#loosely based on a true story
mysterystarz · 2 years
fool for you
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pairing: oikawa tooru x g!n reader
genre: fluff (contains mutual pining), some angst (resolved)
warnings: reader is (almost painfully) oblivious, lots of cuteness, a bit of tenseness, mention of reader going on a date
reblogs and opinions are appreciated <;3
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“how’d it go?”
oikawa was in front of you, breaths coming out slightly uneven as he stood at your door.
the sky had been dark, clouds covering a wide expanse of the sky and illuminated by the moons pale glow as they passed overhead. illuminated by the streetlights that lined the sidewalks, you’d never thought oikawa could look so beautiful.
or so sad.
“come inside,” you smiled warmly, opening your door wider, “you should consider staying the night.”
he wanted to. in fact, if you’d left it to him right there he’d settle deep into your covers, waiting for when you’d slide in next to him and chastise him with a smile on his face.
he wanted to feel your fingers trace his cheekbones gently, poking at his cheek when he looked at you a little too long.
it seemed however, that you hadn’t caught on to his affections — and that fact had led you to someone new.
“it was great!” you said, settling onto your bed, confusion seeping onto your features when oikawa didn’t join you. “they were super considerate and i’ve got loads of great books that i wanted.”
“that’s nice.” he didn’t meet your eyes. “sounds like a great time.”
“yeah,” was all you managed before you slipped onto the floor in front of him. “are you alright?”
“i’m fine,” he smiled, all his charm channeled into the most genuine grin he could possibly muster. “i just wanted to hear about you.”
you sighed. “i know you tooru. what’s really going on?“
you wished you already knew the answer. he wished he could tell you.
he wished that he’d be able to articulate the matter more gently.
“your date….” he trailed off, begging his thoughts to aid him, “they’re lucky to have you.”
“you have me too you know.” you hesitantly reached to cup his cheek and look into the warm brown eyes you loved so much. “you always will.”
“we won’t have much time for hanging out,” he sighs, “and they’ll be less and less of them. i don’t want to lose you.”
he looked up at you, and for a moment you’re startled by the sheer vulnerability in both his voice and face. you’ve never seen him like this, so open, so honest, so… raw.
“i’ll always have time for you.” you met his gaze (as if to communicate the feelings you held). “you matter to me.”
oikawa seemed unassured by those words, an almost pained expression slipping onto his face before he took your hand in his. “i love you.”
“i love you too,” you smiled, heart thudding treacherously in your chest.
“no.” oikawa responded quickly, “i love you…as in i’m in love with you.”
for a moment, you were unsure if you’d heard the words right. the silence in your room encompassed you both as you took it in, suddenly making sense of every single thing he’d said to you in the week, every smile, every touch.
it all made sense.
“how long?” you whispered, begging yourself to get a grip of your heart. you almost didn’t believe the chance (it was what had sent you on the date in the first place).
“i’m not sure,” he admitted truthfully, “all i know is that i woke up one day and a look at you was enough for me to know how i feel.”
the shock had faded to joy on your part, and you shook your head disbelievingly. “can’t believe i didn’t see it. i love you.”
his face brightened, reaching gently to cup your cheek. “say it again.”
“i love you tooru.” you say this time, with conviction. “i went out because i thought you weren’t into me like that.”
he deadpanned. “so much for being perceptive.”
“not my fault.” you shot back, smiling against his lips.
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oikawa had never been happier, but every now and then he always reminds you of how you weren’t able to tell at all
even iwa cant defend you, seeing as tooru had been obvious to the point of no return and you’d assumed it was a flirty courtesy from the setter.
but he loved you. he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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©mysterystarz all rights reserved - please do not plagiarize, translate, or modify my fics even if credited
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dougielombax · 27 days
So he faked his own death and decided to deliver a eulogy at his own funeral.
For clout.
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random-jot · 1 year
Having a crush as an adult is like damn, better go write a whole ass pop-punk album
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kill-your-fics · 2 years
Wilson was, as usual, tinkering near the science machine. When Willow appeared in his peripheral vision, he greeted her without much thought.
"Hello, Willow."
"Hey, Wilson! I've been wondering.... are you, like, gay? Or just not into anyone at all?"
His train of thought promptly derailed. Willow thought he was a homosexual? Or entirely uninterested?
"It's okay if you are, you know. Either way."
So he hadn't exactly been forthcoming with his feelings regarding romance- they were, at the moment, complicated by his feelings regarding her. Why ruin a good allyship, a good friendship? She hadn't expressed any interest in him, certainly hadn't given him any indication the feeling would be reciprocated. And so, he had quashed the idea altogether.
Still, it hurt, somehow, to know she had also written off the possibility entirely.  Perhaps it was time for a subtle course correction.
"Willow. I'm not attracted to other men. I can't even begin to guess where you got that idea. And just because I've dedicated my life to science doesn't mean I'm... I'm not oblivious to the opposite sex. It's just not a priority for me." Scientific experimentation presented him with plenty enough failures to humble him, there was no need for romantic rejection as well.
"Huh." Willow said. Wilson thought, with her question answered, the conversation was over. Instead, she asked next, "Could it ever be a priority?"No, he thought bitterly, but stopped himself.
"I suppose I've learned that truly anything is possible."
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midwesterner-witch · 2 years
you live in a small town
everyday you pass the farm supply store and it’s always been the same, it’s comforting, familiar
one day you wake up to sirens and a helicopter, but that’s just the nightmares right?
the farm supply is gone.
going up in flames overnight yet no one was around, just the corn surrounding, and the chickens outside
your town is locked down, chemicals pollute the air
but the chickens are fine
the corn is fine
the corn knows
the corn isn’t safe
and neither are you.
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rararazaquato · 2 years
guy on trial for murder: i am the real victim here
judge: of what?
guy on trial for murder: cancel culture
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Vesemir gets called into school because Lambert (2nd grade) made a Christmas Ornament:
He takes one look at it and says “what were your directions, exactly.”
“We told them to make a snowflake and to make it their own because every snowflake is unique.”
“You told Lambert this?”
“That was the assignment”
“Then why am I here? It’s unique. He followed instructions.”
“Sir, it’s vulgar!”
“It’s not mine or his fault you weren’t specific enough. This is on you. Write better instructions.”
“He should know that’s not appropriate in school!”
“Did you ever actually tell him that?”
“He should already know.”
“He’s 7. He wouldn’t know where his nose is if the head shoulders knees and toes song didn’t tell him in pre-k.”
*blank stares*
“Did you even ask him what they are? Does my son even know why he’s in trouble.”
“Sir, it’s clear what they are.”
*goes and gets lambert who’s waiting in the hall*
“Lamb, what’s the shapes you made in your snowflake?”
“It’s your sword! Like you use to kill monsters!”
*everyone looks at the swords Ves left by the door and back to the snowflake*
Teacher, hesitantly, “and this splash thing at the tip of these swords?”
Lambert, “monster blood. Duh.”
Vesemir, “stop wasting my time. If Lambert is punished, there will be consequences for you (teacher/principal)”
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@0dde11eth @everything-but-the-not-natural @i-pet-spuders @fandom-junk-drawer
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twisted-in-underland · 5 months
Ace: Yuri, what the hell are you doing!?
Yuri, standing on the sink in one of the Ramshackle bathrooms: Taping off the door trims and the ceiling so I can get ready to paint the walls.
Deuce, nervously: But why are you standing on the sink? Isn’t that dangerous?!
Yuri: how else am I supposed to reach the ceiling?
Ace: oh I don’t know; use a ladder, or maybe ASK FOR HELP!? There are plenty of tall people at the school who can help!
Yuri: yeah, but that’s to much trouble when I can do it just fine by myself
Ace: *facepalm*
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smol-blue-bird · 1 year
Greek mythology retellings that I like:
We updated this myth for a modern setting while keeping most of the story and major elements of the mythology intact
We made a story loosely based on or inspired by an old Greek myth, and we’re upfront about that
Greek mythology retellings that I don’t mind:
This is an adaptation for laypeople who have little familiarity with the subject matter, so we simplified some things out of necessity
This is an adaptation for children, so we kept it age-appropriate and handled the sexual/gory material in a non-explicit way
This is a ten-minute YouTube video that can’t possibly explain every tiny detail about this extremely complex topic, so we’re gonna stick to the basics
Greek mythology retellings that I loathe with every fiber of my being:
This is the Secret True Version of the original myth that historians have been hiding out of malice, and if anyone tells you otherwise they’re a liar who’s shilling for Big Archeology
The original myth was Wrong and Problematic and you’re Bad if you enjoyed learning about it, but don’t worry, I rewrote it to make it Good
I hate history, I hate reading, I hate the classics, and I especially hate ancient Greece. I did zero research whatsoever for this project and I have no respect for the source material or the field in general, and I’m very proud of that
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dougielombax · 7 months
NFT-induced blindness.
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keeksandgigz · 7 months
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11x13kyle · 1 year
the main four and butters go under the bleachers to smoke weed from kenny’s comically large rick and morty bong and butters (who rarely joins them in smoking) asks to join because he’s feeling bold so they pass him the bong and he accidentally takes a giant hit from it because the bowl gets stuck and they all freak OUT. butters is sitting there coughing for like an hour while cartman feeds him graham crackers from the palm of his hand like a baby bird. stan let’s him borrow his inhaler (not even asthmatic) and kyle sits there pissed off because there’s no socially acceptable way for him to ask if he can have another hit
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notsocheezy · 1 month
Brain Curd #50
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please enjoy.
The sound of Pomp & Circumstance filled the entire hall, weaving through the ears of proud parents and extended relatives. Backstage, the graduates stood in line, waiting for their turn on stage, but none was more excited than the one and only salutatorian, Patty Ward. Unlike most other people, Patty relished public speaking.
While the five valedictorians discussed their division of labor in the corner, Patty stood confident in the knowledge that she’d already practiced and memorized her speech over the previous week. She was going to kill - absolutely kill.
The valedictorians went up first, nearly tripping over each others’ gowns on the way to the podium. The tall one took out a stack of index cards and tapped them on the podium before flipping through them and handing them out to the other four.
“Wait, wait, wait,” the short one whispered. “Why do I have three cards? The rest of you only have two.”
“Weren’t you paying attention?” The blonde one asked. “We agreed that since you go last, you have to take the extra card.”
“Where was I when you made that decision?”
“You know what, actually,” the bearded one rubbed his hairy chin. “I think you might have been in the bathroom. But it’s just the closing remarks.”
“Look, it’s not a big deal, I’ll take the extra card.” The brunette swiped the card from the short one and added it to her stack. “Can we please all get along? This is the last time we’ll all be in the same room together. It’s important.”
Patty agreed. In fact, she was counting on that fact for her speech.
The tall one approached the microphone first, and awkwardly read from his cards. His part of the speech was something about unity in the face of challenges, but it was brief since each of the valedictorians only got about twelve seconds for their portion of the speech.
The rest of them gave similarly stilted reads of their lines, which for valedictorians seemed poorly written and low effort. They just didn’t seem to have anything to say.
Single file, the five of them left the stage, and Patty knew it was her turn. She got a whole minute all to herself. She confidently approached the podium, staring out into the massive crowd of faceless silhouettes. There was no need to ‘imagine them in their underwear’, or whatever people always said to do. Each person ceased to be human, ceased to be an individual with complex thoughts and motives. They were all part of the hive mind known as the audience. If one laughed, all laughed. A clap could begin anywhere and radiate out at the speed of sound.
Patty adjusted the microphone to her preference and slid her finger along the remote in her pocket. It was smooth to the touch.
“Greetings, all! It is my honor to speak to you all today and to congratulate the Class of 2017 for their great achievement. We did it!”
She held her arms in the air and the cheers quaked the room, localized in the teacher region of the audience.
She continued. “But it wasn’t easy. We struggled, we persevered. We studied, we procrastinated. We tried, and sometimes, we failed. Except the valedictorians, of course.”
She gestured to stage left, where the five had gone and now stood in the shadows. The crowd erupted into laughter. It didn’t take much.
“Me, personally? I stand before you as salutatorian - that is, the second-best - because I worked hard. Because I never gave up. Because of that one B in AP History.”
Everyone laughed at that one, as expected, and no one laughed harder than Mr. Idolt, the teacher who gave her the grade that sealed her fate. The one semester in which she didn’t get an A in every class. She took this moment of pause to pull the remote from her pocket and hold it up in the air.
“The funniest part is I’m not fucking joking.”
No one in the crowd could tell what she was holding, but the quiet that immediately took the room told her that she had them worried.
“This remote is attached to a series of explosives I have placed around the building. I don’t want to have to use it, but I did not come THIS FAR to leave with a goddamn three-point-nine-seven GPA! I get a four-point-oh or every one of us turns into a crater!”
Patty pointed at Mr. Idolt. “Come on up here!”
He stumbled, clearly scared out of his mind, across the row of seats to the aisle and walked toward the stage. He climbed up awkwardly and brushed himself off before hesitantly approaching the podium.
“Why don’t you tell them all why I ended up with a B, teach?” She pushed the microphone toward him.
“Uh…” the microphone popped and he pulled back from it by an inch. “I didn’t think your essay was quite up to par with AP grading guidelines. For a nine. I gave you an eight instead. That is still very good.”
“Were there better essays?”
“I have seen many -”
“Were there better essays in this graduating class?”
He adjusted his glasses, which slipped down his nose from all the nervous sweat. “Uh… no. No, I don’t suppose there were.”
Patty pointed back off stage. “So why did you give blondie over there a nine?”
The crowd gasped. Idolt began shaking and looked toward his wife, who shook her head in disapproval. He gulped.
Patty rubbed her thumb along the contours of the button on the remote while refusing to break eye contact with the man.
“I… I must have made a mistake. She… didn’t deserve it. It… wasn’t as good as yours. I’ll - I’ll fix it, okay! I will!”
“You’ll give me an A for that semester?”
“Yes! Yes! You were my best student, you always were!” He started crying and fell to his knees.
Patty looked at the crowd, satisfied by her revenge, and clicked the button. Contrary to what she had claimed would happen, however, no one exploded into a million pieces. The projector screen descended behind her on stage and the lights dimmed. She moved the microphone back into place for her to speak into it.
“And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I leave you as the sixth valedictorian of the Class of 2017. Please enjoy the rest of the ceremony.”
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juanabaloo · 2 months
me rewatching Inventing Anna (Anna Delvey) and Griselda (La Madrina Griselda Blanco) on Netflix.
(with all respect to La Madrina)
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the-mushroom-faerie · 10 months
how did sing rip off the greatest showman a full year before the latter came out
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