#louis tomlinson is lgbt
lonelychicago · 1 month
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It's a solo song and it's only for the brave If the truth tell, darling, you fell Like there ain't enough dying stars in your sky
buy me a coffee 💌
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larry-noesreal · 6 months
vídeo "i'm gay"
Todo comenzó cuando una fan público la siguiente imagen con la descripción de "Pero que carajos Louis y Liam aquí en la misma foto que yo."
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En paralelo publicaba en Vine el famoso video donde varias personas comenzaron a decir que louis admitía ser gay y eso era desafortunado para su novia eleanor.
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Aunque la realidad es otra y la fan que grabó el vídeo salió rápidamente a aclararlo. Ya que por un lado se estaba viendo ese vídeo como prueba de que larry era real, mientras que por otro lado se daba a entender que el comentario de Louis era homofóbico.
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Sólo me gustaría decir que Louis no dijo que fue "desafortunado para él ser gay". Tenían el mismo cumpleaños y ¡es desafortunado! ¡yo estaba allí!
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Siento que si escuchara a Louis decir "soy gay", reaccionaría como lo hacen todos los demás ahora, pero escuché con mis propios oídos que él no dijo eso.
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¡El vine que habéis visto fue vídeo mío! Yo estuve allí y todos deben dejar de cambiar la verdad. ¡ÉL NO LO DIJO Y YA ESTÁ!
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izzy: ¿Dijo que era gay en el vine? ¿No podrías oírlo? sube el volumen tal vez
Ty: Yo grabé ese vídeo... estuve allí. ni siquiera lo dijo
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Ty: no lol the guy was like we have the same birthday... and Louis replays with theta unfortunately! he didn't Say he was gay!
Ty: me molesta escuchar historias diferentes que ni siquiera sucedieron jajaja... los chicos estaban borrachos pero no fueron irrespetuosos.
En general en las teorías y pruebas que son creadas por larries se omite la versión de la persona que el captura aquel momento.
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louisupdates · 11 months
The sign:
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The reaction:
Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT23: Dublin [8.11.2023] 📸 driftintodark
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zot3-flopped · 7 days
Here's the blog post that the Jamaica "proof" originated from, some obscure gossip blog run by a larrie. How convenient that a random anon commenter just happened to be on vacation at the same spot as Harry and found this blog to share their story on 🙄🙄 larries aren't very smart and don't know how to identify fact from fiction, so of course this is totes believable for them.
For the record, I think Harry vacationed in Jamaica in 2014 with friends and larries used this as a way to insert Louis into the story through anon comments (what they call "receipts"), they love lying like this on anon to this day. It's very stupid to think celebrities are above the law in foreign countries. The first thing you do as a gay couple traveling abroad is see if a country is safe to visit, and you certainly wouldn't be acting like a couple out in public in a homophobic country. Larries are so so painfully stupid.
I can't get that link to work but agree with everything you say.
Eleanor and Louis vacationed in Jamaica at least twice and fans met them.
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Larries prove time and time again that they know very little about the world beyond their own country. Remember that recent fake receipt about Larry moving to Italy to have IVF, when it isn't even offered to same sex couples there?
Harry seems to prefer the BVIs and Anguilla to Jamaica these days and has probably travelled to multiple other tropical destinations that we just don't know about. He loves the ocean so much that I'm sure he's tried scuba diving, for instance.
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When I was younger (maybe 7-8?) it was my friends birthday and her bedroom was a very classic girls room COVERED with One Direction posters. And she wanted every girl to go up to one of her posters and kiss the boy we thought was cutest. I DREADED my turn bc I didn’t find any of them cute.. like I was actually nervous bc I could NOT choose one and every girl was just.. able to do it?
Idk it’s just something funny to think about. About a year ago I finally figured out that I’m gay and I’ve been thinking back on being a kid and how I didn’t rlly think like the other girls when it came to boys.. anyways I think I ended up choosing Louis LOL I don’t remember I think I blacked out 😭😭 LMAO
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dasloddl · 5 months
inspired by this post
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who would you ship me (f) with but I give you vague descriptions of my friends
tall friend (f) I met in around 7th grade (as a 13y/o), I'm pretty sure multiple people (including my biology teacher) thought we were dating, she's crazy but I love it
friend (f) I met when I was 19 who always makes me laugh and who I love flirting with (where also at least 2 people wondered whether we were together)
friend (f), straightest person of my friends (who I also met when I was 19) with whom I went to multiple concerts (tho never at the same section) (also with whom I shared my first kiss)
friend (f), queer, very lesbian leaning (who I met at 19 as well) who I had most of my classes with (2 semesters ago) and is also fun to flirt with
friend (f), 99% straight, also flirting with her because it's fun, I have pet-sitted her pets multiple times and she dyed my hair a few days ago (also met at 19)
kinda friend (m) who I've known my whole life but was to scared to talk to but still like and now it would be awkward to talk to him after all this time, also who my mom thought I would end up with
kinda friend (m) who I met when I was 19 (I've actually met him a few years before but we didn't talk) and who was the first person to get me drunk-ish. I spent a big chunk of my summer with him two years ago but haven't seen him since then
best friend (f) (didn't want to add her cause she is like a sister to me and in a happy relationship), met her at my birth (or like a week after idk) and we've been best friends ever since
guy (m) I met when I was 16 on vacation who gifted me one of his button ups, end of story, I don't even have his number
yeah that's it I think
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I keep celebrating))
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yourwayblight · 6 months
Hey! I'm M and I realized that even tho I've been on this app for years I don't really have moots here D: so if you like some of the things on the list down here feel free to follow/DM me so we can be buds :)
The Owl House
High School Musical: The Musical, the series
Harry Styles
Taylor Swift
Louis Tomlinson
Niall Horan
Zayn Malik
Twenty One Pilots
Fall Out Boy
Gravity Falls
5 Seconds Of Summer
Olivia Rodrigo
Smosh (youtuber)
Kurtis Conner (youtuber)
Danny Gonzalez (youtuber)
Chad Chad (youtuber)
Also let's keep this place LGBT+ friendly and Anti-Racists please! Byeee :D✌️
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stylesandpottertoo · 2 years
i just thought louis tomlinson from one direction video diaries was neat and now im queer
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ohforfucksssake · 2 years
the fact that we can measure the level of harry's happiness by "did he kiss a man there or not?"
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larry-noesreal · 8 months
louis en un bar gay (Ámsterdam)
Luego de que la siguiente foto se hiciera pública, varias personas comenzaron a observar el fondo de dicha imagen, dándose cuenta que aquella fotografía pudo haber sido tomada en un bar gay.
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Aunque como es costumbre, no se tuvo en cuenta la versión de la persona que en esa situación, en este caso se trata de Juliën, la persona que aparece junto a louis.
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A quien, luego de publicar la foto, no tardaron en lloverle los comentarios.
X: Es un bar gay.
Juliën: No es un bar gay. Es un restaurante mexicano y bar de cócteles. Obtenga sus datos claros.
X: Ámsterdam está llena de banderas arcoiris.
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Juliën: Exactamente.
Juliën: ¿Cómo creen ustedes saber cuál es la historia? mientras tanto soy yo quien estaba allí y no ustedes. Interesante
Juliën: No, estaban fumando frente al restaurante. El bar está al lado y en la foto parece que estaban allí. los vi irse.
X: ¿Y aquí estaba entonces en el restaurante?
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Juliën: Frente al restaurante sí. fumando un cigarro..
X: Hay una bandera afuera de un edificio diferente cuando Louis salió a fumar. ¡Los fanáticos se tomaron fotos con él y algunos decidieron que significaba que estaba en un bar gay!
Juliën: Sí, el lugar donde trabajo está literalmente entre dos bares gay.
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X: Gracias por vuestra explicación chicos! Esto es lo que quería escuchar. Ahora sé por qué todos piensan que estaban en un bar gay.
X: No tenía idea de que la bandera de México es un arcoíris.
Juliën: Deja de actuar estúpidamente. Es una calle gay aunque llena de clubes gay. Este es un restaurante y trabajo allí, creo que lo sé mejor.
X: Hay clubes gay pero también restaurantes que no son específicamente gay. ¿Es tan difícil?
Juliën: Exactamente.
O en palabras más simples, a algunas personas no les gusta aceptar que la realidad no es como la fantasía que se imaginan, y esto es un gran ejemplo.
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sapostsblog · 1 year
Yes, management made them work too hard
Yes, the management abused them emotional
Yes, Niall was suffering from pain in his leg Yes, Zayn had an eating disorder and an anxiety disorder
Yes, Liam started drinking and suffered from depression
No, beards are not true! This can't be happening!!
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quinn-stylinson28 · 29 days
Hey! Before I sleep, I'm gonna update y'all on stuff that's happened/happening in my life.
So, today, I felt a bit ill, which sucks but my entire family has been sick so I guess it makes sense.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna see how I feel; if I'm feeling better then I'm going to a Wear It Purple pride dance, and I've got an awesome outfit for it from the local salvos. I'll share photos of the outfit and the event when I can, I'm so excited! There's going to be 3 drag artists playing there. I reckon it'll be nice to go out, I don't often get to go anywhere but school. Just hoping I'll feel good enough.
Today, I organised all my photos and videos from the Conan Gray concert I went to, so I'll post those as soon as possible. If y'all ever get the opportunity to see Conan, PLEASE DO. It was flipping epic and I wish I could go back. <3
Also! Only 3 weeks until Niall's birthday... I can't wait to celebrate him. He has grown so much, I'm so flipping proud of him. I'm also very excited for the live album/s he's going to release! I've seen videos of him live and he's got a flipping amazing voice. ...I wonder if he got the idea from Louis?
Anyways, I'm going to sign off now. Good night y'all! I love and appreciate every single one of you. <33
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arlosworld91 · 2 months
New Intro Post
Hello and welcome to my intro.
My name is Arlo, but you can call me Lizzie or Kit if you so wish and I was born in 2005.
My pronouns predominantly are: He/They + Ze/Zem/Zir, She/Her.
I’m an agender person, but have multiple different gender experiences. I’m acespec and arospec, and also Pan, Abro and Omni (don’t ask how that works, I don’t know either)
I talk a lot about men, but also I have queer attraction to women.
My terms can be found in my pronoun page, and i hope you find that of interest.
My preferred terms are masculine and neutral terms (most fem terms make me icky but would like to experiment.)
——DNI List——
I do have a DNI, which goes as followed, please don’t interact if:
You don’t respect good-faith identities. Including: Xenogenders and Neurogenders, Neopronouns and Emojiself Pronouns users, M-Spec/Bi Lesbians/Vincians, Conforming Identities (including heterosexuals, cisgenders, allosexuals, etc), Plural Systems (including Endogenics), Alt/Non-Verbal Individuals.
Normal DNI of Homophobes, sexists, racists, etc.
Supportive of bad faith identities, and share, promote and identify as them, eg. zoophiles, MAPs, incest, etc.
Use the word ‘Woke’ out of its African American context. I don’t even condone the mocking of people who do and jokingly using it.
NSFW/NSFT blogs.
Pro any kind of abuse.
Anti recovery.
Anti men/women.
Mock, jock about and are racist towards people regardless of country. (Note that means countries that you don’t think can be discriminated against, e.g. UK, USA., etc.)
Speculate about celebrity identities. And also making them uncomfortable and breaking their boundaries. (Note that this includes YouTubers)
Pro Israel, and are a Zionist.
I do have a DNI for minors but it’s generally tread lightly, and for anyone younger than 15 please do not interact.
——Please Interact If——
Enjoy the MCYT series: Hermitcraft, Empires, Life Series.
Are a big fan of writing, regardless of what the writing is.
Are a big fan of reading!
Are a fan of any of these artists- Louis Tomlinson, Taylor Swift, Little Mix, Niall Horan, Adele, Avicii, Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, Lewis Capaldi.
Language Learner! (Not gonna state as it could change)
Playing the Sims, Minecraft, Football Manager.
Hunger Games fan and/or Stranger Things fan.
Learning about LGBT Terms.
Enjoy History and/or Etymology.
Dog and/or Cat lover.
Asks? Sure! Feel free!
DMs? Ask, unless we are mutuals!
Shipping with others? Hell no.
Flirting? Hell no.
Compliments? Sure!
That is the end of my intro list, I may have missed some things, but who cares, I hope to talk to you soon! I am kinda lenient and I can just block you.
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zot3-flopped · 2 months
Larries who think that a British gay couple would choose Italy instead of the UK (especially now that Labour is back in Downing Street) really know absolutely nothing about the world. I am Italian and even if I am straight I can confirm everything the author writes.
www theguardian com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/19/italy-queer-rights-giorgia-meloni-lgbtq-community
Thank you! That's what I thought. Larries are ignorant people who have a history of romanticising homophobic countries. They do it with Jamaica too, where Larry have supposedly enjoyed dozens of secret vacations.
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