#lockdown prompt
chaoswarfare · 2 years
dp x dc prompt #34
Everyone always says that having a good reaction time is a great thing in a town where ghosts attack daily. Nobody ever warned him that sometimes it’s a bad thing to punch first and ask questions later.
Danny gets startled by Bane while wandering around Gotham, and punts him four blocks into a brick wall. Danny scrambles to get gone before anyone notices, but unfortunately for him, Gotham has eyes everywhere. And one Red Robin cannot believe that a twink of a guy just sent one of their physically strongest rogues flying like it was nothing.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 35
Amity park is a town with an info blackout. They are fed lies regarding the government, the Giw is just apart of the scheme.
When the fentons open the portal. There is fear that citizens will try to leave hence the GIW. They are there to make it seem like they have outside help.
Vlad is fully aware of it. He doesn’t care all he wants is Maddie. The Fenton parents are also aware. They don’t care they just want to hunt ghost. No one expected the Fentons to succeed.
The group planned on doing something with amity. Not to sure what. Something nefarious.
One day Danny overhears this. Him not having the brain cell for the day. Hides in the random persons trunk and leaves amity behind. Literally didn’t tell anyone. Just went for it.
Thus enters a world with hero’s. Dudes shell shocked.
He gets caught up in a fight between a villain and hero actually on accident. Ends up panicking and knocks out said villain.
Hence how he meets a hero and finds out humans are a lot more squishy then ghost. He wasn’t even using his ghostly strength.
He gets help for amity. And whatever the scheme is gets stopped.
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windydrawallday · 2 months
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[A Different Type Of Hunt]
[...] “Well then,” he capitulated, “if you won't interrupt, I'll allow your presence for the time being on this hunt,” he said, before he thought about the other a little longer, and spoke up cautiously: “Unless you wish to compete for the ‘bounty’?” “Is there anything to be gained from it?” came an immediate ask, which made him relax as he almost let out a snicker. “Nothing but personal satisfaction.” […] “It's almost cute how much you want me gone, Prowl.” “After all this, you better hope you won't find me straight up adorable,” Prowl shot back with irritation, making sure to cause the branch he was holding to hit the hunter straight in his stupid face, even if he had to jump up to reach one at the adequate height.
➡️[Keep Reading the Full Story HERE]⬅️
My art entry (and first year participating) for the @tf-bigbang ! And because this was a "Mini-Reverse" version, I took the opportunity of illustrating a very BIG COMPLEX picture of my fav TFA rascals of course 🐦🦡💚
🌟 And I matched with @ivycorp as a writer pal! She did such an AWESOMESAUCE job portraying them in this dynamic! Practically a 1:1 of how I see them personally: lots of funny, endearing, bantering, and even somber moments plus a delightful of descriptions that's like taking a sip of a tropical drink 🍹
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✨ Please, give it a read! Or if you know someone who likes this pairing, recommend it! We tried to make something that can be enjoyed by many without the need to support them as a pairing and I think this will be one of the few SFW fics on AO3 of them LMAO that was a plus goal achieved.
Under the cut, I'll keep babbling about my piece because... this had quite THE journey of a process for me, enjoy!
If you think the final thing looks already complicated: watch again, here is the ORIGINAL PLAN...
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I usually don't render this refined because I don't use textured-pattern-ready brushes but work stroke by stroke on the canvas like an old oil painting. Most of the time I render all in one layer (or merge various layers at the end). So it ends quite taxing, but so rewarding to look at!
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It got quite the amount of rearranging and redrawing of scenes to fit better in each place, so that was another factor that burned me up slowly, I guess...
Sadly, I didn't take into account how much time these took, and because I'm not the same person from years ago with free time to sit down and focus for more than 3 hs on a pic (these usually demand between 6 to 8 hs of attention without counting extra corrections) I ended cutting down half the planed scenes :')
But hey! Probably I'll go back to them and finish them to set everything how originally was supposed to be. But for now, I'll take a good rest (my wrists are still trembling a bit) and bask in the beauty of my pal's work too... and bless the admins of the event FOR BEING SO PATIENT WITH ME orz
Thank you, from the moon and back! 🌙💖
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goldengirlgalaxy · 2 years
Little Baby Man Disease
Based on this post.
TLDR at the bottom.
So, Danny ends up turning into Little Baby Man(TM). Except it turns out that becoming this incredibly small and feral version of his ghost form is actually because of what amounts to Ghost Rabies.
Dani/Ellie ends up finding Little Baby Danny and brings him to the rest of Team Phantom. Only, once she's done explaining how she found him, he bites her, and she turns into Little Baby Ellie.
As Team Phantom is freaking out, another ghost attacks, only for the two feral Phantoms to immediately bite them, causing them to also turn into a Little Baby Man/Woman version of themselves.
The Team believes for a bit that it just affects Ghosts and do their best to keep the steadily growing number of Little Baby Men from going out of control while they try to figure out a cure. Only Sam and Tucker get bitten. Cue the two turning into Little Baby Men (Tucker looks like a Pharaoh and Sam looks like when Overgrowth controlled her). It turns out that Ghost Rabies can also affect people who are Ecto-contaminated.
Cue Jazz having to avoid an army of feral ghosts in order to get a message to Frostbite so he and the rest of the Far Frozen can work on a cure. She manages to get a message out before eventually falling victim to the disease as well.
Do they eventually make a cure? Yes, but not without a lot of chaos in both the Zone and Amity Park as the Little Baby Man Army grows everyday.
TL:DR: Little Baby Man is born from Ghost Rabies. Ghosts and Ecto-contaminated people turn into a feral army.
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fruitless-vain · 3 months
Today was scary
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player1064 · 7 months
kate for someone reason thinking jamie is homophobic not sure why or how but she does (sara has me obsessed with the idea that they can’t stand each other now lol) and then him introducing her to gary and she’s like 🤯 ft. micah in the corner like you didn’t know he never shuts up about him???
god Kate and Jamie literally CANNOT STAND EACH OTHER!!! I'm OBSESSED with that dynamic tbh!!!!!!! As always. this one is much longer than intended...
Also, don't need to have read it but this is technically intended to tie in to my fic Happy wife, happy life (but tldr Jamie regularly calls Gary his wife partly to keep their relationship under wraps but mostly bc. he finds it funny to call Gary his wife.)
“Obviously we’re done for the season right before pride month kicks off,” one of the CBS producers is saying, eyes darting over something on an iPad. “And since you four have been pretty popular we were thinking of including you in some of those ad campaigns, so if I could just get some dates off of all of you –”
“No,” Jamie says immediately.
All three of his colleagues snap their heads up to him, but only Kate looks at him coolly and says “no?”
Micah, because he’s Micah, chuckles and slaps Jamie in the shoulder, trying to diffuse some of the new tension in the air. “Not like you to turn down extra cash, Carra.”
Jamie rolls his eyes, pretends not to notice the way Kate’s eyes are burning into him. “Check my contract. Wish I could, honest,” he says to the producer, feeling very very glad that he had a clause added to his contract specifically so that he doesn’t have to take part in things like this, “But it just wouldn’t be do-able. You lot ‘ave fun, though, with yer rainbows and yer glitter.”
Kate just looks at him incredulously. “This is one thing you decide to take a stand on, mister ‘I don’t care about politics’?”
Rainbows just don’t really suit Jamie, is the thing. Nor does the extra scrutiny that comes from wearing rainbows.
Doesn’t really matter to him what Kate thinks of him, though, so he just shrugs and continues packing up his stuff for the day.
“Jamie – Jamie, I finally got onto Raya, can you have a look at my profile?”
Jamie looks up at Micah with a frown. “What the fuck is a Raya?”
“It’s a dating app,” Kate says from her end of the desk, in that unimpressed tone of hers that makes Jamie wonder why she’s bothering to insert herself into the conversation at all.
“An exclusive dating app,” Micah corrects, wiggling his phone in front of Jamie.
“Weren’t you already seeing someone?” asks Jamie, but he accepts the phone with a sigh and puts his glasses on. “I don’t – I’ve never used one of these things, what am I meant to be lookin’ at?”
Micah shrugs. “Didn’t work out,” he says breezily. “How have you never used a dating app, you’ve not been married that long. And look at yourself, you can’t tell me you weren’t a player before Mrs Carra came along.”
Jamie had got around a bit, in his playing days. Not much, mind, because he’d had to be careful, but he’d done alright. Unfortunately – and this is not something he’ll ever admit to anyone, even under duress – any thoughts of that had gone out the window the moment he’d walked onto the Sky campus after retiring.
“You’re right,” he says with a wink, “look at me. As if I’d need an app to find myself a bird. Why’d you want me to look at this, I’m not exactly your target audience. ‘less there’s somethin’ you’re not tellin’ us,” he adds, elbowing Micah and waggling his eyebrows.
Kate looks on unimpressed as the two of them double over in laughter. “Not that any of us would have a problem if you were, right Jamie?” she says haughtily.
Jamie catches Micah’s eye and has to fight back another bout of laughter. “Dunno,” he says, “I can think of one or two problems I’d ‘ave if Big Meeks here suddenly tried hittin’ on me.”
Micah bursts out laughing again, his hand clapping to Jamie’s forearm, and Jamie can’t help but join in – it’s infectious, okay?
“God,” Micah says, wiping a tear from his eye, “can you imagine how your missus would react. I’d never be able to work in television again.”
“Nah, she’d prob’ly send you a fruit basket, thank you for taking me off ‘er hands.”
Kate clears her throat and the two of them sober immediately at the sight of her raised eyebrow. “Maybe cool it with the outdated banter,” she says, “or do I need to remind you boys that you’re not in a dressing room anymore?”
She storms off, he heels click-clicking away as Jamie and Micah look at each other and try (and fail) not to start laughing again.  
“You didn’t want to bring your wife to the end of season party, then?” Kate asks politely, looking slowly around the room.
“Huh?” Jamie says eloquently, because he’s had a couple of glasses of prosecco and he’s not thinking as quickly as he usually might. “Oh, the missus. Yeah, she’s here but  – I dunno, she’s a bit shy, like. You didn’t invite Malik?”
Kate rolls her eyes, the way she always does when Jamie mentions her boyfriend. “Well, he lives in America. So.”
“Carra,” an annoying voice calls from just behind him, “Carra, come over ‘n meet Schmeichel? I’ve not seen ‘im in years, d’you know, I think I’d forgot how tall he was.”
Jamie puts a hand on the small of Gary’s back to keep him from bouncing around too much (the man is such a lightweight, it’s embarrassing), and says “I’ve already met Peter, you dolt. I work with ‘im, remember?”
Gary squints at him for a second. “You drag me all the way down to London, and then y’can’t even be bothered to –” he finally seems to realise that Jamie had been talking to someone, because he quickly shakes his head around a bit and holds a hand out to Kate with a smile. “You’re Kate, right? I love what you do on the show, honest, I’m always sayin’ people need to be meaner to James here.”
Jamie thinks he sees Kate blush a bit, like she hadn’t realised anyone else had noticed her dislike of Jamie, but she takes Gary’s offered hand anyway. “And of course you’re the famous Gary Neville, I’ve heard a lot about you,” she greets. “But aren't you still with Sky? What brings you to our little operation here?”
“Scopin’ out the competition,” he says with a wink, then turns back to Jamie. “Carra – Peter?”
“I said no! I’ll talk to him later, stop badgerin’ me.”
“Did you two travel down from Manchester together?” asks Kate, “You know, Jamie seems so invested in my relationship but none of us have ever met his wife, do you know where she’s got to?”
“Ah, his fuckin’ wife,” Gary mutters, smirking up at Jamie. Jamie winks in reply and slips his hand down a bit to pinch him on the arse.
Micah comes over, his tuxedo strained against his biceps, and he pulls Gary away from Jamie to throw an arm around his shoulder in a half-hug.
(Gary squirms a bit at the unexpected contact, but he still gives Micah a friendly pat on the chest.)
“Big Nev! It’s been ages, man – Jamie told us you were coming, but he’s promised that before and not delivered.”
“Been pretty busy, up in Manchester,” Gary says with a shrug, carefully extracting himself from under Micah’s arm and returning to Jamie’s side. “But I’m obliged to do the plus one thing at least two –” (“Three,” Jamie corrects,) “—fine, three times a year, and I figure there’re worse places to be.”
“Aw, you love it really,” Micah says. “I’ve always kind of wondered what it’s like to be a WAG.”
Gary rolls his eyes. “It’s a thankless job, to be fair.” He pokes Jamie in the bicep and adds “I’m going back to talk t' Peter, you miserable old twat. Honest, I’m always talkin' to Scousers fer you.”
“I already know –” Jamie starts to protest, but Gary’s already wandered off. “Ugh. Sorry about ‘im. You can’t take Mancs anywhere, can ya?”
The two Mancs he’s talking to look at him, unimpressed.
“He seemed nice,” Kate says carefully.
“He’s not,” Jamie replies.
“Good summer?” Micah asks, their first show back after the break.
“Brilliant,” Jamie replies with a grin. “It were my turn to choose the destination, so –”
He nods. “Ibiza. The house was done just in time, too.”
“You know, I can’t really imagine Gary in Ibiza.”
“Oh, he hates it. Complained the whole time, but he does that wherever we go.”
He becomes aware that Kate is watching them from across the desk, not trying to hide that she’s listening to their conversation with curiosity. Jamie nods to her, all polite like. “Hows about you, Kate, good summer?”
“It was fine, I –” she shakes her head. “Sorry, you’re saying you go on holiday with Gary Neville?”
Micah scoffs. “Who else would he go with?” he asks, and Jamie points to him in agreement.
“I dunno, his wife?”
Jamie blinks.
He thought he’d got all this out the way, dragging Gary along to the party a couple of months ago. Apparently not.
“Gary is my wife,” he says, then suddenly feels very stupid saying that to someone who’s not already in on the joke, so he corrects to “my husband, I mean. Obviously he’s not – he’s a man. Obviously.”
Kate’s eyes are wide, unblinking. She looks between Jamie and Micah, lips pressed together while her brain seems to be buffering.
“You’re married to a man?” she says eventually. “But you’re not gay, I mean – you’re –”
Jamie, who last time he checked definitely was gay, raises an eyebrow, amused. “I’m what?”
“You’re a footballer,” she attempts, and oh, this is far too easy.
“Bit ‘omophobic, that, sayin’ footballers can’t be gay,” he replies, holding back a smirk.
“Oh shut up, you know what I – you’re a lad! You’re always with the banter, and the…”
Thierry wanders over, freshly brewed cup of tea in hand. “What have you two done this time?” he asks, looking pointedly at Jamie and Micah.
Jamie raises his hands to protest his innocence.
“Thierry,” Kate asks, reaching a hand out towards him, “did you know Jamie’s married to a man?”
Thierry rolls his eyes. “Ugh, fucking Neville,” he replies, and goes to sit down.
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moonlight-stalker · 1 year
# 89 Dcu x Dp
A De age Danny was put in the Watchtower by Clockwork, he's running around while the Justices League trying to catch him
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no-where-new-hero · 1 year
catch me rewriting the entirety of blue castle from Barney's POV like i'm stephanie meyer on her midnight sun bullshit
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sesamestreep · 1 year
okay sorry one last one: 50, dealer's choice
50. rudely barging in on a white veil occasion (from this list) you say dealer’s choice, I say DREW CREW! 🔎✨ set several years in the future so all these characters can legally drink and technically not be child brides, basically 🥂💍
After breaking several traffic laws to get there in record time, Nick and Ace barge in to the fitting area of Delia’s Bridal Shop in Augusta to find burn marks on the plush beige carpet as well as the remnants of several broken champagne glasses scattered on the floor. Nancy is standing center stage, as it were, grasping George by the arms but they both turn in surprise when the boys enter.
“Nancy, don’t!” Nick calls, first to act as always.
“Whatever you’re feeling right now,” Ace tries to say while still catching his breath after the sprint from the parking lot, “it’s not you. It’s the—!”
“Earrings,” Nancy replies flatly. “The ones Ryan gave me to wear, from the Hudson estate.”
“Yeah,” Nick says, cautiously, throwing a baffled look in Ace’s direction. “It turns out they belonged to one of the Women in White, and she—”
“Went crazy at her own wedding and killed a bunch of the guests,” George finishes for him, with a grim smile. “So, now they’re infused with her rage.”
“Yeah,” Ace responds, feeling his heart rate hesitantly returning to normal, “and it looks like Temperance held onto them and they got passed down through the Hudsons because…”
“She’s a nightmare person from Hell,” Bess says, nodding from an overstuffed chaise nearby, somehow managing to look both exhausted and blasé at the same time.
“Wait,” Nick says, gesturing at Nancy and George, “if you’re not in the midst of some bridal meltdown, how did you know about the earrings? And what’s with this mess?”
George gives Nancy an arch look. “Someone decided it might be nice to let the salesgirl try on her spooky family heirloom jewelry because she’s just sooo friendly and accommodating.”
At Nick and Ace’s mutual confused looks, Bess gestures to the corner, where a disheveled salesgirl is tied up in dressing room curtains and snoring gently as she presumably sleeps off the side effects of the curse, then holds up what Ace recognizes as her kit of spell components that she keeps in her purse.
“Magical first aid kit,” she announces proudly before taking a swig out of the last intact champagne flute, “never leave home without it!”
“How was I supposed to know the earrings were cursed?” Nancy asks, helplessly.
“Well, they are from the Hudsons,” Nick offers, getting a universal murmur of agreement from everyone else.
“Yeah, no more gifts or relics from that side of the family, please,” Ace says, moving to put his arm around her shoulders soothingly.
“Nothing older than twenty years, I promise,” she replies, leaning into his side. “Though, Bess did break the curse on the earrings, so…”
“Nancy!” Bess yells.
“Absolutely not,” Nick puts in.
“Not happening,” Ace objects.
“Ryan is rich. He can buy you new earrings,” George says, shaking her head and going to stand with Nick.
“Fine,” Nancy grumbles. “I guess we don’t need the risk of any extra bad luck for our wedding anyway.”
“Extra bad luck?” Ace asks. “Without the earrings, what do we have to worry about?”
Nancy bites her lip and looks uncomfortably at George and Bess. “Well, I know it’s old-fashioned, but it is considered bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the ceremony and…you’re, well…”
When she gestures down at her body, Ace notices her dress for the first time. It’s…big, with a lot of layers of tulle and…a lot more rhinestones around the neckline than he could have anticipated. The minute he spots the enormous bows down the back, he catches up and slaps a hand over his eyes.
“Oh, no! I’m sorry, I didn’t even think! I was so worried about the cursed earrings that I…”
“Goddammit,” George says.
Ace looks over at her, in case something else has suddenly gone wrong, only to find Nick trying desperately not to laugh while she glares at Nancy.
“Pay up, baby!” Nancy says, with a triumphant grin.
“What,” Ace says, not even bothering to make it a question.
“George bet me 20 bucks that I wouldn’t put this dress on and be able to convince you I was going to buy it,” Nancy says, patting his chest with her palm. “I was just going to text you a photo but you made it a lot easier by showing up. You should’ve seen your face.”
“That’s so mean,” Ace says, even as relief floods through him.
“As if I’d ever choose this dress of all things.”
“I’m still coming down from a panicked adrenaline high and I feel that I should be graded on a curve as a result.”
“Does that mean I don’t have to give Nancy twenty dollars?” George asks, as she fishes a bill out of her bra.
“Hell no,” Nancy replies, snatching it out of her hands. “Weddings are expensive.”
Ace nods at the damage around them. “Yeah, and I have a feeling these guys aren’t going to give us a discount.”
“Maybe there’s a matching wedding dress in the Hudson House of Horrors you could borrow,” Nick suggests.
“Don’t even joke about that,” Nancy says, darkly, curling even further into Ace’s side.
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Whumpee walking somewhere by themselves. Well - They’re in public, but there’s no one around that they know. Maybe they’re shopping, or in a library.
When suddenly, they start to feel weird. Their vision appears distorted, and the ground seems to wobble beneath their feet. Everything feels distant and out of reach, but somehow they manage to steady themselves and sit down on a nearby bench before their legs have the chance to give out beneath them.
As they sit, things start to clear up again. The dizziness slowly disappears, but it’s soon replaced by this godawful tiredness. From one moment to another, they feel like they can’t keep their eyes open another moment. After they wake up from an involuntary doze of a few seconds - Or was it minutes, they can’t tell - They decide to give themselves a push, just head home and plop into bed.
So they get up, gather their things, and immediately, the feeling of earlier returns - Only that it is now accompanied by this awful, splitting headache. They blink, try to turn their focus on what they’re doing, but before they even have the chance to take action - They’re out cold on the ground, their books or whatever they were carrying sprawled out on the ground next to them.
What do they wake up to? The face of a worried but somewhat helpless stranger or employee who’s trying to help them to their best abilities? Maybe they’re looking up at dozens of people crowded around them, staring, no one daring to make the first step in helping until one person finally does, and then they lash out at everyone for being too pussy to do anything? Or what if the first thing they see is an EMT and Whumpee actually has no clue what’s happening, they just feel absolutely awful and want to sleep, but why is this person telling them to…stay awake?
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fish-closet · 10 months
Anyone have any quirks they developed during the lock downs?
I developed the quirk of using "Howdy" as a greeting.
I graduated college and started a job in the Summer of 2021. So most people had two shots and things were starting to open up again.
I had this coworker I'll call August that every so often would greet a full room of people by saying "Howdy-doody!" which I thought was hilarious. I decided I also wanted to have a humorous greeting for my coworkers, but I did not have the enthusiasm to say "Howdy-doody." So I settled on "Howdy."
This then evolved into a genuine greeting.
Now that I am interacting with more people, I am being confronted with the fact that this is not a normal fucking greeting (except in Texas).
Most of the time people just go with it. No one laughs because I'm not intending to be funny. I've had a few people become genuinely confused what the joke is.
But oh boy, guys, I have recently discovered me saying "Howdy" has been causing psychic damage to my coworkers.
I was once walking with one of my coworkers on the way out of work. I said "Howdy" to people passing by and he asked me almost confrontational:
"Have you even been to Texas?"
I asked what he was talking about and he said he was just really caught up how casual I was saying Howdy.
I told him about how August would say "Howdy-doody" and how I wanted to emulate him. My coworker seemed to get it.
In the last couple of months, a new coworker started, and he wears a cowboy hat. Apparently, when I first met him, I greeted him, saying, "Howdy."
He told me this created a brain-worm in his head because he could not tell if this was something I said every day to him genuinely or if it was because he was wearing a cowboy hat.
I told him that it was just something I said, and that seemed to make him feel better.
But guys, I -
I was just saying "Howdy."
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lahficclub · 10 months
The Possession
Link for the fic: The Possession
Author: MadameQuagmire
Relationship: Alex Horne & Tim Key & Mark Watson
Additional Tags:
spooky stuff
lockdown madness
my favorite idiots being such idiots
the most inept exorcism you'll ever see
Something spooky is happening in Tim's flat. Alex can feel it. But is there anything they can do about it?
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touchlikethesun · 6 months
i want to go so many new places. i also want to go back to places i've already been because i didn’t get enough time. the list of places to go just keeps growing and i never cross anything off
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windydrawallday · 1 year
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There's no heavy plan or pretense on these that just-- Me wanting to try my hand on this pairing because I NEED TO POUR SUGAR ON EVERYTHING I LIKE, OKAY! (and make more SFW artworks of quality because I guess they give that irresistible vibe of being-- welp I better shut up it's not like I don't do that COFF). What I was saying? AH.
And I love a lot the idea of Swindle… swindling his way with Lockdown. I think he would be of the few mechs that can make him truly flustered, if their relationship were a physical contract for sure it would be constantly edited to suit their desires over and over and--. It's a fun dynamic of "this is strictly business, no strings attached" but the string is there… invisible like those fishing lines that you forget they are there until you trip with it and fall on your nose x'D.
Next one I'll post tomorrow, I'm doing it this way too to give myself more time to gather my energies: I've been on an emotional storm and I found my loyal "coping umbrella" has some holes… I'm probably overthinking… I want to take a looong walk after… the rain stops, it's been like that for a whole week!.
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maemil · 1 year
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First Kiss is a Kiss Goodbye
I got sooo excited for today's prompt from @starwarssapphicweek. The drama, the tragedy, the barrissoka. It's perfection.
[ID: A drawing of Barriss Offee and Ahsoka Tano kissing through the bars of a cell. Ahsoka holds one of the bars tightly and Barriss holds Ahsoka's face. They are in their The Wrong Jedi outfits and Ahsoka is crying.]
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ineffable-kelpie · 8 months
A Retired Angel's Report
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1,500
Prompt: Smiling into a hug
Characters: Aziraphale, Crowley
Aziraphale fidgeted with his ring under the table as Crowley unpacked their takeout lunch. This was ridiculous. He was ridiculous. He just hoped he could get through this lunch without Crowley realizing how ridiculous he was.
“Sushi for you,” said Crowley, presenting the now-plated sushi with a flourish. “And sake for me,” they added, opening the bottle and pouring themself a glass.
“And also for me, I hope,” said Aziraphale.
“Sorry, did you want some?”
Aziraphale shot Crowley a look.
“Alright, I can be persuaded to share,” said Crowley, pouring one for Aziraphale. “Cheers, angel.”
They clinked glasses. Crowley seemed in a good mood. Well, of course they were, they hadn’t been out of their flat in a while, and it had been even longer since the two of them had gone out for lunch. They still couldn’t exactly do that, with all the restaurants closed for lockdown, but takeout in the back of the bookshop was the next best thing.
“So how’s tricks?” Crowley asked, crossing their legs as they sipped the sake. “Bake any more cakes? How’s the sourdough starter?”
“Mary’s doing very well, thank you. I’ve given away some of her offshoots to my neighbors. We’re talking about organizing a bake sale for charity.” There, he’d slipped that in quite naturally. This was going to be fine.
Crowley made an odd face. “Is that the best idea in a pandemic?”
“Oh.” Aziraphale swallowed, feeling even more foolish. “Er. Perhaps you’re right. I suppose nobody would come out, anyway.” He chuckled at himself and shook his head. “Um, I talked to Nina, across the street, and convinced her to convinced her to give her family a call, try to reconnect with them.” That segue wasn’t quite as natural. “It’s…it’s nice, I think, for people to check up on each other right now. From a safe distance. Don’t you think?”
“Sure,” Crowley muttered. They were watching Aziraphale with something like confusion.
“I mean—not with you,” Aziraphale added hurriedly. “I’m very glad to see you in person, as long as neither of us are seeing anyone else in person. Er, speaking of seeing things, I’ve been putting up encouraging flyers around the neighborhood,” Aziraphale charged on. He spun his ring around his pinkie faster and faster. “Well, er, one of my tenants has, and I helped. And suggested a few slogans. I tried my hand at writing a poem, in fact, although I don’t think it was very—”
“Aziraphale,” Crowley interrupted, “is everything alright?”
“Perfectly,” Aziraphale said automatically, and then remembered the general state of the world. “Well, no obviously not. But I’m doing quite well, circumstances aside. Spreading peace and well-being, just like always.”
Crowley treated him to a long stare across the table. “You haven’t touched your sushi,” they said, gesturing at the plate. “You’ve been antsy since I got here, and you’ve talked nonstop since I asked what you’ve been up to.”
“Well, I haven’t talked to much of anyone in a long while,” Aziraphale said defensively. “Excuse me if I need to adjust.”
“Hang on.” A crease appeared between Crowley’s eyebrows. “Are you giving me a report?”
Aziraphale froze for just a second before remembering to act casual. “A…report?” they repeated, and tried to laugh. It didn’t come out right. “Why would I do that? It’s not as though I need to give reports to anyone anymore.”
“You are,” said Crowley. “You’re telling me all the Good stuff you’ve been doing since lockdown started.”
“I—um—” Aziraphale could try to keep denying it, but he doubted Crowley would believe him.
Crowley was tense. They took a drink, set down their glass, and looked at the table. “Do you, er…miss it? Since you quit?”
“No!” Aziraphale said at once. But that wasn’t the entire truth. His shoulders sagged. “Well…Heaven, I don’t miss. Gabriel I certainly don’t miss. But it…it feels nice to tell someone about the good things I’ve done. It, I don’t know, it makes them feel real.” And when he didn’t tell someone, he felt anxious. Like he was failing a test. Like he’d put in all the effort to study, and couldn’t find a pencil to fill it in with.
He looked down at his sushi, still untouched. He couldn’t summon an appetite for it now. “It’s silly,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—You don’t care about that stuff anyway.”
“Of course we do,” said Crowley, in a terrible American accent, brimming with fake enthusiasm. “These are valuable accomplishments that, er, align with our quarterly objectives. Let’s circle back after the deep dive. Synergy.”
Aziraphale was so baffled that he forgot to feel embarrassed. “Crowley, what on Earth…?”
“Trying to make it feel like you’re giving a real report,” said Crowley, in their regular voice. “That’s how Gabriel talks, right?”
Aziraphale burst out laughing, so hard that he doubled over. That he’d been so worried about Crowley thinking him foolish, and Crowley’s reaction had been that… “Crowley—” Aziraphale gasped, wiping his eyes. “Yes, that’s exactly how Gabriel sounds. But I don’t want to feel like I’m talking to Gabriel. I told you, I’m glad to be rid of him.”
“Thank fuck,” said Crowley, slouching in relief. “Need to go wash the corporate buzzwords out of my mouth after that. Er, I can maybe do Michael?”
“I don’t want to feel like I’m reporting to anyone in Heaven,” said Aziraphale. “Except for the part where I tell you the good things I’ve done, and…”
Crowley’s eyebrows rose when Aziraphale didn’t finish the thought immediately. “And?”
Aziraphale felt very small. If Crowley didn’t think him ridiculous now, they definitely would if he voiced the next part aloud.
“And what, angel?” Crowley prompted. “I can’t read your mind.”
“And…” Aziraphale couldn’t look at Crowley. “Well, I don’t think he often meant it, but Gabriel would usually tell me I’d done a good job…”
Crowley’s chair scraped against the floor. Aziraphale looked up to see Crowley and their chair right next to him. Crowley leaned over, reached for Aziraphale with both arms, and hugged him. “Would Gabriel do this?”
Aziraphale blinked as he processed the position he was in. His heart raced. He had scarcely spoken to anyone these past few months, much less touched anyone, much less been hugged. And to be hugged by Crowley, over something like this, for such an absurd…it could only be described as a weakness…he didn’t quite know how to wrap his head around it. “N-no,” he said, in answer to Crowley’s question. “No, never.”
“Good,” said Crowley. “Means I can do it, then. And you’re doing so good, Aziraphale.”
Aziraphale wanted to believe them. But that wasn’t usually how his reports went. “You don’t have to say that if you don’t mean it.”
“I do,” said Crowley, squeezing Aziraphale harder. “Course I do. You’re still trying to make people’s lives a little bit better, even now that you don’t have to. That’s amazing.”
Oh. Aziraphale did believe him. He found himself smiling into the hug, unable to stop himself. This was so much better than his reports to Gabriel. He raised his arms to hug Crowley back.
“By the way, you do know you don’t have to keep doing Good, right?” said Crowley. “I mean, you obviously can, and good for you, but you’d still be plenty Good even if you’re not racking up achievements.”
Ah. Aziraphale didn’t know that, not in his heart. That was never how things worked in Heaven. Maybe, with time, he’d be able to believe it. “I’ll try to remember that.”
They hugged for a few moments longer, and then Crowley pulled away. “Now eat your sushi,” they ordered, doing a half-decent impression of someone who wasn’t the least bit sentimental and hadn’t recently hugged and comforted an unemployed angel. “I carried it here for a reason, and it wasn’t for the exercise.”
Aziraphale laughed and wiped a hint of water from his eyes. He still couldn’t stop smiling. “Yes, of course, my dear.” He picked up his chopsticks, dabbed a piece of sushi with soy sauce, and popped it into his mouth.
He closed his eyes to better savor the experience, noting the delicate balance of flavors, the way the tuna practically melted on his tongue. He hummed in appreciation, feeling the corners of his mouth turn up, and then swallowed. When he opened his eyes, Crowley was smiling at him across the table, their gaze soft.
“Good, I take it?” Crowley asked.
“Scrumptious.” Aziraphale turned his attention back to the plate and went for another piece. “Thank you, my dear.” He didn’t just mean for bringing the sushi. It tasted better, now that he’d finished his “report.” It felt like he’d earned the indulgence.
He knew that Crowley would object to that reasoning. But he also knew that Crowley would go along with whatever logic Aziraphale set forth which allowed him to enjoy himself. And maybe, in time, Aziraphale wouldn’t need that so much, either.
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