I hope you enjoy. I'll definitely try not to keep others waiting like this. Really appreciate the support ^^
Mistresswriter19 X
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Ellie eyes flutter with a blur using her claw to rub so she can see clearly she looks up
Ellie: Uhh I need a boyfriend…
Getting out of bed, Ellie went skip breakfast, taking a shower, putting her lovely dress on and tira with her dark green fluffy coat around her elegant Cinderella color blue dress top along with her white skirt that sparkles as she twirls with glee then opens the door heading out of the royal area because she was in a mood for a hotdog but of course if she says it in her area they would laugh and mock. Ellie had to go a different route: the area where the best hot dogs were was in " Not Mafia Town". She knew it was the worst idea to go alone so she called Blitzo to help her out.
Blitzo: Hey girl! How's it going didn't get any cock yet?
Ellie: Uhhh no…. I just wanted a hot dog and I knew going by myself would be dangerous.
Blitzo: Well you came to the right bodyguard girl I can grant ya full protection like this rifle, pistol, handgun, arrow, chainsaw, needles, and silencer really does work smoothly.
Ellie: I think I'll be happy whatever doesn't get me shot.
Blitzo: I got ya back babe~
The two imps enter "Not Mafia Town" one of the most dangerous places to enter in the ring of wrath. Everywhere you would go someone would be either shot, building would be burn into flames, deadly car chases, and torture. It made Ellie's skin crawl as Blitzo would cuss out a storm or shoot anyone that got near him or Ellie. For that Ellie kind of questioned Blitzo and his weird ways but she was grateful to trust him as a friend. Finally a nearby hotdog stand.
Blitzo: You think you can add cheese and hot sauce on that dog Senior ~
Hot Dog Imp: Sure I guess gonna cost ya more
Blitzo: Fuck it lay it on me
Ellie: One hotdog with extra mustard please
Blitzo: Are you fucking kidding me!?
Ellie look back to see a gang of sharks shooting there guns as one of them grabbed Ellie by the waist taking her in the car using rope and ducktape. Blitzo was fighting and shooting more of the Mafia sharks as he turns back to see Ellie kidnapped
Blitzo: ELLIE!!!!!! ( CLANK)
Crimson: That's for fucking shooting most of my men prick!
The head boss of the Mafia known as Moxie's father used a loaded gun to knock Blitzo out as he was dragged but in a sack being taken away like Ellie. In the car a good looking around as she sees a very attractive imp that wasn't like any others in the car who was looking the other side but Ellie kept her gaze on him he then look back as she turned away fast with her face turning into pink which made this rattlesnake imp chuckle. Ellie was already drawn to him but it seems strange how a cowboy like him can be involved with the Mafia gang.
Crimson: Alright cowboy show me what you got!
Striker: First of all I'm kinda rusty haven't kidnapped anyone for a while so this bastsrd I had to fucking deal with from the harvest moon festival and my lair of the ring of wrath!
Striker: And this pretty little thing is a royal which I despise but I think I wanna keep her for a while. She sparks my interest ( Place his claw caressed her neck)
Crimson: Good start cowboy, need more fuckers like you around come with me to the officer we have some discussing to do
Striker: Right boss, I'll be back with you later princess ~
Ellie: Uhhh…
In the office Crimson discuss the situation between why he wanted a royal because most of the royals are powerful compared to the mafia industry so what Crimson wants vengeance and goes out selecting a royal to experimented with no mercy this is when he calls on Striker and cowboy rattlesnake who would kill a royal in a heartbeat. However the Mafia crew is going to have a get together party once the party is finished at midnight Striker must exterminate the royal.
Striker: Some of your ways when it comes to dealing with royals makes me sick to my stomach
Crimson: I get my profit those bitches and fuckers stole millions from my industry and I want all of them to pay even for ones who don't know who the fuck I am
Striker: I always hated royals from all my years. I see some cry, some beg and some fight which makes me lose my temper to do the bidding and get paid .
Crimson: And this is why you're one of my most valuable clients who's a cowboy~
Striker: I'll kill the royal at midnight
Crimson: Good choice you can do whatever you want with her but when midnight comes it's off with her head.
Striker: Yes boss…
In the distance Ellie can hear Blitzo cursing once again a storm using anything to break but he keeps getting zapped causing him to knock out. Ellie was shaken and felt like a caged animal looking around seeing powerful shark gangsters with their guns, cigarettes, playing pool and drinking and talking as Ellie couldn't help but cry as she remembered she never liked being alone. She tried to calm herself down as she healed and exhaled while curled up in a ball. Suddenly Ellie hears the cage open and she looks up to see the cowboy that held her captive earlier in the car.
Striker: I brought you something to eat and some water. You're going to need it
Ellie didn't know what to do either if she should trust this rattlesnake imp or not but she had no choice maybe she can gain his trust. Ellie grabbed the water bottle off his claw and had the food he brought for her. She finished her white gloved hands tugged on her dress.
Striker: Please stop crying it makes my job harder…
Ellie: Why are you doing this?
Striker: Princess you do not want to interfere with someone like me.
Ellie: I can see in your eyes that you hate it… I just know
Striker: We had to make sacrifices and for me I made a ton didn't get me anymore but it get me some drinks or something to eat once in a wild I just can't think just do the thing.
Ellie: What if you don't want to
Striker: Have to suck it out like I always done
Ellie: You were flirty with me earlier but seems like you hate me to guts
Striker: It's just for show but truth be told you are a beautiful princess I laid my eyes on. I can't get attached to you
Ellie: What if you change, leave here and have a better life without the Mafia? They play really dirty and they're going after the royals like me.
Striker: There's nothing you can change princess about me
Ellie: I understand you just let me
Striker: NO!
Ellie try not to show fear when Striker tugged on her white glove hand. Ellie just stood still with the tears down her eyes Striker kept yelling at her to stop that because he will lose it. Ellie turned away but she felt her lips place into Striker's who gracefully kissed her full of passion. He laid her down as Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck. The bodied were close to each other Striker knows what he's doing is wrong especially to the royals. Ellie then also hugged him in between there passionate kiss. Striker let's her go but Ellie didn't want him to leave her.
Striker: I'll be back for you Ellie
Ellie: H…H…how did you know my name?
Striker: I know alot of royals but you the good ones.
Placing his finger around her face to hold Ellie's tear he gives her another kiss and he closes the cage and hops down to join Crimson. Ellie placed her gloved hand on her cheek still feeling warmth from Striker's touch.
Ellie: Striker…
In the party, the Mafia gang was using Blitzo as a pintia. Making Crimson laugh off a storm as Blitzo pretends to enjoys himself since he always gets into situations like this. However for some reason he's suppose to be torture but the Mafia gang seem to like him especially how he made drinks and this made Crimson piss more since he knows Blitzo is his son's boss he can be crazy but he's there for his crew. Something that Crimson never did for Moxxie as a father figure. Striker comes in drinking bottles of whiskey when he see Blitzo his blood boiled .
Blitzo: So came to talk dirty sex me
Striker: What the fuck are you saying?
Blitzo: ( Hiccups) I meant to say "saaaaaay you came to talk dirty about my suit.
Striker: I'm not gonna either bother
Blitzo: Alright fuck you then but listen cowboy your on my one night stand list!
Striker rolled his eyes he dropped his glass when he say the clock struck midnight with Crimson lighting a cigar and he went up to Striker.
Crimson: It's time cowboy go get the princess.
Striker sighs as he goes back to the wearhouse where he stares at the captive Princess for a long time she was singing and Striker thought it was beautiful. He felt like she was a true Cinderella or Belle. Striker opens the cage as Ellie looks back frighten which crushed Striker's heart.
Ellie: NO….NOOO NOOO AAHHH!!!! ( Covers mouth )
Striker: Just follow my lead darling. Your not going to die.
Ellie look back at him as she nods her head Striker then ties her with rope around her arms carrying her like a princess going up to Crimson and the Mafia Gang as they watched Striker carrying Ellie in his arms.
Striker: She wouldn't stop squirming so I held her to calm her down but doesn't know that she'll die.
Crimson: What a devious way of making her think. I love it!
Striker gives Ellie to Crimson as she's placed on a old beat up mattress. He takes the rope out of her arms and replaced it with rusty chains that go on bed post. Crimson lifted up Ellie's dress and threw her green fluffy coat aside she knew what was going to happen and wanted to scream but can she trust Striker.
Crimson: Since you been good with capturing many royals I decide this you can fuck her then kill her
Striker: My pleasure Crimson.
Crimson: If the bitch gives you any problems just shoot her.
Striker attends to walks to Ellie as she tugged on the rusty chains which lead to nothing her legs attend to shake. Striker's body went up against hers as she gasps he then kisses her with passion as she does the same with him behind his back Striker pulls out his pistol to shoot a Mafia shark down.
The Mafia sharks drawn there weapons and start to shoot. Striker shoot in between while protecting Ellie in his arms. Then out of nowhere Blitzo breaks free as he starts to fight and shoot up a rampage while chugging down leftover booze at the same time. Striker then breaks the rusty chains with his kicks and grabs Ellie managing to escape.
Ellie: What about Blitzo
Striker: Ehh I was going to kill him but maybe another time.
Ellie: Blitzo is my friend
Striker: Princess your making it really hard for me but I can't stand you being sad and not wanted.
Ellie: I'm no longer sad Striker, because I have you.
Blitzo had explosive as he plans to burn the place as he jumped out of the window as Striker dives down running from the flame as Ellie holds onto him, never letting go. They made it as they both panted as he then goes to bombproof pulling out his poncho wrapping it around Ellie to keep her warm and showing a way of comfort.
Striker: It will keep you warm
Ellie: Thank you
Striker: Your my prize possession Ellie
Ellie looked back and couldn't help but cry but this time she smiled and embraced her body close to Striker to two of them once again kissing showing their love and connection together. The two ride on Striker's horse as Ellie fell asleep into Striker's arm he rubbed her soft smooth magenta purple shade hair as they made it to the royal where Striker holds Ellie in place carrying her upstairs and putting her back to bed. He looks back at the sky where the colors purple and green form reminded of himself and Ellie. He attends to get up but Ellie tugged on his coat
Ellie: Please stay…
Striker: I'll stay for you my princess.
The two laid in bed together cuddling under the sheets slowly falling asleep together what a day it was almost being killed and shot but Striker knows for him he has to face it however someone like Ellie he didn't want her to face that danger side of anywhere she would go.
Striker: Blitzo made it because I like you so much your lucky I spared him .
Ellie turns to see a photo Blitzo posted on his Sinstagram he in the hospital with his crew and daughter with get well flowers and cheese and hot sauce on the table
Ellie giggle and was glad that her friend Blitzo was alive she then heard her stomach growl she forgot to eat anything.
Striker got out of bed to step out as Ellie lay there exhausted to do anything. She was happy to have someone like Striker she'll definitely help him change and be more loving and understanding Ellie has a good sense of that because compare to anyone in the royals she was always a devoted and kind princess. Striker return as be gives the bag to Ellie her eyes sparkle when she saw it was a hot dog with extra mustard that's all she ever wanted but maybe it was good because sure she got kidnapped but she finally went home with a cowboy who doesn't seen not so bad after all.
Ellie: Thank you Striker for everything
Striker: Don't need to thank me Ellie your life means more anything to me
Ellie: Your life matters too
Striker: I'll be by your side
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whatsnewalycat · 2 years
Just Dumb Enough to Try
Chapter 24: A Walk Through Hell
Word Count: 4k+
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Tags / CW: swearing, cheating/infidelity, domestic abuse, smoking, kidnapping, pregnancy, tension, big sad, revenge porn, men having feeeeelings i love it, return of claudia
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Chapter Summary: Javi gets new leads in the search for our hero.
Notes: Chapter title from "A Walk Through Hell" by Say Anything. Posting now instead of 10/10 because I was a good girl and finished my homework before leaving for the weekend. Yeeehaw! Thank you for reading, as always, I appreciate you greatly.
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Peña Ranch, Laredo, TX July 30, 1998
Javi’s headlights cut through the inky black nighttime sky, revealing Greg’s pickup truck parked in the driveway. His heart skips a beat. He parks next to it, then grabs the heavy plastic bag from the passenger’s seat as he exits the vehicle, taking long strides up to his childhood home.
While reaching to open the front door, he notices his hands are shaking. Maybe due to the prospect of new leads. Or maybe just because he hasn’t been able to eat a thing all day.
When he emerged from the conference room behind Detective Anderson earlier today, his aunt was waiting next to Ricardo with enough food to feed an army. Javi promised her that he would eat, but hasn’t been able to touch it.
“Greg,” Javi nods his head in greeting to the corn-fed country boy realtor standing in his kitchen, the sets the plastic bag on the counter in front of his dad, “Courtesy of tía Ana.”
Chucho starts unpacking the mismatched storage containers and eyes Javi, “Have you eaten anything today?”
Javi ignores the question and leans onto the kitchen counter facing Greg, “You find anything?”
Greg flashes Javi a brilliant white smile and hands him a thick packet of paper.
“Quite a few, huh?” Javi mumbles as he thumbs through the pages.
“I was able to get ahold of all the realtors in the tri-county area. They faxed me their empty properties, too,” Greg beams, then shifts his weight to one foot, grimacing now, “I feel awfully bad for what’s happening. Never thought Dan would do something like this. You think you know a guy, huh?”
Javi grunts and nods slowly in response, not taking his eyes off the pages he’s flipping through, “When’s the last time you talked to him?”
“Shoot, let me think here,” Greg clears his throat, then scrunches his face up as he tucks his thumbs into the belt loops of his pants, framing his shiny gold longhorn belt buckle, “Reckon I called him on Sunday to see if he wanted to shoot some pool, but he was busy.”
“You doing anything tonight or do you wanna check some of these out?” Javi looks up to meet his old friend’s sympathetic brown eyes.
Javi shrugs.
Greg shrugs, too, and shakes his keys out of his pocket, “Head ‘em up, move ‘em out.”
Javi snuffs out a cigarette in the truck’s ashtray, checks to make sure his gun is loaded, then shoves the pistol in his waistband of his jeans.
Greg releases an exasperated sigh, staring through the windshield at the empty house only illuminated by moonlight, “I’ll let you in but I’m not lurkin’ around in the dark with a gun.”
Javi hums in acknowledgment and hops out of the cab, clicking on a flashlight. Greg does the same. The beams bounce around as they approach the ominous white stucco house. On the drive here, Greg advised that he’s having a hell of a time selling this property. The house is old and run-down, right off of a desolate county road.
The night is silent aside from the crunching of gravel beneath their boots and the chorus of crickets hiding in the grass. Once they reach the house’s walkway, the footfalls become more solid, then stop as they reach the front door. Greg’s calloused hand holds the lockbox steady as he punches in the code and retrieves the key.
“Have at it, hoss,” Greg mutters as he opens the door, letting Javi pass while he hangs back outside. Javi holds his flashlight in one hand, pistol locked and loaded in the other. He goes room-by-room and, much to his disappointment, finds nothing.
“Clear,” he tells Greg when he emerges from the house, “Any outbuildings?”
Greg nods and points his flashlight at a shed, then starts towards it. Javi walks beside him. A rustling echoes from inside the structutre, stopping them both dead in their tracks. Greg shakes his head and steps back, “That’s all you.”
Javi sighs and approaches the corroded aluminum shed. It’s probably not you, but if he didn’t check, he’d spend every moment from now until he finds you wondering. Something inside topples over, clanging against a wall before it settles in silence. He creeps closer, bass drum heartbeat in his chest thumping in his ears, then stops when he reaches the door.
It’s so fucking creepy out here.
Javi takes a deep breath in, out, then before he can think twice, he wedges the toe of his boot into a crack at the seam of the door, then forces it open. The wheels are off track and groan in protest, spurring something to skitter into a corner. He focuses the flashlight on two small, cloudy, red circles: eyes reflecting the flashlight. It hisses and tries to crawl up the wall frantically, claws scraping against the aluminum in a grating high-pitch.
His shoulders relax and he exhales in relief, or disappointment, he’s not quite sure, “Possum.”
En route to the next property on the list, Javier is completely submerged in what-ifs and worst case scenarios, chain smoking as if the carcinogens are sweepstakes submissions to reveal your location.
He finds himself thinking of all the little moments he had with you. How you feel in his arms, face buried in your hair. Lavender. When you’re wrapped up in each other, lost in time and space, and your fingertips dance on his skin. The cute way you clap your hands when you’re excited. Your nose scrunching as you concentrate on sketching something.
How you’re a bundle of contradictions wrapped up into one beautiful bouquet of a person. Bubbly and guarded. Optimistic and morose. Sweet and fierce. Fragile and resilient. You captivate him. Make him want to be a better man.
Greg breaks the quiet and frees Javi from the thoughts anchoring his guts to the floor of the moving vehicle, “Hey, man, I just… wanted to tell you that I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Javi arches a brow and presses the pads of his fingers to his lips.
“I didn’t know about the things he did. And… I should have known, you know, things ain’t right between them. I could see it. Way he talked to her and treated her, she always looked so damn sad,” Greg scratches the stubble on his throat and looks over to Javi, “But I ignored it because he’s my friend. Hell, I’m- or, uh, was gonna be- the best man in their wedding. Had a speech written ‘bout how perfect they were together ‘n’ how I hope to find a love like theirs. But it was bullshit.”
Javi turns his gaze out the window. An awkward silence settles.
Greg clears his throat, “So you two are pretty good friends, I take it?”
Javi grunts but doesn’t say anything, annoyed that Greg is pussyfooting around what he wants to ask.
“Last few times I saw her… she wasn’t, you know… she seemed better. Happy, mostly. Since the two of you started hangin’ around together,” Greg glances over at Javi, who keeps his fingers pressed to his lips, listening and watching the dark Texas landscape whiz past them.
Greg continues, “We’ve been friends since we were kids, Javi. Haven’t always been the closest, but I’ve known you through all kinds of seasons,” he pauses for a beat, then continues, “After Columbia, it kinda seemed like… all the light left you.”
“What’s your point?” Javi scoffs as he pulls a cigarette out of the red and white pack on the dashboard, then lights it.
Greg shakes his head and chuckles to himself, “Point is, I’m not blind. I know there’s something going on with you two. But… I- I think it’s good. Dumbernhell, but you’re both happier than I ever seen you,” he clears his throat and glances over again, “And, uhh… We’re- we’re gonna find her. I know it.”
The words reverberate down to Javier's aching gut. He swallows the lump in his throat and glances at Greg, “Thank you.”
They clear seven properties. Each empty home, shed, and/or barn makes the pit in his stomach double in size. Chucho is getting up for the day when Javi’s head hits the pillow. He’s not sure if he falls asleep as much as he passes out, losing consciousness for just 4 hours before the sound of his own hoarse wailing wakes him up in a cold sweat.
Javier sits up in bed, chest heaving, running his hands through his hair. There’s a beehive buzzing in his lungs. In his bones. He jumps up onto the floor and starts pacing. Can’t breathe. The clothes he fell asleep in (the clothes he’s been wearing for two days) feel too tight on his skin, and he starts to tear them off his body until he’s naked.
You were there in his dreams. In the dark. Bound, gagged, swollen, bloodied. Red hot friction burns twisted around your skin. You cried as the rope cut into barely-formed scabs. The heat was stifling in the tiny room. Dark blue morning light seeped in under the crack of the door. The door. A creak outside the door. Walls. All of them close, right next to you.
It’s a closet.
Javi could hear you in his head. You couldn’t have possibly been talking with the dingy rag stuffed in your mouth, but he could hear you and you said, “he’s here please wake up he’s here.”
He cried out, “I hear you, cariño.”
A creak. Wriggling and fighting against the rope that bound you to no avail. Panic-stricken eyes. Unblinking as they watched the door. Your face swollen and your hair stuck to the rust brown blood caked on your cheek.
Another creak. A shadow in the light under the closet door. You clamped your eyes shut. Screaming. He could hear your bloodcurdling screams as you form the words in your head, “don’t want to see don’t want to see don’t want-“
Javier takes two wide strides to the notebook open on his desk and turns the page, grabbing the pen beside it to start writing. Just needs to get the thoughts out of his head, get them on a paper so they will stop spinning, making him dizzy. He freezes before the pen hits paper.
You must have drawn it when you were here just a few days ago. It feels like a lifetime ago. It’s a cartoon of the you and him, holding hands, smiling, framed by at least two dozen little scribbled hearts. The illustration hits him like a brick to the head. His vision fogs. The dull ache he'd become familiar with in the last 24-hours is suddenly so poignant he can't ignore it any longer. He doubles over.
Is this heartbreak?
A sob rips from his throat, fully demolishing the carefully constructed dam that has held tears back during this whole hellish ordeal. Tears overflow from his eyes and spill onto his cheeks. He allows them to flow freely as he flips the page again, and he writes you a letter he hopes he can actually give you some day.
There’s a gentle knock on his bedroom door. He croaks out, “Hang on,” then wipes his eyes and rummages around for some clean clothes to dress himself. When he swings the door open, still tugging a gray polo shirt over his head, Chucho is standing there, waiting patiently. Javier tries to mask the pain as he thrums his fingers against the wooden doorframe and says, “Yeah?”
“You ok?” Chucho asks, searching Javi’s face, met with the same vacant, puffy eyes he hasn’t seen on his son in months.
Javi clenches his jaw and breaks eye contact, looking down to the ground as he tries to figure out how to answer. He takes a deep breath and sighs, then shakes his head, “We didn’t find anything last night. Anderson gave me an address book they found in her car, asked me to contact her friends and family to notify them. I was hoping…”
His voice breaks. It seems so foolish.
I was hoping we would find her before it became necessary to contact friends and family. Once I contact them, this becomes real. My fucking nightmare.
Chucho nods, understanding what Javi can’t bring himself to say out loud, then ushers him in for a hug. Javier accepts the physical contact, reluctantly at first. But once his dad’s arms are squeezing him tight, he realizes he needed it. He returns the hug and takes a deep, shaky breath. Chucho pulls back and tells him, “Coffee’s on. And let me make you some breakfast before you start calling. You need to eat.”
“Sure,” Javi mutters, then follows his dad out to the kitchen.
Three cups of black coffee and two plates of eggs and bacon later, he’s leaning on the kitchen counter, thumbing through your little black address book. You must have had this thing for at least a decade. The pages are tattered and stained, entries edited and re-edited and re-re-edited. Some entries blacked out, stricken from your life for reasons unknown to him. He finds himself wondering where you were when you made each pen stroke, how you were feeling, what your relationship is to all of these people now.
Most of them he hasn’t heard you mention, some with the same last name as you. He chuckles when he flips past Michelle. A smile spreads across his face when he finds his name, scrawled in his chicken scratch handwriting. You drew a little heart next to it. His chest aches and he runs his thumb against the engraving.
Javier has never considered himself to be much of a jealous person. He supposes that he never really let himself be attached enough to be jealous. Because now, as he’s nosing his way through your little address book, there’s a green flash in the edges of his vision when he encounters other names with little hearts drawn next to them. Some crossed out, some not. He finds himself muttering at these indicators in a surly tone, “Who the fuck is this, now?”
He has to shake himself out of this trance and get back to the task at hand, flipping pages with intent now instead of curiosity.
Claudia Hecksel Klitzke
There she is. He steps over to the wall and grabs the phone when a DING-DONG interrupts him. Swinging the front door open, he finds Greg, looking flustered, on the front porch.
Javi welcomes him in and leads him to the the kitchen, pointing to the coffee pot, “Coffee’s on, help yourself. I have to make some calls, but-“
“Javi, I just got an email…” Greg starts, cautiously making his way closer. He looks over at the boxy computer on a desk in the corner and swallows hard, “I was at the office, I got an email from him- from Dan. You were on the email list, too. Along with 100 other people. And, uh. Well. You should- uhh- you should see it.”
Javi’s hair stands on end and his guts twist like a washcloth being wrung-out. He strides over to the computer and boots it up, tapping his fingers against the desk impatiently as he waits for the machine to connect to dial-up internet, then pinches the bridge of his nose, “Is it security cam footage?”
No response. Javi assumes that means yes. He clears his throat as he folds his arms across his thudding chest as he looks at Greg, “Did you send it to the police yet?”
Greg shakes his head. Javi sighs glances back at the computer once the high-pitched modem noises stop piercing his ears. Logs into his email. Sure as shit, new message from [email protected] with 118 recipients. He’s not sure how Dan got his email address, but judging by the addresses listed, he sent it to fucking everyone in Laredo.
When he clicks on the email, aptly titled CAUGHT, the images start to download. The text in the body of the email names you and Javi, and the date. He doesn’t need to wait for all of them to load to know what they contain. Really, he didn’t need to open the email at all to know, but he can't move forward until he sees exactly what the other 117 recipients have seen.
Grainy black and white stills of CCTV footage from Dan’s cameras. Javier purses his lips and stares at the images as they download at a glacial pace. The invasion of privacy ignites a rage inside him. He slams his fist against the desk and shouts, “FUCK!”
It’s all he can say. He clears his throat, runs his hands through his hair, then rises to his feet to go find a cigarette and Detective Anderson’s card. Greg pours himself a cup of coffee and takes a seat, dark brown eyes following his friend carefully as he strides around the house, slamming things and huffing in anger.
Javier comes back to common area, lit cigarette dangling from his lips as he dials the detective on his cell phone. While the line rings, his eyes are glued to the computer screen. Loading one row of pixels at a time, like a strip tease that makes him sick to his stomach.
There you both are, in Dan Baker’s kitchen, naked as the day you were born. Kissing, fucking, promising the world to each other, completely unaware the vignette of your intimacy would be broadcasted to everyone with an email address in the tri-county area.
When Detective Anderson doesn’t answer, Javi leaves a voicemail, “This is Javier Peña, I’m emailing you something the whole fucking town got from Dan Baker this morning. Pictures from his security cams. He wouldn’t have had access these pictures if the footage had been seized by your guys right away like you said it would be. I’d also like to know how the fuck he’s able to email pictures of us fucking, but you still can’t fucking find him. Call me when you get this.”
After dealing with this ripe new clusterfuck, Javi resumes his attempt to call Claudia. He powers down the computer, then grabs the receiver of the corded landline phone and holds it to his ear as he punches in number. It rings three times before she picks up, out of breath, “Hello?”
“Claudia? It’s Javi,” he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, then leans his back against the counter.
She’s silent. In the background, the lilted voice of Elmo blares from a TV, melding with the squealing babble of a toddler. The noise gets further away, then it sounds like a door shuts, immediately followed by her shaky voice, “What happened?”
His shoulders slump. How the fuck does he even say this? He turns around and leans over the counter on his elbows, looking blankly out the sliding back door as he sighs and shakes his head, trying to hold it together, “You’re the first person I’m calling-“
“Wh- what? Calling for what? Is she ok?”
“I-“ his washcloth guts twist as he croaks, “I don’t know. I don’t know if she’s ok. We- we don’t know where she is. Dan took her yesterday.”
“He had cameras. He saw us. I thought he would come here, to me, but he had a GPS tracker on her car and he found her. Kidnapped her from a hotel in San Antonio.”
A staticky sobbing stings his ear canal, then the sounds of shattered breaths. He tries to swallow the melancholy bubbling from his throat as Claudia doesn’t cease, then he chokes out, “I’m so sorry. We’re… we’re looking. I’ve been out looking for her. SAPD has detectives on the case. Local police are looking. They wanted me to start calling friends and family to notify them.”
The crying starts to wane. Claudia regains her composure slowly. Javi sits on the other line and waits for the wave to pass, successfully holding back his own sorrows. Eventually she takes a deep breath and announces with authority, “I’m coming there. I have to call Roger. I’ll have my mom come watch Michael, then I’m leaving for the airport.”
“You can come out here when you get in. I- as soon as I’m done calling people, I’m going out with Greg again-“
“Greg? That motherfucker’s best man?”
“I know. But I’ve known him since we were kids. I trust him,” his eyes flick to Greg’s, who looks up, mid-sip of coffee, with a frown as if to say what the fuck is that about?
She huffs, then she’s silent, but he hears ruckus and zippers muffled in the background.
Javi clears his throat, “Give me a call on my cell when you have a flight booked and we’ll figure out details.”
“Who else do you have to call?”
“Parents, maybe grandma?”
She grunts, “I’ll call them. You go do your thing.”
By that afternoon, Claudia is in the cab of Greg’s truck, sandwiched between him and Javier, on their way to visit the 36th property on Greg’s list. They found that searching properties is much less terrifying, and therefore less time consuming, in the daylight.
“So do the cops know you guys are doing this? They have this list, too right?” Claudia asks as she frowns and crosses her arms and stares out the windshield.
“They have the list. Turns out, though, it takes a while to clear 500 houses. Which is why we’re helping,” Greg answers, eyes flicking to the rearview mirror, then back out the windshield. The truck rocks and groans as he turns down a dirt road.
Javier crushes the cherry of a cigarette in the truck’s ashtray and looks to Claudia, “You know, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want. The Bakers are handing out missing persons fliers with some other people.”
“I want to be here. Feels like I’m actually fucking doing something at least. No offense,” Claudia looks from Greg to Javier, “I’m surprised the Bakers are sikking the village on their golden child. Especially after that email.”
“Dale isn’t participating,” Greg comments, “Not surprised, though. He and Dan are two peas in a pod if I ever seen ‘em. Probably doesn’t even think Dan did anything wrong.”
“Wait, you know about the email?” Javi turns to her with a furrowed brow.
She winces and nods, “He sent it to everybody in his email contacts. Her parents, too.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he mutters and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Well, I guess,” he groans and looks out the window as he decides whether or not to continue, but goes ahead, “I should tell you about the other thing.”
They turn to him in tandem with eyebrows raised expectantly. Here it goes. He clears his throat and shifts in his seat, “She’s pregnant.”
Greg blows a raspberry and all the air expels from his lungs. Claudia gasps and her hands fly to her mouth, then she asks, “Since when?”
Javi lights another cigarette and rolls the window down a crack, shaking his head, “Not sure. Anderson told me yesterday about positive pregnancy tests in the bathroom garbage. We’re assuming they’re her’s.”
It’s silent for a few more moments until Greg asks hesitantly, “Do you know if it’s yours? I mean, sorry man, might be too soon, I don’t know if her and Dan were-“
“They weren’t. She told me yesterday that they haven’t had sex since we started seeing each other. I believe her,” Javi looks over and tries not to sound too fucking terrified when he says, “So, yeah, I know that I’m the father.”
The father. I’m the father. I’m going to be a fucking father. I have find her.
As if saving him from his own thoughts, Javi’s cell phone trills in his pocket. Unknown number. He flips the phone open and answers, “Peña.”
“This is Detective Anderson. We found the car outside Laredo. We’re gathering a search party. How soon can you be here?”
[ Next Chapter ]
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mvshortcut · 11 months
Ranking every time the Ten Men get taken down by how cringe fail they are (Part 2)
Warning: this post contains major spoilers for Riddle of Ages!
We're back again already, folks. Part 1 is here; now it's time for round 2 of some good old pointing and laughing.
Book 4: The Riddle of Ages
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first appearance of my problematic faves the Katz brothers! There's always gotta be one cowardly goon in the lot, and the Scaredy Katz fulfill their role admirably. This knockout isn't too cringe-worthy, although the dramatic "Now!" [immediately gets knocked out] is quite comical, as well as the image of him trying to run on his knees. 3/10
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And here we have Garrotte being painfully average once again. Although this one is made more interesting by the fact that he and Sharpe apparently jumped some random businessmen on the street and stole their completely normal briefcases, then had the audacity to be surprised when said completely normal briefcases didn’t hold up well in a combat scenario. It’s almost as if they’re designed to hold paperwork, not fend off a flurry of tranquilizer darts. Who would’ve thunk. Also. You could literally walk into any Home Depot and find dozens of items more suited for this purpose, which the Ten Men easily could’ve done if they weren’t so darn committed to the stonks bit. 
Also, “Most unfair! Such shoddy materials!” is the funniest possible thing you could say upon getting knocked out. It’s giving “trust fund kindergartener encounters Crayola crayons during art class for the first time ever.” Please just say “god damn it” like a normal person. 4/10
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See this one is so funny to me. You're telling me that the infamous shock watches, which have terrorized several of our beloved characters over the course of the series, can be defeated simply by doing simple gymnastics? it's giving "show Sticky doing long division in his head to defeat Curtain's infamous Happiness brainwashing." Also, you're telling me you can knock out people simply by throwing darts at them? wild. anyways. I love Katz getting knocked out mid-threatening leap. 5/10
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diversity win! Milligan won't kill you but he isn't above shooting you in the ass! 7/10
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sorry this is so long but we need the full context to appreciate how cringe this is. imagine you brought five (5) of your best men to locate SQ Pedalian, a young adult not particularly skilled in combat, and also to fight a teenage girl. And now it's gone so sideways that you're literally the last one left standing. Standing, on top of an ice cream truck that you pushed on top of your opponent, who is now trapped beneath and yet has his hands casually laced behind his head as if he's tanning on the beach. And you got tricked into standing there, pinned by an empty gun, and simply watching while he loads darts into the (previously empty) gun. And now he's just shooting a bunch of empty darts at you, one after another, while you have to stand there and wait for him to finally knock you out. I think I would disintegrate on the spot. Also "You wouldn't shoot me in the face. That's not your style" bestie you just watched him shoot Sharpe in the ass. Would you prefer that instead? 9/10
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This one might take the cake. First of all, they all fell for the trap, so now they're stuck in jail again like 3 days after escaping. And then, the teenage girl you've been terrorizing for years finally turns your stupid condescending pet names right back on you before a nine year old uses her mind powers to make you knock yourself out with your own weapon. 🫵 CRINGE. 10/10
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Still very cringe, though less so than McCracken. It's kinda funny that Constance made them use their shockwatches instead of the (less painful) handkerchiefs. 6/10
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Y'know, given the Katz brother's astounding loser energy, I'm amazed that they might actually have the least cringe take down. Taking the coward's way out. I respect it. Love them staring out the window. sad tigger gif here. Bonus points for ratting out Crawlings for being awful. 1/10 and two gold star stickers for them both
And, finally, for the grand finale, our favorite cringe boy is back:
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Crawlings is making up for having fewer appearances in this book by making his COUNT. and YIKES. I literally have to step away every time I read this. From the supervillain monologue, to everyone groaning at him and then simply ignoring him (knowing what's about to happen), to Crawlings immediately poisoning and temporarily paralyzing himself the SECOND he gets a chance to be the Final Girl. And then he gets thrown back into jail. Plus the fact that he's on the floor about to pass out still wondering when the "Genius Serum" will kick in. uhhh. y'know, Crawlings, I might not be a genius either, but I have the slightest inkling that all may not be going according to plan. 11/10
And there we have it folks! The final rankings are:
Hertz: 6
The Katz Brothers: 9
Garrotte: 14
Sharpe: 22
McCracken: 35
And, in first place, with 36 points, our beloved Crawlings.
In conclusion,
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suuho · 8 months
was rewatching the final episode of the worst of evil before work today, and there’s just some things that made me think, or that i just noticed again. the fact that we never see where exactly junmo takes gicheol? we neither ever see the interior of the place; the house looks small, rural, quaint. it reminds me of the sort of small houses my grandparents used to live in, and we grew up in the countryside. it is all very nineties, which is i suppose the point of it all. junmo is only ever outside, talking on the phone until gicheol interrupts him.
i mentioned before that i dislike certain editing choices in the finale, and the fact that we never get a wide-shot of junmo carrying gicheol out of the car (that he crashed to prevent him from going to prison and ruining the investigation; but, also, he saved gicheol’s life by doing so and gave him an out in the end) is something i mourn. we got to see gicheol cradle junmo’s head and his back in the backseat, i wish we would’ve seen junmo pull gicheol out of the car, but it would have probably been a fickle thing to shoot. that said, the choice of giving us their literal alternating pov’s of the scene works especially well when gicheol is in the backseat; it is almost abhorrently intimate. his view of junmo in the front seat.
the conversation in the car, when junmo handcuffs gicheol to the steering wheel and leaves him the key after (insane). that entire scene is so loaded, and i love the almost understated performances given here. gicheol is practically in tears, but you can tell junmo is just pretending for the sake of gicheol’s future that he’s trying to secure here. when they bust the union and he looks back at the car, at gicheol, and gicheol realizes he’s left him the key and how he’s actively working through the betrayal then and there. seething. what a stark contrast that is to the gicheol in euijeong’s and junmo’s apartment, how desolate he is, then. him holding their wedding portrait. man, that was another insane choice. how we have seen junmo go to the ends of the abyss for gicheol, for euijeong’s safety, and how he seems resigned and resolute at the end, at the cemetery and during his promotion. the whole after.
euijeong also asks the central question of the show, “do you think we can go back to who we were?” which, the obvious answer is no, they can’t. the pan from junmo’s wedding ring to his watch, given by gicheol, when he’s making the call after he shot him. the close up of gicheol’s bloody cross while he is dying in euijeong’s arms.
i also love how the camera pans between euijeong, and ventures into junmo’s point of view when he sees gicheol sitting at their dining table. we never see how euijeong finds him, instead we see him when junmo does. that struck me the first time i saw it, but i appreciated it even more the second time around.
the entire framing of gicheol and junmo in their hideout, and all their choices there are so rich. the touches, the fact that gicheol offers to drive. all the negative space when they are on their own; how they move simultaneously when they are sitting next to each other and drink. the fact that junmo answers the question euijeong asks much later—people like them, they have gone too far to ever go back. i also wonder how much time passed between junmo getting him out of the car, because gicheol shows almost no signs of being hurt when we find them in their little house. he moves steady and he barely has any bruising or cuts on his face, if any. and in the time that passed, junmo had to take care of him.
all in all, i am still very appreciative of what they’ve done here. and i love the mirror of junmo telling the gangnam union members to drop their knives at the harbor and then, later, telling gicheol to drop his gun (which he doesn’t do, unlike jungbae etc).
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The Chaos
" I did mistake, Lloyd! I know, I deserve this treatment" Reena said calmly.
Lloyd and Reena in park, to talk privately they went to park. At this time, Lloyd insisted his body guard to stay away from him for few minutes.
Lloyd loved Reena so much. He met her, while he is in a mission which is happened few years ago. He is soft and gentle around her, all the time.
Lloyd is different man in front of  Reena. Even though, she cheated on him. Lloyd has still feelings for her.
They sat on the bench, while keeping distance between them.
"Lloyd... please say something!"
"AWWW.....! Did you completed your drama? Cause it's so boring!!" he stood up, Reena is facing Lloyd's back.
Lloyd stood coldly, with out responding single word to her. Reena is always a chatter boxer to him. But suddenly he felt something wrong with her, Then he turned towards her.
Reena is lying on the bench with eyes open, staring at the sky.
"What happened to you suddenly? cupcake?"
No response from Reena, yet.
He stepped forward.
Blood is flowing from side of her head rapidly, he looked around. No one caught suspicious and citizens are little far way from them, and they are enjoying, eating, spending time with their families.
Then, he immediately took the gun when he felt some one behind him.
He loaded the gun, and pointed towards the person.
"OH! Sir!!! It's me, Jensen!!"
"Ahh! FUCK!!! see that thing, I will be right back" Lloyd pointed towards the Reena side and left.
He searched all the sides of the park, there is no clue about the killer.
He sighed, and closed his eyes for few seconds. Then he immediately looked at his right side, a tall person in black suit with black mask, is staring at him.
Lloyd looked at the person intensely.
Immediately, the person started running like a deer. Lloyd followed him like a lion.
Lloyd started shooting at him, citizens are scared by them and they are running towards the exit side.
"Jensen, I need alpha team right now, at outside of the park, they should cover all the sides, hurry up, IMMEDIATELY!!!" Lloyd informed to his body guard via blue tooth.
"Yes sir!!"
It is like, a lion catching his prey.
The black suit man and Lloyd are almost close to each other. As soon as, they are running inside the park like a lost kids, some of the team members of the Lloyd joined at his side, and with in seconds one of the men grabbed the black mask man's leg and shoved him down.
All of them, surrounded the black mask person and threatening him with a gun.
"AWW.. Perfect sunshine, you will be rewarded high, It's my promise!" Lloyd appreciated one of his team members, who caught the man very smartly.
"Thank you sir, any thing for you!" team mate replied.
Lloyd smirked and went over the black suit man and kneeled down , removed his mask.
"Well, let's take this deer into lion's den!" and then he punched him on his face.
"Argh!!!" The black suit man groaned when the blind fold is taken out from his eyes.
"Tell us everything! Why you killed that girl, what is the purpose?" Jensen asked.
The man started to laugh like a psycho and he is not stopping.
Everyone is shocked at his actions and Lloyd sat adjacent him, with wine in his hands, as usually.
"Well, It seems like you are watching a comedy skirt, let me show you a action film" Lloyd took the knife immediately from his pocket and stabbed into the man's hand.
"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" the man yelled.
"Laugh, sunshine! why are you stopping? Huh? Do you feel bore?" Lloyd said sarcastically.
"You all gonna DIE!" the man spoken finally.
"Oh, yeah? When it will be? Mr. Mathews??"
He shocked and looking at Lloyd annoyingly.
"You work for Don Bosco, Am I right? So now shut the fuck up and tell me everything, who hired you to kill that girl, at the park?"
"I would rather die!"
"Oh, my poor baby! We all help you, don't worry!" Lloyd stood up and came near to the Jensen.
"I want him to be alive and he should experience torture, don't let him sleep. Beat him, torture him by using all my methods, But I want all the details from him ASAP, do you understand?"
"yes, sir! We will work on it!!!"
7.19 PM
Whimpering sounds are coming from the room, where Mr. Mathews and the team members are there.
The Lloyd team members are taking shit out of him, insanely!
Mr. Mathews is sobbing and yelling at them to stop this treatment.
After some time, Whimpering sounds are stopped.
"Sir? We got news!" Jensen came to the Lloyd.
"I hope, it's about the killer topic"
"Yes sir, it is. But he said he wants to meet you!"
"Hurry up, I don't have much time to stay with you, Come on! spill it!!" Lloyd came to the room and stood in front of the Mr. Mathews.
"AWW... Poor Lloyd, you thought that, I am going to tell you everything?"
Lloyd gritted his teeth.
"Ok, Fine! I am not bothered about my life, I am just the puppet of him! If you kill me, there is no issues! But he will hunt you down, torture you, and at that time you don't have energy to ask him to spare your life" Mr. Mathew said scarily.
"Let's decide who will torture to whom!" Lloyd loaded his gun and shoots the man in the head.
"What do we, do now?" Jensen asked Lloyd.
"Be prepare for everything, I will kill this idiotic boss with my bare hands, and I will make sure of it!!!!" Lloyd said angrily.
Thank you for reading!!
Hope you all are liking this story, if you do so then please follow me, vote this story and share it.
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Thank you...:))
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welcome-to-ikea · 2 years
(mostly) tf2 art & writing blogs I think you should check out because they’re cool and swag and awesome
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knyafe · 2 years
The Deathslinger / Saloon lovin' 💖🔪
Thank you for your support! Heres an imagine/hcs for one of my favorite killers!
• He's generally super busy in-between trials, oiling and cleaning The Redeemer all day as well as disassembling and reassembling it for upgrades. For hours on end, he sits at the bar of the Dead Dawg saloon and works - no time for affection.
• That is, unless you're content with sitting on his lap and waiting it out. This is one of his favorite forms of affection since it allows him to keep working with no more than the briefest interruption of you initially climbing onto him. He lets out a grunt of content as you wrap your arms around him underneath his duster, and rests his chin or cheek on you, depending on how tall you are.
• Don't be surprised if after his work's done he ends up wanting something more; there's nothing after a long day like lovemaking. It's very obvious when he's in the mood, not that he's ever very subtle about it. The man puts his gun aside and lowers his hands to your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze before shifting his hips up into you and letting you feel him harden in his trousers.
• If you accept, it isn't long before he's lifting you and laying your back on the table. He quickly gets between your legs and kisses you, slowly grinding into you as he does so.
• He prefers it like this instead of doggy since he loves to watch your expression during particularly hard thrusts. That, and he loves to spill himself all over your front.
• Once you're both ready, he tosses your bottoms aside and unbuckles his belt. Slowly, he pushes in until he's fully sheathed, letting out a low groan when you clench around him.
• He's definitely a large man, not as thick as the Oni, or as long as the Wraith, but certainly more than enough to give you a pleasant stretch and leave you feeling full.
• He's more of a medium-to-slow pace kind of guy, taking his sweet time just to tease you and hear you beg for more. A hand ghosts over where you need it the most, and he chuckles when you try to buck into it.
• Don't worry, he picks up the pace soon enough. His leg brace squeaks in protest as he does so, and he uses your thighs to pull you towards him with every thrust.
• His pace becomes sloppy as he gets close, but he quickly pulls out before either of you can climax. You watch him take a seat in one of those rickety old chairs in the middle of the saloon and look at you with a crooked smirk. His member is sheen with a mixture of slick and pre.
• "Why don't you come over here and show me how well you can ride?"
• He could've easily finished things at the bar, but the old man loves to tease, and most of all loves to watch you bounce on him with desperation. He lefts out a pleased sigh when you walk over to him with wobbly legs and lower yourself onto him.
• His hands immediately find their place on your hips, squeezing and massaging towards your behind. He watches you appreciatively as you pleasure yourself on his length.
• The entire time, he uses only his hands to help you ride; he purposely refuses to buck up into you, half to make you work harder for your climax, half because he's tired from your previous position at the bar. He pulls you back down onto him when you're at the highest point of your ride.
• In due time, you're both finally reapproaching your climax. Energy replenished by the need to reach his high, The Deathslinger starts bucking up into you. The man grunts and squeezes you in a silent plea to go faster.
• Caleb groans as he finishes inside you, his load shooting up into you as you clench around him in a climax of your own. After a few more moments of riding out the waves of your rapture, as well as Caleb pumping into you a few more times, you both relax pleasantly.
• He wraps his arms around your middle and kisses your neck and shoulders, murmuring gentle praises into your skin.
• Ignoring the dull ache in his bad leg, The Deathslinger collects your discarded clothing and carries you upstairs to one of the saloon beds. He drops you onto the plush surface gently. He lays beside you and pulls you into his chest for a long, well-deserved rest.
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buckybleu · 3 years
❈ Mr. & Mrs. Xu ❈
pairing: Xu Shang-Chi x Reader
summary: You and your husband are skilled field operatives, assassins. But rules are rules, who's going to pull the trigger?
a/n: It's night 10 of Tricks & Treats! There's only three nights left and I'm excited for what's left! This was inspired by one of my favorite movies, Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I've loved this film since forever & the dynamic of Jane and John in it. I hope you enjoy, happy reading! ✨
warnings: just mild mentions of guns and it going off.
all error and mistakes are mine! ❤️
reblogs & feedback are greatly appreciated! 🎃
word count: 630
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You rev your engine and quickly swerve out of the driveaway. Shang-Chi runs out of the house, jumping over the bushes while chasing your car down the street. The sight of your husband chasing after your car makes you boil. Taking one last glance at your rear view mirror, you press down on the gas pedal, turning to the next street.
“Hey Honey! Come back here!” Shang-Chi shouts.
“God, how could you be so stupid?” you angrily mutter to yourself. After 6 years of marriage, you and Shang-Chi have discovered you are both skilled field operatives working for different contract killing firms. Undercover assassins essentially. And after those revelations, dinner obviously didn’t go as planned.
“Dinner tastes great honey.” Shang-Chi takes a bite of the roast you’ve made, keeping an eye on you.
“Yea? I tried out a new recipe tonight. Katy said the salmon’s to die for.” You smirk while piling more green beans on his plate. When your back is turned to grab the wine, Shang-Chi spits out the contents in his mouth in the napkin.
“It’s delicious, but uh it could use some salt hon.” You hum into your glass of wine. There’s a pregnant pause, you and Shang-Chi stare at one another suspiciously. You both know there is only one option.
The rules state you must not be ID’d or else your profile is compromised. And if you are ID’d, you must eliminate all witnesses, regardless who they are. So, were you going to kill Shang-Chi? Or was Shang-Chi going to kill you? Shang-Chi tries to decipher what’s going through your mind. What were your next moves?
Suddenly, you both abruptly move from the table, mumbling senseless excuses, and scurry out of the dining room.
“I have to walk the dog.”
“I need to measure the tire pressure.”
You run into your kitchen, pressing a pin combination on your oven. A secret chamber opens, revealing the variety of knives and a revolver. Upstairs Shang-Chi pours the contents of the dresser drawers out. In the midst of his socks and underwear are two pistols. Checking that the chambers are loaded, Shang-Chi silently creeps downstairs.
With his gun drawn, Shang-Chi checks his corners, “Honey? I think we need to have a chat.”
“Yea? And what’s your definition of ‘chatting?’” Your voice sounds distant. Shang-Chi slowly navigates down the hall.
“A little sit down, maybe with a glass of wiー” The engine of your car roars, headlights beaming through the window. “Shit!”
Shang-Chi tries his best to catch up to you. He cuts through the neighbors’ yards, setting off alarms, knocking over patio chairs. Your car is heading straight down the street, Shang-Chi rushes to get in front of your car, breaking his fall against a fence. He tries to pull himself free from the fence he’s broken through, his finger accidentally pulling the trigger. The bullet hits your windshield, barely grazing your ear; your car comes to a screeching halt.
“Oh god.” Shang-Chi stumbles into the street, holding his hands in front of him. “Honey, it was a mistake! I-I didn’t mean to!”
You huff in anger, revving the engine of your car. I cannot believe in him! He was actually going to shoot me! You rev your engine once more before you slam your foot on the gas pedal, car speeding straight at your husband.
“No no no no! Honey, wait! I loveー” The impact of Shang-Chi’s body cracks your windshield, body flipping through the air. He hits the ground with a loud thud. Groaning, Shang-Chi pulls himself up, your car already out of the neighborhood.
A sharp pain shoots through his ribs, Shang-Chi hunches over in pain, trying his best to hobble home.
“Fuck, out of everyone. Why did I fall in love with another assassin?”
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nightshadeshadow123 · 3 years
Paw prints on the Agent's heart🐾part 9:
Hey everyone, sorry I took so long with a part 9 for this fic series, I know it took super long but was focused on other fics and stuff sorry again especially those that asked for a part 9 so many times, I've seen your asks and ideas and much appreciated, I have seen them all and haven't forgotten you all. Just getting back into this series again.
Tag list: @retro-aesthe @blackluthxr @samustar @aznblossom @ibe-anne @lezzzbehonesthere some tags won't work here
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You were glaring at Butch coldly, specks of red dotting in your (e/c) eyes while he was talking and laughing with his friends.
"Can't you turn into your wolf form?" Lena whispered to you softly, trying to turn her head to see you from the corner of her eye but she couldn't get far from the ropes bidding her and you.
You let out a huff.
"You think I haven't tried that yet? I've tried before but they sure have used something on me that makes my powers completely useless here, these chains are made with that damned Kryptonite."
"Dammit, my mother." Lena said coldly, she wish she could have changed her so badly but she knew that that was only a distant dream that won't come true no matter how hard she try, she knew her mother was a lost cause.
"How did you even get caught in the first place?" You whispered curiously at Lena after a pause of silence between the two of you.
"Eh I...I heard you were kidnapped and I thought I could find a way too safe you. Turns out it didn't went as planned and they somehow managed to catch me." She explained nervously, she knew you'd not like when she's putting herself in danger for you, especially knowing she's already a target by her mother and group before this even.
"Lena dammit, you should have not gone alone and just have stayed safe with security guards with you. I hate to know you are caught here along with me now, atleast you are still alive tho."
Just when Lena opened her mouth to talk again you both heard yelling, gunshots and the CADMUS agents all grabbing their weapons.
"Go and kill every single one that tries to get in here, I'll stand and look after these two." Butch barked out the order and you cringe at his face, wanting to punch his stupid face in.
"Yes Sir!" The other agents yelled before beginning to spread across the place and taking hiding places to take anyone by surprise that comes in.
"You won't be getting away from the boss this time." Butch said while loading his gun, ignoring the way you and Lena glared at him.
"Too bad she won't be getting us, I think your time is over now." You said smugly, oh how you loved pressing this asshole's buttons.
Butch snarled at you, raising his hand to slap you in the face as you closed your eyes and waited for impact but before I could happen more gun fire happened and one bullet happened to went right through his hand making him yelled out in pain and shock, head whipping around in time to see DEO agent swarming the place thought the door, shooting at all the other agents shooting at them.
You suddenly felt panic flood you remembering Alex as you saw agents falling and getting wounded and bullets flying in most directions, you just hope she was okay and trying not to think the worse here and you knew she can handle herself but she wasn't bulletproof exactly like you and Kara.
Butch tried pointing his gun at you but he was quickly shot down, dropping on the floor at your feet.
One of the agents that shot him down rushed over to you and Lena in a hurry, scanning the situation quickly.
"He have the key in his pocket, hurry and get these chains off of me now." You said hurriedly at him, just wanting these damned chains off of you already and to help as much as possible.
After he have have managed to free you, you shot up to your feet quickly, almost regretting it as you become a bit dizzy, remembering the many wounds your body is still littered with and not healing quite yet from your weakened powers.
"Where is Alex? Is she okay? And Supergirl?" You asked urgently, not even bothering to hide the panic in your voice anymore.
"Last time I saw Alex was outside, with more agents and taking down them, don't know where she is now and Supergirl is at an other CADMUS base taking down that one." He said before going over to Lena and shooting at more CADMUS agents.
You looked at Lena still tied up yet, motioning to the agent to watch after her and keep her safe before you rushed toward, punching any enemy that got in front of you while you are frantically searching for Alex  between all thr defeaning gun fire and chaos that is all around you, fear pushing you to go even faster.
After about five minutes you've made it outside, throwing one agent to the floor and kicking an other one that came running at you with a knife in hand.
You looked around frantically, trying to catch a glimpse of the familiar red haired agent, feeling a bit nauseated at all the blood and bodies laying around while others was screaming in pain.
With no sign of her yet you kept running as fast as you could, keeping a sharp eye out for her while taking out more CADMUS agents with pure furry.
Just then you saw her, but she was all bruised and bloodied too, and the brute agent have managed to disarm her, trying to choke her with his meaty hands as she tried punching and kicking him off of her.
You could feel the anger and adrenaline surged through you suddenly more your eyes glowing a dangerous red.
"Not today fucker." You growled under your breath and soon enough you were in wolf form, rushing towards the agent with force and speed, tackling him off of her with an angry growl, your teeth sinking into his arm painfully as he yelled in pain, sill trying to process what have just happened.
Alex bolted to sit upright, properly confused until she saw your familiar black wolf form pinning the agent on the floor with all the force in your paws, growling in his face while he closed his eyes, begging not to die until you noticed Alex from the corner of your eye as she got up and rushed to you, her hand running through your soft black fur that is caked in blood and cuts at some spots, relaxing at the calmingly pleasant  feeling of her warm skin on your fur.
Alex could immediately feel relieved washing over her when seeing you are safe but she was still concerned with the bruises and blood on you. When she moved closer after getting up she couldn't resist the urge to run her hand through your fur.
She won't admit it but the have wonderd many times what your fur might feel like to the touch and if it was a fluffy as it looked and she definitely admit she loved it, she could feel how relaxed you got, almost smirking in amusement at your puppy like behaviour at the feeling.
You turned back to your human form and knocked out the agent with a fist, immediately falling over but Alex caught and made you lean against her, she could tell you were absolutely exhausted from using your powers while still in a weakened state, you held onto her tightly, relieved she's okay but fearing to let go and something might happen to her.
"Alex?" You mumbled you agaisnt her shoulder, pulling her into a tight hug despite feeling weak and hazy. 
She held you closer, scanning behind you for any threats that might come your way, feeling happy to have you this close and safe, her arms wrapped around you as she hummed in acknowledgement to you.
"I'm so glad you are okay." You looked into her eyes while saying that weakly, melting at the smile she gives you while running her fingers through your hair.
"I'm so damn happy you are safe too (y/n)." She said just as softly, her brown eyes focused on yours, not even focused on the background sound that have died down completely at this point.
Your eyes flickered to her soft lips, hesitating a bit but you pulled her to you and crash your lips to hers, a blush flaring at your cheeks slightly in fear you may have done something wrong but was completely relieved when you felt one of her hands go to your cheeks and kissing you back and ignoring the steely taste of your own blood on your lip from a small cut where Butch have hitted you.
After a few moments the two of you broke away from the kiss and Alex smiled again at you a bit shyly her arms wrapping around you even more tightly.
"I've been waiting for you to do that." 
You laughed lightly at her and kissed her cheek and keeping your arms wrapped around her waist.
"So does that meant you've been thinking about me kissing you hmmm?" You mused out.
"Maybe I did wolf girl." Alex teased back, not able to stop the wide smile on her face anymore, she can't care who sees this anymore, you just make her so damn happy.
"That's good hearing because I have happened to do that same thing. And so does this mean you are gonna go on a date with me finally hmm miss agent?"
Alex kissed you again, savoring the feeling of your lips against hers.
"Does this answer your question?" She asked jokingly and smile smiled again when you nodded your head eagerly.
"You have sure left paw prints on my heart." Alex laughed along with you after she have said this.
You turned around defensively when you heard footsteps approaching you and Alex fast, tensed up until you saw it's only Lena closely followed by the other agent that have helped you earlier.
"(Y/N)!" Lena said in relief, hugging you after Alex have let you go to speak with the other agent.
You hugged back, glad your long time friend is all safe too.
Alex gave the orders to have the few CADMUS agents that was still alive arrested and get medical treatment and to secure the place.
You walked up to Alex who have taken out her phone, sending a wink at you before making a call.
"J'onn?" You listen to them talking a bit and telling them you are safe with them now before she hanged up and putted her phone away, and walked to your side and liked her arm with yours.
"How is everyone else? The other agent said Kara and others went to an other base of CADMUS." You asked worriedly and felt assured when Alex smiled at you.
"They are all okay too, the have taken down that place. Lillian and Lex is still missing tho but we will catch them soon and lock them up for good." Alex assured you, squeezing your arm gently and pulling you towards one of the DEO cars where Lena waved you over to.
(*Time skip to one week later*)
You and Kara were busy on a friendly match with each other, teasing each other endlessly while play fighting and showing each other who is stronger and faster while Alex and J'onnn watch from the side, a subtle smile on Alex's face.
"I'm happy to see you so happy with (Y/N)." J'onn said to Alex truthfully, he have noticed how happy she was and especially after the two dates you went on and those not so sneaky kisses you and her shared when you thought no one was looking.
She looked over at him, giving him a thankful smile.
"Thank you so much."
A few moments later Winn came rushing in, talking with J'onn who thanked him before watching him leave and walked over to Alex and getting both you and Kara's attention.
"I have some good news." He began, speaking clearly for you and Kara to hear too .
"Winn have found the final location of Lillian and Lex Luthor. We can take them down for good this time I believe. They don't know that we've gotten any information about their location yet so we might be able to have the upper hand and take them by surprise." He explained futher, looking between you, Alex and Kara, taking notice of how your hands clench at the mention of the two Luthor's.
You felt excited and full of adrenaline after hearing this news, hopeful that their reign of terror will be put to an end, especially after the last straw of them having kidnapped you a week ago.
"We should go and end them now before they decide to change location again and dissapear under the radar." You said urgently, you knew now was the moment to end them, you've had a week to recover from all that was done to you and you were determined to stop them this time.
"I agree with her, Alex go and get more agents and vans ready, we will leave soon, just have to get a few things ready." With that said J'onn left the training room.
Alex looked a bit worried as Kara rushed away to get ready too.
"What's wrong my love?" You questioned your girlfriend, grabbing her arm as she looked at you, biting her lip after letting out a breath she was holding.
"I'm just worried about you having to go out so soon again on a mission, you were hurt just last week and shot by Kryptonite infused bullets but I also know that now it's the time to put those two away that did all those inhumane and bad things to you."
You smiled at Alex in assurance, melting at her worry and how soft she's being with you and all worried.
"I'll be okay Alex, won't be alone, we will be going together and I've healed completely over the week after you have removed all those bullets from me and you've seen me and Kara practicing together, I'm all good to be out again and ready to kick some bad guys." You assured her warmly, pulling her into a hug making her hug you back tightly after nodding at you, knowing you were talking the truth there but she was still worried.
You pulled away from the hug a few moments later, kissing her on cheek and pulling her to the door with you.
"Let's go now, we still need to get ready and prepared."
(*few hours later arriving at thier location*)
You, Alex, Kara, J'onn and the other agents all climbed out of the vans that was parked a bit away from the big fancy looking mansion, having one waiting here to look over the stuff for incase something went wrong.
One of the female agents helped the other to make a gap at the fence where everyone claimed through, moving closer to the beige painted mansion, you could see a few security guards patrolling the impressively beautiful big yard.
J'onn have split three group in two, going with one group to the back side if the mansion while you, Alex and Kara was left with the others.
Alex was next to you and Kara, her hand holding yours tightly.
"Please be careful and let's all get out of here alive." Alex said to you and Kara, readying her gun silently as possible along with all the others.
"We will be sister, don't worry about this, we've already made it through so much." Kara assured her sister with a smile.
You hugged Alex, kissing her cheek.
"I love you. Please be careful in there." You whispered in her ear, also worried about her, you didn't ever want to lose her.
Alex whispered back the she loves you too and that she will be okay before you've pulled away from her.
You stood next to Kara who gave you a smile that you returned eagerly.
"Let's go get them." With that said the raining of bullets started as you and Kara ran for the mansion, taking out as many guards as possible that came in your way, the adrenaline surging through you the closer you got to mansion.
You were using some of your others powers like heat vision, super strength, frost breath and electrokinesis and pyrokinesis, you haven't used these many abilities too much since after Lena have helped you escape her mother and brother's clutches and only have used it a few times during you and Kara's training sessions where she have taught you to get them stronger, you definitely were hesitant but have agreed eventually after she have begged you endlessly to show her and Alex what powers you have.
It didn't took too long for you to get to the mansion for you and Kara along with the others, having had the upper hand by the surprise attack but the only downside is that some guards are armed with Kryptonite enfused bullets but it was easily dodged this time since you had time to heal properly.
Taking down the last guard with ease you entered the mansion after blasting the door down forcefully, immediately starting to take down more guards coming at your group, deafening sounds of bullets and screaming filling the atmosphere again as both sides fought with all their might and life.
Alex spotted Lillian making her way to a set of stairs leading down to what she assume must be their lab in a basement.
Alex grabbed your arm, getting your attention and showing you and you turned to make eye contact with Lillian's cold blue eyes glaring daggers at you before she ran down the flight of stairs.
"Let's go get her." You said to Alex and ran to the stairs with Alex following you close behind just as Lex came running for the stairs too, almost knocking into you, his eyes widening when seeing you before a smug smirk appeared on his face.
Just as he went to open his mouth to speak your fist collided with his nose hard, sending him flying into the wall with a grunt, his pale hands flying up to hold his rapidly bleeding nose that was with no doubt broken, trying to ease then pain as he grunted through clenched teeth in pain but before he could even open his eyes again you've already began to repeatedly lay punches on any place you could reach, eye glowing a dangerous red in pure fury as Alex watched, getting a bit worried you'd kill him on the spot right now.
You proceeded to knee him hard between the legs making him yell curse words in pain and bending down to hold his hands down but you grabbed him by the front of his suit jacket, head butting him before throwing him down the stairs with all force, watching him fall on his back, immediately out cold from all the pain.
Alex grabbed your arm again to get your attention as you wiped his splattered blood from your forehead with the back of your hand, ignoring the pounding in your head caused by head butting him but you know he was the one gonna wake up with a head splitting headache.
"Lillian is getting away, we must stop her!" Alex urged and with that both you and her ran down the stairs, you have proceeded to turn into your wolf form and ran, Alex trying to keep up after one of the other agents motioned for her to go while he handcuffed the passed out Luthor.
It was a long basement full of cages with people in and experimental things and tools scattered all over the place with endless cases packed with vials of liquids of all sorts against the chipped wall and a black car near a big open door.
Despite the poor light coming from the ceiling lamp you could clearly see everything in the cold damp place, the stench of blood making your nose curl unpleasantly, the sight of all the torture and experimenting tools and equipment and the scared people in cages making memories flash through your head from when the foul Luthor's had you before Lena have helped you escaped, anger filling your whole body at this.
You could see Lillian running towards the car as fast as possible and picked up your pace even more but before she could even reach her car J'onn and his group have came in, blocking her only escape as he pointed his gun at her, all the agents guns directed at her.
"Stop right there Mrs Luthor! Your days are over." He yells out, moving closer to her slowly.
Lillian gaped before turning around, trying to run back from the direction she came from but she ran straight into you, falling to the cold harsh floor with breathless grunt, pushing herself to her hands, making eye contact with your red eyes and growling face, dread and fear filling her eyes as she saw your razor sharp teeth bared at her as you stalked closer while she tried crawling away on her hands as Alex pointed her gun at her too, rage in her eyes upon seeing the Luthor that have caused you so much pain and suffering along with her son for so long.
She didn't make it far as J'onn yanked her up but the arm, keeping a firm grip on her upper arm as she scowled at the martian who only ignored her when she started yelling threats at him, trying to slap at his face with her other arm that he easily grabbed without even trying.
You narrowed your red eyes at her as she glared at you while J'onn is busy handcuffing her after telling the other agents to tend to the other captives that was locked in cages.
"Such a pity, I knew you would become all great and powerful and come far but to join a bunch of heroes was absolutely ridiculous, you would have come even much further if you have stuck with us." Lillian said coldly, making you growl at her lowly, you sure would have loved to slap her now but you knew it's over now that she's caught finally and that she will be left in a prison cell to rot along with her son.
You watch as J'onn forced her into a DEO car, the fur on your back still raised and tensed up until you felt Alex's familiar touch running through your fur as she came to stand next to you, her eyes having that familiar twinkle of love in them as she gazed at you with her brown eyes, a smile on her face that have you relaxing even more and you turned back into human form, immediately pulling her into a tight hug, burying your face into her hair as a tear slid down your face as she clung to you just a tightly, rubbing you back comfortingly.
Alex pulled away after a while of the two of you just holding each other and enjoying each other's presence, leaning to plant a kiss on your lips making you smile against her lips, you felt so at ease and relieved now that everything is finally over with the Luthor's, you had a nagging feeling but that there was more to come later on but for now you were perfectly content and just want to get it over with and go home and have a relaxing nigh with Alex, Kara and Lena, maybe a movie night after a long relaxing bath or shower and definitely sleep, you were absolutely exhausted and you knew Alex must be too, she's only human and get way more exhausted easily.
(*Timeskip until 6 months later*)
You and Alex were going over to Kara's place for a friends night with Kara and Lena, the two have recently started dating too after your endless teasing when seeing the way Kara blushed around Lena and with the help if you and Alex the two oblivious women have finally admitted their feelings and started dating, finally happy and relaxed without Lena's family around to cause more damage and also she now knows of Kara being Supergirl, she was a bit angry at first of not being told earlier but she also understood.
Alex knocked at the door one arm linked with yours while you held a big bowl of potstickers. It did take too long for Kara to throw the door open with barely contained excitement, how she reminded you of a puppy with all the excitement and energy she always have, smiling and she pulled Alex into a bone crushing hug.
Her blue eyes fell on you, the smile on her face blinding as she pulled you too for a hug.
You laughed when her eyes fell on the bowl of potstickers in your hand as you could clearly see her getting even more excited if that was even possible.
"Told Alex to have us make a stop and grab your all time favourite." You said warmly at the blonde kryptonian.
Kara let you and Alex in, putting the pot stickers on the table nearby where there was lots of other treats and chips placed with wine and cool drinks too.
Lena greeted the two of you just as excitedly, happy to see the two of you again.
After getting comfortable about half an hour later Alex have gotten the attention of Lena and Kara, telling them she had some big news to tell them, Kara was concerned at first thinking it was some bad news but that wasn't the case at all.
Alex held out her hand, showing of the diamond engraved ring on her ring finger, Kara and Lena shared a look for a moment before bursting into pure excitement, rushing to get a closer look at the ring.
"You and (Y/N) got engaged?!" Was Kara's excited question making you blush and smile a bit as you watch until Kara tackled you into a hug, squeezing you tightly making you laugh as you hugged her back excitedly.
Alex laughed at Kara's behavior and excitement, feeling completely excited all over too at remembering you popping her the question while you two were out to a restaurant that you have planned out a week ago.
"Yes we are engaged!" She said excitedly, the smile on her face making you smile just as brightly after Kara released you from her grip.
"When and why didn't either of you told me before??!" The blonde Kryptonian demanded with a pout on her face that have you, Alex and Lena laughing.
"I'm sorry sister. It was last night and we spent the night celebrating it, and I called mother to tell her the the good news and I wanted it to be a suprise for tonight to tell at our weekly night." Alex told her sincerely, hugging Kara back when she engulfed her sister in a warm hug.
After Lena and Kara have finished congratulating the two of you and chattering excitedly about the engagement with you and Alex the night was going perfectly.
The rest of the night was just full of excitement, laughter and endless chatter as you all ate and shared drinks with each other, watching Lena and her little sister being all happy together as they held a conversation between them.
You looked down at Alex and smiled at her, giving her a kiss on the head making her turn to look up at you with a joyous smile on her face, pure love and adoration shining in both of yours eyes as the two of you gazed at each other before kissing, blocking out all the background sounds as you shared a moment.
"I love you." Alex whispered as she pressed her nose to your cheek affectionately.
You felt yourself melt at her words and gesture.
"I love you too my darling." You whisper back, intertwining your fingers with her soft ones and holding her close to you after she rested her head on your chest, listening to the soft beating of your heart, feeling so happy and content. She definitely was damn glad that they have met you that night and have been able to recruit you, she can't imagine not having have met you and it not having led to this beautiful moments between you, and not having you around as company to stop villains and make all the funny jokes and teasing, it makes her heart clench painfully but she knows you will be there with her through life in absolutely everything and that nothing will stop any of you for being there for each other.
Hope you have enjoyed this final part of the series paw prints on the Agent's heart, it was fun writing it and having come this far with it, just want to thank you all for the love and support of it, it means so much to me. Also apologizing if this isn't how you wanted it to end or if it doesn't seem good buy I've tried, not the best at writing about marriage proposals and weddings so ended in some fluff.
Have a wonderful day/night!!💕
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