#look if i recced every fantasy au i liked this post would be like 10 times longer
wolfspurr · 2 years
Hey! Your writing is amazing!! Do you have any Sterek fic recs?
Thank you so much 💖! I have absolutely loads of recs - way more than I could possibly fit in one post - but here's a little selection of things that I've read or re-read recently for you. It's a mixture of genres, some are classics, others are newer, but I loved them all. In no particular order, here you go:
No Superman by WhoNatural - E, ~48k words
Scrubs AU. I've never seen Scrubs, but if this fic is anything to go by I probably should. This is one of those fics that I'll re-read every time I see it linked somewhere. If you're into medical dramas, this is a great one. A+
A Functioning Adult’s Field Guide to Enemies With Benefits by BisexualGoblin - E, ~31k words
A delicious case of enemies to lovers, with a boatload of misunderstandings and a hefty case of pining idiots. Love it.
The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down by Otter - M, ~31k words
I'm a sucker for fics where Stiles unwittingly ends up looking after a dog that is very much not a dog, but a Derek. This one is excellent.
Lock All The Doors Behind You by Entanglednow - M, ~25k words
There's just something about a fic where Derek is feral and Stiles is the only one he trusts to get near him. I think this is one of the very first Sterek fics I ever read, and it still hits just right.
A (Sort of) Fairytale by Briecheesie - M, ~25k words
Fox Stiles. It's a classic, and it's so good.
Introduction to Zero-Sum Anthropology by Apocryphal - T, ~19k words
Derek Hale deserves nice things. But he cannot simply accept them, so a war of gift-giving must be in order. So so cute.
this dance of days by Imprintofadream - M, ~28k words
We've got Firefighter Derek, we've got Deputy Stiles, we've got wildfires and a delicious bit of slow burn. These are all good things, and they add up to something pretty excellent. 10/10.
I'm Not Asking Questions, I'm Taking My Chances by Keldjinfae - E, ~80k words
Let's get a bit of fantasy going here! Stiles is the prince of a kingdom where supernatural entities are banished, Derek is a werewolf with a mission to complete. It's not a Merlin AU, but if you're into Merlin I'm pretty sure you'll love this (and I am very much into Merlin, so obviously I loved it too). The plot had me hooked, and once I started reading I could not stop. 100% recommend.
DILF by Twentysomething - E, ~30k words
I'm not always the biggest one for kid fic, but this one is excellent. Stiles is a kindergarten teacher, Derek is a single parent to his two nephews. There's slow burn and a wolf sanctuary, and some impromptu howling. And Derek is, indeed, a DILF.
The Lawn Ranger by Snowjob - M, ~47k words
High school AU. It's summer, Stiles is a jock with a broken arm and a crush, Derek is the werewolf who gets roped into mowing his lawn. All. Good. Things.
Where the Real Beasts Are by Kaistrex - E, ~109k words
Do I love Stiles as a prince? Yes. Yes I do. Long and plotty and excellent. There are evil Argents, there are direwolves, there's some wonderful slow burn. All things that we love.
Bogarted by HalfFizzbin - M, ~3k words
Hilarious. Just A+. Derek is hit by a film noir curse, and it's just as perfect as you would imagine.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll - E, ~77k words
It's a classic, and I can't not rec it. Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they're held captive together. Read it. If you've already read it, heck, why not read it again?! I certainly will.
Wild Horses by ThePsychicClam - E, ~79k words
Ranch AU. Derek is a drifter that ends up at the Stilinski's failing ranch. I love this one. It has all the wonderful slow-burn UST goodness that I love, plus horses! 10/10 would recommend.
Can I rec my own fic? It feels kind of self-aggrandising, but I'm proud of it and I'm not above giving myself a little promo. I'll call it a bonus item and just leave it at the bottom here:
Way Down We Go by Wolfspurr - E, ~50k words
I wrote it! If you like stuff set around S3B, post-Nogitsune healing, and slow burn roadtrip fic, I hope you'll give this one a chance 💖
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regulusrules · 2 years
Hi! Okay so you seem like a very well-read person and I’d love to know if you have a list of your favorite Merlin fics. I just bookmarked all the ones you recommended in relation to the 10 best episodes and now I need more! I’m going on a training camp and would love to have something fairly long to download to my kindle so I can read on flights and when I don’t have data 🥰
Thanks so much in advance!
(Also, I LOVE your writing, I’m so glad to be part of this fandom with talented people like you!)
Hey! Thank you so much for your kind words! OF COURSEE I'd love to recommend you some fics! Likewise— the creativity of this fandom never ceases to amaze me :)
*cracks knuckles and pretends my eyes aren't lighting up rn because my time has finally come*
Long fic recs (50K-100K+)
1. to the world that never let you be by ImperialMint. Look. I'll hand out my own throat so willingly to any scar reveal fic. The trope is just so dear to my heart, and this one in particular was something else. It broadly covered every single feeling you might be looking for in a Merlin fic, and its characterization of both Arthur and Merlin was top tier. I basically sell my soul to any fic that does justice to their characterization, and this one did so much more than that.
2. What I'd Have Done by @flight-of-fantasy. I solemnly swear you will never read something like this fic. I read it in one day from how on edge I was all the time. I had to recount it to my friends in the timespan of three hours because of how much screaming and dramatic pauses there was. Simply, the brilliance of plot here is unmatched. Arthur's characterization as a strategist shook my innards, and Merlin's unapologetic nature was chef's kiss. It's so hard not to give away the plot while recommending this so just.. just read it.
3. Redemption by flakedice, Zerda. Soon, you will find a parallel post to the best 10 episodes with the worst 10, featuring first and foremost The Disir. Honest to God, I could literally go on ages ranting about how much agony this episode brought me. It was the blow that awoke my eyes to the possibility of fuck, this show isn't going to end well. I once thought about shitting on that episode like I did with 5×13 in My heart is readily yours, but fics like these hold me back because they already gave us everything. It gave us the ending we deserved. Gold. Everything in this was gold. The world building, the character development, the fact that Arthur has been given time. Truly a fix-it that fix-ed my heart.
4. Talking about deviations from The Fucking Disir, The World I Built for You by Fulgance is a must. It was the first fic I've read from the How They Didn't Find Out (magic reveal one-shots) series, and from then on I was * s o l d *. Whichever fic you decide to read from this, I guarantee you, you will have the time of your life. Fulgance is the one author I will always recommend without a shadow of a doubt. There is not a single work of theirs that will disappoint you. They will only break you.
5. Deep In My Heart I'm Concealing by @citharaposts. True story about this fic, I squealed when I read its summary. “I'm not standing here as a king, Merlin!” was the quickest catalyst to ever make me start a fic. I specifically wrote a spoiler-free comment for the author and left it in the first chapter so that anyone who's thinking about whether or not to go into yet another 100K fic will rest assured that it's an amazing ride. Have real fun with this one.
6. It Was One Kingdom, Once by queerofthedagger. Two things, if they happen, you leave everything behind and go thank your God for blessing you with it: @queerofthedagger posting a new Merlin fic, and it being a Royal Hanahaki AU. Like so many other tropes the author has nailed, this was the best Hanahaki I've ever read (across fandoms). It's so intricate and detailed and the world building is on another level. If our world was burning and I had only one thing to save, it'll be the works of this author.
Hope I helped, and hope you have so much fun in your camp!◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕
[Short fic recs]
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Worm Fanfic Recs
No rankings at play here, just my favorite fics that I think other are really good. There are fics I like that aren't listed because I have a bad memory, but everything here is something I really really enjoyed. I have biases obviously, this isn't objective.
The Fics
Our Private Crises - A nailbiting murder mystery with unique and well done POVs from a different character each chapter. The mystery and reveal at the end were stellar, and it got me attached to characters I never thought I'd care for. 29k words. Complete.
It's Cold Out There Every Day - Missy is trapped in a time loop on her birthday. Genuinely stellar characterization, it has the best Missy and Aisha I've ever read and its such a creative and well executed premise. 41k words. Complete.
Tilt - Unpowered homeless girl Taylor fakes a thinker power to get in the Wards and secure housing. She's even more self destructive and self deprecating than in canon. 10/10 characterization for a slew of POV characters including Taylor, every ward but especially Sophia, Rachel, Lisa, and a ton of other characters. Despite not going through all of what canon Taylor went through, this fic nails her character better than pretty much any others. 220k words at time of posting. Updating consistently.
Tear Apart, Stitch Together - Taylor triggers with Shatterbird's power and kills thousands. Short and sweet, everything that's there is great and it wraps up well I think. 13k words. Complete
Memories of a Simurgh Victim - The Simurgh attacks Brockton Bay. Has two storylines, one following Taylor and one following Amy and Vicky. Among the most fucked up things this fandom has to offer, a terrifying showcase of the Simurgh and her power. 62k words. Taylor's story is incomplete but the Amy and Victoria story is done.
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Pleasures - Cherish altpower Taylor tries to consensually fix Amy's incest fetish. A trainwreck I can't look away from, the worlds first psychological horror romcom. It's so fucked up and so amazingly funny, and has good well written characters. I don't like Pillbug and I'm not a big fan of altpowers, but this fic is still one of my favorites because it's so damn compelling so definitely check it out if you actually like either of those things. 211k words at time of posting. Updating consistently.
Roots - The Slaughterhouse Nine attack a small town with a roster of OC capes, but something is very off about the place. POV shifts every chapter, and the OCs are interesting and unique. The S9 are also wonderfully characterized here, I've never had a fic make me sad for Crawler of all people. 67k words at time of posting. Ongoing. Criminally underrated.
Roma Fade - Ciara and Fortuna both try to grow past who they were as capes and find themselves as people in a small town post Gold Morning, having found common ground posing as moms to a recovering Taylor. I'm sure fake dating would never end in real attraction, that would be absurd. Incredibly gay, incredible characterization for everyone, the best post-GM fic around in my opinion. 87k words at time of posting. Ongoing but currently on hiatus.
Case - Lisa and the Simurgh start a detective agency. It's just great humor and a lovely story and wonderful despite being short and deceased. 14k words. Dead.
Silence is not Consent - Taylor intervenes and saves Victoria from Amy and gives her a place to stay, Victoria massively struggles dealing with what happened. Amazing characterization, Victoria's POV is unique and incredibly well done, and her seeing Taylor from an outside perspective is interesting. Be warned that this is a very heavy fic emotionally, but it's really fucking good. 212k words at time of posting. Updating consistently.
A Word - Altpower Taylor is obsessed with writing a story. I don''t know how to describe this fic honestly it's hard to do justice, but it has perhaps the best conclusion to Gold Morning I've seen in a fanfic. 11k words. Complete.
Scarab - A fantasy AU where powers are thought to be magic, and the Faerie Queen takes an interest in Taylor. Filled to the brim with creativity and passion, this fic is teeming with fresh ideas and interesting depictions of canon characters. The worldbuilding is great as well, no other fic on this list has a map, so this is clearly a cut above the rest. 139k words at time of posting. Updating consistently.
Swallowtail - Ok I lied this one has a map too. Taylor with an incredibly interesting stranger power joins Faultline's crew. There is a truly astounding amount of AU elements and alternate powers for canon characters, it feels like a new world while still being recognizable and distinctly Worm. Has a large amount of alternate POVs and the first arc can be rough, but it's creative and amazing. 360k words. Ongoing but currently on haitus.
Soliloquy - Ex-Slaughterhouse 9 Taylor is in prison, bitter at the world and herself and especially her clone who saved the multiverse. A heavy fic about someone slowly recovering and becoming a better person when they're convinced it can't be done. Made me cry. 71k words. Complete.
TWNY - Post-GM Taylor finds herself in the world of RWBY with a pair of moth antennae. Multiple POVs, all very interesting despite me knowing nothing of RWBY. Probably the best characterization of Taylor in any post-GM crossover fic, she's heartbreaking in the recent arc, and it feels like the fic has barely scratched the surface of what it'll eventually cover. Also it's very gay. 136k words. Ongoing.
The Great Escape - Eidolon is struggling after his reputation is destroyed and Cauldron is revealed, and then the Birdcage opens. Amazing use of seldom seen characters, great POV with Eidolon, well done and interesting fights, has String Theory. 107k words. Ongoing but currently on haitus.
Happiness Is Inevitable - NSFW. The only damn erotic mind control Simurgh smut in the fandom somehow. Besides the porn (which is a lot of the fic, who woulda thunk it) the story itself is actually pretty interesting and has a lot of creative parts, and it has better characterization than most fics. 29k words. Ongoing?
Break me so that I can be whole - This accursed fandom is tragically bereft of QA / Taylor fics, but this one shot is great, love an eldritch take on shards. Probably fucked up but I'm not actually a good judge of that so be warned. 1.8k words.
Book Worm - Dragon helps teach Taylor how to read and speak and understand language post-GM. Bittersweet and lovely. 2.5k words.
Defiant Didn't Dox Saint For Nothing! - Taylor goes back in time and the first thing she does is kill Saint because he sucks. Cracky but I like it, fun little oneshot. 1.6k words.
Ruling Ash - Glory Girl flees Brockton Bay during the Slaughterhouse Nine and ends up living with Damsel of Distress. Cute, and Starsong before Ward is very interesting. 2.8k words.
My Sunshine - Leviathan goes worse and Brockton Bay is destroyed. Taylor and Victoria survive. Very somber, but well executed. 3.4k words.
Cherry on Top - A character study of Cherie Vasil, showing how she went from running away from Heartbreaker to joining the Nine. Extremely well written, absolutely incredible depiction of her character. It depicts abuse and actions typical of Heartbreaker and Cherie, so be careful reading. It's a lot emotionally. 12.7k words.
Devil in a New Dress - NSFW. Shatterbird / Reader, I'm not explaining myself on this one. Neat Shatterbird characterization, hot, pretty fucked up so be warned. 1.7k words.
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possibleplatypus · 7 years
The Pay it Forward Fic Challenge
Tagged by @kimthreerings​ *fist bump*
The Challenge: If you’ve been tagged, find at least ONE FANFIC (feel free to do more) that you’d like more readers to discover and enjoy as well.  
It can be any fandom, trope, ship, rating…sky’s the limit!
@ five people to invite to take this challenge as well.
My Fic Recs:
HOMG I’m staring at my… 966 Viktuuri bookmarked works (what is wrong with me) and I feel like crying Okay okay so I love *~fantasy~* AU’s so here are some that I think should get more attention:
Fic Title/Link: A Tale Carved on Ice by @adorafics Rated: T Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: Complete (2656 words) Summary: “He met him in the heart of winter, when the powdered snow was still woven with magic and the ancient forest was succumbing to glair-white brilliance…” A bittersweet tale about the magic we lost and the one we found again.
– This fic is short but it gutted me. The plot, the language! If you like beautiful, bittersweet, fairytale-esque stories, this one’s for you!
Fic Title/Link: When Night Falls, I Love You Again by @yuuris-piano Rated: G Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: Complete (7100 words) Summary: Will you dance with me…one last time?“ ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, except for the magic of love and life. For you see, magic would come down the chimney and rub onto all the decorations. This magic gave the decorations a period where they could celebrate in the festive fun and cheer. And so the story begins…
– LIKE AN ARROW THROUGH THE HEART. Reminded me of Toy Story, or The Nutcracker; I would also recommend this story for those who like magical realism.
Fic Title/Link: wild mint blossoms by @selkiegirls​​ Rated: M Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: WIP (Chapters 2 out of 3 complete, 24530 words) Summary: In the land of the fae, Viktor falls in love the same way that he loses himself: with yuuri at his side and with the lingering scent of mint surrounding them both like a whisper.
– Viktor and fairy!Yuuri go on an adventure. Okay it’s way better than I make it sound; the worldbuilding is fascinating, the prose is beautiful and the story immersive WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT
Fic Title/Link: The Mark He Left Behind by @khaleeshli​​ Rated: T Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: Complete (8757 words) Summary: Viktor Nikiforov falls in love with a kitsune named Yuuri at the age of sixteen. Fate decides to pull Viktor away from Yuuri before their love can fully flourish. Viktor learns about love, Yakov interjects his opinions, and Yuuri is just pretty.
– IT HAS LITERALLY BEEN ALMOST A YEAR AND I’M STILL SCREAMING AT VIKTOR (read this and its sequel and you’ll see why)
Fic Title/Link: Your eyes could drown a city by @salanayuniasis Rated: G Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: Complete (4257 words) Summary: “Ocean, beautiful, selfish Ocean, wrap me up in foam, I am your betrothed. You who returns to the earth only the boats and the men you want to give back, give me the gold of the sumptuous sinking vessels, give me their treasures, bring in my town handsome sailors that I shall gaze upon. But, oh, don’t be jealous, I’ll give them back to you, one after the other.”
– Look I am a sucker for fairytale-esque stories with poetic prose don’t judge me also if it isn’t obvious already my reviews don’t do any of these stories justice
Fic Title/Link: will lose my desire for you (never my love) by @sinkingorswimming Rated: M Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: WIP (Chapters 1 out of 2 complete, 16146 words) Summary: Victor is ten when he leaves home to fine tune his alchemy, nineteen when he meets Katsuki Yuuri, twenty when he becomes a State Alchemist and a husband, and twenty-two when a teen named Yuri Plisetsky begins to report to him. His world changes drastically a few years later, and when Victor makes a decision that cannot be undone, he unlocks a mystery and crosses paths with a man only known as Lust. 
– I could have sworn this fic was finished… BUT I AM DEFINITELY NOT OPPOSED TO MORE. I never finished watching Fullmetal Alchemist but this AU I think really incorporates the series’ spirit.
Also I seem to just be reccing fics that made me cry omg why 
okay HERE
Fic Title/Link: I breathe for You, Only You by @narcissuspseudonarcissus​ Rated: M Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: Complete (35187 words) Summary: V’tor is a bronze dragon rider, destined to lead a weyr with his fire-breathing dragon Makkath in the age long battle against the terrifying organism they call thread. Yuuri is a dancer with a love of dragons, one of the first ballet dancers; having been able to access the newly discovered records from the colonists ancient computer system AIVAS.
– Love this Dragonriders of Pern AU! Get your dragons, romance, and adventure with none of the homophobia here
Fic Title/Link: ephemeral; by @gia-comeatme Rated: M Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: WIP (Chapters 1 out of 2 complete, 5919 words) Summary: Yuuri only wanted to get a tattoo as a reminder of how far he’d come, but instead, all it served to do was to remind him of how much he’s lost. Viktor was just supposed to be his tattoo artist, until he wasn’t, and then was again. :: The Olympics is all about stories. The only thing Viktor wants is to remember theirs, and yet all Yuuri wants is to forget.
– *flails* amazing urban fantasy with tattoo artist Viktor, figure skater Yuuri, and a really intriguing plot 8D 
Fic Title/Link: Pink Champagne on Ice by @lorienleylines   Rated: M Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: WIP (Chapters 4 out of ? complete, 20383 words) Summary: Welcome to Yu-topia Inn! Run by a darling family of bake-danuki demons, this remote Gilded Age manor is chock full of fine-polished rooms to ignore the outside world in. Yuuri Katsuki, the youngest member of the small family that runs Yu-topia, has barely seen life outside of the Inn’s walls. He spends his days caring for the guests – in more than one way. During the day, he brings them food and drinks, but during the night, he keeps watch for other demons that may come and try to hurt them. It’s a monotonous, routine life for a demon, but Yuuri isn’t complaining. Still, he can’t help but feel excited when his childhood friend, the ice-bending vampire Viktor, comes to stay. But Viktor isn’t coming as a guest this time; he has an ulterior motive, and Viktor’s decisions that may bring more adventure and drama than Yuuri ever hoped for.
– Vampire!Viktor and bake-danuki!Yuuri-- how could I resist? (I couldn’t) These two are so adorable, plus there’s the drama of Viktor’s family X3
Fic Title/Link: the voice of your heart by @maclaeroni    Rated: G Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: Complete (1751 words) Summary: The thing about having emotion as the very basis of your magic is that when something doesn’t align with your heart, it becomes painfully obvious. Viktor may not be able to use songs to create magic like Yuuri does, but even he knows that something is bothering Yuuri.
– I just really love this worldbuilding and of course Viktor and Yuuri’s relationship X3
Fic Title/Link: Keep Their Colours True by @pensversusswords Rated: M Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: WIP (Chapters 3 out of ? complete, 12947 words) Summary: Viktor Nikiforov, the Crown Prince of Pobeda, embodies everything Yuuri has heard about him; strikingly beautiful, kind, blessed with hair as silver as starlight that falls down to his waist, has a smile that could make the coldest heart tremble, and–most importantly–he is completely unattainable. Katsuki Yuuri is sworn to protect the Crown Prince with his skill, his dedication, and his life if necessary. The problem is that Viktor doesn’t seem to be content with staying out of reach. He is stubbornly determined to find a place in Yuuri’s life with his smile like sunshine, his infectious exuberance, his friendly disposition. Yuuri was just supposed to protect Viktor. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him.
– Age swap royalty fantasy AU with Yuuri as Viktor’s bodyguard. The pining! The drama! I am LIVING
Fic Title/Link: Foxfire by @awesometinyhumanbeing Rated: Not Rated Fandom/Pairing: Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Status: WIP (Chapters 1 out of 2 complete, 12852 words) Summary: He's—Yuuri stops. Mine doesn't sound quite right. For me. His eyes are smarting, suddenly. He excuses himself with a mumbled apology, hurries to any place that will hide him away. Vulnerability floods through him, makes him clumsy and sensitive. He's for me, Yuuri thinks, and he's crying, crying, crying. (The forest is Yuuri's home, and the kitsune are his kin. Victor teaches him what it means to be human.)
-- an AU with Japanese folklore elements, kitsune, beautiful descriptive writing, and a tender Viktor/Yuuri romance.  
Tagging: @dreaming-fireflies, @yuuris-piano, @yoyoplisetsky, @scribeoffate, @narcissuspseudonarcissus​
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blouisparadise · 3 years
Tumblr media
Today we have the third part to our rec list of BL college/university fics! You can also find part one to this rec list here and part two to this rec list here. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like this post and reblog to spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Understanding Silences | Explicit | 3487 words
Staring at the black swirling ink was something everyone did, fantasizing the voice speaking those words, picturing the scenario that would lead them to find their soulmate. Harry did that too, only, he wondered why would those be his soulmate's first words. It was not a light curiosity, it was a big question in his life.
2) I Don't Want A Taste (I Want It All) | Explicit | 3865 words
What Louis really needed was a fat fucking nap.
What Louis got instead was some hipster-looking wannabe arguing with him over the validity of avocado toast.
3) Signed, No Name | Mature | 4647 words
Harry doesn’t know Blue, he just knows that he leaves random notes in the corners of the books he checks out, and he’s head over heels for him.
4) Fratboy In Love | Mature | 6830 words
Harry Styles was a frat boy who loved to sleep around and flirt with boys and girls. Louis was a good uni student who loved to stay in amd study and wasn't much of a partier.
Insert his best friend Niall who talks him into going. Louis gets drunk and ends up sleeping with harry. The next day he leaves before Harry wakes amd tries to avoid him at all costs. Thinking Harry wouldn't care since Louis was just another conquest. But what if Harry did care. And actually have a crush on Louis. Read and find out.
5) Feels So Right | Explicit | 8804 words
The emcee leans in between them, handing over his mic to the blue-eyed vision. “You know what? Someday… Someday you guys might thank me for this...”
6) You're The Only One Who's Making Me Come, To My Sinful Senses | Explicit | 9355 words
Louis the dance major and Harry the business major meet on Tinder. They hook up regularly and come to find out they like each other more than they let on.
7) One Day You'll See (All The Things That We Can Be) | Mature | 10657 words
Louis has a problem; he's in love with his best mate.
8) Hate To Smoke (Without Me) | Mature | 12164 words
Sleep. Harry just wants one good night of sleep.  However, his neighbour has a thing for headboard-banging-against-the-wall-sex every night.  After a secret set-up and a bet, Harry may finally get the sleep he so much desires.
9) Like Spilled Garnets | Explicit | 14316 words
AU where Harry and Niall are vampires who go to college as a hobby,  Louis is the human willing to endure any adversities that come with dating an ancient vampire,  and Liam is the over protective best friend.
10) It's Hard To Look Right At You, Baby | Explicit | 14584 words
Coffee Shop AU where Louis is going through a dry spell, Zayn wants to be a good friend and help Louis find someone, and Harry ends up finding him instead.
11) I Couldn’t Face A Life Without Your Light | Mature | 15538 words
Louis and Harry are college students who haven't been the same in the past two years.
12) Sometimes A Fantasy | Explicit | 18654 words
There’s nothing to complain about when Harry’s walking around their flat with his cock swinging about, nothing to complain about when Harry’s pressing himself up against Louis’ naked backside when he’s reaching for a mug in their cupboards, and nothing to complain about when Harry’s got his hand firm on Louis’ arse when they’re cuddling on the couch.
So, in reality, it’s really fucking weird, and Louis knows that.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like it.
13) Even The Best Laid Plans | Explicit | 25190 words
Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
14) Hold Onto This Heaven (Of Yours) | Explicit | 25213 words
An ode to being too young, too sad, and too in love.
15) The Devil’s In The Details | Explicit | 25372 words | Sequel
He squeals when Harry smacks his bum as he bends over to pick up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. Harry smiles smugly at him, bottom lip caught between his teeth. “When are you going to start calling me professor?” He asks.
“When you actually are one,” Louis says with his hand on the doorknob. He cocks his head to the side in curiosity. “Isn’t that how words work? You did study English, right?”
Louis’ quick to slip out the door before Harry can smack him again, his laugh echoing through the hallways as he makes his way to his next class with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.
16) Short And Sweet | Explicit | 29658 words
Louis is a shy university student in a world scarce of male omegas. He’s always dreamt of having an alpha despite his sheltered upbringing, fantasizing about being loved and cared for. He’s immediately smitten by the mysterious alpha with curly hair, broad shoulders, and the addictive coffee scent.
17) Push You Out, Pull You Back In | Explicit | 31544 words
Harry hates feeling vulnerable. Louis is set on breaking through his tough facade.
18) Marks On My Baby | Explicit | 31628 words
“What’s that?” Harry hadn’t meant for his voice to sound so sharp and even he winced at his own outburst. It was more of a hiss than an actual question, but for now, he was too surprised to care.
“What’s what?” The omega asked, eyebrows raised and lips pinched. Harry knew he was probably mad at him for interrupting his rant, but the alpha was too on edge to bother pleasing the boy.
“On your neck… Your bondmark spot…” His voice had grown low and deep, almost a growl.
Who knew a single love bite on his omega friend's neck would trigger Harry this much? Certainly not the alpha himself.
19) Smoke Between Your Teeth | Explicit | 37015 words
Louis tries to stop his addiction to cigarettes and discovers he's been addicted to Harry for much, much longer.
20) The Row House | Explicit | 44287 words
Going from friends to lovers is never easy. But what about when you've already crossed that line and suddenly, you have to deal with what comes after?
Fresh Meat-inspired fic where a bunch of young university-students live in a row house near uni together and all have their issues to deal with.
21) Know I Think You're Awesome, Right? | Explicit | 60108 words
“Well, that’s not very Treat People With Kindness of you.”
“Neither is approaching someone with the sole intent of criticizing a cause they’re clearly passionate about, given the amount of time they’ve dedicated to advocating for it,” Louis snaps.
“Sure, but I’m not the one with the button,” Harry shrugs.
“So, is there actually something I can help you with, or did you just come to push me into pepper spraying you as well?” Louis is quickly growing impatient. Hell, he was impatient the moment that Harry made his grand entrance on campus yesterday.
“I’m just trying to assess the environment here,” Harry says, “Because if this is all you’ve got to offer trans people who just want to be able to use the bathroom in peace like the rest of us, then I’m not sure I fit in.”
“Allow me to save you the trouble, then: you don’t.”
22) Don't Think About The Consequences | Explicit | 70478 words
Can you shut up, for once?” Styles asks, and Louis’ eyes widen in shock. He opens his mouth, and Styles can tell he’s going to start yelling again about something absurd that Styles really doesn’t want to listen to. Professor Styles keeps talking instead, not giving Louis the chance to yell. “How…. how do you go from flirting with me in the middle of class to these annoying outbursts of anger? Can’t you just, can’t you just…” Fuck it.
He leans in, and molds his lips against Louis’ open mouth. The wind gets knocked out of him when their lips finally meet, and he can finally feel Louis’ softness against his own lips. His hands reach up to cup Louis’ face, as Louis leans closer to Styles and he finally relaxes into Styles’ embrace. Styles doesn’t deepen the kiss, instead he pulls away and ghosts his lips across Louis’ while he comprehends what he just did fully. Fuck.
23) Flash Back To Me | Explicit | 73066 words words | Sequel
Louis narrows his eyes, wanting more than anything to tell Liam to go fuck himself, but he can’t be sure, is the thing. As much as he knows for a fact that he would never date someone like Harry Styles, he has months missing from his memory. And it’s scary to think that, in that time, everything he’s come to know about himself could have changed so drastically.
24) Darling | Mature | 110147 words
"Why do you call him darling?"
I looked at Liam and felt my features soften.
"Because he's a darling. He's absolutely the most precious thing I've ever seen. He's a darling boy and I just want all of him and only him."
25) Never Be | Explicit | 117522 words
The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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pleasantanathema · 4 years
Top Ten Posts of 2020
I’ve gotten several tags since the New Year to do a post like this, so thank you to everyone who tagged me! I haven’t really had time to sit down and do this until now, so here we go! 
You can look at your top 10 posts from the last year here at this link! This was a very fun retrospective seeing that I joined Tumblr at the tail end of February, 2020.
1. Wet Pleasures [Shinsou x Reader]
I never expected this fic to get so big- it has 6,000 notes now, what the fuck?? I wrote this Shinsou piece as a request very early on in my writing career here on Tumblr. I just kinda...ran with it, and here we are now. I still adore this piece, it’s definitely one of my better examples of my writing, and I’m so glad so many of you have enjoyed it as well! I do love me some good shower smut.
2. Invasive Species [Hawks x Reader]
I love Yandere Hawks, so this one was such a pleasure to write. I spent way too long googling invasive species of birds in Japan for this one hahaha and I also stayed up all fucking night writing it, I still have a vivid memory of taking a pause to go watch the sun rise while writing. All these notes are very validating to time well spent in the early morning hours.
3. Playing Rough [Kirishima x Reader]
I am so surprised this fic is so popular. This another fic I wrote as a request; I don’t really thirst for Kiri all that much, but I did have fun setting this fic into a wrestling ring (I was am a big wrestling fan...). I’m sorry that you’ll probably never seen anymore Kirishima from me, but I’m thrilled this fic has been such a hit! 
4. Smut Pile Fantasy AU Collab Masterlist
I am so, so happy that this fic made it within my top five posts of the year! This was the first collab my server ever created and it has so many talented writers and fics on it. I wrote for All Smite and Ushijima Wakatoshi, but you’ll find all kinds of variety in this fantasy-style masterlist! 
5. Pleasant’s Writer Recs
Wow I am so pleased this post got so much traction! I woke up one morning and just decided I wanted to spread a little positivity and show some love for friends/writers who have inspired me on this platform. This list is mostly filled with my mutuals, and every writer on there is someone I greatly respect and recommend! 
6. Blog Navigation Page 
This little guy got out of hand pretty quickly- this is the link to all my master lists for easier blog navigation. It used to just be for My Hero, but now it’s filled with Haikyuu!!, Attack on Titan, a Chaptered Series (I never thought I would write one but I’m so happy I am), and collab masterlists. 
7. Pray to Me [Shinsou x Reader]
God I love this fic and I’m so glad so many people do too! I’m a sucker for Norse Mythology, so making Shinsou into Loki was a pleasure and a half. I think this fic really shows what I am capable of when it comes to writing, and it was definitely one of the more challenging things for me to write at the time. 
8. Salvation [Enji x Reader]
This fic is one of my pride and joys. I joined the BNHA Fandom wanting to write for Endeavor. He was my first true love in the show and I will always have a soft spot for him. This fic is purely self-indulgent; it’s a fantasy I had and just wanted to put into words, a lot fo those words being religious allusions (because I’m a corrupted preacher’s kid, whoops).
9. Godless All Smite x Reader 
If there is one fic that gets people into my ask box, it’s this one. This is the fic I wrote for the Smut Pile Fantasy Collab, fully expecting that people wouldn’t really read it- I wrote it for me, because @stormcallart had All Smite rotting in my brain thanks to her phenomenal art. So I am beyond thrilled that so many people caught the All Smite bug and loved this little captive fantasy.
10. Possession [Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader]
And we round the list out with a dash of Haikyuu!! goodness. This is a mafia!au that I wrote with the prompt “I told you to stay still” for the Haikyuu Headquarters Collab! Ushijima is my main love from Haikyuu!! so I am glad to see so many of you enjoyed this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it. He’s kind of tough nut to crack, but I love stern, dominate Ushijima to no end. 
Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout the insane year that was 2020. I expect my end of 2021 list to look much different since I have now deviated away from writing for My Hero Academia (for the time being, I know I’ll go back to it one day). 
A gentle reminder that notes don’t really mean anything. It’s like the game show Whose Line is it Anyways- the points don’t matter, all that matters is the fun you have creating and the friends you make along the way! 💕
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hawkland · 3 years
My (mostly) Destiel Recs, Round-up #6
Well, between working like crazy on my DCBB fic and GISH and injuring my neck last month I haven’t kept up with my rec posts, so this one is going to be LONG and have a LOT and I’m going to try to break it up into sections, from oldies but goodies (some things I found on very old rec lists) to smutty delights to just tasty little bits of fluff, hopefully there’s something or everyone here. Most of these are not super-long, largely in the 10-25k range, though there are a few beyond that. With all the stuff I’ve had going on I haven’t wanted to lose sleep diving into 100k epics (especially when I’m writing my own right now, lol.)
“Oldies” but Goodies:  Here are two great fics written some time way back when but that still definitely slap.
Theodicy by manic_intent (11k) - Probably the most brilliant Godstiel fic I’ve read to date. One of Cas’s first acts as the new god is to make a new archangel. Dean isn’t exactly on board with having his soul re-sculpted into wings he hates on sight (especially as they seem magnetically drawn to Cas), but he isn’t exactly given a choice. He, Sam and Bobby struggle with how to handle their former friend suddenly becoming a vindictive deity - trying to make plans to kill him if they must, which is pretty hard when it seems like Cas is always one step ahead of him. Can Dean hold on to enough of his humanity to provide a conscience to Cas and try to steer him toward good acts instead of destruction? This is one that I can’t say has a perfectly happy ending, but it’s a hopeful and imperfect one that’s just right for how the story plays out. 
My Eyes Are An Ocean by entanglednow (10k) - Season 5 AU where Dean averts the apocalypse through a spell that “powers up” all the angels and he sees Cas’s true form - before being rendered blind. Dean tries to adjust to his blindness, Cas tries to deal with his guilt, and it’s just a lovely little read with an ending that’s... *chef’s kiss*
Lots more recs below the cut:
More great reads from some of my favorite authors I’ve recced before:
The Cabin on the Lake by DeanRH (21k) - This may be my new favorite DeanRH fic...at least for the moment. The year is 2152, Sam and Dean are long gone to Heaven, while Cas - stuck somewhere between mortal and angel - remains on Earth keeping vigil, keeping up the hunt, assuming he’ll never see either Winchester ever again. But when he starts hearing things, and imagining Dean visiting him as an angel himself, he starts losing grip on what is and isn’t real, and whether he can trust anything he sees or believes to be the truth. This is one hell of a psychological rollercoaster that kept me guessing right along with Cas until the very end. It also has some super-creepy horror elements, a novel “monster of the week”, and the hot-as-sin smut scenes I always expect from this author.
X Marks the Scot by DeanRH (15.9k) A fun little romp through history in one of this author’s great not-quite-au fics. Crowley sends Dean and Sam back in history to the Scottish Highlands to stop a monster, and while there they meet a blue-eyed clan chief who makes Dean weak in the knees. There’s something familiar about him, too. a very clever au that ties back to canon for an unexpected fix-it. Also, Cas in a kilt. Enough said.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon by DeanRH (12k) - Sweet and slightly angsty AU. What if Dean was a gardener in ancient Babylon when a strange dignitary came to warn that the tower under construction was to be destroyed by angels? Lush, romantic and sexy with some wonderful tie-ins to canon characterizations (of Dean, Sam, John and of course Cas).
sufficient for thee by angelfishofthelord (21k) - This is a beautiful Cas angst-fest and character study that reimagines how angel grace works, particularly in regards to healing others. It covers the whole of Cas’s arc from Season 4 through a post-series fix-it, is absolutely stunning and features some great world-building in regards to the angels. (One important TW: those with cutting/self-harm issues may wish to skip or at least proceed with caution). I love that I can always count on angelfishofthelord when I need a good dose of Cas!whump and pain.
And laugh at gilded butterflies by ireallydidthistomyself (13k) - another great Dadstiel fic from this author featuring one of my favorite angsty subjects! I don’t know how I missed reading this one before. An AU where Cas is raising (baby)Jack on his own until the angels find the two of them and prepare to seal Jack away in the Ma’lak box. Cas begs them to let him go with Jack, so at least Jack won’t be alone for eternity. Meanwhile Dean is frantically trying to find what happened to Cas, and he gets some unexpected help from Crowley.  It’s sad and sweet and all the characterizations are great. A+ Crowley use here, too.
what stays (and what fades away) by dothraki_shieldmaiden (64k) - a fabulous read with some great art, too, that started me reading a bunch of fic from this author. Cas goes missing, and when he’s found he seems deep under a spell. When they finally manage to awaken him, he doesn’t remember anything of this life with Dean, Sam and Cas in the bunker. The last thing he knew he was a nurse living with his wonderful husband, Dean, and their two adopted children, Jack and Claire. What I loved about this one was the clever twist as to who was behind Cas’s curse and also how well-developed his AU world/existence was. I’m not generally keen on mundane aus or the one-dimensional way a lot of djinn dream fics tend to go for them, but this one managed to capture a believable version of Dean and Cas living a “normal” life without monsters without making it sugary/too-sweet. 
before knowing remembers by dothraki_shieldmaiden (14k) Post 15x04, a wonderful fic that plays with some meta topics in a clever way. Dean and Sam are happy - they have free will and they’ve won against Chuck, even if they suffered some big losses along the way (including Jack). But Dean can’t help but think he’s forgetting something...or rather, someone. Yet every time he thinks he remembers, the name and face of that someone slips from his mind. 
weights on my ankles by dothraki_shieldmaiden (9k) Post-15x03 where Cas ends up going back to the Gas ‘n Sip and working with Nora after leaving the bunker. A bitter sweet divorce-arc AU and what I love the most is how it ends - not perfect, not tragic, just very real and believable. 
15x18 and Post-canon fix-it fics:
Orbital Velocity Around a Celestial Body by LeverDrift (26k) - An angsty but lovely fix-it fic, one where it gets worse for a while before it gets better. Dean pulls Cas from the Empty, where he’d been living in a fantasy world with a dream!Dean who was giving him everything real!Dean is certain he can’t. Dean has to struggle with wondering if Cas would have been better off with dream!Dean instead of him. This is one that will break your heart before putting it back together again as Dean struggles with his self-worth issues.
so good at crashing in by Wintertree (36k) - Another post-finale fix-it where Cas is back, the world is saved, and things are still...not as easy as it should be for either Dean nor Cas. Monsters are gone, there’s no more hunting to be done, and Cas wants to move out of the bunker somewhere closer to Claire, to move on with a proper human life. Dean thinks he can move there with Cas and stay as “best friends”, even to the extent that Cas encourages him to go out and have sex with others/women. (And wants to hear about it after the fact!) But can Dean figure out what he really wants, and what Cas wants as well? A refreshingly unique take on what a post-series life could have looked like for them.
Delicious smut:
Empty by squirrelofcelestialintent (43k) - Every day this fandom makes me rethink my previous squicks and DNWs in fanfic. Here I find myself enjoying quite a bit more dom/sub elements than I normally ever would! I think because I was absolutely drawn in by the breathtaking first chapter, capturing beautifully the emotions of Cas returning from the Empty in Season 13 if he and Dean had confessed their feelings right then and there. But Dean’s self-worth is all fucked up, he feels there’s no way he can be good enough for Cas, especially when his sexual desires run a little bit...let’s just say outside the vanilla and he’s struggling with shame over doing sex work when he was younger. This was HOT and POOR SAM really gets stuck in the middle of, well, hearing more about his brother’s sex life than he ever needed to.
He's My Mate by Hatsonhamburgers (22k) - This fic manages the delightful combination of humor and extreme hotness perfectly. Dean and Cas catch each other in some questionable masturbation situations. This leads Cas to decide he needs to buy Dean some proper sex toys. He’s just helping his best friend out, right? Sure. As I said, hysterical AND hot as hell. 
Generals by nanoochka (9k) - Cas/Dean, Cas/Balthazar/Dean, implied past-Cas/Balthazar. An old LJ fic I found on an ancient rec list that is just scorching hot and a brilliant character study of Cas and Dean. Balthazar decides to invite himself in when he catches Dean and Cas engaging in some frisky business, and it turns into a bit of a power-play between the two soldiers of Heaven. Cas gets DP’ed and it’s all...well. It’s fucking good, read it.
The One With The Preening by HolyFuckingHell (5.5k) Can I do a rec post without including some wing!kink/wing!grooming in it? No, I can’t. (I also really enjoyed some of the other fics in this author’s series including The One With Dean's Horny Movies).
A Single Point of Light by Destina (2.4k) - This is a gorgeous Cas/Dean/Benny Purgatory short! A delicious balance of the two each caring for and caring about Dean in their own, protective ways, definitely a delight for any fans of this threesome.
Short and sweet, fluff to angst:
Snugglebird by almaasi (5.3k) - So, so soft and sweet and snuggly, just like the title. Dean’s things are disappearing from the bunker...and so, suddenly, has Cas. What’s going on? I do love my nesting!Cas fics, so...yeah. If you need a smile this is a good one to read :)
And Cleanse Me From My Sin by thisisapaige (1.6k) - another one for my beloveds who also enjoy wing grooming and sweet Dean-taking-care-of-Cas fluff.
Needle and Thread by Misachan (4k) - Season 5 wing!fic hurt/comfort. Cas’s wings are badly injured, Dean doesn’t quite know what he’s doing, but he’s stitched up Sam and himself enough times. He can do this. If you love caretaker!Dean and vulnerable!Cas don’t overlook this little gem.
Deceptive Preludes by sp8ce (2.7k) - One of those stories that delves into some of the difficulties Cas might have after coming back from the Empty a second time, especially in regards to accepting what’s real or not, understanding Dean, and how both of their communication issues can add to their struggles. Painful but hopeful for the future, felt very believable as I read it.
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
do you know of any jungkook x reader x jin or maybe even jungkook x reader x taehyung love triangle fics
Thank you 🖤🖤
🌷 Hello, anon! Please check the NAVI for available fic recs. There was an ask for TaeKook love triangle/smut before and I update it every now and then.
I’ve read just a few fics for jin x reader x jk. Here’s what I remember and most are pwps (meaning not a love triangle).
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Jungkook x Reader x Seokjin
Love Triangle (or something similar, I left notes on some fics
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MMF Smutty Threesome or Poly
Aperitivo @bangtanbetchfics
one shot | 5k | vacation au, chef au (pastry chefs), smut, pwp
on the heels of a breakup, you fall hopelessly in lust with two pastry chefs on your vacation in venice.
Under Cover @cinnaminsvga
one shot | 5.4k | supernatural au, vampire jungkook, siren seokjin, pwp
the company banquets that your family loves to host are often drearier than you would like them to be. lucky for you, your bodyguards have the perfect solution: why don’t you play a little game with them?
Hittin Her Hard by foreverpark [ao3]
sequel to Hittin Her Hay (read this first)  | 12.2k | pwp
Your boyfriend (and yeehaw extraordinaire), Jeongguk, introduces you to his best friend, Seokjin, all while he proves there are more things to do atop a horse than just ride.
🌷 ggukkienote: so I adore author’s pwp, just sinfully good like douse yourself with holy water kind of filthy which I mentioned here
Lunacy @jincherie
series [2/?] | 15.7k+ | abo dynamics, werewolf au, supernatural au, urban fantasy, poly, smut, angst
Wolves mate for life, and wolves are almost exclusively monogamous. It's rare for a wolf to have a human mate, and even more unheard of for a wolf to have more than one mate. Unfortunately for you, an incident at this party lands you in the middle of every exception there could possibly be.
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Love Triangle
A Lovely Little Mess @justimajin - Seokjin-centric, feat Jungkook
series [10/10] |31.k | Pregnancy AU, Unplanned Pregnancy, Friends to Lovers, Jungkook is reader’s ex, angst, fluff
Break-ups aren’t easy - you knew this way too well, however this was a break-up that was much harder to shake off then a normal one, all because of one little reason…
Home Run @jinned
one shot | 3.5k | action, fluff, crack, baseball player au, stadium staff!reader
as seokjin’s career nears its peak, he comes face to face with his greatest rival yet: the un-strikeable jeon jungkook. seokjin is close to being the first person to strike out this up and comer newbie, until he’s distracted by one of the stadium’s cotton candy selling girls. who will she leave with?
🌷 ggukkienote: the dialogues are just JinKook all throughout but it was so funny how they’re bickering and fighting over YN. So a different kind of love triangle, I guess! This is fun 😉
Lock & Key @farfromsugafanfic - Jungkook-centric
one shot | 6.6k | Bestfriend AU, semi-love triangle (Seokjin likes OC and Jungkook is all sulky), fluff, angst
When Jungkook ditches you on your birthday, your friendship looks like it’s about to crumble. Your friend group becomes tired of your bickering and decides to take the matter into their own hands. Somehow, you and Jungkook find yourselves handcuffed together.
“Say It” drabble @hayjeon - Jungkook-centric
drabble | 1.3k | married to Seokjin, affair with Bodyguard Jungkook, pwp but kind of angsty
🌷 ggukkienote: short drabble but it’s really good. it’s hot but then it’s also angsty. no appearance of seokjin.
Not Just Friends @taecalikook - Jungkook-centric
one shot | 24k | Fuckboy AU, Friends to Lovers, fluff, angst, crack, semi-love triangle
Befriending the fuckboy with devilishly handsome face and emotional capacity of a pea is not exactly your choice, especially when you met him when you were in fifth grade, attracted for the unhealthy vermillion shaded face of the nerd he was that fateful day. So is Jungkook, as he is already putting strictly platonic label on your forehead and calls it a day. But it is only a matter of time before everything changes, and it only takes a frat party, lots of booze and… a certain Kim Seokjin.
🌷 ggukkienote: OC crushes on Jin and bestfriend Jungkook crush-blocks. I remember the roommate  (like OC thought there was something between her roommate and JK)
Of Stardust and Spacetime @thedefinitionofbts
series [8/8] | 31k | Sci-Fi, Star-crossed (like literally different universe) |
On clear nights he looks up at the sky, and he can still see you. He can see the image of you transcending alternate universes tied together by iridescent ribbons, passing through the iron cores of distant stars, and sliding across Orion’s belt to meet him in that magical place between the stratums of space and time.
🌷 ggukkienote: one of my favorite writers whose fics are always beautifully written and I always get so affected by the story. 💕
Raindrops @jiminiethot - Jungkook-centric
one shot | 7.4k | exes AU, camping trip, boyfriend Seokjin is jealous of Jungkook (the ex), smut
🌷 ggukkienote: Seokjin is kind of mean here 😢
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posted: 2021 April 10
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Could you maybe post a long-ass list of good ironstrange fics because at this point, there's nothing else to do and you seem like you have great taste
puppets on a string
Summary: Stephen Strange is a villain. But a hot one.
Words: 103,206 (incomplete)
This fic is courtesy of our very own @funkylittlebidiot​, so definitely give it a read!
Find a Way (to break the fall)
Summary: Stephen didn't think about it anymore. It had been buried deep beneath all the other shit he'd had to live through in the last couple of years and it didn't impact his day to day life in any way whatsoever. Until the day it does.
Words: 2,170
This one is short, but emotional and impactful. Warning for discussions of past rape/non-con.
The Brands We Carry
Summary: Tony Stark is almost thirteen years old when he gets ready to settle down to bed one early-early-morning and happens to look in the mirror on his childhood wall and catches sight of a circular brand on the skin above his heart.
“About fucking time,” Tony mutters, and goes to sleep without bothering to tell anybody he just cussed out a baby that’s only just crying its way into its new life somewhere on the planet.
The date is February 17, 1983. Happy birthday, whoever you are. Took you long enough.
Or: Tony Stark and Stephen Strange are soulmates. You'd think that would mean they would be perfect for each other right from the start, but it turns out that their soulbond is a long path of mutual distrust, dislike, and miscommunication. Just their luck.
Words: 10,497
I love a good soulmate au, and this is a good soulmate au. Very interesting look at both characters and also what happens if someone’s soulmate has  a not insignificant age gap (though they only meet in person for the first time as adults)
A Crown of Thorn and Shadows
Summary: Anthony Stark, King of Blood and Darkness, ruler of the Unseelie court, did not expect to find Prince Stephen Strange of the Seelie chained up in his torture chamber, cold iron being driven into his hands. Stephen Strange, a Seelie healer, never dreamed of finding himself in the court of nightmares, being cared for by the king that the Seelie called a monster. They must work together to find the traitors in two Faerie courts that have not spoken in over six hundred years and reclaim Stephen's memories before the courts descend into war once more.
Words: 58,465
Wonderful fantasy au, great worldbuilding and relationship buildup. Lots of fun.
Villain Stephen Strange and His Obsession with Tony Stark
Summary: Just a bunch of prompty oneshots that are partially based but 100% inspired by Tumblr IronStrange Posts. Rated T-M
Words: 1,029
Do I even have to explain it? This is just fun. 
Ten times outta nine, I’m a hand grenade
Summary: Though neither remembered that night, it turns out that Tony Stark and Stephen Strange had first encountered each other years earlier. Unfortunately, that might end up destroying the universe.
Words: 419,141
This is a loooooooooong boi. But oh, it’s a good one. Stephen and Tony basically go back in time, change the universe, and fall in love. It’s everything you could want from them. Complete with romance, angst, drama, and humor.
Where Severus Snape is hot, not a stalker, and somehow gets the girl
Summary: And then, as if he wasn’t already the most embarrassing estranged biological dad ever, Tony stopped in his tracks, raised his sunglasses (because of course he would wear sunglasses inside a lecture hall in April), and gave Professor Strange the most blatant, sustained once-over in the history of fuckboyness.
Then he put down his glasses, shot a winning smile at the teacher, and said, “Well, I’m Tony Stark, of course.”Or: Peter Parker is sick and wants to cut his Neuroscience class. Tony just wants to help (and maybe date his son's hot teacher). Stephen Strange just wants to give his lecture in peace.
Words: 2,387
Stephen is a college professor. Peter is his student. Tony is having too much fun with this.
You Remind Me of a Man
Summary: Tony Stark cannot stand the overly opinionated and egotistical Dr. Strange and the feeling is extremely mutual.
Words: 44,788
Perfect no-powers au for them. They’re assholes who fall in love and see another side to each other. It’s amazing, 10/10 would recommend.
I am here
Summary: There’s a technical reason Stephen must surrender the Time Stone to save Tony’s life. It has to be done, and that’s enough for him to do it. But just in case, the universe decides to give him a personal reason as well.
Words: 11,708
This one is so soft. Basically, while looking through time, Stephen keeps showing up in the past at various points throughout Tony’s life. And then they fall in love! Good for them.
T For Tony
Summary: Your soul mark is the first letter of your soulmate's name. Stephen has an 'A'. But he's in love with Tony. Cue anxiety, jealousy, angst.
Words: 2,794
They’re so stupid in this fic. It’s great. It took them so much effort to remember Anthony starts with an A. (I still think this fic should’ve been titled A For Tony, but I didn’t write it, so)
something taken, something new
Summary: The ChronicConnection implement and app allows a person that lives with chronic or illness-induced pain to transfer their burden temporarily to a willing loved one. Tony and Stephen sign up as beta testers.
Words: 14,541.
15 Million
Summary: For every alternate reality there were ten thousand alternate realities from that. And from those ten thousand more. And then ten thousand more off each of those. And so it goes.
The Avengers win once. There’s ten thousand versions of it. 
Stephen Strange doesn’t know what to make of the fact that Tony Stark seems to be *his* victory.
Words: 2,755
Obligatory “Stephen looks through 15 million possible futures and falls in love with Tony in the process fic”. Can’t have a fic rec list without it.
Hero Swap AU
Summary: It's a boring day for the Avengers until Tony Stark attacks.
Words: 17,391.
Just pure, fun crack.
Only a Matter of Time
Summary: Captured by aliens, mistaken for a mating pair, Tony and Stephen find themselves having the universe’s most awkward honeymoon.
Words: 6,056.
Smut. Good smut, though. 
Sunrise in Exile
Summary: Tony does the math and realizes their best chance to save the universe is by... not confronting Thanos on his own turf. 
So he steals a wizard and a spider and a space ship. And he runs.
(Three humans and an A.I in space, the alien friendships they make along the way, and discovering how science and magic might coexist in a universe where they can be one and the same.)
Words: 352,079 (incomplete, has not been updated in a while)
A long fic set during Infinity War where they just ... run away to space. And it’s great.
Rewriting Icarus
Summary: Stephen and Tony, from the beginning to the end and beyond.
Words: 23,504
Pre-powers AU, except they fall in love then get powers. Sad, angsty, beautiful. 
variations on a theme
Summary: Stephen sees into millions of possibilities and finds only one where they win, but he never expected to end up falling in love with Tony Stark in almost every single one of them.
Words: 5,134
Another Stephen looks through the possible futures and falls in love with Tony? ... Guess you can’t have just one. 
Five’s A Party
Summary: It's an orgy fic, I'm not sure what else to say
Words: 2,639
... Not much I can add to that. Magic smut. 
A Lapse in Judgement
Summary: Stephen, the newly minted Sorcerer Supreme, is strong, powerful, and in control of his life in every micromanaged detail, because failure to do so could result in (another) cataclysmic event within the universe. He is. But then Stephen accepts an off-handed offer to spar from Tony Stark – a man who is Stephen’s non-magical equal, a man who Stephen barely sees outside of bi-weekly meetings and the few and far between fight against a villain – and Stark discovers Stephen’s biggest weakness, his most hateful secret that is a deeply fundamental part of Stephen’s psyche.
Except instead of judgement, and horror, and disgust, Stark meets him halfway, and a lapse in judgement turns into a possibility that could change their lives forever.
Words: 22,694
This is the first of a series which was just updated (haven’t finished reading the new part yet, looking forward to it) and is just a really good, surprisingly soft and emotional BDSM series/fic.
Ironstrange Fics and Ironstrange Cinematic Universe
Oh, how did these get here?
Yes, I’m reccing my own work. I’ve written 29 fics and 377,132 words for this ship, I think I’m entitled.
Ironstrange Fics is a collection of every ironstrange fic I’ve written, short, long, sweet, angst, and everything in between. Ironstrange Cinematic Universe (itself responsible for 49% of those 377k words) is my ironstrange rewrite of the MCU specifically. Please read, enjoy, and leave comments, I’m not updating any fics for a couple of weeks and I need the validation. 
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theajaheira · 4 years
my top ten calendiles fics (that i wrote)
this rec list took me a solid chunk of time to compile, because my fics are my babies and i honestly wanna throw quite a few of them up here. but EVENTUALLY i stopped being indecisive and finally managed to get this sorted, so here goes! if you wanna read some of my stuff, this is the stuff that i am the most proud of/in love with/would cry if someone asked me leading questions about it + drew me fanart of it. these are not ranked except for the top two, because the first one is my baby and the second one is still very beloved to me.
under the cut, because i have loving commentary!
1. as day follows night (multi-chapter)
Looking for a safe place to stay after her accidental murder of the Deputy Mayor, Faith Lehane allies herself with a mysteriously powerful witch—and stumbles into a fairytale mystery that's bigger than anything she could have anticipated.
(this fic is my goddamn baby. this fic is my C H I L D. this fic is the fic that i took extensive notes for and spent most of my freshman year of college thinking about and ended up as this terrifying love letter to fairy tales and jenny calendar and the complexity of the way she chooses to love people. i love this fic with every fiber of my being and always will.)
2. i still want to be your girl (multi-chapter)
Five years ago, Jenny Calendar ran from Sunnydale and didn't come back. Now, with the First threatening Sunnydale and the Slayer line, she's returned to help stop the apocalypse--but Rupert Giles isn't the man she remembers, and he isn't exactly delighted to have her back in his life again.
(i have a very persistent soft spot for later-seasons giles, but this was one of the few fics where i went “okay but what about battle-hardened jenny” and i’m very proud of the result. it was really fun to think about what might have changed about jenny over the course of five years, and now that i’m thinking about it, i might be really interested in writing a giles pov of this fic at some point? that’s totally a concept to come back to at some point. anyway.)
3. kind of like hydrogen peroxide
Here was the problem: Ripper had no idea how to talk to Jenny without somehow managing to make her want to kill him.
(i do NOT deserve rights if a fic from the ripper au doesn’t make its way onto this list, and this one is my very favorite. i love thinking about dumb teenage giles who pretends to be a rebel but is actually very very soft and very very in love with his equally dumb and genuinely rebellious girlfriend.)
4. spirit-touched
“Thank you, Buffy,” Giles said, “but I would prefer to conduct this research on my own. I’ll be looking into some rather…” He felt himself blushing, and resented it. “Some rather intimate details of ghost-human relations.”
“What does that—oh god, you want to figure out how to have sex with Ms. Calendar,” said Buffy.
(making this the first smutfic i posted was still the most cursed power move i have ever pulled off. anyway that influx of asks in 2016 about ghost jenny and human giles and their sex life inspired this and it ended up being SO funny and SO sweet and i am SO proud of it.)
5. very really married
Giles and Jenny's flights to Sunnydale both stop over in Las Vegas. On the same day. Naturally, a chance encounter leads to a drunken marriage, one that they mutually agree to keep up for appearances.
Which is to say: Giles is going to have to figure out how to hide his fake marriage from his new Slayer (and everyone else) while also hiding his new Slayer from his fake wife (and everyone else). And his complex feelings for Jenny aren't helping anything.
(EVEN NOW, THIS FIC MAKES ME GIGGLE TO THINK ABOUT. i am saving my reread of this particular gem for a rainy day, because it was my love letter to season one and my daydreamy fantasy re: what it would look like if giles and jenny had silly odd-couple energy that really just came from them being fake married and badly hiding it as they fall very deeply in love.)
6. days in goodness spent
This feeling—whatever Giles is feeling—this is bone-deep. He’s never felt it before. He’s been in love before, he’s admired someone before, he’s respected someone before, but this feels like all of those three things held together by something else he can’t quite name. He searches, desperately, for the words that will tell Jenny this, but nothing that has been written can describe the way it feels to be held by her right now.
(In which Rupert Giles gets the chance to fall in love all the way, and it changes him just a little.)
(this one didn’t immediately come to mind when i was drawing up the list, but my brief rereads led me to conclude that it is an underappreciated gem! i’ve written a lot of different takes on giles and jenny’s relationship, but i particularly love calling giles out for idealizing jenny. also i like that this is more abstract than some of my other older pieces, where i really get into the nuts and bolts of wanting to depict Every Single Part of giles and jenny’s relationship trajectory. this one has more fun with the flow of the story.)
7. no one else could heal my pain
“Friday,” Giles echoed.
“Yeah. As an overnight weekend trip to hunt down some books I need.” Ms. Calendar smiled playfully at him. “Isn’t that the kind of thing you’d do for fun anyway?”
(this one was SO recent and SO fun! it’s kind of my love letter to the standalone longfics i consumed voraciously when i was fourteen, because there are some really great older calendiles fics that are just long and winding adventure-y narratives about the two of them goofing off and falling in love. i wanted to echo that here a little bit and it was a delight to write.)
8. myosotis latifolia
Years and years ago, the truth would spill out, and Rupert—in his endless romanticism—would take her hands and tell her she only needed him by her side to feel welcome and loved. But it’s been over a decade since they’ve been that close, and those years have created a distance between them just as insurmountable as the distance between them, now, on the steps leading into his lavish gardens.
(Rupert Giles is an esteemed member of the Watchers' Council, as well as a happily married father. Jenny Calendar knows that that's never been what he wanted.)
(ahaha this one is a big ouch moment but i really love it regardless? i think that giles and jenny are kinda fundamentally incompatible in a lot of ways, and part of the intrigue of their relationship is watching them try and figure out how to compromise and adjust after years of being rigid and inflexible individuals -- giles intellectually, jenny emotionally. so this fic is a lot about that.)
9. the grieving process
After Buffy's death, Giles makes his way to Jenny in LA.
(i don’t know why this one still sticks with me! it just! does! it holds up and i love it and if you wanna read about giles and jenny falling in love in a way that is healthy and authentic without any secrets -- but also obviously very sad -- definitely pick this one up.)
10. decently clothed
“Jenny, are you selecting my wardrobe based solely on what is and isn’t easy to divest me of?”
“…no,” said Jenny.
“That’s not even remotely convincing.”
(i wrote this one during a particularly difficult time in my life, and it was a really special moment for me, because i’d just come out of a period where it had been difficult for me to find the time or emotional energy to write. whenever i return to it, this fic is suffused in that warm and hopeful joy i felt when i posted it and realized that i had not, in fact, lost my touch. so it’s always gonna mean the world to me.
plus it is very silly and sweet! my specialties.)
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katierosefun · 3 years
hi so ive seen you been posting a lot about k dramas so it has me kind of curious. do you have any that you recomend starting off with if you want to get into it?
hi anon, you've come to the right place!!!!
i have a few posts about kdramas that i personally recommend: this one (which is just kind of a general list), this one (which is mostly,,,tcw characters but as kdramas they would probably vibe with), and this one (which is......kdramas that i think would make a good tcw au fic). they say what you loved as an 8-13 year old makes up a solid portion of your personality, and what i loved as an 8-13 year old was star wars, taylor swift, and kdrama, and it shows.
BUT if you don't have time to look at those lists, here's some kdramas that i recommend that literally anyone who wants to watch kdramas should look into:
1. crash landing on you (available on netflix): 'tis about a south korean woman literally crash landing into north korea. it's wonderful, lots of found family, a solid romance plot, really wonderful writing and an a+ cast. i cried literally so many times watching this. also just like...a good reminder that before anything else, north koreans are people with dreams and fears and like, of course the government is corrupt and terrifying and this kdrama doesn't let you forget that for a second, but like...also? north koreans have been so demonized for years, and i think it's just nice to finally have a piece of media that says "north koreans aren't monsters so stop acting like they are. they're literally just born on the other side of the wall".
i recommend this one mostly because it's incredibly beautiful and hits so many wonderful tropes (fake dating! forbidden romance! found family! there was only one bed! snow kisses! there's something here about fate!) that are so common in kdramas, but like...also just has so many strong characters and says a lot about korean culture as a whole, so i think this could very easily be a gateway to kdramas.
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2. goblin (available on viki, which is free!): about a young woman who can see ghosts and an immortal being who won't know peace until his future bride pulls out the sword from his chest. honestly, this is known as one of the best fantasy kdramas out there, and for good reason. when i say that i think it literally changed the fantasy kdrama world, i mean it because i think literally every fantasy kdrama out there is still trying to live up to its standards. really wonderful cast, solid chemistry between the main leads, a beautiful plot between the secondary couple, and just like...really aesthetically pleasing.
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3. hello my twenties! (available on netflix): complex, and this kdrama really goes into the power of female friendship. that said, there's also some romance subplots, but they all feel mostly really natural and like...typical of the relationships that you would find in college. that said, it's worth noting that this could be triggering for anyone who might have come out of an abusive relationship, because this kdrama def.a-20 episodes a kdrama usually has).
all of the characters are super complex, and this kdrama really goes into the power of female friendship. that said, there's also some romance subplots, but they all feel mostly really natural and like...typical of the relationships that you would find in college. that said, it's worth noting that this could be triggering for anyone who might have come out of an abusive relationship, because this kdrama def. also explores that!
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4. school 2013 (available on viki but you would need to pay, dm me for a more accessible link): this kdrama's a little older, airing in 2012-2013 and all, but it's honestly...such a classic, and for a good reason! like hello my twenties, this kdrama isn't really romance focused and instead focuses on an unruly high school class. i'm someone who considers herself to have outgrown kdramas about high school (purely because i myself am no longer in high school), but i watched this kdrama in the span of two weeks and really, really loved it.
i think this kdrama is honestly a must-watch for anyone who wants to get into kdramas because i think it hits one of the most moving themes of kdrama, which is have a dream. there's teacher characters who really are learning alongside their students, and the student characters are all incredibly relatable, and this kdrama is wonderful in that it...really is sympathetic to teenagers and validates all of the problems teenagers, especially high schoolers, face. i definitely was sad to finish it, and i would recommend everyone to give this a watch, especially if you feel a little lost with your life. (i just think everyone could use a teacher jung or teacher kang in their lives.)
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5. itaewon class (available on netflix): this is another kdrama that doesn't really focus too much on romance. that said, there's a romantic subplot, but the emphasis here is really on...just...fighting for what you believe in. the plot follows a young man who's building a pub...basically to avenge his father's death. there's this whole revenge plot, and brooo...korean dramas are SO good at revenge plots. like, wonderfully good and satisfying with revenge plots.
what i really loved about this kdrama though was that yes, there was a revenge plot, but like...the protagonist was so. fundamentally. good. honestly. he just wants to employ people who have been kicked down in society. so as you can imagine, there's quite a bit of found family here. additionally, there's a storyline that even explores what it means to be black in south korea, as well as what it means to be trans in south korea. i kind of wish the trans representation was better, seeing that the person who acted as the trans character was cisgender, but considering that south korea is still incredibly conservative when it comes to lgbt+ representation, i'm glad that this kdrama at least really fleshed out a trans character and gave her like...a really moving and compelling storyline. (as opposed to...treating being trans or being lgbt+ in any way as a joke, which is unfortunately the trend with a lot of kdramas. not in any of the kdramas i've recced above, obviously, but like. if you go back to a lot of older kdramas, that's the case, just as you would find with media in any other culture, i'm afraid.)
but anyways, this is just a solid kdrama. will 1000/10 make you want to do something good with your life. :')
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Final Fantasy prompts # 31
1. Sephiroth uses Cloud as a therapist.
Sephiroth going on about his life while Cloud is tied to a chair and gagged is just hilarious to me.
2. AVALANCHE, Sephiroth and the Turks are all turned back into 10 year olds and booted, (by Aerith probably) to the Pokémon world and have to survive as Pokémon trainers. The problem? They were all separated and no one has any way to contact eachother.
(Inspired by Viincentsvalentines pokemon/ff7 post. I adore Cloud having a overprotective and murderous Shinx as a starter pokemon. I also love AC Cloud with a Luxray)
(I have a set of rules I use for the pokemon AUs if you're interested)
3. Cloud is ace/aro and is just working on Fenrir, blissfully oblivious to everyone fighting over him just inside the bar.
Those who aren't fighting are fueling the fire and making the situation worse.
In short, Reno starts a shipping war with an actual war.
There is no mercy.
Featuring: people trying to flirt with Cloud only to be full-body tacked away mid conversion, Cloud shrugging everything off, Rufus being a manipulate weasel, and Cloud choosing to "Date" his motorcycle just to get people off his back. No one is respecting Clouds boundaries or sexual orientation.
4. Cloud gets thrown back in time but loses his memory. He has no idea who he is or how he got to this snowfield, luckily this energetic, spikey haired man befriends him and is dead set on showing him off to Angeal.
Genesis had to do a double take, the blond wasn't just well armed. He was practically prepared for war. A massive overly intricate sword was the mans back, his gaze was unwavering, even when faced with the three most powerful men in the world. The redhead barely had to glance at him to tell that all the materia on him was at max level, even the supports.
"Well, my dear friend," he began, turning to Angeal, "it seems your puppy has brought home a wolf."
5. Sephiroth appears to Cloud in his apartment, intending to torment him again. Cloud doesn't seem to acknowledge him, no matter what he says or does. He even grabbed his puppet by the throat and pinned him against the wall.
Nothing. Cloud just closed his eyes and began counting backwards from thirty. The former general released him and Cloud went back to making his sandwich.
The silverette was thoroughly miffed at this point and stalked Cloud throughout his apartment as he sat down the plate of food down on his table next to a glass of water. The blond then darted into the bathroom for a moment and came back with a small orange pill bottle.
Intrigued, Sephiroth watched the blond down two pills before picking up the bottle.
He looked back at his blond, quietly assessing him as he ate his sandwich.
"So. You've been hallucinating."
6. Cloud bursts into a packed SOLDIER rec room disguised as a SOLDIER 2nd and yells, "Who knew about the cat?!" Then sprints across the room and breaks through the window, leading down to the streets below.
The room erupts into chaos.
Later Yuffie pays him 2000 gil
7. Sephiroth not understanding the symptoms of a crush while Genesis tries to teach him how to flirt.
Genesis is not having a good time.
8. Cloud and Sephiroth are trapped in a small enclosed space. So there they lay, pinned by debris, pressed against eachother, and making awkward conversation cause Cloud will be damned if he let's Sephiroth go on about the whole "Sailing the cosmos" thing again.
9. Vincent and Cloud secretly sing duets together when no one is around. Poor Barret winds up listening to them sing (and dance to) "Instruments of cyanide" (DA games version) and is thoroughly shook.
On the plus side, he now knows why Valentine always carries around those small Bluetooth speakers
10. Time traveling animal version of Cloud who reverts back into a human while being petted by Sephiroth.
"....I can explain."
11. Doll AU where Jenova creates an AC Cloud doll for Sephiroth, a CC Zack doll for Angeal, and a FF7 Aerith doll for Genesis. All of the dolls are life-sized and perfect copies of the originals. The three generals didn't know what to do with them at first. Sephiroth shoved his in a closet, Angeal sat his on the couch and poked fun at the real Zack, and Genesis layed his lovely maiden in a glass coffin filled with lillies, using her as a center piece in his home decor.
It starts with Sephiroth occasionally brushing his dolls blond hair, eventually coming to brush it every night. He became obsessed with caring for the doll, until one night, while he was laying in bed pretending to be asleep in an attempt to do the real thing, his doll came to brush his hair. He remained still while the doll lovingly groomed him. Even after the doll left, Sephiroth did not sleep.
The Zack doll...was another thing entirely. Angeals things would go missing on a regular basis. His laptop, his keys, his keycard. He couldn't tell you how many times he'd been locked out of his own apartment. The weirdest time, was just ofter he had comforted Zack, telling him that he cares about him more than any doll, no matter how lifelike it is.
Angeal had night terrors for a week strait and every pair of pants he owned disappeared on the day of a military presentation he was required to attend.
Genesis's doll has full on disappeared from her case, sometimes for days at a time. The redhead is always furious, convinced someone is stealing her. He sets up cameras, but they catch nothing. One moment the doll is there, then she's gone. He always felt like he was being laughed at when this happened, on the other hand, the flowers in the case mysteriously never wilted and new materia would appear around his house sporadically. Which was weird because he was always meticulously organized regarding his materia.
Aka Eldrich Doll au horror story slowburn.
12. Sephiroth realized his puppet was growing stronger at the same rate he was growing weaker
(Not related to no. 11 unless you want it to be)
13. Sephiroth shoving a ring onto Clouds finger and proudly declaring them married.
Cloud thinks he's gone completely off his rocker.
14. Sephiroth devolving into base animal instincts to court Cloud.
Example: giving him shiney rocks and materia, blankets, and basic food and hygene products, killing people the blond hates, complimenting him on both his looks and skills, and of course, preening himself to look the absolue best for his precious.
The best part is that it actually works
15. Vincent and Cloud cuddling in Vincents coffin. Cozy.
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soldouthaz · 4 years
Hiiii I don't know if you've already done one like this, but who are your favorite fic writers? I always love your recs and I'd love to know who your favorites are so I can check them out! Also I love your fics!
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hii! thank you so much for this ask I can’t believe I hadn’t though of doing this before! 
most of these authors are people that I have talked with at least once before, and I can vouch for their character 1000%. reading their writing is so much more gratifying not only because it’s well written, but because of the satisfaction of knowing that they are truly good individuals as well. I am also thinking about doing one of these recs for artists and other content creators as well if anyone would be interested in that! 
I'm in the middle of midterms right now so my brain is very scattered and I'm sure I’ve forgotten some people, but know that there is no way I could possibly list all of the wonderful authors that have made a difference in my life. but please check out these authors and leave them some love if you do! as always, please stick to your own interests and don’t spread any hate! 
please let me know if I have used any incorrect pronouns or linked anything incorrectly, or if you'd like me to unlink to something! :) 
in no particular order: 
✰ falsegoodnight 
ao3 | @risthebrave | twitter 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, a/b/o, soulmates, uni au’s 
personal recs: x , x , x , x
where do I start? the plots she comes up with are 10/10, the writing is absolutely amazing, and she’s just generally a wonderful and considerate person. you can just tell by reading her work how passionate she is about writing when you read her work. each and every one of her fics is a huge yes from me and I'm so excited to for all of her wips! and it definitely doesn’t hurt that she’s an amazing person in general either! 
✰ pinkvinyl 
ao3 | @pinkvinyl​ | twitter
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, pwp
personal recs: x
they only have one work out as of this date but oh boy it’s so so good!! the imagery here is just on an entirely different level. they make it so easy to visualize the scenes and it makes the fics that much more lovely to read! (+ happy birthday ashley!)  
✰ outropeace
ao3 | @outropeace​ | twitter
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, a/b/o, soulmates 
personal recs: x , x , x 
andy is amazing!! I just finished their most recent fic last night and I'm obsessed. I love the dialogue with their works and they always manage to write raw emotion so beautifully. the angst is wonderful as well! their work is always just the right amount of length and detail to always leave you wanting more :) 
✰ faeriestyles 
ao3 | @yvesaintlourent | twitter
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, trailer park! harry, a/b/o, pwp
personal recs: x 
I'm not entirely sure why hayley doesn’t think her fics are anything less than amazing. she only has two out currently but I can’t tell you how excited I am to see some of what she’s been teasing on twitter! she has a gift with her scenes! the way she describes the settings makes you feel like you’re there with the characters, and it’s easy to get lost in the words (in the best way!). 
✰ allwaswell16
ao3 | @allwaswell16 | twitter
common work tags/tropes: cowboy au, assassin au, bottom Louis, bottom harry, a/b/o, soulmates, uni au’s, hate to love, vampires, drabbles, football, royal au’s, side ziam
personal recs: x , x , x , x
TONS of awesome fics to choose from! there’s definitely something for everyone here. anitra is a lovely person in general and I, as well as many others, appreciate her dedication to writing consistently lovely fics over and over again. I still haven’t made my way through all of them yet but I have no doubt I’ll love them! she also runs a *podcast* for other fic writers and reviews which spreads so much positivity and happiness in our corner of the fandom :) she’s amazing! 
✰ smittenwithlouis
ao3 | @smittenwithlouis | twitter
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, fantasy au’s, magic, hybrid Louis, mythical creatures
personal recs: x , x
super super talented! their fics are always well written and they’re probably my favorite fantasy writer in the fandom!! I really like the magic elements and the different takes on popular mythical tropes, and you can really feel the emotion through the dialogue and the settings. despite having a lot of fantasy aspects, every fic feels very realistic which is usually very hard to do with these topics! 
✰ lads_laddylads 
ao3 | @lads-laddylads | twitter
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, a/b/o, pwp, vampires, uni au’s 
personal recs: x , x , x 
I'm a sucker for literally all of emma’s storylines. I think I've reread her most recent fic about five times now! even after not writing for a bit it’s clear that the talent never left! she’s definitely got some classics in her portfolio and I can’t wait to see what’s coming :) 
✰ whoknows
ao3 | @crazyupsetter 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, canon elements, dom/sub, a/b/o, supernatural / fantasy elements, drabbles, pwp, hybrid Louis 
personal recs: x , x , x , x , x , x 
I'm pretty sure everyone already knows about this author but they’re so incredibly talented and their fics are some of my favorites so I couldn’t leave them off of this list! they have thirty two lovely fics as of this day to choose from for this fandom, as well as a few for others as well. they’re another author that has something for everyone! there’s just something about the way they write that lets you get lost in it. I always finish their fics with a smile on my face and feeling fulfilled from another wonderful read! 
✰ itjustkindahappened
ao3 | @tequiladimples 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, fluff, mythology, drabbles 
personal recs: x 
I still need to finish reading the rest of their works but I cannot say enough about ‘collision’! this author’s attention to detail and dedication to accuracy and descriptions in their writing is just incredible! you can tell just how much time and effort went into it, and, in my opinion, it was so so worth it! I admire them so much :) it’s so refreshing when these kinds of tropes are well done and you can just get lost in the writing from the first word down to the last line! 
✰ delsicle 
ao3 | @eeveelou 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, a/b/o, ‘thick alpha’ verse, pwp, dunkirk inspired works, mpreg, polyamory, some dark themes / horror, Alex from dunkirk, drabbles
personal recs: x , x , x , x , x 
another fandom favorite! I've been absolutely obsessed with ‘feeling it out’ since it was first published! they write a/b/o (and everything else!) so well that they make it look easy! the characterizations are so unique and I've never read anything like them before - I can’t get enough! I always look forward to their posts and already know it’ll be one of my new favorites! 
✰ jaerie
ao3 | @jaerie
common work tags/tropes: a/b/o, bottom Louis, bottom harry, canon elements, gender swap, drabbles, mpreg, historical au’s, pwp
personal recs: x , x , x , 
I really admire this author because of the way they tend to go against the grain. they write the things they want and it’s obvious that they enjoy it, and I really admire their ability to do so! there are tons of options here as well! (check the tags before reading!) 
✰ louizsv 
ao3 | @louizsv 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, a/b/o, d/s dynamics, vampires, some fantasy / supernatural elements
personal recs: x , x
their first fic still has me absolutely floored - it’s definitely one of my all time favorites! their writing is usually between 10k - 20k but it’s amazing the amount of detail and plot they can articulate in that length. if you’re looking for a simple, cute, lovely read, you’ve chosen the right author! :)
✰ brooklyn_babylon 
ao3 | @brooklyn-babylon
common work tags/tropes: bottom harry, pwp 
personal recs: x 
I'm not sure if they want me to tag their main account so I'll just tag the one above :) this author definitely has a way with words! I only found their work recently and it hasn’t disappointed throughout the many rereads in the time since. they write tension and emotion beautifully and their characterization is lovely! I'm looking forward to anything else they might publish! 
✰ 2tiedships2
ao3 | @2tiedships2 | twitter 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, a/b/o, enemies to lovers, fake dating, fluff
personal recs: x , x , x
pretty sure I've already talked about this author several times but I couldn’t leave them off! their fics are written so beautifully and realistically that you cannot put it down until it’s over. the first time I found them I fell down a rabbit hole and read all of their works within the week! I reread their fics on a monthly basis and I have absolutely no regrets. 
✰ disgruntledkittenface
ao3 | @disgruntledkittenface 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, bottom harry, drabbles, d/s elements, gender swapping / girl direction, hurt/comfort, fluff
personal recs: x , x 
I so much admire the variety in these fics, as well as the time and dedication this author has put forth for readers. it’s obvious how much they love writing! everything from the meet-cute’s to the smut is exceptionally well written and immersive. their work has been and will always be very close to my heart , so if you check them out please leave them some love! :) (also please make sure to check the tags before you read!) 
✰ summerwine 
ao3 | @smrwine 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, pwp, feminization, dom/sub 
personal recs: x , x , x 
I'm sure this author is also no stranger! they truly have a gift for writing such aesthetically pleasing and wonderfully worded fics, stock full with dreamy settings and descriptions. their writing is just on a whole different kind of genre and I don’t think I'll ever get tired of reading and rereading their works! 
✰ loadedgunn
ao3 | @loaded-gunn
common work tags/tropes: bottom harry, bottom Louis, pwp, dom/sub, gender swap / girl direction
personal recs: x , x , x
reading this author’s fics is almost like you’re being allowed into a private moment between the characters. sometimes I even hold my breath when I'm reading so I don’t disturb the moment! this writing is soft and lovely and every single scene is thick with emotion in the best way. the chemistry between their characters is insane! 
✰ edensrose
ao3 | @holdingthornsandroses​ | twitter 
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, historical au 
personal recs: x 
I have yet to read this author’s second work but I have no doubt it will be just as absolutely amazing as the first one was! I am amazed at their ability to twist such a classic storyline and completely make it feel like their own, and to do so effortlessly. I adore their attention to detail and originality in their fics and I can’t wait until I have some time to dig into their latest one! (and it helps that they’re just a very lovely person!) 
✰ angelichl
ao3 | @angelichl
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, bottom harry, uni au’s, a/b/o, dom/sub, supernatural elements, drabbles
personal recs: x , x , x 
reading this author’s work is like getting immersed in another world. I have yet to find another author that can so beautifully write this melancholic and yet morally satisfying type of aura through their words. this is another person that writes dialogue and emotion very tactfully, and it really resonates when reading. (check the tags!) 
✰ istajmaal
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, bottom harry, phone sex operator fic, pwp, dom/sub, gender swapping
personal recs: x , x , x , x , x , x 
oh boy I'm already sweating! I really really enjoy the way that this author describes and I hope they come back at some point! all of their storylines are so unique and very refreshing. not to mention how they have a way of writing smut that literally has me so hooked into the story that I forget to breathe sometimes! truly a fantastic writer! 
✰ mercutionotromeo
ao3 | @mercutionotromeo 
common work tags/tropes: bottom harry, pwp, daddy kink, dom/sub, fluff, drabbles, gender swapping, light age play
personal recs: x , x , x , x , x , x 
one of my all time favorite authors!!! I've been reading their works for years now and I still can’t get enough. it’s soft and lovely and warm and just very very comforting in general. they have a way of making their fics seem like an entire little world no matter how short or long they are. they haven’t written in a bit but I'll continue dutifully waiting on a notification! 
✰ sunflowerstyles
ao3 | @sunflowerstyles
common work tags/tropes: bottom Louis, hurt/comfort, daddy kink, 
personal recs: x , x 
this author is kind of like the b!L version of mercutionotromeo, at least in my opinion. their last fic was published in 2016 but I've reread their work so many times since then in hopes they'll come back at some point! this person does a wonderful job with angst & hurt/comfort and when I'm in the mood for those tropes these fics are definitely some of my first contenders! (make sure to check the tags! some of the hurt/comfort aspects may be triggering for some readers). lots of emotion and very soft, loving fics! 
please let me know if you need any more! happy reading and I hope you find some more lovely authors to choose from! :) 
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the untamed is on netflix, right? i think i've seen it. i'm enjoying your posts about it and my mom would love if i watched a chinese show (it looks chinese, i might be wrong though) but i'm kinda short on time so please pitch to me why i should watch it so i will be convinced and look past the lack fo time
Anonymous asked:
ok the untamed looks cool af how doesone watch it 
A L L R I G H T I’m finally going to make a rec post, I’ve put this off long enough.  You’ve definitely already started to watch it, clever, so please forgive me for using this as an excuse to pitch this show.
So, for starters, Anon, The Untamed is indeed on Netflix!  It is in Chinese!  If you (like me) do not understand Mandarin Chinese, the Netflix English subbing is…fine, it’s fine, but I recommend poking around in the fandom because every single form of address is changed to the character’s full name.  And maybe I just spent too much time doing translations for my old Spanish and Chinese and especially Latin classes, but I think there are some things that, A, shouldn’t be translated or, B, should be translated awkwardly over being translated incoherently.  
I digress.  My thoughts about maintaining forms of address in their native language for the sake of clarifying levels of respect/etc are not relevant here.  Chuck a note in my inbox if/when you get confused about everyone’s three names and I’ll write/link you a guide.
POINT IS.  The Untamed is an adaptation of the novel Mo Dao Zu Shi, which is generally translated as “The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation,” and my quick pitch for it is: There’s a plot, sure sure, it’s the story of Wei Wuxian (his fall from grace to Most Hated Person In Magic!China, and then his resurrection and efforts to solve a murder), and if you like character-driven fantasy narratives you Will Like This
You know that post “but is he…you know…your narrative foil?”  That’s this show.  If what you crave is “one character committedly pines over another for twenty years even when the entire world hates that person,” please let me interest you in Lan Wangji, the love interest.  They have a kid together.  It’s a great romance.  Literally what else do you want from me.  I love a narrative foil, I love a tragedy, I love an epic love story, I love a found family.  And good GOD do I love a character who self-destructs in an effort to do the right thing.
Wei Wuxian isn’t evil.  He’s not even especially malicious.  But when the chips were down and he needed to survive, and to save people, and to figure something out, he took the only avenue left to him, and it was—it was inevitable, really, that it make him the villain of the piece.  He saved a lot of lives.  Everyone except Lan Wangji hates him for it.  He’s already thoroughly despised by the time he starts actually doing things that are objectively bad.  Talk to me about it forever.
My usual list of free-form associative Things I Like That You Will Probably Also Like under the cut:
Wei Wuxian!  I know he’s the main character but I love him so much that he gets a bullet point!  He’s the kind of lighthearted goofball who’s perfected the “I Would Honestly Die Before Showing Emotion To Anyone, How Dare You Imply That I Am Not Sincere In My Perpetual Good Humor” mask, and it hits like a sledgehammer when that mask cracks.  I would watch this actor flip between smiles and homicidal rage all day.  He gets a hug from Son Boy in the last episode and I almost cried.  50000/10.
Lan Wangji!  A great love interest!  Noble to the core!  Incredibly bitchy!  I want five more just like him!
This is where I mention that China has strict censorship laws, so, despite the fact that they kiss and have sex and get married and the whole nine in the book, the show is all Intense Staring And Love Declarations Where They Never Say The L-Word.  But like.  Please trust me, it’s actually So Romance.  If anything I think I like the  romance in the show better.
Wen Ning!
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I don’t have anything else to say about him, I just love him so goddamn much.  He and his sister Wen Qing are stars and the rest of these sinners don’t deserve them.
COMPETENT. VILLAINS.  I’ve spilled a lot of ink on this one lately, but I love competent villainy, I love villains who have Goals and plan to Achieve Them and actually pull it off.  Jin Guangyao, the big bad of the “present”(the part where Wei Wuxian is resurrected and kicking around trying to solve a murder), is actually phenomenally good at his job and I support him even though I enjoyed watching him go down in flames.  There are enough villains in this show for everyone to have their preferred type of villain, from Devoted Right Hand Man to Megalomaniacal Overlord to Freewheeling Engine Of Death.  GREAT villains in this show.  Which brings me to…
YI! CITY! ARC!  I’m not going to tell you that much about it, but it’s dark and tragic and features my very favorite villain in the entire show, Xue Yang, who is just.  *chef kiss*  A horrible monster of a man.  An unapologetic, cold-eyed shriek of a villain.  The very best at what he does, and what he does is absolutely horrible, and I would watch an entire series about this five-ish episode arc.  Also, I’ve adopted Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen from the Tragic Ships Shelter and someone should toss me a headcanon ask for them.  Any AU your little heart desires.  I love them.
THE MAGIC!  I know it took me a long time to get here, but it’s a very character driven show and I am a very character driven person and I just wanted to yell about characters for a minute.  But anyway, I’m told that the Untamed is a great onboarding point for this genre of Chinese fantasy novel, because they do a really good job of making the necessary points accessible.  I had no familiarity with wuxia/xianxia/etc when I started watching this and everything about cultivation made sense to me, or at least enough sense to be going on with.  It’s very lovely and fascinating and it’s where they put their Entire Non-Clothing Budget.
This is where I mention that their effects department clearly used their entire funding for, like, cool sword stunts and beautiful clothing.  The wolf puppet in particular is just.  Almost adorably terrible.  If that’s going to severely impact your enjoyment, Idk what to tell you, man.
Related to the above, I love plotlines about characters losing control of their magic.  That’s all I’m going to say about it.
Unreliable narrators, baby! They set up a lot of concrete facts about Wei Wuxian in the first two episodes that become obvious as complete bullshit as you go on, and it’s very satisfying to watch!  See also, Nie Huaisang, the most unreliable narrator of them all, whom I adore.
Beyond all those things…it’s just got a lot of great relationships in it.  It’s hugely driven by the affection people have for each other, or the places they feel they’vebeen deprived of that affection.  It has a lot of iterations of the same relationship in wildly distinct ways, if that makes sense—offhand, there are maybe four major sets of siblings, five if you count the Jins, and they are all radically different and insanely compelling.  The basic structure of Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji, the “black cultivator/white cultivator on a crusade to change the world” thing, appears a lot of times, and goes horribly awry in a slightly different way for all of them.  That kind of in-universe repetition of themes, doing the same thing over and over again looking for the Right Path, is one of my favorite things to appear in a story—see also, the Kencyrath (twins, Dreamweavers, Knorth lords, loyal Kendar, etc), the Animorphs (warrior teams, deaths on the field, etc), any number of other things I yell about.
TL;DR: The story is great and the cultivation is fascinatingand the schemes are elaborate, but
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @ravenreyes-0g (she/hers)
what are you working on right now? I'm working on both my Bellarke fic for BLM and a personal fantasy story that I've written and rewritten from the beginning to about 5000000 times because my ideas keep changing. My Bellarke fic is a modern day COVID AU that is also the longest I've ever done so it's been taking a minute to finish! :) 
what’s something you’d like to write one day? A YA either historical fiction or realistic fiction LGBTQ+ romance. I have  a ton of ideas for plots, but I haven’t quite gotten the chance to sit down and try to plot them out. For historical fiction, I’m very interested in the 1900-1950s era, especially the Roaring 20s and WWI/II so I’d most likely set it there! I’m all in for the angsty romance, but I'd definitely want to end it on a happy note (unlike my current fantasy work) and I’m really looking forward to getting the chance to write a character driven story that doesn’t focus so much on heavy plot elements - something I can’t do as much in a fantasy setting!
what is the fanwork you’re most proud of? This one is actually pretty hard considering how my writing style has developed since I started writing fanfics. But if I had to choose, I’d probably say my FirstPrince (Alex/Henry from Red, White, and Royal Blue) fic on Ao3 called To Love Another Is to Cherish Life Itself. The title is a bit dramatic but basically it is an angsty/fluffy one-shot that I wrote really late one night and did minimal edits to before posting. It definitely feels like the most in character and honest fic I’ve ever done, and it broke my heart to write about some of the darker stuff, but in the end I’m pretty proud of it! 
why did you first start writing fic? Well, I’ve been writing fanfics since I was probably 10 or 11 years old (I had PJO phase that spanned close to a decade and I’m still not totally over it 😂) but I started publishing work on Wattpad literally the night I turned 13. That was actually my first Bellarke/the 100 fic! It started out as my predictions for season 5 and then evolved into a fix-it fic for everything I didn’t like about the season. I’ve abandoned it for almost two years, but I’m slowly coming back to it so...slow updates y’all :)
what frustrates you most about fic writing? Everything! Just kidding - I love fic writing! But if I had to choose, probably two main things tho. 1) Creating a plot for a long term fic - I’m sooooo bad at it because I always feel like I’m writing too much in line with the actual show/book/movie and it feels like copying. 2) Making sure that I stay honest to the character I’m writing about. I have a huge tendency to write my fics (ESPECIALLY my one-shots) from the POV of the character who was not the main character in the original thing (like my POV for my RWRB fic is Henry, the love interest of Alex/other main character). This means that the only look inside their head that we’ve gotten has been through the eyes of the main character - which can obviously be biased. I try to stay as honest as I can to my interpretation of the character drawn directly from the text - but sometimes that means that I can’t include scenes that I want to because it feels off/out of character and that’s always disappointing. (also dialogue is just...something I really need to work on)
what are your top five songs right now? Ahhh see it changes on my day/mood but right now it’s probably
1. The Last Great American Dynasty - Taylor Swift 2. The Garden - Dua Lipa 3. Mirrorball - Taylor Swift 4. Icarus - Emma Blackery 5. Betty - Taylor Swift 
(taylor really blessed us with folklore...I’m in love)
what are your inspirations? Ahhh - there are many. First and foremost, The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. It’s my favorite book for so many reasons, but it teaches me so much about writing and character development. Also Liesel and Rudy melt my heart every time. I also love all the songs listed above for inspiration, and I listen to I Get To Love You by Ruelle (it’s the Malec wedding song for any Shadowhuners fans out there!) whenever I write a really emotionally intense romantic scene. If you’re looking for amazing fic recs, I highly recommend all of HMS-Chill’s works (multi fandoms), clarkesbell, and DracoWillHearAboutThis on Ao3. Though not all of them write Bellarke/the 100, if you are in any of their fic fandoms, I highly recommend checking them out because they are fantastic writers!
what first attracted you to Bellarke? what attracts you now? Honestly? #1 - their development. I love enemies to lovers with my whole heart, but I honestly didn’t see Bellarke as romantic until the 2x05 hug where I was just hit with a wave of OMG THEY BELONG TOGETHER!!! Seriously, though, the fact that they go from enemies, to grudging allies, to co-leaders, to partners, to friends, to best friends, to soulmates just makes my heart go !!!! - Also they have insane chemistry, and that certainly doesn’t hurt. What attracts me to them now is much the same, but also how much they care about each other. They’d go to the ends of the earth to save one another, and it just blows me away how powerful their screen time is, even when their scenes together have become so rare. I also don’t thinkI’m ever getting over 6x10. I swear my heart actually stopped beating when I watched it live the first time. 
BESIDES Bellarke, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? Ha! Umm, I actually really like Murven, both platonically and romantically. Their journey might not be as well developed as Bellarke’s but it is still a powerful one hinging on love and forgiveness. I love how Lindsey/Richard play off of each other on screen - it’s such a joy to watch! I’ve also loved the Octavia/Indra dynamic, but it’s kinda been tabled in recent seasons which is sad :(
why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? Two reasons - 1) I wanted to do everything I could for BLM and it was so amazing that I could do that, and write works for my favorite show! 2) I was super curious about the prompts people would send in. My work right now is a modern day AU COVID fic where Bellamy and Clarke have to share a room together in an overcrowded hospital until one day Clarke disappears. It’s so different than what I usually write - bc I almost always write canon compliant/in universe fics - so it’s a nice challenge!
what’s your writing process like? Honestly it depends. For long/multi-chapter fics I try to plan out as much of it as I can, characters, plot, important moments, etc - even though I am not very good at planning. But for one-shots I tend to go off of emotion or feelings. Usually when I write one-shots, it’s because a particular line or moment in a book/movie/show really spoke out to me, and spurred this idea in my head. I always start with the line I want to get to at the heart of the fic and then write around it from there. I am definitely much more of a panster than a planner- which is why one-shots work much better for me!
what are some things you’d like to recommend? 1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Also, All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven, The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuinston, The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. 2. Musicals! They can be amazing inspiration - my favorites are Les Mis, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Six, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, Hadestown, Anastasia, Island Song, Newsies, & Tuck Everlasting! 3. TV Shows besides The 100 - Anne with an E, Shadowhunters (just pretend you haven’t read the books), French SKAM, Love Victor, HSMTMTS, Merlin, Lucifer, I think I’m just listing fandoms at this point 😂
Also, almost any Taylor Swift, Troye Sivan, Conan Gray, Dua Lipa, Emma Blackery or Harry Styles songs are amazing!
My handle is the same for everything - Twitter, Tumblr, Ao3, Wattpad (if anyone still uses that anymore), etc (RavenReyes0G). I also run a book review blog on Instagram which is @betweenthepagesandtea, so feel free to check that out too! Request a fic written by her via @bellarkefic-for-blm!
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics that involve a love triangle. We tried to choose fics where Louis or Harry have feelings for more than one person or have to make a choice between two or more people by the end of the fic. For each fic, we specified who the people competing for Louis’ or Harry’s heart are. We hope you enjoy all these fics. If you do, be sure to give the writers love and reblog this post! Happy reading.
1) We Are Wide Away | Explicit | 9091 words | Sequel | Harry vs. Liam
Liam watches Louis, his closed eyes, the way his skin is shining with moisture, the flutter of his lashes against his cheeks; when he looks up Harry is staring at him, watching him in turn.
2) Doesn't Have To Be A Real Thing | Explicit | 12532 words | Harry vs. Nick Grimshaw
In which Harry helps Louis get over his ex and it kind of becomes a regular thing. It’s totally casual – they have an understanding. But what happens to Harry when Nick reappears in Louis’ life?
3) Maps Can Be Poems When You're On Your Way | Not Rated | 18974 words | Harry vs. Liam
Harry falls in love with the guy his best friend is fooling around with.
4) Bloom | Explicit | 24887 words | Harry vs. OMC
Note: This fic has been locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
When they first meet at Harry’s flower truck, Harry falls hard but Louis’ unavailable. Only before long, Harry reignites a spark that Louis thought long forgotten.
5) If This Is It, At Least We Can End It Right | Explicit | 26369 words | Sequel | Harry vs. Zayn
Note: The first fic isn’t endgame Larry, but the second one is.
Harry breaks Louis and Zayn's there to pick up the pieces.
6) Sweet Dreams Are Made of This | Mature | 29982 words | Harry vs. Zayn
Loosely based on The Wedding Date. Inspired by 27 Dresses. Basically, Fake Boyfriend AU with a twist. Louis' sister is unknowingly getting married to the ex who broke his heart. When faced with the prospect of turning up alone, Louis panics and hires a corporate escort named Harry. General chaos and epic jealousy ensues.
7) The Blood Is Rare And Sweet As Cherry Wine | Explicit | 33569 words | Harry vs. Henry Cavill
“Sex therapy?” Louis asks, cocking an eyebrow.
To his credit, the doctor doesn’t blush, “An extremely personal and efficient form of therapy, Mr. Tomlinson.”
“Should you and your husband wish to, I would be eager to help you in any way I can offer.”
8) Maybe We're Perfect Strangers | Explicit | 39849 words | Harry vs. Niall
When an EDM festival in the Caribbean touts itself as a “life-changing and transformative experience,” Harry’s not too sure he buys into it. Regardless, Harry wants nothing more than to please his best friend, so he goes along for the ride. What he doesn’t expect is to fall head over heels for the festival’s organizer who Harry discovers is also the object of his best friend’s affections.
9) With Stars Of Brightest Gold | Explicit | 41109 words | Harry vs. Henry Cavill
Louis Tomlinson is the premier courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. In his dreams, he has always wanted to be a famous stage actor. Locked into his contract, he has little means of escape until a handsome duke promises him freedom with a romantic alliance. Due to a case of mistaken identity playwright Harry Styles is thrown into the mix, compelling Louis to choose between his head or his heart.
10) Some Things Take Root | Explicit | 50269 words | Harry vs. OMC
Note: This fic has been locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
AU. Louis’ ex doesn’t get jealous of anyone besides Harry. Harry helps Louis use that to his advantage. 
11) The Bachelor | Explicit | 53953 words | Louis vs. many men
Note: This fic has been locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
The one where Harry dates six other guys and still falls in love with Louis Tomlinson.
12) Amazing Sin | Explicit | 56034 words | Harry vs. Liam, Louis vs. Taylor
Gears started turning in Louis’ head$. Purely mischievous gears that had Louis formulating a revenge plan against Taylor. He’d had enough of sitting around and taking it. If she was going to call him a whore, then fine, he’ll act like one for real. “I’m going to say something, and as my friends you are obligated to love me anyway.”
 “This can’t be good,” Niall said, Zayn just groaned.
“So I know we have this strict ‘no lashing back at Taylor’ rule with me, but what if I can get press revenge a different way?” Louis asked. He wasn’t expecting an answer, because they knew by now to just go with it. “What if I stole her boyfriend?”
13) Every Story Has Its Scars, Ours Is A Brand New Start | Mature | 62859 words | Harry vs. OMC
Life as a devoted husband and an amazing father turned out to be a little different than Louis had expected. Everyone tells him it doesn't have to be that way; that he's worth more and that he's so much stronger than any one person trying to keep him down. It's all just words though until he meets the one person who makes him truly believe it.
14) Curly Bun Man | Not Rated | 68600 words | Louis VS. OFC
I just paid for these Doritos but they're stuck in the vending machine and I know you've been waiting but I am not going to let you buy something until you help me. AU
15) This Wicked Game | Explicit | 70010 words | Louis vs. many men
An AU in which The Bachelor is gay, Louis is a contestant, Harry is the bachelor, everyone drinks a lot of champagne, the entire world gets to watch them fall in love, and no one plays by the rules.
16) You Drive Me Crazy (But It Feels Alright) | Teen & Up | 102036 words | Harry vs. Nick Grimshaw, Louis vs. Luke Hemmings
Note: This fic has BH mentions.
Bridget Jones' Diary AU.
“Harry is not short for Harold,” he corrects, his voice as thick as molasses. He lowers his eyes to Louis’ sequined lapels, rubbing one between two fingers. “Is this small or extra small? It looks lovely.”
Louis breaks away from his grip with a petulant huff and pushes him back with two fingers.
“You’re mocking me. Again.”
Harry smiles and it's a real honest swoop of his lips this time. Louis’ stomach swoops with them.
17) Blue Ice | Mature | 102967 words | Harry vs. OMC
An AU where Louis finds himself in a marriage he didn't bargain for.
18) Fucking Animals | Explicit | 116687 words | Harry vs. OMC
Louis is the frontman of an equal rights-movement, author of a book about beta-omega marriage and the struggles of being born and boxed into a personality you don't necessarily feel you fit. The notion that an omega must want to be with an alpha or else he or she's just settling for less, is bullshit.
But, fucking hell.
19) Like Water Over Fire (Like Water On Fire) | Mature | 119264 words | Louis vs. many people
Prince Harry has 46 men and 13 weeks to find the husband of his dreams, Louis has a limited amount to time to live out a royal fantasy. They might just be exactly what the other needs.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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