#look at other things people who don't like harry say he's a straight man just being ambiguous for points or something which. no one does
autumnrory · 8 months
so much of the time i hear something about a celeb and it's like okay i'm not gonna hold that against them bc without doing a deep dive i can't know if there's any truth to it and idc enough to do digging but it does stick in my brain whenever i see/hear about them like damn was that true
0 notes
sitp-recs · 4 months
Hello! I saw your last rec for Draco being whipped for Harry. Would you have any recs for the reverse situation? Harry being absolutely smitten for Draco. I love when it's mostly from Harry POV and Draco is driving him mad. Does anything come to mind? Thank you for your lovely recs and your presence in the fandom, it's a blessing! 💜
Yes of course! I feel like I did quite a few lists for pining Harry so this one will focus on smitten Harry told from his own pov. I tried to mix old favorites with fics I don’t see recced often. I’d highly recommend checking @tackytigerfic, @bixgirl1 and ignatiustrout as they all explore this trope so beautifully!
Take A Stab At It by @sorrybutblog (E, 3k)
It’s a bit pathetic, Harry knows, to have a hard-on for the guy who bullied you in school. Kind of cliché to look back on years of obsession and hatred and think, Oh.
Hourglass Heart by bixgirl1 (E, 5k)
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
Blue Sky Is Living Here Today by ignatiustrout (G, 5k)
Draco's a father, Harry's in love with him, and it's really hard to take things slow.
The Things They Never Say by bixgirl1 (E, 9k)
Harry and Draco don't know how to talk. So they do other things instead.
Sex Ed for Aurors by curiouslyfic (M, 9k)
Some things, you need to learn on the job.
i wake up falling, orphaned (M, 9k)
Draco’s always leaving, one way or another. Harry’s usually 240 thousand miles too late.
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose (M, 12k)
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that.
Take the Moon by tackytiger (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year…
White as Snow by bixgirl1 (E, 19k)
After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
We Might Be Too Old for a Bildungsroman by @wellhalesbells (T, 21k)
Harry finds something he’s been looking for since the war’s end. Admittedly, the packaging’s a bit odder than he expected.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (T, 22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
On Your Shore by @xanthippe74 (M, 35k)
Clearing out a remote house full of cursed collectibles in the Outer Hebrides? Not a problem for an experienced curse breaker like Harry Potter. Spending a week with the straight, happily-married man that he’s starting to have feelings for? And sharing a bed with him at night? Surely Harry can handle that, too.
LA, Who Am I To Love You? by @epitomereally (E, 42k)
Harry’s summer in LA is not going as expected. Pansy Parkinson keeps inviting him to parties in the Hollywood Hills and harassing him to finally go to the physical therapist, Blaise Zabini keeps slipping new strains of his company’s magical weed into Harry’s pockets in hopes of an endorsement, and Draco Malfoy keeps having sex with everyone but Harry.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Modern Love by tackytiger (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 88k)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait?
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (M, 131k)
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
Can't Sit Still by wilteddaisy (E, 193k)
Five years after the war, Harry finds himself drawn to Draco Malfoy by memories that aren't his own.
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drawsdenfiles · 2 months
I know that you said that you wanted pause to the political questio, s but it's rare for me to run into trump support who isn't a maga cult person. I do have a friend who wants to vote for trump for economical reasons and i'm curious if that's same with you and if so why do you that you believe that if he's voted back in it a pisitive rather than a negative.
Ps I do you really love your art it looks nice from my run-through of your tumblr looking forward to book #18 for dresden
Haha, thank you for your question, you're very sweet.
Your message was very nice to read and you brought up the Dresden Files, so I couldn't say no! AUGH, isn't it such a good series? Who's your favorite character?? I have such a hard time picking, they're all so good. I think I'm mostly invested in Harry and Marcone though, for sure.
I personally don't know a lot about the "maga cult" thing, but yeah, thank you! Economy would be one of the reasons why I'm voting for him. I like his immigration, foreign, and environmental policies as much as I like the things he did while he was president- the Abraham Accords, for example, meant a lot to me back then and the countries involved in it were so... happy. So happy. It was incredible to see all the posts the people were making about it. I didn't care at all about politics or Trump back then, but that definitely made an impression on me.
Hello to your friend! Haha, and I think there are a ton of extreme-culty people everywhere right now, it's not just those who'd like Trump to get elected. It's everywhere. I think we've all seen enough cult documentaries to be able to identify some of the signs...
I'm personally not trying to get anyone to vote for the guy I want to vote for, I more think we should all do what we believe is the right thing to do. If people believe voting for Biden/Harris(or whoever's the next democratic candidate) is the right thing to do, then they should do that. If people don't want to vote, then hey, I'm not going to pressure them into doing something they don't want to do. They want to vote third party? Go for it.
I came out about my support on here because yeah, the reaction to the very real assassination attempt was upsetting to me- I'd like to vote for this guy and they're crying about how the bullet missed- I would never wish anything like that ever to happen to their candidate, you know? Never.
On one hand, I would very much love for Biden to stay in the race all the way into November, but on the other hand... I don't know, I think the guy needs a break. It's ultimately his decision whether he stays or not, so I'm trying to at least respect that... but man, they are really trying to kick him out. It's wild. (Edit: Aaaaand it looks like he's literally just officially dropped out, so there's that.)
Anyway, thank you for your message! I LOVE to draw, so compliments toward my art go straight to my core. The Dresden Files is SO GOOD.
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v-a-l · 13 days
What's your top 10 Harry Potter favorite characters and favorite book?
ten is too many I think XD. I like Sirius, I suppose that's a given, Harry, Ron and Hermione. I adore Moody and McGonagall, Luna, Neville, James even though we don't really get much of him in canon. I'm attached to the universe, I grew up with it, and whilst I imprinted largely on Sirius, I do have significant fondness for most of the characters.
Favourite book, hmmm. Probably Goblet of Fire. I think PoA is lovely for how much we learn about Harry and where he comes from, and OOTP is great for learning about the first war, and Deathly Hallows is great for the resistance movement that exists beyond Harry and the one man war he's been fighting since book one, but I've always had a fondness for Goblet of Fire and the way the stakes are raised and the characters we are introduced to, I loved learning about Crouch and side characters like Bertha Jorkins who though briefly mentioned, add so much colour to the narrative. I love the conversation in the cave,
“How d’you know?” Hermione shot back. “How d’you know where he Disapparated to?” “Come off it,” said Ron incredulously. “Are you saying you reckon Ludo Bagman conjured the Dark Mark?” “It’s more likely he did it than Winky,” said Hermione stubbornly. “Told you,” said Ron, looking meaningfully at Sirius, “told you she’s obsessed with house —” But Sirius held up a hand to silence Ron. “When the Dark Mark had been conjured, and the elf had been discovered holding Harry’s wand, what did Crouch do?” “Went to look in the bushes,” said Harry, “but there wasn’t anyone else there.” “Of course,” Sirius muttered, pacing up and down, “of course, he’d want to pin it on anyone but his own elf … and then he sacked her?” “Yes,” said Hermione in a heated voice, “he sacked her, just because she hadn’t stayed in her tent and let herself get trampled —” “Hermione, will you give it a rest with the elf!” said Ron. Sirius shook his head and said, “She’s got the measure of Crouch better than you have, Ron. If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
Chef's kiss.
“He was tipped for the next Minister of Magic,” said Sirius. “He’s a great wizard, Barty Crouch, powerfully magical — and power-hungry. Oh never a Voldemort supporter,” he said, reading the look on Harry’s face. “No, Barty Crouch was always very outspoken against the Dark Side. But then a lot of people who were against the Dark Side … well, you wouldn’t understand … you’re too young. …” “That’s what my dad said at the World Cup,” said Ron, with a trace of irritation in his voice. “Try us, why don’t you?” A grin flashed across Sirius’s thin face. “All right, I’ll try you. …” He walked once up the cave, back again, and then said, “Imagine that Voldemort’s powerful now. You don’t know who his supporters are, you don’t know who’s working for him and who isn’t; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You’re scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing … the Ministry of Magic’s in disarray, they don’t know what to do, they’re trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere … panic … confusion … that’s how it used to be. “Well, times like that bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. Crouch’s principles might’ve been good in the beginning — I wouldn’t know. He rose quickly through the Ministry, and he started ordering very harsh measures against Voldemort’s supporters. The Aurors were given new powers — powers to kill rather than capture, for instance. And I wasn’t the only one who was handed straight to the dementors without trial. Crouch fought violence with violence, and authorized the use of the Unforgivable Curses against suspects. I would say he became as ruthless and cruel as many on the Dark Side. He had his supporters, mind you — plenty of people thought he was going about things the right way, and there were a lot of witches and wizards clamoring for him to take over as Minister of Magic.
We learn so much about Sirius in this one conversation. How strong his morals were, how he definitely did not believe in a binary world where you're either evil and deserve extreme punitive measures or you're good. Here is a Sirius Black who vocally disagrees with the use of Unforgivables against Death Eaters. He is passionately against aurors being empowered to inflict unquestioned brutality during the war. This probably added to why he seemed all the more suspicious to the ministry, Sirius is not one to be silent about his disagreements. And note that the law allowed the use of Unforgivables against suspects. Can you imagine what they'd have done to Voldemort's supposed right hand? Regardless, Sirius here clearly believes in not just achieving victory in war but achieving a victory that is rightful and just and through just means. He doesn't just want to win the war he wants to achieve the objective for which they are fighting this war in the first place. Something he'd be uniquely equipped with as he comes from a lifetime of observing everything that is wrong with Wixen society and actively disagrees with it. He's not a bystander sympathising with the plight of the lesser fortunate, he's a frontline warrior who deeply believes in the cause he's fighting for, enough to give his life for it, his compassion is proactive, which is exactly what makes him a hero. Sadly all these facets of Sirius' character have largely been left behind by fandom and I miss him deeply.
I'd pay good money to read more of Sirius the way he's written here, GoF is Sirius at his best, rats, caves, detective work and all. If this is Sirius a few months out of Azkaban, I can't imagine how he'd have been at Hogwarts or during the first war. Alas. We'll never know.
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sheeple · 1 year
Miracles don't exist | 19: The Department of Mysteries
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Use of crucio / blood A/n: The fact that y'alls comments saved Sirius' ass [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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"Can you see them?", you ask in a whisper as Theo and you watch how the DA flies away on the Thestrals. He shakes his head, finding the sight of his schoolmates flying away on thin air very fun to see.
You grab his hand and make your way towards one of the leathery beasts. Theo unsurely lets you place his hand on nothing and gasps as he feels something. It's... weird. Almost hairy.
"Do you feel it?", you whisper again, eyes flickering from the brown-haired boy towards the Thestral.
He nods wordlessly. He reaches out his other hand, an amazed smile on his face. "It's wonderful." He looks at you in amazement. But his smile soon drops as he remembers that you can see them. "I'm sorry..."
You shake your head and turn your head towards the edge of the forest. "Don't worry. Let's warn Dumbledore that the DA is on its way to the Ministry. Maybe he can notify the Order of what Harry has seen."
Theo nods and the both of you hurry out of the forest. But before you set foot on school grounds, the hair on the back of your neck stands up straight.
Stopping, you turn around and peer around the dark of the forest. Something... calls you in. It's like someone or something is calling your name.
"Do you hear that?", you ask, turning towards Theo. But the boy look around confused, only hearing wood noises. 
Suddenly, a dark smoke cloud comes barreling towards you and you scream. Theo grabs your hand and the both of you start to run towards the castle. You strip over a tree branch and your hand slips from Theo. A yell leaves your lips as you feel something grab you and lift you up from the ground.
You vaguely hear Theo call out your name in panic before the world completely goes up in smoke and chaos. It feels like you're travelling a million miles per hour, swirling through the air like a tornado. 
When you're finally dropped you crawl away, trying to keep your dinner inside. It's almost as bad as apparating. You flip around and shuffle away from the figure until your back hits a wall. 
The figure disappears like it's called and you're left alone in the room. It's round with black tiles and a giant arch in the middle of it all, some sort of weird white thing floats in the arch. Faint whispers are seeming to come from it, but you can't understand what they are saying.
Just as you stand up to approach the arch, you hear something woosh through the air before five figures drop out of nowhere. You quickly hide behind a stone and try to make yourself as small as possible. You search your pockets and let out a silent breath of relief as your wand is still in your pocket.
The five turn out to be the DA, all looking bloodied and bruised up. Harry and Luna can hear the voices, just like you. The same people who can see Thestrals. Has it to do with seeing Death, maybe?
There is banning coming from somewhere and the five quickly draw their wands. But it is no use as the same smoke that kidnapped you start to attack them. They yelp and struggle and when the smoke disappears, it's only Harry laying on the ground, clutching some ball.
The other DA members are all held by Death Eaters. You spot Mr Nott and your mo... Bellatrix Lestrange. She holds her wand painfully against Neville's neck and looks like she is playing with her prey. Hermione is closest to you, her hair tightly in the grip of a man you've seen a few times over the summer and at the Christmas party. She whimpers.
Uncle Lucius appears out of the darkness, his cane clicking on the ground. "Did you actually believe? Were you truly naive enough to think, that children stood a chance against us?" He holds out his hand towards Harry. "I'll make this simple... for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy, now. Or watch your friends die."
You've never seen your uncle act like this before. Yes, he would be foul at times when he didn't get his way. But now he's just flat-out evil. 
Harry looks around, blood dripping from his nose and his glasses slightly askew.
"Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville is the only one to speak up. Bellatrix hushes him with a poke of her wand.
Uncle Lucius still stands awaiting with his hand open, and Harry places the ball. It once glowed brightly, but now it turned dull in your uncle's hands. 
As your uncle revels in holding the ball, a white smoke appears from behind him and Sirius emerges. Lucius turns around to see who has arrived.
"Get away from my godson", says Sirius and punches your uncle. He flies and so does the orb, and it lands on the ground, breaking into million pieces.
That seems like a sign and other Order members start to join the fight, knocking the Death Eaters away from the children and firing spells left and right, knocking out Voldemort's followers.
Seeing as chaos breaks out, your hiding place is no longer secret and you jump out, pulling Hermione down. 
"Wha- what are you doing here?", she asks bewildered as the others join the both of you, all looking at you confused.
"I don't know", you huff, firing blindly from behind the stone, "someone took me."
The cackle of Bellatrix Lestrange, while she flies around, makes the hairs on your arm stand up straight.
As Sirius and Harry battle and disarm a man and your uncle, you see Bellatrix land on top of a stone, malicious content in her eyes. You jump up and before she can yell out the first letters of the killing curse, you hit her with Dipulso and she loses her footing.
Harry, Sirius, and Bellatrix all look surprised to see you there. "You traitor!", she bellows and advances upon you.
You turn around and bolt out of the room, down a corridor and end up in the main hall. All the while Bellatrix chases after you, one curse after the other barely missing you. 
Another set of footsteps hurry after you but you're too concerned about getting to the exit, that you don't dodge when you need to and Bellatrix hits you in the back with the Cruciatus curse.
You fall to the ground and cry out in agony, memories of the day the Dark Mark was forced upon you. You crawl away but another spell hits you and you flip over, harshly landing on your back.
"I should have killed you when I got the chance!", she screams, stepping on your left hand and a sickening crack can be heard. "You are not deserving to be his heir!" You wail out in pain, kicking and screaming to get her off your broken bones.
A spell knocks Bellatrix off of you and Sirius kneels by your to check out your hand while another Order member holds her at wand point. You try and protest to get Sirius away from your arm. You don't want him to see the mark. You don't want him to hate you. Be disappointed in you.
"Let the girl be, Bellatrix", comes a whisper from behind you and you turn your head. Scrambling from your seated position, you look scared at Voldemort.
He appears out of nothing, his voice haunting. "We're all young and weak once, aren't we?"
Green flames erupt from one of the fireplaces and out comes Dumbledore. It flips Voldemort's attention from you to the headmaster, and you're quickly pulled away by Sirius.
"You shouldn't have come here, Tom."
A great battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort. Fire against Water. Light against Dark. Good against Evil. With one final show of power makes Voldemort all the widows explode and he sends the chards towards Dumbledore and Harry. As it seems like Dumbledore's not defeated, with one final look disappears Voldemort in a swirl of sand and glass.
You whimper and clutch your arm tightly to your chest, trying to suppress your already-flowing tears. Sirius appears before you and takes your face in his hands. "Are you further hurt? Any glass?"
You shake your head, your eyes roaming over the DA members now running into the main hall, their eyes flickering between Harry and Dumbledore to Sirius and you. 
He helps you on your feet and supports you to sit on the edge of the fountain. You turn towards Dumbledore. "Did Theo- is he okay?"
"Get them out of here", orders Dumbledore to the Order members while turning around to greet the Ministry workers and the Minister of Magic, ignoring your question. 
Harry gives you a look while you are whisked away to a fireplace and the world gets engulfed in green flames. 
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee @thatgirljas13 @slytherinambitious
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WHAT THE HELL WHY IS SNAPE SO MUCH MORE CRUEL IN THE BOOKS? 💀 Thank you so much for telling me all that btw, I think I understand why so many hate him now, since I've only seen the movies I was always flabbergasted when people said that they hate Snape but bro is a literal creep. Taking Lily's photo is sooo weird wtf 😭 Also why is he tormenting a literal 11 year old boyy. Damn. And poor Hermione :')
Thank you for your time btw! ^^
Also, are there any honorary mentions in the books? Not necessarily about Snape too perhaps but maybe anyone or anything else? Like, are the books that different from the movies? Low-key makes me wanna read them but I don't feel like buying the books 💔 (':
You don't need to buy anything! It's free if you search online. I haven't bought a single book but I've read the whole series online and even found the audiobooks free online lmao.
Honorary mentions?
Tbh, when Harry visits his parents graves in deathly hallows, I was always moved by the line 'he wished he was sleeping under the snow with them'
And I think all the chapters in Half blood prince that focus on Voldemort's memories from when he was a young man are super engaging. Everything about his family is interesting, imo.
I liked how, when Hermione asks Ron to be her date to Slughorns party, Harry gets all flustered and says he 'knew something like this would happen'
I like how, when Harry uses the resurrection stone in the last book, he and his mother are so enthused to be able to look at each other that they just gaze at each other for a bit.
I LOVE the scene with Madame Maxine and Hagrid when we find out Hagrid is a half giant. I'm a sucker for characters telling people they like "don't go". And I love how Harry is all like "oh damn. I should NOT be hearing this conversation"
There's a moment where Harry tells the dursley's that Voldemort has come back, and aunt petunia expresses fear. Harry says it's the first time he appreciates that petunia is his mother's sister. I think it's so cool that petunia, someone who does her best to live a smuggle life, is still very aware of the kind of threat that Voldemort is. I feel like that's a detail a lot of people look over. To me, that scene adds a whole new layer to how terrifying Voldemort is.
I like how Neville gets given a candy wrapper by his mom (she was tortured to insanity and has been permanently hospitalized. Neville was raised by his gran as a result) and his gran tells him to throw it away, but when he thinks no one is looking, he stuffs it into his pocket instead. Like. God. I just love that scene. Neville's mom doesn't know who he is. To me, I read that scene and can't help but think "Neville has never received a gift from his parents. He keeps that wrapper because it's the only thing his mom has ever given him. It is the only type of 'gift' that he will ever receive from his mom" It drives me insane.
Oh and oh my GOD. I love how Hagrid is all like "Harry, I'd love you to win the tournament. It'd show everyone that you don't need to be pure blood to be worth something" and this moves Harry so much that he gets to work on solving the egg clue. Literally NOTHING anybody else has said to him has made him take action, but Hagrid's faith in him is what did the trick. And I love the line "there was something about lying to Hagrid that wasn't quite like lying to anyone else." Their relationship is honestly so pure. I love that Hagrid was Harry's introduction to the Wizarding world. He literally brings Harry to us, the reader (or watcher if we're talking the movies). Harry comes to us on Hagrid's motor bike. From the very beginning, Hagrid carries out Harry's introduction.
I love EVERYTHING about the way dobby adores Harry. You don't get much a sense of it in the movies, but their relationship is super wholesome. Dobby may have been a free elf, but he followed Harry's every command because he loved him so much. He straight up fought another elf for insulting Harry. He deserved better than what the movies did with him.
I will say, the one thing from the movies I like better is that I love the scene with Hermione and Hagrid right after Draco calls her a mudblood. I love how he holds her hand and says "don't you think on it" and Hermione's eyes are filled with tears but she smiles at him anyway. That was incredibly cute. Although, in the books, Hermione does not know what a mud blood is, and I think there is merit in having Ron--the only pureblood wizard--know what it is while Harry and Hermione do not. There's something so pure about Ron attacking Draco even though hermione doesn't know what a mudblood is. It's like "I don't care if you didn't hurt her feelings! I don't care if she doesn't know what that word means. I know what that word means and you're not going to talk to her that way."
Oh, and I like the part where Percy sends a letter to Ron telling him not to talk to Harry anymore. Harry being all like "I've know percy for 4 years. I've spent summers with him. He gave me top marks during the tournament. I shared a tent with him." is really effective and you can feel his hurt so well.
This post is so long lmao. I've left out so many good moments. My point is: read the books! You'll love them.
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
Violence Is Never The Answer
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Word count - 1,723
Warnings - violence (fighting), injuries, homophobia, bullies, swearing, angst
Summary - you find out about people at school talking about your dad and Bradley behind your back and you don't take kindly to the unwelcome words
A/N - hey y'all I strike again with another instalment of the Hangman junior universe! this was another one of the ideas sent in by @weloveds and I hope I did the idea justice! I do want to formally apologise as well for how long it's taking me to churn out fics rn but I'm doing my best. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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You were someone who loved wholly and truly, and you were never afraid to let it be known that you cared for someone. You were proud of your dad for figuring himself out and opening himself up to love after years of raising a child alone. You had watched proudly as he married the man he loved and how the three of you became a family
You just wished that other people could be as supportive as you and the Daggers.
At first, you had been unaware of the gossip surrounding your family. Lots of the kids who went to your high school had parents in the Navy and so they had found out about Jake and Bradley’s relationship and once the kids caught wind, it became the hot gossip of your school. The gossip was mostly whispers in the corridors, pointing you out when you weren’t looking and sniggering in their cliques.
One day, however, you caught on to the gossip. One of your friends had come up to you during lunch and told you that he overheard a group of the popular guys in the changing room talking about how it was wrong that you had two dads and that both Jake and Bradley should be kicked out of the Navy on account of them not being straight. The comments he relayed to you made you clench your jaw angrily, but you didn’t stoop to their level and fight back. You knew they weren’t worth your time, and there was no point confronting them about it when you hadn’t actually heard them say those words so they could easily deny it and you’d have no proof of their words. You figured you’d leave them be for now. But if they dared to say anything in front of you, you would not be afraid to teach them not to mess with your family.
You caught them in the act that weekend. You had gone to the local shops to browse and have a walk around town. You had just left a small thrift shop when you saw them. The group of boys with their girlfriends on their arms were sniggering amongst each other and the way they glanced over at you it was clear you were the butt of the joke. Gritting your teeth, you walked over to the group and stood before them angrily.
“Do you guys find something about me amusing? I don’t recall making any jokes.” You question, taking the group aback briefly before they find their feet and recover.
“Oh, sorry Seresin. Or is it Bradshaw? Having two dads makes this shit confusing. I don’t know what your last name is.” Harry says with a shit-eating grin on his face as he speaks.
“Why the fuck does it bother you that much?” You ask, folding your arms over your chest as you glare at him.
“Because people are supposed to have one last name. Why do you need two? It’s already weird enough you have two dads.” Harry’s girlfriend Olivia jumps in, making you bite back your anger, trying not to stoop to their level.
“What has my family done to you? Unless I have amnesia or something I’m pretty sure we haven’t done a single thing to hurt you guys so take your homophobic comments and shove them up your ass.” You say strongly, clenching your teeth so you don’t do anything you would regret.
“All I’m saying is they don’t deserve to be in the Navy. The Navy is for heroes, not gay people like them.” Connor sneers, making the group laugh and the boys jostle each other while you close your hand into a tight fist, his words being the final straw.
“When did y/n say she’d be home?” Jake calls through the house to where Bradley was sitting in the living room.
“I don’t think she said a time. She just said she’d be home before dinner.” Bradley replies as Jake enters the living room, glancing around as if you’d appear in front of him if he looked hard enough.
“She’ll be fine Jake. She’s only gone to town. I’m sure she’ll be back soon.” Bradley says, gesturing for Jake to join him on the sofa. The two men sit together, watching the tv together while quietly exchanging jokes and enjoying each other’s company. When they heard the front door open and close, they perked up, glancing in the direction of the doorway so they could greet you. Their smiles dropped from their faces when they saw the state you were in.
You had the beginning of a black eye, dried blood around your nose and a split lip. Not to mention that your knuckles were bruising as well.
“y/n, what happened?” Jake asked as he leapt up from the sofa, instantly rushing over to you while Bradley rushed to get a washcloth from the bathroom before heading into the kitchen to find the ice packs he knows are tucked away in the freezer somewhere. Jake escorts you to the sofa and sits you down as Bradley returns with two ice packs, two tea towels to wrap the ice packs in and a damp washcloth. He passes the ice packs to Jake who wraps them both up and places one over both your hands to soothe the swelling on your knuckles while he holds the other against your bruising eye. Bradley then gently uses the washcloth to clean the dried blood off your face, both men exchanging worried glances when you don’t answer the repeated question of what had happened to you.
“Sweetheart. Please tell us what happened. We’re not angry.” Jake asks softly, worry swimming in his eyes as you remain silent.
“Who did this to you? Was it someone you know?” Bradley asks as he finishes wiping away the blood. Both men glanced worriedly at each other when you offered them a small nod in response to Bradley’s second question.
“We need names. Now.” Jake says. If he wasn’t already in overprotective father mode, your slight nod would’ve tipped him over the edge. You shook your head at his words. You hated the group who spoke shit about your dad and Bradley, but you already gave them a dose of their own medicine. Yes, they had fought back, and there were more of them, but you were positive you got off lightly considering how you were outnumbered.
“y/n, you don’t need to protect them. You can tell us who they were, and we’ll make sure they’re dealt with accordingly. They hurt you.” Bradley says, dabbing the cloth on your lip gently. You shake your head lightly once more, leaning your head back from both your dad and Bradley.
“I’m the one who attacked them first. They can argue it was self-defence.” You say finally, making both Bradley and Jake glance at each other, shocked at your words.
“y/n, why would you start a fight?” Jake asks worriedly, not understanding why you’d do such a thing. He knew you could stand up for yourself, he made sure of it, but he never raised you to think it was okay to start fistfights over something.
“They were saying horrible stuff about you guys. My friends told me it had been happening for a while but today was the day I actually heard them saying stuff. I couldn’t stand there and not do anything.” You argue, wincing at the stinging of your split lip as you speak.
“What did they say, y/n/n?” Bradley says softly. He could see that their words had rattled you and he wanted you to talk about it, so you’d get the weight off your shoulders. The hesitation was clear on your face as you debated whether you told the two men or not. Despite how much you wanted to keep it from them to protect them from the horrible words, you knew it was better for them to know what was being said.
“They were making fun of me for having two dads. They said having two last names was wrong. Then they said you guys don’t deserve to be in the Navy. That the Navy was only for heroes not people like you. But you are heroes. You're my heroes.” You say, tears rolling down your cheeks as you recount what happened. Jake and Bradley exchanged yet another look, their eyes shining with tears. Not for their sake. But for yours. Both men were used to hearing comments like that, even before they figured out their sexualities, they had heard copious amounts of homophobic comments by people and while they couldn’t deny that the words didn’t hurt. It bothered them a lot to see how upset the comments had made you. They thought people your age were accepting of different sexualities and to hear that people at your school had been teasing you because of their relationship broke their hearts.
“Hey, sweetheart, listen to me. Those guys? They’re not worth thinking about. They’re pathetic cowards who decided that picking on someone else will help them feel better about their own sad lives.” Jake says with a gentle smile before he lifts the ice pack on your hands up, relieved to see the swelling isn’t too bad.
“But they were saying horrible things about you and Bradley.” You sniffle, lifting your hand to wipe at your eyes, ignoring the throbbing pain at the movement.
“Unfortunately there’s always going to be people like that. They’re ignorant and aren’t worth paying any mind to. We’re happy and that’s all that matters. We love you both so much y/n.” Bradley says, you nod slightly after wiping your tears away before Jake gently brings your hand back down to rest on your lap again so he could place the ice pack back atop your knuckles.
“I have to say that although I appreciate you standing up for us. Violence is never the answer. Just let us know next time.” Bradley then says, watching as you nod along with Jake before he speaks up.
“Bradley is right. But did you use my self-defence lessons? Did you kick their asses?” Jake asks, making you giggle lightly as Bradley’s jaw drops in mock shock at Jake’s words before a grin breaks out on his face too, curious to know what happened.
“Hell yes, I did.”
taglist (comment or ask to be added):
@zbeez-outlet @kaceywithak @tsnelf7 @starkleila @cassadilasworld @shanimallina87 @madstxo
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gryfferin-gaybies · 6 months
Coping (pt 2/2)
I wrote part 1 as like a one shot microfic just to publish here but then I couldn't leave it at that ending. So go read part 1 if you haven't already. Thanks.
There Harry sat in the floor with his back against the couch and his head thrown back to rest against the cushion. He felt sorry for himself. He wondered why he'd let Draco go. He'd almost had the man who frequented his daydreams. He'd told him he loved him, words he'd been trying to figure out how to say since the day he realized they were true. He had put so much thought into the perfect way to tell Draco only for them to come out in a rejection.
Only Harry would manage to confess his love for and reject Draco at the same time. Only Harry would manage to do it all to Draco a day after he'd received news of his mother dying. And only Harry would manage to be selfish enough to sit in his floor, moping and feeling sorry for himself while Draco grieved the loss of his mother.
Not that Draco was grieving in that moment, he reminded himself. Draco was actually out making a mistake that would only make him feel worse in the morning. Going home with someone was Draco's favorite way to ignore his emotions. But those emotions would still be there when he was ready to leave his one night stand.
And so would Harry. He'd come back to Harry's in the morning, like he always did, and Harry would make him coffee, give him a Sober-Up potion and try to comfort him. Harry would try to get him to talk about his feelings but he never would. Instead he preferred to bottle up his emotions during the day and repeat the process at night. Typically this would go on for a few days until Draco finally decided to deal with how he was feeling, accepting Harry's comfort and offers to talk.
And Harry knew he would do it again this time. He'd be there for Draco, watch Draco choose meaningless hookups with other people over a conversation with Harry. He'd stick around while Draco stomped on his heart because he cares for Draco too much to leave him. The only difference was that this time Harry wouldn't wonder if Draco knew how he felt and was just ignoring it. He'd know that that was the case. This time he couldn't pretend Draco's rejection was actually obliviousness.
Harry wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there but it was at least a couple hours and he was content to stay for a couple more. He summoned the Firewhiskey, even opened it but never drank. He was exhausted, too exhausted to go up the stairs to bed.
Too exhausted to even notice that someone had come through his Floo until they were sitting beside him, mimicking his position.
Harry opened his eyes when he felt a shoulder against his. He turned his head to see silver blue eyes meeting his.
"Hey," Draco whispered.
"Hey," Harry lifted his head from the couch. "You're here?"
Draco nodded. "I got to the pub. Had a few drinks. Chatted up some guy and when we were about to leave to go to his place, I realized you were right. It wouldn't make me feel better."
Harry turned his body to face Draco. "So you came here." He frowned, confused.
"I started to think about what would make me feel better, what always makes me feel better." He trailed off, looking like he expected Harry to say something. When Harry didn't, he said, "You."
"Oh." Harry scolded himself internally for the dumb response. Here Draco was, saying all the right things and the best he could come up with was 'oh'?
Draco didn't seem to mind his response though. "I was hoping we could skip the part where I jump from stranger to stranger and instead go straight to the part where you make me breakfast and we talk?" He suddenly looked nervous, almost like he expected Harry to turn him away.
Harry was shocked silent. He wasn't entirely sure it was actually happening. His mind seemed to empty of all words in that moment.
"We don't have to. I can just leave. I understand if you're tired of comforting me. I just barged in without warning. I can go," Draco rambled to fill the silence.
"No!" Harry put his hand on Draco's leg to prevent him from leaving. "I mean, no. Stay. I'll go start that breakfast." He stood up from the floor and offered a hand down to Draco to help him up.
Draco took his hand with a grateful, tired smile. "Thanks, Harry."
And the two ate breakfast together, despite it being midnight. They talked about Draco's grief and Harry helped him process the loss as best he could. They didn't talk about Harry's confession. It didn't seem like the right time, but Harry thought he saw a difference in the way Draco looked at him, a good difference. Something Harry tucked away to consider addressing later. When they were out of words to say and tears to shed, it was nearly four am.
Draco decided to spend the night. Harry offered to sleep on the couch and give Draco his bed, but Draco didn't want to be alone. So Harry held him until he fell asleep in his arms. And it was perfect, absolutely perfect. A night Harry wouldn't soon forget.
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queermania · 4 months
what are your thoughts on misha and the whole real people can't queerbait thing?
oh look a question that i'm sure is totally in good faith and not at all a trap. but i'm actually going to answer this because i do have thoughts. the first one is about semantics. the original definition of queerbaiting refers to the marketing of fictional media but i hope for the sake of this ask we can all agree that, within the confines of this post, when we say "queerbait" we mean presenting oneself as queer despite not actually being queer for some sort of gain. yeah? okay good.
there are a lot of different versions of public figures being accused of queerbaiting and to be honest with you most of them are insultingly stupid in concept alone.
is becky albertalli writing a queer story without disclosing her sexuality queerbaiting? no. not even if it had turned out she herself was not queer.
is kit connor playing a queer character in a tv show and then holding hands with a woman in real life queerbaiting? no. not even if it turned out he himself was not queer.
is taylor swift making a statement that she is straight after swaths of fans speculate she might be a lesbian based on *checks notes* i'm sorry guys i don't understand why you think she's queer but whatever the reason, is it queerbaiting? no. that is so ridiculous i can't even wrap my brain around it.
is harry styles wearing his little dresses in pictures and being ambiguous about his sexuality (after years of the media being super invasive about his teenage sex life) queerbaiting? no. even if you don't think anything he's doing is groundbreaking and he's so so boring and bland? nope not even then.
is someone saying they're queer of some flavor at one point and then later on in life changing their mind queerbaiting? no. that's called being a person and changing and/or figuring things out.
but, all of that said, are there people in the real world who say they're queer specifically because it gives them clout in certain circles and/or access to certain people (i'm talking about cishet men trying to fuck queer women here mostly)? yes. and you may not think those people exist but some of us have met them. some of us have been standing next to a dude at a pride event and heard him say, "dude just pretend like you're bi she'll totally sleep with you" to one of his bros. among other things. i promise you these people exist and they're not just queer people who haven't figured it out yet.
so can real people queerbait? yeah, i think they can, but your feelings about how a person does or does not perform their queerness (or lack thereof) is not what constitutes it.
now does that mean that what misha collins did was queerbaiting? i don't fucking know, man. i'm inclined to believe that mostly he was just trying to be Normal(tm) about people assuming he was queer and then got a little too comfortable with it. but i don't know. i don't know what his intentions were and neither do you.
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep11: The Q and the Grey
One of my favorite crack episodes! Is it hopelessly heteronormative? Yes. Is it stuck on traditional gender roles? Also yes. But does it have some killer one liners that always make me laugh? Definitely yes. Do I enjoy any excuse to get my Starfleet people to play dress up in historical costumes? Hell yes! Must a piece of media actually be good, in order to be good? Absolutely not!
This one is so stupid that I can't believe it's actually a real episode sometimes. Q wanting to have a baby with Captain Janeway is quite possibly one of the most ridiculous premises I've ever heard for a Star Trek story, but her rebuffs to his advances are so scathing, it's kinda worth the secondhand embarrassment of watching John de Lancie have to play these scenes with a straight face just to watch her deliver these sick burns like the queen she is.
Meanwhile, Chakotay is so jealous when he finds out! He literally straight up says so! Oh my god, I didn't even remember that! And then Q pops in, and complains about there being another man, and Janeway deadass says there isn't, while Chakotay is standing right there!! I was cry laughing!! Kathryn Janeway, the woman that you are!! And then Q is all 'my tatoo is bigger than his' and Janeway looks him dead in the eye, and says 'not big enough,' and walks out of the room!! And when Chakotay hears that, he just stands there grinning to himself like 'hell yeah, I got a shot! Suck it Q!', and I'm sitting there dying! How is this even a real scene?!
Q then goes to the holodeck to ask the crew for advice on how to win Janeway over. Tom and Harry are the cool kids who are so over Q, and they defend their space mom like dutiful sons, treating him with a haughty disdain that she'd be proud of. Q then moves on to ask Neelix for advice next, but I don't remember anything after Q referred to him as 'bar rodent' because I laughed so hard.
So then Q tries to bribe Janeway with a puppy, which is honestly the one thing that might actually have worked on her tbh, but the Captain is resolute that she cannot be bribed. (She totally does cuddle the puppy for a while though, and I can't blame her, gotta take what puppy snuggles you can get out there in the cold cruel Delta Quadrant.)
AND THEN none other than Suzie Plakson shows up as Q's jealous girlfriend, Q, looking fabulous in her red Veronica Lake hair, and delivering elite level sass in the meanest, hottest way possible.
We find out that the supernovas Voyager has been encountering have something to do with the Q- the ship is caught in multiple shockwaves, and when Janeway asks Q to take them out of it, he instead takes himself and Janeway to a mansion during the American Civil War- costume time!!! Yeehaw!! Kate Mulgrew was born to wear crinoline era fashions, I swear, she looks so good!!
Obvs Janeway wants to get back to the ship, but Q reveals that they're in the Continuum, and that the Q are at war due to the upheaval caused by the Q who commited suicide in 'Death Wish'. (This episode may be silly, but I so love and appreciate continuity from previous episodes!!) We get some nonsense about how Q thinks mating with a human will produce a more compassionate breed of Q who will end the war- sounds fake, but ok. But Q gets shot, and Janeway, being full of Starfleet goodness, rescues him and tends his wounds, while giving Q a lecture about how being a parent entails sticking around to teach your children your ideals, like compassion, and how families need to be built on love- which, at least, are actually good points that redeem some of the hopelessly old-fashioned heteronormativity of this ep.
Meanwhile, lady Q is still stuck on Voyager after the shockwave knocks them out- it was a Q weapon that caused the supernova, so it temporarily knocked out her powers, and she needs Voyager's help to get back to the Continuum. They have to fly into a supernova to do it, so she has to help them modify their shields, which leads to one of my favorite scenes, where lady Q goes to engineering, and gets her ass thoroughly handed to her by the Ultimate Sarcasm Queen of the Universe, B'Elanna Motherfucking Torres. B'Elanna just stands there, looking absolutely tiny next to Amazon goddess Suzie Plakson, but she cuts her down to size, outsassing the OG sassmaster, the first badass half-Klingon babe, K'Ehleyr herself, with such confidence, such ease, that it rattles even an immortal, omnipotent Q. Your fave could never!! And then lady Q says she's always liked Klingon females because they have such spunk- which in-universe, is her admitting that B'Elanna won the sass battle (yassss queen!!) but also, for the fans, it's acknowledging the passing of the torch from Suzie to Roxann as the current half-Klingon sass queen. Nice!
So anyway, back on the bridge, lady Q calls Tom 'helm boy', and I snort laughed as his face went through the five stages of grief over this, and he looks at Chakotay like 'how do I respond to that??' and Chakotay just sighs and is like 'yeah just do what she says' and Tom sighs like 'ok, guess I'm helm boy now' and does what she says.
They fly into the supernova, and not a moment too soon, because back in the Continuum, Janeway went to the other Q's camp to call a truce, but Q are kind of dicks, and they're like no, sorry, we won't accept your surrender, we're going to execute you and Q instead. So just as Q and Janeway are tied up and facing a firing squad, Janeway nobly argues for peace, and an uncharacteristacally selfless Q pleads to spare her life. The other Q says nah, but just as they're about to shoot them, someone else draws their fire away- it's the Voyager crew, all done up in Civil War gear!! More dress up time!!! Yay!!! They lead lady Q to Q and Janeway, and Janeway urges Q to mate with lady Q instead of her, which lady Q likes the idea of. Q and Q whisper about what we assume are unspeakably kinky Q mating practices, which they invite a shocked Janeway to watch, not because they're nasty freaks, but because all they have to do is touch fingers for a second, and then it's done. But also because they're nasty freaks.
After the Voyager crew subdues the Q, (while looking fabulous in their Union army uniforms, I might add!) they're returned to Voyager, back on their original course. Q pops back in to Janeway's ready room with his new baby Q, he declares himself to be changed for the better by parenthood, and asks Janeway to be godmother, to which she agrees. It's an absolutely insane way to start a friendship, but Kathryn Motherfucking Janeway manages what no Starfleet captain ever has: to make friends with Q. Queen shit, tbh.
How is this episode even a real thing?! I don't know, but I'm glad it is!!
Tl;dr: An absolutely ridiculous, insane crack episode that by all rights shouldn't work, but it does. One of the most hilarious, fun episodes in the whole series.
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alarrytale · 1 year
Can we talk about tzp? I’m glad to have found your blog since you seem to have the same opinions as I do about this situation (as opposed to the Twitter fans who want to force people not to talk about it lol).
I have to say, I absolutely LOVE that he is gay and married for a very long time. I’m so happy for him. His hubby seems like a cool dude too. They are CUTE! That being said, selfishly I wish he’d be more open about it. It bothers me that there’s this elephant in the room now and it’s not being spoken about as if it’s a bad thing! The fans are the worst! A fan met tzp yesterday in London. This fan said he was walking alone with his friend (lol…obv his husband). In the comments someone said “oh how cool! Glad you met him! Was the friend his husband?” And within hours the whole post was deleted. Last weekend he went to Joey Kings wedding with Garrett and a friend of joeys posted a Polaroid of them. Someone reposted it but so many people were commenting “delete this!!” I don’t understand why these fans are intent on keeping this info buried. Instead of just saying “wow that’s great congrats!” and moving on they just want it ignored.
I’m not really sure what my point is with all of this, it just kind of bothers me. Sure he’s entitled to privacy and I imagine he wants to protect his hubby since he’s not a public figure. I respect that. But trying to come off as straight feels a bit problematic. And fans saying he’s been outed is just ridiculous. Apparently he was very out before kissing booth and at that point deleted things and took his ring off. Which makes me sooo sad. But he did post his man several times since then. Just not a whole lot like before. I noticed he hasn’t posted him at all since the movie came out and he’s blown up. It’ll be interesting to see what he does now. He hasn’t deleted him off his ig so that’s good. They did, however, delete the video that people dug up of tay using the husband’s last name. Not sure what to make of that. Anyway I don’t think he needs to do anything or announce anything. But I wish he would post him more!
By the way it seems literally everyone in his professional life knows. First of all G went to London and hung out with T, Nick and some other cast (there was a picture), the director and a couple of the actors follow G, all the the photogs, fashion people who work with tay follow G, etc. So he’s clearly very out. Just not to fans. But I’m not understanding why I guess…
Would love your thoughts on it!
Hi, anon!
Of course we can talk everything tzp! He looked absolutely gorgeous last night! It's not fair, it looks so effortless! Styled by harry lambert too. He's killing it, both him and nick are. I'm so happy for them!
I'm sort of on the fence here. One one hand (what i'd like to believe) is that they're going for a glass closet. It's the perfect example of what a glass closet would look like. He hasn't really commented on his sexuality, but he's not afraid to be himself (manners and all) and have his husband tag along to events and posting him on ig. He just let things be without denying or confirming a thing.
On the other hand, it seems like they are trying (at least some effort) to make him seem straight (or not married to a man at least), deleting the taylor gerson video, taking off his wedding ring and not coming clean after being out for years before. I don't think this will work very well and for long. Fans and the queer community knows. The evidence is there and easy to find. Deleting things off the internet once people know is impossible.
The fans are guarding his closet for him (as we've also seen fans do for h and l - it's annoying as fuck...). It leads to fan policing, lying and the elephant in the room is growing. If his husband comes with him to events and are seen with him by fans, they're clearly not that set on hiding it. If they're pictured publically together fans and uas should be able to share it. Take cues from them, if they wanted to hide they would.
So since i'm not totally sure what they're going for here (closeting or glass closet) and i'm not clear on tzp's ambition, it's hard to have an opinion on why they are doing what they're doing. Other than the obvious reasons celebs are closeted in Hollywood.
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unabashegirl · 2 years
Tumblr media
Author's note: HAPPY NEW YEARS! I hope you all have plenty of blessings this year. I wish you lots of love and health. In honor of the holiday, I wanted to give you a little piece. A unique piece that only my members of Patreon will be able to read further on. I've been writing it for a few days, and I hope you like it. I was thinking of making her an OC (Patreon exclusive) and make other pieces based on their relationship and surroundings. Let me know in the comments if you liked it!
DISCLAIMER: I decided to make this an OC, exclusively for my Patreon's, but I wanted to share at least ONE PIECE with my Tumblr followers.
It had been an exceptionally long day at work, but she was finally getting into bed and getting some rest. The apartment was noticeably quiet, causing her to struggle to catch sleep. On top of it, her dog was away, and she felt unprotected. Either way, sleep got the most of her, and she allowed herself to fall into it.
“Hello?” Her phone had been ringing for what felt like hours even though it had only been two minutes. It had rung long enough to wake her up. She didn’t even bother to open her eyes to check the caller ID. Whomever it was they had pissed Y/N off.
“Kitten” A single word was enough to get rid of any grogginess from her. She pulled her phone away from her ear, trying to read the time. It read 3:06 causing her to groan.
“Please, don't tell me you are arrested again” She heard his attractive chuckle from the other side of the phone. She threw the covers off her body and sat up. Y/N already knew the answer, and she didn’t need it to come out of his lips.
“Where are you?”
“At the apartment” Y/N grabbed the first pair of jeans that she could find in the darkness.
“Why?” She rolled her eyes. He was going to lecture her. She was supposed to be staying in the house with the family. “The fuckin’ dog isn’t even there with yeh! You know where you are supposed to be when I am not home” She could picture him, spatting into the phone, worried about things that weren’t as important.
“This whole authoritarian attitude isn’t such a panty dropper like when we first met” She teased, enjoying how easily his buttons could get pushed.
“Call Henry and tell him to get here and take your ass home”
“Yes. Now, Y/N!” he hung up on her. He worried more about her safety than his. Sure, he had taught her how to defend herself, but he could never be too safe. He wasn’t rude or pushed her around, but his priority was always her safety. Ever since they met on that rainy day.
A stupid mistake had landed him in jail again. The fucking police officers had intercepted one of his calls and had busted in before Harry could put a bullet between the other man’s eyes. Although, the police were the least of his problems.
“Styles? You are free to go” Harry smiled with cockiness as he walked past him. “We’ll get you don’t worry” He stopped and turned to look at him. His eyes scanned for his name on his super chest.
“Copper isn’t?” He was straight out of the academy, and unfortunately, he still had no idea who he was dealing with. “I’ll make sure to remember your name officer cooper” It was an empty promise. He had no intention of going after the young officer. He just enjoyed making people uncomfortable. Harry also hated police officers.
“Here is your shit, Styles” an older officer threw him his phone, wallet, keys, and everything else that he had been carrying in his pockets when he had been detained. He remained quiet, picking his stuff off the counter. He could see Henry and the rest of his closest men outside, waiting for him. “I hope you see you soon here”. He just rolled his eyes and continued walking.
“Give me a cigarette” he interrupted Henry before he could say something to him. He had a few ears to pull or cut off. Henry closed his mouth; without any response, he gave him what he craved. “Let’s go home,” he said after he had gotten in the car. Harry didn’t want to say anything until he was in the comfort and safety of his house. He also craved Y/N. He wanted to see her, but he had to wait because business always came first for the family.
“I SAID TAKE US HOME!” Henry then feared for his life.
The state was on the outskirts of the city, and he preferred it like that. Even his father had opted for it when he was in charge. Of course, that had been a long time ago. It was much safer for everyone. The entire place was always patrolled by his men and cameras had been set up in every nook and cranny of the property which was why he had been so upset with Y/N earlier. Because there was no safer place.
“Lineup” he sternly dictated; he wasted no time. Harry was going to teach them a lesson in the foyer. He had no energy or patience to take them downstairs or to the other house where he usually took care of business. He lit up another cigarette, trying to ease the anger that was eating him up from the inside out. “Hope you don’t mind” he smiled sadistically, yanking a gun off one of his men. “What’s your name?”.
“Arthur, boss” He gulped heavily, trying his best not to pee on himself.
Harry Styles had a reputation. He ran London’s underworld. Men feared him and he liked it. His father and mother had been assassinated when he was only ten years old. His sister and he had been the only survivors in the family.
“Do you know how many men oversee my personal safety, Arthur?”
“N-no sir”
“Take a guess” he insisted as he finished his cigarette.
“20?”  Arthur looked around trying to estimate how many men were forming the line. Harry kept walking from one extreme to the other. He observed the men that had taken an oath to protect and be loyal to him.
“Get in the fuckin’ line, Henry!” He yelled, noticing that he stood behind him. “You know how I hate to repeat myself!”
“But boss—” Harry took four strides in his direction, and suddenly he was in his face. Henry closed his eyes for a second as he felt the cold metal against his temple.
“Don’t be fooled, Henry. I don’t care if you are my second in command. I won’t hesitate to paint the walls of this FUCKIN’ house with your brains. Don’t you ever talk back to me” He threatened. Harry usually wasn’t this stern, but everything had gone to shit tonight. Hence, why he was on the brim of shooting everyone. “Get in line,” he said between his teeth.
“30, Arthur. And do you know what they were doing today while I was in my meeting?” Harry knew who Arthur was, he was also aware that Arthur’s job wasn’t to keep them safe. Harry knew most of his men. He could recognize them by their faces and their names. It was his duty to know everyone who was working under his roof.
“N-no sir”
“They were playing with their balls and cocks!” He yelled then chuckled sarcastically, outraged by their careless behavior. He needed another smoke, and so he lit one up and took a drag. “Now take a step forward if you were in charge of Y/N’s personal security” Much to Harry’s distaste no one stepped forward which only angered him more. He felt as if the blood running through his veins was bubbling. “No one is going to step up. Really?” He yelled and the estate shook. “Peter”.
The man didn’t bulge and so it seemed like Harry was going to take care of it. He grabbed him by the collar and practically dragged him in front of everyone, with his cigarette still tucked between his lips.
“Were or weren’t you in charge of Y/N’s safety?” He asked, walking down the lengthy line of men.
“Sir, the thing is that —”
“Yes,” Harry turned his back to him as he tried his best not to shoot him in the head. He reminded himself that he wasn’t the same man that had met Y/N that cold afternoon. He had changed. His serenity didn’t last long. Suddenly, he turned around and shot Peter in the leg without hesitation or any remorse.
Peter’s screams echoed through the entire house. The bullet had perforated through the skin right below the knee. Everyone in the house could hear his piercing voice. Although no one said anything, and no one did anything. They feared the man holding the gun and respected him enough not to cross him.
“Let this be a lesson for every single one of you. Y/N must always be protected. Someone must always be with her. Especially when I am not around. Her security comes first” He spat and quietly walked up to Peter, who remained on the floor, applying pressure on his wound. He tried his best not to shed a single tear, but it was extremely hard. “Peter might have gotten away with it, but the next time something like this happens. I won’t be this lenient” he threatened.
Harry kneeled before him and pressed the gun to this wound instantly causing Peter to yell in agonizing pain.
“When I ask you to do something — you do it without hesitation. You are lucky that nothing happened to Y/N. Otherwise, I would have tortured you until you begged me to end your life. Make sure this doesn’t ever happen again” He dangerously whispered to him. “Consider yourself lucky, I’m giving you another chance” He retracted with a smile. “You are dismissed” he mumbled, reaching out for the handkerchief he kept in his pocket. Harry cleaned the blood off his gun and finished his cigarette.
Harry was his most patient with her, but not when it came to her safety. Once, he had come close to losing her — incredibly close. From that day forward he promised himself that he would never allow it again. He promised himself that if it ever happened again, he would let her go and never threaten again with her safety. He would detach himself permanently from her life. Even if it pained him and even if it killed him to see her go.
“That was quick” He found her, tucked in bed, her hair up in a bun with her big, framed glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. She paused her show, wanting to devote her utter attention to him. “What happened downstairs?” she had heard his rough tone but hadn’t been able to make out his exact words.
“Why were you in the apartment?” he asked bluntly, without responding to her. He pulled off his blazer, setting it on the futon by the end of the bed, and then proceeded to unbutton the cuffs of his shirt.
“Because it’s our apartment and I can sleep over there if I want to?”
“What was the only condition in staying in the apartment, pup?” He stood straight, chest puffed out, arms crossed across his chest. His eyebrow raised high and pursed his lips.
“Achilles always had to be with me but Har—”
“And where is Achilles, Y/N?” Harry interrupted her, trying to prove his point.
“Getting trained” Achilles was the dog that Harry had gotten her after she had been released from the hospital. It was a Doberman and after lots of tears and arguing Y/N finally allowed him to leave for training.  “So? I had a meeting with a dangerous man. A man that with the snap of his fingers could have sent someone to hurt you” He tried his best not to involve her with his business. He never gave her details or names unless she pressured him into it.  “I could have easily found you murdered in the apartment. Or worst, you could have been kidnapped and tortured! When will you learn? All the security that I send with you is for your safety” the thought of losing her made him want to kill himself.
“I am sorry” she frowned, seeing the desperation and concern in his eyes. Y/N was very stubborn, and she knew that she wasn’t easy to handle. “It’s just sometimes, their presence is overbearing, and I feel like I can’t breathe with so many of them around” her head hung low, and she genuinely looked regretful — not like the other times.
Harry exhaled loudly and walked up to the side of her bed. He sat by the edge and was incredibly close to her. He got a whiff of her scent and instantly felt his muscles relax. Y/N reached out, noticing the exhaustion and the bags under his eyes. She inched closer and cupped his face with her delicate hands.
“I shot Peter in the leg” he admitted as she squished his cheeks together like she always does before kissing him.
“He’ll live” he rolled his eyes, “His job is to protect you when I am not around, and he failed miserably today” Y/N pecked his lips multiple times before allowing him to kiss her deeply. “Don’t ever go” he whispered as their foreheads were pressed against each other.
“I wouldn’t. I love you”
“Loving you is easy. Deserving you is something else” he whispered back.
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rae-pottah · 1 year
Don't Trust a Malfoy (pt. 2)
Fandom: Take a guess (Harry Potter)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Reader
Y/n = your name
Warnings: they/them pronouns, trauma, bad parenting, (your probably used to both if you're reading this) ( that was a joke don't take offense), events are taken out of order from the story, shitty writing. Some People Live (Lemme know if I missed anything)
*Y/n POV*
As terrified as I was I grabbed on to the portkey, We spun and spun until we fell to the ground with a harsh thud. We looked around to find a large, short man with a walking stick in front of a dirty bricked part of a building with a rusted balcony.
"Get up, lets go" the man says and I realize I recognize him when I look at his face,
"yep-" Harry exhales, walking around me, I walk as slow as i can into the building and to the kitchen, behind everyone else. They know they, they love them, they're a family. I'm not part of that.
Walking into the kitchen they all hug Mrs. and Mr. Weasley. I stand straight in the door frame, hands to my sides.
"It's inappropriate to pick your fingers when you meet someone" my mother's voice rang in my head
"And this must be your friend, whats our name dear, Dumbledore left that part out" Sirius asked
"That's Y/N, That is. Isn't it?" Mr. Weasley looks at the twins
"Yes sir, its a pleasure to meet you all" I say shakily with a nervous smile, surprised and scared he knew who I was
"well, let's eat." Sirius patted my shoulder, I felt I knew Sirius from how much the little fourth year had talked about him, I wished to be like him, to have the courage to leave my family, there was one mistake he made though I knew I never could.
We all talked and talked, me and the twins kept pushing each other around and eventually Fred let out a
"I'll get you back for that Malfoy" I laughed because I thought everything was fine until the room stopped
"What about a Malfoy?" Mr. Weasley asked seeming confused
"M-me, I- I'm Y/n Malfoy" I said nearly with tears in my eyes, hoping they wouldn't hate me too
"ah- um, what- what house are you in?" Mr. Weasley asked, Sirius just looked at me with a Serious and scared face, the fact that a Malfoy knew where he was.
"G-Gryffindor, sir" I said quietly
"And your family? What would you te-" Sirius starts
"That's. enough." Fred stopped Sirius's words "Their family isn't a subject we touch." He stopped the conversation and grabbed my hand under the table, as I looked down a tear fell straight into my lap.
After we were all done eating, it was time for some important information exchange.
"Darling, um would you mind stepping out while we- talk about some things"
"Of course, apologies, I'm sure I'll find something to look at" I laugh quietly all of the adults giving me a small smile
"Y/n stays." Fred and George say at the same time
"This is a family matter" Sirius stares at them plainly
"That's why they stay." Harry let's out loudly, Sirius turns to him in shock while I look at him in amazement another tear finds it's way down my face
"I-its quite alright I can-" I get cut off by Sirius
"If he feels that strongly about it, I trust his judgement. If you have anything you're willing to add we will take it into account" while looking at me
I gave them all the information I had and they let me listen to what they were planning, the trust they put in me making my heart swell
But as time went by, we had to go back to hogwarts.
Part 3
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dufferpuffer · 3 months
Hello! Just wanted to reach out and say hi. I went through a bunch of your posts a few weeks ago (some of them are sitting in my queue lol) and I really like your insight. Remus is nowhere near my fav marauder (Sirius Black for the win!) but I enjoy your posts about him. I think Remus is a fascinating character - I think all the marauders era kids are interesting - but I think the whitewashing of Remus by fandom made him seem more boring then he actually is.
So two questions. What is your favourite thing about Remus? Who is your second favourite marauder after Remus??
Hi! :)
My favourite thing about my pretty little woof woof man...? His silly mustache <3 and pretty grey hairs <3 His complex mix of thoughts, emotions and instincts on literally everything, its like his brain is a storm of conflicting drives. (unlike Sirius for example, who is quite straight forward) But seriously: I am disabled. I have an invisible digestive disability that doctors don't want to engage with because they don't know what to call it, and thus the paperwork is a nightmare for them. There's no treatments that have worked and it prevents me from living a normal life, even if I look relatively 'normal' most of the time.
The moment I trust a doctor - or sometimes even a friend... I've had the carpet pulled from under my feet more often than not. People not understanding the full severity of it because they always see me at my best... or just not caring as much as I thought they did. It's started to harm my mental health, which sucks because growing up I had surprisingly good mental health other than PTSD.
After a particularly bad hospital visit last year I had a bit of a breakdown, which lead me to re-discovering Harry Potter. (My sister was a potterhead - I was a bit too young for it.) And Remus Lupin was just.... there. In all his glory. Being a shockingly good representation of what disabled people like me go through internally, within a series most are throwing away right now. I really, really love that about him. He has a shocking about of depth from that angle specifically, when most disabled characters are written to either have their whole life dictated by their issue - or to have their issue basically erased through amazing future prosthetics.
My second favourite is Sirius Black. Sexy man. I kinda think Oldman half-assed the role - but thats ok because he is very pretty and I can look at him.
But I like him for similar reasons, ultimately: He is an absolute wonderful case of mental health. Azkaban is not a prison of physical torture - you sit ialone in a room with a Dementor just outside your door stealing all your best memories and leaving you with sorrow. It's Depression. Deep, dark, lonely Depression. It's being trapped in not just your own room but your own head. When he gets out - when he is given something to believe in, and has the drive to get out - life isn't too different. He turns to drinking. He throws all of himself to the one bright spark in his life: His godson.
If you mean teenage Marauders - I think my second favourite might be Peter, just because he intrigues me - but I don't have too much interest in teen marauders. I'm here for sad men, not teens.
From what ive seen of 'Marauder fandom' stuff on Remus... I honestly don't know how you can look at an insecure man with a goofy mustache that learns all the kids names before class, offers chocolate and tea to students and says 'marvelous' - and think he was some sort of tall, tough, gruff and snarky 'teen wolf' teenager. It IS flat and boring. He had so much more going on (as does Sirius) then being just another Alpha Werewolf Dom + White Twink Sub combo. Wolfstar shippers deserve better.
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snapeingturtle · 1 year
Rating some of the Marauders era / snera™️ ships (ships involving ppl the Marauders and Severus went to school with) I've been exposed to because I'm drunk and feeling spicy. Romantic ships only, I have different opinions on the brotps. I could talk about this all night but I chose not to make a long post.
Disclaimer: this is heavily influenced by headcanons I've convinced myself are canon and generally my opinions. Not in order from best to worst because I am drunk and I'm not proofreading this.
Prongsfoot/Starbucks/James x Sirius 10/10. James is just as inobservant as Harry. Of course he didn't notice that Sirius had a crush on him. James didn't even notice he himself was into Sirius. Love it.
Jily/James x Lily 2/10. In my heart Lily is a lesbian. Jily has some potential as a comphet storyline where they're both actually gay and think of each other as the man/woman they're supposed to like. Other than that it's a no from me.
Wolfstar/Remus x Sirius 1/10. Unpopular opinion again, I know. I see Remus having a one-sided crush on Sirius before the prank, but honestly I'm a Ronks stan because I can project my insecurities on Remus and have been in love with Tonks for years and I hate the idea of them being in a relationship with anyone else but each other. Plus, I really don't see Sirius committing and definitely not to Remus. Sirius is a bachelor for life and I identity with that. Another reason to dismiss this ship.
Snily/Severus x Lily 1/10. The only reason I don't rate this at 0 is because they're one of my favourite brotps. She's gay and not his type, they're sister souls, just look at the doe patronuses, they found security in each other like does in a herd etc. and I hate it when people say there were romantic feelings involved. I could accept this with fem!Snape though.
Starchaser (wtf is this name)/Jegulus/James x Regulus 4/10. I think it's funny to have James falling in love with his best friend's brother. I don't have any negative feelings about the ship itself. HOWEVER. As someone who has been exposed to Jegulus content despite not looking for it and Snily content despite not looking for it. Jegulus feels like m/m Snily for people who hate Snape. The content (I've seen) has the same vibe and I cannot get over that.
Remus x Lily 3/10. If I were able to see Lily as not a lesbian I would love this, not as an endgame thing but more as a teen romance that ended on ok terms before they both moved on. No strong feeling about this tbh.
Snegulus/Severus x Regulus 4/10. They're definitely not in love but they're both sluts so they probably fucked and it was probably hot. That's all.
Lily x Mary MacDonald 3/10. I would consider this as another one-sided crush situation. Mary is the token straight in their dorm and that's unfortunate for Lily.
Snucius/Severus x Lucius 8/10. They're not endgame. But they fuck. I refuse to consider Sirius calling Severus Lucius's lapdog anything but calling him his sugar baby. I don't rate this higher because Snucissa is better than just the men.
Lily x Pandora Lovegood 10/10. I don't know if they ever interacted or if they even went to school at the same time but I'm in love with the idea of them together.
Severus x Mulciber 3/10. Another one-sided crush sitch. Snape was infatuated with Mulciber at a certain point, Mulciber (forgot his first name sorry) knew and took advantage of it. That's Snape's slut origin story.
Snupin / Severus x Remus 3/10. They would never date. Doesn't fit my fantasy or the reality of their relationship. But hate-fucking in one of their offices while Remus is employed at Hogwarts? I see that. I dig it.
I also headcanon Dorcas as queer but I don't see her with Lily but I don't have any feelings about that ship in either direction so 3,5/10 maybe?
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No Harry was the only one who said that ignorant shit. It especially doesn’t make sense for a SUPPOSEDLY closeted person to say this, like what do you mean you have to hide your identity but you can’t fathom it being illegal? Makes no sense. You just want him to be gay, cause that has been your fantasy and the idea of him being with women threatens you.
Okay, I must be misremembering because the interview I thought you were referring to was this one:
Are you referring to a different one? In this, he just says that "at that time it wasn't socially acceptable" to be gay. He doesn't say anything about not being able to fathom that.
And again, even if he did say that, none of that proves he's not gay. A young gay man in this day and age most likely would not understand why it would be illegal just to be gay. Having to hide your sexuality for societal reasons is very different from going to jail for it.
And no, Harry being straight does not at all threaten my "fantasy." It's just very obvious to me that he is gay lol. I've been in this fandom for almost ten years come September.
I saw myself in he and Louis in the beginning because I had a similar "sneaking around" experimental relationship with a fellow female friend when I was a kid. I just noticed certain things they would do and say and the way they'd act around each other. I think the 2012 Paris interview really set off alarm bells in my head when I was first looking into Larry for that reason. It didn't seem like they cared or thought anyone would analyze their every move at the time, so they didn't bother to hide much aside from a simple "we're just friends" when the interviewer asked if they were boyfriends. They spoke as if maybe five people would watch the interview lol.
Again I understand how creepy this sounds and it's not some masturbatory fantasy for me, but the sexual undertones and indications to each other of what they'd do later, in a non-jokey, very seriously flirtatious way, did it in for me. You have to be in denial not to question whether they were at the very least experimenting with each other.
If you as an anti can't even admit the mere possibility that they fooled around in some way, shape, or form when they were younger and living together, then you're arguing in bad faith. Even straight men and straight women do and have done things with their friends out of either desperation or plain childlike curiosity. Once again, you don't have to believe they did it; you just can't sit there and tell me that they definitely didn't, because... you don't know.
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