#look thats just the energy ben has okay
whole-circus · 1 year
Creepypastas and small things they would do for you when you depressed!
➥ Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Ben Drowned, "Ticci" Toby Hi, please dont be scared to get help if you feel like you need it - obvious thing but your feelings valid and you matter so much! And my DMs are always open! >:)
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☆ Jeff the Killer
Okay, Jeff isn't the best when it comes to comforting people, even if he really cares about them. He feels lost and has no idea what to do, but seeing you all miserable makes his heart break. Thats why I think he would do small acts of service. Don't expect a lot from him - he loves you, but he really is so awkward.. Thats why he brings you meals (he can't cook for shit), open the window in your room and let some air to it, he even clean around! Jeff also loves to spoil you! He know that he isn't the most affectionate, so he gives you a lot of small gifts! Maybe nice looking rocks, flowers, jewlery stolen from his victims....all romantic! Also things that reminds you of him! The one based on your personality, likes and stuf!! And dont even try to say that you dont deserve all that.. because deep down you mean everything to Jeff! Come on, there is a reason why he keept you alive, huh?
☆ Homicidal Liu
Absolute sweetheart when it comes to comforting you! You had a rough, long day? Even worse than normally? He is right here with you, doing his best. You just wanna seat in silence? Too tired to talk? Liu will be here. No sign of judgement on his face, just his typical soft and full of compasion smile. If you feel okay with him touching you, he would hold your hand or offer you a hug. No worries, you can stay in his soft embrace as long as you need it - its just you both agaist the world. He just want to make sure that you know he is here for you. Liu would talk about all things you are worried, trying to find solution if its possible, but he is also not too pushy when it comes to that. And no matter how you feel now, or if you will yell and cry, pushing him away - he is always here to got your back.
☆ Eyeless Jack
Jack is just another person with this comforting aura. At the end of hard day, you can't help but want cuddle to him and sob into his arms..And Jack is a great listener, always wanting to make you feel that your suffer is visible and heard! Thats why he is the best person to come vent to, or maybe just stay in his presence if you are too tired to talk! He doesn't talk too much, but he can if you want. Always ready to say something to cheer you up, and he doesn't make this stupid comments like "you dont look depressed" or "yeah same lol"! You are his everything and if you need a bit of help? Thats what relationship is all about, he doesnt mind at all! Just cuddle to him, tell him every thought of yours while he caress your head and gently rock back and forth!
☆ Masky
If Masky really does care about you (no worries, he does) he will be great when it comes to taking care about your body. Depression suck and we all know that well. Sometimes it takes away all of your energy and motivation, and its harder to take care of yourself. Thats why you have him! Masky would look after you a lot! He would check if you had eaten - you haven't? He will make you anything to eat, even for you to take small bite becasue you dont have appetite! Have problem with keeping yourself clean? Would help you shower or just clan with wet tissues, brush your teeth and wash your hair. And if your room gets too messy? Has no problem with helping you or just cleaning it by himself. He also keeps an eye on your sleep schedule! Masky doesn't judge - he knows how hard you already have it, and he just want to help. And needing help doesn't make you weak!
☆ Ben Drowned
Listen, Ben is such a dummy and cutie..he would try to make you laugh so bad..! He isnt doing it in this insistent, annoying way - he just do everything he can to make you smile! Cracking more jokes than usually, doing silly faces or you two could watch some silly video with cats/dogs...doesnt matter, he just try so much! He is also good person to stay in home with. He totally gets if you dont feel like socializing and going out, he already made you both a place so you could either play with him or just watch him play. Doesnt matter if you wanna talk, or if small-talk makes you annoyed and you just prefer to seat in silence. Big cuddle bug, so if that makes you feel better then he couldnt ask for more! Ben literally wants to make you feel even slightly better, but he also understand what you are going through and will always be by your side!
☆ "Ticci" Toby
As I said many many times, Toby is curious one - always ready to explore and do some fun stuff. And that makes him the perfect guy to make your days a bit brighter! Toby wants to be here for you, trying his best to get you out of bed and try new hobbies with you. When you are depressed its so easy to get into a routine, and just suffer from sadness and bad thoughts, laying in bed all day and starring at ceiling! And Toby doesn't want that silly! So no matter what is it- baking, cocking, some sport or artsy stuff - he loves that! But no worries, if you dont have that much energy, he will gladly stay with you in home, cuddling and watching movies. Its hard to be bored around him, he has some calming aura around. He understands that he won't make your deprresion dissapear, but Toby wants to make your days even a bit better.
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descendantofthesparrow · 10 months
Brutally honest thoughts on each character?
...*Each* character???? bruh thats so many, okay ill keep this short cuz im waiting for a haircut rn
well start with the vks cuz thats easy
Mal-started off strong and then just became...THE WORST, love hate relationship for her. shes my art block fix but also i hate her
Jay-i dont have strong opinions on him, he actually never stuck out to me other than 'obligatory jock dude of the friend group.' i wish i liked him more but im more attached to his fandom self over canon Jay
Evie-got boring after D1, i wish they let her keep her chemistry stuff, love her vibe but shes kinda boring to me. SHOULD'VE BEEN THE MC OVER MAL!!
Carlos- lots of lost potential with his tech stuff from the first book and movie. easily could've been an engineer or inventor but they just made him an animal lover and i got bored of that real quick.
Uma-my queen, my idol, can do no wrong i love her so much i WILL kill for her.
Harry-i love his dumbass so much YALL DONY EVEN KNOW I WANNA BITE HIM SO BAD
Gil-one of the few characters i felt actually...grew up? idk but hes one of the few characters were it actually feels like time passed for.
Dizzy-oooooooh honey, honey honey, sunshine baby, please, put the glue gun down.
Celia- they should've gone with her trailer persona. Her outfits are so bad and i wish she got better writing and designs, so much lost potential, also she should've been Jays pick.
Smee twins- why the fuck are they even here they had one line and no significance. also they should've had a Harry scene.
Ben-puppy boy, deserved to have doberman energy. got turned into a doormat by the writers and is unfairly hated.
Audrey-bitch queen, shes not a nice person and thats okay~ girlboss.
Chad- should've been the D3 villan they had that all set up in D2 with his weird ass attitude over Ben getting kidnapped on the isle.
Doug -....honestly gives me the ick, especially in D3, i HATE the long hair his actor had/has. gold is NOT his color and neither is pastel purple or green. he looked good in D1 but ICK for 2 and 3.
Jane- bby gurl, blue bird sweetheart. yeah she did some fucked up shit in D1 but she was an insecure 14 year old girl who got manipulated by Mal and other aks!!!
Lonnie- deserved so much better, shes Chinese why is she getting Japanese style stuff?!?! her plot in D2 didnt even do anything it just happened and no one cared and Jay just shoved his problems of girls playing roar onto her.
Beast- *inhale* i wanna kick his ass, and i could, lemme at him. how dare he force an entire kingdom on Ben at 16 when he didnt become king when he was 28(when he married Belle)
Belle- they took away her backbone, shes not Disney princess book worm and independent Belle. she just, lost the spark
FG- they turned her into a preschool teacher, GIVE ME MY OL COOKY FAIRY LADY BACK
Leah- *seething rage*
vk parents
Maleficent- fuckin love her, shes such a manipulative bitch and feels like a gone crazy version of a Maleficent made for kids. def not the mistress of all Evil but i love her nonetheless
EQ- shouldve been the head villain, SHE WAS THE FIRST DISNEY VILLAIN CMON! def not the same character from the animated movie but shes dramatic and sassy and i adore her.
Jafar- haha funny characature~ i wish he was more menacing like he had been. Jafar is not one of my fav villains so descendants jafar didnt exactly translate for me well.
Cruella- yeah they nailed her, no complaints about her. good design, good dialogue, good acting.
Hades- LEMME KICK HIS DEAD BEAT ASS, fucking 'daddy issues made you stronger' my butt. i hate his hair and honestly he doesnt fit the washed up punk design, he didnt deserve the speech at the end and didnt deserve to be forgiven by Mal.
Ursula- we only saw her tentacle and one line but she seemed spot on so yeah
Lady Tremaine- why the fuck was she nice in D3??? bitch is the EVIL stepmother.
Smee- spot on, i have words for his sons designs becuaee hes old not naturally white haired but hes chill, makes sense hed be a good parent, he never felt evil to me, just compliant
Facilier- such a vibe, his actor got him spot on, would've changed up his suit design but hes chill and i can see him being a family man(ignoring wicked world).
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wickedwitchofthesouth · 8 months
Listen I know the whole "do you Journal Dean?" "Ever since I was a little girl" joke makes it look like Dean does not unfact journal BUT WHAT IF!!! what if he DOES journal because John journaled because let's be honest other than drinking and breaking things that's the only other (non-violent) way he knows how to cope.
Okay maybe he doesn't have a little diary where he writes all his deepest darkest little secrets but I like to think that maybe when he moved in with Lisa and Ben, he also started going to therapy? Obviously it was impossiblely hard to convince him and sure he only agreed to go once a month and to be honest, now that he looks back on it didn't really do shit but the one thing that seemed to help him the most was writing. He does not journal! but maybe he writes letters to everyone. Letters he'll never send, letters filled to the brim with words he'll never say
In the beginning most of his letters were addressed to Sammy, is baby brother, the only reason he even wanted to hunt. To protect his brother, to allow him to live in a world where nothing goes bump in the night.
And after Sammys first death, nothing was easy, but the letters helped. more than Ben and Lisa more than the few and far between calls he'd pick up from bobby. The letters were the only place where he didn't feel the need to pretend.
But after Sammy came back the letters stopped. Dean convinced himself that Sam was the only reason he felt this empty pit in his heart and once he came back he didn't need the letters anymore. Even if he wanted to write, where would he even get the time or privacy.
They'd stopped, but Dean still carried them around like stolen momentous that he constantly told himself he needed to get rid of (and conveniently forget to)
The second time the letters start is when he loses Cas to the leviathan. He's angry, he hates what Cas did to them... what he did to himself. 'Fuck this! fuck you and fuck every other prissy angel out there! I shouldve never trusted you i hate you. i hate you for leaving us more fucked over than the last 2 apocalypses, i hate you for leaving with your tail tucked between your legs. I hate you just for leaving at all, so come back so i can yell at you to your face, you coward! Just come back'
Every thought in his head that he can't bring himself to yell out loud, he tells the parchment with his pen as the vessel.
'Shit is getting fucking harder, we need you cas we cant do this without you' 'I can't do this without you"
When Cas comes back the letters stopped again. Dean finds a place to hide them so well that half the time he forgets they're even there
And thats just how the cycle goes, he writes when talking takes more energy than he has left to give. One for each person he's ever lost. 10 for Sam, 20 for Cas.
Sometimes he just writes when he's angry at someone. 20 for Sam, 30 for Cas
Sometimes he just writes for the sake of it, unspoken words he's too scared to confess out loud. 50 for Cas, 100 for Cas, all for Cas
When Dean dies, Sam finds the stash of letters stowed away in a dusty old shoebox on the roof of Dean's cupboard. He sees the letters addressed to him. Something in him is begging him not to read them, but his curiosity gets the better of him.
He should've listened to that something because for the rest of the day after that Sam finds himself reading through letter after letter that was written to him but never sent. He cries like a baby, the kind of sob that Dean would've made fun of him for when they were kids. Gosh what he'd give just to hear Dean give him a snarky remark now.
Sam doesn't read the letters addressed to other people, he doesn't have the heart too anymore. So the next day he makes it a mission to take the letters to everyone Dean has ever written too
Two letters left where they'd spread Charlie's Ashes, One at Kevin's, four for Dad, four for mom, one for crowley, three for Jack, and on it goes
Until the only things left are the unread letters addressed to Castiel. Even after taking out all the other ones it still feels like the box is over flowing, but cas is the only one left.
He leaves them in the flower feild where Dean had spread Cas' ashes. Sam knew that it wasn't where Cas was layed to rest, because truth be told Sam had no idea what had even happened to Cas. Dean refused to talk about it and Sam was too distraught by the awful expression on Dean's face every time Cas became a topic to bring it up over and over again.
So he let the letters go in a place where he thought Cas would appreciate. Wherever he was, Sam hoped that it would bring him peace - the thought that Dean would have wanted him to rest in a place as beautiful as the flower field over looking the mountains.
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The Umbrella Academy season 4 episode 2
Oh no, Lutherrrrr. He's gonna break the pole
Oh my god
Oh no, he's a gorilla again
So that's why Viktor beats up Ben
That looks like Jayme's power...
"Most importantly he's a Klaus that Claire likes! And trusts and looks up to." Oh Klaus
Maybe Ben drinking so much of it is why he ends the world this time?
I hate them for this song
Klaus is in hell
This conversatioj
"You're a good brother" MY HEART
Oh my god
Get his ass rosie
Luther I adore you
That's shotgun lady from the trailer..
Oh my god. Lovers, the tower, and the death card
Come on Klaus, join the party!
God, he's a genuine crypto bro
Methinks she DOES
What the fuck
He keeps blinking specifically to that subway
Damn I wish I could read
What's special about Rosie? She has to play a part here
The whole town except her knew about this... and her step uncle said "we can't hurt the girl" hmmmmm
Different timeli- yup
Oh my god that was majestic
Okay so that explains why Rosie, but not why Jennifer is important... maybe the same reason Ben was drawn to her? Whatever happened in the first time line?
Well, now I know how Klaus gets his powers back, they give him the marigold so he lives
Absolutely estatic at everyone's relief and giddy laughter at Klaus being alive and the marigold working
"Well that was a weird fucking town" LMAO
Mhm, yup, Sy is a bad guy too
So do Jennifer plus Ben equal end of the world? Im unclear on that still
Oh, definitely, cause they just touched and that orange energy, oh I'm so excited
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st4rshipr4nger · 3 months
okay so im the handlers daughter (she adopts me she is NOT my birth mother) and then she adopts lila but were the same age so anyway she like raises us and stuff cause shes mother and so she trains us and shit like she does in the show with lila and also me and lila kind of have the same powers ish because okay idk if youre familiar with xmen but i like have rogues powers so like power absorption and taking peoples energy and stuff so like if i touch someone skin to skin ill take their powers if they have any and their energy and i kind of get their memories too, and so she makes me wear these gloves because one time i accidentally touched her when i was a baby and took some of her energy and she almost passed out or something, anyways being the handlers daughter obviously comes with trauma so when im like ten im like mom i dont like this i dont wanna do this anymore and shes like well thats too damn bad and i tell lila im running away but we make a plan to like meet up in the future so i run and shit one night and i find the umbrella academy a few days after and Pogo answers the door and i tell him about my powers because ive seen the hargreeves on television and on billboards and im like can i just like stay here for a little while and hes like yes ofcourse but i need to talk to sir reginald and hes like wow youre weird and then i kind of become like his labrat because he wants to see exactly how my powers work but hes also like youre fucking dangerous, so he gets this serum that makes my powers go away for a limited amount of time and i have to get injected with it every morning but i meet the hargreeves and we all get along pretty quickly and they like accept me into the family and oh my god GRACE :(((( i love her so much me and ben obviously have like a LITTLE thing but none of us is gonna admit it until like later but yeah reg doesnt trust me going on missions at first but he lets me go on one which kind of ends bad so he doesnt let me go on anymore and i have to stay on the sidelines with viktor ALSO me klaus ben diego and vik are super close i get closer with everyone else too but like specifically them so like yeah!! me and ben kiss literally like three days before he yk and then i want to kms !!! but its fine he watches me as a ghost for the next 18 years!!!! but yeah its obviously hard for all of us to take and stuff
so when were all older we obviously go our seperate ways but i kind of stay in touch with diego klaus and viktor (allison never answers her damn phone and luthers on the moon) i read viktors book and i thought it was fine like i dont have an issue with it he was speaking facts that nobody else in the house wanted to admit and we were pretty much treated the same also after bens death i kind of like started doing drugs with klaus again because the serums were also just drugs like be fucking fr anyways klaus also never tells me that ben is looking over us and he feels bad about it but like klaus and i are really similar [in my dr everyones like oh hes just klaus but in another body] so im not like yk i cant like stay mad but trust in my dr i will be sorry buddy anyways i still talk to diego cause me and him are also bestfriends and i try to send messages up to the moon sometimes to luther cause he and diego were literally like i actually felt like family around them theyre like my brothers but obviously wtv
thats like kind of a backstory thing i left some things out but i love oversharing about some of the things in my drs its fun
let me know if you wanna hear more cause like eeeeeeeee
also im scripting that like i dont know klaus has ben on his shoulder and that stuff cause i like to make myself suffer a little bit
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electraslight · 1 year
Okay asking about how anodites work in your world after the bed post. In that one you mentioned he still had scars despite anodites being made up of nothing except energy. So is the form of an anodite determined by how they view themselves internally and then that imagine of themselves is projected onto their form? like sometime they associate with themselves so hard they cannot separate from it. But what if someone’s image of themselves is very different from their physical form? Would their mental image overpower their physical image? Sorry for the long ask or if this comes off as confusing anodites are one of my favorite concepts from ben 10 besides osmosians. Also love your art <3
hi this is a rlly good question!! but mental images dont rlly ahev much to do w it, at least in the case of anodites. first thing is ben's anodite form is very different from most other anodties, just like how a lot of his alien forms are very different from the others in their speicies. mosty anodites do not have birthmarks or abberations as they are a jelly like mana substance and are not very varied outside of their family (this is why all of the tennyson anodites are purple and look similar, anodites do not prioritize their 'true' forms and instead mostly migrate from place to place and inhabit new forms) but since the omnitirx changes alien forms to reflect the user (fuck 'peak physical form' all my homies hate peak physical form) a lot of bens aliens have modifications that are reflections of bens current body and for some, like celestialsapiens and anodites, what he wants to be. as things like a surgery that drasically improves his happiness and is an impactful experience for him is something he aspires to and anodites and celestialsapiens both reflect a sort of inner truth (celestialsapiens being an ideal self and anodites being a true self) so thats why, even though both specifics dont have a need for them, they have them.
as for anodites being also an inner truth i feel like its a little different for them than it is for ben, as they dont have as many heavy modifications on the speices, being more of a reflection of their personalities. verdona is very large and lanky, sunny is angular and pointed, and gwen is soft and curved and petite. gwens is more of an ideal to her than sunny and verdona's forms are to them as gwen is so distant from it, but her tragedy is that she can never live in this ideal and still be w the ppl she loves.
and lastly, for an anodite who's very very different than the image their skinsuit projects, i feel like most anodites are like this, being basically eldrich horrors hiding in plain sight. verdona has been around for eons and is as cruel and indifferent as the vastness of space but she is still projected as just a nice little old lady, and gwen has the power to level universes but if you saw her on the street youd just see a lanky unassuming schoolgirl. the true self always leaks through though, and to certain people its very easy to see through this. anodites arent as good at hiding as they pride themselves on being.
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
okay back! Next, “You notice a clench in Jungkook's jaw but he doesn't say anything else, just letting Taehyung vent and be mad because he has the right to.” What was that clench about? Was he angry because he was going in on oc or something else?🤨🤨 Now this is wtf I’ve really been itching to talk about. Mia. Wdym oc looks EXACTLY like Mia !!??!? This for sure is enough to cause a major rift in the relationship. I personally would’ve felt so betrayed. Was this “pull” you felt towards me because I looked like your ex? Do you fuck me and then think in your head your actually still with your ex? Do you use me to fantasize about your ex? Was this what you meant when you said you were in love with me? Are you really just still in love with your ex? Has all this been a lie ? Ik you said they are end game but I honestly dk how they’ll bounce back from this because this i would just feel so insecure throughout the relationship because I’ll always have a “what if” stuck in the back of my head. I feel like between both secrets that were let out, oc’s was more personal but Jk’s was more detrimental to the relationship. Oc didn’t have any intention to trap jk or anything. But did jk have the intention of being with oc solely because she looked like his “first & only love”? Jk’s guilty face didn’t help either. When oc asked who’s Mia, he just looked guilty asf. I don’t see this going good :( “Why does it feel like your necklace is tightening around the perimeter of your neck?” My poor oc :(((( “"I'm not in love with Mia. Stop bringing her up." Jungkook is seemingly losing his patience, evident in the way his voice doesn't sound calm and collected anymore.” UMMM SIRRR why is Mia such a trigger for you?? Why do you get so riled up when Tae brings her up or accuses you of still being in love. It feels like you’re trying to prove it more to yourself than you are to anyone else. Sus. That’s all ima say on that. Because I don’t wanna go off for another 3 paragraphs. “Medication. Your favorite drink. Your favorite food. And your favorite tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.” Poor tae :((. He really had good intentions & ending up hurt asf. He’s so sweet ! He came in the pouring rain all for his bestfriend :( ahhh this chapter was something else. If I’m being honest I did not see the whole oc looking like Jk’s ex thing at all. That was a total plot twist/curve ball! However I kinda saw the whole pregnancy thing just a bit because Tae sorta mentioned it during one of the previous chapters so I was like foreshadowing???👀👀 but yk how I overthink .. I thought that’s all it was. Just me. Overthinking. Guess not 💀. They all care for each other (especially Tae & oc) I really hope Tae & oc can fix their relationship! As well as Tae & jk! As far as oc & jk?? I honestly dk how that’s gonna work out or what you have planned because my inner turmoil would tell me to run for the hills, he thinks I’m his ex! I’m so excited to see what’s next .. I genuinely think you’re my fave author clovey :( <333 sorry for this long ass review/analysis you said you loved it before & I sorta ran with that lol
4. yes so jungkook's clench was mainly because taehyung kept going. implying jk would fuck her over, airing out her business, but he had to bite his tongue and hold off on saying anything to taehyung because taehyung would only get angrier and if jungkook had reciprocated the energy, there would 100% have been a fight. if you weren't right there with them in the kitchen, the fight would have happened. kinda inevitable unfortunately
5. yes the mia thing. everyone's panties are in a twist over this (my goal ofcourse) everyone kept theorizing about how his ex would come back into the picture and jk would fuck up again and i was like thats just too easy, too predictable, too boring. i had to come with something a lot more fucked and harder to bounce back from because the past few fights have just been silly imo (except for jk leaving her n disappearing for two months) so that's how i came up w that plotline. though, the reason why jungkook was losing his patience is because taehyung often brings mia up when they're alone and jungkook has often stated that he doesn't feel for her anymore (to taehyung). taehyung just doesn't believe it but that doesn't mean what taehyung said about him still being in love with her is true
6. and yes. taehyungs big heart. ran to get her all these things just to stumble into a scene he feared. yes he shouldn't have aired their business out like that, yes he had no right to but taehyung genuinely couldn't believe what he was seeing. he had no suspicions of this happening at all, especially because he'd asked y/n about it before (whether she was seeing anyone besides yoongi and she lied to his face) taehyung has never had reason to believe you were lying to him. like he said with the scares, he was the first you told, you told him right away, he supported you, he helped you, he protected you, he kept you sane. so to him, you've been honest about your worst secrets to him, he's never had to doubt your intentions before because he trusts you. this just blew up in his face and he didn't know how to handle it any better. everyone's like "go easy on oc shes young!" but forget that taehyung is the same age as her and he's carrying around all this stress. it's not easy for him either
again, thank you for this amazing analysis, i genuinely enjoyed reading it! can't wait to see your reaction to what else i have in store for you guys <333
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
1/2We are on 4x08 and he is sitting with his fingers crossed and repeating to himself ‘not cancer, not cancer, not cancer’. ‘BRIAN IS BACK AT BABYLON! SEE! It was just a scare. Where’s Blondie? Go find him- VIC?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Vic, i miss you baby. I miss you so much. What’s with the old guys? Oh fuck. I don’t like the sight of Brian in a hospital bed. Horrible’ ‘is Ben still a bitch because Rage might become a movie? Grow up man.’ Deb is shopping for the gravestone ‘promise me, you wont pull some type of shit like that. Just give me a little stone and write ‘well fuck’ on it and that will be perfect.’ ‘BRIAN IS BACK! He looks like shit, poor baby. *jumps up and screams* HE HAS TO GET TO CLASS! HE WENT BACK TO SCHOOL! HE LISTENED! Of course Brian wants to drive him. (Cuts to britin in the car) LOOK AT THEM! Brian, you gotta come clean. HE MISSED HIM! HE FUCKING MISSED HIM! The man who was willing to do anything to get rid of him in season 1, just casually said “i missed you”. I AM NOT OKAY. (Brian tries to prove justin he missed him with a kiss) oh just suck his dick! (Justin keeps saying he’s not convinced and brian laughs) THAT RIGHT THERE IS SOME BIG DICK ENERGY. He has that man wrapped around his finger. Good for you Blondie. (brian takes his shades off) oh poor baby, he looks exhausted.’ ‘I don’t know what this lindsay and the painter bullshit is. But i need it gone because it is taking air time away from Brian’ the Justin/Mikey/Keller scene is up ‘oh is this the producer or whatever? Why does he looks familiar? I have a very soft spot for Justin calling Brian his boyfriend.’ ‘Aww look at Brian listening to Justin. Unlike some other boyfriend. How is he planning to hide the surgery from Justin? HE DOES LOOK TIRED! Brian just tell him. Does he plan on not having sex for a whole month or? (Justin is about to hear the voicemail) oh no. SHIT. OH SO THATS HOW HES GONNA FIND OUT?’ Justin is now confronting Mikey ‘oh poor baby, he looks so sad. He looks like he cried. Wait? He’s gonna tell Mike? Dude, go to Brian! WHY IS NO ONE TALKING TO EACH OTHER IN THIS FUCKING SHOW? It wouldve made more sense to go to Ted than Mike. Or Cynthia! Mike is gonna blow this out of proportion like i would. NO HE CANT HAVE CANCER! Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do fellas. Mikey you keep your mouth shut. Justin, you go to Brian and have a talk with him and I will continue to freak out’ and now we are at Brian in the office scene ‘you can hear it in his voice that he isn’t okay. Baby, please tell Justin. He looks and sounds like shit. Ted looks worried as fuck. THIS FUCKING SUCKS. All of it. He cant catch a break. Why didn’t he tell Ted? That would make sense.’ Deb has a breakdown in the diner: ‘oh my poor sweet Deb. This is gonna be me though if something happens to Brian, just so we’re all clear on that’ He is now groaning because of Linds and Sam ‘I don’t like this. He grabbed her ass. He suggested a threesome. She calls him a pig or whatever and now we’re friends? Weird and i hate it’ and we are now at babylon ‘Justin is trying to be sweet and caring and Brian is trying to be the Brian Kinney that Justin knows. If only this could be solved by, oh I don’t know…TALKING. (mikey tackles Brian) is he fucking stupid? Be honest? I swear he’s dumb. WHAT DID I SAY, he’s worse than me. He shouldve gone to Ted. Or Emmett. EXACTLY JUSTIN TELL MIKE HES BEING STUPID. I don’t like this producer dude, but that could be just because i don’t trust hollywood people. Ben really is a piece of shit. This is some shit Brian would pull in season 1 not mister Buddha.’ And we are at Britin scene ‘aw Justin’s not feeling well. ALL IT TOOK WAS CAN YOU COME WITH ME AND BAM BRIAN DROPS EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING FOR HIM! Although why is he peacocking? He clearly cant fuck right now so who is he trying to impress with these dudes?’
Sam! That's the fucker's name! Ugh what a terrible arc.
And yes, the failure to communicate about the cancer... so frustrating.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Hangover Cure
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Fem!Reader
Summery: Ben is hungover from a night out with the boys and can’t fully remember what happened, luckily you’ve got some evidence.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of drinking, f receiving oral, squirting, face sitting,
Words: 4233
A/N: Small disclaimer: I don’t drink, I have never been drunk, all my knowledge of being drunk and hangovers and stuff comes from watching TV/movies (and maybe a little bit of googling). Anyway, that hangover photo Ben posted on insta destroyed me and I had to write something inspired by it! Ben gives off a vibe like he would fucking love going down on his girl, so have like 3k words of pussy worship  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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tagslist: @idontbelievethiss
When you woke up you were still pressed close to Ben, his bare leg flung over yours, almost nose to nose. You lay there for a while, blinking the sleep from your eyes, listening to his deep breaths, before the need to pee made you untangle yourself and leave the bed. Your mobile phone caught your eye as you got up, the screen lit up with a staggering number of voicemail messages. Ben had been out last night, catching up with the rest of ‘the band’ and, apparently, he had a problem with drinking and dialling. You’d already listened to a few of them before you fell asleep but he’d clearly continued phoning well into the early hours of the morning. The last was from a little after three o’clock which, by your estimation, wasn’t long before he’d arrived home. Clearly the boys had had a fun night, starting with dinner at around 6.30 PM and ending, for Ben at least, with waking you as he stumbled into your room and noisily removed his jeans and shoes, in that order. You’d turned on your lamp to see what was going on and his face broke into a grin when he saw you. “Y/N! What’re you doing here?” his speech was slurred and much too loud. “I live here Ben,” you said, sleepily rubbing your face, “with you.” You could almost see the gears in his head turning as he stared at you like he was trying to solve a riddle. “Just come to bed,” you yawned, tapping his side of the bed. He nodded and crawled under the blankets as you turned the lamp back off. His hands automatically reached for you, pulling you close as you lay back down and shut your eyes.  
Ben slept in past midday. You checked on him a couple of times, but he remained fast asleep and snoring. It wasn’t until you were walking past your room in the afternoon that you heard him groan. You stood in the doorway for a moment, watching as Ben threw an arm over his eyes, face scrunched up against the light coming in through the window. “I take it you had a good night then,” You said as you padded across the room, pausing next to Ben and running your fingers through his messy hair. Ben let his arm fall back to his side and squinted up at you, “Maybe a little too good.” He groaned again, rubbing his temple. “Yeah, you smell like an ashtray that’s been washed out in whisky.” “I don’t even remember drinking whisky,” he groaned. “Stay here, I’ll be back with a hangover cure,” you chuckled, dropping a kiss to his forehead before you left. In the kitchen, you pulled out a tray and loaded it up with a glass of water, a couple of painkillers, two coffees and a stack of buttered toast. Entering your room, you found Ben sitting on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. “You okay, honey?” you asked as you placed the tray on the nearest nightstand. “Thought I was gonna throw up. False alarm.” “Take these,” you handed him the water and painkillers. “Thanks babe,” He mumbled before swallowing the pills. “D’you want a coffee?” “Please,” he said switching the glass for his mug, “I hope Joe’s head hurts twice as much as mine.” “What’d Joe do?” You grabbed your own mug and the plate of toast, carefully settling yourself cross-legged facing Ben, “Eat.” Ben obediently took the top piece of toast, pulling his legs up onto the bed and leaning against the footboard, “He was the one that suggested shots. I think.” Ben chewed his toast slowly. “Did I wake you when I got home?” “You don’t remember?” “Sort of. I remember tripping over something outside. And I think I remember talking to you.” “Yes,” you laughed, “You woke me. You seemed confused about why I was here, happy to see me though. How much do you remember from last night?” “I remember having dinner and I remember heading to the pub after. Things start to get a bit hazy after a few rounds though. Why? What’d I do?” “Nothing bad, honey. I’ll tell you about it when you’re feeling better.” He nodded, “Think I’ll go have a shower.”
You finished your coffee while scrolling on your phone, the shower audible in the otherwise quiet room, and then carried everything back to the kitchen. You were just setting the dishwasher to run when Ben came up behind you, throwing his arms around your stomach and leaning his chin on your shoulder.   “Better?” “More or less. Brushed my teeth about twelve times which helped.” You turned around to face him, “well you certainly don’t smell like a bar anymore. Any word on how the others are faring?” “Everyone’s alive though pretty rough. I don’t know what we drank, but it was a mistake.” “I might have the answer,” “What d’you mean?” “So, while you were out, I got a number of very interesting phone calls.” Ben gave you a confused look. “You drunk dialled me a few times. Seventeen times if we’re being accurate.” “Oh my god.” His hand flew up to his head, the heel of his palm rubbing his eye, “What did I say? No, actually I don’t wanna know. Okay, tell me.” You leaned up to peck his lips before grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the kitchen and over to the couch where you’d left your phone. “I haven’t listened to them all, just the first few.” He sat down, watching warily as you clicked through to your voicemail. “So the first call you made, I picked up.” You said as you settled into your seat, throwing your legs over Ben’s lap.   “What time was that?”   “Round ten-ish. I think you were in a pub. Wherever you were was loud cause I couldn’t hear you properly. But basically you called so everyone could yell hello to me. I told you all to have a good night and got a chorus on unintelligible screams back and then you hung up.” “Thats not too bad. Kinda cute if you think about it,” He pinched your shin playfully. “You called again about five minutes later but I let it go to voicemail.” “Oh boy.” “You’re a sloppy drunk Benjamin.”  
You held the phone up between you and hit play on the first message. Ben’s voice sounded echoey as he slurred slightly into the phone which made you think he was calling from the bathroom. “Voicemail? Babe listen, I didn’t mean to hang up without saying I love you. Thats why ‘m calling. Felt bad. I don’t want you to think I don’t love you cos of course I love you. God I love you so much. Shit, I gotta go, Joe’s saying something about shots.” The message ended. “Okay you have to agree that was cute,” Ben said next to you. “The drunk idiot is very cute.” You conceded.   “Hey, he may be a drunk idiot, but he’s a truthful drunk idiot.” Ben tapped the end of your nose making you giggle. “Well, the drunk idiot isn’t done yet.” You started the second message. “Fuck it’s cold.” You heard a deep inhale and then a breath out, the sound of Ben smoking, “I need whisky.” The call ended and both of you laughed.   “Well okay, guess maybe I did drink whisky after all.” The third message was loud again. The Ben sitting next to you cringed as the opening notes of a song kicked in and his own voice yelled through the phone, “This one’s for you Y/N!” followed by the sound of him drunkenly singing My Heart Will Go On. “Oh god,” He dropped his head into his hands, “how long does the message go for?” “Four minutes and forty-five seconds. The whole song.” “Let's skip this one,” “Okay, but only because I’ve already listened to it.” “You listened to me butcher the entire song?” “It was dedicated to me, how could I not?” you laughed, “Also, it’s my new ringtone.” “Curse that movie.” Ben groaned as he let his head drop onto the back of the couch, “You catch the end of it on TV one time and then the song’s stuck in your head for a week.” “If it's any consolation, it sounded like you got a standing ovation at the end.”
The next couple of messages were from the same karaoke bar. You could barely hear Ben over the horrendous singing in the background of the first one, but he seemed to be talking to someone about the saké they were drinking. You wondered if it hadn’t been a pocket dial because of how quiet his voice was.   Ben looked at you shaking his head, “No wonder we all feel like rubbish today. How did we all make it home in one piece?” “Lord knows. Divine intervention?” You laughed, “This next one is the last one I heard before I went to sleep.” “Good or bad?” “I liked it.” The message started with the sound of Ben stumbling out a door, muffling the noise of the bar. “Can’t stop thinking bout your pretty pussy.” You looked over to Ben, grinning at his slightly pink cheeks. He looked like he was about to say something but you quickly placed a finger over your lips, signalling him to keep quiet.   “Wanna lick it right now. Could go for hours, sucking and licking and kissing. Fuck I love your pussy. Taste so fucking good. Wanna make you cum on my tongue. And then on my fingers so you can suck 'em clean and see how good you taste. Go so slow yo-” “Ben!” someone yelled from behind him somewhere, “C’mon we’re gonna go get kebabs!” The message ended. You’d known what was coming and you’d still found yourself clenching your thighs, something that hadn’t gone unnoticed by Ben. His hand was on your knee, rubbing his thumb in circles absentmindedly. “That...wasn’t what I was expecting,” he said slowly, “bit different to all the others,” “Wasn’t what I was expecting the first time I heard it either. Don’t think anyone’s ever expected to hear a monologue about eating pussy though. They just catch you by surprise.”   “How many times did you listen to it?” “Ummm, a few,” “So until you got off?” “You know me too well,” you laughed, “kinda wish you hadn't been interrupted. Would have liked to hear what else you were thinking.” “You would, would you?” His grip on your knee got tighter, “Think I’ve got the gist of it.” You squealed as he suddenly rolled out from under your legs and pushed them open.
“Thought you had a hangover,” “It’s not so bad now, modern medicine truly is a miracle. Besides, this may be a hereto unknown cure.” His speech was punctuated with kisses to your ankle. “Are you saying my pussy is like the fountain of youth but for fixing hangovers?” “Maybe. I don’t know. Now please stop talking, I need to concentrate.” He travelled higher, fingers tracing softly wherever his lips weren’t. He continued his path up your leg gradually, dragging his lips along your skin. Whenever he reached a particularly ticklish or sensitive spot he’d linger, holding your leg tight so you couldn’t squirm away. When he eventually reached your knee, he moved to your other ankle and started again. You whined, leaning your head back against the arm of the couch, which made him chuckle, sending a shiver through you. “Patience, babe.” He bit down unexpectedly, making you jump, “Told you I was gonna go slow.” Slow was an understatement. A snail would have crawled up your leg faster than Ben was going, though you had to admit it probably wouldn’t have put you in quite the same state. The longer Ben took the more desperate you were but nothing you did could persuade him to skip ahead. You tried whining and groaning, hoping the noise would encourage him to finally remove your pants, but all it did was make him smirk, his breath ghosting over the spot his lips had just detached from.   “Keep making those sounds. Love when you’re all desperate and needy.” You couldn’t stop the whine that rose into the air, his words hitting your right between the legs.
You also tried tangling your fingers in his hair and tugging the way you knew he liked but, though it did make him pause, it also made him more determined to make you wait. At one point you even tried to slip your hand into your pants to relieve some of the pressure. You didn’t get very far before Ben had a hold of your hand, pressing a kiss to your palm before he sucked your fingers into his mouth. He let your fingers slip free, turning his attention back to your shin, but kept a strong grasp on your hand to stop you from trying anything else.   “You jerk,” you tried to twist your hand free but he kept a firm hold, “didn’t think you’d mean this slow.” He laughed, sitting up slightly as he finally reached your other knee, “What a shame my drunken ode to your cunt was cut off before I could really go into detail.”   “Ben, you’re killing me, please just speed it up.” “Sorry babe, not gonna happen. “ He continued his lazy path over your knee and up your thigh until he reached the leg of your shorts, teasing you with feather light touches just under the hem. Then he switched back to the leg he’d started on and repeated his efforts. By the time he was kneeling between your legs, working your pants over your hips and pulling them off, you were on the verge of begging. You lifted your hips to help him remove your underwear but he ignored you. Instead you felt a breath on the inside of your thigh before his mouth was on you again. He resumed his slow pace, pausing every so often to suck a hickey onto your skin, before he switched to the other leg again. By the time he was done your thighs were covered in bruises and bite marks, and there was a very noticeable wet spot on the front of your undies.  
Ben leaned into you, his mouth centimetres from where you desperately needed him. You could feel bursts of his warm breath wash over you, only serving to heighten your need and the anticipation for what he had planned. “So very wet already. Wonder who could possibly have cause that?” You could only whimper as he stuck his tongue out and licked a single long stroke along your clothed pussy, your hips bucking at first contact. “Love how eager you are, but you gotta keep still,” he said as he wrapped his arms round your thighs to hold them in place. He refocused on kissing you through your underwear, working his way up slowly, squeezing your labia between his lips. Your breathing got heavier the closer he got to your clit, soft ‘oh’s dripping from your tongue. He was unphased by your obvious urgent need, working to cover every inch of you with his lips and teeth and tongue, leaving you panting for more as he carefully avoided your clit. When he gently sucked at the apex of your thigh you cried out in desperation. Ben hummed against you and settled back into his leisurely pace, never reaching your clit. “Ben, for the love of god, stop teasing,” Ben laughed as he raised himself to his knees and hooked his fingers into the top of your underpants, pausing to drop a kiss to your lips. He peeled your underwear down your legs, dropping them to the floor, and swiped a finger along your folds, collecting your wetness. He held his finger up and you watched as your juices slowly started to drip from it in a single long strand. “That voicemail,” Ben started, pausing to lick up the drip from his finger, “was cut off too soon. Didn’t even get to talk about how fucking wet you are for me. Though I think I can make you wetter.” He settled himself back down, laying his tongue flat against you and licking another long line all the way up your slit. You moaned as his tongue flicked over your clit but seconds later, he’d moved away again, letting a string of saliva drip slowly onto you before he began working his mouth softly over your pussy once more.  
You could feel your orgasm approaching as Ben buried his face between your legs, and you tangled your fingers in his hair again. You whined his name repeatedly, getting higher in pitch as he neared your clit. Finally he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking it into his mouth and you let out a pornographic moan as you came undone. He swirled his tongue around your clit until the sensitivity became too much and you pushed him away. “Good girl,” He said softly, leaving kisses over your thighs as he waited for your breathing to even out again, “So pretty when you cum for me.” He began licking and sucking at your folds again, noisily cleaning up the evidence of your orgasm, “And drunk me was right, you taste fucking incredible.” He worked his tongue slowly into you, making you shudder as you felt another orgasm building already. He pulled out, licking all the way up to your clit before once again pushing his tongue into you, deeper than before. You lost the ability to form coherent thoughts as he fucked you with his tongue, bringing his thumb up to rub your clit slowly. Your knees snapped shut the minute he stopped holding them down, trapping him in position, though he didn’t seem to notice, just kept his steady pace, pulling you closer and closer to the edge. A moan built in your throat and you couldn’t help pushing on the back of his head, trying to keep him as close to your core as possible. You pulled on his hair making him moan against you and the vibrations triggered your release which he lapped up like a man dying of thirst. Your legs trembled as you lowered them back to the bed, not helped by Ben moving to blow a stream of cold air over your sensitive clit.
You tried to sit up but Ben placed a hand over your stomach to keep you in place. “I’m not done yet, enjoying this too much to be done so soon.” He flicked your clit with his tongue and you whimpered. “Too sensitive?” “Yeah,” You breathed out, raising you head to watch him. “That’s alright,” he kissed your clit once, making your hips jerk, “said I wanted you to cum on my fingers anyway.” Without any more warning he pushed two fingers into you making you moan, “That’s right babe, wanna hear you nice and loud,” he added a third finger, and began pumping them in and out teasingly slow, “Know you love having my fingers in your cunt. Can feel how tight your clenching them. ‘m gonna watch you cum hard and then I’m gonna go back to worshipping your cunt properly.” He adjusted the angle of his fingers slightly, and you felt the pit in your stomach tighten. “Think I can make you squirt like this, want me to try?” “Please, yes, ‘m so clos-s-se,” you were interrupted as he once again lowered his mouth to your cunt, his fingers steadily stroking the same spot over and over, making your see spots. “C’mon babe,” he mumbled against you, “wanna see you make a fucking mess.” Your breath caught in your throat as his fingers became more forceful and you gripped the edge of the couch so hard your knuckles turned white as you came again.   “Good girl, that was exactly what I wanted to see,” He said, sitting up on his knees, rubbing your thigh with the hand that hadn’t just been pulled from you. “I did it?” you panted, finally relaxing your hand, letting it dangle over the edge of the couch. “mmhmm, gonna have to get some stain remover onto this couch later.” You raised your head and sure enough you could see the dark patch you’d made. You couldn’t help but laugh, giddy from the pleasure. Ben wiped his mouth on his sleeve before he leaned forward to kiss you softly. “I love you so much,” “Love you too Ben. Maybe more now that I know you can make me do that.” He kissed you again and then resettled between your thighs. “Thought you said something about letting me taste?” “Later,” he grunted before he focused all his attention on dragging his tongue through your slick folds again.
“You’re dripping,” Ben admired, taking another swipe along your cunt, “So fucking wet.” Not that you needed him to tell you that. You could feel your wetness running down towards your arse, see it shining on Ben’s mouth and chin every time he looked up at you. Aside from Ben’s running commentary the only sounds in the room came from him burying himself in your pussy. The wet noises of his spit meeting your juices as he licked and sucked at you, and the whines and whimpers and moans he drew from you with every flick of his tongue. You were so wet his tongue just glided over you, hitting your still sensitive clit on every pass. It felt so good, but also wasn’t enough to push you to another orgasm. You tried to shift your hips against his mouth as his movements became less controlled. He devoured you, trying to reach every inch of your cunt, not caring about keeping a steady pace or tempo. You swore as his nose bumped your clit again, followed a moment later by his tongue flicking over it once, twice, three times.   “Ben, I can’t do it again.” you whined, fighting back the urge to cry, “I wanna cum but I can’t.” Ben just hummed against you, ignoring your pleas as he continued his frenzied movements. You could feel tears of desperation stinging your eyes. You were so close, just not getting the right sort of friction to push you over the edge. You tried to wiggle your hips but Ben wrapped his arms round your thighs again, holding you in place as he closed his eyes, and delved deeper. You could have sworn you were going to cum as Ben explored every inch of your pussy, but you were left unsatisfied again, letting out another frustrated whine. Ben resurfaced, shaking his head from side to side as he trailed his tongue over you. “Don’t worry, babe, got an idea.” He pulled back and moved to grab your waist, using his grip to flip you over suddenly. He wiggled between your open legs and grabbed your thighs again. You leaned against the arm of the chair, resting on your knees as Ben pulled you down onto his lips, picking up where he’d left off. You clawed at the couch as he held you tightly, anchoring you to his mouth. The new position allowed you to arch your back and rock your hips more freely and you shifted around a little trying to find the right spot. You cried out as his tongue met you just the way you’d needed it, and began to grind down onto him chasing your release. “God Ben, so so close,” you gasped out. Ben’s reply was nothing more than a muffled hum directly into your core that had you slumping over the arm of the chair as you shook above him, crying out his name. He continued to lick along your slit, stretching the orgasm out as long as he could. When you couldn’t take it anymore you raised your hips, his hands loosening their grip as you rolled off of him into the corner of the couch. Once Ben had sat up, you gingerly stretched out a leg.
“So how was that?” Ben asked as he shuffled round to face you. All you could do was nod as you released a shaky breath. Ben scooted towards you and leaned his forehead against yours, “I take it that means it was good?” “Yeah,” you breathed out softly, “really good. I’ll tell you just how good when I can think clearly again.”   Ben laughed and dropped a kiss to the tip of your nose before pulling back, “take all the time you need. There is just one more thing though,” You gasped as he gently dragged a single finger through your folds, collecting as much of your wetness as he could. “Said I was gonna make you taste yourself.” Without thinking you grabbed his wrist and slowly sucked his finger into your mouth. You kept your eyes locked on his, watching as they grew wide at your bold action. “See how fucking delicious you are?”   You hummed around his finger, running your tongue along its length. When you felt you’d sufficiently cleaned his digit you pulled it from your lips with a small pop.   “Think I could get used to receiving drunk messages from you if this is how you make up for it,” “Think I wanna know what the rest of those messages say.”
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whole-circus · 1 year
Hey! I have recently been obsessing over your works I love your writing and you ARE SUCH A LOVELY PERSON 😭 i love reading your kind words to others and how you write in such a creative way!!
Could you possibly do a fem!reader who looks masc and constantly gets misgendered with jeff, Ben, Toby, hoodie or clockwork!
(I would be happy with any of them)
Thank you <3
Creepypastas with fem.reader that looks masc!
➥ with Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, 'Ticci' Toby, and Clockwork
I will cry you are the sweetest!! Fr you feed my self esteem!!🫶<3 Im sorry that you waited so much!! And I apologize for not putting Hoodie here!! Have amazing day and take care of yourself!!! i love your nick btw 😭
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Jeff the Killer
Thats it, he is propably one of the people that misgendered you on purpose (and he is proud of himself because he is little shit like that..). But of course Jeff can do that once you both are in relationship, he has to have some privilege yk? Being meanie is just his love language. Even if he is still mean sometimes, then at the end of day he is here to beat people who do that - no matter if they did it in in mean manner or not, Jeff doesnt care he just want blood and chaos (and your happiness)! Besides all that, he finds you cute and pretty anyway, doesnt matter what you really look like. Jeff isnt the best person to talk about appearance and he knows that. So you can wear anything, be more "feminine" or "musculine" and he is still cool with that!
BEN Drowned
Boy will literally bark at people who misgender you 😭 No, just kidding, but he dont stand people being like this and will automatically correct them! Gets the fact that you are tired because of that and want to do everything in his power to make you feel better! Even if someone is not doing it on purpose then you have full right to feel uncomfy! So you will recieve a lot of worship and sweet words from Ben overall. Okay but you cant tell me that he wouldnt dress in dresses and skirts to fuck up with people (plus he want to feel pretty (he is a pretty boy anyway, lets be honest))! Loves making them even more confused. Ben is pretty open-minded so doesnt care what you look like or how you dress you are his queen and he treats you like one!!
"Ticci" Toby
I will start with something a bit out of request but..Toby would 100% want to wear matching clotheswith you! Dont get me wrong, he definitely loves you and drool at you no matter you wear (you could wear anything, even garbage bag), but loves showing you off! He is so so grateful that he is your boyfriend and he wants to brag about it to everyone. Definitely thinks in his head that someone would look at you and be like 'omg they are a couple what a cuties'...we love his energy. If you feel upset about people constantly misgendering you, Toby is right here to make it all better and give you a lot of praises! He enjoyes pampering you, when you feel especially down..he is always content to make you both small things like face masks, painting eachother nails or even do eachother makeup for fun (Toby suck at it but he got the right spirit)!
Clockwork doesnt really believe in things like "too musculine" or "too feminine", clothes should be functional - doesnt matter what you wear, but rather how you feel in them - and people are just diffrent when it comes to look. Thats why i think she would be even more angry, she gets that people can make mistakes but if they do it on purpose just to mess with you, then she wont stay calm. What a protective gf she is! Its nice if you dont care about this constant iccidents, becasue they happen - but if you start worry even in the slightest? She will be your sholder to cry on and your number one support girl! Natalie will assure you that you are fine just the way you are, and you can look however you want - its nobody case - she likes you for you! .. Just dont tell anybody about this, she would rather keep it as a secret.
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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benscursedkid · 4 years
uhhh hi! if your valentines day reqs are still open could you do a jae kim x fem!reader and a former!penny haywood x fem!reader? like in the same fic, if not thats totally fine! thank you!
hello! thank you for requesting! i will try my best, but a lot of the circumstances here have been left unspecified so if this isn’t to your liking, you’re absolutely welcome to send in another one, as always! ((this got much longer than i planned))
happy valentine’s day! 💗✨
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Okay, so in his defense, Jae hasn’t exactly had lots of experience with Valentine’s Day. Or, more accurately, having a valentine for Valentine’s Day.
He didn’t hate the holiday. On the contrary, the lovers’ holiday always brings in lots of customers for his little side business. When you can’t trust the staff to get you what you need, you must be forced to look elsewhere. Jae is elsewhere.
It’s rather easy actually. Enchant a howler to sing ballads instead of scream insults here, candles made out of amortentia, a few orders of multiplying chocolate roses there. Business is booming this time of year and he owes it all to the Day of Love. So, really, how could he possibly hate the holiday?
Let him tell you why.
He has no idea what to get you.
You’d think for someone with a stock like Jae’s, finding an appropriate gift would be easy. A piece of cake, right? Wrong. Every gift that he can possibly think of to give to you, he’s already sold to someone else at one point before. Flowers that change to the favorite color of the holder? Done before. Jewelry enchanted to fit only the wearer? Done. Doves entrusted with disappearing love poems? Done. Done. Done.
And Jae doesn’t want to give you just any gift. He wants it to be special. Many a buyer has claimed him a secret romantic, and while he has vehemently disagreed in the past, if ever a time came to prove them right it would most certainly be now.
But, unfortunately for him, it seems he’s pulled out all the stops for strangers. Not his best moment.
After about the entirety of his January was wasted in struggle, Jae eventually caved and turned to Ben for help. Being his roommate, the blonde’s innate knack for charms did not escape his notice and he figured if anyone were to help him out of his funk, it’d be him. Not to mention, being his best friend has its perks too.
It took only an hour for Jae to come up with his best idea yet. However, that said, it was a little ambitious for the two students and they enlisted the help of charming Professor Flitwick—who, much to Jae’s immense relief, seemed absolutely delighted to help, saying something about “finally putting his creativity to use”—to ensure his vision became a reality.
Finally, at seven pm on Love Day, after a whole morning and afternoon’s worth of quality time spent between giggles and stolen kisses, he is finally able to present you with his gift. Fortune favors the bold and all that, right? Or was it brave....?
Eh, he’s a Gryffindor. He’ll try his luck.
The two of you are slipping through the dark corridors, the only source of light granted by the quaint, alluring candles that dot the extensive hall. The glow casts an illusion of warmth across your face, catching on the color of your eyes so purposefully, so brilliantly that for a moment Jae forgets to breathe.
“Thank you for today,” You tell him, your fingers intertwined as you bring them up to kiss his knuckles affectionately. Jae blushes and doesn’t even attempt to hide it. “For a while there, I couldn’t have seen myself doing this with anyone but Penny. And I hate to bring it up, but...just know that today was all I could have asked for.”
You push up on your toes, smirking just slightly as you brush your lips against his in a whisper of a kiss. “And so much more.”
Usually, Jae detests when your very intimidating and long-lasting history with mutual friend—and your now ex—Penny Haywood is brought up. Jae knows what the two of you had was important to you, and he trusts you entirely, but sometimes when he watches as you both settle back into an easy friendship, his heart flips painfully in his chest. It is not a rare occurrence for him to wonder, If someone as pretty and popular and considerate as Penny couldn’t keep you, what chance does he stand?
Today though, he finds he can’t seem to muster up the energy to feel insecure when you’re looking at him like that and your smile threatens to cut so wide he knows your cheeks will hurt in the morning.
Jae chuckles, the sound a deeper rumble than usual as he pulls his gift out from his pocket. “Well, the day’s not over yet. I have one more surprise for you.”
Your eyebrow arches and your eyes light up in interest, mirth dancing in the small flames he finds reflected there. You grin. “And what might that be?”
Deciding that it’s now or never, he smirks and drops what looks to be nothing more than a common remembrall in your hand. Your reaction is expected.
“A remembrall?”
He shakes his head. “Not just any remembrall. A romantic remembrall.”
You snicker, but don’t disbelieve him. “Just because you add a word in front of it, doesn’t make it any different.”
“This one is different though. I had Ben and Flitty help me with it, so you might want to shoot them a thanks too when you see ‘em, but it took me two weeks to make.”
You tilt your head, a soft but curious smile on your face. “And what does it do?”
Jae points to where it’s currently filled with its usual crimson red smoke with a sly grin. “Well love, you see, unlike a regular old remembrall, this one will only light up if the person who gave it you is presently thinking of you.”
You stop, your eyes flicking down to peer at the smoke already swirling around inside. When you look back up at him, your eyes are filled with such strong emotion, Jae thinks he might melt on the spot.
“If you carry it around with you, or even just leave it on your desk in your dorm, this way you will always know just how often you’re on my mind.”
For a brief second, you don’t say anything—too tongue-tied to find the right words. So instead, you wrap an arm around his neck and plant a happy kiss against his lips.
Jae smiles into it.
Just wait until next year.
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zontiky · 4 years
okay so i tried to save this ask as a draft and it got deleted because tumblr is just such a functional website like that <3 but the prompt was “the hargreeves as ghosts in the apocalypse with five” or something like that i’m going to scream
this is SUPER long so i’m putting it under the cut hfkjsd
pre-five: the hargreeves siblings are dead. wait i feel a drabble coming on ooh
The Hargreeves siblings are dead.
Ben isn’t very aware of this at first. He’s been dead since 2006 -- he’s quite used to it, by now. What he is aware of, first, is light. Blinding white light. And Vanya, in the middle of it. He doesn’t close his eyes because he can’t feel pain, but if he could he thinks she would have made him blind. There’s light, and heat, and power, and then he closes his eyes anyway because the ceiling is collapsing around him and it’s instinctual.
When he opens them again he sees ash. Ash -- and Klaus.
He’s gotten used to Klaus, too. Klaus has a memorable sort of face; even if he didn’t, Ben has seen it every single day for almost twenty years. He doesn’t know if it’s actually been twenty years, for him. He doesn’t know how time moves for ghosts. Klaus has assured him it moves the same as it does for the living. Ben isn’t sure Klaus, stoned out of his mind, bleeding sluggishly from his arm, knew what he was talking about.
He’s wearing the coat he’s been flaunting around for the past week. His shirt is see-through, with little stars on it, like a pale imitation of the sky. Ben remembers his pants had laces on them, he’s sure they did not a minute ago, before the brightness that threatened to wipe out his very soul -- his soul is all he has left, really. His gaze drifts down anyway, to check.
Yes. Klaus’ pants have laces up the sides.
“No,” Ben says. Klaus is laying in a heap on the ground, his fingers curled like his tendons have been cut.
His lips feel numb because they always feel numb. Because Ben can’t feel at all. He takes a step. “No,” he says again, louder, surer. “No!”
Klaus looks up at him. His makeup is smudged, like it tends to be. His lips are bitten raw, like they tend to be. His hair is a mess, like it tends to be, and like it will be, always, because Klaus isn’t breathing.
Klaus is lying in a heap on the ground. Klaus is standing above his own body. Klaus is reaching for Ben like he’s hoping to touch him for the first time in years. Just when Klaus’ cold, dead, fingers brush his face, a voice from behind says, so quietly, dripping with disbelief: “Ben?”
Ben shuts his eyes and wishes desperately he could cry.
He feels a hand on his shoulder, for the first time in so, so long, but he also doesn’t feel it at all. He feels-but-doesn’t-feel someone turn him around, until they are saying, “Ben? Ben!” and he has no choice but to open his eyes and face the music.
Diego is gripping his shoulders like he is a dying man and Ben is the answer. Behind him, Luther and Allison watch them, stunned silent. Allison’s hands are pressed to her mouth. She looks like she wants to cry. 
And Vanya. Little Vanya, painted white. Her head is hung as her shoulders shake with the weight of the destruction she has so inevitably caused. (Ben would say he always knew she was destined for great things -- but he can’t, because he didn’t.) (Nobody ever said great things had to be good.)
The Hargreeves siblings are dead. Their bodies are strewn across what is left of their childhood home, smouldering and burning, and Ben is very aware of that fact.
righto anyway. so they have an emotional reunion but its also kind of bitter? id have to actually write this for it to make sense so lets skip it for now lol
five shows up
he cannot see them obviously bc theyre all ghosts
god if i did write this it would be such a monster of a fic and would take me like 2 years to finish i already know fhkjdsk
somehow ?? they manage to influence the world around them maybe? idk maybe now that klaus is dead hes sober
or maybe hes high for all eternity?
for the purposes of this au lets say he died sober or in the late stages of withdrawal, and bc ghosts cant feel pain in action hes sober
so EVENTUALLY they figure out how to corporealize bc klaus is like blam wham ghost powers
asdlfk that sounds so stupid im sorry
he would say that tho imho,,, it sounds like something hed say,,,
if i DID write this it would be alternating povs also,,,
ok so out of all of them klaus and ben have the most experience homeless
and while being stuck in an apocalypse is not at all the same thing as being homeless it does help to have some knowledge
five doesnt eat the twinkie!! good for him
dammit okay. theres 2 options we can take here. in the comics five couldnt get back bc he fucked up his math and spent 15 years doing the wrong thing, but if u apply that here, with 6 other ppl checking his work this could be avoided and they end up skipping the whole assassin shtick and just hopping straight back to 2019, ready to prevent the apocalypse
OR five still gets hired for the commission but the sibs are tagging along
i think bc five isnt completely alone in this au unfortunately dolores doesnt exist :((
for each other the 2 paths tho theres also options?? bc they (ghosts) can go back in time and inhabit their past selves bodies? OR they could just,,, cease to exist
okay gonna split this into parts. this is gonna be so long brace yourselves.
1) they go back in time because math checking and the ghosts swap out for their past selves
after multiple years of being stuck in an apocalypse together i think they would learn to get along with each other. like at least a little bit
which would make it easier for them to prevent the apocalypse
bc theyd:
trust each other more
already know abt the apocalypse and not have to wait for five to grace them all with his knowledge
are working as a team from the very beginning
have open lines of communication
yeah uh. so there
vanya is also already aware of her powers so the whole harold goading her into turning against her family and snapping to wipe out all life on earth thing? yeah that doesnt happen
oh and harold wouldn’t know how to do that in the first place because klaus wouldn’t throw out reggie’s journal! this solves so many problems wtf
there’s still commission issues bc they (and by they i mean five) are on the commission’s radar
so there’s still dope fight scenes sdlkfd pinky promise
okay idk. they stop the apocalypse and everything is okay the end hfkjd
2) they fix the math but only five can go back and the ghosts cease to exist
this is just sad! it would be sad okay! im sad! lets move on
subset of the past one: ben CAN go back with five because he was already dead and time travel affects them differently or something idk
five & ben dynamic duo would be dope as shit BUT five would not be able to see him... so they use klaus as a middleman fjsdsfd
is there 2 bens? is one ben deleted in favor of the time-traveling ben? i dont know! i dont know my brain is melting
either way shit is happening yall!! obviously klaus is clued in, directly or indirectly it doesnt matter but he is on board the ‘don’t let the entire world end in flames’ train
3) they join the commission and then when five goes back in time they all go back
this is fun because now five is a highly trained assassin who is also lowkey a complete marshmallow for his siblings and once again TEAMWORK WOO
basically the first path but now five has a gun fhsdjk
4) they join the commission but five has to leave them behind and they cease to exist
five with a gun but hes sad now
i didnt go into how much losing his siblings would suck in the prev path but like. it would suck so much. he’s already lost them once if you think about it when he time traveled the first time and yeah he found the adult ghost versions but,, its different
and now suddenly hes stuck with these strange adult versions of the people he knows and he KNOWS them but also he doesnt? at all? they dont have all the years of shared experiences together? and theyre all grown up from the first ‘set’ of siblings he had which for five was like 40+ years ago??
i have losing my mind disease (self-diagnosed)
subset: five has to leave them behind but they still exist because the commission is out-of-time kind of? idk but they’re still floating around somewhere and come back to impact the plot later or something
yeah idk. literally just wrote them down bc i didnt want them to die^2 hfkjwehd
subset: they still exist but instead of being just Somewhere they’re specifically at the assassination of JFK onwards because thats where five left them and they either go on ghosting and make an appearance in s2 OR they cease because them-wise they havent died yet but that doesnt make sense because ghosts can time travel so nevermind
i dont have the brain energy left to explore this one aaaa
okay jesus christ i think that’s all
I DON’T KNOW. i don’t know. i might write some more of this because honestly it is a very fine flavor of angst + hurt/comfort <3
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ughgclden · 3 years
a third one??
i’ve got a pretty relaxed day today, so coming and going with responses is easier, downtime more conducive to spending 10/15 minutes writing you another letter, and i apologise in advance for the length of this one
in regards to my friend, she is really sweet, but we seem to have found ourselves in that dynamic when i never know if she’s being gay (platonic) or being Gay (romantic) and i’m already fairly emotionally stunted. house and i are alike on that front /hj
it was nice to be hugged like that, greeted like that, though, a reminder that it’s possible there are some people who do look for me in crowded rooms, even if it’s more likely than not that i’m not there. (incidentally, consider this and every other letter my way of hugging you)
i think if i had to teach mainly basics i would struggle, since i tend to go quickly and get excited, sometimes forgetting brains work differently than mine when it comes to retaining and learning information. i can see your point about the emotional support teacher though, i think there would be a… certain demographic that would be drawn to me, if you catch my drift /hj
i had an english teacher like that, she once gave me extra points on an essay for referencing dead poets society, and even though i don’t have her anymore, i still put her down as a reference, and email her from time to time anyway, she helped me a ton.
i think bookstore bee would be lovely, and it reminds me of aziraphale, which fits with you quite well. plus the best bookshops always have the pretty ladies behind the counters.
as for the other thing, i don’t want to minimise it by saying “it’s okay,” although that is my first impulse, mainly because objectively, it’s not, and because i know if someone said anything like that to someone i cared about i would. definitely get myself into trouble dealing with the bastard with the audacity to hurt my friends. that and i have the same anger for people like that, with the caveat that they can get away with directing it to me. truthfully, i’m used to it, which isn’t ideal, i admit. growing up, i went to a. forced integrated school, bringing in kids from other districts to raise test scores, and as most things turn out to be, the bussed in “smart” kids were mainly white, and the kids who originally lived in the neighbourhood were all hispanic. so naturally, as a hispanic kid from a different district in the gifted program, both sides hated me. i’ve got more than ample experience and that’s what makes it terrible. but i digress
the highs always comes with the lows, but in the words of ben platt, “when you’re high, i’ll take the lows, you can ebb and i can flow,” and i’ll be here to complement you in any way i can for as long as you’ll let me do so.
presenting is definitely scary, i recently had a debate kid ask me, “what’s the point of speaking if you’re not proving anyone wrong?” when i said i wasn’t in debate, but in speech, the sister program. the truth is, the point is telling your truth, even through other peoples’ words. sometimes we can’t find the words, but have no problem finding the memories that make pieces impactful, and true.
i bet in knitted jumpers with a skirt and docs you look lovely, and like someone remus lupin would be good friends with. i gravitate somewhere between remus and sirius, the two gay sides of me constantly battling that one out, so i end up with some… interesting outfits. cruella de ville is a goal, quite honestly, although i suppose technically shes classified as a villain, but then again, i’m a mentally unwell unstraight individual, so villains hot.
bee, if there’s anything i strive to do, it’s make you feel important, because you are, at the very very least, to me. and thats not silly, because believe me the sentiment is shared, thank you for spending time on me, love. i cant say it enough.
you are important, to reiterate, you are good, and kind, and the world could use more people like you. i only hope those lucky enough to experience your physical presence are sensible enough to know what a privilege they have in knowing you.
all of my love, bee, and a million wishes for a good day, good night, sweet dreams, and restful sleep.
until we meet again,
(likely tomorrow)
please never apologise for the length of these, star. i'd read a whole novel of anything you say
it should me apologising for how terribly late my response is - i'm never much good at writing when i'm tired, or doing anything when i'm tired really. i'm one of those people who completely shuts down, and i wasn't going to torture you with my drowsy ramblings. im however writing this now with a fresh cup of coffee, so let's hope that helps
not knowing the distinction between gay and Gay is the worst; i can sympathise slightly on that front. when i was still figuring shit out i never knew if i just really loved my friend or really Loved my friend - it was all platonic, i know that now, but it was certainly a time. i think i'd always find myself searching for you in a crowded room - you have the sort of energy that draws people to you
you'd certainly draw in that certain demographic, i know it. although i think being the lgbt kids support teacher would be the largest honour bestowed onto a person, and no one else would suit that more perfectly than you. that's so sweet oh my god - i'm not too sure if my teacher had ever watched it, as sadly she never referenced it :( but she was very much a keating for me
i'm glad you know it's certainly not okay and i'm so fucking sorry that there's some ignorant assholes out there who think their stupid close-minded ideas and thoughts are important and need to be voiced, and they're justified in saying that shit. i truly hope things aren't as bad as they once were and if i could, i'd hurt anyone who's ever said that stuff to you (i can't fight, but i'd give it my best shot)
i totally agree with you- not everything has to be to prove a point, or make someone see something the way you do. sometimes it's just to communicate, to tell tales of love and beauty, to tell your own stories and thoughts. sometimes it's nice to talk just for the sake of it.
i think a mix of remus and sirius is wonderful - i aspire to have the sort of energy that sirius black gives off but alas, i'm more of a remus (or even a peter.. but we don't talk about that..) and yes villains are SO HOT OH MY GOD!!! yes they are bad ppl but they are hot and sexy so they can do as they please <3
we could go back and forth about this all day - but thank you lovely. not only do these make me feel important and loved, but they also let me talk about the smaller things, the little things that sometimes seem irrelevant because the world spins a little too fast to focus on the mundane. but even with you, the mundane is something spectacular.
have a lovely day, i hope it's filled with little bits of magic and wonder and joy. all my love star <33
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Lost Hier Job
leverage 2.09
(Sophie opens her curtains and looks out the window. A knock comes to the door and she goes to look through the peep hole, then immediately opens the door)
Sophie: Who's dead?
Nate: No, no. Everybody's okay. Can I...
Sophie: Huh?
Nate: I-I...
(Sophie lets Nate into the room)
Sophie: Oh. Y-You scared the life out of me.
- - - - -
Nate: Oh, yeah. No, we're doing fine. I mean, yeah. Everything's, I mean, it kind of went from a quintet to what we are now, a quartet. I mean, it's like, we still know how to play. We sound good, you know. But something is, uh, sounding a little bit, uh, you know, wrong.
Sophie: Huh. Well, I hope that I’m, I really hope I’m not the violist because when I was little, my mum made me have lessons, and I was rubbish. I was completely rubbish. I can't play a note. Not a single note
- - - - -
Tara: Either I am in, or Ruth is out. It's your choice. (walks away)
Nate: They are gonna hate this.
[Leverage HQ]
Eliot: I hate this.
Hardison: You do not let Vicki Vale into the Batcave ever.
Nate: First, this is my home, not a cave. And, second, we're not gonna allow her up here.
Parker: Sophie would never approve. Call her.
Nate: We can't just keep calling Sophie.
Hardison: Oh, okay. I see how it is. We can't call her, but you can go off and have a little secret meeting with her.
Nate: Secret meeting? What are you talking about? I was in Harrisburg, researching a client.
Hardison: Wow, ‘cause you know what? (hits remote and pulls information up on monitor) Your passport got dinged going through Heathrow airport yesterday. Heathrow's in London. I guess you couldn't get a direct flight over to Harrisburg.
Eliot: Well, it's hard when you do the same-day booking.
Hardison: Yeah, 'cause you had to go with the -- Did you realize that London is the home of the most surveillance cameras in the world?
Parker: Really?
Hardison: Who feels like playing "where's Waldo"?
Parker: Oh. Yeah. (raises hand)
Hardison: I do. (hits remote to show video on monitors) Oh. There's Waldo right there. Waldo Ford. Oh, oh. Is that big Ben and you? Wow. You got twins and triplets everywhere. And looky there. 11:18 am standing outside of Sophie’s apartment, Looking quite pensive.
Parker: Aww. He's rehearsing what he's gonna say. I've seen him do that.
Nate: All right, all right, all right, guys. Okay. Yeah. You caught me. I went to London. Yeah. I saw Sophie. And she's not coming back.
Parker: Not now or not ever?
Nate: I don't know. And I don't, I don't think she knows either. So, uh, that's that. Could you please take the...
(Hardison darkens the monitors)
parker wearing that bright yellow flannel? adorable
parker and eliot look DELIGHTED as hardison fucks with nate it’s great
- - - - -
Hardison: Tara Carlisle. She checks out. Civil-Rights lawyer, does a lot of pro bono work. Collects lost causes like kittens.
Eliot: Well, she's honest.
Hardison: Crusader. Incorruptible.
(Tara pulls up and gets out of her car)
Hardison: And one sexy librarian
I saw a headcanon that Tara did actually do this on the side for a living, because, if you think about it, could she really fake a file THAT GOOD to fool hardison, the best hacker in the world
- - - - -
we love to see parker in the vents
- - - - -
- - - - -
(Frank slides the back from a photo to find a Nazi flag and a photo of Hitler. He carries it over to where Orson is standing between Hardison and Eliot)
Hardison: My god, he is Aryan nation
- - - - -
(Blanchard enters room reading a file. He looks up to see Nate on a ladder tearing pages from a law book and clears his throat. Nate looks over at him)
can someone PLEASE make a compilation of nate’s characters being obnoxious and chaotic pretty please
- - - - -
parker’s sMOOTH exit from the vents into a flip I am in LOVE with her
- - - - -
Hardison: I tied the adoption-Reference number to the medical records of one of Parker's aliases. Social security, taxes, long record of drug offenses. Anybody short of the CIA is gonna believe that is Kimball’s daughter.
he’s so good at this I love it
- - - - -
(hiding behind a broken crate, Lind points a gun at Parker and Hardison. Eliot sees this as he approaches)
Eliot: Nate!
(Lind fires, shattering the passenger’s side window. Eliot runs forward, bends to pick up a rock, and throws it at Lind, hitting him in the head. He fires again, shooting out the tire as Nate runs around the car. Lind swings the gun at Eliot, who catches it. Lind punches Eliot in the stomach and Eliot hits Lind in the face with the gun. Eliot throws the gun down as Lind stumbles back for more)
Eliot: Come on!
(Lind swings, Eliot ducks and hits Lind in the ribs, then pushes him away. Lind turns around and swings but Eliot blocks his punches, grabbing him and throwing him to the ground. Lind gets up and looks at the gun. Eliot picks up the gun)
Eliot: You want this?
(Lind holds up his hands and moves away, running. Nate and Parker move out from behind the car. Eliot unloads the gun and tosses it aside)
when eliot sees the sniper and is terrified? when he manages to pick up a rock and nail the sniper in the face with it while running? his FURY when he’s fighting him? he’ll do anything to protect his family
- - - - -
(Eliot and Parker walk past a sunglasses vendor. Eliot bumps a table for a distraction and Parker grabs two pairs of sunglasses, handing one to Eliot)
Eliot: Are you kidding me? (puts on the glasses) Look at this.
also married complaining about the style of the sunglasses? we love to see it
- - - - -
(Eliot and Parker run through a hallway)
Parker: We're cut off. We're gonna have to get rough.
Eliot: I ain't hitting cops.
(a noise from behind has them looking back)
Parker: I look forward to seeing you explain that
remember that one commentary with john rogers where he said in this scene beth changed her lines/energy to more of a kinky vibe that made the scene that much better? because I do and boy was this scene charged with something interesting
- - - - -
Eliot: All right. Be cool.
(Eliot unloads the gun and catches the bullet)
Eliot: All right. Nothing's gonna happen to anybody. Just settle down.
(The officer raises a stun gun that Eliot knocks out of his hand and Parker catches)
Eliot: You’re not using a stun gun either
(Eliot pushes the officer back and Parker points the stun gun at the officer)
Eliot: Hold on. Stop. Chill. All right? Nobody's gonna get hurt.
(another officer steps out behind Parker, his gun raised)
Officer: Drop it!
(Parker points the stun gun under her arm and hits the officer, knocking him down)
Eliot (to Parker): Seriously? What are you doin’?
Parker: Mmm.
Eliot (to officer): Listen, it's probably best if you pretend that you never saw us. Okay?
(Eliot and Parker move down the hall past the fallen officer. Parker triggers the stun gun again)
Eliot: Stop
parker loves tasing people and eliot is exhausted
- - - - -
Nate: Hey, Parker, forget about the hearing. I need you to do something else.
(Parker pulls files from the safe in Blanchard’s office, proudly kissing it)
- - - - -
Blanchard: What the hell is this? Hey, you don't understand!
(the officers drag Blanchard to the exit)
Blanchard: These people are thieves! I don’t even think that one’s a lawyer!
someone also make a compilation of their marks swearing they’re not who they say they are. I just think it’s funny and chaotic
- - - - -
parker hardison and eliot all walk in together (TOGETHER)
also both parker and eliot are wearing flannel
- - - - -
Parker: I bet you're not even a lawyer.
Tara: Oh. Sophie was right. You are adorable.
Parker: Excuse me?
(Eliot, Parker and Hardison talk angrily at her for several moments as Nate reads what’s in the envelope)
some highlights that I was able to hear from all of them talking over each other:
- Eliot: Don’t comment and say that kinda stuff. You don’t know us at all.
- Hardison: Woah, you’re overstepping here
- Parker: You don’t get to call me adorable. You don’t get to say that.
basically the boys jump to her defense and I love it
- - - - -
Hardison: Whoa, whoa, hold up. Mnh-Mnh. Hold up, hold up. What is this?
Tara: Oh, it’s a bill, for my cut of the inheritance. Hey, I’m not a candy striper. This is my job.
(Eliot, Hardison and Parker look at Nate, who nods)
Tara: There. See? We're getting paid already. It's gonna be fun.
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Ooh, may I request the proxies walking in on S/O and another pasta having a rap battle in the living room (and S/O is totally killing it)? Bonus points if they're rapping to Epic Rap Battles of History. Thank you~!
i listened to erb for the first time and honestly, this request was lots of fun, even though i might have gotten a bit sidetracked
pure crackhead energy - i sincerely hope you enjoy it
+ ticci toby 
+ if he ever did walk in on his s/o having a rap battle with someone, he’d be a bit upset that they went ahead and did it without him
+ but that all melts away when the theatrics start
+ haha thats funny because that would never happen
+ BEN and toby are most likely to organize these re-enactments so it’s bold of you to assume toby wouldn’t already be there to do one with you
+ that’s how you find yourself in a surprisingly elaborate costume, next to toby, in a similar attire, who is fixing on a blond wig 
+ across from you stand clockwork, as clyde, and a jane who ended up in the role of bonnie against her own will - nat’s tipping her hat, grinning, while jane twirls a toy pistol in her hands
+ you fix the small tiara on his head and that’s when the shows start
+ BEN drops the beat and clockwork steps in front of her jane
+ “i’ll handle this darlin’, i’m known to fire off some bars”
+ the two gals are surprisingly good and their accents are on point
+ but you and toby have been practicing too
+ you have to bite back a laugh as you face him and start your verse “my love, your face is beauty to behold, i will protect thine honour”
+ all the sass the brunet has comes out as he raps to juliet’s lines
+ jane and clockwork watch you prancing around behind him, trying to keep their shocked expressions from crumbling into a fit of laughter
+ nat then points a finger at him
+ “hey partner, you better put a muzzle on your missus” she growls playfully as you hold your juliet close protectively
+ jane pulls out the toy pistol and pretends to shoot at toby
+ you never knew his voice could go so high
+ “then i shall kill myself, on my stomach i shall lie,” you weep as you dramatically pull out a waterbottle and gobble it down
+ “oops nevermind! my flesh was merely grazed!” your boyfriend happily announces. “where’s romeo? oh nOMEO there’s poison on your face!”
+ he takes a knife, sticks it under his armpits so to make it seem as if it was planted in his heart and collapses onto the floor again
+ the show is unable to go on as “clyde” bursts into loud laughter at toby’s fake-spasming on the floor
[romeo and juliet vs bonnie and clyde]
+ hoodie
+ the beat was what caught his attention
+ he walks into the living room just as you “step right in”, dressed in a black turtleneck and jeans
+ then he watches as toby borderline twerks behind you as you diss jeff who is supposedly bill gates [with a shabby wig]
+ he lost a bet okay ?
+ cue money being rained on everyone by toby while jeff tries to rap the aids donation part
+ then you get slapped with an iphone
+ but that doesn’t throw you off your game, not even slightly
+ hoodie has no idea what’s happening but he goes along with it
+ under his mask, he’s smirking, amused
+ he thinks the peak of crackhead energy is when you’re picked up by toby and carried away, acting out your ascent to heaven
+ he is wrong
+ jeff really gets into the next bit, spitting out the verse with incredible aggressiveness
+ “fine, you wanna be like that? dIE THEN”
+ just as hoodie expects the little show to end
+ the lights dim
+ BEN floats over to the center, his arms full stretched out
+ his voice is distorted as he looks at jeff, eyes glowing red, a condescending smirk on his face
+ “i’m sorry bill, i’m afraid i can’t let you do that”
[steve jobs vs bill gates]
+ masky
+ masky immediately backs out of the room and closes the door
+ but then toby comes through the door, pushing him in
+ so your boyfriend just crosses his arms and watches as you put on an itchy-looking beard and as BEN steps out dressed like that kid from pokemon
+ the blond boy starts, throwing a pokeball at your feet
+ masky: ???
+ he is about to leave again when you jump in
+ “you’re so ineffective, you couldn’t even turn 11″ you retort in a gruff voice
+ masky chokes back on a laugh as the elf looks at you, overdramatically shocked
+ BEN’s comeback has more intensity in it as he floats up, circling around you
+ you look unfazed and your boyfriend has to admit, he’s getting quite the kick out of this
+ he thinks the lines are so clever
+ “i am dar-winning”, “TB and scarlet fever, gotta catch em all!”, “it was hard losing my daughters and their brother, as hard as the wood that oak gave your mother”
+ he’s doubled over, shoulders shaking as he holds onto a chair to keep his balance
+ you see him wipe away a tear as you finished
+ he’ll never let you live it down though. except teasing for years to come
[ash ketchum vs charles darwin]
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princecupcakee · 4 years
Park Bench | Reddie
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Read on AO3
Rating: E
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Word Count: 3,112
Chapter: 1/8
Next Chapters: Chapter 2 (AO3), Chapter 3 (AO3), Chapter 4 (AO3)
Summary: Recently divorced and ‘incapable of love’, Eddie Kaspbrak moves to Los Angeles for work and a small, small hope of a fresh start. Broken up and never dated again, Richie Tozier tries to get back into love with help from his love of music. Quickly meeting eyes and one concert later, they think that maybe love isn’t that bad. So they try it one more time.
Chapter 1: Richie Tozier’s Plan, Eddie Kaspbrak’s First Vinyl & Beverly Marsh’s Plan
Tags/Warnings: Angst / Unhappy Ending / theres only one sex scene but this is explicit anyway / Bisexual Richie Tozier / Gay Eddie Kaspbrak / Post-Divorce / Implied/Referenced Cheating / Inspired By Remembering Sunday (All Time Low) / Inspired by The Book Ninja by Ali Berg / Implied/Referenced Child Abuse / Implied/Referenced Abuse / Implied/Referenced Manipulation
Tag-list: @richietoaster, @s-s-georgie, @mikeuris​, @gazebobullshit, @that-weird-girls-blog, @tozierking​, @thoughtfullyyoungduck, @s-onora, @bellarosewrites, @lermanslogan, @ambitiousskychild, @ghostnebula, @vanillaredvelvet, 
(Ask if you wanna be on the tag-list!!)
Chapter 1
Richie Tozier’s Plan
If Richie’s love life was written into a song, it would be called ‘Disaster’; named after his sad attempts at everything even just slightly involved with it. It would be a ballad, slow at first, some depressing line about how dreams don’t become reality. The chorus would hit loud, deafening if rock music wasn’t something you’d find yourself listening to, ‘He loved the sound of their romance’ is the loudest line in the chorus followed by: ‘But he messed up the steps to the dance’  then a sudden melancholy beat, ‘He failed his audition and he lost his chance.’ Toward the end of the song, as the sounds of the drums faded, and a slow guitar was the dominant sound, ‘It’s hopeless’ and the song would close.
Richie’s love life was an utter disaster if you tried to put it to words. He hadn’t had a single normal date in a very long time (he wonders if he ever did, really.) It wasn’t as simple as, ‘I spilled my drink and now there’s going to be a stain and that embarrassing’ those dates wouldn’t stand a chance on his. A few from his museum of failed dates:
Exhibit A -
James: Hey, I saw that you live in Los Angeles
Richie: Yeah! What about you?
James: I just got out of jail and my ex changed the locks. I really need a place to stay?
Exhibit B -
“I love this band so much,” Abigail gushed.
“Me, too! I’m really glad we were able to catch them here.”
And later that night on the news: ‘Woman arrested for jumping on stage to pull a strand of hair from a celebrity in a Los Angeles concert.’
Exhibit C - Connor. Connor Bowers was perfect with Richie, at least as Richie thought. The two had been dating for 2 years until Richie proposed, only to be rejected. Connor confessed that he was cheating, that he didn’t even actually like men. The night they got together, Richie had bought him a drink. Connor really only wanted to try it, but it clearly wasn’t for him. The next morning though, when they woke up in Connor’s bedroom, Richie decided that they were together. Richie wasn’t really thinking, he was just in desperate need for love. After Richie was kicked out of Connor’s apartment, he ended up in Stan’s house, unable to stay alone his own.
Richie never really moved out of Stan and Patty’s house. They didn’t really mind Richie living there, but they did mind that Richie was still bitter about the breakup. Stan and Richie have been friends since they were kids, he’s seen Richie in every way. Patty and Richie became close friends right when Stan introduced them. They would try to set Richie up with a few of their friends but he would just sulk in his room. He claims to be ‘done with love in the most chill way possible’ but the sad love songs, the bitterness on Valentines, and the sulking would beg to differ.“Love isn’t that bad you know, you could try”
“I don’t need to try. I’m fine,” Richie countered.
“There’s a lot of fish in the sea,” Patty said, kindly.
“Not anymore. All I get is plastic bags now,” Richie said bitterly.
Stan sighed, “you’re just gonna be alone forever?”
“Yes,” Richie replied immediately, standing up to get ready for work. Aside from a few comedy gigs, he works at a little record store a few minutes from where he lives. The store had the best speakers, phonographs, Walkmans, discs, headphones, everything. Richie loved it there, always being surrounded by music. The store was always pretty empty, aside from the occasional customer, it was just him. Like its always been.
He took his car from the driveway, heading for the city.
“Morning, Ben, Bev,” Richie nodded at them, smiling.
“Good morning Richie,” Beverly greeted with a wave, “How have you been?” Beverly was Ben’s wife, she has always been nice to Richie. ‘Nice’ didn’t compose of only greetings and coffee and being professional, they were close friends who went out to movies and heard each other’s lives play. Beverly designed clothing lines, while Ben was an architect. They don’t spend much time in the store, usually just leaving it with Richie.
“Pretty good, you?”
“Fine, but this one forgot to fix the thing on this table yesterday and was insanely worried all night,” Beverly pointed to Ben over her shoulder.
“It could break!” Ben argued, continuing to fix whatever was wrong with the table. Beverly walked over to Richie, who is sat down on the sofa. “So… I have this friend. He’s smart, good-looking, and really nice-“
“No, Bev, I’m not going to date. I’m single and unwilling to mingle.”
“More like, single and afraid to mingle,” she tiredly rolls her eyes, “Richie, there are good people out there, you just have to try.”
“I don’t see that. All the good people are with the other good people. Look at you and Ben! Both of you are like, super hot and nice. Guys like me got no chance- not saying that I want a chance, because I’m fine being alone.”
“You just have to keep looking.”
“Its a waste of energy to ‘keep looking.’ People who like me are not okay. Remember Abigail? Not to mention, people have shit taste in music.”
“You’re such a music snob,” She weakly laughs and shakes her head.
“Alright, its good. The screws were just-“ Ben says, getting up and walking to them.
“Ben, we love you but I don’t understand a single thing you say about architecture and furniture, and whatever else there is,” Bev jokes.
“I try. I’m out for today though, I have meeting, and I’m not sure if I’ll be back,” Ben says to Richie.
“Thats fine, I’ll just sit back here,” Richie smiles putting his hands behind his head and leaning further into the sofa.
“See you then.”
Richie picked up a vinyl and put it in the player. He had been playing around with cassettes, and a few of his own vinyl for a few hours now (‘few’ probably not being the case) and thinking and writing. After he’s finished a chunk of the script he was working on for his Friday performance at a local bar, he had gotten bored and just casually sat by the sofa. ‘Love’ the word danced around his head, taunting him. Or at least, to him, it was taunting. ’He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes’ sung the player.
The song carried him around as he sang, “Forgive me I’m trying to find, my calling, I’m calling at night. I don’t mean to be a bother but have you seen this girl?” The lyrics took him strongly, his heart tight and loose at the same time, feeling each beat. He drums his fingers on the sofa, following the beats, “She’s been running through my dreams. And its driving me crazy it seems. I’m going to ask her to marry me.”
“you’re such a music snob,” rang in his ears, and he knew what he was going to do. He ran to his collection of vinyl seated by the left of the speakers, under the small table and began to search. He had his own few pieces of vinyl in the store, his own music that he listened to on the empty days of work. The Beatles, Green Day, Aerosmith, he took all the classics in his hands and grinned.
“Explain to me your plan again?” Stan asked, shocked.
“I’m going to get the best vinyl, write my number or email- whatever, and see who calls. Go on a date, see what happens. I’m gonna leave the vinyl all around the city’s subway all that, ” Richie explains excitedly.
“That might actually work!” Patty says, joining Richie’s excitement.
“This can get you more crazy dates than the ones you got before, Rich,” Stan says, unsure.
“Then, its material for my shows! Like Abigail and James!”
“See, Stan? Its great! Richie tries to go back to dating and he gets show material, win-win!” Patty hopes.
“Where will you get all the vinyl your leaving?”
“Thats the only downside, I’m going to use my own vinyl, maybe beg Ben to let me use the ones at the store?”
Stan sighs, softly smiling and nods, “this could work.”
‘Hot Fuss’ sat on his lap as he traced over the letters. Richie was in doubt now, his heart racing as he sat in the train. This was the first vinyl he would be leaving for this project of his. His stop was in a few minutes, so he pulled out the Sharpie from his pocket, bit the cap off, and wrote: ‘If you’ve enjoyed listening to this, would you enjoy a date too? Email me, Richie Tozier, @Remembering_Records.’ Richie set the vinyl down subtly and walked. “@Remembering_Records?” Stan asks.
“I was listening to Remembering Sunday, it was influenced,” Richie replies, hopping over the gap, he takes a deep breath and looks over at Stan, “Let’s hope this works,” he smiles, dashing away.
Eddie Kaspbrak’s First Vinyl
“I can’t believe we’re not using our cars,” Eddie mumbles, grumpily.
“Says the New Yorker,” Mike jokes.
“I drive there! Bill’s from there too! Subway stations are so unsanitary, so many people-“
“P-please! Enough with the com-complaining!” Bill says, frustrated, “M-Mike’s car broke down, and there’s no other way to get to B-Ben and Bev’s shop.”
“Its your day off! You landed in LA at midnight, and now we’re going to meet up with old friends,” Mike says happily, walking into the train.
“Exactly! Midnight. I shouldn’t be running around in this germ-infested-“
Mike looks at him tiredly.
“—I’m doing this because Ben and Bev are great and they’re our place to stay, Florida,” Eddie rolls his eyes.
Eddie doesn’t fit in LA. At all. He’s not used to the weather, the lifestyle, everything. He doesn’t like it here and just wants to go home. And Los Angeles seems to not want him here either. He lost one out of three of his suitcases the moment he got down, he had to wait an hour for Mike and Bill to pick him up from the airport, Mike’s car breaks down on the way to meet a friend, and now he’s taking the dirty subway.
He’s only really here for work. All three of them are. Bill and Eddie are from New York, and Mike is from Florida. They were transferred to the Los Angeles branch as a way to teach and help the new workers there. Bill’s ex-girlfriend, Beverly, lives in Los Angeles with her husband. They’re all good friends and Ben and Beverly offered to let them stay at their house (scratch that- mansion) for as long as they’re there. Of course, they took the offer instead of some crummy hotel, too far from their jobs.
Now here he is, on a train, heading to EighthNote to meet Ben and Beverly. But something isn’t right in this train, Eddie doesn’t know if this is just Los Angeles, but there, two seats away, is a light blue, paper casing, with the words ‘The Killers Hot Fuss’ sprawled across its center.
“Look, its Hot Fuss,” Mike points, “someone must’ve lost it.”
“We could put it in the l-lost and found,” Bill mumbles.
“Do not touch that. Who knows where its been?” Eddie says immediately, grabbing Bill's wrist and lightly pulling him back.
But Mike was already on his way to the seat, hand already about to grab the record. Until some guy in his late twenties took the record and sat on the seat. “Oh, is this yours?” He asks Mike.
“Oh, no, it isn’t mine,” Mike says walking back to Bill and Eddie.
On a street corner, a glass door, big windows, and a small wood sign that says EighthNote hanging above, Ben and Bev were talking inside when Bill, Mike, and Eddie walked in. “Ben! Bev!” Mike smiles, arms open wide.
“Its been so long!” Beverly sings, piling them into a group hug.
“It really has. I didn’t even know you had this shop,” Eddie says, admiring the speakers.
“At this point, it isn’t even ours, one our friends who work here basically one the place at this point,” Ben explains.
“You guys have a whole staff for this?”
“Nah, its just one of our friends. We pretty much just lay around here, the few customers here and there,” Beverly smiles, “he’s got comedy gigs though, he should honestly be a star now.”
“What’s his name?”
“Richie. We met him through Patty—one of my friends who model for me— her husband, Stan.”
“I’m probably pulling at strings here but are you talking about Stan Uris?” Mike asks, surprised.
“Yeah! How do you know him?”
“Best ex I ever had.”
Beverly laughs cheekily, “do tell.”
“Nothing! I just know from college, we dated a while, then he swooned for a girl, Patty Blum.”
“Thats her alright. Gorgeous.”
Eddie had moved on from the speakers by then, knowing they’d be reminiscing college in the next few minutes. Eddie only knows Ben and Beverly through Bill. Bill and Beverly had dated in college, but broke up and just stuck to being friends. Nothing is really awkward between them, all still close. Ben and Eddie both get along with architecture. He really just wanted something to do, he didn’t know what anything in this store was. “Its the thing from the train,” Eddie points, not exactly talking to anyone.
“Oh yeah,” Mike says walking over to Eddie. Mike’s reply startling him.
“Train?” Ben asks.
“We found a vinyl in the train on our way here,” Bill explains.
The conversation didn’t go into the details anymore, as Beverly took the record and put it in… Eddie didn’t know what that was. Was he supposed to? He saw Walkmans from his classmates when he was in middle school, but he never paid too much attention to it. He simply didn’t have the time or energy to care. Its just music. The song started oddly, in Eddie’s opinion. ‘Save some face, you know you’ve only got one’
“What the fuck is this?” Eddie wondered as the song continued.
“You’ve never heard ‘Smile Like You Mean It’?” Bill asks making Eddie slightly uncomfortable.
“I- No?”
Beverly cheekily grinning, “Well, since you’re in LA with us, you’re gonna finally see what good music is.”
The day took longer than Eddie had hoped, but now, he was in a car (thank God) heading the Marsh’s house. Grateful that Bill and Mike were just as exhausted and quiet as he was, he finally caught up with his thoughts. He was finally able to think again, about how the shop looked, how much he disliked the album Beverly basically threw at his ears, how cute the boy who walked into the shop earlier- no. No. Not what should be running threw his head right now. “Do you guys know the guy who walked into EighthNote earlier?”
“The tall, Hawaiian shirt guy with the glasses?” Mike asked, not looking at Eddie as he turned the wheel.
“I th-think that was the guy who works there. Who would randomly bring food into a store and y-yell ‘I brought Chinese, fuckers!’ If they didn’t work there?” Bill answers.
“Right,” Eddie says, his mind wandering away from the topic. He found himself opening his phone and searching ‘Hot Fuss’ into Spotify’s search bar. As much as he’d hate to admit it, it wasn’t that bad. And the guy at the store was cute.
Beverly Marsh’s Plan
“I brought Chinese, fuckers!” Richie shouted as he walked into the store. He instantly dropped his hands when he saw a man right in front of him.
After a quite lengthy moment of staring, “Excuse me,” he said, moving to the right of Richie, out the door, two men following after.
“Who were they?” Richie asked, setting the food on the table in front of him.
“Old friends of ours. They’re gonna be staying at our place,” Beverly explains.
“Okay,” Richie drags the word, “anyway, I have an amazing plan that was already put into action before any of you two hets try to stop me—”
“Uh-huh,” Ben cautiously nods.
“— so. Here’s how it works. I’m gonna set out a bunch of vinyl and shit on subways, with an email written on the back, and see how calls. I write if they wanna go on a date on the back, and if you’re worried if that'll be a bunch of people like Abigail and shit, I’m not saying you’re wrong. But if it is, it’s show material. It’s gonna be great.”
“This is amazing! You should’ve told us earlier, I totally would’ve come with you!” Beverly laughs.
“Wait. Did you start today?” Ben asks.
“Yeah, why?”
“Which?” Ben smirks at Beverly, as she returns the look.
“Hot Fuss,” Richie smiles. Ben and Beverly snicker. Richie rolls his eyes, “Yeah I know I played Mr. Brightside to a girl before, but I didn’t know the song was about cheating!”
Beverly’s laughter doubles, “That’s not it but okay.”
“Whatever. But, anyway, who was the short guy earlier?”
“We told you, old friends. Why?” Ben says.
“Dunno. He was kinda cute I guess.”
“See? I told you you’d like him. That was the guy I was telling you about,” Beverly smiles knowingly.
“You tried to set up Eddie and Richie?” Ben wonders. Beverly sneaks a wink at Ben, “There’s a concert next weekend, right?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Think you could get us three more tickets?”
Beverly walked into to her and Ben’s room, grinning. “Are you gonna explain why you’re so happy?” Ben asks.
“We’re gonna get Richie and Eddie together.”
Ben gives an unsure look at her, “Richie’s going back to dating with this vinyls-on-trains thing he’s doing. Are you sure you want to set him up? You know how unhappy he is about love and stuff, its surprising enough that he’s willing to try again.”
Beverly takes a moment to think. She knows Ben is right, but she also knows that this will be good for both Eddie and Richie. Well, the second one, she isn’t so sure of. “I guess,” Beverly says, slightly disheartened, “but, we could ask them and, y’know, try?” She says hopefully.
“As much as I worry about this, I also think that it could be good. We’ll take them both to the concert and see where they go from there. What do you think?”
“Perfect,” Beverly smiles.
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