#lost guns
portaldraws · 8 months
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minidovecomics · 2 years
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lost guns v2 #654 - a new hunt
Are you enjoying my comics? Do you wish you could read more? What if I told you can? Would you be there right now? You can! On my patreon feed I am posting! Make sure you’re going over there and checking out all my comics there. You get early access to lost guns, my Friday comic, and my on hold comic. Plus exclusive comics only posted there.
retail comics
sketches with mick
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satoshy12 · 6 months
A few moments of baby Danny having fun,
It all started when Danny learned he could change his age! Well, he took an item from Clockwork for this prank. But they are fun!!!
Red Hood lost his weapon to a toddler. Red Hood is trying to help the lost toddler talking about how he is a real hero with real Guns:" Come on, it's not a toy. It's the real deal." Danny: "No, no real!" Red Hood gets annoyed: "Fine, you don't believe it's real? Here, take it." Danny was surprised:" Ooo, real!" (holds the gun) Red Hood: "Yeah, yeah, it's real. Wait, what did I just do?" Danny teleports away: "Wheee!" Red Hood:" What the...? Oh, come on! Come  back, I'llbuy you candy for the gun!" +
John Constantine lost in a horse bet against baby Danny money; don't ask how or why he even bet with a toddler. He just lost money. John: (sighs) Bloody hell, lost again in a horse bet against you, Danny. Baby Danny: (giggles, waving a tiny hand) Horsie 2! Danny pointed at the empty wallet. John: There is no money left, mate. But, uh, how 'bout this?" John scribbles on a piece of paper and hands it to Baby Danny. JOHN (CONT'D) I owe you, alright?
Later, with the Justice League Dark, John summons a demon.
Demon: (roaring laughter)" Look who's here, the bloke who lost his soul to a toddler!" John: (bewildered)" What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Demon: (mockingly) That doodle on the paper. You handed over a piece of your soul to a baby. Now that's a first!" John: (facepalms) Bugges. I will later talk with Bat; I need money. around 10.000$" + Zatanna, while a magic show pulls toddler Danny out of her hat. Not a rabbit. Zatanna: And for my next trick... (pulls from her hat, has toddler Danny in her hand, not a rabbit) Zatanna: (confused) Wait, where did you come from? Danny: (giggling) Hat! Hat! Danny grabs her hat and suddenly disappears. Zatanna blinks in amazement, trying to make sense of the unexpected teleportation, as the audience applauds.
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sporkberries · 1 year
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Robin(1993) is a comic where things happen
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i feel the need--the need for speed!
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ihatebrainstorm · 8 months
[Always Check the Bottom!]
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Based off the idea that Brainstorm had a phase where he started making weapons look like inconsequential objects, sending the whole ship into a frenzy- The only way they'd be able to tell is by frantically checking for his handwriting on literally anything >:)
Any object on the ship could be... more than meets the e- *gets shot*
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ohitslen · 11 months
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Intrusive thoughts
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jay-birds-fly · 2 years
Graphic design is my passion and 80’s movies are my vice
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mugiwara-lucy · 6 months
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Oda you BETTER have Sabo and Luffy have a reunion with Dadan once all this World Government/Final War/Blackbeard/Imu shit is over and done with.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
Some Business Bozo puts a hit out on Vlad. It's one of Vlad's earliest victims, back before he knew how to properly cover his tracks but there were so few metas no one knew exactly what the hell happened. BB had his entire fortune and company stolen and has spent the rest of his life building up enough fortune to hire the best assassin to murder this bastard.
Enter Slade Wilson.
Slade has recently accepted the job to kill Vlad Masters. During preliminary research, Slade discovers Daniel Masters, formerly Fenton, the godchild Vlad adopted after his family died in an accident. The godchild who despises Masters for murdering his friends and family. The godchild who is willing to sell Masters out in a heartbeat if it means being free.
The Terminator and the Ghost Boy strike a deal. Slade even grows fond of the little maniac.
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minidovecomics · 2 years
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lost guns v2 #653 - the hunt
Are you enjoying my comics? Do you wish you could read more? What if I told you can? Would you be there right now? You can! On my patreon feed I am posting! Make sure you’re going over there and checking out all my comics there. You get early access to lost guns, my Friday comic, and my on hold comic. Plus exclusive comics only posted there.
retail comics
sketches with mick
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girlin-red · 2 years
i love queer coded 80s movies like yes give me 2 hours of a group of boys doing something and being a little fruity
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
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This is young recruit König's apartment btw
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Rooster sketches 2: Electric boogalo: the Roostering.jpeg
Also, this is what my sketchbook pages used to look like when I drew traditionally, so this made me really happy :)
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ihatebrainstorm · 5 months
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Scrapped (?) thingy I made back during winter break lol
Concept was sorta based off of how bc Delphi was in a snowy region, it'd probably make sense for First Aid to be able to navigate in the snow? My other idea was redesigning First Aid and giving him a snowmobile altmode- (Might come back to it some day, but looking at my current WIP pile... unlikely ;v;)
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ukarimo · 1 year
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Im going to defeat you with the power of friendship,,, and this gun I found
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