#lol okay i edited the last bit because it didn't sit right with me that regalla would 'smooth things over' by being straight up cruel
cicadaknight · 1 year
I'm in ruins thinking about Kotallo and Fashav spending 5 years growing to love each other. All for it to be ripped away by a comrade they trusted. RUINS.
After his solo assignment in Arrowhand, Kotallo takes Fashav to the inker for his first marks. He gives a rushed history of the difference in style and shape language between the clans. Fashav blushes when Kotallo traces his arm as he explains how far the marks will likely extend for his deeds.
Fashav always volunteers for assignments in the Desert Clan because he knows Kotallo is miserable in the heat. Kotallo swallows his pride. It's a small gesture, but it's kind. Besides, Fashav has more patience for Drakka's antics than he ever will.
The second anniversary of their Kulrut arrives too quickly. For Fashav, it's a memory tainted by losing hope of ever returning home. All he wants is a moment alone to reflect before joining the other Marshals feasting in the yard. As he reads over his glyphs, he hears a rustle behind him. Without turning to look, Fashav says, "Are you coming in or simply content watching me sweat?" Kotallo's leaning in the doorway, watching fondly as Fashav scribbles on parchment. He enters wordlessly, sits on the cot, and reveals a vessel from behind his back; Carjan wine he scavenged from an abandoned raider camp. He'd saved it, remembering the wistful way Fashav spoke of nights in Meridian with his cousins. It's pleasant and sweet. Kotallo would never admit it's better than Sky Clan spirits. But as the night goes on, the way it makes Fashav's laugh deep and unguarded is enough for him to check every raider camp he sweeps for another cask.
Kotallo's away settling a dispute in Salt Bite. When he arrives back at the Grove, Regalla's positively gloating about goading Fashav into the Valley of the Fallen trial. Kotallo is LIVID, but won't risk Fashav's honor by going after him. All he can do is wait and pray to the Ten that the days go by quickly and Fashav returns unscathed.
Regalla tries to smooth things over with Kotallo after the Valley of the Fallen incident. She's jovial and cocky, teasing him about his form as they spar together in the training pit. "You're sluggish today. It's the Carja, isn't it? What is it about that man that makes you lose your focus?" "Probably his shiny silks, they catch the light like a beacon," he jests. Fashav hasn't worn anything but Tenakth armor since the Kulrut, but it feels familiar to tease him. She laughs and he rolls his eyes. Regalla circles around him, spear trailing loose designs in the dirt. "He'll be fine, you know. Tell me, what is it really? Worried he'll trip over a root? Get stuck up a tree? Try to appease a Glinthawk with some of his eastern poetry?" In a flash she scores a hit to his shoulder, "I wouldn't worry too much. That sniveling worm would wriggle his way out of a Thunderjaw's maw. The Ten know nothing else will touch him. Well maybe not nothing?" Kotallo freezes and studies her face, hoping to see some regret in her eyes. How far will she take her jibes? She only smirks back, whirling for another attack. Before she can blink, he steps aside and swipes her feet out from under her, blunt end of his spear resting at her throat. Crouching next to her face, he hisses, "It's been 3 years, Galla. He has nothing left to prove to us. Nothing to prove to you, even in all your bitterness. Ease. The fuck. Up." He stands and tosses his spear to the ground. It's a grave insult to make another clean up your weapons, but he's furious. He feels her eyes scorching his back as he makes his way to the Grove. The ice will never thaw between them.
Kotallo learns to read so quickly with the Focus because Fashav taught him Carja glyphs. They would leave messages for each other in various settlements, in their rooms, in secret spots all over the Grove. The journals Aloy finds were meant for Kotallo.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
Just Take It | Bonus Drabble 5
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Summary: Fracturing your ankle was the last thing you wanted to do this weekend but I guess it's not that bad when you have your handsome husband to be your caretaker. Slice of life drabble from the future 🤭 Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 2.9k (damn it's been a while since I put one of these out haha) Warning: Some suggestive language if you squint really hard lmao, oc is a pouty baby because she's in pain lol a/n: Barely edited per usual Requested by: 🧜‍♀️ anon 🥰 Start from the beginning
"How are you feeling?" Jungkook asks me once we're both in the car. "Humiliated" I say, hissing when I try to readjust my leg. "People fall all the time when they're hiking darling it's not that big of a deal" he tries reassuring me but it only makes me feel worse.
"But it didn't even happen on a rocky part or anything. We were literally walking on flat ground" I groan, my embarrassment increasing after running through what happened in my head again, remembering how many people were staring at us. 
"Honey it's okay" he chuckles, leaning over to help me with my seatbelt before he puts his on. "I basically tripped on air" I groan, not giving up on how mortified I am, the pain making everything seem so much worse. 
"Hey" he says, cupping my face and making me look at him while he rubs the space between my eyebrows in an effort to smooth out the scowl I'm making, "It's not the end of the world, I promise. It might've been a little embarrassing but it happens to the best of us" he says and my scowl turns into a pout, calming down a little but still upset with myself.
"Did you really have to carry me like that?" I cringe at the thought of how ridiculous we probably looked. "Like what?" he furrows his brows, "Like you were carrying me over the threshold after our wedding" I say, covering my face as if it would help get rid of how shy I felt on top of the humiliation.
He chuckles as his only response leaving me slumping back in my chair, not wanting to snap at him just because of the pain I'm in.
"You sure it's only a sprain?" he asks and I hum, "I've had one before and it felt just like this so I'm sure I'll be fine once we get home and I can ice it" I say and he nods his head.
"Then let's get you home" he agrees and pulls out of the parking lot.
"Are you sure you don't wanna go to the hospital? I can schedule an appointment instead so we don't have to go to the ER if that's what you're worried about" he asks me for the fifth time tonight but I think I've gotta give in since I don't remember my ankle ever swelling up like this.
"Okay" I mumble and he walks up to where I'm sitting on the couch and kisses my forehead. "That's my girl" he praises, handing me the snacks he's prepared for our movie night before plopping down right next to me.
He rests his arm around the back of the couch so I can lean into him while he starts up the movie we chose but as the night goes by the pain gets worse and I have to remind him about making the appointment before we go upstairs to go to bed.
"I don't mind taking you to the ER if it's getting that bad" he says, looking at me with a pained expression, hating that I'm hurting. "I think I'll be alright for the night, can you just help me get upstairs?" I ask and he smirks remembering my earlier complaints.
"Does my bride need me to carry her to bed?" he taunts and I give in, agreeing with him and he gives me a soft smile and a kiss on my temple as a response.
"You ready for bed?" he asks and I nod my head, taking another look at my ankle and growing wary about what could've happened. He turns off the TV and stands up, scooping me into his arms, careful not to move too fast but I still hiss when my foot droops a bit and I notice that the pain killers have worn off.
My hiss turns into a whimper and right after I can feel tears start to well up in my eyes and I can't control it anymore, the pain hitting me in waves as he gets closer to the stairs but turns to walk towards the guest bedroom instead.
"I'm not taking you upstairs if you're crying from walking on flat ground. I really wish you would let me take you in already" he says, placing another kiss on my temple before he lays me down on the bed and quickly grabs some pillows to prop it up adjusting it for me until he sees i'm comfortable.
"No I can w-wait until morning" I say, choking back the tears now that it's supported again. "You sure?" he asks and I nod my head one last time and he decides to respect my wishes.
"Okay well your appointment is at eight AM so you'll have to wait until then to be seen. I'll call them when I wake up to see if they have any cancellations so we can get in earlier" he says and I give him a sad smile while when he wipes off my tear stained cheeks.
"I love you" I mumble and he chuckles, "I love you too baby. You know I'm always gonna take care of you. In sickness and in health remember" he says and I chuckle for a second or two.
"There's that smile I love" he says, cupping my face before leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips. "Can you get me some more pain killers please?" I mumble after he breaks the kiss. He hums in agreement, "Sure baby" he says and places one last kiss on my lips before he goes to get them.
He comes back with a glass of water and another snack making me smile. "I'm gonna go grab your phone charger for you too and this is just in case you get hungry in the middle of the night" he teases. "But aren't you gonna sleep in here too?" I ask, worried that he might leave me alone. 
"I can't honey, I might move around too much and bump into your ankle. I don't want to hurt you" he says and I understand but I hate sleeping alone. "Okay" I say and pull the blanket over my head so he won't see how upset I am about all this. He knows though, he always knows. 
"Bunny please don't cry" he say softly, kneeling down next to the bed once he hears the first sniffle. I had just been crying after being moved in here so the news of him not sleeping here with me was easy for me to get upset about. "I don't wanna sleep alone" I say under the blanket and he sighs, pulling it down so he can talk to me properly. 
"I don't like sleeping alone either Bun but I can stay with you until you fall asleep if you want" he offers and I dry my tears and nod, satisfied with the compromise. I just don't like being alone when I'm hurting like this. I know we could just head to the hospital right now and then we can be together but I know both of us deserve some rest before going since I don't know how long we would be there at this hour. 
He picks up the arm chair from the corner of the room and sets it right next to the bed. "You don't wanna just come a lay down?" I ask and he chuckles. "Oh I definitely want to but it would defeat the whole purpose. Just close your eyes and try to get some sleep okay?" he responds and I nod, doing as he says and soon I find myself drifting off.
When the alarm goes off for us to wake up I groan and reach for my phone to try and turn it off but instead of grabbing my phone I end up grabbing a shoulder, opening my eyes and finding Jungkook laying his head on my lap and an arm draped over my thighs while he's fast asleep. 
I smile and finally reach my phone on the night stand and turn off the alarm. I lay there for a minute, admiring his sleeping face with his lips slightly parted letting out soft snores and I brush his hair out of his face so I can see him better, stirring him awake a little. 
"Did you sleep in here all night?" I ask softly and he hums in contentment from the feeling of me playing with his hair before he responds. "I didn't want to leave you alone" he mumbles and my heart warms at that. "Thank you honey" I say, brushing my thumb along the scar on his cheek and he gives me a sleepy smile. 
"We need to get ready to go" I remind him and he nods and takes a deep breath before sitting up slowly and cracking his back. "You should've gone up to bed Daddy" I tease and he narrows his eyes at me. "You better stop that before you start" he lets out in his deep morning voice and as much as I want to push it we really do have to get going. 
"If you took one last bad step you could've completely broken it" the doctor says, bringing the x-rays in so we can take a look and I wince seeing how deep the fracture had gone. "So what happens next?" Jungkook asks, letting me focus on the x-ray a bit more while he talks through the next steps with the doctor. 
"We need to set everything back in place and put a cast on her. It'll take anywhere from six to twelve weeks to heal and from the looks of it it'll probably be closer to twelve. "That's three months!" I say in disbelief, dreading the fact that I'll have to be off my feet for that long. 
"Yes but good news is the baby looks strong and healthy so you have nothing to worry about on that end" he says in regards to the ultrasound we had taken just to double and triple check on them especially after the x-ray. I landed on my ass so I wasn't too worried but it doesn't hurt to check. 
"Thank God" Jungkooks says, taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "But no more hiking. You'll be around six months along if I'm not mistaken by the time your cast comes off and you'll have to take some time to restrengthen it afterwards" the doctor says and I nod my head in agreement. 
"Got it" I respond and I can see Jungkook deflate a little since it's one of his favorite things to do together but he understands how important my health and safety is as well as the baby's. 
"We can get you into surgery in the next twenty minutes or so so just hang tight and one of the nurses will come get you when we're ready" he says and we give him our thanks before he slips out, leaving us on our own. 
"You okay?" Jungkook asks and I smile, "Yeah, I'm just glad they're okay" I say, placing my hand over my little baby bump and he places his right on top of mine. "Me too" he agrees and leans down to place a gentle kiss on my lips and we wait patiently in the room until they're ready for me.  
After the surgery is done and dusted and he's managed to get me home he places me down on the couch, having carried me inside again even though I told him I was completely capable of using the crutches. He said, "No wife of mine will ever have to use those when I'm around" or something to that extent just to make me laugh, and it did.
"You take such good care of me" I say, blinking up at him slowly, still feeling a little out of it from the anesthesia since I knew I couldn't go through all of that if I was awake. "Just doing my job Bun" he says, leaning down to give me a kiss before going back outside to get my crutches out of the car, just in case I decide I want them. 
After coming back inside he grabs the footstool and sets it up to I can keep my leg elevated and puts plenty of pillows as well just like last time. "Doc said the pain meds would start waring off soon and that I should have you eat something before you take your next dose. Any requests?" he asks, walking over to the basket of blankets we have in the living room to drape one over me.
Everything he's done has just made me fall more and more in love with him and at this point I didn't even realize that that was even possible. Maybe I just had low standards from before but I don't know, maybe this is what true love looks like. It's not in the big gestures or the lavish gifts. It's the simple things like this that matter the most.  
"Bun?" he calls out to me and I realized I hadn't answered his question yet "Oh, um whatever you want is fine. You took me to my doctor's appointment and the pharmacy and everything so you can choose" I say and he nods, heading into the kitchen to start making us lunch and before I know it he's already grabbed a tray and placed it in front of me so I wouldn't have to go anywhere.
"Thank you honey" I say and he caresses my cheek before walking back to the kitchen to grab his food. When he's on his way back I hear the doorbell ring and look over at him, wordlessly questioning who might've come to stop by but he just smiles at me and opens the door, accepting some sort of food from a delivery driver which has me confused. 
"What's that?" I ask, the plain white bag a mystery to me until the scent of fries hits me and my mouth is watering. He sees my eyes light up when I figure it out and he chuckles, "And I got you your favorite" he says, handing me one of the two drinks he had brought in as well and I already know what it is. 
"Is that a mango milkshake?" I ask excitedly and he smiles while I take the lid off and take a sip, my milkshake mustache making him laugh. "That good huh?" he teases and I hum, "The baby was craving it" I say making excuses and he shakes his head but puts the fries on the plate next to the sandwich he made me. 
I take a fry and dip it in the milkshake and take a bite, and I can see him laughing again. "What?" I ask, not seeing what about this could be so funny. "You always dance around when you're eating your favorite food" he says and I roll my eyes. 
"Would you rather I dip a pickle in it like last time?" I cock a brow at him and he pretends to gag. "No please, not again" he shudders leaving me laughing at him instead. 
"I still can't believe you made me try that" he mumbles and I refute it right away. "You're the one who wanted to try it!". "Well you should've stopped me if you knew I wouldn't like it" he argues back and I giggle at his horrified expression. 
"How was I supposed to know that you wouldn't like it? They're called pregnancy craving for a reason Honey so you should've know better" I tease him and he grumbles something unintelligible under his breath. 
"Just don't eat it today alright? I don't want to have to taste it when I kiss you" he shudders. "Who said I wanted to kiss you?" I say playfully and he looks at me and then looks at my foot that's still propped up and huffs, slumping back into the couch. 
"What?" I laugh, not knowing what that reaction was for. "Just know that if you weren't wearing that cast right now you would've been thrown over my shoulder and dragged upstairs for that smart comment" he pouts and I laugh again, grabbing his arm and wrapping it around me, placing a kiss on his cheek for good mesasure.
"You know you love me" I say and he hums, "I do, and you better love me too or I'm taking back that milkshake" he says reaching for it and I smack his hand before he can get any closer. "I wouldn't be having your child if I wasn't in love with you dummy" I tease and he smiles and places a kiss on my cheek, making an aggressive smooching sound against it. 
"Stop" I whine trying to push him off and his only response is to hug me tighter and pepper me with more kisses. "Alright, alright I give up!" I call out, hoping that'll make him stop and luckily it works. He finishes off by planting one last kiss on my lips and nudging his nose against mine before standing up and walking back over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and the bottle with my pain meds. 
"Eat up so you can take your medicine, I don't want you to be in pain again" he says switching back to my handsome caretaker and I do as I'm told, eating my fill and taking the medication.
"Thank you Honey" I say, hoping to display my sincerity and he gives me a soft smile. "You're welcome baby" he answers, placing a kiss on the top of my head and the rest of our day goes by in a blur, laughing and teasing each other until the sun goes down. 
Like I said, it's the little things that matter to most and I guess it was just one of those days for us. 
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ghastlyvampire · 3 months
Large 1 am thought dump about the ghovie under the cut (contains spoilers) (it really is large and pretty disorganized and a bit random)
(I rewrote this at 8 am ☝️)
The theater was PACKED!! The session I went to was almost fully sold out. There were cosplayers where I went too, it was great. No merch available unfortunately, but hey I didn't even expect it to show in my country so I'm very pleased.
(downside: no popcorn because if we tried to get popcorn we would have been late. The popcorn line basically took over the cinema's entry hall. The ghovie coincided with a bunch of parents taking their kids to see inside out which made for a funny mix at the waiting line).
I basically didn't know anything about what to expect but it was so cool. I'M JUST SAD I COULDN'T GET THE LAST QR CODE IN TIME SIGH BUT IT'S OKAY!!
I went with my dad and he loved it. This is the first movie we watched in a theater that he somehow didn't fall asleep in the middle of LOL.
The downside: as usual, sexual innuendos were a bit awkward to witness when your father is sitting right next to you. That didn't stop me from enjoying anything though dkkskfkdk
I kind of wish the people in my session had been more... Idk I mean it was basically a concert right!! I was expecting more singing and stuff. I normally hate loudness but in these contexts I really like it, but judging by the wait line we were all nerds so it makes sense why no one was extroverted enough for that.
(We did all laugh sometimes and also everyone groaned at the cliffhanger which was funny) (twice, once when the screen turned black and then when the lights of the theater turned back on) (everyone waited)
I did unfortunately also conclude that there's like a 90% chance that I could not ever actually go to a Ghost concert (or most big concerts) because of the lights* 🥹 (autism). I just looked away whenever it got too much but I was also kind of transfixed but regardless I had fun.
*well, really thinking about it I would probably already be overwhelmed just by being in that big of a crowd. Then having to listen to it scream the whole time would have probably kill me so there's that
I got so scared that Copia was going to die at the end. My heart was beating so fast nearing the end and when the balloon thing start I was like It's Over. Then it wasn't!
(In my heart I kind of knew Tobias wasn't going to do that because we are all very attached to him at this point and I would imagine he is too)
The Mary On a Cross animation made me very happy
The costume changes were so cool to witness and I really liked Papa's (or Fráter's now, I guess hehe) little boxer outfit.
Someone brought their baby AND THE BABY DIDN'T CRY OR SCREAM ONCE! Idk how their mom did it since I'm sure they couldn't have been sleeping but maybe they were raised with Ghost so they were just as hooked into the movie as the rest of us.
Oughhh ouch now I'm craving cinema popcorn so bad I wish I could have seen the movie while eating popcorn.
It was nice to get the confirmation that Copia really is Nihil and Sister's son (even though we all knew).
When they were in that box thing I thought that Nihil was going to possess him. I was expecting for him to possess him when he did the pose too for some reason.
I was like wow I will be completely normal about this I'm not even autistic about Ghost anymore. Then I sat down on the chair and immediately was fighting back tears. Apparently I can never be Normal About Things (specifically Things That I Like a Lot).
The new song is great
I was sad that Sister died but she's a ghost so really it's okay.
I might edit this later with more thoughts but I'm too sleepy to think right now. If you somehow read everything then hiiii thank you for reading my messy thoughts
Edit #2: The ghovie had no ads before it. Like at all. I was pleasantly surprised but also feel bad for the people that went into it a bit late thinking they wouldn't miss anything because the ads usually take minutes.
Edit #3: Another reason that makes me think that I'd die at a real Ghost concert is that the music is probably very loud as well, and while my brain dislikes loud music that I like less than the other loud things, it's still not immune to it. Thinking about it, it's crazy that somehow I didn't feel overwhelmed by the sounds in the ghovie once, considering that usually that happens at least once in every movie I see on the theater. Idk if it's just me or they just made it like that, but I'm VERY pleased about that too.
If you want more specific spoilers then dm me I love rambling about things I like
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
Let me preface this by saying I did check your FAQ but I didn't see this there yet I still find it hard to believe no one has asked you this at least a thousand times so if they did and I just missed it I'm sorry and you can delete this ask but—
You write such beautiful, detailed fics with lots of foreshadowing that often starts from the very beginning of the story. I think you made an author note once about only posting the first chapter of a fic after you've written the whole thing (or maybe that was Andie...?). If so, is the time between updates just you going through and rereading / editing like 100k words?
Basically, I want to ask: what is your fic planning process like? From the moment you get a first idea to posting the last chapter, what does I look like? I think you're a really, really amazing (one of the absolute best if not THE best) author but I cannot fathom how one human being can write such mammoths of fanfiction and stay motivated enough to finish them.
Also you're already planning Halloween stuff ?? You plan things literally half a year in advance?? Are you even human? We don't deserve you. 😭
You called yourself lazy in the webcomic post but I think you must work unbelievably hard to make such high quality stuff and without even getting compensation for it. You're amazing and I'm very thankful to exist in the right timeline and fandom to read your work. :,)
(oh my god this became such a ramble I'm sorry)
Oh Ari. 🥺 Hello.
I update as I write! So that was probably Andie, lmao, who’s definitely the better example to follow when it comes to plotting/completing a fic. 🥺 She’s amazing and if I could fashion myself after any other writer in our niche, it would be Andie hands down!
But okay, let’s get into it. 📝
A little disclaimer, before we start; I did not go to school for any of this lmfao. The most relevant education I have behind me is a extra-circular literature class I had during my last two years of high-school. The only reason the following works for me is because I’ve cobbled it together from years of trial and error. You can read advice and watch youtube videos about the writing habits of famous authors, but you have to tailor everything you hear to suit you and the way you work. The best advice in the world from the highest paid author in the world won’t work if you’re not wired in the same way! You have to take everything about yourself and what you like and what you want into account!
Part I—first we take Manhattan
start ur fic lol
First thing’s first; I’m a plotter. I don’t pants. If I pants, I lose interest—I need to have the final vision in front of me, even if it’s just a bullet point. I have to know what I’m working towards. That is crucial to literally everything I do. Every fic you see on AO3, every WIP I’ve mentioned working on or wanting to work on—I have always known two things about them, immediately: the hook that gets us in there, and how they end.
So for fics in particular, the start might look something like—I get an idea (I want Reader and Bakugou to kiss). And then I sit there and I brainstorm to myself (What’s stopping them from kissing? Why does Reader want to kiss someone so rude when there’s so many other nice boys out there? Is Reader particularly kissable?). And then, if I’m lucky, I think of an ending (Reader and Bakugou finally kiss, but he’s the one that initiates it, because he’s always wanted to, because he likes that Reader always wears a yellow coat to work—it’s ugly and it sticks out among the black and tan ones of the crowd but he comes to associate it—and thus Reader—with routine and his mornings going well).
This is often the most fragile time of an idea. That hook (Reader and Bakugou kiss) might fall apart with a bit more prodding (why would they kiss? Reader’s a stranger to him; most of us don’t go around kissing random strangers just because we like their coats). Or maybe the hook sticks (they spend almost years in orbit around each other, a constant near-miss) but the ending doesn’t work (I don’t know how to move Bakugou to a position where he can kiss Reader, where he has the opportunity to). For every idea you see in action, or listed, there’s like three more that died during this stage and are now being cannibalised for spare parts.
Part II—running up that hill (a deal with fic)
work work work
If our idea survives, we then move to the “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” stage; which manifests itself in this case as a doc, where I’ll just write any and all ideas I have for this little world so far.
For fanfics, it’ll generally look like—
SUMMARY: Bakugou and Reader kiss.
(in which Bakugou first notices you because of your ugly yellow coat)
📝 Reader is allergic to diary products; for ages Bakugou thinks of her as That Cheesy Extra, because of the colour of her coat. She laughs when she eventually learns about this. (“I can’t even eat cheese,” you complain)
📝 Reader stops walking past the coffee shop Bakugou gets his coffee at, one day; moves??? Leaves the city to help a friend out for a few months. Despite himself it throws Bakugou off-kilter, and when he sees someone (not Reader) in a yellow coat during a villian attack, he momentarily loses focus—gets injured???? The news of his injury makes the news, Reader sees it in Bumblah nowhere.
📝 Her coat is donated accidentally by a roommate, in a mix up, for a charity she’s volunteering at; when Reader returns to the city, she has to make do with a new one, a more neutral colour. Bakugou recognises her anyway and that’s when he realises it was never about the coat (!!!!)
Like, this is actually a pretty good approximation of what all my current fics have looked like, at that stage, before I tidied them up and refined them into proper outlines. Because that’s what will happen next, once we have a rough idea of what we want! Things get moved, or removed—tightened. A rough plot outline takes shape! If I get any ideas for a sequel or a spin off that I might want to do, I’ll note them here (Reader’s roommate, Roomie, who’s working at a charity—eventually meets Shinsou, who’s working on a case. She thinks he’s homeless; he doesn’t realise. They carry on like this for a while.)
Once I have a rough outline (rough meaning in bulletpoints), I’ll start on my more in-depth outlines—I do these chapter by chapter! I say this a lot, but they’re basically a really rough version of said chapter. So it might look like:
Reader’s walking to work; it’s cold enough that’s she’s wearing her coat. There’s a new coffee-shop opened on the corner—it’s full, popular, you think it might be because it’s at a crossroads between two different Pro Hero agencies. Reader glances at the window, interested, but then a friend calls out and you hurry along. Bakugou, inside the coffee-shop waiting for Half and Half to get his order, is affronted; your coat is ugly as shit, and he complains loudly about it to Shouto, who mentions something about Baku. having no room to complain about ugly colour choices.
The swap between Reader/You happens a lot because I’m not using my brain properly, at this stage—I’m just shovelling the sand I need into the sandbox. Once I finish my shovelling, I go back and I rewrite it—but better, LMAO. I flesh things out, I throw things away as needed, I add things in. It’s basically really, really intensive handholding and I would not recommend it for anyone who’s already daunted by the idea of plotting; I do it because if I don’t have a chaperone there (aka my outline) then I’m prone to getting distracted. I am basically the fanfic equivalent of the undiagnosed ADHD kid at the back of the class that only gets work done when they’re sat right in front of the teacher (and even then, there’s like a 50% chance it’s not actually work that’s happening but doodles of that weird pointy S thing over and over again).
Once it’s done, though, we have a completed chapter! I then post it and wait like a little crab under some rocks for people to be tricked into being nice to me, and then I dig back in and think nice thoughts about repeating this process to get chapter two. Eventually I will—and viola! Another chapter! We repeat that over and over until we get to the end of our original outline and we have a finished story. 😌📖
Part III—you’re on your own kid
No one ever likes this part, or what I’m about to say, because at best it sounds like saccharine fodder and at worse it’s out of touch with most people’s experiences in fandom, but—the only way to stay motivated when doing a long-haul fic is that you have to do it for yourself.
People are so kind to me, about the fics I’ve done; it’s part luck and part what I choose to write and part how I write it. And I mean—I share them because I want a little bit of attention, lmao, that’s natural because we’re humans, we all want attention. But here’s the thing, here’s the secret—I take these fics 110% deadly seriously. LOL. That sounds like a joke, but I do! I do that because it’s how I’m built and how I keep myself interested in them—because taking them seriously means I’m more invested in realising the ending I’ve imagined for them since day one.
If other people stopped being so nice about what I was writing, I would be sad—anyone would. 🥺 We all want to be told that we’ve done a good job. But I’ve had the ending for the Deku fic, for example, in my head since it’s predecessor was on-going. That is literal years of knowing how I want Izuku and Scribble’s story to end. If everyone disappeared tonight I would sulk, hardcore, and then I would finish that last chapter anyway. I would finish it because I’ve spent so much time and energy working on that story that not finishing it is a disservice to the world I built around those characters and most importantly to myself. I probably wouldn’t stress as much about it, LOL, if the audience shrunk back down to just me, but I’d still do it. 🥺
I write—and try to finish—these fics because I deserve to see them finished. I want the completed tick, on ao3. I want to look at it and know that I can do it—that I can start something as simple as Bakugou hating on some rando’s yellow coat, and bring it to the finish-line where they finally come together, and see each other, without the yellow coat or through a coffee-shop window.
And this is what I mean by like, tailoring things to suit you—because I know others might be perfectly content to imagine the ending for themselves, without writing it. Or maybe they don’t want to treat fic seriously, because it’s fun escapism. Maybe disappointment that it’s not received like they thought it would be sours the whole experience of fandom for someone—there’s no right or wrong to this. I know I can write for an audience of just me because I’ve done it before. The satisfaction has always come back to the same thing—knowing I finished it, and wrapped that world up as best as I could. You have to pick and choose your poison—and then you have to run with it.
I hope that answers at least some of your questions, Ari. 🥺 Thank-you for such a thoughtful ask; for being so sweet. 🥺 You’re amazing, and I’m the thankful one—I’m glad we’re here, together. 🌷🌾✨📖
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Tis ANOTHER collection of incorrect quotes
Tulip: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Juliano, already removing every potential hazard in the vicinity: How about you don't?
Lily: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany!
Lily, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
SMG3: What’s that off in the distance? Could it be? It is! My last damn, disappearing over the horizon. Be free, my old friend… be free…
SMG4: 3, hun, I literally JUST asked you to be nicer to Boopkins.
Lil Coding: And that's when it hit me. The best idea I ever had!
*After everything goes to shit*
Lily, glaring at Lil Coding: That was the worst idea you've ever had!
Morris: You played me like a damn fiddle!
Root: You're wrong. A fiddle is beautiful and difficult to play. I played you like the cheap kazoo you are.
Cody: LC, I am questioning your sanity... 
Sage: I never questioned it, I knew his sanity was missing from the start.
Cody: I always wondered how a living person could kill another living person.
Cody: And then my siblings got threatened and I was like "oh okay!"
Root: I'm friends with this family for the same reason people visit the zoo.
Root: Oh! Shh, look at that!
Root: *turns to watch a screaming Mario chase a screaming Luigi*
Root: Nature is amazing.
Cory: I'm six, so I get six cookies!
Cody: Cory, bub, that's now how it works-
Lil Coding: *pocketing 12 cookies*
Cody: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Lily: 'Prettiest smile'.
Root: 'Nicest personality'.
Lil Coding: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'.
Bowser Jr: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'.
*The Crew right before Domain&Forum's wedding (potentially idk lol)*
SMG4: Well, we have to go, we have a wedding to attend.
Abyssal: Wait... Oh! I have a wedding to attend too!
Mario: Oh, I have a wedding to attend as well.
Meggy: Where's the other kids?
Welony: They're playing hide and seek.
Meggy: Where?
Welony: I don't think you get how this game works.
Luigi: How late were you up last night?
SMG34 & SMG3, in tandem: Me?
Luigi: No, not you two. You stay up late all the time.
Luigi, to Mario: You.
Buffer: CPU was sitting next to me during the meeting today and offered me a sip of hisbdrink because I mentioned that I was thirsty...
Buffer: I was not fucking expecting to take a sip of vodka cranberry at 9am.
Forum: God, you’re so clingy.
Domain: YOU came to MY USB?!
Buffer: CPU, I need a gun, but you can't ask why I need it.
CPU: As long as you don't ask how I've gained all these.
Buffer: Deal.
CPU: *sets 20 different guns on the table*
Buffer: ..
CPU: ..
Buffer: *points at one* That one will do.
CPU: Good choice.
Tari: Why are you still drinking? It’s 10 in the morning.
Bob: I know how bad this is gonna feel when I sober up, so I'm just gonna keep drinking a little bit.
Lil Coding: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It's gonna be a long night.
Sage: You could have said anything else.
Lily: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, baja blast to fuel my trouble.
Lil Coding: Lily suggested the idea of putting me on a child's leash, and I think everyone honestly considered it.
Umbra: You didn't happen to bring any coffee, did you?
Abyssal, handing him a thermos: Milk and sugar.
Umbra: Oh, awesome. You're a lifesaver.
Umbra: *drinks it*
Umbra: Wait, is this just milk and sugar?
Abyssal: That's what I said.
Root: How petty can you get?
SMG3: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
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smooth-boob · 9 months
⭐ !!!
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut Game
Thank you for sending this, and once again I am literally so sorry, but this is just going to be a long diary entry about The Bustle in a House, a Bridgerton fic I wrote, particularly the epilogue. My inner monologue is loud, and normally it's just me in here! Apart from being unhinged in tags, I don't post a lot of personal things on here, but I have something to say!
I feel like I talk about The Bustle in a House a lot on here, and in terms of hits/kudos/statistics, it's not one of my most popular fics (I mean, it's not shippy and it's aggressively sad, so I get it lol), but it was really a breakthrough story for me! Link at the bottom for shameless self promo, woo.
It's funny, looking at my google docs now, I guess it only took me six weeks to write, but it was literally all I thought about for those six weeks. I was scratching at the walls of my enclosure writing this thing. Apart from a couple Bridgerton one-shots and a quickly abandoned fic, I hadn't written almost anything on my own in such a long time. It was also emotionally charged and gritty and I was so impatient to get the story out but I needed to get it out the way that felt right.
Beyond that, I struggle(d) to write complete stories that aren't just scenes stitched to each other. Honestly, Bustle is still like that, but it all stitches together very nicely if I do say so myself. Still, I had been agonizing a little bit over the fact that I didn't know how the fic was going to end. I couldn't keep writing it forever...I mean, I guess I could, because it's really not that long, and there's actually more of it in my drafts, but I was trying to tell a very particular story and also have I mentioned that I am impatient? But the story didn't have an end because it's an origin story about unhealed trauma, so what was I going to do with that?
So, at least to give myself a bookend to the real story, I wrote the epilogue. I wrote it in a thirty-minute fit of inspiration one evening while tipsy on red wine, sitting at a desk in my parents' house where I'd been living for about three years because y'know, pandemic, and I was feeling trapped and burnt out and indecisive and afraid, etc. and if you read it, you might see me staring at you through Anthony, wink wink. (Quick caveat that, unlike Anthony, living with my parents was an overall loving experience at that point in my life!)
Anyway, in true Hemingway spirit, I wrote drunk, and when I went to edit sober, I was delighted that it didn't need much help. I obsessed over details, like changing scotch to whisky and then to brandy (it's sweeter, and he's so young). This is not to say that the epilogue is perfect; it's not, but it is what it needed to be.
It is a love poem of a kind for a character that hit me hard. It's a short prose poem about grief and loneliness and the 'wrong' ways to heal and it's about thinking you're at the acceptance stage of grief but really it's just depression. It's about losing parts of yourself and coming of age into something that doesn't feel right but feels inevitable, and so you stop fighting and just get on with it. It's about the before, and Anthony not knowing that he has an after and eventually, yes, years later eventually, he's going to be okay. More than okay, he's going to be happy.
(And he only has a year until Doing The Voices, and I let him be happy for at least a few nights in that! He doesn't know that he's doing the right things when taking care of his family. Not always, but more than he knows he is.)
As for me, I moved out of my parents' house and into my own newly purchased 'bachelor lodgings' (so to speak) about a month after I posted the last chapter, and I'm writing more than I have in years! Baby steps! Adult steps!
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk/therapy session. Probably no one should ask me anything else for a while lmao, who knows what will happen!
Read The Bustle in a House on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47126467
Or if you don't feel like being sad, read Doing The Voices instead: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47976274
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listen i'm really sorry that you are being targeted for your weight. you are right! bmi is bm-bullshit. in the friendliest way, though, your last post is giving racist. "very chinese"? i'm not sure what you mean, or if you are actually chinese and feel you have the right to say that. if that's the case, i can sort of understand.
just wanted to kindly let you know that the way it appeared to me... it didn't read great. i doubt you intended it to sound that way, which is why i thought i should let you know how it came across.
Oh nooo I’m so sorry, I should have clarified!!! Yes I am Chinese lol, I’ll prob delete just so others don’t get the same vibe because I’m too autistic to tell what communities I should and should not make these comments to lakdkskfkskfj
tldr; I am Chinese with parents and in-laws from mainland China that I challenge on these topics, considering ethnocentricity and how social justice can be intricate in that context, husband and I follow content creators (x and x) that embrace our stereotypes through comedy, I’m a dumbass and didn’t realize that it wouldn’t translate well onto a text-only blog where my face and background is not apparent, this is actually a very micro aggressive ask and triggered me a lot so i ranted at the end and you can read at your own risk
To explain, this is a personal gripe that my husband and I have a lot with traditional Asian cultures in that sizeism isn’t really recognized and we challenge both my parents and his parents on those worldviews to limited degrees of success. Both his parents and my parents are from mainland China and while my parents have been in the US for a while, his haven’t (he’s an international student), although they are much more willing to listen to me when I challenge them
On the other hand there’s the whole thing about not forcing Western views onto non-Western cultures, which is why this is a delicate balance to walk and I rarely bring it up to them directly because I don’t wanna seem like I’m shitting on them too much, but I’ve been trying to push it a bit more recently because he’s struggling with a lot of body dysphoria and I’m trying to nip it in the bud
Anyway, I’ll prob delete the post and I’m so sorry it came off that way!!! My husband and I and our lil Chinese community joke a lot about our own stereotypes a lot (see Steven He and Uncle Roger for more well-known examples), and I completely forgot that it won’t seem that way to people outside of the community or on the internet where race/ethnicity isn’t as apparent. 🥹
EDIT: okay y’know what, I’m gonna be a bitch for a second and just lyk that approaching it in this way is incredibly rude and condescending and I can kinda get it because you didn’t know I was Chinese, but I am incredibly triggered right now so I’m gonna rant and ramble in that this message, even if it’s “nice”, is incredibly self-righteous and all of this could have been avoided had you just DM’d me or even said “yo that post might not sit well with people jlyk”
and I get it. Not everyone knows about how those type of callouts can be harmful, but to say that I’m not allowed to talk about my own community in a way that IS used as a valid form of coping just pisses me the fuck off and is triggering all the invalidation issues. I'd like to clarify that this ask itself is not what is racist and triggering but your comment as an outsider about how i "might" think i have the right to say that is very much gaslighting-type behavior because y'know what, I DO have a right and i can't really get myself to care about you understanding why i have that right. google exists. chatgpt exists. do your research.
Just like how cishet folks will never know what it’s like to be queer, or how people that aren’t BIPOC will never know what it’s like to be BIPOC, *my* experience as a obviously Chinese person in a very white society that is literally trying to exile us due to a virus that isn’t even our fault is not something that any outsider can ever truly understand. So yes, taking my voice away is furthering that oppression and I encourage you to educate yourself.
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ehbunnehsblog · 3 years
So a while back I talked about some Bratz Rock Angelz rereleases we saw and these rereleases we thought were just prototypes and we thought things could get better but uhhh yeah I will be talking about all that today and just giving my opinion. I am also going to be adding photos so with all that said, let's get into it!
1. Yasmin
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The one on the left is the new one and the one on the right is the first edition. So anyways Yasmin isn't the worst looking one, I think they made her look the best and as close as they could to the original release.
The lips are a bit different and I think they are a different shade of pink. Her eyebrows are also darker. I don't think she is the best but I like how she is a bit closer to her original doll.
The hair is okay, I personally prefer the shorter hair. Also she kind of looks like she could fit in with the 2015 dolls for some reason but if I were to buy any of the newer dolls she would be the one I would buy.
2. Sasha
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Huge difference. The hair looks like a similar length and I have no clue if its because of the lighting but the rerelease looks like she has darker hair which I don't really like.
Her eyes look different and barely resembles the original. Her hair looks a lot shinier but it also looks like they slapped on a cheap wig. I think she also has a darker complexion which isn't too bad, different but I think it works but I will leave the rest of that conversation to the Bratz fans who are black, what are your thoughts on the skin complexion? Do you like it or are you a fan of the original?
If you saw my last post that included the Rock Angelz Sasha you will know that this Sasha from these promotional photos that she doesn't look very different in the face. This doll isn't the worst but for a rerelease I would think they would try and stay close to the original dolls.
3. Jade
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She also looks close to the original in the face but I am not the biggest fan of her. The original Jade is absolutely iconic, she has these chunky black and white highlights that looks so soft and the rerelease just takes all of that away.
Her skin complexion in the new one is also a bit darker I personally think her original skin complexion makes her stand out especially with her hair and clothes. Her new hair is also a bit longer which isn't the worst but the hair looks like it isn't as soft. I personally think her original doll looks ten times better but I do like that they did try and stay true to the original doll.
4. Roxxi
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Hello Ms. Fish how are you today? Her... She was done so dirty. Her hair was better shorter, she looks like she is wearing a wig from the site wish and her punk rock vibes are totally gone. She looks like an amature radio Disney pop star, not a Bratz Rock Angelz doll. Her new top isn't too bad like I wouldn't have been able to notice but yeah this doll looks cheap and the hair must be a complete different fabric. This ain't it... also if you remember my other post you will notice that her face also doesn't look any different.
5. Cloe
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This one is the one that disappoints me the most. Cloe is my favorite in this line and they botched this poor girl, someone on the MGA team must hate Cloe or something because this is the second time they botched her.
She looks so aged down! The original looks so fierce, gorgeous, look like teens and an absolute rockstar and this new one looks like a young girl going to her first Hannah Montana concert (no hate to Hannah Montana lol)
They totally aged her down. Heres the thing, I don't hate the face screening! Like if it were on a doll that was more cutesy I would totally dig it but this is on a Rock Angelz doll.
And her hair looks like they just glued on a cheap wig. And again the hair didn't really have to be long. I have no hate for the long hair but it looked fine already.
She looks like a dollastore doll.
Also i know that these dolls might be crazy good quality but because they look so different that's why they look cheap. We were expecting the originals and MGA was hyping it up and teasing us and than this happened.
Now yes with what's still going on the world recently (the virus) companies might not be able to make the best of the best and yes MGA does use the sticker method and that's also why they could look different but these still look bad. When the 1st edition rerelease came out we were still dealing with the virus just like we are now and we got dolls that were pretty good quality minus Cloe that had frog faces but the dolls were nice and again we are still dealing with the virus but I don't understand how they couldn't make the quality somewhat similar.
Also certain dolls will probably look better than others so if you want to buy one I suggest going to stores if possible but yeah that is my review/rant or whatever this is lol!
I am going to sit this one out sadly but hopefully the next doll(s) will look more appealing to me. Also I understand that people will say that I am being dramatic or that the doll community is dramatic but please remember that this is just my personal opinion. If anyone wants to buy these dolls you are completely free to do so but in my opinion they are not my standard and what I was hoping for but yeah with that said, what do you think of these dolls? Are you still going to buy them? What one is your favorite/least favorite? Have any good Rock Angelz memories? Tell me down below! And don't forget to like and repost!
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cloverfics · 4 years
always be with you ; eren yeager
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warnings not edited, other than that... nothing much lol
genre fluff, angst ( ? ), modern au, established relationship
word count 1.3k
inspiration n / a
synopsis in the final days you have with eren before you have to go away for college, he takes you on one last date before you leave
a / n back from a hiatus i wasn’t even aware i was taking 😁 only explanation is that i’ve been in between fandoms and didn’t feel like writing for anyone really. but i’ve recently attached myself to jjk so let’s see how that goes
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"Eren, I don't understand the need for a blindfold." Your fingers came up to touch the material for the umpteenth time. Eren scoffed, his hand coming over to swat your hand away just like the other times.
"It wouldn't be much of a surprise without one, would it?" Your body jerked to the right as Eren hit another sharp turn.
You huffed. "Well, the more you drive recklessly, the more I want this surprise to be over."
He laughed. "Don't worry, you big baby. We're here now." The car eased to a stop in what you guessed was a parking spot. It didn't take long for you to process where this surprise was.
From the amount of turns, to the salty smell of the ocean. You already knew Eren had taken you to the beach.
"We're at the beach?" Eren finally removed that blindfold. The beach was practically deserted at this hour, at least on the side Eren always brought you to.
"Don't like it?" He asked, already getting out of the car.
You followed suit, opening the passengers door and having Eren join by your side. "I don't mind but we come here all the time."
"I know, I know," Eren grabs the both of your wrists, leading you both from the pavement to the sea of sand. "But I wanted this to be the last spot we came to before you have to start packing tomorrow."
Eren said it with a smile but you could tell that sentence hurt him more to say than for you to hear. For you, Eren had always put on a brave face. No matter what the circumstances were, he always made sure you knew he was "taking it well".
Being one of the closest people to Eren, you knew when he was on the opposite spectrum of that. You knew when a situation was weighing down on him, you knew when he was stressed out, you could when he just wanted to breakdown.
You saw all those things clearly ever since you told him you wanted to travel for college. Specifically, thousands of miles away from him. Eren always knew he wanted to stay homebound for college, and so did you. But unlike him, you didn't have much ties to your hometown. Besides him and your friends.
And you had the overwhelming want to travel since forever. Since you got the chance with a scholarship to a college across the country, you weren't going to pass it up. Much to Eren's dismay.
He was upset, to say the least. It wasn't direct but he was trying to convince you to try other options. Like for example, stay with him. Thankfully, he let that hope go when he saw that you were serious about this decision.
Yet, even though you knew he had come to terms with the idea, he was still hurt and worried for your relationship. You were too. For the past year your relationship has managed to withstand anything, but the possibility that long distance could deliver the blow prodded at you.
"I think this is our usual spot." Eren sat down on the sand, bringing you down with him. You two sat side by side in silence. Just listening to the repeated crashing of the waves.
It reminded you of the moment this had become you and Eren's spot. One year ago, the both of you sitting close to this very spot on the sand. Talking about nothing. There was no worry that one of you had to leave for a while. Just the worry Eren had that you'd say no to his request of being his girlfriend.
The memory made you laugh, your forehead meeting your knees. Eren looked over in concern.
"Are you okay?" Your eyes met his curious gaze and you couldn't help but laugh more.
"I was just thinking about the night you confessed to me. And how we started dating at this exact spot." Your laughter subsided as you laid back onto the sand. In the moment, you weren't worried where it landed but you knew you'd be annoyed when you say up.
Yet, when Eren joined you and copied the way you looked up at the sky, your future worries melted with ease.
"16 year old Eren was quite the romantic, choosing to confess to you at a beach at night." Eren mused. You hummed, a soft laugh rumbling in your chest.
"Now that I think about it, I think that's the most romantic thing you've done." Your laughter was more audible when you heard Eren's gasp.
His hand landed on his chest, he was obviously offended. "I have done romantic things since then," He sat up onto his elbows.
"Like— remember the time I—" Eren paused when began to laugh more hysterically. He scoffed, plopping back onto the sand.
"You were joking." He said bitterly in realization. You nodded, shuffling over to place your head on his chest.
"I was just joking, bub. You're very romantic." Eren sucked his teeth, his hand coming up to dust sand from your hair.
You cleared your throat. "I'm going to miss this." You whispered, hesitant, hoping you didn't cut deeper into any of Eren's open wounds. He inhaled deeply.
"So am I." He whispered back, his hand rested on the side of your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek.
The silence returned but you could only focus on the present. You wouldn't get a moment like this with Eren for a while and that you couldn't even imagine.
"You know," Eren interrupted your thought process. You hummed in response. "I brought you here to stargaze."
"Really?" You inquired.
"Yea. I wanted to say one of those cheesy lines like how, even though you're thousands of miles away, I'd always be with you because of the stars. But then I realized that line was really bad." He laughed it off. And usually, you would too. But just him admitting that weighed into the fact you'd really be without him and only with him through your devices.
You wouldn't be able to hear any more borderline terrible jokes or what he considers romantic lines in person, on his chest, on his shoulder. The thought singly made tears well up in your eyes and your tears fell before you could blink them away.
The sudden wet spots of Eren's shirt and the sound of your sniffling alerted him. He sat up immediately, bringing your body up as well.
"Oh no, I know it was really bad but don't cry." Eren's fingers came to wipe your tears before cradling your face in his palms. You laughed at him sadly.
"I'm not crying because of your terrible line, idiot. I'm crying because I'm actually going miss you telling me them in person. It's not going to be the same when we're thousands miles apart." Your explanation made Eren frown.
He sighed, leaning his forehead onto your own. "I know. And I know it's selfish to say that I'd do anything for you to stay with me but I know you going to that college is what's best for you. I want what's best for you and if it means we'll have to be apart for a while, I can accept that."
Again with the silence with only the sound of the waves. You sat on Eren's words, trying to accept the situation just like he had.
You scoffed, weakly hitting his chest. "How are you taking this better than me?"
Eren laughed, pulling back hut still keeping his hands cupping your face. "I'm not, seriously. But I love you and I know that this is what's happening. And I know we'll still be together no matter what."
That made your frown upturn a bit. Eren had faith in your relationship, and there was no reason for you to have doubt when he didn't.
You sucked your teeth. "I love you too."
"Yea, I know."
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sienna-writes · 4 years
On the Border of Blinking | update 2
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more poems ! yay :)
Writing poetry is so comparatively stress free than my other projects right now - so I can confirm that this anthology continues to be a joy to write! I am absolutely loving how it is coming along and it feels more naturalistic than my previous collection. There are hints of weirdness here and there because I’m Weird, nice to meet you - but overall it feels a lot more grounded and I love it! I think I hid, to a certain extent, my personal experiences behind a lot of nonsensical images previously so this feels more honest, a bit more scary... and also braver :)) [Having said that, nothing against my old poems I still really love some of them but I was definitely still finding my footing and experimenting so some were pretty messy. and that’s okay !! without the mess, the ‘mistakes’, etc, i wouldn’t have gotten to this current collection :) ].
One thing I'm noticing is that for an anthology i wanted to be about living presently, moment to moment, blink to blink — it's incredibly ?? nostalgic ? :")
it's definitely becoming a trend that i cannot stick to the concept i commit to but i'm honestly not too concerned about it at this point. I'm very proud of how it's shaping up to be and so glad that I'm still able to write poetry while my unfinished short stories and novel collect dust. [will get around to them ... am just ... so tired ......]
cw: abuse (only for the first one and not in depth)
the poems;
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witness, weary
I wrote this the morning after a particularly ... heated night in my family and it explores the fatigue of living in an environment that can be violent at times, where you are gaslit, terrified and caught in the midst of it all, feeling trapped. It explores, in a paradoxically ~quiet~ (muted maybe ?? i am a writer but can't words) tone, the denial that follows afterward. How it is played down if you have the courage to bring it up again, or more realistically, ignored entirely and left un-talked about. How it hurts less if you pretend it didn't happen. It is gentle to mirror a house becoming still after its storm and people occupying less space when they are hurting, so as not to cause a bigger scene.
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these are the moments i held my breath
this one is relatively self explanatory ! the most memorable moments I have held my breath in my life lmao :”) and then i cheated and added another in where I probably should have been holding my breath but was young and stupid and panicking and Did Not. 
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i love this poem so, so much. It is honestly just a bunch of "maybes" that developed into something that just indescribably ✨aches✨ whenever i revisit it. I doubt anyone would feel that same ache, but it's cathartic for me at least. I don't think I had a plan going into this, it just spiralled out of me and then with editing it has become a new fav of the anthology. The lines all rely on each other, so above is the first line :) ^
I sat in the park and imagined
So this poem is about standing on the moon and imagining, clearly. :D
i was sitting. in a park. imagining: hey what if a bomb exploded right now? and then started to write a poem about that situation. I kind of like it! It is unlike anything I've written before, and I'm learning to accept that kind of scenario as a positive. It was more comedic than i thought it would be, but then again my humour is often incredibly unfunny to everyone but myself and close friends so idK man. it's an amusing read to me. :")
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an incredibly short poem ! for me anyway ! I never thought I'd be able to write a poem under 500 words in the last anthology. (there were some big bois). then when writing this collection I was like huh ok my poems are pretty varied yay, and then b o o m this one was a mere 97 words and the lowest until then that i had written was 233. I think it's a good sign - I'm becoming a more economical writer and saying what I crucially want to say without diluting the meaning. also, it shows I'm experimenting more with structure and form and im ✨always✨ down for that.
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human insignificance through the lens of blue whale facts !! no I'm not kidding :) yes that is genuinely this poem :)) pls end me :D <3
i jest, yet unironically love this concept even if im not ✨fully✨ comfortable with the execution yet. It's almost there it just needs some final tweaking I think.
a haiku about a deer eating grass in a graveyard in the snow :) cus that's a thing i witnessed and it was eerily beautiful :) and haiku's are a beautiful form :)
it's going ! good ! I could share lines this time because i am not yet submitting these poems. i plan to with some but again, I've only recently written them so haven't gotten around to it yet :"D not looking forward to it ahah submitting is painful and takes me way longer than it should.
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@alicewestwater @elaz-ivero @coffeeandcalligraphy @hanwatchingmovies @chloeswords @nev-953 @justahufflepuffnerd @writerschronicles @august-iswriting @jennawritesstories @jaydewritesfiction @avakrahn @chewingthescenery
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Oh, Incorrect Quotes Generator
Alana: Anyone d-
Connor: Depressed?
Jared: Drained?
Evan: Dumb?
Alana: -done with their work... what is wrong with you people...
This one's a bit more?? Um?? Non-kid friendly TTvTT
Zoe: Guys, is having a penis fun?
Connor: It has its ups and downs.
Evan: It's gets a little hard sometimes.
Zoe: Jesus fuck, you guys.
Evan: You're a loose cannon, Jared.
Jared: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon, maybe. But a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Alana: I think you play by your own rules.
Zoe: No way, he thinks rules were meant to be broken.
Evan: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Jared: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. Connor is the real loose cannon.
Connor: *Smashes a chair*
Evan, trying to convince Connor to join the group: You know... I just thought it'd be good to have someone to come along who's... strong!
Alana: And loud!
Zoe: And grumpy!
Jared: And oblivious to reality!
Alana: What did you guys get in your yearbooks?
Zoe: 'Prettiest smile!' :)
Evan: 'Nicest personality!' :)
Jared: 'Most likely to start a bar fight.'
Connor: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one.'
Zoe: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Evan: Tubular AF!
Alana: Mood to the max!
Connor, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Jared, just as annoyed: If she breathes she's a square.
Evan: You KIDNAPPED Connor?! That's illegal!!
Jared: But Evan, what's more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing Connor, or destroying our dreams?
Evan: Kidnapping Connor, Jared!!
Zoe: Evan, listen, whatever I may think of you right now- these people need you to inspire them!
Evan: What, to KIDNAP PEOPLE?!?!
Zoe: To work together!
Jared: Evan, I thought we both agreed, a stoner is not a people.
Alana: Evan, stop! This isn't you! You've gone mad with power!
Evan: Well, of course I have.
Evan: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Evan: It's boring.
Evan: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.--
Jared: What was that??
Evan: Remorse code.
Jared: I'm even angrier at you now.
Connor, high off his ass: I'm at least 10 times funnier and sexier than you.
Evan: But 10 times 0 is just 0.
Zoe: Then I guess the jokes on you, because he can't do math.
Jared: I can explain.
Evan: Can you?
Jared: If you give me 30 seconds to think of a lie.
Jared: If you were to vacuum up jello, it'd make a neat noise.
Evan: I beg to differ.
Jared: Then beg.
Jared: This is such a bad idea.
Evan: Then why are you coming along?
Jared: One of us needs to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this all goes terribly wrong.
Connor: *Accidentally hits Jared in the face*
Connor: *Can't decide between saying 'I'm fucking sorry', and 'Are you okay'*
Evan: What is wrong with you?!
Evan: This is bothering me.
Jared: Well, you are digging up a corpse.
Evan: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
Jared: You're the love of my life, and my best friend. I would do anything for you.
Evan: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Jared: Absolutely not.
Jared: I was arrested for being too cool.
Connor: The charges were dropped due to lack of supporting evidence.
Jared: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Evan: You and me.
Jared, tearing up: Okay.
Jared: God, give me patience.
Connor: I think you mean strength.
Jared: If God gave me strength, then you'd be double dead.
Connor: I prevented a murder today.
Alana: Really? How did you do that?
Connor: Self control.
Jared: I am not out of control! I am a law abiding citizen!
Evan: Name one law.
Jared: Don't kill people?
Evan: That one's on me. I set the bar too low.
Alana: Whaddaya call a fish with no eye?
Jared, not looking up from his phone: Myxine Circifrons.
Alana: A fsh
Evan: I turned out perfectly fine!
Zoe: This morning you thought a ghost made your toast!
Evan: Anything, honestly. But nerds especially.
Jared, desperately as Evan bleeds out: YOUR B L O O D TYPE
Evan: Oh! B positive.
Evan: It's dark in here...
Jared: Don't worry dude, I've got this
Jared: *Stomps his foot on the ground*
Jared: *Heelies light up*
Evan: Treat spiders the way YOU want to be treated!
Jared: Killed without hesitation.
Alana & Evan, simultaneously: nO-
Miguel: Let's watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Connor: Okay?
Miguel: And make out during the scary parts.
Connor: The-
Connor: The scary parts-
Connor: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl?
Evan: Can you PLEASE be serious for 5 minutes??
Jared: My record is 4, but I think I can do it.
Evan: So that's my plan.
Jared: Are you fine with constructive criticism? I don't want to sound mean.
Evan: Sure, go ahead.
Jared: It fucking sucks.
Evan: That's not constructive criticism.
Jared: Fuck.
Alana: We've got to work on your cursing.
Jared: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already.
Connor: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao
Evan: What did you do-?
Connor: A MISTAKE-
Larry, with his back turned: I've been expecting you.
Connor: How did you do that without turning around?
Larry: I'm gonna be honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
Evan: How petty can you get??
Jared: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Jared: Today is a day of running through hurdles.
Alana: Aren't you supposed to jump OVER hurdles?
Jared: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Jared: May I sit there?
Evan: That's my lap.
Jared: That doesn't answer my question, Evan.
Jared: So.. are we flirting right now?
Connor: I'm LITERALLY stabbing you.
Jared: That does not answer the question
Aftermath of the last one- lmfao-
Evan: I'm begging you, please go to the hospital-
Jared: Oh, i'm sorry, is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Jared: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Connor: Do you mean literally or figuratively?
Jared: The fact that I have to specify...
Evan: Jail is no fun. I'll tell you that much.
Connor: Oh, you've been?
Evan: Once. In Monopoly.
Evan: Your right.
Jared: That's... an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Jared: Petition to remove the 'd' from Wednesday.
Connor, high: Wednesay.
Jared: Not what I had in mind, but i'm flexible.
Alana: Man.. I only ever see you awake. Don't you ever shut down or stop running?
Jared: Oh, i'm always running.
Jared: The question is from what.
Evan: Top 30 reasons why Evan is super sorry! ..Number 5 might surprise you!
Jared: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!
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First of all!! Loved the MoU fic update! left you a comment on AO3 and all. 10/10 ratings haha.
Secondly, moving countries is great you should try if you ever get a chance. I've always wanted to do that and jumped in on the first opportunity I got to make that dream come true, and I recgozine how lucky I am to be able to do so. It's definitely not easy but I'd do it again if I could (in true sag fashion 😎 haha). Where would you want to live? You ever been outside the UK?
Hahaha you and I in a team would be a nightmare to play against I think. Oh come on you absolutely do not deserve people questioning your intelligence! I like to play dumb in addition to the taunting so people underestimate me, they never see it coming when I win. They never see the cheating coming either, my friends are always shocked when they find out, but I do it almost every single time! 😂 I'm competitive too but I like to play it cool especially If I lose I'll be like "it's just a game calm down yall" but if I win I'm like "in your face losers!" (very mature I know).
I love your drunken story, though does sound like it was very dangerous so I'm glad nothing bad happened to you two! Ah I love yalls nordern accent (me and everyone in this fandom 😂) haha your friend's sense of humor is golden.👌 I'm glad you enjoyed my worst drunken experience, that was the last time I did something like that, I felt bad bc my best friend had to take care of me the whole night and you're right she should've told me it was just a rock! Lucky you you didn't get a hangover the day after, I certainly regretted drinking too much that night however fun it might have been haha.
Like I said before your niece is a really cool kid haha I'm glad you have someone to talk to about Bly Manor, don't know anyone who watches the show and my friends don't like scary stuff so I have to talk to myself about it 😂 and now you! Thank you for entertaining me ;) and I only watch the parts I really like now, I'm tired of crying every time I watch the whole show haha.
Do you do random accents really badly like Dani too? 😂 it is kinda funny your mom said it like that yeah hahaha maybe she just meant the good bits? And I mean, do you think you need help? Lol
I have a sneak peek of that damie fanart here, don't think I'll ever finish it tho. I want to do a medieval AU inspired fanart. Maybe it will also inspire someone to pick up the idea and write it haha.
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How's your weekend been so far? My neighbor is making me watch Grey's Anatomy season (???) 500 idk but I wish I was reading that pirate AU instead 😂
Awwh thank you so much!! I will get around to replying to the comment on AO3 tomorrow when I reply to the others I've had a very busy day today though so haven't even had chance to read any comments yet but thank you so much for giving it a 10/10!! I wanna do it as soon as I get chance but I know it's gonna be hard and that I am gonna need a bit more money behind me first but I definitely wanna do it when I can... yeah I've been out of the UK twice- one time I went to France for the weekend when I was doing my A Levels and was like 17 the college I was studying at took some of the art kids and since I was doing a photography A Level I got to go and then a couple of years ago I went to LA for a few weeks which was great but I've never been out of the UK for longer than that!! A nightmare for everyone else but it would be hilarious for us I just know it would haha... I sometimes do I have said some dumb things, I actually used one of my dumber moments as a funny little story in one of my fics- people still laugh at me now for what I said and it's been 10 years... my roommate will not let me live it down!! See surprising people that way is always brilliant like when people just expect you to lose and then you win? That's the best kind of win in my eyes!! I don't cheat at games I am just ridiculously competitive and can't stand losing unless it's something like a video game I am okay with losing those but board games I can't stand losing and I am also a terrible winner my roommate won't play games with me anymore!! I can't say anything about anyone being that kind of a winner because I know I am and one of my sister's is terrible too we literally make a song and dance over winning Oh it was so dangerous and we were so dumb to do it like anything could've happened and we both sit and look back at that and go "man we were dumb" but I also sit and go "oh my god she's gonna be a mum in like 4 months" because we've done some crazy / stupid stuff!! My roommate is without a doubt one of the funniest people I have ever met and she's not afraid to tell it how it is... I'll admit because I have a Northern accent Jamie is like the only character on Bly Manor to not have an accent to me so when I hear people talking about her accent I'm always a little like "what?" Because to me that's just how people talk around here haha I did enjoy your drunken story and honestly we've all been there I have had to be taken care of on more than one occasion for being too drunk like to the point of people having to help me into my pyjamas and everything I've been in some bad ways haha!! She should've definitely told you it was just a rock and not a turtle!! Yeah I've only had one hangover and that was after a night of drinking where I blacked out and don't remember any of the night!! Yeah the night of the drinking is always fun- the hangover isn't though and often makes you wonder if it was worth it haha She's so cool like genuinely just a cool and funny kid and she just asks all the questions about shows she's watched so with me its Bly Manor with her mum and dad it's Stranger Things she asked me about it once but I had to tell her I'd never watched it she didn't seem impressed but yeah I'll talk to her about Bly Manor any day of the week- and you too now honestly I will talk about it to anyone that will listen... I can't not watch it all if I watch it because there's just so much about it that I love even if it makes me cry... episodes 4,6, and 8 are my favourites though and are probably the ones I have watched the most!! Yeah I do random accents all the time and they're always terrible but I always find myself really funny- I had this friend at Uni that had a slight southern English accent because he had spent most of his childhood there before moving up north and he still said certain words in a southern accent and I used to do his accent all the time but it was always terrible!! Oh yeah my mum is pretty blunt with stuff like she'll say things sometimes without thinking about how it sounds that or she just doesn't care like she's said
somethings haha I am sure she did mean the Dani thing in a nice way though because she said she liked her- Dani and Owen were her favourites and I mean some help for me wouldn't be a terrible thing I'll admit haha That fan art is incredible!! Like seriously amazing!! I would love to see some medieval fan art for Damie!! I have been sent a few medieval prompts for Damie and I have started writing some of them but it's taking time to actually get full chapters together but once I have and once I have more time from wrapping up other WIPs I'll make a start on editing and uploading those because medieval stuff is always great!! It's been good thank so far today I went to a little beach town with my mum, 2 of my sisters their partners and two of my nieces (my cool niece was one of them… not that my other niece isn’t cool but you know what I mean) and me, my two brother in laws, and my nieces all played a game of crazy golf while my mum and sisters went to a cafe and had cups of tea... they didn't wanna play with us but we still had fun while we played (I came second which I was very happy with)!! I hope you enjoy Grey's Anatomy and that you get chance to read the pirate AU soon!! It's soo good!! ☺️
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years
Star Wars 101
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
Reader has never seen a single one of Peter's favorite movies.
A/N- I really need to stop making new series lol, I swear this is the last new one for a while, at least until I finish some other ones.
Hope you like it!!!
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"In case I don't see you... good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!"
Peter watched you intently as you stared, wide eyes glued to each and every movement on the screen, even sniffling a bit when the credits began to roll. Really? The Truman Show was making you tear up?
"[Y/N], really?," he snickered lightly, wiping one of your cheeks and then showing you the wetness on his finger. He gave a teasing smile as he moved to take the DVD out. "I understood when you cried during the Titanic, but this is just The Truman Show."
"Don't judge me!," you scolded, cheeks quickly becoming red with embarrassment. "It was frickin' sad! The dude's been stuck in a tv show his whole life and he didn't even know it! That's freaky!"
"It's a Jim Carrey movie," Peter laughed. "How can you cry at a Jim Carrey movie?"
You rolled your eyes and turned away, trying to hide your growing grin. Who was Peter Parker to judge you on how you react to movies anyway? At least this was just a movie. Peter got flustered with everything in real life!
"-And a movie as crappy as this particular Jim Carrey movie too!," he smirked.
You turned around with a loud, overdramatic gasp. "What was that, Parker? Did you just call one of my favorite movies CRAPPY?!"
Peter turned from the DVD player with a small, innocent smile and nodded his head vigorously before sprinting away as he predicted that you would chase after him.
He was right.
"How dare you!," you yelled, quickly jumping into action. "Jim Carrey may be a bit of an overacter, but he's still AWESOME!!"
You were high on adrenaline, running after him with all you had, but it didn't take you long for you to realize that chasing Peter in his own house was a bad idea. It was his home. He knew it like the back of his hand. And you, however, did not.
You bumped into every other corner. The more you ran the more bruises you were probably getting. Until finally after hitting your hip on the kitchen counter, frustrated, you squeezed your eyes shut tight and yelled out, "YOU DON'T HEAR ME JUDGING YOUR CRAPPY STAR WARS MOVIES!!!"
You hadn't seen where he came from or how he got you, but in an instant, Peter was smack dab in your face. "What did you just say?"
Quickly coming to a stop, the corners of your mouth twitched upwards, knowing you'd just hit a nerve. "I said, you don't hear me judging your crappy star wars movies."
He stared, stunned, for a second. ".. you did not just say that," he whispered, more to himself than to you. He turned towards you. "You did not just call one of the best franchises in the universe crappy."
You turned away with a smirk before he gently grabbed you by your arm and whirled you back around. "[Y/N]. Star Wars is ICONIC!"
You rolled your eyes with a light giggle and turned to walk away before you were whirled around again. His eyes looked right into yours, his face holding an extremely serious expression, which of course was nothing but hilarious to you. "Dude, I'm NOT letting you leave this kitchen before you give me a valid reason why Star Wars is bad to you."
You sighed loudly. So he's holding you hostage now, is he? Well, two could play at that game. "Not until you tell me why The Truman Show was so bad," you shot back.
Unfortunately for you, Peter was ready with his reasons.
You stared, dumbfounded as he read them off. "Predictable. Took too long to get where it was trying to go. When it finally got there, it didn't give an actual satisfying ending! Did Sylvia find him after that or not?! And what point was the movie trying to make about the world anyway? That really wasn't clear. Also, I couldn't tell whether some parts were funny or them just trying too hard to be serious. Should I go on?"
"N-no no, you're good," you chirped, your voice cracking a bit. "Didn't know you were such a harsh critic, Pete."
"And your reasons?," Peter asked with a shit-eating grin. He knew you didn't have any.
You scrunched your eyebrows together and stared up to the ceiling. "Umm," you mumbled before you blurted out. "It just seems like classic NERD crap, honestly okay?!?!?!"
Peter dramatically threw his hand to his chest, as if he'd been stabbed. "Ah, you hurt me, babe. How could you?"
You rolled your eyes. "Can we just go back to watching movies, Pete?! My hip frickin' hurts." You shifted slightly while rubbing the your hip with your hand, trying to relieve the pain. Peter noticed and immediately the previous topic of conversation was dropped.
"A-are you okay?! C'mon, let's go sit down.."
You breathed a breath of relief. Thankfully, a dumbass situation stopped due to Peter's relentless helpfulness and need to be a gentleman.
An hour later and you were watching Mean Girls now, something both you and Peter could agree on, especially after he'd told you he'd never seen it before.
And how could he have never seen Mean Girls? It was ICONIC!
"Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen. It's NOT going to happen..."
"I don't like this Regina character," Peter mumbled as he reached for more popcorn.
"You wouldn't," you chuckled softly.
Peter Parker was a sap and an overall nice guy. Regina George was probably not a character that he would be caught fanboying over.
"I mean," he started again, squinting his eyes at the character on the screen. "Villain characters are supposed to be BADASS. She's just rude."
You threw your head back and laughed, ruffling his hair. "Only you would think that way, Pete."
"And this Cady character," he continued. "She can't honestly think she's doing all of this and is still a good person. How is she a proper protagonist?"
You rolled your eyes and smiled. You hadn't noticed until actually watching a few movies with Peter how much of a movie critic he was. And he took it seriously. "Okay, that's enough rotten tomatoes for one movie, Pete."
Peter shrugged, rolled his eyes, and laid back on the couch. "I'm just calling it like I see it."
He kept quiet after that, just giving grunts, hums, and muttering things at choice times.
When your favorite part came along, Regina getting hit by the bus, you bit your lip with a smile. "Oooh, wait for it," you said lightly slapping Peter's shoulder excitedly. "She's gonna get it."
"So don't act all innocent! You can take that fake apology and shove it right up your hairy-"
Just as the part you were waiting for came, Peter paused the tv.
Quickly, you turned to him, eyes wide. "What'd you do that for?!?! She was gonna get smashed!"
He turned towards you, narrowing his eyes slightly. "So you've never watched Star Wars before?"
You turned to face him. "What?"
"What you said earlier... You said that it seems like nerdy crap," he explained, piecing it all together. " Seems! Meaning that you don't know for a fact meaning that you haven't watched it!"
"Are we seriously still on that,?!" you teased, your smile widening. This whole thing was beyond frivolous to you.
"Well yeah, because it's one of the greatest series ever!"
"It's predictable!"
"It is known for one of the biggest reveals in cinematic HISTORY!"
"What, the 'I-am-your-father' scene? Yeah, totally predictable."
Peter's jaw completely dropped. "Wha- how?!"
"Y'know Vader in German means father, right?," you snickered. "His name is literally Darth father." You picked up a soda, shaking your head slightly. "But yeah, if you must know... I haven't seen Star Wars."
Peter stopped responding. He just stood up and stepped away silently.
"Are you seriously mad over this?," you yelled out, watching him with a frown. "It's just a movie..."
Was he brooding right now? Over something as dumb as Star Wars? Well, you certainly weren't gonna be the person to go after him.
You whipped your head back to the screen in front of you and unpaused the movie, waiting for your friend to come back to sit next to you. It was official, Peter Parker was a nerd bitch.
As the movie went on, eventually you'd forgotten that Peter was even gone.
"The limit does not exist!"
It sucked that he left, but still though, you wouldn't rather be anywhere else. Surrounded by popcorn, pretzels, fruit, fruit roll ups, and practically any snack you could think of. Endlessly watching movies on a Saturday morning. Well, technically it was the afternoon now. But you'd lost track of time by about the sixth movie.
However, there was only so much movies could do for you. As time passed on, it started to weigh on you. You'd come there to see Peter, not Mean Girls. But if there was one thing to get on a nerd's nerves, it would be Star Wars wouldn't it?
After much anticipation, you finally decided to go up to his room and talk to him.
You turned to walk up the stairs and was immediately collided with a big wall.
Well not a wall, Peter.
And not just Peter. Peter with a gigantic box in his arms.
"Sorry it took me so long, didn't mean to leave you waiting. I was just just trying to find this," he said, tapping the cardboard box with his fingers. "So did you finish the movie?"
"Yeah," you said, looking at the box. "What's in it?"
"Guess I'll finish it myself later then..." He pushed past you and sat the box on the couch.
"What's in the box, Peter?," you repeated, trying to get a good look at it.
"Oh nothing," he said dramatically, taking the Mean Girls DVD out of the DVD player. "Just what will soon be the best 25 hours of your life.."
"25 hours?"
Peter smiled. "That's how long the entire Star Wars trilogy is." He picked up the box cutter. "24 hours and 52 mintues actually, if you're doing the original editions of the original trilogy instead of the special edition." He turned back towards you. "You need a movie-cation and I'm gonna give it to you."
"A movie-cation?"
"Movie education, [Y/N]."
You held your head back and laughed. "Oh my God, Pete.."
He was on his knees in front of you in a second. "C'mon!! Please, it's the best. I promise you won't regret it!"
Ugh. This was it. You were gonna do this. Force yourself through 25 (24: 52, but who's counting?) hours of boredom just to please some guy that wasn't even your boyfriend. I mean, he was practically begging you. God help you.
"Fine! Fine.. I'll watch your lame nerd movie."
@underoosjae @spn-assemble-seven @of-your-eyes-begonia-skies @parkerpeter24, @audreylovespidey706
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serialfirstdater · 3 years
Toronto #23: (Not an) Asian Dad
[Okay, this post has been sitting in my drafts for like two months now. I'm gonna finally finish it up and post this for once and for all so I can move on LOL]
I went out with a guy at the beginning of the year that whenever I looked at him, he reminded me so much of an Asian dad. He had such an Asian dad face. I don't know how else to describe it! But, he wasn't an Asian dad, otherwise I would've not gone out with him. I ain't that old yet to start considering single fathers, okay?? I got a good few years left! (Future me editing this: Lol, well, just wait for the upcoming entries...)
Asian Dad worked for the Ministry of Education. I cannot tell you what the role was because I cannot remember after cramming so much school stuff in my head in the last three weeks. And it's like 12:35 AM while I'm typing up this portion.
We had our first date at Pai, a really nice Thai restaurant I always end up recommending. Even though he looked like an Asian dad, I thought he was cute, in an, Asian-dad-sort-of-way LOL. Funnily enough, he's only 30/31 but I can envision him well into his 50s. Like, think Jackie Chan. He looked perpetually old since he was in his 20s LOL.
I decided to give him a second chance. I went over to his place and he has a cute, small condo in Liberty Village. He made butter chicken. It was a-ok. Not amazing, but not horrible either. I always give A for effort especially if a guy is willing to cook for his date.
However the more we spoke, the more it was confirmed I only truly got friend vibes from him. He was a nice guy, I would say somewhat cheery and had a lot of cool interests. But something was not clicking for me.
I told him towards the end of the date that there likely wouldn't be a third date. I had to go home and think about it just a bit more. However, I was open to being a friend because I genuinely think I could go for lunch one day with him and catch up when the weather warms up.
I later messaged him after the date to confirm that there would be no third date but if he wanted to be friends, he was more than welcome to add me on IG. Which he did right away, so I followed him back. I thought everything was dandy. Until a day or two later I realized he unfollowed me. I unfollowed him because that was hella annoying. If you didn't want to be friends, just say so! Anyway, that was that date.
0 notes
czec-hoslo-vak-ians · 4 years
This is one of my favorite episode...5 out of 5 stars
This is where I can officially start shipping ships
Maria and Michael💜
Scene goes here👽
Michael is always breaking in to something haven't he ever heard of just trying to walk through the front door. Why couldn't Michael use the school computers to look up this information, or he could have gone to the public library instead of breaking and entering the UFO Center.
This teacher does not look smart enough to come up with a project like this when Maria says be the personal questions you definitely know that Topolsky must have something to do with these questions because this would be another way for her to find some answers. Maria not wanting to work with Michael on this project the way she said it makes you think that there's more to to that she doesn't want to work with him. But teacher didn't even realize that Michael wasn't in the classroom LOL, which makes me definitely think that this project is definitely the Topolski , even the way they're paired up is even fishy. Kyle hates the idea that he has to work with Max, Max could care less. Liz doesn't like the idea of Max and Kyle working together on this project. Topolski is such a snake in the grass. Max is good at getting out of sticky situation Charmed his boss out of pressing charges against Michael, and he didn't even have to use his powers to do it. I understand when Max is upset however if Max would be more interested in this Dome and help Michael he would have not snuck in to research it. Again Max getting Isabel's approval instead of the deciding on his own whether or not to give the keys to Michael. Max wants to help Michael however Isabel won't allow him Isabelle more worried about her Human life being blown up. I think Isabel is afraid of the on the inside of her the unknown hence why I'm Keen to helping Michael finding this Dome. 👽
You definitely know the best thing that has happened to Max is having Liz in his life and telling her his secret however he has to go with a different answer so the next best answer is being adopted which also can also be the truth. Kyle is such a dick right now after Max gives him the answer. How is being such a jerk with these questions. This must be so uncomfortable for Liz to be watching those two working together.👽 now Liz has a cell phone two episodes ago she was using a payphone.👽 did they really think that Michael wasn't going to find a car. Of course Liz is going to go with them because there's no way that Max going to let Liz stay behind with Kyle. Of course they would have a tail on them from Topolski. she must work for the government agent if the messages she sends has to be encrypte.
Wow what a hideous flip phone that was cell phones have definitely changed over the years for the better. That was a hard Sting from Liz to Isabel about knowing what species she is. Liz hates being kept in the dark. She is of a correct Michael Des do pretty shady things and revolves her best friend she definitely needs to know what is going on.Max wants to tell Liz however Isabella telling him not to say . Again Isabel calling the shots for Max.👽
Why is Kyle so obsessed about Liz and her whereabouts because last episode he said the best thing about breaking up is that I don't have to care anymore( something along those lines) but in this scene he's acting so worrisome about her. Kyle needs to move on by himself another girlfriend and then maybe he would stop obsessing over Max and Liz. The less he knows the safer he is. He's just so hell-bent on finding out what's going on. Kyle knows that his father is hiding something from him knowing something about Max Evans. This is the turning point of Isabel and Liz's relationship. The tail just got busted he wasn't a very good tail. Come on at least pretend you're talking on the phone.
👽 this is when Max starts being selfish. he isn't worried about anyone he doesn't want anyone's help all he wants to do is to find out what's in the dome so secretly Max really wanted to know what was inside and now that the opportunity presents itself he isn't turning back now. How does Kyle know where they are there is no way he's tracking her. Because tracking in flip phones do not exist back then. Unless he found the paperwork his dad had copied from Michael. I'm going to go with that he found the copied paperwork. Okay so it wasn't paperwork because his dad has the file. How does Kyle know where they're going or where they are.?.
👽 Isabel is weirded out about sitting in the Jeep with Max and Liz, however Liz and Max don't mind sleeping in the jeep together.👽
I'm having a hard time stomaching Max and Liz right now because the conversations are so intense most of the time. They are so in love with each other that they are so scared of it.
What a sight to walk in on it does look awkward. Max you wouldn't have to clean up Michael mess if you would just listen to what he says and try to understand. Of course Kyle has to walk in I thought the exact moment how in the flip do he know exactly where they were. I can't believe Michael just tossed Kyle across the room like that. Well Michael did give the warning to Kyle to get out twice. Kind of deserve to get tossed like that. Michael was really hot when he gets mad. Max and Kyle fighting over Liz is getting so redundant. I'm finally glad that Kyle got the hint that it's over between him and Liz he was trying so hard to keep hold of them possibly getting back together. Liz is Right Maria and her need to know what's going on they are part of the group. It's so much easier when everybody knows everything because they all can work together as a group no one is left in the dark anymore.
The Jeep doesn't hold five very well Michael is kind of hanging out of it a little bit. Maria walking into that Dome is worried about Michael she has this worried look on her face. Maria encouraging Michael to do try again and it works Maria is Michael's support line. She is standing so close to him. They have this Bond and connection now.
Topolski Master followed Valente. I can't believe she just whacked him in the back of the head again she's a bad guy so of course she would. Of course they're going to end the episode saying to be continued...
💜this is the start of a beautiful love story Beautiful Bliss anks and so much more.. Michael's desperate for a ride that he would take a ride from the person he can't stand the most which is Maria, he is even willing to answer some stupid questions for her.
💜 I love that Michael is just making up these random answers for these questions however I kind of do picture him watching The View. Michael is so lame can't even help because of his bad back what a lame excuse. I will. Michael attempts to borrow steal Maria's car. Maria changing from being kidnapping to abducting cracks me up lol.
💜 Maria is not very subtle when she trying to talk to Liz without Michael knowing. I can't believe he just threw Maria cell phone out the window like that.
💜 Maria is so irritated Is Michael right now. She Rambles every time she's around him it's out of nervousness. It's cute and adorable. Maria is complaining a lot not fully understanding why Michael is doing what he's doing, but once she realizes what he's doing she understands him a little bit more. I think that this is the moment where Maria See's Michael In a Different Light. Michael is surprised and stunned of the Ridiculousness that is coming out of Maria's mouth while she's talking to the police officer he doesn't think this BS story is going to fly with the officer. Michael is shocked that the officer bought that lame story. [ here's a little oops in the scene...in one angle Maria has the seat belt on another angle she does not]
💜 what does he mean when he says don't tempt me after Maria says will you just do something go. The way they get mad at each other is priceless chemistry is just that good. Even though Michael can't control his powers he tries to fix Maria's car for her, just to shut her up. That is too cute. The way Maria says and so do you cracks me up after Michael says your car sucks. He just tottaly humiliated himself in front of her. him knowing that he wasn't able to use his powers to fix the car because he can't control his powers and he tries anyway speaks volumes. Maria needs to take a chill pill. After spending all that time with Maria in the car I don't blame Michael if he went out to get a drink.
💜The Aladdin room looks so sketchy I wouldn't stay there I would have rather stayed in the car. Michael is Right Maria has been acting like a princess this whole time. Michael mounts something but I can't read what he saying( if anyone can read lips please tell me what he saying) Michael's Human Side registers that Maria is uncomfortable it doesn't feel safe. Now he feels the need to make her feel comfortable safe and okay. His Human Side is kicking in.
💜 Maria wondering what kind of urges he gets cracks me up. Michael is standing a little too close to Maria when he says not even if your last woman on Earth. If they were standing any closer they would be kissing. This is the moment where they start connecting with each other when they start working on the project answering the questions Michael reveals a little layer of himself. This is the moment their relationship changes little Sparks are happening. They're getting to understand and know each other. They have something in common they both thought the same thing" there's gotta be something better out there for me then Roswell New Mexico".( I'm yelling at my TV kiss each other already) because they totally want to but right now is not the right time for that.
(I love Michael and Maria's banter back and forth in this episode)
Well you guys that's the end of the episode I had fun I hope you had fun I'll see you on the other side.
Quote of the episode" not if you were the last woman on Earth.... not if you're the last alien on Earth
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Up next : river-dog
Edit NOT mine
0 notes
rockcandyrebels · 7 years
A Really Important Chapter
So let's see...how did the last dream end? With Kysme jokingly saying "that totally makes me wanna kiss you" and Liyah just going "Well, why haven't you?" not so jokingly...
I assume there wouldn't be a real action taken right now? Instead, Aaliyah just...turns her head back towards the sky, silently. "I kind of mean it, Kysme. Why haven't you kissed me yet?" And there was silence, or at least a certain type of white noise in which you know somebody is talking, but the words fall on deaf ears. (I imagine Kysme replies dumbly, "What do you mean", or a variation of that)
" Actually, no, I have a better question- do you think there could ever be anything between us? I don't mean anything casual or like friends with benefits sort of shit. Could you see us being more than friends, the meaningful way?" No white noise, only silence. Aaliyah probably huffs, her face feeling kind of hot on account of being embarrassed. She shouldn't have brought this up, but oh well, it's already up. She might as well continue. So she does. "You don't gotta lie to me or anything, coddle my feelings or some shit. I just wanna know! And I'm not trying to force anything on you, because I don't really know how I feel about you either. I know that I care about you at least, and sometimes i mix feelings up within myself. I just want things to be clear. So..." She'd blow a strand of hair out of her face with a sigh. "Yeah."
There, she said it. Now all she has to do is wait.(edited)
And that's when things got unclear because how the fuck am i supposed to figure out meaningful dialogue for kysme by myself-
My girl.
//Clutches chest
The bravery-
GOD YEAH tbh I think the whole journey of this dreamscape just...came from that talk a long time ago? Me asking you if you think that kysme could toy with the fact that the two could be something more? (Rightly named in the blog "something more") basically just liyah putting her heart out on her sleeve all vulnerable and what not and trusting kysme to be serious with her for a second.
if only I could be like that in real life tho, shitttt
I feel serious Kysme would be silent a lot since he's actually taking time to chew over his words before spitting them out. So yeah those silences are something-
Oh gosh, glad that was right on the mark then. Don't take too long though, Kysme. Liyah might start feeling real silly, getting up and trying to brush it off like
Memphis-Rex :
And hmmmm. I feel like he might counter with a question first. After a tense moment he relaxes back into the grass, staring at the sky as well. "I don't know. I don't usually feel this way about people either. Am I even worth a genuine effort at something more? I fuck up so easily."
In that brief moment his tough guy persona slips aside, and you can see his own insecurity of losing things he cares about and his fears of being emotional.
Maybe, for once, his voice sounds gentle.
Kysme is fully aware of how shitty he can be. Sometimes he can't help it. In a way, he doesn't want to be the one who hurts her.
Would he be able to forgive himself for such a thing.
Oh, hey Memphis?
Fuck you???
This hurts more than it should?? Vunerable Kysme????ouch???
Lmao you can sleep now though if needed, you'll be rewarded a nice piece of HC. Thank you for your efforts.
His response would make liyah do a double take-turning her head to watch him again, her face obviously surprised by his change of tone. Wow. Just wow. Imagine her mouth opening to form words, though not being able to really say anything at first. Just studying his face.
"You're worth it."
Not a general, safe, 'everyone is worth it', or a shrug and wishy-washy kind of deliverance. It would be said with a quiet kind of conviction, like she actually means it. Because she does. And she smiles a bit at that, fondly. "Trust me, Kysme. I've been through the ringer a couple times with this kind of shit. Fucking up comes with the playing field- don't be so hard on yourself."
And I can see her doing something sweet, like reaching out and grabbing a hold of kysme's hand, gently so. Something to know that she's there, that she hears him. "But someone else's words probably mean nothing when your mind is convinced. Maybe you have to convince yourself that youre worth it, yeah?" She'd sigh, still her hand on top of his, a comfortable sort of silence.
There's gonna be a pause as he relishes the sensation of her hands on his. You know with how often he takes her hand jokingly to stare at its glistening surface, it's probably the first time she held his hand of her own accord. He'd bite his lip, say something like "I'll work on it." Another moment. Then, a careful movement as to not crush the arm that was previously holding his hand, he rolls over to lie on his side, closer to her, propping himself up on one elbow. There's this intense look in his candy colored eyes as he gazes down upon her face, and this time he doesn't hide it (recap-- the time he'd get distracted looking at her while she talks about movies). He's just taking it all in, up close, straightforwardly. "...But we can change one thing first." He says, referring to the earlier question of why he hasn't kissed her yet. And---
(ok if Aaliyah isn't down with this we can always change it XD)(edited)
Pt. 2--- Hypothetically speaking, if they do indeed get together, I feel nothing too much will change about their dynamics? They still have their silly banters and teasing, but finally they're not repressing their feelings so it feels more..liberating? To show some act of affection.
And I'm not saying Kysme becomes perfect boyfriend material immediately. He still makes her eyes roll to the sky with his stupidity. ("Shit, he's the biggest dumbass in the world but he's my dumbass" suddenly crosses my mind)
But there are some subtle changes in the way he acts now.(edited)
Is she going to feel bothered by his habit of occasionally sleeping with strangers (seeing her past with another pretty boy cough cough)? Cause I think the amount of times he fools around will dwindle if he's in a relationship but habits/hobbies die hard...He would try to be transparent about the matter though.
(First of all aaliyah is down yes of course the fuck you think memphis //still reading/)
(And you woke up?! Now?!)
(also doesn't hurt to double check lel)
(LOL my body must have realized that I was missing straight up PERFECT QUALITY HCING)
(And true! Okay hold on while I respond something good.)
Oh gosh, your respond to the HC kind of like, feels like the perfect end already, but I will add on one thing to it- the idea of Aaliyah's heart thumping faster and faster as she realizes what exactly kysme is about to do. A loud thump, thump, thump pounding against her ears. Her eyes growing wider and her heart jumping at her throat, because holy shit...is he really gonna do it? Is he really going to do it? and when he does do it, its like something clicks in place with her head. Something nice and tender and a little scary. She'd close her eyes and sink into the kiss almost immediately, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks and hoping to god that that burning sensation comes soon- it would be safe to assume that she herself has been guilty of wondering how it would feel on her lips, sue her. (If it does come soon then she's probably left breathless and panting and if kysme asks if she needs a second she just goes "Fuck no." She was waiting for this kiss, even if she didnt think she was ever going to get it. (stay tuned for pt.2)
And I was gonna say that too, tbh! Like...they didn't need much to shift at all- theyve always been pretty comfy with each other and to the outside viewer it probably doesnt look like anything at all has changed unless they spot some nuances (like couch hand holding, aaliyah not complaining when the guy touches her, even if he grabs her by the waist or something, her sitting on his lap while watching a movie, etc) It just kind of...comes naturally. Liberating, as you say. Just...everything is right for once. (Also don't mind me but I totally wouldn't mind if this became non-hypothetical, if ya know what I mean, hueh hueh. //rubs my grubby raccoon hands together/).
The stupidity becomes endearing in a way, exactly as you say ("my big pink dumbass").
No, I don't think she's going to be bothered by it if he's honest about it (and as long as he saves his sweetest parts for her, you know? Like don't go confiding in strangers when you have a perfectly good girlfriend here to cuddle with.) The issue that destroyed her and Samael's relationship, besides the politics, was the lying to cover the hookups and the using and emotional abuse. It wasn't the fact that Sam was sleeping around, its the fact that she was the last to know, usually through other people. And what a shitty feeling is that. So even if he still has trouble with the deep conversation portion or the relationship, as long as he isn't lying to her face on petty shit, she wont make a big deal about it. Maybe even jokes about it when he tells her. ("Oh, cool. So is that the one you were talking about organizing the threesome with?") And that is to say that although she herself isn't someone to sleep around, I could see her branching out herself, once or twice. Lol (also speaking of which if we are going down this road she 'll likely tell him about that whole relationship fiasco, get ready for that can of worms kysme)
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