#lotto here i come
nice2meetyouu · 1 year
I was watching some random youtube video tapos may prinomote 'yung youtuber, study Chinese in China or online. Pero 'yung study in China may kasamang tour, massage, at iba pa. Hahaha.
Kung naachieve ko na ang FIRE, most likely ganyan ang aatupagin ko sa buhay. Hindi ko alam bakit nawawalan ng purpose 'yung iba. May life outside work naman sila ah.
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cosmicplexus · 1 month
Random Astrology Observations
🌻I wasn't feeling lazy today so this is a bit longer than the usual observation posts🌻
🦋And finally the pricing catalogue is here...at the end of the observations 🦋
Thank you so much my sunflowers🌻your support has been everything. I try my best to respond to your messages and requests. If you haven't received a response, I'm coming 🤍✨
And I tried my best to be reasonable with the prices. Also, I'm not yet doing full chart readings as I am a student with two majors and I'm already struggling with balancing things. In time I will do them. Free one question culture requests are still open, but please don't request for things you see on the pricing catalogue like a big three reading...
I don't want to bore you all too much so here we go🧚🏾‍♀️🦋🌻✨
Astrology Notes...
~4th house Gemini makes for someone who develops family-like bonds in friendships.
~taurus risings tend to be possessive due to the influence of their scorpio 7th house.
~pluto at angular houses 1st, 7th, 4th and 10th is a huge indicator of someone who has had intense experiences in the respective key areas of life and there's spiritual lessons to be learnt regarding that area through transformation.
~libra venus placements may find it really hard to stay single
~7° and 19° venus or moon signs may struggle with the theme of physical perfection and wanting to attain it.
~virgo moons have a tendency of creating problems if they don't have any current ones to solve
~capricorn risings really do look older in their younger days and younger when they're older.
~moon and neptune in 1st house natives may give off the perception that they need saving and may attract people with a martyrdom complex.
~sagittarius, 9th house, 9° and 21° mercuries may have an affinity to music in foreign languages while cancer, 4th house, 4°,16°,28° may enjoy music in their mother tongue
~jupiter in 2nd house and 10th house is heavy lotto winner vibes. Literally and figuratively.
~mercury in 2nd house and at Taurean degrees(2°,14° and 26°) are the born singers
~the 22nd degree is an underrated fame degree...I have a bey's🐝 fame analysis I've been sitting on for a while. That's a conversation for another day.
~pisces venus and mars are the most romantic people in the world which makes me kind of believe the astrology theory of neptune being the higher frequency of venus.
~leo moons really take their hair seriously and may feel out of loop if their hair is not well done.
~want to easily impress a cancer mars man??? Sing praises to your mom. Be dotting around kids.
~girls with 9th house, 9° and 21° Venus are so magically beautiful. Abundance of beauty.
~To a decent degree, liberation of women in society came at the expense of gemini, sagittarius and aquarius venus women being slut-shamed(This is not at all saying other women did not contribute to the liberation of women 🌻✨ That's a conversation for another day)
~neptune plays a huge role in beauty trends and that's why neptune dominant women are usually the beauty influencers which explains why beauty standards are mutable and ever changing.
~jupiter in 7th house can go two ways... extreme luck in meaningful relationships or someone who never has serious relationships and is forever on the look...
~pisces/12th house mercuries and mercury afflicted by neptune are often under fire for being the liars when the real culprit is the sagittarius/9th house mercuries and mercury-jupiter hard aspects.
~I personally view the north node as a jupiter variant. While the general consensus is that it is the purpose we're working for, I do believe that it's also an indicator of our birthrights, innate gifts and where we're lucky.
~Cosmic Plexus🌻🤍
Let me know your thoughts...
~Cosmic Plexus🤍✨🌻🦋©️
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drchucktingle · 4 months
do you have any advice for writers who are trying to get their first book published?
as usual i will preface this with the reminder there is no 'correct' way to make art. i am not universally 'right' about any of this, but i can let you in on my thoughts and things i have noticed if that helps
more than anything what i would recommend to any artist is to find joy in the TROT, not the result. set goals that are in the action of doing, not in some future ending where you have 'become' something.
in other words, i have never dreamed of being a writer, i dream of writing.
its not about being an actor one day, its about a life of acting. its not about being a painter one day, its about a life of painting. its not about being a singer one day, its about a life of singing. if you can find joy and gratitude and RESONATE WITH THIS TIMELINE through the act of creation, then there really is no stopping you because you are not relying on any external systems to reach your goals you are fueled entirely from yourself. this also accounts for the fact that LUCK AND CIRCUMSTANCE are a huge factor in many of these big dreams, but they are rarely a huge factor in your ability to simply create. you are already a creator, we are all creators
when you do this the timeline will bend to you, not the other way around
as a BUSINESS BUCKAROO i will never do anything that is me BEGGING AND PLEADING for attention from a larger entity (publishing company, tv studio, what the heck ever). i am not over here worried and biting my fingernails. anything that feels like a LOTTO TICKET where i say 'please please please pick me' is not how i operate. instead i love working with buckaroos who see me as an equal entity and the discussion is 'you are cool, we are cool, lets trot together'
how did i get to the place where this is a mutual conversation instead of chuck begging for crumbs of attention? i focused on LOVING THE ACT OF CREATING not the desire to be a creator.
chucks big five publishing deal happened because i wrote a horror novel myself and then tweeted out 'would anyone like to traditionally publish this book?'. no query letters, no agent, THATS IT.
but that is ALSO the short version. the long version is that i spent a decade creating and publishing my own stuff BECAUSE I LOVE CREATING AND PUBLISHING MY OWN STUFF
THAT is how i would recommend approaching these things. YOU are doing your cool as heck thing and when that starts to resonate with this timeline others will be drawn to it. if that means sending out query letters to agents and all that then HECK YEAH go for it bud, just so long as you maintain the MENTALITY that you are looking for an equal partner not a one in a million ticket BECAUSE YOU WILL BE MAKING THIS INCREDIBLE ART ANYWAY, AND IF THEY WANT TO COME ALONG AND RIDE WITH YOU THEN LETS TROT, AND IF NOT LETS STILL TROT BECAUSE YOU ARE A VALID, WORTHY CREATOR REGARDLESS
so i guess thats my publishing advice
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t-tomuras · 1 month
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⛏ ─── • 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
Pairing: Gyuutaro Shabana x F!reader 
Warnings: Modern AU, established relationship, mention of breeding / desire for pregnancy, breeding, oral ( f receiving )
Wordcount: 3.4k
Notes: This started as a drabble idk how I got here. Pure domestic bliss tbh
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Gyuutaro working in someone he can vaguely consider a ‘buddy’s’ shop will never stop feeling foreign to him. He’s never been one for friends and doesn’t think about any of his coworkers whenever he goes home for the day. Why would he when he has you to welcome him at the door? The smell of dinner wafting in that makes the work worth it, makes him willing to earn a living to take care of you through reputable means instead of how he’d always operated. 
You’re the only reason he took the job at the mechanic shop your brother of sorts, who looks like he’d lead a similar life of delinquency for a while as well, in the first place. He must’ve straightened out for a woman too, seemed like men like them only ever made drastic lifestyle changes for a woman out of their league in more than just looks. 
Women from a different walk of life even if they’d weathered plenty of their own storms but stayed soft when the world threatened to harden them as well. 
He could see it in your eyes when he first met you, completely at random on a day you’d decided to break your own routine. When he still worked a dead-end job at a crumbling gas station that was only still in business because of cigarettes and lotto ticket sales. Nothing to his name but a half working shitbox, a dilapidated studio apartment and whatever money he had left between paychecks after paying for his sister’s needs. 
You’d stopped in on your way to work because you had to take a different route because of road closures along the way and you just needed ‘a little pick me up. Getting yourself a double shot espresso of canned coffee at five in the morning, looking dead on your feet but you perked when you saw him; and for some reason, Gyuutaro actually couldn’t help but give you a lopsided smile. 
A man who was always reprimanded for his piss poor customer service. 
From then you came in more often, stopped by for a coffee or one of those expensive bottled ‘pink drinks’ or a tea depending on the week or morning; but, you were consistent enough that Gyuutaro could look at the clock and have your drink ready by the time you came in. 
Exchanging numbers before long, meeting up quickly and your relationship from there felt fast tracked into domesticity. The first night Gyuutaro spent at your house felt like the last time he’d ever left besides collecting more things from his apartment to leave littered about your home until he was officially moved in. 
Meeting you had already been an improvement to his wretched life, a second blessing aside from the one related to him by blood. You taught him a different sort of unconditional love, a commitment by choice and you showed him in every way you improved his life. 
From questioning where his next meal would come from or where he’d lift his needs with sticky fingers to a full belly and warm bed. A new job that he does well to keep that helped him buy a nice bike to take you riding on and a high quality helmet to keep you safe. 
He’d never thought he’d have anything like this in his life, at least not without stepping on a few throats and shadier business he didn’t want to fall back into like when he was a teen. 
A rabid dog off the leash no more as he comes home to you every day. 
Opening the door to your shared bedroom to find you clad in only his sweater that swallows you whole and his favorite pair of lacy panties that decorate the swell of your ass so prettily. You weren’t even trying to entice him, that’s just how you lounge but you make the mistake of lifting your head from your pillow to turn and look at him. Offering him that pretty smile of his and suddenly the weight of his day lifts from his shoulders, back straightening as his head tilts to the side. 
A different sort of hunger festering in his gut that the dinner warming on the stove couldn’t satiate. 
You turn to look at your bedside clock with a frown as Gyuutaro starts to peel away his clothes. “You’re home later than normal, did Haku—“ voice fading as you quirk your brow in question at his actions. 
His work jumper already pooling at his ankles as he kicks them away and begins to pull away his pants and boxers. The mattress dipping under his weight as Gyuutaro hovers over you a moment later, lips to your shoulder while broad palms grasp at your hips. 
Sighing at the feel of your skin as he drags them under his oversized sweater you wear and upwards to feel the body he’d missed all day. Gliding along the curve of your waist while you reflexively arch into the mattress, ass pushing into his pelvis to feel his growing erection. 
“Don’t mention that banded fucker right now,” voice low and graveled but lacking his usual bite in regard to the overprotective man. Making you giggle when he adds, “gonna make my cock soft,” as if he’d ever had the issue of staying erect in your presence. 
He understood, believe him he did, Hakuji saw you as the sibling he never had after all and your boyfriend was grateful you had a strong man in your corner before he came around but you were Gyuutaro’s to protect now. 
To love and to care for in the same way’s you’ve done so to him and Gyuutaro has always been good about showing you his appreciation despite his selfish nature. Demonstrating his gratitude in one of his favorite ways that both of you benefit from greatly. 
Starting with nipping playfully at your shoulder and kneading at your pillowy breasts while slowly grinding into you. Grinning lazily at how receptive you are to him, humming contentedly as you fall into rhythm with him. 
Hugging your pillow and turning your head as his fingers hook into the band of your panties. Lifting your ass to make it easier for him to pull them down your legs and unceremoniously toss them off the side of the bed. 
Calloused pads of his fingers digging into your hips before sliding lower, thumbs massaging into the underside of your ass before pulling the skin of your outer lips to see your already glistening cunt. 
Eye’s rolling at the sight, saliva gathering on his tongue, “fuck look at ya, pretty pussy for a pretty girl.” 
Chuckling at how, even after all this time, you still whimper at his comments. Looking back at him with furrowed brows before he feasts on his favorite meal. Laying flat on his stomach to lick a stripe from your clit to your hole just to pull those heavenly salacious sounds from plush lips. 
Humming hungrily as he slurps at your cunt, pawing at your ass with a bruising grip to spread you further for him. Barely parting for breath the louder you get, long tongue dipping into your fluttering hole as his hand comes around to give your neglected bundle of nerves some much needed attention. 
Rolling his middle and ring fingers against the swollen nub in insistent methodical circles as his tongue plunges repeatedly into your sopping cunt. Hastening his face as your hips twitch and buck into his fingers, soft sighs and whimpers crescendoing into throaty moans an octave lower than normal. Gyuutaro lives for moments like these, when he can take care of you so thoroughly you can’t help whatever sound he pulls from you. 
“Go ahead and cum baby, I want as many as you’ll give,” voice tight as his own hips rut into the mattress for a modicum of relief. The vibrations of his broken groans, the feel of his tongue and the pace of his fingers to your clit working in tandem to send you have the edge. Body tensing as you lift your head from the pillow, releasing a sharp gasp that melts into pitchy keens before your left only able to babble his name cutely. 
Panting and whining as you’re at the mercy of his onslaught and you know he’s far from finished with you yet. Pearly tears clumping long lashes until he’s pulling away from your cunt, chin lips and nose glistening with your release as he climbs up your body. Licking what he can away while Gyuutaro grasps his cock to position at your still quivering entrance. 
Running his tip through your folds once, twice, three times to properly lubricate his rigid cock before pushing into you in one thrust to still give you that burning stretch you love so much. Groaning at the feel of you as he sinks into your divine heat, cooing at you over the breathless sound you emit as he sets a desperate pace. 
He never could last very long when it came to you, not that he had any experience besides his own hand on lonely nights prior to meeting you. Gyuutaro never felt shameful about it and you’ve never given him any reason to either, his perfect sweet girl that you are. 
He works himself quickly, mesmerized by the jiggle of your ass as his pelvis slaps against it with resounding claps mingling with the lewd squelch. 
Hand on your neck as you grip tightly to your pillow, muffling your moans once again but he won’t stop you this time, satisfied with the screams you’d rewarded him with earlier. Grin broad on his handsome face, gaze lidded as the coil winds tighter in his lower abdomen with the threat of his release. 
Finally hissing to himself and filling you full with sticky seed he hopes will take with a final forceful thrust that you meet tiredly, Gyuutaro oh so kindly helping your trembling form by holding your hips to him while his throaty, relieved groan mingles with your sweet sigh of a moan as you cream his cock a final time. 
Rolling his hips lazily into yours to ride out both of your highs until you’re both twitching from the stimulation before he collapses next to you. Rolling onto his side and bringing you with him to curve into his body, pressing adoring kisses to your tacky skin. Taking the time to pass his fingers over the freshly healed ink of your matching tattoo in the shape of his teeth along the slope of your shoulder before he pays it affection with has lips as well. 
Birthing the usual fit of giggles from the feel, squirming slightly as you turn your head and bring your arm back to cup his head to catch his lips with yours. Kissing slowly and basking in the afterglow of his sudden fervor even though it should be far from a surprise to you any longer, Gyuutaro has always been a little ravenous with you over the course of your relationship. 
“You need to eat,” you finally say, wiggling from his hold to slide from the mattress and find your discarded pair of panties. Pulling his sweater you wear a little lower but it does nothing to hide the way his spend already begins to leak from you and drip down your inner thighs.
Already rolling your eyes over his wispy cackle when you find the discarded garment, slipping it on as you cast your gaze in his direction. Corner of your lip quirking upward at his comfortable lounge, resting his cheek in his hand while his elbow props him up. 
Smacking at him with heat stinging your tacky skin at his causal remark of, “already ate my favorite meal pretty girl.” Ignoring the boisterous laughter in favor of leaving the room because your stomach still dances in your gut every time he flirts with you. 
The night progressing lazily as you fall into your nightly routine together. Dinner, talking about the workday, a little bit of tv, a shower together full of slapping away his venturing hands before settling down to rest for the workday tomorrow. 
Snuggling into Gyuutaro’s chest as he checks his sister’s location and shoots her a few texts about getting back to her dorm before the curfew he’s set for her after sending Ume her monthly allowance. Pressing a kiss to your forehead as you scroll through Instagram reels you’d saved throughout the day only to ultimately fall asleep in his arms before you were even finished with them. 
But Gyuutaro didn’t mind, he loved how perfectly he could tire you out. Dragged into the undertow of sleep shortly after hooking yours and his phones up to charge before pressing you snuggle into his chest to curl around you easier. Sleeping dreamlessly like he always does after a good fuck even if he misses the vivid images of a family yet to be; of you with a swollen belly his hand caresses lovingly as he presses his ear to your stomach in the hopes to feel a kick. 
Unfortunately morning comes quickly for you both, you starting your workday two hours before he does but you always rouse him enough for a parting kiss. 
Rousing reluctantly at the sound of his phone going off to your wake up call, staying on the phone with you as he got ready and his entire ride to work until you both had to go. Hoping that today won’t go by too slowly as he puts the lovingly made by you lunch into the break room fridge. 
Gyuutaro probably should’ve wished for the slower day, at least then he wouldn’t be too busy to text you back or even call you on his fifteen. The shop’s day was packed with appointment vehicles and walk-ins, working up more than a sweat for the day. He gets 9 cars worked on and pulled from his back before one in the afternoon, dropping a transmission on his own as Tengen and Genya struggle on an engine swap. 
He wipes sweat from his brow and grease from his hands as he finishes up his last vehicle, preparing to take his lunch before any more work could pile in. Glancing at the hanging wall clock by the entrance to the lobby’s door as he begins to shed his filthy jumper, tying the sleeves low around his hips in the hopes of feeling a little cooler in the stuffy workspace. 
Gyuutaro chugs a bottle of water to half empty in one go when he hears the clang of metal and a frustrated curse from the two men across the way. Snarling his lip as he turns his attention to them both. 
Tengen watches Genya use nearly all of his body weight to turn the tool in his hand, the vehicle they’re working on an older model its owner likely doesn’t want to let go of. The younger man with a mohawk had a decent build to him but was fresh out of highschool, maybe just a few years younger than Gyuutaro’s own sister. Your boyfriend could see why he would struggle but as eyes of clear blue skies drift to the bulky moron with starlit locks a rage bubbles in him. 
He never did like the oaf, even scrapped with him once in the first few weeks of Gyuutaro’s employment behind the building. 
Gyuutaro feels proved correct again that all those muscles he’d sculpted were useless, just decoration; nothing but show. 
Genya, being so inexperienced at his age, wasn’t allowed to work on any of the vehicles without supervision as per Hakuji’s orders but Gyuutaro doubted that meant just watching the boy struggle. 
And the lanky man doesn’t care, not really, why would he? Genya’s actual brother worked at the shop as well, he had someone to look out for him and Gyuutaro’s made it very clear he doesn’t care about a soul besides two women in his life. 
Except for the fact one of those women was dating the man, hearing his younger sister's voice in his head over the youngest Shinazugawa sibling. 
Involuntarily recalling the day Ume had broken the news to her older brother, springing the information on him the day you’d invited her over for dinner during her spring break only to have the boy in tow.
He clicks his tongue over the thought, glances at the clock again. Gyuutaro had already missed the window to be able to call you during your lunch hour. Snarling his lip over the fact before the telling sound of snapping metal followed by a string of curses quiets everyone in the shop. 
“What fucking moron put this hunk of junk together, they put these fuckin bolts like they didn’t want ya to be able to work on this bitch ever,” monologuing his frustration as Genya returns from his toolbox with yet another tool in the hopes of prying the part free. 
Gyuutaro sucks his teeth, cerulean hues flitting between the door and back to the pair before he groans loudly. Annoyed just a bit over how weak he was to his sister’s wishes as well as why did the man of her affections have to fucking work in the same building as him? 
Genya was a good kid, he can admit that without issue, he was certainly better than Gyuutaro was at his age. The boy’s only transgression was falling for the girl who’s older brother wasn’t ready to look at her like the adult that she was yet.
Rationalizing that into the reason he crosses the shop floor now to help the poor kid is because he promised Ume he’d be nicer to Genya because she likes him and Gyuutaro had never broken a promise to his sister in his life and he had no intention of letting some punk kid mar his record now.
He’ll give himself a bit more motivation by telling himself it’s also to demonstrate to Tengen that Gyuutaro was always going to be better than him. 
Clearing the space from his workstation to Genya’s in six easy strides with long legs, large palm curling lithe digits into the collar of the boy's jumper as if scruffing him like a stray cat. “Move, I got it.”
Ignoring the irritating scoff that sounds behind him from the bulky nuisance despite how he’s been standing and doing nothing for the last ten minutes while Genya struggled. 
“Another beanpole ain’t gonna budge—“ mockery silenced the instant Gyuutaro slams his wrench downward and snaps the pesky bolt free with ease. Casting a sideways glance and menacing snarl to the meatheaded man as a smile tugs at Genya’s lips and thanks Gyuutaro for his assistance.  
“You were sayin?” 
But Tengen is far from fazed, puffing his chest out as his voice raises louder than normal, something Gyuutaro didn’t think possible that astounds him further. 
“Oi, oi, mantis boy must’ve gotten laid again last night, he never works this hard when he’s in a dry spell.” 
“Three wives n’yer still lazy as fuck, what’s your excuse, pretty boy?” 
Tengen wasn’t usually quick to anger, always quick to call being overly hotheaded ‘unflashy’ and often chastised Sanemi over the fact but today must be special for Gyuutaro.
A vein bulges in Tengens throat and forehead, tight lipped smile far from friendly spreading on his glossy lips as he takes a step towards Gyuutaro. Only a few inches taller than the hunching man but still Tengen straightens his spine to talk down his nose at your boyfriend. “What was that, insect?” 
Ever unfazed, Gyuutaro has always taken on men larger in size and stature and won. Rolling his neck and squaring his shoulders as he straightens his spine to really look Tengen in the eye. 
“Got a hearin problem too or are ya just stupid?” Chuckling to himself as his tilts his chin upwards in challenge, “bet yer wives got tired of bein unsatisfied and figured it’s better jus’ ta fuck each other.” 
The fights about to come to a head, Kyoujuro already in the fringes of Uzui’s workstation behind the man when Gyuutaro’s phone chimes in his pocket. He knows it’s you before he even fishes it from his uniform, shoulders slack as he answers and hears your windchime of a voice. 
Giving Uzui his back as the man sputters indignantly and a snarl to his lip as Gyuutaro coos at you, “no baby I always got time for ya. I’m not doin anythin important at all.” 
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a-dowryofblood · 7 months
💌 Sabrina Carpenter Nonsense Outros | The Eras Tour LATAM 💌
- Australia | Singapore -
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🇲🇽 Mexico City, Mexico 🇲🇽
Night 1 (Thu, August 24, 2023)
“I only date him if he pays my rent-ay. If you are a Swiftie you're mi gente. Let me hear you make some noise DF”
Night 2 (Fri, August 25, 2023)
“He said where you at I said I’m busy Sipping on tequila getting tipsy Con mis chicas in Mexico City”
Night 3 (Sat, August 26, 2023)
“I’m full grown but I look like a niña. Come put something big in my pusita casita. Mexico I think you are bonita”
Night 4 (Sun, August 27, 2023)
“Felt so good he made me hit the top note. Eras tickets girl you won the lotto. Mexico I kinda think te amo”
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🇦🇷 Buenos Aires, Argentina 🇦🇷
Night 1 (Thu, November 9, 2023)
“How to ride it, I can think of 5 ways. My head goes so hard I’m giving migraines. How loud can you get in Buenos Aires?”
Night 2 (Sat, November 11, 2023)
“He said ‘What’s your name?’ I said, Sabrina. Saw that obelisco said ‘que linda?’ Who’s the loudest here in Argentina?”
Night 3 (Sun, November 12, 2023)
“When I'm in the bedroom I feel sexy. He's having a ball he calls me Messi. Argentina will you be my bestie?”
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🇧🇷 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 🇧🇷
Night 1 (Fri, November 17, 2023)
“Sippin on me like a caipirinha. How to turn me on boy I can teach ya. My new name is Ipanema Brina”
Night 2 (Sun, November 19, 2023)
“It's kinda small but I don't even care though. cupid must have hit me with an arrow cause I'm in love with Rio de Janeiro”
Night 3 (Mon, November 20, 2023)
“Boy come over this is not a drill He said get on top, I said I will Then he made me come... to Brazil”
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🇧🇷 São Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷
Night 1 (Fri, November 24, 2023)
“Just give it to me boy I’ll tell you how slow. I’ll be your loirinha on the down low. I love it when you sing to me, São Paulo”
Night 2 (Sat, November 25, 2023)
“I’m a nine, but I’m a ten without clothes He said im the prettiest, but how so? Cause all the hottest girls are in São Paulo”
Night 3 (Sun, November 26, 2023)
“He said ‘let’s get married’ I said ‘chill’ Boy I said I'm hungry get my fill I heard the nuts are better in Brazil”
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oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
Roy/Jamie Prompt: I thought I saw a sign for Roy's Garage and it got me thinking.... Mechanic!Roy and Footballer!Jamie 😉 Think of the absolute possibilities. Especially just of Jamie absolutely drooling as this man comes out in a black tank top to help him with his car or rescue him from the side of the road.
Just imagine 😍
Look. Jamie knew when the light turned on he should’ve probably paid attention. He can look back and see how that was a misstep. Too fucking late now though.
He’s sitting on the hood as the truck pulls up. Thank god it’s at least not too hot or cold out. Or god forbid raining. He watches as the person in the truck backs it up with ease.
Jamie blinks when the man with curls and a shirt that would put some of Jamie’s worst to shame slips out of the truck. Shit he’s built. How is that man not ripping that tank.
“You Jamie?”
Lord his voice makes Jamie want to dive down to his knees right here and now.
“Yeah course mate how many other idiots with Porsches you see out here? Know you know my name I get yours yeah?”
The angel blinks. “Roy.”
Jamie grins, the man almost stumbles back at the smile. “Jesus okay come on hop off. Let’s see what you did.” Jamie slips off the hood with a huff. He didn’t do anything. Not his fault the little red light turned on.
Roy pops the hood and bends over. Jamie thinks he could die right here.
“You don’t have any fucking oil.”
Jamie blinks. “Isn’t oil in a car bad?”
Roy stares into Jamie’s soul. “Are you really as much as a muppet as the paparazzi makes you seem?” Jamie opens his mouth to defend himself but what come out is.
“You know who I am?”
Jamie goes a nice shade of pink. Well fuck that. Jesus Jam way to fuck that quickly. “Who doesn’t know who you are? The kid who brought it back. You said god kisses your foot. Was kinda hard to miss that.”
Jamie winces. He said a lot of shit. “I was young and stupid?” Roy snorts and closes the hood. “Sure. Now be a good boy and hop in the truck. Gonna need to tow it.”
Now look. Jamie doesn’t have a habit of flirting with people who are just doing their jobs. That’s rude and all. Can’t escape if they feel pressured. But this man. This beautiful Greek god of a man just told Jamie to be a good boy. He can’t not do something with that information.
“Can I suck you off?”
Jamie slaps himself as soon as the words are out. Jesus Christ what is wrong with him today. One hot man and all his swagger goes sailing out the window.
Roy let’s out an actual laugh, he gently pushes Jamie towards the truck with a hand on his elbow. “Come on not now. Maybe if you say yes to dinner yeah? I own the shop and it’s late enough we could just eat there?”
Jamie stares at Roy. He can’t believe his luck. “Thank fuck my car broke down huh?” Roy laughs and squeezes his wrist. “Yeah. Starting to be thankful you’re a muppet who doesn’t know how car oil works.”
“Got a mechanic to do that for me now yeah?” Roy snorts again and shoves Jamie gently, “need to see how much of a prick you are first but yeah sure.”
Jamie whoops, he won the lotto. Can’t believe his luck. Roy shakes his head and gets the car up onto the truck. He slips into the drives seat and takes Jamie’s hand. “Only holding. Be nice.”
Jamie grins and leans a little closer. He didn’t expect this but he’ll take it any day of the week.
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🧃🪲🧩 if you wanna
share some personal lore you never posted about before
i have what i can only describe as the worlds shittiest psychic powers. best example is when i took a nap one afternoon and dreamed of a shower scrub brush, you know with the long handles for washing your back? i woke up, a couple hours passsed, and my father comes home with a new shower brush, the exact same shape and color as my dream. like. why did i need to know that. cant i just have lotto numbers
add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
They left the doors open after the third walk through. Virgil gradually felt himself… detach. Time went strange – sounds muffled, the world smeared at the edges like blended paint. He could hear the freed prisoners getting more and more agitated but only as if down a long tunnel.
what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
almost any strange formatting that isnt for narrative effect. i read on ao3 and when people change their HTML to use different fonts or font sizes or colors, (which is so so cool and an important part of ao3! not saying its bad), it really effects my ability to read it because i have extremely bad vision
i guess youre getting more personal lore but i fell and hit my head when i was really young and crushed part of my orbital. so that eye isnt round anymore, its a sort of squished rugby ball shape. so im legally blind in that eye, and have almost no depth perception before say... 200ft? i can shoot a rifle or a bow but i cant catch a ball or aim and throw.
so yeah i have EXTREMELY specific settings for typeface and magnification on my browser, varying from website to website. as soon as the formatting gets wierd and breaks my set up (especially tiny font my nemesis) i gotta let the poor thin float back into the ether
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youraveragebtsstan · 2 months
Y'all, Tim Might Be On To Something... (9-1-1 S7E4 Reflection)
First and foremost, Ms. Evianna... Buckeisha- CONGRATULATIONS BITCH!
Welcome To The LGBTQ+ Family: Where ALL Queers Are Welcome Here! (Special shout out to ALL my fellow bisexual girlies. Dreams do come true- the visibility is REAL.)
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In all seriousness, while we happily await S7E5, I'd seriously like to say thank you to Tim Minear and ABC for making Bisexual Buck CANON in just 4 Episodes (while FOX queer baited and gaslit our asses for 95... Thanks Girlie✌️)
This just goes to show that with the right DIRECTION and LEADERSHIP, anything is possible.
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Anyway, since Seasons 5 and 6 took a bit of a nose dive in the Buddie Department, I've been reflecting on Buck's sexuality as it's own concept. (After all, he his own person. And as a true Buddie stan, I would be idiotic in thinking otherwise.) And since then, I began to really root for Buck's romantic relationships. But in doing so, I also noticed a disheartening trend... All of Buck's relationships were with people who he had little to no chemistry with- they were flings and one night stands. Other than sexual attraction or trauma bonding, none of those relationships seemed genuine. It's no wonder they felt disingenuous to me.
For 2 years now, I've been practically begging the writers/show runners for something REAL... And folks, I think we've got it!
I think I speak for most Buddie Stans (who have been traumatized by the grusome hands of FOX..lol) when I say Buck kissing ANY man was not on our Bingo Card. But baby, we hit the lotto yall, because BIXESUAL BUCK is FINALLY here. This relationship between Tommy and Buck is long awaited and well needed. (Seriously... I've been having Tommy and Buck dreams lately. I'm down bad, guys.) I do realize Tommy and Buck might not be end game, but Tommy is clearly going to be crucial for Buck in realizing his worth and his feelings.
If I'm honest, I could go on about this all day, but I'll save my chit chat for the next episode.
In the mean time, I hope this GIF of Buck outraging the homophobes brightens your day like it did mine.. 💅💅😂🤡
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dark-elf-writes · 15 days
Apollo watching his son and seeing another child born with foresight, but oh so thankful its not like Hal. Izuku who reaches out to their siblinhs and recieves love back. True love, warm love. Who finds truth in their family.
Apollo who slips into the crowd to watch his children. Apollo who is there to whisper where to find proof to Keigo about the rot in Aldera. Who is there at a concert with Hizashi, laughing. Who leaves a new gun in Snipe’s apartment. Apollo who loves his children.
Izuku finding other demigods in their new school once Inko loses custody. (Hizashi has no shame in dragging out the cheating evidence and grins with all their teeth while flaring the divine in their eyes at the woman)
Izuku who feels truth in words and oh that’s a Quirk now. Flashes, foresight, truth, all of it is the same in their bones. A nephew, a legacy, is on the police force and gives a wink while passing by. Oh god imagine like the drama it would causr if people believed Inko faked Izuku’s Quirklessness in order to pretend he was her husband’s. Imagine the shock and horror.
God yes.
Apollo who visits Izuku that first morning after their siblings find them, sitting at the side of their bed wreathed in the light of the dawn and running his fingers through their hair.
“Claim truth as your quirk,” He advises, voice low and gentle and almost musical in the early morning quiet. A lullaby even though Izuku should be waking. “Knowledge will cause you too many problems, and foresight is a very dangerous burden to carry so openly. And try not to use that gift of yours for winning lotto numbers or things like that. Father gets angry with my children when they share too much.”
There’s pain there. One not quite healed. But their father is smiling when he leans in to press a kiss to their brow. “He’ll be angry with me if I stay too much longer, direct interference and all that, but know that I love you, sunshine. I always have.”
Izuku can sense the truth in his words. Can feel it down tot heir very bones. It is, perhaps, the most true thing they have ever heard.
Their father loves them.
Other pieces of Apollo are visiting his other children. Slipping truths and knowledge and hints at things yet to come so the three of them can get everything in place to take care of his youngest. Well his youngest here in any case.
When it comes time for Izuku to give their statement they go with their father’s suggestion, twisting and dancing in their words to weave together the truth. Not the whole truth but enough of it.
“Mom said I shouldn’t be able to know when people are lying, but I do.” They say to the officer. A legacy. Another member of their family someone else gifted with truth. “She said… she said da— Hisashi Midoriya wouldn’t like it if I had a truth quirk. It’s too far from fire.”
The case is pretty simple after that. Between the paternity test that proves Izuku is not Hisashi Midoriya’s child, the damning evidence in their statement pointing to fraud at best and child neglect at worst, and the abundance of bruises on their too thin limbs, there’s not much doubt in anyone’s mind. Izuku is removed from Inko’s care immediately.
Now if only their siblings could stop arguing over who exactly got to adopt them and just realized that it didn’t matter when they all would share custody anyway, things would be perfect.
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putschki1969 · 6 days
Hi Sarah! Not sure if you had any experience with this, but since FJ Asia Tours were announced, how do I buy tickets? JP has the mega-confusing fanclub/lotto system, so I'm not sure if the same applies to their overseas lives. I'm not even sure if a service like Ticketmaster is available for the venues FJ will be performing at. Any help would be amazing, thank you!!!
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Hello there!
For those who are wondering, anon is referring to these news here =>
Overseas Performances Added to the YKL Vol.#20 Tour Line-up
No details have been announced yet, but this year’s tour will once again get an Asia leg. The performances are scheduled for November 2024. YK and her team will be returning to Shanghai (China), and will be performing for the first time in Guangzhou (China), Bangkok (Thailand), and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). More details will be announced soon. (Source)
It's a good question but I'm afraid I'm not particularly knowledgeable on the topic. Here's what I know〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Local event organisers will most likely be in charge of these concerts and they will be updating their audiences on all the ticket information in the next few weeks/months. Also, the Japanese entertainment service PGE has been heavily involved in last year's Asia tour so they might coordinate a lot of this year's finer details as well (especially when it comes to the venues in China => Shanghai and Guangzhou). It would probably pay off to keep an eye on their official homepage.
In most cases, overseas concerts will have a normal ticket sale with different ticket prices depending on seat category. The sale will be handled by a local ticket company, by a Japanese one (like PGE as mentioned above) or by both. It is unlikely that you will be confronted with most of the usual hurdles that are unique to the Japanese ticketing system so that's a big plus. However, that does not mean that it will be easy for non-locals to get their hands on a ticket. I would assume that the language barrier alone would be too much to deal with for most of us (especially if tickets are sold on regional apps that are almost impossible to navigate for anyone who is not familiar with them). With any luck, you won't have to sell your left kidney and jump through a bunch of impossible verification hoops to register on the local ticket website/app. If they also offer overseas payment options, you've pretty much succeeded. But honestly, we'll just have to wait and see...
From my own experience, I can recommend finding a local who is willing to help you out. I certainly wouldn't have been able to attend the YK live in Taiwan back in 2019 if it hadn't been for some super kind fellow fans. I owe them my eternal gratitude for pretty much holding my hand throughout the entire experience.
Right now I am kinda eyeing the concert in Bangkok because I have a friend there who is very convincing in her efforts to make me want to visit her. But again, I would 100% be relying on her assistance and that's something you always have to take into account when making decisions like that.
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jongbross · 8 months
lotto. (mafia!kim junmyeon x f!reader)
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pairing: mafia!kim junmyeon x f!reader
word count: i have no idea
genre: smut
warnings: description of sexual activities, thigh riding, swearing, mentions of crime, lust, junmyeon has such a soft spot for reader
a/n: i wrote this some time ago as a birthday gift to my friend with another idol but i think it suits junmyeon so muchhh 🥺 anyway, this is not part of kinktober but it's definitely a good way to kick it off! 🤗
the loud music wasn’t actually enough to overlap the sound of cheering, talking, and laughing coming from the whole place. hundreds of people were smiling, although you didn’t believe any of them were truly happy. you could see money, alcohol, drugs, and lust everywhere you looked, but never truly happiness.
well, fuck it. they were all grown up adults afterall, they knew what they were doing. it’s not like someone forced them into that warehouse, into that world. you knew way too well how inviting and exciting the whole thing was, so you couldn’t blame them - although your addiction wasn’t gambling, drinking or doing drugs; although you had actually found love within those walls.
a man screaming after winning what seemed like a lot of money caught your attention. the blonde man threw herself on any guy next to him, suddenly kissing him. it didn’t go unnoticed to you the ring shining on his left hand’s finger though.
“enjoying the show?”, a very well-known voice spoke behind you, making you instantly smile.
“just seeing by myself what hell must look like.”
“wow, hell…”, he said, holding your waist and placing himself beside you now. “that’s a new nickname.”
you laughed, eyes trying to find again the couple of dudes you just saw kissing, but couldn’t find them anywhere. well, that only meant one thing…
“why do you keep coming if you don’t like it here?”
you looked at him, seeing his perfect side profile as he admired what he had built mostly by himself. the loudness, the lust, the illegal actions taking place inside that warehouse didn’t bother him - if anything, he liked it.
“because i like you and i wanna be a supportive girlfriend”, you said like it was obvious.
“okay, two things: first, you were already supportive from the moment you didn’t leave me when you found out about this. secondly, you keep calling yourself my girlfriend, but, baby, i thought we were past that a long time ago.”
if god truly existed, you prayed she didn't let junmyeon see how you blushed at that.
“yeah, well…”, you tried to come up with a reply, but after a few seconds when your brain still didn’t process anything good to say, you just trailed off and let the conversation die.
junmyeon laughed beside you, pulling you close and caressing your body. from the moment he got involved in “bad things”, he accepted that he would never find someone who he could love. he accepted the fact that, to make his name big in those kind of business, he needed to let go of any normal shit people do - like going out on dates, maybe getting married, maybe having children. he was okay with that. he knew what he got himself into when he was around 15 years old.
but that was until he met you.
that was until he saw you fighting back one of his guards at the door of one of his clubs - well, it wasn’t actually a club but you didn’t know that, he found out later. the girl in a burgundy top, pointing a finger at a huge guard caught his attention that night, and he just couldn’t ever let you go after that.
junmyeon didn’t know exactly how you turned into friends, and then into a couple, and then into whatever you two were right now. he just knew how he fell in love with you and, to be honest, how couldn’t he? what was there not to love about you?
“i like when you get shy”, he said only for you to hear, chin resting on top of your shoulder.
“i don’t”, you replied, still looking straight ahead. junmyeon didn’t miss the tiny grin on your lips though.
he kissed your shoulder, lost in a moment with you but in a lifetime of thoughts inside his head - all the thoughts about you. he closed his eyes for a bit, turning down all of his senses and just focusing on your smell and the way his lips felt against your skin. he couldn’t feel any other thing, couldn’t see any other thing, he couldn’t listen to any other thing…
or that was what he thought.
“sir?”, someone called behind you, making you both turn around. you looked curious at one of junmyeon's many guys, dressed in a suit, while junmyeon himself couldn’t look more annoyed. actually, scratch that, he couldn’t look more pissed. “there is a-”
“is someone dying?”, junmyeon asked, cutting the guy off.
“n-no, sir.”
“then why are you interrupting me and my girl?”
the dude went silent. he looked from junmyeon to you and then back to junmyeon, completely lost.
“i’m… i’m sorry, sir. i-i just thought you would like to know that-”
“well, i wouldn’t. so turn around and go fix it yourselves whatever happened. i don’t wanna know, and don’t fucking interrupt me again.”
“yes, sir”, the guy immediately said, bowing to junmyeon before going back to wherever he came.
you looked at junmyeon, staring down at him and noticing so closely how his expression changed the moment he looked at you and you two locked eyes. he went soft, all of a sudden.
“that was hot”, you joked, smirking when you felt his arm wrapping around your hips and pulling you close.
“yeah?”, he raised an eyebrow at you, what you knew was one of his ways to try to be sexy. little did he know… “i can show you hotter if you let me.”
“such a gentleman-”
the way he grabbed your wrist and pulled you away with him made you shut up though.
you watched as junmyeon closed the door of his big ass office behind him, locking it and checking it twice just to be sure. he knew no one would be crazy enough to walk in without knocking, but he liked his privacy secured.
when he turned around to watch you - his girl - he smirked. you looked breath taken, as always. his feet worked on their own and started to walk towards you without a warning. they only stopped when you were at junmyeon's reach, watching every move he made, every expression. you watched as he rested his hands on your hips again, one of his favorite parts of your body. you watched as he pulled you close, close enough to feel your breathing against his face. you watched as he closed the gap between you two, kissing you with everything he got, like he always did.
and then, you stopped taking track of his every move and started to focus on what you were feeling. you felt his tongue slipping into your mouth, you felt his hands traveling up your body to hold your neck as he kissed you, and you felt, overall, that familiar sensation between your legs.
“come here”, he whispered, leading you to the chair behind his desk.
he sat down first, unbuttoning your jeans and taking them down. you groaned when he kissed your stomach, hands resting on your thighs as you finished the job of taking off those goddamn jeans. junmyeon's looked up at you, watching your face as his kisses became openmouthed, his tongue feeling warm against your skin.
“will you take it off for me, baby?”, he asked, one of his hands tugging on your panties.
you obeyed, taking it off and letting him pull you onto his lap. junmyeon placed you on his left thigh, flexing his muscles the moment your bare skin hit his trousers.
“you’re going to ride my thigh here in my office like the good girl you are, okay?”
“you can’t tell me what to do”, you smirked at him, but the smirk was quickly wiped off your face the moment he flexed his thigh again.
“i’m sorry, you were saying…?”
you cursed a “fucker” under your breathe as you started doing what he said. your movements were lighty at first, enjoying the feeling little by little. you could both feel each other to the extent you loved the most, grabbing at each other whenever something felt too good. his hands on your waist, your hands on his shoulders now.
you moaned out loud for the first time, and that’s how junmyeon knew you were on the right track. he held your waist a little bit harder, helping the way you moved your hips down onto his thigh. he could feel his trousers getting wetter with your every move, and no words in this world could explain how he loved that.
fuck, no words in this world could explain how he loved you.
when you moaned again, junmyeon couldn’t help but moan too. he took a moment to look at you, at your expression, at the way your body was moving on top of his before going in for a kiss. he took your lips on his own, savoring you and swallowing your noises, his trousers feeling so tight now all of a sudden - but he couldn’t care less, he just wanted to make you feel good, as good as you always made him feel.
“fuck, myeon”, you groaned when he broke the kiss. your fingers were tightly tangled on his shirt, holding for dear life as if he could disappear if you let him go.
your hips started to move faster, harder, that familiar sensation building up inside you. you lost your goddamn mind when junmyeon decided to lick at your jaw, whispering sweet nothings to you in between the kisses, the sucks he’d leave on you; he poured his heart into those words though, promising himself at that very moment that he would do anything he could to always remember you how much you meant for him.
another loud moan echoed through the office, and he knew what that meant.
“come on, baby”, he whispered to you.
he didn’t have to say it twice. you finished with a call of his name, coming all over his thigh, his hands guiding your hips to help you ride through your high. junmyeon happily sighed when, at the peak of your intimacy - the moment right after the sex -, you let yourself collapse on top of him. you rested your forehead on his shoulder, trying to catch your breath as his hands traveled down to your thighs, caressing them.
seconds went by, minutes went by. nothing could touch the two of you, nothing could make him leave you, and nothing could make you walk away from him.
junmyeon smiled at the thought of always having you like that, of always being with you. but, at the same time that thought warmed his heart, it also made it ache. what if you ever got tired of him? what if you decided you no longer loved him? what if you realized he’s no good for you because of what he does for a living?
what if he had to go away someday and you didn’t wait for him?
“marry me”, he said, realizing that the words had truly left his mouth only after they did.
“what?”, you groaned.
“marry me. be with me forever. i want you forever.”
you smiled, looking up at him and holding his face in both your hands. you had the great junmyeon, the guy who built his own gang and his own way into the crime, wrapped around your finger.
“i’m with you. i always will be, a ring won’t change that”, you said, kissing his lips. “i promise i’m yours. isn’t that enough?”
junmyeon immediately nodded. anything you decided to give him was enough.
“it is for now. i love you."
“i love you too.”
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simsinlowspace · 2 years
Shop Local Part I - 48 Business Signs
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Hi everyone! I apologize that I've basically been AWOL this week, and also that this project has taken so long, but I finally have some business signs to share! Swatches, (lots of) info and download below!
@gold33 requested some business signs a couple of weeks ago, and it's something I've been wanting to do for awhile anyway, so I was happy to pick up the project. @basic-fictional-simmer made an additional request when I posted my WIP for these, so those are included as well! I also added in some designs I wanted for myself, which is partly why this took so long -- I kept getting new ideas while I was working.
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Here's a breakdown of everything you get (business name | tagline/additional info):
Tea House Moon | Serving Organic Herbal Teas
Deja Brew
The Daily Grind
Florists/Flower Shops
Botanica | Floral Arrangements & Houseplants
Vickie's Garden | The Magic of Flowers (because TS2 garden fairy @tvickiesims needs a flower shop in all my towns!)
Floral Escapes
Hint of Spring Florist
Royal Roses | Elegant Florals for Every Occasion
Clothesline Laundromat
Cotton & Lace | Laundromat & Cleaners
Suds For Your Duds | Wash and Wait Laundromat
Pearls & Feathers | Lingerie and Sleepwear
Alchemy Boutique | Transform Your Style
A Find Vintage | Designer Thrift Shop
Wildflower Boutique
The Perfume Garden (this one ended up at the bottom of the second swatch because I was half-asleep while saving textures last night and I messed up the file order. Derp)
Jewelry Stores
Barenziah's Jewelry Box | Unusual Gems and Other Vintage Treasures
Now & Forever | Since 1912
Stardust | Jewelry Repairs Cleaning
Corner Markets/Quick Shops
Magnolia Market | Everything Fresh Everything Fast
Sul Sul! Dag Dag! | A One Stop Quick Shop
Sunshine Bodega | Cigarettes Lotto Snacks ATM
Grocery Stores
NatureFresh | Organic Grocery
Early Bird Grocery | Early Bird Specials Low Prices All Day!
Avant Gourd | Fresh Produce at Fair Prices
Japanese Food
Bashō's Lunchbox | Sushi Sashimi Tempura Hibachi
Just Roll With It! Hand Rolled Fresh Ingredients 11 - 8 Daily
Nori & Nigiri
Caribbean Jerk
Inna di Morrows | Caribbean Jerk Eat In Takeout
Caribbean Tide | Authentic Caribbean Jerk
Korean Food
Simchi Korean Restaurant
Boseong Tea Garden
Thai Food
The Sky Lantern Thai Restaurant
Dancing Thaiger | Traditional Thai Food With a Modern Stripe
Chinese Food
Shang Simla House | Fresh & Fast Authentic Chinese Takeout
Bamboo Blossom Noodles
Red Dragon | Sichuan-Style Chinese Food
Indian Food
Three Spoons Curry & More
Tandoori Palace | Indian Cuisine All Halal
Bombay Mahal Thali | Dine-In Takeout Open 7 Days a Week
Aztec Eatery | Traditional Mexican Cuisine
Mi Queso Es Su Queso | Tex-Mex Takeout & Dine-In
Holy Guacamole Mexican Grille
Crab Royale Seafood Shack
Oh My Cod! | Fresh Seafood Caught Daily
Oasis Hookah Lounge
The Higher Path | Medical Marijuana Dispensary
Hollyweed | You Know You 'Juana Organic THC & CBD
What I have not finished yet are the "service" signs -- police, hospitals, banks, etc -- because I have some different meshes in mind for those (I love this mesh but it's definitely got a strip mall/shopping plaza kind of feel, and that seems a little sketchy for a hospital lol). They will be coming in part two!
These are on MogHughson's Illuminated Shop Sign mesh, which is BG compatible and is not included. You will need to pick up the mesh from the above link (I'll also link it near the download below). It is six tiles wide, but in case you want something smaller, I'm also working on a hanging sign add-on. Here's a peek:
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Probably should have zoomed in, but I wanted to show how it looks with the big sign, and then I got distracted by my little courtyard. XD
Icons are by Freepik, piksart, Luvdat, NT Sookruay, Vitaly Gorbachev, JunGSa, Smashicons, surang, justicon, ultimatearm, paulalee, iconriver, YI-PIN, smalllikeart, smashingstocks, Agung Rama, Futeur and monkik. Huge thanks for all their fabulous resources!
Numbered versions of the swatches are included so you can keep just what you like.
Whew! Okay! I'm going to work on the last set of hobby posters tonight, although I'm not sure if I'll have them done in time for tomorrow. D;
DOWNLOAD (SFS) | Recolors are ~1 MB! 🚨 Mesh is not included! Get it -> here. 🚨
Lots of love, Spacey
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WAIT THAT ANON WAS ONTO SOMETHING. I NEED MORE BRAT TAMER AARON 😩😩😩. Also your work is gold. finding you after sm time scouring for warner fics felt like i won the lotto. love you!!
-🪷 (i’ll use this as my anon emoji)
HI ANON! omg my first anon emoji LOVE IT !!! and always makes me so happy when someone says they love my blog TYSM!!! happy to provide more brat tamer aaron so here are some quick & brief hcs that are canon bc in my aaron warner universe while i finish pt 3 of the other piece :D (very short so won't label it as a full hc thing)
aaron warner is naturally a brat tamer, it is basically in his genes. he was raised by a supreme commander, how could he not ?
big part of his casual dominance thing.
helping you dress, even choosing your outfits most days, if you’re wearing a dress he’ll make sure it’s not too short, helping tie shoes & strap on heels, making sure you wear a coat if its cold, holding your hand on walks, stopping you when he feels you’d had enough drinks at parties, etc.
you’re normally not bratty, aaron dotes on you so much, it’s hard to want to push his buttons. –but there’s always a time where your brattiness makes a show, intentional or not.
brat tamer aaron is pretty patient, not too strict if you act out a little. it takes quite a bit for him to get fed up with the way your acting.
gives him a little sass? he’ll just smile or even give a quip back. if you complain about something, he’ll accommodate to satisfy you. rolling your eyes would get you a stern look, but he wouldn’t verbally call you out on it.
you get major princess treatment so aaron can easily let a little of your brattiness slide.
he finds it entertaining when you try and rile him up, on the contrary it’s very annoying to you and more you act bolder in your brattiness.
what really makes aaron go full brat tamer mode on you is when you deliberately disobey him.
you ignore the dress he laid out for you and change into one that definitely will have your ass showing if you bend over too much? you’ll get at max five steps into the room before aaron lifts and carries you on his shoulder out back to his room. (he’ll you his coat over you to ensure you dont flash anyone on the way out).
or when you’re really upset at him for an issue he caused, you’ll ignore him. if you see him coming your way - you’ll walk the opposite, you act deaf anytime he calls your names, and show him no form of attention.
this will definitely bother aaron the most, especially since he’s the clingy type. he’s devises a sneak attack plan, and catches you off guard when you’re alone. before you can even digest the situation — he has you against the wall.
he'll apologize for whatever he did, beg for forgiveness, then scold you for ignoring him. you'll get away with little punishment if you end your behavior there, but if you're bent on pretending he doesn't exist - aaron is going to fuck the silence of you. and to be the extra person he is, he's going to handcuff you two together for a day, so you're essentially forced to be with him. leash kid type treatment.
there's even times when you're not even trying to act bratty, and you accidentally set him off.
one particular day you were just looking extra pretty, according to aaron. you were talking to your friends and just doing what you usually did. however, aaron saw it acting out behavior and you obviously were trying to get his attention. he actually just wanted a reason to call you a brat and punish you.
aaron’s punishments vary. he always starts with a warning for you to starts behaving good again. usually it’s enough for you to act like a good girl again. if it exceeds that, then get ready to be dragged back to his room, somewhere private if you’re not close to it. then, you start getting a realization of what you just did.
if it was a rather simple punishment like giving him attitude the entirety of the day, you’ll get bent over his lap and spanked, aaron will keep making you apologize for acting like a brat the entire time.
if it’s something like the dress stunt; you’re going to get ailed on the nearest surface available. you’ll be in teary-eyed and empty-headed by the time he’s done with you.
either way, you won’t be able to sit properly the next day. or even rest of the week.
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ekingston · 4 months
I was gonna be cheeky and ask for 10 and 19 again BUT I shall resist that urge… for now.
I will be sneaky (critical failure) and ask for three (I lied) 28. 30. And 37.
And what the hell, everyone should be proud of their work/s so a 33. (Feel free to pick a couple if this is just asking for a lot - I feel like it is 😅)
I feel like I’m order takeout or reading lotto number here
haha thank you! and the bonus number is…
Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
today i’m reminding myself to practice mindfulness! and not in the sense of breathing exercises or lengthy meditation sessions (although I’m sure those have their benefits too) but by making myself be in the present, paying attention to all of my senses, and remembering that my characters would do the same. you’ll need that material to fill in the little details that draw the reader into your work, that tricky thing that makes them feel like they can’t just see it, but like they’re actually there. life is a sensual experience, and i think our stories should reflect that!
Describe a fic that almost happened, but then didn’t.
this got long, so…
i once scribbled down a dream i had that was a sort of trippy time travel/repeating day type of thing, where Lena was part of a small crew of criminals that used Lena’s tech to travel back in time to aid them with their heists. they would simply rewind time over and over, taking note of the details, learning every possible outcome, eliminating obstacles along the way, practicing the motions often enough to nail the final, perfect execution.
the first scene was a very bloody one, and i came in right in the middle of it, not understanding how Lena and her people could be so callous about the people laying bleeding and dying at their feet, especially because Kara was one of them. Lena’s crew just kept saying they’d ‘fix that next time’, like some sort of cryptic mantra.
in the dream Lena ended up looking for Kara in every run through, charming her in a thousand different ways, always the same, Kara falling for her every time. there were a few rewinds that took her back so far that Kara was still a child, immediately smitten but completely lost on earth, abandoned and alone, and Lena lobbied hard to make sure her crew fixed that, too, even when it meant Lena would never meet her again.
i saw Lena’s crew running down a dark alley over and over again, at least one of their crew dead or dying, at least one other gravely hurt. Kara turned out to be the reason their plan failed every single time. Lena ended up having to turn against her team to save her before they could eliminate her from their timeline completely.
in the end Lena lay dying in child-Kara’s arms, telling her ‘we’ll fix it next time.’ this was when she’d finally discovered Kara wasn’t human. the line i woke up with was Lena telling Kara to promise her, ‘if you figure it out someday—fly up’. the theory being, i think, that if Kara somehow were to fly high enough, fast enough, she’d achieve the same effect Lena did with her tech, and Kara could go back to save Lena instead.
my dreams get pretty elaborate, but they rarely come with as tidy of a plot as this one did, so i bet it already exists somewhere.
Do you research before writing or while you write? Is it fun or boring for you?
i don’t feel i write the kind of stuff that requires a lot of research and that’s probably a good thing! because i will go down absolutely every rabbit hole the internet has to offer when i do and zero writing will get done. my longform WIP TFOT has been brewing since—let me check—December 11, 2022 (thanks @mooosicaldreamz) and i’ve written less than 20k words, including my outline. instead i have spent my time working on it ‘studying’ veterinary medicine, learning about sustainable agriculture, planning trips to Wyoming and wondering alongside Paula Cole where all the cowboys have gone.
Give your writing a compliment.
i can’t tell you how happy it makes me when people tell me i managed to write something that made them laugh out loud. several times even! sometimes waking up their loved ones or startling strangers! i love that so much.
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slutisnotabadword · 4 months
“Elena ruined the Salvatore Brothers-“
The fuck is yall even talking about anymore. Literally talkin out the side of y’all neck.
Damon and Stefan HATES each other in the beginning. And matter of fact, we don’t actually see a healthy relationship between them till towards the end of the show! We don’t see a true bond between them until like season 6, maybe season 5. MAYBE. Elena didn’t have to do a damn thing to those boys, because the damage was already done, and that damage was called Katherine fucking Pierce. If y’all want someone to blame, BLAME THAT BITCH. She played those boys like lotto, and got away with it for the most part. The same people that hate Elena, LOVES Katherine, and I just don’t understand it.
MIND YOU. MIND YOU. Elena doesn’t fall for Damon till season 3. And by that time, Stelena is on VERY rocky ground, and I’m talking on the edge of destruction. That ship was sinking by the time she comprehended what she felt for Damon, and she ain’t act on anything till she was single. So don’t come here talking about how Elena fucked up their bond or relationship, when Stefan and Damon didn’t even HAVE ONE TO BEGIN WITH.
Some of you do not utilize context clues and comprehension skills enough, and it really shows on Beyoncé’s internet. Fix it.
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Author's Note: This is an old fic that I recently shelved. I might come back to it, but I figured I could post it here so you can enjoy it.
Plot: You are a loyal shopper at Edy's Bodega, but not because you like his merchandise. No, it's because you like him. And you like teasing him and flirting with him too, which he begins to notice. However, this particular day he beats you at your own game and you end up agreeing to a date with him at your place over a traditional Puerto Rican meal.
Disclaimer: Edy isn't married in this fic and doesn't have children. He's still a flirt and likes to date younger women. Reader is in her late 20s, Edy is in his late 40s, early 50s in this fic.
SFW, Flirting, Mild Touching, Teasing
His eyes were on you as soon as you walked into his Bodega. His focus angled right at your hips as you purposely twisted them in his line of sight.
You knew he was looking closely at your curves, imagining all the things he could do to your body, so you didn't mind giving him a show.
It was nothing new between you two. Ever since you became a regular at Edy's Bodega, it was always the same thing.
You picked up a couple of items, teased Edy for looking a little too hard at you, then you left him with a kiss you blew his way.
But today you wanted to switch things up. Today, you wanted to give him a show and be a bit more flirtatious.
You just felt emboldened to do so after he stopped dating another young lady, Juanita.
She was such a bitch and you hated seeing him kissing all over her and lovingly stroking her silky curls. It drove you insane.
But you would always notice him still stealing a glance from you and still watching your every move.
It was like he got off on teasing you, but this time you were gonna be the one teasing.
Purposely, you bent down to get a small bag of yellow rice, poking your ass out as much as you could.
But alas, he didn't see you.
He was too busy talking to someone trying to buy a lotto ticket.
You cursed to yourself, but slowly stood back up. Your breasts jiggled a bit in the process, which he did notice.
You saw him smirking your way and seductively licking his lip as he counted the money he just received.
You smirked to yourself before you went over to the canned foods aisle to pick up a can of pigeon peas.
You were not familiar with pigeon peas, but you still picked them up because you were planning on trying to invite him to your home for dinner.
Tina, your favorite cashier at the Bodega, was fully aware of your little cat and mouse game with Edy so she immediately told you his favorite foods.
That being jibarito, arroz con gandules, and for dessert (other than you possibly), caramel flan.
You didn't know the first thing about Puerto Rican cuisine, but that didn't mean that you weren't gonna try to impress him any way.
However, your plan to stay both seductive and cool basically failed when you made some other cans fall off the shelf.
You cursed at yourself for doing that before you looked up and saw Tina trying to come over to help you.
But before she could, Edy told her that he had it. She smirked and looked over at you before she told Edy that's fine and went back to her cash register.
You gulped nervously seeing him confidently walk over to you.
So much for you teasing him today because he was driving you insane with his overpowering aura.
And his beautiful brown eyes never left yours, even when he purposely brushed your hand to pick up the same can you were trying to put back.
Your heart started to race when you realized how close he was to you.
Your eyes moved over to his groomed salt-and-pepper beard as you resisted the urge to kiss his plump lips right then and there.
But instead looked at his gorgeous, soft locks, wishing you could run your fingers through it like Juanita used to do.
"You need to be more careful, mamacita," he softly said. "I don't want you to hurt yourself...especially that beautiful face of yours."
You felt like you were gonna burst at his comment and little pet name for you, but instead you just replied,
"It's actually Diana."
"Diana. My name is Diana."
"Oh, like the princess?"
"Yes, that's who I was named after."
"Hmm, fitting name. Although, you are prettier than she," he said with a flirty wink.
You blushed, but put your head down so he couldn't see. He did see though and just smirked at you again.
But then he noticed what the cans that you knocked over were. He held one of the last cans on the floor and cocked his thick eyebrow at you before asking,
"Pigeon peas, huh? You don't seem like the type to like these."
"I'm willing to try new things," you immediately said before you noticed him also look over to your basket.
"Yellow rice," he observed. "If I didn't know any better, I assume you're trying to make arroz con granules."
"Nothing gets passed you, Edy," you teased. "Yeah, I wanted to learn how to make Puerto Rican food. I figured that and jiberitos would be a good start."
"Jiberitos too?" he asked puzzled as he put the can back, still looking at you. "Wow, you are a woman with good taste."
"Edy, stop it," Tina said.
"Stop what, Tina? Aren't we just having some playful banter?"
"Playful banter," she mockingly said with an eye roll. "Edy, isn't it obvious?"
"What's obvious?" he asked with a cheeky smirk.
"Diana probably wants to make dinner for you. You don't find it odd that she's purposely trying to cook food you like."
"How did you know I liked jiberitos and arroz con granules?" he curiously asked you, his eyes staring right into your soul.
"I asked Tina," you nonchalantly said. "I figured I could cheer you up after your breakup with Juanita."
"Cheer me up?" he asked with a chuckle. "I broke up with her. Because I didn't like her as much as I like you."
"Wait, so you admit you like me?"
"I always have," he confidently admitted. "Although I'm sure you knew that. I can never take my eyes off of you."
"I just needed to hear that from you. I thought you were just a tease," you lied.
He chuckled.
"So, when are you planning on inviting me to dinner?"
"Tomorrow night. 7 if you're able."
"Hmm, I don't know. I'm a busy man. I mean being the most sought out bachelor in Chicago keeps..."
"He doesn't have anything going on," Tina quickly said. "Trust me, he's been waiting for a while to shoot his shot with you. He'll be there."
"Tina, must you always butt into my flirting?"
"Yeah, because I have to keep you grounded. You're not the gift to all ladies like you think you are," she huffed with a dramatic eye roll.
"Whatever," he responded before he looked back at you with a slick smile and a twinkle in his eye.
"I'll be there."
"Great," you cheered a little too enthusiastically. You suddenly felt embarrassed until you felt his big hand rubbing your back to comfort you.
"I love your enthusiasm," he suddenly said. "It's as gorgeous as your body and that lovely smile of yours."
"Oh, thanks," you said gushing on the inside. He chuckled again.
"Would you like my help finding the other ingredients?"
"For the jiberitos?"
"Yes," he said, his delightful accent even deeper than before.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind the help...or the company," you seductively said.
Edy swiftly took that open opportunity and began to help you find everything else you needed to get for your dinner tomorrow. And while he was helping you, he started to get a little nostalgic and told you about the history of the Bodega.
"You know who used to make the best jiberitos?" he suddenly asked.
"My papá. Back when I was just a wee boy, my father was known for his jiberitos. He used to hand make them and sell them at the Bodega with my Uncle Julio."
"Wow, do you know how to make it like him?"
"I mean yes, but not as good," he joked with a hardy laugh. "Edy Sr. just had the magic touch when it came to cooking. I'm a decent cook, but I could never match the skills of my papá."
"Hmm, maybe you can help me make the jiberitos and we could see."
"I like that idea," he said cheekily, purposely brushing his big hand against your smaller hand.
You giggled.
"So you grew up helping around the store?"
"Yep, it was me and my younger sister, Julia. She was named after my uncle, if you couldn't tell," he said with a slight laugh. "We used to run around the store and play too and the customers loved us. They thought we were so cute."
"I bet," you cooed before you smiled at him.
"I enjoyed working at the Bodega so much that my papá handed me the keys when I was twenty or so. I didn't really know what else to do with my life, so I took the store. He still helped around of course, this store was his life. He actually died in his old rocking chair behind the lotto counter."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. It wasn't your fault," he assured you. "I actually didn't realize he died. He was always so quiet when he slept. Tina was the one that actually realized he was dead."
"Wow, so I guess Tina's worked here for a while."
"She started working here because we were dating. We were high school sweethearts at one time...engaged even."
"I would have never guessed you two were an item."
"He wasn't much to write home about," Tina scoffed as you both walked over to Edy's counter. She was filing her nails at her checkout counter, popping her bubblegum loudly.
"I always wonder why you're still single," Edy remarked.
"Hahahaha," she retorted. "You were always so funny."
"She wasn't always snippy like that with me," he whispered to you. "I mean why do you think she's still here?"
"I heard that, Eduardo," she sneered. "And I'm only still here because I want to stay here."
"It's because I pay you well. Just admit it."
"I'd rather choke on Clamato juice," she huffed.
You just giggled. It wasn't the first time you had heard them go back and forth like that.
They really did act like an old married couple.
"Alright, your total for today is $20.45, Mamacita. Will that be cash or credit?"
"You know I always pay credit," you said with a laugh as you retrieved your card from your purse and handed it to him.
"I still like to ask," he said as he swiped your card. "I want to make sure I'm ready if you switch it up on me."
"I probably will never do that. It's just more convenient to have a card."
"I couldn't agree more," he said before he handed you back your card with a big smile on his face. The receipt printed out after and he handed that to you as well but made sure to kiss your hand, making you blush.
"Thank you, Edy," you said with a big smile.
"No, no," he started before he moved from behind the counter. "Thank you, Mamacita. I can't wait to make jiberitos with you."
Your heart beat so hard in your chest when you saw how happy he was while he was saying that. And you really were swept away in your joy when he tightly hugged you afterwards.
He smelled of mint and mango, two contrasting scents that he managed to pull off. His heart was beating just as fast as yours and he felt so plush and warm.
You had to stop yourself from touching him. It was too soon and Tina was still standing near yall.
"See you tomorrow night," he seductively whispered in your ear before his lips met your blushed cheek.
"Yes...umm...see you tomorrow night," you stuttered, reluctantly removing yourself from his hug.
You both just smiled at each other again, until a couple minutes later. Then you left him with a blown away kiss and a wink.
And as you walked back to your apartment, all you could think about was him and what he was gonna do you to you tomorrow.
Because you were more than ready to get to know him on a more physical level.
Taglist: @freddiefredfive, @goodoldcharley, @curbitkirby, @writingkitten, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky
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